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Final Examination of March □ / April/May □ 2013 / December □

DATE: MONDAY 22ND APRIL 2013 TIME: 9:00 A.M. – 12:00 NOON


Materials required:
Answer booklet: Normal □ Special □ Not Required □
Calculator: Programmable □ Non Programmable □
(where applicable)
Multiple Choice Answer Sheets: Numerical □ Alphabetical □ Included □

Auxiliary/Other material(s) – Please specify:


Candidates are permitted to bring the following items to their desks:


INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: This paper has 5 pages and 2 sections.

You are required to answer any THREE (3) questions from SECTION A in the Answer Booklet
provided and ALL questions in SECTION B in the Hand-In provided

Candidates are reminded to read questions carefully. Credit will be given only for information relevant to the
question asked.

When Candidates have finished, review the questions and answers carefully to be sure you have responded
correctly. Please make sure that your Candidate I.D. Number is placed on the Hand-In and all additional

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(60 MARKS)

Candidates are required to answer any THREE (3) questions in this section in the Answer Booklet

(a) Define ‘Time Management’ (5 marks)
(b) Lists five activities that are valuable for good time management. (5 marks)
(c) Lists five ways to organize paper work and desk (5 marks)
(d) What tools can a secretary use to organize appointments (5 marks)

“Every organization has to maintain relations with the general public” (Geoffrey Whitehead).
a. Define the phrase “public relations” (5 marks)
b. Explain the advantages of good public relations to business (10 marks)
c. Write short notes on four public relations strategies used by modern organizations
( 5 marks)

a. Define and explain the difference between ‘Protocol’ and ‘Etiquette’
(10 marks)
b. Identify and explain Five(5) types of etiquette (10 marks)

You are employed as a Junior Administrative Assistant with Stars Enterprises. You have been asked to assist in
the travelling arrangements for Mr. Y. Smith, the Area Manager. Mr. Smith will be travelling to London as a
speaker at a conference entitled “Ethics in the Workplace in Today’s Changing Environment”. The conference
commences on May 7 and ends on May 12, 2013.

a. Identify THREE items you would include on Mr. Smith’s speaker’s check list.
b. Name FOUR documents that would be included in Mr. Smith’s travel folder.
c. Why is it necessary to prepare an itinerary? List FOUR items that will appear in the itinerary.
d. List FOUR items that should be at the reception desk of the conference
(20 marks)
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You have been asked to plan and coordinate the company’s Annual Awards Ceremony. Describe what
is involved at each of the following stages:

a. Initial preparation
b. Three weeks prior to the ceremony
c. One week prior to the ceremony
d. On the day of the ceremony (20 marks)


1. (a) State THREE problems associated with overstocking office supplies.

(b) State THREE problems with having too little stock.
(c) List the THREE main sections of a stock record card.
(d) Prepare a stock card to show the movement of stock item Scotch Tape.

(20 marks)

May 1 2013 Bal b/f 15 rolls

May 6 2013 Received 20 rolls Inv. # A109
May 9 2013 Issued 10 rolls Req. # 1
May 17 2013 Issued 15 rolls Req. # 9
May 22 2013 Received 25 rolls Inv. # A152
May 30 2013 Issued 10 rolls Req. # 27

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Candidate ID# _________________________

(40 MARKS)

Candidates are required to answer any ALL questions in this section in the Hand-In provided.

Encircle the single most appropriate response to the question/statement from among the alternatives

1. A quorum is:
a. The most amount of persons that must be present at a meeting to make its business valid.
b. the minimum number of members that must be present at a meeting for it to be considered
c. A special type of meeting
d. A meeting held every five months (4 marks)

2. A modem is:
a. A modern device used to answer the telephone
b. A feature of the internet system
c. An equipment on the switchboard which enables calls to be transferred to other lines
d. A piece of equipment that codes and decodes computer information into a form that can be sent
over a telephone network (4 marks)

3. The phrase ‘turnaround times’ is used in office management to mean:

a. The length of time that a correspondence takes to reach the customer
b. The amount of times that a correspondence is returned for correction
c. How quickly an issue is dealt with and sent back to the customer
d. How long a file takes to be returned to the Registry ( 4 marks)

4. The word ‘Reprography’ refers to:

a. The manufacture of office furniture
b. The repair of office machines and equipment
c. A process that enables a copy to be reproduced from a master copy
d. A graphic power point presentation ( 4 marks)

5. The phrase ‘ Optimum order size “ in stock control means:

a. The lowest size of order
b. The largest size of order
c. The best possible size of order
d. The minimum stock figure (4 marks)

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Candidate ID# _________________________

6. Micro-filming is used primarily for :

a. Sorting files for filming
b. Storing old records
c. Starting a new filing system
d. minimizing the need for large storage space (4marks)

7. Which of the following is not a barrier to communication:

a. Diction
b. Noise
c. Semantics
d. Intercommunication (4 marks)

8. Which of the following software programs can be used to prepare documents such as invitations, call
cards and banners:
a. Spreadsheet
b. Word processing
c. Data base
d. Desktop publishing (4 marks)

9. Which of the following is not a computer hardware:

a. Keyboard Column text
b. Column text
c. Mouse
d. Compact disk
(4 marks)

10. Which of the following will not be on the agenda of a meeting

a. Apologies for absence
b. A motion
c. Matters arising
d. Minutes of the previous meeting (4 marks)


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