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HOME Corporate Governance Organizational Framework Securities and Exchange Board of India

(SEBI) Kumar Mangalam Birla Committee

Concept and Objectives
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Organizational Framework
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Benefits and Limitations
Future Prospects
Suggestions and Opinions

Kumar Mangalam Birla Committee
In early 1999, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) had set up a committee under
Shri Kumar Mangalam Birla, member SEBI Board, to promote and raise the standards of good
corporate governance. The report submitted by the committee is the first formal and
comprehensive attempt to evolve a Code of Corporate Governance', in the context of
prevailing conditions of governance in Indian companies, as well as the state of capital
The Committee's terms of the reference were to:
suggest suitable amendments to the listing agreement executed by the stock
exchanges with the companies and any other measures to improve the standards of
corporate governance in the listed companies, in areas such as continuous disclosure
of material information, both financial and non-financial, manner and frequency of
such disclosures, responsibilities of independent and outside directors;

draft a code of corporate best practices; and

suggest safeguards to be instituted within the companies to deal with insider
information and insider trading.

The primary objective of the committee was to view corporate governance from the
perspective of the investors and shareholders and to prepare a Code' to suit the Indian
corporate environment.
The committee had identified the Shareholders, the Board of Directors and the
Management as the three key constituents of corporate governance and attempted to
identify in respect of each of these constituents, their roles and responsibilities as also their
rights in the context of good corporate governance.
Corporate governance has several claimants shareholders and other stakeholders - which
include suppliers, customers, creditors, and the bankers, the employees of the company, the
government and the society at large. The Report had been prepared by the committee,
keeping in view primarily the interests of a particular class of stakeholders, namely, the
shareholders, who together with the investors form the principal constituency of SEBI while
not ignoring the needs of other stakeholders.
Mandatory and non-mandatory recommendations
The committee divided the recommendations into two categories, namely, mandatory and
non- mandatory. The recommendations which are absolutely essential for corporate
governance can be defined with precision and which can be enforced through the amendment
of the listing agreement could be classified as mandatory. Others, which are either desirable
or which may require change of laws, may, for the time being, be classified as non-
Mandatory Recommendations:
Applies To Listed Companies With Paid Up Capital Of Rs . 3 Crore And Above
Composition Of Board Of Directors Optimum Combination Of Executive & Non-
Executive Directors

Audit Committee With 3 Independent Directors With One Having Financial And
Accounting Knowledge.

Remuneration Committee
Board Procedures Atleast 4 Meetings Of The Board In A Year With Maximum Gap Of
4 Months Between 2 Meetings. To Review Operational Plans, Capital Budgets,
Quarterly Results, Minutes Of Committee's Meeting.Director Shall Not Be A Member Of
More Than 10 Committee And Shall Not Act As Chairman Of More Than 5 Committees
Across All Companies

Management Discussion And Analysis Report Covering Industry Structure,

Opportunities, Threats, Risks, Outlook, Internal Control System

Information Sharing With Shareholders

Non-Mandatory Recommendations:
Role Of Chairman
Remuneration Committee Of Board
Shareholders' Right For Receiving Half Yearly Financial PerformancePostal Ballot
Covering Critical Matters Like Alteration In Memorandum Etc

Sale Of Whole Or Substantial Part Of The Undertaking

Corporate Restructuring
Further Issue Of Capital
Venturing Into New Businesses
As per the committee, the recommendations should be made applicable to the listed
companies, their directors, management, employees and professionals associated with such
companies, in accordance with the time table proposed in the schedule given later in this
section. Compliance with the code should be both in letter and spirit and should always be in
a manner that gives precedence to substance over form. The ultimate responsibility for
putting the recommendations into practice lies directly with the board of directors and the
management of the company.
The recommendations will apply to all the listed private and public sector companies, in
accordance with the schedule of implementation. As for listed entities, which are not
companies, but body corporates (e.g. private and public sector banks, financial institutions,

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insurance companies etc.) incorporated under other statutes, the recommendations will apply
to the extent that they do not violate their respective statutes, and guidelines or directives
issued by the relevant regulatory authorities .
The Committee recognizes that compliance with the recommendations would involve
restructuring the existing boards of companies. It also recognizes that some companies,
especially the smaller ones, may have difficulty in immediately complying with these
The recommendations were implemented through Clause 49 of the Listing Agreements, in a
phased manner by SEBI.
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Related Links: Kumar Mangalam Birla Committee Report
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
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