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Linsangan v.

Tolentino, 598 SCRA 133

A.C. No. 6672     September 4, 2009

Pedro Linsangan of the Linsangan Linsangan & Linsangan Law Office filed a
complaint of disbarment against Atty. Nicomedes Tolentino for solicitation of clients
and encroachment of professional services alleging that respondent, with the help of
paralegal Fe Marie Labiano, convinced his clients to transfer legal representation to
said respondent with the promise of financial assistance and expeditious collection
on their claims. To induce them to hire his services, he persistently called them and
sent them text messages. Complainant presented the sworn affidavit of James
Gregorio attesting that Labiano convinced him to sever his lawyer-client relations
with complainant and use respondent’s services instead, in exchange for a loan of
P50, 000.00.

Issue:Whether or not Atty. Tolentino’s actions violate Rule 2.03 of the Code of
Professional Responsibility (CPR).

Yes, the court adopted the findings of the IBP on unethical conduct of the
respondent whereby it found the respondent to have encroached on the professional
practice of complainant, violating Rule 2.03 of the CPR which provides that “a lawyer
shall not do or permit to be done any act designed primarily to solicit legal business.”
Hence, lawyers are prohibited from soliciting cases for the purpose of gain, either
personally or through paid agents or brokers. Such actuation constitutes malpractice,
a ground for disbarment. This rule proscribes ambulance chasing (the solicitation of
almost any kind of legal business by an attorney, personally or through an agent in
order to gain employment) as a measure to protect the community from barratry and

Based on such, Atty. Nicomedes Tolentino is found to have violated Rules

1.03, 2.03, of the CPR and is suspended from the practice of law for a period of one
year with a stern warning that a repetition of the same or similar acts in the future
shall be dealt with more severely.


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