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This badly written timeline will explain all the things that happened during the course of the
entire story of ACOT/SOFE as observed by the Great Panada. The Great Panda sees all, so this is
the most reliable version of the historical events. Evidences from events inside the games are
usually written and made from the perspectives of others who were mostly biased or unaware
of the truth.

The Great Panada being lazy, is unable to see and glimpse into the inconsistencies that happen
when a lot of mods are used at the same time. So he cannot know whether X can be defeated by
Y’s super ultra dimensional gigacannon or whether Y possesses this tech from X. He just knows
that he is a Panada.

The Dawn of Time

This timeline explores the time before Stellaris. It

covers the background of Omegans. You can skip this part
if you're not interested in SBTG stuff.

- High Father and High Mother were born.

- Omega Metaverse was created, and the first childrens of the

Founder Race were conceived.

- Around the sixth generations of the Founder Races, the first

sign of abominations and taints began to appear.

- Omega Metaverse expanded to incorporate a vast amount of


- Omega Metaverse was given its own sentience, the Omega

- High Mother began to lose her sanity after the 65th
generations of her offsprings were all born weak and tainted,
and had to be killed.

- High Mother consulted with High Father about the potential

ways to cure the affliction.

- The Founders were made aware of the nature of the Outurverse

and the real reason behind their current predicament.

- High Mother and her followers theorized a way to break

through the Outervese and be freed of the curse.

- High Father opposed and attempted to arrest High Mother’s

followers and destroy the ritual with extreme forces.

- Desperate, High Mother attempted the ritual in its

incompleted state, causing massive and untold destruction
across the entire Outerverse.

- 90% of the Founders were killed instantly.

- High Father gathered the last of the survivors within the

Great Palace of Blessed, to which the Omega Sentience was

- Under guidance of the Omega Sentience, the last of the

Founders sacrificed their souls to empower the Sentience to
ensure its survival.

- The rest of the Outerverse collapsed.

- The Outerverse healed itself, and the souls of all those who
died during the sundering began to return, minus the ones who
sacrificed to the Omega Sentience.

- Because the last thoughts of their deaths were of fear,

confusion and despair, and the nature of how they died, these
souls were reborn as malformed, hideous creatures who could
only grapse certain concepts.

- The Shadow was born, created from the tormented soul of the
High Mother.
- Omega Sentience was reborn into a new species called the

Rise of the Omegans Era

- The first 27 Omegans were born in an unknown space, they

became the Founding Members, or the Founders of the Omega

- Omegans mastered the Light and built their grand city of

Suriyan, the city expanded to cover the entire space where
they were born.

- Suriyan was assaulted by an unknown enemy which was later

called The Mimics.

- Omegans emerged victorious, Mimics wiped out, Suriyan was

damaged, Omegan lost roughly 90% of its original population,
including 24 of its founding members.

- The surviving 3 members reorganized its society into The

Triumvirate of Light. Each represents Reach of the Hand (War
and Diplomacy), Strength of the Body (Internal Policy and
Society) and Will of the Mind (Progression and Exploration
into the Unknown)

- Will of the Mind begins slowly exploring the unknown while

the other two sects heal and revitalize their society.

- The Great Panada began to wake up.

The First Star Era

This timeline explores the origin of Stellaris Metaverse

in ACOT. Most of it is background lore.

- The Omegans by chance, discovered a dying metaverse. It was

composed of two factions, the Shroud Masters and the
Supplicants. The supplicants were used as sustenances for the
Shroud Masters to keep their domain from crumbling.
- Omegans considered wiping the abusive Shroud Masters, the
original inhabitants of this dying realm due to their past
interactions with the Mimics.

- The Omegans decided to instead save the Metaverse and gave

life and will to the Supplicants, who now share the realm
alongside the Shroud Masters as the First Mortals.

- The Omegans left and observed the development of the new

Stellaris Metaverse.

- First mortals began to challenge their old Shroud Masters.

- A Shroud Master Scholar named Urimurich decided to break

away from his people and began amassing followers from the

- The First Great Empire, Phanon Imperium was born, united

under a benevolent but ambitious Urimurich.

- Phanon Imperium declared wars on the rest of the Shroud


- Phanon/Shroud War reached a heating point, Omegans


- The Shroud was separated into its own dimension.

- Phanon Imperium was disbanded.

- Urimurich, being a Shroud Master, was not allowed to stay in

physical dimension.

- Urimurich pleaded to the Omegans that he had made himself

the enemy of other Shroud Masters, and he'd be hunted down
should he stay with them. Urimurich wished to walk amongst the
mortals in a physical plane.

- Omegans granted Urimurich his wish, but he lost the majority

of his powers as a Shroud Master as a result. Urimurich
happily accepted, not knowing that this would greatly damage
his sanity, as his mortal form could not maintain the vast
intellect of a Shroud Master.
- Regardless, Mortals were given full reign over the physical

- Stellaris, the First Stellar Star was given to the mortals.

Henceforth the metaverse received its official "Stellaris"

- Mortals began to discard the old Runic Powers and started

using Stellar Powers.

- Shroud Masters, unable to construct physical objects, could

also no longer use Runic Powers, and began using their innate
Psionic Powers instead

- Urimurich preferred to honor his late empire's legacy and

continued to use Runic Power, which he now renamed Phanon.

- Omegans allowed the Mortals to manifest their own destinies

once again and depart back to Suriyan.

- The Great Panda began to eat.

Before Fallen Empire Eras

This timeline explores the time right after the Mortals

truly is the sole inhabitant of the Stellaris Metaverse
up until the formation of the four Fallen Empires.

##### DISCLAIMER : Events happening in this part are not in

order, and will change heavily depending on how Stellaris updates
its precursor stuff. It will be somewhat inconsistent due to my
limited memory of Stellaris Precursor stuff (The digsites one,
not ACOT one).

- First Sentient Man-Made machine was created.

- Zroni rediscovered the path to connect with the Shroud's

Realm, becoming the first mortal to breach the first dimension
of the Shroud Realm.

- Three Psionic Empires decided to transcend beyond the

physical plane, but failed. They become the three
extra-dimensional horrors, the Vehement, Abhorrent and
- First Hive Mind was born.

- The Great Panada began to play.

First Order of Light Era

This timeline details all the events beginning with the

birth of Fallen Empires all the way to the exile of the

- Omegans discovered the safe point to travel into the Great

Beyond, but origin point is located in Stellaris Metaverse

- Omegans began preparations to explore the Great Beyond.

- Displeased with the repeating cycles of destruction of the

mortals, Omegans decided to create The Order of Light.

- Four most promising civilizations were selected to be the

first four members of the Order. Each member were uplifted and
entrusted with the most powerful gifts that the Omegans
believed would help the four surpass the cycles of

- Second generations of empires under the Order of Light were


- Third and successive generations were formed.

- Stellar Caretakers were created to act as mediators between

each member of the Order and the Omegans.

- Omegans began creating Outer Gates and the Ancient


- Omegans started journeying into the Great Beyond at New

Frontier, Order of Light remains oblivious as to the purpose
of the Outer Gates.

- First Generation Empires began running the Order of Light

with the help of Stellar Caretakers
- The Shadow makes its first appearance.

- The Shadow immediately sows discord, whispering into the

minds of First Generation Empires that the Omegans plan to
abandon them in favor of a better metaverse beyond the gates.

- First Generation Empires attempted to confirm this suspicion

with the Stellar Caretakers.

- Stellar Caretakers reaffirmed that Omegans will not abandon

Stellaris, but this did little to ease up tension.

- The Shadow coerced The Materialist Empire to indoctrinate

their Caretaker to learn the truth.

- The Materialist indoctrinated their Caretaker, and learned

of the Great Beyond, making them believe that the Omegans were
indeed planning to leave.

- The Shadow sow further discord by presenting itself to the

Spiritualist as a superior God.

- A portion of Spiritualist Religious Sect began worshipping

The Shadow and started instigating heretical beliefs and
slander Omegan's name.

- The Shadow destroyed The Ancient Gatekeeper, and the

Omegan/Shadow War began in full force.

- Materialists began salvaging the leftovers of the Ancient

Gatekeeper and created replicas to forcefully open the Outer

- Materialists started an open rebellion against Omegan,

demanding Omegan to allow them to journey into Outer Gate.

- Other Stellar Caretakers were called back to the Omegans to

prevent further tampering, as the Omegans discovered that the
Materialist Caretaker has been indoctrinated.

- With the help of The Shadow, the fanatical Spiritualist Cult

forced the Spiritualist as a whole to join the Rebellion. The
Loyalists wanted the Omegans to help them route out all the
- Xenophobe Empire wished to help the Omegans, but their
Stellar Caretaker was murdered by agents of the Shadow before
they could do anything.

- Xenophobe Empire panicked and decided to join the rebellion

in an effort to undermine its war effort, hoping to secretly
destroy it from within to become Omegan's sole favor.

- Xenophile Empire decided to join the Rebellion in an effort

to secretly steal the populations and technologies of the
other three empires.

- Omegans tried to maintain order and the Body's Sect was

tasked with easing the tension, but the Shadow, along with its
now independent Cult prevented any hope for peace.

- The Rebellion discovered they couldn't damage Omegan's

physical avatar and retreated.

- The Rebellion decided to instead attack the other members of

the Order of Light, Omegan/Shadow War now escalated into
full-blown universal-war

- Omegan instructed the Order of Light to unite together but

not engage the Rebellion offensively, believing that they
could be reasoned with after the Shadow's lies were exposed.

- Materialists completed their duplication of the Gatekeepers.

- The Rebellion amassed its largest fleet ever to storm one of

the Outer Gates.

- The Abyss joined in the attack, using the Rebellion Fleet as

a meatshield to prevent Omegans from retaliation.

- Omegan Defense was unable to stop the Shadow without wiping

out the Rebellion Fleet as well. As such they were forced to

- The Shadow began breaching the barriers of Suriyan, Omegan's

Home Realm.
- The Triumvirate realized they have grossly underestimated
the extent of the Shadow's corruptions and that the war was

- The Omegans began the massive exodus to the New Frontier.

- The Rebellion Fleet crossed into New Frontier, the gap

between Suriya, Stellaris and New Frontier began to crack, all
three realms began to destabilize.

- Omegans sacrificed 80% of its population to repair the gap

and ensure the survival of the Hand's Reach. Leader of the
Body's Strength, one of the three last founding members
perished as a result.

- The Shadow took over Suriyan, but was also trapped there as
a result.

- The surviving Omegans sacrificed another 60% of its

population to ensure that Stellaris, the First Star would not
shatter completely. Will of the Mind's leader died as result,
leaving Omegans with only one founding member left, the Hand.

- The Rebellion discovered they had lost contact with the

entire fleets that went inside the Outer Gate save for one
under Tuborek who returned with half of his ship missing.

- The Outer Gates appeared to have been sealed with powerful

Stellar Enchantment, preventing access.

- The duplicated Gatekeepers were instructed to keep the seals

active, as everyone now believed that only Omegans could truly
control the gates.

- Tuborek was put under court martial, with Xenophile pushing

the blame that he was responsible for the fall of Omegan.

- Tuborek was rescued by his crew and tried to break away, but
lost to the combined might of both The Rebellion and the Order
of Light.
- Tuborek was imprisoned in eternal damnation under a
Dimensional Prison, he was not allowed the peace of death he

- The Great Panada began to sleep.

Early Ascension War Era

This timeline details events that happen during the

absence of the Omegan, all the way to 20,000 years

- First Generation Empires began blaming each other for the

fall of their beloved Omegans. Each claimed to be its true

- First Generation Empires began a massive war against each


- Second Generation Empires having grown sick of the First

Generation, decided to carry the legacy of the Order of Light
and declared war on the First as well.

- Third and successive Generations, being too weak and too

young, and lacking the coordinations, decided to each
independently support either side, or remain neutral.

- Absence of the Omegans began to take effect, the First Star

began to grow dim, and all Stellar Technologies began to

- Urimurich refused to share his Phanon Technology.

- Desperate, the Materialist looked to their indoctrinated

Caretaker to help them come up with a new power source.

- Caretakers instructed the Materialist how to manually

manipulate the energies of Stellaris, but warned of the many

- Materialists decided to use Caretakers as a test subject,

experimenting on how to re-wield the power of the stars.
- After multiple failures, Materialist invented the Enigmatic
Power, Caretakers became heavily damaged and degraded after
prolonged experimentations.

- Seeing future uses of the Caretakers, Materialists

instructed Caretakers to merge themselves into a Gestalt
Consciousness to prolong their lifespan.

- Materialists basked in their inevitable victory as the only

empire who possessed the new power against the decaying
Stellar Power.

- Unfortunately, due to their poor security, Spiritualist was

able to mind control key scientists to give them the techs,
Xenophobe was able to use genedancers to infiltrate and steal
the tech as well.

- Xenophile was able to steal the tech afterwards by accepting

refugees off the three factions, then salvaged their refugee

- War begins to rage on and cause many planets and empires to

be destroyed.

- Sudden shortage of resources caused the rise of the first

Devouring Swarm Hive Mind, known as the Prethoryn Scourge.

- Scourge devours enough to keep itself sustained, but decided

to continue its hunger.

- Organics designed an automated anti-crisis system called the

Hunters to combat the scourge.

- The Scourge loses to the Hunters and begins fleeing.

- The Hunters are programmed to self-destruct if the Scourge

is eliminated or changes its way.

- More empires get eliminated, the universes see the first

time a Gaia World turns into something else.

- Constant failures and technology thefts cause empires to

stop trying to develop further than Delta.
- War is divided into two seperate theaters, one between
enigmatic-capable empires and another to those who cannot.

- Cybrex Empire rises to prominence and begins its campaign of

terror as a powerful machine empire.

- Urimurich decides to gather refugees and start his own

little faction, called the Cult of Phanon.

- Cybrex transformed into an Assimilator, and thus suddenly

realized the folly of their destructive paths.

- Cybrex removed themselves from all visible systems and

abandoned all primary hubs.

- Rehn-Maru decided that machines and synthetics are too

dangerous should they rise in power too much, Class-30
Singularity is theorized as a concept.

- Contingency System was invented to prevent such Singularity.

- Rehn-Maru was killed by another group of its own empire who

believed the Contingency itself would become Class-30

- Contingency identified this as an act of self-destruction,

and disguised itself as incomplete, fooling its creator’s

- The other party decided to salvage and adapt Contingency’s

Technology across its empire, indirectly spreading the
territories in which the Contingency could cover.

- More empires died, more worlds destroyed.

- Cult of Phanon gains more following, Urimurich decided to

rename and reform the Cult into a paramilitary service called
the Phanon Corps.

- Phanon Corps decided to stop accepting refugees.

- Contingency began its first activation.

- Contingency gets easily beaten, but survives.

- By this time, the fabric of reality has been torn apart, and
the metaverse that was once whole begins to shatter into
multiple universes.

- As a result, all empires and civilizations begin to have

alternate parallel versions of themselves. Each separation
causes them to be weaker.

- Stellar Technology has all but ceased to function besides

the Outer Gate Seal.

- Gatekeepers received alterations to become guardians, and

retrofitted with enigmatic technologies instead of Stellar

- Xenophiles failed to sustain the massive influx of refugees,

so they started yeeting out the “undesirables”.

- These exiled refugees end up becoming pirates or marauders.

- Contingency started another activation.

- Contingency gets beaten back again, with slightly more

difficulty this time.

- Spiritualist Ruler “Sobrak”,who is a Chosen One, made a plea

to a Zroni Shroud Entity to bring back his lover.

- The Entity brought his lover back, but as a withered,

monstrous undead.

- Sobrak swore eternal revenge, and used his power to break

the barriers between the physical plane and the higher Shroud
Space where the Shroud Masters resided.

- Sobrak received the gift of a Shroud Master, becoming the

Avatar of Vengeance and begins hunting down the Zroni Entity.

- Unable to locate his prey, Sobrak demanded more and more

sacrifices from his people, and destroyed any Zroni Shroud
Entities he came across.
- Spiritualists decided to rebel and fight against their
fallen Chosen One.

- Unable to fight against both the Zroni Shroud Entities and

his people at the same time, Sobrak was defeated, but could
not be killed.

- Sobrak was imprisoned.

- As a result of this incident, Spiritualists no longer

worship the Zroni Shroud Entities, and worship the Shroud
Realm itself, and any who would be shown to have too much
psionic powers were executed, so as to prevent them from
becoming a Chosen One, making Sobrak the last of the
Spiritualist’s Chosen.

- More empires died, more worlds devastated.

- Contingency activated for the third time.

- Contingency got beaten again, but it managed to destroy a

lot more empires this time.

- The war between enigmatic-capable empires was over, leaving

only the four empires active.

- During this time, the Caretakers began to malfunction due to

the lack of power source.

- Seeing further use of the Caretakers in the future, the

Materialists reprogrammed the Caretakers into a Gestalt
Consciousness and made them utilize Enigmatic Technologies

- The Four Empires then sat and watched as the other empires
warred against each other.

- Contingency emerged again, but this time the Four Empires

did not intervene to stop it.

- As the others lacked the resources and technologies to fight

the Contingency, they were losing badly.
- An Empire decided to hack the Caretakers and reprogram them
to always act against the Contingency.

- The Caretakers managed to beat back the Contingency, and

continues to do so for every further reactivation.

- As the Four Empires began to stagnate, the science

department received no fundings or directions.

- The scientists began leaving the empires, and formed their

own organization of the Curator Order.

- Curator Order attempted to kickstart the Alpha Project again

and try to build a massive experimental shipyard called the

- Words spread out quickly, and the Curators were forced to

flee as empires began to fight over the station.

- The Four Empires forced the Curator Orders to abandon all

attempts to work on any other future projects.

- An empire who was about to fall under its enemy decided to

purchase a Star Dominator from the now infamous Phanon Corps.

- To fit the new specifications demanded by its client, Star

Dominator II was created, Kylo Ren being the first of its

- Urimurich decided to have Kylo Ren travel to its client

without jumping as a “test”.

- Kylo Ren failed to reach its destination in time, and the

client became a vassal.

- Kylo Ren was legally permitted to have its ownership


- Kylo Ren was used to participating in the Battle For the


- Kylo Ren sustained heavy damage due to lack of support and

overconfidence of its captain.
- Kylo Ren was told to crash itself to deny the enemy the
opportunity to salvage it.

- The Captain decided to crash the ship into A’merigo out of


- Rather than an explosion, the collision between the massive

ship and the massive station caused both to vanish into an
all-consuming void, leaving only parts of it left on a planet.

- The planet transformed into a fractured world as a result.

- More planets died, more empires destroyed.

- By this time only a few empires remained.

- The surviving Fallen Empires made a pact to avoid any

further military actions against each other and will no longer
expand beyond their borders.

- To bury the secrets, the fallen empires attacked and

destroyed every last surviving empire.

- With only the four fallen empires, the pirates, Phanon Corps
and the few independent businesses left, the Ascension War
that lasted over 20,000 years has come to an end.

- Great Panada woke up for 5 seconds then decided to sleep


Post Ascension War Era

- No efforts were made to restore the universes, each pockets

of fallen empires in the galaxy succumbed to the same fates
that plagued their ancestral histories and began to stagnate.

- Materialist Fallen Empire began the new policy of Technology

Control, where they will periodically awaken to destroy every
empire in the galaxy to keep the technology level at bare

- Other vanilla precursors appear during this time.

- Unable to keep the influx of aliens and the cultural
differences between them, the Xenophile adopted the new policy
to exile every leftover alien and keeps only a select few to
be kept in the Preserve.

- Spiritualist Fallen Empire began burying their dead and

fallen in the designated Holy Gaia Worlds.

- Xenophobe underwent multiple internal civil wars between the

leftover races, until only one race emerged as the sole

- On the day of “Cleansing”, all the Fallen Empires would band

together to destroy every empire once every thousand years to
keep the “Peace” and to satisfy each other’s policies.

- To ensure no surviving records of their actions, the use of

Precursor Databank has been discontinued.

- Evidence of their actions were mostly buried and destroyed

to avoid detection from new-generation empires.

- To keep with the demands of the new policies and the lack of
knowledge, many precursor technologies were discontinued and
various technologies and machines were made autonomous.

- Spiritualist Fallen Empire began to “baptise” all of their

machines, as a way to satisfy their religious demands against
“Soulless” machines.

- Hedonism begins to emerge amongst the societies of the

Fallen Empires.

- Each Fallen Empire began rewriting the histories of their

nations, in a way that glorified their ancestors, vilified the
Omegans and tarnished the others.

- For millions of years, this would continue, but the

stagnation causes the Fallen Empires to spend much less effort
over time.

- The corruptions and stagnations of the Fallen Empires have

sunk so low that the Gatekeepers no longer recognize their
authorities, but at this point, the Fallen Empires no longer
care about the Outer Gates.

- Great Panada woke up and began playing Hentai Games.

Modern Era

- Near the time of Stellaris’s Year 1000, signs of activity

from the Outer Gates have been spotted, and rumors began to
circulating that the Seal is weakening.

- To prepare for the possibility of the Gates being

compromised, the surviving Fallen Empires canceled their
Cleansing Policy.

- Many new civilizations begin to form around the year 2000.

- By year 2100, most of these civilizations have been unified

under one government.
- By year 2150, these civilizations discovered the ancient
caches of technologies, of which contains an Astrological
Computers that would enable Hyperlane FTLs.

- By year 2200, these civilizations start to become the new

empires, ready to brave the war-torn galaxies.

- Great Panada observes the change and begins doing a T-Pose.

Second Order of Light Era

This part is a hypothesis on what would ultimately happen

since it goes after the start of a Stellaris Game. The
details or the plot may change later on.

- The Omegans return eventually and begin the new campaign to

ascend mortals to divinity by turning them into Champions of

- The First Champion is made and the Second Order of Light

officially forms.

- Additional champions begin rising and the metaverse begins

to heal and remerges.
- The Shadow is freed and begins its attack against the
Omegans again.

- Tournament of Powers are being managed by senior champions

as the Omegans engage against the Shadow directly.

- The Omegans begin driving back the Shadow.

- The Shadow attempts to use the leftover of the mortals who

have not been ascended as a shield, risking their destruction.

- Having enough of mortal’s lives being destroyed both by the

Omegans themselves and the Shadow, the Omegans used up the
last of their powers to send themselves and the Shadow far
away from the Stellaris Metaverse, into the far unknown depths
of the Outerverse.

- The attempt killed every Omegans, save for the Hand.

- The Hand valiantly stays and fights the Shadow for all
eternity, both would never be heard off again.

- As a result, the Omegans never managed to discover their

heritages, nor the true nature of the Great Question, but they
died with no regrets.

- The Stellaris Metaverse is thus now freed of all outside

influences, with some Champions continuing on the legacy of
the Omegans, while others part ways to search for their own
futures. Some would still continue the Tournament of Power to
fulfill Omegan's last desire, making every last mortal

- Great Panada watches the 1v1 fight of The Hand and The
Shadow and decides to eat them both and turns into Final

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