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+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” for 10% discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal

Dedicated to my students

My student, you are the best

Of all the rest
Promise me that you will never admit defeat
Your dedication is visible to everyone you meet
So soothing is your smile
I am amazed for a while

I have students everywhere

But like you are very rare
I can never forget you

Because you are like a drop of shining dew

From a leaf split apart
Your fond memories will always shine in my heart
Yes, I believe in you
Yes, I am proud of you
Don’t ever give up
Yes, you can and you will do it.

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English with Nimisha Bansal //

+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal

claim or assertion in the

1. Eradicate: उन्मल
ू न: face of opposition.
destroy completely; put
an end to. FOREIGN WORD
2. Unleash: cause (a strong 10. Status quo: the
or violent force) to be existing state of affairs,
released or become especially regarding
unrestrained. social or political issues.
3. Imbibe: absorb or
assimilate (ideas or IDIOMS & PHRASES
knowledge). 11. Take a beating: suffer
4. Embark: go on board a damage or hurt.
ship or aircraft. 12. Fly high: be very
successful; prosper.
5. Envisage: कल्पना:
contemplate or conceive 13. Impetus: something
of as a possibility or a that makes a process or
desirable future event. activity happen or
happen more quickly
6. burgeoning : बढ़ती:
beginning to grow or 14. Thriving: prosperous
increase rapidly; and growing; flourishing.
15. Elusive: difficult to
7. Disavow: अस्वीकार करना: find, catch, or achieve
deny any responsibility
16. Daunted: make
or support for.
(someone) feel
8. Disparity: विषमता: a intimidated or
difference in level or apprehensive.
treatment, especially one
that is seen as unfair.
17. Creep into: to begin to
PHRASAL VERBS happen or affect
9. Back down: withdraw a

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English with Nimisha Bansal //

+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal
18. Indelible: not able to 27. Curb: a check or
be forgotten restraint on something

19. Abyss: a deep or 28. Perversely: in a way that

seemingly bottomless shows a deliberate and
chasm obstinate desire to behave in
an unreasonable or
20. off the hook: no longer
unacceptable manner
in difficulty or trouble:
29. Unfurl: make or
21. Abysmally: in an
become spread out from
extremely bad way;
a rolled or folded state,
especially in order to be
22. Mauled: treat open to the wind
(something) savagely or
30. Paradigm: a typical
example or pattern of
IDIOMS & PHRASES something; a pattern or
23. work under the
umbrella: to be part of a 31. Hapless: अभागा:
larger organization or (especially of a person)
involved in the work unfortunate.
done by it. 32. Rollicking: मस्त:
exuberantly lively and
24. Faux pas: false step, 33. Scapegoats: a person
an indiscretion who is blamed for the
wrongdoings, mistakes,
25. Gravest: giving cause or faults of others,
for alarm; serious especially for reasons of
26. Oppress: keep expediency.
(someone) in subjection
and hardship, especially PHRASAL VERBS
by the unjust exercise of 34. Gear up: prepare or equip
authority oneself for something; get
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English with Nimisha Bansal //

+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal
43. Conceded (स्वीकार किया) :
admit or agree that something
IDIOMS & PHRASES is true after first denying or
resisting it.
35. in the name of :
bearing or using the PHRASAL VERBS
name of a specified
44. Spell out (व्याख्या करना) :
person or organization.
explain something in detail.
FOREIGN WORD 45. Clean-up (शद् ु धीकरण) :
restore order or morality to
36. sojourn : a temporary stay something.
37. Mooted (वाद-विवाद FOREIGN WORDS
करना): raise (a question
or topic) for discussion 46. Mala fide : carried out in bad
faith or with intent to deceive.
38. Hinge (निर्भर होना) :
depend entirely on.

39. Impinges (अतिक्रमण

करना) : have an effect,
especially a negative

40. Diktat (अलोकप्रिय और कड़ा

आदे श) : an order or decree
imposed by someone in power
without popular consent.

41. Fret (घबड़ाहट) : to be

nervous or worried worri

42. Legion (दल) : a vast

number of people or

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English with Nimisha Bansal //

+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal

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English with Nimisha Bansal //

+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal

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English with Nimisha Bansal //

+91 9953301150 use code “NIMISHA” to get Maximum discount on unacademy fees Nimisha Bansal

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English with Nimisha Bansal //

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