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Official Karlsson’s Gambit Written by: Zoey Raven

Version 0.3

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Grym Gudinna Games

This guide will do its utmost to make sure your journey through the
game as painless as possible. I aim to give you the best decisions for
each variable and let you make your own wherever possible.

Warning! – This game has adult content, please make

sure you are of legal age in your country.

Stat Points

[RP/CharacterName] Relationship Points gained/lost per character.

[Good+] Affects character affinity in a positive way.
[Evil+] Affects character affinity in a negative way.
[Sub] Affects characters level of submissiveness.
[Dom] Affects characters level of dominance.
[Shock] Points used to determine character being shocked as punishment.
[Friend] Affects MC friendship with Jake (at least so far).
[Misc Points] All points that are not covered under another color.
[Event Trigger] Triggers that affect dialogues, scenes and choices.

Official Karlsson’s Gambit Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.3

Chapter 1............................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 2............................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 3............................................................................................................................................................................ 12
.................................................................................................................................................................. 18

Official Karlsson’s Gambit Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.3

Chapter 1

Note: Default names will be used throughout the course of this guide.
MC=Kane Jacobs, BF=Jake Robertson, Sis=Olivia Bro=Seth.


1. Choose one:
A) Call her out on her cruelty. [Dom+1] [Good+1]
B) Say nothing but frown. [Sub+1] [Good+1]
C) Tell her you don’t care as long as you’re left alone. [Sub+1] [Evil+1]
D) I could do a better job. [Dom+1] [Evil+1]


2. Choose one:
A) Play it straight.
B) Sarcastic. [Elena+1] [BadJoke]
C) Silent Treatment. [Elena+1]

3. Choose one:
A) Interrupt her forcefully. [Dom+1]
❖ Appeal to her decency and that there is no…
Note: {Go to Taunt}
❖ Argue that if she wants to get something… [Elena+1]
Note: {Go to Prop}
B) Allow her to continue without interruption. [Sub+1]
Note: Go to Taunt.


4. Choose one:
A) Say nothing. [Elena+1]
B) Lash out in anger and stand up to show it. [Shock+1]

Official Karlsson’s Gambit Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.3


5. Choose one:
A) (I think I better obey her. I might stay stuck here for)…
❖ Let her know you feel like you have no… [Sub+1]
Note: {Go to Lick}
❖ I think I want to serve a woman like her. I… [Sub+2]
Note: {Go to Lick}
B) (I don’t want to submit, but my position is very…) [Elena+1] [ElenaMentor]
Note: {Go to Elena}
C) (Maybe she wants pure strength and dominance…) [Dom+1]
Note: Go to Punish}


No Choices. {Go to Test Choice}


No choices. {Go to Test Choice}

Note: You will obtain [Shock+1] by default.


6. Choose one:
A) Grovel at her feet.
B) Refuse to grovel. [Elena+1] [Dom+1] [Shock+1]

Test Choice

7. Choose one:
A) Give him a lesser punishment of one week in solitary. [Good+2]
B) Give him the standard two weeks in solitary.
C) Give him a more severe punishment beyond two…
❖ Have Patricia discipline the prisoner. [Evil+1] [Pat+1] [PatPunish]
❖ Have Samantha discipline the prisoner. [Evil+3] [SamSadist]


8. Choose one:
A) Give the food to 20 prisoners. [Good+2]
B) Give the food to Jake [Good+1] [Friend+1]
C) Keep the food for yourself. [Evil+1] [SelfishEater]

Note: If you obtained [SamSadist] {Go to Samantha Punish}

If you obtained [PatPunish] {Go to Patricia Punish}
Else {Go to Solitary}

Official Karlsson’s Gambit Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.3


9. Choose one:
A) Try and lessen the punishment and object to this… [Good+1]
B) Don’t object to the cage.
{Go to Aftermath}

Patricia Punish

10. Let them kiss. (Your Choice)

{Go to Aftermath}

Samantha Punish

11. Choose one:

A) I don’t think I want to watch Sam. I’m out.
Note: {Go to Aftermath}
B) This sounds bad, but I’m too curious.

12. Choose one:

A) Fuck him, he deserves what gets for attacking me. [Evil+2]
B) No, do you really need to go this far? [Good+1]

13. Choose one:

A) Call her a sick evil woman. [Sam-2] [Good+1] [SamUpset]
B) Comment that you hope you never get on her bad… [Sam+1]
C) Agree with her that it would have been better if she… [Sam+2] [Dom+1]


No choices.
Note: If you obtained [ElenaMentor] {Go to Elena Visit}
If you obtained [Dom] >=3 {Go to Samantha Visit}
Else {Go to Sister Intro}

Samantha Visit

No Choices.
Note: You will obtain [Dome11] by default.
{Go to Sister Intro}

Official Karlsson’s Gambit Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.3

Elena Visit

14. Choose one:

A) (Maybe I should ask her for advice on meeting Elena.)
B) (Maybe I should try to compliment her and butter…)
❖ (Appeal to her looks and let you know how hot…)
❖ (Let her know how powerful she is, and how it…) [Sub+1]
❖ (Let her know you would want to hire her if…) [Pat+2] [PatSecPath]

15. Choose one:

A) (No, I don’t want a blowjob like this.) [Elena-1]
B) (I need some release, Badly.)

16. Choose one:

A) (I think strong.) [SisDom+1]
B) (I’d say gentle.) [SisSub+1]
C) (I’m not sure yet.)

Sister Intro

17. Choose one:

A) Demand she get to the doctor more quickly for… [SisDom+1]
B) Wait quietly for a doctor. [SisSub+1]

Sister Apartment

18. Choose one:

A) Berate and yell at your kidnapper. [SisDom+1]
B) Remain quiet and say nothing. [SisSub+1]

Sister Meeting

19. Choose one:

A) (Handle it diplomatically and be friendly to her.) [SisAP+1]
B) (Handle it with suspicion and coolness.)

20. Choose one:

A) (I can’t make this kind of serious decision, maybe I… [SisSub+1]
B) (I don’t really want to punish him. I think just an… [SisDom+1] [SisGood+1]
C) (It seems like he prefers a little pain to a demotion… [SisDom+1]
❖ (I think the current punishment is enough.)
❖ (I think I want to see him suffer a little more.) [SisEvil+1]
D) (He’s most terrified of being demoted. I want him… [SisEvil+1] [SisDom+1]
❖ (I think I’ve done enough and maybe I did the…)
❖ (Am I actually enjoying the power to crush this…) [SisEvil+1]

Official Karlsson’s Gambit Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.3

Chapter 2

Sister Job Offer

1. A) Show anger at the thought of your own brother… [SisAP-1] [SisGood+1]

B) Show confidence in Kane and tell Alessandra… [SisBro+1]
C) Question out loud the coincidence and timing of… [SisAP+1]

2. A) State your doubt that you can handle being in… [SisSub+1]
B) (Lie) I will treat him the same as any other person… [SisBro+1] [SisGood+1]
C) (Truth) I will treat him the same as any other person…
D) State confidently you will run the program… [SisDom+1]

Note: If [SisAP] >=2, then you will obtain [SisBonus].

3. A) It’s her servant, I don’t think it’s my place to tell her… [SisSub+1]
B) Maybe I can show some mercy and offer to take out… [SisDP+1] [SisGood+2]
C) I should show some thought behind this and suggest… [SisDom+1]
D) I’ll show Alessandra I can be ruthless by making… [SisEvil+2] [PoorNath]

Note: If you obtained [PatSecPath] {Go to Patricia Terms One}

If you obtained [Sub] >=2 {Go to Patricia Terms Two}
Else {Go to Patricia Terms One}

Patricia Terms One

4. A) Accept Patricia’s offer. [Pat+2] [PatDealYes]

B) Reject her offer. [Pat-2] [PatDealNo]

{Go to Jake}

Patricia Terms Two

5. A) Beg with everything you have for her to…[Sub+2] [Slave+3] [Beggarboy] [PatDealNo]
❖ I think I want to sit on Kane’s poor face for a bit… {Go to Face Sitting}
❖ I think he needs to worship my feet and move… {Go to Worship}
❖ I think I want to tease his worthless dick but… {Go to Denial}
B) Stay silent and don’t beg for mercy. [PatDealNo]
❖ I think I better listen to her this time. Maybe I… [Sub+1] [Slave+1]
 Ass seat? Why not. {Go to Face Sitting}
 Worshipping Patricia doesn’t sound too… {Go to Worship}
 I really could use some pleasure. {Go to Denial}
C) I’m not going to beg for her mercy. I won’t do it. [Dom+1]

Official Karlsson’s Gambit Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.3

Face Sitting

6. A) Let loose some gas on his poor face. [Sub+1] [Slave+3]

B) No, that’s a little too disgusting for me.

{Go to Jake}


7. I’d like to lick Patricia’s boots. (Your Choice)

8. A) Do a really good job begging Patricia to lick her pussy. [Sub+1] [Slave+1]
B) Do a poor job of begging by saying nothing and… [Pat-1] [Slave+3]

{Go to Jake}


9. A) Give it your best effort begging Patricia to play with… [Sub+1] [Slave+1]
❖ (I think she wants to hear me degrade my…) [Slave+2]
❖ (Don’t give her that much satisfaction…)
B) Give a halfhearted effort begging Patricia.

10. A) Having Patricia on her knees serving my needs. [Pat+1] [Dom+1]

B) Being on my knees serving all of Patricia’s needs. [Sub+1]
C) I don’t think of Patricia at all when I do my thing… [Pat-1]
D) I don’t masturbate in my cell. [Pat-1]

11. A) Beg. [Sub+1]

B) Don’t say anything.


12. A) Samantha is definitely a scary chick, but something… [Sam+1]

B) Patricia is more interesting to me, and she looks… [Pat+1]
C) Why not both at the same time? [Friend+1]
D) Give a little scolding about needing to concentrate… [Veronica+1] [Friend-1]

13. A) I think I should share what I know including my… [Slave+1] [Friend+1]
B) I should share a little about what I have heard…
C) I better not say anything at all. Especially talking… [Slave-1]


14. Continue femdom scene. (Your Choice)

Official Karlsson’s Gambit Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.3


15. A) A. Try and recover the equipment and workers and… [Dominique+1] [Good+1]
B) B. Calculate the value of the equipment and workers… [Alessandra+1]
C) C. Quickly determine everyone who actually knows… [Veronica+1]
D) D. Go in and rescue a worker or two, publicity for… [Juliette+1] [Evil+1]

16. A) A. Investigate everything about him (and make a…) [Veronica+1]

B) B. Determine how valuable he actually is as a… [Alessandra+1]
C) C. Don’t let him leave. Keep him in the same research… [Juliette+1] [Evil+1]
D) D. Look at ways to move the researcher into a less… [Dominique+1] [Good+1]

17. A) A. Simply determine as best as you can which child… [SoloPlayer]

B) B. Try and split up the empire to each child’s… [TeamPlayer]
C) C. Try and gather additional data even after your… [GambitPlayer]

18. A) Share what happened with your computer. [Friend+1]

B) Don’t share what happened. [HackerSecret]


19. A) Question her skeptically about how it benefits… [BroEP+1]

B) Question her about what criteria was used to… [BroEP+2]
C) Thank her for giving your brother the opportunity… [BroEP-1]


20. A) I can’t let him fall apart. I should encourage Zach… [Slave+1] [Good+1]
B) I shouldn’t get too involved with others. I have to…
C) It’s every man for himself. Maybe testing today is… [Evil+1] [ZachWeak]

Final Test

21. A) I have no questions. [Slave+1]

Note: If you obtained [PatDealYes], then [PatDealYes] [PatDealNo], else [Slave+1]
B) I have no questions, Mistress Patricia.
Note: If you obtained [PatDealYes], then [Slave-1] & Sub Choices will appear.
❖ Try to signal somehow to Patricia that Zach… [Evil+1]
❖ Don’t take the risk of upsetting her by doing…
C) Say absolutely nothing. [Sub+1] [Slave+1]

Note: If you obtained [SelfishEater], then you will obtain [StrongWalk].

Note: #22 is only for those who did NOT obtain [SelfishEater].
22. A) I don’t’ think I can jog for 45 straight minutes… [SprintWalk]
B) I don’t’ think I can jog for 45 straight minutes… [JogWalk]

Official Karlsson’s Gambit Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.3

Note 1: If you obtained [Strongwalk], then [Slave+0]

If [SprintWalk], then [Slave+2]
If [JogWalk], then [Slave+3]
Else [Slave+2].

Note 2: If you obtained [PatDealYes] {Go to Ball Kick Fake}

Else {Go to Ball Kick Real}

Ball Kick Fake

23. A) Show your acting chops and sell the pain with…
B) Act out grunting in pain, but don’t verbalize any… [Slave+1]
C) Don’t sell the pain at all. [Slave+5]

{Go to #25}

Ball Kick Real

24. A) Just get things over with for this test and let yourself… [Sub+1] [Slave+2] [KaneFallOne]
B) Tough it out and try your hardest to keep standing.

Note: If [Friend] <2, then [Friend-1].

25. A) Don’t ask any questions at all. [Sub+1]

B) Ask Patricia how often someone gets demoted ranks… [Sub+1]
C) Ask Patricia how often someone gets promoted… [Dom+1]
D) Ask Patricia what percentage of people entering… [Gambit+1]

Second Test Fork

No Choices.
Note: If you obtained [PatDealYes] {Go to Patricia Sex}
Else {Go to Second Test Pain}

Second Test Pain

26. A) Attempt to crawl over Patricia. [Juliette+1]

B) Don’t do it. [Juliette-1]

{Go to Sister New Hire}

Patricia Sex

27. A) Move your hands from her shoulders down to her… [Pat+1] [Dom+1]
B) Tell her your balls are big enough to fuck her right… [Pat+3] [Dom+1] [Evil+1]
C) Just keep massaging her shoulders and say nothing. [Sub+1] [Pat-2]

10 | P a g e
Official Karlsson’s Gambit Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.3

Sister New Hire

28. A) (Show a little disapproval of her bad first impression). [SisCP-1] [SisDom+1]
B) (Don’t say anything about her first impression at all)… [SisSub+1]
C) (Express mild disapproval of her first impression… [SisCP+1] [SisEvil+1]

29. A) (Cassandra at 30,000 dollars is making more…)[SisCP-2] [SisGood+1] [RichPrisoners]

B) (I think Cassandra can survive without the car and…) [SisCP-1]
C) (I don’t think I should show leniency to the… [SisCP+2] [SisEvil+1] [PoorPrisoners]

Kane Result

30. A) (Ask her directly how you did.) [Dom+1]

B) (Stay Silent.) [Sub+1]

Note: If [Slave] >=10, then you will obtain [Pissboy] & [K4]
If [Slave] >=3, then [K4]
If [Slave] >=1, then [K5]
Else [K6].

Seth Wake

31. A) (She’s going to kill him? I think I don’t want to see… [BroKP+1]
B) (I need to see everything I can, even this…


Note: #32 is only for those who obtained [SisEvil] <2.

32. A) (Praise him for his work and give him a bonus of… [SisGood+1]
B) (Just thank him for his work and send him on his…

Kane Dom End

Note: #33 is only for those who obtained [K5] OR [K6]. {No} {Go to End Chapter 2}
33. A) (Is this a test on whether I would just punish… [Good+1]
B) (I don’t think Elena to see weakness, so I… [Elena+1] [RedAss]
C) (Maybe Elena wants to see that I am completely… [Kitty+1] [Evil+1]

11 | P a g e
Official Karlsson’s Gambit Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.3

Chapter 3

Kane Wake Up

1. A) (Tell Sam sarcastically that you will miss her so much.)[Sam+1]

B) (Don’t say anything at all.) [Sub+1]
C) (Answer with little enthusiasm and general…)
D) (Tell her how unhappy you are that you never got… [Sam+1] [Dom+1]

Cell One

No Choices.
Note: If you obtained [K5] OR [K6] {Go to Cell Two Dom}
Else {Go to Cell Two}

Cell Two

2. A) (I’m curious if Sam has an employee rank…) [Sam-1] [Kitty+1]

B) (Do they expect me to fit in that cage?...) [Kitty-1] [KittyS+1]
C) (I should try and please Kitty in her new…) [KittyS-2]

3. A) (I think she probably want to hear something…) [Kitty+1]

B) (I shouldn’t even try to answer. I should…) [KittyS-2]
C) (I have no clue. I should just tell…) [Kitty-1] [KittyS-1]

4. A) (No fucking around here. I better just…) [Kitty-1]

B) (I need to try and stand up a little for myself!...) [Kitty-2] [BroPunish]
❖ (She’s probably not going to change…)
❖ (She may punish me either way with…) [KittyS+1]

5. (Kiss her toes.) (Your Choice)


Note: #6-7 are only for those who obtained [Pissboy] <2. {No} {Go to Cell Two Continue 1}

6. A) (I really want to serve Katsumi the best…) [Kitty+1] [KittyS-2]

B) (I really don’t want to get pissed on…) [Kitty+1]
C) (I’m just not going to answer, anything I… [Kitty-1]
D) (I should be honest and tell her…)
❖ (It may work if I beg…) [Kitty-1]
❖ (Begging probably won’t work…)

7. A) (Lick up everything.) [KittyS-1]

B) (Hesitate to lick it up.) [Kitty-1]

{Go to Cargo}

12 | P a g e
Official Karlsson’s Gambit Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.3

Cell Two Continue 1}

8. A) (I should try to get on her good side…) [Kitty+1] [KittyS-2]

B) (Is she expecting me to say something…) [Kitty-1]
C) (Maybe she doesn’t want me to totally…) [Kitty+2] [KittyS+1]

9. A) (I better be very obedient…) [KittyS-1]

B) (I think I’m kind of stuck on this one…) [Kitty-1]

{Go to Cargo}

Cell Two Dom

10. A) (I think I should show strength here…) [KittyS+1]

B) (Maybe it isn’t good to sound too…)
C) (Maybe I can’t trust anyone… [KittyS+2]

11. A) (I should probably congratulate her…) [KittyS+1]

B) (Maybe I should show some ambition…) [KittyS+1]
C) (I should always try and take…) [Veronica+1] [ElenaMtg]

12. A) (It might not help…) [Dmeet+1] [Friend+1] [KittyS-1]

B) (I don’t think it’s worth…) [Dmeet+1]
C) (I’m not sticking my neck out on the line.) [Jmeet+1] [Friend-1]

13. A) (I should try and give…) [Dmeet+1] [Friend+1] [Kitty-1]

B) (I better just keep my mouth shut…)


14. A) (Is she serious? I don’t need to hear…) [Dmeet+1] [Good+3]

B) (I really don’t want to hear…) [Vmeet+2] [Good+1]
C) (I never liked Zach anyway…) [Jmeet+1]
❖ (Hmm, I better not try and fake…) [Dmeet+1] [Good+3]
❖ (Hmm, I better not try and lie…) [Vmeet+2]
❖ (I better not lie here I am sadistically…) [Jmeet+3] [Evil+3] [KittyOffer]

15. A) (I really could use some release.) [Dmeet+3] [JRomanceOpn]

❖ (I think I can give her a hug…) [JRomanceOpn] [JFriendOpn]
❖ (It sounds like she is really lonely…)
B) (Maybe I should just take advantage…) [JFriendOpn]

{Go to Parking}


16. A) (I shouldn’t even bother…) [Junko+1]

B) (I should definitely answer…) [Scarlett+1]
C) (Maybe I should try and fake some kind…) [ScarlettS-1]

13 | P a g e
Official Karlsson’s Gambit Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.3

17. A) (I think Junko seems a little more…) [JunkoS-2] [JunkoPet]

❖ (I want to please her…) [JunkoS-1]
❖ (I’m not super enthusiastic about…)
B) (Scarlett seems rougher and might…) [ScarlettS-2] [ScarlettPeg]
C) (This might be a crazy though…) [BusyBoy]
❖ (I don’t’ think there is any point…) [ScarlettS-1]
❖ (I think I should state I want to…) [Junko+1]
❖ (I don’t feel like just constantly…) [Scarlett-1]
D) (I’m not sure I should commit…) [Scarlett+2] [Junko-2] [FreeAgent]

Note: If [SisCP] >=3 then you will obtain [CassLoyal].


18. A) (I don’t think I have any desire to…) [SisGood+1] [MoralOne]

B) (I’m not against exploring some of my…) [SisVP+1]
C) (I want this. I want to enjoy having… [SisEvil+1] [EvilPolice]


19. A) (I feel like picking the more…) [SisDP+2] [SisJP+2] [ProBoss]

B) (They did pick me to manage…) [SisAP+2] [SisVP+2] [RedDevil]


20. A) (I bet Cassandra has useful information…) [SisCp+1]

B) (I wouldn’t mind Cassandra’s advice…) [SisDom+1]


21. A) (I think I shouldn’t say anything about…) [SisBro+1]

B) (I don’t think it hurts to say it…) [SisVP+1]
C) (I need to show that I won’t be soft…) [SisJP+1]

Sis Evil

Note: #22 is only for those who obtained [SisEvil] >=7.

22. A) (I do want to punish him, but…) [SisVP+1] [DanielJailed]
B) (A human pet?? It sounds…) [SisDP+1] [DanielPet]
C) (A human toilet? It seems…) [SisDP+1] [DanielToilet]
D) (Human Furniture…) [SisJP+1] [SisAP+1] [DanielFurniture]
E) (I… I want to go all the way…) [SisGambitQueen-2] [Murderess] [JulietteWorry]

14 | P a g e
Official Karlsson’s Gambit Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.3

Sis Good

Note: #23 is only for those who did NOT obtain [SisEvil] >=7.
23. A) (I do want to punish him, but…) [SisVP+1] [DanielJailed]
B) (A human pet?? It sounds…) [SisDP+1] [DanielPet]
C) (A human toilet? It seems…) [SisDP+1] [DanielToilet]
D) (Human Furniture…) [SisJP+1] [SisAP+1] [DanielFurniture]
E) (I… I can’t just punish him…) [SisGambitQueen+2] [MoralityTwo]


No Choices.
Note: If you obtained [K5] OR [K6] {Go to Clinic B}
Else {Go to Clinic A}

Clinic A

24. A) (She seems all business…) [VeronicaS-1]

B) (I doubt I can just disobey…) [Veronica-2]
C) (I better just answer…)
❖ (I should just ask her…) [VeronicaS-1]
❖ (I doubt she will divulge…) [Veronica+2]
❖ (I should ask her about the…) [VeronicaS-1]

25. A) (Maybe she’ll actually do what…) [NurseS-1]

B) (I’m not going to give her…)

26. A) (It feels like…) [ToughPain]

B) (It feels like…) [Veronica+1]
C) (It feels like…) [WeakPain]

27. A) (Shit… this fucking suck…) [VeronicaS-2]

B) (Screw her! I’m not going to…) [Veronica+3]

{Go to Cell Fork}

Clinic B

28. A) (I should just ask her…) [VeronicaS-1]

B) (I doubt she will…) [Veronica+2]
C) (I should ask about her…) [VeronicaS-1]

29. A) (Wait a minute… [Veronica-1]

B) (I’m worried about what this…)

15 | P a g e
Official Karlsson’s Gambit Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.3

Cell Fork

No choices.

Note: If you obtained [K4] {Go to K4 Cell}

If you obtained [K5] {Go to K5 Cell}
If you obtained [K6] {Go to K6 Cell}
Else {Go to K4 Cell}

K4 Cell

Note: #30 is only for those who obtained [Friend] >=2.

30. A) (I definitely agree with…) [Friend+2] [BFLoyalOpn]
B) (I think we need to help…)

Note: #31 is only for those who did NOT obtain [Friend] >=2.
31. A) (I definitely agree with…) [Friend+2]
B) (I haven’t forgotten…)

K4 Fork

Note: If you obtained [ScarlettPeg] {Go to Pegging}

If you obtained [FreeAgent] {Go to Free Agent}
Else {Go to Pet}

K5 Cell

32. A) (Kwame seems very intelligent…) [Good+2] [KwameFriendOpn]

B) (I should try and gain…)
C) (I have to look out for myself…) [Evil+2]

{Go to Dom Paths}

K6 Cell

33. A) (No time to be fucking timid…) [Chanel+1]

B) (I don’t want to sound too arrogant. [ChanelS-1]
C) (This might be risky…) [Chanel+1] [ChanelS+1] [Jmeet+1]

{Go to Dom Paths}


Note: If [Good] >=3 then you will obtain [DominiqueInt]

34. A) (I think I do want to obey Junko…) [JunkoS-1]

B) (I don’t want to do anything she says…)
C) (I don’t feel like just rolling over…) [Junko-1]

16 | P a g e
Official Karlsson’s Gambit Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.3

Cage Man

35. A) (I guess I want to please her…) [JunkoS-1]

B) (She’s just teasing me…) [Junko-3] [DominiqueInt]

Note: If you obtained [BusyBoy] {Go to Pegging}

Else {Go to End Chapter 3}


36. A) (It’s going to hurt a lot more…)

B) (I am not going to suck on…) [InjuredAss]

{Go to End Chapter 3}

Free Agent

37. A) (I don’t think I better mess with…)

B) (Maybe I should asset myself…) [Chanel-1] [Kiyomi-1]

38. A) (Somehow, I feel like the best decision…) [Kiyomi+1] [ViperToy] [FreeAgent]
B) (I… I just can’t risk accepting…) [Veronica+1] [Kiyomi-2]

{Go to End Chapter 3}

Dom Paths

Note: If [Vmeet] >=2 {Go to Veronica Meet}

If [Jmeet] >=3 & [Evil] >=3 {Go to J Meet}
Else {Go to D Meet}

Veronica Meet

39. A) (I think there was something about the…) [Veronica+1]

B) (I still believe I was set up…)
C) (I’m convinced there is something about…) [Veronica+1] [VeronicaS+1]

Note: You will obtain [MomKnowledge] & [VeronicaSponsor].

{Go to End Chapter 3}

Juliette Meet

40. A) (My gut is that she wants… [Julliette+2]

B) (I think I should focus on more than…) [Julliette+1] [JullietteS+1]
C) (Truth be told, I’m both…) [Julliette+1] [JullietteS-1]

17 | P a g e
Official Karlsson’s Gambit Written by: Zoey Raven
Version 0.3

Dumbo Time

41. A) (I… there’s just no way…) [Julliette-5] [Good+3]

B) (I’m willing to be ruthless…) [Julliette+1] [JullietteS+1]
❖ (I’m willing to kill…) [Julliette+3] [Evil+3] [JullietteSponsor]
❖ (I… I can’t do it…) [Julliette-5] [Good+3]

{Go to End Chapter 3}

Dominique Meet

Note: You will obtain [DominiqueSponsor]

42. A) (I mean… if there is a way…) [Dominique+2]
B) (I’d want to try and do the right thing…)[Dominique+1] [DominiqueS+1]
C) (If I was in charge…) [Dominique-1]

18 | P a g e

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