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Progress Test 1B – Year 5

Name: __________________________ Class: ______ No.: ___ Date: ___________________________________

Teacher: _______________ Mark: ____________________ Enc. Educação:________________________________

I – Reading
Read the text.
(Lê o texto.)

Game Lovers
Hi! My name is George, I’m 10 years old and I’m from Liverpool, in England. My
family is great and we love video games! My father, Colin, is 35 years old and he’s
a football player. His favourite video game is FIFA 20. My mother’s name is Emily.
She’s 34 years old and she is a teacher. Her favourite video game is Candy Crush
Saga. My twin brother Andy is a Minecraft fan. We are students and our birthday is
on 1st October. My favourite video game is Clash Royale, I love it! When we play
together, we have a lot of fun!

A. Match the family members with their favourite games. Write the letters (a-d).
(Associa os membros da família aos seus jogos preferidos. Escreve as letras a-d.)

a) b) c) d)

1. Colin ____ 2. Emily _____ 3. Andy ____ 4. George _____

B. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).

(Diz se as afirmações são verdadeiras ou falsas.)
1. Colin is 14 years old. 
2. George’s father, Colin, is a teacher. 
3. George has got a twin brother, Andy. 
4. Andy is 12 years old. 
5. Their birthday is in October. 

C. Answer the questions. Complete the answers with ONE word.

(Responde às questões. Completa as respostas com uma palavra.)
1. “How old is George?” “George is ________ years old.”
2. “Where is he from?” “He is from ______________.”
3. “What is his father’s name?” “His father’s name is _____________.”
4. “What is his mother’s job?” “His mother is a _____________.”
5. “When is George and Andy’s birthday?” “George and Andy’s birthday is on 1st ____________.”

High Five – 5.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa, Clara Bugalhão (2020)
II – Language

A. Look at the family tree and circle the correct words to complete the text.
(Observa a árvore genealógica e rodeia as palavras corretas para completares o texto.)

Dolores Aveiro

Hugo Aveiro Kátia Aveiro Elma Aveiro Cristiano Ronaldo

Hello! My name is Cristiano Ronaldo Junior and

these are some members of my big family!
Dolores is my 1
aunt / grandmother. Hugo is my
father’s brother, so he is my 2 uncle / cousin. Katia and
Eva Mateo Alana
Elma are my 3
aunts / mother. Cristiano is my
grandfather / father and my idol! Alana and Eva are
my 5 sisters / sons and Mateo is my 6 father / brother.

B. Label the pictures with the jobs from the box. cook engineer nurse
(Legenda as imagens com as profissões da caixa.) firefighter doctor police officer

1. ______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________

4. ______________________ 5. _______________________ 6. _______________________

High Five – 5.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa, Clara Bugalhão (2020)
C. Circle the correct form of the verb to be.
(Rodeia a forma correta do verbo to be.)

1. I am / is a nurse. I isn’t / am not a doctor.

2. My father’s name are / is Colin. He isn’t / aren’t a police officer.
3. My parents aren’t / isn’t from London. They am / are from Liverpool.
4. My cat am / is black and white.
5. Her birthday isn’t / aren’t in November. It am / is in October.

D. Read the questions and write short answers with the verb to be. There is one example.
(Lê as perguntas e escreve as respostas curtas do verbo to be. Segue o exemplo.)
 Are they doctors? Yes, they are .
1. Is she from Ireland? Yes, ______________
2. Is John a mechanic? No, ______________
3. Are they students? No, ________________
4. Is the house white? Yes, ______________

E. Complete the sentences with a or an.

(Completa as frases com a ou an.)
1. My sister is ____ nurse.
2. Colin is ____ football player.
3. John is ____ architect.
4. I have got ____ apple.
5. She has got ____ cousin.

F. Circle the correct possessive determiner to complete the sentences.

(Rodeia o possessive determiner correto para completares as frases.)

1. Hi! My / Our name is Emma and I’m a teacher.

2. I have got a sister. His / Her name is Anne.
3. Rita and Lisa are sisters. Their / Our house is yellow.
4. Julie and I are friends and my / our school is great!
5. He is a doctor. His / Their name is Paul.

High Five – 5.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa, Clara Bugalhão (2020)
III – Writing

A. Look at the example.

(Observa o exemplo.)
My name is Kate and I’m eleven years old. I’m from Edinburgh, in Scotland.
My birthday is on 23rd March.
My mother is Jane and she is a vet. My father is William and he is a mechanic.

B. Replace the words underlined in the example (A) and write a short text about you.
(Substitui as palavras sublinhadas no exemplo (A) e escreve um pequeno texto sobre ti.)

Good work! 

High Five – 5.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa, Clara Bugalhão (2020)
Answer key
I – Reading (39%)

A. (4 x 1% = 4%)
1. d) | 2. b) | 3. a) | 4. c)
B. (5 x 3% = 15%)
1. F | 2. F | 3. T | 4. F | 5. T

C. (5 x 4% = 20%)
1. ten | 2. Liverpool / England | 3. Colin | 4. teacher | 5. October

II – Language (41%)

A. (6 x 1% = 6%)
1. grandmother | 2. uncle | 3. aunts | 4. father | 5. sisters | 6. brother

B. (6 x 2% = 12%)
1. doctor | 2. cook | 3. firefighter | 4. nurse | 5. police officer | 6. engineer

C. (9 x 1% = 9%)
1. am… ’m not | 2. is… isn’t | 3. aren’t… are | 4. Is | 5. isn’t | is

D. (4 x 1% = 4%)
1. Yes, she is. | 2. No, he isn’t. | 3. No, they aren’t. | 4. Yes, it is.

E. (5 x 1% = 5%)
1. a | 2. a | 3. an | 4. an | 5. a

F. (5 x 1% = 5%)
1. My | 2. Her | 3. Their | 4. our | 5. His

III – Writing (20%)

B. Suggested answer:
My name is … (o teu nome) and I’m … (a tua idade) years old. I’m from… (local onde vives). My birthday is on … (a tua data de
aniversário). My mother is a… (nome da mãe) and she is a… (profissão da mãe). My father is … ( nome do pai) and he is a…
(profissão do pai).

High Five – 5.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa, Clara Bugalhão (2020)

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