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Republic of the Philippines

Republic of the Philippines Regional Trial Court

REGIONAL TRIAL COURT 6th Judicial Region
Branch 18, Roxas City
6th Judicial Region
Branch 18 RECEIVED
Roxas City Date: __________________
[email protected] Time:__________________
Tel. No. 036 520-1014


Plaintiff, C-185-18 & C-187-18

FOR: Viol. of Secs. 11 & 12,
Art. II of R.A. 9165
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Acting on the Post-Sentence Investigation Report dated August 9, 2022 filed by the
SPPO Atty. Edgar B. Leyson, Jr., recommending the approval thereof, and it appearing that
the ends of justice and the best interest of the public as well as that of the applicant will be
served thereby, the Court hereby GRANTS the application for probation dated July 29, 2020
filed by the accused, and execution of the sentence imposed on said convict is suspended.

The probation of Joven Sibugan y Ogfiminina, shall be for a period of Two (2)
Years, to be counted from Probationer’s initial report for supervision and subject to the
following conditions:

1. Probationer shall report initially to the Chief Probation and Parole Officer of
Roxas City Parole and Probation Office, Hall of Justice, Roxas City, within
seventy-two (72) hours from the receipt of the Order granting probation;

2. He shall, thereafter, report to his supervising Probation and Parole Officer at

Roxas City Parole and Probation Office, Hall of Justice, Roxas City, at least
ONCE-A-MONTH, unless otherwise modified by the Chief Probation and Parole

3. He shall reside at Barangay Banica, Roxas City and shall not change his residence
without prior appproval of the Chief Probation and Parole Officer, or the Court, as
the case may be;

4. He shall secure a written permit to travel outside the jurisdiction of the Parole and
Probation Office from the Chief Probation and Parole Officer and from the Court
if such travel exceeds thirty (30) days;

5. He shall render community service and participate in the tree-planting activities;

6. He shall allow the supervising Probation and Parole Officer or an authorized

C-185-18 & C-187-18
People vs. Joven Sibugan y Ogfiminina

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Volunteer Probation Assistant (VPA) to visit his home and place of work;

7. He shall meet his family responsibilities;

8. He shall devote himself to a specific employment and shall not change said
employment without prior notice to the Supervising Officer and /or pursue a
prescribed secular study or vocational training;

9. He shall refrain from associating with persons of questionable character;

10. He shall undergo the Therapeutic Community Ladderized Program (TCLP);

11. He shall cooperate with his program of supervision, and shall satisfy any other
condition related to his rehabilitation and not unduly restrictive of his liberty
incompatible with his freedom of conscience.

12. Pursuant to OCA Circular No. 139-2022, probationer is ordered to pay

the fine imposed in the amount of Ten Thousand pesos (P10, 000.00).

In the event that the Petitioner fails to observe the preceding conditions and/or has
committed any material misrepresentation in his application for probation, his probation
maybe revoked by the Court or the conditions thereof modified.

Roxas City, Capiz, Philippines, September 23, 2022.

Original Signed
Acting Presiding Judge

Certified True Copy

Branch Clerk of Court

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