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JaninaDela Cruz is a public health nurse at the Rural Health Unit.

She met26-year-old Rebecca Villanueva,

married, 6 months pregnant with her first child, in a Garantisadong Pambata (outreach health services)
visit at an ambulatory clinic in the barangay where the Villanueva family was residing.

Janina found out that Rebecca never had a prenatal consultation. She also noted that Rebecca was
underweight, with a weight of only 48 kg and a height of 155 cm. When Janina asked her where she
plans to deliver her baby, she replied that she would probably have a home delivery under the care of
the local “hilot” because professional attendance would be too expensive for them. Rebecca
explained that she came to the ambulatory clinic upon the prodding of her husband who heard about
the health workers’ visit to the barangay. To assess the Villanueva’s home situation and to teach
Rebecca health practices related to her pregnancy, Janina asked Rebecca if she could make a home
visit. Seemingly pleased with Janina’s attention, Rebecca agreed with Janina on a home visit schedule,
stating that she wanted to learn more from Janina to prevent problems with her pregnancy and

When Janina made the home visit, she noted that Rebecca live with her 32-year-old husband Marion,
who was at work at the time of visit. He was the sole breadwinner of his family –a construction worker
earning the daily minimum wage. Rebecca described her husband as hardworking. They lived in a rented
shack of mixed materials with a bedroom, a bathroom and toilet, and a small multi-purpose room (living
and dining room and kitchen). Rebecca’s activities consisted mainly of household chores. Sometimes,
Rebecca would spend time at the homes of some friends and relatives residing in the neighborhood.

In the course of the interview, Janina found out that Rebecca had inadequate knowledge about
community health services, prenatal nutrition, preparation for childbirth, and infant care. Rebecca said
that she and her friends and relatives sometimes talk about such matters, but the information given was
confusing and conflicting. Aside from palmar pallor and underweight, other findings during physical
examination were normal. When asked about her diet, Rebecca told Janina that she limited her food
intake because she did not want to have a cesarean section, which may be needed if the baby grew too

Family nursing diagnosis Scoring Justification Rank


Cues Family nsg Goal Objective Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Subjective Inability to After 3 After 3 Discuss with It will help the The patient
recognize weeks, Mrs. weeks, Mrs. the patient patient to will be able
the Villanueva Villanueva the extent know the to have her
problem will be able will be gain of the importance of prenatal
and to visit the knowledge problem. prenatal consultatio
Objective Possible health about the consultation. n during her
-Weight health center for possible 6th months
(she was threat prenatal health treat of

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underweigh without consultation on not To promote pregnancy.
t with 48kg compliance and comply comply the Inform the awareness of And she
only ) for prenatal on the previous possible the patient. gained
-Height consultatio succeeding prenatal risks. knowledge
(155cm) n and lack consultation consultatio about
of . n and she To correct community
knowledge will be gain Educate the misconception health
about knowledge patient s about services,
community about about the pregnancy. prenatal
health community importance nutrition,
services, health of prenatal preparation
prenatal services, consultation of childbirth
nutrition, prenatal . To maintain and infant
preparation nutrition, the healthiest care.
for preparation Discuss to of the infants
childbirth, of childbirth the patient and the
and infant and infant the mother.
care. care. importance
of prenatal

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