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M/s HLL Infra Tech Services Ltd.

(Subsidiary of HLL Lifecare Ltd., A Government of India Enterprise)

For & on behalf of

U.N. Mehta Institute of Cardiology & Research Centre
(Affiliated to B. J. Medical College), Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Design, supply & installation of Signages
For Proposed New Construction of Phase II Paediatric Cardiac
Hospital building (GRIHA 3 star), Hostel Block & Underground
Parking on Ring Road of Civil Hospital at U.N. Mehta Institute of
Cardiology & Research Centre, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Volume- III
Specific Conditions of Contract (SCC)

Tender No. HITES/IDN/UNM- AHD / Sign/2018-19

B-14A, Sector – 62,

NOIDA (UP) -201307
Phone no: 0120-4071500, Fax no: 0120-4071513

SECTION 1 - GENERAL ............................................................................................................................. 1

SECTION 2 - SIGNAGE WORKS.................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
UNMICRC expansion project Phase – II: Design, supply & installation of Signages Vol. III: SCC

M/s HLL Infra Tech Services Ltd. (HITES)

(Subsidiary of HLL Lifecare Ltd., A Government of India Enterprise)

For & on behalf of

U.N. Mehta Institute of Cardiology & Research Centre,
Ahmedabad, Gujarat


The following Specific Conditions of Contract shall be read in conjunction with General
Conditions of Contract. If there are any provisions in these Specific Conditions of Contract
which are at variance with the provisions in the above mentioned documents, the provisions
in these Specific Conditions of Contract shall take precedence.
1. Scope of Contract
Detailed designing, construction, fabrication, assembling including painting, finishing,
cladding electrical work etc. for Signages should be carried out by the vendor and shall
conform in all respects to high standards of design, engineering & workmanship.

b) The drawing given with the tender for different signage elements are indicative. The
detailed fabrication drawing, shop drawing , mock ups, Flex materials cladding / fixing
details , design to fit size should be developed by the vendor and submitted to
UNMICRC/HITES for approval. The vendor shall develop the prototype for each
category as per the approved drawing, graphic detail and submit to UNMICRC/HITES
for approval. Prototype should be offered for inspection and approval complete in all
respects including fabrication of frame/structure, painting, electrical work, cladding,
graphic application, including testing and functioning of the sign complete in all

The work is to be carried out in New Hospital Building & Hostel Block and if required in
existing hospital buildings also as per instruction of UNMICRC/HITES.
2. Special care for existing hospital working:
Construction operations in a Hospital which has to be kept running need special
attention and careful planning.
As UNMICRC is an existing and running institution, the existing operations cannot be
stopped or hampered in any way due to the Signage work. The bidders are expected to
study the site conditions thoroughly to understand the requirements of the functioning
All necessary steps and arrangements to be taken care of for safety and precaution of
the existing hospital facilities during Signage works.

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Time shall be the essence of the contract. Time allowed for carrying out the work as
mentioned in the contract shall be strictly observed by the contractor and it shall be
reckoned from the issue of the Letter of Award. The contractor shall before commencing
the work prepare a detailed work schedule. This schedule shall be strictly followed by
the contractor. For completing the work in time, the contractor may have to work round
the clock without interruption and no claim whatsoever shall be entertained on this
The design/drawings, shop drawings/details etc. as required for signage work shall be
submitted by the Contractor for approval by UNMICRC/HITES.
3. Restriction in work areas.
(a). The contractor must see the site of the work, its approaches carefully before e-
Tendering, No claim of any sort shall be entertained on account of any site conditions.
(b). Some restrictions may be imposed by the UNMICRC/HITES’s authorities or its
security staff etc., on the working and/or movement of man, materials etc. The
contractor shall follow all such restrictions / instructions and nothing shall be payable
on this account.
(c). Area for erection of labour huts is not available in the overall premises of the Institute
including the adjoining hospital / medical college. Therefore, contractor will have to
make his own arrangement to provide such accommodation elsewhere and nothing
extra shall be paid on this account.
(d). The contractor shall take all precautions to avoid accidents by exhibiting necessary
caution boards etc. He shall be responsible for all damages and accidents caused due
to negligence on his part. No hindrance shall be caused to traffic during the execution
of the work.
3.1. Hindrance to the Hospital Operations
The contractor shall note that the proposed work is to be executed in the existing
running hospital, New Hospital & Hostel Block under construct. The contractor shall
ensure that all precautionary and safety measures are taken to avoid any hindrance to
the movement of patients, public and other existing utilities, workers/ staff of other
vendors/contractors. The loading /unloading and storage of materials shall be
permitted in the designated areas only.
3.2. Safety Measures for Working in Already Functioning Area
To segregate already functioning area, the contactor shall provide barricading of
required specification and heights as per directions of the Engineer-In-Charge and no
extra payment shall be made on this account.
3.3. Compliances
The contractor shall ensure compliance of above requirements. In case the contractor
fails to comply with the same, as per direction of the Engineer-In-Charge, the
UNMICRC / HITES shall get the same executed at the risk and cost of the contractor.
4. Drawings
4.1. Tender Drawings
The Tender drawings are for E-Tender Purpose only and are intended as a guide to
the Bidder / Contractor and give general design/layout of Signages. Contractor’s
quoted rate for any item should not be based on any measurement, quantity, and

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specification from these drawings. Any claim raised by the contractor in this regard
shall not be valid in this contract and shall not be accepted by the
The drawings issued with the E-Tender are diagrammatic only and indicate the extent
and general arrangement of the installation. Drawings shall not be scaled.
4.2. Issue and custody of drawings & specifications
The approved drawings/shop drawings prepared by the contractor shall be kept with
one copy at the works site and the Engineer-in-charge shall have, at all reasonable
times, access to the same.
The drawings shall be provided by the Contractor as per the schedule (prepared at the
start of the works and necessarily updated or revised from time to time) as mutually
agreed by the Engineer-in-charge and the Contractor.
From time to time during the course of contract revised drawings may be issued to
the Contractor and the Contractor shall ensure that all superseded drawings are
removed from site and stored in a lockable cabinet as directed by the Engineer-in-
charge and replaced by revised drawings.
The Contractor shall maintain complete up to date Register of drawings issued at site.
All drawings shall be properly numbered and indexed for ready reference.
Superseded drawings should be properly identified.
The contractor shall ensure that only the valid up to date drawings are used for
setting out, construction and preparation of as built drawings etc.
4.3. Working drawings/ Shop drawings/ Design:
The drawings supplied by the Engineer-in-charge have been listed in the e-Tender
documents. These drawings are indicative for the purpose of detailing and
requirement of the contract. In case of any difficulty it should be brought to the
notice of the Engineer - in- Charge. No changes from approved plans shall be made
without prior approval of the Engineer-in-charge.
The contractor shall submit to the Engineer-in-charge for approval details of all
proposed signages, accessories and details of all equipment, accessories and devices
etc. as per the specifications and obtain approval of the Engineer-in-charge.
In case there is delay in any drawings and design viz. shop drawings, or specialized
works drawings etc. to be supplied by the contractor, Engineer - in- Charge may ask
the Contractor to make necessary changes, as required. In case of failure on the part
of the contractor to carry out the directions of the Engineer - in- Charge action may
be taken to get the needful done at the risk and cost of the Contractor. All drawings
shall be signed by Contractor or their authorized representative with name, seal and
date before submission to Engineer-in-charge.
4.3.1. The Contractor shall carry out and complete the said work in every respect in
accordance with this Contract and with the directions of and to the satisfaction
of the Engineer-in-charge. The Engineer-in-charge may in his absolute
discretion and from time to time further issue drawings and/or written
instructions, details, directions and explanations, which are hereafter
collectively referred to as the “Engineer-in-charge’s Instructions”.
4.3.2. The Contractor shall forthwith comply with and duly execute any work in
compliance to such instructions provided always that verbal instructions,
directions and explanations given to the contractor or his representative by the

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Engineer - in- Charge, shall, if involving a variation, be confirmed in writing by

the Contractor within seven days, and if not dissented in writing within a
further seven days by the Engineer - in- Charge, these shall be deemed to be
Engineer - in- Charge’s instructions within the scope of the contract
4.4. Shop Drawings
4.4.1. The Contractor shall furnish for approval of the Engineer-in-charge three sets of
detailed Signages Drawings as per specifications and requirement well in
4.4.2. For any amendments proposed by Engineer-in-charge in the above drawings,
the Contractor shall supply fresh sets of drawings with the amendments duly
incorporated, along with the drawings on which corrections were indicated.
4.4.3. No material or equipment may be brought at Site until the Contractor has the
approved Shop drawings for that particular material or equipment.
4.4.4. After approval of the drawings by the Engineer-in-charge, the Contractor shall
further furnish required no. of sets of Shop drawings for the exclusive use of
and retention by the Engineer-in-charge.
4.4.5. Approval of drawings by the Engineer-in-charge shall not relieve the Contractor
of any obligation to meet all the requirements of the Contract or of the
correctness of his drawings. The Engineer-in-charge's approval of specific item
shall not mean the approval of the assembly of which it is a component. The
Contractor shall be responsible for and is to bear the cost for all alternations of
the works due to discrepancies or omission in the drawings or other particulars
supplied by him, whether such drawings have been approved by the Engineer-
in-charge or not.
4.4.6. Where the work of the Contractor has to be installed in close proximity to, or
will interfere with the work of other trades, the Contractor shall assist in
working out the space conditions to make a satisfactory adjustment. If so
directed by the Engineer-in-charge, the Contractor shall prepare composite
working drawings and sections to a suitable scale not less than 1:50,
clearly showing how his work is to be installed in relation to the work of other
trades. If the Contractor installs his work before coordinating with other trades,
and it is cause for any interference with the work of other trades, he shall make
all the necessary changes without extra cost.
4.4.7. All shop drawings and detail drawings will be made as per requirements of local
authorities and e-Tender drawings incorporating all latest regulations and
requirements. No separate drawings will be, issued for making shop drawings.
5. Disruption of Progress
5.1. The Contractor shall give 2 weeks, in advance, written notice to the Engineer-in-
charge whenever planning or progress of the Works is likely to be delayed or
disrupted due to non-issue of any drawing or order by the Engineer-in-charge. The
notice shall give details of the drawings or order required explaining why and by
when it is required and if any delay or disruption is likely to be suffered on that
5.2. If by reason of any failure or inability of the Engineer-in-charge to issue drawings/
order/ clarifications within 2 weeks of such notice by the Contractor and the
contractor suffers delay, then the Engineer-in-charge, shall record the facts for any
extension of time under respective clause of the agreement. Notwithstanding

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anything stated above, the Contractor shall not be eligible for any financial
compensation arising due to any delay.
5.3. No compensation whatsoever shall be payable to the contractor for any damage by
rains, lightening, wind, storm, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, or any other natural
calamities during execution of work and no claim on this account will be
entertained for such damages.
6. Contractor’s General Responsibilities
(a). Execution of works:
The Contractor shall, subject to the provisions of the Contract, and with due care and
diligence, execute and complete the Works & maintain the works therein in
accordance with the Contract. The Contractor shall provide all labour, including the
supervision thereof, materials and all other things, whether of a temporary or
permanent nature, required in and for such execution, completion, maintenance
and remedying of any defects, so far as the necessity for providing the same is
specified in or is reasonably to be inferred from the Contract.
If the contractor finds any discrepancy in the drawings or between the drawings, bill
of quantities and specifications, he shall immediately and in writing refer the same to
the Engineer - in- Charge for clarifications who shall decide the matter.
The successful contractor is bound to carry out any items of work necessary for
the completion of the job even though such items are not included in the bill of
quantities and rates instructions in respect of such additional items and their
quantities will be decided as per the provision of the contract and issued in writing
by the Engineer-in-charge.
The Contractor must bear in mind that all the work shall be carried out strictly in
accordance with the specifications as given in these documents and also in
compliance of the requirements of the local public authorities and to the requirements/
satisfaction/ direction of the Engineer-in-charge and no deviation of any account will
be permitted.
The contractor shall have to use materials from the makes / manufacturers specified in
the list of materials of approved brand and/or manufacture contained in the contract
documents and as approved by the Engineer - in- Charge. Wherever different
pattern/ Design/ Quality of materials with same specification/ make as specified in
the contract, is available in the market, Engineer-in-Charge will approve the pattern/
Design/ Quality of the material/ item which shall be final and binding on the
contractor. The contractor shall supply samples of all the materials / fittings / fixtures
proposed to be used in the work and obtain approval of the Engineer - in- Charge.
These samples shall be retained at site till completion of the work. If subsequently it is
found that approved material upon testing does not meet the requirement as specified
in the contract the contractor shall get approval of alternate material.
(b). The work shall be carried out in conformity with the relevant drawings. The contract
items comprise of furnishing of all materials, equipment, labour & transportation etc.
Necessary to render the execution of item as per the intent of specifications and
drawings, including any necessary adjustment or corrections.
(c). Samples & Approval of Materials
i. The Engineer-in-charge will not supply any materials required for execution of
the Works under this Contract. The Contractor must, therefore, make his own
arrangements for timely procurement of various materials.

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ii. No material shall be procured without written approval of the Engineer-in-

iii. Samples for all the materials to be used in the work shall be got approved from
Engineer-in-charge before their bulk procurement.
iv. All materials used on the Works shall be new and of the approved quality and
make available, conforming to the relevant specifications of the contract.
(d). Adequacy, stability and safety:
The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the adequacy, stability and safety of all
site operations and methods of execution the contractor shall ensure that all safety
norms are followed as per contractual and other statutory requirements.
(e). Temporary works and arrangements:
The Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer-in-charge full particulars i.e. site
location and area required including drawings, etc. of all temporary works necessary
for the execution of the works and shall give adequate time to the Engineer - in-
Charge for his approval. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the
stability and structural safety of all temporary works including obtaining
statutory approvals and payment of statutory fees, if any. Should it be necessary to
shift the temporary works to some other place during the execution of the works,
the Contractor shall do so, at his own cost.
(f). Initial and Final Clearance of site for temporary works:
The Contractor shall be responsible for the clearance of the site of all scrub, debris,
rubbish, etc. to be removed off site to a location to be provided by the contractor
and approved by the Engineer- in-charge.
(g). Storage, Cleaning
The Contractor shall at all the times during execution of work keep the Site clean and
free from all debris and unwanted materials on a daily basis as per instructions of the
Storage of materials shall be in an organized manner and in proper
compartments as directed by the Engineer - in- Charge. Storage on suspended floors
shall not be permitted unless specifically approved in writing by the Engineer-
in-charge for specific materials in specific locations and in approved manner. The
Engineer-in-charge shall be furnished with load details, if requested, before seeking
approval for storage.
Regular cleaning operations shall be undertaken to remove all dust, debris, waste
materials etc. A cleaning schedule shall be maintained.
The Contractor shall make his own arrangement for storage of those materials, which
can be accommodated at site. Contractor shall be fully responsible for safe custody of
the same. Materials shall be considered as “Delivered at Site” only after the physical
presence of materials at site are verified by the Engineer-in-charge. Storage of
materials / equipment elsewhere shall not be considered as “Delivered at Site.”
The completion of the work will entail working in the monsoon also. The Contractor
must maintain necessary labour force as may be required for the work and plan and
execute the work according to the prescribed schedule.
Any expenditure incurred by the Contractor in fulfillment of his obligations under
this sub-clause shall be deemed to have been included in the financial bid and

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subsequent contract.
7. Watch & Ward and Lighting
The Contractor shall throughout the execution and completion of the Works and the
remedying of the site and the Works and the remedying of any defects therein have full
regard for the safety of all persons entitled to be on the site and keep the site and the
Works in an orderly state to avoid any accident or danger and provide safety measures,
lights, guards, fencing and barricades where ever necessary or required by the
Engineer-in-charge, or by any duly constituted authority, for the execution and for the
protection of the Work, and/or for the safety and convenience of the public or others and
take all reasonable steps to protect the environment on and off the site and to avoid
damage or nuisance to person or property of the public or others resulting from pollution,
noise and other causes etc. at his own cost.
8. Care of Works
From the commencement to the certified completion of the whole of works, the
contractor shall be responsible for the care, safety and maintenance of the works
executed under the contract thereof and of all temporary works. In case of any damage/
loss or injury shall happen to the works or to any part thereof or to any temporary works
from any cause whatsoever save and except the expected risks, the contractor shall at his
own cost repair and make good the same, so that on completion the works shall be in
good order and condition in conformity to every respect with the requirements of the
contract. The contractor shall also be liable for any damage to the works occasioned by
him including his subcontractors in the course of any operations carried out by him for
the purpose of completing any outstanding work and complying with his obligations
under the Contract. In case of failure on the part of the contractor the damage/ loss/
injury shall be made good by the UNMICRC/ HITES at the risk and cost of the
9. Force Majeure:
Any failure or delay in the performance by either party hereto of its obligations under
his Contract shall not constitute a breach thereof or give rise to any claims for damages
if, and to the extent that it is caused by occurrences beyond the control of the party
affected, namely, acts of God, floods, explosions, wars, riots, storms, earthquakes,
insurrection, epidemic or other natural disasters. The party so affected shall continue to
take all actions reasonably within its power to comply as far as possible with its
obligations under this Contract. The affected party shall promptly notify the other party
after the occurrence of the relevant event and shall use every reasonable effort to
minimize the effects of such event and act in all good faith with due care and diligence.
10. Contractor’s Superintendence
(a). The contractor shall be solely responsible for the means, methods, techniques
sequence and procedure of execution. The Contractor shall be responsible to see the
completed work complies accurately with the Contract requirements. The Contractor
shall provide all necessary superintendence during the execution of the Works as per
contractual provisions.
(b). Contractor’s Representative for Execution & Coordination of Works
The Contractor shall ensure his presence at site all times during working hours
throughout the course of the Contract or depute a Competent representative who
shall be empowered to receive instructions from the Engineer - in- Charge in respect
of all matters likely to arise in connection with the execution & coordination of

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the works at the site. Contractor’s Authorized Representative shall take joint
measurements and sign the measurement books / bills. Any direction, explanations,
instructions or notices given by the Engineer-in-charge to such representative shall
be held to be given to the Contractor. In case of absence of said Representative other
alternative representative should also be mentioned having same responsibilities.
The contractor should submit curriculum vitae (CV) of the key personnel proposed
to be deployed at site as per Schedule “F” of GCC for supervision and execution of
The contractor under normal circumstances would not be allowed to replace the key
personnel during the execution of the contract. However, for any reasons, due to
unavoidable circumstances if it becomes necessary in the interest of the project to
replace any one / all the above key personnel the contractor must submit the CV of
the new personnel (having qualifications and experience as per requirement of the
contract) to Engineer-in-Charge for their approval.
A list of all technical and key personal staffs must be submitted to the
Engineer-in-Charge with their area of work / responsibility with verified signature
and the link persons to receive the instructions at site (in case the main person was
not found at site) during the inspection by representative of Engineer-in-charge.
Any staff of contractor found incapable/unsuitable to execute the assigned work
shall be replaced by the Contractor if desired by the Engineer-in-Charge.
(c). Contractor’s Employees
The Contractor shall employ competent Engineering staff / technical assistants/
technicians who are qualified, skilled and experienced in their respective trades, to
ensure proper supervision, quality & output of the work they are required to
supervise. No child labour shall be employed on the work. All the skilled semi-
skilled and unskilled labour shall work under the sole guidance of the contractor/his
(d). Removal of Contractor’s Employees
The Contractor shall on the direction of the Engineer-in-Charge immediately remove
from the work any person employed thereon by him who may, in the opinion of
the Engineer-in-Charge has misconducted himself and such person shall not be
again employed on the works without the permission of the Engineer-in-
(e). Unauthorized Persons
No unauthorized persons shall be allowed on the site. The contractor shall provide
complete security arrangement for the campus during execution to avoid trespassing.
The Contractor shall ensure all such persons are kept out and shall take steps to
prevent trespassing. However the contractor will make sure to provide free access at
any time for Engineer-in-charge to the site and other working places.
11. Compliance with Statutes, Regulations, Etc.
The contractor shall conform to the provisions of all statutes, ordinance, laws, acts of
the legislature relating to the works, and to the regulations and by-laws of any local or
other duly constituted authority and of any water, electric supply and other companies
and/or authorities with whose systems the structure is proposed to be connected. The
Contractor shall keep the UNMICRC/ HITES indemnified against all fines or penalties
or liability of every kind for breach of any such statutory ordinance, law act of the
legislation, regulations, and byelaws as aforesaid.

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The contractor shall before making any variations from the drawings or
specifications that may be necessitated by such regulations, give to the Engineer- in-
charge written notice, specifying the variation proposed to be made and the reasons for
making it and apply for instructions thereon. The contractor will not execute any work
without written permission from the Engineer-in- charge
The contractor shall bring to the attention of the Engineer-in-charge any specific
requirement of the local authorities or any notice required for execution by virtue of such
acts, regulations or bye-laws of such authority, or public office. All fees that may be
chargeable in respect of these works shall be reimbursed by the UNMICRC on
production of authorized receipts.
12. Setting out
The contractor shall be responsible for the true and proper setting-out of the Works in
relation to original points, lines and levels or reference issued by Engineer-in-
charge in drawing or in writing and for the correctness, subject as above mentioned, of
the position, levels, dimensions and alignment of all parts of works and for the provision
of all necessary instruments, appliances and labour in connection therewith. If, at any
time during the progress of the works, and during defects liability period, any error shall
appear or arise in the position, levels, dimensions or alignment of any part of the Works,
the Contractor, on being required to do by the Engineer-in-charge and/ or his authorized
representative shall at his own cost, rectify such error to the satisfaction of the Engineer-
in-charge. The checking of any setting out or of any line or level by the Engineer-in-
charge not in any way relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for the correctness
thereof. The Contractor shall carefully protect and preserve the benchmarks; sight-rails,
pegs and other things used in setting-out the Works. Any rectification works required
should be done by the Contractor at his own cost.
13. Quality of Materials, Workmanship and Test
The Engineer-in-charge may also carry out Third Party Quality Assurance /Audit by
an independent agency/ individual/firm/institute at any time. The agency will be
permitted and offered all support related to site inspection by the Contractor.
Observations / discrepancies noticed by third party quality assurance/audit shall be
attended by the contractor at his own cost.
(a). Samples
i) All samples of materials and /or items of works in adequate numbers, sizes,
shades & pattern as per specifications shall be supplied free of charge by the
contractor without any extra charge. All other expenditure required to be
incurred like conveyance for taking the samples for testing at the laboratory,
packing, etc. shall be borne by the contractor. If the test results do not conform
to the specifications and standards laid down, the materials shall be rejected, the
contractor shall remove such materials from site. The laboratory for testing of
samples shall be decided by the Engineer – in charge, whose decision shall be
final and binding.
ii) Contractor shall submit Samples to the Engineer-in-charge for approval. If
certain items proposed to be used are of such nature that samples cannot be
presented or prepared at the site, detailed literature / test certificate of the same
shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. Each Sample will
be identified clearly as to material, Supplier, pertinent data such as catalogue
numbers and the use for which intended and otherwise as the Engineer-in-
charge may require to review the submittals for the limited purposes

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required by paragraph (d) below. The numbers of each sample to be submitted

will be as specified in the Specifications, or as shall be specified by the
iii) Submittal Procedures
1. Before submitting each Sample, Contractor shall have determined and
verified all materials with respect to intended use, handling, storage,
assembling and installation/ planting pertaining to the performance of the
Work and All information relative to Contractor’s sole responsibilities
in respect of means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of
execution and safety precautions and programmes incident thereto.
2. Each submittal will bear a specific written indication that Contactor has
satisfied Contractor’s obligation under the Contract Documents with respect
to Contractor’s review and approval of that submittal.
3. At the time of each submission, contractor shall give the Engineer-in-charge
specific written notice of such variations, if any; that the sample submitted
may have from the requirements of the contract document. Such notice
shall be separate from the submittal and in addition shall cause a specific
notation to be made on each sample submitted for review and approval of
each such variation.
iv) Review and Approval:
1. Sample shall be reviewed and approved only to determine if the items
covered by the submittals will, after installation/ plantation or
incorporation in the work, conform to the information given in the contract
documents and be compatible with the design concept of the completed
project functioning as a whole as indicated by the contract documents,
2. Review and approval will not extend to means, methods, techniques,
sequences or procedures of execution. The review and approval of a separate
item as such will not indicate approval of the assembly in which the item
functions. Contractor shall make corrections required by Engineer-in-charge
and shall submit as required new Samples for review and approval.
Contractor shall direct specific attention in writing to revisions other than
the corrections called for and by the Engineer-in-charge on previous
3. Above referred review and approval of Samples shall not relieve
Contractor from responsibility for any variation from the requirements of
the Contract Document unless Contractor has in writing called the Engineer-
in-charge attention to each such variation at the time of submission as
specified above and received written approval of each such variation by
specific written notation thereof incorporated in or accompanying the
Sample approval; nor will any approval by Engineer-in-charge relieve
Contractor from responsibility for complying with the requirements of
4. Only when the samples are approved in writing by the Engineer-in-charge,
the contractor shall proceed with the procurement and plantation/installation
of the particular material. The approved samples shall be signed by the
Engineer-in-charge for identification and shall be kept on record at site
office until the completion and acceptance of the work and shall be available

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at the site for inspection / comparison at any time. The contractor shall keep
with him a duplicate of such samples to enable him to process the matter.
5. For items of works where the samples are to be made at the site, the same
procedure shall be followed. All such samples shall be prepared at a place
where it can be left undisturbed until the completion of the project.
6. The Engineer-in-charge shall communicate his comments / approval to the
Contractor to the samples at his earliest convenience. Any delay that might
occur in approving of the samples for reasons of its not meeting with the
specifications or other discrepancies, inadequacy in furnishing samples of
appropriate quality from various manufacturers and such other aspects
causing delay on the approval of the materials / equipment’s etc., shall
be ascribable to the account of the contractor. In this respect the decision
of the Engineer-in-charge shall be the final.
v) On delivery of the supplies of materials / equipment for permanent works at the
site, the contractor shall specifically arrange to get the supply inspected by the
Engineer-in-charge and compared with the approved sample and his specific
approval obtained before using the same in the work.
vi) Cost of Tests
The cost of making any test shall be borne by the Contractor as intended by or
provided for the Contract or as found necessary by the Engineer-in- charge for
ascertaining whether the quality of materials intended to be used by the
Contractor in the Works is acceptable, whether any finished or partially
finished work is appropriate for the purposes for which it was intended to
vii) Testing facilities
The Contractor shall, at his own cost, provide testing facilities as per CPWD
specifications and IS Codes at site as stipulated in the General conditions of
the contract (GCC) or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge including staff
required for testing. The tests shall be carried out jointly in the presence of
Engineer-in-charge or his representative and the contractor or his
The contractor shall carryout all the mandatory tests and shall maintain
records of testing & checks of material, in formats, checklists etc. to be given
by Engineer-in-charge. All such records shall be maintained jointly by the
contractor and Engineer-in-charge these shall remain under the custody of the

14. Absence of Specifications

If the nomenclature of any item does not contain particulars of materials and works
which are necessary for its proper execution, all such materials shall be supplied and item
shall be executed by the Contractor without extra charge over the quoted rates and If
the Contractor requires any information, he shall request in writing well in advance to
commencement of the particular work to the Engineer-in-charge who will clarify the
issue within a reasonable time.
15. Obtaining Information’s related to Execution of work
No claim by the Contractor for additional payment will be entertained which in

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consequent upon failure on his part to obtain correct information as to any matter
affecting the execution of the works, nor will any misunderstandings or the
obtaining of incorrect information or the failure to obtain information relieve him from
any risks or from the entire responsibility for the fulfillment of the contract.
16. Access for Inspection
Persons nominated by Engineer-in-charge shall at all reasonable times have free
access to work and/ or to the workshops, factories or other places where materials are
lying or from which they are being obtained and the Contractor shall extend necessary
service to Engineer-in-charge and their representatives every facility necessary for
checking measurements, inspection and examination and test of the materials and
17. Examination of Work before covering up
(a) No part of the works shall be covered up or put out of view without the written
approval of the Engineer-in-charge and the contractor shall give due notice to the
Engineer-in-charge whenever any such work or foundation is or ready or about to be
ready for examination and the Engineer-in-charge shall, examine and measure any
work before it is covered up or put out of view and to examine foundations before
further work is placed thereon.
(b) Uncovering and making openings
The contractor shall uncover any part or parts of the works or make openings in or
through the same as the Engineer-in-charge may direct from time to time and shall
reinstate and make good such part or parts to the satisfaction of the Engineer-
in-charge at his own cost.
18. Assignment
The contractor shall not, without the prior consent of the Engineer-in-charge assign the
Contract or any part thereof, or any benefit or interest therein or there under, otherwise
than by:
 A change in favour of the Contractor’s bankers of any money due or to become
due under the Contract, or
 Assignment to the Contractor’s insurers (in case where the insurers have
discharged the Contractor’s loss or liability) of the Contractor’s right to obtain
relief against any other party liable.
The Contractor shall not sub-contract the whole of the Works. Also, the Contractor shall
not subcontract any part of the works without the prior consent of the Engineer-in-
charge, except where otherwise provided under the Contract. Any such consent shall not
relieve the Contractor from any liability or obligation under the Contract and he shall be
fully responsible for the quality of the work executed and acts, omission and
commission, defaults and neglects of any Subcontractor, his agents, servants or workmen
as if these were the acts, defaults or neglects of the Contractor, his agents, servants or
workmen. Such Permission may be granted only for the specialized work etc. and the
decision of Engineer-in-charge shall be final.

19. Physical and Virtual Completion of Work

When the whole of the Work is physically and virtually complete and has satisfactorily
passed required tests that may be prescribed under the Contract:-

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a) The contractor shall give a written notice to this effect within 10 days of
completion along with an undertaking to rectify any defects that may be found
during inspection. The Engineer - in- Charge shall jointly inspect the work with
the contractor within 30 days of receipt of such notice.
b) The Engineer-in-charge shall inspect the works completed to see if they are in
such a condition so as to be put to its proper or other intended final use and / or
occupied without any short comings and no major or minor items of works are
remaining which in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge will cause undue
difficulties in satisfactory use/ occupation of the works.
20. Provisional Acceptance and Certificate of completion
20.1. Provisional Acceptance and Issue of Certificate of Physical Completion of
The work shall be deemed to have been physically completed and provisionally
accepted after fulfillment of all the following by the Contractor.
i) Physical completion of all works and obtaining all required approvals from the
statutory authorities as required for occupation and use of the works and
handing over such certificates to the Engineer-in-charge
ii) Submitting As-Built Drawings, Catalogues, Brochures, and Data Sheets,
manuals in the form as directed by Engineer in Charge
iii) Issue of Certificate of Physical Completion by the Engineer-In- Charge.
20.2. Certificate of Final Completion
The contract shall not be considered as completed until a Certificate of Final
Completion has been issued by the Engineer-in-charge stating that the Works have
been completed to his satisfaction and remedying / rectifying of defects have been
satisfactorily completed.
The composite work shall be treated as complete when all the components of the
work are complete. The Certificate for Final Completion of the Composite work
shall be recorded by the Engineer-in-charge after obtaining / recording of
completion certificate of all the components.
Provided always that the issue of the Certificate of Final Completion shall be a
condition precedent to payment or return to the Contractor the security deposit and /
or Performance security in accordance with the conditions set out in the contract.
20.3. Certificate of Overall Completion
Engineer-in-charge shall give the Certificate for Overall Completion with prior
approval from UNMICRC as per the following, whichever is later:
• Twenty-eight days after the expiration of the Defects Liability Period
• If different Defect Liability Periods shall become applicable to different sections
or parts of the Works, the expiration of the last such period
• As soon as thereafter any works ordered during such period and have been
completed to the satisfaction of the UNMICRC/HITES.

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21. The contractor shall give performance test of the entire work as per standards
specifications before the work is finally accepted and nothing extra whatsoever shall be
payable to the contractor for the tests.
22. The contractor shall maintain in perfect condition all works executed till the completion
of the entire work allotted to him. Where phased handing over of completed portion of
the work is required by the Engineer – in – charge, the provisions mentioned for
completion of entire work will apply to each phase.
23. Defect after completion
(a). General
Any defect, replacement of damaged signages that may appear within the “Defects
Liability Period” shall be rectified as per the directions in writing of the
Engineer-in- charge to the Authorized representative of the contractor within such
reasonable time as shall be specified therein by the contractor, at his own cost.
In case of default, the Engineer-in-charge may employ any person’s to amend
and make good such defects/ replacement of plants, or other faults and all
expenses consequent thereon or incidental thereto shall be borne by the

(b). Cost of Execution of Work of Repair/ replacement, Etc.

All such works shall be carried out by the Contractor at his own expense if the
necessity thereof shall, in the opinion of the Engineer-in- charge, be due to the use
of materials or workmanship not in accordance with the Contract, or due to neglect
or failure on the part of the Contractor to comply with any obligation, expressed or
implied, on the Contractor’s part under the Contract.
(c). Contractor’s personnel to be at site
During the defects liability period the contractor shall depute at least one of his
authorized representative at site along with required tradesmen as approved by
Engineer-in-charge to attend the defects and periodic/preventive
checks/maintenance to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge.
24. Works by Other Agencies
The Engineer-in-charge reserves the right to use premises and any portion of the site for
the execution of any work not included in this contract which it may desire to have
carried out by other persons simultaneously, and the contractor shall allow the reasonable
facilities for the execution of such work, but shall not be required to provide any signage
or material for the execution of such work except by special arrangement with the other
agency. Such work shall be carried out in a manner so as not to impede the progress of
the works included in the contract, the contractor shall not be responsible for any damage
or delay which may happen to or occasioned by such work.
The contractor shall co-operate with other agencies working in the same project, and
coordinate his plans and time schedules so that there will be no interference. The
Contractor shall forward to the Engineer-in-charge all correspondences and drawings
exchanged. Failure to check plans for conditions will render the Contractor
responsible for bearing the cost of any subsequent changes found necessary or
damages done.
The Engineer-in-charge shall not entertain any claim on account of the Contractor
affording necessary facilities to execute the work simultaneously with other agencies

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executing the works for the same project.

25. Dues not paid by the Contractor
The contractor shall pay all dues or fees to Statutory authorities within due period and
indemnify the UNMICRC/ HITES and the Engineer-in-charge from any claims or
compensations or penalties or damages arising out of non-payment of any such dues or
fees. However, in case some dues or fees are not paid by contractor and or claims for
compensations or penalties etc. are raised by the Statutory authorities, the UNMICRC
may deposit the required amount or any or all of the above and recover or deduct the
same from any money payable to the contractor by the UNMICRC or any other means
available to the UNMICRC such as bank guarantee.
26. Urgent Repairs
If, by reason of any accident, or failure, or other event occurring to or in
connection with the works, or any part thereof, either during the execution of the works,
or during period of Defects Liability any remedial or other work or repair, shall, in the
opinion of the Engineer-in-charge be urgently necessary for the safety of the Works and
the Contractor is unable or unwilling to do such work or repair despite notice, the
Engineer-in-charge may employ and pay other persons to carry out such work or repair
as the case may be and may consider necessary. If the work or repair so done by the other
agency is the work which, in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge the Contractor was
liable to do at his own expense under the Contract, all expenses incurred by Other
agency in so doing shall be recoverable from the Contractor by the Engineer-in-
charge, or shall be deducted by the Engineer-in- charge from any monies due or
which may become due to Contractor.

27. Reports by Contractor

(a.) The Contractor shall submit Completion Schedule and activity wise bar charts,
indicating the duration of various subheads of the work, for the complete work within
15 days of award of work or as per Clause 5 of the GCC, whichever is earlier, for
approval by the Engineer - in- Charge. On the basis of approved bar charts contractor
shall submit Progress Charts by the 4th day of every month. Soft copy of Schedule
shall be supplied whenever demanded by the Engineer-in-charge.
(b.)The Contractor shall submit Monthly Progress Report, in format approved by
Engineer-in-charge. Failure to submit reports may result in holding up or delay in
Payment of bills.
(c.) Monthly Progress Photographs:- The Contractor shall arrange at his own cost to
maintain a progress record of the works by taking postcard size colour
photographs in hard as well as soft (preferably digitized photographs) as per
requirement per month per block as directed by the Engineer-in-charge during the
execution stages and after completion shall supply three sets at no extra cost. The
Contractor will be required to submit monthly reports on the progress of his work as
per the format approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
(d.) The Contractor shall prepare Weekly Reports of planned and actual progress of work
and subsequent week’s scheduled work. These will also include material
procurement status. These reports shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-charge &
shall be reviewed in Weekly Co-ordination Meetings.
(e.) The Contractor shall file daily category-wise labour report to the Engineer-in-
charge. The report shall indicate scheduled requirement against actual strength.

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(f.) The contractor shall maintain daily weather record. Daily maximum and minimum
temperature and corresponding, humidity shall be recorded and charted. Rainy days
shall be recorded when the rain lasting more than one hour hampers the work. Any
other inclemency in weather shall be recorded. The records shall be regularly shown
to the Engineer-in-charge and his signature obtained.
28. Every care has been made to include all the aspects/ terms and condition in these
documents. However, during execution, if any issue arises, which has not been included
in these documents then standard norms / rules & regulations/ terms & conditions
as prevalent in CPWD shall be followed which shall be binding on both the parties.
29. Audit and Technical Examination
The UNMICRC/HITES shall have the right to cause Audit and Technical Examination of
the works and the final bills of the contractor including all supporting vouchers,
abstracts, etc. to be made as per payments of the final bill and if as a result of such Audit
and Technical Examination the sum is found to have been overpaid in respect of any
work done by the contractor under the contract and found not to have been executed, the
contractor shall be liable to refund the amount of over payment and it shall be lawful for
the UNMICRC/HITES to recover the same from the Security Deposit or
Performance Security of the contractor or from any dues payable to the contractor. If it is
found that the contractor was paid less than what was due to him under the contractor in
respect of any work executed by him under it, the amount of such under payment shall be
duly paid. The work comes under the purview of CVC and as such all orders and
instructions issued by CVC are applicable to this work.
In the case of any audit examination and recovery consequent on the same the contractor
shall be given an opportunity to explain his case and the decision of the
UNMICRC/HITES shall be final. Payment on this account will be recovered from the
In the case of Technical Audit, consequent upon which there is a recovery from the
contractor, recovery shall be made with orders of the UNMICRC/HITES whose decision
shall be final. All action under this clause shall be initiated and intimated to the
contractor within the period of twelve months from the date of final completion.
30. Miscellaneous
(a.) By-Laws of Statutory Authorities
The Contractor and his labour shall not violate municipal /sanitation /health or
any other byelaws.
(b.) Tax Deduction at Source
All Taxes and surcharge as applicable on date shall be deducted from the amount
due to the Contractor towards the value of the work done. TDS certificate thereof
shall be issued to the Contractor.
(c.) Delay in starting the work
No compensation shall be allowed for any delay caused in the starting of the
work on account of acquisition of land, encroachment or in the case of clearance
of works, on account of any delay in according sanction to estimates in issue of
drawings, decisions etc. However, the extension of time shall be granted as per
relevant conditions of Contract.
(d.) Site instruction book
For the purpose of quick communication between Engineer-in- charge and the

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Contractor or his representative, site instruction book shall be maintained at site

as described below:
Any communication, relating the works may be conveyed through instructions in
the site instruction book. Such a communication from Engineer-in-charge to the
Contractor shall be deemed to have been adequately served in terms of the
contract once the entries are made and signed by the authorized representative of
the contractor. For this purpose the contractor should authorize one of his
employees on the site itself. Site instruction book shall have machine numbered
pages and shall be carefully maintained and remain under custody of Engineer-in-
charge. The contractor can also avail of the site instructions book for urgent
communication with Engineer-in-charge. Any instruction which Engineer-in-
charge may like to issue to the Contractor may be recorded by the Engineer-in-
charge in site instruction book.
(e.) No idling charges or compensation shall be paid for idling of the contractor’s
labour, staff or P&M etc. on any ground or due to any reason whatsoever.
(f.) The Contractor shall mobilize and employ sufficient resources for completion of all
the works within the stipulated time period as per agreement and as indicated in the
approved Bar Chart/ Network. No additional payment will be made to the
contractor for any multiple shift work or other incentive methods contemplated by
him in his work schedule even though the time schedule is approved by Engineer-
31. Co-ordination Meetings
The Contractor shall be required to attend co-ordination meetings with the Engineer-in-
charge / HITES/ UNMICRC and the other Contractors during the period of Contract as
intimated by the Engineer-in-charge/ HITES/ UNMICRC. All costs incidental to such
interaction shall be to the Contractor's account and no claim will be entertained by
the Engineer-in-charge/ HITES/ UNMICRC on this account.
32. Site Management:
32.1. Contractor's Working Area
Suitable working space will be provided by the Engineer-in-charge /UNMICRC to
the Contractor as per site conditions and availability. The Contractor may have to
carry out some cutting / levelling work for making this area workable. The cost of
all such Works shall be deemed to have been included in the contract price quoted
for the Works and no payment shall be made on this account.
Before commencement of the work, the Contractor shall obtain approval of the
Engineer-in charge and shall from time to time take instructions from the Engineer
– in- charge regarding collection and stacking of materials at the site.
Contractor's Temporary Structures
The Contractor may, at his own expense and subject to the approval of the Engineer-
in-charge / UNMICRC and statutory authorities, as required, construct temporary
structures for its site office, stores; Workshop etc. in the working area allocated to
him as above and remove the same on completion of Works. The Contractor shall
furnish such details of his Temporary Works as may be called for by the Engineer-
in-charge/UNMICRC and the Contractor shall satisfy the Engineer-in-charge as to
their structural safety. Temporary structures, found unsafe or inefficient shall be
removed and replaced in a satisfactory manner.
32.2. Contractor's Labour Camp

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The Contractor shall make arrangements at his own expense for labour camp /
accommodation for labour and staff to be employed for execution of the work and
their conveyance to Site. No workers/ staff shall be allowed to stay within the Site
except with the specific approval of the Engineer-in-charge /UNMICRC. Proper ID
Cards shall be got approved /authorized by the contractor from the Engineer-in-
charge/ UNMICRC to authorize the Contractor's staff and workers to enter the Site.
32.3. Water Supply & Power Supply
The Contractor shall make his own arrangement for water supply at Site for drinking
as well as execution purposes & Power Supply at his own cost. Non-availability of
power supply and /or water from whatever source shall not entail any additional
claims or extension of Contract period in this account.
33. Compliance of Statutory Obligations :
The Contractor shall comply all the statutory obligations and obtain all required
clearances to implement the project without any financial repercussions to
Engineer-in-charge and ensure all follow up actions with the local authorities in this
respect for smooth completion of the project. The Contractor shall obtain all
necessary approvals from Municipal bodies as per requirement.
The contractor is required to submit the relevant drawings like completion Drawings
and any other statutory documentary requirements of local bodies in copies as per
requirement to obtain the above etc. at their own cost.

34. Handing over & Taking Over Process

For handing over & taking over process, in addition to clauses specified elsewhere,
following services / works have to be complied with by the main contractor:
a. Rectification of all defects shall be carried out by the main contractor
before Handing over/ Taking over process.
b. As built drawings: - 6 (Six) sets for as approved by Engineer-in-charge shall
be submitted by the main contractor before handing over & taking over process.
c. All services/equipment are to be run and checked before handing over & taking
over process as per requirements of Engineer-in-charge.
d. Contractor has to arrange water, electricity, fuel , consumables and manpower at
their own cost for the purpose of testing of services and equipment. No
amount shall be payable on this account.
e. The Contractor shall submit catalogues, brochures, operation manual,
manufacturer test certificate, Guaranty/ Warranty papers, license etc. for all
signages/equipment /materials before handing over & taking over process.

35. Rates
35.1. The quoted rates shall be for complete items of work i.e. inclusive of material,
labour, plant and machinery, tools and tackles, etc. including water &
electricity, overhead charges, all prevailing taxes, duties, cess, and surcharges and
any other applicable statutory levies including Goods & service tax (GST)
applicable from time to time and others as specified etc., incidental works and all
other charges for items contingent to the work, such as, packing, forwarding,
insurance, freight and delivery at Site, watch and ward of all materials &

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successful installation, testing & commissioning at site etc.

35.2. The rate of all items of work, shall, unless clearly specified otherwise include cost
of all labour, materials and all other inputs required in the execution of the item,
including octroi, GST and any other taxes.
35.3. Unless otherwise specified in the schedule of quantities, the rate e-Tendered by
the contractor shall be all inclusive and shall apply to all heights, shapes/profiles,
lifts, leads and depth of the building and nothing extra shall be payable to him on
any account.
35.4. The rates for items of work wherein cement is used are inclusive of cost for
35.5. Royalty at the prevalent rates whenever payable shall have to be borne by the
contractor on the boulders, metal, shingle, sand and bajri etc., or any other
materials collected by him for the work direct to the revenue authority of the
District / State Government concerned and nothing extra shall be payable on this
36. Payment Terms
The terms of payments, in general, shall be governed by the provisions contained in
General Conditions of Contract and relevant CPWD Specifications.


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