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What is Communication?
What are the most common ways to communicate?


The Communication Process

convert the
idea or the
thought into
interpret the
pictures or
language. Feedback from receiver to sender
Importance of effective communication
❏ Effective communication helps to understand a person or situation in a
better way.
❏ It enables us to solve the differences, build trust and respect in the
❏ Sometimes our message is misunderstood or we misunderstand the
received message. Effective communication helps us to resolve
problems from both points of view.
❏ Effective communication helps us to connect well with colleagues,
teachers, parents, etc.
❏ It helps us in decision making.
What makes communication ineffective ?

Before learning to communicate effectively, we should learn which are the

barriers of communication that make communication ineffective:
Common barriers to effective communication

 Emotional barriers and taboos.

 Lack of attention, interest, distractions, or irrelevance to the receiver.
 Physical disabilities such as hearing problems or speech difficulties.
 Physical barriers to non-verbal communication.
 Language differences and the difficulty in understanding unfamiliar
accents, use of jargon.
 Expectations and prejudices which may lead to false assumptions or
 Differences in perception and viewpoint, cultural differences.
The 7c’s of effective communication

❏ Completeness
❏ Conciseness
❏ Consideration
❏ Clarity
❏ Concreteness
❏ Courtesy
❏ Correctness
The 7c’s of effective communication: COMPLETENESS

·Message is complete when it contains all

facts the reader or listener needs for the
reaction you desire.
·Communication senders need to assess
their message through the eyes of the
receivers to be sure they have included
all relevant information.
·Provide all necessary information.
·Answer all questions asked.
·Give something extra when desirable.
The 7c’s of effective communication: CONCISENESS

·Eliminate wordy expressions.

·Include only relevant statements
·Be focused.
·Shorten & avoid long explanations.
·Avoid gushing politeness.
·Avoid unnecessary repetitions:
-Use short forms for the second time.
-Use pronouns.
The 7c’s of effective communication: CONSIDERATION

Consideration implies “stepping into the

shoes of others”: know the
audience’s view points, background,
mind-set, education level, etc.

Make an attempt to envisage your

audience, their requirements,
emotions as well as problems.

Ensure that the self-respect of the

audience is maintained and their
emotions are not at harm.
The 7c’s of effective communication: CLARITY

·Emphasize one specific message, goal

or idea at a time.
·Avoid vagueness.
·Avoid technical terms which may be
hard to understand.
·Avoid the possibility of
misinterpretation. As much as
possible, your audience shouldn’t
have to “read between the lines”.
The 7c’s of effective communication: CONCRETENESS

· Be precise in presenting
facts and figures.
· Use active voice more
than the passive.
· Use action verbs to make
idea clear.
· Use of image building
words where necessary.
The 7c’s of effective communication: COURTESY

· Courtesy in a message implies that

the message should show the
sender’s expression as well as
respect the receiver.
· The sender's message should be
sincerely polite, judicious,
reflective and enthusiastic.
The 7c’s of effective communication: CORRECTNESS

· At the core of correctness is proper

grammar, punctuation and spelling.

· The term correctness, as applied to effective

communications also mean three
-> Use the right level of language.
-> Check the accuracy of figures, facts and words.
-> Maintain acceptable writing mechanics.
Strategies to apply seven C’s of communication

Emotions should be managed in a

conversation. If you are getting angry, you
have to calm yourself by:

* Speaking to the other person as if you were

not angry.
* Avoid the use of the word “you” - this avoids
* Nod your head to assure the other person
that you heard him.
* Maintain eye contact with him.
Stop communicating ineffectively: Gardener misunderstanding

What was the

Stop communicating ineffectively: the bear’s list

What was the

And… what about us?

We must have:


Have a good communication!

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