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Question N 1

Correct Answer – D
With equal runways length and slope characteristics and with all conditions
remaining the same (including take-off configuration – flap setting), the
limitation which may be affected is the obstacle limited take-off which is given
by the aircraft’s ability to climb, the height of the obstacle and its distance from
the beginning of the take-off run. All remaining limitations are dependant on
factors such as weight, runway length/slope, pressure altitude, temperature, etc.
which will remain the same in this case.
The reduced RTOM for RWY 20L is most likely a result of an obstacle at the end
of the runway.

Question N 2
Correct Answer – B
Refer to figure.
Considering this graph, first we can calculate the head/tailwind component to
be a full 4kt tailwind, as 050° is opposite to runway 23. Then given the outside
air temperature of +21°C, we have to choose the most limiting RTOM from 76.2
and 76.9 Tonnes (5kts of tailwind is obviously more limiting than still air), which
will be 76.2 Tonnes (76,200 kg), and therefore mean that we are in the box
which uses V1 = 144kt, VR = 144kt, V2 = 148kt.
We then have to take any extra factors into account; in this case, we can only
apply a negative factor for QNH pressures below 1013, so we apply no
correction for pressure (as our performance will be better than expected, which
we are not allowed to account for). We will have to account for the fact that our
air conditioning packs are on, which is an MTOM reduction of 850 kg.
76,200kg - 850kg = 75,350 kg
All other factors are specified in the graph, so do not need extra corrections.
Question N 3
Correct Answer – D
Refer to figure.
This graph requires a little examination to fully work out what information is
being given. For each temperature/wind combination, the table gives a
Maximum Take-Off Mass (MTOM), a limitation code, and the V 1 , V 2 and
V R speeds for that scenario.
For this question, it is the limitation code which must be understood, a
numerical system of noting what the primary limitations are that make the
MTOM and the V speeds those particular values. Sometimes there are 2
limitation codes, in the sense that two different parameters of the take off are
both limiting to that weight/V-speed combination.
In this case, both code 2 and 4 are limiting for the weight/V-speed combination,
and therefore the aircraft is limited by:
2) 2nd segment climb (still air gradient required for climb out after gear
4) Obstacles (Obstacle clearance on the climb out)
Question N 4
Correct Answer – A
Refer to figure.
a) Enter the graph at aerodrome ambient temperature of +33ºC.
b) Move vertically to the aerodrome pressure altitude of 2 000 ft.
c) Travel horizontally left to the flap reference line and apply the appropriate
setting to read climb limit mass of approx. 57 900 kg.
d) Apply any corrections necessary:
To get the correct climb limited take-off mass, we should add 900 kg to 57 900
kg. However, the highest available option is 57 900 kg.
Question N 5
Correct Answer – D
Refer to figure.
This graph requires a little examination to fully work out what information is
being given. For each temperature/wind combination, the table gives a
Maximum Take-Off Mass (MTOM), a limitation code, and the V 1 , V 2 and
V R speeds for that scenario.
For this question, it is the limitation code which must be understood, a
numerical system of noting what the primary limitations are that make the
MTOM and the V speeds those particular values. Sometimes there are 2
limitation codes, in the sense that two different parameters of the take off are
both limiting to that weight/V-speed combination.
In this case, enter the table in the -10 kt tailwind column and look for the MTOM
of 67 500 kg. Read the limitation code of 4/4. The aircraft is limited by:
4) Obstacles (Obstacle clearance on the climb out)
Question N 6
Correct Answer – B
Refer to figure.
The graph does not provide any data for an altitude of 40 000 ft and weight at
engine failure of 35 000 lb. Therefore, we will need to interpolate.
Time taken:

36 000 lb 35 000 lb 34 000 lb

41 000 ft 36 min (36+34)/2 = 35 34 min


36 000 lb 35 000 lb 34 000 lb

39 000 ft 34 min (34+32)/2 =33 min 32 min

 Time taken at 40 000 ft and 35 000 lb = (35 + 33) / 2 = 34 min

Fuel used:

36 000 lb 35 000 lb 34 000 lb

41 000 ft 850 (850+760)/2 = 805 760

36 000 lb 35 000 lb 34 000 lb

39 000 ft 830 (830+740)/2 = 785 740

 Fuel used at 40 000 ft and 35 000 lb = (805 + 785) / 2 = 795 lb

Distance travelled:

36 000 lb 35 000 lb 34 000 lb

41 000 ft 166 (166+154)/2 = 160 154

36 000 lb 35 000 lb 34 000 lb

39 000 ft 156 (156+145)/2 = 145


 Distance travelled at 40 000 ft and 35 000 lb = (160 + 150.5) / 2 = 155.25


Question N 7
Correct Answer – C
Refer to figure.
From Figure 4.28 the Field Length-Limited Landing Mass can be determined. But
using the same figure in reverse you can find the Minimum Field Length
1. Use the dotted example depicted on the Figure 4.28 as a guide in reverse.
2. Enter with 54000 kg from the top right side.
3. Move horizontally to the left until 1000 ft Pressure altitude, halfway between
0 and 2 Pressure altitude line, of the first Pressure Altitude set of lines you meet
(Anti-skid: Inoperative).
4. Continue vertically down until the flaps reference line. No further correction,
because 40 o flaps position is exactly on the reference line.
5. Crossing the flaps reference line, continue further down until reaching at
"WET" .
6. Move parallel with the runway condition grid lines until the runway condition
reference line.
7. From that point continue vertically down until reaching at 10 kt headwind .
8. Move parallel with the wind grid lines until the wind reference line .
9. Finally, continue vertically down to get the Minimum Field Length Required
9125 ft.
Question N 8
Correct Answer – D
Refer to figure.
The Figure 4.31 provides advisory information to enable the operator to avoid
brake overheat problems. The chart enables due allowance to be made for a
single stop and, by using the graph as indicated, provides advice on the
procedure to be adopted and the minimum cooling time:

1. Enter the left vertical axis at the Landing mass 100 000 lb and travel
horizontally right to a speed of (V R E F - 3) kt corrected for wind component
minus 50% of a headwind: 138 kt - 3 kt - 5 kt = 130 kt.
2. From this intersection, drop vertically to the first reference line then
follow the gridlines to correct for Pressure Altitude 996 ft and OAT +25⁰C.
3. From this intersection continue vertically downward to the Braking
Configuration reference line.
4. Follow the grid-lines to the Auto Brake 3 with Normal Reverse #2 detent.
5. From the intersection continue vertically downward to read the Brake
Energy per Brake in millions of foot pounds, 9.5 million foot-pounds.
6. To this value, add one million foot pounds for each taxi mile to obtain the
total energy. Once an extra 4 million foot-pounds has been added for the
mile of expected taxiing, we are now at 13.5 million foot-pounds.
7. From the value of the total energy on continue vertically downward to
read the advised cooling schedule and recommend cooling time: Cooling
II required, 40 minutes ground cooling before take-off.
Question N 9
Correct Answer – A
Refer to figure.
If an engine fails in the cruise, the remaining engine(s) are set to maximum
continuous thrust, in an attempt to maintain height. At cruise altitudes, the
attempt to maintain height usually fails, because of inadequate thrust on the
remaining engine(s) and the aircraft will descend down to a height at which it is
able to stabilise. This is called "driftdown".
This is a quite straightforward graph, which helps to find the maximum one-
engine inoperative net level-off height for different temperature conditions and
1. Enter with the expected gross mass 66 000 kg and draw a vertical line
upwards, until intersecting the ISA+15ºC dotted curve (dotted curves are for
LRC, while bold lines for Green Dot speeds.
2. Continue horizontally to the left and read the net level-off height FL 190.
3. Correct for Engine Anti-Ice-ON at ISA+15ºC: 19 000 ft - 1 200 ft = 17 800 ft.
Question N 10
Correct Answer – C
Refer to figure.
a) Enter the graph at aerodrome ambient temperature of +30ºC.
b) Move vertically to the aerodrome pressure altitude of 2 000 ft.
c) Travel horizontally left to the flap reference line and apply the appropriate
setting to read climb limit mass of approx. 54 800 kg.
d) Apply any corrections necessary:
 54 800 kg + 900 kg = 55 700 kg
The closest option is 55 500 kg.
Question N 11
Correct Answer – A
Refer to figure.
A Regulated Take-Off Weight (RTOW) table is a simplified form of table to use
and is produced for a specific aircraft type on a particular runway and shows
MTOM and speeds for a variety of temperatures and pressure altitudes,
sometimes giving different configuration options.

 First of all, the wind direction 050 o is exactly parallel to the runway 23L,
so the wind speed of 4 kt is a tailwind.
 The questions asks to take the most conservative data and not
interpolate, so, enter the RTOW table from the "- 5 kt" column.
 In each box, the Maximum Take-off Mass is at top left. Move vertically
down through the "- 5 kt" column, until you reach at MTOM just over the
Actual TOM given, 72 820 kg.
 We find this at 73.4 tonnes, which corresponds to an OAT of 41°C.
 In the same box, the numbers "40-40-44" correspond to the
speeds: V 1 (140 kt), V R (140 kt) and V 2 (144 kt), accordingly.
 Apply the correction -2°C to the TFLEX, due to the wet runway
condition: TFLEX = 41°C - 2°C = 39°C.
 Apply the correction: -6, -3, -2 to the above speeds, due to the wet runway
condition: V 1 = 140 - 6 = 134 kt, V R = 140 - 3 = 137 kt, V 2 = 144 - 2 = 142 kt.
 No corrections are required for QNH higher than 1013 hPa.
Question N 12
Correct Answer – D
Refer to figure.
To calculate the V take-off speeds use the given graph and tables in the
following manner:

1. Enter the density sub-graph with a pressure altitude of 1 998 ft and

ambient temperature of +38ºC to determine which of the columns of the
tables should be used. We end up with Column C.
2. The table appropriate to the flap position 15 o is in Figure 4.9.
3. Enter the V speed tables at Column C and at the actual take-off mass
of 54 750 kg. Interpolate to get to the speeds V 1 , V R and V 2 : V 1 = 131 kt,
V R = 133 kt and V 2 = 140 kt.
4. Correct V1 for slope and/or wind component by entering the table at the
top at the actual take-off mass:

 -1 kt for each 1% downslope, so it can be disregarded for

a 0.2% downslope.
 The headwind correction is +1 kt for every 40 kt
headwind, so a 10 kt headwind component can be
disregarded, too.
Question N 13
Correct Answer – A
Refer to figure.
Figure 4.7 enables the determination of the V MB E .
Using Figure 4.7, find the V MB E following the steps below:

1. Enter with Pressure Altitude 4 000 ft from top left.

2. Move horizontally until intersecting the OAT +10ºC.
3. Also check, if the brake release mass 64 000 kg crosses the horizontal
line within or outside the shaded area. If it is crossed outside the shaded
area of the top left grid or when there is a tail wind or when employing the
improved climb technique, always check V MB E . If V 1 exceeds V MB E , apply the
correction below the graph.
4. Continue vertically down until intersecting the brake release mass 64000
5. Finally, move horizontally to the right and read the V M BE 164 kt.
6. Since the horizontal line is crossed outside the shaded area and there is a
tailwind, then apply the corrections below the graph.
7. V MB E must be adjusted for slope (-5 kt) and tail wind (-10 kt) giving
a new V MB E = 164 kt - 5 kt - 10 kt = 149 kt.
8. V 1 exceeds the new V M B E by 2 kt.
9. Therefore, the brake release mass 64 000 kg must be decreased by 300
kg for each knot V 1 exceeds V MBE and finally, we get: 64 000 - (2 x 300) = 63
400 kg.
NOTE: If V 1 exceeds V M BE , apply the correction below the graph, make V 1 = V MBE and
recalculate the other V speeds for the reduced mass.
Question N 14
Correct Answer – A
Refer to figure.
A Regulated Take-Off Weight (RTOW) table is a simplified form of table to use
and is produced for a specific aircraft type on a particular runway and shows
MTOM and speeds for a variety of temperatures and pressure altitudes,
sometimes giving different configuration options.
 Enter with the OAT 33°C from the left and with CONF 3 - wind 0 KT from
the top.
 Read in the intersection box the take-off speeds V 1 : 154 kt, V R : 154 kt, V 2 :
157 kt.
 Apply the corrections from the tables below, which refer to CONF 3 and
wind calm conditions:
- For wet runway condition decrease only V 1 by 3 kt: 154 kt - 3 kt = 151 kt.
- For QNH -10 HPA from the chart standard 1013 HPA, no corrections are
required to the take-off speeds.
Thus, the take-off speeds are: V 1 : 151 kt, V R : 154 kt, V 2 : 157 kt.
NOTE: The interpretation of the data provided by the the "INFLUENCE" boxes, is
depicted at the bottom left corner box "LABEL FOR INFLUENCE".
Question N 15
Correct Answer – B
The Climb limited Take-off Mass is independent of wind, which means that
whether the aircraft is climbing in a headwind or tailwind situation, the air
gradient achieved will be the same. It is an air gradient requirement under the
certification specifications.
Furthermore, you can also see that there is no "Wind" section on the graph
Note: However, the climb angle relative to the ground will be affected by wind.

Question N 16
Correct Answer – A
Refer to figure.
The Climb Limited Landing Mass ensures that the minimum permissible gradient
is obtained and should be corrected in accordance with the statements beneath
the graph, if necessary:

1. Enter with the OAT +10⁰C.

2. Move vertically upwards until crossing the Pressure Altitude line 2 000 ft.
3. Continue horizontally to the left to hit the Reference Line.
4. Move parallel to the grid until intersenting the Flap position setting 30⁰.
5. Continue horizontally to read the Climb Limited Landing Mass 64 400 kg.
6. Finally, correct for "Engine & Wing - ON": 64 400 kg - 5 350 kg = 59 050 kg.
Question N 17
Correct Answer – C
Refer to figure.
Remember that in the worst case scenario, V MB E is equal to V 1 . In this case, we
are given a V 1 of 149 kt.
(1) Correct V MBE for slope and wind. The corrections can be found under the
Since we are working backwards, the above corrections will be added (not
 Slope: 0.8% down => Correction: + 4 kt
 Tailwind: 5 kt => Correction: + 10 kt
V M BE = 149 kt + 4 kt + 10 kt = 163 kt
(2) Enter the graph on the left hand side at a pressure altitude of 400 ft. Track
horizontally to the right until you intersect an OAT of +36ºC. Continue vertically
(3) Enter the graph on the right hand side at the bottom, at a V MB E of 163 kt.
Track horizontally to the left until you intersect your first line. Read a result
of approximately 68 000 kg.
Question N 18
Correct Answer – B
The actual gross mass is corrected for ISA deviation, whenever ISA +10ºC, to
account for thurst loss due to temperature. The "equivalent gross mass" is
extracted from the upper-right corner section of the table. The obtained result is
then used to enter the chart.
For example, if the actual mass equal 60 000 kg and actual temperature is ISA
+20ºC, then we will enter the chart with an "equivalent gross mass" of 65 000 kg,
based on the top-right small table.

Question N 19
Correct Answer – D
Refer to figure.
This graphs is provided for Flaps psoition 5° and is a rapid means of obtaining
the value of obstacle clearance after take-off. It is intended for use when a
detailed airport analysis is not available. Detailed analysis for the specific case
from the aeroplane flight manual may result in a less restrictive weight and can
account for the non-use of the air conditioning packs:

1. Enter the bottom left vertical axis at the obstacle height 360 ft.
2. Travel horizontally right to intersect the obstacle distance from the break
release point 21 000 ft.
3. From this intersection, move vertically up to the ambient temperature
reference line, then parallel to the grid lines until OAT +15⁰C.
4. Continue vertically directly to the wind component reference line and then
parallel to the grid lines from this point to the value of the wind
component 10 kt headwind.
5. Finally, continue vertically to read the Obstacle Limited Take-off Mass 58
900 kg.
Regulated take-off mass (RTOM) is the most restrictive between the Field
Length Limit, Climb Limit, Obstacle Limit, Tyre Speed Limit and the Maximum
Structural Limit. Thus, the RTOM is 58 900 kg.
Question N 20
Correct Answer – B
Refer to figure.
The Figure 4.31 provides advisory information to enable the operator to avoid
brake overheat problems. The chart enables due allowance to be made for a
single stop and, by using the graph as indicated, provides advice on the
procedure to be adopted and the minimum cooling time:

1. Enter the left vertical axis at the Landing mass 100 000 lb and travel
horizontally right to a speed of (V R E F - 3) kt corrected for wind component
minus 50% of a headwind: 138 kt - 3 kt - 25 kt = 110 kt.
2. From this intersection, drop vertically to the first reference line then
follow the gridlines to correct for Pressure Altitude 984 ft and OAT +25⁰C.
3. From this intersection continue vertically downward to the Braking
Configuration reference line.
4. Follow the grid-lines to the Auto Brake 2 with Normal Reverse #2 detent.
5. From the intersection continue vertically downward to read the Brake
Energy per Brake in millions of foot pounds, 6.1 million foot-pounds.
6. To this value, add one million foot pounds for each taxi mile to obtain the
total energy. Once an extra 4 million foot-pounds has been added for the
mile of expected taxiing, we are now at 10.1 million foot-pounds.
7. From the value of the total energy on continue vertically downward to
read the advised cooling schedule and recommend cooling time: Cooling
II required, 18 minutes ground cooling before take-off.
Question N 21
Correct Answer – A
Refer to figure.
This graphs is provided for Flaps position 5° and is a rapid means of obtaining
the value of obstacle clearance after take-off. It is intended for use when a
detailed airport analysis is not available. Detailed analysis for the specific case
from the aeroplane flight manual may result in a less restrictive weight and can
account for the non-use of the air conditioning packs:

1. Enter the bottom left vertical axis at the obstacle height 360 ft.
2. Travel horizontally right to intersect the obstacle distance from the break
release point 18 000 ft.
3. From this intersection, move vertically up to the ambient temperature
reference line, then parallel to the grid lines until OAT +25⁰C.
4. Continue vertically to the pressure altitude reference line and then parallel
to the grid lines from this point to the value of the pressure altitude 1 000
5. Continue vertically to the wind component reference line and then parallel
to the grid lines from this point to the value of the wind component 10 kt
6. Finally, continue vertically to read the Obstacle Limited Take-off Mass 54
200 kg.
Performance-Limited Take-off Mass (PLTOM) is the most restrictive between
the Field Length Limit (60 000 kg), Climb Limit (50000 kg), Obstacle Limit (54
200 kg) and Tyre Speed Limit (70 000 kg). Thus, the PLTOM is 50 000 kg.
Question N 22
Correct Answer – C
Refer to figure.
The figure shows the brake cooling times with or without brake cooling fan, for a
given brake energy and ambient temperature:

 According to the table's instructions above the table: "If the energy and
the OAT are not given in the table, use the values given in the next column
right/row below". The Brake Energy 44 MJ is not given in the table, so
enter with the next row below, 45 MJ.
 Move to the right until the intersection box with the OAT 0°C.
 Each box gives two cooling times in minutes. Use the upper one, 140
minutes, which refers to a cooling time with brake cooling fan
Question N 23
Correct Answer – A
Refer to figure.
A Regulated Take-Off Weight (RTOW) table is a simplified form of table to use
and is produced for a specific aircraft type on a particular runway and shows
MTOM and speeds for a variety of temperatures and pressure altitudes,
sometimes giving different configuration options.

 First of all, the wind direction 050 o is exactly in line with the runway 23L,
so the wind speed of 6 kt is a tailwind.
 The question asks to take the more conservative data points and not
interpolate, so enter the RTOW chart from the "-10 kt column".
 In each box, the Maximum Take-off Mass is at the top left. Move vertically
down the "-10 kt column", until you reach at MTOM just over the Actual
TOM given, 67050 kg.
 We find this at 67.1 tonnes, which corresponds to an OAT of 63°C and is
equal to the Assumed/FLEX T° given.
 In the same box, the numbers "29-29-33" correspond to the
speeds: V 1 (129 kt), V R (129 kt) and V 2 (133 kt), accordingly.
 QNH is 1003 hPa, so apply the corrections: 0, 0, +1 to the above speeds
for "QNH 1013 -10 hPa".
 Additionally, apply the corrections: -6, -3, -2 to the above speeds for Wet
 No corrections are required for Engine anti-ice and Packs.
 Finally, after applying the required corrections, the speeds for a "reduced
thrust take-off" on the 23L dry runway will be:

1. V 1 = 129 - 6 = 123 kt
2. V R = 129 - 3 = 126 kt
3. V 2 = 133 + 1 - 2 = 132 kt
Question N 24
Correct Answer – B
Landing performance calculation.
A commercial turbojet aeroplane must be able to land within 60% of the Landing
Distance Available (LDA).
LDA = 3000 m
60% of LDA = 3000 x 0.6 = 1800 m
The runway being wet must also be factored by 1.15.
1800 m / 1.15 = 1565 m

Question N 25
Correct Answer – D
Climb gradient is the ratio of height gained to distance travelled => tangent to
climb angle “y”.
Sin y = (T – D) / W
Sin y = (T/W) – (D/W)
Sin y = T / (m x g) – (D / (L/cos y))
Sin y = T / (m x g) – (D x cos y)/L

 For small angles => cos is nearly 1. So:

Sin y = T / (m x g) – D/L
Climb gradient = (T / (m x g) – D/L) x 100
With regards to this question, Climb gradient = (236000 / (76000 x 10) – 1/8) x
100 = 18.5%

Question N 26
Correct Answer – C
Refer to figure.
Using the graph as shown above, with special mention of the "Brakes on speed
at landing" being our VREF corrected for the 4kt headwind and the correction
factor in the question from a VREF of 125 kt to a brakes-on speed of 120kt. The
final output figure of the graph is 6.9 million foot-pounds of energy per brake.
Once an extra 1 million foot-pounds has been added for the mile of expected
taxiing, we are now at 7.9 million foot-pounds, which is just within region I, in
which no special cooling procedure is required.
Question N 27
Correct Answer – A
Refer to figure.
The graph at Figure 4.31 provides advisory information to enable the operator to
avoid brake overheat problems. The question refers to an "Abandoned Take-off",
so follow the steps given in paragraph, page 49:

 Enter the top left vertical axis at the Regulated Take-Off Mass, 57 500
kg and travel horizontally right to the speed when rejection
commenced, 100 kt.
 From this intersection, drop vertically to the first reference line, then
follow the gridlines to correct for Pressure Altitude, 1 400 ft and OAT, -
 From this intersection continue vertically downward to read the
recommended cooling time, approximately 55 minutes.

Ιf some credit is given for using reverse thrust, it cannot be taken into account
for "Abandoned Take-offs" according to CAP 698 paragraph, page 49.
However, in reality, any reverse thrust application, as an auxialiary means of
braking, will decrease the cooling time.
NOTE: Allowances for reverse thrust and braking configurations only apply for the
landings, not the Abandoned Take-offs.
Question N 28
Correct Answer – B
Refer to figure.
Remember that in the worst case scenario, V MB E is equal to V 1 . In this case, we
are given a V 1 of 148 kt.
(1) Correct V MBE for slope and wind. The corrections can be found under the



Since we are working backwards, the above corrections will be added (not

 Slope: 0.4% down => Correction: + 2 kt

 Tailwind: 10 kt => Correction: + 20 kt

V M BE = 148 kt + 2 kt + 20 kt = 170 kt
(2) Enter the graph on the left hand side at a pressure altitude of 1 487 ft. Track
horizontally to the right until you intersect an OAT of +19ºC. Continue vertically
(3) Enter the graph on the right-hand-side at the bottom, at a VMBE of 170 kt.
Track horizontally to the left until you intersect your first line. Read a result
of approximately 64 000 kg.
Question N 29
Correct Answer – A
Refer to figure.
The Quick Turnaround limit is related to the wheel fusible alloy plugs that are
designed to melt at a predetermined temperature to prevent the tyre exploding
when it's been subjected to high temperatures caused by heavy braking. After a
brake application, the energy which the brake has absorbed is released as heat
and until this heat is dissipated, the amount of additional energy which the
brake can absorb without failure is reduced. Therefore, take-off planning must
consider the effects of residual brake energy (or brake temperature) if the
previous landing involved significant braking and/or the airplane turnaround is
relatively short or the Maximum Quick Turnaround Mass has been exceeded.

 If the actual landing mass exceeds the Maximum Quick Turnaround

Mass, then you would have to wait a specified time and after this time,
you would have to re-check the wheels to make sure that they have not

Question N 30
Correct Answer – A
Refer to figure.
Remember that in the worst case scenario, V MB E is equal to V 1 . In this case, we
are given a V 1 of 145 kt.
(1) Correct V MBE for slope and wind. The corrections can be found under the
Since we are working backwards, the above corrections will be added (not
 Slope: 0.2% down => Correction: + 1 kt
 Tailwind: 5 kt => Correction: + 10 kt
V M BE = 145 kt + 1 kt + 10 kt = 156 kt
(2) Enter the graph on the left hand side at a pressure altitude of 1 998 ft. Track
horizontally to the right until you intersect an OAT of +38ºC. Continue vertically
(3) Enter the graph on the right-hand-side at the bottom, at a V MB E of 156 kt.
Track horizontally to the left until you intersect your first line. Read a result
of approximately 68 000 kg.
Question N 31
Correct Answer – B
Refer to figure.
Considering this graph, first we can calculate the head/tailwind component to
be 0kts, as 140° is perpendicular to runway 23, so it is a full crosswind. Then
given the outside air temperature of +10°C, we have to choose the most limiting
RTOM from 78.0 and 78.7 Tonnes, which will be 78.0 Tonnes (78,000kg), and
therefore mean that we are in the box which uses V1 = 147kt, VR = 147kt, V2 =
We then have to take any extra factors into account; in this case, we can apply a
factor for QNH pressures below 1013, and we are 5hPa below it at 1008hPa, but
we are not allowed to interpolate, so we have to apply a full 80kg reduction for
pressure. We will have to account for the fact that our engine anti-ice is on,
which is an MTOM reduction of 380kg. We then have to account for the wet
runway also, which is a reduction of 430 kg.
78,000 - 80 - 380 - 430 = 77,110kg
Question N 32
Correct Answer – D
Refer to figure.
The Quick Turnaround limit is related to the wheel fusible alloy plugs that are
designed to melt at a predetermined temperature to prevent the tyre exploding
when its been subjected to high temperatures caused by heavy braking. After a
brake application, the energy which the brake has absorbed is released as heat
and until this heat is dissipated, the amount of additional energy which the
brake can absorb without failure is reduced.
Take a look at the attached figure taken from CAP 698 - you can clearly see that
the Maximum Permissible Landing Mass for a Quick Turnaround is limited by the
Aerodrome Pressure Altitude, Airport OAT, Flaps setting, Runway Slope and

 The higher the pressure altitude and the temperature, the lower the
density. As a result, the aircraft produces less lift and thrust for a given
speed and power setting. Therefore, the aircraft must fly a higher
approach speed, leading to higher TAS and consequently higher
groundspeeds on landing => higher brake temperatures due to heavier
braking required.
Question N 33
Correct Answer – D
The maximum performance limited landing mass (MPLLM) is the landing mass
limited by departure airfield considerations such as runway length, obstacles,
temperature and altitude.
For this question, the MPLLM is the lowest between the Approach climb limit
mass, Landing climb limit mass and Field length limit mass given. Thus, the
MPLLM is 32 250 lb.
The maximum performance limited landing mass compared with the maximum
structural landing mass (the lower of the two) gives the Regulated Landing
NOTE: The question asks for the maximum performance limited landing mass.

Question N 34
Correct Answer – D
Refer to figure.
Abandoned Take-Off
a) Enter the top left vertical axis at the Regulated Take-Off Mass (100 000 lb)
and travel horizontally right to V1 minus 50% of headwind or plus 150% of
tailwind (138 kt - 5 kt = 133 kt).
b) From this intersection, drop vertically to the first reference line then follow
the gridlines to correct for Pressure Altitude (1 000 ft) and OAT (25ºC).
c) From this intersection continue vertically downward to read the Brake Energy
per Brake in millions of foot pounds.
d) To this value add one million foot pounds for each taxi mile to obtain the total
e) From the value of the total energy continue vertically downward to determine
the advised cooling schedule and recommended cooling time.

 In this case, we end up in section III "Cooling Recommended".

Note: This question is somewhat confusing. We believe "Normal reverse #2

detent Auto brake #3" is a red herring and is not needed for this question as we
are not supposed to apply "brake configuration" corrections for an abandoned
take-off. Please, let us know if you come across this question in your official
Question N 35
Correct Answer – B
Refer to figure.
From Figure 4.28 the Field Length-Limited Landing Mass can be determined. But
using the same figure in reverse you can find the Minimum Field Length
1. Use the dotted example depicted on the Figure 4.28 as a guide in reverse.
2. Enter with 51 000 kg from the top right side.
3. Move horizontally to the left until 2 000 ft Pressure altitude, of
the left Pressure Altitude set of lines you meet (Anti-skid: Operative).
4. Continue vertically down until the flaps position 30⁰ and move parallel with the
grid lines until the flap position reference line.
5. Continue further down until reaching at the 10 kt headwind. No correction
required for DRY runway condition, because DRY is exactly on the runway
condition reference line.
6. Move parallel with the wind grid lines until the wind reference line.
7. Finally, continue vertically down to get the Minimum Field Length Required 4
700 ft.
Question N 36
Correct Answer – C
Refer to figure.
The graph at Figure 4.6 presents the limitation on take-off weight for 225 mph
tyres and 5° flap.
Method of Use:

1. Enter the graph with Madrid airport OAT +38⁰C.

2. Proceed vertically upwards to the airport pressure altitude 1998 ft, then
horizontally left to read the tyre speed limited take-off mass 79 100 kg.
3. Correct as necessary. For 8 kt tailwind, apply the correction below the
graph: 8 x (-650 kg) = - 5 200 kt.
4. Thus, the corrected tyre speed limited take-off mass is: 79 100 kg - 5 200
kg = 73 900 kg.
Question N 37
Correct Answer – D
Refer to figure.
a) Enter the top left vertical axis at the Regulated Take-Off Mass of 61 300 kg
and travel horizontally right to the speed at rejection of 80 kt.
b) From this point, drop vertically to the first reference line then follow the
gridlines to correct for Pressure Altitude of 2 000 ft and OAT of +34ºC.
c) Continue vertically downward to determine the advised cooling schedule and
recommended cooling time.

 In this case, we end up in section II "Cooling Recommended" => Cooling

time: 45 min.
Question N 38
Correct Answer – D
Refer to figure.
This graph requires a little examination to fully work out what information is
being given. For each temperature/wind combination, the table gives a
Maximum Take-Off Mass (MTOM), a limitation code, and the V 1 , V 2 and
V R speeds for that scenario.
For this question, it is the limitation code which must be understood, a
numerical system of noting what the primary limitations are that make the
MTOM and the V speeds those particular values. Sometimes there are 2
limitation codes, in the sense that two different parameters of the take off are
both limiting to that weight/V-speed combination.
In this case, code 4 is limiting for the weight/V-speed combination, and
therefore the aircraft is limited by:
4) Obstacles (Obstacle clearance on the climb out)
Question N 39
Correct Answer – A
Refer to figure.
From the figure 4.23, the Level-off Pressure Altitude can be determined and is
based on the net one engine inoperative performance.
So as to avoid any inconvenient driftdown procedure, after an engine failure
during the cruise, the diversion airport must require a clearance
altitude lower than the level-off pressure altitude extracted from the graph.
If the graph is used with the manner indicated by the arrows, then the
corrections given below the graph must be applied as depicted for each bleed
configuration. But, in case it is used conversely, where the level-off altitude
must be determined for a given cruise mass, then the same corrections must
applied with different sign (instead of minus, plus):

 Enter from the Aircraft corrected cruise mass, due to the "ENG ANTI-ICE
ON": 43 000 kg + 1 950 kg = 44 950 kg.
 Move vertically upwards until crossing the "ISA +10ºC or
below" temperature line.
 Continue horizontally to the left and read the Level-off Pressure
Altitude: 22 200 ft.

Thus, the most appropriate diversion airports, in case of an engine failure during
the cruise phase, are Airport 1 and Airport 4, for which the required airport
clearances (21 000 ft & 19 500 ft) are lower than the Level-off Pressure Altitude,
22 200 ft.
Question N 40
Correct Answer – B
Refer to figure.
(1) Enter the graph at the left side at a pressure altitude of 16 000 ft. Track
horizontally to the right until you intersect the “+10ºC & BELOW”.
(2) Continue your line vertically down and read off a gross mass of
approximately 56 600 kg.
(3) Apply the correction for A/C AUTO (HIGH): - 2500 kg.

 56 600 kg – 2 500 kg = 54 100 kg

Question N 41
Correct Answer – D
Refer to figure.
The Flat Rating Concept
The rating of a jet engine is the thrust performance that is guaranteed by the
manufacturer for a new engine under specific operating conditions such as, take
off, maximum continuous, climb, cruise.
Some non Prat and Whitney (P&W) engines are rated to a constant compressor
speed (RPM).
P&W rates there engines to a constant exhaust gas temperature (EGT).
This is referred to as the flat rating concept.
To get your head around this concept you must understand the following
The temperature and density of the ambient air vary inversely.
Lower temperature = > Higher Density
Higher Temperature = >Lower Density
The amount of airflow (lbs/sec) through the engine is a function of compressor
speed and air density.
It is greater when the compressor speed and density are high.
The compressor speed is a function of the energy available to the compressors
That energy comes from the combustion or air and fuel, so the turbine turns
faster when the fuel flow rate is greater.
The compressor speed is also a function of the airflow through the compressor.
Higher rates of air flow reduce the speed of the compressor.
The compressors rotational speed and the amount of airflow through the
compressor are independent, they affect each other though.
The turbine inlet temperature is proportional to the energy available to turn the
The exhaust temperature is proportional to the turbine inlet temperature.
So a higher EGT corresponds to a larger amount of energy to the turbine so it
can turn the compressor faster.
When EGT is held constant, or lowered the result is a prolonged hot section life
and at the same time provides the thrust to meet the certification requirements.
Question N 42
Correct Answer – B
Refer to figure.
A Regulated Take-Off Weight (RTOW) table is a simplified form of table to use
and is produced for a specific aircraft type on a particular runway and shows
MTOM and speeds for a variety of temperatures and pressure altitudes,
sometimes giving different configuration options.

 First of all, the wind direction 230 o is exactly opposite to the runway 23L,
so the wind speed of 5 kt is a headwind.
 The questions asks to take the most conservative data and not
interpolate, so, enter the RTOW table from the "0 kt" column.
 The OAT is +12°C, for which there is no exact row, it is between +5°C and
+15°C. The more conservative row is the higher temperature of +15°C.
 The intersection between the "0 kt" column and "+15°C" row gives a RTOW
of 78 000 kg.
 Applying the correction "-430 kg" for the wet runway condition, due to the
moderate rain, the RTOW for departure becomes: 78 000 kg - 430 kg = 77
570 kg.
 No correction for pressures greater than 1013hPa is required.
Question N 43
Correct Answer – D
The Field Length Limited Take-off Mass (FLLTOM) is likely to be the most
restrictive mass when operating from short runways in environmental conditions
allowing good climb performance – low field elevation, high pressure and low
temperature. It can be increased by selecting the highest specified take-off flap
setting that still complies with other limits and by performing a packs-off take-

Question N 44
Correct Answer – A
Refer to figure.
A Regulated Take-Off Weight (RTOW) table is a simplified form of table to use
and is produced for a specific aircraft type on a particular runway and shows
MTOM and speeds for a variety of temperatures and pressure altitudes,
sometimes giving different configuration options.

 First of all, the wind direction 230 o is exactly opposite to the runway 23L,
so the wind speed of 16 kt is a headwind.
 The questions asks to take the most conservative data and not
interpolate, so, enter the RTOW table from the "+ 10 kt" column.
 In each box, the Maximum Take-off Mass is at top left. Move vertically
down through the "+10 kt" column, until you reach at MTOM just over the
Actual TOM given, 71 840 kg.
 We find this at 72.1 tonnes, which corresponds to an OAT of 57°C.
 In the same box, the numbers "39-39-44" correspond to the
speeds: V 1 (139 kt), V R (139 kt) and V 2 (144 kt), accordingly.
 No correction is required for the TFLEX.
 Apply the correction: +1 kt only to the V 2 speeds, due to QNH -5 hPa.

Thus, the appropriate assumed/FLEX temperature is 57°C and the associated

take-off speeds are: V 1 = 139 kt, V R = 139 kt, V 2 = 144 +1 = 145 kt.
Question N 45
Correct Answer – B
Refer to figure.
Remember that in the worst case scenario, V MB E is equal to V 1 . In this case, we
are given a V 1 of 149 kt.
(1) Correct V MBE for slope and wind. The corrections can be found under the



Since we are working backwards, the above corrections will be subtracted (not

 Slope: 0.5% up => Correction: - 1 kt

 Headwind: 10 kt => Correction: -3 kt

V M BE = 149 kt - 1 kt + -3 kt = 145 kt
(2) Enter the graph on the left hand side at a pressure altitude of 1 487 ft. Track
horizontally to the right until you intersect an OAT of +19ºC. Continue vertically
(3) Enter the graph on the right hand side at the bottom, at a V MB E of 145 kt.
Track horizontally to the left until you intersect your first line. The result is in
excess of 68 000 kg.
Note: V 1 exceeds V MBE , therefore a correction should be applied. However, it is not
easy for us to determine the exact brake release weight, and whatever correction
we need to make, the final result will still be "in excess of 68 000kg".
Question N 46
Correct Answer – B
Refer to figures.
To calculate the V speeds use the given graph and table in the following

1. Initially, enter the density sub-graph with pressure altitude (1 500 ft) and
ambient temperature (+25°C) to determine which of the columns of the
table should be used.
2. The intersection in the density sub-graph shows "B" column, so use
the "B" column of the V speed table.
3. Enter the V speed tables at the actual take-off mass (60 000 kg) and
extract V 1 : 145 kt, V R : 148 kt, and V 2 : 155 kt.
4. Correct only V 1 for slope (-1%) and for wind component (-5 kt) by entering
the table at the top of the table, as appropriate, at the actual take-off
mass and interpolate the correction necessary.
5. Apply the corrections to V 1 : 145 kt - 1(for downslope) -1(for tailwind)= 143
Thus, the take-off speeds are V 1 =143 kt, V R =148 kt, V 2 =155 kt.
Question N 47
Correct Answer – B
Refer to figure.
A Regulated Take-Off Weight (RTOW) table is a simplified form of table to use
and is produced for a specific aircraft type on a particular runway and shows
MTOM and speeds for a variety of temperatures and pressure altitudes,
sometimes giving different configuration options.

 First of all, start by eliminating the distractors in the question. Neither

QNH 1013, nor visibility 500m have any effect. The former because the
chart is for QNH 1013 hPa and the latter because OAT is 12ᴼ C, so anti-ice
is not required.
 The wind direction 230 o is exactly opposite to the runway 23L, so the wind
speed 5 kt is a headwind.
 Enter from 5 kt headwind, by interpolating between 0 kt and +10 kt.
 Move down looking for MTOMs which bracket 71 T. Interpolation between
70.7 and 71.7 give a MTOM of 71.2 and this equates to flex
temperature: 59ᴼC.
 Limitation codes can be ignored because the question does not ask for
 V-speeds are given interpolated: V 1 : 137, V R : 137, V 2 : 141 kt (round up for
half knots rather than down because we might be V M CG -limited).
After applying the adjustments made for Packs ON: flex temp - 2ᴼC, V 1 - 2, V R - 1,
V 2 - 1 and Wet: flex temp - 2°C, V 1 - 6, V R - 3, V 2 - 2, we finally get flex temp: 55ᴼ
C, V 1 :129 kt, V R : 133 kt, V 2 : 138 kt.
Question N 48
Correct Answer – C
Refer to figure.
Using the graph as shown above, with special mention of the "Brakes on speed
at landing" being our VREF corrected for the 4kt headwind and the correction
factor in the question from a VREF of 125 kt to a brakes-on speed of 120kt. The
final output figure of the graph is 6.9 million foot-pounds of energy per brake.
Once an extra 4 million foot-pounds has been added for the mile of expected
taxiing, we are now at 10.9 million foot-pounds, which is just within region II, in
which cooling recommended ground cooling of 25 minutes should be scheduled
prior take off.
Question N 49
Correct Answer – C
Refer to figure.
The attached graph (at Figure 4.6) presents the limitation on take-off weight for
225 mph tyres and 5° flap.
Method of use:
(1) Enter the graph with aerodrome OAT of 31ºC.
(2) Proceed vertically to the aerodrome pressure altitude of 1 487 ft, then
horizontally left to read the tyre speed limit: 82 300 kg.
(3) Correct as necessary.
 In this case, we must correct for 210 mph tyres and headwind, apply the
correction below the graph.

210 mph tyres - 9 600 kg

Headwind + 400 kg per kt

We are taking off from runway 26R (Magnetic direction 260º) with a full
headwind of 13 kt.
Correction for 13 kt: 5 200 kg

 TOTAL = 82 300 kg - 9 600 kg + 5 200 kg = 77 900 kg

Question N 50
Correct Answer – B
Refer to figure.
The intersection box between each Weight and FL, among others, gives the fuel
flow per engine in kgs per hr (KG/H/ENG), as shown within the top right box.
So, for a twin-engined aircraft multiply by 2 to get the hourly fuel flow.
Thus, so as to find the fuel flow per engine at FL340 and a mass of 55000 kg,
interpolate between the marked boxes as shown in figure. After the
interpolation, the fuel flow per engine will be: (1 142 kg/hr + 1 079 kg/hr + 1 159
kg/hr + 1 097 kg/hr) / 4 = 1 119.25 kg/hr.
Therefore, the hourly fuel flow is: 1 119.25 kg/hr x 2 = 2 238 kg/hr.
Question N 51
Correct Answer – B
Refer to figure.
Enter the second table at a Mass of 55 000 kg at the start of driftdown. Continue
horizontally to the right until you intersect the "ISA + 10 ºC & BELOW" column.
Read a Level Off Altitude of 21 900 ft.

Question N 52
Correct Answer – A
Refer to figure.
A Regulated Take-Off Weight (RTOW) table is a simplified form of table to use
and is produced for a specific aircraft type on a particular runway and shows
MTOM and speeds for a variety of temperatures and pressure altitudes,
sometimes giving different configuration options.

 First of all, the wind direction 230 o is exactly opposite to the runway 23L,
so the wind speed of 10 kt is a headwind.
 So, enter the RTOW table from the "+10 kt" column.
 In each box, the Maximum Take-off Mass is at top left. Move vertically
down through the +10 kt column, until you reach at MTOM just over the
Actual TOM given, 71180 kg.
 We find this at 71.3 tonnes, which corresponds to an OAT of 61°C and is
equal to the Assumed/FLEX T° given.
 In the same box, the numbers "38-38-43" correspond to the
speeds: V 1 (138 kt), V R (138 kt) and V 2 (143 kt), accordingly.
 Apply the correction: -2, -1, -1 to the above speeds for Packs - ON.
 Additionally, apply the correction: -1, -1, -2 to the above speeds for Engine
Anti-ice - ON.
 No corrections are required for QNH higher than 1013 hPa.
 Finally, after applying the required corrections, the speeds for a reduced
thrust take-off on the 23L dry runway will be:

1. V 1 = 138 - 2 - 1 = 135 kt
2. V R = 138 - 1 - 1 = 136 kt
3. V 2 = 143 - 1 - 2 = 140 kt
Question N 53
Correct Answer – C
Refer to figure.
The graph at Figure 4.5 guarantees attainment of the most severe gradient
requirement of the net flight path. It does not guarantee obstacle clearance.
Method of Use:

1. Enter the graph at the aerodrome OAT 35°C.

2. Move vertically up to the aerodrome pressure altitude 3 000 ft.
3. Travel horizontally left to the flap reference line.
4. For Flap position 5° continue horizontally to read the Climb Limit Brake
Release Mass 55 000 kg.
5. Apply the correction for Packs - OFF, as shown below the graph "FOR
PACKS OFF, INCREASE ALLOWABLE MASS BY 900 KG.": 55 000 kg + 900 kg
= 55 900 kg.

Release date: 2022.10.23.

Question N° 54
Correct Answer – C
A dry (maximum) V 1 is the normal decision speed that following an engine
failure allows the take-off to be continued safely within the TODA or to be
stopped safely within the ASDA. A wet (minimum) V 1 is the maximum speed for
abandoning a take-off on a contaminated runway. A wet V 1 improves the
stopping capabilities (final stop point) back to the dry conditions level but
degrades the takeoff chances with a reduced screen height in the event of a
take-off being continued. A recommended wet V 1 for contaminated conditions is
the dry V 1 - 10 knots. Thus wet V 1 is a lower speed than dry V 1 .
Note: Due to lower friction and consequently reduced braking action on a wet
runway, longer braking distances are experienced, V 1 must be decreased.

Question N° 55
Correct Answer – C
Refer to figure.
Drag curves are normally drawn plotted against EAS. In case TAS is used
instead of EAS, the graph moves left and right as TAS respectively decreases
and increases for a given EAS.
There are some useful diagrams, called "ECTM diagrams", that help to remember
the relationship between EAS, CAS, TAS and Mach number in climbs and
For a normal atmosphere, the sequence left to right is always drawn as ECTM.
Draw the parameter that is to be held constant as a vertical line, draw
connecting lines to the remaining letters.
The figure shows ECTM diagrams for a constant Mach number climb or descent,
then a constant TAS climb or descent, then for a constant CAS.
If climbing use -ECTM+, which means that, if one of the speeds is kept constant,
then the speeds to the right are increasing and to the left decreasing.
Conversely, if descending use +ECTM-.
For this question, the density altitude is decreasing, this means the air is
becoming more dense, thus, using also the ECTM method, the TAS for a given
EAS is decreasing.
The graph which shows a decrease in TAS, with the drag curve moving
horizontally left, is Figure 2.

Question N° 56
Correct Answer – A
Refer to figure.
If an engine fails in the cruise, the remaining engine(s) are set to maximum
continuous thrust, in an attempt to maintain height. At cruise altitudes, the
attempt to maintain height usually fails, because of inadequate thrust on the
remaining engine(s) and the aircraft will descend down to a height at which it is
able to stabilise. This is called "driftdown".
This is a quite straightforward graph, which helps to find the maximum one-
engine inoperative net level-off height for different temperature conditions and
1. Enter with the expected gross mass 66 000 kg and draw a vertical line
upwards, until intersecting the ISA+15ºC dotted curve (dotted curves are for
LRC, while bold lines for Green Dot speeds.
2. Continue horizontally to the left and read the net level-off height FL 190.
3. Correct for Engine Anti-Ice-ON at ISA+15ºC: 19 000 ft - 1 200 ft = 17 800 ft.
Question N° 57
Correct Answer – C
Descent at a Constant Mach Number in Standard Conditions
During a descent, LSS will be increasing, as temperature increases. Therefore, if
Mach number is being kept constant the TAS must be increasing (Mach number
= TAS/LSS). During the descent air density increases TAS is increasing and CAS
also increases at a greater rate (Dynamic Pressure = 1⁄2 ρ V 2 ). Similarly, in a
climb at constant Mach number the TAS or CAS both reduce.
Question N° 58
Correct Answer – C
Concerning Class B take-off obstacle clearance regulations for multi-engined
aeroplanes, CAT.POL.A.310 (a) refers that:

 The take-off flight path of aeroplanes with two or more engines shall be
determined in such a way that the aeroplane clears all obstacles by a
vertical distance of at least 50 ft, or by a horizontal distance of at least 90
m plus 0,125 × D, where D is the horizontal distance travelled by the
aeroplane from the end of the TODA or the end of the take-off distance if
a turn is scheduled before the end of the TODA, except as provided in (b)
and (c). For aeroplanes with a wingspan of less than 60 m, a horizontal
obstacle clearance of half the aeroplane wingspan plus 60 m plus 0,125
× D may be used. Assuming that this is the distance laterally from the
line-of-flight to the edge of the accountability area it is the semi-width, or
half-width, of the total accountability area.

Question N° 59
Correct Answer – D
V M CG is defined as "the minimum CAS on the take-off run at which, on failure of the
critical engine and with the remaining engine(s) at maximum take-off power, the
pilot can retain control of the aircraft using the primary aerodynamic controls
After an engine failure during take-off, if the decision is made to continue the
take-off, then the assymetric thrust will force the aircraft off the runway centre
line. The pilot will try to keep the aircraft straight with rudder application,
producing an aerodynamic force.
The rudder effectiveness increases with forward speed. Below the minimum
control speed on the ground, V MC G , the aircraft cannot be kept straight.
V E F (engine failure speed), therefore, must be greater than or equal to V MC G and as
V 1 is greater than V E F , it follows that V 1 must be greater than V M C G .
If V 1 is less than V M CG , then the aircraft will not be able to be kept straight on the
runway, if a "go" decision is made.
If a range of decision speeds exists, that encompasses the V MC G as the highest
speed which can be chosen to satisfy the requirement. If not, the TOM must be
reduced until the range of speeds just encompasses V MC G and then V 1 is set equal
to V M C G . This creates a V M C G limited take-off mass.
In most cases V MC G intrudes only on to the lowest decision speeds of a range. If
this is the case, the speeds in the range below V M CG cannot be used.
V M CG is most likely to be limiting where the assymetric thrust is greatest:

 At low pressure altitudes

 At low temperature conditions
 At low humidity
 At short runways,

leading to low values of V 1 , being derived from the One-Engine-Inoperative Field-

Length-Limited calculation.

Question N° 60
Correct Answer – A
Refer to figures.
ICAO Annex 14
Volume 1
Declared distances.
a) Take-off run available (TORA). The length of runway declared available and
suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane taking off.
b) Take-off distance available (TODA). The length of the take-off run
available plus the length of the clearway, if provided.
c) Accelerate-stop distance available (ASDA). The length of the take-off run
available plus the length of the stopway, if provided.
d) Landing distance available (LDA). The length of runway which is declared
available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane landing.

TORA = Take-off run available
TODA = TORA + CWY (Clearway)
ASDA = TORA + STW (Stopway)
LDA = TORA - Displaced threshold
Question N° 61
Correct Answer – A
Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) is the amount of fuel used per unit of thrust
(for jets) and unit of power (for props) in one unit of time. SFC varies with the
ambient conditions. SFC is best at a minimum and one of the factors it is
dependent upon include:
Temperature. In cold air, at a particular altitude, the RPM may be reduced to
provide the power required because:
(a) The power available from the engine is greater.
(b) The power required to propel the airframe in cold air is less.
The colder the temperature, therefore, the lower will be the SFC because the
power absorbed (wasted) at the lower temperature is reduced and the thermal
efficiency is increased.

 As temperature increases, the air becomes less dense. Consequently,

engine efficiency decreases and SFC increases. If 1º on ISA gives +0.2%
fuel flow increase per unit of thrust, 10º will give an increase of 2%.

Question N° 62
Correct Answer – B
There are two types of specific range, specific air range (SAR) and specific
ground range (SGR).
Specific air range is the range through the air, while SGR is the ground range.
The difference is due to wind strength and direction. When wind is to be
considered, specific range is assumed to mean SGR.
Specific range is the distance flown per unit of fuel. Using the aviation units
nautical miles and kilograms:
Specific Range = nm / kg
Dividing by time;
Specific Range = TAS / Fuel Flow

Question N° 63
Correct Answer – D
Refer to figure.
Power required is the power needed at any given speed to overcome the
particular amount of drag that exists at that speed.

 Power = Thrust x Speed (TAS)

 Power required = Thrust Required x Speed (TAS)

Thrust produced by an engine decreases with altitude because of decreasing air

density, which does not allow the engine to burn as much fuel, and create as big
explosions. Similarly, power available will decrease with increasing altitude.
However, power required rises with increasing altitude.
This is because the aircraft flying at constant lift resulting from constant
Indicated Airspeed and angle of attack will essentially fly at a higher True
Airspeed at a higher altitude because the loss of air density must be
compensated for by an increased speed of flight to maintain the required
dynamic pressure on the wings.

It is important to note for this next section that the shape of the thrust required
/ available graphs are based on IAS initially, but are converted to TAS to be more
useful with Power Required / Power Available, which are created from the thrust
graphs using TAS via the formulas above.
In this question, then, we are descending, so we are expecting our Power
Required to decrease, and our TAS for each point on the graph to decrease also,
so the Power Required vs. TAS graph will move down and to the left.
Also, the Power Available will increase as we descend into denser air, and
the TAS will also decrease for every point on the graph, the same as before, to
make the Power Available vs TAS graph move up and to the left.
The annex above shows what happens to the curves when the
aircraft descends (as in this question).
Question N° 64
Correct Answer – A
Refer to figure.
The Maximum Performance-Limited TOM, which ensures compliance with the
applicable operational requirements for a Commercial Air Transport operation is
the higher of the lowest mass limits for each Flap/Slat position setting:

 The lowest (most limiting) mass for Flap/Slat position setting 1 is: 17 000
 The lowest (most limiting) mass for Flap/Slat position setting 2 is: 16 800

Thus, the Maximum Performance-Limited TOM is the higher of the two, 17 000
kg, which means that if you take-off with Flap/Slat position setting 1 the MTOM
will be 200 kg greater than that with Flap/Slat position setting 2, so the optimum
Flap/Slat position setting is 1.
Question N° 65
Correct Answer – C
Class A Gross Gradients
1º Segment 2º Segment 3º Segment 4º Segment

Gradient for
2 Engines > 0% > 2.4% > 1.2% > 1.2%

Gradient for
3 Engines > 0.3% > 2.7% > 1.5% > 1.5%

Gradient for
4 Engines > 0.5% > 3.0% > 1.7% > 1.7%

Note: While third segment is usually flown in level flight, the available gradient
must be at least equal to that required in final segment (1.2%). During third
segment the high lift devices are retracted.
EU-OPS states that the climb gradient to use for the purpose of calculating
obstacle clearance must be the net climb gradient. Net gradient is the gross
gradient reduced by a safety factor:

 0.8% for 2-engine aircraft

 0.9% for 3-engine aircraft
 1.0% for 4-engine aircraft

Minimum climb gradient is 2%. The turning requires an additional increment of
0.5%, addition of 0.8% for the net to gross conversion.
2% + 0.5% + 0.8% = 3.3 %
Question N° 66
Correct Answer – C
Take-off with Increased V 2 Speed
This procedure is used when the performance limited mass is the climb limit
mass. At V 2 the climbing performance is poor and limits the maximum take-off
mass. It is important to understand that in the event of engine failure, the initial
climb out speed is V 2 . However, V 2 is not the best climb angle speed. V 2 is
considerably slower than the best angle of climb speed, which is V X . Climbing
with a speed closer to the best angle of climb greatly enhance the climb
If runway available it would be possible to stay on the runway for longer during
the take-off to build up more speed to a higher V 1 , this will ensure that at the
screen height, a faster V 2 will be reached, closer to V X . As a result of the
improved climb performance, the climb limit mass can be increased.

Question N° 67
Correct Answer – B
In an emergency descent, for instance a descent initiated by the pilot following
depressurization, the aim is to reach FL100 as soon as possible.
To achieve this requirement, the airplane would need to lose height with the
maximum possible rate of descent.
ROD (ft/m) = G/S x Gradient of Descend
To maximize the ROD, the airspeed should be maximize within the operational
limits of the aircraft.
At cruising altitude an airliner will be flying Mach no. so the operational limit is
the MMO (Maximum Operating Mach Number).
If airbrakes in use, the gradient of descend increases, consequently the ROD
increases as well.

Question N° 68
Correct Answer – A
Refer to figure.
A Regulated Take-Off Weight (RTOW) table is a simplified form of table to use
and is produced for a specific aircraft type on a particular runway and shows
MTOM and speeds for a variety of temperatures and pressure altitudes,
sometimes giving different configuration options.

 First of all, the wind direction 230 o is exactly opposite to the runway 23L,
so the wind speed of 10 kt is a headwind.
 So, enter the RTOW table from the "+10 kt" column.
 In each box, the Maximum Take-off Mass is at top left. Move vertically
down through the +10 kt column, until you reach at MTOM just over the
Actual TOM given, 71180 kg.
 We find this at 71.3 tonnes, which corresponds to an OAT of 61°C and is
equal to the Assumed/FLEX T° given.
 In the same box, the numbers "38-38-43" correspond to the
speeds: V 1 (138 kt), V R (138 kt) and V 2 (143 kt), accordingly.
 Apply the correction: -2, -1, -1 to the above speeds for Packs - ON.
 Additionally, apply the correction: -1, -1, -2 to the above speeds for Engine
Anti-ice - ON.
 No corrections are required for QNH higher than 1013 hPa.
 Finally, after applying the required corrections, the speeds for a reduced
thrust take-off on the 23L dry runway will be:

1. V 1 = 138 - 2 - 1 = 135 kt
2. V R = 138 - 1 - 1 = 136 kt
3. V 2 = 143 - 1 - 2 = 140 kt
Question N° 69
Correct Answer – C
Screen Height is the height of an imaginary screen which the aeroplane would
just clear when taking off or landing in an unbanked attitude with landing gear

Question N° 70
Correct Answer – B
Refer to figures.
To calculate the V speeds use the given graph and table in the following

1. Initially, enter the density sub-graph with pressure altitude (1 500 ft) and
ambient temperature (+25°C) to determine which of the columns of the
table should be used.
2. The intersection in the density sub-graph shows "B" column, so use
the "B" column of the V speed table.
3. Enter the V speed tables at the actual take-off mass (60 000 kg) and
extract V 1 : 145 kt, V R : 148 kt, and V 2 : 155 kt.
4. Correct only V 1 for slope (-1%) and for wind component (-5 kt) by entering
the table at the top of the table, as appropriate, at the actual take-off
mass and interpolate the correction necessary.
5. Apply the corrections to V 1 : 145 kt - 1(for downslope) -1(for tailwind)= 143
Thus, the take-off speeds are V 1 =143 kt, V R =148 kt, V 2 =155 kt.
Question N° 71
Correct Answer – C
Specific Range (SR) is a measure of range capability expressed as the air
distance (NAM) travelled per unit of fuel consumed or as TAS divided by fuel
flow. A high Specific Range equals a good range capability.

 A heavier aircraft will burn more fuel. Consequently, the amount of NAM
per unit of fuel decreases.
 A higher ambient temperature (less dense air), results in a loss of engine
efficiency. Consequently, more fuel will be burnt per unit of thrust. SR
decreases. The Specific Fuel Consumption increases.

Question N° 72
Correct Answer – B
CS 23.51 Take-off speeds
(b) For normal utility and aerobatic category aeroplanes, the speed at 15 m (50
ft) above the take-off surface level must not be less than –
(2) For single-engined aeroplanes, the higher of –
(i) A speed that is shown to be safe under all reasonably expected conditions,
including turbulence and complete engine failure; or
(ii) 1·20 V S1 .

Refer to the "Take-off Speed" table.

Read off a 50 ft speed of 82 kt for a mass of 3 400 lb. To obtain V S1 , we need to
divide this value by 1.2:

 VS1 = 82 kt / 1.2 = 68 kt

Question N° 73
Correct Answer – B
If an engine failes, the pilot will put the aircraft into a glide at the best glide
speed, V MD .
According to the Annex IV - Part-CAT - GM1 CAT.POL.A.320: En-route - Single-
engined aeroplanes:

 ENGINE FAILURE: (b) The operator should first increase the scheduled
engine-inoperative gliding performance data by 0.5 % gradient when
verifying the en-route clearance of obstacles and the ability to reach a
suitable place for a forced landing.

Thus, the en-route glide gradients will be steeper than the gross gradients, by
The question asks for the net distance, so we use the net gradient for our
calculations. The assumed en-route gradient shall be the gross gradient of
descent increased by a gradient of 0.5% (worse than average gradient), thus
giving us a safety margin. So, we use a descent gradient of 8.5 %.
Using the formulae given, we get:
1. Still air distance = (Height difference x 100) / Net gradient % = [(8000 ft - 1500
ft) x 100] / 8.5 = 76 470 ft or 76 470 ft/6080 = 12.58 NM.
2. Ground distance = Still air distance x (GS/TAS) = 12.58 NM x (200 kt - 20 kt) /
200 kt = 11.3 NM.
NOTE: The gradient may also be given as a Lift/Drag ratio. For example, if you are
given a L/D ratio 12:1, then if gliding with V MD , your gradient will be 1/12 = 0.083
or 8.33 %.

Question N° 74
Correct Answer – C
Using the given formula and the figure's data, we get the height difference, when
over the power lines at the extension of Rwy 09 (1.5 NM after the end of
TODA): Height Difference = ((GD x TAS)/GS) x Gradient/100 = ((1.5 NM x 6 080 ft
x 133 kt) / (133 kt + 10 kt)) x 5/100 = 424 ft AMSL.
For a single-engined aeroplane, we assume that the required climb gradient will
be achieved at the end of TODA at the screen height of 50 ft. Thus, the height
difference above the power lines is: 424 ft + 50 ft = 474 ft AMSL.
Since, the power lines' elevation is 400 ft AMSL, the aircraft will clear the power
lines on the extended centre line by: 474 ft - 400 ft = 74 ft.

Question N° 75
Correct Answer – B
Jet Aircraft Endurance
Maximum endurance will occur at minimum fuel flow. In a jet aircraft means
minimum thrust and therefore minimum drag, V M D.
Propeller Aircraft Endurance
Minimum fuel flow for a propeller aircraft occurs when power required is
minimum, so the speed to fly for endurance is V MP . V M P is minimum power to
maintain straight and level flight, always less than V M D therefore the speed is
Jet Aircraft Range
The greatest still air range will occur when we get the largest TAS for the
smallest power thrust required, the best TAS/DRAG ratio. This point lies at the
tangent of the power thrust curve, 1.32V M D .
Propeller Aircraft Range
The greatest still air range will occur when we get the largest TAS for the
smallest power required and not thrust. This point lies at the tangent of the
power curve, V M D .

Jet Propeller

Best Range Speed 1.32 VMD VMD

Best Endurance Speed VMD VMP

Question N° 76
Correct Answer – A
CS 25.109 Accelerate-stop distance
(a) The accelerate-stop distance on a dry runway is the greater of the following
(1) The sum of the distances necessary to –
(i) Accelerate the aeroplane from a standing start with all engines
operating to V E F for take-off from a dry runway;
(ii) Allow the aeroplane to accelerate from V EF to the highest speed reached
during the rejected take-off, assuming the critical engine fails at V EF and
the pilot takes the first action to reject the take-off at the V 1 for take-off
from a dry runway; and
(iii) Come to a full stop on a dry runway from the speed reached as
prescribed in sub-paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this paragraph; plus
(iv) A distance equivalent to 2 seconds at the V 1 for take-off from a dry
(2) The sum of the distances necessary to –
(i) Accelerate the aeroplane from a standing start with all engines
operating to the highest speed reached during the rejected take-off,
assuming the pilot takes the first action to reject the take-off at the V 1 for
take-off from a dry runway; and
(ii) With all engines still operating, come to a full stop on a dry runway
from the speed reached as prescribed in subparagraph (a)(2)(i) of this
paragraph; plus
(iii) A distance equivalent to 2 seconds at the V 1 for take-off from a dry

Question N° 77
Correct Answer – C
At cruising altitude an airliner will be flying Mach number, so the operational
limit is the M MO (Maximum Operating Mach Number). The aircraft would initially
descend maintaining a constant mach number. At the crossover altitude, the
limiting speed will become V M O , from which point, the aircraft should be flown at
a constant IAS.
If the aircraft was to keep descending at a constant Mach, the TAS and IAS
would keep increasing, leading to a VMO overspeed situation. Therefore, at the
changeover altitude, the flight crew must stop flying at a Mach number and fly at
constant IAS.

 The climb is carried out in two phases: the first at a constant IAS and the
second at a constant Mach Number, after the crossover altitude.
 The descent is carried out in two phases: the first at a constant Mach
Number and the second at a constant IAS, after the crossover altitude.

Question N° 78
Correct Answer – A
Loose contaminants result in additional drag due to the combination of
displacement of the contaminant by the airplane tires and impingement of the
contaminant spray on the airframe. This contaminant drag provides an
additional force impeding acceleration during a takeoff, or assisting
deceleration during a rejected takeoff.

Fluid contaminants contribute to stopping force by:

 Resisting forward movement of the wheels (i.e., causing displacement

drag); and,
 Creating spray that strikes the landing gear and airframe (i.e.,
causing impingement drag).

Question N° 79
Correct Answer – A
Refer to figure.
a) Enter the graph at aerodrome ambient temperature of +33ºC.
b) Move vertically to the aerodrome pressure altitude of 2 000 ft.
c) Travel horizontally left to the flap reference line and apply the appropriate
setting to read climb limit mass of approx. 57 900 kg.
d) Apply any corrections necessary:
To get the correct climb limited take-off mass, we should add 900 kg to 57 900
kg. However, the highest available option is 57 900 kg.
Question N° 80
Correct Answer – A
Refer to figure.
The Crossover Altitude is the altitude where a specific Indicated Airspeed (IAS)
becomes a specific Mach number (M). It is the altitude where a specified IAS
and Mach number represent the same TAS.
Below the Crossover Altitude, the climb/descent is performed maintaining a
constant IAS. Whereas above the Crossover Altitude, the climb/descent is
performed maintaining a constant Mach number. At the Crossover Altitude,
there is one value of TAS which corresponds to the given Mach number and the
given IAS at the same time.
In this case, the crossover altitude of this aircraft has been incorrectly raised
higher up. This is because the altitude where 250KIAS = M0.78 is higher than
the altitude where 250 KIAS = 0.75. (Draw an ECTM graph or use the finger trick
to prove this to yourself if necessary.)
As this is a tricky question requiring a lot of thought, let us go through both the
climb scenario and the descent scenario.

In the climb scenario, before/below the CA (crossover altitude), we are flying at

a constant IAS, with our Mach No. increasing as we climb. As the CA is now
higher than it should be, it means we spend more time increasing our Mach No.,
and that means it may go over our M MO . We cannot breach our V MO here as we
are flying at a constant IAS before the CA, and then a reducing IAS after the CA.

In the descent scenario, we are initially descending with constant Mach No., but
increasing IAS. As the CA is higher up than usual, we reach it earlier, and our IAS
is not able to increase up to its usual value, so our descent below the CA may be
at a lower speed, however, there is no chance of overspeed in the
descent scenario, either by breaching the V MO or the M MO . We start with a
constant Mach No., decreasing after the CA, and our IAS initially increases, but
to a lower value than usual, then remains constant.

So to conclude, the only opportunity for any type of overspeed here is

by breaching M MO , and that would be possible when in the climb.
Question N° 81
Correct Answer – C
A contaminated runway is a runway where more than 25% of the surface area is
covered in either:

 More than 3 mm of water or its equivalent in wet snow or slush

 Compacted snow which will resist further compression and either hold
together or break into lumps when picked up or
 Ice, including wet ice.

Taking off or landing on Contaminated Runways involves increased levels of risk

related to deceleration and directional control.
Operating procedures may further restrict all such operations, or impose flight
crew-specific restrictions, requirements or limitations, such as by applying
special crosswind limitations in case of contaminated runways.
The Operations Manual, among other parts, contains Part B which refers to:

1. General information and units of measurement

2. Limitations
3. Abnormal and emergency procedures
4. Performance
5. Flight planning
6. Mass and Balance
7. Loading
8. Configuration Deviation List
9. Minimum Equipment List
10. Survival and emergency eqiopment including oxygen
11. Emergency evacuation procedures
12. Aeroplane systems

Question N° 82
Correct Answer – A
The take-off distance available is the take-off run available plus any clearway
and cannot be more than 1.5 the TORA. If there is no clearway at the aerodrome,
then the take-off distance available will be the same length as the take-off run
Distance from the start of the take-off run to the nearest point in the direction of
take-off at which the aircraft cannot roll over the surface and be brought to rest
in case of an aborted take-off without risk of accident. ASDA consists of TORA
plus the stopway if available.
Question N° 83
Correct Answer – B
Refer to figure.
Power required is the product of drag multiplied by the TAS flown: Pwr required
= DRAG x TAS. Thus, with increasing TAS, parasite drag increases and as a
consequence the power required increases too.
The minimum power required is produced when the aircraft is flying with the
minimum power required speed (V MP ), which exists at the lowest point of the
power required curve.
For a propeller-driven aircraft, V MP is also the best endurance speed, which gives
the minimum power required to maintain level flight and is the point where the
product of speed and drag (DRAG x TAS) are at a minimum.
Any increase or decrease of the TAS above or below the VMP
correspondingly, increases the power required and as a result the fuel flow and
decreases the aircraft’s endurance.

Release date: 2023.01.29.

Question N° 84
Correct Answer – D
For a multi-engined Performance Class B aeroplane operated for Commercial Air
Transport, the landing distance must not exceed 70% of the Landing Distance
Available (LDA), which equates to a factor of 1.43.
For this question, the LDA needs to be factored down according to the field
length requirements on CAP 698 Section 3 - MEP1 p.17:

 1.43 for the regulations

 1.15 for the grass runway up to 20 cm long
 1.15 for the wet condition of the runway
 No allowance is permitted for upslope
Therefore, the defactored landing distance will be: 4850 ÷ 1.15 ÷ 1.15 ÷ 1.43
= 2564 ft
Note: All the factors are cumulative and can be applied in any order.

Question N° 85
Correct Answer – A
According to the Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance
Material (GM) for CAT flights:

 AMC1 CAT.POL.A.320 En-route — Single-engined Aeroplanes - ENGINE

FAILURE: CAT.POL.A.320 (a) requires the operator to ensure that in the
event of an engine failure, the aeroplane should be capable of reaching a
point from which a safe forced landing can be made. Unless otherwise
specified by the competent authority, this point should be 1 000 ft above
the intended landing area.
 GM1 CAT.POL.A.320 En-route — Single-engined Aeroplanes - ENGINE

(a) In the event of an engine failure, single-engined aeroplanes have to rely on

gliding to a point suitable for a safe forced landing. Such a procedure is
clearly incompatible with flight above a cloud layer that extends below the
relevant minimum safe altitude.
(b) The operator should first increase the scheduled engine-inoperative gliding
performance data by 0.5 % gradient when verifying the en-route clearance of
obstacles and the ability to reach a suitable place for a forced landing.
(c) The altitude at which the rate of climb equals 300 ft per minute is not a
restriction on the maximum cruising altitude at which the aeroplane can fly in
practice, it is merely the maximum altitude from which the engine-inoperative
procedure can be planned to start.

Question N° 86
Correct Answer – A
Refer to figure.
A Regulated Take-Off Weight (RTOW) table is a simplified form of table to use
and is produced for a specific aircraft type on a particular runway and shows
MTOM and speeds for a variety of temperatures and pressure altitudes,
sometimes giving different configuration options.

 First of all, the wind direction 050 o is exactly in line with the runway 23L,
so the wind speed of 6 kt is a tailwind.
 The question asks to take the more conservative data points and not
interpolate, so enter the RTOW chart from the "-10 kt column".
 In each box, the Maximum Take-off Mass is at the top left. Move vertically
down the "-10 kt column", until you reach at MTOM just over the Actual
TOM given, 67050 kg.
 We find this at 67.1 tonnes, which corresponds to an OAT of 63°C and is
equal to the Assumed/FLEX T° given.
 In the same box, the numbers "29-29-33" correspond to the
speeds: V 1 (129 kt), V R (129 kt) and V 2 (133 kt), accordingly.
 QNH is 1003 hPa, so apply the corrections: 0, 0, +1 to the above speeds
for "QNH 1013 -10 hPa".
 Additionally, apply the corrections: -6, -3, -2 to the above speeds for Wet
 No corrections are required for Engine anti-ice and Packs.
 Finally, after applying the required corrections, the speeds for a "reduced
thrust take-off" on the 23L dry runway will be:

1. V 1 = 129 - 6 = 123 kt
2. V R = 129 - 3 = 126 kt
3. V 2 = 133 + 1 - 2 = 132 kt
Question N° 87
Correct Answer – C
Refer to figure.
Start with Drift down level off value.
(1) Enter the graph on the left scale at a pressure altitude of 16 000 ft.
(2) Travel horizontally to the right so that you intersect the 60 000 kg* reference
line. This intersection occurs approximately at 1/3 of distance between the 1
000 and 1 500 kg reference dashed lines => we will, therefore, burn around 1
150 kg of fuel.
(3) Track vertically down and read the result of approx. 31 min.
(4) Continue down and correct for a a 25 kt tailwind by following the reference
lines. Read a ground distance from engine failure of approximately 182 NM.
*Note: The equivalent gross mass of 60 000 kg comes from Gross Mass at engine
failure (58 050 kg) + the Engine Anti-ice ON correction (1 950 kg).
Question N° 88
Correct Answer – B
Refer to figure.
Power required is the power needed at any given speed to overcome the
particular amount of drag that exists at that speed and Power available is the
rate of application of thrust at a given speed. Both powers are given by the

 Power available = Thrust x Speed (TAS)

 Power required = Thrust Required x Speed (TAS)

The aircraft flying at constant lift, resulting from constant Indicated Airspeed
and angle of attack, will essentially fly at a higher True Airspeed at a higher
altitude, because the loss of air density must be compensated for by an
increased speed of flight to maintain the required dynamic pressure on the
wings. Thus, the power required increases with increasing altitude, moving the
Power Required vs. TAS up and right along the tangent to the origin.
Thrust produced by an engine decreases with altitude, because of the
decreasing air density, which does not allow the engine to burn as much fuel.
Also, the True Airspeed will increase for a constant Indicated Airspeed, but at a
lower rate than the thrust reduces. Thus, the power available will decrease with
increasing altitude and the "Power availbale vs. TAS" curve will move down and
Question N° 89
Correct Answer – A
Refer to figure.
Enter the graph at an OAT of +8ºC. Track vertically upwards to a pressure
altitude of 85 ft: it extends beyond the limits of the graph, which means it
extends outside the aircraft structural limit.
Note: This question is ambiguous, and it seems that there are 2 correct answers.
"it cannot be determined." is essentially correct, because the question does
actually ask for the MTOM, and that's indeterminable. Perhaps the original
question provides further info which makes the correct option clear.
Question N° 90
Correct Answer – C
The total drag is made up of two components: the induced drag (the lift
dependent drag), which is high at low speeds and the parasite drag (resistance
felt as a drag), which is greatest at high speeds. The induced and parasite drag
can be added together to create the known "total drag curve". The lowest point
of the total drag curve corresponds to the minimum drag speed, V M D , where the
induced drag equals to the parasite one.
The shape and the position of the total drag curve on a "Drag vs. Speed" graph
depends on many factors, one of which is the aircraft's mass change.
On every flight, the mass steadily decreases as the fuel is burned off. With a
decreased mass, the parasite drag stays unchanged, because the shape of the
aircraft is unchanged, but the lower value of the lift required decreases the
induced drag. Thus, the left hand side of the total drag curve moves down and
left. As a consequence, the curve has a bottom point further to the left and the
V M D decreases.
The figure that represents the above situation, as much as possible, is Figure 2.

Question N° 91
Correct Answer – A
Once in the air the headwind works against the aircraft's progress: The
groundspeed of the aircraft is equal to its airspeed minus the headwind, so for
instance, for a 10 kt headwind, while you're cruising at 100 knots airspeed you're
only making 90 knots over the ground. We can conclude that a stronger
headwind means that the groundspeed is lower than expected.
Consequently, it will take longer to travel the horizontal distance from TOD. If
the rate of descent remains the same, the aircraft will arrive at the required level
before the planned position. Therefore, the rate of descent should be reduced.

Question N° 92
Correct Answer – B
CAP 698 – Landing MEP1
Field Length Requirements
a) The landing distance, from a screen height of 50 ft, must not exceed 70% of
the landing distance available, i.e. a factor of 1.43.
b) If the landing surface is grass up to 20 cm long on firm soil, the landing
distance should be multiplied by a factor of 1.15.
c) If the METAR or TAF or combination of both indicate that the runway may be
wet at the estimated time of arrival, the landing distance should be multiplied
by a factor of 1.15.
d) The landing distance should be increased by 5% for each 1% downslope. No
allowance is permitted for upslope.
e) The despatch rules for scheduled (planned) landing calculations are in JAR-
OPS 1.550 (c)

Question N° 93
Correct Answer – B
Using the given formula and the figure's data, we get the height difference, when
above the trees at the extension of Rwy 18 (2 NM after the end of TODA): Height
Difference = ((GD x TAS)/GS) x Gradient/100 = ((2 NM x 6080 ft x 124 kt) / (124
kt - 10 kt)) x 9/100 = 1190.4 ft AMSL.
For a single-engined aeroplane, we assume that the required climb gradient will
be achieved at the end of TODA at the screen height of 50 ft. Thus, the height
difference above the trees is: 1190.4 ft + 50 ft = 1240.4 ft AMSL.
Since, the trees' elevation is 800 ft AMSL, the aircraft will clear the trees on the
extended centre line by: 1240.4 ft - 800ft = 440.4 ft.

Question N° 94
Correct Answer – B

 A defined rectangular area on the ground or water, at the departure end of

the runway selected or prepared as a suitable area over which an
aeroplane may make a portion of its initial climb to a specified height.
 This will include the Stopway if there is one.
 A clearway should extend laterally to a distance of at least 75 m (250 ft)
on each side of the extended centre line of the runway.
 The length of a clearway should not exceed half the length of the take-off
run available.
Question N° 95
Correct Answer – B
Refer to figure.
Considering this graph, first we can calculate the head/tailwind component to
be 0kts, as 140° is perpendicular to runway 23, so it is a full crosswind. Then
given the outside air temperature of +10°C, we have to choose the most limiting
RTOM from 78.0 and 78.7 Tonnes, which will be 78.0 Tonnes (78,000 kg), and
therefore mean that we are in the box which uses V1 = 147kt, VR = 147kt, V2 =
We then have to take any extra factors into account; in this case, we can apply a
factor for QNH pressures below 1013, and we are 5 hPa below it at 1008 hPa,
but we are not allowed to interpolate, so we have to apply a full 80 kg reduction
for pressure. We will have to account for the fact that our engine anti-ice is on,
which is an MTOM reduction of 380 kg. We then have to account for the wet
runway also, which is a reduction of 430 kg.
78,000 - 80 - 380 - 430 = 77,110 kg
Question N° 96
Correct Answer – D
A derated thrust take-off is considered to be a normal take-off and therefore can
be carried out both on dry and on wet and contaminated runways, always
subject to the Aircraft Flight Manual data and other operating restrictions.
Because the take-off speeds are calculated at the lower thrust, the derated
thrust setting is considered to be a limit and therefore full thrust or TOGA thrust
cannot be selected, even in an emergency, until the hazard area for V MC G and
V M CA is well passed.
The primary advantage of the derated thrust take-offs, compared to flex take-
offs, is that the lower rated thrust will lead to lower values of V MCG and V MC A and
this fact may avoid a V M CG limited take-off, in some circumstances, leading to a
greater MTOM at a lower thrust setting.
The requirement is that V 1 must be greater than V MC G , so a lower value of
V M CG may allow a higher limiting TOM, improving the take off performance.
NOTE: Remember that flexible or reduced thrust take-offs are not permitted on
contaminated runways and offer no V MC advantage, because it is possible and
permitted to increase to TOGA thrust at any point during the take-off, so no
reduction in V MCG is possible and a greater distance to V 1 will result. This is why
flexible thrust is not permitted when anything causes a reduction in aircraft
performance (e.g. contamination) or an increase on take-off run required (e.g.
increased V 2 ).

Question N° 97
Correct Answer – B
Specific fuel consumption (SFC) in a jet is the fuel flow per unit of thrust, while
SFC for a propeller is the fuel flow per unit of power.
The SFC is only an engine consideration and is not affected by drag, which is an
airframe consideration.
In a turbojet engine, SFC is lowest when the air temperature is low and the
engine is running at its design rpm of approximately 90 to 95% rpm.
This means that SFC is proportional to temperature.
It also means that the engine is most efficient at high altitude where the thrust
required to overcome drag is approximately 90 to 95% of the thrust available.
Question N° 98
Correct Answer – B
Maximum Specific Range over the Ground (SRG) is the greatest ground range
covered for a specific fuel flow.
The specific fuel consumption (SFC) for a turbine engine improves its efficiency
as the temperature decreases. That means that, SFC will reduce as the aircraft
climbs towards the tropopause and then once in stratosphere it stays broadly
the same as the aircraft continues to climb. SFC also increases almost linearly
as speed increases.
Thus, the SFC occurs at low IAS, at low temperatures and at high altitudes.
The greatest SRG will occur when we get the highest GS for the lowest power
Thus, for a propeller aeroplane, the increase in power required, caused by an
increasing TAS in the climb, offsets the gains in SFC and SRG as you climb.
Question N° 99
Correct Answer – D
Refer to figure.
First of all, we must insert a Pressure Altitude in the graph and we are given a
True Altitude (based on QNH). Therefore, we must convert it into a PA: Let's
assume 1 hPa = 27 ft/hPa

 QNH 1030 hPa; Standard Pressure 1013 hPa

1030 hPa - 1013 hPa = 17 hPa

17 hPa x 27 ft/hPa = 459 ft
QNH is higher than Standard Pressure, therefore PA will be lower than TA: 6 000
ft - 459 ft = 5 541 ft

Now that we have calculated the Pressure Altitude, we are ready to enter the
(1) Enter the graph at the bottom left at 13ºC. Draw a vertical line up until you
intersect the Pressure Altitude of 5 541 ft.
(2) From this point, continue horizontally to the right until you intersect the "REF
LINE". Thereafter, continue diagonally up and to the right to the value of 3 100
(3) Continue horizontally to the right and read the RATE OF CLIMB ft/min value
of 1140 ft/min.
(4) From this point, continue horizontally until the next "REF LINE". Now, draw a
diagonal line up and to the right until you intersect the imaginary line which
corresponds to 110 KT IAS. Thereafter, continue horizontally to the right and
read a value of approx. 10.1% for CLIMB GRADIENT.
Question N° 100
Correct Answer – D
CS 25.119 Landing climb: all-engines-operating
In the landing configuration, the steady gradient of climb may not be less than
3·2%, with the engines at the power or thrust that is available 8 seconds
after initiation of movement of the power or thrust controls from the minimum
flight idle to the go-around power or thrust setting (see AMC 25.119); and
(a) In non-icing conditions, with a climb speed of VREF determined in
accordance with CS 25.125(b)(2)(i); and
(b) In icing conditions with the “Landing Ice” accretion defined in Appendix
C, and with a climb speed of VREF determined in accordance with CS

Question N° 101
Correct Answer – B
Engine Failure and Drift Down
In the case of an engine failure, the remaining thrust is not sufficient to balance
the drag force and the cruise speed cannot be maintained.The only solution is to
descend to a lower flight altitude, where the remaining engine can provide
enough thrust to balance the drag and allow level flight.
As the airplane descends into the lower atmosphere where density is greater,
the remaining engine can develop more thrust which will equal the drag force,
this is the GROSS level-off altitude, but would give no performance margin. So
the DRIFT DOWN PROCEDURE is continued to a lower altitude, the NET level-off

Question N° 102
Correct Answer – C
This question is making a statement about how an aircraft must be built to
avoid buffet within certain parameters. Then you have to check each answer to
decide which one fits the statement fully.We will now analyse each possible
answer and find the most correct one.
When buffet becomes noticeable, it will probably be so severe that the pilot will
NOT be able to read the instruments or to control the aeroplane.
The statement does not mention that all buffet is severe buffet. Light buffet is
possible also, and is easy to correct, with no lasting damage, so this is
The aeroplane has entered an undesired state if high-speed buffet becomes
perceptible and recovery from this may be impossible.
Again, a small amount of high-speed buffet is easy to handle and is definitely
recoverable. Only severe buffet is undesirable and potentially unrecoverable,
again, incorrect.
NO high-speed buffet will occur at any speed up to VMO/MMO, unless the
aeroplane is approaching the stall.
The statement specified that there may be no perceptible buffeting condition in
the cruise configuration in straight flight at any speed up to VMO/MMO (other
than stall buffet). It only specifies straight flight though; and does not stop
high-speed buffet during manoeuvres within this speed range. Therefore, buffet
is possible within the speed range and this answer is incorrect.
High-speed buffet may occur at speeds around VMO/MMO during manoeuvres
away from straight flight.
This is true; as said previously, there is no part of the statement that
disallows high-speed buffet during manoeuvres, so it can occur.

Question N° 103
Correct Answer – B
Theoretically, the Long Range Cruise should be the same speed and technique
as Maximum Range. However, a higher power setting is usually recommended,
which still gives a good specific range (about 99% of the maximum range)
but increases the speed and decreases sector times. The Long Range Cruise
(LRC) speed is approximately 4% faster than maximum range speed with a fuel
penalty of approximately 1%.
Cost Index = Cost of Time ÷ Cost of Fuel

 We can conclude that the LRC speed corresponds to a higher cost index
than the Maximum Range Speed.

Question N° 104
Correct Answer – A
Class A Net Take-off Distance Required
The take-off distance required is the greatest of the following three distances:

 All engines operating. The horizontal distance travelled, with all engines
operating, to reach a screen height of 35 ft multiplied by 1.15
 One engine inoperative (dry runway). The horizontal distance from BRP to
the point at which the airplane attains 35 ft, assuming the critical power
unit fails at V E F on a dry, hard surface.

One engine inoperative (wet runway). The horizontal distance from BRP to the
point at which the airplane attains 15 ft, assuming the critical power unit fails at
V E F on a wet or contaminated hard surface, achieved in a manner consistent with
the achievement of V 2 by 35 ft.

Question N° 105
Correct Answer – C
Refer to figure.
ICAO Annex 14
Chapter 1
Stopway. A defined rectangular area on the ground at the end of take-off run
available prepared as a suitable area in which an aircraft can be stopped in the
case of an abandoned take-off.
Clearway. A defined rectangular area on the ground or water under the control of
the appropriate authority, selected or prepared as a suitable area over which an
aeroplane may make a portion of its initial climb to a specified height.

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