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[G.R. No. 97785. March 29, 1996.


RORY W. LIM, Respondents.

Balgos & Perez for Petitioner.

Paldan, Sutton, Mendoza & Associates, Go Cojuangco Mendoza & Ligon for Private


1. CIVIL LAW; CONTRACTS; CONTRACT OF ADHESION; DEFINED. — A contract of adhesion is defined

as one in which one of the parties imposes a ready-made form of contract, which the other party may
accept or reject, but which the latter cannot modify. One party prepares the stipulation in the
contract, while the other party merely affixes his signature or his "adhesion" thereto, giving no room
for negotiation and depriving the latter of the opportunity to bargain on equal footing. Nevertheless,
these types of contracts have been declared as binding as ordinary contracts, the reason being that
the party who adheres to the contract is free to reject it entirely.

TO PUBLIC POLICY; CASE AT BAR. — It is equally important to stress, though, that the Court is not
precluded from ruling out blind adherence to their terms if the attendant facts and circumstances
show that they should be ignored for being obviously too one-sided. On previous occasions, it has
been declared that a contract of adhesion may be struck down as void and unenforceable, for being
subversive to public policy, only when the weaker party is imposed upon in dealing with the dominant
bargaining party and is reduced to the alternative of taking it or leaving it, completely deprived of the
opportunity to bargain on equal footing. And when it has been shown that the complainant is
knowledgeable enough to have understood the terms and conditions of the contract, or one whose
stature is such that he is expected to be more prudent and cautious with respect to his transactions,
such party cannot later on be heard to complain for being ignorant or having been forced into merely
consenting to the contract. The factual backdrop of the instant case, however, militates against
applying the aforestated pronouncements. That petitioner failed to discharge its obligation to transmit
private respondent’s telegraphic transfer on time in accordance with their agreement is already a
settled matter as the same is no longer disputed in this petition. Neither is the finding of respondent
Court of Appeals that petitioner acted fraudulently and in bad faith in the performance of its
obligation, being contested by petitioner. Perforce, we are bound by these factual considerations.
Having established that petitioner acted fraudulently and in bad faith, we find it implausible to absolve
petitioner from its wrongful acts on account of the assailed provision exempting it from any liability. In
Geraldez v. Court of Appeals, 230 SCRA 320, 331 [1994], it was unequivocally declared that
notwithstanding the enforceability of a contractual limitation, responsibility arising from a fraudulent
act cannot be exculpated because the same is contrary to public policy. Indeed, Article 21 of the Civil
Code is quite explicit in providing that" [a]ny person who willfully causes loss or injury to another in a
manner that is contrary to morals, good customs or public policy shall compensate the latter for the
damage." Freedom of contract is subject to the limitation that the agreement must not be against
public policy and any agreement or contract made in violation, of this rule is not binding and will not
be enforced. The prohibition against this type of contractual stipulation is moreover treated by law as
void which may not be ratified or waived by a contracting party. Undoubtedly, the services being
offered by a banking institution like petitioner are imbued with public interest. The use of telegraphic
transfers have now become commonplace among businessmen because it facilitates commercial
transactions. Any attempt to completely exempt one of the contracting parties from any liability in
case of loss notwithstanding its bad faith, fault or negligence, as in the instant case, cannot be
sanctioned for being inimical to public interest and therefore contrary to public policy. Resultingly,
there being no dispute that petitioner acted fraudulently and in bad faith, the award of moral and
exemplary damages were proper.



This is a petition for review on certiorari seeking the reversal of the Decision of the Court of Appeals in
CA-G.R. No. 18843 promulgated on July 30, 1990, and the Resolution dated March 11, 1991, affirming
with modification the judgment of the Regional Trial Court of Gingoog City which held petitioner
Philippine Commercial International Bank (PCIB) liable for damages resulting from its breach of
contract with private respondent Rory W. Lim.

Disputed herein is the validity of the stipulation embodied in the standard application form/receipt
furnished by petitioner for the purchase of a telegraphic transfer which relieves it of any liability
resulting from loss caused by errors or delays in the course of the discharge of its services.

The antecedent facts are as follows: chanrob1es virtual 1aw library

On March 13, 1986, private respondent Rory Lim delivered to his cousin Lim Ong Tian PCIB Check No.
JJJ 24212467 in the amount of P200,000.00 for the purpose of obtaining a telegraphic transfer from
petitioner PCIB in the same amount. The money was to be transferred to Equitable Banking
Corporation, Cagayan de Oro Branch, and credited to private respondent’s account at the said bank.
Upon purchase of the telegraphic transfer, petitioner issued the corresponding receipt dated March 13,
1986 [T/T No. 284] 1 which contained the assailed provision, to wit:

"A G R E E M E N T

x          x          x

In case of fund transfer, the undersigned hereby agrees that such transfer will be made without any
responsibility on the part of the BANK, or its correspondents, for any loss occasioned by errors, or
delays in the transmission of message by telegraph or cable companies or by the correspondents or
agencies, necessarily employed by this BANK in the transfer of this money, all risks for which are
assumed by the undersigned." cralaw virtua1aw library

Subsequent to the purchase of the telegraphic transfer, petitioner in turn issued and delivered eight
(8) Equitable Bank checks 2 to his suppliers in different amounts as payment for the merchandise that
he obtained from them. When the checks were presented for payment, five of them bounced for
insufficiency of funds, 3 while the remaining three were held overnight for lack of funds upon
presentment. 4 Consequent to the dishonor of these checks, Equitable Bank charged and collected the
total amount of P1,100.00 from private Respondent. The dishonor of the checks came to private
respondent’s attention only on April 2, 1986, when Equitable Bank notified him of the penalty charges
and after receiving letters from his suppliers that his credit was being cut-off due to the dishonor of
the checks he issued.

Upon verification by private respondent with the Gingoog Branch Office of petitioner PCIB, it was
confirmed that his telegraphic transfer (T/T No. 284) for the sum of P200,000.00 had not yet been
remitted to Equitable Bank, Cagayan de Oro branch. In fact, petitioner PCIB made the corresponding
transfer of funds only on April 3, 1986, twenty one (21) days after the purchase of the telegraphic
transfer on March 13, 1986.

Aggrieved, private respondent demanded from petitioner PCIB that he be compensated for the
resulting damage that he suffered due to petitioners failure to make the timely transfer of funds which
led to the dishonor of his checks. !n a letter dated April 23, 1986, PCIB’s Branch Manager Rodolfo
Villarmia acknowledged their failure to transmit the telegraphic transfer on time as a result of their
mistake in using the control number twice and the petitioner bank’s failure to request confirmation
and act positively on the disposition of the said telegraphic transfer. 5

Nevertheless, petitioner refused to heed private respondent’s demand prompting the latter to file a
complaint for damages with the Regional Trial Court of Gingoog City 6 on January 16, 1987. In his
complaint, private respondent alleged that as a result of petitioners total disregard and gross violation
of its contractual obligation to remit and deliver the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Pesos
(P200,000.00) covered by T/T No. 284 to Equitable Banking Corporation, Cagayan de Oro Branch,
private respondent’s checks were dishonored for insufficient funds thereby causing his business and
credit standing to suffer considerably for which f petitioner should be ordered to pay damages. 7

Answering the complaint, petitioner denied any liability to private respondent and interposed as
special and affirmative defense the lack of privity between it and private respondent as it was not
private respondent himself who purchased the telegraphic transfer from petitioner. Additionally,
petitioner pointed out that private respondent is nevertheless bound by the stipulation in the
telegraphic transfer application/form receipt 8 which provides:

". . . In case of fund transfer, the undersigned hereby agrees that such transfer will be made without
any responsibility on the part of the BANK, or its correspondents, for any loss occasioned by errors or
delays in the transmission of message by telegraph or cable companies or by correspondents or
agencies, necessarily employed by this BANK in the transfer of this money, all risks for which are
assumed by the undersigned." cralaw virtua1aw library

According to petitioner, they utilized the services of RCPI-Gingoog City to transmit the message
regarding private respondent’s telegraphic transfer because their telex machine was out of order at
that time. But as it turned out, it was only on April 3, 1986 that petitioner’s Cagayan de Oro Branch
had received information about the said telegraphic transfer. 9

In its decision dated July 27, 1988 10 the Regional Trial Court of Gingoog City held petitioner liable for
breach of contract and struck down the aforecited provision found in petitioner’s telegraphic transfer
application form/receipt exempting it from any liability and declared the same to be invalid and
unenforceable. As found by the trial court, the provision amounted. to a contract of adhesion wherein
the objectionable portion was unilaterally inserted by petitioner in all its application forms without
giving any opportunity to the applicants to question the same and express their conformity thereto. 11
Thus, the trial court adjudged petitioner liable to private respondent for the following amounts:

"WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of plaintiff and against the defendant, ordering
the latter to pay the former as follows:

P 960,000.00 as moral damages;

P 50,000.00 as exemplary damages;

P 40,000.00 as attorney’s fees; and

P 1,100.00 as reimbursement for the surcharges paid by plaintiff to

the Equitable Banking Corporation, plus costs, all with legal interest of 6% per annum from the date of
this judgment until the same shall have been paid in full." 12

Upon appeal by petitioner to the Court of Appeals, respondent court affirmed with modifications the
judgment of the trial court and ordered as follows:

"WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered affirming the appealed decision with
modification, as follows:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
The defendant-appellant is ordered to pay to the plaintiff-appellee the following: chanrob1es virtual 1aw library

1. The sum of Four Hundred Thousand (P400,000.00) Pesos as/for moral damages;

2. The sum of Forty Thousand (P40,000.00) Pesos as exemplary damage to serve as an example for
the public good;

3. The sum of Thirty Thousand (P30,000.00) Pesos representing attorney’s fees;

4. The sum of One Thousand One Hundred (P1,100.00) Pesos as actual damage, and

5. To pay the costs.


A motion for reconsideration was filed by petitioner but respondent Court of Appeals denied the same.

Still unconvinced, petitioner elevated the case to this Court through the instant petition for review
on certiorari invoking the validity of the assailed provision found in the application form/receipt
exempting it from any liability in case of loss resulting from errors or delays in the transfer of funds.

Petitioner mainly argues that even assuming that the disputed provision is a contract of adhesion,
such fact alone does not make it invalid because this type of contract is not absolutely prohibited.
Moreover, the terms thereof are expressed clearly, leaving no room for doubt, and both contracting
parties understood and had full knowledge of the same.

Private respondent however contends that the agreement providing non-liability on petitioner’s part in
case of loss caused by errors or delays despite its recklessness and negligence is void for being
contrary to public policy and interest. 15

A contract of adhesion is defined as one in which one of the parties imposes a ready-made form of
contract, which the other party may accept or reject, but which the latter cannot modify. 16 One party
prepares the stipulation in the contract, while the other party merely affixes his signature or his
"adhesion" thereto, 17 giving no room for negotiation and depriving the latter of the opportunity to
bargain on equal footing. 18 Nevertheless, these types of contracts have been declared as binding as
ordinary contracts, the reason being that the party who adheres to the contract is free to reject it
entirely. 19 It is equally important to stress, though, that the Court is not precluded from ruling out
blind adherence to their terms if the attendant facts and circumstances show that they should be
ignored for being obviously too one-sided. 20

On previous occasions, it has been declared that a contract of adhesion may be struck down as void
and unenforceable, for being subversive to public policy, only when the weaker party is imposed upon
in dealing with the dominant bargaining party and is reduced to the alternative of taking it or leaving
it, completely deprived of the opportunity to bargain on equal footing. 21 And when it has been shown
that the complainant is knowledgeable enough to have understood the terms and conditions of the
contract, or one whose stature is such that he is expected to be more prudent and cautious with
respect to his transactions, such party cannot later on be heard to complain for being ignorant or
having been forced into merely consenting to the contract. 22

The factual backdrop of the instant case, however, militates against applying the aforestated
pronouncements. That petitioner failed to discharge its obligation to transmit private respondent’s
telegraphic transfer on time in accordance with their agreement is already a settled matter as the
same is no longer disputed in this petition. Neither is the finding of respondent Court of Appeals that
petitioner acted fraudulently and in bad faith in the performance of its obligation, being contested by
petitioner. Perforce, we are bound by these factual considerations.

Having established that petitioner acted fraudulently and in bad faith, we find it implausible to absolve
petitioner from its wrongful acts on account of the assailed provision exempting it from any liability. In
Geraldez v. Court of Appeals, 23 it was unequivocally declared that notwithstanding the enforceability
of a contractual limitation, responsibility arising from a fraudulent act cannot be exculpated because
the same is contrary to public policy. Indeed, Article 21 of the Civil Code is quite explicit in providing
that ‘’[a]ny person who willfully causes loss or Injury to another in a manner that is contrary to
morals, good customs or public policy shall compensate the latter for the damage." Freedom of
contract is subject to the limitation that the agreement must not be against public policy and any
agreement or contract made in violation of this rule is not binding and will not be enforced. 24

The prohibition against this type of contractual stipulation is moreover treated by law as void which
may not be ratified or waived by a contracting party. Article 1409 of the Civil Code states:

"ART. 1409. The following contracts are inexistent and void from the beginning: chanrob1es virtual 1aw library

(1) Those whose cause, object or purpose is contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order or
public policy;

x          x          x

These contracts cannot be ratified. Neither can the right to set up the defense of illegality be waived."
virtua1aw library

Undoubtedly, the services being offered by a banking institution like petitioner are imbued with public
interest. 25 The use of telegraphic transfers have now become commonplace among businessmen
because it facilitates commercial transactions. Any attempt to completely exempt one of the
contracting parties from any liability in case of loss notwithstanding its bad faith, fault or negligence,
as in the instant case, cannot be sanctioned for being inimical to public interest and therefore contrary
to public policy. Resultingly, there being no dispute that petitioner acted fraudulently and in bad faith,
the award of moral 26 and exemplary damages were proper.

But notwithstanding petitioner’s liability for the resulting loss and damage to private respondent, we
find the amount of moral damages adjudged by respondent court in the sum of P400,000.00
exorbitant. Bearing in mind that moral damages are awarded, not to penalize the wrongdoer, but
rather to compensate the claimant for the injuries that he may have suffered, 27 we believe that an
award of Two Hundred Thousand Pesos (P200,000.00) is reasonable under the circumstances.

WHEREFORE, subject to the foregoing modification reducing the amount awarded as moral damages
to the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Pesos (P200,000.00), the appealed decision is hereby


Narvasa, C.J., Davide, Jr., Melo and Panganiban, JJ., concur.


1. Exhibit A

2. Exhibits B, C, D, E, F, G H and I.

3. Exhibits B, C, D, E and G.

4. Exhibits F, H and I.

5. Exhibit 5.

6. Civil Case No. 87-047

7. Complaint, p. 4, Record, p. 4.

8. Exhibit A.

9. Answer, pp. 2-4, Record, pp. 39-41.

10. Record, p. 181.

11. Decision, pp, 11-12, Record, pp. 191-192.

12. Decision, p. 13, Record, p. 193.

13. Decision, p. 12; Rollo, p. 36.

14. Rollo, p. 38.

15. Comment, Rollo, p. 48.

16. Tolentino, Civil Code of the Philippines, Vol. IV (1986 Ed.), p. 506.

17. Serra v. Court of Appeals, 229 SCRA 60, 67 (1994).

18. Geraldez v. Court of Appeals, 230 SCRA 320, 331 (1994).

19. Serra v. Court of Appeals, supra.

20. Pan-American World Airways, Inc. v. Rapadas, 209 SCRA 67, 75 (1992).

21. Saludo, Jr. v. Court of Appeals, 207 SCRA 498, 528 (1992) citing Qua Chee Gan v. Law Union and Rock Insurance Co.,
Ltd., etc., 98 Phil 85 (1955); Fieldman’s Insurance Co. Inc. v. Vda. de Songco, 25 SCRA 70 (1968); Sweet Lines v. Teves,
83 SCRA 361 (1978).

22. Serra v. Court of Appeals, supra.

23. Supra.

24. 17 Am. Jur. 2d, Contracts 257.

25. Simex International Manila, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 183 SCRA 360 (1990).

26. ART. 2220. Willful injury to property may be a legal ground for awarding moral damages if the court should find that,
under the circumstances, such damages are justly due. The same rule applies to breaches of contract where the defendant
acted fraudulently or in bad faith.

27. Bautista v. Mangaldan Rural Bank, Inc., 230 SCRA 16 (1994).

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