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Guru Mata Pelajaran :

Emy Kustakariningsih M.Pd

Disusun Oleh :

2nd TERM ACADEMIC YEAR 2021/2022

Gratitude belongs only to Allah SWT., who has given his affection and
for the author for taking the time to complete paper titled “Yogyakarta
Outdoor Learning”. The author also thank several people who have helped in
the completion of this paper.

This paper was submitted to fulfill one task subject English. Writing this
paper aims to provide further information about Yogyakarta tourist attractions.
This paper was presented several efforts that can be done to known Yogyakarta
tourist attractions.

The author is aware that this paper is far from perfect. Therefore,
tye author expect critism and suggestions either in writing or orally.

Sidoarjo, 7 May 2022

PREFACE............................................................................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER I............................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Background of the paper.............................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Purpose of the paper..................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Problem formulation.................................................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER II.......................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1. What makes Yogyakarta interesting?........................................................................................................ 5
2.2. What places did you visit when out-door learning in Yogyakarta?......................................................... 5
1. Breksi Cliff.................................................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Background of the paper

Tourist attractions are those places of culture, heritage, nature, or activities
that draw people to visit. An Attractions main purpose is to grab the
customer’s attention so they come to a certain place and explore the different
attractions on holiday.
Tourism boosts the revenue of the economy, creates thousands of jobs,
develops the infrastructures of a country, and plants a sense of cultural
exchange between foreigners and citizens. Tourism generates substantial
economic benefits for both host countries and tourists’ home countries.
Tourist attractions contribute significantly to the tourism industry. They
typically reap economic benefits of tourism and/or promote the local culture,
heritage and environment. This can often result in increased environmental
preservation- a positive environmental impact of tourism.
There are many different types of tourist attractions. Some are large, some
are small. Some are busy, others are quiet. Some are privately owned travel
and tourism businesses and others are public enterprises.
Tourist attractions are an important part of the tourism industry. Other
tourist attractions provide entertainment as well as other aspects, such as
education. Examples of educational tourist attractions might include
museums and exhibitions.

1.2 Purpose of the paper

1. Knowing the application or usage English as second language.
2. To get used to speaking, reading, or writing in English.
3. Knowing tourist attractions in Yogyakarta.

1.3 Problem formulation

1. What makes Yogyakarta interesting?
2. What places did you visit when out-door learning in Yogyakarta?

2.1. What makes Yogyakarta interesting?

Yogyakarta is known for its vibrant culture, diverse food scene,
ancient history, traditional arts, and epic adventures. With lots of charm
and plenty to do, Jogja (as the locals call it) should definitely be on
your radar if you’re traveling to Java.

2.2. What places did you visit when out-door learning in Yogyakarta?
We visited Breksi Cliff, Dirgantara Museum, Yogyakarta
Smart Park (Taman Pintar), Maliobro Street, Merapi Museum, and
Bhumi Merapi.

1. Breksi Cliff

Breksi Cliff is formed by the rock mining activity by the local

people. In the hands of the local artists, the 20 meters abandoned
limestone cliff mining turned into tremendous spot to enjoy art
performance, and sunset. It was officially inaugurated in 2015 by the
Governor of Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, and touted
as an official cultural heritage.
The Breksi Cliff has a long history and is quite controversial. This
place was once a limestone mining site, carried out traditionally by the
local community. The government considered that mining activity here
was dangerous and potentially damaging the environment, so they
prohibited it. After mining activities ceased, the surrounding community
began to develop this place into a tourist destination. The cliff which
was originally a large chunk of the boulder was carved little by little to
become an artistic and photogenic attraction.
You can get to the top of the cliff to see a nice view of Yogyakarta
city on the west side, Mount Merapi and Candi Prambanan on the north
side, and Candi Ijo on the east side. You can also enjoy the nice sunrise
and sunset view on the top of it. There is a stage named Tlatar Seneng
in the down of the cliff where you can enjoy an art performance.

2. Dirgantara Museum

Dirgantara Mandala Museum, officially known as the Central Museum

of Indonesian Air Force “Dirgantara Mandala” is a central museum of the
Indonesian Air Force. The museum displays historical exhibits related to the
history of the Indonesian Air Force. The museum is located in the complex
of Adisutjipto International Airport in Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta,
Indonesia. Dirgantara Mandala Museum has a comprehensive collection of
aviation in Indonesia, from early biplanes to modern jet engines.
The museum for the Indonesian Air Force was first established on April 4, 1969.
The first location of the museum of the Indonesian Air Force was at Jalan Tanah
Abang Bukit in Jakarta. The inauguration of the first museum was by Chief of
Staff of the Indonesian Air Force, marhsal Roesmin Noerjadin. On July 29, 1978
the museum was relocated to a building of Kesatrian AKABRI Bagian
Udara in Yogyakarta. The reason of the transfer of location was because
Yogyakarta was considered as an important place where the Indonesian Air
Force was born as well as the center for Indonesian Air Force-related activities.
The museum houses a collection of historic photographs related to the
development of the Indonesian Air Force. There are a number of military
aircraft and their replicas in the museum, mostly from the time of World War II
and the Indonesian War for Independence. In 2015, the museum houses a
prototype of nine bombs designed by the Indonesian Air Force in cooperation
with the state-owned enterprises Pindad and Sari Bahari who specializes in
military and commercial products. These are practice bombs and high explosive
bombs which are used for the Indonesian Air Force’s aircraft.

3. Yogyakarta Smart Park

Playing while learning is everyone’s desire. Because not only for fun, but
we can also get new knowledge. There are so many tourist attractions that
educate tourists. Yogyakarta is one of the regions in Indonesia that has
educational tourist attractions. Local and foreign tourists who come to
Yogyakarta should take the time to visit Taman Pintar. Smart Park is one of the
places for tourists to educate and was established by the Yogyakarta
Smart parks have different buildings. The rides in each building have their own
uniqueness. The following are the rides in Taman Pintar, including the box
building rides. In this square building, tourists can see various activities related
to various zones. The zones in this box building include the automotive zone,
the keris collection zone, the water zone for life, the batik zone, the milk
processing zone, the oil and gas processing zone, the Borobudur temple replica
zone, and the turbulence display zone. For tourists who like the solar system, the
planetarium building is the most appropriate choice. There are still many rides
that can be visited by tourists, including early childhood buildings,
craft villages, and playgrounds.

4. Malioboro Street

Malioboro Street , or Jalan Malioboro in Indonesian, is one of the main

touristic and cultural attractions in Yogyakarta. It is the busiest commercial area
of the region and is the ideal spot to purchase souvenirs at the end of your trip.
Before the arrival of the Dutch, Malioboro was just a quiet street used by the
Sultan to cross the town. The name Malioboro derives from the British
governor Marlborough who was in office when Britain ruled the archipelago
between 1811 and 1816. In March 1949, during the Indonesian war of
Independence, Malioboro Street witnessed a fierce battle between the
Indonesian people against the Dutch colonial troops.
The street is the centre of Yogyakarta’s largest tourist district surrounded with
many hotels, restaurants, and shops nearby. Sidewalks on both sides of the
street are crowded with small stalls selling a variety of goods. In the evening
several open-air street side restaurants, called lesehan, operate along the street.
This is the street of the artists. Street musicians, painters, and other artists
exhibit their creations on this road.
5. Merapi Museum

Sleman Regency is known for its beautiful highlands especially

Kaliurang Tourist Site. However, tourists can also find some good places to get
knowledge and worthy information during a vacation. For example, they
should visit Merapi Mount Museum in Pakem Sub-District. This historical
museum suits those who look for both education and fun during the visit. The
museum offers information regarding volcanoes and geology-related disasters.
In terms of nuance, Gunung Merapi Museum is considered peaceful. The
museum is built on an area of about 3.5 hectares and the main building has the
total size of about 4,470 meters per square. It has a vast parking area and yard.
In front of it, a beautiful garden with various plants and flowers reside. When it
comes to architecture, it looks like a pile of pyramids. Inside, tourists would
find several rooms that have a different theme.
The first floor contains rooms with themes, such as Volcano World, The
Merapi Volcano Trail, Man and the Mountain of Fire, Earthquake and
Tsunami, Disaster Movement of Soil, Diorama and Extra-terrestrial Volcanos.
Meanwhile, the second floor is used for the screening of images and films on
Mount Merapi.
6. Bhumi Merapi

It is believed that photography, when done right, is a gorgeous art that is

worth preserving. Especially when you shoot the object on the right place and
in the right time. That is what Bumi Merapi Sleman, Yogyakarta trying to
offer. Bumi Merapi offers hundreds of wonderful spot and corners for your
photoshoot. Located at Kaliurang Street Km. 20 Sawangan, Sleman,
Yogyakarta this place a wonderful rural area with beautiful sceneries that will
make your precious moment so worth to be capture in your camera.
You could take a moment with yur camera at their Alphen House, a wooden
house with a wonderful architecture. Or having a moment at their Santorini like
design which will give you a Greek taste like. They have Langlang Buana (a
mini zoo) that enable you to interact with the inhabitant by feeding and
nurturing them. You could also have some outbound, field trip or camping
experience in this wonderful place.

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