Dissolution and Winding Up

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Definition of Dissolution

Dissolution is the change in the relation of the partners caused by any partner ceasing
to be associated in the carrying on of the business; partnership is not terminated but
continues until the winding up of partnership affairs is completed

Dissolution vs. Winding up vs. Termination (Article 1829)

“Dissolution,” “Winding up,” and “Termination” should not be confused because they are
distinct terms in law. Dissolution “designates the point in time when the partners cease
to carry on the business together: termination is the point in time when all partnership
affairs are wound up; winding up is the process of settling partnership affairs after

Causes of Dissolution (Article 1830)

1. Without violation of the agreement between the partners
a. By termination of the definite term/particular undertaking specified in the
b. By the express will of any partner, who must act in good faith, when no
definite term or particular undertaking is specified
c. By the express will of all the partners who have not assigned their
interest/charged them for their separate debts, either before or after the
termination of any specified term or particular undertaking
d. By the bona fide expulsion of any partner from the business in accordance
with power conferred by the agreement
2. In contravention of the agreement between the partners, where the
circumstances do not permit a dissolution under any other provision of this
article, by the express will of any partner at any time
3. By any event which makes it unlawful for business to be carried on/for the
members to carry it on for the partnership
4. Loss of specific thing promised by partner before its delivery
5. Death of any partner
6. Insolvency of a partner/partnership
7. Civil interdiction of any partner
8. Decree of court under Article 1831.

Grounds for Dissolution by Decree of Court (Art. 1831)

9. Partner declared insane in any judicial proceeding or shown to be of unsound
10. Incapacity of partner to perform his part of the partnership contract
11. Partner guilty of conduct prejudicial to business of partnership
12. Willful or persistent breach of partnership agreement or conduct which makes it
reasonably impracticable to carry on partnership with him
13. Business can only be carried on at a loss
14. Other circumstances which render dissolution equitable

Upon application by purchaser of partner's interest:

o After termination of specified term/particular undertaking
o Anytime if partnership at will when interest was assigned/charging order

Effects of Dissolution
A. Authority of Partner to Bind the Partnership
General Rule: Authority of partners to bind partnership is terminated

i. To wind up partnership affairs
ii. To complete unfinished transactions
1. With respect to partners

e. Authority of partners to bind partnership by new contract is immediately
terminated when dissolution is not due to ACT, DEATH or INSOLVENCY
(ADI) of a partner (art 1833);
f. If due to ADI, partners are liable as if partnership not dissolved, when the
ff. concur:
iii. If cause is ACT of partner, acting partner must have knowledge of
such dissolution
iv. If cause is DEATH or INSOLVENCY, acting partner must have
2. With respect to persons not partners (Art.1834)

g. Partner continues to bind partnership even after dissolution in ff. cases:
v. Transactions in connection to winding up partnership
affairs/completing unfinished transactions
vi. Transactions which would bind partnership if not dissolved, when
the other party/obligee:
1. Situation 1 -
a. Had extended credit to partnership prior to dissolution
b. Had no knowledge/notice of dissolution, or
2. Situation 2 -
c. Did not extend credit to partnership
d. Had known partnership prior to dissolution
e. Had no knowledge/notice of dissolution/fact of
dissolution not advertised in a newspaper of general
circulation in the place where partnership is regularly
carried on
h. Partner cannot bind the partnership anymore after dissolution:
vii. Where dissolution is due to unlawfulness to carry on with business
(except: winding up of partnership affairs)
viii. Where partner has become insolvent
ix. Where partner unauthorized to wind up partnership affairs, except
by transaction with one who:
1. Situation 1 -
a. Had extended credit to partnership prior to dissolution
b. Had no knowledge/notice of dissolution, or
2. Situation 2 -
c. Did not extend credit to partnership
d. Had known partnership prior to dissolution
e. Had no knowledge/notice of dissolution/fact of
dissolution not advertised in a newspaper of general
circulation in the place where partnership is regularly
carried on

B. Discharge of Liability

Dissolution does not discharge existing liability of partner, except by agreement


 Partner and himself
 person/partnership continuing the business
 partnership creditors

Rights of Partner Where Dissolution Not in Contravention of Agreement:

x. Apply partnership property to discharge liabilities of partnership
xi. Apply surplus, if any to pay in cash the net amount owed to

Rights of Partner Where Dissolution in Contravention of Agreement:

xii. Partner who did not cause dissolution wrongfully:
3. Apply partnership property to discharge liabilities of the
4. Apply surplus, if any to pay in cash the net amount owed to
5. Indemnity for damages caused by partner guilty of wrongful
6. Continue business in same name during agreed term
7. Possess partnership property if business is continued
xiii. Partner who wrongly caused dissolution:
8. If business not continued by others - apply partnership
property to discharge liabilities of partnership & receive in
cash his share of surplus less damages caused by his
wrongful dissolution
9. If business continued by others - have the value of his
interest at time of dissolution ascertained and paid in
cash/secured by bond & be released from all existing/future
partnership liabilities

Rights of Injured Partner Where Partnership Contract is Rescinded on Ground of

Fraud/Misrepresentation By 1 Party:

xiv. Right to lien on surplus of partnership property after satisfying
partnership liabilities
xv. Right to subrogation in place of creditors after payment of
partnership liabilities
xvi. Right of indemnification by guilty partner against all partnership
debts & liabilities

C. Settlement of Accounts Between Partners Assets of The Partnership

xvii. Partnership property (including goodwill)
xviii. Contributions of the partners

Order of Application of Assets:

xix. Partnership creditors
xx. Partners as creditors
xxi. Partners as investors—return of capital contribution
xxii. Partners as investors—share of profits if any

D. When Business of Dissolved Partnership is Continued

xxiii. Creditors of old partnership are also creditors of the new
partnership which continues the business of the old one w/o
liquidation of the partnership affairs
xxiv. Creditors have an equitable lien on the consideration paid to the
retiring /deceased partner by the purchaser when retiring/deceased
partner sold his interest w/o final settlement with creditors
xxv. Rights if retiring/estate of deceased partner:
10. To have the value of his interest ascertained as of the date
of dissolution
11. To receive as ordinary creditor the value of his share in the
dissolved partnership with interest or profits attributable to
use of his right, at his option
Persons Authorized to Wind Up
15. Partners designated by the agreement
16. In absence of agreement, all partners who have not wrongfully dissolved the
17. Legal representative of last surviving partner

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