Cgi Women in Stem Brochure Final

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Inspiring the next

generation of
women in STEM

We’re passionate about inclusion

and development. We’re also
passionate about bringing the
next generation of young females
in to STEM. Join us and we’ll give
you all the support you need to
kickstart the career of a lifetime.

Be part
of our story. #ExperienceCGI
Every team member
is a stakeholder
When you join our team you become a member of the
company, not just an employee. That’s not all that sets us
apart, we work on projects that transform lives, every day.
So if you’ve ever considered a career in STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), consider this:
our supportive team, meaningful work and empowering
environment can make it happen and take you on the
journey of a lifetime.

Our mission

We are an established and growing company that offers the

opportunity to work on some of the most exciting technology
projects – so this is the place to build your future. We’re
passionate about diversity, inclusion and development,
so we’re particularly keen to help ambitious and capable
women launch fast-moving STEM careers.

Recent research found 78% of students couldn’t In this brochure we will share the stories of just
name a famous female working in tech¹. In previous some of these female pioneers. We hope their
years, similar research found around 60% of young careers and achievements will help you bring
women said they could only identify Marie Curie as your own dreams to life. We believe your ideas
an inspiring female role model in STEM². However, have the power to transform – so get inspired and
there have been countless women whose discoveries see how we can help you and the next generation
have shaped the technology we know today. of women in STEM to revolutionise the industry.


How many women work in STEM?
Throughout history women have been under-represented in STEM. Since the mid-
twentieth century more women have taken up STEM careers, but as the charts
below make clear, the figures are still too low. We think this isn’t good enough.
We want you to join us in transforming STEM and the wider world.

35.2% 11.1% 7.9% 17.1% 10.7%




Statistics from Cassie Phillips, Closing the Gender Gap in STEM Fields,, March 2017

Bringing the next generation of women in to STEM

The good news is that the number of women

applying for STEM courses and careers is Hypatia, C360-415
increasing rapidly. You’ll be following in some Mathematician, Astronomer,
Philosopher, Advisor and Teacher
impressive footsteps. Throughout history
A pioneering philosophy and astronomy
women have made leaps and bounds within teacher in Egypt, who guided students
STEM. Here are just a few of the women whose from all over the planet. She also
constructed astrolabes and hydrometers
contributions shaped the world we know today. – tools that are still used today.

Maria Sibylla Merian, 1647-1717 Émilie du Châtelet, 1706-1749

Naturalist and Scientific Illustrator Natural Philosopher, Mathematician,
Physicist and Author
One of the first naturalists to observe insects
closely and record them via illustration. She After studying astronomy, she translated
published two books containing over 50 and commented upon Isaac Newton’s
images each documenting metamorphism in Principia. Published after her death
186 insects, including the discovery in 1759, this remains the standard French
of many new facts. translation. A main-belt planet and crater on
Venus have been named in her honour.

Maria Gaetana Agnesi, 1718-1799 Marie-Sophie Germain, 1776-1831
Philosopher and Mathematician Mathematician, Physicist and Philosopher
The first woman to write a mathematics Recognised as a pioneer of number theory and
handbook, Analytical Institutions for the elasticity theory, she became the first woman
Use of Italian Youth, and the first woman to win the grand prize from the Paris Academy
appointed as a maths professor by a of Sciences.
university. In 1996, crater 16765 and the
Agnesi crater on Venus were named after her.

Ada Lovelace, 1815-1852 Maria Mitchell, 1818-1889

Mathematician and Computer Programmer Astronomer
Daughter of Lord Byron, Lovelace created the At the age of 12, she helped her father calculate
first algorithm for Charles Babbage’s Analytical the timings of a solar eclipse, and went on
Engine – effectively the world’s first computer. to a future calculating sunspots. In 1847,
As such, she is recognised as the mother of she discovered what is now known as Miss
programming. Mitchell’s Comet and became the first woman to
be elected in to the American Academy of Arts
and Sciences and the American Association for
the Advancement of Science.

Mary Edwards Walker, 1832-1919 Ellen Swallow Richards, 1842-1911

Surgeon Industrial and Safety Engineer
Fascinated by her father’s medical The first woman to gain a chemistry degree
textbooks, Walker worked as a teacher to in the USA, she became Instructor in Sanitary
pay for medical college. She volunteered Chemistry at MIT Lab, where she was a pioneer
as a surgeon during the American Civil War in sanitary engineering and domestic science.
and became the only woman to receive the She is recognised as the founder of home
Medal of Honour. economics and the first person to recognise the
link between chemistry and nutrition.

Sophie Kovalvskaya, 1850-1891 Hertha Ayrton, 1854-1923

Mathematician Engineer
Since women could not attend university in After studying mathematics at university,
Russia, Kovalvskaya learned mathematics she became a teacher to fund her
and physics in Germany. She contributed research, much of which was published
significantly to research in partial differential in Mathematical Questions and Their
equations and mechanics, and was Solutions. In 1902, she published The
the first woman to gain a doctorate in Electric Arc, for which she was awarded
mathematics. the Hughes Medal by the Royal Society.

Annie Jump Cannon, 1863-1941 Marie Curie, 1867-1934

Astronomer Physicist
Working closely with Edward C Pickering The most recognised female scientist,
at Radcliffe College, she catalogued the she was the first woman to win a Nobel
development of contemporary stellar Prize, the only person to win twice, and the
classifications. Along with Pickering, she only person to win in two categories. Her
is credited with the creation of the Harvard research on X-rays and radioactivity shaped
Classification Scheme, and by the end of the entire discipline today, but also led to
her career had classified a record breaking her death due to radiation exposure.
350,000 stars.

Mileva Marić, 1875-1948 Lillian Gilbreth, 1878-1972

Mathematician Industrial Engineer and Psychologist
She was in the same class as Albert Einstein Working as an engineer and gaining a PhD
at Zurich Polytechnic, and went on to in psychology, she applied her unique
marry him, but they divorced in 1919. She combination of expertise to pioneer industrial
is believed to have assisted extensively and organisational psychology. Her studies
with his research, but the full extent of her focused on time, motion and fatigue, domestic
contributions has never come to light. management and home economics. Her
activities (and thirteen children) inspired the film
Cheaper by the Dozen.

Jeanne Villepreux-Power, 1794-1871 Mary Anning, 1799-1847
Marine Biologist Palaeontologist
After a glittering career as a dressmaker, she Anning grew up selling fossils along with
developed a passion for natural history and her family, and in 1812 discovered the first
particularly marine observation. She was the first ichthyosaur. She also discovered a five-
female member of the Catania Accademia Gioenia metre plesiosaur in 1820 and a pterosaur
and is credited with developing sustainable in 1828, among many other fossils. In 2010
aquaculture principles. the Royal Society added her to its list of
British women who influenced the history of

Florence Nightingale, 1820-1910 Elizabeth Blackwell, 1821-1910

Nurse Physician
Considered the founder of modern nursing Inspired to study medicine after caring
through her work in the Crimean War, for a family friend, Blackwell was rejected
Nightingale paved the way for modern from numerous medical schools due to her
hospital cleanliness. The statistics she gender. Eventually accepted by Geneva
produced to support her recommendations Medical College, she became the first
shaped the curriculum for today’s nurses. woman to gain a medical degree in the
USA and went on to found the New York
Infirmary for Women and Children.

Mary Putnam Jacobi, 1842-1906 Emily Roebling, 1843-1903

Physician Engineer
The first woman to graduate from an American Married to civil engineer Washington
school of pharmacy, she went on to become Roebling, she played a central part in the
a doctor at the Female Medical College of construction of the Brooklyn Bridge. Gaining
Pennsylvania. She then became the first extensive engineering knowledge, she
woman to study medicine at the University of dealt with politicians, builders and other
Paris before founding the Women’s Medical stakeholders. The bridge was successfully
Association of New York City. opened in 1883.

Nettie Stevens, 1861-1912 Florence Bascom, 1862-1945

Geneticist Geologist
After completing her four-year university The first woman to receive a PhD from
course in two, she researched Johns Hopkins University, she researched
multicellular organisms and reproductive acidic volcanoes and cycles
cells, leading to the discovery of the X of erosion. In 1896, she became the first
and Y chromosomes. woman to work for the United States
Geological Survey.

Alice Hamilton, 1869-1970 Mary Agnes Chase, 1869-1963

Physician Botanist
After graduating in medicine, Hamilton was Specialising in grass studies, she became
a successful bacteriologist at the Memorial a botanical assistant at the Field Museum
Institute for Infectious Diseases. Her of Natural History. Later, she was a senior
research focused on occupational illnesses botanist at the Smithsonian Museum, and
and the effects of industrial and chemical during her life was closely involved with
materials, leading to today’s health and the Suffrage Movement, for which she was
safety culture. arrested and launched a hunger strike.

Lise Meitner, 1878-1968 Alice Evans, 1881-1975

Physicist Microbiologist
Studying in Berlin under Max Planck, she After becoming bored with her career
became his assistant and discovered as a teacher, Evans gained a degree in
isotopes. As a Jew, Meitner was forced to bacteriology. She went on to become the
emigrate following the Nazis’ rise to power, first woman to hold a permanent position
though she provided the calculations for at the US Department of Agriculture,
1938 nuclear fission experiments in Berlin. where she investigated bacteriological
contamination in milk. Her findings led to
pasteurisation in 1930.

The future of STEM is female
We believe that women are the future of STEM, your mark in STEM. When you join us, your ideas will
because only by harnessing talent across genders, have the power to transform. We’re one of the world’s
cultures and continents can we solve the problems largest IT and business process services providers,
facing our planet. Whether you’re a school leaver revolutionising the way companies deliver their
or university graduate, we can help you make products and communicate with their customers.

School Leavers Graduates

You can be part of everything You can make an impact on
we do, developing the skills and the world as part of a growing
understanding you’ll need for a company with the scale and
career in IT through training and strength to give your career the
hands-on experience. best possible start.

Our Dream Our Vision

To create an environment To be a world-class IT and
in which we enjoy working business process services
together and, as shareholders, leader that helps our clients
build a company everyone can get ahead.
be proud of.

Emmy Noether, 1882-1935 Alice Ball, 1892-1916

Mathematician Chemist
After qualifying as a language teacher, Graduating in both chemistry and
Noether decided to focus her future on pharmaceuticals, she was offered numerous
mathematics. Whilst teaching at Göttingen scholarships but chose the University of
University, she proved her theory (Noether’s Hawaii for her master’s. Developing an
theorem) showing that conservation law is injectable form of chaulmoogra oil to treat
associated with the symmetry of a physical leprosy, she was the first woman and black
system. American to leave the University with a
master’s degree.

Why working at CGI is different Award winning women
Our membership culture, where we support every Our members have won their fair share of awards, too.
team member to become a shareholder, makes us Tiffany won the Apprentice Award at the Everywoman
different from other employers. When you have a 2019 Awards. Meanwhile, Ellie won Apprentice of the
stake in the business its growth mirrors yours. So Year, and said:
we’ll help you take your career to the next level by:

• Investing in your training and development

• Helping you gain formal qualifications
• Giving you work you find enjoyable and stimulating
• Supporting you through the good and bad times  TEM careers are a possibility for everyone,
in your life regardless of gender, age or background. CGI
gave me the opportunity to pursue a STEM career
As part of the world’s fifth-largest independent and study IT at university, despite having no
IT consultancy, our people benefit from exceptional previous experience, having studied Literature,
prospects and job security. We’re here for the Law and History at college. With support, I’ve been
long term. able to explore areas of the tech industry I never
could have imagined, and I can’t wait to learn more.”
We’ll always recognise your contribution

We are a certified Top Employer by the Top Employers

Institute, which recognises our commitment to
rewarding and developing talent. We have also been
recognised by the CIPD (Chartered Institute of
Personnel and Development), having been awarded
Best Health and Wellbeing Initiative for our Oxygen
programme and TARGETjobs, which gave us the
Best School Leaver Programme award.

Our President – Tara McGeehan

United Kingdom and Australia Operations
Tara was appointed President of CGI’s UK Operations
in January 2018, and added Australia operations to her
responsibilities in May 2019, where she leads a team of
approximately 6,000 professionals and consultants who
bring all of CGI’s end-to-end capabilities and industry and
technology expertise to clients across these regions.

Gerty Radnitz Cori, 1896-1957 Irène Joloit-Curie, 1897-1956

Bio-chemist Scientist
Alongside her husband Carl, she discovered Marie Curie’s daughter excelled in maths
that glycogen broke down into lactic acid and science, and assisted her mother in
within muscle tissue, creating a stored conducting X-ray examinations. She later
energy source. The Cori Cycle, proposed in built on her parents’ discoveries by creating
1929, won the couple the 1947 Nobel Prize, artificial radioactivity alongside her husband.
making her the first American woman to win They were awarded the Nobel Prize in
a Nobel Prize in science. Chemistry, making the Curie family the most
awarded ever.

Janaki Ammal, 1897-1984 Hilde Mangold, 1898-1924
Botanist Embryologist
Born in Madras, she was the first Inspired by the famous embryologist Hans
woman to gain a PhD in botany in Spermann, she gained a PhD in zoology
the USA. Throughout her career, she for her thesis Induction of Embryonic
conducted research in cytogenetics and Primordia by Implantation of Organizers
phytogeography, collecting numerous plants from a Different Species. She tragically
of medicinal and economic value. died shortly afterwards, but her research
was central to Spermann winning the 1935
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin, Barbra McClintock, 1902-1992

1900-1979. Cytogeneticist
Astrophysicist Whilst studying for her PhD in botany at
In 1925, she became the first person to earn Cornell University, she began her life’s
a PhD in astronomy with her thesis Stellar research on maize cytogenetics. She was
Atmospheres: A Contribution to the the first person to visualise the X shape of
Observational Study of High Temperature in chromosomes that occur during meiosis,
the Reversing Layers of Stars. By the end of and her work can still be found in textbooks
her career, she had made more than a million today.

Grace Hopper, 1906-1992 Ruth Patrick, 1907-2013

Computer Scientist and United States Navy Botanist and Limnologist
Rear Admiral
Patrick researched fossilised diatoms
After gaining a PhD in mathematics and physics, and made numerous discoveries that
she enlisted for military service in World War 2, defined the evolution of American
serving in the computer programming team. After lakes, as well as inventing tools to take
this work, she developed the UNIVAC 1 – the first water samples. She was a passionate
electronic computer on the market. She also wrote advocate for cleaning waters and
a language for data processors in English, creating reducing pollution.

Dorothy Vaughan, 1910-2008 Chien-Shiung Wu, 1912-1997

Mathematician and Human Computer Physicist
A mathematician and programmer at After gaining a scholarship with Caltech,
the Langley Research Center, NACA, she investigated radioactive tracers as a
she worked on complex algorithms and cancer treatment. During the Second World
calculations. In 1949, she became the War, she worked on the Manhattan Project,
first female African-American supervisor, developing the process for separating
and later became a head of department uranium metal, and later developed the
within NASA. Standard Model of particle physics, earning
her the Wolf Prize in Physics.

Hedy Lamarr, 1914-2000 Katherine G. Johnson, BORN 1918

Hollywood Actress and Inventor Physicist, Mathematician at NASA
Better known as an actress, Lamarr was also As a research mathematician for NACA
passionate about science. During World War (the predecessor of NASA), she calculated
2, she and her team created a radio guidance the trajectory for Alan Shepard, the first
system for torpedoes using frequency American in space. She also calculated
hopping technology. This proved difficult to the launch window for the 1961 Mercury
implement and was not introduced until the mission and manually verified the computer’s
1960s, but its principles underpin today’s calculations.
Bluetooth technology.

Rosalyn Sussman Yalow, 1921-2011. Mary Jackson, 1921-2005

Physicist Aerospace Engineer and Mathematician
After gaining a PhD and working as a teacher,
she became a full-time researcher, focusing on Working under Dorothy Vaughan as a
radioactive substances for medical use. She mathematician and computer scientist
developed radioimmunoassay (RIA), a tracer that at NACA, she went on to become the
measures biological substances in blood, and organisation’s first black female engineer. Her
became the first American woman to win the research focused on flight thrust, airflow and
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. drag forces using a supersonic tunnel.

Helen Taussig, 1898-1986 Mary Cartwright, 1900-1998
Cardiologist Mathematician
Taussig became part of the paediatric The first woman to be awarded a first at
team working on cardiology cases in the University of Cambridge, Cartwright
newborns and children. She discovered that became one of the first mathematicians
anoxaemia was caused by blockages in to study Chaos Theory. She is best
the arteries and worked with Alfred Blalock remembered today as the proponent of
and Vivien Thomas to develop pioneering the Butterfly Effect.
surgery, now known as the Blalock-Taussig-
Thomas shunt.

Elsie Widdowson, 1906-2000 Maria Göeppert Mayer, 1906-1972

Dietician Physicist
Specialising in nutritional deficiencies in Taught mathematics by Emmy Noether, she
newborns, she played a central role in the gained a PhD in physics and moved to America.
government’s plan to distribute vitamins to Her development of a mathematical model
supplement food rations during World War for the nuclear shell structure led to her being
2. After the war, she helped to rehabilitate jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in 1963 – the
concentration camp victims before delivering second woman to achieve this.
revised calcium standards for breast milk

Rachel Carson, 1907-1964 Virginia Apgar, 1909-1974

Marine Biologist Anaesthesiologist
After studying zoology and genetics at As an anaesthesiologist, she was the
Johns Hopkins University, she worked for first female specialty head at Columbia-
the US Bureau of Fisheries and wrote a Presbyterian Medical Center before
number of papers on conservation, which becoming a professor specialising in
eventually led to a reversal of national reducing infant mortality. The Apgar score is
pesticide policy and a nationwide ban on still used today to assess newborns’ health,
DDT. and has helped to save millions of lives.

Anna Jane Harrison, 1912-1998 Mary Leakey, 1913-1996

Chemist Paleoanthropologist
During World War 2, she conducted Discovering a love of archaeology in
research on toxic smoke, contributing to childhood, Leakey went on numerous
the development of smoke detection kits digs, discovering the largest elephant
for troops. In 1945, she became a professor tooth in Britain (1934), the first fossilised
researching the structure of organic skull of extinct ape Proconsul (1959) and
compounds, and in 1978 became the first a Zinianthropus skull (1959). In total, she
female President of the American Chemical discovered 15 new species.

Gertrude Belle Elion, 1918-1999 Jane Wright, 1919-2013

Pharmacologist and Biochemist Cancer Researcher and Surgeon
After her grandfather died of cancer, Elion As director of the Harlem Hospital Cancer
became determined to beat the disease and Research Center, she wanted to make
developed the anti-cancer drug tioguanine. chemotherapy accessible to everyone.
Many of her drug discoveries are still used She was the first scientist to use folic acid
today. antagonists to prevent the creation of cancer
cells, leading to millions of lives being saved.

Esther Lederberg, 1922-2006 Margherita Hack, 1922-2013

Microbiologist Astrophysicist
In 1951, she discovered the λ As Professor of Astronomy at the University
bacteriophage, also known as the of Trieste, she published astronomy papers
Lambda Phage. This DNA molecule in international journals and several books
aided scientific understanding of gene for both academic and general audiences.
transcription. She also discovered the In 1978, she founded L’Astronomia
transfer of genes between bacteria magazine and directed the publication
by specialised transduction and the Le Stelle, both of which still have large
bacterial fertility factor F (F plasmid). followings.

Your questions answered
Do I have what it takes to build a career in STEM? personal development plan and will be ready for a
Of course you do! Provided you can think clearly and progress review at which we’ll give you feedback and
analytically, we will give you all the training you need answer any of your questions.
to release your potential.
What happens over the next three months?
So how do I apply? By now you will have learned lots about the company
Whether you’re a school leaver or university graduate, and our clients. At the end of six months you’ll have
you can apply online. It’s really easy – just upload another review to discuss your personal development
your CV and answer a few questions to test your plan and your progress towards achieving your goals.
capabilities and we’ll be in touch.
How good will my training be?
What happens after I apply? How good does it get? Our 24/7 training website
If your application is successful you’ll be invited to means you can learn whenever you want and
an Assessment Centre. You’ll get to meet lots of other we’ll make sure we rotate you across the company
applicants and probably make some new friends. so you can gain knowledge of everything we do.
You’ll also get to participate in a group exercise, Our flat structure means you’ll work alongside
a written test and an interview to see whether you business leaders from day one and participating
have the skills and personality we’re looking for. in live projects will make everything really exciting.

Wow, I received an offer! What now? What is the benefits package like?
Once you’ve accepted your offer we’ll invite you to an In a word – amazing! You can expect a pension
Induction Day. This is your chance to meet your new plan, share purchase plan, member discount scheme,
colleagues, understand what we’re all about and ask insurance packages, childcare vouchers, flexible
important questions before your first day. holidays and great social facilities including a sports
club. We’ll make sure you stay happy and healthy via
What will my first day be like? medical and dental cover, with trained mental health
Busy and fun! We’ll introduce you to your buddy first aiders on hand too.
who will support you in settling in and you’ll get
your equipment – then your comprehensive training But do I really have what it takes to build a career
will begin! in STEM?
There’s only one way to find out – apply to us and
What will happen over my first three months? we’ll take things from there. It could be the journey
You’ll spend most of this time finding your feet. That of a lifetime when you get to #ExperienceCGI.
doesn’t mean you’ll just be completing your training
– far from it. By this stage you’ll have created your

Stephanie Kwolek, 1923-2014 Yvonne Brill, 1924-2013

Polymer Chemist and Inventor Rocket and Jet Propulsion Engineer
After studying chemistry at university, she After topping her university class in
worked at DuPont and went on to invent chemistry and mathematics, Brill worked on
Kevlar, which has been used in tyres, ropes, satellite propulsion systems and developed
bulletproof vests, sports equipment and the hydrazine retrojet. She later helped to
bombproof materials. In the week she died, develop the TIROS system (the first weather
the millionth bulletproof vest was sold. satellite), Nova (a rocket design), Explorer
32 (the first upper-atmosphere satellite) and
the Mars Observer.

What our current members say

“I thought at the age of 18 everyone would disregard me, but that

wasn’t the case at all! I was accepted as part of the team very quickly
and everyone was so kind and helpful to get me settled in. I’m really
excited in my role now – I know there’s nothing that can stop me!
I can actually picture my career progression and being able to plan
this is thrilling.”
– Tara

“I found it easy to integrate into the CGI team. The members here are
really welcoming and everyone is treated the same. We need brilliant
scientists, engineers, mathematicians and technologists to address
the problems our planet faces and create a better future – and to do
so we must unlock the potential in all our children.”
– Hannah

To any girls about to apply, The online application was I was nervous applying to CGI,
my advice would be – don’t easy. The questions asked at but I found the application process
be nervous. Just try your this point were good, because very straightforward. It was clear
best, network and don’t be it wasn’t just uploading a CV – what I should expect at each stage
scared to ask questions!” there was a chance to explain of the process. The feedback
– Nabilah
yourself and stand out.” I received after the assessment
– Caroline
centre was the most in-depth
I had received from any company
and was extremely helpful.”
– Millie

Anne McLaren, 1927-2007 Vera Rubin, 1928-2016

Developmental Biologist Astronomer

In 1958, she published a At Cornell, she studied the motions of

groundbreaking paper with John D galaxies and observed the Hubble flow.
Viggers on the development and birth After graduation, she observed the rotation
of mice in vitro. Her subsequent career of galaxies and helped to prove the
was in fertility, and she helped to existence of dark matter.
develop IVF treatment, leading to the
first ‘test tube baby’ in 1978.

Our networks will give you
all the support you need
Diversity is central to everything we do. We believe That’s why we have specialist networks to support
that only by bringing together the finest minds and all our members – whoever they may be. They’re here
people with the most varied perspectives, can we to make you feel at home from your first day and
create lasting solutions to the technology challenges to encourage you to tell us what kind of company
facing our world today. you’d like us to be.

An information and support
platform for our members
over 55. Ensuring they have
all the information they need
The Parental Support
to continue their successful
Community (PSC) is a
and satisfying careers.
community for members who
are pregnant, on maternity/
Research shows gender shared parental/adoption
equality has a positive impact leave, or have returned to
Our Women’s Network offers in workplaces, improving work following parental leave.
a platform for members to productivity, performance The PSC aims to provide
recognise and celebrate each and work satisfaction. We aim members with an information
others achievements, giving to educate our members and support source and
them the chance to empower to make the commitment help everyone returning
and support each other at for gender equality at to re-integrate and build
work and beyond. their confidence.

The Women’s #HeForShe Parental Support

Network Campaign Community

Our Diversity and

Over 55’s LGBT+ Network
Inclusion Committee
Community and Allies

BAME Network
Capability Part-Time
(Black, Asian and
Network Community
Minority Ethnicities)

The Capability Network aims An information and support A platform for members to

to create positive and open platform for our part-time empower and support those
communication surrounding members. The Part-Time of minority ethnicities within
disabilities. We aim to Community ensures they our offices.
connect members of all have all the information
capabilities and create they need to maintain a
a space to share ideas, productive and successful
experiences and advice. work/life balance.
The LGBT+ network is
open to all members and
subcontractors who identify
as LGBT+ and allies. We
support and represent
members from all minority
sexual orientations and
gender identities and also
partner with Stonewall.

We continually promote new
training opportunities for all
of our members to complete
based on new Diversity and
Inclusion topics and updated We are just embarking on
areas for awareness. our STEM Camps for girls
programme. These camps
are currently popular and
successful in our American International Women’s Day
We have weekly news and Canadian offices. The offers an opportunity for us to
roundups that are sent to camp will look to teach reflect on how we encourage
every UK member, featuring girls more about STEM and and support our women.
a Diversity and Inclusion present opportunities that Every year we celebrate
section highlighting key come with this field, hoping and recognise our female
news and upcoming events to inspire them and show that members by hosting events in
for our networks. STEM is a choice for them. all of our offices.

Communications International Women’s

and Newsletters Day Events

Our Diversity and

Learning and Bring your Daughter
Inclusion Committee
Development to Work Day

Local School Events

CynerGI Intranet Gender Gap Project
and Partnerships

Our intranet site is called Our current Dream Connector Our UK offices are partnered
CynerGI. Here members can project: Sprint Towards a with local schools, helping
create blogs and read internal 50/50 Gender Balance, to promote STEM in the
news articles. The Diversity aims to reduce gender gaps classroom and inspiring the
and Inclusion Community by developing a tailored next generation.
have an active blog to engage work experience programme
members and promote for women interested in
open communication pursuing an IT career We host an annual ‘Bring your
between us all. after a career break. Daughter to Work Day’.
On this day, members can
bring their daughters or
young female family members
to the office. The girls learn
about STEM and take part
in fun activities, hopefully
inspiring them and promoting
STEM as a career choice.

What our current members say

The application process was fairly straightforward If I was to give any female student advice before
and easy to go through. If I was to go back to when applying to CGI, it would be to put yourself first.
I started and give myself advice for my first day, Just relax and take any opportunity you can. You
it would be don’t be nervous. You are entitled to don’t need to prove anything, just trust yourself.”
people’s help and time as a student. Don’t hesitate – Becky
to ask for help.”
– Raidah

After my successful application, I was invited to Once I started here, everyone was accommodating
the Assessment Centre day, which I found really and welcoming. When I started my project, everyone
interesting. It provided an insight into life at CGI helped me get up to speed and they were always
and a full-time job. It helped me understand how willing to help me. Because of this, I settled in really
the company worked and how I would fit into CGI.” quickly. I also attended a few socials, which was a
– Emma
nice way to meet people. One was an SSC event
and the other was a Christmas event.”
– Shannon

A day in my life
Hi, I’m Abbie and this is my CGI story. After studying
English Literature at University, I joined CGI’s
Space, Defence and Intelligence team last October.
That was quite a leap, as I was originally considering
a career in publishing. I’d heard of CGI, so after
researching the company I contacted the careers
team about graduate positions. They were really
helpful, and the whole process was amazingly
quick – I had my interview in August and received
my offer in under two weeks.

So what’s my typical day at work like?

The work is really varied There’s plenty to do after work as well

I’m currently bringing our past project documentation My boyfriend and I moved when I took on the job,
up to date, which draws on the editing skills gained so we still feel like we’re experiencing a new city.
during my degree. Usually, I’ll spend time during the My commute is fairly short at about 40 minutes,
morning liaising with the project owners via email leaving us plenty of time to go out after dinner –
and telephone. either for a walk or to meet friends.

There are often many meetings during my day, Talking of friends, the social life at work is great.
including a monthly team meeting – most are in person CGI has its own Sports and Social Club, and every
but some people dial in from other offices. There’s a office holds regular social events. This could be
real team ethos here, so I really enjoy these catch-ups. anything from our own version of ‘Bake Off’ to
board games at lunchtime. We recently held an
Another regular responsibility is to sit in on graduate Easter egg hunt which was a fun way to get to know
interviews to help answer any questions the candidate people. Pretty much every office has a football
may have. I really enjoy these too as that was me team and there are also clubs for tennis, badminton,
not so long ago! I’m also working on my voluntary yoga, bowling, cinema trips and murder mystery
Student Kickstart Initiative project which requires dinners – you name it!
extra research and networking.

Most of the time I leave work at 5.30, but occasionally

I stay a little later in order to get a project finished.

Edith Flanigen, BORN 1929 Annie Easley, 1933-2011

Chemist Computer Scientist, Mathematician,
Rocket Scientist
Working at Union Carbide, she researched
molecular sieves and invented zeolite Y Starting as a mathematician and computer
to refine petroleum. During her career, engineer at NACA, Easley developed code
she invented more than 200 synthetic and analysed alternative power supplies for
substances, including synthetic emeralds rockets. She went on to become a leading
used in lasers. member of the team that developed the
Centaur rockets’ software, and contributed
to the 1997 flight to Saturn.

Margaret Hamilton, BORN 1936 Patricia Bath, BORN 1942
Computer Scientist Ophthalmologist
After developing weather prediction After attending medical school, she became the
software at MIT, she worked on the SAGE first female ophthalmologist at the Jules Stein
Project at Lincoln Lab, writing software Eye Institute at UCLA and founded Prevention
for the first AN/FSQ-7 computer. She was of Blindness in Washington. In 1986, she
then recruited by NASA and developed the pioneered cataract removal via the Laser Phaco
in-flight software for Apollo and Skylab. Method, making her the first African-American
However, she is best remembered for woman to receive a medical patent.
coining the term ‘software engineering’.

Jocelyn Bell Burnell, BORN 1943 Jill Tarter, BORN 1944
Astrophysicist Astronomer
After gaining a PhD in physics, she Tarter loved stargazing with her father
researched quasars and discovered a rotating and went on to become a professional
neutron star. In 2018, she received the astronomer, focusing on the search for
Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental extraterrestrial life. In 1992, she became a
Physics, but donated the whole of the £2.3 project scientist for NASA’s High Resolution
million award to campaigns to aid female, Microwave Survey before becoming director
minority and refugee physics students. of Project Phoenix.

Shirley Ann Jackson, BORN 1946 Linda Buck, BORN 1947

Physicist Biologist
Jackson became the first African-American At the Institute of Cancer Research, she
woman to gain a PhD from MIT, then mapped out the olfactory system, tracing
became a visiting scientist at the European odours and cell responses. In 2004, she and
Organization for Nuclear Research. She was colleague Richard Axel were awarded the
subsequently appointed Chairman of the US Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for
Nuclear Regulatory Commission by then- identifying the genes that code more than
President Bill Clinton. 1000 odour receptors.

Elizabeth Blackburn, BORN 1948 Sally Ride, 1951-2012

Biological Researcher Astronaut, Physicist and Engineer
Born into a family of physicians, Blackburn Joining NASA in 1978, she completed
researched DNA sequencing at university astronaut training in 1979 and was the first
and went on to study protozoans and American woman in space four years later.
telomeres. In 1984, she co-discovered She was later a Professor of Physics at the
telomerase, the enzyme that prevents cell University of California, and remains the
ageing, and received the Nobel Prize in youngest American to have gone into space.
Physiology or Medicine in 2009.

Mae C. Jemison, BORN 1956 Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, BORN 1959

Astronaut, Physician and Engineer Biodiversity Scientist and the Sixth President
of Mauritius (2015 to 2018)
Entering university at 16 and graduating
from medical school, she worked as a GP After gaining her PhD in organic chemistry at the
and Peace Corps Medical Officer before University of Exeter, she returned to Mauritius as
becoming an astronaut with NASA. a professor. She later opened her own science
In 1992, she was a mission specialist centre, studying local medicinal and aromatic
aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour, plants. Gurib-Fakim then left science for politics,
investigating weightlessness and motion and was appointed President of Mauritius in 2015.

May-Britt Moser, BORN 1963 Tessy Thomas, BORN 1963

Neuroscientist Director General of Aeronautical Systems
Alongside her husband Edward Moser and The first woman to head up a missile project
John O’Keefe, she pioneered research into in India, she is currently the Director-General,
the brain’s mechanism for space perception. Aeronautical Systems of the Defence
This gave scientists new understanding Research and Development Organization.
of cognitive processes and neurological
conditions. In 2014, she and her colleagues
shared the Nobel Prize for Physiology or

Maryam Mirzakhani, 1977-2017 Ann Makosinski, BORN 1997

Mathematician Student inventor and public speaker

After becoming the first Iranian student In 2013, she invented the Hollow Flashlight,
to achieve a perfect score at the global which uses thermoelectrics to convert
Mathematical Olympiads, she became a temperature into light. The device won
research fellow at the Clay Mathematics her the Google Science Fair, and she
Institute and a professor at Princeton. subsequently gained an investment of
She was awarded the Fields Medal for her $50,000 from the Quest Climate Grant for
contribution to maths, but her stellar career inventions powered by body heat.
was sadly cut short by cancer.

These women changed the way we see the world.
We’ll give you all the encouragement you need to
follow in their footsteps.

We want you to take

the step in to STEM
As you can see, joining us in a STEM career is a lot
easier than you thought. We’re passionate about
diversity and inclusion and our Women’s, BAME
(Black, Asian and Minority Ethnicities) and LGBT+
Networks will make you feel right at home – whoever
you are and whatever you want from your career.

The first step is to apply online at
and we’ll take things from there, helping
you take your first steps in to STEM.

Image Attributions

Irène Joloit-Curie
Harcourt [CC BY 4.0 (]

Jocelyn Bell Burnell

Launch_of_IYA_2009,_Paris_-_Grygar,_Bell_Burnell.jpg: Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republicderivative
work: Anrie [CC BY-SA 3.0 (]

Linda Buck
Betsythedevine aka Betsy Devine [CC BY-SA 3.0 (]

Elizabeth Blackburn
Science History Institute [CC BY-SA 3.0 (]

Ameenah Gurib-Fakim
Rashtrapati Bhavan New Delhi [CC BY 3.0 (]

May-Britt Moser
Foto: Henrik Fjørtoft/NTNU Komm.avd. [CC BY-SA 2.0 (]

Tessy Thomas [CC BY-SA 3.0 (]

Maryam Mirzakhani
Author: Gert-Martin Greuel / Source: Archives of the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach

Gertrude Elion
[1] [CC BY 4.0 (]

Esther Lederberg
Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg [Attribution]

Stephanie Kwolek
Science History Institute [CC BY-SA 3.0 (]



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