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Dewey Decimal Classifrcatfon

and Relative Index

Devised by Melvil Dewey

Edited by

Joan S. Mitchell, Editor in Chief

Julianne Beall, Assistant Editor
Rebecca Green, Assistant Editor
Giles Martin, Assistant Editor
Michael Panzer, Assistant Editor

Relative Index

OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
Dublin, Ohio
© 2011 OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. ("OCLC")
All rights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or trans-
mitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,
without the prior written permission ofOCLC.

Previous editions ofthe Dewey Decimal Classification:

Copyright 1876, 1885, 1911, 1913, 1915, 1919
by Melvil Dewey
Copyright 1888, 1891, 1894, 1899
by Library Bureau
:~<1myright 1922, 1927, 1932, 1942, 1952, 1958
Lake Placid Club Education Foundation
Copyright 1951, 1965, 1967, 1971
by Forest Press, Inc.
© 1979 by Forest Press
.r.t'Jivision ofthe Lake Placid Education Foundation
© 1989, 1996, 2003
OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.

All copyright rights in Edition 23 and all previous editions of the Dewey Decimal Classification system
are owned by OCLC. DDC, Dewey, Dewey Decimal Classification, and WebDewey are registered
trademarks and/or service marks ofOCLC. Licensing information regarding the Dewey Decimal Clas-
sification system is available at

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Dewey, Melvil, 1851-1931.
Dewey decimal classification and relative index I devised by Melvil Dewey.- Ed. 23 I edited
by Joan S. Mitchell, Editor in Chief; Julianne Beall, Assistant Editor ; Rebecca Green, Assistant
Editor ; Giles Martin, Assistant Editor ; Michael Panzer, Assistant Editor.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents: v. I. Manual. Tables- v. 2. Schedules 000-599- v. 3. Schedules 600-999- v. 4.
Relative index.
ISBN-13: 978-1-910608-81-4 (set : alk. paper)
ISBN-10: 1-910608-81-5 (set: alk. paper)
ISBN-13: 978-1-910608-80-7 (val. I: alk. paper)
ISBN-10: 1-910608-80-7 (vol. 1: alk. paper)
I. Classification, Dewey decimal. I. Mitchell, Joan S. II. Beall, Julianne, 1946- lll. Green,
Rebecca, 1952- IV. Martin, Giles. V. Panzer, Michael. VI. Title.
Z696.D52 20 II
025.4'3!--dc22 201!001112

OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.

6565 Kilgour Place
Dublin, OH 43017-3395 USA

The paper used in this publication meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO

239.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper).
ISBN-13: (set) 978-1-910608-81-4; v. 1 978-l-91060R-R0-7;
v. 2 978-1-910608-76-0; v. 3 978-1-910608-79-1; v. 4 978-1-910608-78-4
ISBN-10: (set) l-910608-81-5; v. 1 l-910608-80-7; v. 2 1-910608-76-9;
v. 3 1-910608-79-3; v. 4 1-910608-78-5
@ Recycled paper
Relative Index

Abbreviations Used in the Index

Tl Table l Standard Subdivisions T3C Table 3C Notation to Be Added Where

T2 Table 2 Geographic Areas, Historical Instructed in Table 3B, 700.4,
Periods, Biography 791.4, 808-809
T3 Table 3 Subdivisions for the Arts, for T4 Table 4 Subdivisions ofindividual
Individual Literatures, for Languages and Language
Specific Literary Forms Families
T3A Table 3A Subdivisions for Works by or T5 Table 5 Ethnic and National Groups
about Individual Authors T6 Table6 Languages
T3B Table 3B Subdivisions for Works by or
about More than One Author

A.C.'I. Australian Capital Territory N.M. New Mexico

Nova Scotia
New South Wales
Northern Territory
Ark. Arkansas N.W.T. Northwest Territories
B.C. Before Christ N.Y. New York
British Columbia N.Z. New Zealand
Calif. California Neb. Nebraska
Colo. Colorado Nev. Nevada
Conn. Connecticut Okla. Oklahoma
D.C. District of Columbia Out. Ontario
Del. Delaware Or. Oregon
Dept. Department P.E.I. Prince Edward Island
Fla. Florida P.R. Puerto Rico
Ga. Georgia Pa. Pennsylvania
Ill. Illinois Qld. Queensland
Inc. Incorporated R.I. Rhode Island
Ind. Indiana S. Aust. South Australia
Kan. Kansas S.C. South Carolina
Ky. Kentucky S.D. South Dakota
La. Louisiana Sask. Saskatchewan
Man. Manitoba Tas. Tasmania
Mass. Massachusetts Tenn. Tennessee
Md. Maryland Tex. Texas
Me. Maine U.S. United States of America
Mich. Michigan V.I. Virgin Islands
Minn. Minnesota Va. Virginia
Miss. Mississippi Vic. Victoria
Mo. Missouri Vt. Vermont
Mont. Montana W.A. Western Australia
N.B. New Brunswick W.Va. West Virginia
N.C. North Carolina Wash. Washington
N.D. North Dakota Wis. Wisconsin
N.H. New Hampshire Wyo. Wyoming
N.J. New Jersey Yukon Yukon Territory

Relative Index

35mm cameras 771.32 'Abd al-Razzaq ibn Hammam

100 Mile House (B.C.) T2-711 75 al-I;!imyari
40l(k) plans 332.024 014 5 Hadith 297.125 56
Abdias (Biblical book) 224.91
A Abdomen 573.997
A level examination 378.166 2 human anatomy 611.95
Aachen (Germany) T2 435511 human physiology 612.95
A'ali al-Nil (Sudan) T2-629 3 617.550 44
Aar River (Switzerland) T2-494 54 regional medicine 617.55
Aarau (Switzerland) T2 494 562 84 surgery 617.550 59
Aarau (Switzerland : Abdominal muscles
Bezirk) T2-494 562 8 human anatomy 611.736
Aardvark 599.31 Abdominal pregnancy
Aardwolf 599.743 obstetrics 618.31
Aargau (Switzerland) T2-494 56 Abduction (Crime) 364.154
Aarhus amt (Denmark) T2-489 5 law 345.025 4
Abaca prevention 364.4
botany 584.39 self~defense 613.66
fiber crop 633.571 Abduction (Logic) 511.31
Abacus 513.028 4 'Abdu'l-Baha
Abalones 641.394 works by 297.938 24
cooking 641.694 Abdul Rahman, Tunku, Putra Al-
fishing and culture 639.483 2 Haj
food 641.394 Malaysian history 959.505 1
zoology 594.32 Abdul Razak bin Dato' Hussein,
Abandoned children 305.230 869 45 Tun Haji
Tl-086 945 Malaysian history 959.505 2
social group 305.230 869 45 Abdullah bin Ahmad H<~:ii
social services 362.73 Badawi
Abattoirs 664.902 9 Malaysian history 959.506 1
Abaza language 499.962 Abel (Biblical person)
T6-999 62 Bible stories 222.110 950 5
Abazin language 499.962 Abel Tasman National Park
T6-999 62 (N.Z.) T2-937 7
Abbeville County (S.C.) T2-757 35 Abelian categories 512.62
Abbeys Abelian groups 512.25
architecture 726.7 Abelian varieties 516.353
church history 271 Aberconwy (Wales) T2-42927
L'-'H"-Lv'"" significance of Aberdare (Wales) T2-429 78
buildings 246.97 Aberdeen (Scotland) T2 412 3
Abbotsford (B.C.) T2 -711 37 Aberdeen (South Africa :
Abbott, J. J. C. (John Joseph District) T2-687 54
Caldwell), Sir Aberdeen Angus cattle 636.223
Canadian history 971.055 Aberdeenshire (Scotland) T2-412 4
Abbreviated longhand 653.2 Abergavenny (Wales) T2-429 98
Abbreviation dictionaries 413.15 Abcrgele (Wales) T2 429 27
specific languages T4 315 Aberration
specific subjects Tl-014 8 astronomy 522.9
Abbreviations 411 Abertillery (Wales) T2 429 95
specific languages T4·········ll Abhidhammapitaka 294.382 4
specific subjects Tl-014 8 A b hidharrnapitaka 294.382 4
Abia State (Nigeria) T2-66945
Abidjan (Ivory Coast) T2-666 8

Dewey Decimal Classification

Ability 153.9 Aboriginal Malay languages 499.28

Ability grouping in education 371.254 T6-992 8
Ability testing 153.93 Aboriginal peoples 305.8
aptitudes 153.94 Australia T5-991 5
education 371.262 social group 305.8
intelligence 153.93 Tasmania T5--99J 59
personnel selection 658.311 25 see also Indigenous peoples
Abitibi (Quebec : Regional Aboriginal Tasmanians T5--991 59
County Municipality) T2--714 134 Aborigines 305.8
Abitibi, Lake (Ont. and see also Indigenous peoples
Quebec) T2~713 142 Abortifacient agents
Abitibi-Ouest (Quebec : medicine 618.29
Regional County pharmacokinetics 615.766
Municipality) T2-714 132 Abortifacients
Abitibi-Temiscamingue medicine 618.29
(Quebec: Administrative pharmacokinetics 615.766
region) T2~71413 Abortion 362.198 88
Abitibi-Temiscamingue criminology 364.185
Region (Quebec) T2--714 13 criminal law 345.028 5
Abkhaz language 499.962 3 demographic effect 304.667
T6--999 623 ethics 179.76
Abkhaz literature 899.962 3 religion 205.697 6
Abkhazia (Georgia) T2-475 8 Buddhism 294.356 976
Abkhazo-Adyghian languages 499.962 Christianity 241.697 6
T6-999 62 Hinduism 294.548 697 6
Ablation of snow 551.578 464 Islam 297.569 76
Ablutions Judaism 296.369 76
Islam 297.38 law 342.084
ABM (Missiles) 358.174 82 legal right of fetuses 342.085
engineering 623.451 94 legal right of women 342.087 8
military equipment 358.17482 medical law 344.041 92
Abnaki Indians T5~973 4 medicine 618.88
Abnaki language 497.34 nonsurgical methods
T6--973 4 medicine 618.29
Abnormal psychology 616.89 pharmacokinetics 615.766
Abnormalities social problem 363.46
human teratology 616.043 law 344.054 6
physical anthropology 599.949 social services 362.198 88
Abodah Zarah 296.123 4 social theology 201.763 46
Babylonian Talmud 296.125 4 Christianity 261.836
Mishnah 296.123 4 Judaism 296.38
Palestinian Talmud 296.124 4 surgery 618.88
Abolition of slavery 326.8 A both 296.123 47
political science 326.8 Abra (Philippines) T2-599 I
sociology 306.362 Abrading tools 621.92
United States history 973.711 4 Abraham (Patriarch)
Abolitionists (Antislavery Bible 222.11092
activists) 326.809 2 Islam 297.246 3
Abominable snowman 001.944 Abrasions
Aboriginal Australian languages 499.15 medicine 617.13
T6-99l 5 Abrasives
Aboriginal Australian literatures 899.15 mineral resources 553.65
Aboriginal Australians T5--991 5 Abrogation
religion 299.921 5 Hadith 297.125 163

Relative Index

Abruzzi (Italy) T2-457 I Abstracting techniques

Abruzzo (Italy) TI-4571 rhetoric 808.062
ancient T2-377 3 Abstraction 153.24
Absaroka Range (Mont. and Abstractionism 709.040 52
Wyo.) T2-787 4 painting 759.065 2
Absentee ownership sculpture 735.230 452
land economics 333.4 Abstracts
Absentee voting 324.65 collections 080
law 342.075 brief abstracts 011
Absenteeism 331.259 88 Abstracts of title 346.043 8
labor economics 331.259 88 Abu Da'iid Sulayman ibn al-
personnel management 658.314 Ash'ath al-Sijistani
public administration 352.66 Hadith 297.125 51
sociology 306.361 Abu Dhabi (United Arab
Absinthe 641.255 Emirates: Emirate) T2-535 7
commercial processing 663.55 Abu Zaby (United Arab
Absolute (Philosophy) 111.6 Emirates: Emirate) T2-535 7
Absolute monarchy 321.6 Abuja (Federal Capital
Absolute rights 323.01 Territory, Nigeria) T2-66968
Absolute temperature 536.5 Abuse of power
Absolution (Christian rite) 234.166 civil rights issue 323.49
public worship 265.64 law 345.023 2
theology 234.166 government liability 342.088
Absorbency public administration 353.46
skin 573.5 Abused children 305.230 869 45
human physiology 612.791 Tl-086945
see also Skin pediatrics 618.928 582 23
Absorber oil 665.538 4 social group 305.230 869 45
Absorption 541.33 social theology 201.762 76
chemical engineering 660.284 23 Christianity 261.832 71
chemistry 541.33 social welfare 362.76
gaseous-state physics 530.435 see also Child abuse
nutrition Abutments 721.3
human physiology 612.38 architecture 721.3
Absorption of sound construction 690.13
physics 534.208 structural engineering 624.16
Abstinence 178 Abydos :Extinct
ethics 178 city) T2-323
religious practice 204.47 Abyssal zone
Buddhism 294.344 47 biology 578.779
Christianity 248.47 ecology 577.79
Hinduism 294.544 7 Abyssinia T2-63
Abstract algebra 512.02 Abyssinian cat 636.826
Abstract data types 005.73 Abyssinians T5-928
Abstract expressionism 709.04052 Acacias 583.748
painting 759.065 2 forestry 634.973 748
sculpture 735.230 452 ornamental arboriculture 635.977 374 8
Abstract harmonic analysis 515.785 Academic costume 378.28
Abstract spaces 516.1 Academic 378.2
Abstract thought 153.24 Academic dissertations 378.242
philosophy 128.3 specific places 015
psychology 153.24 Academic freedom 371.104
Abstracting higher education 378.121 3
information science 025.41 law 344.078

Dewey Decimal Classification

Academic high schools 373.241 Accelerator etlect

see also Secondary education (Macroeconomics) 339.41
Academic libraries 027.7 Accelerometers
administration 025.197 7 aircraft 629.135 2
collection development 025.218 77 Accent (Linguistics) 414.6
use studies 025.587 7 specific languages T4-16
Academic library buildings Accent (Poetry) 808.1
architecture 727.827 Acceptances (Commercial paper) 332.77
Academic placement 371.264 exchange medium 332.55
special education 371.904 3 law 346.096
see Manual at 371.262 vs. Access control (Computers) 005.8
371.264 management 658.478
Academic prognosis 371.264 Access points (Cataloging) 025.322
special education 371.904 3 Access roads 388.13
see Manual at 371.262 vs. Access to airports 387.736 2
371.264 Accessioning
Academic status 371.104 archives 025.281 4
higher education 378.121 Accessories (Clothing) 391.44
Academic year 371.23 care 646.6
law 344.079 2 commercial technology 687.19
Academies (Orgauizations) 060 customs 391.44
Academy schools 371.05 home economics 646.3
Acadia 971.501 7 home sewing 646.48
T2--7l5 see also Clothing
Acadia National Park (Me.) T2-74145 Accident insurance 368.384
Acadia Parish (La.) T2-763 56 government-sponsored 368.42
Acadians T5--41 industrial casualty 368.7
Acadiaus in Canada T5-114 law 346.086 384
expulsion of 971.501 7 Accident investigation 363.106 5
Acanthaceae 583.95 technology 620.86
Acanthocephala 592.33 Accidents 363.1
paleozoology 562.33 personal health 613.6
Acanthodii 567.2 psychology 155.936
Acanthopterygii 597.64 social services 363.1
paleozoology 567.64 law 344.047
see also Fishes public administration 353.9
Acanthuses 635.933 95 tort law 346.032 2
botany 583.95 Accidents (Philosophy) 111.1
floriculture 635.933 95 Accipitridae 598.94
Acari 595.42 Acclimation
Acarida 595.42 health 613.1
Acariformes 595.42 Acclimatization
Acarina 595.42 animals 591.42
Acarnania (Greece) T2--495 18 biology 578.42
ancient T2-383 plauts 581.42
Acceleration Accomack County (Va.) T2--755 16
biophysics Accommodation (Optometry) 617.755
humans 612.014 414 see also Eye diseases -
classical mechanics 531.112 humans
extraterrestrial biophysics Accompauiment
humans 612.014 534 musical technique 781.47
Acceleration of particles 539.73 Accomplices 364.3
Acceleration principle see also Offenders
(Macroeconomics) 339.41
Relative Index

Accordions 788.86 Acetylene 547.413

instrument 788.861 9 chemical engineering 661.814
music 788.86 gas technology 665.85
see also Woodwind instruments Achaea (Greece) T2--495 27
Accountability ancient T2-387
Christian doctrines 233.4 Achaia (Greece) T2---495 27
ethics 170 ancient T2~387
executive management 658.402 Acheulian culture 930.124
military administration 355.685 Achievement tests 371.262
public administration 352.35 secondary education 373.126 2
public education 379.158 teacher-prepared tests 371.271
teachers 371.144 Achinese T5---992 242
Accountancy 657 Aehinese language 499.224 2
Accountants 657.092 T6~992 242
Accounting 657 A chinese literature 899.224 2
arts 700.455 3 Acid-base imbalances
T3C~355 3 medicine 616.399 2
law 346.063 see also Digestive system
corporation law 346.066 48 diseases humans
public administration 343.034 Acid mine drainage 363.738 4
literature 808.803 553 environmental protection 363.738 4
history and criticism 809.933 553 preventive technology 622.5
specific literatures T3B~-080 355 3 water pollution engineering 628.168 32
history and Acid pollution
criticism T3B~093 553 ecology 577.275 2
malpractice 346.063 1 Acid precipitation 363.738 6
management policy 658.151 1 see also Acid rain
Accounts payable 657.74 Acid rain 363.738 6
accounting 657.74 law 344.046 336
financial management 658.152 6 meteorology 551.577 1
Accounts receivable 657.72 pollution technology 628.532
accounting 657.72 social welfare 363.738 6
financial management 658.152 44 weather forecasting 551.647 71
Accra (Ghana) T2~667 see also Pollution
Accreditation 352.84 Acid rock 781.66
education 379.158 Acid-soil conditioners 631.821
see also Licensing chemical engineering 668.64
Accreditation of prior learning 371.264 Acidification
Acculturation 303.482 ecology 577.275 2
Accumulators Acidosis
hydraulic 621.254 medicine 616.399 2
Accuracy drills and tests see also Digestive system
keyboarding 652.307 diseases humans
shorthand 653.15 Acids 546.24
Aceh (lndonesia) T2-598 11 aromatic chemistry 547.637
Aceh (Indonesian people) T5~992 242 chemical engineering 661.2
Aceh language 499.224 2 chemistry 546.24
T6--992 242 human toxicology 615.921
Aceh literature 899.224 2 organic chemistry 547.037
Aceraceae 583.78 applied 661.86
Acetabularia 579.836 see also Chemicals
Acetals 668.423 Acinonyx 599.759
Acetates 668.423 Acipenseriformes 597.42
Acetobacter 579.33 paleozoology 567.42

Dewey Decimal Classification

:ne Acrididae
medicine 616.53 agricultural pests 632.726
see also Skin diseases-- Acrobatic gymnastics 796.476
humans Acrobatics 796.476
~ochlidacea 594.34 circuses 791.34
coela (Platyhelminthes) 592.42 sports 796.476
coli (African people) T5~965 Acrobats 796.476 092
coli language 496.5 circuses 791.340 92
T6--965 sports 796.476 092
conites 583.34 Acrochordidae 597.967
"corns Acromegaly
coffee substitute medicine 616.47
commercial processing 663.97 see also Endocrine
,coustical communications diseases -- humans
engineering 621.382 8 Acronym dictionaries 413.15
,coustical engineering 620.2 specific languages T4-315
1.coustical engineers 620.209 2 specific subjects Tl--014 8
~coustical insulation Acronyms 41]
buildings 693.834 specific languages T4--ll
'l.coustical pattern recognition 006.45 specific subjects Tl--014 8
engineering 621.399 4 Acrostics 793.73
\coustical properties Acrothoracica 595.35
materials science 620.112 94 Acrylic painting 751.426
1'\.coustical prospecting 622.159 2 Acrylics 668.423 2
t\coustics 534 textiles 677.474 2
architectural design 729.29 see also Textiles
engineering 620.2 Acrylonitrile rubber 678.72
see also Sound Act
Acousto-optical communications philosophical anthropology 128.4
engineering 621.382 8 ACT (College testing program) 378.1662
Acquired immune deficiency Act of Union, 1840 971.039
syndrome 362.196 979 2 ACTH (Hormone)
see also AIDS (Disease) pharmacology 615.363
Acquired immunity 571.96 production
humans 616.079 human physiology 612.492
Acquisition of corporations 338.83 Acting 792.028
see also Mergers motion pictures 791.430 28
Acquisition of real property 333.33 radio 791.440 28
econon11cs 333.33 stage 792.028
private ownership 333.33 television 791.450 28
public ownership 333.13 Actinide series 669.292
law 346.043 62 chemistry 546.42
private ownership 346.043 62 metallurgy 669.292
public ownership 343.025 2 see also Chemicals; Metals
1'\.cquisition of territory 325.32 Actinium 669.292 1
law 342.041 2 chemistry 546.421
law of nations 341.42 metallurgy 669.292 l
'\.cquisitions (Libraries) 025.2 see also Chemicals; Metals
'\.cquisitions (Museums) 069.51 Actinomycetales 579.37
'\.crasia 579.52 Actinomycetes 579.37
'\.ere (Brazil) T2~8112 see Manual at 579.3
\creage allotments 338.18 Actinopoda 579.45
law 343.076 1 Actinopterygii 597
see also Fishes

Relative Index

Actinotherapy Adair County (Iowa) T2-77773

medicine 615.831 5 Adair County (Ky.) T2-769 675
Action Adair County (Mo.) T2-778264
philosophical anthropology 128.4 Adair County (Okla.) T2-766 89
psychology 150 Adam
Action games Bible stories 222.110 950 5
indoor 793.4 Islam 297.246
Action Party (Italy : 1853-1867) 324.245 026 Adamawa-Eastern languages 496.361
Action Party (Italy : 1942194 7) 324.245 06 T6-963 61
Action research 001.4 Adamawa languages 496.361
Tl-072 T6-963 61
Action toys 790.133 Adamawa State (Nigeria) T2---<i69 88
manufacturing technology 688.728 Adamawa-Ubangi languages 496.361
Actions (Law) 347.05 T6-963 61
Activated carbon 662.93 Adams, John
water treatment 628.166 United States history 973.44
Activated sludge process 628.354 Adams, John Quincy
Activewear 796 United States history 973.55
commercial technology 687.16 Adams County (Colo.) T2-788 81
customs 391.48 Adams County (Idaho) T2-79626
home economics 646.3 Adams County (Ill.) T2--773 44
home sewing 646.47 Adams County (Ind.) T2-772 73
Activity-based costing 657.42 Adams County (Iowa) T2-777 76
Activity therapy Adams County (Miss.) T2-762 26
medicine 615.851 5 Adams County (N.D.) T2-784 89
Acton (Quebec: Regional Adams County (Neb.) T2-782 397
County Municipality) T2--714 525 Adams County (Ohio) T2-771 86
Actors 792.028 092 Adams County (Pa.) T2-748 42
motion pictures 791.430 280 92 Adams County (Wash.) T2-797 34
collected biography 791.430 280 922 Adams County (Wis.) T2-775 56
United States 791.430 280 922 73 Adams Lake (B.C.) T2-71 1 72
radio 791.440 280 92 Adams River (B.C.) T2-71 I 75
stage 792.028 092 Adana iii (Turkey) T2-5647
television 791.450 280 92 ancient T2-393 5
see Manual at 780.92 and Adangme (African people) T5-963 37
791.092 Adangme language 496.337
Actresses 792.028 092 T6-963 37
see also Actors Adaptability
Acts of the Apostles 226.6 psychology 155.24
pseudepigrapha 229.925 children 155.418 24
Actual grace 234.1 late adulthood 155.672
Actuarial science 368.01 situational influences 155.9
Acuity (Visual perception) children 155.418 9
psychology 152.142 2 Adaptation (Biology) 578.4
Acupressure animals 591.4
therapeutics 615.822 2 plants 581.4
Acupuncture Adaptive control systems
therapeutics 615.892 automation engineering 629.836
Acylation Addax 599.645
chemical engineering 660.284 4 Added-value tax 336.271 4
Ad Dakhla (Western Adders (Snakes) 597.963
Sahara) T2-648 Adder's-tongues (Ferns) 587.33
Ada County (Idaho) T2--796 28
Adages 398.9

Dewey Decimal Classification

!diction 362.29 Adhesives 668.3

customs 394.14 building materials 691.99
devotional literature 204.32 manufacturing technology 668.3
Christianity 242.4 materials science 620.199
medicine 616.86 structural engineering 624.189 9
pastoral theology 206.1 Adi Granth 294.682
Christianity 259.429 Adige River (Italy) T2--453
personal health 613.8 Adipocytes
religious guidance 204.42 human cytology 611.018 276
Christianity 248.862 9 Adipose tissues 571.57
social theology 201.762 29 human histology 611.018 27
Christianity 261.832 29 Adirondack Mountains
social welfare 362.29 (N.Y.) T2~747 5
see also Substance abuse Ad1yaman iii (Turkey) T2~5652
,ddietive drugs ancient T2~393 6
pharmacokinetics 615.78 Adjectivals 415.5
,ddicts Tl~087 4 specific languages T4~55
,ddis Ababa (Ethiopia) T2--633 Adjectives 415.5
•ddison County (Vt.) T2~743 5 specific languages T4--55
tddison's disease Adjudication 347.Q7
medicine 616.45 competitions Tl~079
see also Endocrine criminal law 345,07
diseases humans law of nations 341.55
\.ddition (Chemical reaction) 541.39 Adjustment (Insurance) 368.014
organic chemistry 547.2 Adjustment (Psychology) 155.24
applied 660.284 4 children 155.418 24
\ddition (Mathematics) 512.92 late adulthood 155.672
algebra 512.92 Adjustment disorders
arithmetic 513.2 medicine 616.852
\.dditive processes see also Mental disorders
color photography 778.65 Adlerian psychology 150.1953
\.ddo Elephant National Administration 658
Park (South Africa) T2~687 53 Tl-068
\ddresses 080 public administration 351
\.delaide (S. Au st.) T2~942 31 see Manual at T1--068
\.delaide (South Africa : Administration of estates 346.056
District) T2--u87 53 Administration of justice 347
\den T2-~533 5 crimes against 364.134
\den, Gulf of 551.461 532 law 345.023 4
T2~165 32 criminal law 345.05
\denauer, Konrad Administration regionale
German history 943.087 5 Kativik (Quebec) T2-~714 Ill
\denomas Administrative agencies 351
incidence 614.599 9 description and duties 351
medicine 616.993 government publications
>denophorea 592.57 bibliographies 011.534
ldenosine triphosphate 572.475 law 342.064
ldenoviridae 579.244 3 organization and structure 352.29
,dephaga 595.762 see Manual at 351 vs.
,dhesion 541.33 352.29; also at 352-354
chemical engineering 660.293 see Manual at 352~354
,dhesiveness Administrative areas
materials science 620.112 92 area planning 711.551

Relative Index

Administrative assistants Adolescent development 305.235 5

offlce management 651.3 psychology 155.5
Administrative courts 342.066 4 sociology 305.235 5
Administrative discretion 342.066 4 Adolescent girls 305.235 2
Administrative law 342.06 Tl-083 52
Administrative personnel see also Young women
office management 651.3 under twenty-one
Administrative procedure Adolescent·gynecology 618.100 835
law 342.066 Adolescent literature 808.899 283
Administrative regulations 348.025 history and criticism 809.892 83
Administrative reports Tl-06 specific literatures T3B-080 928 3
public administration 351.05 history and criticism T3B-099 283
Administrative responsibility 658.402 Adolescent medicine 616.008 35
military services 355.685 Adolescent obstetrics 618.200 835
public administration 352.35 Adolescent pharmacology 615.108 35
Administrative revenues Adolescent psychiatry 616.890 083 5
public finance 336.16 Adolescent psychology 155.5
Administrators (Public officials) 352.3 Adolescent surgery 617.008 35
see also Public administrators Adolescent therapeutics 615.508 35
Admirals 359.009 2 Adolescent toxicology 615.900 835
role and function 359.331 Adolescents 305.235
Admiralty courts 347.04 Tl~-083 5
Admiralty Islands (Papua arts 700.452 35
New Guinea) T2-958 1 T3C--352 35
Admiralty law 343.096 civil and human rights 323.352
see Manual at 341.45 vs. etiquette 395.123
343.0962 government programs 353.536 5
Admissibility of evidence 347.062 health 613.043 3
criminal law 345.062 home care 649.125
Admission tests 371.262 joumalism for 070.483 3
higher education 378.1662 labor economics 331.347
Admission to the bar 344.017 613 4 law 344.013 47
Admissions legal status 346.013 5
schools 371.21 constitutional law 342.087 72
higher education 378.161 private law 346.013 5
Adobe libraries for 027.626
architectural construction 721.044 22 literature 808.803 523 5
building construction 693.22 history and criticism 809.933 523 5
Adolescence 305.235 specific literatures T3B-080 352 35
arts T3C-354 history and
literature 808.803 54 criticism T3B-093 523 5
history and criticism 809.933 54 physical fitness 613.704 3
specific literatures T3B-080 354 physiology 612.661
history and psychology 155.5
criticism T3B-093 54 publications for
psychology 155.5 bibliographies 011.625
social aspects 305.235 reviews 028.162 5
Adolescent boys 305.235 1 reading
Tl-083 51 library science 028.535
see also Young men- under religion 200.835
twenty-one Christianity 270.083 5
Adolescent dentistry 617.600 835 devotional literature 242.63
guides to Christian life 248.83
pastoral care 259.23

Dewey Decimal Classification

\dolescents Adrianople (Turkey) T2~--49614

religion Adriatic Sea 551.461 385
Christianity (continued) T2--163 85
religious education 268.433 Adsorbent carbons 662.93
guides to life 204.408 35 Adsorbent charcoals 662.93
Judaism 296.083 5 Adsorption 541.335
guides to life 296.708 35 chemical engineering 660.284 235
religious education 296.680 835 chemistry 541.335
sex hygiene 613.951 gaseous-state physics 530.435
social aspects 305.235 semiconductors 537.622 6
social welfare 362.708 3 Adult baptism 234.161 3
law 344.032 708 3 public worship 265.13
public administration 353.536 5 theology 234.161 3
Adolf Fredrik, King of Sweden Adult child abuse victims
Swedish history 948.503 63 medicine 616.858 223 9
Adopted children 306.874 social theology 201.762 764
Tl-085 4 Christianity 261.832 73
family relationships 306.874 social welfare 362.764
home care 649.145 Adult child sexual abuse victims
psychology 155.445 medicine 616.858 369
social welfare 362.829 8 social theology 201.762 764
Adoption 362.734 Christianity 261.832 73
criminology 364.18 social welfare 362.764
criminal law 345.028 Adult children of alcoholics
law 346.017 8 medicine 616.861 9
religion 204.41 social welfare 362.292 4
social welfare 362.734 Adult children of substance
Adoptive parents 306.874 abusers
Tl-085 medicine 616.869
Adoration of magi 232.923 social welfare 362.291 4
Adoration of shepherds 232.922 Adult easy literature
ADP (Computing) 004 rhetoric 808.067
Adrar (Algeria : Province) T2-657 Adult education 374
Adrenal gland diseases Tl-071 5
medicine 616.45 federal aid 379.121 5
see also Endocrine law 344.074
diseases ~- humans public administrative support 353.84
pediatrics 618.924 5 public support 379.114
Adrenal glands 573.46 law 344.076 85
biology 573.46 special education 371.904 75
human anatomy 611.45 university extension 378.175
human physiology 612.45 Adultery 306.736
medicine 616.45 criminology 364.153
surgery 617.461 criminal law 345.025 3
see also Endocrine system ethics 176.4
Adrenal hormones 573.464 see also Sexual relations -~
human physiology 612.45 ethics
pharmacology 615.364 social theology 201.7
see also Endocrine system Christianity 261.835 736
Adrenocorticotrophic hormone sociology 306.736
pharmacology 615.363 Adulthood 305.24
production psychology 155.6
human physiology 612.492 social aspects 305.24

Relative Index

Adults 305.24 Adventure fiction 808.838 7

criminal offenders 364.3 history and criticism 809.387
development specific literatures T3B-308 7
physiology 612.66 individual authors T3A~3
education 374 Adventure games 793.93
see also Adult education see l'vfanual at 793.932 vs.
guides to religious life 204.4 794.822
health 613.043 4 Adventure racing 796.5
journalism for 070.483 4 Adverbials 415.76
physical fitness 613.704 4 specific languages T4-576
psychology 155.6 Adverbs 415.76
recreation 790.192 specific languages T4~576
indoor 793.0192 Adversary system 347
outdoor 796 Adverse drug reactions
religion 200 phannacokinetics 615.704
Christianity 230 Advertisements 381.029
guides to Christian life 248.84 Tl-029
religious education 268.434 illustration 741.67
social aspects 305.24 Advertisers 659.109 2
Adur (England) T2--422 69 Advertising 659.1
Advaita (Philosophy) 181.482 illustration 741.67
Advanced placement (Education) 371.264 law 343.082
Advent 263.912 managerial organization 659.112
devotional literature 242.332 medical ethics 174.26
music 781.722 Advertising agencies 659.1125
sermons 252.612 Advertising campaigns 659.113
Advent Christian Church 286.73 Advertising cards
see also Adventists illustration 741.685
Adventists 286.7 Advertising departments 659.1122
biography 286.709 2 Advertising images 659.104 5
church government 262.067 Advertising lighting 621.322 9
parishes 254.067 Advertising media planning 659.111
church law 262.986 7 Advertising themes 659.1045
doctrines 230.67 Advice to readers
catechisms and creeds 238.67 journalism 070.444
guides to Christian life 248.486 7 Advisory bodies
missions 266.67 public administration 352.743
moral theology 241.046 7 Advocacy
public worship 264.067 law 347.052
religious associations 267.186 7 Advocates (Lawyers) 340.092
religious education 268.867 Adygea (Russia) T2·-475 2
seminaries 230.073 67 Adyghe language 499.962 5
theology 230.67 T6-999 625
Adventure 904 Adyghe literature 899.962 5
arts 700.458 2 Aegadian Islands T2--458 24
T3C·~358 2 Aegean architecture 722.61
literature 808.803 582 Aegean Islands (Greece:
history and criticism 809.933 582 Periphereia) T2--495 8
specific literatures T3B--080 358 2 Aegean Islands (Greece and 949.58
history and Turkey) Tl-495 8
criticism T3B--093 582 ancient 939.1
specific places 930·990 T2-391
Aegean Sea 551.461 388
T2-163 88

Dewey Decimal Classification

.eolian instruments 786.69 Aerospace engineering 629.1

chamber music 785.669 military 623.66
construction 786.691 923 Aerospace engineers 629.109 2
by hand 786.691 923 Aerospace medicine 616.980 2 I
by machine 681.866 9 Aerospace photography 778.35
\eolian Islands (Italy) T2--458 11 Aerospace physiology
\epyornithiformes 568.5 humans 612.014 4
i\.equian language 479.7 Aerostatics 533.61
T6--797 aeronautics 629.132 2
Aeration engineering 620.107 3
sewage treatment 628.35 Aerotherapy
water supply treatment 628.165 medicine 615.836
Aerial cinematography 777.6 Aesthetics 111.85
Aerial microorganisms 579.175 arts 701.17
Aerial photography 778.35 literature 801.93
military engineering 623.72 music 781.17
Aerial railways 385.6 philosophy 111.85
engineering 625.5 Aestivation 571.786
transportation services 385.6 Acta (Philippine people) TS--992 1
Aerial skiing 796.937 Aetolia (Greece) T2-383
Aerial surveying 526.982 Aetolia and Acarnania
Aerial videography 777.6 (Greece) T2--495 18
Aerial warfare 358.4 ancient T2-383
see also Air warfare Afan (Wales) T2--429 85
Acrobatics 797.54 Afar (African people) TS-935
Aerobic dancing 613.715 'Afiir kclel (Ethiopia) T2-634
Aerobic exercise 613.71 Afar language 493.5
sports 796.44 T6-935
Aerobic gymnastics 796.44 AFDC (Social program) 362.713
Aerobic-microaerophilic gram- Affection
negative bacteria 579.323 psychology 152.41
Aerobic respiration 573.2 Affective disorders 362.25
Aerodynamic load 624.175 medicine 616.852 7
aeronautics 629.132 35 social welfare 362.25
Aerodynamics 533.62 see also Mental disorders
aeronautics 629.132 3 Affects
engineering 620.107 4 psychology 152.4
space flight 629.415 1 Affenpinscher 636.76
Acroelasticity Affine geometry 516.4
aeronautics 629.132 362 Affinity (Law) 346.015
Aeromechanics 533.6 Affirmative action
aeronautics 629.132 3 education 379.26
engineering 620.107 employment 331.133
Aeronautical charts 629.132 54 see also Equal employment
Aeronautical engineers 629.130 092 opportunity
Aeronautics 629.13 government programs 353.53
law 343.097 law 342.087
Aerophoncs 788 constitutional law 342.087
see also Wind instruments labor law 344.011 33
Aerosols 541.345 15 Affixes (Grammar) 415.92
chemical engineering 660.294 515 specific languages T4-592
colloid chemistry 541.345 15 Affoltem (Switzerland :
meteorology 551.5ll 3 Bezirk) T2--494 572 I

Relative Index

Afforestation 333.751 52 African Americans (continued)

law 346.046 751 52 civilization 973.049 607 3
resource economics 333.751 52 education 371.829 960 73
silviculture 634.956 military troops
Afghan hound 636.753 3 Civil War (United States) 973.741 5
Afghan language 491.593 World War II 940.540 3
T6-915 93 social aspects 305.896 073
literature 891.593 see Manual at T5 -96073
rugs African bush pig 599.633
arts 746.758 1 African clawed frog 597.865 4
Afghan War, 2001- 958.104 7 African elephant 599.674
Afghanistan 958.1 big game hunting 799.276 74
T2-581 conservation technology 639.979 674
ancient 939.6 resource economics 333.959 674
T2-396 African independent churches 289.93
Afghans T5-915 93 African languages 496
Afghans (Coverlets) 645.4 T6-96
arts 746.430 437 Aftican lilies 584.33
home sewing 646.21 African literature 808.899 6
household equipment 645.4 history and criticism 809.896
AFL (Labor) 331.883 209 73 in African languages 896
AFL-CIO 331.880 973 African Methodist Episcopal
Aflatoxins Church 287.83
human toxicology 615.952 956 57 see also Methodist Church
Africa 960 African Methodist Episcopal
T2-6 Zion Church 287.83
geography 916 see also Methodist Church
military operations African mole rat 599.359
World War I 940.416 African National Congress (South
World War II 940.542 3 African political party) 324.268 083
travel 916.04 African religions 299.6
Africa, Black T2-67 African sleeping sickness
Africa, Central 967 incidence 614.533
T2-67 medicine 616.936 3
Africa, East 967.6 see also Communicable
T2-676 diseases -humans
Afhca, North 961 African theater (World War II) 940.542 3
T2-61 African violets 635.933 95
ancient 939.7 botany 583.95
T2-397 t1oriculture 635.933 95
Africa, Southern 968 Africans TS-96
T2-68 Afrihili (Artificial language) 499.99
Africa, Sub-Saharan 967 T6-999 9
T2-67 Afrikaans language 439.36
Africa, West 966 T6-393 6
T2--66 Afrikaans literature 839.36
Africa proconsularis T2-397 3 Afrikaners T5-393 6
African American cooking 641.592 960 73 Afro-Americans 973.049 607 3
African American Methodist TS-960 73
churches 287.8 see also African Americans
see also Methodist Church Afro-Asian bloc T2-171 65
African Americans 973.049 607 3
T5-960 73
civil rights 323.119 607 3

Dewey Decimal Classffication

\fro-Asiatic languages 492 Age-hardening metals 671.36

T6·-92 Age of Freedom
non-Semitic 493 Swedish history 948.503 6
T6--~93 Age of Greatness
'\.fro-Asiatic literatures 892 Swedish history 948.503 4
non-Semitic 893 Aged abuse 362.682
'\fro-Asiatic peoples T5--92 criminology 364.155 5
non-Semitic T5-93 criminal law 345.025 55
Afro-Cubanjazz 781.657 social welfare 362.682
Afrohili (Artificial language) 499.99 Aged people 305.26
T6--999 9 Tl--084 6
After-dinner speeches see also Older people
literature 808.851 Agency law 346.029
history and criticism 809.51 Agency shop 331.889 2
specific literatures T3B-50l Agent Orange
individual authors T3A-5 human toxicology 615.95137
rhetoric 808.512 Aggadah 296.19
Afterimages Midrash 296.142
psychology 152.148 Talmud 296.127 6
Aftemoon teas 642 Aggeus (Biblical book) 224.97
cooking 641.53 Aggregates (Materials) 553.62
light meals 641.53 economic geology 553.62
main meals 641.54 materials science 620.191
customs 394.125 3 mining 622.362
light meals 394.125 3 Aggression 302.54
main meals 394.125 4 law ofwar 341.62
Afyon Ili (Turkey) T2--562 8 psychology 155.232
ancient T2-392 6 drives 153.8
Afyonkarahisar (Turkey : emotions 152.47
iii) T2--562 8 personality trait 155.232
Agadir Idda Outanane social psychology 302.54
(Morocco) T2---646 6 Agin Burlat (Russia :
Agamidae 597.955 Okrug) T2-575
Agapes (Christian rites) 265.9 Agin Burlatskil avtonomny!
Agaricaceae 579.6 okrug (Russia) T2-575
Agaricales 579.6 Aging 571.878
Agates 553.87 arts T3C--354
see also Semiprecious stones human physiology 612.67
Agavaceae 584.352 literature 808.803 54
Agaves 584.352 history and criticism 809.933 54
fiber crop 633.577 specific literatures T3B---080 354
Age characteristics history and
animals 591.39 criticism T3B-093 54
physical anthropology 599.937 physiology 571.878
plants 581.39 psychology of late adulthood 155.67
Age determination social aspects 305.26
animals 591.39 Aging alcoholic beverages 663.17
physical anthropology 599.937 Agnatha 597.2
plants 581.39 paleozoology 567.2
Age discrimination in Agnosticism 211.7
employment 331.398 133 Christian polemics 239.7
law 344.013 981 33 philosophy 149.72
Age groups 305.2 philosophy of religion 211.7
T I ~-083-084 Agnostics 211.709 2

Relative Index

Agnus Dei 264.36 Agricultural industries 338.1

mUSIC 782.323 2 accounting 657.863
Agoraphobia economics 338.1
medicine 616.852 25 law 343.076
see also Mental disorders public administration 354.5
Agostinho Neto, Antonio Agricultural insurance 368.096
Angolan history 967.304 1 crop 368.121
Agoutis 599.359 livestock liability 368.56
Agrammatism Agricultural laborers
medicine 616.855 2 social class 305.563
see also Communication Agricultural lands 333.76
disorders biology 578.755
Agranulocytosis ecology 577.55
medicine 616.154 economics 333.76
see also Cardiovascular sale and rental 333.335
diseases humans Agricultural libraries 026.63
Agraphia Agricultural life
medicine 616.855 3 civilization 909
see also Communication Agricultural lower classes 305.563
disorders Agricultural machinery 631.3
Agreement (Grammar) 415 manufacturing technology 681.763
specific languages T4-5 shortages
Agn iii (Turkey) T2-56626 economics 338.14
ancient T2-395 5 Agricultural marketing 381.41
Agricultural areas T2-173 4 public administration 354.59
area planning 711.554 Agricultural meteorology 630.251 5
Agricultural assistance Agricultural occupations
law 343.076 sociology 305.963
production economics 338.18 Agricultural pests 632.6
Agricultural banks 332.31 Agricultural pollution 363.738 498
Agricultural chemicals 631.8 effect on natural ecology 577.273
engineering 668.6 Agricultural price supports
public safety 363.179 2 economics 338.18
see also Hazardous materials public administration 354.528 5
use 631.8 Agricultural productivity 338.16
Agricultural civilization 909 Agricultural products 338.17
Agricultural commodities 338.17 commerce 381.41
see also Agricultural products economics 338.17
Agricultural communities 307.72 investment economics 332.644 I
Agricultural cooperative credit military resources 355.245
associations 334.2 public administration 354.59
Agricultural cooperatives 334.683 Agricultural runoff 363.738 498
Agricultural credit 332.71 Agricultural schools 630.71
law 346.073 Agricultural sociology 306.349
production economics 338.18 Agricultural structures 631.2
Agricultural ecology 577.55 architecture 725.37
Agricultural economics 338.1 constmction 690.537
Agricultural engineering 630 domestic architecture 728.92
Agricultural enterprises 338.763 constmction 690.892
Agricultural equipment 631.3 use 631.2
manufacturing technology 681.763 Agricultural systems of labor
Agricultural experiment stations 630.724 sociology 306.364
Agricultural extension 630.715
Agricultural genetics 631.523 3

Dewey Decimal Classification

AI Agricultural wastes 363.728 8 Ahom T5--959 19

animal feed 636.085 56 Ahuachapan (El Salvador:
animal husbandry 636.083 8 Dept.) T2--728 411
sanitary engineering 628.746 Ahvenanmaan liiani
A social services 363.728 8 (Finland) T2--489 72
water pollution engineering 628.168 4 Aichi-ken (Japan) T2-52l 67
A see also Waste control Aid to families with dependent
Agricultural workers 630.92 children 362.713
A economics 331.763 AIDS (Disease) 362.196 979 2
A social class 305.963 church work with patients 259.419 697 92
Agricultural working class 305.563 incidence 614.599 392
;I Agriculture 630 law 344.043 697 92
applied science 630 medicine 616.979 2
art representation 704.943 nursing 616.979 202 31
arts T3C-36 pediatrics 618.929 792
economics 338.1 social services 362.196 979 2
energy economics 333.796 6 social theology 201.7621%9792
enterprises 338.763 Christianity 261.8321%9792
folklore 398.24 see also Communicable
history and criticism 398.36 diseases humans
law 344.095 7 Aigaio Nesoi (Greece:
painting 758.5 Periphereia) T2--495 8
public administration 354.5 Aigle (Switzerland :
Agriculture and state 338.18 District) T2--494 524 9
Agriculturists 630.92 Aiken County (S.C.) T2·-757 75
Agrigento (Italy) T2--458 221 Aikido 796.815 4
ancient T2-378 221 physical fitness 613.714 8
Agrigento (Italy: Province) T2--458 22 Ailanthuses 635.977 377
ancient T2-378 22 botany 583.77
Agrigentum (Italy) T2-378 221 ornamental arboriculture 635.977 377
Agroforestry 634.99 Ailerons 629.134 33
Agromyzidae 595.774 Ailuropoda 599.789
Agronomy 630 Ain (France) T2--445 83
Agrosteae 584.9 Arn Chok-Hay Hassani
Agrostis 633.23 (Morocco : Prefecture) T2-643 8
botany 584.9 Ai'n Defla (Algeria :
forage crop 633.23 Province) T2-653
Aguadilla (P.R. : District) T2--729 54 Ai'n Sebaa-Hay Mohamed
Aguascalientes (Mexico : (Morocco : Prefecture) T2--643 8
State) T2---724 2 Ai'n Temouchent (Algeria:
A]Jiid (Hadith) 297.125 24 Province) T2--651
A]JiidHh al-QudusTyah 297.1258 Ainu T5-946
Aharonim 296.180 92 Ainu language 494.6
Ahidjo, Ahmadou T6--946
Cameroonian history 967.110 41 Ainu litemture 894.6
Ahilot 296.123 6 Air
Ahimsa 294.548 697 gas technology 665.82
Buddhism 294.356 97 health 613.19
Hinduism 294.548 697 Air artillery 358.43
Jainism 294.456 97 Air bags
Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud automobile 629.276
Iranian history 955.061 Air bases 358.417
Ahmadiyya movement 297.86 military engineering 623.66
doctrines 297.204 6 World War I 940.443
Relative Index

Air bases (continued) Air masses 551.551 2

World War II 940.544 3 Air mechanics 533.6
see also Air warfare aeronautics 629.132 3
Air circulation equipment engineering 620.107
buildings 697.932 5 Air-mileage indicators 629.135 1
Air compression engines Air motors 621.42
automotive 629.250 7 Air national guards 358.413 7
Air-compression-powered Air operations (Military science) 358.414
automobiles Air ordnance 358.418
engineering 629.229 4 engineering 623.746 1
Air-compression-powered military equipment 358.418
locomotives 385.365 Air pilots 629.130 92
engineering 625.265 Air pockets
transportation services 385.365 aeronautics 629.132 327
see also Rolling stock Air pollution 363.739 2
Air compression technology 621.51 crop damage 632.19
Air compressors 621.51 ecology 577.276
Air conditioning law 344.046 342
aircraft 629.134 42 public administration 354.373 5
automobile 629.277 2 social welfare 363.739 2
buildings 697.93 technology 628.53
health 613.5 toxicology 571.956
household management 644.5 see also Pollution
library buildings 697.978 Air pollution rights 363.739 26
plant management 022.8 law 344.046 342
mining 622.42 Air-position indicators 629.135 ]
museums 069.29 Air pressure control
plant management 658.25 aircraft 629.13442
ships 623.853 7 spacecraft 629.477 5
vehicles 629.040 289 Air propulsion 621.42
Air conditioning engineers Air pumps 621.69
building trades 697.930 92 Air raid shelters 363.35
Air currents 551.517 civil defense 363.35
aeronautics 629.132 4 law 344.053 5
Air-cushion vehicles 388.35 military engineering 623.38
engineering 629.3 public administration 353.95
land 388.35 Air raid warning systems 358.414
military engineering 623.748 civil defense 363.35
ocean 387.2 military engineering 623.737
transportation services 388.35 Air raids 358.414
inland water 386.22 ci vi! defense 363.35
Air engines 621.42 World War I 940.442
Air force personnel 358.400 92 World War II 940.544 2
role and function 358.413 3 see also Air warfare
Air forces 358.4 Air resistance
Air freight 387.744 aeronautics 629.132 34
airport services 387.736 4 Air resources 333.92
law 343.097 8 economics 333.92
Air guns 683.4 law 346.046 92
art metalwork 739.73 public administration 354.37
Air holes Air rights (National airspace) 341.46
aeronautics 629.132 327 Air rights (Real estate)
Airmail 383.144 economics 333.3
see also Postal service law 346.043 2

Dewey Decimal Classification

Air rights (Real estate) (continued) Air transportation facilities 387.736 2

sale and rental 333.339 engineering 629.136
urban area planning 711.4 see also Airports
zoning 333.771 7 Air transportation insurance 368.093
law 346.045 inland marine 368.24
Air safety 363.124 liability 368.576
law 343.097 Air transportation police 363.287 6
public administration 353.988 Air transportation workers 387.709 2
social services 363.124 Air warfare 358.4
technology 629.130 028 9 Algerian Revolution 965.046 48
Air-sea interactions 551.524 6 Chaco War 989.207 164 8
Air seasoning Civil War (Spain) 946.081 48
lumber 674.382 Falkland Islands War 997.110 244 8
Air-speed indicators 629.1352 Indo-Pakistan War, 1971 954.920 514 8
Air sports 797.5 Indochinese War 959.704 148
Air-supply control Iraq War, 2003- 956.704 434 8
spacecraft 629.477 5 Iraqi-Iranian Conflict 955.054 248
Air-supported construction 693.98 Korean War 95!.904 248
Air-taxi accidents 363.124 93 Persian Gulf War, 1991 956.704 424 8
see also Air safety Vietnamese War 959.704 348
Air temperatures World War I 940.44
meteorology 551.525 World War II 940.544
Air terminals 387.736 2 Airborne infantry 356.166
see also Airports Airbrush drawing 741.29
Air-to-air guided missiles 358.43 Airbrush painting 751.494
engineering 623.451 91 Aircraft 387.73
military equipment 358.43 engineering 629.133
Air-to-air missile forces 358.43 law 343.097 5
Air-to-surface guided missiles 358.428 2 military engineering 623.746
engineering 623.451 92 military equipment 358.418 3
militruy equipment 358.428 2 piloting 629.132 52
Air-to-surface missile forces 358.42 psychological influence 155.965
Air-to-underwater guided sanitation services 363.729 3
missiles 358.42 sports 797.5
engineering 623.451 93 theft of 364.162 862 913 3
military equipment 358.42 law 345.026 286 291 33
Air-to-underwater missile forces 358.42 transportation services 387.73
Air traffic control 387.740 426 operation 387.740 44
engineering 629.136 6 see Manual at 629.046 vs. 388
law 343.097 6 Aircraft accidents 363.124
military engineering 623.666 see also Air safety
transportation services 387.740 426 Aircraft carriers 359.948 35
see Manual at 629.1366 vs. design 623.812 55
387.740426 engineering 623.825 5
Air traffic controllers 629.136 609 2 naval equipment 359.948 35
Air transportation 387.7 naval units 359.943 5
engineering 629.13 Aircraft detection 358.414
law 343.097 civil defense 363.35
public administration 354.79 Aircraft engineers 629.130 092
safety 363.124 Aircraft failures 363.124 16
see also Air safety public safety 363.12416
transportation services 387.7 wreckage studies 629.132 55
see also Air safety
Aircraft gunnery 623.555

Relative Index

Aircraft navigators 629.132 510 92 Airstrips (continued)

Aircraft noise 363.741 transportation services 387.736
engineering 629.132 3 see also Airports
social welfare 363.741 Ais-Ais/Richtersveld
see also Noise Transfrontier Park
Aircraft operation (South Africa) T2-687 19
transportation services 387.740 44 Aisen (Chile: Province) T2-836 22
Aircraft racing 797.52 Aisen del General Carlos
Airdrie (Scotland) T2-414 52 Ibanez del Campo
Aire, River (England) T2-428 15 (Chile : Region) T2-836 2
Airflow Aisne (France) T2-442 66
aeronautics 629.132 32 Aitkin County (Minn.) T2--776 72
Airfoils 629.134 32 Ait6lia kai Akarnania
Airframes 629.134 31 (Greece) T2-495 18
Airline cooking 641.575 Aix 598.412
Airline employees 387.709 2 Aix-la-Chapelle (Germany) T2-435 511
Airlines 387.7 Aizoaceae 583.53
see also Air transportation Ajaria (Georgia) T2-475 8
Airplane accidents 363.124 'Ajlun (Jordan: Province) T2-569546
see also Air safety 'Ajman (United Arab
Airplane-banner advertising 659.134 4 Emirates: Emirate) T2-535 7
Airplane hijacking 364.155 2 Aka (African people) T5-965
law 345.025 52 Aka language (Central African 496.396
Airplane racing 797.52 Republic) T6-963 96
Airplanes 387.733 4 Akaishi Mountains (Japan) T2-521 6
engineering 629.133 34 Akan (African people) T5-963 385
military engineering 623.746 Akan language 496.338 5
piloting 629.132 52 T6~963 385
transportation services 387.733 4 Akan literature 896.338 5
see also Aircraft Akamania (Greece)
Airport facilities 387.736 2 ancient T2- 383
see also Airports Akbar, Emperor of Hindustan
Airport police 363.287 6 Indian history 954.025 4
Airports 387.736 Akershus fylke (Norway) T2-482 2
architecture 725.39 Akhenaton, King of Egypt
area planning 711.78 Egyptian history 932.014
construction 690.539 Akimel O'Odham Indians T5-974 552 9
engineering 629.136 Akimel O'Odham language 497.455 29
institutional housekeeping 647.963 9 T6---974 552 9
law 343.097 7 Akime1 O'Odham literature 897.455 29
military engineering 623.66 Akita 636.73
public administration 354.79 Akita-ken (Japan) T2-521 13
transportation services 387.736 Akkad 935.501
see also Aircraft T2-355
Airships 387.732 4 Akkadian language 492.1
engineering 629.133 24 T6-921
military engineering 623.743 Akkadian literature 892.1
piloting 629.132 522 Akkadians T5-921
transportation services 387.732 4 Akkala Saami language 494.576
see also Aircraft T6-945 76
Airspace (Territorial right) 341.46 Akkala Sami language 494.576
Airstrips 387.736 T6---945 76
engineering 629.136 12 Aklan (Philippines) T2--599 5
military engineering 623.661 2 Aklavik (N.W.T.) T2-719 3

Dewey Decimal Class{fication

Akoli language 496.5 Alaskan Malamute 636.73

T6-965 Alaskan Pacific seawaters 551.461 434
Akpes language 496.33 T2-l64 34
T6--963 3 Alastrim
Akron (Ohio) T2--77l 36 incidence 614.521
Aksaray iii (Turkey) T2~5641 medicine 616.913
ancient T2~393 4 see also Communicable
Aksum (Kingdom) 963.4 diseases -- humans
T2-634 Alaudidae 598.825
Akwa Ibom State (Nigeria) T2--669 43 A lava (Spain) T2---466 5
Akwamu (Kingdom) 966.701 6 Alba (Romania: Jude!) T2---498 4
T2-667 A1bacete (Spain: Province) T2---464 6
Akwe-Shavante language 498.4 Albacore 597.783
T6--984 Albania 949.65
Al-Jaza'ir (Algeria : T2---496 5
Province) T2~653 ancient 939.865
AI Mafraq (Jordan: T2--398 65
Province) T2-569 597 Albania (Ancient kingdom) 939.534
ancient T2--335 97 TI--395 34
Al-Mu'talifwa-al-mukhtalif Albanian language 491.991
(Hadith) 297.125 264 2 T6--919 91
Alabama 976.1 Albanian literature 891.991
T2--761 Albanians T5-919 91
Alabama, Battle of Kearsarge Albany (N.Y.) TI-747 43
and, 1864 973.754 Albany (South Africa :
Alabama River (Ala.) T2~7612 District) T2--687 53
Alabaster 553.635 Albany (W.A.) T2-94I 2
eeonomie geology 553.635 Albany County (N.Y.) T2-747 42
mining 622.363 5 Albany County (Wyo.) T2-787 95
Alacalufan languages 498.7 Albatrosses 598.42
T6--987 Albay (Philippines) TI--599 1
Alachua County (Fla.) T2--759 79 Albemarle County (Va.) T2--755 482
Alagoas (Brazil) T2~813 5 Albemarle Sound (N.C.) 551.461 348
Alajuela (Costa Rica: T2-163 48
Province) T2-728 65 Albemi-Clayoquot (B.C.) T2--711 2
Alamance County (N.C.) T2-756 58 Albert (N.B. : County) TI--715 31
Alameda County (Calif.) T2-794 65 Albert (South Africa :
Alamo, Siege, 1836 976.403 District) T2--{)87 56
Alamosa County (Colo.) T2-788 36 Albert l, King of the Belgians
Aland (Finland) T2---489 72 Belgian history 949.304 1
Aland Islands (Finland) T2---489 72 Albert II, Holy Roman Emperor
Alarm systems German history 943.028
engineering 621.389 28 Albert II, King of the Belgians
fire safety technology 628.922 5 Belgian history 949.304 4
Alaska 979.8 Albert Falls and Nature
T2-798 Reserve (South Africa) TI-68475
Alaska, Gulf of (Alaska) 551.461434 Alberta 971.23
T2-164 34 TI--712 3
Alaska Panhandle (Alaska) T2-798 2 Albertine Statute
Alaska Range (Alaska) T2-798 3 Piedmontese history 945.108 3
Alaskan Inuit languages 497.12 Sardinian history 945.908 3
T6-971 2 Alberton (South Africa :
Alaskan lnuktitut languages 497.12 District) T2--682 25
T6--971 2

Relative Index

Albigensianism 273.6
denomination 284.4 law 344.044 61
persecution of 272.3 medicine 616.861
pastor1;1l theology 206.1
medicine 616.55 Christianity 259.429 2
see also Skin diseases - personal health 613.81
humans pregnancy complications
Albula (Switzerland) T2~~94 732 4 obstetrics 618.368 6
Albumin glue 668.32 school problem 371.784
572.66 social theology 201.762 292
see also Proteins Christianity 261.832 292
Albuminuria social welfare 362.292
medicine 616.63 see also Substance abuse
see also Urologic diseases - Alcohols 547.031
humans aromatic chemistry 547.631
Albuquerque (N.M.) T2-789 61 chemical engineering 661.82
Albury (N.S.W.) T2-944 8 chemistry 547.031
Alcedinidae 598.78 fuel 662.669 2
Alcelaphinae 599.645 cooking 641.585
Alces 599.657 human toxicology 615.95131
Alchemy 540.112 pharmacokinetics 615.782 8
Alcidae 598.33 Alcona County (Mich.) T2-774 79
Alcohol 547.031 Alcorn County (Miss.) T2-762 993
see also Alcoholic beverages; Alcyonaria 593.6
Alcohols Aldabra Island (Seychelles) T2-696
Alcohol abuse 362.292 Aldehydes 547.036
see also Alcoholism aromatic chemistry 547.636
Alcohol-related disorders chemical engineering 661.85
perinatal medicine 618.326 861 Alderflies 595.747
Alcohol smuggling 364.133 61 Aldemey (Channel Islands) T2--423 43
law 345.023 361 Alders 583.48
Alcoholic beverages 641.21 Aldosterone
commercial processing 663.1 pharmacology 615.364
cooking with 641.62 Ale 641.23
criminology 364.133 2 commercial processing 663.42
law 345.023 32 cooking with 641.623
possession and use 364.173 home preparation 641.873
law 345.027 3 Aleatory composition 781.32
customs 394.13 Alekser Mikhaflovich, Czar of
ethics 178.1 Russia
see also Ethical problems Russian history 947.048
home preparation 641.874 Aleman, Amoldo
product safety 363.1929 Nicaraguan history 972.850 542
see also Food- product Aleman, Miguel
safety Mexican history 972.082 7
public control 363.41 Alentejo (Portugal) T2--469 5
law 344.054 1 Alentejo (Portugal : Region) T2--469 5
public administration 353.37 Aleppo (Syria: Province) T2-569 13
smuggling 364.133 61 Alessandri, Jorge
law 345.023 361 Chilean history 983.064 4
Alcoholics Tl-087 4 Alessandria (Italy :
Alcoholics Anonymous 362.292 86 Province) T2~51 4
ancient T2-37l 8
Alethic logic 511.314

Dewey Decimal Classification

Aleut T5--971 9 Algebraic curves 516.352

Aleut language 497.19 Algebraic function theory 512.74
T6--971 9 Algebraic geometry 516.35
Aleut literature 897.19 Algebraic groups 512.2
Aleutian Islands (Alaska) T2--798 4 Algebraic K-theory 512.66
Aleutians East Borough Algebraic logic 511.324
(Alaska) T2--798 4 Algebraic number theory 512.74
Alexander I, Emperor of Russia Algebraic numbers 512.784
Russian history 947.072 Algebraic operations 512.92
Alexander II, Emperor of Russia Algebraic progressions 515.24
Russian history 947.081 Algebraic surfaces 516.352
Alexander III, Emperor of Russia Algebraic topology 514.2
Russian history 947.082 Algebraic varieties 516.353
Alexander County (Ill.) T2-773 999 Alger County (Mich.) T2--774 932
Alexander County (N.C.) T2-756 795 Algeria 965
Alexander technique T2--65
therapeutics 615.82 ancient T2--397 14
Alexandria (Egypt) Algerians T5--927 65
ancient T2·-321 Algie languages 497.3
Alexandria (Egypt : T6-973
Province) T2--621 Algicides 632.95
Alexandria (Scotland) T2--414 32 agricultural use 632.95
Alexandria (South Africa : chemical engineering 668.652
District) T2--687 53 pest control technology 628.97
Alexandria (Va.) T2-755 296 Algiers (Algeria: Province) T2-653
Alexandrian philosophy 186.4 Algiers, War with United States,
Alexis, Czar of Russia 1815 973.53
Russian history 947.048 Algologists 579.809 2
Alfalfa 633.31 Algology 579.8
botany 583.74 Algoma (Ont. : District) T2--713 132
forage crop 633.31 Algonkian era 551.715
Alfalfa County (Okla.) T2-76622 geology 551.715
Alfonsinos 597.64 paleontology 560.171 5
Alfonso XII, King of Spain Algonkian languages 497.3
Spanish history 946.074 Algonquian Indians T5-973
Alfonso XIII, King of Spain Algonquian languages 497.3
Spanish history 946.074 T&-973
Alfred (South Africa : Algonquin Indians T5-973 3
District) T2--684 6 Algonquin Provincial Park
Alfred, King of England (Ont.) T2-713 147
English history 942.016 4 Algorithms 518.1
Alfred the Great, King of computer programming 005.1
England Alicante (Spain: Province) T2--467 65
English history 942.016 4 Alice (South Africa :
Algae 579.8 District) T2-·687 55
paleontology 561.93 Alice Springs (N.T.) T2--942 91
physiology 571.298 Alicyclic compounds 547.5
resource economics 333.953 8 chemical engineering 661.8
Algarve (Portugal) T2--469 6 Alien labor 331.62
Algarve (Portugal :Region) T2--469 6 law 344.016 2
Algebra 512 Alien property
numerical methods 518.42 law 346.040 869 1
primary education 372.71 law of war 341.67
Algebraic combinatorics 511.6

Relative Index

Alien species 333.952 3 Alkalis 546.32

see also entries beginning with chemical engineering 661.3
Nonnative human toxicology 615.922
Alienated classes 305.568 Alkaloidal plants 581.63
Tl-086 94 agriculture 633.7
Alienation (Law) 346.043 6 botany 581.63
Alienation (Social psychology) 302.544 Alkaloids 572.549
arts 700.453 biochemistry 572.549
T3C-353 chemistry 547.7
literature 808.803 53 pharmacognosy 615.321
history and criticism 809.933 53 Alkanes 547.411
specific literatures T3B-080 353 chemical engineering 661.814
history and Alkenes 547.412
criticism T3B-093 53 chemical engineering 661.814
Aliens 305.906 91 Alkylation 547.2
T1-086 91 chemical engineering 660.2844
labor economics 331.62 Alkynes 547.413
labor law 344.016 2 chemical engineering 661.814
law of war 341.67 All-age schools 371
legal status 346.013 All-cargo plane services 387.744
constitutional law 342.083 All-risk insurance coverage 368.09
private law 346.013 All-star games (Baseball) 796.357 648
liability of states 341.26 All-terrain cycling 796.63
naturalization 323.623 All-terrain vehicles 388.34
political status 323.631 driving 629.283 042
social group 305.906 91 engineering 629.220 42
social welfare 362.899 l military engineering 623.747
women repair 629.287 042
social welfare 362.839 81 transportation services 388.34
young people see also Automotive vehicles
social welfare 362.779 1 All-volunteer army 355.223 62
Alimony 346.016 63 All-weather tactics 355.423
Aliphatic compounds 547.4 All-year school 371.236
chemical engineering 661.8 Allah 297.211
Alismales 584.72 Allamakee County (Iowa) T2-777 33
Alismatales 584.72 Alleanza nazionale (Italian
Alismidae 584.7 political party) 324.245 04
Aliwal North (South Allegan County (Mich.) T2-774 14
Africa : District) T2-687 56 Allegany County (Md.) T2-75294
Alizarines 667.256 Allegany County (N.Y.) T2-747 84
Alkali heath 583.628 Alleghany County (N.C.) T2-756 832
Alkali metals 669.725 Alleghany County (Va.) T2~~755 816
chemistry 546.38 Allegheny County (Pa.) T2-748 85
materials science 620.189 6 Allegheny Mountains T2-748 7
metallurgy 669.725 Pennsylvania T2-748 7
see also Chemicals; Metals West Virginia T2-754 8
Alkaline-earth metals 669.725 Allegheny River (Pa. and
chemistry 546.39 N.Y.) T2-748 6
materials science 620.189 6 Allegiance 323.6
metallurgy 669.725 see also Citizenship
see also Chemicals; Metals Allegory
Alkaline-soil conditioners 631.825 art representation 704.946
chemical engineering 668.64 arts 700.415

Dewey Decimal Classification

Allegory (continued) Alligator pears 641.346 53

Biblical 220.68 see also Avocados
Koran 297.122 68 Alligatoridae 597.984
literature 808.801 5 Alligators 597.984
history and criticism 809.915 big game hunting 799.279 84
specific literatures T3B---080 15 conservation technology 639.977 984
history and resource economics 333.957 984
criticism T3B--091 5 Allocation (Rationing)
paintings 753.6 public administration 352.86
Allen, Bog of (Ireland) T2--:418 5 Allocation of staff 658.312 8
Allen County (Ind.) T2-772 74 public administration 352.66
Allen County (Kan.) T2--781 94 Allodium 333.323 2
Allen County (Ky.) T2-769732 Alloecoela 592.42
Allen County (Ohio) T2-77142 Allopathy 610
Allen Parish (La.) T2-763 58 therapeutic system 615.53
Allendale County (S.C.) T2--757 77 Allosaurus 567.912
Allende Gossens, Salvador Allotheria 569.29
Chilean history 983.064 6 Alloy binary systems
Allerdale (England) T2--:427 87 metallurgy 669.94
Allergenic plants Alloys 669
botany 581.657 chemistry 546.3
Allergic contact dermatitis materials science 620.16
incidence 614.599 33 metallography 669.95
medicine 616.973 metallurgy 669
Allergies 571.972 ship design 623.818 2
animals 571.972 shipbuilding 623.820 7
humans 362.196 97 structural engineering 624.182
incidence 614.599 3 see Manual at 669
medicine 616.97 Allspice 641.338 3
pediatrics 618.929 7 botany 583.765
social services 362.196 97 see also Spices
Alliaceae 584.33 Alluvial mining 622.292 7
edible bulbs 641.352 6 Alluvium 551.354
cooking 641.652 6 Almanacs 030
food 641.352 6 astronomy 528
garden crop 635.26 Almere (Netherlands) T2--492 2
Alliance for the Future of Austria Almeria (Spain: Province) T2--468 1
(Political party) 324.243 603 Almonds 641.345 5
Alliances 327.116 agriculture 634.55
armed forces 355.356 botany 583.73
international relations 327.116 commercial processing 664.804 55
military science 355.031 cooking 641.645 5
Allied fire insurance lines 368.12 food 641.345 5
Allied forces 355.356 Almsgiving 204.46
Allied health personnel Christianity 248.46
role and function 610.737 069 ethics 177.7
services 610.737 see also Ethical problems
Allier (France: Dept.) T2--445 97 Islam 297.54
Allies (Military powers) 355.031 Almshouses 362.585
armed forces 355.356 architecture 725.55
Allies (World War I group) 940.332 Alnwick (England : District) T2--428 87
Allies (World War II group) 940.533 2 Alodium 333.323 2
Alligator lizards 597.959 2 Aloe barbadensis
pharmacology 615.324 32

Relative Index

Aloe vera Altagracia (Dominican

pharmacology 615.324 32 Republic: Province) T2-729 385
Aloes (Century plants) 584.352 Altai language 494.33
Aloes (Hemp) 584.352 T&--943 3
Aloes (Lilies) 584.32 Altai Mountains T2-517 3
floriculture 635.934 32 Altaic languages 494
Alopecia T&--94
medicine 616.546 Altaic literatures 894
see also Skin diseases Altalskil kral (Russia) T2-573
humans Altar railings 247.1
Alopex 599.776 4 architecture 726.529 6
Alouatta 599.855 Altar screens 247.1
Alpaca wool textiles 677.32 architecture 726.529 6
see also Textiles Altars 203.7
Alpacas 636.296 6 architecture 726.529 I
Alpena County (Mich.) T2-774 81 Christianity 247.1
Alpenhorns 788.92 Altay (Russia) T2-573
see also Brass instruments Altdorf (Switzerland) T2---494 774
Alpes de Haute-Provence Altenburger Land
(France) T2---449 5 (Germany: Landkreis) T2---432 22
Alpes-Maritimes (France) T2---449 4 Alterations
Alpha cellulose 676.4 arts 702.874
Alpha decay 539.752 2 clothing 646.408
Alpha particles 539.723 2 commercial 687.044
Alphabetic subject catalog 017 home sewing 646.408
Alphabets 411 Altered states of consciousness 154.4
applied linguistics 418 Alternating current 621.31
specific languages T4-813 Alternating-current machinery 621.3133
decorative arts 745.61 Alternating-current transmission 621.319 13
printing 686.21 Alternating manic-depressive
specific languages T4-ll psychoses
Alphorns 788.92 medicine 616.895
see also Brass instmments see also Mental disorders
Alpine biology 578.753 8 Alternation of generations 571.884
Alpine County (Calif.) T2-79443 Alternative education 371.04
Alpine ecology 577.538 Alternative energy resources 333.794
Alpine gardens 635.952 8 economics 333.794
Alpine plants 581.753 8 engineering 621.042
floriculture 635.952 8 Alternative higher education 378.03
Alpine skiing 796.935 Alternative histories (Fiction) 808.838 768
Alpine snowboarding 796.939 history and criticism 809.387 68
Alps T2---494 7 specific literatures T3B-308 768
Austria T2---436 4 individual authors T3A-3
France T2---445 8 Alternative medicine 610
Italy T2---451 health 613
Switzerland T2---494 7 therapeutics 615.5
Alpstein (Switzerland) T2---494 71 Alternative schools 371.04
Alsace (France) T2---443 9 primary education 372.104 24
Alsatian (Dog) 636.737 6 Alternative technology 338.927
Alsatian dialect 437.944 39 Altimeters 629.135 2
T&--34 Altitude sickness
Alstroemeriaceae 584.353 medicine 616.989 3
Alta Verapaz (Guatemala) T2-728 151 see also Environmental
diseases - humans

Dewey Decimal Class~fication

Alto Adige (Italy) T2--453 83 Alveolar abscesses

Alto Alentejo (Portugal) T2--469 52 dentistry 617.632
Alto horns 788.974 A1vsborgs Hin (Sweden) T2--486 7
see also Brass instruments Alwa (Kingdom) 962.620 22
Alto Paraguay (Paraguay : Alyn and Deeside (Wales) T2--429 33
Dept.) T2~892 27 Alyssums 635.933 64
Alto Parana (Paraguay) T2-892 132 botany 583.64
Alto recorders 788.365 floriculture 635.933 64
see also Woodwind instruments Alzheimer disease 362.196 831
Alto saxophones 788.73 geriatrics 618.976 831
see also Woodwind instruments medicine 616.831
Alto voices social services 362.196 831
children's 782.78 see also Nervous system
choral and mixed voices 782.78 diseases - humans
single voices 783.78 AM radio stations 384.545 3
men's 782.86 see also Radio stations
choral and mixed voices 782.86 AM radio systems 621.384 153
single voices 783.86 Amaas
women's 782.68 incidence 614.521
choral and mixed voices 782.68 medicine 616.913
single voices 783.68 see also Communicable
Altos (Guatemala : diseases-- humans
Province) T2-728 18 Amador County (Calif.) T2-794 42
Altruism Amalgamations of corporations 338.83
ethical systems 171.8 see also Mergers
personality trait 155.232 Amalgams
Alumina 553.67 dentistry 617.675
economic geology 553.67 Amambay (Paraguay) T2--892 137
technology 666.72 Amanzimtoti (South Africa) T2--684 55
Aluminum 669.722 Amapa (Brazil: State) T2--811 6
architectural construction 721.044 772 2 'Amara kelel (Ethiopia) T2~634
building construction 693.772 2 Amanmthaceae 583.53
building material 691.872 2 Amaranths 583.53
chemical engineering 661.067 3 botany 583.53
chemistry 546.673 cooking 641.631
decorative arts 739.57 field crop 633.1
economic geology 553.492 6 floriculture 635.933 53
human toxicology 615.925 673 food 641.331
materials science 620.186 Amaryllidaceae 584.34
metallography 669.957 22 Amaryllises 635.934 34
metallurgy 669.722 botany 584.34
metalworking 673.722 floriculture 635.934 34
mining 622.349 26 Amasya iii (Turkey) T2-563 8
physical metallurgy 669.967 22 ancient T2-393 32
ship design 623.818 26 Amateur cinematography 777
shipbuilding 623.820 7 Amateur circuses 791.3
structural engineering 624.182 6 Amateur motion pictures 791.433
see also Chemicals; Metals Amateur radio 384.54
Aluminum lithography 763.23 communications services 384.54
Aluminum soaps 668.125 engineering 621.384 16
Alunite law 343.099 45
mineralogy 549.755 public administration 354.75
Alvarez, Luis Echeverria
Mexican history 972.083 2

Relative Index

Amateur sports 796.042 Amebic dysentery

see Manual at 796.08 vs. incidence 614.516
796.04 medicine 616.935 3
Amateur theater 792.022 2 see also Communicable
Amateur video recording 777 diseases - humans
Amateur videography 777 Ameiva 597.958 2
Amateur workshops 684.08 Amelia County (Va.) T2-755 634
Amazon Region (Colombia) T2-861 6 Amenhetep IV, King of Egypt
Amazon River T2-811 Egyptian history 932.014
Brazil T2-811 Amenhotep, King of Egypt
Peru T2-854 4 Egyptian history 932.014
Amazonas (Brazil) T2-811 3 Amenorrhea
Amazonas (Colombia : gynecology 618.172
Dept.) T2-861 7 see also Female genital
Amazonas (Peru) T2-854 6 diseases -humans
Amazonas (Peru : Region) T2-8544 Amens
Amazonas (Venezuela) T2-8764 music 782.295
Amaz6nica (Ecuador) T2-8664 American Arctic seawaters 551.461 327
Ambassadors 327.209 2 T2-163 27
Amber 553.879 American Baptist Association 286.136
carving 736.6 see also Baptists
see also Semiprecious stones American Baptist Churches in the
Amber Valley (England) T2-425 16 U.S.A. 286.131
Ambient music 781.648 see also Baptists
Ambition American Baptist Convention 286.131
social psychology 302.54 see also Baptists
Amblyopsidae 597.62 American bison 599.643
Amblypygi 595.453 6 see also Bison
Ambon (Indonesia) T2-598 52 American black bear 599.785
Ambulance services 362.188 American buffalo 599.643
armed forces 355.345 see also Bison
World War I 940.475 3 American College Testing
World War II 940.547 53 Program ' 378.166 2
see also Health services American elk 599.654 2
Ambulances 362.188 animal husbandry 636.294 42
driving 629.283 34 big game hunting 799.276 542
engineering 629.222 34 American English dialects (U.S.) 427.973
health services 362.188 T6-21
military engineering 623.747 24 American English pronunciation
military equipment 355.83 (U.S.) 421.54
repair 629.287 234 American bnglish spelling (U.S.) 421.54
sanitation services 363.7297 American Evangelical Lutheran
Ambulatory care 362.12 Church 284.1332
see also Health services see also Lutheran church
Ambush tactics 355.422 American Federation of Labor 331.883 209 73
Ambystoma 597.858 American Federation of Labor
Ambystomatidae 597.858 and Congress of Industrial
Amebiasis ()vganizations 331.880 973
incidence 614·.53 Amerrcatt folk music 781.621 3
medicine 616.936 Americah to]k songs 782.421 621 3
see also Communicable American football 796.332
diseases -humans .American fqotball players 796.332 092
American Independent Party 324.273 3

Dewey Decimal Classification

American Indian languages 497 American Samoa 996.13

T6-97 T2-961 3
South America 498 American Sign Language 419.7
T6-98 T6-999 87
American Indian literatures 897 American Sign Language
South America 898 literature 899.987
American Indians 1'5-97 American Standard version Bible 220.520 4
South America 1'5-98 American theater(World War II) 940.542 8
see also American native American Veterans ofWorld War
peoples II, Korea, and Vietnam 369.186 2
American Legion 369.1861 Americans (U.S.) T5-13
American literature (English) 810 Americas T2-7
American loyalists Americium 546.441
Canadian history 971.024 see also Chemicals
United States history 973.314 Amerind languages 497
American Lutheran Church 284.131 T6-97
see also Lutheran church South America 498
American-Mexican Border T6-98
Region T2-721 Amerind literatures 897
American Muslim Mission 297.87 South America 898
American native languages 497 Amerindians 1'5-97
T6-97 South America T5-98
South America 498 see also American native
T6- -98 peoples
American native literatures 897 Amersfoort (South Atiica :
South America 898 District) T2-682 79
American native peoples T5-97 Ameslan (Sign language) 419.7
military troops T6-999 87
American Revolution 973.343 Amethysts 553.87
Warof1812 973.524 2 see also Semiprecious stones
World War II 940.540 3 Amhara (African people) T5-928
religion 299.7 Amharic language 492.87
North America 299.7 T6-928 7
South America 299.8 Amharic literature 892.87
social aspects 305.897 Amherst (N.S.) T2-716 11
South America T5-98 Amherst County (Va.) T2-755 496
tribal land 333.2 Amherst of Arracan, William Pitt
see also Indigenous peoples Amherst, Earl
American Nazi Party 324.273 38 Indian history 954.031 3
American opossums 599.276 Ami (Taiwan people) T5-992 5
American organs 786.55 Amiante (Quebec) T2-714 712
instrument 786.551 9 Amicicide (Military science) 355.422
music 786.55 Ami des 547.042
see also Keyboard instruments chemical engineering 661.1194
American paint horse 636.13 Ami ens (France) T2-442 625
American Party (U.S.) 324.273 2 Amiiformes 597.41
American pocket hilliards 794.733 l ~di
American Reformed Church 285.7 ~.history 967.610 42
see also Reformed Church Amin"MI.1l~ 547.27
(American Reformed) chernr~ineering 660.284 4
American Revised version Bible 2:lt~{O 4 Amines 547.042
American Revolution, 1775-1783 Ytti:.:' J'?llchent~IMI 572.548
societies 3~"'-lll chenncw gmeermg 661.894
American saddlebred horse 63l'iCU Amino a~uence 572.633

Relative Index

Amino acids 572.65 Amoebiasis

applied nutrition 613.282 incidence 614.53
biochemistry 572.65 medicine 616.936
humans 612.015 756 see also Communicable
see also Proteins diseases -humans
Aminog1ycosides Amoebic dysentery
pharmacology 615.329 incidence 614.516
Amish medicine 616.935 3
biography 289.709 2 see also Communicable
Amish churches 289.73 diseases humans
see also Mennonite Church Amoebida 579.432
Amish cooking 641.566 Amoraim 296.120 092
Amite County (Miss.) T2--762 24 Amorites T5-921
Amman (Jordan: Province) T2~569 58 Amorphous solids 530.413
ancient T2~335 8 Amos (Biblical book) 224.8
Ammeters 621.374 4 Ampere-hour meters 621.374 4
Ammonia 546.711 2 Amphetamine abuse 362.299 5
chemical engineering 661.34 medicine 616.864
Ammonite language 492.6 personal health 613.84
T6~926 social welfare 362.299 5
Ammonium fertilizers 631.841 see also Substance abuse
chemical engineering 668.624 1 Amphibians 597.8
Ammonium hydroxide 546.711 2 agriculture 639.378
chemical engineering 661.34 art representation 704.943 278
Ammonium nitrate fertilizer 631.842 arts T3C~362 78
chemical engineering 668.624 2 commercial hunting 639.13
Ammonium salts 546.711 24 conservation technology 639.977 8
chemical engineering 661.5 drawing 743.676
Ammonoidea 564.53 food 641.396
Ammunition 355.825 cooking 641.696
military 355.825 paleozoology 567.8
engineering 623.45 resource economics 333.957 8
use 355.825 zoology 597.8
small arms engineering Amphibious air-cushion vehicles
military 623.451 engineering 629.325
small arms manufacturing military engineering 623.748 5
technology 683.406 Amphibious operations 355.46
Anmesia marine forces 359.964 6
medicine 616.852 32 Amphibious planes 387.733 48
see also Mental disorders engineering 629.133 348
Anmesty 364.65 transportation services 387.733 48
law 345.077 see also Aircraft
penology 364.65 Amphiboles
Anmiocentesis mineralogy 549.66
obstetrics 618.320 427 5 Amphineura 594.27
Anmiotes 596 Amphipoda 595.378
Anmiotic fluid Amphisbaenia 597.948
human physiology 612.63 Amphis baenidae 597.948
obstetrics 618.34 Amphissa (Greece) T2-383
Amoebas 579.432 Amphitheaters 796.068
architecture 725.827
Amplifiers 621.381 535
electronic circuits 621.381 535
radio engineering 621.384 12

Dewey Decimal Classification

wplitude-modulation radio Anacardiaceae 583.77

systems 621.384 153 edible fruits 641.344 4
\mplitude modulators cooking 641.644 4
electronic circuits 621.381 536 2 food 641.344 4
\mputation of limbs orchard crops 634.44
surgery 617.580 59 Anacondas 597.967
\.msterdam (Netherlands) T2-~492 352 Anaerobic bacteria 579.314 9
\msterdam Island 969.9 Anaerobic digestion(Sewage
T2---699 treatment) 628.354
\mto-Musan languages T6-9912 Anaerobic gram-negative rods 579.325
\mulcts 133.44 Anaerobic respiration 572.478
Islamic popular practices 297.39 Anagrams 793.734
numismatics 737.23 Anahim Lake (B.C.) T2~-71175
religious significance 203.7 Analgesic abuse 362.299
Amundsen Sea 551.461 74 medicine 616.86
T2-167 4 personal health 613.8
Amur (Russia : Oblast) T2-577 social welfare 362.299
Amur River (China and see also Substance abuse
Russia) T2-577 Analgesics
Amurskala oblast' (Russia) T2-577 pharmacokinetics 615.783
Amusement parks 791.068 Analog circuits
architecture 725.76 electronics 621.381 5
area planning 711.558 Analog communications 621.382
landscape architecture 712.5 Analog computers 004.19
recreation 791.068 communications 004.619
Amusements 790 electronic 004.19
journalism 070.444 engineering 621.391 9
law 344.099 interfacing 004.619
see also Recreation nonelectronic 004.9
AMVETS (Veterans' programming 005.29
organization) 369.186 2 Analog instruments
Amyl nitrite abuse 362.299 3 technology 681.1
medicine 616.86 Analog-to-digital converters
personal health 613.8 computer engineering 621.398 14
social welfare 362.299 3 computer science 004.64
see also Substance abuse electronic engineering 621.381 59
Amylases 572.756 Analogy
see also Enzymes logic 169
Amyloidosis Analysis (Mathematics) 515
medicine 616.399 5 numerical methods 518.6
see also Digestive system Analysis of covariance 519.538
diseases humans Analysis of variance 519.538
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Analysis situs 514
medicine 616.839 Analytic curves 516.362
see also Nervous system Analytic functions
diseases - humans spaces 515.73
An Giang (Vietnam : Analytic geometry 516.3
Province) T2-597 9 Analytic number theory 512.73
Anabaptists 284.3 Analytic spaces 515.942
Anabolism 572.45 Analytic surfaces 516.362
see also Metabolism Analytic topology 514.7
Analytic trigonometry 516.34
Analytical bibliography 010.42

Relative Index

Analytical biochemistry 572.36 Ancestors

humans 612.015 85 family relationships 306.874
Analy1ical chemistry 543 objects of worship 202.13
minerals 549.133 Ancestry 929.1
organic chemistry 543.17 Anchor ice 551.344
Analytical guides (Music) 780.15 Anchorages 387.1
Analytical mechanics 531.015 15 engineering 627.22
Analytical philosophy 146.4 see also Ports
Anambas Islands Anchors 623.862
(Indonesia) T2-598 192 Anchovies 641.392
Anambra State (Nigeria) T2~66948 cooking 641.692
Ananda Mahidol, King of food 641.392
Thailand zoology 597.45
Thai history 959.304 3 Ancienne-Lorette (Quebec) T2~714471
Anaphora Ancient Arabic Order of the
linguistics 401.456 Nobles of the Mystic Sirrine
specific languages T4--014 56 for North America 366.16
Anapsida 567.92 biography 366.160 92
Anarchism 335.83 Ancient architecture 722
economics 335.83 Ancient civilization 930
ideal state 321.07 Ancient history 930
320.57 T1-~090 1
political ideology
Anarchist communities 307.77 Ancient law 340.53
Anarchists 335.830 92 Ancient philosophy 180
Anarcho-syndicalism 335.82 Ancient remedies
economics 335.82 therapeutics 615.880 901
political ideology 320.57 Ancient sculpture 732
Anarchy 335.83 Ancient world 930
see also Anarchism T2-3
Anas 598.413 geography 913
Anas platyrhynchos 598.413 4 see Manual at T2-3; also at
Anaspidea 594.37 1'2--4-9 vs. T2-3
Anatidae 598.41 Ancona (Italy: Province) T2--456 71
Anatolia T2--561 ancient T2--374 5
Anatolian languages 491.998 Ancyclostomiasis
T6--919 98 incidence 614.555 4
Anatolike Makedonia kai medicine 616.965 4
Thrake (Greece) T2--495 7 see also Communicable
Anatomic embryology diseases humans
humans 611.013 Andalusia (Spain) T2--468
Anatomy 571.3 Andalusite
domestic animals 636.089 1 mineralogy 549.62
drawing Andaman and Nicobar
743.6 Islands 1'2-~548 8
humans 743.49 Andaman Sea 551.461565
611 T2~165 65
see Manual at 599.94 vs. Andamanese T5-959
611; also at 612 vs. 611 Andamanese languages 495.9
microorganisms 571.633 29 T6-959
Anatosaurus 567.914 Andean languages 498.32
Anaxagorean philosophy 182.8 T6-983 2
An bar (Iraq) T2-567 4 Andean Region (Colombia) T2--861 2
Ancash (Peru) T2-852 1 Andelflngen (Switzerland :
Bezirk) T2--494 574 9

Dewey Decimal Classification

Anderson County (Kan.) T2-~781 672 Aneuploidy 572.877

Anderson County (Ky.) T2--769 463 Aneurysms
Anderson County (S.C.) T2-757 25 medicine 616.133
Anderson County (Tenn.) T2-768 73 see also Cardiovascular
Anderson County (Tex.) T2-764229 diseases - humans
Andes T2-8 Angas language 493.7
Andes (Chile: Province) T2~-832 42 T&---937
Andesite 552.23 Angaston (S. Aust.) T2~-942 32
Andhra language 494.827 Ange1fishes 597.72
T6-948 27 Cichlidae 597.74
Andhra literature 894.827 Pomacanthidae 597.72
Andhra Pradesh (India) T2-548 4 Angelina County (Tex.) T2-764173
Andi languages 499.964 Angels 202.15
T6--999 64 art representation 704.948 64
Andorra 946.79 arts T3G~382 021 5
T2---467 9 Christianity 235.3
Andreaeales 588.2 Islam 297.215
Andres A velino Caceres Judaism 296.315
(Peru) T2-~852 2 literature 808.803 820 215
Andrew County (Mo.) T2--778 126 history and criticism 809.933 820 215
Andrews County (Tex.) T2-~764 856 specific literaturesT3B-~080 382 021 5
Androgens history and
human physiology 612.61 criticism T3B--093 820 215
Androgynous behavior Anger 152.47
psychology 155.33 ethics 179.8
Androgyny religion 205.698
psychology 155.33 psychology 152.47
Andropogoneae 584.92 see also Vices
Andropov, ID. V. (ffirii Angermanland landskap
Vladimirovich) (Sweden) T2---488 5
Russian history 947.085 4 Angers (France) T2--441 84
Andros Island (Bahamas) T2-729 6 Angina pectoris
Andros Island (Greece) T2---495 85 medicine 616.122
Androscoggin County (Me.) T2-741 82 see also Cardiovascular
Androscoggin River (Me.) T2-741 8 diseases -- humans
Anecdotes Angiocardiography
literature 808.882 medicine 616.1207572
history and criticism 809.982 Angiology 616.13
specific literatures T3B-802 Angiop1asty 617.413
individual authors T3A-8 Angiospermae 580
Anelytropsidae 597.952 see Manual at 583-584
Anemia Angle harps 787.94
medicine 616.152 see also Stringed instruments
see also Cardiovascular Angle trisection 516.204
diseases -~ humans Anglerfishes 597.62
Anemones 583.34 Angles 516.152
floriculture 635.933 34 Anglesey (Wales) T2--429 21
Anesthesiologists 617.960 92 Anglican cathedrals
law 344.041 2 architecture 726.65
Anesthesiology 617.96 Anglican chant 782.322 3
Anesthetics Anglican Communion 283
pharmacokinetics 615.781 church government 262.03
Anesthetists 617.960 92 parishes 254.03
law 344,041 2 church law 262.983

Relative Index

Anglican Communion (continued) Anguinomorphoidea 597.959

doctrines 230.3 Angular momentum (Nuclear
catechisms and creeds 238.3 physics) 539.725
general councils 262.53 Angus (Scotland) T2-4126
guides to Christian life 248.483 Angus cattle 636.223
liturgy 264.03 Anhalt (Germany) T2-431 86
missions 266.3 Anhimidae 598.41
moral theology 241.043 Anhui Sheng (China) T2-51225
persecution by Queen Mary 272.6 Anhwei Province (China) T2--512 25
public worship 264.03 Anhydrite
religious associations 267.183 mineralogy 549.752
religious education 268.83 Anhydrous sulfates
religious orders 255.83 mineralogy 549.752
church history 271.83 Aniliidae 597.967
women 255.983 Animal babies 591.392
church history 271.983 domestic animals 636.07
seminaries 230.073 3 mammals 599.139 2
theology 230.3 Animal behavior 591.5
Anglican sacred music 781.713 comparative psychology 156
public worship 782.322 3 Animal black 662.93
music 782.322 3 Animal body disposal 363.78
religion 264.030 2 Animal breeding 636.082
Anglicans Animal combat sports 791.8
biography 283.092 Animal communication 591.59
Angling 799.12 physiology 573.92
Anglo-BoerWar, 1880--1881 968.204 6 Animal communities 591.782
Anglo-BoerWar, 1899-1902 968.048 Animal courtship 591.562
Anglo-Dutch Wars, 1652-1653 949.204 Animal defenses 591.47
Anglo-Egyptian Sudan 962.403 Animal-derived drugs
T2--624 pharmacology 615.36
Anglo-Indians T5-91411 Animal-derived poisons
Anglo-Irish War, 1919-1921 941.508 21 human toxicology 615.94
Anglo-Saxon language 429 Animal diseases 571.91
T6-29 agricultural economics 338.14
Anglo-Saxon law 340.550 942 veterinary medicine 636.089 6
Anglo-Saxon literature 829 Animal ecology 591.7
Anglo-Saxons T5-2 Animal experimentation 590.724
Anglo-Spanish War, 1739-1741 946.055 ethics 179.4
Angola 967.3 see also Animals
T2-673 treatment of- ethics
Angolans T5--967 3 medicine 616.027
Angolese T5-967 3 physiology 571.107 24
Angoni language 496.398 Animal fats 665.2
T6--963 98 food 641.36
Angora cat 636.83 food technology 664.3
Angora goat 636.398 5 home cooking 641.66
Angouleme, House of 944.028 industrial technology 665.2
Angoumois (France) T2-446 5 Animal feeding 636.084
Anguidae 597.959 2 Animal feeds 636.085 5
Anguilla 972.973 see also Feeds
T2-729 73 Animal fibers 677.3
Anguilla (Eels) 597.432 materials science 620.197
Angui!lidae 597.432 production economics 338.476 773
Angui!liformes 597.43

Dewey Decimal Classification

Animal fibers (continued) Animal rescue 636.083 2

textiles 677.3 Animal resources 333.954
arts 746.043 law 346.046 954
see also Textiles public administration 354.349
Animal flight 573.798 Animal rights
behavior 591.57 ethics 179.3
physiology 573.798 see also Animals
Animal food 636.085 5 treatment of- ethics
see also Feeds Animal sacrifice 203.4
Animal ghosts 133.14 Animal shelters 636.083 2
Animal glue 668.32 Animal shows 791.8
Animal grooming animal husbandry 636.081 1
agriculture 636.083 3 performing arts 791.8
zoology 591.563 Animal sounds 591.594
Animal heat 571.76 Animal swimming 591.57
Animal hormones 573.44 Animal training 636.083 5
Animal hospitals 636.083 21 Animal viruses 579.2
Animal husbandry 636 Animal wastes 631.86
equipment manufacturing law 344.046 22
teclmology 681.763 6 pollution 363.738
production economics 338.176 technology 628.7466
public administration 354.56 water pollution engineering 628.168 46
Animal industry 338.176 Animal watching 590.723 4
law 343.076 6 Animal waxes 665.13
public administration 354.56 Animal weapons 591.47
Animal intelligence 591.513 Animal welfare 636.083 2
comparative psychology 156.39 animal husbandry 636.083 2
Animal language 591.59 law 344.049
Animal locomotion 573.79 Animals 590
Animal magnetism 154.72 agricultural pests 632.6
parapsychology 133.89 agriculture 636
Animal manures production economics 338.176
waste technology 628.746 6 anatomy 571.31
Animal marking 590.723 2 art representation 704.943 2
Animal migration 591.568 arts 700.462
Animal models T3C-362
human diseases 616.027 Bible 220.859
Animal navigation 591.568 biography Tl--092 9
Animal oils 665.2 care and maintenance 636.083
food 641.36 conservation 333.954 16
food technology 664.3 see Manual at 333.955-.959
borne cooking 641.66 vs. 639.97
industrial technology 665.2 conservation technology 639.9
Animal performances 791.8 disease carriers 571.986
circuses 791.32 medicine 614.43
Animal pest control 363.78 drawing 743.6
see also Pest control folklore 398.245
Animal pests 591.65 history and criticism 398.369
Animal physiology 571.1 food source 641.306
Animal-plant relationships 577.8 agriculture 636.088 3
Animal populations 591.788 growth 571.81
Animal psychology 591.5 legendary 398.245 4
comparative psychology !56 see also Legendary animals
Animal racing 798

Relative Index

Animals (continued) Anjou (France) T2--44l 8

literature 808.803 62 Anjou, House of
history and criticism 809.933 62 Sicilian history 945.804
specific literatures T3B-080 362 Southern Italian history 945.705
history and Ankara ili (Turkey) T2-563 6
criticism T3B-093 62 ancient T2-393 2
painting 758.3 Ankles 612.98
physiology 571.1 physiology 612.98
religious worship 202.12 regional medicine 617.584
resource economics 333.954 surgery 617.584
see Manual at 333.955-.959 see also Lower extremities
vs. 639.97 Anklets (Ornaments) 391.7
smuggling 364.133 67 customs 391.7
law 345.023 367 making 739.278
therapeutic use 615.851 58 costume jewelry 688.2
treatment of handicrafts 745.594 2
ethics 179.3 fine jewelry 739.278
religion 205.693 Ankole (Kingdom) 967.610 1
Buddhism 294.356 93 T2--676 I
Christianity 241.693 Ankylosauria 567.915
Hinduism 294.548 693 Anky1osing spondylitis
Judaism 296.369 3 medicine 616.73
use in mining 622.65 see also Musculoskeletal
use in warfare 355.424 diseases -humans
zoology 590 Ann Arbor (Mich.) T2-77435
see Manual at 800, T3C-362 Anna, Empress of Russia
vs. 398.245, 590, 636 Russian history 947.061
Animals for specific purposes 636.088 Annaba (Algeria: Province) T2-655
see Manual at 636.1-.8 vs. Annam-Muong languages 495.92
636.088 T6-9592
Animated cartoons 791.433 4 Annam-Muong literatures 895.92
cinematography 777.7 Annam-Muong peoples TS-9592
drawing 741.58 Annamese T5-959 22
motion pictures 791.433 4 Annamese language 495.922
Animated drawings T6-95922
drawing 741.58 Annandale and Eskdale
Animated films 791.433 4 (Scotland) T2--414 7
Animation eels 741.58 Annapolis (Md.) T2-752 56
Anime 791.433 4 Annapolis (N.S. : County) T2-716 33
drawing 741.58 Annatto tree 583.625
motion pictures 791.433 4 Anne (Mother of the Virgin
Animism Mary), Saint 232.933
comparative religion 202.1 private prayers to 242.75
philosophy 147 Anne, Queen of England
An is 598.74 British history 941.069
Anise 641.338 2 English history 942.069
botany 583.849 Scottish history 941.106 9
see also Flavorings Anne Arundel County (Md.) T2-752 55
Aniseikonia Annealing glass 666.129
incidence 614.599 7 Annealing metals 671.36
optometry 617.758 Annelida 592.6
see also Eye diseases - paleozoology 562.6
Anisophylleaceae 583.76

Dewey Decimal Classification

\nnexation Anomochloeae 584.9

city government 320.859 Anomura 595.387
law 342.041 3 Anonymous works
international politics 325.32 bibliographies 014
law 342.041 2 Anoplura 595.756
law of nations 341.42 Anorexia nervosa 362.25
Anniellidae 597.959 medicine 616.852 62
Annihilation (Nuclear particles) 539.75 social welfare 362.25
Annihilationism 236.23 Anostraca 595.32
Anniversaries 394.2 Anoxygenie phototrophic
see also Celebrations bacteria 579.38
Annob6n (Equatorial Anschluss
Guinea) T2-671 86 Austrian history 943.605 22
Annonaceae 583.22 Anser 598.417 3
edible th1its 641.344 I Anseriformes 598.41
cooking 641.644 I paleozoology 568.4
food 641.344 I Anserini 598.417
orchard crops 634.41 Anson County (N.C.) T2-756 753
Annotations to cases 348.047 Answers
Annotations to laws 348.027 books of miscellaneous facts 030
Announcements study and teaching Tl---D76
etiquette 395.4 Ant bear 599.31
Announcing Ant lions 595.747
radio performances 791.443 Antacids
television performances 791.453 pharmacokinetics 615.73
Annual leave 331.257 6 Antakya (Turkey) T2--564 8
personnel management 658.312 2 ancient T2--394 31
Annual publications 050 Antalya iii (Turkey) T2--564 4
TJ---{)5 ancient T2-392 8
see also Annuals (Publications) eastern T2-392 9
Annual wage plan 331.236 western T2-392 8
Annual wages 331.216 2 Antananarivo (Madagascar :
personnel management 658.322 2 Province) T2--691
Annuals (Plants) 582.12 Antarctic regions T2-989
floriculture 635.931 2 Antarctic waters 551.461 7
Annuals (Publications) 050 T2--167
Tl-05 Antarctica T2--989
almanacs 030 Antartica Chilena (Chile:
encyclopedia yearbooks 030 Province) T2-836 48
publishing 070.572 Antbirds 598.822 6
Annuities Ante-Nicene church 270.1
insurance 368.37 Anteaters 599.314
personal finance 332.024 014 5 Antelope County (Neb.) T2-782 55
tax law 343.064 Antelopes 599.64
Annulment 346.016 65 big game hunting 799.276 4
Annunciation to Mary 232.912 conservation technology 639.979 64
Anodynes resource economics 333.959 64
pharmacokinetics 615.783 Antenatal care
Anointing of the sick 234.167 obstetrics 618.24
public worship 265.7 Antennas 621.382 4
theology 234.167 communications engineering 621.382 4
Anoka County (Minn.) T2--776 65 radar engineering 621.384 83
Anoles 597.954 8 radio engineering 621.384 135
Anolis 597.954 8

Relative Index

Antennas (continued) Anthropometry 599.94

satellite communication 621.382 54 see Manual at 599.94 vs. 611
television engineering 621.388 35 Anthropomorphism
Antenuptial contracts 346.016 62 comparative religion 202.112
Anterior chambers (Eyes) philosophy of religion 211
human physiology 612.841 Anthroposophical therapy 615.53
Anthems 782.25 Anthroposophy 299.935
choral and mixed voices 782.526 5 biography 299.935 092
single voices 783.092 65 Anthuriums 635.934 64
Anthers 575.65 botany 584.64
Anthocerotidae 588.3 floriculture 635.934 64
Anthologies 080 Anti-allergic agents
literature 808.8 pharmacokinetics 615.796
specific literatures T3B--D8 Anti-anxiety drugs
see Manual at T3B-08 pharmacokinetics 615.788 2
and T3B-09 Anti-arrhythmia agents
see Manual at 808.8 pharmacokinetics 615.716
see Manual at 080 vs. 800; also Anti-bacterial agents
at 081-089 pham1acokinetics 615.792 2
Anthozoa 593.6 Anti-federalist Party (U.S.) 324.273 26
paleozoology 563.6 Anti-HIV agents
Anthracenes 547.616 pharmacokinetics 615.792 4
chemical engineering 661.816 Anti-infective agents
Anthracite coal 553.25 pharmacokinetics 615.792
economic geology 553.25 Anti-inflammatory agents
mining 622.335 pharmacokinetics 615.794
properties 662.622 5 Anti-Lebanon T2-569 14
Anthrax Anti-Masonic Party (U.S.) 324.273 2
animals Anti-mission Baptists 286.4
veterinary medicine 636.089 695 6 see also Baptists
hwnans Anti-retroviral agents
incidence 614.561 pharmacokinetics 615.792 4
medicine 616.956 Anti-Semitism 305.892 4
see also Communicable political aspects 323.119 24
diseases ~-humans political ideology 320.569 924
Anthribidae 595.768 social theology 201.5
Anthropogenesis 599.938 Christianity 261.26
Anthropoidea 599.8 Anti-Trinitarianism 289.1
see also Primates Antiaircraft artillery 358.138 2
Anthropological linguistics 306.44 Antiaircraft artillery forces 358.13
Anthropologists 301.092 Antiaircraft defenses 355.422
Anthropology 301 see also Air warfare
arts 700.455 2 Antiballistic missiles 358.174 82
T3C--355 2 engineering 623.451 94
literature 808.803 552 military equipment 358.174 82
history and criticism 809.933 552 Antibiotics 615.329
specific literatures T3B-080 355 2 chemistry 547.7
history and pharmacokinetics 615.792 2
criticism T3B-093 552 pharmacology 615.329
philosophical anthropology 128 Antibodies 571.967
physical anthropology 599.9 human immunology 616.079 8
theological anthropology 202.2 Antibody-dependent immune
see also Humans -religion mechanisms 571.968
Anthropometric design 620.82 humans 616.079 9

Dewey Decimal Classification

Antichrist 236 Anti mission Baptists 286.4

Anticlines 551.86 see also Baptists
Anticoagulants Antimonides
pharmacokinetics 615.718 mineralogy 549.32
Anticommunist international Antimony 669.75
leagues 324.13 chemical engineering 661.071 6
Anticonvulsants chemistry 546.716
pharmacokinetics 615.784 economic geology 553.47
Anticosti Island (Quebec) T2-7141782 materials science 620.189 5
Anticyclones (Meteorology) 551.5514 metallography 669.957 5
Antidepressants metallurgy 669.75
drug therapy 616.852 706 1 mining 622.347
pharmacokinetics 615.78 physical metallurgy 669.967 5
Anti diuretics see also Chemicals; Metals
phannaeokinetics 615.761 Antineoplastic agents
Antidotes pharmacokinetics 615.798
human toxicology 615.908 Antinomianism 273.6
Antifreeze solutions Antioch (Turkey) T2-5648
automotive 629.256 ancient 939.431
Antifungal agents T2--394 31
pharmacokinetics 615.792 Antioquia (Colombia:
Antigen-antibody reactions 571.967 7 Dept.) T2-861 26
human immunology 616.079 87 Antioxidants
Antigen recognition 571.964 6 applied nutrition 613.286
human immunology 616.079 5 Antiparasitic agents
Antigens 571.964 5 pharmacokinetics 615.792
human immunology 616.079 2 Antiparticles 539.72
Antigonish (N.S.: County) T2--716 14 Antipersonnel devices 623.451 4
Antigua T2--729 74 Antipodes Islands (N.Z.) T2--939 9
Antigua and Barbuda 972.974 Antiprotons 539.721 23
T2-729 74 Antipsychotic drugs
Antiguans T5--969 729 74 pharmacokinetics 615.7882
Antilipemie agents Antipyretics
pharmacokinetics 615.739 pharmacokinetics 615.783
Antillean Arawak Indians T5-9792 Antique (Philippines) T2-599 5
Antilles 972.9 Antique furniture 749.1
T2--729 Antiques 745.1
Antilles, Lesser T2--729 see Manual at 745.1
Antilocapridae 599.639 Antiquities 930.1
Antilopinae 599.646 law 344.094
Antimacassars 645.4 Antiretroviral agents
arts 746.95 pharmacokinetics 615.792 4
home sewing 646.21 Antisepsis
household management 645.4 obstetrics 618.8
Antimasonic Party (U.S.) 324.273 2 public health 614.48
Antimatter 530 surgery 617.9101
Antimilitarism 355.021 3 Antislavery movements 326.8
military science 355.021 3 see also Abolition of slavery
sociology 303.66 Antisocial people 305.906 92
Antimissile defense forces 358.174 Tl--086 92
Antimissile missiles 358.174 82 Antisocial personality disorders
engineering 623.451 94 medicine 616.858 2
military equipment 358.174 82 see also Mental disorders

Relative Index

Anvils 682
pharmacokinetics . 615.784 blacksmithing 682
Antisubmarine reconnmssance music 786.884 3
(Air warfare) 358.45 see also Percussion
Antisubmarine warfare 359.93 instnunents
World War I 940.451 6 Anxiety 152.46
World War II 940.545 16 Anxiety disorders
Antitank artillery forces 358.12 medicine 616.852 2
Antitrust law 343.072 1 see also Mental disorders
Antitrust policies 338.8 Anyi (African people) T5-963 38
Antitrust violations 364.168 Anyi language 496.338
345.026 8 T6-963 38
public administration 353.43 Anzoategui (Venezuela:
Antiviral agents State) T2-875 2
pharmacokinetics 615.7924 Aomori-ken (Japan) T2-521 12
Antofagasta (Chile : Aorta 573.185
Province) T2--831 38 human anatomy 611.13
Antofagasta (Chile : human physiology 612.133
Region) T2-831 3 medicine 616.138
,\Antoine-Labelle (Quebec) T2-714 241 physiology 573.185
Anto nines 255.18 see also Cardiovascular system
church history 271.18 Aortic diseases
Antonym dictionaries 413.1 medicine 616.138
specific languages T4-312 see also Cardiovascular
specific subjects Tl-03 diseases -humans
Antrim (N orthem Ireland : Aortic valve 573.185
Borough) T2-416 12 human anatomy 611.12
Antrim (Northern Ireland: human physiology 612.17
County) T2-416 1 medicine 616.125
Antrim County (Mich.) T2--774 85 physiology 573.185
Ants 595.796 see also Cardiovascular system
control technology 628.965 7 Aortic valve diseases
culture 638.579 6 medicine 616.125
Antsiranana (Madagascar : see also Cardiovascular
Province) T2-691 diseases -- humans
Antwerp (Belgium) T2-493 222 Aosta (Italy) T2-451 11
Antwerp (Belgium : ancient T2-372 211
Province) T2-493 22 Aoudad 599.649
Antwerpen (Belgium) T2-493 222 AP ammunition 623.451 8
Antwerpen (Belgium : Apache County (Ariz.) T2-791 37
Province) T2-493 22 Apache Indians T5-972 5
'Anura 597.8 Apachean Indians T5-972 5
paleozoology 567.8 Apacheanlanguages 497.25
Anus T6---972 5
human anatomy 611.35 Apalachicola River (Fla.) T2-759 92
human physiology 612.36 Apartheid 305.800 968
medicine 616.35 political ideology 320.560 968
surgery 617.555 Apartment buildings 647.92
Anus diseases architecture 728.314
medicine 616.35 construction 690.831 4
see also Digestive system household management 647.92
diseases - humans see also Dwellings
Anvers (Belgium) T2-493 222
Island (B.C. : Island) T2-711 3 1

Dewey Decimal Classification

Apartment hotels 647.92 Apocalypses (Biblical literature) 220.046

architecture 728.314 New Testament
construction 690.831 4 pseudepigrapha 229.94
household management 647.92 Old Testament pseudepigrapha 229.913
see also Dwellings Apocrita 595.79
Apartment-house districts Apocrypha (Bible) 229
area planning 711.58 Apocryphal wisdom literature 229.3
Apartment houses 647.92 Apocynaceae 583.93
architecture 728.314 Apoda (Amphibians) 597.82
construction 690.8314 Apodacea 593.96
household management 647.92 Apodemus 599.358 5
see also Dwellings Apodi 598.762
Apartments 643.27 Apodidae 598.762
see also Apartment houses Apodiformes 598.76
Apathy paleozoology 568.7
social psychology 302.17 Apoidea 595.799
Apatites 553.64 Apollo project 629.454
mineralogy 549.72 Apologetics 202
Apatosaurus 567.913 8 Christianity 239
Apennines (Italy) T2·-45 Islam 297.29
Apes 599.88 Judaism 296.35
animal husbandry 636.988 Aponogetonaceae 584.74
experimental animals Apoplexy
medicine 616.027 38 medicine 616.81
Aphanite 552.2 see also Nervous system
Aphasia diseases ~ humans
medicine 616.855 2 Apostates
see also Communication Christian polemics 239.7
disorders Apostles 225.92
special education 371.914 2 art representation 704.948 62
Aphid flies 595.774 Apostles' Creed 238.11
Aphids 595.752 Apostleship (Spiritual gift) 234.13
agricultural pests 632.752 Apostolic Church 270.1
Aphorisms 398.9 Apostolic succession 262.11
Aphrodisiacs Apostolicity 262.72
pharmacokinetics 615.766 9 Appalaches (Quebec) T2-714712
Aphyllophorales 579.597 Appalachian dulcimers 787.75
Apiaceae 583.849 see also Stringed instruments
Apical meristem 575.485 Appalachian Mountains T2~74
Apiculture 638.1 North Carolina T2~756 8
Apidae 595.799 Appaloosa 636.13
APL (Educational credit) 371.264 Appanoose County (Iowa) T2~777 89
Aplacophora 594.2 Apparatus Tl~-028 4
Aplastic anemia teaching aids 371.33
medicine 616.152 Tl--078
see also Cardiovascular Apparel 391
diseases~ humans see also Clothing
Apnea Apparitions 133.1
medicine 616.2 Apparitions of Mary 232.917
see also Respiratory tract Appeal (Law) 347.08
diseases humans Appeals of labor grievances 331.889 66
Apocalypse (Biblical book) 228 see also Grievances (Labor)

Relative Index

Appellate courts 347.03 Applications for positions 650.142

criminal law 345.014 4 job hunting 650.142
England 347.420 3 personnel selection 658.311 2
Scotland 347.41103 public administration 352.65
United States 347.732 4 Applied chemistry 660
Appellate procedure 347.08 law 344.095 4
Appendages 573.998 Applied ethics 170
Appendectomies see also Ethical problems
surgery 617.554 5 Applied linguistics 418
Appendicitis specific languages T4-8
medicine 616.34 Applied mathematics 519
see also Digestive system Applied mechanics 620.1
diseases humans Applied numerical analysis 518
surgery 617.554 5 Applied nutrition 363.8
Appendix see also Nutrition
human anatomy 611.345 Applied optics 621.36
human physiology 612.33 Applied physics 621
medicine 616.34 law 344.095 3
surgery 617.554 5 Applied psychology 158
Appennino Tosco-Emiliano Applied sciences 600
(Italy) T2-454 Applied sociology 360
Appenzell (Switzerland) T2-494 7144 Appling County (Ga.) T2~758 784
Appenzell (Switzerland : Applique
Canton) T2-494 71 textile arts 746.445
Appenzell Ausser-Rhoden Appointment power (Legislative
(Switzerland) T2-494 712 bodies) 328.345 5
Appenzell Inner-Rhoden Appomattox County (Va.) T2~755 625
(Switzerland) T2-494 714 Apportionment (Legislatures) 328.334 5
Apperception law 342.053
psychology 153.73 Appraisal
Appetite disorders archives 025.2814
medicine 616.852 6 land economics 333.332
see also Mental disorders Appreciation
Appetizers 641.812 arts 701.18
Apples 641.341 I literature 801
botany 583.73 music 781.17
commercial processing 664.804 11 Apprentices
cooking 641.641 1 economics 331.55
food 641.341 1 Apprenticeship 331.259 22
orchard crop 634.11 Tl-071 55
Appleton layers 538.767 4 economics 331.259 22
Application frameworks 005.1 union control 331.889 6
Application generators 005.13 education 371.227
Application programming 005.1 secondary level 373.27
see }Janual at 005.1-.2 vs. personnel management 658.312 4
005.42 public administration 354.968
Application software 005.3 Approach piloting 623.892 9
see Manual at 005.3, 005.5 Appropriate technology 338.927
vs. 005.43-.45; also at Appropriation power (Legislative
005.3682 vs. 005.365, bodies) 328.341 2

Dewey Decimal Classification

Appropriations 352.49 Aquatic biology 578.76

enactment 328.37 see Manual at 578.76-.77 vs.
law 343.034 551.46. 551.48
see Manual at 300-330, 355- Aquatic birds 598.176
390 vs. 342-347, 352-354 resource economics 333.958 28
Approval plans Aquatic ecology 577.6
library acquisitions 025.233 marine environments 577.7
Approximation (Mathematics) 511.4 Aquatic exercises 613.716
algebra 512.924 Aquatic gardens 635.967 4
numerical methods 518.5 botany 581.760 73
Apraxia of speech floriculture 635.967 4
medicine 616.855 2 Aquatic organisms 578.76
see also Communication Aquatic plants 581.76
disorders floriculture 635.967 4
Apricots 641.342 1 Aquatic resources 333.91
botany 583.73 Aquatic sports 797
commercial processing 664.804 21 Aquatinting 766.3
cooking 641.642 1 Aqueducts
food 641.342 I water supply engineering 628.15
orchard crop 634.21 Aqueous humors
Aprons 391.44 human anatomy 611.84
commercial technology 687.19 human physiology 612.844
leather 685.22 Aqueous solutions 541.342 2
see also Accessories (Clothing) chemical engineering 660.294 22
Apses Aquiculture 639.8
Christian church architecture 726.593 Aquifers 553.79
Apterous insects 595.756 see also Groundwater
Apterygiformes 598.54 Aquifoliaceae 583.85
paleozoology 568.5 Aquila (Italy : Province) T2---457 11
Apterygota 595.72 ancient T2-37734
Apteryx 598.54 Aquila chrysaetos 598.942 3
Aptitude tests 153.94 Aquileia (Italy)
education 371.262 ancient T2-373 81
personnel selection 658.31 I 25 Aquino, Benigno S., III
teacher-prepared tests 371.271 Philippine history 959.905 2
Aptitudes 153.9 Aquino, Corazon Cojuangco
Apulia (Italy) T2---457 5 Philippine history 959.904 7
ancient T2-377 5 Aquitaine (France) T2----447 1
Apure (Venezuela) T2-874 2 Aquitania T2-3647
Apurimac (Peru) T2-853 8 Aqvilgjuaq (Nunavut) T2-719 55
Aqaba, Gulf of 551.461 533 Arab countries T2-174 927
T2--165 33 Arab League 341.247 7
'Aqabah (Jordan : Province) T2--569 572 Arabesques (Music) 784.189 4
'Aqa'id (Islam) 297.2 Arabia 953
Aquaculture 639.8 T2-53
economics 338.371 8 ancient 939.49
Aquariums 597.D73 T2-3949
fish culture 639.34 Arabia, Roman T2--394 8
Aquarius (Zodiac) 133.527 6 Arabia Deserta 939.49
Aquaspirillum 579.323 T2-394 9
Aquatic animals 591.76 Lower Mesopotamia T2--355
resource economics 333.954 8 Upper Mesopotamia T2~354
Aquatic biological resources 333.952 8 Arabia Felix 939.49
public administration 354.57 T2--394 9

Relative Index

Arabia Petraea 939.48 Aranyakas

T2~394 8 Arapaho Indians T5~973 54
Arabian Desert (Egypt) T2~623 Arapaho language 497.354
Arabian Peninsula 953 T6-973 54
T2~53 Arapahoe County (Colo.) T2-788 82
Arabian Sea 551.461 537 Ararat (Vic.) T2--945 7
T2-l65 37 Arauan languages 498.9
Arabic language 492.7 T6--989
T6-927 Arauca (Colombia: Dept.) T2~861 98
220.46 Araucania (Chile) T2~8346
Biblical texts
Hadith texts 297.125 04 Araucanian Indians T5-987 2
Komn texts 297.122 4 Araucanian languages 498.72
printing 686.219 27 T6-987 2
Arabic literature 892.7 Araucariaceae 585.3
Arabic philosophy 181.92 Arauco (Chile: Province) T2-834 2
T5-927 Arawak Indians T5~983 9
Sicilian history 945.802 South America T5-983 9
Araceae 584.64 West Indies T5-979 2
Arachnida 595.4 Arawakan languages 498.39
disease carriers 571.986 T6-983 9
medicine 614.433 Central America 497.92
paleozoology 565.4 T6-979 2
Arad (Romania: Judet) T2--498 4 South America 498.39
Araeoscelidia 567.93 T6-983 9
Arafura Sea 551.461 475 West Indies 497.92
T2-l64 75 T6~-979 2

Aragon (Kingdom) 946.03 Arbitrage 332.645

Sardinian history 945.905 Arbitration
Sicilian history 945.805 international relations 327.17
Southern Italian history 945.706 labor economics 331.891 43
Spanish history 946.03 law 344.018 914 3
Aragon (Spain) T2--465 5 public administration 354.97
Aragonite law 347.09
mineralogy 549.785 law of nations 341.522
Amgua (Venezuela: State) T2-873 4 personnel management 658.315 4
Arakhin 296.123 5 public administration 352.68
Babylonian Talmud 296.1255 Arbon (Switzerland :
Mishnah 296.123 5 Bezirk) T2-494 599
Aral Sea (Uzbekistan and Arborvitaes 585.4
Kazakhstan) T2~-587 Arboviruses 579.256 2
Arales 584.64 Arbuckle Mountains (Okla.) T2-766 5
Araliaceae 583.84 Arc furnace practice 669.1424
Aramaeans T5-922 Arc length
Aramaic languages 492.2 calculus 515.43
T6-922 integral geometry 516.362
Biblical texts 220.42 Arc lighting 621.325
Midrashic texts 296.140 4 Arc welding 671.521 2
Talmudic texts 296.120 4 Arcade games 794.822
Aramaic literatures 892.2 see Manual at 793.932 vs.
Arameans T5-922 794.822
Aran Islands (Ireland) T2-417 48 Arcades 721.41
Araneae 595.44 architecture 721.41
Araneida 595.44 construction 690.141
Aransas County (Tex.) T2--764 122

Dewey Decimal Classification

Arcadia (Greece) T2--495 22 Architects 720.92

ancient T2--388 Architectural acoustics
Arcellinida 579.43 construction 690.2
Arch bridges Architectural decoration 729
construction 624.22 see Manual at 729
Archaeobacteria 579.321 Architectural design 729
Archaeoceti 569.5 see lvfanual at 729
Archaeocyatha 563.47 Architectural drawing 720.284
Archaeogastropoda 594.32 Architectural drawings 720.222
Archaeological thefts 364.162 89 Architectural orders 721.36
law 345.026 289 architecture 721.36
Archaeologists 930.109 2 construction 690.13
Archaeology 930.1 Architectural schools and styles 720.9
ancient places 931-939 ancient 722
arts T3C-358 301 construction details 721
Bible 220.93 design and decoration 729
law 344.094 Architectural structure 720
literature 808.803 583 01 Architecture 720
history and criticism 809.933 583 01 art representation 704.944
modern places 940-990 ans T3C-357
Archaeopteris 561.597 landscapes 712
Archaeornithes 568.22 literature 808.803 57
Archaisms (Linguistics) 417.7 history and criticism 809.933 57
specific languages T4-7 specific literatures T3B-080357
Archbishops 270.092 history and
biography 270.092 criticism T3B--093 57
specific denominations 280 naval 623.81
see Manual at 230-280 painting 758.7
ecclesiology 262.12 religious significance 203.7
Archean era 551.712 Christianity 246.9
geology 551.712 see also Arts religious
paleontology 560.171 2 significance
Arched harps 787.94 see also Ans
see also Stringed instruments Archival materials
Archeology 930.1 cataloging 025.341 4
see also Archaeology library acquisitions 025.281 4
Archeozoic era 551.712 library treatment 025.171 4
geology 551.712 records management 651.56
paleontology 560.171 2 Archival science 020
Archer County (Tex.) T2-764 543 Archive buildings
Archers 799.320 92 architecttrre 725.15
Archery 799.32 Archives 027
Arches (Structural elements) 721.41 see also Libraries
architecture 721.41 Archivists 020.92
construction 690.141 Archosauria 567.9
structural engineering 624.177 5 Archostemata 595.762
concrete 624.183 45 Archuleta Cotmty (Colo.) T2-78832
Arches (Structures) 725.96 Arcs 516.152
Arches National Park (Utah) T2-792 58 Arctic animals 591.709 113
Archetype (Psychology) Arctic Archipelago
Jungian system 150.195 4 (Nunavut and N.W.T.) T2-71952
personality theory 155.264 Arctic Bay (Nunavut) T2--719 52
Archiannelida 592.62 Arctic biology 578.091 13
Architarbi 565.4

Relative Index

Arctic climate Argentine

health 613.111 Argentine Republic T2-82
Arctic cod 597.632 Argentineans T5-6882
Arctic cooking 641.591 1 Argentines T5-6882
Arctic ecology 577.091 13 Arge~ (Romania : Judel) T2-4982
Arctic fox 599.776 4 Argolis (Greece) T2-495 22
T2-98 ancient T2-~388
Arctic islands
Arctic Ocean 551.461 32 Argon
T2~-163 2 chemistry 546.753
see Manual at T2-163 and gas technology 665.822
T2--164, T2-165 Argonne (France) T2-443 81
Arctic plants 581.709 113 Argot 417.2
floriculture 635.952 specific languages T4--7
Arctic regions T2-113 Arguloida 595.36
Arctocephalinae 599.797 3 Argument (Logic) 168
Arctocephalus 599.797 38 Argyll and Bute (Scotland) T2-4142
Ardabil (Iran : Province) T2~-551 2 Arhus amt (Denmark) T2-489 5
Ardahan iii (Turkey) T2-566 22 Arhynchobdellida 592.66
ancient T2-393 37 Ari liturgy 296.450 4
Ardeche (France) T2-445 89 Ariana T2-396
Ardeidae 598.34 Arianism 273.4
Arde1mes T2-493 48 Arias Sanchez, Oscar
Ardennes (France) T2-443 12 Costa Rican history 972.860 521
Ardennes, Battle of the, 1986-1990 972.860 521
1944-1945 940.542 193 48 2006-2010 972.860 526
Ards (Northern Ireland) T2-416 54 Arica (Chile : Province) T2-831 23
Area planning 307.12 Arid lands 551.415
arts 711 T2--154
community sociology 307.12 biology 578.754
Area studies 940-990 ecology 577.54
collection development 025.29 economies 333.736
Area treatment Tl-09 geography 910.915 4
Arecales 584.5 geomorphology 551.415
paleobotany 561.45 physical geography 910.021 54
Arecibo (P.R. :District) T2~-729 53 Ariege (France) T2-447 35
Arecidae 584.5 Aries (Zodiac) 133.526 2
paleobotany 561.45 Arikara Indians T5-979 32
Arena theater 792.022 8 Arikara language 497.932
Arenac County (Mich.) T2-774 73 T6-979 32
Arenaviridae 579.256 Ariminum (Italy) T2--372 686
Areolar tissues Aristocracy 305.52
human histology 611.0182 Tl-086 21
Arequipa (Peru: Dept.) T2-853 2 political system 321.5
Arequipa (Peru : Region) T2-853 2 Aristolochiales 583.26
Arezzo (Italy) Aristotelian philosophy 185
ancient T2-375 68 modem 149.91
Arez2o (Italy: Province) T2-455 9 Arithmetic 513
ancient T2-~375 68 numerical methods 518.45
Arfon (Wales) T2-429 25 primary education 372.72
Argenteuil (Quebec : Arithmetic progressions 515.24
Regional County Arizona 979.1
Municipality) T2-714 23 T2-791
Argentina 982 Ark of the Covenant 296.493

Dewey Decimal Classification

Arkadia (Greece) T2-495 22 Armenia (Republic)

ancient T2-388 ancient 939.55
Arkansas 976.7 T2-395 5
T2~767 Armenia(Republic: 1918-1920) 956.62023
Arkansas County (Ark.) T2--767 86 T2-5662
Arkansas River T2~767 3 Armenia(Republic : 1920- ) 947.56
Arkansas T2-767 3 T2-475 6
Colorado T2-788 9 Armenian Church 281.62
Kansas T2~-781 see also Eastern churches
Oklahoma T2-766 8 Armenian language 491.992
Arkhangel' sk (Russia : T6--919 92
Oblast) Biblical texts 220.49
Arkhangel 'skala ob last' Armenian literature 891.992
(Russia) T2-471 7 Armenian massacres, 1894--1896 956.620 154
Aries (France) T2-44918 Armenian massacres, 1915-1916 956.620 154
Arlesheim (Switzerland : Armenians T5-919 92
Bezirk) T2~-494 333 Armida1e (N.S.W.) T2-9444
Arlington County (Va.) T2-755 295 Armies (Military units) 355.31
Arm muscles Armies (National armies) 355.3
human anatomy 611.737 Arminians 284.9
Arm techniques Armistice 327.17
music 784.193 6 law 341.66
Arm wrestling 796.812 World War I 940.439
Armada, 1588 942.055 Armor (Wearable) 623.441
Armadillos 599.312 art metalwork 739.75
Armageddon 236.9 Armor-piercing ammunition 623.451 8
Armagh (Northern Ireland : Armored animals 591.477
County) T2-416 6 Armored cavalry 358.18
Armagh (Northern Ireland: Armored dinosaurs 567.915
District) T2-416 61 Armored forces 358.18
Armatures (Electrical equipment) Armored personnel carriers 358.188 3
generators 621.316 engineering 623.747 5
Armatures (Sculpture) 731.3 military equipment 358.188 3
Armed forces 355 Armored vehicles 358.188 3
energy economics 333.796 engineering 623.747 5
see also Armed services military equipment 358.188 3
Armed services 355 Armored warfare 358.18
cooking 641.57 Armorial bearings 929.6
law 343.01 Armories 355.75
libraries 027.5 architecture 725.18
life insurance 368.364 Arms (Body parts) 612.97
relation to state 322.5 physiology 612.97
reserves 355.37 regional medicine 617.574
law 343.012 surgery 617.574 059
Armenia (Ancient kingdom) T2--395 5 see also Upper extTemities
Armenia (Region) 956.62 Arms (Military) 355.8
T2-5662 art metalwork 739.7
ancient 939.55 customs 399
T2-395 5 engineering 623.4
Armenia (Republic : military equipment 355.8
1920-) T2--475 6 procurement 355.621 2
Turkey 956.62 see Manual at 355-359 vs. 623
T2--566 2 Arms (Small firearms) 683.4
see also Guns (Small arms)

Relative Index

Arms control 327.174 Arrest

international politics 327.174 law 345.052 7
341.733 police services 363.232
military science 355.03 Arretium (Italy) T2--375 68
see also Arms race Arrhythmia
Arms race 327.174 medicine 616.128
ethics 172.422 see also Cardiovascular
social theology 201.727 5 diseases ~- humans
Christianity 261.873 2 Arrondissements 320.83
see also Arms control see also Counties
Armstrong (B.C.) T2-7l15 Arrow grasses 584.74
Armstrong County (Pa.) T2-748 88 Arrow Lakes (B.C.) T2-711 62
Armstrong County (Tex.) T2--764 833 Arrowheads (Plants) 584.72
Army artillery forces 358.12 Arrowroot 641.336 8
Army engineer corps 358.22 botany 584.39
Armyworms 595.78 commercial processing 664.23
agricultural pests 633.104 978 cooking 641.636 8
Amhem (Netherlands) T2---492 18 food 641.336 8
Amhem Land (N.T.) TI-942 95 starch crop 633.68
Arno River (Italy) T2~-455 Arrows 799.202 85
Arnold, Benedict Arrowworms 592.38
treason 973.382 Arroyo, Gloria Macapagal-
Amsberg (Germany: Philippine history 959.905 1
Regierungsbezirk) T2--435 63 Ars antiqua 780.902
Aromatherapy 615.321 9 Ars nova 780.902
Aromatic compounds 547.6 Arsenals 355.7
chemical engineering 661.8 architecture 725.18
Aromatic herbs 641.357 Arsenates
see also Herbs mineralogy 549.72
Aromatic hydrocarbons Arsenic 669.75
human toxicology 615.951 1 chemical engineering 661.071 5
Aromatic teas 641.357 chemistry 546.715
home preparation 641.877 economic geology 553.47
see also Herb teas; Tea human toxicology 615.925 715
Aromatization 547.27 metallography 669.957 5
chemical engineering 660.284 4 metallurgy 669.75
~roostook County (Me.) T2-741 I mining 622.347
Arpad, House of 943.902 organic chemistry 547.057 15
Arpeggiones 787.6 applied 661.895
see also Stringed instruments physical metallurgy 669.967 5
Arpeggios 781.252 see also Chemicals; Metals
Arraignment 345.072 Arsenides
Arrangement (Archives) 025.341 4 mineralogy 549.32
Arrangement (Music) 781.37 Arson 364.164 2
Arrangements (Music) 781.38 law 345.026 42
see Manual at 781.38 Art 700
Array processing 004.35 investment economics 332.63
see also Processing modes- sociology 306.47
computer science theft of 364.162 87
Array processors 004.35 law 345.026 287
see also Processing modes - therapeutics 615.851 56
computer science see also Arts
Art and religion 201.67
see also Arts and religion

Dewey Decimal Classification

Art appreciation 701.18 Arteries (continued)

Art brut 709.040 9 surgery 617.413
Art dealers 709.2 see also Cardiovascular system
see Manual at 709.2 vs. Arteriosclerosis
381.457092 medicine 616.136
Art deeo 709.040 12 see also Cardiovascular
sculpture 735.230 412 diseases --humans
Art galleries 708 Artesian wells
architecture 727.7 engineering 628.114
law 344.093 hydrology 551.498
Art libraries 026.7 Arthabaska (Quebec:
Art metalwork 739 Regional County
Art metalworkers 739.092 Municipality) T2-714 565
Art museums 708 Arthritis
architecture 727.7 medicine 616.722
institutional housekeeping 647.997 see also Musculoskeletal
Art music 781.68 diseases - humans
nonwestem 781.69 Arthrobacter 579.373
western 781.68 Arthrochirotida 563.96
Art needlework 746.4 Arthropoda 595
Art nouveau 709.034 9 see also Arthropods
architecture 724.6 Arthropods 595
decoration 745.409 034 agricultural pests 632.65
Art paper 676.282 5 paleozoology 565
Art policy (Govermnent policy) 700 pesticides
Art posters 769.5 agricultural use 632.951 7
Art songs 782.421 68 Arthur, Chester Alan
Art therapy United States history 973.84
medicine 615.851 56 Arthur, King
psychiatry 616.891 656 English history 942.014
Arta (Greece) T2-495 3 Arthur County (Neb.) T2--782 785
Arterial diseases Arthur's Pass National Park
medicine 616.13 (N.Z.) T2--938 1
see also Cardiovascular Attibonite (Haiti: Dept.) T2-729 446
diseases humans Artichokes 641.353 2
Arterial embolisms botany 583.99
medicine 616.135 conunercial processing 664.805 32
see also Cardiovascular cooking 641.653 2
diseases humans food 641.353 2
Arterial occlusive diseases garden crop 635.32
medicine 616.13 Articles (Grammar) 415.5
see also Cardiovascular specific languages T4--55
diseases -- humans Articles of Confederation, 1781
Arterial thromboses United States history 973.318
medicine 616.135 Articulata 593.92
see also Cardiovascular pa1eozoology 563.92
diseases -· humans Articulatae 587.2
Arteries 573.185 Articulated lorries 388.344
animals 573.185 engineering 629.224
human anatomy 611.13 see also Trucks
human physiology 612.133 Articulation (Education) 371.21
medicine 616.13
physiology 573.185

Relative Index

Atiiculation disorders Artiticial radioactivity

medicine 616.855 physics 539.753
see also Communication Artificial recharge (Groundwater) 627.56
disorders Artiiicial respiration
Articulations medicine 615.836 2
human anatomy 611.72 Artiiicia1 road surfaces 625.8
human physiology 612.752 Artificial satellites
Artificial arms engineering 629.46
medicine 617.574 flight 629.434
Artificial environments telecommunications 384.51
health 613.5 see also Satellite
Artificial eyes communication
ophthalmology 617.79 weather reporting 551.635 4
Artificial feeding Artificial stone 666.89
medicine 615.854 8 architectural construction 721.044 4
Artificial flies (Fishing) building construction 693.4
angling 799.124 building materials 691.3
making 688.791 24 materials science 620.139
Artificial flower arrangements 745.92 Artificial sweeteners
Artificial flowers commercial processing 664.5
handicrafts 745.594 3 Artificial teeth
Artificial gems 666.88 dentistry 617.692
Artificial harbors 387.1 Artificial tissue
hydraulic engineering 627.2 surgery 617.956
military engineering 623.64 Artigas (Uruguay : Dept.) T2~895 36
see also Ports Artillery 355.821
Artificial heart art metalwork 739.742
surgery 617.412 059 2 engineering 623.41
Arti.ficial insemination military equipment 355.821
animal husbandry 636.082 45 Artillery ballistics 623.51
ethics 176.2 Artillery forces 358.12
see also Reproduction Artillery installations 355.73
ethics Artillery projectiles 623.451 3
family law 346.017 Artiodactyla 599.63
gynecology 618.178 paleozoology 569.63
health 613.94 Artisans 609.2
Artificial intelligence 006.3 labor economics 331.794
Tl--028 563 Artistic etudes 784.189 49
see Manual at 006.3 vs. 153 Artistic gymnastics 796.442
Artificial islands 627.98 Artistic lettering 745.61
Arti.ficiallanguages 499.99 Artistic principles 700.1
T6~999 9 Artistic themes
Artiiiciallegs arts 700.457
medicine 617.58 T3C--357
Artiiicial-light gardening 635.048 3 folklore 398.277
floriculture 635.982 6 history and criticism 398.357
Artificial-light photography 778.72 literature 808.803 57
Artificial limbs history and criticism 809.933 57
manufacturing technology 681.761 specific literatures T3B-080 357
medicine 617.58 history and
Artificial minerals 666.86 criticism T3B~093 57
Artificial modification of weather 551.68 Artists 700.92
Artificial organs labor economics 331.7617
surgery 617.956 see Manual at 700.92

Dewey Decimal Classification

Artists' books 700 Asante (Empire) 966.701 8

tine arts 709.040 82 Asante (Kingdom) T2~-667
techniques 702.81 As bab wurild al-I:lad!th 297.125 162
Artists' marks 702.78 Asbestos 553.672
Tl--{)27 8 building material 691.95
Artists' sketches economic geology 553.672
criminal investigation 363.258 human toxicology 615.925 392 24
Artois (France) T2-442 72 materials science 620.195
Arts 700 mining 622.367 2
auction catalogs 700.29 pollution 363.738 494
awards 700.79 law 344.046 335
collections 700.74 see also Pollution
decorative 745 public safety 363.179 1
exhibitions 700.74 see also Hazardous materials
auction catalogs 700.74 technology 666.72
festivals 700.74 textiles 677.51
influence on crime 364.254 see also Textiles
law 344.097 Asbestos (Quebec :
museums 700.74 Regional County
primary education 372.5 Municipality) T2-714 573
public administrative support 353.77 Asbestos paper 676.289
religious significance 203.7 Asbestosis
Buddhism 294.343 7 medicine 616.244
Christianity 246 see also Respiratory tract
Hinduism 294.537 diseases - humans
Islam 297.3 workers' compensation law 344.021 8
Judaism 296.46 Ascariasis
Native American religions 299.713 7 incidence 614.555 4
sociology 306.47 medicine 616.9654
Arts and crafts 745 see also Communicable
sociology 306.47 diseases humans
Arts and religion 201.67 Ascension Day 263.93
Christianity 261.57 see also Ascensiontide
Islam 297.267 Ascension Island (Atlantic
Judaism 296.377 Ocean) T2--973
Arts policy (Government policy) 700 Ascension of Jesus Christ 232.97
Artvin ili (Turkey) T2-566 22 Ascension of Mary 232.914
ancient T2--393 37 Ascension Parish (La.) TI-763 19
Aruba T2-729 86 Ascensiontide 263.93
Arums 584.64 devotional literature 242.36
Arnn (England) T2-422 67 music 781.728
Arunachal Pradesh (India) T2-541 63 sermons 252.63
Arundineae 584.9 Ascent to Heaven ofMul;tammad 297.633
Arundinelleae 584.9 Asceticism 204.47
Arusha Region (Tanzania) T2--678 26 Buddhism 294.344 47
Arutani-Sape languages 498.9 Christianity 248.47
T6--989 Hinduism 294.544 7
Arvicola 599.354 Islam 297.576
Arya-Samaj 294.556 3 Sufi 297.446
Aryan languages (Indo- 41 0 Judaism 296.7
European) T6-l Aschaffenburg (Germany) TI-433 31
Aryan languages (Indo-Iranian) 491.1 Aschelminthes 592.5
T6--911 paleozoology 562.5
Asante (African people) T5-963 385 Ascidiacea 596.2

Relative Index

Asclepiadaceae 583.93 Ashuapmushuam Wildlife

Ascobolus 579.578 Reserve (Quebec) T2-714 142
Ascoli Piceno (Italy : Ashur (Extinct city) T2-354
Province) T2-456 75 'Ashilra' 297.36
ancient 1'2--374 8 Asia· 950
Ascomycetes 579.56 T2-5
Ascomycotina 579.56 geography 915
Ascophyllum 579.888 military operations
Ascothoracica 595.35 World War I 940.415
ASEAN 341.247 3 travel 915.04
public administration 352.115 9 Asia (Roman diocese) 939.2
Asepsis T2-392
obstetrics 618.8 Asia (Roman province) T2--392 3
public health 614.48 Asia, Central 958
surgery 617.910 I T2-58
Asexual reproduction 571.89 Asia, Southeastern 959
microorganisms 571.842 9 T2-59
plants 575.49 Asia Minor 956.1
Asexuality 306.76 T2-561
Asexuals 306.76 ancient 939.2
Tl-086 6 T2-392
psychology 155.34 Asian Americans T5-950 73
social services 362.896 education 371.829 950 73
women Asian Arctic seawaters 551.461 325
social services 362.839 6 T2--l63 25
young people Asian flower arrangements 745.922 5
social services 362.786 Asian intergovernmental
Ash trays organizations 341.247
automobile 629.277 Asiana (Roman diocese) 939.2
manufacturing 688.4 T2-392
Ash Wednesday 263.925 Asians T5-95
devotional literature 242.35 Asiatic cholera
sermons 252.625 incidence 614.514
Ashante language 496.338 5 medicine 616.932
T6---963 385 see also Communicable
Ash anti 966.701 8 diseases humans
Ashanti (Afhcan people) T5-963 385 Asiatic elephant 599.676
Ashanti (Kingdom) T2--667 Asilidae 595.773
Ashburton District (N.Z.) T2-938 6 ASL (Sign language) 419.7
Ashe County (N.C.) T2-756 835 T6-999 87
Ashes (Trees) 583.87 Asma' al-Ruwah 297.125 264
forestry 634.973 87 Asmara (Eritrea) T2-635
Asheville (N.C.) T2-756 88 Asocial people 305.568
Ashfield (England) T2-425 25 Tl--086 92
Ashford (England : Asoka, King ofMagadha
Borough) T2-422 392 Indian history 934.045
Ashkenazic liturgy 296.45 Asotin County (Wash.) T2-797 42
Ashland County (Ohio) T2--771 29 Asp (Viper) 597.963 6
Ashland County (Wis.) T2-775 21 Asparagaceae 584.355
Ashley County (Ark.) T2-767 83 Asparagus 641.353 I
Ashoka, King of Magadha botany 584.355
Indian history 934.045 commercial processing 664.805 31
Ashtabula County (Ohio) T2-771 34 cooking 641.653 1

Dewey Decimal Classffication

Asparagus (continued) Assembling products 670.42

food 641.353 1 factory engineering 67D.42
garden crop 635.31 production management 658.533
Aspect(Grammar) 415.63 Assembly languages 005.136
specific languages T4-563 Assembly-line methods 670.42
Aspect-oriented programming 005.117 production management 658.533
Aspects (Astrology) 133.530 44 technology 670.42
Aspens 583.65 Assertiveness training
Asperger syndrome applied psychology 158.2
medicine 616.858 832 Asses 636.18
pediatrics 618.928 588 32 animal husbandry 636.18
Aspergillus 579.565 7 zoology 599.665
Asphalt 553.27 Assessment tests
building materials 691.96 education 371.262
economic geology 553.27 Assimilation (Physiology)
materials science 620.196 humans 612.39
mining 622.337 Assimilation (Sociology) 303.482
petroleum product 665.538 8 Assiniboine Indians T5-97524
processing 665.4 Assiniboine language 497.524
Asphalt concrete 666.893 T6-97524
road engineering 625.85 Assiniboine River (Sask.
Asphalt pavements 625.85 and Man.) T2--712 73
Asphyxia Assistant teachers 371.141 24
medicine 617.18 Assisted living 362.61
Asphyxiating gases Assisted suicide
human toxicology 615.91 criminology 364.152 3
Aspidobothria 592.4 law 345.025 23
Aspidochirotacea 593.96 ethics 179.7
Aspidocoty lea 592.4 see also Right to die - ethics
Aspidogastrea 592.48 medicalethics 179.7
Aspirin 615.313 7 Associate-degree nurses 610.730 92
Assa-Zag (Morocco) T2-646 8 role and function 610.730 692
Assam (India) T2-541 62 Association 302.3
Assamese T5·~9l4 51 Association analysis 519.537
Assamese language 491.451 Association football 796.334
T6--914 51 electronic games 794.863 34
Assamese literature 89!.451 Association of ideas
Assassination 364.152 4 psychology 153.22
law 345.025 24 Association of South East Asian
Assateague Island (Md. and Nations 34 !.247 3
Va.) T2-752 21 public administration 352.115 9
Assault and battery 364.1555 Associationism
law 345.025 55 psychological system 150.194 4
criminal law 345.025 55 Associations 060
torts 346.033 fratemal organizations 369
social welfare 362.885 Associations for religious work 206.5
Assaying Christianity 267
metallurgy 669.92 Judaism 296.67
Assemblage Associative algebras 512.46
arts 702.814 Associative learning
Assemblers (Computer programs) 005.456 psychology 153.152 6
Assemblies (Legislative bodies) 328 Associative memory 004.5
Assemblies of God 289.94
Assembling machines 670.427

Relative Index

Associative processing 004.35 oblast'

see also Processing modes - (Russia) T2·-474 8
computer science Astral projection 133.95
Associative processors 004.35 Astrapotheria 569.62
engineering 621.391 Astrobiology 576.839
see also Processing modes Astrodomes 796.068
computer science architecture 725.827
Associative rings 512.46 Astrolatry 202.12
Assumption (Quebec : Astrologers !33.509 2
Regional County Astrology 133.5
Municipality) 1"2--714416 natural 520
Assumption of Mary 232.914 Astrology and religion 201.613 35
Assumption Parish (La.) T2-763 43 Christianity 261.513
Assurance 368 Astromechanics
see also Insurance engineering 629.411
Assyria 935.03 Astrometry 522
T2-35 Astronautical engineering 629.47
Mesopotamian history 935.03 military 623.69
Middle Eastern history 939.402 Astronautical engineers 629.409 2
Palestinian history 933.03 Astronautics 629.4
Assyrian Church of the East 281.8 Astronauts 629.450 092
see also Eastern churches selection and training 629.450 7
Assyrian dialect 492.17 Astronavigation 527
T6--921 Astronomers 520.92
Assyrian literature 892.1 Astronomical almanacs 528
Assyrians T5 --921 Astronomical geography 525
Assyro-Babylonian language 492.1 Astronomical instruments 522.2
T6-92l Astronomical interpretation
Assyro-Babylonian literature 892.1 Bible 220.68
Astatine 546.735 Astronomical observatories 522.1
Aster ales 583.99 architecture 727.552
Asteridae 583.9 Astronomy 520
Asterinales 579.564 law 344.095 2
Asteroidea 593.93 see Manual at 520 vs. 523.1,
Asteroids 523.44 523.1 12, 523.8
T2-9924 Astronomy and religion 201.652
astrology 133.539 8 Christianity 261.55
Asterozoa 593.93 philosophy of religion 215.2
paleozoology 563.93 Astrophotography 522.63
Asters 635.933 99 Astrophysics 523.01
botany 583.99 Asturias (Spain) T2---461 9
floriculture 635.933 99 Asua language 496.5
Asthma T6--965
medicine 616.238 Asuncion (Paraguay) T2-892 121
see also Respiratory tract Aswan (Egypt: Province) T2---623
diseases humans Asylum 323.631
pediatrics 618.922 38 law 342.083
Asti (Italy : Province) T2---451 5 Asymptotic curves 516.362
ancient T2-371 7 Asynchronous machinery 621.313 6
Astigmatism Asynchronous transfer mode
optometry 617.755 communications engineering 621.382 16
see also Eye diseases computer communications 004.66
humans engineering 621.398 I
Astrakhan (Russia: Oblast) T2-474 8 Asyil! (Egypt : Province) T2-·622

Dewey Decimal Classification

Atacama (Chile: Region) T2--831 4 Athletic fields 796.420 68

Atamasco lilies 584.34 area planning 711.558
Atascosa County (Tex.) T2~764443 Athletic games 796
Atatiirk, Kemal Athletic garments 796
Turkish history 956.102 4 Athletic gloves and mitts
Ataxia telangiectasia manufacturing technology 685.43
medicine 616.83 Athletic injuries
see also Nervous system incidence 614.3
diseases humans medicine 617.102 7
Atayal (Taiwan people) T5~992 5 Athletic services
Atchison County (Kan.) T2--781 36 armed forces 355.346
Atchison County (Mo.) T2~778 113 Athletic sports 796
Atelinae 599.858 Athletics (Sports) 796
Athabasca, Lake (Sask. and Athletics (Track and field) 796.42
Alta.) T2--712 41 Athos (Greece) T2--495 65
Athabascan languages 497.2 Atjeh (Indonesia) T2-598 11
Athabaska River (Alta.) T2~712 32 Atkinson County (Ga.) T2~758 822
Athanasian Creed 238.144 Atlanta (Ga.) T2--758 231
Athapascan-Eyak languages 497.2 Atlanta Campaign, 1864 973.737 I
Athapascan Indians T5~972 Atlantic City (N.J.) T2--749 85
Athapascan languages 497.2 Atlantic Coast (Nicaragua) T2-728 53
T6--972 Atlantic Coastal Plain T2--75
Athapaskanlanguages 497.2 Maryland T2--752 I
T6-972 North Carolina T2-756 I
Atharvaveda 294.592 15 South Carolina T2--757 6
Atheism 211.8 United States T2~75
Christian polemics 239.7 Virginia T2--755 I
Atheistic religions 201.4 Atlantic cod 597.633
Atheists 211.809 2 Atlantic Connty (N.J.) T2--749 84
Athelstan, King of England Atlantic intergovernmental
English history 942.017 1 organizations 341.243
Athenian supremacy 938.04 Atlantic Islands 997
Athens (Ga.) T2-758 18 T2--97
Athens (Greece) T2--495 12 Atlantic languages (Africa) 496.32
ancient T2-385 T6--963 2
Athens County (Ohio) T2-771 97 Atlantic Ocean 551.461 3
Atheriniformes 597.66 T2-163
paleozoology 567.66 World War II 940.542 93
Atherosclerosis see Manual at T2--I63 and
medicine 616.136 T2-164, T2--165
see also Cardiovascular Atlantic Provinces 971.5
diseases humans T2--71 5
Atherton (Qld.) T2~943 6 Atlantic region T2--182 1
Athletes 796.092 Atlantico (Colombia :
health 613.711 Dept.) T2-861 15
occupational ethics I 74.979 6 Ath:\ntida (Honduras) T2-728 312
physical fitness 613.71J Atlantis 001.94
see Manual at 796.092 see also Legendary places
Athlete's foot Atlas Mountains T2~64
medicine 616.579 Atlases 912
see also Skin diseases Tl--022 3
humans cataloging 025.346
Athletic club buildings geography 912
architecture 725.85 library treatment 025.176

Relative Index

Atlases (continued) Atonement 202.2

pictorial works TI-----022 2 Christianity 234.5
see Manual at Tl-0222 vs. Islam 297.22
Tl-0223 Judaism 296.32
Atmosphere 551.5 Atonement Day
T2--161 Judaism 296.432
ecology 579.175 liturgy 296.453 2
meteorology 551.5 Atonement of Jesus Christ 232.3
public administration 354.37 Atopic dermatitis
Atmosphere-land interactions 551.523 medicine 616.51
Atmosphere-ocean interactions 551.524 6 see also Skin diseases-
Atmosphere-water interactions 551.524 humans
Atmospheric disturbances 551.55 A TP (Triphosphate) 572.475
Atmospheric electricity 551.563 AJ.raf 297.125 62
Atmospheric entry Atrato River (Colombia) T2-861 51
manned space flight 629.458 8 Atrial fibrillation
Atmospheric formations 551.551 medicine 616.128
Atmospheric ionization 538.767 see also Cardiovascular
Atmospheric nucleation 551.574 I diseases humans
Atmospheric optics 551.565 Atrium buildings 720.48
Atmospheric pressure 551.54 architecture 720.48
Atmospheric radiation construction 690.38
meteorology 551.527 3 Atrocities
Atmospheric thermodynamics World War I 940.405
space flight 629.4152 World War II 940.540 5
Atoka County (Okla.) T2-766 66 Atropine
Atolls 551.424 human toxicology 615.952 395 2
T2-142 pharmacology 615.323 952
geography 910.9142 Atsina Indians T5~-973 54

geomorphology 551.424 Atsina language 497.354

physical geography 910.021 42 T6--973 54
Atomic bomb 355.825 119 Attache cases
see also Nuclear weapons manufacturing technology 685.51
Atomic emission spectroscopy 543.52 Attachment (Law) 347.077
Atomic energy 333.792 4 private law 346.077
economics 333.792 4 Attack (Military science) 355.4
law 343.092 5 tactics 355.422
physics 539.7 Attack (Music) 781.235
Atomic mass Attack airplanes 358.428 3
chemistry 541.242 engineering 623.746 3
Atomic number 541.242 military equipment 358.428 3
Atomic physks 539.7 Attala County (Miss.) T2-762 644
astronomy 523.019 7 Attendance officers 371.295
Atomic spectroscopy 543.5 Attention
Atomic structure 539.14 psychology
chemistry 541.24 learning 153.153 2
Atomic weapons 355.825 ] 19 perception 153.733
see also Nuclear weapons Attention deficit disorder
Atomic weight 541.242 medicine 616.858 9
Atomism 146.5 pediatrics 618.928 589
Atoms 539.7 Attention-deficit-disordered
theoretical chemistry 541.24 children
Atonality 781.267 education 371.94


Dewey Decimal Classification

Attenuators Auctions 381.17

electronic circuits 621.381 536 2 law 343.081 I
Attica (Greece) T2-495 12 management 658.877
ancient T2--385 see also Commerce
Attics 643.5 Aude (France) T2-448 7
Attie language 496.337 Audience participation programs 791.443
T6-963 37 radio 791.443
Attike (Greece) T2-495 12 television performances 791.453
ancient T2-385 Audiences 302.33
Attitude training mass media 302.23
personnel management 658.312 44 Audio books
executives 658.407 124 4 bibliographies 011.384
public administration 352.669 Audio input devices
Attitudes !52.4 computer science 006.45
psychology 152.4 engineering 621.399 4
sociology 303.38 Audio-lingual language study 418
Attoni, House of specific languages T4--83
Tuscan history 945.503 Audio output devices
Attorneys 340.092 computer science 006.5
see alw Lawyers engineering 621.399
Attorneys general Audio publications 070.579
advisory opinions 348.05 Audio systems
United States 348.735 automobile 629.277
public administration 353.422 93 Audio systems engineering 621.382 8
Attracting birds 639.978 recording and reproduction 621.389 3
zoology 598.072 34 Audiobooks
Attraction (Social psychology) 302.13 bibliographies 011.384
Attributes of God 212.7 Audiologists 617.8092
Christianity 231.4 Audiology 617.8
comparative religion 202.112 pediatrics 618.920 978 9
Islam 297.211 2 Audiotex 384.646
Judaism 296.311 2 Audiovisual engineering 621.389 7
philosophy of religion 212.7 Audiovisual equipment
Attributes of the Church 262.72 libraries
Attribution (Social psychology) 302.12 management 022.9
Au Sable River (Mich.) T2-774 7 museology 069.32
Aube (France) T2-443 31 Audiovisual materials
Auckland (N.Z.) T2-~~932 4 art appreciation use 70l.l
Auckland, George Eden, Earl of bibliographies 011.37
Indian history 954.031 4 cataloging 025.347
Auckland City (N.Z.) T2-932 4 Christian religious education 268.635
Auckland Islands (N.Z.) T2-9399 instructional use 371.335
Auckland Province (N.Z.) T2--931 2 library treatment 025.177
Auckland Region (N.Z.) T2--932 primary education 372.133 5
Auction bridge 795.414 reviews 028.137
Auction catalogs Tl--029 Audiovisual treatment Tl--020 8
bibliographic materials Auditing 657.45
alphabetic subject 017.7 accounting 657.45
classed 017.3 government accounts 657.835 045
bibliography 017.3 Auditoriums
commerce 381.170 29 architecture 725.83

Relative Index

Auditory canal diseases Aural nervous system

medicine 617.83 human anatomy 611.85
see also Ear diseases ~ human physiology 612.85
humans medicine 617.886
Auditory canals Aural nervous system diseases
human physiology 612.851 medicine 617.886
medicine 617.83 see also Nervous system
Auditory memory 153.133 diseases humans
Auditory perception Aurangzeb, Emperor of
psychology 152.15 Hindustan
Auditory tube diseases Indian history 954.025 8
medicine 617.86 Aurich (Germany :
see also Ear diseases ~ Landkreis) T2-435 917
humans Auricle diseases (Ears)
Auditory tubes medicine 617.82
human physiology 612.854 see also Ear diseases
medicine 617.86 humans
Audits 657.45 Auricle diseases (Heart)
accounting 657.45 medicine 616.12
government accounts 657.835 045 see also Cardiovascular
Audrain County (Mo.) T2~778 332 diseases humans
Audubon County (Iowa) T2~777 486 Auricles (Ears)
Auglaize County (Ohio) T2--771 43 human anatomy 611.85
Augmented reality 006.8 human physiology 612.851
Augrabies National Park medicine 617.82
(South Africa) T2---687 12 Auricles (Heart) 573.17
Augsburg (Germany) T2--433 75 human anatomy 611.12
Augsburg, War of the League of, human physiology 612.17
1688-1697 940.252 5 medicine 616.12
North American history 973.25 physiology 573.17
Augsburg Confession 238.41 see also Cardiovascular system
Augusan del Norte Auriculas 635.933 675
(Philippines) T2--599 7 botany 583.675
Augusan del Sur floriculture 635.933 675
(Philippines) T2~599 7 Aurignacian culture 930.128
Augusta (Ga.) T2~758 64 Aurora County (S.D.) T2-783 375
Augusta (Me.) T2~741 6 Auroras (Geomagnetism) 538.768
Augusta County (Va.) T2~755 916 Auschwitz (Extermination camp) 940.531 853 858
Augusta Praetoria (Italy) T2~372 211 Auscultation
Augusta Taurinomm (Italy) T2~372 221 medicine 616.075 44
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Ausdehnungslehre 512.5
Church 284.133 3 Aust-Agder fylke (Norway) T2-483 1
see also Lutheran church Austin (Tex.) T2-764 31
Augustinians 255.4 Austin County (Tex.) T2~764252
church history 271.4 Austral Islands T2~9622

Auks 598.33 Australasia T2~9

Aunis (France) T2--4464 Australasian possums 599.23

Aunts 306.87 Australia 994
Tl-085 T2~94

Aura Australian Alps (N.S.W.

human physiology 612.014 2 and Vic.) T2~944

parapsychology 133.892 Australian bass 597.73

Australian Capital Territory T2-947
Australian cattle dog 636.737

Dewey Decimal Class{fication

Australian Country Party 324.294 04 Autecology 577.26

Australian Democrats (Political animals 591.7
party) 324.294 095 microorganisms 579.17
Australian football 796.336 plants 581.7
Australian football players 796.336 092 see Manual at 577.3-.7 vs.
Australian grayling 597.55 579-590
Australian Labor Party 324.294 07 Authentic Hadith 297.125 21
Australian languages 499.15 Authenticating
T6--991 5 arts 702.88
Australian Liberal Party 324.294 05 Author catalogs 025.315
Australian literature (English) 820 bibliography 017
Australian salmon 597.7 library science 025.315
culture 639.377 Author-title catalogs 025.315
Australian school shark 597.34 bibliography 017
Australians T5~24 library science 025.315
Australoid race T5--991 5 Author-title indexing 025.322
Australopithecines 569.93 Authoritarian government 321.9
Australopithecus 569.93 Authoritarianism 320.53
Austria 943.6 Authority 303.36
TZ--436 ethical systems 171.1
ancient 936.36 Christianity 241.2
Austrian Empire 943.604 religion 206.5
TZ--436 Christianity 262.8
Austrian People's Party 324.243 604 Judaism 296.67
Austrian school (Economics) 330.157 social control 303.36
Austrian Succession, War of the, Authority control
1740-1748 940.253 2 cataloging 025.322 2
North American history 973.26 Authority files
Austrian winter peas 633.369 cataloging 025.322 2
botany 583.74 Authorized version (Bible) 220.520 3
Austrians T5~36 Authors
Austro-Asiatic languages T6-959 3 relations with publishers 070.52
Austro-Asiatic peoples T5~959 3 Authors (Literature) 809
Austro-Hungarian Monarchy 943.604 4 collected biography 809
T2~436 specific literatures T3B-09
Austrian history 943.604 4 Authorship of Bible 220.66
Hungarian history 943.904 3 Authorship techniques 808.02
Austro-Italian front Autism
World War! 940.414 5 medicine 616.858 82
Austro-Prussian War, 1866 943.076 pediatrics 618.928 588 2
Austroasiatic languages 495.93 special education 371.94
T6~959 3 Autistic disorder
Austroasiatic literatures 895.93 medicine 616.858 82
Austroasiatic peoples T5~959 3 Autobiographical fiction 808.838 2
Austronesian languages 499.2 history and criticism 809.382
T6-992 specific literatures T3B~308 2
Austronesian literatures 899.2 individual authors T3A~3
Ausuittuq (Nunavut) T2·-719 52 Autobiography 920
Autarchy (Absolute monarchy) 321.6 Tl-092
Autarchy (Economic self- arts 700.45
sufficiency) 338.9 T3C~35
Autauga County (Ala.) T2~761 463 literary fonn 809.935 92
specific literatures T3B~09492

Relative Index

Autobiography (continued) Automatic rifles

literature 808.803 5 military engineering 623.442 4
history and criticism 809.933 5 military equipment 355.824 24
specific literatures T3B-D80 35 Automatic speech recognition 006.454
history and Automatic sprinkler systems
criticism T3B-093 5 fire technology 628.925 2
Autocorrelation 519.537 Automatic text summarization
Autocracy (Absolute monarchy) 321.6 information science 025.410285 635
Autogenic training Automatic theorem proving 511.360 285 63
medicine 615.851 22 Automatic train control
Autogiros engineering 625.27
engineering 629.133 35 Automatic transmissions
Autograph scores 780 automotive engineering 629.244 6
treatises 780.262 Automatic writing (Spiritualism) 133.932
Autographs 929.88 Automation
Autoharps 787.75 agricultural economics 338.161
see also Stringed instruments control engineering 629.8
Autoimmune diseases 571.973 economics 338.064
animals 571.973 manufacturing technology 670.427
humans 362.196 978 mineral industries 338.26
incidence 614.599 38 production management 658.514
medicine 616.978 secondary industries 338.454
social services 362.196 978 social effects 303.483 4
Autoimmunity 571.973 Automation engineers 629.809 2
incidence 614.599 38 Automation training
medicine 616.978 personnel management 658.312 43
Automata 511.35 Automatons 629.8
artificial intelligence 006.3 Automobile accidents 363.125
Automated information systems 025.04 see also Highway safety
see also Information storage Automobile bodies 629.26
and retrieval systems Automobile cars (Railroad) 385.34
Automatic abstracting engineering 625.24
information science 025.410 285 635 see also Rolling stock
Automatic cameras 771.32 Automobile driving 629.283
Automatic control engineering 629.8 law 343.094 6
Automatic data collection recreation 796.7
systems 006.2 Automobile engineers 629.222 092
engineering 621.399 Automobile industry 338.476 292 22
Automatic data processing 004 law 343.078 629 222
Tl-028 5 Automobile insurance 368.092
Automatic identification and data inland marine 368.232
capture 006.24 law 346.086 092
computer science 006.24 liability 368.572
engineering 62!.384 192 Automobile noise 363.741
Automatic movements see also Noise
psychology 152.32 Automobile parking 388.474
Automatic piloting see also Parking facilities
aircraft 629.132 6 Automobile racers 796.720 92
Automatic pilots Automobile racing 796.72
aircraft 629.135 2 electronic games 794.867 2
Automatic pistols 683.432 5 Automobile rallies 796.73
see also Pistols Automobile registration 354.765 284
law 343.0944
public administration 354.765 284

Dewey Decimal Class(fication

Automobile safety 363.125 Autonomic nervous system

see also Highway safety diseases
Automobile theft 364.162 862922 2 medicine 616.856 9
law 345.026 286 292 22 see also Nervous system
Automobile transportation 388.321 diseases - humans
engineering 629.222 Autonomous agencies
law 343.094 public administration 352.264
public administration 354.765 Autonomous Communities
safety 363.125 (Spain) 321.023
see also Highway safety see also States (Members of
transportation services 388.321 federations)
urban 388.413 21 Autonomous Republics (Soviet
Automobiles 388.342 Union) 321.023
engineering 629.222 see also States (Members of
law 343.094 4 federations)
licenses 354.765 284 Autonomy in education
law 343.094 4 higher education 378.1
military engineering 623.747 2 public policy 379.15
production economics 338.476 292 22 Autonomy of states 320.15
repair 629.287 2 Autopilots
sports 796.7 aircraft 629.135 2
theft of 364.162 862 9222 Autopsy
law 345.026 286 292 22 forensic medicine 614.1
transportation services 388.342 medicine 616.075 9
travel 910 Autoregression 519.536
see Manual at 629.046 vs. 388 Autumn 508.2
Automorphic functions 515.9 music 781.524 6
calculus 515.9 see also Seasons
number theory 512.7 Autumn-flowering plants 581.43
Automorphisms 511.326 floriculture 635.953
geometry 516.1 Auvergnat dialect (Occitan
topological algebras 512.55 language) T6--49l
Automotive electronics 629.272 Auvergne (France) T2-445 9
Automotive engineering 629.2 Auxiliaries (Foreign troops) 355.359
Automotive industry 338.476 292 Auxiliary party organizations 324.3
law 343.078 629 2 Auxiliary power systems
Automotive vehicles 388.34 spacecraft 629.474 4
engineering 629.2 Auxiliary procedures Tl--028
law 343.094 4 Auxiliary routes
military engineering 623.747 marine 387.523
production economics 338.476 292 Auxiliary storage
public administration 354.765 computer science 004.56
repair 629.287 engineering 621.397 6
safety 363.125 Auxiliary techniques Tl-028
see also Highway safety Auyuittuq National Park
safety engineering 629.204 2 (Nunavut) T2-719 52
sports 796.7 Available light photography 778.76
transportation services 388.34 Avalanches 551.307
see Manual at 629.046 vs. 388 snow 551.578 48
Autonomic nervous system Avant-garde arts 700.41 l
human anatomy 611.83 T3C--ll
human physiology 612.89 Avant-garde jazz 781.656
medicine 616.856 9

Relative Index

Avant-garde literary works 808.887 Avitaminosis

history and criticism 809.987 medicine 616.39
specific literatures T3B~807 see also Digestive system
individual authors T3A~8 diseases ~~humans
Avant-garde music 780.904 Avocados 641.346 53
Avar language 499.964 agriculture 634.653
T6--999 64 botany 583.23
Avaric language 499.964 commercial processing 664.804 653
T6~99964 cooking 641.646 53
Avarice 178 food 641.346 53
moral theology 205.68 A vodah Zarah 296.123 4
see also Vices Babylonian Talmud 296.125 4
Avaro-Andi-Dido languages 499.964 Mishnah 296.123 4
T6--999 64 Palestinian Talmud 296.124 4
Ave Maria 242.74 Avon (England) T2-423 9
Aveiro (Portugal: District) T2~-469 34 Avon, River
Avellino (Italy: Province) T2--457 21 (G loucestershire-Bristol,
ancient T2~377 31 England) T2--423 9
Aveneae 584.9 Avon, River (Leicestershire-
Average costs 338.514 2 Gloucestershire,
management 658.155 3 England) T2-4244
Averaging 519.533 Avon, River (Wiltshire-
Aversion Dorset, England) T2-423 19
psychology 152.4 Avot 296.123 47
Avery County (N.C.) T2~756 862 A voyelles Parish (La.) T2-763 71
Aves 598 A wadhi dialect 491.492
295.82 T6~914 92
Avestan language 491.52 A wadhi literature 891.492
T6-915 2 Awadhi-speaking people T5-914 92
Avestan literature 891.52 Awards Tl--079
Avcyron (France) T2-447 4 armed forces 355.134
Aviaries 598.073 biography 355.134 092
animal husbandry 636.68 see also Military
architecture 728.927 commemorations
construction 690.892 7 orders and decorations 929.81
Aviary birds 636.68 research 001.44
see also Birds Awnings 645.3
Aviation 387.7 household management 645.3
see also Air transportation manufacturing technology 684
Aviation fuel 665.538 25 Axes 621.93
Aviation insurance 368.093 art metalwork 739.72
inland marine 368.24 Axholme, Isle of (England) T2--428 32
liability 368.576 Axiology 121.8
Aviation law 343.097 Axiom of choice 511.3
Aviation medicine 616.980 213 Axiomatic set theory 511.322
Aviation meteorology 629.132 4 Axioms 160
Aviation psychology 155.965 mathematical logic 511.3
Avignon (France) T2-44922 philosophical logic 160
Avignon (Quebec) T2-714 783 Axis Powers (World War II
Avila (Spain :Province) T2-463 59 group) 940.533 4
Avila Camacho, Manuel Axles 621.823
Mexican history 972.082 6 automotive engineering 629.245
Avionics 629.135 railroad engineering 625.21
military aircraft 623.746 049 Axolotl 597.858

Dewey Decimal Classification

Axons Azerbaijani language 494.361

human cytology 612.810 46 T6-943 61
Ayacucho (Peru: Dept.) T2-852 9 Azerbaijani literature 894.361
Ayatollahs 297.092 Azilal (Morocco: Province) T2--644
biography 297.092 Azimuth 526.63
specific sects 297.8 'AzTz (Hadith) 297.125 24
role and function 297.61 Azlon
see Manual at 297.092 textiles 677.472
Aydm iii (Turkey) T2~562 6 Azo compounds 547.043
ancient T2--392 3 chemical engineering 661.894
Aye-ayes 599.83 Azo-oxy dyes 667.253
conservation technology 639.979 83 Azo-tetrazo dyes 667.253
resource economics 333.959 83 Azores T2--469 9
Ayers Rock (N.T.) T2--942 91 Azospirillum 579.323
Ayers Rock-Mount Olga Azov, Sea of (Ukraine and 551.461 389
National Park (N.T.) T2-94291 Russia) T2--163 89
Aylesbury Vale (England) T2~25 93 Aztec calendar 529.329 784 52
Aylwin Az6car, Patricio Aztec language 497.452
Chilean history 983.066 1 T6-974 52
Aymara Indians TS-983 24 Aztec literature 897.452
Aymara language 498.324 Aztec period 972.018
T6-983 24 Aztecan languages 497.452
Aymara literature 898.324 T6--974 52
Aymaran languages 498.324 Aztecs TS-974 52
T6-983 24 Azua (Dominican Republic :
Ayrshire (Scotland) T2---414 6 Province) T2--729 372
Ayrshire cattle 636.225 Azuay (Ecuador) T2-866 24
Aysen (Chile: Province) T2-83622
Aythya 598.414 B
Ayub Khan, Mohammad
Pakistani history 954.904 5 B cells 571.967
Ayurvedic medicine human immunology 616.079 8
therapeutic system 615.538 B-t1at horns 788.974
Ayutthaya (Kingdom) 959.302 3 see also Brass instruments
Az Zarqa' (Jordan: B lymphocytes 571.967
Province) T2-569 593 human immunology 616.079 8
ancient T2--335 93 Ba Ria-Vfing Tau (Vietnam) T2-597 7
Azad Kashmir T2~549 138 Baalbek (Lebanon)
Azaleas 635.933 66 ancient T2-394 4
botany 583.66 'Bab el Mandeb 551.461 532
floriculture 635.933 66 T2-165 32
Azarbayjan-i BakhtarT (Iran) T2--554 Baba Batra 296.123 4
Azarbayjan-i KhavarT (Iran) T2-553 Babylonian Talmud 296.125 4
Azcona H., Jose Mishnah 296.123 4
Honduran history 972.830 533 Palestinian Talmud 296.1244
Azerbaijan 947.54 BabaKamma 296.123 4
T2--475 4 Babylonian Talmud 296.125 4
ancient 939.534 Mishnah 296.123 4
T2-395 34 Palestinian Talmud 296.124 4
Azerbaijan (Iran) T2-553 BabaMe?=ia 296.123 4
Azerbaijan (Region) T2--553 Babylonian Talmud 296.1254
Azerbaijan T2--475 4 Mishnah 296.123 4
Iran T2--553 Palestinian Talmud 296.124 4
Azerbaijani T5-943 61

Relative Index

Babanango (South Africa : Ninh (Vietnam :

District) T2~684 2 Province) T2-5972
Babangida, Ibrahim Badamosi Baca County (Colo.) T2-788 99
Nigerian history 966.905 3 Bacau.(Romania : Judef) T2--498 1
Babblers 598.834 Baccarat 795.42
Babenberg, House of 943.602 3 Bachelet, Michelle
Babergh (England) T2-42648 Chilean history 983.066 4
Babi Yar Massacre, 1941 940.531 844 5 Bachelors 306.815 2
Babies 305.232 Tl-086 52
Tl-083 2 Bachelor's degree 378.2
health 613.043 2 Bacillaceae infections
pediatrics 618.9202 incidence 614.512
psychology 155.422 medicine 616.931
see also Infants see also Communicable
Babil (Iraq: Province) T2-567 5 diseases humans
Babine language 497.2 Bacillariophyceae 579.85
Babirnsa 599.633 Bacillary diseases
Babism 297.92 incidence 614.512
Babists medicine 616.931
biography 297.920 92 see also Communicable
Baboons 599.865 diseases - hwnans
Babouvism (Socialist school) 335.2 Bacillary dysentery
Babur, Emperor of Hindustan incidence 614.516
Indian history 954.025 2 medicine 616.935 5
Baby animals 591.392 see also Communicable
domestic animals 636.07 diseases - humans
mammals 599.139 2 Bacillus 579.362
Baby blue-eyes (Plant) 635.933 94 Back (Body part)
botany 583.94 human anatomy 611.9
floriculture 635.933 94 human physiology 612.9
Baby food 641.300 832 regional medicine 617.56
commercial preparation 664.62 surgery 617.560 59
cooking 641.562 22 Back muscles
feeding 649.3 human anatomy 611.731
food 641.300 832 Back play
Babylon (Extinct city) T2~355 American football 796.332 24
Babylonia 935.5 rugby 796.333 26
T2·-355 soccer 796.334 25
Babylonian dialect 492.17 Backache
T6-921 medicine 617.564
Babylonian Empire 935.502 Backgammon 795.15
Mesopotamian history 935.502 Backhand
Middle Eastern history 939.402 tennis 796.342 23
Palestinian history 933.03 Backpacking 796.51
Babylonian literature 892.1 equipment technology 688.765 1
Babylonian Talmud 296.125 Backyards
Babylonians T5-921 biology 578.755 4
Babysitters' handbooks 649.102 48 ecology 577.554
B~c Giang (Vietnam : landscape architecture 712.6
Province) T2--597 2 Bacon County (Ga.) T2-758 787
B~c K<;~n (Vietnam : Bacs-Kiskun Megye
Province) T2-597 1 (Hungary) T2--439 8
B<;~c Lieu (Vietnam :
Province) T2·-597 9

Dewey Decimal Classification

Bacteria 579.3 Badgers 599.767

medical microbiology 616.920 1 Badges
paleontology 561.91 armed forces 355.134 2
see Manual at 579.3 Badlands National Park
Bacteria culture (S.D.) T2-783 93
biology 571.638 293 Badminton 796.345
Bacteria-enhanced oil recovery 622.338 27 Badminton players 796.345 092
Bacterial blood diseases Badui language 499.223
incidence 614.577 T6-992 23
medicine 616.94 Baetica T2--366 8
see also Communicable Baffin (Nunavut) T2-719 52
diseases - humans Baftin Bay 551.461 327
Bacterial counts T2-l63 27
milk processing 637.127 7 Baftin Island (Nunavut) T2·-719 52
Bacterial diseases 571.993 Bafia languages 496.396
agriculture 632.32 T6---963 96
animals 571.993 11 Bafokeng (South Africa :
veterinary medicine 636.089 692 District) T2-682 41
humans 362.196 92 Bag lunches 641.53
incidence 614.57 Bag papers 676.287
medicine 616.92 Bagasse
social services 362.196 92 fuel technology 662.88
plants 571.993 12 plastic technology 668.411
agriculture 632.32 Bagasse pulp 676.14
see also Communicable Bagaza, Jean-Baptiste
diseases Burundi history 967.572 041 5
Bacterial food poisons Bagemder (Ethiopia) T2---634
human toxicology 615.952 93 Baggage cars 385.33
Bacterial viruses 579.26 engineering 625.23
Bactericides 668.653 see also Rolling stock
agricultural use 632.953 Baggage insurance 368.2
chemical engineering 668.653 Baggage services 388.042
Bacteriological examination see also Passenger services
medicine 616.075 81 Baghdad (Iraq: Province) T2-567 47
Bacteriologists 579.309 2 Bagheli dialect 491.492
Bacteriology 579.3 T6---914 92
medicine 616.920 1 Bagheli literature 891.492
Bacteriophages 579.26 Bagheli-speaking people T5--914 92
Bacteroides 579.325 Bagpipes 788.49
Bactria T2-396 instrument 788.491 9
Baculoviridae 579.243 6 music 788.49
Bad debts see also Woodwind instruments
tax law 343.052 36 Bags 688.8
Bad Doberan (Germany: paper 676.33
Landkreis) T2--431 74 Bagnios (Hurricanes) 551.552
Badajoz (Spain : Province) T2--462 7 Bahai Faith 297.93
Baden (Germany) T2--434 64 Bahais
Baden (Switzerland : biography 297.930 92
Bczirk) T2---494 566 3 Bahama Islands 972.96
Baden-Baden (Germany) T2--434 643 T2-729 6
Baden-Wi.irttemberg Bahamas 972.96
(Gennany) T2--434 6 T2-7296
Badenoch and Strathspey Bahamians T5-969 729 6
(Scotland) T2---411 58

Relative Index

499.221 Baker County (Or.) T2~795 75

Bahasa Indonesia
T6~992 21 Baker Lake (Nunavut) T2-71958
Bahasa Indonesia literature 899.221 Bakery goods
Bahasa Kebangsaan 499.28 commercial processing 664.752
T6-992 8 Bakhtiari va Chahar Mahiill
Bahasa Malaysia 499.28 (Iran) T2--559 7
T6-992 8 Baking
Bahasa Malaysia literature 899.28 commercial food preparation 664.02
Bahasa Melayu 499.28 home cooking 641.71
T6~992 8 Baking powder 664.68
Baha'u'llah Baking soda
works by 297.938 22 food technology 664.68
Bahawalpur District Bakongo (Kingdom) 967.320 1
(Pakistan) T2--549 16 T2-673 2
Bahia (Brazil: State) T2--814 2 Ba'labakk (Lebanon)
Bahia Blanca Estuary (Argentina) 551.461 368 ancient T2-3944
T2--163 68 Balaena 599.527 6
Bahing-Vayu languages 495.49 Balaenidae 599.527
T6~9549 Balaenoptera 599.524
Bahoruco (Dominican Balaenopteridae 599.524
Republic: Province) T2~729 326 Balalaikas 787.875
Bahr al Ahmar (Egypt) T2--623 instrument 787.875 19
Bal:lr al-Abmar (Sudan : music 787.875
Province) T2-625 see also Stringed instruments
Bal:lr al Jabal (Sudan) T2-629 5 Balance beam (Gymnastic
Bahrain 953.65 equipment) 796.442
T2~536 5 Balance of payments 382.17
ancient 939.49 international banking 332.152
T2~3949 international commerce 382.17
Bahraini TS-927 536 5 Balance of power 327.112
Baie-D'Urfe (Quebec) T2-714 28 Balance of trade 382.17
Baie-James (Quebec) T2-714 115 Balance sheets 657.3
Baikal seal 599.792 accounting 657.3
Bail(Law) 345.056 financial management 658.151 2
Bailey County (Tex.) T2-764 844 investment analysis 332.632 042
Bailrnents 346.025 Balancing machinery 621.816
Bairnsdale (Vic.) T2-945 6 Balanopales 583.43
Bait-casting 799.126 Balanophoraceae 583.88
Bait fishing 799.122 Balanopsidales 583.43
Bait worm culture 639.75 Balconies 721.84
Baixo Alentejo (Portugal) T2-469 55 architecture 721.84
Baja California (Mexico) T2~722 construction 690.184
Baja California Norte Balcony furniture 645.8
(Mexico) T2~722 3 see also Outdoor furniture
Baja California Sur Balcony gardening 635.967 1
(Mexico) T2-722 4 Bald cypresses 585.5
Baja Verapaz (Guatemala) T2~728 152 Bald eagle 598.943
Baka (West African people) T5-963 61 conservation technology 639.978 943
Bakalanguage T6-963 61 resource economics 333.958 943
Baked goods 641.815 Baldachins
commercial processing 664.752 church architecture 726.529 3
home preparation 641.815
Baker County (Fla.) T2~75913
Baker County (Ga.) T2~758 967

Dewey Decimal Classification

Baldness Ballads
medicine 616.546 literature 808.8144
see also Skin diseases history and criticism 809.144
humans specific literatures T3B-104 4
Baldwin County (Ala.) T2--761 21 individual authors T3A-1
Baldwin County (Ga.) T2-758 573 music 782.43
Bale-Ville (Switzerland) T2---494 32 Ballarat (Vic.) T2--945 7
Baleares T2--467 5 Ballard County (Ky.) T2-769 96
Balearic Islands T2--467 5 Ballast (Railroad) 625.141
Balearic Sea 551.461 382 Ballet 792.8
T2-163 82 Ballet dancers 792.802 809 2
Baleen whales 599.5 Ballet music 781.556
Balfour (South Africa : Ba!letts 782.43
District) T2-682 77 Ballina (N.S.W.) T2-944 3
Bali (Indonesia) T2-598 62 Ballistic missile forces 358.17
Bali language 499.223 8 Ballistic missiles 358.171 82
T6-992 238 engineering 623.451 95
Bali literature 899.223 8 military equipment 358.171 82
Bali Sea (Indonesia) 551.461 474 Ballistics 531.55
T2-164 74 criminal investigation 363.256 2
Bahkesir iii (Turkey) T2-562 3 engineering 620.105
ancient T2-392 I military engineering 623.51
Balinese T5--992 238 physics 531.55
Balinese language 499.223 8 Ballistocardiography
T6-992 238 medicine 616.120 754
Balinese literature 899.223 8 Balloons
Baling crops 631.56 engineering 629.133 22
equipment manufacturing military engineering 623.742
technology 681.763 1 piloting 629.132 522
Balkan Mountains sports 797.51
(Bulgaria) T2---499 Ballots 324.65
Balkan Peninsula 949.6 Ballroom dancing 793.33
T2--496 Balls (Dances) 793.38
Balkan States 949.6 Balls (Geometrical shapes) 516.156
T2----496 Balls (Gymnastic equipment) 796.443
Balkan Wars 949.603 9 Balls (Recreational equipment) 796.3
Balkar language 494.38 manufacturing technology 688.763
T6--943 8 Ballymena (Northern
Ball bearings 621.822 Ireland : Borough) T2--416 l3
Ball games 796.3 Ballymoney (Northern
equipment technology 688.763 Ireland : District) T2--416 14
indoor 794.7 Balms 583.77
outdoor 796.3 Balms (Burseraceae) 583.77
Ball hockey 796.356 4 Balms (Lamiaceae) 583.96
Ball lightning 551.563 4 Balneotherapy
Ballad operas 782.14 medicine 615.853
music 782.14 Balochi T5--915 98
stage presentation 792.6 Balochi language 491.598
Ballades (Music) 784.1896 T6-915 98
Balochi literature 891.598
Balong language 496.396
T6-963 96
Balqa' (Jordan : Province) T2-569 55

Relative Index

Balsa Bamileke languages 496.36

botany 583.68 T6--963 6
forestry 634.973 68 Bamun language 496.36
Balsaminaceae 583.79 T6-963 6
Balsams (Impatiens) 583.79 Bana (African people) T5-963 6
Baltic-Finnic languages 494.54 Bana language 496.36
T6~945 4 T6--963 6
Baltic-Finnic literatures 894.54 Banach algebras 512.554
Baltic languages 491.9 Banach spaces 515.732
T6-919 Bananas 641.347 72
Baltic literatures 891.9 botany 584.39
Baltic Sea 551.461 334 commercial processing 664.804 772
T2~-163 34 cooking 641.647 72
Baltic Sea Region T2-485 food 641.347 72
Baltic States 947.9 horticulture 634.772
T2-479 Banat T2-4984
Baltimore (Md.) T2--752 6 Romania T2-4984
Baltimore County (Md.) T2~752 71 Yugoslavia T2-4971
Balta-Slavic languages 491.8 Banbridge (Northern
T6-918 Ireland : District) T2-416 57
Balta-Slavic literatures 891.8 Band leaders 784.092
Baits (Indo-European Banda (African people) TS-963 61
people) T5-919 Banda, H. Kamuzu (Hastings
Baluchi T5--91 5 98 Kamuzu)
Baluchi language 491.598 Malawian history 968.970 41
T6-915 98 Banda languages 496.361
Baluchi literature 891.598 T6--963 61
Baluchistan T2-549 15 Banda Sea 551.461474
Iran T2-558 3 T2-164 74
Pakistan T2--549 15 Bandages 677.8
Baluchistan (Pakistan) T2-549 15 manufacturing technology 677.8
Balustrades 721.8 surgical use 617.93
architecture 721.8 Bandera County (Tex.) T2-764 885
artistic ironwork 739.48 Bandi language 496.348
construction 690.18 T6-963 48
Bamako (Mali) T2-662 3 Bandicoots 599.26
Bamana language (Mandekan) 496.345 2 Bandjoun language 496.36
T6-963 452 T6--963 6
Bambara (African people) T5~963 452 Bandoneons 788.84
Bambara language 496.345 2 see also Woodwind instruments
T6-963 452 Bands 784
Bambara literature 896.345 2 Bandundu (Congo :
Bamberg (Germany) T2-433 18 Province) T2-675 116
Bamberg County (S.C.) T2-757 78 Bandy 796.963
Bamboo pulp 676.14 Banff(Aita.) T2-712 332
Bamboos 584.9 Banff and Buchan
basketwork crop 633.58 (Scotland) T2-4124
floriculture 635.934 9 BanffNational Park (Alta.) T2-712 332
handicrafts 745.51 Bangalore torpedoes 623.454 5
textiles 677.54 Banghaz! (Libya) T2-612
see also Textiles Bangi-Ntomba languages 496.396 8
Bambuseae 584.9 T6-963 968
Bambute (African people) T5-963 94 Bangiophycideae 579.89
Bamileke (African people) T5--963 6 Bangka (Indonesia) T2-~598 196

Dewey Decimal Classification

Bangka Belitung Bankruptcy (continued)

(lndonesia) T2-598 196 financial management 658.15
Bangladesh 954.92 law 346,078
T2-5492 commercial law 346.o78
ancient 934.92 public finance 343.037
T2-3492 public finance 336.368
Bangladesh people TS-914 126 Banks (Finance) 332.1
Bangladeshis TS-914 126 accounting 657.833 3
Bangor (Me.) T2--741 3 architecture 725.24
Bang's disease 636.208 969 57 auditing 657.833 304 5
Bangui (Central African credit regulation
Republic) T2-674 1 macroeconomic policy 339.53
Bani Suwayf(Egypt: government guaranty of
Province) T2--622 deposits 368.854
Banjar TS-992 256 law 346.082
Banjar language 499.225 6 public administration 354.86
T6-992 256 Banks County (Ga.) T2--758 143
Banjar literature 899.225 6 Banks Island (N.W.T.) T2-719 3
Banjar Malay language 499.225 6 Banks Peninsula (N.Z.) T2-9384
T6--992 256 Banks Peninsula District
Banjar Malay literature 899.225 6 (N.Z.) T2--9384
Banjarese TS--992 256 Banksias 583.89
Banjarese language 499.225 6 Bann River (Northern
T6-·992 256 Ireland) T2--416
Banjarese literature 899.225 6 Banned books 098.1
Banjoists 787.880 92 Banner County (Neb.) T2--782 975
Banjos 787.88 Banners 929.92
instrument 787.881 9 armed forces 355.15
music 787.88 Bannock County (Idaho) T2-79647
see also Stringed instmments Bannock Indians TS-974577
Banjul (Gambia) T2-665 1 Bannock language 497.457 7
Bank accounts 332.175 2 T6-974 577
Bank deposit insurance 368.854 Bannockburn, Battle of, 1314 941.102
law 346.086 854 Banquets 642.4
Bank examination 657.833 304 5 Banska Bystrica (Slovakia :
Bank failures 332.1 Province) T2-437 34
Bank for International Banskobystricky kraj
Settlements 332.155 (Slovakia) T2---437 34
Bank holding companies 332.16 Bans uris 788.35
Bank mergers 332.16 see also Woodwind instruments
Bank notes 332.42 Bantams 636.587 1
central banking 332.112 Banten (Indonesia) T2-598 23
form of currency 332.404 4 Banteng 599.642 2
Bank reserves 332.1 Bantoid languages 496.36
macroeconomic policy 339.53 T6-963 6
requirements 332.113 Bantu languages 496.39
Bankers 332.1092 T6--963 9
Banking 332.1 see Manual at T6-9639
see also Banks (Finance) Bantu literatures 896.39
Banking cooperatives 334.2 Bantu-speaking peoples TS--963 9
Banking services 332.17 Bantustans 968.29
Bankmptcy 332.75 T2-682 9
accounting 657.47 Banyan 583.45
credit economics 332.75

Relative Index

Banzer Suarez, Hugo Bar examination

Bolivian history 984.054 I Bar mitzvah 296.442 4
583.68 customs 392.14
Baoruco (Dominican etiquette 395.24
Republic :Province) T2-729 326 liturgy 296.454 24
Baoule (African people) TS-963 38 music 781.583
496.338 Baraga County (Mich.) T2~774973
Baoule language
T6~963 38 Barahona (Dominican
Baptism 234.161 Republic: Province) T2-729 324
customs 392.12 Barai language 499.12
395.24 T6~991 2
music 781.582 Baraita 296.126 3
public worship 265.1 Baranya Megye (Hungary) T2--439 7
theology 234.161 Barbacoan languages 498.2
Baptism in the Holy Spirit 234.13 T6~982

Baptism of Jesus Christ 232.95 Barbadians T5~969 729 81

Baptismal fonts 247.1 Barbados 972.981
architecture 726.529 1 T2--729 81
Baptismal names 929.44 Barbary horse 636.11
Barbary States T2~6l
Baptismal records
genealogy 929.3 Barbecuing 641.76
Baptist General Conference of indoor cooking 641.76
America 286.5 outdoor cooking 641.578 4
see also Baptists Barbels (Fishes) 597.482
Baptist sacred music 781.716 sports fishing 799.174 82
public worship 782.322 6 Barber County (Kan.) T2-781 82
music 782.322 6 Barbering 646.724
religion 264.060 2 customs 391.5
Baptistries Barberries 583.34
architecture 726.4 botany 583.34
accessory building 726.4 cooking 641.647 4
part of church 726.596 floriculture 635.933 34
Baptists 286 food 641.347 4
biography 286.092 horticulture 634.74
church government 262.06 Barbers 646.724 092
parishes 254.06 Barbershops
church law 262.986 sanitation services 363.729 9
doctrines 230.6 Barbets 598.72
catechisms and creeds 238.6 Barbeyales 583.43
general councils 262.56 Barbiturate abuse 362.299
guides to Christian life 248.486 medicine 616.86
missions 266.6 personal health 613.8
moral theology 241.046 social welfare 362.299
persecution of 272.8 see also Substance abuse
public worship 264.06 Barbiturates
religious associations 267.186 pharmacokinetics 615.782 1
religious education 268.86 Barbour County (Ala.) T2~761 32
seminaries 230.Q73 6 Barbour County (W.Va.) T2~754 59

theology 230.6 Barbs (Fishes) 597.482

Bar-code scanners 006.242 Barbuda T2--729 74
computer engineering 621.399 4 Barcaldine (Qld.) T2~943 5

Bar coding 006.242 Barcelona (Spain :

computer science 006.242 Province) T2--467 2
materials management 658.780 285 624 2

Dewey Decimal Classification

Barents Sea 551.461 324 Barking and Dagenham

T2~163 24 (London, England) T2-421 75
Barents Sea region T2-48 Barkley, Lake (Ky. and
Bargain theory of wages 331.2101 Tenn.) T2--769 79
Barge canals 386.48 Barkly East (South Africa :
engineering 627.138 District) T2--687 57
transportation services 386.48 Barkly West (South Africa:
see also Canals District) T2-687 11
Bargello 746.442 Barletta-Andria-Trani
Barges 386.229 (Italy : Province) T2-457 59
design 623.812 9 ancient T2~377 56
engineering 623.829 Barley 641.331 6
freight services 386.244 botany 584.9
see also Ships cooking 641.631 6
Bari (Italy) T2-457 511 food 641.331 6
ancient T2~377 581 food crop 633.16
Bari (Italy : Province) T2-457 51 forage crop 633.256
ancient T2~377 58 Barlow, George Hilaro, Sir
Bari language 496.5 Indian history 954.031 2
T6-965 Barmera (S. Aust.) Tl-942 33
Baric languages 495.4 Bam owls 598.97
T6--954 Barnabites 255.52
Barima-Waini Region church history 271.52
(Guyana) T2--881 1 Barnacles 595.35
Barinas (Venezuela: State) T2-874 3 paleozoology 565.35
Barisal (Bangladesh : Barnes County (N.D.) T2-784 32
Division) T2--549 26 Barnet (London, England) T2--421 87
Barite 553.662 Bamim (Gennany:
mineralogy 549.752 Landkreis) T2--431 53
Baritone voices 782.88 Barnouic (Channel Islands) T2-423 49
choral and mixed voices 782.88 Barns 631.22
single voices 783.88 animal husbandry 636.083 1
Baritones (Horns) architecture 725.372
American 788.975 construction 690.537 2
instrument 788.975 19 domestic architecture 728.922
music 788.975 construction 690.892 2
see also Brass instruments use 631.22
British 788.974 Barns ley (England :
see also Brass instruments Metropolitan Borough) T2---428 25
Barium 669.725 Barnstable County (Mass.) T2~744 92
chemical engineering 661.039 5 Barnwell County (S.C.) T2--757 76
chemistry 546.395 Barometric leveling 526.37
economic geology 553.499 Barometric pressure 551.54
metallurgy 669.725 Baroque architecture 724.16
physical metallurgy 669.967 25 Baroque art 709.032
see also Chemicals Baroque decoration 745.409 032
Barium (Italy) T2-~377 581 Baroque music 780.903 2
Bark 581.47 Baroque painting 759.046
descriptive botany 581.47 Baroque sculpture 735.21
forest product 634.985 Barotse kingdoms (Zambian
physiology 575.452 history) 968.940 1
Bark beetles 595.768 Barracks 355.71
Barkerville (B.C.) T2--711 75 architecture 725.18
military housing 355.71

Relative Index

Barracudas 597.7 Bartow County (Ga.) T2--758 365

Barrage balloons Baruch (Bible) 229.5
military engineering 623.744 Baryons 539.721 64
Barrages Baryonyx 567.912
engineering 627.123 Barytons 787.6
Barramunda 597.39 see also Stringed instruments
culture 639.373 9 Bas-Congo (Congo) T2--675 114
fishing 639.273 9 Bas-Rhin (France) T2--443 95
688.8 Bas-Richelieu (Quebec) T2-~714 39
wooden 674.82 Bas-Saint-Laurent (Quebec) T2-714 76
Barren County (Ky.) T2~769 72 Bas-Saint-Laurent-Gaspesie
Barrhead (Scotland) T2--414 39 Region (Quebec) T2-714 77
Barrier islands 551.423 Basa (Cameroon people) T5-963 96
T2-142 Basa (Liberian people) T5-963 3
geography 910.914 2 Basaa language (Cameroon) 496.396
geomorphology 551.423 T6--963 96
physical geography 910.021 42 Basal body 571.67
Barrios de Chamorro, Violeta Basal ganglia
Nicaraguan history 972.850 541 human physiology 612.825
Barristers 340.092 medicine 616.83
Barron County (Wis.) T2~-775 18 Basal ganglia diseases
Barrow County (Ga.) T2-758 195 medicine 616.83
Barrow-in-Furness see also Nervous system
(England : Borough) T2--427 81 diseases humans
Barrow Island National Park Basalt 552.26
(W.A.) T2~~94l 3 Basari (Senegal-Guinea
Barrow River (Ireland) T2--418 people) T5-963 2
Barry (Wales) T2--429 89 Basari (Togo-Ghana people) T5-963 5
Barry County (Mich.) T2~774 16 Base lines (Surveying) 526.33
Barry County (Mo.) T2~778 76 Base running
Bars(Drinkingplaces) 647.95 baseball 796.357 27
see also Drinking places Base sequences (Nucleotides) 572.863 3
Bars (Musical instruments) 786.82 humans 611.018 166 3
concussed 786.873 Baseball 796.357
friction 786.863 electronic games 794.863 57
set 786.863 equipment manufacturing 688.763 57
single 786.888 Baseball cards 796.357 075
percussed 786.843 Baseball players 796.357 092
set 786.843 Baseband computer equipment 004.64
single 786.884 3 engineering 621.398 l
plucked 786.85 Baseband local-area networks 004.68
set 786.85 see also Computer
single 786.887 communications
see also Percussion instruments Basel (Switzerland) T2-494 32
Bars (Structural elements) 624.177 4 Basel (Switzerland :
Bartending 641.874 Canton) T2-49432
Barter 332.54 Basel-Landschaft
Bartholomew County (Ind.) T2~772 24 (Switzerland: Canton) T2-494 33
Bartm iii (Turkey) T2-563 7 Basel-Stadt (Switzerland) T2--494 32
ancient T2~393 17 Baselland (Switzerland) T2--494 33
Barton, Edmund, Sir Basements
Australian history 994.041 home economics 643.5
Barton County (Kan.) T2-781 52 Basenji 636.753 6
Barton County (Mo.) T2~-778 71

Dewey Decimal Classification

Bases (Chemicals) 546.32 Basketwork plants

chemical engineering 661.3 agriculture 633.58
see also Chemicals Basommatophora 594.38
Bases (Military installations) 355.7 Basotho T5-968 85
law 343.015 7 Basotho-Qwaqwa (South
Bashfulness 155.232 Africa) T2-685 1
Bashir, Omar Hassan Ahmad al Basque (France) T2-447 16
Sudanese history 962.404 3 Basque language 499.92
Bashkir language 494.38 T6-9992
T6-943 8 Basque literature 899.92
Bashkirila (Russia) T2-474 3 Basque nationalism 320.540 946 6
Bashkortostan T2--474 3 Basque Provinces (Spain) T2-466
Basic Christian communities 250 Basques T5--999 2
ecclesiology 262.26 Basques (Quebec : Regional
see Manual at 260 vs. 251-254, County Municipality) T2-714 766
259 Ba~rah (Iraq: Province) T2-567 5
Basic education 370 Bass clarinets 788.65
adults 374.012 see also Woodwind instruments
see also Education Bass drums 786.95
Basic English 428 see also Percussion instruments
Basic skills education 370 Bass flutes 788.34
see also Education see al~o Woodwind instruments
Basic sulfates Bass recorders 788.367
mineralogy 549.755 see also Woodwind instruments
Basic training (Military) 355.54 Bass saxophones 788.75
living conditions 355.129 2 see also Woodwind instruments
Basidiomycete yeasts 579.59 Bass Strait (Vic. and Tas.) 551.461 576
Basidiomycetes 579.59 T2-165 76
Basidiomycotina 579.59 Bass viols 787.65
Basil 641.357 see also Stringed instruments
botany 583.96 Bass voices 782.89
see also Herbs choral and mixed voices 782.89
Basil III, Czar of Russia single voices 783.89
Russian history 947.042 Bassa (Cameroon people) T5-963 96
Basilan (Philippines : Bassa (Liberian people) T5-963 3
Province) Bassa language (Cameroon) 496.396
Basilan Island (Philippines) T6-963 96
Basildon (England : Bassa language (Liberia) 496.33
District) T2--426 772 T6--963 3
Basilians 255.17 Bassari (Senegal-Guinea
church history 271.17 people) T5-963 2
Basilicata (Italy) T2--457 7 Bassari (Togo-Ghana
ancient T2-377 7 people) T5-~963 5
Basilisks (Mythical animal) 398.245 4 Basse-Cote-Nord (Quebec :
see also Legendary animals Region) Tl-714 179
Basingstoke and Deane Basse-Normandie (France) T2--442 1
(England) T2-422 71 Basse-taille
Basket stars 593.94 ceramic arts 738.4
Basketball 796.323 Basse Terre (Guadeloupe) T2-729 76
electronic games 794.863 23 Basses (Fishes) 597.73
Basketball cards 796.323 075 conservation technology 639.977 73
Basketball players 796.323 092 cooking 641.692
Basketry culture 639.377 3
handicrafts 746.412 food 641392

Relative Index

Basses (Fishes) (continued) Batfishes 597.62

resource economics 333.956 73 Bath (England) T2--423 98
sports fishing 799.177 3 Bath and North East
zoology 597.73 Somerset (England) T2--423 98
Basses (Stringed instruments) 787.5 Bath County (Ky.) T2-769 555
787.519 Bath County (Va.) T2~755 87
music 787.5 Bathhouses
see also Stringed instruments architecture 725.73
Basset horns 788.62 domestic 728.96
Basset hound 636.753 6 public 725.73
Bassetlaw (England) T2~-425 21 construction 690.573
Bass lets 597.73 domestic 690.896
Bassoons 788.58 public 690.573
instrument 788.581 9 Bathing 613.41
music 788.58 child training 649.63
see also Woodwind instruments customs 391.64
Basswood health 613.41
botany 583.68 therapeutics 615.853
forestry 634.972 77 Bathing suits
lumber 674.142 commercial technology 687.16
Bast fibers customs 391.48
textiles 677.1 home sewing 646.47
see also Textiles Bathrooms 643.52
Bastille Day 394.263 5 construction 690.42
Bastrop County (Tex.) T2-764 32 home economies 643.52
Basutoland 968.850 2 plumbing 696.182
T2-~88 5 residential interior decoration 747.78
Bat flies 595.774 Bathurst (N.B.) T2-715 12
Bat games 796.35 Bathurst (N.S.W.) T2-944 5
Bat mitzvah 296.443 4 Bathurst (South Africa :
customs 392.14 District) T2-687 53
etiquette 395.24 Bathurst Inlet (Nunavut) T2-719 55
liturgy 296.454 34 Bathyal zone
mUSlC 781.583 biology 578.779
Bataan (Philippines : ecology 577.79
Province) T2--599 1 Bathyscaphes 387.27
Batak T5~992 246 design 623.812 7
Batak Dairi language 499.224 66 engineering 623.827
T6-992 2466 transportation services 387.27
Batak Dairi literature 899.224 66 Bathyspheres 387.27
Batak languages 499.224 6 design 623.812 7
T6-~992 246 engineering 623.827
Batak Toba language 499.224 62 transportation services 387.27
T6-9922462 Batik 746.662
Batak Toba literature 899.224 62 Bating leather 675.22
Batanes (Philippines) T2-599 I Batlle Ibanez, Jorge
Batangas (Philippines : Uruguayan history 989.506 74
Province) T2-5991 Batman Hi (Turkey) T2--566 78
Batavian Republic 949.205 ancient T2-394 2
Batch processing 004.3 Batna (Algeria :Province) T2-655
see also Processing modes Batoidei 597.35
computer science paleozoology 567.35
Batemans Bay (N.S.W.) T2--944 7 Baton Rouge (La.) T2-763 18
Bates County (Mo.) T2-77843 Baton twirling 791.6

Dewey Decimal Classification

Batrachoidifonnes 597.62 BavaKamma 296.123 4

Bats (Animals) 599.4 Babylonian Talmud 296.125 4
conservation technology 639.979 4 Mishnah 296.123 4
paleozoology 569.4 Palestinian Talmud 296.124 4
resource economics 333.959 4 BavaMe?ia 296.123 4
Bats (Sports equipment) Babylonian Talmud 296.125 4
baseball 796.357 26 Mishnah 296.123 4
manufacturing technology 688.763 57 Palestinian Talmud 296.124 4
cricket 796.358 26 Bavaria (Germany) T2-433
manufacturing technology 688.763 58 Bavarian Alps (Germany) T2-433 6
Batswaua (Ethnic group) T5--963 977 5 Baxter County (Ark.) T2~767 21
Batswaua (National group) T5-968 83 Bay County (Fla.) T2~759 95
Battalions (Military units) 355.31 Bay County (Mich.) T2--774 47
Batten disease Bay laurel 641.357
medicine 616.83 botany 583.23
Battered wives 362.829 2 Bay of Bengal 551.461 564
criminology 364.155 53 T2~-165 64
criminal law 345.025 553 Bay of Biscay (France and Spain) 551.461 338
social welfare 362.829 2 T2~-l63 38
see also Family violence Bay of Fundy 551.461 345
Batteries (Artillery units) 358.123 T2-163 45
Batteries (Electric) 621.312 42 Bay of Plenty Region (N.Z.) T2~934 2
automotive 629.254 2 Bay rum tree 583.765
Battery (Crime) 364.1555 Bayadh (Algeria: Province) T2--657
law 345.025 55 Bayam6n (P.R. :District) T2~729 52
criminal law 345.025 55 Bayberries (Myricaceae) 583.43
torts 346.033 Bayberry wax 665.12
Batting (Sports) Bayburt iii (Turkey) T2--565 7
baseball 796.357 26 ancient T2-393 37
cricket 796.358 26 Bayelsa State (Nigeria) T2~669 41
Battle games 793.92 Bayem (Germany) T2-433
Battle of the Atlantic, 1939-1945 940.542 93 Bayesian statistical decision
Battle tactics 355.42 theory 519.542
Battleford (Sask.) T2~712 42 Bayfield County (Wis.) T2-77513
Battlefords (Sask.) T2~712 42 Baylor County (Tex.) T2~764 744
Battles 355.4 Bayonet practice 355.547
see also Land operations Bayonets 623.441
see Manual at 930-990 art metalwork 739.723
Battleships 359.835 2 Bayono-A wbono languages 499.1
design 623.812 52 T6-991
engineering 623.825 2 Bayreuth (Germany) T2-433 15
naval equipment 359.835 2 Bays
naval units 359.325 2 law of nations 341.448
Bauchi State (Nigeria) T2~-669 82 resource economics 333.916 4
Baudouin I, King of the Belgians Bazaars 381.1
Belgian history 949.304 3 architecture 725.21
Bauxite 553.492 6 management 658.87
economic geology 553.492 6 see also Commerce
mineralogy 549.53 Bazookamen 356.162
mmmg 622.349 26 Bazookas 356.162
BavaBatra 296.123 4 engineering 623.442 6
Babylonian Talmud 296.125 4 ammunition 623.455
Mishnah 296.123 4 military equipment 356.162
Palestinian Talmud 296.124 4

Relative Index

Beach activities Beard

recreation 796.53 care 646.724
Beach erosion 551.36 customs 391.5
engineering 627.58 Beard fishes 597.62
Beach flies 595.774 Bearded pig 599.633 2
Beach volleyball 796.325 82 Bearded seal 599.796
551.457 Beardworms 592.3
T2-146 Bearing walls 721.2
area planning 711.558 architecture 721.2
geography 910.914 6 construction 690.12
geomorphology 551.457 interior decoration 747.3
landscape architecture 714 Bearings 621.822
physical geography 910.021 46 clockwork 681.112
recreational resources 333.784 machine engineering 621.822
resource economics 333.917 railroad engineering 625.21
sanitation services 363.729 2 Beam (France) T2--447 16
Beacons 387.155 Bears 599.78
light animal husbandry 636.978
navigation aids 623.894 4 big game hunting 799.277 8
transportation services 387.155 conservation technology 639.979 78
Beaconsfield (Quebec) T2-714 28 predator control technology 636.083 9
Beaconsfield (Tas.) T2-946 5 conservation technology 639.966
Bead embroidery 746.5 resource economics 333.959 78
Beaded lizard 597.959 5 zoology 599.78
Beadle County (S.D.) T2-783 274 Bearsden and Milngavie
Beads 391.7 (Scotland) T2-414 36
customs 391.7 Beasts of burden 636.088 2
handicrafts 745.582 Beatification of saints 235.24
home sewing 646.19 Beating metals
Beagle 636.753 7 decorative arts 739.14
Beak 591.44 sculpture 731.41
descriptive zoology 591.44 Beatitudes 226.93
physiology 573.355 Christian moral theology 241.53
Beak rushes 584.84 Beatrix, Queen of the
Beaked reptiles 597.945 Netherlands
Beaked whales 599.545 Dutch history 949.207 3
Beam bridges Beauce (Quebec) T2-714 71
construction 624.21 Beauce-Sartigan (Quebec) T2~-714 714
Beam warfare 358.39 Beaufort County (N.C.) T2-756 186
Beams (Light) 535.5 Beaufort County (S.C.) T2-757 99
Beams (Structural elements) 624.177 23 Beaufort Sea 551.461 327
naval architecture 623.817 723 T2-l63 27
structural engineering 624.177 23 Beaufort West (South
concrete 624.183 423 Africa : District) T2--687 39
Beans 64 L.356 5 Beauhamois-Salaberry
botany 583.74 (Quebec) T2-714 32
commercial processing 664.805 65 Beauregard Parish (La.) T2-763 59
cooking 641.656 5 Beauticians 646.720 92
field crop 633.3
food 641.356 5
garden crop 635.65
Bear Lake County (Idaho) T2-79644

Dewey Decimal Classification

Beauty 111.85 Bedford County (Pa.) T2--748 71

personal Bedford County (Tenn.) T2--768 583
arts 700.453 Bedford County (Va.) T2-755 675
T3C--353 Bedfordshire (England) T2--425 6
literature 808.803 53 Bedie, Henri Konan
history and criticism 809.933 53 Ivorian history 966.680 52
specific literatures T3B-080 353 Bedouins T5--927 2
history and Bedrooms 643.53
criticism T3B-093 53 home economics 643.53
philosophy 111.85 interior decoration 747.77
Beauty contests 791.66 Beds (Furniture) 645.4
Beauty pageants 791.66 manufacturing technology 684.15
Beauty shops 646.72 see also Furniture
arts T3C-3564 Bedsores
literature 808.803 564 medicine 616.545
history and criticism 809.933 564 see also Skin diseases-
personal care 646.72 humans
sanitation services 363.729 9 Bedspreads 645.4
Beaver County (Okla.) T2--766 14 arts 746.97
Beaver County (Pa.) T2-748 92 home sewing 646.21
Beaver County (Utah) T2-79246 household equipment 645.4
Beaverhead Cmmty (Mont.) T2--786 69 Bedwetting
Beavers 599.37 medicine 616.849
conservation teclmology 639.979 37 see also Nervous system
resource economics 333.959 37 diseases humans
trapping 639.1137 pediatrics 618.928 49
Bebop 781.655 Bee balms 583.96
Becancour (Quebec: Bee County (Tex.) T2--764117
Regional County Bee eaters 598.78
Municipality) T2--714 55 Bee flies 595.773
Bechar (Algeria: Province) T2-657 Bee keeping 638.1
Bechuanaland 968.830 2 Bee lice 595.774
T2--688 3 Bee products 638.16
Becker County (Minn.) T2-776 84 Bee venom
Beckham County (Okla.) T2--766 43 human toxicology 615.942
Becoming Beeches
philosophy 116 botany 583.46
Bed and breakfast forestry 634.972 5
accommodations 910.464 lumber 674.142
see also Lodging (Temporary Beechworth (Vic.) T2-945 5
housing) Beef 641.362
Bedbugs 595.754 commercial processing
Bedclothes 645.4 economics 338.476 649 2
arts 746.97 technology 664.92
commercial technology 684.3 cooking 641.662
home sewing 646.21 food 641.362
household equipment 645.4 Beef cattle
Bedding (Bedclothes) 645.4 agricultural economics 338.176 213
see also Bedclothes animal husbandry 636.213
Bedford (England : Beefwoods 583.43
Borough) T2--425 61 Beekeepers 638.109 2
Bedford (South Africa :
District) T2-687 53
Bedford (Va.) T2-755 676

Relative Index

641.23 Behavioral adaptation

commercial processing 663.42 animals 591.5
cooking with 641.623 Behavioral pharmacology 615.78
home preparation 641.873 Behavioral sciences 300
595.799 psychology 150
agriculture 638.1 public administrative support 352.745
Behaviorism 150.194 3
apiculture processing 638.17 Beijing (China) T2-511 56
Beet sugar 641.336 3 Beijing dialect 495.1
commercial processing 664.123 T6-951 l
food 641.336 3 Being Ill
see also Sugar Beira (Portugal :Province) T2-4693
Beet syrup 641.336 3 Beira (Portugal : Region) T2-469 3
commercial processing 664.123 Beira Alta (Portugal) T2-469 31
food 641.336 3 Beira Baixa (Portugal) T2-46933
see also Sugar Beira Litoral (Portugal) T2-469 35
Beetles 595.76 Beimt (Lebanon) T2-56925
agricultural pests 632.76 Beja (African people) T5-935
culture 638.576 Beja (Portugal : District) T2-469 55
paleozoology 565.76 Beja language 493.5
Beetling textiles 677.028 25 T6--935
Beets 641.351 1 Bejala (Algeria :Province) T2-655
botany 583.53 Bekes Megye (Hungary) T2-439 9
commercial processing 664.805 11 Bekhorot 296.123 5
cooking 641.651 1 Babylonian Talmud 296.125 5
food 641.351 1 Mishnah 296.123 5
garden crop 635.11 Bekhterev, Vladimir
sugar erop 633.63 Mikhailovich
Bega (N.S.W.) T2-944 7 psychological system 150.1944
Beggar's lice 583.74 Bektashi 297.48
Begheli literature 891.492 Bel and the Dragon (Bible) 229.6
Begirmer cooking 641.512 Bela-Bela (South Africa :
Begoniales 583.627 District) T2-682 51
Begonias 635.933 627 Belarus 947.8
botany 583.627 T2-478
floriculture 635.933 627 Belamsian language 491.799
Behavior T6-917 99
animals 591.5 Belarusian literature 891.799
comparative psychology 156 Belarusians T5-917 99
educational psychology 370.15 Belau 996.6
evolutionary psychology 155.7 T2--966
general psychology 150 Belfast (Northern Ireland) T2-416 7
plants 575.9 Belfast (South Africa :
social psychology 302 District) T2--682 74
Behavior genetics Belfort (France: Territory) T2-444 55
psychology 155.7 Belgian Congo 967.510 24
Behavior modification 153.85 T2-675 1
educational psychology 370.152 8 Belgian draft horse 636.15
home child care 649.64 Belgian hare 636.932 2
teaching methods 371.393 Belgian literature
Behavior modification therapy Flemish 839.31
psychiatry 616.891 42 French 840
Behavior therapy Belgian malinois 636.737
psychiatry 616.891 42 Belgian tervuren 636.737

Dewey Decimal Classification

Belgians TS-393 2 Bellinzona (Switzerland .

Belgica T2-369 3 Distretto) T2---494 784
Belgium 949.3 Bells 786.884 8
T2---493 instrument 786.884 819
ancient 936.93 mUSIC 786.884 8
T2-369 3 see also Percussion instruments
Belgorod (Russia : Oblast) T2-473 5 Belluno (Italy: Province) 1'2---453 7
Belgorodskala oblasf ancient T2-~373 68

(Russia) T2-473 5 Bellville (South Africa :

Belgrade (Serbia) T2---497 1 District) T2--687 35
Belief Belly dancing 793.3
epistemology 121.6 Belmont County (Ohio) T2-771 93
Belief and doubt Beloit (Wis.) T2-775 87
epistemology 121.6 Belorussia 947.8
Belief systems T2-478
social control 303.372 Belorussian language 491.799
Belitung (Indonesia) T2-598 196 T6--917 99
Belize 972.82 Belorussian literature 891.799
T2-728 2 Belorussians T5-917 99
Belize District (Belize) T2--728 22 Belt buckles 391.7
Belizeans T5-969 728 2 customs 391.7
Belknap County (N.H.) T2-742 45 making 739.278
Bell County (Ky.) T2--769 123 costume jewelry 688.2
Bell County (Tex.) T2-764 287 handicrafts 745.594 2
Bell-jar gardening fine jewelry 739.278
floriculture 635.985 Belt conveyors 621.867 5
Bell magpies 598.8 Beltrami County (Minn.) 1'2-776 82
Bell peppers 641.356 43 Belts (Clothing) 391.44
see also Sweet peppers commercial technology 687.19
Bell towers leather 685.22
architecture 725.97 see also Accessories (Clothing)
Bella Coola (B.C.) T2-711 1 Belts (Power transmission
Bella Coola River (B.C.) T2--711 1 devices) 621.852
Belladonna Beltways 388.122
botany 583.952 see also Roads
human toxicology 615.952 395 2 Beluga 599.542
pharmacology 615.323 952 Bemba (African people) T5-~963 915

Bellechasse (Quebec : Bemba kingdoms (Zambian

Regional County history) 968.940 1
Municipality) T2-714 733 Bemba language 496.391 5
Bellenden Ker National T6-963 915
Park (Qld.) T2-943 6 Bemba literature 896.391 5
Belles-lettres 800 Bembe language (Lake 496.394
history and criticism 809 Tanganyika) T6-963 94
specific literatures T3B-09 Ben Hill County (Ga.) T2-758 852
see Manual at 800 Ben Lomond National Park
Bellflowers 635.933 98 (Tas.) T2--9464
botany 583.98 Ben M'sik-Sidi Othmane
floriculture 635.933 98 (Morocco: Prefecture) 1'2-643 8
Belligerency 341.62 Ben Slimane (Morocco :
Belligerent countries T2--171 82 Province) T2-643 9
Bellingshausen Sea 551.461 74 BSn Tre (Vietnam :
T2-167 4 Province) T2~~597 8

Bellinzona (Switzerland) T2-494 7844

Relative Index

Bena-Klnga languages 496.391 Benevolent societies 334.7

T6-963 91 economics 334.7
Benalla (Vic.) T2-945 5 insurance 368.3
Benchmarks 526.32 Benewah County (Idaho) T2-79693
Bench-scale plants Benga language 496.396
chemical engineering 660.280 71 T6-963 96
Bendel State (Nigeria) T2~-669 3 Bengal (India) T2--5414
Bendel states (Nigeria) T2-6693 Bengal, Bay of 551.461 564
T2-945 4 T2-~165 64
Bendigo (Vic.)
Bending metals Bengal cat 636.822
decorative arts 739.14 Bengali T5-9144
sculpture 731.41 Bengali-Assamese languages 491.44
Bending tools 621.982 T6-9144
Bendjedid, Chad1i Bengali language 491.44
Algerian history 965.053 T6--914 4
Bends Bengali literature 891.44
medicine 616.989 4 Benghazi (Libya) T2-612
see also Environmental Bengkulu (Indonesia) T2-598 17
diseases -humans Bengo (Angola: Province) T2-673 2
Benedictines 255.1 Benguela (Angola :
271.1 Province) T2-~673 4
church history
women 255.97 Benguet (Philippines :
church history 271.97 Province) T2---599 1
Benedictions 203.8 Beni (Bolivia) T2-8442
Christianity 264.13 Beni Mella! (Morocco :
Judaism 296.45 Province) T2-644
Benedictus 264.36 Benign neoplasms
music 782.323 2 incidence 614.599 9
Beneficial animals 591.63 medicine 616.993
Beneficial microorganisms 579.163 Benign tumors
Beneficial organisms 578.63 incidence 614.599 9
Beneficial plants 581.63 medicine 616.993
Beneficiation (Ore dressing) 622.7 Benin 966.83
Benefit cost analysis 658.155 4 T2-668 3
public administration 352.43 Benin (Kingdom) 966.930 1
Benefit societies 334.7 T2-669 3
economics 334.7 Benin (Nigeria) T2-669 3
insurance 368.3 Benin City (Nigeria) T2-669 32
Benefits (Insurance) 368.014 Beninese T5-966 83
Benelux countries 949.2 Benishangul-Gumuz kelel
T2--492 (Ethiopia) T2-633
Benesh choreology 792.82 Bennett, Richard Bedford
Benevento (Italy) Bennett, lst Viscount
ancient T2-377 32 Canadian history 971.062 3
Benevento (Italy: Province) T2~-457 23 Bennett County (S.D.) T2-783 65
ancient T2~-377 32 Bennettitales 561.592
Beneventum (Italy) T2-377 32 Bennington County (Vt.) T2-743 8
Benevolence Benoni (South Africa :
ethics 177.7 District) T2-682 25
see also Ethical problems Benson County (N.D.) T2-784 39
Benevolent and Protective Order Bent County (Colo.) T2-788 97
of Elks 366.5 Bent grasses 633.23
botany 584.9
forage crop 633.23

Dewey Decimal Classification

Benthic biology Bereavement

oceans 578.777 religion (continued)
Benthic ecology personal religion 204.42
oceans 577.77 rites 203.88
Bentinck, William Henry Bereina (New Guinea) T2-~954 6
Cavendish, Lord Bergama (Turkey) T2-562 5
Indian history 954.031 4 Bergamo (Italy) T2---452 41
Benton County (Ark.) T2-76713 ancient T2~-372 268 1
Benton County (Ind.) T2-772 972 Bergamo (Italy : Province) T2---452 4
Benton County (Iowa) T2--777 61 ancient T2~-372 268
Benton County (Minn.) T2-77667 Bergen County (N.J.) T2-749 21
Benton County (Miss.) T2--762 89 Berger Perdomo, Oscar
Benton County (Mo.) T2-778493 Guatemalan history 972.810 533
Benton County (Or.) T2-795 34 Bergius process 662.662 2
Benton County (Tenn.) T2-768 33 Bergomum (Italy) T2-372 2681
Benton County (Wash.) T2--797 51 Bergsonism 143
Bentonite 553.61 Bergville (South Africa :
economic geology 553.61 District) T2--684 7
mining 622.361 Beriberi
Benue-Congo languages 496.36 medicine 616.392
1'6--963 6 see also Digestive system
Benue-Niger languages 496.36 diseases humans
T6-963 6 Bering Sea 551.461 451
Benue State (Nigeria) T2--669 54 T2--164 51
Benzene 547.611 Bering Strait 551.461 451
chemical engineering 661.816 T2--164 51
fuel 662.669 Beritmilah 296.442 2
human toxicology 615.951 l liturgy 296.454 22
Benzie County (Mich.) T2--774 632 Berkane (Morocco :
Beowulf 829.3 Province) 1'2-643 3
Berakhot 296.123 1 Berkeley (Calif.) T2-79467
Babylonian Talmud 296.125 1 Berkeley County (S.C.) 1'2-75793
Mishnah 296.123 I Berkeley County (W.Va.) T2~-754 97
Palestinian Talmud 296.124 1 Berkelium 546.444
Berber languages 493.3 Berks County (Pa.) T2--748 16
T6-933 Berkshire (England) 1'2---422 9
Berber literatures 893.3 Berkshire County (Mass.) T2--744 1
Berberidaceae 583.34 Berkshire Hills (Mass.) T2-744 1
Berbers TS--933 Berlin (Germany) T2--431 55
Bereavement Berlin (Germany : East) 1'2---43 1 552
pastoral theology 206.1 Berlin (Germany : West) 1'2---431 554
Christianity 259.6 Berlin, Battle of, 1945 940.542 131 55
Judaism 296.61 Berlin Wall 943.155 208 7
psychology 155.937 fall of Berlin Wall, 1989 943.108 79
religion 204.42 Bermuda 972.99
Christianity T2-729 9
devotional literature 242.4 Bermuda Islands 972.99
personal religion 248.866 T2-7299
rites 265.85 Bermuda Triangle 001.94
devotional literature 204.32 Bennudians T5-969 729 9
Judaism Bern (Switzerland) 1'2---494 542 4
personal religion 296.76 Bern (Switzerland : Canton) 1'2--494 54
rites 296.445 Bernalillo County (N.M.) T2-789 61
liturgy 296.454 5 Berne (Switzerland) T2--494 542 4

Relative Index

Berner Alpen (Switzerland) T2-494 541 Beta radiation

Berner Jura (Switzerland) T2-494 547 biophysics 571.459
Bemer-Mitteland humans 612.014 486
(Switzerland) T2-494 542 Betatron-synchrotrons 539.735
Bernese Alps T2-494 541 Betatrons 539.734
Bernese mountain dog 636.73 Bete language 496.33
Bernier and Dorre Islands T6-963 3
National Park (W.A.) T2~941 3 Bethal (South Africa :
Bernina (Switzerland) TI-494 7329 District) TI-682 78
Berri (S. Aust.) T2-~942 33 Bethlehem (South Africa :
Berrien County (Ga.) T2-758 862 District) T2--685 1
Berrien County (Mich.) T2~77411 Bethulie (South Africa :
Berries 581.464 District) T2~6857
commercial processing 664.804 7 Betrothal 392.4
cooking 641.647 see also Engagement
descriptive botany 581.464 (Betrothal)
food 641.347 Betsimisaraka (Kingdom) 969.101
horticulture 634.7 T2~-691
physiology 575.67 Betta (Fighting fish) 597.7
Berry (France) T2-445 5 culture 639.377
Berry Islands (Bahamas) T2~729 6 Better business bureaus 381.347
Berthing structures Betting 306.482
engineering 627.32 see also Gambling
Bertie County (N.C.) T2-~756 163 Betting systems 795.01
Berwick-upon-Tweed Betulales 583.48
(England: Borough) T2-428 89 Bevel gears 621.833 2
Berwickshire (Scotland) T2-413 7 Beverage containers
Beryciformes 597.64 disposal 363.728 8
Beryl see also Waste control
mineralogy 549.64 Beverage technologists 663.092
Beryllium 669.724 Beverage technology 663
chemical engineering 661.039 I equipment manufacturing
chemistry 546.391 technology 681.766 4
economic geology 553.492 3 Beverages 641.2
human toxicology 615.925 391 commercial processing 663
materials science 620.189 4 cooking with 641.62
metallography 669.957 24 customs 394.12
metallurgy 669.724 health 613.2
metalworking 673.724 home economics 641.2
mining 622.349 23 home preparation 641.87
physical metallurgy 669.967 24 product safety 363.192 9
see also Chemicals; Metals see also Food product
Besan!,:on (France) T2-444 66 safety
Bessarabia (Moldova and Beverley (England :
Ukraine) T2-476 Borough) T2-428 39
Bessel function 515.53 Bexar County (Tex.) T2--764 35
Bessemer steel 669.1423 Bexley (London, England) T2-421 77
Best books Be~ah 296.123 2
bibliographies 011.73 Babylonian Talmud 296.125 2
Beta decay 539.752 3 Mishnah 296.123 2
Beta functions 515.52 Palestinian Talmud 296.124 2
Beta Israel T5-924 Bhagavad Gita 294.592 4
Beta particles 539.721 12 Bhakti Yoga 294.543 6
Bharals 599.649

Dewey Decimal Classification

Bhedabheda (Philosophy) 181.484 2 Biblical persons

Bhili language 491.47 art representation 704.948 4
T6-~914 7 arts 700.482 2
Bhili literature 891.47 T3C-3822
Bhojpuri language 491.454 7 biography 220.92
T6-914 54 see Manual at 220.92
BhQjpuri literature 891.454 Biblical theology
Bhopal (India) T2-543 Christianity 230.041
Bhotia TS-954 I Judaism 296.3
Bhumibol Adulyadej, King of Bibliographers 010.92
Thailand Bibliographic analysis 025.3
Thai history 959.304 4 Bibliographic centers
Bhutan 954.98 cooperation 021.64
T2~-549 8 Bibliographic Classification
Bhutanese T5-914 18 (Bliss) 025.434
Biafra T2--669 4 Bibliographic control 025.3
Biafran War, 1967~~1970 966.905 2 Bibliographic description 025.324
Biala Podlaska (Poland · Bibliographic headings 025.322
Voivodeship) T2--438 43 Bibliographic instruction 025.56
Bialystok (Poland : Bibliographies 011
Voivodeship) T2--438 36 specific collections 017
Bias bindings 677.76 specific forms 011.3
Biathlon 796.932 2 specific historical periods 011.09
Bibb County (Ala.) Tl--761 82 specific languages 011.2
Bibb County (Ga.) T2-758 552 specific places 015
Bibionidae 595.772 specific subjects 016
Bible 220 see Manual at 0 11-01 7
biography 220.92 Bibliography 010
see Manual at 220.92 Bibliotherapy
homiletical use 251 medicine 615.851 6
music 782.295 Bicameral1egislatures 328.39
choral and mixed voices 782.529 5 Biche, Lac Ia (Alta.) T2-712 33
single voices 783.092 95 Bichirs 597.42
use in public worship 264.34 Bichon Frise 636.72
Bible as literature 809.935 22 Biculturalism
Bible Christians (Methodist sociolinguistics 306.446
denomination) 287.53 sociology 305.8
see also Methodist Church Bicycle accidents 363.125 9
Bible colleges 230.071 1 see also Highway safety
Bible meditations 242.5 Bicycle motocross 796.622
Bible prayers 242.722 Bicycle paths 388.12
Bible stories 220.950 5 area planning 711.72
Bible study 220.o7 engineering 625.7
Biblical Aramaic language 492.29 transportation services 388.12
T6~-922 9 urban 388.411
Biblical events 220.95 Bicycle racing 796.62
art representation 704.948 4 mountain 796.63
arts 700.482 2 Bicycle theft 364.162 862 922 72
T3C-3822 law 345.026 286 292 272
Biblical Greek language 487.4 Bicycle touring 796.64
T6-87 Bicycle troops (Armed forces) 357.52
Biblical moral precepts Bicycles 388.347 2
Christianity 241.5 engineering 629.227 2
Judaism 296.36 law 343.094 4

Relative Index

Bicycles (continued) Big Sandy River (Ky. and

repair 629.287 72 W.Va.) T2--754 47
629.284 72 Kentucky T2~7692
796.6 West Virginia T2~75447
theft of 364.162 862 922 72 Big Sioux River (S.D. and
345.026 286 292 272 Iowa) T2~783 39
transportation services 388.347 2 Iowa T2~777 I
Bicycling 388.347 2 South Dakota T2-783 39
sports 796.6 Big Stone County (Minn.) T2-776432
transportation services 388.347 2 Bigamy 364.183
Bidding law 345.028 3
games Bigfoot 00 !.944
contract bridge 795.415 2 Bighead carp 597.482
Bie (Angola: Province) T2~673 4 Bighorn sheep 599.649 7
Biel (Switzerland ; big game hunting 799.276 497
Verwaltungskreis) T2-494 545 7 conservation technology 639.979 649 7
Bielefeld (Germany) T2-435 655 resource economics 333.959 649 7
Biella (Italy : Province) T2-451 76 Bignoniaceae 583.95
ancient T2-372 236 Bihar (India) T2-54l 23
Bielorussian language 491.799 Bihari TS--914 54
T6~917 99 Bihari language 491.454
Bielorussian literature 891.799 T6-914 54
Bielsko (Poland : Bihari literature 891.454
Voivodeship) T2-438 58 Bihor (Romania) T2-4984
Bienne (Switzerland : Bikeways 388.12
District) T2-494 545 7 see also Bicycle paths
Biennials (Plants) 582.12 Bikini Atoll (Marshall
floriculture 635.931 4 Islands) T2-968 3
Bienville Parish (La.) T2~763 93 Bikkurim 296.123 1
Bifidobacterium 579.373 Mishnah 296.123 1
Biflagellate molds 579.54 Palestinian Talmud 296.124 1
Bifurcation theory 515.392 Bilateral trade agreements 382.9
Big air snowboarding 796.939 Bilateral treaties 341.37
Big bands 784.48 sources of law of nations 341.1
Big bang theory (Cosmogony) 523.18 texts 341.026 6
Big Bend National Park Bilayer lipid membranes 572.577
(Tex.) T2~764932 Bilbao (Spain) T2-466 3
Big Bend Region (Tex.) T2--764 93 Bile 573.383 79
Big Black River (Miss.) T2-762 4 biochemistry 573.383 79
Big brown bats 599.47 human physiology 612.35
Big business 338.644 see also Digestive system
economics 338.644 Bile acids 573.383 79
management 658.023 Bile duct diseases
personnel management 658.303 medicine 616.365
Big cats 599.755 see also Digestive system
Big Cypress Swamp (Fla.) T2~759 44 diseases humans
Big game animals 599.6 Bile ducts 573.38
conservation technology 639.979 6 biology 573.38
resource economics 333.959 6 human anatomy 611.36
Big game fishes 597.7 human physiology 612.35
Big game hunting 799.26 medicine 616.365
Big Horn County (Mont.) T2-786 38 surgery 617.5567
Big Horn County (Wyo.) T2~787 33 see also Digestive system
Big Hom Mountains (Wyo.) T2--787 3

Dewey Decimal Classification

Bilecik iii (Turkey) T2--563 4 Bills of exchange 332.77

ancient T2-393 15 exchange medium 332.55
Bilharziasis law 346.096
incidence 614.553 Bills of lading
medicine 616.963 law 346.025
see also Communicable Biluchi T5--915 98
diseases ~humans Biluchi language 491.598
Biliary tract 573.38 T6-915 98
biology 573.38 Biluchi literature 891.598
human anatomy 611.36 Bimetallism 332.423
human physiology 612.35 Bimini Islands (Bahamas) T2-729 6
medicine 616.36 Bin 'All, Zayn al-'Abidin
surgery 617.556 Tunisian history 961.105 2
see also Digestive system Binary form 781.822 2
Biliary tract diseases instrumental 784.182 2
medicine 616.36 Binary numbers 513.52
see also Digestive system Binary stars 523.841
diseases --- humans Binary system 513.52
Bilinear forms 512.944 Bingham County (Idaho) T2-796 51
algebraic geometry 516.35 Bingo 795.36
Bilingual dictionaries T4-32-39 BingOI Ili (Turkey) T2--566 73
Bilingual education 370.1175 ancient T2--394 2
adult level 374.017 5 Binh Djnh (Vietnam :
Bilingual instruction Province)
primary education 372.651 Blnh Duong (Vietnam :
Bilingual phrase books T4-834 Province)
Bilingual programs Binh Phuac (Vietnam :
public administration 353.7 Province) T2~597 7
Bilingualism 306.446 Binh Thu?n (Vietnam :
linguistics 404.2 Province) T2--597 5
specific languages T4-042 Bini (African people) T5-963 3
sociology 306.446 Bini language 496.33
Bill (Mouth part) 591.44 T6~963 3
descriptive zoology 591.44 Binocular-vision photography 778.4
physiology 573.355 Binoculars
Bill collection manufacturing technology 681.4125
law 346.077 Binomial distribution 519.24
management 658.88 Binomial equations 512.942 2
Bill drafting 328.373 algebra 512.942 2
Billboards 659.134 2 calculus 515.252
land use law 346.045 Binuclear family 306.89
outdoor advertising 659.134 2 Bio Bfo (Chile: Province) T2-834 3
Billfishes 597.78 Bfo Bio (Chile: Region) T2~8341
Billiard players 794.720 92 Bioactive proteins 572.69
Billiards 794.72 Bioastronautics 571.499
equipment technology 688.747 2 humans 612.014 5
Billings County (N.D.) T2-784 94 Biobibliographies 012
Bills (Legislation) 328.37 Biobio (Chile) T2-834 1
law 348.01 Biochemical engineering 660.63
United States 348.731 Biochemical evolution 572.38
see Manual at 300-330, Biochemical genetics 572.8
355-390 vs. 342-347, humans 611.018 16
352-354 see Manual at 576.5 vs. 572.8
Biochemical interactions 572.43

Relative Index

Biochemical reactions 572.43 Biography 920

Biochemicals 572 Tl--092
organic chemistry 547 arts 700.45
Biochemistry 572 T3C--35
ecology 577.14 literary form 809.935 92
humans 612.015 specific literaturesT3B--094 92
origin oflife 576.83 . literature 808.803 5
Bioclimatology 577.22 history and criticism 809.933 5
Biodegradation specific literaturesT3B-D80 35
materials science 620.112 23 history and
Biodiesel fuel 665.37 criticism T3B--093 5
animal fats and oils 665.2 see A1anual at T 1-092; also at
Biodiversity 333.95 913-919; alw at 930-990
biology 578.7 Bioinorganic chemistry 572.51
conservation 333.951 6 humans 612.015 24
ecology 577 Bioko (Equatorial Guinea) T2-671 86
resource economics 333.95 Biological agents
see Manual at 333.7-.9 vs. law 341.735
363.1, 363.73, 577 military engineering 623.459 4
Biodynamics 571.43 Biological classification 578.012
humans 612.014 41 Biological clocks 571.77
Bioelectricity 572.437 Biological communities 577.82
electric organs 573.97 Biological control of pests
humans 612.014 27 agriculture 632.96
Bioe1ectrochemistry 572.437 Biological control systems 571.7
Bioenergetics 572.43 human physiology 612.022
ecology 577.13 see also Endocrine system
humans 612.014 21 Biological determinants
Bioethics 174.2 psychology 155.7
religion 205.649 57 evolutionary psychology 155.7
Christianity 241.649 57 individual psychology 155.234
see also Ethical problems Biological diversity 333.95
Biofeedback 152.188 Biological instruments
therapeutic use 615.8514 manufacturing technology 681.757
Biofeedback therapy Biological invasions 577.18
medicine 615.851 4 Biological oceanography 578.77
Biofeedback training Biological parents 306.874
therapeutic use 615.851 4 law 346.017
Biogas social welfare 362.829 8
technology 665.776 Biological processes 570
Biogenesis 576.83 internal processes 571
Biogeochemical cycles 577.14 see lvfanual at 579-590 vs.
Biogeochemical prospecting 622.12 571-575
Biogeochemistry 577.14 Biological productivity 577.15
Biogeography 578.09 Biological projectiles 623.451 6
animals 591.9 Biological resources 333.95
plants 581.9 conservation technology 639.9
Biographers 920 economics 333.95
Biographical dictionaries Tl-0922 law 346.046 95
Biographical tktion 808.838 2 public administration 354.349
history and criticism 809.382 Biological rhythms 571.77
specific literatures T3B-308 2 human physiology 612.022
individual authors T3A--3 Biological sciences 570

Dewey Decimal Classification

Biological specimens Biopsy

preservation 570.752 medicine 616.0758
Biological transport 571.64 Biorhythms 571.77
Biological treatment human physiology 612.022
sewage 628.35 Biosociology 304.5
Biological warfare 358.38 biological ecology 577.8
civil defense 363.35 sociology 304.5
ethics 172.42 see Manual at 302~307 vs. 156
see also War ethics Biosolids 363.728 493
law 341.735 sanitary engineering 628.38
Biological weapons 358.388 2 social services 363.728 493
disarmament 327.1745 use as fertilizer 631.869
engineering 623.451 6 Biospeleology 578.758 4
biological agents 623.459 4 Biosphere
Biologists 570.92 resource economics 333.95
Biology 570 Biostatistics 570.151 95
ethical systems 171.7 Biosynthesis 572.45
law 344.095 7 humans 612.0154
social effects 304.27 see also Metabolism
specific environments 578.7 Biotechnologists 660.609 2
see Manual at 577.3-.7 vs. Biotechnology 660.6
578.73-.77 food technology 664.024
see Manual at 579-590 vs. law 343.078 660 6
571-575 Bioterrorism 363.325 3
Biology and religion 201.657 see also Terrorism
Christianity 261.55 Biotic communities 577.82
philosophy of religion 215.7 Bipolar disorder
Bioluminescence 572.435 8 medicine 616.895
Bioluminescent communication 573.95 see also Mental disorders
Bioluminescent organs 573.95 Bipolar memory 004.53
Biomagnetism 154.72 engineering 621.397 32
Biomass energy 333.953 9 Bipolar transistors 621.381 528
animals 333.954 Bira (African people) T5~963 94
fuel technology 662.88 Bira-Huku languages 496.394
plants 333.953 9 T6--963 94
resource economics 333.953 9 Biracial people T5-05
Biomechanics 571.43 Birational transformations
humans 612.014 41 algebraic geometry 516.35
locomotion 573.793 43 Birches 583.48
humans 612.76 forestry 634.972 6
Biomedical engineering 610.28 Bird attracting 639.978
Biomedical instrumentation 610.284 zoology 598.D72 34
Biomes 577 Bird dogs 636.752
see Manual at 577.3-.7 vs. Bird hunting 799.24
579-590 Bird lice 595.757
Biometeorology 577.22 Bird watching 598.072 34
Biometrics 570.151 95 Birdbanding 598.072 32
Biomineralization 572.51 Birdhouses 636.508 31
animals 573.764 51 animal husbandry 636.508 31
Bionics 003.5 architecture 728.927
Bioparks 578.D73 construction 690.892 7
Biophysics 571.4 Birds 598
humans 612.014 agricultural pests 632.68
air transportation hazard 363.124 12

Relative Index

Birds (continued) Birth control (continued)

animal husbandry 636.5 social theology 201.7
arts T3C~362 8 Christianity 261.836
commercial hunting 639.12 Judaism 296.38
conservation technology 639.978 Birth defects
control technology 628.968 medicine 616.043
agriculture 632.68 Birth intervals
disease carriers 571.986 demography 304.63
medicine 614.434 Birth of Jesus Christ 232.92
drawing 743.68 Birth order 306.87
paleozoology 568 environmental psychology 155.924
resource economics 333.958 family relationships 306.87
sports hunting 799.24 Birth rites
zoology 598 religion 203.81
Bird's-eye fabrics 677.615 Birthday books
Bird's Head Peninsula astrology 133.540 42
(Indonesia) T2·~-951 2 Birthday parties
Bird's-nest fungi 579.599 cooking 641.568
Birds' nests 598.156 4 Birthdays
Birds of paradise 598.865 customs 394.2
Birds of prey 598.9 fortune-telling 133.335 4
conservation technology 639.978 9 Birthmarks
resource economics 333.958 9 capillary hemangiomas
Biremes 387.21 medicine 616.993 15
design 623.812 I medicine 616.55
engineering 623.821 Births
handling 623.882 1 demography 304.63
transportation services 387.21 Birthwort 583.26
see also Ships Bisa-Lamba languages 496.391
Bim1ingham (Ala.) T2~761 781 T6----963 91
Birmingham (England) T2~-424 96 Bisayan Islands
Birs River (Switzerland) T2--494 3 (Philippines) T2~599 5
Birth 573.67 Biscay (Spain) T2--466 3
mammals 573.67 Biscay, Bay of(France and 551.461 338
reproductive behavior 599.156 Spain) T2~~I63 38
see also Childbirth Biscayne Bay (Fla.) 551.461 348
Birth certificates T2~163 48
public administration 353.59 Biscayne National Park
Birth control 363.96 (Fla.) T2~163 48
demographic effect 304.666 Biscuit mixes 664.753
ethics 176.3 Biscuits (Breads) 641.815 7
religion 205.66 commercial processing 664.752 3
Buddhism 294.356 6 home preparation 641.815 7
Christianity 241.66 Biscuits (Cookies) 641.865 4
Hinduism 294.548 66 commercial processing 664.752 5
Islam 297.566 home preparation 641.865 4
Judaism 296.366 Biscuits (Crackers) 641.815
gynecology 618.18 commercial processing 664.752
health 613.94 home preparation 641.815
law 344.048 Bisexuality 306.765
medicine 618.18 ethics 176.4
public administration 353.59 see also Sexual relations
school programs 371.714 ethics
social services 363.96 psychology 155.343

Dewey Decimal Classification

Bisexuals 306.765 Bitumens 553.27

TJ-086 63 see also Asphalt
psychology 155.343 Bituminous coal 553.24
social welfare 362.896 3 properties 662.622 4
Bishops (Chessmen) 794.145 see also Coal
Bishops (Clergy) 270.092 Bituminous materials 553.2
biography 270.092 building materials 691.96
specific denominations 280 economic geology 553.2
see Manual at 230~280 materials science 620.196
ecclesiology 262.12 structural engineering 624.189 6
Bishops' thrones 247.1 Bituminous pavements 625.85
architecture 726.529 3 Bituminous sands 553.283
Biskra (Algeria: Province) T2~655 see also Tar sands
Bislama language 427.995 95 Bituminous shale 553.283
T6-217 see also Oil shale
Bismarck (N.D.) T2--784 77 Bivalvia 594.4
Bismarck, Otto, Furst von fishing and culture 639.4
German history 943.083 paleozoology 564.4
Bismarck Archipelago (Papua 995.8 resource economics 333.955 4
New Guinea) T2~958 Bivouac 355.412
Bismarck Range (Papua military training 355.544
New Guinea) T2~956 Biwas 787.85
Bismarck Sea 551.461 476 see also Stringed instruments
T2~164 76 Bixaceae 583.625
Bismuth 669.75 Biya, Paul
chemical engineering 661.071 8 Cameroonian history 967.110 42
chemistry 546.718 Bizana (South Africa :
economic geology 553.47 District) T2-{)87 59
materials science 620.189 5 Bizerte (Tunisia) T2~611
metallography 669.957 5 Blaby (England : District) T2---425 41
metallurgy 669.75 Black Africa T2-67
mmmg 622.347 Black Americans 973.049 607 3
physical metallurgy 669.967 5 T5--960 73
see also Chemicals; Metals see also African Americans
Bison 599.643 Black and tan coonhound 636.753 6
animal husbandry 636.292 Black-and-white television 621.388 02
commercial hunting 639.116 43 Black art (Witchcraft) 133.4
conservation technology 639.979 643 Black authors (African origin)
resource economics 333.959 643 literature 808.898 96
subsistence hunting 639.116 43 history and criticism 809.889 6
zoology 599.643 specific literatures T3B--080 896
Bissau (Guinea-Bissau) T2~665 7 history and criticism T3B---098 96
Bistrita-Nasaud (Romania) T2--498 4 Black basses 597.738 8
Bithynia T2-393 13 sports fishing 799.177 388
Biting lice 595.757 Black bear 599.785
Bitlis tH (Turkey) T2--566 72 big game hunting 799.277 85
ancient T2-3942 conservation technology 639.979 785
Bitterns 598.34 resource economics 333.959 785
Bitterroot Range (Idaho and Black Belt (Ala.) T2~7614
Mont.) TI-786 8 Black Canyon of the
Idaho T2-796 6 Gunnison National Park
Montana T2~786 8 (Colo.) T2--788 19
Bittersweet (Celastraceae) 583.85 Black Carib Indians T5~9792
Bittersweet (Solanaceae) 583.952

Relative Index

Black Carib language 497.92 Black powder 662.26

1'6-979 2 Black rat 599.352
Black Country (England) T2-4249 Black River (S.C.) 1'2--757 8
Black Death Black Rock Desert (Nev.) T2-793 54
European history 940.192 Black Sea 551.461 389
incidence 614.5732 1'2--163 89
Italian history 945.05 Black Sea region T2-182 29
medicine 616.923 2 ancient 939.5
see also Communicable T2-395
diseases - humans Black shale 553.283
Tuscan history 945.505 see also Oil shale
Black Down Hills (England) T2-423 87 Black theology 202.089 96
Black duck 598.413 Christianity 230.089 96
Black-eyed peas 641.356 592 Black vulture (New World) 598.92
botany 583.74 Black vulture (Old World) 598.94
commercial processing 664.805 659 2 Blackall (Qld.) T2-943 5
cooking 641.656 592 Blackben·ies 641.347 13
field crop 633.33 botany 583.73
food 641.356 592 commercial processing 664.804 713
garden crop 635.659 2 cooking 641.647 13
Black-eyed Susans 583.99 food 641.347 13
Black-footed ferret 599.766 29 horticulture 634.713
conservation technology 639.979 766 29 Blackberry lily 635.934 38
resource economics 333.959 766 29 botany 584.38
Black Forest (Germany) 1'2-434 6 floriculture 635.934 38
Black grouse 598.634 Blackbirds (New World) 598.874
Black Hawk County (Iowa) 1'2-777 37 Blackbirds (Old World) 598.842
Black Hawk War, 1832 973.56 Blackburn (England :
Black Hills (S.D. and Wyo.) T2-783 9 Borough) T2-427 623
Black holes (Astronomy) 523.887 5 Blackburn with Darwen
Black lead 553.26 (England) 1'2-427 623
see also Graphite Bl ackdown Hills (England) T2-423 87
Black-letter calligraphy 745.619 75 Blackflies 595.772
Black lung disease 362.196 244 Blackfoot language 497.352
medicine 616.244 T6--973 52
social services 362.196 244 Blackford County (Ind.) T2-772 68
workers' compensation law 344.021 8 Blackheads
see also Respiratory tract medicine 616.53
diseases- humans see also Skin diseases
Black magic 133.4 humans
Black mangrove 583.96 Blackjack (Game) 795.423
Black mass 133.422 Blacklands (Tex.) T2-764 26
Black Methodist churches 287.8 Blacklisting (Labor) 331.894
see al.m Methodist Church law 344.018 94
Black moss 584.85 Blackmail 364.165
Black Muslim religion 297.87 law 345.026 5
Black Muslims Blackouts
biography 297.870 92 electrical engineering 621.319
political science 320.558 military engineering 623.77
Black nationalism 320.546 Blackpool (Lancashire,
Black Panther Party 322.420 973 England) T2-427 65
Black pepper 641.338 4
botany 583.25
see also Hot spices

Dewey Decimal Classification

Blacks (African origin) 305.896 Blast injuries

T5-96 medicine 617.19
United States 973.049 607 3 Blast-resistant construction 624.176
T5~96073 buildings 693.854
see also African Americans Blasting 624.152 6
Blacksmithing 682 excavation 624.1526
Blacksmiths 682.092 mining . 622.23
Blacktip shark 597.34 underwater engineering 627.74
Blackwater River (Cavan- Blastozoa 563.92
Meath, Ireland) T2---419 5 Blastulas 571.865
Blackwood River (W.A.) T2~941 2 Blattaria 595.728
Bladder (Urinary) 573.49 Blazers 391.473
biology 573.49 commercial technology 687.113
human anatomy 611.62 customs 391.473
human physiology 612.467 3 home sewing 646.433
medicine 616.62 see also Clothing
surgery 617.462 Blazonry 929.6
see also Urinary system Bleaching
Bladder diseases clothes and related materials 667.14
medicine 616.62 home economics 648.1
see also Urologic diseases -~ oils and gases 665.028 3
humans Bleckley County (Ga.) T2-~758 525
Bladder stones Bledsoe County (Tenn.) T2~768 76
medicine 616.622 Bleeding hearts (Plants) 635.933 35
see also Urologic diseases~- botany 583.35
humans floriculture 635.933 35
Bladdemuts 583.78 Blekinge ian (Sweden) T2---486 2
Bladderworts 583.95 Blekinge landskap (Sweden) T2--486 2
Bladen County (N.C.) T2-756 32 Blended families 306.874 7
Blaenau Gwent (Wales : Blended waxes 665.19
County Borough) T2--429 95 Blenders
Blaine County (Idaho) T2~796 32 use in cooking 641.589 3
Blaine Connty (Mont.) T2~786 15 Blending oils and gases 665.028 3
Blaine County (Neb.) T2~782 772 Blending petroleum distillates 665.534
Blaine County (Okla.) T2~766 31 Blenio (Switzerland :
Blair County (Pa.) T2~748 75 Distretto) T2--494 782
Blanco County (Tex.) Tl--764 64 Blennies 597.77
Bland County (Va.) T2~755 765 Blennioidei 597.77
Blanket orders Blessings 203.8
library acquisitions 025.233 Christianity 264.13
Blankets 645.4 Judaism 296.45
arts 746.97 Blida (Algeria: Province) T2-653
home sewing 646.21 Blighted areas
household equipment 645.4 area planning 711.5
manufacturing technology 677.626 Blimps (Airships) 387.732 7
Blantyre (Malawi) T2~689 7 engineering 629.133 27
Blasphemy 205.695 military engineering 623.743 7
Christianity 241.695 transportation services 387.732 7
criminology 364.188 see also Aircraft
ethics 179.5 Blind-deaf people 305.908 1
see also Ethical problems Tl--087 1
law 345.028 8 communication 419.4-.9
Blast-furnace gas 665.772
Blast-furnace practice 669.141 3

Relative Index

Blind people 305.908 1 Bloemhof (South Africa :

Tl-087 I District) T2---682 45
education 371.911 Blogs 006.752
library services 027.663 Blood 573.15
social group 305.908 1 animals 573.15
social welfare 362.41 histology 573.153 5
Blind play (Chess) 794.17 human biophysics 612.118 1
Blind snakes 597.969 human histology 612.11
Blind workers 331.591 human physiology 612.11
Blindrnan's buff 793.4 biological markers 612.1182
Blindness medicine 616.15
incidence 614.599 7 physiology 573.15
ophthalmology 617.712 see also Cardiovascular system
see also Eye diseases- Blood analysis
humans criminal investigation 363.256 2
social welfare 362.41 diagnosis
Blinds 645.3 general disease 616.075 61
architecture 721.82 Blood banks 362.178 4
constmction 690.182 law 344.041 94
household management 645.3 see also Health services
manufacturing technology 684 Blood-brain barrier 573.862 1
Blini 641.815 3 Blood cells 573.1536
Bliss Bibliographic Classification 025.434 human histology 612.11
Blister beetles 595.769 see also Cardiovascular system
Blitz tactics 355.422 Blood chemistry 573.154
Blizzards 551.555 human physiology 612.12
social services 363.349 25 physiology 573.154
Bloc quebecois (Canadian Blood cholesterol
political party) 324.271 098 4 human physiology 612.12
Block book> 092 Blood coagulation 573.159
Block diagramming human physiology 612.115
program design 005.120 28 physiology 573.159
Block Island (R.I.) T2-745 8 see also Cardiovascular system
Block printing 761 Blood coagulation disorders
textile arts 746.62 medicine 616.157
Blockades 355.44 see also Cardiovascular
Civil War (United States) 973.75 diseases -humans
law of nations 341.584 Blood diseases 573.153 9
law of war 341.63 humans
military operations 355.44 cancer 362.196 994 18
World War I 940.452 incidence 614.5999418
World Warn 940.545 2 medicine 616.994 18
see also Naval operations social services 362.196 994 18
Blockbusters (Ammunition) 355.825 I 7 see also Cancer- humans
engineering 623.451 7 medicine 616.15
military equipment 355.825 17 pharmacokinetics 615.718
Blocking see also Cardiovascular
American football 796.332 26 diseases
Blocks (Musical instmments) 786.82 Blood-forming system 573.155
see also Bars (Musical see also Hematopoietic system
instmments) Blood-forming system diseases 573.155 39
Bloemfontein (South see also Hematopoietic system
Africa : District) T2-685 4 diseases

Dewey Decimal Classification

Blood groups 573.154 Blood vessels (continued)

human physiology 612.118 25 pregnancy complications
physiology 573.154 obstetrics 618.361 3
see also Cardiovascular system surgery 617.413
Blood lipids see also Cardiovascular system
human physiology 612.12 Bloodhound 636.753 6
Blood plasma 573.156 Bloodroot 583.35
biology 573.156 Bloodsucking animals 591.53
human histology 612.116 Bloodworts 584.354
human physiology 612.116 Blotting paper 676.284 4
pharmacology 615.39 Blount County (Ala.) T2--761 72
see also Cardiovascular system Blount County (Term.) T2-768 885
Blood plasma banks 362.178 4 Blouses 391.475
see also Health services commercial technology 687.115
Blood plasma substitutes 615.399 customs 391.475
Blood platelet disorders home economics 646.3
medicine 616.157 home sewing 646.435
see also Cardiovascular see also Clothing
diseases - humans Blowers 621.61
Blood platelets 573.159 Blowflies 595.774
histology 573.159 Blowing glass 666.122
human histology 612.117 decorative arts 748.202 82
human physiology 612.117 Blown tableware
medicine 616.157 decorative arts 748.2
physiology 573.159 Blowpipes (Chemical apparatus) 542.4
see also Cardiovascular system Blowpipes (Weapons)
Blood pressure 573.1343 sports 799.202 82
human physiology 612.14 Blue and white transfer ware 738.27
physiology 573.1343 Blue catfish 597.492
see also Cardiovascular system Blue collar workers 331.79
Blood River (South Africa) T2-684 1 Tl-08623
Blood River, Battle of, 1838 968.404 2 labor economics 331.79
Blood substitutes 615.399 labor force 331.l19 042
Blood sugar labor market 331.129 042
human physiology 612.12 labor unions 331.88
Blood transfusion 362.1784 personnel management 658.304 4
law 344.041 94 training 658.312 45
pharmacology 615.39 public administration 354.93
social services 362.178 4 social class 305.562
Blood types 573.154 see also Working class
human physiology 612.118 25 Blue Earth County (Minn.) T2-776 21
physiology 573.154 Blue goose 598.417 5
see also Cardiovascular system Blue-green algae 579.39
Blood vessel diseases Blue monkeys 599.862
medicine 616.13 Blue Mountains (N.S.W.) T2-944 5
see also Cardiovascular Blue Mountains (Or. and
diseases - humans Wash.) T2-795 7
Blood vessels 573.18 Oregon T2~-795 7
animals 573.18 Washington T2~_;797 46
human anatomy 611.13 Blue Mountains National
human physiology 612.13 Park (N.S.W.) T2-944 5
medicine 616.13 Blue Nile (Sudan) T2-6264
physiology 573.18 Blue Nile River (Ethiopia
and Sudan) T2~--626 4

Relative Index

Blue Ridge Mountains T2-755 Board of trade buildings

Georgia T2-758 2 architecture 725.25
North Carolina T2-756 8 Board zithers 787.74
South Carolina T2-757 2 see also Stringed instruments
Virginia T2-755 Boardercross 796.939
Blue shark 597.34 Boarding schools 373.222
Blue whale 599.524 8 Boardinghouses 910.464
Blue-winged teal 598.413 see also Lodging (Temporary
Bluebells (Boraginaceae) 635.933 94 housing)
botany 583.94 Boards of directors
floriculture 635.933 94 executive management 658.422
Bluebells (Campanulaceae) 635.933 98 public administration 352.25
botany 583.98 Boards of education 353.822 5
floriculture 635.933 98 local public schools 379.153 I
Bluebells (Liliaceae) 635.934 32 public administration 353.822 5
botany 584.32 Boardsailing 797.33
floriculture 635.934 32 Boas 597.967
Blueberries 641.347 37 Boat lily 584.86
botany 583.66 Boat racing 797.14
commercial processing 664.804 737 Boatbuilding 623.82
cooking 641.647 37 Boathouses
food 641.347 37 architecture 725.87
horticulture 634.737 Boating 623.88
Bluebirds 598.842 seamanship 623.88
Bluebonnet 583.74 sports 797.1
floriculture 635.933 74 Boating safety 363.123
Bluegrass music 781.642 sports 363.14
Bluegrass region (Ky.) T2-769 3 law 344.047 6
Bluegrasses 633.21 see also Water transportation
botany 584.9 safety
forage crop 633.21 Boatmen
Blueprints 604.25 sports 797.1092
building construction 692.1 technologists 623.880 92
printing technology 686.42 Boats 387.2
technical drawing 604.25 see also Ships
Blues 781.643 Bobangi language 496.396 8
songs 782.421 643 T6-963 968
Bluestone 553.53 Bobbin laces 677.653
economic geology 553.53 arts 746.222
quarrying 622.353 manufacturing technology 677.653
Blyth Valley (England) T2-428 84 Bobcat 599.753 6
BMX (Bicycle racing) 796.622 Bobo (African people) T5-963 5
Bo tree Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina
Buddhism 294.343 5 Faso) T2-662 5
Boaco (Nicaragua: Dept.) T2-728 526 Bobo language 496.35
Boadicea, Queen T6-963 5
English history 936.204 Bobsledding 796.952
Boar fishes 597.64 Bobwhites 598.627 3
Board games 794 conservation technology 639.978 627 3
equipment technology 688.74 resource economics 333.958 627 3
Board of Governors of the sports hunting 799.246 273
Federal Reserve System Bocas del Toro (Panama:
(U.S.) 332.110 973 Province) T2-728 712
Boccie 796.31

Dewey Decimal Classification

Bochum (Germany) T2--435 632 Body language 302.222

Bochum (South Africa : psychology 153.69
District) T2-~682 56 social psychology 302.222
Bodensee T2-43462 Body measurements
Germany T2--434 62 humans 599.94
Switzerland T2--494 597 Body mechanics
Bodish languages 495.4 human physiology 612.76
T6--954 Body piercing
Bodo languages 495.4 customs 391.7
T6-954 Body shape 613.71
Bodoni type 686.224 7 see also Body contours
Body (Human) Body size 591.41
arts T3C-3561 Body temperature 571.76
literature 808.803 561 humans 612.014 26
history and criticism 809.933 561 Body weight 591.41
specific literatures T3B-080 356 1 Bodybuilding 613.713
history and physical fitness 613.713
criticism T3B---093 561 sports 796.41
philosophy 128.6 Bodyguards 363.289
religion 202.2 Bodywork 629.260 288
Christianity 233.5 Boeotia (Greece) T2-495 15
see also Humans- religion ancient T2--384
Body and mind Boer War. 188()-,1881 968.204 6
philosophy 128.2 Boer War, 1899-1902 968.048
psychology 150 Bog mosses 588.29
Body and soul 128.1 Bog myrtle (Buckbean) 583.93
religion 202.2 Bog myrtle (Sweet gale) 583.43
Christianity 233.5 Bog of Allen (Ireland) T2-418 5
Judaism 296.32 Bog turtle 597.925 7
philosophy of religion 218 Bogota (Colombia) T2--86148
see also Humans religion Bogs
Body art 709.040 752 biology 578.768 7
Body contours 613.71 ecology 577.687
arts T3C-356 1 Bogus wrapping paper 676.287
customs 391.62 Bohemia (Czech Republic) T2--437 I
health 613.71 Bohemia (Kingdom) 943.7102
literature 808.803 561 T2--437 1
history and criticism 809.933 561 Bohemia and Moravia 943.703 3
specific literatures T3B---080 356 1 (Protectorate) T2--437
history and Bohemian Forest T2--437 14
criticism T3B~-093 561 Czech Republic T2--437 14
sociology 306.461 3 Germany T2--433 5
Body covering (Animals) 573.5 Bi.ihm-Bawerk, Engen von
descriptive zoology 591.47 economic school 330.157
physiology 573.5 Bohol (Philippines) T2~-599 5
Body fluid disorders Bohrium
medicine 616.399 2 chemistry 546.54
see also Digestive system Bohuslan landskap
diseases- humans (Sweden) T2---486 7
Body heat Boidae 597.967
humans 612.014 26 Boiler and machinery insurance 368.7
Body image 306.461 3 Boiler-house practice 621.194
Boiler insurance 368.7
Boiler operations 62l.l94

Relative Index

Boilers Boll weevil

heating buildings 697.07 agricultural pest 633.519 768
steam 697.507 Bollinger County (Mo.) T2-77894
ship power plants 623.873 Bollworm
steam engineering 62Ll83 agricultural pest 633.519 78
Boiling Bolobedu (South Africa :
home cooking 641.73 District) T2~-682 59

Boiling points 536.44 Bologna (Italy) T2-454 11

Boils ancient T2--372 611
medicine 616.523 Bologna (Italy : Province) T2-454 I
see also Skin diseases ancient T2-372 61
humans Bolshevik International 324.175
Boina (Kingdom) 969.101 Bolshevik parties 324.2175
T2-69l Bolsover (England :
Boinae 597.967 District) T2-425 15
Bois-Francs Region Bolton (England :
(Quebec) T2-714 565 Metropolitan Borough) T2-427 37
Boise (Idaho) TI~-796 28 Bolts 621.882
Boise County (Idaho) T2-796 74 Bolts (Locks) 683.31
Bojador (Morocco : Boltzmann statistics 530.132
Province) T2-648 Bolu iii (Turkey) T2--563 4
Bojutsu 796.86 ancient T2-393 15
Bok choy 641.353 Bolyai geometry 516.9
cooking 641.653 Bolzano (Italy: Province) T2-453 83
food 641.353 ancient T2-373 73
garden crop 635.3 Bomb disposal units
Bokhara rugs armed forces 358.23
arts 746.758 7 Bombacaceae 583.68
Bokkeveld Range (South Bombala (N.S.W.) T2-944 7
Africa) T2-~687 17 Bombardment
Bokmallanguage 439.82 military science 355.4
T6---398 2 particle physics 539.73
Bokmalliterature 839.82 solid -state physics 530.416
Boksburg (South Africa : Bombay (India) T2-547 92
District) T2---682 25 Bombers 358.428 3
Boland (South Africa) T2-~687 34 engineering 623.746 3
Bolanos Geyer, Enrique military equipment 358.428 3
Nicaraguan history 972.850 543 Bombing (Terrorism) 363.325
Bolas see also Terrorism
sports 799.202 82 Bombing forces 358.42
Boletaceae 579.6 Bombs 355.825 I
Boletes 579.6 military engineering 623.451
Bolivar (Colombia: Dept) T2--861 14 military equipment 355.825 1
Bolivar (Ecuador : Bombsights 623.46
Province) T2--866 16 Bombycillidae 598.852
Bolivar (Venezuela : State) T2-876 3 Bombycoidea 595.78
Bolivar, Simon Bombyliidae 595.773
South American history 980.02 Bon (Tibetan religion) 299.54
Bolivar County (Miss.) T2~-762 43 Bon Homme County (S.D.) T2-783 395
Bolivia 984 Bonaire T2-729 86
T2-84 Bonaparte River (B.C.) T2-711 72
Bolivia (Game) 795.418 Bonasa 598.635
Bolivian literature 860
Bolivians T5-6884

Dewey Decimal Classification

Bonaventure (Quebec : Bone marrow diseases

Regional County medicine 616.41
Municipality) T2-714 785 see also Hematopoietic
Bond(Law) 345.056 system diseases -
Bond County (Ill.) T2-773 873 ·humans
Bond insurance 368.853 Bone meal
Bond paper 676.282 3 use as fertilizer 631.85
Bonded fabrics 677.69 Bone tissues
see also Textiles human histology 612.751 045
Bonding metals 671.58 Bones 573.76
Bonding of employees anthropometry 599.947
insurance 368.83 biology 573.76
law 346.086 83 drawing
Bonds (Chemical forces) 541.224 animals 743.6
biochemistry 572.33 humans 743.46
Bonds (Securities) 332.632 3 fractures
accounting 657.75 medicine 617.15
financial management 658.152 24 human anatomy 611.71
capital procurement 658.152 24 human physiology 612.751
debt management 658.152 6 medicine 616.71
income tax 336.242 6 pharmacokinetics 615.771
law 343.052 46 surgery 617.471
investment economics 332.632 3 Bongo (Mammal) 599.642 3
law 346.092 2 Bongo, Omar
corporate law 346.066 6 Gabonese history 967.210 42
see Manual at 332.632044 vs. Bongo-Bagirmi languages 496.5
332.6323; also at 332.6322 T6--965
vs. 332.6323 Bongos 786.95
Bone (Algeria: Dept.) T2-655 see also Percussion instruments
Bone cancer Bonin Islands (Japan) T2--528
incidence 614.599 947 1 Bonito 641.392
medicine 616.994 71 cooking 641.692
see also Cancer humans food 641.392
Bone carving 736.6 zoology 597.783
Bone char 662.93 Bonn (Germany) T2-435 518
Bone diseases Bonner County (Idaho) T2-796 96
medicine 616.71 Bonnets 391.43
see also Musculoskeletal see also Head wear
diseases -· humans Bonneville County (Idaho) T2--796 53
pharmacokinetics 615.771 Bono (Kingdom) 966.701 6
Bone marrow 573.155 6 T2-667
biology 573.155 6 Bononia (Italy) T2--372 611
diseases 573.155 639 Bonsai 635.977 2
see also Hematopoietic Bontebok National Park
system diseases (South Africa) T2-687 36
human anatomy 611.41 Bonuses 331.216 4
human physiology 612.416 labor economics 331.216 4
medicine 616.41 personnel management 658.322 5
surgery 617.441 Bony ftshes 597
Bone marrow cancer see also Fishes
incidence 614.599 944 1 Bony ganoids 597.41
medicine 616.994 41 Boobies 598.43
see also Cancer- humans resource economics 333.958 43
Booby traps 623.451 4

Relative Index

Booidea 597.967 Books (continued)

Book arts theft of 364.162 800 2
technology 686 law 345.026 280 02
Book catalogs 025.313 Books and reading 028
bibliography 017 Books of Hours 242
library science 025.313 Booksellers' catalogs 017.4
Book clubs 070.5 Bookselling 381.450 02
Book collecting 002.075 Boolean algebra 511.324
Book editors 070.510 92 Boomerangs
Book illumination 745.67 sports hunting 799.202 82
Book illustration 741.64 sports throwing 796.435
Book jacket illustration 741.64 Boone County (Ark.) T2~-767 18

Book lice 595.732 Boone County (Ill.) T2-773 29

Book numbers (Shelflisting) 025.428 Boone County (Ind.) T2-77254
Book of Common Prayer 264.03 Boone County (Iowa) T2-777 544
Book of Mom1on 289.322 Boone County (Ky.) T2-769 363
Book paper 676.282 4 Boone County (Mo.) T2--778 29
Book reports 371.302 81 Boone County (Neb.) T2-782 51
Book restoration Boone County (W.Va.) T2-754 39
library science 025.84 Booster rockets 629.475
Book reviews 028.1 Boosters (Detonators) 662.4
Book scorpions 595.47 Boothferry (England) T2-428 39
Book selection Boothia Peninsula
library science 025.21 (Nunavut) T2-71955
Bookbinders 686.300 92 Bootlace worms 592.32
Bookbinding 686.3 Bootlegged editions 364.166 2
library operations 025.7 law 345.026 62
notable books 095 Bootlegging (Copyright
Bookcases infringement) 364.166 2
manufacturing technology 684.16 law 345.026 62
Booking services Bootlegging (Offense against
transportation 388.042 revenue) 364.1332
see also Passenger services law 345.023 32
Bookkeepers 657.209 2 Boots 391.413
Bookkeeping 657.2 customs 391.413
Bookmobiles manufacturing technology 685.31
plant management 022 see also Clothing
public library use 027.42 Bootstrap methods 519.54
Bookplates 769.52 Bop 781.655
bibliography 010.42 Bophuthatswana (South Africa) 968.24
Books 002 T2-682 4
arts T3C-39 Boquer6n (Paraguay :
bibliographies Oll Dept.) T2-892 24
cataloging 025.32 Borage 583.94
folklore 398.28 Boraginaceae 583.94
history and criticism 398.3 Borates 553.633
influence on crime 364.254 economic geology 553.633
literature 808.803 9 mineralogy 549.735
postal. hand! ing 383.124 mining 622.363 3
see also Postal service Borax 553.633
provenance 097 economic geology 553.633
publishing 070.5 mineralogy 549.735
sociology 302.232 mining 622.363 3
technology 686 Bordeaux (France) T2-447 144

Dewey Decimal Classification

Borden, Robert Laird, Sir Borrowing 332.041 5

Canadian history 971.061 2 capital management 658.152 24
Borden County (Tex.) T2-764 853 public finance 336.34
Border Country (Scotland) T2-413 7 see also Public debt
Border defense 355.45 Borrowing power (Legislative
Border disputes bodies) 328.341 2
law of nations 341.42 BorsodcAbauj-Zemplen
Border patrols 363.285 Megyc (Hungary) T2-439 9
Borderline personality disorder Borstals 365.42
medicine 616.858 52 see also Penal institutions
see also Mental disorders Borzoi 636.753 5
Borders (Floriculture) 635.963 Bos 599.642 2
Borders (Geography) 320.12 Boshof (South Africa :
see also Boundaries District) T2-~85 8
Borders Region (Scotland) T2-413 7 Bosnia and Hercegovina 949.742
Bordism theory 514.72 T2-497 42
Bordj Bou Arreridj ancient 939.874 2
(Algeria: Province) T2-655 T2-398 742
Boreal forests Bosniaks TS-918 39
biology 578.737 Bosnian language 491.839
ecology 577.37 T6---918 39
Borers (Insects) Bosnian literature 891.839
agricultural pests 634.049 7 Bosnian Muslims T5-·918 39
Boring Bosnians T5-918 39
mining 622.24 Bosons 539.721
Boring tools 621.952 Bosporus (Turkey) 551.461 389
Boris Fyodorovich Godunov, T2-163 89
Czar of Russia Bosque County (Tex.) T2-764 518
Russian histmy 947.044 Bossier Parish (La.) T2--763 97
Bornean languages 499.225 Boston (England: Borough) T2---425 37
T6-99225 Boston (Mass.) T2--744 61
Borneo T2--598 3 Boston ivy 635.933 86
Indonesia T2-598 3 botany 583.86
Malaysia T2--595 3 floriculture 635.933 86
Borneo languages 499.225 Boston Massacre, 1770 973.311 3
T6-992 25 Boston Mountains (Ark. and
Bomholm (Denmark) T2-4892 Okla.) T2-767 I
Bornholms amt (Denmark) T2-4892 Arkansas T2-767 I
Bomo State (Nigeria) T2-669 85 Oklahoma T2---766 8
Bornu (Kingdom) 966.980 I Boston Port Bill, 1774 973.311 6
T2-669 8 Boston Tea Party, 1773 973.311 5
Boron 553.6 Boston terrier 636.72
chemical engineering 661.067 l Bostonnais (Quebec) T2--714459
chemistry 546.671 Bostrychoidea 595.763
economic geology 553.6 Botanical drugs
organic chemistry 547.056 71 pharmacology 615.321
applied 661.895 Botanical gardens 580.73
see also Chemicals architecture 727.658
Boron fuels 662.86 landscape architecture 712.5
Borrelia infections Botanical medicine
incidence 614.574 therapeutic system 615.53
medicine 616.924 Botanical specimens
see also Communicable preservation 580.752
diseases - humans Botanists 580.92

Relative Index

Botany 580 Boulder County (Colo.)

Botetourt County (Va.) T2-755 83 Boulemane (Morocco :
595.774 Province) T2~643 4
Botl1a, Louis Boumerdes (Algeria :
South African history 968.052 Province) T2~-653
Botha, P. W. (Pieter Willem) Boundaries 320.12
South African history 968.063 law of nations 341.42
Bothaville (South Africa : local government 320.8
District) T2-685 2 political science 320.12
Bothnia, Gulf of 551.461 334 Boundary County (Idaho) T2--796 98
T2-163 34 Boundary layers 532.051
Botosani (Romania : Judet) T2-498 I aeronautics 629.132 37
Botshabelo (South Africa': engineering 620.106 4
District) T2-685 6 physics 532.051
Botswana 968.83 space flight 629.415 1
T2-688 3 Boundary surveying 526.9
Botswana people T5~-968 83 Boundary-value problems 515.35
Bottineau County (N.D.) T2-784 61 calculus of finite differences 515.62
Bottle cutting differential equations 515.35
decorative arts 748.202 86 Bounty Islands (N.Z.) T2~939 9
Bottle-nosed dolphins 599.533 Bounty Mutiny, 1789 996.18
Bottled water Bourbon 641.252
commercial processing 663.61 commercial processing 663.52
Bottles 688.8 Bourbon, House of 944.03
glass 666.192 French history 944.03
decorative arts 748.82 genealogy 929.74
technology 666.192 Sicilian history 945.807
see also Containers 1712-1799 945.807
Bottling alcoholic beverages 663.19 1815-1860 945.808 3
Bottom fishing 799.122 Southern Italian history 945.707
Bottoms (Petroleum) 665.538 8 1734-1799 945.707
Botulism 1815-1860 945.708 3
incidence 614.512 5 Spanish history 946.054
medicine 616.931 5 Bourbon County (Kan.) T2-781 97
see also Communicable Bourbon County (Ky.) T2--769 423
diseases ~~ humans Bourbon Restoration, 1814-1833 946.072
Bouake (Ivory Coast) T2-666 8 Bourbon Restoration, 1871·~1873 946.073
Boucherville (Quebec) T2-714 371 Bourbonnais (France) T2-445 97
Bouches-du-Rh6ne (France) T2~449 1 Bourgeoisie 305.55
Boudicea, Queen T1-086 22
English history 936.204 Bourges (F ranee) T2-445 525
Bourgogne (France) T2~4441
Boudry (Switzerland:
District) T2-494 386 Bourguiba, Habib
Bougainville Island (Papua Tunisian history 961.105 I
New Guinea) T2-9592 Bourke (N.S.W.) T2-944 9
Bougainvilleas 635.933 53 Boumemouth (England) T2-423 38
botany 583.53 Boutet1ika, Abdelaziz
floriculture 635.933 53 Algerian history 965.054
Bougie (Algeria: Province) T2-655 Boutonneuse fever
Bouira (Algeria: Province) T2-653 incidence 614.526 3
Boujdour (Morocco : medicine 616.922 3
Province) T2-648 see also Communicable
Boulaida (Algeria : diseases humans
Province) T2-653 Boutonnieres 745.923

Dewev Decimal Classification

Bouvet Island T2-971 3 Boxcars 385.34

Bouvier des Flandres 636.737 engineering 625.24
Bovidae 599.64 see also Rolling stock
animal husbandry 636.2 Boxer (Dog) 636.73
paleozoology 569.64 Boxer Rebellion, 1899~-190 1 951.035
Bovinae 599.642 Boxers {Pugilists) 796.830 92
Bovine spongiform Boxes 688.8
encephalopathy paperboard 676.32
humans see also Containers
medicine 616.83 Boxfishes 597.64
see also Nervous system Boxing 796.83
diseases--- humans law 344.099
Bovines 599.64 Boxwoods 583.69
animal husbandry 636.2 floriculture 635.933 69
Bow harps 787.94 Boy Scout camps 796.542 2
see also Stringed instruments Boy Scouts 369.43
Bow River (Alta.) T2-712 33 Boyaca (Colombia) T2-86144
Bowed stringed instruments 787 Boycott
see also Stringed instruments Holocaust, 1933-1945 940.531 813 2
Bowell, Mackenzie, Sir intemational politics 327.117
Canadian history 971.055 law of nations 341.582
Bowen (Qld.) T2-943 6 labor economics 331.893
Bowen Island (B.C.: Island) T2-7ll 33 law 344.018 93
Bowfins 597.41 restraint of trade 338.604 8
Bowhead whale 599.527 6 law 343.072 3
Bowie County (Tex.) T2-~764 197 Boyd County (Ky.) T2~769 27
Bowing techniques 784.193 69 Boyd County (Neb.) T2-782 723
Bowl games (Football) 796.332 63 Boyer Ahmadi va
Bowland. Forest of KohkTiiiyeh (Iran) T2-556 8
(England) T2-427 685 Boyle County (Ky.) T2-769 523
Bowlers 794.609 2 Boyne River (Ireland) T2-418 22
Bowling (Cricket) 796.358 22 Boys 305.230 811
Bowling (Game) 794.6 Tl--083
equipment technology 688.746 criminal offenders 364.36
Bowling alleys 794.6 education 371.821 I
architecture 725.84 health 613.04232
Bowman County (N.D.) T2--784 92 home care 649.132
Bowron Lake Provincial journalism for 070.483 26
Park (B.C.) T2-711 75 psychology 155.432
Bows and arrows 799.202 85 publications for
art metalwork 739.73 bibliographies 011.624 I
manufacturing technology 688.792 028 5 recreation 790.194
military equipment 623.441 indoor 793.0194
shooting game 799.215 outdoor 796.083
spmts 799.202 85 sex hygiene 613.953
target shooting 799.32 social aspects 305.230 811
Box (Plants) 583.69 see also Children
floriculture 635.933 69 Boys' clubs 369.42
Box Butte County (Neb.) T2-782 94 Boys' societies 369.42
Box Elder County (Utah) T2-792 42 Boysenberries 641.347 18
Box-girder bridges commercial processing 664.804 718
construction 624.215 cooking 641.647 18
Box lily 584.353 food 641.347 18
Box lunches 641.53 horticulture 634.718

Relative Inde.x:

Bozca Island (Turkey) T2-562 2 Braided rugs

Bozcaada (Turkey) T2-5622 arts 746.73
Bozen (Italy: Province) T2-453 83 Braiding hair 646.724 7
Bozize, Franc;ois Braiding textiles 677.028 2
Central African history 967.410 54 arts 746.42
Brabant (Belgium) T2-493 3 Braids (Hairstyling) 646.724 7
Brabant Wallon (Belgium) T2-493 37 Braids (Mathematics) 514.224
Bracelets 391.7 Braids (Textile trim) 677.76
customs 391.7 arts 746.27
making 739.278 Brilila (Romania : Judet) T2-498 1
costume jewelry 688.2 Braille 411
handicrafts 745.594 2 printing 686.282
fine jewelry 739.278 specific languages T4-11
Brachiopoda 594.68 Braille publications
pa1eozoology 564.68 bibliographies 011.63
Brachycera 595.773 cataloging 025.349 2
Brachycera-Cyclorrhapha 595.774 library treatment 025.179 2
Brachycera-Orthorrhapha 595.773 publishing 070.579 2
Brachyura 595.386 Brain 573.86
Bracing equipment biology 573.86
aircraft 629.134 37 human anatomy 611.81
Bracken (Ferns) 587.3 human biochemistry 612.822
Bracken County (Ky.) T2-769 325 human biophysics 612.822
Bracket fungi 579.597 human physiology 612.82
Brackish water 553.72 medicine 616.8
T2~-169 surgery 617.481
economic geology 553.72 see also Nervous system
hydrology 551.48 Brain cancer
Bracknell Forest (England) T2-422 98 incidence 614.599 948 1
Bradford (England : City) T2-428 17 medicine 616.994 81
Bradford County (Fla.) T2-759 15 see also Cancer humans
Bradford County (Pa.) T2-748 57 Brain-damaged people 305.908 4
Bradley County (Ark.) T2-767 63 Tl-0874
Bradley County (Tenn.) T2-768 873 education 371.91
Bradoriida 565.3 see also Mentally disabled
Bradyodonti 567.3 people
Bradypodidae 599.313 Brain diseases
Braga (Portugal :District) T2-469 12 humans
Braganc;a (Portugal : cancer 362.196 994 81
District) T2-469 27 incidence 614.599 948 1
Braganza, House of 946.903 medicine 616.994 81
Brahma Samaj 294.556 2 social services 362.196 994 81
Brahmanas 294.592 I see also Cancer- humans
Brahmanism 294.5 incidence 614.598
Brahmans (Cattle) 636.291 medicine 616.8
Brahmans (People) surgery 617.481
biography 294.509 2 Brain drain 331.127 91
Brahmaputra River T2-549 2 Brain stem
Bangladesh T2--549 2 human anatomy 611.81
India T2-54l 6 human physiology 612.826
Brahui T5-948 3 medicine 616.8
Brahui language 494.83 Braintree (England :
T6-948 3 District) T2-426 715
Brahui literature 894.83 Brainwashing 153.853

Dewey Decimal Class~fication

Braising Brass (continued)

home cooking 641.73 metallurgy 669.3
Brakes (Devices) metalworking 673.3
automotive engineering 629.246 physical metallurgy 669.963
railroad engineering 625.25 Brass bands 784.9
Brakes (Fems) 587.3 Brass ensembles 785.9
Brakpan (South Africa : Brass instruments 788.9
District) T2-68224 bands and orchestras 784
Bran 641.331 chamber ensembles 785
commercial processing 664.720 8 mixed 785.2~.5

wheat 664.722 8 single type 785.9

cooking 641.631 construction 788.919 23
food 641.331 by hand 788.919 23
Branch banking 332.16 by machine 681.889
Branch banks 332.16 solo music 788.9
Branch County (Mich.) T2-77421 Brassicaceae 583.64
Branch libraries Bratislava (Slovakia) T2-437 31
architecture 727.84 Brauer groups 512.46
public librarianship 027.4 Braulidae 595.774
Branch stores 381.12 Braunschweig (Germany) T2-435 976
see also Commerce Braunschweig (Gem1any:
Branches of govermnent 320.404 Regierungsbezirk) T2-435 97
law 342.044 Braxton County (W.Va.) T2-75466
Branching processes 519.234 Brayer painting 751.49
Branchiopoda 595.32 Braziers
paleozoology 565.32 ceramic arts 738.8
Branchiura 595.36 heating buildings 697.1
Brand name products Brazil 981
658.827 T2-~81
sales promotion
Brand preferences Brazil nut 641.345 75
marketing research 658.834 3 agriculture 634.575
Brandenburg (Germany) T2-431 5 botany 583.76
Brandenburg an der Havel cooking 641.645 75
(Germany) T2-431 54 food 641.345 75
Brandfort (South Africa : Brazilian literature 869
District) T2----685 3 Brazilian Portuguese
Branding animals 636.081 2 dialects T6-69
Brandon (Man.) T2--712 73 Brazilian spiderflowers 583.76
Brands Brazilians T5-698
sales promotion 658.827 Brazing 671.56
Brandt, Willy decorative arts 739.14
Ge1man history 943.087 7 sculpture 731.41
Brandy 641.253 Brazoria County (Tex.) T2--764 137
commercial processing 663.53 Brazos County (Tex.) T2-764242
Brant (Ont. : County) T2-713 47 Brazos River (Tex.) T2--764
Branta 598.4178 Brazzaville (Congo) T2----672 4
Brantley County (Ga.) T2--758 753 Breach of contract 346.022
Bras d'Or Lake (N.S.) T2-7169 Bread 641.815
Brasflia (Brazil) T2-8174 commercial baking 664.752 3
Bra~ov (Romania : Judel) T2--498 4 home baking 641.815
Brass 669.3 Bread-dough handicrafts 745.5
decorative arts 739.52 Bread molds (Fungi) 579.53
materials science 620.182
metallography 669.953

Relative Index

Breadfruits 641.343 9 Breckland (England) 14

botany 583.45 Brecknock (Wales: District) T2--429 56
cooking 641.643 9 Brecon (Wales) T2--429 56
food 641.343 9 Brecqhou (Channel Islands) T2--423 47
orchard crop 634.39 Bredasdorp (South Africa :
793.3 District) T2-~687 36
Break dancing
Break-even analysis 658.155 4 Breeder reactors 621.483 4
Breakfast foods Breeding
commercial processing 664.756 animal husbandry 636.082
Breakfasts 642 plant cultivation 631.52
cooking 641.52 Breeding stock
customs 394.125 2 plants 63!.52
Breaking Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald
materials science 620.112 6 (Germany: Landkreis) T2~--434 626

Breaks (Rest periods) Bremen (Gennany) T2--435 2

labor economics 331.257 6 Bremer County (Iowa) TI--777 34
personnel management 658.312 2 Bremerhaven (Germany) TI--435 21
Breakwaters Bremgarten (Switzerland :
engineering 627.24 Bezirk) T2--494 566 5
Bream (Abramis) 597.482 Bremsstrahlung 539.722 2
sports fishing 799.174 82 Brent (London, England) T2---421 85
Breast Brentwood (England :
human anatomy 611.49 Borough) T2--426 76
medicine 618.19 Brescia (Italy) T2--452 61
men 616.49 ancient T2~373 121

women 618.19 Brescia (Italy : Province) T2--452 6

618.190 59 ancient T2~373 12
women's physiology 612.664 Brest (Belarus: Voblasts) T2--478 9
Breast cancer Brest (France) T2--441 12
incidence 614.599 944 9 Brestskalii voblasts'
medicine 616.994 49 (Belarus) T2--478 9
see also Cancer-- humans Bretagnc (France) T2--441
Breast diseases Breton language 491.68
medicine 618.19 T6---916 8
men 616.49 Breton literature 891.68
see also Endocrine Bretons T5-916 8
diseases - humans Brevard County (Fla.) T2~759 27

Breast feeding 649.33 Breviaries 264.15

child rearing 649.33 Roman Catholic 264.020 15
health 613.269 texts 264.024
human physiology 612.664 Brewed alcoholic beverages 641.23
Breast implants 618.190 592 commercial processing 663.3
Breathing 573.2 cooking with 641.62
biology 573.2 home preparation 641.873
health 613.192 Brewed nonalcoholic beverages 641.877
human physiology 612.2 commercial processing 663.9
musical technique 781.48 home preparation 641.877
instrumental 784.193 2 Brewster County (Tex.) T2-764 932
see also Respiratory system Brexias 583.72
Breathing exercises Brezhnev, Leonid Il'ich
health 613.192 Russian history 947.085 3
therapy 615.836 Brliinskala oblasf (Russia) TI~-472 5
Breathitt County (Ky.) T2~769 19 Briard (Dog) 636.737
Breckinridge County (Ky.) T2--769 854

Dewey Decimal Classification

Bribery of officials 364.1323 Brighton and Hove

law 345.023 23 (England) T2-422 56
public administration 353.46 Brill's disease
Bribery of voters 364.132 4 incidence 6!4.5262
law 345.()23 24 medicine 616.922 2
Brick pavements 625.82 see also Communicable
Bricklayers 693.210 92 diseases - humans
Bricks 666.737 Brindisi (Italy) T2-457 541
architectural construction 721.044 21 ancient T2-377 631
building construction 693.21 Brindisi (Italy : Province) T2-457 54
building materials 691.4 ancient T2-~377 63
ceramic arts 738.6 Brine 553.72
materials science 620.142 Brine slu·imps 595.32
structural engineering 624.183 6 Brining foods 664.028 6
Bride purchase 392.4 commercial preservation 664.028 6
Bridge (Game) 795.415 home preservation 641.46
Bridge circuits 621.374 2 Briquettes 662.6
electronics 621.381 548 Brisbane (Qld.) T2-943 I
Bridge engineers 624.209 2 Brisbane River (Qld.) T2--943 2
Bridge harps 787.98 Brisbane Water National
see also Stringed instruments Park (N.S.W.) T2-944 2
Bridge River (B.C.) T2-711 31 Briscoe County (Tex.) T2-764 839
Bridge whist 795.413 Bristles
Bridgend (Wales: County animal husbandry 636.088 45
Borough) T2-429 71 manufacturing technology 679.6
Bridges 388.132 Bristletails 595.723
architecture 725.98 Bristling (Fish) 641.392
construction 624.2 cooking 641.692
military engineering 623.67 food 641.392
public administration 354.76 zoology 597.452
transportation services 388.132 Bristol (England) T2-423 93
railroads 385.312 Bristol (Va.) T2-755 726
roads 388.132 Bristol Avon River
Bridges (Dentistry) 617.692 (England) T2-423 9
Bridges (Electrical circuits) 621.374 2 Bristol Bay (Alaska) 551.461 434
Bridgnorth (England : T2--l64 34
District) T2-424 59 Bristol Bay Borough
Brie (Cheese) 641.373 53 (Alaska) T2--7984
cooking 641.673 53 Bristol board 676.288
food 641.373 53 Bristol County (Mass.) T2-744 85
processing 637.353 Bristol County (R.I.) T2-745 5
Brief psychotherapy 616.891 47 Britain 941
Briefcases T2-41
manufacturing technology 685.51 ancient 936.1
Brig (Switzerland : Bezirk) T2-494 794 3 T2-361
Brigades (Military units) 355.31 see Manual at 941
Bright disease Britain, Battle of, 1940 940.542 11
medicine 6!6.612 Britain, Northem 941.1
see also Urologic diseases- T2-411
humans ancient 936.11
Brightness perception T2-361 1
psychology 152.143
Brighton (England) T2-422 56

Relative Index

Britain, Southern 942 Brittle stars

T2~-42 Brittleness
ancient 936.2 materials science 620.112 6
T2~-362 Brixia (Italy) T2-373 121
British Americans T5~13 Bmensky kraj (Czech
see Manual at T5~ 13 vs. Republic) T2--437 24
T5-2073, T5-21073 Broaching tools 621.954
British ancestry T5--2 Broad beans 641.356 51
see Manual at T5--20 1-209 vs. botany 583.74
T5~2101-2109 cooking 641.656 51
British Antarctic Territory T2--989 field crop 633.37
British Canadians T5-112 food 641.356 51
see Manual at T5-112, garden crop 635.651
T5~114 vs. T5-2, Broad-gage railroads 385
T5---41 Broad jump 796.432
British Columbia 971.! Broad River (S.C.) T2-757 4
T2-7Il Broadband computer equipment 004.64
British Commonwealth of engineering 621.398 1
Nations T2-171 241 Broadband local-area networks 004.68
British Empire T2-171 241 see also Computer
British Guiana T2--881 communications
British Honduras T2-728 2 Broadbil!s 598.822
British Isles 941 Broadcast advertising 659.14
T2--41 Broadcast communications 004.693
ancient 936.1 Broadcast media
T2-361 journalism 070.19
see Manual at 941 Broadcast public speaking 808.51
British Kaffraria T2-687 5 Broadcast videotex 004.69
British New Guinea 995.402 1 see also Computer
British North America Act, 1867 971.049 communications
British Open (Golf) 796.352 66 Broadcasters 384.540 92
British pronunciation 421.55 Broadcasting 384.54
British Sign Language 419.41 law 343.099 4
T6-999 841 public administration 354.75
British Solomon Islands T2-959 3 see Manual at 384.54, 384.55,
British Somaliland T2-677 3 384.8 vs. 79l.4
British spelling 421.55 Broadcasting channels 384.545 2
British system (Measurement) 530.813 radio 384.545 2
social aspects 389.15 television 384.552 1
British Togoland 966.703 Broadcasting networks 384.540 65
T2--667 see also Networks
British Virgin Islands T2--729 725 (Communications)
British western seawaters 551.461 337 Broadcasting stations 384.545 3
T2-163 37 radio 384.545 3
Britons T5-21 see also Radio stations
see Manual at T5-201-209 vs. television 384.552 2
T5-2101-2!09 see also Television stations
Brits (South Africa: Broadland (England) T2--426 17
District) T2-68241 Broads, The (England) T2--426 17
Britstovm (South Africa : Broadsides
District) T2--687 l3 cataloging 025.342
Brittania (Roman province) T2-362 direct advertising 659.133
Brittany (Dog) 636.752 library treatment 025.172
Brittany (France) T2~-441 Broadwater County (Mont.) T2-786 664

Decimal Classification

Broca aphasia Bronchiectasis

medicine 616.855 2 medicine 616.23
see also Communication see also Respiratory tract
disorders diseases humans
Brocade 677.616 Bronchitis
Brocatelle 677.616 medicine 616.234
Broccoli 641.353 5 see also Respiratory tract
commercial processing 664.805 35 diseases humans
cooking 641.653 5 Bronchodilator agents
food 641.353 5 pharmacokinetics 615.72
garden crop 635.35 Bronchopneumonia
Broiling 641.76 medicine 616.241
Broken Hill (N.S.W.) T2--944 9 see al~o Respiratory tract
Broken homes 362.829 4 diseases - humans
social services 362.829 4 Bronkhorstsprnit (South
sociology 306.89 Africa : District) T2---U82 29
see also Families social Brontosaurus 567.913 8
welfare Bronx (New York, N.Y.) T2-747 275
Brokers (Securities) 332.62 Bronze 669.3
law 346.092 6 decorative arts 739.512
public administration 354.88 materials science 620.182
Brokopondo (Suriname : metallography 669.953
District) T2-883 92 metallurgy 669.3
Brome-Missisquoi (Quebec) T2-714 62 metalworking 673.3
Bromegrasses 584.9 physical metallurgy 669.963
Bromeliads 584.85 Bronze Age 930.156
floriculture 635.934 85 T1--090 13
Bromeliales 584.85 Bronze sculpture
Bromes (Grasses) 584.9 casting 731.456
Bromine Brooches 391.7
chemical engineering 661.073 3 customs 391.7
chemistry 546.733 making 739.278
economic geology 553.6 costume jewelry 688.2
organic chemistry 547.02 handicmfts 745.594 2
applied 661.891 fine jewelry 739.278
Bromley (London, England) T2--421 78 Brook trout 597.554
Bromoil process 773.8 sports fishing 799.175 54
Bromsgrove (England : Brooke COLrnty (W.Va.) T2-754 13
District) T2--424 42 Brookings County (S.D.) T2-783 272
Bromyard (England) T2--424 2 Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) T2-747 23
Bronchi Brooks County (Ga.) T2-758 874
human anatomy 611.23 Brooks County (Tex.) T2--764 475
human physiology 612.234 Brooks Range (Alaska) T2--798 7
medicine 616.23 Broom, Loch (Scotland) T2-163 37
surgery 617.544 Broomball 796.965
Bronchial asthma Broome (W.A.) T2-941 4
medicine 616.238 Broome County (N.Y.) T2--747 75
see also Respiratory tract Broomfield County (Colo.) T2-788 64
diseases humans Broomrapes 583.95
Bronchial diseases Brooms 679.6
medicine 616.23 Brossard (Quebec) T2-714 37
see also Respiratory tract Brother-brother relationship 306.875 2
diseases -humans Brother-sister relationship 306.875 3

Relative Index

Brothers 306.875 Broye-Vully

T1-085 5 Bruce (Ont. : County) T2-713 21
see also Siblings Bruce, Stanley Melbourne Bruce,
Brothers (Christian religious Viscount
orders) 255.092 Australian history 994.042
biography 271.092 02 Brucella 579.33
church history 271.092 Brucellosis
Brothers and sisters 306.875 3 animals
psychological inf1uence 155.924 veterinary medicine 636.208 969 57
psychology 155.443 humans
adulthood 155.646 incidence 614.565
Brothers Hospitallers of St. John medicine 616.957
of God 255.49 see also Communicable
church history 271.49 diseases humans
Brotulas 597.63 Bruges (Belgium) T2--493 122
Broward County (Fla.) T2~759 35 Brugg (Switzerland :
Brown algae 579.88 Bezirk) T2-494562 6
Brown-bag lunches 641.53 Brugge (Belgium) T2-493 122
Brown bats (Eptesicus) 599.47 Bruises
Brown bats (Myotis) 599.472 medicine 617.13
Brown bear 599.784 Brule County (S.D.) T2--783 381
conservation technology 639.979 784 Brunches 642
resource economics 333.959 784 cooking 641.52
Brown coal 553.22 customs 394.125 2
economic geology 553.22 Brundusium (Italy) T2-377 631
mining 622.332 Brunei 959.55
properties 662.622 2 T2-595 5
Brown County (IlL) T2~773 473 Brunelliaceae 583.72
Brown County (Ind.) T2~772 253 Bruniaceae 583.72
Brown County (Kan.) T2-78l 34 Brunswick County (N.C.) T2-75629
Brown County (Minn.) T2--776 31 Brunswick County (Va.) T2-755 575
Brown County (Neb.) T2-782 736 Bruny Island (Tas.) T2--946 2
Brown County (Ohio) 1'2---771 796 Brush disposal
Brown County (S.D.) T2-783 144 forestry 634.955
Brown County (Tex.) T2--764 548 Brush drawing 741.26
Brown County (Wis.) T2---775 61 Brush-tailed possum 599.232
Brown lung disease Brush turkeys 598.64
medicine 616.244 Brushes 679.6
see also Respiratory tract Bmshes (Generator parts) 621.316
diseases humans Brussels (Belgium) T2-493 32
Brown rat 599.352 Bmssels-Capital Region
Brown Swiss cattle 636.234 (Belgium) T2-493 32
Brownian motion 530.475 Brussels griffon 636.76
liquid-state physics 530.425 Brussels sprouts 64!.353 6
see Manual at 530.475 vs. commercial processing 664.805 36
530.12, 531.16 cooking 641.653 6
Brownouts 333.793 217 food 641.353 6
electrical engineering 621.319 garden crop 635.36
591.54 Bruttium T2~377 8
animal husbandry 636.084 5 Bryales 588.2
descriptive zoology 591.54 Bryan County (Ga.) T2-758 732
Broxbourne (England) T2-425 87 Bryan County (Okla.) T2-766 62
Broxtowe (England) T2-42526 Bryansk (Russia: Oblast) 1'2-472 5
Broye (Switzerland) T2-494 537

Decimal Classification

Bryce Canyon National Park BucurC!;iti (Romania) T2-498 2

(Utah) T2~792 52 Budapest (Hungary) T2-439 12
Bryde's whale 599.524 Buddha 294.363
Bryophyta 588 art representation 704.948 943 63
paleobotany 561.8 arts 700.482 943 63
pharmacology 615.322 T3C-382 943 63
Bryopodales 579.835 Buddhism 294.3
Bryopsida 588.2 art representation 704.948 943
Bryozoa 594.67 arts 700.482 943
paleozoology 564.67 T3C-382 943
Brythonic languages 491.6 Islamic polemics 297.294
T6-916 Buddhism and Islam 294.335
Brythonic literatures 891.6 Buddhist view 294.335
Bubble memory 004.563 Islamic view 297.284 3
Bubbles 530.427 5 Buddhist architecture 720.95
chemical engineering 660.293 Buddhist calendar 529.324 3
chemistry 541.33 religion 294.343 6
physics 530.427 5 Buddhist education 294.375
Bube-Bengalanguages 496.396 Buddhist ethics 294.35
T6-963 96 Buddhist holidays 294.343 6
Bubonic plague customs 394.265 43
incidence 614.573 2 see also Holidays
medicine 616.923 2 Buddhist monasteries 294.365 7
see also Communicable architecture 726.784 3
diseases - humans Buddhist philosophy 181.043
Bucconidae 598.72 Buddhist sculpture 730.95
Bucerotidae 598.78 Buddhist temples and shrines 294.343 5
Buchanan, James architecture 726.143
United States history 973.68 Buddhists Tl-088 294 3
Buchanan County (Iowa) T2-777 382 biography 294.309 2
Buchanan County (Mo.) T2-778 132 social group 305.694 3
Buchanan County (Va.) T2-755 752 Buddlejaceae 583.95
Bucharest (Romania) T2-498 2 Budejovicky kraj (Czech
Buchcggberg (Switzerland) T2-494 359 5 Republic) T2-437 13
Bucher, Karl Budgerigars 636.686 4
economic school 330.154 2 animal husbandry 636.686 4
Buckbeans 583.93 zoology 598.71
Buckeyes 583.78 Budget deficits 352.48
Buckingham County (Va.) T2-755 623 macroeconomic policy 339.523
Buckinghamshire (England) T2-425 9 see also Budgets (Public)
Buckles 391.7 Budget in business 658.154
customs 391.7 Budget messages 352.48
making 739.278 specific jurisdictions 352.493-.499
costume jewelry 688.2 Budget surpluses
handicrafts 745.594 2 macroeconomic policy 339.523
fine jewelry 739.278 Budgeting 658.154
Bucks County (Pa.) T2-74821 armed forces 355.622 8
Buckthorns 583.86 public administration 352.48
Buckwheat 641.331 2 see also Budgets (Public)
botany 583.57 Budgets (Business)
commercial processing 664.72 management 658.154
cooking 641.631 2 Budgets (Public) 352.48
food 641.331 2 armed forces 355.622 8
food crop 633.12 specific jurisdictions 355.622 9

Relative Index

Budgets (Public) (continued) Building

law 343.034 enterprises 338.769
legislative enactment 328.378 restrictive practices 338.826 9
specific international government control 354.642 8
organizations 352.491 production economics 338.476 9
specific jurisdictions 352.493-.499 technology 690
Buds 581.46 Building and loan associations 332.32
descriptive botany 581.46 law 346.082 32
physiology 575.486 public administration 354.86
plant propagation 631.533 Building codes 343,078 69
Budworms 595.78 criminology 364.142
agricultural pests 632.78 criminal law 345.024 2
Buena Vista (Va.) T2~755 851 enforcement 363.233
Buena Vista County (Iowa) T2--777 18 Building construction services
Buenos Aires (Argentina) T2--821 1 (Armed forces) 358.22
Buenos Aires (Argentina : Building cooperatives 334.1
Province) T2~821 2 Building engineering services 696
Buffalo 599.642 Building industries 338.476 9
animal husbandry 636.293 public administration 354.64
Buffalo (Bison) 599.643 Building management 658.2
see also Bison public administration 352.56
Buffalo (N.Y.) T2-747 97 Building materials 691
Buffalo County (Neb.) T2--782 45 architectural construction 721.04
Buffalo County (S.D.) T2~783 31 construction 691
Buffalo County (Wis.) T2~775 48 synthetic 666.89
Buffalo gnats 595.772 Building paper 676.289
Buffers Building remodeling 690.24
railroad engineering 625.25 home economics 643.7
Buffing metals 671.72 see Manual at 690 vs. 643.7
Buffing tools 621.922 Building societies 332.32
Bufo 597.872 Buildings 720
Bufonidae 597.87 architecture 720
Bufonoidea 597.87 area planning 711.6
Buganda T2~6761 art representation 704.944
Buganda (Kingdom) 967.610 1 capital procurement 658.152 42
Buginese T5~992 262 construction 690
Buginese language 499.226 2 see Manual at 624 vs. 690
T6--992 262 economics 333.338
Buginese literature 899.226 2 energy economics 333.796 2
Bugis TS--992 262 investment economics 332.632 43
Bugis language 499.226 2 landscape architecture 717
T6-992 262 management 658.2
Bugis literature 899.226 2 public administration 352.56
Bugles 788.95 planning
instrument 788.951 9 museums 069.22
music 788.95 Built-in furniture 645.4
see also Brass instruments decorative arts 749.4
Bugs (Heteroptera) 595.754 manufacturing technology 684.16
BuJ:myrah (Egypt) T2~21 see also Furniture
Bui)ayrat (Sudan) T2~6294 Builth Wells (Wales) T2--429 56
Buhid T5~992 1 Bujumbura (Burundi) T2-675 72
Builders 690.092 Buka Island (Papua New

Decimal Class~fication

Bukhara rugs Buller District (N.Z.)

arts 746.758 7 Bulletin boards
Bukhari, Mul)ammad ibn lsma'Il instructional use 371.335 6
Hadith 297.12541 management use 658.455
Bukidnon (Philippines) T2-599 7 Bullets
Bukovina T2 498 4 military engineering 623.455
Romania T2--498 4 Bullfighting 791.82
Ukraine T2--477 9 Bullfinches 598.885
Bulacan (Philippines) T2-599 1 Bullfrogs 597.892
Billach (Switzerland : Bullheads (Catfishes) 597.492
Bezirk) T2 494 572 4 Bullitt County (Ky.) T2-769 453
Bulawayo (Zimbabwe) T2-689 1 Bullmastiff 636.73
Bulbs (Plants) 584.146 Bulloch County (Ga.) T2-758 766
descriptive botany 584.146 Bullock County (Ala.) T2-761 483
nursery production 631.526 Bullroarers 788.29
ornamental plants 635.915 26 see also Wind instruments
physiology 575.495 Bulls (Papal documents) 262.91
planting 631.532 Bullying 302.343
ornamental plants 635.915 32 education 371.58
Bulganin, Nikolay social interaction 302.343
Aleksandrovich Bulrushes 584.84
Russian history 947.085 2 Bulrushes (Cattails) 584.68
Bulgaria 949.9 Bulrushes (Sedges) 584.84
T2--499 Bultfontein (South Africa :
ancient 939.89 District) T2-685 3
T2-398 9 Bulu language 496.396
Bulgarian Empire, 680~1014 949.901 3 T6-963 96
Bulgarian Empire, 1185~1396 949.901 4 Bumpers
Bulgarian 491.81 automobile 629.276
T&--918 11 Bunbury (W .A.) T2-9412
891.81 Buncombe County (N.C.) T2~756 88
Bulgarian literature
Bulgarian Macedonia T2 499 8 Bundaberg (Qid.) T2-943 2
Bulgarian Thrace T2--499 5 Bundling (Customs) 392.4
Bulgarians T5-918 11 Bundnis Zukunft Osterreich
Bulimia (Political party) 324.243 603
medicine 616.852 63 Bungalows
see also Mental disorders architecture 728.373
Bulk carriers (Ships) 387.245 construction 690.837 3
engineering 623.824 5 Bungee jumping 797.5
see also Ships Bunker Hill, Battle of, 1775 973.331 2
Bulk mailings 383.124 Bunker oils 665.538 8
see also Postal service Bunsen burners 542.4
Bulkley-Nechako (B.C.) T2-711 82 Bunt (Fungi) 579.593
Bulkley River (B.C.) T2~711 82 disease of wheat 633.119 493
Bull-roarers 788.29 Buntings 598.883
see also Wind instruments Bunun (Taiwan people) T5-992 5
Bull shark 597.34 Bunya Mountains National
Bull Shoals Lake (Ark. and Park (Qld.) T2~-943 2

Mo.) T2~767 193 Bunyoro (Kingdom) 967.610 1

Bull terriers 636.755 9 1'2-6761
Bulldog 636.72 Buoyancy 532.02
Bulldozers 624.152 air mechanics 533.61
629.225 gas mechanics 533.12
repair 629.287 5 liquid mechanics 532.25

Relative Index

Buoys 387.155 Burlesque shows

navigation aids 623.894 4 Burlington (Vt.) T2--743 17
transportation services 387.155 Burlington County (N.J.) 1'2--749 61
Buprestoidea 595.763 Bunna 959.1
Bur reeds 584.68 T2-591
Biir Sa'Id (Egypt: Province) T2~621 5 Bunnanniaceae 584.38
Burbots 597.632 Burmese T5-958
Burdekin River (Qld.) T2~943 6 Burmese cat 636.824
Burdur iii (Turkey) T2-562 7 Burmese language 495.8
ancient T2~392 4 T6--958
Bureau County (Ill.) T2--773 372 Burmese literature 895.8
302.35 Burnaby (B.C.) T2~71133
public administration 352.63 Burnet County (Tex.) T2-76463
sociology 302.35 Burnet-Llano region (Tex.) T2~764 6
T2--499 5 Burnett County (Wis.) T2~775 14
Burgas (Bulgaria : Oblast)
Burgaska oblast (Bulgaria) T2--499 5 Burnie (Tas.) T2-946 5
Burgenland (Austria) T2-436 15 Burnley (England :
Burglarproof! ng Borough) 1'2--427 642
household security 643.16 Burnout (Psychology) 158.723
Burglary 364.162 2 Burns
law 345.026 22 crop damage 632.18
see also Theft medicine 617.1 I
Burglary insurance 368.82 Burramyidae 599.23
Burgos (Spain: Province) T2-463 53 Burreeds 584.68
Burgundian language 439.9 Burritos 641.84
T6-399 Burros 636.182
Burgundy (France) T2---444 I animal husbandry 636.182
Burhou (Channel Islands) 1'2--423 47 conservation technology 639.979 665
Burial insurance 368.366 resource economics 333.959 665
Burial of dead 363.75 zoology 599.665
customs 393.1 Burrowing animals 591.564 8
see also Undertaking Burrowing toad 597.865
(Mortuary) Burrows 591.564 8
Burial of Jesus Christ 232.964 Bursa ili (Turkey) T2-563 1
Burial of waste 363.728 5 ancient T2-393 13
technology 628.445 64 Bursae
see also Waste control human anatomy 611.75
Buriat T5~942 human physiology 612.75
Buriat language 494.2 medicine 616.76
T6-942 surgery 617.475
Burla.tifa (Russia) T2--575 Bursae diseases
Burke County (Ga.) T2-75865 medicine 616.76
Burke County (N.C.) 1'2--756 85 see also Musculoskeletal
Burke County (N.D.) T2-784 72 diseases humans
Burkina Faso 966.25 Bursaries Tl-079
T2--662 5 Burseraceae 583.77
Burkinabe T5-966 25 Burt County (Neb.) T2--782 243
Burkinans T5--966 25 Burnndi 967.572
T2~675 72
Burkitt lymphoma
incidence 614.599 944 6 Burundi people TS-967 572
medicine 616.99446 Burundians TS-967 572
see also Cancer- humans Burushaski language 494.892
Burleigh County (N.D.) T2-784 77 T6-948 92
Burleson County (Tex.) T2--764 241 Burushaski literature 894.892

Dewey Decimal Classification

Burusho T5-948 92 Business 650

Bury (England : arts T3C-355 3
Metropolitan Borough) T2-427 38 social theology 201.73
Buryat T5-942 Christianity 261.85
Buryat language 494.2 Judaism 296.383
T6-942 see also Commerce
Buryatia (Russia) T2-575 see Manual at 330 vs. 650, 658
Burying beetles 595.764 2 Business administration 658
Bus cooking 641.575 Business arithmetic 650.015 l3
Bus drivers 388.322 092 Business cards
Bus stops 388.33 illustration 741.685
urban 388.473 Business crime 364.168
see also Bus transportation law 345.026 8
Bus terminals 388.33 Business cycles 338.542
architecture 725.38 Business directories 338.702 5
urban 388.473 see Manual at Tl--025 vs.
Bus transportation 388.322 Tl--029
law 343.094 82 Business districts 307.333
public administration 354.765 3 area planning 711.552 2
transportation services 388.322 land economics 333.77
urban 388.413 22 Business enterprises 338.7
law 343.098 2 dissolution 338.71
public administration 354.769 management 658.166
Buses 388.342 33 economics 338.7
driving 629.283 33 finance 338.604 1
engineering 629.222 33 management 658.15
military engineering 623.747 23 income tax 336.241 7
operation 388.322 044 law 343.052 68
repair 629.287 233 initiation 338.71
sanitation services 363.729 3 economics 338.71
transportation services 388.342 33 management 658.11
see also Automotive vehicles Tl-068 1
Bush, George law 346.065
United States history 973.928 location 338.09
Bush, George W. (George economic rationale 338.604 2
Walker) economics 338.09
United States history 973.931 law 346.07
Bush babies 599.83 management 658.11
Bush clovers 633.364 Tl-068 1
botany 583.74 plant location 658.21
forage crop 633.364 management 658
Bushbuck 599.642 3 relations with government 322.3
Bushehr (Iran : Province) T2-5574 social welfare 361.765
Bushman languages 496.1 tax 336.207
T6~~961 law 343.068
Bushmen (African people) T5-961 valuation 658.15
Bushong languages 496.396 see Manual at 338.091-.099 vs.
T6-963 96 332.67309, 338.6042; also
at 380; also at 658.04 vs.
658.114, 658.402

Relative Index

Business ethics 174.4 Business tax 336.207

religion 205.644 income tax 336.241 7
Christianity 241.644 law 343.052 68
Islam 297.564 4 public administration 352.44
Judaism 296.364 4 public finance 336.241 7
see also Ethical problems law 343.068
Business etiquette 395.52 public administration 352.44
Business failure ·public finance 336.207
dissolution Business-to-business advertising 659.1315
management 658.166 Business white pages 338.702 5
reorganization see Manual at Tl-025 vs.
management 658.16 Tl-029
Business finance Business writing 808.066 65
management 658.15 see Manual at 658.45 vs. 651.7,
production economics 338.604 1 808.06665
Business forecasting 338.544 Businesses 338.7
Business forecasts 338.544 3 Businessmen 338.092
Business forms 651.29 see Manual at 338.092
Business insurance 368.094 Businessowners insurance 368.094
liability 368.81 Businesspeople 338.092
Business intelligence see Manual at 338.092
management use 658.472 Businesswomen 338.092
Business interruption insurance 368.815 see Manual at 338.092
Business law 346.07 Busing (School desegregation) 379.263
Business liability insurance 368.81 law 344.079 8
Business libraries 027.69 Buskerud fylke (Norway) TI--482 6
Business logistics Busoga (Kingdom) 967.610 1
management 658.5 T2-{)76 l
Business losses Bustards 598.32
tax economics 336.241 7 Busts (Sculpture) 731.74
tax law 343.052 36 Butadiene-styrene rubber 678.72
Business machines 651.26 Butane 665.773
manufacturing technology 681.14 Butcher paper 676.287
office services 651.26 Butene 665.773
Business management 658 Butler County (Ala.) T2--761 37
Tl-068 Butler County (Iowa) T2-777 29
see Manual at Tl-068 Butler County (Kan.) T2-781 88
Business meetings Butler County (Ky.) T2--769 755
management use 658.456 Butler County (Mo.) T2-778 93
Business names 929.97 Butler County (Neb.) T2-782 322
law 346.048 Butler County (Ohio) T2--771 75
sales promotion 658.827 Butler County (Pa.) T2-748 91
Business organizations 338.7 Butomaceae 584.72
Business presentation software 005.58 Butte (Mont.) T2-78668
Business presentations Butte County (Calif:) T2-794 32
management use 658.452 Butte County (Idaho) T2-79659
Business records Butte County (S.D.) T2-783 43
law 346.065 Butter 641.372
records management 651.5 cooking 641.672
Business relationships (Personal) 650.13 food 641.372
Business security processing 637.2
management 658.47 Butter prints and molds
Business success 650.1 wood carving 736.4
Buttercups 583.34

Dewey Decimal Classification

Butterfat tests Byblidaceac 583.72

milk processing 637.127 6 Byblos (Lebanon) T2-569 2
Butterflies 595.789 ancient T2~3944
conservation technology 639.975 789 Bydgoszcz (Poland :
culture 638.578 9 Voivodeship) T2-438 26
resource economics 333.955 7 Byelarus 947.8
Butterfly bushes 583.95 T2--478
Butterfly farming 638.578 9 Byelorussian language 491.799
Butterfly fishes (Freshwater) 597.47 T6~917 99
Butterfly fishes (Marine) 597.72 Byelorussian literature 891.799
Butterfly flowers 635.933 952 Byelorussians T5-917 99
botany 583.952 Bylot Island (Nunavut) T2~719 52
floriculture 635.933 952 Bypass surgery (Coronary) 617.412
Butterfly gardening 638.578 9 Byrrhoidea 595.763
Buttermilk 641.372 4 Byssinosis
cooking 641.672 4 medicine 616.244
food 641.372 4 see also Respiratory tract
processing 637.24 diseases ~ humans
Butternuts 583.49 Byzacium T2--397 3
Butterworth (South Africa : Byzantine architecture 723.2
District) Byzantine art 709.021 4
Buttock muscles religious significance 246.1
human anatomy 611.738 Byzantine decoration 745.409 021
Button accordions 788.863 Byzantine Empire 949.502
instrument 788.863 19 T2--495
mUSIC 788.863 Egyptian history 932.023
see also Woodwind instruments Libyan history 939.740 5
Button mangrove 583.763 Moroccan history 939.712 06
Button quails 598.32 North African history 939.705
Button bushes 635.933 93 Sardinian history 945.902
botany 583.93 Sicilian history 945.801
floriculture 635.933 93 Southern Italian history 945.701
Buttons 391.45 Tunisian history 939.730 5
commercial technology 687.8 Byzantine Greek language 487.3
customs 391.45 T6-87
home sewing 646.19 Byzantine Greek literature 880
numismatics 737.24 Byzantine law 340.54
Butts County (Ga.) T2-758 585 Byzantine painting 759.021 4
Butyrates 668.423 Byzantine rite churches 281.5
Buxaceae 583.69 see also Eastern churches
Buyers' guides 381.33 Byzantine sculpture 734.224
T1--029 Byzantium (City) T2-398 618
see Manual at T1~025 vs. BZO (Austrian political party) 324.243 603
Buzliu (Romania: .Judep T2--498 2 c
Buzzards 598.94
Buzzards (Turkey vulture) 598.92 C*-algebras 512.556
Buzzards Bay (Mass. : Bay) 551.461 346 Ca Mau (Vietnam) T2~5979
T2-163 46 Caaguazu (Paraguay :
Bwile language 496.393 Dept.) T2~892 134
T6~963 93 Caazapa (Paraguay: Dept.) T2-~892 127
commercial food processing 664.08
pulp 676.5

Relative Index

Cabala 296.16 Cables (Electrical conductors) 621.319 34

Jewish mysticism computer science 004.64
experience 296.712 engineering 621.398 l
movement 296.833 Cables (Ropes)
Jewish religious sources 296.16 knotting and splicing 623.888 2
occultism 135.47 metal 671.84
Cabanas (El Salvador) T2~-728 426 structural engineering 624.177 4
Cabaret shows 792.7 Cabo Delgado
Cabarrus County (N.C.) T2~756 72 (Mozambique) T2-679 8
Cabbages 641.3534 Cabooses 385.32
botany 583.64 engineering 625.22
commercial processing 664.805 34 transportation services 385.32
cooking 641.653 4 see also Rolling stock
food 641.353 4 Cabs 388.342 32
garden crop 635.34 see also Taxicabs
Cabell County (W.Va.) T2~75442 Cacao 583.68
Cabin pressurization agriculture 633.74
aircraft 629.13442 see also Cocoa
Cabinda (Angola: Province) T2~·673 I Cacao butter 665.354
Cabinet government 321.804 3 see also Cocoa butter
Cabinet-level committees 352.24 Caceres (Spain : Province) T2~--462 8
Cabinet members 352.293 Cachapoal (Chile :
Cabinet organs 786.55 Province) T2-833 2
instrument 786.551 9 Cache County (Utah) T2~792 12
music 786.55 Cache Creek (B.C.) T2-711 72
see also Keyboard instruments Cachets (Philately) 769.567
Cabinet secretariats 352.243 Cactales 583.56
Cabinet secretaries 352.243 229 3 Cacti 583.56
Cabinetmakers 684.104 092 edible fruits 641.347 75
Cabinetmaking 684.104 cooking 641.647 75
Cabinets (Fumiture) horticulture 634.775
decorative arts 749.3 floriculture 635.933 56
manufacturing technology 684.16 Cactuses 583.56
Cabinets (Government councils) 321.804 3 see also Cacti
public administration 352.24 CAD (Computer-aided design) 620.004 202 85
Cabins 643.1 CAD/CAM (Manufacturing) 670.285
architecture 728.73 Caddistlics 595.745
home economics 643.1 Caddo County (Okla.) T2--766 41
see also Dwellings Caddo Indians T5~979 3
Cabins (Aircraft) 629.134 45 Caddo Lake (La. and Tex.) T2~763 99
Cable communication systems 384.6 Caddo language 497.93
see also Telephone T6~979 3
Cable railways 385.6 Caddo Parish (La.) T2~763 99
engineering 625.5 Caddoan Indians T5-979 3
transportation services 385.6 Caddoanlanguagcs 497.93
see also Railroads T6-~979 3
Cable-stayed bridges Cadence (Music) 781.254
constmction 624.238 Cadenzas 784.186
Cable television 384.555 Cadiz (Spain: Province) T2----468 8
engineering 621.388 57 Cadmium 669.56
law 343.099 46 chemical engineering 661.066 2
see also Television chemistry 546.662
human toxicology 615.925 662
materials science 620.1846

Decimal Classification

Cadmium (continued) Caisson disease

669.955 6 medicine 616.989 4
metallurgy 669.56 see also Environmental
metalworking 673.56 diseases -humans
physical metallurgy 669.965 6 Caissol:\s 624.157
see also Chemicals Caithness (Scotland) T2-411 52
Caecilians 597.82 Cajamarca (Peru :Dept.) T2-851 5
Caedmon 829.2 Cajun cooking 641.597 63
Caen (France) T2-44224 Cajun French dialect 447.976 3
Caenagnathiformes 568.5 T6-41
Caenolestidae 599.27 Cajuns T5-410 763
Caere (Italy) T2-375 9 see Manual at T5- I 12,
Caerphilly (Wales : County T5-l I4 vs. T5-2,
Borough) T2-429 76 T5-41
Caesalpiniaceae 583.749 Cakchikel Indians TS-97422
Caesium 669.725 Cakchikel language 497.422
see also Cesium T6--974 22
Cafe Filho, Joao Cakchikelliterature 897.422
Brazilian history 981.062 Cake decorating 641.865 39
Cafeteria meal service 642.5 Cake icing 641.865 39
Cafeterias 647.95 Cake mixes 664.753
see also Eating places Cakes (Pastry) 641.865 3
Caffeine abuse 362.299 commercial processing 664.752 5
medicine 616.864 home preparation 641.865 3
personal health 613.84 Cakewalks 791.12
social welfare 362.299 music 784.188 7
see also Substance abuse Cala (South Africa :
Cagayan (Philippines) T2-599 1 District) T2-687 58
birds 636.68 Calabar (Nigeria) T2-66944
see also Birds Calabash tree 635.977 395
(Animal housing) 636.083 I botany 583.95
Cages (Mine elevators) 622.68 ornamental arboriculture 635.977 395
Cagliari (Italy) T2-459 11 Calabria (Italy) T2-457 8
ancient T2-379 11 ancient 'f2.~3778

Cagliari (Italy : Province) T2-459 1 Calabria (Roman region) T2-377 6

ancient T2-379 l Caladiums 635.934 64
Cahuapananlanguages 498.9 botany 584.64
T6-989 floriculture 635.934 64
Cahuilla Indians T5~974 5 Calami tales 561.72
Cahuilla language 497.45 Calamopityaceae 561.595
T6-9745 Calanoida 595.34
CAl (Computer-assisted 371.334 Calara~i (Romania : Jude!) T2-498 2
instruction) Tl-078 5 Calaveras County (Calif.) T2-79444
adult level 374.26 Calcarea 593.42
Caimans 597.984 paleozoology 563.4
Cain (Biblical person) Calcaronea 593.42
Bible stories 222.110 950 5 Calcasieu Lake (La.) T2-763 52
Cairngonn Mountains Calcasieu Parish (La.) T2-763 54
(Scotland) TI-4124 Calcification 572.516
Cairngorms (Scotland) T2-412 4 Calcimining 698.2
Cairns (Qld.) T2-943 6 Calcinea 593.42
Cairo (Egypt: Province) TI-6216 Calcispongiae 593.42
paleozoology 563.4

Relative Index

Calcite Calendering rubber 678.27

mineralogy 549.782 Calendering textiles 677.028 25
Calcium 669.725 Calgary (Alta.) T2~712 338
applied nutrition 613.285 16 Calhoun County (Ala.) T2--761 63
biochemistry 572.516 Calhoun County (Ark.) T2-767 64
humans 612.015 24 Calhoun County (Fla.) T2~759 943
chemical engineering 661.039 3 Calhoun County (Ga.) T2-758 956
chemistry 546.393 Calhoun County (Ill.) T2--773 853
metabolism Calhoun County (Iowa) T2~77743
human physiology 612.392 4 Calhoun County (Mich.) T2-77422
metallurgy 669.725 Calhoun County (Miss.) T2~762 81
organic chemistry 547.053 93 Calhoun County (S.C.) T2-757 72
applied 661.895 Calhoun County (Tex.) T2-764 121
physical metallurgy 669.967 25 Calhoun County (W.Va.) T2--754 29
see also Chemicals Calibration 530.8
Calcium soaps 668.125 electrical instruments 621.372
Calculators 681.145 Calico bass 597.738
manufacturing technology 681.145 California 979.4
mathematics 510.284 T2--794
Calculus 515 California, Gulf of (Mexico) 551.461 41
numerical methods 518.6 T2-164 I
Calculus of finite differences 515.62 California, Southern T2--794 9
Calculus of variations 515.64 California halibut 597.69
Calcutta (India) T2~541 47 California laurel 583.23
Caldas (Colombia: Dept.) T2~861 35 California legless lizards 597.959
Calderdale (England) T2--428 12 Californium 546.448
Calderon Fournier, Rafael Angel Caligoida 595.34
Costa Rican history 972.860 522 Caliphate 297.61
Calderon Hinojosa, Felipe Caliphs
Mexican history 972.084 2 companions of Mul;mmmad 297.648
Calderon Sol, Armando religious biography 297.092
Salvadoran history 972.840 541 role and function 297.61
Caldwell County (Ky.) T2~769 815 Calisthenics 613.714
Caldwell County (Mo.) T2-778 185 child care 649.57
Caldwell County (N.C.) T2--756 845 Calitzdorp (South Africa :
Caldwell County (Tex.) T2~76433 District) T2--687 38
Caldwell Parish (La.) T2~763 76 Call to Islam 297.74
Caledon (South Africa : Calla lilies 635.934 64
District) T2~687 36 botany 584.64
Caledon River (Lesotho and floriculture 635.934 64
South Africa) T2~685 6 Callahan County (Tex.) T2--764 726
Caledonia County (Vt.) T2-743 34 Callao (Peru: Province) T2-852 6
Calendar reform 529.5 Callaway County (Mo.) T2-778 335
Calendars 529.3 Callejas Romero, Rafael
chronology 529.3 Leonardo
illustration 741.682 Honduran history 972.830 534
liturgy 264 Caller ID telephone service 384.64
Anglican 264.031 Calles, Plutarco Elias
Roman Catholic 264.021 Mexican history 972.082 3
religion 203.6 Calligraphy 745.61
Christianity 263.9 Calliphoridae 595.774
Islam 297.36 Callipteris 561.597
Judaism 296.43 Callithricidae 599.84
Calendering paper 676.234

Dewey Decimal Classification

Callitriehidae 599.84 Cambrian period 551.723

paleozoology 569.84 geology 551.723
Callorhinus 599.797 3 paleontology 560.172 3
Callosities Cambridge (England) T2--426 59
medicine 616.544 Cambridge (Mass.) T2-744 4
see also Skin diseases Cambridge Bay (Nunavut) T2-719 55
humans Cambridgeshire (England) T2--426 5
Calloway Cotmty (Ky.) T2-769 92 Cambuslang (Scotland) T2--414 57
Calls (Finance) 332.645 3 Camcorders
multiple forms of investment 332.645 3 videography 777.34
stocks 332.632 283 Camden (London, England) T2--421 42
Caloosahatchee River (Fla.) T2-759 48 Camden (N.S.W.) T2-944 6
Calorie restriction Camden County (Ga.) T2-758 746
health 613.25 Camden County (Mo.) T2-778 54
Calorie counters 613.23 Camden County (N.C.) T2~756 135

Calories Camden County (N.J.) T2-749 87

applied nutrition 613.23 Camelidae 599.636
Calorimeters Camellias 583.624
manufacturing technology 681.2 floriculture 635.933 624
Calorimetry 536.6 Camels 636.295
Caltanissetta (Italy : animal husbandry 636.295
Province) T2--458 21 zoology 599.636 2
ancient T2-378 21 Camel's hair textiles 677.34
Calumet County (Wis.) T2-775 66 see also Textiles
Calvados (France) T2--442 2 Camel us 636.295
Calvert County (Md.) T2~752 44 zoology 599.636 2
Calvinia (South Africa : Camembert cheese 641.373 53
District) T2--{)87 17 cooking 641.673 53
Calvinistic Baptists 286.1 food 641.373 53
see also Baptists processing 637.353
Calvinistic churches 284.2 Cameos 736.222
see also Reformed Church Cameras 771.3
Calvinists cinematography 777.34
biography 284.209 2 manufacturing technology 681.418
Calyeerales 583.9 television engineering 621.388 34
CAM (Manufacturing) 670.427 videography 777.34
Camagliey (Cuba : Camerata 563.92
Province) T2-729156 Cameron County (Pa.) T2--748 66
Camarines Norte Cameron County (Tex.) T2-764 495
(Philippines) T2--599 1 Cameron Parish (La.) T2--763 52
Camarines Sur (Philippines) T2-599 1 Cameroon 967.11
Camas County (Idaho) T2~ 796 31 T2-671 I
Cambistry 332.45 Cameroon people T5-96711
Cambium 575.488 Cameroonians T5-967 11
Cambodia 959.6 Cameroun T2-671 I
T2-596 Camiguin (Philippines) T2--599 7
Cambodian language 495.932 Camillians 255.55
T6-959 32 church history 271.55
Cambodian literature 895.932 Camouflage (Biology) 591.472
Cambodians T5-959 32 Camouflage (Military science) 355.41
Cambria County (Pa.) T2-748 77 engineering 623.77
Cambrian Mountains Camp cooking 641.578 2
(Wales) T2--429 Camp County (Tex.) T2-764 219
Camp Fire, inc. 369.47

Relative Index

camp Fire Girls 369.47 Campfires

camp meetings Camphors
Christian religious practices 269.24 chemistry 547.71
camp programs 796.5 Camping 796.54
church work 253.7 meal service 642.3
Jewish religious work 296.67 militruy operations 355.412
Campa Indians T5-~983 9 militruy training 355.544
Campa language 498.39 Camping equipment 796.540 284
T6-983 9 armed forces 355.81
Campaign buttons manufacturing technology 685.53
numismatics 737.242 Campo Fonnio, Treaty of, 1797 945.307
Campaign finance 324.78 Campobasso (Italy :
law 342.078 Province) T2-457 192
Campaign finance offenses 364.132 4 ancient T2~-377 38

law 345.023 24 Campsites 910.468

Campaign literature 324.23 household management 647.942
Campaign pins see also Lodging (Temporary
numismatics 737.242 housing)
Campaign strategy (Elections) 324.72 Campus Crusade for Christ 267.61
Campaigns (Military science) 355.4 Campus minisuy 259.24
see also Land operations Campus police 363.289
Campaigns (Politics) 324.9 Campus unrest 371.81
elections 324.9 Campus-wide information
law 342.078 systems
nominations 324.5 information science T2-4366
specific countries 324.24-.29 Cams 621.838
techniques 324.7 Cdn Tha (Vietnam) T2-597 9
see Manual at 909, 930--990 vs. Canaanite language 492.6
320 T6~926

Campania (Italy) T2-457 2 Canaanite literature 892.6

ancient T2-3772 Canaanites T5-926
Campanula 583.98 Canaanitic languages 492.6
11oriculture 635.933 98 Ttl---926
Campanulales 583.98 Canaanitic literatures 892.6
Campbell, Kim Canada 971
Canadian history 971.064 7 T2-71
Campbell County (Ky.) T2-769 34 English explorations 971.011 4
Campbell County (S.D.) T2-783 17 trench explorations 971.011 3
Campbell County (Tenn.) T2-768 72 Norse explorations 971.011 2
Campbell County (Va.) T2-755 672 see Manual at T2-73 vs.
Campbell County (Wyo.) T2-787 12 T2-71
Campbell Island (N.Z.) T2-939 9 Canada, Eastern T2-713
Campbel!ites 286.6 Canada, Western T2--712
see also Restoration movement Canada goose 598.417 8
(Christian movement) Canadian Alliance (Political
Campbelltown (N.S.W.) T2-9446 party) 324.271 04
Campbeltown (Scotland) T2-4142 Canadian Arctic T2-7l9
Campeche (Mexico: State) T2-7264 Canadian Arctic
Camperdown (South Archipelago (Nunavut
Africa : District) T2-684 7 and N.W.T.) T2-719 52
Campers (Vehicles) 388.346 Canadiru1 Cordillera T2-711
cooking 641.575 Canadian County (Okla.) T2-766 39
engineering 629.226 Canadian football 796.335
see also Motor homes Canadian football players 796.335 092

Decimal Classification

Canadian language Canalboats (continued)

420.971 towed 386.229
T6-21 design 623.812 9
French 440.971 engineering 623.829
T6-41 transportation services 386.229
Inuit 497.12 Canalized rivers 386.4
T6-971 2 engineering 627.13
Canadian literature see also Canals
English 810 Canals 386.4
French 840 engineering 627.13
Inuit 897.12 law 343.096 4
Canadian Pacific seawaters 551.461 433 law of nations 341.446
T2-164 33 transportation services 386.4
Canadian pronunciation Canapes 641.812
English 421.52 Cafiar (Ecuador : Province) T2-866 23
French 441.52 Canarese T5-948 14
Canadian Reform Conservative Canaries 636.686 25
Alliance (Political party) 324.271 04 animal husbandry 636.686 25
Canadian River (Okla.) T2-766 zoology 598.885
Canadian River, North Canary grasses 584.9
(Okla.) T2-766 1 Canary Islands 964.9
Canadian Rockies (B.C. and T2-649
Alta.) T2-7ll Canasta 795.418
Canadian Shield T2-714 Canberra (A.C.T.) T2-9471
Canada T2-714 Cancellations (Philately) 769.567
Manitoba T2-712 72 Cancer 571.978
Ontario T2-713 1 animals 571.978 1
Canadian spelling veterinary medicine 636.089 699 4
English 421.52 humans 362.196 994
French 441.52 geriatrics 618.976 994
Canadians T5-ll incidence 614.599 9
see Manual at T5-112, medicine 616.994
T5-114 vs. T5-2, nursing 616.994 023 1
T5-41 pediatrics 618.929 94
Canaigre 633.87 social services 362.196 994
agriculture 633.87 surgery 616.994 059
botany 583.57 Cancer (Zodiac) 133.526 5
Qanakka1e iii (Turkey) T2-562 2 Candelilla wax 665.12
ancient T2-392 1 Candidiasis
Asia T2--562 2 incidence 614.559 3
Europe T2-49612 medicine 616.969 3
Canal Area (Panama) T2-728 75 see also Communicable
Canal transportation 386.4 diseases humans
see also Inland water Candleberry 583.43
transportation Candle berry wax 665.12
Canalboats Candler County (Ga.) TI-758 773
freight services 386.244 Candles 621.323
power-driven 386.224 36 handicrafts 745.593 32
design 623.812 436 see also Lighting
engineering 623.824 36 Candlesticks 621.323
transportation services 386.224 36 ceramic arts 738.8
handicrafts 745.593 3
see also Lighting
Candlewood 583.628

Relative Index

candomble 299.673 Canned

641.853 cooking 641.612
commercial processing 664.153 product safety 363.192 9
home preparaiion 641.853 see also Food -- product
Candytufts (Plants) 583.64 safety
Cane fruits 641.347 1 Cannel coal 553.23
botany 583.73 economic geology 553.23
cooking 641.647 1 properties 662.622 3
food 641.347 1 Cannibalism
horticulture 634.71 customs 394.9
Cane rat 599.359 Cannibalism in animals 591.53
Cane sugar 641.336 1 Canning. John Charles, Earl
commercial processing 664.122 Indian history 954.031 7
food 641.336 1 Canning foods 664.028 2
see also Sugar commercial preservation 664.028 2
Cane syrup 641.336 1 home preservation 641.42
commercial processing 664.122 Cannoek Chase (England) T2--424 67
food 641.336 1 Cannon County (Tenn.) TI-768 535
see also Sugar Cannons 355.822
Cane textiles 677.54 art metalwork 739.742
see also Textiles engineering 623.42
Canea (Greece: Nome) T2--495 9 military equipment 355.822
Canella language 498.4 Canoe racing 797.14
T6-984 Canoeing
Canelones (Uruguay : sports 797.122
Dept.) T2-895 14 Canoes 386.229
Canes (Sticks) 391.44 design 623.812 9
Caniapiseau (Quebec : engineering 623.829
Regional County transportation services 386.229
Municipality) T2-714 117 Canoidea 599.76
Canidae 599.77 paleozoology 569.76
paleozoology 569.77 Canon law 262.9
Canindeyu (Paraguay) TI-892133 Canon of Bible 220.12
Canine police services 363.232 Canonization of saints 235.24
Canines 636.7 Canons (Music) 784.187 8
see also Dogs Canons regular 255.08
Canis 599.772 church history 271.08
<;ankrn ili (Turkey) T2-563 7 women 255.908
ancient T2-393 17 church history 271.908
Canna (Scotland) T2--41154 Canopies
Cannabaceae 583.45 church architecture 726.529 3
Cannabis Cant 417.2
pharmacokinetics 615.782 7 specific languages T4-7
Cannabis abuse 362.295 Cantabria (Spain) T2--463 51
medicine 616.863 5 Cantabrian Mountains
personal health 613.835 (Spain) T2--462
social welfare 362.295 Cantal (France) T2--445 92
see also Substance abuse Cantaloupes 641.356 117
Cannaceae 584.39 cooking 641.656 117
Cannas 635.934 39 food 641.356 117
botany 584.39 garden crop 635.611 7
floriculture 635.934 39 Cantatas 782.24
choral and mixed voices 782.524
single voices 783.092 4

Dewey Decimal Classification

Canteen cooking 641.577 Cape Breton Highlands

Canteen meal service 642.5 National Park (N.S.) T2-716 91
Canteens Breton Island (N.S.) T2-716 9
armed forces 355.341 Cape Cod (Mass.) T2--744 92
Canterbury (England : City) T2--422 34 Cape Cod Bay (Mass.) 551.461 345
Canterbury Region (N.Z.) T2-938 T2-163 45
Cantharidae 595.764 4 Cape Dorset (Nunavut) T2-719 52
Cantharoidea 595.764 4 Cape Fear River (N.C.) T2-756 2
Canticle of Canticles 223.9 Cape Girardeau County
Canticles 782.295 (Mo.) T2-778 96
Cantilever bridges Cape Hatteras (N.C.) T2--756 175
construction 624.219 Cape LeGrand National
Cantilever foundations 624.156 Park (W.A.) T2-941 7
Canton (China) T2 512 75 Cape May County (N.J.) T2-749 98
Cantonese dialects 495.172 7 Cape Metropolitan Area
T6-951 7 (South Africa) T2-687 35
Cantons 320.83 Cape of Good Hope (South 968.705
see also Counties Africa) 1'2--687
Cantons-de-l 'Est (Quebec) Cape of Good Hope (South
Cantors (Judaism) Africa: Cape) T2-687 35
biography 296.462 092 Cape Peninsula (South
Cantus firmus 781.828 Africa: Cape) T2-687 35
Canunda National Park (S. Cape Range National Park
Aust.) T2-942 34 (W.A.) T2-941 3
Canute I, King of England Cape Town (South Africa) T2-687 355
English history 942.018 1 Cape Verde 966.58
Canvas embroidery 746.442 T2-665 8
Canvasback 598.414 Cape Verde Islands T2-665 8
Canyon County (Idaho) T2-79623 Cape Verdeans T5-966 58
Canyoneering 796.524 Cape Wollaston (N.W.T.) T2-719 3
Canyoning 796.524 Cape York Peninsula (Qid.) T2-943 8
Canyonlands National Park Capercaillies 598.634
(Utah) T2~792 59 Capers 641.338 2
Canyons 551.442 botany 583.64
T2-144 see also Flavorings
geography 910.9144 Capes (Clothing) 391.46
geomorphology 551.442 see also Outerwear
physical geography 910.021 44 Capetian dynasty 944.021
Canzonas 784.187 5 genealogy 929.74
Cao B~ng (Vietnam : Capillaries 573.187
Province) T2-5971 animals 573.187
Cap-de-Ja-Madeleine (Trois- human anatomy 611.15
Rivieres, Quebec) T2 -714 451 human physiology 612.135
Capacitance meters 621.374 2 medicine 616.148
Capacitors physiology 573.187
electrical engineering 621.315 surgery 617.415
radio engineering 621.384 133 see also Cardiovascular system
Capacity (Law) 346.013 Capillarity 530.427
Cape (South Africa : chemical engineering 660.293
District) 1'2--687 355 Capillary circulation 573.187
Cape Baring (N.W.T.) T2-719 3 human physiology 612.135
Cape Breton (N.S. : see also Capillaries
Regional municipality) T2-716 95

Relative Index

Capillary diseases Capital sources 332.041 5

medicine 616.148 financial management 658.152 2
see also Cardiovascular Capital transactions (Balance of
diseases humans payments)
Capillary hemangiomas international banking 332.152
medicine 616.993 15 international finance 332.042 4
Capital 332.041 Capitale-Nationale {Quebec) T2-714 47
financial economics 332.041 Capitalism 330.122
income distribution 339.21 economics 330.122
management 658.152 social theology 201.73
production economics 338.604 1 Christianity 261.85
Capital (B.C.) T2~-711 28 Judaism 296.383
Capital accounting 657.76 sociology 306.342
Capital budgets 658.154 Capitalization (Finance) 658.152
Capital budgets (Public) 352.48 Capitalization (Writing) 411
see also Budgets (Public) specific languages T4-11
Capital cities Capitals (Architecture) 721.3
area pi anning 711.45 Capitan Prat (Chile :
Capital Federal (Argentina) T2-821 1 Province) T2-836 28
Capital flight 332.042 4 Capitol Reef National Park
Capital flows 332.042 4 (Utah) T2-792 54
Capital formation 332.041 5 Capitols
agricultural industries 338.13 architecture 725.11
economics 332.041 5 Capitonidae 598.72
financial management 658.1522 Capiz (Philippines :
macroeconomics 339.43 Province) T2-599 5
mineral industries 338.23 Cappadocia (Kingdom) T2·-393 4
production economics 338.604 I Cappadocia (Turkey) T2-564 1
secondary industries 338.43 Capparales 583.64
Capital gains tax 336.242 4 Capparidales 583.64
law 343.052 45 Capra 599.648
public administration 352.44 Capreolus 599.659
public finance 336.242 4 Capri Island (Italy) T2-457 3
corporate income 336.243 Capricorn (Zodiac) 133.527 5
individual income 336.242 4 Caprifoliaceae 583.92
Capital levy 336.22 Caprimulgiformes 598.99
law 343.054 paleozoology 568.9
Capital loss Caprinae 599.647
personal income tax deduction 336.242 4 Caps (Headwear) 391.43
Capital management 658.152 see also Headwear
Capital markets 332.041 5 Capsicums 64 L.338 4
Capital movements 332.042 4 botany 583.952
Capital punishment 364.66 see also Hot spices; Sweet
ethics 179.7 peppers
religion 205.697 Capstans 621.864
Buddhism 294.356 97 Capsule cockpits 629.134 386
Christianity 241.697 Capsules (Phannaceuticals)
Hinduism 294.548 697 pharmaceutical chemistry 615.19
Islam 297.569 7 Captive balloons
Judaism 296.369 7 engineering 629.133 22
law 345.077 3 military engineering 623.744
penology 364.66 Captives (Military) 355.113
social theology 201.764 war customs 399
Christianity 261.833 66 see alw Prisoners of war

Dewey Decimal Classification

Capture (Nuclear particles) 539.75 Carbohydrates (continued)

Capuchins 255.36 metabolic disorders 571.945 6
church history 271.36 medicine 616.399 8
Capybaras 599.359 see also Digestive system
Caqueta (Colombia) T2-861 64 diseases humans
Car boot sales 381.195 metabolism 572.564
Car cards (Advertising) 659.134 4 human physiology 612.396
Car parks 388.474 Carbon 547
see also Parking facilities biochemistry 572
Car pools 388.413 212 chemical engineering 661.068 1
law 343.098 2 inorganic chemistry 546.681
Car sickness materials science 620.193
medicine 616.989 2 mineralogy 549.27
see also Environmental organic chemistry 547
diseases -humans applied 661.8
Carabidae 595.762 see also Chemicals
Carabobo (Venezuela: Carbon black 662.93
State) T2-873 2 Carbon County (Mont) T2-786 652
Caracaras 598.96 Carbon County (Pa.) T2-74826
Caracas (Venezuela) T2-877 Carbon County (Utah) T2-792 566
Caracciolini 255.56 Carbon County (Wyo.) T2-787 86
church history 271.56 Carbon cycle (Biogeochemistry) 577.144
Caradon (England) T2--423 7 Carbon dioxide 546.681 2
Caralis (Italy) T2-37911 gas technology 665.89
Carapidae 597.63 therapeutics 615.836
Carapodidae 597.63 Carbon dioxide removal
Cara~-Severin (Romania) T2--498 4 human physiology 612.22
Carassius (Goldfish) 639.374 84 Carbon dioxide sinks 577.144
culture 639.374 84 Carbon processes
zoology 597.484 photographic printing 773.1
Caravans (Vehicles) 388.346 Carbonaceous materials 553.2
engineering 629.226 economic geology 553.2
see also Motor homes mining 622.33
Caravels 387.21 Carbonate rocks 552.58
design 623.812 1 Carbonated beverages 641.26
engineering 623.821 commercial processing 663.62
handling 623.882 1 home preparation 641.875
transportation services 387.21 Carbonated water
see also Ships commercial processing 663.61
Caraway 641.338 3 Carbonates
botany 583.849 mineralogy 549.78
see also Spices Carbonia-Inglesia (Italy :
Carazo (Nicaragua) T2--728 516 Province) T2--459 8
Carbines 683.422 ancient T2-379 8
see also Rifles Carboniferous period 551.75
Carbohydrases 572.756 geology 551.75
see also Enzymes paleontology 560.175
Carbohydrate-restricted diet Carboxylic acids 547.037
health 613.283 3 chemical engineering 661.86
Carbohydrates 572.56 Carbro process 773.1
applied nutrition 613.283 Carbuncles
biochemistry 572.56 medicine 616.523
humans 612.015 78 see also Skin diseases
chemistry 547.78 humans

Relative Index

Carbureted-blue gas 665.772 Cardiology 6.12

Carburetors 621.437 pediatrics 618.921 2
automotive 629.253 3 Cardiopulmonary diseases
Carcharhinidae 597.34 medicine 616.1
Carcharhinifonnes 597.3 see also Cardiovascular
Carcharodon carcharias 597.33 diseases humans
Carchi (Ecuador) T2-866 II Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Carcinogenesis medicine 616.102 5
biology 571.978 Cardiotonic agents
medicine 616.994 071 pharmacokinetics 615.711
Carcinoma 571.978 Cardiovascular agents
incidence 614.599 9 phannacokinetics 615.71
medicine 6!6.994 Cardiovascular diseases 573.139
see also Cancer animals 573.139
Card catalogs 025.313 veterinary medicine 636.089 61
Card games 795.4 humans 362.196 I
Card players 795.409 2 anesthesiology 617.96741
Card readers (Computers) 004.76 cancer 362.196 994 I
engineering 621.398 6 incidence 614.599 941
Card tricks 793.85 medicine 616.994 I
Card weaving social services 362.196 994 I
arts 746.14 see also Cancer-- humans
Cardamom 641.338 3 geriatrics 618.976 1
botany 584.39 incidence 614.591
see also Spices medicine 616.1
Cardboard 676.288 nursing 616.102 31
Cardenas, Lazaro pediatrics 618.921
Mexican history 972.082 5 perinatal medicine 618.326 1
Cardiac arrest pharmacokinetics 615.71
medicine 616.123 025 pregnancy complications
see also Cardiovascular obstetrics 618.361
diseases humans social services 362.196 1
Cardiac asthma surgery 617.41
medicine 616.12 Cardiovascular organs 573.1
see also Cardiovascular see also Cardiovascular system
diseases humans Cardiovascular system 573.1
Cardiac muscle tissues anesthesiology 617.967 41
human histology 612.740 45 biology 573.1
Cardiff (Wales) T2-429 87 diseases 573.139
. Cardigans 391.46 see also Cardiovascular
commercial technology 687.14 diseases
home sewing 646.45 human anatomy 6ll.l
see also Outerwear human histology 612.104 5
Cardinal fishes 597.7 human physiology 612.1
Cardinal numbers 511.322 medicine 616.1
Cardinal sins 241.3 physiology 573.1
Cardinals (Birds) 598.883 surgery 617.41
Cardinals (Clergy) 282.092 Cardoso, Fernando Henrique
biography 282.092 Brazilian history 981.064
ecclesiology 262.135 Cards
Carding textiles 677.028 21 divination 133.324 2
arts 746.11 games 795.4
manufacturing technology 677.028 21 manufacturing technology 688.754
Carduelidae 598.885

Dewey Decimal Classification

CARE (Finn) 361.763 Caribbean Region

Career changes 331.702 (Colombia) T2~861 1
business 650.14 Caribbean Sea 551.461 365
economics 331.702 T2-163 65
executive management 658.409 Carib bees T2--729
Career development 370.113 Cariboo.(B.C. : Regional
business 650.1 District) T2-·711 75
economics 331.702 Cariboo Mountains (B.C.) T2-711 7
industrial psychology 158.7 Caribou 599.658
see also Vocational education; animal husbandry 636.294 8
Vocational guidance conservation technology 639.979 658
Career education 370.113 resource economics 333.959 658
T1--071 Caribou County (Idaho) T2-796 45
see also Vocational education Caricaceae 583.626
Career guidance 331.702 Caricatures 741.56
Tl--023 drawing 741.51
see also Vocational guidance . genres
Career opportunities 331.702 history, criticism, techniques 741.53
Tl-023 geographic treatment 741.569 3--.569 9
see also Vocational guidance see Manual at 741.593-.599
Caregivers 362.042 5 and 741.5693-.5699
Carettochelyidae 597.926 see Manual at 741.5; also at
Cargados Carajos Shoals 741.56
(Mauritius) Caridea 595.388
Cargo airplanes Caries
military engineering 623.746 5 dentistry 617.67
Cargo handling 388.044 incidence 614.599 6
see also Freight services Carillons 786.64
Cargo-handling equipment 623.867 see also Mechanical musical
port engineering 627.34 instruments
ships 623.867 Caring
Cargo insurance 368.2 ethics 177.7
Cargo ships 387.245 religion 205.677
petroleum technology 665.543 see also Love ethics
power-driven 387.245 Carjacking 364.162862 9222
design 623.812 45 law 345.026 286 292 22
engineering 623.824 5 Carl XVI Gustaf, King of
wind-driven 387.224 Sweden
design 623.812 24 Swedish history 948.505 4
engineering 623.822 4 Carleton (N.B. : County) T2--715 52
see also Merchant ships; Ships Carleton (Ont.) T2-713 84
Caria T2--392 4 Carlisle (England: City) T2-427 89
Carib Indians T5-9842 Carlisle County (Ky.) T2--769 97
Carib Indians (Galibi) T5-984 22 Carlow (Ireland :County) T2---418 82
Carib language 498.422 Carlsbad Caverns National
T6-984 22 Park (N.M.) T2--789 42
Carib languages 498.42 Carlton County (Minn.) T2-776 73
T6-984 2 Carmarthen (Wales :
Caribbean Area 972.9 District) T2-429 65
T2--729 Cannarthenshire (Wales) T2--429 65
Caribbean Blacks TS-969 729 Carmelite Nuns 255.971
Caribbean Islands T2-729 church history 271.971
Caribbean peoples TS-969 729

Relative Index

Carmelites 255.73 Carols

church history 271.73 choral and mixed voices 782.528
women 255.971 single voices 783.092 8
church history 271.971 Carom billiards 794.72
Carnallite 553.636 Carotid body
mineralogy 549.4 human anatomy 611.47
Carnarvon (South Africa : human physiology 612.49
District) T2-687 17 medicine 616.4
Carnarvon National Park Carp 641.392
(Qld.) T2~943 5 cooking 641.692
Carnations 635.933 53 culture 639.374 83
botany 583.53 food 641.392
floriculture 635.933 53 sports fishing 799.174 83
Carnauba wax 665.12 zoology 597.483
Carnival 394.25 Carp family 597.482
Carnivals 791.1 Carpal tunnel syndrome
Camivora 599.7 medicine 616.856
conservation technology 639.979 7 see also Nervous system
paleozoology 569.7 diseases humans
resource economics 333.959 7 Carpals
Carnivorous animals 591.53 human anatomy 611.717
Carnivorous dinosaurs 567.912 human physiology 612.751
Carnivorous plants 583.75 Carpathian Mountains T2--477 9
Byblidaceae 583.72 Slovakia T2-437 3
Cephalotaceae 583.72 Ukraine T2--477 9
floriculture 635.933 75 Carpathos Island (Greece) T2---495 87
583.95 ancient T2~391 7
Lentibu lariaceae
Nepenthales 583.75 Carpels 575.665
575.99 Carpenter Lake (B.C.) T2~7113l
Sarraceniaceae 583.36 Carpenters 694.092
Carnot cycle 536.71 Carpentry 694
Caro, Joseph ship hulls 623.844
Jewish legal codes 296.182 Carpeting
Carob 641.344 6 building construction 698.9
botany 583.74 Carpetmakers 746.792
cooking 641.644 6 Carpets 645.12
food 641.344 6 see also Rugs
orchard crop 634.46 Carpetweeds 583.53
Carolina (South Africa : Carpoids 563.92
District) T2-682 78 Carranza, Venustiano
Caroline County (Md.) T2-752 31 Mexican history 972.082 1
Caroline County (Va.) T2~755 362 Carrera, Rafael
Caroline Islands T2~966 Guatemalan history 972.810 44
Carolingian calligraphy 745.619 74 Carriacou Island 972.984 5
Carolingian dynasty 944.014 T2-729 845
French history 944.014 Carriage horses 636.14
German history 943.014 Carriages 388.341
Italian history 945.02 manufacturing technology 688.6
Lombardian history 945.202 Carrick (England) T2--423 7
Piedmontese history 945.102 Carrickfergus (Northem
Tuscan history 945.502 Ireland) T2~--416 17

Venetian history 945.302 Carrier language 497.2

Carrier proteins 572.696
Carrier RNA 572.886

Decimal Classification

Carriers (Common carriers) 388.041 Carterton District (N.Z.) T2-936 7

see also Common carriers Cartesian coordinate system 516.16
Carriers (Pneumatic) 621.54 Carthage (Extinct city) T2-397 3
Carrion beetles 595.764 2 Carthaginian architecture 722.32
Carrion flowers (Asclepiadaceae) 583.93 Carthaginian period 939.730 2
Carrion flowers (Smilacaceae) 584.356 Libyan history 939.740 2
Carroll Cmmty (Ark.) T2-767 17 Moroccan history 939.712 02
Carroll County (Ga.) T2-758 39 North African history 939.702
Carroll County (Ill.) T2-773 345 Portuguese history 936.690 2
Carroll County (Ind.) T2- 772 94 Spanish history 936.602
Carroll County (Iowa) T2-777 465 Tunisian history 939.730 2
Carroll County (Ky.) T2-769 373 Carthusians 255.71
Carroll County (Md.) T2 -752 77 church history 271.71
Carroll County (Miss.) T2-762 63 3 women 255.97
Carroll County (Mo.) TI-778 225 church history 271.97
Carroll County (N.H.) T2-742 42 Cartier, Jacques
Carroll County (Ohio) T2-771 67 Quebec history 971.401 2
Carroll County (Tenn.) T2-768 25 Cartilage 573.763 56
CarrollCounty(Va.) T2-755 714 human histology 612.751 7
Carron, River (Scotland) T2-411 52 human physiology 612.751 7
Carrots 641.351 3 medicine 616.77
botany 583.849 see also Musculoskeletal
commercial processing 664.805 13 system
cooking 641.651 3 Cartilage cells
food 641.351 3 human cytology 612.751 76
crop 635.13 Cartilage diseases
Carrying cases medicine 616.77
cameras 771.38 see also Musculoskeletal
Cars (Automobiles) 388.342 diseases - humans
driving 629.283 Cartilaginous fishes 597.3
engineering 629.222 Cartilaginous ganoids 597.42
repair 629.287 2 Cartographers 526.092
transportation services 388.342 Cartographic materials
see also Automobiles cataloging 025.346
Carson City (Nev.) T2-793 57 library treatment 025.176
Carson County (Tex.) T2-764 826 Cartography 526
Cartagena (Spain) T2-467 7 military engineering 623.71
Cartago (Costa Rica : military intelligence service 355.343 2
Province) T2-728 62 Cartomancy 133.324 2
Cartan geometry 516.376 Cartons 688.8
Cartels 338.87 paperboard 676.32
international 338.88 Cartoon animation 741.58
see also International Cartoon fiction 741.5
enterprises Cartoon tllms 791.433 4
Carter, James Earl cinematography 777.7
United States history 973.926 drawing 741.58
Carter, Jimmy motion pictures 791.433 4
United States history 973.926 Cartooning
Carter County (Ky.) T2-769 28 techniques 741.51
Carter County (Mo.) T2-778 892 Cartoonists
Carter County (Mont.) T2-786 36 biography 741.5691-.5699
Carter County (Okla.) T2-766 58 see Manual at 741.593-.599
Carter County (Tenn.) T2-768 984 and 741.5693-.5699
Carteret County (N.C.) T2--756 197

Relative Index

Cartoons 741.56 Case histories

Tl---022 2 medicine 616.09
drawing 741.51 Case studies
genres descriptive research 001.433
history, criticism, techniques 741.53 Tl-072 3
geographic treatment 741.569 3--.569 9 Casein-derived plastics 668.43
see Manual at 741.593-.599 Casein glue 668.32
and 741.5693-.5699 Casein painting 751.422
humor 741.56 Caserta (Italy : Province) T2-457 25
Tl---020 7 ancient T2-37723
journalism Cases (Law) 348.04
comic strips 070.444 law of nations 341.026 8
editorial 070.442 Casework 361.32
see Manual at 741.5; also at Casey County (Ky.) T2--769 66
741.56 Cash 332.041 2
Cartridge tapes (Computers) 004.563 accounting 657.72
engineering 621.397 63 financial management 658.152 44
Cartridges (Ammunition) 683.406 Cash balance theory 332.401
manufacturing technology 683.406 Cash flow
military engineering 623.455 financial management 658.152 44
Carts 388.341 Cash management
manufacturing technology 688.6 financial management 658.152 44
Carvaka 181.46 Cash-an-delivery mail 383.184
Carver County (Minn.) T2-776 53 Cash registers
Carving manufacturing technology 681.14
artistic technique 730.28 Cash renting
architectural decoration 729.5 land economics 333.562
decorative arts 736 Cashews 641.345 73
sculpture 731.46 agriculture 634.573
table service 642.6 botany 583.77
Caryophyllales 583.53 cooking 641.645 73
Caryophyllidae 583.5 food 641.345 73
Casaba melon 641.356117 Casino (N.S.W.) T2-944 3
cooking 641.656 117 Casinos
food 641.356 117 architecture 725.76
garden crop 635.6ll 7 Casks
Casablanca (Morocco) T2-643 8 wooden 674.82
Casablanca-Anfa Caspian Sea T2--475
(Morocco: Prefecture) T2-643 8 Commonwealth of
Casanare (Colombia: Dept.) T2-861 96 Independent States T2--475
Cascade County (Mont.) T2~-786 611 Iran T2-551 4
Cascade Mountains (B.C.) T2-711 5 Caspian seal 599.792
Cascade Range T2-795 Casquets (Channel Islands) T2--423 48
British Columbia T2~-711 5 Cass County (IlL) T2-773 465
California T2-794 2 Cass County (Ind.) T2-772 86
Oregon T2-795 Cass County (Iowa) T2-777 72
Washington T2-797 5 Cass County (Mich.) T2-774 12
Cascades Cass County (Minn.) T2--776 86
landscape architecture 714 Cass County (Mo.) T2-778 42
Cascading style sheets 006.74 Cass County (N.D.) T2-784 13
Case (Grammar) 415.5 Cass County (Neb.) T2-~782 272
specific languages T4-55 Cass County (Tex.) T2-764 195
Case grammar (Theory) 415.018 Cassations 784.185
specific languages T4-501 8

Decimal Class[fication

641.336 82 Casting pottery 666.442

botany 583.69 arts 738.142
commercial processing 664.23 technology 666.442
cooking 641.636 82 Castle Morpcth (England) T2~28 83
food 641.336 82 Castle Point (England) T2~26792
starch crop 633.682 Castlegar (B.C.) T2~711 62
Casserole dishes 641.821 Castlemainc (Vic.) T2- 945 3
Cassettes (Computers) 004.563 Castlereagh (Northern
Cassettes (Sonnd) 384 Ireland : District) T2~1651
bibliographies 011.38 Castles
sound reproduction 621.389 324 architecture 728.81
see also Sonnd recordings domestic 728.81
Cassettes (Video) 384.558 military 725.18
see also Video recordings Castles (Chessmen) 794.143
Cassia County (Idaho) T2~796 39 Castor oil 665.353
Cassiar Mountains (B.C. Castor-oil plant 583.69
and Yukon) T2~711 85 Castoridae 599.37
Cassiterite paleozoology 569.37
mineralogy 549.524 Castrato voices 782.86
Cassowaries 598.53 choral and mixed voices 782.86
Cast iron 669.141 3 single voices 783.86
decorative arts 739.4 Castro, Cipriano
Cast latex 678.533 Venezuelan hi story 987.063 12
Cast tableware Castro, Fidel
decorative arts 748.2 Cuban history 972.910 64
Castaneoideae 583.46 Castro County (Tex.) T2~764 837

Castanets 786.873 Castro ism 335.434 7

see also Percussion instruments economics 335.434 7
Caste systems 305.512 2 political ideology 320.532 309 729 1
Castellon (Spain: Province) T2~67 61 Casual clothes 391
Castelo Branco (Portugal : see also Casual wear
District) T2-469 33 Casual wear 391
Castelo Branco, Humberto de commercial technology 687
Alencar customs 391
Brazilian history 981.063 home economics 646.3
Castile (Kingdom) 946.03 home sewing 646.4
Castile (Spain) T2~63 see also Clothing
Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) T2-464 Casual workers 331.544
Castilla-Leon (Spain) T2-462 Casualty insurance 368.5
Castilla y Leon (Spain) T2~62 law 346.086 5
Casting Casuariiformes 598.53
arts 730.28 paleozoology 568.5
ceramic arts 738.142 Casuarinales 583.43
sculpture 731.45 Casuistry
Casting (Fishing) 799.124 ethical systems 171.6
Casting glass 666.125 Caswell County (N.C.) T2~756 575
Casting latex 678.527 CAT (Air transportation hazard) 363.124 12
Casting metals 671.2 Cat breeds 636.8
arts 730.28 see Manual at 636.82-.83
decorative arts 739.14 Cat briers 584.356
sculpture 731.456 Cat family (Felidae) 599.75
technology 671.2 CAT scan
Casting plastics 668.412 medicine 616.075 722

Relative Index

Catabolism 572.48 Catania (Italy) T2--458 131

see also Metabolism ancient T2-378 131
Catahoula Parish (La.) T2--763 74 Catania (Italy : Province) T2--458 13
Catalan language 449.9 ancient T2--378 13
T6--499 Catanzaro (Italy · Province) T2--457 81
Catalan literature 849.9 ancient T2--377 81
Catalans T5--49 Catapults 623.441
Catalascs 572.791 Cataracts
see also Enzymes ophthalmology 617.742
Catalog marketing 381.142 see also Eye diseases
management 658.872 humans
Catalog shopping 381.142 Catarrhini 599.86
law 343.081 142 8 paleozoology 569.86
Cataloging Catastrophes 904
library science 025.3 see also Disasters
museology 069.52 Catastrophes (Biological
Cataloging in publication 025.3 evolution) 576.84
Catalogs TI~021 6 Catastrophes (Mathematics) 514.744
postal handling 383.124 Catastrophic health insurance 368.382 8
see also Postal service government -sponsored 368.42
see also Auction catalogs law 344.022
Catalogs (Bibliographic catalogs) 025.31 law 346.086 382 8
general catalogs 011 Catawba County (N.C.) T2-756 785
library science 025.31 Catawba Indians T5--975 2
specific collections 017 Catawba language 497.52
specific forms 011.3 T6-975 2
specific historical periods 011.09 Catawba River (N.C. and
specific languages 011.2 S.c.) T2-757 45
specific places 015 Catbirds 598.844
specific subjects 016 Catch-as-catch-can wrestling 796.812 3
see Manual at 011-017 Catch basins
Catalogs of exhibits 069.52 sewers 628.25
Tl-074 Catchers' mitts
museology 069.52 manufacturing technology 688.763 57
see 1Wanual at Tl~074 vs. Catching
Tl~029 baseball 796.357 23
Catalonia (Spain) T2-467 Catchword indexing 025.486
Catalpas 635.977 395 Catechetics 268
botany 583.95 Catechisms 202
ornamental arboriculture 635.977 395 Christianity 238
Catalufia (Spain) T2--467 Catechists 268.092
Catalysis 541.395 biography 268.092
chemical engineering 660.299 5 see Manual at 230-280
organic chemistry 547.215 role and function 268.3
Catalytic cracking 665.533 Catechols 547.633
Catamarca (Argentina : Catechumenate 265.13
Province) T2~824 5 Categorial grammar 415.018
Catamblyrhynchidae 598.88 specific languages T4--501 8
Catana (Italy) T2--378 131 Categories (Mathematics) 512.62
Catanduanes Island Category theory 512.62
(Philippines) Catered meals 642.4
Catanduanes Province Caterers 642.409 2
(Philippines) T2~5991 Catering 642.4

Decimal Classification

647.95 Catsup 641.814

Catering establishments
see also Eating places commercial processing 664.58
Caterpillars 595.781 392 home preparation 641.814
culture 638.578 139 2 Cattails (Plants) 584.68
597.49 Cattaraugus County (N.Y.) T2~747 94
Catfishes (Channel catfish) 641.392 Cattle 636.2
conservation technology 639.977 492 agricultural economics 338.176 2
cooking 641.692 animal husbandry 636.2
culture 639.374 92 theft of 364.162 863 62
food 641.392 law 345.026 286 362
resource economics 333.956 492 zoology 599.642 2
sports fishing 799.174 92 Cattle cars 385.34
zoology 597.492 engineering 625.24
Catharine, the Great see also Rolling stock
Russian history 947.063 Cattle stealing 364.162 863 62
Catharism 273.6 law 345.026 286 362
denomination 284.4 Cattlemen 636.213 092
persecution of 272.3 CATV systems 384.554 6
Cathartics see also Television
pharmacokinetics 615.732 Cauca (Colombia: Dept.) T2~86l 53
Cathartidae 598.92 Caucasian Albania T2-395 34
Cathcart (South Africa : Caucasian languages 499.96
Cathedral systems Caucasian literatures 899.96
Christian ecclesiology 262.3 Caucasian race 305.809
Cathedrals TS-09
architecture 726.6 Caucasians (Peoples ofthe
religious significance 246.96 Caucasus) T5~999 6
Catherine I, Empress of Russia Caucasic languages 499.96
Russian history 947.061 T6~9996

Catherine II, Empress of Russia Caucasic literatures 899.96

947.063 Caucasoid race T5~09
Russian history
Catheterization Caucasus 947.5
surgery 617.05 T2--475
Cathode-ray tubes 621.381 542 2 ancient 939.53
621.388 32 T2~395 3
television engineering
Catholic Church 282 Russia T2--475 2
Catholic epistles 227.9 Caucasus rugs
Catholic regions T2~176 12 arts 746.759
Catholic schools 371.071 2 Cauchy integral 515.43
Catholicity 262.72 Cauchy problem 515.35
Catholics 282.092 Caucus nomination 324.52
Catnip 583.96 Caucuses (Legislative) 328.36
Catnip tea 641.357 Caudal anesthesia
see also Herb teas surgery 617.964
Catoosa County (Ga.) T2--758 326 Caudata 597.85
Catron County (N.M.) T2~789 93 Caudofoveata 594.2
Cats 636.8 Caulerpales 579.835
animal husbandry 636.8 Cauliflower 641.353 5
arts T3C~362 975 2 commercial processing 664.805 35
predator control technology 636.083 9 cooking 641.653 5
zoology 599.752 food 641.353 5
Cat's cradles 793.96 garden crop 635.35
Catskill Mountains (N.Y.) T2~747 38

Relative Index

Causation Cayley algebra 512.5

philosophy 122 Cayman Islands 972.921
Causative (Linguistics) 415.6 T2-729 21
specific languages T4--56 Cayo District (Belize) T2-728 25
Cause Cayuga County (N.Y.) T2-74768
philosophy 122 Cayuga Indians T5-~975 54
Causes of Holocaust 940.531 811 Cayuga Lake (N.Y.) T2-747 68
causes of war 355.027 Cayuga language 497.554
American Revolution 973.311 T6-975 54
Civil War (United States) 973.7ll CB radio 384.53
Mexican War 973.621 communications services 384.53
South African War 968.048 1 engineering 621.384 54
Vietnamese War 959.704 31 CBR warfare 358.3
World War I 940.311 law 341.735
World War II 940.531 1 CD-ROMs 004.565
Caustic potash 546.383 22 see also CDs (Compact
chemical engineering 661.332 discs) computer storage
Caustic soda 546.382 22 CDs (Compact discs)
chemical engineering 661.322 computer storage 004.565
Cautin (Chile) T2-8346 bibliographies 011.39
Cavalier County (N.D.) T2-784 37 cataloging 025.344
Cavalry (Horse mounted) 357.1 engineering 621.397 67
Cavalry (Mechanized) 357.5 library treatment 025.174
Cavalry forces 357 publishing 070.579 7
Cavan (Ireland : County) T2~1698 music 780
Cave animals 591.758 4 recordings 384
Cave dwellers 569.9 bibliographies 011.38
Cave fishes 597.17584 cataloging 025.348 2
Cavefishes (Amblyopsidae) 597.62 engineering 621.389 32
Caves 551.447 library treatment 025.1782
T2-l44 publishing 070.579
biology 578.758 4 see also Sound recordings
ecology 577.584 CDU (German political party) 324.243 04
exploring 796.525 Ceara (Brazil: State) T2-813 1
geography 910.9144 Cease fires 327.17
geomorphology 551.447 law 341.66
physical geography 910.021 44 Ccbidac 599.85
psychological influence 155.964 palcozoology 569.85
Cavia 599.359 2 Cebu (Philippines) T2-599 5
Cavies 599.359 2 Ccbu Island (Philippines) T2-599 5
Caviidae 599.359 2 Cebuano language 499.21
Caviomorpha 599.359 T6-992 I
Cavitation 532.597 Cecal diseases
engineering 620.106 4 medicine 616.34
Cavite Province see also Digestive system
(Philippines) T2~599 1 diseases - humans
Cavities (Teeth) Cecidomyiidac 595.772
dentistry 617.67 Cecil County (Md.) T2--752 38
incidence 614.599 6 Cecum
Cavity resonators 621.381 332 human anatomy 611.345
Cayenne (French Guiana) T2--882 human physiology 612.33
Cayenne pepper 641.338 4 medicine 616.34
botany 583.952 surgery 617.554 5
see also Hot spices Cedar County (Iowa) T2-777 66

De11'ey Decimal Classification

Cedar County (Mo.) T2-778 743 Celestial navigation 527

Cedar County (Neb.) T2-782 58 nautical 623.89
Cedar Mountains (South Celestial reference systems 522.7
Africa) T2-687 31 Celestines 255.16
Cedarberg (South Africa) T2-687 31 church. history 271.16
Cedars 585.2 Celestite
forestry 634.975 6 mineralogy 549.752
lumber 674.144 Celiac disease
Cefalonia (Greece) T2--495 5 medicine 616.399
CEGEPs 378.154 3 see also Digestive system
Ceiling coverings diseases humans
household management 645.2 Celibacy 306.732
Ceilings 721.7 customs 392.6
architecture 721.7 ethics 176.4
construction 690.17 religion 205.66
interior decoration 747.3 Buddhism 294.356 6
Celandines 635.933 35 Christianity 241.66
botany 583.35 Hinduism 294.548 66
floriculture 635.933 35 psychology 155.3
Celastrales 583.85 religious practice 204.47
Celebes (Indonesia) T2-598 4 Buddhism 294.344 47
Celebes Sea 551.461 473 Christianity 248.47
T2-164 73 clergy 253.25
Celebrations 394.2 Hinduism 294.544 7
armed forces 355.16 sociology 306.732
see also Military Cell biology 571.6
commemorations humans 611.018 1
cooking 641.568 Cell chemistry 572
customs 394.2 Cell culture 571.638
public administrative support 353.77 experimental research
Celeriac 641.351 28 medicine 616.027 7
cooking 641.651 28 Cell death 571.936
food 641.351 28 Cell determination 571.863 6
garden crop 635.128 Cell differentiation 571.835
Celery 641.355 3 Cell digestion 572.4
botany 583.849 Cell division 571.844
commercial processing 664.805 53 Cell lines
cooking 641.655 3 experimental research
food 641.355 3 medicine 616.027 7
garden crop 635.53 Cell-mediated immunity 571.966
Celery root 641.35128 humans 616.0797
see also Celeriac Cell membrane receptors 572.696
Celestas 786.83 Cell membranes 571.64
instrument 786.831 9 Cell metabolism 572.4
music 786.83 Cell movement 571.67
see also Percussion instruments Cell physiology 571.6
Celestial bodies 520 humans 611.018 1
folklore 398.26 Cell receptors 572.696
history and criticism 398.362 Cell respiration 572.47
Celestial Church of Christ 289.93 Cell walls 571.68
see also Christian Cellists 787.409 2
denominations Cello concertos 784.274
Celestial mechanics 521
engineering 629.411

Relative Index

Cellos 787.4
instrument 787.419 T2-44
787.4 ancient 936.4
see also Stringed instruments T2~364

Cells (Biology) 571.6 Netherlands

anatomy 571.633 ancient 936.92
growth 571.84 T2-369 2
611.018 I Switzerland T2~494
pathology 571.936 ancient 936.94
reproduction 571.84 T2-3694
Cells (Rooms) Celtic religion 299.16
726.79 Celts T5~916
Cellular automata 511.35 Cement 666.94
Cellular immunity 571.966 economic geology 553.68
humans 616.079 7 materials science 620.135
Cellular pathology 571.936 structural engineering 624.183 3
humans 611.018 15 Cement casting
Cellular radio 384.535 sculpture 731.452
engineering 621.384 56 Cementum
Cellular slime molds 579.52 dentistry 617.634
Cellular telephones 384.535 Cemeteries 363.75
engineering 621.384 56 landscape architecture 718
Cellulases 572.756 public administration 353.6
see also Enzymes World War 1 940.465
Celluloid 668.44 World War II 940.546 5
Cellulose 572.566 82 see also Military
biochemistry 572.566 82 commemorations
see also Carbohydrates Cemetery records
Cellulose acetate genealogy 929.5
textiles 677.464 Cenozoic era 551.78
see also Textiles geology 551.78
Cellulose derivatives paleontology 560.178
chemical engineering 661.802 Censored books 098.1
Cellulosics 668.44 Censored observations 519.546
textiles 677.46 Censorship 363.31
see also Textiles law 344.053 1
Celtic harps 787.95 libraries 025.213
see also Stringed instruments social control 303.376
Celtic languages 491.6 see Manual at 363.31 vs.
T6--916 303.376, 791.4
Celtic literatures 891.6 Census
Celtic period 936.401 law 342.08
Austrian history 936.360 2 public administration 352.75
Belgian history 936.930 1 statistical reports 310
Dutch history 936.920 1 Census bureaus 352.75
English history 936.202 Census records
French history 936.401 genealogy 929.3
Irish history 936.150 2 Census taking 001.433
Ireland 936.170 2 Tl~072 3

Northern Ireland 936.160 2 animals 590.723 2

Liechtenstein history 936.364 802 birds 598.072 32
Luxembourgian history 936.935 01 Centaurs 398.21
Scottish history 936.110 2 see also Legendary beings
Swiss history 936.940 1 Center Hill Lake (Tenn.) T2--768 532

Dewey Decimal Classification

Center Party (Germany) 324.243 025 Central Greece (Greece) T2-495 15

Centipedes 595.62 Central Hawke's Bay
Central (Paraguay) T2-892 122 District (N .Z.) T2-934 69
Central (Scotland) T2-413 1 Central heating 697.03
Central Africa 967 resource economics 333.793
T2-67 Central Intelligence Agency
Central African Empire T2--674 I (U.S.) 327.127 3
Central African Federation 968.903 Central Italy 945.6
Central African Republic 967.41 T2-456
T2-6741 Central Java (Indonesia) T2--598 26
Central African Republic Central Kalimantan
people T5-967 41 (Indonesia) T2--598 34
Central Africans (National Central Kootenay (B.C.) T2-711 62
group) T5-967 41 Central Lowlands
Central Algonquian languages 497.31 (Scotland) T2-413
T6-973 1 Central Macedonia (Greece) T2-495 65
Central America 972.8 Central Malayo-Polynesian 499.22
T2---728 languages T6-992 2
Central America (Federal 972.804 Central nervous system 573.86
Republic: 1823-·1840) T2·-728 biology 573.86
Costa Rican history 972.860 42 human anatomy 611.81
Guatemalan history 972.810 42 human biochemistry 612.822
Honduran history 972.830 4 human biophysics 612.822
Nicaraguan history 972.850 42 human physiology 612.82
Salvadoran history 972.840 42 medicine 616.8
Central American native 497 see also Nervous system
languages T6--97 Central nervous system diseases 573.863 9
Central American native animals 573.863 9
literatures 897 humans
Central American native medicine 616.8
peoples T5-970 728 see also Nervous system
Central Americans T5--687 28 diseases
Central Asia 958 Central Okanagan (B.C.) T2-7ll 5
T2-58 Central Otago District
ancient 939.6 (N.Z.) T2-939 4
T2--396 Central Pacific Basin 551.46149
Central Australia T2-942 T2-1649
Central banks 332.11 Central Pacific islands T2-96
Central Black Earth Region Central Powers (World War I) 940.334
(Russia) T2-473 5 Central processing units 004
Central business district engineering 621.39
community redevelopment 307.342 Central Province (Kenya) T2-67626
Central Chernozem Region Central Province (Papua
(Russia) T2-473 5 New Guinea) T2-9546
Central Coast (B.C.) T2-711 1 Central Province (Solomon
Central Dravidian languages 494.82 Islands) T2~959 35
T6-948 2 Central Province (Zambia) T2-6894
Central Dravidian literatures 894.82 Central Region (Scotland) T2-413 1
Central Dravidians T5--948 2 Central Saanich (B.C.) T2-711 28
Central eastern Europe 943.7 Central-Southern Region
T2-437 (China) T2-512
Central Europe 943 Central stations
T2-43 steam engineering 621.19
Central Fraser Valley (B.C.) T2-711 37

Relative Index

Central Sulawesi Cephalotaxaceae 585.3

(Indonesia) T2-598 44 Cepheids 523.844 25
Central Turkic languages 494.34 Ceram Sea (Indonesia) 551.461 473
T6-943 4 T2-164 73
Central Valley (Calif. : Cerambycidae 595.764 8
Valley) T2-794 5 Ceramic artists 738.092
Central Vietnam T2--597 4 Ceramic arts 738
Centralization Ceramic engineers 666.092
executive management 658.402 Ceramic fillings
libraries 021.6 dentistry 617.675
public administration 352.283 Ceramic inlays
schools 379.153 5 dentistry 617.675
Centralized databases Ceramic materials 553.61
computer science 005.75 building materials 691.4
Centralized processing 004.3 chemical engineering 666
see also Processing modes- economic geology 553.61
computer science materials science 620.14
Centrarchidae 597.738 mining 622.361
Centre (France) T2--445 1 pottery 666.42
Centre (Haiti) T2-729442 arts 738.12
Centre County (Pa.) T2-74853 sculpture material 731.2
Centre-de-la-Mauricie ship hulls 623.845
(Quebec) T2-714 453 shipbuilding 623.820 7
Centre-du-Quebec (Quebec) T2-714 5 structural engineering 624.183
Centrifugal blowers 621.63 Ceramic-to-metal bonding 666.042
Centrifugal casting Ceramics
metals 671.254 materials science 620.14
Centrifugal funs 621.63 Ceramics industry 338.476 66
Centrifugal force 531.113 equipment manufacturing
fluid mechanics 532.059 5 technology 681.766 6
solid mechanics 531.35 Ceratophyllaceae 583.29
Centrifugal pumps 621.67 Ceratopsia 567.915
hydraulic 621.252 Cercidiphyllales 583.43
Centrifuging latex 678.522 Cercopithecidae 599.86
Centripetal force 531.113 paleozoology 569.86
fluid mechanics 532.059 5 Cercopithecus 599.862
solid mechanics 531.35 Cereal grains
Centrist parties 324.215 commercial processing 664.7
international organizations 324.15 Cereal grasses 584.9
Centro cri stiano demoeratico forage crops 633.25
(Italian political party) 324.245 082 see Manual at 633-635
Centrocercus 598.636 Cereals 641.331
Centrolenidae 597.87 agriculture 633.1
Centromeres 571.844 animal feed 636.086
Centropomidae 597.72 botany 584.9
Century plants 584.352 commercial processing 664.7
Cephalaspidea 594.34 ready-to-eat cereals 664.756
Cephalocarida 595.36 cooking 64!.631
Cephalochordata 596.4 food 641.331
paleozoology 566 forage crops 633.25
Cephalophinae 599.64 see Manual at 633-635
Cephalopoda 594.5
paleozoology 564.5
Cephalotaceae 583.72

Dewey Decimal C/ass(fication

Cerebellum Cerium
human anatomy 611.81 chemistry 546.412
human physiology 612.827 Cerium-group metals
medicine 616.8 economic geology 553.494 3
Cerebral commissures Cerro Gordo County (Iowa) T2-777 25
human physiology 612.826 Cerro Largo (Uruguay) TI-895 23
Cerebral hemispheres Certainty
human anatomy 611.81 epistemology 121.63
human physiology 612.825 Certhiidae 598.82
medicine 616.8 Certificates (Awards) Tl-079
Cerebral infarction research 001.44
medicine 616.81 Certificates of deposit 332.175 2
see also Nervous system Certification 352.84
diseases humans see also Licensing
Cerebral ischemia Certitude
medicine 616.81 epistemology 121.63
see also Nervous system Cerveteri (Italy) TI----456 3
diseases humans ancient T2-375 9
Cerebral palsy Cervical caps
medicine 616.836 health 613.943 5
see also Nervous system medicine 618.185
diseases -- humans see also Birth control
Cerebral peduncles Cervical vertebrae
human physiology 612.826 medicine 616.73
Cerebral sphingolipidosis Cervicitis
medicine 616.858 845 gynecology 618.142
Cerebrospinal fluid see also Female genital
human physiology 612.804 2 diseases - humans
Cerebrovascular circulation Cervidae 599.65
human physiology 612.824 animal husbandry 636.294
Cerebrovascular diseases paleozoology 569.65
medicine 616.81 Cervix (Uterine)
see also Nervous system gynecology 618.14
diseases -- -humans human anatomy 611.66
Cerebrum human physiology 612.627
human anatomy 611.81 surgery 618.145
human physiology 612.825 Cervix diseases
medicine 616.8 gynecology 618.14
Ceredigion (Wales) T2--429 61 see also Female genital
Ceremonial robes 391.48 diseases humans
commercial technology 687.15 Cervus 599.654
customs 391.48 animal husbandry 636.294 4
see also Clothing Cervus elaphus
Ceremonials 264.022 animal husbandry 636.294 42
Ceremonies 390 Cesar (Colombia) T2-861 18
armed forces 355.17 Cesarean section
customs 390 obstetrical surgery 618.86
religion 203.8 Cesium 669.725
see also Rites- religion chemical engineering 661.038 5
Ceres (Dwarf planet) 523.44 chemistry 546.385
Ceres (South Africa : metallurgy 669.725
District) T2-687 33 see also Chemicals .
Cerigo Island (Greece) T2--495 2 Cesk:Y Les TI--437 14
Cessnock (N.S.W.) T2-9442

Relative Index

Cestoda 592.46 Chagos Islands 969.7

Cestode infections T2-697
incidence 614.554 Chahar Mahall va Bakhtiari
medicine 616.964 (Iran) T2-559 7
see also Communicable Chain banking 332.16
diseases ~- humans Chain banks 332.16
Cetacea 599.5 CJiain drives 621.859
conservation technology 639.979 5 Chain gangs 365.65
paleozoology 569.5 Chain hoists 621.863
resource economics 333.959 5 Chain indexing 025.47
Cetewayo, King of Zululand Chain reactions
KwaZulu-Natal history 968.404 5 nuclear engineering 621.483 I
Ceuta (Spain) T2~641 Chain saws 621.934
ancient T2-397 12 Chain-stitch fabrics 677.66
Cevennes, Pare national des see also Textiles
(France) T2--448 l Chain stores 381.12
Cevennes Mountains management 658.870 2
(France) T2--448 1 see also Commerce
Ceylon T2~549 3 Chaine Annamitique
Ceylonese T5-91413 (Vietnam) T2-597 4
Chabad Lubavitch Hasidism 296.833 22 Chains
Chachalacas 598.64 power transmission 621.859
Chaco (Argentina) T2-823 4 Chair cars 385.33
Chaco Boreal (Paraguay and engineering 625.23
Bolivia) T2~892 2 see also Rolling stock
Chaco War, 1933-1935 989.207 16 Chair lifts 621.868
Chaconnes 781.827 Chairs 645.4
instrumental 784.182 7 decorative arts 749.32
Chad 967.43 manufacturing technology 684.132
T2-674 3 outdoor furnitnre 645.8
Chadians T5-967 43 see also Outdoor fumitnre
Chadic languages 493.7 see also Furniture
T6~937 Chaka, Zulu Chief
Chadic literatures 893.7 KwaZulu-Natal history 968.403 9
Chaetodontidae 597.72 Chalatenango (El Salvador :
Chaetognatha 592.38 Dept.) T2-728 421
paleozoology 562.38 Chalcidice (Greece) T2~495 65
Chaetomiales 579.567 Chalcidoidea 595.79
Chaetophorales 579.83 Chalcids 595.79
Chafers 595.764 9 Chalcis (Extinct city) T2-384
agricultural pests 632.764 9 Chalcocite
Chaffee County (Colo.) T2-78847 mineralogy 549.32
Chafing dish cooking 641.585 Chalcogens 546.72
Chaga language 496.395 Chalcolithic Age 930.153
T6-963 95 Chaldean Empire 935.04
Chagas disease T2-35
incidence 614.533 Chaldeans (Religious order) 255.18
medicine 616.936 3 church history 2 71.18
see also Communicable Chaldee (Aramaic) language 492.29
diseases- humans T6-922 9
Chagatai language 494.364 Chalk 553.68
T~-943 64 economic geology 553.68
Chagga language 496.395 petrology 552.58
T6-963 95 Chalk drawing 741.23

Dewey Decimal Classification

Chalkidike (Greece) T2-495 65 Chancroid

Challoner Bible 220.520 2 incidence 614.547
Chamaeidae 598.834 medicine 616.951 8
Chamaeleontidae 597.956 see also Communicable
Chamaemyiidae 595.774 . diseases humans
Chamber music 785 Chandeliers
Chamber orchestras 784.3 furniture arts 749.63
Chambers County (Ala.) T2-~761 56 Chand1garh (India) T2-545 52
Chambers County (Tex.) T2-764 143 Chandra Shekhar
Chambers of commerce 381.06 Indian history 954.052
architecture 725.25 Changamire (Kingdom) 968.910 1
Chambly (Quebec: County) T2-714 365 T2~-689 1

Chameleons 597.956 Change 116

Chameleons (Anoles) 597.954 8 executive management 658.406
Chamic languages 499.22 philosophy 116
T6--992 2 political science 320.011
Chamois 599.647 sociology 303.4
Chamomiles 583.99 Changing voices 782.79
Chamorro T5-995 2 choral and mixed voices 782.79
Chamorro language 499.52 single voices 783.79
T6-995 2 Chania (Greece: Nome) T2-495 9
Champagne 641.222 4 Channel bass 597.725
commercial processing 663.224 Channel catfish 641.392
Champagne (France : see also Catfishes (Channel
Province) T2-443 I catfish)
Champagne-Ardenne Channel Islands T2--423 4
(France) T2-443 1 Channel Islands (Calif.) T2-794 91
Champaign County (Ill.) T2-773 66 Channel Islands National
Champaign County (Ohio) T2--771 465 Park (Calif.) T2-~794 91

Champlain (Quebec: Channeling (Spiritualism) 133.91

County) T2-714 455 Chaunels (Navigation)
Champlain (Quebec : engineering 627.23
Regional County Channifonnes 597.64
Municipality) T2-714 37 Chansons 782.43
Champlain, Lake T2-747 54 Chants (Music) 782.292
New York T2-747 54 choral and mixed voices 782.529 2
Vermont T2-743 1 single voices 783.092 92
Champleve Chanukah 296.435
ceramic arts 738.4 liturgy 296.453 5
Ch'an Buddhism 294.392 7 Chaos
Chanaral (Chile: Province) T2-83142 mathematics 515.39
Chance philosophy 117
philosophy 123.3 Chaotic behavior in systems 003.857
probabilities 519.2 Chaotic systems 003.857
Chance composition 781.32 mathematics 515.39
Chancel railings 247.1 Chaouen (Morocco :
architecture 726.529 6 Province) TI-642
Chancellors (Prime ministers) 352.53 Chaouia-Ouardigha
cabinet governments 321.804 3 (Morocco) T2-643 9
public administration 352.23 Chapacura-Wanham languages 498.9
Chancels T6-989
architecture 726.593 Chaparral biology 578.738
Chaparral ecology 577.38
Chapbooks 002

Relative Index

Chapels Characters (Symbols)

architecture 726.4 printing 686.21
Christianity 726.5 Charades 793.24
Chaperonage Charadrii 598.33
customs 392.6 Charadriifonnes 598.33
Chaplain services (Military) 355.347 paleozoology 568.3
Algerian Revolution 965.046 7 Charales 579.839
American Revolution 973.37 Charcoal
Chaco War 989.207 167 chemical engineering 662.74
Civil War (Spain) 946.081 7 Charcoal cooking 641.58
Civil War (United States) 973.778 Charcoal drawing 741.22
Falkland Islands War 997.110 247 Chard 641.354 2
Indochinese War 959.704 17 cooking 641 .654 2
Iraq War, 2003- 956.704 437 food 641.354 2
Korean War 951.904 27 garden crop 635.42
Napoleonic Wars 940.277 Charente (.France) T2--446 5
Persian GulfWar, 1991 956.704 427 Charente-Maritime (France) T2--446 4
South African War 968.048 7 Charente River (France) T2--446 5
Vietnamese War 959.704 37 Charge of particles (Nuclear
War of the Pacific 983.061 67 physics) 539.725
World War I 940.478 Chari-Nile languages 496.5
940.547 8 T6~965
World War II
Chaplaincy 206.1 Charismatic gifts 234.13
Christianity 253 Charismatic movement 270.82
Judaism 296.61 Protestantism 280.4
Chapping Charismatic spiritual renewal 269
medicine 616.58 Charitable donations
see also Skin diseases financial management 658.153
humans tax law 343.052 32
Chapter houses Charitable trusts 361.763 2
architecture 726.69 law 346.064
Characidae 597.48 income tax law 343.052 668
Characifonnes 597.48 tax law 343.066 8
Characins 597.48 social welfare 361.763 2
Character 155.2 Charities 361.7
child psychology 155.418 2 see al\'0 Welfare services
influence on crime 364.24 Chariton County (Mo.) T2-77825
psychology 155.2 Chariton River (Iowa and
Mo.) T2~778 2
Character development
psychology 155.25 Charity
Character disorders ethics 177.7
medicine 616.858 religion 205.677
Character education 370.114 Christianity 241.4
primary education 372.011 4 see also Love ethics
Character recognition 006.4 Charlemagne, Emperor
computer engineering 621.399 4 French history 944.014 2
Character sets 005.722 German history 943.014
Character training Charles I, King of England
home child care 649.7 British history 941.062
Characters (Fictitious persons) 808.802 7 English history 942.062
history and criticism 809.927 Scottish history 941.106 2
specific literatures T3B---080 27 Charles I, King of Spain
history and criticism T3B~092 7 Spanish history 946.042

Dewey Decimal Classification

Charles II, King of England Charles XIV John, King of

British history 941.066 Sweden and Norway
English history 942.066 Swedish history 948.504 I
Scottish history 941.106 6 Charles XV, King of Sweden and
Charles II, King of Spain Norway
Spanish history 946.053 Swedish history 948.504 1
Charles III, Duke of Savoy Charles City County (Va.) T2-755 44
Piedmontese history 945.106 Charles County (Md.) T2-752 47
Charles III, King of Spain Charles Mix County (S.D.) T2-783 382
Spanish history 946.057 Charles River (Mass.) T2-744 4
Charles IV, Holy Roman Charleston (S.C.) T2-757 915
Emperor Charleston (W. Va.) T2-754 37
German history 943.027 Charleston County (S.C.) T2-757 91
Charles IV, King of France Charleville (Qld.) T2-943 4
French history 944.024 Charlevoix (Quebec :
Charles IV, King of Spain Regional County
Spanish history 946.058 Municipality) T2-714492
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor Charlevoix County (Mich.) T2-774 86
German history 943.031 Charlevoix-Est (Quebec :
Spanish history 946.042 Regional County
Charles V, King of France Municipality) T2-714 494
French history 944.025 Charlotte (N.B.) T2-715 33
Charles VI, Holy Roman Charlotte (N.C.) T2-756 76
Emperor Charlotte County (Fla.) T2-759 49
German history 943.052 Charlotte County (Va.) T2-755 65
Charles VI, King of France Charlottesville (Va.) T2-755 481
French history 944.026 Charlottetown (P .E.I.) T2-717 5
Charles VII, Holy Roman Charlottetown Conference, 1864 971.049
Emperor Charlton County (Ga.) T2-758 752
German history 943.054 Charm
Charles VII, King of France life skills 646.76
French history 944.026 Charms (Occultism) 133.44
Charles VIII, King of France Charnwood (England) T2-425 47
French history 944.027 Charophyceae 579.839
Italian history 945.06 Chars 597.554
Tuscan history 945.506 Charter schools 371.05
Venetian history 945.306 Charter services 388.042
Charles IX, King of France air 387.742 8
French history 944.029 bus 388.322 2
Charles IX, King of Sweden see also Passenger services
Swedish history 948.503 25 Chartered banks 332.122
Charles X, King of France Chartered surveyors (United
French history 944.062 Kingdom)
Charles X Gustav, King of economics 333.08
Sweden Chartering 352.84
Swedish history 948.503 43 see also Licensing
Charles XI, King of Sweden Charters 352.84
Swedish history 948.503 44 administrative law 342.066
Charles XII, King of Sweden constitutional law 342.02
Swedish history 948.503 45 private law 346.06
Charles XIII, King of Sweden public administration 352.84
and Norway see also Licensing
Swedish history 948.504 1 Charters Towers (Qld.) T2-943 6
Chartreaux cat 636.82

Relative Index

Chartres (France) T2-445 124

Charts 912 Chaunceys Line Reserve
aeronautics 62 9.13 2 54 National Park (S. Aust.) T2--942 32
diagrammatic works T1-022 3 Chausey Islands (France) T2--423 48
geography 912 Chautauqua County (Kan.) T2-781918
pictorial works Tl-022 2 Chautauqua County (N.Y.) T2-74795
see Manual at Tl-0222 vs. Chaves County (N.M.) T2-78943
Tl-0223 Chavez Frias, Hugo
Charvaka 181.46 Venezuelan history 987.064 2
Chase (B. C.) T2-711 72 Chavin (Peru: Region) T2-852 I
Chase County (Kan.) T2-781 59 Cheat River (W.Va. and
Chase County (Neb.) T2--782 87 Pa.) T2-754 8
Chasing metals Cheatham Cmmty (Tenn.) T2-768 462
decorative arts 739.15 Cheating 179.8
Chasms 551.442 see also Vices
T2-144 Cheboygan County (Mich.) T2-77487
geography 910.914 4 Chebyshev polynomials 515.55
geomorphology 551.442 Chechen T5--999 641
physical geography 910.021 44 Chechen language 499.964 1
Chassis 629.24 T6--999 641
Chastity Checheno-Ingushetia
ethics 176.4 (Russia) T2---475 2
religion 205.66 Chechnla (Russia) T2--475 2
Buddhism 294.356 6 Chechnya (Russia) T2-475 2
Christianity 241.66 Checkered beetles 595.763
Hinduism 294.548 66 Checkers 794.2
religious practice 204.47 Checking accounts 332.175 22
Buddhism 294.344 47 Checklists Tl-021 6
Christianity 248.47 Checkoff (Union dues) 331.889 6
Hinduism 294.544 7 Checks 332.76
Chat groups 004.693 law 346.096
Chateau Clique 971.038 Checks and balances 320.404
Cbateauguay (Quebec: public administration 352.88
County) T2-714 34 Cheddar cheese 641.373 54
Chateaux cooking 641.673 54
architecture 728.8 food 641.373 54
Chatham County (Ga.) T2-758 724 processing 637.354
Chatham County (N.C.) T2-756 59 Cheeks 591.44
Chatham Islands (N .Z.) T2--939 9 descriptive zoology 591.44
Chatham-Kent (Ont.) T2-713 33 human anatomy 611.318
Chatsworth (South Africa: human physiology 612.31
District) T2-684 5 medicine 616.31
Chattahoochee County (Ga.) T2-758 476 physiology 573.355
Chattahoochee River T2-758 see also Digestive system
Chattanooga (Tenn.) T2-768 82 Cheerfulness 179.9
Chattanooga campaign, 1863 973.735 9 see also Virtues
Chattel mortgages Cheerleading 791.64
law 346.074 Cheese 641.373
Chattisgarhi dialect 491.492 cooking 641.673
T6-914 92 food 641.373
Chattisgarhi literature 891.492 processing 637.3
Chattooga County (Ga.) T2-758 344
(Quebec) T2--714 71

Dewey Decimal Classification

Cheese foods 641.373 58 Chemical contraceptives

cooking 64!.673 58 health 613.943 2
food 641.373 58 medicine 618.182
processing 637.358 see also Birth control
Cheese pies 641.824 pharmacokinetics 615.766
commercial processing 664.65 Chemical crystallography 548.3
cooking 641.824 Chemical diagnosis
home preparation 641.824 medicine 616.075 6
Cheese varieties 637.35 Chemical engineering 660
Cheesemaking 637.3 law 344.095 4
Cheetah 599.759 Chemical engineers 660.092
animal husbandry 636.89 Chemical equilibrium 541.392
Chefchaouen (Morocco : organic chemistry 547.212
Province) T2-642 Chemical fire extinction 628.925 4
Cheilostomata 594.676 Chemical forces (Armed
Chekiang Province (China) TI-512 42 services) 358.34
Chelan County (Wash.) T2-797 59 Chemical industries 338.476 6
Chelates 547.590 442 42 technology 660
Cheliabinskrua oblast' Chemical instruments 542
(Russia) T2-4743 manufacturing technology 681.754
Chelicerata 595.4 Chemical laboratories 542.1
paleozoology 565.4 Chemical lasers 621.366 4
Cheliff (Algeria :Province) T2-653 Chemical metallurgy 669.9
Chelm (Poland : Chemical mineralogy 549.13
Voivodeship) T2-438 43 Chemical mutagens 576.542
Chelmsford (England : Chemical oceanography 551.466
Borough) T2-426 752 Chemical pollution 363.738
Chelmsford, Frederic John Chemical preservation
Napier Thesiger, Viscount food 664.028 6
Indian history 954.035 7 home economics 641.46
Chelonia (Genus) 597.928 lumber 674.386
Chelonia (Order) 597.92 Chemical projectiles 623.451 6
paleozoology 567.92 Chemical propulsion 621.435
Cheloniidae 597.928 aircraft 629.134 353
Chelonioidea 597.928 spacecraft 629.475 2
Cheltenham (England) TI-424 16 Chemical reactions 541.39
Chelyabinsk (Russia : biochemistry 572.43
Oblast) T2-474 3 Chemical reactors 660.283 2
Chelydridae 597.922 Chemical senses 573.877
Chelyidae 597.929 human physiology 612.86
Chemehuevi Indians T5-974 576 Chemical sensory perception
Chemehuevi language 497.457 6 psychology 152.16
T6-974 576 Chemical technologists 660.092
Chemical analysis 543 Chemical technology 660
minerals 549.133 Chemical terrorism 363.325 3
organic chemistry 543.17 see also Terrorism
Chemical arms control Chemical treatment
law 341.735 water supply engineering 628.166
Chemical bonds 541.224 Chemical warfare 358.34
Chemical communication 573.929 civil defense 363.35
Chemical compounds 546 law 341.735
engineering 660 Chemical waste disposal 363.728 8
see also Waste control

Relative Index

Chemical wastes
water pollution engineering 628.168 36 (Ukraine) T2--477 6
Chemical weapons 358.348 2 Chemenko, K. U. (Konstantin
disarmament 327.174 5 Ustinovich)
engineering 623.445 Russian history 947.085 4
law 341.735 Chernihiv (Ukraine: Oblast) T2--477 6
military equipment 358.348 2 Chernihivs'ka oblast'
Chemicals 540 (Ukraine) T2--477 6
hazardous materials 363.179 Chernivefs''ka oblast'
see also Hazardous materials (Ukraine) T2--477 9
photography 771.5 Chernivtsy (Ukraine:
product safety 363.19 Oblast) T2--477 9
law 344.042 4 Cherokee County (Ala.) T2-761 65
Chemiculture 631.585 Cherokee County (Ga.) T2-758 253
541.35 Cherokee County (Iowa) T2~~777 17
chemical engineering 660.295 Cherokee County (Kan.) T2-781 99
Chemisorption 541.335 Cherokee County (N.C.) T2-756 99
chemical engineering 660.293 Cherokee County (Okla.) T2-766 88
Chemistry 540 Cherokee County (S.C.) T2-757 42
applied 660 Cherokee County (Tex.) T2-764 183
electrical equipment 542.84 Cherokee Indians T5-975 57
electronic equipment 542.84 c;herokeelanguage 497.557
information systems 025.065 4 T6--~975 57

law 344.095 4 Cherokee literature 897.557

Chemists 540.92 Cherries 641.342 3
Chemnitz (Germany) T2--432 162 botany 583.73
Chemnitz (Germany : commercial processing 664.804 23
Direktionsbezirk) T2-432 16 cooking 641.642 3
Chemnitz (Germany : food 641.342 3
Regienmgsbezirk) T2--432 16 orchard crop 634.23
Chemokines ornamental arboriculture 635.977 373
human immunology 616.079 Cherry County (Neb.) T2-782 732
Chemolithotrophic bacteria 579.32 Cherry pickers (Machines) 621.873
Chemotaxonomy 578.012 Cherubim and Seraphim Church 289.93
Chemotherapy see also Christian
medicine 615.58 denominations
Chemung County (N.Y.) T2-747 78 Cherwell (England) T2--425 73
Chen 598.417 5 Chesapeake (Va.) T2-755 523
Chenango County (N.Y.) T2-~747 73 Chesapeake Bay (Md. and Va.) 551.461 347
Chenaux (Quebec) T2-714 455 T2--163 47
Chenille 677.617 Chesapeake Bay Region
Chenopodiaceae 583.53 (Md. and Va.) T2-755 18
Chepang (Nepalese people) T5-9549 Cheshire (England) Tl--427 1
Chepang language 495.49 Cheshire County (N.H.) T2-742 9
T6~~954 9 Cheshire swine 636.484
Chepstow (Wales) T2--429 98 Chess 794.1
Cheques 332.76 equipment technology 688.741
law 346.096 Chess players 794.1092
Cher (France) T2--445 52 Chessmen 794.1
Cheremis T5-945 6 manufacturing technology 688.741
Cheremis language 494.56 Chest
T6-945 6 human anatomy 611.94
Cherimoya 583.22 human physiology 612.94
Cherkasy (Ukraine : Oblast) T2--477 6

Dewey Decimal Classification

Chest (continued) Chhattisgarhi dialect 491.492

regional medicine 617.54 T6-91492
surgery 617.540 59 Chhattisgarhi literature 891.492
Chest bones Chi-square test 519.56
human anatomy 611.712 Chiapas (Mexico) T2-727 5
human physiology 612.751 Chiaroscuro 701.8
Chest muscles Chiasmodontidae 597.7
human anatomy 611.735 Chiba-keh (Japan) T2-521 37
Chester (England : City) T2--427 14 Chibcha Indians T5-982
Chester County (Pa.) T2-748 13 Chibchan languages 498.2
Chester County (S.C.) T2-757 47 T6-·982
Chester County (Tenn.) T2-768 265 Central America 497.8
Chester-le-Street (England : T<i--978
District) T2--428 69 Chibougamau (Quebec) T2·-714 115
Chester River (Md.) T2-752 34 Chibougamau Wildlife
Chester White swine 636.484 Reserve (Quebec) T2-714142
Chesterfield (England : Chicago (Ill.) T2-77311
Borough) T2--425 12 Chicago breakdown 781.653
Chesterfield County (S.C.) T2-757 63 Chicago school of economics 330.155 3
Chesterfield County (Va.) T2-755 594 Chicanos T5--687 207 3
Chesterfield Inlet (Nunavut) T2-719 58 Chich 641.356 57
Chestnut bean 641.356 57 see also Chick-peas
see also Chick-peas Chichaoua (Morocco:
Chestnuts 583.46 Province) T2-6464
cooking 641.645 3 Chichester (England :
food 641.345 3 District) T2--422 62
forestry 634.972 4 Chi chew a language 496.391 8
lumber 674.142 T6-963 918
nut crop 634.53 Chichewa literature 896.391 8
Chests (Furniture) 645.4 Chick-peas 641.356 57
manufacturing technology 684.16 botany 583.74
see also Furniture commercial processing 664.805 657
Cheviot Hills (England) T2--428 8 cooking 641.656 57
Chevrotains 599.63 field crop 633.37
Chewa (African people) T5-963 918 food 641.356 57
Chewa language 496.391 8 garden crop 635.657
T6-963 918 Chickadees 598.824
Chewa literature 896.391 8 Chickamauga Lake (Tenn.) T2-768 82
Chewing Chickarees 599.363
animal physiology 573.35 Chickasaw County (Iowa) T2-777 315
descriptive zoo1ogy 591.53 Chickasaw County (Miss.) T2-762 942
human physiology 612.311 Chickasaw Indians T5-973 86
Chewing gum 641.338 Chickasaw language 497.386
commercial processing 664.6 T6--973 86
food 641.338 Chicken (Meat) 641.365
Chewing lice 595.757 agricultural economics 338.176 513
Cheyenne (Wyo.) T2-787 19 commercial processing
Cheyenne County (Colo.) T2--788 92 economics 338.476 649 3
Cheyenne Colmty (Kan.) T2-781 112 technology 664.93
Cheyenne County (Neb.) T2-78296 cooking 641.665
Cheyenne Indians TS-973 53 food 641.365
Cheyenne language 497.353 home preservation 641.493
T6-·973 53 Chicken turtle 597.925 9
Chhattisgarh (India) T2--541 37

Relative Index

Chickenpox Child abuse

incidence 614.525 social theology 201.762 76
medicine 616.914 Christianity 26!.832 71
see also Communicable social welfare 362.76
diseases - humans law 344.032 76
pediatrics 618.929 14 Child care 649.1
Chickens 636.5 Child care services 362.7
zoology 598.625 Child cooks 641.512 3
Chicory (Beverage) 641.337 8 Child custody 346.017 3
agriculture 633.78 Child development 305.231
botany 583.99 physiology 612.65
conunercial processing 663.97 psychology 155.4
cooking with 641.637 8 sociology 305.231
food 641.337 8 Child labor 331.31
home preparation 641.877 law 344.013 I
Chicory (Salad green) 641.355 4 Child molesting 364.1536
agriculture 635.54 law 345.025 36
botany 583.99 medicine 616.858 36
commercial processing 664.805 54 Child neglect 362.76
cooking 641.655 4 see also Child abuse
food 641.355 4 Child-parent relations 306.874
Chicot County (Ark.) T2-767 84 see also Parent-child relations
Chicoutimi (Saguenay, Child prostitution 306.745
Quebec) T2-714 162 see also Prostitution
Chicozapotes 583.674 Child protection 362.76
see alw Sapotaceae see also Child abuse
Chief executives Child psychology 155.4
executive management 658.42 Child rearing 649.1
law 342.062 customs 392.13
public administration 352.23 personal religion 204.41
Chiefs of staff Christianity 248.845
executive management 658.42 Islam 297.577
public administration 352.237 229 3 Judaism 296.74
Chieti (Italy: Province) T2-457 13 Child study 305.23
ancient T2-377 37 physiology 612.65
Chifley, .T. B. (Joseph Benedict) psychology 155.4
Australian history 994.05 sociology 305.23
Chiga (African people) T5-963 956 Child support 346.017 2
Chiga language 496.395 6 Child training 649.6
T6-963 956 Childbed fever
Chiggers 595.42 obstetrics 618.74
Chihuahua (Dog) 636.76 Childbirth 618.4
Chihuahua (Mexico: State) T2-721 6 arts T3C-354
Chilako River (B.C.) T2~711 82 customs 392.12
Chilblains etiquette 395.24
medicine 616.58 folklore 398.274
see also Skin diseases history and criticism 398.354
humans human physiology 612.63
Chilcotin River (B.C.) T2-711 75 literature 808.803 54
Child abuse 362.76 history and criticism 809.933 54
criminology 364.155 54 specific literatures T3B-080354
criminal law 345.025 554 history and
family relationships 306.874 criticism T3B~093 54

medicine 616.858 223 music 78l.582

Dewey Decimal C!ass{fication

Childbirth (continued) Children (continued)

obstetrics 618.4 recreation 790.192 2
preparation indoor 793.019 22
obstetrics 618.24 outdoor 796.083
psychology 155.646 3 relations with government 323.352
social services 362.198 4 religion 200.83
Childhood 305.23 Christianity 270.083
psychology 155.4 devotional literature 242.62
sociology 305.23 guides to Christian life 248.82
Childhood disintegrative disorder pastoral care 259.22
medicine 616.858 83 prayer books 242.82
pediatrics 618.928 588 3 religious education 268.432
Childhood of Jesus Christ 232.927 guides to life 204.408 3
Childlessness 306.87 Judaism 296.083
Children 305.23 guides to life 296.708 3
Tl--083 religious education 296.680 83
art representation 704.942 5 sex hygiene 613.951
arts 700.452 3 social aspects 305.23
T3C-352 3 social welfare 362.7
civil and human rights 323.352 public administration 353.536
law 342.087 72 socialization 303.32
law of nations 341.485 72 treatment of
cooking for 641.562 2 ethics 179.2
development see also Ethical problems
human physiology 612.65 World War I 940.316 I
drawing 743.45 World War li 940.531 61
etiquette 395.122 Children (Progeny) 306.874
government programs 353.536 Tl--085 4
grooming 646.704 6 Children of alcoholics
health 613.043 2 pediatrics 618.928 619
home care 649.4 social welfare 362.292 3
institutional buildings Children of minorities
architecture 725.57 home care 649.157
journalism for 070.483 2 psychology 155.457
labor economics 331.31 Children of prisoners 362.829 5
law 344.013 I Children of substance abusers
legal status 346.013 5 pediatrics 618.928 69
constitutional law 342.087 72 social welfare 362.291 3
private law 346.013 5 Children of unmarried parents 306.874
literature 808.803 523 Tl-{)86 945
history and criticism 809.933 523 legal status 346.0.17
specific literatures T3B--080 352 3 social welfare 362.787 4
history and Children's books
criticism T3B--093 523 bibliographies 011.62
painting 757.5 illustration 741.642
physical fitness 613.7042 literature 808.899 282
psychology 155.4 see also Children's literature
publications for publishing 070.508 3
bibliographies 011.62 Children's church 264.008 3
reviews 028.162 Children's clothing 391.3
reading commercial technology 687.083
library science 028.53 customs 391.3
home economics 646.36

Relative Index

Children's clothing (continued)

home sewing 646.406 Zambian history 968.940 42
see also Clothing Chimaerae 597.38
Children's c.ooking 641.5123 Chimaeriformes 597.38
Children's Crusade, 1212 944.023 Chimakuan languages 497.9
Children's diseases 362.198 92 T6-979
medicine 618.92 Chimaltenango
social welfare 362.198 92 (Guatemala : Dept.) T2--728 161
Children's homes 362.732 Chimborazo (Ecuador) T2-866 17
Children's hospitals 362.198 92 Chimbu Province (Papua
see also Health care facilities New Guinea) T2-956 7
Children's libraries on625 Chimeras (Fishes) 597.38
administration 025.197 625 Chimes 786.848
collection development 025.218 762 5 see also Percussion instruments
Children's literature 808.899 282 Chimneys 721.5
history and criticism 809.892 82 architecture 721.5
rhetoric 808.068 buildings 697.8
specific literatures T3B-080 928 2 steam furnaces 621.183
history and criticism T3B--099 282 Chimpanzees 599.885
Children's parties 793.21 Ch'in dynasty 931.04
Children's rights 323.352 Chin dynasty 931.04
law 342.087 72 China 951
law of nations 341.485 72 T2-51
Children's sem10ns ancient 931
252.53 T2~-31
Children's songs 782.420 83 China (Porcelain) 666.5
Children's theater 792.022 6 arts 738.2
Children's voices 782.7 China (Republic: 1949-) 951.249 05
choral and mixed voices 782.7 T2-512 49
single voices 783.7 China cabinets 645.4
Childress County (Tex.) T2-764 754 manufacturing technology 684.16
Chile 983 see also Furniture
T2-83 China fir 585.5
Chile saltpeter 553.64 China grass plant 583.45
economic geology 553.64 Chinaberry tree 635.977 377
mineralogy 549.732 botany 583.77
Chilean cedar 585.4 ornamental arboriculture 635.977 377
Chilean literature 860 Chinandega (Nicaragua :
Chileans T5-688 3 Dept.) T2-728 511
Chili 641.823 6 Chinch bugs
commercial processing 664.65 agricultural pests 633.104 975 4
home preparation 641.823 6 zoology 595.754
Chili peppers 641.338 4 Chinchilla, Laura
see also Hot spices Costa Rican history 972.860 527
Chilko River (B.C.) T2-71175 Chinchillas 636.935 93
Chilled dishes animal husbandry 636.935 93
cooking 641.79 zoology 599.359 3
Chilliwack (B.C.) T2-711 37 Chinchil!idae 599.359 3
Chiloe (Chile) T2-835 6 Chincoteague pony 636.16
Chilopoda 595.62 Chinese T5-951
Chiltern (England) T2---425 97 Chinese artichoke 641.352
Chiltern Hills (England) T2--425 agriculture 635.2
Chilterns (England) T2---425 botany 583.96
Chilton County (Ala.) T2-76l 81

Dewey Decimal Classification

Chinese artichoke (continued) Chippewa County (Wis.) T2-775 44

cooking 641.652 Chippewa Indians T5-973 33
food 641.352 Chippewa language 497.333
Chinese calendar 529.329 51 T6-973 33
religion 299.511 36 Chippewa literature 897.333
Chinese calligraphy 745.619 951 Chippewa River (Wis.) T2-775 4
Chinese chess 794.18 Chipping
Chinese communism 335.434 5 golf 796.352 34
economics 335.434 5 Chiquimula (Guatemala:
political ideology 320.532 309 51 Dept.) T2-728 141
Chinese Communist Party 324.251 075 Chiricahua Indians T5--972 56
Chinese crested (Dog) 636.76 Chiricahua language 497.256
Chinese evergreen 635.934 64 T6~972 56
botany 584.64 Chiriqui (Panama:
floriculture 635.934 64 Province) T2-728 711
Chinese flower arrangements 745.922 51 Chirognomy 133.6
Chinese gooseberry 641.344 Chirornancy 133.6
see also Kiwi (Fruit) Chironomidae 595.772
Chinese ink painting 751.425 1 Chiropody 617.585
Chinese language 495.1 Chiropractic
T6-95l therapeutic system 615.534
Chinese literature 895.1 Chiropractors 610.92
Chinese opera 782.109 51 limited practice 615.534 092
Chinese religions 299.51 see Manual at 610.92 vs.
Chinese rugs 615.534092
arts 746.751 Chiroptera 599.4
Chinese Shar-Pei 636.72 paleozoology 569.4
Chinese water chestnut 584.84 Chisago County (Minn.) T2-776 61
Chinese wood oil 665.333 Chiseling 730.28
Ch'ing dynasty 951.03 decorative arts 736
Chinook Indians TS-974 l sculpture 731.46
Chinook language 497.41 Chissano, Joaquim Alberto
T6-974 1 Mozambican history 967.905 2
Chinooks (Winds) 551.5185 Chita (Russia : Oblast) T2-575
Chinquapins 583.46 Chi tal 599.65
Ch'ins 787.75 Chitarrones 787.82
see also Stringed instruments see also Stringed instruments
Chinyanja (African people) T5-963 918 Chitin 573.774
Chinyanja language 496.391 8 see also Carbohydrates
T6-963 918 Chitinskalli oblast' (Russia) T2-575
Chios (Greece) T2--495 82 Chitons 594.27
Chios Island (Greece) T2-495 82 Chitra1 District (Pakistan) T2-549 122
ancient T2-391 3 Chittagong (Bangladesh :
Chip boards 676.183 Division) T2-549 23
Chipaya language 498.9 Chittagong Hill Tracts
T6-989 (Bangladesh : Region) T2--549 29
Chipewyan Indians T5-972 Chittenden County (Vt.) T2-743 17
Chipewyan language 497.2 Chiusi (Italy)
T6--972 ancient T2-375 68
Chipmunks 599.364 Chivalry 394.7
animal husbandry 636.936 4 arts T3C-353
Chipped soaps 668.124 folklore 398.273
Chippewa Connty (Mich.) T2-774 91 history and criticism 398.353
Chippewa County (Minn.) T2-776 39

Relative Index

Chivalry (continued) Chocolate

literature 808.803 53 beverage 641.337 4
history and criticism 809.933 53 commercial processing 663.92
specific literatures T3B~080 353 home preparation 641.877
history and commercial processing 664.5
criticism T3B--093 53 cooking with 641.637 4
Chives 641.352 6 food 641.337 4
botany 584.33 Choctaw County (Ala.) T2---761 395
641.652 6 Choctaw County (Miss.) T2~762 694
641.352 6 Choctaw County (Okla.) T2~76663
635.26 Choctaw Indians T5~973 87
garden crop
Chkalov (Russia: Oblast) T2-474 3 Choctaw language 497.387
Chlamydia infections T6-973 87
incidence 614.573 5 Choice
medicine 616.923 5 mathematics 511.65
see also Communicable psychology 153.83
diseases humans Choice axiom 511.3
Chlamydias 579.327 Choice of entry (Cataloging) 025.322
Chlamydomonadaceae 579.832 Choice of vocation 331.702
Chlef(Algeria: Province) T2~653 TI~023

Chloranthaceae 583.23 see also Vocational guidance

Chlordane Choir lofts
human toxicology 615.951 2 architecture 726.593
Chlorideac 584.9 Choir stalls 247.1
Chlorination architectnre 726.529 3
water supply treatment 628.166 2 Choirs 782.5
Chlorine 553.95 Choirs (Structural parts)
chemical engineering 661.073 2 architecture 726.593
chemistry 546.732 Chokeberries 583.73
economic geology 553.95 Chokwe (African people) T5-963 99
human toxicology 615.91 Chokwe-Luchazi languages 496.399
organic chemistry 547.02 T6--963 99
applied 661.891 Chol language 497.428
see also Chemicals T6-974 28
Chlorite Cholan-Tzeltalan languages 497.428
mineralogy 549.67 T6~974 28

Chlorococca1es 579.833 Cholera

Chloromonadophyta 579.82 incidence 614.514
Chlorophyceae 579.83 medicine 616.932
Chlorophylls 572.46 see also Communicable
chemical engineering 661.894 diseases- humans
organic chemistry 547.593 Cholesterol 572.579 5
Chlorophyta 579.83 applied nutrition 613.284
Chloroplastic DNA 572.869 biochemistry 572.579 5
Chloroplasts 571.659 2 Choluteca (Honduras :
Chloroprene rubber 678.72 Dept.) T2-728 351
Chlorpromazine Chon languages 498.7
pharmacokinetics 615.788 2 T6-987
Choapa (Chile: Province) T2-832 38 Chondrichthyes 597.3
Choc6 (Colombia) T2-861 51 paleozoology 567.3
Choco languages 498.9 Chondrocytes
T6~989 human cytology 612.751 76
Central America 497.9 Chondrophora 593.55

Dewey Decimal Class~fication

Chondrostei 597.42 Chow chow 636.72

paleozoology 567.42 Chowan County (N.C.) T2-756147
Chongqing (China) T2-513 8 Chowan River (N.C.) T2-75615
Chontales (Nicaragua) T2-728 527 Chretien, Jean
Chopi (African people) T5-963 97 Canadian history 971.064 8
Chopi languages 496.397 Chrismation
T6-963 97 Christianity 234.162
Choptank River (Del. and public worship 265.2
Md.) T2-752 31 theology 234.162
Choral music 782.5 Christchurch (England :
Choral recitations Borough) T2-423 39
literature 808.855 Christchurch (N.Z.) T2-938 3
history and criticism 809.55 Christchurch City (N.Z.) n-938 3
specific literatures T3B-505 Christening 265.1
individual authors T3A-5 customs 392.12
Choral speaking 808.55 etiquette 395.24
literature 808.855 music 781.582
history and criticism 809.55 Christian and Missionary
music 782.96 Alliance 289.9
primary education 372.676 see also Christian
rhetoric 808.55 denominations
Chorale preludes 784.189 92 Christian art 704.948 2
Chorales 782.27 religious significance 246
instrumental form 784.189 925 Christian Brothers 255.78
Chordata 596 church history 271.78
Chordophones 787 Christian calendars 529.4
see also Stringed instruments religion 263.9
Chords (Music) 781.252 Christian church 260
Chorea history 270
medicine 616.83 local 250
see alw Nervous system specific denominations 280
diseases humans see Manual at 260 vs. 251 ~254,
Choreatic disorders 259
medicine 616.83 Christian Church (Disciples of
see also Nervous system Christ) 286.63
diseases humans see also Restoration movement
Choreographers 792.820 92 (Christian movement)
Choreography 792.82 Christian Churches and Churches
musical plays 792.62 of Christ 286.63
Choreology 792.82 see also Restoration movement
Chorionic villi sampling (Christian movement)
obstetrics 618.320 427 5 Christian County (Ill.) T2~~773 81
Chorley (England : Christian County (Ky.) T2~-769 78
Borough) T2-427 615 Christian County (Mo.) T2-778 792
Choroid diseases Christian Democracy (Italian
ophthalmology 617.72 political party) 324.245 082 2
see also Eye diseases - Christian Democratic Center
humans (Italian political party) 324.245 082
Choroids Christian democratic parties 324.218 2
human physiology 612.842 international organizations 324.182
ophthalmology 617.72 Christian Democratic People's
Chosen people (Judaism) 296.311 72 Party of Switzerland 324.249 404
Chou dynasty 931.03 Christian Democratic Union of
Chouteau County (Mont.) T2-786 293 Germany (Political party) 324.243 04

Relative Index

Christian denominations 280

Tl~088 28 education) 371.071
church government 262.01-.09 Christian Science 289.5
parishes 254.01-.09 Christian Scientists
church law 262.98 biography 289.509 2
doctrines 230.1-.9 Christian Social Party (Austria) 324.243 602 4
catechisms and creeds 238.1-.9 Christian Social Party
general councils 262.51-.59 (Switzerland) 324.249 407
guides to Christian life 248.48 Christian Social Union (German
missions 266.1-.9 political party) 324.243 04
moral theology 241.04 Christian socialism 335.7
public worship 264.01-.09 economics 335.7
religious associations 267.18 political ideology 320.531 2
religious education 268.8 Christiana (South Africa :
religious orders 255 District) T2-68245
church history 271 Christianity 230
women's 255.9 art representation 704.948 2
seminaries 230.Q73 religious significance 246
theology 230.1-.9 arts 700.482 3
see Manual at T1-~0882 and T3C-382 3
200; also at 283-289 religious significance 246
Christian doctrine 230 Islamic polemics 297.293
Christian education 268 literature 808.803 823
see Manual at 207.5, 268 vs. history and criticism 809.933 823
200.71,230.071,292-299 specific literatures T3B~080 382 3

Christian ethics 241 history and

see klanual at 241 vs. 261.8 criticism T3B-093 823
Christian holidays 263.9 Christianity and anti-Semitism 261.26
customs 394.266 Christianity and atheism 261.21
devotional literature 242.3 Christianity and culture 261
sermons 252.6 Christianity and Islam 261.27
see also Holidays Christian view 261.27
Christian initiation 265.1 Islamic view 297.283
Christian leadership 262.1 Christianity and Judaism 261.26
local church 253 Christian view 261.26
Christian life 248.4 Jewish view 296.396
Christian-Marxist dialogue Christianity and occultism 261.513
Christian theology 261.21 Christianity and other religions 261.2
Christian Methodist Episcopal Christianity and politics 261.7
Church 287.83 Christianity and secnlar
see also Methodist Church disciplines 261.5
Christian names 929.44 see Manual at 261.5
Christian philosophy 190 Christianity in public schools 379.28
Christian Reformed Church 285.731 Christians 270.092
see also Reformed Church T1--088 27
(American Reformed) specific denominations 280
Christian T2-176 1 see Manual at 230-280
Christi an sacred music 781.71 Christina, Queen of Sweden
public worship 782.32 Swedish history 948.503 42
music 782.32 Christlich-Demokratische Union
choral and mixed voices 782.532 Deutsch lands (Political party) 324.243 04
voices 783.093 2 Christlich-soziale Partei (Austria) 324.243 602 4
264.2 Christlich-sozia1e Partei
religious symbolism 246.75 (Switzerland) 324.249 407

Dewey Decimal Classification

Christlich-Soziale Union Chromium 669.734

(Gennan political party) 324.243 04 chemical engineering 661.053 2
Christlichdemokratische chemistry 546.532
Volkspartei der Schweiz 324.249 404 decorative arts 739.58
Christmas 263.915 economic geology 553.464 3
arts 700.434 materials science 620.189 34
T3C-334 metallography 669.957 34
cooking 641.568 6 metallurgy 669.734
customs 394.266 3 metalworking 673.734
devotional literature 242.335 mining 622.346 43
handicrafts 745.594 12 organic chemistry 547.055 32
literature 808.803 34 applied 661.895
history and criticism 809.933 34 physical metallurgy 669.967 34
specific literatures T3B-080 334 see also Chemicals; Metals
history and Chromium group
criticism T3B-093 34 chemical engineering 661.053
sennons 252.615 chemistry 546.53
Christmas cards 394.266 3 Chromolithography 764.2
customs 394.266 3 Chromoproteins 572.68
handicrafts 745.594 12 see also Proteins
Christmas carols 782.281 723 Chromosomal DNA 572.86
Christmas cooking 641.568 6 humans 611.018 166
Christmas decorations 394.266 3 Chromosome mapping 572.863 3
customs 394.266 3 humans 611.0181663
handicrafts 745.594 12 Chromosome numbers 572.87
Christmas Island (Indian Chromosomes 572.87
Ocean) T2-948 humans 611.018 167
Christmas Island (Kiribati) T2~~964 Chromosphere of sun 523.75
Christmas music 781.723 Chronic diseases
Christmas ornaments 394.266 3 medicine 616.044
customs 394.266 3 Chronic fatigue syndrome
making 688.726 medicine 616.047 8
handicrafts 745.594 12 Chronic obstructive pulmonary
technology 688.726 disease
Christmas roses 635.933 34 medicine 616.24
botany 583.34 see also Respiratory tract
floriculture 635.933 34 diseases-· humans
Christmas seals (Prints) 769.57 Chronic renal failure
Christmas songs 782.421 723 medicine 616.614
Christmas story 232.92 see also Urologic diseases
Christmas trees humans
ornamental arboriculture 635.977 5 Chronicles 900
Christo logy 232 see also History
Chromates Chronicles (Biblical books) 222.6
mineralogy 549.752 Chronobiology 571.77
Chromatids 571.844 Chronographs
Chromatin 572.87 astronomy 522.5
Chromatographic analysis 543.8 technology 681.118
Chromatography 543.8 Chronologies 902.02
Chrome brick 666.72 Tl-0202
Chromite Chronologists 529.092
mineralogy 549.526 Chronology 529

Relative Index

astronomy 522.5 ecclesiology 262
technology 681.118 history 270
specific denominations 280
technology 681.118 local 250
chroococcales 579.39 Church and state 322.1
chrysanthemums 635.933 99 social theology 201.72
583.99 Christianity 261.7
floriculture 635.933 99 see also Politics and religion
chrysemys 597.925 92 see Manual at 322.1 vs. 201.72,
chrysobalanaceae 583.73 261.7, 292299
Chrysoc1oridae 599.335 Church authority 262.8
Chrysocolla Church buildings
mineralogy 549.64 architecture 726.5
Chrysomelidae 595.764 8 institutional housekeeping 647.985
chrysomeloidea 595.764 8 landscape atchi tecture 712.7
Chrysophyceae 579.86 management 254.7
Chrysophyta 579.86 religious significance 246.9
Chtouka-Ail Baha Church calendar 263.9
(Morocco) T2-646 6 chronology 529.44
Chubs 597.482 Church camps 796.542 2
sports fishing 799.174 82 Church controversies 262.8
Chlibu Region (Japan) T2-5216 local church 250
Chubut (Argentina) T2-827 4 specific denominations 280
Chuckchee Sea 551.461 325 Church etiquette 395.53
T2-163 25 Church fathers 270
Chucks 621.992 biography 270.092
Chugoku Region (Japan) T2-521 9 Church finance 262.006 81
Chukchi (Russia : Okrug) T2~-577 local church 254.8
Chukchi-Kamchatkan languages 494.6 Church furniture 247.1
T6-946 Church government 262
Chukchi Sea 551.461 325 local church 254
T2~-163 25 Church group work 253.7
Chukotko-Kamchatkan Church growth
languages T6-946 local church 254.5
Chukotskii avtonomnyi missionary work 266
okrug (Russia) T2~577 Church history 270
Chulalongkom, King of Siam specific denominations 280
Thai history 959.303 5 Church holidays 263.9
Chulupi language 498.7 customs 394.266
T6-987 devotional literature 242.3
Chumash Indians T5-975 8 sermons 252.6
Chumash language 497.58 see also Holidays
T6-975 8 Church in public education 379.28
Chumash languages 497.58 Church law 262.9
T6--975 8 Church libraries 027.67
Ch'ung-ch'ing shih (China) T2-513 8 Church membership
Chungking (China) T2-513 8 local church 254.5
Chuquisaca (Bolivia) T2-8424 Church modes 781.263
Chur (Switzerland) T2--494 732 24 Church music 781.71
Church of Christ, Scientist 289.5
see alw Christian
Church of Constantinople 281.949 61

Dewey Decimal Classification

Church of England 283.42 Church services 264

church government 262.034 2 flower arrangements 745.926
parishes 254.034 2 music 782.32
church law 262.983 42 Church Slavic language 491.817 01
doctrines 230.3 T6-918 17
catechisms and creeds 238.3 Church Slavic literature 891.81
guides to Christian life 248.483 Church Slavonic language 491.817 01
liturgy 264.o3 T6~91817
missions 266.3 Church Slavonic literature 891.81
moral theology 241.043 Church suppers 642.4
persecution by Queen Mary 272.6 Church welfare work 361.75
religious associations 267.183 42 Church work (Pastoral care) 253
religious education 268.834 2 Church work with children 259.22
religious orders 255.83 Church work with disabled
church history 271.83 people 259.44
women 255.983 Church work with families 259.1
church history 271.983 Church work withjuvenile
seminaries 230.073 342 delinquents 259.5
theology 230.3 Church work with older people 259.3
Church of God General Church work with the sick 259.4
Conference 286.73 Church work with young adults 259.25
see also Adventists Church work with youth 259.23
Church of God in Christ, Church year 263.9
Mennonites 289.73 chronology 529.44
see also Mennonite Church devotional literature 242.3
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- music 781.72
Day Saints 289.332 sermon preparation 251.6
see also Mormon Church sermons 252.6
Church of North India 287.95 Church youth groups 259.23
see also Christian Churches of Christ 286.63
denominations see also Restoration movement
Church of Scotland 285.233 (Christian movement)
Church of South India 287.94 Churches of Christ in Christian
see also Christian Union 289.9
denominations see also Christian
Church of the Brethren 286.5 denominations
see also Baptists Churches of God 289.9
Church of the East 281.8 see also Christian
see also Eastern churches denominations
Church of the Nazarene 287.99 Churchill (Man.) T2-712 71
see also Christian Churchill County (Nev.) T2--793 52
denominations Churchill River (Sask. and
Church of the New Jerusalem 289.4 Man.) T2-~712 71
Church organization 262 Chusei period 952.02
Church polity 262 Chutes-de-la-Chaudi ere
Church presses (Quebec) T2-714 59
publishing 070.594 Chutney 641.814
Church-related colleges and commercial processing 664.58
universities 378.071 home preparation 641.814
see alw Higher education Chuukeselanguage 499.52
Church renewal 262.001 7 T6-995 2
Church schools (General Chuvash language 494.315
education) 371.071 T6-943 15
libraries 027.83 Chuvash literature 894.315

Relative Index

Chuvashes T5-945 6 Cinder

Chuvashia (Russia) T2-4746 manufacturing technology 666.894
Chuvashilii (Russia) T2-474 6 materials science 620.139
Chyromyiidae 595.774 structural engineering 624.183 2
Chytridiomycetes 579.53 Cinema 791.43
CIA (Intelligence agency) 327.127 3 Cinemas
Cibola County (N.M.) T2-789 91 architecture 725.823
Cicadas 595.752 Cinematography 777
Cicewa language 496.391 8 see Manual at 791.43, 791.45
T6-963 918 vs. 777
Cicewa literature 896.391 8 Cinnabar
Cichlidae 597.74 mineralogy 549.32
culture 639.377 4 Cinnamon 641.338 3
Cicindelidae 595.762 botany 583.23
Ciconiidae 598.34 see also Spices
Ciconiiformes 598.34 Cinque Ports (England) T2-422 352
paleozoology 568.3 Cinquefoils 583.73
Cider 641.341 1 CIO (Labor) 331.883 309 73
commercial processing 663.63 CIP (Cataloging) 025.3
cooking with 641.641 1 Ciphers (Cryptography) 652.8
fermented 641.229 computer science 005.82
commercial processing 663.29 Circadian rhythms 571.77
food 641.341 I human physiology 612.022
Ciechan6w (Poland : Circassian languages 499.962 4
Voivodeship) T2-438 41 T6-999 624
Ciego de Avila (Cuba: Circassians T5-999 624
Province) T2-729 153 Circle geometry 516.18
Cienfuegos (Cuba : Circle-squaring 516.204
Province) T2-~729 143 Circles 516.152
Cigar flower 583.76 Circuit breakers 621.317
Cigarette holders 688.4 Circuit courts 347.02
Cigarettes 679.73 Circuit switching 621.381 537
smuggling 364.133 6 communications engineering 621.382 16
law 345.023 36 computer communications 004.66
Cigars 679.72 engineering 621.398 I
Cilia 571.67 Circuits 621.319 2
Ciliary bodies computer engineering 621.395
human physiology 612.842 electronics 621.381 5
ophthalmology 617.72 microwave electronics 621.381 32
Ciliate a 579.49 radio engineering 621.384 12
Ciliates 579.49 Circular buildings 720.48
Cilicia T2-393 5 architecture 720.48
Ciliophora 579.49 construction 690.38
CIM (Manufacturing) 670.285 Circular dichroism 541.7
Cimarron County (Okla.) T2-766 132 Circular manic-depressive
Cimbaloms 787.74 psychoses
see also Stringed instruments medicine 616.895
Cinchonas 583.93 see also Mental disorders
medicinal crops 633.883 93 Circulars
Cincinnati (Ohio) T2-771 78 direct advertising 659.133
Cinclidae 598.832 postal handling 383.124
Cinder blocks 666.894 see also Postal service
building construction 693.4
building materials 691.3

Dewey Decimal Classification

Circulation (Biology) 573.1 Cisalpine Republic 945.208 2

biology 573.1 CISC (Computer science) 004.3
brain 573.862 I see also Processing modes -
human physiology 612.824 computer science
see also Nervous system Ciskei (South Africa) T2-687 55
human physiology 612.1 Cispadane Gaul T2-3726
plants 575.7 Cistaceae 583.625
see also Cardiovascular system Cistercians 255.12
Circulation (Meteorology) 551.517 church history 271.12
Circulation services women 255.97
library science 025.6 church history 271.97
museology 069.13 Citation indexing 025.47
Circulation theory (Economics) 332.401 Citations
Circulatory fluids 573.15 am1ed forces 355.134
biology 573.15 see also Military
plants 575.75 commemorations
see also Cardiovascular system Citators to cases 348.047
Circulatory organs 573.1 United States 348.734 7
see also Cardiovascular system Citators to laws 348.027
Circulatory system 573.1 United States 348.732 7
biology 573.1 Citharinidae 597.48
plants 575.7 Cities 307.76
see also Cardiovascular system T2-l73 2
Circumcision 392.1 arts T3C-358 209 732
customs 392.1 government 320.85
female influence on precipitation 551.577 5
surgery 618.160 59 literature 808.803 582 097 32
Jewish rites 296.442 2 history and criticism 809.933 582 097 32
liturgy 296.454 22 specific literatures T3B-080 358 209 732
male history and
surgery 617.463 criticism T3B-093 582 097 32
mUSIC 781.582 psychological influence 155.942
Circumcision of Jesus Christ 232.92 public administration 352.16
Circumstantial evidence 347.064 control by higher
criminal investigation 363.25 jurisdictions 353.336
criminal law 345.064 see Manual at 35 I .3-.9 vs.
law 347.064 352.13-.19
Circumterrestrial flights public administrative support 352.793
manned 629.454 social services to residents 361.917 32
unmanned 629.435 2 public administration 353.533 3
Circus animals 791.32 sociology 307.76
animal husbandry 636.088 8 see Manual at T2--4-9; also at
Circus performers 791.309 2 T2--4l and T2--42; also at
Circuses 791.3 T2-713 and T2-714;also
Cire perdue casting at T2-93
metals 671.255 Citizen participation 323.042
Cirques (Geologic landforms) 551.315 crime prevention 364.43
Cirrhosis election campaigns 324.72
medicine 616.362 4 social welfare 361.25
see alw Digestive system Citizens advice bureaus 361.06
diseases humans Citizens and state 323
Cirripedia 595.35 Citizens band radio 384.53
paleozoology 565.35 communications services 384.53
Cisalpine Gaul T2-372 engineering 621.384 54

Relative Index

Citizenship 323.6 City

ethics 172.1 law 343.098 2
see also Political ethics City warfare 355.426
law 342.083 Cityscapes
political science 323.6 drawing 743.84
primary education 372.83 fine arts 704.944
public administration 353.48 painting 758.7
social theology 201.723 Ciudad da La Habana
Christianity 261.7 (Cuba)
Judaism 296.382 Ciudad Real (Spain :
Citric acid cycle 572.475 Province) T2--464 5
Citronella 584.92 Civets 599.742
Citrons 641.343 31 Civic action of armed forces 355.34
cooking 641.643 31 Civic art 711
food 641.343 31 Civic centers 307.33
orchard crop 634.331 architecture 725.1
Citrus County (Fla.) T2-759 72 area planning 711.551
Citrus tiuits 641.343 04 community sociology 307.33
botany 583.77 Civics 320.4
commercial processing 664.804 304 primary education 372.83
cooking 641.643 04 Civil actions 347.053
food 641.343 04 Civil commotion insurance 368.125
orchard crop 634.304 Civil defense 363.35
Cittems 787.85 law 344.053 5
see also Stringed instruments public administration 353.95
City churches 250.91732 Civil disobedience 303.61
administration 254.22 ethics 172.1
pastoral theology 253.091 732 religion 205.621
City 378.052 Buddhism 294.356 21
see also Higher education Christianity 241.621
City core Hinduism 294.548 621
community redevelopment 307.342 Judaism 296.362 I
City directories 910.25 law 342.085 4
see Manual at Tl-025 vs. political action 322.4
Tl-029 public 363.32
City gas 665.772 social conf1ict 303.61
City government 320.85 social theology 201.72
City government buildings Chrisiianity 261.7
architecture 725.13 Judaism 296.382
City halls Civil disorder 303.62
architecture 725.13 public safety 363.32
City manager government 320.854 social conflict 303.62
City managers social services 363.32
public administration 352.232 16 Civil engineering 624
City noise 363.741 see Manual at 624.1; also at
technology 620.23 624 vs. 690
see also Noise Civil engineers 624.092
City planners 711.409 2 Civil law (Legal system) 340.56
City planning 307.121 6 see },;fanual at 340,342-347 vs.
civic art 711.4 340.56
law 346.045 Civil-law notaries 346.002 3
public administration 354.353 Civil liberties 323
City schools 371.009 173 2 see also Civil rights
City-states 321.06 Civil-military relations 322.5

Dewey Decimal Classification

Civil procedure 347.05 Civil War (Somalia), 1991- 967.730 53

public administration 353.44 Civil War (Spain), 1936-1939 946.081
Civil rights 323 Civil War (Sudan), 1955-1972 962.404 1
government programs 353.48 Civil War (United States),
law 342.085 1861-1865 973.7
see Manual at 342.085 vs. societies 369.15
341.48 Civilian workers 331.79
legal theory 340.112 armed forces 355.23
political science 323 management 355.619
social theology 201.723 labor economics 331.79
Buddhism 294.337 23 labor force 331.119 042
Christianity 261.7 labor market 331.129 042
Hinduism 294.517 23 Civilization 909
Islam 297.272 arts 700.458
Judaism 296.382 T3C-358
social welfare 361.614 Bible 220.95
Civil rights leaders 323.092 history 909
Civil rights violations 364.132 2 ancient 930
law 345.023 22 specitlc places 930-990
public administration 353.46 see also History
Civil rights workers 323.092 literatnre 808.803 58
Civil service (Merit system) 352.63 history and criticism 809.933 58
law 342.068 specific literatures T3B---080 358
Civil service (Nonmilitary histmy and
government agencies) 351 criticism T3B-093 58
Civil service examinations 351.076 painting 758.99
Tl--076 primary education 372.89
Civil service pensions 331.252 913 51 sociology 306
public administration 353.549 see Manual at 306 vs. 305,
Civil service workers 352.63 909, 930-990; also at 909,
see also Government workers 930-990 vs. 910
Civil supremacy over the military 322.5 CJD (Disease)
Civil unions 306.841 medicine 616.83
Tl-086 56 see also Nervous system
law 346.016 diseases - humans
Civil war 355.021 8 Clackamas County (Or.) T2-795 41
ethics 172.1 Clackmannan (Scotland:
law of nations 341.68 District) T2---413 15
social conflict 303.64 Clackmannanshire
social theology 201.72 (Scotland) T2-413 15
Buddhism 294.337 2 Cladding
Christianity 261.7 buildings 698
Hinduism 294.517 2 nuclear engineering 621.483 35
Judaism 296.382 7 Cladding metals 671.73
Civil War (Angola), 1975-2000 967.304 2 Cladistic analysis 578.012
Civil War (England), 1642-1649 942.062 Cladocera 595.32
Civil War (Guatemala), Cladocopa 595.33
1960-1996 972.810 52 paleozoology 565.33
Civil War (Lebanon), 1975-1990 956.920 44 Cladoselachii 567.3
Civil War (Nigeria), 1967-1970 966.905 2 Claiborne County (Miss.) T2-762 285
Civil War(Rwanda), 1994 967.571043 1 Claiborne County (Tenn.) T2-768 944
Civil War(Serbia), 1998-1999 949.710 315 Claiborne Parish (La.) T2-763 94
Civil War (Sierra Leone), Claiming
1991-2002 966.404 4 librmy acquisitions 025.236

Relative Index

Claims (Customer relations) Clark County (S.D.) T2-783 22

marketing management 658.812 Clark County (Wash.) T2-797 86
Claims (Insurance) 368.014 Clark County (Wis.) T2-775 28
Claims adjustment Clarke County (Ala.) T2-761 245
insurance 368.014 Clarke County (Ga.) T2-758 18
Claims against government Clarke County (Iowa) T2-777 856
public administration 352.885 Clarke County (Miss.) T2-762 673
Claims courts 347.04 Clarke County(Va.) T2--755 98
Clairaudience 133.85 Clarkias 635.933 76
Clairvoyance 133.84 botany 583.76
Clairvoyants 133.840 92 floriculture 635.933 76
Clallam County (Wash.) T2-797 99 Class actions 347.053
Clam shrimps 595.32 Class groups (Mathematics) 512.74
Clamming 639.44 Class numbers 512.74
sports 799.254 4 Class reunions 371.8
Clamps 621.992 Class schedules 371.242
Clams 594.4 Class size (Education) 371.251
conservation technology 639.974 4 Class struggle 305.5
cooking 641.694 influence on crime 364.256
fishing 639.44 Marxian theory 335.411
food 641.394 theory of union role 331.880 I
commercial processing 664.94 Classed catalogs
paleozoology 564.4 bibliography 017
resource economics 333.955 44 library science 025.315
sports clamming 799.254 4 Classes (Education) 371.25
zoology 594.4 museum services 069.15
Clandestine publications Classical Arabic language 492.7
bibliographies 011.56 T6-927
Clanwilliam (South Africa: Classical Arabic literature 892.7
District) T2--687 31 Classical architecture 722.8
Clare (Ireland) T2-419 3 Classical conditioning 153.1526
Clare (S. Aust.) T2-942 32 Classical economics 330.153
Clare County (Mich.) T2-7747l Classical education
Clarendon County (S.C.) T2-757 81 secondary level 373.241
Clarinet concertos 784.286 2 Classical geometry 516.02
Clarinetists 788.620 92 Classical Greek language 480
Clarinets 788.62 T6-81
instrument 788.621 9 Classical Greek literature 880
music 788.62 Classical high schools 373.241
see also Woodwind instruments see also Secondary education
Clarion County (Pa.) T2--748 69 Classical languages (Greek and 480
Clark, Charles Joseph Latin) T6-8
Canadian history 971.064 5 Classical literatures (Greek and
Clark, Joe Latin) 880
Canadian history 971.064 5 Classical mechanics 531
Clark County (Ark.) T2-767 49 Classical music 781.68
Clark County (Idaho) T2-79657 Classical physics 530
Clark County (Ill.) T2--773 71 theory 530.14
Clark County (Ind.) T2-772 185 Classical religion 292
Clark County (Kan.) T2-781 77 temples and shrines
Clark County (Ky.) T2-769 54 architecture 726.12
Clark County (Mo.) T2-778 343 Classical revival 709.034 1
Clark County (Nev.) T2-79313 Classical revival architecture 724.2
Clark County (Ohio) T2-77149 Classical revival decoration 745.409 034

Dewey Decimal Class{fication

Classical revival painting 759.051 Clay (continued)

Classical revival sculpture 735.22 pottery 666.42
Classical statistical mechanics 530.132 arts 738.12
Classical typology (Psychology) 155.262 teclmology 666.42
Classicism sculpture material 731.2
arts 700.4142 Clay County (Ala.) T2~761 58
T3C-142 Clay County (Ark.) T2-~767 995
literature 808.801 42 Clay County (Fla.) T2~759 16
history and criticism 809.914 2 Clay County (Ga.) T2~758 927
specific literatures T3B-~080 142 Clay County (IlL) T2~773 795
history and Clay County (Ind.) T2~772 44
criticism 1'38~09142 Clay County (Iowa) T2~777 153
music 780.903 3 Clay County (Kan.) T2~781275
Classification 001.012 Clay County (Ky.) T2-769 145
Tl~Ol2 Clay County (Minn.) T2~776 92
information science 025.42 Clay County (Miss.) T2-~-762 945
knowledge 001.012 Clay County (Mo.) T2-778 16
Classified advertising 659.131 Clay County (N.C.) T2-756 985
print media 659.132 Clay County (Neb.) T2-782 357
Classified catalogs Clay County (S.D.) T2~783 393
bibliography 017 Clay County (Tenn.) T2-768 49
library science 025.315 Clay County (Tex.) T2-%4542
Classroom discipline 371.102 4 Clay County (W.Va.) T2~~-754 67
Classroom management 371.1024 Clay pigeons 799.3132
Classroom reading programs Clay pots
primary education 372.427 use in cooking 641.589
Classroom techniques 371.3 Clayton County (Ga.) T2-758 432
Classrooms 371.621 Clayton County (Iowa) T2-777 36
Clatsop County (Or.) T2~79546 Clean rooms
Clauses (Grammar) 415 safety engineering 620.86
specific languages T4~5 Cleaning
Claves 786.872 pneumatic engineering 621.54
see also Percussion instruments technology 667.1
Clavichords 786.3 Cleaning crops 631.56
instmment 786.319 Cleaning house 648.5
music 786.3 Cleaning metals 671.7
see also Keyboard instruments Cleanliness 613.4
Clavicipitales 579.567 personal customs 391.64
Clavicles personal health 613.4
human anatomy 611.717 Cleansing tissues 676.284 2
Clawless otters 599.769 Clear-air turbulence
Claws 591.47 transportation hazard 363.124 12
descriptive zoology 591.47 Clear Creek County (Colo.) T2~788 61
physiology 573.59 Clearance (Banking) 332. I 78
Clay 553.61 central banking 332.113
building materials 691.4 commercial banking service 332.178
economic geology 553.61 Clearfield County (Pa.) T2-·748 61
materials science 620.191 Clearing banks 332.12
mineralogy 549.6 Clearing houses (Banking) 332.12
mining 622.361 Clearing ofland 631.61
petrology 552.5 Clearwater County (Idaho) T2-796 88
Clearwater County (Minn.) T2--776 83
Clearwater River (B.C.) T2-711 72
Clearwater River (Idaho) T2-796 85

Relative Index

Cleavage Clerks regular 255.5

geology 551.84 church history 271.5
mineralogy 549.121 Clerks Regular of Somaschi 255.54
Cleburne County (Ala.) T2~761 64 church history 271.54
Cleburne County (Ark.) T2-767 285 Clerks Regular of the Mother of
Cleethorpes (England : God 255.57
Borough) T2-428 34 church history 271.57
Cleft lip Clermont (Qld.) T2~943 5
surgery 617.522 Clermont County (Ohio) T2-771 794
Cleft palate Clermont-Ferrand (France) T2-445 914
surgery 617.522 5 Cleroidea 595.763
Clematises 635.933 34 Clethraceae 583.66
botany 583.34 Cleveland (England) T2 428 5
floriculture 635.933 34 Cleveland (Ohio) T2-77l 32
Clemency 364.65 Cleveland, Grover
law 345.077 United States history 973.85
penology 364.65 1885-1889 973.85
Clemmys 597.925 7 18931897 973.87
Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt Cleveland bay horse 636.14
Egyptian history 932.021 Cleveland County (Ark.) T2-767 69
Clerestories Cleveland County (N.C.) T2~756 775
Christian church architecture 726.594 Cleveland County (Okla.) T2-766 37
Clergy 200.92 Cleveland Hills (England) T2---428 49
biography 200.92 Cliches 418
Christian 270.092 dictionaries 413.1
biography 270.092 specific languages T4-31
specific denominations 280 rhetoric 808
see Manual at 230-280 specific languages T4----8
ecclesiology 262.1 Click beetles 595.765
occupational ethics 241.641 Client-server computing 004.36
pastoral theology 253 Client-server processing 004.36
personal religion 248.892 see also Processing modes
training 230.o71 l computer science
occupational ethics 174.1 Client-server programming 005.276
religion 205.641 Client-server programs 005.376
role and function 206.1 Cliff ecology 577.58
see also Rabbis; Religious Clifford algebras 512.57
leaders Clifton Forge (Va.) T2~755 816
see Manual at 200.92 and Climacteric
201-209,292-299 human physiology 612.665
Clergymen's wives Climacteric disorders
Christianity 253.22 gynecology 618.175
see also Spouses of clergy see also Female genital
Christianity diseases ~ humans
Clerical celibacy male
Christianity 253.25 medicine 616.693
Clerical services 651.37 see also Male genital
Clerihews 808.817 diseases ~ humans
history and criticism 809.17 medicine 618.175
specific literatures T3B~107 Climate 551.6
individual authors T3A~l biophysics 571.49
Clerks 651.370 92 ecology 577.22
office services 651.37 health 613.11
social class 305.965 137 influence on crime 364.22

Dewey Decimal Classification

Climate (continued) Clipper ships 387.224

psychological influence 155.915 design 623.812 24
social effects 304.25 engineering 623.822 4
see Manual at 551.5 vs. 551.6 handling 623.882 24
Climate control 551.68 transportation services 387.224
Climate-induced illnesses see a/so Ships
medicine 616.988 Clippings
see also Environmental cataloging 025.342
diseases - humans library treatment 025.172
Climate types 551.62 Clitics 415.92
Climatic changes specific languages T4~~592

crop damage 632.1 Clive, Robert Clive, Baron

effect on natural ecology 577.22 Indian history 954.029 6
Climatological diseases Cloaks 391.46
medicine 616.988 commercial technology 687.14
see also Environmental home sewing 646.45
diseases humans see also Outerwear
Climatologists 551.609 2 Clock towers
Climatology 551.6 architecture 725.97
Climatotherapy Clockcases
medicine 615.834 art 739.3
Climbing plants 582.18 decorative arts 749.3
floriculture 635.974 Clockmakers 681.113 092
Clinch County (Ga.) T2-758 812 Clocks 681.113
Clinch River (Va. and art metalwork 739.3
Tenn.) T2-768 73 technology 681.113
Clingfishes 597.62 Clockworks 681.112
Clinical chemistry 616.075 6 Clocolan (South Africa :
Clinical drug trials 615.580 724 District) T2-685 5
Clinical enzymology 616.075 6 Clog dancing 793.32
Clinical immunology 616.079 Clogs 391.413
Clinical medicine 616 commercial technology 685.32
diagnosis 616.075 customs 391.413
see Manual at 616.075 see also Clothing
Clinical neuropsychology 616.8 Cloisonne
Clinical psychology 616.89 ceramic arts 738.42
Clinical trials 615.507 24 Cloisters
Clinics 362.12 cathedral
see also Health care facilities architecture 726.69
Clinton (B.C.) T2-711 72 monastic
Clinton, Bill architecture 726.79
United States history 973.929 Clonal selection 571.964 6
Clinton County (Ill.) T2-773 875 human immunology 616.079 5
Clinton County (Ind.) T2~~772 553 Cloning 571.89
Clinton County (Iowa) T2-777 67 biotechnology 660.65
Clinton County (Ky.) T2~-769 653 human immunology 616.079 5
Clinton County (Mich.) T2-774 24 human reproduction
Clinton County (Mo.) T2-778 155 ethics 176.22
Clinton County (N.Y.) T2-747 54 see also Reproduction·-
Clinton County (Ohio) T2-771 765 ethics
Clinton County (Pa.) T2-748 54 immunology 571.964 6
Clip spot embroidery 677.77 plants 575.49
Clonmel (Ireland) T2~-419 25
Clontarf, Battle of, I014 941.501

Relative Index

Close air support (Tactics) 358.414 2 Clothing (continued)

Close corporations 338.74 social welfare 361.05
law 346.066 8 see Manual at 391 vs. 646.3,
management 658.045 746.92
see also Corporations Clothing care
Close support aircraft 358.428 3 home economics 646.6
engineering 623.746 3 Clothing construction 646.4
military equipment 358.428 3 commercial technology 687
Close-up cinematography 777.6 home sewing 646.4
Close-up photography 778.324 Clothing industry 338.476 87
Close-up videography 777.6 Clothing workers 687.092
Closed-circuit television 384.556 Clotting
see also Television blood 573.159
Closed-end mutual funds 332.632 7 human physiology 612.115
Closed-loop systems physiology 573.159
automation engineering 629.83 see also Cardiovascular
Closed shop 331.889 2 system
Closed stacks 025.81 Cloud colors 551.567
Closet drama 808.82 Cloud computing 004.678 2
history and criticism 809.2 Cloud County (Kan.) T2-781 25
specific literatures T3B-2 Cloud forests
individual authors T3A-2 biology 578.734
Closets 643.5 ecology 577.34
Closing (Real estate) 346.043 73 Cloud seeding 551.687 6
Clostridium 579.364 Clouded leopard 599.75
Clostridium infections Clouds 551.576
incidence 614.512 aeronautics 629.132 4
medicine 616.931 weather modification 551.687 6
see also Communicable Clove (Spice) 641.338 3
diseases humans botany 583.765
Cloth see also Spices
ship design 623.818 97 Clovers 633.32
shipbuilding 623.820 7 botany 583.74
Cloth covers forage crop 633.32
bookbinding 686.343 Clowns 791.33
Clothes dryers Cloze procedure
home economics 648.1 primary education
manufacturing technology 683.88 reading 372.472
Clothing 391 Club cars 385.33
armed forces 355.81 engineering 625.23
costume 355.14 see also Rolling stock
arts 746.92 Club fungi 579.597
commercial manufacturing 687 Club games 796.35
fur 685.24 Club mosses 587.9
instruments 681.7677 paleobotany 561.79
leather 685.22 Clubhouse buildings
customs 391 architecture 728.4
health 613.482 Clubmen 367.92
home economics 646.3 Clubs 367
home sewing 646.4 T1-06
product safety 363.19 Clubs (Gymnastic equipment) 796.443
law 344.042 35 Clubwomen 367.92
psychological in.fluence 155.95 Cluj (Romania : Jude!) T2--498 4

Dewey Decimal Classification

Cluniacs 255.14 Coagulation

church history 271.14 blood 573.159
Clupea 597.452 human physiology 612.115
Clupeidae 597.45 physiology 573.159
Clupeomorpha 597.45 seealso Cardiovascular
paleozoology 567.45 system
Clusiaceac 583.624 water supply treatment 628.162 2
Clusium (Italy) T2-375 68 Coahoma County (Miss.) T2-762 44
Cluster analysis 519.53 Coahuila (Mexico : State) T2-7214
Cluster computing 004.35 Coahuiltecan Indians TS-979
Cluster headache Coahuiltecan languages 497.9
medicine 616.849 13 T6-979
see also Nervous system Coal 553.24
diseases - humans chemical engineering 662.62
Clusters of stars 523.85 economic geology 553.24
Clutches (Machine parts) 621.825 heating buildings 697.042
Clutha District (N.Z.) T2-939 3 mining 622.334
Clwyd (Wales) T2--429 3 law 343.077 52
Clydach (Wales) T2--429 98 pipeline transportation 388.57
Clyde, Firth of (Scotland) 551.461 337 law 343.093 97
T2-163 37 production economics 338.272 4
Clyde, River (Scotland) T2--414 prospecting 622.182 4
Clydebank (Scotland) T2-414 32 public administration 354.44
Clydebank (Scotland : public utilities 363.6
District) T2--414 32 law 343.092 7
Clydesdale (Scotland : resource economics 333.822
District) T2--414 57 law 346.046 822
Clydesdale horse 636.15 Coal County (Okla.) T2-766 67
Cnemidophorus 597.958 25 Coal gasification 665.772
Cnidaria 593.5 Coal mining 622.334
paleozoology 563.5 law 343.077 52
Cnidospora 579.48 production economics 338.272 4
Co-dependency 362.291 3 Coal oil 665.538 3
see also Codependency Coal slurry 662.623
Coach horses 636.14 pipeline transportation 388.57
Coaches (Buses) 388.342 33 law 343.093 97
see also Buses technology 662.624
Coaches (Railroad cars) 385.33 technology 662.623
engineering 625.23 Coal tar 547.82
see also Rolling stock Coal tar chemicals 661.803
Coaches (Sports) 796.092 Coalition military forces 355.356
Coaching (Driving) Coalition War, 1690-1697 949.204
recreation 798.6 Coarse fishing (Sports) 799.11
Coaching (Sports) 796.077 Coast artillery 358.168 2
Coaching horses engineering 623.417
recreation 798.6 military equipment 358.168 2
Coagulants Coast artillery torces 358.16
pharmacokinetics 615.718 Coast guard 363.286
military service 359.97
police services 363.286

Relative Index

coast guard ships 363.286 Coats

design 623.812 63 customs 391.46
engineering 623.826 3 indoor garments 391.473
military service 359.978 3 outdoor garments 391.46
police services 363.286 home economics 646.3
Coast Mountains (B.C.) T2~711 1 home sewing 646.45
Coast Province (Kenya) T2~67623 indoor garments 646.433
Coast Ranges T2-795 l outdoor garments 646.45
California T2-794 1 see also Clothing
Oregon T2~795 I Coats Island (Nunavut) T2-71958
Washington T2~7979 Coats of arms 929.6
Coast Region (Tanzania) T2~678 23 Cob (Building material) 693.22
Coastal defense 355.45 Cobalt 669.733
Coastal engineering 627.58 chemical engineering 661.062 3
Coastal lands 551.457 chemistry 546.623
T2--146 economic geology 553.483
Coastal pools 551.461 8 materials science 620.189 33
T2~-168 metallography 669.957 33
Coastal regions 551.457 metallurgy 669.733
T2~146 metalworking 673.733
Coastal wetlands mining 622.348 3
biology 578.769 organic chemistry 547.056 23
ecology 577.69 applied 661.895
Coastal zones 551.457 physical metallurgy 669.967 33
T2-146 see also Chemicals; Metals
Coasting Cobalt soaps 668.125
snow sports 796.95 Cobar (N.S.W.) T2-9449
Coasts 551.457 Cobb County (Ga.) T2~758 245
T2~l46 Cobbling 685.31
biology 578.751 Cobordism theory 514.72
ecology 577.51 Cobourg Peninsula National
geography 910.914 6 Park (N.T.) T2-942 95
geomorphology 551.457 Cobras 597.964 2
law 346.046 917 Coburg (Germany) T2--433 11
physical geography 910.021 46 Cocaine abuse 362.298
recreational resources 333.784 medicine 616.864 7
resource economics 333.917 personal health 613.84
Coastwise routes 387.524 social welfare 362.298
Coatbridge (Scotland) T2--414 52 see also Substance abuse
Coated paper 676.283 Cocas (Plants) 583.79
Coaticook (Quebec: Coccidiosis
Regional County incidence 614.53
Municipality) T2~714 67 medicine 616.936
Coating 667.9 see also Communicable
latex 678.527 diseases humans
metals 671.73 Coccinellidae 595.769
paper 676.235 Cochabamba (Bolivia :
Coatings 667.9 Dept.) T2-842 3
Coatis 599.763 Cochineal dyes 667.26
Coats 391.46 Cochise County (Ariz.) T2~791 53

commercial technology 687.14 Cochlear diseases

indoor garments 687.113 medicine 617.8822
outdoor garments 687.14 see also Ear diseases -~

Dewey Decimal Classification

Cochleas Coeuy National Park

human anatomy 611.85 (Colombia) T2-861 44
human physiology 612.858 Cocuy Range (Colombia) T2-86144
medicine 617.882 2 Cod-liver oil
Cochran County (Tex.) T2-764 845 pharmacology 615.34
Cochrane (Ont. : District) T2-713 142 COD mail 383.184
Cockatiels 636.686 56 see also Postal service
animal husbandry 636.686 56 CODASYL databases
zoology 598.71 computer science 005.754
Cockatoos 598.71 Code generators
animal husbandry 636.686 5 computer science 005.45
Cocke County (Tenn.) T2-768 895 Code of Manu 294.592 6
Cockfighting 791.8 Code telegraphy 384.14
Cockney dialect 427.942 1 wireless 384.524
T6-21 see also Telegraphy
Cockroaches 595.728 Codependency 362.291 3
control technology 628.965 7 alcoholism 362.292 3
Cocks (Mechanisms) 621.84 medicine 616.861 9
Cocksfoot (Grass) 633.22 social welfare 362.292 3
botany 584.9 devotional literature 204.32
Cocktails 641.874 Christianity 242.4
commercial processing 663.1 medicine 616.869
Cocle (Panama: Province) T2-728 721 pastoral theology 206.1
Cocoa 641.337 4 Christianity 259.429
beverage 641.337 4 religious guidance 204.42
commercial processing 663.92 Christianity 248.862 9
home preparation 641.877 social theology 201.762 29
cooking with 641.637 4 Christianity 261.832 29
food 641.337 4 social welfare 362.291 3
Cocoa butter 665.354 Codes (Law) 348.023
chemical technology 665.354 United States 348.732 3
cooking with 641.637 4 Codes of conduct
food 641.337 4 moral theology 205
food technology 664.3 Christianity 241.5
Coconino County (Ariz.) T2-791 33 Judaism 296.36
Coconucos Range Codex iuris canonici (1917) 262.93
(Colombia) 1'2--861 53 Codex iuris canonici (1983) 262.94
Coconut milk Codiaeum 583.69
commercial processing 663.64 Codiales 579.835
Coconut oil 665.355 Codification 348.004
Coconuts 641.346 1 law of nations 341.026 7
botany 584.5 United States 348.730 4
commercial processing 664.804 61 Coding data 005.72
cooking 641.646 1 Coding of programs 005.13
food 641.346 1 Coding theory 003.54
food crop 634.61 Tl-011 54
textiles 677.18 Codington County (S.D.) 1'2-783 23
see also Textiles Codling moth
Cocoons 595.714 6 agricultural pests 634.049 78
Cocoparra National Park Codons 572.86
(N.S.W.) 1'2-944 8 Cods 641.392
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 969.9 conservation technology 639.977 633
1'2--699 cooking 641.692
food 641.392

Relative Index

Cads (continued) Cog

resource economics 333.956 633 engineering 625.33
zoology 597.633 transportation services 385.6
Coeducation 371.822 Cogeneration 333.793
Coefficient of expansion 536.41 law 343.092 9
Coefficient of restitution 531.382 resource economics 333.793
Coelacanths 597.39 steam 621.199
Coelenterata 593.5 Cognac 641.253
paleozoology 563.5 commercial processing 663.53
Coelesyria (Lebanon) T2~3944 Cognition 153
Coelomycetes 579.55 epistemology 121
Coelophysis 567.912 psychology 153
Coenopteridales 561.73 Cognition disorders
Coenzymes 572.7 medicine 616.8
see also Enzymes see also Nervous system
Coercion diseases humans
social control 303.36 Cognitive neuroscience 612.823 3
Coeur d'Alene language 497.943 Cognitive psychology 153
T&--97943 adolescents 155.513
Coeur d'Alene Mountains children 155.413
(Idaho and Mont.) T2~796 91 education 370.152
Coevolution 576.87 late adulthood 155.671 3
Cofactors 572.7 men 155.332 3
Coffee 641.337 3 women 155.333 3
agricultural economics 338.173 73 see 1\-Janual at 153.4
agriculture 633.73 Cognitive reading methods
botany 583.93 primary education 372.474
commercial processing Cognitive science 153
economics 338.476 639 3 human physiology 612.823 3
technology 663.93 see Manual at 006.3 vs. 153
cooking with 641.637 3 Cognitive therapy
food 641.337 3 pediatrics 618.928 914 25
home preparation 641.877 psychiatry 616.891 425
Coffee cakes 641.865 9 Cohabitation 306.841
commercial processing 664.752 5 Tl~086 56

home preparation 641.865 9 customs 392.6

Coffee County (Ala.) T2~761 34 law 346.016
Coffee County (Ga.) T2~758 823 Coherent optics 535.2
Coffee County (Tenn.) T2~-768 64 Cohesion
Coffee grounds chemical engineering 660.293
divination 133.324 4 chemistry 541.33
Coffee substitutes 641.877 Cohomology theory 514.23
commercial processing 663.97 Cohorts (Military units) 355.31
home preparation 641.877 Coimbra (Portugal :
Coffeehouses 647.95 District) T2-46935
see also Eating places Coimbra da Luz, Carlos
Cofferdams 624.157 Brazilian history 981.062
Coffey County (Kan.) T2~781 645 Coinage
Coffin flies 595.774 law 343.032
Coffs Harbour (N.S.W.) T2~944 3 public revenue 336.16
Cofimvaba (South Africa : Coins 332.404 2
District) T2-~687 58 investment economics 332.63
monetary economics 332.404 2
numismatics 737.4

Cold-weather diseases
Coir 616.988 l
textiles 677.18 medicine
see also Textiles see also Environmental
Cojedes (Venezuela: State) T2-874 6 diseases humans
Coke Cold-weather photography 778.75
chemical engineering 662.72 Cold"working operations
heating buildings 697.042 metals 671.3
Coke County (Tex.) T2-764723 Coldwater River (B.C.) T2-7l 1 72
Coke gases 665.772 Cole County (Mo.) T2--778 55
Coke-oven gas 665.772 Coleman County (Tex.) T2-764 725
Cola Colemanite
alkaloid crop 633.76 mineralogy 549.735
beverage 641.337 6 Coleoidea 594.5
commercial processing 663.62 Coleoptera 595.76
Colac (Vic.) T2-945 7 paleozoology 565.76
Colbert County (Ala.) T2--761 915 Coleraine (Northern
Colchagua (Chile : Ireland: Borough) T2--41627
Province) T2--833 3 Coles County (Ill.) T2-773 72
Colchester (England : Colesberg (South Africa :
Borough) T2--426 723 District) T2-687 13
Colchester (1\.S. : County) T2-716 12 Colfax County (N.M.) T2-78922
Colchis 939.538 Colfax County (Neb.) T2--782 532
T2-395 38 Colic
Cold (Disease) abdominal disorders 617.55
medicine 616.205 pediatrics 618.920 975 5
see also Respiratory tract Coligny (South Africa :
diseases -- humans District) T2-68244
Cold (Low temperature) 536.56 Coliifonnes 598.75
biophysics 571.464 paleozoology 568.7
humans 612.014 465 Colima (Mexico : State) T2-723 6
Cold adaptation 578.42 Co linus 598.627 3
Cold-blooded vertebrates 597 Colitis
culture 639.3 medicine 616.344 7
paleozoology 567 see also Digestive system
Cold climate diseases- humans
health 613.111 Collaborative indexing 025.487
Cold dishes Collaborative tagging 025.487
cooking 641.79 Collage 702.812
Cold frames Collage painting 751.493
gardening 635.048 3 Collagen 572.67
manufacturing technology 681.763 I biochemistry 572.67
Cold-molding glass powder 666.126 human histology 611.0182
Cold sores medicine 616.77
medicine 616.522 see also Musculoskeletal
see also Skin diseases--- system; Proteins
humans Collagen diseases
Cold-storing foods 664.028 52 medicine 616.77
commereial preservation 664.028 52 see also Musculoskeletal
home preservation 641.452 diseases -humans
Cold weather Collards 641.353 47
health 613.111 cooking 641.653 47
Cold-weather cooking 641.591 1 food 641.353 47
garden crop 635.347

Relative Index

Collateral kinsmen 306.87 Collective bargaining (continued)

TI~085 public administration 354.97
Collect-on-delivery mail 383.184 women workers 331.479
see also Postal service Collective security 327.116
Collected biography 920 Collective settlements 307.77
Tl-092 2 Collectivism 335
see Manual at T 1--0922; economics 335
also at Tl--0922 vs. ·political ideology 320.53
Tl-093-099; also at see Manual at 335 vs. 306.345,
920.008 vs. 305 306, 362; 320.53
also at 920.009, 920.03-.09 College administration 378.101
vs. 909.09, 909.1-.8, College administrators
930--990 biography 378.009 2
Co!lectib les role and function 378.111
see Manual at 745.1 College admissions 378.161
Collecting 069.4 College applications 378.161 6
Tl-075 College buildings 378.196
museology 069.4 architecture 727.3
recreation 790.132 construction 690.73
Collecting of accounts education 378.196
law 346.077 institutional housekeeping 647.993
management 658.88 interior decoration 747.873
Collection analysis College costs 378.38
library science 025.21 College dropouts 378.169 13
Collection development College education 378
library science 025.21 see also Higher education
Collection maintenance College enrollment 378.161 9
library operations 025.8 College entrance examinations 378.1662
library science 025.21 College entrance requirements 378.161 7
Collection management College extension 378.175
library science 025.21 College graduates
Collections 069.5 choice of vocation 331.702 35
description T1---D74 labor force 331.114 45
fine arts 708 social group 305.55
temporary 707.4 unemployment 331.137 804
see Manual at 704.9 and College-level accounting 657.044
753-758 College-level examinations 378.166 2
literature 808.8 College libraries 027.7
specific literatures T3B--08 see also Academic libraries
see Manual at T3B-08 College majors 378.241
and T3B---()9 College presidents
see Manual at 808.8 biography 378.009 2
museology 069.5 role and t\mction 378.111
of abstracts 080 College presses
brief abstracts 011 bibliographies of publications 011.54
of texts 080 publishing 070.594
see Manual at 080 vs. 800; College readers (Reading
also at 081-089 comprehension textbooks)
preparation Tl--075 applied linguistics 418
Collective bargaining 331.89 specific languages T4--86
economies 331.89 College readers (Rbetoric
law 344.018 9 textbooks) 808
personnel management 658.315 4 specit!c languages 808.04
public administration 352.68

Dewey Decimal Classification

College sports 796.043 Cologne (Germany:

see Manual at 796.08 vs. Regierungsbezirk) T2--435 51
796.04 Colom Caballeros, Alvaro
College students Guatemalan history 972.810 534
guides to religious life Colombia 986.1
Christianity 248.834 T2-861
pastoral care Panamanian history 972.870 3
Christianity 259.24 Colombian literature 860
College teachers 378.12 Colombians TS-688 61
College teaching 378.125 Colombo (Sri Lanka) T2-549 3
College trustees 378.101 1 Colon 573.379
Colleges 378.154 2 biology 573.379
Tl-071 1 human anatomy 611.347
area planning 711.57 human physiology 612.36
liability 344.075 medicine 616.34
see also Higher education surgery 617.5547
Colleges without walls 378.03 see also Digestive system
see also Higher education Colon (Honduras: Dept.) T2-728 313
Collembola 595.725 Colon (Panama: Province) T2-728 732
Colleton County (S.C.) T2-757 95 Colon, Archipielago de T2~-866 5
Collie (W.A) T2-941 2 Colon cancer
Collier County (Fla.) T2--759 44 incidence 614.599 943 47
Collies 636.737 4 medicine 616.994 347
Colligative properties see also Cancer- humans
chemical engineering 660.294 15 Colon Classification 025.435
chemistry 541.341 5 Colonia (Uruguay) T2-895 II
Collin County (Tex.) T2~-764 556 Colonial architecture 724.1
Collines-de-1 'Outaouais Colonial Heights (Va.) T2-755 595
(Quebec) T2-714 223 Colonial military forces 355.352
Collingsworth County Colonial Phoenician architecture 722.32
(Tex.) T2-~764 831 Colonialism 325.3
Collision prevention Colonic diseases
seamanship 623.888 4 medicine 616.34
Collisions (Physics) see also Digestive system
nuclear particles 539.757 diseases humans
solid-state physics 530.416 Colonies (Territories) 321.08
Colloid chemistry 541.345 see also Non-sclf-goveming
applied 660.294 5 territories
specific elements and Colonization 325.3
compounds 546 Colonnades 721.2
Colloidal fuels 662.82 architecture 721.2
Colloids 541.345 construction 690.12
specific elements and Colonnettes 721.3
compounds 546 architecture 721.3
Colloquial language 418 construction 690.13
specific languages T4--8 Color 535.6
Collor de Mello, Femando animal physiology 573.5
Affonso animals 591.472
Brazilian history 981.064 arts 701.85
Col! otype printing 686.232 5 biological adaptation 578.47
Collusion 364.134 drawing 741.018
law 345.023 4 interior decoration 747.94
Cologne (Germany) T2--435 514 mineralogy 549.125
painting 752

Relative index

Color (continued) Coloring paper 676.234

physics 535.6 Colorless sulfur bacteria 579.32
plants . . 581.47 Colors (Flags) 929.92
religious s1gmficance 203.7 armed forces 355.15
Christi an it y 246.6 Colossians (Biblical book) 227.7
see also Symbolism Colostomy 617.5547
religious significance Colquitt County (Ga.) T2-758 975
technology 667 Colubridae 597.962
therapeutics 615.8312 Colubroidea 597.96
Color (Sound) 781.234 Colugos 599.33
Color blindness Columbia (S.C.) T2--757 71
incidence 614.599 7 Columbia County (Ark.) T2--767 59
ophthalmology 617.759 Columbia County (Fla.) T2--759 83
see also Eye diseases - Columbia County (Ga.) T2-758 635
humans Columbia County (N.Y.) T2-747 39
Color materials Columbia County (Or.) T2-795 47
pottery 666.42 Columbia County (Pa.) T2--748 38
arts 738.12 Columbia County (Wash.) T2--797 46
technology 666.42 Columbia County (Wis.) T2-775 81
Color perception Columbia River T2---797
psychology 152.145 British Columbia T2-711 6
Color photography 778.6 Oregon T2-7954
Color plants Washington T2-797
floriculture 635.968 Columbia-Shuswap (B.C.) T2-711 68
Color printing 686.230 42 Columbiana County (Ohio) T2--77163
Color television 621.388 04 Columbiformes 598.65
Color therapy 615.831 2 paleozoology 568.6
Color vision defects Columbines 635.933 34
ophthalmology 617.759 botany 583.34
see also Eye diseases floriculture 635.933 34
humans Columbium 669.79
Colorado 978.8 chemistry 546.524
T2-788 see also Chemicals; Niobium
Colorado County (Tex.) T2-764 253 Columbus (Ohio) T2---771 57
Colorado Desert (Calif. and Columbus, Christopher
Mexico) T2-794 99 North American history 970.015
Colorado Plateau T2-7913 South American history 980.013
Arizona T2-791 3 Columbus County (N.C.) T2-756 31
Colorado T2-788 1 Columnar epithelia
Utah T2-792 5 human histology 6ll.018 7
Colorado River (Colo.- Columns 721.3
Mexico) T2-791 3 architecture 721.3
Arizona T2-791 3 construction 690.13
Colorado T2-788 17 structural engineering 624.177 25
Utah T2-792 5 concrete 624.183 425
Colorado River (Tex.) T2-764 Colusa County (Calif.) T2-794 33
Colorado Springs (Colo.) T2-788 56 Colville Lake (N.W.T.) T2-719 3
Colorado tick fever Colwyn (Wales) T2--429 27
incidence 614.588 Colwyn Bay (Wales) T2--429 27
medicine 616.918 Colydiidea 595.769
see also Communicable Colymbifonnes 598.44
diseases - humans COM devices 004.77
Colorimetry 543.55 manufacturing technology 681.6
Coloring oils and gases 665.028 3

Decimal Classification

Combinatorial topology 514.22

medicine 616.849 Combinatorics 511.6
see also Nervous system Combinatory logic 511.3
diseases -humans Combined operations (Armed
Coma! County (Tex.) T2-764 887 forces) 355.46
Comanche County (Kan.) T2-781 79 Combined sewers 363.728 493
Comanche County (Okla.) T2-766 48 social services 363.728 493
Comanche County (Tex.) T2 -764 554 technology 628.214
Comanche fudians T5--974 572 see also Sewage treatment
Comanche language 497.457 2 Combines (Machines) 633.104 5
T6-974 572 manufacturing technology 681.763 1
Comayagua (Honduras : Combing textiles 677.028 21
Dept.) T2--728 372 arts 746.11
Comb jellies 593.8 manufacturing technology 677.028 21
Combat 355.4 Combretaceae 583.76
Combat aircraft 358.418 3 Combs 646.724
engineering 623.746 customs 391.44
military equipment 358.4183 see also Accessories
Combat disorders (Clothing)
medicine 616.852 12 manufacturing technology 688.5
see also Mental disorders personal appearance 646.724
Combat fatigue Combustion 541.361
medicine 616.852 12 chemical engineering 660.296 1
see also Mental disorders chemistry 541.361
Combat groups (Air force) 358.413 1 diesel engines 621.436 1
Combat readiness 355.033 2 heat engineering 621.402 3
Combat sports 796.8 Combustion gases
Combat squadrons (Air force) 358.413 1 ecology 577.276
Combat units 355.31 human toxicology 615.91
Combat vehicles 355.83 pollution 363.738 7
engineering 623.74 pollution technology 628.532
military equipment 355.83 toxicology 571.956
Combat zones COMECON (Economic
living conditions 355.129 4 organization) 341.242 7
Combatants international commerce 382.9147
law 343.01 international economics 337.147
law of war 341.67 law of nations 341.242 7
Combination of grades 371.25 Comedians 792.702 809 2
Combinations (Enterprises) 338.8 Comedies (Drama) 792.23
accounting 657.96 literature 808.825 23
economics 338.8 history and criticism 809.252 3
law 346.065 specific literatures T3B-205 23
management 658.046 individual authors T3A-2
initiation 658.114 6 motion pictures 791.436 17
see also International radio programs 791.446 17
enterprises stage presentation 792.23
see Manual at 658.04 vs. television programs 791.456 17
658.114, 658.402 Comedy
Combinations (Mathematics) 511.64 arts T3C-17
Combinatorial analysis 511.6 literature 808.801 7
Combinatorial geometry 516.13 history and criticism 809.917
Combinatorial optimization 519.64 specific literatures T3B-080 17
Combinatorial probabilities 519.2 history and
Combinatorial set theory 511.322 criticism T3B-091 7

Relative Index

Comets 523.6 Commandments

T2~993 Jewish law 296.18
Comfort equipment moral theology 205
aircraft 629.134 42 Christianity 241.5
automobile 629.277 Judaism 296.36
vehicles 629.040 289 Commando raids 355.422
comfort stations 363.729 4 Commandos (Armed forces) 356.167
teclmology 628.45 Commelinales 584.86
see also Sanitation Commelinidae 584.8
Comfreys 583.94 Commemorations 394.2
floriculture 635.933 94 Holocaust, 1933-1945 940.531 862
Comic books 741.5 see also Celebrations
drawing 741.51 Commemorative medals
genres numismatics 737.222
history, criticism, techniques 741.53 Commemorative stamps 769.563
geographic treatment 741.593-.599 Commencements 371.291 2
see Manual at 741.593-.599 customs 394.2
and 741.5693-.5699 Commensalism 577.852
see Manual at 741.5; also at Commentaries
741.56 journalism 070.442
Comic strips 741.56 Commerce 381
drawing 741.5 I accounting 657.839
genres agent of social change 303.482
history, criticism, techniques 741.53 arts 700.455 3
geographic treatment 741.569 3-.569 9 T3C-355 3
see Manual at 741.593-.599 energy economics 333.796 89
and 741.5693-.5699 ethics 174.4
journalism 070.444 law 343.08
see Manual at 741.5; also at see lvfanual at 343.078 vs.
741.56 343.08
Comic style literature 808.803 553
arts T3C-17 history and criticism 809.933 553
literature 808.801 7 specific literatures T3B-080 355 3
history and criticism 809.917 history and
specific literatures T3B-080 17 criticism T3B-093 553
history and public administration 354.73
criticism T3B-091 7 sociology 306.34
Comics (Comic books) 741.5 see l'vfanual at 380
Comics (Comic strips) 741.56 Commercial air conditioning 697.931 6
see also Comic strips Commercial airplanes 387.733 404 23
Cominform 324.175 engineering 629.133 340 423
Coming-of-age customs 392.15 piloting 629.132 521 6
etiquette 395.24 transportation services 387.733 404 23
Commagene T2-393 6 see also Aircraft
Command and control systems Commercial areas 307.333
(Military) 355.330 41 area pla1111ing 711.5522
Command economies 330.124 community sociology 307.333
Command functions (Anned land economics 333.77
forces) 355.330 41 Commercial art 741.6
Commandeering military Commercial artists 741.609 2
resources 355.28 Commercial aviation 387.7
Commander Islands see also Air transportation
(Russia) T2-577

Decimal Classification

Commercial banks 332.12 Commercial property 333.77

international operations 332.15 taxation 336.225
law 346.082 12 Commercial propet1y insurance 368.12
services 332.17 Commercial publishers 070.592
see also Banks (Finance) Commercial revenues
Commercial bookbinding 686.3 public finance 336.1
Commercial buildings Commercial vehicles
architecture 725.2 (Automotive) 388.34
construction 690.52 engineering 629.22
institutional housekeeping 647.962 transportation services 388.34
sale and rental 333.338 7 see also Automotive vehicles
theft from 364.162 3 Commercials 659.14
law 345.026 23 broadcast advertising 659.14
Commercial catalogs 381.029 radio performances 791.443
Tl-029 television performances 791.453
see Manual at Tl-025 vs. Commewijne (Suriname :
TI-029; also atTl-074 District) T2-883 7
vs. Tl-029 Commission government
Commercial circulars 381.029 cities 320.854
Commercial credit 332.742 Commissioned officers 355.009 2
Commercial crimes 364.168 role and function 355.332
law 345.026 8 Commissioning
Commercial fishing 338.372 7 military personnel 355.223 6
economics 338.372 7 Commissions (Governing boards) 352.25
technology 639.2 libraries 021.82
see also Fisheries Committees 302.34
Commercial gardening legislative bodies 328.365
economics 338.175 social psychology 302.34
technology 635 Commodities 338.02
Commercial general liability investment economics 332.632 8
insurance 368.56 law 346.092 2
Commercial insurance 368.094 production 338.02
Commercial land use 333.77 speculation 332.632 8
community sociology 307.333 Commodity brokers 332.62
economics 333.77 public administration 354.88
Commercial languages 401.3 Commodity exchanges 332.644
Commercial law 346.07 architecture 725.25
Commercia! leases law 343.08
accounting 657.75 public administration 354.88
buildings 333.338 75 Commodity futures 332.632 8
industrial lands 333.336 5 Commodity futures markets 332.644
law 346.043 462 Commodity options 332.632 8
real property and equipment Commodity options markets 332.644
financial management 658.152 42 Commodity standards (Money) 332.42
Commercial liability insurance 368.56 Commodores 359.009 2
Commercial miscellany 381.029 role and function 359.331
Tl-029 Common adder 597.963 6
Commercial multi-peril insurance 368.094 Common beans
Commercial paper 332.77 commercial processing 664.805 652
exchange medium 332.55 field crop 633.372
Commerdal policy 381.3 garden crop 635.652
American Revolution cause 973.311 2 Common carp 641.392
international commerce 382.3 see also Carp

Relative Index

Common carriers 388.041 Communalism 302.\4

law 343.093 Communaute regionale de
sanitation services 363.729 3 l'Outaouais (Quebec) T2-7\4 221
public administration 353.94 Communes 307.774
truck 388.324 3 production economics 338.7
see also Freight services; Communicable diseases 571.98
Passenger services agriculture 632.3
Common cold animals 571.981
medicine 616.205 veterinary medicine 636.089 69
see also Respiratory tract biology 571.98
diseases humans humans 362.196 9
Common dolphin 599.532 geriatrics 618.976 9
Common herring 597.452 law 344.043 69
Common lands 333.2 medicine 616.9
landscape architecture 712.5 nursing 616.904231
Common law 340.57 pediatrics 618.929
see Manual at 340, 342~347 vs. pregnancy complications
340.57 obstetrics 618.36
Common-law marriage 306.841 social services 362.196 9
Tl-086 56 public administration 353.63
law 346.016 plants 571.982
Common lectionary 264.34 agriculture 632.3
preaching 251.6 Communication 302.2
Common Market 341.242 2 Tl-014
see also European Union animals 591.59
Common mice 599.353 physiology 573.92
Common of the mass 264.36 ethics 175
music 782.323 2 religion 205.65
choral and mixed voices 782.532 32 Christianity 241.65
single voices 783.093 232 management 658.45
Common partridge 598.623 2 military administration 355.688 4
Common people public administration 352.384
customs 390.24 see Manual at 658.45 vs.
dress 391.024 651.7, 808.06665
Common quail 598.627 2 office services 651.7
Common rats 599.352 see Manual at 658.45 vs.
Common Slavic language 491.8 651.7, 808.06665
T6-918 psychology 153.6
Common stocks 332.632 2 sociology 302.2
speculation 332.632 28 Communication disorders 362.196 855
Common Worship 264.03 geriatrics 618.976 855
Commons incidence 614.598 55
land economics 333.2 medicine 616.855
landscape architecture 712.5 pediatrics 618.928 55
Commonwealth and Protectorate social services 362.196 855
(Great Britain) 941.063 special education 371.914
Commonwealth oflndependent 947.086 Communication in management 658.45
States T2-47 see also Communication
Commonwealth ofNations T2-171 241 management
Commonwealth ofthe Communication in marketing
Northem Mariana management 658.802
Islands T2-967 Communication in teaching 371.102 2
Communal land 333.2 Communication skills
Communal living 307.774 primary education 372.6

Dewey Decimal Classification

Communications 384 Communications satellites 384.51

arts T3C-355 8 see also Satellite
computer science 004.6 communication
see also Computer Communications services 384.043
communications air forces 358.46
engineering 621.382 armed forces 358.24
see also Communications naval forces 359.983
engineering police services 363.24
law 343.099 Communications workers 384.092
literature 808.803 558 Communicative disorders 362.196 855
history and criticism 809.933 558 see also Communication
military science 358.24 disorders
air forces 358.46 Communion (Part of service) 264.36
land forces 358.24 music 782.323 5
naval forces 359.983 Communion of saints 262.73
police services 363.24 Communion service 264.36
public administration 354.75 music 782.323
social effects 303.483 3 Communism 335.4
see Manual at 380 economics 335.4
Communications engineering 621.382 political ideology 320.532
arts T3C-356 Communism and Christianity 261.21
manned space flight 629.457 Communism and Islam 297.273
military 623.73 Communist bloc T2-171 7
ships 623.856 Communist ethics 171.7
space flight 629.457 Communist front organizations
spacecraft 629.474 3 political science 324.3
unmanned space flight 629.437 Communist government 321.92
unmanned spacecraft 629.464 3 Communist Information Bureau 324.175
Communications engineers 621.382 092 Communist International 324.175
Communications equipment Communist manifesto 335.422
computer science 004.64 Communist parties 324.217 5
engineering 621.398 1 international organizations 324.175
military equipment 355.85 Communist Party of Australia 324.294 097 5
Communications facilities 384.042 Communist Party of Austria 324.243 607 5
architecture 725.23 Communist Party of China 324.251 075
area planning 711.8 Communist Party of Germany 324.243 075
construction 690.523 Communist Party of Japan 324.252 075
military resources 355.27 Communist Party of the Soviet
misuse 364.147 Union 324.247 075
railroads 385.316 Communist Party of the United
Communications media 302.23 States of America 324.273 75
see also Mass media Communist Party of the United
Communications network States of America (New York) 324.274 707 5
architecture Communist Refoundation Party
communications engineering 621.382 15 (Italy) 324.245 075
computer science 004.65 Communists 335.409 2
engineering 621.398 1 Marxist-Leninist 335.430 92
Communications networks Communities 307
computer science 004.6 psychological influence 155.94
technology 621.382 I see Manual at 307
Communications protocols Community action (Social
communications engineering 621.382 12 welfare) 361.8
computer science 004.62 public administration 353.527 93

Relative Index

Community antenna 512.44

systems .. 384.554 6 Commutators (Generator parts) 621.316
see also 1elevisJon Commuter services 388.042
"-·~nmn:1tv banks 332.1 railroad
(Finance) engineering 625.4
365.6 urban 388.4
see also Urban transportation
374.8 see also Passenger services
727.9 Como (Italy) 12--452 31
711.55 ancient 12~372 264 I
790.068 Como (Italy: Province) 12--452 3
361.8 ancient 12~372 264
Comorans 15~969 694
378.154 3 Cornaro Islands 969.4
307.14 12-·694
Jaw 346.045 Comoros 969.41
public administration 354.279 3 12-694 I
Community ecology 577.82 Comox-Strathcona (B.C.) 12~711 2
animals 591.782 Compact disc read-only memory 004.565
plants 581.782 see also CDs (Compact
Community health services 362.12 discs) ~ computer storage
see also Health services Compact discs
Community information services computer storage 004.565
libraries 021.28 music 780
Community mental health recordings 384
services 362.22 see also Sound recordings
see also Mental health services see also CDs (Compact discs)
Community nursing 610.734 3 Compact groups 512.55
Community of Christ 289.333 Compact spaces 514.32
see also Mormon Church Companies 338.7
Community planning 307.12 law 346.066
community sociology 307.12 see also Business enterprises
public administration 352.793 Companies (Military units) 355.31
Community property 346.042 Companions of Mui)ammad 297.648
divorce law 346.016 64 Company law 346.066
Community-school partnerships 37l.l9 Company meetings
primary education 372.119 law 346.066 45
reading 372.425 Company of New France
Community-school relations 306.432 Canadian history 971.016 2
education 371.19 Company records
higher education 378.103 law 346.066 4
sociology 306.432 records management 651.5
Community schools 371.03 Company towns 307.767
Community service Company unions 331.883 4
education 371.19 see also Labor unions
higher education 378.103 Compaore, Blaise
secondary education 373.119 Burkinan history 966.250 53
penology 364.68 Comparable worth 331.2153
Community suppers 642.4 law 344.012 153
Commutation of sentence 364.65 Comparative advantage
law 345.077 economics 338.604 6
penology 364.65 international commerce 382.1042
Commutative algebras 512.44 Comparative anatomy 571.3
Commutative groups 512.25 Comparative education 370.9

Dewey Decimal Classification

Comparative govemment 320.3 Complaints (Customer relations)

Comparative grammar 415 marketing management 658.812
Comparative law 340.2 Complement (Immunology) 571.968 8
Comparative librarianship 020.9 humans 616.079 97
Comparative linguistics 410 Complement fixation
see Manual at 410 human immunology 616.079 97
Comparative literature 809 Complete fertilizers 631.813
Comparative physiology 571.1 chemical engineering 668.62
Comparative psychology 156 Completeness theorem 511.3
Comparative religion 200 Complex analysis 515.9
see Manual at 201~209 and Complex functions 515.9
292~299 Complex groups (Sociology) 302.35
Comparison shopping 381.33 Complex instruction set
consumer products 640.73 computing 004.3
Comparisons of products see also Processing modes -
and services Tl~--029 computer science
Compass 912.028 4 Complex multiplication 516.35
manufacturing technology 681.753 Complex numbers 512.788
Compatibility Complex salts
computer science 004 chemical engineering 661.4
hardware 004 Complex-valued functions 515.7
engineering 621.39 Complex-variable functions 515.9
software 005 Complexes (Topology) 514.223
Compensation 331.21 Compline 264.15
economics 331.21 music 782.324
income distribution 339.21 Composers 780.92
personnel management see Manual at 780.92
armed forces 355.64 Composing machines 686.225 4
executives 658.407 2 manufacturing technology 681.61
public administration 352.67 use 686.225 4
public administration 354.98 Compositae 583.99
Compensation (Legal remedy) 347.077 Composite current transmission 621.319 15
Compensation differentials 331.22 Composite materials
Compensation plans 331.216 fumiture 645.4
personnel management 658.322 manufacturing technology 684.106
Compensation scales 331.216 see also Fumiture
personnel management 658.322 2 handicrafts 745.59
Compensatory education 370.111 materials science 620.118
Competition 338.604 8 Composite media 709.040 7
communications industry 384.041 painting 759.067
economics 338.604 8 Composite photography 778.8
law 343.072 1 Composite woods 674.83
price determination 338.522 Composites (Art)
transportation services 388.049 techniques 702.81
Competition (Biology) 577.83 two-dimensional 740
Competition (Social) 302.14 Composition (Arts) 701.8
Competition law 343.072 1 architectural design 729.11
Competitions Tl-079 drawing 741.018
recreation 790.134 Composition (Law) 346.077
research 001.44 Composition (Music) 781.3
use in advertising 659.17 computers 781.34
Compilers (Computer programs) 005.453 primary education 372.874
Complaints (Civil procedure) 347.053 Composition (Printing) 686.225

Relative Index

Composition (Writing) 808 Compulsive personality disorder

applied linguistics 418 medicine 616.858 1
specific languages T4---8 see also Mental disorders
primary education 372.623 Compulsive shopping
rhetoric 808 medicine 616.858 4
composition of atmosphere 551.511 see also Mental disorders
Composition of ocean floor 551.468 6 Compulsory education 379.23
Compost 631.875 law 344.079
compound bridges Compulsory labor 331.117 3
construction 624.2 Compulsory military service 355.223 63
Compound engines law 343.012 2
aircraft 629.134 352 Compulsory welfare services 361.614
Compound liquors 641.255 Computability 511.352
commercial processing 663.55 Computable functions 511.352
Compound microscopes 502.823 Computational complexity 511.352
biology 570.282 3 Computational intelligence 006.3
Compound musical bows 787.93 Computational !Jnguistics 006.35
instrument 787.931 9 specific languages T4---028 563 5
music 787.93 see Manual at 006.35 vs.
see a/so Stringed instruments 410.285
Compound words Computed tomography
formation 415.92 medicine 616.075 722
specific languages T4~592 Computer access control 005.8
usage (Applied linguistics) management 658.478
specific languages T4~81 Computer-aided design 620.004 202 85
Compounds (Chemicals) 546 Computer-aided design/
chemical engineering 661 computer-aided manufacture 670.285
chemistry 546 Computer-aided manufacture 670A27
Comprehensive high schools 373.25 Computer-aided software
see also Secondary education engineering 005.102 85
Compressed air 621.51 Computer algorithms 005.1
Compressed-air transmission 621.53 Computer animated films 791.433 4
Compressed workweek 331.257 22 Computer animation 006.696
economics 331.257 22 computer art 776.6
personnel management 658.312 1 Computer applications Tl~028 5
Compressibility see Manual at T 1--0285
fluid mechanics 532.053 5 Computer architecture 004.22
gas mechanics 533.28 engineering 621.392
liquid mechanics 532.58 see 1tdanual at 004.21 vs.
Compressible flow 004.22, 621.392
aeronautics 629.132 323 Computer art 776
Compression (Stress) see Manual at 776 vs. 006.5~.7
materials science 620.112 42 Computer-assisted instruction 371.334
Compromise of 1850 973.64 Tl--078 5
Civil War (United States) cause 973.711 3 adult level 374.26
Compulsive behavior Computer-assisted printing 686.225 44
medicine 616.858 4 Computer communications 004.6
see also Mental disorders T1--028 546
Compulsive eating communications services 384.3
medicine 616.852 6 engineering 621.398 I
see also Mental disorders law 343.099 44
Compulsive gambling 362.25 programming 005.711
medicine 616.858 41 programs 005.713
social welfare 362.25 public administration 354.75

Decimal Classffication

Computer communications (continued) Computer modeling

sociology 302.231 Tl-0113
see Manual at 004.6 vs. 005.71; instructional use 371.397
also at 004.6 vs. 384.3 Computer music 786.76
Computer composition (Music) 781.34 Computer network resources 025.04
Computer composition (Printing) 686.225 44 Computer network security 005.8
Computer control 629.89 certification 005.807 6
Computer crimes 364.168 see also Computer security
law 345.026 8 Computer networks 004.6
Computer data security certification 004.607 6
management 658.478 communications services 384.3
Computer engineering 621.39 processing modes 004.3
arts T3C-356 see also modes
see lvfanual at 004-006 vs. computer science
621.39 security measures 005.8
Computer engineers 621.390 92 see also Computer
Computer games 794.8 communications
Computer graphics 006.6 Computer-operated equipment
Tl-028 566 printing composition 686.225 44
engineering 621.399 6 Computer organization 004.22
instructional use 371.334 66 engineering 621.392
Tl-078 566 Computer output devices 004.77
Computer graphics programs 006.68 engineering 621.398 7
Computer hardware 004 Computer output microform
engineering 621.39 devices
see lvfanual at 004 vs. 005 manufacturing technology 681.6
Computer-human interaction 004.019 Computer output printers
engineering 621.398 4 manufacturing technology 681.62
Computer industry 338.470 04 Computer peripherals 004.7
Computer input devices 004.76 engineering 621.398 4
engineering 621.398 6 Computer power supply
Computer input-output devices 004.75 engineering 621.395
engineering 621.398 5 Computer printers 004.77
Computer integrated engineering 621.398 7
manufacturing systems 670.285 Computer-processed accounts
Computer interfacing 004.6 auditing 657.453
programming 005.711 Computer programmers 005.109 2
programs 005.713 Computer programming 005.1
software 005.71 Tl-028 551
see Manual at 004.6 vs. 005.71 graphics 006.66
Computer equipment 004.64 multimedia systems 006.76
engineering 621.398 1 see Manual at 005.1 vs. 005.3;
Computer l<!.Lt)',unJ;;<oo 005.13 also at 005.101; also
microprogramming 005.18 at 005.268 vs. 005.265,
Computer literacy 004 005.269
primary education 372.34 Computer programs 005.3
Computer mathematics 004.015 I Tl-028 553
see Manual at 004.0151 vs. bibliographies 016.005 3
511.1, 511.35 see Manual at 011.39 vs.
Computer mice 004.76 005.3029, 016.0053,
engineering 621.398 6 025.0422
cataloging 025.344
coding 005.13
graphics 006.68

Relative Index

Computer programs (continued) Computer

library treatment 025.174 engineering 621.399 3
multimedia systems 006.78 see Manual at 006.37 vs.
see Manual at Tl----{)285; also 006.42,621.367,621.391,
at 005.1 vs. 005.3; also at 621.399
005.3 Computerized axial tomography
Computer reliability 004 medicine 616.075 722
hardware 004 Computerized matching
engineering 621.39 personnel selection 658.311 2
software 005 Computerized office records 651.59
Computer science 004 Computerized process control 629.895
Tl-028 5 chemical engineering 660.281 5
arts T3C-39 engineering 629.895
see Manual at Tl-0285; also manufacturing technology 670.427 5
at 004-006 vs. 621.39; Computerized typesetting 686.225 44
also at 510, Tl-0151 vs. Computers 004
004-006, Tl-0285 access control 005.8
Computer scientists 004.092 management 658.478
Computer security 005.8 engineering 621.39
certification 005.807 6 instructional use 371.334
data 005.8 adult level 374.26
management 658.478 primary level 372.133 4
armed services 355.343 3 law 343.099 9
public administration 352.379 maintenance 004.028 8
Computer simulation 003.3 music 780.285
Tl-0113 musical instrument 786.76
Computer software 005.3 see also Electrophones
see also Computer programs repair 004.028 8
see Manual at 004 vs. 005 social effects 303.483 4
Computer software development 005.1 theft of 345.026 280 04
Computer sorting 005.741 law 364.162 800 4
library catalogs 025.317 7 see Manual at 004.1
Computer sound processing 006.45 Comtism 146.4
Computer sound synthesis 006.5 Comum (Italy) T2-372 264 1
Tl----{)28 565 Comunisti italiani (Political
Computer storage devices 004.5 party) 324.245 075
Computer systems 004 Conakry (Guinea) T2-665 2
automobiles 629.272 Concealed weapons 364.143
embedded 006.22 law 345.024 3
engineering 621.39 Concealment
networks military engineering 623.77
processing modes 004.3 Concentration
see also Processing psychology ofleaming 153.153 2
modes computer Concentration camp inmates Tl-086 949
science Concentration camps 365.45
programs 005.3 Holocaust, 1933-1945 940.531 85
Computer terminals 004.75 penology 365.45
engineering 621.398 5 World War II 940.531 7
Computer testing 004.24 see also Internment camps;
engineering 621.392 Penal institutions
Computer theft 364.162 800 4 Concentricycloidea 593.93
law 345.026 280 04 Concepcion (Chile :
Computer vin1ses 005.84 Province) T2-833 9
Concepcion (Paraguay) T2-892 138

Dewey Decimal Classification

Concepts Concrete pavements 625.84

epistemology 121.4 Concrete poetry 808.814
psychology 153.23 history and criticism 809.14
Conceptual art 700 specific literatures T3B~I04

fine arts 709.040 75 individual authors T3A~l

painting 759.067 5 Concurrent programming 005.275

sculpture 735.230475 Concussion idiophones 786.87
see also Arts see also Percussion instruments
Conceptualism Condemnation (Law) 343.025 2
philosophy 149.1 Condemnation of Jesus Christ 232.962
Concert halls Condensation (Chemical
architecture 725.81 reaction) 541.39
music 781.539 chemical engineering 660.284 4
Concert zithers 787.75 organic chemistry 547.2
see also Stringed instruments Condensation (Liquefaction) 536.44
Concertantes 784.186 Condensation of moisture
Concerti grossi 784.24 buildings 693.893
Concertinas 788.84 meteorology 551.574
instrument 788.841 9 Condensed matter 530.41
music 788.84 Condensed milk 641.371 424
see also Woodwind instruments cooking 641.671 424
Concertinas 784.186 2 food 641.371 424
Concertos 784.23 processing 637.142 4
musical form 784.186 Condensers (Electrical) 621.315
Concerts 780.78 radio engineering 621.384 133
Concho County (Tex.) T2~764 71 Condensers (Steam) 621.197
Conchostraca 595.32 Condiments 641.338 2
Conciliation commercial processing 664.5
international politics 327.17 cooking with 641.638 2
labor economics 331.891 4 food 641.338 2
law 347.09 Conditional equations 515.25
Concord (N.H.) T2~742 72 Conditional fees
Concord, Battle of, 1775 973.331 I law 347.057 2
Concordances Tl~03 Conditional immortality 236.23
Concordia Parish (La.) T2-763 73 Conditional logic 511.317
Concrete 666.893 mathematica1logic 511.317
architectural construction 721.044 5 philosophical logic 160.11987
building construction 693.5 Conditional probabilities 519.2
building materials 691.3 Conditional sales
foundation materials 624.153 36 consumer credit 332.743
materials science 620.136 law 346.074
ship design 623.818 34 taxes 343.055 2
ship hulls 623.845 4 Conditioned reflexes
shipbuilding 623.820 7 comparative psychology 156.232 24
structural engineering 624.183 4 psychology 152.322 4
Concrete art 709.040 56 Conditions of employment 331.2
Concrete blocks 666.894 economics 331.2
architectural construction 721.044 4 law 344.012
building construction 693.4 public employees 342.068 6
building materials 691.3 personnel management 658.312
manufacturing technology 666.894 armed forces 355.1
materials science 620.139 public administration 354.98
structural engineering 624.183 2 see also Work environment
Concrete music 786.75 Condominium apartments 643.27

Relative Index

Condominiums 647.92 Confederal Democratic Union

architecture 728.314 (Swiss political party) 324.249 408 2
construction 690.831 4 Confederate States of America 973.713
household management 647.92 T2-75
law 346.043 3 Confederate sympathizers
see also Dwellings United States history 973.718
Condoms Confederated Benedictines 255.11
health 613.943 5 church history 271.11
birth control 613.943 5 Confederation of Arab
disease prevention 613.95 Republics T2~-62
manufacturing technology 681.761 Confederation of the Rhine 943.06
Condors 598.92 Confederations 321.02
conservation technology 639.978 92 law 342.042
resource economics 333.958 92 public administration 351
Conduct of court proceedings 347.075 Conference calls 384.64
Conduct of life see also Telephone
armed forces 355.133 Conference committees
ethics 170.44 legislative bodies 328.365 7
religion 205 Conference on Data Systems
see also Religious ethics Languages databases
etiquette 395 computer science 005.754
parapsychology 131 Conferences 060
personal religion 204.4 Confession (Christian rite) 234.166
Buddhism 294.344 4 public worship 265.62
Christianity 248.4 theology 234.166
Hinduism 294.544 Confession (Law) 345.06
Islam 297.57 Confessionals 247.1
Sufi 297.44 architecture 726.529 1
Judaism 296.7 Confessions of faith 202
psychology 158.1 Christianity 238
Conducting 781.45 Confidence regions 519.54
Conducting scores 780 Confidential communications 323.448
treatises 780.264 civil right 323.448
Conduction anesthesia law 342.085 8
surgery 617.964 Confidentiality
Conductivity (Electrodynamics) office services 651
crystals 548.85 Confinement (Childbirth) 392.12
Conductors (Music) 784.209 2 music 781.582
chorus 782.509 2 Confim1ation (Religious rite) 203.8
opera 782.109 2 Christianity 234.162
orchestra 784.209 2 public worship 265.2
Conduits theology 234.162
road engineering 625.734 etiquette 395.24
Condylarthra 569.62 Judaism 296.442 4
Condylomata acuminata liturgy 296.454 24
incidence 614.547 women's 296.443 4
medicine 616.951 8 liturgy 296.454 34
see also Communicable music 781.583
diseases- humans Conflict 303.6
Conecuh County (Ala.) T2-761 263 international politics 327.16
Conejos County (Colo.) T2~-788 33 law 341.5
Cones 516.154 social groups 305
Confections 641.86 sociology 303.6

Conglestion (Mathematics) 519.82
Conflict management
business relationships heart failure
executive management medicine 616.129
interpersonal relations see also Cardiovascular
personnel management 658.3145 diseases humans
labor relations Congleton (England :
personnel management 658.315 Borough) T2-427 13
Conflict of interest Conglomerates. (Enterprises) 338.804 2
law 342.068 4 see also Combinations
occupational ethics 174
political ethics 172 Congo (Brazzaville) 967.24
public administration 353.46 T2 6724
Conflict oflaws 340.9 (Democratic Republic) 967.51
domestic 342.042 T2-675 1
see Manual at 340.9 Congo, French (Brazzaville) T2~-672 4
Conflict resolution 303.69 Congo eels 597.85
international relations 327.17 Congo Free State 967.510 22
public safety 363.321 5 T2-675 1
sociology 303.69 Congo~Kordofanian languages 496.3
Conformal mapping 516.36 T6-963
calculus 515.9 496.393 1
differential geometry 516.36 T6-963 931
Conformal projections 526.82 Congo literature 896.393 I
Conformal transformations 516.35 Congo River T2 675 1
Conformation (Biochemical Congolese (Brazzaville) T5-96724
structure) 572.33 Congolese (Kinshasa) T5-967 51
Conformity 303.32 Congregational Christian
psychology 153.854 Churches of the United States 285.833
Confraternities 267 see also Congregationalism
Confraternity Bible 220.520 5 Congregational Churches of the
Confucianism 181.112 United States 285.832
art representation 704.948 995 12 see also Congregationalism
arts 700.482 995 12 Congregational Methodist
T3C-382 995 12 Church 287.2
philosophy 181.112 see also Methodist Church
religion 299.512 Congregational systems
Confucianist holidays Christian ecclesiology 262.4
customs 394.265 951 2 Congregationalism 285.8
Confucianists church government 262.058
biography 181.112 parishes 254.058
religion 299.512 092 church law 262.985 8
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia doctrines 230.58
medicine 616.45 catechisms and creeds 238.58
Congenital diseases general councils 262.558
humans guides to Christian life 248.485 8
medicine 616.043 missions 266.58
pediatrics 618.920 043 moral theology 241.045 8
Congenital heart defects public worship 264.058
medicine 616.120 43 religious associations 267.1858
see also Cardiovascular religious education 268.858
diseases humans seminaries 230.D73 58
Congenital myxedema theology 230.58
medicine 616.858 848 043 Congregationalists
597.43 biography 285.809 2

Relative Index

Christianity incidence 614.599 7
denominations 280 ophthalmology 617.773
local church 250 see ali'O Eye diseases -
papal administration 262.136 humans
Judaism 296.65 Conjuring
religion 206.5 magic 133.43
Congress ofindustrial recreation 793.8
Organizations (U.S.) 331.883 309 73 Connacht (Ireland) T2-4171
Congress of Vienna, 1814~ 1815 940.271 4 Connarales 583.82
Congresses (Legislative bodies) 328 Connecticut 974.6
Congresses (Meetings) 060 T2-746
Congressional districts 328.334 5 Connecticut River T2-74
Congruences Connecticut T2--746
Euclidean geometry 516.2 Massachusetts T2-744 2
number theory 512.72 New Hampshire TI--742
Conic sections 516.152 Vermont T2-743
Euclidean geometry 516.215 2 Connecting rods 621.827
Conies (Hyraxes) 599.68 internal-combustion engines 621.437
Conies (Pikas) 599.329 machine engineering 621.827
Coniferales 585 Connectionism
paleobotany 561.5 artificial intelligence 006.32
see also Conifers Connections (Mathematics) 516.35
Conifers 585 Connective tissue cells
botany 585 human cytology 611.018 26
forestry 634.975 Connective tissue diseases
ornamental arboriculture 635.977 5 medicine 616.77
ornamental gardening 635.935 see also Musculoskeletal
paleobotany 561.5 diseases- humans
Conjoined twins Connective tissues 571.56
medicine 616.043 biology 571.56
Conjugal rights of prisoners 365.6 human anatomy 611.74
Conjugales 579.837 human histology 611.018 2
Conjugated carbohydrates 572.567 medicine 616.77
see also Carbohydrates musculoskeletal system 573.735 6
Conjugated proteins 572.68 human histology 612.757
see also Proteins human physiology 612.757
Conjugation (Grammar) 415.6 see also Musculoskeletal
specific languages T4-56 system
Conjugation tables Connochaetes 599.645 9
applied linguistics 418 Conodonts 562.2
specific languages T4-82 Conrad I, Holy Roman Emperor
Conjunctions (Grammar) 415.7 German history 943.022
specific languages T4-57 Conscience 170
Conjunctival diseases civil rights issues 323.442
ophthalmology 617.77 ethical systems 171.6
see a/so Eye diseases religion 205
humans Buddhism 294.35
Conjunctivas Christianity 241.1
human anatomy 611.84 Hinduism 294.548
human physiology 612.841 Islam 297.5
ophthalmology 617.77 Judaism 296.36

Dewey Decimal Classification

Conscientious objection 355.224 Conservative parties 324.214

ethics 172.42 international organizations 324.14
see also War~ ethics Conservative Party (Great
law 343.012 6 Britain) 324.241 04
social theology 201.727 3 Conservative Party (New Yark
see also War social State) 324.274 708
theology Conservative Party of Canada 324.271 04
Conscientious objectors 355.224 Conservatories (Botanical
see also Conscientious research buildings)
objection architecture 727.558
Conscious mental processes 153 Conservatories (Greenhouses) 631.583
children 155.413 architecture 728.924
comparative psychology 156.3 construction 690.892 4
educational psychology 370.152 floriculture 635.982 3
human physiology 612.823 3 gardening 635.048 3
Consciousness 153 Consolatory devotions 204.32
philosophy 128.2 Christianity 242.4
Consciousness-raising groups 305 Judaism 296.72
Conscription (Draft) 355.223 63 Consolidated financial statements 657.3
law 343.012 2 Consolidation
Consecrations (Christian rites) 265.92 land economics 333.33
Consequential loss law 346.043 6
insurance 368.08 management 658.162
Consequentialism schools 379.1535
ethics 171.5 Consonance
CONSER Project 025.343 2 musical element 781.238
Conservation (Maintenance Consonants 414
and repair) Tl--028 8 applied linguistics
arts 069.53 specific languages T4-813
bibliographic materials 025.84 specific languages T4-15
museology 702.88 Consortia
Conservation of biodiversity 333.951 6 higher education 378.104
Conservation of energy (Physics) 531.62 Conspiracy 364.1
Conservation of mass-energy 530.11 law 345.02
Conservation of natural resources 333.72 Constance, Lake of T2--434 62
economics 333.72 Germany T2--434 62
law 346.044 Switzerland T2--494 597
public administration 354.334 Constanta (Romania : Judet) T2--498 3
social theology 201.77 Constantine (Algeria :
Christianity 261.88 Province) T2-655
technology 639.9 Constantinople T2--496 18
see Manual at 333.72 vs. ancient T2~398 618
304.28, 320.58, 363.7; Constantinopolitan Creed 238.142
also at 333.7-.9 vs. 363.1, Constellations 523.8
363.73,577 Constipation
Conservation tillage 631.451 medicine 616.342 8
Conservationists 333.720 92 see also Digestive system
of biological resources 333.951 609 2 diseases humans
technologists 639.909 2 Constituencies (Election districts) 328.334 5
Conservatism Constituencies (Electoral politics) 324.63
political ideology 320.52 Constituency services 328.331
Conservative Judaism 296.834 2 Constitutional Act, 1791
liturgy 296.450 47 Canadian history 971.028
Constitutional amendments 342.03

Relative Index

Constitutional Church 284.8 Consular service 327.2

Constitutional conventions 342.029 2 public administration 353.132 63
Constitutional history 342.029 Consulate (France) 944.046
Constitutional law 342 Consulate buildings
Constitutional monarchs 352.233 architecture 725.17
Constitutional monarchy 321.87 Consultants 001
Constitutional period (United management 658.46
States) 973.4 public administration 352.373
Constitutional reform 342.03 marketing management 658.83
Constitutions 342.02 physicians 362.172
organizations 060 Consultative bodies
Constraint databases public administration 352.743
computer science 005.753 Consumer attitudes
Constraint programming 005.116 marketing research 658.834 3
Construction 624 Consumer behavior
government control 354.642 8 marketing research 658.834 2
military engineering 623.047 Consumer complaints
underwater engineering 627.702 marketing management 658.812
see Manual at 624 vs. 690 Consumer cooperatives 334.5
Construction engineers 624.092 management 658.87
see also Construction workers Consumer credit 332.743
Construction equipment law 346.073
manufacturing technology 681.76 marketing management 658.883
Construction industry 338.476 24 Consumer education 381.33
accounting 657.869 home economics 640.73
energy economics 333.796 2 Consumer finance institutions 332.35
enterprises 338.762 4 Consumer food prices 338.19
law 343.078 624 Consumer income
public administration 354.64 macroeconomics 339.22
restrictive practices 338.826 24 Consumer information 38!.33
Construction noise 363.741 home economics 640.73
see also Noise public administration 352.746
Construction services (Military) 358.22 Consumer information labeling 381.33
land 358.22 Consumer movements 381.32
naval 359.982 Consumer preferences
Construction specifications 692.3 marketing research 658.834 3
Construction toys 790.133 Consumer price indexes 338.528
manufacturing technology 688.725 Consumer protection 381.34
Construction workers 624.092 commerce 381.34
building trades 690.092 law 343.071
civil engineering 624.092 public administration 352.746
labor economics 331.762 4 Consumer psychology
public administration 354.942 4 marketing research 658.834 2
Constructions (Grammar) 415 Consumer reports 381.33
specific languages T4-5 Tl--029
Constructive accounting 657.1 see Manual at Tl ~-025 vs.
Constructive mathematics 511.36 Tl-029
Constructivism Consumer research
fine arts 709.040 57 marketing management 658.834
painting 759.065 7 Consumer satisfaction
sculpture 735.230457 customer relations
Constructivism (Philosophy) 149 marketing management 658.812
Consular law 342.041 2 marketing research 658.834 3
law of nations 341.35 ConsUlllerism 381.3

Dewey Decimal Classification

339.47 Containers (continued)

178 pottery 666.3
religion 205.68 arts 738
Buddhism 294.356 8 technology 666.3
Christianity 241.68 sculpture 731.72
Hinduism 294.548 68 silver
Islam 297.568 arts 739.238 4
Judaism 296.368 technology 688.8
see also Ethical problems warehouse management 658.785
macroeconomics 339.47 wooden 674.82
natural resources 333.713 Contamination control 363.19
sociology 306.3 see also Product safety
Consumption-savings Conte, Lansana
relationship 339.43 Guinean history 966.520 52
Contact allergies Contemplation 204.3
incidence 614.599 33 Christianity 248.34
medicine 616.973 Contemplative religious orders 255.01
Contact dermatitis church history 271.01
medicine 616.51 women 255.901
see also Skin diseases - church history 271.901
humans Contempt of court 364.134
Contact lenses law 345.023 4
manufacturing technology 681.41 Content-addressable memory 004.5
optometry 617.752 3 Content analysis Tl-014
Contact printing (Photography) 771.44 linguistics 401.41
Contactors (Generator parts) 621.316 specific languages T4-014 1
Contagious diseases 571.98 Content area reading
see also Communicable primary education 372.476
diseases Contested elections
Container gardening 635.986 procedures 324.65
houseplants 635.965 Contests
Container-ship operations 387.544 2 advertising 659.197 901 34
Containers 688.8 recreation 790.134
chemistry 542.2 use in advertising 659.17
earthenware 666.68 Contextual theology 202
arts 738.38 Christianity 230
technology 666.68 Conthey (Switzerland :
food board 676.34 District) T2-494 796 5
glass 666.19 Continental drift 551.136
arts 748.8 Continental shelves T2-141
technology 666.19 law 346.046 918
gold law of nations 341.448
arts 739.228 4 resource economics 333.918
handicrafts 745.59 Continental wrestling 796.812 2
ironwork Continents 551.41
arts 739.48 T2-141
paper 676.3 geography 910.914 I
paperboard 676.3 geomorphology 551.41
plastic technology 668.497 physical geography 910.02141
porcelain 666.58 Contingency 123
arts 738.28 Contingent fees
technology 666.58 law 347.057 2
Continuation schools 374.8

Relative Index

Continued fractions 515.243 Contracting 346.022

number theory 512.72 see also Contracts
Continuing care communities 362.61 Contracting out 658.405 8
continuing care retirement Tl--068 4
communities 362.61 armed forces 355.621 2
Continuing education 374 management 658.405 8
Tl-071 5 public administration 352.538
see also Adult education Contraction (Effect of heat) 536.41
Continuity 515.222 Contractions
Continuo 781.47 heart 573.17
Continuous bridges human physiology 612.171
construction 624.21 physiology 573.17
Continuous casting see also Cardiovascular
metals 671.256 system
Continuous functions 515.222 muscles 573.75
spaces 515.73 human physiology 612.741
Continuous processes see also Musculoskeletal
production management 658.533 system
Continuous radar systems 621.384 85 skin 573.5
Continuous-time systems 003.8 human physiology 612.791
Continuum hypothesis 511.322 see also Skin
Continuum mechanics 531 Contractions (Linguistics) 411
Continuum physics 530 specific languages T4--ll
theory 530.14 specific subjects Tl--014 8
Contortion Contractors (Builders) 690.092
sports 796.47 Contracts 346.022
Contour farming 631.455 air forces 358.416 212
Contour surveying 526.981 armed forces 355.621 2
Contra Costa County civil rights issues 323.46
(Calif.) T2-794 63 collective bargaining 331.891
Contrabassoons 788.59 personnel management 658.3154
instrument 788.591 9 public administration 352.68
music 788.59 construction 692.8
see also Woodwind instruments materials management 658.723
Contraception 363.96 Tl--068 7
ethics 176.3 naval forces 359.621 2
see also Birth control public administration 352.53
Contraceptive drug implants Contractual liability insurance 368.56
health 613.943 2 Contradiction (Principle of) Ill
medicine 618.182 Contradictions
see also Birth control logic 165
Contraceptive drugs Contralto voices 782.68
health 613.943 2 children's 782.78
medicine 618.182 choral and mixed voices 782.78
see also Birth control single voices 783.78
Contract bridge 795.415 general works 782.68
Contract carriers 388.041 choral and mixed voices 782.68
truck 388.324 3 single voices 783.68
see also Freight services women's 782.68
Contract labor 331.542 choral and mixed voices 782.68
economics 331.542 single voices 783.68
penology 365.65 Contrapuntal forms 784.187
sociology 306.363

Dewey Decimal Classification

Contrastive linguistics 410 Controllership

applied linguistics 418 executive management 658.401 3
see Manual at 41 0 financial management 658.151
Contraventions (Criminal law) 345.02 Controversial knowledge 001.9
Contributory 346.032 see Manual at 001.9 and 130
Contrition (Christian rite) 234.166 Contusions
public worship 265.61 medicine 617.13
theology 234.166 Contwoyto Lake (N.W.T.
Control and Nunavut) T2~719 55

executive management 658.401 3 Conurbations 307.764

military services 355.685 see also Metropolitan areas
public administration 352.35 Conures 598.71
export trade 382.64 animal husbandry 636.686 5
see also Export trade Convalescent homes 362.16
public administration 352.8 see also Health care facilities
external control 352.8 Convalescents 305.908 7
internal control 352.35 Tl~087 7

social process 303.33 see also Sick people

Control circuits 621.381 537 Convection-oven cooking 641.58
Control devices Convective heating
electrical engineering 621.317 buildings 697.2
heating buildings 697.07 Convenience foods
transportation 388.041 home serving 642.1
engineering 629.040 289 Convenience stores 381.147
transportation services 388.041 management 658.87
see also Signals see also Commerce
Control line vehicles 796.15 Convention centers
Control mechanisms (Biology) 571.7 architecture 725.91
see also Endocrine system institutional housekeeping 647.969 1
Control of usage Convention for the Protection
natural resources 333.717 of Human Rights and
Control processes Fundamental Freedoms, 1950 342.240 850 261
human physiology 612.022 Conventional houses 643.1
Control rods see also Dwellings
nuclear reactors 621.483 5 Conventional war 355.02
Control theory 003.5 Conventional weapons limitation 327.174 3
automation engineering 629.831 2 Conventions
mathematics 515.642 labor unions 331.874
systems 003.5 political nominations 324.56
Controlled burning Conventions (Meetings) 060
forestry 634.955 Conventions (Treaties) 341.37
Controlled-environment texts 341.026
agriculture 631.583 Convents 206.57
floriculture 635.982 architecture 726.7
gardening 635.048 3 Christianity 255.9
Controlled subject vocabularies 025.47 church history 271.9
Controlled transmission religious significance of
television 384.556 buildings 246.97
see also Television Conventuals 255.37
Controllers church history 271.37
computer science 004.64 Convergence 515.24
engineering 621.398 1
control engineering 629.895

Relative Index

Conversation Convict labor 365.65

ethics 177.2 economics 331.51
religion 205.672 law 344.035 65
Christianity 241.672 penolo&ry 365.65
Judaism 296.367 2 Convicts 365.6
see also Ethical problems Tl-086 927
etiquette 395.59 Convolutions
literature 808.856 cerebrum
history and criticism 809.56 human physiology 612.825
specific literatures T3B-506 Convolutions (Functions) 515.43
individual authors T3A-5 Convolvulaceae 583.94
rhetoric 808.56 Convulsions
social psychology 302.346 medicine 616.845
Conversational language study 418 see also Nervous system
specific languages T4-83 diseases - humans
Converse County (Wyo.) T2-787 16 Convulsive therapy
Conversion (Law) 346.036 psychiatry 616.891 2
Conversion (Religious Conway County (Ark.) T2-767 31
experience) 204.2 Conway Range National
Christianity 248.24 Park (Qld.) T2-943 6
Islam 297.574 Conwy (Wales: County
Judaism 296.714 Borough) T2--429 27
Conversion disorder Cook, Joseph, Sir
medicine 616.852 4 Australian history 994.041
see also Mental disorders Cook County (Ga.) T2-758 876
Conversion tables (Measurement) 530.81 Cook County (Ill.) T2-773 1
Conversion to metric system 389.16 Cook County (Minn.) T2-776 75
Converter substations Cook Inlet (Alaska) 551.461 434
electrical engineering 621.312 6 T2--164 34
Converters Cook Islands T2-962 3
electrical engineering 621.313 Cook Strait (N.Z.) 551.461 478
electronic circuits 621.381 532 2 T2--164 78
Convertible tops 629.26 Cookbooks 641.5
Convertiplanes Cooke County (Tex.) T2-764 533
engineering 629.133 35 Cookery 641.5
Converts 204.2 see also Cooking
Judaism 296.714 Cookies 641.865 4
outreach activity for 296.69 commercial processing 664.752 5
missions for 207.2 home preparation 641.865 4
Convex analysis 515.882 Cooking 641.5
Convex functions 515.882 customs 392.37
Convex geometry 516.08 primary education 372.373
Convex programming 519.76 Cooking for one 641.561 I
Convex sets Cooking for two 641.561 2
geometry 516.08 Cooking greens 641.354
Convex surfaces 516.362 commercial processing 664.805 4
Conveyancing 346.043 8 cooking 641.654
Conveying equipment 621.867 food 641.354
mining 622.66 garden crop 635.4
pneumatic engineering 621.54 Cooking oils 641.338 5
Conveyor belts 621.867 5 cooking 641.638 5
manufacturing technology 678.36 food 641.338 5
materials handling 621.867 5 food technology 664.36

Dewey Decimal Classification

Cooking utensils 643.3 Cooperatives (continued)

manufacturing technology 683.82 management 658.047
Cookout cooking 641.578 initiation 658.1 14 7
Cooks 641.509 2 see Manual at 658.04 vs.
Cookstown (Northern 658.114, 658.402
Ireland : District) T2----416 43 sociology 306.34
Cool jazz 781.655 Coopers Creek (Qld. and S.
Coolants 621.564 Aust.)
nuclear engineering 621.483 36 Coordinate constructions
refrigeration engineering 621.564 (Grammar) 415
Coolgardie (W.A.) T2-9416 specific languages T4--5
Coolidge, Calvin Coordinate indexing 025.47
United States history 973.915 Coordinate systems
Cooling coils 621.56 geometry 516.16
buildings 697.932 2 Coordination (Social process) 303.3
Cooling systems Coordination biochemistry 572.51
automotive 629.256 Coordination chemistry 541.224 2
buildings 697.93 Coordination of movement
ships 623.853 5 psychology 152.385
Cooling towers 621.197 Coos County (N.H.) T2--742 1
Cooloola National Park Coos County (Or.) T2~-795 23
(Qld.) T2~943 2 Coosa County (Ala.) T2~761 59
Coon cat 636.83 Coosa River (Ga. and Ala.) T2~761 6
Coonabarabran (N.S. W.) T2~9444 Cootamundra (N.S.W.) T2~944 8
Cooper County (Mo.) T2~778 51 Cooters 597.925 94
Cooperage 674.82 Coots 598.32
Cooperation 158 Copan (Honduras :Dept.) T2~-728 384
social psychology 302.14 Copeland (England) 1'2----427 84
Cooperation in higher education 378.104 Copenhagen (Denmark) T2----489 13
Cooperative apartment houses 647.92 Copenhagen (Denmark :
architecture 728.314 Amt) T2-489 14
construction 690.831 4 Copepoda 595.34
household management 647.92 Copepods 595.34
law 346.043 3 Copiah County (Miss.) T2-762 52
see also Dwellings Copiap6 (Chile : Province) T2--831 45
Cooperative apartments 643.27 Copiers 686.4
see also Cooperative apartment see also Photocopying
houses Copies
Cooperative cataloging 025.35 art~ 702.872
Cooperative collection paintings 751.5
development 025.21 technical drawing 604.25
Cooperative education 371.227 Copolymerization
higher education 378.37 chemical engineering 668.92
secondary level 373.28 chemistry 547.28
Cooperative infmmation services 025.523 Copper 669.3
Cooperative learning 371.36 applied nutrition 613.285 I
Cooperative marketing 334.6 architectural construction 721.044 73
Cooperatives 334 biochemistry 572.518
accounting 657.97 humans 612.015 24
economics 334 building construction 693.73
law 346.066 8 building material 691.83
property law 346.043 3 chemical engineering 661.065 2
chemistry 546.652
decorative arts 739.511

Relative Index

Copper (continued) Coquihalla River (B.C.) T2-7ll 37

economic geology 553.43 Coquimbo (Chile : Region) T2--832 3
human toxicology 615.925 652 Coquitlam (B.C.) T2-711 33
materials science 620.182 Cor pulmonale
metabolism medicine 616.12
human physiology 612.3924 see also Cardiovascular
metallography 669.953 diseases- humans
metallurgy 669.3 Cora Indians T5-97454
metalworking 673.3 Cora language 497.454
mining 622.343 T6-974 54
organic chemistry 547.056 52 Coraciiformes 598.78
applied 661.895 paleozoology 568.7
physical metallurgy 669.963 Coracles 386.229
structural engineering 624.182 2 design 623.812 9
see also Chemicals; Metals engineering 623.829
Copper Age 930.153 transportation services 386.229
Tl-090 13 Coral flmgi 579.597
Copper-aluminum alloys 669.3 Coral Harbour (Nunavut) T2-719 58
see also Copper Coral reefs 578.778 9
Copper-beryllium alloys 669.3 T2-142
see also Copper biology 578.778 9
Copper soaps 668.125 conservation technology 639.973 6
Copper sulfate water treatment 628.166 2 ecology 577.789
Copperbelt Province geography 910.9142
(Zambia) T2-689 4 physical geography 910.02142
Copperleaves (Plants) 583.69 resource economics 333.955 3
Coppermine (Nunavut) T2-719 55 Coral Sea 551.461476
Copra 665.355 T2-164 76
Coptic Church 281.72 Coral Sea Islands T2-948
see also Eastern churches Coral snakes 597.964 4
Coptic language 493.2 Coralberry 583.675
T&---932 Corals 593.6
Biblical texts 220.49 paleozoology 563.6
Coptic literature 893.2 Corby (England: Borough) T2-425 51
Coptic people T5--932 Cordage
Coptic period 932.023 ship gear 623.862
Copts T5-932 textiles 677.71
Copulation Cordaitales 561.59
sociology 306.77 Cordials 641.255
Copying commercial processing 663.55
office use 652.4 Cordierite
Copying machines 686.4 mineralogy 549.64
see also Photocopying Cordillera (Paraguay) T2--892 135
Copyright 346.048 2 Cordillera Occidental
law 346.048 2 (Colombia) T2~86l 5
library operations 025.12 Cordite 662.26
public administration 352.749 military engineering 623.452 6
Copyright deposits Cordoba (Argentina :
library acquisitions 025.26 Province) T2-825 4
Copyright infringement 364.1662 Cordoba (Colombia :Dept.) T2-861 12
criminal law 345.026 62 Cordoba (Spain: Province) T2--468 4
Copyright piracy 364.166 2 Cordoba caliphate 946.02
law 345.026 62 Cords (Textiles) 677.76
Coquet, River (England) T2--428 87 textile arts 746.27

Dewey Decimal Classification

Corduroy 677.617 Corneas

Cordylidae 597.958 human anatomy 611.84
Core curriculum 375.002 human physiology 612.841
Core memory 004.53 ophthalmology 617.719
engineering 621.397 3 Cornetists 788.960 92
Core of earth 551.112 Cornets 788.96
Corfu (Greece: Nome) T2--495 5 instrument 788.961 9
Coriariaceae 583.77 music 788.96
Corinth (Greece: Nome) T2---495 22 see also Brass instruments
ancient T2-387 Cornetts 788.99
Corinth, Isthmus of see also Brass instruments
(Greece) T2---495 22 Cornflower 583.99
Carinthia (Greece) T2---495 22 Cornices 721.5
ancient T2-387 architecture 721.5
Corinthians (Biblical books) 227.2 construction 690.15
Corito (Italy) T2-375 68 Cornish fowl 636.587 2
Cork 674.9 food 641.365 872
forestry 634.985 cooking 641.665 872
Cork (Ireland) T2---419 56 Cornish language 491.67
Cork (Ireland: County) T2---419 5 T6-916 7
Cork oak 583.46 Cornish literature 891.67
Cork trees (Rutaceae) 635.977 377 Cornish people T5-916 7
botany 583.77 Cornishmen T5-916 7
ornamental arboriculture 635.977 377 Cornmeal
Corkboard commercial processing 664.724
materials science 620.195 Corns (Disorder)
Cormorants 598.43 medicine 616.544
Corms 584.146 see also Skin diseases
descriptive botany 584.146 humans
physiology 575.496 Cornstalk pulp 676.14
Com 641.331 5 Cornstarch
botany 584.92 food technology 664.22
cereal crop 633.15 Cornwall (England :
commercial processing 664.724 County) T2---423 7
cooking 641.631 5 Cornwallis, Charles Cornwallis,
food 641.331 5 Marquess
forage crop 633.255 Indian history 954.031 1
garden crop 635.67 1786~1793 954.031 1
Corn earworm 632.78 1805 954.031 2
Com sugars 641.336 Coromandel Peninsula
commercial processing 664.133 (N.Z.) T2-933 23
food 641.336 Corona of sun 523.75
see also Sugar Coronary arteriosclerosis
Comsymp 641.336 medicine 616.123 2
commercial processing 664.133 see also Cardiovascular
food 641.336 diseases humans
see also Sugar Coronary artery bypass surgery 617.412
Comales 583.84 Coronary atherosclerosis
Corneal diseases medicine 616.123 2
ophthalmology 617.719 see also Cardiovascular
see also Eye diseases diseases humans

Relative Index

Coronary care 362.1961204 Corporate reorganization 338.74

coronary heart disease credit economics 332.75
medicine 616.123 028 law 346.066 26
medicine 616.120 28 management 658.16
Coronary heart disease production economics 338.74
medicine 616.123 Corporate retail chains 381.12
see also Cardiovascular management 658.870 2
diseases- humans see also Commerce
Coronas (Electronics) 537.52 Corporate social responsibility 174.4
Coronatae 593.53 Corporate state (Government) 321.94
Coronations Corporate turnarounds
customs 394.4 executive management 658.406 3
Coroners 614.109 2 Corporation directories 338.740 25
law 347.016 see Manual at T 1-025 vs.
criminal law 345.012 6 Tl--029
Coronie (Suriname : Corporation meetings
District) T2-883 2 law 346.066 45
Corowa (N.S.W.) T2-944 8 management use 658.456
Corozal District (Belize) T2-728 21 Corporation records
Corpora (Linguistics) 410.188 law 346.066 4
specific languages T4--018 8 records management 651.5
Corpora quadrigemina Corporation tax 336.207
human physiology 612.826 4 law 343.067
medicine 616.8 Corporations 338.74
Corporal punishment 364.67 accounting 657.95
education 371.542 law 346.066 48
law 345.077 3 economics 338.74
penology 364.67 income tax 336.243
Corporate bonds 332.632 34 law 343.052 67
Corporate crime 364.168 law 346.066
law 345.026 8 tort law 346.031
Corporate divestiture management 658.045
management 658.164 initiation 658.114 5
Corporate finance 338.604 1 law 346.066 4
management 658.15 see Manual at 658.04 vs.
Corporate governance 658.4 658.114, 658.402
Corporate income tax 336.243 taxes 336.207
law 343.052 67 law 343.067
public administration 352.44 Corps (Military tmits) 355.31
public finance 336.243 Corps of engineers 358.22
Corporate law 346.066 Corpus Christi (Tex.) T2--764l13
Corporate mergers 338.83 Corpus iuris canonici 262.923
see also Mergers Corpus linguistics 410.188
Corporate organization 338.74 specific languages T4-0l8 8
economics 338.74 Corpus striatum
law 346.066 2 human physiology 612.825
management medicine 616.8
initiation 658.114 5 Corpuscular theory of light 535.12
internal organization 658.402 Correctional institutions 365
Corporate ownership see also Penal institutions
land economics 333.324 Corrections (Astronomy) 522.9
Corporate planning 658.401 2 Corrections (Penology) 364.6
Corporate profits public administration 353.39
income distribution 339.21 Correlation analysis 519.537

Dewey Decimal Classification

Correspondence (Letters) 383.122 Cortex

see also Letters human anatomy 61 1.81
(Correspondence) human physiology 612.825
Correspondence analysis 5 I 9.537 medicine 616.8
Correspondence art 709.040 84 Cortisone
Correspondence courses 371.356 pharmacology 615.364
adult education 374.4 Cortland County (N.Y.) T2-74772
Tl~-071 5 Cortona (Italy)
higher education 378.175 6 ancient TI-375 68
Correspondence schools 374.4 <;orum iii (Turkey) TI-563 83
Tl-071 5 ancient T2·-393 32
Correze (France: Dept.) T2-446 7 Coruiia (Spain: Province) T2-461 I
Corrientes (Argentina : Corundum 553.65
Province) T2-822 2 gems 553.84
Corrodentia 595.732 materials science 620.198
Corrosion 620.112 23 mineralogy 549.523
Corrosion control Corvidae 598.864
chemical process equipment 660.283 04 Corydalidae 595.747
Corrosion-resistant construction Coryell County (Tex.) T2-764 515
ship hulls 623.848 Corynebacterium 579.373
Corrosive materials 363.179 Corythosaurus 567.914
public safety 363.179 Coryza
technology 604.7 medicine 616.205
see also Hazardous materials see also Respiratory tract
Corrugated paperboard boxes 676.32 diseases --humans
Corruption in government 364.l32 3 Cosenza (Italy: Province) T2-457 85
law 345.023 23 ancient T2--377 85
government liability 342.088 Cosets 512.2
public administration 353.46 Coshocton County (Ohio) T2-771 65
Corryong (Vic.) T2-945 5 Cosmetic surgery 617.952
Cors anglais 788.53 Cosmetics 646.72
instrument 788.531 9 customs 391.63
music 788.53 health 613.488
see also Woodwind instruments manufacturing technology 668.55
Corsages 745.923 personal care 646.72
Corse (Region) 944.99 product safety 363.196
TI-4499 law 344.042 3
ancient 937.99 Cosmetologists 646.720 92
T2-3799 Cosmetology 646.72
Corse-de-Sud (France) T2-449 92 Cosmic dust 523.112 5
ancient T2-379 92 Cosmic noise
Corsica (Region) 944.99 meteorology 551.527 6
T2-4499 Cosmic rays 539.722 3
ancient 937.99 biophysics 571.459
TI--379 9 humans 612.014 486
Corsican language 459.984 meteorology 551.527 6
T6-599 84 Cosmochemistry 523.02
Corsican literature 859.984 Cosmogony 523.12
Corsicans TS-599 84 astronomy 523.12
Corson County (S.D.) T2-783 52 philosophy 113
Cortes (Honduras: Dept.) T2-728 311 Cosmology 523.1
Cortes Island (B.C.) T2-711 1 astronomy 523.1
philosophy 113

Relative Index

Cosmology (continued) Costume (continued)

religion 202.4 literature 808.803 564
Christianity 231.765 history and criticism 809.933 564
comparative religion 202.4 specific literatures T3B-080 356 4
Hinduism 294.524 history and
Islam 297.242 criticism T3B~093 564
Judaism 296.3 see Manual at 391 vs. 646.3,
philosophy of religion 215.2 746.92
Cosmonauts 629.450 092 Costume jewelry 391.7
Cosmos (Flowers) 583.99 customs 391.7
Cossacks T5~917 14 handicrafts 745.594 2
Cost accounting 657.42 making 688.2
Cost analysis 658.155 2 Costume jewelry makers 688.209 2
Cost-benefit analysis 658.155 4 Costumes 792.026
public administration 352.43 commercial technology 687.16
Cost control 658.155 2 customs 391.48
public administration 352.85 dramatic performances 792.026
Cost effectiveness motion pictures 791.430 26
financial management 658.1554 stage 792.026
Cost of living 339.42 television 791.450 26
Cost-output ratio 338.06 home sewing 646.478
agricultural industries 338.16 see also Clothing
economics 338.06 see Manual at 391 vs. 646.3,
mineral industries 338.26 746.92
secondary industries 338.45 Cot death
Cost reduction 658.155 2 pediatrics 618.920 26
Cost-volume-profit analysis 658.1554 Cote d'Azur (France) T2-4494
Costa, Manuel Pinto da Cote-de-Beaupre (Quebec) T2---71448
Sao Tomean history 967.15021 Cote-de-Gaspe (Quebec) T2~714 793
Costa e Silva, Arthur da Cote d'Ivoire 966.68
Brazilian history 981.063 T2-666 8
Costa Region (Ecuador) T2~866 3 Cote-d'Or (France) T2-4442
Costa Rica 972.86 Cote-Nord (Quebec) T2~-71417
T2--728 6 Cote-Nord (Quebec:
Costa Rican literature 860 Administrative region) T2-71417
Costa Ricans T5-687 286 Cote-Saint-Luc (Quebec) T2---714 28
Costaceae 584.39 Cotes-d'Armor (France) T2-441 2
Costanoan Indians T5~974 13 Cotillions 793.35
Costanoan language 497.413 Co tingas 598.822
T6--974 13 Cotingidae 598.822
Costilla County (Colo.) T2-788 35 Cotonou (Benin) T2--668 3
Costs 338.51 Cotopaxi (Ecuador) T2-866 14
accounting 657.42 Cotswold (England) T2-424 17
agricultural industries 338.13 Cotswold Hills (England) T2-424 17
economics 338.51 Cotswolds (England) T2-424 17
financial management 658.155 2 Cottage cheese 641.373 56
macroeconomics 339.42 cooking 641.673 56
mineral industries 338.23 food 641.373 56
secondary industries 338.43 processing 637.356
transportation services 388.049 Cottage industries 338.634
Costume 391 labor economics 331.256 7
arts 700.456 4 Cottages
T3C-3564 architecture 728.37
construction 690.837


Decimal Classification

Cottbus (Germany) T2---431 51 Counseling 361.06

Cottbus (Germany : Bezirk) T2---431 51 armed forces 355.347
Cotters 621.883 crime prevention 364.48
Cottle County (Tex.) T2-764 751 education 371.4
Cotton law 344.079 4
agricultural economics 338.173 51 elllployee programs
botany 583.685 personnel management 658.385
fiber crop 633.51 public administration 352.67
textiles 677.21 pastoral theology
arts 746.042 l Christianity 253.5
see also Textiles Judaism 296.61
Cotton County (Okla.) T2-766 49 personal counseling 361.06
Cotton grasses 584.84 prisoner services 365.661
Cotton rats 599.357 2 psychology 158.3
Cottonseed meal 664.726 social work 361.06
Cottonseed oil 641.335 I older people 362.66
cooking 641.635 1 Counted thread embroidery 746.443
food 641.335 1 Counter displays
food technology 664.363 advertising 659.157
Cottontails 599.324 Counter-Reformation 270.6
Cottonwood County (Minn.) T2 -776 28 German history 943.03
Cottonwoods 583.65 Counterattacks (Military tactics) 355.422
Cotumix 598.627 2 Counterculture 306.1
Cotylosauria 567.92 Counterfactuals 511.317
Couches 645.4 mathematical logic 511.317
manufacturing technology 684.12 philosophical logic 160.ll9 87
see also Furniture Counterfeit cancellations
Couching philately 769.562
arts 746.44 Counterfeit coins
Coudres, lie aux (Quebec) T2-714492 numismatics 737.4
Cougar 599.752 4 Counterfeit covers
conservation technology 639.979 752 4 philately 769.562
resource economics 333.959 752 4 Counterfeit paper money
Cough remedies arts 769.55
pharmacokinetics 615.72 Counterfeit postage stamps
Coulometers 621.374 4 philately 769.562
Coulometry 543.4 Counterfeiting 364.133 4
Council for Mutual Economic economics 332.9
Assistance 341.242 7 law 345,023 34
international commerce 382.914 7 merchandise 364.1668
international economics 337.147 law 345.026 68
law of nations 341.242 7 money 364.133 4
Council housing 363.585 law 345.023 34
law 344.063 635 Counterglow (Astronomy) 523.59
see also Housing Counterintelligence 327.12
Council of Europe T2--4 armed forces 355.343 3
law 341.242 1 see also Unconventional
Council of the European Union 341.242 222 warfare
Councils see also Espionage
Christian ecclesiology 262.5 Countermining 623.31
Councils of ministers Countermonopoly theory of
public administration 352.24 umons 331.880 1
Counterpoint 781.286

Relative Index

numismatics 737.3 Courses of study Tl-071
Countersubjeets Court calendars 347.013
musical element 781.248 criminal law 345.012 3
countertenor voices 782.86 Court clerks 347.016
chOral and mixed voices 782.86 criminal law 345.012 6
single voices 783.86 Court costs
Countess of Huntingdon's judgments
Connexion 285.23 law 347.077
Counties 320.83 law 347.057
government 320.83 Court decisions
public administration 352.15 law of nations 341.026 8
support and control 353.335 texts 348.044
see Manual at 351.3-.9 vs. United States 348.734 4
352.13-.19 Court handball 796.312
Counting 513.211 Court management 347.013
Counting circuits 621.381 534 criminal law 345.012 3
Counting machines Court of First Instance of the
manufacturing technology 681.14 European Communities 341.242 228 2
Counting-out rhymes 398.84 Court of Justice of the European
Counting rhymes 398.84 Communities 341.242 228 4
Country and western music 781.642 Court records 347.013
Country clubs criminal law 345.012 3
landscape architecture 712.7 genealogy 929.3
Country music 781.642 Court reporters 347.016
songs 782.421 642 criminal law 345.012 6
Country musicians Court reporting
singers 782.421 642 092 shorthand 653.18
Country Party (Australia) 324.294 04 Court rules 347.051
Country singers 782.421 642 092 criminal law 345.05
County charters 342.02 Court settings
County courts 347.02 music 781.536
County executives 352.232 15 Court tennis 796.34
County government buildings Courtesy
architecrure 725.13 ethics 177.1
County planning see also Ethical problems
civic art 711.3 etiquette 395
economics 338.9 Courthouses
Couples therapy architecture 725.15
psychiatry 616.891 562 Courtroom procedure 347.075
Coupling (Nuclear particles) 539.75 criminal law 345.075
Couplings 621.825 Courts (Law) 347.01
railroad engineering 625.25 England 347.420 1
Coupons European Union 341.242 228
sales promotion 658.82 law of nations 341.55
Coups d'etat 321.09 Scotland 347.411 01
see Manual at 909, 930-990 vs. United States 347.731
32Q.4, 321, 321.09 Courts-martial 343.014 3
Courage Courts of appeal 347.03
ethics 179.6 England 347.420 3
Courland (Duchy) T2-4796 Scotland 347.411 03
Cournot, A. A. (Antoine United States 347.732 4
Augustin) Courts of first appeal 347.033
economic school 330.1543 criminal law 345.014 42

Decimal Class(jlcation

347.02 Cowboys 636.213 092

Courts of first instance
345.014 2 Cowbridge (Wales) 12-429 89
criminal law
Courts of last appeal 347.035 Coweta County (Ga.) T2 ·758 423
criminal law 345.01444 Cowtishes 597.64
Courts oflast resort 347.035 Cowichan Valley (B.C.) T2-7112
criminal1aw 345.014 44 Cowley County (Kan.) 12-781 89
Courts of original jurisdiction 347.02 Cowlitz County (Wash.) T2-797 88
criminal law 345.014 2 Cowlitz River (Wash.) 12-·797 82
Courts of second appeal 347.035 Cowpeas 641.356 592
criminal law 345.014 44 see also Black-eyed peas
Courts of second instance 347.033 Cowpox
criminal law 345.014 42 incidence 614.521
Courts of third instance 347.035 medicine 616.913
criminal law 345.014 44 see also Communicable
Courtship 306.734 diseases humans
customs 392.4 Cowra (N.S.W.) 12-944 5
ethics 177.65 Cowries 594.32
religion 205.676 5 Cows 636.2
Christianity 241.676 5 agricultural economics 338.176 2
Judaism 296.367 65 animal husbandry 636.2
see also Ethical problems zoology 599.642 2
life skills 646.77 Coyote 599.772 5
music 781.586 conservation technology 639.979 772 5
sociology 306.734 predator control technology 636.083 9
Courtship (Animal behavior) 591.562 resource economics 333.959 772 5
Courtyards 721.84 small game hunting 799.259 772 5
Cousins 306.87 Coypu 599.359
Tl-085 CPM (Management) 658.403 2
Couvade 392.12 CPR (Resuscitation)
Covasna (Romania : Judet) 12-498 4 medicine 616.102 5
Covenant relationship with God CPU (Central processor) 004
Christianity 231.76 engineering 621.39
Judaism 296.311 72 Crab culture 639.66
Coventry (England) T2-42498 Crab fishing 639.56
Cover crops Crabbing 639.56
soil conservation 631.452 economics 338.372 538 6
Cover letters Crabeater seal 599.796
use in job hunting 650.142 Crabgrasses 584.92
Coverdale Bible 220.520 1 Crabs 595.386
Covered bridges 388.132 conservation technology 639.975 386
construction 624.218 cooking 641.695
Coverlets fishing 639.56
manufacturing technology 677.626 fishing industry 338.372 538 6
Covers food 641.395
bookbinding 686.34 commercial processing 664.94
Covers (Philately) 769.565 paleozoology 565.386
Covetousness resource economics 333.955 56
ethics 179.8 zoology 595.386
Covington (Va.) T2-755 812 Cracidae 598.64
Covington County (Ala.) T2-76l 27 Crack abuse 362.298
Covington County (Miss.) T2-762 545 medicine 616.864 7
Cowardice personal health 613.84
ethics 179.6 social welfare 362.298
Cowbirds 598.874 see also Substance abuse

Relative Index

Crack resistance (Engineering) Crape myrtle 635.977 376

materials science 620.112 6 botany 583.76
Crackers 641.815 ornamental arboriculture 635.977 376
commercial processing 664.752 Crappies 597.738
cooking 641.815 sports fishing 799.177 38
Cracking processes Craps . 795.12
petroleum 665.533 Crash injuries
Cradle Mountain (Tas.) T2-946 3 incidence 614.3
Cradle Mountain-Lake medicine 617.1028
Saint Clair National Park Crassulaceae 583.72
(Tas.) T2-946 3 Crater Lake National Park
Cradock (South Africa : (Or.) T2--795 915
District) T2--687 54 Craters (Depressions) 551.21
Craft (Ships) 387.2 n~144
see also Ships geography 910.914 4
Craft unions 331.883 2 geology 551.21
see also Labor unions physical geography 910.02144
Crafts 680 Craters of the Moon
arts 745 National Monument
public administrative support 353.77 (Idaho) T2-796 59
sociology 306.47 Crates
see Manual at 680 vs. 745.5 wooden 674.82
Craftsmen's marks Tl-027 8 Craven (England) T2---428 41
Craig County (Okla.) T2-766 98 Craven County (N.C.) T2-756 192
Craig County (Va.) T2-755 795 Crawfishes 595.384
Craigavon (Northern see also Crayfishes
Ireland : District) T2---416 64 Crawford County (Ark.) T2--767 35
Craighead County (Ark.) T2-767 98 Crawford County (Ga.) T2-758 562
Cranberries 641.347 6 Crawford County (Ill.) T2--773 75
botany 583.66 Crawford County (Ind.) T2-772 28
commercial processing 664.804 76 Crawford County (Iowa) T2-777 45
cooking 641.647 6 Crawford County (Kan.) T2--78l 98
food 641.347 6 Crawford County (Mich.) T2·-774 77
horticulture 634.76 Crawford County (Mo.) T2-778 62
Cranbrook (B.C.) T2--711 65 Crawford County (Ohio) T2--771 27
Crane County (Tex.) T2-764 915 Crawford County (Pa.) T2--748 97
Crane flies 595.772 Crawford County (Wis.) T2-775 74
Cranes (Birds) 598.32 Crawley (England) T2---422 61
conservation technology 639.978 32 Crawling
resource economics 333.958 32 physiology 573.79
Cranes (Hoisting machinery) 621.873 Crayfish culture 639.64
Cranial nerve diseases Crayfishes 595.384
medicine 616.856 cooking 641.695
see also Nervous system culture 639.64
diseases humans fishing 639.54
Cranial nerves 573.85 food 641.395
human physiology 612.819 sports fishing 799.255 384
medicine 616.856 zoology 595.384
see also Nervous system Crayfishing 639.54
Craniata 596 sports 799.255 384
Craniology 599.948 Crayon drawing 741.23
obstetrical surgery 618.88
Cranks (Mechanisms) 621.827

Dewey Decimal Classification

Cream 641.371 48 Credibility

cooking 641.671 48 Christian church 262.72
food 641.371 48 Credit 332.7
processing 637.148 economics 332.7
Cream cheese 641.373 52 law 346.o73
cooking 641.673 52 public administration 354.86
food 641.373 52 Credit cards 332.765
processing 637.352 banking services 332.178 8
Cream of tartar credit economics 332.765
commercial processing 664.68 law 346.o73
Cream puffs 641.865 9 personal finance 332.024 02
commercial processing 664.752 5 Credit cooperatives 334.2
home preparation 641.865 9 Credit institutions 332.3
Creaming latex 678.522 public administration 354.86
Crease-resistant fabrics 677.681 see also Banks (Finance)
see also Textiles Credit insurance 368.87
Creation Credit investigations
cosmogony 523.12 marketing management 658.88
nuclear particles 539.75 Credit management
philosophy 113 marketing 658.88
religion 202.4 Credit money 332.42
Christianity 231.765 Credit restrictions 332.75
comparative religion 202.4 Credit unions 334.22
Islam 297.242 law 346.066 8
Judaism 296.34 Creditors
philosophy of religion 213 law 346.077
Creation science 231.765 2 Credits (Education) 371.218
Creationism 231.765 2 higher education 378.161 8
biological evolution 576.8 Credo 264.36
public education 379.28 music 782.323 2
see Manual at 231.7652 vs. Cree Indians T5-973 23
213, 500, 576.8 Cree language 497.323
Creative ability 153.35 T6-973 23
business success 650.1 Cree literature 897.323
executives 658.409 4 Creeds 202
see also Creativity Christianity 238
Creative activities Creek County (Okla.) T2-766 84
child care 649.51 Creek Indians T5-973 85
education 371.3 Creek language 497.385
Creative arts 700 T6-973 85
primary education 372.5 Creep (Geology) 551.307
Creative thinking 153.42 Creep (Materials science) 620.112 33
see also Creativity Creepers (Birds) 598.82
Creative writing Creigiau (Cardiff, Wales) T2-429 87
primary education 372.623 Cremation 363.75
Creativity 153.35 customs 393.2
arts 701.15 social services 363.75
educational objective 370.118 see also Undertaking
educational psychology 370.157 (Mortuary)
literature 801.92 Crematoriums 363.75
promotion of architecture 725.597
personnel management 658.314 Cremona (Italy) T2-452 71
executives 658.407 14 Cremona (Italy : Province) T2-452 7
public administration 352.66 ancient T2-373 15


Relative Index

Crenshaw County (Ala.) T2-76l 36 Crime (continued)

Creodonta 569.7 folklore 398.275 6
creole cooking 641.597 63 history and criticism 398.355 6
Creoles law 345
linguistics 417.22 literature 808.803 556
specific languages T4-7 history and criticism 809.933 556
see Manual at T4-7 specific literatures T3B~080 355 6
Creosote bush 583.79 history and
Crepe myrtle 635.977 376 criticism T3B-093 556
botany 583.76 social theology 201.764
ornamental arboriculture 635.977 376 Christianity 261.833
Crepes 641.815 3 Crime insurance 368.82
Creping paper 676.234 government-sponsored
Creping textiles 677.028 25 violent crimes 368.48
Cresses 641.355 6 Crime prevention 364.4
botany 583.64 criminology 364.4
cooking 641.655 6 public administration 353.39
food 641.355 6 management 658.473
garden crop 635.56 penology 364.601
Creston (B.C.) T2-711 62 police services 363.23
Crests 929.6 public administration 353.36
Creswick (Vic.) T2~~945 3 school programs 371.782
Cretaceous period 551.77 Crime victims 362.88
geology 551.77 T1-086 949
paleontology 560.177 Crimea (Ukraine: Oblast) T2--477 1
Crete (Greece) 949.59 Crimean Tatar language 494.388
T2--495 9 T6-943 88
ancient 939.18 Crimean Tatar literature 894.388
T2-391 8 Crimean Tatars T5-943 88
Crete, Sea of (Greece) 551.461 388 Crimean War, 1853~1856 947.o73 8
T2-163 88 Crimes 364.1
Creuse (France) T2--446 8 see also Criminal offenses
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Crimes against humanity 364.135
medicine 616.83 law 345.023 5
see also Nervous system Crimes against peace 364.135
diseases humans law 345.023 5
Crewe and Nantwich Crimes against the state 364.131
(England) T2--427 12 law 345.023 I
Crewelwork 746.446 Crimes without victims 364.1
Crib death law 345.02
pediatrics 618.920 26 Criminal abortion 364.185
Cribbage 795.411 law 345.028 5
Crible engraving 765.6 Criminal anthropology 364.2
Cricetidae 599.35 Criminal capacity 345.04
Cricetus 599.356 Criminal courts 345.01
Cricket (Game) 796.358 England 345.420 l
Cricket players 796.358 092 Scotland 345.411 01
Crickets 595.726 Criminal intent 345.04
culture 638.572 6 Criminal investigation 363.25
Cries (Rhymes) 398.87 armed forces 355.133 23
Crime 364 law 345.052
arts 700.455 6 police services 363.25
T3G-355 6 Criminal jurisdiction 345.012 2
correction 364.6

Dewey Decimal Classification

364 Critical philosophy 142

Criminal justice
criminology 364 Critical points 530.474
law 345 fluid state 530.424
police services 363.2 see also Phase transfom1ations
public administration 353.4 Critical realism
Criminal justice information philosophy 149.2
systems 025.063 64 Critical size
Criminal law 345 nuclear engineering 621.483 I
Criminal liability 345.04 Critical thinking 160
Criminal offenses 364.1 educational psychology 370.152
insurance against 368.82 primary education
law 345.02 reading 372.474
see Manual at 345.02 vs. psychology 153.42
346.03 Criticism
see Manual at 362~363 vs. arts 70LI8
364.1 ; also at 900 fine arts·
Criminal procedure 345.05 specific subjects 704.94
public administration 353.43 literature 809
Criminal psychology 364.3 specific literatures T3B-09
Criminal responsibility 345.04 see Manual at T3B-08
Criminal trial practice 345.075 and T3B-09
Criminal trials 345.07 theory 801.95
Criminal usury 364.168 see ,Manual at 800
law 345.026 8 Criticism ofindividuals Tl--092
Criminalistics 363.25 Crittenden County (Ark.) T2-767 94
see also Criminal investigation Crittenden County (Ky.) T2-769 893
Criminally insane people 364.38 Cro-Magnons 569.98
correctional institutions 365.46 Croakers (Fishes) 597.725
see also Penal institutions Croatia 949.72
Criminals 364.3 T2-4972
Tl-~086 927 ancient 939.872
Criminologists 364.092 T2-39872
Criminology 364 Croatian language 491.83
Crinoidea 593.92 T6--918 3
paleozoology 563.92 Croatian literature 891.83
Crinozoa 593.92 Croatians T5-918 3
paleozoology 563.92 Croats T5-918 3
Crioulo language T6-69 Crocheted fabrics 677.662
Crisis management 658.405 6 arts 746.434
Crisp County (Ga.) T2-758 893 manufacturing technology 677.662
Cristiani democratici uniti (Italian see also Textiles
political party) 324.245 082 Crocheted laces 677.662
Criteria arts 746.22
epistemology 121.65 manufacturing technology 677.662
Critical care 362.174 Crocheted rugs
medicine 616.028 arts 746.73
nursing 616.028 Crocheting 677.028 2
social welfare 362.174 arts 746.434
see also Health services manufacturing technology 677.028 2
Critical path method Crock-pot cooking 641.588 4
(Management) 658.403 2 Crockett County (Tenn.) T2-768 225
Critical pedagogy 370.115 Crockett County (Tex.) T2-764 875
Critical phenomena 530.474
see also Phase transformations

Relative Index

Crocodile River Cross-country races

(Mpumalanga, South humans 796.428
Africa) T2--{)82 71 Cross-country skiing 796.932
Crocodiles 597.982 Cross County (Ark.) T2-767 93
big game hunting 799.279 82 Crossccultural communication 303.482
conservation technology 639.977 982 Cross-cultural psychology 155.8
paleozoology 567.98 Cross dressing
resource economics 333.957 982 sexual practices 306.778
zoology 597.982 Cross-examination 347.075
Crocodilians 597.98 criminal law 345.075
Crocodilidae 597.982 Cross River languages 496.364
Crocodylus 597.982 T6--963 64
Crocuses 635.934 38 Cross River State (Nigeria) T2--66944
botany 584.38 Cross-stitch 746.443
floriculture 635.934 38 Crossbills 598.885
Crohn disease Crossbreeding
medicine 616.344 agriculture 631.523
see also Digestive system animal husbandry 636.082
diseases - humans plant cultivation 631.523
Cromwell, Oliver Crossdressing
British history 941.064 sexual practices 306.778
English history 942.064 Crosses
Scottish history 941.106 4 religious significance 246.558
Cromwell, Richard Crossing over (Genetics) 572.877
British history 941.065 Crossings (Railroad) 385.312
English history 942.065 engineering 625.163
Scottish history 941.106 5 transportation services 385.312
Crook County (Or.) T2-795 83 Crossopterygii 597.39
Crook County (Wyo.) T2-787 13 paleozoology 567.39
Crop diversification Crossroads (South Africa) T2--{)8735
agriculture 631.58 Crossword puzzles 793.732
economics 338.162 Crotalus 597.963 8
Crop-dusting 632.94 Crotone (Italy: Province) T2-457 87
Crop-hail insurance 368.121 ancient T2--377 87
Crop insurance 368.121 Cratons 635.933 69
Crop rotation botany 583.69
cultivation technique 631.582 floriculture 635.933 69
economics 338.162 Croup
soil conservation 631.452 medicine 616.201
Crop yields 338.1 see also Respiratory tract
agricultural technology 631.558 diseases humans
economics 338.1 pediatrics 618.922 01
see Manual at 338.1 vs. Crow Indians T5-975 272
631.558 Crow language 497.527 2
Crops 630 T6-975 272
economics 338.1 Crow Wing County (Minn.) T2-776 71
pathology 632 Crowbars 621.93
plant physiology 571.2 Crowberries 583.66
public administration 354.54 Crowd control 363.323
Croquet 796.354 public administration 353.36
Croquet players 796.354 092 Crowds 302.33
Crosby County (Tex.) T2-764 848 public safety 363.323
Crosier Fathers 255.19 Crowle (England) T2-428 32
church history 271.19 Crowley County (Colo.) T2-788 94

Dewey Decimal Classification

Crown lands 333.1 Crushing

Crown of thorns (Plant) 635.933 69 chemical engineering 660.284 22
botany 583.69 ores 622.73
floriculture 635.933 69 Crushing tools 621.914
Crowns (Dentistry) 617.692 2 Crust of earth 551.13
Crows 598.864 compression 551.82
sports hunting 799.248 864 Crustacea 595.3
Crowsnest Pass (Alta.) T2-712 34 see also Crustaceans
Croydon (London, England) T2---421 91 Crustaceans 595.3
Crozet Islands 969.9 conservation technology 639.975 3
T2-699 cooking 641.695
Cruciales 583.64 culture 639.6
Crucible steel 669.1429 fishing 639.5
Crucibles fishing industry 338.372 53
chemistry 542.2 food 641.395
Cruciferae 583.64 commercial processing 664.94
Crucifixes paleozoology 565.3
religious significance 246.558 resource economics 333.955 5
Crucifixion of Jesus Christ 232.963 zoology 595.3
Crucifixion thorns 583.64 Crutches
Crude drugs manufacturing technology 681.761
pharmacognosy 615.321 Cryobiology 571.464 5
Crude gelatin 668.34 humans 612.014 467
Cruelty Cryogenic engineering 621.59
ethics 179 Cryogenic engineers 621.590 92
see also Ethical problems Cryogenics 536.56
Cruelty to animals biophysics 571.4645
criminology 364.187 humans 612.014 467
criminal law 345.028 7 engineering 621.59
ethics 179.3 materials science 620.112 16
see also Animals - Cryolite
treatment of- ethics mineralogy 549.4
Cruisers 359.835 3 synthetic 666.86
design 623.812 53 Cryometry 536.54
engineering 623.825 3 Cryosurgery 617.05
naval equipment 359.835 3 Cryotherapy
naval units 359.325 3 medicine 615.832 9
Crumhorns 788.5 Cryptanalysis 652.8
see also Woodwind instruments armed forces 355.343 2
Crusades 909.07 Cryptococcales 579.55
arts T3C-358 207 Cryptogamia 586
church history 270.4 paleobotany 561.6
European history 940.18 Cryptography 652.8
history 909.07 armed forces 358.24
1096-1099 956.014 computer science 005.82
1147-1149 956.014 recreation 793.73
1189-1192 956.014 Cryptophyta 579.82
1202-1204 949.503 Cryptozoic eon 551.71
1212 944.023 geology 551.71
Palestinian history 956.940 32 paleontology 560.171
Crushed stone pavements 625.82 Crystal conduction counters
Crushers (Agricultural tools) nuclear physics 539.776
manufacturing technology 681.763 1 Crystal devices
electronics 621.381 52

Relative Index

Crystal gazing 133.322 Cube-doubling 516.204

Crystal growth 548.5 Cube root 513.23
Crystal lattices 548.81 Cubes 516.156
Crystalline lens Cubic equations 512.942 2
human anatomy 611.84 algebra 512.942 2
human physiology 612.844 calculus 515.252
ophthalmology 617.742 Cubism 709.040 32
Crystalline solids 53Q.413 painting 759.063 2
Crystallization 548.5 sculpture 735.230 432
chemical engineering 660.284 298 Cubomedusae 593.53
sugar production 664.115 Cuckoo shrikes 598.8
Crystallograms 548.83 Cuckoos 598.74
Crystallographers 548.092 Cucujoidea 595.769
Crystallographic mineralogy 549.18 Cuculiformes 598.74
Crystallographic properties paleozoology 568.7
materials science 620.112 99 Cucumber tree 583.22
Crystallography 548 Cucumbers 641.356 3
see Manual at 548 vs. 530.41; botany 583.63
also at 549 vs. 548 commercial processing 664.805 63
Crystals 548 cooking 641.656 3
occultism 133.254 8 food 641.356 3
divination 133.322 garden crop 635.63
Csongrad Megye (Hungary) T2---439 8 Cucurbitales 583.63
CSP (Austrian political party) 324.243 602 4 Cued speech
CSP (Swiss political party) 324.249 407 applied linguistics 418
CSU (German political party) 324.243 04 specific languages T4-895 5
CT (Tomography) Cuenca (Spain :Province) T2--464 7
medicine 616.075 722 Cuffs
Ctenophora 593.8 commercial technology 687.19
paleozoology 563.8 Cuitlateco language 497.9
Ctenostomata 594.676 T6-979
Ctenothrissiformes 567.5 Culberson County (Tex.) T2~-764 94
Cuaiquer Indians T5--982 Culicidae 595.772
Cuando Cubango (Angola) T2-673 5 Cullinan (South Africa :
Cuanza Norte (Angola) T2---673 2 District) T2--682 29
Cuanza Sui (Angola: Cullman County (Ala.) T2-761 73
Province) T2-673 2 Culpeper County (Va.) T2-755 392
Cub Scouts 369.43 Cultivated silk textiles 677.391
Cuba 972.91 see also Textiles
T2-729 I Cultivation 631.5
Cuban campaign, 1898 973.893 3 Cultivators 631.51
Cuban communism 335.434 7 manufacturing technology 681.763 1
economics 335.434 7 Cults 209
political ideology 320.532 309 729 I see lvlanual at 201-209 and
Cuban itch 292-299; also at 299.93
incidence 614.521 Cultural anthropologists 306.092
medicine 616.913 Cultural anthropology 306
see also Communicable Cultural centers
diseases humans architecture 725.804 2
Cuban literature 860 area planning 711.57
Cubans T5--687 291 Cultural contact 303.482
Cubas Grau, Raul Cultural ethnology 305.8
Paraguayan history 989.207 43
Cubature 515.43

Dewey Decimal Classtfication

Cultural exchanges 303.482 Cumberland County (Pa.) T2-748 43

law 344.08 Cumberland County (Tenn.) T2-768 75
public administration 353.7 Cumberland County (Va.) T2-755 615
sociology 303.482 Cumberland Mountains T2-769 1
Cultural influence Kentucky T2--769 1
psychology 155.92 Tennessee T2--768 944
Cultural institutions 306 Cumberland Plateau T2-768 7
Cultural levels (Social Kentucky T2-769 I
classes) T1-086 2 Termessee T2--768 7
Cultural pluralism 305.8 Cumberland Presbyterian Church 285.135
education 370.117 see also Presbyterian Church
political science 323.1 Cumberland River (Ky. and
sociology 305.8 Tenn.) T2-~768 5
Cultural programs Cumbernauld and Kilsyth
libraries 021.26 (Scotland) T2---414 52
Cultural property Cumbria (England) T2~--427 8
historic preservation 363.69 Cumbrian Mountains
law 344.094 (England) T2---427 8
Cultural relations 303.482 Cuming County (Neb.) T2-782232
law 344.09 Cumnock and Doon Valley
Cultural Revolution 951.056 (Scotland) T2---414 67
Culturally disadvantaged children 305.230 869 4 Cumulative trauma disorders
home care 649.156 7 medicine 617.172
psychology 155.456 7 Cuna Indians (Panama) T5-978 3
social group 305.230 869 4 Cuna language (Panama) 497.83
Culturally disadvantaged people 305.56 T6-978 3
Tl-086 94 Cuna literature (Panama) 897.83
Culture 306 Cundinarnarca (Colombia) T2~861 46
law 344.09 Cunene Province (Angola) T2-673 5
public administrative support 353.7 Cuneo (Italy : Province) T2-451 3
sociology 306 ancient T2-371 6
see Manual at 306 vs. 305, 909, Curminghame (Scotland) T2---414 61
930-990 Cunoniaceae 583.72
Cultured cells Cup fungi 579.57
experimental research Cup games
medicine 616.027 7 soccer 796.334 64
Cultured skim milk 641.371 476 Cupedidae 595.762
cooking 641.671 476 Cupolas 721.5
food 641.371 476 architecture 721.5
processing 63 7.147 6 construction 690.15
Cultured whole milk 641.371 46 Cuprammonium rayon 677.462
cooking 641.671 46 see also Textiles
food 641.371 46 Cupressaceae 585.4
processing 637.146 paleobotany 561.54
Culverts (Drainage) 625.734 2 Cuprite
Cumacea 595.376 mineralogy 549.522
Cumae (Extinct city) T2-377 252 Cups
Cumberland (N.S.: County) T2-716 ll paper 676.34
Cumberland, Lake (Ky.) T2-769 63 Curac,:ao T2-729 86
Cumberland County (Ill.) T2- 773 73 Curassows 598.64
Cumberland County (Ky.) T2-769 683 Curbs 625.888
Cumberland County (Me.) T2-74l 91 Curculionidae 595.768
Cumberland County (N.C.) T2-~756 373 Curculionoidea 595.768
Cumberland County (N.J.) T2-749 94 agricultural pests 632.768

Relative Index

crime prevention 364.4 Curtains 645.32
curia Romana 262.136 arts 746.94
curic6 (Chile : Province) T2~-833 4 commercial technology 684.3
546.442 home sewing 646.21
see also Chemicals household management 645.32
curling (Sport) 796.964 Curtin, John
currants 641.347 21 Australian history 994.042
botany 583.72 Curvature (Mathematics) 516.362
cooking 641.647 21 Curve fitting 511.42
food 641.347 21 Curves 516.152
horticulture 634.721 algebraic geometry 516.352
currency 332.4 differential geometry 516.36
see also Money integral geometry 516.36
Currency convertibility 332.456 Curvilinear coordinate system 516.16
Currency movements 332.042 4 Curzon, George Nathaniel
Currency paper 676.282 6 Curzon, Marquis of
Currency power (Legislative Indian history 954.035 5
bodies) 328.341 2 Cuscathin (El Salvador) T2-728424
Currency question 332.46 Cuscuses 599.232
Current accounts (Checking Cuscutaceae 583.94
accounts) 332.175 22 Cush 939.78
T2~397 8
Current assets
accounting 657.72 Cush sovereignty 932.015
Current awareness services Cushing syndrome
information science 025.525 medicine 616.45
Current liabilities see also Endocrine
accounting 657.74 diseases humans
Current transactions Cushites T5~935

balance of payments Cushitic languages 493.5

international commerce 382.17 T6-935
Curricula 375 Cushitic literatures 893.5
T1~07l Cushitic peoples T5~935

adult education 374.01 Cusk eels 597.63

higher education 378.199 Custard apples 583.22
law 344.077 Custer County (Colo.) T2--788 52
primary education 372.19 Custer County (Idaho) T2~796 72

public control 379.155 Custer County (Mont.) T2~786 33

secondary education 373.19 Custer County (Neb.) T2~782 47

special education 371.904 4 Custer County (Okla.) T2~766 17

Curriculum change 375.006 Custer County (S.D.) T2~783 95

Curriculum development 375.001 Custodial services

Curriculum evaluation 375.006 schools 371.68
Curriculum libraries 027.7 Custody of children 346.017 3
Curriculum planning 375.001 Custom production 338.642
Curriculum vitae 650.142 Customary law 340.5
Curriculums 375 Customer clubs 381.149
Currituck County (N.C.) T2~756 132 management 658.879
Curry County (N.M.) T2~789 27 Customer relations
Curry County (Or.) T2-795 21 marketing management 658.812
Curry powder 641.338 4 Customer services
see also Hot spices marketing management 658.812
folklore 398.41

Decimal Class!fication

Customized vans 388.343 4 Cutting metals

629.284 34 decorative arts 739.14
engineering 629.223 4 machining process 671.35
repair 629.287 34 sculpture 731.41
transportation services 388.343 4 Cutting tools 621.93
see also Trucks Cuttings (Plant propagation) 631.535
Customizing automobiles 629.287 Cuttlefish 594.58
Customs (Practices) 390 Cutwork
arts 700.455 9 arts 746.44
T3C-355 9 Cutworms 595.78
literature 808.803 559 agricultural pests 632.78
history and criticism 809.933 559 Cuyahoga County (Ohio) T2-77l 31
specific literatures T3B--080 355 9 Cuyahoga River (Ohio) T2-77131
history and Cuyuni-Mazaruni Region
criticism T3B--093 559 (Guyana) T2-881 9
music 781.58 Cuzco (Peru: Dept.) T2-853 7
social control 303.372 CVP (Swiss political party) 324.249 404
Customs (Tariff) 382.7 Cyanamide fertilizers 631.841
commerce 382.7 chemical 668.624 1
international agreements 382.9 Cyanastraceae 584.35
law 343.056 Cyanite
public administration 352.448 mineralogy 549.62
public finance 336.26 Cyanobacteria 579.39
Customs administration 352.448 Cyanophyta 579.39
Customs buildings Cyberinfrastructure 004
architecture 725.14 Cybemetics 003.5
Customs courts 343.056 026 9 Tl-0115
Customs unions 382.91 Cyberterrorism 363.325
Cut flowers 745.92 criminology 364.168
floriculture 635.966 see also Terrorism
Cut stock lumber 674.28 Cycadales 585.9
Cutaneous leishmaniasis paleobotany 561.591
incidence 614.534 Cycadeoidales 561.592
medicine 616.9364 Cycadofilicales 561.595
see also Communicable Cycads 585.9
diseases - humans paleobotany 561.591
Cutaneous perception Cyclades (Greece) T2--495 85
psychology 152.182 ancient T2-391 5
Cutaneous sensory disorders Cyclamens 635.933 675
medicine 616.856 botany 583.675
see also Nervous system floriculture 635.933 675
diseases - humans Cyclanthales 584.62
Cutlass fishes 597.78 Cyclarhidae 598.878
Cutlery 642.7 Cycles (Periodicity)
manufacturing technology 683.82 philosophy 116
table setting 642.7 Cycles (Vehicles) 388.347
Cuts engineering 629.227
road engineering 625.733 repair 629.287 7
Cutting gems 736.202 8 riding 629.284 7
Cutting glass 666.12 sports 796.6
arts 748.6 transportation services 388.347
technology 666.12 Cyclic compounds 547.5
chemical engineering 661.8
Cyclic groups 512.25

Relative Index

Cyclical unemployment 331.137047 Cypress pine 585.4

Cycling Cypresses 585.4
sports 796.6 forestry 634.975 5
Cycling paths 388.12 lumber 674.144
see also Bicycle paths Cyprinidae 597.482
Cyclists 796.609 2 Cypriniformes 597.48
Cyclo-cross 796.624 paleozoology 567.48
Cyclo rubber 678.68 Cyprinodontidae 597.665
Cycloacetylenes 547.513 Cyprinodontoidei 597.66
chemical engineering 661.815 Cyprinus 597.483
Cyclones (Low-pressure systems) 5 51.5 51 3 Cypriot architecture
Cyclones (Tornadoes) 551.553 Phoenician 722.32
Cycloolefins 54 7.512 Cypriots T5-895
chemical engineering 661.815 Cyprus 956.93
Cycloparaffins 547.511 TI-569 3
chemical engineering 661.815 ancient 939.37
Cyclopedias 030 T2-393 7
Cyclopoida 595.34 Cyrenaic philosophy 183.5
Cyclops (Animals) 595.34 Cyrenaica T2-397 5
Cycloramas 745.8 ancient 939.75
decorative arts 745.8 Cyrillic alphabet 491.8
painting 751.74 printing 686.219 18
Cyclorrhapha 595.774 Cyrillic calligraphy 745.619 918
Cyclosilicates Cyrrhestica T2-393 6
mineralogy 549.64 southern T2-394 32
Cyclostomata (Jawless fishes) 597.2 Cystic fibrosis
paleozoology 567.2 medicine 616.372
Cyclotomy (Number theory) 512.72 see also Digestive system
Cyclotrons 539.733 diseases -- humans
Cygninae 598.418 Cystitis
Cygnus 598.418 medicine 616.623
Cylinder recordings see also Urologic diseases-
sound reproduction 621.389 32 humans
Cylinders (Engine parts) 621.437 Cystoidea 563.95
Cylinders (Shape) 516.154 Cythera Island (Greece) T2-4952
Cylinders (Structural elements) 624.177 2 Cytinaceae 583.2
concrete 624.183 42 Cytochemistry 572
Cylindrical bark beetles 595.769 Cytodiagnosis
Cymbals 786.873 medicine 616.075 82
see also Percussion instruruents Cytogenetics 572.8
Cymraeg literature 891.66 humans 611.018 16
Cymric language 491.66 Cytokines
T6-916 6 human immunology 616.079
Cymric literature 891.66 Cytological examination
Cymry T5-916 6 medicine 616.075 82
Cynewulf 829.4 Cytology 571.6
Cynic philosophy 183.4 humans 611.018 1
Cynocephalidae 599.33 Cytometry
Cynocrambales 583.5 diagnosis
Cynomys 599.367 medicine 616.075 82
Cynon Valley (Wales) T2-429 78 Cytopathology 571.936
Cyperales 584.84 humans 611.018 15
Cypress Hills (Alta. and Cytoplasm 571.65
Sask.) T2-712 43 Cytoplasmic inheritance 572.869

Dewey Decimal Class{fication

Cytoplasmic membranes 571.64 Dadra and Nagar Haveli

Cytoskeleton 571.654 (India) T2~547 6
Cytotaxonomy 578.012 Daende1s, Hem1an Willem
Cytotoxic T cells 571.966 Indonesian history 959.802 22
human immunology 616.079 7 Daerah Khusus Ibukota
Cyzicus (Extinct city) T2-392 1 Jak;irta (Indonesia) T2-598 22
Czech language 491.86 Daffodils 635.934 34
T6-918 6 botany 584.34
Czech literature 891.86 floriculture 635.934 34
Czech Republic 943.71 Dagari (African people) T5---963 5
T2---437 1 Dagari language 496.35
Czechoslovak Republic 943.703 2 T6-963 5
T2--437 Dagbani (African people) T5-963 5
Czechoslovakia 943.703 Dagbani language 496.35
T2---437 T6-963 5
Czechoslovaks T5-918 6 Dagestan (Russia) T2---475 2
Czechs T5-918 6 Dagestan languages 499.964
Cz~stochowa (Poland : T6 -999 64
Voivodeship) T2---438 58 Daggers 623.441
art metalwork 739.72
D military engineering 623.441
Daggett County (Utah) T2-792 15
D region (Ionosphere) 538.767 2 Daghestan languages 499.964
Dacapo form 781.822 5 T6-999 64
instrumental 784.182 2 Dagomba (African people) T5-963 5
Da Nilng (Vietnam) T2-597 5 Dagomba language 496.35
Daba language 493.7 T6-963 5
T6-937 Daguerreotype process 772.12
Dik L~c (Vietnam) T2-597 6 Dagur language T6-942
D~c Nong (Vietnam) T2-597 6 Dahlias 635.933 99
Dacca (Bangladesh : botany 583.99
Division) T2-549 22 floriculture 635.933 99
Daces 597.482 Dahme-Spreewald
sports 799.174 82 (Germany : Landkreis) T2---431 51
Dachau (Extermination camp) 940.531 853 36 Dahomeans T5-966 83
Dachshund 636.753 8 Dahomey 966.83
Dacia 939.88 T2-668 3
T2-398 8 Dahomey (African people) T5-963 37
Dacorum (England) T2---425 84 Dahomey (Kingdom) 966.830 18
Dactylopteriformes 597.64 T2-668 3
Dadaism Dahiik (Iraq: Province) T2-567 2
fine arts 709.040 62 Dai language (Chad) 493.7
literature 808.801 162 T6-937
history and criticism 809.911 62 Daic languages 495.9
specific literatures T3B-080 116 2 T6~959

history and Daic literatures 895.9

criticism T3B-{)91 162 Daic peoples T5-959
painting 759.066 2 Da'lf (Hadith) 297.125 22
sculpture 735.230462 Daily devotions 204.46
Daddy longlegs 595.43 Christianity 242.2
Dade County (Fla.) T2-759 38 Judaism 296.45
Dade County (Ga.) T2-758 342 Dairi Batak T5-992 246 6
Dade County (Mo.) T2-778 745 Dairi language 499.224 66
T6--992 246 6

Relative Index

Dairi literature 899.224 66 Dallas County (Tex.) T2-764 281 1

Dairy cattle Dalmatia (Croatia) T2--497 2
animal husbandry 636.214 2 Dalmatian (Dog) 636.72
Dairy cooperatives 334.683 7 Dalmatian language (Romance) 457.949 72
Dairy farmers 636.214 209 2 T6-57
Dairy fanning 636.214 2 Dalmatian literature (Romance) 850
Dairy industry 338.1762142 Dalmatians (Romance
law 343.076 621 42 people) T5--57
public administration 354.56 Dalsland landskap (Sweden) T2--486 7
Dairy processing industry 338.476 37 Daly River (N.T.) T2-942 95
Dairy products 641.37 Dama (Fallow deer) 599.655
cooking 641.67 animal husbandry 636.294 5
food 641.37 Damages (Law) 347.077
processing 637 Daman and Diu (India) T2-547 7
product safety 363.192 9 Damascening 739.15
see also Food-- product Damascus (Syria) T2-569 144
safety ancient T2---394 344
Dairy substitutes 641.302 Damascus (Syria: Province) T2-569 14
commercial processing 664.6 Damask 677.616
Dairymen 636.214 209 2 Damietta (Egypt : Province) T2-621
Daisies 583.99 Dammar pines 585.3
floriculture 635.933 99 forestry 634.975 93
Daisy (Italian political party) 324.245 05 Damping
Dajab6n (Dominican aeronautics 629.132 364
Republic: Province) T2-729 345 Damping of sound
Dak Lak (Vietnam) T2-597 6 physics 534.208
Dak Nong (Vietnam) T2-597 6 Dampness control
Dakar (Senegal :Region) T2-663 construction
Dakhla (Western Sahara) T2-648 buildings 693.893
Dakota County (Minn.) T2--776 56 Dams 627.8
Dakota County (Neb.) T2-782 224 agricultural use 631.28
Dakota Indians T5-975 243 ecology 577.272
Dakota language 497.524 3 public administration 354.362 77
T6-975 243 Damselfishes 597.72
Dakota languages 497.524 Damselflies 595.733
T6-975 24 Dan (African people) T5-963 4
Dakota literature 897.524 3 Dan language 496.34
Dalamas Ian (Sweden) T2--487 8 T6-963 4
Dalby (Qld.) T2-943 3 Dance 792.8
Dale County (Ala.) T2-761 33 primary education 372.868
Dale Hollow Lake (Tenn. see also Dancing
and Ky.) T2--768 49 Dance bands 784.48
Dalhousie, James Andrew Broun Dance flies 595.773
Ramsay, Marquis Dance forms 784.188
Indian history 954.031 6 Dance halls
Dalits 305.568 8 architecture 725.86
religion 200.869 4 Dance injuries
Hinduism 294.508 694 medicine 617.102 75
Dallam County (Tex.) T2-764 812 Dance music 781.554
Dallas (Tex.) T2-764 2812
Dallas County (Ala.) T2-761 45
Dallas County (Ark.) T2-767 67
Dallas County (Iowa) T2--777 57
Dallas County (Mo.) T2-778 813

Dewey Decimal Classification

Dance of death Danish language 439.81

arts 700.454 8 T6~398 1
T3C~354 8 Danish literature 839.81
literature 808.803 548 Danish pastry 641.865 9
history and literature 809.933 548 commercial processing 664.752 5
specific literatures T3B~080 354 8 home preparation 641.865 9
history and Danish people T5~398 1

criticism T3B~093 548 Dannhauser (South Africa :

Dance orchestras 784.48 District) T2---684 1
Dance therapy Dano-Norwegian language 439.82
615.85155 T6~398 2
Dancers 792.802 809 2 Dano-Norwegian literature 839.82
see Manual at 780.92 and Danube River T2---496
791.092 Austria T2---436 12
Dances of the suite 793.3 Germany T2--433
784.188 3 Danville (Va.) T2~755 666
Dancing 792.8 Danzig (Germany) T2---438 22
arts 700.457 9 Daphnes 583.67
T3C~357 9 Daqahliyah (Egypt) T2---621
customs 394.3 DAR (Patriotic society) 369.135
ethics 175 biography 369.135 092
etiquette 395.3 Dar es Salaam (Tanzania :
literature 808.803 579 Region) T2~678232

history and criticism 809.933 579 Dar'a (Syria: Province) T2 569 14

specific literatures T3B-080 357 9 Dard (Indic people) T5~914 99

history and Dard languages 491.499

criticism T3B~093 579 T6-914 99
musical plays 792.62 Dard literatures 891.499
religious significance 203.7 Dardanelles Strait (Turkey) 551.461 389
Christianity 246.7 T2-l63 89
see also Arts religious Dardic languages 491.499
significance T6-914 99
sociology 306.484 6 Dardic literatures 891.499
Dancing games 796.13 Dardic peoples T5~914 99

Dancing injuries Dare County (N.C.) T2-756175

medicine 617.102 75 Darfur (Sudan) T2~627

Dandelions 583.99 Dargi language 499.964

cooking 641.655 1 T6~999 64

food 641.355 1 Dargwa language 499.964

garden crop 635.51 T6-999 64
Dandruff Dari language 491.56
medicine 616.546 T6--915 6
Dane County (Wis.) T2~775 83 Dari literature 891.56
Danes T5~398 1 Darien (Panama: Province) T2-728 778
Dangaleat language 493.7 Darien, Gulf of(Colombia) 551.461 365
T6~937 T2-163 65
Dangerous animals 591.65 Darimi, 'AbdAllah ibn 'Abd a!-
Dangerous goods 363.17 Ral)man
see also Hazardous materials Hadith 297.125 54
Dani T5~991 2 Dark Ages 940.12
Daniel (Biblical book) 224.5 see also Early Middle Ages
Daniels County (Mont.) T2~786 213 Dark matter (Astronomy) 523.112 6
Danios 597.482 Darke County (Ohio) T2·--771 47
Darkling beetles 595.769

Relative Index

!Darkroom practice 771.44 Data compression 005.746

cinematography 777.55 Data conversion 005.72
negatives 771.43 Data dictionaries 005.742
photography 771.44 Data directories 005.742
positives (photographs) 771.44 Data encryption
.cn,arltrnr•ms (Photography) 771.1 computer science 005.82
Darling Downs (Qld.) T2-~943 3 Data entry 005.72
Darling Range (W.A.) T2-941 2 Data files 005.74
·n"'~li••att1n (England : see Manual at 025.04, 025.06
Borough) T2-428 63 vs. 005.74
'Darlington County (S.C.) T2-757 66 Data in computer systems 005.7
'Darmstadt (Germany) T2-434 167 Tl--028 557
Darmstadt (Germany : Data mining 006.312
Regierungsbezirk) T2-434 16 Data modeling 005.743
Darmstadtium Data models 005.743
chemistry 546.62 Data preparation
Darned laces computer science 005.72
arts 746.22 Data processing 004
Darning 646.204 Tl--028 5
Darom (Israel : District) T2~569 49 management use 658.05
, Dart, River (England) T2-423 592 office services 651.8
Darters (Fishes) 597.75 see Manual at T 1-0285; also
Dartford (England : at 004-006 vs. 621.39;
Borough) T2-422 312 also at 510, T1--015l vs.
Dartmoor (England) T2-423 53 004-006, Tl--0285
Dartmouth (N.S.) T2-716 225 Data record formats 005.72
Darts 794.3 Data recovery 005.86
Darwin (N.T.) T2~942 95 Data representation 005.72
Darwinism 576.82 Data security 005.8
Darwin's finches 598.883 Tl-028 558
Dascilloidea 595.763 management 658.478
Dassies 599.68 Data structures 005.73
Dasycladales 579.836 Data tapes 004.563
Dasypodidae 599.312 computer engineering 621.397 63
Dasyuridae 599.27 Data transmission 004.6
DAT(Digital audio) see also Computer
sound reproduction 621.389 3 communications
Data backup 005.86 Data warehousing 005.745
Data banks 025.04 Databanks 025.04
see also Databases see also Databases
Data bases 025.04 Database architecture 005.743
see also Databases Database design 005.743
Data cells (Computer storage) 004.563 Database management systems 005.74
engineering 621.397 63 Databases 025.04
Data collection civil rights issues 323.448 3
descriptive research 001.433 computer science 005.74
Tl--072 3 information science 025.04
see !Yfanual at law 343.099 9
Tl ~0720 1-07209 vs. management use 658.403 80 l 1
Tl~0721 see Manual at 025.04,025.06
Data communications 004.6 vs. 005.74
see also Computer Dataflow computation 004.35
communications Dates (Chronology) 902.02
Data compaction 005.746

Dewey Decimal Classification

Dates (Fruit) 641.346 2 Dawn 525.7

agriculture 634.62 arts T3C-33
botany 584.5 literature 808.803 3
commercial processing 664.804 62 history and criticism 809.933 3
cooking 641.646 2 specific literatures T3B-08033
tbod 641.346 2 history and
Dating (Archaeological criticism T3B---093 3
technique) 930.102 85 Dawson (Yukon) TI-719 l
Dating (Social practice) 306.73 Dawson County (Ga.) T2--758 263
customs 392.6 Dawson County (Mont.) T2-78624
life skills 646.77 Dawson County (Neb.) T2--782 46
sociology 306.73 Dawson County (Tex.) T2-764 854
Daturas 583.952 Dawson Creek (B.C.) T2-7ll 87
Daughters 306.874 Day camps 796.542 3
Tl-085 4 Day care 362.712
Daughters of the American law 344.Q32 712
Revolution 369.135 preschool education 372.21
biography 369.135 092 social welfare 362.712
Dauphin (Man.) T2--712 72 Day County (S.D.) T2-783 142
Dauphin County (Pa.) T2-748 18 Day language (Chad) 493.7
Dauphine (France) T2-445 86 T6-937
Daur language T6-942 Day lilies 635.934 32
D'Autray (Quebec) T2-714 43 botany 584.32
DAY (Veterans' organization) 369.186 3 floriculture 635.934 32
Davao del Norte Day of the Lord
(Philippines) T2-599 7 Christianity 236.9
Davao del Sur (Philippines) T2-599 7 Daydreams 154.3
Davao Oriental Daylesford (Vic.) T2-945 3
(Philippines) T2-599 7 Daylight saving time 389.17
Davenport (Iowa) T2-777 69 law 343.07
Davenport Range (N.T.) T2-942 91 Day lighting 729.28
Davenports 645.4 Daymarks 387.155
see also Furniture navigation aids 623.894 4
Daventry (England : transportation services 387.155
District) T2--425 56 Dayr al-Zawr (Syria:
David, King of Israel Province) T2-569 12
Biblical leader 222.409 2 Days 529.1
Palestinian history 933.02 arts T3C-33
David and Goliath story 222.430 950 5 chronology 529.1
Davidson County (N.C.) T2--756 68 folklore 398.236
Davidson County (Tenn.) T2-768 55 history and criticism 398.33
Davie County (N.C.) T2-756 69 literature 808.803 3
Daviess County (Ind.) T2--772 385 history and criticism 809.933 3
Daviess County (Ky.) T2-769 864 specific literatures T3B---080 33
Daviess County (Mo.) T2-778 183 history and
Davis County (Iowa) T2--777 97 criticism T3B-093 3
Davis County (Utah) T2-792 27 music 781.522
Davis Strait 551.461 342 Dayton (Ohio) T2-771 73
T2-l63 42 Daza (African people) T5--965
Davison County (S.D.) T2-783 374 Daza language 496.5
Da'wah 297.74 T6-965
Dawes County (Neb.) T2-782 93 DBS systems 384.552
DDT (Insecticide) 632.951 7

Relative Index

De Aar (South Africa :

District) T2-687 13 Old Testament works in 221.44
De Baca County (N.M.) T2-78944 pseudepigrapha 229.91
De facto government Qumran community writings 296.155
Jaw of nations 341.26 Deaeration
De facto relationships 306.841 water supply treatment 628.165
TI~~086 56 Deaf-blind people 305.908 I
346.016 Tl--087 1
De Ka1b County (Ala.) T2~761 66 communication 419.4--.9
De Kalb County (Ga.) T2-758 225 see also Blind people
De Kalb County (lll.) T2-773 28 Deaf children 305.908 208 3
De Kalb County (Ind.) T2-772 77 Tl--087 2
De Kalb County (Mo.) T2-778 153 home care 649.1512
De Kalb County (Tenn.) T2~-768 532 see also Hearing-impaired
De Klerk, F. W. (Frederik people
Willem) Deaf people 305.908 2
South African history 968.064 Tl-087 2
De Menezes, Fradique Bandiera sign languages 419.4~-.9

Melo see also Hearing-impaired

Sao Tomean history 967.150 23 people
De Soto County (Fla.) T2-759 59 Deaf Smith County (Tex.) T2-764 835
DeSoto County (Miss.) T2-762 87 Deaf workers 331.592
DeSoto Parish (La.) T2-763 63 Deafness
De Witt County (Ill.) T2-773 585 incidence 614.599 8
De Witt County (Tex.) T2-764 259 medicine 617.8
Deaccessioning see also Ear diseases
archives 025.281 4 humans
Deacidification social welfare 362.42
bibliographic materials 025.84 Deakin, Alfred
Deacons 270.092 Australian history 994.041
biography 270.092 Dean, Forest of (England) T2 ----424 13
specific denominations 280 Deans of students 371.4
see Manual at 230-280 Dearborn (Mich.) T2--774 33
262.14 Dearborn County (Ind.) T2~~772 11
pastoral theology 253 Death 306.9
see also Clergy Christian arts 700.454 8
Dead T3C-354 8
disposal 363.75 biology 571.939
customs 393 customs 393
music 781.588 cytology 571.936
see also Undertaking demography 304.64
(Mortuary) ethics 179.7
objects of worship 202.13 religion 205.697
Dead animal disposal 363.78 Buddhism 294.356 97
Dead letter services 383.186 Christianity 241.697
see also Postal service Hinduism 294.548 697
Dead nettles 583.96 Judaism 296.369 7
Dead reckoning 629.045 folklore 398.274 8
seamanship 623.892 3 history and criticism 398.354 8
Dead Sea (Israel and literature 808.803 548
Jordan) history and literature 809.933 548
specific literatures T3B-080 354 8
history and
criticism T3B----093 548

Dewey Decimal C!ass[fication

Death (continued) Debt management (Public) 336.36

medical ethics 179.7 macroeconomic policy 339.523
religion 205.697 public administration 352.45
medicine 616.078 public finance 336.36
music 781.588 Debtors
philosophy 113.8 law 346.077
humans 128.5 Debtors' prisons 365.4
psychology 155.937 see also Penal institutions
religion 202.3 Debugging (Computer science) 004.24
Christianity 236.1 engineering 621.392
Islam 297.23 programs 005.14
Judaism 296.33 Deburring metals 671.7
philosophy of religion 218 Debuts
religious rites 203.88 customs 392.15
Christianity 265.85 etiquette 395.24
Islam 297.385 music 781.584
Judaism 296.445 Decalcomania 745.74
liturgy 296.454 5 Decalogue 222.16
see also Rites religion moral theology
social services 363.75 Christianity 241.52
see alm Undertaking Judaism 296.36
(Mortuary) Decapoda (Crustaceans) 595.38
sociology 306.9 conservation technology 639.975 38
Death adders 597.964 resource economics 333.955 5
Death certificates Decapoda (Mollusks) 594.58
public administration 353.59 paleozoology 564.58
Death of Jesus Christ 232.963 Decathlon 796.42
Death penalty 364.66 Decatur County (Ga.) T2~-758 993
law 345.077 3 Decatur County (Ind.) T2-772 16
Death tax 336.276 Decatur County (Iowa) T2~777 875
law 343.053 Decatur County (Kan.) T2-781 143
public administration 352.44 Decatur County (Tenn.) T2-768 32
Death Valley National Park Decay
(Calif. and Nev.) T2~794 87 materials science 620.112 2
Death watch beetles 595.763 Decay (Sound)
Debarkation 355.422 musical element 781.235
Debaters 809.53 Decay schemes (Radioactivity) 539.752
Debates Deccan (India) T2~548
literature 808.853 Deceleration
history and criticism 809.53 biophysics
specific literatures T3B-503 humans 612.014 414
individual authors T3A-5 extraterrestrial biophysics
rhetoric 808.53 humans 612.014 534
Debating 808.53 Decentralization
Debit cards 332.76 executive management 658.402
banking services 332.178 public administration 352.283
credit economics 332.76 Deception 001.95
Debt collection military operations 355.41
law 346.077 Decidability 51 1.3
management 658.88 Decimal fractions 513.265
Debt limits Decimal numbers 513.55
public finance 336.346 Decimal system 513.55
Debt management (Business) 658.152 6 Decision analysis
Debt management (Personal) 332.024 02 management use 658.403 54

Relative Index

Decision making Decorative treatment

executive management 658.403 glass 748.6
Tl-068 4 metals 739.15
military administration 355.683 pottery 666.45
production management 658.503 6 arts 738.15
psychology 153.83 technology 666.45
public administration 352.33 sculpture 731.4
social psychology 302.3 Decorative values 701.8
Decision tables drawing 741.018
program design 005.120 28 Decoupage 745.546
Decision theory 003.56 Decoys
Tl-011 56 handicrafts 745.593 6
Decision theory (Mathematics) 519.542 Decubitus ulcers
Decks (Buildings) 721.84 medicine 616.545
architecture 721.84 see also Skin diseases
construction 690.184 humans
domestic 728.93 Dedications (Christian rites) 265.92
architecture 728.93 Deduction (Logic) 162
construction 690.893 psychology 153.433
Declaration of Independence, Deductive databases
1776 973.313 computer science 005.740 151 13
Declaration of intention 346.021 Deductive reasoning 162
Declarative languages 005.13 computer science 006.333
Declaratory judgments 347.077 logic 162
Declension (Grammar) 415.5 psychology 153.433
specific languages T4--55 Dee, River (Aberdeenshire,
Decoding skills (Reading) Scotland) T2-4124
primary education 372.46 Deeds 346.043 8
Decolonization 325.3 Deep-freezing foods 664.028 53
Decolorizing carbons 662.93 commercial preservation 664.028 53
Decomposition home preservation 641.453
materials science 620.112 2 Deep sea biology 578.779
Decomposition method 518 Deep sea cods 597.63
Decompression sickness Deep-sea diving 627.72
medicine 616.989 4 Deep sea ecology 577.79
see also Environmental Deep-sea fishing 639.22
diseases humans commercial 639.22
Deconstruction sports 799.16
philosophy 149.97 Deep-sea hydrothermal vents
Decoration 745.4 biology 578.779 9
architecture 729 ecology 577.799
arts 745.4 Deer 599.65
automobile 629.262 agricultural pests 632.696 5
Decorations (Awards) 929.81 animal husbandry 636.294
armed forces 355.134 2 big game hunting 799.276 5
see also Military commercial hunting 639.116 5
commemorations conservation technology 639.979 65
numismatics 737.223 resource economics 333.959 65
Decorative arts 745 zoology 599.65
Decorative coloring 745.7 Deer Lodge County (Mont) T2~786 87
Decorative lettering 745.61 Deer mice 599.355
Decorative sculpture 731.72 Deerflies 595.773

Dewey Decimal Classification

Defamation 364.156 Deflections

ethics 177.3 structural analysis 624.171 4
see also Ethical problems Defluoridation
law 345.025 6 water supply engineering 628.166 3
criminal law 345.025 6 Defoid languages 496.33
torts 346.034 T6 963 3
Default 332.75 Deformation 531.38
Default logic 511.31 crystals 548.842
Defeasible logic 511.31 geology 551.8
Defecation materials science 620.112 3
human physiology 612.36 naval architecture 623.817 6
Defendants 347.052 physics 531.38
criminal law 345.05 structural analysis 624.176
Defense (Legal) 347.05 Deformities
criminal law 345.050 44 biology 571.976
Defense (Military operation) 355.4 human teratology 616.043
engineering 623.3 psychological influence 155.916
Defense (National security) 355.03 Degeneration (Pathology) 571.935
law 343.01 cytology 571.936
Defense administration 355.6 humans 616.07
Defense budgets 355.622 8 Deglutition disorders
specific jurisdictions 355.622 9 medicine 616.323
Defense contracts 355.621 2 see alw Digestive system
law 346.023 diseases humans
Defense departments 355.6 Dehumidification
Defense industries 338.473 55 chemical engineering 660.284 29
Defense mechanisms Dehumidifiers
(Psychology) 155.2 air conditioning
Defense of home territory 355.45 buildings 697.932 3
Defense operations 355.4 Dehydrated foods
Defenseless Mennonites 289.73 cooking 641.614
biography 289.709 2 Dehydrating foods 664.028 4
see alw Mennonite Church commercial preservation 664.028 4
Defiance County (Ohio) T2~771 14 home preservation 641.44
Defibrillation (Electric) Dehydrogenases 572.791
medicine 616.128 064 5 see also Enzymes
Deficiency budgets (Public) 352.48 Dehydrogenation
see also Budgets (Public) chemical engineering 660.284 43
Deficiency diseases Deinonychus 567.912
medicine 616.39 Deirochelys 597.925 9
see also Digestive system Deism 211.5
diseases ~ humans Deists 211.509 2
Definite integrals 515.43 Deities 202.11
Definitive Treaty of Peace see also Gods and goddesses
Between Great Britain and the Deixis 401.456
United States specific languages T4-014 56
United States history 973.317 Dekhockey 796.356 4
Definitive Treaty of Peace with DeKalb County (Ga.) T2-758 225
Spain, 1783 Dek.kan (India) T2~548

United States history 973.317 Del Norte County (Calif.) T2-79411

Defla (Algeria : Province) T2-653 Delagoa Bay 551.461 524
Deflagrating explosives 662.26 T2-~I65 24

Deflation (Economics) 332.41 Delareyville (South Africa :

District) T2~682 44

Relative Index

botany 583.34
floriculture 635.933 34
Delphinus 599.532
Delsberg (Switzerland) T2--494 362 4
Delsberg (Switzerland :
Bezirk) T2---494 362
Delta (B.C.) T2-711 33
Delta (Miss.: Region) T2-7624
Delta Amacuro (Venezuela) T2-8762
Delta County (Colo.) T2-788 18
Delta County (Mich.) T2-774 94
Delta County (Tex.) T2--764273
Delta State (Nigeria) T2-669 36
T2~749 Deltaplan (Netherlands)
engineering 627.549 094 92
T2--748 25 Deltas 551.456
324.5 T2-146
348.025 geography 910.9146
348.732 5 geomorphology 551.456
658.402 physical geography 910.021 46
352.283 Delusions 001.96
T2--494 362 4 Delyn (Wales) T2--429 33
Demai 296.123 1
T2--494 362 Mishnah 296.123 I
591.65 Palestinian Talmud 296.124 I
579.165 Demand
578.65 communications industry 384.041
581.65 forecasts 338.02
T2~-492 38 agricultural industries 338.17
738.37 production economics 338.02
secondary industries 338.47
T2-545 6 labor economics 331.123
346.03 microeconomics 338.521 2
natural resources 333.712
transportation services 388.049
T2-719 3 Demand deposits 332.175 22
371.782 Dematerialization (Spiritual ism) 133.92
364.36 Dementia
Tl-~086 923 medicine 616.83
305.906 92 see also Nervous system
Tl~~086 92 diseases - humans
371.93 Demerara-Mahaica Region
T2-752 1 (Guyana) T2-881 5
T2--752 1 Demineralization
T2-755 1 sewage treatment 628.358
water supply treatment 628.166 6
T2-682 77 Demmin (Germany :
T2--495 85 Landkreis) T2--431 72
T2-383 Demobilization (Military science) 355.29
599.542 Democracy 321.8
599.53 educational objective 370.115
Democracy is Freedom-Daisy
(Italian political party) 324.245 05

Decimal Classification

Democratic centralism 335.43 Demotic language (Egyptian) 493.1

economics 335.43 T6-931
political ideology 320.532 2 Demotic language (Modern 489.3
Democratic government 321.8 Greek) T6~89

Democratic Labor Party Demotic literature (Modem

(Australia) 324.294 06 Greek) 889
Democratic Party (Italy) 324.245 06 Demotion
Democratic Party (U.S.) 324.273 6 armed forces 355.112
Democratic Party of the Left personnel management 658.314 4
(Italy) 324.245 07 public administration 352.66
Democratic Republic of East Demythologizing (Bible) 220.68
Timor 959.870 4 Denali Borough (Alaska) T2~798 6

Democratic Republic of the 967.51 Denali National Park and

Congo T2~75 1 Preserve (Alaska) T2~798 3

Democratic-Republican Party Denationalization 338.925

(U.S.) 324.273 6 Denbigh (Wales) T2~2937

Democratic socialism 335.5 Denbighshire (Wales) T2--429 37

economics 335.5 Dendritic cells
political ideology 320.531 5 human immunology 616.079
Democratici di sinistra (Italian Dendrobatidae 597.877
political party) 324.245 07 Dendrobiums 584.4
Democrats of the Left (Italian floriculture 635.934 4
political party) 324.245 07 Dendrochirotacea 593.96
Democrazia cristiana (Italian Dendrocolaptidae 598.822
political party) 324.245 082 2 Dendrologists 582.160 92
Democrazia e liberta-La Dendrology 582.16
Margherita (Italian political Dengue
party) 324.245 05 incidence 614.588 52
Democritean philosophy 182.7 medicine 616.918 52
Demodulation see also Communicable
electronics 621.381 536 diseases humans
Demodulators Dengue hemorrhagic fever
electronic circuits 621.381 536 incidence 614.588 52
Demographic anthropology 304.6 medicine 616.918 52
Demography 304.6 see also Communicable
Demolition (Military) 623.27 diseases humans
Demolition charges Denial
military engineering 623.454 5 epistemology 121.5
Demolition operations (Military) 358.23 Denial of justice 364.134
underwater 359.984 law 345.023 4
Demoniac possession 133.426 Denial of rights 364.132 2
occultism 133.426 law 345.023 22
religion 204.2 government liability 342.088
Demonology 133.42 public administration 353.46
202.16 Denis-Riverin (Quebec) T2~714 791
133.42 Denizli iii (Turkey) T2~562 7
religion 202.16 ancient T2~3924

Christianity 235.4 Denjoy integrals 515.43

Demonstrations (Political Denman Island (B.C. :
protests) Island) T2~7112

public safety 363.323 Denmark 948.9

Demonstrative evidence 347.064 T2--489
Demospongiae 593.46 ancient 936.89
paleozoology 563.4 T2~3689

Relative Index

Denmark Strait 551.461 324 D'Entrecasteaux Islands

T2-163 24 (Papua New Guinea) T2-954 1
Denominations 209 Dentures
Christianity 280 dentistry 617.692
Judaism 296.8 Denver (Colo.) T2~·788 83
see Manual at 201-209 and Denver County (Colo.) T2-788 83
292-299 Deodorants
Dens pharmacokinetics 615.778
home economics 643.58 Deodorization
Density 531.14 sewers 628.23
gas mechanics 533.15 Deontic logic 511.314
liquid mechanics 532.4 Deontology
solid mechanics 531.54 ethical systems 171.2
Density pumps 621.699 Deoxyribonucleic acid 572.86
Dent County (Mo.) T2-778 86 humans 611.018 166
Dental assistants Department heads
law 344.041 3 executive management 658.43
role and function 617.602 33 public administration 352.293
Dental care see Manual at 352-354
dentistry 617.6. Department stores 381.141
social services 362.197 6 management 658.871
Dental diseases 573.356 39 see also Commerce
see also Tooth diseases Departments (Organizational
Dental enamel units)
dentistry 617.634 management 658.402
Dental hygiene 617.601 public administration 351
Dental implantation Departments (Territorial units) 320.83
dentistry 617.693 see also Counties
Dental implants Departments of agriculture 354.5
dentistry 617.693 Departments of commerce 354.73
Dental insurance 368.382 3 Departments of defense 355.6
Dental pulp Departments of education 353.8
dentistry 617.634 2 Departments of energy 354.4
Dental pulp diseases Departments of foreign affairs 353.13
dentistry 617.634 2 Departments ofhealth 353.6
Dental restoration 617.69 Departments ofhousing 353.55
Dental surgery 617.605 Departments of interior 353.3
Dental technicians Departments of justice 353.4
law 344.041 3 Departments of labor 354.9
role and function 617.602 33 Departments of natural resources 354.3
Dentin Departments of state 351
dentistry 617.634 Departments of transportation 354.76
Dentinal material products 679.4 Departments of treasury 352.4
Dentistry 617.6 Dependence
anesthesiology 617.967 6 personality trait 155.232
law 344.041 3 Dependency grammar 415.018 4
pediatrics 617.645 specific languages T4--501 84
Dentists 617.609 2 Dependent children
law 344.041 3 social welfare 362.713
role and function 617.602 32 Dependent personality disorder
Dentition disorders medicine 616.858 1
dentistry 617.643 see also Mental disorders
incidence 614.599 6 Dependent states 321.08
Denton County (Tex.) T2--764 555 see also Semisovereign states

Dewey Decimal Class(fication

Depletion allowance 336.243 16 Derivatives (Speculation) 332.645 7

tax law 343.052 34 multiple forms of investment 332.645 7
Deportation 364.68 securities 332.632
law 342.082 Derived spaces 514.32
penology 364.68 Dermaptera 595.739
Deposit insurance 368.854 Dermatemydidae 597.926
Deposition (Geology) 551.303 Dermatitis
Depository libraries medicine 616.51
acquisitions 025.26 see also Skin diseases ~
government relations 021.8 humans
Deposits (Bank) 332.175 2 Dermatoglyphics 599.945
government guaranty 368.854 Dermatology 616.5
public revenues 336.15 Dermatomycoses
Depreciation humans
accounting 657.73 incidence 614.595 79
tax law 343.052 34 medicine 616.579
Depressant abuse 362.299 see also Skin diseases-
medicine 616.86 humans
personal health 613.8 Dermestoidea 595.763
social welfare 362.299 Dermochelyidae 597.928 9
see also Substance abuse Dermoptera 599.33
Depression (Mental state) 362.25 paleozoology 569.33
medicine 616.852 7 Derricks 621.873
social weltare 362.25 Derry (Northern Ireland) T2-416 21
see also Mental disorders Derry (Northern Ireland :
Depressions (Economics) County) T2-416 2
economic cycles 338.542 Derwent, River (Derbyshire,
Depressions (Physiography) 551.44 England) T2-425 1
T2-~144 Derwent, River (Yorkshire,
geography 910.914 4 England) T2-428 4
geomorphology 551.44 Derwentside (England) T2-428 68
physical geography 910.02144 Des Moines (Iowa) T2~777 58
Depressive disorder Des Moines County (Iowa) T2-77796
medicine 616.852 7 Des Moines River (Minn.
see also Mental disorders and Iowa) T2~777
Depressive psychoses Des Plaines River (Wis. and
medicine 616.895 Ill.) T2~773 2
see also Mental disorders Desai, Morarji Ranchodji
Deputy chief executives Indian history 954.052
executive management 658.42 Desalinization 628.167
law 342.062 Descant recorders 788.364
public administration 352.239 see also \Voodwind instmments
Deputy heads of departments Descant viols 787.62
executive management 658.43 see also Stringed instruments
public administration 352.293 Descendants Tl ~085 4
Dera Ismail Khan family relationships 306.874
(Pakistan : District) T2-549 124 Descent into hell of Jesus Christ 232.967
Derby (England) T2-425 17 Deschutes County (Or.) T2~795 87
Derbyshire (England) T2-4251 Deschutes River (Or.) T2~795 62
Derbyshire Dales (England) T2-425 13
Derivation (Morphology) 415.92
speclllclanguages T4~592
Derivational morphology 415.92
specific languages T4-592

Relative Index

808.802 2 Iraq War, 2003- 956.704 438
history and criticism 809.922 lraqi~Iranian Conflict 955.054 28
specific literatures T3B--080 22 Korean War 951.904 28
history and Mexican War 973.628
criticism T3B~0922 Napoleonic Wars 940.278
Description (Archives) 025.341 4 Persian GulfWar, 1991 956.704 428
Description logics South African War 968.048 8
computer science 006.332 Spanish-American War 973.898
Descriptive bibliography 010.42 Thirty Years' War 940.248
Descriptive biology 578 Vietnamese War 959.704 38
animals 590 War ofthe Pacific 983.061 68
microorganisms 579 World War I 940.48
plants 580 World War II 940.548
see Manual at 578 vs. 304.2, Desertification 333.736
508,910 geomorphology 551.415
Descriptive cataloging 025.32 Desertion (Domestic relations) 306.88
Descriptive geometry 516.6 Desertion (Military) 355.133 4
applied 604.201 516 6 Jaw 343.014
Descriptive government 320.4 see also Deserters
Descriptive linguistics 410 Deserts 551.415
see Manual at 41 0 T2-154
Descriptive metadata biology 578.754
information science 025.3 ecology 577.54
Descriptive research 001.433 see also Arid lands
Tl--072 3 Desha County (Ark.) T2-767 85
public administrative support 352.75 Design
see Manual at arts 745.4
Tl-07201-07209 automotive 629.231
vs. Tl-0721; also at engineering 620.004 2
Tl-·07201-07209 VS. philosophy 124
Tl---0722-0724 primary education 372.52
Descriptive statistics 519.53 road engineering 625.725
Descriptors (Terms) 025.47 structural engineering 624.177 I
Desegregation in education 379.263 Design anthropometry 620.82
Desert biology 578.754 Design protection 346.048 4
Desert ecology 577.54 Designer drugs 362.299
Desert plants 581.754 medicine 616.86
floriculture 635.952 5 personal health 613.8
Desert Storm, Operation, 1991 956.704 424 social welfare 362.299
Desert tactics 355.423 see also Substance abuse
Deserters 355.133 4 Designs
Algerian Revolution 965.046 8 diagrammatic works Tl--022 3
American Revolution 973.38 pictorial works Tl--022 2
Chaco War 989.207 168 textiles 677.022
Civil War (England) 942.062 8 Desirade (Guadeloupe) T2-729 76
Civil War (Spain) 946.081 8 Desjardins (Quebec) T2-7l4 59
Civil War (United States) 973.78 Desks
Crimean War 947.073 88 decorative arts 749.3
Falkland Islands War 997.110 248 household management 645.4
Franco-German War 943.082 8 manufacturing technology 684.14
Hundred Years' War 944.025 8 Desktop publishing
Indo-Pakistan War, 1971 954.920 518 composition 686.225 444 16
Indochinese War 959.704 18 computer software 005.52

Dewey Decimal Classification

Desktop typesetting 686.225 444 16 Detective stories 808.838 72

Desmidiaceae 579.837 history and criticism 809.387 2
Desmids 579.837 specific literatures T3B-308 72
Desmophyceae 579.87 individual authors T3A-3
Desmostylia 569.5 Detectives 363.250 92
Desolation Sound Provincial Detectors (Demodulators) 621.381 536
Marine Park (B.C.) T2-71 1 31 Detectors (Sensors)
Despotism 321.9 manufacturing technology 681.2
Dessau (Germany : Detention 365
Regierungsbezirk) T2-~431 86 Detention homes 365.34
Desserts 641.86 see also Penal institutions
Destiny Detergents 668.14
philosophy 123 Deterioration
religion 202.2 materials science 620.112 2
Christianity 234.9 Determinants 512.943 2
Destitute people 305.569 Determinative mineralogy 549.1
Tl~-086 942 Determinism 123
see also Poor people literature 808.801 2
Destroyer escorts 359.835 4 history and criticism 809.912
design 623.81254 specific literatures T3B-080 12
engineering 623.825 4 history and
naval equipment 359.835 4 criticism T3B--()91 2
naval units 359.325 4 Deterministic systems 003.7
Destroyers 359.835 4 Deterrence (Nuclear strategy) 355.021 7
design 623.812 54 Detmold (Germany:
engineering 623.825 4 Regierungsbezirk) T2----435 65
naval equipment 359.835 4 Detonators 662.4
naval units 359.325 4 military engineering 623.454 2
Destruction of universe 523.19 Detroit (Mich.) T2~77434
Destructors Detroit River (Mich. and
military engineering 623.454 5 Ont.) T2-774 33
Desulfurization Deuel County (Neb.) T2~-782 913
coal technology 662.623 Deuel County (S.D.) T2-783 25
Detail drawings Deuterium 546.212
construction 692.2 see alw Chemicals
Detail finishing Deuterium oxide
buildings 698 chemical engineering 661.08
Detailing automobiles 629.287 chemistry 546.22
Detection Deuteromycetes 579.55
electronics 621.381 536 Deuteromycotina 579.55
Detection of crime 363.25 Deuteronomy (Bible) 222.15
see also Criminal investigation Deuterons 539.723 2
Detection of particles 539.77 Deutsche Kommunistische Partei 324.243 075
Detection of radioactivity 539.77 Deutsche Nationalsozialistische
Detective films 791.436 556 Arbeiterpartei (Austria) 324.243 602 38
Detective plays Deutsche Volksunion (Political
literature 808.825 27 party) 324.243 03
history and criticism 809.252 7 Deutsche Zentmmspartei 324.243 025
specific literatures T3B-205 27 Deutscher Bund 943.07
individual authors T3A-2 Deutzias 635.933 72
Detective programs 791.446 556 botany 583.72
radio 791.446 556 floriculture 635.933 72
television 791.456 556

Relative Index

Deux-Montagnes (Quebec : Developmentally disabled

Regional County workers 331.595
Municipality) T2-714 252 Deveron, River (Scotland) T2-4124
Deux-Sevres (France) T2-446 2 Deviation (Social) 302.542
Devaluation of currency 332.414 2 Device drivers 005.71
Devanagari alphabet 491.1 programming 005.711
Developable surfaces 516.362 programs 005.713
Developed regions T2-172 2 Devil 202.16
Developing (Photography) 771.44 art representation 704.948 7
negatives 771.43 arts 700.482 021 6
positives (photographs) 771.44 T3C-382 021 6
Developing apparatus Christianity 235.4
photography 771.44 Islam 297.216
Developing regions T2-l724 Judaism 296.316
Developing solutions literature 808.803 820 216
photography 771.54 history and criticism 809.933 820 216
Development specific literatures T3B-080 382 021 6
biology 571.8 history and
see also Developmental criticism T3B--093 820 216
biology occultism 133.422
economics 338.9 Devil worship 202.16
natural resources 333.715 occultism 133.422
sociology 303.44 Devolution, War of, 1667-1668 944.033
Development banks 332.153 Devon (England) T2-423 5
domestic 332.28 Devon cattle 636.226
international 332.153 Devonian period 551.74
Developmental abnormalities 571.938 geology 551.74
Developmental biology 571.8 paleontology 560.174
humans 612.6 Devonport (Tas.) T2~-946 5
microorganisms 571.842 9 Devotional calendars 242.2
Developmental disabilities 571.938 Devotional literature 204.32
medicine 616.858 8 Buddhism 294.344 32
nursing 616.858 802 31 Christianity 242
pediatrics 618.928 588 Hinduism 294.543 2
Developmental disorders 571.938 Islam 297.382
see also Developmental Sufi 297.438 2
disabilities Judaism 296.72
Developmental genetics 571.85 Devotional theology 204
Developmental immunology 571.963 8 Buddhism 294.344
Developmental linguistics 401.93 Christianity 240
T4--019 Hinduism 294.54
Developmental psychology 155 Islam 297.57
comparative psychology 156.5 Sufi 297.4
see Manual at 155 Judaism 296.7
Developmental reading 418.4 Dew 551.574 4
specific languages T4~-843 Dew points 536.44
Developmentally disabled people 305.908 5 Dewberries 641.347 17
Tl-087 5 botany 583.73
education 371.92 cooking 641.647 17
social group 305.908 5 food 641.347 17
social services 362.196 8 horticulture 634.717
mental retardation 362.3 Dewdney-Alouette (B. C) T2~~711 37
physical illness 362.!96 8 Dewetsdorp (South Africa:
District) T2-685 6

Decimal Classification

Dewey County (Okla.) T2~766 18 Diabetic nephropathies

Dewey County (S.D.) T2~783 54 medicine 616.61
Dewey Decimal Classification 025.431 see also Urologic diseases~­
Dewey shorthand system humans
1936 653.428 Diabrotica 595.764 8
Dexter cattle 636.225 agricultural pests 632.764 8
Dextrans 572.566 Diachronic linguistics 417.7
specific languages T4~7
see also Carbohydrates
Dextrose 572.565 see Manual at 410
see also Carbohydrates Diagenesis 552.03
Dhaka (Bangladesh : Diagnosis
Division) T2~54922 medicine 616.075
Dhammapada 294.382 322 Diagnostic cytology
Dharma medicine 616.075 82
Hinduism 294.548 Diagnostic equipment
Dharmasastras 294.592 6 manufacturing technology 681.761
Dhegiha languages 497.525 Diagnostic graphology 155.282
T6-975 25 criminal investigation 363.256 5
Dhi Qiir (Iraq: Province) T2~567 5 personnel selection 658.311 2
Dhole 599.77 Diagnostic imaging
Diabetes 362.196 462 medicine 616.075 4
medicine 616.462 Diagnostic magnetic resonance
pregnancy complications imaging
obstetrics 618.364 6 medicine 616.075 48
social services 362.196 462 Diagnostic radiology 616.075 7
see also Endocrine diseases Diagnostic services 362.177
humans see also Health services
Diabetes insipidus Diagnostic tests
medicine 616.47 primary education
see also Endocrine reading 372.486
diseases humans Diagnostic ultrasound
Diabetes mellitus 362.196 462 medicine 616.075 43
cooking for 641.563 14 Diagrams T1 ~022 3
medicine 616.462 see Manual at T 1~0222 vs.
pediatrics 618.924 62 Tl~0223

pregnancy complications Dial-a-message telephone calls 384.646

obstetrics 618.364 6 see also Telephone
social services 362.196 462 Dialectical materialism 146.32
see also Endocrine diseases ~ Marxian theory 335.411 2
humans philosophy 146.32
Diabetes mellitus (Type 1) 362.196462 2 Dialecticianism (Chinese
medicine 616.462 2 philosophy) 181.115
pregnancy complications Dialectology 417.2
obstetrics 618.364 6 specific languages T4-7
social services 362.196 462 2 Dialects 417.2
see also Endocrine diseases~ specific languages T4-7
humans see Manual atT4-I-5,
Diabetes mellitus (Type 2) 362.196 462 4 T4~8 vs. T4-7; also at

medicine 616.462 4 T4--7; also at 420-490

pregnancy complications Dialing systems
obstetrics 618.364 6 telephone communications
social services 362.196 462 4 services 384.65
see also Endocrine diseases wireless 384.535

Relative Index

Dialogue Diathermy
literature 808.802 6 therapeutics 615.8323
history and criticism 809.926 Diatomaceous earth 553.6
specific literatures T3B~·080 26 economic geology 553.6
history and mining 622.36
criticism T3B-092 6 petrology 552.5
Dialysis Diatoms 579.85
chemistry 542.6 Diatonic ism 781.262
Diamagnetism 538.42 Diatrymifonnes 568.3
Diamond-backed terrapin 597.925 9 Diaz, Porfirio
Diamonds 553.82 Mexican history 972.081 4
economic geology 553.82 Diaz Ordaz, Gustavo
glyptics 736.23 Mexican history 972.083 1
jewelry 739.27 Diazepam
mineralogy 549.27 pharmacokinetics 615.788 2
mining 622.382 Diazines 547.593
synthetic 666.88 chemical engineering 661.894
see also Industrial diamonds Diazotization 547.27
Dianetics 299.936 chemical engineering 660.284 4
Diapause 571.785 Diazotype processes 773.7
Diapensiales 583.67 Dibamidae 597.952
Diaphragm (Body part) 573.26 Dice games 795.1
biology 573.26 Dichapetalaceae 583.69
human anatomy 611.26 Dichondras 583.94
human physiology 612.25 Dickens County (Tex.) T2-764 741
medicine 616.2 Dickenson County (Va.) T2-755 745
surgery 617.547 Dickey County (N.D.) T2-784 54
see also Respiratory system Dickinson County (Iowa) T2-777 123
Diaphragms (Birth control) Dickinson County (Kan.) T2-781 56
health 613.943 5 Dickinson County (Mich.) T2-774 955
medicine 618.185 Dickson County (Tenn.) T2-768 44
see also Birth control Dicotyledons 583
Diaporthales 579.567 forestry 634.972
Diapsida 567.9 paleobotany 561.3
Diaries 920 see Manual at 583-584
Tl-092 Dictation (Office practice) 65 I .74
biography 920 shorthand 653.14
literature 808.883 Dictators 321.9
history and criticism 809.983 public administration 352.23
specific literatures T3B-803 Dictatorship 321.9
individual authors T3A-8 Diction 418
Diarrhea applied linguistics 418
incidence 614.593 427 specific languages T4-81
medicine 616.342 7 rhetoric 808
see aLso Digestive system Dictionaries 413
diseases humans specific languages T4--3
Diaspora (Jewish history) 909.049 24 see Manual at T4-3 vs.
Diaspore T4~-81
mineralogy 549.525 specific subjects Tl-03
Diaspore clay 553.61 Dictionary catalogs 025.315
see also Clay bibliography 017
Diastrophism 551.8 library science 025.315
Diatessaron 226.1 Dictyoptera 595.728

Decimal Class~fication

Didactic poetry 808.815 Diet therapy

history and criticism 809.15 medicine 615.854
specific literatures T3B-105 Dietary laws
individual authors T3A-1 Islam 297.576
Didelphidae 599.276 Judaism 296.73
Didjeridu 783.99 Dietary limitations
Dido language 499.964 cooking for 641.563
T6-999 64 religion 204.46
Didymelales 583.43 Hinduism 294.544 6
Die casting 671.253 Judaism 296.73
Diefenbaker, John G. Dietary
Canadian history 971.064 2 health 613.26
Diefenbaker, Lake (Sask.) T2-712 42 Dietetic salts
Dieffenbachias 635.934 64 food technology 664.4
botany 584.64 Dietetics 613.2
floriculture 635.934 64 prenatal care
Dieguefio Indians T5-975 72 obstetrics 618.242
Dielectric materials see Manual at 363.8 vs. 613.2,
materials science 620.195 641.3
Dielectrics 537.24 Dietikon (Switzerland :
crystals 548.85 Bezirk) T2~945722
Dielsdorf (Switzerland : Dieting (Weight loss)
Bezirk) T2~945723 health 613.25
Di~n Bien (Vietnam : Difaqane 968.041
Province) T2-597 1 Difference algebras 512.56
Diencephalon Difference equations 515.625
human anatomy 611.81 Differentiable dynamical systems 515.39
human physiology 612.826 2 Differentiable manifolds 516.36
medicine 616.8 Differentiable mappings 514.72
Dies (Tools) 621.984 Differential algebras 512.56
Diesel-electric locomotives 385.366 2 Differential calculus 515.33
engineering 625.266 2 Differential diagnosis
transportation services 385.366 2 medicine 616.075
see also Rolling stock Differential-difference equations 515.38
Diesel engines 621.436 Differential equations 515.35
automotive 629.250 6 Differential forms 515.37
ships 623.872 36 Differential games 519.32
Diesel fuel 665.538 4 Differential gear 621.833
Diesel-hydraulic locomotives 385.366 4 automotive engineering 629.245
engineering 625.266 4 Differential geometry 516.36
transportation services 385.366 4 Differential inequalities 515.36
see also Rolling stock Differential invariants 515.37
Diesel locomotives 385.366 Differential operators 515.724 2
engineering 625.266 Differential psychology 155
transportation services 385.366 comparative psychology 156.5
see also Rolling stock education 370.151
Diesel submarines 359.938 32 see lvfanual at 155
design 623.812 572 Differential topology 514.72
engineering 623.825 72 Differentiated teacher staffing 371.141 23
naval equipment 359.938 32 Diffraction crystallography 548.83
Diet Diffraction of light 535.42
health 613.2 Diffuse nebulas 523.113 5
primary education 372.373
Diet cooking 641.563

Relative Index

530.475 system
analytical chemistty 543.2 humans (continued)
chemical engineering 660.294 pediatrics 618.923
chemistry 541.34 pharmacokinetics 615.73
gaseous-state physics 530.435 social services 362.196 3
liquid-state physics 530.425 surgery 617.43
physics 530.475 Digests Tl-0202
semiconductors 537.622 5 Digests of cases 348.046
solid-state physics 530.415 United States 348.734 6
Diffusion coating Digests of laws 348.026
metals 671.736 United States 348.732 6
Diffusion processes Digital art 776
(Mathematics) 519.233 see Manual at 776 vs. 006.5~. 7
Diffusion welding 671.529 Digital audio technology
Digambara (Jainism) 294.493 computer science 006.5
Digby (N.S. : County) T2-716 32 sound reproduction 621.389 3
Digenea 592.48 Digital cameras 771.3
Digestion 573.3 Digital cinematography 777
human physiology 612.3 Digital circuits 621.381 5
see also Digestive system computer engineering 621.395
Digestive organs 573.3 Digital codes (Computers) 005.72
human physiology 612.3 Digital communications 384
see also Digestive system communications services 384
Digestive secretions 573.337 9 computer science 004.6
Digestive system 573.3 engineering 621.382
biology 573.3 see Manual at 004.6 vs.
diseases 573.339 621.382, 621.3981
see also Digestive system Digital computers 004
diseases see also Computers
human anatomy 611.3 Digital images 740
human histology 612.304 5 photography 779
human physiology 612.3 Digital instruments
medicine 616.3 technology 681.1
surgery 617.43 Digital libraries 025.042
Digestive system diseases 573.339 Digital literacy
anesthesiology 617.96743 primary education 372.34
animals 573.339 Digital media 302.231
veterinary medicine 636.089 63 advertising 659.144
humans 362.1963 sociology 302.231
allergies 362.196 975 Digital photography 770
incidence 614.599 35 Digital preservation 025.84
medicine 616.975 office records 651.59
pediatrics 618.929 75 Digital publications 070.579 7
social services 362.196 975 bibliographies 011.39
anesthesiology 617.967 43 Digital rights management
specific organs 617.967 55 computer science 005.8
cancer 362.196 994 3 Digital signatures
incidence 614.599 943 computer science 005.82
medicine 616.994 3 Digital subscriber lines 621.387 8
social services 362.196 994 3 Digital television 621.388 07
see also Cancer - humans Digital-to-analog converters
geriatrics 618.9763 computer engineering 621.398 14
incidence 614.593 computer science 004.64
medicine 616.3 electronic engineering 621.381 59

Dewey Decimal Classification

Digital video effects 777.9 Dine literature 897.26

Digital video technology Dinefwr (Wales) T2---429 65
computer science 006.696 Diners (Restaurants) 647.95
Digital videography 777 see also Eating places
Digitalis Dingaan, King of the Zulus
pharmacokinetics 615.711 KwaZulu-Natal history 968.404 I
Digitization Dingo 599.772
office records 651.59 predator control technology 636.083 9
Digitizer tablets 006.62 cars 385.33
computer engineering 621.399 6 engineering 625.23
Dignity oflabor 331.013 see also Rolling stock
Digraphs 511.54 Dining halls
Dihydroxy aromatics 547.633 architecture 727.38
Dijon (France) T2---444 26 Dining rooms 643.4
Dik-diks 599.646 home economics 643.4
Dika 583.79 interior decoration 747.76
Dikes (Geology) 551.88 Dinka (African people) T5-965
Dikes (Levees) 627.42 Dinka language 496.5
reclamation from sea 627.549 T6-965
road engineering 625.734 Dinners 642
Dilation cooking 641.54
heart light meals 641.53
human physiology 612.171 main meals 641.54
Dilation and curettage customs 394.125 3
surgery 618.145 8 light meals 394.125 3
Dill 641.338 2 main meals 394.125 4
botany 583.849 Dinnerware 642.7
see also Flavorings see also Tableware
Dilleniales 583.62 Dinocerata 569.62
Dilleniidae 583.6 Dinoflagellates 579.87
Dillon County (S.C.) T2-757 85 Dinophyceae 579.87
Diluents 661.807 Dinomithiformes 598.54
paint technology 667.624 paleozoology 568.5
Dimashq (Syria : Province) T2-569 14 Dinosaur National
Dimbovita (Romania : Monument (Colo. and
Jude!) T2 498 2 Utah) T2 788 12
Dimension stock lumber 674.28 Dinosaurs 567.9
Dimensional analysis 530.8 Dinwiddie County (Va.) T2-755 582
Dimensioning Dioceses
technical drawing 604.243 Christian ecclesiology 262.3
Dimensions 530.81 Diodes
physics 530.81 semiconductor 621.381 522
standardization 389.62 Diola (African people) T5-963 2
Diminishing marginal retums 338.512 Diola langnage 496.32
Diminishing marginal utility 338.521 2 T6-963 2
Dimmit County (Tex.) T2-764 455 Diomedeidae 598.42
Dimorphism Diophantine analysis 512.74
crystallography 548.3 Diophantine approximations 512.73
Dimouts Diophantine equations 512.72
military engineering 623.77 Diopsidae 595.774
Dinagat (Philippines) T2-599 7 Dioramas 745.8
Dine Indians T5-972 6 decorative arts 745.8
Dine language 497.26 painting 751.74

Relative Index

Diori, Hamani
Nigerien (Niger) history 966.260 51 South African War 968.048 2
552.3 Spanish-American War 973.892
Dioscoreaceae 584.357 Thirty Years' War 940.242
Vietnamese War 959.70432
. Diouf, Abdou
Senegalese history 966.305 I Warof1812 973.522
Dioula (African people) TS-963 45 War of the Pacific 983.061 62
Dioula language 496.345 World War I 940.32
T6~963 45 World Warii 940.532
Diourbel (Senegal :Region) T2-663 Diplomatic immunities 327.2
law of nations 341.33
human toxicology 615.9512 Diplomatic languages 401.3
Diphenyl hydrocarbons 547.613 Diplomatic law 342.0412
chemical engineering 661.816 law of nations 341.33
Diphenylmethane dyes 667.254 Diplomatic privileges 327.2
Diphtheria law of nations 341.33
incidence 614.5123 Diplomatic service 327.2
medicine 616.931 3 public administration 353.132 63
see also Communicable Diplomats 327.209 2
diseases- humans Diplopia
Diphthongs (Phonology) 414.6 ophthalmology 617.762
specific languages T4-16 see also Eye diseases
Diplodocus 567.913 humans
Diplomacy 327.2 Diplopoda 595.66
customs 399 Diplura 595.724
law of nations 341.33 Dipnoi 597.39
Diplomas 371.291 2 paleozoology 567.39
prints 769.5 Dipodomys 599.359 87
Diplomatic causes of war 355.027 2 Dipole moments 537.243
World War I 940.311 2 Dipped latex 678.533
World Warli 940.531 12 Dipped rubber 678.36
Diplomatic customs 399 Dippers (Birds) 598.832
Diplomatic history 327.09 Dipperu National Park
Algerian Revolution 965.046 2 (Qld.) T2-943 5
American Revolution 973.32 Dipping animals 636.083 3
Chaco War 989.207 162 Dipping latex 678.527
Civil War (England) 942.062 2 Diprotodontia 599.2
Civil War (Spain) 946.081 2 Dips (Appetizers) 641.812
Civil War (United States) 973.72 Dips (Geology) 551.85
Confederate States of Dipsacales 583.92
America 973.721 Diptera 595.77
United States 973.722 Dipterocarpaceae 583.624
Crimean War 947.073 82 DTr District (Pakistan) T2-549 122
Falkland Islands War 997.110 242 Dirayah 297.1252
Franco-German War 943.082 2 Dire Dawa (Ethiopia :
Hundred Years' War 944.025 2 Administrative region) T2-632
Indo-Pakistan War, I 971 954.920 512 Dire Dawa na Tsa na
Indochinese War 959.704 12 Gurgura Awraja
Iraq War, 2003- 956.704432 (Ethiopia) T2-632
Iraqi-Iranian Conflict 955.054 22 Direct advertising 659.133
Korean War 951.904 22 Direct broadcast satellite systems 384.552
Mexican War 973.622 Direct-current machinery 621.313 2
Napoleonic Wars 940.272 Direct-current transmission 621.31912
Persian GulfWar, !991 956.704 422

Dewey Decimal Classification

Direct distance dialing 384.64 Directors of corporations

communications services 384.64 executive management 658.422
engineering 621.385 7 law 346.066 42
Direct-driven hoists Directors of religious education 207.509 2
mining 622.67 biography 207.509 2
Direct energy conversion Christianity 268.092
electrical engineering 621.3124 biography 268.092
Direct-fluid-pressure see Manual at 230~280
displacement pumps 621.699 role and function 268.3
Direct-mail advertising 659.133 Judaism 296.680 92
Direct-mail marketing 381.142 biography 296.680 92
management 658.872 role and function 296.68
Direct marketing 381.1 Directory (France) 944.045
management 658.872 Directory advertising 659.132
Direct-metal sculpture 731.41 Dirichlet problem 515.353
Direct-positive processes Dirichlet series 515.243
photography 772.1 Dirigibles 387.732 4
Direct processes engineering 629.133 24
color photography 778.63 military engineering 623.743
Direct selling 381.1 piloting 629.132 522
management 658.872 transportation services 387.732 4
Direct taxation 336.294 see also Aircraft
Direct-to-DVD motion pictures 791.43 Diriku language 496.399
Direct-to-video motion pictures 791.43 T6-963 99
Directed graphs 511.54 Dirks 623.441
Directed lighting 621.321 4 art metalwork 739.72
Direction (Drama) 792.023 3 military engineering 623.441
motion pictures 791.430 233 Dirouilles (Channel Islands) T2-42349
radio 791.440 233 Dirt roads 388.12
stage 792.023 3 engineering 625.74
television 791.450 233 Disability
Direction finders arts T3C-3561
aircraft engineering 629.135 I literature 808.803 561
radio engineering 621.384 191 history and criticism 809.933 561
Direction finding 629.045 specific literatures T3B-080 356 1
air navigation 629.132 51 history and
marine navigation 623.893 criticism T3B-093 561
radio engineering 621.384 191 psychological influence 155.916
Directional derivatives 515.33 social welfare 362.4
geometry 516.36 Disability (Law) 346.013
Directional gyros Disability evaluation
aircraft 629.135 2 medicine 616.075
Directories Tl-025 Disability income insurance 368.386
bibliographies 011.7 law 346.086 386
see Manual atT1-025 vs. workers' compensation 344.021
T1-029; also at TI-025 Disability insurance 368.382
vs. T1-0601~0609 Disabled American Veterans 369.1863
Directors (Drama) 792.023 309 2 Disabled children 305.908 083
motion pictures 791.430 233 092 Tl-087
radio 791.440 233 092 home care 649.151
stage 792.023 309 2 psychology 155.45
television 791.450 233 092 Disabled people 305.908
see Manual at 780.92 and Tl- 087
791.092 architecture for 720.87


Relative Index

Disabled people (continued) Disarmament (continued)

civil and human 323.3 social theology 201.727 3
clothing Christianity 261.87
home sewing 646.401 Judaism 296.382 7
collected biography Tl-092 7 Disassembling tools 621.93
education 371.9 Disaster insurance 368.122
law 344.079 11 Disaster nursing 610.734 9
footwear for Disaster preparedness
manufacturing technology 685.38 library operations 025.82
government programs 353.539 Disaster relief 363.348
Holocaust, 1933-1945 940.531 808 7 law 344.053 48
home care 649.8 public administration 353.95
institutional buildings Disaster teclmology 628.92
architecture 725.54 Disasters 904
legal status 346.Ql3 law 344.053 4
private law 346.013 management of enterprises 658.477
libraries for 027.663 personal safety 613.69
administration 025.197 663 psychology 155.935
collection development 025.218 766 3 social effects 303.485
museum services 069.17 social services 363.34
pastoral care public administration 353.95
Christianity 259.44 see Manual at 900
publications for Discarding
bibliographies 011.63 library collections 025.216
reviews 028.163 museo1ogy 069.51
recreation 790.196 Discharge (Military personnel) 355.114
indoor 793.0196 Discharged offenders 364.8
outdoor 796.087 labor economics 331.51
social group 305.908 Disciples of Christ 286.63
social welfare 362.4 see also Restoration movement
public administration (Christian movement)
health services 353.66 Discipline
sports 796.087 armed forces 355.13
see Manual at 796.08 vs. law 343.014
796.04 education 371.5
see Afanual at 362.1 A vs. 610 home child care 649.64
Disabled veterans 362.408 697 labor economics 331.259 8
legal status 343.011 6 labor unions 331.873
social welfare 362.408 697 legislators 328.366
Disabled workers 331.59 personnel management 658.314
economics 331.59 public administration 352.66
govemment programs 354.908 7 law 342.068 4
law 344.015 9 prisons 365.643
personnel management 658.300 87 Disco dancing 793.33
Disarmament 327.174 Discoglossoidea 597.86
ethics 172.4 Discographies 011.38
religion 205.624 music 016.780 266
Christianity 241.624 Discomycetes 579.57
see also Political ethics Discount 332.84
international politics 327.174 Discount brokers 332.62
law 341.733 Discount clubs 381.149
management 658.879

Dewey Decimal Classification

Discount rates 332.84 Discrimination learning

economics 332.84 psychology 153.152 8
central 332.113 Discs (Recording devices) 621.382 34
macroeconomic policy 339.53 sound reproduction 621.389 32
Discount stores 381.149 television 384.558
management 658.879 see also Video recordings
see also Commerce Discus fishes 597.74
Discounts culture 639.377 4
sales promotion 658.82 Discus throwing 796.435
Discourse analysis Tl-0141 Discussion
linguistics 401.41 public
language for special literature 808.853
purposes 401.47 specific literatures T3B-503
specific languages T4-014 7 individual
specific languages T4-014 I authors T3A-5
Discoveries in geography 910.9 rhetoric 808.53
see Manual at913-919 teaching method 371.37
Discoveries in natural history 508 Discussion groups
Discoveries in science 509 adult education 374.22
Discovery Discussion groups (Computer
archaeological technique 930.102 82 communications) 004.693
Discovery (Law) 347.()72 Discussion lists (Computer
criminal law 345.072 communications) 004.693
Discrete geometry 516.11 Disease carriers
Discrete mathematics 511.1 law 344.043
see Manual at 004.0151 vs. medicine 614.43
511.1, 511.35 Disease control 614.44
Discrete-time systems 003.83 law 344.043
Discriminant analysis 519.535 public administration 353.628
Discriminants public health 614.44
number 512.74 Disease prevention
Discrimination 305 medicine 613
Tl-08 public health 614.44
ethics 177.5 Disease resistance 571.96
religion humans 616.079
Buddhism 294.356 75 Disease vectors 571.986
Christianity 241.675 Diseases 571.9
Islam 297.567 5 agriculture 632.3
Judaism 296.367 5 animals 571.91
see also Ethical problems conservation technology 639.964
religion 200.8 veterinary medicine 636.089 6
Christianity 270.08 see Manual at 571-575 vs.
Judaism 296.08 630
Discrimination (Psychology) 152.1 humans 362.1
quantitative studies 152.82 arts T3C-356 1
Discrimination in education 370.8 geriatrics 618.97
law 344.079 8 gynecology 618.1
Discrimination in employment 331.133 incidence 614.42
see also Equal employment literature 808.803 561
opportunity history and criticism 809.933 561
Discrimination in housing 363.51 specific literatures T3B-080 356 1
law 344.063 635 1 history and
Discrimination in mortgage loans 332.72 criticism T3B-093 561

Relative Index

Diseases Dismal Swamp (N.C. and

humans (continued) Va.) T2-755 523
medicine 616 North Carolina Tl-756135
see Manual at 610 vs. 616; Virginia 'n-755 523
also at 616 vs. 612; Dismissal of employees
also at 6!6 vs. 617.4; economics 331.259 6
also at 616 vs. 618.92 unemployment 331.137
pastoral theology 206.1 worker security 331.259 6
Christianity 259.41 law 344.012 596
pediatrics 618.92 personnel management 658.313
prevalence 614.42 public administration 352.69
psychological influence 155.916 Disordered solids 530A!3
religious rites 203.8 Disorderly conduct 364.143
Christianity 265.82 law 345.024 3
social services 362.1 Disorders of sex development
social theology 201.762 1 medicine 616.694
Christianity 261.832 1 Dispatching 388.041
sociology 306.461 production management 658.53
surgery 617 see also Scheduling
see lvlanual at 6! 7 transportation
see Manual at 362.1-.4 and Dispensaries 362.12
614.4-.5 armed forces 355.72
plants 571.92 see also Health care facilities
agriculture 632.3 Dispensationalist theology 230.046 3
see Manual at 571-575 vs. Dispensatories 615.13
630 Dispersion of light 535.4
Diseconomies of scale 338.5144 Displaced persons 305.906 914
Disfigurement Tl-086 914
psychological influence 155.916 law 342.083
Dishes 642.7 political science 325.21
see also Tableware social welfare 362.87
Dishwashers women
installation 696.184 social welfare 362.839 814
manufacturing technology 683.88 young people
Disinfection social welfare 362.779 14
public health 614.48 see also Refugees
sewage treatment 628.32 Display advertising 659.15
water supply treatment 628.166 2 Display lighting 621.322 9
Disinformation activities Display of merchandise
international politics 327.14 advertising 659.15
Disk drives 004.563 Display screens (Computers) 004.77
engineering 621.397 63 engineering 621.398 7
Disks (Computers) 004.563 Disposable personal income 339.32
engineering 621.397 63 Disposal of dead 363.75
Disks (Geometrical shapes) 516.154 see also Undertaking
Disks (Recording devices) 621.382 34 (Mortuary)
Dislocation (Aftermath of war) 355.028 Disposal of government property 352.54
Dislocation (Crystallography) 548.842 Disposal of military supplies 355.621 37
Dislocations (Geology) 551.872 Disposal of public lands 333.16
Dislocations (Injuries) economics 333.16
medicine 617.16 public administration 352.574

Dewey Decimal Classification

Dispute resolution 303.69 Distributed processing (continued)

international relations 327.17 operating systems 005.447 6
law 347.09 programming 005.276
sociology 303.69 programs 005.376
Disruptive discharges 537.52 see also Processing modes -
Dissent 303.484 c.omputer science
social action 361.23 Distribution channels 381.1
Dissenters (Protestant churches) 280.4 marketing management 658.87
see also Protestantism Distribution management 658.8
Dissertations (Academic) 378.242 Tl~068 8
bibliographies 011.75 Distribution theory
rhetoric 808.066 378 (Mathematics) 515.782
specific places 015 Distribution theory of prime
Dissociative disorders numbers 512.73
medicine 616.852 3 Distributions
see also Mental disorders functional analysis 515.782
Dissolution of business probabilities 519.24
enterprises 338.71 Distributive justice
management 658.166 ethics 172.2
Dissonance (Music) 781.239 religion 205.622
Distance education 371.35 Buddhism 294.356 22
adult level 374.4 Christianity 241.622
Tl-071 5 Hinduism 294.548 622
computers 371.334 Islam 297.562 2
higher education 378.175 Judaism 296.362 2
radio 371.333 1 law 340.115
television 371.335 8 Distributor brands
Distance races 796.424 sales promotion 658.827
Distant prospection District attorneys 345.012 62
(Parapsychology) 133.323 District courts 347.02
Distillation United States 347.732 2
alcoholic beverages 663.16 District heating 697.03
chemistry 542.4 hot water 697.4
desalinization 628.167 2 resource economics 333.793
Distilled liquor 641.25 steam 697.54
commercial processing 663.5 District nursing 610.734 3
cooking with 641.625 District of Columbia 975.3
home preparation 641.874 T2-753
Distomatosis Districting (Legislatures) 328.334 5
incidence 614.553 law 342.053
medicine 616.963 Districts (Local govermnent
see also Communicable units) 320.83
diseases humans see also Counties
Distributed databases Distrito Especial de Bogota
computer science 005.758 (Colombia) T2-861 48
Distributed-parameter systems 003.78 Distrito Federal (Brazil) T2-817 4
Distributed processing 004.36 Distrito Federal (Mexico) T2-725 3
communications 004.618 6 Distrito Federal (Venezuela) T2-877
programming 005.712 76 Distrito Nacional
programs 005.713 76 (Dominican Republic) T2-729 375
interfacing Ditches
programming 005.712 76 agriculture 631.62
programs 005.713 76 road engineering 625.734
multimedia-systems programs 006.787 6 Ditsobotla (South Africa) T2-68244

Relative Index

phannac~kinetics 615.761 algebra 512.92
Diurnal vanatwns arithmetic 513.214
geomagnetism 538.742 Division algebras 512.4
. Divehi language 491.489 Division of labor
T6-914 89 production economics 338.6
Divehi literature 891.489 sociology 306.368
627.720 92 Division ism 709.034 5
springboard sports 797.240 92 painting 759.055
underwater sports 797.230 92 Divisions (Anny units) 355.31
underwater technologists 627.720 92 Divisions (Naval units) 359.31
Divorce 306.89
production economics 338.6 ethics 173
production management 658.503 8 religion 205.63
. Diversity in the workplace 331.133 Buddhism 294.356 3
personnel management 658.300 8 Christianity 241.63
Divertimentos 784.1852 Hinduism 294.548 63
Divestment Islam 297.563
management 658.164 Judaism 296.363
Divide County (N.D.) T2-784 71 Judaism 296.444 4
Divided catalogs 025.315 law 346.016 6
Dividends 332.632 21 psychology 155.93
accounting 657.76 religion 204.41
financial management 658.155 social theology 201.7
income tax 336.242 6 Christianity 261.835 89
law 343.052 46 social welfare 362.829 4
law 346.092 2 see also Families social
Dividers welfare
road engineering 625.795 sociology 306.89
Divination 133.3 Divorced families 306.89
religion 203.2 social welfare 362.829 4
African religions 299.613 2 Divorced men 306.892
Divinatory graphology 137 guides to Christian life 248.842 3
Divinatory signs 133.334 psychology 155.643 2
Divine law Divorced people 306.89
Christianity 241.2 T1-086 53
Divine Light Mission 294 Christian devotional literature 242.646
Divine office (Religion) 264.15 family relationships 306.89
Anglican 264.030 15 guides to religious life
music 782.324 Christianity 248.846
choral and mixed voices 782.532 4 legal status 346.016 6
single voices 783.093 24 psychology 155.643
Roman Catholic 264.020 15 social group 306.89
texts 264.024 social welfare 362.829 4
Divine right of kings 321.6 Divorced women 306.893
Diving 627.72 guides to Christian life 248.843 3
engineering 627.72 psychology 155.643 3
sports 797.2 social welfare 362.839 59
·Diving medicine 616.980 22 Dixie County (Fla.) T2-759 812
Diving petrels 598.42 Dixiecrat Party (U.S.) 324.273 3
Divining rods 133.323 Dixieland jazz 781.653
Divinity of Jesus Christ 232.8 Dixon County (Neb.) T2-782 223
Divinity schools 230.071 1 Dixon Entrance (B.C. and 551.461 433
Divisibility 512.72 Alaska) T2-164 33

Dewey Decimal Classification

Diyala (Iraq) T2-567 4 Doctrinal controversies

Diyarbak1r iii (Turkey) T2-566 77 Christian church history 273
ancient T2-394 2 Doctrinal theology 202
Dizziness Buddhism 294.342
medicine 616.841 Christianity 230
see also Nervous system Hinduism 294.52
diseases- humans Islam 297.2
Djakarta (Indonesia) T2-598 22 Sufi 297.41
Djamena (Chad) T2-674 3 Judaism 296.3
Djelfa (Algeria: Province) T2~-653 philosophy of religion 210
Djibouti 967.71 Document delivery services 025.6
T2-677 1 Document markup languages 006.74
Djiboutians T5-967 71 Documentary evidence 347.064
Djirballanguage 499.15 criminal investigation 363.256 5
T6-991 5 law 347.064
DNA (Genetics) 572.86 Documentary films
humans 611.018 166 journalism 070.18
see Manual at 576.5 vs. 572.8 Documentary hypothesis
DNA topology (Pentateuchal criticism) 222.106 6
humans 611.018 166 3 Documentary media
DNA virus infections journalism 070.1
incidence 614.581 Documentation 025
medicine 616.911 specific subjects 025.06
see also Communicable Dodders 583.94
diseases humans Doddridge County (W.Va.) T2-754 56
DNA viruses 579.24 Dodecanese T2-495 87
Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine : ancient T2-391 6
Oblast) T2-477 4 Dodecaphony 781.268
Dnestr River (Ukraine and Dodekanesos (Greece) T2-495 87
Moldova) T2-477 9 ancient T2-39l 6
Dnieper River T2-477 Dodge County (Ga.) T2-758 532
Dniester River (Ukraine and Dodge County (Minn.) TI--776 153
Moldova) T2-477 9 Dodge County (Neb.) T2-782235
Dnipropetrovs'ka oblast' Dodge County (Wis.) T2-775 82
(Ukraine) T2-477 4 Dodoma Region (Tanzania) T2- 678 26
DNSAP (Austrian political party) 324.243 602 38 Dodos 598.65
Do-it-yourselfwork 643.7 Doe, Samuel K. (Samuel
Dobby-weave fabrics 677.615 Kanyon)
see also Textiles Liberian history 966.620 32
Doberai Peninsula Dog breeds 636.71
(Indonesia) T2-9512 see Manual at 636.72~.75
Dobem1an pinscher 636.736 Dog family 599.77
Dobruja (Romania and Dog pounds 363.78
Bulgaria) T2-498 3 see also Pest control
Bulgaria T2-4994 Dog racing 798.8
Romania T2-498 3 Dog sled racing 798.83
Dobsont1ies 595.747 Dogbanes 583.93
Dock (Plant) 583.57 Dogfishes 597.36
Docks (Port facilities) 387.15 Dogmatism
engineering 627.31 philosophy 148
see alm Port facilities Dogon (African people) T5-963
Doctors 610.92 Dogon language 496.3
see also Physicians T6-~963
Doctor's degree 378.2

Relative Index

Dogs 728
animal husbandry 636.7 Domestic architecture
predator control teclmology 636.083 9 Domestic arts 640
599.772 Domestic cats 636.8
635.977 384 Domestic commerce 381
583.84 law 343.08
635.977 384 public administration 354.73
642.7 Domestic councils
746.96 public administration 352.246
646.21 Domestic customs 392.3
642.7 Domestic employees 640.46
552.3 Domestic fowl 636.5
494.33 agricultural economics 338.176 5
T6-943 3 zoology 598.625
bolichopodidae 595.773 Domestic industries 338.634
Dolj (Romania) T2-4984 Domestic investment 332.6
Doll clothing 688.722 I Domestic law
handicrafts 745.592 21 relation to law of nations 341.04
manufacturing technology 688.722 I Domestic medicine 616.024
see also Toys Domestic order
bon furniture 688.723 public administration 353.3
handicrafts 745.592 3 Domestic partners 306.841
manufacturing technology 688.723 Tl-086 56
see also Toys Domestic partnerships 306.841
Dollard-des-Ormeaux Tl--086 56
(Quebec) T2-7l4 28 law 346.016
Dollhouses 688.723 Domestic relations (Family
handicrafts 745.592 3 relations) 306.8
manufacturing technology 688.723 law 346.015
see also Toys Domestic safety 363.13
Dolls 688.722 I public administration 353.97
ceramic arts 738.83 see also Safety
handicrafts 745.592 21 Domestic sciences 640
manufacturing technology 688.722 I Domestic settings
. see also Toys music 781.535
bolly Varden trout 597.554 Domestic system
Dolnosh1.skie Voivodeship economics 338.634
(Poland) T2-438 52 Domestic trade 381
Dolomite 553.516 law 343.08
economic geology 553.516 public administration 354.73
mineralogy 549.782 Domestic violence 362.829 2
petrology 552.58 see also Family violence
Dolores County (Colo.) T2-788 26 Domestic wastes 363.728 8
Dolphinfishes 597.72 social services 363.728 8
Dolphins 599.53 technology 628.4
animal husbandry 636.953 water pollution engineering 628.168 2
conservation technology 639.979 53 see also Waste control
resource economics 333.959 53 Domestic water supply 363.61
Domaine-du-Roy (Quebec) T2-714 142 economics 333.912 2
Domes 721.46 Domestication (Agriculture) 631.52
architecture 721.46 animals 636.082
construction 690.146 plants 631.52
structural engineering 624.177 5
concrete 624.183 45

Dewey Decimal Class{flcation

Dominance Door knockers

applied psychology 158.2 artistic ironwork 739.48
social control 303.33 Doors 721.822
Dominica 972.984 l architecture 721.822
T2-729 841 automobiles 629.26
Dominican Republic 972.93 c;onstruction 690.182 2
T2-729 3 interior decoration 747.3
Dominican Republic literature 860 sculpture 731.542
Dominican Sisters 255.972 Doorstops
church history 271.972 rubber 678.34
Dominicans (Christian religious Doorways 721.822
orders) 255.2 architecture 721.822
church history 271.2 construction 690.182 2
women 255.972 Dopamine
church history 271.972 in nervous system
Dominicans (Dominican human physiology 612.804 2
Republic people) T5--687 293 Doppelganger
Dominion of Canada 971.05 literature 808.802 7
T2-7l history and criticism 809.927
Dominion theology 230.046 specific literatures T3B-08027
Dominoes 795.32 history and
Don, River (Scotland) T2--4124 criticism T3B-092 7
Don River (Russia) T2--474 9 Doppler effect 534.3
Dofia Ana County (N.M.) T2 789 66 Dorchester County (Md.) T2-752 27
Donations Dorchester County (S.C.) T2-757 94
financial management 658.153 Dordogne (France) T2--447 2
tax law 343.052 32 Doris (Greece) T2-383
Donatism 273.4 Dormancy (Biology) 571.78
Donbas (Ukraine and Dom1ers 721.5
Russia) T2-477 4 architecture 721.5
Doncaster (England : construction 690.15
Metropolitan Borough) T2--428 27 Dormice 599.359 6
Donegal (Ireland : County) T2--416 93 Dormitories 371.871
Donets Basin (Ukraine and architecture 727.38
Russia) T2--477 4 Dorneck (Switzerland) T2--494 355 7
Donets River (Russia and Domeck-Thierstein
Ukraine) T24774 (Switzerland) T2--494 355
Donets'k (Ukraine: Oblast) T2--477 4 Dornoch Firth (Scotland) T2-l63 36
Donets'ka oblast' (Ukraine) T2--477 4 Dorsal muscles
D6ng Nai (Vietnam : human anatomy 611.731
Province) T2-597 7 Dorset (England) T2--423 3
D6ng Thap (Vietnam) T2-597 8 Dortmund (Germany) T2-435 633
Doniphan County (Kan.) T2-78135 Dorval (Quebec) T2-71428
Donkeys 636.182 Dosage determination
conservation technology 639.979 665 pharmacology 615.14
resource economics 333.959 665 Dosage forms
Donley County (Tex.) T2-764 832 pharmaceutical chemistry 615.19
Dooly County (Ga.) T2-758 895 Dosimetry
Door County (Wis.) T2-775 63 biophysics
Door furnishings 645.3 humans 612.014480287
home sewing 646.21 radiotherapy 615.842
household management 645.3 Dothideales 579.564
manufacturing technology 684 Dotted swiss embroidery 677.77
Douala (Cameroon) T2 671 I

Relative Index

Double basses 787.5 Doukkala-Abda (Morocco) T2~-646 2
instrument 787.519 Douro (Portugal: Region) T2-469 15
787.5 Douro Litoral (Portugal) T2-469 15
see also Stringed instruments Dove, River (Derbyshire
Double-bassists 787.509 2 and Staffordshire,
Double bassoons 788.59 England) T2-425 13
instrument 788.591 9 Dovecotes
music 788.59 architecture 728.927
see also Woodwind instruments construction 690.892 7
Double cropping 631.58 Dover (Del.) T2-751 4
Double helix 572.863 3 Dover (England : District) T2-422 352
Double houses Dover. Strait of 551.461 336
architecture 728.312 T2-163 36
Double jeopardy 345.04 Doves 598.65
Double mini-trampoline 796.474 conservation technology 639.978 65
Double-reed bagpipes 788.49 resource economics 333.958 65
see also Woodwind instruments sports hunting 799.246 5
Double-reed instruments 788.5 Dowayo (African people) T5~-963 61

see also Woodwind instruments Dowayo language 496.361

Double salts T&---963 61
chemical engineering 661.4 Down (Northern Ireland) T2-416 5
Double stars 523.841 Down (Northern Ireland :
Double sulfides District) T2-416 56
mineralogy 549.35 Down syndrome
Double taxation 336.294 medicine 616.858 842
law 343.052 6 pediatrics 618.928 588 42
public finance 336.294 Downhill ski racing 796.935
Doubles (Literature) 808.802 7 Downhill skiing 796.935
history and criticism 809.927 Downs (Qld. : District) T2-943 3
specific literatures T3B-080 27 Downsizing of organizations
history and criticism T3B-092 7 executive management 658.406
Doubles (Tennis) 796.342 28 personnel management 658.313 4
Doubling the cube 516.204 production economics 338.64
Doubs (France : Dept.) T2-4446 public administration 352.367
Doubs River (France and worker security 331.259 6
Switzerland) T2-444 6 Downtown 307.333 16
France T2-444 6 area planning 711.5522
Switzerland T2~-494 36 community redevelopment 307.342
Doubt community sociology 307.333 16
epistemology 121.5 Downy mildew 579.546
Dougherty County (Ga.) T2-758 953 Dowry 392.5
Douglas County (Colo.) T2·~788 86 Dowsing 133.323
Douglas County (Ga.) T2-758 243 Doxologies
Douglas County (Ill.) T2-773 68 Christian private prayer 242.72
Douglas County (Kan.) T2--781 65 Doyayo language 496.361
Douglas County (Minn.) T2-776 45 T6-963 61
Douglas County (Mo.) T2-778 832 DPI (Macroeconomics) 339.32
Douglas County (Neb.) T2--782 254 Dracaenas 584.352
Douglas County (Nev.) T2--793 59 Draco 597.955
Douglas County (Or.) T2-795 29 Draft (Conscription) 355.223 63
Douglas County (S.D.) T2--783 383 law 343.012 2
Douglas County (Wash.) T2-797 31 Draft animals 636.088 2
Douglas County (Wis.) T2-775 11 Draft horses 636.15

Dewey Decimal Classification

Draft registration 355.223 6 Dramatic poetry 808.812

Draft resistance 355.224 history and criticism 809.12
law 343.Dl2 2 specific literatures T3B--102
Drafted labor 331.117 32 individual authors T3A-1
DraJling (Drawing) 604.2 see 1t1anual at T3A-2,
Dratling legislation 328.373
Drafts (Credit) 332.77
exchange medium 332.55 Dramatic vocal forms 782.1
law 346.096 music 782.1
Draftsmen 604.209 2 stage presentation 792.5
Drag see Manual at 782.1 vs. 792.5,
aeronautics 629.132 34 792.6
Dragonfishes (Pegasiformes) 597.64 Dramatists 809.2
Dragonfishes (Stomiatoidei) 597.5 collected biography 809.2
Dragonflies 595.733 specific literatures T3B-2009
Dragons 398.245 4 individual biography T3A-2
see also Legendary animals Draped figures 704.942
Dragoons 357.1 drawing 743.4
Drainage painting 757
agriculture 631.62 Draperies 645.32
airport engineering 629.136 35 arts 746.94
engineering 627.54 commercial technology 684.3
engineering geology 624.151 36 drawing 743.5
mining 622.5 home sewing 646.21
road engineering 625.734 household management 645.32
Drake Passage 551.461 73 interior decoration 747.5
T2-167 3 Draughts 794.2
Drakensberg Mountains T2-684 7 Dravida languages 494.81
KwaZulu-Natal T2---684 7 T6-948 I
Mpumalanga T2---682 7 Dravida literatures 894.81
Drama (Greece: Nome) T2-495 7 Dravidian languages 494.8
Drama (Literature) 808.82 T6-948
criticism 809.2 Dravidian literatures 894.8
theory 808.2 Dravidians T5-948
history 809.2 Drawbacks
rhetoric 808.2 intemational commerce 382.7
specific literatures T3B-2 Drawbridges
individual authors T3A-2 eonstmction 624.24
see Manual at T3A-2, Drawers (Artists) 741.092
T3B-2 vs. T3A--1, Drawing (Delineating) 741
T3B-102; also at T3B-2; arts 741
also at 808.82 vs. 791.437, primary education 372.52
791.447, 791.457, 792.9 technology 604.2
Drama (Theater) 792 Drawing glass 666.124
see also Theater Drawing metals 671.34
Drama in Christian education 268.67 decorative arts 739.14
Dramatic monologues (Poetry) 808.812 sculpture 731.41
history and criticism 809.12 Drawing paper 676.282 5
specific literatures T3B-102 Drawing rooms 643.54
individual authors T3A-l home economics 643.54
see Manual at T3A-2, interior decoration 747.75
T3B-2 vs. T3A-1, Drawings T1-0222
T3B-102 arts 741
Dramatic music 781.552

Relative Index

Drawn work Dried eggs 641.375 4

arts 746.44 cooking 641.675 4
Dream books 135.3 food 641.375 4
Dream interpretation 154.63 processing 637.54
Dreams 154.63 Dried foods
arts T3C~353 commercial preservation 664.028 4
human physiology 612.821 cooking 641.614
literature 808.803 53 horne preparation 641.44
history and criticism 809.933 53 Dried milk 641.371 43
specific literatures T3B-~080 353 cooking 641.671 43
history and food 641.371 43
criticism T3B-093 53 processing 637.143
parapsychology 135.3 Dried plants
psychology 154.63 botanical collections 580.74
Dred Scott decision, 1857 flower arrangements 745.925
Civil War (United States) cause 973.711 5 Dried skim milk 641.371 473
Dredgers (Ships) cooking 641.671 473
design 623.812 8 food 641.371 473
engineering 623.828 processing 637.147 3
Dredging 627.73 Driers (Paints) 667.622
Dredging services Drift mining 622.2
ports 387.168 Driftwood arrangements 745.925
Dredging spoil 363.728 4 Drill (Military training) 355.54
engineering 627.73 Drilling
social services 363.728 4 gas wells 622.338 1
see also Waste control mining 622.23
Drenthe (Netherlands) T2--492 15 oil wells 622.338 1
Dresden (Germany) T2--432 142 underwater engineering 627.75
Dresden (Gennany: Drilling muds 622.338 I
Direktionsbezirk) T2--432 14 Drilling plattonns 627.98
Dresden (Germany: petroleum extraction 622.338 19
Regierungsbezi rk) T2--432 14 Drilling ships
Dress accessories 391.44 design 623.812 8
see also Accessories (Clothing) engineering 623.828
Dressage 798.23 petroleum extraction 622.338 19
Dressers 645.4 Drilling tools 621.952
manufacturing technology 684.16 Drink driving 364.147
see also Furniture causes of accidents 363.125 14
Dresses 391.472 law 345.024 7
commercial technology 687.112 Drinking
customs 391.472 customs 394.12
home economics 646.34 Drinking age 363.41
horne sewing 646.432 law 344.054 I
see also Clothing Drinking glasses
Dressing decorative arts 748.83
child training 649.63 Drinking places 647.95
Dressing leather 675.24 architecture 725.72
Dressmakers 646.400 92 household management 647.95
commercial 687.112 092 sanitation services 363.729 6
Dressmaking 646.4 public administration 353.94
commercial technology 687.112 Drinking water 363.61
home sewing 646.4 economics 333.912 2
Drew County (Ark.) T2~767 825 health 613.287
supply services 363.61


Dewey Decimal Classification

Drinldng water (continued) Drowning

treatment engineering 628.162 medicine 617.18
nautical engineering 623.854 2 Drug abuse 362.29
see also Water see also Substance abuse
Drinks 641.2 Drug administration routes 615.6
commercial processing 663 Drug adulteration 363.194
home preparation 641.87 criminology 364.142
Drip-dry fabrics 677.68 crimina1law 345.024 2
see also Textiles see also Drugs
Drive shafts (Pharmaceuticals)~-
automotive engineering 629.245 product safety
Driver information Drug allergies
highway services 388.312 4 incidence 614.599 358
urban 388.413 124 medicine 616.975 8
Drivers' licenses Drug compounding 615.19
law 343.094 6 Drug culture 306.1
public administration 354.765 284 Drug dependence 362.29
Drives (Computer devices) 004.563 medicine 616.86
engineering 621.397 63 perinatal medicine 618.326 86
Drives (Psychology) 153.8 personal health 613.8
physiological 152.5 pregnancy complications
Driveways 625.889 obstetrics 618.368 6
Driving belts 621.852 social welfare 362.29
rubber technology 678.36 see also Substance abuse
Driving horses (Breeds) 636.14 Drug design 615.19
Driving horses (Recreation) 798.6 Drug development 615.19
Driving motor vehicles Drug-herb interactions 615.704 5
recreation 796.7 Drug incompatibilities
Driving sports cars pharmacokinetics 615.704 5
recreation 796.72 pharmacology 615.14
Drogheda (Ireland) T2--418 256 Drug interactions
Drome (France) T2--445 87 pharmacokinetics 615.704 5
Dromedaries 636.295 Drug metabolism
zoology 599.636 2 pharmacokinetics 615.7
Drones (Aircraft) Drug-nutrient interactions 615.704 52
control systems 629.1326 Drug possession 364.177
military 623.746 9 law 345.027 7
Dronning Maud Land T2-989 see also Drug traffic
Dronten (Netherlands) T2- 492 2 Drug resistance
Dropouts (Education) 371.291 3 microorganisms 616.904 1
Drops 530.427 Drug shock therapy
technology 620.43 psychiatry 616.891 2
Droseraceae 583.75 Drug side effects
Drosophilidae 595.774 pharmacokinetics 615.704 2
Drought-resistant plants 581.754 Drug smuggling 364.133 65
floriculture 635.952 5 law 345.023 365
Droughts Drug testing
agricultural economics 338.14 personnel management 658.382 2
crop damage 632.12 personnel selection 658.311 2
eftect on natural ecology 577.22 Drug therapy
meteorology 551.577 3 medicine 615.58
social services 363.349 29 psychiatry 616.891 8
agricultural industries 338.18 Drug toxicity
pharmacokinetics 615.704

Relative Index

Drug traffic 363.45 Drunk driving 364.147

criminology 364.177 causes of accidents 363.125 14
·~· law 345.027 7 law 345.024 7
public administration 353.37 Drunkenness 362.292
school problem 371.784 criminology 364.173
social problem 363.45 law 345.027 3
law 344.054 5 see also Alcoholism
Drug use 362.29 Drupaceous fruits 641.342
.·. see also Drug traffic; Substance botany 583.73
abuse cooking 641.642
Drugged driving 364.147 food 641.342
causes of accidents 363.125 14 orchard crops 634.2
' law 345.024 7 Druzcs (Islamic sect) 297.85
Drugs (Narcotics) Dry cells (Batteries) 621.312 423
customs 394.14 Dry Vi\O(:lllH11', 667.12
ethics 178.8 Dry-climate plants 581.754
see also Ethical problems floriculture 635.952 5
pharmacokinetics 615.782 2 D1ydocks 623.83
smuggling 364.133 65 D1y farming 631.586
law 345.023 365 Dry-weather photography 778.75
. Drugs (Pharmaceuticals) 615.1 Dryers
chemical analysis 615.190 1 home laundry 648.1
insurance 368.382 4 manufacturing technology 683.88
manufacturing technology 615.19 Drying clothes
pharmacology 615.1 home economics 648.1
preservation 615.18 Drying coal 662.623
product safety 363.194 Drying foods 664.028 4
criminology 364.142 commercial preservation 664.028 4
criminal law 345.024 2 home preservation 641.44
law 344.042 33 Drying lumber 674.38
public administration 353.998 Drying processes 660.284 26
production economics 338.476 151 Dryopoidea 595.764 5
see Manual at 615.1 vs. Drypoint 767.3
615.2-.3; also at 615.2 .3 Drywall 666.89
vs. 615.7 Drywall construction 693.6
Druidism 299.16 DSL (Digital subscriber lines) 621.387 8
Drum and bass 781.648 DTP (Publishing)
Drumheller (Alta.) T2-712 33 composition 686.225 444 16
Drumlins 551.315 computer software 005.52
Drummers (Musicians) 786.909 2 Du Page County (IlL) T2-773 24
Drumming (Signaling) :Ou'afii' (Hadith) 297.125 263
social psychology 302.222 Dual-career families 306.872
Drummond (Quebec : Dual geometries 516.35
Regional County Dual nationality
Municipality) T2-714 563 law 342.083
Drums (Computer devices) 004.563 Dual personalities
engineering 621.397 63 medicine 616.852 36
Drums (Fishes) 597.725 see also Mental disorders
Drums (Music) 786.9 Duala (African people) T5-963 962
instrument 786.919 Duala language 496.396 2
music 786.9 T6-963 962
see also Percussion instruments Duala literature 896.396 2

Decimal Classification

Dualism Duets
philosophy 147.4 chamber music 785.12
Hindu 181.484 vocal music 783.12
religion 211.33 Dufferin (Ont. :County) T2--713 41
classes of religions 201.4 Dufferin and Ava, Frederick
Duality (Mathematics) 515.782 Temple Blackwood, Marquis
Duarte (Dominican of
Republic) T2-729 367 Indian history 954.035 4
Duarte Frutos, Nicanor Dugong 599.559
Paraguayan history 989.207 45 Dugongidae 599.559
Dubai (United Arab Duhalde, Eduardo Alberto
Emirates: Emirate) T2-535 7 Argentine history 982.071
Dubawnt Lake (Nunavut Duikers 599.64
T2--719 58 Duisburg (Gennany) T2~435 536
Dubayy (United Arab Dukes County (Mass.) T2-74494
Emirates : Emirate) T2-535 7 Dukhobors 289.9
Dubbo (N.S.W.) T2-944 5 see also Christian
Dublin (Ireland) T2---418 35 denominations
Dublin (Ireland : County) T2---418 3 Dulcimers 787.74
Dublin Core 025.3 see also Stringed instruments
Dubnium Duluth (Minn.) T2---776 771
546.52 Dumbarton (Scotland) T2~4!4 32
Dubois County (Ind.) T2--772 37 Dumbarton (Scotland :
Dubuque County (Iowa) T2-777 39 District) T2---414 32
Ducal Medici 945.507 Dumfries and Galloway
Duchesne County (Utah) T2-792 22 (Scotland) T2---4!4 7
Duck (Meat) 641.365 97 Dumping (Trade)
commercial processing 664.93 law 343.087
cooking 641.665 97 Dumps (Solid waste) 363.728 5
food 641.365 97 technology 628.445 62
Duck-billed dinosaurs 567.914 see also Waste control
Duck hunting Dumyar (Egypt: Province) T2--621
sports 799.244 Dun Laoghaire (Ireland) T2---418 38
Duck River (Tenn.) T2-768 434 Dnnaliellaceae 579.832
Ducks 598.41 Dundee (Scotland) T2---412 7
animal husbandry 636.597 Dundee (South Africa:
conservation technology 639.978 41 District) T2--684 l
resource economics 333.958 41 Dundy County (Neb.) T2 -782 86
sports hunting 799.244 Dune buggies
Duckweeds 584.64 engineering 629.222
Duct flutes 788.35 Dune stabilization 631.64
see also Woodwind instruments shore protection 627.58
Ductility Dunedin (N.Z.) T2-939 2
materials science 620.112 5 Dunedin City (N.Z.) T2-939 2
Dude farming 796.56 Dunes 551.375
Dude ranching 796.56 see also Sand dunes
Dudley (England : Dunfermline (Scotland :
Metropolitan Borough) T2---424 93 District) T2---412 9
Due process of law 347.05 Dung beetles 595.764 9
Dueling 394.8 Dung flies 595.774
customs 394.8 Dungannon (Northern
ethics 179.7 Ireland : District) T2----416 45
Dunkerque, Battle of, 1940 940.542 142 8

Relative Index

Dunkers 286.5 Duroc-Jersey swine 636.483

see also Baptists Dusseldorf (Gennan y) T2-435 534
Dunkirk, Battle of, 1940 940.542 142 8 DUsseldorf (Gennany :
Dunklin County (Mo.) T2~778 993 Regierungsbezirk) T2 435 53
Dunn County (N.D.) T2~784 82 Dust
Dunn County (Wis.) T2-775 43 meteorology 551.5113
Dunoon (Scotland) T2-414 2 technology 620.43
Duodecimal system 513.5 Dust control
Duodenal diseases buildings 697.932 4
medicine 616.34 mining 622.83
see also Digestive system Dust diseases
diseases humans lungs
Duodenal ulcers medicine 616.244
medicine 616.343 3 see also Respiratory tract
see also Digestive system diseases hmnans
diseases humans Dust storms 551.559
Duodenitis social services 363.349 29
medicine 616.344 see also Disasters
see also Digestive system Dusting
diseases - humans housecleaning 648.5
Duodenum 573.378 Dusting in agriculture 632.94
biology 573.378 Dusting-on processes
human anatomy 611.341 photographic printing 773.2
human physiology 612.33 Dutch T5~393 I
medicine 616.34 Dutch East India Company
surgery 617.554 1 Indonesian history 959.802 I
see also Digestive system Dutch East Indies 959.802 2
DuPage County (Ill.) T2-598
Duplex houses Dutch elm disease 635.977 345
architecture 728.312 Dutch language 439.31
Duplex-process steel 669.142 3 T6-393 1
Duplicating machines Dutch literature 839.31
library services 025.12 Dutch ovens
manufacturing technology 681.6 use in cooking 641.589
office use 652.4 Dutch Reformed Church in North
Duplin County (N.C.) T2-756 382 America 285.732
Dupuit, Jules-Juvenal see also Reformed Church
economic school 330.1543 (American Reformed)
Durability engineering 620.004 54 Dutch Republic 949.204
Durable press fabrics 677.68 T2--492
Durango (Mexico : State) T2~721 5 Dutch West Indies T2--729 86
Durazno (Uruguay : Dept.) T2-895 24 Dutchess Cmmty (N.Y.) T2-747 33
Durban (South Africa : Dutchman's breeches (Plant) 583.35
District) T2-684 55 Duties (Tariff) 382.7
Durban-Pinetown industrial see also Customs (Tariff)
area T2-684 55 Duties of citizens 323.65
Duress 345.04 Dutra, Eurico Gaspar
Durham (England: City) T2-428 65 Brazilian history 981.061
Durham (England: County) T2-428 6 Duty
Durham (Ont. : Regional religion 205
municipality) T2-713 56 Islam 297.5
Durham County (N.C.) T2-756 563 Duty-free importation 382.78
Durham mission (Canadian Duval County (Fla.) T2-759 12
history) 971.039 Duval County (Tex.) T2~764463

Dewey Decimal Classification

Duvalier, Fran~ois Dyer County (Tenn.) T2-768 15

Haitian history 972.940 72 Dyerma language 496.5
Duvalier, Jean-Claude T6--965
Haitian history 972.940 72 Dyes 667.2
Di.izce iii (Turkey) T2-563 4 chemistry 547.86
ancient T2-~393 15 technology 667.2
Dvaita (Philosophy) 181.484 1 Dyfed (Wales) T2--429 6
Dvaitadvaita (Philosophy) 181.484 3 Dying 306.9
DVDs 384.558 music 781.588
computer storage 004.565 psychology 155.937
engineering 621.397 67 social aspects 306.9
see also Video recordings Dying patients 362.175
Dwarf pea 641.356 57 pastoral theology 206.1
see alw Chick-peas Christianity 259.417 5
Dwarf potted trees 635.977 2 social theology 201.762 175
Dwarf sperm whales 599.547 Christianity 261.832 175
Dwarfism (Pituitary) see also Terminal care
medicine 616.47 see Manual at 362.1~.4 vs. 610
see also Endocrine Dynamic logic 511.314
diseases humans Dynamic oceanography 551.462
Dwarfs Dynamic programming 519.703
physical anthropology 599.949 Dynamic psychology 150.193
Dwellings 643.1 Dynamic systems 003.85
architecture 728 Dynamical systems
arts 700.456 4 (Mathematics) 515.39
T3C-356 4 Dynamics 531.11
construction 690.8 air 533.62
customs 392.36 engineering 620.107 4
folklore 398.276 4 atmosphere 551.515
history and criticism 398.356 4 engineering 620.104
health 613.5 fluids 532.05
home economics 643.1 engineering 620.106 4
interior decoration 747 gases 533.2
lighting 621.322 8 engineering 620.107 4
literature 808.803 564 liquids 532.5
history and criticism 809.933 564 engineering 620.106 4
specific literatures T3B-080 356 4 particles 531.163
history and engineering 620.43
criticism T3B-093 564 physics 531.11
theft from 364.162 2 solids 531.3
law 345.026 22 engineering 620.105 4
see alw Housing Dynamism 146
see Manual at 363.5 vs. 643.1 Dynamite 662.27
Dwyfor (Wales) T2~29 25 military engineering 623.452 7
Dye lasers 621.366 4 Dynamos 621.313 2
Dye-producing plants Dysarthria
agriculture 633.86 medicine 616.855 2
economic botany 581.636 see also Communication
Dyeing 667.3 disorders
home economics 648.1 Dysentery
textile arts 746.6 incidence 614.516
Dyeing leather 675.25 medicine 616.935
Dyeing yams see also Communicable
arts 746.13 diseases - humans

Relative Index

pastoral theology 206,1
Christianity 259.1 E=mc 2 530.11
social relationships 306.87 E coli infections
social theology 201.7 incidence 614.57
Christianity 261.835 85 medicine 616.926
Dyslexia see also Communicable
medicine 616.855 3 diseases humans
see also Communication E document (Biblical criticism) 222.106 6
disorders E-flat horns 788.974
pediatrics 618.928 553 see also Brass instruments
1 special education 371.914 4 E-mail 004.692
·Dysmenorrhea see also Electronic mail
gynecology 618.172 E-mail lists 004.693
see also Female genital E region (Ionosphere) 538.767 3
diseases- humans Eagle County (Colo.) T2-788 44
Dyspepsia Eagles 598.942
medicine 616.332 conservation technology 639.978 942
see also Digestive system resource economics 333.958 942
diseases humans Eating (London, England) TI--421 84
Dysphagia Ear canal diseases
medicine 616.323 medicine 617.83
see also Digestive system see also Ear diseases
diseases - humans humans
Dysphasia Ear diseases 573.893 9
medicine 616.855 2 animals 573.893 9
see also Communication humans 362,197 8
disorders anesthesiology 617.967 8
Dyspnea cancer
medicine 616.2 incidence 614.599 948 5
see also Respiratory tract medicine 616.994 85
diseases - humans see also Cancer
Dysprosium humans
chemistry 546.417 geriatrics 618.977 8
Dystocia incidence 614.599 8
obstetrics 618.5 medicine 617.8
Dystopias pediatrics 618.920 978
arts T3C-372 social services 362.197 8
literature 808.803 72 surgery 617.8059
history and criticism 809.933 72 Ear ossicle diseases
specific literatures T3B-080 372 medicine 617.842
history and see also Ear diseases-
criticism T3B-093 72 humans
Dytike Hellada (Greece) T2--495 27 Ear training (Music) 781.424
Dytike Makedonia (Greece) T2--495 62 Eared seals 599.797
Dytiscidae 595.762 Earless monitor lizard 597.959 6
Dyula (African people) TS-963 45 Earless seals 599.79
Dyula language 496.345 Early childhood education 372.21
T6-963 45 Early Christian architecture 723.1
Dzanani (South Africa : Early Christian art 709.021 2
District) T2-682 57 religious significance 246.2
Dzongkhalanguage 495.4 Early Christian decoration 745.409 021
T6-954 Early Christian painting 759.021 2
Early Christian philosophy 189

Dewey Decimal Classification

Early Christian sculpture 734.222 Earthenware 666.6

Early Church 270.1 arts 738.3
see Manual at 270, 230.11-.14 technology 666.6
vs. 230.15-.2, 281.5 .9, Earthmoving machinery 621.865
282 Earthquake engineering 624.176 2
Early County (Ga.) T2-758 962 Earthquake insurance 368.122 6
Early Middle 940.12 Earthquake-resistant construction 624.176 2
Italian history 945.02 buildings 693.852
Lombardi an history 945.202 Earthquakes 551.22
Piedmontese history 945.102 disaster services 363.349 5
Sardinian history 945.902 social effects 303.485
Sicilian history 945.802 see also Disasters
Southern Italian history 945.702 Earth's age 551.701
Tuscan history 945.502 Earthwork 624.152
Venetian history 945.302 dam engineering 627.81
Early New High German mining 622.2
437.02 railroad engineering 625.12
Early schoolleavers 371.291 3 road engineering 625.73
secondary level 373.129 13 Earthworks (Art style) 709.040 76
Earrings 391.7 Earthworm culture 639.75
customs 391.7 Earthworms 592.64
739.278 culture 639.75
costume jewelry 688.2 Earthy materials 553.6
handicrafts 745.594 2 economic geology 553.6
fine jewelry 739.278 mmmg 622.36
Ears 573.89 Earthy minerals 553.6
animal physiology 573.89 economic geology 553.6
descriptive zoology 591.44 mmmg 622.36
mammals 599.144 synthetic 666.86
diseases 573.893 9 Earwigs 595.739
see also Ear diseases Easements 346.043 5
human anatomy 611.85 economics 333.323 4
human physiology 612.85 law of nations 341.4
medicine 617.8 Easington (England :
surgery 617.805 9 District) T2-428 67
Earth 550 East 950
astronomy 525 T2-5
extraterrestrial influences 001.94 East Africa 967.6
geologic history 551.7 TI-676
gravity 531.14 East Anglia (England) T2426
internal structure 551.1 East Asia T2-5
Earth currents (Geomagnetism) 538.748 East Asian languages 495
Earth-fill dams 627.83 T6·-95
Earth roads 388.12 East Asian literatures 895
engineering 625.74 East Asian theater (World War II) 940.542 5
Earth sciences 550 East Asians T5-95
information systems 025.065 5 East Avon River (England) T2 423 19
see Manual at 550 vs. 910 East Ayrshire (Scotland) T2-414 67
Earth-sheltered buildings 720.473 East Azerbaijan (Iran) T2-553
Earth-sheltered houses East Baton Rouge Parish
architecture 728.370 473 (La.) T2-763 18
construction 690.837 047 3 East Bengal (Pakistan) T2-5492
Earth temperature East Berbice-Corentyne
meteorological effect 551.523 (Guyana) T2-881 7

Relative Index

T2---431 552 East Punjab (India) T2-545 5

East Berlin (Germany)
East Bird's Head languages T6-99!2 East Rand (South Africa) T2-682 24
Cambridgeshire East Redonda Island (B.C.) T2-711 1
(England) T2---426 56 East Renfrewshire
Carroll Parish (La.) T2-763 82 (Scotland) T2---414 39
East China Sea 551.461 457 East Riding of Yorkshire
T2-164 57 (England) T2---428 39
Devon (England) T2---423 57 East Scandinavian languages 439.5
Dorset (England) T2---423 34 T6-395
East Dunbartonshire East Scandinavian literatures 839.5
(Scotland) T2---414 36 East Semites T5-921
East Equatoria (Sudan) T2-629 5 East Semitic languages 492.1
East Feliciana Parish (La.) T2-763 16 T6-921
East Flanders (Belgium) T2---493 14 East Semitic literatures 892.1
East Friesland (Germany) T2---435 917 East Sepik Province (Papua
East Frisian Islands New Guinea) T2-957 5
(Germany) T2---435 917 East Siberian Sea (Russia) 551.461 325
East Germanic languages 439.9 T2-163 25
T6-399 East Slavic languages 491.7
East Germanic literatures 839.9 T6-917
East Germany (Democratic 943.108 7 East Slavic literatures 891.7
Republic) T2---431 East Slavs T5-917
East Hampshire (England) T2---422 74 East Staffordshire (England) T2---424 65
East Hertfordshire East Sussex (England) T2---422 5
(England) T2---425 83 East Texas T2-764 14
East India Company East Thurlow Island (B.C.) T2-711 I
Indian history 954.031 East Timor 959.87
East Indians T5-914 T2-598 7
East Iranian languages (Ancient) 491.52 East York (Toronto, Ont.) T2-713 541
T6-915 2 East Yorkshire (England) T2---428 39
East Iranian literatures (Ancient) 891.52 Eastbourne (East Sussex,
East Java (Indonesia) T2-598 28 England) T2---422 58
East Kalimantan (Indonesia) T2-598 38 Easter 263.93
East Kilbride (Scotland : arts T3C-334
District) T2---414 57 customs 394.266 7
East Kootenay (B.C.) T2-711 65 devotional literature 242.36
East Lansing (Mich.) T2-77427 handicrafts 745.594 166 7
East Lindsey (England) T2---425 32 sermons 252.63
East London (South Africa : Easter eggs 394.266 7
District) T2-687 555 customs 394.266 7
East Lothian (Scotland) T2---413 6 handicrafts 745.594 4
East Midlands (England) T2---425 Easter Island T2-961 8
East New Britain Province Easter lily 635.934 32
(Papua New Guinea) T2-958 5 botany 584.32
East Northamptonshire floriculture 635.934 32
(England) T2---425 54 Easter music 781.727
East Nusa Tenggara Easter Rebellion, 1916 941.508 21
(Indonesia) T2-598 68 Easter story 232.97
East Orange (N.J.) T2-749 33 Eastern Algonquian languages 497.34
East Pakistan (Pakistan) T2-5492 T6-973 4
East Prussia (Poland and Eastern Alps (Austria) T2---436 4
Russia) T2---438 32 Eastern Aramaic languages 492.3
Poland T2---438 32 T6-923
Russia T2---472 4 Eastern Aramaic literatures 892.3

Dewey Decimal Classification

Eastern Arctic Inuit language 497.124 Eastern Himalayan peoples T5-954 9

T6-971 24 Eastern Hindi languages 491.492
EastemCanada T2--713 T6-914 92
Eastern Canadian Inuit T5-971 24 Eastern Hindi literatures 891.492
Eastern Canadian Inuit language 497.124 Eastern languages (Adamawa- 496.361
T6-97124 !;:astern phylum) T6-963 61
Eastern Canadian Inuktitut T5-971 24 Eastern Macedonia and
Eastern Canadian Inuktitut 497.124 Thrace (Greece) T2-495 7
language T6-971 24 Eastern Malayo-Polynesian
Eastern Canadian Inuktitut languages 499.5
literature 897.124 T6-995
Eastern Cape (South Africa) 968.75 Eastern Malaysia T2-595 3
T2-687 5 Eastern Mediterranean
Eastern Catholic churches 281.52 region T2-18224
see also Eastern churches ancient 938
Eastern churches 281.5 T2-38
church government 262.015 Eastern Mediterranean Sea 551.461 384
parishes 254.015 T2-163 84
church law 262.981 5 Eastern Ontario T2-713 7
doctrines 230.15 Eastern Oregon T2-795 5
general councils 262.515 Eastern Orthodox Church 281.9
guides to Christian life 248.481 5 see Manual at 270, 230.11 ~.14
liturgy 264.015 vs. 230.15·.2, 281.5~.9,
miSSIOnS 266.15 282
monasticism 255.81 Eastern Orthodox sacred music 781.711 9
church history 271.81 public worship 782.322 19
women 255.981 music 782.322 19
church history 271.981 Eastern Panhandle (W.Va.) T2-754 9
moral theology 241.041 5 Eastern Panjabi ""''ou'"o" 491.42
public worship 264.015 T6-914 2
religious associations 267.181 5 Eastern philosophy 181
religious education 268.815 Eastern Province (Kenya) T2-67624
seminaries 230.073 15 Eastern Province (Zambia) T2-6894
theology 230.15 Eastern Region (China) T2-512
see Manual at 270, 230.11~.14 Eastern Region (Ecuador) T2-8664
vs. 230.15~.2, 281.5-.9, 282 Eastern rite Catholics 281.52
Eastern Desert (Egypt) T2---623 see also Eastern churches
Eastern Empire 949.501 3 Eastern rite churches 281.5
Eastern England T2-426 see also Eastern churches
Eastern Europe 94 7 Eastern Roman Empire 949.50 I 3
T2-47 Eastern Samar (Philippines) T2-599 5
Eastern Fijian languages 499.59 Eastern Shore (Md. and Va.) T2-752 1
T6-995 9 Eastern Siberia (Russia) T2-575
Eastern Finland (Finland) T2-489 75 Eastern Townships
Eastern flying squirrel 599.369 (Quebec) T2-714 6
Eastern France T2-444 Easten'l Turkic languages 494.32
Eastern front T6-943 2
World War I 940.414 7 Eastern Washington T2-797 1
Eastern Hemisphere T2-181 1 Eastertide 263.93
Eastern Highlands Province devotional literature 242.36
(Papua New Guinea) T2-956 9 music 781.727
Eastern Himalayan languages 495.49 sermons 252.63
T6-954 9 Eastland County (Tex.) T2-764 547
Eastern Himalayan literatures 895.49

Relative Index

Eastleigh (England : Echinodennata 593.9

Borough) T2-422 772 . pa\eozoology 563.9
Eastwood (Scotland : Echinoidea 593.95
District) T2--414 39 paleozoology 563.95
Easy dishes (Cooking) 641.512 Echinozoa 593.95
Eating paleozoology 563.95
animal physiology 573.35 Echiurida 592.3
child training 649.63 paleoz,oology 562.3
customs 394.12 Echo-ranging devices
descriptive zoology 591.53 geophysical prospecting 622.159 2
human physiology 612.31 marine navigation 623.893 8
sociology 306.461 3 Echocardiography
Eating disorders medicine 616.120 754 3
medicine 616.852 6 Echoes
see also Mental disorders physics 534.204
Eating places 647.95 Echography
accounting 657.837 5 medicine 616.075 43
area planning 711.557 Echoi 781.264
household management 647.95 Echols County (Ga.) T2~-758 814
meal service 642.5 Echuca (Vic.) T2-945 4
sanitation services 363.729 6 Eckankar 299.93
public administration 353.94 Eclairs 641.865 9
Eaton County (Mich.) T2-774 23 commercial processing 664.752 5
Eau Claire County (Wis.) T2-775 45 home preparation 641.865 9
Ebbw Vale (Wales) T2-429 95 Eclampsia
Ebenales 583.674 obstetrics 618.361 32
Ebla (Extinct city) T2-394 33 Eclectic medicine
Eblaite language 492.6 therapeutic system 615.53
T6-926 Eclecticism
Eblaite literature 892.6 architecture 724.5
Ebonies philosophy 148
botany 583.674 ancient 186.3
forestry 634.973 674 Eclipses 523.99
Ebonyi State (Nigeria) T2-66947 moon 523.38
Ebro River (Spain) T2--465 sun 523.78
EC (European Community) 341.242 2 Eclipsing binaries 523.844 4
see also European Union Ecofeminism 304.208 2
Ecbatana (Extinct city) T2-357 52 Ecological anthropology 304.2
Eccentrics (Mechanisms) 621.827 Ecological bioenergetics 577.13
Ecclesiastes 223.8 Ecological chemistry 577.14
Ecclesiastical law 262.9 Ecological communities 577.82
Ecclesiasticus (Bible) 229.4 Ecological genetics 576.58
Ecclesiology Ecological heterogeneity 577
Christianity 262 Ecological niches 577.82
ECG (Medicine) 616.120 754 7 Ecological pyramids 577.16
Echeverria, Luis Ecological succession 577.18
Mexican history 972.083 2 Ecological toxicology 571.95
Echidnas 599.29 Ecologism 320.58
Echinococcosis Ecology 577
incidence 614.554 animals 591.7
medicine 616.964 ethics 179.1
see also Communicable religion 205.691
diseases -humans Buddhism 294.356 91
Echinodera 592.55 Christianity 241.691

Decimal Classification

Ecology Economic development

ethics natural resources 333.715
religion (continued) see Manual at 333.7-.9 vs.
Hinduism 294.548 691 363.1, 363.73, 577
Judaism 296.369 1 production economies 338.9
microorganisms 579.17 public administration 354.27
physical anthropology 599.95 see Jlv!anual at 300, 320.6 vs.
plants 581.7 352-354
primary education 372.357 sociology 306.3
social theology 201.77 Economic ethics 174.4
Christianity 261.88 Economic fluctuations 338.54
Judaism 296.38 Economic forecasting 330.011 2
sociology 304.2 Economic geography 330.9
specific environments 577 Economic geology 553
see Manual at 577.3--.7 vs. Economic growth 338.9
578.73-.77 macroeconomic policy 339.5
see Manual at 333.7-.9 vs. production economics 338.9
363.1, 363.73, 577; also at Economic history 330.9
577.3-.7 vs. 579-590 Economic integration
Econometrics 330.015 195 international economics 337.1
manag:ement decision making 658.403 3 Economic microbiology 579.16
Economic planning 338.9
international economics 338.91 Economic policy 338.9
Economic anthropology 306.3 Economic power (Legislative
Economic assistance bodies) 328.341 3
international economics 338.91 Economic rent 333.012
international politics 327.111 Economic resources
law 343.074 conservation 339.49
public administration 352.73 Economic 330
aid 353.132 73 Economic services for workers 33!.255
Economic biology 578.6 personnel management 658.383
Economic botany 581.6 Economic situation 330.9
Economic causes of war 355.027 3 Economic sociology 306.3
American Revolution 973.311 Economic stabilization 339.5
World War! 940.311 3 law 343.034
World War II 940.53113 macroeconomic policy 339.5
Economic classes 305.5 Economic systems 330.12
Tl-0862 Economic zoology 591.6
civil rights 323.322 Economics 330
customs 390.1 arts 700.455 3
dress 391.01 T3C-355 3
relations with government 323.322 information systems 025.063 3
Economic concentration 338.8 international polities 327.111
Economic conditions 330.9 literature 808.803 553
Economic cooperation history and criticism 809.933 553
international economies 337.1 specific literatures T3B-080 355 3
see Manual at 337.3-.9 vs. history and
337.1 criticism T3B-093 553
Economic development 338.9 public administration 354
banking 332.153 social theology 201.73
domestic 332.28 Christianity 26!.85
international 332.153 Islam 297.273
law 343.074 see Manual at 297.26-.27

Relative Index

social theology (continued) Eddy currents 621.310 42
Judaism 296.383 Eden (England) T2-427 86
see Manual at 330 vs. 650, 658 Eden (N.S.W.) T2~944 7

Economics libraries 026.33 Eden, River (Cumbria,

Economics of the firm 338.5 England) T2-427 86
Economies of scale 338.514 4 Edenburg (South Africa :
330.092 District) T2~685 7
Ecosystems 577 Edentata 599.31
see Manual at 333.7-.9 vs. paleozoology 569.31
363.1, 363.73,577 Edgar, King of England
Ecotones 577 English history 942.017 3
571.95 Edgar County (Jll.) T2~773 69
577.27 Edgecombe County (N.C.) T2-~756 46
pathology 571.95 Edged weapons 623.441
see Manual at 363.73 vs. art metalwork 739.72
571.95, 577.27 Edgefield County (S.C.) T2~757 37

Ecrehous (Channel Islands) T2--423 49 Edgings (Floriculture) 635.963

Ecrins National Park Edible animals 641.306
(France) T2-449 7 agriculture 636.088 3
Ecstasy economic zoology 591.63
psychology 152.42 food source 641.306
Ectoparasitic infestations Edible bulbs 641.352
incidence 614.558 cooking 641.652
medicine 616.968 food 641.352
Ectopic pregnancy garden crops 635.2
obstetrics 618.31 Edible mushrooms 641.358
Ectoplasm 133.92 biology 579.616 32
Ectoprocta 594.67 see also Mushrooms
Ector County (Tex.) T2~764 862 Edible organisms 641.3
Ecuador 986.6 economic biology 578.63
T2~866 Edible plants 641.303
Ecuadorian literature 860 economic botany 581.632
Ecuadorians T5-688 66 food 641.303
Ecumenical councils 262.5 see Manual at 583-585 vs. 600
Christian church history 270.2 Edible roots 641.351
modern period 270.82 cooking 641.651
Ecumenical movement 280.042 food 641.351
see Manual at 280.042 vs. garden crop 635.1
262.0011 Edinburgh (Scotland) T2--413 4
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Edime (Turkey) TI-496 14
Constantinople 281.949 61 Edime IIi (Turkey) TI-49614
Ecumenism 262.001 I Edisto River (S.C.) T2~757 9

see Manual at 280.042 vs. Editing 808.027

262.0011 cinematography 777.55
Eczema joumalism 070.41
medicine 616.51 videography 777.55
see also Skin diseases ~ Editing music 780.149
humans Edition bookbinding 686.303 4
Eddies Editorial cartoons 070.442
oceanography 551.462 Editorial policy 070.41
Eddy, Mary Baker Editorial techniques 808.027
Christian Science writings 289.52 Editorials 070.442
Eddy County (N.D.) T2--784 512

Dewey Decimal Classification

Editors Education (continued)

publishing 070.510 92 value 370.13
Edmonson County (Ky.) T2~769 752 see also Public education
Edmonton (Alta.) T2-712 334 see Manual at 371.01 .8 vs.
Edmund I, King of England 372-374,378
English history 942.0172 Education and state 379
Edmund II, King of England Education of employees 370.113
English history 942.017 4 see also Vocational education
Edmunds County (S.D.) T2~783 15 Educational acceleration 371.28
Edo (African people) T5~963 3 Educational aid 379.11
Edo language 496.33 financial management 371.206
T6~963 3 Educational anthropology 306.43
Edo period (Japan) 952.025 Educational areas
Edo State (Nigeria) T2-669 32 area planning 711.57
Edoid languages 496.33 Educational buildings 371.6
T6~963 3 architecture 727
Ed om 939.464 construction 690.7
T2~39464 higher education 378.196
EDP (Computing) 004 institutional housekeeping 647.99
Edred, King of England interior decoration 747.87
English history 942.017 2 special education 371.904 5
EDU (Swiss political party) 324.249 408 2 Educational consortia
Education 370 higher education 378.104
Tl~07l Educational counseling 371.422
arts 700.455 7 Educational equalization 379.26
T3C~355 7 Educational exchanges 370.116
federal aid 379.121 law 344.08
federal control 379.151 Educational exemptions
intergovernmental customs duties 382.78
organizations Educational facilities 371.6
aid 379.128 see also Educational buildings
control 379.154 Educational films
international aid 379.129 instructional use 371.335 23
law 344.07 journalism 070.18
library role 021.24 Educational games 790.1
literature 808.803 557 instructional use 371.337
history and criticism 809.933 557 recreation 790.1
specific literatures T3B-080 355 7 Educational guidance 371.422
history and Educational institutions 371
criticism T3B~093 557 accounting 657.832 7
local control 379.153 Educational law 344.07
local support 379.123 Educational leave 331.257 63
prisoner services 365.666 labor economics 331.257 63
psychological influence 370.158 personnel management 658.312 2
psychology 370.15 Educational media 371.33
public administrative support 353.8 journalism 070.1
see Manual at 371 vs. 353.8, Educational planning 371.207
371.2, 379 Educational policy 379
public policy 379 see Manual at 371 vs. 353.8,
public support 379.11 371.2, 379
sociology 306.43 Educational psychology 370.15
state aid 379.122 Educational research 370.72
state control 379.152 Educational sociology 306.43

Relative Index

371.33 Edward VII, King of Great

371.26 Britain
Tl--076 British history 941.082 3
see Manual at 37 1.262 vs. English history 942.082 3
371.264 Scottish history 941.108 23
Educational therapy Edward VIII, King of Great
medicine 615.851 6 Britain
Educational toys 790.133 British history 941.084
instructional use 371.337 English history 942.084
manufacturing technology 688.725 Scottish history 941.108 4
recreation 790.133 Edwards County (Ill.) T2--773 791
Educational vouchers 379.111 Edwards County (Kan.) T2-781 782
private schools 379.32 Edwards County (Tex.) T2-764 882
Educationally disadvantaged Edwards Plateau (Tex.) T2-764 87
students 371.826 94 Edwy, King of England
Educators English history 942.0172
biography 370.92 EEC (Economic organization) 341.242 2
law 344.o78 see also European Union
Eduyyot 296.123 4 Eelgrass 584.74
Babylonian Talmud 296.125 4 Eelpouts 597.63
Mishnah 296.123 4 Eels 597.43
Palestinian Talmud 296.124 4 Eels (Freshwater) 597.432
Edward, King of England, ca. commercial fishing 639.274 32
963-978 cooking 641.692
English history 942.0173 culture 639.374 32
Edward, King of England, ca. food 641.392
1003-1066 sports fishing 799.174 32
English history 942.019 Eel worms 592.57
Edward, King of England, d. 924 agricultural pests 632.625 7
English history 942.016 5 Eerstehoek (South Africa :
Edward, the Confessor, King of District) T2--682 72
England Efes (Extinct city) T2-392 3
English history 942.019 Effect
Edward, the Elder, King of philosophy 122
England Efficiency
English history 942.016 5 agricultural industries 338.16
Edward, the Martyr, King of communications industry 384.041
England economics 338.06
English history 942.017 3 military administration 355.687 5
Edward I, King of England mineral industries 338.26
English history 942.035 promotion of
Edward II, King of England personnel management 658.314
English history 942.036 production management 658.515
Edward III, King of England public administration 352.375
English history 942.037 secondary industries 338.45
Edward IV, King of England transportation services 388.049
English history 942.044 Effigial slabs 736.5
Edward V, King of England Effingham County (Ga.) T2-758 722
English history 942.045 Effingham County (Ill.) T2-773 796
Edward VI, King of England Efik (African people) T5-963 642
English history 942.053 Efik language 496.364 2
T6--963 642
Efik literature 896.364 2
EFP (Videography) 777.5

Dewey Decimal Classification

EFTA (Economic organization) 341.242 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

international commerce 382.914 3 medicine 616.77
international economics 337.143 see also Musculoskeletal
law of nations 341.242 diseases humans
Egadi Islands T2--458 24 Eichsfeld (Germany:
Egba (African people) T5~963 33 Landkreis) T2--432 24
language 496.333 Eiders 598.415
T6~-963 33 Eidetic imagery (Psychology) 153.32
Egbert, King of England Eidgenossisch-Demokratische
English history 942.016 l Union (Swiss political party) 324.249 408 2
Egg cells 571.845 Eigenvalues 512.943 6
Egg decorating 745.594 4 Eigenvectors 512.943 6
Egg-eating snakes 597.962 Eigg (Scotland) T2--411 54
Egg production 636.514 2 Eighteenth century 909.7
Eggplants 641.356 46 Tl-090 33
botany 583.952 Eighth century 909.1
commercial processing 664.805 646 Tl-09021
cooking 641.656 46 Eilean Siar (Scotland) T2~41l 4
food 641.356 46 Eindhoven (Netherlands) T2--492 45
garden crop 635.646 Einsiedeln (Switzerland :
591.468 Bezirk) T2-494 752 4
animal husbandry 636.514 2 Einstein geometry 516.374
see Manual at 636.1-.8 vs. Einsteinium 546.449
636.088 Eire 941.7
cooking 641.675 T2-417
descriptive zoology 591.468 Eire(l937-1949) 941.70822
food 641.375 Eisenach (Germany) T2--432 26
physiology 573.68 Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight
processing 637.5 David)
Eglise de Jesus-Christ sur la United States history 973.921
terre par le prophete Simon EKG (Medicine) 616.120 754 7
Kimbangu 289.93 Ekiti State (Nigeria) T2-669 27
see also Christian Ekurhuleni (South Africa) T2--682 24
denominations El Alamein, Battle of, 1942 940.542 321
Egmont National Park El Asnam (Algeria:
(N.Z.) T2~934 82 Province) T2--653
Ego (Psychology) 155.2 El Beni (Bolivia) T2~844 2
subconscious 154.2 El Cocuy National Park
Egoism (Colombia) T2~86l 44
ethical systems 171.9 ElDorado County (Calif.) T2~794 41
Egrets 598.34 El Loa (Chile) T2-831 35
Egypt 962 El Oro (Ecuador) T2~866 31
T2-62 El Paraiso (Honduras :
ancient 932 Dept) T2~728 34
T2--32 El Paso County (Colo.) T2~788 56
Egyptian language 493.1 El Paso County (Tex.) T2-76496
T6~931 El Progreso (Guatemala:
Egyptian literature Dept.) T2-728 153
Arabic 892.7 El Salvador 972.84
Egyptian 893.1 T2~728 4
Egyptians (Ancient) T5~93l El Seibo (Dominican
Egyptians (Modern) T5~927 62 Republic: Province)
Ehime-ken (Japan) T2 523 2 El Tuparro National Park
(Colombia) T2-86192

Relative Index

583.82 Elbert County (Ga.) T2-758 163

583.68 Elbl:.jg (Poland:
935.76 Voivodeship) T2-438 32
T2-357 64 Elbows 612.97
Elamite Kingdom 935.760 1 physiology 612.97
T2-357 64 regional medicine 617.574
Elamite language 499.93 surgery 617.574
T6-999 3 see also Upper extremities
Elamites T5-999 3 Elder abuse 362.682
Elands 599.642 criminology 364.155 5
Elapidae 597.964 criminal law 345.025 55
Elasmobranchii 597.3 social welfare 362.682
paleozoology 567.3 Elder hostels 910.466
Elastic cartilage 573.763 56 see also Lodging (Temporary
human histology 612.751 7 housing)
see also Musculoskeletal Elderberries 641.347 4
system botany 583.92
Elastic constants 531.381 cooking 641.647 4
Elastic deformation 531.382 food 641.347 4
see also Elasticity horticulture 634.74
Elastic fibers 677.55 Elderly people 305.26
see also Textiles Tl-0846
Elastic limit 531.382 see also Older people
materials science 620.11232 Elders (Plants) 583.92
Elastic tissues Eleatic philosophy 182.3
human histology 611.0182 Election (Christian doctrine) 234
Elasticity 531.382 Election campaigns 324.9
crystals 548.842 see also Campaigns (Politics)
fluid mechanics 532.053 5 Election districts 328.334 5
gas mechanics 533.28 Election fraud 324.66
liquid mechanics 532.58 criminology 364.132 4
materials science 620.112 32 criminal law 345.023 24
muscles 573.75 Election law 342.07
human physiology 612.741 Election monitoring 324.65
see also Musculoskeletal Election offenses 364.132 4
system law 345.023 24
solid mechanics 531.382 Election officials 324.65
Elastomer industry workers 678.092 Election procedures 324.6
Elastomers 678 law 342.07
chemistry 547.842 Election returns 324.9
manufacturing technology 678 Election sermons
equipment manufacture 681.766 8 Christianity 252.68
materials science 620.194 Election systems 324.6
structural engineering 624.189 4 Electioneering 324.7
Elastoplastics 678.73 law 342.078
Elateridae 595.765 Elections 324
Elateroidea 595.765 labor unions 331.874
Elatinaceae 583.624 Elective courses 375.004
Elaz1g iii (Turkey) T2-56676 higher education 378.24
ancient T2-394 2 Electoral colleges 324.63
Elba (Italy) T2-455 6 Electoral districts 328.334 5
Elbe-Elster (Germany : Electoral law 342,07
Landkreis) T2-431 51 Electoral power (Legislative
Elbert County (Colo.) T2-788 87 bodies) 328.345 4

Dewey Decimal Classification

Electoral systems 324.63 Electric power generation 621.312 I

Electorates (Election districts) 328.334 5 nuclear steam generation 621.483
Electrets 537.24 Electric power measurement 621.374 6
Electric arcs 537.52 Electric power systems
Electric automobiles 388.34 spacecraft 629.474 45
engineering 629.229 3 Electric propulsion 621.46
transportation services 388.34 automotive 629.250 2
Electric charge 537.21 spacecraft 629.475 5
Electric circuits 621.319 2 Electric railroads 385
Electric clocks electrification 621.33
technology 681.116 Electric resistance 537.62
Electric conductivity 537.62 Electric shavers
Electric conductors 537.62 manufacturing technology 688.5
Electric control 629.804 3 Electric shock therapy
Electric cooking 641.586 psychiatry 616.891 22
Electric countershock Electric signs
medicine 616.128 064 5 advertising 659.136
Electric currents engineering 621.322 9
measurement 621.374 4 Electric slow cooking 641.588 4
physics 537.6 Electric stimulation therapy
Electric defibrillation medicine 615.845
medicine 616.128 064 5 Electric submarines 359.938 32
Electric eels 597.48 design 623.812 572
Electric energy 333.793 2 engineering 623.825 72
see also Electric power naval equipment 359.938 32
Electric eyes 621.381 542 Electric trains
Electric furnace practice 669.142 4 toys 790.133
Electric generators 621.313 Electric utilities 333.793 2
Electric heating 621.402 8 law 343.092 9
buildings 697.045 see ~Manual at 333.7· .9 vs.
Electric injuries 363.6
medicine 617.12 Electric vehicles
Electric lighting 621.32 engineering 629.229 3
mining 622.474 Electric welding 671.521
ships 623.852 Electrical appliances 643.6
Electric locomotives 385.363 household equipment 643.6
engineering 625.263 manufacturing technology 683.83
transportation services 385.363 Electrical diagnosis
see also Rolling stock medicine 616.075 47
Electric meters 621.373 Electrical energy 333.793 2
watt-hour usage 621.374 5 see also Electric power
Electric motors 621.46 Electrical engineering 621.3
ships 623.872 6 military 623.76
Electric organs (Body parts) 573.97 Electrical engineers 621.309 2
Electric potential 537.21 Electrical equipment
measurement 621.374 3 public safety 363.189
Electric power 333.793 2 Electrical machinery 621.310 42
area planning 711.8 Electrical power 333.793 2
economics 333.793 2 see also Electric power
engineering 621.31 Electrical properties
law 343.092 9 crystals 548.85
measurement 621.374 5 materials science 620.112 97
mining 622.48 Electrical prospecting 622.154
public administration 354.49

Relative Index

Electrical systems
aircraft 629.135 4 Electroencephalography
629.254 medicine 616.804 754 7
623.850 3 Electro forming metals 671.4
Electrical toys 790.133 Electroluminescence 535.357
manufacturing technology 688.728 Electrolysis
' recreation 790.133 desalinization 628.167 3
Electrical zone melting 669.028 4 Electrolyte conductivity 541.372
Electricians (Interior wiring) 621.319 240 92 chemical engineering 660.297 2
333.793 2 Electrolyte-water imbalances 571.937 5
astrophysics 523.018 7 medicine 616.399 2
biophysics 571.47 see also Digestive system
humans 612.014 42 diseases humans
. direct energy generation 621.3124 Electrolytic analysis 543.4
economics 333.793 2 Electrolytic balance 571.75
generation 621.312 1 humans 612.01522
meteorology 551.563 Electrolytic dissociation 541.372 2
nuclear steam generation 621.483 chemical engineering 660.297 22
physics 537 Electrolytic solutions 541.372
plant management 658.26 chemical engineering 660.297 2
public administration 354.49 Electromagnetic engineering 621.3
solar generation 621.312 44 Electromagnetic engineers 621.309 2
therapeutic use 615.845 Electromagnetic fields 530.141
Electrification 333.793 2 effects in semiconductors 537.622 6
technology 621.319 Electromagnetic induction 621.34
Electroacoustical Electromagnetic interaction 539.754 6
communications Electromagnetic radiation 539.2
engineering 621.382 8 Electromagnetic spectrum 539.2
Electroacupuncture Electromagnetic theory 530.141
therapeutics 615.892 Electromagnetic theory of light 535.14
Electro biochemistry 572.437 Electromagnetic wave theory of
Electrocapillarity 537.24 matter 530.141
Electrocardiography Electromagnetic waves 539.2
medicine 616.1207547 Electromagnetism 537
Electrochemical analysis 543.4 astrophysics 523.018
Electrochemistry 541.37 biophysics 571.47
biochemistry 572.437 humans 612.014 42
chemical engineering 660.297 engineering 621.3
electrical engineering 621.312 42 Electromagnets 621.34
Electroconvulsive therapy generator parts 621.316
psychiatry 616.891 22 Electrometallurgy 669.028 4
Electrodeposited latex 678.538 Electrometers 621.374 3
Electrodeposited rubber 678.36 Electromyography 616.740 754 7
Electrodeposition Electron arrangement
latex 678.527 crystallography 548.81
Electrodes 541.372 4 solid-state physics 530.4ll
chemical engineering 660.297 24 Electron beam welding 671.521 4
chemistry 541.372 4 Electron metallography 669.950 282
Electrodiagnosis Electron microscopes 502.825
medicine 616.075 47 biology 570.282 5
Electrodialysis 541.372 manufacturing technology 681.413
chemical engineering 660.297 2 Electron microscopy 502.825
Electrodynamics 537.6 biology 570.282 5
engineering 621.31

Dewey Decimal Classification

Electron-nuclear double Electronic mail 004.692

resonance 538.362 communications services 384.34
Electron optics internal office communications 651.79
physics 537.56 see also Computer
Electron paramagnetic resonance 538.364 communications
Electron paramagnetic resonance Electronic mail lists 004.693
spectroscopy 543.67 Electronic media 302.23
Electron spectroscopy 543.62 advertising 659.14
Electron spin resonance 538.364 sociology 302.23
Electron spin resonance Electronic music 786.7
spectroscopy 543.67 Electronic musical instruments 786.7
Electronic aids see also Electrophones
marine navigation 623.893 Electronic news gathering 070.43
Electronic bands 784.6 Electronic news services 070.435
Electronic books Electronic noise 621.382 24
bibliographies 011.39 Electronic office machines 651.26
publishing 070.573 Electronic organs 786.59
Electronic bugging devices 621.389 28 instrument 786.591 9
Electronic bulletin boards 004.693 music 786.59
communications services 384.33 see also Keyboard instruments
see also Computer Electronic programmed
communications instruction 371.334
Electronic circuits 621.381 5 adult education 374.26
Electronic commerce 381.142 Electronic properties
law 343.081 142 crystals 548.85
marketing management 658.872 materials science 620.112 97
Electronic communications Electronic publications 070.579 7
engineering 621.382 bibliographies 011.39
Electronic components 621.381 5 sociology 302.231
Electronic computers 004 see also Electronic resources
see also Computers Electronic reference services
Electronic control 629.89 (Libraries) 025.52
Electronic data processing 004 Electronic resources 302.231
Tl-028 5 bibliographies 011.39
see also Data processing see Manual at 011.39 vs.
Electronic digital computers 004 005.3029, 016.0053,
see also Computers 025.0422
Electronic distance education 371.358 cataloging 025.344
adult level 374.26 library treatment 025.174
higher education 378.175 8 sociology 302.231
Electronic eavesdropping devices 621.389 28 see Manual at Tl-0285
Electronic engineering 621.381 Electronic shopping 381.142
Electronic engineers 621.381 092 Electronic signatures
Electronic field production computer science 005.8
(Videography) 777.5 Electronic spreadsheets 005.54
Electronic flash photography 778.72 Electronic surveillance
Electronic fuel injection systems civil rights issue 323.448 2
automobiles 629.253 criminal investigation 363.252
Electronic funds transfers 332.178 engineering 621.389 28
law 346.082 102 85 law 345.052
Electronic games 794.8 Electronic systems
Electronic interference 621.382 24 aircraft 629.135 5
Electronic journals Tl-05 automobiles 629.272
see also Serials automotive 629.254 9

Relative Index

Electronic systems (continued) Elementary education 372

internal-combustion engines 621.437 public administrative support 353.8
ships 623.850 4 see also Primary education
Electronic toys 790.133 Eiementaty number theory 512.72
manufacturing technology 688.728 Elementary school buildings
recreation 790.133 architecture 727.1
Electronic tubes 621.381 51 Elementary schools 372
'Electronica 781.648 see also Primary education
Electronics Elements (Chemicals) 546
military engineering 623.043 chemistry 546
physics 537.5 mineralogy 549.2
technology 621.381 Elephant Butte Reservoir
Electrons 539.721 12 (N.M.) T2-78962
Electrooptical devices Elephant fishes 597.47
military communications Elephant seals 599.794
engineering 623.7314 Elephant shrews 599.337
Electrophones 786.7 Elephantiasis (Filarial)
bands and orchestras 784 incidence 614.555 2
chamber ensembles 785 medicine 616.965 2
mixed 785.2-.5 see also Communicable
single type 785.67 diseases humans
construction 786.719 23 Elephants 599.67
by hand 786.719 23 animal husbandry 636.967
by machine 681.867 big game hunting 799.276 7
solo music 786.7 conservation technology 639.979 67
Electrophoresis 541.372 resource economics 333.959 67
analytical chemistry 543.4 Elephant's ears (Plants) 584.64
chemical engineering 660.297 2 Elephas 599.676
Electrophotographic Eleuthera Island (Bahamas) T2-729 6
photocopying 686.44 Eleutherodactylus 597.875 4
Electrophotographic printing 686.233 Elevated monorail systems
Electrophysiology 572.437 engineering 625.44
humans 612.014 27 Elevated rail transit systems 388.42
nerves 573.854 437 engineering 625.44
human physiology 612.813 transportation services 388.42
Electroplating 671.732 see also Local rail transit
Electrorefining 669.028 4 systems
Electroshock therapy Elevations (Physiography) 551.43
psychiatry 616.891 22 T2-143
Electrostatic photocopying 686.44 see also Mountains
Electrostatic separation Elevator liability insurance 368.56
ores 622.77 Elevators (Aircraft) 629.134 33
Electrostatics 537.2 Elevators (Lifts)
Electrostriction 537.24 buildings 721.833
Electrotherapeutics architecture 721.833
medicine 615.845 construction 690.183 3
Electrotherapy mining 622.68
medicine 615.845 Elevenses 642
Electro winning 669.028 4 cooking 641.53
Elegies (Music) 784.189 64 light meals 641.53
Eleia (Greece) T2-495 27 main meals 641.54
ancient T2--388 customs 394.125 3
light meals 394.125 3
main meals 394.125 4

Dewey Decimal Class!fication

Eleventh century 909.1 Elliptic curves 516.352

Tl-090 21 Elliptic equations 515.3533
Elgin (Ont. :County) T2-713 34 Elliptic functions 515.983
Elgin, James Bruce, Earl Elliptic geometry 516.9
Indian history 954.035 1 Elliptic operators 515.7242
Victor Alexander Bruce, Ellis County (Kan.) T2-78119
Earl of Ellis County (Okla.) T2-766 155
Indian history 954.035 5 Ellis County (Tex.) T2-764 281 5
Elian philosophy 183.7 Ellisras (South Africa :
Elis (Greece) T2--495 27 District) TI--682 53
ancient T2-388 Ellsworth County (Kan.) TI-781 535
Elisa Pifia (Dominican Ellsworth Land (Antarctic
Republic: Province) T2-729 343 regions) T2-989
Elites 305.52 E1mbridge (England) T2---422 145
T1-086 21 Elminidae 595.764 5
Elitist systems of government 321.5 Elmore County (Ala.) TI-76152
Elizabeth, Empress of Russia Elmore County (Idaho) TI-796 29
Russian history 947.062 Elms 635.977 345
Elizabeth I, Queen of England botany 583.45
English history 942.055 forestry 634.972 8
Elizabeth II, Queen of Great lumber 674.142
Britain ornamental arboriculture 635.977 345
British history 941.085 Elocution 808.5
English history 942.085 Elopiformes 597.43
Scottish history 941.108 5 Elopomorpha 597.43
Elizabeth Islands (Mass.) T2-744 94 paleozoology 567.43
Elk(Moose) 599.657 Elqui (Chile: Province) T2-832 32
game hunting 799.276 57 Elves 398.21
conservation technology 639.979 657 see also Legendary beings
Elk (Wapiti) 599.654 2 Ely (England) T2--426 56
animal husbandry 636.294 42 Isle of (England) T2--426 53
big game hunting 799.276 542 Emaciation
conservation technology 639.979 654 2 medicine 616.396
Elk County (Kan.) T2-78l 915 see also Digestive system
Elk County (Pa.) T2-748 65 diseases -humans
Elk Island National Park Emancipation of slaves 326.8
(Alta.) T2-712 33 Emancipation Proclamation, 1863 973.714
Elkhart County (Ind.) T2-772 81 Emanuel County (Ga.) T2-758 684
Elko County (Nev.) T2~793 16 Emathia (Greece) TI--495 65
Elks (Fraternal order) 366.5 Embalming
biography 366.509 2 customs 393.3
Ellenborough, Edward Law, Earl Embankments
of flood-control engineering 627.42
Indian history 954.031 5 road engineering 625.733
Ellesmere Island (Nunavut) T2~719 52 structural engineering 624.162
Ellesmere Port and Neston Embargoes
(England) T2--427 17 international commerce 382.53
Ellice Islands T2-968 2 see also Import trade
Elliot (South Africa : law of nations 341.582
District) T2--687 57 Embarrassment 152.4
Elliotdale (South Africa : Embassies 327.2
District) T2--687 58 architecture 725.17
Elliott County (Ky.) T2~769 255 public administration 353.13
Ellipses 516.152 Embedded computer systems 006.22

Relative Index

Embellishments 781.247 Emergency management

Embeni (Panama) T2-728 776 management of enterprises 658.477
Emberizidae 598.883 Emergency medical services 362.18
Emberizinae 598.883 law 344.032 18
Embezzlement 364.1624 mental illness 362.204 251
law 345.026 24 Emergency medicine 616.025
Embioptera 595.737 injuries 617.1026
Embolisms Emergency planning 363.345 25
arteries public administration 353.95
medicine 616.135 see also Disasters
see also Cardiovascular Emergency surgery 617.026
diseases ~ humans anesthesiology 617.960 42
lungs Emergency telephone services 384.64
medicine 616.249 see also Telephone
see also Respiratory tract Emery County (Utah) T2-792 57
diseases humans Emery wheels 621.923
medicine 616.135 Emigrant remittances 332.042 46
see also Cardiovascular Emigration 304.82
diseases -- humans Jews
veins Holocaust, 1933-1945 940.531 814 2
medicine 616.145 law 342.082
see also Cardiovascular political science 325.2
diseases -- humans sociology 304.82
Embossing leather 675.25 Emigration from Mecca 297.634
Embouchure 784.193 4 Emilia-Romagna (Italy) T2-454
Embrithopoda 569.62 ancient T2-372 6
Embroidered rugs Eminent domain 343.025 2
arts 746.74 land economics 333.13
Embroidery Emission (Physics)
arts 746.44 solid-state physics 530.416
Embryo 571.86 Emission control devices
hmnan physiology 612.646 automotive 629.252 8
Embryo transfer Emission of light 535.3
ethics 176.2 Emmanuel Philibert, Duke of
see also Reproduction - Savoy
ethics Piedmontese history 945.107
surgery 618.1780599 Emmendingen (Germany :
Embryology 571.86 Landkreis) T2---434 626
human physiology 612.64 Emmental (Switzerland) TI---494 549 7
Embryophyta 580 Emmental-Oberaargau
see also Plants (Switzerland) T2·-494 549
Embryotomy Emmet County (Iowa) T2-777 125
obstetrical surgery 618.88 Emmet County (Mich.) T2-774 88
Embumbulu (South Africa : Emmons County (N.D.) TI-784 78
District) T2-684 5 Emoticons 004.601 48
Emden (Lower Saxony, Emotional illness 362.2
Germany) T2---435 917 social welfare 362.2
Emeralds 553.86 see also Mental health
economic geology 553.86 services
jewelry 739.27 see also Mental illness
mining 622.386 Emotional intelligence 152.4
Emergency care nursing 616.025 Emotionally disturbed children 305.908 408 3
Emergency legislation 343.01 home care 649.154

Dewey Decimal Classification

Emotionally disturbed people 305.908 4 Employee dismissal

TI-087 4 economics 331.259 6
see also Mentally ill people employment security 331.259 6
Emotions 152.4 unemployment 331.137
adolescents 155.512 4 law 344.012 596
arts T3C-353 personnel management 658.313
children 155.412 4 public administration 352.69
educational psychology 370.153 4 Employee evaluation
human physiology 612.823 2 military personnel 355.330 41
literature 808.803 53 personnel management 658.312 5
history and criticism 809.933 53 executives 658.407 125
specific literatures T3B-080 353 libraries 023.9
history and public administration 352.66
criticism T3B-093 53 Employee fringe benefits 331.255
philosophy 128.37 see also Employee benefits
Empangeni (South Africa) T2-684 3 Employee housing 331.255
Empathy personnel management 658.383
psychology 152.41 see also Employee benefits
Empedoclean philosophy 182.5 Employee malfeasance
Emphysema personnel management 658.314
medicine 616.248 Employee management 658.3
see also Respiratory tract Tl-068 3
diseases - humans see also Personnel management
Empididae 595.773 Employee morale
Empires 321.03 personnel management 658.314
T2-171 2 Employee motivation
Empirical remedies personnel management 658.314
therapeutics 615.88 executives 658.407 14
Empiricism 146.44 Employee organizations 331.88
ethics 171.2 economics 331.88
Employee absenteeism 331.259 88 personnel management 658.315 3
labor economics 331.259 88 military personnel 355.33
personnel management 658.314 public administration 352.68
Employee assistance programs women workers 331.478
(Health and safety) 331.255 Employee orientation
personnel management 658.382 personnel management 658.312 42
Employee banks 332.37 Employee ownership 338.69
credit unions 334.22 labor economics 331.21649
Employee benefits 331.255 personnel management 658.322 59
economics 331.255 Employee participation in
law management 331.0112
public employees 342.068 6 personnel management 658.315 2
personnel management 658.325 public administration 352.68
Tl-068 3 Employee qualifications 331.114
executives 658.407 25 see also Qualifications of
public administration 352.67 employees
public administration 354.98 Employee recognition
Employee development 370.113 personnel management 658.314 2
see also Vocational education Employee representation in
Employee discounts 331.255 management 331.0112
economics 331.255 personnel management 658.3152
personnel management 658.383 Employee retention
personnel management 658.314

Relative Index

rights 331.011 Employer-supported services for workers

344.010 1 (continued)
screening personnel management 658.38
lt:n.vuuw management 658.311 2 Tl---{)68 3
selection executives 658.407 8
658.311 2 public administration 352.67
Tl-068 3 Employers' liability 346.031
023.9 Employers' liability insurance 368.56
352.65 Employment 331.125
Employment agencies 331.128
economics 331.259 6 see also Employment services
employment security 331.259 6 Employment conditions 331.2
unemployment 331.137 see also Conditions of
law 344.oJ2 596 employment
personnel management 658.313 Employment interviewing 650.144
public administration 352.69 job hunting 650.144
ltl...,nl.rwl~e share ownership plans personnel selection 658.311 24
nersontnel management 658.322 59 Employment law 344.01
~:~ .... nln·vee stock options 331.216 49 Employment rights 331.011
labor economics 331.21649 Employment security 331.259 6
persounel management 658.322 59 law 344.012 596
executives 658.407 225 9 public employees 342.068 6
Employee stock ownership plans 331.21649 public administration 354.98
labor economics 331.216 49 Employment services 331.128
' personnel management 658.322 59 economics 331.128
Employee theft 364.162 3 public administration 354.96
law 345.026 23 social services 362.042 5
prevention disabled people 362.404 84
management 658.473 law 344.o32 042 5
· Employee training personnel mentally disabled people 362.384
personnel management 658.312 404 sick people 362.178 6
Employee turnover 331.126 Employment subsidies 331.120424
economics 331.126 Employment tests
personnel management 658.314 personnel selection 658.311 25
Employee utilization Emporia (Va.) T2-755 573
personnel management 658.312 8 Emu 598.53
public administration 352.66 Emulsins 572.756
Employees 331.11 see also Enzymes
bonding Emulsions 541.345 14
insurance 368.83 chemical engineering 660.294 514
economics 331.11 pharmaceutical chemistry 615.19
household 640.46 Emydidae 597.925
journalism for 070.486 Ena language 496.394
public administration 354.9 T6-963 94
social class 305.562 Enactment of legislation 328.37
Employer-employee relationships budgets 352.48
personnel management 658.315 law 342.057
libraries 023.9 political science 328.37
public administration 352.68 Enamel (Dental)
public administration 354.97 dentistry 617.634
Employer-supported services for Enameling
workers 331.255 ceramic arts 738.4
armed forces 355.34 glass arts 748.6
economics 331.255

Dewey Decimal Class{fication

Enamels 666.2 Endocardium diseases

architectural decoration 729.6 medicine 616.11
ceramic arts 738.4 see also Cardiovascular
materials science 620.146 diseases- humans
technology 666.2 Endocrine diseases 573.439
Encampment animals 573.439
military operations 355.412 veterinary medicine 636.089 64
military training 355.544 humans 362.196 4
Encaustic painting 751.46 anesthesiology 617.967 44
Encephalitis cancer 362.196 994 4
medicine 616.832 incidence 614.599 944
see also Nervous system medicine 616.994 4
diseases humans social services 362.196 994 4
Enclosures see also Cancer humans
land economics 333.2 geriatrics 618.976 4
Encoding incidence 614.594
computer science 005.72 medicine 616.4
Encounter groups pediatrics 618.924
social psychology 302.14 pharmacokinetics 615.74
social work 361.06 pregnancy complications
Encryption 652.8 obstetrics 618.364
computer science 005.82 social services 362.196 4
Encyclicals 262.91 surgery 617.44
Encyclopedia yearbooks 030 Endocrine drugs
Tl-03 pharmacology 615.36
Encyclopedias 030 Endocrine glands 573.4
Tl--03 see also Endocrine system
Encyclopedists Endocrine gynecology 618.1
biography 030.92 Endocrine secretions 573.44
End-blown flutes 788.35 human physiology 612.4
see also Woodwind instruments see also Endocrine system
End games (Chess) 794.124 Endocrine system 573.4
End of the world anesthesiology 617.967 44
controversial knowledge 001.9 biology 573.4
religion 202.3 diseases 573.439
Christianity 236.9 see also Endocrine diseases
End of universe 523.19 human anatomy 611.4
Endangered species 333.952 2 human histology 612.404 5
Enderby (B.C.) T2-711 5 human physiology 612.4
Enderby Land (Antarctic medicine 616.4
regions) T2-989 surgery 617.44
Endive 641.355 5 see Manual at 573.44 vs.
botany 583.99 571.74
food 641.355 5 Endocrinology 573.4
garden crop 635.55 medicine 616.4
Endocarditis Endocrinotherapy 615.36
medicine 616.11 Endodontics 617.6342
see also Cardiovascular Endogamy 306.82
diseases- humans Endometriosis
Endocardium gynecology 618.1
human anatomy 611.12 see also Female genital
human physiology 612.17 diseases humans
medicine 616.11

Relative Index

Energy (continued)
618.142 resource economics 333.79
see Manual at 333.7-.9 vs.
579.562 Energy budget (Nature)
571.999 ecology 577.13
632.623 meteorology 551.525
571.999 1 Energy conservation 333.791 6
636.089 696 2 architectural consideration 720.472
economics 333.791 6
incidence 614.552 home economics 644
medicine 616.962 housing program 363.583
see also Communicable law 346.046 791 6
diseases- humans management of enten'1m'"'~ 658.26
plants 571.999 2 public administration 354.43
agriculture 632.623 see also Energy
Endoplasmic reticulum 571.65 Energy development 333.791 5
Endopterygota 595.7 law 346.046 791 5
see also Insects public administration 354.427
ENDOR (Physics) 538.362 see also Energy
Endoscopic surgery 617.057 Energy engineering 621.042
Endoscopy buildings 696
medicine 616.075 45 Energy flow (Nature)
surgery 617.057 ecology 577.13
Endospore-forming gram-positive meteorology 551.525
rods and cocci 579.36 Energy levels (Nuclear physics) 539.725
Endosteum Energy management 333.79
human histology 612.751 045 business 658.26
Endothelium 571.555 Tl-068 2
human histology 611.018 7 see also Energy
Endothermic reactions 541.362 Energy metabolism 572.43
chemical engineering 660.296 2 human physiology 612.39
Endotoxins see also Digestive system
human toxicology 615.952 93 Energy phenomena
Endowment insurance 368.322 solid-state physics 530.416
Endowments Energy policy 333.79
capital procurement 658.152 24 see also Energy
Endpapers Energy production 333.79
handicrafts 745.54 Energy resources 333.79
Enemy sympathizers economic geology 553.2
World War I 940.3163 economics 333.79
World War II 940.531 63 extraction 622.33
Energism 146 economics 338.2
Energy 333.79 law 346.046 79
architectural consideration 720.472 public administration 354.4
classical physics 531.6 see also Energy
law 346.046 79 Energy supply 333.791 1
philosophy 118 law 343.092
physics 530 see also Energy
plant management 658.26 Enets language 494.4
public administration 354.4 T6--944
quantum mechanics 530.12 Enewetak Atoll (Marshall
Islands) T2-968 3
Enfield (London, England) T2--421 89

Dewey Decimal Class!fication

Engalanguage 499.12 English T5-21

T6-9912 see A1anual at T5-20 1-209 vs.
Enga Province (Papua New T5-2101-2109
Guinea) T2-9563 English as a second language
Engaged people 306.734 applied linguistics
Tl--086 523 audio-lingual approach 428.34
Engagement (Betrothal) 392.4 formal approach 428.24
customs 392.4 primary education 372.652 I
etiquette 395.22 English billiards 794.73
music 781.586 English Channel 551.461 336
social aspects 306.734 T2-163 36
Engcobo (South Africa : English creole languages 427.9
District) T2-687 58 T6-217
Engineering 620 folk music 781.622
accounting 657.834 English folk songs 782.421 622
effect on natural ecology 577.272 English horns 788.53
law 343.078 62 instrument 788.531 9
Engineering analysis music 788.53
structures 624.17 see also Woodwind instruments
Engineering design 620.004 2 English language 420
Engineering drawing 604.2 T6-21
Engineering geology 624.151 primary education 372.6
dams 627.81 rhetoric 808.042
railroads 625.122 English-language shorthand
roads 625.732 systems 653.42
Engineering graphics 604.2 English literature 820
Engineering installations (Armed English longhorn cattle 636.226
forces) 355.74 English peas 641.356 56
Engineering materials 620.11 see also Peas (Pisum sativum)
Engineering mechanics 620.1 English Revised version Bible 220.520 4
Engineering optics 621.36 English sparrow 598.887
Engineering services (Armed English-speaking West
forces) 358.22 Africa T2-66091752l
air force 358.47 English system (Measurement) 530.813
navy 359.982 social aspects 389.15
Engineering systems English toy spaniel 636.76
ships 623.85 Engraved seals
Engineers 620.009 2 numismatics 737.6
Engines 621.4 Engraved stamps
air-cushion vehicles 629.314 numismatics 737.6
aircraft 629.134 35 Engravers 769.92
automotive 629.25 Engraving
military aircraft 623.746 049 gems 736.202 8
ships 623.87 glass arts 748.62
spacecraft 629.475 graphic arts 760
England 942 Enhanced recovery
T2--42 oil extraction 622.338 2
ancient 936.2 Enhydra 599.769 5
T2-362 Enigmas 001.94
see Manual at T2--4l and Eniwetok Atoll (Marshall
T2--42; also at 941 Islands) T2-968 3
England, Eastern T2--426 Enjoyment 152.42
England, Northern T2-427 Enlargers
England, Southern T2--422 photography 771.44

Relative Index

Enlightenment advertising 659.131

European history 940.25 Entertainment equipment
religion 204.2 automobile 629.277
Buddhism 294.344 2 Entertainment films
Hinduism 294.542 performing arts 791.43
Islam 297.57 Entertainment law 344.099
Enlisted personnel 355.009 2 Entertainment media
role and function 355.338 accounting 657.84
Enlistment Entertainment programs
armed services 355.223 radiobroadcasting
law 343.012 performing arts 791.44
Enna (Italy: Province) T2-458 12 television broadcasting
ancient T2--378 12 performing arts 791.45
Ennea gram 155.26 Entertainments (Parties) 793.2
Enoch (Pseudepigrapha) 229.913 cooking 641.568
Enrollment etiquette 395.3
higher education 378.161 9 indoor amusements 793.2
Ensemble technique interior decoration 747.93
music 781.438 meal service 642.4
Enslaved people 306.362 Entertainments (Performances) 790.2
Entablatures 721.2 music 781.55
construction 690.12 Enthusiasm
interior decoration 747.3 psychology of learning 153.153 3
Entail 346.043 2 Entire functions 515.98
land economics 333.323 4 Entitlement spending 336.39
Entailment Entlebuch (Switzerland :
linguistics 401.454 Amt) T2--494 551
specific languages T4-014 54 Entombment 363.75
Enteral nutrition customs 393.1
medicine 615.854 82 see also Undertaking
Enteric fever (Mortuary)
incidence 614.511 2 Entomologists 595.709 2
medicine 616.927 2 Entomology 595.7
see also Communicable agriculture 632.7
diseases - humans medicine 616.968
Enteritis Entoprocta 594.66
medicine 616.344 paleozoology 564.6
see also Digestive system Entotrophi 595.724
diseases-- humans Entrance examinations (Schools) 371.262
Enterobacteriaceae 579.34 Entrance requirements (Schools) 371.217
Enterobiasis Entre Douro e Minho
incidence 614.555 4 (Portugal) T2--469 I
medicine 616.965 4 Entre Rios (Argentina) T2-822 1
see also Communicable Entrees 641.82
diseases --humans main dishes 641.82
Enteropneusta 593.99 side dishes 641.81
paleozoology 563.99 Entremont (Switzerland) 1'2--494 796 6
Entertainers 791.092 Entrepreneurial management 658.421
see Manual at 780.92 and Entrepreneurs 338.040 92
791.092 Tl-086 22
Entertaining 793.2 executive management 658.421
etiquette 395.3 social class 305.554
indoor amusements 793.2 see Manual at 300 vs. 600; also
meal service 642.4 at338.092

Dewey Decimal Classification

Entrepreneurship 338.04 Environmental control

income distribution 339.21 spacecraft 629.477
management 658.421 Environmental design
production economics 338.04 arts 711
Entropy 536.73 crime prevention 364.49
fc.nugu State (Nigeria) T2-669 49 ergonomics 620.82
Enumeration (Combinatorial Environmental diseases 571.95
analysis) 511.62 agriculture 632.1
Enumerative geometry 516.35 animals 571.951
Enuresis veterinary medicine 636.089 698
medicine 616.849 humans 362.196 98
see also Nervous system geriatrics 618.976 98
diseases humans incidence 614.59
pediatrics 618.928 49 medicine 616.98
Environment 333.7 pediatrics 618.929 8
architectural consideration 720.47 social services 362.196 98
arts 700.455 3 plants 632.1
T3C-355 3 see Manual at 363.73 vs.
economics 333.7 571.95, 577.27
ethics ] 79.1 Environmental economics
religion 205.691 development policy 338.927
Buddhism 294.356 91 Environmental engineering 628
Christianity 241.691 Tl--()28 6
Hinduism 294.548 691 buildings 696
Judaism 296.369 1 sanitary engineering 628
literature 808.803 553 work environment 620.8
history and criticism 809.933 553 Environmental engineers 628.092
specific literatures T3B--()80 355 3 Environmental factors
history and genetics 576.542
criticism T3B-093 553 physical ethnology 599.972
primary education 372.357 Environmental health
public administration 354.3 personal health 613.1
social theology 201.77 Environmental health '"'"'"'"'""' 628
Christianity 261.88 Tl-028 6
Islam 297.27 Environmental impact studies 333.714
Judaism 296.38 environmental protection 363.7
see Manual at 333.72 vs. law 344.046
304.28, 320.58, 363.7; natural resources 333.714
also at 333.7-.9 vs. 363.1, see Afanual at 333.7 .9 vs.
363.73, 577 363.1, 363.73, 577
Environment versus heredity Environmental impairment
psychology 155.7 liability insurance 368.563
evolutionary psychology 155.7 Environmental law 344.046
individual psychology 155.234 Environmental medicine 616.98
Environmental abuse 363.7 Environmental monitoring 363.706 3
social effects 304.28 pollution 363.736 3
social problem 363.7 social services 363.706 3
social theology 201.77 see Manual at 333.7-.9 vs.
Christianity 261.88 363.1, 363.73, 577
see Manual at 333.72 vs. Environmental offenses 364.145
304.28, 320.58, 363.7 law 345.024 5
Environmental biology 577 Environmental pollution 363.73
Environmental biophysics 571.49
Environmental chemistry 577.14

Relative Index

Environmental protection 363.7

engineering 628 Epeirogeny 551.8
Tl-028 6 Epeiros (Greece) T2-495 3
executive management 658.408 3 Ephedrales 585.8
344.046 Ephedras 585.8
public administration 354.328 Ephedrine abuse 362.299 5
social services 363.7 medicine 616.864
see also Environment personal health 613.84
see Manual at 363 vs. 302 307, social welfare 362.299 5
333.7, 570-590, 600 see also Substance abuse
Environmental psychology 155.9 Ephemerides 528
adolescents !55.518 9 astrology 133.55
children 155.4189 Ephemeroptera 595.734
late adulthood !55.671 89 Ephesians (Biblical book) 227.5
Environmental sanitation 363.72 Ephesus (Extinct city) T2-392 3
Environmental studies 333.707 Ephydridae 595.774
primary education 372.357 Epic poetry 808.813 2
see alw Environment history and criticism 809.132
Environmental technology specific literatures T3B-103 2
see also Green technology individual authors T3A--1
Environmental toxicology 571.95 Epicurean philosophy 187
ecology 577.27 Epidemic diarrhea
medicine 615.902 incidence 614.593 427
pathology 571.95 medicine 616.342 7
Environmentalism 333.72 see also Digestive system
politics 320.58 diseases -humans
see Manual at 333.72 vs. Epidemic parotitis
304.28, 320.58, 363.7 incidence 614.544
Environmentalist parties 324.218 7 medicine 616.313
international organizations 324.187 see also Digestive system
Environmentalist political diseases -humans
ideologies 320.58 Epidemic typhus
Environmentalists 333.720 92 incidence 614.526 2
Environments (Art style) 709.040 74 medicine 616.9222
Envoys 327.209 2 see also Communicable
Envy 152.48 diseases humans
ethics 179.8 Epidemics (Mathematics) 519.85
religion 205.698 Epidemiology 614.4
see also Vices veterinary medicine 636.089 44
psychology 152.48 see Manual at 614.4
Enya languages 496.394 Epidermis 573.5
T6-963 94 plants 575.451
Enzyme technology 660.634 see also Skin
Enzymes 572.7 Epidote
biochemistry 572.7 mineralogy 549.63
humans 612.015 I Epidural anesthesia
pharmacology 615.35 surgery 617.964
Eocene epoch 551.784 Epiglottis 573.925
geology 551.784 human anatomy 611.22
paleontology 560.178 4 human physiology 612.233
Eolithic Age 930.124 medicine 616.22
Tl--090 12 surgery 617.533
Eosuchia 567.94 see also Respiratory system
Eotheria 569.29

Dewey Decimal Classification

Epiglottis diseases Epistles (Bible) 227

medicine 616.22 pseudepigrapha 229.93
see also Respiratory tract Epitaphs
diseases -- humans genealogy 929.5
Epigrams 808.882 Epithelial cells
history and criticism 809.982 human cytology 611.018 76
specific literatures T3B-802 Epithelial tissues 571.55
individual authors T3A-8 human histology 611.018 7
Epigraphy 411.7 Epithelium 571.55
specific languages T4-ll human histology 611.018 7
Epilepsy Epitomes Tl-020 2
medicine 616.853 Eponym dictionaries 412.03
see also Nervous system specific languages T4-203
diseases - humans Epoxies 668.422 6
Epiphany 263.915 Epoxy resin 668.374
devotionalliterature 242.335 Epping Forest (England) T2-426 74
music 781.724 EPR (Magnetic resonance) 538.364
sermons 252.615 Epsom and Ewell (England) T2-422 15
Epirus (Greece) T2-495 3 Equal-area projections
ancient T2-382 maps 526.85
Epin1s (Greece and Albania) T2-495 3 Equal economic opportunity
Albania T2-496 5 government programs 354.08
Greece T2-495 3 Equal educational opportunity 379.26
Epin1s (Kingdom) T2-382 Equal employment opportunity 331.133
Episcopacy 262.12 economics 331.133
Episcopal Church 283.73 labor unions 331.873 2
church government 262.037 3 government programs 354.908
parishes 254.037 3 law 344.011 33
church law 262.983 73 personnel management 658.300 8
doctrines 230.3 government employees 352.608
catechisms and creeds 238.3 Equal opportunity
guides to Christian life 248.483 government programs 353.53
liturgy 264.03 Equal pay for equal work 331.215 3
missions 266.3 economics 331.215 3
moral theology 241.043 law 344.012 153
religious associations 267.183 73 Equal protection of the law 323.42
religious education 268.837 3 law 340.11
religious orders 255.83 political science 323.42
church history 271.83 Equal time (Election law) 342.078
women 255.983 Equality 305
church history 271.983 civil right 323.42
seminaries 230.073 373 political theory 320.Dll
theology 230.3 religion 200.8
Episcopal palaces Christianity 270.08
architecture 726.9 Judaism 296.08
Episcopal systems sociology 305
Christian ecclesiology 262.3 Equateur (Congo: Province) T2-675 13
Episcopalians Equation of exchange theory 332.401
biography 283.092 Equation of time 529.1
Episiotomy Equations 511.326
obstetrical surgery 618.85 algebra 512.94
Epistemic logic 511.314 calculus 515.25
Epistemology 121 Equatoria Region (Sudan) T2-629 5
Epistle of Jeremiah (Bible) 229.5

Relative Index

Equatorial Guinea
T2--671 8 Ergonomics 620.82
Equatorial Guineans T5-967 18 computers 004.019
Equatorial Islands 996.4 engineering 621.398 4
T2-964 Erhard, Ludwig
Equestrian performers 791.320 92 German history 943.087 6
Equestrian sculpture 731.81 Ericales 583.66
Equestrian sports 798 Erie, Lake T2-7712
equipment technology 688.78 Ohio T2--771 2
Equestrians 798.092 Ontario T2-713 3
Equidae 599.665 Erie County (N.Y.) T2-747 96
animal husbandry 636.1 Erie County (Ohio) T2-771 22
Equilibrium Erie County (Pa.) T2-748 99
astronomy 521 Erik XIV, King of Sweden
chemical engineering 660.299 2 Swedish history 948.503 22
macroeconomic policy 339.5 Erinaceidae 599.332
Equipment Tl-028 4 Erinaceus 599.332 2
educational use Tl-078 Eriocaulales 584.87
local Christian parishes 254.7 Eritrea 963.5
management 658.27 T2-635
Tl-068 2 Eritrean Orthodox Church 281.6
public administration 352.55 see also Eastern churches
office services 651.2 Eritreans T5-928 9
procurement 658.72 Erlangen (Germany) TI----433 22
teaching aids 371.33 Ermelo (South Africa :
Tl-078 District) T2-682 78
Equipment research Ermine 599.766 2
production management 658.577 Erodiums 635.933 79
Equipment sheds botany 583.79
agricultural use 631.25 floriculture 635.933 79
Equisetales 587.2 Erogeneity 155.31
paleobotany 561.72 Erosion 551.302
Equisetum 587.2 agriculture 631.45
Equitable remedies 347.077 by glaciers 551.313
Equity 346.004 by water 551.352
Equivalent projections by wind 551.372
maps 526.85 engineering 627.5
Equus 599.665 geology 551.302
Erable (Quebec) T2-714 575 see .Manual at 551.302-.307 vs.
Eragrosteae 584.9 551.35
Erath County (Tex.) T2 764 551 Erotetic logic 160.119
Erbium Erotic literature 808.803 538
chemistry 546.418 history and criticism 809.933 538
Eremitical religious orders 255.02 specific literatures T3B-080 353 8
church history 271.02 history and criticism T3B-093 538
women 255.902 Erotic painting 757.8
church history 271.902 Erotica
Ercthizontidae 599.359 74 arts 700.453 8
Eretrian philosophy (Ancient) 183.7 T3C-353 8
Erewash (England) T2~-425 18 literature 808.803 538
Erfurt (Germany) T2----432 248 history and criticism 809.933 538
Erfurt (Germany : Bezirk) T2----432 24 specific literatures T3B~080 353 8

Ergative constructions 415 history and

specific languages T4-5 criticism T3B 093 538

Dewey Decimal Class{fication

Errachidia (Morocco : Escalators 621.867 6

Province) T2--645 architecture 721.832
EITor (Mathematics) 511.43 building construction 690.183 2
Error-correcting codes 005.717 Escalloniaceae 583.72
Error correctors Escallonias 583.72
automation engineering 629.831 5 Escambia County (Ala.) T2-761 265
Error detectors Escambia County (Fla.) T2-759 99
automation em~meermg 629.831 5 equipment
Errors 001.96 aircraft 629.134 386
logic 165 military aircraft 623.746 049
psychology of perception 153.74 Escapements
Errors and omissions insurance 368.564 clockwork 681.112
Erudition 001.2 Escapes 365.641
Eruptive variables 523.844 6 Eschatology 202.3
Eruvin 296.123 2 Buddhism 294.342 3
Babylonian Talmud 296.125 2 Christianity 236
Mishnah 296.123 2 Hinduism 294.523
Palestinian Talmud 296.124 2 Islam 297.23
Erwinia 579.34 Judaism 296.33
Erysipelas philosophy of religion 218
incidence 614.595 23 Escherichia 579.342
medicine 616.523 Escherichia coli infections
see also Skin diseases incidence 614.57
humans medicine 616.926
Erysiphales 579.567 see also Communicable
Erythroblastosis fetalis diseases humans
pediatrics 618.921 5 Eschrichtidae 599.522
perinatal medicine 618.326 I Escrows 346.043 73
see also Cardiovascular Escuintla (Guatemala :
diseases humans Dept.) T2-728 163
Erythrocyte count Esdras (Deuterocanonical book) 229.1
human physiology 612.111 2 E~fahan (Iran: Province) T2-559 5
Erythrocyte disorders Eshowe (South Africa :
medicine 616.151 District) T2-6844
see also Cardiovascular Eskimo T5-971
diseases humans Eskimo-Aleut languages 497.1
Erythrocytes 573.153 6 T6-971
human histology 612.111 Eskimo dogs 636.73
human physiology 612.111 Eskimo languages 497.1
medicine 616.151 T6-971
Erythroxylaceae 583.79 Eskimo literature 897.1
Erzgebirge (Czech Republic Eski~ehir iii (Turkey) T2-563 5
and Ge1many) T2-437 15 ancient T2-392 6
Czech Republic T2-437 15 Esmeralda County (Nev.) T2-793 35
Germany T2-432 16 Esmeraldas (Ecuador :
Erzincan ili (Turkey) T2-566 74 Province) T2-866 35
ancient T2-394 2 Esocidae 597.59
Erzurum iii (Turkey) T2-566 24 Esophageal diseases
ancient T2--395 5 medicine 616.32
Es Semara (Morocco : see also Digestive system
Province) T2-648 diseases humans
Esaki diodes 621.381 522 Esophagus 573.359
biology 573.359
human anatomy 611.32

Relative Index

Esophagus (continued) Essence (Philosophy) I 11.1

human physiology 612.315 Essences (Flavorings) 641.338 2
medicine 616.32 see also Flavorings
surgery 617.548 Essenes 296.814
see also Digestive system Essential hypertension
Esoteric societies 366 medicine 616.132
Esox 597.59 see also Cardiovascular
ESP (Extrasensory perception) 133.8 diseases humans
Espaillat (Dominican Essential oils
Republic :Province) T2-729 362 chemical engineering 661.806
Espartos 584.9 chemistry 547.71
Esperance (W.A.) T2-94l 7 Essequibo Islands-West
Esperance National Park Demerara Region
(W.A.) T2--941 7 (Guyana) T2-~88! 3
Esperanto language 499.992 Essex (England) T2-4267
T6-999 92 Essex (Ont. :County) T2--713 31
Esperanto literature 899.992 Essex County (Mass.) T2-7445
Espionage 327.12 Essex County (N.J.) T2-749 31
armed forces 355.343 2 Essex County (N.Y.) T2-747 53
criminology 364.131 Essex County (Va.) T2-755 34
criminal law 345.023 I Essex County (Vt.) T2-743 25
ethics 172.4 Essonne (France) T2-443 65
see also Political ethics Estate planning 332.024016
industrial management 658.472 law 346.052
international politics 327.12 tax law 343.053
labor economics 331.894 Estate sales 381.19
law of war 341.63 Estate tax 336.276
public administration 353.17 law 343.053
social theology 201.727 Estate wines 641.22
Christianity 261.87 commercial processing 663.2
see also International Estates (Grounds)
relations - social landscape architecture 712.6
theology Estates (Inheritance)
Espfrito Santo (Brazil : accounting 657.47
State) T2--815 2 administration 346.056
Esquimalt (B.C.) T2-711 28 Estcourt (South Africa :
ESR (Magnetic resonance) 538.364 District) T2-684 7
Essaouira (Morocco : Estell (Nicaragua: Dept.) T2-728 524
Province) T2-6464 Est erases 572.757
Essayists (Literature) 809.4 see also Enzymes
collected biography 809.4 Esterification 547.27
specific literatures T3B-400 9 chemical engineering 660.284 4
individual biography T3A-4 Esters 547.038
Essays 080 aromatic chemistry 547.638
see Manual at 080 vs. 800; also chemical engineering 661.83
at081-089 Esther (Biblical book) 222.9
Essays (Literature) 808.84 Esther (Deuterocanonical book) 229.27
criticism 809.4 Esthonian language 494.545
theory 808.4 T6-945 45
history 809.4 Esthonian literature 894.545
rhetoric 808.4 Esthonians T5-945 45
specific literatures T3B-4 Estill County (Ky.) T2-769 59
individual authors T3A-4 Estimated budgets (Public) 352.48
Essen (Gennany) T2-435 538 see also Budgets (Public)

Dewey Decimal Classification

Estimates Tl--{)29 Ethers 547.035

building construction 692.5 aromatic chemistry 547.635
Estimation theory 519.5 chemical engineering 661.84
probabilities 519.287 human toxicology 615.951 35
statistical mathematics 519.544 Ethical education 370.114
Estonia 947.98 Ethical problems 172-179
T2--479 8 arts T3C-353
Estonian language 494.545 religion 205.6
T6-945 45 Buddhism 294.356
Estonian literature 894.545 Christianity 241.6
Estonians T5-945 45 Hinduism 294.548 6
Estrada, Joseph Ejercito Islam 297.56
Philippine history 959.904 9 Judaism 296.36
Estremadura (Portugal) Ethical systems 171
historic province T2~4694 Ethical wills
modern province T2-46942 Judaism 296.36
Estremadura (Portugal : Ethicists 170.92
Region) T2--469 4 Ethics 170
Estremadura (Spain) T2--462 6 arts T3C-353
Estrie (Quebec) T2-714 6 religion 205
Estrildidae 598.886 Buddhism 294.35
Estrith dynasty 948.901 5 Christianity 241
Estuaries 551.461 8 see lvfanual at 241 vs.
biology 578.778 6 261.8
ecology 577.786 Hinduism 294.548
engineering 627.124 Islam 297.5
public administration 354.36 Sufi 297.45
resource economics 333.916 4 Judaism 296.36
see Manual at T2-162 Ethics agencies 352.88
Etchemins (Quebec) T2-714 72 Ethics in government 172.2
Etching law 342.068 4
glass arts 748.63 Ethics of the Fathers 296.123 47
graphic arts 767.2 Ethiopia 963
Etelii-Suomen laani T2--63
(Finland) T2--489 71 Ethiopia (Nubia) 939.78
Eternity T2-397 8
philosophy 115 Ethiopian Church 281.75
religion 202.3 see also Eastern churches
Christianity 236.21 Ethiopian languages 492.8
Islam 297.23 T6-928
Judaism 296.33 Ethiopian literatures 892.8
Ethanol Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo
fuel 662.669 2 Church 281.75
Ethel bald, King of England see also Eastern churches
English history 942.016 3 Ethiopian War, 1895-1896 963.043
Ethelbert, King of England Ethiopians T5-928
English history 942.016 3 Ethiopic language 492.81
Ethelred I, King of England T6--928 1
English history 942.016 3 Biblical texts 220.46
Ethelred II, King of England Ethiopic literature 892.81
English history 942.0174 Ethnic cleansing
Ethelwulf, King of England sociology 304.663
English history 942.016 2 Ethnic clubs 369.3
Ethnic cooking 641.592

Relative Index

Ethnology 305.8
155.82 physical anthropology 599.97
305.8 Ethnomusicology 780.89
Tl-089 Ethnopsychology 155.82
civil and human rights 323.11 adolescents 155.508 9
Jaw 342.087 3 children 155.457
law ofnations 341.485 3 late adulthood 155.670 89
· collected biography Tl-092 3 Ethology (Animal behavior) 591.5
criminology 364.34 Etiology
education 371.829 medicine 616.071
geographic treatment Tl-089 009 see Manual at 616.1-.9
see Manual at T1-09 vs. Etiquette 395
Tl-~089 armed forces 355.133 6
government programs 353.533 9 arts 700.455 9
specific groups 353.534 T3C-355 9
history 909.04 Etna, Mount (Italy) T2---458 13
specific places 930~990 Etobicoke (Toronto, Ont.) T2--713 541
journalism for 070.484 Etorofu Island T2-524
labor 331.6 Etowah County (Ala.) T2-761 67
economics 331.6 Etruria T2-375
personnel management 658.300 89 Etruria (Kingdom) 945.508 2
legal status 346.013 Etruscan architecture 722.62
constitutional law 342.087 3 Etruscan language 499.94
private law 346.013 T6---999 4
literature 808.898 Etruscan sculpture 733.4
history and criticism 809.8 Etruscans 937.501
specific literatures T3B--080 8 T5-9994
history and Ettrick and Lauderdale
criticism T3B--098 (Scotland) T2---413 7
see Manual at T3C-93-99, Etudes 784.189 49
T3C-9174 vs. T3G-8 Etymology 412
military troops
World War I 940.403 dictionaries 412.03
World Warii 940.5404 specific languages T4--2
physical ethnology 599.97 dictionaries T4-203
psychology 155.82 see Manual at401.43 vs.
see 1\!anual at 155.89 vs. 306.44, 401.45, 401.9, 412,
155.84 415
relations with government 323.11 El.J (European Union) 341.242 2
religion 200.89 see also European Union
Christianity 270.089 Eubacteriales 579.3
social welfare 362.84 Eubalaena 599.527 3
public administration 353.533 9 Euboea (Greece: Nome) T2---495 15
specific groups 353.534 Euboea Island (Greece) T2---495 15
see Manual at Table 5 ancient T2-384
Ethnic minorities 305.8 Eucalyptus 583.766
Ethnic nationalism 320.54 forestry 634.973 766
Ethnic relations 305.8 medicinal crop 633.883 766
Ethnobotany 581.63 ornamental arboriculture 635.977 376 6
Ethnographers 305.800 92 Eucarida 595.38
Ethnography 305.8 Eucestoda 592.46
Ethno Iinguistics 306.44
Ethnological jurisprudence 340.52
Ethnologists 305.800 92

Dewey Decimal Classification

Eucharist 234.163 Eurodollar market 332.456 094

public worship 264.36 Europe 940
Anglican 264.030 36 T2---4
texts 264.03 ancient 936
Roman Catholic 264.020 36 T2-36
texts 264.023 geography 914
theology 234.163 military operations
Eucharistic Liturgy 264.36 World War I 940.414
Euclidean geometry 516.2 World War II 940.542 1
metric differential 516.37 travel 914.04
Eucommiales 583.43 Europe, Central eastern 943.7
Euechinoidea 593.95 T2---437
363.92 Europe, Eastern 947
crime prevention 364.4 T2---47
see also Crime prevention Europe, Northern 948
ethics 176 T2---48
health 613.94 ancient 936.8
social services 363.92 T2-368
Euglenida 579.84 Europe, Southeastern 949.6
Euglenoids 579.84 T2---496
Euglenophyta 579.84 ancient 939.8
Eukaryotic cells 571.6 T2-398
Eulerian integrals 515.52 Europe, Southern 940
Eumeces 597.957 3 T2---4
Eumycetes 579.5 ancient 938
Eumycophyta 579.5 T2-38
Eungella National Park Europe, Western 940
(Qld.) T2-943 6 T2---4
Euphausiacea 595.389 ancient 936
Euphoniums 788.975 T2-36
instrument 788.975 19 European Arctic seawaters 551.461 324
music 788.975 T2-163 24
see also Brass instruments European bison 599.643
Euphorbia1es 583.69 European Commission 341.242 226
Euphratensis (Roman European Common Market 341.242 2
province) T2-~393 6 see also European Union
northern T2-393 6 European Community 341.242 2
southern T2-394 32 see also European Union
Euphrates River T2--567 4 European Convention on Human
Eupteleales 583.43 Rights, 1950 342.240 850 261
Eurasia T2-5 European Court of Human Rights 342.240 850 269
Eurasian red squirrel 599.362 European Economic Community 341.242 2
Eurasiatic languages 410 see also European Union
T6-l European federation 321.040 94
Eure (France) T2---442 42 European Free Trade Association 341.242
Eure-et-Loir (France) T2---445 12 international commerce 382.914 3
Eureka County (Nev.) T2-793 32 intemational economics 337.143
Euro 332.494 law of nations 341.242
Euroa (Vic.) T2-945 5 European hedgehog 599.332 2
Eurobonds 332.632 3 European Investment Bank 332.153 4
public finance 336.31 European Parliament 341.242 224
Eurocommunism legislative process 328.4
political ideology 320.532 309 4 European philosophy 190
Eurocurrency market 332.456 094 European polecat 599.766 28

Relative Index

European theater (World War Il) 940.542 1 Evangelical Lutheran Church in

European Union 341.242 2 America 284.135
commerce 382.914 2 see also Lutheran church
economics 337.142 Evangelical Lutheran Synodical
law of nations 341.242 2 Conference of North America 284.132
public administration 352.114 see also Lutheran church
European wildcat 599.752 6 Evangelical theology 230.046 24
Europeans T5-09 Evangelical United Brethren
Europium Church 289.9
chemistry 546.415 see also Christian
Eurotiales 579.565 denominations
Euryapsida 567.93 Evangelicalism 270.82
Eurylaimidae 598.822 independent denominations 289.95
Eurypterida 565.493 Protestantism 280.4
Eurytania (Greece) T2-495 15 Evangeline Parish (La.) 1'2-763 57
ancient T2-383 Evangelische Kirche in
Eurytanias Nomos (Greece) T2-495 15 Deutschland 284.094 3
Eustachian tube diseases 617.86 see also Lutheran church
see also Ear diseases Evangelische Volkspartei der
humans Schweiz 324.249 408 2
Eustachian tubes Evangelism 269.2
human anatomy 611.85 Evangelistic sermons 252.3
human physiology 612.854 Evangelistic writings 243
medicine 617.86 Evangelization 266
Euthanasia Evans Cmmty (Ga.) T2--758 763
ethics 179.7 Evaporated foods
religion 205.697 cooking 641.614
see also Death ethics Evaporated milk 641.371 422
law 344.041 97 cooking 641.671 422
Eutheria 599 food 641.371 422
Eutrophication 577.631 58 processing 637.1422
Euvoia (Greece) T2-495 15 Evaporating foods 664.028 4
Evaluation of employee training commercial preservation 664.028 4
personnel management 658.312 404 home preservation 641.44
Evaluation research 001.4 Evaporation 536.44
Tl-072 chemical engineering 660.284 26
Evaluations of products and meteorology 551.572
services Tl-029 Evaporation control
Evangelical and Reformed water supply engineering 628.132
Church 285.734 Evapotranspiration
see also Reformed Church meteorology 551.572
(American Reformed) Eve (Biblical person)
Evangelical churches 289.95 Bible stories 222.110 950 5
Evangelical Congregational Even language 494.1
Church 289.9 T6-941
see also Christian Even-toed ungulates 599.63
denominations Evening dress 391.486
Evangelical Free Church of commercial technology 687.16
America 289.95 customs 391.486
see also Christian home sewing 646.476
denominations see also Clothing
Evangelical Lutheran Church 284.131 2 Evening prayer 264.15
see also Lutheran church Anglican 264.030 15
texts 264.034

Dewey Decimal Classification

Evening prayer (continued) Evil (Concept) ll1.84

music 782.326 ethics 170
choral and mixed voices 782.532 6 religion 205
single voices 783.093 26 Christianity 241.3
Evening primroses 635.933 76 Islam 297.5
botany 583.76 Judaism 296.36
floriculture 635.933 76 religion 202.118
Evening schools Christianity 231.8
adult education 374.8 freedom of choice 233.7
higher education 378.15 comparative religion 202.118
Evenki (Asian people) TS-941 Islam 297.211 8
Evenki (Russia : Okrug) T2-575 Judaism 296.311 8
Evenki language 494.1 philosophy of religion 214
T6-941 Evil eye 133.425
Evenskii avtonomnyr okrug Evil spirits 133.423
(Russia) T2-575 religion 202.16
Evensong 264.030 15 see also Legendary beings
music 782.326 Evolutes 516.362
texts 264.034 Evolution 576.8
Eventing (Horsemanship) 798.242 animals 591.38
Events 900 biochemistry 572.38
see Manual at 900 biology 576.8
Events (Art style) 709.04074 ethical systems 171.7
Everglades (Fla.) T2-759 39 humans 599.938
Everglades National Park microorganisms 579.138
(Fla.) T2-759 39 molecular biology 572.838
Evergreen trees 582.16 philosophy 116
ornamental arboriculture 635.977 15 plants 581.38
Evergreen trees (Conifers) 585 see Manual at 576.8 vs. 560
ornamental arboriculture 635.977 5 Evolution (Mathematics) 512.923
Everlastings (Plants) 635.973 Evolution (Social change) 303.4
botany 583.99 Evolution of stars 523.88
floriculture 635.973 Evolution versus creation 202.4
Everyday life Christianity 231.765 2
art representation 704.949 see Manual at 231.7652 vs.
arts 700.455 213. 500, 576.8
T3C-355 Judaism 296.34
folklore 398.275 philosophy of religion 213
history and criticism 398.355 Evolutionary 576.84
literature 808.803 55 Evolutionary genetics 572.838
history and criticism 809.933 55 Evolutionary psychology 155.7
specific literatures T3B-080355 Evolutionism
history and philosophy 146.7
criticism T3B-093 55 Evora (Portugal : District) T2-469 52
Eviction 346.043 4 EVP (Swiss political party) 324.249 408 2
Evidence (Knowledge) Evreiskafii avtonomnafii
epistemology 121.65 oblast' (Russia) T2-577
Evidence (Law) 347.06 Evritania T2-495 15
criminal investigation 363.25 Evros (Greece) T2-495 7
criminal law 345.06 Ewe (African people) T5-963 374
law 347.06 Ewe language 496.337 4
preservation 363.24 T6-963 374
procurement 363.252 Ewe literature 896.337 4
Ewenki (Asian people) T5-941

Relative Index

Ewondo language 496.396 Excretion (continued)

T6--963 96 plants 575.79
Ex-convicts 364.8 see also Urinary system
labor economics 331.51 Excretory organs 573.49
Examination of witnesses 347.075 see also Urinary system
criminal investigation 363.254 Excretory system 573.49
criminallaw 345.075 see also Urinary system
Examinations (Educational tests) 371.26 Exe, River (England) T2--423 5
Tl--076 Execution of wills 346.056
teacher-prepared tests 371.271 Executions of judgment 347.077
see Manual at 371.262 vs. Executive ability 658.409
371.264 Executive advisory bodies 352.743
Excavating machinery 621.865 Executive agencies 351
Excavation 624.152 see also Administrative
archaeological technique 930.102 83 agencies
mining 622.2 Executive branch of government 351
road engineering 625.733 control by legislature 328.345 6
Excelsior 674.84 law 342.06
Excelsior (South Africa : sociology 306.24
District) Executive budgets 352.48
Exceptional children see also Budgets (Public)
education 371.9 Executive buildings
home care 649.15 architecture 725.12
psychology 155.45 Executive councils
Exceptional students 371.9 public administration 352.24
Excess liability insurance 368.5 Executive departments 351
Excess profits tax 336.243 2 Executive development
law 343.052 44 personnel management 658.407 124
Exchange buildings public administration 352.39
architecture 725.25 Executive investigations
Exchange rates official misconduct 353.463
foreign exchange 332.456 Executive-judicial relations 320.404
Exchanges law 342.044
library acquisitions 025.26 Executive leadership 658.409 2
library-government relations 021.8 public administration 352.39
Excise tax 336.271 Executive-legislative relations 328.345 6
law 343.055 3 law 342.044
public administration 352.44 Executive management 658.4
public finance 336.271 Tl---068 4
Excitation military administration 355.68
solid-state physics 530.416 public administration 352.3
Excited states schools 371.207
solid-state physics 530.416 higher education 378.107
Excitons Executive mansions
solid-state physics 530.416 architecture 725.17
Excluded classes 305.568 Executive messages
Tl--086 94 public administration 352.238
Exclusionary rule 347.062 Executive orders 348.025
Excommunication United States 348.732 5
Judaism 296.67 Executive orders (Treatises) 342.060 263 6
Excretion 573.49 Executive power 352.235
animals 573.49 law 342.06
biology 573.49 Executive privilege 352.235
human physiology 612.46 law 342.06

Dewey Decimal Classification

Executive recruiting 658.407 Ill Exhibits Tl-074

Executive secretaries museology 069.5
office management 651.3 preparation Tl-075
Executives see also Exhibitions
personal aspects 658.409 Exile
personnel management 658.407 arts 700.455 2
public administration 352.39 T3C-3552
Exegesis literature 808.803 552
sacred books 208.2 history and criticism 809.933 552
Bible 220.6 specific literatures T3B-080 355 2
Hadith 297.125 16 history and
Koran 297.122 6 criticism T3B-093 552
Talmud 296.120 6 Exiles 305.906 914
Exemptions Tl-086914
customs duties 382.78 social welfare 362.87
see also Customs (Tariff) women
Exercise 613.71 social welfare 362.839 814
child care 649.57 young people
human physiology 612.044 social welfare 362.779 14
musculoskeletal system 612.76 see also Refugees
physical fitness 613.71 Existence 111.1
prenatal care Existence of God 212.1
obstetrics 618.244 Christianity 231
therapeutics 615.82 comparative religion 202.11
Exercise therapy Judaism 296.311
medicine 615.82 philosophy of religion 212.1
Exercises (Problems) Tl-076 Existential psychology 150.192
Exeter (England) T2---423 56 Existentialism 142.78
Exhibit cases arts T3C-384
museology 069.31 ethics 171.2
Exhibition animals literature 808.803 84
eare and training 636.081 1 history and criticism 809.933 84
Exhibition buildings specific literatures T3B-080 384
architecture 725.91 history and
Exhibition catalogs 069.52 criticism T3B-093 84
Tl--074 Existentialist theology 230.046
see Manual at T I-Q7 4 vs. Exmoor (England) T2--423 85
Tl-029 Exobasidiales 579.59
Exhibitions 907.4 Exocoetidae 597.66
Tl-074 Exocrine glands 571.79
advertising 659.152 human physiology 612.4
civilization 907.4 Exocrine secretions
commerce 381.1 human physiology 612.4
customs 394.6 Exodontics 617.66
fine arts 708 Exodus (Bible) 222.12
temporary 707.4 Exogamy 306.82
see Manual at 704.9 and Exogenous processes (Geology) 551.3
753758 Exopterygota 595.73
management 658.87 Exorcism
public administrative support 352.76 occultism 133.427
technology 607.34 religious rite 203.8
Christianity 265.94
see also Rites --religion

Relative Index

200.92 Experimental biomedical

200.92 research 610.724
206.1 Experimental design
(Mathematics) 519.57
Experimental literary works 808.887
591.477 history and criticism 809.987
zoology 591.477 specific literatures TJB-807
573.77 · individual authors T3A-8
541.362 Experimental medicine 616.027
660.296 2 ethics 174.28
333.952 3 see also Medical ethics
523.18 Experimental research 001.434
721.45 Tl-072 4
721.45 public administrative support 352.745
struction 690.145 see Manual at
(Effect of heat) 536.41 T1-07201-07209
of enterprises vs. T1-~0721; also at
management 658.406 Tl-07201-D7209 VS.
:varJtMuJ,, (Mathematics) 511.4 Tl-0722-0724
305.906 91 Experimental schools 371.04
Tl---D86 91 higher education 378.03
social welfare 362.899 I Experimentation on animals
women ethics 179.4
social welfare 362.839 81 see also Animals -
young people treatment of- ethics
social welfare 362.779 I medicine 616.027
323.64 Expert system shells 006.33
Expert systems 006.33
employment economics 331.44 Expert testimony 347.067
ExtJectant parents' handbooks 649.102 42 criminal law 345.067
medicine 618.24 Expert witnesses 347.067
Expectation criminal law 345.067
probabilities 519.287 Expertizing
statistical mathematics 519.54 antiques 745.102 88
Expectorants arts 702.88
pharmacokinetics 615.72 ceramic arts 738.18
Expeditionary forces 355.352 paintings 751.62
Expense statements Experts 001
financial management 658.151 2 management use 658.46
Expenses Exploding wire phenomena 537.5
financial management 658.155 Explorations 910.9
Experience geography 910.9
philosophical anthropology 128.4 recreation 796.52
religion 204.2 science 508
see also Religious experience see Manual at 629.43, 629.45
Experiment in International vs. 559.9, 919.904; also at
Living 373.011 62 913-919
Experimental animals 616.027 Explorers 910.92
care and maintenance 636.088 5 Explorers (Organization) 369.43
medicine 616.027 Explosion 541.361
Experimental arts 700.411 chemical engineering 660.296 1
T3C-ll chemistry 541.361
Experimental biology 570.724 Explosion insurance 368.12

Dewey Decimal Classification

Explosions Express freight services (continued)

mine safety engineering 622.82 railroad 385.23
social services 363.179 8 special purpose 385.5
Explosive technologists 662.209 2 river 386.354
Explosives 662.2 truck 388.324
control Express mail 383.18
public administration 353.36 Expression
law 344.053 3 drama 792.028
military engineering 623.452 motion pictures 791.430 28
public safety 363.179 8 radio 791.440 28
see also Hazardous materials stage 792.028
Exponents 512.922 television 791.450 28
algebra 512.922 rhetoric of speech 808.5
arithmetic 513.22 Expressionism
Export controls 382.64 architecture 724.6
law 343.087 8 fine arts 709.040 42
Export credit 332.742 literature 808.801 15
law 346.073 history and criticism 809.911 5
Export-Import Bank of the specific literatures T3B-080 115
United States 332.154 097 3 history and
Export licensing 382.64 criticism T3B-09l 15
law 343.087 8 painting 759.064 2
Export marketing 382.6 sculpture 735.230 442
commerce 382.6 Expressive movements 302.222
management 658.84 psychology 152.384
Export policy 382.63 see also Gestures
Export restrictions 382.64 Expressways 388.122
Export subsidies 382.63 see also Roads
Export tax 382.7 Expropriation 338.924
public finance 336.263 land economics 333.13
see also Customs (Tariff) law 343.025 2
Export trade 382.6 law of war 341.67
commerce 382.6 production economics 338.924
law 343.087 8 Extemporaneous speaking
management 658.84 rhetoric 808.51
promotion 382.63 Extemporization (Music) 781.36
public administration 354.74 Extended care facilities 362.16
Exposition (Rhetoric) 808.066 mental illness 362.23
speaking 808.5 see also Mental health
writing 808.066 services
Expositions 907.4 physical illness 362.16
see also Exhibitions see also Health care facilities
Expository writing 808.066 Extended coverage endorsement 368.129
Exposure meters 771.37 see also Insurance
Exposure of the dead Extended family 306.857
customs 393.4 Extended school year 371.236
freight services 388.044 Extenders (Chemicals) 661.807
387.744 Extenders (Paints) 667.623
bus 388.322 2 Extension cords
canal 386.404 24 electrical engineering 621.319 24
ferry 386.6 Extension services 371.35
inland waterway 386.244 Tl-071 5
lake 386.544 higher education 378.175
marine 387.544 public libraries 027.42

Relative Index

Extension theory 512.4 Extractive industry workers 331.794

Exterior algebra 512.57 labor economics 331.794
Exterior ballistics public administration 354.942 2
military engineering 623.514 Extractive metallurgy 669
Exterior lighting 621.322 9 Extracts (Pharmaceuticals)
Exterior painting pharmaceutical chemistry 615.19
buildings 698.12 Extracurricular activities 371.8
Exterior wiring 621.319 25 Extradition 345.052
Extermination camps Extralegislative powers
European history 940.531 85 (Legislative bodies) 328.345
Holocaust denial 940.531 818 Extramarital relations 306.736
liberation 940.531 846 social problem 363.48
External affairs 327 social theology 201.7
public administration 353.1 Christianity 261.835 736
External ear diseases see also Sexual relations
medicine 617.81 Extrameridional instruments 522.2
see also Ear diseases - Extranets (Computer networks)
humans computer science 004.678
External ears 573.89 online marketing 658.872 028 546
animal physiology 573.89 Extrasensory perception 133.8
descriptive zoology 591.44 Extrasensory perception of
human anatomy 611.85 animals 133.89
human physiology 612.851 Extrasolar planets 523.24
medicine 617.81 Extrasolar systems 523.24
see also Ears Extraterrestrial biophysics 571.499
External storage humans 612.0145
computer science 004.56 Extraterrestrial civilization 999
engineering 621.397 6 Extraterrestrial engineering 620.419
Exterritoriality Extraterrestrial intelligence 999
law of nations 341.4 Extraterrestrial life 576.839
Extinct animals 560 Extraterrestrial rovers
recently extinct 591.68 engineering 629.295
Extinct birds 568 Extraterrestrial worlds 999
recently extinct 598.168 T2-99
Extinct mammals 569 earth sciences 559.9
recently extinct 599.168 see Manual at 523 vs. 550
Extinct plants 561 see Manual at T2-99 vs.
recently extinct 581.68 T2-19; also at 520 vs.
Extinction (Biology) 576.84 500.5, 523. I, 530.1, 919.9
resource economics 333.952 2 Extraterritoriality
Extortion 364.165 law of nations 341 .4
law 345.026 5 Extrauterine pregnancy
Extortion insurance 368.82 obstetrics 618.31
Extrachromosomal DNA 572.869 Extravehicular activity (Manned
Extraction (Chemical space flight) 629.458 4
engineering) 660.284 2 Extremadura (Spain) T2--462 6
oils and gases 665.028 2 Extremal combinatorics 511.66
Extraction (Dentistry) 617.66 Extreme environments
Extraction (Mining) 622 biology 578.758
petroleum 622.338 Extreme sports 796.046
Extraction (Obstetrics) 618.82 Extreme unction 234.167
Extractive industries 338 public worship 265.7
theology 234.167

Dewey Decimal Classification
Extremities Eyeglasses
bones customs 391.44
human anatomy 611.718 manufacturing technology 68L4ll
human physiology 612.751 optometry 617.752 2
medicine 616.71 Eyelid diseases
surgery 617.471 ophthalmology 617.771
fractures see also Eye diseases
medicine 617.158 humans
human anatomy 611.98 Eyelids
human physiology 612.98 human physiology 612.847
joints ophthalmology 617.771
medicine 616.72 Eyes 573.88
surgery 617.580 59 anesthesiology 617.9677
muscles animal physiology 573.88
human anatomy 61 1.738 descriptive zoology 591.44
regional medicine 617.58 mammals 599.144
surgery 617.580 59 diseases 573.883 9
Extremophiles 578.758 see also Eye diseases
Extrinsic variables (Stars) 523.844 4 human anatomy 611.84
Extroversion 155.232 human physiology 612.84
Extruded latex 678.538 injuries 617.713
Extruded rubber 678.35 ophthalmology 617.7
Extruding metals 671.34 personal care 646.726
decorative arts 739.14 surgery 617.71
sculpture 731.41 Eyre, Lake(S. Aust.) T2-942 38
Extruding plastics 668.413 Eyre Peninsula (S. Aust.) T2~~942 38
Extruding rubber 678.27 Ezekiel (Biblical book) 224.4
Eyadema, Gnassingbe Ezra (Biblical book) 222.7
Togolese history 966.810 42
Eyak language 497.2 F
Eye banks 362.178 3
see also Health services F region (Ionosphere) 538.7674
Eye diseases 573.883 9 Fabales 583.74
animals 573.883 9 see also Legumes
veterinary medicine 636.089 77 Fabian socialism 335.14
humans 362.197 7 political ideology 320.531 2
anesthesiology 617.967 7 Fables
cancer folklore 398.24
incidence 614.599 948 4 Fabliaux 808.813
medicine 616.994 84 history and criticism 809.13
see also Cancer specific literatures T3B-103
humans individual authors T3A-l
diagnosis 617.715 Fabric furnishings 645.046
geriatrics 618.977 7 commercial technology 684.3
incidence 614.599 7 see also Furnishings
nursing 617.702 31 Fabricating equipment 621.9
ophthalmology 617.7 Fabrics 677.028 64
pediatrics 618.920 977 home economics 646.11
social services 362.197 7 home furnishings 645.046
surgery 617.71 home sewing 646.11
Eyeballs textile technology 677.028 64
human anatomy 611.84 see also Textiles
human physiology 612.84 Facades
ophthalmology 617.74 architectural design 729.1

Relative Index

Face 512.923
anthropometry 599.948 algebra 512.923
human anatomy 611.92 arithmetic 513.23
human physiology 612.92 number theory 512.72
personal care. . 646.726 Factors (Mathematics) 512.923
regional med1cme 617.52 see also Factorization
surgery 617.520 59 Factors of production 338.01
Face perception 153.758 agricultural economics 338.14
Facelift 617.520 592 income distribution 339.21
bones microeconomics 338.512
fractures mineral industries 338.26
medicine 617.156 secondary industries 338.45
human anatomy 611.716 Factory management
human physiology 612.751 production management 658.5
medicine 616.71 Factory operations engineering 670.42
surgery 617.471 Factory outlets 381.15
Facility management 658.2 management 658.870 5
see alw Plant management Factory ships 387.248
Facsimile transmission 384.14 design 623.812 48
engineering 621.382 35 engineering 623.824 8
postal service 383.141 transportation services 387.248
see also Postal service see also Ships
wireless 384.524 Factory system
see also Telegraphy economics 338.65
Facsimiles Facts (Philosophy) Ill
bibliographies 011.47 Faculae 523.74
Fact books 030 Facultatively anaerobic gram-
Fact finding 001.4 negative rods 579.34
Tl~072 Faculty 371.1
legislative activity 328.345 2 higher education 378.12
public administration 352.743 see also Teachers
maladministration 353.46 Faculty psychology 150.192
public 363.1065 Fadden, Arthur (Arthur William),
Factitious disorders Sir
medicine 616.858 6 Australian history 994.042
see al5o Mental disorders Faeroe Islands 949.15
Factor algebras 512.57 T2-491 5
Factor analysis 519.535 4 Faeroes 949.15
Factor proportions T2-491 5
economics 338.512 Faeroese language 439.699
Factorial experiment designs 519.57 T6-396 99
Factorial series 515.243 Faeroese literature 839.699
Factories Faeroese people T5~396 9
architecture 725.4 Faesulae (Italy) T2~375 1
institutional housekeeping 647.964 Fa gales 583.46
landscape architecture 712.7 Fagoideae 583.46
manufacturing industries 338.476 7 Fahs-Beni Makada
manufacturing technology 670 (Morocco) T2~642
organization of production 338.65 Faience 738.37
Factoring 512.923 Failure (Materials science) 620.112
see also Factorization Failure time data analysis 519.546
Fair employment 331.133
see also Equal employment

Dewey Decimal Classification
Fair linens Falasha TS-924
arts 746.96 Falcon (Venezuela) T2~872 4
Fair organs 786.68 Falconidae 598.96
see also Mechanical musical Falconiformes 598.9
instruments paleozoology 568.9
Fair trade 338.522 Falconry 799.232
law 343.07 Falcons 598.96
Fairbanks North Star animal husbandry 636.686 9
Borough (Alaska) T2~798 6 conservation technology 639.978 96
Fairfax (Va.) T2--755 292 resource economics 333.958 96
Fairfax County (Va.) T2-755 291 Faliscan languages 479.4
Fairfield County (Conn.) T2~746 9 T6~794
Fairfield County (Ohio) T2--77l 58 Falkirk (Scotland) T2-413 18
Fairfield County (S.C.) T2-757 49 Falkland Islands 997.11
Fairgrounds T2-971 1
area planning 711.552 2 Falkland Islands War 997.110 24
landscape architecture 712.5 Fall 508.2
Fairies 398.21 music 781.524 6
see also Legendary beings see also Seasons
Fairness doctrine (Broadcasting) Fall of humankind 233.14
law 343.099 45 Fall River County (S.D.) T2-783 97
Fairs 907.4 Fallacies 001.96
Tl-074 logic 165
see also Exhibitions Falling bodies 531.14
Fairs (Street fairs) 381.186 solid mechanics 531.5
Fairs (Trade fairs) 381 I Fallon County (Mont.) T2-78635
Fairways (Navigation) 387.1 Fallopian tube diseases
engineering 627.23 gynecology 618.12
see also Ports see also Female genital
Fairy chess 794.18 diseases~ humans
Fairy shrimps 595.32 Fallopian tubes
Fairy tales 398.2 gynecology 618.12
Faith 121.7 human anatomy 611.65
epistemology 121.7 human physiology 612.625
religion 202:2 Fallow deer 599.655
Christianity 234.23 animal husbandry 636.294 5
knowledge of God 231.042 Fallowing 631.581 2
Islam 297.22 Falls Church (Va.) T2-755293
Judaism 296.32 Falls County (Tex.) T2-764286
philosophy of religion 218 False arrest 346.Q33 4
Faith and reason 210 False chameleons 597.954 8
Christianity 231.042 False coral snake (Aniliidae) 597.967
Judaism 296.311 False coral snakes (Colubridae) 597.962
philosophy of religion 210 False Dmitri I
Faith healing Russian history 947.045
medicine 615.852 False Dmitri II
religion 203.1 Russian history 947.045
Christianity 234.131 False impersonation 364.1633
see also Spiritual healing law 345.026 33
religion False imprisonment 346.D33 4
Fal, River (England) T2-423 7 False killer whales 599.53
Falangism 335.6 False memory syndrome
economics 335.6 adult child abuse victims
political ideology 320.533 psychotherapy 616.858 223 906 51

Relative Index

;False memory syndrome (continued) Family corporations 338.74

adult child sexual abuse Jaw 346.066 8
victims management 658.045
psychotherapy 616.858 369 065 1 see also Corporations
False scorpions 595.47 Family cmmseling 362.828 6
Fa]setto voices 782.86 Christian pastoral counseling 259.12
choral and mixed voices 782.86 Family dissolution 306.88
single voices 783.86 Family Division of the High
Falster (Denmark) T2--489 3 Court of Justice (Great
Families 306.85 Britain) 346.420 150 269
applied psychology 158.24 Family ethics 173
government programs 353.533 I religion 205.63
histories 929.2 Buddhism 294.356 3
see Manual at 929.2 Christianity 241.63
influence on crime 364.253 Hinduism 294.548 63
law 346.015 Islam 297.563
psychological influence 155.924 Judaism 296.363
recreation 790.191 Family histories 929.2
indoor 793.019 l see Manual at 929.2
outdoor 796 Family law 346.015
religion Family leave 331.257 63
guides to life 204.41 personnel management 658.312 2
Christianity 248.4 Family libraries 027.1
see also Family life- catalogs 017.2
religion Family life 306.85
pastoral theology 206.1 applied psychology 158.24
Christianity 259.1 customs 392.3
social theology 201.7 home economics 646.78
Christianity 261.835 85 primary education 372.374
worship 204.3 psychological influence 155.924
Christianity 249 religion 204.41
Judaism 296.45 Buddhism 294.344 41
social welfare 362.82 Christianity 248.4
law 344.032 82 Hinduism 294.544 1
public administration 353.533 I Islam 297.577
sociology 306.85 Judaism 296.74
Families of clergy Family meals 642.1
Christianity Family medicine 610
pastoral theology 253.22 Family names 929.42
Family 306.85 Family planning 363.96
system of government 321.1 see also Birth control
see also Families Family psychotherapy
Family abuse 362.829 2 psychiatry 616.891 56
sociology 306.87 Family purity
see also Family violence Judaism 296.742
Family behavior (Animals) 591.563 Family relationships 306.87
Family budgets home economics 646.78
macroeconomics 339.41 Family rooms 643.55
Family cars home economics 643.55
driving 629.283 interior decoration 747.791
engineering 629.222 Family size
repair 629.287 2 demography 304.63
Family Compact 971.038 Family socialization 303.323

Dewey Decimal Classification
Family violence 362.829 2 Fantasy fiction 808.838 766
criminology 364.155 5 history and criticism 809.387 66
criminal law 345.025 55 specific literatures T3B-308 766
medicine 616.858 22 individual authors T3A-3
social theology 201.762 829 2 Fantasy games 793.93
Christianity 261.832 7 see Manual at 793.932 vs.
social welfare 362.829 2 794.822
law 344.032 829 2 Fante (African people) T5-963 385
sociology 306.87 Fante language 496.338 5
Famine 363.8 T6-963 385
Fan-jet engines Fante literature 896.338 5
aircraft 629.134 353 7 Fanti (African people) T5-963 385
Fan vaults 721.45 Fanti language 496.338 5
architecture 721.45 T6-963 385
construction 690.145 F anti literature 896.338 5
Fanagalo 496.398 6 Far East 950
T6--963 986 T2-5
Fanakalo 496.398 6 Far East international
T6-963 986 organizations 341.247 3
Fancies (Music) 784.187 6 Far North District (N.Z.) T2--931 3
Fancy-weave fabrics 677.61 Far Western Rand (South
see also Textiles Africa) T2-682 22
Fanfares 784.189 24 Farallones de Cali National
Fang (African people) T5-963 96 Park (Colombia) T2-86152
Fang language 496.396 Farces 792.23
T6-963 96 literature 808.825 232
Fangs 591.47 history and criticism 809.252 32
Fannin County (Ga.) T2-758 293 specific literatures T3B--205 232
Fannin County (Tex.) T2-764265 individual authors T3A-2
Fans (Machinery) 621.61 stage presentation 792.23
Fans (Ornamental) 391.44 Fareham (England :
customs 391.44 Borough) T2-422 775
handicrafts 745.594 Fares
see also Accessories (Clothing) transportation services 388.049
Fantasias 784.1894 Fargo (N.D.) T2-78413
Fantastic fiction 808.838 766 Faribault County (Mirm.) T2--776 22
history and criticism 809.387 66 Farm accounting 657.863
specific literatures T3B-308 766 Farm buildings 631.2
individual authors T3A-3 architecture 725.37
Fantasy 154.3 construction 690.537
arts 700.415 use 631.2
T3C-15 Farm costs 338.13
literature 808.801 5 Farm cottages
history and criticism 809.915 architecture 728.6
specific literatures T3B-080 15 Farn1 forestry 634.99
history and Farm income 338.13
criticism T3B-091 5 Farm investment 338.13
motion pictures 791.436 15 Farm law 343.076
psychology 154.3 Farm loans 332.71
radio programs 791.446 15 law 346.073
television programs 791.45615 Farm manure 631.861
Farm-owner insurance 368.096
Farm pests 632.6
Farm prices 338.13

Relative Index

338.17 Fascioliasis
medicine 616.362
see also Digestive system
343.076 I diseases humans
338.13 Fascism 335.6
333.76 economics 335.6
333.76 political ideology 320.533
336.225 Fascist government 321.94
Fascist parties
631.28 after 1945 324.213 8
333.335 53 Fascist period (Italy) 945.091
economics 333.335 53 Fascist Republican Party (Italy) 324.245 023 8
346.043 48 Fashion 391
Farm tractors 629.225 2 arts 746.92
farm valuation customs 391
tax economics 336.225 see Manual at 391 vs. 646.3,
Farmers 630.92 746.92
Tl-08863 Fashion design 746.92
social class 305.963 Fashion designers 746.920 92
Farmers' markets 381.41 Fashion drawing 741.672
Farmers parties 324.218 Fashion modeling 746.92
Farmhouses advertising 659.152
agriculture 631.21 Fashion photography 778.997 469 2
architecture 728.6 Fast days 203.6
construction 690.86 Christianity 263.9
Farming 630 cooking 641.566
Farmowner-ranchowner devotional literature 242.3
insurance 368.096 sermons 252.6
Farms 630 cooking 641.567
animal husbandry 636.01 customs 394.2
Faro (Game) 795.42 Islam 297.53
Faro (Portugal : District) T2-469 6 Judaism 296.43
Faroe Islands 949.15 see also Holy days
T2-491 5 Fast foods
Faroese language 439.699 cooking 641.555
T6-396 99 home serving 642.1
Faroese literature 839.699 Fasteners 621.88
Faroese people T5-396 9 buildings 721.8
Farquhar Islands architecture 721.8
(Seychelles) T2-696 construction 690.18
Fars (Iran) T2-5572 horne sewing 646.19
Farsi language 491.55 Fastening equipment 621.97
T6-915 5 Fasting
Farsi literature 891.55 health 613.25
Faruk I, King of Egypt religious practice 204.47
Egyptian history 962.052 Buddhism 294.344 47
Fasciae Christianity 248.47
human anatomy 611.74 Hinduism 294.544 7
human physiology 612.75 Islam 297.53
medicine 616.75 Sufi 297.45
Fasciae diseases Judaism 296.7
medicine 616.75 Fat cells
see also Musculoskeletal human cytology 611.018 276
diseases- humans Fat-free cooking 641.563 84

Dewey Decimal Class!fication

Fat-restricted diet Fauna 590

health 613.284 3 see also Animals
Fatalism Fauquier County (Va.) T2-755 275
philosophy 149.8 Fauresmith (South Africa :
religion 202.2 District) T2-685 7
Fate Fauvism 709.040 43
philosophy 123 painting 759.064 3
Father (God) sculpture 735.230 443
Christian doctrines 231.1 Fava beans 641.356 51
Jewish doctrine 296.311 2 see also Broad beans
Father and child 306.874 2 Fax (Transmission) 384.14
Fatherhood 306.874 2 see also Facsimile transmission
Fatherland Front (Austrian Fax directories 910.25
political party) 324.243 602 43 see Manual at Tl-025 vs.
Fathers 306.874 2 Tl-029
Tl-085 I Fayette County (Ala.) T2-761 87
family relationships 306.874 2 Fayette County (Ga.) T2-758 426
guides to Christian life 248.842 I Fayette County (Ill.) T2-773 797
psychology 155.646 2 Fayette County (Ind.) T2-772 623
Fatick (Senegal : Region) T2-663 Fayette County (Iowa) T2-777 35
Fatigue (Humans) Fayette County (Ky.) T2-769 47
production management 658.544 Fayette County (Ohio) T2-771 813
psychology 152.188 6 Fayette County (Pa.) T2-748 84
Fatigue (Materials) 620.112 6 Fayette County (Tenn.) T2-768 21
Fatigue strength 620.1126 Fayette County (Tex.) T2-764 251
Fats 572.57 Fayette County (W.Va.) T2-754 71
applied nutrition 613.284 Faysal I, King ofiraq
biochemistry 572.57 Iraqi history 956.704 1
humans 612.015 77 Faysal II, King of Iraq
chemistry 547.77 Iraqi history 956.704 2
food technology 664.3 Fayyiim (Egypt: Province) T2-622
industrial 665 FDP.The Liberals (Swiss political
metabolism party) 324.249 406
human physiology 612.397 Fear 152.46
see also Lipids arts T3C-353
Fatty acids 572.57 literature 808.803 53
applied nutrition 613.284 history and criticism 809.933 53
biochemistry 572.57 specific literatures T3B-080 353
humans 612.015 77 history and
metabolism criticism T3B-093 53
human physiology 612.397 social psychology 302.17
recovery from pulp 676.5 Fear of flying
see also Lipids medicine 616.852 25
Fatty-alcohol sulfates 668.14 Feast days
Fatty tissues 571.57 Christianity 263.9
human histology 611.018 27 cooking 641.566
Faucets 621.84 devotional literature 242.3
Faulk County (S.D.) T2-783 213 sermons 252.6
Faulkner County (Ark.) T2-767 74 cooking 641.567
Fault-tolerant computing 004.2 customs 394.2
engineering 621.392 religion 203.6
firmware 005.18 see also Holy days
programming 005.1 Feather products
Faults (Geology) 551.872 manufacturing technology 679.47

Relative Index

331.889 6 Federalist Party (U.S.) 324.273 22

598.147 Federally Administered
636.514 5 Tribal Areas (Pakistan) T2-549 11
636.61 Federation of Arab
598.147 Republics T2-62
573.597 Federation of Independents
(Austrian political party) 324.243 603
070.44 Federation of Rhodesia and 968.903
Nyasaland T2-689
616.35 Federation of South Arabia T2--533 5
Federation of the Greens (Italian
political party) 324.245 087
Federations 321.02
612.36 law 342.042
351 public administration 351
Federazione dei Verdi (Italian
379.121 political party) 324.245 087
379.121 4 Fee-based library services 025.11
344.076 84 Fee simple 346.043 2
379.32 land economics 333.323 2
Fee splitting
379.121 22 medical ethics 174.26
379.121 2 Feed additives 636.085 57
and Islamic Republic of 969.41 Feedback circuits
T2-6941 electronics 621.381 535
Feedback control systems 629.83
T2---669 68 Feeding animals 636.084
Feeding behavior (Animals) 591.53
348.734 Feeding-bottle nipples
347.732 latex technology 678.533
348.734 1 Feeding children 649.3
T2~-817 4 Feedlot runoff 363.738
T2--725 3 water pollution engineering 628.168 46
321.02 Feedlot wastes
342.042 animal husbandry 636.083 8
351 Feedlots 636.084 3
340 Feeds 636.085 5
349.73 animal husbandry 636.085 5
348.02 commercial processing 664.66
348.732 grain and seeds 664.76
324.273 22 industry 338.476 646 6
321.023 Feelings 152.4
351.7305 educational psychology 370.153 4
348.025 human physiology 612.823 2
348.732 5 Fees
342.060 263 6 public administration 352.44
342.730 602 636 public revenues 336.16
Federal Republic of Germany 943.087 Feet 612.98
T2--43 physiology 612.98
Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 332.110 973 regional medicine 617.585
Federal-state relations 321.023 surgery 617.585 059
·Federal statutes 348.02 see also Lower extremities
United States 348.732 Fe'fe' (Cameroon people) T5-963 6
Federalism 321.02



Dewey Decimal Classification

Fe'fe' language 496.36 Female reproductive system 573.66

T6-963 6 animals 573.66
Fejer Megye (Hungary) T2-439 7 plants 575.66
Feldspar see also Female genital system
materials science 620.198 Female sexual disorders
mineralogy 549.68 gynecology 618.17
synthetic 666.86 see also Female genital
Felidae 599.75 diseases humans
animal husbandry 636.8 Female spouses
paleozoology 569.75 social welfare 362.839 52
Felis 599.752 Female-to-male transgender
Felling trees 634.98 people 306.768
Fellowships 371.223 Tl-0867
Tl-079 social services 362.897
higher education 378.33 Female-to-male transgender
law 344.079 5 young people
research 001.44 social services 362.785
Feloidea 599.74 Females (Human) 305.4
paleozoology 569.74 Tl -082
Felsite 552.22 health 613.042 4
Felt 677.63 see also Women
see also Textiles Femininity 155.333
Felting textiles 677.028 24 Femininity of God 202.114
Female circumcision Christianity 231.4
surgery 618.160 59 Judaism 296.311 2
Female condoms Feminism 305.42
health 613.943 5 political ideology 320.562 2
medicine 618.185 religion 200.82
Female genital diseases Christianity 270.082
humans 362.198 1 Judaism 296.082
anesthesiology 617.968 1 social aspects 305.42
cancer 362.196 994 65 Feminist theology 202.082
incidence 614.599 946 5 Christianity 230.082
medicine 616.994 65 Judaism 296.308 2
social services 362.196 994 65 Feminist views Tl-082
see also Cancer- humans Feminists 305.42
geriatrics 618.978 Femurs
gynecology 618.1 human anatomy 611.718
incidence 614.599 21 Fencers 796.860 92
medicine 618.1 Fences 631.27
nursing 618.102 31 agricultural use 631.27
pediatrics 618.920 98 landscape architecture 717
social services 362.198 1 Fencing (Offense) 364.162 7
surgery 618.105 9 law 345.026 27
Female genital organs 573.66 Fencing (Swordplay) 796.86
Female genital system 573.66 Fenders
anesthesiology 617.968 1 automobile 629.26
biology 573.66 Feng shui 133.333 7
gynecology 618.1 Fenians 941.708 1
human anatomy 611.65 Canadian history 971.048
human physiology 612.62 Irish history 941.708 1
surgery 618.105 9 Fenland (England) T2-426 53
Female goddesses 202.114 Fennec fox 599.776
Female prostitution 306.742 Fens, The (England) T2---426

Relative Index

T2-768 69 Ferrets (Domestic polecat) 636.976 628

animal husbandry 636.976 628
155.456 7 zoology 599.766 28
Fcrrimagnetism 538.45
632.696 Ferroalloying metals 669.73
639.966 economic geology 553.46
metallography 669.957 3
metallurgy 669.73
943.032 metalworking 673.73
physical metallurgy 669.967 3
Ferroconcrete 624.183 41
943.042 see also Reinforced concrete
F erroelectricity 537.244 8
Ferromagnetism 538.44
943.043 Feuotype process 772.14
Ferrous metals 669.1
946.03 architectural· construction 721.044 71
building construction 693.71
946.056 building materials 691.7
decorative arts 739.4
946.072 materials science 620.17
T2~786292 metallography 669.951
metallurgy 669.1
T2--416 3 metalworking 672
512.74 physical metallurgy 669.961
547.29 ship design 623.818 21
alcoholic beverages 663.13 shipbuilding 623.820 7
biochemistry 572.49 structural engineering 624.182 1
chemical engineering 660.284 49 see also Chemicals; Metals
food technology 664.024 Ferry County (Wash.) T2~797 25
Fermented cider transportation 386.6
commercial processing 663.29 public administration 354.78
i Fermented soybean paste transportation services 386.6
commercial processing 664.58 Ferry transpouation workers 386.609 2
:Fermions 539.721 Ferryboats 386.223 4
Fermium 546.449 623.812 34
Permo (Italy: Province) T2-456 74 engineering 623.823 4
ancient T2~374 7 transportation services 386.223 4
Fernandez de Kirchner, Cristina see also Ships
Argentine history 982.073 Fertility
Fernando de Noronha demography 304.632
(Brazil) T2~813 4 Fertility drugs
Fernando Po (Equatorial pharmacokinetics 615.766
Guinea) T2-671 86 Fertilization (Biology) 571.864
Ferns 587.3 Fertilization in vitro
floriculture 635.937 3 ethics 176.2
Ferrara (Italy) T2--454 51 see also Reproduction
Ferrara (Italy: Province) T2--454 5 ethics
ancient T2~372 65 medicine 618.178 059 9
Ferrets (Black-footed) 599.766 29 Fertilizer spreaders 631.816
conservation technology 639.979 766 29 manufacturing technology 681.763 I
resource economics 333.959 766 29 Fertilizers 631.8
agricultural economics 338.162
chemical engineering 668.62

Fertilizers (continued)
Dewey Decimal Classification

result of injury
use 631.8 medicine 617.22
water pollution engineering 628.168 41 symptom 616.047
Fes-Boulemane (Morocco) T2-643 4 Fever blisters
Fescues 633.28 medicine 616.522
botany 584.9 see also Skin diseases
Festivals 394.26 humans
Tl-074 Few-bodies problem 530.14
customs 394.26 Fez-Boulemane (Morocco) T2-643 4
performing arts 791.6 Fez-Jdid Dar-Dbibegh
religion 203.6 (Morocco) T2-643 4
Christianity 263 Fez-Medina (Morocco) T2-643 4
Judaism 296.43 Fianarantsoa (Madagascar :
Festuca 633.28 Province) T2-691
botany 584.9 Fiat money 332.42
Festuceae 584.9 Fiber (Diet)
Fetal alcohol syndrome health 613.263
perinatal medicine 618.326 861 Fiber bundles 514.224
Fetal death Fiber crops 633.5
medicine 618.392 Fiber glass 666.157
Fetal disorders materials science 620.144
incidence 614.599 232 sculpture material 73!.2
medicine 618.32 ship design 623.81838
Fetal erythroblastosis ship hulls 623.845 8
pediatrics 618.921 5 shipbuilding 623.820 7
perinatal medicine 618.326 1 textiles 677.52
see also Cardiovascular arts 746.045 2
diseases -humans see also Textiles
Fetal tissue Fiber-glass-reinforced plastic 668.494 2
experimental research Fiber optic sensors
medicine 616.027 manufacturing technology 681.25
Fetal tissue transplantation Fiber optics 621.369 2
surgery 617.954 Fiber spaces 514.224
Fetal version Fiberboards 676.183
obstetrics 618.82 Fiberglass 666.157
Fetishism see also Fiber glass
religion 202.1 Fiberglass-reinforced plastic 668.494 2
sexual practices 306.77 Fibers (Histology)
Fetus humans 611.018 2
human physiology 612.647 Fibers (Materials)
law 342.085 materials science 620.197
Feudal Age textile materials 677.028 32
European history 940.14 Fibonacci numbers 512.72
Japanese history 952.02 Fibrin
Feudal law 340.55 human physiology 612.115
Feudal tenure 321.3 Fibrinolytic agents
land economics 333.322 pharmacokinetics 615.718
political science 321.3 Fibrinoplastin
Feudalism 321.3 human physiology 612.115
land economics 333.322 Fibrocartilage
political science 321.3 human histology 612.751 7
influence on crime 364.256

Relative Index

Fibromyalgia Field effects

616.742 solid-state physics 530.416
see also Musculoskeletal Field extensions
diseases-- humans number theory 512.74
Fibrous cartilage Field glasses
human histology 612.751 7 manufacturing technology 681.412 5
Field handball 796.327
Fibrous tunics
human physiology 612.841 Field hockey 796.355
Field hockey players 796.355 092
human anatomy 611.718 Field houses 796.068
Ficksburg (South Africa : architecture 725.827
District) T2-685 1 Field mice (Apodemus) 599.358 5
808.83 Field mice (Microtus) 599.354
criticism 809.3 Field offices
theory 808.3 public administration 352.288
folklore 398.2 Field peas 633.369
history 809.3 botany 583.74
rhetoric 808.3 field crop 633.369
specific literatures T3B-3 Field theory (Mathematics) 512.3
individual authors T3A-3 Field theory (Physics) 530.14
see Manual at T3B~3 Field theory (Psychological
Fiction writers 809.3 system) 150.198 4
collected biography 809.3 Field training (Armed forces) 355.544
specific literatures T3B-300 9 Field trips 371.384
individual biography T3A-3 education 371.384
Fictions museum services 069.15
logic 165 Field work
Ficus 583.45 descriptive research 001.433
Ficus elastica 635.933 45 Tl---072 3
see also Rubber plant (Ficus) Fieldball 796.327
Fida-Derb Soltane Fielding
(Morocco) T2-643 8 baseball 796.357 24
Fiddle makers 787.219 092 cricket 796.358 23
Fiddlers 787.209 2 Fields (Mathematics) 512.3
Fiddles 787.2 number theory 512.74
instrument 787.219 Fiesole (Italy)
music 787.2 ancient T2-375 I
see also Stringed instruments Fife (Scotland) T2~412 9

Fidelity bonds Fifes 788.33

insurance 368.83 instrument 788.331 9
Fiduciary accounting 657.47 music 788.33
Fiduciary trusts 346.059 see also Woodwind instruments
income tax law 343.052 64 Fifteenth century 909.4
tax law 343.064 Tl- 090 24
Field artillery 358.1282 Fifth Republic (France) 944.083
engineering 623.412 Fighter-bombers 358.428 3
military equipment 358.128 2 engineering 623.746 3
Field artillery forces 358.12 military equipment 358.428 3
Field athletics 796.43 Fighter forces (Air warfare) 358.43
Field crops 633 Fighters (Aircraft) 358.438 3
feeds 636.086 engineering 623.746 4
public administration 354.54 military equipment 358.438 3
see Manual at 633-{)3 5 Fighting
Field-effect transistors 621.381 528 4 animal behavior 591.566

Dewey Decimal Classification

Fighting animals File access methods

animal husbandry 636.088 8 computer science 005.741
Figs 641.343 7 File cabinets 651.54
botany 583.45 manufacturing technology 684.16
commercial processing 664.804 37 use in records management 651.54
cooking 641.643 7 File .clerks
food 641.343 7 office services 651.374 3
orchard crop 634.37 File compression 005.746
Fio'llf':irE>•io Joao Baptista de File formats
Oliveira computer science 005.72
Brazilian history 981.063 File management systems
Figueres, Jose Maria computer science
Costa Rican history 972,860 523 data file programs 005.74
(Morocco: Province) T2-643 3 systems programs 005.436
skating 796.912 File managers
bass 781.47 computer science
madras fabrics 677.615 data file programs 005.74
see also Textiles systems programs 005.436
Figures of speech File organization
literature 808.801 computer science
history and criticism 809.91 data files 005.741
rhetoric 808.032 systems programs 005.436
666.68 File processing
ceramic arts 738.82 databases 005.74
ceramic technology 666.68 File structure
earthenware 666.68 computer science
porcelain 666.58 data files 005.741
glypties 736.224 File system management
Figworts 583.95 computer science
Fiji 996.11 systems programs 005.436
T2-961 1 Filefishes 597.64
Fiji Sea 551.461 477 Filers (Clerks) 651.374 3
T2-164 77 Files (Data)
499.59 computer science 005.74
T6-995 9 Files (Tools) 621.924
Fijian literature 899.59 Filicales 587.3
Fijians T5-995 9 paleobotany 561.73
Filamentous fungi 579.5 Filicopsida 587.3
Filarial diseases paleobotany 561.73
incidence 614.555 2 Filing
medicine 616.965 2 library operations 025.317 7
see also Communicable records management 651.53
diseases humans Filing rules
Filariasis library science 025.317 7
incidence 614.555 2 Filipino 499.211
medicine 616.965 2 T6--992 11
see also Communicable Filipino literature 899.211
diseases humans Filipinos T5-992 1
Filberts 641.345 4 Fillers
agriculture 634.54 plastic technology 668.411
botany 583.48 Filling stations
cooking 641.645 4 architecture 725.38
food 641.345 4 automotive engineering 629.286

Relative Index

Fillings Finance (continued)

dentistry 617.675 insurance 368.01
Fillmore, Millard library operations 025.11
United States history 973.64 management 658.15
Fillmore County (Minn.) T2-776 16 see alm Financial
Fillmore County (Neb.) T2-782 342 management
Fills mineral industries 338.23
road engineering 625.733 production economics 338.604 I
Film adaptations 791.436 public administration 354.8
Film cinematography 777 secondary industries 338.43
Film genres 791.436 transportation services 388.049
see Manual at T3B-1 02-107, see Manual at 332, 336 vs. 339;
T3B~-205, T3B-308 vs. also at 332 vs. 338, 658.15
T3C-l, T3C-3 Finance departments (Public
Film music 781.542 administration) 352.4
Film reviews 791.437 5 Financial accounting 657
Films (Photographic material) 771.532 4 Financial administration 658.15
cinematography 777.38 see also Financial management
development 777.55 Financial aid (Welfare) 361.05
development 771.43 crime prevention 364.44
photography 771.532 4 Financial assistance
development 771.43 public administration 352.73
Films (Photographic records) 791.43 foreign aid 353.132 73
bibliographies 01 1.372 Financial clerks
cataloging 025.347 3 office services 651.37
library treatment 025.1773 Financial control
Filmscripts 791.437 management 658.151
see also Screenplays public administration 352.43
Filmstrips 779 Financial crime 364.168
bibliographies 011.37 law 345.026 8
cataloging 025.347 3 Financial decision making
instructional use 371.335 22 management 658.15
library treatment 025.177 3 Financial economics 332
Filoviridae 579.256 see also Finance
Filters Financial futures 332.632
air conditioning Financial independence (Personal
buildings 697.932 4 finance) 332.024 01
cameras 771.356 Financial institutions 332.1
chemistry 542.6 public administration 354.8
electronic circuits 621.381 532 4 see also Banks (Finance)
radio engineering 621.384 12 Financial management 658.15
Filtration Tl-{)68 I
chemical engineering 660.284 245 armed services 355.622
sewage treatment 628.352 public administration 352.4
water supply treatment 628.164 schools 371.206
Fin whale 599.524 6 higher education 378.106
Final cause 124 see Manual at 332 vs. 338,
Finance 332 658.15
agricultural industries 338.13 Financial patronage TI-079
churches 262.006 81 research 001.44
local church 254.8 Financial planning
communications industly 384.041 management 658.15
ethics 174.4 personal finance 332.024
see also Ethical problems

Financial power (Legislative
Dewey Decimal Classification

bodies) 328.341 2 anthropometry 599.945
Financial reports 657.3 criminal investigation 363.258
management use 658.1512 Fingerspelling 419
see also Financial statements primary education 372.6
Financial security representing spoken language 418
personal finance 332.024 01 specific languages T4 -891
Financial statements 657.3 special education 371.912 46
accounting 657.3 Finish carpentry
law 346.063 constrnction 694.6
corporate law 346.066 48 Finished lumber 674.4
management use 658.151 2 Finishing leather 675.25
public administration 352.43 Finishing machines
preparation 657.32 textile technology 677.028 55
Financial success 650.12 Finishing metals 671.7
Financial support T1---079 Finishing paper 676.234
research 001.44 Finishing textiles 677.028 25
Financial support by governments Finishing woodwork
libraries 021.83 buildings 698.3
Financiers 332.092 Finistere (France) T2---441 I
Finback whale 599.524 6 Finite (Philosophy) 111.6
Finches 598.88 Finite Abelian groups 512.25
animal husbandry 636.686 2 Finite 515.62
Fine art museums 708 Finite element analysis 518.25
architecture 727.7 engineering 620.001 51825
Fine arts 700 Finite geometry 516.11
auction catalogs 702.9 Finite groups 512.23
exhibitions Finite mathematics 511.1
auction catalogs 707.4 see Manual at 004.0151 vs.
investment economics 332.63 511.1,511.35
public administrative support 353.77 Finite strip method 518.25
see also Arts Finite volume method 518.25
Fine bookbinding 686.302 Finland 948.97
Fine particle technology 62Q.43 T2---489 7
Fines 364.68 Finland, Gulf of 551.461 334
penology 364.68 T2-163 34
personnel management 658.314 4 Finlay River (B.C.) T2-711 87
public revenues 336.16 Finney County (Kan.) T2-78144
Finger foods Finnic languages 494.54
appetizers 641.812 T6--945 4
Finger Lakes (N.Y.) T2-747 8 Finnic literatures 894.54
painting 751.49 Finnic peoples T5-945 4
rings 391.72 Finnish Evangelical Lutheran
customs 391.72 Church 284.133 4
making 739.278 2 see also Lutheran church
costume jewelry 688.2 Finnish language 494.541
handicrafts 745.594 2 T6-945 41
fine jewelry 739.278 2 Finnish literature 894.541
spelling 419 Finnish spitz 636.72
see also Fingerspelling Finnmark fylke (Norway) T2---484 6
techniques Finno-Ugrians T5-945
music 784.193 68 Finno-Ugric languages 494.5
(Music) 784.193 68 T6--945
Fingerprint files 363.24 Finno-Ugric literatures 894.5

Relative Index

T5-945 41 Fire prevention 363.377

law 344.053 77
981.061 management of enterprises 658.477
technology 628.922
629.134 33 Fire prevention equipment
516.375 aircr<~ft 629.134 43
Fire-resistant clothing
T2-939 6 commercial technology 687.162
496.394 Fire-resistant paints 667.69
T6-963 94 Fire retardants 628.922 3
languages 496.394 Fire safety 363.37
T6--963 94 law 344.053 7
340.59 mining technology 622.82
297.14 public administration 353.979
340.59 social services 363.37
technology 628.922
folklore 398.26 Fire stations 363.37
history and criticism 398.364 architecture 725.19
literature 808.803 6 construction 690.519
history and criticism 809.933 6 Fire thorns 635.933 73
specific literatures T3B-080 36 botany 583.73
history and floriculture 635.933 73
criticism T3B-093 6 Firearms 683.4
religious worship 202.12 art metalwork 739.74
Fire-bellied toads 597.86 military engineering 623.4
Fire clays 553.67 see also Guns (Small arms)
ceramic technology 666.72 Fireclays 553.67
economic geology 553.67 ceramic technology 666.72
materials science 620.!43 economic geology 553.67
Fire contro I (Artillery) materials science 620.143
military gunnery 623.558 Firet1ies 595.764 4
Fire detectors 628.922 5 Fireless cooking 641.588
Fire ecology 577.24 Firemen 363.370 92
Fire engines 628.925 9 Firenze (Italy) T2-455 11
construction 629.225 ancient T2-375 11
use 628.925 9 Firenze (Italy :Province) T2-455 1
Fire escapes 628.922 ancient T2-375 1
Fire fighters 363.370 92 Fireplaces
Fire fighting 628.925 architecture 721.8
forestry 634.961 8 construction 697.1
on ships 623.888 6 furniture arts 749.62
social services 363.378 home economics 644.1
see also Fire safety Fireproofing 628.922 3
Fire fighting equipment buildings 693.82
airport engineering 629.136 8 ship hulls 623.848
military airport engineering 623.668 Fires 363.37
ships 623.865 crop damage 632.18
Fire hazards 363.37 see also Fire safety
technology 628.92 Firewalls (Computer security) 005.8
see also Fire safety Fireweeds (Asteraceae) 583.99
Fire insurance 368.11 Fireweeds (Onagraceae) 583.76
allied lines 368.12 Fireworks 662.1
Firing artillery 623.558

Dewey Decimal Classification

Fiscal tariffs 382.72

Firing clays
arts 730.28 see also Customs (Tariff)
pottery 666.443 Fischer-Tropsch processes 662.662 3
arts 738.143 Fish 597
technology 666.443 Fish culture 639.3
sculpture 731.47 economics 338.371 3
glass 666.126 enterprises 338.763 93
Firing metallurgical furnaces 669.83 Fish farmers 639.309 2
Firing of employees Fish farming 639.3
economics 331.259 6 freshwater 639.31
employment security 331.259 6 Fish hatcheries 639.311
unemployment 331.137 Fish lice 595.36
law 344.012 596 Fish-liver oils
personnel management 658.313 pharmacology 615.34
public administration 352.69 Fish oil 665.2
Firmware Fish ponds 639.31
hardware 004 ecology 577.636
engineering 621.395 Fisher (Mammal) 599.766 5
microprograms 005.18 Fisher, Andrew
Firmware development 005.18 Australian history 994.041
Firs 585.2 Fisher County (Tex.) T2-764 732
forestry 634.975 4 Fisheries 338.372 7
lumber 674.144 economics 338.372 7
First aid 362.18 enterprises 338.763 92
health services 362.18 law 343.076 92
injuries products 338.372 7
medicine 617.10262 commerce 381.437
medicine 616.025 2 public administration 354.57
First aid stations 362.18 technology 639.2
armed forces 355.72 Fishermen 639.209 2
First-class mail 383.122 commercial 639.209 2
see also Postal service sports 799.109 2
First Crusade, 1096--1099 956.014 Fishery law 343.076 92
First editions 094.4 Fishery technology 639.2
First Empire (France) 944.05 Fishes 597
First International 324.17 arts T3C-362 7
First names 929.44 conservation technology 639.977
First Nations peoples T5-97 cooking 641.692
see also American native culture 639.3
peoples drawing 743.67
:First-order Iogie 511.3 food 641.392
mathematical logic 511.3 commercial processing 664.94
philosophical logic 160 paleozoology 567
First Republic (Austria) 943.605 l production economics 338.372 7
First Republic (France) 944.042 public administration 354.57
First Republic (Spain) 946,073 resource economies 333.956
Firth of Clyde (Scotland) 551.461 337 law 346.046 956
T2-163 37 sports fishing 799.1
Firth of Forth (Scotland) 551.461 336 zoology 597
T2-163 36 Fishes as pets 639.3
Fiscal policy 336.3 Fishing
law 343.034 commercial technology 639.2
macroeconomics 339.52 economies 338.372 7
public finance 336.3 enterprises 338.763 92

Relative Index

fishing (continued)
game laws 346.046 956 9 Fixing solutions
industrial law 343.076 92 photography 771.54
public administration 354.57 Fjord-du-Saguenay
sports 799 .I (Quebec) T2-714165
public administrative support 353.78 Fjords 551.461 8
Fishing boats Flacourtiaceae 583.625
engineering 623.828 2 Flag officers 355.009 2
fishing equipment role and function 355.331
sports Flag presentations 355.15
technology 688.791 Flag signals
fishing industries 338.372 7 military engineering 623.731 2
see also Fisheries nautical engineering 623.856 12
Fishponds 639.31 Flagella 571.67
ecology 577.636 Flagellates 579.82
Fishways 639.977 Flageolets 788.35
Fishworms see also Woodwind instruments
culture 639.75 Flagler County (Fla.) T2-759 19
Fission (Nuclear) 539.762 Flags 929.92
Fission reactors 621.483 armed forces 355.15
Fissionable materials law 344.09
economic geology 553.493 Flagstaff(South Africa:
nuclear engineering 621.483 35 District) T2-687 59
Fissipedia 599.7 Flagstones 553.53
paleozoology 569.7 economic geology 553.53
Fitting quarrying 622.353
clothing 646.408 road engineering 625.81
commercial tailoring 687.044 Flame 541.361
home sewing 646.408 Flame emission spectroscopy 543.52
Fitzroy River (Qld.) T2-943 5 Flame-resistant fabrics 677.689
Five Confucian Classics 299.512 82 see also Textiles
Five dynasties (China) 951.018 Flame throwers 623.445
Five Nations languages Flamenco 781.626 104 68
(Iroquoian) 497.554 dance 793.319 468
T6-975 54 music 781.626 104 68
Five pillars ofislam 297.31 dance 784.188 2
Five scrolls (Bible) 221.044 songs 782.421 626 104 68
Fixation poetry 861.009 946 8
microscopy 502.82 Flameproof fabrics 677.689
biology 570.282 7 see also Textiles
Fixatives Flamingos 598.35
painting material Flammability testing 628.922 2
arts 751.2 Flammable materials 363.179 8
Fixed assets 332.041 4 fire safety technology 628.922 2
accounting 657.73 public safety 363.179 8
financial management 658.152 42 technology 604.7
Fixed capital 332.041 4 see also Hazardous materials
accounting 657.73 Flanders T2-493 1
financial management 658.152 42 Flanders (Belgium) TI-493 I
Fixed costs 338.514 2 Flanders (France) T2-442 8
financial management 658.155 3 Flannel 677.624
Fixed exchange rates 332.456 4 see also Textiles
Fixed liabilities Flap-footed lizards 597.952
accounting 657.75 Flaps (Aircraft) 629.134 33

Flare stars
nautical equipment
Dew~v Decimal Classification

523.844 6

Flea markets
see also Commerce
Flash drives 004.568 Fleabanes 583.99
engineering 621.397 68 Fleas 595.775
Flash welding 671.521 3 disease carriers
Flashbulb photography 778.72 medicine 614.432 4
Flashcards Fleets (Naval units) 359.31
cataloging 025.349 6 Fleming County (Ky.) T2-769 56
library treatment 025.179 6 Flemings TS-393 2
Flat-backed lutes 787.85 Flemish TS-393 2
see also Stringed instruments Flemish Brabant (Belgium) T2--493 31
Flat-file databases Flemish dialect 439.31
computer science 005.75 T6---393 1
Flat racing Flemish literature 839.31
horses 798.4 Flesh flies 595.774
Flatcars 385.34 Fleshing leather 675.22
engineering 625.24 Fleshy-finned fishes 597.39
see also Rolling stock Flevoland (Netherlands) T2--492 2
Flatfishes 597.69 Flexibilia 563.92
sports fishing 799.1769 Flexible algebras 512.4
Flathead County (Mont.) T2--786 82 Flexible exchange rates 332.456 4
Flathead Lake (Mont.) T2-786 832 Flexible hours oflabor 331.257 24
Flats 643.27 Flexible manufacturing systems 670.427
see also Apartment houses Flexible polymers
Flattery chemistry 547.843
ethics 177.3 Flexible scheduling 371.242
see also Ethical problems Flexible work hours 331.257 24
Flatware 642.7 personnel management 658.312 1
see also Tableware Flexure
Flatworms 592.4 effect on materials 620.112 44
Flavivirus infections Flickers (Woodpeckers) 598.72
humans Fliers 629.130 92
incidence 614.588 5 Flies 595.77
Flavorings 641.338 2 agricultural pests 632.77
agriculture 633.82 disease carriers 571.986
commercial processing 664.5 medicine 614.432 2
cooking with 641.638 2 Flies (Houseflies) 595.774
economic botany 581.632 control technology 628.965 7
food 641.338 2 Flight (Aeronautics) 629.13
Flax arts T3C-356
botany 583.79 literature 808.803 56
fiber crop 633.52 history and criticism 809.933 56
textiles 677.11 specific literatures T3B~080 356
arts 746.041 1 history and
see also Textiles criticism T3B-093 56
Flaxseed oil 665.352 Flight (Animals) 573.798
Flea beetles 595.764 8 behavior 591.57
agricultural pests 632.764 8 physiology 573.798
Flea-borne typhus Flight attendants 387.742 092
incidence 614.526 2 Flight crews 387.740 44
medicine 616.922 2 Flight from Mecca 297.634
see also Communicable Flight guides
diseases - humans aeronautics 629.132 54

Relative Index

Flight instrumentation Floodplains (continued)

aircraft 629.135 2 geomorphology 551.442
Flight into Egypt 232.92 physical geography 910.021 44
Flight navigators 629.132 510 92 Floods
Flight operations systems crop damage 632.17
spacecraft 629.474 2 engineering control 627.4
unmanned spacecraft 629.464 2 hydrology 551.489
Flight simulators social services 363.349 3
aeronautics 629.132 520 78 Floor (Gymnastic equipment) 796.442
manned space flight 629.450 078 Floor coverings 645.1
Flight tests building construction 698.9
aireraft 629.134 53 household management 645.1
. Flightless birds 598.16 Floorball 796.356 2
Flights (Air force units) 358.413 1 Floors 721.6
Flights (Naval air units) 359.943 4 architecture 721.6
Flin Flon (Man.) T2-712 72 bridge engineering 624.283
Flinders Chase National construction 690.16
Park (S. Aust.) T2-942 35 housecleaning 648.5
Flinders Island (Tas.) T2-946 7 interior decoration 747.4
Flinders Ranges (S. Aust.) T2-942 37 Floppy disks 004.563
Flint 553.65 engineering 621.397 63
.Flint (Mich.) T2-77437 Floral arts 745.92
Flint River (Ga.) T2-758 9 Floral oils 668.542
Flintshire (Wales) T2--429 33 customs 391.63
Floater insurance 368.2 Floral waters 668.542
Floating 532.25 customs 391.63
Floating airports Florence (City-state) 945.5
engineering 629.136 l Florence (Italy) T2--455 11
Floating dry docks 623.83 ancient T2-375 11
Floating exchange rates 332.456 2 Florence (Italy: Province) T2-455 1
Floating foundations 624.156 ancient T2-375 1
Floats (Parades) Florence (Republic) 945.506
performing arts 791.6 Florence County (S.C.) T2-757 84
Flocculation Florence County (Wis.) T2-775 32
water supply treatment 628.162 2 Florentia (Italy) T2-375 II
Flood barriers 627.42 Flores (Uruguay) TI-895 26
Flood control 363.349 36 Flores Facusse, Carlos
engineering 627.4 Honduran history 972.830 536
public administration 354.362 7 Flores Island (Indonesia) T2-598 68
social services 363.349 36 Flores Perez, Francisco
Flood control facilities Salvadoran history 972.840 542
area planning 711.8 Flores Sea (Indonesia) 551.461 474
Flood control ponds 627.44 T2-164 74
Flood insurance 368.122 2 Floriculture 635.9
Flood wreckage studies 627.4 Florida 975.9
Flooding T2-759
military engineering 623.31 Florida (Uruguay: Dept.) T2-895 25
Floodlighting 621.3214 Florida, Straits of 551.461 363
exterior 621.322 9 T2-163 63
Floodplains 551.442 Florida Keys (Fla.) T2-75941
biology 578.766 Florida Panhandle T2-759 9
ecology 577.66 Florideophyeideae 579.89
geography 910.9144 Fl6rina (Greece :Nome) T2--495 62

Dewey Decimal Classification

Flotation Flowers (continued)

ores 622.752 physiology 575.6
Flotillas (Naval units) 359.31 see Manual at 580 vs. 582.13;
Flounders 597.69 also at 635.9 vs. 582.1
cooking 641.692 Flowmeters
food 641.392 manufacturing technology 681.28
sports fishing 799.176 9 Floyd County (Ga.) T2--758 35
Flour 641.331 Floyd County (Ind.) T2-772 19
commercial processing 664.720 7 Floyd County (Iowa) T2-777 26
wheat 664.722 72 Floyd County (Ky.) T2~769 22
cooking 641.631 Floyd County (Tex.) T2-764 841
food 641.331 Floyd County (Va.) T2--755 712
Flour beetles 595.769 Fluctuations (Mathematics) 519.85
Flow Flues
air mechanics 533.62 heating
engineering 620.106 4 buildings 697.8
fluid mechanics 532.051 Flugelhoms 788.97
gas mechanics 533.21 instrument 788.971 9
liquid mechanics 532.51 music 788.97
Flow meters see also Brass instruments
manufacturing technology 681.28 Fluid balance 571.75
Flow-of-funds accounts humans 612.015 22
macroeconomics 339.26 Fluid balance disorders 571.937 5
Flowcharting medicine 616.3992
computer programming 005.120 28 see also Digestive system
Flower arrangements 745.92 diseases ~ humans
Flower beds 635.962 Fluid mechanics 532
Flower flies 595.774 engineering 620.106
Flower gardening 635.9 Fluid metabolism
Flower language 302.222 biochemistry
Flowering plants 580 humans 612.015 22
landscape architecture 716 Fluid phases
see Manual at 580 vs. 582.13; fluid -state physics 530.424
also at 583-584 Fluid-power technology 620.106
Flowering trees 635.977 13 Fluid-state lasers 621.366 2
botany 582.16 Fluid-state physics 530.42
ornamental arborieulture 635.977 13 Fluidics 629.804 2
Flowers 582.13 Fluidization
art representation 704.943 43 chemical engineering 660.284 292
arts 700.464 213 Fluidized-bed combustion 621.402 3
T3C~364 213 Fluidized nuclear reactors 621.483 4
cooking 641.659 Fluids
descriptive botany 582.13 biochemistry
drawing 743.73 humans 612.015 22
dress customs 391.44 heat transfer 536.25
floral arts 745.92 state of matter 530.42
food 641.359 Fluke-caused diseases
gardening 635.9 incidence 614.553
literature 808.803 642 13 medicine 616.963
history and criticism 809.933 642 13 see also Communicable
specific literatures T3B~080 364 213 diseases ~ humans
history and Flukes (Worms) 592.48
criticism T3B--093 642 13 Fluorescence 535.352
painting 758.42 mineralogy 549.125

Relative Index

Fluorescence spectroscopy saucers

Fluorescent lighting 621.327 3 Flying squirrels 599.369
614.599 6 FM radio stations 384.545 3
dental disease prevention 614.599 6 see also Radio stations
water supply engineering 628.166 3 FM radio systems 621.384 152
553.95 Foam glass 666.157
chemical engineering 661.073 1 Foam latex 678.532
chemistry 546.731 Foamed plastics 668.493
economic geology 553.95 Foams 541.345 14
organic chemistry 547.02 chemical engineering 660.294 514
applied 661.891 Foard County (Tex.) T2--764 748
see also Chemicals Foccacia 641.815
Fluorite Focusing apparatus 771.37
mineralogy 549.4 Foelms (Winds) 551.518 5
Fluoroscopy Fog 541.345 15
medicine 616.075 72 colloid chemistry 541.345 15
Fluorspar applied 660.294 515
mineralogy 549.4 meteorology 551.575
Flute concertos 784.283 2 Fog signals 387.155
Flute family 788.3 navigation aids 623.894
see also Woodwind instruments Foggia (Italy: Province) T2-457 57
788.32 ancient T2~377 53
instrument 788.321 9 Foils
music 788.32 use in cooking 641.589
see also Woodwind instruments Foix (France: County) T2-447 35
788.320 92 Folds (Greece) T2~495 15
Flutter Folding boxes 676.32
aeronautics 629.132 362 Folds (Geology) 551.875
Fluvanna County (Va.) T2~755 47 Foliage plants 635.975
Flux (Metallurgy) 669.84 Foliations 514.72
Fly fishing 799.124 Folk arts 745
Fly River Province (Papua Folk beliefs
New Guinea) T2~954 9 folklore 398.41
Fly tying (Fishing) Folk dancers 793.3192
technology 688.791 24 Folk dancing 793.31
Flycatchers (New World) 598.823 Folk drama 808.82
Flycatchers (Old World) 598.848 literature
Flying (Aeronautics) 629.132 5 specific literatures T3B-2
sports 797.5 Folk high schools 374.83
see also Flight (Aeronautics) Folk literature 398.2
Flying (Animals) see also Literature
behavior 591.57 see Manual at 398.2; also at
physiology 573.798 398.2 vs. 201.3, 230,270,
Flying discs (Game) 796.2 292~299; also at 398.2 vs.
Flying fishes 597.66 398.3~.4; also at 800 vs.
Flying foxes 599.49 398.2
Flying jeeps Folk medicine 610
engineering 629.133 35 folklore 398.276 l
military engineering 623.746 047 history and criticism 398.356 1
Flying lemurs 599.33 Folk music 781.62
Flying lizards 597.955 modes 781.263
Flying reptiles 567.918 songs 782.421 62

Dewey Decimal Classification

Folk music (continued) Food (continued)

South Africa 781.629 68 preservation techniques 664.028
see lvfanual at 781.62 vs. commercial 664.028
780.89; also at 781.62 vs. home 641.4
781.63~.66 primary education 372.373
Folk musicians 781.620 092 product safety 363.192
singers 782.421 620 092 criminology 364.142
Folk poetry 808.81 criminal law 345.024 2
specific literatures T3B~l law 344.042 32
Folk remedies public administration 353.997
therapeutics 615.88 social welfare 361.05
Folk rock 781.66 public administration 353.56
Folk singers 782.421 620 092 see A1anual at 363.8 vs. 613.2,
Folk songs 782.421 62 641.3; also at 630 vs.
Folklore 398 579-590, 641.3
arts 700.455 9 Food addiction 362.27
T3C-355 9 medicine 616.8526
history and criticism 398.09 social welfare 362.27
Folklorists 398.092 Food additives 641.308
Folksonomies 025.487 commercial technology 664.06
Folkways 306 preservation 664.028 7
sociology 390 home economics 641.308
Follicles human toxicology 615.954
hair law 344.042 32
human anatomy 611.78 see also Food- product safety
medicine 616.546 Food adulteration 363.192
Fon (African people) T5--963 37 criminology 364.142
Fon language 496.337 criminal law 345.024 2
T6-963 37 see also Food- product safety
Fond duLac County (Wis.) T2-775 68 Food allergies
Fondues 641.81 cooking for 641.563 18
Food 641.3 incidence 614.599 35
armed forces supplies 355.81 medicine 616.975
arts 700.456 4 Food and drink 641
T3G-3564 gastronomy 641.013
commercial processing Food biotechnology 664.024
economics 338.476 64 Food board 676.288
technology 664 Food cartons 676.34
cooking 641.5 Food chains (Ecology) 577.16
customs 394.12 Food colors
folklore 398.276 4 commercial 664.062
history and criticism 398.356 4 Food demand
health 613.2 economics 338.19
home economics 641.3 Food-drug interactions 615.704 52
home preservation 641.4 Food guides 641.31
literature 808.803 564 Food habits (Animals) 591.53
history and criticism 809.933 564 Food industry (Production) 338.19
specific literatures T3B-080 356 4 law 343.076
history and Food inspection 363.192 64
criticism T3B--093 564 see also Food product safety
nutritional content 613.2 Food microbiology 664.001 579
public administration 353.997

Relative Index

Food plants 641

agriculture 630 electronic games 794.863 3
economic botany 581.632 equipment technology 688.763 3
641.303 Football cards 796.332 075
Food poisons Football players 796.330 92
human toxicology 615.954 American football 796.332 092
Food processing industry 338.476 64 Australian football 796.336 092
.Food processors Canadian football 796.335 092
use in cooking 641.589 2 rugby 796.333 092
Food production 338.19 soccer 796.334 092
Food rationing 363.856 Football rattles 786.886
Food relief 363.883 see also Percussion instruments
law 344.033 Footings
Food reserves walls 721.2
economics 338.19 construction 690.12
Food safety 363.192 Footpaths 388.12
see also Food- product safety see also Pedestrian paths
Food services Footwear 391.413
sanitation services 363.729 6 commercial technology 685.3
schools 371.716 customs 391.413
Food services industry 338.476 479 5 see also Clothing
Food stamp programs 363.882 For-hire carriers 388.041
Food stocks 363.8 truck 388.324 3
economics 338.19 see also Freight services;
see also Food supply Passenger services
Food storage Forage crops 633.2
home economics 641.48 feeds 636.086
Food storage (Plant physiology) 575.78 see Manual at 583-585 vs. 600
Food supply 363.8 Forage grasses 633.2
economics 338.19 agriculture 633.2
social welfare 363.8 botany 584.9
law 344.033 Forage legumes 633.3
spacecraft 629.477 3 botany 583.74
see Manual at 363 .5, 363.6, feeds 636.086
363.8 vs. 338; also at 363.8 F'oraminifera 579.44
vs. 613.2, 641.3 paleontology 561.994
Forbes (N.S.W.) T2~-944 5
Food taboos
customs 394.16 Forbs 582.12
religion 204.46 Force (Energy)
Hinduism 294.544 6 philosophy 118
Islam 297.576 Force (International politics) 327.117
Judaism 296.73 Foree and energy 531.6
Food technologists 664.009 2 Forced labor
Food technology 664 Holocaust, 1933~ 1945 940.531 813 4
equipment manufacturing World War II 940.540 5
technology 681.7664 Forced loans 336.344
Food trade 381.456 413 Forces (Mechanics) 531.113
Food webs (Ecology) 577.16 Forcing (Plants) 631.583
Foodstuffs 641.3 floriculture 635.982
see also Food gardening 635.048 3
Foot forces (Military) 356 Forcipu!ata 593.93
Foot warfare 356 paleozoology 563.93
Foot washing Ford, Gerald R.
Christian rite 265.9 United States history 973.925

Dervey Decimal Classification

Ford County (Ill.) T2~773 62 investment 332.673

Ford County (Kan.) T2~78l 76 government policy 332.673 2
Forde, Francis Michael law 346.092
Australian history 994.042 Foreign labor 331.62
Forearm techniques law 344.016 2
music 784.193 62 language groups
Forebrain journalism for 070.484
human physiology 612.825 Foreign languages
medicine 616.8 primary education 372.65
Forecasting 003.2 Foreign legions 355.359
Tl-0112 Foreign licensing
business 338.544 management 658.18
investments 332.678 Foreign loans 336.343 5
management decision making 658.403 55 law 346.073
marketing management 658.818 public finance 336.343 5
occultism 133.3 role of banks 332.15
social change 303.49 Foreign merchants 382.092
weather 551.63 Foreign missions
Forecasting methods Christianity 266.023
economics 338.544 2 Foreign news
Forecasts 003.2 journalism 070.433 2
TI~Oll2 Foreign-owned enterprises 338.88
business 338.544 3 see also International
social 303.49 enterprises
Foreclosure 346.043 64 Foreign policy 327.1
Forehand Foreign relations 327
tennis 796.342 22 law 342.041 2
Foreign affairs 327 public administration 353.13
Foreign affairs departments 353.13 see also International relations
Foreign aid 338.91 Foreign service (Diplomatic
economics 338.91 service)
law 343.074 8 public administration 353.132 63
international relations 327.111 Foreign shorthair cats 636.82
law 342.041 2 Foreign students 371.826 91
military science 355.032 Foreign study 370.116
public administration 353.132 73 Foreign trade 382
social welfare 361.26 commerce 382
governmental 361.6 law 343.087
private 361.77 marketing management 658.84
Foreign assistance 338.91 public administration 354.74
Foreign direct investment 332.673 Foreign traders 382.092
Foreign economic assistance 338.91 Foreign words 412
Foreign economic policies 337 specific languages T4-24
Foreign economic relations 337 Foreigners 305.906 91
Foreign enterprises 338.88 Tl-086 91
Foreign exchange 332.45 social welfare 362.899 l
law 343.032 5 women
Foreign income social welfare 362.839 81
tax economics 336.24 young people
tax Jaw 343.052 48 social welfare 362.779 1
Foreign intelligence 327.12 Forenames 929.44
see also Espionage Forensic chemistry
forensic medicine 614.12
Forensic dentistry 614.18

Relative Index

orensic medicine 614.1 Forestry 634.9

orensic nursing 614.1 public administration 354.55
ensic orations 347.075 Forestry law 346.046 75
orensic osteology industry 343.076 49
forensic medicine 614.17 protection 346.046 75
orensic pathology 614.1 Forests 333.75
Forensic psychiatry 614.15 T2-152
Forensic psychology 347.066 019 see also Forest lands
criminal law 345.066 019 Forfeit games 793.5
forensic medicine 614.15 Forge welding 671.529
Forensic science 363.25 Forgeries
see also Criminal investigation arts 702.874
. Forensic toxicology 614.13 books 098.3
YForeordination (Christian financial instruments 332.9
doctrine) 234.9 museo1ogy 069.54
. Forest biology 578.73 paintings 751.58
Forest County (Pa.) T2-748 68 Forgery 364.163 5
Forest County (Wis.) T2-775 31 law 345.026 35
Forest ecology 577.3 Forget-me-nets 635.933 94
Forest fires 363.379 botany 583.94
forestry 634.961 8 floriculture 635.933 94
social services 363.379 Forgetting 153.125
see also Fire safety Forging 671.332
. Forest Heath (England) T2--426 43 blacksmithing 682
· ·Forest lands 333.75 decorative arts 739.14
T2--152 sculpture 731.41
biology 578.73 Forgiveness
ecology 577.3 psychology 155.92
economics 333.75 applied psychology 158.2
sale and rental 333.335 7 religious doctrine 202.2
geography 910.915 2 Christianity 234.5
landscape architecture 719.33 Forillon National Park
law 346.046 75 (Quebec) T2-714 793
physical geography 910.021 52 Fork lifts 621.863
recreational resources 333.784 Forll (Italy :Province) T2--454 8
Forest management 634.92 ancient T2-372 68
Forest nurseries 634.956 4 Forli-Cesena (Italy :
Forest of Bowland Province) T2--454 8
(England) T2--427 685 ancient T2-372 68
Forest of Dean (England) T2--424 13 Form (Concept)
Forest products 634.98 arts 701.8
agricultural economics 338.174 98 drawing 741.018
Forest reserves 333.751 1 philosophy 117
see also Forest lands Fom1 books
Forest saltwater wetlands law 347.055
biology 578.769 7 Form criticism
ecology 577.697 sacred books 208.2
Forest thinning 634.953 Bible 220.663
Forest wetlands Talmud 296.120 663
biology 578.768 3 Form letters
ecology 577.683 office use 651.752
Forestation 333.751 52 Form of juristic acts 346.021
Foresters 634.909 2

Dewey Decimal Classification

Form perception Formulas Tl-021 2

visual Forrest County (Miss.) T2-762 18
psychology 152.1423 Forster (N.S.W.) T2-9442
Formal analysis Forsyth County (Ga.) T2-758 265
mUSIC 781.8 Forsyth County (N.C.) T2-756 67
Formal dress 391.486 Forsythias 635.933 87
commercial technology 687.16 botany 583.87
customs 391.486 floriculture 635.933 87
home sewing 646.476 Fort Beaufort (South
see also Clothing Africa : District) T2-687 53
Formal grammars 511.3 Fort Bend County (Tex.) T2-764 135
programming languages 005.131 Fort Franklin (N.W.T.) T2-719 3
Formal groups 512.2 Fort Gibson Lake (Okla.) T2-766 87
Formal languages 511.3 Fort Gibson Reservoir
programming languages 005.131 (Okla.) T2-766 87
Formal logic 511.3 Fort Lauderdale (Fla.) T2-759 35
mathematical logic 511.3 Fort Loudon Lake (Tenn.) T2-768 85
philosophical logic 160 Fort Macleod (Alta.) T2-712 34
Formal usage (Language) 418 Fort McMurray (Alta.) T2-712 32
specific languages T4-8 Fort Nelson (B.C.) T2-711 87
Formaldehyde Fort Nelson-Liard (B.C.) T2-711 87
human toxicology 615.951 36 Fort Nelson River (B.C.) T2-711 87
Format publishing 686 Fort Norman (N.W.T.) T2-719 3
Formations Fort Peck Lake (Mont.) T2-78617
sports Fort Qu' Appelle (Sask.) T2-712 44
American football 796.332 22 Fort Simpson (N.W.T.) T2-719 3
soccer 796.334 22 Fort Smith (N.W.T.) T2-719 3
Formentera (Spain) T2-467 56 Fort Smith (N.W.T. :
Former Yugoslav Republic of 949.76 Region) T2-719 3
Macedonia T2-497 6 Fort St. John (B.C.) T2-711 87
Formicariidae 598.822 6 Fort Wayne (Ind.) T2-772 74
Formicidae 595.796 Fort William (Scotland) T2-411 56
Formosa 951.249 Fort Worth (Tex.) T2-764 531 5
T2-512 49 Forth, Firth of (Scotland) 551.461 336
Formosa (Argentina: T2-163 36
Province) T2-823 5 Forth, River (Scotland) T2-413 1
Formosa Strait 551.461 457 Fortification
T2-164 57 military engineering 623.1
Formosan native peoples T5-992 5 Fortifications
Forms (Documents) basic training 355.544
law 347.055 Fortified wine 641.222 6
public administration 352.387 commercial processing 663.226
Forms (Mathematics) 512.944 Fortress of Louis bourg
Forms of address National Historic Site
etiquette 395.4 (N.S.) T2-716 955
Forms of music 781.8 Fortresses
instrumental 784.18 architecture 725.18
vocal 782 military engineering 623.1
Formula feeds 636.085 57 Forts
commercial processing 664.768 architecture 725.18
Formula plans military engineering 623.1
investments 332.678 military installations 355.7
Formularies Fortune-tellers 133.309 2
pharmacology 615.13 Fortune-telling 133.3

Relative Index

FortY Hours devotion

Roman Catholic liturgy 264.027 4
Forums (Discussion and debate) railroad engineering
rhetoric 808.53 road engineering
Forward exchange 332.45 Foundations (Organizations)
Forward Italy (Political party) 324.245 04 social welfare
Forward play see also Charitable trusts
sports Foundations (Structures) 721.1
rugby 796.333 23 architecture 721.1
soccer 796.334 23 bridge engineering 624.284
Forza italia (Political party) 324.245 04 construction 690.11
Fossa 599.742 structural engineering 624.15
Fossil animals 560 Founders of religions 206.3
Fossil footprints 560.43 Founding (Metalworking) 671.2
vertebrates 566 Fountain County (Ind.) 1'2~772 47

Fossil fuels 553.2 Fountains 731.724

chemistry 547.82 architecture 725.9
economic geology 553.2 handicrafts 745.594 6
electric generation 621.312 132 landscape architecture 714
public administration 354.44 sculpture 731.724
resource economics 333.82 Fouquieriaceae 583.628
Fossil gums 553.29 Four-color theorem 511.56
622.339 Four Comers Region 1'2~79259
Fossil resins 553.29 Four-day week 331.257 22
mining 622.339 Four-homed antelopes 599.642
Fossilization 560.41 Four-o'clock (Plant) 635.933 53
Fossils 560 botany 583.53
Foster children 306.874 floriculture 635.933 53
Tl-085 4 Four-year colleges 378.1542
family relationships 306.874 Fourier analysis 515.243 3
home care 649.145 Fourier series 515.243 3
psychology 155.445 Fourier transfonn 515.723
social welfare 362.733 Fourierism (Socialist school)
Foster County (N.D.) 1'2-784 516 economics 335.23
Foster homes 362.733 Fouriesburg (South Africa:
crime prevention 364.44 District) T2-{}85 l
social welfare 362.733 Fourteenth century 909.3
Foster parents 306.874 1'1~·····.090 23
Tl~085 Fourth-class mail 383.125
family relationships 306.874 see also Postal service
social welfare 362.733 Fourth Crusade, 1202-1204 949.503
Fotonovelas 741.5 Fourth dimension 530.11
genres Fourth International 324.175
history, criticism, techniques 741.53 Fourth of July 394.263 4
geographic treatment 741.593-.599 Fourth Republic (France) 944.082
see Manual at 741.593-.599 Fowling 799.24
and 741.5693-.5699 Fowls 636.5
techniques 741.51 Fox hunting
see lvfanual at 741.5; also at sports 799.259 775
Fox Indians T5~973 14
:Foucault's pendulum 525.36 Fox language 497.314
Found objects T6~973 14

handicrafts 745.584 Fox Quesada, Vicente

sculpture material 731.2 Mexican history 972.084 1

Dewey Decimal Classification
Fox River (Wis.) T2~775 6 France 944
Fox squirrel 599.362 T2-44
Fox trot 793.33 ancient 936.4
Foxes 599.775 T2~364
conservation technology 639.979 775 France. Assemblee nationale
resource economics 333.959 775 c.onstituante (1789-1791)
small game hunting 799.259 775 French history 944.041
trapping 639.11775 France. Assemblee nationa1e
Foxgloves 635.933 95 legislative (1791-1 792)
botany 583.95 French history 944.041
floriculture 635.933 95 France. Convention nationale
FPO (Austrian political party) 324.243 603 French history 944.043
FPS (Swiss political party) 324.249 403 France. Estates-General
Fractals French history 944.041
mathematics 514.742 France. Etats generaux
Fractional calculus 515.83 French history 944.041
Fractional distillation France. l..o'-'.l:i'~''"' Assembly
chemical engineering 660.284 25 (1791-1792)
petroleum 665.532 French history 944.041
Fractionation France. National Assembly
air (1789-1791)
gas technology 665.82 French history 944.041
oils and gases 665.028 3 France. National Convention
Fractions 513.26 French history 944.043
Fracture France, Southern T2-448
crystals 548.842 Franche-Comte (France) T2-4445
mineralogy 549.121 Franches-Montagnes
Fracture mechanics 620.112 6 (Switzerland) T2-494 368
Fracture strength Francheville (Quebec) T2~714451
materials science 620.112 6 Franchises
Fractures governmental
medicine 617.15 public revenue 336.16
X syndrome law 346.048
medicine 616.858 841 retail 381.13
pediatrics 618.928 588 41 management 658.870 8
Fragmented landscapes 333.95 see also Commerce
ecology 577.27 Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor
Fragrance plants German history 943.055
floriculture 635.968 Francis I, King of France
Frame harps 787.95 French history 944.028
see also Stringed instruments Francis II, of France
Frame-shaped drums 786.95 French history 944.029
see also Percussion instruments Francis Case, Lake (S.D.) T2~783 38
Frame zithers 787.73 Franciscans 255.3
see also Stringed instruments church history 271.3
Framed soaps 668.124 women 255.973
Frames church history 271.973
naval architecture 623.817 73 Francisco Morazan
optical instruments (Honduras) T2-728 371
manufacturing technology 681.43 Francium 669.725
structural engineering 624.177 3 chemistry 546.386
wood construction 694.2 metallurgy 669.725
see also Chemicals

Relative Index

946.082 Franklin County (Vt.) T2--743 13

Franklin County (Wash.) T2-797 33
981.064 Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake
943.082 (Wash.) T2-797 23
449 Franklin District (N.Z.) T2-933 1
T6-49 Auckland Region TI-932 7
' Waikato Region T2-933 I
:Franco-Provenyal literature 849
.Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871 943.082 Franklin Parish (La.) T2-763 77
Francolins 598.623 Franz Josef Land (Russia) T2-985
Franconia (Germany) T2---433 Fraser, Malcolm
Franconian dialect 437.943 3 Australian history 994.063
T6--32 Fraser Canyon (B.C.) T2-71137
Franconian emperors Fraser-Cheam (B.C.) T2-711 37
German history 943.023 Fraser-Fort George (B.C.) T2--711 82
Franconian Jura (Germany) 1'2-433 Fraser Island (Qld.) T2-943 2
Frankfort (Ky.) T2-769 432 Fraser Plateau (B.C.) T2-711 75
Frankfort (South Africa : Fraser River (B.C.) T2-7113
District) T2-685 I Fraser Valley (B.C.) T2-711 37
Frankfurt am Main Fraserburg (South Africa :
(Germany) T2--434 164 District) T2-687 17
Frankfurt an der Oder Fraternal benefit societies 334.7
(Germany) T2---431 532 economics 334.7
Frankfurt an der Oder insurance 368.3
(Gennany: Bezirk) T2---431 53 see also Insurance
Frankia 579.37 Fraternal insurance 368.363
Franking privileges 383.120 2 Fraternal organizations 369
see also Postal service Fraternities
Franklin (Nuna>'llt and education 371.855
N.W.T.) T2-719 52 Fraud 364.163
Franklin (State) 976.803 criminology 364.163
T2-768 law 345.026 3
Franklin (Va.) T2-755 553 occultism 130
Franklin County (Ala.) T2-761 913 prevention
Franklin County (Ark.) T2--767 34 management 658.473
Franklin County (Fla.) T2-759 91 Fraudulent claims 364.163
Franklin County (Ga.) T2-758 135 criminology 364.163
Franklin County (Idaho) T2-796 42 insurance 368.014
Franklin County (Ill.) T2-773 94 law 345.026 3
Franklin County (Ind.) T2-772 15 Fraudulent elections 324.66
Franklin County (Iowa) T2-777 28 criminology 364.132 4
Franklin County (Kan.) T2-781 66 criminal law 345.023 24
Franklin County (Ky.) T2-769432 Frauenfeld (Switzerland) T2---494 591 8
Franklin County (Mass.) T2-744 22 Frauenfeld (Switzerland :
Franklin County (Me.) T2-741 72 Bezirk) T2---494 591
Franklin County (Miss.) T2-762 27 Frazil ice 551.344
Franklin County (Mo.) T2-778 63 Freaks (Circuses) 791.35
Franklin County (N.C.) T2--756 54 Frechet algebras 512.55
Franklin County (N.Y.) T2-747 55 Frederick, the Great
Franklin County (Neb.) T2-782 377 German history 943.053
Franklin County (Ohio) T2-77156 Frederick I, Holy Roman
Franklin County (Pa.) T2-748 44 Emperor
Franklin Cow1ty (Tenn.) T2-768 63 German history 943.024
Franklin County (Tex.) T2--764 213

Dewey Decimal Classification

Frederick II, Holy Roman Free products

Emperor catalogs T1-029
German history 943.025 Free radicals (Chemicals) 541.224
Frederick II, King of Prussia Free reeds 788.8
German history 943.053 see also Woodwind instruments
Frederick III, Emperor of Free schools (Alternative
Germany schools) 371.04
German history 943.028 Free services
Frederick III, German Emperor catalogs Tl-029
German history 943.084 Free Soil Party (U.S.) 324.273 2
Frederick Barbarossa, Holy Free State (South Africa) 968.5
Roman Emperor T2-685
German history 943.024 Free television 384.554
Frederick County (Md.) T2-752 87 Free thought 211.4
Frederick County (Va.) T2-755 992 Free time
Fredericksburg (Va.) T2-755 366 sociology 306.481 2
Fredericton (N.B.) T2-715 515 Free trade 382.71
Frederiksberg (Denmark) T2--489 13 see also Customs (Tariff)
Frederiksborg (Denmark) T2--489 1 Free universities (Alternative
Fredholm equations 515.45 higher education) 378.03
Fredrik I, King of Sweden see also Higher education
Swedish history 948.503 62 Free will
Free aerophones 788.29 philosophy 123.5
see also Wind instruments religion 202.2
Free algebras 512.4 Christianity 233.7
Free assistance (Social welfare) 361.02 soteriology 234.9
see also Welfare services Islam 297.227
Free balloons Judaism 296.32
engineering 629.133 22 Freeborn County (Minn.) T2-776 18
military engineering 623.742 Freedmen's Bureau
Free choice of employment 331.013 United States history 973.714
Free Church of Scotland 285.234 Freedom
Free churches 280.4 philosophy 123.5
see also Protestantism Freedom of action 323.44
Free Democratic Party Freedom of association 323.47
(Germany) 324.243 06 Freedom of conscience 323.442
Free enterprise 330.122 Freedom of contract 323.46
economics 330.122 Freedom of expression 323.44
sociology 306.342 law 342.085
Free labor 331.1172 see also Civil rights
Free land 333.16 Freedom of information 323.445
Free mail 383.120 2 law 342.085 3
see also Postal service Freedom of publication 323.445
Free market price determination 338.522 law 342.085 3
Free materials Freedom of religion 323.442
bibliographies 011.03 see also Religious freedom
Free Methodist Church of North Freedom of speech 323.443
America 287.2 law 342.085 3
see also Methodist Church Freedom of the press 323.445
Free-piston engines 621.433 5 law 342.085 3
Free ports 387.13 Freedom Party of Austria 324.243 603
see also Ports Freedom Party of Switzerland 324.249 403
Free press and fair trial 347.05 Freemasonry 366.1

Relative Index

366.1 Freight services (continued)

366.109 2 bus 388.322 2
635.934 38 law 343.094 82
botany 584.38 terminal services 388.33
floriculture 635.934 38 canaL 386.404 24
, Freestone County (Tex.) T2--764 232 ferries 386.6
·. Freestyle skiing 796.937 ground 388.044
'Freestyle snowboarding 796.939 law 343.093 2
Freestyle wrestling 796.812 3 inland waterway 386.244
Freetown (Sierra Leone) T2---664 law 343.096 8
Freeways 388.122 port services 386.864
see also Roads lake 386.544
Freewi II Baptists 286.2 law 343.093 2
see also Baptists manne 387.544
Freeze-dried foods law 343.096 8
cooking 641.614 port services 387.164
Freeze-drying foods 664.028 45 port services 387.164
commercial preservation 664.028 45 engineering 623.888 1
home preservation 641.44 public administration 354.764
Freezers 621.57 railroad 385.24
kitchen appliances 641.453 028 4 law 343.095 8
low-temperature engineering 621.57 public administration 354.767 4
Freezing 536.42 special purpose 385.5
Freezing foods 664.028 53 terminal services 385.264
commercial preservation 664.028 53 river 386.354
home preservation 641.453 truck 388.324
Fregatidae 598.43 law 343.094 83
Frei Montalva, Eduardo terminal services 388.33
Chilean history 983.064 5 urban 388.413 24
Frei Ruiz-Tagle, Eduardo terminal services 388.473
Chilean history 983.066 2 Freight terminals 388.044
Freiberge (Switzerland) T2--494 368 architecture 725.3
Freiburg (Germany : area planning 711.7
Regierungsbezirk) T2--434 62 construction 690.53
Freiburg (Switzerland) T2--494 535 4 inland waterway 386.853
Freiburg (Switzerland : ports 387.153
Canton) T2-494 53 Freighters (Ships) 387.245
Freiburg im Breisgau engineering 623.824 5
(Germany) T2--434 626 2 see also Ships
Freie Demokratische Partei Freiheitliche Partei Osterreichs 324.243 603
(Germany) 324.243 06 Freiheits-Partei der Schweiz 324.249 403
Freight and freightage 388.044 Freisinnig-Demokratische Partei
see also Freight services der Schweiz 324.249 406
Freight cars 385.34 Fremantle (W.A.) T2~9411
engineering 625.24 Fremont County (Colo.) T2-788 53
see also Rolling stock Fremont County (Idaho) T2--796 56
Freight insurance 368.2 Fremont County (Iowa) T2-777 77
Freight services 388.044 Fremont County (Wyo.) T2-787 63
air 387.744 French T5--4l
airport services 387.736 4 French and Indian War,
law 343.097 8 1756-1763 940.253 4
automobile 388.321 North American history 973.26
French Broad River (N.C.
and Tenn.) T2-768 895

Dewey Decimal Classification
French bulldog 636.72 French Territory of the Afars and 967.710 34
French Cameroons T2-67ll Issas T2 -677 1
French-Canadian literature 840 French Togoland 966.810 3
French Canadians T5-ll4 T2-668 1
see Manual at T5-112, French West Indies T2-729 76
T5-114 vs. T5-2, Frenchmans Cap National
T5-41 Park (Tas.) T2-946 6
French Communist Party 324.244 075 Frequency allocation
French Community T2--171 244 radio 384.545 24
French Congo (Brazzaville) T2--672 4 television 384.552 1
French creole languages 447.9 Frequency bridges
T6--417 electric engineering 621.374 7
French Equatorial Africa 967.203 Frequency distributions 519.532
T2-672 Frequency meters
Central African history 967.4103 electric engineering 621.374 7
Chadian history 967.430 2 Frequency-modulation radio
Congolese history 967.240 3 systems 621.384 152
Gabonese history 967.2102 Frequency modulators
French Flanders T2--442 8 electronic circuits 621.381 536 3
French folk music 781.624 1 Frequency synthesizers 621.381 548 6
French folk songs 782.421 624 1 Fresco painting 751.44
French Guiana 988.2 Frescoes 751.73
T2--882 Fresh water 553.7
French Guinea 966.520 3 T2-169
T2-665 2 economic geology 553.7
French horns 788.94 hydrology 551.48
instrument 788.941 9 Freshwater animals 591.76
music 788.94 Freshwater aquariums 639.34
see al\'0 Brass instruments Freshwater biological resources 333.952 8
French Indochina 959.703 Freshwater biology 578.76
T2-597 see Manual at 578.76-.77 vs.
Cambodian history 959.603 551.46, 551.48
Laotian history 959.403 Freshwater ecology 577.6
Vietnamese history 959.703 Freshwater eels 597.432
French invasions ofltaly, Freshwater fishes 597.176
1494--1559 945.06 culture 639.31
French Island (Vic.) T2-9452 Freshwater fishing 639.21
French language 440 commercial 639.21
T6---41 sports 799.11
French literature 840 Freshwater hatchetfishes 597.48
French pastry 641.865 9 Freshwater hydrology 551.48
commercial processing 664.752 5 see Manual at 578.76-.77 vs.
home preparation 641.865 9 551.46, 551.48
French Polynesia T2-962 Freshwater lagoons 551.482
French Revolution 944.04 T2~169 2
French Riviera (France) T2--449 4 biology 578.763
French Sign Language 419.44 ecology 577.63
French Somaliland 967.710 32 Freshwater phytoplankton 579.817 6
T2-6771 Freshwater plants 581.76
French-speaking West Freshwater zebra fishes 597.482
Africa T2--660 917 541 Freshwater zooplankton 592.176
French Sudan 966.230 3 Fresno (Calif.) T2-794 83
T2~6623 Fresno County (Calif.) T2-794 82
Freudian psychology 150.195 2

Relative Index

Freycinet National Park Friendship (continued)

(Tas.) literature 808.803 53
Friaries history and criticism 809.933 53
architecture 726.7 specific literatures T3B~080 353
church history 271 history and
religious significance of criticism T3B--093 53
buildings 246.97 psychological influence 155.925
Fribourg (Switzerland) T2--494 535 4 social psychology 302.34
Friction 531.113 4 see also Ethical problems
fluid mechanics 532.053 3 Friesian language 439.2
gas mechanics 533.28 T6-392
liquid mechanics 532.58 Friesians T5-·392
machine engineering 621.89 Friesland (Germany) T2--435 917
solid mechanics 531.4 Friesland (Netherlands) T2--492 13
Friction drums 786.98 Frieze (Fabric) 677.617
see also Percussion instruments see also Textiles
Friction idiophones 786.86 Frigate birds 598.43
set 786.86 Frigid zones T2--11
single 786.888 biology 578.091 1
see also Percussion instruments diseases
Friction resistance medicine 616.988 l
materials science 620.112 92 see also Environmental
Frictional unemployment 331.137 045 diseases humans
Friday ecology 577.091 l
Islamic observance 297.36 health 613.111
Friedel-Crafts reaction Frigidity
chemical engineering 660.284 4 medicine 616.858 32
Friedreich ataxia Fringe benefits 331.255
medicine 616.83 see also Employee benefits
see also Nervous system Fringes
diseases humans arts 746.27
Friendly fire casualties (Military Fringes (Judaism) 296.461
science) 355.422 Fringillidae 598.883
Friendly Islands 996.12 Frio County (Tex.) T2-764442
T2--961 2 Frisian language 439.2
Friendly occupation T6-392
law of nations 341.722 Frisian literature 839.2
Friendly societies 334.7 Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Italy) 945.39
economics 334.7 T2--453 9
insurance 368.3 ancient T2-373 8
Friends (Religious society) 289.6 Friulian language 459.92
biography 289.609 2 T6--599 2
see also Society of Friends F riulian literature 859.92
Friends of the library Friulians TS-599 2
organizations 021.7 Frobisher Bay (Nunavut) T2-719 52
Friendship 177.62 Frogbits 584.73
applied psychology 158.25 Frogfishes 597.62
arts T3C-353 Frogmen (Navy) 359.984
ethics 177.62 Frogmouths 598.99
religion 205.676 2
folklore 398.273
history and criticism 398.353

Dewey Decimal Classification

Frogs (Animals) 597.89 Frozen seawater

agriculture 639.378 9 geology 551.343
food 641.396 Frozen yogurt 641.862
commercial processing 664.95 commercial processing 637.4
cooking 641.696 home preparation 641.862
home preservation 641.495 Fructose 572.565
zoology 597.89 see also Carbohydrates
Frogs (Track crossings) 625.163 Fruit 581.464
Fromm, Erich see also Fruits
psychological system 150.195 7 Fruit arrangements 745.924
Fronds (Plants) 581.48 Fruit bats (Phy llostomidae) 599.45
descriptive botany 581.48 Fruit bats (Pteropodidae) 599.49
physiology 575.57 Fruit culture 634
Front axles Fruit drinks 641.875
automotive engineering 629.247 commercial processing 663.6
Front-end systems 025.04 home preparation 641.875
computer science 005.758 Fruit flies 595.774
information science 025.04 agricultural pests 634.049 774
Front Range (Colo. and Fruit growers 634.092
Wyo.) T2-788 6 Fruit juices 641.34
Front yards commercial processing 663.63
landscape architecture 712.6 cooking with 641.64
Frontenac (Ont.) T2-713 71 food 641.34
Frontier County (Neb.) T2-782 835 home preparation 641.875
Frontier defense 355.45 Fruits 581.464
Frontier troops 355.351 art representation 704.943 4
Frontiers 320.12 arts T3C-364
see also Boundaries commercial preservation 664.8
Fronts (Meteorology) 551.551 2 cooking 641.64
Frosinone (Italy :Province) T2--456 22 descriptive botany 581.464
ancient T2-376 7 drawing 743.7
Frost 551.38 food 641.34
cold spell 551.525 3 forest products 634.987
weather forecasting 551.642 53 home preservation 641.4
weather modification 551.682 53 orchard crop 634
geologic agent 551.38 paleobotany 561.14
hydrometeorology 551.574 4 physiology 575.67
Frost injury to crops 632.11 product safety 363.192 9
Frostbite see also Food - product
medicine 616.58 safety
see also Skin diseases - Frustration 152.47
humans Frutigen-Niedersimmental
Froths 541.345 14 (Switzerland) T2--494 541 5
chemical engineering 660.294 514 Frying 641.77
Frottole 782.43 Fthi6tis (Greece) T2--495 15
Frozen desserts 641.862 Fu'ad I, King of Egypt
commercial processing 637.4 Egyptian history 962.051
home preparation 641.862 Fucales 579.888
Frozen dinners Fuchsias 635.933 76
commercial processing 664.65 botany 583.76
home serving 642.1 floriculture 635.933 76
Frozen foods Fucus 579.888
cooking 641.615 3 Fuel alcohols 662.669 2
Frozen human embryos 346.017 Fuel cells 621.312 429

Relative Index

Fuel element materials Fukui-ken (Japan) T2-521 55

nuclear reactors 621.483 35 Fukuoka-ken (Japan) T2-.S22 2
Fuel engineers 662.609 2 Fukushima-ken (Japan) T2-52117
Fuel industry 338.476 626 Fula language 496.322
Fuel oils 665.538 4 T6-963 22
Fuel resources Fula literature 896.322
economics 333.82 Fulah (African people) TS-963 22
extraction Fulah language 496.322
economics 338.2 T6-963 22
law 346.046 82 Fulah literature 896.322
public administration 354.4 Fulani (African people) T5-963 22
Fuel systems Fulani Empire 966.950 1
automotive 629.253 T2--669 5
Fueling 388.041 Fulani language 496.322
aircraft 387.736 4 T6-963 22
boats 387.168 Fulani literature 896.322
buses 388.33 Fulfulde language 496.322
urban 388.473 T6-963 22
ships 387.168 Fulfulde literature 896.322
trains 385.26 Full-employment policy 331.120424
trucks 388.33 macroeconomics 339.5
urban 388.473 see Manual at 331.120424 vs.
Fuels 662.6 331.1377
aircraft 629.134 351 Full orchestras 784.2
automotive 629.253 8 Full-scale plants
chemical engineering 662.6 chemical engineering 660.280 73
economic geology 553.2 Full scores 780
heat engineering 621.402 3 treatises 780.264
heating buildings 697.04 Full-text databases 025.04
marine engines 623.874 computer science 005.759
metallurgical furnaces 669.81 information science 025.04
military supplies 355.83 Full-text indexing 025.486
nuclear reactors 621.483 35 Full-year school 371.236
production economics 338.476 626 Fuller's earth 553.61
public administration 354.4 economic geology 553.61
resource economics 333.82 mining 622.361
spacecraft 629.475 Fulmars 598.42
steam engineering 621.182 Fulton County (Ark.) T2-767 22
unmanned spacecraft 629.465 Fulton County (Ga.) T2-758 23
Fuel wood 333.953 97 Fulton County (Ill.) T2-773 48
Fugitive slaves Fulton County (Ind.} T2-772 87
Civil War (United States) cause 973.711 5 Fulton County (Ky.} T2-76999
Fugues 784.187 2 Fulton County (N.Y.} T2-747 47
Fujairah (United Arab Fulton County (Ohio) T2-771115
Emirates : Emirate) T2-535 7 Fulton County (Pa.) T2-748 72
Fujayrah (United Arab Fumariaceae 583.35
Emirates :Emirate) T2-535 7 Fumaroles 551.23
Fuji, Mount (Japan) T2-52166 Fumes (Pollutants) 363.738 7
Fuji-san (Japan) T2-521 66 see also Pollution
Fujian Sheng (China) T2-51245 Fumigants 632.95
Fujimori, Alberto agricultural use 632.950 4
Peruvian history 985.064 3 chemical engineering 668.65
Fujiyama (Japan) T2-52166
Fukien Province (China) T2-51245

Dewey Decimal Classification

Fumigation Fundamentalism (continued)

agricultural pest control 632.94 Islam
public health 614.48 political science 320.557
Fumitories (Plants) 583.35 religion 297.09
Function Fundamentalist theology 230.046 26
architectural design 729.2 Fundy, Bay of 551.461 345
Function theory 515 T2-l63 45
Functional analysis 515.7 Funeral homes 363.75
Functional equations 515.75 see also Undertaking
Functional foods (Mortuary)
health 613.2 Funeral music 781.588
Functional organization Funeral sermons
executive management 658.402 Christianity 252.1
Functional programming 005.114 Funerals 393.93
Functionalism Buddhist rites 294.343 88
architecture 724.6 Christian rites 265.85
fine arts 709.040 2 customs 393.93
linguistics 410.18 etiquette 395.23
specific languages T4-018 flower arrangements 745.926
painting 759.062 Hindu rites 294.538 8
psychology 150.193 Islamic rites 297.385
sculpture 735.230 42 Jewish rites 296.445
Functionals 515.7 liturgy 296.454 5
Functions (Mathematics) 511.326 religious rites 203.88
calculus 515.25 Funes, Carlos Mauricio
number theory 512.73 Salvadoran history 972.840 544
Functions of complex variables 515.9 Fungal diseases 571.995
Functions of one complex see also Mycoses
variable 515.93 Fungal skin diseases
Functions of real variables 515.8 humans
.Functions of several complex incidence 614.595 79
variables 515.94 medicine 616.579
Functions of several real Fungal viruses 579.27
variables 515.84 Fungi 579.5
Functor theory 515.7 medical microbiology 616.969 01
Functors 512.62 paleontology 561.92
Fund raising 658.152 24 physiology 571.295
Tl-0681 Fungi Imperfecti 579.55
capital procurement 658.152 24 Fungicides 632.952
local Christian church 254.8 agricultural use 632.952
social welfare 361.706 81 chemical engineering 668.652
study and teaching Tl-079 Fungus diseases 571.995
Fundamental education 370.111 see al~o Mycoses
adult level 374.012 Fungus weevils 595.768
Fundamental interactions Funicular railroads 385.6
(Nuclear physics) 539.754 engineering 625.32
Fundamental particles 539.72 transportation services 385.6
Fundamental theology Funj Sultanate 962.402 3
(Christianity) 230.01 T2-624
Fundamentalism Funnies 741.56
Christianity 270.82 see also Comic strips
independent denominations 289.95 Fur 599.714 7
Protestantism 280.4 descriptive zoology 599.714 7
physiology 573.58

Relative Index

Fur-bearing animals 599.7 Furniture arrangement 645.4

animal husbandry 636.97 Furniture covers 645.4
conservation technology 639.979 7 home sewing 646.21
resource economics 333.959 7 household management 645.4
small game hunting 799.259 7 textile arts 746.95
trapping 639.117 Furniture designers 749.092
zoology 599.7 Fumiture makers 684.100 92
Fur clothing 391 Furriers 675.309 2
commercial technology 685.24 Furs
customs 391 handicrafts 745.537
home sewing 646.4 home sewing materials 646.1
see also Clothing processing 675.3
Fur farming 636.97 products
Fur goods commercial technology 685
commercial technology 685 Further education 374
Fur processing 675.3 Tl-071 5
economics 338.476 753 see also Adult education
Fur seals 599.797 3 Furuncles
conservation technology 639.979 797 3 medicine 616.523
resource economics 333.959 797 3 see also Skin diseases
Fur trapping 639.117 humans
economics 338.372 97 Furunculosis
Furans 547.592 medicine 616.523
chemical engineering 661.8 see also Skin diseases
Furloughs humans
arrned forces 355.113 Fusarium 579.567 7
penology 365.643 Fused aromatic compounds 547.615
Furnaces chemical engineering 661.816
heat engineering 621.402 5 Fused heterocyclic compounds 547.596
heating buildings 697.07 Fuselages
steam 697.507 aircraft 629.134 34
steam engineering 621.183 Fuses (Detonators) 662.4
Furnariidae 598.822 5 military engineering 623.454 2
Furnas County (Neb.) T2-782 384 Fuses (Electrical) 621.317
Fumeaux Islands (Tas.) T2-946 7 Fusibility
Furnishings 645 crystals 548.86
commercial technology 684 Fusion (Melting) 536.42
customs 392.36 Fusion (Thermonuclear) 539.764
home cleaning 648.5 Fusion power plants 621.484
household management 645 Fusion reactors 621.484
interior decoration 747 Future interests (Law) 346.042
libraries Future life
management 022.9 occultism 133.901 3
schools 371.63 philosophy 129
Fumiture 645.4 religion 202.3
cleaning 648.5 Buddhism 294.342 3
customs 392.36 Christianity 236.2
decorative arts 749 Hinduism 294.523
household management 645.4 Islam 297.23
libraries Judaism 296.33
management 022.9 Future punishment 202.3
manufacturing technology 684.1 Futures 332.645 2
office services 651.23
ships 623.866

Dewey Decimal Classification
Futurism Gadolinium
tine arts 709.040 33 chemistry 546.416
literature 808.801 14 Gadsden County (Fla.) T2-759 925
history and criticism 809.911 4 Gadus 597.633
specific literatures T3B-080 114 Gaelic football 796.33
history and Gaelic languages 491.6
criticism T3B-091 14 T6-916
painting 759.063 3 Irish 491.62
sculpture 735.230 433 T6-916 2
Futurology 003.2 Scottish 491.63
occultism 133.3 T6-916 3
social change 303.49 Gaelic literatures 891.6
Fuzzy logic 511.313 lrish 891.62
Fuzzy mathematics 511.313 Scottish 891.63
Fuzzy sets 511.322 3 Gaels T5-916
Fuzzy systems 511.313 Gaetulia 939.77
Fylde (England) T2---427 662 T2-397 7
Fylde (England : Borough) T2---427 662 Gagauz language 494.36
Fyn (Denmark) T2---489 4 T6-943 6
Fyns amt (Denmark) T2---489 4 Gage County (Neb.) T2-782 286
Fyodor I, Czar of Russia Gagnon (Quebec) T2-714117
Russian history 947.044 Gain sharing 331.216 47
Fyodor III, Czar of Russia labor economics 331.21647
Russian history 947.049 personnel management 658.322 5
Gaines County (Tex.) T2-764 855
G Gaining weight diet
health 613.24
Ga (African people) T5-963 378 Gairdner, Lake (S. Aust.) T2-942 38
Ga language 496.337 8 Gaitas 788.49
T6-963 378 see also Woodwind instruments
Ga literature 896.337 8 Galagos 599.83
Gabbro 552.3 Galapagos Islands T2-866 5
Gables 721.5 Galapagos tortoise 597.924 6
architecture 721.5 Galati (Romania : Judet) T2---498 I
construction 690.15 Galatia T2-393 2
Gabon 967.21 Galatia Salutaris T2-393 2
T2-672 1 Galatians (Biblical book) 227.4
Gabonese T5-967 21 Galax 583.67
Gaborone (Botswana) T2-688 3 Galax (Va.) T2-755 715
Gadaba (Dravidian people) T5-948 2 Galaxies 523.112
Gadaba (Munda people) T5-959 5 see Manual at 520 vs. 523.1,
Gadaba language (Dravidian) 494.82 523.112, 523.8
T6-9482 Galbulidae 598.72
Gadaba language (Munda) 495.95 Galcha language 491.57
T6-959 5 T6-915 7
Gadba (Dravidian people) T5-948 2 Galcha literature 891.57
Gadba (Munda people) T5-959 5 Galchah language 491.57
Gadba language (Dravidian) 494.82 T6-915 7
T6-948 2 Galchah literature 891.57
Gadbalanguage(Munda) 495.95 Galena
T6-959 5 mineralogy 549.32
Gadidae 597.632 Galerkin method 518.63
Gadiformes 597.63 Galibi language 498.422
paleozoology 567.63 T6-98422

Relative Index

Galicia (Poland and Galliards 793.3

Ukraine) T2--438 6 mUSIC 784.1882
Poland T2--438 6 Gallican schismatic churches 284.8
Ukraine T2--477 9 see also Old Catholic churches
Galicia (Spain : Region) T2--461 Galliformes 598.6
Galician language 469.9 paleozoology 568.6
T6-699 sports hunting 799.246
Galician literature 869.9 Gallinules 598.32
Galicians T5--699 Gallipoli Campaign, 1915 940.426
Galilee (Israel) T2-56945 Gallipoli peninsula (Turkey) T2--496 12
ancient T2-334 5 Gallium 669.79
Gall bladder 573.38 chemical engineering 661.067 5
see also Gallbladder chemistry 546.675
Galla (African people) T5-935 5 metallurgy 669.79
Galla language 493.55 see also Chemicals
T6-935 5 Gallo-Roman period 936.402
Galla literature 893.55 Galloway cattle 636.223
Gallatin County (lll.) T2-773 97 Galls
Gallatin County (Ky.) T2-769 365 agriculture 632.2
Gallatin County (Mont.) T2--786 662 Gallus domesticus 636.5
Gallbladder 573.38 zoology 598.625
biology 573.38 Galois theory 512.32
human anatomy 611.36 Galops 793.3
human physiology 612.35 music 784.188 4
medicine 616.365 Galvanometers 621.3744
surgery 617.556 5 Galveston County (Tex.) T2-764139
see also Digestive system Galway (Ireland) T2-417 45
Gallbladder diseases Galway (Ireland : County) T2--417 4
medicine 616.365 Gama grass 584.9
see also Digestive system Gambai dialect 496.5
diseases humans T6-965
Gallegan language 469.9 Gam bela Astedader
T6-699 AkababT (Ethiopia) T2-633
Gallcgan literature 869.9 Gambella Federal State
Galleons 387.22 (Ethiopia) T2--633
design 623.812 2 Gam bel's quail 598.627
engineering 623.822 Gambia 966.51
transportation services 387.22 T2-665 I
see also Ships Gambia River T2-665 1
Galleries (Museums) 069 Gambians T5-966 51
Tl-074 Gambier Island (B.C.) T2-711 31
Galleys (Ships) 387.21 Gambier Islands (French
design 623.812 1 Polynesia) T2-962 2
engineering 623.821 Gamblers 795.092
handling 623.882 1 Gambling 306.482
transportation services 387.21 criminology 364.172
see also Ships criminal law 345.027 2
Galli 598.6 customs 394.3
Gallia Cisalpina T2~372 ethics 175
Gallia Cispadana T2-372 6 see also Recreation - ethics
Gallia County (Ohio) T2-771 89 horse racing 798.401
Gallia Transalpina T2-364 law 344.099
Gallia Transpadana T2-372 2 mathematics 519.27
occupational ethics 174.6

Dewey Decimal Classification

Gambling (continued) Games (continued)

public control 363.42 management decision making 658.403 53
law 344.054 2 outdoor 796
public administration 353.37 sociology 306.487
recreation 795 use in child care 649.55
sociology 306.482 see also Recreation
Game animals 591.63 Games of chance 795
animal husbandry 636.088 8 equipment technology 688.75
conservation technology 639.9 probabilities 519.27
economic zoology 591.63 see Manual at 795.015192 vs.
food 641.391 519.27
cooking 641.691 Games of skill 790.1
mammals 599.163 indoor 794
theft of 364.162 859 9 mathematics 519.3
law 345.026 285 99 outdoor 796
resource economics 333.954 9 Gamete intrafallopian transfer
theft of 364.162 859 l surgery 618.1780599
law 345.026 285 91 Gametes 571.845
Game birds 598.163 Gametogenesis 571.845
animal husbandry 636.63 Gaming 306.482
conservation technology 639.978 163 see also Gambling
economic zoology 598.163 Gamka River (South T2~687 38
food 641.391 Gamma decay 539.752 4
cooking 641.691 Gamma functions 515.52
resource economics 333.958 29 Gamma particles 539.722 2
sports hunting 799.24 biophysics 571.459
theft of 364.162 859 8 humans 612.014 486
law 345.026 285 98 physics 539.722 2
Game fishes 597.163 Gamma-ray astronomy 522.686 2
conservation technology 639.977 163 Gamma-ray electronics 537.535
resource economics 333.956 9 Gamma-ray photography
sports fishing 799.12 engineering 621.367 3
theft of 364.162 859 7 Gamma-ray spectroscopes
law 345.026 285 97 manufacturing technology 681.414 8
Game fishes (Salmonids) 597.55 Gamma-ray spectroscopy 543.6
conservation technology 639.977 55 analytical chemistry 543.6
resource economics 333.956 55 engineering 621.361
sports fishing 799.175 5 physics 537.535 2
Game fishing 799.12 Gamma rays 539.722 2
Game laws 346.046 954 9 biophysics 571.459
Game protection 333.954 916 humans 612.014 486
technology 639.9 physics 539.722 2
Game reserves 333.954 916 Gan dialects (China) 495.172 22
conservation technology 639.95 T~951 7
Game theory 519.3 Ganapataism 294.551 5
Gamekeepers 639.909 2 Ganda (African people) T5~963 957
Games 790.1 Ganda language 496.395 7
camp sports 796.545 T6~963 957
cataloging 025.349 6 Ganda literature 896.395 7
customs 394.3 Gandhi, Indira
ethics 175 Indian history 954.045
folk literature 398.8 1966-1971 954.045
indoor 793 1971-1977 954.051
library treatment 025.179 6 1980-1984 954.052

Relative Index

Gandhi, Rajiv Garcia, Carlos

Indian history 954.052 Philippine history 959.904 4
Ganges River (India and Garcinias 583.624
Bangladesh) T2--541 Gard (France) T2-448 3
Ganglia Garda, Lake (Italy) T2--452 6
basal Garden County (Neb.) T2-782 915
medicine 616.83 Garden crops 635
human anatomy 611.83 see Manual at 633-635
human physiology 612.81 Garden eggs 641.356 46
non-basal see also Eggplants
medicine 616.856 Garden furniture 645.8
Gangrene see also Outdoor furniture
medicine 616.047 Garden legumes 641.356 5
Gangs horticulture 635.65
criminology 364.106 6 Garden lighting 621.322 9
social psychology 302.34 Garden peas 641.356 56
Gangsterism 364.106 6 see also Peas (Pisum sativum)
Ganoidei 597.42 Garden Route (South
Gansu Sheng (China) T2-514 5 Africa) T2-687 37
Ganyesa (South Africa : Garden sculpture 731.72
District) T2-682 46 Gardeners 635.092
Gaols 365.34 Gardenias 635.933 93
see also Penal institutions botany 583.93
Gaonim 296.120 092 floriculture 635.933 93
GAR (Organization) 369.15 Gardening 635
Garage sales 381.195 landscape architecture 712
management 658.87 therapeutic use 615.851 5
see also Commerce Gardens 635
Garages arts 700.464
architecture 725.38 T3C-364
automotive engineering 629.286 biology 578.755 4
construction 690.538 ecology 577.554
domestic landscape architecture 712
architecture 728.98 literature 808.803 64
construction 690.898 history and criticism 809.933 64
theft from 364.1622 specific literatures T3B-080 364
law 345.026 22 history and
Garamond type 686.224 7 criticism T3B-093 64
Garavance 641.356 57 Garfield, James A. (James
see also Chick-peas Abram)
Garbage collection 363.728 8 United States history 973.84
technology 628.442 Garfield County (Colo.) T2~-788 16
Garbage disposal 363.728 8 Garfield County (Mont.) T2-78627
technology 628.445 Gartield County (Neb.) T2-782 764
use as fertilizer 631.875 Garfield County (Okla.) T2-766 28
see also Waste control Garfield County (Utah) T2-792 52
Garbage-disposal units Garfield County (Wash.) T2~~797 44
installation 696.184 Garfish 597.66
manufacturing technology 683.88 Gargoyles
Garbanzo 641.356 57 architectural decoration 729.5
see also Chick-peas Garhwali language 491.496
Garcia, Alan T6-914 96
Peruvian history 985.064 5 Garibaldi (Fish) 597.72

Dewey Decimal Classification

Garibaldi Provincial Park Gas fitting

(B.C.) T2-71l 31 buildings 696.2
Garifuna language 497.92 Gas heating
T6-979 2 buildings 697.043
Garland County (Ark.) T2-767 41 Gas lighting 621.324
Garlic 641.352 6 Gas mechanics 533
botany 584.33 engineering 620.107
cooking 641.652 6 Gas oil 665.538 4
food 641.352 6 Gas pipes
garden crop 635.26 buildings 696.2
pharmacology 615.324 33 Gas supply facilities
Gannent workers 687.092 area planning 711.8
Garments 391 Gas tubes
see also Clothing electronics 621.381 513
Garnets 553.87 Gas-turbine engines 621.433
mineralogy 549.62 aircraft 629.134 353
see also Semiprecious stones automotive 629.250 3
Garnishes 641.819 ships 623.872 33
Garnishment 347.077 Gas-turbine locomotives 385.362
civil procedure 347.077 engineering 625.262
commercial law 346.077 transportation services 385.362
Garo language 495.4 see also Rolling stock
T6-954 Gas welding 671.522
Garonne River (Spain and Gascogne (France) T2 447 3
France) T2--447 Gascon dialect (Occitan
Garrard County (Ky.) T2-769 525 language) T6--491
Garrett County (Md.) T2-752 97 Gasconade County (Mo.) T2 778 61
Garrison Reservoir (N.D.) T2-784 75 Gascony (France) T2--447 3
Garrya 583.84 Gascoyne River (W.A.) T2-9413
Gars 597.41 Gaseous-state lasers 621.366 3
Garvin County (Okla.) T2-766 56 Gaseous-state physics 530.43
Gary(Ind.) T2-772 99 Gaseous wastes 363.728
Garza County (Tex.) T2-764 852 social services 363.728
Gas abuse 362.299 3 technology 628.53
Gas appliances see also Waste control
chemistry 542.7 Gases
household appliances 643.6 chemical engineering 660.043
manufacturing technology 683.88 expansion and contraction 536.412
Gas chromatography 543.85 heat transfer 536.25
chemical engineering 660.284 23 pneumatics 533
Gas-detection prospecting 622.159 sound transmission 534.24
Gas dynamics 533.2 specific heat 536.65
Gas engineering 665.7 state of matter 530.43
equipment manufacturing Gases (Fuels) 665.7
technology 681.766 5 cooking 641.584
Gas engineers 665.7092 dowsing 133.323 7
Gas equipment mine safety engineering 622.82
chemistry 542.7 natural 553.285
household appliances 643.6 see also Natural gas
manufacturing technology 683.88 plant management 658.26
Gas exchange public administration 354.46
human physiology 612.22 public safety 363.179 8
see also Respiratory system public utilities 363.63
see also Hazardous materials

I.·. oases (Noxious)
Relative Index

Gastrointestinal diseases


human toxicology
mine safety engineering
see also Pollution
Gases in atmosphere
363.738 7

see also Digestive system
diseases -humans
Gastrointestinal organs
human anatomy

Gasohol 662.669 2 human physiology 612.32
Gasoline 665.538 27 see also Digestive system
public safety 363.179 8 Gastronomy 641.013
see also Hazardous materials Gastropoda 594.3
, Gasoline engines 621.434 paleozoo1ogy 564.3
Gasparovic, Ivan Gastrotricha 592.53
Slovak history 943.730 513 Gastrulation 571.865
Gaspe Peninsula (Quebec) T2~714 77 Gataga River (B.C.) T2-711 85
Gaspee (Ship), Burning ot: 1772 973.311 2 Gatehouses
Gaspesie(Quebec) T2-71477 architecture 728.9
Gaspesie-Iles-de-la- construction 690.89
Madeleine (Quebec) T2--714 77 Gates
Gaspesie National Park canal engineering 627.135 2
(Quebec) T2~714 791 dam engineering 627.882
Gasteromycetes 579.599 Gates County (N.C.) T2-756 153
Gasteropelecidae 597.48 Gates of the Arctic National
Gasterosteidae 597.672 Park and Preserve
Gasterosteiformes 597.67 (Alaska) T2-798 6
paleozoology 567.67 Gateshead (England :
Gaston County (N.C.) T2-756 773 Metropolitan Borough) T2--428 73
Gastric analysis Gateways
diagnosis architecture 725.96
general disease 616.075 63 landscape architecture 717
Gastric secretions 573.363 79 Gathas 295.82
human physiology 612.32 Gatineau (Quebec) T2-714 221
medicine 616.332 Gatineau Park (Quebec) T2~714 223

see also Digestive system Gatineau River (Quebec) T2-714 224

Gastric ulcers GATT (Commerce) 382.92
medicine 616.334 law 343.087 026 1
see also Digestive system Giiu (Switzerland) T2~-494 353 3
diseases~ humans Gauge fields
Giistrikland landskap physics 530.1435
(Sweden) T2--488 1 Gaul 936.4
Gastritis T2-364
medicine 616.333 Gauley River (W. Va.) T2--754 69
see also Digestive system Gaulish language 491.6
diseases humans T6-916
Gastroenteritis Gaulish literature 891.6
medicine 616.33 Gauls T5~-916

see also Digestive system Gauntlets

diseases -humans manufacturing technology 685.43
, Gastroenterology 616.33 Gaur 599.642 2
Gastroesophageal reflux Gauss geometry 516.9
medicine 616.324 Gaussian processes 519.23
see also Digestive system Gautama Buddha 294.363
diseases -humans art representation 704.948 943 63
Gastrointestinal agents arts 700.482 943 63
pharmacokinetics 615.73 T3C-382 943 63

Dewey Decimal Classification

Gauteng (South Africa) 968.22 Gaziantcp iii (Turkey) T2-5649

T2-6822 ancient T2-393 6
Gavial 597.98 GB (Swiss political party) 324.249 408 7
Gaviiformes 598.442 Gbagbo, Laurent
paleozoology 568.4 Ivorian history 966.680 53
Giivleborg (Sweden) T2-488 I Gbandi (Liberian people) T5-~963 48
Gavottes 793.319 44 Gbandi language 496.348
music 784.188 3 T6-963 48
Gawler (S. Au st.) T2-942 32 Gbaya (African people) T5-963 61
Gay liberation movement 306.766 Gbaya language 496.361
Gay marriage 306.848 T6-963 61
law 346.0168 Gbe languages 496.337
Gay men 306.766 2 T6-963 37
Tl--086 642 GCSE (Educational tests) 373.126 2
psychology 155.344 2 Gdansk (Poland :
social welfare 362.896 4 Voivodeship) T2-438 22
Gay parents 306.874 086 64 GDP (Macroeconomics) 339.31
Gay rights 323.326 4 GDVP (Austrian political party) 324.243 602 3
law 342.087 Ge Indians T5-984
Gay teenagers 306.766 083 5 Ge language 498.4
psychology 155.508 66 T6-984
social welfare 362.786 6 Gear-cutting tools 621.944
Gay women 306.766 3 Gear-driven hoists
Tl--086 643 mining 622.67
see also Lesbians Gears 621.833
Gay workers 331.53 clockwork 68Lll2
Gays 306.766 Geary County (Kan.) T2-78129
Tl--086 64 Geauga County (Ohio) T2-771 336
civil and human rights 323.326 4 Geckos 597.952
female 306.766 3 GED tests 373.126 2
Tl-086 643 Gedling (England) T2-425 28
psychology 155.344 3 Gee1ong (Vic.) T2-9452
Holocaust, 1933~1945 940.531 808 664 Geelvink Bay languages T6-9912
labor economics 331.53 Geese 598.417
male 306.766 2 animal husbandry 636.598
T1-086 642 conservation technology 639.978 417
psychology 155.344 2 resource economics 333.958417
psychology 155.344 sports hunting 799.244 7
religion 200.866 4 Gc'ez language 492.81
Christianity 270.086 64 T6--928 1
pastoral theology 259.086 64 Biblical texts 220.46
social welfare 362.896 4 Ge'ez literature 892.81
Gaza (Mozambique : Gegenschein 523.59
Province) T2--679 2 Geiger-Muller counters
Gaza Strip 953.1 nuclear physics 539.774
TI-531 Geisel, Emesto
ancient 939.47 Brazilian history 981.063
T2-394 8 Geishas 792.702 809 52
Gazankulu (South Africa) T2-682 59 Gekkonidae 597.952
Gazehounds 636.753 2 Gekkonidea 597.952
Gazella 599.646 9 Gela (Italy)
Gazelles 599.646 9 ancient T2-378 21
Gazetteers 910.3 Gelatin
Gazettes (Official publications) 351.05 commercial processing 664.26

Relative Index

641.864 2 Gene silencing 572.865

Gene splicing
686.232 5 biotechnology 660.65
T2--492 18 Gene therapy
T2~-496 12 law 344.041 96
541.345 13 therapeutics 615.895
engineering 660.294 513 Genealogical registers 929.3
(Germany) T2-435 618 Genealogists 929.109 2
Gem County (Idaho) T2-79627 Genealogy 929.1
Gemini (Zodiac) 133.526 4 General accounting offices 352.43
Gemini project 629.454 audit reports 352.439
Gempylidae 597.78 General Agreement on Tariffs
Gems 553.8 and Trade (1947) 382.92
carving 736.2 law 343.087 026 1
economic geology 553.8 General anesthesia
jewelry 739.27 surgery 617.962
materials science 620.198 General Carrera (Chile :
mining 622.38 Province) T2-836 25
occultism 133.255 38 General catalogs 025.31
divination 133.322 bibliography 011
prospecting 622.188 library science 025.31
synthetic 666.88 General certificate of education
Gen-Gbe language 496.337 examination (United
T6-963 37 Kingdom) 371.262
Gen language 496.337 A level 378.166 2
T6---963 37 GCSE 373.126 2
Gender identity 305.3 General Conference Mennonite
Tl-081 Church 289.73
arts 700.452 I see also Mennonite Church
T3C--352 1 General educational development
' labor economics 331.56 tests 373.126 2
literature General services agencies 352.5
specific literatures T3B-080 352 I General Society of Colonial Wars
history and (U.S.) 369.12
criticism T3B--093 521 General Society of Mayflower
psychology 155.33 Descendants 369.12
adolescents 155.53 General staffs 355.330 42
children 155.43 General stores 381.14
Gender identity disorders see also Commerce
medicine 616.858 3 General strikes 322.2
Gender role 305.3 economics 331.892 5
Tl-081 see also Strikes (Work
arts 700.452 1 stoppages)
T3C-3521 General topology 514.322
labor economics 331.56 Generalized functions 515.782
literature Generalized system of preference 382.753
specific literatures T3B-080 352 1 see also Customs (Tariff)
history and Generals 355.009 2
criticism T3B-093 521 role and function 355.331
Gene activation 572.865 Generating electricity 621.312 1
Gene expression 572.865 Generating functions 515.55
Gene mapping 572.863 3 Generating machinery
humans 611.018 166 3 electrical engineering 621.313
Gene pools 576.58 Generating steam 621.18

Dewey Decimal Classification

Generation gap 305.2 Genetic transcription 572.884 5

family relationships 306.874 Genetic transduction 571.964 8
Generation of sound Genetic transformation 571.964 8
physics 534.1 Genetic translation 572.645
Generative grammar 415.018 2 Geneticists 576.509 2
specific languages T4--50l 82 Genetics 576.5
Generative organs 573.6 animal husbandry 636.082 1
see also Genital system animals 591.35
Genes 572.86 humans 599.935
humans 611.018 166 sociology 304.5
Genesee County (Mich.) T2~774 37 microorganisms 579.135
Genesee County (N.Y.) T2~747 92 plants 581.35
Genesee River (Pa. and sociology 304.5
N.Y.) T2~747 88 see Manual at 576.5 vs. 572.8
Genesis (Bible) 222.11 Genets 599.742
Genetic algorithms Geneva (Switzerland :
computer science 005.1 Canton) T2--494 51
artificial intelligence 006.31 Geneva, Lake (Switzerland
mathematics 519.625 and France) T2--494 52
Genetic code 572.863 3 France T2--445 84
humans 611.018 166 3 Switzerland T2-49452
Genetic disorders 571.948 Geneva Conventions 341.65
animals 571.948 I Geneva County (Ala.) T2~761 292
humans 362.196 042 Geneve (Switzerland) T2--494 516
medicine 616.042 Geneve (Switzerland :
social services 362.196 042 Canton) T2--494 51
Genetic engineering 660.65 Genf (Switzerland) T2--494 516
agriculture 631.523 3 Genf(Switzerland: Canton) T2--494 51
pest resistance 632.9 Genghis Khan
animal husbandry 636.082 1 Asian history 950.21
cells Geniculate bodies
research human physiology 612.826 2
medicine 616.027 7 Genital diseases 573.639
ethics 174.2 animals 573.639
see also Ethical problems veterinary medicine 636.089 665
law 344.095 7 humans 362.196 65
medical 344.041 96 anesthesiology 617.96746
tissue cancer 362.196 994 6
research incidence 614.599 946
medicine 616.027 medicine 616.994 6
Genetic evolution 572.838 social services 362.196 994 6
Genetic factors see also Cancer humans
influence on crime 364.24 geriatrics 618.976 65
physical ethnology 599.972 incidence 614.596 5
Genetic makeup 576.53 medicine 616.65
Genetic recombination 572.877 pediatrics 618.926 5
Genetic regulation 572.865 pharmacokinetics 615.766
Genetic replication 572.864 5 social services 362.196 65
Genetic resources 333.953 4 surgery 617.46
animals 333.954 see alw Urogenital diseases
economics 333.953 4
plants 333.953 4
Genetic screening 362.196 042 07
crime prevention 364.41

Relative Index

herpes Genova (Italy: Province) T2--451 82

incidence 614.547 ancient T2-371 2
medicine 616.951 8 Genre paintings 754
see also Communicable Gent (Belgium) T2-493 142
diseases ~ humans Gentianales 583.93
Genital organs 573.6 Gentians 583.93
see also Genital system Gentleness 179.9
Genital system 573.6 see also Virtues
anesthesiology 617.967 46 Gentry County (Mo.) T2-778 145
animals 573.6 Genua (Italy) T2-371 21
diseases 573.639 Geobotanical prospecting 622.12
see also Genital diseases Geochelone 597.924 6
human anatomy 611.6 Geochemical prospecting 622.13
human histology 612.604 5 Geochemistry 551.9
human physiology 612.6 Geodesics
medicine 616.65 geometry 516.362
surgery 617.46 Geodesists 526.109 2
see also Female genital system; Geodesy 526.1
Male genital system Geodetic astronomy 526.6
Genital warts Geodetic coordinates 526.6
incidence 614.547 spherical astronomy 522.7
medicine 616.951 8 Geodetic surveying 526.3
see also Communicable Geographers 910.92
diseases ~ humans Geographic information systems 910.285
Genitalia 573.6 Tl-028 5
see also Genital system mathematical geography 526.028 5
Genitourinary system 573.6 Geographic myths 398.234
human physiology 612.46 see also Legendary places
see also Genital system; Geographic positions
Urinary system geodetic astronomy 526.64
Geniuses 305.908 9 Geographic subjects
Tl~087 9 painting 758.991
psychology 153.98 Geographic treatment Tl-09
Genoa (Italy) T2--451 821 fine arts 709
ancient T2-37121 see Manual at 704.9
Genoa (Italy: Province) T2--451 82 and 753--758; also
ancient T2-371 2 at 709.012-.015,
Genoa (Republic) 945.18 709.02-.05 vs. 709.3-.9
T2--451 8 see Manual at T l-09; also at
Genocide 364.151 380
ethics 179.7 Geography 910
see also Ethical problems arts 70D.42
law 345.025 1 T3C-32
sociology 304.663 Bible 220.91
Genome mapping 572.863 3 literature 808.803 2
humans 611.018 166 3 history and criticism 809.933 2
Genomes 572.86 motion pictures 791.4362
humans 611.018 166 primary education 372.891
Genotype-environment see Manual at 578 vs. 304.2,
interaction 576.85 508, 910; also at 909,
Genotypes 576.53 930-990 vs. 910
Genova (Italy) T2-451 821 Geologic time 551.70 l
ancient T2-37121 Geological age measurements 551.701
Geological ages 551.7

Dewey Decimal Classification

Geological instruments George II, King of Great Britain

manufacturing technology 681.755 British history 941.072
Geological prospecting 622.12 English history 942.072
Geological surveys Scottish history 941.107 2
public administration 354.39 George III, King of Great Britain
specific areas 554-559 British history 941.073
Geologists 551.092 English history 942.073
Geology 551 Scottish history 941.107 3
Jaw 344.095 5 George IV, King of Great Britain
specific areas 554-559 British history 941.074
Geomagnetic reversals 538.727 English history 942.074
Geomagnetism 538.7 Scottish history 941.107 4
Geomancy 133.333 George V, King of Great Britain
Geometric abstractionism 709.040 52 British history 941.083
painting 759.065 2 English histmy 942.083
sculpture 735.230 452 Scottish history 941.108 3
Geometric design 709.040 3 George VI, King of Great Britain
painting 759.063 British history 941.084
sculpture 735.230 43 English history 942.084
Geometric number theory 512.75 Scottish history 941.108 4
Geometric probability 519.2 George County (Miss.) T2-762 165
Geometric progressions 515.24 Georgetown (Guyana) T2-881 5
Geometric shapes 516.15 Georgetown County (S.C.) T2-757 89
Geometrical crystallography 548.81 Georgia 975.8
Geometrical optics 535.32 T2-758
Geometries over algebras 516.18 Georgia (Republic) 947.58
Geometries over rings 516.18 T2--475 8
Geometroidea 595.78 ancient 939.536
Geometry 516 T2--395 36
famous problems 516.204 Georgia, Strait of (B.C.) 551.461 433
primary education 372.76 T2-164 33
Geometry of numbers 512.75 Georgian architecture 724.19
Geomorphologists 551.410 92 Georgian Bay (Ont. : Bay) T2-713 15
Geomorphology 551.41 Georgian language 499.969
Geomyidae 599.359 9 T6-99969
Geonavigation Georgian literature 899.969
nautical 623.892 Georgians
Geonavigation aids (Transcaucasians) T5--999 69
marine navigation 623.893 Geotectonics 551.8
Geonim 296.120 092 Geothermal energy 333.88
Geophysical prospecting 622.15 economics 333.88
Geophysics 550 public administration 354.48
see Manual at 550 vs. 910 Geothermal engineering 621.44
Geopolitics 320.12 Geothermal prospecting 622.159
international relations 327.101 Gera (Germany) T2-43222
George (South Africa: Gera (Germany: Bezirk) T2-43222
District) T2-687 37 Geraldton (W.A.) T2-9412
George, Henry Geraniales 583.79
economic school 330.155 Geraniums (Pelargoniums) 635.933 79
George, Lake (N.Y.) T2-747 51 botany 583.79
George I, King of Great Britain floriculture 635.933 79
British history 941.071 Gerberas 583.99
English history 942.071 floriculture 635.933 99
Scottish history 941.107 1

Relative Index

636.935 83 German New Guinea 995.302 1

636.935 83 T2-953
599.358 3 German People's Union (Political
party) 324.243 03
616.324 German police dog 636.737 6
see also Digestive system German Pomerania T2--431 78
diseases- humans German Reformed Church (U.S.) 285.733
cardiology 618.976 12 see also Reformed Church
disorders 362.198 97 (American Reformed)
614.599 297 German shepherd dog 636.737 6
618.97 Germania Inferior T2-369 2
362.198 97 Germania Magna T2-363
618.970 231 Germania Superior T2-364 39
preventive measures 613.043 8 Germanic languages 430
surgery 617.97 T6--3
therapeutics 615.547 Germanic literatures 830
618.970 092 Germanic people T5-3
618.970 232 Germanic regions 943
618.97 T2--43
ancient 936.3
571.845 T2-363
plasm 333.953 4 Netherlands 949.2
agriculture 631.523 T2--492
animal breeding 636.082 1 ancient 936.921
plant cultivation 631.523 T2-36921
resource economics 333.953 4 Switzerland 949.4
animals 333.954 T2--494 7
plants 333.953 4 ancient 936.947
Germ warfare 358.38 T2-36947
see also Biological warfare Germanic religion 293
Center Party 324.243 025 Germanium
German Communist Party 324.243 075 chemical engineering 661.068 4
German Confederation 943 .07 chemistry 546.684
German Democratic Republic 943.108 7 metallurgy 669.79
T2-431 Germans T5-31
German Empire 943.083 Germans (Dances) 793.35
T2--43 Gennany 943
German folk music 781.623 1 T2--43
German folk songs 782.421 623 1 ancient 936.3
German Green Party 324.243 087 T2-363
German historical school Germany (East) 943.1087
(Economics) 330.154 2 T2--431
German language 430 Germany (West) 943.087
T6-31 T2--43
German literature 830 Germination 571.862
German measles Germiston (South Africa :
incidence 614.524 District) T2---682 25
medicine 616.916 Germplasm 333.953 4
see also Communicable see also Germ plasm
diseases humans Gerona (Spain: Province) T2--467 I
pediatrics 618.929 16 Gerontology 305.26
German National Socialist Labor human physiology 612.67
Party (Austria) 324.243 602 38 social aspects 305.26
social welfare 362.6

Dewey Decimal Classification

Gerrymandering 328.334 55 Ghost sharks 597.38

Gers (France) T2--447 7 Ghosts 133.1
Gersau (Switzerland : arts 700.475
Bezirk) T2--494 752 8 T3C-375
Gerunds 415.54 fiction 808.838 733
specific languages T4-554 history and criticism 809.387 33
Gesneriaceae 583.95 specific literatures T3B-308 733
Gestalt psychology 150.198 2 individual authorsT3A-3
Gestalt therapy folklore 398.25
psychiatry 616.891 43 history and criticism 398.47
Gestational diabetes literature 808.803 75
pregnancy complications history and criticism 809.933 75
obstetrics 618.364 6 specific literatures T3B-080 375
Gestures 302.222 history and
drama 792.028 criticism T3B--093 75
motion pictures 791.430 28 occultism 133.1
stage 792.028 Gia Lai (Vietnam) T2-597 6
television 791.450 28 Giant ferns 587.33
preaching 251.03 Giant forest hog 599.633
psychology 153.69 Giant otter 599.769
expressive movements 152.384 Giant panda 599.789
nonverbal communication 153.69 conservation technology 639.979 789
rhetoric of speech 808.5 resource economics 333.959 789
social psychology 302.222 Giant perches 597.72
Gettysburg, Battle of, 1863 973.734 9 Giant schnauzer 636.73
Geysers 551.23 Giant slalom skiing 796.935
Gezira (Sudan : State) T2---626 4 Giant stars 523.88
Ghana 966.7 Giants
T2-667 physical antlu·opology 599.949
Ghana Empire 966.101 6 Giant's Castle Game
T2--{)61 Reserve (South Africa)
Ghanaians T5-966 7 Giardiasis
Gharb al-Istiwa'Iyah medicine 616.34
(Sudan) see also Digestive system
Gharb Babr al Ghazal diseases-- humans
(Sudan) T2----629 4 Gibbons 599.882
Gharb-Chrarda-Beni Hsen Gibbs' phase rule
(Morocco) T2-643 5 th ennochemistry 541.363
Gharb DarfUr (Sudan: Gibraltar 946.89
State) T2----627 T2-468 9
Gharb Kurdufiin (Sudan) T2----628 Gibraltar, Strait of 551.461381
Gharbiyah (Egypt) T2--621 T2-163 81
Ghardaia (Algeria : Gibraltar Range National
Province) T2----657 Park (N.S.W.) T2--944 3
Gharib Gibson County (Ind.) T2-772 35
Hadith 297.125 24 Gibson County (Tenn.) T2- 768 23
Ghazi I, King oflraq Gibson Desert (W.A.) T2--941 5
Iraqi history 956.704 2 Giessen (Gem1any:
954.022 3 Regierungsbezirk) T2~-43414
Ghazni dynasty
Ghent (Belgium) T2--493 142 Gift revenues
Ghettos 307.336 6 public finance 336.16
Holocaust, 1933-1945 940.531 85
Ghor dynasty 954.022 5
Ghost pipefishes 597.67

Relative Index

tax 336.276 Gilt-edged securities 332.632 044

Jaw 343.053 5 see Manual at 332.632044 vs.
public administration 352.44 332.6323
public finance 336.276 Gilwern (Wales) T2-42998
;Gift wrappings 745.54 Gil yak T5-946
Gifted children 305.908 908 3 Gilyak language 494.6
home care 649.155 T6-946
psychology 155.455 Gimps 677.76
special education 371.95 Gin 641.255
Gifted people 305.908 9 commercial processing 663.55
Tl-087 9 Gin rummy 795.418
collected biography Tl---092 7 Ginger 641.338 3
special education 371.95 botany 584.39
Gifts see also Spices
financial management 658.153 Ginger ales
library acquisitions 025.26 commercial processing 663.62
library-government relations 021.8 Ginger lily
military rewards 355.134 9 botany 584.39
sales promotion 658.82 Gingival diseases
Gifts of the Holy Spirit 234.13 dentistry 617.632
Gifu-ken (Japan) T2-521 62 incidence 614.599 6
Gigantism (Pituitary) Gingivitis
medicine 616.47 dentistry 617.632
see also Endocrine Ginkgo tree 635.977 57
diseases humans botany 585.7
Giglio Island (Italy) T2-455 7 ornamental arboriculture 635.977 57
Gila County (Ariz.) T2-791 55 Ginkgoales 585.7
Gila monster 597.959 52 paleobotany 561.57
Gila River (N.M. and Ariz.) T2-791 7 Ginning cotton 677.212 I
Gnan (Iran) T2-55l 4 Ginsengs
Gilbert Islands T2-968 I botany 583.84
Gilchrist County (Fla.) T2-759 78 medicinal crops 633.883 84
Gilding pharmacology 615.323 84
bookbinding 686.36 Gippsland (Vic.) T2-945 6
decorative arts 745.75 Giraffe 599.638
Giles County (Tenn.) T2-768 61 Giraffidae 599.638
Giles County (Va.) T2-755 782 Girder bridges
Gilgandra (N.S.W.) T2-944 5 construction 624.21
Gill fungi 579.6 Girders 624.177 23
Gilles de Ia Tourette syndrome naval architecture 623.817 723
medicine 616.83 structural engineering 624.17723
see also Nervous system Girdle-tailed lizards 597.958
diseases - humans Giresun IIi (Turkey) T2~-565 7
Gillespie County (Tex.) T2-764 65 ancient T2-393 37
Gilliam County (Or.) T2-795 65 Girl Guides 369.463
Gillingham (Kent, England) T2-422 32 Girl Scout camps 796.542 2
Gills 573.28 Girl Scouts 369.463
descriptive zoology 591.4 Girls 305.230 82
physiology 573.28 Tl-083
Gilmer County (Ga.) T2-758 295 criminal offenders 364.36
Gilmer County (W.Va.) T2-75427 education 371.822
Gilpin County (Colo.) T2-788 62 health 613.042 42
home care 649.133
journalism for 070.483 27

Dewey Decimal Classification

Girls (continued) Gladwin County (Mich.) T2-774 72

psychology 155.433 Glamorgan, Vale of(Wales) T2-429 89
publications for Gland diseases
bibliographies 011.624 2 medicine 616.4
recreation 790.194 see also Endocrine
indoor 793.019 4 diseases humans
outdoor 796.083 Glanders
sex hygiene 613.955 incidence 614.564
social aspects 305.230 82 medicine 616.954
see also Children see also Communicable
Girls' clubs 369.46 diseases humans
Girls' societies 369.46 Glands 571.79
Gironde (France) T2--447 14 biology 571.79
GIS (Geographic information endocrine system 573.4
systems) 910.285 human anatomy 611.4
Tl-028 5 human physiology 612.4
mathematical geography 526.028 5 medicine 616.4
Gisbome District (N.Z.) T2-934 4 see also Endocrine system
Gisborne Region (N.Z.) TI-934 4 Glane (Switzerland) T2--494 532
Gisu (African people) TS-963 95 Glanford (England) T2--428 32
Gisu language 496.395 Glaris (Switzerland :
T6--963 95 Canton) T2--494 74
Gittin 296.123 3 Glarner Alps (Switzerland) TI---494 74
Babylonian Talmud 296.1253 Glarus (Switzerland) TI---494 744
Mishnah 296.1233 Glarus (Switzerland :
Palestinian Talmud 296.124 3 Canton) T2--494 74
Giudicati 945.903 Glascock County (Ga.) T2-758 666
Giurgiu (Romania: Jude!) T2--498 2 Glasgow (Scotland) T2--414 4
Given names 929.44 Glass 666.1
Giyani (South Africa : architectural construction 721.044 96
District) T2-682 59 building construction 693.96
Giza (Egypt) T2--622 building materials 691.6
ancient T2-322 decorative arts 748
Gjoa Haven (Nunavut) T2-719 55 materials science 620.144
Glacial action 551.313 optical components
Glacial drift (Geologic manufacturing technology 681.42
landforms) 551.315 sculpture material 731.2
Glacial drift (Geologic material) 551.314 ship design 623.818 38
Glacier Bay National Park ship hulls 623.845 8
and Preserve (Alaska) T2-798 2 shipbuilding 623.820 7
Glacier County (Mont.) T2-786 52 structural engineering 624.1838
Glacier National Park (B.C.) TI-711 68 technology 666.1
Glacier National Park Glass artists 748.092
(Mont.) T2-786 52 Glass beads 748.85
Glaciers 551.312 Glass breakage insurance 368.6
biology 578.758 6 Glass fibers 666.157
ecology 577.586 Glass harmonicas 786.866
Glaciology 551.31 see also Percussion instruments
Glades County (Fla.) T2-759 51 Glass insurance 368.6
Gladiolus 635.934 38 Glass lizards 597.959 2
botany 584.38 Glass painting 748.502 82
floriculture 635.934 38 Glass-reinforced plastic 668.494 2
Gladstone (Qld.) T2-943 5 Glass sand 553.622
Glass sponges 593.44

Relative Inde>;;

748.502 82 Global positioning systems 910.285

751.76 Tl-~028 5
666.122 mathematical geography 526.640 285
748.202 82 radio engineering 621.384 191
T2-764 872 Global warming 363.738 74
666.157 see also Greenhouse effect
642.7 Globes
decorative arts 748 cataloging 025.346
biography 748.092 library treatment 025.176
manufacturing technology 666.19 Globular clusters 523.855
table setting 642.7 Globulins 572.66
tableware see also Proteins
decorative arts 748.2 Glockenspiels 786.843
biography 748.209 2 see also Percussion instruments
Glaucoma Glomerulonephritis
incidence 614.599 7 medicine 616.612
ophthalmology 617.741 see also Urologic diseases -
see also Eye diseases -- humans
humans Gloria 264.36
Glaucomys 599.369 music 782.323 2
Glauconite Glossaries
mineralogy 549.67 applied linguistics 418
Glaze (Meteorology) 551.5744 specific languages T4-81
Glazes Glossinidac 595.774
pottery 666.427 Glossolalia 234.132
arts 738.127 Glossopteris 561.597
technology 666.427 Glottis 573.925
Glaziers 698.509 2 human anatomy 611.22
Glazing human physiology 612.233
arts 730.28 medicine 616.22
leather 675.25 see also Respiratory system
pottery 666.444 Glottis diseases
arts 738.144 medicine 616.22
technology 666.444 Gloucester (England) TI-424 14
sculpture 731.4 Gloucester (N.B.) T2-715 12
windows 698.5 Gloucester (N.S.W.) T2-944 2
Glen Canyon National Gloucester County (N.J.) T2-749 81
Recreation Area (Utah Gloucester County (Va.) T2-755 32
and Ariz.) T2-792 59 Gloucestershire (England) T2-424 1
Glen Innes (N.S.W.) T2-9444 Glove compartments
Glencoe (South Africa : automobile 629.277
District) T2-684 1 Glove makers 685.409 2
Glenn County (Calif.) T2-794 31 Gloves 391.412
Gliders (Aircraft) 387.733 3 commercial technology 685.4
engineering 629.133 33 customs 391.412
piloting 629.132 523 home economics 646.3
transportation services 387.7333 home sewing 646.48
see also Aircraft see also Clothing
Gliding Glowworms 595.764 4
aeronautics 629.132 31 Gloxinias 635.933 95
sports 797.55 botany 583.95
Gliridae 599.359 6 floriculture 635.933 95
Global analysis 514.74 Glucose 572.565
Global differential geometry 516.362 see also Carbohydrates

Dewey Decimal Classification

Glue 668.3 Goats 636.39

see also Adhesives animal husbandry 636.39
Glue abuse 362.299 3 zoology 599.648
medicine 616.86 Goat's milk 641.371 7
personal health 613.8 cooking 641.671 7
social welfare 362.299 3 food 641.371 7
see also Substance abuse processing 637.17
Gluing Goatsuckers 598.99
bookbinding 686.35 Gobi Desert (Mongolia and
Gluttony 178 China) T2-517 3
see also Consumption ethics Gobies 597.7
Glycemic index Gobiesociformes 597.62
applied nutrition 613.283 God 211
human physiology 612.396 art representation 704.948
Glycerin 668.2 arts 700.482 ll
Glycogen 572.566 T3C-382 ll
see also Carbohydrates Buddhism 294.342 11
Glycoproteins 572.68 Christianity 231
see also Proteins comparative religion 202.11
Glycosides 572.567 Hinduism 294.521 I
see also Carbohydrates Islam 297.211
Glyndwr (Wales) T2-429 37 Judaism 296.311
Glynn County (Ga.) T2-758 742 literature 808.803 821 I
Glyptics 736.2 history and criticism 809.933 821 I
Glyptographers 736.209 2 specific literatures T3B-080 382 11
Gmelina 583.96 history and
forestry 634.973 96 criticism T3B-093 821 1
Gnassingbe, Faure philosophy of religion 2ll
Togolese history 966.810 43 Goddess religions 201.43
Gnats 595.772 Goddesses 202.114
Gneiss 552.4 arts 700.482 021 14
Gnetales 585.8 T3C-382 021 14
Gneticae 585.8 literature 808.803 8202114
paleobotany 561.58 history and criticism 809.933 8202114
Gnetum 585.8 specific literatures T3B-080 382 021 14
Gnosticism 299.932 history and
Christian heresy 273.1 criticism T3B-093 820 211 4
GNP (Macroeconomics) 339.31 see also Gods and goddesses
Gnus 599.645 9 Godel's theorem 511.3
Go (Game) 794.4 Gods 202.11
Goa (India: State) T2--547 8 male 202.113
Goa, Daman and Diu (India) T2-547 8 Gods and goddesses 202.11
Goajiro Indians T5-983 9 African 299.612 11
Goalkeeping art representation 704.948
ice hockey 796.962 27 arts 700.482 021 I
soccer 796.334 26 T3C-382 021 1
Goat (Meat) 641.363 9 Australian 299.921 5
commercial processing 664.92 Buddhist 294.342 11
cooking 641.663 9 Celtic 299.161 211
food 641.363 9 Chinese 299.511 211
Goat hair textiles 677.33 classical 292.211
see also Textiles folklore 398.21
Goatfishes 597.7 history and criticism 398.45
Germanic 293.211

Relative Index

and goddesses (continued) Gold (continued)

Greek 292.211 prospecting 622.1841
Hawaiian 299.924 202 II see also Chemicals; Metals
Hindu 294.521 I Gold Coast 966.703
literature 808.803 820 211 n-667
history and criticism 809.933 820 211 Gold coins 332.404 2
specific literatures T3B-Al80 382 021 I investment economics 332.63
history and monetary economics 332.404 2
criticism T3B--093 820 211 numismatics 737.43
Native American 299.712 II Gold standard 332.422 2
North American 299.712 11 foreign exchange 332.452
South American 299.812 II Golden (B.C.) T2-711 68
Norse 293.211 Golden algae 579.86
Polynesian 299.924 021 I Golden eagle 598.942 3
Roman 292.211 Golden Ears Provincial Park
Scandinavian 293.211 (B.c.) T2-711 37
Semitic 299.2 Golden Gate Highlands
Shinto 299.561 211 National Park (South
Goedelic languages 491.6 Africa) T2-.{}85 1
T6-916 Golden hamsters 599.356
Goedelic literatures 891.6 Golden Rule
Goethite Christianity 241.54
mineralogy 549.525 Judaism 296.36
Gogebic County (Mich.) T2-774 983 Golden Valley County
Gogo languages 496.391 (Mont.) T2--786 311
T6-963 91 Golden Valley County
Goh, Chok Tong (N.D.) T2-784 95
Singaporean history 959.570 52 Goldeneyes 598.415
Goias (Brazil :State) T2-817 3 Goldenrods 583.99
Goidelic languages 491.6 Goldfinches 598.885
T6--916 Goldfish 639.374 84
Goidelic literatures 891.6 culture 639.374 84
Going public (Securities) 658.15224 zoology 597.484
corporate law 346.066 2 Goldi T5-94l
.financial management 658.152 24 Goldi language 494.1
investment economics 332.632 2 T6--941
Goiter Golds T5-941
medicine 616.442 Goldsmithing 739.22
see also Endocrine Goldsmiths 739.220 92
diseases·- humans Golestan (Iran :Province) T2--552 2
surgery 617.539 Golf 796.352
Gokt;eada (Turkey) T2-562 2 equipment technology 688.763 52
Gold 669.22 Golf courses 796.352 068
chemical engineering 661.065 6 Go lfe-du-Saint-Laurent
chemistry 546.656 (Quebec) T2-714 179
economic geology 553.41 Golfers 796.352 092
materials science 620.189 22 Golgi apparatus 571.656
metallography 669.952 2 Goliad County (Tex.) T2-764 123
metallurgy 669.22 Gombe State (Nigeria) T2--669 84
metalworking 673.22 Gomel' (Belarus : Oblast) T2--478 I
mining 622.342 2 Gomez, Juan Vicente
monetary law 343.032 Venezuelan history 987.063 13
physical metallurgy 669.962 2 Goms (Switzerland) T2--494 794 I
production economics 338.274 I

Dewey Decimal Class~fication

Goodness-of-fit tests 519.56

history 943.905 41 Goodness of God 214
Gond (Dravidian people) T5-94823 Christianity 231.8
Gondi language 494.823 comparative religion 202.112
T6-948 23 Islam 297.211 2
Gondi literature 894.823 Judaism 296.311 2
Gondola cars 385.34 philosophy of religion 214
engineering 625.24 Goodwood (South Africa :
see also Rolling stock District) T2-687 35
Gonga (African people) T5-935 9 Goole (England) T2-428 39
Gongola State (Nigeria) T2-{)69 88 Goose hunting
Gongs 786.884 3 sports 799.244 7
see also Percussion instruments Gooseberries 641.347 25
Gonorhynchitormes 597.5 botany 583.72
Gonorrhea cooking 641.647 25
incidence 614.547 8 food 641.347 25
medicine 616.951 5 horticulture 634.725
see also Communicable Goosefishes 597.62
disea.<;es humans Goosefoots (Plants) 583.53
Gonystylus 583.68 Gophers (Ground squirrels) 599.365
forestry 634.973 68 Gophers (Pocket gophers) 599.359 9
Gonzales County (Tex.) T'2-764 257 Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeevich
Gonzalez Macchi, Luis Angel Russian history 947.085 4
Paraguayan history 989.207 44 Gordioida 592.59
Goochland County (Va.) T2--755 455 Gordon (Scotland : District) T2-412 4
Good and evil 111.84 Gordon County (Ga.) T2--758 362
ethics 170 Gordonia (South Africa :
religion 205 District) T2-687 12
Christianity 241 Gore District (N.Z.) T2-939 7
Islam 297.5 Gorge walking 796.524
Judaism 296.36 Gorges 551.442
religion 202.118 T2-144
Christianity 231.8 geography 910.914 4
freedom of choice 233.7 geomorphology 551.442
comparative religion 202.118 physical geography 910.021 44
Islam 297.2 Gorgonzola cheese 641.373 53
freedom of choice 297.227 cooking 641.673 53
theodicy 297.211 8 food 641.373 53
Judaism 296.311 8 processing 637.353
freedom of choice 296.32 Gorilla 599.884
philosophy of religion 214 big game hunting 799.278 84
Good Friday 263.925 conservation technology 639.979 884
devotional literature 242.35 resource economics 333.959 884
music 781.726 Gorizia (Italy :Province) T2-453 92
sermons 252.625 ancient T2-373 82
Good Hope, Cape of (South Gorj (Romania) T2-4984
Africa : Cape) T2--687 35 Gorno-Altay (Russia) T2-573
Good luck charms 133.443 Gorno-Badakhshan
Good luck spells 133.443 Autonomous Oblast
Good News Bible 220.520 82 (Tajikistan) T2-586
Good spirits 202.15 Goroka (Papua New
Goodeniaceae 583.98 Guinea) T2-9569
Goodhue County (Milm.) T2--776 14 Gorontalo (Indonesia) T2-59843
Gooding County (Idaho) T2-796 36

Relative Index

Goths (Germanic people) T5~39

994.061 Italian history 945.01
Sicilian history 945.801
T2-438 12 Gotland landskap (Sweden) T2---486 9
T2~474 I Gotlands Hin (Sweden) T2-4869
Gouache 751.422
T2---474 1 Goulart, Joao Belchior Marques
T2-9442 Brazilian history 981.062
Goulburn (N.S.W.) T2~9447
T2---494 351 3 Goulburn River (Vic.) T2-9454
T2-787 18 Gouled Aptidon, Hassan
music 782.254 Djiboutian history 967.71041
choral and mixed voices 782.525 4 Gourds 583.63
single voices 783.092 54 floriculture 635.933 63
stories retold 226.095 05 Gourmet cooking 641.514
,.vvc,p-·- (Bible) 226 Gout
pseudepigrapha 229.8 medicine 616.399 9
Gosper County (Neb.) T2-782 387 see also Digestive system
Gosport (England) T2--422 78 diseases - humans
Gossip Gave County (Kan.) T2-781 152
ethics 177.2 Governing boards
religion 205.672 executive management 658.422
Christianity 241.672 T1-068 4
Judaism 296.367 2 hospitals 362.110 684
see also Ethical problems libraries 021.82
social psychology 302.24 public administration 352.25
Gotaland (Sweden) T2---486 Government 320
Goteborgs och Bohus liin ethics 172.2
(Sweden) T2--486 7 see also Political ethics
Gotha (Germany: see Manual at 320.9, 320.4 vs.
Landkreis) T2---432 24 351
Gothic architecture 723.5 Government accounting 657.835
Gothic art 709.022 law 343.034
religious significance 246.1 Government advisory boards 352.743
Gothic calligraphy 745.619 75 Government agencies 351
Gothic decoration 745.409 021 see also Administrative
Gothic fiction 808.838 729 agencies
history and criticism 809.387 29 Government audit procedures 657.835 045
' specific literatures T3B-308 729 Government bills 332.632 32
individual authors T3A-3 see also Government securities
Gothic language 439.9 Government bonds 332.632 32
T6-399 see also Government securities
· literature 839.9 Government buildings
· Gothic music 780.902 architecture 725.1
Gothic novels 808.838 729 area planning 711.551
history and criticism 809.387 29 Government business enterprises 338.749
specific literatures T3B-308 729 Government certificates 332.632 32
individual authors T3A-3 see also Government securities
Gothic painting 759.022 Government cities
Gothic revival architecture 724.3 area planning 711.45
Gothic sculpture 734.25 Government contracts 352.53
Gothic tracerv 729.5 armed forces 355.621 2
Gothic type · 686.224 7 law 346.023

Government corporations
Dewey Decimal Classification

338.749 Government securities (continued)

law 346.067 public finance 336.31
production economics 338.749 purchase
public administration 352.266 central banking 332.114
public revenue source 336.19 see Manual at 332.632044 vs.
Government employees 352.63 332.6323
see also Government workers Government service 352.63
Government expenditures 336.39 Government spending 336.39
see also Public expenditures see also Public expenditures
Government farm policies 338.18 Government-sponsored insurance 368.4
Government gazettes 351.05 law 344.02
Government grants public administration 353.54
production economics 338.922 Government subsidies
Government information services production economics 338.922
international relations 327.11 Government work force 352.63
libraries 027.5 Government workers 352.63
public administration 353.132 74 administrative law 342.068
Government institutions biography 351.092
sociology 306.2 labor economics 331.795
Government investment 332.672 52 labor force 33.1.119042
international 332.673 12 labor market 331.129 042
Government liability pensions 331.252 913 51
law 342.088 public administration 353.549
public administration 352.885 public administration 352.63
Government loans social class 305.553
credit economics 332.7 Governmental investigations
economic development 338.922 official misconduct 353.463
law 343.074 2 Governmental organizations 351
public revenues 336.15 see also Administrative
Government notes 332.632 32 agencies
see also Government securities Governmental social action 361.6
Government of Ireland Act, 1920 941.608 21 Governments-in-exile
Government ownership World War II 940.533 6
land economics 333.1 Governors (Control devices)
Government policy 320.6 internal-combustion engines 621.437
Government procurement 352.53 Governors (Executives) 352.23
armed forces 355.621 2 public administration 352.232 13
Government property Governors-general
land economics 333.1 (Commonwealth ofNations)
law 343.02 public administration 352.233
management 352.5 GPS (Global positioning
Government publications systems) 910.285
bibliographies 011.53 Tl·-028 5
cataloging 025.343 4 mathematical geography 526.640 285
library treatment 025.1734 radio engineering 621.384 191
Government publishers 070.595 GPS (Swiss political party) 324.249 408 7
Government savings banks 332.21 GPS receivers
Government securities 332.632 32 marine navigation 623.893 3
flotation 336.344 radio engineering 621.384 191
income tax 336.242 6 Graaff-Reinet (South
law 343.052 46 Africa : District) TI-68754
investment economics 332.632 32 Grace (Religious doctrine) 202.2
law 346.092 2 Christianity 234
public administration 352.45

Relative Index

T2~~728 32 Grainger County (Tenn.) T2-768 932
598.874 Graining (Woodwork)
Grade repetition 371.285 buildings 698.32
Grade schools 372 Gram-negative aerobic rods and
see also Primary education cocci 579.33
Grade separations (Roads) 388.13 Gram-negative bacterial
Grades (Military ranks) 355.33 infections
Grading (Earthwork) 624.152 humans
fmmdation engineering 624.152 incidence 614.57
road engineering 625.733 medicine 616.92
Grading (Students) 371.272 see also Communicable
Grading clothing diseases humans
commercial technology 687.042 Gram-positive bacterial
Grading crops 631.567 infections
Grading lumber 674.5 humans
Gradual 264.36 incidence 614.579
music 782.323 5 medicine 616.929
Graduate Record Examination 378.166 2 see also Communicable
Graduate schools 378.155 diseases humans
Graduations (Commencements) 371.291 2 Gram-positive cocci 579.35
customs 394.2 Graminales 584.9
Grady County (Ga.) T2-758 986 paleobotany 561.49
Grady County (Okla.) T2-766 54 Gramineae 584.9
Graffiti 080 Grammar 415
literature 808.882 applied linguistics 418
history and criticism 809.982 specific languages T4-82
specific literatures T3B-802 primary education 372.61
individual authors T3A-8 specific languages T4-·5
painting 751.73 see Manual at401.43 vs.
Graft (Crime) 364.132 3 306.44, 401.45, 401.9, 412,
law 345.023 23 415
public administration 353.46 Grammar checkers (Computer
Grafting (Plant propagation) 631.541 programs) 005.52
equipment manufacturing Grammar schools (Primary
technology 681.763 1 schools) 372
fruit crops 634.044 1 see also Primary education
ornamental plants 635.915 41 Grammar schools (Secondary
Grafting (Surgery) 617.954 schools) 373.241
Grafton (N.S.W.) T2-944 3 see also Secondary education
Grafton County (N.H.) T2-742 3 Grammarians 415.092
Graham County (Ariz.) T2-791 54 Grammatical categories 415
Grahan1 County (Kan.) T2-781 163 specific languages T4--5
Graham County (N.C.) T2-75697 Grammatical relations 415
Grain (Cereal) 641.331 specific languages T4-5
animal feed Grammatidae 597.73
commercial processing 664.762 Grampian (Scotland) T2-412 4
commercial processing 664.7 Grampian Mountains
see also Cereals (Scotland) T2-4ll 58
Grain amaranths 641.331 Grampians (Scotland) T2-411 58
see also Amaranths Gran Colombia 986.104
Grain beetles 633.104 976 T2-861
Grain elevators 633.104 68 Colombian history 986.104
Grain leglillles 633.3 Ecuadorian history 986.604

Dewey Decimal Classification

Gran Colombia (continued) Grandstands

Panamanian history 972.870 3 architecture 725.827
Venezuelan history 987.05 Granit (Quebec) T2-714 69
Granada(Nicaragua: Dept.) T2-728 515 Granite 553.52
Granada (Spain: Province) T2--468 2 building material 691.2
Granadillas 583.626 economic geology 553.52
Granadine Confederation 986.105 3 petrology 552.3
Colombian history 986.105 3 quarrying 622.352
Panamanian history 972.870 3 Granite Belt National Park
Granaries 633.104 68 (Qld.) T2-943 3
Granby River (B.C.) T2-71162 Granite County (Mont.) T2-786 88
Grand Alliance, War ofthe, Granite mosses 588.2
1688-1697 940.252 5 Granma (Cuba) T2-729 163
Grand Army of the Republic 369.15 Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses
Grand Bahama (Bahamas) T2-729 6 Simpson)
Grand Bahama Island T2-729 6 United States history 973.82
Grand Banks of Newfoundland 551.461 344 Grant County (Ark.) T2-767 71
T2-163 44 Grant County (Ind.) T2-772 69
Grand Canyon National Grant County (Kan.) T2-781 723
Park (Ariz.) T2-791 32 Grant County (Ky.) T2-769 395
Grand Casablanca Grant County (Minn.) T2-776 44
(Morocco) T2-643 8 Grant County (N.D.) T2-784 87
Grand County (Colo.) T2-78865 Grant County (N.M.) T2-789 692
Grand County (Utah) T2-79258 Grant County (Neb.) T2-782 783
Grand Forks (B.C.) n--711 62 Grant County (Okla.) T2-76623
Grand Forks County (N.D.) T2-78416 Grant County (Or.) T2-795 78
Grand Isle County (Vt.) T2-743 12 Grant County (S.D.) T2-783 24
Grand jury 345.072 Grant County (W.Va.) T2-754 92
Grand Lake (Ohio) T2-771 415 Grant County (Wash.) T2-797 32
Grand Manan Island (N.B.) T2-715 33 Grant County (Wis.) T2--775 77
Grand Prairie (Tex.) T2 764 51 Grant Parish (La.) T2-763 67
Grand Rapids (Mich.) T2-774 56 Grants
Grand River (Iowa and Mo.) T2-778 2 capital procurement 658.152 24
Grand River (Mich.) T2 774 15 education 379.11
Grand Staircase-Escalante Tl-079
National Monument financial management 371.206
(Utah) T2 792 51 public policy 379.11
Grand Teton National Park student aid 371.223
(Wyo.) T2-787 55 higher education 378.33
Grand Traverse Bay (Mich.) T2 -774 64 law 344.079 5
Grand Traverse County production economics 338.922
(Mich.) T2-774 64 public administration 352.73
Grand unified theory 530.142 research 001.44
Grand'Anse (Haiti: Dept.) T2-729466 Tl-079
Grandchildren 306.874 5 students Tl-079
TI-085 4 Grants-in-aid (Government) 336.185
Grande Prairie (Alta.) T2-7l2 31 law 343.034
Grande Terre (Guadeloupe) T2-729 76 public administration 352.73
Grandmothers public finance 336.185
social welfare 362.839 55 Granulocytes 571.968
Grandparents 306.874 5 human immunology 616.079 9
Tl-085 3 Granville County (N.C.) T2-756535
Grape ferns 587.33


Grape wine 641.22

Relative Index

Graphics terminals 006.62

commercial processing 663.2 Graphics utilities 006.68
cooking with 641.622 Graphite 553.26
home preparation 641.872 chemical engineering 662.92
Grapefruit 641.343 2 economic geology 553.26
commercial processing 664.804 32 materials science 620.198
cooking 641.643 2 mineralogy 549.27
food 641.343 2 mining 622.336
orchard crop 634.32 synthetic 666.86
Grapes 641.348 Graphitic anthracite coal
botany 583.86 properties 662.622 5
commercial processing 664.804 8 Graphology 155.282
cooking 641.648 criminal investigation 363.256 5
food 641.348 divination 137
viticulture 634.8 personnel selection 658.3112
Graph coloring 511.56 Graphs 511.5
Graph theory 511.5 'fl-022
Graphic artists 740.92 Graptemys 597.925 9
Graphic arts 740 Graptolitoidea 563.55
Graphic arts paper 676.282 Grass carp 597.482
Graphic calculators 510.284 Grass owls 598.97
Graphic design Grass skiing 796.2
arts 741.6 Grass wax 665.12
Graphic designers 741.609 2 Grass wetlands
Graphic expressions biology 578.768 4
psychology 152.384 5 ecology 577.684
Graphic methods 518.23 Grasses 584.9
Graphic novelists botany 584.9
biography 741.593-.599 cereal crops 633.1
see Manual at 741.593-.599 floriculture 635.964
and 741.5693-.5699 forage crops 633.2
Graphic novels 741.5 ornamental gardening 635.934 9
Tl-022 2 paleobotany 561.49
drawing 741.51 Grasshoppers 595.726
genres agril'ltltural pests 632.726
history, criticism, techniques 741.53 culture 638.572 6
geographic treatment 741.593-.599 Grasslands 333.74
see Manual at 741.593-.599 T2~153
and 741.5693-.5699 animal husbandry 636.084 5
humor Tl-020 7 biology 578.74
see Manual at 741.5; also at ecology 577.4
741.56 economics 333.74
Graphic representation 604.2 geography 910.915 3
Graphic statics geomorphology 551.453
mechanics 531.12 physical geography 910.021 53
solids 531.2 Gratiot County (Mich.) 1'2-77449
structural analysis 624.171 2 Gratitude 179.9
Graphical user interfaces see also Virtues
systems programs 005.437 Grau (Peru : Region) 1'2-8512
Graphics GraubUnden (Switzerland) 1'2--494 73
computer science 006.6 Graupel 551.578 7
Tl-028 566
engineering 621.399 6
Graphics programming languages 006.663

Dewey Decimal Classification

Gravel 553.626 Graz (Austria) 1'2--43655

economic geology 553.626 Grazing 591.54
materials science 620.191 animal husbandry 636.084 5
quarrying 622.362 6 descriptive zoology 591.54
Gravel pavements 625.82 Grazing lands 333.74
Graves County (Ky.) T2-769 93 see also Grasslands
Graves' disease GRE (Graduate Record
medicine 616.443 Examination) 378.166 2
see also Endocrine Great apes 599.88
diseases - humans Great Australian Bight (W.A. and 551.461 576
Graves registration service S. Aust.) T2-165 76
(Armed forces) 355.699 Great Barrier Island (N.Z.) 1'2-932 4
Gravesham (England) T2--422 315 Great Barner Reef (Qld.) 1'2-943
Gravestone inscriptions Great Basin 979
genealogy 929.5 1'2-79
Gravimetric analysis 543.2 Great Basin National Park T2-793 15
Gravitation 531.14 Great Bear Lake (N.W.T.) T2-719 3
see also Gravity Great Belt (Denmark) 551.461 334
Gravitational interaction 539.754 T2-163 34
Gravitational prospecting 622.152 Great blue shark 597.34
Gravitational waves 539.754 Great Britain 941
Gravity 531.14 T2--41
astromechanics 629.411 I ancient 936.1
biophysics 571.435 T2-361
humans 612.014 412 see Manual at 941
celestial mechanics 521.1 Great Britain. Attorney-General 345.420 1
extraterrestrial biophysics Great Britain. County Court 347.42021
humans 612.014 532 Great Britain. Court of Appeal 347.420 32
mechanics 531.14 Great Britain. Court of Appeal.
solid mechanics 531.5 Civil Division 347.420 35
Gravity concentration of ores 622.751 Great Britain. Court of AppeaL
Gravity determinations Criminal Division 345.420 18
geodesy 526.7 Great Britain. Crown Court 345.420 14
Gravity planes Great Britain. Director of Public
mining 622.66 Prosecutions 345.420 1
Gravity waves 551.515 Great Britain. High Court of
Gray County (Kan.) 1'2-781 74 Justice 347.420 25
Gray County (Tex.) 1'2-764 827 Great Britain. High Court of
Gray fox 599.776 Justice. Chancery Division 347.420 26
Gray kangaroos 599.222 Great Britain. High Court of
Gray partridge 598.623 2 Justice. Family Division 346.420 150 269
Gray seal 599.793 Great Britain. High Court
Gray squirrel 599.362 of Justice. King's Bench
Gray whale 599.522 Division 347.420 27
conservation technology 639.979 522 Great Britain. High Court of
resource economics 333.959 522 Justice. Queen's Bench
Gray wolf 599.773 Division 347.420 27
Gray lings 597.559 Great Britain. High Court of
Grays Harbor County Justice. Queen's Bench
(Wash.) T2-797 95 Division. Divisional Court 345.420 16
Graysby 597.736 Great Britain. House of Lords
Grayson County (Ky.) T2-769 842 (Court oflast resort) 347.420 39
Grayson County (Tex.) T2-764 557 Great Britain. Magistrates Court 345.420 12
Grayson County (Va.) 1'2-755 717

Relative Index

Britain. Magistrates Court. Great Smoky Mountains

Domestic Court 347.420 23 National Park (N.C. and
Britain. Privy Council. Tenn.) T2~768 89

Judicial Committee 347.4204 Great Trek, 1835-1838 968.042

Britain. Supreme Court of Great Valley (Calif.) T2-·794 5
Judicature 347.420 29 Great Victoria Desert
Dane 636.73 (W.A.) T2-941 5
Dividing Range T2~-94 Great War, 1914-1918 940.3
Earthquake, 1692 972.920 32 Great whales 599.5
Glen (Scotland) T2--411 56 Great White Brotherhood 299.93
grandchildren 306.874 5 Great white shark 597.33
Tl--085 4 Great Yarmouth (England:
Great grandparents 306.874 5 Borough) T2-426 18
Tl-085 3 Greater Anchorage Area
Great Grimsby (England) T2--428 34 Borough (Alaska) T2-798 35
Great Indian Desert (India Greater Antilles T2-729
and Pakistan) T2-544 Greater Manchester
Great Island (Argentina and (England) T2--427 3
Chile) T2-827 6 Greater Saint Lucia Wetland
Great Karoo (South Africa) T2---687 39 Park (South Africa) T2-684 3
Great Kei River (South Greater Sudbury (Ont.) T2-713 133
Africa) T2-687 58 Greater Vancouver (B.C.) T2-711 33
Great Lake (Tas.) T2~946 3 Grebes 598.443
Great Lakes T2-77 Grebo language 496.33
Canada T2--713 T6--963 3
United States T2~~~77 Greco-Roman wrestling 796.812 2
Great liverworts 588.3 Greco-Turkish War, 1896·1897 949.507 2
Great Moravian Empire 943.702 I Greece 949.5
T2--437 T2--495
Great Northern War, 1700~ 1721 94 7.05 ancient 938
Great Ouse, River (England) T2--426 T2-38
Great Plains T2-78 Greed 178
Colorado T2-788 7 moral theology 205.68
Montana T2-786 1 see also Vices
New Mexico T2-789 2 Greek architecture 722.8
Texas T2-764 8 Greek calligraphy 745.619 8
Wyoming T2-787 1 Greek language 480
Great Pyrenee (Dog) 636.73 T6--8
Great Rift Valley T2---{}76 Biblical texts 220.48
Great Salt Lake (Utah) T2-792 42 printing 686.218
Great Salt Lake Desert Greek language (Modern) 489.3
(Utah) T2-792 43 T6--89
Crreat Sand Dunes National Greek law
Park and Preserve ancient 340.538
(Colo.) T2·-788 49 Greek-letter societies 371.85
Great Sandy Desert (W.A.) T2-941 5 Tl-06
Great schism, 1054 270.38 Greek literature 880
Great Slave Lake (N. W.T.) T2--719 3 Greek literature (Modem) 889
Great Smoky Mountains Greek philosophy 180
(N.C. and Tenn.) T2-768 89 modem 199.495
North Carolina T2-756 96 Greek religion 292.08
Tennessee T2-768 89 Greek revival architecture 724.23
Greek sculpture 733.3


Dewey Decimal Classification

Greeks (Etlmic group) T5-8 Greene County (Pa.) T2-748 83

ancient T5-81 Greene County (Tenn.) T2-768 91
modern T5-89 Greene County (Va.) T2-755 375
Greeks (National group) T5-893 Greenhouse effect 363.738 74
Greeley County (Kan.) T2-781413 crop damage 632.1
Greeley County (Neb.) T2-78249 ecology 577.276
Green algae 579.83 meteorology 551.525 3
Green Alliance (Swiss political · pollution aspects 363.738 74
party) 324.249 408 7 social effects 304.28
Green bacteria 579.38 weather forecasting 551.642 5
Green Bay (Wis.) T2--775 61 Greenhouse gardening 635.048 3
Green Bay (Wis. and Mich.) T2-775 63 floriculture 635.982 3
Green County (Ky.) T2-769695 Greenhouses 631.583
Green County (Wis.) T2-775 86 agriculture 631.583
Green fodder architecture 725.37
forage crop 633.2 construction 690.537
Green integral 515.43 domestic
Green Lake County (Wis.) T2---775 59 architecture 728.924
Green manures 631.874 construction 690.892 4
Green marketing floriculture 635.982 3
management 658.802 gardening 635.048 3
Green monkeys 599.862 Greenland 998.2
Green Mountains (Vt.) T2-743 T2-982
Green movement 320.58 Greenland cod 597.633
Green parties 324.218 7 Greenland halibut 597.694
Green Party (Germany) 324.243 087 Greenland right whale 599.527 6
Green Party of Switzerland 324.249 408 7 Greenland Sea 551.461 324
Green peppers 641.356 43 T2-163 24
see also Sweet peppers Greenlandic Inuit T5-9712
Green politics 320.58 Greenlandic Inuit language 497.12
Green River (Ky. :River) T2-769 8 T6-971 2
Green River (Wyo.-Utah) T2-792 5 Greenlandic lnuktitut language 497.12
Utah T2-792 5 T6--971 2
Wyoming T2-787 85 Greenlandic language 497.12
Green seaweeds 579.83 T6-9712
Green technology Tl-028 6 Greenlee County (Ariz.) T279151
architecture 720.47 Greenlets 598.878
construction 690.D28 6 Greens (Austrian political party) 324.243 608 7
engineering 628 Greens (German political party) 324.243 087
Green turtle 597.928 Green sands
Greenbrier County (W. Va.) T2-754 88 petrology 552.5
Greenbrier River (W.Va.) T2-754 88 Greensville County (Va.) T2-755572
Green briers 584.356 Greenup County (Ky.) T2-769293
Greene County (Ala.) T2-76l 42 Greenville County (S.C.) T2-757 27
Greene County (Ark.) T2-767 993 Greenwich (London,
Greene County (Ga.) T2-758 612 England) T2--421 62
Greene County (Ill.) T2-773 84 Greenwood (B.C.) T2-711 62
Greene County (Ind.) T2-772 42 Greenwood County (Kan.) T2-781 913
Greene County (Iowa) T2-777 466 Greenwood County (S.C.) T2-757 33
Greene County (Miss.) T2-762 173 Greer County (Okla.) T2-766443
Greene County (Mo.) T2-778 78 Greeting card verse 808.81
Greene County (N.C.) T2-756 393 history and criticism 809.1
Greene County (N.Y.) T2-747 37 specific literatures T3B-l
Greene County (Ohio) T2-771 74 individual authors T3A-l

Relative Index

Greeting cards Griffith (N.S.W.) T2--944 8

handicrafts 745.594 1 Griggs County (N.D.) T2-78434
illustration 741.684 Grilling (Cooking) 641.76
Greetings Grills (Cooking equipment)
etiquette 395.4 outdoor cooking 641.578 4
Gregg County (Tex.) T2-764 189 Grills (Screens)
Gregg shorthand systems 653.427 ironwork
Gregorian calendar 529.43 arts 739.48
Gregorian chants 782.322 2 Grimes County (Tex.) T2-764 243
Gregory VII, Pope Grimoire 133.43
Corsican history 944.990 2 Grimsby (England) T2---428 34
Gregory County (S.D.) T2-783 59 Grinding
Greifswald (Germany) T2---431 78 chemical engineering 660.284 22
Greiz (Germany: coal 662.623
Landkreis) T2-432 22 metals 671.35
Grenada 972.984 5 ores 622.73
T2-729 845 Grinding tools 621.92
Grenada County (Miss.) T2-762635 Grindstones 621.923
Grenades 623.451 14 Griqualand East (South
Grenadiers (Fishes) 597.63 Africa) T2-~846

Grenadiers (Troops) 356.162 Grise Fiord (Nunavut) T2-719 52

Grenadine (Textile) 677.652 Grisons (Animals) 599.766
Grenadines T2-729 844 Grisons (Switzerland) T2-494 73
Grenoble (France) T2--445 865 Grizzly bear 599.784
Grevena (Greece: Nome) T2~95 62 conservation technology 639.979 784
Grevilleas 635.933 89 resource economics 333.959 784
botany 583.89 Groblersdal (South Africa :
floriculture 635.933 89 District) T2-682 75
Grey (Ont. :County) T2-713 18 Grocery trade 381.456 413
Grey Cup 796.335 648 Grodno (Belarus : Oblast) T2---478 8
Grey District (N.Z.) T2-937 2 Groined arches 721.44
Greyerz (Switzerland: architecture 721.44
Bezirk) T2---494 533 construction 690.144
Greyhound 636.753 4 Groined vaults 721.44
Greyhound racing 798.85 architecture 721.44
Greylag goose 598.417 3 construction 690.144
Grid computing 004.36 Groningen (Netherlands :
Gridiron street patterns Province) T2---492 12
area planning 711.41 Grooming 646.7
Gridirons (American football) 796.332 068 child training 649.63
Grief 152.4 Grooming behavior (Animals) 591.563
at death 155.937 Grooming of animals 636.083 3
Christianity Groote Eylandt (N.T.) T2-942 95
pastoral theology 259.6 Gros-de-Vaud (Switzerland) T2-494 522 7
personal religion 248.866 Gros Ventre language 497.354
prayers and meditations 242.4 T6-973 54
ps.ychology 155.937 Grosbeaks 598.883
Grievances (Labor) 331.889 66 Gross domestic product 339.31
economics 33!.889 66 Gross national product 339.31
law 344.018 896 Grossdeutsche Volkspartei
personnel management 658.3155 (Austria) 324.243 602 3
public administration 352.68 Grosse Ile (Montmagny,
Grievances against government Quebec)
public administration 352.885

Dewey Decimal Classification

Grosseto (Italy: Province) T2---455 7 Grounding devices 621.317

ancient T2-375 64 radio engineering 621.384 133
Grossulariaceae 583.72 Grounding prevention
Grotesque seamanship 623.888 4
arts T3C-15 Groundnuts (Peanuts) 641.356 596
literature 808.801 5 see also Peanuts
history and criticism 809.915 Grounds
specific literatures T3B-080 15 landscape architecture 712
history and prisons 365.5
criticism T3B-091 5 Grounds management 658.2
Grottoes 551.447 Tl-068 2
T2-144 libraries 022.1
see also Caves museums 069.21
Ground bass 781.827 public administration 352.57
instrumental 784.1827 schools 371.61
Ground beetles 595.762 Groundsels 583.99
Ground cover 635.964 Groundwater 553.79
floriculture 635.964 T2-169 8
landscape architecture 716 aJiificial recharge 627.56
Ground-effect machines economic geology 553.79
engineering 629.3 economics 333.9104
Ground forces (Military science) 355 hydrology 551.49
Ground inspections public administration 354.36
aircraft 629.13452 water supply engineering 628.114
Ground ivy 583.96 Group I elements 546.38
Ground operations (Armed Group 2 elements 546.39
forces) 355.4 Group 3 elements 546.4
Ground photogrammetry 526.982 5 Group 4 elements 546.51
Ground squirrels 599.365 Group 5 elements 546.52
Ground substances (Histology) Group 6 elements 546.53
humans 611.018 2 Group 7 elements 546.54
Ground surveying 526.9 Group 8 elements 546.62
Ground testing facilities Group 9 elements 546.62
spacecraft 629.478 Group 10 elements 546.62
Ground tests Group 11 elements 546.65
aircraft 629.134 52 Group 12 elements 546.66
Ground transportation 388 Group 13 elements 546.67
engineering 629.049 Group 14 elements 546.68
law 343.093 Group 15 elements 546.71
military engineering 623.61 Group 16 elements 546.72
public administration 354.76 Group 17 elements 546.73
safety 363.12 Group 18 elements 546.75
see also Transportation safety Group behavior 302.3
transportation services 388 Group counseling 158.35
urban 388.4 Group decision making
see also Urban management use 658.403 6
transportation Group dynamics 302.3
Ground transportation facilities Group homes 363.59
area planning 711.7 chronically ill people 362.16
Ground warfare 355.02 see also Health care facilities
Ground wood process 676.122 disabled people 362.404 85
Ground zithers 787.73 homeless people 362.5
see also Stringed instruments maladjusted young people 362.74
Groundhog 599.366 mentally disabled people 362.385

Relative Index

Group homes (continued) Grues Island (Quebec) T2~714 735

mentally ill people 362.223 Gruidae 598.32
see also Mental health Gruiformes 598.32
services paleozoology 568.3
older people 362.61 Grundy County (Ill.) T2~773 265
see also Halfway houses Grundy County (Iowa) T2~777 537
Group identity 305 Grundy County (Mo.) T2~778 215
T1-08 Gnmdy County (Tenn.) T2~768 78
Group insurance 368.3 Grunen (German political party) 324.243 087
Group practice Grunen (Swiss political party) 324.249 408 7
medicine 610.65 Griinen -Die Grone Alternative
Group problem solving (Austrian political party) 324.243 608 7
management use 658.403 6 Griines Bundnis (Swiss political
Group psychotherapy party) 324.249 408 7
prisoner services 365.667 2 Grunts (Fishes) 597.7
psychiatry 616.891 52 Gruyere (Switzerland :
Group relations training District) T2--494 533
social psychology 302.14 Grylloblattodea 595.726
Group representations 512.22 GSP (Tarift) 382.753
Group sex 306.77 see also Customs (Tarift)
Group teaching 371.395 Guadalajara (Spain :
Group work Province) T2-4649
education 371.36 Guadalcanal (Solomon
social welfare 361.4 Islands)
Groupers 597.736 Guadalcanal, Battle of,
Grouping of students 371.25 1942-1943 940.542 659 33
Groupo ids 512.28 Guadalquivir River (Spain) T2-468
Groups (Air force) 358.413 1 Guadalupe County (N.M.) T2--789 25
Groups (Mathematics) 512.2 Guadalupe County (Tex.) T2~76434
Groups (Naval air force) 359.943 4 Guadalupe Mountains
Groups of human figures National Park (Tex.) T2~764 94
art representation 704.942 6 Guadalupe River (Tex.) T2~76412
painting 757.6 Guadeloupe 972.976
Groupware 005.376 T2~729 76
Grouse 598.63 Guahiban languages 498.9
conservation technology 639.978 63 T6-989
resource economics 333.958 63 Guaicuru languages 498.7
sports hunting 799.246 3 T6~987
Growing layers (Plants) 575.48 Guainia (Colombia) T2~-861 67
Growing points (Plants) 575.48 Guaini (Paraguay) T2~892 128
Growlers (Ice formations) 551.342 Guajira (Colombia: Dept.) T2~861 17
Growth 571.8 Guam T2--967
animals 571.81 Guanacaste (Costa Rica:
cells 571.849 Province) T2-728 66
developmental biology 571.8 Guanaco 599.636 7
human physiology 612.6 animal husbandry 636.296 6
microorganisms 571.849 29 Guanaco wool textiles 677.32
plants 571.82 see also Textiles
Growth (Social development) 303.44 Guanajuato (Mexico· State) T2~724 1
Growth honnones 571.837 4 Guanche language 493.3
Growth regulators T6--933
agriculture 631.89 Guangdong Sheng (China) T2~512 7
chemical engineering 668.6 Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu
Grues, lie aux (Quebec) T2~714 735 (China) T2~512 8

Dewey Decimal Classification

Guangzhou (China) 1'2-512 75 Guernsey cattle 636.224

Guano Guernsey County (Ohio) T2-771 92
agricultural use 631.866 Guernsey lily 635.934 34
Guans 598.64 Guerrero (Mexico :State) T2-727 3
Guantanamo (Cuba : Guerrilla tactics 355.425
Province) 1'2-729167 Guerrilla troops 356.15
Guarani Indians TS-983 822 Guerrilla warfare 355.021 8
Guarani language 498.382 2 Guerrillas 322.42
1'6--983 822 Guests
Guaranteed annual wage 331.236 seating at table 642.6
Guaranteed minimum income 362.582 Guevara, Ernesto
law 344.032 582 Cuban communism 335.434 7
public administration 353.54 GUI (User interface)
Guaranteed wages 331.23 systems programs 005.437
Guarantees (Insurance) 368.85 Guiana 988
Guarantees (Law) 343.08 T2-88
Guaranty (Suretyship) 346.074 Guidance
Guard animals 636.088 6 crime prevention 364.48
Guard dogs 636.73 education 371.4
Guarda (Portugal : District) 1'2--469 32 manned space flight 629.453
Guardian and ward 346.018 social welfare 361.06
Guards (Safety equipment) 621.992 older people 362.66
Guarico (Venezuela : State) T2-874 7 space flight 629.41
Guatemala 972.81 unmanned space flight 629.433
T2-728 I Guidance systems
Guatemala (Guatemala : spacecraft 629.474 2
Dept.) T2-72811 unmanned spacecraft 629.464 2
Guatemalan literature 860 Guidebooks 910.202
Guatemalans TS-687 281 see 1'vfanual at 913-919; also at
Guavas 641.344 21 913-919 vs. 796.51
botany 583.765 Guidebooks of exhibits
commercial processing 664.804 421 Guided aircraft
cooking 641.644 21 control systems 629.132 6
food 641.344 21 military engineering 623.746 9
orchard crop 634.421 Guided-light communication 621.382 75
Guaviare (Colombia) T2-861 66 Guided missile forces 358.17
Guayama (P.R. : District) T2-729 58 in space 358.8
Guayaquil, Gulf of 551.46141 navy 359.981 7
T2 -164 I Guided missiles 358.171 82
Guayas (Ecuador : engineering 623.451 9
Province) T2-866 32 military equipment 358.171 82
Guayule 583.99 Guided missiles in space 358.882
Guebuza, Armando Emilio engineering 623.451 98
Mozambican history 967.905 3 military equipment 358.882
Guelleh, Ismail Omar Guided-way systems 388.42
Djiboutian history 967.710 42 engineering 625.4
Guelma (Algeria: Province) 1'2-655 see also Local rail transit
Guelmim (Morocco: systems
Province) T2--646 8 Guides to religious life 204.4
Guelmim-Es Semara Buddhism 294.344 4
(Morocco) T2-6468 Christianity 248.4
Guelph (Ont.) T2-713 43 Hinduism 294.544
Guenons 599.862
Guernsey (Channel Islands) T2--423 42

Relative Index

Gulches 551.442
geography 910.9144
geomorphology 551.442
physical geography 910.021 44
Gulf Coast (U.S.) 976
Gulf County (Fla.) T2-759 947
Tl-422 162 Gulf Islands (B.C.) T2-711 28
T2-756 62 Gulf languages (North American
native languages) 497.9
medicine 616.856 T6-979
see also Nervous system Gulf of Aden 551.461 532
diseases humans T2-165 32
Gulf of Alaska (Alaska) 551.461 434
psychology 152.44 T2-164 34
religion 202.2 Gulf of Aqaba 551.461 533
Christianity 233.4 T2-165 33
Judaism 296.32 Gulf of Bothnia 551.461 334
Gui!t(Law) 345.04 T2-163 34
Guinea 966.52 Gulf of California (Mexico) 551.46141
T2-665 2 T2-164 l
Guinea, Gulf of 551.461 373 Gulf of Darien (Colombia) 551.461 365
T2-163 73 T2-163 65
Guinea-Bissau 966.57 Gulf of Finland 551.461 334
T2-665 7 T2-163 34
Guinea-B issauans T5-966 57 Gulf of Guayaquil 551.461 41
Guinea fowl 636.593 T2-164 I
animal husbandry 636.593 Gulf of Guinea 551.461 373
zoology 598.64 T2-163 73
Guinea pigs 636.935 92 Gulf of Honduras 551.461 365
animal husbandry 636.935 92 T2-163 65
experimental animals Gulf of Lions (France) 551.461 382
medicine 616.027 33 T2-163 82
zoology 599.359 2 Gulf of Martaban (Burma) 551.461 565
Guineans T5-966 52 T2-165 65
Guipuzcoa (Spain) Tl-466 1 Gulf of Mexico 551.461 364
Guiros 786.886 T2-163 64
see also Percussion instruments Gulf of Oman 551.461536
Guitar concertos 784.278 7 T2-165 36
Guitarfishes 597.35 Gulf of Panama (Panama) 551.461 41
Guitarists 787.870 92 T2-164 1
Guitars 787.87 Gulf ofParia (Venezuela and 551.461 366
instrument 787.871 9 Trinidad and Tobago) T2-163 66
music 787.87 Gulf of Riga (Latvia and Estonia) 551.461 334
see also Stringed instruments T2-163 34
Guizhou Sheng (China) T2-513 4 Gulf of Saint Lawrence 551.461 344
Gujar T5-914 79 T2-163 44
Gujarat (India) T2-547 5 Gulf of Siam 551.461472
Gujarati T5-914 71 T2-164 72
Gujarati language 491.47 Gulf of Suez 551.461 533
T6-9l4 71 T2-165 33
Gujarati literature 891.47 Gulf of Taranto (Italy) 551.461 386
T2-163 86

Dewey Decimal Class{fication

Gulf of Tehuantepec (Mexico) 551.461 41 Gunma-ken (Japan) T2-521 33

TI-164 1 Gunmetal 669.3
Gulf of Thailand 551.461472 materials science 620.182
T2-164 72 metallography 669.953
Gulf ofUraba (Colombia) 551.461 365 metallurgy 669.3
T2--163 65 metalworking 673.3
Gulf of Venice (Italy) 551.461 385 physical metallurgy 669.963
T2-163 85 Gunneras 635.933 82
Gulf Province (Papua New botany 583.82
Guinea) T2-954 7 floriculture 635.933 82
Gulf Stream 551.462 131 Gunnery 623.55
GulfWar, 1980-1988 955.054 2 Gunnison County (Colo.) T2-·788 41
GulfWar, 1991 956.704 42 Gunpowder 662.26
Gulf.'> military engineering 623.452 6
resource economics 333.916 4 Guns (Artillery) 355.821
Gulistan (Iran: Province) T2--552 2 see also Artillery
Gullah dialect 427.975 799 Guns (Small arms) 683.4
T6-217 art metalwork 739.744 2
Gulls 598.338 civil rights issues 323.43
Gum-bichromate processes 773.5 control 363.33
Gum diseases law 344.053 3
dentistry 617.632 manufacturing technology 683.4
incidence 614.599 6 military engineering 623.442
Gum trees (Eucalypti) 583.766 military equipment 355.824 2
see also Eucalyptus military training 355.547
Gumatj language 499.15 shooting game 799.213
T6-991 5 sports 799.202 83
Gumma-ken (Japan) T2-52133 target shooting 799.31
Gums (Mouth parts) Gunshot wounds
animal physiology 573.35 medicine 617.145
descriptive zoology 596.14 Gunsmithing 683.4
human anatomy 611.31 Gunsmiths 683.400 92
human physiology 612.31 Guntersville Lake (Ala. and
Gums (Substances) 572.567 2 Tenn.) T2-76194
biochemistry 572.567 2 Guppies 597.667
chemistry 547.78 culture 639.376 67
commercial processing 668.37 Gupta dynasty 934.06
fossil 553.29 Gur languages 496.35
materials science 620.192 4 T6-963 5
see also Carbohydrates Gur literatures 896.35
Gilmil~hane iii (Turkey) T2-565 7 Gurage (African people) T5-928
ancient T2-393 37 Gurage language 492.8
Gun control 363.33 T6-928
civil rights issues 323.43 Gurage literature 892.8
law 344.053 3 Gurma (African people) T5-963 5
public administration 353.36 Gunna language 496.35
public safety 363.33 T6-963 5
Gun mounts 623.43 Gurnards 597.68
Gun salutes Guru Granth 294.682
armed forces 355.134 9 Gurung language 495.4
Guncotton 662.26 T6-954
military engineering 623.452 6
Gundis 599.359
Gundogs 636.752

Relative Index

Gurus 200.92 Guysborough (N.S.:

biography 200.92 County) T2-71621
Buddhist 294.309 2 Guzman Blanco, Antonio
biography 294.309 2 Venezuelan history 987.062 8
specific sects 294.39 Gwaun-cae-Gurwen (Wales) T2-429 85
role and function 294.361 Gwent (Wales) T2--429 9
Hindu 294.509 2 Gwich'in Indians T5-972
biography 294.509 2 Gwinnett County (Ga.) T2-758 223
specific sects 294.55 Gwydir River (N.S.W.) T2-944 4
role and function 294.561 Gwynedd (Wales) T2--429 25
role and function 206.1 Gwynedd (Wales : County) T2--429 2
Sikh 294.609 2 Gymnascales 579.565
biography 294.609 2 Gymnasiums (Secondary
role and function 294.663 schools) 373.241
see Manual at 200.92 and see also Secondary education
201-209,292-299 Gymnasiums (Sports) 796.406 8
Gusii (African people) T5-963 95 arc hi lecture 725.85
Gusii language 496.395 sports 796.406 8
T6--963 95 Gymnastic exercises 613.714
Gustation 573.878 Gymnastics 796.44
see also Taste (Sense) child care 649.57
Gustatory organs 573.878 Gymnasts 796.440 92
Gustatory perception Gymnolaemata 594.676
psychology 152.167 Gymnophiona 597.82
Gustav I Vasa, King of Sweden paleozoology 567.8
Swedish history 948.503 21 Gymnosomata 594.34
Gustav II Adolf, King of Sweden Gymnosperms 585
Swedish history 948.503 41 forestry 634.975
Gustav III, King of Sweden paleobotany 561.5
Swedish history 948.503 81 Gymnotidae 597.48
Gustav IV Adolf, King of Gympie (Qld.) T2-943 2
Sweden Gynecologic cancer
Swedish history 948.503 82 incidence 614.599 946 5
Gustav V, King of Sweden medicine 616.99465
Swedish history 948.505 1 see also Cancer- humans
Gustav VI Adolf, King of Gynecologic disorders 362.198 1
Sweden see also Female genital
Swedish history 948.505 3 diseases - humans
Gustavian Period 948.503 8 Gynecologic nursing 618.102 31
Gi.istrow (Germany : Gynecologic surgery 618.105 9
Landkreis) T2-431 74 Gynecologists 618.100 92
Guthrie, Edwin R. (Edwin Ray) law 344.0412
psychological system 150.194 34 role and function 618.102 32
Guthrie County (Iowa) T2-777 49 Gynecology 618.1
Gutters anesthesiology 617.968 1
road engineering 625.734 geriatrics 618.978
Guttiferae 583.624 pediatrics 618.920 98
Guyana 988.1 surgery 618.105 9
T2-88l Gynoplasty 618.105 92
Guyandotte River (W. Va.) T2-754 4 Gyor-Moson-Sopron Megye
Guyane 988.2 (Hungary) T2~-439 7
T2-882 Gypsies T5--914 97
Guyanese T5-914 1 Holocaust, 1933-1945 940.531 808 991497
Guyenne (France) T2--447 social aspects 305.891 497

Dewey Decimal Classification

Gypsum 553.635 Habn\, Hissein

economic geology 553.635 Chadian history 967.430 43
mineralogy 549.755 Habsburg, House of 943.603
mining 622.363 5 Austrian history 943.603
petrology 552.5 Dutch history 949.202
Gypsum plasters 666.92 genealogy 929.736
Gypsy language 491.497 German history 943.03
T6-914 97 Hungarian history 943.904 2
Gypsy literature 891.497 Spanish history 946.04
Gypsy moth Habyarimana, Juvenal
agricultural pests 634.049 78 Rwandan history 967.571 042
Gyrinidae 595.762 Hackberries 583.45
Gyrocompasses Hackensack River (N.Y. and
aircraft engineering 629.135 1 N.J.) T2-749 21
Gyrodynamics 531.34 Hackney (London, England) T2--421 44
Gyro horizons 629.135 2 Hackney horse 636.14
Gyropilots 629.135 2 Hadal zone
Gyroscopes biology 578.779
manufacturing technology 681.753 ecology 577.79
Haddocks 641.392
H cooking 641.692
food 641.392
Ha Giang (Vietnam : zoology 597.632
Province) T2-597 1 Hades 202.3
Ha Nam (Vietnam : see also Hell
Province) T2-597 3 Hadith 297.125
Ha Tiiy (Vietnam : Hadith Qudsi 297.125 8
Province) T2-597 3 Hadith stories 297.125 12
Ha Tinh (Vietnam: I:Iadj 297.352
Province) T2-597 4 Hadrons 539.721 6
Haakon County (S.D.) T2-783 56 Hadrosauridae 567.914
Haar integral 515.43 Haematopodidae 598.33
Haarlem (Netherlands) T2--492 35 Haemodoraceae 584.354
Habad Lubavitch Hasidism 296.833 22 Hafnium 669.79
Habakkuk (Biblical book) 224.95 chemical engineering 661.051 4
Habeas corpus 347.05 chemistry 546.514
criminal law 345.056 metallurgy 669.79
Habersham County (Ga.) T2-758 125 see also Chemicals
Habibie, B. J. (Bacharuddin Hagen (Germany) T2--435 635
Jusuf) Hagfishes 597.2
Indonesian history 959.804 1 Haggadah (Passover) 296.453 71
Habit breaking 152.33 Haggai (Biblical book) 224.97
Habitat improvement (Wildlife) I:Iagigah 296.123 2
technology 639.92 Babylonian Talmud 296.125 2
Habitat surveys 333.95 Mishnah 296.123 2
Habitations Palestinian Talmud 296.124 2
animals 591.564 Hagiographa (Bible) 223
Habits Hague (Netherlands) T2--492 382
child training 649.6 Hahnium
customs 390 chemistry 546.52
psychology 152.33 Hai Duang (Vietnam :
Habituations 362.29 Province) T2-597 3
see also Substance abuse Haida Gwaii (B.C.) T2-711 12
Haida Indians TS-972 8

Relative Index

497.28 Hair dyeing

T6-972 8 personal care 646.724
897.28 Hair follicle diseases
medicine 616.546
966.105 2 see also Skin diseases
T2-569 46 humans
808.814 I Hair follicles
history and criticism 809.141 medicine 616.546
specific literatures T3B-104 1 Hair removal
individual authors T3A-1 surgery 617.477 9
551.578 7 Hair seals 599.79
632.14 Hair transplantation 617.477 905 92
551.647 87 Haircutting 646.724
368.122 Hairdressers 646.724 092
368.121 Hairdressing 646.724
242.74 customs 391.5
Hairstyles 646.724
customs 391.5
963.055 Hairstyling 646.724
as emperor 963.055 Hairweaving 646.724
as regent and king 963.054 Hairworms 592.59
Hailstones 551.578 7 Haiti 972.94
Hailstorms 551.554 T2-7294
social services 363.349 24 Haitian Creole 447.972 94
see alw Disasters T6--417
Hainan Sheng (China) T2-512 9 Haitian literature 840
Hainaut (Belgium) T2--493 42 Haitians T5-969 7294
Haines (Alaska: Borough) T2-798 2 Hajdu-Bihar Megye
Haiphong (Vietnam) T2-~597 3 (Hungary) T2--439 9
Hair 599.147 Hajeb (Morocco: Province) TI----645
animal husbandry 636.088 45 I;Iajj 297.352
animal physiology 573.58 Hakeas 583.89
descriptive zoology 599.147 Hakes 641.392
dramatic performances 792.027 cooking 641.692
motion pictures 791.430 27 food 641.392
stage 792.027 zoology 597.632
television 791.450 27 Hakka (Chinese people) T5-951 7
human anatomy 611.78 Hakka dialects 495.172
human physiology 612.799 T6-951 7
medicine 616.546 Hakkari ili (Turkey) T2-56628
personal care 646.724 ancient T2-395 5
surgery 617.477 9 Hal a 584.66
Hair analysis I;lalab (Syria : Province) T2--569 13
criminal investigation 363.256 2 Halakhah 296.18
Hair diseases Midrash 296.141
humans Talmud 296.127 4
geriatrics 618.976 546 Ha1dimand (Ont.: Cotmty) T2-713 37
incidence 614.595 46 Haldimand-Norfolk (Ont.) T2-713 36
medicine 616.546 Hale County (Ala.) T2-761 43
see also Skin diseases Hale County (Tex.) T2-764 842
humans Half-life (Nuclear physics) 539.752
pediatrics 618.925 46 Halfback play
pharmacokinetics 615.779 rugby 796.333 24
soccer 796.334 24

Dewey Decimal Classification
Halfbeaks 597.66 Halley's comet 523.642
Halfmoons 597.7 Hallmarks 929.9
Halfpipe snowboarding 796.939 Tl~027 8
Halftone cuts Halloween 394.264 6
printing 686.232 7 handicrafts 745.594 164 6
Halfway houses 365.34 Hallucinations
corrections 365.34 psychology 154.4
juvenile offenders 365.42 Hallucinogen abuse 362.294
maladjusted young people 362.74 medicine 616.863 4
see also Group homes; Penal personal health 613.83
institutions social welfare 362.294
Hath Mongolian language 494.23 see also Substance abuse
T6-942 3 Hallucinogens
Halh Mongolian literature 894.23 pharmacokinetics 615.788 3
Halh Mongols T5-942 3 Halmahera (Indonesia) T2-598 56
Haliaeetus leucocephalus 598.943 Halo bacteriaceae 579.321
Haliburton (Ont. :County) T2~713 61 Halocarbons 547.02
Halibuts 641.392 see also Organohalogen
conservation technology 639.977 695 compounds
cooking 641.692 Halogen gases
fishing 639.276 95 technology 665.83
food 641.392 Halogen salts
resource economics 333.956 695 chemical engineering 661.42
zoology 597.695 Halogenated compounds
Halicarnassus (Extinct city) T2-3924 aromatic chemistry 547.62
Halichoerus 599.793 chemical engineering 661.891
Halides human toxicology 615.951 2
mineralogy 549.4 organic chemistry 547.02
Halifax (N.S.) T2-716 225 Halogenated rubber 678.68
Halifax (N.S. : Regional Halogenation 547.27
municipality) T2-716 22 chemical engineering 660.284 4
Halifax, Edward Frederick Halogens
Lindley Wood, Earl of biochemistry 572.556
Indian history 954.035 8 chemical engineering 66l.o73
Halifax County (N.C.) T2-75648 chemistry 546.73
Halifax County (Va.) T2-755 661 organic chemistry 547.02
Halifax Metropolitan Area applied 661.891
(N.S.) T2-716 225 Halophilic bacteria 579.321
Halite 553.632 Hal ora gales 583.82
mineralogy 549.4 Halsingland landskap
see also Salt (Sodium chloride) (Sweden) T2--488 1
Hall Beach (Nunavut) T2-719 52 Halton (Cheshire, England) T2--427 18
Hall County (Ga.) T2-758272 Halton (Ont.) T2-713 533
Hall County (Neb.) T2-782 41 Ham 641.364
Hall County (Tex.) T2-764 753 see also Pork
Hall effects in semiconductors 537.622 6 Ham radio
I;Iallah 296.123 1 engineering 621.384 16
Mishnah 296.123 1 Hamadan (Iran : Province) T2-555 2
Palestinian Talmud 296.124 1 I;Iamah (Syria : Province) T2-56913
Halland landskap (Sweden) T2--486 6 Harnamelidales 583.44
Hallands Ian (Sweden) T2--486 6 Hamamelididae 583.4
Halle (Germany) T2·--431 848 Bamber Provincial Park
Halle (Germany : (B.C.) T2-7ll68
Regierungsbezirk) T2--431 84 Hamblen County (Tenn.) T2-768 923

Relative Index

(England) T2--428 49 Hanbalites (Islamic sect) 297.814

(Germany) T2---435 15 Hancock County (Ga.) T2-758 623
(Finland : Laani) T2--489 73 Hancock County (Ill.) T2--773 43
laani (Finland) T2--489 73 Hancock County (Ind.) T2-772 58
(N.Z.) T2-933 4 Hancock County (Iowa) T2--777 24
(Ont.) T2-713 52 Hancock County (Ky.) T2-769 862
(Scotland : Hancock County (Me.) T2-74145
T2--414 57 Hancock County (Miss.) T2-762 14
(Vic.) T2-945 7 Hancock County (Ohio) T2-771 19
City(N.Z.) T2--933 4 Hancock County (Tenn.) T2-768 946
Cow1ty (Fla.) T2---759 84 Hancock County (W.Va.) T2-754 12
County (Ill.) T2-773 95 Hand bells 786.884 85
County (Ind.) T2-772 56 instrument 786.884 851 9
'""Jll"W" County (Iowa) T2-777 52 music 786.884 85
:Hamilton County (Kan.) T2-781 415 see also Percussion instruments
:Harnlltcm County (N.Y.) T2-747 52 Hand bookbinding 686.302
·Hamilton County (Neb.) T2-782 354 Hand composition
Hamilton County (Ohio) T2-771 77 printing 686.225 3
Hamilton County (Tenn.) T2--768 82 Hand County (S.D.) T2-783 282
Hamilton County (Tex.) T2--764 549 Hand-forged tools
Hamilton-Wentworth (Ont.) T2-713 52 manufacturing technology 682.4
Hamiltonian systems 515.39 Hand grenades 623.451 14
Hamitic languages 493 Hand haulage
T6-93 mining 622.65
Hamitic literatures 893 Hand muscles
Hamitic peoples T5-93 human anatomy 611.737
Hamito-Semitic languages 492 Hand production
T6-92 paper 676.22
Hamito-Semitic literatures 892 Hand-propelled boats 387.29
Hamlin County (S.D.) T2-783 26 design 623.812 9
Hammering metals engineering 623.829
sculpture 731.41 transportation services 387.29
Hammers 621.973 see aLw Ships
Hammersmith and Fulham Hand pumps 621.64
(London, England) T2--421 33 Hand sewing 646.204 2
Hammurabi, King of Babylonia bookbinding 686.35
Mesopotamian history 935.502 home economics 646.204 2
Hampden County (Mass.) T2-744 26 Hand techniques
Hampshire (England) T2--422 7 music 784.193 65
Hampshire County (Mass.) T2-744 23 Hand tools 621.908
Hampshire County (W.Va.) T2-754 95 use in home woodworking 684.082
Hampshire swine 636.484 Handbags 391.44
Hampstead (Quebec) T2-714 28 customs 391.44
Hampton (Va.) T2-755 412 home sewing 646.48
Hampton County (S.C.) T2-757 97 manufacturing technology 685.51
Hampton Roads, Battle of, 1862 973.752 see also Accessories (Clothing)
Hamsters 636.935 6 Handball (Court handball) 796.312
animal husbandry 636.935 6 Handball (Team handball) 796.327
experimental animals Handbill paper 676.286
medicine 616.027 33 Handcars 385.32
zoology 599.356 engineering 625.22
Han Chinese T5-951 transportation services 385.32
Han dynasty 931.04 see also Rolling stock
Hanafites (Islamic sect) 297.811

Dewey Decimal Classification
Handedness Hankel functions 515.53
educational psychology 370.155 Hankey (South Africa :
psychology 152.335 District) T2-687 51
Handguns 683.43 Hannover (Germany) T2---435 954
manufacturing technology 683.43 Hannover (Germany:
military engineering 623.443 Regierungsbezirk) T2---435 95
Handheld computing devices 004.167 Hannover (Germany:
engineering 621.391 67 Region) T2---435 954
programming 005.25 Hanoi (Vietnam) T2-597 3
see also Personal computers Hanover (South Africa :
Handicapped people 305.908 District) T2-687 13
Tl-087 Hanover, House of 941.07
see also Disabled people British history 941.07
Handicraft industries English history 942.07
arts economics 338.477 455 genealogy 929.72
economics 338.476 8 Scottish history 941.107
production organization 338.642 5 Hanover County (Va.) T2-755 462
Handicrafters 745.509 2 Hansen's disease
Handicrafts 680 incidence 614.546
arts 745.5 medicine 616.998
primary education 372.55 see also Communicable
see Manual at 680 vs. 745.5 diseases -humans
Handkerchiefs 391.44 Hansford County (Tex.) T2-764 814
see also Accessories (Clothing) Hanson County (S.D.) T2-783 373
Handreading 133.6 Hantavirus infections
Hands 612.97 incidence 614.588
physiology 612.97 medicine 616.918
regional medicine 617.575 see also Communicable
surgery 617.575 059 diseases - humans
see also Upper extremities Rants (England) T2---422 7
Handwork Rants (N.S.) T2-716 35
textile arts 746.4 Hanukkah 296.435
Handwriting 652.1 customs 394.267
primary education 372.634 liturgy 296.453 5
Handwriting analysis 155.282 Haouz (Morocco : Province) T2-646 4
criminal investigation 363.256 5 Haploid cells 571.845
divination 137 Haplosclerida 593.46
personnel selection 658.311 2 Haplotaxida 592.64
Handwriting recognition Happenings (Art style) 709.040 74
computer science 006.425 Happiness 152.42
Hang gliders applied psychology 158
engineering 629.14 children 155.419
Hang gliding arts T3C-353
engineering 629.14 hedonism 171.4
sports 797.55 literature 808.803 53
Hangars 387.736 2 history and criticism 809.933 53
architecture 725.39 specific literatures T3B-080 353
see also Airports history and
Hangings 645.2 criticism T3B-093 53
commercial technology 684.3 parapsychology 131
home sewing 646.21 psychology of emotions 152.42
household management 645.2 virtue ethics 171.3
interior decoration 747.3 Hapsburg, House of 943.603
textile arts 746.3 see also Habsburg, House of

Relative Index

579.86 Hardinge of Penshurst, Charles

498.9 Hardinge, Baron
T6--989 Indian history 954.035 6
Haralson County (Ga.) T2~758 38 Hardness
Harare (Zimbabwe) T2~6891 crystals 548.842
Harari (African people) T5~928 materials science 620.112 6
Harari language 492.8 mineralogy 549.121
T6--928 Hardware 683
Harari literature 892.8 Hardware (Computers) 004
Harassment 364.15 engineering 621.39
social welfare 362.88 see Manual at 004 vs. 005
Harbor patrols 363.286 Hardware description languages 621.392
Harbor piloting 623.892 9 Hardwicke Island (B.C.:
Harbor police 363.286 Island) T2~711 I
Harbor porpoises 599.539 Hardwoods
Harbor seal 599.792 3 forestry 634.972
Harborough (England) T2-42544 lumber 674.142
Harbors 387.1 Hardy County (W.Va.) T2~754 93
engineering 627.2 Harelip
see also Ports surgery 617.522
Hard bop 781.655 Harer! Hizb kelel (Ethiopia) T2--{)32
Hard cheeses Hares 599.328
processing 637.354 animal husbandry 636.932 8
Hard disk management 004.563 Harford County (Md.) T2-752 74
systems programs 005.436 Harghita (Romania) T2-498 4
Hard disks (Computers) 004.563 Hariana (India) T2-545 58
engineering 621.397 63 Haringey (London,
Hard fiber crops 633.57 England) T2-421 88
Hard rock 781.66 Harjedalen landskap
Hardanger (Sweden) T2-488 3
arts 746.44 Harlan County (Ky.) T2~769 154
Hardanger fiddles 787.6 Harlan County (Neb.) T2-782 382
see also Stringed instruments Harlem jazz 781.653
Hardball hockey 796.356 64 Harlow (England) T2-426 73
Hardecanute, King of England Harmful animals 591.65
English history 942.018 3 Harmful microorganisms 579.165
Hardee County (Fla.) T2~759 57 Harmful organisms 578.65
Hardeman County (Tenn.) T2 768 28 Hannful plants 581.65
Hardeman County (Tex.) T2~764 747 Harmon County (Okla.) T2-766445
Hardening metals 671.36 Harmonic analysis 515.243 3
Hardin County (Ill.) T2~773 98 abstract 515.785
Hardin County (Iowa) T2~777 535 Harmonic functions 515.53
Hardin County (Ky.) T2~769 845 Harmonic organization 781.25
Hardin County (Ohio) T2---771 44 Harmonic rhythm 781.256
Hardin County (Tenn.) T2-768 31 Harmonicas (Mouth organs) 788.82
Hardin County (Tex.) T2~764 157 instrument 788.821 9
Harding, Warren G. (Warren music 788.82
Gamaliel) see also Woodwind instruments
United States history 973.914 Harmonicas (Musical glasses) 786.866
Harding County (N.M.) T2~78924 see also Percussion instruments
Harding County (S.D.) T2-783 42 Harmonies of Bible 220.65
Hardinge, Henry Hardinge, Harmonies of Gospels 226.1
Indian history 954.031 5

Dewey Decimal Classification

Harmoniums 786.55 Harrison County (Ind.) T2-772 21

instrument 786.551 9 Harrison County (Iowa) T2-777 47
music 786.55 Harrison County (Ky.) T2-769 413
see also Keyboard instruments Harrison County (Miss.) T2-762 13
Harmonization 781.434 Harrison County (Mo.) T2-778 17
Harmony Harrison County (Ohio) T2-771 68
arts 701.8 Harrison County (Tex.) T2-764 192
musical element 781.25 Harrison County (W.Va.) T2-75457
Harness horses 636.14 Harrison Lake (Fraser-
Harness makers 685.109 2 Cheam, B.C.) T2-71137
Harness racehorses 636.175 Harrisonburg (Va.) T2-755 921
Harness racing 798.46 (England:
equipment technology 688.78 Borough) T2--42842
Harnesses 636.108 37 Harrow (London, England) T2-421 86
animal husbandry 636.083 7 Harrows
horse rearing 636.108 37 manufacturing technology 681.763 l
manufacturing technology 685.1 Harsha
Harnett County (N.C.) T2-756 362 Indian history 934.07
Harney County (Or.) T2-795 95 Hrut (England) T2--422 723
Harold I, King of England Hart County (Ga.) T2-758 155
English history 942.018 2 Hart County (Ky.) TI-769 715
Harold II, King of England Hartebeests 599.645
English history 942.019 Hartford (Conn.) T2-746 3
Harp-lutes 787.98 Hartford County (Conn.) T2-746 2
see also Stringed instruments Hartlepool (England :
Harp seal 599.792 9 Borough) T2 428 57
Harp zithers 787.73 Hartley County (Tex.) TI-764 823
see also Stringed instruments Harts River (South Africa) T2-687l1
Harpacticoida 595.34 Hartswater (South Africa :
Harper, Stephen District) T2-687 11
Canadian history 971.073 Hartz Mountains National
Harper County (Kan.) T2-78l 845 Park (Tas.) T2-946 2
Harper County (Okla.) T2-766 153 Harvest mice 599.35
Harpists 787.909 2 Harvest music 781.524 6
Harps 787.9 Harvesting 631.55
see also Stringed instruments equipment manufacturing
Harpsichordists 786.409 2 technology 681.763 1
Harpsichords 786.4 production efficiency 338.163
instrument 786.419 Harvestmen (Arachnids) 595.43
music 786.4 Harvey County (Kan.) TI-781 85
see also Keyboard instruments Haryana (India) T2-545 58
Harquebuses Harz Mountains (Germany) TI--431 82
art metalwork 739.744 25 f:Iasakah (Syria: Province) T2- 569 12
Harrier (Dog) 636.753 6 Hasan (Hadith) 297.12521
Harriers (Birds) 598.94 Hashing (Computer science) 005.741
Harris County (Ga.) T2-758466 Hashish
Harris County (Tex.) T2-764 141 agriculture 633.79
Harrisburg (Pa.) TI-748 18 Hashish abuse 362.295
Harrismith (South Africa : medicine 616.863 5
District) T2-685 1 personal health 613.835
Harrison, Benjamin social welfare 362.295
United States history 973.86 see also Substance abuse
Harrison, William Henry Hasidism 296.833 2
United States history 973.58 liturgy 296.450 44

Relative Index

Haskell County (Kan.) T2-781 732

Haskell County (Okla.) T2--766 77 (Quebec) T2-714 68
Haskell County (Tex.) T2-764 736 Haut-Saint-Laurent
Hasmonean period 933.04 (Quebec) T2-714 31
Hassan II, King of Morocco Haut-Saint-Maurice
Moroccan history 964.052 (Quebec) T2-714 459
Hassium Haute-Corse (France) T2-449 96
chemistry 546.62 ancient T2-379 96
Hastings (England) T2-422 59 Haute-Cote-Nord (Quebec) T2--714 172
Hastings (Ont.: County) T2-713 585 Haute-Garonne (France) T2-447 36
Hastings, Battle of, 1066 942.021 Hautc-Gaspesie (Quebec) T2-714 791
Hastings, Francis Rawdon- Haute-Loire (France) T2-445 95
Hastings, Marquess of Haute-Marne (France) T2-443 32
Indian history 954.031 3 Haute-Norrnandie (France) T2-442 4
Hastings, Warren Haute-Saone (France) T2-444 53
Indian history 954.029 8 Haute-Savoie (France) T2-445 84
Hastings District (N.Z.) T2--934 65 Haute-Vienne (France) T2-446 62
Hatay ili (Turkey) T2-564 8 Haute-Yamaska (Quebec) T2-714 63
ancient 939.431 Hautes-Alpes (France) T2-449 7
T2-394 31 Hautes-Pyrenees (France) T2-447 8
Hatcheries Hauts-de-Seine (France) T2-443 64
fish culture 639.311 Havana (Cuba) T2-729 123
Hatchctfishes (Freshwater) 597.48 Havana (Cuba: Province) T2-729 124
Hatchetfishes (Marine) 597.5 Havant (England: Borough) T2-422 795
Hate 179.8 Havasupai Indians T5-975 724
psychology 152.4 Havasupai-Walapai-Yavapai 497.572 4
see also Vices language T6-975 724
Hate crimes 364.15 Havel, Vaclav
law 345.025 Czech history 943.710 511
Hatha yoga Havelland (Germany :
health 6!3.704 6 Landkreis) T2-431 54
Hato Mayor (Dominican Havelland-FHlming
Republic: Province) T2-729 381 (Germany:
Hatred 179.8 Raumordnungsregion) T2-431 54
psychology 152.4 Havering (London,
see also Vices England) T2-421 74
Hats 391.43 Havu language 496.394
see also Headwear T6-963 94
Hattah Lakes National Park Hawaii 996.9
(Vic.) T2-945 9 T2-969
Hatteras, Cape (N.C.) T2-756 175 Hawaii County (Hawaii) T2-969 1
Hatters 646.502 092 Hawaii Island (Hawaii) T2--969 1
H~u Giang (Vietnam) T2-597 9 Hawaiian language 499.42
Haulage T6--9942
mining 622.6 Hawaiian literature 899.42
Haunted places 133.12 Hawaiian religion 299.924 2
Hauraki District (N.Z.) T2-933 27 Hawaiians (Native people) T5-9942
Hausa (African people) T5-937 Hawea, Lake (N.Z.) T2-939 5
Rausa language 493.72 Hawfinches 598.885
T6-937 2 Hawke, Bob
Rausa literature 893.72 Australian history 994.064
Hausa states 966.970 1 Hawke's Bay Region (N.Z.) T2-934 6
Haut-Rhin (France) T2-443 93 Hawkesbury River (N.S.W.) T2-944 2
Haut-Richelieu (Quebec) T2-714 38 Hawkins County (Tenn.) T2~768 95

Dervey Decimal Class(fication

Hawks 598.944 HDTV (High-definition

animal husbandry 636.686 9 television) 621.388 06
Hawksbill turtle 597.928 Head 591.44
Hawthorns 583.73 animal physiology 573.995
Hay anthropometry 599.948
animal feed 636.086 descriptive zoology 591.44
forage crop 633.2 human anatomy 611.91
Hay (South Africa: District) T2-·687 11 human physiology 612.91
Hay fever regional medicine 617.51
incidence 614.599 3 surgery 617.510 59
medicine 616.202 Head lice
see also Respiratory tract medicine 616.572
diseases - humans see also Skin diseases -
Hay Mohamed-Arn Sebaa humans
(Morocco: Prefecture) T2-643 8 Head muscles
River (N.W.T.) T2-719 3 human anatomy 611.732
Haya-Jita languages 496.395 Head scarves 391.43
T6-963 95 see also Head wear
Hayes, Rutherford Birchard Head start (Education) 372.21
United States history 973.83 Head teachers 371.1
Hayes County (Neb.) T2-782 832 biography 371.100 92
Hays County (Tex.) T2-764 888 public control 379.157
f.lg,Jth<>ml NOr al-Din 'All ibn Headaches
AbTBakr 297.125 64 medicine 616.849 1
Haywood County (N.C.) T2-756 94 see also Nervous system
Haywood County (Tenn.) T2-768223 diseases -humans
Hazardous machinery 363.18 Headgear 391.43
law 344.047 2 see also Head wear
public administration 353.99 Headings (Cataloging) 025.322
see also Safety Headmasters
Hazardous materials 363.17 biography 371.200 92
effect on natural ecology 577.27 public control 379.157
public administration 353.993 role and function 371.201 2
public safety 363.17 Heads of government 352.23
law 344.047 2 Heads of state 352.23
technology 604.7 Headscarves 391.43
see Manual at 604.7 vs. see also Headwear
660.2804 Headstanders 597.48
transportation 388.044 Head wear 391.43
law 343.093 22 commercial technology 687.4
technology 604.7 customs 391.43
transportation services 388.044 home economics 646.3
Hazardous wastes 363.728 7 home sewing 646.5
law 344.046 22 see also Clothing
public administration 353.994 Healesville (Vic.) T2-945 2
social services 363.728 7 Healing
technology 628.42 religion 203.1
see also Waste control see also Spiritual healing
Hazelnuts 641.345 4 religion
see also Filberts see Manual at 615.852 vs.
Hazelton (B.C.) T2-711 85 203.1, 234.131, 292-299
Hazelton Mountains (B.C.) T2-711 85 therapeutics 615.5
Hazing Healing touch
education 371.58 medicine 615.852

Relative Index

flealth 613 Health promotion

arts T3C-356 I medicine 613
child care 649.4 public administration 353.627 4
literature 808.803 561 Health protection service
history and criticism 809.933 561 public administration 353.628
specific literatures T3B-080 3561 Health r.esorts
history and personal health 613.122
criticism T3B-093 561 Health services 362.1
medicine 613 Algerian Revolution 965.046 7
primary education 372.37 American Revolution 973.375
social theology 201.762 I armed forces 355.345
Christianity 261.832 1 Chaco War 989.207 167
Judaism 296.38 Civil War (England) 942.062 7
sociology 306.461 Civil War (Spain) 946.081 7
see Manual at 613 vs. 612, Civil War (United States) 973.775
615.8 Crimean War 947.073 87
Health care 362.1 employee programs
arts T3C-356 I personnel management 658.382
literature 808.803 561 public administration 352.67
history and criticism 809.933 561 Falkland Islands War 997.110 247
specific literatures T3B~--080 356 I Franco-German War 943.082 7
history and Hundred Years' War 944.025 7
criticism T3B-093 561 Indo-Pakistan War, 1971 954.920 517
see also Health services Indochinese War 959.70417
Health care facilities 362.1 Iraq War, 2003- 956.704 437
accounting 657.832 2 Iraqi-Iranian Conflict 955.05427
architecture 725.51 Korean War 951.904 27
cooking 641.579 labor economics 331.255 4
law 344.032 1 law 344.032 I
meal service 642.56 Napoleonic Wars 940.277
public administration 353.68 pastoral theology 206.1
safety 363.15 Christianity 259.41
sanitation services 363.729 7 Persian GulfWar, 1991 956.704427
public administration 353.94 prisoner services 365.667
social welfare 362.1 public administration 353.6
see also Health services social theology 201.762 I
Health centers 362.12 Christianity 261.832 1
see also Health care facilities social welfare 362.1
Health cooking 641.563 South African War 968.048 7
Health ethics 174.2 student welfare 371.71
Health foods 641.302 Thirty Years' War 940.247
cooking 641.563 7 Vietnamese War 959.704 37
food 641.302 War ofthe Pacific 983.061 67
Health insurance 368.382 World War I 940.475
government-sponsored 368.42 World War II 940.547 5
law 344.022 see also Health care facilities
labor economics 331.255 4 see Manual at 362.1-A vs.
law 346.086 382 610; also at 362.1-.4 and
public administration 353.69 614.4-.5
Health maintenance organizations 362.104 258 4 Health surveys 614.42
insurance 368.382
law 344.0321042584
see also Health services

Dervey Decimal Classification

Health visitors 610.734 3 Heart depressants

medicine 610.734 3 pharmacokinetics 615.716
social welfare 362.14 Heart diseases
see also Health setvices cooking for 641.563 11
see also Nursing medicine 616.12
Heard County (Ga.) T2-758422 se.e also Cardiovascular
Hearing 573.89 diseases ~ humans
human physiology 612.85 pediatrics 618.921 2
psychology 152.15 617.412
see also Ears
Hearing aids medicine 616.129
audiology 617.89 see also Cardiovascular
Hearing devices diseases -humans
audiology 617.89 Heart pacers (Electronic)
Hearing disorders medicine 617.412 0645
medicine 617.8 Heart stimulants
see also Ear diseases pharmacokinetics 615.711
humans Heart surgery 617.412
Hearing examiners (Law) 342.066 4 Heart transplants 617.412 0592
Hearing-impaired children 305.908 208 3 see also Organ transplants
Tl-087 2 Heart valve diseases
home care 649.151 2 medicine 616.125
see also Hearing-impaired see also Cardiovascular
people diseases humans
Hearing-impaired people 305.908 2 Heartburn
T!--087 2 medicine 616.324
education 371.912 see also Digestive system
library services 027.663 diseases humans
social group 305.908 2 Heat 536
social welfare 362.42 astrophysics 523.013
Hearing impairment biophysics 571.467
medicine 617.8 humans 612.014 462
see also Ear diseases crop 632.12
humans effect on matter 536.4
Hearings pathological effect 571.934 67
legislative 328.345 medicine 616.989
Hearsay evidence 347.064 physics 536
Heart 573.17 Heat absorption 536.3
animals 573.17 Heat capacity 536.6
human anatomy 611.12 Heat conduction 536.23
human biochemistry 612.173 621.402 23
human biophysics 612.171 Heat conduction in fluids 536.25
human metabolism 612.173 Heat conductivity
human physiology 612.17 materials science 620.112 96
medicine 616.12 Heat convection 536.25
physiology 573.17 engineering 621.402 25
surgery 617.412 Heat distribution systems 621.402 8
see also Cardiovascular system Heat engineering 621.402
Heart attacks Heat engineers 621.402 092
medicine 6!6.123 025 Heat engines 621.402 5
myocardial infarction 616.123 7 Heat exchange
see also Cardiovascular engineering 621.402 2
diseases ~ humans metallurgical furnaces 669.85
Heat exchangers 621.402 5

Heat exhaustion
medicine 616.989 Heating equipment 621.402 5
see also Environmental air conditioning buildings 697.932 2
diseases humans furni turc arts 749.62
Heat loss installation in buildings 697.07
electric circuits 621.319 21 ships 623.853 7
Heat of fusion 536.42 Heating from central stations 697.03
Heat of vaporization 536.44 resource economics 333.793
Heat perception 152.182 2 Heating oil 665.538 4
HEAT projectiles Heaven 202.3
engineering 623.451 7 Christianity 236.24
Heat pumps 621.402 5 Islam 297.23
refrigeration engineering 621.563 Judaism 296.33
Heat radiation 536.3 Heavenly bodies 520
engineering 621.402 27 folklore 398.26
Heat-resistant glass 666.155 history and criticism 398.362
Heat scattering 536.3 Heavier-than-air aircraft 387.733
Heat storage 621.402 8 engineering 629.1333
solar engineering 621.471 2 military engineering 623.746
Heat stress disorders 571.934 67 transportation services 387.733
humans see also Aircraft
medicine 616.989 Heavy equipment
see also Environmental capital procurement 658.152 42
diseases humans household appliances 643.6
Heat transfer 536.2 manufacturing technology . 683.88
chemical engineering 660.284 27 Heavy ions 539.723 4
engineering 621.402 2 Heavy metal (Music) 781.66
physics 536.2 Heavy spar 553.662
Heat treatment Heavy water
metals 671.36 chemical engineering 661.08
Heat weapons 623.446 chemistry 546.22
Heaters Hebei Sheng (China) T2-511 52
buildings 697.07 Hebrew language 492.4
Heathcote (Vic.) T2-945 3 T6-924
Heather 583.66 Biblical texts 220.44
floriculture 635.933 66 Midrashic texts 296.140 4
Heaths (Ericaceae) 583.66 printing 686.219 24
Heaths (Shrublands) Talmudic texts 296.120 4
biology 578.738 Hebrew literature 892.4
ecology 577.38 Hebrew schools 296.680 83
Heating Hebrews T5-924
aircraft 629.13442 Hebrews (Biblical book) 227.87
automobile 629.277 2 Hebrides (Scotland) T2-411 4
buildings 697 Hebron district (West Bank) T2-569 51
customs 392.36 Hecate Strait (B.C.) 551.461433
chemistry 542.4 T2--164 33
household management 644.1 Hedge laurels 583.72
library buildings 697.978 Hedgehogs 599.332
plant management 022.8 Hedgerows
museums 069.29 biology 578.755 5
plant management 658.25 ecology 577.555
vehicles 629.040 289 Hedges
Heating coils agricultural use 631.27
air conditioning buildings 697.932 2 floriculture 635.976

Dewey Decimal Classification

Hedging (Finance) 332.645 24 Heliports 387.736

Hedmark fylke (Norway) T2-482 4 engineering 629.136 16
Hedonism military engineering 623.661 6
ethical systems 171.4 see also Airports
Heel-and-toe races 796.429 Helium 553.971
Hegirah 297.634 chemistry 546.751
Hei-Lung Chiang (China economic geology 553.971
and Russia) T2-577 gas technology 665.822
Heidelberg (Cape of Good see also Chemicals
Hope, South Africa : Helium extraction 665.73
District) T2--687 36 Hell 202.3
Heidelberg (Gauteng, South art representation 704.948 9
Africa : District) T2-682 23 Christianity 704.948 2
Heidelberg (Germany) T2-434 6454 arts T3C-382 023
Heidelberg man 569.97 Christianity 236.25
Heilbron (South Africa : Islam 297.23
District) T2-685 2 literature 808.803 820 23
Heilongjiang Sheng (China) T2--518 4 history and criticism 809.933 820 23
Heilungkiang Province specific literatures T3B--080 382 023
(China) T2-518 4 history and
Heimatblock (Austrian political criticism T3B-093 820 23
party) 324.243 602 4 Hellbender (Salamander) 597.85
Heisei period 952.049 Hellebores 583.34
Heisenberg representation 530.122 floriculture 635.933 34
Hejaz (Saudi Arabia) T2-538 Hellenic languages 480
Helena (Mont.) T2-786 615 T6-8
Helenopontus T2-393 32 Hellenic literatures 880
Helensburgh (Scotland) T2-4142 Hellenic sculpture 733.3
Helicobacter 579.323 Hellenistic Greek language 487.4
Helicobacter infections T6-87
medicine 616.330 14 Hellenistic movement (Judaism) 296.81
see also Digestive system Hellenistic period
diseases- humans Egyptian history 932.021
Heliconiaceae 584.39 Greek history 938.08
Heliconias 584.39 Mesopotamian history 935.06
floriculture 635.934 39 Middle Eastem history 939.404
Helicopter accidents 363.124 93 Palestinian history 933.03
see also Air safety Hellenistic World 938
Helicopters 387.733 52 T2-38
engineering 629.133 352 Hellespontus (Roman
military engineering 623.746 047 province) T2-3921
piloting 629.132 525 2 Helmets (Armor) 623.441
transportation services 387.733 52 art metalwork 739.75
see also Aircraft Helmets (Headwear) 391.43
Heliographs see also Head wear
military engineering 623.731 2 Helminthologists 592.309 2
nautical engineering 623.856 12 Helminthology 592.3
Heliotherapy agriculture 632.623
medicine 615.8314 medicine 616.962
Heliothis 595.78 plant crops 632.623
agricultural pests 632.78 veterinary medicine 636.089 696 2
Heliotropes (Plants) 583.94 Heloderma 597.959 5
Helodennatidae 597.959 5
Helotiales 579.57

Relative Index

Help facilities (Computers) 005.3 Hematuria

development 005.15 medicine 616.63
Help-wanted advertising 659.19331124 see also Urologic diseases
Helping behavior 158.3 humans
Helsinki (Finland) T2-489 71 Hemiascomycetes 579.562
Helvetia T2~ 369 43 Hemic disorders
Helvetic Republic 949.405 medicine 616.15
T2-494 see also Cardiovascular
Hemangiomas diseases --· humans
medicine 616.993 13 Hemichordata 593.99
Hemapheresis paleozoology 563.99
pharmacology 615.39 Hemimetabola 595.73
Hematheia (Greece) T2-495 65 Hemiprocnidae 598.762
Hematite Hemiptera 595.754
mineralogy 549.523 Hemispheres T2-181
Hematologic agents Hemlocks 585.2
pharn1acokinetics 615.718 forestry 634.975 3
Hematologic diseases lumber 674.144
medicine 616.15 ornamental arboriculture 635.977 52
see also Cardiovascular Hemoconia
diseases- humans human physiology 612.117
Hematologic neoplasms Hemodialysis
incidence 614.599 941 8 medicine 617.461 059
medicine 616.994 18 Hemoglobin
see also Cancer humans human physiology 612.111 I
Hematology 616.15 medicine 616.151
diagnosis Hemoglobin disorders
general disease 616.075 61 medicine 616.151
Hematopoiesis 573.155 see also Cardiovascular
see also Hematopoietic system diseases - humans
Hematopoietic system 573.155 Hemolytic anemia
animals 573.155 medicine 616.152
diseases 573.155 39 see also Cardiovascular
see also Hematopoietic diseases -humans
system diseases Hemolytic disease of the
human anatomy 611.41 newborn
human physiology 612.41 pediatrics 618.921 5
medicine 616.41 perinatal medicine 618.326 1
Hematopoietic system diseases 573.155 39 see also Cardiovascular
animals 573.155 39 diseases humans
humans 362.196 41 Hemophilia
cancer 362.196 994 41 medicine 616.157 2
incidence 614.599 944 1 see also Cardiovascular
medicine 616.99441 diseases-- humans
social services 362.196 994 41 pediatrics 618.921 572
see also Cancer humans Hemopoiesis 573.155
geriatrics 618.976 41 see also Hematopoietic system
incidence 614.594 I Hemopoietic system 573.155
medicine 616.41 see also Hematopoietic system
pediatrics 618.924 I Hemorheology
pharmacokinetics 615.718 humans 612.118 1
social services 362.19641


Dewey Decimal Classification

Hemorrhage Henry IV, King of England

medicine 616.157 history 942.041
see also Cardiovascular Henry IV, King of France
diseases humans French history 944.031
Hemorrhagic diseases Henry V, King of England
medicine 616.157 English history 942.042
see also Cardiovascular Henry VI, King of England
diseases humans English history 942.043
Hemorrhoids Henry VII, King of England
medicine 616.352 English history 942.051
see also Digestive system Henry VIII, King of England
diseases -humans English history 942.052
Hemp (Agavaceae) 584.352 County (Ala.) T2-761 31
Hemp (Apocynaceae) 583.93 Henry County (Ga.) T2-758435
Hemp (Cannabaceae) 583.45 Henry County (Ill.) T2-773 38
Hemp (Fiber) 677.12 Henry County (Ind.) T2-772 64
botany 583.45 County (Iowa) T2-777 95
crop 633.53 Henry County (Ky.) T2--769 385
textiles 677.12 Henry County (Mo.) TI-778 462
arts 746.041 2 County (Ohio) TI-771 15
see also Textiles Henry County (Tenn.) T2-768 34
Hemp (Musaceae) 584.39 Henry County (Va.) TI-755 692
Hemp pulp 676.14 Hepatic encephalopathy
Hemphill County (Tex.) T2-764 817 medicine 616.83
Hempstead County (Ark.) T2 -767 54 see also Nervous system
Henan Sheng (China) T2-511 8 diseases - humans
Henbanes 583.952 Hepaticae 588.3
Henderson County (Ill.) T2-773 413 Hepatidae 588.3
Henderson County (Ky.) T2-769 87 Hepatitis
Henderson County (N.C.) T2-756 92 medicine 616.362 3
Henderson County (Tenn.) T2-768 263 see also Digestive system
Henderson County (Tex.) T2-764 227 diseases -humans
Henderson Island (Pitcairn Hepatopsida 588.3
Island) T2-961 8 Heptarchy 942.015
Hendricks County (Ind.) T2-772 53 Heptathlon 796.42
County (Fla.) T2-75946 Heraclitean philosophy 182.4
Hennenman (South Africa : Herakleion (Greece: Nome) T2--495 9
District) T2--685 3 Heraldic design 929.6
Hennepin County (Minn.) T2-776 57 dewrative arts 745.66
Henophidia 597.967 insignia 929.6
Henrico County (Va.) TI-755 453 Heraldry 929.6
Henry I, King of England Herault (France) T2--448 4
English history 942.023 Herb gardens 635.7
Henry I, King of France Herb teas 641.357
French history 944.021 agriculture 635.7
Henry II, King of England commercial processing 663.96
English history 942.031 cooking with 641.657
Henry II, King of France food 641.357
French history 944.o28 home preparation 641.877
Henry III, King of England Herbaceous plants 582.12
English history 942.034 landscape architecture 716
Henry III, King of France Herbaceous vines 582.189
French history 944.029 Herbal medicine 615.321

Relative index

Herefordshire (England) T2-4242

615.321 Berens (Switzerland) T2-494 796 3
Herero (African people) T5--963 99
Herero language 496.399
580.74 T6--963 99
Herbert (South Africa : Heresy
District) T2-687 11 Christianity 262.8
Herbicides 632.954 church history 273
agricultural use 632.954 polemics 239
chemical engineering 668.654 criminology 364.188
Herbivorous animals 591.54 Judaism 296.67
Herbivorous Saurischia 567.913 polemics 296.35
Herbs 581.63 religious authority 296.67
botany 581.63 law 345.028 8
commercial processing 664.805 7 Herisau (Switzerland) T2-494 712 6
cooking with 641.657 Herkimer County (N.Y.) T2-747 61
food 641.357 Herm Island (Channel
garden crop 635.7 Islands) T2-423 46
pharmacognosy 615.321 Hermanus (South Africa :
see Jifanual at 615.1 vs. District) T2-687 36
615.2-.3 Hermaphroditism 571.886
Herculaneum (Extinct city) T2~-377 256 4 biology 571.886
Herd books 636.082 2 humans
Herders (People) 636.084 509 2 medicine 616.694
Herders (Work animals) see also Genital
care and training 636.088 6 diseases humans
Herding (Animal husbandry) 636.084 5 Hermeneutics 121.686
Herding dogs 636.737 philosophy 121.686
Heredia (Costa Rica : sacred books 208.2
Province) T2-728 64 Bible 220.601
Hereditary diseases 571.948 Hadith 297.125 160 1
Hereditary metabolic disorders Koran 297.122 601
medicine 616.390 42 Talmud 296.120 601
see also Digestive system Hermetism 135.45
diseases humans Hermit crabs 595.387
Hereditary societies 369.2 culture 639.67
biography 369.209 2 Hermite polynomials 515.55
United States 369.1 Hermitian spaces 515.73
Heredity 576.5 Hernandiaceae 583.23
animals 591.35 Hernando County (Fla.) T2-75971
humans 599.935 Hernando Island (B.C.) T2-711 31
influence on crime 364.24 Hernias (Abdominal region)
plants 581.35 regional medicine 617.559
psychology 155.7 surgery 617.559 059
evolutionary psychology 155.7 Heroes
individual psychology 155.234 arts T3C-352
Heredity versus environment literature 808.803 52
psychology 155.7 history and criticism 809.933 52
evolutionary psychology 155.7 specific literatures T3B-080 352
individual psychology 155.234 history and
Hereford (England) T2-424 2 criticism T3B-093 52
Hereford and Worcester objects of worship 202.13
(England) T2-4244
Hereford cattle 636.222

Devvey Decimal Classification

Heroin abuse 362.293 Hertford County (N.C.) T2-756 155

medicine 616.863 2 Hertfordshire (England) T2-425 8
personal health 613.83 Hertsmere (England) T2-425 895
social welfare 362.293 Hertzog, James Barry Munnik
see also Substance abuse South African history 968.054
Heroism Hesperioidea 595.788
arts T3C-353 Hesperonesian languages 499.2
literature 808.803 53 T6-992
history and criticism 809.933 53 Hesperornithiformes 568.23
specific literatures T3B-080 353 Hesse (Germany) T2-4341
history and Hetero nitrogen compounds 547.593
criticism T3B-093 53 chemical engineering 661.894
Herons 598.34 Hetero oxygen compounds 547.592
Herpes genitalis chemical engineering 661.8
incidence 614.547 Hetero sulfur compounds 547.594
medicine 616.951 8 chemical engineering 661.896
see also Communicable Heterobasidiomycetes 579.59
diseases humans Heterocyclic compounds 547.59
Herpes labialis chemical engineering 661.8
medicine 616.522 Heterogeneous grouping of
see also Skin diseases- students 371.252
humans Heterogenesis 571.884
Herpes simplex type I Heteromyidae 599.359 8
medicine 616.522 Heterophony 781.283
see also Skin diseases -- Heteroptera 595.754
humans Heterosexuality 306.764
Herpes simplex type 2 Heterosexuals 306.764
incidence 614.547 Tl-08662
medicine 616.951 8 psychology 155.34
see also Communicable social welfare 362.896 2
diseases humans Heterosomata 597.69
Herpes zoster Hettinger County (N.D.) T2-784 86
medicine 616.522 Heveas 583.69
see also Skin diseases rubber crop 633.895 2
humans Reves Megye (Hungary) Tl-439 8
Herpesviridae 579.243 4 Hewu (South Africa :
Herpesvirus diseases District) T2-687 55
incidence 614.581 2 Hexacorallia 593.6
medicine 616.911 2 Hexactinellida 593.44
see also Communicable paleozoology 563.4
diseases - humans Hexadecimal system 513.5
Herpetologists 597.909 2 Hexagonal chess 794.18
Herpetology 597.9 Hexapoda 595.7
Herrera (Panama: Province) Tl-728 724 see also Insects
Herring (Clupea harengus) 641.392 Hexateuch (Bible) 222.1
conservation technology 639.977 452 Hi-fi
cooking 641.692 sound reproduction systems 621.389 332
fishing 639.274 52 Hiatal hernia
food 641.392 regional medicine 617.559
resource economics 333.956 452 Hibernation 591.565
zoology 597.452 behavior 591.565
Herring family 597.45 physiology 571.787
Herschel (South Africa : Hibiscuses 583.685
District) T2-687 56 floriculture 635.933 685

Relative Index

Jiickffian County (Ky.) T2-769 98 High-explosive ammunition

Hickman County (Tenn.) T2-~768 434 engineering 623.451 7
Jiickories 583.49 High explosives 662.27
Hickory County (Mo.) T2-~778 496 High-fat cooking 641.563 8
Hidalgo (Mexico : State) T2--724 6 High-fat diet
Hidalgo County (N.M.) T2-~789 693 health 613.284
Hidalgo County (Tex.) T2-764492 High-fiber cooking 641.563
Hidatsa Indians T5-~975 274 High-fiber diet
Hidatsa language 497.527 4 health 613.263
T6-975 274 High-fidelity systems
!fide-and-seek (Game) 796.14 sound reproduction 621.389 332
Hides High Holy Days 296.431
animal husbandry 636.088 44 liturgy 296.453 1
descriptive zoology 599.614 7 High jump 796.432
physiology 573.519 6 High-level languages 005.13
processing 675.2 High Middle Ages 940.18
Hierarchical databases High-octane-rating gasoline 665.538 25
computer science 005.755 High Peak (England) T2--425 11
Hierarchical systems 003.7 High polymers
Hierarchy chemistry 547.84
armed forces 355.33 High-protein cooking 641.563 8
organizational behavior 302.35 High-protein diet
Hieroglyphic Hittite language 491.998 health 613.282
T6-919 98 High-rise buildings 720.483
Hieroglyphics see also Tall buildings
Egyptian language 493.111 High school administration 373.12
Hierotherapy High school dropouts 373.129 13
medicine 615.852 High school enrollment 373.1219
High altitude High school equivalency
biophysics 571.49 certificate 373.126 2
High-altitude plants High school equivalency
floriculture 635.952 8 programs 373.238
High-alumina cement 666.95 High school graduates
High Atlas Mountains choice of vocation 331.70233
(Morocco) T2~44 labor force 33l.l14 43
High bar (Gymnastic equipment) 796.442 unemployment 331.137 804
High blood cholesterol 616.399 7 High school postgraduate
see also Digestive system programs 373.238
diseases- humans High school students 373.18
High blood pressure High school teachers 373.11
medicine 616.132 High school teaching 373.110 2
see also Cardiovascular High schools 373
diseases - humans Tl-071 2
High-calorie cooking 641.563 see also Secondary education
High-calorie diet High seas 551.46
health 613.24 law of nations 341.45
High-compression-ignition see Manual at 341.45 vs.
engines 621.436 343.0962
automotive 629.250 6 see also Oceans
High-contrast photography 778.8 High-speed cinematography 777.6
High-definition television 621.388 06 High-speed local networks 004.68
High-energy forming 671.3 see also Computer
High-energy physics 539.76 communications
High-speed photography 778.37

Dewey Decimal Class!fication

High-speed videography 777.6 Highway post offices 383.42

High-styrene resins 678.73 see also Postal service
High-temperature biology Highway safety 363.125
humans 612.014 462 engineering 625.702 89
High-temperature injury 571.934 67 law 343.094
humans public administration 353.98
medicine 617.11 social services 363.125
High temperatures 536.57 Highway transportation 388.31
biophysics 571.467 see also Road transportation
chemical engineering 660.296 87 Highways 388.1
chemistry 541.368 7 engineering 625.7
effect on materials 620.112 17 transportation services 388.1
physics 536.57 see also Roads
High-tension electric Hijacking 364.155 2
transmission 621.319 13 law 345.025 52
High Veld (South Africa) T2-682 Hijrah 297.634
High-velocity armor-piercing Hikers 796.510 92
ammunition 623.451 8 Hiking 796.51
High voice 783.3 Hilbert spaces 515.733
High-voltage accelerators 539.732 Hilbert transform 515.723
High-yield bonds 332.632 34 Hildburghausen (Germany :
Higher criticism Landkreis) T2-432 26
Bible 220.66 Hildebrand, Bruno
Higher education 378 economic school 330.154 2
Tl-071 1 Hildesheim (Germany) T2-435 95
federal aid 379.121 4 Hill climbing 796.522
law 344.074 Hill County (Mont.) T2-786 14
public administrative support 353.88 Hill County (Tex.) T2-764283
public support 379.118 Hillingdon (London,
law 344.076 84 England) T2--421 83
special education 371.904 74 Hills 551.436
Higher-order logic 511.3 T2-143
Highland (Scotland) T2-411 5 see also Mountains
Highland cattle 636.223 Hillsboro County (N.H.) T2-742 8
Highland County (Ohio) T2-771 845 Hillsborough County (Fla.) T2-759 65
Highland County (Va.) T2-755 89 Hillsborough County (N.H.) T2--742 8
Highland Region (Scotland) T2-411 5 Hillsdale County (Mich.) T2-774 29
Highland Rim T2-768 4 Himachal Pradesh (India) T2-545 2
Kentucky T2-769 6 Himalaya Mountains T2-549 6
Tennessee T2-768 4 Himalayan cat 636.83
Highlands (Papua New Guinea) 995.6 Hima1ayish languages 495.4
T2-956 T6---954
Highlands (Scotland) T2-411 5 I;lim:;; (Syria : Province) T2-569 12
Highlands County (Fla.) T2-759 55 Hinayana Buddhism 294.391
Highly volatile petroleum Hinchinbrook Island
products 665.538 2 National Park (Qld.) T2-943 6
Highveld (South Africa) T2-682 Hinckley and Bosworth
Highveld Ridge (South (England) T2-425 49
Africa : District) T2--682 77 Hindi language 491.43
Highway accidents 363.125 T6-914 31
see also Highway safety Hindi literature 891.43
Highway engineers 625.709 2 Hindi-speaking peoples T5-914 3
Highway maps 912 Hindis T5-914 3
Highway patrol 363.233 2 Hinds County (Miss.) T2-762 51

Relative Index

720.954 Hips 612.98

529.324 5 medicine 616.72
294.536 physiology 612.98
294.575 regional medicine 617.581
294.548 surgery 617.581 059
294.536 see also Lower extremities
394.265 45 Hiring halls 331.889 6
Hiring of employees
personnel management 658.311 2
public administration 352.65
T2-581 Hiroshima-ken (Japan) T2-521 95
I 81.4 Hiroshima-shi (Japan) T2-521 954
781.745 Hirudinea 592.66
782.345 Hirundinidae 598.826
782.345 Hispania
294.538 ancient T2-366
294.537 Hispanic Americans T5--68
730.954 Hispanic Americans (U.S.) T5-~680 73
294.535 education 371 .829 680 73
726.145 Hispaniola T2-729 3
294.5 Histeroidea 595.763
704.948 945 Histochemical examination
700.482 945 medicine 616.075 83
T3C-382 945 Histochemistry 572
Islamic polemics 297.294 Histogenesis 571.835
Hil1duism and Islam 294.515 humans 611.018
294.515 Histological examination
297.284 5 medicine 616.07583
Tl~ {)88 294 5 Histology 571.5
biography 294.509 2 humans 611.018
social group 305.694 5 Histones 572.66
•nw.~uaJ" County (Colo.) T2-788 39 see also Proteins
uu"'""""w (Switzerland) T2--494 735 4 Histopathology 571.9
(Switzerland : humans 611.018
Bezirk) T2--494 574 3 see also Pathology
Hip bones Histophysiology 571.5
human anatomy 611.718 humans 611.018
Hip-hop (Music) 781.649 Historians 907.202
Hip muscles Historians of religion 200.92
human anatomy 611.738 Historic buildings
Hippies 305.568 law 344.094
T1-086 9 preservation 363.69
Hippoboscidae 595.774 technology 720.288
Hippocampus 597.679 8 Historic political parties 324.212
Hippocastanaceae 583.78 Historic preservation 363.69
Hippocrateaceae 583.85 law 344.094
Hippocratic oath 174.22 public administrative support 353.77
Hippocratic theory of social services 363.69
temperaments 155.262 seeJ\1anualat930-990
Hippoglossus 597.695 Historical atlases 911
Hippopotamidae 599.635 Historical bibliography 002
Hippopotamuses 599.635 Historical books (Old Testament) 222
Hippotraginae 599.645 Historical books
Hippuridales 583.82 (Pseudepigrapha) 229.911

De~wey Decimal Classification

Historical criticism Historical themes

sacred books 208.2 arts 700.458
Bible 220.67 T3C-358
Koran 297.122 67 folklore 398.278
Talmud 296.120 67 history and criticism 398.358
Historical drama 792.14 literature 808.803 58
literature 808.825 14 history and criticism 809.933 58
history and criticism 809.251 4 specific literatures T3B-080358
specific literatures T3B-205 14 history and
individual authors T3A-2 criticism T3B-093 58
stage presentation 792.14 painting 758.99
Historical events 900 Historical treatment Tl-09
art representation 704.949 9 see also History
arts 700.458 Historicism
T3C-358 philosophy 149
literature 808.803 58 philosophy of history 901
history and criticism 809.933 58 Historicity of Jesus Christ 232.908
specific literatures T3B-080 358 Historiographers 907.202
history and Historiography 907.2
criticism T3B-093 58 Tl-0722
see Manual at 900 History 900
Historical fiction 808.838 l Tl-09
history and criticism 809.381 Biblical events 220.95
specific literatures T3B-308 1 art representation 704.948 4
individual authors T3A-3 arts 700.482 2
Historical geography 911 T3C-382 2
Historical geology 551.7 primary education 372.89
see Manual at 551.7 vs. 560 specific places 930-990
Historical linguistics 417.7 see Manual at 930-990 vs.
languages T4--7 355.009, 355-359
see Manual at 410 world 909
Historical materialism see Manual at Tl-09; also at
Marxian theory 335.411 9 306 vs. 305, 909, 930-990;
Historical novels 808.838 1 also at 900; alw at 909,
history and criticism 809.381 930-990 vs. 320
specific literatures T3B-308 1 History (Theology) 202.117
individual authors T3A-3 Christianity 231.76
Historical pageants Islam 297.211 4
performing arts 791.624 Judaism 296.311 7
Historical periods 909 Histrionic personality disorder
Tl-090 1-090 5 medicine 616.858 1
specific places 930-990 see also Mental disorders
see Manual at Tl-0901-0905 Hit-and-run tactics 355.422
Historical remedies Hitchcock County (Neb.) T2-782 845
therapeutics 615.88 Hitler, Adolf
Historical research 907.2 German history 943.086
Tl-072 2 Hittite language 491.998
public administrative support 352.744 T6-91998
see Manual at Hittite literature 891.998
Tl-07201-07209 Hittites TS-9199
vs. Tl-0721; also at HIV (Viruses)
Tl-07201-07209 vs. medical microbiology 616.979 201
Historical school (Economics) 330.154 2

Relative Index

fiiV infections Hockey cards 796.962 075

incidence 614.599 392 Hockey players (Ice sports) 796.962 092
medicine 616.979 2 Hocking County (Ohio) T2-771 835
see also Communicable Hocking River (Ohio) T2-771 97
diseases humans Hockley County (Tex.) T2-764 846
Hives (Disease) Hodge theory 514.74
medicine 616.517 Hodgeman County (Kan.) T2-781 47
see also Skin diseases - Hodgkin disease
humans medicine 616.994 46
Hixkaryanalanguage 498.42 see also Cancer- humans
T6--984 2 Hoedowns 793.34
Hlabisa (South Africa : music 784.188 7
District) 1'2---684 3 Hoeveldrif (South Africa :
Hlanganani (South Africa : District) T2-682 77
District) T2--682 57 HOfe (Switzerland) T2--494 752 3
Hluhluwe Game Reserve Hofmeyr (South Africa :
· (South Africa) T2-684 3 District) T2-687 56
Hmong TS-959 72 Hog plums (Anacardiaccae) 583.77
Hmong language 495.972 Hog plums (Rosaceae) 583.73
T6--959 72 Hogs 636.4
Hmong literature 895.972 Hohenstaufen, House of
Hmong-Mien languages 495.97 Sicilian history 945.804
T6-959 7 Southern Italian history 945.704
HMOs (Managed care providers) 362.104 258 4 Hohenstauten dynasty 943.024
insurance 368.382 Sicilian history 945.804
see also Health services Southern Italian history 945.704
Ho Chi Minh City T2-597 7 Hohenzollern (Germany) T2-434 73
Holanguage(Munda) 495.95 Hoisting
T6-959 5 mining 622.6
Hoa Binh (Vietnam : Hoisting equipment 621.862
Province) T2-597 I Hokan languages 497.57
Hoarding food (Animal behavior) 591.53 T6-975 7
Hoarfrost 551.574 4 Hoke County (N.C.) T2-756 365
Hoatzin 598.74 Hokkaido (Japan) T2-524
Hoaxes 001.95 Hokuriku Region (Japan) T2-521 5
books 098.3 Holderness (England) T2-428 39
Hobart (Tas.) T2-946 I Holding companies 338.86
Hobbies 790.13 economics 338.86
Tl-023 law 346.066 8
recreation 790.13 see also Combinations
sociology 306.487 (Enterprises)
see also Recreation Holding equipment 621.992
Hobgoblins 133.14 Holguin (Cuba: Province) T2-729 164
Hoboes 305.569 Holiday work 331.257 4
Tl-086 942 economics 331.257 4
Hocerma (Morocco : personnel management 658.312 1
Province) T2-643 2 Holidays 394.26
Hochdorf (Switzerland : cooking 641.568
Amt) T2--494 559 customs 394.26
Hochrhein T2--494 564 flower arrangements 745.926
Hockey 796.356 folklore 398.236
Hockey (Field sports) 796.355 history and criticism 398.33
Hockey (Ice sports) 796.962 handicrafts 745.594 16
electronic games 794.869 62 interior decoration 747.93


Dewey Decimal Classification

Holidays (continued) Holocaust, 1933-1945 (continued)

labor economics 331.257 6 biography 940.531 809 2
law 344.091 Christian theology 231.76
literature 808.803 34 European history 940.531 8
history and criticism 809.933 34 interreligious relations 261.26
specific literatures T3B-080334 Jewish theology 296.311 74
history and literature 808.803 584 053 18
criticism T3B---()93 34 Holocaust denial 940.531 818
personnel management 658.312 2 Holocene epoch 551.793
religion 203.6 geology 551.793
Buddhism 294.343 6 paleontology 560.1793
Christianity 263.9 Holocephali 597.38
devotional literature 242.3 paleozoology 567.38
sermons 252.6 Holographic images 774
Hinduism 294.536 Holography 774
Islam 297.36 arts 774
Judaism 296.43 engineering 621.367 5
liturgy 296.453 Holometabola 595.7
sociology 306.481 25 see also Insects
Holiness 202.2 Holomorphic functions 515.98
Christian church attribute 262.72 Holostei 597.41
Christian doctrine 234.8 paleozoo1ogy 567.41
Holistic medicine 610 Holothurioidea 593.96
health 613 paleozoology 563.96
therapeutics 615.5 Holstein-Friesian cattle 636.234
Holistic psychology 150.193 Holt, Harold
Holland 949.2 Australian history 994.061
T2-492 Holt County (Mo.) T2-778115
ancient 936.92 Holt County (Neb.) T2-782 745
T2-3692 Holu languages 496.393
Holland (England : County) T2-425 39 T6--963 93
Holland (Kingdom) 949.205 Holy, The 211
T2-492 Holy Communion 234.163
Hollies 635.977 385 public worship 264.36
botany 583.85 Anglican 264.030 36
ornamental arboriculture 635.977 385 texts 264.()3
Hollow blocks 666.894 Roman Catholic 264.020 36
architectural constmction 721.0444 texts 264.023
building construction 693.4 theology 234.163
ceramic technology 666.894 Holy day work 331.257 4
Hollow ware economics 331.257 4
mbber 678.34 personnel management 658.312 1
Hollyhocks 635.933 685 Holy days 203.6
botany 583.685 Buddhism 294.343 6
floriculture 635.933 685 Christianity 263.9
Holman (N.W.T.) T2-719 3 devotional literature 242.3
Holmes County (Fla.) T2-759 965 sermons 252.6
Holmes County (Miss.) T2-762 625 customs 394.265
Holmes County (Ohio) T2-77164 see Manual at 203.6,
Holmium 263.9, 292-299 vs.
chemistry 546.417 394.265-.267
Holocaust, 1933-1945 940.531 8 Hinduism 294.536
arts 700.458405 318 Islam 297.36
T3C-358 405 318

Relative Index

Holy days (continued) Home economics (continued)

Judaism 296.43 literature 808.803 564
liturgy 296.453 history and criticism 809.933 564
see also Holidays primary education 372.37
Holy Family 232.92 Home e.conomists 640.92
art representation 704.948 56 Home finance 332.722
arts T3C-382 329 2 Home furnishings 645
Holy Ghost 231.3 home sewing 646.21
Holy Hours 264.7 household management 645
Holy Orders 234.164 manufacturing technology 684
public worship 265.4 Home gardens 635
theology 234.164 landscape architecture 712.6
Holy places 203.5 Home guards 355.37
see also Sacred places active tmits 355.351
Holy Roman Empire 943.02 reserve units 355.37
T2-43 Home improvement 690.802 86
church history 270 home economics 643.7
German history 943.02 see iHanual at 690 vs. 643.7
Holy See Home inspection 643.12
acts 262.91 Home instmction by educational
Holy Shroud 232.966 personnel 371.39
Holy Spirit 231.3 Home labor 331.256 7
baptism in 234.13 Home libraries (Rooms) 643.58
Holy war (Islam) 297.72 home economics 643.58
Holy Week 263.925 interior decoration 747.73
devotionallitemture 242.35 Home loan associations 332.32
music 781.726 law 346.082 32
Roman Catholic liturgy 264.027 2 public administration 354.86
sermons 252.625 Home management 640
Homalozoa 563.92 arts T3G·-356 4
Home affairs departments 353.3 customs 392.3
Home and school associations 371.192 06 green technology 640.286
Home aquariums 639.34 literature
Home-based enterprises history and criticism 809.933 564
management 658.0412 primary education 372.37
initiation 658.114 12 Home meals 642.!
Home brewing 641.873 Home medicine 616.024
Home buying 643.12 Home missions 266.022
Home care services 362.14 Home movies 791.433
mental illness 362.24 Home nursing
see also Mental health by professionals 610.734 3
services health services 362.14
see also Health services medicine 610.734 3
Home computers 004.16 Home ownership 363.583
see also Personal computers public administrative support 353.55
Home Counties (England) T2-422 Home remedies
Home defense (Military science) 355.45 therapeutics 615.88
Home departments 353.3 Home repairs 690.802 88
Home economics 640 home economics 643.7
arts 700.456 4 see Manual at 690 vs. 643.7
T3C-3564 Home reserves (Armed forces) 355.37
customs 392.3 Home rule
law 342.042
local government 320.8

Dewey Decimal Classffication

Home safety 363.13 Homes 640

see also Safety home economics 640
Home schooling 371.042 social services 363.5
primary education 372.104 242 older people 362.61
Home schools 371.042 see also Group homes
Home selection 643.12 see also Dwellings
Home shopping 381.142 Homework 371.302 81
Home sites Homicidal behavior
selection 643.12 medicine 616.858 44
Home video systems 777 Homicide 364.152
engineering 621.388 ethics 179.7
videography 777 law 345.025 2
Home workshops 684.08 Homiletic illustrations
Homeland Bloc (Austrian Christianity 251.08
political party) 324.243 602 4 Homiletics
Homelands (South Africa) 968.29 Christianity 251
T2-682 9 Homilies 204.3
Cape of Good Hope T2~687 5 Christianity 252
Natal T2--684 Homing
Orange Free State T2-685 I manned space flight 629.453
Homeless children space flight 629.41
social group 305.230 869 42 unmanned space flight 629.433
social welfare 362.775 692 Homing pigeons
Homeless families 362.592 3 animal husbandry 636.596
Homeless people 305.569 2 Homing systems
Tl-086 942 spacecraft 629.474 2
social theology 201.762 5 unmanned spacecraft 629.464 2
Christianity 261.832 5 Hominidae 599.88
social welfare 362.592 paleozoology 569.88
see also Poor people Hominoidea 599.88
Homeless shelters 362.592 82 paleozoology 569.88
Homeless women Homo (Genus)
social group 305.484 42 paleozoology 569.9
social welfare 362.839 85 Homo erectus 569.97
Homeless youth Homo neanderthalis 569.986
social welfare 362.775 692 Homo sapiens
Home!' (Belarus: Voblasts) T2-478 1 paleontology 569.98
Homel'skala voblasts' zoology 599.9
(Belarus) T2-4781 Homo sapiens neanderthalis 569.986
Homemakers 640.92 Homobasidiomycetes 579.59
Tl-088 64 Homogeneous coordinate system 516.16
legal status 346.016 3 Homogeneous equations
Homemaking 640 calculus 515.253
Homeomorphisms 514 Homogeneous grouping of
Homeopathy students 371.254
therapeutic system 615.532 Homogeneous spaces 514
Homeostasis Homogenization
biology 571.75 milk processing 637.141
human physiology 612.022 Homoiothermy 571.76
Homeowner's insurance 368.096 Homological algebra 512.64
liability 368.56 Homology theory 514.23
Homonym dictionaries 413.1
specific languages T4-31
Homophobia 306.766

Relative Index

Homoplasy 576.8 Honey eaters 598.8
Homoptera 595.752 .conservation technology 639.978 8
Homosexuality 306.766 resource. economics 333.958 8
700.453 Honey guides 598.72
T3C-353 Honey wine 641.23
ethics 176.4 commercial processing 663.4
religion 205.66 Honeybees 638.1
see also Sexual relations···- apiculture 638.1
ethics zoology 595.799
literature 808.803 53 Honeycomb structures
history and criticism 809.933 53 naval architecture 623.817 79
specific literatures T3B-080 353 structural engineering 624.177 9
history and Honeydew melon 641.356 117
criticism T3B-093 53 cooking 641.656 117
medicine 616.858 3 food 641.356 117
see Manual at 616.8583 garden crop 635.611 7
psychology 155.344 Honeymoons
religion 200.866 4 customs 392.5
Christianity 270.086 64 Honeysuckles 635.933 92
social problem 363.49 botany 583.92
Homosexuals 306.766 floriculture 635.933 92
Tl-..086 64 Honeyworts 583.94
civil and human rights 323.326 4 Hong Kong 951.250 4
female 306.766 3 T2-512 5
Tl-086 643 Hong Kong (China) 951.25
psychology 155.344 3 T2-512 5
Holocaust, 1933-1945 940.531 808 664 Honolulu (Hawaii) T2-969 31
labor economics 331.53 Honolulu County (Hawaii) T2-969 3
male 306.766 2 Honor rolls (Military) 355.134
Tl-086 642 World War I 940.467
psychology 155.344 2 World War II 940.546 7
psychology 155.344 see also Military
religion 200.866 4 commemorations
Christianity 270.086 64 Honor societies
pastoral theology 259.086 64 education 371.852
social welfare 362.896 4 Honor system
Homotopy theory 514.24 education 371.51
Honan Province (China) T2-511 8 higher education 378.195 1
Honduran literature 860 Honorary degrees 378.25
Hondurans T5--687 283 Honorary insignia
Honduras 972.83 armed forces 355.134 2
T2-728 3 Honorary titles Tl--079
Honduras, Gulf of 551.461 365 Honorias T2-393 15
T2---163 65 Honors Tl-079
Honecker, Erich orders and decorations 929.81
German history 943.108 77 research 001.44
Honesty 179.9 Honors work 371.394 2
moral theology 205.699 Honshu (Japan) T2-521
see also Virtues Honsyu (Japan) T2-52l
Honey 641.38 Hood, Mount (Or.) T2-795 61
cooking 641.68 Hood County (Tex.) T2-764 522
food 641.38 Hood River County (Or.) T2-795 61
processing 638.16 Hooded seal 599.796

Dewey Decimal Classification

Hoofed mammals 599.6 Hordaland fylke (Norway) T2--483 6

see also Ungulates Hordeeae 584.9
Hookahs 688.4 Horehounds 583.96
Hooked rugs (Switzerland :
arts 746.74 Bezirk) T2-494572 8
Hooker County (Neb.) T2-782 777 Horizontal bars (Gymnastic
Hooke's law 531.382 equipment) 796.442
Hookworm infections Horizontal combinations
medicine 616.965 4 (Enterprises) 338.804 2
see also Communicable see also Combinations
diseases- humans (Enterprises)
Hoops (Gymnastic equipment) 796.443 Horizontal property
Hoopstad (South Africa : law 346.043 3
District) T2-685 3 Hormic psychology 150.193
Hoover, Herbert Hormones 571.74
United States history 973.916 animal physiology 573.44
Hop, step, and jump 796.432 biochemistry 571.74
Hop tree 635.977 377 humans 612.405
botany 583.77 chemistry 547.7
ornamental arboriculture 635.977 377 human physiology 612.405
Hopbushes 583.78 pharmacology 615.36
Hope see also Endocrine system
Christianity 234.25 see Manual at 573.44 vs.
psychology 152.4 571.74
Hope (B.C.) T2-711 37 Hormozgan (Iran) T2-557 5
Hope Island (B.C.) T2-7112 Hormuz, Strait of 551.461 535
Hopefield (South Africa : T2--165 35
District) T2--687 32 Hom carving 736.6
Hopeh Province (China) T2-511 52 Hom concertos 784.289 4
Hopetown (South Africa : Hom of Africa T2--63
District) T2-68713 Hom players 788.940 92
Hopewell (Va.) T2-755 586 Hom beams 583.48
Hopf algebras 512.55 Hombills 598.78
Hopi Indians T5-974 58 Hornby Island (B.C.) T2-7112
Hopi language 497.458 Horned dinosaurs 567.915
T6-974 58 Homed liverworts 588.3
Hopi literature 897.458 Homey, Karen
Hopkins County (Ky.) T2-769 823 psychological system 150.195 7
Hopkins County (Tex.) T2-764274 Horns 788.94
Hoplocarida 595.379 6 English 788.53
Hoppers (Insects) 595.752 instrument 788.531 9
agricultural pests 632.752 music 788.53
Hoppers (Railroad cars) 385.34 see also Woodwind
engineering 625.24 instruments
see also Rolling stock French 788.94
Hops 641.23 instrument 788.941 9
agriculture 633.82 mUSIC 788.94
botany 583.45 see also Brass instruments
brewing additive 641.23 instrument 788.941 9
Horary astrology 133.56 music 788.94
Horayot 296.123 4 see also Brass instruments
Babylonian Talmud 296.125 4 Horns (Animals) 591.47
Mishnah 296.123 4 descriptive zoology 591.47
Palestinian Talmud 296.124 4 physiology 573.59

Relative Index

(Anthocerotidae) 588.3 Horseshoe shrimps 595.36

(Ceratophyllaceae) 583.29 Horseshoe worms 592.3
529.7 Horseshoeing 682.1
133.54 Horseshoes (Game) 796.24
T2-935 9 Horsetails (Plants) 587.2
Horsham (England :
700.416 4 District) T2--422 64
T3C-164 Horsham (Vic.) T2~945 8
literature 808.801 64 Horticulture 635
history and criticism 809.916 4 Horticulturists 635.092
specific literatures T3B-080 164 Hose (Clothing) 391.423
history and see also Hosiery
criticism T3B-09164 Hosea (Biblical book) 224.6
motion pictures 791.436 164 Hoses
psychology 152.4 rubber 678.36
radio programs 791.446 164 Hosiery 391.423
television programs 791.456 164 commercial technology 687.3
fiction 808.838 738 customs 391.423
history and criticism 809.387 38 home economics 646.3
specific literatures T3B-308 738 home sewing 646.42
individual authors T3A--3 see also Clothing
County (S.C.) T2-757 87 Hospices (Terminal care
d'oeuvres 641.812 facilities) 362.1756
cavalry 357.1 pastoral theology 206.1
chestnuts 583.78 Christianity 259.41756
streetcars 388.46 social theology 201.762 175 6
engineering 625.66 Christianity 261.832 175 6
transportation services 388.46 social welfare 362.175 6
.:Horse racers 798.400 92 see also Health care facilities
Horse racing 798.4 Hospital chaplaincy 206.1
electronic games 794.884 Christianity 259.411
equipment technology 688.78 Hospital cooking 641.579
law 344.099 Hospital insurance 368.382 7
Horse shows 798.24 public administration 353.69
Horse sports 798 Hospital libraries 027.662
Horse stealing 364.162 863 61 administration 025.197 662
law 345.026 286 361 collection development 025.218 766 2
Horseflies 595.773 Hospital ships 359.8364
Horsefly River (B.C.) T2-711 75 design 623.812 64
Horsehair worms 592.59 military
Horsemanship engineering 623.826 4
sports 798.2 naval equipment 359.836 4
therapeutic use 615.851 581 naval units 359.326 4
Horseradish 641.338 4 Hospital ward management 362.173 068
see also Hot spices Hospitalers of St. John of
Horses 636.1 Jerusalem 255.791 2
animal husbandry 636.1 church history 271.7912
remount services 357.2 Hospitality
theft of 364.162 863 61 ethics 177.1
law 345.026 286 361 see also Ethical problems
therapeutic use 615.851 581 etiquette 395.3
zoology 599.665 5
f Horseshoe crabs 595.492
paleozoology 565.492

Dewey Decimal Classtfication

Hospitality industry 338.479 l Hot peppers 641.338 4

accounting 657.837 see also Hot spices
economics 338.479 1 Hot rods 796.72
household management 647.94 driving 629.284 86
Hospitals 362.11 engineering 629.228 6
accounting 657.832 2 repair 629.287 86
American Revolution 973.376 sports 796.72
animal husbandry 636.083 21 Hot spices 641.338 4
architecture 725.51 agriculture 633.84
armed forces 355.72 commercial processing 664.54
Civil War (United States) 973.776 cooking with 641.638 4
construction 690.551 economic botany 581.632
energy economics 333.796 4 food 641.338 4
institutional housekeeping 647.965 1 Hot Spring County (Ark.) T2-767 42
landscape architecture 712.7 Hot 551.23
law 344.G32 11 Hot Springs County (Wyo.) T2-78743
liability law 346.031 Hot Springs National Park
meal service 642.56 (Ark.) T2-7674l
pastoral theology 206.1 Hot-water bottles
Christianity 259.411 rubber 678.34
social theology 201.762 11 Hot-water heating
Christianity 261.832 11 buildings 697.4
social welfare 362.11 Hot-water pipes
World War I 940.476 buildings 696.6
World War II 940.547 6 Hot-water supply
see also Health services buildings 696.6
Host-parasite relationships 577.857 household management 644.6
Host-virus relationships Hot weather
medical microbiology 616.910 1 health 613.113
Hostage taking Hot-weather cooking 641.591 3
criminology 364.154 Hot-weather photography 778.75
criminal law 345.025 4 Hot-working operations
Hostas 635.934 32 metals 671.3
botany 584.32 Hotbeds 631.583
floriculture 635.934 32 floriculture 635.982
Hostels 910.466 gardening 635.048 3
see also Lodging (Temporary manufacturing technology 681.763 1
housing) Hotel cooking 641.572
Hostile environments Hotel industry 338.476 479 4
biology 578.758 law 343.G78 647 94
ecology 577.58 Hotel management 647.940 68
Hostile work environments 331.133 Hotel meal service 642.5
Hot air balloons Hotelkeepers 647.940 92
engineering 629.133 22 Hotels 910.46
sports 797.51 accounting 657.837 4
Hot-air heating architecture 728.5
buildings 697.3 area planning 711.557
Hot cake mixes 664.753 arts T3C-32
Hot cakes 641.815 3 household management 647.94
Hot lines (Counseling services) 361.06 landscape architecture 712.7
mental illness 362.204 251 management 647.940 68
suicide 362.288 I sanitation services 363.729 8
Hot-metal dipping 671.733 law 344.046 4
travel 910.46

Relative Index

361.06 Household employees 640.46

362.204 251 home economics 640.46
362.288 1 public households 647.2
496.1 hours and duties 647.6
T6-961 Household equipment 643
TS-961 Household finances 332.024
T2-774 993 Household furnishings 645
636.753 household management 645
manufacturing technology 684
583.94 Household garbage
use as fertilizer 631.875
T2~21 82 Household income
macroeconomics 339.22
966.680 51 Household management 640
public households 647
681.111 Household pests
331.257 control technology 628.96
331.257 Household sanitation 648
658.312 I Household security 643.16
352.67 Household utilities 644
599.47 Household wastes 363.728 8
250 see also Waste control
599.353 Household water supply 363.61
781.648 economics 333.912 2
House organs Tl--05 Househusbands 640.92
journalism 070.486 Tl~-088 64
management use 658.455 1ega! status 346.016 3
painting 698.1 social group 305.336 4
House plants 635.965 Housekeepers 640.92
House selling 333.338 3 Housekeeping 648
House sparrow 598.887 public households 647
House-to-house fighting 355.426 Houseleeks 583.72
Houseboating Houseparents 362.732
sports 797.129 Houseplants 635.965
Houseboats 643.2 interior decoration 747.98
architecture 728.78 Houses 643.1
construction 690.878 architecture 728.37
home economics 643.2 construction 690.837
Housebound people 305.908 7 see also Dwellings
Tl--087 7 Houses (Astrology) 133.530 42
see also Sick people Housewives 640.92
Housecleaning 648.5 Tl-08864
Houseflies 595.774 legal status 346.0163
control technology 628.965 7 social group 305.436 4
Household appliance makers 683.809 2 Housing 363.5
Household appliances 643.6 animal husbandry 636.083 1
manufacturing technology 683.8 armed forces 355.12
product safety 363.19 economics 333.338
Household biology 578.755 4 energy economics 333.796 3
Household budgets home economics 643.1
macroeconomics 339.41 psychological influence 155.945
Household ecology 577.554 public administration 353.55
sanitation services 363.729 8
social services 363.5

Dewey Decimal Classification

Housing (continued) Huambo (Angola :

sociology 307.336 Province) T2--673 4
see Manual at 363.5, 363.6, Huancavelica (Peru: Dept.) T2-852 8
363.8 vs. 338; also at 363.5 Huang He (China) T2-511
vs. 307.336, 307.34; also at Hmtnuco (Peru: Dept.) T2-8522
363.5 vs. 643.1 Huasco (Chile: Province) T2-83148
Housing allowances 363.582 Huastec Indians T5-974 2
armed forces 355.12 Huastec language 497.42
see also Housing T6-9742
Housing conditions 363.51 Huave Indians T5-979
see al\'0 Housing Huaveanlanguages 497.9
Housing cooperatives 334.1 T6-979
Housing renewal Hubbard County (Minn.) T2-776 85
area planning 711.59 Hubci Sheng (China) T2-512 12
community sociology 307.34 Huckaback fabrics 677.615
Housing succession 307.336 Huckleberries 641.347 32
Houston (Tex.) T2-764 141 1 botany 583.66
Houston County (Ala.) T2-761 295 cooking 641.647 32
Houston County (Ga.) T2·-758 515 food 641.347 32
Houston County (Minn.) T2-77611 horticulture 634.732
Houston County (Tenn.) T2-768 36 Hudson Bay 551.461 327
Houston County (Tex.) T2-764 235 T2--163 27
Hove (England) T2-422 56 Hudson Bay Region T2-714111
Hover flies 595.774 Hudson County (N.J.) T2-749 26
Hovercraft Hudson River (N.Y. and
engineering 629.3 N.J.) T2-747 3
Howard, John Hudspeth County (Tex.) T2-764 95
Australian history 994.066 Huehuetcnango
1996-1999 994.066 (Guatemala : Dept.) T2-728 171
2000-2007 994.071 Huelva (Spain: Province) T2-468 7
Howard County (Ark.) T2-767 483 Huerfano County (Colo.) T2-788 51
Howard County (Ind.) T2-772 85 Huerta, Adolfo de la
Howard County (Iowa) T2-777 312 Mexican history 972.082 I
Howard County (Md.) T2-752 81 Huesca (Spain: Province) T2-46555
Howard County (Mo.) T2-778 285 Hugh Capet, King of France
Howard County (Neb.) T2-782 43 French history 944.021
Howard County (Tex.) T2-764 858 Hughes, William Morris
Howden (England) T2-428 39 Australian history 994.041
Howe Sound (B.C.) T2-·7ll 31 Hughes County (Okla.) T2-766 72
Howell County (Mo.) T2-778 85 Hughes County (S.D.) T2-78329
Howitzers 355.822 Hugoniaceae 583.79
engineering 623.42 Huguenots 284.5
military equipment 355.822 biography 284.509 2
Howland Island T2-969 9 persecution of 272.4
Howler monkeys 599.855 Huichol Indians T5-974 544
Hrodzen (Belarus : Huicho11anguage 497.454 4
Voblasts) T2-478 8 T6-974 544
Hrodzenskrua voblasts' Huicholliterature 897.454 4
(Belarus) T2-478 8 Huila (Angola) T2-673 5
Hsiang dialects 495.172 15 Huila (Colombia : Dept.) T2-861 39
T6-951 7 Huku language 496.394
Hualapai Indians T5-975 724 T6-963 94
Hualapai language 497.572 4 Hull (England) T2-428 37
T6-975 724

Relative Index

Human ecology 304.2

150.194 34 biology 599.95
296.123 5 social theology 201.77
296.125 5 Christianity 261.88
296.123 5 Judaism 296.38
see Manual at 578 vs. 304.2,
623.84 508,910
T2-729 59 Human embryo 612.646
001.942 experimental research 616.027
611 medical ethics 174.28
T3C-3561 physiology 612.646
literature 808.803 561 transplantation
history and criticism 809.933 561 ethics 176.2
specific literatures T3B---080 356 1 see also Reproduction -
history and ethics
criticism T3B-093 561 surgery 618.178 059 9
see Manual at 599.94 vs. 611; Human engineering 620.82
also at 6!2 vs. 611 Human evolution 599.938
behavior Human experimentation in
psychology 150 medicine
social psychology 302 clinical trials 615.507 24
body ethics 174.28
arts T3C-356 1 see also Medical ethics
folklore 398.276 I law 344.041 96
history and criticism 398.353 Human factors engineering 620.82
literature 808.803 561 computers 621.39
history and criticism 809.933 561 Human figures
specific literatures T3B-080 356 1 art representation 704.942
history and arts 700.456 1
T3B-093 561 T3C-3561
drawing 743.4
657.4 literature 808.803 561
history and criticism 809.933 561
arts 700.453 specific literatures T3B-080 356 1
T3C-353 history and
literature 808.803 53 criticism T3B-093 561
history and criticism 809.933 53 painting 757
specific literatures Human genetics 599.935
history and Human geography 304.2
criticism T3B-093 53 Human immunodeficiency
i~~ic>•UllllC:Ul chromosome viruses
abnormalities medical microbiology 616.979 201
medicine 616.042 Human information processing 153
Human cloning Human life
ethics 176.22 folklore 398.27
see also Reproduction history and criticism 398.35
ethics persons 398.22
Human-computer interaction 004.019 origin
engineering 621.398 4 religion 202.2
Christianity 233.11
Islam 297.221
Judaism 296.32
philosophy of religion 213
philosophy 128

Dewey Decimal Classification

Human life (continued) Human resources 331.11

respect for accounting 657.4
ethics 179.7 armed forces 355.22
Human milk diet 613.269 economics 331.11
Human papillomavirus infections utilization
incidence 614.581 economics 331.125
medicine 616.911 Human resources management 658.3
see also Communicable Tl-0683
diseases humans see also Personnel management
Human physiology 612 Human rights 323
arts T3C-3561 law of nations 341.48
literature 808.803 561 see Manual at 342.085 vs.
history and criticism 809.933 561 341.48
specific literatures T3B-080 356 I social welfare 361.614
history and see also Civil rights
criticism T3B-093 561 Human sacrifice
see Manual at 612 vs. 61 I ; also religion 203.42
at 612.1-.8; also at 613 vs. Human services 361
612, 615.8; also at 616 vs. see also Welfare services
612 Human settlement 307.14
Human pigmentation Human smuggling 364.137
physical anthropology 599.95 law 345.023 7
Human qualities Human variation
folklore 398.27 physical anthropology 599.94
history and criticism 398.353 Humane law 344.049
Human races 305.8 Humanism
physical ethnology 599.97 arts T3C-384
see also Ethnic groups ethics 171.2
Human relations literature 808.803 84
applied psychology 158.2 history and criticism 809.933 84
business 650.13 specific literatures T3B-080 384
personnel management 658.314 5 history and
executives 658.407 145 criticism T3B-093 84
public administration 352.66 philosophy 144
Human relations training philosophy of religion 211.6
personnel management 658.312 44 Humanistic education 370.112
executives 658.407 124 4 Humanistic Judaism 296.834
public administration 352.669 Humanistic psychology 150.198 6
Human reproduction 612.6 Humanitarian intervention
see also Genital system law of nations 341.584
Human reproductive technology Humanitarian law 341.67
ethics 176.2 Humanitarians 361.740 92
see also Reproduction - Humanities 001.3
ethics law 344.097
health 613.94 public administrative support 353.77
infertility Humanities policy (Government
gynecology 618.178 06 policy) 001.3
medicine 616.692 06
Human resource development 370.113
see also Vocational education
Human resource management 658.3
Tl-068 3
see also Personnel management

Relative Index

Humidity control
700.45 air conditioning
T3C-35 buildings 697.932 3
literature 808.803 5 spacecraft 629.477 5
history and criticism 809.933 5 Humility 179.9
specific literatures T3B-080 35 moral theology 205.699
history and see also Virtues
criticism T3B-093 5 Humiriaceae 583.79
Humanity of Jesus Christ 232.8 Hummingbirds 598.764
Humankind 301 conservation technology 639.978 764
see also Humans resource economics 333.958 764
Humans 301 Humor 152.43
anthropology 301 journalism 070.444
effect on natural ecology 577.27 literary criticism 809.7
paleozoology 569.9 theory 808.7
philosophy 128 literary history 809.7
physical anthropology 599.9 literature 808.87
physiology 612 specific literatures T3B-7
religion 202.2 psychology 152.43
Buddhism 294.342 2 rhetoric 808.7
Christianity 233 sociology 306.481
Hinduism 294.522 specific subjects Tl-020 7
Islam 297.22 see Manual at Tl-0207 vs.
Judaism 296.32 T3B-7, T3A-8 + 02,
philosophy of religion 218 T3B-802, T3B-8 + 02,
sociology 301 T3A-8 + 07, T3B-807,
zoology 599.9 T3B--8 + 07
Humansdorp (South Africa : Humorists 809.7
District) T2--687 51 collected biography 809.7
Humayun, Emperor of Hindustan specific literatures T3B-7009
Indian hi story 954.025 3 Humorous fiction 808.839 17
Humber, River (England) T2--428 3 Humorous poetry 808.817
Humberside (England) T2--428 3 history and criticism 809.17
Humboldt County (Calif.) T2-79412 literatures T3B-107
Humboldt County (Iowa) T2-777272 specific literatures T3A-l
Humboldt County (Nev.) T2-793 54 Humors (Psychology) 155.262
Humboldt Current 551.462 141 Humpback whale 599.525
Humboldt River (Nev.) T2-793 16 Humpbacked flies 595.774
Humeri Humphreys County (Miss.) T2-762 48
human anatomy 611.717 Humphreys County (Tenn.) T2-768 37
Humidification Humus
chemical engineering 660.284 293 soil science 631.417
Humidifiers Hunan Sheng (China) T2-512 15
air conditioning Hundred Days, 1815 944.05
buildings 697.932 3 Hundred Years' War, 1337-1453 944.025
Humidistats Hunedoara (Romania :
air conditioning Jude f) T2--498 4
buildings 697.932 3 Hung Yen (Vietnam :
Humidity Province) T2-597 3
health 613.11 Hungana muJSu•~lS" 496.393
meteorology 551.571 T6-963 93
T6-945 11
Hungarian literature 894.511

Hungarian partridge
Dewey Decimal Classification

598.623 2 Hupa language 497.2

Hungarians T5-945 II T6-972
Hungary 943.9 Hupeh Province (China) T2--512 12
T2-439 Hurdlers 796.426 092
ancient 936.39 Hurdles (Race)
T2-363 9 horses 798.45
humans 796.426
human physiology 612.391 Hurdy-gurdies 787.69
psychology 152.188 6 instrument 787.691 9
social theology 201.763 8 music 787.69
Christianity 261.832 6 see also Stringed instruments
social welfare 363.8 Hurling (Game) 796.35
Hunger strikes Huron (Ont.: County) T2-713 22
social conflict 303.61 Huron, Lake (Mich. and
Hunt County (Tex.) T2-764272 Ont.) T2-774
Hunter River (N.S.W.) T2~944 2 Michigan T2-774
Hunterdon County (N.J.) T2-749 71 Ontario T2-713 2
Hunters Huron County (Mich.) 12-77444
commercial 639.109 2 Huron County (Ohio) T2-77125
sports 799.292 Huron Indians T5-975 55
Hunting 799.2 Huron language 497.555
arts T3C-357 9 T6-975 55
commercial 639.1 Hurrian languages 499.9
production economics 338.372 9 T6--999
public administration 354.349 Hurricanes 551.552
ethics 179.3 meteorology 551.552
see also Animals - social services 363.349 22
treatment of- ethics weather forecasting 551.645 2
game laws 346.046 954 9 weather modification 551.685 2
painting 758.3 see also Disasters
products 338.372 9 Hurunui District (N.Z.) T2-938 I
commerce 381.432-.439 Canterbury Region T2--938 I
public administration 354.349 Nelson -Marlborough
sports 799.2 Region T2-937 9
public administrative support 353.78 Husband and wife 306.872
Hunting and gathering societies 306.364 law 346.016 3
Hunting animals Husbands 306.872 2
animal husbandry 636.088 8 TI-086 55
Hunting dogs 636.75 social welfare 362.820 865 5
sports 799.234 see also Married men
Hunting lodges Huskers
architecture 728.7 manufacturing technology 681.763 1
Huntingdon County (Pa.) 12-748 73 Huskies 636.73
H1mtingdonshire (England) T2-42654 Husking 631.56
Huntington County (Ind.) T2-772 71 Hussein, Saddarn
Huntington disease Iraqi history 956.704 4
medicine 616.851 Hussein Oun, Datuk
see also Nervous system Malaysian histOiy 959.505 3
diseases- humans Hussite Wars, 1419~1436 943.702 24
Huntsville (Ala.) T2-761 97 Hussites 284.3
Huon pine 585.3 Hutchinson County (S.D.) T2-783 384
forestry 634.975 93 Hutchinson County (Tex.) T2-764 821
Hupa Indians T5-972 Hutias 599.359

Relative Index

Hutterite Brethren 289.73 Hydrangeas 635.933 72

biography 289.709 2 botany 583.72
see also Mennonite Church floriculture 635.933 72
Hutu (African people) T5~963 946 1 Hydras 593.55
HVAC (Building systems) 697 Hydraulic control 629.804 2
HVAP ammunition 623.451 8 Hydraulic engineering 627
Hwang Ho (China) T2~511 Hydraulic engineers 627.092
Hyacinths 635.934 32 Hydraulic fluids 621.20424
botany 584.32 Hydraulic machinery 621.2
floriculture 635.934 32 Hydraulic mining 622.292 7
Hyaenidae 599.743 Hydraulic-power engineering 621.2
Hyaline cartilage Hydraulic-power engineers 621.209 2
human histology 612.751 7 Hydraulic pumps 621.252
Hyalospongiae 593.44 Hydraulic ran1s 621.27
paleozoology 563.4 Hydraulic structures 627
Hybrid computers 004.19 Hydraulic transmission 621.26
architecture 004.259 Hydraulic turbines 621.24
communications 004.619 Hydraulics 532
programming 005.712 9 engineering 620.106
programs 005.713 9 hydraulic engineering 627
engineering 621.391 9 physics 532
graphics programming 006.679 Hydrides
graphics programs 006.689 chemical engineering 661.08
interfacing 004.619 Hydrobatidae 598.42
programming 005.7129 Hydrocarbons 547.01
programs 005.713 9 alicyclic chemical engineering 661.815
multimedia-systems alicyclic chemistry 547.51
programming 006.779 aliphatic chemical engineering 661.814
multimedia-systems programs 006.789 aliphatic chemistry 547.41
operating systems 005.449 aromatic chemical engineering 661.816
performance evaluation 004.190 29 aromatic chemistry 547.61
for improvement and design 004.259 chemical engineering 661.81
programming 005.29 human toxicology 615.95
programs 005.39 Hydrocephalus
systems analysis 004.259 medicine 616.858 843
systems design 004.259 pediatrics 618.928 588 43
Hybrid photography 770 Hydrocharitales 584.73
Hybrids Hydrochloric acid
agriculture 631.523 chemical engineering 661.23
animal husbandry 636.082 Hydrodynamics 532.5
plant cultivation 631.523 Hydroelectric power 333.914
Hydatid diseases see also Water power
incidence 614.554 Hydroelectric power plants 621.312 134
medicine 616.964 Hydroelectricity 333.914
see also Communicable see als·o Water power
diseases humans Hydrofoils 387.204 4
Hyde County (N.C.) T2~756 184 engineering 623.820 4
Hyde Cotmty (S.D.) T2-783 283 transportation services 387.204 4
Hyderabad (India : State) T2-5484 see also Ships
Hyderabad (Pakistan : Hydrogen 553.92
District) T2~549 182 biochemistry 572
Hydnaceae 579.6 chemical engineering 661.08
Hydrangeaceae 583.72 chemistry 546.2
economic geology 553.92

Dewey Decimal Classification

Hydrogen (continued) Hydrotherapy

gas technology 665.81 medicine 615.853
organic chemistry 547 Hydrothermal vents
see also Chemicals biology 578.779 9
Hydrogen embrittlement 620.162 3 ecology 577.799
Hydrogen-ion concentration 541.372 8 Hydrous sulfates
chemical 660.297 28 mineralogy 549.755
Hydrogen sulfide Hydroxides
gas technology 665.89 mineralogy 549.53
human toxicology 615.91 Hydroxy compounds 547.03
Hydrogenation 547.23 aliphatic chemistry 547.43
carbonaceous gas technology 662.662 3 aromatic chemistry 547.63
chemical engineering 660.284 43 chemical engineering 661.8
coal technology 662.662 2 Hydroxyketone dyes 667.256
petroleum distillates 665.533 Hydrozoa 593.55
Hydrographic currents Hyenas 599.743
navigation tables 623.894 9 Hyeniales 561.72
Hydrographic surveying 526.99 613
Hydrography 551.46 customs 391.64
Hydroida 593.55 personal 613
Hydroids 593.55 primary education 372.37
Hydro lases 572.793 veterinary medicine 636.089 3
see also Enzymes Hygienists 613.092
Hydrological cycle 551.48 Hyla 597.878 2
Hydrology waters) 551.48 Hylidae 597.878
see Manual at 578.76-.77 vs. Hylobates 599.882
551.46, 551.48 Hylobatidae 599.882
Hydrolysis 541.39 Hymen
chemical engineering 660.284 4 gynecology 618.1
organic chemistry 547.2 human anatomy 611.67
Hydromechanics 532 human physiology 612.628
engineering 620.106 Hymen diseases
hydraulic 627 gynecology 618.1
physics 532 see also Female genital
soil physics 631.432 diseases humans
Hydrometallurgy 669.028 3 Hymenoptera 595.79
Hydrometeorology 551.57 Hymenostomatida 579.495
Hydrophiidae 597.965 Hymns 782.27
Hydrophiloidea 595.763 choral and mixed voices 782.527
Hydrophyllaceae 583.94 religion 203.8
Hydroplanes 387.231 4 Christianity 264.23
engineering 623.823 14 Judaism 296.462
transportation services 387.231 4 private devotions 204.3
see also Ships single voices 783.092 7
Hydroponics 631.585 Hyndbum (England) T2-427625
Hydroquinones 547.633 Hyogo-ken (Japan) T2-521 87
Hydroscaphidae 595.762 Hyperactive children
Hydrosols 541.345 14 home care 649.154
chemical engineering 660.294 514 Hyperactive students 371.94
Hydrosphere 551.46 Hyperactivity
Hydrostatics 532.2 medicine 616.858 9
Hydrosulfides 547.063 pediatrics 618.928 589
chemical engineering 661.896

Relative Index

Hyperadrenalism Hypertension
medicine 616.45 medicine 616.132
see also Endocrine see also Cardiovascular
diseases humans diseases - humans
Hyperbaric oxygenation pregnancy complications
therapeutics 615.836 obstetrics 618.36132
Hyperbola 516.152 Hypertext 006.7
Hyperbolic equations 515.353 5 Hypertext databases
Hyperbolic geometry 516.9 computer science 005.759
Hyperboloids 516.154 Hyperthyroidism
Hyperborean languages 494.6 medicine 616.443
T6--946 see also Endocrine
Hyperborean literatures 894.6 diseases humans
Hypercholesteremia Hypertrichosis
medicine 616.399 7 medicine 616.546
see also Digestive system see also Skin diseases-
diseases humans humans
Hypercholesterolemia Hypertrophies
medicine 616.399 7 skin
see also Digestive system medicine 616.544
diseases -humans see also Skin diseases
Hypercubes 516.158 humans
Hyperfunctions 515.9 Hyperventilation
Hypergeometric polynomials 515.55 medicine 616.208
Hypericaceae 583.624 see also Respiratory tract
Hyperkinesia diseases humans
medicine 616.858 9 Hyphochytridiomycetes 579.53
pediatrics 618.928 589 Hyphomycetes 579.55
Hyperlipidemia Hypnosis 154.7
medicine 6!6.399 7 Hypnotherapy
see also Digestive system medicine 615.8512
diseases -humans Hypnotic phenomena 154.77
Hypermarkets 381.149 Hypnotic regression
management 658.879 occultism 133.901 35
Hypermedia 006.7 Hypnotics
Hyperons 539.721 64 pharmacokinetics 615.782
Hyperopia Hypnotism 154.7
optometry 617.755 parapsychology 133.89
see also Eye diseases Hypoadrenalism
humans medicine 616.45
Hyperparathyroidism see also Endocrine
medicine 616.445 diseases-- humans
see also Endocrine Hypochondria
diseases- humans medicine 616.852 5
Hyperpinealism see alw Mental disorders
medicine 616.48 Hypochondriasis
see also Endocrine medicine 616.852 5
diseases - humans see also Mental disorders
Hypersensitivity Hypocreales 579.567 7
incidence 614.599 3 Hypoglycemia
medicine 616.97 medicine 616.466
Hypersonic flow 533.276 see also Endocrine
air mechanics 533.62 diseases-- humans
aeronautics 629.132 306

Dewey Decimal Classification

Hypoparathyroidism lbadites 297.833

medicine 616.445 Hadith 297.125 933
see also Endocrine Ibaraki-ken (Japan) T2-521 31
diseases - humans Iberia (Kingdom) 939.536
Hypopituitarism T2-395 36
medicine 616.47 Iberia Parish (La.) T2-763 49
see also Endocrine Iberian Peninsula 946
diseases - humans T2--46
Hypostatic union 232.8 ancient 936.6
Hypothalamus 573.459 T2-366
biology 573.459 lberville (Quebec : County) T2-714 38
human anatomy 611.81 lberville Parish (La.) T2-763 44
human physiology 612.826 2 Ibexes 599.648
medicine 616.8 Ibibio (African people) T5-963 64
see also Nervous system lbibio language 496.364
Hypothermia T6-963 64
medicine 616.989 Ibis 598.34
see also Environmental lbiza Island (Spain) T2--467 56
diseases - humans lbizan hound 636.753 2
therapeutics 615.832 9 Ibn Abi Shaybah, 'AbdAllah ibn
Hypotheses Mul)ammad
logic 167 Hadith 297.125 56
mathematics 511.3 Ibn Babawayh al-Qummi,
Hypothesis testing (Statistics) 519.56 Mul)ammad ibn 'Ali
Hypothyroidism Hadith 297.125 921 2
medicine 616.444 Ibn I:Ianbal, Al)mad ibn
see also Endocrine Mul)ammad
diseases - humans Hadith 297.125 612
Hypoxidaceae 584.354 Ibn Majah, Mul)ammad ibn Yazid
Hypsilophodon 567.914 Hadith 297.125 52
Hyracoidea 599.68 lbo (African people) T5-963 32
Hyraxes 599.68 Ibo language 496.332
Hyrcania T2-396 T6--963 32
Hyssop 583.96 lbo literature 896.332
Hysterectomies Ibrahim (Patriarch)
surgery 618.145 3 Islam 297.246 3
Hysteresis (Magnetism) 538.3 lea (Peru : Province) T2-852 7
Hysteria Icacinaceae 583.85
medicine 616.852 4 Icarianism (Socialist school) 335.2
see also Mental disorders ICBM (Missiles) 358.175 482
Hystricidae 599.359 7 engineering 623.451 954
Hystricomorpha 599.359 military equipment 358.175 482
Ice 551.31
I building construction 693.91
economic geology 553.7
IAkutilli (Russia) T2-575 geology 551.31
Ialomita (Romania) T2--498 2 manufacturing technology 621.58
IArosl~vskma oblast' mineralogy 549.522
(Russia) T2--473 2 Ice age 551.792
lasi (Romania : Judet) T2--498 1 geology 551.792
Iatrogenic diseases ' paleontology 560.1792
medicine 615.5 Ice bugs 595.726
lbadan (Nigeria) T2-669 25 Ice carving 736.94

Relative Index

Ice control
road engineering 625.763 vertebrates 566
Ice cream 641.862 lchthyologists 597.092
commercial processing 637.4 Ichthyology 597
home preparation 641.862 Ichthyornithi formes 568.23
Ice crossings Ichthyosauria 567.937
railroad engineering 625.147 Ichthyosis
road engineering 625.792 medicine 616.544
Ice dancing 796.912 see also Skin diseases
Ice fishing 799.122 humans
Ice formation Iconography
aeronautics 629.1324 drawing 743.9
Ice games 796.96 fine arts 704.9
Ice hockey 796.962 see Nfanual at 704.9 and
electronic games 794.869 62 753-758
Ice hockey players 796.962 092 painting 753-758
Ice milk 641.862 see 1Vfanual at 704.9 and
commercial processing 637.4 753~758

home preparation 641.862 use in advertising 659.104 5

Ice plants (Sea figs) 583.53 Icons
Ice roads 388.12 fine arts 704.948
engineering 625.792 Christianity 704.948 2
lee skaters 796.910 92 religious significance 203.7
Ice skates Christianity 246.53
manufacturing technology 688.769 1 see also Symbolism
lee skating 796.91 religious significance
lee sports 796.9 Ictaluridae 597.492
equipment technology 688.769 letalurus 597.492
lee storms 551.556 lcteridae 598.874
social services 363.349 26 Id (Psychology) 154.2
lee wine 641.222 'ld al-AQJ:ta 297.36
commercial processing 663.22 'Id al-Fitr 297.36
Icebergs 551.342 Ida County (Iowa) T2-777 422
Ice boating 796.97 Idaho 979.6
Icebreakers 387.28 T2-796
design 623.812 8 Idaho County (Idaho) T2--796 82
engineering 623.828 Ideal states 321.07
see also Ships see also Utopias
Icebreaking services 387.54 Idealism 141
i;;:el iii (Turkey) T2-564 6 arts T3C-13
ancient T2-393 5 education 370.12
Iceland 949.12 literature 808.801 3
T2-4912 history and criticism 809.913
Iceland pony 636.16 specific literatures T3B--080 13
Icelanders T5-396 1 history and
Icelandic language 439.69 criticism T3B--091 3
T6-396 91 Ideals (Mathematics) 512.42
Icelandic literature 839.69 algebra 512.42
Icelandic people T5-3961 number theory 512.74
Ices 641.863 Ideas
commercial processing 637.4 epistemology 121.4
home preparation 641.863 psychology 153.2
Ichneumonoidea 595.79
Ichneumons 595.79

Dewey Decimal Classification

Ideation Igboid languages 496.33

epistemology 121 T6~963 3
psychology 153.2 Igd1r iii (Turkey) T2--566 26
Idee fixe ancient T2~395 5
musical element 781.248 Ig1oo1ik (Nunavut) T2-719 52
Identification Igloos.
arts 702.87 construction 693.91
Identification cards 929.9 Igluligaarjuk (Nunavut) T2-719 58
Identification marks 929.9 Iglulik (Nunavut) TI-71952
Tl--{]27 Igneous rocks 552.1
Identification of criminals 363.258 Ignition 541.361
Identity chemical engineering 660.296 1
philosophy 111.82 chemistry 541.361
humans 126 Ignition systems
psychology 155.2 automotive 629.254
Identity theft 364.163 3 internal-combustion engines 621.437
law 345.026 33 Iguanas 597.954 2
prevention 332.024 Iguanidae 597.954
Ideographs 411 Iguanodon 567.914
specific languages T4~11 Ijo (African people) T5-963
Ideologies (Political science) 320.5 ljo language 496.3
party programs 324.23 T6-963
Ideology 140 Ijoid languages 496.3
philosophical system 145 T6-963
Idioms 418 Ussel Lake (Netherlands) T2---492 2
dictionaries 413.1 IJssel River (Netherlands) T2---492 18
specific languages T4--313 Ikaluktutiak (Nunavut) T2-719 55
specific languages T4~8 Ikhnaton, King of Egypt
Idiophones 786.82 Egyptian history 932.014
see also Percussion instruments Ilam (Iran: Province) T2-555 8
Idlib (Syria: Province) T2~569 13 Ilamba-Irangi languages 496.394
Idolatry 202.18 T6-963 94
Idols 202.18 aux Coudres (Quebec) T2~714492
Idoma (African people) T5~963 3 lie aux Grues (Quebec) T2--714 735
Idoma language 496.33 Ile-de-France (France) T2---443 6
T6-963 3 lie de Ia Tortue (Haiti) T2~729 42
Idomoid languages 496.33 Ile-d'Orleans (Quebec) T2-714476
T6-963 3 Ile-Dorval (Quebec) T2~71428
Idris I, King of Libya fie Verte (Quebec) T2-714 764
Libyan history 961.204 1 II cal diseases
Idutywa (South Africa : medicine 616.34
District) T2-687 58 see also Digestive system
Ife (Kingdom) 966.928 01 diseases~ humans
T2-669 28 Ileitis
Ifrane (Morocco :Province) T2~645 medicine 616.344 5
Ifugao (Philippines) T2-5991 see also Digestive system
Ig (Immunoglobulin) 571.967 diseases humans
humans 616.079 8 Ileostomy 617.554 I
!gala (African people) TS--963 33 Iles-de-la-Madeleine
lgbo (African people) T5~963 32 (Quebec) T2-714 797
Igbo language 496.332 Ileum 573.378
T6-963 32 biology 573.378
Igbo literature 896.332 human anatomy 611.341
medicine 616.34

Relative Index

Ileum (continued) Illustrators 741.609 2

surgery 617.5541 Ulyria 939.87
see also Digestive system T2-398 7
Ilfa (Greece) T2-495 27 Illyrian languages (Ancient Indo- 491.993
ancient T2-388 European) T6-919 93
Ilium (Extinct City) T2-392 l Illyricum 939.87
Ill people 305.908 7 T2-398 7
Tl--087 7 Ilm-Kreis (Germany :
see also Sick people Landkreis) T2-432 26
I!le-et-Vilaine (France) T2--441 5 Ilmenite
Illecillewaet River (B.C.) T2-7ll 68 mineralogy 549.523
Illegal immigration 364.137 ILO (Labor office) 354.921 I
law 345.023 7 law 344.01
Illegitimacy 306.874 Ilocos Norte (Philippines) T2-5991
law 346.017 Ilocos Sur (Philippines) T2-5991
Illegitimate children 306.874 Iloilo (Philippines :
Tl-086 945 Province) T2-599 5
see also Children of unmarried Iloko language 499.21
parents T6-9921
Illiciales 583.3 Ilorin (Nigeria) T2-669 57
Il!ici t distilling 364.133 2 Image manipulation
law 345.023 32 computer science 006.6
Illinois 977.3 digital photography 771.44
T2-773 Image processing 621.367
Illinois Indians T5-973 15 computer science 006.42
Illinois language 497.315 engineering 621.399 4
T&--973 15 see Manual at 006.37 vs.
Illinois River (Ill.) T2-773 5 006.42,621.367,621.391,
Illiteracy 302.224 4 621.399
see also Literacy Imagery (Psychology) 153.32
Illiterate people 305.56 Images
Tl-086 94 fine arts 704.9
Illizi (Algeria : Province) T2-657 religious significance 203.7
Illness 362.1 Christianity 246.53
medicine 616 see also Symbolism
see also Diseases humans religious significance
Illocutionary acts 401.452 religious worship 202.18
specific languages T4-014 52 Imaginary numbers 512.788
Illuminating engineering 621.32 Imaginary wars
see also Lighting military analysis 355.48
Illumination 621.32 Imagination 153.3
see also Lighting educational psychology 370.157
Illumination (Decorative arts) 745.67 philosophy 128.3
Illuminations (Performing arts) 791.6 Imaging
Illusions 001.96 medical diagnosis 616.075 4
psychology of perception 153.74 Imamate 297.61
sensory perception 152.1 Imams 297.092
Illustration biography 297.092
arts 741.6 specific sects 297.8
see Manual at 741.6 vs. 800 role and function 297.61
Illustrations Tl~022 see Manual at 297.092
notable books 096.1 Imbabura (Ecuador) T2-866 12
see Manual at T 1-0222 vs. Imbibition processes 773.3

Dewey Decimal Classification

Imboden (Switzerland : Immune response 571.964 6

Bezirk) T2--494 735 6 humans 616.079 5
Imbros Island T2-562 2 Immune serums
ancient T2--391 1 pharmacology 615.37
IMF (Fund) 332.152 Immune system 571.96
law 346.082 152 humans 616.079
Imidazoles 547.593 Immune system diseases 571.963
chemical engineering 661.894 humans
Imitation furs 675.3 medicine 616.97
Imitation-leather covers Immunity 571.96
bookbinding 686.343 humans 616.079
Imitation leathers 675.4 Immunity of legislators 328.348
Imitative learning Immunization
psychology 153.1523 disease control 614.47
Immaculate Conception of Mary 232.911 law 344.043
Immigrants 305.906 912 Immunoassays
T1-086 912 medicine 616.075 6
labor economics 331.62 Immunochemistry 571.964
social welfare 362.899 12 medicine 616.079
women diagnosis 616.075 6
social welfare 362.839 812 Immunocytochemistry 571.964
young people medicine 616.079
social welfare 362.779 12 Immunodiagnosis
Immigration 304.82 medicine 616.075 6
illegal 364.137 Immunogenetics 571.964 8
law 345.023 7 medicine 616.079 6
influence on crime 364.256 Immunoglobulins 571.967
law 342.082 humans 616.079 8
political science 325.1 pharmacology 615.37
public administration 353.484 Immunologic diseases
sociology 304.82 medicine 616.97
Immorality 170 Immunologic drugs
religion 205 pharmacology 615.37
see also Moral theology Immunology 571.96
Immortality humans 616.079
philosophy 129 Immunotherapy 615.37
religion 202.3 Imo State (Nigeria) TZ-66946
Christianity 236.22 Impact strength
Islam 297.23 materials science 620.112 5
Judaism 296.33 Impact studies (Environmental) 333.714
philosophy of religion 218 Impala 599.646
Immune deficiency diseases 571.974 Impatiens 583.79
animals 571.974 Impeachment 342.068
veterinary medicine 636.089 697 9 chief executives 342.062
humans 362.196 979 judges 347.014
incidence 614.599 39 Impeachment power (Legislative
medicine 616.979 bodies) 328.345 3
social services 362.196 979 lmpendle (South Africa :
Immune gamma globulins District) T2--684 7
pharmacology 615.37 Imperia (Italy: Province) T2---A51 87
Immune reactions 571.964 6 ancient T2-371 4
humans 616.079 5 Imperial County (Calit~) T2-794 99
Immune recognition 571.964 6 Imperial system (Measurement) 530.813
human immunology 616.079 5 social aspects 389.15

Relative Index

Imperia 1 Valley (Cali f. and Improper integrals 515.43

Mexico) T2-794 99 Improvisation (Drama) 792.028
Imperialism 325.32 motion pictures 791.430 28
international relations 327.1 radio 791.440 28
Impersonation 792.028 stage 792.028
illegal 364.163 3 television 791.450 28
law 345.026 33 Improvisation (Music) 781.36
motion pictures 791.430 28 Improvisatory forms 784.1894
radio 791.440 28 Impulse control disorders
stage 792.028 medicine 616.858 4
television 791.450 28 see also Mental disorders
Impetigo Impulsive personality
medicine 616.523 medicine 616.858 4
see also Skin diseases see also :Mental disorders
humans imroz Island T2--562 2
Implant-supported dentures In-house training 331.259 2
dentistry 617.693 personnel management 658.312 43
Implication see also Vocational education
linguistics 401.454 In-laws 306.87
specific languages T4-014 54 Tl-085
Import quotas 382.52 In-line skating 796.21
see also Import trade In-service training 331.259 2
Import tax 382.7 Tl-071 55
public finance 336.264 libraries 020.7155
see also Customs (Tariff) museums 069.63
Import trade 382.5 see also Vocational education
law 343.087 7 In-situ processing 622.22
public administration 354.74 see }danual at 622.22, 622.7 vs.
Imposition 662.6, 669
printing 686.225 6 In vitro fertilization
Impotence ethics 176.2
drug therapy 616.692 206 I see also Reproduction-
medicine 616.692 2 ethics
see also Male genital medicine 618.178 059 9
diseases -humans Inactive files (Records
neurotic management)
medicine 616.858 32 storage 651.56
Impoverished people 305.569 Inadunata 563.92
n----086 942 Inanda (South Africa :
see also Poor people District) T2-6844
Impressing equipment 621.984 Inari Saami language 494.576
Impression T6-945 76
printing 686.23 Inari Sami language 494.576
Impressionism T6--945 76
fine arts 709.034 4 Inaudible sound 534.5
literature 808.801 1 Inaugural addresses
history and criticism 809.911 public administration 352.238 6
specific literatures T3B-080 11 Inaugurations
history and customs 394.4
criticism T3B-091 1 music 781.57
music 780.904 Inboard motorboats 387.231 4
painting 759.054 design 623.812 314
Imprisonment 365 engineering 623.823 14
Impromptus 784.1894

Dewey Decimal Classification

Inboard motorboats (continued) Incisions (Wounds)

transportation services 387.231 4 medicine 617.143
see also Ships Inclined railroads 385.6
Inboard motors 623.872 3 engineering 625.3
Inboard-outboard motorboats 387.2315 transportation services 385.6
design 623.812 315 Inclines
engineering 623.823 15 canal engineering 627.135 3
transportation services 387.231 5 InClosures
see also Ships land economics 333.2
Inborn errors of metabolism Inclusive education 371.904 6
medicine 616.390 42 Income 339.32
see also Digestive system accounting 657.7
diseases - humans agricultural industries 338.13
Inbreeding 576.544 financial management 658.155 4
agriculture 631.523 increase
animal husbandry 636.082 personal finance 332.024 01
plant cultivation 631.523 labor economics 331.21
genetics 576.544 macroeconomics 339.32
sociology 306.82 mineral industries 338.23
Inca (Peru : Region) T2-853 7 secondary industries 338.43
Inca period 985.019 transportation services 388.049
Incandescent lighting 621.326 Income accounts
Incantations (Occultism) 133.44 (Macroeconomics) 339.32
Incarcerated people 365.6 Income-consumption relations
Tl-086 927 macroeconomics 339.41
Incarnation Income distribution 339.2
philosophy 129 Income maintenance 362.582
Incarnation of Jesus Christ 232.1 public administration 353.54
Incas T5-983 23 social welfare 362.582
Incendiary weapons 623.451 6 Income redistribution
Incense cedars 585.4 macroeconomic policy 339.52
Incense trees 583.77 Income statements
Incentive payments financial management 658.1512
labor economics 331.2164 Income tax 336.24
personnel management 658.322 5 law 343.052
executives 658.407 225 public administration 352.44
public administration 352.67 public finance 336.24
Incentives Income theory
labor economics 331.2164 monetary economics 332.401
personnel management 658.314 2 Incomes policy 339.5
executives 658.407 142 inflation control 332.415
research 001.44 Incompatibilities
social control 303.35 philosophical logic 160
Incest 306.877 Incompressible airflow
criminology 364.153 6 aeronautics 629.132 322
criminal law 345.025 36 Incorporated banks 332.122
medicine 616.858 36 Incorporation
sociology 306.877 law 346.066 22
Incidence geometry 516.12 local government 320.85
Incidental music 781.552 management 658.114 5
Incineration public administration 352.84
sewage sludge disposal 628.37 Incrustation
waste disposal 363.728 architectural decoration 729.6
waste technology 628.445 7

Relative Index

rncubi 133.423 India 954

see also Legendary beings T2-54
Incunabula 093 ancient 934
bibliographies 011.42 T2-34
Indecent exposure 364.153 India-Pakistan Conflict, 1971 954.920 51
Jaw 345.025 3 India rubber tree 635.933 45
Indemnification see also Rubber plant (Ficus)
Holocaust, 1933-1945 940.531 814 4 Indian corn 641.331 5
Jaw of war 341.66 Indian elephant 599.676
Indentured labor conservation technology 639.979 676
sociology 306.363 resource economics 333.959 676
Independence County (Ark.) T2~-767 26 Indian hemp 583.93
Independence Day (United Indian languages (American) 497
States) 394.263 4 T6--97
Independence days 394.26 South America 498
see also Holidays T6--98
Independencia (Dominican Indian literatures (American) 897
Republic) T2-729325 South America 898
Independent agencies Indian literatures (South Asian)
public administration 352.264 Dravidian 894.8
Independent Fundamental English 820
Churches of America 289.95 Indic 891.1
see also Christian Indian National Congress
denominations (Political party) 324.254 083
Independent Fundamentalist and Indian Ocean 551.4615
Evangelical churches 289.95 T2-165
Independent Methodists 287.533 see Manual at T2-l63 and
see also Methodist Church T2-164, T2-165
Independent Order of Odd Indian Ocean region T2-182 4
Fellows 366.3 Indian Orthodox Church 281.6
biography 366.309 2 see also Eastern churches
Independent reading Indian pipe (Plant) 583.66
primary education 372.454 Indian River County (Fla.) T2-759 28
Independent regulatory agencies 352.8 Indian sarsaparilla 583.93
Independent retail stores 381.1 Indian Territory (Okla.) T2-766 5
see also Commerce Indian tobacco 583.98
Independent schools 371.02 Indiana 977.2
secondary education 373.222 T2-772
see also Private schools Indiana County (Pa.) T2-748 89
Independent study 371.394 3 Indianapolis (Ind.) T2-772 52
Indeterminacy composition 781.32 Indians (National group) T5-914 11
Indeterminate equations 515.253 Indians of Central America T5-970 728
Indeterminate sentence 364.62 Indians of North America T5-97
Indeterminism 123 Indians of South America T5-98
Index librorum prohibitorum 098.11 Indians of the West Indies T5-970 729
Index theorems 514.74 Indic languages 491.1
Indexing 025.3 T6-911
computer science 005.741 Indic literatures 891.1
information science 025.3 Indic people T5-9l4
museology 069.52 Indic religions 294
subject cataloging 025.47 art representation 704.948 94
arts 700.482 94
T3C-382 94

Dewey Decimal Classification

Indic religions (continued) Individual land tenure

Islamic polemics 297.294 economics 333.323
see Manual at 200.9 vs. 294, Individual proprietorships 338.72
299.5 see also Proprietorships
ludic religions and Islam 294 Individual psychology 155.2
ludic view 294 children 155.418 2
Islamic view 297.284 late adulthood 155.671 82
Indic rugs Individual retirement accounts 332.024 014 5
arts 746.754 tax law 343.052 33
Indicator species Individualism
ecology 577.27 economics 330.153
Indicatoridae 598.72 philosophy 141.4
Indictment 345.072 political ideology 320.512
Indie rock 781.66 social psychology 302.54
Indigenous peoples 305.8 Individuality 155.2
Australia TS-991 5 children 155.418 2
Central America T5~-970 728 Individualized instruction 371.394
civil and human rights 323.11 Individualized reading instruction
law 342.087 2 primary education 372.417
law of nations 341.485 2 Indo-Aryan languages 491.1
Hawaii T5-9942 T6-911
legal status 346.013 Indo-Aryan literatures 891.1
constitutional law 342.087 2 Indo-Aryan period 934.02
private law 346.013 Indo-Aryans T5-914
legal systems 340.52 Indo-European languages 410
see Manual at 340.52 T6-l
North America T5- 97 Indo-European literatures 800
South America T5-98 Indo-Europeans T5-09
Tasmania T5-991 59 Indo-Germanic languages 410
West Indies TS-970 729 1'6-1
Indigestion Indo-Hittite languages 410
medicine 616.332 1'6-1
see also Digestive system Indo-Iranian languages 491.1
diseases - humans 1'6-911
Indigo dyes 667.26 Indo-Iranian literatures 891.1
Indigo plants 583.74 Indo-jazz 781.657
Indigoid dyes 667.257 Indo-Pakistan War, 1965 954.904 5
Indirect taxation 336.294 Indo-Pakistan War, 1971 954.920 51
Indium 669.79 Indochina (French
chemical engineering 661.067 7 Indochina) T2-597
chemistry 546.677 Indochina (Southeast peninsula of 959
economic geology 553.499 Asia) T2-59
metallurgy 669.79 Indochinese War, 1946-1954 959.704 1
physical metallurgy 669.967 9 Indochinese War, 1961-1975 959.704 3
see also Chemicals Indonesia 959.8
Individual freedom 323 T2-598
see also Civil rights Indonesian language (Bahasa 499.221
Individual fulfillment Indonesia) T6--992 21
educational goal 370.119 Indonesian languages 499.22
Individual income tax 336.242 T6-992 2
law 343.052 62 Indonesian literature (Bahasa
public administration 352.44 Indonesia) 899.221
public finance 336.242 Indonesian literatures 899.22
Indonesians T5--992 2

Relative Index

Indoor air pollution Industrial areas

health 613.5 area planning 711.5524
Indoor air quality Industrial art 745.2
health 613.5 Industrial arts 600
Indoor amusements 793 primary education 372.358
Indoor climbing 796.522 4 see also Technology
Indoor field hockey 796.355 Industrial biochemistry 660.63
Indoor games 793 Industrial biology 660.6
Indoor gardening Industrial botany 581.636
floriculture 635.965 Industrial buildings
Indoor music 781.534 architecture 725.4
Indoor photography 778.72 construction 690.54
Indoor recreation centers 790.068 institutional housekeeping 647.964
architecture 725.84 landscape architecture 712.7
Indoor temperatures lighting 621.322 54
health 613.5 sale and rental 333.338 7
Indre (France: Dept.) T2-445 51 Industrial casualty insurance 368.7
Indre-et-Loire (France) T2-445 4 Industrial chemicals 661
Indri 599.83 human toxicology 615.902
Inductance meters 621.374 2 Industrial chemistry 660
Induction (Logic) Industrial chemists 660.092
philosophical logic 161 Industrial cities 307.766
psychology 153.432 area planning 711.45
Induction accelerators 539.734 Industrial concentration 338.8
Induction heating 621.402 Industrial conditions 338.09
Induction of employees Industrial conflict
armed forces 355.223 sociology 306.34
personnel management 658.312 42 Industrial costs 338.51
public administration 352.66 financial management 658.1552
Induction of hypnosis 154.76 see also Costs
Induction welding 671.521 5 Industrial credit 332.742
Inductive reasoning 161 Industrial democracy 331.011 2
philosophical logic 161 theory of union role 331.880 1
psychology 153.432 Industrial design 745.2
Inductors Industrial development 338.9
radio engineering 621.384 133 see also Economic development
Indulgences (Christian rite) 265.66 Industrial development banks 332.153
Indus River T2-549 1 domestic 332.28
Indus script 494.899 international 332.153
T6-948 99 Industrial diamonds 553.65
Industrial accidents 363.11 economic geology 553.65
insurance 368.56 mining 622.365
govemmcnt-sponsored 368.41 see also Diamonds
see also Industrial safety Industrial diseases
Industrial advertising 659.131 5 health 613.62
Industrial air conditioning 697.931 6 medicine 616.980 3
Industrial arbitration 331.891 43 see also Environmental
law 344.018 914 3 diseases humans
personnel management 658.3154 Industrial disputes 331.89
Industrial archaeology Industrial drawing 604.2
economic aspects 338.09 Industrial economics 338
historical aspects 900 Industrial engineering 670
technological aspects 609 Industrial engineering
(Production management) 658.5

Dewey Decimal Class!fication

Industrial equipment Industrial productivity (continued)

capital procurement 658.152 42 promotion of
Industrial espionage 364.16 production management 658.515
ethics 174.4 secondary industries 338.45
law 343.072 Industrial project management 658.404
management 658.472 Industrial property 346.048
Industrial fats 665 Industrial psychology 158.7
Industrial gases 665.7 Industrial railroads 385.54
equipment manufacturing Industrial relations 331
technology 681.766 5 see also Labor relations
Industrial hazards 363.11 Industrial research
see also Industrial safety production management 658.57
Industrial health 613.62 technology 607.2
Industrial insurance 368.3 Industrial resources 338.09
accident 368.56 economics 338.09
government-sponsored 368.41 military science 355.26
life 368.362 Industrial revolution 909.81
Industrial land use economic history 330.903 4
community sociology 307.332 Industrial robots 629.892
Industrial lands 333.77 engineering 629.892
economics 333.77 factory operations engineering 670.427 2
sale and rental 333.336 Industrial sabotage 364.164
Industrial law 343.07 law 345.026 4
Industrial libraries 027.69 Industrial safety 363.11
Industrial life insurance 368.362 engineering 620.86
Industrial management 658 law 344.046 5
Industrial marketing personal health 613.62
management 658.804 public administration 353.96
Industrial medicine 616.980 3 social services 363.11
Industrial microbiology 660.62 see also Safety
Industrial-military complex 355.021 3 Industrial sanitation 363.729 5
economics 338.473 55 engineering 628.51
military science 355.021 3 law 344.046 5
sociology 306.27 see also Sanitation
Industrial minerals 553.6 Industrial schools (Correctional
Industrial mobilization 355.26 institutions) 365.42
law 343.01 see also Penal institutions
Industrial noise 363.741 Industrial sociology 306.36
see also Noise Industrial stoichiometry 660.7
Industrial nursing 610.734 6 Industrial surveys 338.09
Industrial oils 665 Industrial towns 307.766
Industrial organization 338.6 area planning 711.45
economics 338.6 Industrial toxicology
executive management 658.402 medicine 615.902
Industrial parks Industrial trusts 338.8
area planning 711.552 4 see also Combinations
Industrial pollution 363.731 (Enterprises)
social welfare 363.731 Industrial unions 331.883 3
technology 628.5 see also Labor unions
see also Pollution Industrial wastes 363.728
Industrial procurement 658.72 pollution technology 628.5
Industrial productivity 338.06 social services 363.728
economics 338.06 technology 628.4
mineral industries 338.26

Relative Index

Industrial wastes (continued) Inezgane-Ait Melloul

water pollution engineering 628.168 3 (Morocco) T2-646 6
see also Waste control Infallibility
Industrial water supply 363.61 Christian church 262.72
economics 333.912 3 pope 262.131
Industrial workers 331.794 Infancy 305.232
labor economics 331.794 music 781.582
public administration 354.93 see also Infants
Industrial Workers of the World 331.886 097 3 Infancy of Jesus Christ 232.92
Industrial yellow pages Tl-029 Infant baptism 234.1612
see Manual at Tl ~025 vs. music 781.582
Tl.-.029 public worship 265.12
Industrialization 338.9 theology 234.161 2
Industries 338 Infant betrothal
see also Industry customs 392.4
Industry 338 Infant schools (Primary schools) 372.241
art representation 704.949 6 see also Primary education
arts 700.455 3 Infanticide
T3C~355 3 customs 392.12
economics 338 demographic effect 304.668
energy economics 333.796 5 Infantry 356.1
law 343.07 Infants 305.232
literature 808.803 553 Tl--083 2
history and criticism 809.933 553 cooking for 641.562 22
specific literatures T3B-080 355 3 development
history and physiology 612.654
criticism T3B~093 553 health 613.043 2
location home care 649.122
economic rationale 338.604 2 legal status 346.013 5
production 338.09 constitutional law 342.087 72
public administration 354 private law 346.D13 5
relations with government 322.3 pediatrics 618.920 2
Industry-school relations 371.195 psychology 155.422
higher education 378.103 5 reading
Indwe (South Africa : library science 028.532
District) T2~687 57 social aspects 305.232
Inequalities Infections 571.98
algebra 512.97 humans
calculus 515.26 medicine 616.9
geometry 516.1 result of injury 617.22
Inequality 305 see also Communicable
religion 200.8 diseases
Christianity 270.08 Infectious diseases 571.98
sociology 305 see also Communicable
Inerrancy (Bible) 220.132 diseases
Inert gases Infectious mononucleosis
chemistry 546.75 incidence 614.581 2
economic geology 553.97 medicine 616.911 22
technology 665.822 see also Communicable
Inertia 531.12 diseases humans
aeronautics 629.132 364 Inference
fluids 532.02 philosophical logic 160
gases 533.12 psychology 153.432
liquids 532.2 statistical mathematics 519.54

Dewey Decimal Class(fication
Infertility Influence peddling 364.132 3
gynecology 618.178 law 345.023 23
see also Female genital public administration 353.46
diseases - humans Influenza
medicine 616.692 incidence 614.518
men 616.692 I medicine 616.203
see also Male genital see also Respiratory tract
diseases- humans diseases -humans
see also Genital diseases -- Informal logic 160
humans Informatics
Infield play computer science 004
baseball 796.357 24 information science 020
Infiltration (Military tactics) 355.422 Information
Infinite (Philosophy) 111.6 civil rights issues 323.445
Infinite processes 515.24 sociology 306.42
Infinite series 515.243 Information and refen·al services 025.52
Infinitesimal calculus 515.33 Information architecture 006.7
Infinitesimal geometry 516.36 Information centers 027
Infinitives 415.6 see also Libraries
specific languages T4-56 Information control 363.31
Infirmaries 362.11 see also Censorship
armed forces 355.72 Information display systems
see also Health care facilities electronic engineering 621.381 542
Infixes 415.92 Information t:xt:muJgt:
specific languages T4---592 law 344.09
Inflammable materials 363.179 8 Information gathering
fire safety technology 628.922 2 executive management 658.403 8
public safety 363.179 8 Information literacy
technology 604.7 primary education 372.34
see also Hazardous materials Information management
Inflammation executive management 658.403 8
result of injury military administration 355.688
medicine 617.22 office services 651
symptom 616.047 3 production management 658.503 6
Inflammatory bowel diseases public administration 352.38
medicine 616.344 Information policy 338.926
see also Digestive system see Manual at 338.926 vs.
diseases -humans 352.745, 500
Inflation (Economics) 332.41 Information retrieval
accounting 657.48 information science 025.524
personal finance 332.024 Information science 020
Inflection (Grammar) 415.95 Information scientists 020.92
specific languages T4---595 Infom1ation security
Inflection (Phonology) 414.6 management 658.472
languages T4--16 Information services 025.52
Inflection tables (Grammar) public administration 352.74
applied linguistics 418 Information sources
specific languages T4---82 use 028.7
Influence Information storage and retrieval
psychology 155.9 systems 025.04
children 155.418 9 computer science 005.74
social psychology 302.13 law 343.099 9
management use 658.403 801 I
specific subjects 025.06

· computer science 004 regional medicine 617.559
· social effects 303.483 3 surgery 617.559 059
····, Information theory 003.54 Ingush TS-999 641
Tl-0 11 54 In gush language 499.964 1
communications engineering 621.382 2 T6-~999 641
Informational programs Ingushetia (Russia) T2--475 2
management use 658.455 lngushetila (Russia) T2--475 2
Informed consent 344.041 2 Ingwavuma (South Africa :
Informers District) TI-684 3
criminal investigation 363.252 Inhalant abuse 362.299 3
Infrared astronomy 522.683 medicine 616.86
Infrared cinematography 777.6 personal health 613.8
Infrared photography 778.34 social welfare 362.299 3
arts 778.34 see also Substance abuse
engineering 621.367 2 Inhalation
Infrared radiation 535.012 human physiology 612.21
biophysics 571.454 Inhalation anesthesia
humans 612.014 482 surgery 617.962
chemical effect 541.353 2 Inhalation administration 615.6
chemical engineering 660.295 32 Inhalation therapy
engineering 621.362 medicine 615.836
military engineering 623.042 Inhalation toxicology
physics 535.012 medicine 615.91
Infrared spectroscopes lnhambane (Mozambique:
manufacturing technology 681.4142 Province) T2--679 3
Infrared spectroscopy 543.57 Inheritance law 346.052
analytical chemistry 543.57 Inheritance of acquired
engineering 621.361 characteristics 576.827
physics 535.842 Inheritance tax 336.276
Infrared technology 621.362 law 343.053
see also Infrared radiation Iniidae 599.538
Infrared videography 777.6 Inini (French Guiana) T2-882
Ingenika River (B.C.) T2-711 87 Initial public offerings
Ingestion 573.35 (Securities) 658.152 24
animal physiology 573.35 corporate law 346.066 2
human physiology 612.31 financial management 658.152 24
see also Digestive system investment economies 332.632 2
Ingestion disorders Initial-value problems 515.35
incidence 614.593 Initiation of business enterprises 338.71
medicine 616.31 economics 338.71
see also Digestive system management 658.11
diseases humans Tl--068 1
Ingham (Qld.) T2-943 6 see Manual at 338.091-.099
Ingham Cmmty (Mich.) T2-774 26 vs. 332.67309, 338.6042;
Inglenooks alm at 658.04 vs. 658.1 14,
furniture arts 749.62 658.402
Inglewood (Vic.) T2-945 4 Initiation rites
Ingo1stadt (Germany) T2--433 62 Christianity 234.161
Ingot iron 669.1423 public worship 265.1
Ingrian 494.54 theology 234.161
T6-9454 customs 392.14
In groups 302.4 etiquette 395.24

Dewey Decimal Classification

Initiation rites (continued) Inlay trim

music 781.57 fumi ture arts 749.5
religion 203.82 wood handicrafts 745.512
Initiative (Human trait) Inlays
psychology 155.232 dentistry 617.675
Initiative (Legislation) 328.22 Inline hockey 796.356 62
Injection molding of plastics 668.412 In line skater hockey 796.356 6
Injections Inmates (Prisoners) 365.6
administering 615.6 Tl-086 927
Injunctions 347.077 labor economics 331.51
labor economics 331.893 legal status 344.035 6
law 344.018 93 Inn (Switzerland) T2 -494 732 7
management measure 331.894 Inn River TI----436 42
Injuries Austria T2---436 42
anesthesiology 617.9671 Switzerland T2--494 732 7
biology 571.975 Innate ideas 121.4
incidence 614.3 lrn1ate reflexes
medicine 617.1 psychology 152.322 3
Injurious animals 591.65 Innate virtues (Christian doctrine) 234
Injurious microorganisms 579.165 Innatism 149.7
Injurious organisms 578.65 Inner cities
Injurious plants 581.65 community redevelopment 307.342
Ink drawing 741.26 Inner-city residents
Ink painting 751.425 government programs 353.533 3
Inka T5-983 23 Inner ears 573.89
Inka period 985.019 human physiology 612.858
Inks 667.4 see also Ears
Inland marine insurance 368.23 Inner Hebrides (Scotland) T2---411 54
Inland revenue 336.2 Inner Mongolia (China) T2~517 7
law 343.04 Inner Mongolia
Inland Sea (Japan) 551.461 455 Autonomous Region
T2---164 55 (China) T2-5177
Inland seas 551.482 9 Inner product spaces 515.733
T2-168 Inner tubes 678.35
biology 578.763 9 Innervation 573.85
ecology 577.639 human heart 612.178
law of nations 341.444 human muscles 612.743
Inland water transportation 386 human physiology 612.81
engineering 629.048 human respiratory system 612.28
waterways 627.1 human skin 612.798
law 343.096 4 muscles 573.752 8
public administration 354.78 see also Nervous system
transportation services 386 Innisfail (Qld.) T2-943 6
Inland water transportation Innkeepers 647.940 92
workers 386.092 Innocent passage 341.4
Inland waterway mail 383.143 Innomines 784.187 6
Inland waterway security services 363.287 2 Innovation
Inland waterways 386 agent of social change 303.484
engineering 627.1 executive management 658.406 3
hydrology 551.48 Inns 910.46
land economics 333.915 see also Hotels
see also Inland water Innsbruck (Austria) T2---436 424
transportation Inoculation
disease control 614.47

Relative Index

fnonii, Insecticides 632.951 7

Turkish history 956.1025 agricultural economics 338.162
Inorganic biochemistry 572.51 agricultural use 632.951 7
humans 612.015 24 chemical engineering 668.651
Inorganic chemistry 546 lnsectivora 599.33
applied 660 paleozoology 569.33
see Manual at 54! vs. 546; also Insectivorous plants 583.75
at 549 vs. 546 see also Carnivorous plants
Inorganic drugs Insects 595.7
pharmacology 615.2 agricultural pests 632.7
Inorganic poisons arts T3C~362 57
human toxicology 615.92 coevolution with plants 576.875
Inorganic substances conservation technology 639.975 7
metabolism 572.514 control technology 628.965 7
human physiology 612.392 disease carriers
see also Digestive system medicine 614.432
Inosilicates drawing 743.657
mineralogy 549.66 food 641.396
Input-output analysis 339.23 commercial processing 664.95
Input-output peripherals 004.75 cDoking 641.696
engineering 621.398 5 paleozoology 565.7
Input peripherals 004.76 resource economics 333.955 7
computer engineering 621.398 6 zoology 595.7
Inquiry Inside Passage 551.461433
epistemology 121.6 T2~164 33
Inquisition (Church history) 272.2 Insider trading in securities 364.168
Insanity 362.2 law 345.026 8
folklore 398.276 1 Insignia 929.9
history and criticism 398.356 1 armed forces 355.134 2
legal defense 345.04 rank and service 355.14
see also Mental illness religious significance 203.7
Inscriptions Christianity 246.56
architectural design 729.19 Insolvency 332.75
prints 769.5 Insonmia
stone 736.5 medicine 616.849 82
Insect control 363.78 see also Nervous system
environmental engineering 628.965 7 diseases ~humans
household sanitation 648.7 Inspection
social welfare 363.78 engineering 620.004 4
technology military administration 355.685
agriculture 632.7 production management 658.568
see also Pest control public administration 352.83
Insect culture 638 external control 352.83
Insect culturists 638.092 internal control 352.35
Insect venom Inspection technology 670.425
human toxicology 615.942 Inspectors general
Insect waxes 665.13 military administration 355.685
Insecta 595.7 Inspiration
see also Insects Bible 220.13
Insecticide-producing plants Instabilities in semiconductors 537.622 6
agriculture 633.898 Installations (Armed forces) 355.7
economic botany 581.636 Installations (Art style) 709.040 74

Dewey Decimal Classification

Installment sales Instrumentation Tl~0284

consumer credit 332.743 aircraft 629.135
law 346.074 analytical chemistry 543.19
taxes 343.055 2 physics 530.7
Instant cameras 771.32 weather reporting 551.635
Instant me,ssa1gtr1g 004.692 Instruments Tl--028 4
Instant photography 770 Instruments (Music) 784.19
Instantaneous systems 003.8 see also Musical instruments
Instinct Insulating materials
animals 591.512 building materials 691.95
Instinctive movements materials science 620.195
psychology 152.324 Insulation
Institutes (Adult education) Tl-0715 building construction 693.83
Institutes (Roman law) 340.54 electrical circuits 621.319 37
Institutional care 361.05 heat engineering 621.402 4
children 362.732 steam engineering 621.185
older people 362.61 Insulators
Institutional cooking 641.57 electrical circuits 621.319 37
Institutional economics Insulin 572.565
(Economic school) 330.155 2 biochemistry 572.565
Institutional grounds human physiology 612.34
landscape architecture 712.7 pharmacology 615.365
Institutional households see also Digestive system;
household management 647.96 Endocrine system
Institutional housekeeping 647 Insulin-dependent diabetes 362.196 462 2
see Manual at 647.068, 658.2, medicine 616.462 2
Tl-0682 pregnancy complications
Institutional investment 332.672 53 obstetrics 618.3646
international 332.673 14 social services 362.196 462 2
Institutional investors 332.672 53 see also Endocrine diseases -
international 332.673 14 humans
Institutional nursing 610.733 Insulin therapy
Institutional publishers 070.594 psychiatry 616.891 2
Institutionalized children Insurance 368
psychology 155.446 accounting 657.73
Institutions (Sociology) 306 financial management 658.153
see kfanual at 302-307 vs. 320 labor economics 331.255
Instruction services law 346.086
museology 069.15 malpractice 346.086 02
Instructional materials 371.33 personnel management 658.325 4
primary education 372.133 public administration 354.85
reading 372.412 Insurance agents 368.009 2
public control 379.156 Insurance companies 368.006 5
Instructional materials centers 027.7 accounting 657.836
college libraries 027.7 credit functions 332.38
school libraries 027.8 investment by 332.672 532
Instructional supervision 371.203 investment in 332.672 2
Instructional technology 371.33 Insurance law 346.086
Instructions to juries 347.075 8 Insurance rates 368.011
criminal law 345.075 Insured mail 383.182
Instrument flying 629.132 521 4 see also Postal service
Instrumental ensembles 784 Insurgency (Warfare) 355.021 8
Instrumental forms 784.18 Insurgent warfare 355.021 8
Instrumental ism 144.5 Intaglio printing 765

Relative Index

736.223 Intellectual property infringement 364.166

346.048 criminal law 345.026 6
368.063 Intellectualism 149.7
519.77 Intellectuals 305.552
512.72 Tl-086 222
515.43 civil rights 323.323 I
512.4 relations with government 323.323 I
515.45 Intelligence 153.9
518.66 comparative psychology 156.39
516.362 educational psychology 370.152 9
515.46 evolutionary psychology 155.7
515.723 human physiology 612.823 39
515.723 philosophy 128.3
515.43 psychology 153.9
621.381 5 Intelligence (Animals) 591.513
621.395 Intelligence (Information) 327.12
armed forces 355.343 2
005.1 executive management 658.472
Tnt,,~>r-ate:CI optics 621.369 3 public administration 352.379
Int•egrated pest management 632.9 international relations 327.12
•:lnte:gra.teCI programs 005.5 public administration 353.17
lll'[ntegra:tea services digital military technology 623.71
networks 384 see also Espionage
engineering 621.382 Intelligence levels 153.9
•~•,•rrr•>t""' (Mathematics) 515.43 Intelligence tests 153.93
r... t,>ar•>hrm in education 379.263 Intelligent agents (Computer
theory 515.42 software) 006.3
Integra-differential equations 515.38 Intelligent road transportation
Integument 573.5 systems 388.312
animal physiology 573.5 engineering 625.794
descriptive zoology 591.47 Intelligent vehicle-highway
human anatomy 611.77 system 388.312
human physiology 612.79 engineering 625.794
medicine 616.5 Intelligentsia 305.552
. Integument diseases T1 -086 222
medicine 616.5 Intensifying solutions
see also Skin diseases photography 771.54
humans Intensity of light 535.22
Integumentary system Intensive care 362.174
human physiology 612.79 medicine 616.028
Intellect 153.9 nursing 616.028
philosophy 128.3 social welfare 362.174
psychology 153.9 see also Health services
Intellectual disability 362.3 Intentionality
see also Mental retardation philosophy 128.2
Intellectual freedom 323.44 psychology 153.8
library policies 025.213 Inter-American Development
Intellectual history 001.09 Bank 332.153 8
Intellectual life 001.1 Interactive multimedia 006.7
sociology 306.42 cataloging 025.344
Intellectual processes 153 computer art 776.7
' children 155.413 Interactive processing 004
Intellectual property 346.048 Interactive television
public administration 352.749 engineering 621.388

Dewey Decimal Classification

Interactive video 006.7 Interfacial tension

computer science 006.7 chemical engineering 660.293
instructional use 371.334 67 Interfacing (Computers) 004.6
Tl--078 567 Tl-028 546
library treatment 025.174 engineering 621.398 1
performing arts 791.45 programming 005.71I
Interactive videotex 004.69 programs 005.713
see also Computer software 005.7I
communications see Manual at 004.6 vs. 005.71
Interamerican Development Bank 332.153 8 Interfacing protocols
Interception of communication computer science 004.62
civil rights issue 323.448 2 Interfaith marriage 306.843
Interceptor missiles 358.174 82 Judaism 296.444 3
engineering 623.451 94 religion 204.41
military equipment 358.174 82 social theology 201.7
Intercession of Jesus Christ 232.8 Christianity 261.835 843
Interchangeability engineering 620.004 5 Interfaith relations 201.5
Interchangeability standards see also Interreligious relations
commerce 389.62 Interference
Intercoastal routes 387.522 communications engineering 621.382 24
Intercollegiate sports 796.043 electronic engineering 621.382 24
Intercom systems microwave electronics 621.38131
office use 651.79 radio engineering 621.384 I1
Intercontinental ballistic missiles 358.175 482 television engineering 621.388 1
engineering 623.451 954 Interference eliminators
military equipment 358.175 482 electronic circuits 621.381 532
Intercultural communication 303.482 radio engineering 621.384 12
Intercultural education 370.117 Interlerence of light 535.47
adult level 374.017 Interierometry 535.470 287
Intercultural marriage 306.845 analytical chemistry 543.59
Interdenominational cooperation 280.042 Interferons 571.964 4
Interdependence human immunology 616.079 1
economics 338.9 pharmacology 6I5.37
Interdisciplinary approach to Intergalactic matter 523.112 5
knowledge 001 Intergovernmental administration 353.33
primary education 372.3 Intergovernmental fiscal relations 336
Interest (Income) 332.8 economics 336
financial economics 332.8 law 343.034
central banking 332.113 public administration 352.73
law 346.073 Intergovernmental grants 336.185
macroeconomics 339.21 law 343.034
public administration 354.86 public administration 352.73
tax 336.242 6 public finance 336.185
corporations 336.243 Intergovernmental organizations 341.2
Interest (Psychology) Tl-060 1
learning 153.1533 bibliographies of publications 011.52
Interest groups (Political science) 322.4 economic cooperation 337.1
political process 324.4 see Manual at 337.3~.9 vs.
relations with government 322.4 337.1
Interest rate futures 332.632 3 law of nations 341.2
Interest rate options 332.632 3 public administration 352.1I
Interface description language 005.71 Intergovernmental publishers 070.595
Interfaces (Chemistry) 541.33 Intergovernmental revenues
public finance 336.18

Relative Index

Intergovernmental tax relations 336.2 Intermediate state (Christian

law 343.04 doctrine) 236.4
Interindustry analysis 339.23 Intennetallic compounds
Interior architecture 729 metallurgy 669.94
Interior arrangement Intermezzos 784.189 3
architectural design 729.24 Intermolecular forces
Interior ballistics chemistry 541.226
military engineering 623.513 Internal auditing 657.458
Interior decoration 747 Internal-combustion engines 621.43
arts 747 automotive 629.25
home economies 645 electric generation 621.312 133
Interior decorators 747.092 ships 623.872 3
Interior departments 353.3 Internal commerce 381
Interior 729 law 343.08
see Manual at 729 public administration 354.73
Interior furnishings Internal ear diseases
arts 747 medicine 617.882
household management 645 see also Ear diseases -
textile arts 746.9 humans
Interior lighting 621.322 Internal ears 573.89
Interior of earth 551.11 human anatomy 611.85
Interior painting human physiology 612.858
buildings 698.14 medicine 617.882
Interior Salish languages 497.943 seealw Ears
T6~979 43 Internal friction
Interior wiring 621.319 24 solid-state physics 530.416
Interjections (Grammar) 415.7 Internal management auditing 658.401 3
specific languages T4~57 public administration 352.43
Interlake Region (Man.) T2-712 72 Internal management audits 658.401 3
Interlaken-Oberhasli public administration 352.439
(Switzerland) T2-494 541 8 Internal medicine 616
Interlibrary loans 025.62 Internal migration 304.809
Inter lingua language 499.993 community sociology 307.2
T6-999 93 Internal organization 658.402
Interlocking directorates 338.87 Tl~068 4
see also Combinations education 371.207
(Enterprises) public administration 352.28
Interludes (Drama) see Manual at 658.04 vs.
literature 808.824 I 658.114, 658.402
history and criticism 809.241 Internal respiration
specific literatures T3B-204 I human physiology 612.26
individual authors T3A~2 see also Respiratory system
Interludes (Music) 784.189 3 Internal revenue 336.2
Intermediate appellate courts 347.033 law 343.04
criminal law 345.014 42 Internal storage (Computers) 004.53
Intermediate fom1s (Music) 784.189 3 engineering 621.397 3
Intermediate logic 511.3 International administration 352.11
Intermediate primary grades 372.242 International agencies
Intermediate-range ballistic law 341.2
missiles 358.175 382 International arbitration 327.17
engineering 623.451 953 international politics 327.17
military equipment 358.175 382 law of nations 341.522
Intermediate schools 372.242
Intermediate service (Penalty) 364.68

Dewc:Y Decimal Classification

International assistance International economic

economics 338.91 development 338.91
social welfare 361.26 role of multinational
governmental 361.6 enterprises 338.883
International Association of International economic law 343.07
Rebekah Assemblies 366.38 International economic
biography 366.380 92 organizations
International Bank for law 343.07
Reconstruction and International economic planning 337
Development 332.153 2 International economic relations 337
law 346.082 153 2 International economics 337
International banking 332.15 International education 370.116
law 346.082 15 International enterprises 338.88
International banks 332.15 accounting 657.96
International borrowing 336.343 5 financial management 658.159 9
public administration 352.45 management 658.049
public finance 336.343 5 initiation 658.114 9
International business enterprises 338.88 organization 658.18
International claims taxes 336.207
public administration 353.44 International farm policies 338.181
International commerce 382 International Federation of Red
see also Foreign trade Cross and Red Crescent
International Committee of the Societies 361.772
Red Cross 361.772 International finance 332.042
International Communist law 343.03
Congress 324.175 International Finance Corporation 332.153
International conflict 327.16 International forces (Military) 355.357
law 341.5 International governmental
see also Wars organizations 341.2
International cooking 641.59 see alw Intergovernmental
International cooperation 327.17 organizations
law 341.7 International grants
International Court of Justice 341.552 public finance 336.188
International courts 341.55 International investment 332.673
International crimes 364.135 government policy 332.673 2
law 345.023 5 International labor mobility 331.127 91
International Criminal Police International Labour Office 354.921 1
Organization 363.206 01 law 344.01
law 345.052 International languages 401.3
International debt 336.343 5 International law 341
public administration 352.45 relation to domestic law 341.04
public finance 336.343 5 see Manual at 341 vs. 327
International development International legal personality 341.2
economics 338.91 International migration 304.82
International Development political science 325
Association 332.153 International Monetary Fund 332.152
International disputes 327.16 law 346.082 152
law 341.5 International monetary policy 332.456 6
International economic assistance 338.91 International monetary reform 332.456 6
International economic International monetary system 332.45
cooperation 337 International news
journalism 070.433 2
International offenses 364.135
law 345.023 5

Relative Index

International Order of Job's International trade 382

Daughters 366.108 352 International tmsteeships 321.08
International Order of the see also Semisovereign states
Rainbow for Girls 366.108 352 International understanding
International organizations 060 educational objective 370.116
Tl-060 1 International unions 331.880 91
bibliographies of publications 011.52 see also Labor unions
see also Intergovernmental International welfare services
organizations governmental 361.6
International party organizations 324.1 Internationalism
International planning international relations 327.17
civic art 711.2 political ideology 320.548
social services 361.26 Internationals (Political party
governmental 361.6 organizations) 324.1
International politics 327.1 Internet 004.678
history 900 films 791.43
International postal conventions 383.41 information systems 025.042
law 343.099 2 radio programs 791.44
International Red Cross sociology 302.231
Committee 361.772 television programs 791.45
International relations 303.482 see Manual at 004.678 vs.
ethics 172.4 006.7, 025.042, 384.33
religion 205.624 Internet acronyms 004.601 48
Christianity 241.624 Internet addiction
Islam 297.562 4 medicine 616.8584
see also Political ethics Internet advertising 659.144
law of nations 341.3 Internet auctions 381.177
legislative control 328.346 management 658.877 7
political science 327 Internet banking 332.170 285 467 8
public administration 353.13 Internet marketing 381.142
social theology 201.727 management 658.872
Christianity 261.87 Internet programming 006.76
Islam 297.272 Internet publishing 070.579 73
Judaism 296.382 7 Internet resources 025.042 2
sociology 303.482 Internet searching 025.042 5
see Manual at 341 vs. 327 Internet shopping 381.142
International security forces Internet telephony 384.6
law 341.72 computer science 004.695
International Serials Data Internet voting 324.650 285 467 8
Program 025.343 2 Intemetworking (Computer
International settlements networks) 004.6
(Banking) 332.155 Internment (Military)
International social services 361.26 service status 355.113
International Socialist Congress 324.174 Internment camp inmates Tl-086 949
International societies 369.21 Internment camps 365.45
International Society for Krishna Civil War (United States) 973.71
Consciousness 294.551 2 Holocaust, 1933-1945 940.531 85
International Standard Book Mexican War 973.621
Number 025.3 penology 365.45
International Standard Serial South African War 968.048 I
Number 025.343 2 Spanish-American War 973.891
International style of architecture 724.6 Vietnamese War 959.704 31
International territories 321 World War I 940.317
public administration 353.159

Dewey Decimal Classification

Internment camps (continued) Interregnum, 1254~ 1273 943.025

World War II 940.531 7 Interreligious marriage 306.843
see also Penal institutions see also Interfaith marriage
Interoccupational mobility 305.9 Interreligious relations 201.5
Interoceanic canals 386.42 Buddhism 294.335
engineering 627.137 Christianity 261.2
law 343.096 4 Hinduism 294.515
transportation services 386.42 Islam 297.28
Interoperability (Computers) 004.6 Judaism 296.39
Interparliamentary unions 328.060 1 Interrogation
Interpersonal communication criminal investigation 363.254
psychology 153.6 law 345.052
Interpersonal relations 302 Intersections (Mathematics) 516.35
applied psychology 158.2 Intersections (Roads) 388.13
business 650.13 engineering 625.7
executive management 658.409 5 transportation services 388.13
personnel management 658.3145 urban 388.411
executives 658.407 145 Intersex people 306.768 5
public administration 352.66 T1~086 75
primary education 372.374 labor economics 331.5
sociology 302 psychology 155.33
Interplanetary matter 523.5 social services 362.897
Interpol 363.206 01 young people
law 345.052 social services 362.785
Interpolation 511.422 Intersexuality 306.768 5
Interpretation medicine 616.694
archaeological technique 930.102 85 Interstate agreements 342.042
linguistics 418.02 public administration 352.133
specific languages T4~802 Interstate banking 332.16
specific subjects 418.03 Interstate commerce 381.5
specific languages T4~803 law 343.081 5
musical technique 781.46 see also Commerce
philosophy 121.686 Interstate planning
sacred books civic art 711.3
Hadith 297.125 16 economics 338.9
Interpretation of tongues 234.I3 Interstate relations (Federal
Interpreters (Computer programs) systems)
programming languages 005.452 law 342.042
Interpreters (Translators) 418.020 92 public administration 352.133
specific languages T4~802 092 Interstellar matter 523.112 5
Interpreting Milky Way 523.1135
linguistics 4I8.02 Interstitial nerve tissues
specific languages T4~802 human histology 612.81045
specific subjects 418.03 Intertidal biology 578.769 9
specific languages T4~803 Intertidal ecology 577.699
Interpretive dancing 792.8 Interurban railroads 388.46
Interprocess communications 005.71 engineering 625.6
Interproduct price competition 338.522 transportation services 388.46
Interprovincial relations Interval analysis (Mathematics) 511.42
law 342.042 Intervals (Music) 781.237
public administration 352.133 Intervention (Law of nations) 341.584
Interracial marriage 306.846 Interventionism
Interregional commerce 381.5 economics 330.126
see also Commerce

Relative Index
...,., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Interviewing 158.39 Intrauterine contraceptives
applied psychology 158.39 health 613.943 5
descriptive research 001.433 medicine 618.185 2
Tl-072 3 see also Birth control
job hunting 650.144 Intravenous anesthesia
marketing research 658.83 surgery 617.962
personnel selection 658.311 24 Intravenous feeding
public administration 352.65 medicine 615.854 84
social work 361.322 Intravenous medication
Interviews 080 administering 615.6
Intestinal diseases Intravenous therapy
medicine 616.34 medicine 615.855
see also Digestive system Intrinsic variables (Stars) 523.844 2
diseases -humans Introduced species 333.952 3
Intestinal obstructions Introductory forms (Music) 784.1892
medicine 616.342 Introit 264.36
see also Digestive system music 782.323 5
diseases - humans Introversion 155.232
surgery 617.554 Intrusions (Geology) 551.88
Intestinal secretions 573.373 79 Intuition 153.44
human physiology 612.33 epistemology 121.3
see also Digestive system ethical systems 171.2
Intestine 573.37 psychology 153.44
biology 573.37 Intuitionism 143
human anatomy 611.34 Intuitionistic logic
human physiology 612.33 mathematical logic 511.36
medicine 616.34 Intuitionistic mathematics 511.36
surgery 617.554 Inuit T5-971 2
see also Digestive system Inuit languages 497.12
Intibuca (Honduras : Dept) T2-728 381 T6-971 2
Intimacy Inuit literatures 897.12
applied psychology 158.2 Inuktitut T5-971 2
Intonation (Linguistics) 414.6 Inuktitut (Eastern Canada) T5-971 24
specific languages T4-16 Inuktitut language (Eastern 497.124
Intoxication 362.29 Canada) T6-971 24
medicine 616.86 Inuktitut languages 497.12
social welfare 362.29 T6-971 2
see also Substance abuse Inuktitut literature (Eastern
Intractable pain Canada) 897.124
medicine 616.047 2 Inuktitut literatures 897.12
Intrafamily relationships 306.87 Inupiat T5-971 2
Intragoverumental revenues Inupiatun language T6-9712
public finance 336.18 Inupik language 497.12
Intramural college sports 796.043 T6-971 2
Intramural sports 796.042 Inuvik (N.W.T.) T2-719 3
Intranets 004.682 Inuvik (N.W.T.: Region) T2-719 3
computer science 004.682 Invariant theory 512.74
office use 651.792 algebra 512.944
Intraocular lenses Invariants 512.5
ophthalmology 617.752 4 Invasion
Intraoperative care engineering defense 623.31
surgery 617.919
Intraoperative complications
surgery 617.919

Dewey Decimal Classification

Invasion of privacy 323.448 Investment casting

criminology 364.156 metals 671.255
law 345.025 6 Investment company securities 332.632 7
criminal law 345.025 6 Investment counselors 332.62
torts 346.033 law 346.092 6
political science 323.448 Investment guarantees 368.853
Invasive species 333.952 3 see also Insurance
Inventions 600 Investment guides 332.678
Inventions (Musical form) 784.I87 4 Investment income
Inventories (Lists) Tl-0216 financial management 658.155 4
Inventors 609.2 income tax 336.242 6
Inventory law 343.052 46
accounting 657.72 Investment law 346.092
financial economics 332.041 2 Investment manuals 332.678
financial management 658.152 44 Investment prospectuses 332.6
government property 352.54 Investment tax credit 336.241 6
library operations 025.82 law 343.052 37
materials management 658.787 Investment trusts 332.632 7
military supplies 355.621 32 Investments 332.6
Inventory (Mathematics) 519.83 banking services 332.175 4
Invercargill District (N.Z.) T2-939 8 capital formation 332.041 5
Inverclyde (Scotland) T2---414 31 economics 332.6
Inverell (N.S.W.) T2-944 4 financial management 658.152
Invermere (B.C.) T2-711 65 law 346.092
Inverness (N.S. : County) T2-716 91 macroeconomics 339.43
Inverness (Scotland) T2---411 56 public administration 354.88
Inverness (Scotland : public revenues 336.15
District) T2---411 56 Invitations
Inverse problems (Differential etiquette 395.4
equations) 515.357 Involuntary movement
Inversion (Genetics) 572.877 psychology 152.32
Inversions (Mathematics) 511.33 Involuntary muscle tissues
Inversive geometry 516.9 human histology 612.740 45
Invertebrate viruses 579.23 Involuntary sterilization 363.97
Invertebrates 592 see also Sterilization (Birth
agricultural pests 632.62 control)
conservation technology 639.972 Involutes 516.362
harvest and culture 639.4 Involution 512.922
paleozoology 562 Involutional psychoses
resource economtcs 333.955 medicine 616.895
zoology 592 see also Mental disorders
Inverters Inyo County (Calif.) T2-794 87
electronic circuits 621.381 532 2 Ioannina (Greece: Nome) T2---495 3
Investigation (Research) 001.4 Iodine 553.6
Tl-072 chemical engineering 661.073 4
Investigative power (Legislative chemistry 546.734
bodies) 328.345 2 economic geology 553.6
Investment 332.6 organic chemistry 547.02
see also Investments applied 661.891
Investment advisers 332.62 see also Chemicals
Investment banking 332.66 Ion exchange 541.372 3
law 346.066 2 chemical engineering 660.297 23
Investment banks 332.66 Ion-exchange chromatography 543.82

Relative Index

implantation IQ tests 153.93

solid-state physics 530.416 Iqaluit (Nunavut) T2~719 52
lquique (Chile: Province) T2~831 27
physics 537.56 IRA (Retirement account) 332.024 014 5
Jon propulsion 621.46 tax law 343.052 33
spacecraft 629.475 5 Iran 955
Jon transport
physiology 572.3 ancient 935.7
T2~392 3 T2~357
Ionia County (Mich.) T2~774 54 [ran-Iraq War, 1980~1988 955.054 2
Ionian Islands (Greece) T2---495 5 1rangi (African people) T5~963 94
ancient T2-382 Irangi language 496.394
Ionian Sea 551.461 386 T6-963 94
T2~163 86 Iranian-Iraqi Conflict, 1980-1988 955.054 2
Ionic equilibriums 541.372 3 Iranian languages 491.5
chemical engineering 660.297 23 T6~915

Ionic philosophy 182.1 Iranian literatures 891.5

Ionioi Nesoi (Greece) T2---495 5 Iranian Plateau
Ionization 530.444 ancient 935.7
chemical engineering 660.297 22 T2~357

chemistry 541.372 2 Iranians (National group) T5~915 5

meteorology 551.561 Iraq 956.7
530.444 T2~567
plasma physics
Ionization chambers ancient 935
nuclear physics 539.772 T2~35

Ionization of gases 530.444 Iraq-Kuwait Crisis, 1990-1991 956.704 42

electronic physics 537.532 Iraq War, 2003~ 956.704 43
Ionized gases 530.44 Iraqi-Iranian Conflict, 1980--1988 955.054 2
Ionizing radiation 539.722 Iraqis T5~927 567

biophysics 571.459 Irbid (Jordan: Province) T2-569 542

Ionosphere 538.767 IrbTI (Iraq: Province) T2-567 2
T2-1614 IRBM (Missiles) 358.175 382
meteorology 551.514 5 engineering 623.451 953
Ionospheric probes military equipment 358.175 382
unmanned 629.435 2 Iredell County (N.C.) T2-756 793
Ions Ireland 941.7
chemical engineering 660.297 2 TI---417
electrochemistry 541.372 ancient 936.17
Iosco County (Mich.) T2-:77474 T2~361 7

Iowa 977.7 see Manual at941

T2~777 Ireland (Island) 941.5
Iowa County (Iowa) T2-777653 T2---415
Iowa County (Wis.) T2-775 78 ancient 936.15
Iowa Indians TS-975 2 T2~--361 5

Iowa language 497.52 Irian Barat 995.1

T6-975 2 T2-951
Iowa River (Iowa) T2~777 6 Irian Jaya (Indonesia) 995.1
IPM (Pest management) 632.9 T2~951

IPOs (Securities) 658.152 24 Irian Jaya Barat (Indonesia) T2-951 2

corporate law 346.066 2 Iridales 584.38
financial management 658.152 24 Iridium 669.7
investment economics 332.632 2 chemical engineering 661.064 3
Ipswich (England) T2-426 49 chemistry 546.643
Ipswich (Qld.) T2-943 2 metallography 669.957

Dewey Decimal Classification

Iridium (continued) Iron (continued)

metallurgy 669.7 physical metallurgy 669.961 41
physical metallurgy 669.967 prospecting 622.183
see also Chemicals ship design 623.818 21
Iringa Region (Tanzania) T2--{)78 25 shipbuilding 623.820 7
Irion County (Tex.) T2-764 874 structural engineering 624.182 l
Iris diseases see also Chemicals: Metals
ophthalmology 617.72 Iron 930.16
see also diseases - Tl-090 14
humans Iron County (Mich.) T2-774 975
Irises (Eyes) Iron County (Mo.) T2-778 883
human physiology 612.842 Iron County (Utah) T2~79247

ophthalmology 617.72 Iron County (Wis.) T2-775 22

Irises (Plants) 635.934 38 Iron-deficiency anemia
botany 584.38 medicine 616.152
floriculture 635.934 38 see also Cardiovascular
Irish T5-916 2 diseases - humans
Irish Free State 941.708 22 Iron industry 338.273
T2--417 metallurgy 338.476 691
Irish Gaelic language 491.62 mining 338.273
T6--916 2 Iron law of wages 331.2101
Irish Gaelic literature 891.62 Iron soaps 668.125
Irish Gaels T5-916 2 Iron truss bridges
Irish harps 787.95 construction 624.217
see also Stringed instruments Iron workers 669.109 2
Irish '""'!'.U<>!'." 491.62 metallurgy 669.109 2
T6-916 2 metalworking 672.092
Irish literature Ironbarks (Eucalypti) 583.766
820 see also Eucalyptus
Gaelic 891.62 Ironing
Irish Sea 551.461337 home economics 648.1
T2-163 37 Irons (Golf equipment) 796.352 33
Irish wolfl10unds 636.753 5 Ironwoods 583.48
Irkutsk (Russia : Oblast) T2-575 Ironwoods (Betulaceae) 583.48
Irkutskala oblast' (Russia) T2-575 Ironwoods (Hamamelidaceae) 583.44
Iron 669.141 Ironwoods (Rhamnaceae) 583.86
applied nutrition 613.285 1 Ironwork
architectural construction 721.044 71 blacksmithing 682.4
biochemistry 572.517 decorative arts 739.4
humans 612.015 24 Irony
building construction 693.71 literature 808.801 8
building material 691.7 history and criticism 809.918
chemical <OllJ~ll''""'m)' 661.062 1 specific literatures T3B--080 18
chemistry 546.621 history and
economic 553.3 criticism T3B-091 8
materials science 620.17 Iroquoian Indians T5-975 5
metabolism Iroquoian languages 497.55
human physiology 612.392 4 T6-975 5
metallography 669.951 41 Iroquois County (Ill.) T2-773 64
metallurgy 669.141 Iroquois Indians T5-975 5
metalworking 672 Irradiating foods 664.028 8
mining 622.341 Irregular street patterns
organic chemistry 547.056 21 area planning 711.41
applied 661.895 Irregular troops 356.15

Relative Index

Irreligion Ischemic heart diseases

religious attitude toward 201.5 medicine 616.123
Christianity 261.21 see also Cardiovascular
Irrigation 333.913 diseases - humans
agriculture 631.587 Ischia Island (Italy) T2---457 3
engineering 627.52 ISDN (Digital networks) 384
land economics 333.913 engineering 621.382
law 346.046 913 ISDP (Program) 025.343 2
public administration 354.367 lsere (France) T2---445 86
sewage effluent technology 628.362 3 Isernia (Italy : Province) T2---457 194
water pollution engineering 628.168 41 ancient T2-377 33
Irrigation canals I~fahan (Iran : Province) T2-559 5
engineering 627.52 lshikawa-ken (Japan) T2-521 54
Irritability 573.85 Isiswazi language 496.398 7
cytology 571.67 T6-963 987
muscles 573.752 8 Isla de Ia Juventud T2-729 125
human physiology 612.741 Isla Gorge National Park
see also Musculoskeletal (Qld.) T2-943 5
system Isla Grande de Tierra del
nerves 573.85 Fuego (Argentina and
human physiology 612.816 Chile) T2-827 6
see also Nervous system Islam 297
plants 575.98 art representation 704.948 97
sense of touch 573.875 arts 700.482 97
sensory functions T3C-382 97
human physiology 612.88 Islam and Buddhism 294.335
skin 573.5 Buddhist view 294.335
human physiology 612.791 Islamic view 297.284 3
see also Skin Islam and Christianity 261.27
Irritable bowel syndrome Christian view 261.27
medicine 616.342 Islamic view 297.283
see also Digestive system Islam and Hinduism 294.515
diseases - humans Hindu view 294.515
Irritable colon Islamic view 297.284 5
medicine 616.342 Islam and Indic religions 294
see also Digestive system Indic view 294
diseases - humans Islamic view 297.284
Irwin County (Ga.) T2-758 855 Islam and Judaism 296.397
Isaac (Biblical patriarch) 222.110 92 Islamic view 297.282
Isabel (Solomon Islands) T2-959 36 Jewish view 296.397
Isabela (Philippines : Islam and occultism 297.261
Province) T2-599 1 Islam and Sikhism 294.615
Isabella I, Queen of Spain Islamic view 297.284 6
Spanish history 946.03 Sikh view 294.615
Isabella II, Queen of Spain Islamabad (Pakistan) T2-549 149
Spanish history 946.072 Islamabad Capital Territory
Isabella County (Mich.) T2-774 51 (Pakistan) T2-549 149
Isagogics Islamic calendar 529.327
Bible 220.61 Islamic education 297.77
Isaiah (Biblical book) 224.1 see Manual at 207.5, 268 vs.
Isanti County (Minn.) T2-776 64 200.71,230.071,292-299
Isauria T2-393 5 Islamic ethics 297.5
ISBD (Bibliographic description) 025.324
ISBN (Standard book number) 025.3

Dewey Decimal Classification

Islamic fundamentalism Isle of Anglesey (Wales) T2--429 21

political science 320.557 Isle of Axholme (England) T2--428 32
religion 297.09 Isle of Capri (Italy) T2--457 3
Islamic holidays 297.36 Isle of Ely (England) T2--426 53
customs 394.265 7 Isle of Man T2--427 9
see also Holidays Isle ofOrleans (Quebec) T2~714476
Islamic ideologies Isle ofRhum (Scotland) T2--411 54
political science 320.557 Isle of Rum (Scotland) T2-411 54
Islamic law 340.59 Isle of Skye (Scotland) T2--411 54
religion 297.14 Isle of Wight (England) T2--422 8
Islamic legends 297.18 Isle of Wight County (Va.) T2~755 54
Islamic philosophy 181.07 Isle of Youth T2~729 125
Islamic regions T2~176 7 Isle Royale (Mich.) T2~774997
Islamic schools (General Isle Royale National Park
education) 371.077 (Mich.) T2-774 997
Islamic shrines 297.35 Isles of Scilly (England) T2--423 79
architecture 726.2 Islet (Quebec : Regional
Islamism County Municipality) T2~714 74
political science 320.557 Isleta Indians T5--974 97
see Manual at 320.557 vs. Isleta language 497.497
297.09, 297.272, 322.1 T6~974 97
Island Carib Indians T5~979 2 Islets of Langerhans 573.377
Island County (Wash.) T2-797 75 see also Islands ofLangerhans
Island of Skye (Scotland) T2-4l1 54 Islington (London, England) T2-421 43
Islands 551.42 Islwyn (Wales) T2--429 76
T2-142 Ismailia (Egypt: Province) T2-621 5
biology 578.752 Ismallia (Morocco:
ecology 577.52 Prefecture) T2-645
geography 910.914 2 Ismailis (Islamic sect) 297.822
geomorphology 551.42 Ismailites
physical geography 910.021 42 Hadith 297.125 922
Islands authorities Isobutylene rubber 678.72
(Scotland) T2-411 3 Isoetales 587.9
Islands ofLangerhans 573.377 paleobotany 561.79
biology 573.377 Isolation
human anatomy 611.37 disease control 614.45
human physiology 612.34 social psychology 302.545
medicine 616.46 Isomerases 572.79
surgery 617.557 see also Enzymes
see also Digestive system; Isomers 547.122 52
Endocrine system inorganic chemistry 541.225 2
Islands of Langerhans diseases organic chemistry 547.122 52
medicine 616.46 Isometric exercises 613.714 9
see also Endocrine Isometric projection
diseases ~ humans technical drawing 604.245
Islands of the Arctic T2-98 Isomorphism 511.326
Canada T2-719 52 crystallography 548.3
Islands of the Atlantic 997 mathematics 511.326
T2--97 Isonitriles 547.044
Islands of the Pacific 990 chemical engineering 661.894
T2~9 Isopoda 595.372
Islas de Ia Bahia (Honduras) T2~728 315 Isoptera 595.736
Islas Malvinas 997.11 Isotope structure 539.74
T2~971 1

llf ______________________________ R_e_la_t_h_'e_l_n_d_ex_______________________________


~- . Isotopes
chemical engineering
660.298 8
Italian Peninsula

t't'[ Isparta ili (Turkey) T2-564 3
ancient T2-392 7 Italian Popular Party
297.633 (1919-1926) 324.245 028 2
Isrdel 956.94 Italian Popular Party
T2-569 4 (1994-2002) 324.245 082
ancient 933.4 Italian Republican Party 324.245 05
T2-334 Italian Riviera (Italy) T2-451 8
Biblical geography and history 220.9 Italian Social Movement
Christian theology 231.76 (Political party) 324.245 038
Jewish theology 296.311 73 Italian Social Movement-Right
Israel-Arab War, 1948-1949 956.042 National (Political party) 324.245 038
Israel-Arab War, 1967 956.046 Italian Socialist Party 324.245 074 2
Israel-Arab War, 1973 956.048 Italian Somaliland T2-677 3
Israel-Lebanon-Syria Cont1iet, Italian Wars, 1494-1559 945.06
1982-1985 956.052 Italianate revivals
Israelis T5--924 architecture 724.52
Israelites T5-924 Italians T5·-5l
Issaquena County (Miss.) T2-762 412 Italic calligraphy 745.619 77
ISSN (Standard serial number) 025.343 2 Italic languages 470
Issuing houses 332.66 T6-7
Istanbul (Turkey) T2-496 18 Italic literatures 870
ancient T2--398 618 Italic peoples T5-4
istanbul iii (Turkey) T2--496 18 Italic type 686.224 7
Asia T2-563 2 Italo-Ethiopian War, 1935-1936 963.056
ancient T2-393 13 Italy 945
Europe T2-496 18 T2-45
Isthmus of Corinth (Greece) T2-495 22 ancient 937
Isthmus of Suez (Egypt) T2-621 5 T2-37
Istiophoridae 597.78 Italy (Kingdom) 945.082
Istria (Croatia) T2-497 2 Italy, Central 945.6
ancient T2-373 9 T2-456
Isuridae 597.33 Italy, Northern 945.1
Itii-Suomen liiani (Finland) T2-489 75 T2-451
!tala Game Preserve (South Italy, Southern 945.7
Africa) T2-684 2 T2---457
Italian Communist Party 324.245 075 2 ancient T2-377
Italian Democratic Socialist Party Itapua (Paraguay) T2-892 126
(1952-1995) 324.245 072 2 Itasca County (Minn.) T2-776 78
Italian Democratic Socialist Party Itawamba County (Miss.) T2-762 982
(2004-) 324.245 072 Iterative methods 518.26
Italian folk music 781.625 1 Ithaca (N.Y.) T2-747 71
Italian folk songs 782.4 21 625 I Ithaca Island (Greece) T2-495 5
Italian greyhound 636.7 6 ancient T2-383
Italian language 450 Ithna Asharites (Islamic sect) 297.821
T6-51 Hadith 297.125 921
Italian Liberal Party (1943-1994) 324.245 04 Itza Indians T5-974 27
Italian Liberal Party (2004-) 324.245 04 Itzalanguage 497.427
Italian literature 850 T6-97427

Dewey Decimal Classification

IUD (Contraceptive) Jackets (Clothing) 391.46

health 613.943 5 · commercial technology 687.14
medicine 618.185 2 indoor garments 687.!13
see also Birth control outdoor garments 687.14
Iudaea T2~334 9 customs 391.46
Ivan, the Terrible indoor garments 391.473
Russian history 947.043 outdoor garments 39!.46
Ivan III, Grand Duke of Russia home sewing 646.45
Russian history 947.041 indoor garments 646.433
Ivan IV, Czar of Russia outdoor garments 646.45
Russian history 947.043 see also Clothing
Ivan VI, Emperor of Russia Jackrabbits 599.328
Russian history 947.061 Jacks (Fishes) 597.72
lvano-Frankivs'k (Ukraine : Jacks (Lifting mechanisms) 621.877
T2-477 9 Jackson (Miss.) T2~762 51
lvano-Frankivs'ka oblasf Jackson, Andrew
(Ukraine) T2-4 77 9 United States history 973.56
lvanovo (Russia: Oblast) T2-473 3 Jackson County (Ala.) T2-761 95
Jvanovskala oblast' (Russia) T2-473 3 Jackson County (Ark) T2-76797
Ivies 635.933 84 Jackson County (Colo.) T2-788 66
botany 583.84 Jackson County (Fla.) T2-759 93
floriculture 635.933 84 Jackson County (Ga.) T2-758 145
lvoirians T5~966 68 Jackson County (Ill.) T2-773 994
Ivorians T5-966 68 Jackson County (Ind.) T2-772 23
Ivory Jackson County (Iowa) T2-77764
manufacturing technology 679.43 Jackson County (Kan.) T2-781 335
Ivory carving 736.62 Jackson County (Ky.) T2-769 183
Ivory Coast 966.68 Jackson County (Mich.) T2-774 28
T2-666 8 Jackson County (Minn.) T2-776235
Ivory Coast people T5-96668 Jackson County (Miss.) T2-762 12
Ivrea (M argravate) 945.103 Jackson County (Mo.) T2-77841
Iwate-ken (Japan) T2~-521 14 Jackson County (N.C.) T2-756 95
IWW (Labor) 331.886 097 3 Jackson County (Ohio) T2-771 85
583.79 Jackson County (Okla.) T2-~766 45
Ixopo (South Africa : Jackson County (Or.) T2-795 27
District) T2-684 7 Jackson County (S.D.) T2-783 572
Jackson County (Tenn.) T2~768 51
Izabal (Guatemala : Dept.) T2-728 131
T2-767 27 Jackson County (Tex.) T2~764127
Izard County (Ark.)
Jackson County (W.Va.) T2~754 31
izmir iii (Turkey) T2-562 5
T2-392 3 Jackson County (Wis.) T2~775 51
izmit (Turkey) T2~563 3 Jackson Parish (La.) T2-763 92
Jacksonville (Fla.) T2--759 12
Jacob (Biblical patriarch) 222.11 () 92
J 515.55
Jacobi polynomials
J document (Biblical criticism) 222.106 6 Jacobite Church 28!.63
Jacamars 598.72 see also Eastern churches
Jacanas 598.33 Jacobite Patriarchate of Antioch 281.63
Jacanidae 598.33 see also Eastern churches
Jack County (Tex.) T2-764 544 Jacob's ladders (Plants)
Jack-in-the-pulpits 584.64 botany 583.94
Jackals 599.772 Jacobsdal (South Africa :
District) T2-685 8
Jacquard-weave fabrics 677.616
see also Textiles

Relative Index

Jacquard-weave rugs
arts 746.72 Jakun (Malaysian people) 1'5--992 8
Jacques-Cartier (Quebec) T2 -714 474 Jakunlanguage 499.28
·Jacques-Cartier National 1'6-992 8
Park (Quebec) 1'2--714 48 Jalapa (Guatemala: Dept.) T2-728 142
Jacques-Cartier River Jalisco (Mexico) 1'2-723 5
(Quebec) 1'2-714 474 Jamaica 972.92
<Jade 553.876 1'2-729 2
economic geology 553.876 Jamaica bayberry 583.765
glyptics 736.24 Jamaican literature 810
jewelry 739.27 Jamaicans 1'5-969 729 2
materials science 620.198 Jambi (Indonesia) T2-598 15
mining 622.387 6 James (Biblical book) 227.91
occultism 133.255 387 6 James, William
divination 133.322 personality theory 155.264
prospecting 622.188 76 James I, King of England
Jadida (Morocco: Province) T2-646 2 British history 941.061
Jadite 553.876 English history 942.061
see also .I ade Scottish history 941.106 1
Jaegers 598.338 James I, King of Scotland
Jaen (Spain: Province) T2-468 3 Scottish history 941.104
Jagan, Cheddi James II, King of England
Guyanese history 988.103 31 British history 941.067
Jagan, Janet English history 942.067
Guyanese history 988.103 32 Scottish history 941.106 7
Jagdeo, Bharrat James II, King of Scotland
Guyanese history 988.103 33 Scottish history 941.104
Jagellon dynasty 943.802 3 James III, King of Scotland
Jagersfontein (South Scottish history 941.104
Africa : District) T2-685 7 James IV, King of Scotland
Jaguar 599.755 Scottish history 941.104
big game hunting 799.277 55 James V, King of Scotland
conservation technology 639.979 755 Scottish history 941.104
resource economics 333.959 755 James VI, King of Scotland
Jahangir, Emperor of Hindustan Scottish history 941.106 I
Indian history 954.025 6 1567-1603 941.105
Jahn-Teller effect (Physics) 530.416 1603-1625 941.106 1
Jail breaks 365.641 James Bay Region (Ont. and
Jails 365.34 Quebec) T2-714 115
see also Penal institutions James City County (Va.) T2-755 425 1
Jain architecture 720.954 James River (N.D. and S.D.) T2-783 3
Jain philosophy 181.044 North Dakota T2-784 5
Jain sculpture 730.954 South Dakota T2-783 3
Jain temples and shrines 294.435 James River (Va.) T2-755 4
architecture 726.144 Jameson raid, 1895-1896 968.204 75
Jain ism 294.4 Jammeh, A. J. J.
art representation 704.948 944 Gambian history 966.510 32
arts 700.482 944 Jammu and Kashmir (India) T2-546
T3C-382 944 Jams 641.852
Jains commercial processing 664.152
biography 294.409 2 home preparation 641.852
Jaipuri dialect 491.479 7 Jamtland landskap (Sweden) T2-488 3
T6-914 79 Jamtlands Ian (Sweden) T2-488 3
Jaipuri literature 891.479 Jan Mayen Island T2-983

Dewey Decimal Class!fication

Jansen ism 273.7 Jasmines 583.87

denominations 284.84 botany 583.87
Jansenville (South Africa : floriculture 635.933 87
District) T2-687 51 perfume crop 633.81
Janiib DarfUr (Sudan : State)T2--627 Jasper County (Ga.) T2-758 583
Janiib Kurduran (Sudan) T2-628 Jasner County (Ill.) T2--773 74
Janiib S!na' (Egypt) T2-531 Jasper County (Ind.) T2-772 977
Japan 952 Jasper County (Iowa) T2-777 594
T2-52 Jasper County (Miss.) T2-762 575
Japan, Sea of 551.461 454 Jasper County (Mo.) T2-778 72
T2-164 54 Jasper County (S.C.) T2-75798
Japan Current 551.462 145 Jasper County (Tex.) T2-764159
Japanese T5-956 Jasper National Park (Alta.) T2-712 332
Japanese beetles 595.764 9 Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok
agricultural pests 632.764 9 Megye (Hungary) T2-4398
Japanese calendar 529.329 56 Jatakas 294.382 325
Japanese cedar 585.5 Jaundice
Japanese chess 794.18 medicine 616.362 5
Japanese chin 636.76 see aLYo Digestive system
Japanese Communist Party 324.252 075 diseases - humans
Japanese flower arrangements 745.922 52 Java (Indonesia) T2---598 2
Japanese flowering cherry 635.977 373 Java man 569.97
Japanese ink painting 75!.425 2 Java Sea 55!.461 474
Japanese language 495.6 T2-16474
T6-956 Java War, 1825-1830 959.802 23
Japanese literature 895.6 Javan pig 599.633 2
Japanese macaque 599.864 4 Javanese T5--992 22
Japanese medlars 641.341 6 Javanese language 499.222
see also Loquats T6-99222
Japanese quail 598.627 2 Javanese literature 899.222
Japanese religions 299.56 Javelin hurling 796.435
Japanese river fever Jawa (Indonesia) T2-598 2
incidence 614.526 4 Jawa Barat (Indonesia) T2-59824
medicine 616.922 4 Jawa Tengah (Indonesia) T2-59826
see also Communicable Jawa Timur (Indonesia) T2-59828
diseases - humans Jawami'
Japanese spaniel 636.76 Hadith 297.125 4
Japanning Jawara, Dawda Kairaba
decorative arts 745.726 Gambian history 966.510 31
technology 667.75 Jawless fishes 597.2
Jar cutting Jaws
decorative arts 748.202 86 fractures
Jarai T5-9922 medicine 617.156
Jarash (Jordan :Province) T2-569 548 human anatomy 611.92
Jardins-de-Napierville human physiology 612.92
(Quebec) T2-714 35 regional medicine 617.522
Jargon 417.2 surge.ry 617.522
specific languages T4----7 Jay County (Ind.) T2--772 67
Jarl:t wa al-Ta'dil (Hadith) 297.125 26 Jays 598.864
Jars 688.8 conservation technology 639.978 864
glass 666.192 resource economics 333.958 864
decorative arts 748.82 Jaza'ir (Algeria :Province) TI-653
technology 666.192 Jazirah (Sudan : State) T2-6264
see also Containers

Relative Index

782.421 65 Jefferson County (Pa.) T2--748 62
Jazz bands 784.416 5 Jefferson County (Tenn.) T2-768 924
· Jazz dancing 793.3 Jefferson County (Tex.) T2-764 145
Jazz ensembles 785.065 Jefferson County (W.Va.) T2-754 99
Jazz musicians 781.650 92 Jefferson County (Wash.) T2-797 98
singers 782.421 650 92 Jefferson County (Wis.) T2-775 85
Jazz pianists 786.216 509 2 Jefferson DavisCounty
Jazz saxophonists 788.716 509 2 (Miss.) T2-762 543
Jazz singers 782.421 650 92 Jefferson Davis Parish (La.) T2--763 55
Jazz trumpeters 788.921 650 92 Jefferson Parish (La.) T2-763 38
Jazz vocals 782.421 65 Jehovah's Witnesses 289.92
Jealousy 152.48 biography 289.920 92
ethics 179.8 Holocaust, 1933·1945 940.531 808 828 992
religion 205.698 see also Christian
psychology 152.48 denominations
see also Vices Jejunal diseases
Jean I, King of France medicine 616.34
French history 944.024 see also Digestive system
Jean II, King of France diseases- humans
French history 944.025 Jejunitis
Jeep cavalry 357.54 medicine 616.344
Jeeps 388.342 see also Digestive system
driving 629.283 diseases - humans
engineering 629.222 Jejunum 573.378
military engineering 623.747 22 biology 573.378
repair 629.287 2 human anatomy 611.341
transportation services 388.342 medicine 616.34
see also Automobiles surgery 617.554 1
Jeff Davis County (Ga.) T2-758 827 see also Digestive system
Jeff Davis County (Tex.) T2-764 934 Je1enia G6ra (Poland :
Jefferson, Thomas Voivodeship) T2-438 52
United States history 973.46 Jellies (Gelatin desserts) 641.864 2
1801-1805 973.46 commercial processing 664.26
1805-1809 973.48 home preparation 641.864 2
Jefferson City (Mo.) T2-778 55 Jellies (Preserves) 641.852
Jefferson County (Ala.) T2-761 78 commercial processing 664.152
Jefferson County (Ark.) T2-767 79 horne preparation 641.852
Jefferson County (Colo.) T2-788 84 Jelly fungi 579.59
Jefferson County (Fla.) T2-759 87 Jellyfishes 593.53
Jefferson County (Ga.) T2-758 663 Jellying agents
Jefferson County (Idaho) T2-796 58 commercial processing 664.25
Jefferson County (Ill.) T2-773 793 Jena (Germany) T2-432 22
Jefferson County (Ind.) T2--772 13 Jenkins County (Ga.) T2~758 693
Jefferson County (Iowa) T2-77794 Jenkins' Ear, War of, 1739-1741 946.055
Jefferson County (Kan.) T2-781 37 Jennings County (Ind.) T2-772 17
Jefferson County (Ky.) T2-76944 Jerada (Morocco: Province) T2-643 3
Jefferson County (Miss.) T2-762 283 Jerauld County (S.D.) T2-783 32
Jefferson County (Mo.) T2-778 67 Jerboas 599.35
Jefferson County (Mont.) T2-786 67 Jeremiah (Biblical book) 224.2
Jefferson County (N.Y.) T2-747 57 Jerome County (Idaho) T2--796 35
Jefferson County (Neb.) T2-782 332 Jersey (Channel Islands) T2--423 41
Jefferson County (Ohio) T2-771 69 Jersey cattle 636.224
Jefferson County (Okla.) T2--766 52 Jersey City (N.J.) T2-749 27

Dewey Decimal Class(fication

Jersey County (IlL) T2-773 855 Jet planes (continued)

Jerusalem T2-569442 transportation services 387.733 49
ancient T2-33442 see also Aircraft
sacred place Jet pumps 621.691
Christianity 263.042 569 442 Jet skiing 797.37
Judaism 296.482 Jet streams (Meteorology) 551.518 3
Jerusalem artichoke sugar 641.336 Jethou (Channel Islands) T2-423 47
commercial processing 664.139 Jetties
food 641.336 engineering 627.24
see also Sugar Jevons, William Stanley
Jerusalem artichoke syrup 641.336 economic school 330.157
commercial processing 664.139 Jewelers 739.270 92
food 641.336 Jewell County (Kan.) T2-781 22
see also Sugar Jewelry 391.7
Jerusalem artichokes 641.352 4 customs 391.7
agriculture 635.24 making 739.27
cooking 641.652 4 costume jewelry 688.2
food 641.352 4 handicrafts 745.594 2
Jerusalem Bible 220.520 7 fine jewelry 739.27
Jerusalem district (Israel) T2-56944 theft of 364.162 873 927
Jerusalem district (West law 345.0262873927
Bank) T2-569 52 Jewelweeds 583.79
Jerusalem Talmud 296.124 Jewish apocalypses
Jessamine County (Ky.) T2--769 483 pseudepigrapha 229.913
Jessamines 583.87 Jewish architecture
see also Jasmines ancient 722.33
Jestbooks 808.882 Jewish Autonomous Region
see also Jokes (Russia) T2-577
Jests 808.882 Jewish Bible 221
see also Jokes see Manual at 221
Jesuits 255.53 Jewish calendar 529.326
church history 271.53 religion 296.43
Jesus Christ 232 Jewish-Christian dialogue 261.26
art representation 704.948 53 Christian theology 261.26
arts 700.482 32 Jewish theology 296.396
T3C-382 32 Jewish Christians (Sects) 289.9
biography 232.901 Jewish cooking 641.567 6
Gospel text and criticism 226 Jewish day schools 371.076
see Manual at 230-280 Jewish education 296.68
Islam 297.246 5 see Manual at 207.5, 268 vs.
Jewish interpretations 232.906 200.71,230.071, 292-299
rationalistic interpretations 232.9 Jewish holidays 296.43
Jesus Island (Quebec) T2-714 271 customs 394.267
Jesus prayer 242.72 liturgy 296.453
Jet (Precious stone) 553.87 see also Holidays
see also Semiprecious stones Jewish law 340.58
Jet engines 621.4352 religion 296.18
aircraft 629.134 353 Jewish philosophy 181.06
Jet fuel 665.538 25 Jewish Publication Society Bible 221.520 8
Jet planes 387.733 49 Jewish religious schools 296.680 83
engineering 629.133 349 Jewish sacred music 781.76
military engineering 623.746 044 public worship 782.36
military equipment 358.4183 music 782.36
religion 296.462

Relative Index

Jewish sculpture 732.3 Jivaroan languages 498.37

Jews T5-924 T6--983 7
civilization 909.049 24 Jizah (Egypt)
Holocaust, 1933-1945 940.531 8 ancient T2-322
social aspects 305.892 4 JTzah (Egypt: Province) T2-622
Jews (Religious group) Tl--088 296 Juana yoga 294.543 6
biography 296.092 Jo Daviess County (IlL) T2-773 343
specific denominations 296.8 Joachim, Saint ' 232.933
role ofleaders 296.61 private prayers to 242.75
social aspects 305.696 Job (Biblical book) 223.1
Jew's harps 786.887 Job analysis 658.306
see also Percussion instruments military personnel 355.614
Jharkhand (India: State) T2 -541 27 personnel management 658.306
Jiangsu Sheng (China) T2-511 36 public administration 352.64
Jiangxi dialects 495.172 22 Job applications 650.142
T6-951 7 Job banks 331.128
Jiangxi Sheng (China) T2-512 22 Job burnout 158.723
Jicarilla Apache language 497.25 Job classification 658.306
T6-972 5 military personnel 355.614
Jicarilla Indians T5-972 5 personnel management 658.306
Jig saws 621.934 public administration 352.64
wood handicrafts 745.513 Job control languages 005.434
Jigawa State (Nigeria) T2--669 77 Job creation 331.120 424
Jigs (Tools) 621.992 government policy 331.120 424
Jigsaw puzzles 793.73 see Manual at 331.120424
Jihad 297.72 vs. 331.1377
Jihlavsky kraj (Czech public administration 354.927
Republic) T2-437 22 Job description 658.306
Jihocesky kraj (Czech military personnel 355.614
Republic) T2-437 13 personnel management 658.306
Jihomoravsky kraj (Czech libraries 023.7
Republic) T2-437 24 public administration 352.64
Jijel (Algeria : Province) T2-655 Job enrichment
Jijil (Algeria : Province) T2-655 personnel management 658.314 23
Jilin Sheng (China) T2--5188 Job evaluation
Jim Hogg County (Tex.) T2-764482 personnel management 658.306
Jim Wells County (Tex.) T2-764465 .Job hunting 650.14
Jimi River (Papua New Job infonnation 331.128
Guinea) T2-956 5 Job mobility 331.127
Jimsonweed 583.952 Job openings 331.124
Jin dynasty 931.04 Job opportunities 331.124
Jindjibandji language 499.15 Job rights 33l.Oll
T6-991 5 law 344.010 1
Jingpho-Konyak-Bodo languages 495.4 Job satisfaction 331.012
T6-954 labor economies 331.012
Jinn 297.217 personnel management 658.314 22
Jinnah, Mahomcd Ali public administration 352.66
Pakistani history 954.904 2 psychology 158.7
Jinotega (Nicaragua: Dept.) T2-728 522 Job security 331.259 6
Jipijapa 584.62 law 344.012 596
Jita language 496.395 public employees 342.068 6
T6-963 95 public administration 354.98
Jitterbug 793.33 Job sharing 331.257 277

Dewey Decimal Classification

Job stress 158.72 Johnston County (N.C.) T2~756 41

executive management 658.409 5 Johnston County (Okla.) T2~76668
labor economics 331.256 Johnston Island T2~969 9
Job training 370.113 Johor T2~595 1
see also Vocational education 684.08
Job vacancies 331.124 construction 694.6
Jobbers (Wholesalers) ship hulls 623.844
commerce 381.2 woodworking 684.08
Jobs Joining equipment 621.97
openings 331.124 Joining metals 671.5
personal success 650.14 decorative arts 739.14
Jockeys 798.400 92 sculpture 731.41
Joel (Biblical book) 224.7 Joint chiefs of staff 355.330 42
Jogging 613.7172 Joint committees
Johannesburg (South legislative bodies 328.365 7
Africa : District) T2~68221 Joint custody 346.017 3
John (Biblical books) 226.5 Joint diseases 573.783 9
Epistles 227.94 animals 573.783 9
gospel 226.5 humans
Revelation 228 medicine 616.72
John, King of England see also Musculoskeletal
English history 942.033 diseases~ humans
John, the Baptist, Saint 232.94 Joint operations (Armed forces) 355.46
John I, King of France Joint stock companies 338.7
French history 944.024 see also Business enterprises;
John II, King of France Unincorporated business
French history 944.025 enterprises
John III, King of Sweden Joint tenancy 346.042
Swedish history 948.503 23 Joint ventures 338.7
John IV, Negus of Ethiopia law 346.068 2
Eritrean history 963.504 2 management of enterprises 658.044
Ethiopian history 963.042 initiation 658.1144
John Brown's Raid, 1859 see Jfanual at 658.04 vs.
Civil War (United States) cause 973.711 6 658.114, 658.402
John Dories 597.64 see also Business enterprises
Johnson, Andrew Joints (Body parts) 573.78
United States history 973.81 diseases 573.783 9
Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon extremities
Baines) surgery 617.58059
United States history 973.923 human anatomy 611.72
Johnson County (Ark.) T2~767 33 human physiology 612.752
Johnson County (Ga.) T2~758 676 medicine 616.72
Johnson County (Ill.) T2~773 996 surgery 617.472
Johnson County (Ind.) T2~772 515 see also Musculoskeletal
Johnson County (Iowa) T2~777 655 system
Johnson County (Kan.) T2~781 675 Joints (Geology) 551.84
Johnson County (Ky.) T2~769 245 Jokebooks 808.882
Johnson County (Mo.) T2~778455 see also Jokes
Johnson County (Neb.) T2~782 276
Johnson County (Tenn.) T2~768 99
Johnson County (Tex.) T2~764 524
Johnson County (Wyo.) T2~787 35
Johnson-Sirleaf, Ellen
Liberian history 966.620 34

Relative Index

Jokes 808.882 Joule's law 536.71

folk literature 398.7 Journalism 070.4
literature 808.882 arts T3C-39
history and criticism 809.982 civil issues 323.445
specific literatures T3B-802 sociology 302.23
individual authors T3A-8 Journalists 070.92
see Manual at Tl-0207 vs. occupational ethics 174.907
T3B-7, T3A-8 + 02, Journals (Diaries) 920
T3B-802, T3B-8 + 02, Tl-092
T3A--8 + 07, T3B-807, Journals (Mechanisms) 621.821
T3B-8 •07 Journals (Serials) 050
Joliette (Quebec : Regional T1 05
County Municipality) T2-714 42 see also Serials
Jonah (Biblical book) 224.92 Joy 152.42
Jonathan, Leabua Joysticks (Computers) 004.76
Lesotho history 968.850 31 engineering 621.398 6
Jones County (Ga.) T2--758 567 Ju-chen (Manchurian
Jones County (Iowa) T2-777 63 people) T5-941
Jones County (Miss.) T2-762 55 Ju-chen language 494.1
Jones County (N.C.) T2-756 21 T6-941
Jones County (S.D.) T2-783 577 Juab County (Utah) T2-792 44
Jones County (Tex.) T2-764 733 Juan Carlos I, of Spain
Jonkopings Ian (Sweden) T2-4864 Spanish history 946.083
Jonquiere (Saguenay, Juan de Fuca Strait (B.C. and 551.461 432
Quebec) T2-714 162 Washington) T2-164 32
Jonquils 635.934 34 Juarez, Benito
botany 584.34 Mexican history 972.07
floriculture 635.934 34 Jubilees
Jordan 956.95 customs 394.4
T2-569 5 Judaea T2-3349
ancient 933.5 Judah T2-334 9
T2-335 Judaism 296
Jordan algebras 512.48 art representation 704.948 96
Jordan River T2-5694 arts 700.482 96
Jordanians T5-927 569 5 T3C-382 96
Jos (Nigeria) T2---669 52 Christian polemics 239.2
Joseph (Son of Jacob) 222.110 92 Islamic polemics 297.292
Joseph, Saint 232.932 Judaism and Christianity 261.26
private prayers to 242.75 Christian view 261.26
Joseph I, Emperor of Germany Jewish view 296.396
German history 943.051 Judaism and Islam 296.397
Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor Islamic view 297.282
German history 943.057 Jewish view 296.397
Joseph Bonaparte, King of Spain Judaism and occultism 296.371
Spanish history 946.06 Judas's betrayal of Jesus Christ 232.961
Josephine County (Or.) T2-795 25 Jude (Biblical book) 227.97
Josephson e±Iect (Physics) 530.416 Judeo-Arabiclanguage 492.77
Joshua (Biblical book) 222.2 T6-927
Joshua Tree National Park Judeo-Arabic literature 892.7
(Calif.) T2-794 97 Judeo-German language 439.1
Joual 447.971 4 T6--391
T6-41 Judeo-German literature 839.1
Joubertina (South Africa : Judeo-Spanish language 467.949 6
District) T2 687 51 T6---67

Dewey Decimal Class!fication

Judea-Spanish literature 860 Jujubes (continued)

Judges (Biblical book) 222.32 food 641 .342
Judges (Jurists) 347.014 orchard crop 634.2
criminal courts 345.012 4 Jujuy (Argentina: Province) T2-824 l
occupational ethics 174.3 Jukeboxes 621.389 33
Judges (Rulers) Jula language 496.345
Palestinian history 933.02 T6-963 45
Judging competitions Tl-079 Julian calendar 529.42
Judging livestock 636.081 1 Juliana, Queen of the Netherlands
Judgment Dutch history 949.207 2
epistemology 121 July Monarchy 944.063
psychology 153.46 Jum'ah 297.36
Judgment Day 202.3 Jumble sales 381.195
Christianity 236.9 Jump rope rhymes 398.8
Islam 297.23 Jumpers (Athletes) 796.432 092
Judgments (Law) 347.077 Jumping
Judicial administration 347.013 field sports 796.432
criminal law 345.012 3 horses 798.25
Judicial assistance 345.052 skiing 796.933
Judicial branch of government 347 Jumping mice 599.35
Judicial cooperation 347.012 Juncaginaceae 584.74
criminal law 345.012 2 Juncales 584.82
Judicial discretion 347.012 Juncos 598.883
criminal law 345.012 2 Junction diodes 621.381 522
Judicial error 347.012 Junction transistors 621.381 528 2
criminal law 345.012 2 Juncture (Linguistics) 414.6
Judicial-executive relations 320.404 specific languages T4-16
law 342.044 June beetles 595.764 9
Judicial institutions June bugs 595.764 9
sociology 306.25 Juneau (Alaska) T2-798 2
Judicial-legislative relations 320.404 Juneau County (Wis.) T2-775 55
law 342.044 Juneberries 641.347 4
Judicial power 347.012 botany 583.73
chief executives 352.235 cooking 641.647 4
legislatures 328.345 3 food 641.347 4
Judicial process 347.05 horticulture 634.74
Judicial review 347.012 Junee (N.S.W.) T2-944 8
criminal law 345.012 2 Jungerrnanniales 588.3
Judicial statistics 34 7. 013 Jungian psychology 150.195 4
Judith (Deuterocanonical book) 229.24 personality theory 155.264 4
Judith Basin County (Mont.) T2-786 62 Jungle diseases
Judo 796.815 2 medicine 616.988 3
Juggling 793.87 see also Environmental
Juglandales 583.49 diseases - humans
Jugnauth, Aneerood Jungle fowl 598.625
Mauritian history 969.820 42 Jungle tactics 355.423
Juices (Beverages) 641.34 Jungles 333.75
commercial processing 663.63 T2-152
home preparation 641.875 biology 578.734
Jujitsu 796.815 2 ecology 577.34
Jujubes 641.342 see also Forest lands
botany 583.86 Juniata County (Pa.) T2-74847
cooking 641.642 Juniata River (Pa.) T2-748 45
Junin (Peru: Dept.) T2-8524

Relative Index

Junior colleges (Two-year Justice

colleges) 378.1543 arts T3C-353
Junior high schools 373.236 ethics 172.2
see also Secondary education religion 205.622
Junior schools (Primary schools) 372 Buddhism 294.356 22
see also Primary education Christianity 241.622
Junipers 585.4 Hinduism 294.548 622
Junk bonds 332.632 34 Islam 297.562 2
Junqali (Sudan : State) T2--629 3 Judaism 296.362 2
Jupiter (Planet) 523.45 law 340.114
T2-992 5 literature 808.803 53
astrology 133.536 history and criticism 809.933 53
unmanned flights to 629.435 45 specific literatures T3B---080 353
Jura (France) T2--444 7 history and
Jura (Switzerland) T2-494 36 criticism T3B--093 53
Jura Mountains (France and political science 320.011
Switzerland) T2--494 3 public administration 353.4
France T2-.444 5 social theology 201.76
Switzerland T2--494 3 Christianity 261.8
Jura-Nord Vaudois Islam 297.27
(Switzerland) T2-494 522 5 Judaism 296.38
Jurassic period 551.766 Justice of God 214
geology 551.766 see also Theodicy
paleontology 560.176 6 Justices of the peace 347.016
Jurchen (Manchurian occupational ethics 174.3
people) T5-941 Justification (Christian doctrine) 234.7
Jurchen language 494.1 Jute 677.13
T6-941 agricultural economics 338.173 54
Juries 347.075 2 botany 583.68
criminal law 345.075 fiber crop 633.54
Jurisdiction textiles 677.13
courts 347.012 arts 746.041 3
criminal law 345.Dl2 2 economics 338.476 771 3
see Manual at 347 see also Textiles
government 342.041 Jute pulp 676.14
law of nations 341.4 Jutiapa (Guatemala: Dept.) T2-728 143
persons (legal concept) 342.08 Jutland (Denmark) T2-·489 5
territory 342.041 3 Juvenile correctional institutions 365.42
Jurisprudence 340 see also Penal institutions
Juristic acts 346.02 Juvenile courts 345.081
Juristic persons 346.013 Juvenile delinquency 364.36
Jurists (Judges) 347.014 092 school problem 371.782
Jurists (Lawyers) 340.092 Juvenile delinquents 364.36
Jury ethics 174.3 Tl-086 923
Jury instructions 347.075 8 home care 649.153
Jury selection 347.075 2 law 345.03
criminal law 345.075 pastoral care
Jury trial 347.052 Christianity 259.5
criminal law 345.056 penal institutions 365.42
Just war theory see also Penal institutions
ethics 172.42 Juvenile justice 364.36
religion 205.624 2 criminology 364.36
Christianity 241.624 2 law 345.08

Dewey Decimal Classification

Juvenile literature 808.899 282 Kaka languages 496.396

history and criticism 809.892 82 T6-963 96
reviews 028.162 Kakapo 598.71
rhetoric 808.068 conservation technology 639.978 71
specific literatures T3B-080 928 2 resource economics 333.958 71
history and criticism T3B-099 282 Kako languages 496.396
Juvenile procedure 345.08 T6--963 96
K incidence 614.534
medicine 616.936 4
K-mesons 539.721 62 see also Communicable
K-theory 512.66 diseases - humans
algebra 512.66 Kalahari Desert T2-688 3
topology 514.23 Botswana T2-688 3
Kabardian language 499.9624 South Africa T2-687 ll
T6-999 624 Kalahari Gemsbok National
Kabardino-Balkaria (Russia) T2-475 2 Park (South Africa) T2-68712
Kabardino-Balkari!a Kaliim (Islam) 297.2
(Russia) T2-475 2 Kalam District (Pakistan) TI-549 122
Kabbalah 296.16 Kalamazoo County (Mich.) T2-77417
see also Cabala Kalanga language (Tanzania and
Kabuki theater 792.095 2 Congo) 496.394
Kabwe man 569.98 T6--963 94
Kabyle language 493.34 KaH'\t District (Pakistan) T2-549 153
T6-9334 Kal!itdlisut language 497.12
Kabyle literature 893.34 T6-9712
Kabyles T5-933 Kalawao County (Hawaii) TI-96924
Kacem (Morocco : Kalbarri National Park
Province) T2-643 5 (W.A.) TI-9412
Kachin language 495.4 Kale 641.353 47
T6-954 cooking 64l.653 47
Kaczynski, Lech food 641.353 47
Poll sh history 943.805 73 garden crop 635.347
Kadai languages 495.9 Kalenjin language 496.5
T6--959 T6-965
Kadai literatures 895.9 Kalgoorlie (W.A.) TI-9416
Kadai peoples T5-959 Kalimantan (Indonesia) TI--598 3
Kadarites (Islamic sect) 297.835 Kalimantan Barat
Kaduna State (Nigeria) T2-66973 (Indonesia) T2-598 32
Kaffraria T2-687 5 Kalimantan Island T2-598 3
Kafiri languages 491.49 Kalimantan Selatan
T6-9149 (Indonesia) TI-598 36
Kafiri literatures 891.49 Kalimantan Tengah
Kafirs (Afghanistan people) T5-914 9 (Indonesia) T2-598 34
Kafr al-Shaykh (Egypt) T2-62l Kalimantan Timur
Kagawa-ken (Japan) T2-523 5 (Indonesia) T2--598 38
Kagera Region (Tanzania) TI-67827 Kalinga- Apayao
Kagoshima-ken (Japan) T2-522 6 (Philippines) T2-5991
Kahoolawe (Hawaii) T2-969 22 Kalinin (Russia : Oblast) T2-472 8
Kahramanmara~ ili (Turkey) T2-565 3 Kaliningrad (Russia :
ancient T2-393 6 Oblast) T2-4724
Kaikoura District (N .Z.) T2-937 8 Kaliningradskata oblast'
Kainah Indians T5-973 52 (Russia) T2-472 4
Kaipara District (N.Z.) T2-93l 8

Relative index

T2-472 8 Kanarese TS-948 14

T5~979 435 Kanarese language 494.814
Kalispelliterature 897.943 5 T6-948 14
Kalispel-Pend d'Oreille language 497.943 5 Kanarese literature 894.814
T6~979435 Kanawh~;~. County (W.Va.) T2-754 37
.-·Kalisz (Poland : Kanawha River (W.Va.) T2-754 3
, Voivodeship) T2-438 49 Kandh (Dravidian people) TS-948 24
; KaJkaska County (Mich.) T2~774 65 Kandh language 494.824
; Kallitype processes 772.16 T6-948 24
; Kalmar Ian (Sweden) T2-486 3 Kandh literature 894.824
- Kalmar Union 948.03 Kandiyohi County (Minn.) T2-776 48
Danish history 948.902 Kane County (Ill.) T2-773 23
Norwegian history 948.101 Kane County (Utah) T2-792 51
Swedish history 948.501 82 Kanem (Kingdom) 967.430 1
• Kalmias 583.66 T2-674 3
Kalmuck language 494.2 Kanem-Bornu (Kingdom) 966.980 I
T6~942 Kanem-Bornu Empire T2~669 8

· Kalmyk T5~942 Kanembu (African people) TS-965

. Kalmyk language 494.2 Kanembu language 496.5
T6~942 T6-965
Kalmyk-Oirat language T6~942 Kangaroo Island (S. Aust.) T2-942 35
Kalmykia (Russia) T2-474 8 Kangaroo mice 599.359 8
Kalmykila (Russia) T2-474 8 Kangaroo rats 599.359 87
Kaluga (Russia: Oblast) T2-472 6 Kangaroos 599.222
Kaluzhskaia oblast' (Russia) T2-472 6 big game hunting 799.272 22
Kam-Sui languages 495.9 conservation technology 639.979 222
T6~959 resource economics 333.959 222
Kam-Sui literatures 895.9 Kangiqsliniq (Nunavut) T2 719 58
Kam-Sui peoples T5~959 KaNgwane (South Africa) T2-682 72
Kamakura period 952.021 Kankakee County (Ill.) T2--773 63
· Kan1ba (African people) TS-963 953 Kankan (Guinea) T2-665 2
Kamba language 496.395 3 Kannadalanguage 494.814
T6~963 953 T6~948 14

Kan1Chatka (Russia: Oblast) T2~577 Kannada literature 894.814

Kamchatskalli oblast' Kano State (Nigeria) T2-669 78
(Russia) T2-577 Kansa Indians TS-975 25
Kamerun 967.110 2 Kansas 978.1
T2-67l 1 T2-781
551.315 Kansas City (Kan.) T2~781 39
Kamhlushwa (South Africa : Kansas City (Mo.) T2-778 411
District) T2~682 72 Kansas City jazz 781.653
Kamloops (B.C.) T2~711 72 Kansas River (Kan.) T2~781 3

Kamouraska (Quebec : Kansu Province (China) T2-514 5

Regional County Kantianism 142.3
Municipality) T2~714 75 Kant5 Region (Japan) T2-521 3
Kampala (Uganda) T2-676 1 Kanuri language 496.5
Kampuchea 959.604 2 T6-965
T2~596 Kaolack (Senegal : Region) T2-663
Kan dialects 495.172 22 Kaolin 553.61
T6~951 economic geology 553.61
Kanabec County (Minn.) T2~776 63 mining 622.361
Kanagawa-ken (Japan) T2-521 36 Kaolinite
Kananaskis Country (Alta.) T2--712 332 mineralogy 549.67

Dewey Decimal Classification

Kaonde language 496.393 Karen languages 495

T6-963 93 T6-95
Kaons 539.721 62 Kari languages (Bantu) 496.394
Kapadokya (Turkey) T2-5641 T6-963 94
Kapiti Coast District (N.Z.) T2-9361 Karlovarsky kraj (Czech
Kapok Republic) T2--437 15
botany 583.68 Karlsruhe (Germany) TI-~34643 6
fiber crop 633.56 Karlsrilhe (Germany:
materials science 620.195 Landkreis) TI--434 643
textiles 677.23 Karlsruhe (Germany :
see also Textiles Regierungsbezirk) T2--434 64
Kaposi's sarcoma Karma 202.2
incidence 614.599 947 7 Buddhism 294.342 2
medicine 616.994 77 Hinduism 294.522
see also Cancer - humans Karma yoga 294.543 6
Kara-Kalpak language 494.34 Karnak (Egypt) T2-323
T6---943 4 Kama taka (India) T2-548 7
Kara Sea 551.461 325 Karnes County (Tex.) T2-764444
T2--163 25 Kamten (Austria) T2--436 6
Karachaevo-Cherkesim Karo, Joseph ben Ephraim
(Russia) T2--475 2 Jewish legal codes 296.182
Karachay-Balkar language 494.38 Karoo (South Africa) T2--687 39
T6-943 8 Karoo, Great (South Africa) T2 687 39
Karachay-Cherkessia Karoo, Little (South Africa) T2--687 38
(Russia) T2--475 2 Karoo, Northern (South
Karachi (Pakistan : District) T2-549 183 Africa) TI-687 13
Karagwe (Kingdom) 967.610 I Karoo, Upper (South
T2--676 I Africa) T2-68713
Karaim language 494.38 Karoo National Park (South
T6-943 8 Africa) T2--687 39
Karaites 296.81 Karpathos Island (Greece) TI--49587
Karak (Jordan: Province) T2-569 563 ancient T2-391 7
Karakalpak (Uzbekistan) T2-587 Kars iii (Turkey) T2-566 26
Karakalpak language 494.34 ancient T2-395 5
T6-943 4 Karsts 551.447
Karakoram Range TI-546 T2-144
Karaman iii (Turkey) T2-564 5 see also Caves
ancient T2-392 7 Karting 796.76
Karanga (African people) T5-963 975 Karts (Racing cars) 796.76
Karanga kingdoms 968.910 1 driving 629.284 8
Karanga language 496.397 5 engineering 629.228
T6---963 975 repair 629.287 8
Karate 796.815 3 sports 796.76
physical fitness 613.714 8 Kartvelian languages 499.968
Karbali.'i' (Iraq: Province) T2-567 5 T6---999 68
Karbuk iii (Turkey) T2---563 7 Kasai-Occidental (Congo) TI-675 123
Karditsa (Greece: Nome) T2--495 4 Kasar-Oriental (Congo) T2-675 126
Karelia (Region) T2--471 5 Kasem language 496.35
Karelia (Russia) T2-4715 T6---963 5
Karelian language 494.54 Kasena language 496.35
T6-945 4 T6-963 5
Karelian literature 894.54 Kashmir T2-546
Karelians T5-945 4 India T2-546
Karen T5-95 Pakistan T2-549 13

Relative Index

491.499 Kavirondo language (Nilotic) 496.5

T6-914 99 T6-965
891.499 Kaw River (Kan.) T2~781 3
J{ashmiri literature
J{ashmiris T5-914 99 Kawar T5-914 92
. J{ashrut 296.73 Kawartha Lakes (Ont.) T2-713 64
; J{ashubian language 491.85 Kawartha Lakes (Ont. :
T6-918 5 Lakes) T2-713 67
J{ashubian literature 891.85 Kawau Island (N.Z.: Island) T2-932 1
J{ashubians T5-918 5 Kawerau (N.Z.) T2-934 26
'Kashubs T5-918 5 Kawerau District (N.Z.) T2-934 26
J{assalii (Sudan : State)T2-625 Kay County (Okla.) T2-766 24
Kassel (Germany) T2-434124 Kayaking 797.1224
· Kassel (Germany: Kayseri Ili (Turkey) T2-564 12
Regierungsbezirk) T2~434 12 ancient T2-393 4
J{astamonu ili (Turkey) T2-563 7 Kazak language 494.345
ancient T2-393 17 T&--943 45
Kastoria (Greece: Nome) T2--495 62 Kazak literature 894.345
Katanga (Congo) T2·675 18 Kazakh language 494.345
Katanning (W.A.) T2-941 2 T6-943 45
Katharevusa language (Modem 489.3 Kazakh literature 894.345
Greek) T6-·89 Kazakhs T5-943 45
Katharevusa literature (Modem Kazakhstan 958.45
Greek) 889 T2-584 5
Katherine (N.T.) T2-942 95 Kazaks T5~943 45
J{atherine Gorge National Kazoo 783.99
Park(N.T.) T2-~942 95 Kearney County (Neb.) T2--782 394
Kativik Regional Kearny County (Kan.) T2-781 425
Administration (Quebec) T2-714 Ill Kearsarge and Alabama, Battle
Katrnai National Park and of, 1864 973.754
Preserve (Alaska) T2-7984 Keating, Paul
Katoomba (N.S.W.) T2-944 5 Australian history 994.065
Katowice (Poland : Keats Island (B.C. : Island) T2--7ll 31
Voivodeship) T2--438 58 Kebbi State (Nigeria) T2-669 63
Katsina State (Nigeria) T2-669 76 Kechika River (B.C.) T2-7ll 85
Katsura tree 583.43 Kechua Indians T5-983 23
Kattang language 499.15 Kechua language 498.323
T6-~991 5 T&--983 23
Kattegat (Denmark and Sweden) 551.461 334 Kechua literature 898.323
T2-163 34 Kechuan Indians T5-983 23
Katukinan languages 498.9 Kechuan languages 498.323
T6--989 T6-983 23
Katydids 595.726 Kedah T2-595 1
Kauai (Hawaii) T2-96941 Keeling Islands 969.9
Kauai County (Hawaii) T2--969 4 T2-699
Kaufman County (Tex.) T2-764 277 Keene's cement 666.92
Kaunda, Kenneth D. (Kenneth Keeshond 636.72
David) Keewatin (Nunavut) T2-719 58
Zambian history 968.940 41 Keffa (Ethiopia) T2--633
Kauris 585.3 Kegs
forestry 634.975 93 wooden 674.82
Kavala (Greece : Nome) T2~495 7 Keiskammahoek (South
Kavieng (Papua New Africa : District) T2--687 55
Guinea) T2-958 3 Keith County (Neb.) T2-782 89

Dewey Decimal Classification

Kejimkujik National Park Kensington and Chelsea

(N.S.) T2--716 33 (London, England) T2-421 34
Kekchf Indians T5-9742 Kent (England) T2-422 3
Kekchi "mgw•16c 497.42 Kent (N.B.: County) T2-715 22
T6--974 2 Kent (Ont. : County) T2-713 33
Kelaa des Srarhna Kent County (Del.) T2-751 4
(Morocco: Province) T2--<i46 4 Kent County (Md.) T2-752 36
Kelaat Es-Sraghna Kent County (Mich.) T2-774 55
(Morocco: Province) T2--<i46 4 Kent County (R.I.) T2--745 4
Kelantan T2-595 1 Kent County (Tex.) T2-764 738
Kele languages (Democratic 496.396 Kentani (South Africa :
Republic of Congo) T6-963 96 District) T2--<i87 58
Kele languages (Gabon) 496.396 Kenton County (Ky.) T2-769 35
T6-963 96 Kentrike Makedonia
Kelim 296.123 6 (Greece) T2-495 65
Kelowna (B.C.) T2-711 5 Kentucky 976.9
Kelps 579.887 T2-769
resource economics 333.953 8 Kentucky Lake (Ky. and
Kemerovo (Russia: Oblast) T2-573 Tenn.) T2-769 895
Kemerovskala oblast' Kentucky River T2-7693
(Russia) 12-573 Kenya 967.62
Kemper County (Miss.) T2-762 683 T2-6762
Kempo 796.8159 Kenyans T5-967 62
Kempsey (N.S.W.) T2 944 3 Kenyatta, Jomo
Kempton Park (South Kenyan history 967.620 41
Africa : District) Keogh plans 332.024 014 5
Kenaf tax law 343.052 33
botany 583.685 Keokuk County (Iowa) T2-77791
fiber crop 633.56 Kephallenia (Greece) T2-495 5
Kenai Fjords National Park Kepler's laws 521.3
(Alaska) T2-798 3 Kepulauan Bangka Belitung
Kenai Peninsula (Alaska) T2-798 3 (Indonesia) T2-598 196
Kenai Peninsula Borough Kepulauan Riau (Indonesia) T2-598 192
(Alaska) T2-798 3 Kerala (India) 12-548 3
Kendall County (Ill.) T2-773 263 Keratin 572.67
Kendall County (Tex.) T2-764 886 see also Proteins
Ken do 796.86 Keratinous material products 679.4
Kenedy County (Tex.) T2-764473 Keratosis
Kenhardt District (South medicine 616.544
Africa) T2--<i87 12 see also Skin diseases -
Kenitra (Morocco : humans
Province) T2-643 5 Kerbs 625.888
Kennebec County (Me.) T2-7416 Kerekou, Mathieti
Kennebec River (Me.) T2-74l 22 Beninese history 966.830 51
Kennedy, John F. (John 1972-1991 966.830 51
Fitzgerald) 1996-2006 966.830 53
United States history 973.922 Kerensky, A1eksandr
Kennelly-Heaviside 538.767 3 Fyodorovich
Kennels (Dog housing) 636.708 31 Russian history 947.084 I
Kennet (England) T2-423 17 Keres language 497.9
Kenora (Ont. : District) T2-7l3 ll2 16--979
Patricia Portion T2-713 1 Keresan Indians T5-979
Kenosha County (Wis.) T2-775 98 Kerguelen Islands 969.9

Relative Index

!(eritot 296.123 5 Keweenaw Peninsula

Babylonian Talmud 296.125 5 (Mich.) T2~774 99
Mislmah 296.123 5 Key accounts
:Kerkyra (Greece: Nome) T2-495 5 marketing management 658.804
:Kennadec Islands T2~939 9 sales personnel
:Kerman (Iran : Province) T2~558 2 organization 658.810 2
:Kennanshahan (Iran : Key West (Fla.) T2~759 41
Province) T2~555 6 word indexing 025.486
:Kern County (Calif) T2~794 88 Paha County (Neb.) T2- 782 725
:Kerosene 665.538 3 Keyboard bands 784.6
:Kerosene lamps 621.323 Keyboard electrophones 786.59
see also Lighting see also Keyboard instruments
:Kerr County (Tex.) T2~764 884 Keyboard idiophones 786.83
Kerrier (England) T2-423 7 see also Percussion instruments
Kerry (Ireland) T2-419 6 Keyboard instruments 786
Kershaw County (S.C.) T2~757 61 bands and orchestras 784
Keski-Suomen Hiani chamber ensembles 785
(Finland) T2-489 73 mixed 785.2
Keski-Suomi (Finland) T2-489 73 single type 785.62-.65
Kesteven (England) T2-425 35 construction 786.1923
Kestrels 598.96 by hand 786.192 3
Ket T5~946 by machine 681.86
:Ket language 494.6 solo music 786
T6~946 Keyboard stringed instruments 786
:Ketchikan Gateway see also Keyboard instruments
Borough (Alaska) T2~798 2 Keyboard wind instruments 786.5
Ketchup 641.814 see also Keyboard instruments
commercial processing 664.58 Keyboarding 652.3
home preparation 641.814 Keyboards (Computers) 004.76
Kete language 496.393 engineering 621.398 6
T6~963 93 Keynesian economics 330.156
Kethubim 223 Keys 683.32
Ketones 547.036 Keyword indexing 025.486
aromatic chemistry 547.636 Kgalagadi Transfrontier
chemical engineering 661.85 Park T2 -687 12
Kettering (England : Khabarovsk (Russia : Kray) T2~577
Borough) T2-425 52 Khabarovskir krai (Russia) T2~577
Kettle River (B.C. and Khairpiir District (Pakistan) T2~549 17
Wash.) T2~71162 Khakassia (Russia) T2~575
Kettle-shaped drums 786.93 Khakasskala respublika
see also Percussion instruments (Russia) T2~575
Kettledrums 786.93 Khalaj language (Turkic) 494.36
see also Percussion instruments T6~943 6
Kettles (Geologic landforms) 551.315 Khalji dynasty 954.023 4
Ketubbot 296.123 3 Khalkha T5~942 3
Babylonian Talmud 296.125 3 Khalkha Mongolian language 494.23
Mishnah 296.1233 T6~942 3
Palestinian Talmud 296.124 3 Khalkha Mongolian literature 894.23
Ketuvim 223 Khama, Seretse
Keuka Lake (N.Y.) T2-747 82 Botswana history 968.830 31
Kewa language 499.12 Khama, Seretse Khama Ian
T6~991 2 Botswana history 968.830 34
Kewaunee County (Wis.) T2~775 62 Khamti T5~959 19
Keweenaw County (Mich.) T2-774 995

Dewey Decimal Cla.••sification

KMnh Hoa (Vietnam : Khoi language 496.1

Province) T2-597 5 T6-961
Khantia-Mansia (Russia) T2-573 Khoikhoi (African people) T5--961
Khanty T5~-945 I Khoikhoi language 496.1
Khanty language 494.51 T6- 961
T6-945 1 Khoisan (African people) T5-961
Khanty literature 894.51 Khoisan languages 496.1
Khanty-Mansiiskii T6-961
avtonomnyl okrug Khoisan literatures 896.1
(Russia) T2-573 Khomeini, Ruhollah
Kharia language 495.95 Iranian history 955.054 2
T6-959 5 Khond (Dravidian people) T5-94824
Kharias T5-959 5 Khond language 494.824
Kharijites 297.83 T6-948 24
Kharkiv (Ukraine: Oblast) T2-477 5 Khond literature 894.824
Kharkivs 'ka oblast' Khorasan (Iran) T2-559 2
(Ukraine) T2-477 5 Khorasan-e Joniibi (Iran) T2-559 2
Khartoum (Sudan : State) T2-626 2 Khoriisan-e Razavi (Iran) T2-5592
Khartiim (Sudan : State) T2-626 2 Khorasiin-e Shomali (Iran) T2-5592
Khasi T5-959 3 Khotaneselanguage 491.53
Khasi language 495.93 T6-915 3
T6-959 3 Khotanese literature 891.53
Khaskovo (Bulgaria : Khouribga (Morocco :
Oblast) T2-499 6 Province) T2---643 9
Khaskovska oblast Khawar language 491.499
(Bulgaria) T2-4996 T6-91499
Khat Khawar literature 891.499
alkaloidal crop 633.7 Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeevich
botany 583.85 Russian history 947.085 2
Khiitami, Mul,lammad Khuddakanikiiya 294.382 32
Iranian history 955.054 4 Khulna (Bangladesh :
Khemisset (Morocco : Division) T2-54925
Province) T2---643 6 Khutbah 297.37
Khenchela (Algeria : Khiizestan (Iran) T2-5564
Province) T2---655 Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa
Khenifra (Morocco : (Pakistan) T2-54912
Province) T2-645 Kiangsi dialects 495.172 22
Kherson (Ukraine: Oblast) T2-477 3 T6-951 7
Khersons'ka oblast' Kiangsi Province (China) T2-51222
(Ukraine) T2-477 3 Kiangsu Province (China) T2-511 36
Khme!' nyts'ka oblast' Kibaki, Mwai
(Ukraine) T2-477 8 Kenyan history 967.620 43
Khmer nyts'kyy (Ukraine : Kibbutzim 307.776
Oblast) T2-477 8 Kickapoo Indians T5-973 12
Khmer T5-959 32 Kickapoo language 497.312
Khmer Empire 959.602 T6-973 12
T2-596 Kicking
Khmer language 495.932 American football 796.332 27
T6-959 32 Kidder County (N.D.) T2--784 57
Khmer literature 895.932 Kiddushin 296.123 3
Khmer Republic 959.604 2 Babylonian Talmud 296.125 3
T2-596 Mishnah 296.123 3
Khoi-Khoi language 496.1 Palestinian Talmud 296.124 3
T6-961 Kidnap insurance 368.82

Relative Index

Kidnapping 364.154 Kilayim 296.123 1

law 345.025 4 Mishnah 296.123 1
prevention 364.4 Palestinian Talmud 296.124 1
self-defense 613.66 Kildare (Ireland : County) T2--418 5
Kidney beans 641.356 52 Kildin Saami language 494.576
botany 583.74 T6-945 76
cooking 641.656 52 Kildin Sami language 494.576
food 641.356 52 T6-945 76
Kidney dialysis Kilimanjaro, Mount
medicine 617.461 059 (Tanzania) T2-67826
Kidney diseases Kilimanjaro National Park
medicine 616.61 (Tanzania) T2-678 26
see also Urologic diseases - Kilimanjaro Region
humans (Tanzania) T2-678 26
pediatrics 618.926 1 Kilis ili (Turkey) T2-564 9
surgery 617.461 ancient T2-393 6
Kidney failure Kilkenny (Ireland : County) T2--418 9
medicine 616.614 Kilkis (Greece: Nome) T2-495 65
see also Urologic diseases - Killamey (Ireland) T2--419 65
humans Killer cells 571.968
Kidney stones human immunology 616.079 9
medicine 616.622 Killer whale 599.536
see also Urologic diseases conservation technology 639.979 536
humans resource economics 333.959 536
Kidneys 573.496 Killifishes 597.665
biology 573.496 Kilmarnock and Loudoun
human anatomy 611.61 (Scotland) T2--414 67
human physiology 612.463 Kiln drying lumber 674.384
medicine 616.61 Kilns 666.436
surgery 617.461 decorative arts 738.136
see also Urinary system sculpture 731.3
Kiel (Germany) T2-435 123 technology 666.436
Kielce (Poland : Kim, ChOng-il
Voivodeship) T2-438 45 North Korean history 951.930 51
Kien Giang (Vietnam) T2-597 9 Kim, Dae Jung
Kiesinger, Kurt Georg South Korean history 951.950 5
German history 943.087 6 Kim,
Kiev (Ukraine: Oblast) T2-477 7 North Korean history 951.93043
Kievan Rus 947.7 Kimbala 496.393
Belamssian history 947.8 T6-963 93
Russian history 947.02 Kimball County (Neb.) T2-782 973
Ukminian history 947.7 Kimberley (B.C.) T2-71l 65
Kigali (Rwanda) T2---675 71 Kimberley (South Africa :
Kigoma Region (Tanzania) T2-678 28 District) T2-687 11
Kikongolanguages 496.393 1 Kimberley (W.A.) T2-941 4
T6-963 931 Kimble County T2-764 878
Kikuyu (African people) T5-963 954 Kimbundu 496.393 2
Kikuyu-Kamba languages 496.395 3 T6-963 932
T6-963 953 Kimbundu literature 896.393 2
Kikuyu language 496.395 4 Kimchi 641.81
T6-963 954 Kin recognition (Animals) 591.563
Kikuyu literature 896.395 4 Kin basket Lake (B.C.) T2-71168
Kikwete, Jakaya Khalfan Mrisho Kincardine (Scotland) TI-41152
Tanzanian history 967.804 4

Dewey Decimal Class(fication

Kincardine and Deeside King William's Town

(Scotland) T2--412 4 (South Africa: District) T2-687 55
Kindergarten 372.218 King William's War, 1688-1697 940.252 5
see also Primary education North American history 973.25
Kindergarten teachers 372.11 Kinga language 496.391
Kindergarten teaching 372.110 2 T6-963 91
Kindness Kingaok (Nunavut) T2-719 55
ethics 177.7 Kingaroy (Qld.) T2-943 2
see also Love - ethics Kingdom of God 231.72
Kinematics 531.112 eschatology 236
fluids 532.05 Kingdom ofthe Two Sicilies 945.708 3
gases 533.2 Sicilian history 945.808 3
liquid mechanics 532.5 Southern Italian history 945.708 3
meteorology 551.515 1 Kingfish 597.725
solids 531.3 Kingfisher County (Okla.) T2-766 32
Kinesiology Kingfishers 598.78
health 613.7 Kinglake National Park
Kinesthesis 152.188 2 (Vic.) T2-945 2
human physiology 612.88 Kinglets 598.843
psychology 152.1882 Kingman County (KarL) T2-781 843
Kinesthetic perception 152.188 2 Kings (Biblical books) 222.5
Kinetic art 709.040 7 Kings (Chessmen) 794.147
sculpture 735.230 473 (N.B.) T2-71541
Kinetic energy 531.6 Kings (N.S. :County) T2 716 34
Kinetic theories {Statistical Kings (P.E.L) T2~717 7
mechanics) 530.136 Kings (Rulers) 352.23
Kinetic theory of gases 533.7 see also Monarchs; Royalty
Kinetics 531.113 Kings Canyon National Park
t1uids 532.05 (Calif.) T2-794 82
gases 533.2 Kings County (Calif.) T2-794 85
liquid mechanics 532.5 County (N.Y.) T2-747 23
physical chemistry 541.394 King's Lynn and West
biochemistry 572.44 Norfolk (England) T2--426 13
enzymes 572.744 Kingsburgh (South Africa) T2-684 55
solids 531.3 Kingsbury County (S.D.) T2-783 273
King, William Lyon Mackenzie Kingship of Jesus Christ 232.8
Canadian history 971.062 2 Kingston (Ont.) T2-713 72
1921--1930 971.062 2 Kingston (Tas.) T2-946 2
1935-1948 971.063 2 Kingston upon Hull
King and Queen County (England) T2--428 37
(Va.) T2-755 352 Kingston upon Thames
King County {Tex.) T2-764 742 (London, England) T2--421 94
King County (Wash.) T2-797 77 Kingswood (England :
King crabs 595.387 Borough) T2--423 91
ftshing 639.57 Kinkajou 599.763
George County (Va.) T2-755 25 Kinki Region (Japan) T2-521 8
King George's War, 1740~1748 940.253 2 Kinney County (Tex.) T2-764433
North American history 973.26 Kinngait (Nunavut) T2-719 52
King James version (Bible) 220.520 3 Kinnim 296.123 5
King Philip's War, 1675-1676 973.24 Kinorhyncha 592.55
King vulture 598.92 Kinostemidae 597.923
King William County (Va.) T2-755 355 Kinostemon 597.923
King William Island Kinsei period 952.025
(Nunavut) T2-719 55 Kinshasa (Congo) T2 <575 ll2

Relative Index

Kinship 306.83 oblast' (Russia) T2-4742

genealogy 929.2 K 1r9ehir iii (Turkey) T2-564 I
system of descent 306.83 ancient T2~393 4

Kinsmen 306.87 Kirstenbosch Botanic

T1---085 Gardens (South Africa) T2~687 355
Kinyarwanda language 496.394 61 Kinmdi language 496.394 65
T6~963 946 l T6-963 946 5
l(inyarwanda literature 896.394 61 Kirundi literature 896.394 65
Kiowa Apache Indians T5-972 5 Kisangani (Congo) T2-675 15
l(iowa Apache language 497.25 Kissi (African people) T5-963 2
T6-972 5 Kissi language 496.32
l(iowa County (Colo.) T2~788 93 T&--963 2
Kiowa County (Kan.) T2-781 785 Kissimmee River (Fla.) T2~759 53
Kiowa County (Okla.) T2-766 47
Kiowa Indians T5-974 92 customs 394
Kiowa language 497.492 Kiswahili language 496.392
T6-974 92 T&--963 92
Kiowa literature 897.492 Kiswahili literature 896.392
Kiowa Tanoan Indians T5 -974 9 Kit Carson County (Colo.) T2~788 91
Kiowa-Tanoan languages 497.49 Kitchen utensils 643.3
Kiowa Tanoan languages T6-974 9 manufacturing technology 683.82
Kiranti languages 495.49 Kitchener (Ont.) T2~713 45
T6-9549 Kitchens 643.3
Kiranti literatures 895.49 construction 690.44
Kirantish languages 495.49 home economics 643.3
T6-9549 plumbing 696.184
Kirchner, Nestor residential interior decoration 747.797
Argentine history 982.072 Kites (Aircraft) 629.133 32
Kirghiz T5-943 47 recreation 796.158
Kirghiz language 494.347 Kites (Birds) 598.945
T&-94347 conservation technology 639.978 945
Kirghiz literature 894.347 resource economics 333.958 945
Kirghizia T2~5843 Kitikmeot (Nunavut) T2-719 55
Kiribati 996.81 Kitimat (B.C.) T2-7ll I
T2-968 1 Kitimat-Stikine (B.C.) T2~7ll l
Kmkkale iii (Turkey) T2-563 8 Kitsap County (Wash.) T2-797 76
ancient T2-393 2 Kitsch 709.034 8
Kirin Province (China) T2~518 8 painting 759.058
Kiritimati (Kiribati) T2-964 Kittens 636.807
Kirkcaldy (Scotland : Kittitas County (Wash.) T2-797 57
District) T2-412 9 Kittson County (Minn.) T2~776 99
Kirkintilloch (Scotland) T2-414 36 Kituba language 496.393 l
Kirkland (Quebec) T2-71428 T6~963 931
Kirklareli ili (Turkey) T2-496 15 Kivallik (Nunavut) T2~719 58
Kirklees (England) T2-428 13 Kivu, Lake (Congo and
Kirkwood (South Africa . Rwanda) T2~675 17
District) T2-687 53 Congo T2~675 l7
Kirlian photography 778.3 Rwanda T2-675 71
parapsychology 133.892 Kiwi (Fruit) 641.344
Kirov (Russia : {)blast) T2-474 2 botany 583.66
Kirovohrad (Ukraine : cooking 641.644
Oblast) T2-477 6 food 641.344
Kirovohrads'ka oblast' horticulture 634.4
(Ukraine) T2-477 6 Kiwis (Birds) 598.54

Dewey Decimal Class{fication

Kiyaka languages 496.393 Knights (Chessmen) 794.144

T6-963 93 Knights Hospitalers of St. John of
Klamath Cotmty (Or.) T2-795 91 Jerusalem 255.791 2
Klamath Indians T5-974122 church history 271.791 2
Klamath-Modoc language 497.412 2 Knights of Labor 331.883 309 73
T6-974 122 Knights ofMa1ta 255.791 2
Klamath Mountains (Calif. church history 271.791 2
and Or.) T2-795 2 Maltese history 945.850 2
California T2-79421 Knights ofPythias 366.2
Oregon T2-795 2 biography 366.209 2
Klaus, Vaclav Knights Templars 255.791 3
Czech history 943.710 512 church history 271.791 3
Kleberg County (Tex.) T2-764472 Knitted fabrics 677.661
Kleptomania 362.27 see also Textiles
medicine 616.858 42 Knitted laces
social welfare 362.27 arts 746.226
Klerk, F. W. de (Frederik Knitted rugs
Willem) arts 746.73
South Af1ican history 968.064 Knitting 677.028 245
Klerksdorp (South Africa : arts 746.432
District) T2-68243 manufacturing technology 677.028 245
Klickitat County (Wash.) T2-797 53 Knives 621.932
Klinefelter's syndrome art metalwork 739.72
medicine 616.680 42 military engineering 623.441
see also Male genital Knob celery 641.351 28
diseases- humans see also Celeriac
Klingon (Artificial Knobs region (Ky.) T2-769 5
language) T6-999 9 Knockers
Klip River (South Africa : artistic ironwork 739.48
District) T2-684 7 Knossos (Extinct city) T2-391 8
Kliprivier (South Africa: Knots (Mathematics) 514.224 2
District) T2---684 7 Knott County (Ky.) T2-769 165
Klystrons 621.381 333 Knotted fabrics 677.66
Knapp, Georg Friedrich see also Textiles
economic school 330.154 2 Knotting (Seamanship) 623.888 2
Kneelers Knotting textiles 677.028 2
home sewing 646.21 arts 746.422
household management 645.4 manufacturing technology 677.028 2
textile arts 746.95 Know-Nothing Party (U.S.) 324.273 2
Knees 612.98 Knowability of God 212.6
physiology 612.98 see also Knowledge of God
regional medicine 617.582 Knowledge 001
surgery 617.582059 psychology 153.4
see also Lower extremities public administrative support 352.74
Knies, Karl sociology 306.42
economic school 330.154 2 theory of 121
Knife combat Knowledge acquisition
military training 355.548 computer science 006.331
Knife fishes 597.48 Knowledge-based systems 006.33
Knighthood Knowledge engineering
genealogy 929.7 computer science 006.332
Knighthood orders 929.71
Christian religious orders 255.791
church history 271.791

Relative Index

Knowledge of God 212.6 Kohkiliiyeh va Boyer

Christianity 231.042 Ahmadi (Iran) T2-556 8
comparative religion 202.11 Kohl, Helmut
philosophy of religion 212.6 German history 943.087 8
Knowledge representation 1982~1990 943.087 8
computer science 006.332 1990-1998 943.088 1
K.nowsley (England) T2--427 54 Kohlrabi 641.353 47
Knox County (Ill.) T2-773 49 cooking 641.653 47
Knox County (Ind.) T2-772 39 food 641.353 47
Knox County (Ky.) T2-769 125 Koi 639.374 83
Knox County (Me.) T2-741 53 Kaine (Greek language) 487.4
Knox County (Mo.) T2-778 315 T6-87
Knox County (Neb.) T2-782 59 Koksilah River (B.C.) T2-7112
Knox County (Ohio) T2-77l 52 Kola Peninsula (Russia) T2--47l 3
Knox County (Tenn.) T2-768 85 Kola trees 583.68
Knox County (Tex.) T2-764 743 alkaloidal crop 633.76
Knoxville (Tenn.) T2-768 85 Kolda (Senegal : Region) T2-663
Knysna (South Africa : Kolingba, Andre
District) T2-687 37 Central African history 967.410 52
Knysna Lakes National Park Koln (Germany) T2--435 514
(South Africa) T2-687 37 Kt"\1n (Germany :
Knysna National Lake Area T2 435 51
(South Africa) T2-687 37 Komandorski Islands
Koala 599.25 (Russia) T2-577
Koasati Indians T5-973 8 Komarom-Esztergom
Koasati language 497.38 Megye (Hungary) T2--439 7
T6-973 8 Komati River T2---679 1
Kobe-shi (Japan) T2-521 874 Mozambique T2-679 l
Kobenhavn (Denmark) T2-489 13 South Africa T2-682 72
Kobenhavns amt (Denmark) T2--489 14 Swaziland T2-688 7
Koblenz (Germany) T2--434 323 Komga (South Africa :
Koblenz (Germany : District) T2-687 55
Regierungsbezirk) T2--434 32 Komi T5-945 3
Kobuk Valley National Park Komi (Russia) T2--474 3
(Alaska) T2-798 6 Komi language 494.53
Kocaeli IIi (Turkey) T2-563 3 T6-945 3
ancient T2-393 13 Komi literature 894.53
Kochi-ken (Japan) T2-523 3 Komi-Permlak (Russia) T2--474 3
Kodashim 296.123 5 Komi-PermTai:Skii
Babylonian Talmud 296.125 5 avtonomnyi okrug
Mishnah 296.123 5 (Russia) T2--474 3
Palestinian Talmud 296.1245 Kominform 324.175
Kodiak Island (Alaska) T2-798 4 Komm1misticheskala partila
Kodiak Island Borough Sovetskogo 324.247 075
(Alaska) T2-798 4 Kommunistische Partei
Koffiefontein (South Deutschlands 324.243 075
Africa : District) T2---685 8 Kommunistische Partei
Kogi State (Nigeria) T2-669 56 Osterreichs 324.243 607 5
Kohelet 223.8 Komodo dragon 597.959 68
Kohistani language 491.499 Komondor 636.73
T6--914 99 Komorowski, Bronislaw
Kohistani literature 891.499 Polish history 943.805 74
Kohistanis T5-914 99 Kon Tum (Vietnam) T2-597 6

Detvey Decimal Classification

Konare, Alpha Oumar Korea Strait 551.461 454

Malian history 966.230 52 T2-164 54
Konde language 496.391 Korean language 495.7
T6~963 91 T6--957
Kongo (African people) T5-963 931 Korean literature 895.7
Kongo (Kingdom) 967.511 401 Korean War, 1950-1953 951.904 2
T2~675 114 societies 369.2
Kongo language 496.393 1 United States 369.186
T6-963 931 Koreans T5-957
Kongo literature 896.393 1 Korlak (Russia : Okrug) T2~577
Konin (Poland : Korlakski! avtonomny!
Voivodeship) T2--438 49 okrug (Russia) T2-577
Konjo languages 496.394 Korinthia (Greece) T2~95 22
T6~963 94 ancient T2-387
Konkani T5~914 69 Kos Island (Greece) T2--495 87
Konkani language 491.469 Kosciusko County (Ind.) T2-772 82
T6-914 69 Kosciusko National Park
Konkani literature 891.469 (N.S.W.) T2-944 7
Kono (African people) T5-963 4 Kosher cooking 641.567 6
Kono language 496.34 Kosher observance 296.73
T6~963 4 Kosicky kraj (Slovakia) T2--437 35
Konya iii (Turkey) T2~564 2 Kosovo Civil War, 1998-1999 949.710 315
ancient T2~392 7 Kosovo i Metohija (Serbia) T2--497 1
Konzo languages 496.394 Kosrae (Micronesia) T2~966
T6~963 94 Kossuth County (Iowa) T2~777 21
Koochiching County Koster (South Africa:
(Minn.) T2~776 79 District) T2~682 42
Koongo language 496.393 1 Kostroma (Russia: Oblast) T2~73 3
T6~963 931 Kostromskala oblast'
Koongo literature 896.393 1 (Russia) T2--473 3
Kootenai County (Idaho) T2-796 94 Kosygin, Aleksey Nikolayevich
Kootenai River T2~711 65 Russian history 947.085 3
Kootenay Boundary (B.C.) T2~711 62 Koszalin (Poland :
Kootenay Lake (B.C.) T2-71162 Voivodeship) T2-438 16
Kootenay National Park Kota language (Dravidian) 494.81
(B.c.) T2~71165 T6-9481
Kootenay River T2~71165 Kota literature (Dravidian) 894.81
Kopparbergs ian (Sweden) T2-487 8 Kountche, Seyni
Koppies (South Africa : Nigerien (Niger) history 966.260 52
District) T2~685 2 Kovac, Michal
Koran 297.122 Slovak history 943.730 511
Koran stories 297.122 2 Koyukon Indians T5-972
Koras 787.98 Koyukon language 497.2
see also Stringed instruments T6--972
Kordestan (Iran) T2~555 4 Kozane (Greece: Nome) T2--495 62
Kordofan (Sudan) T2--628 Kpelle (African people) T5-963 4
Kordofanian languages 496.3 Kpelle language 496.34
T6~963 T6-963 4
Korea 951.9 KPO (Austrian political party) 324.243 607 5
T2~519 Kraft process 676.126
Korea (North) 951.93 Kraft wrapping paper 676.287
T2-519 3 Krakow (Poland :
Korea (South) 951.95 Voivodeship) T2--438 62
T2~519 5

Relative Index

K.ralovehradecky kraj Kuchean language 491.994

(Czech Republic) T2--437 18 T6-919 94
K.ranskop (South Africa : Kudumane (South Africa :
District) T2--684 7 District) T2-~682 46
K.rasnodar (Russia: Kray) T2--475 2 Kudus 599.642 3
K.rasnodarskii krai (Russia) T2--475 2 Kudzu 583.74
K.rasnolarskii kra1 (Russia) T2-575 Kufuor, John Agyekum
K.rasnoyarsk (Russia: Kray) T2-575 Ghanaian history 966.705 3
Krebs cycle 572.475 Kugluktuk (Nunavut) T2-719 55
K.refeld (Germany) T2--435 535 7 Kui (Dravidian people) T5-948 24
Krete (Greece) T2--495 9 Kui language (Dravidian) 494.824
ancient T2-391 8 T6-94824
Kretschmer, Emst Kui literature (Dravidian) 894.824
personality theory 155.264 Kuibyshev (Russia : Oblast) T2 474 4
Kreuzlingen (Switzerland : Kulhyshevskala oblasf
Bezirk) T2--494 597 (Russia) T2--474 4
K.riel (South Africa : Kuils River (South Africa :
District) T2-682 77 District) T2-687 35
Krill 595.389 Kuiper belt objects 523.492
Krio language 427.966 4 Kujawsko-Pomorskie
T6-217 Voivodeship (Poland) T2-438 26
Kristallnacht, 193 8 940.531 842 Kuki-Chin languages 495.4
Kristianstads Ian (Sweden) T2--486 I T6-954
Kronobergs Ian (Sweden) T2--486 5 Kuki -Chin-N aga languages 495.4
Kroonstad (South Africa: T6-954
District) T2~685 2 Kulayni, Mul;lammad ibn Ya'qiib
Krosno (Poland : Hadith 297.125 921 1
Voivodeship) T2--438 66 Kulm (Switzerland) T2--494 562 3
Kru (African people) T5-963 3 Kumamoto-ken (Japan) T2--522 5
Kru languages 496.33 Kumasi (Ghana) T2--667
T6-963 3 Kumquats 641.343 4
Kruger National Park (South cooking 641.643 4
Africa) T2-682 71 food 641.343 4
Krugersdorp (South Africa : orchard crop 634.34
District) T2--682 22 Kuna de Madungandf
K:rymska!a oblast' (Ukraine) T2--477 I (Panama) T2-728 773
Krypton Kuna de Wargandi
chemistry 546.754 (Panama) T2-728 774
gas technology 665.822 Kuna Indians (Panama) T5-978 3
KuKluxKlan 322.420 973 Kuna language (Panama) 497.83
Ku-ring-gai Chase National T6-978 3
Park (N.S.W.) T2-944 I Kuna literature (Panama) 897.83
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) T2-595 1 Kuna Yala (Panama) T2-728 772
Kuando Kubango Province Kunashiri Island
(Angola) T2--673 5 (R.S.F.S.R.) T2~524
Kuba (Kingdom) 967.512 601 Kundalini yoga
T2-675 126 comparative religion 204.36
Kuba languages 496.396 Hinduism 294.543 6
T6-963 96 Kunene Province (Angola) T2-673 5
Kubitschek, Juscelino Kungfu 796.815 9
Brazilian history 981.062 Kuopio (Finland) T2--489 75
Kublai Khan Kurdi language 491.597
Asian history 950.22 T6-915 97
Kurdi literature 891.597

Dewey Decimal Classification

Kurdish Autonomous Kuwait-Iraq Crisis, 1990-1991 956.704 42

Region (Iraq) T2-567 2 Kuwaitis T5-927 536 7
ancient T2-352 Kven T5-945 4
Kurdish language 491.597 Kven Finnish 494.54
T6-915 97 T6-945 4
Kurdish literature 891.597 Kven Finnish literature 894.54
Kurdish nationalism 320.540 956 67 Kwa languages 496.337
Kurdistan T2-566 7 T6-963 37
Iran T2-555 4 Kwa literatures 896.337
Iraq T2-567 2 Kwa Zulu (South Africa) T2-684
Turkey T2-566 7 Kwajalein Atoll (Marshall
ancient T2-394 2 Islands) T2-968 3
Kurds T5-915 97 Kwakiutl Indians T5-97953
Kurgan (Russia : Oblast) T2-573 Kwakiutllanguage 497.953
Kurganskala oblast' T6-979 53
(Russia) T2-573 Kwamhlanga (South
Kuria (African people) T5-963 95 Africa: District) T2--682 75
Kuria 496.395 KwaNdebele (South Africa) TI-682 75
T6-963 95 Kwangsi Chuang
Kuril Islands (Russia) T2-577 Autonomous Region
Kurland (Duchy) T2--479 6 (China)
Kurmanji language 491.597 Kwang tung Province
T6-915 97 (China) T2--512 7
Kurmanji literature 891.597 Kwangwa languages 496.399
Kursk (Russia : Oblast) T2--473 5 T6-963 99
Kurskalii oblast' (Russia) T2--473 5 Kwanzaa 394.261 2
Kurukh T5-948 3 Kwara State (Nigeria) T2--669 57
Kurukh 494.83 Kwashiorkor
T6-948 3 medicine 616.396
Kurukh literature 894.83 see also Digestive system
Kuruman (South Africa : diseases humans
District) T2-687 11 KwaSniewski, Aleksander
Kurux T5 948 3 Polish history 943.805 72
Kurux 494.83 KwaZulu (South Africa) T2-684
T6-948 3 KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) 968.4
Kush 939.78 T2-684
T2-397 8 Kweichow Province (China) T2-513 4
Kushans T5-9l5 Kwese language 496.393
Kuskokwim River (Alaska) T2-798 4 T6-963 93
Kussnacht (Switzerland : KWIC indexing 025.486
Bezirk) T2--494 752 9 KWOC indexing 025.486
Kilt (Iraq: Province) T2-567 5 Kwomtari-Baibai languages T6-9912
Kiitahya (Turkey : ili) T2-562 8 Kyabram (Vic.) T2-9454
ancient T2-392 6 Kyanite
Kutchin Indians T5-972 mineralogy 549.62
Kutchin language 497.2 Kyfthauserkreis (Germany:
Kutenai Indians T5-979 92 Landkreis) T2--432 24
Kutenai language 497.992 Kylvs'ka oblast' (Ukraine) T2--477 7
T6~979 92 Kyklades (Greece) T2--495 85
Kuvasz (Dog) 636.73 Kyle and Carrick (Scotland) T2--414 64
Kuwait 953.67 Kymen HHini (Finland) T2--489 71
T2-536 7 Kymi (Finland: Uiani) T2--489 71
ancient 939.49 Kyogle (N.S.W.) T2-944 3
T2-394 9 Kyoto (Japan) T2--521 864

Relative Index

Kyoto (Japan: Prefecture) T2~-521 86 La Nouvelle-Beauce

Kyrgyz TS-943 47 (Quebec) T2-714 718
Kyrgyz language 494.347 La Pampa (Argentina:
T6--943 47 Province) T2-821 3
Kyrgyz litemture 894.347 La Paz (Bolivia: Dept.) T2-841 2
Kyrgyzstan 958.43 La Paz (El Salvador : Dept.) T2-728 425
T2-5843 La Paz (Honduras: Dept.) T2-728 36
Kyrie 264.36 La Paz County (Ariz.) T2-791 72
music 782.323 2 La Perouse Strait 551.461 453
Kythera Island (Greece) T2---495 2 T2-164 53
Kyilshil Island (Japan) T2---522 La Plata County (Colo.) T2--788 29
Kyushii Region (Japan) T2-522 La Porte County (Ind.) T2--772 91
Kyusyu Island (Japan) T2-522 La Region-Sherbrookoise
Kyusyu Region (Japan) T2--522 (Quebec)
La Rioja (Argentina :
L Province) T2-8246
La Rioja (Spain) T2---463 54
L-functions 512.73 La Riviere-du-Nord
La Altagracia (Dominican (Quebec) T2-714 246
Republic :Province) T2~-729385 La Rochelle (Fmnce) T2---446 42
La Bostonnais (Quebec) T2-714 459 La Romana (Dominican
La Chaux-de-Fonds Republic: Province) T2-729 383
(Switzerland: District) T2~-494 381 La Salle County (Ill.) T2--773 27
La Corufia (Spain : La Salle County (Tex.) T2-764 453
T2---461 1 La Salle Parish (La.) T2-~763 75
La Cote-de-Beaupre La Spezia (Italy : Province) T2--451 83
(Quebec) T2-714 48 ancient T2-3711
La Cote-de-Gaspe (Quebec) T2-714 793 La Tuque (Quebec) T2-714459
La Crosse County (Wis.) T2-775 71 La Union (EI Salvador :
La Guajira (Colombia : Dept) T2-728 434
Dept.) T2~-86117 La Union (Philippines) T2--599 1
La Habana (Cuba) T2-729 123 La Vallee-de-la-Gatineau
La Habana (Cuba : (Quebec) T2-714 224
Province) T2--729 124 La Vallee-du-Richelieu
La Haute-Cote-Nord (Quebec) T2-714 365
(Quebec) T2-714 172 La Vega (Dominican
La Haute-Gaspesie Republic) T2-729 369 7
(Quebec) T2-~714 791 La Verendrye Wildlife
La Haute-Yamaska Reserve (Quebec) T2-714 224
(Quebec) T2-714 63 Laadi language· 496.393 1
La Jacques-Cartier (Quebec) T2·~714 474 T6-963 931
La Libertad (El Salvador : Laiiyoune (Morocco :
Dept.) T2-728 422 Province) T2-648
La Libertad (Peru: Dept.) T2--851 6 Laayoune-Bojador-Sakia El-
La Libertad (Peru : Region) T2-851 6 Hamra (Morocco) T2-648
La Mancha (Spain) T2---464 Labanotation 792.82
La Matapedia (Quebec : Labeling
Regional County library materials 025.7
Municipality) T2--714 778 production management 658.564
La Mauricie National Park regulation 343.082
(Quebec) T2-714453 Labels
La Mitis (Quebec) T2-714 773 illustration 741.692
La Moure County (N.D.) T2-784 53 stamps
prints 769.57

Dewey Decimal Class{fication

Labette County (Kan.) T2-781 96 Labor leaders 331.880 92

Labiatae 583.96 biography 331.880 92
Labor 331 role and function 331.873 3
arts 700.455 3 Labor-management bargaining 331.89
T3C-355 3 see also Collective bargaining
economics 331 Labor market 331.12
ethics 174 maladjustments 331.13
religion 205.64 Labor mobility 331.127
Christianity 241.64 Labor movements 331.8
Judaism 296.364 economics 331.8
see also Ethical problems relations with government 322.2
income distribution 339.21 Labor need 331.123
law 344.01 Labor parties 324.217
literature 808.803 553 international organizations 324.17
history and criticism 809.933 553 Labor Party (Australia) 324.294 07
specific literatures T3B-{}80 355 3 Labor productivity 331.118
history and economics 331 118
criticism T3B--093 553 promotion of
psychology 158.7 personnel management 658.314
public administration 354.9 Labor relations 331
religion 201.73 economics 331
Christianity 261.85 law 344.01
guides to life 248.88 personnel management 658.315
Judaism 296.383 Tl-068 3
social aspects 306.36 military personnel 355.33
see also Working class public administration 352.68
Labor (Obstetrics) 618.4 public administration 354.9
complications 618.5 sociology 306.34
Labor banks 332.37 Labor requirements 331.123
Labor conditions 331.2 Labor rights 331.011
Labor contracts 331.891 law 344.010 1
see also Collective bargaining Labor shortages 331.136
Labor costs Labor supply 331.11
financial management 658.155 3 Labor surpluses 331.137
production economics 338.512 Labor systems
Labor demand 331.123 economics 331.117
Labor discipline sociology 306.36
labor economics 331.259 8 Labor theory of value
personnel management 658.314 Marxian theory 335.412
Labor disputes 331.89 Labor turnover 331.126
Labor economics 331 economics 331.126
Labor estimates Tl--029 personnel management 658.314
building construction 692.5 Labor unions 331.88
Labor exchanges 331.128 accounting 657.861
Labor force 331.11 benefits 331.873 5
Labor grievances 331.889 66 elections 331.874
see also Grievances (Labor) law 344.018 8
Labor groups membership 331.873 2
relations with government 322.2 organization 331.87
Labor injunctions personnel management 658.315 3
economics 331.893 public administration 352.68
law 344.01893 public administration 354.97
Labor law 344.01 relations with government 322.2

Relative Index

Labor unions (continued) Lac

social welfare 361.766 Lac qui Parle County
women workers 331.478 (Minn.)
Labor use Lac-Saint-Jean-Est
agricultural industries 338.16 (Quebec : Regional
Labor violence County Municipality) T2-714 148
economics 331.893 Lac-Saint-Jean Region
Laboratories 001.4 (Quebec)
architecture 727.5 Lacalle Herrera, Luis Alberto
chemistry 542.1 Umguayan history 989.506 72
institutional housekeeping 647.995 Lacand6n Indians T5-974 27
interior decoration 747.875 Lacand6nlanguage 497.427
school facilities 371.623 T6-97427
Laboratory animals 616.027 Laccadive, Minicoy, and
care and maintenance 636.088 5 Amindivi Islands (India) T2-5481
medicine 616.027 Laccadive Sea 551.461 537
Laboratory diagnosis T2-165 37
medicine 616.075 6 Laccoliths 551.88
Laboratory manuals Tl--078 Lacerations (Wounds)
research Tl-072 I medicine 617.13
Laboratory method 371.382 Lacertidae 597.958
Laboratory mice 616.027 333 Laces 677.653
animal husbandry 636.935 3 arts 746.22
medicine 616.027 333 manufacturing technology 677.653
Laboratory rats 616.027 33 Lacewings 595.747
animal husbandry 636.935 2 Lachlan River (N.S.W.) T2-944 9
medicine 616.027 33 Lacings 677.76
Laborers 331.11 Lackawanna County (Pa.) T2·-748 36
public administration 354.9 Laclede County (Mo.) T2-778815
social class 305.562 Laconia (Greece) T2-495 22
Tl-086 24 ancient T2-389
Laboring class 305.562 Lacquering 667.75
Tl--086 23 decorative arts 745.726
see also Working class fumiture arts 749.5
Laboulbeniales 579.567 woodwork
Labour Party (Great Britain) 324.241 07 buildings 698.34
Labrador (N.L.) 971.82 Lacrimal apparatus
T2-718 2 human physiology 612.847
Labrador Current 551.462 134 ophthalmology 617.764
Labrador Sea 551.461 343 Lacrimal apparatus diseases
T2-163 43 ophthalmology 617.764
Labuan T2-595 3 see also Eye diseases -
Labyrinth diseases humans
medicine 617.882 Lacrosse (Game) 796.347
see also Ear diseases- Lacrosse players 796.347 092
humans Lactation 573.679
Labyrinth fishes 597.7 biology 573.679
Labyrinthodontia 567.8 human physiology 612.664
Labyrinths (Ears) obstetrics 618.71
human anatomy 611.85 Lactic acid bacteria 579.35
human physiology 612.858 Lactobacillus 579.37
medicine 617.882 Laetococcus 579.355
Lac (Switzerland) T2-494 538 Lactose 572.565
Lac-Edouard (Quebec) T2-714 459 see also Carbohydrates

Dewey Decimal Classification

Lactose intolerance Lahn River (Germany) T2--434 14

medidne 616.399 8 Lahndalanguage 491.419
see also Digestive system T6-914 19
diseases humans Labuda literature 891.419
Ladin language 459.94 Lahore District (Pakistan) T2-549 143
T6-5994 Lai Chau (Vietnam
Ladin literature 859.94 Province) T2-5971
Ladino language 467.949 6 Laingsburg (South Africa :
T6-67 District) T2-687 39
Ladino literature 860 Laissez-faire economics 330.153
La dins T5-5994 Laity (Church members) 262.15
Ladismith (South Africa: Tl-~8828
District) T2-687 38 biography 270.092
Ladoga Lake (Russia) T2-471 5 specific denominations 280
Lady Frere (South Africa : church government 262.15
District) T2--687 58 pastoral theology 253
Lady Grey (South Africa : social group 305.6
District) T2-687 56 Lajemmerais (Quebec) T2-714 362
Ladybrand (South Africa : Lak-Dargwa languages 499.964
District) T2---685 5 T6-99964
Ladybugs 595.769 Laklanguage 499.964
culture 638.576 9 T6-99964
Lae (Papua New Guinea) T2-957 l Lake Abitibi (Ont. and
Lafayette County (Ark.) T2-767 57 Quebec) T2-713 142
Lafayette County (Fla.) T2--759 816 Lake and Peninsula
Lafayette County (Miss.) T2-762 83 Borough (Alaska) T2-7984
Lafayette County (Mo.) T2-778 453 Lake Athabasca (Sask. and
Lafayette County (Wis.) T2--775 79 Alta.) T2-712 41
Lafayette Parish (La.) T2-76347 Lake Barkley (Ky. and
Lafourche Parish (La.) T2-763 39 Tenn.) T2-76979
Lag b'Omer 296.439 Lake Champlain T2-747 54
liturgy 296.453 9 New York T2-747 54
Laghouat (Algeria : Vermont T2-743 1
Province) T2--657 Lake Champlain, Battle of, 1814 973.525 6
Lagomorpha 599.32 Lake Clark National Park
paleozoology 569.32 and }Jreserve (Alaska) T2-798 6
Lagoons 551.461 8 Lake Constance T2 434 62
T2-168 Germany TI----434 62
biology 578.778 Switzerland T2--494 597
ecology 577.78 Lake County (Calif.) T2-794 17
freshwater biology 578.763 Lake County (Colo.) T2-78846
freshwater ecology 577.63 Lake County (Fla.) T2-75922
freshwater hydrology 551.482 Lake County (Ill.) T2-773 21
oceanography 551.461 8 Lake County (Ind.) T2-772 99
Lagopus 598.633 Lake Cotmty (Mich.) T2-774 68
Lagos (Chile: Region) T2-835 Lake County (Minn.) T2-77676
Lagos Escobar, Ricardo Lake County (Mont.) T2-786 832
Chilean history 983.066 3 Lake County (Ohio) T2-771 334
Lagos State (Nigeria) T2---669 1 Lake County (Or.) T2-79593
LaGrange County (Ind.) T2~~772 79 Lake County (S.D.) T2-783 35
Lagrange polynomials 515.55 Lake County (Tenn.) T2--768 12
Laguerre polynomials 515.55 Lake Cumberland (Ky.) Tl-76963
Laguna (Philippines : Lake Diefenbaker (Sask.) TI-71242
Province) T2-599 1 Lake District (England) T2--427 8

Relative Index

T2~-771 2 LakeNyasa T2-689 7

Lake Erie
Ohio T2-7712 Lake Oahe (S.D. and N.D.) T2-783 5
Ontario T2---713 3 Lake of Constance T2--434 62
Lake Erie, Battle of, 1813 973.525 4 Germany T2-434 62
Lake Eyre (S. Aust.) T2-942 38 Switzerland T2--494 597
Lake Francis Case (S.D.) T2-783 38 Lake of Lugano
··Lake Gairdner (S. Aust.) T2--942 38 (Switzerland and Italy) T2-494 785
Lake Garda (Italy) T2-452 6 Lake of the Ozarks (Mo.) T2-778 493
Geneva (Switzerland Lake of the Woods T2-776 81
and France) TZ--494 52 Canada T2-713 11
France T2--445 84 Minnesota T2-776 81
Switzerland TZ---494 52 Lake of the Woods County
Lake George (N.Y.) T2-747 51 (Minn.) T2-776 81
Hawea (N.Z.) T2-939 5 Lake ofThun (Switzerland) TZ--494 541 5
Lake Huron (Mich. and Lake of Zurich
Ont.) T2-774 (Switzerland) T2--494 572
Michigan T2-774 Lake Ohau (N.Z.) T2-938 97
Ontario T2-713 2 Lake Okeechobee (Fla.) T2-759 39
Lake ice 551.345 Lake Onega (Russia) T2-471 5
Lake Kivu (Congo and Lake Ontario (N.Y. and
Rwanda) T2-675 17 Ont.) TZ--747 9
Congo T2-675 17 New York T2-747 9
Rwanda T2-675 71 Ontario T2-713 5
Lake Ladoga (Russia) T2-471 5 Lake Pedder National Park
Lake liners 386.224 36 (Tas.) T2-946 2
design 623.812 436 Lake Pontchartrain (La.) T2-763 34
engineering 623.824 36 Lake Powell (Utah and
see also Ships Ariz.) T2-792 59
Lake Lucerne (Switzerland) TZ--494 557 Lake Pukaki (N.Z.) T2-938 8
Lake Lugano (Switzerland Lake Rudolf (Kenya and
and Italy) T2-494 785 Ethiopia) T2-676 27
Lake Maggiore (Italy and Lake Saint Clair (Mich. and
Switzerland) T2-45l 65 Ont.) T2-774 39
Italy T2--45l 65 Michigan T2-774 39
Switzerland T2--494 788 Ontario T2-713 31
Lake Malar (Sweden) T2-487 2 Lake Saint Clair (Tas.) T2-946 3
Lake Malawi T2--689 7 Lake Saint Clair National
Lake Manapouri (N.Z.) T2-939 6 Park (Tas.) T2·-9463
Lake Manitoba (Man.) T2-712 72 Lake Saint Marys (Ohio) T2-771 415
Lake Maracaibo Lake Sakakawea (N.D.) T2-784 75
(Venezuela) T2--872 3 Lake States 977
Lake Martin (Ala.) T2-761 53 T2-·77
Lake Maurepas (La.) T2-763 32 Lake Superior T2-774 9
Lake Mead (Ariz. and Nev.) T2-793 12 Michigan T2--774 9
Lake Mead National Ontario T2-713 12
Recreation Area (Ariz. Lake Tahoe (Calif. and
and Nev.) T2--793 12 Nev.) T2-794 38
Lake Michigan T2--774 Califomia T2-794 38
Lake Mweru (Congo and Nevada T2-793 57
Zambia) T2-675 18 Lake Tanganyika T2-678 28
Lake Nasser (Egypt and Lake Taupo (N.Z.) T2-933 9
Sudan) T2-623 Lake Te Anau (N.Z.) T2-9396
Lake Nicaragua (Nicaragua) T2-728 517 Lake Texoma (Okla. and
Lake Nipissing (Ont.) T2--713 147 Tex.) T2-766 61

Dewey Decimal Clas·sification

Lake Titicaca (Peru and Lamb (Meat) 641.363

Bolivia) T2-8412 commercial processing 664.92
Bolivia T2--841 2 cooking 641.663
Peru T2-853 6 food 641.363
Lake transportation 386.5 Lamb County (Tex.) T2-764 843
see also Inland water Lamba language 496.391
transportation T6-963 91
Lake trout 597.554 Lambayeque (Peru. Dept.) T2-8514
Lake Turkana (Kenya and Lambda calculus 511.35
Ethiopia) T2-67627 Lambeth (London, England) T2--421 65
Lake Vaner (Sweden) T2--486 7 Lambton (Ont.) T2-71327
Lake Vattem (Sweden) T2---486 4 Lame 677.616
Lake Victoria T2-678 27 Lamel!ibranchia 594.4
Lake Wakatipu (N.Z.) T2-~939 5 Lamel!icomia 595.764 9
Lake Wallenpaupack (Pa.) T2-74823 Lamentations (Bible) 224.3
Lake Wanaka (N.Z.) T2-939 5 Lamiales 583.96
Lake Winnebago (Wis.) T2-775 64 L' Amiante (Quebec) T2-714 712
Lake Winnipeg (Man.) T2-712 72 Laminar flow 532.052 5
Lake Winnipegosis (Man.) T2-712 72 air mechanics 533.62
Lake Winnipesaukee (N.H.) T2-742 4 gas mechanics 533.215
Lake Zug (Switzerland) T2---494 756 liquid mechanics 532.515
Lakes 551.482 Laminarialcs 579.887
T2-169 2 Laminated fabrics 677.69
biology 578.763 see also Textiles
ecology 577.63 Laminated glass 666.154
engineering 627.14 Laminated plastic 668.492
hydrology 551.482 Laminated wood 674.835
influence on precipitation 551.577 5 see also Wood
interactions with atmosphere 551.524 8 Laminating plastics 668.414
landscape architecture 714 Lamington National Park
law 346.046 916 3 (Qld.) T2-943 2
law of nations 341.444 Lammermuir Hills
recreational resources 333.784 4 (Scotland) T2---413 6
recreational use 797 Lamnidae 597.33
resource economics 333.916 3 Lamniformes 597.3
water supply engineering 628.112 Lamoille County (Vt.) T2-743 35
Lakes (Sudan) T2--629 4 Lamp shells 594.68
Lakes Entrance (Vic.) T2-945 6 paleozoology 564.68
Lakonia (Greece) T2---495 22 Lampasas County (Tex.) T2--764 513
ancient T2-389 Lampblack 662.93
Lakota Indians T5--975 244 Lampedusa (Italy) T2---458 22
Lakota language 497.524 4 Lampreys 597.2
T6--975 244 Lampridiformes 597.64
Lakshadweep (India) T2~548 1 Lamps 621.32
Lam Dbng (Vietnam) T2-597 6 ceramic arts 738.8
Lama (Genus) 599.636 7 fumiture arts 749.63
Lamaism 294.392 3 manufacturing technology 683.83
Lamar County (Ala.) T2-761 86 mining 622.473
Lamar County (Ga.) T2-758 446 see also Lighting
Lamar County (Miss.) T2-762 19 Lamps hades
Lamar County (Tex.) T2-764263 handicrafts 745.593 2
Lamarckism 576.827 Lampung T5-992248
Lampung (Indonesia) T2-598 18

Relative Index

499.224 8 Land-atmosphere interactions 551.523

T6~992248 microclimatology 551.66
g literature 899.224 8 Land banks 332.31
mpyridae 595.764 4 Land Between the Lakes
amut T5--941 (Ky. and Tenn.) T2-769 79
amut language 494.1 Land birds 598
T6~941 Land breezes 551.518 5
LAN (Computer network) 004.68 Land carnivores 599.7
see also Computer Land conservation 333.731 6
communications law 346.046 731 6
Lanai (Hawaii) T2--969 23 Land development 333.731 5
Lanao del Norte Land economics 333
(Philippines) T2-599 7 Land forces (Military science) 355
Lanao del Sur (Philippines) T2-599 7 Land 333.333
Lanark (Ont. :County) T2-713 82 '""'"'"·.-,""""universities 378.05
Lanaudiere Region Land grants
(Quebec) T2-71441 economics 333.16
Lancashire (England) T2-427 6 law 343.025 3
; Lancaster (England: City) T2-427 69 Land gunnery 623.551
: Lancaster, House of 942.04 Land management (Plant
English history 942.04 management) 658.2
Irish history 941.504 public land 352.57
Lancaster County (Neb.) T2-782 293 Land nationalization 333.14
Lancaster County (Pa.) T2--748 15 economics 333.14
Lancaster County (S.C.) T2-757 45 law 343.025 2
Lancaster County (Va.) T2-755 22 Land operations 355.4
Lance lets 596.4 Algerian Revolution 965.046 42
Lancers (Cavalry) 357.1 American Revolution 973.33
Lances 623.441 Chaco War 989.207 164 2
Lancewoods Civil War (England) 942.062 42
botany 583.22 Civil War (Spain) 946.081 42
forestry 634.973 22 Crimean War 947.073 842
L' Ancienne-Lorette Falkland Islands War 997.110 244 2
(Quebec) T2-714 471 Franco-German War 943.082 42
Land 333 Hundred Years' War 944.025 42
T2-14 Indo-Pakistan War, 1971 954.920 514 2
economics 333 Indochinese War 959.704 142
see Manual at 333.73-.78 vs. Iraq War, 2003- 956.704 434 2
333, 333.1-.5 Iraqi-Iranian Conflict 955.054 242
financial management 658.152 42 Korean War 951.904 242
income distribution 339.21 military analysis 355.48
investment economics 332.632 42 Napoleonic Wars 940.274 2
military reservations 355.79 Persian Gulf War, 1991 956.704 424 2
property law 346.043 South African War 968.048 4
public administration 354.34 Spanish-American War 973.893
public land 352.57 Thirty Years' War 940.244 2
resource economics 333.73 Vietnamese War 959.704 342
taxes 336.22 War of 1812 973.523
law 343.054 War ofthe Pacific 983.061 642
public administration 352.44 World War I 940.41
public finance 336.22 World War II 940.541
Land appraisal 333.332 Land ownership 333.3
Land art 709.040 76 Land policy (Government policy) 333.73

Dewey Decimal Class(fication

Land reclamation 333.731 53 Land use (continued)

agriculture 631.6 law 346.045
effect on natural ecology 577.272 see Manual at 333.73-.78 vs.
hydraulic engineering 627.5 333, 333.1·.5
from the sea 627.549 Land use planning
Jaw 346.046 731 53 arts 711
revegetation 631.64 Land valuation 333.332
Land redistribution Land value taxation 336.225
economics 333.31 Land vehicles 388.34
Land reform engineering 629.049
economics 333.31 transportation services 388.34
law 346.044 see also Automotive vehicles
Land resettlement Land vertebrates 596
economics 333.31 Landbund (Austrian political
Land resources 333.73 party) 324.243 602 3
economics 333.73 Landed gentry 305.523 2
public administration 354.34 Tl-086 21
see Manual at 333.73-.78 vs. genealogy 929.2
333, 333.1-.5 Lander County (Nev.) T2-·793 33
Land 796.68 Landes (France: Dept.) T2--447 15
Land sale 333.333 Landesring der Unabhangigen
Land settlement (Swiss political party) 324.249 408
economics 333.31 Landforms 551.41
Land slugs 594.38 T2-14
Land snails 594.38 geography 910.914
see also Snails (Land) geomorphology 551.41
Land subdivision 333.3 physical geography 910.021 4
law 346.043 77 Landing
public administration 354.34 aeronautics 629.132 521 3
Land surveys 333.08 manned space tlight 629.458 8
economics 333.08 Landing (Military tactics) 355.422
public land 333.18 Landing accidents 363.124 92
technology 526.9 see also Air safety
Land tenure 333.3 Landing craft 359.835 6
agricultural sociology 306.349 design 623.812 56
economics 333.3 engineering 623.825 6
law 346.043 2 naval equipment 359.835 6
sociology 306.32 naval units 359.325 6
see Manual at 333.73-.78 vs. Landing fields 387.736
333, 333.1·.5 see also Airports
Land titles 346.043 8 Landing lights 629.135 1
Land transfer 333.33 Landing systems
economics 333.33 aircraft 629.134 381
law 346.043 6 spacecraft 629.474 2
Land transportation 388 unmanned spacecraft 629.464 2
engineering 629.049 Landkreise 320.83
military 623.61 see also Counties
see also Ground transportation Landlord and tenant 333.54
Land trusts law 346.043 4
law 346.068 Landlord-tenant relations 333.54
Land use 333.731 3 law 346.043 4
agricultural surveys 631.47 Landlords' liability insurance 368.56
community sociology 307.33 Landowners 333.009 2
economics 333.731 3

Relative Index

Landow11ing classes 305.523 2 Language disorders

Tl--086 21 medicine 616.855
Landquart (Switzerland : see also Communication
Bezirk) T2---494 732 I disorders
Landsailing 796.68 Language experience approach
Landscape architects 712.092 primary education 372.62
Landscape architecture 712 reading
engineering aspects 624 primary education 372.475
Landscape design 712 Language for special purposes 401.47
Landscapes specific languages T4-014 7
art representation 704.943 6 Language groups
arts 700.46 sociology 305.7
T3C-36 Language laboratories
drawing 743.836 applied linguistics 418.007 8
literature 808.803 6 specific languages T4-80078
history and criticism 809.933 6 '-''"'eu"e'" planning 306.449
specific literatures T3B-08036 Language policy 306.449
history and Language programs
criticism T3B-093 6 public administration 353.7
painting 758.1 '--"u•e;uae;<> regions T2-175
Landshut (Germany) T2---433 58 '-'"''!:Su"!:S'- textbooks
Landslides 55l.J07 audio-lingual approach T4--83
Landsmat language 439.82 for nonnative speakers T4-834
T6-398 2 formal approach T4--82
LandsmiH literature 839.82 for nonnative speakers T4--824
Lane County (Kan.) T2-781 45 Language usage 418
Lane County (Or.) TI-795 31 primary education 372.61
L11ng Scm (Vietnam : languages T4--8
Province) T2-597 I Languages 400
Langbaurgh-on-Tees T6-l-9
(England) T2---428 54 see also Language
Langeland (Denmark) T2---489 4 see Manual at Table 6
Langi language 496.394 Langue d'oc 449
T6-963 94 T6---491
Langlade County (Wis.) T2-775 354 Langue d' oc literature 849
Langley (B.C.) T2-711 33 Languedoc (France) T2---448
400 Languedoc-Roussillon
Tl-014 (France) T2---448
animal communication 591.59 Languedocien dialect
arts T3C-34 (Occitan language) T6---491
education 407.1 Lanier County (Ga.) T2~758 817
prescriptive approach 418.007 I Laniidae 598.862
specific languages T4-800 71 Lanolin 665.13
see Manual at Tl---407 .1 Lansdowne, Henry Charles Keith
law 344.09 Fetty-FitzMaurice, Marquess
philosophy 401 of
sociology 306.44 Indian history 954.035 4
Language acquisition 401.93 Liinsi-Suomen liiani
specific languages T4--019 (Finland) T2---489 73
see Manual at Tl---407.1 Lansing (Mich.) T2-774 27
Language arts Lantern-eyed fishes 597.64
primary education 372.6 Lantern fishes 597.61

Dewey Decimal Classification

Lanthanide series Larache (Morocco:

chemistry 546.41 Province) T2--642
economic geology 553.494 Laramie County (Wyo.) T2-787 19
metallurgy 669.291 Laramie Mountains (Wyo.
Lanthanotidae 597.959 6 and Colo.) T2-787 9
Lanthanum Larceny 364.162
chemistry 546.411 see also Theft
Lanuvian language 479.4 Larceny insurance 368.82
T6-794 Larches 585.2
Lao (Tai people) T5-959 191 forestry 634.975 7
Lao Cai (Vietnam : lumber 674.144
Province) T2-597 1 ornamental arboriculture 635.977 52
Lao 495.919 1 Lard
T6-959 191 food technology 664.34
Lao literature 895.919 1 Large business 338.644
Laoighis (Ireland) T2418 7 economtcs 338.644
Laois (Ireland) T2--418 7 management 658.023
Laos 959.4 personnel management 658.303
T2--594 format cameras 771.32
Lap robes Large fruit flies 595.774
manufacturing technology 677.626 Large industry 338.644
Laparoscopic surgery 617.550 597 Large intestine 573.379
Laparoscopy biology 573.379
diagnosis 617.550 754 5 human anatomy 611.347
gynecology 618.107 545 human physiology 612.36
surgery 617.550 597 medicine 616.34
Lapeer County (Mich.) T2-774 42 surgery 617.5547
Lapidary work 736.202 8 see also Digestive system
Lapin lii1ini (Finland) T2--489 77 Large-print publications
Laplace functions 515.53 bibliographies 011.63
Laplace transform 515.723 cataloging 025.349
Lapland T2--489 77 library treatment 025.179
Lapp languages 494.57 Large-scale digital computers 004.12
T6-945 7 see also Mainframe computers
Lapp literatures 894.57 Large-scale systems 003.71
Lappet embroidery 677.77 Large-type publications
Lappi (Finland : Liilini) T2--489 77 cataloging 025.349
Lapping tools 621.922 library treatment 025.179
Lappish languages 494.57 Largemouth bass 597.738 8
T6-945 7 culture 639.377 388
Lappish literatures 894.57 sports fishing 799.177 388
Lappland Jandskap Lari 598.338
(Sweden) T2--488 8 Laridae 598.338
Laprairie (Quebec : County) T2-714 34 Larimer County (Colo.) T2-788 68
Larisa (Greece: Nome) T2--495 4
insurance 368.016 Larks 598.825
Laptev Sea (Russia) 551.461 325 Larkspurs 635.933 34
T2-l63 25 botany 583.34
Laptop computers 004.16 floriculture 635.933 34
see also Personal computers Lame (Northern Ireland :
Lapwings 598.33 Borough) T2--416 16
L'Aquila (Italy: Province) T245711 Larue County (Ky.) T2-769 713
ancient T2-377 34 Larvacea 596.2
Lara (Venezuela) T2-872 5

!J•. Larvae.
descnptive zoology
Relative Index
Last Judgment
Christianity 236.9
~ physiolog~ 571.876 Last Supper 232.957
Latah County (Idaho) 1'2-796 86

~ .· • "'~i:·::,:,,ory ""'
616.22 Latakia (Syria: Province) T2-569 13
Latches 683.31
' diseases- humans Late Middle 940.19
~ Laryngeal muscles Italy 945.04
o, human anatomy 611.22 Lombardian history 945 ..205

Laryngitis Piedmontese history 945.104
"' medicine 616.22 Sardinian history 945.903
; see also Respiratory tract Sicilian history 945.804
diseases- humans Tuscan history 945.504
~ Laryngology 616.22 Venetian history 945.304
f Larynx 573.925 Latent heat 536.4
g~ bioloay
573.925 chemical en1~ineering 660.296 2
!:· human anatomy 611.22 evaporation and condensation 536.44
human physiology 612.233 fusion and solidification 536.42
speech 612.78 thermochemistry 54l.362
medicine 616.22 Latent structure analysis 519.535
r surgery 617.533 Later Prophets (Biblical books) 224
see also Respiratory system Laterality
Las Animas County (Colo.) T2-788 96 psychology 152.335
Las Palmas (Canary Latex biscuits 678.5.22
Islands :Province) T2---649 Latex paints 667.63
Las Tunas (Cuba: Province) T2-729 162 Latexes
Las Vegas (Nev.) TI--793 135 chemistry 547.842 5
Laser coagulation manufacturing technology 678.5
surgery 617.058 Lathers 541.345 14
Laser communications chemical engineering 660.294 514
engineering 621.382 7 colloid chemistry 541.345 14
Laser microsurgery 617.058 Lathes 621.942
Laser optical discs 384.558 Lathing 693.6
see also Video recordings architectural construction 721.044 6
Laser printing 686.233 Latidae 597.72
Laser surgery 617.058 Latimer County (Okla.) T2-766 76
Laser warfare 358.39 Latin America 980
Laser weapons T2-8
engineering 623.446 Latin American literature 860
Laser welding 671.52 Latin American Spanish dialects 467.98
Lasers 621.366 T6---61
Lashley, Karl Spencer Latin Americans TS---68
psychological system 150.194 32 Latin calligraphy 745.619 7
Lasithi (Greece) T2--495 9 Latin language 470
Lasqueti Island (B.C.) TI-711 31 1'6-71
Lassen County (Calif.) TI-79426 Biblical texts 220.47
Lassen Volcanic National see Manual at471-475, 478 vs.
Park (Calif.) T2-794 24 477
L' Assomption (Quebec : Latin literature 870
Regional County Latin peoples T5--4
Municipality) T2-714 416 Latin squares 511.64
Lassos Latina (Italy : Province) T2--456 23
sports 799.202 82 ancient T2-376 5

Dewey Decimal Classification
Latinian languages 479.4 Laurels 583.23
T6-794 Laurels (Ericaceae) 583.66
Latinos TS-68 Laurels (Lauraceae) 583.23
Latinos (U.S.) TS-680 73 Laurels (Saxifragales) 583.72
Latitude 526.61 Laurens County (Ga.) T2-758 535
celestial navigation 527.1 Laurens County (S.C.) T2-757 31
Latium (Italy) Laurentian Mountains
ancient T2-376 (Quebec) T2-714 4
Latter-Day Saints Laurentians region T2-71424
biography 289.309 2 Laurentian Plateau T2-714
Latter-Day Saints Church 289.3 Ontario T2-713 1
see also Mormon Church Quebec T2-714
Lattice dynamics Laurentians (Quebec) T2-71424
solid-state physics 530.411 Laurentides (Quebec) T2-714 242
Lattice plant 584.74 Laurentides (Quebec :
Lattice point geometry 516.35 Region) T2-71424
Lattices (Crystals) 548.81 Laurentides Provincial Park
Lattices (Mathematics) 511.33 (Quebec) T2-714 48
Latvia 947.96 Laurentides Wildlife
T2-479 6 Reserve (Quebec) T2-71448
Latvian language 491.93 Laurier, Wilfrid, Sir
T6-919 3 Canadian history 971.056
Latvian literature 891.93 Lausanne (Switzerland) T2-494 524 14
Latvians TS-919 3 Lausanne (Switzerland :
Lauderdale County (Ala.) T2-761 99 District) T2-494 524 1
Lauderdale County (Miss.) T2-762 676 Lausitz-Spreewald
Lauderdale County (Tenn.) T2-768 16 (Germany:
Lauds 264.15 Raumordnungsregion) T2-431 51
muSIC 782.324 Lava 552.22
Laufen (Switzerland : Lava Beds National
Bezirk) T2-494 331 Monument (Calif.) T2-794 21
Laufenburg (Switzerland : Lavaca County (Tex.) T2-764 255
Bezirk) T2-494 564 5 Laval (Quebec) T2-714 271
Laughter Lavalieres 391.7
psychology 152.43 customs 391.7
Launceston (Tas.) T2-946 5 making 739.278
Launch complexes costume jewelry 688.2
guided missiles 623.451 9 handicrafts 745.594 2
spacecraft 629.478 fine jewelry 739.278
Launch vehicles Lavalleja (Uruguay : Dept.) T2-895 21
guided missiles 623.451 9 Lavatories (Bathrooms) 643.52
Launching construction 690.42
manned space flight 629.452 home economics 643.52
space flight 629.41 plumbing 696.182
unmanned space flight 629.432 Lavaux-Oron (Switzerland) T2-494 524 5
Laundering 667.13 Lavenders (Plants) 583.96
home economics 648.1 Law 340
Laundries 667.13 arts 700.455 4
construction 690.43 T3C-355 4
plumbing 696.183 information systems 025.063 4
sanitation services 363.729 9
Laurales 583.23
Laurel County (Ky.) T2-769 143
Laurel wax 665.12

Relative Index

LaW (continued) Lawrence,

literature 808.803 554 Baron
history and criticism 809.933 554 Indian history 954.035 1
specific literatures T3B~080 355 4 Lawrence County (Ala.) T2~761 92

history and Lawrence County (Ark.) T2~767 25

criticism T3B~093 554 Lawrence County (Ill.) T2-773 76

208.4 Lawrence County (Ind.) T2~772 26
see also Religious law Lawrence County (Ky.) T2-769 26
specific jurisdictions Lawrence County (Miss.) T2~762 536
see Manual at 340.02-.09 vs. Lawrence County (Mo.) T2~778 75

349; also at 342-349 Lawrence County (Ohio) T2-771 88

specific socioeconomic regions 349 .I Lawrence County (Pa.) T2·-748 93
see Manual at 363 vs. Lawrence County (S.D.) T2-783 91
344.02-.05, 353-354 Lawrence County (Tenn.) T2~768 42

Law (Theology) Lawrencium 546.449

Christianity 241.2 Laws 348.02
Judaism 296.18 enactment and repeal 328.37
Law and ethics 340.112 United States 348.732
Law and gospel 241.2 Laws of thermodynamics 536.71
Law and morality 340.ll2 Lawsuits 347.053
Law and society 340.115 procedure 347.050 4
Law codification 348.004 Lawyers 340.092
law of nations 341.026 7 fees
United States 348.730 4 law 347.057 2
Law enforcement 363.23 malpractice 347.05041
armed forces 355.133 23 occupational ethics 174.3
law 345.052 practice 347.050 4
public administration 353.36 role and function 340.023
see Manual at 363 vs. Laxatives
344.02-.05, 353~354 pharmacokinetics 615.732
Law libraries 026.34 Lay brothers
Law offalling bodies 531.5 religious orders 255.093
Law of God church history 271.093
Christianity 241.2 Lay ministry 253
Law of nations 341 ecclesiology 262.15
relation to domestic law 341.04 pastoral theology 253
see Manual at 341 vs. 327 Lay notaries 347.016
Law of supply and demand 338.521 Lay sisters
Law of the sea 341.45 religious orders 255.909 3
see Manual at 341.45 vs. church history 271.909 3
343.0962 Layering (Plant propagation) 631.534
Law reform 340.3 Laying on of hands (Christian
Law reports 348.04 rite) 265.9
national 348.041 Laylat al-Bara'ah 297.36
provincial 348.043 Laylat al-Mi'raj 297.36
regional 348.042 Laylat al-Qadr 297.362
state 348.043 Laymen (Church members) 262.15
Law schools 340.071 1 see also Laity (Church
Lawn bowling 796.315 members)
Lawn tennis 796.342 Layoffs of employees
Lawns economics 331.259 6
floriculture 635.964 7 employment security 331.259 6
landscape architecture 712.6 unemployment 331.137
union control 331.889 6

Dewey Decimal Class~fication

Layoffs of employees (continued) Lead (continued)

law 344.Dl2 596 mining 622.344
personnel management 658.313 4 organic chemistry
public administration 352.69 applied 661.895
Layout physical metallurgy 669.964
plant management 658.23 pollution 363.738 492
typesetting 686.225 2 see also Pollution
Laz language 499.968 public safety 363.179 l
T6-99968 see also Hazardous materials
Lazarists 255.77 see also Chemicals; Metals
church history 271.77 Lead soldiers
Lazio (Italy) T2--456 2 handicrafts 745.592 82
ancient T2-376 Leaded glass
LB (Austrian political party) 324.243 602 3 arts 748.5
LdU (Swiss political party) 324.249 408 Leadership 303.34
Le Bas-Richelicu (Quebec) T2-714 39 armed forces 355.330 41
Le Centre-de-la-Mauricie Christian church 262.1
(Quebec) T2-714453 local church 253
Le Domaine-du-Roy executive management 658.409 2
(Quebec) T2-714 142 public administration 352.39
Le Fjord-du-Saguenay political parties 324.22
(Quebec) T2-714 165 psychology 158.4
LeFlore County (Okla.) T2--766 79 schools 371.201 l
Le Golfe-du-Saint-Laurent social control 303.34
(Quebec) T2--714 179 Leadership role of chief
Le Granit (Quebec) T2-714 69 executives 658.409 2
Le Haut-Richelieu (Quebec) T2-714 38 public administration 352.236
Le Haut-Saint-Franc;ois Leading windows
(Quebec) T2-714 68 buildings 698.5
Le Haut-Saint-Laurent Leadworts 583.5
(Quebec) T2--714 31 Leaf beetles 595.764 8
Lc Haut-Saint-Maurice agricultural pests 632.764 8
(Quebec) T2--714 459 Leaf frogs 597.87
Le Locle (Switzerland · Leaf insects 595.729
District) T2--494 388 Leaf miner flies 595.774
Le Roeber-Perce (Quebec) T2-714 795 Leaf miners
LeSueur County (Minn.) T2-776 553 agricultural pests 632.7
Le Val-Saint-Franc;ois Leafhoppers 595.752
(Quebec) T2-714 65 agricultural pests 632.752
Lea County (N.M.) T2-789 33 League of Arab States 341.247 7
Leach mining wells 622.22 finance 336.091 68
Lead 669.4 League of Augsburg, War of the,
architectural construction 721.044 74 1688-1697 940.252 5
building construction 693.74 North American history 973.25
building material 691.84 League of Nations 341.22
chemical engineering 661.068 8 finance 336.091 62
chemistry 546.688 law of nations 341.22
decorative arts 739.54 public administration 352.112
economic geology 553.44 League ofNations treaties series 341.026 I
human toxicology 615.925 688 League soccer 796.334 63
materials science 620.183 Leake County (Miss.) T2-762 653
metallography 669.954 Leapfrog (Game) 796.14
metallurgy 669.4
metalworking 673.4

lr _______________________________ R_e_l_a_u_·v_e_I_n_de_x________________________________

·~··. ·:·,.'. . . Learne~

060 Leatherjackets (Crane fly larvae) 595.772
libranes 027.68 agricultural pests 633.104 977 2
' see also Nonprotlt Leave (Absence) 331.257 6
organizations armed forces 355.113
Learned society buildings labor economics 331.257 6
architecture 727.9 law 344.Ql2 576
Learning 153.15 public employees 342.068 6
animal behavior 591.514 personnel management 658.312 2
comparative psychology 156.315 public administration 352.67
educational psychology 370.152 3 Leavening agents 664.68
psychology 153.15 Leavenworth County (Kan.) T2-781 38
children 155.413 15 Leaves (Plants) 581.48
Learning (Scholarship) 001.2 descriptive botany 581.48
Leaming ability 153.9 paleobotany 561.15
Learning curves 153.158 physiology 575.57
Learning disabilities 371.9 Lebanese T5-927 5692
medicine 616.858 89 Lebanese adder 597.963 6
pediatrics 618.928 588 9 Lebanon 956.92
Learning-disabled people Tl-087 T2-5692
education 371.9 ancient 939.44
social group 305.908 4 T2-394 4
Leaming disorders Lebanon Conflict, 1982-1985 956.052
medicine 616.858 89 Lebanon County (Pa.) T2-748 19
pediatrics 618.928 588 9 Lebanon War, 2006 956.920 452
Lease system Lebel-sur -Quevillon
penology 365.65 (Quebec) 1'2--714115
Leases Lebern (Switzerland) T2-494 357 3
accounting 657.75 Lebesgue integral 515.43
equipment Lebombo Mountains T2-682 71
financial management 658.152 42 Lebow a (South AJrica) T2-682 55
personal property Leece (Italy :Province) T2-457 53
law 346.047 ancient T2-377 65
real property 333.5 Lecco (Italy: Province) T2-452 37
economics 333.5 ancient T2-372 265
financial management 658.152 42 Lecterns
law 346.043 46 church architecture 726.529 2
public 333.16 Lectionaries (Public worship) 264.34
Least squares 511.42 Anglican 264.030 34
Leather 675 texts 264.032
handicrafts 745.531 preaching 251.6
home sewing material 646.1 Roman Catholic 264.020 34
Leather clothing 391 texts 264.029
commercial technology 685.22 Lecture method 371.396
customs 391 Christian religious education 268.632
home sewing 646.4 Lectures 080
see also Clothing museum services 069.15
Leather covers Lecturing
bookbinding 686.342 rhetoric 808.51
Leather fungi 579.6 Lecythidaceae 583.76
Leather goods LED (Diodes) 621.381 522
commercial technology 685 Ledbury (England) T2-4242
Leather goods makers 685.092 Lee, Charles
Leather workers 675.209 2 treason 973.383
Leatherback turtle 597.928 9

Dewey Decimal Class{fication

Lee, Hsien Loong Lega-Kalanga languages 496.394

Singaporean history 959.570 53 T6--963 94
Lee, Kuan Yew Lega nord (Italian political party) 324.245 084
Singaporean history 959.570 51 Legal accounting 657.834
Lee County (Ala.) T2-76155 Legal aid 362.586
Lee County (Ark.) T2-767 89 law 347.017
Lee County (Fla.) T2-75948 criminal law 345.QJ2 7
Lee County (Ga.) T2-758 943 welfare law 344.032 58
Lee County (Ill.) T2-773 36 social services 362.5 86
Lee County (Iowa) T2-777 99 Legal codes 348.023
Lee County (Ky.) T2-769 185 United States 348.732 3
Lee County (Miss.) T2-762935 Legal costs
Lee County (N.C.) T2-756 355 law 347.057
Lee County (S.C.) T2-757 67 counsel
Lee County (Tex.) T2-764247 management use 658.12
Lee County (Va.) T2-755 735 Legal education 340.07
Leeaceae 583.86 Legal ethics 174.3
Leeches 592.66 Legal fees
Leeds (England : City) T2-42819 judgments
Leeds and Grenville (Ont.) T2-713 73 law 347.077
Leeks 641.352 6 law 347.057
botany 584.33 Legal keyboarding 652.326
cooking 641.652 6 malpractice 347.050 41
food 641.352 6 Legal officers 347.016
garden crop 635.26 criminal courts 345.D12 6
Leelanau County (Mich.) T2-774 635 Legal personnel 340.092
Leer (Germany : Landkreis) T2-435 917 fees
Lee's invasion of Maryland, 1862 973.733 6 law 347.057 2
Leeton (N.S.W.) T2-944 8 role and function 340.023
Leeward Islands (West Indies) 972.97 Legal positivism 340.112
T2-7297 Legal procedure 347.05
Leflore County (Miss.) T2-76246 Legal process 347.05
Left, The (German political Legal profession 340.023
party) 324.243 074 Legal reasoning 340.11
Left and right (Psychology) 152.335 Legal responsibility 346.022
Left-hand techniques Legal services 347
music 784.193 66 Legal systems 340.5
Left-handedness Legal tender 332.42
psychology 152.335 Legal writing 808.066 34
Left May languages T6--991 2 see Manual at 340 vs.
Leftist parties 324.217 808.06634
international organizations 324.17 Legalism (Chinese philosophy) 181.115
Leftovers (Cooking) 641.552 Legations 327.2
bones architecture 725.17
human anatomy 611.718 public administration 353.13
human physiology 612.751 Legendary animals 398.245 4
Leg exercises 613.718 88 art representation 704.947
Leg muscles arts 700.474
human anatomy 611.738 T3C-374
techniques folklore 398.245 4
music 784.193 8 history and criticism 398.469
Lega dei Ticinesi (Swiss political
party) 324.249 408 4

Relative Index

Legendary animals (continued) Legends (continued)

literature 808.803 74 literature 808.803 7
history and criticism 809.933 74 history and criticism 809.933 7
specific literatures T3B--080 374 specific literatures T3B-080 37
history and history and
criticism T3B-093 74 criticism T3B-093 7
mysteries 001.944 paintings 753.7
Legendary beings 398.21 Leghorn (Poultry) 636.55
art representation 704.947 Legionella 579.33
arts 700.475 Legionnaires' disease
T3C--375 medicine 616.241
folklore 398.21 see also Respiratory tract
history and criticism 398.45 diseases humans
literature 808.803 75 Legions (Military units) 355.31
history and criticism 809.933 75 Legislation (Enactment and
specific literatures T3B-080 375 repeal) 328.37
history and law 342.057
criticism T3B~-093 75 Legislation (Laws and statutes) 348.02
Legendary persons 398.22 Legislative bodies 328
art representation 704.947 bibliographies of publications 011.532
arts 700.451 law 342.05
T3C-351 see Manual at 909, 930-990 vs.
folklore 398.22 320
history and criticism 398.352 Legislative branch 328
literature 808.803 51 law 342.05
history and criticism 809.933 51 Legislative budgets 352.48
specific literatures T3B-080 351 see also Budgets (Public)
history and Legislative buildings
criticism T3B--093 51 architecture 725.11
Legendary places 398.234 Legislative calendars 328.4--.9
art representation 704.947 Legislative districts 328.334 5
arts 700.472 Legislative drafting 328.373
T3C-372 Legislative duties 328.34
folklore 398.234 law 342.052
history and criticism 398.42 Legislative-executive relations 328.345 6
literature 808.803 72 law 342.044
history and criticism 809.933 72 Legislative functions 328.34
specific literatures T3B-080372 law 342.052
history and Legislative hearings 328.345
criticism T3B-093 72 law 348.01
mysteries 001.94 United States 348.731
Legendre function 515.53 see Manual at 300-330, 355-
Legendre polynomials 515.55 390 vs. 342~347, 352~354
Legendre transform 515.723 Legislative histories 348.01
Legends United States 348.731
art representation 704.947 Legislative immunity 328.348
arts 700.47 Legislative institutions
T3C-37 sociology 306.23
folklore 398.2 Legislative investigation 328.345 2
see Manual at 398.2 vs. Legislative journals 328.4-.9
201.3, 230, 270, 292-299 Legislative-judicial relations 320.404
law 342.044
Legislative lobbying 328.38
law 342.05

Dewey Decimal Class{fication

Legislative organization 328.36 Leipzig (Germany:

law 342.057 Direktionsbezirk) T2-432 12
Legislative oversight 328.345 6 Leipzig (Gennany:
Legislative powers 328.34 Regierungsbezirk) T2-432 12
chief executives 352.235 Leiria (Portugal : District) T2-4694l
law 342.052 Leishmaniasis
privileges 328.347 incidence 614.534
procedures 328.1 medicine 616.936 4
342.057 see also Communicable
Legislative process 328 diseases - humans
Legislative reference bureaus 027.65 Leisure 790.1
Legislative reform 328.304 educational objective 370.119
Legislative reporting 328.1 ethics 175
Legislative representation 328.334 influence on crime 364.25
Legislators recreational arts 790.1
biography 328.092 sociology 306.481 2
law 342.055 Leitmotif 781.248
personal privileges 328.347 Leitneriales 583.43
role and function 328.33 Leitrim (Ireland) T2-417 6
Legitimacy of government 320.011 Leix (Ireland) T2-418 7
Legitimation Lelystad (Netherlands) T2--492 2
family law 346.017 5 Leman Lake (Switzerland
(Poland: and France) T2-49452
Voivodeship) T2-438 52 France T2--445 84
591.479 Switzerland T2-494 52
animal physiology 573.79 Lemhi County (Idaho) T2-796 78
descriptive zoology 591.479 Lemmings 599.358 2
human anatomy 61L98 Lemmus 599.358 2
human physiology 612.98 Lemnaceae 584.64
regional medicine 617.58 Lemnos Island (Greece) T2-495 82
surgery 617.580 59 ancient T2-391 1
Legumes 583.74 Lemon shark 597.34
botany 583.74 Lemons 641.343 34
commercial processing 664.805 65 commercial processing 664.804 334
cooking 641.656 5 cooking 641.643 34
edible fruits 641.344 6 food 641.343 34
cooking 641.644 6 orchard crop 634.334
food 641.344 6 Lempira (Honduras) T2-728 382
orchard crop 634.46 Lemuridae 599.83
field crop 633.3 Lemurs 599.83
food 641.356 5 conservation technology 639.979 83
garden crop 635.65 resource economics 333.959 83
see Manual at 633-635 Lenape Indians T5-97345
Leguminales 583.74 Lenawee County (Mich.) T2-774 31
see also Legumes Lenca Indians T5-979
Lehigh County (Pa.) T2-748 27 Lenca language 497.9
Lehurutshe (South Africa : T6-979
District) T2-68248 Lending institutions 332.1
Leicester (England) T2-425 42 law 346.082
Leicestershire (England) T2-425 4 public administration 354.86
Leiden (Netherlands) T2-492 38 see also Banks (Finance)
Leinster (Ireland) T2-418 Lending power (Legislative
Leiopelmatidae 597.86 bodies) 328.341 2
Leipzig (Germany) T2-432 122

rI Lenin, Vladimir Il'ich
Russian history 947.084 I
Leningrad (Russia : Oblast) T2-4721
Relative Index

Leopold t Holy Roman Emperor

German history
Leopold JII, King of the Belgians

Leningradskata oblasf Belgian history 949.304 2

(Russia) T2-472 1 Lepchalanguage 495.4

I Leninism 335.43 T6-954

economics 335.43 Lephlale (South Africa :
political ideology 320.532 2 District) T2-68253
Lenje-Tonga languages 496.391 Lepidodendrales 561.79
f T6-963 91 Lepidoptera 595.78
Lenni Lenape Indians T5-973 45 agricultural pests 632.78
LenniLenapelanguage 497.345 Lepidosauria 597.94
T6-973 45 paleozoology 567.94
Lennox and Addington Lepontine Alps (Italy and
(Ont.) T2-713 59 Switzerland) T2-494 78
Lennox Hills (Scotland) T2-413 12 Leporidae 599.32
f Leno-weave fabrics 677.652 Lepospondyli 597.8
I see also Textiles paleozoology 567.8
I Lenoir County (N.C.) T2-756 385 Leprosy
~ Lens diseases incidence 614.546
t ophthalmology 617.742 medicine 616.998
see also Eye diseases see also Communicable
humans diseases - humans
Lenses Leptis Magna (Extinct city) T2--397 4
cameras 771.352 Leptodactylidae 597.875
manufacturing technology 681.423 Leptolepis 567
Lent 263.92 Leptons 539.721 1
devotional literature 242.34 Leptostraca 595.379 2
sermons 252.62 Leptotyphlopidae 597.969
Lenten cooking 641.566 Leptureae 584.9
Lenten music 781.725 Lepus 599.328
Lentibulariaceae 583.95 L'Erable (Quebec) T2-714 575
Lentils 641.356 58 Lerida (Spain: Province) T2-467 4
botany 583.74 Lemaeopodoida 595.34
commercial processing 664.805 658 Les Appalaches (Quebec) T2-714 712
cooking 641.656 58 Les Basques (Quebec) T2-714 766
field crop 633.37 Les Chenaux (Quebec) T2-714455
food 641.356 58 Les Chutes-de-la-Chaudiere
garden crop 635.658 (Quebec) T2-714 59
Lenzburg (Switzerland : Les Collines-de-I'Outaouais
Bezirk) T2-494 562 5 (Quebec) T2-714 223
Leo (Cat genus) 599.755 Les Etchemins (Quebec) T2-714 72
Leo (Zodiac) 133.526 6 Les lies-de-Ja-Madeleine
Leominster (England : (Quebec) T2-714 797
District) T2-424 2 Les Jardins-de-Napierville
Leon (Nicaragua: Dept.) T2-728 512 (Quebec) T2-714 35
Leon (Spain: Province) T2-462 l Les Laurentides (Quebec) T2-714242
Leon (Spain. Region) T2-462 Les Maskoutains (Quebec) T2-714 523
Leon County (Fla.) T2-759 88 Les Moulins (Quebec) T2-714412
Leon County (Tex.) T2 764 233 Les Pays-d'en-Haut
Leopard seal 599.796 (Quebec) T2-714244
Leopards 599.755 4 Les Saintes Islands
conservation technology 639.979 755 4 (Guadeloupe) T2-729 76
resource economics 333.959 755 4 Les Sources (Quebec) T2-714 573

Dewey Decimal Classification

Lesbianism 306.766 3 Letters (Correspondence) (continued)

religion 200.866 43 office services 651.75
Christianity 270.086 643 rhetoric 808.066 651
see also Homosexuality postal handling 383.122
Lesbians 306.766 3 see also Postal service
Tl-086643 (Literature) 808.86
psychology 155.3443 criticism 809.6
religion 200.866 43 theory 808.6
Christianity 270.086 643 history 809.6
pastoral theology 259.086 643 rhetoric 808.6
social welfare 362.839 66 specific literatures T3B 6
Lesbos (Greece) T2-495 82 individual authors T3A-6
Lesbos Island (Greece) T2--495 82 Letters of credit 332.77
ancient T2-391 2 law 346.096
Leslie County (Ky.) T2--769 152 Letters rogatory 347.G12
Lesotho 968.85 criminal law 345.012 2
T2--688 5 Lettish language 491.93
Lesotho people T5 -968 85 T6-919 3
Lespedezas 633.364 Lettish literature 891.93
botany 583.74 Letts T5~919 3
forage crop 633.364 Lettuce 641.355 2
Less developed countries T2-172 4 botany 583.99
Lesser Antilles T2-729 commercial processing 664.805 52
Lesser celandine 583.34 cooking 641.655 2
Lesser panda 599.763 food 641.355 2
Lesser Slave Lake (Alta.) T2-712 31 garden crop 635.52
Lesser Sunda Islands Letzeburgesch dialect 437.949 35
(Indonesia) T2-598 6 T6-32
Lesson plans 371.302 8 Leucite
Lesvos (Greece) T2-495 82 mineralogy 549.68
Leszno (Poland : Leucocytes 571.96
Voivodeship) T2-438 49 see also Leukocytes
Letaba (South Africa) T2--682 59 Leuk (Switzerland : Bezirk) T2--494 794 8
Letcher County (Ky.) T2-769 163 Leukas (Greece) T2-495 5
Lethal gases Leukemia 362.196 994 19
human toxicology 615.91 incidence 614.599 941 9
Lethbridge (Alta.) T2-712 345 medicine 616.994 19
Lethrinidae 597.72 social services 362.196 994 19
Letsie III. King of Lesotho see also Cancer humans
Lesotho history 968.850 32 Leukocyte count
Lettering human physiology 612.112 7
architectural design 729.19 Leukocyte disorders
bookbinding 686.36 cancer 362.196 994 19
decorative arts 745.61 incidence 614.599 941 9
prints 769.5 medicine 616.994 19
stone 736.5 social services 362.196 994 19
technical drawing 604.243 see also Cancer humans
medicine 616.154
mechanical printing technique 686.231 2 see also Cardiovascular
Letters (Correspondence) 383.122 diseases humans
biography 920 Leukocytes 571.96
Tl-092 human biochemistry 612.112 1
direct advertising 659.133 human histology 612.112
etiquette 395.4 human immunology 616.079

Leukocytes (continued)
human physiology
Relative Index


Lezghian language
T6--999 64
physiology 571.96 T6-999 64
see also Cardiovascular system Lhasa apso 636.72
Leukocytosis Lhomilanguage 495.4
medicine 616.154 T6--954
see also Cardiovascular Liability 346.022
diseases humans government 342.088
Leukopenia schools 344.075
medicine 616.154 Liability for environmental
see also Cardiovascular damages 344.046
diseases humans Liability insurance 368.5
Leukorrhea law 346.086 5
gynecology 618.15 Liability of states
see also Female genital law of nations 341.26
diseases humans Liability risks 368.08
Levant T2--56 Liaoning Sheng (China) T2-518 2
Levees (Flood barriers) 627.42 Liard River T2-711 87
Leveling (Surveying) 526.36 Libel 364.156
Levels of education 372-374 law 345.025 6
see Manual at 371.01-.8 vs. criminal law 345.025 6
372-374, 378; also at torts 346.034
372.24 and 373.23 Liberal Catholic Church 284.8
Leventina (Switzerland) T2-494 781 see also Old Catholic churches
Levis (Quebec) T2-714 59 Liberal-Conservative Party
Levitation (Spiritualism) 133.92 (Canada) 324.271 04
Leviticus 222.13 Liberal Democrats (British
Levy County (Fla.) T2·-759 77 political party) 324.241 06
Lewes (England : District) T2-422 57 Liberal education 370.112
Lewis and Clark County Liberal Forum (Austrian political
(Mont.) T2----786 615 party) 324.243 606
Lewis County (Idaho) T2-796 84 Liberal parties 324.216
Lewis County (Ky.) T2-769 295 international organizations 324.16
Lewis County (Mo.) T2··-778 345 Liberal Party (Great Britain) 324.241 06
Lewis County (N.Y.) T2-747 59 Liberal of Australia 324.294 05
Lewis County (Tenn.) T2-768 432 Liberal Party of Canada 324.271 06
Lewis County (W.Va.) T2 754 61 Liberal Party ofNew York State 324.274 708
Lewis County (Wash.) T2-797 82 Liberal theology 230.046
Lewisham (London, Liberate Partei der Schweiz 324.249 406
England) T2-42163 Liberate Parteien (Austrian
Lexicographers 413.092 political party) 324.243 602 6
Lexicography 413.028 Liberates Forum (Austrian
TJ,,,,,,,,,03 political party) 324.243 606
specific languages T4--302 8 Liberalism
Lexicology 401.4 philosophy 148
specific languages T4014 political ideology 320.51
Lexington (Ky.) T2-769 47 Liberality
Lexington (Mass.) T2-744 4 ethics 177.7
Lexington (Va.) T2 755 853 Liberation theology 230.()46 4
Lexington, Battle of, 1775 973.331 1 political aspects 261.7
Lexington County (S.C.) T2-757 73 Roman Catholic 230.2
Leyte (Philippines) T2 599 5 socioeconomic aspects 261.8
Leyte Island (Philippines) T2-599 5

Dewey Decimal Classification

Liberecky kraj (Czech Library buildings

Republic) T2--437 17 architecture 727.8
Liberia 966.62 area planning 711.57
TI-666 2 institutional housekeeping 647.998
Liberians T5-966 62 lighting 621.322 78
Libertad (El Salvador : plant management 022.7
Dept.) T2-728 422 planning 022.3
Libertad (Peru : Dept.) T2-85l 6 Library catalogs 025.31
Libertad (Peru : Region) T2-85l 6 library science 025.31
Libertador General maintenance 025.317
Bernardo O'Higgins Library clerks 023.3
(Chile) T2-833 2 Library collections
Libertadores Wari (Peru) T2-852 7 maintenance 025.8
Libertarian parties 324.218 Library commissions 021.82
international organizations 324.18 Library-commnnity relations 021.2
Libertarian Party (U.S.) 324.273 8 Library consortia 021.65
Libertarianism 320.512 Library consultants 023.2
Liberty (Personal freedom) 323.44 Library cooperation 021.64
philosophy 123.5 Library equipment
see also Civil rights management 022.9
Liberty (Political theory) 320.011 Library extension
Liberty County (Fla.) T2-759 923 public libraries 027.42
Liberty County (Ga.) T2-758 733 Library-government relations 021.8
Liberty County (Mont.) T2-786 13 Library information networks 021.65
Liberty County (Tex.) T2-764 155 Library materials
Libido 155.31 preservation 025.84
Libode (South Africa : selection policy 025.21
District) T2-687 58 Library networks 021.65
Libra (Zodiac) 133.527 2 Library of Congress 027.573
Librarians 020.92 Library of Congress
library operations Classification 025.433
role and function 023.2 Library orientation 025.56
Libraries 027 Library outreach programs
accounting 657.832 public libraries 027.42
armed forces 355.346 Library paraprofessionals 023.3
law 344.092 Library policy (Government
operations 025 policy) 021.8
political aspects 021.8 Library regulations 025.56
public administrative support 352.744 Library science 020
publications for arts T3C-39
bibliographies 011.67 Library signs 025.56
reviews 028.167 Library systems
publishing 070.594 cooperation 021.65
relationships 021 operations 025
residential interior decoration 747.73 Library systems analysts 023.2
Libraries and museums 021.3 Library technicians 023.3
Library acquisitions 025.2 Library trustees 021.82
Library administration 025.1 Library use studies 025.58
Library aides 023.3 Librettos 780
Library and state 021.8 treatises 780.268
Library assistants 023.3 Libreville (Gabon) T2-672 l
Library boards 021.82
Library bookbinding 686.303 2

Relative Index

Libya 961.2 Lieutenant governors

T2-612 public administration 352.239
ancient 939.74 LiF (Austrian political party) 324.243 606
T2-397 4 Life
Libyan Desert T2-612 biological nature 570.1
Libyans T5-927 612 civil rights issues 323.43
Lice 595.756 medical ethics 179.7
disease carriers 571.986 origin 576.83
medicine 614.432 4 see also Origin of life
Lice infestations philosophy 113.8
medicine 616.572 respect for
License agreements 343.Q7 ethics 179.1
License fees religion 205.691
public revenues 336.16 Buddhism 294.356 91
License plates 929.9 Christianity 241.691
Licensing 352.84 Hinduism 294.548 691
economic law 343.07 Judaism 296.369 1
enforcement 363.233 Life after death
export trade 382.64 occultism 133.901 3
see also Export trade philosophy 129
import trade 382.54 religion 202.3
see also Import trade Christianity 236.2
intangible property law 346.048 Islam 297.23
public administration 352.84 Judaism 296.33
Lichees 641.346 philosophy of religion 218
see also Litchis Life care communities 362.61
Lichens 579.7 see also Health care facilities
Lichfield (England : Life cycle 571.8
District) T2-424 68 animal behavior 591.56
Lichtenburg (South Africa : animal physiology 571.81
District) T2-68244 animals 591.56
Licking County (Ohio) T2-771 54 arts T3C-354
Lie algebras 512.482 customs 392
Lie detectors 363.254 developmental biology 571.8
civil rights 323.448 etiquette 395.2
criminal investigation 363.254 folklore 398.274
law of privacy 342.085 8 history and criticism 398.354
law of self-incrimination 345.056 literature 808.803 54
personnel management 658.314 history and criticism 809.933 54
selection procedures 658.311 2 specific literatures T3B---080 354
Lie groups 512.482 history and
Liechtenstein 943.648 criticism T3B-093 54
T2-43648 microorganisms 571.842 9
ancient 936.364 8 music 781.58
T2 363 648 physiology 571.8
Lieder 782.421 68 plants 571.82
Liege (Belgium : Province) T2-493 46 Life estates 346.043 2
Liens land economics 333.323 4
law 346.074 Life expectancy 304.645
Liesegang rings 541.348 5 human physiology 612.68
Liestal (Switzerland) T2-494 335 4 Life insurance 368.32
Liestal (Switzerland : law 346.086 32
Bezirk) T2-494 335 tax law 343.052 4
Life on other planets 576.839

Dewey Decimal Classification

Life rafts Light (continued)

aircraft 629.134 43 meteorology 551.565
Life sciences 570 military engineering 623.()42
Life sciences and religion 201.657 physics 535
Christianity 261.55 therapeutics 615.831
philosophy of religion 215.7 Light absorption 535.326
Life skills 646.7 meteorology 551.566
primary education 372.37 Light beacons
Life-support systems navigation aids 623.894 4
spacecraft 629.477 Light-emitting diodes 621.381 522
Lifeboats 387.29 Light harness horses 636.17
design 623.812 9 Light lists
engineering 623.829 navigation aids 623.894 5
transportation services 387.29 Lightmcals 642
see also Ships cooking 641.53
Lifelong education 374 customs 394.125 3
Tl--071 5 Light metals 669.72
see also Adult education economic geology 553.492
Lifesaving equipment metallography 669.957 2
aircraft 629.134 43 metallurgy 669.72
ships 623.865 metalworking 673.72
Liffey, River (Ireland) T2-418 3 physical metallurgy 669.967 2
Lift (Aeronautics) 629.132 33 Light microscopy
Lift systems biology 570.282 3
air-cushion vehicles 629.313 Light orchestras 784.4
Lifts (Canal engineering) 627.135 3 Light pens
Lifts (Elevators) 621.877 bar-code scanners 006.42
see also Elevators (Lifts) engineering 621.399 4
Liga veneta (Italian political computer graphics 006.62
party) 324.245 308 4 engineering 621.399 6
Ligament diseases computer input devices 004.76
medicine 616.77 engineering 621.398 6
see also Musculoskeletal Light rail transit systems 388.46
diseases humans engineering 625.6
Ligaments 573.783 56 transportation services 388.46
biology 573.783 56 Light spectroscopy
human anatomy 611.72 engineering 621.361
human physiology 612.752 physics 535.843
medicine 616.77 Light trucks 388.343
see also Musculoskeletal driving 629.284 3
system engineering 629.223
Ligands 541.224 2 repair 629.287 3
Ligases 572.79 transportation setvices 388.343
see also Enzymes see also Trucks
Light 535 Light verse 808.817
arts 701.8 history and criticism 809.17
drawing 741.018 specific literatures T3B-107
astrophysics 523.015 individual authors T3A-l
biophysics 571.455 Lighter-than-air aircraft 387.732
humans 612.01444 engineering 629.133 2
chemical effect 541.353 3 military engineering 623.741
chemical engineering 660.295 33 sports flying 797.51
engineering 621.36 transportation services 387.732
health 613.19 see also Aircraft

Relative Index

· Lighters (Ships) 387.245 Liguria (Italy) 945.18

towed 387.29 T2-451 8
see also Ships ancient T2-371
Lighthouse_s 387.155 Ligurian language 491.993
engmeenng 623.894 2 T6--919 93
transportation services 387.155 Ligurian Republic 945.180 82
Lighting 621.32 Ligurian Riviera (Italy) T2-4518
airport engineering 629.136 5 Ligurian Sea 551.461 382
architectural design 729.28 T2-163 82
automobile 629.271 Lihou {Channel Islands) T2-423 49
cinematography 777.52 Lihournel (Channel Islands) T2-42349
customs 392.36 Lij Yasu, Negus of Ethiopia
dramatic performances 792.025 Ethiopian history 963.053
motion pictures 791.430 25 Lilacs 635.933 87
stage 792.025 botany 583.87
television 791.450 25 floriculture 635.933 87
engineering 621.32 Lilaeaceae 584.74
household management 644.3 L'IIe-d'Orleans {Quebec) T2-714 476
interior decoration 747.92 L'Ile-Dorval (Quebec) T2-714 28
library buildings 621.322 78 Liliaceae 584.32
plant management 022.7 floriculture 635.934 32
mining 622.47 Liliales 584.3
museums 069.29 Lilies 584.3
photography 778.7 floriculture 635.934 3
plant management 658.24 Liliidae 584.3
public areas 628.95 Liliopsida 584
religious significance 203.7 see Manual at 583-584
Christianity 246.6 Lille (France) T2-442 84
see also Symbolism Lille Baelt (Denmark) 551.461 334
religious significance T2--163 34
road transportation 388.312 Lillooet (B.C.) T2-711 31
videography 777.52 Lillooet Lake (B.C.) T2-711 31
Lighting fixtures 621.32 Lillooet River (B.C.) T2-711 3
ceramic arts 738.8 Lilongwe (Malawi) T2-689 7
church architecture 726.529 8 Lily of the valley 635.934 32
furniture arts 749.63 botany 584.32
household management 645.5 floriculmre 635.934 32
manufacturing technology 683.83 Lima (Peru : Dept.) T2-852 5
Lightning 551.563 2 Lima beans 641.356 53
crop damage 632.15 botany 583.74
Lightning arresters 621.317 commercial processing 664.805 653
Lightning protection cooking 641.656 53
buildings 693.898 field crop 633.37
Lightships 387.28 food 641.356 53
engineering 623.894 3 garden crop 635.653
see also Ships Limari (Chile: Province) T2-832 35
Lignin Limavady (Northern
recovery from pulp 676.5 Ireland : District) T2-416 25
Lignin-derived plastics 668.45 Limbo 236.4
Lignite 553.22 Limbu language 495.49
economic geology 553.22 T6-954 9
mining 622.332 Limburg (Belgium :
properties 662.6222 Province) T2-493 24
Lignum vitaes 583.79 Limburg (Netherlands) T2-49248

Dewey Decimal Classification

Limburger cheese 641.373 53 Limousines (continued)

cooking 641.673 53 transportation services 388.342 32
food 641.373 53 see also Automobiles
processing 637.353 Limpets 594.32
Lime 553.68 Limpopo (South Africa) 968.25
economic geology 553.68 T2-682 5
use as soil conditioner 631.821 Limpopo River T2---679 2
Lime mortars 666.93 Mozambique T2-6792
Limerick (Ireland) T2-419 45 South Africa T2---682 5
Limerick (Ireland : County) T2-419 4 Linaceae 583.79
Limericks 808.817 5 Linares (Chile: Province) T2-833 7
history and criticism 809.175 Linares, Jose Fino!
specific literatures T3B-107 5 Brazilian history 981.061
individual authors T3A-l Lincoln (England) T2-425 34
Limes (Fruit) 641.343 37 Lincoln (Neb.) T2--782 293
commercial processing 664.804 337 Lincoln (Ont. :County) T2-713 38
cooking 641.643 37 Lincoln, Abraham
food 641.343 37 United States history 973.7
orchard crop 634.337 Lincoln County (Ark.) T2--767 823
Limes (Lindens) Lincoln County (Colo.) T2-788 89
botany 583.68 Lincoln County (Ga.) T2--758 165
forestry 634.972 77 Lincoln County (Idaho) T2-79634
Limestone 553.516 Lincoln County (Kan.) T2-781 532
building material 691.2 Lincoln County (Ky.) T2-769625
economic geology 553.516 Lincoln County (Me.) T2-741 57
petrology 552.58 Lincoln County(Minn.) T2-776 365
quarrying 622.351 6 Lincoln County (Miss.) T2--762 534
Limestone County (Ala.) T2--761 98 Lincoln County (Mo.) T2-778 37
Limestone County (Tex.) T2-764 285 Lincoln County (Mont.) T2-786 81
Liming leather 675.22 Lincoln County (N.C.) T2-756 782
Limit 515.222 Lincoln County (N.M.) T2-78964
Limitation of actions 347.052 Lincoln County (Neb.) T2-782 82
Limitation of rights 323.49 Lincoln County (Nev.) T2--793 14
Limited companies 338.74 Lincoln County (Okla.) T2-76635
law 346.066 8 Lincoln County (Or.) T2-795 33
see also Corporations Lincoln County (S.D.) T2-783 391
Limited editions 094.4 Lincoln County (Tenn.) T2-768 624
publishing 070.573 Lincoln County (W.Va.) T2-75443
Limited government 320.512 Lincoln County (Wash.) T2-797 35
Limited monarchies 321.87 Lincoln County (Wis.) T2-775 27
Limited war 355.021 5 Lincoln County (Wyo.) T2-787 82
Linmocharitaceae 584.72 Lincoln Heath (England) T2-425 3
Limnology 551.48 Lincoln National Park (S.
biology 577.6 Aust.) T2-942 38
Limoges (France) T2-446 624 Lincoln Parish (La.) T2-763 91
Limon (Costa Rica: Lincoln Sea 551.461 327
Province) T2-~728 61 T2-163 27
Limousin (France) T2-446 6 Lincoln Wolds (England) T2-425 32
Limousine services 388.321 Lincolnshire (England) T2-425 3
urban 388.413 214 Lindens
Limousines 388.342 32 botany 583.68
driving 629.283 32 forestry 634.972 7
engineering 629.222 32 Lindi Region (Tanzania) T2-678 24
repair 629.287 232

Relative Index

Lindley (South Africa : Linguistic change 417.7

District) T2-685 I specific languages T4-7
kLindsey (England : County) T2--425 31 disorders
Line and staff organization 658.402 medicine 616.855
anned forces 355.330 4 see also Comm1mication
public administration 352.283 disorders
Line cuts special education 371.914
printing 686.232 7 Linguistic groups
Line dancing 793.36 sociology 305.7
Line engraving 765.2 Linguistic philosophies 149.94
Line geometry 516.183 410
Line integrals 515.43 see Manual at 410
Line Islands 996.4 Linguists
T2-964 language specialists
Line-outs 796.333 23 specific languages T4--092
Line play linguistics specialists 410.92
American football 796.332 23 specific languages T4-092
Linear A 492.6 philologists 409.2
T6-926 languages T4--092
see A1anual at T6~926 Linin network 571.66
Linear accelerators 539.733 editors 005.43
Linear algebra 512.5 Linkers (Computer programs) 005.43
LinearB 487.1 Links (Mathematics) 514.224
T6--87 Linlithgow, Victor Alexander
Linear closed-loop systems John Hope, Marquess of
automation engineering 629.832 Indian history 954.035 9
Linear differential equations 515.354 Linn County (Iowa) T2-777 62
Linear equations 515.252 Linn County (Kan.) T2~781 69
Linear logic 511.31 Linn County (Mo.) T2-778 24
Linear operators 515.724 6 Linn County (Or.) T2~795 35
Linear programming 519.72 Linoleum 645.1
Linear systems 003.74 building construction 698.9
Linear topological spaces 515.73 household management 645.1
Linen textiles 677.11 Linoleum-block printing 761.3
see also Textiles Linotype
Lines (Electrical) 621.319 2 manufacturing technology 681.61
Lines (Mathematics) 516.152 Linotype composition
Lineups (Criminal investigation) 363.258 automatic 686.225 44
Lingala language 496.396 86 manual 686.225 42
T6-963 968 6 Linsangs 599.742
Lingala literature 896.396 86 Linseed oil 665.352
Lingayats 294.551 3 Linters
Lingerie 391.423 082 plastic technology 668.411
commercial technology 687.22 Linz (Austria) T2--436 24
customs 391.423 082 Lion 599.757
home economics 646.34 big game hunting 799.277 57
home sewing 646.420 4 conservation technology 639.979 757
see also Undergarments resource economics 333.959 757
Lingga Islands (Indonesia) T2~598 192 Lions, Gulf of (France) 551.461 382
Lingua francas 401.3 T2-l63 82
Linguatula 592.76 Lions Bay (B.C.) T2-711 33
Linguistic analysis Lions International 369.5
philosophy 149.94 Lions River (South Africa :

Dewey Decimal Classification

Lip diseases Liquefaction of air

medicine 616.31 technology 665.82
Lip-reed instruments 788.9 Liquefaction of coal
see also Brass instruments technology 662.662 2
Lipari Islands (Italy) T2---458 11 Liquefaction of gases
Lipases 572.757 physics 536.44
see also Enzymes Liqueurs 641.255
Lipectomy 617.952 commercial processing 663.55
Lipetsk (Russia : Oblast) T2---473 5 Liquid chromatography 543.84
Lipetska!a oblast' (Russia) T2---473 5 Liquid crystal displays 621.381 542 2
Lipid membranes 572.577 Liquid crystals 530.429
Lipids 572.57 Liquid-drop model (Nuclear
biochemistry 572.57 physics) 539.742
humans 612.015 77 Liquid dynamics 532.5
chemistry 547.77 Liquid-gas interface 530.427
metabolic disorders 571.945 7 Liquid-in-glass thermometry 536.51
medicine 616.399 7 Liquid mechanics 532
see also Digestive system engineering 620.106
diseases -humans hydraulic engineering 627
metabolism 572.574 physics 532
human physiology 612.397 Liquid particle technology 620.43
see also Digestive system Liquid phases
Lipizzaner horse 636.138 liquid-state physics 530.424
Lipolytic enzymes 572.757 Liquid polymers
see also Enzymes liquid-state physics 530.429
Lipoproteins 572.68 Liquid propellants 662.26
see also Proteins aircraft 629.134 351
Lipostraca 565.32 military engineering 623.452 6
Liposuction 617.952 spacecraft 629.475 22
Lipotyphla 599.33 Liquid soaps 668.124
Lippe River T2---435 6 Liquid-state lasers 621.366 2
Lippizaner horse 636.138 Liquid-state physics 530.42
Lippmann process 778.63 Liquid statics 532.2
Lipreading 418 Liquid wastes 363.728 4
applied linguistics 418 social services 363.728 4
specific languages T~8954 technology 628.43
education 418 see also Waste control
T4-895 4 Liquidation of corporations
primary education 372.6 law 346.066 2
special education 371.912 46 management 658.1
Lips 591.44 Liquids
descriptive zoology 591.44 chemical engineering 660.042
human anatomy 611.317 expansion and contraction 536.413
human physiology 612.31 heat transfer 536.25
speech 612.78 sound transmission 534.23
medicine 616.31 specific heat 536.63
personal care 646.726 state of matter 530.42
physiology 573.355 Liquor laws 344.054 1
surgery 617.522 Liquor traffic 363.41
see also Digestive system law 344.054 1
Lipscomb County (Tex.) T2 764 816 public administration 353.37
Lipspeaking social problem 363.41
applied linguistics 418 Lisboa (Portugal : District) T2469 42
specific languages T4 895 Lisbon (Portugal : District) T2---469 42

Relative Index

Lisburn (Northern Ireland : 808.81-.88

District) T2-41619 809.1-.7
L'Islet (Quebec : Regional theory 808.1-.7
County Municipality) T2-714 74 see Manual at 808.81-.88
Lismore (N.S.W.) T2-944 3 and 809.1-.7
Listening 302.224 2 history 809.1-.7
applied linguistics 418 see Manual at 808.81-.88
specific languages T4-83 · and 809.1-.7
child care 649.58 rhetoric 808.1-.7
music training method 781.424 children's literature 808.068 1-.068 7
primary education 372.69 specific literatures T3B-1-8
psychology individual authors T3A-1-8
communication 153.68 418.041-.048
perception 153.733 specific languages T4-804 1-804 8
recreation 790.138 see Manual at 800; also at
social interaction 302.224 2 808.81-.88 and 809.1-.7
Listeria 579.37 Literary genres 808.81-.88
Lists Tl-021 6 sacred books 208.2
Litanies 264.13 Bible 220.66
music 782.292 Talmud 296.120 66
Roman Catholic 264.027 4 specific literatures T3B-1-8
Litchfield County (Conn.) T2-746 1 see A1anual at
Litchis 641.346 T3B-102-107,
botany 583.78 T3B-205, T3B-308 vs.
cooking 641.646 T3C-l, T3C-··3
food 641.346 see also Literary forms
orchard crop 634.6 Literary hoaxes 098.3
Literacy 302.224 4 Literary movements 808.801
adult education 374.012 4 history and criticism 809.91
educational policy 379.24 specific literatures T3B--080 I
linguistics 418.4 history and criticism T3B--091
T4-84 Literary style 800
primary education 372.6 criticism 809
sociology 302.224 4 specific literatures T3B-09
training rhetoric 808
personnel management 658.312 44 Literary themes
Literacy programs 379.24 arts 700.457
adult education 374.012 4 T3C-357
literary agents folklore 398.277
publishing 070.52 history and criticism 398.357
~iterary criticism 809 literature 808.803 57
sacred books 208.2 history and criticism 809.933 57
Bible 220.66 specific literatures T3B-080 357
Talmud 296.120 66 history and
specific literatures T3B-09 criticism T3B-093 57
see Manual at T3B--08 and Literature 800
T3B·-09 geographic treatment T3C 93-99
theory 801.95 see Manual at T3 C-93-99;
see Manual at 800 also at T3C-93-99,
jterary forgeries 098.3 T3C-9174 vs. T3C 8
history and criticism 809
specific literatures T3B-09
influence on crime 364.254
primary education 372.64

Dewey Decimal Classification

Literature (continued) Liturgical drama

translating 418.04 music 782.298
specific languages T4-804 choral and mixed voices 782.529 8
see also Arts single voices 783.092 98
see Manual at 741.6 vs. 800; Liturgical music 782.29
also at 800; also at 800 vs. instrumental forms 784.189 93
398.2 vocal forms 782.29
Literature (Black authors, African choral and mixed voices 782.529
origin) 808.898 96 VOICeS 783.092 9
history and criticism 809.889 6 Liturgical objects 203.7
specific literatures T3B-080 896 Christianity 247
history and criticism T3B-098 96 Judaism 296.461
Literature and religion 201.68 Liturgical renewal 264.001
Christianity 261.58 Liturgical year 263.9
Lithgow (N.S.W.) T2-944 5 devotional literature 242.3
Lithium 669.725 sermons 252.6
chemical engineering 661.038 1 Liturgy 203.8
chemistry 546.381 see also Public worship
economic geology 553.499 Liturgy of the hours 264.15
metallurgy 669.725 Anglican 264.030 15
physical metallurgy 669.967 25 Roman Catholic 264.020 15
see also Chemicals texts 264.024
Lithography 686.231 5 Live-bearers 597.667
graphic arts 763 culture 639.376 67
Lithology 552 Live-forevers (Plants) 583.72
Lithops 583.53 Live Oak County (Tex.) T2-764447
Lithosphere 551 Liver 573.38
Lithuania 947.93 biology 573.38
TI--479 3 human anatomy 611.36
Lithuanian language 491.92 human physiology 612.352
T6--9192 medicine 616.362
Lithuanian literature 891.92 surgery 617.5562
Lithuanians T5-9192 see also Digestive system
Litoptema 569.62 Liver diseases
Little Barrier Island (N.Z.) TI-9324 me.dicine 616.362
Little Belt (Denmark) 551.461 334 see also Digestive system
T2-163 34 diseases - humans
Little Big Hom, Battle of the, Liverpool (England) T2--427 53
1876 973.82 Liverworts 588.3
Little brown bats 599.472 Livestock 636
Little Church of France 284.8 Livestock exhibition 636.081 1
Little Colorado River (N.M. Livestock feeding 636.084
and Ariz.) TI-79133 Livestock feeds 636.085 5
Little Kanawha River (W. see also Feeds
Va.) TI-754 2 Livestock judging 636.081 1
Little Karoo (South Africa) TI--687 38 Livestock liability insurance 368.56
Little league (Baseball) 796.357 62 Livestock workers 636.009 2
Little River County (Ark.) T2-767 55 Living Bible 220.520 83
Little Rock (Ark.) TI-767 73 Living chess 794.17
Little Sisters of the Poor 255.95 Living conditions
church history 271.95 armed forces 355.12
Little theater 792.022 3 Living fossils 576.8
Liturgical dance 246.7

Relative Index

Living rooms 643.54 Loading operations

home economics 643.54 materials management 658.788 5
interior decoration 747.75 ships 623.888 I
Living standard Loads
macroeconomics 339.47 bridge engineering 624.252
Living stones 583.53 structural analysis 624.172
Living together 306.841 Loan brokers 332.3
Tl~086 56 Loan collections
law 346.016 museology 069.56
Livingston County (Ill.) T2~773 61 Loan guarantees
Livingston County (Ky.) T2~769 895 public administration 352.736
Livingston County (Mich.) T2~774 36 Loan services
Livingston County (Mo.) T2~778 223 library science 025.6
Livingston County (N.Y.) T2--747 85 museology 069.13
Livingston Parish (La.) T2-763 14 Loan words 412
Livonia T2-479 8 languages T4~24
Livonian language 494.54 Loans 332.7
T6-945 4 capital management 658.152 24
Livoni an literature 894.54 economics 332.7
Livonian War, 1557~1582 947.043 banking services 332.175 3
Livoniars T5~945 4 central banking 332.113
Livomo (Italy: Province) T2-455 6 law 346.073
ardent T2~375 62 economic assistance 343.074 2
Lizard fishes 597.61 public administrative support 352.736
Lizards 597.95 public revenues 336.15
resource economics 333.957 94 administration 352.45
Lizards as pets 639.395 Loasaceae 583.94
Lizard's-tail (Plart) 583.25 Lobachevski geometry 516.9
Llama wool textiles 677.32 Lobbying 324.4
see also Textiles law 342.05
Llamas 636.296 6 legislative bodies 328.38
Llandrindod Wells (Wales) TI-429 51 public relations 659.293 244
Llarelli (Wales: Borough) T2-429 65 Lobeliaeeae 583.98
Llargollen (Wales) T2-429 37 Lobi (African people) T5~963 5
Llano County (Tex.) T2~764 62 Lobi language 496.35
Llano Estacada T2~764 8 T6-963 5
New Mexico T2~789 3 Lobster culture 639.64
Texas T2~764 8 Lobster 639.54
Llanquihue (Chile : Lobsters 641.395
Province) T2~835 4 conservation technology 639.975 384
Llantrisant (Wales) T2-429 78 cooking 641.695
Llanwrtyd Wells (Wales) TI--429 56 culture 639.64
Lliw Valley (Wales) T2-429 82 fishing 639.54
Lloydminster (Sask. and fishing industry 338.372 538 4
Alta.) T2~71242 food 641.395
Lloyds of London 368.0120604212 commercial processing 664.94
Loa (Chile) T2~831 35 resource economies 333.955 54
Loaches 597.48 zoology 595.384
Loaders (Computer programs) 005.43 Local anesthesia
Loading equipment surgery 617.966
port engineering 627.34 Loeal-area networks 004.68
ships 623.867 see also Computer
Local bibliographies 015

Dewey Decimal Class!fication

Local Christian church 250 Local transportation 388.4

ecclesiology 262.2 see also Urban transportation
specific denominations 280 Local wind systems 551.518 5
see lvianual at 260 vs. 251 ~254, Locality pay 331.2166
259 personnel management 658.322 2
Local courts 347.02 Localization (Auditory
criminal law 345.014 2 perception)
Great Britain 347.420 2 psychology 152.158
Scotland 347.411 02 Locally compact groups 512.55
United States 347.734 Locals (Unions) 331.872
Local finance 336.014 see also Labor unions
law 343.03 Locarno (Switzerland :
public administration 352.421 4 Distretto) T2--494 788
public finance 336.014 Location of business enterprises 338.09
Local government 320.8 see also Business enterprises~
grants-in-aid 336.185 location
public administration 352.734 4 see Manual at 338.091 ~.099 vs.
law 342.09 332.67309, 338.6042
public administration 352.14 Location of plants
support and control 353.334 management 658.21
see Manual at 351.3-.9 vs. see also Business
352.13~.19 enterprises ~ location;
Local government buildings Plant location ~
architecture 725.13 management
Local beating Loch Broom (Scotland) T2~163 37
buildings 697.02 Loch Lomond (Scotland) T2--414 2
Local laws 348.02 Loch Ness (Scotland) T2--411 56
Local Malay languages 499.22 Loch Ness monster 001.944
T6~9922 Lochaber (Scotland) T2--411 56
Local news Lockouts 331.894
journalism 070.433 economics 331.894
Local planning 307.12 law 344.018 94
civic art 711.4 Locks (Canals)
community sociology 307.12 627.135 2
law 346.045 Locks (Fasteners) 683.32
Local rail transit stations Locksmithing 683.3
architecture 725.31 Locksmi tbs 683.309 2
Local rail transit systems 388.42 Lockup (Printing) 686.225 6
engineering 625.4 Locle (Switzerland :
law 343.098 3 District) T2--494 388
public administration 354.769 Locomotion 573.79
transportation services 388.42 animal physiology 573.79
Local railroads 388.42 human physiology 612.76
engineering 625.4 see also Musculoskeletal
see also Local rail transit system
systems physical adaptation 591.479
Local religious organizations 206.5 psychology 152.382
Local support of education 379.123 Locomotives 385.36
Local taxation 336.2014 engineering 625.26
law 343.043 mining 622.66
public administration 352.442 14 transportation services 385.36
Local telephone service 384.64 special purpose 385.5
see also Telephone see also Rolling stock

Relative Index

Locomotor ataxia
medicine 616.83 512.922
see also Nervous system 513.22
diseases humans
Locoweeds 583.74 629.132 54
Locris (Greece) T2--495 15 634.980 92
ancient T2-383 634.98
Loculoascomycetes 579.564 Logic 160
Locusts (Animals) 595.726 Logic circuits 621.395
agricultural pests 632.726 Logic databases
Locusts (Plants) 583.74 computer science 005.740 151 13
forestry 634.973 74 Logic design
Lodes 553.19 computer circuits 621.395
Lodges (Resort hotels) 910.462 operators 511.3
see also Resorts mathematical logic 511.3
Lodging (Temporary housing) 910.46 philosophical logic 160
accounting 657.837 programming 005.115
architecture 728 artificial intelligence 006.3
area planning 711.557 Logical atomism 146.5
Jmusehold management 647.94 Logical positivism 146.42
landscape architecture 712.7 Logistics
management 647.940 68 management 658.5
sanitation services 363.729 8 military operations 355.411
law 344.046 4 Logooli language 496.395
travel 910.46 T6-963 95
Lodi (Italy: Province) T2--452 19 Logos 232.2
ancient T2-372 28 Logrofio (Spain) T2--463 54
Lodi dynasty 954.024 5 Loir-et-Cher (France) T2--445 3
L6dz (Poland : Loire (France : Dept.) T2--445 81
Voivodeship) T2-438 47 Loire-Atlantique (France) T2--441 67
L6dZ Ghetto 940.531 853 847 Loire River (France) T2--445
L6dzkie Voivodeship Loiret (France) T2--445 2
(Poland) T2--438 47 Loja (Ecuador: Province) T2--866 25
Lofoten (Norway) T2--484 4 Lokayata 181.46
Lofoten Islands (Norway) T2--4844 Lolland (Denmark) T2--489 3
Lofting Lollards 284.3
ship hulls 623.842 Lolo languages 495.4
Logan County (Ark.) T2-767 37 T6--954
Logan County (Colo.) T2-788 75 Loloish 495.4
Logan County (Ill.) T2-773 57 T6-954
Logan County (Kan.) T2-781135 Lombardia (Italy) 945.2
Logan County (Ky.) T2-76976 T2-452
Logan County (N.D.) T2-784 56 ancient T2-3722
Logan County (Neb.) T2-782 795 Lombards
Logan County (Ohio) T2-771463 Italian history 945.01
Logan County (Okla.) T2-766 33 Southern Italian history 945.701
Logan County (W.Va.) T2-754 44 Lombardy (Italy) 945.2
Loganberries 641.347 14 T2--452
cooking 641.647 14 ancient T2-3722
641.347 14 Lombok (Indonesia) T2~~598 65
horticulture 634.714 Lome (Togo) T2-6681
Loganiaceae 583.93 Lomond, Loch (Scotland) T2--414 2
,tornza (Poland :
Voivodeship) T2--438 36

Dewey Decimal Classification

London (England) T2----421 (Qld.) T2-943 5

London (Ont.) T2-713 26 Longueuil (Quebec) T2-714 373
Londonderry (Northern (Quebec : Urban
Ireland) T2--416 21 agglomeration) T2-71437
Londonderry (Northern Lonoke County (Ark.) T2-767 78
Ireland : County) T2----416 2 Looking
Loneliness 155.92 psychology 153.733
applied psychology 158.2 Lookout Mountain
Long An (Vietnam : (Appalachian
Province) T2-597 8 Mountains) T2-768 82
Long County (Ga.) T2-758 762 T2-758342
Long-distance service 384.64 Tennessee T2 -768 82
see also Telephone Lookout towers
Long-haired cats 636.83 forestry 634.93
Long-horned flies 595.772 Looms
Long Island (N.Y.) T2-747 21 textile technology 677.028 54
Long Island Sound (N.Y. and 551.461 346 Loons 598.442
Conn.) T2-163 46 Loosestrifes (Lytlrraceae) 583.76
Longjump 796.432 Loosestrifes (Primulaceae) 583.675
Long-legged flies 595.773 Looting 364.16
Long-necked lutes 787.8 law 345.026
see also Stringed instruments Lopez Contreras, Eleazar
Long-period variable stars 523.844 26 Venezuelan history 987.063 14
Long-range ballistic missiles 358.175 482 Lopez Mateos, Adolfo
engineering 623.451 954 Mexican history 972.082 9
military equipment 358.175 482 Lopez Portillo, Jose
Long-range weather forecasting 551.636 5 Mexican history 972.083 3
Long-service leave Lophiiformes 597.62
personnel management 658.312 2 Lopseed 583.96
Long-span bridges Loquats 641.341 6
construction 624.2 botany 583.73
Long-tailed shrews 599.336 2 cooking 641.641 6
Long-term capital 332.041 4 food 641.341 6
accounting 657.73 orchard crop 634.16
financial management 658.152 42 L'Or-Blanc (Quebec) T2 714 573
Long-tenn care health insurance 368.382 Lorain County (Ohio) T2-771 23
government-sponsored 368.42 Loran
law 344.022 marine navigation 623.893 2
Long-term care nursing 610.736 radio engineering 621.384 191
Long-term loans receivable Loranthaceae 583.88
financial management 658.152 42 Lord Howe Island (N.S.W.) T2 948 1
Long track speed skating 796.914 Lord's Prayer 226.96
Long-wave electronics music 782.295
physics 537.534 2 private devotions 242.722
Long-wave radio systems 621.384 153 Lord's Supper 234.163
Long waves (Economics) 338.54 public worship 264.36
Longevity 571.879 theology 234.163
human physiology 612.68 Lorestan (Iran) T2-5562
Longevity pay 331.216 6 Loreto (Peru: Dept.) T2-8544
personnel management 658.322 2 Loricata 597.98
Longford (Ireland :County) T2----418 12 Lories (Parrots) 598.71
Longhair cats 636.83 animal husbandry 636.686 5
Longitude 526.62 Lorises 599.83
celestial navigation 527.2 Lorisidae 599.83

Relative Index

Lorraine (France) T2--443 8 Loudness

. Lorraine, House of acoustical engineering 620.21
Tuscan history 945.507 Loudon County (Tenn.) T2-768 863
1737-1801 945.507 Loudoun County (Va.) T2-755 28
1814--1860 945.508 3 (Senegal : Region) T2-663
Lorries 388.344 Neagh (Northern
629.224 Ireland) T2--416
see also Trucks Louis VI, King of France
Los Alamos County (N.M.) T2-789 58 French history 944.022
Los Andes (Chile : Louis VII, King of France
Province) T2-832 42 French history 944.022
. Los Angeles (Calif.) T2-794 94 Louis VIII, King of France
Los Angeles County (Calif.) T2-794 93 French history 944.023
Los Lagos (Chile: Region) T2-835 Louis IX, King of France
Los Libertadores Wari French history 944.023
(Peru) Louis X, King of France
Los Picahos National Park French history 944.024
(Colombia) T2-861 94 Louis XI, King of France
Los ruos (Ecuador) T2-866 33 French history 944.027
Los Santos (Panama : Louis XII, King of France
Province) T2-728 723 French history 944.027
Losengo ""'5"''"5" 496.396 86 Louis XIII, King of France
T6-963 968 6 French history 944.032
Losengo literature 896.396 86 Louis XIV, King of France
Loss (Financial management) 658.155 French history 944.033
Loss (Psychology) 155.93 Louis XV, King of France
Loss of citizenship 323.6 French history 944.034
penology 364.68 Louis XVI, of France
Loss of territory 320.12 French history 944.035
Loss of vote 324.62 1774-1789 944.035
penology 364.68 1789-1792 944.041
Lost-wax Louis XVIII, King of France
metals 671.255 French history 944.061
sculpture 731.456 1814--1815 944.05
Lot (France) T2--447 33 1815-1824 944.061
Lot-et-Garonne (France) T2--447 18 Louis Philippe, King of the
Lotbiniere (Quebec · French
Regional County French history 944.063
Municipality) T2-714 58 Louisa County (Iowa) T2-777 926
Lothair II, Holy Roman Emperor Louisa County (Va.) T2-755 465
German history 943.023 Louisbourg (N.S.) T2-716 955
Lothian (Scotland) T2--413 3 Louisiana 976.3
Lotteries 795.38 T2-763
advertising 659.197 953 8 Louisiana French Creole 447.976 3
occupational ethics 174.6 T6--417
use in advertising 659.17 Louisville (Ky.) T2-769 44
Lottery income Lounge cars 385.33
public administration 352.44 engineering 625.23
public finance 336.17 see also Rolling stock
Lotto 795.38 Loungewear 391.426
Lotuses 635.933 3 commercial technology 687.165
botany 583.3 customs 391.426
floriculture 635.933 3 home economics 646.3

Dewey Decimal Classification

Lounge wear (continued) Loving County (Tex.) T2-764 912

home sewing 646.475 Loving cups 739.228 4
see also Clothing Low Archipelago T2-963 2
Loup County (Neb.) T2-782 767 Low birth weight
Louse-borne typhus pediatrics 618.920 11
incidence 614.526 2 Lowbudget cooking 641.552
medicine 616.922 2 Low budget interior decorating 747.1
see also Communicable Low-calorie cooking 641.563 5
diseases -humans Low-calorie diet
Louse flies 595.774 health 613.25
Louth (Ireland : County) T2-418 25 Low-calorie food 641.302
Love technology 664.63
arts 700.454 3 Low-carbohydrate cooking 641.563 83
T3C-354 3 Low-carbohydrate diet
ethics 177.7 health 613.283 3
religion 205.677 Low-cholesterol cooking 641.563 847
Buddhism 294.356 77 Low-cholesterol diet
Christianity 241.4 health 613.284 32
Hinduism 294.548 677 Low-cost housing
Islam 297.567 7 architecture 728.1
Judaism 296.367 7 construction 690.81
folklore 398.274 3 Low Countries 949.2
history and criticism 398.354 3 T2-492
God's love 212.7 ancient 936.92
Christianity 231.6 T2-369 2
comparative religion 202.112 Low-dimensional topology 514.22
philosophy of religion 212.7 Low-fat cooking 641.563 84
literature 808.803 543 Low-fat diet
history and criticism 809.933 543 health 613.284 3
specific literatures T3B-080 354 3 Low-fiber cooking 641.563
history and Low-fiber diet
criticism T3B-093 543 health 613.263
philosophy 128.46 Low German language 439.4
psychology 152.41 T6-394
social interaction 302.3 Low German literature 839.4
Love charms 133.442 Low Germanic languages 439
Love County (Okla.) T2-766 59 T6-39
Love feasts Low Germanic literatures 839
Christian rite 265.9 Low-income people 305.569
Love spells 133.442 T1-086 24
Love stories 808.838 5 see also Poor people
history and criticism 809.385 Low power television stations 384.55
specific literatures T3B-308 5 Low-protein cooking 641.563 8
individual authors T3A-3 Low-protein diet
Lovebirds (Agapomis) 636.686 5 health 613.282
animal husbandry 636.686 5 Low-salt cooking 641.563 23
zoology 598.71 Low-salt diet
Lovebirds (Budgerigars) 636.686 4 health 613.285 223
animal husbandry 636.686 4 Low-sodium cooking 641.563 23
zoology 598.71 Low-sodium diet
Lovech (Bulgaria: Oblast) T2-499 2 health 613.285 223
Lovers (Extramarital Low-temperature biology
relationships) 306.736 humans 612.014 465
Loveshka oblast (Bulgaria) T2-499 2 Low-temperature technology 621.56

Relative Index

Low temperatures 536.56 Lower Mesopotamia T2-567 5

biophysics 571.464 ancient 935.5
chemical engineering 660.296 86 T2-355
chemistry 541.368 6 Lower middle class 305.55
effect on materials 620.112 16 Tl 086 23
physics 536.56 Lower Paleolithic Age 930.124
Low veld (South Africa) T2-682 59 Lower Peninsula (Mich.) T2-774
Low voice 783.5 Lower primary grades 372.241
Lowell (Mass.) T2--744 4 Lower Saxony (Germany) T2-435 9
Lower Arrow Lake (B.C.) T2-711 62 Lower Tugela (South
Lower Austria (Austria) T2--436 12 Africa: District) TI-6844
Lower Avon River Lower Umfolozi (South
(England) T2--423 9 Africa : District) T2-684 3
Lower Bavaria (Germany) T2-433 5 Lowland game birds 598.41
Lower California (Mexico) T2-722 conservation technology 639.978 41
Lower Canada 971.03 resource economics 333.958 41
Quebec 971.402 sports hunting 799.244
Lower chambers (Legislative Lowlands (Scotland) T2--413
bodies) 328.32 Lowndes County (Ala.) T2-761 465
Lower classes 305.56 Lowndes County (Ga.) T2-758 864
Tl-08624 Lowndes County (Miss.) T2-762 973
social welfare 362.892 Lowveld (South Africa) T2-682 59
Lower criticism Loxodonta 599.674
Bible 220.404 6 Loxton (S. Aust.) T2-942 33
Lower Egypt T2--621 Loyalty Islands (New
Lower extremities 612.98 Caledonia) T2-959 7
anatomy 611.98 Loyalty oaths 323.65
bones 612.751 law 342.068 4
anatomy 611.718 obligation of citizens 323.65
medicine 616.71 public personnel management 352.65
physiology 612.751 Loyalty of citizens 323.65
surgery 617.471 Lozere (France: Dept.) T2--448 I
fractures Lozi (African people) T5-963 99
medicine 617.158 Lozi 496.399
joints T6--963 99
medicine 616.72 LP spaces 515.73
surgery 617.58059 LPS (Swiss political party) 324.249 406
muscles LPTV stations 384.55
anatomy 611.738 LSD abuse 362.294
physiology 612.98 medicine 616.8634
regional medicine 617.58 personal health 613.83
surgery 617.580 59 social welfare 362.294
Lower Franconia (Germany) T2 433 3 see also Substance abuse
Lower Guinea 967.1 LSP (Special-purpose language) 401.47
T2--671 specific languages T4-014 7
Lower houses (Legislative Luanda (Angola: Province) T2-673 2
bodies) 328.32 Luapula Province (Zambia) T2-689 4
Lower Hutt City (N.Z.) T2-9364 Luba (African people) T5-963 93
Lower legs Luba (Kingdom) 967.518 01
regional medicine 617.584 T2--675 18
surgery 617.584 Luba languages 496.393
Lower Lusatia (Germany) T2--431 51 T6-963 93
Lower Mamberamo languages 499 .I Lubavitch Hasidism 296.833 22
T6--991 Lubbock County (Tex.) T2-764 847

Li.ibeck (Germany)
Dewey Decimal Classification

T2----435 125
Lubelskie Voivodeship manufacturing technology 685.51
(Poland) T2----438 43 Lugo (Spain : Province) T2----461 3
Lublin (Poland : Lugo Mendez, Fernando
Voivodeship) T2----438 43 Paraguayan history 989.207 46
Lubricants Luhans'k (Ukraine: Oblast) T2----477 4
automobiles 629.255 Luhans'ka oblast' (Ukraine) T2 -477 4
plastic technology 668.411 Luhyalanguage 496.395
Lubricating grease 665.538 5 T6~963 95
Lubricating oil 665.538 5 Luisefio Indians T5~9745
Lubrication 621.89 Luisefio language 497.45
Lubumbashi (Congo) T2---675 18 T6~974 5
Lubuskie Voivodeship Luke (Gospel) 226.4
(Poland) T2----438 12 Lui a
Lucania (Italy) T2-457 7 Brazilian history 981.065
ancient T2~377 7 Lula da Silva, Luiz lmicio
Lucanidae 595.764 9 Brazilian history 981.065
Lucas County (Iowa) T2~777 863 Lule Sanmi language 494.574 3
Lucas County (Ohio) T2~771 12 T6~945 743
Lucazi language 496.399 Lule Saami literature 894.574 3
T6--963 99 Lule Sami language 494.574 3
Lucca (Italy: Province) T2----455 3 T6~945 743
ancient T2~375 3 Lule Sami literature 894.574 3
Luce County (Mich.) T2~774 925 Lule-Vilela languages 498.7
Lucerne (Plant) 633.31 T6-987
botany 583.74 Lulekani (South Africa :
forage crop 633.31 District) T2~682 59
Lucerne (Switzerland) T2----494 557 4 Lullabies 781.582
Lucerne (Switzerland: Amt) T2--494 557 folk literature 398.8
Lucerne (Switzerland : music 781.582
Canton) T2----494 55 songs 782.421 582
Lucerne Lake (Switzerland) T2--494 557 Lumbee Indians T5--973
Luchazi language 496.399 Lumbee language 497.3
T6~963 99 T6-973
Luchu Islands T2~522 9 Lumber 674
Lucifer Lumber industry 338.476 74
Christianity 235.47 law 343.078 674
Lucioperca 597.758 Lumber industry workers 674.092
Ludwigshafen am Rhein Lumbering 634.98
(Germany) T2-434 353 2 Lumbermen 634.980 92
Ludwigslust (Germany : Lumberyards 674.32
Landkreis) T2----431 76 Lumbriculida 592.64
Luganda language 496.395 7 Luminescence 535.35
T6~963 957 materials science 620.112 95
Luganda literature 896.395 7 mineralogy 549.125
Lugano (Switzerland : Luminescence spectroscopy 543.56
Distretto) T2----494 785 Luminism 709.034 4
Lugano, Lake (Switzerland painting 759.054
and Italy) T2----494 785 Luminous paints 667.69
Lugbara (African people) T5~965 Luminous-tube lighting 621.327
Lugbara language 496.5 Lumped-parameter systems 003.7
T6~965 Lumpkin County (Ga.) T2~758 273
Lugdunensis T2~364 5 Luna County (N.M.) T2~789 68
Lugeing 796.954

Relative Index

l Lunar flights 629.454

629.454 496.5
~ manned
629.435 3 T6-965
~ unmann~d
· Lunch penods 494.6
labor economics 331.257 6 T6-946
personnel management 658.312 2 583.74
Lunchbox cooking 641.53 field crop 633.367
Luncheons 642 floriculture 635.933 74
cooking 641.53 Lupus erythematosus
light meals 641.53 medicine 616.772
main meals 641.54 see also Musculoskeletal
customs 394.125 3 diseases humans
light meals 394.125 3 Luristan (Iran) T2-556 2
main meals 394.125 4 Lusaka (Zambia) T2-689 4
Lunches 642 Lusaka Province (Zambia) T2-689 4
cooking 641.53 Lusatia (Germany) T2--43l 51
light meals 641.53 Lusat1an "w""u'~""~ 491.88
main meals 641.54 T6-918 8
customs 394.125 3 Lusatian literature 891.88
light meals 394.125 3 Lusatians T5-918 8
main meals 394.125 4 language 496.396 86
Lunchrooms 647.95 T6-963 968 6
see also places Lusengo literature 896.396 86
Lunda (Kingdom) 967.340 l Lusikisiki (South Africa:
T2-673 4 District) T2-687 59
496.393 Lusitania T2-366 9
T6--963 93 Lust
Lunda Norte (Angola) T2-673 4 ethics 176.4
Lunda Sui (Angola) T2-673 4 religion 205.66
Lundu-Balong languages 496.396 Christianity 241.3
T6-963 96 Lute family 787
Uineburg (Germany: see also Stringed instruments
Regierungsbezirk) T2--435 93 Lutes 787.83
Lunenburg (N.S. :County) T2-71623 instrument 787.831 9
Lunenburg County (Va.) T2-755 643 music 787.83
Lung cancer see also <;:trinn.~rl instruments
incidence 614.599 942 4 Lutetium
medicine 616.994 24 chemistry 546.419
see also Cancer humans Lutheran church 284.1
Lung diseases church government 262.041
medicine 616.24 parishes 254.041
see also Respiratory tract church law 262.984 I
diseases ··· ··· humans doctrines 230.41
Lungfishes 597.39 catechisms and creeds 238.41
Lung1ess salamanders 597.859 general councils 262.541
Lungs 573.25 guides to Christian life 248.484 1
biology 573.25 missions 266.41
human anatomy 611.24 moral theology 241.044 I
human physiology 612.24 public worship 264.041
medicine 616.24 religious associations 267.184 I
surgery 617.542 religious education 268.841
see also Respiratory system seminaries 230.073 41
Lungulanguage 496.394 theology 230.41
T6-963 94

Dewey Decimal Classification

Lutheran Church in America 284.133 Lycaonia T2-392 7

see also Lutheran church Lycees (Secondary schools) 373.241
Lutheran Church-Missouri see also Secondary education
Synod 284.132 2 Lycia T2~~392 8
see also Lutheran church Lycian language 491.998
Lutheran Free Church 284.131 4 T6-919 98
see also Lutheran church Lycidae 595.764 4
Lutheran sacred music 781.714 I Lycoming County (Pa.) T2-748 51
public worship 782.322 41 Lycoperdales 579.599
music 782.322 41 Lycopodiales 587.9
264.041 02 Lycopsida 587.9
Lutherans Lydenburg (South Africa :
biography 284.109 2 District) T2-682 71
Lutjanidae 597.72 Lydia (Kingdom) T2-392 2
Luton (England) T2--425 67 Lydian language 491.998
Lutra 599.769 2 T6-919 98
Lutrinae 599.769 Lygeeae 584.9
Lutselk'e (N.W.T.) T2-719 3 Lyginopteridaceae 561.595
Luwian language 491.998 Lying
T6-919 98 ethics 177.3
Luxembourg 949.35 see also Ethical problems
T2--493 5 Lyman County (S.D.) T2-783 58
ancient 936.935 Lyme disease
T2~369 35 incidence 614.574 6
Luxembourg (Belgium) T2--493 48 medicine 616.924 6
Luxembourgeois dialect 437.949 35 see also Communicable
T6-32 diseases humans
Luxembourgers T5-3 Lymexyloidea 595.763
Luxembourgian dialect 437.949 35 Lymph 573.16
T6-32 biology 573.16
Luxemburg, House of 943.702 24 human histology 612.420 45
Czechoslovakian history 943.702 24 human physiology 612.42
German history 943.027 Lymphatic diseases 573.163 9
Luxor (Egypt) T2-323 animals 573.163 9
Luxury tax 336.271 humans 362.196 42
law 343.055 cancer 362.196 994 42
public administration 352.44 glands
public finance 336.271 incidence 614.599 944 6
Luyana languages 496.399 medicine 616.994 46
T6-963 99 incidence 614.599 944 2
Luyia language 496.395 medicine 616.994 42
T6-963 95 social services 362.196 99442
Luzem (Switzerland) T2--494 557 4 see also Cancer- humans
Luzem (Switzerland : Amt) T2--494 557 geriatrics 618.976 42
Luzem (Switzerland : incidence 614.594 2
Canton) T2--494 55 medicine 616.42
Luzerne County (Pa.) T2-748 32 pediatrics 618.924 2
Luzon (Philippines) T2-5991 pharmacokinetics 615.74
Luzon Strait (Philippines) 551.461 458 social services 362.196 42
T2-164 58 surgery 617.44
Lwo languages (Africa) 496.5 Lymphatic glands
T6-965 human anatomy 611.46
Lyases 572.79 human physiology 612.42
see also Enzymes medicine 616.42


Relative Index

Lymphatic system 573.16 Lysergic acid diethylamide abuse

biology 573.16 medicine 616.863 4
diseases 573.163 9 personal health 613.83
see also Lymphatic diseases social welfare 362.294
human anatomy 611.42 see also Substance abuse
glands 611.46 Lysosomes 571.655
human histology 612.42045 Lyssavirus 579.256 6
human physiology 612.42 Lythraceae 583.76
medicine 616.42 Lytton (B.C.) T2-711 72
surgery 617.44 Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer
Lymphocytes 571.96 Lytton, Earl of
human cytology 612.420 46 Indian history 954.035 3
human immunology 616.079 Lzhedmitril I, Czar of Russia
Lymphogranuloma venereum Russian history 947.045
incidence 614.547 Lzhedmitrii II
medicine 616.951 8 Russian history 947.045
see also Communicable L'viv (Ukraine: Oblast) T2 477 9
diseases - humans L'vivs'ka oblast' (Ukraine) T2--477 9
Lymphoid tissue
human histology 612.420 45 M
human immunology 616.079 Ma'ajim 297.125 63
Lymphomas Ma'an (Jordan: Province) 956.957 7
incidence 614.599 944 6 T2-569 577
medicine 616.994 46 MaasRiver T2--492 4
see also Cancer- humans Belgium T2--493 46
Lynchburg (Va.) T2-755 671 Netherlands T2--492 4
Lynching 364.134 Maasai language 496.5
law 345.023 4 T6-965
Lynn County (Tex.) T2-764 851 Ma'aser Sheni (Tractate) 296.123 l
Lynx 599.753 Mishnah 296.123 I
conservation technology 639.979 753 Palestinian Talmud 296.124 1
resource economics 333.959 753 Ma'aserot (Tractate) 296.123 l
Lyon (France) T2--445 823 Mishnah 296.123 1
Lyon County (Iowa) T2-777 114 Palestinian Talmud 296.124 1
Lyon County (Kan.) T2-781 62 Maastricht (Netherlands) T2--492 48
Lyon County (Ky.) T2-769 813 Maastricht Treaty on European
Lyon County (Minn.) T2-776 363 Union, 1992 341.242 202 65
Lyon County (Nev.) T2-793 58 Macaca 599.864
Lyonnais (France) T2--445 82 Macadam pavements 625.86
Lyons, J. A. (Joseph Aloysius) Macadamia nuts 641.345
Australian history 994.042 agriculture 634.5
Lyrebirds 598.822 botany 583.89
Lyres 787.78 cooking 641.645
instrument 787.781 9 food 641.345
music 787.78 Macao 951.260 4
see also Stringed instruments T2- 512 6
Lyric poetry 808.814 Macao (China) 951.26
history and criticism 809.14 T2-512 6
specific literatures T3B-104 Macapagal, Diosdado
individual authors T3A-l Philippine history 959.904 5
Lyrics 780 Macaques 599.864
treatises 780.268

Dewey Decimal Classification

Macaroni 641.822 Machine laces 677.653

commercial processing 664.755 Machine languages 005.136
home preparation 641.822 Machine learning 006.31
Macau 951.260 4 Machine parts 621.82
T2~512 6 Machine-readable catalog records
Macau (China) 951.26 format 025.316
T2~512 6 maintenance 025.317
Macaws 598.71 retrospective conversion 025.317 3
animal husbandry 636.686 5 Machine-Readable Cataloging
Maccabean period 933.04 format 025.316
Maccabees (Biblical books) 229.7 Machine-readable data
Macclesfield (England : representation 005.72
Borough) T2--427 16 Machine-readable materials 302.231
MacDonald, John Al,examaer Sir see also Electronic resources
Canadian history 971.051 Machine sewing
1867-1873 971.051 home economics 646.204 4
1878-1891 971.054 Machine sheds
Mace (Spice) 641.338 3 agricultural use 631.25
see also Spices Machine-shop practice 670.423
Macedonia (Region) T2~495 6 agriculture 631.304
ancient 938.1 Machine shorthand 653.3
T2~381 Machine theory
Bulgaria T2--499 8 computer engineering 621.39
Greece T2--495 6 computer science 004
Macedonia (Republic) T2--497 6 mathematics 511.35
Macedonia (Republic) 949.76 Machine tools 621.902
T2--497 6 Machine translating
ancient 939.876 linguistics 418.020 285 635
T2~398 76 specific laH,~u"'!',"'~ T4~802 028 563 5
Macedonian language 491.819 Machinery 621.8
T6~918 19 Machinery insurance 368.7
Macedonian literature 891.819 Machines in industry 338.06
Macedonian supremacy 938.07 Machining metals 671.35
Macedonians {Slavic decorative arts 739.14
people) T5~918 19 sculpture 731.41
Macerata {Italy : Province) T2~456 73 Machmeters 629.135 2
ancient T2~374 6 Machynlleth {Wales) T2--429 51
Maces (Weapons) 623.441 Macias Nguema, Francisco
Mach number Equatorial Guinean history 967.180 31
aeronautics 629.132 32 Mackay (Qld.) T2~943 6
Machel, Samora Mackenzie (B.C.) T2~711 82
Mozambican history 967.905 1 Mackenzie (N.W.T. and
Machine composition ~unavut)
printing 686.225 4 Mackenzie, Alexander
Machine design 621.815 Canadian history 971.052
Machine embroidery 677.77 MacKenzie District (N.Z.) T2-938 8
arts 746.44028 Mackenzie King Island
manufacturing technology 677.77 (N.W.T. and Nunavut) T2-719 3
Machine engineering 621.8 Mackenzie Mountains
Machine gunners 356.162 (~.W.T. and Yukon) T2-719 3
Machine guns 355.824 24 Mackenzie River (~.W.T.) T2~719 3
military engineering 623.442 4 Mackerel 641.392
military equipment 355.824 24 cooking 641.692
infantry 356.162 fishing 639.277 82

Relative Index

Mackerel (continued) Madang Province (Papua

food 641.392 New Guinea) T2--957 3
zoology 597.782 Madawaska (N.B. :County) T2-715 54
Mackerel sharks 597.33 Madders 583.93
Mackinac, Straits of(Mich.) T2-774 923 Made-for-television movies 791.43
Mackinac County (Mich.) T2-774 923 see Manual at 791.43 vs.
Maclear (South Africa : 791.45
District) T2-ti87 57 Madeira Islands T2-469 8
Macleay River (N.S.W.) T2--944 3 Madeira vine 583.53
Macomb County (Mich.) T2-774 39 Madeleine, Iles-de-la-
Macon (Ga.) T2-758 552 (Quebec) T2-714 797
Macon County (Ala.) T2-76149 Madera County (Calif.) T2-794 81
Macon County (Ga.) T2-758 513 Madhvacharya (Philosophy) 181.484 I
Macon County (Ill.) T2-773 582 Madhya Pradesh (India) T2-543
Macon County (Mo.) T2--778 27 Madhyamika Buddhism 294.392
Macon County (N.C.) T2-756 982 Madikwe (South Africa :
Macon County (Tenn.) T2-768 484 District) T2. 682 48
Macoupin County (Ill.) T2-773 83 Madison (Wis.) T2-775 83
Macpherson, John, Sir Madison, James
Indian history 954.031 l United States history 973.51
Macquarie perch 597.73 Madison County (Ala.) T2-761 97
Macrame 746.422 2 Madison County (Ark.) T2-767 15
Macro-Ge languages 498.4 Madison County (Fla.) T2-759 85
T6-984 Madison County (Ga.) T2-758 152
Macro processors 005.45 Madison County (Idaho) T2--796 55
Macrobiotic diet Madison County (IlL) T2-773 86
health 613.264 Madison County (Ind.) T2--772 57
Maerocystis 579.887 Madison County (Iowa) T2-777 81
Macroeconomic policy 339.5 Madison County (Ky.) T2-769 53
Macroeconomics 339 Madison County (Miss.) T2--762 623
see Manual at 332, 336 vs. 339 Madison County (Mo.) T2-778 91
Macrofungi 579.6 Madison County (Mont.) T2-786663
Macroinstructions Madison County (N.C.) n-756 875
programming 005.13 Madison County (N.Y.) T2-747 64
programs 005.3 Madison County (Neb.) T2-782 54
Macromolecules 572 Madison County (Ohio) T2-77l 55
biochemistry 572 Madison County (Tenn.) T2-768 27
chemistry 547.7 Madison County (Tex.) T2-764 237
Macrophages 571.968 5 Madison County (Va.) T2-755 38
human immunology 616.079 95 Madison Parish (La.) T2-763 81
Macropodidae 599.22 Mad!, Ferenc
Macro pus 599.222 Hungarian history 943.905 42
Macroscelidea 599.337 Madness 362.2
paleozoology 569.337 individual interactions 302.542
Macrosudanic languages 496.5 see also Mental illness
T6-965 Madonna and Child
Macrotonality 781.265 art representation 704.948 55
Macrouridae 597.63 arts T3C-382 329 2
Macrura 595.384 Madras (India: State) T2---548 2
Macruronidae 597.632 Madre de Dios (Peru :
Ma'daba (Jordan: Province) T2-569 562 Dept.) T2-854 2
Madagascar 969.1 Madrid (Spain: Province) T2-464 1
T2-69l Madrid Hurtado, Miguel de Ia
Mexican history 972.083 4

Dewey Decimal Classification

Madrigals 782.43 Magic 133.43

choral and mixed voices 782.543 arts T3C-377
single voices 783.094 3 folklore 398.2
Madriz (Nicaragua) T2-728 523 history and criticism 398.4
Madtoms 597.492 literature 808.803 77
Madura (Indonesia) T2-598 28 history and criticism 809.933 77
Madura language 499.223 4 specific literatures T3B-080377
T6-992 234 history and
Madura literature 899.223 4 criticism T3B-093 77
Madurese T5-992 234 recreation 793.8
Madurese language 499.223 4 religious practice 203
T6-992 234 sociology 306.4
Madurese literature 899.223 4 Magic squares 511.64
Madura, Ricardo Magicians (Occultists) 133.430 92
Honduran history 972.830 537 see also Legendary beings
Mafia 364.106 Magicians (Performers) 793.809 2
Mafraq (Jordan: Province) T2-569 597 Magicians (Religious leaders) 200.92
ancient T2-335 97 biography 200.92
Magadan (Russia: Oblast) T2-577 role and function 206.1
Magadanska1a oblast' see Manual at 200.92 and
(Russia) T2-577 201-209,292-299
Magahi language 491.454 7 Magicians' manuals 133.43
T6-914 54 Magisterium 262.8
Magahi literature 891.454 Magma 551.13
Magallanes (Chile : Magna Graecia 937.7
Province) T2-836 44 T2-377
Magallanes y Antartica Magnesia (Greece) T2---495 4
Chilena (Chile) T2-8364 Magnesia ad Maeandrum
Magari language 495.49 (Extinct city) T2-392 3
T6-954 9 Magnesia cement 666.95
Magazine illustration 741.652 Magnesite
Magazines 050 mineralogy 549.782
Tl-05 Magnesium 669.723
see also Serials applied nutrition 613.285 2
Magdalen Islands (Quebec) T2-714 797 biochemistry 572.523 92
Magdalena (Colombia: humans 612.015 24
Dept.) T2-861 16 chemical engineering 661.039 2
Magdalena River chemistry 546.392
(Colombia) T2-861 economic geology 553.492 9
Magdeburg (Germany) T2---431 822 materials science 620.187
Magdeburg (Germany: metabolism 572.523 92
Regierungsbezirk) T2---431 82 human physiology 612.392 4
Magellan, Strait of (Chile and 551.461 74 metallography 669.957 23
Argentina) T2-167 4 metallurgy 669.723
Maggiore, Lake (Italy and metalworking 673.723
Switzerland) T2---451 65 mining 622.349 29
Italy T2---451 65 organic chemistry 547.053 92
Switzerland T2---494 788 applied 661.895
Maggots 595.771 392 physical metallurgy 669.967 23
agricultural pests 632.77 see also Chemicals; Metals
Magherafelt (Northern Magnesium soaps 668.125
Ireland: District) T2---416 29 Magnet schools 373.241
Maghreb T2-61 Magnetic bubble memory 004.563
Magi (Christian doctrines) 232.923 engineering 621.397 63

Relative Index

Magnetic-core memory 004.53 Magnetism 538

engineering 621.397 3 astrophysics 523.0188
Magnetic currents (Earth) 538.748 biophysics 571.47
Magnetic diagnosis humans 612.014 42
medicine 616.075 48 physics 538
Magnetic disks (Computers) 004.563 therapeutic use 615.845 4
engineering 621.397 63 Magnetite
Magnetic drums 004.563 mineralogy 549.526
engineering 621.397 63 Magnetochemistry 541.378
Magnetic engineering 621.34 chemical engineering 660.297 8
Magnetic engineers 621.340 92 Magnetohydrodynamic
Magnetic fields (Earth) 538.7 generation 621.312 45
Magnetic induction 538.4 Magnetohydrodynamic power
Magnetic ink character systems
recognition 006.4 spacecraft 629.474 45
engineering 621.399 4 Magnetohydrodynamic
Magnetic levitation trains 388.42 propulsion
see also Local rail transit spacecraft 629.475 5
systems Magnetohydrodynamics 538.6
Magnetic observations (Earth) 538.79 Magnetosphere 538.766
Magnetic phenomena 538.3 meteorology 551.514
Magnetic properties 538.3 Magnetostriction 538.3
crystals 548.85 Magnetotherapy
materials science 620.112 97 medicine 615.845 4
Magnetic prospecting 622.153 Magnetrons 621.381 334
Magnetic relaxation 538.3 Magnets 538.4
Magnetic resonance 538.36 artificial 621.34
Magnetic resonance natural 538.4
medicine 616.075 48 Magnifying glasses
Magnetic resonance biology 570.282 3
spectroscopes Magnolia vine 583.3
manufacturing technology 681.414 8 Magnoliales 583.22
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy Magnolias 635.977 322
engineering 621.361 botany 583.22
Magnetic separation ornamental arboriculture 635.977 322
ores 622.77 Magnoliidae 583.2
Magnetic storms (Earth) 538.744 Magnoliopsida 583
Magnetic stripe encoding see Manual at 583-584
computer science 006.24 Magoffin County (Ky.) T2-769 215
Magnetic substances 538.4 Magpie larks 598.8
Magnetic surveys (Earth) 538.78 Magpies 598.864
Magnetic tapes Magsaysay, Ramon
computer storage 004.563 Philippine history 959.904 3
engineering 621.397 63 Magyar language 494.511
music 786.75 T6-94511
see also Electrophones Magyar literature 894.511
recordings Magyars T5-945 11
engineering 621.382 34 Mahjong 795.34
Magnetic testing Mahabharata 294.592 3
materials science 620.112 78 Mahaica-Berbice Region
Magnetic variations (Guyana) T2-881 6
(Geomagnetism) 538.74 Mahajanga (Madagascar :
Province) T2-691

Dewey Decimal Classification

Mahakiranti languages 495.49 Mail-order houses 381.142

T&---954 9 management 658.872
Mahakiranti literatures 895.49 see also Commerce
Maharashtra (India) T2~547 9 Mail service 383.1
Mahasanghika Buddhism 294.391 see also Postal service
Mahaska County (Iowa) T2---777 84 Mailboxes 383.145
Mahathir bin Mohamad Mailing lists (Computer
Malaysian history 959.505 4 communications) 004.693
Mahayana Buddhism 294.392 Maimonides, Moses
Mabe Island (Seychelles) T2~696 Jewish legal writings 296.181
Mahillou (Belarus : Main dishes (Cooking) 641.82
Vob1asts) T2--478 2 Main meals 642
Mahiilouska!a voblasts' cooking 641.54
(Belarus) T2--478 2 customs 394.125 4
Mahnomen County (Minn.) T2~776 94 Main memory (Computers) 004.53
Mahoganies engineering 621.397 3
botany 583.77 Main River (Germany) T2--434
forestry 634.973 77 Main-sequence stars 523.88
Mahomet, Prophet 297.63 Maine 974.1
Mahoning County (Ohio) T2-771 39 T2-741
Mahoning River (Ohio and Maine (France) T2-44l 6
Pa.) T2~77139 Maine, Gulf of 551.461 345
Mahratta T5--914 61 T2-163 45
Mahri T5-929 Maine coon cat 636.83
Mahri language 492.9 Maine-et-Loire (France) T2--441 8
T6-929 Mainframe computers 004.12
Mahri literature 892.9 architecture 004.252
Mahzorim 296.453 communications 004.612
Maiasaura 567.914 programming 005.712 2
Maidenhair ferns 587.3 programs 005.713 2
Maidenhair tree 635.977 57 engineering 621.391 2
botany 585.7 graphics programming 006.672
ornamental arboriculture 635.977 57 graphics programs 006.682
Maidstone (England : interfacing 004.612
Borough) T2--422 375 programming 005.712 2
Maidu Indians TS-974 1 programs 005.713 2
Maidu language 497.41 multimedia-systems
T6-974 1 programming 006.772
Maiduguri (Nigeria) T2--669 85 multimedia-systems programs 006.782
Mail 383 operating systems 005.442
see also Postal service performance evaluation 004.120 29
Mail art 709.040 84 for design and improvement 004.252
Mail cars 385.33 programming 005.22
engineering 625.23 programs 005.32
see also Rolling stock systems analysis 004.252
Mail collection 383.145 systems design 004.252
Mail delivery 383.145 see Manual at 004.11-.16
Mail fraud 364.136 Mainstream jazz 781.654
law 345.023 6 Mainstreaming
Mail handling 383.1 education 371.904 6
office services 651.759 gifted students 371.952
Mail-order catalogs 381.142 029 grouping of students 371.252
Tl-029 library services 027.663
direct advertising 659.133 Maintainability engineering 620.004 5


Maintenance 620.004 6
Relative Index

Makira and Ulawa

T2-959 38
Tl--028 8 (Solomon Islands)
plant management 658.202 Makkot 296.123 4
Tl-068 2 Babylonian Talmud 296.125 4
public administration 352.564 Mishnah 296.123 4
public administration 352.54 Palestinian Talmud 296.124 4
Maintenance (Domestic relations) 346.016 63 Mako sharks 597.33
Maintenance facilities Makonde (African people) T5-963 97
spacecraft 629.478 Makondelanguage 496.397
Mainz (Rhineland- T6-963 97
Palatinate, Germany) T2--434 351 Maku languages 498.9
Maipuran languages 498.39 T6--989
T6-983 9 Makua languages 496.397
Maithili language 491.454 7 T6--963 97
T6--914 54 Makurdi (Nigeria) T2--669 54
Maithili li tcrature 891.454 Malabar Independent Syrian
Maitland (N.S.W.) T2-944 2 Church 281.54
Maize 641.3315 see also Eastern churches
Majingai dialect 496.5 Malabo (Equatorial Guinea) T2--671 86
T6-965 Malabsorption syndromes
Majolica 738.372 medicine 616.399
Major County (Okla.) T2-766 29 see also Digestive system
Major medical insurance 368.382 8 diseases - humans
law 346.086 382 8 Malacca (State) T2-595 I
Major Prophets (Biblical books) 224 Malacca, Strait of 551.461 565
Majorca (Spain) T2-467 54 T2--l65 65
Majority (Age) Malachi (Biblical book) 224.99
customs 392.15 Malachite
etiquette 395.24 mineralogy 549.785
law 346.013 5 Malaclemys 597.925 9
music 781.584 Malacology 594
Makaa-Njem languages 496.396 Malacostraca 595.37
T6-963 96 paleozoology 565.37
Makah Indians T5-979 54 Maladjusted students 371.93
Makah language 497.954 Maladjusted young people
T6-979 54 delinquent 364.36
Makasar T5-992 264 Tl--086 923
Makasarlru1guage 499.2264 mentally i 11 305.908 408 3
T6-992 264 Tl-0874
Makasar literature 899.226 4 predelinquent 305.230 869 23
Makasar Strait 551.461473 Tl--086 923
T2-164 73 social welfare 362.74
Make-ahead meals Malaga (Spain: Province) T2--468 5
cooking 641.555 Malagasy T5-993
Makedonia (Greece: Malagasy language 499.3
Periphereia) T2--495 6 T6--993
Makeup 646.72 Malagasy literature 899.3
dramatic performances 792.027 Malagasy Republic T2-691
motion pictures 791.430 27 Malaita (Solomon Islands) T2-959 37
stage 792.027 Malamulele (South Africa :
television 791.450 27 District) T2-682 57
see also Cosmetics Malan, D. F. (Daniel Fran~ois)
Makhshirin 296.123 6 South African history 968.056
Malanje (Angola) T2-673 4

Dewey Decimal Classification

Malar, Lake (Sweden) T2---487 2 Maldivian language 491.489

Malaren (Sweden) T2---487 2 T6-914 89
Malaria Maldivian literature 891.489
incidence 614.532 Maldivians T5-914 89
medicine 616.936 2 Maldon (England: District) T2---426 756
see also Communicable Maldon (Vic.) TI-945 3
diseases -- humans Maldonado (Uruguay :
Matas Zenawi Dept.) T2-895 15
Ethiopian history 963.Q72 I Male breast
Malaspina Peninsula (B.C.) T2-71131 medicine 616.49
Malatya iii (Turkey) T2--565 4 surgery 617.549
ancient T2-393 6 Male genital diseases
Malawi 968.97 humans 362.196 65
T2-689 7 anesthesiology 617.967 463
Malawi (Kingdom) 968.970 1 cancer 362.196 994 63
T2-689 7 incidence 614.599 946 3
Malawi, Lake T2--689 7 medicine 616.994 63
Malawi people T5-968 97 social services 362.196 994 63
Malawians T5-968 97 see also Cancer- humans
Malay Archipelago T2-598 incidence 614.596 5
Malay Archipelago inner seas 551.461 473 medicine 616.65
T2-164 73 social services 362.196 65
Malay language 499.28 surgery 617.463
T6-992 8 Male genital system 573.65
Malay languages 499.22 anesthesiology 617.967 463
T6-992 2 biology 573.65
Malay literature 899.28 human anatomy 611.63
Malay Peninsula T2-595 I human physiology 612.61
Malay-Polynesian languages 499.2 medicine 616.65
T6-992 surgery 617.463
Malaya T2-595 1 Male gods 202.113
Malayalam language 494.812 Male infertility
T6-948 12 medicine 616.692 1
Malayalam literature 894.812 see also Male genital
Malayalis T5-948 12 diseases - humans
Malayan languages 499.22 Male prostitution 306.743
T6-992 2 Male reproductive system 573.65
Malayan literatures 899.2 animals 573.65
Malayic languages 499.22 plants 575.65
T6-992 2 see also Male genital system
Malayo-Polynesian languages 499.2 Male sex disorders
T6-992 medicine 616.69
Malayo-Polynesian languages of 499.224 see also Male genital
Sumatra T6-992 24 diseases- humans
Malayo-Polynesians T5-992 Male sexual disorders
Malays (Asian people) T5-992 8 medicine 616.69
Malaysia 959.5 see also Male genital
T2-595 diseases humans
Malaysia, East T2-595 3 Male-to-female transgender
Malaysians T5-992 8 people 306.768
Malcolm Island (B.C.) T2-711 2 T1-086 7
Maldive Islands T2-549 5 social services 362.897
Maldives 954.95
TI---549 5

Relative Index

Male-to-female transgender
young people humans 362.196 39
social services 362.785 incidence 614.593 9
Maleeite-Passamaquoddy 497.34 medicine 616.39
language T6~973 4 social services 362.196 39
Malenkov, Georgi Malnutrition surveys 614.593 9
Russian history 947.085 2 Maloggia (Switzerland :
Males (Human) 305.31 Distretto) T2-494 732 8
Tl-081 I Maloja (Switzerland :
health 613.0423 Bezirk) T2-494 732 8
see also Men Malopolskie Voivodeship
Malfeasance by employees (Poland) T2-438 62
labor economics 331.259 8 Ma1pighiaceae 583.79
personnel management 658.314 Malpractice 346.033
Malfeasance in office 364.132 Malpractice insurance 368.564
law 345.023 2 Malta 945.85
public administration 353.46 T2-458 5
Malheur County (Or.) T2-795 97 ancient 937.85
Mali 966.23 T2-378 5
T2~662 3 Maltases 572.756
Mali Empire 966.201 7 see also Enzymes
T2-662 Malted alcoholic beverages 641.23
Malians T5~966 23 commercial processing 663.3
Malicious mischief insurance 368.12 home preparation 641.873
Malicious prosecution 346.033 4 Malted nonalcoholic beverages 641.26
Malignant neoplasms 571.978 commercial processing 663.6
see also Cancer home preparation 641.875
Malignant tumors 571.978 Maltese TS-927 9
incidence 614.599 9 Maltese (Dog) 636.76
medicine 616.994 Maltese language 492.79
see also Cancer T6-927 9
Malik ibn Anas 297.125 58 Maltese literature 892.79
Malikites (Islamic sect) 297.813 Malthusian economic school 330.153
Malinkc (African people) T5~963 45 Mallo language 494.83
Malinke language 496.345 T6-948 3
T6~963 45 Malto literature 894.83
Malis (Greece) T2-383 Maltose 572.565
Mallard 598.413 4 see also Carbohydrates
Malleability Maluku (Indonesia: islands) T2-598 5
materials science 620.112 5 Maluku (Indonesia :
Malleco (Chile) T2-834 5 province) T2-598 52
Mallee (Vic. : District) T2--945 9 Maluku Utara (Indonesia) T2-598 56
Mallet games 796.35 Mal uti (South Africa :
Mallophaga 595.757 District) T2-687 59
Mallorca (Spain) T2-467 54 Malvaceae 583.685
Mallows 583.685 Mal vales 583.68
Malls (Shopping centers) 381.11 Malvern (England) T2-42447
see also Shopping centers Malvern Hills (England) T2-42447
Malmesbury (South Africa : Malvinas Islands 997.11
District) T2-687 32 T2-9711
Malmohus Ian (Sweden) T2-4861 Mal ware 005.84
Mam Indians TS-974 2
Mam language 497.42
T6-974 2

Dewey Decimal Classification

Mambwe language 496.394 Man-made environments

T6·-963 94 biology 578.755
Mamelukes 962.024 ecology 577.55
Egyptian history 962.024 Man-made fibers
Palestinian history 956.940 33 paper 676.7
Mammal nest beetles 595.764 2 textiles 677.4
Mammalia 599 arts 746.044
see also Mammals see also Textiles
Mammalogists 599.092 Manabf (Ecuador) T2-866 34
Mammals 599 Managed care plans 362.104 258
agricultural pests 632.69 insurance 368.382
animal husbandry 636 Managed currency 332.46
arts T3C--362 9 Managed floating exchange rates 332.456 4
big game hunting 799.26 Management 658
commercial hunting 639.11 Tl-068
conservation technology 639.9 armed forces 355.6
control technology 628.969 arts 700.455 3
agriculture 632.69 T3C-355 3
drawing 743.69 literature 808.803 553
experimental animals history and criticism 809.933 553
medicine 616.027 3 personal aspects 658.409
paleozoo1ogy 569 public administration 351
resource economics 333.954 sociology 302.35
small game bunting 799.259 see Manual at T 1--068; also at
zoology 599 T1-068 vs. 353-354; also
see Manual at 599 at 330 vs. 650, 658
Mammaplasty 618.190 592 Management accounting 658.151 1
Mammary glands 573.679 public administration 352.43
biology 573.679 Management auditing 658.401 3
gynecology 618.19 public administration 352.43
human anatomy 611.49 Management audits 658.401 3
human cancer public administration 352.439
incidence 614.599 944 9 Management by objectives 658.401 2
medicine 616.994 49 public administration 352.36
see also Cancer humans Management consultants 658.46
human physiology 612.664 public administration 352.373
surgery 618.190 59 Management environment 658.409 5
Mammee apple 583.624 public administration 352.39
Mammography Management for legal
medicine 618.190 757 2 compliance 658.12
Mammoplasty 618.190 592 Managerial accounting 658.151 1
Mammoth Cave National public administration 352.43
Park(Ky.) T2--769 754 Managerial finance 658.15
Man 301 see also Financial management
see also Humans Managerial occupations 331.761 658
Man, Isle of T2-427 9 Managerial success 658.409
Man-machine ratios Managers 338.092
production management 658.514 Tl-08622
Man-machine systems labor economics 331.761 658
ergonomics 620.82 social class 305.554
computer science 004.019 Managing change 658.406
engineering 621.398 4 military administration 355.686 7
public administration 352.367
Managing your boss 650.13

Relative Index

Managua (Nicaragua : Mandela, Nelson

Dept.) T2--728 513 South African history 968.065
Manakins 598.822 Manding languages 496.345
Manapouri, Lake (N.Z.) T2--939 6 T6-963 45
Manassas (Va.) T2-755 273 4 Manding-Mokole languages 496.345
Manassas Park (Va.) T2-755 273 6 T6--963 45
Manatee County (Fla.) T2-759 62 Mandingo (African people) T5-963 45
Manatees 599.55 Mandingo tau;!:>u"-~"~ 496.345
conservation technology 639.979 55 T6-963 45
resource economics 333.959 55 Mandinka (African people) T5-963 45
Manawatu District (N.Z.) T2-935 6 Mandinka languages 496.345
Manawatu-Wanganui T6--963 45
Region (N.Z.) T2-935 Mandolins 787.84
Mancha T2---464 instmment 787.841 9
Manche 551.461 336 music 787.84
T2-163 36 see also Stringed instruments
Manche (France) T2--442 12 Mandrakes
Manchester (England) T2-427 33 botany 583.952
Manchester (N.H.) T2--742 8 medicinal crop 633.883 952
Manchester terrier (Standard dog) 636.755 Mandrakes (Mayapples) 583.34
Manchester terrier (Toy dog) 636.76 Maneuvers (Military) 355.4
Manchineels 583.69 training 355.52
Manchu T5--941 Manga 741.595 2
Manchu dynasty 951.03 drawing 741.51
Manchu languages 494.1 Manganese 669.732
T6--941 chemical engineering 661.054 I
Manchu literatures 894.1 chemistry 546.541
Manchuria T2-518 economic geology 553.462 9
Manda languages 496.391 human toxicology 615.925 541
T6-963 91 materials science 620.189 32
Man dab, Strait of 551.461 532 metallography 669.957 32
T2-165 32 metallurgy 669.732
Mandalas 203.7 metalworking 673.732
Buddhism 294.343 7 mmmg 622.346 29
Hinduism 294.537 organic chemistry 547.055 41
Mandan Indians T5-975 22 applied 661.895
Mandan language 497.522 physical metallurgy 669.967 32
T6--975 22 see also Chemicals: Metals
Mandarin Chinese language 495.1 Manganese group
T6--95l I chemical engineering 661.054
Mandarin duck 598.412 chemistry 546.54
Mandates 321.08 Mangbetu language 496.5
establishment T6-965
World Warl 940.314 26 Mange
World War II 940.531 426 animals
see also Semisovereign states veterinary medicine 636.089 657 3
Maude (African people) T5-963 45 humans
Maude languages 496.34 medicine 616.573
T6-9634 see also Skin diseases -
Maude literatures 896.34 humans
Mandeb, Bah el 551.461 532 Mangoes 641.344 4
T2-165 32 botany 583.77
Mandekan languages 496.345 cooking 641.644 4
T6-963 45

Dewey Decimal Classification

Mangoes (continued) Manioc 641.336 82

food 641.344 4 see also Cassava
orchard crop 634.44 Manipulators (Mechanism) 629.893 3
Mangosteens 641.346 55 Manipur (India) T2-541 7
agriculture 634.655 Manisa iii (Turkey) T2-5624
botany 583.624 ancient T2-392 2
cooking 641.646 55 Manistee County (Mich.) T2-774 62
food 641.346 55 Manitoba 971.27
Mangrove swamps 577.698 T2-712 7
biology 578.769 8 Manitoba, Lake (Man.) T2-712 72
ecology 577.698 Manitoulin (Ont.) T2-713 135
see also Wetlands Manitowoc County (Wis.) T2-775 67
Mangroves 583.763 Manjimup (W.A.) 1'2-9412
Arecaceae 584.5 Mankind 301
Myrtales 583.763 see also Humans
Verbenaceae 583.96 Mankwe (South Africa :
Mangue Indians T5-976 District)
Manguindanao (Philippines) T2 599 7 Manned space
Manhattan (New York, 629.45
N.Y.) 1'2-747 1
Manholes 629.47
sewers 628.25 Manners 390
Manhwa 741.595 19 child training 649.6
drawing 741.51 etiquette 395
Manic-depressive illness Mannheim (Germany) T2-434 645 2
medicine 616.895 Manning Provincial Park
see also Mental disorders (B.C.) T2-711 5
Manic psychoses Manor houses
medicine 616.895 architecture 728.8
see also Mental disorders Manpower
Manica (Mozambique : armed forces 355.22
Province) T2-6794 civilians 355.23
Manicaland Province military law 343.012
(Zimbabwe) T2-689 1 Manpower planning
Manicheism 299.932 management 658.301
Christian heresy 273.2 Manpower 331.136
Manicouagan (Quebec: Mansel Island (Nunavut) 1'2-719 52
Regional County Mansfield (England :
Municipality) T2-714174 District) T2-425 23
Manicure tools :VI ansi T5-9451
manufacturing technology 688.5 Mansi language 494.51
Manicuring 646.727 T~9451
Maniema (Congo) T2-675 17 Mansi literature 894.51
Manifold topology 514.34 Mansions
Manifolds (Mathematics) architecture 728.8
geometry 516.07 Manslaughter 364.152 5
topology 514.34 law 345.025 25
Manihiki Atoll (Cook Mantels
Islands) T2-9624 furniture arts 749.62
Manila (Philippines) 1'2-599 16 Mantis shrimps 595.379 6
Manila hemp Mantises 595.727
botany 584.39 culture 638.572 7
fiber crop 633.571 :Vfantle of earth 551.116
Manila paper 676.287 Mantodea 595.727

Relative Index

Mantova (Italy) T2--452 81 Manuscripts (continued)

ancient T2-373 181 library treatment 025.171 2
Mantova (Italy: Province) T2---452 8 music 780
ancient T2--373 18 treatises 780.262
Mantras 203.7 Manx T5-9164
Buddhism 294.343 7 Manx cat 636.822
Hinduism 294.537 Manx HllJL!',U·""''" 491.64
Mantua (Italy) T2---452 81 T6-9164
ancient T2-373 181 Manx literature 891.64
Mantua (Italy : Province) T2---452 8 Manxmen T5-916 4
ancient T2-373 18 Many-bodies problem 530.144
Manual alphabet 419 astronomy 521
representing spoken language 418 Many-valued logic 511.312
specific languages T4-891 Mao, Zedong
Manual arts Chinese history 951.05
primary education 372.5 Maoism 335.434 5
Manual of arms 355.547 economics 335.434 5
Manually coded language 418 political ideology 320.532 309 51
specific languages T4-89l Maori T5-99442
Manufactured gases 665.7 Maori language 499.442
Manufacturers 338.476 709 2 T6-99442
directories 338.767 025 Maori literature 899.442
Manufacturers' outlets 381.15 Maori Wars, 1843-1847 993.021
management 658.870 5 Maori Wars, 1860-1870 993.022
Manufactures 338.476 7 Map coloring 511.56
Manufacturing Map drawing 526
ethics 174.4 Map makers 526.092
production management 658.5 Map making 526
taxes 336.207 military engineering 623.71
technology 670 military intelligence service 355.343 2
see Manual at 671-679 vs. Map projections 526.8
680 Map reading 912.014
\1anufacturing industries 338.476 7 Map thefts 364.162 891 2
accounting 657.867 law 345.026 289 12
public administration 354.66 Map turtles 597.925 9
\1anufacturing wastes Maple Ridge (B.c.) T2-7ll 33
water pollution engineering 628.168 37 Maple sugar 641.336 4
\1anufacturing workers 670.92 agriculture 633.64
labor economics 331.767 biochemistry 572.565
public administration 354.947 commercial processing 664.132
vlanukau City (N.Z.) T2-932 5 cooking 641.636 4
vlanures 631.86 food 641.336 4
animal husbandry 636.083 8 see also Carbohydrates
vlanus T5-9912 Maple syrup 641.336 4
vlanus Province (Papua agriculture 633.64
New Guinea) T2-958 1 commercial processing 664.132
v1anuscript editing 808.027 cooking 641.636 4
publishing 070.51 food 641.336 4
vlanuscript illumination 745.67 see also Carbohydrates
v1anuscript selection Maples 583.78
publishing 070.51 forestry 634.972 2
v1anuscripts 091 lumber 674.142
bibliographies 011.31 ornamental arboriculture 635.977 378
cataloging 025.341 2 Maplewood (N.J.) T2-749 33

Dewey Decimal Class{fication

Mappings (Mathematics) 511.326 Marantaceae 584.39

topology 514 Mara~ iii (Turkey) T2-565 3
Maps 912 Maratha TS-914 61
Tl-0223 Marathi language 491.46
aeronautics 629.132 54 T6-914 61
cartography 526 Marathi literature 891.46
military engineering 623.71 Marathon (Ancient site) T2-385
cataloging 025.346 Marathon County (Wis.) T2-775 29
geography 912 Marathon races 796.425 2
library treatment 025.176 Marattiales 587.33
printing 686.283 paleobotany 561.73
publishing 070.579 3 Marble 553.512
theft of 364.162 891 2 building material 691.2
law 345.026 289 12 economic geology 553.512
Maps (Functions) 511.326 petrology 552.4
Mapuche Indians TS-987 2 quarrying 622.351 2
Mapuchelanguage 498.72 Marbled polecat 599.766
T6-987 2 Marbles (Game) 796.2
Mapuche literature 898.72 Marbling (Paper)
Mapudungu Indians TS-987 2 bookbinding 686.36
Mapudungunlanguage 498.72 Marbling (Woodwork)
T6-987 2 buildings 698.32
Mapudungun literature 898.72 MARC format 025.316
Mapulaneng (South Africa : Marcgraviaceae 583.624
District) T2-68259 March (Switzerland) T2-----494 752 I
Mapumulu (South Africa : March flies 595.772
District) T2-6844 March flies (Bibionidae) 595.772
Maputaland (South Africa) T2-6843 March flies (Tabanidae) 595.773
Maputo (Mozambique : Marchantiales 588.3
Province) T2-679 1 Marche (France: Province) T2~-4468
Maputo River T2-684 2 Marche (Italy) T2---456 7
Mozambique 1'2-679 1 ancient T2-3745
South Africa 1'2-6842 Marches 784.189 7
Maqtii' 297.12521 Marches (Italy) T2----456 7
Maqurrah (Kingdom) 962.502 2 ancient TI-374 5
T2-625 Marching bands 784.83
Mar Thoma Church 281.54 Marcos, Ferdinand E. (Ferdinand
see also Ea;;tern churches Edralin)
Mar Thoma Syrian Church 281.54 Philippine history 959.904 6
see also Eastern churches Mardi Gras 394.25
Mara Region (Tanzania) T2-678 27 customs 394.25
Maracaibo. Gulf of (Colombia 551.461 365 recreation 791.6
and Venezuela) T2-163 65 Mardin iii (Turkey) T2-56678
Maracaibo Lake ancient T2-394 2
(Venezuela) T2-872 3 Mareeba (Qld.) T2-943 6
Maracas 786.885 Maremma (Italy) T2----455 7
see also Percussion instruments Marengo County (Ala.) T2-761 392
Marakwet (African people) T5-965 Mare's tails (Plants) 583.82
Marakwet language 496.5 Marfan syndrome
T6-965 medicine 616.773
Maramure~ (Romania : see also Musculoskeletal
Jude~) T2----498 4 diseases humans
Maranhao (Brazil) T2-812 1 Marfil' 297.125 21
Marafi6n (Peru : Region) T2-8514

Relative Index

Margarine Marijuana abuse 362.295

food technology 664.32 medicine 616.863 5
Margay 599.752 personal health 613.835
Margherita (Italian political social welfare 362.295
party) 324.245 05 see also Substance abuse
Margiana T2~396 Marimbas 786.843
Margin 332.645 see also Percussion instruments
multiple forms of investment 332.645 Marin County (Calif.) T2-794 62
stocks 332.632 28 Marinas 387.15
Marginal costs 338.5142 engineering 627.38
management 658.155 3 see also Port facilities
Marginal productivity theory Marinduque (Philippines) T2- 599 I
land economics 333.012 Marine animals 591.77
wages 331.210 1 Marine aquariums 597.177 073
Marginal revenue 338.516 fish culture 639.342
Marginal utility school Marine archaeology 930.102 804
(Economics) 330.157 Marine architecture 623.81
Marginalist school (Economics) 330.157 Marine biological resources
Mari T5-945 6 public administration 354.57
Mari El (Russia) T2-474 6 resource economics 333.956
Mari language 494.56 Marine biology 578.77
T6~945 6 see lvfanual at 578.76-.77 vs.
Mari literature 894.56 551.46, 551.48
Maria-Chapdelaine Marine botany 579.177
(Quebec) T2-714 145 Marine carnivores 599.79
Maria Island National Park Marine cooking 641.575 3
(Tas.) Marine ecology 577.7
Marfa Trinidad Sanchez Marine engineering 623.87
(Dominican Republic : Marine fishes 597.177
Province) T2-729 364 culture 639.32
Mariana Islands 996.7 Marine forces (Military service) 359.96
T2-967 Marine geology 551.468
Mariategui (Peru : Region) T2-853 4 Marine hatchetfishes 597.5
Marico (South Africa : Marine insurance 368.2
District) T2-682 48 Marine invertebrates 592.177
Marico River (South Africa resource economics 333.955
and Botswana) T2-68248 Marine Iizards (Mosasauridae) 567.95
Maricopa County (Ariz.) T2-791 73 Marine mammals 599.5
Maricopa Indians T5-975 72 paleozoology 569.5
Maricopa language 497.572 resource economics 333.959 5
T6-975 72 Marine microorganisms 579.177
Mariculture 639.8 Marine navigation 623.89
Marie Galante T2-729 76 Marine organisms 578.77
Maries County (Mo.) T2-778 592 Marine pollution 363.7394
Marigolds 635.933 99 see also Water pollution
botany 583.99 Marine reptiles (Paleontological
floriculture 635.933 99 grouping) 567.937
Marijuana Marine resources 333.916 4
agriculture 633.79 public administration 354.369
botany 583.45 Marine safety technology 623.888
customs 394.14 Marine scenes
human toxicology 615.952 345 art representation 704.943 7
pharmacokinetics 615.782 7 painting 758.2
pharmacology 615.323 45

Dewey Decimal Classification

Marine science 551.46 Maritime law 343.096

see also Oceans see Manual at 341.45 vs.
Marine snakes 597.965 343.0962
Marine transportation 387.5 Maritime Provinces 971.5
see also Ocean transportation T2-715
Marine transportation facilities 387.15 Maljoram 641.357
see also Port facilities botany 583.96
Marine transportation safety 363.123 see also Herbs
see also Water transportation- Mark (Gospel) 226.3
MarkazT (Iran) T2-552 7
Marine transportation workers 387.509 2 Marker drawing 741.26
Marine waters 551.46 Markerwaard (Netherlands) Tl-492 2
see also Oceans Market analysis procedure
Marine zebra fishes 597.68 management 658.83
Marine zoology 591.77 Tl-068 8
Mariner project 629.435 4 Market analysis reports 381
Marines (Anned forces) 359.96 Market economy 330.122
Marinette County (Wis.) T2-775 33 Market research procedure
Maring (Papua New Guinea management 658.83
people) T5-991 2 Tl-068 8
Mariology (Christian doctrines) 232.91 Market research reports 381
Marion County (Ala.) T2-761 89 Market segmentation
Marion County (Ark.) T2-767 193 management 658.802
Marion County (Fla.) T2--759 75 Market study procedure
Marion County (Ga.) T2-758 482 management 658.83
Marion County (IlL) T2-773 794 Tl-068 8
Marion County (Ind.) T2---772 52 Market study reports 381
Marion County (Iowa) T2-777 83 Marketing 381
Marion County (Kan.) T2-781 57 ethics 174.4
Marion County (Ky.) T2 -769 51 law 343.08
Marion County (Miss.) Tl-762 21 management 658.8
Marion County (Mo.) T2-778 353 Tl-068 8
Marion County (Ohio) T2 771 514 see also Commerce
Marion County (Or.) T2-795 37 Marketing channels 381.1
Marion County (S.C.) T2-757 86 management 658.87
Marion County (Tenn.) T2 768 79 Marketing cooperatives 334.6
Marion County (Tex.) T2-764 193 Marketing finns 381
Marion County (W.Va.) Tl-754 54 Marketing management 658.8
Marionettes 791.53 T1 068 8
making Marketing survey procedure
handicrafts 745.592 24 management 658.83
see also Puppets Tl-068 8
Mariopteris 561.597 Marketing survey reports 381
Mariotype process 773.1 Markets 381
Mariposa County (Calif.) T2-79446 area planning 711.552 2
Marital property 346.042 marketing management 658.87
divorce law 346.016 64 retail 381.1
Marital psychotherapy management 658.87
psychiatry 616.891 562 see also Commerce
Marital rights 346.016 3 Markham River (Papua New
Marital status 306.81 Guinea) T2~9571

Maritime (Russia: Kray) T2-577 Marking (Students) 371.272

(Gennany : Landkreis) T2-431 53

Relative Index

Markov chains 519.233 Marriage (continued)

Markov processes 519.233 ethics 173
Markov risk 519.287 religion 205.63
Marks of identification 929.9 Buddhism 294.356 3
Tl-027 Christianity 241.63
Markup languages 006.74 Hinduism 294.548 63
Marl 553.68 Islam 297.563
Marlboro County (S.C.) T2-757 64 Judaism 296.363
Marlborough District (N.Z.) T2-937 5 folklore 398.274 3
Marlins 597.78 history and criticism 398,354 3
sports fishing 799.177 8 law 346.016
Marmalades 641.852 literature 808.803 543
commercial processing 664.152 history and criticism 809.933 543
home preparation 641.852 specific literatures T3B-080 354 3
Marmara, Sea of(Turkey) 551.461 389 history and
T2-163 89 criticism T3B-093 543
Marmarica T2-397 6 music 781.587
ancient 939.76 personal religion 204.41
Marmosets 599.84 Buddhism 294.344 41
Marmota 599.366 Christianity 248.4
Marmots 599.366 Hinduism 294.544 I
Marne (France) T2-443 2 Islam 297.577
Marne River (France) T2-443 Judaism 296.74
Maronites 281.52 religion 204.41
see also Eastern churches Christianity 248.4
Maronites (Religious order) 255.18 Islam 297.577
church history 27l.l8 Judaism 296.74
Marowijne (Suriname : religious doctrine 202.2
District) T2-883 8 Christianity 234.165
Marquard (South Africa : religious law 208.4
District) T2-685 5 Christianity 262.9
Marquesan language 499.42 Judaism 296.444
T6-994 2 rites 203.85
Marquesas Islands T2-963 1 Christianity 265.5
Marquesic languages 499.42 Judaism 296.444
T6-9942 liturgy 296.454 4
Marquetry see also Public worship
furniture arts 749.5 social theology 201.7
wood handicrafts 745.512 Christianity 261.835 81
Marquette County (Mich.) T2-774 96 Marriage counseling
Marquette County (Wis.) T2~775 58 pastoral theology 206.1
Marquisettes 677.652 Christianity 259.14
Marrakech-Medina Judaism 296.61
(Morocco) T2~646 4 psychotherapy 616.891 562
Marrakech-Menara social welfare 362.828 6
(Morocco) T2-6464 Married men 306.872 2
Marrakech-Tensift-El Tl ~086 55
Haouz (Morocco) T2-6464 family relationships 306.872 2
Marriage 306.81 home economics 646.782
arts 700.454 3 guides to Christian life 248.842 5
T3C-354 3 psychology 155.6452
customs 392.5 social welfare 362.820 865 5

Dewey Decimal Classification

Married people 306.872 Marshes 551.417

Tl-086 55 biology 578.768
Christian devotional literature 242.644 ecology 577.68
family relationships see also Wetlands
home economics 646.782 Marsian language 479.7
guides to religious life 204.41 T6-797
Christianity 248.844 Marsiliales 587.3
Islam 297.577 Marsupial cats 599.27
Judaism 296.74 Marsupial mice 599.27
see also Marriage -personal Marsupial moles 599.27
religion Marsupial rats 599.27
law 346.016 3 Marsupialia 599.2
psychology 155.645 Marsupials 599.2
social group 306.872 conservation technology 639.979 2
social welfare 362.820 865 5 paleozoology 569.2
Married women 306.872 3 resource economics 333.959 2
Tl-086 55 Marsupicarnivora 599.27
Christian devotional literature 242.643 5 Martaban, Gulf of (Burma) 551.461 565
family relationships 306.872 3 T2-165 65
home economics 646.782 Martens 599.766 5
guides to Christian life 248.843 5 Martes 599.766 5
labor economics 331.43 Martha's Vineyard (Mass.) T2-744 94
psychology 155.645 3 Martial artists 796.809 2
social welfare 362.839 52 Martial arts 796.8
Marrucinian language 479.7 physical fitness 613.714 8
T6-797 Martial law 342.062 8
Mars (Planet) T2-992 3 Martigny (Switzerland :
astrology 133.535 District) T2-494 796 7
manned flights to 629.455 3 Martin, Lake (Ala.) T2-761 53
unmanned flights to 629.435 43 Martin, Paul
Marsa Matriil) (Egypt) T2-621 Canadian history 971.072
Marseille (France) T2-449 12 Martin County (Fla.) T2-759 31
Marseilles T2-44912 Martin County (Ind.) T2-772 382
Marsh flies 595.774 Martin County (Ky.) T2-769243
Marsh rabbit 599.324 Martin County (Minn.) T2-776 232
Marshall County (Ala.) T2-761 94 Martin County (N.C.) T2-756 45
Marshall County (Ill.) T2-773 515 Martin County (Tex.) T2-764 857
Marshall County (Ind.) T2-772 88 Martinelli Berrocal, Ricardo
Marshall County (Iowa) T2-777 55 Alberto
Marshall County (Kan.) T2-781 31 Panamanian history 972.870 543
Marshall County (Ky.) T2-769 91 Martingales 519.236
Marshall County (Minn.) T2-776 97 Martini cans T5-969 729 82
Marshall County (Miss.) T2-762 88 Martiniquais T5-969 729 82
Marshall County (Okla.) T2-766 61 Martinique 972.982
Marshall County (S.D.) T2-783 13 T2-729 82
Marshall County (Tenn.) T2-768 585 Martins 598.826
Marshall County (W.Va.) T2-754 16 Martinsville (Va.) T2-755 693
Marshall Islands 996.83 Martyrs 200.92
T2-968 3 biography 200.92
Marshallese language 499.52 Christian 272.092
T6-995 2 see Manual at 230-280
Marshals (Law) 347.016 role and function 206.1
criminal law 345.012 6 see Manual at 200.92 and
Marshals (Police) 363.282 201-209,292-299

Relative Index

MarWari language 491.479 7 Masers 621.381 336

T6~914 79 Maseru (Lesotho) T2~688 5
MarWari literature 891.479 Mashhur (Hadith) 297.125 24
Marxian parties 324.217 Mashona (African people) T5~963 975
international organizations 324.17 Mashonaland Central
Marxian socialism 335.4 Province (Zimbabwe) T2---689 1
economics 335.4 Mashonaland East Province
political ideology 320.531 5 (Zimbabwe) T2-689 1
Marxism 335.4 Mashonaland West Province
economics 335.4 (Zimbabwe) T2-689 1
political ideology 320.531 5 Masire, Ketumile, Sir
Marxism-Leninism 335.43 Botswana history 968.830 32
economics 335.43 Maskinonge (Quebec :
political ideology 320.532 2 Regional County
Marxist-Christian dialogue Municipality) T2~71444
Christian theology 261.21 Maskoutains (Quebec) T2~714 523
Marxist-Leninists 335.430 92 Masks 391.434
Marxists 335.409 2 commercial technology 687.4
see Manual at 230-280 customs 391.434
Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint 232.91 home construction 646.478
art representation 704.948 55 see also Clothing
arts T3C~351 Masks (Sculpture) 731.75
private prayers to 242.74 Masochism
Mary, Queen of Scots medicine 616.858 35
Scottish history 941.105 see also Mental disorders
Mary I, Queen of England sociology 306.776
English history 942.054 Mason County (III.) T2~773 553
Mary II, Queen of England Mason County (Ky.) T2~769 323
British history 941.068 Mason County (Mich.) T2--774 61
English history 942.068 Mason County (Tex.) T2~764 66
Scottish history 941.106 8 Mason County (W.Va.) T2~754 33
Mary Tudor, Queen of England Mason County (Wash.) T2~797 97
English history 942.054 Masonry 693.1
Maryborough (Qid.) T2-943 2 Masonry (Secret order) 366.1
Maryborough (Vic.) T2 945 3 Masonry adhesives 666.9
Maryland 975.2 building materials 691.5
T2~752 materials science 620.135
Masaba-Luyia languages 496.395 Masonry arch bridges
T6~963 95 construction 624.225
Masai (African people) T5~965 Masonry dams 627.82
Masai language 496.5 Masonry materials
T6~965 architectural construction 721.044 I
Masai literature 896.5 materials science 620.13
MasanTd 297.125 61 structural engineering 624.183
Masaya (Nicaragua : Dept.) T2~728 514 Masons 693.109 2
Masbate (Philippines : Masons (Secret order) 366.1
Province) T2~599 5 Masques 782.15
Mascara (Algeria: literature 808.825
Province) T2~651 history and criticism 809.25
Mascarene Islands T2~698 specific literatures T3B~205
Mascoian languages 498.9 individual authors T3A~2
T6~989 music 782.15
Mascots (Occultism) 133.44 stage presentation 792.6
Masculinity 155.332

Dewey Decimal Classification

Mass (Christian rite) 264.36 Mass transfer (continued)

Anglican 264.030 36 physics 530.475
texts 264.03 semiconductors 537.622 5
music 782.323 solid-state physics 530.415
choral and mixed voices 782.532 3 Mass transit 388.4
single voices 783.093 23 see also Urban transportation
Roman Catholic 264.020 36 Mass transport (Physics) 530.475
texts 264.023 see also Mass transfer
Mass (Substance) 531.14 Mass transportation 388.042
air mechanics 533.6 law 343.093 3
gas mechanics 533.15 transportation services 388.042
liquid mechanics 532.4 urban 388.4
solid mechanics 531.5 see also Urban transportation
Mass communication 302.2 see also services
communications services 384 Mass wasting (Geology) 551.307
law 343.099 Massa-Carrara (Italy :
social aspects 302.2 Province) T2-4554
Mass culture 306 ancient T2-375 4
Mass deacidification Massa e Carrara (Italy :
bibliographic materials 025.84 Province) T2-455 4
Mass-energy equivalence 530.11 ancient T2--375 4
Mass hysteria 302.17 Massac County (Ill.) T2-773 997
Mass media 302.23 Massachuset language 497.348
accounting 657.84 T6-973 48
election campaigns 324.73 Massachusetts 974.4
influence on crime 364.254 T2-744
instructional use 371.358 Massachusetts (Mass.) 551.461 345
adult level 374.26 T2 163 45
higher education 378.175 8 Massacre of innocents 232.92
law 343.099 Massage 615.822
religion 201.7 physical fitness 613.72
Christianity 261.52 therapeutics 615.822
evangelism 269.26 Massif Central (France) T2-445 9
use by local Christian Massively parallel
church 253.78 supercomputers 004.35
administration 254.3 Mast cell disease
Judaism 296.37 medicine 616.77
sociology 302.23 see also Musculoskeletal
Mass media music 781.54 diseases ·········humans
Mass movement (Geology) 551.307 Mast cells
Mass murder 364.152 34 human cytology 611.01826
law 345.025 234 Mastectomy 616.994 490 59
Mass murderers 364.152 34 Master and servant
biography 364.152 340 92 law 346.024
Mass spectrometry 543.65 Master's degree 378.2
analytical chemistry 543.65 Masters Golf Toumamcnt 796.352 66
physics 539.602 87 Masterton District (N.Z.) T2-936 8
Mass spectroscopy 543.65 Mastication
analytical chemistry 543.65 human physiology 612.311
physics 539.602 87 rubber 678.22
Mass transfer 530.475 Mastiffs 636.73
chemical engineering 660.284 23 Mastigomycotina 579.53
gaseous-state physics 530.435
liquid-state physics 530.425

Relative Index

Mastocytosis Mate selection

medicine 616.77 customs 392.4
see also Musculoskeletal life skills 646.77
diseases- humans sociology 306.82
Mastoid process diseases Matera (Italy : Province) T2---457 72
medicine 617.87 ancient T2-377 73
see also Ear diseases - Materia medica 615.1
humans see also Drugs
Mastoid processes (Pharmaceuticals)
human anatomy 611.85 Material culture 306.46
human physiology 612.854 Material remains 930.1
medicine 617.87 Materialism 146.3
Masts 623.862 Christian polemics 239.7
Masturbation Indian philosophy 181.46
sociology 306.772 Islamic polemics 297.298
Masvingo Province Materialization (Spiritualism) 133.92
(Zimbabwe) T2-689 1 Materials Tl-028 4
M~t tr~n dan t(lc giai ph6ng mien architectural construction 721.04
nam Vi~tNam 959.704 332 2 building construction 691
Matabeleland North engineering 620.11
Province (Zimbabwe) T2-689 I foundation engineering 624.153
Matabeleland South manufacturing technology 670
Province (Zimbabwe) T2---689 1 nuclear reactors 621.483 3
Mataco-Guaicuru languages 498.7 standards and specifications
T6-987 production management 658.562
Matagalpa (Nicaragua : structural engineering 624.18
Dept.) T2-728 525 Materials costs
Matagalpan Indians T5-978 financial management 658.155 3
Matagami (Quebec) T2-714 115 Materials engineers 620.110 92
Matagorda County (Tex.) T2-764 132 Materials estimates Tl-029
Matamata Piako District building construction 692.5
(N.Z.) T2-933 53 Materials handling
Matane (Quebec : Regional materials management 658.781
County Municipality) T2-714 775 Materials-handling equipment 621.86
Matanuska-Susitna Borough ships 623.867
(Alaska) T2-798 3 Materials management 658.7
Matanzas (Cuba: Province) T2-729 13 Tl-068 7
Matapedia (Quebec : public administration 352.55
Regional County schools 371.67
Municipality) T2-714 778 Materials science 620.11
Matawinie (Quebec) T2-714 418 Materiel (Armed forces) 355.8
Match-cover advertising 659.131 Maternal behavior (Animals) 591.563
Match covers 741.694 Maternal deaths
Matches 662.5 incidence 614.599 279
Matching numbers contests 790.134 obstetrics 618.79
Matching theory 511.66 Maternally acquired antibodies 571.963 8
Mate 641.337 7 Maternity garments 392
agriculture 633.77 commercial technology 687.16
beverage 641.337 7 customs 392
botany 583.85 home economics 646.34
commercial processing 663.96 home sewing 646.47
cooking with 641.637 7 see also Clothing
home preparation 641.877 Maternity insurance 368.424
law 344.022 4

Dewey Decimal Classification

Matemity leave 331.44 Matrilineal kinship 306.83

economies 331.44 Matrimony 306.81
personnel management 658.312 2 sacrament 234.165
Matemity services 362.198 2 public worship 265.5
see also Health services theology 234.165
Mathematical analysis 515 see also Marriage
Mathematical crystallography 548.7 Matrix algebra 512.943 4
Mathematical economics 330.015 1 Matrix mechanics 530.122
economic school 330.154 3 Matroids 511.6
Mathematical games 793.74 Matnd;t (Egypt) T2-621
Mathematical geography 526 Mats 642.7
Mathematical linguistics 410.151 arts 746.96
Mathematical logic 511.3 home sewing 646.21
computer programming table setting 642.7
languages 005.131 MATS (Air transportation) 358.44
Mathematical models 511.8 Matter 530
TJ-015118 philosophy 117
systems 003 physics 530
Tl 011 structure 539.1
Mathematical optimization 519.6 Matter at high temperatures 536.57
also Optimization Matter at low temperatures 536.56
Mathematical physics 530.15 Matthew (Gospel) 226.2
Mathematical programming 519.7 Matthias, Holy Roman En1peror
management decision making 658.403 3 German history 943.035
Mathematical recreations 793.74 Matthiola 583.64
Mathematical school Matting
(Economics) 330.154 3 arts 746.41
Mathematical shortcuts 513.9 Mattresses 645.4
Mathematical statistics 519.5 manufacturing technology 684.15
Mathematicians 510.92 see also Fumiture
Mathematics 510 Matumbi languages 496.397
Tl~l51 T6-963 97
arts T3C-36 Maturation 571.87
primary education 372.7 developmental psychology 155
see Manual at 51 0; aLw at human physiology 612.6
510, Tl-0151 vs. 003, Maturity
Tl~ll; also at 510, developmental psychology
Tl-0151 vs. 004-006, adulthood 155.6
TI-0285 human physiology 612.663
Mathews County (Va.) T2-755 31 individual psychology
Mathieu functions 515.54 character development 155.25
Mating 591.562 Maui (Hawaii) T2-96921
Matins 264.15 Maui County (Hawaii) T2 -969 2
Anglican 264.030 15 Maule (Chile: Region) T2-833 5
texts 264.033 Maumee River (Ind. and
music 782.324 Ohio) T2 -7711
Anglican church 782.325 Maundy Thursday 263.925
Mato Grosso (Brazil: State) T2-817 2 devotional literature 242.35
Mato Grosso do Sui (Brazil) T2--817 1 music 781.726
Matriarchal family 306.859 sermons 252.625
Matriarchy (System of Maurelle Island (B.C.) T2-711 1
government) 321.1 Maurepas, Lake (La.) T2-763 32
Matrices 512.943 4 Mauretania 939.71
Matriculation 371.21 T2-397 1

Relative Index

Mauretania (Kingdom) 939.710 3 Mayaguana Island

T2~397 I (Bahamas) T2 729 6
Moroccan history 939.712 03 Mayagiiez (P.R. :District) T2-729 56
Mauretania Caesariensis 939.714 Mayan calendar 529.329 784 27
T2-397 14 Mayan languages 497.42
Mauretania Tingitana 939.712 T6-9742
T2-397 12 Mayan period 972.810 16
Mauricie National Park Mayans T5-9742
(Quebec) T2-714 453 Mayans (Yucatecan Maya) T5-97427
Mauricie Region (Quebec) T2--714 45 Mayapple 583.34
Mauritania 966.1 Mayas T5-9742
T2-661 Mayas (Yucatecan Maya) T5-97427
Mauritanians T5-966 1 Maydeae 584.92
Mauritians T5-914 1 Mayenne (France : Dept.) T2-441 62
Mauritius 969.82 Mayes County (Okla.) T2--766 93
T2-698 2 Mayflies 595.734
Maury County (Tenn.) T2-768 59 Mayflower 583.34
Maurya dynasty 934.04 Mayo (Ireland: County) T2-417 3
Maverick County (Tex.) T2-764 435 Mayo, Richard Southwell
Maw(,lu' (Hadith) 297.125 225 Bourke, Earl of
Mawlid al-Nabi 297.36 Indian history 954.035 2
Mawqi1f 297.125 21 Mayonnaise 641.814
Maw$ili, Abu Ya'h:i Al}mad ibn food technology 664.37
'Ali home preparation 641.814
Hadith 297.125 613 Mayor-council government 320.854
Maxamed Siyaad Barre Mayors 320.854
Somali hist01y 967.730 52 public administration 352.232 16
Maxima Mayotte 969.45
combinatories 511.66 T2-694 5
Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico Maypop 583.626
972.07 Maysii.n (Iraq) T2~567 5
Mexican history
Maximilian I, Holy Roman Mii.zandarii.n (Iran) T2--552 3
Emperor ancient 939.6
German history 943.029 T2-396
Maximilian II, Emperor of Mazatec Indians T5-976
Germany Mazdaism 295
German history 943.033 Maze puzzles 793.738
Maxims 398.9 Mazowieckie Voivodeship
Maximum-security prisons 365.33 (Poland) T2-438 41
see also Penal institutions Mazurkas 793.319 438
Maxwell's equations (Physics) 530.141 music 784.188 4
Maxwell's thermodynamic Mbabane (Swaziland) T2-688 7
formulas 536.71 Mbai language (Moissala) 496.5
MayDay 394.262 7 T6-965
Maya Indians 972.81 Mbala (Congolese people,
T5--974 2 Bandundu region) T5-963 93
Guatemala 972.81 Mbam languages T6-963 96
Mexico 972.6 Mbasogo, Teodoro Obiang
Maya Indians (Yucatecan Nguema
Maya) T5-97427 Equatorial Guinean history 967.180 32
Maya language 497.427 Mbeki, Thabo
T6-974 27 South African history 968.066
Maya literature 897.427 Mbere languages 496.396
T6-963 96

Dewey Decimal Class{fication

Mbete languages 496.396 McKinley County (N.M.) T2-789 83

T6-963 96 McLean County (IlL) T2-773 59
Mbeya Region (Tanzania) T2-678 28 McLean County (Ky.) T2 769 826
Mbibana (South Africa : McLean County (N.D.) T2-78475
District) T2-682 75 McLennan County (Tex.) T2-764284
MBO (Management by McLeod County (Minn.) T2-776 52
objectives) 658.401 2 McMahon, William
public administration 352.36 Australian history 994.061
Mbole-Ena languages 496.394 McMinn County (Tenn.) T2-768865
T6-963 94 McMullen County (Tex.) T2 764452
Mboshilanguages 496.396 McNairy County (Tenn.) T2-768 29
T&-963 96 McNaughton Lake (B.C.) T2-711 68
Mbosi language 496.396 McPherson County (Kan.) T2-781 55
T6-963 96 McPherson County (Neb.) T2-782 793
Mbukushulanguage 496.399 McPherson County (S.D.) T2-783 16
T6--963 99 Mdantsane (South Africa:
Mbum language 496.361 District) T2-687 55
T&-963 61 Mdutjana (South Africa :
Mbnndu (Angolan people, District) T2-682 75
Benguela Province) T5-963 99 Mead 641.23
Mbundu (Angolan people, commercial 663.4
Luanda Province) T5-963 932 Mead, Lake
Mbundu language (Benguela 496.399 Nev.) T2-793 12
Province, Angola) T6-963 99 Meade County (Kan.) T2 781 75
Mbundulanguage(Luanda 496.393 2 Meade County (Ky.) T2-769 852
Province, Angola) T6-963 932 Meade County (S.D.) T2-783 44
Mbundu literature (Luanda Meadow beauties 583.76
Province, Angola) 896.393 2 Meadow mice 599.354
McBride (B.C.) T2-711 82 Meadowlarks 598.874
McClain County (Okla.) T2-766 55 Meadows 333.74
McCone County (Mont.) T2-78626 biology 578.746
McCook County (S.D.) T2-783 372 ecology 577.46
McCormick County (S.C.) T2-75736 see also Grasslands
McCracken County (Ky.) T2-769 95 Meagher County (Mont.) T2-786 612
McCreary County (Ky.) T2-769 135 Meal (Milling products)
McCulloch County (Tex.) T2-764 67 commercial processing 664.720 7
McCurtain County (Okla.) T2-76664 wheat 664.722 73
McDonald County (Mo.) T2-778 736 Meals 642
McDonough County (Ill.) T2-773 42 customs 394.125
McDowell County (N.C.) T2-756 89 transportation services 388.042
McDowell County (W.Va.) T2-754 49 see also Passenger services
McDuffie County (Ga.) T2-758 632 Mealwom1s 595.769
McEwen, John, Sir Mean 519.533
Australian history 994.061 Mean value theorems 515.33
McGregor River (B.C.) T2-711 82 Meaning
McHenry County (IlL) T2-773 22 epistemology 121.68
McHenry County (N.D.) T2-784 62 linguistics 401.43
Mcintosh County (Ga.) T2-758 737 specific languages T4-014 3
Mcintosh County (N.D.) T2-784 55 see Manual at 401.43 vs.
Mcintosh County (Okla.) T2-766 74 306.44, 401.45, 401.9,
McKean County (Pa.) T2-748 63 412,415
McKenzie County (N.D.) T2-784 81
McKinley, William
United States history 973.88

Relative Index

.Measles Mechanical deformation

incidence 614.523 materials science 620.112 3
medicine 616.915 Mechanical drawing 604.2
see also Communicable Mechanical engineering 621
diseases- humans military applications 623.045
pediatrics 618.929 15 Mechanical 621.092
.Measure theory 515.42 Mechanical forces 530
.Measurement 530.8 biophysics 571.43
TJ--{}28 7 humans 612.014 41
chemistry 542.3 extraterrestrial biophysics
Measurement systems 530.81 humans 612.014 53
physics 530.81 materials science 620.1123
social aspects 389.15 Mechanical musical instruments 786.6
.Measurement theory 530.801 bands and orchestras 784
Measures 530.81 chamber ensembles 785
see also Weights and measures single type 785.66
Measuring instruments construction 786.619 23
electric measurement 621.37 by hand 786.619 23
electronics 621.381 548 by machine 681.866
manufacturing technology 681.2 solo music 786.6
physics 530.7 Mechanical pencils
.Meat 641.36 manufacturing technology 681.6
commercial preservation Mechanical processes
technology 664.902 8 printing 686.231
commercial processing pulp to paper 676.2
economics 338.476 649 wood pulp 676.122
technology 664.9 Mechanical properties
641.66 materials science 620.112 92
food 641.36 Mechanical separation
home preservation 641.49 ores 622.75
product safety 363.192 9 Mechanical stokers
see also Food- product steam 621.183
safety Mechanical systems
Meat 664.902 9 ships 623.850 I
Meatloaf 641.824 Mechanical toys 790.133
commercial processing 664.92 manufacturing technology 688.728
home preparation 641.824 recreation 790.133
Meat pies Mechanical working
commercial processing 664.92 metals 671.3
home preparation 641.824 Mechanics 530
Meat processing industry 338.476 649 atmosphere 551.515
Meath (Ireland) T2-418 22 classical physics 531
Meatless high-protein foods engineering 620.1
technology 664.64 foundation soils 624.151 36
Meats 641.36 physics 530
see alw Meat quantum physics 530.12
Mecca (Saudi Arabia) T2-538 structures 624.17
Islamic religion 297.352 Mechanics' liens 346.024
Mechanical bands 784.6 Mechanics of materials 620.112 3
Mechanical barriers Mechanics of particles
military enJ~m,eermg 623.31 classical physics 531.16
Mechanical chess players 794.17 Mechanics of points 531.1
Mechanical conveyer systems Mechanism (Philosophy) 146.6
office services 651.79

Dewey Decimal Classification

Mechanisms Media production

engineering 621.8 primary education 372.672
Mechanization Median 519.533
agricultural economics 338.161 Median 935.750 4
control engineering 629.8 T2-357 5
economics 338.064 Mediastinal diseases
factory operations engineering 670.427 medicine 616.27
mineral industries 338.26 see also Respiratory tract
production management 658.514 diseases humans
secondary industries 338.45 Mediastinum
social etTects 303.483 human anatomy 611.27
Mechanized bells 786.64 human physiology 612.25
see also Mechanical musical medicine 616.27
instruments surgery 617.545
Mechanized cavalry 357.5 Mediation
Mechanotherapy labor economics 331.891 42
medicine 615.82 public administration 354.97
Mechitarists 255.17 law 347.09
church history 271.17 law of nations 341.52
Mechouar de Casablanca personnel management 658.315 4
(Morocco) 'f2-643 8 public administration 352.68
Mecklenburg (Germany : social conflict 303.69
State) T2-431 7 Medicaid 368.420 097 3
Mecklenburg County (N.C.) T2-756 76 law 344.730 22
Mecklenburg County (Va.) T2-755 645 public administration 353.690 973
Mecklenburg-Strelitz Medicaid fraud 364.163
(Germany: Landkreis) T2-431 72 law 345.730 263
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Medical accounting 657.834
(Germany) T2--431 7 Medical anthropology 306.461
Mecoptera 595.744 Medical assistants 610.737 092
Mecosta County (Mich.) T2-774 52 role and function 610.737 069
Medal of Honor Legion (U.S.) 369.11 services 610.737
Medallions Medical astrology 133.586 1
numismatics 737.22 Medical bacteriology 616.9201
Medals Medical care 362.1
armed forces 355.134 2 see also Health services
numismatics 737.22 Medical care facilities
religious significance 203.7 area planning 711.555
see also Symbolism - Medical chemistry 615.19
religious significance Medical climatology 616.988
research incentive 001.44 Medical economics 338.473 621
Medea (Algeria: Province) T2-653 Medical emergenc:1es 362.18
Medelpad landskap medicine 616.025
(Sweden) T2--488 5 social services 362.18
Media 302.23 Medical entomology 616.968
see also Mass media Medical ethics 174.2
Media (Ancient area) 935.75 religion 205.642
T2-3575 Buddhism 294.356 42
Media centers 027 Christianity 241.642
see also Libraries Hinduism 294.548 642
Media ethics 175 Islam 297.564 2
Media kits Judaism 296.364 2
cataloging 025.349 6 Medical examinations 616.075
library treatment 025.179 6

Relative Index

Medical examiners 614.1092 Medical sciences 610

law 347.016 information systems 025.066 1
criminal law 345.012 6 Medical screening 362.177
Medical genetics 616.042 public administration 353.628
law 344.041 96 see also Health services
Medical geography 614.42 Medical services 362.1
Medical gymnastics armed forces 355.345
therapeutics 615.82 see also Health services
Medical helminthology 616.962 Medical shorthand 653.18
Medical history taking 616.075 1 Medical social work 362.104 25
Medical installations (Armed Medical supplies 610.284
forces) 355.72 armed forces 355.88
Medical instruments 610.284 product safety 363.19
manufacturing technology 681.761 public administration 353.99
product safety 363.19 Medical technicians 610.737 092
public administration 353.99 role and function 610.737 069
Medical insurance 368.382 2 services 610.737
public administration 353.69 Medical virology 616.910 I
Medical jurisprudence 614.1 Medical wastes 363.728 8
Medical keyboarding 652.326 law 344.046 22
Medical law 344.041 Medicare (Australia) 368.420 099 4
Medical libraries 026.61 law 344.940 22
Medical machinery public administration 353.690 994
manufacturing technology 681.761 Medicare (United States) 368.426 009 73
Medical malpractice law 344.730 226
torts 344.041 l public administration 353.690 973
Medical malpractice insurance 368.564 2 Medicare fraud 364.163
Medical meteorology 616.988 law 345.730 263
Medical microbiology 616.904 I Medicare supplement insurance 368.382
see Manual at 579.165 vs. Medication methods 615.6
616.9041; also at 616.1-.9 Medications 615.1
Medical missionaries see also Drugs
Christian 266.009 2 (Pharmaceuticals)
role and function 610.69 Medici, Emilio Garrastazu
Medical missions 362.1 Brazilian history 981.063
Christian 266 Medici, House of
social welfare 362.1 Tuscan history 945.505
see also Health services 1348-1494 945.505
Medical mycology 616.969 01 1512-1527 945.506
Medical office buildings 1531 ~1737 945.507
architecture 725.23 Medicinal plants 615.321
Medical parasitology 616.96 agriculture 633.88
Medical personnel 610.92 economic botany 581.634
law 344.041 pharmacognosy 615.321
malpractice 344.041 1 see Manual at 583-585 vs. 600
role and function 610.69 Medicinal teas
see Manual at 362.1~.4 vs. 610 pharmacognosy 615.321
Medical physics 610.153 Medicine 610
Medical protozoology 616.936 01 applied science 610
Medical radiology 616.075 7 arts 700.456 I
Medical records management 651.504 261 T3C-3561
Medical rehabilitation 617.03 economics 338.473 621
Medical schools 610.711 folklore 398.276 I
history and criticism 398.356 1

Dewey Decimal Classification

Medicine (continued) Medieval philosophy

law 344.041 eastern 181
literature 808.803 561 western 189
history and criticism 809.933 561 Medieval remedies
speci±lc literatures T3B-080 356 1 therapeutics 615.880 902
history and Medieval sculpture 734
criticism T3B-093 561 Medigap 368.382
sociology 306.461 see also Insurance
see Manual at 610 vs. 616 Medina (England) T2-422 8
Medicine and religion 201.661 Medina (Saudi Arabia) T2-538
Christianity 261.561 Islamic religion 297.355 38
Judaism 296.376 Medina Angarita, Isaias
Medicine Bow Mountains Venezuelan history 987.063 15
(Colo. and Wyo.) T2-787 86 Medina County (Ohio) T2-77135
Medicine Hat (Alta.) T2·~712 34 Medina County (Tex.) T2-76442
Medicine shows 791.1 Medio Campidano (Italy :
Medicines 615.1 Province) T2-459 6
see also Drugs ancient T2-3796
(Pharmaceuticals) Mediolanum (Italy) T2-372 271
Medieval architecture 723 Meditation 158.12
Medieval art 709.02 religion 204.35
Medieval church modes 781.263 Buddhism 294.344 35
Medieval law 340.55 Christianity 248.34
Medieval metrical romances 808.813 3 Hinduism 294.543 5
history and criticism 809.133 Islam 297.382
specific literatures T3B-103 3 Sufi 297.438 2
individual authors T3A-I Judaism 296.72
Medieval music 780.902 Meditations 158.128
Medieval painting 759.02 religion 204.32
Medieval period 909.07 Buddhism 294.344 32
Tl-090 2 Christianity 242
Austrian history 943.602 Hinduism 294.543 2
church history 270.3 Islam 297.382 4
Danish history 948.901 Sufi 297.438 24
English history 942.03 Judaism 296.72
European history 940.1 Meditations (Music) 784.189 6
French history 944.02 Mediterranean Region T2-182 2
German history 943.02 ancient 937
Italian history 945.01 T2-37
Japanese history 952.02 Mediterranean Sea 551.461 38
Lombardian history 945.201 TI-163 8
Norwegian history 948.101 Mediterranean-type ecosystems 577.38
Sardinian history 945.902 biology 578.738
Scandinavian history 948.02 Mediterranean-type plants 581.738
Sicilian history 945.801 Mediterranean vegetation 581.738
Southern Italian history 945.701 Medium-security prisons 365.33
specific centuries 909.1-.4 see also Penal institutions
Swedish history 948.501 Mediums of exchange 332.4
Tuscan history 945.501 Mediumship (Spiritualism) 133.91
Venetian history 945.301 Medlars 641.341 5
see Manual at Tl-0940902 vs. botany 583.73
Tl-0902 cooking 641.641 5
food 641.341 5
orchard crop 634.15

Relative Index

Medulla oblongata Melamines

human anatomy 611.81 Melancholy
human physiology 612.828 arts T3C~353

medicine 616.8 literature 808.803 53

Medullosaceae 561.595 history and criticism 809.933 53
Medusae (Jellyfishes) 593.53 specific literatures T3B~080353

Medvedev, Dmitry history and

Russian history 947.086 3 criticism T3B~093 53
Medway (England) T2--422 32 Melanconiales 579.55
Meeker County (Minn.) T2~776 49 Melanesia 995
599.742 T2~95
Meetings 060 Melanesian languages 499.5
management use 658.456 T6 995
Megachiroptera 599.49 Melanesian literatures 899.5
paleozoology 569.4 Melanesians T5~995

Megaloptera 595.747 Melanoma

Megalopteris 561.597 incidence 614.599 947 7
Megapodiidae 598.64 medicine 616.994 77
Megaptera 599.525 see also Cancer~ humans
Megaric philosophy 183.6 Melanommatales 579.564
Megaris (Greece) T2-384 Melastomataceae 583.76
Megasporangia 575.665 Melatonin
Megaspores 571.845 2 human physiology 612.492
Meghalaya (India) T2--541 64 Melayu Asli languages 499.28
Megillah (Tractate) 296.123 2 T6~992 8

Babylonian Talmud 296.125 2 Melbourne (Vic.) T2~945 1

Mishnah 296.123 2 Meleagrididae 598.645

Palestinian Talmud 296.124 2 Meleagris gallopavo 598.645
Megillot (Bible) 221.044 Meles 599.767 2
Mehedinti (Romania) T2--498 4 Meliaceae 583.77
Mclilla (Spain) T2~641
Meighen, Arthur
Canadian history 971.061 3 ancient T2~397 12

1920-1921 971.061 3 Melilotus 633.366

1926 971.062 2 botany 583.74
Meigs County (Ohio) T2~771 99 forage crop 633.366
Meigs County (Tenn.) T2 768 836 Melinae 599.767
Meiji period 952.031 Meliorism
Me'ilah 296.1235 philosophy 149.5
296.125 5 Mellette County (S.D.) T2~783 63
Babylonian Talmud
Mishnah 296.123 5 Mellivorinae 599.767
Meilen (Switzerland : Melmoth (South Africa) T2 {)84 3
Bezirk) T2-494 572 9 Melodeons 788.863
Meiosis 571.845 instrument 788.863 19
Meirionnydd (Wales) T2--429 25 music 788.863
Meitnerium see also Woodwind instruments
chemistry 546.62 Melodrama 792.27
Mekinac (Quebec) T2~714 457 literature 808.825 27
Meknes-El Menzeh history and criticism 809.252 7
T2-645 specific literatures T3B~205 27
Meknes-Tafilalt (Morocco) T2-645 individual authors T3A-2
Mekong River T2~59 stage presentation 792.27
Mekong River Delta Melody 781.24
(Vietnam and Cambodia) T2~597 8 Meloidea 595.769
Melaka (State) T2~595 1

Dewey Decimal Classification

Melons 641.356 1 Memphremagog Lake

botany 583.63 (Quebec) T2~714 64
commercial processing 664.805 61 Men 305.31
cooking 641.656 1 Tl~081 I
food 641.356 1 art representation 704.942 3
garden crop 635.61 arts. 700.452 11
Melos Island (Greece) T2--495 85 T3C~35211
Melting 536.42 biography 920.71
chemical engineering 660.284 296 criminal offenders 364.373
metals 671.24 drawing 743.43
Melton (England: Borough) 1'2--425 46 education 371.821 1
Melville (Sask.) T2~712 44 etiquette 395.142
Melville Peninsula fine arts 704.041
(Nunavut) T2~719 52 grooming 646.704 4
Membership lists T1--06 health 613.042 34
directories Tl~025 journalism for 070.483 46
Membrane lipids 572.577 labor economics 331.561
Membrane processes literature 808.803 521 I
chemical engineering 660.284 24 history and criticism 809.933 521 1
desalinization 628.167 4 specific literatures T3B~080 352 11
water supply treatment 628.164 history and
Membrane proteins 572.696 criticism T3B~093 521 I
Membranes painting 757.3
cytology 571.64 physical fitness 613.704 49
Membranophones 786.9 psychology 155.332
see also Percussion instruments recreation 790.194
Memoirs 920 indoor 793.019 4
Tl~092 outdoor 796.0811
Memorabilia Tl-075 religion 200.811
Memorandums Christianity 270.081 1
office use 651.755 devotional literature 242.642
Memorial buildings 725.94 guides to Christian life 248.842
Memorials 394.4 guides to life 204.408 11
Holocaust, 1933-1945 940.531 864 sex hygiene 613.952
see also Military social aspects 305.31
commemorations see Manual at Tl-081 and
Memorizing Tl~08351, Tl~08352,
music training method 781.426 T1~08421, Tl-08422
Memory 153.12 Menabe (Kingdom) 969.101
educational psychology 370.152 2 T2-691
human physiology 612.823 312 Menal).ot 296.123 5
philosophy 128.3 Babylonian Talmud 296.125 5
Memory (Computers) 004.5 Mishnah 296.123 5
engineering 621.397 Menarche
Memory cards 004.568 human physiology 612.662
engineering 621.397 68 Menard County (Ill.) T2~773 555
Memory disorders Menard County (Tex.) T2~764 877
medicine 616.83 Mende (African people) T5~963 48
see also Nervous system Mende-Bandi languages 496.348
diseases humans T6-963 48
Memory management 005.435 Mende language 496.348
Memphis (Extinct city) T2~322 T6~963 48
Memphis (Tenn.) T2~768 19 Mende literature 896.348
Memphremagog (Quebec) T2--714 64 Mendelevium 546.449

~ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Relative Index

Mendel's laws 576.52 Mennonite Church (continued)

Mendicant religious orders 255.06 guides to Christian life 248.489 7
church history 271.06 missions 266.97
Mending books 025.7 moral theology 241.049 7
Mending textiles public worship 264.097
home economics 646.2 religious associations 267.189 7
clothes 646.6 religious education 268.897
Mendip (England) T2-423 83 seminaries 230.073 97
Mendip Hills (England) T2--423 83 theology 230.97
Mendocino County (Calif.) T2-·794 15 Mennonite cooking 641.566
Mendoza (Argentina : Mennonites
Province) T2-826 4 biography 289.709 2
Mendrisio (Switzerland : Menominee County (Mich.) T2-774 953
Distretto) T2--494 786 Menominee County (Wis.) T2-775 356
Menelik II, Negus of Ethiopia Menominee Indians T5-973 13
Ethiopian history 963.043 Menomini Indians T5-973 13
Menger, Carl Menomini language 497.313
economic school 330.157 T6-973 13
Mengistu Haile-Mariam Menopause
Ethiopian history 963.071 disorders
Menhadens 597.45 gynecology 618.175
fishing 639.274 5 see also Female genital
Meniere's disease diseases - humans
medicine 617.882 human physiology 612.665
see also Ear diseases Menorca (Spain) T2--467 52
humans Menorrhagia
Menifee County (Ky.) T2-769583 gynecology 618.172
Menindee Lake (N.S.W.) T2-9449 see also Female genital
Meningeal diseases diseases humans
medicine 616.82 Men's clothing 391.1
see also Nervous system commercial technology 687.081 1
diseases --humans customs 391.1
Meninges 573.862 5 home economics 646.32
human anatomy 61 1.81 home sewing 646.402
human histology 612.820 45 see also Clothing
human physiology 612.82 Men's liberation movement 305.32
medicine 616.82 Men's prisons 365.44
see also Nervous system see also Penal institutions
Meningitis Men's voices 782.8
medicine 616.82 choral and mixed voices 782.8
see also Nervous system single voices 783.8
diseases humans Menstruation
Meningoencephalitis human physiology 612.662
medicine 616.832 Menstruation disturbances
see also Nervous system gynecology 618.172
diseases - humans Mensuration 530.8
Menispermaceae 583.34 T1~D28 7
Mennonite Church 289.7 forestry 634.928 5
church government 262.097 geometry 516.15
parishes 254.097 Mental arithmetic 513.9
church law 262.989 7 Mental disorders 362.2
doctrines 230.97 geriatrics 618.976 89
catechisms and creeds 238.97 nursing 616.890 231
general councils 262.597 pediatrics 618.928 9

Dewey Decimal Classification

Mental disorders (continued) Mental illness (continued)

pregnancy complications pediatrics 618.928 9
obstetrics 618.368 pregnancy complications
psychiatry 616.89 obstetrics 618.368
puerperal diseases psychiatry 616.89
medicine 618.76 puerperal diseases
social welfare 362.2 medicine 618.76
see also Mental health social theology 201.762 2
serv1ces Christianity 261.832 2
therapy 616.891 social welfare 362.2
see also Mental illness see also Mental health
Mental disorders diagnosed in services
childhood therapy 616.891
pediatrics 618.928 588 Mental retardation 362.3
Mental healing (Psychic healing) arts T3C-3561
medicine 615.852 8 geriatrics 618.976 858 8
Mental health literature 808.803 561
social welfare 362.2 history and criticism 809.933 561
Mental health facilities 362.21 specific literatures T3B-080 356 l
architecture 725.52 history and
see also Mental health services criticism T3B-093 561
Mental health insurance 368.382 5 medicine 616.858 8
Mental health law 344.044 nursing 616.858 802 31
Mental health personnel 616.890 092 pediatrics 618.928 588
law 344.044 social welfare 362.3
role and function 616.890 23 public administration 353.65
Mental health services 362.2 Mental tests 153.93
employee programs Mentally disabled children 305.908 408 3
personnel management 658.382 Tl-087 4
public administration 352.67 education 371.92
law 344.044 home care 649.152 8
pastoral theology 206.1 Mentally disabled people 305.908 4
Christianity 259.42 Tl-087 4
prisoner services 365.667 2 civil and human rights 323.3
public administration 353.64 education 371.92
social theology 201.762 2 law 344.079 12
Christianity 261.832 2 institutional buildings
students 371.713 architecture 725.53
see also Health services legal status 346.013 8
Mental illness 362.2 constitutional law 342.087
arts T3C-356 1 private law 346.013 8
Christian religious guidance 248.862 social group 305.908 4
folklore 398.276 l social welfare 362.3
history and criticism 398.356 1 Mentally ill people 305.908 4
geriatrics 618.976 89 Tl-087 4
influence on crime 364.24 civil and human rights 323.3
literature 808.803 561 criminal offenders 364.38
history and criticism 809.933 561 correctional institutions 365.46
specific literatures T3B-080 356 l see also Penal institutions
history and education 371.94
criticism T3B-093 561 law 344.079 14
nursing 616.890 231 guides to Christian life 248.862
pastoral theology 206.1 Holocaust, 1933-1945 940.531 808 74
Christianity 259.42

Relative Index

Mentally ill people (continued) Merchant

legal status 346.013 8 freight services 387.544
private law 346.013 8 power-driven 387.24
social group 305.908 4 design 623.812 4
social welfare 362.2 engineering 623.824
law 344.044 transportation services 387.24
see also Mental health transportation services 387.2
services wind-driven 387.224
see Manual at 362.1~.4 vs. 610 design 623.812 24
Mentoring engineering 623.822 4
education 371.102 handling 623.882 24
personnel management 658.312 4 transportation services 387.224
Menu cookbooks 642 see also Ships
Menuridae 598.822 Merchants 381.092
Menus 642 Mercia supremacy 942.015 7
Menzies, Robert, Sir Mercuries (Plants) 583.69
Australian history 994.05 Mercury (Element) 669.71
1939~1941 994.042 chemical engineering 661.066 3
1949~1966 994.05 chemistry 546.663
Mephitinae 599.768 economic geology 553.454
Meprobamate human toxicology 615.925 663
pharmacokinetics 615.788 2 metallurgy 669.71
Merbein (Vic.) T2-945 9 mining 622.345 4
Mercantile credit 332.742 organic chemistry 547.056 63
marketing management 658.882 applied 661.895
Mercantilism (Economic school) 330.1513 physical metallurgy 669.967 1
Mercantour National Park toxicology 571.954 663
(France) T2--449 4 see also Chemicals; Metals
Mercator projection 526.82 Mercury (Planet) 523.41
Merced County (Calif.) T2-794 58 TI-9921
Mercedarians 255.45 astrology 133.533
church history 271.45 unmanned flights to 629.435 41
Mercenary troops 355.354 Mercury fulminate 662.27
American Revolution 973.342 Mercury project 629.454
Mercer County (Ill.) T2--773 395 Mercury-vapor lighting 621.327 4
Mercer County (Ky.) T2-769485 Mergansers 598.415
Mercer County (Mo.) T2-778 213 Merge sort (Computer science) 005.741
Mercer County (N.D.) T2~784 83 Mergers 338.83
Mercer County (N.J.) T2-749 65 accounting 657.96
Mercer County (Ohio) T2-771 415 banks 332.16
Mercer County (Pa.) T2-748 95 economics 338.83
Mercer County (W.Va.) T2-754 74 law 346.066 26
Mercerizing textiles 677.028 25 management 658.162
Merchandisers 381.092 Merging data 005.741
Merchandising 381 Mergini 598.415
management 658.8 Merida (Spain) T2--462 7
Merchant marine 387.5 Merida (Venezuela: State) T2-871 3
see also Ocean transportation Meridian (Miss.) T2-762 677
Merchant mariners 387.509 2 Meridional instruments 522.2
technologists 623.880 92 Merina (Kingdom) 969.101
Merchant ships 387.2 T2--69l
design 623.812 Merino sheep 636.36
engineering 623.82 Meristem 575.48
Merit (Christian doctrine) 234

Dewey Decimal Classification

Merit awards Mesencephalon

personnel management 658.322 5 human anatomy 611.81
Merit pay 331.2164 human physiology 612.826 4
labor economics 331.2164 medicine 616.8
personnel management 658.322 5 Mesentery
Merit system (Civil service) 352.63 human anatomy 611.38
Meriwether County (Ga.) T2-758 455 human physiology 612.33
Merkaz (Israel :District) T2-569 47 medicine 616.38
Merkel, Angela surgery 617.558
German history 943.088 3 Mesilinka River (B.C.) T2-711 87
Merlucciid hakes 597.632 Mesmerism 154.7
Merlucciidae 597.632 Meso-American native languages 497
Mermaids 398.21 T6-97
see also Legendary beings Meso-American native literatures 897
Mermen 398.21 Meso-American native
see also Legendary beings peoples T5-970 72
Meromorphic functions 515.982 Mesocricetus 599.356
Meropidae 598.78 Mesogastropoda 594.32
Merostomata 595.49 Mesolithic Age 930.13
Merovingian dynasty 944.013 Mesons 539.721 62
French history 944.013 Mesopotamia 956.7
German history 943.013 T2-567
Merreden (W.A.) T2-941 2 ancient 935
Merrick County (Neb.) T2-782 423 T2-35
Merrimac, Battle of Monitor and, Mesopotamian architecture 722.51
1862 973.752 Mesopotamian sculpture 732.5
Merrimack County (N.H.) T2-742 72 Mesosauria 567.937
Merrimack River (N.H. and Mesosphere 551.514
Mass.) T2-742 72 Mesozoic era 551.76
Merritt (B.C.) T2-711 72 geology 551.76
Mersey, River (England) T2---427 5 paleontology 560.176
Merseyside (England) T2---427 5 Mesquakielanguage 497.314
Mersin iii (Turkey) T2-564 6 T6-973 14
ancient T2-393 5 Mesquite 583.748
Merthyr Tydfil (Wales: Mess services (Armed forces) 355.341
County Borough) T2---429 75 Message passing 005.71
Merton (London, England) T2---421 93 Messana (Italy) T2-378 111
Mesa County (Colo.) T2-788 17 Messapian language 491.993
Mesa Verde National Park T6-919 93
(Colo.) T2-788 27 Messenger services
Mesabi Range (Minn.) T2-776 77 internal office communication 651.79
Mescal 641.25 office services 651.374 3
commercial processing 663.5 Messenia (Greece) T2---495 22
Mescalero-Chiricahua Apache ancient T2-389
language 497.256 Messiahs
T6-972 56 Christianity 232.1
Mescalero Indians T5-972 56 Judaism 296.336
Mescaline abuse 362.294 role and function 206.1
medicine 616.863 4 Messianic Judaism 289.9
personal health 613.83 Messianic prophecies
social welfare 362.294 Christianity 232.12
see also Substance abuse Judaism 296.336
Messianism 202.3
Judaism 296.336

Relative Index

Messina (ltaly) T2-458 111 Metalinguistics 410.1

ancient T2-~378Ill T4--01
Messina (ltaly: Province) T2-458 11 Metallic compounds 546.3
ancient T2-378 11 chemical engineering 661.03
Messina (South Africa : Metallic fillings
District) T2-682 57 dentistry 617.675
Messina, Strait of (Italy) 551.461 386 Metallic glass 669.94
T2~-163 86 Metallic inlays
Meta (Colombia) T2-861 94 dentistry 617.675
Metabolic diseases 571.944 Metallic salt processes
humans 362.196 39 photography 772
incidence 614.5939 Metallic soaps 668.125
medicine 616.39 Metallic solids 530.413
social services 362.196 39 Metallic wood-boring beetles 595.763
see also Digestive system Metallizing 671.734
diseases ~~humans Metallography 669.95
Metabolism 572.4 Metallurgical furnaces 669.8
animals 572.41 Metallurgists 669.092
bone diseases Metallurgy 669
medicine 616.716 equipment manufacturing
see also Musculoskeletal technology 681.766 9
diseases ~- humans Metals 669
human physiology 612.39 applied nutrition 613.285 I
inborn errors architectural construction 721.044 7
medicine 616.390 42 architectural decoration 729.6
medicine 616.39 biochemistry 572.51
pharmacokinetics 615.739 humans 612.015 24
plants 572.42 building construction 693.7
see also Digestive system building materials 691.8
Metacarpals chemistry 546.3
human anatomy 611.717 decorative arts 739
Metadata dowsing 133.323 3
information science 025.3 economic geology 553.4
format 025.316 foundation materials 624.1536
Metaethics l70A2 handicrafts 745.56
Metagenesis 571.884 human toxicology 615.925 3
Metal engraving 765 materials science 620.16
Metal forming 671.3 metabolism 572.514
Metal furniture 645.4 human physiology 612.392 4
manufacturing technology 684.105 metallography 669.95
see also Furniture military resources 355.242
Metal intaglio engraving 765 mineralogy 549.23
Metal manufacturing equipment mining 622.34
manufacturing technology 681.767 1 organic chemistry 547.05
Metal-oxide-semiconductor aliphatic 547.45
memory 004.53 applied 661.895
engineering 621.397 32 prospecting 622.184
Metal products 671.8 sculpture material 731.2
Metal relief engraving 761.8 ship design 623.818 2
Metal spraying 671.734 shipbuilding 623.820 7
Metal-work 671 structural engineering 624.182
see also Metalworking textiles 677.53
Metalanguage 410.1 see also Textiles

Dewey Decimal Classification

Metals (continued) Methodist Church 287

toxicology 571.954 3 church government 262.07
see also Chemicals parishes 254.07
Metalworkers 669.092 church law 262.987
metallurgy 669.092 doctrines 230.7
metalworking 671.092 catechisms and creeds 238.7
Metalworking 671 guides to Christian life 248.487
home workshops 684.09 missions 266.7
production economics 338.476 71 moral theology 241.047
ship hulls 623.843 public worship 264.07
technology 671 religious associations 267.187
Metamathematics 510.1 religious education 268.87
Metamorphic rocks 552.4 seminaries 230.073 7
Metamorphosis (Biology) 571.876 theology 230.7
Metaphor 808.032 Methodist Church (U.S.) 287.631
literature 808.801 5 see also Methodist Church
history and criticism 809.915 Methodist Church of Great
Metaphysics 110 Britain 287.536
Metaponto (Italy) T2-457 72 Methodist Episcopal Church 287.632
ancient T2-377 73 see also Methodist Church
Metatarsals Methodist Episcopal Church,
human anatomy 611.718 South 287.633
Metatheria 599.2 see also Methodist Church
paleozoology 569.2 Methodist New Connexion 287.53
Metcalfe, Charles Theophilus see also Methodist Church
Metcalfe, Baron Methodist Protestant Church 287.7
Indian history 954.031 4 see also Methodist Church
Metcalfe County (Ky.) T2-769 693 Methodist sacred music 781.717
Metchosin (B.C.) T2-711 28 public worship 782.322 7
Meteor showers 523.53 music 782.322 7
Meteorite craters 551.397 religion 264.070 2
Meteorites 523.51 Methodists
mineralogy 549.112 biography 287.092
petrology 549.112 Methodology (Principles) Tl-01
Meteoroids 523.51 Metric differential geometries 516.3 7
T2-993 Metric geometry 516 .I
effect on space flight 629.416 Euclidean 516.2
Meteorologists 551.509 2 Metric spaces 514.325
Meteorology 551.5 Metric system 530.812
Tl-015 515 law 343.075
aeronautics 629.132 4 social aspects 389.15
agriculture 630.251 5 Metric topology 514.3
law 344.095 5 Metrical romances 808.813 3
see Manual at 551.5 vs. 551.6 history and criticism 809.133
Meteors 523.51 specific literatures T3B-l 03 3
Meter (Music) 781.226 individual authors T3A-l
Meter (Prosody) 808.1 Metrication 389.16
Methamphetamine abuse 362.299 5 Metro Vancouver (B.C.) T2-711 33
Methane Metrology
biogas technology 665.776 commerce 389.1
Methane producing bacteria 579.321 Metronomes
Methanogenic bacteria 579.321 technology 681.118
Metropolitan-area networks 004.67

Relative Index

Metropolitan areas 307.764 Miami language (Algie) 497.315

area planning 711.43 T6-973 15
government 320.85 Miami River (Ohio) T2-771 7
public administration 352.167 Miao T5-959 72
Metropolitana (Chile) T2-833 I Miao language 495.972
Metz (France) T2---443 853 T6-959 72
Meurthe-et-Moselle Miao literature 895.972
(France) T2---443 82 Miao-Yao languages 495.97
Meuse (France) T2---443 81 T6~959 7
Meuse River T2--492 4 MIAs 355.113
Belgium T2---493 46 see also Missing in action
Netherlands T2---492 4 Mica 553.674
Mevleviyeh 297.482 economic geology 553.674
Mexican-American Border mineralogy 549.67
Region T2-721 mining 622.367 4
Mexican Americans T5-687 207 3 synthetic 666.86
Mexican Hairless 636.76 technology 666.72
Mexican literature 860 Micah (Biblical book) 224.93
Mexican Revolution, l 910-1917 972.081 6 Mice (Computers) 004.76
Mexican War, 1845-1848 973.62 engineering 621.398 6
Mexicans T5--687 2 Mice (Muridae) 599.35
Mexico 972 see also Rodents
T2-72 Mice (Mus) 599.353
Mexico (Mexico) T2-725 2 agricultural pests 632.693 53
Mexico, Gulf of 551.46 [ 364 animal husbandry 636.935 3
T2-163 64 experimental animals
Mexico, Valley of (Mexico) T2-725 medicine 616.027 333
Mexico City (Mexico) T2-725 3 household sanitation 648.7
Mezereum 583.67 Michael, Czar of Russia
Mezuzot 296.461 Russian history 947.047
Mezzo-soprano voices 782.67 Michael the Brave (Wallachia)
children's 782.77 Romanian history 949.801 5
choral and mixed voices 782.77 Michelias 635.977 322
single voices 783.77 botany 583.22
general works 782.67 ornamental arboriculture 635.977 322
choral and mixed voices 782.67 Michif language 497.323
single voices 783.67 T6--973 23
women's 782.67 Michigan 977.4
choral and mixed voices 782.67 T2-774
single voices 783.67 Michigan, Lake T2-774
Mezzotinting 766.2 Michoacan (Mexico : State) T2-723 7
Mfecane 968.041 Michoacan de Ocampo
Mgeni River (South Africa) T2 684 7 (Mexico) T2-723 7
Mhala (South Africa : Micmac Indians T5-973 43
District) T2-682 59 Micmac language 497.343
Mhlabatini (South Africa : T6-973 43
District) T2-684 3 MICR (Computer science) 006.4
Miami (Fla.) T2-759 381 engineering 621.399 4
Miami Beach (Fla.) T2-759 381 Microanalysis (Chemistry) 543.22
Miami County (Ind.) T2-772 84 Microascales 579.565
Miami County (Kan.) T2-781 68 Microassembly languages 005.18
Miami County (Ohio) T2-771 48 Microbes 579
Miami Indians T5-973 15 see also Microorganisms

Dewey Decimal Classification

Microbial diseases 571.98 Micronesia (Federated

see also Communicable States) T2-966
diseases Micronesian languages 499.52
Microbiologists 579.092 T6-995 2
Microbiology 579 Micronesians T5-995 2
applied 660.62 Mieronutrients 572.515
medicine 616.904 1 see also Trace elements
see Manual at 579.165 Microorganisms 579
vs. 616.9041; also at air pollution control 628.536
616.1-.9 cell biology 571.629
Microbiotheriidae 599.27 see Manual at 571.629 vs.
Microcephaly 571.29
medicine 616.858 844 cell culture 571.638 29
Microchemical analysis 543.22 food technology 664.024
Microchemistry 543.22 medical microbiology 616.904 1
Microchiroptera 599.4 paleontology 561.9
paleozoology 569.4 physiology 571.29
Microcircuits 621.381 5 see Manual at 571.629 vs.
Microclimatology 551.66 571.29
ecology 577.22 resource economics 333.953
Microcode 005.18 Micropaleontology 560.47
Microcomputer workstations 004.16 Micropedology 631.433
see also Personal computers Microphones 621.382 84
Microcomputers 004.16 radio engineering 621.384 133
see also Personal computers Microphotography
see Jfanual at 004.11-.16 technology 686.43
Microcoryphia 595.723 Microprocessors 004.16
Microeconomics 338.5 see also Personal computers
Microelectronic circuits 621.381 5 Microprogramming 005.18
Microelectronics 621.381 Tl---028 551 8
social effects 303.483 4 Microprograms 005.18
Microfiche 302.23 Tl---0285518
see also Microforms Micropterus 597.738 8
Microfilaments 571.654 Microreproductions 302.23
Microfilms 302.23 bibliographies 011.36
bibliographies 011.36 see also Microforms
see also Microforms Microscopes 502.82
Microform catalogs 025.313 biology 570.282
Microforms 302.23 manufacturing technology 681.413
bibliographies 011.36 Microscopic analysis
cataloging 025.349 4 chemistry 543.22
library treatment 025.179 4 Microscopic metallography 669.950 282
production Microscopic objects
office records 651.58 photography 778.31
technology 686.43 Microscopic petrology 552.8
publishing 070.579 5 Microscopy 502.82
Microfossils 560.47 biology 570.282
Microhylidae 597.89 medical diagnosis 616.075 8
Microlithography natural sciences 502.82
electronics 621.381 531 Microsporangia 575.65
Micrometeorology 551.66 Microsporida 579.48
ecology 577.22 Microstructure
Micronesia T2-965 materials science 620.112 99
Microsurgery 617.05

Relative Index

Microtechnique 502.82 Middle-aged people (continued)

biology 570.282 7 200.844
Microtomy 502.82 Christianity 270.084 4
biology 570.282 7 social aspects 305.244
Microtonality 781.269 Middle-aged women 305.244 2
Microtubules 571.654 Middle-aged workers 331.394
Microtus 599.354 Middle Ages 909.07
Microwave aids Tl-090 2
marine navigation 623.893 3 see also Medieval period
Microwave cooking 641.588 2 Middle America 972
Microwave dinners T2-72
home serving 642.1 Middle American native 497
Microwave electronics T6-97
engineering 621.381 3 Middle American native
physics 537.534 4 literatures 897
Microwave spectroscopes Middle American native
manufacturing technology 681.414 8 peoples T5~970 72
Microwave spectroscopy 543.6 Middle Atlantic States 974
analytical chemistry 543.6 T2-74
engineering 621.361 Middle class 305.55
physics 537.534 4 Tl-086 22
Microwaves 537.534 4 customs 390.1
biophysics 571.453 dress 391.01
humans 612.014 481 social welfare 362.892
Micrurus 597.964 4 Middle 967.240 3
Mid Bedfordshire (England) T2-425 63 T2-672 4
Mid Devon (England) T2-423 54 Middle-distance races 796.423
Mid Glamorgan (Wales) T2-429 7 Middle ear diseases
Mid Suffolk (England) T2-426 45 medicine 617.84
Mid Sussex (England) T2-422 65 see also Ear diseases--
Mid Wales T2-429 5 humans
Mid-Western State (Nigeria) T2-669 3 Middle ears
Midair collisions 363.124 92 human anatomy 611.85
see also Air safety human physiology 612.854
Midbrain medicine 617.84
human anatomy 611.81 Middle East 956
human physiology 612.826 4 T2-56
medicine 616.8 ancient 939.4
Middelburg (Eastern Cape, T2·-394
South Africa : District) T2-687 54 Middle East theater (World War
Middelburg (Mpumalanga, II) 940.542 4
South Africa : District) T2-682 76 Middle Eastern people T5-94
Middle age 305.244 Middle T2-622
Middle-aged men 305.244 l Middle 427.02
Middle-aged people 305.244 T6-219
Tl-0844 Middle Franconia
civil rights 323.353 (Germany) T2-433 2
guides to Christian life 248.84 Middle French language 447.02
guides to religious life T6-4l
Judaism 296.708 44 Middle games (Chess) 794.123
health 613.043 4 Middle High German language 437.02
labor economics 331.394 T6-31
psychology 155.66 Middle-income classes 305.55
relations with goverrunent 323.353 Tl-086 22

Dewey Decimal Class(fication

Middle Indic languages 491.3 Midlands A von River

T6-913 (England) T2--4244
Middle Indic literatures 891.3 Midlands Province
Middle Indo-Aryan languages 491.3 (Zimbabwe) T2-6891
T6~913 Midlothian (Scotland) T2--413 5
Middle Iranian languages 491.53 Midrange computers 004.14
T6~915 3 architecture 004.254
Middle Iranian literatures 891.53 communications 004.614
Middle Italian language 457.02 programming 005.712 4
T6~51 programs 005.713 4
Middle kingdom (Egypt) 932.013 engineering 621.391 4
Middle latitude zones T2--l2 graphics programming 006.674
Middle management 658.43 graphics programs 006.684
public administration 352.284 interfacing 004.614
Middle Norwegian language 439.827 02 programming 005.712 4
Middle Paleolithic 930.126 programs 005.713 4
Middle Persian language 491.53 multimedia-systems
T6-915 3 programming 006.774
Middle Persian literature 891.53 multimedia-systems programs 006.784
Middle Portuguese language 469.702 operating systems 005.444
T6----69 performance evaluation 004.140 29
Middle Russian language 491.770 2 for design and improvement 004.254
T6~917 1 programming 005.24
Middle schools 373.236 specific computers 005.245
see also Secondary education programs 005.34
Middle Spanish language 467.02 systems analysis 004.254
T6-61 systems design 004.254
Middle Stone Age 930.13 see Manual at 004.11-.16
Middle voice 783.4 Midrash 296.14
Middle Volga languages 494.56 Midway, Battle of, 1942 940.542 669 9
T6~945 6 Midway Islands T2-969 9
Middle Volga literatures 894.56 Midwest T2-77
Middle West T2-77 Midwife toads 597.86
Middledrift (South Africa : Midwifery
District) T2----687 55 law 344.041 5
Middlesbrough (England) T2--428 53 medicine 618.2
Middlesex (England) T2--421 8 Midwives
Middlesex (Ont.) T2~713 25 law 344.041 5
Middlesex County (Conn.) T2-746 6 role and function 618.202 33
Middlesex County (Mass.) T2-744 4 Mie-ken (Japan) T2-52181
Middlesex County (N.J.) T2-74941 Mifepristone
Middlesex County (Va.) T2-755 33 medicine 618.29
Middleware 005.3 pharmacokinetics 615.766
distributed systems 005.376 Mifflin County (Pa.) T2-74846
Middot 296.123 5 Mignonettes 635.933 64
Midges 595.772 botany 583.64
agricultural pests 632.772 floriculture 635.933 64
Midget car racing 796.76 Migraine
MIDI (Musical instrument digital medicine 616.849 12
interface) 784.190285 46 see also Nervous system
Midi-Pyrenees (France) T2-447 3 diseases - humans
Midland County (Mich.) T2~774 48 Migrant agricultural workers
Midland County (Tex.) T2-764 861 economics 331.544
Midlands (England) T2-424 social class 305.563

I[ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tl-~~~·;:4

M:~:ry assistance ~~;:~!i 2

i·. Migrant w.orkers
: economtcs 331.544 Military attaches 355.032
·· social class 305.562 Military bands 784.84
social welfare 362.85 Military bases 355.7
Migration 304.8 law 343.015 7
political science 325 Military buildings
Migration (Animals) 591.568 architecture 725.18
Migratory animals 591.568 Military camps 355.7
Migratory birds 598.156 8 Military capability 355.033 2
Mihai II, Viteazul, Voivode of Military commemorations 355.16
Wallachia Algerian Revolution 965.046 6
Romanian history 949.801 5 American Revolution 973.36
Mikasuki Indians T5-973 8 Chaco War 989.207 166
Mikasuki language 497.38 Civil War (England) 942.062 6
T6-973 8 Civil War (Spain) 946.081 6
Mikkeli (Finland) T2-489 75 Civil War (United States) 973.76
Mikkelin Hiiini (Finland) T2-489 75 Crimean War 947.o73 86
Mikva'ot (Tractate) 296.123 6 Falkland Islands War 997.110 246
Mikveh 296.75 Franco-German War 943.082 6
Mila (Algeria: Province) T2---655 Hundred Years' War 944.025 6
Milam County (Tex.) T2-764 288 Indo-Pakistan War, 1971 954.920 516
Milan (Italy) T2-452 11 Indochinese War 959.704 16
ancient T2-372 271 Iraq War, 2003~ 956.704 436
Milan (Italy . Province) T2-452 1 Iraqi-Iranian Conflict 955.054 26
ancient T2-372 27 Korean War 951.904 26
Milano (Italy) TI-452 11 Mexican War 973.626
ancient T2-372 271 Napoleonic Wars 940.276
Milano (Italy: Province) T2-452 1 Persian Gu1fWar, 1991 956.704 426
ancient T2-372 27 South African War 968.048 6
Mildew 579.53 Spanish-American War 973.896
agricultural disease 632.43 Thirty Years' War 940.246
materials science 620.11223 VietnameseWar 959.704 36
Mildura (Vic.) T2-945 9 War of 1812 973.526
Miletus T2-392 3 War of the Pacific 983.061 66
Milieu therapy World War I 940.46
psychiatry 616.891 44 World War II 940.546
Militarism 355.021 3 Military consultants 355.687 3
ethics 172.42 Military contracts 355.6212
see also War ethics Military cooking 641.57
social theology 201.727 3 Military courts 343.014 3
see also War social Military customs 355.1
theology Military dependents
sociology 303.66 living conditions 355.12
Military accounting 657.835 social services 355.34
Military administration 355.6 Military deserters 355.133 4
Military air transportation service 358.44 see also Deserters
Military aircraft 358.418 3 Military discipline 355.13
armed forces equipment 358.418 3 law 343.014
engineering 623.746 Military districts 355.31
Military alliances 355.031 Military engineering 623
armed forces 355.356 arts T3C-356
Military arts 355 Military engineers 623.092
Military equipment 355.8

Dewey Decimal Classification

Military geography 355.47 Military life (continued)

Military government 355.49 Franco-German War 943.082 8
Military history 355.009 Hundred Years' War 944.025 8
Algerian Revolution 965.046 4 Indo-Pakistan War, 1971 954.920 518
American Revolution 973.33 Indochinese War 959.704 18
Chaco War 989.207 164 Iraq War, 2003- 956.704 438
Civil War (England) 942.062 4 Iraqi-Iranian Conflict 955.054 28
Civil War (Spain) 946.081 4 Korean War 951.904 28
Civil War (United States) 973.73 law 343.013
Crimean War 947.073 84 Mexican War 973.628
Falkland Islands War 997.110 244 Napoleonic Wars 940.278
Franco-German War 943.082 4 Persian Gulf War, 1991 956.704 428
Hundred Years' War 944.025 4 South African War 968.048 8
Indo-Pakistan War, 1971 954.920 514 Spanish-American War 973.898
Indochinese War 959.704 14 Thirty Years' War 940.248
Iraqi-Iranian Conflict 955.054 24 Vietnamese War 959.704 38
Korean War 951.904 24 War ofthe Pacific 983.061 68
Napoleonic Wars 940.274 World War I 940.483
Persian Gulf War, 1991 956.704 424 World War II 940.548 3
South African War 968.048 4 Military mail 355.693
Spanish-American War 973.893 Military maneuvers 355.4
Thirty Years' War 940.244 training 355.52
Vietnamese War 959.704 34 Military medals 355.134 2
War of 1812 973.523 numismatics 737.223
War of the Pacific 983.061 64 Military medicine 616.980 23
World War I 940.4 Military missions 355.032
World War II 940.54 law 342.041 2
see Manual at 930-990 vs. Military models 355.48
355.009,355-359 handicrafts 745.592 82
Military housing 355.12 war games 355.48
American Revolution 973.3113 Military music 781.599
Military hygiene 355.345 songs 782.421 599
engineering 623.75 Military occupation 355.028
Military-industrial complex 355.021 3 law ofwar 341.66
economics 338.473 55 operations 355.49
military science 355.021 3 Military offenses (Law) 343.014 3
sociology 306.27 Military operations 355.4
Military intelligence 355.343 2 World War I 940.41
technology 623.71 World War II 940.541
see also Unconventional Military Order of Foreign Wars
warfare of the United States 369.11
Military law 343.01 Military pacts 355.031
Military life 355.1 Military penology 365.48
Algerian Revolution 965.046 8 law 343.014 6
American Revolution 973.38 Military pensions 331.252 913 55
Chaco War 989.207 168 law 343.011 2
Civil War (England) 942.062 8 Military personnel 355.009 2
Civil War (Spain) 946.081 8 law 343.01
Civil War (United States) 973.783 civil rights 342.085
Confederate States of law of war 341.67
America 973.784 role and function 355.33
United States 973.783 Military personnel missing in
Crimean War 947,073 88 action 355.113
Falkland Islands War 997.110 248 see also Missing in action

Relative Index

Military police 355.133 23 Military transportation 358.25

Military policy 355.033 5 air forces 358.44
Military prisons 365.48 engineering 623.6
law 344.035 48 land forces 358.25
penology 365.48 naval forces 359.985
see also Penal institutions Military transports (Ships) 359.985 83
Military procurement 355.621 2 see also Transports (Ships)
Military records management 355.688 7 Military units 355.31
Military relations 355.031 American Revolution 973.34
Military religious orders 255.791 Civil War (United States) 973.74
church history 271.791 Confederate States of America 973.742
Military resources 355.2 France
law 343.013 American Revolution 973.347
Military schools (Higher Great Britain
education) 378.4 .9 American Revolution 973.341
see ,Manual at 378.4-.9 vs. War of 1812 973.524 1
355.00711 Poland
Military schools (Secondary American Revolution 973.346
education) 373.243 Spain
see also Secondary education American Revolution 973.346
Military schools (Service Spanish-American War 973.894
academies) 355.007 11 states of United States
see Manual at 378.4-.9 vs. Civil War (United States) 973.744-.749
355.00711 Sweden
Military science 355 American Revolution 973.346
arts 700.458 1 United States
T3C-358 1 American Revolution 973.344-.345
literature 808.803 581 Civil War (United States) 973.741
history and criticism 809.933 581 War of 1812 973.5244-.524 7
Military sealift commands 359.985 War of 1812 973.524
Military service (Conditions of World War I 940.412-.413
work) 355.1 World War II 940.541 2-.541 3
Military service (Manpower see Manual at 930-990
procurement) 355.223 Militia 355.37
ethics 172.42 Milk 641.371
see also War- ethics animal husbandry 636.088 42
law 343.012 cow's milk 636.214 2
Military services 355 see Manual at 636.1-.8 vs.
see also Armed services 636.088
Military situation 355.03 cooking 641.671
Military societies 369.2 food 641.371
biography 369.209 2 physiology 573.679
United States 369.1 processing 637.1
Military sociology 306.27 Milk-free diet
Military songs 782.421 599 health 613.26
Military supplies 355.8 Milk River (Mont. and
Military supply ships 359.985 83 Alta.) T2-786 1
design 623.812 65 Milk substitutes
engineering 623.826 5 commercial processing 663.64
naval equipment 359.985 83 Milkfish 641.392
naval units 359.985 3 cooking 641.692
Military surgery 617.99 culture 639.375
Military training 355.5 food 641.392
zoology 597.5

Dewey Decimal Classification

Milking 637.124 Mimosas 583.748

Milkweeds 583.93 ornamental arboriculture 635.977 374 8
Milkworts 583.82 Mina (African people) T5-963 37
Milky Way 523.113 Minangkabau T5-992 244
Mill, John Stuart Minangkabau language 499.224 4
economic school 330.153 T6- 992 244
Millard County (Utah) T2-79245 Minangkabau literature 899.224 4
Mille Lacs County (Minn.) T2-77668 Minarets 297.351
Milled soaps 668.124 architecture 726.2
Millennium Minas Gerais (Brazil) T2-815 1
Christianity 236.9 Mind 128.2
Milleporina 593.55 philosophy 128.2
Miller County (Ark) T2-767 56 psychology 150
Miller County (Ga.) T2-758 964 Mind reading 133.82
Miller County (Mo.) T2-778 56 Mindanao Island
Millets 641.331 71 (Philippines) T2-599 7
botany 584.92 Mindoro (Philippines) T2-599 3
commercial processing 664.72 Mindoro Occidental
cooking 641.631 71 (Philippines) T2-599 3
food 641.331 71 Mindoro Oriental
food crop 633.171 (Philippines) T2-599 3
forage crop 633.257 1 Mine clearing 355.4
Milliammeters 621.374 4 civilian operations 363.349 88
Milliners 646.504 092 military engineering 623.26
Millinery 646.504 operations 355.4
commercial technology 687.42 Mine drainage 622.5
home construction 646.504 water pollution engineering 628.168 32
Milling grains 664.72 Mine health 363.119 622
Milling metals 671.35 social services 363.119 622
Milling plants technology 622.8
ore dressing 622.79 Mine laying (Military) 623.26
Milling tools 621.91 Mine railroads 622.66
Millipedes 595.66 Mine roof control 622.28
Millmerran (Qld.) T2-943 3 Mine safety 363.119 622
Mills social services 363.119 622
architecture 725.4 technology 622.8
construction 690.54 see also Safety
Mills County (Iowa) T2-777 74 Mine shafts 622.25
Mills County (Tex.) T2-764 512 Mine surveys 622.14
Milne Bay Province (Papua Mine timbering 622.28
New Guinea) T2-9541 Mined lands 333.765
Milos economics 333.765
botany 584.92 reclamation technology 631.64
Milton Keynes (England) T2-425 91 Minelayers 359.836 2
Milwaukee (Wis.) T2-775 95 design 623.812 62
Milwaukee County (Wis.) T2-775 94 engineering 623.826 2
Mimamsa (Philosophy) 181.42 naval equipment 359.836 2
Mime 792.3 naval units 359.326 2
Mimicry (Biology) 578.47 Miner County (S.D.) T2-783 34
animals 591.473 Mineral commodities 338.27
plants 581.47 investment economics 332.644 2
Mimidae 598.844 Mineral County (Colo.) T2-788 38
Mimosa 583.748 Mineral County (Mont.) T2-786 84
Mimosaceae 583.748 Mineral County (Nev.) T2-793 51

Relative Index

Mineral County (W.Va.) T2 .... 754 94 Minerals (continued)

Mineral drugs folklore 398.26
pharmacology 615.2 history and criticism 398.365
Mineral fertilizers 631.8 legendary 398.465
economic geology 553.64 real 398.365
see also Fertilizers metabolism 572.514
Mineral industries 338.2 human physiology 612.392
enterprises 338.762 2 mineralogy 549
law 343.077 synthetic 666.86
products 338.27 Miners 622.092
commerce 381.42 labor economics 331.7622
public administration 354.39 public administration 354.942 2
Mineral oils Mines (Excavations) 622.2
processing 665.4 environment technology 622.4
Mineral pigments 553.662 psychological influence 155.964
Mineral resources public administration 354.39
land economics 333.85 Mines (Weapons) 355.825 115
law 346.046 85 engineering 623.451 15
military science 355.242 laying and clearing 623.26
public administration 354.39 military equipment 355.825 115
Mineral rights Minesweepers 359.836 2
law 346.043 design 623.812 62
private ownership 346.043 engineering 623.826 2
public control 346.046 85 naval equipment 359.836 2
public revenue 336.12 naval units 359.326 2
sale and rental 333.339 Ming dynasty 951.026
Mineral springs Minganie (Quebec) T2-714 178
health resorts 613.122 Mingo County (W.Va.) T2-75448
therapeutics 615.853 Minho (Portugal) T2--469 12
Mineral surveys Minho (Portugal: Region) T2-469 12
prospecting 622.13 Mini-series
Mineral waters 553.73 television programs 791.45
commercial processing 663.61 see Manual at 791.43 vs.
economic geology 553.73 791.45
health 613.287 video recordings 791.45
therapeutics 615.853 see A1anual at 791.43 vs.
Mineral waxes 791.45
processing 665.4 Miniature aircraft 629.133 1
Mineralized beverages 641.26 military engineering 623.746 022 8
commercial processing 663.62 Miniature automobiles 629.221 2
Mineralogists 549.092 Miniature books 099
Mineralogy 549 Miniature cameras 771.32
see Manual at 549 vs. 546; also Miniature dachshund 636.76
at 549 vs. 548 Miniature golf 796.352 2
Minerals 553 Miniature paintings 751.77
applied nutrition 613.285 Miniature pinscher 636.76
animal husbandry 636.085 27 Miniature portraits
biochemistry 572.51 painting 757.7
humans 612.015 24 Miniature railroads 625.19
economic geology 553 Miniature schnauzer 636.755
economics 338.2 Miniature scores 780
resources 333.85 treatises 780.265
Miniature trains 625.19
Miniature trees 635.977 2

Dewey Decimal Classification

Miniatures 688.1 Minke whale 599.524

Tl-022 8 Minkowski geometry 516.374
handicrafts 745.592 8 Minks 599.766 27
see Manual at 745.5928 animal husbandry 636.976 627
manufacturing technology 688.1 conservation technology 639.979 766 27
Miniaturization resource economics 333.959 766 27
electronics 621.381 52 trapping 639.117 662 7
Minibikes 388.347 5 zoology 599.766 27
engineering 629.227 5 Minna (Nigeria) T2-66965
see also Motorcycles Minneapolis (Minn.) T2-776 579
Minicomputers 004.14 Minneapolis Metropolitan
see also Midrange computers Area (Minn.) T2-776 579
see Manual at 004.11-.16 Minnedosa (Man.) T2-712 73
Minidoka County {Idaho) T2-796 33 Minnehaha County (S.D.) T2-783 371
Minima Minnesang (Poetry) 808.814
combinatorics 511.66 history and criticism 809.14
Minimal brain dysfunction specific literatures T3B-104
medicine 616.858 9 individual authors T3A-1
pediatrics 618.928 589 Minnesota 977.6
Minimal curves 516.362 T2-776
Minimal surfaces 516.362 Minnesota River (S.D. and
Minimalism (Art style) 709.040 58 Minn.) T2-776 3
Minims (Religious order) 255.49 Minnows 597.482
church history 271.49 Minoan architecture 722.61
Minimum-security prisons 365.33 Minoan Linear A 492.6
see also Penal institutions T6 926
Minimum tillage 631.581 see Manual at T6-926
Minimum wage 331.23 Minoan Linear B 487.1
Mining 622 T6-87
engineering 622 Minoans 939.18
enterprises 338.762 2 Minor arts 745
accounting 657.862 Minor Clerks Regular 255.56
labor economics 331.762 2 church history 271.56
law 343.077 Minor Prophets (Bible) 224.9
production economics 338.2 Minor surgery 617.024
public administration 354.39 obstetrics 618.85
Mining bureaus 354.39 Minor tractates (Talmud) 296.123 7
Mining engineers 622.092 Minorca (Spain) T2---467 52
Mining equipment Minorities 305
manufacturing technology 681.76 Tl-08
Mining law 343.077 bibliographies of works by 011.8
Mining towns 307.766 civil rights 323.1
Ministates 321.06 education 371.82
Ministerial authority 262.8 government programs 353.53
Ministers (Christian clergy) 270.092 legal status 346.013
ecclesiology 262.14 libraries for 027.63
see also Clergy Christian relations with government 323.1
Ministers of justice social welfare 362
advisory opinions 348.05 public administration 353.53
public administration 353.422 93 see A1anual at Tl--{)8 and
Ministers of state 352.293 306.2-.6
Ministries of state 351 Minorities (Ethnic and national) 305.8
Minivans Tl-089
engineering 629.222 psychology 155.8

Relative Index

Minorities (Ethnic and national) (continued) Miramichi River (N.B.) T2-715 21

social welfare 362.84 Miranda (Venezuela: State) T2-873 5
see also Ethnic groups Mirliton 783.99
Minority enterprises 338.642 2 Mirounga 599.794
economics 338.642 2 Mirrors
financial management 658.159 208 automobile 629.276
management 658.022 08 decorative arts 748.8
Minority groups (Ethnic and 305.8 furniture 645.4
national) Tl-089 decorative arts 749.3
psychology I 55.8 see also Furniture
social welfare 362.84 manufacturing technology 681.428
Minors 305.23 Misamis Occidental
see alm Young people (Philippines) T2- 599 7
Minquiers (Channel Islands) T2-423 48 Misarnis Oriental
Minsk (Belarus : Oblast) T2-478 6 (Philippines) T2-599 7
Minska!a voblasts' Misappropriation of funds 364.132 3
(Belarus) T2-478 6 law 345.023 23
Minstrel shows 791.12 public administration 353.46
Mint (Herb) 641.338 2 Miscarriage
botany 583.96 obstetrics 618.392
see also Flavorings Miscegenation 306.846
Minting policies 332.46 Miscellaneous facts
Minto, Gilbert Elliot, Earl of books 030
Indian history 954.031 3 Misconduct by employees
Minto, Gilbert John Murray labor economics 331.259 8
Kynynmond Elliot, Earl of personnel management 658.314
Indian history 954.035 6 Misconduct in office 364.132
Minuets 793.3 law 345.023 2
music 784.188 35 public administration 353.46
Minufiyah (Egypt) T2-621 Mishnah 296.123
Minutes Mishnaic period 956.940 2
office records 651.77 Mishneh Torah 296.181 2
Minya (Egypt : Province) T2---622 Misinformation campaigns
Miocene epoch 551.787 international politics 327.14
geology 551.787 Misiones (Argentina) T2 822 3
paleontology 560.178 7 Misiones (Paraguay) T2-892 125
Mirabel (Quebec) T2-714 254 Mfskito Indians T5~978 82
Miracle plays Miskito 497.882
literature 808.825 16 T6-978 82
history and criticism 809.251 6 Miso
specific literatures T3B-205 16 commercial processing 664.58
individual authors T3A-2 Missals 264.36
stage presentation 792.16 Anglican 264.030 36
Miracles 202.117 texts 264.03
Christianity 231.73 Roman Catholic 264.020 36
of Jesus Christ 232.955 texts 264.023
Gospels 226.7 Missaukee County (Mich.) T2-774 66
of Mary 232.917 Missile forces 358.17
spiritual gift 234.13 Missile-hurling weapons
Judaism 296.311 6 art metalwork 739.73
philosophy of religion 212 Missiles 358.171 82
Mirages 551.565 military engineering 623.451
Mi'raj 297.633 military equipment 358.171 82
Missing children 362.829 7

Dewey Decimal Classification

Missing in action 355.113 Mississippi River T2-77

Algerian Revolution 965.046 8 Arkansas T2-767 8
American Revolution 973.38 Tennessee T2-7681
Chaco War 989.207 168 Mississippi River Delta
Civil War (England) 942.062 8 (La.) T2-763 3
Civil War (Spain) 946.081 8 Mississippian period 551.751
Civil War (United States) 973.78 geology 551.751
Crimean War 947.D73 88 paleontology 560.175 1
Falkland Islands War 997.110 248 Missoula County (Mont.) T2-786 85
Franco-German War 943.082 8 Missouri 977.8
Hundred Years' War 944.025 8 T2·-778
Indo-Pakistan War, 1971 954.920 518 Missouri Compromise, 1820 973.54
Indochinese War 959.704 18 Civil War (United States) cause 973.711 3
Iraq War, 2003- 956.704 438 Missouri River T2-78
Iraqi-Iranian Conflict 955.054 28 Missouri T2-778
Korean War 951.904 28 Montana T2-786
Mexican War 973.628 Nebraska T2-782 2
Napoleonic Wars 940.278 North Dakota T2-784 7
Persian Gulf War, 1991 956.704 428 South Dakota T2-783 3
South African War 968.048 8 Missouri Valley Sim1an
Spanish-American War 973.898 languages 497.527
Thirty Years' War 940.248 T6-97527
Vietnamese War 959.704 38 Mist 541.345 15
War of the Pacific 983.061 68 colloid chemistry 541.345 15
World War 1 940.48 applied 660.294 515
World War II 940.548 meteorology 551.575
Missing persons Mistletoes 583.88
police searches 363.233 6 Mistresses (Extramarital
Mission (B.C.) T2-71137 relationships) 306.736
Mission buildings Misty Fjords National
architecture 726.9 Monument (Alaska) T2--798 2
Mission control Misumalpan languages 497.88
manned space flight 629.453 T6-978 8
unmanned space flight 629.433 Mitanni (Ancient kingdom) 935.402
Mission schools 371.07 T2-354
Missionaries 207.209 2 Mitchell (Qld.) T2-9434
Christian 266.009 2 Mitchell County (Ga.) T2-758 973
occupational ethics 241.641 Mitchell County (Iowa) T2-777 234
see Manual at 230-280 Mitchell County (Kan.) T2-78123
occupational ethics 174.1 Mitchell County (N.C.) T2-756 865
religion 205.641 Mitchell County T2-764 729
Missionaries of Charity 255.97 Mitchell's Plain (South
church history 271.97 Africa: District) T2-687 35
Missionary stories Mite infestations
Christianity 266 humans
Missions (Religion) 207.2 medicine 616.573
Christianity 266 see alw Skin diseases -
Islam 297.74 humans
Mississippi 976.2 Mites 595.42
T2-762 agricultural pests 632.654 2
Mississippi County (Ark.) T2-767 95 disease carriers
Mississippi County (Mo.) T2-778 983 medicine 614.433
Mithraism 299.15
Mitis (Quebec) T2-714 773

Relative Index

Mitochondria 571.657 Mixtec Indians TS-976 3

Mitochondrial DNA 572.869 Mixtec language 497.63
Mitosis 571.844 T6-976 3
Mitral valve diseases Mixtecan languages 497.63
medicine 616.125 T6-976 3
see also Cardiovascular Miyagi-ken (Japan) T2-521 15
diseases- humans Miyazaki-ken (Japan) T2-522 7
Mitral valves Mizoram (India) T2-541 66
human anatomy 611.12 Mizzi, Yiisuf ibn al-Zaki 'Abd al-
human physiology 612.17 Ral)man
medicine 616.125 Hadith 297.125 62
Mittelfranken (Germany) T2--433 2 Mkapa, Benjamin W. (Benjamin
Mittelland (Switzerland) T2--494 5 William)
Mitten makers 685.409 2 Tanzanian history 967.804 3
Mittens 391.412 Mkobola (South Africa :
commercial technology 685.4 District) T2-682 75
customs 391.412 Mkuze Game Reserve
home economics 646.3 (South Africa) T2-684 3
home sewing 646.48 Mnemonics 153.14
see also Clothing Moab (Kingdom) 939.462
Mittimatalik (Nunavut) T2-719 52 T2-394 62
Mittlerer Oberrhein Moabite language 492.6
(Germany : Region) T2--434 643 T6-926
Mitzvot Moas 568.5
Jewish ethics 296.36 Moats
Jewish law 296.18 architecture 725.98
Miwok Indians TS-974 133 military engineering 623.31
Miwok language 497.413 3 Mobalanguage 496.35
T6-974 133 T6-963 5
Mixe Indians TS-974 3 Mobile computing 004
Mixe-Zoque languages 497.43 Mobile County (Ala.) T2-76122
T6-974 3 Mobile home parks 647.92
Mixed ability grouping in Mobile homes 643.29
education 371.252 architecture 728.79
Mixed-bloods (People) TS-05 automotive engineering 629.226
Mixed descent TS-05 construction 690.879
Mixed drinks 641.874 economics 333.338
commercial processing 663.1 home economics 643.29
Mixed economies 330.126 law 346.043
Mixed equations 515.38 property tax 336.23
Mixed languages 417.22 travel 910
specific languages T4-7 see also Dwellings
Mixed-level classrooms 371.25 see Manual at 643.29, 690.879,
Mixed marriage 306.84 728.79 vs. 629.226
Mixed-media arts Mobile libraries
techniques 702.81 public library use 027.42
two-dimensional 740 Mobile radio stations 621.384 5
Mixed voices 782.5 Mobile River (Ala.) T2-76122
Mixes (Pastry) 664.753 Mobile robots 629.893 2
Mixing Mobile tactics 355.422
chemical engineering 660.284 292 Mobiles 731.55
oceanography 551.462 Mobility-impaired children 305.908 308 3
Mixing paints home care 649.151 6
buildings 698.102 83

Dewey Decimal Classification

Mobility-impaired people 305.908 3 Model theory 511.34

Tl-087 3 Model trains 625.19
education 371.916 recreation 790.133
social group 305.908 3 see Manual at 796.15 vs.
social welfare 362.43 629.0460228
Mobilization 355.28 Model vehicles 629.046 022 8
World War I 940.402 recreation 796.15
World War II 940.540 2 see Manual at 796.15 vs.
Mobs (Organized crime) 364.106 629.0460228
Mobs (Temporary groups) 302.33 Modeling
Mobutu Sese Seko plastic arts 730.28
Congolese history 967.510 33 pottery 666.442
Mock oranges 583.72 arts 738.142
Mockingbirds 598.844 technology 666.442
Modal logic 511.314 primary education 372.53
mathematical logic 511.314 sculpture 731.42
philosophica1logic 160.119 84 use in child care 649.51
Modality Modeling (Fashion design) 746.92
linguistics 415.6 Modeling (Simulation) 003
specific languages T4-56 Tl-011
philosophical logic 160 Models (Fashion) 746.920 92
Mode 519.533 Models (Molds)
Model aircraft 629.133 1 sculpture 731.43
military engineering 623.746 022 8 Models (Representations) 688.1
recreation 796.154 Tl-022 8
see Manual at 796.15 vs. arts 702.8
629.0460228 cataloging 025.349 6
Model airplanes 629.133 134 educational use Tl-078
military 623.746 022 8 handicrafts 745.592 8
recreation 796.154 see Manual at 745.5928
see Manual at 796.15 vs. library treatment 025.179 6
629.0460228 manufacturing technology 688.1
Model automobiles 629.221 2 Models (Simulations) 003
recreation 796.156 Tl-011
see Manual at 796.15 vs. management decision making 658.403 52
629.0460228 Modems 004.64
Model boats 623.820 I engineering 621.398 14
recreation 796.152 Modena (Italy) T2-45421
see Manual at 796.15 vs. ancient T2 372 621
629.0460228 Modena (Italy : Province) T2-4542
Model cars 629.221 2 ancient T2-37262
recreation 796.156 Moderators
see Manual at 796.15 vs. nuclear engineering 621.483 37
629.0460228 Modern algebra 512
Model land vehicles 629.221 Modern architecture 724
military 623.747 022 8 Modern art 709.04
recreation 796.156 religious 203.7
see Manual at 796.15 vs. Christianity 246.4
629.0460228 Modern dance 792.8
Model makers 688.109 2 Modern dance perfmmers 792.802 809 2
Model ships 623.820 1 Modern decoration 745.409 04
recreation 796.152 Modern differential geometry 516.362
see Manual at 796.15 vs. Modern geometry 516.04

Relative Index

Modem Greek language 489.3 Modular arithmetic 513.6

T6~89 Modular coordination
Modem Greek literature 889 architectural 729.23
Modern history 909.08 Modular design 729.2
TI-D90 3 Modular forms (Mathematics) 512.73
arts T3C~358 208 Modularfunctions 515.982
specific centuries 909.4-.8 Modular geometry 516.18
Modem Indic languages 491.4 Modular houses 643.2
T6~914 see also Dwellings
Modem Indic literatures 891.4 Modular programming 005.112
Modern Indo-Aryan languages 491.4 Modulation
T6--914 electronics 621.381 536
Modem jazz 781.655 Modulation circuits
Modem languages 410 radio engineering 621.384 12
Modern Latin peoples T5--4 Modulators
Modern literature 808.800 3 electronic circuits 621.381 536
history and criticism 809.03 Modules
Modem music 780.903 algebra 512.42
Modem paganism 299.94 electronics 621.381 52
Modem painting 759.06 Modulus of rigidity 531.381
Modem pentathlon 796 Moe (Vic.) T2-945 6
Modem philosophy 190 Mo'cd (Order) 296.123 2
eastern 181 Babylonian Talmud 296.125 2
western 190 Mishnah 296.123 2
Modern physics 539 Palestinian Talmud 296.124 2
Modern Prakrit languages 491.4 Mo'ed Katan 296.123 2
T6~914 Babylonian Talmud 296.125 2
Modern Prakrit literatures 891.4 Mishnah 296.123 2
Modem sculpture 735 Palestinian Talmud 296.124 2
Modern standard Arabic 492.7 Moesa (Switzerland) T2--494 735 2
Modern standard Arabic literature 892.7 Moesia 939.89
Modern world T2-4-9 T2-398 9
Modernism Moffat County (Colo.) T2~788 12
arts 700.411 2 Mogadishu (Kingdom) 967.730 1
T3C-112 T2~677 3
church history 273.9 Mogadishu (Somalia) T2---{i77 3
literature 808.801 12 Mogae, Festus Gontebanye
history and criticism 809.911 2 Botswana history 968.830 33
specific literatures T3B-080 112 Mogalakwena River (South
history and Africa) T2-682 53
criticism T3B-091 12 Mogilev (Belarus : Ob1ast) T2--478 2
Modernization Mogilevskala oblast'
executive management 658.406 (Belarus) T2--478 2
military administration 355.686 7 Mogul 954.025
public administration 352.367 T2- 54
production management 658.514 Mogul skiing 796.937
Modes (Music) 781.263 Mobarnmed, Prophet 297.63
Modesty 179.9 Mohammed VI, King of Morocco
moral theology 205.699 Moroccan history 964.053
see also Virtues Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, Shah
Modoc County (Calif.) T2-794 23 of Iran
Modoc Indians T5-974 122 Iranian history 955.053
Modoc language 497.412 2 Mohammedia (Morocco :
T6-974 122 Prefecture) T2-643 8

Dewey Decimal Classification

Mohave County (Ariz.) T2-791 59 Moldova 947.6

Mohave Desert (Calif.) T2-79495 T2 476
Mohave Indians T5--975 722 ancient 939.88
Mohave language 497.572 2 T2-398 8
T6-975 722 Mo1ds (Fungi) 579.53
Mohawk Indians T5-975 542 agricultural diseases 632.43
Mohawk language 497.554 2 Molds (Tools) 621.984
T6--975 542 Mole rats 599.35
Mohawk River (N.Y.) T2-747 6 Mole salamanders 597.858
Mohegan Indians T5-973 44 Mole Valley (England) T2 -422 165
Mohegan-Montauk-Narragansett Molecular biology 572.8
language 497.344 humans 61Ull816
T6-973 44 Molecular botany 572.82
Mohism (Chinese philosophy) 181.115 Molecular electronics 621.381
Moi, Daniel Arap Molecular evolution 572.838
Kenyan history 967.620 42 Molecular genetics 572.8
Moism (Chinese philosophy) 181.115 humans 611.01816
Moisture Molecular physics 539.6
meteorology 551.57 astronomy 523.019 6
soil physics 631.432 Molecular properties
Moistureproof construction materials science 620.112 99
buildings 693.893 Molecular spectra 539.6
Mojave Desert (Calif.) T2--794 95 Molecular spectroscopy 543.54
Mokerong (South Africa : Molecular structure 541.22
District) T2-682 53 biochemistry 572.33
Mokole languages 496.345 chemistry 541.22
T6--963 45 physics 539.12
Mokopane (South Africa : Molecular weights 541
District) T2-682 53 Molecules
Molasses 641.336 chemistry 541.22
commercial processing 664.118 physics 539.6
cooking with 641.636 Moles (Animals) 599.335
food 641.336 agricultural pests 632.693 35
Moldavia T2--498 1 Moles (Disorder)
Moldova T2--476 medicine 616.55
Romania T2--498 1 see also Skin diseases -
Moldavia (Principality) 949.801 4 humans
T2--498 1 Molinism 273.7
Moldavian language 459 persecution of 272.5
T6-591 Molise (Italy : Region) T2--457 19
Moldavians T5-591 ancient T2-377 33
Molded pulp 676.182 Mollicutes 579.328
Molded rubber 678.34 Mollies 597.667
Molding Mollusca 594
arts 730.28 see also Mollusks
ceramic arts 738.142 Molluscoidea 594.6
sculpture 731.43 paleozoology 564.6
Molding glass 666.125 Mollusks 594
Molding latex 678.527 conservation technology 639.974
Molding plastics 668.412 control technology 628.964
Molding rubber 678.27 cooking 641.694
Moldmaking culture 639.4
metal casting 671.23 fishing 639.4
fishing industry 338.372 4

Relative Index

Mollusks (continued) Monads

food 641.394 ontology Ill
commercial processing 664.94 Monagas (Venezuela:
paleozoology 564 State) T2-875 6
resource economics 333.955 4 Monaghan (Ireland :
zoology 594 County) T2--416 97
Molokai (Hawaii) T2-96924 Monarchist parties 324.213
Molopo (South Africa : international organizations 324.13
District) T2-682 47 Monarchs 352.23
Molteno (South Africa : customs 390.22
District) T2-687 55 dress 391.022
Molucca Sea 551.461 473 folklore 398.22
T2-164 73 history and criticism 398.352
Moluccas T2-598 5 objects of worship 202.13
Molybdates political science
mineralogy 549.74 absolute monarchy 321.6
Molybdenite constitutional monarchy 321.87
mineralogy 549.32 public administration 352.23
Molybdenum 669.734 Monashee Mountains (B.C.) T2-7ll 62
chemical 661.053 4 Monasteries 206.57
chemistry 546.534 architecture 726.7
economic geology 553.464 6 Buddhism 294.365 7
materials science 620.189 34 Christianity 255
metallography 669.957 34 church history 271
metallurgy 669.734 religious significance of
metalworking 673.734 buildings 246.97
mining 622.346 46 Monastic schools 371.07
organic chemistry 547.055 34 Monastic languages 419.1
applied 661.895 T6-999 8
physical metallurgy 669.967 34 Monasticism 206.57
see also Chemicals; Metals Buddhism 294.365 7
Momase region (Papua New 995.7 Christianity 255
Guinea) T2-957 church history 271
Mombasa (Kenya) T2-676 23 personal religion 248.894
Moment distribution method Monazite
structural analysis 624.171 5 mineralogy 549.72
Moments of inertia Monchengladbach
aeronautics 629.132 364 (Gennany) T2--435 535 3
Momentum 531.6 Moncton (N.B.) T2-715 235
Momentum transfer Monera 579.3
chemical engineering 660.284 292 Monetarism 330.1553
Momoh, Joseph Saidu Monetary law 343.032
Sierra Leonean history 966.404 3 Monetary policy 332.46
Momoyama period 952.024 economics 332.46
Man-Khmer languages 495.93 central banking 332.112
T6-959 3 intemational 332.456 6
Man-Khmer literatures 895.93 law 343.032 6
Man-Khmer peoples T5-959 3 macroeconomics 339.53
Mon language 495.93 Monetary reform
T6-959 3 intemational 332.456 6
Monachus 599.795 Monetary stabilization 332.415
Monaco 944.949 international banking 332.152
T2-44949 Monetary standards 332.42
Monetary theory 332.401

Dewey Decimal Classification

Money 332.4 Monitors (Computers)

arts 737.4 control programs 005.43
economics 332.4 firmware 005.18
law 343.032 video display screens 004.77
public administration 354.84 ·engineering 621.398 7
Money market funds 332.632 7 Monitors (Disciplinarians)
Money orders 332.76 student discipline 371.59
law 346.096 Monk seals 599.795
Money-saving cooking 641.552 Monkeys 599.8
Money-saving interior decorating 747.1 animal husbandry 636.98
Money supply 332.4 experimental animals
effect on value of money 332.414 medicine 616.027 38
Mong language 495.972 see also Primates
T6--959 72 Monkeys (New World) 599.85
Mong literature 895.972 Monkeys (Old World) 599.86
Mongkut, King of Siam Monklands (Scotland) T2-414 52
Thai history 959.303 4 Monks 206.57
Mongo (African people) T5---963 96 Buddhist 294.365 7
Mongo languages 496.396 Christian 255
T6-963 96 biography 271.009 2
Mongol dynasty 951.025 see Manual at 230-280
Mongol Empire 950.2 ecclesiology 262.24
T2-5 guides to Christian life 248.894 2
Mongolia 951.73 Monkshoods 583.34
T2-517 3 Monmouth (Wales:
Mongolia (Region) 951.7 District) T2-42998
T2-517 Monmouth County (N.J.) T2-749 46
Mongolian language 494.23 Monmouthshire (Wales) T2-4299
T6-942 3 Monmouthshire (Wales :
Mongolian languages 494.2 County) T2-429 98
T6-942 Mono County (Calif.) T2-794 48
Mongolian literature 894.23 Mono Indians T5-974 57
Mongolian literatures 894.2 Mono language 497.457
Mongolian People's Republic 951.73 T6-974 57
T2-517 3 Monochromatic photography 778.62
Mongolians T5-942 3 Monoclonal antibodies
Mongoloid race T5-95 human immunology 616.079 8
Mongols T5-942 Monocotyledons 584
Mongooses 599.742 forestry 634.974
Monifieth (Scotland) T2-412 6 paleobotany 561.4
Moniliales 579.55 see Manual at 583-584
Moniligastrida 592.64 Monocycles
Monimiaceae 583.23 engineering 629.227 1
Monism repair 629.287 71
philosophy 147.3 riding 629.284 71
Moniteau County (Mo.) T2-778 52 Monodon 599.543
Monito del monte 599.27 Monodontidae 599.542
Monitor and Merrimac, Battle of, Monody 781.282
1862 973.752 Monogamy 306.842 2
Monitor lizards 597.959 6 Monogenea 592.44
Monitorial system of education 371.39 Monographs 002
Monitoring (Social control) 361.25 see also Books
see also Environmental Monohydric hydroxy aromatics 547.632
monitoring Monolithic circuits (Electronics) 621.381 5

Relative Index

Monologues (Drama) Monotype

literature 808.824 5 manufacturing technology 681.61
history and criticism 809.245 Monotype composition
specific literatures T3B-204 5 automatic 686.225 44
individual authors T3A-2 manual 686.225 42
Monometallic standards 332.422 Monroe, James
Monomotapas (Kingdom) 968.910 1 United States history 973.54
T2-689 l Monroe County (Ala.) T2-761 25
Monona County (Iowa) T2~777 44 Monroe County (Ark.) T2·-767 87
Monongahela River (W.Va. Monroe County (Fla.) T2-759 41
and Pa.) T2~748 8 Monroe County (Ga.) T2-758 563
Pennsylvania T2-748 8 Monroe County (Ill.) T2--773 91
West Virginia T2-754 5 Monroe County (Ind.) T2-772 255
Monongalia County (W. Monroe County (Iowa) T2-777 865
Va.) T2-754 52 Monroe County (Ky.) T2-769 685
Mononucleosis Monroe County (Mich.) T2-774 32
incidence 614.581 2 Monroe County (Miss.) T2-762 975
medicine 616.911 22 Monroe County (Mo.) T2-778 325
see also Communicable Monroe County (N.Y.) T2-747 88
diseases -humans Monroe County (Ohio) T2-771 96
Monophonic electrophones 786.73 Monroe County (Pa.) T2-748 25
see also Electrophones Monroe County (Tenn.) T2-768 883
Monophysite churches 281.6 Monroe County (W.Va.) T2-754 78
see also Eastern churches Monroe County (Wis.) T2-775 54
Monoplacophora 594.2 Monrovia (Liberia) T2-666 2
Monopoly 338.82 Monseftor Nouel
economics 338.82 (Dominican Republic :
international economics 338.884 Province) T2~729 369 3
law 343.072 Monserrat 972.975
Monopulse radar systems Monsoons 551.518 4
engineering 621.384 85 Monster flower 583.2
Monorail railroads 388.42 Monster as 584.64
engineering 625.44 Monsters
transportation services 388.42 arts 700.47
Monorail rolling stock 388.42 T3C-37
engineering 625.44 literature 808.803 7
transportation services 388.42 history and criticism 809.933 7
Monorail tracks 625.44 specific literatures T3B-080 37
Monosaccharides 572.565 history and
see also Carbohydrates criticism T3B-093 7
Monosodium glutamate unexplained phenomena 001.944
food technology 664.4 Monstrilloida 595.34
Monotheism 211.34 Mont-Royal (Quebec) T2-714 28
Christianity 231 Mont-Tremblant National
comparative religion 202.11 Park (Quebec) T2-714418
Islam 297.211 Montage 702.813
Judaism 296.311 Montagnais Indians T5-973 2
philosophy of religion 211.34 Montagnais "'"!SU<"ts" 497.32
Monotheistic religions 201.4 T6-973 2
Monotony studies Montagnards (Vietnamese
production management 658.544 people) T5~959 3
Monotremata 599.29 Montagu (South Africa:
paleozoology 569.29 District) T2-687 33
Monotropaceae 583.66 Montague County (Tex.) T2--764 541

Dewey Decimal Classification

Montana 978.6 Montmagny (Quebec :

T2~786 Regional County
Montana (Bulgaria : Oblast) T2--499 1 Municipality)
Montauk language 497.344 Montmorency County
T6--973 44 (Mich.) T2-774 83
Montcalm (Quebec : Monto (Qld. : Shire) T2--943 5
Regional County Montour County (Pa.) T2-748 39
Municipality) T2-714 415 Montpelier (Vt.) T2-743 4
Montcalm County (Mich.) T2-774 53 Montpellier (France) T2448 42
Monte-Carlo (Monaco) T2--44949 Montreal (Quebec) T2---714 28
Monte Carlo method 518.282 Montreal (Quebec : Urban
Monte Cristi (Dominican agglomeration) T2-71428
Republic: Province) T2-729 352 Montreal-Est (Quebec) T2--714 28
Monte Plata (Dominican Montreal Island (Quebec) T2-714 28
Republic: Province) T2-729 377 Montreal Metropolitan
Monteiro, Antonio Mascarenhas Community (Quebec) T2-714 27
Cape Verdean history 966.580 32 Montreal-Ouest (Quebec) T2-714 28
Montenegrins T5-918 29 Montreal Region (Quebec) T2-714 27
Montenegro 949.745 Montrose County (Colo.) T2-788 19
T2-497 45 Montserrat T2-729 75
ancient 939.874 5 Monumental brasses
T2-398 745 arts 739.522
Monteregie (Quebec) T2-714 3 Monumental reliefs 731.549
Monterey Bay (Calif.) 551.461 432 Monuments 725.94
T2-164 32 architecture 725.94
Monterey County (Calif.) T2-794 76 law 344.094
Montessori method 371.392 sculpture 731.76
Montevideo (Uruguay : World War I 940.465
Dept.) T2-895 13 World War II 940.546 5
Montezuma County (Colo.) T2-788 27 see also Military
Montgomery (Wales: commemorations
District) T2--429 51 Monza-Brianza province
Montgomery County (Ala.) T2-761 47 (Italy: Province) T2--452 28
Montgomery County (Ark.) T2-767 43 ancient T2-372262
Montgomery County (Ga.) T2~758 832 Mood (Granunar) 415.6
Montgomery County (Ill.) T2-773 82 specific languages T4-56
Montgomery County (Ind.) T2-772 48 Mood disorders
Montgomery County (Iowa) T2-777 75 medicine 616.852 7
Montgomery County (Kan.) T2-781 93 see also Mental disorders
Montgomery County (Ky.) T2-769 553 Moods 152.4
Montgomery County (Md.) T2-752 84 Moody County (S.D.) T2-783 36
Montgomery County (Miss.) T2-762 642 Mooi River (South Africa :
Montgomery County (Mo.) T2-778 382 District) T2-684 7
Montgomery County (N.C.) T2-756 74 Mooirivier (South Africa :
Montgomery County (N.Y.) T2-747 46 District) T2-684 7
Montgomery County (Ohio) T2~771 72 Moon 523.3
Montgomery County (Pa.) T2-7 48 12 T2-991
Montgomery County astrology 133.532
(Tenn.) T2-76845 gravity 523.3
Montgomery County (Tex.) T2-764 153 law of nations 341.47
Montgomery County (Va.) T2--755 785 manned flights to 629.454
Monthey (Swit7.erland : unmanned flights to 629.435 3
District) T2--494 796 9 Moon cars
Months 529.2 engineering 629.295

Relative Index
Moonfishes (Citharinidae) 597.48 Moral determinants
Moonfishes (Perciformes) 597.7 individual psychology 155.234
Moons 523.98 Moral development
Moonseeds 583.34 psychology 155.25
Moonworts 587.33 Moral education 370.114
Moore (African people) T5-963 5 Moral judgment 170
Moore County (N.C.) T2-756 352 psychology 155.232
Moore County (Tenn.) T2--768 627 Moral offenses
Moore County (Tex.) T2-764 822 criminology 364.17
Moore language 496.35 criminal law 345.027
T&--963 5 social control 363.4
Mooring areas 387.15 Moral philosophers 170.92
engineering 627.22 see Manual at 170.92 vs. 171
see also Port facilities Moral philosophy 170
Mooring structures 387.15 Moral realism 170.42
engineering 627.32 Moral Rearmament 267.16
see also Port facilities Moral renewal (Christianity) 248.25
Moorish architecture 723.3 Moral sense
Moorish period ethical systems 171.2
Spanish history 946.02 Moral theology 205
Moorreesburg (South Buddhism 294.35
Africa : District) T2--687 32 Christianity 241
Moors see Manual at 241 vs. 261.8
biology 578.768 7 Hinduism 294.548
ecology 577.687 Islam 297.5
Moors (Bogs) Sufi 297.45
biology 578.768 7 Judaism 296.36
ecology 577.687 Moral training
Moors (Heaths) home child care 649.7
biology 578.738 Morale
ecology 577.38 anned forces 355.123
Moose 599.657 personnel management 658.314
big game hunting 799.276 57 public administration 352.66
conservation technology 639.979 657 Morales Ayma, Evo
resource economics 333.959 657 Bolivian history 984.054 2
Moose Jaw (Sask.) T2-712 44 Morality 170
Moosehead Lake (Me.) T2-7412 public control 363.4
Mopan language 497.427 criminology 364.17
T6-974 27 criminal law 345.027
Mopeds 388.347 5 public administration 353.37
engineering 629.227 5 religion 205
see also Motorcycles see also Moral theology
Mops 679.6 Morality plays
Moquegua (Peru: Dept.) T2-853 4 literature 808.825 16
Mora County (N .M.) T2-789 54 history and criticism 809.251 6
Morab horse 636.13 specific literatures T3B-205 16
Moraceae 583.45 individual authors T3A-2
edible fruits 641.343 6 stage presentation 792.16
cooking 641.643 6 Morat, Lake of
orchard crop 634.36 (Switzerland) T2-494 538
Moraines (Geologic landforms) 551.315 Moravia (Czech Republic) 943.72
Moraines (Geologic material) 551.314 T2-437 2
Moral anti-realism 170.42


Dewey Decimal Classification

Moravian Church 284.6 Morgan horse 636.177

see also Christian Morges (Switzerland :
denominations District) T2---494 522 3
Moravian dialects 491.867 Morgues 363.75
T6-918 6 architecture 725.597
Moravian literature 891.86 Morice Lake (B.C.) T2--711 82
Moravians (Ethnic group) T5-918 6 Morice River (B.C.) T2-711 82
Moravians (Religious group) Moridae 597.63
biography 284.609 2 Moringaceae 583.64
Moravskoslezsky kraj Mormon Church 289.3
(Czech Republic) T2---437 28 church government 262.093
Moray (Scotland) T2---412 2 parishes 254.093
Morays 597.43 church law 262.989 3
Morazan (El Salvador) T2-728433 doctrines 230.93
Morbid obesity catechisms and creeds 238.93
medicine 616.398 councils 262.593
see also Digestive system guides to Christian life 248.489 3
diseases -humans miSS! ODS 266.93
surgery 617.43 moral theology 241.049 3
Morbihan (France) T2---441 3 public worship 264.093
Mordell conjecture 516.352 religious associations 267.189 3
Mordellidae 595.769 religious education 268.893
Mordovila (Russia) T2---474 6 seminaries 230.073 93
Mordvin TS-945 6 temples 246.958 93
Mordvin language 494.56 theology 230.93
T6-945 6 Mormon tea 585.8
:viordvin literature 894.56 Mormons
Mordvinia (Russia) T2---474 6 biography 289.309 2
More (African people) TS-963 5 Monnyriformes 597.47
More language 496.35 Morning after pills
T6-963 5 health 613.943 2
M0re og Romsdal fylke medicine 618.182 5
(Norway) T2-483 9 see also Birth control
Morehouse Parish (La.) T2-763 84 Morning-blooming plants
More los (Mexico) T2-724 9 floriculture 635.953
Morels 579.578 Morning glories 635.933 94
Mores 306 botany 583.94
customs 390 floriculture 635.933 94
sociology 306 Morning prayer 264.15
Moretele I (South Africa : Anglican 264.030 15
District) T2-68241 texts 264.033
Moretele II (South Africa : music 782.325
District) T2-682 75 choral and mixed voices 782.532 5
Morgan County (Ala.) T2-761 93 voices 783.093 25
Morgan County (Colo.) T2-788 74 Mornington (Vic.) T2-9452
Morgan County (Ga.) T2-758 595 Morobe Province (Papua
Morgan County (Ill.) T2-773463 New Guinea) T2-957 1
Morgan County (Ind.) T2-772 513 Moroccans T5-927 64
Morgan County (Ky.) T2-769 253 Morocco 964
Morgan County (Mo.) T2-778 53 T2--64
Morgan County (Ohio) T2-771 94 ancient 939.712
Morgan County (Tenn.) T2-768 74 T2-397 12
Morgan County (Utah) T2-792 26 Morocco (Spanish zone) T2-642
Morgan County (W.Va.) T2-75496


i Relative Index

Morogoro Region Mortgages 332.72

(Tanzania) T2-678 25 accounting 657.75
Morona-Santiago (Ecuador) T2--86643 credit economics 332.72
Morone 597.732 investment economics 332.632 44
Moroni (Comoros) T2---694 I law 346.043 64
Moronidae 597.732 public administration 354.86
Morphine abuse 362.293 Morton County (Kan.) T2-781 715
medicine 616.863 2 Morton County (N.D.) T2-784 85
personal health 613.83 Morton National Park
social welfare 362.293 (N.S.W.) T2-9446
see also Substance abuse Mortuary chapels
Morphing architecture 726.8
computer graphics 006.696 Mortuary practice 363.75
Morphisms (Mathematics) 512.62 see also Undertaking
Morphogenesis 571.833 (Mortuary)
Morphology (Biology) 571.3 Moruya (N.S.W.) T2-944 7
Morphology (Grammar) 415.9 Morwell (Vic.) T2-945 6
specific languages T4--59 MOS memory 004.53
Morphophonemics 414 engineering 621.397 32
specific languages T4-15 Mosaic diseases
Morphophonology 414 agriculture 632.8
specific languages T4-15 Mosaic glass
Morphosyntax 415 arts 748.5
specific languages T4--5 Mosaic law (Bible) 222.1
Morrill County (Neb.) T2-782 95 Mosaics 738.5
Morris County (Kan.) T2-78l 58 architectural decoration 729.7
Morris County (N.J.) T2-749 74 Mosasauridae 567.95
Morris County (Tex.) T2-764 217 Moscoso, Mireya
Morrison County (Minn.) T2-77669 Panamanian history 972.870 541
Morrison plan 371.39 Moscow (Russia : Oblast) T2-473 1
Morrow County (Ohio) T2-771 516 Moscow Patriarchate 281.947
Morrow County (Or.) T2-795 67 Moselle (France) T2-443 85
Morse code telegraphy 384.14 Moselle River T2-434 3
wireless 384.524 Moses
see also Telegraphy Biblical leader 222.109 2
Mortal sin 241.31 Islam 297.246
Mortality Mosetenan languages 498.9
demography 304.64 T6 -989
Mortar (Material) 666.9 Moshavim 307.776
building material 691.5 Moshoeshoe II, King of Lesotho
materials science 620.135 Lesotho history 968.850 31
Mortars (Weapons) 355.822 1966-1990 968.850 31
engineering 623.42 1995-1996 968.850 32
military equipment 355.822 Mosisili, Pakalitha Bethuel
Mortgage banks 332.32 Lesotho history 968.850 32
law 346.082 32 Moskovskala oblast'
public administration 354.86 (Russia) T2-473 l
Mortgage bonds 332.632 3 Mosques 297.351
Mortgage certificates 332.632 3 architecture 726.2
Mortgage defaults 332.72 organization 297.65
Mortgage delinquencies 332.72 Mosquito control 363.78
Mortgage insurance 368.852 social welfare 363.78
law 346.086 852 technology 628.965 7
economic assistance 343.074 2 see also Pest control

Dewey Decimal Classification

Mosquito Indians T5-978 82 Motion

Mosquito language 497.882 celestial bodies 521
T6-978 82 philosophy 116
Mosquitoes 595.772 physics 531.11
disease carriers 571.986 stars 523.83
medicine 614.432 3 Motion picture advertising 659.14
Moss animals 594.67 Motion picture directors 791.430233 092
Mossbauer spectroscopy Motion picture music 781.542
physics 537.535 2 Motion picture photography 777
Mossel Bay (South Africa : Motion picture plays 791.437
District) T2-687 37 see also Screenplays
Mosselbaai (South Africa : Motion picture projection 777.57
District) T2--687 37 Motion picture scripts 791.437
Mosses 588.2 rhetoric 808.066 791
paleobotany 561.8 Motion picture theaters
Massi (African people) T5-963 5 architecture 725.823
Massi (Kingdom) 966.250 1 Motion pictures 791.43
T2-6625 accounting 657.84
Massi languages 496.35 cataloging 025.347 3
T6-963 5 communications services 384.8
Mostaganem (Algeria : ethics 175
Province) T2--651 influence on c.Time 364.254
Mosul (Iraq) T2-567 4 instructional use 371.335 23
Motacillidae 598.854 adult level 374.26
Motazilites 297.834 journalism 070.18
Motelkeepers 647.940 92 library treatment 025.177 3
Motels 910.46 performing arts 791.43
see also Hotels see Manual at 791.43, 791.45
Motets 782.26 vs. 777
choral and mixed voices 782.526 public administration 354.75
single voices 783.092 6 sociology 302.234 3
Moth flies 595.772 use in advertising 659.152
Mother and child 306.874 3 see Manual at 384.54, 384.55,
Mother of God 384.8 vs. 791.4
Christian doctrine 232.91 Motion sickness
Motherhood 306.874 3 medicine 616.989 2
Mothering Sunday 394.262 8 see also Environmental
Mothers 306.874 3 diseases humans
Tl-085 2 Motion studies
Christian devotional literature 242.643 I production management 658.542 3
family relationships 306.874 3 psychology 152.3
guides to Christian life 248.843 1 Motions (Law) 347.052
psychology 155.646 3 Motivation 153.8
social welfare 362.839 53 armed forces 355.123
Mother's Day 394.262 8 education
Motherwell (Scotland : gifted student'> 371.956
District) T2--414 52 educational psychology 370.154
Moths 595.78 learning psychology 153.153 4
agricultural pests 632.78 personnel management 658.314
culture 638.578 executives 658.407 14
Motility public administration 352.66
cytology 571.67 primary education
microorganisms 571.672 9 reading 372.42

Relative Index

Motivation research Motor vehicle transportation

marketing management 658.834 2 facilities
Motlanthe, Kgalema architecture 725.38
South African history 968.067 area planning 711.73
Motley County (Tex.) 12-764 752 Motor vehicles 388.34
Motocross 796.756 engineering 629.2
Motor bicycles 388.347 5 transportation services 388.34
engineering 629.227 5 see also Automotive vehicles
see also Motorcycles Motor yachting 797.125 6
Motor functions Motor yachts 387.2314
human physiology 612.7 engineering 623.823 14
localization in brain 612.825 2 transportation services 387.231 4
psychology 152.3 see also Ships
Motor homes 388.346 Motorboat racing 797.14
architecture 728.79 Motorboating
camper cooking 641.575 sports 797.125
driving 629.284 6 Motorboats 387.231
engineering 629.226 design 623.812 31
repair 629.287 6 engineering 623.823 1
transportation services 388.346 handling 623.882 31
travel 910 transportation services 387.231
see also Automotive vehicles see also Ships
see Manual at 643.29, 690.879, Motorcycle accidents 363.125 9
728.79 vs. 629.226 see also Highway safety
Motor horns Motorcycle racers 796.750 92
music 786.99 Motorcycle racing 796.75
see also Percussion Motorcycle theft 364.162 862 922 75
instruments law 345.026 286 292 275
Motor land vehicles 388.34 Motorcycle transportation
engineering 629.2 facilities
transportation services 388.34 area planning 711.73
see also Automotive vehicles Motorcycle troops (Armed
Motor learning forces) 357.53
psychology 152.334 Motorcycles 388.347 5
Motor nerves engineering 629.227 5
human physiology 612.811 repair 629.287 75
Motor organs 573.7 riding 629.284 75
see also Musculoskeletal sports 796.75
system theft of 364.162 862 922 75
Motor scooter racing 796.75 law 345.026 286 292 275
Motor skills transportation services 388.347 5
educational psychology 370.155 see also Automotive vehicles
Motor system 573.7 see Manual at 629.046 vs. 388
see also Musculoskeletal Motorized homes 388.346
system see also Motor homes
Motor vehicle engineers 629.209 2 Motorized infantry 356.16
Motor vehicle insurance 368.092 Motors 621.4
inland marine 368.232 Motorscooters 388.347 5
liability 368.572 engineering 629.227 5
Motor vehicle racing 796.7 repair 629.287 75
Motor vehicle registration plates 929.9 see also Motorcycles
Motorways 388.122
see also Roads
Moulins (Quebec) 12-714 412

Dewey Decimal Classification

Moultrie County (Ill.) T2~773 675 Mountain lion 599.752 4

Mound builders (Birds) 598.64 conservation technology 639.979 752 4
Monnt Aspiring National resource economics 333.959 752 4
Park (N.Z.) T2~937 1 Monntain Province
Mount Athos (Greece) T2--495 65 (Philippines) T2-599 1
Mount Ayliff (South Mountain railroads 385.6
Africa: District) T2~687 59 engineering 625.3
Mount Buffalo National transportation services 385.6
Park (Vic.) T2~945 5 Mountain sickness
Mount Cook National Park medicine 616.9893
(N.Z.) T2~938 8 see also Environmental
Mount Currie (South diseases humans
Africa: District) T2-684 6 Mountain tactics 355.423
Mount Desert Island (Me.) T2-74145 Monntain troops 356.164
Mount Elliott National Park Mountain tunnels
(Qld.) T2~-943 6 construction 624.192
Mount Etna (Italy) T2--458 13 Mountain winds 551.518 5
Mount Field National Park Mountain Zebra National
(Tas.) T2-946 2 Park (South Africa) T2~687 54
Mount Fletcher (South Mountaineering 796.522
Africa: District) T2-687 59 Mountaineers 796.522 092
Mount Frere (South Africa : Mountains 551.432
District) T2--687 59 T2-143
Mount Fuji (Japan) T2~521 66 biology 578.753
Mount Gambier (S. Aust.) T2--942 34 ecology 577.53
Mount Hood (Or.) T2 -795 61 geography 910.914 3
Mount !sa (Qld.) T2~943 7 geomorphology 551.432
Mount Kaputar National health 613.12
Park (N.S.W.) T2-9444 land economics 333.73
Monnt Kilimanjaro physical geography 910.021 43
(Tanzania) T2--678 26 recreational resources 333.784
Monnt Lofty Ranges (S. recreational usc 796.522
Aust) T2~942 32 Mountbatten of Burma, Louis
Mount McKinley National Mountbatten, Earl
Park (Alaska) T2-798 3 Indian history 954.035 9
Mount Rainier N ationa! Mounted forces 357
Park (Wash.) T2-797 782 Mountrail County (N.D.) T2-784 74
Mount Revelstoke National Mourne Mountains
Park (B.C.) T2-711 68 (Northern Ireland) T2--416 58
Mount Robson Provincial Mourning 393.9
Park (B.C.) T2--7J 1 82 music 781.588
Mount Spec National Park religion
(Qld.) T2-943 6 Christianity
Mount Waddington (B.C.) T2-711 2 devotional literature 242.4
Mount Whitney (Calif.) T2-794 86 religious guidance 248.866
Mountain ashes 583.73 rites 265.85
Mountain biking 796.63 devotional literature 204.32
Mountain building 551.82 Islam
Mountain climbing 796.522 rites 297.385
equipment technology 688.765 22 Judaism
Mmmtain goat 599.647 5 rites 296.445
conservation technology 639.979 647 5 liturgy 296.454 5
resource economics 333.959 647 5 religious guidance 204.42
Mountain laurel 583.66 rites 203.88

Relative Index

Mouse deer 599.63 Movies 791.43

Mouse birds 598.75 see also Motion pictures
Mousterian culture 930.126 Movimento sociale italiano
Mouth 591.44 (Political party) 324.245 038
animal physiology 573.35 Movimento socia1e italiano-
descriptive zoology 591.44 Destra nazionale (Political
mammals 599.144 party) 324.245 038
human anatomy 611.31 Moving and storage industry 388.044
human physiology 612.31 law 343.093 2
speech 612.78 Moving household goods 648.9
medicine 616.31 freight services 388.044
surgery 617.522 personnel management 658.383
see also Digestive system Moving sidewalks 388.41
Mouth-breeding frogs 597.87 Moving targets
Mouth diseases gun sports 799.313
medicine 616.31 physics 531.112
see also Digestive system Mower County (Minn.) T2-776 17
diseases - humans Mowing 631.55
Mouth organs 788.82 Moxibustion
instrument 788.821 9 therapeutics 615.892
music 788.82 Moxico (Angola: Province) T2-673 4
see also Woodwind instruments Moyle (Northern Ireland) T2--416 15
Moutse (South Africa : Mozambicans T5-967 9
District) T2-682 75 Mozambique 967.9
Movable bridges T2-679
construction 624.24 Mozambique Channel 551.461 525
Movable dams 627.84 T2-165 25
Movable property MP (Military Police) 355.133 23
law 346.047 Mpendle (South Africa :
private ownership 346.047 District) T2--684 7
public ownership 343.023 Mpofu (South Africa :
Movement 573.7 District) T2-687 55
animal behavior 591.5 Mpongwe language 496.396
animal physiology 573.7 T6-963 96
arts 701.8 Mpumalanga (South Africa) 968.27
drawing 741.018 T2-682 7
cytology 571.67 Mqanduli (South Africa :
human physiology 612.04 District) T2-687 58
musculoskeletal system 612.7 MRI (Imaging)
plants 575.97 medicine 616.075 48
psychology 152.3 MSG (Food additive)
see also Musculoskeletal food technology 664.4
system M'Sila (Algeria: Province) T2-655
Movement disorders Msinga (South Africa :
medicine 616.83 District) T2-684 7
see also Nervous system Mswati III, King of Swaziland
diseases- humans Swazi history 968.870 3
Movement education Mthatha (South Africa :
primary education 372.868 District) T2-687 58
Movement perception Mthethwa (Kingdom) 968.403 8
human physiology 612.88 T2-684
visual perception 612.84 Mtonjaneni (South Africa :
psychology 153.754 District) T2--684 3
visual perception 152.142 5

Dewey Decimal Classification

Mtunzini (South Africa : Mukurra (Kingdom) 962.502 2

District) T2-6844 T2-625
Mtwara Region (Tanzania) T2-678 24 Mulberries 583.45
Mu-mesons 539.721 14 botany 583.45
Mu'allaq (Hadith) 297.125 22 cooking 641.643 8
Mubarak, Mu~ammad I:JusnT food 641.343 8
Egyptian history 962.055 orchard crop 634.38
Mucilage 668.33 ornamental arboriculture 635.977 345
Muck (Scotland) T2--411 54 Mulch tillage 631.451
Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis Mule deer 599.653
incidence 614.534 big game hunting 799.276 53
medicine 616.936 4 conservation technology 639.979 653
see also Communicable resource economics 333.959 653
diseases - humans .\!Jules 636.183
Mucous membranes Millheim an der Ruhr
human histology 611.018 7 (Germany) T2-435 537 3
Mud flows 551.307 Mulhouse (France) T2-443 933
Mud fuels 662.82 Mulleins 583.95
Mud puppies 597.85 Mullets 641.392
Mud turtles 597.923 cooking 641.692
Mu'gal (Hadith) 297.125 22 culture 639.377
Mudejar architecture 720.946 090 2 food 641.392
Mudgee (N.S.W.) T2-9445 zoology 597.7
MudTriyat al-SharqTyah Mullica River (N.J.) T2-74961
(Egypt) T2-621 Mulroney, Brian
Mudminnows 597.5 Canadian history 971.064 7
Muffin mixes 664.753 Multan District (Pakistan) T2-549 14
Muffins 641.815 7 Multi-agent systems
Mufflers (Automobile part) 629.252 artificial 006.3
Muffs 391.44 Multi-peril real property
commercial technology 687.19 insurance 368.096
fur 685.24 Multiagent systems
customs 391.44 artificial 006.3
see also Accessories (Clothing) Multicultural education 370.117
Mugabe, Robert Gabriel adult level 374.017
Zimbabwean history 968.910 51 Multiculturalism
Mugilidae 597.7 political ideology 320.561
Mugla ili (Turkey) T2-562 7 sociolinguistics 306.446
ancient T2--392 4 sociology 305.8
Mul;ammad, Prophet 297.63 Multidimensional algebra 512.5
Muhammad, Zahir Shah Multiform functions 515.22
Afghan history 958.104 3 Multigraded classes 371.25
Mul}ammad V, King of Morocco Multilateral agreements
Moroccan history 964.04 international economics 337.1
1927-1956 964.04 Multilateral economic
1956-1961 964.051 cooperation 337.1
Muhlenberg County (Ky.) T2-769 832 see Manual at 337.3-.9 vs.
Muirhead (North 337.1
Lanarkshire, Scotland) T2-414 52 Multilateral trade agreements 382.91
Mujica Cordano, Jose Alberto Eastern Europe 382.914 7
Uruguayan history 989.506 76 Multilateral treaties 341.37
Mukhara (Kingdom) 962.502 2 sources of law of nations 341 .I
T2-625 texts 341.026 5

Relative Index

Multilevel marketing Multiple myeloma

management 658.872 incidence 614.599 941 8
Multilinear algebra 512.5 medicine 616.994 18
Multilinear forms see also Cancer- humans
algebraic geometry 516.35 Multiple organ failure
Multilingual phrase books 418.07 medicine 616.047 5
Multilingual shorthand systems 653.41 Multiple personality disorder
Multilingualism 306.446 medicine 616.852 36
linguistics 404.2 see also Mental disorders
specific languages T4--042 Multiple pregnancy
sociology 306.446 obstetrics 618.25
Multimedia authoring software 006.78 Multiple-purpose buildings 720.49
Multimedia systems Multiple sclerosis 362.196 834
cataloging 025.344 medicine 616.834
computer art 776.7 social services 362.196 834
computer science 006.7 see also Nervous system
instructional use 371.334 67 diseases - humans
Tl-078 567 Multiple stars 523.841
library treatment 025.174 Multiple-valued logic 511.312
Multinational enterprises 338.88 Multiplexers
Multinational forces (Military) 355.356 communications engineering 621.382 16
internationally controlled 355.357 computer communications 004.66
Multiphase flow engineering 621.398 I
liquid mechanics 532.56 Multiplexing
Multiple access systems communications engineering 621.382 16
computer communications 004.6 computer communications 004.66
see also Computer engineering 621.398 I
communications Multiplication 512.92
processing modes 004.3 algebra 512.92
see also Processing modes arithmetic 513.213
computer science Multiplicative properties 512.73
Multiple art 709.040 7 Multiplier (Economics) 339.43
sculpture 735.230 478 Multiprocessing 004.35
Multiple birth communications 004.618 5
obstetrics 618.25 programming 005.275
Multiple column tariffs 382.753 programs 005.375
see also Customs (Tarifl) see also Processing modes -
Multiple cropping 631.58 computer science
Multiple deficiency states Multiprocessors 004.35
medicine 616.399 engineering 621.391
see also Digestive system see also Processing modes -
diseases humans computer science
Multiple dwellings Multiprogramming 005.434
architecture 728.31 computer hardware 004.3
Multiple flutes 788.37 systems programs 005.434
see also Woodwind instruments see also Processing modes ···
Multiple intelligences 153.9 computer science
educational psychology 370.152 9 Multistage programming 519.703
psychology 153.9 Multistory buildings 720.483
Multiple-line insurance coverage 368.09 see also Tall buildings
Multiple-loop systems Multistory houses
automation 629.833 architecture 728.372

Dewey Decimal Classification

Multitasking (Computer science) 005.434 Municipal finance 336.014

computer hardware 004.3 law 343.03
see also Processing modes public administration 352.421 4
computer science public finance 336.014
Multi trophic interactions Municipal franchises
(Ecology) 577.16 public revenue 336.16
Multiuser processing (Computer Municipal government
science) 004.3 law 342.09
Multivariate analysis 519.535 Municipal incorporation 320.85
Multnomah County (Or.) T2--795 49 Municipal theater 792.022
Muluzi, Bakili Municipal universities 378.052
Malawian history 968.970 42 see also Higher education
Mumbai (India) T2-547 92 Municipal wastes 363.728
Mummies see also Waste control
customs 393.3 Municipal water supply 363.61
Mumps engineering 628.1
incidence 614.544 Municipalities 320.85
medicine 616.313 law 342.09
see alw Digestive system see Manual at T2-713 and
diseases ~- humans T2-714
pediatrics 618.923 13 Munqati' (Hadith) 297.125 22
Munchausen syndrome Munsee Indians T5-973 45
medicine 616.858 6 Munsee language 497.345
see also Mental disorders T6-973 45
Munchausen syndrome by proxy Munster (Germany:
medicine 616.858 223 Regierungsbezirk) T2-435 61
see also Child abuse Munster (Ireland) T2--419
Miinchen (Germany) T2--433 64 Munster (Westphalia,
Miinchwilen (Switzerland : Germany) T2--435 614
Bezirk) T2--494 593 Miinsterland (Germany) T2--435 61
Muncie (Ind.) T2-772 65 Muntjacs 599.65
Munda T5-959 5 Muntz metal 669.3
Munda languages 495.95 materials science 620.182
T6-959 5 metallography 669.953
Munda literatures 895.95 metallurgy 669.3
Mundane astrology 133.5 metalworking 673.3
Mundari language 495.95 physical metallurgy 669.963
T6-959 5 Muong T5-959 2
Mundari literature 895.95 Muong language 495.92
Munich (Germany) T2-433 64 T6-9592
Municipal annexation 320.859 Muons 539.721 14
law 342.041 3 Mura languages 498.9
Municipal bankruptcy 336.368 T6-989
Municipal bonds 332.632 33 Mural paintings 751.73
law 346.092 2 Murcia (Spain: Region) T2--467 7
Municipal charters 342.02 Murder 364.152 3
Municipal colleges 378.052 law 345.025 23
see also Higher education Murderers 364.152 3
Municipal contracts 352.532 14 biography 364.152 309 2
Municipal corporations 320.85 Mure~ (Romania) T2--498 4
law 342.09 Muri (Switzerland: Bezirk) T2--494 566 7
Municipal courts 347.Q2 Muriatic acid
Municipal engineering 628 chemical engineering 661.23
Municipal engineers 628.092 Muridae 599.35

Relative Index

Murine typhus Muscles (continued)

incidence 614.526 2 human biophysics 612.741
medicine 616.922 2 human physiology 612.74
see also Communicable 617.473 044
diseases humans medicine 616.74
Miiritz (Germany : pharmacokinetics 615.773
Landkreis) T2-431 72 surgery 617.473
Murjiites (Islamic sect) 297.837 Muscogee County (Ga.) T2-758 473
Murmansk (Russia: Oblast) T2-47l 3 Muscular diseases
Murmanskala oblast' medicine 616.74
(Russia) T2--471 3 see also Musculoskeletal
Muromachi period 952.023 diseases humans
Murray Bridge (S. Aust.) T2-942 32 Muscular dystrophy 362.196 748
Murray County (Ga.) T2-758 31 medicine 616.748
Murray County (Minn.) T2-776 27 pediatrics 618.927 48
Murray County (Okla.) T2-766 57 social services 362.196 748
Murray River (B.C.) T2-711 87 see also Musculoskeletal
Murray River (N.S.W.-S. diseases humans
Aust.) T2-944 Muscular rheumatism
Murraysburg (South Africa : medicine 616.742
District) T2-687 39 see also Musculoskeletal
Murres 598.33 diseases humans
conservation technology 639.978 33 Muscular tissue
resource economics 333.958 33 human histology 612.74045
sports hunting 799.248 33 Musculoskeletal diseases 573.739
Murrumbidgee River animals 573.739
(N.S.W.) T2-944 8 veterinary medicine 636.089 67
Mursal (Hadith) 297.125 222 humans 362.196 7
Murua Island (Papua New anesthesiology 617.967 47
Guinea) T2-9541 cancer 362.196 994 7
Murui language 498.9 incidence 614.599 947
T6-989 medicine 616.994 7
Murwillumbah (N.S.W.) T2-9443 social services 362.196 994 7
Mus 599.353 see also Cancer humans
Mu~ iii (Turkey) T2-56672 618.976 7
ancient T2-3942 incidence 614.597
Musa medicine 616.7
Islam 297.246 pediatrics 618.927
Musaceae 584.39 pharmacokinetics 615.77
Musannafat 297.125 56 social services 362.196 7
Muscat and Oman T2--535 3 surgery 617.47
Muscatine County (Iowa) T2-777 68 Musculoskeletal system 573.7
Musci 588.2 anesthesiology 617.967 47
Muscicapidae 598.848 animals 573.7
Muscidae 595.774 diseases 573.739
Muscle fatigue see also Musculoskeletal
human biochemistry 612.744 diseases
Muscles 573.75 dislocations
biology 573.75 medicine 617.16
drawing fractures
animals 743.6 medicine 617.15
humans 743.47 human anatomy 611.7
human anatomy 611.73 human histology 612.704 5
human biochemistry 612.744 human physiology 612.7

Dewey Decimal Class(fication

Musculoskeletal system (continued) Mushrooms (continued)

injuries 617.470 44 food 641.358
medicine 616.7 human toxicology 615.952 96
sprains Music 780
medicine 617.17 arts T3C-357 8
surgery 617.47 ethics 175
Museologists 069.092 religion
Museo1ogy 069 Christianity 241.65
Tl-075 see also Recreation- ethics
arts T3C--39 folklore 398.277 8
Museum activities 069 history and criticism 398.357 8
Tl-075 primary education 372.87
Museum catalogs 069.52 printing 686.284
Tl-074 public administrative support 353.77
Museum collections 069.5 publishing 070.579 4
Tl-074 religion 203.7
Museum documentation 069.52 attitude toward secular music 201.678
Tl-075 Buddhism 294.343 7
Museum equipment 069.3 Christianity 246.75
Museum furnishings attitude toward secular
plant management 069.3 music 261.578
Museum furniture Hinduism 294.537
museology 069.33 Jainism 294.437
Museum guidebooks Tl---074 Judaism 296.462
Museum labels 069.53 public worship 203.8
Museum libraries 027.68 Christianity 264.2
Museum objects Judaism 296.462
circulation 069.132 see also Public worship
selection 069.51 research 780.72
Museum policy (Government sociology 306.484 2
policy) 069 use in child care 649.51
Museum registration methods 069.52 see Manual at 780
Tl---075 Music appreciation 781.17
Museum science 069 primary education 372.872
Museum services 069.1 Music boxes 786.65
Tl-075 see also Mechanical musical
Museums 069 instruments
Tl-074 Music dictionaries 780.3
architecture 727.6 Music editing 780.149
area planning 711.57 Music education 780.7
fine arts 708 Music hall presentations 792.7
see Manual at 704.9 and Music halls
753-758 architecture 725.81
institutional housekeeping 647.996 Music instruction 780.7
law 344.093 Music libraries 026.78
public administrative support 352.76 Music theory 781
publishing 070.594 Music therapy
Museveni, Yoweri medicine 615.851 54
Ugandan history 967.610 44 Musical aptitude tests 153.947 8
Mushrooms 579.6 Musical bows 787.92
agriculture 635.8 instrument 787.921 9
commercial processing 664.805 8 music 787.92
cooking 641.658 see also Stringed instruments
Musical chairs (Recreation) 793.4

Relative Index

Musical elements 781.2 Muskmelons 641.356 11

Musical forms 781.8 cooking 641.656 ll
instrumental 784.18 food 641.35611
vocal 782 garden crop 635.611
Musical glasses 786.866 Muskogean Indians T5-973 8
see also Percussion instruments Muskogeanlanguages 497.38
Musical instrument digital T6-973 8
interface 784.190 285 46 Muskogee County (Okla.) T2-766 82
Musical instrument makers 784.190 92 Muskogee language 497.385
craft producers 784.190 92 T6-973 85
mass producers 681.809 2 Muskoka (Ont. : District
see Manual at 784-788 municipality) T2-713 16
Musical instruments 784.19 Muskox 599.647 8
construction 784.192 3 Muskrats 599.357 9
by hand 784.192 3 conservation technology 639.979 357 9
by machine 681.8 resource economics 333.959 357 9
Musical notation 780.148 trapping 639.113579
Musical pitch 781.232 Muslim ibn al-I:Iajjaj al-Qushayrl
Musical plays 782.14 Hadith 297.125 42
mUSIC 782.14 Muslims 297.092
stage presentation 792.6 Tl-088 297
see Manual at 782.1 vs. 792.5, biography 297.092
792.6 specific sects 297.8
Musical saws 786.888 social group 305.697
see also Percussion instruments see Manual at 297.092
Musical sound 781.23 Musophagidae 598.74
Musical temperament 784.192 8 Mussel shrimps 595.33
Musical traditions 781.6 Mussels 641.394
Musicals 782.14 cooking 641.694
music 782.14 fishing 639.42
stage presentation 792.6 food 641.394
see Manual at 782.1 vs. 792.5, commercial processing 664.94
792.6 zoology 594.4
Musicians 780.92 Musselshell County (Mont.) T2-786 312
see Manual at 780.92; also at Mussolini, Benito
780.92 and 791.092; also at Italian history 945.091
781.6; also at 784-788 Mustache shrimps 595.36
Musicology 780.721 Mustaches 646.724
Musina (South Africa : care 646.724
District) T2-682 57 customs 391.5
Musique concrete 786.75 Mustadrakat 297.125 45
Musk turtles 597.923 Mustakhrajat 297.1257
Muskegon County (Mich.) T2-774 57 Mu~tala~ al-I:Iadith 297.125 2
Muskellunge 597.59 Mustang 636.13
sports fishing 799.175 9 zoology 599.665 5
Muskets Mustard 641.338 4
art metalwork 739.744 25 botany 583.64
military engineering 623.442 5 see also Hot spices
Muskhogean Indians T5-973 8 Mustela 599.766 2
Muskie 597.59 Mustelidae 599.766
sports fishing 799.175 9 conservation technology 639.979 766
Muskingum County (Ohio) T2-77l 91 resource economics 333.959 766
Muskingum River (Ohio) T2-77l 91 Mustelinae 599.766
Muswellbrook (N.S.W.) T2-944 2

Dewey Decimal Classtfication

Mutagenesis 572.838 Mycenae (Extinct city) T2-388

Mutagens Mycenaean architecture 722.61
biology 576.542 Mycenaean Greek language 487.1
medicine 616.042 T6-87
Mutale (South Africa : Mycenaean Linear B 487.1
District) T2-682 57 T6--87
Mu'talif wa-al-mukhtalif Mycetozoa 579.52
Hadith 297.125 264 2 Mycobacteria 579.374
Mutation (Genetics) 576.549 Mycobacterium infections
Mutawatir (Hadith) 297.125 23 incidence 614.579
Mutazilites 297.834 medicine 616.9294
Mute swan 598.418 7 see also Communicable
Muthanmi (Iraq : Province) T2~567 5 diseases - humans
Mutharika, B. W. T. Mycologists 579.509 2
Malawian history 968.970 43 Mycology 579.5
Mutina (Italy) T2-372 621 medicine 616.969 01
Mutiny 355.133 4 Mycoplasma infections
Muttafiq wa-al-muftariq 297.125 264 incidence 614.57
Mutta~il (Hadith) 297.125 21 medicine 616.92
Mutton 641.363 see also Communicable
commercial processing 664.92 diseases humans
cooking 641.663 Mycoplasmas 579.328
food 641.363 Mycoses 571.995
Mutual-aid groups 361.43 agriculture 632.4
Mutual aid societies 334.7 animals 571.995 11
economics 334.7 veterinary medicine 636.089 696 9
insurance 368.3 biology 571.995
Mutual ftmds 332.632 7 humans 362.196 969
law 346.092 2 incidence 614.559
Mutual savings banks 332.21 medicine 616.969
Mutual security pacts 355.031 see also Communicable
law 341.72 diseases humans
Mutualism (Biology) 577.852 social services 362.196 969
Muwatja'at 297.12558 plants
Mwanawasa, Levy P. plant crops 632.4
Zambian history 968.940 43 Mycota 579.5
Mwanza Region (Tanzania) T2--678 27 Mycotoxins
Mweru, Lake (Congo and human toxicology 615.952 95
Zambia) T2--675 18 Mycrothyriales 579.564
Mwinyi, Ali Hassan Myctophiformes 597.61
Tanzanian history 967.804 2 Mydas flies 595.773
Myalgia Myelin sheaths
medicine 616.742 human c:yiology 612.810 46
see also Musculoskeletal human histology 612.810 45
diseases -humans Myene language 496.396
Myalgic encephalomyelitis T6--963 96
medicine 616.0478 Myers-Briggs personality
Myanmar 959.1 inventory 155.283
T2~591 Myers-Briggs typology
Myasthenia gravis personality theory 155.264 4
medicine 616.7442 Mykolalvs'ka oblast'
see also Musculoskeletal (Ukraine) T2-477 3
diseases - humans Mykolayiv (Ukraine :
Mycelia Sterilia 579.55 Oblast) T2-477 3

Relative Index

Mykonos Island (Greece) T2--495 85 Myrtles 635.933 765

Mynas 598.863 botany 583.765
animal husbandry 636.68 t1oriculture 635.933 765
Myocardial depressants Myrtles (Oregon myrtle) 583.23
pharmacokinetics 615.716 Myrtles (Wax myrtles) 583.43
Myocardial diseases Mysia (Turkey) 939.21
medicine 616.124 T2-392 I
see also Cardiovascular Mysidacea 595.375
diseases ~ humans Mysore (India : State) T2-548 7
Myocardial infarction Mystacocarida 595.36
medicine 616.123 7 Mysteries
see also Cardiovascular occultism 135
diseases ~ humans unexplained phenomena 001.94
Myocardial ischemia Mystery films 791.436 556
medicine 616.123 Mystery games 793.93
see also Cardiovascular see Manual at 793.932 vs.
diseases~ humans 794.822
Myocarditis Mystery plays (Religious)
medicine 616.124 literature 808.825 16
see also Cardiovascular history and criticism 809.251 6
diseases -humans specific literatures T3B-205 16
Myocardium individual authors T3A~2
human anatomy 611.12 stage presentation 792.16
human physiology 612.17 Mystery plays (Suspense) 792.27
medicine 616.124 literature 808.825 27
Myodocopa 595.33 history and criticism 809.252 7
paleozoology 565.33 specific literatures T3B-205 27
Myomorpha 599.35 individual authors T3A~2
Myopia stage presentation 792.27
optometry 617.755 Mystery programs 791.446 556
see also Eye diseases- radio 791.446 556
humans television 791.456 556
Myoporaceae 583.95 Mystery stories 808.838 72
Myositis history and criticism 809.387 2
medicine 616.743 specific literatures T3B-308 72
see also Musculoskeletal individual authors T3A~3
diseases -humans Mystical body of Christ 262.77
My otis 599.472 Mystical Judaism 296.833
Myoxidae 599.359 6 Mysticeti 599.5
Myriangiales 579.564 paleozoology 569.5
Myriapoda 595.6 Mysticism 204.22
paleozoology 565.6 Buddhism 294.344 22
Myricales 583.43 Christianity 248.22
Myristicaceae 583.22 comparative religion 204.22
Mym1ecophagidae 599.314 Hinduism 294.542 2
Myrsinaceae 583.675 Islam 297.4
Myrtaceae 583.765 Judaism 296.712
edible fruits 641.344 2 philosophy 149.3
cooking 641.644 2 medieval western 189.5
food 641.344 2 Myth 398.2
orchard crop 634.42 arts 700.415
Myrtales 583.76 T3C~I5
Myrtle wax 665.12 see Manual at T3C J7 vs.

Dewey Decimal Classification

Myth (continued) Myxomycophyta 579.52

literature 808.801 5 Myxomycota 579.52
history and criticism 809.915 Myxomycotina 579.52
specific literatures T3B-080 15 Myxophaga 595.762
history and Myzostomida 592.62
criticism T3B~915
see also Mythology N
Mythical animals 398.245 4
see also Legendary animals NA (Swiss political party) 324.249 403
Mythological interpretation Na-Dene languages 497.2
Bible 220.68 T6-972
Mythologists 201.309 2 Naiima (Algeria: Province) T2--657
Mythology 398.2 Naan 641.815
African religions 299.611 3 Nablus district (West Bank) T2-569 53
art representation 704.947 Nacogdoches County (Tex.) T2-764 182
arts 700.47 Nador (Morocco: Province) T2-643 3
T3C-37 Naga languages 495.4
see Manual atT3C-37 vs. T6-954
T3C-15 Nagaland (India) T2-541 65
Australian religion 299.921 5 Nagano-ken (Japan) T2-521 63
Buddhism 294.333 Nagar Haveli (India) T2-547 6
Celtic religion 299.161 13 Nagasaki-ken (Japan) T2-522 4
Chinese religions 299.511 13 Nagasaki-shi (Japan) T2-522 44
Christianity 230 Nagomo-Karabakh
classical religion 292.13 (Azerbaijan) T2-475 4
folklore 398.2 Nagoya-shi (Japan) T2-521 674
Germanic religion 293.13 Naguib, Mohammed
Greek religion 292.13 Egyptian history 962.053
Hawaiian religion 299.924 201 3 Nahanni National Park
Hinduism 294.513 (N.W.T.) T2-719 3
literature 808.803 7 Nahatlatch River (B.C.) T2-711 37
history and criticism 809.933 7 Nahr an Nil (Sudan) T2-625
specific literatures T3B-08037 Nahuas T5-974 52
history and Nahuatl language 497.452
criticism T3B-093 7 T6-97452
Native American religions 299.711 3 Nahuatl literature 897.452
North American 299.711 3 Nahum (Biblical book) 224.94
South American 299.811 3 Naiads (Plants) 584.74
Norse religion 293.13 Nail-care tools
paintings 753.7 manufacturing technology 688.5
Polynesian religion 299.924 013 Nail diseases
religion 201.3 humans
sources 208 geriatrics 618.976 547
Roman religion 292.13 incidence 614.595 47
Scandinavian religion 293.13 medicine 616.547
Semitic religions 299.2 see also Skin diseases
Shinto 299.561 13 humans
see A1anual at 398.2 vs. 201.3, pediatrics 618.925 47
230,270,292-299 phartnacokinetics 615.779
Myxedema surgery 617.477
medicine 616.858 848 Nails (Body parts) 599.814 7
Myxobacteria 579.32 animal physiology 573.59
Myxogastromycetidae 579.52 descriptive zoology 599.814 7
Myxomycetes 579.52 hmnan anatomy 611.78

Relative Index

Nails (Body parts) (continued) Namibians

human physiology 612.799 Naming ceremonies
medicine 616.547 Judaism 296.443
personal care 646.727 Nampula (Mozambique) T2-679 7
surgery 617.477 Namur (Belgium: Province) T2-493 44
see also Skin Nanai (Asian people) T5-941
Nails (Fasteners) 621.884 Nanai language 494.1
arts 739.48 T6-941
Nairn (Scotland : District) T2-411 58 Nanaimo (B.C. :Regional
Nairobi (Kenya) T2-676 25 District) T2-711 2
Nais 788.37 Nance County (Neb.) T2-782425
see also Woodwind instruments Nancy (France) T2-443 823
Naja 597.964 2 Nande (Zairian people) T5-963 94
Najadales 584.74 Nande languages 496.394
Najaf(Iraq: Province) T2--567 5 T6-963 94
Najd (Saudi Arabia) T2--538 Nandi (East African people) T5--965
Najib Tun Razak, Datuk Nandi (Zairian people) T5-963 94
Malaysian history 959.506 2 Nandi language (Bantu) 496.394
Nakers 786.93 T6-963 94
see also Percussion instruments Nandi languages (Ni1otic) 496.5
Nakh languages 499.964 1 T6-965
T6-999 641 Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
Nakhichevan (Azerbaijan) T2--475 4 (Indonesia) T2~598 11

Nakho-Daghestan languages 499.964 Nangklao, King of Siam

T6-99964 1bai history 959.303 3
Nam Djnh (Vietnam : Nanjing (Jiang Sheng,
Province) T2-597 3 China) T2-5ll 36
Nama language 496.1 Nanking (China) T2-511 36
T6-961 Nannofossils 561.9
Namakgale (South Africa : Nanoporous materials
District) T2--682 59 materials science 620.116
Narnaqualand (South Nanostructured materials
Africa) T2--687 19 materials science 620.115
Nambiquaran languages 498.4 Nanotechnology 620.5
T6-984 Nantes (France) T2--441 675
Namboku period 952.022 Nantucket County (Mass.) T2-744 97
Name cards Nantucket Island (Mass.) T2-74497
prints 769.5 Nantucket Sound (Mass.) 551.461 346
Names 929.97 T2~163 46

cataloging 025.322 Napa County (Calif.) T2-794 19

customs 392.12 Naphthalenes 547.615
divination 133.33 chemical engineering 661.816
etymology 412 Naphthas 665.538 24
specific languages T4--2 Naphuno (South Africa :
geographic 910.014 District) T2-682 59
gazetters 910.3 Napier City (N.Z.) T2-934 67
personal 929.4 Napkin folding 642.79
law 346.012 Napkins 642.7
Names of God arts 746.96
Islam 297.211 2 horne sewing 646.21
Judaism 296.311 2 tab Ie setting 642.7
Namibe Province (Angola) T2-673 5 Naples (Italy) T2-457 31
Namibia 968.81 ancient T2-377 251
T2-688 1

Dewey Decimal Classification

Naples (Italy : Province) T2-457 3 Narke landskap (Sweden) T2-487 6

ancient T2-377 25 Narooma (N.S.W.) T2-9447
Naples (Kingdom) 945.7 Narragansett Bay (R.I.) 551.461 346
Napo (Ecuador: Province) T2-866 416 T2-·163 46
Napoleon I, Emperor of the Narragansett Indians T5-973 44
French Narragansett language 497.344
French history 944.05 T6-973 44
Napoleon lii, Emperor of the Narration
French literature 808.802 3
French history 944.07 history and criticism 809.923
Napoleonic Wars 940.27 specific literatures T3B-08023
Napoli (ltaly) T2-457 31 history and
ancient T2-377 251 criticism T3B-092 3
Napoli (Italy: Province) T2--457 3 rhetoric 808.036
ancient T2-377 25 Narrative
Nappes (Geology) 551.872 literature 808.802 3
Naqara 786.93 history and criticism 809.923
see also Percussion instruments literatures T3B-08023
Naqshabandiyah 297.48 history and
Nara-ken (Japan) T2-52184 criticism T3B-092 3
Narasimha Rao, P. V. Narrative poetry 808.813
Indian history 954.052 history and criticism 809.13
Narbonensis T2-364 8 specific literatures T3B-103
Narcissistic personality disorder individual authors T3A-1
medicine 616.858 54 Narrogin (W.A.: Shire) T2-9412
see also Mental disorders Narrow-gage railroads 385.52
Narcissus 635.934 34 Narwhal 599.543
botany 584.34 Nasa'I, Abmad ibn Shu'ayb
floriculture 635.934 34 Hadith 297.125 53
Narcolepsy Nasal sinus diseases
medicine 616.849 8 medicine 616.212
see also Nervous system see also Respiratory tract
diseases- humans diseases humans
Narcotic antagonists Nasal sinuses 573.26
pharmacokinetics 615.782 2 biology 573.26
Narcotics 362.29 human anatomy 611.21
customs 394.14 human physiology 612.232
ethics 178.8 medicine 616.212
see also Ethical problems see also Respiratory system
pharmacokinetics 615.782 2 Nash County (N.C.) T2-756 47
smuggling 364.13365 Nashim 296.123 3
law 345.023 365 Babylonian Talmud 296.125 3
see alm Drug traffic; Substance Mislmah 296.123 3
abuse Palestinian Talmud 296.124 3
Narcotics abuse 362.293 Nashville (Tenn.) T2 -768 55
medicine 616.863 2 Nasikh wa-al-mansi.ikh
personal health 613.83 Hadith 297.125 163
social welfare 362.293 Naskapi Indians T5-973 2
see also Substance abuse Naskapi language 497.32
Narcotics 363.45 T6-973 2
Narcotics 363.45 Nasopharynx
see also Drug traffic human anatomy 611.32
Nardeae 584.9 human physiology 612.31
Nariiio (Colombia: Dept.) T2-86l 58 medicine 616.21

Relative Index

"Nasopharynx diseases National Capital (Papua

medicine 616.21 New Guinea) T2-954 5
see also Respiratory tract National Capital Region
diseases humans (Ont. and Quebec) T2--713 84
J'fass River (B.C.) T2 71 1 85 Ontario T2-713 84
J'fassarawa State (Nigeria) T2-669 53 Quebec T2-714 221
Nassau (Bahamas) T2-729 6 National cemeteries 363.75
Nassau County (Fla.) T2-759 11 landscape architecture 718.8
Nassau County (N.Y.) T2-747 245 National characteristics 305.8
Nasser, Gamal Abdel psychology 155.89
Egyptian history 962.053 National conferences of bishops 262.12
Nasser, Lake (Egypt and National Council of the Churches
Sudan) T2-623 of Christ in the United States
Nasturtiums (Brassicaceae) 583.64 of America 277.308 206
Nasturtiums (Tropaeolaceae) 635.933 79 National Country Party
botany 583.79 (Australia) 324.294 04
floriculture 635.933 79 National dances 793.31
Natal (South Africa) 968.405 National debt 336.343 3
T2-684 law 343.037
Natal Drakensberg Park macroeconomic policy 339.523
(South Africa) T2-684 7 public administration 352.45
Natalia 968.404 2 public finance 336.343 3
Natantia 595.388 National Democratic Party
Natchez (Miss.) T2-762 26 (Austria) 324.243 603 8
Natchez Indians T5-979 National Democratic Party of
Natchitoches Parish (La.) T2-763 65 Germany 324.243 03
Nathalia (Vic.) T2-945 4 National Fascist Party (Italy) 324.245 023 8
Nation of Islam 297.87 National flags 929.92
political science 320.558 National forests 333.75
Nation River (B.C.) T2-711 82 see also Forest lands
Nation-states 321.05 National Front (Colombia) 986.106 33
National Action for People and National groups 305.8
Homeland (Swiss political Tl--()89
party) 324.249 403 literature 808.898
National advertising 659.1312 see Manual at T3C-93~99,
National Alliance (Italian T3C-9174 vs. T3C-8
political party) 324.245 04 see also Ethnic groups
National Alliance of National guards 355.37
Independents (Swiss political National health insurance 368.42
party) 324.249 408 law 344.022
National anthems 782.421 599 National Hunt racing 798.45
National bankruptcy 336.368 National income 339.32
National banks 332.122 3 distribution 339.2
National Baptist Convention of National income theory of wages 331.210 1
America 286.134 National Liberation Front of
see also Baptists South Viet Nam 959.704 332 2
National Baptist Convention of National-local relations 320.404 9
the United States of America 286.133 law 342.042
see also Baptists public administration 353.334
National bibliographies 015 National Merit Scholarship
National borrowing 336.343 3 Qualifying Test 378.1662
see also National debt National minorities 305.8
National Botanic Gardens of see also Ethnic groups
South Africa T2--687 355

Dewey Decimal Classification

National parks 363.68 National taxation 336.201 2

conservation of natural law 343.043
resources 333.72 public finance 336.201 2
see also Parks National territory 320.12
see Manual at 333.7-.9 vs. 508, law of nations 341.42
913-919, 930-990 National unions 331.872
National Party of Australia 324.294 04 see also Labor unions
National Performance Review National universities 378.05
(United States) 352.3 see also Higher education
National planning National wealth 339.3
civic art 711.2 conservation 339.49
economics 338.9 Nationaldemokratische Partei
National product (Austrian) 324.243 603 8
(Macroeconomics) 339.31 Nationaldemokratische Panel
National-provincial relations 320.404 9 Deutschlands 324.243 03
law 342.042 Nationale Aktion flir Yolk und
public administration 353.333 Heimat (Swiss political party) 324.249 403
National psychology 155.89 Nationalism 320.54
see Manual at 155.89 vs. arts 700.458 1
155.84 T3C-358 I
National Republican Party (U.S.) 324.273 23 folklore 398.278 1
National resources history and criticism 398.358 l
conservation 339.49 literature 808.803 581
National security 355.03 history and criticism 809.933 581
law 343.01 specific literatures T3B-080 358 l
police powers 342.041 8 history and
public administration 353.1 criticism T3B-093 581
National security councils 353.122 4 music 780.903 4
National self~determination 320.15 social theology 201.72
National service (Selective Christianity 261.7
service) 355.223 63 Nationalist China T2-51249
law 343.012 2 Nationalist parties 324.218 3
National Service Life Insurance 368.364 international organizations 324.183
National socialism 335.6 Nationality (Citizenship) 323.6
economics 335.6 see also Citizenship
political ideology 320.533 Nationality clubs 369.2
National Socialist German Labor Nationalization of alien property
Party (Austria) 324.243 602 38 law 343.025 2
National Socialist German Labor Nationalization of industry 338.924
Party (Germany) 324.243 023 8 law 343.Q7
National Socialist Labor Party Nationalization of property 333.14
(Austria) 324.243 602 38 land economics 333.14
National Socialist White People's law 343.025 2
Party (U.S.) 324.273 38 Nationals, The (Australian
National Society of the Colonial political party) 324.294 04
Dames of America 369.12 Nationalsozialistische
National songs 782.421 599 Arbeiterpartei (Austria) 324.243 602 38
National-state relations 320.404 9 Nationalsozialistische Deutsche
law 342.042 Arbeiter-Partei (Austria) 324.243 602 38
public administration 353.333 Nationalsozialistische Deutsche
National states 321.05 Arbeiter-Partei (Germany) 324.243 023 8
National states (South Africa) 968.29
T2-682 9

Relative Index

Native American languages 497 Natural gas (continued)

T6-97 pipeline transportation 388.56
South America 498 engineering 665.744
T6-98 law 343.093 96
Native American literatures 897 prospecting 622.182 85
South America 898 public administration 354.46
Native American peoples T5-97 public utilities 363.63
South America T5-98 law 343.092 6
see also American native resource economics 333.823 3
peoples law 346.046 823 3
Native American religions 299.7 technology 665.7
North America 299.7 economics 338.476 657
South America 299.8 see also Petroleum
Native elements 549.2 Natural gas vehicles 388.34
see also Chemicals engineering 629.220 43
Native metals 549.23 repair 629.287 043
see also Metals transportation services 388.34
Native peoples 305.8 see also Automotive vehicles
legal status 346.Dl3 Natural history 508
constitutional law 342.087 2 animals 590
private law 346.013 biology 578
see also Indigenous peoples microorganisms 579
Native plants plants 580
floriculture 635.951 see Manual at 578 vs. 304.2,
resource economics 333.953 3 508, 910; also at 579-590
Nativism 149.7 vs. 5n-575
Nativity of Jesus Christ 232.92 Natural landscapes
NATO (Alliance) 355.031091 821 landscape architecture 719
law 341.72 Natura1language indexing
Natrona County (Wyo.) T2-787 93 subject cataloging 025.48
Natuna Islands (Indonesia) T2-598 192 Natural language processing
Natural areas 333.951 6 computer science 006.35
biological resource Natural law
conservation 333.951 6 ethical systems 171.2
land conservation 333.7316 Christianity 241.2
wildlife conservation 333.954 16 law 340.112
see also Wildlife reserves Natural leather 675.2
Natural childbirth Natural magnets 538.4
obstetrics 618.45 Natural monuments
Natural communities 577.82 landscape architecture 719.32
Natural dyes Natural numbers 513.2
technology 667.26 number theory 512.72
Natural environments Natural phenomena 508
health 613.1 see also Nature
Natural family planning Natural radioactivity 539.752
health 613.9434 Natural religion 210
medicine 618.184 Natural resource management 333.7
see also Birth control see Manual at 333.7-.9 vs.
Natural foods 641.302 363.1, 363.73, 577
Natural gas 553.285 Natural resources 333.7
economic geology 553.285 conservation 333.72
extraction 622.338 5 see Manual at 333.72 vs.
extractive economics 338.272 85 304.28, 320.58, 363.7
law 343.077 2

Dewey Decimal Classification

Natural resources (continued) Nature (continued)

economics 333.7 philosophy 113
see JV!anual at 333.73-.78 vs. primary education 372.357
333,333.1-.5 religious worship 202.12
ethics 178 respect for
religion 205.68 ethics 179.1
Christianity 241.68 religion 205.691
see also Ethical problems Christianity 241.691
law 346.044 see also Ethical problems
law of nations 341.4 Nature reserves
public administration 354.3 biological resource
restoration 333.715 3 conservation 333.951 6
social theology 201.77 Nature study
Christianity 261.88 primary education 372.357
see Manual at 333.7-.9 vs. Nature versus nurture
363.1, 363.73, 577; also at psychology
333.7-.9 vs. 363.6 evolutionary psychology 155.7
Natural rights 323.01 individual psychology 155.234
law 340.112 Natures of Jesus Christ 232.8
Natural sciences 500 Naturopathy
see also Science therapeutic system 615.535
Natural selection 576.82 Naujaat (Nunavut) T2- 719 58
Natural stone 553.5 Nauru 996.85
see al~o Stone T2-968 5
Natural theology 210 Nautical almanacs 528
Naturalism 146 Nautical charts 623.892 2
ethics 171.2 Nautical engineering 623.8
fine arts 709.034 3 Nautical engineers 623.809 2
literature 808.801 2 Nautical facilities 387.15
history and criticism 809.912 see also Port facilities
specific literatures T3B--080 12 Nautical health 613.68
history and Nautical instruments 623.863
criticism T3B-0912 Nautiloidea 594.52
painting 759.053 paleozoology 564.52
Naturalists 508.092 Navajo County (Ariz.) T2-791 35
Naturalization 323.623 Navajo Indians T5-972 6
law 342.083 Navajo language 497.26
public administration 353.484 T6-972 6
Naturalized species 333.952 3 Navajo literature 897.26
Nature 508 Navajo rugs
art representation 704.943 arts 746.72
arts 700.46 Naval air forces 359.94
T3C-36 Naval aircraft 359.948 34
Christian doctrine 231.7 military engineering 623.746
folklore 398.24 naval equipment 359.948 34
history and criticism 398.36 Naval architecture 623.81
living 398.24 Naval artillery 359.981 282
nonliving 398.26 engineering 623.418
literature 808.803 6 naval equipment 359.981 282
history and criticism 809.933 6 Naval artillery services 359.981 2
specific literatures T3B--080 36 Naval aviation 359.94
history and
criticism T3B--093 6
painting 758

Relative Index

Naval bases Naval weapons 359.8

military engineering 623.64 engineering 623.8
World War I 940.453 naval equipment 359.8
World War II 940.545 3 Navarra (Spain) T2 465 2
Naval cooking 641.575 3 Navarro County (Tex.) T2-764 282
Naval defense 359.03 Naves 726.592
Naval 623.81 Navigable waters
Naval disarmament 327.174 3 land economics 333.915
Naval engineering 623.8 Navigation 629.045
Naval engineers 623.809 2 air transportation 629.132 51
Naval forces 359 law 343.097 6
Confederate States of America 973.757 animal physiology 573.87
United States aquatic sports 797.1
Civil War (United States) 973.758 engineering 629.045
Naval gunnery 623.553 maritime transportation 623.89
Naval health 613.68 law 343.096 6
Naval maneuvers 359.4 space ±1ight 629.453
training 359.52 Navigation Acts
see also Naval operations United States history 973.311 2
Naval medicine 616.980 24 Navigation aids 387.155
Naval officers 359.009 2 marine navigation 623.893
role and function 359.332 transportation services 387.155
Naval operations 359.4 Navigation instmmentation
Algerian Revolution 965.046 45 aircraft engineering 629.135 1
American Revolution 973.35 Navigation systems
Civil War (England) 942.062 45 spacecraft 629.474 2
Civil War (Spain) 946.081 45 unmanned spacecraft 629.464 2
Civil War (United States) 973.75 Navigators 629.045 092
Crimean War 947,073 845 Navy beans 641.356 52
Falkland Islands War 997.110 244 5 see also Kidney beans
Hundred Years' War 944.025 45 Navy life 359.1
Indo-Pakistan War, 1971 954.920 514 5 Naxi T5-954
Indochinese War 959.704 145 Naxi language 495.4
Iraq War, 2003- 956.704 434 5 T6-954
Iraqi-Iranian Conflict 955.054 245 Naxos Island (Greece) T2--495 85
Korean War 951.904 245 ancient T2-391 5
Napoleonic Wars 940.274 5 Nayarit (Mexico) T2-723 4
Persian GulfWar, 1991 956.704 424 5 Nays 788.35
Spanish-American War 973.895 see also Woodwind instmments
Thirty Years' War 940.244 5 Nazi government 321.94
Vietnamese War 959.704 345 Nazi parties
Warof1812 973.525 after 1945 324.213 8
World War I 940.45 Nazi Party (Germany) 324.243 023 8
World War II 940.545 Nazir 296.123 3
Naval ordnance 359.8 Babylonian Talmud 296.125 3
engineering 623.825 I Mishnah 296.123 3
naval equipment 359.8 Palestinian Talmud 296.124 3
Naval personnel 359.009 2 Nazism 335.6
Naval reserves 359.37 economics 335.6
Naval schools (Secondary political ideology 320.533
education) 373.243 Nazko River (B.C.) T2-711 75
see also Secondary education Ndebele (South Africa) T2-682 75
Naval stores 665.33 Ndebele (South African
Naval warfare 359 people) TS-963 989

Dewey Decimal Classification

Ndebele (Zimbabwean Neck

people) T5-963 98 fractures
Ndebele language (South Africa) 496.398 9 medicine 617.151
T6--963 989 human anatomy 611.93
Ndebele language (Zimbabwe) 496.398 human physiology 612.93
T6-963 98 regional medicine 617.53
Ndcbcle literature (South Africa) 896.398 9 surgery 617.530 59
Ndembu (African people) T5-963 93 Neck muscles
Ndonga languages 496.399 human anatomy 611.733
T6--963 99 Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis
NDP (Austrian political party) 324.243 603 8 (Germany: Landkreis) T2-434 645
Ndumu Game Reserve Neekar River (Gem1any) T2-434645
(South Africa) T2-684 3 Necklaces 391.7
Ndwanwe (Kingdom) 968.403 8 customs 391.7
T2-684 making 739.278
Ndwedwe (South Africa : costume jewelry 688.2
District) T2-684 4 handicrafts 745.594 2
Neagh, Lough (Northern fine jewelry 739.278
Ireland) T2-416 Necks (Geology) 551.88
Neamt (Romania) T2-498 l Neckwear 391.41
Neanderthals 569.986 see also Accessories (Clothing)
Neapolis (Italy) T2-377 251 Necrologies 920
Near-death experience Necromancy 133.9
occultism 133.901 3 Necropneumonia
Near drowning medicine 616.245
medicine 617.18 see also Respiratory tract
Near East 956 diseases ··········humans
T2-56 Necrotizing fasciitis
ancient 939.4 incidence 614.579 8
T2-394 medicine 616.929 8
Near-space exploration see also Communicable
unmanned 629.435 2 diseases humans
Nearshore biology 578.778 Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
Nearshore ecology 577.78 medicine 616.312
Neath (Wales : District) T2-429 85 see also Digestive system
Neath Port Talbot (Wales) T2-429 85 diseases·········· humans
Neat's-foot oil 665.2 Nectarines 641.342 57
Nebaliacea 595.379 2 cooking 641.642 57
Nebiim 224 food 641.342 57
Nebo (South Africa: orchard crop 634.257
District) T2-682 55 Nectria 579.567 7
Nebraska 978.2 Nedarim 296.123 3
T2-782 Babylonian Talmud 296.125 3
Nebraska Panhandle T2-782 9 Mishnah 296.123 3
Nebuchadnezzar II, King of Palestinian Talmud 296.124 3
Babylonia Nederlandsche Oost-Indische
Mesopotamian history 935.04 Compagnie
Necessity Indonesian history 959.802 1
philosophy 123.7 Needl efishes 597.66
Nechako Plateau (B.C.) T2-71182 Needlepoint 746.442
Nechako Reservoir (B.C.) T2-711 82 Needlepoint laces 677.653
Nechako River (B.C.) T2-711 82 arts 746.224
Neches River (Tex.) T2-76415 manufacturing technology 677.653

Relative Index

Needles Neighbors
home sewing 646.19 applied psychology 158.25
Needlestick injuries psychological influence 155.925
medicine 617.143 Neisseria 579.33
Needlework Nejd (Saudi Arabia) T2 -538
primary education 372.54 Nelson (B.C.) T2-711 62
textile arts 746.4 Nelson and Hay National
Neembucu (Paraguay : Park(W.A.) T2-941 2
Dept.) T2-892 124 Nelson City (N.Z.) T2-937 6
Nefertiti, Queen of Egypt Nelson County (Ky.) T2-769495
Egyptian history 932.014 Nelson County (N.D.) T2-784 35
Nega'im 296.123 6 Nelson County (Va.) T2-755 493
Negation Nelson Lakes National Park
philosophical logic 160 (N.Z.) T2-937 4
Negative income tax 362.582 Nelson Mande1a Bay
law 344.032 582 Municipality (South
Negatives (Photography) 771.43 Africa) T2-687 52
distribution 771.48 Nelson-Marlborough
manipulation 771.43 Region (N.Z.) T2-937 5
organization 771.48 Nelson River (Man.) T2---712 71
preparation 771.43 Nelspruit (South Africa :
preservation 771.45 Distrit:t) T2-682 73
storage 771.45 Nelumbonales 583.3
Negeri Sembilan T2-595 1 Nemaha County (Kan.) T2-781 332
Negev (Israel) T2-56949 Nemaha County (Neb.) T2-782 278
Neglected children Nemata 592.57
social welfare 362.76 Nemathelminthes 592.5
see also Child abuse Nematocera 595.772
Negligence (Law) 346.032 Nematoda 592.57
Negotiable instruments 332.76 agricultural pests 632.625 7
law 346.096 paleozoology 562.57
Negotiable order of withdrawal Nematode infections 571.999
accounts 332.175 22 agriculture 632.625 7
Negotiation 302.3 animals 571.999
collective bargaining 331.891 2 veterinary medicine 636.089 696 5
executive management 658.405 2 humans
psychology 158.5 incidence 614.555
social psychology 302.3 medicine 616.965
Negro Methodist churches 287.8 plants 571.999
see also Methodist Church agriculture 632.625 7
Negros Island (Philippines) T2-599 5 see also Communicable
Negros Occidental diseases
(Philippines) T2-599 5 Nematomorpha 592.59
Negros Oriental Nemertea 592.32
(Philippines) T2-599 5 paleozoology 562.32
Nehemiah (Biblical book) 222.8 Nemertina 592.32
Nehru, Jawaharlal Nene, River (England) T2-425 5
Indian history 954.042 Nenets Autonomous District
Nei Monggol Zizhiqu (Russia) T2-471 1
(China) T2-517 7 Nenets language 494.4
Neighborhood centers T6-944
recreation centers 790.068 NenetSkil avtonomnyi okrug
Neighborhoods 307.336 2 (Russia) T2-471 1
Neo-Aristotelianism 149.91

Dewey Decimal Classification

Neo-Babylonian Empire 935.04 Neoplasticism 709.040 52

T2--35 painting 759.065 2
Neo-Confucianism 181.112 sculpture 735.230 452
Neo-impressionism 709.034 5 Neoplatonism 186.4
painting 759.055 ancient 186.4
Neo-Kantianism 142.3 Christian polemics 239.4
Neo-Nazi parties 324.213 8 modern 141.2
Neo-Nazism 335.6 Neopsychoanalytic systems 150.195 7
economics 335.6 Neorealism
political ideology 320.533 philosophy 149.2
Neo-Persian Empire 935.07 Neornithes 598
T2-35 paleozoology 568
Neo-scholasticism 149.91 Neosho County (Kan.) T2-781 95
Neo-Thomism 149.91 Neotoma 599.357 3
Neobehaviorism 150.194 34 Neotropical fruit bats 599.45
Neocene period 551.786 Nepal 954.96
geology 551.786 T2-549 6
paleontology 560.178 6 Nepalese T5-914 95
Neoclassical architecture 724.2 Nepali T5-914 95
Neoclassical economics 330.157 Nepali language 491.495
Neoclassical school (Economics) 330.157 T6-91495
Neoclassicism Nepali literature 891.495
music 780.904 Nepean River (N.S.W.) T2-944 6
painting 759.051 Nepenthales 583.75
Neodymium Nephews 306.87
chemistry 546.413 Tl-085
Neofascist parties 324.213 8 Nephrite 553.876
Neofiber 599.357 9 see also Jade
Neogastropoda 594.32 Nephritis
Neogene period 551.786 medicine 616.612
geology 551.786 see also Urologic diseases -
paleontology 560.178 6 humans
Neolithic Age 930.14 Nephrology 616.61
Neon Neptm1e (Planet) 523.48
chemistry 546.752 T2-992 8
gas technology 665.822 astrology 133.539 1
Neon lighting 621.327 5 Neptunium 546.432
Neonatal development see also Chemicals
humans 612.652 Nerve compression syndromes
Neonatal medicine 618.920 1 medicine 616.856
Neonates see also Nervous system
pediatrics 618.920 l diseases humans
Neonatology 618.920 I Nerve fibers 573.85
Neopaganism 299.94 human physiology 612.81
Neoplasms 571.978 Nerve tissues 573.85
humans human histology 612.81045
incidence 614.599 9 see also Nervous system
medicine 616.994 Nerves 573.85
see also Cancer biology 573.85
Neoplastic diseases human anatomy 611.83
incidence 614.599 9 human biochemistry 612.814
medicine 616.994 human biophysics 612.813
see also Cancer- humans human physiology 612.81
medicine 616.856

Relative Index

Nerves (continued) Netbook computers 004.16

surgery 617.483 see also Personal computers
see also Nervous system Netherlanders T5-393 1
Nervous system 573.8 Netherlandish languages 439.3
anesthesiology 617.967 48 T6-393
biology 573.8 Netherlandish literatures 839.3
diseases 573.839 Netherlandish peoples T5-393
see also Nervous system Netherlands 949.2
diseases T2--492
human anatomy 611.8 ancient 936.92
human biophysics 612.804 3 T2-3692
human histology 612.8 Netherlands Antilles T2-729 86
human physiology 612.8 Netherlands New Guinea T2-951
medicine 616.8 Neto, Antonio Agostinho
pediatrics 618.928 Angolan history 967.304 1
perinatal medicine 618.326 8 Nets (Devices)
phatmacokinetics 615.78 tlshing 639.202 84
pregnancy complications sports 799.13
obstetrics 618.368 hunting
surgery 617.48 sports 799.202 82
see also Innervation Nets (Mathematics)
Nervous system diseases 573.839 topology 514.223
animals 573.839 Nets (Surveying) 526.33
veterinary medicine 636.089 68 Netsukes 736.68
veterinary pharmacokinetics 636.089 578 Netted fabrics 677.664
humans 362.196 8 see also Textiles
anesthesiology 617.967 48 Netting
cancer 362.196 994 8 arts 746.422 4
incidence 614.599 948 Nettles 583.45
medicine 616.994 8 Netlvork affiliates
social services 362.196 994 8 television 384.550 65
see also Cancer- humans Network analysis
geriatrics 618.976 8 management 658.403 2
incidence 614.598 telephony 621.385 1
medicine 616.8 Netlvork architecture
social services 362.196 8 communications engineering 621.382 15
surgery 617.481 computer science 004.65
symptoms 616.84 Network databases
Neshoba County (Miss.) T2-762 685 computer science 005.754
Nesosilicates Network operating systems 005.447 6
mineralogy 549.62 Network programs 791.443
Ness, Loch (Scotland) T2--4ll 56 radio performances 791.443
Ness County (Kan.) TI-78146 television performances 791.453
Nesting 591.564 Netlvork protocols
Nestorian churches 281.8 communications engineering 621.382 12
see also Eastern churches computer science 004.62
Nests 591.564 Network theory 003.72
Net national product 339.32 Network topology
Net-winged beetles 595.764 4 communications engineering 621.382 15
Net worth computer science 004.65
personal tlnance 332.024 01 Networks (Communications) 384.540 65
Netball 796.324 enterprises 384.540 65
Netball players 796.324 092 facilities 384.545 5
performing arts 791.44

Dewey Decimal Classification

Networks (Electrical) 621.319 2 Neurofibromatosis

Networks (Systems) 003.72 incidence 614.599 9
Neubrandcnburg (Germany) T2-431 72 medicine 616.993 83
Neubrandenburg Neuroglia
(Germany : Bezirk) T2-431 72 human cytology 612.810 46
Neuehatel (Switzerland) T2-494 3844 Neurolinguistics
Neuchatcl (Switzerland : disorders
Canton) T2-494 38 medicine 616.855
Neuchatel (Switzerland : human physiology 612.823 36
District) T2-494 384 Neurological diseases 573.839
Neuchatel, Lake of see also Nervous system
(Switzerland) T2-494 384 diseases
Neuenburg (Switzerland) T2-494 384 4 Neurological language disorders
Neuenburg (Switzerland: medicine 616.855 2
Bezirk) T2-494384 see al~o Communication
Neuenburg (Switzerland : disorders
Canton) T2-494 38 Neurological nursing 616.804 231
Neuenburger See Neurology
(Switzerland) T2-494 384 medicine 616.8
Neufchatel cheese 641.373 53 Neuromuscular diseases
cooking 641.673 53 medicine 616.744
food 641.373 53 see also Musculoskeletal
processing 637.353 diseases humans
Neumann function 515.53 Neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinosis
Neumes 780.148 medicine 616.83
Neuquen (Argentina : see also Nervous system
Province) T2-827 2 diseases humans
Neural computers 006.32 Neurons 573.853 6
Neural nets (Computer science) 006.32 human cytology 612.81046
Neural nctvvorks (Computer see also Nervous system
science) 006.32 Neuropharmacology 615.78
Neuralgias Neurophysics
medicine 616.856 human physiology 612.804 3
see also Nervous system Neurophysiology 573.8
diseases humans humans 612.8
Neurasthenia Neuropsychiatry 616.8
medicine 616.852 8 Neuropsychological tests 616.804 75
see also Mental disorders Neuropsychology 612.8
Neurilemma Neuropsychopharmacology 615.78
human cytology 612.810 46 Neuroptera 595.747
Neuritis Neuropteris 561.597
medicine 616.856 Neuroses 362.25
see also Nervous system medicine 616.852
diseases humans social welfare 362.25
Neuroanatomy 573.833 Neurosurgery 617.48
humans 611.8 Neurosyphilis
Neurobiology 573.8 medicine 616.83
humans 612.8 see also Nervous system
Neuroblastoma diseases humans
pediatrics 618.929 948 Neurotic disorders
Neurochemistry 573.84 medicine 616.852
human physiology 612.804 2 see also Mental disorders
Neuse River (N.C.) T2-756 19
Neuston 592.176

Relative Index

Neutral countries T2--171 83 New Caledonia (Canada) 97l.\02

law of war 341.64 T2--711
World War I 940.335 New Castile (Spain) T2-464
diplomatic history 940.325 New Castle County (Del.) T2-7511
World War II 940.533 5 New Century Bible 220.520 8
diplomatic history 940.532 5 New Delhi (India) T2-545 6
Neutralist blocs T2-171 6 New 974
Neutrality T2-74
law of war 341.64 New National Park
Neutrinos 539.721 5 (N.S.W.) T2-9444
Neutron radiation New English Bible 220.520 6
biophysics 571.459 New Forest \I:IIgumu
humans 612.014 486 District) T2-422 75
Neutron stars 523.887 4 New France, Company of
Neutrons 539.721 3 Canadian history 971.0162
Neutrophils New Glasgow (N.S.) T2-716 13
human immunology 616.079 New Granada 986.102
Nevada 979.3 T2-861
T2-793 Colombian history 986.102
Nevada County (Ark.) T2-767 52 Ecuadorian history 986.602
Nevada County (Calif.) T2-794 37 Panamanian history 972.870 2
Nevado del Huila National Venezuelan history 987.03
Park (Colombia) T2-861 39 New Granada (Republic) 986.105 2
Nevi T2-861
medicine 616.55 Colombian history 986.105 2
see also Skin diseases - Panamanian history 972.870 3
humans New Guinea 995
Nevi'im 224 T2 95
Nevi'im al;taronim 224 New Guinea (Territory) 995.302 2
Nevi'im rishonim 222 T2-953
Nevis T2-729 73 New Guinea plateless turtle 597.926
Nev~ehir ili (Turkey) T2-564 14 New Hampshire 974.2
ancient T2-393 4 T2-742
New Academy (Philosophy) 186.2 New Hanover (South
New Age movement 299.93 Africa : District) T2-684 7
Christian polemics 239.93 New Hanover County
occultism 130 (N.c.) T2 756 27
Christian viewpoint 261.513 New Haven (Conn.) T2-746 8
parapsychology 130 New Haven County (Conn.) T2-746 7
religion 299.93 New Hebrides T2-959 5
see Manual at 299.93 New International version (Bible) 220.520 81
New religions 299.93 New Ireland Province
see Manual at 299.93 (Papua New Guinea) T2-958 3
New American Bible 220.520 5 New Jersey 974.9
New Britain Island (Papua T2-749
New Guinea) T2-958 5 New Jerusalem Bible 220.520 7
New Brunswick 971.51 New Jerusalemites
T2-715 1 biography 289.409 2
New Brunswick (N.J.) T2-74942 New Kent County (Va.) T2-755 43
New business enterprises New King James Bible 220.520 8
management 658.11 New Kingdom (Egypt) 932.014
New Caledonia 995.97 New left 320.53
T2-959 7 New Living Translation (Bible) 220.520 83

Dewey Decimal Classification

New London County New World polecats 599.768

(Conn.) T2-746 5 New World porcupines 599.359 74
New Madrid County (Mo.) T2-778 985 New World runners (Lizards) 597.958 2
New Mexico 978.9 New World seedeaters 598.883
T2-789 New World vultures 598.92
New nations New World warblers 598.872
establishment New Year 394.261 4
World War I 940.314 25 customs 394.261 4
World War II 940.531 425 Jewish 394.267
New Norfolk (Tas.) T2-946 2 Jewish 296.431 5
New Norse HuJ 0 u.a0 ~e 439.82 liturgy 296.453 15
T6--398 2 New York (N.Y.) T2--747 I
New Norwegian literature 839.82 New York (State) 974.7
New Orleans (La.) T2-763 35 T2-747
New Orleans, Battle 1815 973.523 9 New York Bay (N.Y.) 551.461 346
New Orleans jazz 781.653 T2-163 46
New Plymouth District New York County (N.Y.) T2-747 1
(N.Z.) NewYorkjazz 781.653
New product development New York Metropolitan
management 658.575 Area T2-7471
New Providence Island New Zealand 993
(Bahamas) T2-729 6 T2-93
New Quebec (Quebec) T2-714 II see l.Janual at T2-93
New religious movements 209 New Zealand literature 820
see Manual at 201-209 and New Zealand red pine 585.3
292-299 New Zealand Wars, 1843-1847 993.021
New Revised Standard version New Zealand Wars, 1860-1870 993.022
Bible 220.520 43 New Zealanders T5-23
New River (N.C.-W.Va.) T2-754 7 Newar T5-954 9
North Carolina T2-756 83 Newari language 495.49
Virginia T2--755 7 T6-9549
West Virginia T2-754 7 Newari literature 895.49
New Siberian Islands Newark (N.J.) T2-749 32
(Russia) T2-988 Newark and Sherwood
New South Wales T2-944 (England) T2-425 24
New Southwest 979 Newaygo County (Mich.) T2-774 58
T2-79 Newberry County (S.C.) T2-757 39
New Stone Age 930.14 Newborn infants
New Testament 225 pediatrics 618.920 1
New Testament Greek language 487.4 Newbury (England :
T6-87 District) T2-422 91
New Testament pseudepigrapha 229.92 Newcastle (N.S.W.) T2-9442
New Testament theology 230.041 5 Newcastle (South Africa :
New Thought 299.93 District) T2-6841
Christian 289.98 Newcastle-under-Lyme
New towns 307.768 (England: Borough) T2--424 62
area planning 711.45 Newcastle upon Tyne
New Westminster (B.C.) T2--711 33 (England) T2--428 76
New World blackbirds 598.874 Newfoundland 971.8
New World chameleons 597.954 8 T2-718
New World flycatchers 598.823 Newfoundland (Dog) 636.73
New World fruit bats 599.45 Newfoundland, Island of
New World monkeys 599.85 (N.L.) T2-718
New World pitcher plants 583.36

Relative Index

Newfoundland and Labrador 971.8

T2-718 Babylonian Talmud 296.125 4
Newham (London, England) T2----421 76 Mishnah 296.123 4
Newport (R.I.) T2 745 7 Palestinian Talmud 296.124 4
Newport (Wales : County Ngaanyatjara language 499.15
Borough) n----429 91 T6-991 5
Newport County (R.I.) T2-745 6 Ngala language 496.396 86
Newport News (Va.) T2-755 416 T6-963 9686
Newry and Mourne Ngambai dialect 496.5
(Northern Ireland) T2----416 58 T6-965
News agencies 070.435 Nganasan language 494.4
070.43 T6~944
News gathering
News media 070.1 Ngando languages 496.396
News programs 070.43 T6-963 96
News sources Ngh~ An (Vietnam) T2-597 4
journalism 070.431 Ngo language 496.36
Newsgroups (Computer T6-963 6
communications) 004.693 Ngi:ibe Bugle (Panama) T2-728 717
Newsletters 050 Ngombe languages 496.396
journalism 070.175 T6-963 96
see also Serials Ngonde (African people) T5- 963 91
Newspaper columns Ngonde language 496.391
journalism 070.44 T6-963 91
Newspaper illustration 741.65 Ngondi languages 496.396
Newspapers 070 T6-963 96
Tl--05 Ngoni (Tanzania-Malawi
bibliographies 011.35 people) T5-963 91
journalism 070.172 NGOs {International agencies) 060
postal handling 383.123 social welfare 361.77
see also Postal service Ngotshe (South Africa:
publishing 070.572 2 District) T2-6842
sociology 302.232 2 Ngqeleni (South Africa :
Newsprint 676.286 District) T2-687 58
Newsreel journalism 070.43 Nguema, Francisco Macias
Newsreel photography 777.890 7 Equatorial Guinean history 967.180 31
Newton County (Ark.) T2-767 16 Ngundi languages 496.396
Newton County (Ga.) T2-758 593 T6-963 96
Newton County (Ind.) T2-772 974 Nguni (African people) T5-963 98
Newton County (Miss.) T2-762 672 Nguni kingdoms 968.403 8
Newton County (Mo.) T2-778 732 Nguni languages 496.398
Newton County (Tex.) T2-764 162 T6-963 98
Newton Mearns (Scotland) T2-414 39 Ngurus 788.38
Newtonian mechanics 531 see also Woodwind instruments
Newtown (Powys, Wales) T2----429 51 Nhengatu language 498.383 2
Newtownabbey (Northern T6--983 832
Ireland) T2----416 18 Nhengatu literature 898.383 2
Newts 597.85 Nl (Macroeconomics) 339.32
Nez Perce County (Idaho) T2-796 85 Niagara (Ont. : Regional
Nez Perce Indians T5-974 124 municipality) T2-713 38
Nez Perce language 497.412 4 Niagara County (N.Y.) T2-747 98
T6--974124 Niagara Escarpment T2-713
Niagara Falls (N.Y.) T2-747 98


Dewey Decimal Classification

Niagara Falls (N.Y. and Nicolet-Yamaska (Quebec) T2-7l4 54

Ont) T2--713 39 Nicollet County (Minn.) T2-776 32
New York T2-747 99 Nicomedia (Turkey) T2~-563 3

Ontario T2-713 39 Nicotine

Niagara Falls (Ont.) T2-713 38 human toxicology 615.952 395 2
Niagara Peninsula (Ont.) T2-713 38 Niddah (Tractate) 296.123 6
Niagara River (N.Y. and Babylonian Talmud 296.125 6
Ont.) T2-713 38 Mishnah 296.123 6
New York T2--747 98 Palestinian Talmud 296.124 6
Ontario T2-713 38 Niddah practice 296.742
Niamey (Niger) T2-662 6 Nidulariales 579.599
Niassa (Mozambique : Nidwald (Switzerland) T2--494 762
Province) T2-679 9 Nidwalden (Switzerland) T2--494 762
Nicaragua 972.85 Nieces 306.87
T2-728 5 Tl--085
Nicaragua, Lake Niederbayern (Germany) T2--433 5
(Nicaragua) T2-728 517 Niederosterreich (Austria) T2--436 12
Nicaragua Canal 386.445 Niedersachsen (Germany) T2435 9
Nicaraguan literature 860 Nielim language 496.361
Nicaraguans TS--687 285 T6-963 61
Nice (County) T2--449 4 Nielloing
Nice (France) T2--449 41 decorative arts 739.15
Nicene Creed 238.142 Nievre (France) T2-44416
Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed 238.142 Nigde tli (Turkey) T2--564 I
Niches (Architectural element) 721.48 ancient T2-393 4
architecture 721.48 Nigei Island (B.C.) T2-7112
construction 690.148 Nigel (South Africa :
Niches (Ecology) 577.82 District) T2--682 24
Nichiren Shoshu 294.392 8 Niger 966.26
Nicholas I, Emperor of Russia T2--662 6
Russian history 947.073 Niger-Congo languages 496.3
Nicholas H, Emperor of Russia T6-963
Russian history 947.083 Niger-Kordofanian languages 496.3
Nicholas County (Ky.) T2-769 417 T6-963
Nicholas County (W.Va.) T2-754 69 Niger people T5-96626
Nickel 669.733 2 River T2-662
biochemistry 572.526 25 Niger State (Nigeria) T2-66965
building construction 693.773 32 Nigeria 966.9
building material 691.873 32 T2--669
chemical engineering 661.062 5 Nigerians T5-9669
chemistry 546.625 Nigeriens (People of Niger) T5--966 26
decorative arts 739.56 Night-blooming plants
economic geology 553.485 floriculture 635.953
human toxicology 615.925 625 Night crawlers 592.64
materials science 620.188 culture 639.75
metallography 669.957 332 Night flying 629.132 5214
metallurgy 669.733 2 Nightjoumey ofMul;lammad 297.633
metalworking 673.733 2 Night lizards 597.959 8
mining 622.348 5 Night photography 778.719
physical metallurgy 669.967 332 Night schools
see also Chemicals; Metals adult education 374.8
Nickerie (Suriname : higher education 378.15
District) T2-883 I Night skies
Nicola River (B.C.) T2-711 72 meteorology 551.566

r Relative Index

Night tactics
331.257 4 Tl-090 47
Night work
personnel 658.312 I Nineteen sixties 909.826
Nightclothes 391.426 Tl-09046
see also Clothing Nineteen tens 909.821
Nightclub presentations 792.7 Tl-090 41
Nighthawks 598.99 Nineteen thirties 909.823
Nightingales 598.842 Tl-090 43
Nightjars 598.99 Nineteen twenties 909.822
Nightmares 154.632 Tl--090 42
Nightshades 583.952 Nineteenth century 909.81
Nihali language T6-948 9 Tl-090 34
Nihali-speaking people T5-948 9 Nineveh (Extinct city) T2-354
Nihilism Nineveh (Iraq: Province) T2-567 4
arts T3C-384 Ningsia Hui Autonomous
literature 808.803 84 (China) T2-517 5
history and criticism 809.933 84 Ningxia Hui Zizhiqu
specific literatures T3B-080384 (China) T2-517 5
history and Ningxia Huizu Zizhiqu
criticism T3B--093 84 (China) T2 517 5
philosophy 149.8 Ninh Binh (Vietnam:
Niigata-ken (Japan) T2-52152 Province) T2-597 3
Niihau (Hawaii) T2--96942 Ninh Thu(ln (Vietnam :
Nijmegen (Netherlands) T2--492 18 Province) T2-597 5
Nika language 496.395 Ninth century 909.1
T6-963 95 T 1 ---090 21
Nil (Sudan) T2-625 NinthofAv 296.439
Nil al-Abyag (Sudan) T2-626 4 Niobium 669.79
Nil al Azraq (Sudan) T2-626 4 chemical 661.052 4
Nile River T2-62 chemistry 546.524
Nile River Delta T2-621 economic 553.499
Nilo-Hamitic peoples T5-965 metallurgy 669.79
Nilo-Saharan languages 496.5 physical metallurgy 669.967 9
T6---965 see also Chemicals
Nilotic-Kavirondo 496.5 Niobrara County (Wyo.) T2--787 15
T6-965 Niobrara River (Wyo. and
Nilotic languages 496.5 Neb.) T2-782 7
T6-965 Nipapalm 584.5
Nilotic peoples T5-965 Nipissing (Ont. : District) T2-713 147
Nimbarka (Philosophy) 181.484 3 Nipissing, Lake (Ont.) T2-713 147
Nimes (France) T2--448 37 Nirvana
Ninawa (Iraq : Province) T2-5674 Buddhism 294.342 3
Ninepins .794.6 Hinduism 294.523
Nineteen eighties 909.828 Niska Indians T5-974 12
Tl---090 48 Niter 553.64
Nineteen fifties 909.825 mineralogy 549.732
Tl-09045 Nith, River (Scotland) T2--4!4 7
Nineteen forties 909.824 Nithsdale (Scotland) T2--414 7
Tl-09044 Nitidulidae 595.769
Nineteen hundreds (Decade) 909.821 Nitrate fertilizers 631.842
Tl~D90 41 chemical engineering 668.624 2
Nineteen nineties 909.829 Nitrates 553.64
Tl-09049 chemical engineering 661.65
economic geology 553.64

Dewey Decimal Class!fication

Nitrates (continued) Nitrous oxide abuse 362.299 3

mineralogy 549.732 medicine 616.86
mining 622.364 personal health 613.8
Nitration 547.27 social welfare 362.299 3
chemical engineering 660.284 4 see also Substance abuse
Nitriansky kraj (Slovakia) T2-437 33 Niue T2~962 6
Nitric acid Niue language 499.484
chemical 661.24 T6~994 84

Nitrides Niue literature 899.484

chemical engineering 661.65 Niuean language 499.484
572.545 T6~994 84
Nitrifying bacteria Niuean literature 899.484
agricultural use 631.847 Niueans T5--994 84
Nitrifying crops 631.847 Nivation 551.38
547.044 Nivkh T5~946
chemical engineering 661.894 Nivkh language 494.6
chemical engineering 661.65 Nixon, Richard M. (Richard
Nitro compounds 547.041 Milhous)
chemical engineering 661.894 United States history 973.924
Nitro dyes 667.252 Niyazov, Sapannurad
Nitrocellulose 662.26 Turkmenistan history 958.508 61
textiles 677.461 Nizhegorod (Russia:
see also Textiles Oblast) T2-474 I
Nitrocellulose glue 668.33 Nizhegorodska!a oblasf
Nitrogen 553.93 (Russia) T2-474 I
animal nutrition 572.544 1 Nizhniy Novgorod (Russia :
animal husbandry 636.085 21 Oblast) T2--474 1
biochemistry 572.54 Njabi languages 496.396
chemical engineering 661.071 I T6~963 96

chemistry 546.711 Njebi languages 496.396

economic geology 553.93 T6-963 96
gas technology 665.824 Njem language 496.396
organic chemistry 547.04 T6-963 96
aliphatic 547.44 Nkandla (South Africa :
applied 661.894 District) T2-6847
aromatic 547.64 Nkomazi (South Africa :
see also Chemicals District) T2-~682 72

Nitrogen cycle Nkoya languages 496.393

(Biogeochemistry) 577.145 T6-963 93
Nitrogen fertilizers 631.84 Nkmmah, Kwame
chemical engineering 668.624 Ghanaian history 966.705 I
Nitrogen fixation 572.545 Nkundo language 496.396
Nitrogen removal T6-963 96
sewage treatment 628.357 Nkundu language 496.396
Nitrogen salts T6-963 96
chemical engineering 661.65 NMR (Physics) 538.362
Nitroglycerin NMR
military engineering 623.452 7 medicine 616.075 48
Nitrosation 547.27 NMSQT (Merit scholarship test) 378.166 2
chemical engineering 660.284 4 NNP (Macroeconomics) 339.32
Nitroso compounds 547.041 No
chemical engineering 661.894 literature 895.620 51
Nitroso dyes 667.252 theater 792.095 2

Relative Index

No-fault insurance 368.5 Nolanaceae 583.95

law 346.086 5 Nomads 305.906 918
No-fault motor vehicle insurance 368.572 8 Tl-086 918
law 346.086 572 8 social welfare 362.899 1
No-tillage 631.581 4 women
Noah (Biblical person) social welfare 362.839 818
Bible stories 222.11 0 950 5 young people
Nobatia (Kingdom) 962.502 2 social welfare 362.779 18
T2~625 Nomenclature T1-014
Nobelium 546.449 Nominal groups (Grannnar) 415.5
Nobility (Social class) 305.522 specific languages T4-55
TI~086 21 Nominalism 149.1
customs 390.23 Nominals (Nouns) 415.54
dress 391.023 specific languages T4-554
genealogy 929.7 Nominating conventions
Noble County (Ind.) T2--772 76 (Political parties) 324.56
Noble County (Ohio) T2-771 95 Nomination (Political parties) 324.5
Noble County (Okla.) T2-76627 Nomination hearings 352-354
Noble gases legislative function 328.345 5
chemistry 546.75 see Manual at 300, 320.6 vs.
economic geology 553.97 352-354
technology 665.822 Nomography 518.23
Nobles County (Minn.) T2-776 24 Non-Austronesian languages of 499.1
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine 366.16 Oceania T6 -991
biography 366.160 92 Non-Chalcedonian churches 281.6
Nocardia 579.37 see also Eastern churches
Noctuoidea 595.78 Non-Euclidean geometry 516.9
Nocturnal animals 591.518 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes 362.196 462 4
Nocturnal behavior (Animals) 591.518 medicine 616.462 4
Nocturnes 784.189 66 pregnancy complications
Nodaway County (Mo.) T2--778 124 obstetrics 618.364 6
Nodes (Plant stems) 575.454 social services 362.196 462 4
Nofretete, Queen of Egypt see also Endocrine diseases-
Egyptian history 932.014 humans
Nogai language 494.34 Non-self-governing territories 321.08
T6---943 4 T2-171 9
N6gn\d Megye (Hungary) T2-439 8 law of nations 341.28
Noh public administration 353.15
literature 895.620 51 specific territories 351.3-.9
theater 792.095 2 Non-Trinitarian concepts
Noise 363.74 Christianity
communications engineering 621.382 24 God 231.044
electronic engineering 621.382 24 Jesus 232.9
engineering 620.23 Nonaffiliated commercial
law 344.046 38 television 384.550 65
psychology 152.15 Nonalcoholic beverages 641.26
environmental psychology 155.911 5 commercial processing 663.6
public administration 354.338 cooking with 641.62
social welfare 363.74 home preparation 641.875
Noise control equipment Nonalcoholic brewed beverages 641.877
plant management 658.28 commercial processing 663.9
Nola (Italy) home preparation 641.877
ancient T2--377 255 Nonaqueous solutions 541.342 3
Nolan County (Tex.) T2-764 728 Nonaqueous solvents 541.348 2

DeWE:Y Decimal Classification

Nonassociative algebras 512.48 Nonferrous metals (continued)

Nonassociative rings 512.48 building materials 691.8
Nonbeing 111.5 economic geology 553.4
Nonbook materials materials science 620.18
cataloging 025.34 metallography 669.95
library treatment 025.17 metallurgy 669
Nonclassical logic 511.31 metalworking 673
mathematical logic 511.31 mining 622.34
philosophical logic 160.119 8 physical metallurgy 669.96
Noncombat services (Armed ship design 623.818 2
forces) 355.34 shipbuilding 623.820 7
Noncombatants structural engineering 624.182 2-.182 9
law of war 341.67 see also Chemicals; Metals
WorldWari 940.3161 Nongoma (South Africa :
World War II 940.531 61 District) T2-684 3
Noncommercial radio 384.54 Nongovemmental organizations
Noncommercial television 384.554 (Intemational agencies) 060
Noncommissioned officers 355.009 2 Tl-060 1
role and function 355.338 social welfare 361.77
Noncommissioned officers' clubs 355.346 Nongraded schools 371.255
Noncommunicable diseases 571.9 Nonimpact printing 686.233
humans Nonlinear analysis
incidence 614.59 functional analysis 515.724 8
medicine 616.98 Nonlinear closed-loop systems
Noncommutative algebras 512.46 automation engineering 629.836
Noncommutative rings 512.46 Nonlinear differential equations 515.355
Nonconformists (British Nonlinear equations 515.252
churches) 280A Nonlinear functional analysis 515.724 8
see also Protestantism Nonlinear operators 515.724 8
N onconsequentialism 171.2 Nonlinear optics 535.2
Noncrystalline solids 53Q.4l3 engineering 621.369 4
Nondairy co±Tee whiteners Nonlinear programming 519.76
commercial processing 663.64 Nonlinear systems 003.75
Nondestructive testing Nonlinguistic communication 302.222
materials science 620.112 7 T1 ~14
Nondifferentiable functions 515.8 Nonliterate people 305.56
Nondomesticated animals Tl-086 94
culture 639 Nonliterate societies 301.7
Nondominant groups 305.56 govemrnent 321.1
Tl-086 93 religion 201.4
see also Minorities Nonloom weaving
Nondramatic vocal forms 782.2 arts 746.42
choral and mixed voices 782.52 Nonmechanized data processing 004.9
None (Divine office) 264.15 Nonmetals
music 782.324 biochemistry 572
Nonelectronic data processing 004.9 chemistry 546.7
Nonets materials science 620.193
chamber music 785.19 mineralogy 549.27
vocal music 783.19 solid-state physics 530.413
Nonexplosive ammunition Nonmonotonic logic 511.31
military engineering 623.459 Non motor land vehicles 388.341
Nonferrous metals 669 manufacturing technology 688.6
architectural construction 721.044 7 transportation services 388.341
building construction 693.72-.77

It _______________________________ R_e_la_t_iv_e_I_'_1d_e_x________________________________

Nonviolence 303.61
333.954 3

Nonnative animals
biology 591.62 ethics 179.7
resou.rce economics 333.954 3 religion 205.697
· Nonnative plants 333.953 3 Buddhism 294.356 97
biology 581.62 Christianity 241.697
resource economics 333.953 3 Hinduism 294.548 697
Nonnative species 333.952 3 Islam 297.569 7
biology 578.62 Judaism 296.369 7
resource economics 333.952 3 social conflict 303.61
Nonobjectivity (Art style) 709.040 56 Nonwestern art music 781.69
painting 759.065 6 Nonwoven fabrics 677.6
sculpture 735.230 456 see also Textiles
Nonoptical spectroscopy 543.6 Noodles 641.822
Nonoscine Passeriformes 598.822 commercial processing 664.755
Nonparametric inference 519.54 home preparation 641.822
Nonparametric statistical Noord-Brabant
methods 519.5 (Netherlands) T2--492 45
Nonprescription dmgs 615.1 Noord-Holland
see also Dmgs (Netherlands) T2--492 35
(Pharmaceuticals) Nootka Indians T5~979 55
Nonprocedural languages 005.13 Nootka language 497.955
Nonprofit organizations 060 T6~979 55

accounting 657.98 Nor Oriental del Marafi6n

financial management 658.159 (Pem) T2~851 4
346.064 Nord (France: Dept.) T2~442 8
027.68 Nord (Haiti :Dept.) T2~729 432
management 658.048 N ord-du-Quebec (Quebec) T2~71411
658.114 8 Nord-Est (Haiti :Dept.) T2~729 436
070.594 Nord-Kivu (Congo) T2~675 17
social welfare 361.763 Nord-Norge T2--484 3
Nonrenewable fuels 553.2 Nord-Ouest (Haiti) T2-729 42
see also Fossil fuels Nord-Pas-de-Calais {France) T2--442 7
Nonrigid airships 387.732 7 Nord-Tnondelag fylke
engineering 629.133 27 {Norway) T2--484 2
military engineering 623.743 7 Norddeutscher Bund 943.081
transportation services 387.732 7 T2--43
Nonrigid materials Nordhausen (Germany:
architectural constmction 721.044 98 Landkreis) T2--432 24
building constmction 693.98 Nordic combination (Skiing) 796.932
Nonsporting dogs 636.72 Nordic languages 439.5
Nonstriated muscle tissues
human histology 612.740 45 Nordic literatures 839.5
Nontariff trade barriers 382.5 Nordic people {North
382.9 Germanic) T5~395
international agreements
Nontax revenues 336.1 Nordic skiing 796.932
public administration 352.44 Nordjyllands amt
public finance 336.1 {Denmark) T2--489 5
Nontheistic rc•t~HJH~ 201.4 Nordland fylke (Norway) T2--484 4
Nonverbal communication 302.222 N ordrhein-W estfalen
Tl--014 (Germany) T2~435 5
psychology 153.69 Nordvorpommern
social psychology 302.222 (Germany: Landkreis) T2--431 78
(Germany: Landkreis) T2--43l 76

Dewey Decimal Classification

Nore River (lreland) T2---418 9 North American native

Norfolk (England) T2---426 l peoples T5 -97
Norfolk (Ont. : County) T2-713 36 North American red squirrels 599.363
Norfolk (Va.) T2-755 521 North American wood warblers 598.872
Norfolk Broads (England) T2--426 17 North Americans T5-1
Norfolk County (Mass.) T2-744 7 North Atlantic Ocean 551.461 31
Norfolk Island T2-948 2 T2-163 1
Noricmn 936.36 North Atlantic Treaty
T2-363 6 Organization 355.031 091 821
Norite 552.3 law 341.72
Norman architecture 723.4 North Ayrshire (Scotland) T2-414 61
Norman County (Minn.) T2-776 93 North Battleford (Sask.) T2-712 42
Normandie (France) T2-442 North Borneo T2-595 3
Normandy (France) T2-442 North Brabant (Netherlands) T2---492 45
Normandy Invasion, 1944 940.542 142 I North Calotte T2 48
Normans T5-395 North Canadian River
Southern Italian history 945.703 (Okla.) T2--766 I
Normative ethics 170.44 North Carolina 975.6
Normed linear spaces 515.732 T2--756
Noma! up National Park North Cascades National
(W.A.) T2-94l 2 Park (Wash.) T2-797 73
Norrbotten landskap North Caucasian languages 499.96
(Sweden) T2---488 8 T6-999 6
Norrbottens Ian (Sweden) T2-488 8 North central Caucasian 499.964 I
Norris Lake (Tenn.) T2-768 935 languages T6-999 641
Norrland (Sweden) T2---488 North Central State
Norse religion 293 (Nigeria) T2-66973
Norseman (W.A.) T2·-94l 7 North Central States 977
Norte de Santander T2-77
(Colombia) T2-86124 North Channel (Huron,
North Africa 961 Lake, Mich. and Ont.) T2--713 132
T2-61 North Channel (lreland and 551.461 337
ancient 939.7 Scotland) T2-163 37
T2-397 North Coast (South Africa) 1'2-6844
North Africans T5-927 61 North Cornwall (England) 1'2---423 7
North America 970 North Cotabato
T2-7 (Philippines) T2-599 7
Chinese explorations 970.Dl2 North Dakota 978.4
English explorations 970.017 1'2-784
French explorations 970.018 North Devon (England) T2-423 52
geography 917 North Dorset (England) T2-423 32
Norse explorations 970.013 North Down (Northern
pre-Columbian claims 970.011 Ireland) T2---416 53
Spanish and Portuguese North Downs (England) T2---422 3
explorations 970.016 North Dravidian languages 494.83
travel 917.04 T6-9483
Welsh explorations 970.014 North Dravidian literatures 894.83
see Manual at T2-73 vs. North Dravidians T5-948 3
T2-71 North East Derbyshire
North American box turtles 597.925 (England) T2-425 14
North American catfishes 597.492 North East Fife (Scotland) T2---412 9
North American native languages 497 North East Frontier Agency,
T6-97 India T2~541 63
North American native literatures 897


~' ~------------------------------------
Relative Index

North East Lincolnshire North Sami language 494.574 5

(England) T2--428 34 T6-945 745
North East Polder T2--492 16 North Sami literature 894.574 5
North-Eastern Province ]\;orth Saskatchewan River
(Kenya) T2--676 22 (Alta. and Sask.) T2-712 33
North-Eastern Region North Sea 551.461 336
(China) T2--518 T2-163 36
North Friesland (Germany) T2~435 12 North Shore City (KZ.) T2-932 2
North frigid zone T2-113 North Shropshire (England) T2--424 53
North Frisian Islands North Slope Borough
(Denmark and Germany) T2--435 12 (Alaska) T2-798 7
North German Confederation 943.081 North Solomons Province (Papua 995.92
T2--43 New Guinea) T2-959 2
North Germanic languages 439.5 North Somerset (England) T2 -423 96
T6-395 North Sulawesi (Indonesia) T2-598 42
North Germanic literatures 839.5 North Sumatra (Indonesia) T2-598 12
North Gennanic people T5-395 North temperate zone T2-123
North Hertfordshire North Thompson River
(England) T2--425 81 (B.C.) T2~711 72
North Holland North Tyneside (England) T2--428 79
(Netherlands) T2-492 35 North Vancouver (B.C.) T2-711 33
North Island (N.Z.) T2~931 North Vietnam (1954-1975) 959.730 43
North Kesteven (England) T2--425 35 T2-597 3
North Khorasan (Iran) T2-559 2 North Wales T2--429 I
North Korea 951.93 North Warwickshire
T2-519 3 (England) T2--424 81
North Korean communism 335.434 6 North-West (South Africa) 968.24
North Lanarkshire T2-6824
(Scotland) T2--414 52 North-West Frontier
North Land (Russia) T2-987 Province (Pakistan) T2~549 12
North Lincolnshire North West Leicestershire
(England) T2--428 32 (England) T2--425 48
North Maluku (Indonesia) T2-598 56 North-Westem Province
North Norfolk (England) T2-426 12 (Zambia) T2~6894
North Okanagan (B.C.) T2-711 5 North-Western Region
North Ossetia (Russia) T2--475 2 (China) T2~514
North Pacific Ocean 551.461 44 North Wiltshire (England) T2--423 12
T2-1644 North York (Toronto, Ont.) T2~713 541
North Platte River T2-787 16 North Yorkshire (England) T2--428 4
North Polar Sea 551.461 32 North Yorkshire Moors
T2~163 2 (England) T2--428 46
North Pole T2~163 2 Northam (W.A.) T2-941 2
North Queensland tick typhus l'iorthampton (England) T2--425 57
incidence 614.526 3 Northampton County (N.C.) T2-756 49
medicine 616.922 3 Northampton County (Pa.) T2--748 22
see also Communicable ]\;orthampton County (Va.) T2-755 15
diseases humans Northampton Uplands
North Rhine-Westphalia (England) T2--425 56
(Germany) T2--435 5 Northamptonshire (England) T2--425 5
North Saami language 494.574 5 Northavon (England) T2--423 91
T6-945 745 Northbrook, Thomas George
North Saami literature 894.574 5 Baring, Earl of
North Saanich (B.C.) T2-71128 Indian history 954.035 2

Dewey Decimal Classification

Northeast Caucasian languages 499.964 Northern Norway TI--484 3

T6~99964 Northern Ontario T2~713 l
Northeast Turkic languages 494.33 Northern Paiute Indians T5~974 577

T&--943 3 Northern Paiute language 497.457 7

Northeastern India T2--541 T6-974 577
Northeastern States 974 Northern Panhandle (W.
T2--74 Va.) T2-754 1
Northern Aegean (Greece) T2--495 82 Northern Province (Papua
Northern Areas (Pakistan) T2--549 132 New Guinea) T2~954 2
Northern Australia T2--942 9 Northern Province (Zambia) T2-689 4
Northern Bahr a! Ghazal Northern Region (China) T2-5ll
(Sudan) T2~6294 Northern Rhodesia 968.940 2
Northern Bantu languages 496.394 T2~689 4
T6~963 94 Northern Rockies (B.C.) T2~711 87

Northern Baptists 286.131 Northern Samar

see also Baptists (Philippines) T2-599 5
Northern Britain 941.1 Northern Sotho language 496.397 71
TI---411 T6~963 977 1

ancient 936.11 Northern Sotho literature 896.397 71

T2---361 1 Northern Sporades (Greece) T2--495 4
Northern Cape (South Africa) 968.71 ancient T2-391 I
T2-687 1 Northern State (Sudan) T2-{)25
Northern coastal region (Papua 995.7 Northern territories 971.9
New Guinea) T2~957 T2-719
Northern Darfur (Sudan : Northern Territory T2~942 9

State) T2-627 Northern Tiwa Indians T5-974 96

Northern dynasties Northern Tiwa language 497.496
Chinese history 951.015 T6-974 96
Northern England T2--427 Northern Turkic languages 494.33
Northern Europe 948 T6 943 3
T2--48 Northern Vietnam T2-597 3
ancient 936.8 Northern Yemen T2~533 2
T2~368 Northern Yemenis T5~927 533 2

Northern France T2-442 7 Northland Region (N.Z.) T2~931 3

Northern fur seal 599.797 3 Northmen T5-395

Northern Hemisphere T2---181 3 Northumberland (England) T2--428 8
Northern Ireland 941.6 Northumberland (N.B.) T2-715 21
T2-416 Northumberland (Ont.) TI-713 57
ancient 936.16 Northumberland County
T2-3616 (Pa.)
see Manual at T2--41 and Northumberland County
T2-42 (Va.) T2-755 21
Northern Italy 945.1 Northumbria supremacy 942.015 3
TI--451 Northumbrian pipes 788.49
Northern Karoo (South see also Woodwind instruments
Africa) T2~687 l3 Northwest, Old 977
Northern Kordofan (Sudan) T2 -628 T2--77
Northern League (Italian political Northwest, Pacific T2-795
party) 324.245 084 Northwest Arctic Borough
Northern lights 538.768 (Alaska) T2-798 6
Northern Mariana Islands T2~967 Northwest Caucasian languages 499.962
Northern Min dialects 495.17245 T6~99962
T6~951 7 Northwest Malaya-Polynesian 499.225
Northern Neck (Va.) T2~755 2 languages T6-992 25

Relative Index

Northwest Rebellion, 1885 97 L054 Notched flutes 788.35

Northwest Semitic languages 492 see also Woodwind instruments
T6~92 Note rows 781.268
Northwest Semitic literatures 892 Note-taking (Study technique) 371.302 81
Northwest Territories 971.93 Notebook computers 004.16
T2~7193 see also Personal computers
Northwest Territories 971.92 Notebooks
(1870-1999) T2--719 2 literature 808.883
Northwest Turkic languages 494.38 history and criticism 809.983
T6--943 8 specific literatures T3B-803
Northwestern Bantu languages 496.396 individual authors T3A---8
T6-963 96 Notes payable 657.74
Norton (Va.) T2-755 744 accounting 657.74
Norton County (Kan.) T2-781155 financial management 658.152 6
Norton Sound (Alaska) 551.461 434 Nothingness 111.5
T2~164 34 Nothosauria 567.937
Norway 948.1 Notio Aigaio (Greece) T2--495 85
T2--481 Notions 646.19
ancient 936.81 commercial technology 687.8
T2-368 I home sewing 646.19
Norway rat 599.352 Notodelphyoida 595.34
Norwegian elkhound 636.753 Notostraca 595.32
Norwegian language 439.82 Notoungulata 569.62
T6-3982 Notre-Dame-des-Anges
Norwegian literature 839.82 (Quebec) T2-714471
Norwegian Sea 551.461 324 Notre-Dame Mountains
T2~163 24 (Quebec) T2--714 7
Norwegians T5~398 2 Nottingham (England) T2--425 27
Norwich (England) T2--426 15 Nottingham Island
Nose 599.144 (Nunavut) T2-719 52
animal physiology 573.26 Nottinghamshire (England) T2--425 2
descriptive zoology 599.144 Nottoway County (Va.) T2-755 637
fractures Noturus 597.492
medicine 617.156 Nouakchott (Mauritania) T2-661
human anatomy 611.21 Noun phrases 415.5
human physiology 612.232 specific languages T4-55
smelling 612.86 Nouns 415.54
speech 612.78 specific languages T4--554
medicine 616.21 Noupoort (South Africa :
surgery 617.523 District) T2-687 13
Nose diseases Nouveau-Quebec (Quebec) T2--714 ll
medicine 616.21 Nouvelle-Beauce (Quebec) T2-714 718
see also Respiratory tract Nova Scotia 971.6
diseases humans T2---716
Nose flutes 788.3 Nova!a Zemlla (Russia) T2--986
see also Woodwind instruments Novara (Italy: Province) T2--451 6
Nostoea!es 579.39 ancient T2-372 24
Nostratic hypothesis 417.7 Novas 523.844 6
T6-1 Novaya Zemlya (Russia) T2-986
Notacanthiformes 597.43 Novelettes 808.83
Notaries (Lay notaries) 347.016 history and criticism 809.3
Notaries (Legally trained specific literatures T3B-3
notaries) 346.002 3 individual authors T3A--3
Notaspidea 594.34

Dewey Decimal Class(fication

Novelists 809.3 Nuckolls County (Neb.) T2-782 372

collected biography 809.3 Nuclear accidents 363.179 9
specific literatures T3B-3009 public safety 363.179 9
individual biography T3A-3 technology 621.483 5
Novellas 808.83 see also Hazardous materials
history and criticism 809.3 Nuclear activation analysis 543.63
specific literatures T3B-3 Nuclear activities 539.75
individual authors T3A-3 see Manual at 530.416 vs.
Novels 808.83 539.75
history and criticism 809.3 Nuclear chemistry 541.38
specific literatures T3B-3 applied 660.298
individual authors T3A-3 Nuclear disarmament 327.174 7
Novelties law of nations 341.734
manufacturing technology 688.726 Nuclear energy 333.792 4
Novenas 264.7 economics 333.792 4
Novgorod (Russia : Oblast) TI---472 2 law 343.092 5
Novitiate (Monastic life) 248.894 25 physics 539.7
women 248.894 35 public administration 354.47
Novo Estado (Portugal) 946.904 2 Nuclear energy industry 333.792 4
Novogrodskala oblast' Nuclear energy insurance 368.7
(Russia) T2---472 2 Nuclear engineering 621.48
Novosibirsk (Russia : military applications 623.044
Oblast) Nuclear engineers 621.480 92
Novosibirskala oblasf Nuclear envelope 571.66
(Russia) T2-573 Nuclear family 306.855
NOW accounts 332.17522 Nuclear fission 539.762
Nowata County (Okla.) T2--766 97 Nuclear forces 355.021 7
Nowra (N.S.W.) T2-944 7 Nuclear fuels
Nowy S<tcz (Poland : economic geology 553.493
Voivodeship) T2---438 62 engineering 621.483 35
Noxubee Cotmty (Miss.) T2-762955 public administration 354.47
Noyon, Treaty of, 1516 945.306 resource economics 333.854 93
NP-complete problems 511.352 Nuclear fusion 539.764
Nqamakwe (South Africa: Nuclear hazards insurance 368.7
District) T2-687 58 Nuclear heating
NQR (Physics) 538.362 buildings 697.79
Nqutu District ofKwaZulu Nuclear interactions 539.75
(South Africa) T2-684 2 see Manual at 530.416 vs.
NSAP (Austrian political party) 324.243 602 38 539.75
NSDAP (Austrian political party) 324.243 602 38 Nuclear liability insurance 368.7
Nsikazi (South Africa : Nuclear magnetic resonance 538.362
District) T2-682 71 imaging
Ntabethemba (South medicine 616.075 48
Africa : District) TI-687 55 Nuclear magnetic resonance
Ntcham language 496.35 spectroscopy 543.66
T6-963 5 Nuclear medicine 616.075 75
Ntomba language 496.396 8 Nuclear membrane 571.66
T6--963 968 Nuclear missile forces 358.17
Nubia 939.78 Nuclear missiles 358.171 82
T2-397 8 engineering 623.451 9
Nubian languages 496.5 military equipment 358.171 82
T6-965 Nuclear models 539.74
Nubians T5-965 Nuclear nonproliferation 327.174 7
Nuble (Chile) T2-833 8 law of nations 341.734

Relative Index

Nuclear physicists 539.709 2 Nucleic acids

Nuclear physics 539.7 biochemical genetics 572.8
astronomy 523.0197 chemistry 547.7
Nuclear power plants 621.483 humans 611.01816
law 343.092 5 Nucleolus 571.66
Nuclear power systems 1'\ucleons 539.721 2
auxiliary systems Nucleoplasm 571.66
spacecraft 629.474 43 Nucleoproteins 572.84
propulsion 621.485 see also Proteins
see also Nuclear propulsion Nucleosides 572.85
Nuclear-powered automobiles Nucleosomes 572.87
engineering 629.229 6 Nucleotide sequences 572.863 3
Nuclear-powered submarines 359.938 34 humans 611.0181663
design 623.812 574 Nucleotides 572.85
engineering 623.825 74 humans 611.018 16
naval equipment 359.938 34 Nucleus (Cells) 571.66
Nuclear propulsion 621.485 Nuclide structure 539.74
aircraft 629.134 355 Nuda 593.8
automotive 629.250 9 Nudes
ships 623.872 8 art representation 704.942 1
spacecraft 629.475 3 drawing 743.4
Nuclear quadrupole resonance 538.362 painting 757.2
Nuclear reactions 539.76 Nudibranchia 594.36
Nuclear reactors 621.483 Nudism
Nuclear safety 363.179 9 health 613.194
public administration 353.999 Nudity
public safety 363.179 9 arts 700.456 1
technology 621.483 5 T3C-3561
see also Hazardous materials literature 808.803 561
Nuclear spectroscopy 543.6 history and criticism 809.933 561
Nuclear structure 539.74 specific literatures T3B-080 356 1
Nuclear ten·orism 363.325 5 history and
see also Terrorism criticism T3B~093 561
Nuclear warfare 355.021 7 Nueces County (Tex.) T2-764 113
civil defense 363.35 Nueces River (Tex.) T2~764 11

ethics 172.422 Nuer (Afi"ican people) T5-965

religion 205.624 22 Nuer language 496.5
Christianity 241.624 22 T6-965
see also War ethics Nueva Ecija (Philippines :
operations 355.43 Province) T2-599 I
social theology 201.727 5 Nueva Esparta (Venezuela) T2-875 4
Christianity 261.873 2 Nueva Segovia (Nicaragua) T2-728 521
Judaism 296.382 7 Nueva Vizcaya
see also Disasters (Philippines) T2-599 1
Nuclear weapons 355.825 119 Nuevo Leon (Mexico:
control 327.1747 State) T2-72l 3
law of nations 341.734 Nuisance (Law) 346.036
engineering 623.451 19 Nujoma, Sam
military equipment 355.825 119 Namibian history 968.810 41
see also Nuclear warfare Nukuoro language 499.46
Nuclei as particles 539.723 2 T6-994 6
Nucleic-acid hybridization 572.84 Nullification movement
Nucleic acid-protein interactions 572.84 United States history 973.561

Dewey Decimal Classification

Numayrr, Ja'far Mubammad Nuns

Sudanese history 962.404 2 Christian (continued)
Numbat 599.27 eeelesiology 262.24
Number (Grammar) 415.5 guides to Christian life 248.894 3
specific languages T4-55 Nuoro (Italy: Province) T2-4592
Number (Quantity) ancient T2-3792
philosophy 119 Nuove musiche 780.903 2
Number systems 513.5 Nupe (African people) T5-963 3
Number theoretic functions 512.73 Nupe language 496.33
Number theory 512.7 T6-963 3
Numbers 513.5 Nupoid languages 496.33
fortune-telling 133.335 4 T6-963 3
number theory 512.72 Nuremberg (Germany) T2-433 24
Numbers (Biblical book) 222.14 Nuremberg laws
Numeraey 513 Holocaust, 1933-1945 940.531 842
primary education 372.72 Nuremberg war crimes trials 341.690 268
Numeration systems 513.5 Nuri (Afghanistan people) T5-9149
Numerical algebra 518.42 Nuristani (Asian people) 1'5-914 9
Numerical analysis 518 Nuristani languages 491.49
Numerical approximation 518.5 1'6---914 9
Numerical calculations Nuristani literatures 891.49
applied mathematics 518 Niimberg (Germany) T2-43324
Numerical control Nurse and patient 610.730 699
machine tools 621.902 3 Nurse and physician 610.730 699
Numerical differentiation 518.53 Nurse practitioners 610.730 92
Numerical integration 518.54 role and function 610.730 692
Numerical interpretation Nurseries (Children's rooms) 643.530 83
Bible 220.68 home economies 643.530 83
Koran 297.122 68 interior decoration 747.77
Numerical mathematics 518 Nurseries (Plant culture) 631.52
Numerical taxonomy 578.012 floriculture 635.915 2
Numerology 133.335 forestry 634.956 4
Numic Indians 1'5-974 57 Nursery catalogs 631.520 29
Numic languages 497.457 Nursery practice 631.52
T6-974 57 floriculture 635.915 2
Numidia 939.72 forestry 634.956 4
T2-397 2 ;\fursery rhymes 398.8
Numidia (Kingdom) 939.720 3 Nursery schools 372.21
T2-397 2 Nurses 610.730 92
Numididae 598.64 role and function 610.730 69
Numismatics 737 see also Nursing
Numismatists 737.092 Nurses' aides 610.730 92
Nunavik (Quebec) T2-714 111 role and function 610.730 698
Nunavut 971.95 Nursing 610.73
T2--7l9 5 health services 362.173
Nuneaton and Bedworth law 344.041 4
(England) T2-424 83 malpractice 344.041 4
Nunggubuyulanguage 499.15 medicine 610.73
1'6---991 5 school programs 371.712
Nuns 206.57 Nursing (Breast feeding) 649.33
Buddhist 294.365 7 child rearing 649.33
Christian 255.9 health 613.269
biography 271.900 2 human physiology 612.664
see Manual at 230--280

Relative Index

Nursing assessment Nutrition disorders

medicine 616.075 humans (continued)
Nursing assistants 610.730 92 social services 362.196 39
role and function 610.730 698 see also Digestive system
Nursing care plans 610.73 diseases- humans
Nursing diagnosis Nutrition support
medicine 616.075 medicine 615.854 8
Nursing homes 362.16 Nutrition surveys 363.82
cooking 641.579 Nutrition therapy
meal service 642.56 medicine 615.854
mental illness 362.23 Nutritional diseases
physical illness 362.16 humans 362.196 39
see also Health care facilities; see also Nutrition
Mental health services disorders - humans
Nursing interventions 610.73 Nutritional requirements 572.39
Nursing orders (Christianity) 255.07 Nutritional services
church history 271.07 health services 362.176
women 255.907 public administration 353.56
church history 271.907 schools 371.716
Nursing process 610.73 Nutritionists 363.809 2
Nusa Tenggara (Indonesia) T2-598 6 Nutritive organs 573.3
Nusa Tenggara Barat see also Digestive system
(Indonesia) T2-598 65 Nuts 581.464
Nusa Tenggara Timur commercial processing 664.804 5
(Indonesia) T2 598 68 cooking 641.645
Nutation descriptive botany 581.464
celestial mechanics 521.9 food 641.345
Nuthatches 598.82 forest products 634.987
Nutmeg 641.338 3 orchard crop 634.5
botany 583.22 physiology 575.67
see alw Spices Nuts (Fasteners) 621.882
Nutria 599.359 Nuweveld Range (South
Nutrition 363.8 Africa) T2-<J87 17
animal husbandry 636.085 2 1\yakyusa-Ngonde language 496.391
animal physiology 572.41 T6-963 91
biology 572.4 Nyalas 599.642 3
requirements 572.39 Nyamwezi (African people) T5-963 94
health 613.2 Nyamwezi language 496.394
human physiology 612.3 T6-963 94
plants 572.42 496.394
nutrient absorption 575.76 T6-963 94
prenatal care Nyanja (African people) T5-963 918
obstetrics 618.242 1\yanja language 496.391 8
primary education 372.373 T6-963 918
social welfare 363.8 Nyanja literature 896.391 8
law 344.033 Nyankore language 496.395 6
see also Digestive system T6-963 956
see Manual at 363.8 vs. 613.2, Nyanza Province (Kenya) T2-67629
641.3 Nyasa, Lake T2- 689 7
Nutrition disorders Nyasaland 968.970 2
humans 362.196 39 T2-689 7
incidence 614.593 9 Nyaya (Philosophy) 181.43
medicine 616.39 N yctaginaceae 583.53
pediatrics 618.923 9 Nyctibiidae 598.99

Dewey Decimal Classification

Nye County (Nev.} T2-793 34 Oats 641.331 3

Nyerere, Julius K. (Julius botany 584.9
Kambarage) commercial processing
Tanzanian history 967.804 1 technology 664.72
Nyika (Nika) 496.395 cooking 641.631 3
T6-963 95 food 641.3313
Nyika-Safwa languages 496.391 food crop 633.13
T6-963 91 forage crop 633.253
Nyika-Taita languages 496.395 Oaxaca (Mexico) T2-727 4
T6-963 95 Ob-Ugric languages 494.51
Nyilamba-Langi languages 496.394 T6--945 1
T6-963 94 Obadiah (Biblical book) 224.91
Nylons (Plastics) 668.423 5 Obama, Barack
textiles 677.473 United States history 973.932
see also Textiles Oban (Scotland) T2--414 2
Nymphaeales 583.29 Obasanjo, Olusegun
Nymphomania Nigerian history 966.905 4
medicine 616.858 33 OBE (Parapsychology) 133.95
Nyngan (N.S.W.) T2-944 9 Obedience
Nynorsk language 439.82 home child care 649.64
T6-398 2 Obedience (Christian doctrine) 234.6
Nynorsk literature 839.82 Obedience training (Pets) 636.088 7
Nyon (Switzerland : Oberaargau (Switzerland) T2~494 549 3

District) T2--494 522 I Oberbayern (Gemmny) T2--433 6

Nyoro-Ganda languages 496.395 6 Oberfranken (Germany) T2--433 1
T6-963 956 Oberhausen (Germany) T2--435 537 7
Nytrils Oberhavel (Germany :
textiles 677.474 4 Landkreis) T2--431 54
see also Textiles Oberholzer (South Africa :
Nynnga T5-991 5 District) T2--682 22
499.15 Oberiisterreich (Austria) T2~436 2
Nyungar dialects
T6-9915 Oberpfalz (Germany) T2--433 4
Nzima (African people) T5-963 38 Obersimmental-Saanen
Nzima 496.338 (Switzerland) T2--494 541 2
T6-963 38 Oberspreewald-Lausitz
(Gernmny: Landkreis) T2--431 51
0 Obesity
low-calorie cooking 641.563 5
Oadby and Wigston medicine 616.398
(England) T2-425 43 see also Digestive system
Oahe, Lake (S.D. and N.D.) T2-783 5 diseases humans
Oahu (Hawaii) T2-969 3 Obiang Nguema Mbasogo,
Oak Bay (B.C.) T2· 711 28 Teodoro
Oakey (Qld.) T2-943 3 Equatorial Guinean history 967.180 32
Oakland (Calif.) T2-794 66 Obion County (Tenn.) T2-768 13
Oakland County (Mich.) T2 774 38 Obituaries 920
Oaks 583.46 Obituary sermons
forestry 634.972 I Christianity 252.9
lumber 674.142 Object-oriented databases
Oarfishes 597.64 computer science 005.757
OAS (Alliance) 341.245 Object-oriented programming 005.117
Oatlands (Tas.) T2 -946 3 Object-relational databases
computer science 005.756
Objective knowledge 121.4

Relative Index

Objectivism 149 Obstetrics 618.2

Objectivity anesthesiology 617.968 2
epistemology 121.4 veterinary medicine 636.089 82
Oblates 255.76 Obstructions
church history 271.76 intestine
women 255.97 medicine 616.342
church history 271.97 see also Digestive system
Obligations of citizens 323.65 diseases humans
Oblong books 099 surgery 617.554
Oboe concertos 784.285 2 Obstntctive pulmonary disease
Oboes 788.52 medicine 616.24
instrument 788.521 9 see also Respiratory tract
music 788.52 diseases ~humans
see alw Woodwind instruments Obwalden (Switzerland) T2- 494 764
Obote, A. Milton (Apollo Milton) Ocarinas 788.38
Ugandanhistory 967.61041 see also Woodwind instntments
1962~1971 967.61041 Occasional sermons
1980-1985 967.61043 Christianity 252.6
Obregon, Alvaro Occasionalism 147
Mexican history 972.082 2 Occident 909.098 21
O'Brien County (Iowa) T2~777 14 T2~182 1
Obscenity Occidental Mindoro
criminology 364.174 (Philippines)
law 345.027 4 Occidental region
ethics 176.7 (Paraguay) T2~892 2
205.667 Occitan language 449
Christianity 241.667 T6--491
law 344.054 7 Occlusion disorders
postal handling 383.1205 dentistry 617.643
social problem 363.47 incidence 614.5996
Obscenity in speech 179.5 Occult sciences 130
Observation see Manual at 130 vs. 200
descriptive research 001.433 Occultations 523.99
Tl~072 3 Occultism 130
Observatories arts T3C~37
architecture 727.5 literature 808.803 7
astronomy 522.1 history and criticism 809.933 7
Obsessive-compulsive disorder specific literatures T3B-080 37
medicine 616.852 27 history and
see Mental disorders criticism T3B-093 7
Obsidian 552.22 religious practice 203
glyptics 736.28 see Manual at 001.9 and 130;
Obstacle courses (Military also at 130 vs. 200
training) 355.544 Occultism and religion 201.613
Obstetrical disorders Christianity 261.513
incidence 614.599 22 Islam 297.261
medicine 618.2 Judaism 296.371
Obstetrical nursing 618.202 31 Occultists 130.92
Obstetrical surgery 618.8 Occupational aptitude tests 153.94
Obstetricians 618.200 92 Occupational diseases
law 344.041 2 health 613.62
malpractice 344.041 21 law 344.043 698 03
role and function 618.202 32

Dewey Decimal Classification

Occupational diseases (continued) Occupations (continued)

medicine 616.980 3 industrial relations 331.04
see also Environmental labor force 331.119
diseases - humans labor market 331.129
workers' compensation law 344.021 8 labor unions 331.881
Occupational ethics 174 pensions 331.252 9
religion 205.64 public administration 354.9
see also Ethical problems social groups 305.9
Occupational groups 305.9 sociology of production 306.36
Tl-088 strikes (work stoppages) 331.892 8
customs 390.4 unemployment 331.1378
dress 391.04 works for Tl-024
journalism for 070.486 Occupied countries 355.49
religion aftennath ofwar 355.028
Christianity World War I 940.33
guides to life 248.88 World War II 940.533 6
see Manual at 305.9 vs. 305.5 see Manual at 930-990
Occupational guidance 331.702 Occupied territory 355.49
see also Vocational guidance Ocean-atmosphere interactions 551.524 6
Occupational health 613.62 Ocean basins T2-182
Occupational health nursing 610.7346 Ocean bottom 551.468
Occupational health services law of nations 341.455
personnel management 658.382 see also Ocean floor
public administration 352.67 Ocean bottom vehicles
Occupational licensing 354.928 4 engineering 629.292
law 344.017 Ocean circulation 551.462
public administration 354.928 4 Ocean color 551.465 5
Occupational medicine 616.980 3 Ocean County (N.J.) T2-74948
Occupational mobility 305.9 Ocean currents 551.462
economics 331.127 2 Ocean dumping 363.728
Occupational requirements law 344.046 26
personnel selection 658.3112 see also Waste control
Occupational safety 363.11 Ocean engineering 620.4162
see also Industrial safety Ocean Falls (B.C.) T2-711 1
Occupational specialties 331.702 Ocean floor 551.468
Tl-023 biology 578.777
see also Vocational guidance ecology 577.77
Occupational stress 158.72 oceanography 551.468
Occupational therapy Ocean floor mining 622.295
medicine 615.851 5 Ocean floor vehicles
Occupational training 370.113 engineering 629.292
Tl-071 5 Ocean liners 387.243 2
see also Vocational education design 623.812 432
Occupations 331.7 engineering 623.824 32
Tl-023 see also Ships
active employment 331.125 Ocean marine insurance 368.22
collective bargaining 331.890 4 Ocean marine war risk insurance 368.22
compensation 331.28 Ocean sunfishes 597.64
demand 331.123 Ocean temperatures 551.465 3
economics 331.7 meteorological effect 551.524 6
employment conditions 331.204 Ocean thermal power conversion 333.914
folklore 398.275 3
history and criticism 398.355 3

Relative Index

Ocean transportation 387.5 Octopoda 594.56

Jaw 343.096 2 paleozoology 564.56
see lvfanual at 341.45 vs. Octopuses 594.56
343.0962 cooking 641.694
public administration 354.78 food 641.394
transportation services 387.5 commercial processing 664.94
" ocean travel 910.45 Ocular motility disorders
arts T3C-321 62 ophthalmology 617.762
ocean waters 551.46 see also Eye diseases-
see also Oceans humans
Oceana County (Mich.) T2-774 59 Ocular neuromuscular
Oceania 995 mechanism
T2-95 human physiology 612.846
Oceanic languages 499.5 ophthalmology 617.762
T6~995 Odd Fellows 366.3
Oceanographers 551.460 92 biography 366.309 2
~· Oceanography 551.46 Odd-toed ungulates 599.66
Jaw 344.095 5 Odendaalsrus (South
see Manual at 578.76-.77 vs. Africa : District) T2-685 3
551.46, 551.48 Oder-Spree (Germany :
Oceans 551.46 Landkreis) T2--431 53
T2-162 Oderland-Spree (Germany:
biology 578.77 Raumordnungsregion) T2--431 53
ecology 577.7 Odes 808.814 3
geologic agent 551.36 history and criticism 809.143
influence on precipitation 551.577 5 specific literatures T3B-104 3
interactions with atmosphere 551.524 6 individual authors T3A-1
law of nations 341.45 Odes of Solomon 229.912
see Manual at 341.45 vs. Odessa (Ukraine : Oblast) T2--477 2
343.0962 Odes'ka oblasr (Ukraine) T2--477 2
physical geology 551.46 Odi (South Africa : District) T2-682 41
public administration 354.369 ODL (Open and distance
resource economics 333.916 4 learning) 371.35
see Manual at T2 -162 adult education 374.4
Ocelot 599.752 higher education 378.175
animal husbandry 636.89 Odobenidae 599.799
Ochil Hills (Scotland) T2--412 8 Odocoileus 599.652
Ochiltree County (Tex.) T2-764 815 Odocoileus hemionus 599.653
Ochnaceae 583.624 Odonata 595.733
Ochotona 599.329 Odontoceti 599.5
Ochotonidae 599.329 paleozoology 569.5
Oconee County (Ga.) T2-758 193 Odontopteris 561.597
Oconee County (S.C.) T2-757 21 Oea (Libya) T2-397 4
Oconee River (Ga.) T2-758 6 Oestridae 595.774
Oconto County (Wis.) T2-775 37 Off-road biking 796.63
Ocotepeque (Honduras : Off-road vehicles 388.34
Dept.) T2-728 383 driving 629.283 042
Ocotillo 583.628 engineering 629.220 42
OCR (Computer science) 006.424 military engineering 623.747
Octal system (Numeration) 513.5 repair 629.287 042
Octets transportation services 388.34
chamber music 785.18 see also Automotive vehicles
vocal music 783.18 Offaly (Ireland) T2-418 6

Dewey Decimal Classification

Offenbach am Main Office hours (Religion) (continued)

(Germany) T2---434 163 Roman Catholic 264.020 15
Offenders 364.3 texts 264.024
Tl-086 927 Office layout
criminology 364.3 plant management 658.23
law 345.03 0 ffice management 651.3
pastoral care Office of chief executive
Christianity 259.5 management 658.42
punishment 364.6 public administration 352.237
welfare services 364.6 Office practice 651.374
Offenses against military Office
discipline 355.1334 office 651
Offenses against property 364.16 public administration 352.379
Holocaust, 1933-1945 940.531 813 2 Office services 651
restitution 940.5318144 Office suites (Computer
law 345.026 software) 005.5
Offenses against public morals 364.17 Office supplies
law 345.027 anned forces 355.81
Offenses against public safety 364.142 office services 651.29
law 345.024 2 procurement 658.72
Offenses against religion 364.188 Office workers 651.309 2
law 345.028 8 labor economics 331.761 6513
Offenses against the person 364.15 personnel management 651.306 83
law 345.025 public administration 352.63
Offensive am1s social class 305.965 l3
art metalwork 739.7 Officers (Anned forces) 355.009 2
customs 399 role and function 355.332
Offerings (Religion) 203.4 Officers' clubs 355.346
Christianity 248.6 Officers of corporations
Judaism 296.492 executive management 658.4
Offertory 264.36 law 346.066 42
music 782.323 5 Officers' training (Anned forces) 355.55
Office buildings Official ceremonies and
architecture 725.23 observances 394.4
construction 690.523 anncd forces 355.17
health 613.5 customs 394.4
institutional housekeeping 647.962 3 Official gazettes 351.05
lighting 621.322 523 see also Serials
Office employees 651.309 2 Official languages
see also Office workers primary education 372.65
Office equipment Official residences
anned forces 355.81 architecture 725.17
manufacturing technology 681.6 Official secrets 342.068 4
office services 651.2 Oft1ine processing 004.3
procurement 658.72 see also Processing modes
Tl-068 7 computer science
Office etiquette 395.52 Offset printing 686.231 5
Office furniture Offshore mining 622.295
manufacturing technology 684 Offshore petroleum drilling 622.338 19
office services 651.23 Offshore structures 627.98
procurement 658.72 Offspring 306.874
Ofllce hours (Religion) 264.15 Tl-085 4
Anglican 264.030 15 Ogadcn War, 1977 1978 963.071
music 782.324 Ogasawara-gunto (Japan) T2-528

Relative Index

Ogeechee River (Ga.) T2-758 6 Oil processes

Ogemaw County (Mich.) T2·········774 75 photographic printing 773.8
Oglala Indians T5-975 244 Oil-producing plants
Ogle County (fll.) T2-773 32 agriculture 633.85
Oglethorpe County (Ga.) T2-758J75 Oil sands 553.283
Ogliastra (Italy: Province) T2-45928 see also Tar sands
ancient T2-37928 Oil shale 553.283
Ogres 398.21 economic geology 553.283
see also Legendary beings mining 622.338 3
Ogun State (Nigeria) T2-66923 law 343.077 2
Ogwr (Wales) T2-429 71 processing 665.4
Ohau, Lake (N .Z.) T2-938 97 Oil-soluble paint 667.62
Ohio 977.1 Oil spills 363.738 2
T2-771 law 344.046 332
Ohio County (Ind.) T2-772 123 water pollution engineering 628.168 33
Ohio County (Ky.) T2-769 835 Oil well flooding 622.338 2
Ohio County (W.Va.) T2-754 14 Oil wells 622.338 2
Ohio River T2--77 Oil bird 598.99

Kentucky T2-769 Oiling
West Virginia T2-754 I woodwork
Ohmmeters 621.374 2 buildings 698.33
Oholot 296.123 6 Oils
Oil (Petroleum) 553.282 applied nutrition 613.284
economic geology 553.282 food technology 664.3
extraction 622.338 2 hydraulic-power technology 621.204 24
extractive economics 338.272 82 industrial 665
law 343.077 2 materials science 620.198
pipeline technology 665.544 metabolism
processing 665.5 human physiology 612.397
economies 338.476 655 paint technology 667.622
enterprises 338.766 55 Oilseed plants
prospecting 622.182 82 agriculture 633.85
public administration 354.45 Ointments
public utilities 363.6 pharmaceutical chemistry 615.19
Jaw 343.092 6 Oirat T5-942
resource economics 333.823 2 Oirat-Kalmyk language 494.2
law 346.046 823 2 T6-942
see also Petroleum Oise (France) T2-442 64
Oil beetles 595.769 Oita-ken (Japan) T2-522 8
Oil depletion allowance 336.243 16 Ojibwa Indians T5-973 33
tax law 343.052 34 Ojibwa language 497.333
Oil gas 665.773 T6-973 33
Oil heating Ojibwa languages 497.33
buildings 697.044 T6-973 3
Oil lamps 621.323 Ojibwa literature 897.333
see also Lighting Ojibway Indians T5-973 33
Oil painting 751.45 Okaloosa County (Fla.) T2-759 982
Oil palms 633.851 Okanagan Lake (B.C.) T2-7ll 5
agriculture 633.851 Okanagan-Similkameen
botany 584.5 (B.C.) T2-711 5
Oil pollution 363.738 2 Okanogan County (Wash.) T2-79728
law 344.046 332 Okapi 599.638
water supply engineering 628.168 33 Okayama-ken (Japan) T2-521 94
see also Pollution Okeechobee, Lake (Fla.) T2-759 39

Dewey Decimal Classification

Okeechobee County (Fla.) T2-759 53 Old Catholic churches (continued)

Okefenokee Swamp (Ga. moral theology 241.044 8
and Fla.) T2-758 752 public worship 264.048
Okfuskee County (Okla.) T2~-766 73 religious education 268.848
Okhotsk, Sea of 551.461 453 theology 230.48
T2~-164 53 Old Catholics
Okinawa Island (Japan) T2-522 94 biography 284.8
Okinawa-ken (Japan) T2-522 9 Old Church Slavic language 49!.817 01
Oklahoma 976.6 T6-918 17
T2-766 Old Danish language 439.81701
Oklahoma City (Okla.) T2-76638 Old English language 429
Oklahoma County (Okla.) T2--766 38 T6-29
Oklahoma Panhandle Old English literature 829
(Okla.) T2-766 13 Old French language 447.01
Oklahoma Territory T2-766 L T6---41
Okmulgee County (Okla.) T2-766 83 Old Frisian language 439.2
Oko languages 496.33 T6-392
T6-963 3 Old Frisian literature 839.2
Okpe language 496.33 Old-growth forests 333.75
T6--963 3 see also Forest lands
Okra 641.356 48 Old High German language 437.01
botany 583.685 T6-31
commercial processing 664.805 648 Old Icelandic language 439.6
cooking 641.656 48 T6-396 I
food 641.356 48 Old Icelandic literature 839.6
garden crop 635.648 Old lndic language 491.29
Oktibbeha County (Miss.) T2-762 953 T6-912 9
Oktoberfest 394.264 4 Old Indic literature 891.29
Olacaceae 583.88 Old Italian language 457.01
Olancho (Honduras) T2-728 33 T6---51
Oland (Sweden) T2---486 3 Old Kingdom (Egypt) 932.012
Oland (Sweden : Island) T2--486 3 Old Latin language 477
Olbia-Tempio (Italy : T6-71
Province) T2---459 37 Old Low Franconian language 439.31
ancient T2-379 37 T6-393 1
Old age 305.26 Old Low Franconian literature 839.31
Old-age and survivors' insurance 368.3 Old Low German language 439.4
government-sponsored 368.43 T6-394
law 344.023 Old Low German literature 839.4
Old age homes 362.61 0 ld Low Germanic languages 439
Old age pensions 331.252 T6--39
see also Pensions Old Low Germanic literatures 839
Old Bulgarian language 491.817 01 Old Norse language 439.6
T6-918 17 T6-396l
Old Bulgarian literature 891.81 Old Norse literature 839.6
Old Castile (Spain) T2---463 5 Old Northwest 977
Old Catholic churches 284.8 T2-77
church government 262.048 Old people 305.26
parishes 254.048 Tl-0846
church law 262.984 8 see also Older people
doctrines 230.48 Old Persian language 491.51
catechisms and creeds 238.48 T6-915 I
guides to Christian life 248.484 8 Old Persian literature 891.51
missions 266.48

Relative Index

Old Portuguese language 469.701 Older people (continued)

T6 -69 health 613.043 8
Old Prussian language 491.91 health insurance
T6-919 1 government-sponsored 368.426
Old Prussian literature 891.91 law 344.022 6
Old Russian language 491.770 1 home care 649.808 46
T6-917 1 institutional buildings
Old Saxon language 439.4 architecture 725.56
T6-394 institutional care 362.61
Old Saxon literature 839.4 labor economies 331.398
Old School Baptists 286.4 legal status 346.013
see also Baptists constitutional law 342.087 74
Old Southwest 976 private law 346.013
T2-76 libraries for 027.622
Old Spanish language 467.01 life skills 646.79
T6 -61 material assistance 362.63
Old Stone Age 930.12 physical fitness 613.704 46
Old Swedish language 439.770 1 physiology 612.67
Old Testament 221 psychology 155.67
see Manual at 221 recreation 790.192 6
Old Testament Apocrypha 229 indoor 793.019 26
Old Testament pseudepigrapha 229.91 outdoor 796.084 6
Old Testament theology relations with government 323.354
Christianity 230.041 1 religion 200.846
Old Turkic language 494.31 Christianity 270.084 6
T6-9431 devotional literature 242.65
Old World badger 599.767 2 guides to life 248.85
Old World flycatchers 598.848 pastoral care 259.3
Old World fruit bats 599.49 guides to life 204.408 46
Old World monkeys 599.86 residential care 362.61
Old World pitcher plants 583.75 social aspects 305.26
Old World polecats 599.766 2 social welfare 362.6
Old World porcupines 599.359 7 law 344.032 6
Old World rabbit 599.322 public administration 353.537
Old World runners (Lizards) 597.958 Older women 305.262
Old World vultures 598.94 Older workers 331.398
Old World warblers 598.843 see also Older people
Oldenburg (Germany) T2---435 914 Oldham (England :
Older men 305.261 Metropolitan Borough) T2---427 393
Older minorities (Ethnic and Oldham County (Ky.) T2-769 383
national) Oldham County (Tex.) T2-764 824
social welfare 362.699 Oleales 583.87
Older people 305.26 Oleanders 635.933 93
Tl 084 6 botany 583.93
accident insurance floriculture 635.933 93
government-sponsored 368.426 Oleasters 635.933 82
law 344.022 6 botany 583.82
architecture for 720.846 floriculture 635.933 82
civil rights 323.354 Olefins 547.412
cooking for 641.562 7 chemical engineering 661.814
customs 390.084 6 textiles 677.474 5
etiquette 395.126 see also Textiles
geriatrics 618.97
government programs 353.537

Dewey Decimal Classification
Oleomargarine Olympic Games 796.48
food technology 664.32 summer 796.48
Olfaction 573.877 winter 796.98
human physiology 612.86 Olympic Mountains (Wash.) T2-797 94
Olfactory nerves 573.877 Olympic National Park
human physiology 612.86 (Wash.) T2-79798
medicine 616.856 Olympic Peninsula (Wash.) T2-797 94
Olfactory organs 573.877 Olyreae 584.9
human anatomy 611.86 Omagh (Northern Ireland :
human physiology 612.86 District) T2~-416 47
see also Nervous system Omaha (Neb.) T2-782 254
Olfactory perception Omaha Indians T5-975 253
psychology 152.166 Omaha language 497.525 3
Oligarchy 321.5 T6-975253
Oligocene epoch 551.785 Oman 953.53
geology 551.785 T2-535 3
paleontology 560.178 5 ancient 939.49
Oligochaeta 592.64 T2-3949
Oligomenorrhea Oman, Gulf of 551.461 536
gynecology 618.172 T2-165 36
see also Female genital Oman is T5-~927 535 3
diseases humans Ombudsmen 352.88
Oligopoly 338.82 law 342.066 7
economics 338.82 legislative branch 328.345 2
international economics 338.884 military administration 355.685
0\igosaccharides 572.565 public administration 352.88
see also Carbohydrates agency ombudsmen 352.35
Olive oil 641.346 3 Omens 133.334
cooking with 641.646 3 religion 203.2
food 641.346 3 Omentum
food technology 664.362 human anatomy 611.38
Oliver County (N.D.) T2--784 843 human physiology 612.33
Olives 641.346 3 medicine 616.38
agriculture 634.63 surgery 617.558
botany 583.87 Omineca Mountains (B.C.) T2-711 85
commercial processing 664.804 63 Omineca River (B.C.) T2-7ll 82
cooking 641.646 3 Omissions insurance 368.564
food 641.346 3 Omnipotence of God 212.7
Olivctans 255.13 see also Attributes of God
church history 271.13 Omniscience of God 212.7
women 255.97 see also Attributes of God
church history 271.97 Omotic languages 493.59
Olmsted County (Minn.) T2-776 155 T6-935 9
Olomoucky kraj (Czech Omotic peoples T5-935 9
Republic) T2---437 27 Omsk (Russia : Oblast) T2-573
Olsztyn (Poland : Omska1a oblast' (Russia) T2-573
Voivodeship) T2---438 32 On-the-job training 331.259 2
Olt (Romania) T2~498 2 T\-071 55
Oltcn (Switzerland: Bezirk) T2-494 351 7 see also Vocational education
Olten-Gosgen (Switzerland) T2-494 351 Ona Indians TS-987
Oltenia (Romania) T2---498 4 Onagraceae 583.76
Olympia (Greece : Ancient
sanctuary) T2-388
Olympia (Wash.) T2-797 79

Relative Index

onchocerciasis Online infom1ation systems 025.04

incidence 614.555 2 see also fnformation storage
medicine 616.965 2 and retrieval systems
see also Communicable Online marketing 381.142
diseases - humans management 658.872
Oncogenes Online processing 004
medicine 616.994 042 Online shopping 381.142
Oncogenic viruses 579.256 9 law 343.081 142
Oncology 616.994 Online social networks
Oncopods 592.7 computer science 006.754
paleozoology 562.7 Only children 306.874
Oncorhynchus 597.56 Tl-085 4
Oncoviruses 579.256 9 family relationships 306.874
Ondatra 599.357 9 home care 649.142
Ondes martenot 786.73 psychology 155.442
see also Electrophones Onomastics 929.97
Ondo State (Nigeria) T2-669 28 etymology 412
One-act plays specific languages T4--2
literature 808.824 I geographic names 910.014
history and criticism 809.241 gazetters 910.3
specific literatures T3B--2041 personal names 929.4
individual authors T3A-2 Onondaga County (N.Y.) T2-747 65
One-dish cooking 641.82 Onondaga Indians T5-975 54
One old cat 796.357 8 Onondaga language 497.554
One-person corporations 338.74 T6-975 54
management 658.045 Onslow County (N.C.) T2~-756 23
see also Corporations Ontario 971.3
One-person enterprises T2-713
management 658.041 see Manual at T2-713 and
initiation 658.114 1 T2-714
One-room schools 372.125 Ontario, Lake (N.Y. and
Onega Lake (Russia) T2--471 5 Ont.) T2~747 9
Oneida County {Idaho) T2-7964l New York T2-747 9
Oneida County {N.Y.) T2-747 62 Ontario T2-713 5
Oneida County (Wis.) T2-775 25 Ontario, Northern T2-7l3 I
Oneida Indians T5-975 543 Ontario County (N.Y.) T2-747 86
Oneida Lake (N.Y.) T2-747 62 Ontologies 006.332
Oneida language 497.554 3 Ontology Ill
T6-975 543 Ontonagon County (Mich.) T2-774 985
Onions 641.352 5 Onychophora 592.74
botany 584.33 Onygenales 579.565
commercial processing 664.805 25 Onyx 553.87
cooking 641.652 5 see also Semiprecious stones
food 641.352 5 Onyx marble 553.55
garden crop 635.25 economic geology 553.55
Onionskin paper 676.282 3 quarrying 622.355
Online advertising 659.144 O'Odham Indians T5-974 552
Online auctions 381.177 O'Odham language 497.455 2
management 658.877 7 T6-974 552
Online catalogs 025.313 2 Oolite 552.58
Online chat groups 004.693 Oomycetes 579.54
Online etiquette 395.5 Oort cloud objects 523.497
Online help facilities 005.3 Oost-Vlaanderen (Belgium) T2--493 14
development 005.15

Dewey Decimal Classification

Op art 709.040 72 Operas 782.1

painting 759.067 2 mUSIC 782.1
sculpture 735.230 472 stage presentation 792.5
Op-ed pages 070.442 see Manual at 782.1 vs. 792.5,
Opah 597.64 792.6
Opals 553.873 Operating budgets (Public) 352.48
mineralogy 549.68 see also Budgets (Public)
see also Semiprecious stones Operating rooms (Snrgery) 617.917
Open air schools 371.384 Operating systems 005.43
Open and distance learning 371.35 certification 005.430 76
adult education 374.4 graphics programming 006.678 2
higher education 378.175 graphics programs 006.688 2
Open classroom grouping 371.256 multimedia-systems
Open classroom instruction 371.394 I programming 006.778 2
Open clusters (Stars) 523.852 multimedia-systems programs 006.788 2
Open-cut mining 622.292 programming 005.42
Open economy 330.122 Operation Desert Storm, 1991 956.704 424
Open-end mutual funds 332.632 7 Operational amplifiers 621.395
Open-field system Operational audits 658.401 3
land economics 333.2 public administration 352.439
Open fires Operational calculus 515.72
heating buildings 697.1 Operations (Mathematics) 511.33
Open-hearth furnace practice 669.142 2 number theory 512.72
Open learning Operations income
adult education 374.4 financial management 658.155 4
Open-loop systems Operations research 003
automation engineering 629.82 Tl-011
Open-market operations 332.114 management decision making 658.403 4
central banking 332.114 Operative gynecology 618.105 9
macroeconomic policy 339.53 Operative surgery 617.91
Open-pit mining 622.292 Operator algebras 512.556
Open plan schools 371.256 Operator errors 363.120 I
instruction 371.394 I see also Transportation safety
Open shop 331.889 2 Operator theory 515.724
Open stacks 025.81 Operators (Mathematics) 515.724
Open Systems Interconnection 004.62 Operettas 782.12
Open universities (Alternative music 782.12
higher education) 378.03 stage presentation 792.5
see also Higher education Ophicleides 788.99
Openings (Buildings) 721.82 see also Brass instruments
architecture 721.82 Ophidiidae 597.63
construct! on 690.182 Ophioglossales 587.33
Openings (Chess) 794.122 paleobotany 561.73
Openings (Physiography) T2-144 Opbiurida 593.94
Openwork fabrics 677.65 Ophiuroidea 593.94
Opera glasses paleozoology 563.94
manufacturing teclmology 681.412 5 Ophthalmic nursing 617.702 31
Opera houses Ophthalmologists 617.7092
architecture 725.822 role and function 617.70232
history 792.509 Ophthalmology 617.7
Opera reviews 792.545 anesthesiology 617.9677
Opera singers 782.109 2 geriatrics 618.977 7
Operant conditioning 153.152 6 nursing 617.702 31
pediatrics 618.920 977

Relative Index

Opiliaceae 583.88
Opilioacarifonnes 595.42 computer science 006.42
opiliones 595.43 engineering 621.399 6
Opisthobranchia 594.34 see Manual at 006.37 vs.
Opisthocomidae 598.74 006.42,621.367,621.391,
Opium 621.399
pharmacokinetics 615.782 2 Optical detectors
phannacology 615.323 35 manufacturing technology 681.25
Opium abuse 362.293 Optical '""""""''0"
medicine 616.863 2 medicine 616.075 45
personal health 613.83 Optical digital discs 004.565
social welfare 362.293 engineering 621.397 67
see also Substance abuse Optical disc technology 621.382 7
Opium War, 1840-1842 951.033 Optical engineering 621.36
Opole (Poland : military engineering 623.042
Voivodeship) T2---438 55 Optical-fiber cable
Opolskie Voivodeship computer science 004.64
(Poland) T2---438 55 engineering 621.398 1
Opossum shrimps 595.375 Optical-fiber communication 621.382 75
Opossums 599.276 Optical 666.156
Opossums (America) 599.276 Optical illusions 152.148
Opossums (Australasia) 599.23 Optical instruments
Opotiki District (N.Z.) T2-934 28 manufacturing technology 681.4
Oppland fylke (Norway) T2---482 5 Optical metallography 669.950 282
Opposition parties (Legislatures) 328.369 Optical pattem recognition
Optic nerve diseases computer science 006.42
incidence 614.599 7 621.399 4
ophthalmology 617.732 see Manual at 006.37
see also diseases vs. 006.42, 621.367,
humans 621.391, 621.399
Optic nerves 573.882 8 Optical properties
animal physiology 573.882 8 materials science 620.112 95
human anatomy 611.84 Optical rotation
human physiology 612.843 chemistry 541.7
ophthalmology 617.732 Optical sc<mnmg
see also Eyes computer science 006.42
Optical art 709.040 72 engineering 621.399 4
painting 759.067 2 Optical spectroscopes
sculpture 735.230472 manufacturing technology 681.414
Optical binaries 523.841 Optical spectroscopy 543.5
Optical character recognition 006.424 analytical chemistry 543.5
computer engineering 621.399 4 physics 535.84
Optical communications Optical storage devices 004.565
engineering 621.382 7 engineering 621.397 67
Optical components Optical surgery 617.71
cameras 771.35 Opticianry 617.752
Optical computers Opticians 681.409 2
engineering 621.391 Optics 535
see Manual at 006.37 see also Light
vs. 006.42, 621.367, Optimal control
621.391,621.399 automation engineering 629.831 2
Optical crystallography 548.9 mathematics 515.642
philosophy 149.5

Dewey Decimal Classification

Optimization Oran (Algeria: Province) T2-651

mathematics 519.6 Orang Kanaq language T6-992 8
systems 003 Orang Seletar language T6-992 8
Tl-011 Orange (N.J.) T2~749 33

Options (Finance) 332.645 3 Orange (N.S.W.) T2-944 5

Optoacoustic communications Orange County (Calif.) T2-794 96
engineering 621.382 8 Orange County (Fla.) T2-759 24
Optoelectronic devices 621.381 52 · Orange County (Ind.) T2-772 27
Optoelectronics 621.381 045 Orange County (N.C.) T2-756 565
Optometry 617.75 Orange County (N.Y.) T2-747 31
Oqsuqtooq (Nunavut) T2-719 55 Orange County (Tex.) T2-764 147
Or-Blanc (Quebec) T2~714 573 Orange County (Va.) T2-755 372
Oracles 133.3248 Orange County (Vt.) T2-743 63
religion 203.2 Orange Free State 968.504 5
Oral communication 302.224 2 T2-685
management use 658.452 Orange Free State (South Africa) 968.505
office services 651.73 T2-685
rhetoric 808.5 Orange jessamine 635.977 377
Oral contraceptives botany 583.77
health 613.943 22 ornamental arboriculture 635.977 377
medicine 618.182 2 Orange River T2-6871
see also Birth control Orange River Colony 968.504 9
pha:tmacokinetics 615.766 T2-685
Oral history (Research method) 907.2 Orange River Sovereignty 968.504 2
Tl-0722 T2-685
Oral hygiene Orange roughy 597.64
dentistry 617.601 Orange Walk District
Oral interpretation (Lipspeaking) (Belize) T2-728 26
applied linguistics 418 Orangeburg County (S.C.) T2-757 79
specific languages T4-895 Oranges 641.343 1
Oral interpretation (Reading botany 583.77
aloud) 808.54 commercial processing 664.804 31
Oral interpretation of poetry 808.545 cooking 641.643 1
Oral medication food 641.343 1
administering 615.6 orchard crop 634.31
Oral presentations Orangutan 599.883
primary education 372.66 Oraon TS-948 3
Oral reading Oraon language 494.83
primary education 372.452 T6-948 3
Oral region Oraon literature 894.83
medicine 617.522 Oratories (Chapels)
surgery 617.522 059 architecture 726.595
Oral sex Oratorios 782.23
sociology 306.774 choral and mixed voices 782.523
Oral surgery 617.522 059 Orators 809.5
dentistry 617.605 collected biography 809.5
Oral traditions specific literatures T3B-500 9
folklore 398.2 individual biography T3A-5
religion 208.3 Oratory 808.51
Bible 220.663 Orbital diseases
Buddhism 294.383 ophthalmology 617.78
Hinduism 294.593 see also Eye diseases
Islam 297.1 humans
Judaism 296.1

,,E£. Relative Index
~; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Orbital flights Ordinary of the mass 264.36
manned 629.454 music 782.323 2
Orbitals (Quantum chemistry) 541.28 Ordination of clergy 206.1
Orbits (Astromechanics) 521.3 Christianity 262.14
astronautics 629.411 3 ecclesiology 262.14
astronomy 521.3 sacrament 234.164
comets 523.63 public worship 265.4
earth 525.3 theology 234.164
moon 523.33 Judaism 296.61
Orbits (Eye sockets) Ordination of women 206.108 2
human anatomy 611.84 Christianity 262.14
ophthalmology 617.78 Judaism 296.610 82
Orbits (Nuclear particles) 539.725 Ordnance 355.8
Orca ella 599.538 engineering 623.4
Orchard grass 633.22 air ordnance 623.746 I
botany 584.9 naval ordnance 623.825 1
Orchards 634 military equipment 355.8
Orchestra conductors 784.209 2 air ordnance 358.418
Orchestral harps 787.95 naval ordnance 359.8
see also Stringed instruments see Manual at 355-359 vs. 623
Orchestral music 784.2 Ordos
Orchestras 784.2 Roman Catholic liturgy 264.021
Orchestras with solo instruments 784.23 Ordovician period 551.731
Orchestras with toy instruments 784.46 geology 551.731
Orchestras with vocal parts 784.22 paleontology 560.173 1
Orchestration 781.374 Ordu iii (Turkey) T2-565 6
Orchidales 584.4 ancient T2--393 37
Orchids 584.4 Ordufia (Spain) T2-466 9
±1oriculture 635.934 4 Ore dressing 622.7
Orcinus 599.536 see Manual at 622.22, 622.7 vs.
Ord River (W.A. :River) T2--941 4 662.6, 669
Order Ore processing 622.7
philosophy 117 Oreamnos 599.647 5
Order of DeMo lay for Boys 366.108 351 Orebro Ian (Sweden) T2-487 6
Order of the Eastem Star 366.18 Oregano 641.357
biography 366.180 92 see also Herbs
Order statistics 519.5 Oregon 979.5
Ordered algebraic structures 511.33 TI-795
Ordered solids 530.413 Oregon County (Mo.) T2--778 875
Ordered topological spaces 514.32 Oregon myrtle 583.23
Ordering Orel (Russia : Oblast) T2--473 5
library acquisitions 025.23 Orenburg (Russia : Oblast) T2--474 3
materials management 658.72 Orenburgskala ob1ast'
Orders (Awards) 929.81 (Russia) T2--474 3
armed forces 355.134 2 Orense (Spain: Province) T2-461 5
numismatics 737.223 Ores 553
Orders (Societies) 369 Oresund (Denmark and Sweden) 551.461 334
Orders of knighthood 929.71 T2·~163 34
Ordinances 348.02 Organ banks 362.178 3
Ordinary differential equations 515.352 see also Health services
numerical solutions 518.63 Organ builders 786.519 092
Ordinary differentiation 515.33 Organ cases
Ordinary language philosophy 149.94 church architecture 726.529 7
Organ concertos 784.265

Dewey Decimal Classification

Organ culture 571.538 Organization of American States 341.245

humans 612.028 public administration 352.117
Organ donation 362.178 3 Organization of production 338.6
law 344.041 94 economics 338.6
Organ transplants 362.197 95 management 658.51
law 344.041 94 Tl-068 5
medical ethics 174.297 954 Organizational behavior 302.35
see also Medical ethics management 658
social services 362.19795 Organizational change
surgery 617.954 executive management 658.406
Organelles 571.65 public administration 352.367
Organic chemicals Organizations 060
chemical engineering 661.8 Tl-06
Organic chemistry 547 business enterprises 338.7
analytical chemistry 543.17 law 346.06
applied 661.8 organizational behavior 302.35
Organic compounds 547 religious 206.5
biochemistry 572 see also Religious
humans 612.015 7 organizations
human toxicology 615.95 social 369
pollution see Manual at Tl--025 vs.
ecology 577.278 Tl-~601-0609; also
toxicology 571.957 at Tl--0601-0609;
Organic dmgs also at Tl-072 vs.
pharmacology 615.3 Tl-0601-0609
Organic evolution 576.8 Organized crime 364.106
Organic farming 631.584 law 345.02
Organic fertilizers 631.86 Organohalogen compounds 547.02
chemical engineering 668.63 alicyclic chemistry 547.52
Organic gardening 635.048 4 aliphatic chemistry 547.42
floriculture 635.987 biochemistry 572.556
Organic geochemistry 553.2 human toxicology 615.951 2
Organic materials Organometallic compounds 547.05
materials science 620.117 aliphatic chemistry 547.45
Organic poisons 363.179 I biochemistry 572.51
human toxicology 615.95 chemical engineering 661.895
public safety 363.1791 human toxicology 615.951 5
see also Hazardous materials Organonitrogen compounds 547.04
Organic solids 530.413 aliphatic chemistry 547.44
Organically grown foods 641.302 aromatic chemistry 547.64
agriculture 631.584 Organophosphorus compounds 547.07
home economics 641.302 aliphatic chemistry 547.47
Organismic psychology 150.193 Organosilicon compounds 547.08
Organists 786.509 2 aliphatic chemistry 547.48
Organization (Management) 658.1 Organosulfur compounds 547.06
T1-0681 aliphatic chemistry 547.46
executive 658.402 aromatic chemistry 547.66
production 658.51 Organotherapy
public administration 352.2 pharmacology 615.36
see 1'>1anual at 658.04 vs. Organs (Musical instmments) 786.5
658.114,658.402 instrument 786.519
Organization of African Unity 341.249 music 786.5
public administration 352.116 see also Keyboard instruments

Relative Index

Oribi Gorge Nature Reserve Original sin 233.14

(South Africa) T2---684 5 Orinoco River (Venezuela) T2~87

Orient 950 Orinoquia Region

T25 (Colombia) T2 861 9
Oriental (Morocco) T2~643 3 Orioles 598.874
720.95 Orissa (India) T2~541 33
Oriental architecture
ancient 722.1 Oristano (Italy : Province) T2 459 4
709.5 ancient T2~3794
Oriental arts
Oriental churches 281.6 Oriya T5~914 56
see also Eastern churches Oriya language 491.456
Oriental horses 636.11 T6~914 56

Oriental languages 490 Oriya literature 891.456

T6~9 Orkney (Scotland) T2--411 32
Oriental Mindoro Orkney Islands (Scotland) T2--411 32
(Philippines) T2~599 3 Orlah 296.123 I
Oriental Orthodox churches 281.6 Mishnah 296.123 I
see also Eastern churches Palestinian Talmud 296.124 I
Oriental philosophy 181 Orleanais (France) T2~445 I

Oriental region (Paraguay) T2~892 I Orleans (France) T2--445 27

Oriental rugs Orleans, Ile-de (Quebec) T2~714 476

arts 746.750 95 Orleans, Isle of(Quebec) T2~-714 476

Oriental sculpture 730.95 Orleans County (N.Y.) T2~747 91

ancient 732.7 Orleans County (Vt.) T2-743 23

Oriental shorthair cats 636.82 Orleans Parish (La.) T2~ 763 35

Oriental sores Orleansville (Algeria :

incidence 614.534 Province) T2~653

medicine 616.936 4 Orlicz spaces 515.73

see also Communicable Orlovskarn oblast' (Russia) T2--473 5
diseases ~ humans Ormiston Gorge National
Orientale (Congo : Park (N.T.) T2-942 91
Province) T2-675 15 Ornamentid birds 636.68
Orientation (Geography) 912.014 economic zoology 598.163
Orientation of employees see also Birds
personnel management 658.312 42 Ornamental bookbinding 686.36
public administration 352.66 Ornamental fans
Orientational perception decorative arts 736.7
psychology 152.188 2 dress customs 391.44
Oriente (Ecuador) T2---866 4 Ornamental fishes 639.3
Orienteering 796.58 Ornamental glass
Origami 736.982 architectural decoration 729.8
Origin of legislation 328.372 Ornamental nails
Origin oflife 576.83 ironwork 739.48
philosophy 113.8 Ornamental plants 635.9
religion 202.4 economic botany 581.636
Christianity 231.765 see Manual at 583~585 vs. 600;
philosophy of religion 213 also at 633~635; also at
Origin of races 635.9 vs. 582.1
physical ethnology 599.972 Ornamental woodwork
Origin of the state 320.11 furniture arts 749.5
Origin of universe 523.12 handicrafts 745.51
philosophy 113
religion 202.4
Christianity 231.765
philosophy of religion 213

Dewey Decimal Classification

Ornaments Orthodox Church (continued)

arts 745 monasticism 255.819
glass 748.8 church history 271.819
stone 736.5 women 255.981 9
wood 736.4 church history 271.981 9
handicrafts 745.594 moral theology 241.041 9
manufacturing technology 688.726 public worship 264.019
Ornaments (Music) 781.247 267.181 9
Orne (France) T2-442 3 religious education 268.819
Omithischia 567.914 seminaries 230.073 19
Ornithologists 598.092 theology 230.19
Ornithology 598 see Manual at 270, 230.11-.14
Ornithopoda 567.914 vs. 230.15-.2, 281.5-.9, 282
Omithopters Orthodox Church of Greece 281.949 5
engineering 629.133 36 Orthodox Eastern Church 281.9
Omithorhynchidae 599.29 Orthodox .Judaism 296.832
Oro (Ecuador) T2~866 31 Orthodox sacred music
Oro Province (Papua New public worship
Guinea) T2 954 2 religion 264.019 02
Orobanchaceae 583.95 Orthogonal polynomials 515.55
Orogeny 551.82 Orthogonal series 515.243
Oromiya kelel (Ethiopia) T2--632 Orthographic projection
Oromo (African people) T5~935 5 technical drawing 604.245
Oromo language 493.55 Orthography 411
T6-935 5 applied linguistics 418
Oromo literature 893.55 specific languages T4~813
Orphanages 362.732 specific subjects Tl-014
Orphans 305.230 869 45 linguistics 411
T1~086 945 specific languages T4~152
social group 305.230 869 45 primary education 372.632
social services 362.73 Orthomorphic projections 526.82
Orpines 583.72 Orthopedic appliances
Ortega, Daniel manufacturing technology 681.761
Nicaraguan history 972.850 53 Orthopedic equipment 617.9
1985-1990 972.850 53 Orthopedic nursing 616.702 31
2007- 972.850 544 Orthopedic shoes
0rtenaukreis (Germany: manufacturing technology 685.38
Landkreis) T2-434 626 Orthopedic surgery 617.47
Orthochromatic photography 778.62 Orthopedics 616.7
Orthodontics 617.643 Orthoptera 595.726
Orthodox cathedrals Orthopters
architecture 726.63 engineering 629.133 36
Orthodox Christians Orthoptics 617.762
biography 281.909 2 Orthorrhapha 595.773
Orthodox Church 281.9 Ortiz Rubio, Pascual
church government 262.019 Mexican history 972.082 43
parishes 254.019 Oruro (Bolivia : Dept.) T2~841 3
church law 262.981 9 Orvieto (Italy)
doctrines 230.19 ancient T2~375 76
catechisms and creeds 238.19 Oryctolagus 599.322
general councils 262.519 Oryx 599.645
guides to Christian life 248.481 9 conservation technology 639.979 645
liturgy 264.019 resource economics 333.959 645
missions 266.19 Oryzeae 584.9

Relative Index

osage County (Kan.) T2--781 643 Osmium (continued)

osage County (Mo.) T2-778 58 metallography 669.957
Osage County (Okla.) T2-766 25 metallurgy 669.7
Osage Indians TS--975 254 physical metallurgy 669.967
osage language 497.525 4 see also Chemicals
T6-975 254 Osmosis 530.425
Osage orange 583.45 physics 530.425
Osaka (Japan) T2-521 834 water supply treatment 628.164
Osaka (Japan : Prefecture) T2-521 83 Osmotic pressure 54L341 5
Osborne County (Kan.) T2-781 215 Osnabrilck (Germany) T2--435 911
Oscan language 479.9 Osomo (Chile: Province) T2-835 3
TG---799 Osoyoos (B.C.) T2~711 5
Oscans T5-79 Osprey 598.93
Oscar I, King of Sweden and Osroene T2-394 2
Norway Osseous tissues
Swedish history 948.504 1 human histology 612.751 045
Oscar II, King of Sweden Ossete language 491.59
Swedish history 948.504 2 T6-915 9
Osceola County (Fla.) T2-759 25 Ossete literature 891.59
Osceola County (Iowa) T2 777 116 Ossetic language 491.59
Osceola County (Mich.) T2-774 69 T6-915 9
Oscillations Ossetic literature 891.59
solid-state physics 530.416 Ossets TS-915 9
solids 531.32 Ossicle diseases
Oscillatoriales 579.39 medicine 617.842
Oscillators see also Ear diseases
electronic circuits 621.381 533 humans
radio engineering 621.384 12 Ossicles
Oscillographs 621.374 7 human anatomy 611.85
electronic engineering 621.381 548 3 human physiology 612.854
Oscilloscopes 621.381 548 3 medicine 617.842
Oscines 598.8 Ostariophysi 597.48
see Manual at 598.824-.88 Osteichthyes 597
Osco-Umbrian languages 479.9 see also Fishes
T6 799 Osteitis
Osco-Umbrian literatures 879.9 medicine 616.712
Osco-Umbrians TS-79 see also Musculoskeletal
Oscoda County (Mich.) T2 774 78 diseases ··········humans
Osee (Biblical book) 224.6 Osteitis deformans
Osetin language 491.59 medicine 616.712
T6 915 9 see also Musculoskeletal
Osetin literature 891.59 diseases - humans
Oshkosh (Wis.) T2-775 64 Osteoarthritis
OSI (Computer communication) 004.62 medicine 616.722 3
Osilinka River (B.C.) T2-711 85 see also Musculoskeletal
Oslo f)t!ke (Norway) T2--482 I diseases - humans
Osmaniye iii (Turkey) T2-564 7 Osteochondritis
ancient T2-.39.3 5 medicine 616.712
Osmanli language 494.35 see also Musculoskeletal
T6-943 5 diseases humans
Osmanli literature 894.35 Osteoglossomorpha 597.47
Osmium 669.7 paleozoology 567.47
chemical engineering 661.064 I
chemistry 546.641

Dewey Decimal Classification

Osteomyelitis Oto Indians T5-9752

medicine 616.715 Oto language (Siouan) 497.52
see aLw Musculoskeletal T6-975 2
diseases humans Oto-Manguean languages 497.6
Osteopathic physicians 610.92 T6-976
Osteopathy 610 Otoe County (Neb.) T2-782 273
therapeutic system 615.533 Otolaryngology 617.51
Osteoporosis Otologists 617.809 2
medicine 616.716 role and function 617.802 32
see also Musculoskeletal Otology 617.8
diseases -- humans anesthesiology 617.9678
6stergotland landskap geriatrics 618.977 8
(Sweden) T2-486 8 pediatrics 618.920 978
6stergotlands ian (Sweden) T2-486 8 surgery 617.805 9
6sterreichische Volkspartei 324.243 604 Otomi Indians T5-976
0stfold fylke (Norway) T2·-482 3 Otomi language 497.6
Ostia (Italy) T2--456 3 T6-976
ancient T2-376 3 Otorohanga District (N.Z.) T2-933 7
Ostinato 781.827 Otsego County (Mich.) T2-774 84
instrumental 784.182 7 Otsego County (N.Y.) T2-747 74
0stlandet (Norway) T2-482 Ottawa (Ont.) T2-713 84
6stlich Raron (Switzerland) T2-494 794 2 Ottawa-Carleton (Ont.) T2-713 84
Ostprignitz-Ruppin Ottawa County (Kan.) T2-781 26
(Germany : Landkreis) T2-431 54 Ottawa County (Mich.) T2-77415
Ostracoda 595.33 Ottawa County (Ohio) T2-771 212
paleozoology 565.33 Ottawa County (Okla.) T2-76699
Ostravsky kraj (Czech Ottawa Indians T5-973 36
Republic) T2-437 28 Ottawa language 497.336
Ostriches 598.524 T6--973 36
animal husbandry 636.694 Ottawa River (Quebec and
Ostrol~ka (Poland : Ont.) T2-713 8
Voivodeship) T2-438 41 Ontario T2-713 8
Ostropales 579.57 Quebec T2-7142
Ostvorpommem (Germany : Otter shrews 599.33
Landkreis) T2--431 78 Otter Tail County (Minn.) T2-776 89
Ostyak language 494.51 Otterhound 636.753 6
T6-945 1 Otters 599.769
Ostyak literature 894.51 animal husbandry 636.976 9
Ostyak Samoyed language 494.4 conservation technology 639.979 769
T6-944 resource economics 333.959 769
Ostyaks T5-945 I small game hunting 799.259 769
Osun State (Nigeria) T2-66926 Otters (River otters) 599.769 2
Oswego County (N.Y.) T2-747 67 animal husbandry 636.976 92
Oswestry (England : conservation technology 639.979 769 2
Borough) T2-424 51 resource economics 333.959 769 2
Otago Region (N.Z.) T2-9391 small game hunting 799.259 769 2
Otariidae 599.797 Ottoman Empire 956.015
Otariinae 599.797 5 T2-56
OTC market 332.643 Algerian history 965.024
Otero County (Colo.) T2-788 95 Arabian history 953.03
Otero County (N.M.) T2-789 65 Balkan Peninsula 949.603
Other minds Egyptian history 962.03
epistemology 121.2 Iraqi history 956.703
Otididae 598.32 Jordanian history 956.950 3

Relative Index

Ottoman Empire (continued) Outaouais Regional

Lebanese history 956.920 34 Community (Quebec) T2-714 221
Libyan history 961.202 4 Outboard motorboats 387.231 3
North African history 961.023 design 623.812 313
Palestinian history 956.940 34 engineering 623.823 13
Syrian history 956.910 3 transportation services 387.231 3
Tunisian history 961.103 see also Ships
Turkish history 956.101 5 Outboard motors 623.872 34
Yemeni history 953.303 Outcrops (Geology) 551.85
Ottoman Turkish language 494.35 Outdoor advertising 659.134 2
T6-943 5 Outdoor cooking 641.578
Ottoman Turkish literature 894.35 Outdoor education 371.384
Ouachita County (Ark.) T2-767 66 Outdoor fumiture 645.8
Ouachita Mountains (Okla. cleaning 648.5
and Ark.) T2-766 6 customs 392.36
Arkansas T2-767 4 decorative arts 749.8
Oklahoma T2-766 6 household management 645.8
Ouachita Parish (La.) T2-763 87 manufacturing technology 684.18
Ouachita River (Ark. and Outdoor 796
La.) T2-763 7 Outdoor 796.5
Ouagadougou (Burkina equipment technology 688.765
Faso) T2---662 5 Outdoor markets 381.18
Ouargla (Algeria: Province) T2-657 management 658.87
Ouarzazate (Morocco : see also Commerce
Province) T2---646 6 Outdoor music 781.532
Ouds 787.82 Outdoor photography 778.71
see also Stringed instruments Outdoor recreation centers 790.068
Oudtshoom (South Africa : Outdoor safety
District) T2-687 38 public administration 353.97
Oued (Algeria: Province) T2-657 Outdoor sports 796
Oued Eddahab-Lagouira equipment technology 688.76
(Morocco) T2-648 Outer Banks (N.C.) T2 756 1
Ouest (Haiti :Dept.) T2-729 452 Outer ears 573.89
Ouest lausannois animal physiology 573.89
(Switzerland) T2-494 522 9 descriptive zoology 591.44
Ouija board 133.932 5 human physiology 612.851
Oujda-Angad (Morocco) T2-u43 3 medicine 617.81
Ould Daddah, Mokhtar see also Ears
Mauritanian history 966.105 I Outer Hebrides (Scotland) T2-4114
Oulu (Finland) T2-489 76 Outer London (England) T2-421 7
Oulun laani (Finland) T2-489 76 Outer Mongolia 951.73
Oum el Bouaghi (Algeria: T2-517 3
Province) T2---655 Outer space 520
Ounce (Snow leopard) 599.755 5 T2 ·······19
Ouray County (Colo.) T2-788 22 astronomy 520
Ouse, River (Yorkshire, law of nations 341.47
England) T2-4284 resource economics 333.94
Out-of-body experience 133.95 see Manual at 520 vs. 500.5,
Outagamie County (Wis.) T2-775 39 523.1, 530.1, 919.9
Outaouais (Quebec : Outerwear 391.46
Administrative region) T2-714 22 commercial technology 687.14
Outaouais Region (Quebec) T2-7l4 22 fur 685.24
leather 685.22
customs 391.46

Dewey Decimal Classification

Outerwear (continued) Overland mail 383.143

home economics 646.3 see also Postal service
home sewing 646.45 Overpopulation 363.91
see also Clothing Overseas service 384.64
Outfield play see also Telephone
baseball 796.357 25 Oversewing
Outgroups 302.4 bookbinding 686.35
Outlet stores 381.15 Overshoes 678.33
management 658.870 5 Oversight 658.401 3
see also Commerce legislative function 328.345 6
Outlets management 658.401 3
electrical engineering 621.319 24 military administration 355.685
Outlines T1--020 2 public administration 352.35
Outpatient departments 362.12 independent agencies 352.88
see also Health services Overtime pay 331.2162
Outpatient surgery 617.024 personnel management 658.322 2
Output peripherals 004.77 Overtime work 331.257 2
computer engineering 621.398 7 personnel management 658.312 1
Outsider art 709.040 9 Overton County (Tenn.) T2~768 684

Outsourcing 658.405 8 Overtures 784.189 26

Ovarian diseases musical form 784.189 26
gynecology 618.11 orchestral music 784.218 926
see also Female genital Overuse injuries
diseases humans medicine 617.172
Ovaries 573.665 Overwater air-cushion vehicles 387.2
biology 573.665 engineering 629.324
gynecology 618.11 military engineering 623.748 4
human anatomy 611.65 transportation services 387.2
human physiology 612.625 inland water 386.22
plants 575.665 ocean 387.2
Ovenbirds 598.822 5 Overweight people
Ovens River (Vic.) T2~945 5 cooking for 641.563 5
Over-the-counter drugs 615.1 reducing diet 613.25
see also Drugs Ovibos 599.647 8
(Pharmaceuticals) Oviducts
Over-the-counter markets 332.643 gynecology 618.12
Overberg (South Africa) T2~687 36 Oviedo (Spain) T2-461 9
Overcoats 391.46 Ovimbundu (African
see also Clothing people) T5--963 99
Overflows Oviraptor 567.912
sewer systems 628.21 Ovis 599.649
Overglaze painting 666.45 Ovis canadensis 599.649 7
arts 738.15 OVP (Austrian political party) 324.243 604
technology 666.45 Ovulation detection method
Overhead costs health 613.943 4
financial management 658.155 3 medicine 618.184
Overhead electrical lines 621.319 22 see also Birth control
Overijssel (Netherlands) T2-492 16 Owen County (Ind.) T2-772 43
Overindulgence Owen County (Ky.) T2~769 393
ethics 178 Owenism 335.12
Overland air-cushion vehicles Owensboro (Ky.) T2-769 864
engineering 629.322 Owl Creek Mountains
military engineering 623.748 2 (Wyo.) T2~787 43

Relative Index

owls 598.97 Oxygen (continued)

conservation technology 639.978 97 chemistry 546.721
resource economics 333.958 97 economic geology 553.94
owners' liability insurance 368.56 gas technology 665.823
ownership organic chemistry 547.03
communications industry 384.041 applied 661.8
land economics 333.3 therapeutics 615.836
real property law 346.043 2 Oxygen inhalation therapy
transportation services 388.049 medicine 615.836
Ownership equity Oxygen supply
accounting 657.76 human physiology 612.22
Ownership flags 929.92 see also Respiratory system
Ownership marks 929.9 Oxynotidae 597.36
Tl--027 7 Oyo (Kingdom) 966.925 01
animal husbandry 636.081 2 T2-669 25
Ownership of land 333.3 Oyo State (Nigeria) T2~669 25
Owsley County (Ky.) T2-769 176 Oystercatchers 598.33
Owyhee County (Idaho) T2~796 21 Oysters 641.394
Oxalidaceae 583.79 conservation technology 639.974 4
Oxazines 547.595 cooking 641.694
Oxazoles 547.592 fishing 639.41
chemical engineering 661.8 industry 338.372 44
Oxdiazines 547.595 food 641.394
Oxdiazoles 547.595 commercial 664.94
Oxen 599.642 2 resource economics 333.955 41
animal husbandry 636.216 zoology 594.4
Oxford (England) T2-425 74 Ozark County (Mo.) T2-778 835
Oxford (Ont. : County) T2~713 46 Ozark Mountains T2-767 I
Oxford County (Me.) T2~741 75 Arkansas T2-7671
Oxfordshire (England) T2-425 7 Missouri T2-778 8
Oxidases 572.791 Oklahoma T2-766 8
see also Ozark Plateau T2-767 1
Oxidation 541.393 Ozarks T2-7671
Oxidation ditches 628.351 Ozarks, Lake of the (Mo.) T2-778 493
Oxidation ponds 628.351 Ozaukee County (Wis.) T2-775 92
Oxidation-reduction reaction 541.393 Ozobrome process 773.1
biochemistry 572.53 Ozokerite 553.27
chemical engineering 660.284 43 see also Asphalt
organic chemistry 547.23 Ozone
Oxides gas teclmology 665.89
mineralogy 549.5 Ozone layer 551.5142
Oxidizing enzymes 572.791 Ozone layer depletion 363.738 75
see also Enzymes ecology 577.276
Oxidoreductases 572.791 meteorology 551.514 2
see also Enzymes pollution aspects 363.738 75
Oxpeckers 598.863 Ozone treatment
Oxy compounds 547.03 water supply engineering 628.166 2
aliphatic chemistry 547.43 Ozotype process 773.1
aromatic chemistry 547.63
chemical engineering 661.8 p
biochemistry 572.53 P-adic numbers 512.74
human physiology 612.22 P document (Biblical criticism) 222.106 6
chemical engineering 661.072 I

Dewey Decimal Classification

Paarl (South Attica : Pacifists (continued)

District) T2-687 34 World War! 940.316 2
Pabok (Quebec) T2--714 795 World War IJ 940.531 62
Pacas 599.359 Pack animals (Beasts of burden) 636.088 2
Pacemakers (Electronic cardiac) Packaging 658.564
medicine 617.412 064 5 drugs (pharmaceuticals)
Pacers (Horses) 636.175 preservation 615.18
Pacheco, Abel electronics 621.381 046
Costa Rican history 972.860 525 engineering 688.8
Pachyeephalosaurus 567.914 law 343.075
Pacific, War ofthe, 1879-1883 983.061 6 production management 658.564
Pacific Area T2-182 3 sales promotion 658.823
Pacific Coast (B.C.) T2-711 I Packers (Agricultural tools)
Pacific Coast (North America) 979 manufacturing technology 681.763 1
T2-79 Packet switching (Data
Pacific Coast Region transmission)
(Colombia) T2---861 5 communications engineering 621.382 16
Pacific cod 597.633 computer communications 004.66
Pacific County (Wash.) T2-797 92 computer engineering 621.398 I
Pacific fur seal 599.797 3 Packing clothes
Pacific intergovernmental home economics 646.6
organizations 341.246 Packing crops 631.56
Pacific Islanders T5-995 Packing fbr shipment
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) 996.5 materials management 658.788 4
T2--965 PACs (Action committees) 324.4
Pacific Northwest T2-795 law 342.078
Pacific Ocean 551.461 4 Padded toys
T2--164 making 688.724
see Manual at T2-163 and handicrafts 745.592 4
T2-164, T2-165 technology 688.724
Pacific Ocean islands 990 Paddle tennis 796.34
T2-9 Paddlefishes 597.42
geography 919 Paddy rice 641.331 8
travel 919.04 see also Rice
Pacific Ocean theater (World Padova (Italy) T2-453 21
War II) 940.542 6 ancient T2-373 41
Pacific region T2-182 3 Padova (Italy : Province) T2-453 2
Pacific Rim National Park ancient Tl-3734
(B.C.) T2-711 2 Padre Island (Tex.) T2-76447
Pacific settlement of disputes 303.69 Padua (Italy) T2-453 21
international relations 327.17 ancient T2-373 41
law of nations 341.52 Padua (Italy : Province) T2-453 2
sociology 303.69 ancient T2-373 4
Pacifism 303.66 Paelignian language 479.7
ethics 172.42 T6--797
see also Peace ethics Paeoniales 583.62
international politics 327.172 Paestum (Extinct city) T2-377 773
social theology 201.727 3 Paezlanguage 498.2
see also Peace - social T6--982
theology Pagalu (Equatorial Guinea) T2-671 86
sociology 303.66 Paganism 292
Pacifists 303.66 Christian polemics 239.3
biography Page, Earle, Sir
international politics 327.172 092 Australian history 994.042

Relative Index

page County (Iowa) T2-777 78

page County (Va.) T2-755 94 folklore 398.277
history and criticism 398.357
686.225 2 interior decoration 747.3
Pageantry literature 808.803 57
performing arts 791.6 history and criticism 809.933 57
pageants 394.5 specific literatures T3B-080 357
customs 394.5 history and
performing arts 791.62 criticism T3B----093 57
Paget disease of bone metals 671.73
medicine 616.712 decorative arts 739.15
see also Musculoskeletal technology 671.73
diseases humans pottery 666.45
Paging systems arts 738.15
engineering 621.389 2 technology 666.45
Pahang T2-595 I primary education 372.52
Pahari T5-9l496 technology 667.6
Pahari l<lll)',ua."'c" 491.496 textile arts 746.6
T6-9l4 96 use in child care 649.51
Pahari literatures 891.496 Paintings 750
Pahlavi language 491.53 Pair skating 796.912
T6-915 3 Pais Vasco (Spain) T2---466
Pahlavi literature 891.53 Paisley (Scotland) T2---414 37
Paiute Indians TS-974 576 9
~.·.',.' Paid assistance (Social welfare) 361.04 497.457 69
~ see also Welfare services Paiute language
~ Paid vacations 331.257 6 T6-974 576 9
It labor economics 331.257 6 Paiwan (Taiwan people) TS-992 5
~ personnel management 658.312 2 Pakistan 954.91
~· Pails T2-5491
f' manufacturing technology 683.82 ancient 934.91
Pain T2-349 I
human physiology 612.88 Pakistan (194 7-1971) 954.9
symptom 616.047 2 T2-549
nervous system diseases 616.849 ancient 934.9
see also Nervous system T2-349
diseases humans Pakistanis T5-914 122
Pain perception Pakpak TS-9922466
psychology 152.182 4 Palaces
Paint 667.6 architecture 728.82
architectural decoration 729.4 official residences 725.17
household management 645.2 private residences 728.82
Paint horse 636.13 Palaeanodonta 569.31
Paint removers 667.6 Palaeognathae 598.5
Paint thinners 667.624 paleozoology 568.5
Painted Desert (Ariz.) TI-79133 Palaic language 491.998
Painted glass T6-919 98
arts 748.5 Palate
Painted turtle 597.925 92 human anatomy 611.315
Painters (Building trades) 698.1092 human physiology 612.31
Painting 667.6 speech 612.78
art 750 regional medicine 617.5225
buildings 698.1 surgery 617.522 5
woodwork 698.35 Palatinate (Germany) T2---434 35
decorative arts 745.723

Dewey Decimal Class(fication

Palau 996.6 Palestine 956.94

T2-966 T2-5694
Palauan language 499.52 ancient 933
T6-995 2 T2-33
Palauans T5-995 2 Biblical geography and history 220.9
Palawan (Philippines) T2-599 4 Palestine Liberation Organization
Palawan Island (Philippines) T2-599 4 history 956.940 5
Palencia (Spain: Province) T2--462 2 political party 324.256 940 83
Palen-Asiatics T5-946 Palestinian Arab women 305.488 927 4
Paleobiology 560 Palestinian Arabs T5-927 4
Paleobotanists 561.092 Palestinian architecture
Paleobotany 561 ancient 722.33
Paleocene epoch 551.783 Palestinian National Authority 351.569 53
geology 551.783 Palestinian sculpture 732.3
paleontology 560.178 3 Palestinian Talmud 296.124
Paleoclimatology 551.609 01 Palestinians (Ethnic group) T5- 927 4
specific areas 551.69 Palestinians (Palestinian
Paleoecology 560.45 National Authority) T5-927 569 53
botanical 561.1 Palestrina (Italy)
zoological 560.45 ancient T2-3763
Paleogene period 551.782 Pali 491.37
geology 551.782 T6-913 7
paleontology 560.178 2 Pali literature 891.37
Paleogeography 551.7 Palindromes 793.734
Paleography 417.7 Palladium 669.7
T4-7 chemical engineering 661.063 6
handwriting 411.7 chemistry 546.636
specific T4-11 metallography 669.957
Paleolithic Age 930.12 metallurgy 669.7
fine arts 709.011 2 physical metallurgy 669.967
painting 759.011 2 see also Chemicals
sculpture 732.22 Pallets
Paleomagnetism 538.727 wooden 674.82
Paleontologists 560.92 Palliative care
Paleontology 560 medicine 616.029
see Manual at 551.7 vs. 560; Palm Beach County (Fla.) T2-759 32
also at 576.8 vs. 560 Palm oil 641.338 51
Paleo palynology 561.13 cooking 641.638 51
Paleosiberian H>HF;ua."'"' 494.6 food 641.338 51
T6-946 food technology 664.36
Paleosiberian literatures 894.6 Palm reading 133.6
Paleosiberian peoples T5-946 Palm Sunday 263.925
Paleovolcanism 551.210 901 devotional literature 242.35
Paleozoic era 551.72 music 781.726
geology 551.72 sermons 252.625
paleontology 560.172 Palm Valley National Park
Paleozoology 560 (N.T.) T2-942 91
Palermo (Italy) T2458 231 Palma (Majorca) T2--467 542
Palermo (Italy: Province) T2--458 23 Palma de Mall orca
ancient T2--378 23 (Majorca) T2--467 542
Palmae 584.5
see also Palms
Palmales 584.5
see also Palms

Relative lndex

Palmerston North (N.Z.) T2-935 8 Pan-German People's Party

Palmerston North City (Austda) 324.243 602 3
(N.Z.) T2-935 8 Pan-Germanism 320.540 943
Palmettos 584.5 Pan movements 320.54
Palmistry 133.6 Pan-nationalism 320.54
Palmists 133.609 2 Pan pipes 788.37
Palms 584.5 see also Woodwind instruments
botany 584.5 Pan-Siavism 320.540 947
forestry 634.974 Panama 972.87
ornamental arboriculture 635.977 45 T2-728 7
ornamental gardening 635.934 5 Panama (Panama :
paleobotany 561.45 Province) T2-728 731
Palmyra (Extinct city) T2-394 32 Panama, Gulf of (Panama) 551.46141
Palmyra Atoll (Line Islands) T2-969 9 T2 ······1641
Palo Alto County (fowa) T2-777 155 Panama Canal (Panama) 386.44
Palo Pinto County (Tex.) T2-764 552 T2-728 75
Palomino horse 636.13 Panama hat palm 584.62
Palouse River (Idaho and Panamanian literature 860
Wash.) T2-797 39 Panamanians T5-687 287
Palpigradi 595.452 Panay Island (Philippines) T2-599 5
Palynology 571.845 2 Pancake mixes 664.753
paleobotany 561.13 Pancakes 641.815 3
physiology 571.845 2 Panchromatic photography 778.62
Pama-Maric languages 499.15 Pancreas 573.377
T6-991 5 biology 573.377
Pama-Nyungan languages 499.15 human anatomy 611.37
T6-991 5 human physiology 612.34
Pamir T2-586 medicine 616.37
Pamir languages 491.59 surgery 617.557
T6-915 9 see also Digestive system
Pamir literatures 891.59 Pancreatic cancer
Pamiri T5-915 9 incidence 614.599 943 7
Pamlico County (N.C.) T2-756 194 medicine 616.994 37
Pamlico Sound (N.C.) 551.461 348 see also Cancer- humans
T2-16348 Pancreatic diseases
Pampa (Argentina : medicine 616.37
Province) T2-821 3 see also Digestive system
Pampanga (Philippines) T2-599 1 diseases - humans
Pampas 333.74 Pancreatic secretions
T2--153 human physiology 612.34
biology 578.744 Panda (Giant) 599.789
ecology 577.44 conservation technology 639.979 789
see also Grasslands resource economics 333.959 789
Pampas grass 584.9 Panda 599.763
Pamphlets Pandanales 584.66
bibliographies 011.33 Pandemics
cataloging 025.342 social effects 303.485
library treatment 025.172 Pandionidae 598.93
Pamphylia T2-392 9 Pando (Bolivia: Dept.) T2-844 3
Pamplona (Spain) T2---465 2 Panel heating
Pan (Chimpanzees) 599.885 buildings 697.72
Pan-Africanism 320.540 96 Paneling
Pan-Arabism 320.540 917 492 7 household management 645.2
Pan fishing 799.12 interior decoration 747.3

Dewey Decimal Classtfication

Panentheism 211.2 Panthera 599.755

philosophy 147 Pan to 792.38
Pangasinan (Philippines) T2--599 1 Pantodonta 569.62
Pangnirtung (Nunavut) T2~719 52 Pantomime 792.3
Pangolins 599.31 Pantomime (Christmas
Panic entertainment) 792.38
social psychology 302.17 Pantomime (Silent entertainment) 792.3
Panic disorder Pantomime (United Kingdom) 792.38
medicine 616.852 23 Pants (Trousers) 391.476
see also Mental disorders commercial technology 687.116
Panic grasses 584.92 customs 391.476
forage crop 633.257 1 home economics 646.3
Panicoideae 584.92 home sewing 646.436
forage crops 633.27 see also Clothing
Panics (Economics) 338.542 Pants (Undergarments) 391.423
Panicum 584.92 see also Undergarments
food crop 633.171 Papa Doc
see also Millets Haitian history 972.940 72
Panjabi 1au: 0 u.a0 ~e 491.42 Papacy 262.13
T6~914 2 Papago Indians T5-974 552
Panjabi literature 891.42 Papakura District (N.Z.) T2-9326
Panjabis T5~914 21 Papal administration 262.136
Pannirtuuq (Nunavut) T2~719 52 Papal bulls and decrees 262.91
Pannonia 936.39 Papal infallibility 262.131
T2-363 9 Papal schism, 1378-1417 282.090 23
Panoan languages 498.4 Papal States 945.6
T6--984 T2---456
Panoan peoples T5-984 Papal systems (Ecclesiology) 262.3
Panola County (Miss.) T2-762 84 Paparoa National Park
Panola County (Tex.) T2--764 187 (N.Z.) T2-937 3
Panoramas 745.8 Papaverales 583.35
decorative arts 745.8 Papaws (Annonaceae) 641.344 I
paintings 751.74 botany 583.22
Panoramic cinematography 777.6 cooking 641.644 1
Panoramic photography 778.36 food 641.344 1
Panoramic videography 777.6 orchard crop 634.41
Panpipes 788.37 Papaws (Caricaceac, Papayas) 641.346 51
instrument 788.371 9 see also Papayas
music 788.37 Papayas 641.346 51
see also Woodwind instruments agriculture 634.651
Panpsychism 141 botany 583.626
Pans commercial processing 664.804 651
kitchen utensils 643.3 cooking 641.646 51
manufacturing technology 683.82 food 641.346 51
Pansies 635.933 625 Paper 676
botany 583.625 handicrafts 745.54
floriculture 635.933 625 manufacturing technology 676
Pantelleria Island (Italy) T2 ··· 458 24 materials science 620.197
Pantheism 211.2 photographic materials 771.532 3
philosophy 147 sculpture material 731.2
Pantheistic religions 201.4 Paper airplanes 745.592
Panther (Puma) 599.752 4 Paper bags 676.33
conservation technology 639.979 752 4 Paper boxes 676.32
resource economics 333.959 752 4 handicrafts 745.54

Relative Index

paper chromatography 543.84

paper covers
bookbinding 686.344 incidence 614.581
paper cups 676.34 medicine 616.911
paper cutting 736.98 see also Communicable
paper dolls 769.53 diseases humans
Paper folding 736.98 Pap illon 636.76
paper industry workers 676.092 Papineau (Quebec :
Paper money 332.42 Regional County
arts 769.55 Municipality) T2-714 227
economics 332.42 Papineau-Labelle Wildlife
form of currency 332.404 4 Reserve (Quebec) T2-714 241
printing 686.288 Papio 599.865
Paper plates 676.34 Papovaviridae 579.244 5
Paper production 676.2 Pappophoreae 584.9
Paper recycling 676.142 Paprika 641.338 4
Paper standard 332.42 botany 583.952
Paper work see also .Hot spices
child care 649.51 Papua 995.4
primaty education 372.55 T2-954
Paperbacks 002 Papua (Indonesia: province: 995.1
bibliographies 011.32 1963-2003) T2-951
publishing 070.573 Papua (Indonesia :
reviews 028.132 province : 2003- ) T2-951 6
Paperboard 676.288 Papua (Territory) 995.402 2
materials science 620.197 T2-954
structural engineering 624.189 7 Papua and New Guinea 995.304
Paperboard boxes 676.32 (Territory) T2-953
handicrafts 745.54 Papua New Guinea 995.3
Paperhangers 698.609 2 T2-953
Paperhanging 698.6 Papuatl languages 499.12
interior decoration 747.3 T6-991 2
Papermaking 676 Papuan literatures 899.12
equipment manufacturing Papuans T5-991 2
technology 681.767 6 Papyrus 584.84
Paperweights Para (Brazil : State) T2-8115
glass Para (Suriname) T2--883 4
decorative arts 748.84 Parables in the Gospels 226.8
Paphiopedeliums 635.934 4 Parabola 516.152
botany 584.4 Parabolic equations 515.353 4
floriculture 635.934 4 Parabolic functions 515.9
Paphlagonia T2-393 17 Paracanthopterygii 597.62
Papiamento dialect 467.972 986 paleozoology 567.62
T6--68 Paracel Islands T2-59
Papiamento literature 860 Parachute troops 356.166
Papier-mache Parachutes 629.134 386
handicrafts 745.542 Parachuting
sculpture material 731.2 sports 797.56
Papilionoidea 595.789 Paraconsistent logic 511.31
Papillomavirus 579.244 5 Parades 394.5
circuses 791.38
customs 394.5
performing arts 791.6
Paradisaeidae 598.865

Dewey Decimal Classification

Paradise 202.3 Paralytic shellfish poisoning

Christianity 236.24 human toxicology 615.945
Islam 297.23 Paramagnetism 538.43
Paradoxes Paramaribo (Suriname :
logic 165 District) T2-883 52
Paraflin (Kerosene) 665.538 3 Paramecium 579.495
Paraflin (Wax) 547.77 Parametric inference 519.54
natural 665.4 Parametric statistical methods 519.5
petroleum product 665.538 5 Paramillo National Park
Paraflins (Alkanes) 547.4ll (Colombia) T2~86126
chemical engineering 661.814 Paramo
Paragraphs ecology 577.538
rhetoric 808 Paramotoring 797.55
Paraguari (Paraguay) T2~892 123 Paramours 306.736
Paraguay 989.2 Paramyxoviridae 579.256
T2~892 Parana (Brazil : State) T2-816 2
Paraguay River T2-892 Parana River (Brazil-
Paraguay tea 641.3377 Argentina) T2~822
see also Mate Argentina T2~822
Paraguayan literature 860 Brazil T2-816
Paraguayan War, 1865~1870 989.205 Paranasal sinus diseases
Paraguayans T5~688 92 medicine 616.212
Parah 296.123 6 see also Respiratory tract
Paraiba {Brazil: State) T2~813 3 diseases ~humans
Parafso (Hondums: Dept.) T2~728 34 Paranasal sinuses
Parakeets 598.71 human anatomy 611.21
animal husbandry 636.686 5 human physiology 612.232
Parakeets (Lovebirds) 636.686 4 medicine 616.212
animal husbandry 636.686 4 Paranoid disorders
zoology 598.71 medicine 616.897
Paralegals 340.092 see also Mental disorders
malpractice 347.050 41 Paranoid personality disorder
practice 347.050 4 medicine 616.858 1
Paralipomena (Biblical books) 222.6 see also Mental disorders
Parallax Paranormal phenomena 130
stars 523.81 Paranthropus 569.93
Parallax corrections 522.9 Paraphrase
Parallel bars (Gymnastic musical element 781.377
equipment) 796.442 musical forms 781.826
Parallel giant slalom racing 796.939 instrumental 784.182 6
Parallel processing 004.35 Paraplegia
see also Processing modes medicine 617.58
computer science neurology 616.842
Parallel processors 004.35 see also Nervous system
engineering 621.391 diseases~ humans
see also Processing modes Parapsychologists 130.92
computer science Parapsychology 130
Parallel programming 005.275 see Manual at 001.9 and 130;
Parallelism 147 also at 130 vs. 200
Paralympics 796.045 6 Parapsychology and religion 201.613
Paralysis Christianity 261.513
medicine 616.842 Islam 297.261
see alm Nervous system Judaism 296.371
diseases humans

Relative Index

pararthropoda 592.7 Parathyroid glands (continued)

paleozoology 562.7 medicine 616.445
parasaurolophus 567.914 surgery 617.539
parasites 578.65 see also Endocrine system
parasitic animals 591.65 Paratroops 356.166
Parasitic diseases 571.999 Paratyphoid fever
agriculture 632.62 incidence 614.511 4
animals 571.999 1 rriedicine 616.927 4
veterinary medicine 636.089 696 see also Communicable
humans 362.196 96 diseases humans
incidence 614.55 Parazoa 593.4
medicine 616.96 paleozoology 563.4
social services 362.196 96 Pare national de Ia Vanoise
plants 571.999 2 (France) T2---445 85
agriculture 632.62 Pare national de Port-Cros
see also Communicable (France) T2--449 3
diseases; Parasitism Pare national des Cevennes
Parasitic plants 581.65 (France) T2--448 1
agricultural pests 632.52 Pare national des Ecrins
Parasitic skin diseases (France) T2--449 7
humans Pare national des Pyrenees
incidence 614.595 7 occidentales (France) T2--447 8
medicine 616.57 Pare national du Mercantour
see also Skin diseases- (France) T2--449 4
humans Parcels
Parasitiformes 595.429 postal handling 383.125
Parasitism 571.999 see also Postal service
animals 591.785 7 Parchim (Germany:
ecology 577.857 Landkreis) T2--431 76
pathology 571.999 Parchment papers 676.284 5
plants 581.785 7 Parchments (Skins)
see also Parasitic diseases manufacturing technology 685
Parasitology Pardon 364.65
medicine 616.96 law 345.077
Parasols 391.44 penology 364.65
see also Accessories (Clothing) Pardubicky kraj (Czech
Parasympathetic nervous system Republic) T2--437 19
human physiology 612.89 Parenchyma 571.585
medicine 616.856 9 Parent abuse 362.829 2
Parasympathetic nervous system see also Family violence
diseases Parent-child relations 306.874
medicine 616.856 9 law 346.017
see also Nervous system psychological influence 155.924
diseases humans sociology 306.874
Parasympatholytics Parent participation in schools 371.192
pharmacokinetics 615.784 primary education 372.1192
Parathyroid diseases reading 372.425
medicine 616.445 Parent-school relations 371.192
see also Endocrine Parent-teacher associations 371.192 06
diseases humans Parent-teacher conferences 371.103
Parathyroid glands 573.478 Parent-teacher relations 371.192
biology 573.478 Parental behavior (Animals) 591.563
human anatomy 61 1.44
human physiology 612.448

Dewey Decimal Class[flcation

Parental kidnapping 362.829 7 Parishes 250

law 344.032 829 7 administration 254
social welfare 362.829 7 ecclesiology 262.22
see also Families- social see Manual at 260 vs. 251-254,
welfare 259
Parental leave 331.257 63 Park, Chung Hee
personnel management 658.312 2 South Korean history 951.950 43
Parental rights 346.017 Park buildings
Parenteral infusions architecture 725.7
administering 615.6 Park County (Colo.) T2-788 59
Parenteral nutrition Park County (Mont.) T2-786 661
medicine 615.854 84 Park County (Wyo.) T2-787 42
Parenteral therapy Park lodges 910.462
medicine 615.855 see also Resorts
Parenthood 306.874 Parkpoliee 363.28
child rearing 649.1 Park Range (Colo. and
customs 392.3 Wyo.) T2-788 66
sociology 306.874 Parke County (Ind.) T2-772465
Parenting 649.1 Parker County (Tex.) T2-764 553
home economics 649.1 Parking 388.474
personal religion 204.41 see alw Parking facilities
Christianity 248.845 Parking aprons 625.889
Judaism 296.74 Parking facilities 388.474
sociology 306.874 architecture 725.38
Parents 306.874 area planning 711.73
Tl-085 construction 690.538
Christian devotional literature 242.645 law 343.098 2
family relationships 306.874 public administration 354.765
guides to religious life 204.41 urban transportation services 388.474
Christianity 248.845 Parking turnouts 625.77
Judaism 296.74 Parkinson disease
psychology 155.646 medicine 616.833
social welfare 362.82 see also Nervous system
law 344.032 82 diseases humans
public administration 353.533 I Parks 363.68
Pareto, Vilfredo area planning 711.558
economic school 330.154 3 community redevelopment 307.346
Pari-mutuel betting 798.401 land economics 333.783
Paria, Gulfof(Venezuela and 551.461 366 landscape architecture 712.5
Trinidad and Tobago) T2-163 66 reserved lands 719.32
Parianeae 584.9 law 346.046 783
Paridae 598.824 public administration 353.78
Paris (France) T2-443 61 recreation centers 790.068
Paris, Treaty of, 1783 social services 363.68
United States history 973.317 see Manual at T2-4-9
Paris Commune, 1871 944.081 2 Parkways 388.122
Paris metropolitan area see also Roads
(France) T2-443 6 Parliamentary constituencies 328.334 5
Parish houses Parliamentary elections 324
architecture 726.4 Parliamentary libraries 027.65
Parish libraries 027.67 Parliamentary papers 328.4-.9
Parish missions 266.022 Parliamentary rules 060.42
Parish welfare work 361.75 legislatures 328.1
Parliaments 328

Relative Index

parlors 643.54 Parque Nacional Natural

home economics 643.54 Serrania de La Macarena
interior decoration 747.75 (Colombia) T2-86194
parma (Italy) T2--454 41 Parque Nacional Natural
ancient T2-372 641 Sierra Nevada de Santa
parma (Italy: Province) T2-454 4 Marta (Colombia) T2-861 16
ancient T2---372 64 Parque Nacional Natural
parmer County (Tex.) T2-764 836 Sumapaz (Colombia) T2-861 46
parmesan cheese 641.373 54 Parque Nacional Natural
cooking 641.673 54 Tama (Colombia) T2-861 24
food 641.373 54 Parramatta (N.S.W.) T2-944 1
processing 637.354 Parrotfishes 597.7
Parnassiaceae 583.72 Parrots 598.71
Parochial schools 371.071 animal husbandry 636.686 5
Parody conservation technology 639.978 71
literary criticism 809.7 resource economics 333.958 71
theory 808.7 Parry Sound (Ont.: District) T2-713 15
literary history 809.7 Parseeism 295
literature 808.87 Parsers (Computer science)
specific literatures T3B-7 natural languages 415.028 563 5
musical element 781.377 specific languages T4-502 856 35
musical form 781.826 programming languages 005.45
instrumental 784.1826 Parsi language (Pahlavi) 491.53
rhetoric 808.7 T6-915 3
Parole 364.62 Parsi literature (Pahlavi) 891.53
law 345.077 Parsing (Computers)
penology 364.62 natural languages 415.028 563 5
public administration 353.39 specific languages T4-502 856 35
Parole administration 364.620 68 Parsley 641.357
Paronym dictionaries 413.1 botany 583.849
specific languages T4-31 see also Herbs
Paros Island (Greece) T2--495 85 Parsnip River (B.C.) T2-7ll 82
Parotid gland Parsnips 641.3514
human anatomy 611.316 botany 583.849
medicine 616.316 commercial processing 664.805 14
surgery 617.522 cooking 641.6514
Parque Nacional Natural El food 641.3514
Cocuy (Colombia) T2-86144 garden crop 635.14
Parque Naeional Natural El Parsonages
Tuparro (Colombia) T2-861 92 architecture 726.9
Parque Nacional Natural Part-of-speech tagging 415.028 563 5
Farallones de Cali specific languages T4-502 856 35
(Colombia) T2--861 52 Part songs 783.1
Parque Nacional Natural Part-time employment 331.257 27
Los Picahos (Colombia) T2-86194 personnel management 658.312 I
Parque Nacional Natural Part-time enterprises
Nevado del Huila management 658.041
(Colombia) T2-861 39 Part-time work 331.257 27
Parque Nacional Natural Part-whole relationships 111.82
Paramillo (Colombia) T2-86126 Part-word method (Reading)
Parque Nacional Natural primary education 372.465
Purace (Colombia) T2--86153 Partei der Arbeit der Schweiz 324.249 407 4
Parque Nacional Natural Partei des Demokratischen
Sanquianga (Colombia) T2-86158 Sozialismus (Germany) 324.243 074

Dewey Decimal Classification

Parthenogenesis 571.887 Partitions (Building element) 721.2

Parthenopaean Republic 945.707 architecture 721.2
Parthia T2~396 construction 690.12
Parthian Empire 935.064 interior decoration 747.3
Parti communiste franyais 324.244 075 Partitions (Mathematics)
Parti quebecois 324.271 409 84 number theory 512.73
Partial differential equations 515.353 Partitions, 1772-1795 (Poland) 943.802 5
numerical solutions 518.64 Partito comunista italiano 324.245 075 2
Partial differential operators 515.7242 Partito d'azione (Italy:
Partial differentiation 515.33 1853-1867) 324.245 026
Partial hearing loss Partito d'azione (Italy:
medicine 617.8 1942-1947) 324.245 06
see also Ear diseases Partito del lavoratori italiani 324.245 027
humans Partito della rifondazione
Partially ordered sets 511.332 comunista (Italy) 324.245 075
Participatory democracy 323.042 Partito democratieo (Italy) 324.245 06
Participatory management 331.0112 Partito democratico della sinistra
personnel management 658.315 2 (Italy) 324.245 07
public administration 352.68 Partito fascista repubblicano
Participles 415.6 (Italy) 324.245 023 8
specific languages T4-56 Partito liberale italiano
Particle acceleration 539.73 (1943-1994) 324.245 04
Particle beams 539.73 Partito liberale italiano (2004-) 324.245 04
Particle board 674.836 Partito nazionale fascista (Italy) 324.245 023 8
Particle colliders 539.73 Partito popolare italiano
Particle mechanics 530.12 (1919-1926) 324.245 028 2
classical physics 531.16 Partito popolare italiano
quantum mechanics 530.12 (1994-2002) 324.245 082
see Manual at 530.475 vs. Partito radicale (Italy) 324.245 06
530.12, 531.16 Partito radicale transnazionale
Particle physics 539.72 (Italy) 324.245 06
Particle radiation 539.72 Partito repubblicano italiano 324.245 05
biophysics 571.459 Partito socialista dei lavoratori
humans 612.014 486 italiani (1893-1895) 324.245 027
nuclear physics 539.72 Partito socialista dei lavoratori
Particles (Grammar) 415.7 italiani (1925-1927) 324.245 027
specific languages T4---57 Partito socialista dei lavoratori
Particles (Matter) italiani (194 7-1951) 324.245 072 2
classical mechanics 531.16 Partito socialista democratico
meteorology 551.511 3 italiano ( 1952-1995) 324.245 072 2
nuclear physics 539.72 Partito socialista democratico
technology 620.43 italiano (2004-- ) 324.245 072
Partido Revo1ucionario Partito socialista di unita
Institucional (Mexico) 324.272 05 proletaria(Italy: 1943-1947) 324.245 074 2
Parties (Entertainments) 793.2 Partito socialista di unita
see also Entertainments pro1etaria(Italy: 1947-1951) 324.245 074
(Parties) Partito socialista ita1iano 324.245 074 2
Parties (Politics) 324.2 Partito socia1ista unitario (Italy :
see also Political parties 1922-1930) 324.245 027
Partisan troops 356.15 Partite socialista unitario (Italy :
Partitas 784.185 4 1969-1971) 324.245 072 2

r Relative Index

;lpartnership as~ociations . 338.7 Pashto language 491.593

see also Busmess enterpnses; T6 915 93
Unincorporated business Pashto literature 891.593
~· enterprises Pashtoon T5-915 93
•• partnerships 338.73 Pashtun T5-915 93
accounting 657.92 Pasquotank County (N.C.) T2-756 142
"' economics 338.73 Passacaglias 781.827
income tax 336.242 3 instrumental 784.182 7
law 343.052 662 Passage of legislation 328.375
law 346.068 2 Passaic County (N.J.) T2 ·749 23
management 658.042 Passaic River (N.J.) T2-749 3
658.1142 Passamaquoddy Indians T5~973 4
see Manual at 658.04 vs. Passamaquoddy language 497.34
658.114, 658.402 T6-973 4
taxes 336.207 Passau (Gennany) T2 433 55
law 343.066 2 Passementerie 677.76
Partridgeberry 583.93 arts 746.27
Partridges 598.623 Passenger automobiles 388.342
1 sports hunting 799.246 23 driving 629.283
JParts of Holland (England) T2--425 39 engineering 629.222
Parts ofKesteven (England) T2--425 35 military engineering 623.747 2
!Parts of Lindsey (England) T2--425 31 repair 629.287 2
;Parts of speech (Grammar) 415 transportation services 388.342
specific languages T4~5 see also Automobiles
Parturition 573.67 Passenger services 388.042
human physiology 612.63 air 387.742
mammals 573.67 airport services 387.736 4
reproductive behavior 599.156 law 343~097 8
obstetrics 618.4 automobile 388.321
disorders 618.5 urban 388.413 21
see also Childbirth bus 388.322
Party costumes law 343.094 82
home sewing 646.478 tenninal services 388.33
Party finance (Politics) 324.21 urban 388.413 22
Party leadership (Politics) 324.22 tenninal services 388.473
Party membership (Politics) 324.21 canal 386.404 22
Party of Democratic Socialism ferries 386.6
(Gennany) 324.243 074 ground 388.042
Party of Italian Communists 324.245 075 law 343.093 3
Party of Ita! ian Workers 324.245 027 inland waterway 386.242
Party organization (Politics) 324.21 law 343.096 8
legislative bodies 328.369 port services 386.862
political process 324.21 lake 386.542
sociology 306.26 law 343.093 3
Parulidae 598.872 marine 387.542
Parvoviridae 579.247 law 343.096 8
Parys (South Africa : port services 387.162
District) TI-685 2 ports 387.162
Pas(Man.) T2-712 72 public administration 354.763
Pas-de-Calais (France) T2--442 72 railroad 385.22
Pasadena (Calif.) T2-794 93 law 343.095 8
Pasargadae (Extinct city) T2--357 72 public administration 354.767 3
Pasco (Peru: Dept.) T2~852 3 special purpose 385.5
Pasco County (Fla.) T2-759 69 terminal services 385.262

Dewey Decimal Classification

Passenger services Passionists 255.62

railroad (continued) church history 271.62
urban 388.42 Passiontide 263.92
terminal services 388.472 devotional literature 242.34
river 386.352 music 781.725 5
Passenger ships sermons 252.62
power-driven 387.243 Passive-aggressive personality
design 623.812 43 disorder
engineering 623.824 3 medicine 616.858 I
Passenger terminals see also Mental disorders
architecture 725.3 Passive resistance
area planning 711.7 political action 322.4
construction 690.53 social conflict 303.61
inland waterway 386.852 Passive smoking
ports 387.152 human toxicology 615.952 395 2
railroad 385.314 respiratory diseases 616.200 471
Passenger-train cars 385.33 see also Respiratory tract
engineering 625.23 diseases humans
see also Rolling stock Passover 296.437
Passenger transportation 388.042 customs 394.267
see also Passenger services liturgy 296.453 7
Passer sparrows 598.887 P~ssover Haggadah 296.453 71
Passeres 598.8 Passports 323.67
see Manual at 598.824-.88 law 342.082
Passeriformes 598.8 political science 323.67
pa1eozoology 568.8 public administration 353.13
Passerines 598.8 Past lives (Occultism) 133.901 35
Passifloraceae 583.626 Pasta 641.822
edible fruits 641.344 2 commercial processing 664.755
cooking 641.644 2 home preparation 641.822
food 641.344 2 Pastaza (Ecuador:
orchard crop 634.42 Province) T2-86642
Passiflorales 583.626 Pasteboard 676.288
Passing Pastel drawing 741.235
American football 796.332 25 Pasteurella 579.34
Passing off(Offense) 364.166 8 Pasteurella infections
law 345.026 68 incidence 614.573
Passion fruit 641.344 25 medicine 616.923
cooking 641.644 25 see also Communicable
food 641.344 25 diseases humans
orchard crop 634.425 Pasteurization
Passion of Jesus Christ 232.96 alcoholic beverages 663.15
music 782.23 milk processing 637.141
Passion plays Pastoral counseling 206.1
literature 808.825 16 Christianity 253.5
history and criticism 809.251 6 Judaism 296.61
specific literatures T3B-205 16 Pastoral Epistles 227.83
individual authors T3A-2 Pastoral psychology 206.1
religious significance 246.723 Christianity 253.52
stage presentation 792.16 Pastoral systems 636.084 5
Passionflowers 583.626
floriculture 635.933 626

700.458 209 734 medicine 616.071
T3C-358 209 734 Pathogenic microorganisms 579.165
808.803 582 097 34 medical microbiology 616.904 1
history and criticism 809.933 582 097 34 see Manual at 579.165 vs.
specific literatures T3B--D80 358 209 734 616.9041
history and Pathogenicity 571.9
criticism T3B--D93 582 097 34 see also Pathology
toral theology 206.1 Pathological aging 571.939
Christianity 253 Pathological anatomy 571.933
Islam 297.61 humans 616.07
Judaism 296.61 Pathological biochemistry 571.94
270.092 human metabolic diseases 616.39
262.14 see also Digestive system
Christian diseases -humans
ies 641.865 Pathological gambling
h commercial pr?cessing 664.752 5 medicine 616.858 41
1;, borne preparatiOn 641.865 see also Mental disorders
f·) •
1}1astry TnJXeS 664.753 Pathological physiology 571.9
wasture lands 333.74 Pathological processes
,,~see also Grasslands medicine 616.047
~astures 633.202 Pathological psychology 616.89
Pasturing animals 636.084 5 Pathology 571.9
:Patagonia (Argentina and cytology 571.936
lt Chile) T2-827 humans 611.018 15
[' Argentina T2-827 humans 616.07
\i Chile T2-83644 injuries
:Patagonian weasel 599.766 3 medicine 617.107
Patafijali's philosophy 181.452 surgery 617.07
Patasse, Ange-Felix see Manual at 571-575 vs. 630
Central African history 967.410 53 Pathophysiology 571.9
~ataviurn (Italy) T2-373 41 see also Pathology
Patchwork Patience 179.9
arts 746.46 moral theology 205.699
Patellas see also Virtues
· human anatomy 611.718 Patience (Game) 795.43
Patent infringement 364.1662 Patient compliance
criminal law 345.026 62 medicine 615.5
Patent law 346.048 6 Patient education
Patent leather 675.25 medicine 615.507 I
Patent medicines 615.1 Patient isolation
Patentees 609.2 disease control 614.45
Patents 346.048 6 Patients' libraries 027.662
collections 608 Patinating
Tl-027 2 decorative arts 739.15
law 346,048 6 Patio furniture 645.8
public administration 352.749 see also Outdoor furniture
>aternity 346.017 5 Patio gardening 635.967 I
>aternity leave 331.257 63 Patio lighting 621.322 9
personnel management 658.312 2 Patios 721.84
>aternosters (Channel architecture 721.84
Islands) T2-423 49 construction 690.184
•ates 641.812
ath spaces (Mathematics) 514.224

Dewey Decimal Classification

Patios Pattern perception

domestic 643.55 visual
architecture 728.93 psychology 152.142 3
construction 690.893 Pattern poetry 808.814
home economics 643.55 history and criticism 809.14
Patmos Island (Greece) T2-495 87 . specific literatures T3B--104
Patois 417.2 Pattern recognition
specific languages T4-7 computer science 006.4
Patriarchal family 306.858 Tl-028 564
Patriarchate 262.13 engineering 621.399 4
Patriarchs 200.92 Pattemmaking
Biblical 222.110 922 clothing 646.407 2
biography 200.92 commercial technology 687.042
Christian 270.092 home sewing 646.407 2
biography 270.092 metal casting 671.23
specific denominations 280 metal rolling 671.821
see Manual at 230--280 Patterns (Geometry) 516.15
ecclesiology 262.13 Patterns (Sewing) 646.407
Patriarchy (System of design 646.407 2
government) 321.1 home sewing 646.407
Patricia Portion (Ont.) T2-713 1 Patuxent River (Md.) T2-7524
Patrick County (Va.) T2- 755 695 Paucituberculata 599.27
Patrilineal kinship 306.83 Paul I, Emperor of Russia
Patriotic holidays 394.26 Russian history 947.071
law 344.091 Paulatuk (N.W.T.) T2-719 3
see also Holidays Paulding County (Ga.) T2-758 373
Patriotic music 781.599 Paulding County (Ohio) T2-771 17
songs 782.421 599 Pauline epistles 227
Patriotic pageants 394.5 Paulpietersburg (South
customs 394.5 Africa : District) T2---684 2
performing arts 791.624 Pauropoda 595.64
Patriotic societies 369.2 Pauses (Linguistics) 414.6
biography 369.209 2 specific languages T4~16
United States 369.1 Pavans 793.3
Patristic philosophy 189.2 music 784.188 23
Patristics (Christianity) 270 Pavements
Patrol airport runways 629.136 34
military operation 355.413 road surfaces 625.8
police services 363.232 Pavia (Italy)
Patrol boats (Military) 359.835 8 ancient T2-372 29
design 623.812 58 Pavia (Italy : Province) T2-452 9
engineering 623.825 8 ancient T2-372 29
naval equipment 359.835 8 Paving roads 625.8
naval units 359.325 8 Pavlovian conditioning 153.152 6
Patrol boats (Police) 363.286 Pavlovian psychological system 150.194 4
design 623.812 63 Pavo 598.625 8
engineering 623.826 3 Pawnbrokers 332.34
police services 363.286 Pawnbroking 332.34
Patron and client 306.2 law 346.025
Patronage 306.2 Pawnee County (Kan.) T2-78149
political science 324.204 Pawnee County (Neb.) T2-782 284
Patronage of individuals Tl-079 Pawnee County (Okla.) T2--766 26
Pattern lumber 674.43 Pawnee Indians TS-97933

Relative Index

! pawnee language
T6-979 33 ethics 172.42
~pawnee literature 897.933 religion 205.624 2
;;pawns (Chess) 794.142 Christianity 241.624 2
~;pawnshops 332.34 Islam 297.562 42
~fay-cable television 384.555 4 international politics 327.172
"' also Television law of nations 341.73
differentials 331.22 literature 808.803 581
~,Pay equity 331.2153 history and criticism 809.933 581
~ Jaw 344.012 153 specific literatures T3B 080 358 1
~pay telephones history and
f engineering 621.386 9 criticism T3B--D93 581
'pay television 384.555 social theology 201.727 3
· see also Television Buddhism 294.337 273
'Pay television (Canada) 384.555 4 Christianity 261.873
see also Television Hinduism 294.517 273
Payette County (Idaho) T2-79624 islam 297.27
Payments in lieu of taxes Judaism 296.382 7
public finance 336.185 World WarT 940.312
Payne County (Okla.) T2-766 34 World War II 940.531 2
Payroll accounting 657.742 see also Social history
Payroll administration 658.321 Peace conferences 341.73
armed forces 355.64 Peace Corps (U.S.) 361.6
public administration 352.47 Peace movements 327.172
Payroll tax 336.242 2 sociology 303.66
law 343.052 42 Peace pipe 399
Pays Basque (France) T2--447 16 Peace River (Alta.) T2-71231
Pays de Ia Loire (France) T2--441 6 Peace River (B.C. :
Pays-d'en-Haut (Quebec) T2-714 244 Regional district) T2-711 87
Paysandu (Uruguay: Dept.) T2-895 31 Peace River (B.C. and Alta.) T2-712 31
Paz (Bolivia : Dept.) T2-8412 Alberta T2-712 31
Paz (El Salvador . Dept.) T2-728 425 British Columbia T2-711 87
Paz (Honduras : Dept.) T2-728 36 Peace River (Fla.) T2-759 57
PCB (Chemical) Peace River-Liard (B.C.) T2-711 87
human toxicology 615.9512 Peace treaties 341.66
PCP abuse 362.294 Peaceful occupation
medicine 616.863 4 law of nations 341.722
personal health 613.83 Peaceful settlement of disputes 303.69
social welfare 362.294 international relations 327.17
see also Substance abuse law of nations 341.52
PDA (Computers) 004.167 sociology 303.69
see also Handheld computing Peacekeeping forces 355.357
devices; Personal law of nations 341.584
computers Peacekeeping operations 355.4
PdA (Swiss political party) 324.249 407 4 Peach County (Ga.) T2-758 556
Pea beans 641.356 52 Peaches 641.342 5
see also Kidney beans botany 583.73
Peace 303.66 commercial processing 664.804 25
arts 700.458 1 cooking 641.642 5
T3C-358 1 food 641.342 5
Civil War(United States) 973.712 orchard crop 634.25
Peafowl 598.625 8
animal husbandry 636.595

Dewey Decimal Classification

Pe'ah 296.123 1 Peat (continued)

Mishnah 296.123 1 properties 662.622 1
Palestinian Talmud 296.124 1 use as soil conditioner 631.826
Peak District (England) T2-425 11 Peat bogs
Peanut flour 664.726 biology 578.768 7
Peanut meal 664.726 ecology 577.687
Peanut worms 592.35 Peat coal 553.21
Peanuts 641.356 596 see also Peat
agricultural economics 338.173 368 Peat mosses 588.29
botany 583.74 Peatlands
commercial processing 664.805 659 6 biology 578.768 7
economics 338.476 647 26 ecology 577.687
technology 664.726 Peba-Yaguan languages 498.9
cooking 641.656 596 T6-989
field crop 633.368 Pecans 641.345 2
food 641.356 596 agriculture 634.52
garden crop 635.659 6 botany 583.49
Pearl Harbor, Attack on, 1941 940.542 669 3 cooking 641.645 2
Pearl oysters food 641.345 2
culture 639.412 Peccaries 599.634
Pearl River (Miss. and La.) T2-762 5 Pecopteris 561.597
Pearl River County (Miss.) T2-76215 Pecos County (Tex.) T2-764923
Pearlfishes 597.63 Pecos River (N.M. and
Pears 641.341 3 T2-7649
botany 583.73 New Mexico T2-789 4
commercial processing 664.804 13 Texas T2-764 9
cooking 641.641 3 Pectins 572.566
food 641.341 3 biochemistry 572.566
orchard crop 634.13 food technology 664.25
Pearson, Lester B. see also Carbohydrates
Canadian history 971.064 3 Pedagogy 370
Pearston (South Africa : Pedaliaceae 583.95
District) T2-687 54 Pedaling
Peas 641.356 5 music 784.1938
botany 583.74 Peddie (South Africa :
commercial processing 664.805 65 District) T2-687 55
cooking 641.656 5 Pedemales (Dominican
field crop 633.3 Republic: Province) T2-729 323
food 641.356 5 Pedestals 721.3
garden crop 635.65 architecture 721.3
Peas (Pisum sativum) 641.356 56 construction 690.13
botany 583.74 Pedestrian facilities 388.41
commercial processing 664.805 656 area planning 711.74
cooking 641.656 56 landscape architecture 717
field crop 633.37 use 388.41
food 641.356 56 Pedestrian malls 388.411
garden crop 635.656 area planning 711.74
Peasants 305.563 3 landscape architecture 717
Tl--088 63 Pedestrian paths 388.12
Peasants' War, 1524-1525 943.031 area planning 711.74
Peat 553.21 use 388.12
economic geology 553.21 local 388.411
mining 622.331 Pedestrian traffic 388.41
law 343.098 1

T5-963 977 1
496.397 71
Relative Index
~pedi (African people) Pelagianism
635.933 79
~·, pedi language
i, T6-963 977 1
618.921 2
635.933 79
$!!·pediatric cardiology
Jtped!atr!c d~ntistry 617.645 Pelecaniformes 598.43
1!:: pediatriC disorders paleozoology 568.4
I' incidence 614.599 292 Pelecanoididae 598.42
618.92 Pelgrimsrus 1 (South
' medicine
i pediatric gynecology 618.920 98 Africa : District) T2-682 71
~pediatric nursing 618.920 023 1 Pelgrimsrus 2 (South
fPediatric pharmacology 615.108 3 Africa : District) T2-682 74
jlrediatJ"!c prev~ntive measures 613.043 2 Pelicans 598.43
~~, pediatnc services 362.198 92 Pella (Greece: Nome) T2--495 65
r see also Health services Pellagra
~ Pediatric surgery 617.98 medicine 616.393
f: Pediatric therapeutics 615.542 see also Digestive system
t Pediatric toxicology 615.900 83 diseases - humans
Pediatricians 618.920 009 2 Pelly Bay (Nunavut) T2-719 55
role and function 618.920 023 2 Pelobatoidea 597.86
Pediatrics 618.92 Pelomedusidae 597.929
see Manual at 616 vs. 618.92; Peloncillo Mountains (Ariz.
also at 618.92097 vs. 617 andN.M.) T2-789 693
Pediculosis Peloponnesian War, 431-404
medicine 616.572 B.C. 938.05
see also Skin diseases Peloponnesos (Greece) T2-495 2
humans Peloponnesos (Greece :
Pedicuring 646.727 Periphereia) T2-495 22
Pedigrees Peloponnesus (Greece) T2-495 2
animal husbandry 636.082 2 ancient T2-386
Pediments 721.5 Peloponnesus (Greece :
architecture 721.5 Periphereia) T2-495 22
construction 690.15 Pelvic bones
Pee Dee River (N.C. and human anatomy 611.71
S.C.) T2-757 8 medicine 616.71
Peel (Ont. :Regional Pelvic muscles
municipality) T2-713 535 human anatomy 611.736
Peer counseling of students 371.404 7 Pelvic region
Peer group human anatomy 611.96
influence on crime 364.253 human physiology 612.96
socialization 303.327 regional medicine 617.55
Peer pressure 303.327 surgery 617.55
Peer review Pelycosauria 567.93
health services 362.106 8 Pemba (Tanzania) 967.81
Peer-to-peer architecture T2-678 I
computer science 004.652 Pemba North (Tanzania) T2-6781
Peerage Pemba South (Tanzania) T2-6781
genealogy 929.7 Pemberton (B.C.) T2-711 31
Pegasiformes 597.64 Pembina County (N.D.) T2-784 19
Pegmatite dikes 553.16 Pembrokeshire (Wales) T2--429 62
determinative mineralogy 549.116 Pemiscot County (Mo.) T2-778 996
Peking (China) T2-51156 Pemon language 498.42
Peking man 569.97 T6-9842
Pekingese (Dog) 636.76 Pen-and-ink drawing 741.26
Pelagian Islands T2-45822 P'enching 635.977 2

Dewey Decimal Classification

Penal colonies 365.34 Penile diseases

see also Penal institutions medicine 616.66
Penal institutions 365 see also Male genital
accounting 657.832 diseases humans
area planning 711.556 Peninsular Malaysia T2- 595 1
buildings 365.5 Peninsular War, 1807-1814 940.27
architecture 725.6 Penis 573.656
energy economics 333.796 4 biology 573.656
institutional housekeeping 647.966 human anatomy 611.64
law 344.035 human physiology 612.616
psychological influence 155.962 medicine 616.66
reform 365.7 see also Male genital system
Penal reform 364.6 Penitentiaries 365.34
Penalties see also Penal institutions
personnel management 658.314 4 Penjing 635.977 2
Penance 203.4 Penmanship 652.1
Christianity 234.166 primary education 372.634
public worship 265.6 Pennine Alps (Italy and
theology 234.166 Switzerland) T2---494 79
Penarth (Wales) T2---429 89 Pennine Chain (England) T2-428
Pen as 787.6 Pennines (England) T2---428
see also Stringed instruments Pennington County (Minn.) T2---776 965
Pencil drawing 741.24 Pennington County (S.D.) T2-783 93
Pencil fishes 597.48 Pennsylvania 974.8
Pencils T2-748
mechanical 681.6 Pennsylvania Dutch T5-310 748
wood-cased 674.88 Pennsylvania Dutch dialect 437.974 8
Pend d'Oreille language 497.943 5 T6-38
T6~979435 Pennsylvania German dialect 437.974 8
Pend d'Orcillc literature 897.943 5 T6-38
Pend Oreille County Pennsylvania Germans T5-310 748
(Wash.) T2--797 21 Pennsylvanian period 551.752
Pende (African people) T5~963 93 geology 551.752
Pende languages 496.393 paleontology 560.1752
T6~963 93 Penny stocks
Pender County (N.C.) T2-756 25 speculation 332.632 28
Pendle (England) T2---427 645 Penny whistles 788.35
Pendleton County (Ky.) T2-769 33 see also Woodwind instruments
Pendleton County (W.Va.) T2-754 91 Pennyroyal Plateau (Ky.) T2-769 6
Pendulum motion 531.324 Penobscot County (Me.) TI-741 3
Pendulums 531.324 Penobscot River (Me.) TI-741 3
clockworks 681.112 Penology 364.6
dowsing 133.323 public administration 353.39
fortune-telling 133.3 Penrith (N.S.W.) T2-944 1
Penetrating wounds Pens (Writing)
medicine 617.14 manufacturing teclmology 681.6
Penetration Pensacola (Fla.) TI-759 99
materials science 620.112 6 Pension funds 331.252 4
Penguins 598.47 investment by 332.672 54
Penicillin tax law 343.064
pharmacology 615.329 565 4 see also Pensions
Penicillium 579.565 4 Pension reform 331.252 2
see also Pensions

Relative Index

pension trusts 331.252 4 People Tl-08

investment by 332.672 54 groups Tl-08
tax law 343.064 government programs 353.53
see also Pensions individuals Tl-092
Pensions 331.252 collected biography T1--092 2
accounting 657.75 literature
annuities specific literatures T3B-080 351
insurance 368.37 see also Persons (Individuals)
economics 331.252 see Manual at T1--08 and
law 344.012 52 306.2-.6
personnel management 658.325 3 People movers
executives 658.407 253 engineering 621.868
public administration 353.54 People of God (Church) 262.7
social security 368.43 People with mental retardation 305.908 4
Penstemon 635.933 95 Tl--087 4
botany 583.95 education 371.928
floriculture 635.933 95 law 344.079 128
Penstocks see also Mentally disabled
dam engineering 627.882 people
Pentaerythritol tetranitrate 662.27 People's Democratic Republic of 951.93
Pentane 665.773 Korea T2-519 3
Pentastomida 592.76 People's Party of America 324.273 27
Pentateuch 222.1 People's Republic of China T2-51
Pentatonicism 781.265 Peoria County (Ill.) T2-773 52
Pentecost 263.94 Peperomias 583.25
devotional literature 242.38 Pepin County(Wis.) T2-775 47
Jewish 296.438 Pepos 641.356 1
liturgy 296.453 8 see also Melons
music 781.729 3 Pepper-shrikes 598.878
sennons 252.64 Pepperbushes 583.66
Pentecostal churches 289.94 Peppers 641.338 4
Pentecostalism 270.82 botany 583.952
independent denominations 289.94 see also Hot spices; Sweet
Protestantism 280.4 peppers
Pentecostals Peppers (Piperaceae) 641.338 4
biography 289.940 92 botany 583.25
Penthouse gardens see also Hot spices
landscape architecture 712.6 Peppers (Solanaceae) 641.338 4
Penticton (B.C.) T2-7ll5 botany 583.952
Pentland Hills (Scotland) T2-413 5 food 641.338 4
Pentyrch (Wales) T2-42987 hot peppers 641.338 4
Penutian languages 497.41 sweet peppers 641.35643
T6-974 1 see also Hot spices; Sweet
Penutian peoples T5-97 4 1 peppers
Penwith (England) T2-423 7 Peptic ulcers
Penza (Russia: Oblast) T2-474 6 medicine 616.343
Penzenskala oblast' (Russia) T2-474 6 see also Digestive system
Peonies 635.933 62 diseases humans
botany 583.62 Peptides 572.65
floriculture 635.933 62 humans 612.015 756
Peons 305.56 see also Proteins
Tl-08625 Pep tones 572.65
see also Proteins

Dewey Decimal Classification

Pequot dialect 497.344 Perdix perdix 598.623 2

T6-973 44 Pereira, Aristides
Pequot Indians T5-973 44 Cape Verdean history 966.580 31
Pequot War, 1636-1638 973.22 Perennials (Plants) 582.16
Peracarida 595.37 floriculture 635.932
paleozoology 565.37 Perfect binding
Perak TI-595 1 bookbinding 686.35
Perame!idae 599.26 · Perfectionism
Peramelina 599.26 ethical systems 171.3
Peravia (Dominican personality trait 155.232
Republic: Province) T2-729 373 Perforating tools 621.95
Percentage 513.245 Performance (Law) 346,022
Percentage renting Performance art 700
land economics 333.563 fine arts 709.040 755
Perception 153.7 techniques 702.81
educational psychology 370.155 Performance auditing 658.401 3
epistemology 121.34 public administration 352.43
psychology 153.7 Performance audits 658.401 3
sensory 152.1 public administration 352.439
see Manual at 153.7 vs. 152.1 Performance awards 331.216 4
Perception theory 003.52 labor economics 331.216 4
Tl-011 52 personnel management 658.322 5
Perceptrons 006.32 Performance contracting
Perch trout 597.73 students 371.393
Percheron horse 636.15 teachers 371.15
Perches 597.75 Performance evaluation
sports fishing 799.177 5 computer science 004.029
Perching birds 598.8 engineering 621.390 29
Percichthyidae 597.73 for design and improvement 004.24
Percidae 597.75 engineering 621.392
Perciformes 597.7 see Manual at 004.1 vs.
paleozoology 567.7 004.24
Percoidea 597.72 executive management 658.401 3
Percoidei 597.7 military services 355.685
Percolation (Statistical physics) 530.13 public administration 352.35
Percolation theory 530.13 Performance evaluation of
Percopsiformes 597.62 employees 658.312 5
Percussed idiophones 786.84 public administration 352.66
set 786.84 Performance rating
single 786.884 personnel management 658.312 5
see also Percussion instruments executives 658.407 125
Percussion bands 784.68 Performance scores 780
Percussion caps 662.4 treatises 780.264
military engineering 623.454 2 Performance standards
Percussion ensembles 785.68 commerce 389.63
Percussion instruments 786.8 personnel management 658.3125
bands and orchestras 784 production management 658.562
chamber ensembles 785 Performance techniques
mixed 785.2-.5 music 781.43
single type 785.68 Performance tests
construction 786.819 23 automotive vehicles 629.282 4
by hand 786.819 23 Performances 790.2
by machine 681.868 ethics 175
solo music 786.8 music 780.78

Relative Index

performers (Entertainers) 791.092 Period novels 808.838 1

see Manual at 780.92 and history and criticism 809.381
791.092 specific literatures T3B-308 1
Performing arts 790.2 individual authors T3A--3
public administrative support 353.77 Periodic law 546.8
sociology 306.484 Periodic table 546.8
see Manual at 780.079 vs. Periodicals 050
790.2 Tl-05
Performing arts centers see also Serials
architecture 725.83 Periodicity (Biology) 571.77
area planning 711.558 Periodicity (Chemistry) 546.8
Perfume-producing plants Periodontal diseases
agriculture 633.81 dentistry 617.632
economic botany 581.636 Periodontics 617.632
Perfumes 668.54 Periodontitis
customs 391.63 dentistry 617.632
Pergamum (Turkey) 12-562 5 Periosteum 573.762 5
ancient T2-392 3 human histology 612.751 045
Periapical abscesses see also Musculoskeletal
dentistry 617.632 system
Pericardium 573.1725 Periostitis
biology 573.172 5 medicine 616.712
human anatomy 611.11 see also Musculoskeletal
human physiology 612.17 diseases humans
medicine 616.11 Peripheral control units 004.64
see also Cardiovascular system engineering 621.398 1
Pericardium diseases Peripheral nerves 573.85
medicine 616.11 human physiology 612.81
see also Cardiovascular medicine 616.856
diseases humans see also Nervous system
Peridotite 552.3 Peripheral nervous system
Peridural anesthesia diseases
surgery 617.964 medicine 616.856
Perigord (France) T2---447 2 see also Nervous system
Perimenopause diseases - humans
disorders Peripheral vascular diseases
gynecology 618.175 medicine 616.131
see also Female genital see also Cardiovascular
diseases - humans diseases humans
Perimetrium 573.667 25 Peripherals (Computers) 004.7
human physiology 612.627 Tl-028 547
see also Female genital system engineering 621.398 4
Perinatal death Perischoechinoidea 593.95
medicine 618.392 Periscopes 623.46
Perinatal medicine 618.32 Perissodactyla 599.66
Perinatology 618.32 paleozoology 569.66
Perineum Peritoneal dialysis
human anatomy 611.96 medicine 617.461 059
human physiology 612.96 Peritoneal diseases
surgery 617.555 medicine 616.38
Period costumes see also Digestive system
home sewing 646.478 diseases humans
Period furniture 749.0901-.0905

Dewey Decimal Classification

Peritoneum 573.325 Peron, Isabel

human anatomy 611.38 Argentine history 982.064
human physiology 612.33 Peron, Juan Domingo
medicine 616.38 Argentine history 982.062
surgery 617.558 J946-1955 982.062
see also Digestive system 1973-1974 982.064
Periwinkles (Plants) Peron, Maria Estela
botany 583.93 · Argentine history 982.064
Perjury 364.134 Peronosporales 579.546
law 345.023 4 Perouse Strait 551.461 453
Perkins County (Neb.) T2-782 88 T2-164 53
Perkins County (S.D.) T2-783 45 Peroxidation
Perl is T2-595 1 chemical engineering 660.284 43
Permaculture 631.58 Peroxisomes 571.655
Permafrost 551.384 Perquimans County (N.C.) T2-756 144
biology 578.758 6 County (Ala.) T2-761 44
ecology 577.586 Perry County (Ark.) T2-767 39
engineering geology 624.151 36 Perry County (Ill.) T2-773 93
Permanent Court of Arbitration 341.522 2 Perry County (Ind.) T2-772 29
Permanent Court oflnternational Perry County (Ky.) T2-769 I 73
Justice 341.552 Perry County (Miss.) T2-762 175
Permanent deformation 531.385 Perry County (Mo.) T2-778 694
materials science 620.112 33 Perry County (Ohio) T2-771 59
see also Plasticity Perry County (Pa.) T2-748 45
Permanent education 374 Perry County (Tenn.) T2-768 38
Tl-071 5 Persecutions (Christian church
see also Adult education history) 272
Permanent magnetic tields Persepolis (Iran) T2-357 72
(Earth) 538.72 Pershing County (Nev.) T2-793 53
Permanent-mold casting Persia T2-55
metals 671.253 ancient 935.7
Permanent waving 646.724 T2-357
Pem1anent way (Railroad) 385.312 Persian cat 636.832
engineering 625.1 Persian Empire 935.05
transportation services 385.312 T2-35
Permeability Egyptian history 932.016
foundation soils 624.151 36 Mesopotamian history 935.05
Permiaks T5-945 3 Middle Eastern history 939.403
Permian languages 494.53 Palestinian history 933.03
T6-945 3 Persian Gulf 551.461 535
Permian literatures 894.53 T2-165 35
Permian period 551.756 Persian Gulf Crisis, 1990-I 991 956.704 42
geology 551.756 Persian Gulf Region 953
paleontology 560.175 6 T2-53
Permians T5-945 3 ancient 939.49
Pennie languages 494.53 T2-3949
T6-9453 Persian Gulf States 953.6
Pennie literatures 894.53 T2-536
Permskala oblast' (Russia) T2--474 3 ancient 939.49
Permutation groups 512.21 T2-394 9
Permutations (Mathematics) 511.64 Persian Gulf syndrome
Perm' (Russia : Oblast) T2--474 3 medicine 616.98
Pernambuco (Brazil) T2-813 4 Persian GulfWar, 1980-1988 955.054 2
Peromyscus 599.355 Persian Gulf War, 1991 956.704 42

Relative Index

Persian language 491.55 Personal computers (continued)

T6-915 5 multimedia-systems programs 006.786
Persian literature 891.55 operating systems 005.446
Persian rugs performance evaluation 004.160 29
arts 746.755 for design and improvement 004.256
Persian Wars, 500-479 B.C. 938.03 programming 005.26
Persians T5-915 5 programs 005.36
Persimmons 641.344 5 purchasing manuals 004.160 29
botany 583.674 systems analysis 004.256
cooking 641.644 5 systems design 004.256
food 641.344 5 see Manual at 004.11-.16
orchard crop 634.45 Personal conduct
Persis T2-357 72 public administrative control 353.37
Persistence Personal construct psychology 150.198 5
insurance 368.016 Personal construct theory 150.198 5
Person (Grammar) 415.5 Personal counseling 361.06
specific languages T4-55 education 371.46
Person County (N.C.) T2-756 573 see also Counseling
Person of Jesus Christ 232.8 Personal digital assistants 004.167
Personal actions (Law) 347.053 see also Handheld computing
Personal analysis devices; Personal
applied psychology 158.1 computers
Personal appearance 646.7 Personal efficiency
customs 391.6 business 650.11
ethics 177.4 executives 658.409 3
see also Ethical problems Personal finance 332.024
Personal-area networks 004.68 Personal fulfillment
Personal beauty ethical systems 171.3
arts 700.453 Personal grooming 646.7
T3C-353 Personal grooming accessories
literature 808.803 53 manufacturing technology 688.5
history and criticism 809.933 53 Personal health 613
specific literatures T3B-080 353 primary education 372.37
history and sociology 306.461 3
criticism T3B-093 53 Personal hygiene 613
Personal cleanliness 613.4 primary education 372.37
customs 391.64 Personal improvement
health 613.4 applied psychology 158.1
Personal coaching Personal income 339.32
psychology 158.3 macroeconomics
Personal computers 004.16 distribution 339.22
architecture 004.256 Personal income tax 336.242
buyers' guides 004.160 29 law 343.052 62
communications 004.616 public administration 352.44
programming 005.712 6 public finance 336.242
programs 005.713 6 Personal information
engineering 621.391 6 management programs 005.57
graphics programming 006.676 Personal injury (Law) 346.032 3
graphics programs 006.686 Personal keyboarding 652.32
interfacing 004.616 Personal liability insurance 368.56
programming 005.712 6 Personal liberty 323.44
programs 005.713 6 see also Civil rights
multimedia-systems Personal life 646.7
programming 006.776 Personal loans 332.743

Dewey Decimal Classification

Personal names 929.4 Personal survival

law 346.012 occultism 133.901 3
Personal narratives Personal wealth
American Revolution 973.309 2 taxes 336.24
Chaco War 989.207 160 92 Personalcs 583.95
Civil War (England) 942.062 092 Personalism
Civil War (Spain) 946.081 092 philosophy 141.5
Civil War (United States) 973.781 Personality 155.2
Confederate States of applied psychology 158.1
America 973.782 children 155.4182
United States 973.781 educational psychology 370.153 2
Crimean War 947.D73 809 2 folklore 398.273
Franco-German War 943.082 092 history and criticism 398.353
Hundred Years' War 944.025 092 philosophy 126
Indo-Pakistan War, 1971 954.920 510 92 Personality (Law) 346.012
Indochinese War 959.704 109 2 Personality assessment 155.28
Iraqi-Iranian Conflict 955.054 209 2 Personality development 155.25
Korean War 951.904 209 2 Personality disorders
Mexican War 973.620 92 medicine 616.858 1
South African War 968.048 092 see also Mental disorders
Spanish-American War 973.890 92 Personality inventories 155.283
Thirty Years' War 940.240 92 Personality questionnaires 155.283
Vietnamese War 959.704 309 2 Personality tests 155.28
War of the Pacific 983.061 609 2 Personality types 155.26
World War I 940.481-.482 Personalized reading instruction
World War II 940.548 I primary education 372.417
Personal property Personifications (Religion) 202.14
law 346.047 Personnel
private ownership 346.047 libraries 023
public ownership 343.023 museums 069.63
Personal property tax 336.23 office services 651.3
law 343.054 Personnel information
public administration 352.44 management 658.301
public finance 336.23 Personnel management 658.3
Personal religion 204 T1~068 3
Buddhism 294.344 armed forces 355.61
Christianity 240 executives 658.407
Hinduism 294.54 libraries 023
Islam 297.57 museums 069.63
Sufi 297.4 public administration 352.6
Judaism 296.7 schools 371.201
Personal risks 368.07 higher education 378.11
Personal safety 613.6 Personnel planning 658.301
Tl-028 9 Personnel policy 658.301
primary education 372.37 Personnel selection
Personal security management 658.311 2
civil rights issues 323.43 Personnel transports
Personal selling 381.1 military engineering 623.746 5
management 658.85 Personnel utilization
T1--068 8 management 658.312 8
Personal shorthand 653.18 public administration 352.66
Personal space
sociology 304.23

Relative index

Persons (Individuals) Tl-092 Perugia (Italy : Province) T2--456 51

T2-2 ancient T2-3743
arts 700.451 Etruria T2-375 73
T3C-351 Umbria T2-374 3
biography 920 Perusia (Italy) T2-375 731
Tl--092 Peruvian lily 635.934 34
collected biography Tl-0922 botany 584.34
folklore 398.22 floriculture 635.934 34
history and criticism 398.352 Peruvian literature 860
groups Tl--08 Peruvians T5-688 5
see also People Pervasive development disorders
literature 808.803 51 medicine 616.858 82
history and criticism 809.933 51 pediatrics 618.928 588 2
specific literatures T3B--080 351 Pesach 296.437
history and customs 394.267
criticism T3B--093 51 liturgy 296.453 7
objects of worship 202.13 Pesai)im 296.123 2
see Manual at T 1--092 Babylonian Talmud 296.125 2
Persons (Legal concept) Mishnah 296.123 2
law 346.012 Palestinian Talmud 296.124 2
Persoonia 583.89 Pesaro (Italy)
Perspective ancient T2-3742
arts 701.82 Pesaro e Urbino (Italy :
technical drawing 604.245 Province) T2-~56 77
Perspiration ancient T2-374 2
human physiology 612.793 Pescara (Italy: Province) T2--457 17
Persuasion 303.342 ancient T2-377 36
logic 168 Peshawar District (Pakistan) T2-549 123
political science 320.014 Pessimism
psychology 153.852 philosophy 149.6
rhetoric 808 Pest control 363.78
social process 303.342 agriculture 632.9
PERT (Network analysis) 658.403 2 see Manual at 632.95 vs.
Perth (Ont.: County) T2-713 23 632.2-.8
Perth (W.A.) T2-941 l conservation technology 639.966
Perth and Kinross control technology 628.96
(Scotland) T2--412 8 disease carriers
Perturbation theory 515.392 medicine 614.43
Perturbations household sanitation 648.7
celestial mechanics 521.4 law 344.046
Pertussis public administration 354.339
incidence 614.543 social welfare 363.78
medicine 616.204 Pest Megye (Hungary) T2--4391
see also Respiratory tract Pest resistance
diseases humans materials science 620.112 2
pediatrics 618.922 04 Pest-resistant construction 693.84
Peru 985 Pesticide pollution 363.738 498
T2-85 see also Pesticides pollution
Peru-Bolivian Confederation 984.044 Pesticide resistance
Bolivian history 984.044 agriculture 632.950 42
Peruvian history 985.05
Peru Current 551.462 141
Perugia (Italy) T2--456 511
ancient T2-375 731

De·wey Decimal Classification

Pesticides 632.95 Petri nets 511.35

adverse effects Petrified Forest National
agriculture 632.950 42 Park (Ariz.) T2-79137
bee keeping 638.159 Petrified wood 561.16
wildlife conservation 639.969 Petrochemicals 665.538
agriculmral use 632.95 chemical engineering 661.804
see Manual at 632.95 vs. human toxicology 615.951
632.2-.8 petroleum product 665.538
chemical vHj~1H101011111', 668.65 Petrogenesis 552.03
human toxicology 615.902 Petroglyphs 709.011 3
pest control technology 628.96 Petrography 552
pollution 363.738 498 Petrol 665.538 27
ecology 577.279 Petrolatum 665.538 5
environmental ~"F•"'~Y· 628.529 Petroleum 553.28
law 344.046 334 chemistry 547.83
see also Pollution dowsing 133.323 7
public safety 363.179 2 economic geology 553.28
see also Hazardous materials extraction 622.338
toxicology 571.959 equipment manufacturing
water pollution en!~lll1eermg 628.168 42 technology 681.766 5
Pests 591.65 extractive economics 338.272 8
agriculture 632.6 law 343.077 2
see also Pest control pipeline transportation 388.55
PET (Tomography) law 343.093 95
medicine 616.075 75 processing 665.5
Pet food 636.088 7 economics 338.476 655
animal husbandry 636.088 7 enterprises 338.766 55
manufacturing technology 664.66 prospecting 622.182 8
Pet names 929.97 public administration 354.45
Petals 575.69 resource economics 333.823
Petanque 796.31 law 346.046 823
Petauridae 599.23 Petroleum chemicals 665.538
Peten (Guatemala : Dept.) T2 728 12 chemical engineering 661.804
Peter (Biblical books) 227.92 petroleum product 665.538
Peter I, Emperor of Russia Petroleum coke 665.538 8
Russian history 947.05 Petroleum County (Mont.) T2-786 28
Peter II, Emperor of Russia Petroleum engineers 665.509 2
Russian history 947.061 Petroleum gas 665.773
Peter III, Emperor of Russia Petroleum geology 553.28
Russian history 947.062 Petroleum industry 338.272 8
Peter Lougheed Provincial law 343.077 2
Park (Alta.) T2---712 332 Petrologists 552.009 2
Peterborough (England : Petrology 552
City) T2-426 51 Petrusburg (South Africa :
Peterborough (Ont. : District) T2-685 7
County) T2-713 67 Pets 636.088 7
Petersburg (Va.) T2-755 581 art representation 704.943 2
Petit basset griffon venden 636.753 6 arts T3C-362
Petition therapeutic use 615.851 58
civil right 323.48 see Manual at 800, T3C-362
PETN (Explosives) 662.27 vs. 398.245, 590, 636
Petorca (Chile: Province) T2-832 48 Pettis County (Mo.) T2-77848
Petra (Extinct city) T2-394 8 Petty officers 359.009 2
Petrels 598.42 role and function 359.338

Relative Index

Petunias 635.933 952 Pharmaceutical dmgs 615.1

botany 583.952 see also Drugs
floriculture 635.933 952 (Phannaceuti cals)
Pews 247.1 Pharmaceutical industry 338.476 151
architecture 726.529 3 Pharmaceutical services
Pewter insurance 368.382 4
decorative arts 739.533 social welfare 362.178 2
Peziza1es 579.578 Pharmaceutical technology 615.19
Piliffikon (Switzerland : Pharmacists 615.109 2
Bezirk) T2---494 574 5 law 344.041 6
Pfiesteriaceae 579.87 Pharmacodynamics 615.7
pH 541.372 8 see Manual at 615.1 vs. 615.7;
chemical engineering 660.297 28 also at 615.7 vs. 615.9
Phacidiales 579.57 Pharmacognosy 615.321
Phaeophyceae 579.88 Pharmacokinetics 615.7
Phaeophyta 579.88 see Manual at 615.1 vs. 615.7;
Phaethontidae 598.43 also at 615.2-.3 vs. 615.7;
579.26 also at 615.7 vs. 615.9
Phagocytes 571.968 Pharmacologists 615.109 2
human immunology 616.079 9 Pharmacology 615.1
Phalaborwa (South Africa : adolescent medicine 615.10835
District) T2-682 59 pediatrics 615.108 3
Phalaeroeoracidae 598.43 veterinary medicine 636.089 51
Phalaenopsis 584.4 seeManualat615.1 vs.615.7
floriculture 635.934 4 Pharmacopoeias 615.11
Phalanger 599.232 Pharmacy 615.1
Phalangeridae 599.232 law 344.041 6
Phalangeroidea 599.23 Pharyngeal diseases
Phalanges medicine 616.32
human anatomy 611.718 see also
hands 611.717 diseases
Phalangida 595.43 surgery 617.532
Phalansterianism (Socialist Pharynx
school) human anatomy 611.32
economics 335.23 human physiology 612.31
Phalanxes (Military units) 355.31 medicine 616.32
Phalarideae 584.9 surgery 617.532
Phalaropes 598.33 Phascolarctidae 599.25
Phalaropodidae 598.33 Phase changes 530.474
Phallales 579.599 see also Phase transformations
Phanarists Phase diagrams 530.474
Romanian history 949.801 5 metallurgy 669.94
Phanerite 552.3 see also Phase transformations
Phanerozoic eon 551.7 Phase equilibria 530.474
Phanerozonia 593.93 see also Phase transformations
pa1eozoo1ogy 563.93 Phase-locked loops
Phantasms 133.14 electronic circuits 621.381 536 4
Pharaoh hound 636.753 6 Phase modulators
Phareac 584.9 electronic circuits 621.381 536 4
Pharisees 296.812 Phase stability 530.474
Pharmaceutical arithmetic 615.140 1513 see also Phase transformations
Pharmaceutical chemistry 615.19 Phase transformations 530.474
chemical engineering 660.296 3
tluid-state physics 530.424

Dewey Decimal Classification

Phase transformations (continued) Philip ll, King of France

physics 530.474 French history 944.023
solid-state physics 530.414 Philip II, King of Spain
thermochemistry 541.363 Spanish history 946.043
Phase transitions 530.474 Philip III, King of France
see also Phase transformations French history 944.024
Phasemeters 621.374 9 Philip III, King of Spain
Phases Spanish history 946.051
moon 523.32 Philip IV, King of France
Phasianidae 598.62 French history 944.024
Phasianus colchicus 598.625 2 Philip IV, King of Spain
Phasmatodea 595.729 Spanish history 946.052
Phasmida 595.729 Philip V, King of France
Pheasants 598.625 French history 944.024
animal husbandry 636.594 Philip V, King of Spain
conseiVation technology 639.978 625 Spanish history 946.055
resource economics 333.958 625 Philip VI, King of France
sports hunting 799.246 25 French history 944.025
Phelps County (Mo.) T2-778 594 Philippians (Biblical book) 227.6
Phelps County (Neb.) T2-782392 Philippine-American War,
Phencyclidine abuse 362.294 1898-1901 959.903 l
medicine 616.863 4 Philippine campaign, 1898 973.893 7
personal health 613.83 Philippine Independent Church 284.8
social welfare 362.294 see also Old Catholic churches
see also Substance abuse Philippine languages 499.21
Phenolics 668.422 2 T6--992 1
Phenology 578.42 Philippine literatures 899.21
Phenols 547.632 Philippine people T5-992 1
chemical engineering 661.82 Philippine Sea 551.461458
Phenomenalism 142.7 TI-164 58
Phenomenological psychology 150.192 Philippines 959.9
Phenomenology 142.7 T2-599
Phenotypes 576.53 Phi1ippolis (South Africa :
Phenylketonuria District)
medicine 616.399 Philipstown (South Africa :
see also Digestive system District) T2--687 13
diseases humans Philistia 939.48
Phigalia (Extinct city) T2-388 T2-394 8
Philadelphia (Pa.) T2-748 11 Phillip Island (Vic.) T2-945 2
Philadelphia County (Pa.) T2-748 11 Phillips County (Ark.) T2-767 88
Philanthropists 361.740 92 Phillips County (Colo.) T2-788 77
Philanthropy Phillips County (Kan.) T2-78l 17
ethics 177.7 Phillips County (Mont.) T2-786 16
see also Ethical problems Philodendrons 635.934 64
social welfare 361.74 botany 584.64
Philately 769.56 floriculture 635.934 64
Philemon (Biblical book) 227.86 Philologists 409.2
Philesiaceae 584.35 linguistics specialists 410.92
Philibert II, Duke of Savoy Philology 400
Piedmontese history 945.105 linguistics 410
Philinoglossacea 594.34 Philosophers 180-190
Philip I, King of France ancient 180
French history 944.022 eastern 181
medieval western 189

Relative Index

p!Ulosophers (continued) Phocoena 599.539

modern 190 Phocoenidae 599.539
see Manual at 180-1 90 Phoenicia 939.44
Philosopher's stone 540.112 T2-3944
folklore 398.26 Phoenician architecture 722.31
history and criticism 398.465 Phoenician language 492.6
Philosophical anthropology 128 T6--926
Philosophical counseling 128.4 Phoenician literature 892.6
Philosophical logic 160 Phoenician sculpture 732.944
Philosophy 100 Phoenicians T5-926
T1-0l Phoenicopteriformes 598.35
arts T3C-384 paleozoology 568.3
literature 808.803 84 Phoenix 398.245 4
history and criticism 809.933 84 see also Legendary animals
specific literatures T3B-080384 Phoenix (Ariz.) TI-791 73
history and Phoka (African people) T5-963 91
criticism T3B--093 84 PhOkis (Greece) T2-49515
see lvfanual at Tl-01; also at Pholidota 599.31
200 vs. 100 paleozoo1ogy 569.31
Philosophy and religion 201.61 Phonemics 414
Christianity 261.51 specific languages T4---15
Islam 297.261 Phonetic method (Reading)
Judaism 296.371 primary education 372.465
Philosophy of language 121.68 Phonetic shorthand systems
linguistics 401 English language 653.42
Philosophy of nature 113 Phonetics 414.8
Philosophy of religion 210 primary education 372.465
Philosophy of science 501 specific languages T4-158
Philydraceae 584.35 Phonics
Phiomorpha 599.359 primary education 372.465
Phishing 364.163 2 Phonocardiography
law 345.026 32 medicine 616.120 754 4
Phlebitis Phonodiscs 384
medicine 616.142 see also Sound recordings
see also Cardiovascular Phonograph records 384
diseases humans see also Sound recordings
Phlebotomy Phonographs 621.389 33
diagnosis Phonology 414
general disease 616.075 61 specific languages T4--15
Phloem 575.452 Phonons
Phlorina (Greece: Nome) T2-495 62 solid-state physics 530.416
Phloxes 635.933 94 Phonorecords 384
botany 583.94 see also Sound recordings
floriculture 635.933 94 Phoridae 595.774
Phobias Phoronida 592.3
medicine 616.852 25 paleozoology 562.3
see also Mental disorders Phosphatases 572.755 3
Phobic disorders see also Enzymes
medicine 616.852 25 Phosphates 553.64
see also Mental disorders chemical engineering 661.43
Phoca 599.792 economic geology 553.64
Phocidae 599.79 mineralogy 549.72
Phocis (Greece) T2-495 15 mining 622.364
ancient T2-383 Phosphatocopida 565.3


Dewey Decimal Classification

Phosphenes Photocopying (continued)

chemical engineering 661.87 office use 652.4
Phosphinic acids techuology 686.4
chemical engineering 661.87 Photoduplication 686.4
Phosphoacids Photoelasticity
chemical engineering 661.87 materials science 620.112 95
Phosphoalcohols Photoelectric components 621.381 542
chemical engineering 661.87 Photoelectric photometry
Phosphoaldehydes astronomy 522.623
chemical engineering 661.87 Photoelectricity 537.54
Phosphoketoncs Photoclectronic components 621.381 542
chemical engineering 661.87 Photoemission 537.54
Phospholipids 572.57 Photoemissive cells 621.381 542
see also Lipids Photoenamel processes 773.6
Phosphonic acids Photoengraving 686.232 7
chemical engineering 661.87 Photogrammetry 526.982
Phosphonium compounds military engineering 623.72
chemical engineering 661.87 Photograph files
Phosphoproteins 572.68 police records 363.24
see also Proteins Photographers 770.92
Phosphorescence 535.353 see Manual at 779 vs. 770.92
Phosphoric acid Photographic chemicals 771.5
chemical engineering 661.25 chemical engineering 661.808
Phosphorus Photographic digital images 779
applied nutrition 613.285 processing 771.4
biochemistry 572.553 Photographic equipment 771
humans 612.015 24 manufacturing techuology 681.418
chemical engineering 661.071 2 Photographic images 779
chemistry 546.712 arts 779
metabolism distribution 771.48
human physiology 612.392 4 manipulation 771.44
organic chemistry 547.07 organization 771.48
aliphatic 547.47 preparation 771.44
applied 661.87 preservation 771.45
Phosphorus fertilizers 631.85 processing 771.4
chemical engineering 668.625 storage 771.45
Phosphorus salts see Manual at 779 vs. 770.92
chemical engineering 661.43 Photographic photometry
Photo-offset printing 686.232 5 astronomy 522.622
Photo-optics 621.367 Photographic prints
Photobacterium 579.34 processing 771.4
Photo biochemistry 572.435 Photographic projection 771.48
Photoceramic processes 773.6 motion pictures 777.57
Photochemistry 541.35 transparencies (photographs) 771.48
atmosphere 551.511 Photographic surveying 526.982
chemical engineering 660.295 Photographs 779
Photocomposition 686.225 44 T1 022 2
Photoconductive cells 621.381 542 arts 779
Photoconductivity 537.54 criminal investigation 363.258
Photocopying 686.4 processing 771.4
equipment 686.402 84 see kfanual at 779 vs. 770.92
manufacturing technology 681.65 Photography 770
library services 025.12 arts 770
astronomy 522.63

Relative Index

photography (continued)
engineering 621.367 Phototherapy
green technology 771.402 86 medicine 615.831
military engineering 623.72 Phototransistors 621.381 528
nuclear physics 539.778 Phototubes 621.381 542
technique 771 Photovo ltaic cells 621.381 542
waste technology 771.402 86 Photovoltaic effect 537.54
Photogravure 686.232 7 Photovoltaic generation 621.312 44
Photointaglio 686.232 7 Phrase books 418
Photo ionization of gases 530.444 specific languages T4~83

Photojournalism 070.49 Phrases (Grammar) 415

371.897 specific languages T4~5
Photolithography 686.232 5 Phrenology 139
Photoluminescence 535.355 Phrygia T2~392 6
Photomacrography 778.324 Phrygia Pacatiana T2~392 6
cinematography 777.6 Phrygia Salutaris T2~392 6

videography 777.6 Phrygian language 491.993

Photomechanical printing 686.232 T6-919 93
Photometers Phrynophiurida 593.94
manufacturing technology 681.415 Phthiotis (Greece) T2~9515
Photometry 535.220 287 ancient T2-383
astronomy 522.62 Phthiraptera 595.756
engineering 621.321 I Phu ThQ (Vietnam :
Photomicrography 778.31 Province) T2-597 2
biology 570.282 PhU Yen (Vietnam :
cinematography 777.6 Province) T2-597 5
science 502.82 Phutthayqtfii Chulal6k, King of
videography 777.6 Siam
Photomontage 778.8 Thai history 959.303 1
Photomultipliers 621.381542 Phycid hakes 597.632
Photon propulsion 629.475 4 Phycologists 579.809 2
Photonics 621.365 Phycology 579.8
Photonovcls 741.5 Phycomycetes 579.53
see also Fotonovelas Phylacteries 296.46] 2
Photons 539.721 7 Phyllocarida 595.379 2
Photonuclear reactions 539.756 Phyllodocida 592.62
Photopsychography 778.3 Phyllosilicates
Photosensitive surfaces mineralogy 549.67
chemical engineering 661.808 Phyllostomatidae 599.45
photography 771.53 Phyllostomidae 599.45
Photosensitivity Phylogeny 576.88
animals 573.88 animals 591.38
see also Eyes microorganisms 579.138
Photosensitivity disorders plants 581.38
medicine 616.515 Physarales 579.52
see also Skin diseases Physeter 599.547
humans Physeteridae 599.547
Photosphere Physical anthropologists 599.909 2
sun 523.74 Physical anthropology 599.9
Photostating Physical biochemistry 572.43
technology 686.45 humans 612.015 83
Photostats Physical chemistry 541
technical drawing 604.25 applied 660.29
Photosynthesis 572.46 see Manual at 541 vs. 546

Dewey Decimal Classification

Physical conditions of work 331.256 Physically disabled people 305.908

see also Work environment Tl-087
Physical constants 530.81 education 371.91
Physical crystallography 548.8 social group 305.908
Physical diagnosis social welfare 362.4
medicine 616.075 4 Physically handicapped people 305.908
Physical distribution of goods Tl-087
management 658.788 · see also Physically disabled
Tl-068 8 people
Physical education 613.7 Physician and patient 610.696
health 613.7 Physician assistants 610.737 2092
primary education 372.86 role and function 610.737 206 9
sports 796.07 services 610.737 2
Physical environment Physicians 610.92
influence on crime 364.22 health services 362.172
psychological influence 155.91 see also Health services
Physical ethnologists 599.970 92 law 344.041 2
Physical ethnology 599.97 malpractice 344.041 21
Physical evidence role and function 610.695
criminal investigation 363.256 2 Physicians' liability insurance 368.564 2
criminal law 345.064 Physicists 530.092
law 347.064 Physics 530
Physical fitness 613.7 ecology 577.13
health 613.7 engineering 621
public administration 353.627 4 law 344.095 3
sociology 306.461 3 Physics and religion 201.653
Physical geography 910.02 Christianity 261.55
see Manual at 550 vs. 91 0; also philosophy of religion 215.3
at 909,930-990 vs. 910 Physiocracy (Economic school) 330.152
Physical geology 551 Physiognomy
Physical gerontology 612.67 divination 138
Physical illness 362.1 Physiographic features T2-1
medicine 616 seeManualatT2--4-9
see also Diseases- humans Physiographic regions T2-1
Physical instruments folklore 398.23
manufacturing technology 681.753 history and criticism 398.322
Physical metallurgy 669.9 see Manual at T2-4-9
Physical mineralogy 549.12 Physiological balance 571.75
Physical oceanography 551.46 see also Endocrine system
Physical operations Physiological drives 152.5
chemical engineering 660.284 2 Physiological genetics 572.8
Physical optics 535.2 humans 611.018 16
Physical organic chemistry 547.13 Physiological optics
Physical sciences 500.2 humans 612.84
Physical therapy Physiological pathology 571.9
medicine 615.82 see also Pathology
psychiatry 616.891 3 Physiology 571
Physical training animals 571.1
health 613.7 domestic animals 636.089 2
Physical typology humans 612
influence on crime 364.24 see Manual at 612 vs. 611;
Physical units 530.81 also at 612.1-.8; also at
Physical yoga 613 vs. 612, 615.8; also
health 613.704 6 at6I6 vs. 612

Relative Index

physiology (continued) Piccolos 788.33

plants 571.2 instrument 788.331 9
see Manual at 571-575 vs. music 788.33
630; also at 579-590 vs. see also Woodwind instruments
571-575 Picenum T2-374 5
Physiotherapy Pichincha (Ecuador :
medicine 615.82 Province) T2-866 13
phytochemicals 572.2 Pici 598.72
'· Phytoflagellates 579.82 Picifonnes 598.72
Phytogeography 581.9 paleozoology 568.7
· Phytolaccaceae 583.53 Pickaback plants 583.72
Phytornastigophorea 579.82 Pickaway County (Ohio) T2-771 815
Phytophthora 579.546 Pickens County (Ala.) T2-761 85
Phytoplankton 579.817 76 Pickens County (Ga.) T2-758 255
freshwater 579.817 6 Pickens County (S.C.) T2-757 23
PI (Macroeconomics) 339.32 Pickerels 597.59
distribution 339.22 Picketing 331.892 7
Pi-mesons 539.721 62 Pickett County (Tenn.) T2-768 687
Pi pas 787.82 Pickled foods 641.462
see also Stringed instruments commercial preservation 664.028 6
Piacenza (Italy: Province) T2-454 6 cooking with 641.616 2
ancient T2-372 66 home preservation 641.462
Pianists 786.209 2 Pickles
Piano accordions 788.865 commercial preservation 664.028 6
instrument 788.865 19 cooking with 641.6162
music 788.865 home preservation 641.462
see also Woodwind instruments Pickling foods 664.028 6
Piano concertos 784.262 commercial preservation 664.028 6
Piano-vocal scores 780 home preservation 641.462
treatises 780.264 Pickup trucks 388.343 2
Piano las 786.66 driving 629.284 32
see also Mechanical musical engineering 629.223 2
instruments repair 629.287 32
Pianos 786.2 transportation services 388.343 2
instrument 786.219 see also Trucks
music 786.2 Picnic areas
see also Keyboard instruments road engineering 625.77
Piarists 255.58 Picnic cooking 641.578
church history 271.58 Picnics 642.3
Piast dynasty 943.802 2 Picornaviridae 579.257 2
Piatt County (Ill.) T2--773 673 Pictorial arts 740
Piaui (Brazil) T2--812 2 Pictorial journalism 070.49
Piave River (Italy) T2-453 Pictorial works Tl-0222
Picahos National Park Pictou (N.S. : County) T2-716 13
(Colombia) T2-861 94 Picture dictionaries 413.17
Picardie (France) T2-442 6 specific languages T4 ..] 17
Picardy (France) T2-442 6 specific subjects Tl-03
Picaresque fiction 808.838 77 Picture frames 684
history and criticism 809.387 7 furniture arts 749.7
specific literatures T3B-308 77 wooden 674.88
individual authors T3A-3 Picture framing 749.7
Pictures Tl·-D22 2
bibliographies 011.376
cataloging 025.347 I

Dewey Decimal Classification
Pictures (continued) Pieters burg (South Africa :
fine arts 740 District) T2-682 56
instructional use 371.335 2 Pietism 273.7
library treatment 025.177 1 Piezoelectricity 537.244 6
textile arts 746.3 Piezomagnetism 538.3
Pidgin English 427.9 iron 669.141 3
T6-217 English 427.9
Pidgins 417.22 T6-217
specific languages T4-----7 Pigeons 598.65
see Manual at T4-7 agricultural pests 632.686 5
Pidyon haben 296.442 3 animal husbandry 636.596
liturgy 296.454 23 sports hunting 799.246 5
Pie mixes 664.753 Piggyback transportation 385.72
Piecework 331.2164 public administration 354.764
labor economics 331.216 4 Pigment processes
personnel management 658.322 5 photographic printing 773
Piedmont (Italy : Region) 945.1 Pigmentation
T2---451 human physiology 612.792 7
ancient T2-37222 see also Skin
Piedmont (U.S. : Region) T2-75 physical anthropology 599.95
Alabama T2-761 5 Pigmented cells
Georgia T2-758 4 human histology 611.018 2
Maryland T2-752 7 Pigments 667.29
North Carolina T2-756 5 biochemistry 572.59
South Carolina T2-757 3 humans 612.015 28
Virginia T2-755 6 chemistry 547.869
Indians T5-973 52 economic geology 553.662
Piemonte (Italy) 945.1 paint technology 667.623
T2-451 painting material
ancient T2-372 22 arts 751.2
Pier foundations 624.158 technology 667.29
Pierce, Franklin Pigmy hippopotamus 599.635
United States history 973.66 Pigmy rattlesnake 597.963 8
Pierce County (Ga.) T2-758 792 Pigmy shrew 599.336 2
Pierce County (N.D.) T2-784 591 Pigs 636.4
Pierce County (Neb.) T2-782 56 agricultural pests 632.696 33
Pierce County (Wash.) T2-79778 animal husbandry 636.4
Pierce County (Wis.) T2-775 42 big game hunting 799.276 332
Pieria (Greece) T2-495 65 experimental animals
Pierre (S.D.) T2-783 29 medicine 616.027 3
Piers (Columns) 721.3 pest control
architecture 721.3 conservation technology 639.966
construction 690.13 zoology 599.633
structural engineering 624.16 Pikas (Conies) 599.329
Piers (Port facilities) 387.15 Pike County (Ala.) T2-76135
627.31 Pike County (Ark.) T2--767 485
see also Port facilities Pike County (Ga.) T2-758 453
Pies 641.865 2 Pike County (Ill.) T2-773 453
commercial processing 664.752 5 Pike County (Ind.) T2· 772 36
home preparation 641.865 2 Pike County (Ky.) T2-769 23
Piet Retief (South Africa : Pike County (Miss.) T2-762 23
District) T2-682 79 Pike County (Mo.) T2 778 36
Pietermaritzburg (South Pike County (Ohio) T2-771 847
Afi'ica : District) T2-684 75 Pike County (Pa.) T2-74824

l. ____________________________________________
;';Jfike per,ches
fikes (F1shes)
Relative Index

Pilot ejection seats
Pilot errors
629.134 386

conservation technology 639.977 59 air transportation 363.124 14

, resource economics 333.956 59 Pilot guides
· sports fishing 799.175 9 aeronautics 629.132 54
:fiketberg (South Africa : seamanship 623.892 2
~ District) T2-687 32 Pilot plants
~JPHa (Poland: Voivodeship) T2-438 49 chemical engineering 660.280 72
'P:filanesberg National Park Pilot whales 599.53
~; (South Africa) T2-68248 Piloting
:;filasters 721.3 aeronautics 629.132 52
t: 1. architecture 721.3 commercial aircraft 629.132 521 6
;-·, construction 690.13 manned space flight 629.458 2
· .Pilates method 613.719 2 military aeronautics 623.746 048
Pilchards 641.392 private aircraft 629.132 521 7
cooking 641.692 seamanship 623.892 2
food 641.392 Piloting services 387.166
zoology 597.45 inland ports 386.866
Pile foundations 624.154 law 343.096 7
Pile rugs Piloting systems
arts 746.75 spacecraft 629.474 2
Pile-weave fabrics 677.617 unmanned spacecraft 629.464 2
see also Textiles Pilotless aircraft
Pile as 583.45 military engineering 623.746 9
Pilgrimage to Mecca 297.352 Pilots
Pilgrimages 203.51 aircraft 629.130 92
Christianity 263.041 Pilots (Television programs) 791.45
Islam 297.35 see Manual at 791.43 vs.
Judaism 296.481 791.45
Pilgrim's Rest 1 (South Pilot's license
Africa: District) T2-682 71 aircraft 343.097 5
Pilgrim's Rest 2 (South ships 343.096 5
Africa: District) T2 682 74 Piltdown forgery 569.9
Piling (Foundation engineering) 624.154 PIM (Computer software) 005.57
Pilipino language 499.211 Pima County (Ariz.) T2--791 77
T6 992 11 Pima Indians T5-974 552 9
Pilipino literature 899.211 Pima language 497.455 29
Pill beetles 595.763 T6-974 552 9
Pill bugs 595.372 Pima literature 897.455 29
Pillage 364.16 Pimento (Allspice) 641.338 3
law 345.026 botany 583.765
Pillars oflslam 297.31 see also Spices
Pillow lava 552.26 Pimientos (Peppers) 641.356 43
Pillowcases 645.4 botany 583.952
arts 746.97 see also Sweet peppers
home sewing 646.21 Pinaceae 585.2
household equipment 645.4 paleobotany 561.52
Pills (Contraceptives) Pinal County (Ariz.) T2-791 75
health 613.943 22 Pinang T2-5951
medicine 618.182 2 Pinar del Rio (Cuba :
see also Birth control Province) T2-729ll
pharmacokinetics 615.766 Pinball games 794.75
Pills (Pharmaceuticals) Pinching bugs 595.764 9
pharmaceutical chemistry 615.19 Pindus Mountains (Greece) T2-495 3

Dewey Decimal Class(fication

Pine Barrens (N.J.) T2-749 61 Pintupi dialect 499.15

Pine beetles 595.763 T6--991 5
forestry pests 634.975 167 63 Pioneer (Space probes) 629.435 4
Pine County (Minn.) T2-776 62 Pions 539.721 62
Pine Point (N.W.T.) T2--719 3 Piophilidae 595.774
Pine River (B.C.) T2-7!1 87 Piotrk6w Trybuna1ski
Pineal gland (Poland: Voivodeship) T2--438 47
human anatomy 611.47 Pious societies
human physiology 612.492 Christianity 267
light sensing 573.88 Pipe fitters 696.209 2
medicine 616.48 Pipe fitting
Pineal gland diseases buildings 696.2
medicine 616.48 Pipe snakes 597.967
see also Endocrine Pipe-threading tools 621.944
diseases humans Pipefishes 597.679
Pineapples 641.347 74 Pipeline processing 004.3
botany 584.85 see also Processing modes
commercial processing 664.804 774 computer science
cooking 641.647 74 Pipeline processors 004.3
fiber crop 633.576 engineering 621.391
food 641.347 74 Pipeline transportation 388.5
horticulture 634.774 gas technology 665.744
Pinecone fishes 597.64 law 343.093 9
Pinellas County (Fla.) T2-759 63 petroleum technology 665.544
Pines 585.2 public administration 354.764
forestry 634.975 1 transportation services 388.5
lumber 674.144 Pipelines
ornamental arboriculture 635.977 52 engineering 621.867 2
Pinetown (South Africa : Piperales 583.25
District) T2-684 5 Pipes (Conduits) 621.867 2
Piney Woods (Miss. : chemical engineering 660.283
Region) T2-762 5 machine engineering 621.867 2
Pinhole photography 771 metalworking 671.832
Pinicae 585 road engineering 625.734
Pinks (Flowers) 635.933 53 ship power plants 623.873
botany 583.53 water supply engineering 628.15
floriculture 635.933 53 Pipes (Tobacco) 688.42
Pinnacles 721.5 Pipestone County (Minn.) TZ-77626
architecture 721.5 Pipeworts 584.87
construction 690.15 Pipidae 597.865
Pinnipedia 599.79 Pipits 598.854
palcozoology 569.79 Pipoidea 597.865
Pinochle 795.416 Pipridae 598.822
Pifions 585.2 Piquctberg (South Africa :
Pinophyta 585 District) T2-687 32
paleobotany 561.5 Piracy 364.164
Pins (Numismatics) 737.24 law 345.026 4
Pins (Sewing equipment) Piranhas 597.48
home sewing 646.19 Pirated editions 364.166 2
Pinta law 345.026 62
medicine 616.523 Pirates' expeditions 910.45
see also Skin diseases- Pires, Pedro Verona Rodrigues
humans Cape Verdean history 966.580 33
Pinto horse 636.13 Pirin Macedonia T2 -499 8

Relative Index

PirkeAvot 296.123 47 Pitch (Sound)

pisa (Italy) T2--455 51 musical element 781.232
ancient T2-375 5 perception
pjsa (Italy; Province) T2-455 5 psychology 152.152
ancient T2-375 5 Pitcher plants 583.75
Pisacha languages 491.499 Pitcher plants (New World) 583.36
T6-914 99 Pitcher plants (Old World) 583.75
· pisacha literatures 891.499 (Aeronautics) 629.132 364
:'Pisaurum (Italy) T2-3742 Pitching (Baseball) 796.357 22
piscataquis County (Me.) T2-741 25 Pitching (Golf) 796.352 34
Pisces 597 Pitching games 796.24
Pisces (Zodiac) 133.527 7 Pite Saami language 494.574
Pise T6-945 74
building construction 693.22 Pite Sami language 494.574
Pisidia T2-392 7 T6-945 74
Pistachios 641.345 74 Pith 571.585
agriculture 634.574 Pithecanthropus erectus 569.97
botany 583.77 Pitkin County (Colo.) T2-78843
commercial processing 664.804 574 Pitman shorthand systems 653.424
cooking 641.645 74 Pitt County (N.C.) T2-756 44
food 641.345 74 Pitt Meadows (B.C.) T2-71133
Pistils 575.66 Pitt River (B.C.) T2-711 37
Pistoia (Italy : Province) T2--455 2 Pittas 598.822
ancient T2-375 2 Pittidae 598.822
Pistols 683.432 Pittosporaceae 583.72
art metalwork 739.744 32 Pittsburg County (Okla.) T2-766 75
manufacturing technology 683.432 Pittsburgh (Pa.) T2-748 86
military engineering 623.443 2 Pittsylvania County (Va.) T2-755 665
sports 799.202 833 Pituitary diseases
see also Guns (Small arms) medicine 616.47
Piston-driven airplanes 387.733 43 see also Endocrine
engineering 629.133 343 diseases humans
transportation services 387.733 43 Pimitary gland 573.45
see also Aircraft biology 573.45
Piston engines human anatomy 611.47
aircraft 629.134 352 human physiology 612.492
Piston-turbine engines medicine 616.47
aircraft 629.134 352 see also Endocrine system
Pistons 621.84 Pituitary hormones 573.454
internal-combustion engines 621.437 human physiology 612.492
Pisum sativum 641.356 56 pharmacology 615.363
see also Peas (Pisum sativum) see also Endocrine system
Pit bull terriers 636.755 9 Piura (Peru: Dept.) 1'2-851 3
Pita 641.815 Piute County (Utah) T2-79253
Pitakas 294.382 Piyyutim 296.452
Pitcairn Island T2 961 8 Pizza 641.824 8
Pitch (Aeronautics) 629.132 364 commercial processing 664.65
Pitch (Linguistics) 414.6 home preparation 641.824 8
specific 1'4-~16 Place names 910.014
Pitch (Natural asphalt) 553.27 Place settings
see also Asphalt table service 642.6
Pitch (Petroleum product) 665.538 8 Placebo effect
medicine 615.5

Dewev Decimal Classification

Placement (Education) 371.264 Plains (continued)

colleges and universities 378.166 4 geomorphology 551.453
see Manual at 371.262 vs. physical geography 910.021 45
371.264 Plains Algonquian languages 497.35
Placement of workers 331.128 T6-973 5
economics 331.128 Plains Indians T5-97078
personnel management 658.312 8 Plainsong 782.292
public administration 352.66 Plaintiffs 347.052
Placement tests (Education) 371.262 Planarians 592.42
Placenta Planctosphaeroidea 593.99
human physiology 612.63 paleozoology 563.99
obstetrical surgery 618.8 Plane geometry 516.22
obstetrics 618.34 analytic 516.32
Placental extracts Euclidean 516.22
pharmacology 615.39 Plane surveying 526.9
Placental mammals 599 Plane trees 583.44
Placer County (Calif.) T2-794 38 forestry 634.973 44
Placer deposits 553.13 ornamental arboriculture 635.977 344
Placer mining 622.292 7 Plane trigonometry 516.242
Places 900 Planers 621.912
Tl---09 Planes (Geometry) 516.154
arts 700.458 Planes (Tools) 621.912
T3C-358 Planetariums 520.74
folklore 398.23 Planetary atmospheres
history and criticism 398.32 astronautic engineering 629.415
geography Planetary flights 919.920 4
arts 700.42 manned 629.455
T3C-32 unmanned 629.435 4
literature 808.803 2 Planetary nebulas 523.113 5
history and criticism 809.933 2 Planetary rings 523.98
specific literatures T3B-080 32 Planetary systems 523.2
motion pictures 791.436 2 Planetary transits 523.99
legendary 398.234 Planetary wind systems 551.5183
see also Legendary places Planetoids 523.44
literature 808.803 58 T2-9924
history and criticism 809.933 58 Planets 523.4
specific literatures T3B---080 358 T2-992
history and astrology 133.53
criticism T3B~~093 58 astronomy 523.4
Placodermi 567.2 law ofnations 341.47
Placodontia 567.93 Planing mills 674.42
Plagiarism Plank roads
composition 808.025 engineering 625.83
Plague Plankton 578.776
incidence 614.573 2 ecology 577.76
medicine 616.923 2 freshwater 577.6
see also Communicable freshwater 578.76
diseases - humans Planned economies 330.124
Plaice 597.694 economic theory 335
Plain-woven rugs Planning 320.6
arts 746.72 executive management 658.401 2
Plains 551.453 Tl-0684
T2-145 higher education 378.107
geography 910.914 5

Relative Index

planning (continued) Plant maintenance

military administration 355.684 management 658.202
production management 658.503 Plant management 658.2
public admm1stratwn 352.34 Tl-068 2
community development 354.279 3 libraries 022
public policy 320.6 museums 069.2
sales management 658.810 1 public administration 352.56
social action 361.25 schools 371.6
planographic printing 686.231 5 special education 371.904 5
graphic arts 763 see Manual at 647.068, 658.2,
Plans 912 Tl-0682
Tl-022 3 Plant pathology 571.92
architectural design 729.2 agriculture 632
geography 912 Plant pest control
see Manual at Tl-0222 vs. environmental engineering 628.97
Tl-0223 Plant physiology 571.2
Plant-animal relationships 577.8 Plant propagation 631.53
Plant arrangements 745.92 agriculture 631.53
Plant biotechnology 630 forestry 634.956 5
Plant breeding 631.52 Plant protection 632.9
forestry 634.956 Plant quarantine 632.93
Plant closing 338.604 2 Plant regulators
labor economics 331.259 6 agriculture 631.89
employment security 331.259 6 biology 571.72
unemployment 331.137 Plant resources 333.953
labor law 344.012 596 public administration 354.349
production economics 338.604 2 Plant respiration 572.472
Plant communities 581.782 Plant sanitation 363.729 5
Plant containers engineering 628.51
manufacturing technology 681.763 1 Plant selection 631.52
Plant crops 630 Plant shutdowns 338.604 2
public administration 354.54 Plant spacing (Agriculture) 631.53
see Manual at 633-635 Plant supports 631.546
Plant culture 630 manufacturing technology 681.763 1
equipment manufacturing Plant training 631.546
technology 681.763 1 Plant varieties
Plant diseases 571.92 agriculture 631.57
agricultural economics 338.14 resource economics 333.953 4
agriculture 632.3 Plant viruses 579.28
Plant ecology 581.7 agriculture 632.8
Plant genetics 581.35 Plantagenet, House of 942.03
agriculture 631.523 3 English history 942.03
Plant injuries 571.975 2 genealogy 929.72
agriculture 632 Irish history 941.503
Plant introduction 631.523 Plantaginaceae 583.95
Plant layout Plantagos 583.95
management 658.23 Plantain lilies 635.934 32
Plant lice 595.752 botany 584.32
agricultural pests 632.752 floriculture 635.934 32
Plant location Plantains (Fruits) 641.347 73
management 658.21 botany 584.39
libraries 022.1 commercial processing 664.804 773
museums 069.21 cooking 641.647 73
schools 371.61

Dewey Decimal Classification

Plantains (Fruits) (continued) Plants (Buildings and equipment) (continued)

food 641.347 73 location
horticulture 634.773 management 658.21
Plantains (Plantagos) 583.95 see also Plant location -
Plantation crops 633 management
see Manual at 633-635 management 658.2
Plantation houses Tl-068 2
architecture 728.8 see also Plant management
Plantations prisons 365.5
community sociology 307.72 Plaquemines Parish (La.) T2-763 37
system of production Plasma (Blood) 573.156
sociology 306.349 biology 573.156
Planting 631.53 human histology 612.116
equipment manufacturing human physiology 612.116
technology 681.763 1 pharmacology 615.39
Plants 580 see also Cardiovascular system
agricultural pests 632.5 Plasma (Ionized gas) 530.44
agriculture 630 applied physics 621.044
anatomy 571.32 chemical engineering 660.044
art representation 704.943 4 physics 530.44
arts 700.464 Plasma chemistry 541.0424
TJC-364 engineering 660.044
Bible 220.858 Plasma engineering 621.044
biography Tl-092 9 Plasma membranes 571.64
botany 580 Plasma motors 621.46
coevolution with insects 576.875 Plasma physics 530.44
comparative psychology 156.9 applied physics 621.044
conservation technology 639.99 Plasma propulsion 629.475 5
drawing 743.7 Plasmapheresis
folklore 398.242 pharmacology 615.39
history and criticism 398.368 Plasmid DNA 572.869
legendary 398.468 Plasmids 572.869
real 398.368 Plasmodiophoromycetes 579.53
food source 641.303 Plassey, Battle of, 1757 954.029 4
see Manual at 583~585 vs. Plaster casting
600 sculpture 731.452
influence on precipitation 551.577 5 Plaster of paris 666.92
landscape architecture 715 Plasterers 693.609 2
literature 808.803 64 Plastering 693.6
history and criticism 809.933 64 architectural construction 721.044 6
specific literatures T3B-080364 Plastic arts 730
history and see l'vfanual at 731 73 5 vs.
criticism T3B-093 64 736~739
painting 758.5 Plastic arts (Visual arts) 700
paleobotany 561 Plastic deformation 531.385
pathology 571.92 see also Plasticity
agriculture 632 Plastic films 668.495
physiology 571.2 Plastic flow
resource economics 333.953 materials science 620.112 33
Plants (Buildings and equipment) Plastic foams 668.493
architecture 725.4 Plastic furniture 645.4
construction 690.54 manufacturing technology 684.106
see also Furniture
Plastic surgery 617.952

Relative Index

crystals 548.842 naval architecture 623.817 765
materials science 620.112 33 Plates (Tableware) 642.7
physics 531.385 paper 676.34
Plasticizers (Paints) 667.622 Platform diving 797.24
Plasticizers (Plastics) 668.411 Platform foundations 624.156
Plastics 668.4 Platform speeches
architectural construction 721.044 992 3 literature 808.851
building materials 691.92 history and criticism 809.51
construction materials 693.992 3 specific literatures T3B-501
handicrafts 745.572 individual authors T3A-5
materials science 620.192 3 rhetoric 808.51
sculpture material 731.2 Platforms (Party programs) 324.23
ship design 623.818 923 Platinotype processes 772.3
shipbuilding 623.820 7 Platinum 669.24
sttuetural engineering 624.18923 chemical engineering 661.064 5
Plastics casting chemistry 546.645
sculpture 731.453 economic geology 553.422
Plastics industry 338.476 684 materials science 620.189 24
equipment manufacturing metallography 669.952 4
technology 681.766 8 metallurgy 669.24
Plastids 571.659 metalworking 673.24
Plata, Rio de !a (Argentina and 551.461 368 mining 622.342 4
Uruguay) T2-163 68 physical metallurgy 669.962 4
Plata, Rio de Ia (Viceroyalty) 982.024 see also Chemicals; Metals
T2-82 Platinum metals 669.7
Platanaceae 583.44 chemical engineering 661.063
Platanistidac 599.538 chemistry 546.63
Plate glass 666.153 economic geology 553.495
Plate glass insurance 368.6 metallography 669.957
Plate tectonics 55l.l36 metallurgy 669.7
Plateau Penutian languages 497.412 physical metallurgy 669.967
T6-974 12 Platinum printing-out process 772.3
Plateau State (Nigeria) T2-669 52 Platinumwork
Plateaus 551.434 decorative arts 739.24
T2-143 Platonism 184
see also Mountains ancient 184
Platelets 573.159 modern 141.2
histology 573.159 Platoons (Military units) 355.31
human histology 612.117 Platt National Park (Okla.) T2-766 57
human physiology 612.117 Plattdeutsch 439.4
medicine 616.157 T6-394
physiology 573.159 Plattdeutsch literature 839.4
see also Cardiovascular system Platte County (Mo.) T2-778 135
Plates (Musical instruments) 786.82 Platte County (Neb.) T2-782 52
see also Bars (Musical Platte County (Wyo.) T2-787 17
instruments) Platte River (Neb.) T2-782
Plates (Photosensitive surfaces) 661.808 Platy 597.667
chemical engineering 661.808 Platycopa 595.33
photography 771.532 2 paleozoology 565.33
Plates (Printing surfaces) Platyhelminthes 592.4
flat surfaces 686.231 5 paleozoology 562.4
raised surfaces 686.231 4 Platypus 599.29


Dewey Decimal Classification

Platyrrhini 599.85 Pleasure craft 387.204 23

paleozoology 569.85 design 623.812 042 3
Platysternidae 597.926 engineering 623.820 23
Play 790 handling 623.881 23
child care 649.5 power-driven 387.231
psychology 155 design 623.812 31
recreation 790 engineering 623.823 1
sociology 306.481 handling 623.882 31
see also Recreation transportation services 387.231
Play (Animals) 591.563 transportation services 387.204 23
Play groups wind-driven 387.223
preschool education 372.21 design 623.812 23
Play schools engineering 623.822 3
primary education 372.21 handling 623.882 23
Play therapy transportation services 387.223
medicine 615.851 53 Pleasures of food and drink 641.013
psychiatry 616.891 653 Plecoptera 595.735
pediatrics 618.928 916 53 Plectomycetes 579.565
Player pianos 786.66 Plectra! instruments 787.7
see also Mechanical musical see also Stringed instruments
instruments Plectra! lutes 787.8
Playground equipment see also Stringed instruments
manufacturing technology 688.76 Pledges (Law) 346.025
Playgrounds 796.068 Pleinairism 709.034 4
Playing cards 795.4 painting 759.054
manufacturing technology 688.754 Pleistocene epoch 551.792
Playing time geology 551.792
musical technique 781.432 paleontology 560.179 2
Plays Pleosporales 579.564
literature 808.82 Plesianthropus 569.93
see also Drama (Literature) Plesiosauria 567.937
musical 782.14 Plessur (Switzerland) T2-494 732 2
mUSIC 782.14 Plethodon 597.859 2
stage presentation 792.6 Plethodontidae 597.859
theater 792 Pleura 573.252 5
see also Theater biology 573.252 5
Playwrights 809.2 human anatomy 611.25
collected biography 809.2 human physiology 612.25
specific literatures TJB-2009 medicine 616.25
individual biography T3A 2 surgery 617.543
Playwriting 808.2 see also Respiratory system
Plazas Pleuracanthodii 567.3
area planning 711.55 Pleural diseases
Plea bargaining 345,072 medicine 616.25
Pleading (Law) 347.072 see also Respiratory tract
criminal law 345.072 diseases humans
Pleasant Island 996.85 Pleural pneumonia
T2-968 5 medicine 616.241
Pleasants County (W.Va.) T2-754 21 see also Respiratory tract
Pleasure 152.42 diseases - humans
ethical systems 171.4 Pleurodira 597.929
psychology 152.42 Pleuromeiales 561.79
sociology 306.481 Pleuronectidae 597.694

Relative Index

pJeuronectiformes 597.69 Plundering

paleozoology 567.69 law 345.026
pliocene epoch 551.788 Pluralism (Philosophy) 147.4
geology 551.788 Pluralism (Religion) 201.5
paleontology 560.178 8 Buddhism 294.335
Ploceidae 598.887 Christianity 261.2
Plock (Poland : Hinduism 294.515
Voivodeship) T2--438 41 Islam 297.28
Ploie§ti (Romania) T2--498 2 Judaism 296.39
Plots Pluralism (Social sciences) 305.8
literature 808.802 4 education 370.117
history and criticism 809.924 political science 323.1
specific literatures T3B-08024 sociology 305.8
history and Pluriarcs 787.93
criticism T3B-092 4 instrument 787.931 9
music 780 music 787.93
treatises 782.002 69 see also Stringed instruments
Plotters (Computer devices) 006.62 Plush 677.617
engineering 621.399 6 Plush-capped finch 598.88
Plovdiv (Bulgaria: Oblast) T2--499 7 Pluto (Planet) 523.492 2
Plovdivska oblast (Bulgaria) T2--499 7 T2-992 9
Plovers 598.33 astrology 133.539 2
Plowing 631.51 Plutocracy 321.5
Plows 631.51 Plutonic rocks 552.3
manufacturing teclmology 681.763 1 Plutonium 669.293 4
Plucked board zithers 787.75 chemical engineering 661.043 4
see also Stringed instruments chemistry 546.434
Plucked drums 786.97 human toxicology 615.925 434
see also Percussion instruments metallography 669.952 934
Plucked idiophones 786.85 metallurgy 669.293 4
set 786.85 physical metallurgy 669.962 934
single 786.887 see also Chemicals
see also Percussion instruments Plymouth (England) T2--423 58
Plucked instruments 787.7 Plymouth Brethren 289.9
see also Stringed instruments see also Christian
Plumas County (Calif.) T2-794 29 denominations
Plumb-yews 585.3 Plymouth County (Iowa) T2-777 16
Plumbaginales 583.5 Plymouth County (Mass.) T2-744 82
Plumbago (Graphite) 553.26 Plymouth Rock chicken 636.582
see also Graphite Plywood 674.834
Plumbers 696.109 2 Plzeiisky kraj (Czech
696.1 Republic) T2~437 14
household management 644.6 PMS (Syndrome)
Plumbing fixtures 644.6 gynecology 618.172
building construction 696.1 see also Female genital
household management 644.6 diseases humans
Plumeria 583.93 Pneumatic clocks
floriculture 635.933 93 technology 681.115
Plums 641.342 2 Pneumatic construction 693.98
botany 583.73 architecture 721.044 98
cooking 641.642 2 Pneumatic control 629.804 5
food 641.342 2 Pneumatic conveyor systems
orchard crop 634.22 office use 651.79
Pneumatic engineering 621.51

DeWt:J' Decimal Classification

Pneumatic engineers 621.510 92 Podostemales 583.82

Pneumatic pumps 621.69 Poeciliidae 597.667
Pneumatic tools 621.904 Poems 808.81
Pneumatics 533 music 780
engineering 621.51 treatises 780.268
physics 533 see also Poetry
Pneumoconiosis Poetic books (Old Testament) 223
medicine 616.244 pseudepigrapha 229.912
see also Respiratory tract Poetic drama
diseases humans literature 808.82
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia history and criticism 809.2
medicine 616.241 specific literatures T3B-2
see also Respiratory tract individual authors T3k 2
diseases humans Poetics 808.1
Pneumonia Poetry 808.81
medicine 616.241 criticism 809.1
see also Respiratory tract theory 808.1
diseases humans history 809.1
Po River (Italy) T2-452 rhetoric 808.1
Poaching 364.162 859 1 specific literatures T3B-1
birds 364.162 859 8 individual authors T3A-1
law 345.026 285 98 see Manual at T3B-l
fish 364.1628597 Poetry slams 808.545
law 345.026 285 97 Poets 809.1
law 345.026 285 91 collected biography 809.1
mammals 364.162 859 9 specific literatures T3B-1009
law 345.026 285 99 individual biography T3A-1
Poales 584.9 Pogolo (African people) TS-963 91
paleobotany 561.49 Pogolo languages 496.391
Pocahontas County (Iowa) T2-777 19 T6-963 91
Pocahontas County (W.Va.) T2-754 87 Pogonophora 592.3
Pocket billiards 794.73 paleozoology 562.3
Pocket calculators 681.145 Pogoro (African people) TS-963 91
mathematics 510.284 Pogoro languages 496.391
Pocket gophers 599.359 9 T6-963 91
Pocket mice 599.359 8 Pohamba, Hifikepunye Lucas
Pocket scores 780 Namibian history 968.810 42
treatises 780.265 Pohjois-Katjala (Finland) T2-489 75
Pocono Mountains (Pa.) T2-748 2 Pohjois-Karjalan laani
Podargidae 598.99 (Finland) T2-489 75
Podcasting 006.787 6 Poikilothermy 571.76
Podiatry 617.585 Poinsett County (Ark) T2-767 96
Podicipediformes 598.443 Poinsettias 635.933 69
paleozoology 568.4 botany 583.69
Podkarpackie Voivodeship floriculture 635.933 69
(Poland) T2-438 66 Point-of-sale advertising 659.157
Podlaskie Voivodeship Point processes 519.23
(Poland) T2-438 36 Point set topology 514.322
Podocarpaceae 585.3 Point sets 511.33
paleobotany 561.53 Point-to-point communications 004.692
Podocarpuses 585.3 Pointe-Claire (Quebec) T2-714 28
Podocopa 595.33 Pointe Coupee Parish (La.) T2-763 454
paleozoology 565.33 Pointers (Dogs) 636.752 5
Podophyllaceae 583.34

Relative Index

Pointillism 709.034 5 Polaris missiles 359.981 782

painting 759.055 engineering 623.451 97
poison arrow frogs 597.877 military equipment 359.981 782
poison gas Polariscopic analysis 543.59
ethics 172.42 Polarization of light 535.52
military engineering 623.459 2 Polarography 543.4
Poison gas projectiles 623.451 6 Polders
Poison hemlocks 583.849 engineering 627.549
Poison ivies 583.77 Pole vaulting 796.434
Poison oaks 583.77 Polecats (New World) 599.768
Poisoning Polecats (Old World) 599.766 2
human toxicology 615.9 Po lela (South Africa :
incidence 615.904 District) T2-684 7
Poisonous animals 591.65 Polemics
human toxicology 615.94 Christianity 239
Poisonous fishes 597.165 comparative religion 202
human toxicology 615.945 Islam 297.29
Poisonous food animals Judaism 296.35
human toxicology 615.945 Polemoniales 583.94
Poisonous microorganisms 579.165 Poles (People) T5-918 5
Poisonous organisms 578.65 Polesine (Italy) T2---453 3
Poisonous plants 581.659 Police 363.2
human toxicology 615.952 law 344.052
Poisons 363.179 1 public administration 353.36
human toxicology 615.9 sociology 306.28
personal safety 615.905 Police boats 363.286
public safety 363.179 1 design 623.812 63
toxicology 571.95 engineering 623.826 3
see also Hazardous materials police services 363.286
Poisson distribution 519.24 Police buildings
Poisson integral 515.43 architecture 725.18
Poisson-Stieltjes integral 515.43 Police corruption 364.132 3
Poisson's ratio 531.381 law 345.023 23
Poitiers (France) T2---446 34 public administration 353.46
Poitou (France) T2-446 Police dogs 636.737 6
Poitou-Charentes (F ranee) T2-446 Police functions 363.23
Poker (Game) 795.412 Police misconduct 364.132
Pokeweed 583.53 Police officers 363.209 2
Polabian language 491.89 role and function 363.22
T6-918 9 Police patrols 363.232
Polabian literature 891.89 Police powers (Constitutional
Poland 943.8 law) 342.041 8
T2-438 Police questioning 363.254
Poland China swine 636.482 Police records 363.24
Polar bear 599.786 Police services 363.2
conservation technology 639.979 786 see also Police
resource economics 333.959 786 Police surveillance 363.232
Polar regions T2-ll Policy making 320.6
see also Frigid zones executive management 658.401 2
Polarimeters military administration 355.684
manufacturing technology 681.25 political science 320.6
Polarimetry public administration 352.34
astronomy 522.65

Dewey Decimal Classification

Policy making (continued) Political crimes 364.131

social processes 303.3 law 345.023 I
see 111anual at 300, 320.6 vs. Political culture 306.2
352-354 Political divisions
Policy studies 320.6 historical geography 911
Poliomyelitis Political elites 305.524
incidence 614.549 Tl-08621
medicine 616.835 Political ethics 172
see also Nervous system religion 205.62
diseases - humans Buddhism 294.356 2
pediatrics 618.928 35 Christianity 241.62
Poliovirus 579.257 2 Hinduism 294.548 62
Polish language 491.85 Islam 297.562
T6-918 51 Judaism 296.362
Polish literature 891.85 Political history 900
Polish people T5-918 5 see Manual at 900; also at 909,
Polishing 667.72 930-990 vs. 320
gems 736.202 8 Political ideologies 320.5
housecleaning 648.5 party programs 324.23
metals 671.72 Political institutions
woodwork description and appraisal 320.9
buildings 698.33 social welfare 361.613
Polishing wheels 621.922 sociology 306.2
Politeness Political justice 320.011
ethics 177.1 Political machines 324.21
Political action committees 324.4 sociology 306.26
law 342.078 Political movements 320.5
Political action groups 322.4 see Manual at 324 vs. 320.5,
law 342.078 320.9, 909, 930--990
political process 324.4 Political music 781.599
relations with government 322.4 songs 782.421 599
Political activity of government Politi cal parties 324.2
employees sociology 306.26
law 342.068 4 countries 324.24-.29
Political alliances T2-171 2 see Manual at 324.2094-.2099
Political anthropology 306.2 and 324.24-.29; also at
Political buttons 909, 930-990 vs. 320
numismatics 737.242 Political patronage 324.204
Political campaign strategy 324.72 sociology 306.2
Political campaigns 324.9 Political persecution 323.044
see also Campaigns (Politics) Political persuasion 320.014
Political causes of war 355.027 2 Political philosophers 320.092
World War I 940.311 2 Political pins
World War II 940.531 12 numismatics 737.242
Political change 320.011 Political prisoners 365.450 92
Political. clubs 324.3 labor economics 331.51
Political conditions 320.9 Political prisons 365.45
see Manual at 909, 930--990 vs. see also Penal institutions
320 Political process 324
Political conventions 324.56 see Manual at 302-307 vs. 320
Political com1ption 364.132 3 Political programs (Party
law 345.023 23 platforms) 324.23
public administration 353.46 Political propaganda 320.014

r Relative Index

Political refugees 325.21 Polk County (Wis.) T2-775 17

see also Refugees Polkas 793.33
Political rights 323.5 music 784.188 44
Political science 320 Poll tax 336.25
Political scientists 320.092 law 343.062
Political situation 320.9 public administration 352.44
see Manual at 909, 930-990 vs. public finance 336.25
320 qualification for voting 324.62
Political sociology 306.2 Polled Shorthorn cattle 636.226
see Manual at 320 vs. 306.2 Pollen 571.845 2
Political songs 782.421 599 paleobotany 561.13
Political theories 320.011 Pollen control
Politicians air conditioning
biography 324.209 2 buildings 697.932 4
characteristics 324.22 Pollination 571.864 2
ethics 172.2 coevolution 576.875
Politics 320 Polling 324.65
arts 700.458 1 Pollocks 641.392
T3C-358 I cooking 641.692
folklore 398.278 I food 641.392
history and criticism 398.358 1 zoology 597.632
journalism 070.449 32 Pollutants 363.738
literature 808.803 581 law 344.046 33
history and criticism 809.933 581 see also Pollution
specific literatures T3B-080 358 1 Pollution 363.73
history and criminology 364.145
criticism T3B-093 581 criminal law 345.024 5
sociology 306.2 crop damage 632.19
see Manual at 324 vs. 320 ecology 577.27
Politics and religion 322.1 human toxicology 615.902
political science 322.1 law 344.046 32
social theology 201.72 public administration 354.335
Buddhism 294.337 2 cleanup 353.93
Christianity 261.7 social effects 304.28
Hinduism 294.517 2 social theology 201.77
Islam 297.272 Christianity 261.88
see Manual at 297.26-.27 social welfare 363.73
Judaism 296.382 toxicology 571.95
see Manual at 322.1 vs. 201.72, see Manual at 333.7-.9 vs.
261.7' 292-299 363.1, 363.73, 577; also at
Politics as a profession 324.22 363.73 vs. 571.95, 577.27
Polk, .Tames K. (.Tames Knox) Pollution control equipment
United States history 973.61 manufacturing technology 681.76
Polk County (Ark.) T2-767 45 Pollution control technology 628.5
Polk County (Fla.) T2-75967 Tl--028 6
Polk County (Ga.) T2-758 375 aircraft 629.134 35
Polk County (Iowa) T2-777 58 architecture 720.47
Polk County (Minn.) T2-776 95 automotive 629.25
Polk County (Mo.) T2-778 77 construction 690.028 6
Polk County (N.C.) T2-756 915 glassmaking 666.14
Polk County (Neb.) T2-782 352 paper manufacturing 676.042
Polk County (Or.) T2-795 38 petroleum 665.538 9
Polk County (Tenn.) T2-768 875 plastic technology 668.419 2
Polk County (Tex.) T2-764165 rubber manufacturing 678.29

Dewey Decimal Class[fication

Pollution control technology (continued) Polyglot dictionaries 413

water 628.168 Tl~03

wood products 674.84 Polygonales 583.57

Pollution liability insurance 368.563 Polygons 516.154
Polo 796.353 Euclidean geometry 516.2154
Polo players 796.353 092 Polygraph tests 363.254
Polokwane (South Africa : see also Lie detectors
District) T2~682 56 Polygyny 306.842 3
Polonaises 793.3 Polyhedra 516.156
music 784.1884 Polyhydroxy aromatics 547.633
Polonium Polyisobutylenes 668.423 4
chemical engineering 661.072 8 Polymer elay
chemistry 546.728 handicrafts 745.572 3
metallurgy 669.79 Polymer painting 751.49
Poltava (Ukraine : Oblast) T2-477 6 Polymer sequence 572.33
Poltavs'ka oblast' (Ukraine) T2-477 6 Polymerization 547.28
Poltergeists 133.142 chemical engineering 668.92
Polyacrylics 668.423 2 inorganic chemistry 541.39
textiles 677.474 2 organic chemistry 547.28
see also Textiles Polymerization plastics 668.42
Polyamides 668.423 5 Polymers 547.7
textiles 677.473 biochemistry 572.33
see also Textiles chemical engineering 668.9
Polyandry 306.842 3 inorganic chemistry 541.225 4
Polybutadiene rubber 678.72 liquid-state physics 530.429
Polyearbonates 668.423 materials science 620.192
Polychaeta 592.62 organic chemistry 547.7
Polychlorinated biphenyl shipbuilding 623.820 7
human toxicology 615.951 2 state of matter 530.413
Polycythemia structural engineering 624.189 2
medicine 616.153 Polymixiiformes 597.62
see also Cardiovascular Polymorphism
diseases humans crystallography 548.3
Polyesters 668.422 5 Polynesia 996
textiles 677.474 3 T2~96
see also Textiles Polynesian languages 499.4
Polyethers 668.423 T6-994
Polyethylene 668.423 4 Polynesian literatures 899.4
textiles 677.474 5 Polynesian religion 299.924
see also Textiles Polynesians T5~994
Polyfluoro hydrocarbons 668.423 8 Polynomial equations 512.942 2
textiles 677.474 8 algebra 512.942 2
see also Textiles calculus 515.252
Polygalales 583.82 Polyolefins 668.423 4
Polygamists 306.842 3 Polyomavirus 579.244 5
Tl~086 59 Polypeptides 572.65
Polygamy 306.842 3 humans 612.015 756
customs 392.5 see also Proteins
Polyglandular disorders Polyphaga 595.76
medicine 616.48 Polyphenyl hydrocarbons 547.613
see also Endocrine chemical 661.816
diseases humans Polyphony 781.286
Polyglot Bibles 220.51 Polyplacophora 594.27
Polyploidy 572.87

Relative Index

Polypodiales 587.3 Pomorskie Voivodeship

Polypodiopsida 587.3 (Poland) T2--438 22
paleobotany 561.73 Pompeii (Extinct city) T2-377 256 8
Polyporales 579.597 (Micronesia) T2-966
Polypropylene 668.423 4 Ponapelanguage 499.52
textiles 677.474 5 T6-995 2
see also Textiles Ponca Indians T5-975 253 9
Polypteriformes 597.42 Ponca language 497.525 39
paleozoology 567.42 T6-975 253 9
Polyradiculoneuritis Ponce (P.R. : District) T2-729 57
medicine 616.856 Pond Inlet (Nunavut) T2-719 52
see also Nervous system Pondera County (Mont.) T2-786 53
diseases- humans Pondicherry (India : Union
Polysaccharides 572.566 Territory) T2-548 6
see also Carbohydrates Pondoland (South Africa) T2-687 58
Polystyrenes 668.423 3 Ponds 551.482
Polytheism 211.32 T2-1692
comparative religion 202.11 biology 578.763 6
philosophy of religion 211.32 ecology 577.636
Polytheistic religions 201.4 fish culture 639.31
Polytopes 516.158 hydrology 551.482
Polyurethane rubber 678.72 landscape architecture 714
Polyurethanes 668.423 9 resource economics 333.916 3
polyesters 668.422 5 Pondweeds 584.742
thermoplastic 668.423 9 Pongidae 599.88
Polyvinyls 668.423 6 paleozoology 569.88
textiles 677.474 4 Pongo 599.883
see also Textiles Pongola River T2-6842
Po1yzoa 594.67 Mozambique T2--679 I
Pomacanthidae 597.72 South Africa T2 684 2
Pomacentridae 597.72 Ponies 636.16
Pomaceous fruits 641.341 Pons Variolii
botany 583.73 human anatomy 611.81
cooking 641.641 human physiology 612.826 7
food 641.341 medicine 616.8
orchard crops 634.1 Pontarddulais (Wales) T2-429 82
Pombaline reforms 946.903 3 Pontchartrain, Lake (La.) T2-763 34
Pomegranates 641.346 4 Pontederiaceae 584.35
agriculture 634.64 Pontevedra (Spain :
botany 583.76 Province) T2--461 7
cooking 641.646 4 Pontiac (Quebec : Regional
food 641.346 4 County Municipality) T2-714 21
Pomerania (Poland and Pontiac's Conspiracy, 1763-1764 973.27
Germany) T2--438 16 Pontificale Romanum 264.025
Germany T2--431 78 Pontine Islands (Italy) T2-45623
Poland T2--438 16 Pontine Marshes (Italy) T2-456 23
Pomeranian (Dog) 636.76 Pontoporiidae 599.538
Pomerelia (Poland) T2--438 22 Pontotoc County (Miss.) T2--762 932
Pomeroon-Supenaam Pontotoc County (Okla.) T2-766 69
(Guyana) T2-881 2 Pontus (Roman diocese) T2-393
Pommel horse 796.442 Pontus (Roman province) T2---393 3
Porno Indians T5-975 74 Pontus Polemoniacus T2-393 37
Porno 497.574 Pontypridd (Wales) T2--429 78
T6-975 74 Pony express 383.18

Dewey Decimal Classification

Ponza Islands (Italy) T2-45623 Popguns

Poodle 636.728 music 786.99
Poodle (Toy dog) 636.76 see also Percussion
Pooideae 584.9 instruments
crops 633.2 Poplars 583.65
Pool (Game) 794.733 forestry 634.972 3
equipment technology 688.747 33 lumber 674.142
Pool halls ornamental arboriculture 635.977 365
architecture 725.84 Poppies 635.933 35
Pool players 794.733 092 botany 583.35
Poole (Dorset, England) T2-423 37 floriculture 635.933 35
Pools (Organizations) 338.87 narcotic crop 633.75
see also Combinations Popular culture 306
(Enterprises) Popular education 370
Pools (Water) 551.482 social education 370.115
see also Ponds Popular music 781.63
Poor children 305.230 869 42 306.484 23
social welfare 362.775 69 see Manual at 781.62 vs.
Poor Clares 255.973 781.63-.66
church history 271.973 Popular practices (Islam) 297.39
Poor laws 362.5 Popular songs 782.421 63
social aspects 362.5 western 782.421 64
welfare law 344.032 5 Population 304.6
Poor people 305.569 social problems 363.9
Tl-086 942 sociology 304.6
government programs 353.533 2 Population biology 577.88
institutional buildings 362.585 animals 591.788
social theology 201.762 5 microorganisms 579.1788
Buddhism 294.337 625 plants 581.788
Christianity 261.832 5 Population control 363.96
Hinduism 294.517 625 demography 304.66
Judaism 296.38 social theology 201.7
social welfare 362.5 see also Bhih control
public administration 353.533 2 Population control (Animals)
welfare law 344.032 5 conservation technology 639.93
see also Poverty Population density 304.61
Poor women Population dynamics (Ecology) 577.88
social welfare 362.839 85 Population ecology 577.88
Poor youth 305.235 086 942 animals 591.788
social welfare 362.775 69 microorganisms 579.178 8
Pop art 709.040 71 plants 581.788
painting 759.067 1 Population 325
sculpture 735.230471 Population 576.58
Popcorn 641.356 77 Population geography 304.6
commercial processing 664.805 677 Population movement 304.8
cooking 641.656 77 Civil War (United States) 973.714
food 641.356 77 public administration 353.59
garden crop 635.677 World War II 940.531 45
Pope County (Ark.) T2-767 32 Population transfers 325
Pope County (Ill.) T2-773 991 World War II 940.531 45
Pope County (Minn.) T2-77646 Populism
Popes 282.092 political ideology 320.566 2
biography 282.092 Populist Party (U.S.) 324.273 27
eeclesiology 262.13 Populus 583.65

Relative Index

Poquoson (V a.) T2~755 422 Porphyrins 547.593

Porcelain 666.5 chemical engineering 661.894
arts 738.2 Porphyry 552.3
materials science 620.146 Porpoises 599.539
technology 666.5 Porrentruy (Switzerland :
Porch furniture 645.8 District) T2-494 366
see also Outdoor fumiture Port Arthur (Tas.) T2~946 4
Porches 721.84 Port-au-Prince (Haiti) T2-729452
architecture 721.84 Port Augusta (S. Aust.) T2-942 38
construction 690.184 Port buildings 387.15
home economics 643.55 see also Port facilities
Porcupine fishes 597.64 Port Coquitlam (B.C.) T2-711 33
Porcupines 599.359 7 Port Cros National Park
Porcupines (New World) 599.359 74 (France) T2-449 3
Porcupines (Old World) 599.359 7 Port Cygnet (Tas.) T2~9462
Pordenone (Italy: Province) T2-453 94 Port Elizabeth (South
ancient T2~373 94 Africa : District) T2--{)87 52
Pore fungi 579.597 Port Elizabeth-Uitenhage-
Porgies 597.72 Despatch industrial area T2-687 52
sports 799.177 2 Port facilities 387.15
Porifera 593.4 architecture 725.34
paleozoology 563.4 area planning 711.76
Porirua City (N.Z.) T2~936 2 engineering 627.3
Pork 641.364 military engineering 623.64
commercial processing 664.92 transportation services 387.15
cooking 641.664 inland waterway 386.85
food 641.364 see also Ports
Pomography 363.47 Port (Vic.) T2~945 7
arts 700.453 8 Port Harcourt (Nigeria) T2-66942
T3C-353 8 Port Hedland (W.A.) T2-94l3
criminology 364.174 Port installations 387.15
law 345.027 4 see also Port facilities
ethics 176.7 Port Kembla (N.S.W.) T2-944 6
religion 205.667 Port Lincoln (S. Aust.) T2~942 38
Christianity 241.667 Port Louis (Mauritius) T2-698 2
fine arts 704.942 8 Port Macquarie (N.S.W.) T2~9442
law 344.054 7 Port maintenance 387.16
literature 808.803 538 Port Moody (B.C.) T2-711 33
history and criticism 809.933 538 Port Moresby (Papua New
specific literatures T3B~080 353 8 Guinea) T2--954 5
history and Port Nelson (Man.) T2-712 71
criticism T3B~-093 538 Port Pirie (S. Aust.) T2~942 32
painting 757.8 Port Renfrew (B.C.) T2-711 28
social problem 363.47 Port Said (Egypt: Province) T2-621 5
public administrative control 353.37 Port Shepstone (South
sociology 306.77 Africa : District) T2-684 5
Porous materials Port St. Johns (South
materials science 620.116 Africa : District) T2~687 58
Porous solids 530.413 Port Sudan (Sudan) T2~625
Porphyria Port wine 641.222 609 469 15
medicine 616.399 commercial processing 663.2260946915
see also Digestive system Portability
diseases humans computer software 005

Dewey Decimal Classification

Portable buildings 720.442 Portraits

architecture 720.442 art representation 704.942
construction 690.342 drawing 743.42
Portable computers 004.16 painting 757
see also Personal computers Ports 387.1
Portable document software 005.726 engineering 627.2
Portable firearms 683.4 inland waterway 386.8
military engineering 623.442 law 343.096 7
see also Guns (Small arms) public administration 354.78
Portable flight vehicles transportation services 387.1
engineering 629.14 see also Port facilities
Portable heaters Portsmouth (England) T2422 792
buildings 697.24 Portsmouth (N.H.) T2-742 6
Portable lights Portsmouth (Va.) T2-755 522
mining 622.473 Portugal 946.9
nautical equipment 623.86 T2---469
Portable radios 621.384 5 ancient 936.69
Portable steam engines 621.15 T2-366 9
Portable telephones 384.53 Portuguesa (Venezuela) T2-874 5
communications services 384.53 Portuguese (Ethnic group) T5--{)9
engineering 621.384 56 Portuguese (National group) T5-691
military engineering 623.734 5 Portuguese adder 597.963 6
Portage County (Ohio) T2-77137 Portuguese folk music 781.626 91
Portage County (Wis.) T2-775 53 Portuguese folk songs 782.421 626 91
Portage Ia Prairie (Man.) T2-712 73 Portuguese Guinea 966.570 2
Portal hypertension T2-665 7
medicine 616.362 Portuguese India T2-547 8
see also Digestive system Portuguese language 469
diseases - humans T6-69
Portalegre (Portugal : Portuguese literature 869
District) T2---469 51 Portuguese man-of-war 593.55
Portals Portuguese Timor 959.87
sculpture 731.542 T2-598 7
Porter County (Ind.) T2-772 98 Portuguese water dog 636.73
Portes Gil, Emilio Portulacaceae 583.53
Mexican history 972.082 42 Portulacas 583.53
Portfolio analysis 332.6 Posey County (Ind.) T2-772 34
Portfolio management 332.6 Posidoniaccae 584.74
Porthcawl (Wales) T2---429 71 Position classification 658.306
Portillo, Alfonso Position-finding devices
Guatemalan history 972.810 532 marine navigation 623.893
Portland (Me.) T2-741 91 radio en1~in1eering 621.384 191
Portland (Or.) T2-795 49 Positional a.~tronomy 522
Portland (Vic.) T2-945 7 mathematical geography 526.6
Portland cement 666.94 Positive psychology 150.198 8
Portneuf (Quebec : Regional Positives (Photography) 771.44
County Municipality) T2-714 46 distribution 771.48
Portneuf Wildlife Reserve manipulation 771.44
(Quebec) T2-71446 organization 771.48
Porto (Portugal : District) T2---469 15 preparation 771.44
Porto-Novo (Benin) T2-668 3 preservation 771.46
storage 771.46
Positivism 146.4
ethics 171.2

Relative Index

Positron emission tomography Postal service 383

medicine 616.075 75 armed services 355.693
Positrons 539.721 4 law 343.099 2
Posology public administration 354.759
pharmacology 615.14 Postal service workers 383.492
Possible worlds 511.314 Postal stationery
Possums 599.23 philately 769.566
Possums (America) 599.276 Postal zones 383.145
Possums (Australasia) 599.23 see also Postal service
Post exchanges 355.341 Postcard illustration 741.683
Post-Keynesian economics 330.156 Postcards 383.122
Post-mortem examination philately 769.566
medicine 616.075 9 see also Postal service
Post offices 383.42 Postclassical Greek language 487.3
architecture 725.16 T6-87
see also Postal service Postclassical Latin language 477
Post-production T6-71
videography 777.55 Postcoital contraceptives
Post-traumatic stress disorders health 613.943 2
medicine 616.852 1 medicine 618.1825
see also Mental disorders see al~o Birth control
pediatrics 618.928 521 Postcoordinate indexing 025.47
Postage-due stamps Postdoctoral programs 378.155
prints 769.57 Postencephalitic Parkinson
Postage stamps 383.23 disease
investment economics 332.63 medicine 616.833
philately 769.56 see also Nervous system
postal service 383.23 diseases - humans
see also Postal service Posters
printing 686.288 arts 741.674
Postal cards 383.122 illustration 741.674
see also Postal service prints 769.5
Postal clerks 383.492 Postglacial epoch 551.793
Postal codes 383.145 5 geology 551.793
see also Postal service paleontology 560.179 3
Postal communication 383 Posthypnotic phenomena 154.774
see also Postal service Postimpressionism 709.034 6
Postal inspection 383.46 painting 759.056
Postal insurance 368.2 Postludes 784.189 3
Postal law 343.099 2 Postmarks
Postal offenses 364.136 philately 769.567
law 345.023 6 Postmasburg (South Africa :
Postal organization 383.4 District) T2--687 11
law 343.099 25 Postrnenopause
Postal rates 383.23 disorders
law 343.099 23 gynecology 618.175
Postal routes 383.143 see also Female genital
law 343.099 25 diseases humans
Postal savings banks 332.22
Postal savings stamps
prints 769.57

Dewey Decimal Class(fication

Postmodernism 149.97 Potash salts 553.636

arts 700.411 3 economic geology 553.636
T3C-113 mining 622.363 6
literature 808.801 13 Potassium 669.725
history and criticism 809.911 3 chemical engineering 661.038 3
specific literatures T3B-080 113 chemistry 546.383
history and metallurgy 669.725
criticism T3B-09l 13 mining 622.363 6
philosophy 149.97 organic chemistry 547.053 83
Postnatal care applied 661.895
obstetrics 618.6 physical metallurgy 669.967 25
Postnatal development see also Chemicals
humans 612.6 Potassium alkalis 546.383 22
Postoperative care chemical engineering 661.33
medicine 617.9195 Potassium bicarbonate 546.383 22
Postoperative complications chemical engineering 661.333
medicine 617.919 5 Potassium carbonate 546.383 22
Postpartum depression chemical engineering 661.334
medicine 618.76 Potassium fertilizers 631.83
Postpartum hemorrhage chemical engineering 668.623
obstetrics 618.7 Potassium hydroxide 546.383 22
Postpoliomyelitis syndrome chemical engineering 661.332
incidence 614.549 Potassium minerals
medicine 616.835 economic geology 553.636
see also Nervous system Potato printing 761
diseases - humans Potato starch
Posts (Columns) 721.3 food technology 664.22
architecture 721.3 Potato whiskey 641.25
construction 690.13 commercial processing 663.5
Posts (Military installations) 355.7 Potatoes 641.352 1
law 343.015 7 agriculture 635.21
Poststructuralism botany 583.952
philosophy 149.97 commercial processing 664.805 21
Posture 613.78 cooking 641.652 I
Postwar period (World War II) 909.825 food 641.352 I
Tl~9045 Potawatomi Indians T5~973 16
Pot abuse 362.295 Potawatomi language 497.316
medicine 616.8635 T6~973 16
personal health 613.835 Potchefstroom (South
social welfare 362.295 Africa : District) T2-68242
see also Substance abuse Potential energy 531.6
Pot gardening 635.986 Potential offenders
Potable water 363.61 identification 364.41
see also Drinking water; Potential theory 515.96
Municipal water supply Potentiometers 621.374 3
Potaliaceae 583.93 Potenza (Italy: Province) T2-457 71
Potamogetonaceae 584.742 ancient T2-377 75
Potamogetonales 584.74 Potgietersms (South Africa :
Potaro-Siparuni Region District) T2-682 53
(Guyana) T2-881 87 Potichomania
Potash 546.383 22 handicrafts 745.546
chemical engineering 661.334

Relative Index

Potomac River T2~752 Poverty (continued)

·'~·· Maryland T2~752 literature 808.803 556
i: Virginia T2~755 2 history and criticism 809.933 556
West Virginia T2~7549 specific literatures T3B~080 355 6
; Potoos 598.99 history and

Potosi (Bolivia: Dept.) T2~8414 criticism T3B-093 556
Potpourris (Dried plants) 668.542 macroeconomics 339.46
practice 204.47
kitchen utensils
manufacturing technology
294.344 47
Potsdam (Germany) T2--431 546 Hinduism 294.544 7
l Potsdam (Germany : Bezirk) T2--431 54 social theology 201.762 5
Potsdam-Mittelmark Buddhism 294.337 625
(Germany: Landkreis) T2--431 54 Christianity 261.832 5
~· Pottawatomie County (Kan.) T2~781 32 Hinduism 294.517 625
Pottawatomie County Judaism 296.38
(Okla.) T2-766 36 social welfare 362.5
Pottawattamie County public administration 353.533 2
(Iowa) T2~777 71 social welfare facilities 362.583
Potted plants 635.986 architecture 725.55
houseplants 635.965 Poverty-stricken people 305.569
Potted trees 635.977 Tl-{)86 942
houseplants 635.965 see also Poor people
Potter County (Pa.) T2-748 55 Powder metal products 671.87
Potter County (S.D.) T2~783 19 Powder metallurgy 671.37
Potter County (Tex.) T2~764 825 Powder post beetles 595.763
Potters 738.092 Powder processes
Potter's wheels 666.43 photographic printing 773.2
decorative arts 738.13 Powder River County
sculpture 731.3 (Mont.) T2-786 37
technology 666.43 Powder rooms 643.52
Pottery 666.3 home economics 643.52
arts 738 interior decoration 747.78
technology 666.3 Powder technology 620.43
Poultry (Animals) 636.5 Powdered eggs 641.375 4
agricultural economics 338.176 5 cooking 641.675 4
zoology 598.6 food 641.375 4
Poultry (Meat) 641.365 processing 637.54
commercial processing 664.93 Powdered soaps 668.124
economics 338.476 649 3 Powders (Pharmaceuticals)
cooking 641.665 pharmaceutical chemistry 615.19
food 641.365 Powell, Lake (Utah and
home preservation 641.493 Ariz.) T2-792 59
Poured concrete 624.183 4 Powell County (Ky.) T2-769 585
building construction 693.5 Powell Cmmty (Mont.) T2-786 86
with reinforcement 693.541 Powell River (B.C.) T2-7ll 31
without reinforcement 693.521 Powell River (B.C. :
structural engineering 624.183 4 Regional District) T2---711 31
Poverty 362.5 Power (Energy) 333.79
arts 700.455 6 Power (Social sciences) 303.3
T3C~355 6 international relations 327.101
influence on crime 364.2 political science 320.Dll
law 344.032 5 sociology 303.3
Power control devices 621.812

Dewey Decimal Classification

Power County (Idaho) T2-796 49 Practical nurses 610.730 92

Power-driven ships 387.204 4 role and function 610.730 693
design 623.812 044 Practical politics 324.7
engineering 623.820 4 Practical printing 686.225
handling 623.881 4 Practice oflaw 347.050 4
see also Ships Practice teaching 370.71
Power electronics 621.317 T1-071
Power equipment Praeneste (Italy) T2-376 3
agricultural use 631.37 Praenestian language 479.4
textile technology 677.028 5 T6--794
Power-factor meters 621.374 9 Pragmatic reductionism
Power failure (Psychology) 150.194 34
electrical engineering 621.319 Pragmatics 401.45
Power hammers 621.974 discourse analysis 401.41
Power interruption insurance 368.7 specific languages T4-014 1
Power of attorney 346.029 linguistics 401.45
Power plant insurance 368.7 specific languages T4-014 5
Power plants (Electric psycho linguistics 401.9
generation) 621.312 l specific languages T4~019
nuclear engineering 621.483 sociolinguistics 306.44
Power plants (Engines) 621.4 specific languages T4-0145
aircraft 629.134 35 see Manual at 401.43 vs.
ships 623.87 306.44, 401.45, 401.9, 412,
unmanned spacecraft 629.465 415
Power politics 327.1 Pragmatism 144.3
Power residues 512.72 education 370.12
Power resources 333.79 Prague (Czech Republic) T2-437 12
Power saws Praha (Czech Republic) T2-43712
use in home woodworking 684.083 34 Prahova (Romania) T2-4982
Power series 515.243 2 Praia (Cape Verde) T2-665 8
Power shovels 621.865 Prairie chickens 598.637
Power supply Prairie County (Ark.) T2-767 77
eommnnications engineering 621.382 32 Prairie County (Mont.) T2-78625
electronics 621.381 044 Prairie dogs 599.367
Power tools 621.9 Prairie Provinces 971.2
use in home woodworking 684.083 T2-712
Power transmission Prairies 333.74
machine engineering 621.85 T2-153
Powers (Mathematics) 512.922 biology 578.744
Poweshiek County (Iowa) T2-777 596 ecology 577.44
Powhatan County (Va.) T2-755 612 geography 910.915 3
Powhatan Indians T5-973 47 physical geography 910.021 53
Powhatan language 497.347 see also Grasslands
T6-973 47 Prajadhipok, King of Siam
POWs 355.113 Thai history 959.304 2
see also Prisoners of war Prakrit languages 491.3
Powys (Wales) T2-429 5 T6--913
Poxviridae 579.243 2 Prakrit literatures 891.3
Poznan (Poland : Praseodymium
Voivodeship) T2-43849 chemistry 546.413
Pozzuoli (Italy) Prasinophyceae 579.83
ancient T2-377 25 Prato (Italy : Province) T2-455 19
Practical astronomy 522 ancient T2-375 19
Practical ethics 170.44 Pratt County (Kan.) T2--78l 815

Relative Index

Prattigau-Davos Pre-Columbian art 709.7

(Switzerland) T2~--494732 5 Latin America 709.8
Prawns 595.388 Pre-Islamic prophets 297.246
see also Shrimps Pre-Socratic philosophy 182
Prayer 204.3 Preaching 206.1
Buddhism 294.344 3 Christianity 251
Christianity 248.32 Islam 297.37
Hinduism 294.543 Judaism 296.47
Islam 297.382 Preaching orders (Christianity) 255.04
Sufi 297.438 2 church history 271.04
Judaism 296.45 Preble County (Ohio) T2~771 71

public worship 203.8 Precalculus 510

Buddhism 294.343 8 see Manual at 51 0
Christianity 264.1 Precambrian era 551.71
Hinduism 294.538 geology 551.71
Judaism 296.45 paleontology 560.171
Prayer books 204.33 Precast concrete 624.183 414
Buddhism 294.344 33 building construction 693.5
Christianity 242.8 with reinforcement 693.544
public worship 264.13 without reinforcement 693.522
Hinduism 294.543 3 manufacturing technology 666.893
Islam 297.382 4 materials science 620.137
Sufi 297.438 24 structural engineering 624.183 414
Judaism 296.45 Precedence (Heraldry) 929.7
Prayer desks Precession
church architecture 726.529 2 celestial mechanics 521.9
church furniture 247.1 corrections 522.9
Prayer in public schools 379.28 Precious metals 669.2
law 344.079 6 decorative arts 739.2
Prayer meetings economic geology 553.42
Christianity handicrafts 745.56
public worship 264.7 materials science 620.189 2
Prayer ofManasseh (Bible) 229.6 metallography 669.952
Prayer plant 635.934 39 metallurgy 669.2
botany 584.39 metalworking 673.2
floriculture 635.934 39 mining 622.342
Prayer shawls 296.461 physical metallurgy 669.962
Prayers (Private devotions) 204.33 Precious stones 553.8
Buddhism 294.344 33 see also Gems
Christianity 242 Precipitates 541.348 5
Hinduism 294.543 3 chemical engineering 660.294 85
Islam 297.382 4 Precipitation {Chemicals) 541.34
Sufi 297.438 24 chemical engineering 660.284 24
Judaism 296.45 Precipitation (Meteorology) 551.577
Prayers (Public worship) 203.8 geologic agent 551.35
Buddhism 294.343 8 weather forecasting 551.647 7
Christianity 264.13 weather modification 551.687 7
Hinduism 294.538 Precision (Information science) 025.04
Islam 297.382 4 Precision casting
Sufi 297.438 24 metals 671.255
Judaism 296.45 Precision diving 797.24
Pre-Aryan period Precision engineering 620.004 5
Indian history 934.01 Precision instruments
technology 681

Dewey Decimal Classification

Preclassical Greek language 487.1 Pregnancy (continued)

T6-87 human physiology 612.63
Preclassical Latin language 477 obstetrics 618.2
T6-71 psychology 155.646 3
Preclassicism social services 362.1982
music 780.903 3 veterinary medicine 636.089 82
Precognition 133.86 Pregnancy complications
Precoordinate indexing 025.47 obstetrics 618.3
Predation (Biology) 591.53 Pregnancyprograms in schools 371.714
plants 575.99 Pregnancy toxemias
Predator control obstetrics 618.361 32
animal husbandry 636.083 9 Prehistoric animals 560
conservation technology 639.966 Prehistoric archaeology 930.1
Predator-prey relations 591.53 Prehistoric humans 569.9
Predatory animals 591.53 Prehistoric periods 930.1
small game hunting 799.259 7 Tl-090 12
Predelinquents 305.230 869 23 Prehistoric religions 201.42
Tl--086 923 Prejudice 303.385
social group 305.230 869 23 ethics 177.5
social welfare 362.74 see also Discrimination-
Predestination 202.2 ethics
Christianity 234.9 religion 200.8
Islam 297.227 Christianity 270.08
Predicate and subject (Grammar) 415 Judaism 296.08
specific languages T4-5 sociology 303.385
Predicate calculus 511.3 Preliminary hearings 345.072
mathematical 511.3 Preliminary Scholastic
philosophicallogic 160 Assessment Test 378.166 2
Prediction 003.2 Preludes 784.189 28
probabilities 519.287 Premarital counseling
statistical mathematics 519.54 Christian pastoral counseling 259.13
Predictions 003.2 social welfare 362.828 6
occultism 133.3 see also Families- social
religion 203.2 welfare
eschatological 202.3 Premarital sexual relations 306.733
Prefabricated houses 643.2 social problem 363.48
see also Dwellings see also Sexual relations
Prefabricated materials Premature birth
architectural construction 721.044 97 obstetrics 618.397
building materials 691.97 Premature infants
construction 693.97 pediatrics 618.920 11
Preferential hiring Premature labor
personnel management 658.31 I 2 obstetrics 618.397
public administration 352.650 8 Premenstrual syndrome
union security arrangements 331.889 6 gynecology 618.172
Preferred provider health see also Female genital
insurance 368.382 diseases - humans
Preferred stocks 332.632 25 Premiers 352.23
speculation 332.632 28 cabinet governments 321.804 3
Prefixes 415.92 public administration 352.23
specific languages T4-592 Premium television 384.555 4
Pregnancy 573.67 see also Television
biology 573.67 Premonstratens ians 255.19
cooking for 641.563 19 church history 27l.l9

Relative Index

pi'ernyslid dynasty 943.702 23

prenatal care see also Presbyterian Church
obstetrics 618.24 Presbyterian sacred music 781.715
prentiss County (Miss.) T2-762 985 public worship 782.322 5
prenuptial contracts 346.016 62 music 782.322 5
preoperative care religion 264.050 2
surgery 617.919 2 Presbyterians
prep schools 373.222 biography 285.092
see also Secondary education Presbyteries
Prepaid dental insurance 368.382 3 Christian ecclesiology 262.4
Prepaid health insurance 368.382 Preschool children 305.233
preparation of food (Cooking) 641.5 Tl--083 3
Preparatory schools 373.222 development
see also Secondary education physiology 612.654
Prepared doughs 664.753 home care 649.123
Prepared ores 669.042 psychology 155.423
Prepared pianos 786.28 reading
instrument 786.281 9 library science 028.533
music 786.28 social aspects 305.233
see also Keyboard instruments Preschool education 372.21
Prepositional phrases 415.7 child rearing 649.68
specific languages T4-57 federal aid 379.121 22
Prepositions 415.7 public support 379.1122
specific ""'''!';"'"!';'"" T4-57 see also Primary education
Prerelease guidance centers 365.34 Preschool teachers 372.11
see also Penal institutions Prescott and Russell ( Ont.) T2-713 85
Prerelease programs 365.663 Prescribed burning
Presbyopia forestry 634.955
optometry 617.755 Prescription drug abuse 362.299
see also Eye diseases medicine 616.86
humans personal health 613.8
Presbyterian Church 285 social welfare 362.299
church government 262.05 see also Substance abuse
parishes 254.05 Prescription drugs 615.1
church law 262.985 insurance 368.382 4
doctrines 230.5 pharmacology 615.1
catechism and creeds 238.5 see also Drugs
general councils 262.55 (Pharmaceuticals)
guides to Christian life 248.485 Prescription filling 615.4
missions 266.5 Prescription writing 615.14
moral theology 241.045 Prescriptive grammar 418
public worship 264.05 specific languages T4-82
religious associations 267.185 Prescriptive linguistics 418
religious education 268.85 specific languages T4-8
seminaries 230.073 5 see Manual at 410
theology 230.5 Preseli (Wales) T2---429 62
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 285.137 Presentation (Parturition)
see also Presbyterian Church obstetrics 618.42
Presbyterian Church in the Presentation of Jesus Christ 232.928
United States 285.133 Presentation religious orders 255.977
see also Presbyterian Church church history 271.977
Presbyterian Church in the Presentation software 005.58
United States of America 285.132
see also Presbyterian Church

Dewey Decimal Classification

Preservation Tl--028 8 Pressure distribution

arts 702.88 aeronautics 629.13235
bibliographic materials 025.84 Pressure groups 322.43
biological specimens 570.752 political process 324.4
botanical specimens 580.752 relations with government 322.43
cinematography 777.58 Pressure perception
lumber 674.386 psychology 152.182 3
museology 069.53 Pressure regulators
negatives 771.45 steam engineering 621.185
positives (photographs) 771.46 Pressure surge
videography 777.58 engineering 620.106 4
zoological specimens 590.752 Pressure vessels 681.76041
see also Historic preservation Pressure welding 671.529
Preserved Context Indexing Pressurization
System 025.47 aircraft 629.134 42
Preserved foods manned spacecraft 629.477 5
cooking 641.61 spacecraft 629.477 5
home economics 641.4 Pressurizing oils and gases 665.028 2
Preserves (Jams) 641.852 Presswork
commercial processing 664.152 printing 686.23
home preparation 641.852 Prestatyn (Wales) T2-429 37
Preserves (Whole fruits) 641.34 Preston (England : Borough) T2-427 665
cooking with 641.64 Preston County (W.Va.) T2-754 82
food 641.34 Prestressed concrete 624.183 412
home preparation 641.4 building construction 693.542
Preserving biological specimens 578.075 2 manufacturing technology 666.893
Presidente Hayes materials science 620.137
(Paraguay: Dept.) T2-892 23 structural engineering 624.183 412
Presidential government 321.804 2 Presumptions (Law) 347.064
Presidents 352.23 Presupposition
democratic systems 321.804 2 linguistics 401.454
public administration 352.23 specific languages T4-014 54
Presidio County (Tex.) T2-764 933 Preteens 305.234
Presovsky kraj (Slovakia) T2-437 36 see also School children
Presque Isle County (Mich.) T2~-774 82 Pretoria (South Africa :
Press 070 District) T2-68227
civil rights issues 323.445 Pretrial procedure 347.072
influence on crime 364.254 criminal law 345.072
Press control 363.3 I Pretrial release 345.072
see also Censorship Preventive dentistry 617.601
Press law 343.099 8 Preventive detention 345.052 7
Pressing clothes Preventive medicine 613
home economics 648.1 personal 613
Pressing equipment 621.98 public 614.44
Pressing glass 666.123 animal husbandry 636.089 444
Pressing metals 67l.33 public administration 353.628
Pressing textiles 677.028 25 see Manual at 362.1-.4 and
Pressure 614.4-.5
biophysics 571.437 Preveza (Greece) T2-495 3
humans 612.014 415 Priapulida 592.3
extraterrestrial biophysics paleozoology 562.3
humans 612.014 535
mechanics 531.1
Pressure cooking 641.587

Relative Index

price control (Government) 338.526 Prieska (South Africa :

economics 338.526 District) T2-687 12
Jaw 343.083 Priesthood 206.1
public adminis~ration 352.85 Christianity 262.1
price County (W1s.) T2-775 24 pastoral theology 253
price-demand relationship 338.521 2 Jewish 296.495
Price determination 338.52 Priesthood of believers 234
economics 338.52 Priesthood of Jesus Christ 232.8
marketing management 658.816 Priests 200.92
Price discrimination biography 200.92
criminology 364.168 Christian 270.092
trade law 343.072 5 see also Clergy - Christian
Price-earnings ratio 332.632 21 Jewish 296.495
Price 338.523 role and function 206.1
criminology 364.168 see Manual at 200.92 and
criminal law 345.026 8 201-209,292-299
economics 338.523 Prignitz (Germany:
trade law 343.072 5 Landkreis) T2--431 54
Price indexes 338.528 Prignitz-Oberhavel
Price leadership 338.523 (Germany:
Price levels 338.528 Raumordnungsregion) T2--431 54
Price lists Tl- {)29 Prima facie evidence 347.064
Price policy 338.52 Primaries (Elections) 324.54
Price statistics 338.528 specific countries 324.24-.29
Price-supply relationship 338.521 3 Primary batteries 621.312 423
Price supports Primary education 372
agricultural economics 338.18 federal aid 379.121 2
law 343.076 1 law 344.074
public administration 354.528 5 public administrative support 353.8
economics 338.52 public support 379.112
law 343.074 2 law 344.076 82
public administration 352.85 special education 371.904 72
Price trends see lvfanual at 372.24 and
collectibles T1 {)75 373.23
Prices 338.52 Primary elections 324.54
agricultural industries 338.13 specific countries 324.24-.29
economics 338.52 Primary epidermis (Plants) 575.451
land economics 333.332 3 Primary groups (Social groups) 302.34
macroeconomics 339.42 Primary industries 338
mineral industries 338.23 economics 338
regulation 338.526 law 343.076
economics 338.526 products 338.02
law 343.083 commerce 381.4
public administration 352.85 foreign 382.4
secondary industries 338.43 public administration 354.73
stocks 332.632 22 public administration 354.3
theories 338.521 Primary metal products 671.8
Pricing 338.52 Primary productivity (Ecology) 577.15
marketing management 658.816 Primary roads 388.12
Pride 179.8 Primary school buildings 372.16
arts T3C-353 architecture 727.1
folklore 398.273 Primary school libraries 027.822 2
see also Vices Primary school teachers 372.11
Primary school teaching 372.110 2

Dewey Decimal Class!fication

Primary schools 372 Prince Edward (Ont.) T2-713 587

see also Primary education Prince Edward County (Va.) T2-755 632
Primates 599.8 Prince Edward Island 971.7
animal husbandry 636.98 T2-717
conservation technology 639.979 8 Prince Edward Islands 969.9
experimental animals T2-{)99
medicine 616.027 38 Prince George (B.C.) T2-7ll 82
paleozoology 569.8 Prince George County (Va.) T2-755 585
resource economics 333.959 8 Prince George's County
zoology 599.8 (Md.) T2-752 51
Prime (Divine office) 264.15 Prince of Wales Island
music 782.324 (Nunavut) T2-7!9 55
Prime ministers 352.23 Prince Rupert (B.C.) T2--7ll I
cabinet governments 321.804 3 Prince William County
public administration 352.23 (Va.) T2--755 273 2
Prime movers Princes 305.522
technology 621.4 see also Royalty
Prime numbers 512.723 Princesses 305.522
Primers (Detonators) 662.4 see also Royalty
military engineering 623.454 2 Princeton (B.C.) T2-711 5
Primers (Readers) 418 Principal components analysis 519.535 4
specific languages T4-86 Principals (Criminal law) 345.03
for nonnative speakers T4--864 Principals (School)
Primitive art 700 biography 371.200 92
nonliterate peoples 709.011 public control 379.157
Primitive Baptists 286.4 role and function 371.201 2
see also Baptists Print making
Primitive law 340.52 graphic arts 760
Primitive Methodist Church 287.4 Print media
see also Methodist Church journalism 070.17
Primitive religions 201.42 sociology 302.232
Primitive societies 301.7 Print specimens 686.224
Primitive weapons Printed advertising 659.132
art metalwork 739.744 1 Printed books 094
Primitivism Printed circuits 621.381 531
arts 700.414 5 Printed music 780
T3C-145 treatises 780.263
literature 808.801 45 Printers 686.209 2
history and criticism 809.914 5 Printers (Equipment)
specific literatures T3B--080 145 computer science 004.77
history and engineering 621.398 7
criticism T3B-091 45 manufacturing technology 681.62
Primorskii krai (Russia) T2-577 Printing 686.2
Primor'ye (Russia: Kray) T2-577 photography 771.44
Primroses 583.675 textile arts 746.62
floriculture 635.933 675 textiles 667.38
Primulales 583.675 Printing apparatus
Primulas 583.675 photography 771.44
floriculture 635.933 675 Printing ink 667.5
Prince (P .E. I.) T2-717 I Printing presses
Prince Albert (Sask.) T2-712 42 manufacturing technology 681.62
Prince Albert (South Printing solutions
Africa : District) T2-687 39 photography 771.54
Prince Albert's yew 585.3

Relative Index

printing telegraphy 384.14 Prisoner-of-war camps (continued)

wireless 384.524 Civil War (United States) 973.771
see also Telegraphy Confederate States of
Print makers 769.92 America 973.771
see Manual at 769.9 United States 973.772
Prints Crimean War 947.073 87
arts 769 Falkland Islands War 997.110 247
cataloging 025.347 1 Franco-Gennan War 943.082 7
library treatment 025.l77 1 Hundred Years' War 944.025 7
prion diseases Indo-Pakistan War, 1971 954.920 517
medicine 616.83 Indochinese War 959.704 17
see also Nervous system Iraq War, 2003~ 956.704 437
diseases humans Iraqi-Iranian Conflict 955.054 27
Prions (Subviral organisms) 579.29 Korean War 951.90427
Priories living conditions 355.129 6
architecture 726.7 Napoleonic Wars 940.277
church history 271 Persian Gulf War, 1991 956.704 427
religious significance of South African War 968.048 7
buildings 246.97 Thirty Years' War 940.247
Pripet Marshes (Belarus and Vietnamese War 959.704 37
Ukraine) T2-478 War of the Pacific 983.061 67
Prisms 535.420 284 World War I 940.472
516.156 World Warii 940.547 2
manufacturing technology 681.42 Prisoner release 365.647
Prison administration 365.068 Prisoners (Convicts) 365.6
public administration 353.39 Tl-086 927
Prison administrators 365.92 labor economics 331.51
Prison camps 365.34 legal status 344.035 6
military 365.48 Prisoner's base 796.14
see also Penal institutions Prisoners
Prison chaplaincy 206.1 World War I 940.473
Christianity 259.5 World War II 940.547 3
Prison discipline 365.643 Prisoners of war 355.113
law 344.035 643 Algerian Revolution 965.046 7
Prison fam1s 365.34 American Revolution 973.371
see also Penal institutions Chaco War 989.207 167
Prison libraries 027.665 Civil War (England) 942.062 7
administration 025.197 665 Civil War (Spain) 946.081 7
collection development 025.218 766 5 Civil War (United States) 973.771
Prison life 365.6 Crimean War 947.()73 87
Prison psychology 155.962 Falkland Islands War 997.110 247
Prison refonn 365.7 Franco-German War 943.082 7
Prison security 365.641 Hundred Years' War 944.025 7
Prisoner discharge 365.647 Indo-Pakistan War, 1971 954.920 517
Prisoner-of-war camps 355.71 Indochinese War 959.70417
Algerian Revolution 965.046 7 Iraq War, 2003~ 956.704 437
American Revolution 973.371 Iraqi-Iranian Conflict 955.054 27
American 973.372 Korean War 951.904 27
British 973.371 labor economics 331.51
Chaco War 989.207 167 law 341.65
Civil War (England) 942.062 7 military operations 355.41
Civil War (Spain) 946.081 7 Napoleonic Wars 940.277
Persian Gulf War, 1991 956.704 427

Dewey Decimal Classification

Prisoners of war (continued) Private police services 363.289

prisons and camps 355.71 Private presses
living conditions 355.129 6 bibliogtaphies of publications 011.55
service status 355.113 Private property
South African War 968.048 7 land economics 333.3
Thirty Years' War 940.247 see also Land tenure
Vietnamese War 959.704 37 Private publishers 070.593
war customs 399 Private schools 371.02
War of the Pacific 983.061 67 adult education 374
World War I 940.472 public support 379.326
World War II 940.547 2 finance 371.206
Prisons 365 law 344.076
see also Penal institutions higher education 378.04
Privacy 323.448 public support 379.324
civil right 323.448 law 344.072
law 342.085 8 preschool education
Private accounting 657.63 public support 379.322 2
Private airplanes primary education 372.104 22
engineering 629.133 340 422 public support 379.322
piloting 629.132 521 7 public policy 379.3
Private banks 332.123 public support 379.32
Private bills secondary education 373.222
enactment 328.378 public support 379.323
Private carriers 388.041 special education 371.9
truck 388.324 3 public support 379.328
see also Freight services; see Manual at 371 vs. 353.8,
Passenger services 371.2, 379
Private colleges 378.04 Private television 384.550 65
see also Higher education Private universities 378.04
Private companies 338.7 see also Higher education
law 346.066 8 Private welfare services 361.7
see also Business enterprises see also Welfare services
Private detective services 363.289 Privateering
Private duty nursing 610.732 naval operations 359.4
Private education 371.02 see also Naval operations
law 344.072 Privatization 338.925
see also Private schools Privets 635.933 87
Private enterprise 338.61 botany 583.87
Private international law 340.9 floriculture 635.933 87
see Afanual at 340.9 Privileges (Military awards) 355.134
Private investment 332.6 Privileges of chief executives
economics 332.6 public administration 352.235
international 332.673 Privileges of diplomats 327.2
Private investors 332.6 Privileges of legislators 328.347
economics 332.6 Prize contests
international 332.673 advertising 659.197 901 34
Private land 333.3 sales promotion 658.82
landscape architecture 712.6 use in advertising 659.17
see also Land Prize law 343.096
Private law 346 law of nations 341.63
Private libraries 027.1 Prizes Tl-079
catalogs 017.2 research 001.44
Private parks
landscape architecture 712.6

Relative Index

Pro-choice movement 363.46

342.087 8 paleozoology 568.4
see also Abortion Process
pro-life movement 363.46 philosophy of nature ll6
law 342.085 Process analysis
see also Abortion production management 658.5
Probabilistic logic 511.318 Process control 003.5
mathematical logic 511.318 Tl-011 5
philosophical logic 160.119 88 chemical engineering 660.281 5
Probabilistic methods 518.28 production management 658.5
Probabilistic number theory 512.76 Process design
Probabilities 519.2 chemical engineering 660.281 2
epistemology 121.63 Process management
gambling 795.015 192 systems programs 005.434
insurance 368.01 Process metallurgy 669
management decision making 658.403 4 Process philosophy 146.7
primary education 372.79 Process research
see Manual at 795.015192 vs. production management 658.577
519.27 Process serving 347.072
Probability calculus 519.2 Process theology 230.046
Probability distribution 519.24 Processed cheese 641.373 58
Probability theory 519.2 cooking 641.673 58
Probate law 346.052 food 641.373 58
Probation 364.63 manufacturing 637.358
law 345.077 Processing (Archives) 025.341 4
penology 364.63 Processing (Libraries) 025.02
public administration 353.39 Processing centers
Probation after death 236.4 library operations 025.02
Probation of teachers 371.144 Processing modes
Problem employees computer science 004.3
personnel management 658.304 5 Tl-028 543
Problem of few bodies 530.14 communications 004.618
Problem of n bodies 530.144 programming 005.712 7
astronomy 521 programs 005.713 7
Problem of three bodies 530.14 graphics programming 006.677
astronomy 521 graphics programs 006.687
Problem soils interfacing
floricultnre 635.955 programming 005.712 7
Problem solving 153.43 programs 005.713 7
artificial intelligence 006.333 multimedia-systems
educational psychology 370.152 4 programming 006.777
executive management 658.403 multimedia-systems
psychology 153.43 programs 006.787
Problem students 371.93 operating systems 005.447
Problems programming 005.27
study and teaching Tl--076 programs 005.37
Proboscidea 599.67 see Manual at 004.1 vs.
paleozoology 569.67 004.3
Proboscis worms 592.32 Processions 394.5
Procaryotes 579.3 customs 394.5
Procedural rights 347.05 performing arts 791.6
military 343.014 3 religious rites 203.8
public administration 352.88 Christianity 265.9
Procedure (Law) 347.05

Dewey Decimal Classification

Processors Product evaluations Tl--029

computer hardware 004 Product liability 346.038
engineering 621.39 production management 658.56
see Manual at 004.1 Product liability insurance 368.562
programming-language Product life cycle
translators 005.45 management 658.5
Prochlorales 579.39 Product listings Tl~029
Proconsular Africa T2~397 3 Product management 658.5
Procrastination 179.8 marketing 658.8
religion 205.698 production 658.5
Proctology 616.35 Product planning 658.503 8
Procurators fiscal 345.411 01 Product recall 363.19
Procurement 658.72 law 344.042
Tl--068 7 product safety 363.19
air forces 358.416 212 production management 658.56
armed forces 355.621 2 Product returns
naval forces 359.621 2 marketing management 658.812
public administration 352.53 Product safety 363.19
specific forms of property 352.55-.57 crimina logy 364.142
Procurement of capital 658.152 2 criminal law 345.024 2
Tl--068 1 law 344.042
Procyon 599.763 2 production management 658.56
Procyonidae 599.763 social services 363.19
Produce (Agricultural products) 338.17 public administration 353.99
see also Agricultural products Product servicing
Produce trade 381.41 marketing management 658.812
Producer brands Product specifications
sales promotion 658.827 production management 658.562
Producer gas 665.772 Product standards
Producers' cooperatives 334.6 production management 658.562
management 658.87 Production (Performing arts) 792.023 2
Product accounts ballet 792.84
(Macroeconomics) 339.31 motion pictures 791.430 232
Product catalogs 338.020 29 musical plays 792.64
Tl~029 opera 792.54
manufacturing industries 338.402 9 radio 791.440 232
see i\-fanual at Tl ~025 vs. stage 792.023 2
Tl--029 television 791.450 232
Product comparisons Tl--029 Production capacity
Product control 363.19 secondary industries 338.45
production management 658.56 Production control
see also Product safety management 658.5
Product counterfeiting 364.166 8 Production controls (Economic
law 345.026 68 programs) 338.9
Product design law 343.075
management 658.575 2 public administration 354.28
Product development Production cooperatives 334.6
management 658.575 Production economics 338
Product directories 338.020 29 Production efficiency 338.06
Tl~029 agricultural industries 338.16
manufacturing industries 338.402 9 economics 338.06
see Manual at Tl--025 vs. mineral industries 338.26
Product evaluation 381.33

r production efficiency (continued)
promotion of
Relative Index

Professional corporations
management 658.515 law 346.066 8
secondary industries 338.45 mergers 338.836 l
production engineering 670 restrictive practices 338.826 I
Production forecasting 338.544 Professional education 378.013
Production forecasts 338.544 3 Tl-071 I
Production illustration 604.242 see alm Higher education
Production management 658.5 Professional employees 331.71
Tl-068 5 see also Professional workers
Production planning Professional ethics 174
management 658.503 religion 205.64
Production resources 338.09 see also Ethical problems
Production systems Professional tees
sociology 306.34 labor economics 331.2166
Productivity Professional liability 346.033
agricultural industries 338.16 Professional liability insurance 368.564
labor economics 331.118 Professional licensing 354.93
mineral industries 338.26 law 344.017
production economics 338.06 Professional nurses 610.73092
production management role and function 610.730 692
public administration 352.375 Professional relationships Tl~23
promotion of econom1cs 331.7
personnel management 658.314 ethics 174
executives 658.407 14 see also Ethical problems
public administration 352.66 Professional schools 378.155
production management 658.515 architecture 727.4
secondary industries 338.45 area planning 711.57
Products 338.02 Professional services 338.46
agricultural industries 338.17 Professional sports 796.044
see also Agricultural products law 344.099
commerce 381 see lvfanual at 796.08 vs.
public administration 354.73 796.04
economics 338.02 Professional videography 777
liability 346.038 Professional workers 331.71
mineral industries 338.27 Tl-086 22
commerce 381.42 labor economics 331.71
production economics 338.27 personnel management 658.304 4
secondary industries 338.4 public administration 354.93
commerce 381.4 5 social class 305.553
production economics 338.4 training
Products research personnel management 658.312 45
technology 607.2 Professional writing 808.066
Profanity 179.5 Professionals Tl-086 22
customs 394 see also Professional workers
ethics 179.5 Professions 331.71
religion 205.695 Tl-023
see also Blasphemy Professors 378.12
see also Ethical problems Profit and loss statements
Profession of faith financial management 658.151 2
Islam 297.34 Profit sharing 331.21647
Professional cinematography 777 labor economics 331.21647
personnel management 658.322 5

Dewey Decimal Classification

Profits 338.516 Programming language

accounting 657.7 translators 005.45
agricultural industries 338.13 Programming languages 005.13
financial management 658.155 computer graphics 006.663
income distribution 339.21 Programs (Broadcasting) 384.544 3
increasing communications 384.544 3
financial management 658.155 4 radio broadcasting 384.544 3
mineral industries 338.23 communications 384.544 3
production economics 338.516 performing arts 791.44
secondary industries 338.43 television broadcasting 384.553 2
taxes 336.243 communications 384.553 2
law 343.052 44 performing arts 791.45
public administration 352.44 Programs (Computers) 005.3
Progeny 306.874 Tl-028 553
Tl-085 4 see also Computer programs
Prognosis Programs (Party platforms) 324.23
medicine 616.075 Programs (Social action) 361.25
Progoneata 595.6 public administration 351
paleozoology 565.6 Progreso (Guatemala:
Program auditing 658.401 3 Dept.) T2-728 153
public administration 352.43 Progress 303.44
Program audits 658.401 3 Progressions 515.24
public administration 352.439 Progressive Conservative Party of
Program design 005.12 Canada 324.271 04
Program documentation Progressive jazz 781.655
preparation 005.15 Progressive National Baptist
text 005.3 Convention 286.135
Program evaluation techniques see also Baptists
(Network analysis) 658.403 2 Progressive Party (U.S. : 1912) 324.273 27
Program maintenance 005.16 Progressive Party (U.S.: 1924) 324.273 27
Program music 781.56 Progressive Party (U.S. : 1948) 324.273 7
Program notes (Music) 780.15 Progressive rock 781.66
Program reliability 005 Progressive taxation 336.293
Program verification 005.14 Prohibited books 098.1
Programmable calculators 510.285 41 Prohibition Party (U.S.) 324.273 8
see Manual at 004.1 Prohibitive tariffs 382.73
Programmable controllers see also Customs (Tariff)
control engineering 629.895 Project Apollo 629.454
Programmed instruction 371.394 4 Project Gemini 629.454
Tl-07 Project management 658.404
electronic 371.334 public administration 352.365
adult education 374.26 Project Mariner 629.435 4
Programming Project Mercury 629.454
dramatic performances 792.023 6 Project method of teaching 371.36
motion pictures 791.430 236 Project Ranger 629.435 3
radio 791.440 236 Projectiles 531.55
stage 792.023 6 military engineering 623.451
television 791.450 236 physics 531.55
Programming (Mathematics) 519.7 Projection welding 671.521 3
Programming computers 005.1 Projections
Tl-028 551 technical drawing 604.245
see also Computer Projective geometry 516.5
programming Projective techniques
psychological testing 155.284

Relative Index

Projectors Propaganda (continued)

manufacturing technology 681.418 international politics 327.14
prokaryotes 579.3 political parties 324.23
paleontology 561.91 political science 320.014
Prolapse of uterus social control 303.375
gynecology 618.144 World War! 940.488
see also Female genital World War II 940.548 8
diseases -humans Propagation of sound 534.2
Proletarian dictatorship 321.92 Propane 665.773
Proletariat 305.562 Propellants 662.26
Tl-086 23 aircraft 629.134 351
see also Working class military explosives 623.452 6
Promethium Propeller-driven airplanes 387.733 43
chemistry 546.414 engineering 629.133 343
Promiscuity military engineering 623.746 042
ethics 176.4 transportation services 387.733 43
see also Sexual relations see also Aircraft
ethics Propellers
Promissory notes 332.77 aircraft 629..134 36
law 346.096 ships 623.873
Promotion (Personnel) Proper integrals 515.43
armed forces 355.112 Proper of the mass 264.36
personal success 650.14 music 782.323 5
personnel management 658.314 24 choral and mixed voices 782.532 35
public administration 352.66 single voices 783.093 235
Promotion (Students) 371.283 Property
Pronghorn 599.639 economic theory 330.17
conservation technology 639.979 639 Holocaust, 1933~ 1945 940.531 813 2
resource economics 333.959 639 law 346.04
Pronouncing dictionaries 413.1 sociology 306.32
specific languages T4-31 Property damage insurance 368.1
Pronouns 415.55 Property insurance 368.1
specific languages T4-555 commercial 368.12
Pronunciation 414 Property law 346.04
applied linguistics 418 Property loss insurance 368.1
specific languages T4--813 Property management
specific subjects Tl--014 public administration 352.5
linguistics 414 Property offenses 364.16
specific languages T4-l52 law 345.026
primary education 372.622 Property rights 323.46
singing 783.043 law 346.042
specialized dictionaries 413..1 Property risks 368.06
specific languages T4-31 Property tax 336.22
Proof theory law 343.054
mathematical logic 511.36 public administration 352.44
Proofreading 808.027 Prophecies 133.3
printing 686.225 5 occultism 133.3
Proofs of God's existence 212.1 religion 203.2
Propaganda 303.375 Biblical 220.15
American Revolution 973.388 eschatological 202.3
armed services 355.34 Christianity 236
see also Unconventional Judaism 296.33
Civil War (United States) 973.788

De•vey Decimal Classification

Prophecies Proprietorships (continued)

religion (continued) management 658.041
messianic initiation 658.114 1
Christianity 232.12 see Manual at 658.04 vs.
Judaism 296.336 658.114, 658.402
Prophecy (Concept) 202.117 taxes 336.207
Christianity 231.745 law 343.068
spiritual gift 234.13 Proprioceptive organs
in Bible 220.15 human anatomy 611.8
Islam 297.211 5 human physiology 612.88
Judaism 296.311 55 Proprioceptive perception
Prophetic books (Old Testament) 224 psychology 152.188 2
Prophetic books Propulsion systems 621.4
(Pseudepigrapha) 229.913 air-cushion vehicles 629.314
Prophetic message spacecraft 629.475
Bible 220.15 unmanned spacecraft 629.465
Prophetic oftlce of Jesus Christ 232.8 Prose literature 808.888
Prophets 200.92 history and criticism 809.988
biography 200.92 specific literatures T3B-808
Islam 297.246 individual authors T3A8
role and function 206.1 Prose poems 808.81
see Manual at 200.92 and history and criticism 809.1
201-209,292-299 specific literatures T3Bl
Prophets (Biblical books) 224 individual authors T3A-1
Prophylaxis Prosecution 345.050 42
public health 614.44 Proselytizing
Propjet Judaism 296.69
aircraft 629.134 353 2 Prosencephalon
Proportion (Architecture) human physiology 612.825
horizontal plane 729.23 medicine 616.8
vertical plane 729.13 Prosimii 599.83
Proportion (Mathematics) 512.924 paleozoology 569.83
algebra 512.924 Prosobranchia 594.32
arithmetic 513.24 paleozoology 564.32
Proportional counters Prosodic analysis (Linguistics) 414.6
nuclear physics 539.773 specific T4--16
Proportional representation 328.334 7 Prosody 808.1
law 342.053 linguistics 414.6
Proportional taxation 336.293 specific languages T4~16
Propositional calculus 511.3 Prospecting 622.1
mathematical logic 511.3 Prospectors 622.109 2
philosophical logic 160 Prosperity
Propositions economics 338.542
philosophical logic 160 Prostate 573.658
Proprietary libraries 027.2 biology 573.658
Proprietor's income human anatomy 611.63
macroeconomics 339.21 human physiology 612.616
Proprietorships 338.72 medicine 616.65
accounting 657.91 see also Male genital system
economics 338.72 Prostate cancer
income tax 336.242 3 incidence 614.599 946 3
law 343.052 68 medicine 616.994 63
law 346.065 see also Cancer humans

Relative Index

prostatic diseases Protective tariffs 382.73

medicine 616.65 see also Customs (Tariff)
see also Male genital Protectorates 321.08
diseases humans see also Semi sovereign states
Prostheses 617.9 Protein cooking 641.563 8
Prosthetic dentistry 617.69 Protein deficiency 571.946
Prosthetic devices Protein plastics 668.43
manufacturing technology 681.761 Proteins 572.6
Prosthetic ophthalmology 617.79 applied nutrition 613.282
Prosthodontics 617.69 animal husbandry 636.085 22
Prostitutes 306.74 biochemistry 572.6
Prostitution 306.74 humans 612.015 75
criminology 364.153 4 chemistry 547.7
criminal law 345.025 34 metabolic disorders 571.946
ethics 176.5 medicine 616.399 5
see also Sexual relations- see also Digestive system
ethics diseases - humans
public control 363.44 metabolism
law 344.054 4 human physiology 612.398
public administration 353.37 Proteinuria
sociology 306.74 medicine 616.63
Protacanthopterygii 597.5 see also Urologic diseases-
Protactinium humans
chemistry 546.424 Proteolytic enzymes 572.76
metallurgy 669.292 4 see also Enzymes
Proteales 583.89 Proterozoic era 551.715
Pro teas 635.933 89 geology 551.715
botany 583.89 paleontology 560.171 5
floriculture 635.933 89 Protest 303.6
Proteases 572.76 social action 361.23
see also Enzymes Protest groups 322.4
Protection of natural resources 333.72 Protest music 781.592
Protectionism 382.73 Protest stoppages 331.892
Protective adaptation 578.47 see also Strikes (Work
animals 591.47 stoppages)
plants 581.47 Protestant art
Protective barriers religious significance 246.4
road engineering 625.795 Protestant churches 280.4
Protective behavior (Animals) 591.566 see also Protestantism
Protective clothing 391.48 Protestant men
commercial technology 687.162 religious associations 267.240 4
customs 391.48 Protestant Methodists 287.53
see also Clothing see also Methodist Church
Protective coatings 667.9 Protestant People's Party of
Protective coloration (Biology) 578.47 Switzerland 324.249 408 2
animals 591.472 Protestant T2-176 14
plants 581.47 Protestant women
Protective construction religious associations 267.440 4
military engineering 623.38 Protestant young adults
Protective gloves religious associations 267.620 4
manufacturing technology 685.43 Protestantism 280.4
Protective headwear 391.43 church law 262.980 4
see also Headwear conversion to 248.244
doctrines 230.044

Dewey Decimal Classification

Protestantism (continued) Protozoology 579.4

guides to Christian life 248.480 4 medicine 616.936 01
missions 266 paleontology 561.99
moral theology 241.040 4 Protura 595.722
public worship 264 Provability logic 511.314
religious associations 267.1804 Provenyal dialect (Occitan
religious education 268.804 language) 449.709 449
seminaries 230.071 1 T6-49l
theology 230.044 Proven9al language 449
Protestants T6--491
biography 280.409 2 Provenyalliterature 849
Protista 579 Provence (France) T2--449
see also Microorganisms Provence-Alpes-Cote
Proto-Malay languages 499.28 d 'Azur (France) T2--449
T6~992 8 Provence-Cote d' Azur
Proto-Nordic language 439.5 (France) T2--449
T6~395 Proverbs 398.9
Proto branchia 594.4 Proverbs (Biblical book) 223.7
Protoceratops 567.915 Providence (R.I.) T2-745 2
Protocol (Diplomacy) 327.2 Providence County (R.I.) T2-745 1
Protocols (Standards) Providence of God 214.8
communications engineering 621.382 12 Christianity 231.5
computer communications 004.62 comparative religion 202.117
interfacing 004.62 Judaism 296.311 4
Protocols (Treaties) philosophy of religion 214.8
law of nations 341.37 Provident societies 334.7
texts 341.026 economics 334.7
Protolepidodendrales 561.79 insurance 368.3
Protomycetales 579.562 Province of Canada 971.04
Proton spin tomography 616.075 48 T2-71
Protons 539.721 23 Provinces 320.83
Protophytes 579 local government units 320.83
Protoplasm 571.6 see also Counties
Prototheria 599.29 public administration 352.14
paleozoology 569.29 support and control 353.33
Protozoa 579.4 see Manual at 351.3-.9
medical microbiology 616.936 01 vs. 352.13-.19; also at
paleontology 561.99 352.13 vs. 352.15
Protozoan diseases 571.994 state-level units 321.023
see also Protozoan infections see also States (Members of
Protozoan infections 571.994 federations)
agriculture 632.3 Provincial administration 352.14
animals 571.994 II see also Provinces public
veterinary medicine 636.089 693 6 administration
biology 571.994 Provincial banks 332.122 4
humans 362.196 936 Provincial-local relations 320.404 9
incidence 614.53 law 342.042
medicine 616.936 public administration 353.334
social services 362.196 936 Provincial planning
plants 571.994 12 civic art 711.3
agriculture 632.3 economics 338.9
see also Communicable
Protozoologists 579.409 2

Relative Index

Provincial taxation 336.201 3 Pseudo-Demetrius II

law 343.043 Russian history 947.045
public administration 352.442 13 Pseudo gospels 229.8
public finance 336.201 3 Pseudoanalytic functions 515.98
Provincialisms Pseudoborniales 561.72
linguistics 417.2 Pseudomonas 579.332
specific languages T4-7 Pseudomonas infections
Provisional courts 342.066 4 incidence 614.57
Prowers County (Colo.) T2-788 98 medicine 616.92
Proximity spaces 514.323 see also Communicable
Proxy diseases - humans
law 346.066 6 Pseudomorphism
Prudence 179.9 crystallography 548.3
see also Virtues Pseudonymous works
Pruning 631.542 bibliographies 014
equipment manufacturing Pseudopoda 571.67
technology 681.763 1 Pseudoscorpiones 595.47
fruit crops 634.044 2 Psi phenomena 133.8
horticulture 635.044 2 Psilophytales 561.74
ornamental arboriculture 635.977 Psilopsida 587.4
ornamental plants 635.915 42 paleobotany 561.74
Pruntrut (Switzerland : Psilotales 587.4
Bezirk) T2---494 366 paleobotany 561.74
Prussia (Kingdom) 943.07 Psittaciforrnes 598.71
T2---43 paleozoology 568.7
Prussia, East (Poland and Psittacosis
Russia) T2---438 32 animals
Poland T2---438 32 veterinary medicine 636.686 539
Russia T2---472 4 humans
Prussia, West (Poland) T2---438 2 incidence 614.566
Prussian language, Old 491.91 medicine 616.958
T6-919 1 see also Communicable
Prussian literature, Old 891.91 diseases - humans
Prussian Saxony T2---431 8 Pskov (Russia : Oblast) T2---472 3
Przemysl (Poland : Pskovskalli oblast' (Russia) T2---472 3
Voivodeship) T2---438 66 Psocoptera 595.732
Przewalski's horse 599.665 5 Psophiidae 598.32
Psalms 223.2 Psoriasis
music 782.294 medicine 616.526
choral and mixed voices 782.529 4 Psychedelic drugs
single voices 783.092 94 pharmacokinetics 615.7883
Psalteries 787.75 Psychedelics abuse 362.294
see also Stringed instruments medicine 616.863 4
Psalters 264.15 personal health 613.83
Anglican 264.030 15 social welfare 362.294
texts 264.038 see also Substance abuse
Roman Catholic 264.020 15 Psychiatric clinics 362.22
texts 264.028 see also Mental health services
PSAT (Assessment test) 378.1662 Psychiatric disorders
Pselaphidae 595.764 2 medicine 616.89
Pseudemys 597.925 94 see also Mental disorders
Pseudepigrapha 229.9 Psychiatric hospitals 362.21
Pseudo-Demetrius I architecture 725.52
Russian history 947.045 see also Mental health services

Dewey Decimal Classification

Psychiatric insurance 368.382 5 Psychological themes

Psychiatric nursing 616.890231 arts TJC-353
Psychiatric social work 362.204 25 literature 808.803 53
Psychiatrists history and criticism 809.933 53
law 344.041 2 literatures T3B-080353
malpractice 344.041 21 history and
Psychiatry 616.89 criticism T3B-093 53
geriatrics 618.976 89 Psychological therapies
pediatrics 618.928 9 medicine 615.851
see }vfanual at 616.89 vs. Psychological warfare 355.343 4
150.195 see also Unconventional
Psychic communication 133.8 warfare
Psychic gifts 133.8 Psychologists 150.92
Psychic healing Psychology 150
medicine 615.852 8 Tl-019
Psychic messages 133.93 information systems 025.061 5
Psychic phenomena 133.8 see Manual at 302-307 vs. 150,
Psychic surgery Tl-019
medicine 615.852 8 Psychology (Animals) 591.5
Psychic talents 133.8 Psychology and religion 201.615
Psychic therapy Christianity 261.515
medicine 615.852 8 Islam 297.261
Psychoanalysis 150.195 Judaism 296.371
psychiatry 616.891 7 Psychology of religion 200.19
psychology 150.195 Psychometrics 150.151 95
see lvfanual at 616.89 vs. tests 150.287
150.195 Psychopathic personality
Psychobiology 573.8 medicine 616.858 2
humans 612.8 see also Mental disorders
Psychodidae 595.772 Psychopathology 616.89
Psychodrama Psychopharmacology 615.78
psychiatry 616.891 523 Psychophysiology
Psychokinesis 133.88 humans 612.8
Psycho linguistics 401.9 Psychoses 362.26
specific languages T4-019 medicine 616.89
Psychological causes of war 355.027 5 see also Mental disorders
World War I 940.3114 puerperal diseases
World War II 940.531 14 medicine 618.76
Psychological characteristics social welfare 362.26
influence on crime 364.24 Psychosexual disorders
Psychological fiction 808.838 3 medicine 616.858 3
history and criticism 809.383 Psychosomatic medicine 616.08
specific literatures TJB-308 3 Psychosurgery 617.481
individual authors T3A-3 Psychotherapy
Psychological principles Tl--019 psychiatry 616.891 4
Psychological systems 150.19 Psychotic disorders
see "Manual at 152-158 vs. medicine 616.89
150.19 see also Mental disorders
Psychotropic drugs
pharmacokinetics 615.788
air conditioning
buildings 697.931 5

~· Relative Index
PT boats 359.835 8 Public behavior
design 623.812 58 customs 390
engineering 623.825 8 etiquette 395.53
naval equipment 359.835 8 Public borrowing 336.34
naval units 359.325 8 see also Public debt
Ptarmigans 598.633 Public broadcasting 384.54
Pteranodon 567.918 radio 384.54
Pteridophyta 587 television 384.554
paleobotany 561.7 Public buildings
Pteridospermales 561.595 architecture 725
Pterobranchia 593.99 interior decoration 747.85
paleozoology 563.99 law 344.067 2
Pteroclididae 598.65 public property 343.025 6
Pterodactyl us 567.918 plant management 352.56
Pteromedusae 593.55 public works 363
Pterophyllum 597.74 public administration 352.77
Pteropoda 594.37 Public carriers 388.041
Pteropodidae 599.49 see also Common carriers
Pterosauria 567.918 Public colleges 378.05
Pterygota 595.7 see alw Higher education
paleozoology 565.7 Public contracts 352.53
Ptilogonatidae 598.853 law 346.023
Ptolemaic dynasty 932.021 Public credit
Puberty 612.661 public t1nance 336.34
customs 392.14 Public debt 336.34
etiquette 395.24 administration 352.45
human physiology 612.661 law 343.037
music 781.583 macroeconomic policy 339.523
Public accounting 657.61 public finance 336.34
law 346.063 Public defenders 345.012 63
Public address systems Public discussion
engineering 621.389 2 literature 808.853
office use 651.79 specific literatures T3B~503

Public administration 351 individual authors T3A~5

armed forces 355.6 rhetoric 808.53
ethics 172.2 Public education 370
see also Political ethics financial management 371.206
subordinate jurisdictions 352.14 government control 379.15
support and control 353.33 law 344.071
see Manual at 351.3~.9 policy issues 379
vs. 352.13~.19; also at public support 379.11
352.13 vs. 352.15 law 344.076
see lvfanual at Tl ~~068 vs. revenue sources 379.13
353-354; also at 320.9, see also Education
320.4 vs. 351; also at 363 Public employees 352.63
vs. 344.02-.05, 353~354 see also Government workers
Public administrators 352.3 Public enterprise (Organization of
biography 351.092 production) 338.62
executive management 352.3 Public enterprises 338.749
investigation Public entertainment 791
public administration 353.46 ethics 175
law 342.068 music 781.55
role and function 352.3

Dewey Decimal Class(fication

Public expenditures 336.39 Public land sales 333.16

administration 352.46 economics 333.16
law 343.034 law 343.025 3
macroeconomic policy 339.522 Public lands 333.1
public finance 336.39 administration 352.57
Public expenditures limitation 336.39 economics 333.1
law 343.034 landscape architecture 712.5
public finance 336.39 law 343.025
Public facilities revenue source 336.12
safety 363.1 Public law 342
public administration 353.97 Public lending rights (Intellectual
sanitation services 363.729 property) 346.048
public administration 353.94 Public liability insurance 368.56
Public finance 336 Public libraries 027.4
accounting 657.835 administration 025.197 4
administration 352.4 collection development 025.218 74
economics 336 public administrative support 353.73
law 343.03 publications for
see Manual at 332, 336 vs. 339 bibliographies 011.67
Public forests 333.75 use studies 025.587 4
economics 333.75 Public library buildings
acquisition and disposal 333.11 architecture 727.824
see also Forest lands Public life of .Jesus Christ 232.95
Public health 362.1 Public lighting 628.95
law 344.04 Public limited companies 338.749
medicine 614 law 346.066 8
public administration 353.6 see also Corporations
social welfare 362.1 Public offerings (Securities) 332.632
Public health law 344:04 corporate law 346.066 2
Public health nursing 610.734 financial economics 332.632
Public health offenses 364.142 financial management 658.15224
law 345.024 2 public finance 336.36
Public hearings Public opinion 303.38
legislative 328.345 Public order
law 348.01 public administration 353.3
see Manual at 300-330, Public order offenses 364.143
355-390 vs. 342-347, law 345.024 3
352-354 Public ownership
nomination of officials 351 land economics 333.1
see J\llanual at 300, 320.6 vs. Public parks 363.68
352-354 see also Parks
public administration 351 Public performances 791
Public housekeeping 647 ethics 175
Public housing 363.585 Public policy 320.6
household management 647.92 law 342.041
law 344.063 635 see Manual at 300, 320.6 vs.
see also Housing 352-354
Public insolvency 336.368 Public preventive medicine 613
Public international law 341 see also Preventive medicine
Public investigations Public property
official misconduct 353.463 land economics 333.1
Public investment 332.672 52 law 343.02
international 332.673 12 management 352.5
Public issues (Securities) 332.632 Public prosecutors 345.012 62

Relative Index

Public radio 384.54 Public television 384.554

Public records 352.387 see also Television
archival treatment 025.1714 Public toilets 363.729 4
civil rights issues 323.448 3 teclmology 628.45
law 342.066 2 see also Sanitation
public administration 352.387 Public transportation 388
Public relations 659.2 see also Transportation
armed forces 355.342 Public transportation vehicles 388.34
arts 700.455 3 driving 629.283 3
T3C-355 3 engineering 629.222 3
libraries 021.7 transportation services 388.34
literature 808.803 553 Public universities 378.05
history and criticism 809.933 553 see also Higher education
local churches 254.4 Public utilities 363.6
public administration 352.748 accounting 657.838
religion 200 area planning 711.7
Public safety 363.1 law 343.09
Public safety offenses 364.142 public administration 354.728
law 345.024 2 energy 354.428
Public sanitation 363.72 social services 363.6
technology 628 see Manual at 333.7-.9 vs.
see also Sanitation 363.6; also at 363.5, 363.6,
Public schools 371.01 363.8 vs. 338
finance 379.11 Public utility workers 363.609 2
law 344.076 Public welfare 361.6
law 344.071 law 344.031 6
primary education 372.104 21 see also Welfare services
secondary education 373.224 Public works 363
see Manual at 371 vs. 353.8, law 344.06
371.2, 379 public property 343.025 6
Public schools (Private schools) 371.02 public administration 352.77
secondary education 373.222 see Manual at 363 vs. 302-307,
Public service (Civil service) 352.63 333.7, 570-590, 600
Public service (Voluntarism) 361.37 Public worship 203.8
public administrative support 352.78 Buddhism 294.343 8
Public service workers 352.63 Christianity 264
see also Government workers flower arrangements 745.926
Public services Hinduism 294.538
libraries 025.5 Islam 297.38
museums 069.1 Judaism 296.45
Tl-075 mUSIC 782.3
Public speaking 808.51 choral and mixed voices 782.53
primary education 372.622 single voices 783.093
Public speeches see also Worship
literature 808.851 Publicity 659
history and criticism 809.51 public administration 352.748
specific literatures T3B-501 Publishers 070.5
individual authors T3A-5 biography 070.509 2
rhetoric 808.51 business organizations 338.761 070 5
Public spending 336.39 journalism 070.5
see al~o Public expenditures occupational ethics 174.907
Public structures relations with authors 070.52
architecture 725 Publishers' catalogs 015

Dewey Decimal Classification

Publishing 070.5 Pullovers 391.46

accounting 657.84 commercial teclmology 687.14
journalism 070.5 home sewing 646.45
law 343.099 8 see also Outerwear
Pubs 647.95 Pulmonary abscesses
see also Drinking places medicine 616.244
Puddings 641.864 4 see also Respiratory tract
Puddling (Furnace practice) 669.1414 diseases - humans
Puducherry (India) T2~548 6 Pulmonary diseases
Puebla (Mexico : State) TI-724 8 medicine 616.24
Pueblo County (Colo.) T2-788 55 see also Respiratory tract
Pueblo Indians 978.900 497 4 diseases humans
T5-974 Pulmonary embolisms
Puerperal diseases medicine 616.249
obstetrics 618.7 see also Respiratory tract
Puerperal infections diseases - humans
obstetrics 618.74 Pulmonary heart disease
Puerperal perticemia medicine 616.12
obstetrics 618.74 see also Cardiovascular
Puerperal pyemia diseases- humans
incidence 614.545 Pulmonary hypertension
obstetrics 618.74 medicine 616.24
Puerperal septicemia see also Respiratory tract
incidence 614.545 diseases humans
obstetrics 618.74 Pulmonary sarcoidosis
Puerperium medicine 616.429
obstetrics 618.6 Pulmonary thromboses
Puerto Plata (Dominican medicine 616.249
Republic) T2-729 358 see also Respiratory tract
Puerto Rican campaign, 1898 973.893 5 diseases - humans
Puerto Rican literature 860 Pulmonary tuberculosis
Puerto Ricans 305.868 729 5 incidence 614.542
T5-687295 medicine 616.995
Puerto Rico 972.95 see also Respiratory tract
T2-729 5 diseases - humans
Puffballs 579.599 Pulmonary valve
Puffbirds 598.72 human anatomy 61l.l2
Puffer fishes 597.64 human physiology 612.17
Puffins 598.33 medicine 616.125
Pug(Dog) 636.76 Pulmonary valve diseases
Puget Sound (Wash.) 551.461 432 medicine 616.125
T2-164 32 see also Cardiovascular
Puglia (Italy) TI-457 5 diseases - humans
ancient T2-377 5 Pulmonata 594.38
Puk.aki, Lake (N.Z.) T2--938 8 Pulp 676.1
Pulaski County (Ark.) T2-767 73 Pulp industry workers 676.109 2
Pulaski County (Ga.) T2-758 523 Pulpboards 676.183
Pulaski County (Ill.) TI-773 998 Pulpit platforms
Pulaski County (Ind.) T2-772 925 church architecture 726.593
Pulaski County (Ky.) T2-769 63 Pulpits
Pulaski County (Mo.) T2-778 57 church architecture 726.529 2
Pulaski County (Va.) T2-755 775 Pulpwood
Pulau Pinang (State) T2-595 1 forest product 634.983
Puli 636.737

Relative Index

Pulque 641.23 Punishment

commercial processing 663.49 armed forces 355.133 25
Pulsars 523.887 4 law 345.077
pulsating stars 523.844 25 penology 364.6
pulsating variables 523.844 25 prisons 365.644
pulse social control 303.36
human physiology 612.14 social theology 201.764
musical element 781.222 Christianity 261.833 6
Pulse circuits student discipline 371.54
electronic circuits 621.381 534 Punjab (India) T2-545 52
Pulse detectors Punjab (India: Province) T2-545
electronic circuits 621.381 536 5 Punjab (India : State) T2-545 5
Pulse generators Punjab (Pakistan) T2-549 14
electronic circuits 621.381 534 Punjabi language 491.42
Pulse-jet T6-914 2
aircraft 629.134 353 6 Punjabi literature 891.42
Pulse-modulated radar systems Punjab is T5-914 21
621.384 85 Punk rock 781.66
Pulse modulators Puno (Peru: Dept.) T2-853 6
electronic circuits 621.3815365 Puntarenas (Costa Rica :
Pulse processes Province) T2-728 67
electronics 621.381 534 Punting (Boating) 797.123
Puma 599.752 4 Punting (Kicking)
conservation technology 639.979 752 4 American football 796.332 27
resource economics 333.959 752 4 Punulanguage 496.396
Pumice 553.65 T6--963 96
petrology 552.23 Puppet films 791.433 4
Pumping stations Puppet masters 791.530 92
sewer "'u"~ll'"'"l 628.29 Puppeteers 791.530 92
water supply ""''ullovtm0 628.144 Puppetry 791.53
Pumpkins 641.356 2 Christian religious use 246.725
botany 583.63 religious education 268.67
commercial processing 664.805 62 primary education 372.674
cooking 641.656 2 production scripts 791.538
food 641.356 2 Puppets 791.53
garden crop 635.62 making 688.722 4
Pumps 621.69 handicrafts 745.592 24
hydraulic 621.252 technology 688.722 4
ships 623.873 performing arts 791.53
Punched card readers 004.76 see also Toys
computer ""'!b•wo"'''ue 621.398 6 Purace National Park
Punched cards 004.56 (Colombia) T2-861 53
electronic data processing 004.56 Puranas 294.592 5
nonelectronic data processing 004.9 Purari River (Gulf Province,
Punching tools 621.96 Papua New Guinea) T2-954 7
Punctuated equilibrium 576.82 Purbeck (England) T2-423 36
Punctuation 411 Purcell Mountains (B.C. and
specific '""i"'U")',"" T4-ll Mont.) T2-711 65
Puncture wounds Purchase contracts
medicine 617.143 accounting 657.75
Punic language 492.6 materials management 658.723
Punic Wars, 264-146 B.C. 937.04

Dewey Decimal Classification

Purchase of real property 333.33 Pursuit planes 358.438 3

economics 333.33 engineering 623.746 4
private ownership 333.33 military equipment 358.438 3
public ownership 333.13 Pus 571.937 9
law 346.043 62 Pushball 796.33
private ownership 346.043 62 Pushmataha County (Okla.) T2-76665
public ownership 343.025 2 Pushto language 491.593
Purchasing 658.72 T6-915 93
Tl-068 7 Pushto literature 891.593
see also Procurement Puss in comer 796.14
Purchasing manuals 381.33 Puteoli (Italy) T2-377 25
Purchasing power 339.42 Putin, Vladimir Vladimirovich
cost of living 339.42 Russian history 947.086 2
value of money 332.41 Putnam County (Fla.) T2-759 17
Purchasing power parity 332.456 Putnam County (Ga.) T2-758 576
Pure food control 363.192 Putnam County (Ill.) T2-773 375
see also Food- product safety Putnam County (Ind.) T2-772 49
Pure Land Buddhism 294.392 6 Putnam County (Mo.) T2-778 232
Pure mathematics 510 Putnam County (N.Y.) T2-747 32
Pure sciences 500 Putnam County (Ohio) T2-771 18
see also Science Putnam County (Tenn.) T2-768 67
Purepechalanguage 497.96 Putnam County (W.Va.) T2-754 35
T6-979 6 Putonghua (Standard Chinese 495.1
Purgatives language) T6-951 1
pharmacokinetics 615.732 Puts (Finance) 332.645 3
Purgatory multiple forms of investment 332.645 3
Christianity 236.5 stocks 332.632 283
Purification Puts and calls 332.645 3
oils and gases 665.028 3 multiple forms of investment 332.645 3
petroleum distillates 665.534 stocks 332.632 283
Purified pulp 676.4 Putters (Golf equipment) 796.352 35
Purim 296.436 Putting 796.352 35
liturgy 296.453 6 Putumayo (Colombia :
Purines 547.596 Dept.) T2-861 63
chemical engineering 661.894 Puy-de-Dome (France) T2--445 91
Puritanism 285.9 Puzzles 793.73
doctrines 230.59 Pwani (Tanzania) T2-67823
moral theology 241.045 9 Pycnogonida 595.496
persecution of others 272.8 paleozoology 565.49
Puritans Pyelitis
biography 285.909 2 medicine 616.613
Purple bacteria 579.38 see also Urologic diseases -
Purple nonsulfur bacteria 579.385 humans
Purpose Pyelocystitis
philosophy 124 medicine 616.613
Purposive psychology 150.193 see also Urologic diseases-
Purses (Handbags) 391.44 humans
customs 391.44 Pyelonephritis
manufacturing technology 685.51 medicine 616.613
see also Accessories (Clothing) see also Urologic diseases-
Purslanes 583.53 humans
Pursuit (Law enforcement) 363.232
Pursuit forces (Air warfare) 358.43

Relative Index

ryemia Pyrenomycetes 579.567

•• incidence 614.577 Pyridines 547.593
medicine 616.944 chemical engineering 661.894
see also Communicable Pyrite
diseases - humans mineralogy 549.32
puerperal diseases Pyroclastic rocks 552.23
incidence 614.545 Pyrography 745.514
. obstetrics 618.74 Pyrolaceae 583.66
' ygmies (African peoples) T5~960 67 Pyromagnctism 538.3
ygroY right whale 599.52 Pyromania
fy'gmy sperm whales 599.547 medicine 616.858 43
gopodidae 597.952 see also Mental disorders
}'ylorus 573.36 Pyrometallurgy 669.028 2
biology 573.36 Pyrometers
human anatomy 611.33 manufacturing technology 681.2
medicine 616.33 Pyrometry 536.52
surgery 617.553 Pyrophyllite
see also Digestive system mineralogy 549.67
i rylorus diseases Pyrotechnical devices
medicine 616.33 military communications
see also Digestive system engineering 623.731 3
diseases~ humans Pyrotechnics 662.1
:Pyorrhea Pyrotheria 569.62
" dentistry 617.632 Pyroxenes
J ?yracanthas 635.933 73 mineralogy
Pyrrhonic philosophy
~ botany 583.73
f floriculture 635.933 73 Pyrroles 547.593
( Pyralidoidea 595.78 chemical engineering 661.894
vPyramid power 001.94 Pyrrophyta 579.87
! Pyramidellacea 594.34 Pythagorean philosophy 182.2
! Pyramids (Buildings) 909 Pythagorean theorem 516.22
' Aztec 972.018 Pythoninae 597.967 8
Egyptian 932 Pythons 597.967 8
Incan 985.019
Mayan 972.810 16 Q
Guatemala 972.810 16
Mexico 972.650 16 Q fever
Mexican 972.01 incidence 614.526 5
Toltec 972.017 medicine 616.922 5
Pyramids (Geometry) 516.156 see also Communicable
Pyramids (Marketing) 381.1 diseases - humans
management 658.872 Q hypothesis (Gospels) 226.066
Pyrans 547.592 Qacentina (Algeria:
chemical engineering 661.8 Province) T2 655
Pyrazoles 547.593 Qa(jarif(Sudan: State) T2--{)25
chemical engineering 661.894 QadarTyah (Islamic sect) 297.835
Pyrenees (France and Spain) T2-465 Qaddafi, Muammar
France T2-447 3 Libyan history 961.204 2
Spain T2-465 Qadiriyah (Sufi order) 297.48
Pyrenees-Atlantiques Qiidisiyah (Iraq) T2~567 5
(France) T2-447 16 Qahirah (Egypt : Province) T2~6216
Pyrenees National Park T2-447 8 Qalyiibiyah (Egypt) T2-<>21
Pyrenees-Orientales Qamani'tuaq (Nunavut) T2-719 58
(France) T2-448 9

Dewey Decimal Classification

Qatar 953.63 Qualitative analysis 543.1

T2-536 3 Qualitative research 001.42
ancient 939.49 Tl-072 l
T2-394 9 Quality control
Qataris TS-927 536 3 management 658.401 3
Qattara Depression (Egypt) T2--622 military administration 355.685 7
Qausuittuq (Nunavut) T2-719 52 production management 658.562
QazvTn (Iran: Province) T2--551 8 public administration 352.357
Qi gong 613.714 89 statistical mathematics 519.86
Qib1ah 297.382 Quality engineering 620.004 5
Qigong 613.714 89 Quality of life 306
Qikiqtaa1uk (Nunavut) T2-719 52 Quality of work life 306.361
Qin dynasty 931.04 labor economics 331.256
Qina (Egypt : Province) T2--623 Quality standards
Qing dynasty 951.03 commerce 389.63
Qinghai Sheng (China) T2--514 7 Quang Binh (Vietnam) T2- 597 4
Qira'iit 297.122 404 5 Quang Nam (Vietnam :
Qohelet 223.8 Province) T2-597 5
Qoran 297.122 Quang Ngai (Vietnam :
Quackery Province) T2-597 5
medicine 615.856 Quang Ninh (Vietnam :
Quad roller hockey 796.356 64 Province) T2-5972
Quadra Island (B.C.) T2-7112 Quang Trj (Vietnam :
Quadraphonic sound systems Province) T2-5974
engineering 621.389 334 Quangos 352.8
Quadratic equations 512.942 22 law 346.067
algebra 512.942 22 Quantitative analysis 543.1
calculus 515.252 Quantitative research 001.42
Quadratic forms 512.74 Tl-0721
Quadratic programming 519.76 Quantity
Quadratic residues 512.72 philosophy 119
Quadrature 515.43 Quantity standards
Quadrilaterals 516.154 commerce 389.62
Quadrilles 793.34 Quantity surveying 692.5
Quadros, Jiinio Tl-029
Brazilian history 981.062 Quantity theory
Quadruplets 306.875 monetary economics 332.401
see also Siblings Quantock Hills (England) T2--423 85
Quagga 599.665 716 8 Quantum chemistry 541.28
Quails 598.627 Quantum chromodynarnics 539.754 8
conservation technology 639.978 627 Quantum electrodynamics 530.143 3
resource economics 333.958 627 Quantum electronics 537.5
sports hunting 799.246 27 Quantum field theory 530.143
Quakers 289.6 Quantum flavor 539.721 67
biography 289.609 2 Quantum mechanics 530.12
see also Society of Friends Quantum physics 539
Qualifications of employees 331.114 Quantum statistical mechanics 530.133
economics 331.114 Quantum statistics 530.133
personnel management 658.306 Quantum theory 530.12
job analysis 658.306 Quantum theory of light 535.15
public administration 352.64 Quapaw Indians T5 -975 25
public administration 352.64 Quarantine
selection 658.311 2 disease control 614.46
public administration 352.65 law 344.043

Relative Index

539.721 67 Queen bees

622.35 apiculture 638.145
•· Quarrymg
·Quarter (Law of war) 341.65 Queen Charlotte Islands
636.133 (B.c.) T2~711 12
. Quarter horse
~Quarters (Time interval) 529.2 Queen Charlotte Sound (B.C.) 551.461 433
'Quarters for military personnel 355.71 T2-164 33
Quartets Queen Charlotte Strait (B.C.) 551.461 433
785.14 T2~164 33
chamber music
783.14 Queen Maud Land T2~989
vocal music
' Quartic equations 512.942 2 Queens (Chessmen) 794.146
512.942 2 Queens (N.B.) T2~715 42
calculus 515.252 Queens (N.S. : Regional
municipality) T2~716 24
materials science 620.198 Queens (New York, N.Y.) T2~747 243
549.68 Queens (P .E. I.) T2~717 4
:Quartzite 552.4 Queens (Rulers) 352.23
Quasars 523.115 see also Monarchs; Royalty
Quasi contract 346.029 Queenscliff(Vic.) T2~945 2
Quasi-judicial agencies 352.8 Queensland T2~943
, . Quaternary period 551.79 Queenstown (South Africa :
geology 551.79 District) T2~687 55
560.179 Queenstown (Tas.) T2~946 6
f: Quatemions 512.5
T2-789 26
Queenstown-Lakes District
(N.Z.) T2~939 5
~ ~:~sCounty (N.M.) Queleas 598.887
" engineering 627.31 agricultural pests 632.688 87
t see also Port facilities
Queanbeyan (N.S.W.) T2~9447
see also Woodwind instruments

Quebec (Province) 971.4 Quenching metals 671.36

T2-714 Quercoideae 583.46
see Manual at T2-713 and Queretaro (Mexico: State) T2~724 5
T2~714 Quesnay, Fran((ois
Quebec (Quebec) T2~714471 economic school 330.152
Quebec (Quebec : Urban Quesnel (B.C.) T2~7ll 75

agglomeration) T2-714471 Quesnel Lake (B.C.) T2--711 75

Quebec Act, 1774 971.022 Quesnel River (B.C.) T2-711 75
Quebec Conference, 1864 971.049 Question
Quebec Metropolitan philosophical logic 160.119
Community (Quebec) T2-71447 Question-answering systems 006.3
Quebec Sign Language 419.714 Questione meridionale 945.709
T6-999 871 4 Questionnaires
497.572 descriptive research 001.433
T6~975 72 Tl~072 3

Quechua Indians T5--983 23 Questions and answers

Quechua language 498.323 study and teaching Tl-076
T6-983 23 Quetta District (Pakistan) T2~549 152

Quechua literature 898.323 Quetzals 598.73

Quechuan Indians T5~983 23 Queuing processes 519.82
Quechuan languages 498.323 Queuing theory 519.82
T6~983 23 management decision making 658.403 4
Queen Anne's County (Md.) T2~752 34 Quezaltenango (Guatemala:
Queen Anne's lace 583.849 Dept.) T2~728 182
Queen Anne's War, 1701-1714 940.252 6 Quezon (Philippines :
North American history 973.25 Province) T2~599 1

Dewey Decimal Classffication

Quicas 786.98 Quito Presidency 986.604

see also Percussion instmments T2-866
Quiche (Guatemala) T2~728 172 Quizzes
Quiche Indians T5~974 23 recreation 793.73
Quiche language 497.423 Qum (Iran : Province) T2-552 6
T6~97423 Qumbu (South Africa :
Quiche literature 897.423 District) T2-687 58
Quichean languages 497.42 · Qumran community 296.815
T6~9742 Dead Sea Scrolls 296.155
Quichcan-Mamean languages 497.42 Qunaytirah (Syria :
T6-9742 Province) T2-56914
Quiches 641.82 Quoits 796.24
Quick breads 641.815 7 Quorn (S. Aust.) T2-942 36
commercial baking 664.752 3 Quotas
Quiddity 111.1 import trade 382.52
Quietism 273.7 see also Import trade
persecution of 272.5 Quotations 080
Quileute Indians T5-979 literature 808.882
Quilling specific literatures T3B-802
handicrafts 745.54 individual authors T3A-8
Quillota (Chile: Province) T2-832 52 see Manual at 080 vs. 800; also
Quill worts 587.9 at081-089
Quilting Quran 297.122
arts 746.46 Qwabe (Kingdom) 968.403 8
home 646.21 T2--684
Quilts 645.4 Qwaqwa (South Africa) T2-685 I
arts 746.46
household equipment 645.4 R
Quinary system (Numeration) 513.5
Quinces 641.341 4 Rand D (Research)
botany 583.73 production management 658.57
cooking 641.641 4 R&B 781.644
food 641.341 4 Rabat (Morocco) T2-643 6
orchard crop 634.14 Rabat (Morocco :
Quindio (Colombia) T2 861 34 Prefecture) T2-643 6
Quinine Rabat-Sale-Zemmour-Zaer
medicinal crop 633.883 93 (Morocco) T2-643 6
Quinoidals 667.256 Rabaul (Papua New Guinea) T2-958 5
Quinolines 547.596 Rabbinicalliterature 296.1
chemical enj~Jneermg 661.894 Rabbinical seminaries 296.071 1
Quinonization Rabbis 296.092
chemical enj;meermg 660.284 43 biography 296.092
Quintana Roo (Mexico : specific denominations 296.8
State) T2~7267 professional ethics 296.364 1
Quintets role and function 296.61
chamber music 785.15 training 296.071 I
vocal music 783.15 Rabbit hair textiles 677.35
Quintuplets 306.875 see also Textiles
see also Siblings Rabbits 599.32
Quirino, Elpidio agricultural pests 632.693 2
Philippine history 959.904 2 animal husbandry 636.932 2
Quitman County (Ga.) T2-758 924 conservation technology 639.979 32
Quitman County (Miss.) T2-762 453 experimental animals
Quito (Ecuador) T2-866 13 medicine 616.027 3

Relative Index

';Rabbits (continued) 796

· resource economics 333.959 32 aircraft 797.52
small game hunting 799.259 32 animals 798
zoology 599.32 798.8
horses 798.4
animals automobiles 796.72
incidence 636.089 456 3 bicycles 796.62
veterinary medicine 636.089 695 3 BMX bicycles 796.622
humans boats 797.14
incidence 614.563 eyclo-cross bicycles 796.624
medicine 616.953 humans 796.42
see also Communicable midget cars 796.76
diseases humans motor scooters 796.75
,Rabies virus 579.256 6 motor vehicles 796.7
"; Rabun County (Ga.) T2-758 123 motorcycles 796.75
Raccoons 599.763 2 mountain bicycles 796.63
trapping 639.117 632 road bicycles 796.626
Race discrimination 305.8 soapboxes 796.6
law 342.087 3 track bicycles 796.628
Race discrimination in animals
employment 331.6 animal husbandry 636.088 8
law 344.016 Racing cars 796.72
Race relations 305.8 629.284 8
200.89 engineering 629.228
Christianity 270.089 repair 629.287 8
sociology 305.8 sports 796.72
Race walking 796.429 Racism 305.8
· Racehorses 636.12 TI---089
sports 798.4 ethics 177.5
Racerunners (Lizards) 597.958 25 see aL,·o Discrimination
Races (Ethnology) 305.8 ethics
physical ethnology 599.97 political ideology 320.569
Races (Sports) 796 religion 200.89
see also Racing Christianity 270.089
Racetracks Racism in textbooks
architecture 725.89 public control 379.156
automobiles 796.720 68 Rack railroads 385.6
horses 798.400 68 engineering 625.33
humans 796.420 68 transportation services 385.6
Rachidia (Morocco : Racket games 796.34
Province) T2-645 equipment technology 688.763 4
Racial characteristics Racketeering 364.106 7
physical ethnology 599.972 law 345.02
Racial conflict 305.8 Rackets (Game) 796.343
influence on crime 364.256 Rackets players 796.343 092
Racial discrimination 305.8 Racketts 788.5
Racial groups 305.8 see also Woodwind instruments
Tl-089 Racon 621.384 8
see also Ethnic groups marine navigation 623.893 3
Racial minorities 305.8 Racquetball 796.343
see also Ethnic groups Radar 621.384 8
Racially mixed people T5-05 airport engineering 629.136 6
Racine County (Wis.) T2--775 96 electronic engineering 621.384 8
marine navigation 623.893 3

Dewey Decimal Classification

Radar (continued) Radiative heating

military enl~in<eering 623.734 8 buildings 697.1
military gunnery 623.557 Radiators
nautical engineering 623.856 48 heating buildings 697.07
weather reporting 551.635 3 steam 697.507
Rade1anguage 499.22 Radical Democratic Party (Swiss
T6-992 2 political party) 324.249 406
Radford (Va.) T2-755 786 Radical Party (Italy) 324.245 06
Radha Soami Satsang 294 Radical theory 512.4
Radial street patterns Radicalism
area planning 711.41 agent of social change 303.484
Radiant energy 539.2 political ideology 320.53
Radiant panel heating Radicals (Chemicals) 541.224
buildings 697.72 Radiesthesia 133.323
Radiant points Radii (Bones)
astronomy 523.53 human anatomy 611.717
Radiation 539.2 Radio 384.5
biophysics 571.45 accounting 657.84
humans 612.014 48 communications services 384.5
effect on materials 620.112 28 engineering 621.384
effect on space flight 629.416 influence on crime 364.254
meteorology 551.527 instructional use 371.333 1
physics 539.2 adult level 374.26
solid-state physics 530.416 Tl~~071 5

Radiation (Biological evolution) 576.84 journalism 070.194

Radiation biology 571.45 law 343.099 45
humans 612.014 48 marine navigation 623.893 2
Radiation chemistry 541.382 military engineering 623.734
applied 660.298 2 nautical engineering 623.856 4
Radiation dosimetry performing arts 791.44
human biophysics 612.014 480 287 public administration 354.75
radiotherapy 615.842 religion 201.7
Radiation injuries 571.934 5 Christianity 261.52
agriculture 632.3 evangelism 269.26
animals 571.934 51 preaching 251.07
veterinary medicine 636.089 698 97 use by local Christian
humans 362.196 989 7 church 253.78
medicine 616.989 7 administration 254.3
social services 362.196 989 7 sociology 302.234 4
see also Environmental see Manual at 384.54, 384.55,
diseases -humans 384.8 vs. 791.4
plants 571.934 52 Radio adaptations 791.446
Radiation measurement 539.77 Radio advertising 659.142
Radiation safety 363.179 9 Radio astronomy 522.682
public administration 353.999 Radio beacons
see also Hazardous materials engineering 621.384 191
Radiation sickness 571.934 5 Radio comment
see also Radiation injuries journalism 070.442
Radiation therapy Radio communication 384.5
medicine 615.842 Radio compasses
Radiation warfare 358.39 aircraft engineering 629.135 l
Radiation weapons 358.398 2 engineering 621.384 191
engineering 623.446 marine navigation 623.893 2
military equipment 358.398 2

Relative Index

~ Radio contra~ Radio waves (continued)

airport engmeering 629.1366 physics 537.534
engineering 621.384 196 propagation and transmission 621.384 11
. Radio direction finders Radioactivation analysis 543.63
~ aircraft engineering 629.135 I Radioactive fallout 363.738
/ Radio drama 791.447 physics 539.753
f: see also Radio plays social problem 363.738
~ Radio engineers 621.384 092 see also Pollution
f Radio evangelism 269.26 Radioactive materials
i. Radio frequency allocation 384.545 24 public administration 353.999
, Radio frequency identification 006.245 public safety 363.179 9
· computer science 006.245 Radioactive pollution 363.738
engineering 621.384 192 effect on natural ecology 577.277
Radio-frequency spectroscopes see also Pollution
manufacturing technology 681.4148 Radioactive substances 539.752
Radio genres 791.446 Radioactive tracers
Radio music 781.544 analytical chemistry 543.63
Radio networks 384.540 65 Radioactive wastes 363.728 9
enterprises 384.540 65 environmental engineering 628.5
facilities 384.545 5 air pollution 628.535
performing arts 791.44 water pollution 628.168 5
Radio news 070.43 law 344.046 22
Radio plays 791.447 public administration 353.999
literature 808.822 2 social services 363.728 9
history and criticism 809.222 technology 621.483 8
specific literatures T3B-202 2 Radioactivity 539.752
individual authors T3A-2 Radioactivity prospecting 622.159
radio programs 791.447 Radiobiology 571.45
rhetoric 808.222 humans 612.014 48
see ;\1anual at 791.437 and Radiobroadcasting 384.54
791.447, 791.457, 792.9; see Manual at 384.54, 384.55,
alsoat808.82 vs. 791.437, 384.8 vs. 791.4
791.447, 791.457, 792.9 Radiochemical analysis 543.63
Radio programs 384.544 3 Radiochemistry 541.38
broadcasting 384.544 3 chemical engineering 660.298
performing arts 791.44 Radiocommunication 384.5
Radio public speaking 808.51 see also Radio
Radio relay Radioecology 577.277
telephone engineering 621.387 82 Radioelements 539.752
Radio scripts 791.447 Radiofrequency spectroscopy
rhetoric 808.066 791 engineering 621.361
see also Radio plays physics 537.534
Radio stations 384.545 3 Radio genetics 572.838
architecture 725.23 Radiographic testing
engineering 621.384 materials science 620.112 72
enterprises 384.540 65 Radiography
facilities 384.545 3 engineering 621.367 3
performing arts 791.44 medicine 616.075 72
Radio telescopes 522.682 Radioimmunoassay
Radio towers medicine 616.075 7
architecture 725.23 Radioimmunoimaging
Radio waves 537.534 medicine 616.075 75
biophysics 571.453 Radioisotope scanning
humans 612.014 481 medicine 616.075 75

Dewey Decimal Classification

Radioisotope therapy Radium (continued)

medicine 615.842 4 metallurgy 669.725
Radioisotopes 539.752 see also Chemicals
chemical engineering 660.298 84 Radium therapy
chemistry 541.388 4 medicine 615.842 3
physics 539.752 Radnor (Wales: District) T2-~29 51
technology 621.483 7 Radom (Poland :
therapeutics 615.842 4 Voivodeship) T2--438 41
Radiolaria 579.45 Radon
paleontology 561.995 air pollution 363.738
Radiology see also Pollution
medicine 616.075 7 air pollution technology 628.535
Radiology services 362.177 chemistry 546.756
see also Health services economic geology 553.97
Radio lysis 54!.382 gas technology 665.822
chemical engineering 660.298 2 Radon transforms 515.723
Radiometry Rae Lakes (N.W.T.) T2-719 3
human biophysics 612.014 480 287 Raetia TI-36947
radiotherapy 615.842 Austria T2-363 64
Radionuclide imaging Switerland T2-36947
medicine 616.075 75 Raeto-Romance languages 459.9
Radionuclides 539.752 T6-599
Radios 621.384 18 Raeto-Romance literatures 859.9
automobile 629.277 Raffia
Radioscopic diagnosis textile arts 746.41
medicine 616.075 7 textiles 677.54
Radioscopic urinalysis see also Textiles
medicine 616.075 7 Raffia palm 584.5
Radiosondes Rafflesia1es 583.2
weather reporting 551.635 2 Raft zithers 787.73
Radiotelegraphy 384.52 see also Stringed instruments
communications services 384.52 Rafting (Sports) 797.121
engineering 621.384 2 Rafts 386.229
military engineering 623.734 2 design 623.812 9
see also Radio engineering 623.829
Radiotelephony 384.53 transportation services 386.229
communications services 384.53 Rag pulp 676.13
engineering 621.384 5 Ragas 781.264
military engineering 623.734 5 Ragtime 781.645
see also Radio Ragusa (Italy :Province) TI--458 15
Radiotherapy ancient T2-378 15
medicine 615.842 Ragweeds 583.99
Radishes 641.351 5 Ragworts 583.99
botany 583.64 Rail fastenings
commercial processing 664.805 15 railroad engineering 625.15
cooking 641.651 5 Rail transit services 388.42
food 641.351 5 see also Local rail transit
garden crop 635.15 systems
Radium 669.725 Railings
chemical engineering 661.039 6 church architecture 726.529 6
chemistry 546.396 Railroad accidents 363.122
economic geology 553.493 see also Railroad safety
human toxicology 615.925 396 Railroad atlases 385.022 3
specific areas 385.09

k Relative Index
Railroad bridges 385312 Railroad transportation (continued)
see also Bridges local transit 388.42
Railroad buildings 385.314 see also Local rail transit
architecture 725.33 systems
see also Railroad terminals public administration 354.767
Railroad cars 385.32-.34 transportation services 385
see also Rolling stock see also Railroads
Railroad construction workers 625.100 92 Railroad transportation workers 385.092
Railroad crossings 385.312 Railroad workers 385.092
engineering 625.163 construction 625.100 92
transportation services 385.312 Railroad yards 385.314
Railroad engineers 625.100 92 625.18
Railroad freight stations 385.314 law 343.095 2
architecture 725.32 transportation services 385.314
see also Railroad terminals Railroads 385
Railroad insurance electrification
inland marine 368.233 technology 621.33
Railroad mail 383.143 625.1
see also Postal service investment 332.672 2
Railroad passenger stations 385.314 landscape architecture 713
architecture 725.31 military engineering 623.63
see also Railroad terminals mining 622.66
Railroad police 363.287 4 transportation services 385
Railroad post offices 383.42 see also Railroad transportation
see also Postal service Rails (Birds) 598.32
Railroad safety 363.122 Rails (Railroads) 625.15
engineering 625.100 289 Railway carriages 385.32 .34
law 343.095 see also Rolling stock
public administration 353.98 Railways 385
social services 363.122 see also Railroads
Railroad stations 385.314 Rain 551.577
Railroad terminals 385.314 crop damage 632.16
architecture 725.31 meteorology 551.577
area planning 711.75 weather forecasting 551.647 7
engineering 625.18 weather modification 551.687 7
special purpose 625.3-.6 Rain forests 333.75
institutional housekeeping 647.963 1 T2~152
law 343.095 2 biology 578.734
transportation services 385.314 ecology 577.34
special purpose 385.5 see also Forest lands
urban 388.472 Rainbows 551.567
Railroad ties 625.143 Raincoats 391.46
Railroad tracks 385.312 customs 39!.46
engineering 625.14 home sewing 646.45
interurban railroads 625.65 see also Clothing
local railroads 625.65 Rainfall 551.577
law 343.095 2 Rains County (Tex.) T2~764 275
military engineering 623.631 Rainy Lake (Minn. and
transportation services 385.312 Ont.) T2-776 79
Railroad transportation 385 Rainy River (Minn. and
engineering 625.1 Ont.) T2-776 79
law 343.095 Rainy River (Ont. : District) T2~713 117
Raised-character publications
publishing 070.579 2

Dewey Decimal Classification

Raja yoga 181.45 Ramie (continued)

Hinduism 294.543 6 textiles 677.15
philosophy 181.45 see also Textiles
Rajasthan (India) T2~544 Ramjet engines
Raj asthani language 491.479 aircraft 629.134 353 5
T6--914 79 Ramos, Fidel V.
Raj asthani literature 891.479 Philippine history 959.904 8
Rajasthani-speaking people T5-914 79 Ramos, Nereu
Rajiformes 597.35 Brazilian history 981.062
paleozoology 567.35 Ramphastidae 598.72
Rajshahi (Bangladesh : Ramps 721.83
Division) T2~549 24 architecture 721.83
Raleigh (N.c.) T2-756 55 canal engineering 627.1353
Raleigh County (W.Va.) T2~754 73 construction 690.183
Rallidae 598.32 Ramses II, King of Egypt
Rallies (Automobile sport) 796.73 Egyptian history 932.014
Ralls County (Mo.) T2-778 355 Ramsey County (Minn.) T2-776 58
RAM (Computer memory) 004.53 Ramsey County (N.D.) T2~78436
engineering 621.397 3 Ramu languages 499.12
Rama I, King of Siam T6~9912
Thai history 959.303 I Rana 597.892
Rama II, King of Siam Ranales 583.34
Thai history 959.303 2 Ranch-style houses
Rama III, King of Siam architecture 728.373
Thai history 959.303 3 Ranchers 636.010 92
Rama IV, King of Siam Ranches 636.01
Thai history 959.303 4 Ranchowner insurance 368.096
Rama V, King of Siam Randall County (Tex.) T2~764 834
Thai history 959.303 5 Randburg (South Africa :
Rama VI, King of Siam District) T2--682 26
Thai history 959.304 1 Randfontein (South Africa :
Rama VII, of Siam District) T2~68222
Thai history 959.304 2 Randolph County (Ala.) T2~761 57
Rama VIII, King of Thailand Randolph County (Ark.) T2-767 24
Thai history 959.304 3 Randolph County (Ga.) T2-758 932
Rama IX, King of Thailand Randolph County (Ill.) T2~773 92
Thai history 959.304 4 Randolph County (Ind.) T2~772 66
Ramadan 297.362 Randolph County (Mo.) T2-778283
Ramakrishna movement 294.555 Randolph County (N.C.) T2-756 61
Raman effect 535.846 Randolph County (W.Va.) T2-75485
Raman spectroscopes Random-access memory 004.53
manufacturing technology 681.4146 engineering 621.397 3
Raman spectroscopy 543.57 Random fields 519.23
analytical chemistry 543.57 Random processes 519.23
engineering 621.361 Random walks 519.282
physics 535.846 Ranganathan's Colon
Ramanujacharya (Philosophy) 181.483 Classification 025.435
Ramayana 294.592 2 Range finders
Rameses II, King of Egypt military engineering 623.46
Egyptian history 932.014 photography 771.37
Ramie Range management 636.084 5
botany 583.45 animal husbandry 636.084 5
fiber crop 633.55 forage agriculture 633.202

Relative Index

Rangelands 333.74 Rapid

ecology 577.4 engineering 625.4
see also Grasslands see also Local rail transit
: Rangeley Lakes (Me. and systems
T2~741 7 Rapides Parish (La.) T2~763 69
Ranger project 629.435 3 Rappahannock County (Va.) T2~ 755 395
Rangers (Armed forces) 356.167 Rappahmmock River (Va.) T2~755 2

' Ranges (Stoves) Rapping (Spiritualism) 133.92

manufacturing technology 683.88 Raptors (Birds) 598.9
Rangifer 599.658 conservation technology 639.978 9
animal husbandry 636.294 8 resource economics 333.958 9
Rangitikei District (N.Z.) T2~935 5 Rapture (Christian doctrine) 236.9
Hawke's Bay Region T2~93464 Raqqah (Syria: Province) T2~56912

Manawatu-Wanganui Rare animals 333.954 2

Region T2~935 5 biology 591.68
Ranidae 597.89 resource economics 333.954 2
Rank (Heraldry) 929.7 Rare birds 333.958 22
Rankin County (Miss.) T2-762 59 biology 598.168
Rankin Inlet (Nunavut) T2~719 58 resource economics 333.958 22
Ranks (Military grades) 355.33 Rare book libraries 026.09
Ranoidea 597.89 Rare books 090
Ransom County (N.D.) T2~784 315 bibliographies 011.44
Ransom insurance 368.82 cataloging 025.341 6
Ranunculales 583.34 library treatment 025.1716
Ranunculidae 583.3 Rare earths 669.291
Rao, P. V. Narasimha chemical engineering 661.041
Indian history 954.052 chemistry 546.41
Rap (Music) 781.649 economic geology 553.494
songs 782.421 649 materials science 620.189 291
Rapanui language 499.4 metallography 669.952 91
T6~994 metallurgy 669.291
Rapateaceae 584.86 physical metallurgy 669.962 91
Rape (Crime) 364.153 2 see also Chemicals
law 345.025 32 Rare fishes 333.956 8
Rape prevention 362.883 biology 597.168
self-defense 613.663 resource economics 333.956 8
Rape victims 362.883 Rare gases
see also Victims of crime chemistry 546.75
Rapes (Plants) 583.64 economic geology 553.97
oil crop 633.853 technology 665.822
Rapeseed Rare mammals 333.954 2
oil crop 633.853 biology 599.168
Raphidiodea 595.747 resource economics 333.954 2
Rapid calculations 513.9 Rare plants 333.953 2
Rapid reading 418.4 biology 581.68
specific languages T4---843 2 resource economics 333.953 2
Rapid transit 388.4 Rare reptiles 333.957 2
see also Urban transportation biology 597.916 8
Rapid transit facilities resource economics 333.957 2
architecture 725.33 Rare species 333.952 2
area planning 711.75 biology 578.68
law 346.046 95
resource economics 333.952 2
Rarefied-gas electronics 537.53

Dewey Decimal Classification

Raritan River (N.l) T2~-749 44 Rationalism 149.7

Rarotongan language 499.44 Christian polemics 239.7
T6~9944 philosophy 149.7
Ras al Khaimah (United philosophy of religion 211.4
Arab Emirates: Emirate) T2-·535 7 political ideology 320.512
Ra's al Khaymah (United Rationality 128.33
Arab Emirates : Emirate) T2~535 7 Rationing 333.717
Ras Tafari law 343.07
Ethiopian history 963.055 public administration 352.86
as emperor 963.055 social welfare 361.6
as regent and king 963.054 see Manual at 333.7-.9 vs.
Ras Tafari movement 299.676 363.6
Rashidun Caliphate 297.090 212 Ratites 598.5
Raspberries 641.347 11 animal husbandry 636.69
botany 583.73 paleozoology 568.5
commercial processing 664.804 711 Rats (Muridae) 599.35
cooking 641.647 11 see also Rodents
food 641.347 11 Rats (Rattus) 599.352
horticulture 634.711 agricultural pests 632.693 52
Rasps 621.924 animal husbandry 636.935 2
Rastafari, Jah experimental animals
Ethiopian history 963.055 medicine 616.027 33
as emperor 963.055 household sanitation 648.7
as regent and king 963.054 pest control 363.78
Rastafarians social welfare 363.78
biography 299.676 092 technology 628.969 3
Rastatt (Germany: agriculture 632.693 52
Landkreis) T2~34643 see also Pest control
Rat control 363.78 small game hunting 799.259 352
social welfare 363.78 zoology 599.352
technology 628.969 3 Ratsiraka, Didier
agriculture 632.693 52 Malagasy history 969.105 2
see alw Pest control 1975-1993 969.105 2
Rat kangaroos 599.22 19972002 969.1054
Ratchets 621.83 Rattan
music 786.886 basketwork crop 633.58
see Percussion Rattan furniture 645.4
instruments manufacturing technology 684.106
Rates (Prices) see also Furniture
communications industry 384.041 Rattan palms 584.5
insurance 368.011 Rattan textiles 677.54
transportation services 388.049 see also Textiles
Rates (Real property taxes) 336.22 Ratting
law 343.054 sports hunting 799.259 352
public finance 336.22 Rattle drums 786.96
Ratikon Mountains T2-494 732 5 see also Percussion instruments
Ratio 512.924 Rattled idiophones 786.885
algebra 512.924 see also Percussion instruments
arithmetic 513.24 Rattles
Ration coupons musical instruments 786.885
prints 769.57 see also Percussion
Rational functions 512.96 instruments
Rational numbers 512.782 Rattlesnake ferns 587.33
Rational psychology 150.192 Rattlesnakes 597.963 8

( ________________________________

599.352 Reactor physics

' Rattus 583.93 nuclear engineering 621.483 1

If&, Ravalli County (Mont.)
Ravalomanana, Marc
T2-786 89 Reactors
nuclear engineering 621.483

1 Malagasy history
Ravenna (Italy)
969.105 5
T2--454 71
Read Island (B.C. : Island) T2-711 1
Read-only memory 004.53

i Ra'::~t(ltaly:
I• ancient
T2-372 671
T2--454 7
T2-372 67
621.397 3

1 Ravens 598.864 Reader advisory services
Ravines 551.442 library operations 025.54
r T2-144
910.914 4
Readers (Textbooks)
applied linguistics
geomorphology 551.442 specific languages T4-·86
physical geography 910.021 44 for new literates T4-862
Raw food diet for nonnative
health 613.265 speakers T4--864
Raw materials 333.7 rhetoric 808
economics 333.7 specific languages 808.04
military resources 355.24 see Manual at 420-490
Rawalpindi (Pakistan : Readers' theater
District) T2-549142 primary education 372.676
Rawlings, Jerry J. Reading 418.4
Ghanaian history 966.705 2 child care 649.58
Rawlins County (Kan.) T2-781 125 home preschool teaching 649.68
Ray County (Mo.) T2-778 19 library science 028
Ray-finned fishes 597 primary education 372.4
see also Fishes home schools 372.4
Ray tracing recreation 790.138
computer graphics 006.693 sociology 306.488
Rayon specificlanguages T4-84
textiles 677.46 Reading (England) T2-422 93
arts 746.044 6 Reading, Rufus Daniel Isaacs,
see also Textiles Marquess of
Rays (Fishes) 597.35 Indian history 954.035 7
cooking 641.692 Reading aids
food 641.392 library science 028
Rays (Nuclear physics) 539.722 Reading aloud
Razavi Khorasan (Iran) T2-5592 child care 649.58
Razing buildings 690.26 rhetoric 808.54
Razors Reading comprehension
manufacturing technology 688.5 primary education 372.47
Reaction kinetics 541.394 Reading disorders
biochemistry 572.44 special education 371.914 4
chemical engineering 660.299 4 Reading failure
enzymes 572.744 primary education 372.43
organic chemistry 547.214 Reading for content 371.302 81
Reaction-time studies 152.83 Reading groups
Reactions (Chemical reactions) adult education 374.22
biochemistry 572.43 Reading habits 028.9
chemical engineering 660.299 Reading interests 028.9
chemistry 541.39 Reading materials 418
Reactions (Classical mechanics) 531.113 T4-8
Reactions (Chemical reactions) 541.39 see also Readers (Textbooks)

Dewey Decimal Classification

Reading programs Real variable functions 515.8

primary education 372.42 Reali a
Reading readiness 372.414 cataloging 025.349
Reading-skill strategies library treatment 025.179
primary education 372.45 Realism
Ready-mix concrete 666.893 education 370.12
Ready reckoners (Arithmetic) 513.9 fine arts 709.034 3
Ready-to-cat cereals literature 808.801 2
commercial processing 664.756 history and criticism 809.912
Reagan, Ronald specific literatures T3B-080 12
United States history 973.927 history and
Reagan County (Tex.) T2-764 873 criticism T3B--091 2
Reagents painting 759.053
analytical chemistry 543.028 4 philosophy 149.2
Real analysis 515.8 sculpture 735.22
Real County (Tex.) T2-764 883 Realistic fiction 808.838 3
Real estate 333.3 history and criticism 809.383
accounting 657.833 5 specific literatures T3B-308 3
investment economies 332.632 4 individual authors T3A-3
law 346.092 2 Reality
land economics 333.3 philosophy 111
law 346.043 Reamers 621.954
private ownership 346.043 Reaping 631.55
public administration 354.34 Reapportionment (Legislatures) 328.334 5
see Manual at 333.73~.78 vs. Rear axles
333, 333.1 ~.5 automotive engineering 629.245
Real estate business 333.33 Reason 128.33
law 346.043 7 epistemology 121.3
malpractice 346.043 71 ethical systems 171.2
Real estate development 333.731 5 philosophical anthropology 128.33
Real estate finance 332.72 theology
Real estate investment trusts 332.632 47 Christianity 231.042
Real estate market 333.332 2 Reasoning 153.43
Real estate sales tax artificial intelligence 006.333
law 343.054 6 educational psychology 370.1524
Real estate syndication 332.632 47 philosophical logic 160
Real functions 515.8 psychology 153.43
Real numbers 512.786 Rebates
Real property 333.3 law 343.072
Real property insurance 368.096 Rebekah (Biblical matriarch) 222.110 92
Real property market 333.332 2 Rebellion (Political offense) 364.131
Real property tax 336.22 law 345.023 1
law 343.054 Rebuses 793.73
public administration 352.44 Recall (Elections) 324.68
Real-time locating systems Recall (Information science) 025.04
engineering 621.384 192 Recall (Memory) 153.123
Real-time processing 004.33 Recataloging
communications 004.618 3 library operations 025.39
programming 005.273 Receivership 332.75
programs 005.373 see also Bankruptcy
see also Processing modes Receiving operations
computer science materials management 658.728
Real-time programming 005.273 Receiving sets
Real-valued functions 515.7 radio 621.384 18

Relative Index

Recent epoch 551.793 Reconciliation (Christian

551.793 doctrine) 234.5
paleontology 560.179 3 Reconnaissance (Military
Recently extinct species 333.952 2 operations) 355.413
see also entries beginning Rare Reconnaissance aircraft 358.458 3
Receptionists military engineering 623.746 7
office services 651.374 3 military equipment 358.458 3
Receptions Reconnaissance forces (Air
meal service 642.4 warfare) 358.45
Receptive processes Reconnaissance surveys
(Psychology) 152.1 (Geodesy) 526.31
Recession (Economics) 338.542 Reconnaissance topography
Recidivists 364.3 military engineering 623.71
Tl-086 927 Reconstruction (Aftermath of
Recipes Tl-021 2 war) 355.028
cooking 641.5 Iraq War, 2003~ 956.704 43
Reciprocal equations 515.253 United States history 973.8
Reciprocal trade 382.9 World War I 940.314 4
law 343.087 World War II 940.531 44
Reciprocating Reconstruction (Linguistics) 417.7
aircraft 629.134 352 specific T4-7
Reciprocating pumps 621.65 Reconstructionist Judaism 296.834 4
hydraulic 621.252 liturgy 296.450 48
Reciprocating steam 621.164 Reconstructive surgical
Reciprocity (Mathematics) procedures 617.952
number theory 512.74 Record buildings
Recitals architecture 725.15
music 780.78 Recorders (Musical instruments) 788.36
Recitation (Education) 371.37 instrument 788.361 9
Recitation (Reading aloud) music 788.36
Koran 297.122 404 5 see also Woodwind instruments
rhetoric 808.54 Recording
Recitations music 781.49
literature 808.854 Recording devices

history and criticism
specific literatures
communications engineering 621.382 34
physical quantities 530.7
! individual authors T3A-5 manufacturing technology 681.2
Recklinghausen's disease Recordings (Sound) 384
incidence 614.599 9 bibliographies 011.38
medicine 616.993 83 see also Sound recordings
Reclaimed rubber 678.29 Recordkeeping
Reclamation accounting 657.2
natural resources 333.715 3 Records management 651.5
Reclamation of land 333.731 53 office services 651.5
Reclassification public administration 352.387
library operations 025.39 Recovering substance
Recognition (Law of nations) 341.26 abusers T1-087 4
Recognition (Psychology) 153.124 Recovery (Business cycle)
Recognition of unions 331.891 2 economics 338.542
Recoil Recovery (Law) 346.043 2
military gunnery 623.57 Recovery from addiction
Recollection (Psychology) 153.123 devotional literature 204.32
Recombinant DNA 660.65 Christianity 242.4
Recombination (Genetics) 572.877

Dewey Decimal Class(fication

Recovery from addiction (continued) Recreation vehicle camps 910.468

pastoral theology 206.1 household management 647.942
Christianity 259.429 see also Lodging (Temporary
rehabilitation 616.860 3 housing)
religious guidance 204.42 Recreational activities 790.1
Christianity 248.862 9 Recreational areas (House and
social services 362.291 86 yard) 643.55
social theology 201.762 29 home economics 643.55
Christianity 261.832 29 interior decoration 747.791
therapy 616.860 6 Recreational areas (Public areas)
Recreation 790 area planning 711.558
armed forces 355.346 Recreational arts 790
arts 700.457 9 see also Arts; Recreation
T3C-357 9 Recreational equipment
child care 649.5 manufacturing technology 688.7
church work 253.7 Recreational equipment makers 688.709 2
crime prevention 364.44 Recreational lands 333.78
ethics 175 community sociology 307.334
religion 205.65 economics 333.78
Christianity 241.65 government acquisition and
Islam 297.565 disposal 333.11
Judaism 296.365 Recreational music 781.594
folklore 398.277 9 Recreational reading 790.138
history and criticism 398.357 9 library science 028.8
human physiology 612.044 Recreational therapy
influence on crime 364.25 medicine 615.851 53
land economics 333.78 Recreational vehicles 388.346
law 344.099 engineering 629.226
literature 808.803 579 transportation services 388.346
museum services 069.16 travel 910
prisoner services 365.668 see also Motor homes
public administrative support 353.78 Recreational water resources 333.784
social welfare 361.05 Recreational waters
sociology 306.48 hydraulic engineering 627.046
Recreation centers 790.068
architecture 725.8042 armed forces 355.223
Recreation facilities 790.068 law 343.012
architecture 725.8 personnel management 658.311 1
community redevelopment 307.346 executives 658.407 111
recreation 790.068 libraries 023.9
sanitation services 363.729 2 public administration 352.65
social services 363.68 Rectal anesthesia
Recreation leaders 790.092 surgery 617.962
Recreation policy (Government Rectal diseases
policy) 790 medicine 616.35
Recreation rooms 643.55 see also Digestive system
home economics 643.55 diseases humans
interior decoration 747.791 Rectifiers
Recreation safety 363.14 electrical engineering 621.313 7
law 344.047 6 electronic circuits 621.381 532 2
see also Safety radio engineering 621.384 12
Rectum 573.379
biology 573.379
human anatomy 611.35

Relative Index

Rectum (continued) Red River (Tex.-La.) T2-766 6

human physiology 612.36 Louisiana T2-763 6
medicine 616.35 Oklahoma T2-766 6
surgery 617.555 Red River County (Tex.) T2-764 212
see also Digestive system Red River Delta (Vietnam) T2-597 3
Recurrent education 374 Red of the North T2-784 1
Tl-071 5 Manitoba T2-712 74
see also Adult education Minnesota T2-776 9
Recursion theory 511.35 North Dakota T2-784 l
Recursive functions 511.352 Red River Parish (La.) T2-763 64
Recycling paper 676.142 Red River Rebellion, 1869-1870 971.051
Recycling technology 628.445 8 Red River Valley (Minn.-
Recycling waste 363.728 2 Man.) T2-784 1
see also Waste control Red Sea 551.461 533
Red algae 579.89 T2-165 33
Red-bellied turtles 597.925 94 Red Sea (Sudan) T2-625
Red cedars 585.4 Red seaweeds 579.89
Red corpuscles 573.153 6 Red squirrels (Eurasia) 599.362
human histology 612.111 Red squirrels (North America) 599.363
human physiology 612.111 Red tide 579.87
see also Cardiovascular system Red Willow County (Neb.) T2-782 843
Red Crescent 361.763 4 Red wine 641.222 3
see also Welfare services commercial processing 663.223
Red Cross 361.772 fortified 641.222 6
international 361.772 sparkling 641.222 4
national 361.763 4 commercial processing 663.224
World War I 940.477 1 Red wolf 599.773
World War li 940.547 71 Redaction criticism
see also Welfare services sacred books 208.2
Red Cross nursing 610.734 Bible 220.66
Red Crystal 361.763 4 Talmud 296.120 66
Red deer 599.654 2 Redbridge (London,
animal husbandry 636.294 42 England) T2-421 73
big game hunting 799.276 542 Redbuds 635.977 374 9
conservation technology 639.979 654 2 botany 583.749
Red Deer (Alta.) T2-712 33 ornamental arboriculture 635.977 374 9
Red Deer River (Alta. and Redcar and Cleveland
Sask.) T2-712 33 (England) T2-428 54
Red drum 597.725 Reddersburg (South Africa:
Red dwarfs 523.88 District) T2-685 6
Redfox 599.775 Redditch (England) T2-424 43
Red kangaroo 599.222 3 Redemption 202.2
Red Lake County (Minn.) T2-776 963 Christian doctrine 234.3
Red meat 641.36 Christology 232.3
commercial processing 664.92 Judaism 296.32
home preservation 641.492 Redemption (Public debt)
see also Meat public finance 336.363
Red panda 599.763 Redemptorists 255.64
Red peppers 641.35643 church history 271.64
botany 583.952 Redevelopment
see also Sweet peppers community sociology 307.34
Red River (China and Rediscount 332.84
Vietnam) T2-597 3 Redistribution (Election districts) 328.334 5
Red River (Minn.-Man.) T2-784 l Redistricting (Legislatures) 328.334 5

Dewey Decimal Classification

Redox reaction Reel-to-reel tapes (Computers) 004.563

chemical engineering 660.284 43 engineering 621.397 63
organic chemistry 547.23 Reelfoot Lake (Tenn.) T2-768 12
Redpolls (Birds) 598.885 Reeling textiles 677.028 22
Reduced cultivation methods 631.581 arts 746.12
Reduced instruction set manufacturing technology 677.028 22
computing 004.3 Reels (Dances) 793.34
see also Processing modes Reengineering
computer science executive management 658.406 3
Reduced work week 331.257 Reentry problems
Reducing 613.712 space t1ight 629.415
dietetics 613.25 Reeves County (Tex.) T2-764924
exercise 613.712 Refectories
Reducing diet architecture 726.79
health 613.25 (Recreation) 790.1
Reducing enzymes 572.791 American football 796.332 3
see also Enzymes basketball 796.323 3
Reducing exercises Canadian football 796.335 3
physical fitness 613.712 golf 796.352 4
Reducing solutions ice hockey 796.962 3
photography 771.54 rugby 796.333 3
Reduction (Chemical reaction) 541.393 soccer 796.334 3
organic chemistry 547.23 tennis 796.342 3
Reduction in force volleyball 796.325 3
economics 331.259 6 Reference 401.456
employment security 331.259 6 linguistics 401.456
unemployment 331.137 specific languages T4-014 56
law 344.012 596 philosophy of language 121.68
personnel management 658.313 4 Reference books 028.7
public administration 352.69 bibliographies 011.02
Reductionism (Psychology) 150.194 reviews 028.12
Reductive algebras 512.55 use 028.7
Redwood (Sequoia) 585.5 Reference groups
forestry 634.975 8 social psychology 302.5
lumber 674.144 Reference services 025.52
Redwood County (Minn.) T2-776 35 Reference works 028.7
Redwood National Park bibliographies 011.02
(Calif.) T2-794 12 reviews 028.12
Reed instruments 788.4 use 028.7
see also Woodwind instruments Referendum (Legislation) 328.23
Reed organs 786.55 Referral services
instrument 786.551 9 physicians 362.172
music 786.55 Refined
see also Keyboard instruments conunercial processing 664.720 7
Reedbucks 599.645 Reflection of light
Reedfishes 597.42 physics 535.323
Reeds 584.9 Ret1ection of sound
Reefs 551.424 engineering 620.21
T2-142 physics 534.204
biology 578.778 9 Ret1exes
ecology 577.789 psychology 152.322
geography 910.914 2 Reflexology
geomorphology 551.424 psychology 150.194 4
physical geography 910.021 42 Reflexology (Therapy) 615.822 4

, Relative Index

Reforestation 333.751 53 Reformed Church (American Reformed)

law 346.046 751 53 (continued)
resource economics 333.751 53 seminaries 230.D73 57
silviculture 634.956 theology 230.57
Reform Judaism 296.834 1 Reformed Church in America 285.732
liturgy 296.450 46 see also Reformed Church
Reform movements 303.484 (American Refonned)
agent of social change 303.484 Reformed Church in the United
relations with government 322.44 States 285.733
religion 209 see also Reformed Church
social action 361.24 (American Reformed)
Refmm Party of Canada 324.271 04 Reformed Episcopal Church 283.3
Reform schools 365.42 see also Anglican Communion
see also Penal institutions Reformed Hinduism 294.556
Reformation 270.6 Reformed natural gas 665.773
history 940.23 Reformed Presbyterian churches 285.136
German history 943.03 see also Presbyterian Church
Reformation of offenders 364.601 Reformed refinery gas 665.773
Refonnatories 365.34 Refraction errors
juvenile offenders 365.42 incidence 614.599 7
see also Penal institutions optometry 617.755
Reformed Christians 284.2 see also Eye diseases
American 285.7 humans
biography 285.709 2 Refraction of light 535.324
biography 284.209 2 astronomical corrections 522.9
European 284.2 Refraction of sound
biography 284.209 2 acoustical engineering 620.21
Reformed Church 284.2 Refractivity
church government 262.042 materials science 620.112 95
parishes 254.042 Refractometry 543.59
church law 262.984 2 Refractory materials 553.67
doctrines 23G.42 economic geology 553.67
catechisms and creeds 238.42 materials science 620.143
guides to Christian life 248.484 2 metallurgical furnaces 669.82
missions 266.42 technology 666.72
moral theology 241.044 2 Refrigerants
public worship 264.042 refrigeration engineering 621.564
religious associations 267.184 2 foods 664.028 52
religious education 268.842 commercial preservation 664.028 52
seminaries 230.073 42 home preservation 641.452
theology 230.42 Refrigeration 621.56
Reformed Church (American alcoholic beverages 663.15
Reformed) 285.7 nautical 623.853 5
church government 262.057 Refrigeration 621.560 92
parishes 254.057 Refrigerator cars 385.34
church law 262.985 7 engineering 625.24
doctrines 230.57 see also Rolling stock
catechisms and creeds 238.57 Refrigerators 621.57
guides to Christian life 248.485 7 kitchen appliances 641.452 028 4
missions 266.57 low-temperature engineering 621.57
moral theology 241.045 7 Refugees 305.906 914
public worship 264.057 Tl-086 914
religious associations 267.1857 asylum 323.631
religious education 268.857 citizenship law 342.083

Dewey Decimal Classification

Refugees (continued) Region de Bruxelles-

immigration law 342.082 Capitale (Belgium) T2--493 32
law of nations 341.486 Region parisienne (France) T2--443 6
political science 325.21 Region-Sherbrookoise
political status 323.631 (Quebec) T2-71466
social group 305.906 914 Regional anatomy
social theology 201.762 87 animals 573.993 3
Christianity 261.832 8 humans 611.9
social welfare 362.87 Regional anesthesia
public administration 353.533 8 surgery 617.964
women Regional associations 341.24
social welfare 362.839 814 Regional bibliographies 015
young people Regional cytology
social welfare 362.779 14 humans 612.9
Refugio County (Tex.) T2--764 ll9 Regional development 338.9
Refuse 363.728 law 343.074 6
military sanitation 623.754 Regional field offices
waste technology 628.44 public administration 352.288
rural 628.744 Regional histology 571.59
see also Waste control animals 573.99
Regalia 391 humans 612.9
Regals (Music) 786.55 plants 575.435 9
instrument 786.551 9 Regional medicine 617.5
music 786.55 anesthesiology 617.967 5
see also Keyboard instruments geriatrics 618.977 5
Regattas 797.14 pediatrics 618.920 975
Regeneration (Christian doctrine) 234.4 surgery 617.5
Regeneration (Developmental see Manual at 617.5
biology) 571.889 Regional nationalism 320.54
Regensburg (Germany) T2--433 47 Regional organizations 341.24
Reggae 781.646 Regional physiology 571.59
songs 782.421 646 animals 573.99
Reggepoles 539.721 humans 612.9
Reggio di Calabria (Italy) T2--457 831 plants 575.4
ancient T2--377 831 Regional planning 307.12
Reggio di Calabria (Italy : civic art 711.3
Province) T2--457 83 community sociology 307.12
ancient T2-377 83 economics 338.9
Reggio Emilia (Italy : law 346.045
Province) T2--454 3 Regional surgery 617.5
ancient T2-372 63 anesthesiology 617.9675
Reggio nell'Emilia (Italy: see Manual at 617.5
Province) T2--454 3 Regional treatment Tl-09
ancient T2-372 63 Regionalist parties 324.218 4
Regiments (Military units) 355.31 Regions T2-l
Regina (Sask.) TZ-712445 Regions (Local government
Region Aut6noma del units) 320.83
Athintico Norte see also Counties
(Nicaragua) T2-728 537 Regions (State-level units) 321.023
Region Autonoma see also States (Members of
del Atlantica Sur federations)
(Nicaragua) T2-728 532 Registered mail 383.182
see also Postal service

Relative Index

Registered nursing assistants 610.73092 Reiki (Therapy)

role and function 610.730 693 medicine 615.852
Registered partners 306.841 Reimbursement health insurance 368.382
T1..--.-{)86 56 Reims (France) T2-443 22
Registered partnerships 306.841 Reina, Carlos Roberto
TI~086 56 Honduran history 972.830 535
law 346.016 Reincarnation
Registration 352.84 occultism 133.901 35
see also Licensing philosophy 129
Registration for military service 355.223 6 religion 202.37
Registration of voters 324.64 Buddhism 294.342 37
Registration plates 929.9 Hinduism 294.523 7
Regression analysis 519.536 Reindeer 599.658
Regressive taxation 336.293 animal husbandry 636.294 8
Regular Baptists 286.1 conservation technology 639.979 658
see also Baptists resource economics 333.959 658
Regulation (Public Reindexing
admi nistr ati on) 352.8 library operations 025.39
Regulation of conduct Reinforced concrete 624.18341
anned forces 355.133 architectural construction 721.044 54
Regulations (Laws) 348.025 building construction 693.54
United States 348.732 5 foundation materials 624.153 37
Regulatory agencies 352.8 materials science 620.137
decisions 348.045 ship design 623.818 341
United States 348.734 5 ship hulls 623.845 41
Jaw 342.066 4 shipbuilding 623.820 7
rulings 348.045 structural engineering 624.183 41
United States 348.734 5 Reinforced plastics 668.494
Rehabilitation Reinforcement (Psychology) 153.85
geriatrics 618.977 03 Reinforcing plastics 668.416
health services 362.178 6 Reinstatement (Military
medicine 617.03 personnel) 355.114
housing services 363.583 Reinsurance 368.012 2
injuries law 346.086 012 2
medicine 617.103 Reinventing government 352.3
natural resources 333.715 3 REIT 332.632 47
prisoner services 365.661 Reitz (South Africa :
social services 362.042 5 District) T2-685 I
Rehabilitation (Restoration of Relapsing fevers
rights) 345.077 incidence 614.5744
Rehabilitation training 362.042 5 medicine 616.924 4
labor economics 331.259 2 see also Communicable
personnel management 658.312 44 diseases-·- humans
public administration 352.669 Relation (Philosophy) 111
Rehabilitative therapy 617.06 Relational databases
injuries computer science 005.756
medicine 617.106 Relational grammar 415.018
Rehearsal specific languages T4-501 8
musical technique 781.44 Relations (Mathematics) 511.326
Reid, G. H. (George Houstoun) Relative indexing 025.47
Australian history 994.041 Relatives (People) 306.87
Rei gate and Banstead T1~085
(England) T2-422 17
Reign ofTerror, 1793-1794 944.044

Dewey Decimal Classification

Relativism 149 Religion (continued)

epistemology 121 sociology 306.6
ethics 171.7 see Manual at 130 vs. 200;
Relativistic particles 539.72 also at 200 vs. 100; also at
Relativity theory 530.11 201 209 and 292-299
philosophy 115 Religion and culture 201.7
Relaxation (Humans) Chfistianity 261
physical fitness 613.792 Islam 297.27
Relaxation (Physics) Judaism 296.38
solid-state physics 530.416 sociology 306.6
Relaxation methods (Numerical Religion and politics 322.1
methods) 518.63 social theology 201.72
Relaxing (Hairdressing) 646.724 see also Politics and religion
Relay communication Religion and science 201.65
engineering 621.382 5 see also Science and religion
Relay races 796.427 Religion and secular disciplines 201.6
Relay systems Buddhism 294.336
radio engineering 621.384 156 Christianity 261.5
Relays (Electrical) 621.317 see Manual at 261.5
electronic circuits 621.381 537 Hinduism 294.516
Relevance (Infonnation science) 025.04 Islam 297.26
Relevance logic 511.31 see Manual at 297.26-.27
Reliability Judaism 296.37
computer software 005 philosophy of religion 215
Reliability engineering 620.004 52 Religion and state 322.1
Reliability theory 519.287 social theology 201.72
Reliance (N.W.T.) T2-719 3 see also Politics and religion
Relics Religion historians 200.92
Christianity 235.2 Religion in public schools 379.28
theft of 364.162 823 52 law 344.079 6
law 345.026 282 352 Religions 200
Passion of Jesus Christ 232.966 see also Religion
Relief (Sculpture) 731.54 see Manual at 201-209 and
architectural decoration 729.5 292-299
Relief (Welfare) 361.05 Religious (Members of Christian
see also Welfare services orders) 255
Relief printing 761 biography 271.009 2
Relief valves see Manual at 230---280
steam engineering 621.185 church history 271
Relief work 361.3 ecclesiology 262.24
see also Welfare services guides to Christian life 248.894
Religion 200 Religious arts 700.482
art representation 704.948 T3C-382
arts 700.482 fine arts 704.948
T3G-382 203.7
law 344.096
literature 808.803 82
history and criticism 809.933 82 Religious authority 206.5
specific literatures T3B·-080 382 Christianity 262.8
history and Judaism 296.67
criticism T3B---093 82 Religious broadcasting
painting 755 Christianity 269.26
primary education 372.84
public administrative support 353.7

Relative Index

Religious buildings Religious groups (continued)

architecture 726 labor economics 331.58
area planning 711.56 status 346.013
institutional housekeeping 647.98 constitutional law 342.087
interior decoration 747.86 private law 346.013
religious significance 203.5 libraries for 027.67
Christianity 246.9 relations with state 322.1
Judaism 296.46 sociology 305.6
Religious conflict 306.6 see Manual at 305.6 vs.
influence on crime 364.256 305.92, 306.6
Religious dance Religious healing
religious significance 203.7 203.1
Christianity 246.7 see also Spiritual healing
see also Arts - religious religion
significance Religious holidays 203.6
Religious dietary limitations 204.46 customs 394.265
cooking for 641.567 see Manual at 203.6,
Hinduism 294.544 6 263.9, 292-299 vs.
Islam 297.576 394.265-.267
Judaism 296.73 see also Holidays; Holy days
Religious education 207.5 Religious ideologies
Buddhism 294.375 political science 320.55
Christianity 268 Religious institutions
Hinduism 294.575 accounting 657.832
Islam 297.77 Religious Jantgu:age 210.14
Judaism 296.68 Christianity 230.014
see Manual at 207.5, 268 vs. Religious law 208.4
200.71,230.071, 292~299 Buddhism 294.384
Religious ethics 205 Christianity 262.9
Buddhism 294.35 Hinduism 294.594
Christianity 241 Islam 297.14
Hinduism 294.548 Judaism 296.18
Islam 297.5 Religious leaders 200.92
Sufi 297.45 biography 200.92
Judaism 296.36 Buddhist 294.309 2
Religious experience 204.2 biography 294.309 2
Buddhism 294.344 2 specific sects 294.39
Christianity 248.2 role and function 294.361
Hinduism 294.542 Christian 270.092
Islam 297.57 biography 270.092
Sufi 297.4 specific denominations 280
Judaism 296.71 see Manual at 230-280
Religious freedom 323.442 ecclesiology 262.1
civil right 323.442 occupational ethics 241.641
law 342.085 2 pastoral theology 253
law of nations 341.483 2 personal religion 248.892
social theology 201.723 training 230.071 1
Christianity 261.72 Hindu 294.509 2
see also Politics and biography 294.509 2
religion social specific sects 294.55
theology role and function 294.561
Religious groups Tl-088 2 Islamic 297.092
collected biography Tl--092 8 biography 297.092
journalism for 070.482 specific sects 297.8

Dewey Decimal Classification

Religious leaders Religious organizations 206.5

Islamic (continued) Christianity 260
role and function 297.61 associations for religious
see Manual at 297.092 work 267
Jewish 296.092 denominations 280
biography 296.092 local church 250
specific denominations 296.8 specific local churches 280
professional ethics 296.364 1 religious orders 255
role and function 296.61 see lvfanual at 260 vs.
training 296.071 1 25 259
occupational ethics 174.1 congregations 206.5
religion 205.641 Islam 297.65
role and ftmction 206.1 Judaism 296.67
social group 305.92 publishing 070.594
see Manual at 200.92 and relations with state 322.1
201-209,292-299 sociology 306.6
Religious life 204.4 welfare services 361.75
Buddhism 294.344 4 see Manual at 322.1 vs. 201.72,
Christianity 248.4 261.7, 292-299
Hinduism 294.544 Religious pageants
Islam 297.57 performing arts 791.622
Sufi 297.44 religious significance 203.7
Judaism 296.7 Christianity 246.72
see also Monasticism Religious plays
Religious medals literature 808.825 16
numismatics 737.224 history and criticism 809.251 6
religious significance 203.7 specific literatures T3B-205 16
see also Symbolism individual authors T3A-2
religious significance religious significance 203.7
Religious mythology 201.3 Christianity 246.72
art representation 704.948 religious education 268.67
arts 700.482 013 stage presentation 792.16
T3C~382 013 Religious pluralism 201.5
literature 808.803 820 13 see also Pluralism (Religion)
history and criticism 809.933 820 13 Religious policy (Government
specific literatures T3B--080 382 013 policy) 322.1
history and Religious political parties 324.2182
criticism T3B~093 820 13 international organizations 324.182
Religious observances 203 Religious publishers 070.594
Christianity 263 Religious rites 203.8
Judaism 296.4 see also Rites - religion
private 204.46 Religious schools (General
Christianity 248.46 education) 371.07
Judaism 296.7 libraries 027.83
Religious orders 206.57 Religious services 203.8
Buddhism 294.365 7 armed forces 355.347
Christianity 255 penal institutions 365.665
church history 271 see also Rites···~ religion
ecclesiology 262.24 Religious socialization 303.325
organization 255 Religious studies 200.71
see Manual at 207.5, 268 vs.
200.71,230.071, 292-299

~ Relative Index
~'('} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Religious symbolism 203.7 Renaissance art 709.024
art representation 704.948 religious significance 246.4
painting 755 Renaissance decoration 745.409 024
see also Symbolism - Renaissance music 780.903 I
religious significance Renaissance painting 759.03
Religious therapy Renaissance period
medicine 615.852 European history 940.21
Reliquaries Italian history 945.05
Christianity 247 Renaissance revival architecture 724.52
Relishes 641.812 Renaissance sculpture 735.21
Relizane (Algeria: Renal dialysis
Province) T2-651 medicine 617.461 059
Remarriage 306.84 Renal disease
ethics 173 medicine 616.61
Judaism 296.444 see also Urologic diseases-
social theology 201.7 humans
Christianity 261.835 84 Renal failure
Remedial education medicine 616.614
adult level 374.012 see also Urologic diseases-
Remedial reading 418.4 humans
primary education 372.43 Renal hypertension
specific languages T4--842 medicine 616.132
Remedies (Legal actions) 347.077 see also Cardiovascular
Remembrance days diseases - humans
Holocaust, 1933-1945 940.531 862 Rendering oils and gases 665.028 2
Reminiscences 920 Rendezvous
Tl-092 manned space flight 629.458 3
biography 920 Renegotiation of government
literature 808.883 contracts 352.53
history and criticism 809.983 Renewable energy resources 333.794
specific literatures T3B-803 economics 333.794
individual authors T3A-8 engineering 621.042
Remodeling of buildings 690.24 Renewal theory 519.287
architecture 720.286 Renfrew (Ont. : County) T2-713 81
home economics 643.7 Renfrew (Scotland) T2---414 37
see Manual at 690 vs. 643.7 Renfrew (Scotland :
Remodeling of clothes 646.4 District) T2---414 37
Remonstrant churches 284.9 Renfrewshire (Scotland) T2---414 37
Remonstrants Renmark (S. Aust.) T2-942 33
biography 284.9 Rennellese language 499.46
Remote control 620.46 T6-994 6
radio engineering 621.384 196 Rennes (France) T2---441 54
Remote-control models 796.15 Reno (Nev.) T2-793 55
see Manual at 796.15 vs. Reno County (Kan.) T2-781 83
629.0460228 Renovation 690.24
Remote-control vehicles home economics 643.7
engineering 629.046 see Manual at 690 vs. 643.7
recreation 796.15 Rensselaer County (N.Y.) T2-747 41
Remote procedure calls 005.71 Rent
Remote sensing technology 621.367 8 income distribution 339.21
Remount services 357.2 land economics 333.5
Removal from office law 346.043 44
recall elections 324.68 public revenue 336.12
Renaissance architecture 724.12 Rent (Economic theory) 333.012

Dewey Decimal Classification

Rent control 363.583 Reports

law 346.043 44 audits 657.452
Rent subsidies 363.582 financial management 658.151 2
Rental collections office records 651.78
museology 069.56 Repossession 347.077
Rental housing 363.5 installment sales 346.074
household management Repousse
apartments 647.92 decorative arts 739.14
Rental libraries 027.3 sculpture 731.41
Rental services Representation 324.63
museology 069.13 electoral politics 324.63
Renting legislative districts 328.334 5
land economics 333.5 political right 323.5
Renville County (Minn.) T2-776 34 Representation theory
Renville County (N.D) T2-78464 operational calculus 515.7223
Reorganization Representations
management 658.16 fine arts 704.9
internal organization 658.402 museology 069.134
public administration 352.28 Representations of groups 512.22
public administration 352.2 Repression 323.044
Reorganized Church of Jesus Reprieve 364.63
Christ of Latter Day Saints 289.333 Reprimands
see also Mormon Church personnel management 658.314 4
Reoviridae 579.254 Reprints
Repairs 620.004 6 bibliographies 011.47
Tl-028 8 Reprisals
buildings 690.24 international relations 327.117
see Manual at 690 vs. 643.7 law 341.582
home economics 643.7 Reproducers
library materials 025.84 sound engineering 621.389 33
Reparations Reproduction 571.8
law of war 341.66 animals 573.6
revenue source 336.182 biology 571.8
World War I 940.31422 ethics 176
World War II 940.531 422 religion 205.66
Reparative surgery 617.952 Buddhism 294.356 6
Repatriation 323.64 Christianity 241.66
Repayment (Public debt) Hinduism 294.548 66
public finance 336.363 Islam 297.566
Repeal of legislation 328.37 Judaism 296.366
Repentance 202.2 human physiology
Christianity 234.5 primary education 372.372
Islam 297.22 microorganisms 571.842 9
Judaism 296.32 plants 575.6
Repetition learning see Manual at 571.8 vs. 573.6,
psychology 153.152 2 575.6
Report writing (Study technique) 371.30281 Reproduction (Memory) 153.123
Reporters 070.430 92 Reproductions
Reporting arts 702.872
executive management 658.45 paintings 751.5
military administration 355.688 Reproductive adaptation 578.46
public administration 352.38 animals 591.46
financial management 658.151 2 plants 581.46
journalism 070.43 Reproductive behavior (Animals) 591.56

Relative Index

• Reproductive hormones 571.837 4

see also Sex hormones Republican Party of Germany 324.243 03
Reproductive organs 573.6 Republican River (Neb. and
see also Genital system Kan.) T2-7812
. Reproductive system 573.6 Kansas T2-7812
animals 573.6 Nebraska T2-782 37
descriptive zoology 591.46 Republics 321.86
physiology 573.6 Republikaner (German political
see also Genital system party) 324.243 03
biology 573.6 Repudiation of debt
plants 575.6 public finance 336.368
descriptive botany 581.46 Repulse Bay (Nunavut) T2-719 58
physiology 575.6 Requiem mass 264.36
, Reproductive technology music 782.323 8
humans choral and mixed voices 782.532 38
ethics 176.2 single voices 783.093 238
see also Reproduction- Required courses 375.002
ethics higher education 378.24
health 613.94 Requisition
infertility military resources 355.28
gynecology 618.178 06 Reredoses 247.1
medicine 616.692 06 architecture 726.529 6
Reproductive toxicology Res judicata 347.077
medicine 616.650 71 Resampling methods 519.54
Reprography 686 Rescission (Law) 346.022
equipment manufacturing Rescue aircraft
technology 681.6 military engineering 623.746 6
library services 025.12 Rescue dogs 636.708 86
office use 652.4 Rescue operations 363.348 1
Reptantia 595.38 disaster relief 363.348 1
Reptiles 597.9 engineering 628.92
agriculture 639.39 fire safety 363.378 I
art representation 704.943 279 technology 628.922
arts T3C-362 79 Holocaust, 1933-1945 940.531 835
big game hunting 799.279 mining technology 622.89
commercial hunting 639.14 seamanship 623.888 7
conservation technology 639.977 9 Research 001.4
drawing 743.679 Tl-072
food 641.396 public administrative support 352.74
cooking 641.696 see Manual at T1-.072 vs.
paleozoology 567.9 Tl-0601-0609
resource economics 333.957 Research and development
zoology 597.9 air force supplies 358.407
Reptiles as pets 639.39 military science 355.07
Republic County (Kan.) T2-78124 naval forces 359.07
Republic of Korea 951.95 production management 658.57
T2--519 5 public administration 354.27
Republic of South Africa 968 noneconomic fields 352.7
T2--68 public contract law 346.023
Republic of Texas 976.404 Research buildings 001.4
Republic of the Congo 967.24 see also Laboratories
(Brazzaville) T2--672 4 Research ethics 174
Republican Party (U.S. :
1792-1828) 324.273 26


Dewey Decimal Class!fication

Research methods 001.42 Residential land (continued)

Tl-072 1 resource economics 333.77
see Manual at taxation 336.225
Tl.-...-{)7201-07209 vs. Residential water supply 363.61
T1--0721 economics 333.912 2
Research reports Residents (Students)
biology 570 training Tl--07155
see Manual at 57!-573 vs. Residues
610 petroleum 665.538 8
medicine 610 wood 674.84
rhetoric 808.02 Residues (Mathematics) 512.72
Researchers 001.409 2 Resignation of employees
Resedaceae 583.64 armed forces 355.114
Reservation systems personnel management 658.313
transportation 388.042 public administration 352.69
air service 387.742 2 Resin-derived plastics 668.45
see also Passenger services Resin-producing plants
Reservations (Military agriculture 633.895
installations) 355.7 economic botany 581.636
Reserve collections in libraries 025.6 Resins
Reserve Officer Training Corps 355.2232071173 chemistry 547.843 4
Reserve requirements commercial processing 668.37
central banking 332.113 fossil 553.29
Reserve status (Armed forces) 355.113 materials science 620.192 4
Reserve training (Armed forces) 355.223 2 recovery from pulp 676.5
Reserves (Armed forces) 355.37
Reserves (Capital management) 658.152 26 textile arts 746.66
Reserves (Natural resources) 333.711 Resistance
Reservoir engineering materials science 620.112
oil extraction 622.338 2 Resistance boxes 621.374 2
Reservoirs 627.86 Resistance movements
biology 578.763 Holocaust, 1933-1945 940.531 832
ecology 577.63 World War II 940.533 6
flood control 627.44 Resistance thermometry 536.502 87
landscape architecture 719.33 Resistance to govemment 323.044
recreational resources 333.784 6 Resistance warfare 355.021 8
recreational use 797 Resistance welding 671.521 3
water supply engineering 628.132 Resistant construction
Resettlement buildings 693.8
community sociology 307.2 ship hulls 623.848
housing services 363.583 Resistivity
see also Housing skin
public administration 353.59 human physiology 612.791
Residency (Training) Tl---D71 55 Resistivity in semiconductors 537.622 6
Residential buildings 643.1 Resistors
see also Dwellings radio engineering 621.384 133
Residential cities Resolute (Nunavut) T2-71952
area planning 711.45 Resolutions (Legislation)
Residential finance 332.722 enactment 328.377
Residential homes 362.61 Resonance
Residential land 333.77 musical technique 781.48
area planning 711.58 instrumental 784.193 2
community sociology 307.336 Resonance accelerators 539.733
Resorcinols 547.633

Relative Index

Resorts 910.462 Respiratory organs 573.2

accounting 657.837 4 see also Respiratory system
architecture 728.5 Respiratory sounds
area planning 711.557 human physiology 612.21
community sociology 307.334 Respiratory system 573.2
household management 647.94 biology 573.2
land economics 333.78 diseases 573.239
landscape architecture 712.7 see also Respiratory tract
management 647.940 68 diseases
personal health 613.122 human anatomy 611.2
recreational sociology 306.481 9 human histology 612.204 5
sanitation services 363.729 8 human physiology 612.2
Jaw 344.0464 medicine 616.2
travel 910.462 surgery 617.54
Resource Description Framework 025.042 7 Respiratory therapy
; Resource development medicine 615.836
banking 332.153 Respiratory tract diseases 573.239
domestic 332.28 animals 573.239
international 332.153 veterinary medicine 636.089 62
natural resources 333.715 humans 362.196 2
Resource recovery 363.728 2 cancer 362.196 994 2
see also Waste control incidence 614.599 942
Resources medicine 616.994 2
education and research Tl~07 social services 362.196 994 2
see Manual at 016 vs. 026, see also Cancer~ humans
Tl~07 geriatrics 618.9762
military science 355.2 incidence 614.592
law 343.013 medicine 616.2
natural 333.7 nursing 616.200 423 1
Respect 179.9 pediatrics 618.922
Respiration 572.47 pharmacokinetics 615.72
animals 573.2 social services 362.196 2
biochemistry 572.47 surgery 617.54
human biochemistry 612.22 Respiratory tract infections
human biophysics 612.21 medicine 616.2
human physiology 612.2 see also Respiratory tract
microorganisms 572.472 9 diseases ~ humans
plants 572.472 Responsa (Jewish law) 296.185
see also Respiratory system Responses
Respiration disorders music 782.292
medicine 616.2 Responsibility
see also Respiratory tract executive management 658.402
diseases~ humans law 346.022
Respiratory agents military administration 355.685
pharmacokinetics 615.72 public administration 352.35
Respiratory allergies Responsive readings
medicine 616.202 public worship 203.8
see also Respiratory tract Christianity 264.4
diseases ~ humans Judaism 296.45
Respiratory diseases 573.239 Rest
see also Respiratory tract animal physiology 573.79
diseases human physiology 612.76
Respiratory mechanics physical fitness 613.79
humans 612.21

Dewey Decimal Classification

Rest areas Restorative surgery 617.952

road engineering 625.77 Restoring torques
Rest homes 362.61 aeronautics 629.132 364
see also Health care facilities Restorrnel (England) T2 -423 7
Rest periods Restraint
labor economics 331.257 6 social control 303.36
personnel management 658.312 2 Restraint of trade (Competition) 338.604 8
Restaurant cooking 641.572 criminology 364.168
Restaurant meal service 642.5 criminal law 345.026 8
Restaurants 647.95 economics 338.604 8
arts TJC-3564 law 343.072 3
literature 808.803 564 Restrictive environments
history and criticism 809.933 564 psychology 155.96
see also Eating places Restrictive practices 338.82
Restaurateurs 647.950 92 economics 338.82
Restigouche (N.B.) T2-715 11 international economics 338.884
Restigouche River (N.B. Rests (Music) 781.236
and Quebec) T2-715 11 Resume writing 650.142
Restionales 584.8 Resumes (Employment) 650.142
Restitution (Law of war) 341.66 Resurfacing
Holocaust, 1933-1945 940.531 814 4 road maintenance 625.761
Restitution coefficient 531.382 Resurrection 202.3
Restoration Tl-028 8 Christianity 236.8
arts 702.88 Islam 297.23
cinematography 777.58 Judaism 296.33
engineering 620.004 6 Resurrection of Jesus Christ 232.5
library materials 025.84 life 232.97
museology 069.53 Resurrection plants 587.9
videography 777.58 Resuscitation
wooden furniture 684.104 42 medicine 616.025
Restoration (France), 1815-1848 944.06 Retail advertising 659.131 4
Restoration (Great Britain), Retail chains 381.12
1660-1688 941.066 management 658.870 2
English history 942.066 see also Commerce
Scottish history 941.106 6 Retail credit
Restoration (Spain), 1814-1833 946.072 marketing management 658.883
Restoration (Spain), 1871-1873 946.073 Retail marketing 381.1
Restoration movement (Christian management 658.87
movement) 286.6 see also Commerce
biography 286.609 2 Retail salesmanship 381.1
church government 262.066 etiquette 395.53
parishes 254.066 management 658.85
church law 262.986 6 Retail stores 381.1
doctrines 230.66 management 658.87
catechisms and creeds 238.66 Retail trade 381.1
guides to Christian life 248.486 6 accounting 657.839
missions 266.66 marketing management 658.87
moral theology 241.046 6 see also Commerce
public worship 264.066 Retail trade buildings
religious associations 267.186 6 architecture 725.21
religious education 268.866 Retained profits
seminaries 230.073 66 capital formation 332.041 52
theology 230.66
Restoration of natural resources 333.715 3

I[ ______________________________ R_e_la_t_iv_e_I_n_d_e_x______________________________

· Retaining walls 721.2 Retirement (continued)

architecture 721.2 psychology 155.672
construction 690.12 sociology 306.38
railroad engineering 625.13 Retirement age
structural engineering 624.164 economics 331.252
Retalhuleu (Guatemala: personnel management 658.313 2
Dept.) T2-728 183 Retirement benefits 331.252
Retarding (Plants) 631.583 law 344.Q12 52
floriculture 635.982 public employees 342.068 6
gardening 635.048 3 Retirement connseling
Retention personnel management 658.385
archives 025.281 4 Retirement guides
Retention (Memory) 153.122 life skills 646.79
Retention of records 651.51 Retirement income 332.024 014
Rethymne (Greece) T2-495 9 pensions 331.252
Reticular tissues see also Pensions
human histology 611.018 2 personal finance 332.024 014
Reticulated beetles 595.762 tax economics 336.242 8
Reticuloendothelial system tax law 343.052 4
human immunology 616.079 9 Retirement investment plans 332.024 014 5
Reticulosis Retirement planning 332.024 014
incidence 614.599 944 2 Retracts 514.24
medicine 616.994 42 Retraining
see also Cancer humans labor economics 331.259 24
Retinal diseases law 344.012 592 4
incidence 614.599 7 public employees 342.068 6
ophthalmology 617.735 personnel management 658.312 43
see also Eye diseases social welfare 362.042 5
humans vocational education 370.113
Retinas Retreats (Military tactics) 355.422
human anatomy 611.84 Retreats (Religion)
human physiology 612.843 Christianity 269.6
ophthalmology 617.735 Retribution
Retinitis pigmentosa penology 364.601
ophthalmology 617.735 Retrieval of information
see also diseases information science 025.524
humans Retrievers 636.7527
Retired people 306.38 Retrospective conversion
Tl-086 96 library operations 025.317 3
labor economics 331.5 Retroviridae 579.256 9
psychology 155.672 medical microbiology 616.918 801
religion 200.869 6 Retroviridae infections
Christianity 270.086 96 incidence 614.588
social welfare 362.899 6 medicine 616.9188
women 306.380 82 see also Communicable
social welfare 362.839 84 diseases - humans
Retirees 306.38 Retroviruses 579.256 9
Tl-086 96 Rett syndrome
see also Retired people medicine 616.858 84
Retirement 306.38 pediatrics 618.928 588 4
armed forces 355.114 Return to Orthodox Judaism 296.715
financial planning 332.024 014 Returned merchandise
personnel management 658.313 2 marketing management 658.812
public administration 352.69 Reunification of Germany 943.087 8

Dewey Decimal Classification

Reunion 969.81 Revised versions of Bible 220.520 4

T2--698 1 Revival meetings 269.24
Reusability Revolution 303.64
computer software 005 ethics 172.1
Reuss River (Switzerland) T2--494 566 political science 321.094
Revegetation 631.64 social change 303.4
Revelation (Biblical book) 228 social conflict 303.64
Revelation of God 212.6 social theology 201.72
Bible 220.13 Buddhism 294.337 2
Christianity 231.74 Christianity 261.7
comparative religion 202.117 Hinduism 294.517 2
Islam 297.211 5 Judaism 296.382
Judaism 296.311 5 see Manual at 909, 930-990 vs.
philosophy of religion 212.6 320.4, 321,321.09
Revelstoke (B.C.) T2-711 68 Revolution of 1891 (Chilean
Revenue 336.02 history) 983.062
financial management 658.155 4 Revolution of 1911~1912
law 343.036 (Chinese history) 951.036
public administration 352.44 Revolution of 1918 (German
public finance 336.02 history) 943.085 1
Revenue budgets (Public) 352.48 Revolution of 1958 (Venezuelan
see also Budgets (Public) history) 987.063 3
Revenue cutters 363.286 Revolution of April 1870
design 623.812 63 (Venezuelan history) 987.062
engineering 623.826 3 Revolution of October 1945
police services 363.286 (Venezuelan history) 987.063 2
Revenue offenses 364.133 Revolutionare Marxistische Liga
law 345.023 3 (Swiss political party) 324.249 407 5
Revenue sharing 336.185 Revolutionary activities 322.42
law 343.034 Revolutionary groups 322.42
public administration 352.73 Revolutionary Marxist League
public finance 336.185 (Swiss political party) 324.249 407 5
Revenue stamps 336.272 Revolutionary unions
prints 769.572 labor economics 331.886
public finance 336.272 Revolutionary warfare 355.021 8
Revenue tariffs 382.72 Revolutions of 1848 940.284
see also Customs (Tariff) German history 943.074
Reveries 154.3 Revolvers 683.436
Reverse dictionaries 413.1 art metalwork 739.744 36
specific languages T4--31 manufacturing technology 683.436
Reverse osmosis military engineering 623.443 6
desalinization 628.167 44 see also Guns (Small arms)
Review Revues 782.14
study and teaching Tl-076 music 782.14
Reviews stage presentation 792.6
ballet 792.845 Rewards
books 028.1 armed forces 355.134
films 791.437 5 social control 303.35
musical plays 792.645 student discipline 371.53
opera 792.545 Reweaving 646.25
radio programs 791.447 5 clothing care 646.6
television programs 791.457 5 home sewing 646.25
Revised English Bible 220.520 6 Rex cat 636.822
Revised Standard version Bible 220.520 42

rI Relative Index

Reye syndrome Rheinhessen-Pfalz

medicine 616.83 (Germany:
see also Nervous system Regierungsbezirk) T2-434 35
diseases -- humans Rheinland-Pfalz (Germany) T2---434 3
pediatrics 618.928 3 Rheintal (Switzerland) T2---494 721
Reynolds County (Mo.) T2----778 885 Rhenish Pmssia (Germany) T2---434 3
Reza Shah Pahlavi, Shah of Iran Rhenium 669.7
Iranian history 955.052 chemical engineering 661.054 5
RFD (Mail delivery) 383.145 chemistry 546.545
see also Postal service metallurgy 669.7
RFID (Radio frequency physical metallurgy 669.967
identification) 006.245 see also Chemicals
computer science 006.245 Rheology 531.113 4
engineering 621.384 192 Rheostats 621.317
Rh factor Rhesus monkey 599.864 3
human physiology 612.118 25 Rheto-Romance languages 459.9
incompatibility T6-599
pediatrics 618.921 5 Rheto-Romance literatures 859.9
perinatal medicine 618.326 1 Rhetoric 808
see also Cardiovascular Rheumatic diseases
diseases humans medicine 616.723
Rhabdocoela 592.42 see also Musculoskeletal
Rhabdofario 597.57 diseases ~ humans
Rhabdoviridae 579.256 6 Rheumatic fever
Rhade (Vietnamese people) T5~992 2 incidence 614.597 23
Rhaetia T2--369 47 medicine 616.991
Austria T2~363 64 see also Communicable
Switzerland T2~369 47 diseases humans
Rhaetian Alps T2494 732 pediatrics 618.929 91
Rhaetian languages 459.9 Rheumatic heart disease
T6~599 medicine 616.127
Rhaetian literatures 859.9 see also Cardiovascular
Rhaetians T5~599 diseases -humans
Rhaeto-Romanic languages 459.9 Rheumatism
T6~599 medicine 616.723
Rhaeto-Romanic literatures 859.9 see also Musculoskeletal
Rhagionidae 595.773 diseases -- humans
Rhamnales 583.86 Rheumatoid arthritis
Rhapsodies (Music) 784.189 45 medicine 616.722 7
Rhea County (Tenn.) T2~768 834 see also Musculoskeletal
Rheas 598.522 diseases ~ humans
Rhegium (Italy) T2~377 831 Rheumatology 616.723
Rheiformes 598.522 Rhinbund 943.06
paleozoology 568.5 Rhine, Confederation of the 943.06
Rheims-Douay Bible 220.520 2 Rhine Province (Germany) T2---434 3
Rhein-Neckar (Germany : Rhine River T2434
Metropolregion) T2---434 645 Germany T2---434
Rhein-Neckar-Kreis Switzerland T2---494
(Germany : Landkreis) T2 434 645 Rhineland-Palatinate
Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis (Germany) T2---434 3
(Germany: Landkreis) T2---434 353 Rhinencephalon
Rheinfelden (Switzerland : human physiology 612.825
Bezirk) T2---494 564 3 medicine 616.8

Dewey Decimal Classification

Rhinoceroses 599.668 Rhone River (Switzerland

conservation technology 639.979 668 and France) T2---445 8
resource economics 333.959 668 France T2---445 8
Rhinocerotidae 599.668 Switzerland T2 494 79
Rhinology 616.21 Rhubarb 641.354 8
Rhipiceroidea 595.763 botany 583.57
Rhiptoglossidea 597.956 commercial processing 664.805 48
Rhizobium 579.334 cooking 641.654 8
Rhizocephala 595.35 food 641.354 8
Rhizomes 581.46 garden crop 635.48
descriptive botany 581.46 Rhuddlan (Wales :
physiology 575.497 Borough) T2---429 37
Rhizomyidae 599.35 Rhum, Isle of (Scotland) T2---4ll 54
Rhizophoraeeae 583.763 Rhyl (Wales) T2---429 37
Rhizopodea 579.43 Rhyme 808.1
Rhizopus 579.53 Rhymes
Rhizosphere 577.57 folk literature 398.8
Rhizostomeae 593.53 Rhyming 808.1
Rhode Island 974.5 Rhyming dictionaries 413.1
T2-745 specific languages T4--31
Rhode Island Red chicken 636.584 Rhyming games 398.8
Rhode Island Sound (Mass. and 551.461 346 Rhymney Valley (Wales) TI---429 76
R.I.) TI-163 46 RlJynchobdellida 592.66
Rhodes (Greece : Island) T2 495 87 Rhynchocephalia 597.945
ancient T2-391 6 paleozoology 567.945
Rhodesia (1964~1980) 968.910 4 Rhynchocoela 592.32
T2-6891 Rhyolite 552.22
Rhodesia and Nyasaland 968.903 Rhythm (Linguistics) 414.6
T2-689 specific languages T4--16
Rhodesian man 569.98 Rhythm (Musical element) 781.224
Rhodesian ridgeback 636.753 6 Rhythm and blues 781.643
Rhodesians T5~968 91 Rhythm bands 784.68
Rhodium 669.7 Rhythm method (Birth control)
chemical engineering 661.063 4 health 613.943 4
chemistry 546.634 medicine 618.184
metallography 669.957 see also Birth control
metallurgy 669.7 Rhythm perception 153.753
physical metallurgy 669.967 Rhythmic arts
see also Chemicals religious significance 203.7
Rhodobacter 579.385 Christianity 246.7
Rhododendrons 583.66 see also Arts religious
floriculture 635.933 66 significance
Rhodope (Greece) T2---495 7 Rhythmic gymnastics 796.443
Rhodope Mountains T2---499 7 Riau (Indonesia) T2-598 14
Rhodophyceae 579.89 Riau Islands (Indonesia) T2-598 192
Rhodophyta 579.89 Rlazanskala oblast' (Russia) T2 473 3
Rhodopseudomonas 579.385 Rib vaults 721.45
Rhoeadales 583.35 architecture 721.45
RMn (Germany) T2---433 3 construction 690.145
Rhondda (Wales) T2---429 78 Ribatejo (Portugal) TI---469 45
Rhondda Cynon Taff Ribble, River (England) T2-427 685
(Wales) T2---429 78 Ribble Valley (England) T2-427 685
Rhone (France) TI---445 82 Ribbon seal 599.792
Rhone-Alpes (France) T2445 8 Ribbon worms 592.32

Relative Index

Ribbons 677.76 Richland Parish (La.) T2-763 86

Ribbons (Gymnastic equipment) 796.443 Richmond (B.c.) T2-71133
Ribe amt (Denmark) T2-489 5 Richmond (N.S. : County) T2-716 98
Ribes 583.72 Richmond (Natal, South
edible fruits 641.347 2 Africa: District) T2-684 7
cooking 641.647 2 Richmond (Northern Cape,
food 641.347 2 South Africa : District) T2-687 13
horticulture 634.72 Richmond (Va.) T2-755 451
Ribonucleic acid 572.88 Richmond County (Ga.) T2-758 64
Ribose 572.565 Richmond County (N.C.) T2-756 34
see also Carbohydrates Richmond County (N.Y.) T2-747 26
Ribosomes 571.658 Richmond County (Va.) T2-755 23
Ribs Richmond River (N.S.W.) T2-944 3
human anatomy 611.712 Richmond upon Thames
medicine 616.71 (London, England) T2-421 95
surgery 617.471 Richmondshire (England) T2-428 48
Ricardo, David Richtersveld National Park
economic rent theory 333.012 (South Africa) T2-687 19
economic school 330.153 Ricinulei 595.455
Ricciaceae 588.3 Rickets
Rice 641.331 8 medicine 616.395
agricultural economics 338.173 18 see also Digestive system
botany 584.9 diseases - humans
commercial processing Rickettsiae
economics 338.476 647 25 medical microbiology 616.922 01
technology 664.725 Rickettsial diseases 571.993 27
cooking 641.631 8 agriculture 632.32
food 641.331 8 animals 571.993 271 I
food crop 633.18 veterinary medicine 636.089 692 2
Rice County (Kan.) T2-781 543 biology 571.993 27
Rice County (Minn.) T2-776 555 humans 362.196 922
Rice Lake (Ont.) T2-713 57 incidence 614.526
Rice wine 641.23 medicine 616.922
commercial processing 663.49 see also Communicable
Ricercares 784.187 6 diseases -humans
Rich County (Utah) T2-792 13 social services 362.196 922
Rich Internet applications 006.78 plants 571.993 271 2
Rich people 305.523 4 agriculture 632.32
Tl-086 21 Rickettsias 579.327
Richard I, King of England Rickshaws 388.341
English history 942.032 manufacturing technology 688.6
Richard II, King of England Riddles 808.882
English history 942.038 folk literature 398.6
Richard III, King of England jokes
English history 942.046 literature 808.882
Richards Bay (South Africa) T2-684 3 history and criticism 809.982
Richardson County (Neb.) T2-782 282 specific literatures T3B-802
Richelieu River (Quebec) T2-714 3 individual
Richland County (Ill.) T2-773 77 authors T3A-8
Richland County (Mont.) T2-786 23 literature 808.882
Richland County (N.D.) T2-784 12 history and criticism 809.982
Richland County (Ohio) T2-771 28 specific literatures T3B-802
Richland County (S.C.) T2-757 71 individual authors T3A-8
Richland County (Wis.) T2-775 75 recreation 793.735

Dewey Decimal Classification

Ridesharing 388.413 212 Right of petition 323.48

Riding-club buildings law 342.085 4
architecture 725.88 Right of privacy 323.448
Riding horses (Breeds) 636.13 Right of property 323.46
Riding horses (Recreation) 798.23 Rightofway 346.043 5
Ridley turtles 597.928 economics
Riel's Rebellion, 1869-1870 971.051 sale and rental 333.336
Riel's Rebellion, 1885 971.054 Right to bear arms 323.43
Riemann hypothesis 512.73 Right to counsel 345.056
Riemann integral 515.43 Right to die
Riemann surfaces 515.93 ethics 179.7
Riemannian geometry 516.373 religion 205.697
Riemannian manifolds 516.362 Christianity 241.697
Riesz spaces 515.73 Judaism 296.369 7
Rieti (Italy : Province) T2--456 24 law 344.041 97
ancient T2-377 35 medical ethics 179.7
RIF (Layoff) Right to education 379.26
economics 331.259 6 law 344.079
employment security 331.259 6 Right to hold office 323.5
unemployment 331.137 Right to information 323.445
law 344.012 596 law 342.066 2
personnel management 658.313 4 Right to labor 331.889 2
public administration 352.69 Right to learn 379.26
Riflanguage 493.3 law 344.079
T6-933 Right to life 323.43
RifMountains (Morocco) T2--643 2 ethics 179.7
Riffle beetles 595.764 5 religion 205.697
Rifle grenades 623.451 14 Christianity 241.697
Rifles 683.422 Judaism 296.369 7
art metalwork 739.744 25 law 342.085
manufacturing technology 683.422 Right to life (Prenatal)
military engineering 623.442 5 ethics 179.76
military equipment 355.824 25 religion 205.697 6
sports 799.202 832 see also Abortion ethics
see also Guns (Small arms) law 342.085
Rift Valley fever social theology 201.763 46
incidence 614.588 Christianity 261.836
medicine 6]6.918 Judaism 296.38
Rift Valley Province Right-to-life movement
(Kenya) T2-676 27 social theology 201.763 46
Rift valleys 551.872 Christianity 261.836
Riga, Gulf of (Latvia and 551.461 334 Judaism 296.38
Estonia) T2-163 34 Right to read 379.24
Rigging equipment Right to representation 323.5
aircraft 629.134 37 Right to strike 331.892 01
Right and wrong 170 Right to vote 324.62
religion 205 law 342.072
Right-eyed flounders 597.694 Right to work 331.889 2
Right-hand techniques Right whale 599.527 3
music 784.193 67 Righteous Gentiles
Right of assembly 323.47 Holocaust, 1933-1945 940.531 835
law 342.085 4 Righteousness (Christian
Right of asylum 323.631 doctrine) 234
law 342.083

Relative Index

Rightist parties 324.213 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil :

international organizations 324.13 State) T2-815 3
Rights of humanity 323 Rio de Ia Plata (Argentina and 551.461 368
see also Civil rights Uruguay) T2-163 68
Rigid airships 387.732 5 Rio de Ia Plata (Viceroyalty) 982.024
engineering 629.133 25 T2-82
military engineering 623.743 5 Rio de Oro T2-648
transportation services 387.732 5 Rio Grande T2-7644
Rigid bodies Colorado T2--788 3
mechanics 531 Mexico T2-721
Rigidity New Mexico T2-789 6
materials science 620.112 5 Texas T2-7644
Rigveda 294.592 12 Rio Grande County (Colo.) T2-788 37
Riksdag Act, 1866 Rio Grande do Norte
Swedish history 948.504 1 (Brazil) T2-813 2
RiksmiH language 439.82 Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) T2-816 5
T6--398 2 Rio Grande Vailey T2--764 4
Riksmalliterature 839.82 Rio Maputo T2-~84 2
Riley County (Kan.) T2-78128 Mozambique T2--679 1
Rimini (Italy) South Africa T2-684 2
ancient T2--372 686 Rio Muni T2-671 83
Rimini (Italy : Province) T2--454 86 Rio Negro (Argentina) T2-827 3
ancient T2--372 686 Rio Negro (Uruguay) T2-895 28
Rimouski-Neigette Rio San Juan (Nicaragua) T2-728 531
(Quebec) T2--714 771 Rioja (Argentina: Province) T2-824 6
Ring-necked pheasant 598.625 2 Rioja (Spain) T2--463 54
sports hunting 799.246 252 Rios (Ecuador) T2-866 33
Ringed seal 599.792 Riot and civil commotion
Ringette 796.966 insurance 368.125
Ringgold County (Iowa) T2-777 873 Riot control 363.323
Ringk0bing amt (Denmark) T2--489 5 Riot insurance 368.125
Rings (Jewelry) 391.72 Rioting 364.143
customs 391.72 law 345.024 3
making 739.278 2 Riots 303.623
costume jewelry 688.2 political action 322.4
handicrafts 745.594 2 prisons 365.641
fine jewelry 739.278 2 public safety 363.323
Rings (Mathematics) 512.4 social conflict 303.623
number theory 512.74 social services 363.323
Rings (Planets) 523.98 see also Disasters
Ringworm Riparian biology 578.768
medicine 616.579 Riparian ecology 577,68
see also Skin diseases - Riparian rights
humans law 346.043 2
Rink bandy 796.963 Ripened cheeses 641.3 73 53
Rink hockey 796.356 64 cooking 641.673 53
Rinks food 641.373 53
architecture 725.86 processing 63 7.3 53
Rinzai 294.392 7 Ripley County (Ind.) T2-772 14
Rio Arriba County (N.M.) T2--789 52 Ripley County (Mo.) T2--778 894
Rio Blanco County (Colo.) T2-788 15 Ripon, George Frederick Samuel
Rio Branco (Brazil : Robinson, Marquess of
Territory) T2--8ll 4 Indian history 954.035 3

Dewey Decimal Classffication

Risaralda (Colombia: Rituals 203.8

Dept.) T2-861 32 see also Rites- religion
RISC (Computer science) 004.3 Rivas (Nicaragua : Dept.) T2-728 517
see also Processing modes River basins
computer science land economics 333.73
Rishonim 296.180 92 River beds 551.442
Risk T2-144
economics 338.5 geography 910.914 4
insurance 368 geomorphology 551.442
Risk assessment physical geography 910.021 44
natural resources 333.714 River boats 386.224 36
see Manual at 333.7-.9 vs. design 623.812 436
363.1, 363.73,577 engineering 623.824 36
public safety 363.102 freight services 386.244
social services 361.1 passenger services 386.242
Risk capital 332.041 54 transportation services 386.224 36
Risk factors see also Ships
medicine 616.071 River dogfishes 597.41
Risk management 368 River dolphins 599.538
financial management 658.155 River ice 551.345
insurance 368 River mouths
Risk of consequential loss 368.08 engineering 627.124
Risk perception River Nile (Sudan) T2-625
social psychology 302.12 River otters 599.769 2
Risorgimento 945.083 see also Otters (River otters)
Lombardian history 945.208 3 River police 363.287 2
Piedmontese history 945.108 3 River steamers 386.224 36
Venetian history 945.308 3 see also River boats
Ritavi (South Africa : River transportation 386.3
District) T2-682 59 see also Inland water
Ritchie County (W.Va.) T2-754 24 transportation
Rites 390 Rivera (Uruguay: Dept.) T2-895 34
customs 390 Rivers 551.483
magic 133.43 T2-l69 3
religion 203.8 biology 578.764
African religions 299.613 8 ecology 577.64
Buddhism 294.343 8 geography 910.916 93
Christianity 264 hydraulic engineering 627.12
comparative religion 203.8 hydrology 551.483
Hinduism 294.538 interactions with atmosphere 551.524 8
Islam 297.38 landscape architecture 714
Judaism 296.45 law 346.046 916 2
music 782.3 law of nations 341.442
witchcraft 133.43 recreational resonrces 333.784 5
Ritual bath recreational use 797
Judaism 296.75 resource economics 333.916 2
Ritual purity travel 910.916 93
Islam 297.38 water supply engineering 628.112
Judaism Rivers State (Nigeria) TI-66942
family purity 296.742 Riversdale (South Africa :
Ritual slaughter (Dietary laws) 204.46 District) T2-687 37
Islam 297.576 Riverside County (Calif.) T2-794 97
Judaism 296.73 Riverweeds 583.82
Rituale Romanum 264.025

Relative Index
Riveting 671.59 Road transportation 388.31
decorative arts 739.14 law 343.094
sculpture 731.41 public administration 354.77
ship hulls 623.843 2 urban 388.413 1
Riveting equipment 621.978 Roadability tests
Rivets 621.884 automotive vehicles 629.282 5
Riviera T2--449 4 Roadbeds
France T2----449 4 railroad engineering 625.123
Italy T2----451 8 interurban railroads 625.65
Riviera (Switzerland) T2-494 783 local railroads 625.65
Riviera-Pays-d'Enhaut road engineering 625.733
(Switzerland) 1'2----494 524 7 Roadrunners 598.74
Riviere-du-Loup (Quebec : Roads 388.1
Regional County agricultural use 631.28
Municipality) T2-714 764 area planning 711.7
Riviere-du-Nord (Quebec) T2-714 246 effect on natural ecology 577.272
Rivne (Ukraine : Oblast) T2----477 9 engineering 625.7
Rivnens'ka oblast' forestry 634.93
(Ukraine) 1'2----477 9 land economics 333.77
Riwayah 297.125 16 acquisition and disposal 333.11
Rizal (Philippines : urban land use 333.77
Province) T2-599 1 landscape architecture 713
Rize iii (Turkey) T2-56622 law 343.094 2
ancient T2 393 37 military engineering 623.62
RML (Swiss political party) 324.249 407 5 public administration 354.77
RNA (Genetics) 572.88 transportation services 388.1
RNA virus infections urban 388.411
animals use 388.314
veterinary medicine 636.089 691 8 urban 388.413 14
humans Roadside areas 625.77
incidence 614.588 road transportation 388.312
medicine 616.918 Roadside barriers 625.795
RNA viruses 579.25 Roadside biology 578.755
Roach (Fish) 597.482 Roadside ecology 577.55
sports fishing 799.174 82 Roadside shrines
Roaches 595.728 architecture 726.9
Road accidents 363.125 Roadside signs
see also Highway safety outdoor advertising 659.134 2
Road camps (Correctional Roadsteads 387.1
programs) 365.34 hydraulic engineering 627.22
see also Penal institutions see also Ports
Road cycling 796.626 Roan antelope 599.645
Road engineers 625.709 2 Roane County (Tenn.) T2-768 84
Road maintenance 625.761 Roane County (W.Va.) T2-754 36
Road maps 912 Roanoke (Va.) T2-755 791
Road oils 665.538 8 Roanoke County (Va.) T2-755 792
Road rage 363.125 1 Roanoke Island (N.C.) T2-756 175
Road repair 625.761 Roanoke River (Va. and
Road running 796.425 N.C.) T2-756 16
Road safety 363.125 North Carolina T2-756 16
see also Highway safety Virginia T2-755 6
Road tests Roarers (Musical instruments) 783.99
automotive vehicles 629.282 4 Roasting
home cooking 641.71

Dewey Decimal Classification

Robalos 597.72 Rock failure

Robben Island (South mining 622.28
Africa) T2--687 35 Rock-fill dams 627.83
Robber flies 595.773 Rock fragmentation
Robbery 364.155 2 frost action 551.382
law 345.025 52 Rock gardens 635.967 2
Robbery insurance 368.82 Rock Island County (Ill.) T2-773 393
Robert II, King of France Rock mechanics
French history 944.021 engineering geology 624.151 32
Robert-Cliche (Quebec) T2-714 716 railroad engineering 625.122
Roberts County (S.D.) T2-783 12 road engineering 625.732
Roberts County (Tex.) T2-764 818 Rock mosses 588.2
Robertson (South Africa : Rock music 781.66
District) T2--687 33 songs 782.421 66
Robertson County (Ky.) T2-769 415 Rock musicians 781.660 92
Robertson County (Tenn.) T2-768 464 Roek'n' roll 781.66
Robertson County (Tex.) T2--764239 Rock pools
Robeson County (N.C.) T2-756332 biology 578.769 9
Robins 598.842 ecology 577.699
Robinson Gorge National Rock rats 599.359
Park (Qld.) T2-943 5 Rock River (Wis. and Ill.) T2-773 3
Robot hands 629.893 3 Rock salt 553.632
Robotics 629.892 mineralogy 549.4
Robots 629.892 see also Salt (Sodium chloride)
engineering 629.892 Rock singers 782.421 660 92
factory operations engineering 670.427 2 Rock songs 782.421 66
primary education 372.358 Rock whiting 597.72
recreation 796.16 Rock wool
social effects 303.483 4 materials science 620.195
Rocha (Uruguay: Dept.) T2-895 16 Rockbridge County (Va.) T2-755 852
Rochdale (England : Roekcastle County (Ky.) T2-769623
Metropolitan Borough) T2--427 392 Rockdale County (Ga.) T2-758 215
Rochelle (France) T2--44642 Rocket engines 621.435 6
Roeber-Perce (Quebec) T2-714 795 aircraft 629.134 354
Roches Douvres (France) T2--423 49 spacecraft 629.475 2
Roches moutonnees 551.315 Rocket fuels 662.666
Rochester (N.Y.) T2-747 89 Rocket launchers (Crew-served
Rochester upon Medway weapons) 355.822
(England) T2--422 32 engineering 623.42
Rochford (England : military equipment 355.822
District) T2--426 775 field artillery 358.128 2
Rock (Music) Rocket launchers (Portable
attitude of Christianity toward 261.578 weapons) 356.162
sociology 306.484 26 engineering 623.442 6
Rock art 709.011 3 military equipment 356.162
painting 759.0113 Rocket planes
sculpture 732.23 engineering 629.133 38
Rock bass 597.738 military engineering 623.746 045
Rock climbing 796.522 3 Rocket propellants 662.666
Rock County (Minn.) T2-776 25 Rocket-propelled guided missiles 358.171 82
Rock County (Neb.) T2-782 743 engineering 623.451 9
Rock County (Wis.) T2-775 87 military equipment 358.171 82
Rock cutting
road engineering 625.733

Relative Indet

Rocket weapons 358.171 82 Rodenticides 632.951

engineering 623.451 9 agricultural use 632.951
military equipment 358.171 82 chemical engineering 668.651
Rocketry 621.435 6 Rodents 599.35
Rockets (Ordnance) 355.825 43 animal husbandry 636.935
engineering 623.454 3 disease carriers 571.986
military equipment 355.825 43 medicine 614.438
Rockfalls 551.307 experimental.animals
Rockfishes 597.68 medicine 616.027 33
cooking 641.692 paleozoology 569.35
food 641.392 pest control 363.78
Rockhampton (Qid.) T2-943 5 social welfare 363.78
Rockingham County (N.C.) T2-756 63 technology 628.969 3
Rockingham County (N.H.) T2--742 6 agriculture 632.693 5
Rockingham County (Va.) T2-755 922 home economics 648.7
Rockland County (N.Y.) T2-747 28 599.35
Rockroses 583.625 Rodeos 791.84
Rocks 552 Rodney District (N.Z.) T2-932 I
determinative mineralogy 549.114 Rodope (Greece) T2495 7
petrology 552 Rodopi Mountains T2--499 7
structural engineering 624.183 2 Rodrigues Island
Rockwall County (Tex.) T2-764278 (Mauritius) T2-698 2
Rockweeds 579.888 Rodriguez, Abelardo L.
Rocky Mountain National (Abelardo Lujan)
Park (Colo.) T2-788 69 Mexican history 972.082 44
Rocky Mountain spotted fever Rodriguez, Andres
incidence 614.526 3 Paraguayan history 989.207 41
medicine 616.922 3 Rodriguez, Miguel Angel
see also Communicable Costa Rican history 972.860 524
diseases humans Rods (Musical instruments) 786.82
Rocky Mountain Trench concussed 786.872
(B.C. and Mont.) T2-711 friction 786.862
Rocky Mountains T2-78 set 786.862
Alberta T2-712 33 786.888
British Columbia T2-711 percussed 786.842
Canada T2-711 set 786,842
Colorado T2-788 single 786.884 2
Montana T2-786 5 plucked 786.85
New Mexico T2-789 5 set 786.85
United States T2-78 786.887
Utah T2-792 2 see also Percussion instruments
Wyoming T2-787 2 Rods (Structural elements) 624.177 4
Rococo architecture 724.19 Roe deer 599.659
Rococo art 709.033 2 Roentgenium
Rococo decoration 745.409 033 chemistry 546.65
Rococo music 780.903 3 Roentgenology
Rococo painting 759.047 medicine 616.075 72
Rodent control 363.78 Rogaland fylke (Norway) T2--483 4
see also Rodents pest control Roger Mills County (Okla.) T2-766 16
Rodent-resistant construction 693.844 Rogers County (Okla.) T2-766 94
Rodentia 599.35 Roggeveld Range (South
see also Rodents Africa) T2-687 17
Rogue River (Or.) T2 795 21
Role conflict 302.15

Dewey Decimal Classification

Role playing ROM (Computer memory) 004.53

psychiatry 616.891 523 engineering 621.397 3
Role-playing games 793.93 Roma (Italy) T2--456 32
see Manual at 793.932 vs. ancient T2-376 3
794.822 Roma (Italy: Province) T2456 3
Role theory 302.15 ancient T2-376 3
Rolette County (N.D.) T2-784592 Etruria T2-375 9
Rolfing Latium T2-3763
therapeutics 615.822 Roma (People) T5-914 97
Roll (Aeronautics) 629.132 364 social aspects 305.891 497
Roll on/roll off shipping 387.544 2 Roman architecture 722.7
Roller bearings 621.822 Roman calligraphy 745.619 78
Roller hockey 796.356 6 Roman Catholic cathedrals
Roller painting 751.49 architecture 726.64
Roller skates Roman Catholic Church 282
manufacturing technology 688.762.1 canon law 262.9
Roller skating 796.21 church government 262.02
Rollcrblading 796.21 parishes 254.02
Rollers (Agricultural tools) conversion to 248.242
manufacturing technology 681.763 1 doctrines 230.2
Rollers (Birds) 598.78 catechisms and creeds 238.2
Rolling metals 671.32 general councils 262.52
decorative arts 739.14 guides to Christian life 248.482
sculpture 731.41 Inquisition 272.2
Rolling stock 385.37 liturgy 264.02
engineering 625.2 missions 266.2
law 343.095 5 moral theology 241.042
military 358.25 papacy 262.13
engineering 623.633 persecution under Queen
mining 622.66 Elizabeth 272.7
monorail 388.42 public worship 264.02
engineering 625.44 religious associations 267.182
operation 385.204 4 religious education 268.82
production economics 338.476 252 religious orders 255
public administration 354.767 church history 271
rapid transit 388.42 women 255.9
engineering 625.4 church history 271.9
special purpose 385.5 seminaries 230.073 2
engineering 625.3-.6 social teaching 261.808 828 2
transportation services 385.37 theology 230.2
see Manual at 629.046 vs. 388 see Manual at 270,230.11-.14
Rolls 641.815 VS. 230.15-.2, 281.5-.9, 282
commercial processing 664.752 3 Roman Catholic sacred music 781.712
home preparation 641.815 public worship 782.322 2
Rolls of honor music 782.322 2
armed forces 355.134 religion 264.020 2
World War I 940.467 Roman Catholic schisms 284.8
World War II 940.546 7 see also Old Catholic churches
see also Military Roman Catholic schools 371.071 2
commemorations Roman Catholics 282.092
Rolong (African people) T5-963 977 5 Roman-Dutch law 340.56
Rolong dialect 496.397 757 Roman Empire 937.06
T6-963 977 5 T2-37
Austrian history 936.360 3

Relative Index

Roman Empire (continued) Romanesque decoration 745.409 021

Belgian history 936.930 2 Romanesque painting 759.021 6
Dutch history 936.920 2 Romanesque revival architecture 724.52
Egyptian history 932.022 Romanesque sculpture 734.24
English history 936.204 Romani language 491.497
European history 936.03 T6-914 97
French history 936.402 Romani literature 891.497
Greek history 938.09 Romania 949.8
Libyan history 939.740 3 T2--498
Liechtenstein history 936.364 803 ancient 939.88
Luxembourgian history 936.935 02 T2-398 8
Middle Eastern history 939.405 Romanian language 459
Moroccan history 939.712 04 T6-591
North African history 939.703 Romanian literature 859
Palestinian history 933.05 Romanians T5-591
Portuguese history 936.690 3 Romanies T5-914 97
Spanish history 936.603 Holocaust, 1933-1945 940.531 808 991 497
Swiss history 936.940 2 social aspects 305.891497
Tunisian history 939.7303 Romanov, House of 947.046
Roman Kingdom 937.01 genealogy 929.77
T2-37 Romans (Ancient people) T5-71
Roman law 340.54 Romans (Biblical book) 227.1
Roman philosophy 180.937 Romansch T5-599 6
Roman question 945.084 Romansch language 459.96
Roman religion 292.07 T6-599 6
Roman Republic 937.02 Romansch literature 859.96
T2--37 Romansh T5-599 6
Roman revival architecture 724.22 Romansh language 459.96
Roman sculpture 733.5 T6-599 6
Roman type 686.224 7 Romansh literature 859.96
Romana (Dominican Romantic fiction 808.838 5
Republic :Province) T2~729 383 history and criticism 809.385
Romance language literatures 840 specific literatures T3B-308 5
Romance languages 440 individual authors T3A-3
T6--4 Romanticism
Romances (Music) 784.189 68 arts 700.414 5
Romances (Prose) 808.83 T3C-145
history and criticism 809.3 decoration 745.409 034
medieval 808.83 fine arts 709.034 2
history and criticism 809.3 literature 808.801 45
specific literatures T3B-3 history and criticism 809.914 5
individual authors T3A-3 specific literatures T3B-080 145
modern 808.838 5 history and
history and criticism 809.385 criticism T3B-09145
specific literatures T3B-308 5 music 780.903 4
individual authors T3A-3 painting 759.052
Romances (Verse) 808.813 3 philosophy 141.6
history and criticism 809.133 sculpture 735.22
specific literatures T3B-103 3 Romany language 491.497
individual authors T3A-l T6-914 97
Romanesque architecture 723.4 Romany literature 891.497
Romanesque art 709.021 6 Romany people T5-914 97
religious significance 246.2 Romblon (Philippines :
Province) T2-599 5

Dewey Decimal Classification

Rome (Italy) T2---456 32 Roots (Plants) 581.498

ancient T2-376 3 descriptive botany 581.498
Rome (Italy : Province) T2-456 3 physiology 575.54
ancient T2-376 3 Rope climbing 796.46
Etruria T2-375 9 Roper River (N.T.) T2-942 95
Latium T2--376 3 Ropes 677.71
Rommelpots 786.98 knotting and splicing 623.888 2
see also Percussion instruments · materials science 620.197
Ronde bosse power transmission 62 J .853
ceramic arts 738.4 sculpture material 731.2
Rondonia (Brazil : State) T2-8ll 1 ship gear 623.862
Rondos 781.824 structural engineering 624.189 7
instrumental 784.182 4 Ropes (Gymnastic equipment) 796.443
Ronga language 496.397 8 Roraima (Brazil) T2-811 4
T6-963 978 Rorquals 599.524
Rood screens 247.1 Rorschach (Switzerland :
architecture 726.529 6 Wahlkreis) T2-494722
Roodepoort (South Africa : Rorschach personality theory 155.264
District) T2--682 22 Rorschach tests 155.284 2
Roof failure (Mining) 622.28 Rosa (Roses) 583.734
Roof furniture 645.8 Rosales 583.73
see also Outdoor furniture Rosary 242.74
Roof gardening 635.967 1 Roscher, Wilhelm
Roofers 695.092 economic school 330.154 2
Roofing 695 Roscommon (Ireland :
Roofing paper 676.289 County) T2-417 5
Roofing tiles 666.732 Roscommon County (Mich.) T2-774 76
Roofs 721.5 Rose apples 583.765
architecture 721.5 Rose of Sharon 635.933 685
construction 690.15 botany 583.685
Rooks (Birds) 598.864 floriculture 635.933 685
Rooks (Chessmen) 794.143 Rose wine 641.222 32
Rooks County (Kan.) T2-78118 commercial processing 663.223 2
Rooming houses 910.464 Roseau County (Minn.) T2-776 98
see also Lodging (Temporary Rosebud County (Mont.) T2-786 32
housing) Rosefinches 598.885
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Rosellas (Birds) 598.71
Delano) Rosemaling 745.723
United States history 973.917 Rosemary 641.357
Roosevelt, Theodore botany 583.96
United States history 973.911 see also Herbs
Roosevelt County (Mont.) T2-786 22 Roses 635.933 734
Roosevelt County (N.M.) T2-789 32 botany 583.734
Root canal surgery 617.634 205 9 floriculture 635.933 734
Root celery 641.351 28 Roses, Wars of the, 1455-1485 942.04
see also Celeriac Rosetta stone 493.1
Root crops 635.1 Rosh Hashanah (Holy day) 296.431 5
agriculture 635.1 customs 394.267
cooking 641.651 liturgy 296.453 15
food 641.351 Rosh Hashanah (Tractate) 296.123 2
Root ex:traction (Mathematics) 512.923 Babylonian Talmud 296.125 2
arithmetic 513.23 Mishnah 296.123 2
Roots (Mathematics) Palestinian Talmud 296.124 2
number theory 512.72 Rosicrucianism 135.43

Relative Index

Rosicrucians 135.430 92 Rotor ships 387.22

Rosidae 583.7 engineering 623.822
Roskilde amt (Denmark) T2-489 I transportation services 387.22
Ross and Cromarty see also Ships
(Scotland) T2--411 56 Rotors
Ross County (Ohio) T2-77l 82 aircraft 629.134 36
Ross-on-Wye (England) T2-424 2 machine engineering 621.82
Ross Sea (Antarctic regions) 551.461 74 Rotorua District (N.Z.) T2-934 23
T2-167 4 Bay of Plenty Region T2-93423
Ross seal 599.796 Waikato Region T2-933 67
Rossendale (England) T2-427 63 Rotterdam (Netherlands) T2--492 385
Rossland (B.C.) T2--711 62 Rottweiler 636.73
Rostock (Germany) T2--431 745 Rouen (France) T2--442 52
Rostock (Germany: Bezirk) T2--431 74 Rouergue (France) T2--447 4
Rostov (Russia : Oblast) T2~474 9 Rough carpentry 694.2
Rostovskala oblasf (Russia) T2--474 9 Rough lumber 674.28
Rostral furniture Roughness
church architecture 726.529 2 materials science 620.112 92
Rot Roughy (Trachichthyidae) 597.64
agriculture 632.4 Roulette 795.23
materials science 620.112 23 Roumania 949.8
Rotary blowers 621.62 T2--498
Rotary fans 621.62 ancient 939.88
Rotary files (Records T2-398 8
management) 651.54 Round-backed lutes 787.82
Rotary International 369.52 see alw Stringed instruments
biography 369.520 92 Round dances 793.33
Rotary pumps 621.66 Roundabouts (Traffic circles) 388.13
hydraulic 621.252 area planning 711.7
Rotation engineering 625.7
celestial bodies 521 transportation services 388.13
earth 525.35 urban 388.411
sun 523.73 Roundhouses 385.314
Rotation groups 512.2 architecture 725.33
Rotation of crops Roundworm-caused diseases
cultivation technique 631.582 humans
economics 338.162 incidence 614.555
soil conservation 631.452 medicine 616.965
Rotational motion 531.113 see also Communicable
classical mechanics 531.113 diseases - humans
fluid mechanics 532.059 5 Roundworms 592.57
gas mechanics 533.295 Roussillon (France :
liquid mechanics 532.595 Province) T2--448 9
solid bodies 531.34 Roussillon (Quebec) T2 -714 34
ROTC (Reserve training) 355223 207117 3 Routers (Woodworking tools)
Rote use in home woodworking 684.083 21
education 371.39 Routes
psychology 153.1522 mr 387.72
Rother (England) T2--422 52· bus 388.322 1
Rotherham (England : urban 388.413 22
Metropolitan Borough) T2--428 23 maritime 387.52
Rotifera 592.52 truck 388.324 2
Rotifers 592.52 urban 388.413 24
Rot is 641.84

Dewey Decimal Classification

Routing RU486 (Drug)

production management 658.53 medicine 618.29
transportation 388.041 pharmacokinetics 615.766
see also Scheduling ~ Rua, Fernando de Ia
transportation Argentine history 982.071
Routt County (Colo.) T2--788 14 Ruanda language 496.394 61
Rouville (Quebec) T2-714 53 T6-963 946 l
Rouville (Quebec: Regional Ruanda literature 896.394 61
County Municipality) T2-714 53 Ruanda-Rundi languages 496.394 6
Rouxville (South Africa : T6-963 946
District) T2-685 6 Ruanda-Urundi 967.570 3
T2-714 136 T2~675 7
Rouyn-Noranda (Quebec)
595.764 2 Ruapehu District (N.Z.) T2~935 2
Rove beetles
Rovigo (Italy: Province) T2--453 3 Rub'al-Khali T2-538
ancient T2-373 3 Rubato 781.46
Row houses Rubber 678.2
architecture 728.312 chemistry 547.842 6
Rowan County (Ky.) T2-769 57 handicrafts 745.57
Rowan County (N.C.) T2-756 71 materials science 620.194
Rowan trees 583.73 shipbuilding 623.820 7
Rowboat racing 797.14 structural engineering 624.189 4
Rowboats 386.229 Rubber bands 678.35
design 623.812 9 Rubber hydrochloride 678.68
engineering 623.829 Rubber industry workers 678.209 2
transportation services 386.229 Rubber plant (Ficus) 635.933 45
Rowing botany 583.45
sports 797.123 floriculture 635.933 45
Roxas, Manuel rubber crop 633.895
Philippine history 959.904 l Rubber products 678.3
Roxburgh (Scotland : Rubber-stamp printing 761
District) T2--413 7 Rubber stamps
Royal commissions 352.743 manufacturing technology 681.6
Royal fern 587.3 Rubber tree (Hevea) 633.895 2
Royal houses botany 583.69
genealogy 929.7 rubber crop 633.895 2
Royal Natal National Park Rubbings
(South Africa) T2-6847 graphic arts 740
Royal National Park research technique 739.522
(N.S.W.) T2-9446 Rubella
Royal office of Jesus Christ 232.8 incidence 614.524
Royal tennis 796.34 medicine 616.916
Royalty 305.522 see also Communicable
Tl-086 21 diseases humans
customs 390.22 pediatrics 618.929 16
dress 391.022 Rubeola
folklore 398.22 incidence 614.523
history and criticism 398.352 medicine 616.915
genealogy 929.7 see also Communicable
social group 305.522 diseases humans
RSFSR (Russia) 947 pediatrics 618.929 15
T2--47 Rubiaceae 583.93
RSS feeds 006.787 6 Rubidium 669.725
chemical engineering 661.038 4
chemistry 546.384

Relative Index

Rubidium (continued) Rumania 949.8

metallurgy 669.725 T2--498
see also Chemicals ancient 939.88
Rubies 553.84 T2-398 8
economic geology 553.84 Rumanians T5-591
jewelry 739.27 Rumbas 793.33
mining 622.384 music 784.188 8
synthetic 666.88 Ruminants 599.63
Rubus berries 641.347 1 animal husbandry 636.2
see also Cane fruits paleozoology 569.63
Rudd, Kevin Rummage sales 381.195
Australian history 994.G72 Rummy 795.418
Rudders 623.862 Rumor
aircraft 629.134 33 social psychology 302.24
Rudolf, Lake (Kenya and Runaway children 305.230 869 23
Ethiopia) T2-676 27 T1-086 923
Rudolf 11, Holy Roman Emperor social group 305.230 869 23
German history 943.034 social welfare 362.74
Rues (Plants) 583.77 Rundi (African people) T5-963 946 5
Ruffed grouse 598.635 Rundi 496.394 65
sports hunting 799.246 35 T6 963 946 5
Rugby 796.333 Rundi literature 896.394 65
Rugby (England : Borough) T2-424 85 Runes 430
Rugby League 796.333 8 divination 133.33
Rugby players 796.333 092 Runge-Kutta method 518.63
Rugby Union 796.333 Runnels County (Tex.) T2-764 724
Rugen (Gem1any : Runners (Athletes) 796.420 92
Landkreis) T2-431 78 Runners (Stolons) 581.46
Rugs 645.12 agricultural propagation 631.533
arts 746.7 descriptive botany 581.46
building construction 698.9 physiology 575.499
household management 645.12 Running
interior decoration 747.5 animal behavior 591.57
manufacturing technology 677.643 animal physiology 573.79
nonwoven felts 677.632 human physiology 612.044
Ruhr River (Gem1any) T2-435 5 humans
Ruiz Cortines, Adolfo physical fitness 613.717 2
Mexican history 972.082 8 sports 796.42
Rukwa Region (Tanzania) T2-678 28 Running boards 629.26
Rule-based programming 005.115 Running gear
Rule oflaw 340.11 railroad engineering 625.21
Rule of the road at sea Runnymede (England) T2-422 11
law 343.096 6 Runoff (Hydrology) 551.488
seamanship 623.888 4 Runways (Airports)
Ruled surfaces 516.362 engineering 629.136 3
Rules committees (Legislatures) 328.365 8 military airports 623.663
Rules of order 060.42 transportation services 387.736 2
legislatures 328.1 Rupert's L'}l)d 971.201
committees 328.365 3 T2-712
Rum 641.259 Ruppiaceae 584.74
commercial processing 663.59 Rupture strength
Rum, Isle of (Scotland) T2-411 54 materials science 620.112 6
Rural administration 352.17

Dewey Decimal Classification

Rural areas T2-l73 4 Rusk County (Tex.) T2-764 185

government 320.84 Rusk County (Wis.) T2-775 19
see also Rural government Russell County (Ala.) T2-761 485
social services to residents 361.917 34 ·Russell County (Kan.) T2-781 51
public administration 353.533 4 Russell County (Ky.) TI-769655
Rural churches 250.917 34 Russell County (Va.) T2-755 755
administration 254.24 Russia 947
pastoral theology 253.091 734 T2-47
Rural collection 383.145 Asia 957
see also Postal service T2-57
Rural communities 307.72 Russian blue cat 636.82
psychological influence 155.944 Russian calligraphy 745.619 9171
Rural delivery 383.145 Russian folk music 781.629 171
see also Postal service Russian folk songs 782.421 629171
Rural development 307.141 2 Russian wu,;u<>,;v 491.7
law 343.074 5 T6-9171
public administration 354.279 4 Russian literature 891.7
Rural education 370.917 34 Russian Orthodox Church 281.947
Rural electrification 333.793 2 Russian Orthodox Church
Rural exodus 307.24 Outside Russia 281.947
Rural families 306.852 Russian Revolution, 1905 947.083
Rural Federation (Austrian Russian Revolution, 1917 947.084 l
political party) 324.243 602 3 Russian Soviet Federated 947
Rural free delivery 383.145 Socialist Republic T2-47
see also Postal service Russian turnip 641.35126
Rural govermnent 320.84 see also Rutabagas
public administration 352.17 Russians T5-91 7 1
control by higher Russo-Finnish War, 1939-1940 948.970 32
jurisdictions 353.337 Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905 952.031
public administrative support 352.794 Russo-Turkish War, 1877-1878 949.603 87
Rural health services 362.104 257 Rust
Rural lands 333.76 materials science 620.112 23
sale and rental 333.335 Rust diseases
Rural municipalities 320.84 agriculture 632.492
Rural sanitation 363.720 917 34 Rust flies 595.774
technology 628.7 Rust fungi 579.592
Rural schools 371.009 173 4 Rust-resistant paints 667.69
Rural sociology 307.72 Rustenburg (South Africa :
Rural-urban migration 307.24 District) T2-68241
Rural villages 307.72 Rustling 364.162 863 62
Ruscaceae 584.355 law 345.026 286 362
Ruse (Bulgaria : Oblast) T2-499 3 Rusts (Fnngi) 579.592
Rusenska oblast (Bulgaria) T2-499 3 agricultural diseases 632.492
Rush County (Ind.) T2-772 61 Rutabagas ( 641.351 26
Rush County (Kan.) T2-78148 botany .I 583.64
Rushcliffe (England) T2-425 29 commercial processing 664.805 126
Rushes 584.82 cooking 641.651 26
texti1 e arts 746.41 food 641.351 26
textiles 677.54 garden crop 635.126
see also Textiles Rutales 583.77
Rushmoor (England) T2-422 725 Ruth (Biblical book) 222.35
Rushwork 746.41 Ruthenians (Ethnic group) T5-91791
Rushworth (Vic.) T2-9454

Relative Index

\Ruthenium 669.7 Saale-Orla-Kreis

chemical engineering 661.063 2 (Germany: Landkreis) T2---432 22
chemistry 546.632 Saale River (Germany) T2---431 84
metallography 669.957 Saalfeld-Rudolstadt
metallurgy 669.7 (Germany: Landkreis) T2---432 22
physical metallurgy 669.967 Saam languages 494.57
see also Chemicals T6-945 7
. Rutherford County (N.C.) T2-756 913 Saami (European people) T5-945 7
Rutherford County (Tenn.) T2-768 57 Saami languages 494.57
· Rutherfordium T6-945 7
1 chemistry 546.51 Saami literatures 894.57
Rutherglen (Scotland) T2---41457 Saane (Switzerland) T2---494 535
Rutherglen (Vic.) T2-945 5 Saanich (B.C.) T2-711 28
Rutile Saanich Peninsula (B.C.) T2-711 28
mineralogy 549.524 Saar River (France and
Rutland (England) T2---425 45 Germany) T2---434 2
Rutland County (Vt.) T2-743 7 Saarbriicken (Germany) T2---434 21
Ruvuma Region (Tanzania) T2-678 25 Saarbri.icken (Germany:
RV (Vehicle) 388.346 Regionalverband) T2---434 21
engineering 629.226 Saarbriicken (Germany:
see also Motor homes Stadtverband) T2---434 21
RV camps 910.468 Saarland (Germany) T2---434 2
household management 647.942 Saba (Netherlands Antilles) T2-729 77
see also Lodging (Temporary Sabah T2-595 3
housing) Sabbath 296.41
Rwanda 967.571 Christianity 263.1
T2-675 71 Judaism 296.41
Rwanda language 496.394 61 Sabbatianism 296.82
T6-963 946 1 Sabbatical leave 331.257 63
Rwanda literature 896.394 61 economi'cs 331.257 63
Rwanda-Rundi languages 496.394 6. educatitn 371.104
T6-963 946 higher education 378.121
Rwandans T5-967 571 personnel management 658.312 2
Ryazan (Russia : Oblast) T2---473 3 Sabbatical Year (Judaism) 296.439 I
Rye 641.3314 Sabellian languages 479.7
botany 584.9 T6-797
commercial processing 664.72 Sabellian literatures 879.7
cooking 641.631 4 Sabellianism 273.3
food 641.3314 Sabers 623.441
food crop 633.14 art metalwork 739.722
forage crop 633.254 Sabiaceae 583.78
Ryedale (England) T2---428 46 Sabie River (South Africa) T2-682 71
Rynchopidae 598.338 Sabina (Italy : Region) T2---456 24
Ryukyu Islands T2-522 9 ancient T2-377 35
Ryukyuans T5-956 Sabine County (Tex.) T2-764 177
Rzesz6w (Poland : Sabine Lake (La. and Tex.) T2-763 52
Voivodeship) T2---438 66 Sabine language 479.7
s Sabine Parish (La.) T2-763 62
Sabine River (Tex. and La.) T2-764 14
's-Gravenhage Sable (Carnivorous mammal) 599.766 5
(Netherlands) T2---492 382 Sable antelope 599.645
Saale-Holzlandkreis Sable Island (N.S.) T2-716 99
(Germany: Landkreis) T2---432 22

Dewey Decimal Classification

Sabotage 364.164 Sacred Heart religious orders 255.93

armed forces 355.343 7 church history 271.93
see also Unconventional Sacred music 781.7
warfare public worship 203.8
labor economics 33 I .893 see also Public worship
law 345.026 4 religious significance 203.7
Sabrata (Extinct city) T2~397 4 ~;ee alw Music- religion
Sac County (Iowa) T2-~777 424 vocal forms 782.22
Sac language 497.314 9 choral and mixed voices 782.522
T6-973 149 instrumental fonns 784.189 92
Saca, Elias Antonio single voices 783.092 2
Salvadoran history 972.840 543 Sacred places 203.5
Sacatepequez (Guatemala) T2--728 162 Buddhist 294.343 5
Saccharides 572.56 Christianity 263.042
see also Carbohydrates Hindu 294.535
Saccharolytic enzymes 572.756 Islam 297.35
see also Enzymes Jain 294.435
Saccharomyces 579.563 Judaism 296.48
Saccharomycetaceae 579.562 public worship 203.8
Saccopharyngidae 597.43 Sikh 294.635
Saccorhiza 579.887 Sacred songs 782.25
Sachs Harbour (N.W.T.) T2-719 3 choral and mixed voices 782.525
Sachsen (Germany) T2-432 1 single voices 783.092 5
Sachsen-Anhalt (Germany) T2·--431 8 Sacred vocal music 782.22
Sackville (N.B.) T2--715 23 Sacrifice of Jesus Christ 232.4
Sacoglossa 594.35 Sacrifices (Religion) 203.4
Sacramental furniture 247.1 Judaism 296.492
architecture 726.529 I Sacrilege
Sacramentals 264.9 criminology 364.188
Sacramentaries flaw 345.028 8
Roman Catholic 264.020 36 6acristies
texts 264.023 architecture 726.596
Sacramento (Calif.) T2-794 54 Sadaqah 297.54
Sacramento County (Calif.) T2-794 53 Sadat, Anwar
Sacramento Mountains Egyptian history 962.054
(N.M.) T2-78965 Saddle block anesthesia
Sacramento River (Calif.) T2~7945 surgery 617.964
Sacraments 234.16 Saddle fimgi 579.578
public worship 265 Saddle horses 636.13
Anglican 264.030 8 Saddlers 685.109 2
texts 264.035 Saddlery 636.108 37
Roman Catholic 264.020 8 animal husbandry 636.083 7
texts 264.025 horse rearing 636.108 37
theology 234.16 manufacturing technology 685.1
Sacred books 208.2 Sadducees 296.813
Buddhism 294.382 Sadism
Christianity 220 medicine 616.858 35
Latter-Day Saints 289.32 see also Mental disorders
Hinduism 294.592 sociology 306.775
Islam 297.122 Sadness 152.4
Judaism 296.1 Sadomasochism
Bible 221 medicine 616.858 35
see Manual at 221 see also Mental disorders
see Manual at 130 vs. 200 sociology 306.775

Relative Index

safari lodges 910.462

see also Resorts Saginaw Bay (Mich.) T2-77447
Safe-deposit services 332.178 Saginaw County (Mich.) T2-77446
safes 683.34 Saginaw River (Mich.) T2-77447
safety 363.1 Sagitta 592.38
law 344.047 Sagittariidae 598.9
management 658.408 Sagittarius (Zodiac) 133.527 4
Tl-068 4 Sago 641.336 8
personal safety Tl-028 9 cooking 641.636 8
personnel management 658.382 food 641.336 8
public administration 352.67 starch crop 633.68
public administration 353.9 Saguache County (Colo.) T2-788 49
social services 363.1 Saguenay (Quebec) T2-714 162
see Manual at 363 vs. 302-307, Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean
333. 7, 570-590, 600; also (Quebec: Administrative
at363.l region) T2-714 14
Safety engineering 620.86 Saguenay River (Quebec) T2-714 16
Tl-028 9 Saguia el Hamra T2-648
automotive 629.204 2 Sahara T2-66
design 629.231 Saharan languages 496.5
construction 690.22 T6-965
military 623.75 Sahel T2-66
roads 625.702 89 Sal;li]J. (Hadith) 297.125 21
transportation 629.040 289 SaYda (Algeria : Province) T2-651
Safety equipment Saiga 599.647
aircraft 629.13443 Sail yachting 797.124 6
automobile 629.276 Sailboarding 797.33
plant management 658.28 Sailboat racing 797.14
ships , 623.865 Sailfishes 597.78
tool engineering 1 621.992 sports fishing 799.177 8
Safety management 658.408 Sailing
Tl-068 4 sports 797.124
Safety regulations 363.1 Sailing ships 387.204 3
public administration 353.9 design 623.812 043
see Manual at 363.1; also at engineering 623.820 3
363.1 vs. 600 handling 623.881 3
Safety training naval equipment 359.832
personnel management 658.312 44 naval units 359.322
public administration 352.669 transportation services 387.204 3
Safety valves see also Ships
steam engineering 621.185 Sailors 387.509 2
Safflower 583.99 merchant mariners 387.509 2
Saffron (Crocus) 584.38 navy personnel 359.009 2
Safi (Morocco: Province) T2-6462 sports 797.109 2
Safwa language 496.391 technologists 623.880 92
T6-963 91 Sails 623.862
Saga-ken (Japan) T2-522 3 Saimiri 599.852
Sagadahoc County (Me.) T2---741 85 Saint-Augustin-de-
Sagas Desmaures (Quebec) T2-71447l
Old Norse literature 839.63 Saint Barthelemy T2-729 76
641.357 Saint Bernard (Dog) 636.73
botany 583.96 Saint Bernard Parish (La.) T2-763 36
see also Herbs Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville
Sage grouse 598.636 (Quebec) T2 714 37

Dewey Decimal Classification

Saint Charles County (Mo.) T2--778 39 Saint John River (Me. and
Saint Charles Parish (La.) T2-763 33 N.B.) T2-715 5
Saint Christopher T2-729 73 Saint John the Baptist Parish
Saint Christopher-Nevis 972.973 (La.) T2-763 32
T2-729 73 Saint Johns County (Fla.) T2-759 18
Saint Christopher-Nevis- Saint.lohns River (Fla.) T2-759 I
Anguilla T2-729 73 Saint Joseph County (Ind.) T2-772 89
Saint Clair, Lake (Mich. and Saint Joseph County (Mich.) T2-774 19
Ont.) T2-774 39 Saint Joseph religious orders 255.976
Michigan T2-774 39 church history 271.976
Ontario T2-713 31 Saint Kitts T2-729 73
Saint Clair, Lake (Tas.) T2-946 3 Saint Kitts-Nevis 972.973
SaintClairCounty(Ala.) 1"2-76169 T2-72973
Saint Clair Cmmty (Ill.) T2-773 89 Saint Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla T2-72973
Saint Clair County (Mich.) T2-~774 41 Saint-Lambert (Quebec) T2-714 37
Saint Clair County (Mo.) T2-778 466 Saint Landry Parish (La.) T2-763 46
Saint Clair River (Mich. and Saint-Laurent, Louis Stephen
Ont.) T2-774 41 Canadian history 971.063 3
Michigan T2-774 41 Saint-Laurent du Maroni
Ontario T2-713 27 (French Guiana) T2-882
Saint Croix (V.I.) T2-729 722 Saint Lawrence, Gulf of 551.461 344
Saint Croix County (Wis.) T2-775 41 T2-163 44
Saint Croix River (Me. and Saint Lawrence County
N.B.) T2-74142 (N.Y.) T2-747 56
Maine T2--741 42 Saint Lawrence River T2-714
New Brunswick T2-715 33 New York T2-747 56
Saint Croix River (Wis. and Ontario T2-713 7
Minn.) T2-775 I Quebec T2--714
Saint-Denis f.eunion) T2-698 1 Saint Lawrence Seaway 386.509 714
Saint Edmundsbury T2-714
(England) T2-42644 Ontario T2-713 7
Saint-Etienne {Loire, Quebec T2-714
France) T2-445 817 Saint Louis (Mo.) T2-77866
Saint Eustatius (Netherlands Saint-Louis (Senegal :
Antilles) T2- 729 77 Region) T2-663
Saint Francis County (Ark.) T2-767 91 Saint Louis County (Minn.) T2-776 77
Saint Francois County (Mo.) T2-778 68 Saint Louis County (Mo.) T2-778 65
Saint-Franvois River Saint Lucia 972.984 3
(Quebec) T2-714 6 T2-729 843
Saint Gall (Switzerland) T2-494 723 4 Saint Lucie County (Fla.) T2-75929
Saint Gall {Switzerland : Saint Martin T2-729 76
Canton) T2-494 72 Guadeloupe T2-729 76
Saint G\111 (Switzerland : Netherlands Antilles T2-729 77
Wahlkreis) T2-494 723 Saint Martin Parish (La.) T2-763 48
Saint George's Channel (Ireland 551.461 337 Saint Mary Parish (La.) T2--763 42
and Wales) T2-163 37 Saint Marys, Lake (Ohio) T2-771415
Saint Helena 997.3 Saint Marys County (Md.) T2-7524l
T2-973 Saint Marys River (Ga. and
Saint Helena Parish (La.) T2-763 15 Fla.) T2-75911
Saint James Parish (La.) T2-763 31 Saint Marys River (Mich.
Saint-Jean (Quebec : and Ont.) T2--774 91
County) T2-714 38 Saint-Maurice
Saint.lohn (N.B.: County) T2-715 32 (Switzerland : District) T2-494 796 8
Saint John (V.I.) T2-729 722

Relative Index

Saint-Maurice River Sakarya ili (Turkey) T2--563 4

(Quebec) T2-714 45 ancient T2-393 15
Saint Paul (Minn.) T2-776 581 Sake (Japanese rice wine) 641.23
' Saint Paul Island 969.9 commercial processing 663.490 952
T2-699 Sakha (Russia) T2-575
Saint Petersburg (Russia) T2-472 1 Sakhalin (Russia : Oblast) T2-577
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 971.88 Sakhalin Ula (China and
T2-718 8 Russia) T2-577
Saint-Simonism (Socialist Sakhalinskala oblasr
school) 335.22 (Russia) T2-577
Saint Tammany Parish (La.) T2--763 12 Salad dressings 641.814
Saint Thomas (V.I.) T2--729 722 food technology 664.37
Saint Thomas Christian churches 281.54 home preparation 641.814
see also Eastern churches Salad greens 641.355
Saint Thomas Evangelical commercial processing 664.805 5
Church oflndia 281.54 cooking 641.655
see also Eastern churches food 641.355
Saint Vincent T2-729 844 garden crop 635.5
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 972.984 4 Salad oils
T2-729 844 food technology 664.36
Sainte-Annt-de-Bellevue Salads 641.83
(Quebec) T2-714 28 SaHib ad-Din (Iraq:
Sainte Genevieve County Province) T2-567 4
(Mo.) T2-778 692 Salaj (Romania) T2-4984
Saintes Islands Salamanca (Spain :
(Guadeloupe) T2-729 76 Province) T2-462 5
Saintonge (France) T2-446 4 Salamanders 597.85
Saints 200.92 Salamandroidea 597.85
art representation 704.948 63 Salampasu (African people) T5-963 93
arts T3C--382 Salampasu-Ndembo languages 496.393
biography 200.92 T6-963 93
Christian 270.092 Salar language 494.36
biography 270.092 T6-943 6
specific denominations 280 Salaries 331.21
see Manual at 230-280 see also Wages
doctrines 235.2 Salary scales 331.216
Islam personnel management 658.322 2
Sufis 297.409 2 $a !at 297.382 2
objects of worship 202.13 Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira
role and function 206.1 Portuguese history 946.904 2
see Manual at 200.92 and Salcedo (Dominican
201-209,292-299 Republic : Province) T2-729 363
Saints' days 263.98 Sale (Morocco: Prefecture) T2-643 6
devotional literature 242.37 Sale of businesses
sermons 252.67 law 346_065
Saipan T2-967 management 658.164
Saitama-ken (Japan) T2-521 34 Sale of real property 333.333
Saite period 932.015 economics 333.333
Saivism 294.551 3 private ownership 333.333
Sakalanguage 491.53 public ownership 333.16
T6-915 3 law 346.043 63
Saka literature 891.53 private ownership 346.043 63
Sakakawea, Lake (N.D.) T2-784 75 public ownership 343.025 3
Salem (Or.) T2-795 37

Dewey Decimal Class(fication

Salem (Va.) T2-755 793 Salinity

Salem County (N.J.) T2-749 91 sea water 551.466 4
Salerno (Italy) T2--457 41 soil science 631.416
ancient T2-377 271 Salisbury (England :
Salerno (Italy: Province) T2--457 4 District) T2--423 19
ancient T2-37727 Salisbury (S. Aust.) T2-942 32
Campania T2-37727 Salisbury Island (Nunavut) T2-719 52
Lucania T2-377 77 Salisbury Plain (England) T2--423 19
Salemum (Italy) T2-377 271 Salish Indians T5-979435
Sales 381 Salish language 497.943 5
law 346.072 T6-979435
management 658.81 Salishan Indians T5-9794
Sales clerks 381.092 Salishan languages 497.94
personnel management 658.304 4 T6-979 4
training 658.312 45 Saliva 573.353 79
Sales finance institutions 332.35 human physiology 612.313
Sales forecasting see also Digestive system
marketing management 658.818 Salivan languages 498.9
Sales management 658.81 T6-989
Tl~-068 8 Salivary gland diseases
Sales meetings 658.810 6 medicine 616.316
Sales pfrsonnel 381.092 see also Digestive system
orga~ization 658.810 2 diseases humans
personnel management 658.304 4 Salivary glands 573.353 79
training 658.312 45 biology 573.353 79
Sales planning 658.810 1 human anatomy 611.316
Sales promotion 658.82 human physiology 612.313
Sales tax 336.271 3 medicine 616.316
law 343.055 2 see also Digestive system
public administration 352.44 Salix 583.65
Salesmanship 381 Salliq (Nunavut) T2-71958
etiquette 395.53 Salmo 597.57
management 658.85 Salmo salar 597.56
Salesmen 381.092 Salmon 641.392
personnel management 658.304 4 commercial fishing 639.275 6
training 658.312 45 conservation technology 639.977 56
Salford (England: City) T2--427 32 cooking 641.692
Salian emperors culture 639.375 6
German history 943.023 economics 338.371 375 6
Salicales 583.65 food 641.392
Salientia 597.8 resource economics 333.956 56
Salinas de Gortari, Carlos sports fishing 799.175 6
Mexican history 972.083 5 zoology 597.56
Salinas River (Calif.) T2-794 76 Salmon Arm (B.C.) T2-7ll 68
Saline County (Ark.) T2--767 72 Salmon River (Idaho) T2-796 82
Saline County (Ill.) T2-773 992 Salmon River Mountains
Saline County (Kan.) T2-781 545 (Idaho) T2-·7967
Saline County (Mo.) T2-778 47 Salmonella 579.344
Saline County (Neb.) T2-782 327 Salmonella diseases 571.993 44
Saline water 553.72 see also Salmonella infections
Saline water conversion Salmonella infections 571.993 44
water supply engineering 628.167 animals 571.993 44
veterinary medicine 636.089 692 7

r_________________________________ R

Salmonella infections (continued) Saltpeter 553.64

humans 362.196 927 economic geology 553.64
incidence 614.511 mineralogy 549.732
medicine 616.927 Salts 546.34
j social services 362.196 927 biochemistry 572.51
l see also Communicable chemical engineering 661.4
~; diseases chemistry 546.34

conservation technology
639.977 55
639.375 5
economic geology
human physiology
612.392 6
resource economics 333.956 55 see also Chemicals; Salt
sports fishing 799.175 5 (Sodium chloride)
Salmoniformes 597.5 Saltwater biology 578.77
paleozoo1ogy 567.5 Saltwater desalinization 628.167
Salon orchestras 784.4 Saltwater ecology 577.7
Salop (England) T2--424 5 Saltwater fishes 597.177
Salpingitis culture 639.32
gynecology 618.12 Saltwater fishing 639.22
see also Female genital commercial 639.22
diseases - humans sports 799.16
SalsifY 641.351 6 Saltwater intrusion 363.738
botany 583.99 engineering 628.114
cooking 641.6516 social problem 363.738
food 641.351 6 see also Pollution
garden crop 635.16 Saltwater lagoons 551.461 8
Salt (Sodium chloride) 553.632 T2-168
applied nutrition 613.285 22 biology 578.778
biochemistry 572.523 822 4 ecology 577.78
humans 612.015 24 Saltwater wetlands
chemistry 546.382 24 biology 578.769
cooking with 641.6 ecology 577.69
economic geology 553.632 Saluda County (S.C.) T2-757 38
food technology 664.4 Saluki 636.753 2
metabolism 572.523 822 4 Salvador, El 972.84
human physiology 612.392 6 T2-728 4
mineralogy 549.4 Salvadoran literature 860
mining 622.363 2 Salvadorans T5-687 284
Salt-free cooking 641.563 23 Salvage operations
Salt-free diet disaster relief 363.348 I
health 613.285 223 maritime law 343.096 8
Salt Lake City (Utah) T2-792 258 maritime transportation 387.55
Salt Lake County (Utah) T2-792 25 underwater engineering 627.703
Salt lakes 551.482 9 Salvation 202.2
biology 578.763 9 Christianity 234
ecology 577.639 Islam 297.22
resource economics 333.916 4 Judaism 296.32
Salt marshes see also Humans - religion
biology 578.769 Salvation Army 287.96
ecology 577.69. see also Christian
Salta (Argentina : Province) T2-8242 denominations
Saltarellos 793.31945 Salvator Rosa National Park
mUSIC 784.188 2 (Qld.) T2-943 5
Saito (Uruguay: Dept.) T2-895 35 Salve linus 597.554
Salton Sea (Calif.) T2-79499 Salviniales 587.3

Dewey Decimal Classification

Salzburg (Austria) T2-436 32 Samoyedic languages 494.4

Salzburg (Austria :Land) T2-436 3 T6-944
Samana (Dominican Samoyedic literatures 894.4
Republic: Province) T2-729365 Sample preparation
Samar (Philippines) T2--599 5 analytical chemistry 543.19
Samara (Russia : Oblast) T2-4744 Samples
Samaria T2--335 3 sales promotion 658.82
Samaritan Aramaic language 492.29 Sampling techniques 001.433
T6-9229 Tl-0723
Samaritan language 492.29 Sampling theory 519.52
T6-9229 Sampson County (N.C.) T2-756375
Biblical texts 220.45 Samsun iii (Turkey) T2-563 8
Samaritan literature 892.29 ancient T2-393 32
Samaritans (Judaism) 296.817 Samuel (Biblical books) 222.4
Samarium San (African people) TS-961
chemistry 546.415 San Andres Mountains
Samarskalii oblast' (Russia) T2-4744 (N.M.) T2-78967
Samaveda 294.592 13 San Andres y Providencia
Samba (Game) 795.418 (Colombia) T2-861 11
Sambalic languages 499.21 San Antonio (Chile:
T6-992 1 Province) T2-832 58
Sambar 599.654 San Antonio (Tex.) T2-764 351
Sambas 793.33 San Antonio River (Tex.) T2-76412
music 784.188 8 San Augustine County
Same languages 494.57 (Tex.) T2-764175
T6-945 7 San Benito County (Calif.) T2-794 75
Same literatures 894.57 San Bemardino County
Same-sex marriage 306.848 (Calif.) T2--794 95
law 346.016 8 San Bemardino Mountains
Samhitas 294.592 1 (Calif.) T2-79495
Sami (European people) TS-945 7 San Bias Cuna Indians T5 978 3
Sami languages 494.57 San Bias Cuna language 497.83
Sami languages 494.57 T6-978 3
Sami languages T6-945 7 San Bias Cuna literature 897.83
Sami languages T6-945 7 San Bias Kuna Indians TS-978 3
Sami literatures 894.57 San Bias Kuna language 497.83
Samnium T2-377 3 T6--978 3
Samoa 996.14 San Bias Kuna literature 897.83
T2-9614 San Cristobal (Dominican
Samoan Islands T2-9613 Republic : Province) T2-729 374
Samoan language 499.462 San Diego (Calif.) T2-794985
T6-99462 San Diego County (Calif.) T2-79498
Samoan literature 899.462 San Felipe (Chile :
Samoans T5--994 62 Province) T2-83245
Samoic Outlier languages 499.46 San Francisco (Calif.) T2--794 61
T6--994 6 San Francisco Bay (Calif.) 551.461 432
Samos (Greece: Nome) T2-495 82 T2-164 32
Samos Island (Greece) T2-495 82 San Francisco Bay Area
ancient T2-3914 (Calif.) T2--794 6
Samothrace Island (Greece) T2-495 7 San Francisco County
ancient T2-3911 (Calif.) T2-794 61
Samoyed T5--944 San Francisco earthquake, 1906 979.461 051
Samoyed (Dog) 636.73 San Gabriel Mountains
(Calif.) T2-794 93

Relative Index

San hsiens 787.85 San Salvador (El Salvador :

see also Stringed instruments Dept.) T2~728 423
San Jacinto County (Tex.) T2-,764 167 San Salvador Island
San Joaquin County (Calif.) T2~794 55 (Bahamas) T2~729 6
San Joaquin River (Calif.) T2~794 8 San Sebastian (Spain) T2--466 1
San Jorge River (Colombia) T2--86l 12 San Vicente (El Salvador:
San Jose (Calif.) T2~794 74 Dept.) T2~728 427
San Jose (Costa Rica : languages 496.396
Province) T2~728 63 T6~963 96
San Jose (Uruguay: Dept.) T2~895 12 Sanatoriums 362.16
San Juan (Argentina: mental illness 362.23
Province) T2~826 3 physical illness 362.16
San Juan (Dominican see also Health care facilities;
Republic: Province) T2 729 342 Mental health services
San Juan (P.R. :District) T2~729 51 Sanborn County (S.D.) T2~783 33
San Juan County (Colo.) T2~78825 Sanchez Ramirez
San Juan County {N.M.) T2-789 82 (Dominican Republic :
San Juan County (Utah) T2~792 59 Province) T2~729 368
San Juan County (Wash.) T2~797 74 Sancti Spiritus (Cuba :
San Juan Mountains (Colo. Province) T2~729145
and N.M.) T2-788 3 Sanctification (Christian
San Juan River (B.C.) T2~711 28 doctrine) 234.8
San Juan River (Colo.-Utah) T2~792 59 Sanctifying grace 234.1
San languages 496.1 Sanctions (International politics) 327.117
T6~961 law of nations 341.582
San Luis (Argentina : Sanctuaries
Province) T2-8262 architecture 726.593
San Luis Obispo County Sanctus 264.36
(Calif.) T2~794 78 music 782.323 2
San Luis Potosi (Mexico : Sand 553.622
State) T2~7244 economic geology 553.622
San Luis Valley (Colo. and materials science 620.191
N.M.) T2~788 3 mining 622.362 2
San Marcos (Guatemala: petrology 552.5
Dept.) T2~728 184 Sand adder 597.963 6
San Marino 945.49 Sand casting
T2--454 9 metals 671.252
ancient 937.269 sculpture 731.45
T2~37269 Sand dollars 593.95
San Martin (Peru: Dept.) T2~854 5 Sand dunes 551.375
San Martin (Peru : Region) T2~854 5 biology 578.758 3
San Mateo County (Calif.) T2~794 69 ecology 577.583
San Miguel (EI Salvador : geomorphology 551.375
Dept.) T2~728432 land economics 333.73
San Miguel County (Colo.) T2~78823 Sand fleas 595.378
San Miguel County {N.M.) T2~789 55 Sand grouse 598.65
San Patricio County (Tex.) T2-764115 Sand painting 751.49
San Pedro (Paraguay: Sand sculpture 736.96
Dept.) T2~892 136 Sand yachting 796.68
San Pedro de Macoris Sandalwood
(Dominican Republic : botany 583.88
Province) T2~729 382 forestry 634.973 88
San Saba County (Tex.) T2~764 68 Sandaun Province (Papua
New Guinea) T2-957 7


Dewey Decimal Class(fication

Sandblasting 621.54 Sanitary engineering 628

glass arts 748.6 military engineering 623.75
pneumatic engineering 621.54 Sanitary engineers 628.092
Sandcastles 736.96 Sanitary landfills 363.728
Sanders County (Mont.) T2-~786 833 technology 628.445 64
Sandlot baseball 796.357 62 sewage sludge 628.364
Sandoval County (N.M.) T2~78957 water pollution engineering 628.168 25
Sandpaper blocks see also Waste control
music 786.863 Sanitary napkins 677.8
see also Percussion Sanitation 363.72
instruments armed forces 355.345
Sandpipers 598.33 customs 392.36
Sandstone 553.53 home economics 648
building material 691.2 law 344.046 4
economic geology 553.53 enforcement 363.233
petrology 552.5 mining 622.49
quarrying 622.353 public administration 353.93
Sandusky Bay (Ohio) T2--771 214 public facilities 353.94
Sandusky County (Ohio) T2~771214 ships 623.854 6
Sandwell (England) T2-424 94 social services 363.72
Sandwich construction 624.177 9 spacecraft 629.477 4
naval architecture 623.817 79 World War I 940.475 2
Sandwich panels World War II 940.547 52
architectural construction 721.044 92 see also Waste control
construction materials 693.92 Sanitation equipment
wood 674.835 plant management 658.28
see also Wood Sanitation facilities
Sandwiches 641.84 area planning 711.8
Sandy soils Sanitation services 363.72
floriculture 635.955 see also Sanitation
Sangamon County (111.) T2~773 56 Sanitoriums 362.16
Sangamon River (Ill.) T2~773 55 mental illness 362.23
Sangolanguage 496.361 6 physical illness 362.16
T6~963 616 see also Health care facilities;
Sango literature 896.361 6 Mental health services
Sangre de Cristo Mountains Sankara, Thomas
(Colo. and N.M.) T2~78849 Burkinan history 966.250 52
Sanguinetti, Julio Maria Saii.karadirya (Philosophy) 181.482
Uruguayan history 989.506 71 Sankhya (Philosophy) 181.41
1985-1990 989.506 71 Sankt Gallen (Switzerland) T2-494 723 4
1995-2000 989.506 73 Sankt Gallen (Switzerland :
Sanhedrin 296.67 Canton) T2494 72
Sanhedrin (Tractate) 296.123 4 Sankt Gallen (Switzerland :
Babylonian Talmud 296.125 4 Wahlkreis) T2-494 723
Mishnah 296.123 4 Sanlmrfa ili (Turkey) T2-565 1
Palestinian Talmud 296.124 4 Sanpete County (Utah) T2-792 563
Sanikiluaq (Nunavut) T2~719 52 Sanquianga National Park
Sanilac County (Mich.) T2~774 43 (Colombia) T2--86l 58
Sanirajak (Nunavut) T2-719 52 Sansevierias 584.352
Sanitariums 362.16 Sanskrit language 491.2
mental illness 362.23 T6-912
physical illness 362.16 Vedas 294.592 104 1
see also Health care facilities; Sanskrit literature 891.2
Mental health services

Relative Index

santa Ana Salvador: Santo Domingo (Dominican

Dept.) T2-728 412 Republic) T2-729 375
santa Ana Mountains Santorini Island (Greece) T2-495 85
(Calif.) T2-794 96 Santos
Santa Barbara (Honduras) T2-728 385 fine arts 704.948 2
Santa Barbara County religious significance 246.53
(Calif.) T2-794 91 Santos, Jose Eduardo dos
Santa Barbara Islands Angolan history 967.3042
(Calif.) T2-794 91 Sanzas 786.85
Santa Catarina (Brazil : see also Percussion instruments
State) T2-816 4 Sao Francisco River (Brazil) T2-814 2
Santa Clara County (Calif.) T2-794 73 Sao Paulo (Brazil: State) T2-816 I
Santa Cruz (Argentina: Sao Tome (Sao Tome and
Province) T2-827 5 Principe) T2-671 5
Santa Cruz (Bolivia: Dept.) T2-843 Sao Tome and Principe 967.15
Santa Cruz, Andres T2-671 5
Bolivian history 984.044 Sao Tomeans T5-967 15
Santa Cruz County (Ariz.) T2-791 79 Sa<}ne-et-Loire (France) T2-444 3
Santa Cruz County (Calif.) T2-794 71 Saone River (France) T2-444
Santa Cruz de Tenerife Sap 575.75
(Canary Islands : forest product 634.986
Province) T2-649 SAP (Swiss political party) 324.249 407 5
Santa Fe (Argentina: Sap beetles 595.769
Province) T2--822 4 Sapindales 583.78
Santa Fe County (N.M.) T2-789 56 Sapmi T2 48
Santa Lucia Range (Calif.) T2-794 78 Sapodilla 583.674
Santa Rosa (Guatemala) T2-728 144 see also Sapotaceae
Santa Rosa County (Fla.) T2-759 985 Saponification 547.27
Santa! (South Asian people) TS-959 5 chemical engineering 660.284 4
Santalales 583.88 Saponins 572.567
Santali language 495.95 see also Carbohydrates
T6-959 5 Sapotaceae 583.674
Santander (Colombia : edible fruits 641.344 3
Dept.) T2-861 25 cooking 641.644 3
Santander (Spain) T2-463 51 food 641.344 3
Santarem (Portugal : orchard crop 634.43
District) T2-469 45 Sapphires 553.84
Santee River (S.C.) T2-757 8 economic geology 553.84
Santeria 299.674 glyptics 736.25
Santiago (Chile) T2-833 15 jewelry 739.27
Santiago (Chile: Province) T2-833 1 mining 622.384
Santiago (Dominican synthetic 666.88
Republic) T2-729 356 Saprolegniales 579.542
Santiago de Compostela Sara Gambai dialect 496.5
(Spain) TI-461 I T6-965
Santiago de Cuba (Cuba: Saracenic architecture
Province) T2-729165 medieval 723.3
Santiago del Estero Saragossa (Spain: Province) T2-465 53
(Argentina: Province) T2-825 2 Sarah (Biblical matriarch) 222.110 92
Santiago Rodriguez Sarajevo (Bosnia and
(Dominican Republic : Hercegovina) T2-497 42
Province) T2-729 353 Saramacca (Suriname :
Santirs 787.74 District) T2-883 3
see also Stringed instruments

Dewey Decimal Classtfzcation

Sarangis 787.6 551.461 362

see also Stringed instruments T2-163 62
Sarans biology 578.776 362
textiles 677.474 4 ecology 577.763 62
see alw Textiles 579.888
Sarasota County (Fla.) T2-759 61 County (N.D.) T2-784 314
Saratoga County (N.Y.) T2-747 48 Sargodha District (Pakistan) T2-549 14
Saratov (Russia: Oblast) T2--474 6 Sarine (Switzerland) T2 494 535
Saratovskala oblast' Sark (Channel Islands) T2--423 45
(Russia) T2--474 6 Sarmatia 939.52
Saravastivada Buddhism 294.391 T2-395 2
Sarawak T2-595 4 Sarney, Jose
Sarcodina 579.43 Brazilian history 981.064
Sarcoidosis 362.196 429 Sarpy County (Neb.) T2-782 256
medicine 616.429 Sarraceniales 583.36
social services 362.196 429 Sarsaparillas 584.356
Sarcoma Sarthe (France) T2--441 7
incidence 614.599 9 Sasakian geometry 516.373
medicine 616.994 Sashes (Clothing) 391.44
see also Cancer humans see also Accessories (Clothing)
Sarcomastigophora 579.4 Saskatchewan 971.24
Sarcophagidae 595.774 T2-7124
Sarcopterygii 597.39 Saskatchewan River (Sask.
paleozoology 567.39 and Man.) T2-71242
Sardegna (Italy) 945.9 Saskatoon (Sask.) T2-712 425
T2--459 Sasolburg (South Africa :
ancient 937.9 District) T2-685 25
T2-379 Sasquatch 001.944
Sardines 641.392 Sassafras
conservation technology 639.977 45 botany 583.23
cooking 641.692 food 641.338 2
food 641.392 Sassafras tea 641.338 2
resource economics 333.956 45 commercial processing 663.96
zoology 597.45 cooking with 641.638 2
Sardines (Young herring) 641.392 home preparation 641.877
fishing 639.274 52 Sassanian Empire 935.07
zoology 597.452 T2-35
see also Sardines Sassari (Italy: Province) T2--459 3
Sardinia (Italy) 945.9 ancient T2-379 3
T2--459 Sassou Nguesso, Denis
ancient 937.9 Congolese history 967.240 52
T2-379 1979--1992 967.240 52
Sardinia (Kingdom) 945.107 1997- 967.240 54
Piedmontese history 945.107 SAT (Assessment test) 378.166 2
Sardinian history 945.907 Satan
Sardinian language 459.982 Christianity 235.47
T6 599 82 Islam 297.216
Sardinian literature 859.982 Judaism 296.316
Sardinians T5-599 82 occultism 133.422
Sardis (Extinct city) T2 392 2 Satanism 133.422
Saren (Switzerland) T2--494 764 4 religion 299
Sarganserland (Switzerland) T2--494 729 Satellite cells
human cytology 612.810 46

Relative Index

Satellite communication 384.51 Sauk County (Wis.) T2-775 76

communications services 384.51 Sauk Indians TS-973 149
engineering 621.382 5 Sauk language 497.3149
law 343.0994 T6-973 149
radio 384.545 6 Saul, of Israel
engineering 621.384 156 Biblical. leader 222.430 92
television 384.552 Palestinian history 933.02
engineering 621.388 53 Saunas 613.41
Satellite dishes (Television) 384.552 architecture 725.73
engineering 621.388 35 domestic 728.96
Satellite insurance 368.2 public 725.73
Satellites (Moons) 523.98 construction 690.573
T2-992 domestic 690.896
Sati 393.930 954 public 690.573
Satire 808.87 health 613.41
literary criticism 809.7 Saunders County (Neb.) T2 782 296
theory 808.7 Sauraism 294.551 7
literary history 809.7 Saurauiaceae 583.66
literature 808.87 Sauri a 597.95
specific literatures T3B-7 paleozoology 567.95
rhetoric 808.7 Sauria Paharia language 494.83
see Manual at Tl· 0207 vs. T6-948 3
T3B-7, T3A-8 + 02, Saurischia 567.912
T3B-802, T3B--8 + 02, Sauropodomorpha 567.913
T3A--8 + 07, T3B--807, Sauropterygia 567.937
T3B-8 07 Saururaceae 583.25
Satirical poetry 808.817 Sausage 641.36
history and criticism 809.17 cooking 641.66
specific literatures T3B-107 food 641.36
individual authors T3A-1 Sauteing 641.77
Satirists 809.7 Sautrantika Buddhism 294.391
collected biography 809.7 Savannah (Ga.) T2-758 724
specific literatures T3B-700 9 Savannah River (Ga. and
Satisfaction (Christian rite) 265.63 S.C.) T2-758 1
Satu Mare (Romania : Georgia T2-758 1
Judet) T2-498 4 South Carolina T2-757 9
paper 676.284 4 Savannas 333.74
Saturday T2 -153
music 781.522 8 biology 578.748
Saturn (Planet) 523.46 ecology 577.48
T2-992 6 see also Grasslands
astrology 133.537 Savings 332.041 5
Satyromania capital management 658.152 26
medicine 616.858 33 financial economics 332.041 5
Sauces 641.814 macroeconomics 339.43
commercial processing 664.58 Savings accounts 332.175 2
home preparation 641.814 Savings and loan associations 332.32
Saudi Arabia 953.8 law 346.082 32
T2--538 public administration 354.86
ancient 939.49 Savings and Loan Bailout, 1989- 332.320 973
T2-394 9 Savings banks 332.21
Saudi Arabians T5-927 538 Savings-consumption relationship 339.43
Saudis T5-927 538 Savings departments 332.175 2
Sauger 597.758

Dewey Decimal Class[fzcation

Savings stamps Scabies

prints 769.57 humans
Savoie (France) T2--445 85 medicine 616.573
Savona (Italy : Province) T2-451 84 see also Skin diseases
ancient T2-371 3 humans
Savories 641.812 Scalar field theory 515.63
Savoy (Duchy) T2--445 85 Scalds
Savoy (France and Italy) T2--445 85 ·medicine 617.11
Savoy, House of Scale insects 595.752
Italian history 945.084 agricultural pests 632.752
Piedmontcse history 945.105 Seale mosses 588.3
Savu Sea 551.461 474 Scales (Integument) 591.477
T2-164 74 descriptive zoology 591.477
Sawdust 674.84 physiology 573.595
fuel 662.65 Scales (Maps) 912.014 8
Sawfishes 597.35 Scales (Music) 781.246
Sawflies 595.79 Scalic formations (Music) 781.246
agricultural pests 632.79 Scaliger, House of
Sawm 297.53 Venetian history 945.304
Sawm Ramat;lan 297.362 Scallops 641.394
Sawmill operations 674.2 conservation technology 639.974 4
Saws 621.934 cooking 641.694
music 786.888 fishing and culture 639.46
see also Percussion food 641.394
instruments commercial processing 664.94
Sawtooth Mountains (Idaho) T2-796 72 resource economics 333.955 46
Sawtooth Range (Idaho) T2-796 29 zoology 594.4
Sawyer County (Wis.) T2-775 16 Scalp diseases
Saxhorns 788.97 medicine 616.546
instrument 788.971 9 see also Skin diseases -
music 788.97 humans
see also Brass instruments Scaly anteaters 599.31
Saxiftagales 583.72 Scaly reptiles 597.94
Saxifrages 583.72 Scaly-tailed possums 599.232
floriculture 635.933 72 Scandentia 599.338
Saxons paleo zoology 569.338
English history 942.017 Scandinavia 948
Saxony (Germany) T2- 432 1 T2--48
Saxony (Prussia) T2--431 8 ancient 936.8
Saxony, House of 943.022 T2-368
Saxony-Anhalt (Germany) T2- -431 8 Scandinavian languages 439.5
Saxophones 788.7 T6-395
instrument 788.719 Scandinavian literatures 839.5
music 788.7 Scandinavian religion 293
see also Woodwind instruments Scandinavians T5-395
Saxophonists 788.709 2 Scandium 669.290 I
Say, Jean Baptiste chemical engineering 661.040 I
economic school 330.153 chemistry 546.401
Sayan Mountains (Russia) T2-575 economic geology 553.494 2
Sayyid dynasty 954.024 2 metallurgy 669.290 I
see also Chemicals; Metals
computer graphics 006.62



Scaphopoda 594.29
Relative Index

Schaffhausen (Switzerland :
~; 564.29 Canton) T2--494 58

·· Scapolite Scheduled castes 305.568 8
If· 549.68 see also Dalits

Scapulas Scheduling
human anatomy 611.717 broadcasting services 384.544 2
Scarabaeidae 595.764 9 radio 384.544 2
Scarabaeoidea 595.764 9 television 384.553 1
t Scarabs education 371.242

736.209 32 production management 658.53
glyptics (England :
Scarborough transportation 388.041
Borough) T2--428 47 air 387.740 42
Scarborough (Toronto, Ont.) T2-713 541 automobile 388.321
Scaritication bus 388.322 042
customs 391.65 urban 388.413 22
! canal 386.404 204 2
! Scarlatina
incidence 614.522 ferries 386.6
medicine 616.929 87 inland waterway 386.24042
see also Communicable lake 386.54042
diseases humans marine 387.540 42
Scarlet fever railroad 385.204 2
incidence 614.522 urban 388.42
medicine 616.929 87 river 386.350 42
see also Communicable truck 388.324 042
diseases humans urban 388.413 24
Scarves 391.41 Scheelite
home sewing 646.48 mineralogy 549.74
see also Accessories (Clothing) Schefferville (Quebec) T2-714 117
Scarves (Table linens) Schenectady County (N.Y.) T2-747 44
arts 746.96 Scheuchzeriaceae 584.74
Scatophagidae 595.774 Schiffli embroidery 677.77
Scattered disk objects 523.494 Schipperke 636.72
Scattering (Physics) 539.758 Schism between Eastern and
solid-state physics 530.416 Western Church 270.38
Scattering of light 535.43 Schisms
meteorology 551.566 Christianity 262.8
Scavenger cells 571.968 church history 273
human immunology 616.079 9 Judaism 296.67
Scenarios Schist 552.4
music 780 Schistosomiasis
treatises 782.002 69 incidence 614.553
Scene paintings 751.75 medicine 616.963
Scene understanding see also Communicable
artificial intelligence 006.37 diseases humans
Scenery Schizanthuses 635.933 952
dramatic performances 792.025 botany 583.952
motion pictures 791.430 25 floriculture 635.933 952
stage 792.025 Schizoid personality disorder
television 791.45025 medicine 616.858 I
Scenic rivers 333.784 5 see also Mental disorders
law 346.046 784 5 Schizomida 595.45
natural resources 333.784 5 Schizomycetes 579.3
Scent hounds 636.753 6
Schaffhausen (Switzerland) T2--494 586

Dewey Decimal Classification

Schizophrenia 362.26 School children 305.234

medicine 616.898 T1~083 4
social welfare 362.26 development
see also Mental disorders human physiology 612.654
Schizophyta 579.3 home care 649.124
Schleicher County (Tex.) T2~764876 psychology 155.424
Schleswig-Holstein reading
(Germany) T2--435 12 library science 028.534
Schleswig-Holstein War, I 864 943.076 social aspects 305.234
Schley County (Ga.) T2~-758 495 transportation 371.872
Schmalkalden-Meiningen School choice 379.111
(Gennany: Landkreis) T2-432 26 School closings 379.153 5
Schmalkaldic War, 1546--1547 943.031 School cooking 641.571
Schmidt, Helmut School credits 371.218
German history 943.087 7 School custodians 371.68
Schmitt, Pal School day 371.244
Hungarian history 943.905 44 law 344.079 2
Schmoller, Gustav von School desegregation 379.263
economic school 330.154 2 law 344.079 8
Schnauzers 636.73 School discipline 371.5
Schoharie County (N.Y.) T2~747 45 School districts 379.153 5
Scholarship 001.2 liability 344.075
Scholarships 371.223 School dropouts 371.291 3
T1~079 School enrollment 371.219
higher education 378.34 secondary education 373.121 9
law 344.079 5 School environment
research 001.44 psychological influence 370.158
Scholastic Assessment Test 378.166 2 School equipment 371.67
Scholastic philosophy 189.4 higher education 378.196 7
modern 149.91 special education 371.904 5
School adjustment 370.158 School etiquette 395.5
School administration 371.2 School excursions 371.384
see Manual at 371 vs. 353.8, School facilities 371.6
371.2, 379 see also Educational buildings
School administrators School failure 371.285
biography 371.200 92 School furniture 371.63
public control 379.157 School girls Tl-083 42
role and function 371.201 1 School grounds 371.61
School and society 306.432 landscape architecture 712.7
School assemblies 371.895 School hygiene 371.71
School attendance 371.294 School improvement programs 371.207
compulsory education 379.23 School integration 379.263
law 344.079 2 School journalism 371.897
School attendance districts 379.153 5 Schoolleavers 371.291 3
School boards 353.822 5 secondary level 373.129 13
local public education 379.153 I School-leaving age 379.23
public education 353.822 5 School libraries 027.8
School bonds 379.13 administration 025.197 8
Schoolboys Tl~083 41 collection development 025.218 78
School buildings 371.6 use studies 025.587 8
see also Educational buildings School library reading programs
School cafeterias 371.716 primary education 372.427
School calendar 371.23 School location 371.61
School camps 796.542 2

f; Relative Index
"~· --------------------------------------------------------------------------
School lunch programs 371.716 Schools 371
law 344.079 42 Tl-071
meal service 642.57 accounting 657.832 7
School management 371.2 area planning 711.57
School meal service 642.57 centralization 379.153 5
School media centers 027.8 energy economics 333.796 4
School milk programs 371.716 fire hazards 363.379
School newspapers see also Fire safety
journalism 371.8974 law 344.G7
School nursing 371.712 liability 344.075
School orchestras 784.44 meal service 642.57
School plays public finance 379.11
primary education 372.66 law 344.076
School policy 371 standards
see Manual at 371 vs. 353.8, public policy 379.158
371.2, 379 see also entries beginning with
School principals Student
biography 371.200 92 see Manual at 371 vs. 353.8,
public control 379.157 371 379; also at
role and function 371.201 2 371.01-.8 vs. 372-374, 378
School psychologists 371.713 Schools (Styles)
School readiness fine arts 709
child rearing 649.68 see Manual at 709.012-.015,
School resource centers 027.8 709.02-.05 vs. 709.3-.9
School safety programs 363.119371 Schools of thought Tl-01
School schedules 371.242 philosophy 140
School sites 371.61 see Manual at T 1-01
School social services 371.7 Schroder, Gerhard
School social workers 371.46 German history 943.088 2
School socialization 303.324 Schrodinger wave mechanics 530.124
School staff 371.201 Schuster, Rudolf
School superintendents Slovak history 943.730 512
biography 371.200 92 Schuyler Cmmty (Ill.) T2-773 475
public control 379.157 Schuyler County (Mo.) T2-778 262
role and function 371.201 1 Schuyler County (N.Y.) T2-747 81
School supervision 371.203 Schuylkill County (Pa.) T2-748 17
School supervisors 371.203 092 Schuylkill River (Pa.) T2-748 1
School supplies 371.67 Schwaben (Germany:
School systems 371 Regierungsbezirk) T2-433 7
see Manual at 371 vs. 353.8. Schweinfurt (Gem1any) T2--433 36
371.2, 379 Schweizer Demokraten (Political
School tablet paper 676.286 party) 324.249 403
School taxes 379.13 Schweizer-Reneke (South
School vandalism 371.782 Africa : District) T2 682 45
School violence 371.782 Schweizerische Volkspartei 324.249 403
School week 371.242 Schweizerischer
School year 371.23 National park
law 344.079 2 (Switzerland) T2--494 732 7
School yearbooks Schwerin (Germany) T2--431 76
journalism 371.897 6 Schwerin (Germany :
Schoolcraft County (Mich.) T2-774 935 Bezirk) T2--431 76
Schooling 370 Schwyz (Switzerland) T2--494 752 64
see also Education Schwyz (Switzerland :
Bezirk) T2 -494 752 6

Dewey Decimal Classification

Schwyz (Switzerland : Science museums 507.4

Canton) T2---494 752 architecture 727.65
Sciaenidae 597.725 Science policy 338.926
Sciaenops 597.725 see Manual at 338.926 vs.
Sciaridae 595.772 352.745, 500
Sciatica Science projects in schools 507.8
medicine 616.856 Sciences (Knowledge) 001
see also Nervous system see also Knowledge
diseases humans Sciences (Natural sciences) 500
Science 500 see also Science
T1-015 Scientific exemptions
arts 700.46 customs duties 382.78
T3C-36 Scientific instruments
folklore 398.26 manufacturing technology 681.75
history and criticism 398.36 Scientific method 001.42
information systems 025.065 Tl-072 1
law 344.095 Scientific principles 500
libraries 026.5 Tl--015
literature 808.803 6 see Manual at Tl-0 15 vs.
history and criticism 809.933 6 Tl-0245~0246
specific literatures T3B-08036 Scientific recreations 793.8
history and Scientific socialism 335.423
criticism T3B--093 6 Scientific surveys 508
painting 758.95 Scientific techniques Tl-072 1
primary education 372.35 Scientific toys 790.13 3
public administrative support 352.745 manufacturing technology 688.725
social efl:ects 303.483 recreation 790.133
see Manual at 303.483 vs. Scientific travels 508
306.45, 306.46 Scientific writing 808.066 5
sociology 306.45 Scientists 509.2
see Manual at 303.483 vs. Islamic polemics 297.298
306.45, 306.46 works for Tl-024 5
use in agricultural industries 338.16 see Manual at Tl-0 15 vs.
see Manual at 500 vs. 001 Tl-0245~0246
Science and religion 201.65 Scientology 299.936
Buddhism 294.336 5 biography 299.936 092
Christianity 261.55 Seilly, Isles of (England) T2---423 79
Hinduism 294.516 5 Scilly Isles (England) T2---423 79
Islam 297.265 Scincidae 597.957
Judaism 296.375 Scincomorphoidea 597.957
philosophy of religion 215 Scintillation
Science fair projects 507.8 atmospheric optics 551.565
Science fiction 808.838 762 Scintillation counters
arts 700.415 nuclear physics 539.775
T3C-15 Sciomyzidae 595.774
history and criticism 809.387 62 Scioto County (Ohio) T2-771 87
motion pictures 791.436 15 Scioto River (Ohio) T2-7715
radio programs 791.446 15 Scissors 621.93
specific literatures T3B-308 762 home sewing 646.19
individual authors T3A--3 Sciuridae 599.36
television programs 791.456 15 paleozoology 569.36
Science laboratories 507.2 Sciurus 599.362
architecture 727.55

Relative Index

scleral diseases Scotland

ophthalmology 617.719 T2--411
see also Eye diseases ancient 936.11
humans T2~361 1

Scleras see Manual at T2--41 and

human anatomy 611.84 also at 941
human physiology 612.841 Scotland. Children's Hearings 345.41 I 08
ophthalmology 617.719 Scotland. Court of Appeal 345.411 016 3
Sclerenchyma 571.585 Scotland. Court of First Instance 345.411 016 2
Scleroderma Scotland. Court of Session 347.411023
medicine 616.544 Scotland. Court of Session. Inner
see also Skin diseases House 347.411 035
humans Scotland. Court of Session. Outer
Scleroproteins 572.67 House 347.411 024
see also Proteins Scotland. Courtofthe Lord Lyon 347.41104
Scolecophidia 597.969 Scotland. Crown Counsel 345.411 01
Scolioidea 595.79 Scotland. District Court 345.411 012
Scoliosis Scotland. High Court of
medicine 616.73 Justiciary 345.411 016
see also Musculoskeletal Scotland. House of Lords (Court
diseases humans oflast resort) 347.4ll 039
Scolopacidae 598.33 Scotland. Licensing Appeals
Scolytidae 595.768 Court 347.411 04
Scombridae 597.782 Scotland. Licensing Courts 34 7.411 04
Scombroidei 597.78 Scotland. Lord Advocate 345.411 0 1
Sconces Scotland. SheriffCourt 347.411 021
fi1miture arts 749.63 criminal law 345.411 014
Scones 641.815 7 Scotland. Sheriff-Principal 34 7.411 032
Scooters 388.347 5 Scotland. Solicitor-General 345.411 01
engineering 629.227 5 Scotland County (Mo.) T2-778 312
see also Motorcycles Scotland County (N.C.) T2--756 335
Scopelomorpha 597.61 Scots T5~916 3
paleozoology 567.61 Scots language (English dialect) 427.941 1
781.423 T6~21
Score reading
primary education 372.873 Scott County (Ark.) T2-767 44
Scores (Music) 780 Scott County (Ill.) T2--773 455
025.348 8 Scott County (Ind.) T2~772 183
library treatment 025.178 8 Scott County (Iowa) T2 -777 69
780.26 Scott County (Kan.) T2~781 43
see Manual at 780.26; also at Scott County (Ky.) T2-769 425
Scott County (Minn.) T2~776 54
Scoring systems Scott County (Miss.) T2~762 655

contract bridge 795.415 4 Scott County (Mo.) T2-778 97

Scorpaeniformes 597.68 Scott County (Tenn.) T2~768 71

paleozoology 567.68 Scott County (Va.) T2~755 732

133.527 3 Scottburgh (South Africa) T2~684 5
Scorpio (Zodiac)
Scorpion fishes 597.68 Scottish Borders (Scotland) T2--413 7
Scorpion flies 595.744 Scottish deer hound 636.753 2
Scorpion venom Scottish English dialect 427.941 1
615.942 T6~21
human toxicology
Scorpions 595.46 Scottish Gaelic language 491.63
Scotch broom 583.74 T6--916 3
Scotia Sea 551.461 73 Scottish Gaelic literature 891.63
T2~167 3 Scottish Gaels T5~916 3

Dewey Decimal Classification

Scottish Highlru1ds Screw pines 584.66

(Scotland) T2----4ll 5 Screwdrivers 621.972
Scottish literature Screws 621.882
English 820 Scribes
Gaelic 891.63 Judaism 296.461 509 2
Scotts Bluff County (Neb.) T2-782 98 Scrimshaws 736.69
Scottsdale (Tas.) T2-9464 Script shorthand systems 653.428
Scouring compounds 668.127 Scripts
Scouts (Boy and 369.409 2 motion pictures 791.437
Scows 387.29 see also Screenplays
design 623.812 9 puppetry 791.538
engineering 623.829 radio 791.447
transportation services 387.29 stage productions 792.9
see also Ships television 791.457
Scranton (Pa.) T2-748 37 Scripture readings
Scrap metal 363.728 8 public worship
metallurgy 669.042 Christianity 264.34
social services 363.728 8 Scriptures (Religion) 208.2
see also Waste control see also Sacred books
Scrap booking 745.593 8 Scroll saws 621.934
Scrapbooks wood handicrafts 745.513
handicrafts 745.593 8 Scrollwork
Scraped idiophones 786.886 furniture arts 749.5
see also Percussion instruments wood handicrafts 745.513
Scratch pad paper 676.286 Scrophulariales 583.95
Scratchboard drawing 741.29 Scrotum 573.655 25
Screamers (Birds) 598.41 biology 573.655 25
Screen process printing 686.231 6 human anatomy 611.63
Screening human physiology 612.614
chemical engineering 660.284 22 medicine 616.67
ores 622.74 see also Male genital system
sewage treatment 628.34 Scrotum diseases
water supply treatment 628.162 2 medicine 616.67
Screenplays 791.437 see also Male genital
literature 808.823 diseases - humans
history and criticism 809.23 Scrub typhus
specific literatures T3B-203 incidence 614.526 4
individual authors T3A--2 medicine 616.922 4
motion pictures 791.437 see also Communicable
muSIC 780 diseases humans
treatises 780.268 Scrublands
rhetoric 808.23 biology 578.738
see Manual at 791.437 and ecology 577.38
791.447, 791.457, 792.9; Scnunmaging 796.333 23
also at 808.82 vs. 791.437, Scuba diving
791.447, 791.457, 792.9 sports 797.234
Screens 645.4 Scuds (Amphipoda) 595.378
church architecture 726.529 6 Scullin, J. H. (James Henry)
church furniture 247.1 Austmlian history 994.042
decorative arts 749.3 Sculptors 730.92
see also Furniture Sculptural stone 553.5
Screenwriting 808.23 see also Stone
Screven County (Ga.) T2-758 695
Screw-cutting tools 621.944

Relative Index

. sculpture 730 Sea Islands T2-757 99

architectural decoration 729.5 Georgia T2·-758 7
primary education 372.53 South Carolina T2-757 99
see Manual at 731-735 vs. Sea Islands Creole 427.975 799
736-739 T6-217
scunthorpe (England) T2-428 32 Sea lavenders 583.5
Scups 597.72 Sea-level changes 551.458
, Scurry County (Tex.) T2-764 731 Sea lilies 593.92
·Scurvy Sea lions 599.797 5
medicine 616.394 Sea mail 383.142
see also Digestive system see also Postal service
diseases humans Sea mats (Bryozoa) 594.67
Scyphozoa 593.53 Sea of Azov (Ukraine and 551.461 389
· paleozoology 563.5 Russia) T2--163 89
Scyros Island (Greece) T2-495 15 Sea of Crete (Greece) 551.461 388
ancient T2-391 I T2-l63 88
· Scythia 939.51 Sea of Japan 551.461 454
T2-395 1 T2-164 54
Scythian languages 491.53 Sea of Marmara (Turkey) 551.461 389
T6--915 3 T2--163 89
Scythian literatures 891.53 Sea of Okhotsk 551.461 453
Scythians T5-915 T2-164 53
· SD (Swiss political party) 324.249 403 Sea otter 599.769 5
SDAP (Austrian political party) 324.243 602 7 conservation technology 639.979 769 5
SDI (Information service) 025.525 resource economics 333.959 769 5
SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative) 358.174 Sea pens 593.6
Sea-air-land teams (Military Sea slugs (Nudibranchia) 594.36
units) 359.984 Sea slugs (Opisthobranchia) 594.34
Sea anemones 593.6 Sea snakes 597.965
Sea basins T2-182 Sea songs 782.421 595
Sea basses 597.736 Sea spiders 595.496
Sea birds 598.177 Sea squirts 596.2
conservation technology 639.978 177 Sea turtles 597.928
resource economics 333.958 287 conservation technology 639.977 928
Sea breams 597.72 resource economics 333.957 928
Sea breezes 551.518 5 Sea urchins 593.95
Sea caves harvest and culture 639.7
biology 578.769 9 Sea walnuts 593.8
ecology 577.699 Sea warfare 359
Sea cows 599.55 Seabed 551.468
Sea cucumbers 593.96 law of nations 341.455
Sea fans 593.6 see also Ocean floor
Sea figs 583.53 Seabed mining 622.295
Sea floor 551.468 Seabees (Naval forces) 359.982
see alm Ocean floor Seaborgium 546.53
Sea-floor spreading 551.136 Seadromes
Sea forces 359 engineering 629.136 1
Sea grass wetlands Seafaring life 910.45
biology 578.769 4 music about 781.595
ecology 577.694 Seafood 641.392
Sea hares 594.37 commercial processing 664.94
Sea horses 597.679 8 cooking 641.692
Sea ice 551.343 home preservation 641.494
Seahorses 597.679 8

Dewey Decimal Classification

Sealants 668.38 Seashores 551.457

building materials 691.99 T2-146
materials science 620.199 biology 578.769 9
structural engineering 624.189 9 ecology 577.699
Sealers (Hunters) 639.290 92 health 613.12
Sealing (Hunting) 639.29 see also Coasts
economics 338.372 979 Seasickness
law 343.076 929 medicine 616.989 2
Sealing devices 621.885 see also Environmental
Seals (Animals) 599.79 diseases humans
conservation teclmology 639.979 79 Seasonal adaptation 578.43
hunting 639.29 animals 591.43
resource economics 333.959 79 plants 581.43
Seals (Devices) 929.9 Seasonal affective disorder
insignia 929.9 medicine 616.852 7
numismatics 737.6 see also Mental disorders
SEALs (Military units) 359.984 Seasonal changes
Seam welding 671.521 3 health 613.11
Seamanship 623.88 Seasonal cooking 641.564
Seamen 387.509 2 Seasonal holidays 394.26
navy enlisted personnel 359.009 2 see also Holidays
role and function 359.338 Seasonal houses
see also Sailors architecture 728.7
Seamoths 597.64 Seasonal music 781.524
Seamstresses 646.209 2 Seasonal parties 793.22
Seaplanes 387.733 47 Seasonal unemployment 331.137 044
engineering 629.133 347 Seasoning lumber 674.38
transportation services 387.733 47 Seasonings 641.338 2
see also Aircraft cooking with 641.638 2
Seaports 387.1 Seasons 508.2
see also Ports arts T3C-33
Search algorithms 005.741 astronomy 525.5
Search and seizure biological adaptation 578.43
criminal investigation 363.252 effect on natural ecology 577.23
law 345.052 2 folklore 398.236
Search dogs 636.708 86 history and criticism 398.33
Search engines 025.042 52 influence on crime 364.22
Search for moving target 531.112 literature 808.803 3
Search strategy history and criticism 809.933 3
information science 025.524 specific literatures T3B-08033
Search trees (Computer science) 005.741 history and
Searching data 005.741 criticism T3B-093 3
Searcy County (Ark.) T2-767 195 music 781.524
Seas 551.46 natural history 508.2
T2-162 Seat belts
see also Oceans aircraft 629.134 43
Seascapes automobiles 363.125 7
art representation 704.943 7 engineering 629.276
drawing 743.837 highway safety 363.125 7
painting 758.2 law 343.094 4
Seashells 594.147 7 Seat ejectors
Seashore animals 591.769 9 aircraft 629.134 386
automobile 629.26

Relative Index

, Seattle (Wash.) T2-797 772 Second languages

seatwork 371.3 primary education 372.65
seawalls 627.58 Second Republic (Austria) 943.605 3
t1ood control 627.42 Second Republic (France) 944.07
port engineering 627.24 Second Republic (Spain) 946.081
shore protection 627.58 Secondary batteries 621.312424
Seawater 551.46 Secondary education 373
desalinization 628.167 Tl--071 2
oceanography 551.46 federal aid 379.121 3
water supply evaluation 628.116 law 344.074
see alw Oceanography public administrative support 353.8
Seawater intrusion 363.738 public support 379.113
engineering 628.114 law 344.076 83
social problem 363.738 special education 371.904 73
see also Pollution see Manual at 372.24 and
Seawater supply 373.23
ship sanitation 623.854 3 Secondary industries 338.4
Seaweeds 579.88 enterprises 338.7
culture 639.89 law 343.078
resource economics 333.953 8 see Manual at 343.078 vs.
Sebaceous gland diseases 343.08
medicine 616.53 mergers 338.83
see also Skin diseases- multinational enterprises 338.88
humans see also International
Sebaceous glands 573.537 9 enterprises
biology 573.537 9 products 338.4
human anatomy 611.77 commerce 381.45
human physiology 612.793 foreign 382.45
medicine 616.53 public administration 354.73
see also Skin public administration 354.6
Sebastian County (Ark.) T2-767 36 restrictive practices 338.82
Seborrhea Secondary recovery
medicine 616.53 oil extraction 622.338 2
see also Skin diseases Secondary roads 388.12
humans Secondary school buildings
Secernentea 592.57 architecture 727.2
Secession Secondary school graduates
United States history 973.713 choice of vocation 331.702 33
Second-class mail 383.123 labor force 331.11443
see also Postal service unemployment 331.137 804
Second Coming of Christ 236.9 Secondary school libraries 027.822 3
Second Crusade, 1147-1149 956.014 Secondary school teaching 373.110 2
Second Empire (France) 944.07 Secondary schools 373
Second International 324.174 Tl -071 2
Second language acquisition 401.93 see also Secondary education
applied linguistics 418 Secondary sexual characteristics 591.46
education 418.007 1 physical anthropology 599.936
specific languages T4--8 Secondary storage (Computers) 004.56
audio-lingual engineering 621.397 6
approach T4·834 Secondhand stores 381.19
education T4-800 71 management 658.87
formal approach T4-824 see alw Commerce
specific languages T4--0l9 Secret agents
see Manual at Tl--407.1 criminal investigation 363.252

Dewey Decimal Class~fication

Secret codes Securities 332.632

computer science 005.82 income tax 336.242 6
Secret police 363.283 law 343.052 46
Secret societies 366 investment economics 332.632
Secretarial accounting 657.2 law 346.092 2
Secretarial bookkeeping 657.2 corporate law 346.066 6
Secretariat (United Nations) 352.113 printing 686.288
Secretaries 651.374 109 2 public administration 354.88
office services 651.374 1 theft of 364.162 833 263 2
Secretaries of state 352.293 law 345.026 283 326 32
see Manual at 352-354 Securities brokers 332.62
Secretary bird 598.9 law 346.092 6
Secretion 571.79 public administration 354.88
biology 571.79 Securities exchange 332.642
human physiology 612.4 international 332.65
medicine 616.4 Securities fraud 364.163
see also Endocrine system law 345.026 8
Secretory organs 571.79 Securities violations 364.168
biology 571.79 law 345.026 8
human anatomy 611.4 Security classification
human physiology 612.4 (Government documents) 352.379
see also Endocrine system armed forces 355.343 3
Sects (Religion) 209 law 342.068 4
Buddhism 294.39 public administration 352.379
sources 294.385 Security electronics 621.389 28
Christianity 280 Security measures
Hinduism 294.55 computers 005.8
sources 294.595 household security 643.16
Islam 297.8 library operations 025.82
Jainism 294.49 management 658.47
Judaism 296.8 armed forces 355.343 3
sources 296.15 public administration 352.379
sources 208.5 museology 069.54
see Manual at 201-209 and office services 651
292-299 penology 365.641
Secular cantatas 782.48 SED (German political party) 324.243 075
choral and mixed voices 782.548 Sedang language 495.93
single voices 783.094 8 T6-959 3
Secular holidays 394.26 Sedative abuse 362.299
see also Holidays medicine 616.86
Secular humanism 211.6 personal health 613.8
Christian polemics 239.7 social welfare 362.299
Secular institutes see also Substance abuse
Christianity 255.095 Sedatives
church history 271.095 pharmacokinetics 615.782
women 255.909 5 Seder service 296.453 71
church history 271.909 5 Sedgetield (England) T2--428 62
Secular trends (Economics) 338.54 Sedgemoor (England) T2--423 81
Secular vocal music 782.4 Sedges 584.84
choral and mixed voices 782.54 forage crop 633.26
single voices 783.094 Sedgwick County (Colo.) T2-78876
Secularism 211.6 Sedgwick County (Kan.) T2-781 86
Secured transactions
law 346.074

Relative Index

Sediment transport 551.303 Seeds (continued)

; by water 551.353 food
by wind 551.373 commercial processing 664.7
Sedimentary basins 551.44 forest products 634.987
edimentary rocks 552.5 nursery production 631.521
Sedimentation 551.303 forestry 634.956 2
in water 551.353 ornamental plants 635.91521
sewage treatment 628.353 paleobotany 561.14
primary 628.34 physiology 575.68
secondary 628.353 sowing 631.531
water supply treatment 628.162 2 forestry 634.956 5
Sedimentology 552.5 ornamental plants 635.915 31
surface processes 551.3 Seeland (Switzerland) T2--494 545 3
Sediments 551.304 Seeland (Switzerland :
glacier borne 551.314 Verwaltungsregion) T2--494 545
ocean floor 551.468 6 Sees
river engineering 627.122 Christian ecclesiology 262.3
waterborne 551.354 Sefrou (Morocco : Province) T2-643 4
wind borne 551.374 Sefton (England) T2--427 59
Seditious libel 364.131 Segesta (Extinct city) T2-378 24
law 345.023 1 Segmented worms 592.6
"Seduction Segovia (Spain: Province) T2--463 57
criminology 364.153 Segregation in education 379.263
criminal law 345.025 3 law 344.079 8
Sedums 583.72 Sci whale 599.524
floriculture 635.933 72 Seibo (Dominican
See (Switzerland) T2--494 538 Republic :Province) T2-729 384
See-Gaster (Switzerland) T2--494 727 Seiches 551.463
Seed arrangements lakes 551.482
decorative arts 745.928 oceanography 551.463
· Seed-bearing plants 580 Seine-et-Mame (France) T2--443 7
. Seed capital 332.041 54 Seine-Maritime (France) T2--442 5
Seed catalogs 631.521 029 Seine River (France) T2--443 6
. Seed ferns 561.595 Seine-Saint-Denis (France) T2--443 62
Seed-hair fibers Seining
[ textiles 677.2 sports 799.13
see alw Textiles Seismic prospecting 622.159 2
i Seed industry 338.17 Seismic sea waves 551.463 7
· Seed oil 665.35 Seismic waves 551.22
food technology 664.3 Seismography 551.220 287
industrial oils 665.35 Seismology 551.22
Seed plants 580 Seismosaums 567.913
Seed shrimps 595.33 Sekgosese (South Africa :
Seeding clouds 551.687 6 District) T2 682 57
Seedless plants 586 Sekhukhuneberg Range
Seedlings (South Africa) T2-682 55
nursery production 631.52 Sekhukhuneland (South
forestry 634.956 2 Africa : District) T2-682 55
planting 631.536 Selachii 597.3
forestry 634.956 5 paleozoology 567.3
Seeds 581.467 Selaginellales 587.9
animal feeds Selangor T2-595 1
commercial processing 664.76 Selby (England : District) T2 428 45
descriptive botany 581.467

Dewey Decimal Classification

Select committees Self-destructive behavior

legislative bodies 328.365 7 medicine 616.858 2
Selected laws 348.024 Self-determination of states 320.15
United States federal laws 348.732 4 law of nations 341.26
Selection of animals 636.081 Self-development reading
Selection procedures library science 028.8
personnel management 658.311 2 Self-employed people
public administration 352.65 income tax
Selective dissemination of law 343.052 6
information 025.525 Self-employment enterprises
Selective service 355.223 63 management 658.041
law 343.012 2 initiation 658.114 I
Selenides Self-esteem 155.2
mineralogy 549.32 applied psychology 158.1
Selenium Self-financing 332.041 52
biochemistry 572.555 Self-help devices
chemical engineering 661.072 4 injured people 617.103
chemistry 546.724 Self-help groups 361.43
metallurgy 669.79 Self-hypnosis
organic chemistry 547.057 24 therapeutic use 615.85122
applied 661.895 Self-improvement
Selenography 919.91 applied psychology 158.1
Seletar (Malaysian people) T5-992 8 Self-incrimination 345.056
Seleucid Empire 935.062 Self-instruction 371.394 3
T2-35 Self-organizing systems 003.7
Self Self-publishing 070.593
literature 808.803 84 Self-realization 155.2
history and criticism 809.933 84 applied psychology 158.1
specific literatures T3B-U80 384 ethical systems 171.3
history and Self-reliance 179.9
criticism T3B-093 84 child training 649.63
philosophy 126 see also Virtues
arts T3C-384 Self-respect 155.2
psychology 155.2 applied psychology 158.1
arts T3C-353 Selinus (Extinct city) T2-37824
Self-acceptance 155.2 Seljuk dynasty 956.014
applied psychology 158.1 Middle Eastern history 956.014
Self-actualization 155.2 Turkish history 956.101 4
applied psychology 158.1 Selkirk (Man.) T2--712 74
Self-adjoint operator algebras 512.556 Selkirk Mountains T2-71168
Self-confidence 155.2 Selkup language 494.4
applied psychology 158.1 T6-944
Self-contained communities 307.77 Selling 381
Self-control 179.9 commerce 381
moral theology 205.699 management 658.81
psychology 153.8 Tl--068 8
development 155.25 techniques for individuals 658.85
see also Virtues Selosesha (South Africa:
Self-defense 613.66 District) T2--682 48
children 613.660 83 Selwyn District (N.Z.) T2-938 5
military training 355.548 Semaeostomeae 593.53
personal safety 613.66 Semang T5-959 3
women 613.660 82 Semang languages 495.93
Self-defense (Law) 345.04 T6--959 3

Relative Index

. Semantic web 025.042 7 Semigroups 512.27

Semantics Semimetals
linguistics 401.43 chemistry 546.71
specific languages T4-0143 economic 553.499
see Manual at 401.43 vs. mineralogy 549.25
306.44, 401.45, 401.9, Seminaries 200.711
412,415 Christianity 230.071 1
philosophical system 149.94 Judaism 296.071 I
philosophy of language 121.68 Seminars 371.37
Semaphores education 378.177
military engineering 623.731 2 Seminole County (Fla.) T2-759 23
nautical engineering 623.856 12 Seminole County (Ga.) T2-758 996
Semara (Morocco: Seminole County (Okla.) T2-766 71
Province) T2-648 Seminole Indians T5-973 859
Semi-detached houses Seminole '""ou''o" 497.385 9
architecture 728.312 T6-973 859
Semi -enclosed spaces Seminole War, 1818 973.54
architecture 721.84 Seminole War, 1835-1842 973.57
Semi-industrial unions 331.883 3 Semionotiformes 597.41
see also Labor unions Semiotics 302.2
, Semiarid lands 551.415 linguistics 401.4
T2-154 specific languages T4-014
see also Arid lands specific subjects Tl-014
Semibituminous coal 553.24 philosophy 121.68
properties 662.622 4 social aspects 302.2
see also Coal Semiprecious stones 553.87
Semicircular canal diseases carving 736.2
medicine 617.882 economic geology 553.87
see also Ear diseases- jewelry 739.27
humans materials science 620.198
Semicircular canals mining 622.387
human physiology 612.858 occultism 133.255 387
medicine 617.882 divination 133.322
Semiconductivity 537.622 prospecting 622.188 7
materials science 620.112 972 synthetic 666.88
Semiconductor circuits 621.381 5 Semiregular variable stars 523.844 26
Semiconductor memory 004.53 Semirigid airships 387.732 6
621.397 32 engineering 629.133 26
Semiconductor storage 004.568 military enj~meerm 623.743 6
engineering 621.397 68 transportation services 387.732 6
Semiconductors 621.381 52 Semisecret societies 366
chemical engineering 660.297 7 Semiskilled workers 331.794
electrochemistry 541.377 labor economics 331.794
physics 537.622 labor force 331.114 2
radio engineering 621.384 134 personnel management 658.304 4
television em:dn<eering 621.388 32 unemployment 33l.137 804
Semidetached houses Semisovereign states 321.08
architecture 728.312 law of nations 341.27
Semidiesel 621.436 public administration 353.15
ships 623.872 36 specific states 351.3-.9
Semidiesellocomotives 385.366 Semites T5-92
engineering 625.266 religion 299.2
transportation services 385.366
see also Rolling stock

Dewey Decimal Classification

Semitic languages 492 Sensation 152.1

T6~92 biology 573.87
Biblical texts 220.4 epistemology 121.35
Semitic literatures 892 see also Sense organs
Semitic peoples T5-92 Sensationalism (Philosophical
religion 299.2 s~.;hool) 145
Semitrailers (Freight) 388.344 Sensations (Art styles) 709.040 7
engineering 629.224 Sense knowledge 121.35
see also Trucks Sense organs 573.87
Semnan (Iran) T2~552 4 animal physiology 573.87
Senalanguage 496.391 descriptive zoology 591.4
T6-963 91 human anatomy 611.8
Senari language 496.35 human histology 612.8
T6-963 5 human physiology 612.8
Seneca County (N.Y.) T2-747 69 see also Nervous system
Seneca County (Ohio) T2-77124 Senses 573.87
Seneca Indians T5---975 546 psychology 152.1
Seneca language 497.554 6 see also Sense organs
T6-975 546 Sensitive plants 583.748
Senegal 966.3 Sensitivity in plants 575.98
T2-663 Sensitivity training
Senegal languages 496.321 applied psychology 158.2
T6-963 21 social psychology 302.14
Senegalese T5-966 3 Sensitometry 661.808
Senegambia 966.305 1 Sensorineural hearing loss
T2~663 medicine 617.886
Senegambian languages 496.321 see also Ear diseases
T6-963 21 humans
Senekal (South Africa: Sensors
District) T2-685 1 manufacturing technology 681.2
Senescence 571.878 Sensory evaluation
see also Aging food 664.072
Senga-Senalanguages 496.391 Sensory functions 573.87
T6-963 91 human physiology 612.8
Senile dementia localization in brain
618.976 83 human physiology 612.825 5
medicine 616.83 see also Nervous system
see also Nervous system see Manual at 612.8 vs. 152
diseases humans Sensory influences
Senior citizens 305.26 psychology 155.911
Tl-084 6 Sensory nerves 573.872 8
see also Older people human physiology 612.811
Senior high schools 373.238 see also Nervous system
see also Secondary education Sensory perception 152.1
Seniority comparative psychology 156.21
labor economics 331.259 6 educational psychology 370.155
personnel management 658.312 epistemology 121.35
Sennas 583.749 psychological influence 155.911
Senneville (Quebec) T2-71428 see Manual at 153.7 vs. 152.1;
Senoic 495.93 also at 612.8 vs. 152
T6~959 3 Sentences (Grammar) 415
specific languages T4~5
Sentences (Legal decisions) 345.077
penology 364.6

Relative Index

'Sentencing 345.077 2 Septicemia

:sentential calculus 511.3 incidence 614.577
· mathematical logic 511.3 medicine 616.944
, philosophicallogic 160 see also Communicable
'Sentiments 152.4 diseases humans
ufo (African people) TS-963 5 puerperal diseases
senufo language 496.35 incidence 614.545
T6-963 5 obstetrics 618.74
Sepals 575.69 Septoria 579.55
Separate maintenance 346.016 68 Septuagint 221.48
Separate property 346.042 Sepulchral slabs 736.5
divorce law 346.016 64 Sequatchie County (Tenn.) T2--768 77
Separated men 306.892 Sequatchie River (Tenn.) T2-768 77
:Separated people 306.89 Sequence 264.36
Tl-{)86 53 music 782.323 5
family relationships 306.89 Sequences (Mathematics) 515.24
guides to religious life Sequences of integers 512.72
Christianity 248.846 Sequencing
social group 306.89 production management 658.53
social welfare 362.829 4 Sequential analysis 519.54
' Separated women 306.893 Sequential machines 511.35
social welfare 362.839 59 Sequoia National Park
Separation (Domestic relations) 306.89 (Calif.) T2-794 86
ethics 173 Sequoias 585.5
Judaism 296.444 4 forestry 634.975 8
law 346.016 68 Sequoyah County (Okla.) T2-766 81
social theology 201.7 Serbia 949.71
Christianity 261.835 89 T2--497 1
Separation from parents ancient 939.871
child psychology 155.44 T2-398 71
Separation from service Serbia and Montenegro 949.710 31
personnel management 658.313 T2--497 I
public administration 352.69 Serbian language 491.82
Separation of powers 320.404 T6-9182
law 342.044 Serbian literature 891.82
Separation processes Serbian Orthodox Church 281.949 71
chemical engineering 660.284 2 Serbians T5-9182
Separatist parties 324.218 4 Serbo-Croatian language 491.82
Sephardic liturgy 296.450 42 T6-918 2
Sepik-Ramu languages 499.12 Serbo-Croatian literature 891.82
T6-9912 Serbs TS-9182
Sepik River (New Guinea) T2-957 5 Serenades 784.185 6
Sepioidea 594.58 Serengeti National Park
Sepoy Mutiny, 1857-1858 954.031 7 (Tanzania) T2-678 27
Sept-Rivh~res (Quebec) T2-714 176 Serer (African people) TS-963 21
Septets Serer language 496.321
chamber music 785.17 T6-963 21
vocal music 783.17 Serer-Sine language 496.321
Septic tanks T6-963 21
technology 628.742 Serfdom 306.365
Serfs 306.365
Tl-086 25
customs 390.25
dress 391.025

Dewey Decimal Classification

Serging 646.204 4 Serrania de La Macarena

Sergipe (Brazil) T2-814 1 National Park
Seri Indians T5-975 7 (Colombia) T2-861 94
Serial murderers 364.152 32 Serranidae 597.736
biography 364.152 320 92 Serums
Serial murders 364.152 32 pharmacology 615.37
law 345.025 232 Serval 599.752
Serial publications 050 Servants
Tl-05 home economics 640.46
see also Serials public households 647.2
Serialism hours and duties 647.6
music 781.33 legal status 346.024
Serials 050 Server class computers 004.14
Tl--05 engineering 621.391 4
bibliographies 011.34 see also Midrange computers
cataloging 025.343 2 Servers (Computers) 004.36
indexes 050 Servian language 491.82
journalism 070.175 T6-918 2
library treatment 025.1732 Servian literature 891.82
postal handling 383.123 Servians T5-918 2
see also Postal service Service (Tennis) 796.342 21
publishing 070.572 Service academies (Armed
sociology 302.232 4 forces) 355.007 11
Sericulture 638.2 Service clubs 369.5
Series (Mathematics) 515.243 biography 369.509 2
Series (Publications) Service comparisons Tl-029
bibliographies 011.48 Service contracts 346.024
Serigraphy 764.8 armed forces 355.621 2
Sermon on the Mount 226.9 public administration 352.538
Christian mara! theology 241.53 Service directories 338.470 002 9
Sermon outlines 251.02 T1-029
Sermon preparation 206.1 see Manual at T1-025 vs.
Christianity 251.01 Tl-029
Sermons 204.3 Service districts
Christianity 252 local public administration 352.19
Islam 297.37 Service evaluations Tl--029
Jewish 296.47 Service industries 338.47
Serology accounting 657.83
medicine 616.079 5 commerce 381.45
diagnosis 616.075 6 foreign 382.45
Serous membranes cooperatives 334.681
human histology 611.0187 enterprises 338.761
Serows 599.647 labor economics 331.793
Serpentine 553.55 law 343.078
building material 691.2 mergers 338.836 1
economic geology 553.55 multinational enterprises 338.887 1
mineralogy 549.67 production efficiency 338.456 1
petrology 552.4 public administration 354.68
quarrying 622.355 restrictive practices 338.826 I
Serpents 597.96 Service listings Tl-029
paleozoology 567.96 Service marks 929.95
Serpents (Musical instruments) 788.99 Tl-027 5
see also Brass instruments Service-oriented architecture
Serrai (Greece: Nome) T2-495 65 computer science 004.654

Relative Index

ervice periods (Armed forces) 355.11 Setting (Performances) 792.025

ervice stations motion pictures 791.430 25
: automotive engineering 629.286 stage 792.025
ervice workers 331.793 television 791.450 25
labor economics 331.793 Settlement (Insurance) 368.014
labor force 331.119042 Settlement (Population) 307.14
labor market 331.129 042 land reform 333.31
erviceberries 583.73 public administration 353.59
ervices (Economic goods) 338.47 Settlement (Real estate) 346.043 73
marketing management 658.8 Settling
Serviettes 642.7 water supply treatment 628.162 2
arts 746.96 Setubal (Portugal : District) T2---469 44
· home sewing 646.21 Seven last words on cross 232.963 5
table 642.7 Seven Weeks' War, 1866 943.076
Serving at table 642.6 Seven Years' War, 17561763 940.253 4
Servites 255.47 North American history 973.26
church history 271.47 Seveners (Islamic sect) 297.822
·servitudes 346.043 5 Hadith 297.125 922
law of nations 341.4 Seven oaks (England :
Servomechanisms District) T2---422 36
automation engineering 629.832 3 Seventeenth century 909.6
.Sesames 583.95 Tl---090 32
botany 583.95 Seventh century 909.1
food 641.338 5 Tl-090 21
cooking 641.638 5 Seventh-Day Adventist Church 286.732
oil crop 633.85 see also Adventists
.Sesamoids Seventh-Day Baptists 286.3
human anatomy 611.718 see also Baptists
hands 611.717 Severance pay 331.216 6
Seshego (South Africa : personnel management 658.322 2
District) T2-682 56 Severance tax 336.271 6
Sesotho language 496.397 72 law 343.055
T6-963 9772 Severn, River (Wales and
· Sesquilinear fom1s England) T2---424
algebraic geometry 516.35 England T2424
Session laws 348.022 Wales T2---429 51
Sessions (Legislative bodies) 328.35 Severnala Osetila (Russia) T2---475 2
Set algebra 511.324 Severnala Zemila (Russia) T2-987
Set idiophones 786.84 Severnaya Zemlya (Russia) T2-987
see also Percussion instruments Severocesky krll:i (Czech
Set theory 51 L322 Republic) T2---437 16
SETI (Search for extraterrestrial Severomoravsky kr~i
intelligence) 999 (Czech Republic) T2---437 28
: Setif (Algeria : Province) T2-655 Sevier County (Ark.) T2-767 47
Seto-naikai (Japan) 551.461455 Sevier County (Tenn.) T2-768 893
T2-164 55 Sevier County (Utah) T2-792 55
Sets 511.32 Seville (Spain: Province) T2---468 6
Settat (Morocco : Province) T2-643 9 Sewage disposal 363.728 493
Setters (Dogs) 636.752 6 social services 363.728 493
Setting (Literature) 808.802 2 technology 628.36
history and criticism 809.922 see also Sewage treatment
specific literatures T3B-080 22 Sewage effluent 363.728 493
history and criticism T3B-0922 disposal technology 628.362
social services 363.728 493

De-~~Vey Decimal Classification

Sewage effluent (continued) Sex (continued)

water pollution engineering 628.168 2 theological anthropology 202.2
see also Sewage treatment Christianity 233.5
Sewage irrigation 628.362 3 see also Humans religion
Sewage lagoons Sex addiction
sanitary en):;meermg 628.351 medicine 616.858 33
Sewage sludge 363.728 493 Sex cells 571.845
sanitary engineering 628.364 Sex characteristics
social services 363.728 493 animals 591.46
use as fertilizer 631.869 physical anthropology 599.936
see also Sewage treatment Sex crimes 364.153
Sewage treatment 363.728 493 law 345.025 3
law 344.046 22 school problem 371.786
military engineering 623.753 Sex differences 578.46
rural 628.742 animals 591.46
social services 363.728 493 physical anthropology 599.936
technology 628.3 psychology 155.33
see also Waste control adolescents 155.53
Seward County (Kan.) T2~781 735 children 155.43
Seward County (Neb.) T2~782 324 sociology 305.3
Seward Peninsula (Alaska) T2-798 6 Sex differentiation 571.882
Sewerage 628.2 Sex differentiation disorders
Sewers 628.2 medicine 616.694
Sewing 646.2 Sex discrimination against men 305.32
home economics 646.2 Sex discrimination against
primary education 372.54 women 305.42
Sewing equipment 646.19 labor economics 331.413 3
home sewing 646.19 law 344.014 133
manufacturing technology 681.767 7 law 342.087 8
Sewing machines Sex discrimination in education 370.81
home economics 646.204 4 law 344.079 8
manufacturing technology 681.767 7 Sex disorders
Sewing materials 646.1 gynecology 618.17
commercial technology 687.8 see also Female genital
home economics 646.1 diseases~ humans
Sex 306.7 medicine 616.69
arts 700.453 8 see also Genital diseases-
T3C-353 8 humans
customs 392.6 Sex education 613.907 1
evolution 576.855 home child care 649.65
folklore 398.273 8 primary level 372.372
history and criticism 398.353 8 Sex hormones 571.837 4
human physiology 612.6 biology 571.837 4
literature 808.803 538 animal reproduction 573.637 4
history and criticism 809.933 538 human physiology 612.6
specific literatures T3B-080 353 8 pharmacology 615.366
history and see also Genital system
criticism T3B-093 538 Sex hygiene 613.95
psychology 155.3 school programs 371.714
adolescents 155.53 Sex instruction 613.907 1
children 155.43 home child care 649.65
religious worship 202.12 primary education 372.372
sociology 306.7 Sex manuals 613.96

Relative Index

Sex offenses 364.153 Sexual ethics 176.4

law 345.025 3 religion 205.66
Sex role 305.3 see also Sexual relations -
Tl-081 ethics
arts 700.452 I Sexual excitement
T3C-352 1 psychology 155.31
literature Sexual factors in evolution 576.855
specific literatures T3B-080 352 1 Sexual harassment
history and prevention
criticism T3B-093 521 personnel management 658.314 5
psychology 155.33 Sexual harassment of women
Sexadecimal system 513.5 labor economics 331.413 3
Sexes sociology 305.42
evolution 576.855 Sexual intercourse
psychology 155.33 psychology 155.35
social aspects 305.3 sociology 306.77
Sexism 305.3 Sexual love 306.7
Sexism in textbooks psychology 155.3
public control 379.156 Sexual orientation 306.76
Sext 264.15 arts 700.453
music 782.324 T3C-353
Sextants literature 808.803 53
astronomy 527.028 4 history and criticism 809.933 53
Sextets specific literatures T3B-080 353
chamber music 785.16 history and
vocal music 783.16 literature T3B-093 53
Sexual abstinence psychology 155.34
health 613.9 social groups Tl---086 6
birth control 613.94 sociology 306.76
Sexual abuse of adolescents Sexual practices 306.77
medicine 616.858 36 psychology 155.35
Sexual abuse of children 362.76 public control 363.4
medicine 616.858 36 public administration 353.37
school problem 371.786 sociology 306.77
see also Child abuse Sexual relations 306.7
Sexual behavior (Animals) 591.562 customs 392.6
Sexual desire disorders ethics 176.4
psychiatry 616.858 3 religion 205.66
Sexual deviation Buddhism 294.356 6
criminology 364.153 6 Christianity 241.66
criminal law 345.025 36 Hinduism 294.548 66
medicine 616.858 3 Islam 297.566
Sexual disorders Judaism 296.366
gynecology 618.17 laws of family purity 296.742
see also Female genital social theology 201.7
diseases -humans Christianity 261.835 7
medicine 616.69 sociology 306.7
see also Genital diseases - technique 613.96
humans Sexual reproduction 571.8
psychiatry 616.858 3 animals 573.6
Sexual division of!abor 306.361 5 microorganisms 571.845 29
plants 575.6
see also Genital system
Sexual selection (Animals) 591.562

Dewey Decimal Classification

Sexuality Shadows 535.4

arts 700.453 8 art 701.82
T3C-353 8 drawing 742
literature 808.803 538 teclmical drawing 604.243
history and criticism 809.933 538 Shads 641.392
specific literaturesT3B-080 353 8 cooking 641.692
history and food 641.392
criticism T3B---093 538 zoology 597.45
psychology 155.3 Shafiites (Islamic sect) 297.812
Sexually abused children Shaft currents (Electricity) 621.310 42
pediatrics 618.928 583 6 Shaft sinking 624.19
social theology 201.762 76 mining 622.25
Christianity 261.832 72 underground construction 624.19
social welfare 362.76 Shafts (Mechanisms) 621.823
Sexually transmitted diseases ship power plants 623.873
incidence 614.547 Shah Jahan, Emperor of India
law 344.043 695 1 Indian history 954.025 7
medicine 616.951 Shahada 297.34
see also Communicable Shahjahan, Emperor of India
diseases humans Indian history 954.025 7
Seychelles 969.6 Shaivism 294.551 3
T2-696 Shaka, Zulu Chief
Seychellois T5-969 696 KwaZulu-Natal history 968.403 9
Seymour River (Columbia- Shaka language 496.395
Shuswap, B.C.) TI--71168 T6-963 95
Sforza, House of Shakers 289.8
Lombardian history 945.206 biography 289.809 2
Sgrafitto decoration 666.45 see also Christian
arts 738.15 denominations
technology 666.45 Shakes (Rooting) 695
Shaanxi Sheng (China) T2-514 3 Shakespeare, William 822.33
Shabbat 296.41. Shaktaism 294.551 4
Shabbat (Tractate) 296.123 2 Shakuhachis 788.35
Babylonian Talmud 296.125 2 Shale
Mishnah 296.123 2 petrology 552.5
Palestinian Talmud 296.124 2 Shale oil 553.283
Shabuoth 296.438 see also Oil shale
liturgy 296.453 8 Shallots 641.352 6
Shackelford County (Tex.) T2--764 734 botany 584.33
Shade plants cooking 641.652 6
floriculture 635.954 3 food 641.352 6
Shade-tolerant plants garden crop 635.26
floriculture 635.954 3 Sharnal Bal,rr al Ghazal
Shade trees 635.977 (Sudan) T2-6294
Shades (Furnishings) 645.3 Shamal DarfUr (Sudan :
household management 645.3 State) T2-627
manufacturing technology 684 Shamal Kurduran (Sudan) T2-628
Shadh (Hadith) 297.125 22 Shamal Sina' (Egypt) T2-531
Shadow boxes Shamaliyah (Sudan) T2---625
furniture arts 749.7 Shamanism 201.44
Shadow puppets 791.53
see also Puppets
Shadow theaters 791.53

Relative Index

Shamans 200.92 Shari a 340.59

biography 200.92 religious law 297.14
role and function 206.1 secular law 340.59
see Manual at 200.92 and Shariqah (United Arab
201-209,292-299 Emirates :Emirate) T2-535 7
Shambala languages 496.391 Sharjah (United Arab
T6-963 91 Emirates : Emirate) T2-535 7
Shame 152.44 Sharkey County (Miss.) T2-762 414
Shamisens 787.85 Sharks 597.3
see also Stringed instruments commercial fishing 639.273
Shamrocks (Clovers) 583.74 cooking 641.692
Shamrocks (Wood sorrel) 583.79 food 641.392
Shan T5-959 19 paleozoology 567.3
Shan language 495.919 sports fishing 799.173
T6-959 19 zoology 597.3
Shan literature 895.919 Sharkskin fabrics 677.615
Shandong Sheng (China) T2-511 4 see also Textiles
Shang dynasty 931.02 Sharp County (Ark.) T2-767 23
Shanghai (China) T2-511 32 Sharp-tailed grouse 598.637 8
Shankara (Philosophy) I 81.482 Sharpeville Massacre, 1960 968.058
Shanmukaism 294.551 6 Sharpshooters 356.162
Shannon County (Mo.) T2-778 873 Sharq al-Istiwa'lyah (Sudan) T2-629 5
Shannon County (S.D.) T2-783 66 Sharqlyah (Egypt) T2-621
Shannon River (Ireland) T2--417 Shasta County (Calif.) T2-794 24
Shansi Province (China) T2-51l 7 Shastri, Lal Bahadur
Shantung Province (China) T2-51 I 4 Indian history 954.043
Shanxi Sheng (China) T2-511 7 Shavers
Shape manufacturing technology 688.5
animals 591.41 Shaving 646.724
biological organisms 578.41 customs 391.5
plants 581.41 personal care 646.724
Shape theory (Topology) 514.24 Shavings
Shaped charges wood 674.84
military engineering 623.454 5 Shavuot 296.438
Shapers (Tools) 621.912 liturgy 296.453 8
Shaping metals Shawano County (Wis.) T2-775 36
decorative arts 739.14 Shawinigan (Quebec) T2-714 453
sculpture 73 I .41 Shawls 391.44
Shar-Pei 636.72 see also Accessories (Clothing)
Share renting Shawnee County (Kan.) T2-781 63
agricultural land economics 333.335 563 Shawnee Indians T5-973 I 7
land economics 333.563 Shawnee language 497.317
Sharecroppers 306.365 T6-973 17
Tl-088 63 Shawnigan Lake (B.C.) T2-711 2
Sharecropping 306.365 Shawns 788.52
economics 333.335 563 see also Woodwind instruments
Shared custody 306.89 Shearing animals 636.083 3
Shared memory 005.71 Shearing sheds
Shareholders' meetings architecture 725.37
law 346.066 6 Shearing stress
Shares (Corporate equity effect on materials 620.112 45
securities) 332.632 2 Shearing textiles 677.028 25
Shears 621.93
home sewing 646.19

Dewey Decimal Classification

Shearwaters 598.42 Sheldon, William Herbert

Sheaths (Nerve tissue) 573.852 5 personality theory 155.264
human histology 612.810 45 Shelf fungi 579.597
see also Nervous system Shelf ice 551.342
Sheaths (Tendon) 573.753 56 Shelflisting
see also Tendon sheaths library science 025.428
Sheaves (Mathematics) 514.224 SheiikofStrait (Alaska) 551.461 434
Sheboygan County (Wis.) T2-775 69 T2-164 34
Sheds Shell carving 736.6
architecture 725.372 Shell model (Nuclear physics) 539.743
construction 690.537 2 Shell parakeets 636.686 4
domestic Shellac 667.79
architecture 728.922 Shellfish 594
construction 690.892 2 conservation technology 639.974
Sheehan's syndrome cooking 641.694
obstetrics 618.7 culture 639.4
Sheep 636.3 economics 338.371 4
animal husbandry 636.3 fishing 639.4
big game hunting 799.276 49 fishing industry 338.372 4
zoology 599.649 food 641.394
Sheep dogs 636.737 commercial processing 664.94
Sheep's milk 641.371 7 resource economics 333.955
cooking 641.671 7 sports fishing 799.254
food 641.371 7 zoology 594
processing 637.17 Shellfishing
Sheep's wool textiles 677.31 economics 338.372 4
arts 746.043 1 sports 799.254
see also Textiles Shelling crops 631.56
Sheet metal 671.823 Shells (Ammunition)
Sheet music illustration 741.66 artillery 623.451 3
Sheeting small arms
rubber 678.36 military engineering 623.455
Sheets 645.4 Shells (Animals) 591.477
arts 746.97 carving 736.6
home 646.21 descriptive zoology 591.477
household equipment 645.4 mollusks 594.147 7
Sheffield (England : City) T2-428 21 handicrafts 745.55
Shehitah 296.73 physiology 573.77
Shekalim 296.123 2 Shells (Structural elements) 624.17762
Mishnah 296.123 2 naval architecture 623.817 762
Palestinian Talmud 296.124 2 structural engineering 624.177 62
Shekhar, Chandra concrete 624.183 462
Indian history 954.052 Shelter
Shelburne (N.S. : County) T2-716 25 social welfare 361.05
Shelby County (Ala.) T2-761 79 Sheltered employment 362.404 848
Shelby County (IlL) T2-773 798 see also Employment
Shelby County (Ind.) T2-772 59 services social services
Shelby County (Iowa) T2-777 484 Sheltered housing 362.61
Shelby County (Ky.) T2-769435 Shelving
Shelby County (Mo.) T2-778 323 household management 645.4
Shelby County (Ohio) T2-77145 library collections maintenance 025.81
Shelby County (Tenn.) T2-768 19 library plant management 022.4
Shelby County (Tex.) T2-764 179 manufacturing technology 684.16
Shemittah 296.439 I

Relative Index

Shenandoah County (Va.) T2~755 95 Shia Islam (continued)

Shenandoah National Park relations with Sunni Islam 297.804 2
(Va.) worship 297.302
Shenandoah River Valley Shiatsu
(Va. and W.Va.) T2~755 9 therapeutics 615.822 2
Shengs 788.82 Shiawassee County (Mich.) T2~774 25
see also Woodwind instruments Shielding
Shensi Province (China) T2~514 3 nuclear reactors 621.483 23
Shepherd's purse 583.64 Shields (Armor) 623.441
Shepparton (Vic.) T2~945 4 art metalwork 739.752
Shepway (England) T2--422 395 Shieldtail snakes 597.967
Sherbet 641.863 Shift systems 331.257 25
commercial processing 637.4 Shift work 331.257 25
home preparation 641.863 personnel management 658.312 I
Sherbrooke (Quebec) T2~714 66 Shifting cultivation
Sherbrooke (Quebec: agricultural technology 631.581 8
Regional County Shiga-ken (Japan) T2-521 85
Municipality) T2~714 66 Shigella 579.34
Sherburne County (Minn.) T2-776 66 Shigellosis
Sheridan County (Kan.) T2-781145 incidence 614.516
Sheridan County (Mont.) T2--786 218 medicine 616.935 5
Sheridan County (N.D.) T2-784 76 see also Communicable
Sheridan County (Neb.) T2-78292 diseases -humans
Sheridan County (Wyo.) T2~787 32 Shih Tzu (Dog) 636.76
Sheriffs Shiites 297.82
law 347.016 Shikoku Island (Japan) T2-523
police services 363.282 Shikoku Region (Japan) T2-523
Sherman County (Kan.) T2-781 115 Shilha language 493.3
Sherman County (Neb.) TI-782 44 T6-933
Shennan County (Or.) T2-795 64 Shilluk language 496.5
Shem1an Cmmty (Tex.) T2-764 813 T6-965
Sherman's March to the Sea, Shimane-ken (Japan) T2~521 96
1864 973.737 8 Shin (Sect) 294.392 6
Sherry 641222 609 468 8 Shina language 491.499
commercial processing 663.226 094 688 T6--914 99
Sherwood Forest (England) T2--425 24 Shina literature 891.499
Shetland (Scotland) T2--411 35 Shinano River (Japan) T2~521 52
Shetland Islands (Scotland) T2~411 35 Shiners 597.482
Shetland pony 636.16 Shingles (Disease)
Shevi'it 296.123 1 medicine 616.522
Mishnah 296.123 I see also Skin diseases --
Palestinian Talmud 296.124 1 humans
Shevu'ot 296.123 4 Shingles (Roofing) 695
Babylonian Talmud 296.125 4 Shinto 299.561
Mishnah 296.123 4 Shinto philosophy 181.095 61
Palestinian Talmud 296.124 4 Shinto temples and shrines 299.561 35
Shewa (Ethiopia) T2-633 architecture 726.195 61
Sheyenne River (N.D.) T2-784 3 Shintoism 299.561
Shi language 496.394 art representation 704.948 995 61
T6--963 94 Shintoists
Shia Islam 297.82 biography 299.561 092
doctrines 297.204 2 Shinyanga Region
Hadith 297.125 92 (Tanzania) T2~678 28

Dewey Decimal Classification

Ship accidents 363.123 Ships (continued)

see also Water transportation naval units 359.32
safety see Afanual at 359.32 vs.
Ship canals 386.4 359.83
engineering 627.137 operation 387.540 44
transportation services 386.4 nautical engineering 623.881
interoceanic 386.42 transportation services 387.540 44
noninteroceanic canals 386.47 canal 386.404 2044
see also Canals inland waterway 386.240 44
Ship canneries lake 386.540 44
engineering 623.824 8 river 386.350 44
Ship fitting 623.843 3 ordnance 623.825 I
Ship flags 929.92 sanitation services 363.729 3
Ship gear 623.862 transportation services 387.2
Ship handling 623.881 see Manual at 629.046 vs. 388
Ship railroads 385.77 Ships in bottles 745.592 8
engineering 625.39 Shipworms 594.4
transportation services 385.77 Shipwrecks 363.123
Ship timber beetles 595.763 adventure 910.452
Ship-to-shore communication 384.53 transportation safety 363.123
communications services 384.53 see also Water
port services 387.166 transportation - safety
Shipboard cooking 641.575 3 Shipwrights' work 623.844
Shipboard health 613.68 Shipyards
Shipbuilding 623.82 architecture 725.4
Shipbuilding industry 338.476 238 2 production economics 338.476 238 3
law 343.078 623 82 technology 623.83
Shiplap 674.43 Shira-Punu languages 496.396
Shipment T6-963 96
materials management 658.788 Shire horse 636.15
Shipping 387.5 Shires 320.83
law 343.096 see also Counties
materials management 658.788 Shirts 391.475
see also Inland water commercial technology 687.115
transportation; Ocean customs 39!.475
transportation home economics 646.3
Shipping conferences (Business home sewing 646.435
enterprises) 387.506 5 see also Clothing
Ships 387.2 Shish kebabs
arts T3C--356 home preparation 641.82
design 623.81 Shivaism 294.551 3
engineering 623.82 Shizuoka-ken (Japan) T2-52165
folklore 398.276 Shoa (Ethiopia) T2-633
history and criticism 398.356 Shoah 940.531 8
gear and rigging 623.862 see also Holocaust, 1933-1945
inland water 386.22 Shoalhaven National Park
transportation services 386.22 (N.S.W.) T2-944 7
law 343.096 5 Shoalhaven River (N.S.W.) T2-944 7
literature 808.803 56 Shock (Pathological)
history and criticism 809.933 56 medicine 616.047 5
specific literatures T3B-080 356 result of injury 617.21
history and Shock absorbers
criticism T3B----093 56 automotive engineering 629.243
naval equipment 359.83

t: Shock resistance
Relative Index

Shopping malls 381.11

materials science 620.112 5 see also Commerce; Shopping
~ Shock-resistant construction 624.176 centers
buildings 693.85 Shops (Retail trade) 381.1
', Shock therapy architecture 725.21
_ psychiatry 616.891 2 management 658.87
1 Shock tunnels
f aircraft 629.134 52
see also Commerce
Shoran 621.384 8
f Shock waves 531.1133 marine navigation 623.893 3
fluid mechanics 532.059 3 Shore, John, Baron Teignmouth
gas mechanics 533.293 Indian history 954.031 1
liquid mechanics 532.593 Shore biology 578.769 9
solid mechanics 531.33 Shore birds 598.33
Shoe buckles 391.7 sports hunting 799.248 33
customs 391.7 Shore ecology 577.699
making 739.278 Shore flies 595.774
costume jewelry 688.2 Shore protection 333.917 16
handicrafts 745.594 2 engineering 627.58
fine jewelry 739.278 land economics 333.917 16
Shoe repairers 685.310 092 Shore reclamation 333.917 153
Shoemakers 685.310 092 engineering 627.58
Shoes 391.413 land economics 333.917 153
commercial technology 685.31 Shorebirds 598.33
customs 391.413 sports hunting 799.248 33
see also Clothing Shorelands 551.457
Shoghi, Effendi T2-146
works by 297.938 6 see also Coasts
Shogi 794.18 Shorelines 551.458
Shona (African people) TS-963 975 T2-146
Shonalanguage 496.397 5 geography 910.914 6
T6-963 975 geomorphology 551.458
Shona literature 896.397 5 physical geography 910.021 46
Shooting game Shoring
sports 799.21 structural engineering 624.152
Shooting stars (Plants) 583.675 Short-haired cats 636.82
Shoots (Plants) 581.495 Short-necked lutes 787.8
descriptive botany 581.495 see also Stringed instruments
physiology 575.4 Short-order cooking 641.57
Shop stewards 331.873 3 Short-range ballistic missiles 358.175 282
Shop technology 670.42 engineering 623.451 952
Shoplifting 364.162 32 military equipment 358.175 282
law 345.026 232 Short-range weather forecasting 551.636 2
Shoppers' clubs 381.149 Short stories 808.831
management 658.879 history and criticism 809.31
Shopping 381.1 specific literatures T3B-301
etiquette 395.53 individual authors T3A-3
see also Commerce Short takeoff and landing
Shopping centers 381.11 airplanes
architecture 725.21 engineering 629.133 340 426
area planning 711.552 2 Short-term capital
management 658.87 financial management 658.152 44
see also Commerce Short-term government securities 336.31
Short-term loans receivable
financial management 658.152 44

Dewey Decimal Classification

Short track speed skating 796.914 Shrew opossums 599.27

Shortages Shrews 599.336
agricultural industries 338.17 Shrewsbury and Atcham
natural resources 333.711 (England) T2-42454
production 338.02 Shrike-vireos 598.878
secondary industries 338.47 Shrikes 598.862
Shorthair cats 636.82 Shrimp culture 639.68
Shorthand 653 Shrimping 639.58
Shorthorn cattle 636.222 economics 338.372 538 8
Shorts (Clothing) 391.476 Shrimps 595.388
see also Pants (Trousers) conservation technology 639.975 388
Shortwave electronics 621.381 cooking 641.695
physics 537.534 3 culture 639.68
Shortwave radio systems fishing 639.58
engineering 621.384 151 fishing industry 338.372 538 8
military 623.734 1 food 641.395
Shoshone County (Idaho) T2~796 91 commercial processing 664.94
Shoshoni Indians TS-974 574 resource economics 333.955 58
Shoshoni 497.457 4 zoology 595.388
T6--974 574 Shriners 366.16
Shoshoni literature 897.457 4 biography 366.160 92
Shot peening 671.36 Shrines 203.5
Shot-putting 796.435 architecture 726.1
Shotguns 683.426 Buddhist 294.343 5
manufacturing technology 683.426 Christianity 263.042
sports 799.202 834 Hindu 294.535
see also Guns (Small arms) Islamic 297.35
Shoulder muscles Jain 294.435
human anatomy 611.737 Shinto 299.561 35
Shoulders (Body parts) 612.97 Sikh 294.635
physiology 612.97 Shrinkage-controlled fabrics 677.688
regional medicine 617.572 see alw Textiles
surgery 617.572 059 Shropshire (England) T2-424 5
see also Upper extremities Shroud of Turin 232.966
Shoulders (Highways) Shrub1ands
maintenance biology 578.738
625.761 ecology 577.38
Show animals 791.8 Shrubs 582.17
animal husbandry 636.081 1 floriculture 635.976
performing arts 791.8 landscape architecture 715.3
Show jumping 798.250 79 see Manual at 635.9 vs. 582.1
Show windows Shuar Indians T5--983 72
advertising 659.157 Shuar language 498.372
Showa period 952.033 T6-983 72
Showboats 792.022 Shuar literature 898.372
Showcase displays Shuara literature 898.372
advertising 659.157 Shuffleboard 796.2
Showering 613.41 Shulban 'arukh 296.182
Showing livestock 636.081 1 Shunts (Electrical instrument) 621.374 2
Shows 791 Shuswap Indians TS-97943
advertising 659.152 Shuswap Lake (B.C.) T2~711 68

performances 791 Shuswap language 497.943

Shrapnel devices 623.451 4 T6-97943
Shreveport (La.) T2-763 99 Shuswap River (B.C.) T2~711 5

Relative Index

Shut-in people 305.908 7 Sicily (Italy) 945.8

Tl----087 7 T2-458
health services 362.14 ancient 937.8
home care 649.8 T2-378
recreation 790.196 Sicily (Kingdom) 945.8
indoor 793.019 6 Sicily, Strait of 551.461 381
outdoor 796.087 7 T2-163 81
Shutters (Cameras) 771.36 Sick leave 331.257 62
Shuttle cars economics 331.257 62
mining 622.66 personnel management 658.312 2
Shyness 155.232 Sick people 305.908 7
Sl (Metric system) 530.812 Tl-087 7
social aspects 389.15 architecture for 720.877
Sialidae 595.747 clothing
Siam T2-593 home sewing 646.401
Siam, Gulf of 551.461 472 collected biography Tl-092 7
T2-16472 cooking for 641.563 1
Siamang 599.882 devotional literature
Siamese TS-95911 Christianity 242.4
Siamese cat 636.825 government programs
Siamese fighting fish 597.7 (nonhealth) 353.539
Siamese language 495.91 guides to religious life 204.42
T6---959 11 Christianity 248.861
Siamese literature 895.91 health services 362.1
Siassi Islands (Papua New public administration 353.6
Guinea) T2-957 I home care 649.8
Sibasa (South Africa : pastoral care 206.1
District) T2-682 57 Christianity 259.41
Siberia (Russia) 957 recreation 790.196
T2-57 indoor 793.019 6
Siberia, Eastern (Russia) T2-575 outdoor 796.087 7
Siberia, Western (Russia) T2-573 religious rites 203.8
Siberian husky 636.73 Christianity 265.82
Siberian Yupik T5-9714 social group 305.908 7
Siberian Yupik languages T6-9714 social theology 201.762 1
Sibiu (Romania: Judet) T2-4984 Christianity 261.832 1
Sibley County (Minn.) T2-776 33 social welfare 362.1
Siblings 306.875 see Manual at 362.1-.4 vs.
Tl----085 5 610
child care handbooks 649.10245 Sickle cell anemia
family relationships 306.875 medicine 616.152 7
home care 649.143 see also Cardiovascular
psychological influence 155.924 diseases -humans
psychology 155.443 Sickness 362.1
adulthood 155.646 medicine 616
Sibyls see also Diseases humans
parapsychology 133.324 8 Sickness insurance 368.382
religion 206.1 Sidama (African people) TS-935
Sichuan Sheng (China) TI-513 8 Sidamo (African people) T5-935
Sicilian dialect T6--51 Sidamo languages 493.5
Sicilianas 793.3 T6---935
music 784.188 3 Siddurim 296.45

Dewey Decimal Classification

Side arms Siena (Italy) T2~-455 81

art metalwork 739.72 ancient T2-375 66
military engineering 623.44 Siena (Italy: Province) T2--455 8
Side-blown t1utes 788.32 ancient T2-375 66
see also Woodwind instruments Sieradz (Poland :
Side chapels Voivodeship) T2--438 47
architecture 726.595 Sierra (Ecuador) T2-8661
Side dishes 641.81 Sierra County (Calif.) T2-79436
Side drums 786.94 Sierra County (N.M.) T2-78967
see also Percussion instruments Sierra Leone 966.4
Side effects of drugs T2-664
pharmacokinetics 615.704 2 Sierra Leoneans T5-9664
Side-necked turtles 597.929 Sierra Madre del Sui
Side-sewing (Mexico) T2~727 3
bookbinding 686.35 Sierra Madre Occidental
Sideline markets 381.1 (Mexico) T2-723
see also Commerce Sierra Madre Oriental
Sideline stores 381.1 (Mexico) T2-724
see also Commerce Sierra Nevada de Santa
Sidereal clocks Marta National Park
astronomy 522.5 (Colombia) T2--861 16
Sidereal day 529.1 Sierra Nevada Mountains
Sidereal month 523.33 (Calif. and Nev.) T2-7944
Siderite Sierra Region (Ecuador) T2-866 1
mineralogy 549.782 Sierre (Switzerland :
Siders (Switzerland : District) T2--494 796 1
Bezirk) T2--494 796 I Sieves (Mathematics) 512.73
Sideshows 791.35 Sifakas 599.83
Sidewalks 388.411 Siftings
road engineering 625.88 cereal grains
transportation services 388.411 commercial processing 664.720 8
Sidi Bel Abbes (Algeria : wheat 664.722 8
Province) T2-651 Sight 573.88
Sidi Bernoussi-Zenata see also Vision
(Morocco) T2-643 8 Sight method (Reading)
Sidi Kacem (Morocco: primary education 372.462
Province) T2~643 5 Sight-reading (Music) 781.423
Sidi-Youssef-Ben-Ali primary education 372.873
(Morocco) T2-6464 Sighthounds 636.753 2
Sidings (Railroads) 625.163 Sighting apparatus
Sidings (Walls) military engineering 623.46
buildings 698 Sigillography 929.9
wood 674.43 insignia 929.9
Sidney (B.C.) T2-71128 numismatics 737.6
Sidon (Lebanon) T2--569 2 Sigismund lli, King of Poland
ancient T2-3944 and Sweden
Sidonian architecture 722.31 Swedish history 948.503 24
SIDS (Syndrome) Sigmodon 599.357 2
pediatrics 618.920 26 Sigmoid colon
Siedlce (Poland : human anatomy 611.347
Voivodeship) T2--438 41 human physiology 612.36
Siege of Vicksburg, 1863 973.734 4 medicine 616.34
Siege warfare 355.44 surgery 617.5547
Siemens process 669.142 2

Relative Index

Sigmoid flexure Signs (continued)

human anatomy 611.347 wooden 674.88
human physiology 612.36 see also Signals
medicine 616.34 Sil;al;l
surgery 617.5547 Hadith 297.125 4
Sign language literatures 899.98 Siirt ili (Turkey) T2-56678
Sign languages 419 ancient T2-3942
T6-999 8 Sikh gums 294.609 2
primary education 372.6 biography 294.609 2
special education 371.912 46 role and function 294.663
Sign painting 667.6 Sikh philosophy 181.046
Signal corps 358.24 Sikh temples and shrines 294.635
Signal generators architecture 726.146
electronics 621.381 548 Sikhism 294.6
Signal processing 621.382 2 art representation 704.948 946
Signal propagation Islamic polemics 297.294
communications engineering 621.382 4 Sikhism and Islam 294.615
satellite communication 621.382 54 Islamic view 297.284 6
Signal theoty 003.54 Sikh view 294.615
communications engineering 621.382 23 Sikhs
systems 003.54 biography 294.609 2
Signals 302.23 Sikkim (India) T2--541 67
communications engineering 621.382 2 Sikkimese T5-914 17
railroad transportation 385.316 1975- T5-914 11
engineering 625.165 Sikoku Island (Japan) T2-523
law 343.095 2 Sikoku Region (Japan) T2-523
transportation services 385.316 Siksika Indians T5-973 52
road transportation 388.3122 Siksika language 497.352
engineering 625.794 T6--973 52
law 343.094 6 Silage 636.086 2
transportation services 388.312 2 forage crop 633.2
social psychology 302.23 Silence
street transportation 388.413 122 musical element 781.236
engineering 625.794 Silencers (Automobile part) 629.252
law 343.098 2 Silesia 1'2--438 5
transportation services 388.413 122 Czech Republic T2--437 28
transportation 388.041 Poland T2----438 5
engineering 629.040 289 Silesian War, 1740-1742 943.054
law 343.093 Silesian War, 1744-1745 943.054
transportation services 388.041 Silesian War, 1756-1763 940.253 4
Signboards Silhouettes 741.7
social psychology 302.23 animals 591.41
Signed English cutting 736.984
American 428.917 drawing 741.7
British 428.914 1 plants 581.41
Signets Silicates
numismatics 737.6 mineralogy 549.6
Signs 302.23 Silicon 553.6
advertising 659.134 chemical engineering 661.068 3
law 346.045 chemistry 546.683
social psychology 302.23 economic geology 553.6
transportation 388.041 materials science 620.193
engineering 629.040 289
transportation services 388.041


Dewey Decimal Classification

Silicon (continued) Silver (continued)

organic chemistry 547.08 physical metallurgy 669.962 3
aliphatic 547.48 production economics 338.274 21
applied 661.88 see also Chemicals; Metals
see also Chemicals Silver Bow County (Mont.) T2-786 68
Silicon salts Silver coins 332.404 2
chemical engineering 661.43 investment economics 332.63
Silicones 668.422 7 monetary economics 332.404 2
Silicosis numismatics 737.4
medicine 616.244 Silver processes
see also Respiratory tract photography 772.4
diseases ·- humans Silver question 332.423 097 3
Silk books 096.2 Silver standard 332.422 3
Silk cotton tree 583.68 Silverfish (Insects) 595.723
Silk ribbon embroidery 746.447 Silverpoint drawing 741.25
Silk-screen printing 686.231 6 Silversides 597.66
graphic arts 764.8 Silversmithing 739.23
textile arts 746.62 Silversmiths 739.230 92
Silk textiles 677.39 Silverware
arts 746.043 9 arts 739.238 3
see also Textiles table setting 642.7
Silk tree 583.748 Silviculture 634.95
Silkworms 638.2 S imaroubaceae 583.77
culture 638.2 Simbu Province (Papua
zoology 595.78 New Guinea) T2-9567
Silky flycatchers 598.853 Simcoe (Ont.: County) T2-713 17
Silky terrier 636.76 Simdlangentsha (South
Sillimanite Africa : District) T2-6842
mineralogy 549.62 Siml;tat Torah 296.433 9
Sills (Geology) 551.88 liturgy 296.453 39
Silo machinery Similarity (Mathematics) 516.2
manufacturing technology 681.763 1 Simile 808.032
Silos 633.208 68 Simmering
Silphidae 595.764 2 home cooking 641.73
Silt Simmonds' disease
petrology 552.5 medicine 616.47
reservoir engineering 627.86 see also Endocrine
river engineering 627.122 diseases humans
Silurian period 551.732 Simonstown (South Africa :
geology 551.732 District) T2-687 35
paleontology 560.173 2 Simple microscopes
Siluriformes 597.49 biology 570.282 3
paleozoology 567.49 Simple proteins 572.66
Silva, Luiz Im'tcio da see alw Proteins
Brazilian history 981.065 Simples
Silver 669.23 pharmacognosy 615.321
chemical engineering 661.065 4 Simplexes 514.223
chemistry 546.654 Simpson County (Ky.) T2-769735
economic geology 553.421 Simpson County (Miss.) T2-762 585
materials science 620.189 23 Simpson Desert National
metallography 669.952 3 Park(Qld.) T2-943 7
metallurgy 669.23 Simpson Peninsula
metalworking 673.23 (Nunavut) T2-719 55
mining 622.342 3

Relative Index

003 column tariffs 382.752

Tl-011 see also Customs (Tariff)
engineering 620.0044 Single fatherhood 306.874 22
instructional use 371.397 Single idiophones 786.88
management decision making 658.403 52 see also Percussion instruments
mathematics 511.8 Single-lens reflex cameras 771.32
Simuliidae 595.772 Single-line outlets (Marketing) 381.14
Simultaneous play (Chess) 794.17 see· also Commerce
Sin 202.2 Single men 306.815 2
Buddhism 294.342 2 Tl-086 52
Christianity 241.3 psychology 155.642 2
original sin 233.14 social group 306.815 2
Hinduism 294.522 motherhood 306.874 32
Islam 297.22 362.839 532
Judaism 296.32 mothers 306.874 32
moral theology 205 social welfare 362.839 532
Buddhism 294.35 Single-parent family 306.856
Christianity 241.3 social theology 201.7
Hinduism 294.548 Christianity 261.835 856
Islam 297.5 social welfare 362.829 4
Judaism 296.36 see also Families~ social
Sinai (Egypt) 953.1 welfare
T2~531 Single parents 306.856
Sinai Campaign, 1956 956.044 child care handbooks 649.102 43
Sinai Peninsula (Egypt) T2~531 204.41
ancient 939.48 Single people 306.815
T2~394 8 Tl-086 52
Sinaloa (Mexico: State) T2~723 2 psychology 155.642
Sindh (Pakistan) T2~54918 social group 306.815
Sindhi T5~914 25 Single-photon emission-
Sindhi language 491.41 computed tomography 616.075 75
T6--914 11 Single-piece processes
Sindhi literature 891.41 production management 658.533
Sine-Saloum (Senegal) T2~663 Single-reed bagpipes 788.49
Sinfonia concertantes 784.184 5 see also Woodwind instruments
Sinfoniettas 784.184 Single-reed instruments 788.6
musical form 784.184 see also Woodwind instruments
orchestral music 784.218 4 Single-shot pistols 683.432
Singapore 959.57 see also Pistols
T2~595 7 Single-sideband radio systems 621.384 153
Singapore Strait 551.461 472 Single-stage programming 519.702
T2~16472 Single-story buildings 720.48
Singeing textiles 677.028 25 architecture 720.48
Singers 782.009 2 construction 690.38
Singh, Charan Single-story houses
Indian history 954.052 architecture 728.373
Singh, Manmohan Single-tax school of economics 330.155
Indian history 954.053 2 Single teenage fatherhood 306.874 22
Singh, Vishwanath Pratap Single teenage motherhood 306.874 32
Indian history 954.052 social welfare 362.787 432
Singida Region (Tanzania) T2~67826 Single-wicket cricket 796.358 8
Singine (Switzerland) T2--494 539 Single wingback formation 796.332 22
Singing games 796.13

Dewey Decimal Classification

Single women 306.815 3 Siouan Indians T5-975 2

TI~086 52 Siouan 497.52
psychology 155.642 3 T6-975 2
306.815 3 Sioux City (Iowa) T2~777 41
social group
Singles (Tennis) 796.342 27 Sioux County (Iowa) T2-77713
Singleton (N.S.W.) T2-9442 Sioux County (N.D.) T2-784 88
Singspiels 782.13 Sioux County (Neb.) T2-782 99
music 782.13 Sioux Falls (S.D.) T2-783 371
stage presentation 792.5 Sipaliwini (Suriname :
Singularities (Mathematics) District) T2-883 95
algebraic geometry 516.35 Siphonales 579.835
functions of several complex Siphonaptera 595.775
variables 515.94 Siphonocladales 579.83
Singularity theory 514.746 Siphonophora 593.55
Sinhala language 491.48 Siphunculata 595.756
T6-914 8 Sipuncula 592.35
Sinhala literature 891.48 paleozoology 562.35
Sinhalese T5~914 8 Sira languages 496.396
Sinhalese language 491.48 T6--963 96
T6~914 8 Sirach (Bible) 229.4
Sinhalese literature 891.48 Siracusa (Italy) T2--458 141
Sinhalese-Maldivian languages 491.48 ancient T2-378 141
T6-914 8 Siracusa (Italy: Province) T2--458 14
Sinhalese-Maldivian literatures 891.48 ancient T2-37814
Sink holes 551.447 Sirenia 599.55
T2~144 paleozoology 569.5
see also Caves Sirenidae 597.85
Sinkiang Uighur Sirens (Amphibians) 597.85
Autonomous Region Sirens (Noisemakers) 621.389 2
(China) T2-516 music 786.99
Sinking 532.25 see also Percussion
Sinking funds instruments
pub lie finance 336.363 warning device 621.389 2
Sinn Fein Rebellion, 1916 941.508 21 ~imak iii (Turkey) T2-566 78
Sinnar (Sudan) T2~626 4 ancient T2--3942
Sino-Indian Border Dispute, 1957 954.042 Sisal
Sino-Japanese Conflict, botany 584.352
1937-1945 940.53 fiber crop 633.577
1937-1941 951.042 Siskins 598.885
1941-1945 940.53 Siskiyou County (Calif.) T2-79421
Sino-Japanese War, 1894-1895 951.035 Sissach (Switzerland :
Sino-Tibetan languages 495 Bezirk) T2-494 339
T6-95 S!stan va Bali:ichestan (Iran) T2-558 3
Sino-Tibetan literatures 895 Sister-brother relationship 306.875 3
Sinop iii (Turkey) T2~563 8 Sister-sister relationship 306.875 4
ancient T2-393 32 Sisters 306.875
Sintering metals 671.373 Tl-085 5
Sinuses see also Siblings
paranasal Sisters (Nurses) 610.730 92
human anatomy 611.21 role and function 610.730 69
human physiology 612.232 Sisters (Women religious) 255.9
medicine 616.212 biography 271.900 2
Sion (Switzerland) T2-494 796 44 see Manual at 230280
Sion (Switzerland : District) T2--494 796 4

Relative Index

Sisters (Women l'-'llL)<,l<c"'~, (continued) Size of farm

ecclesiology 262.24 economics 338.16
guides to Christian life 248.894 3 Size perception
Sisters and brothers 306.875 3 psychology 153.752
psychology 155.443 Size standards
Sisters of Bon Secours 255.94 commerce 389.62
church history 271.94 production management 658.562
Sisters of Charity 255.91 Sizing coal 662.623
church history 271.91 ores 622.74
Sisters of Mercy 255.92 Sizing paper 676.234
church history 27!.92 Sizuoka-ken (Japan) T2~521 65
Sistrums 786.885 Sjrelland (Denmark) T2--489 I
see al~o Percussion instruments Sjogren's syndrome
Sistrums 597.963 8 medicine 616.775
SiSwati language 496.398 7 see also Musculoskeletal
T6~963 987 diseases humans
SiSwati literature 896.398 7 Ska (Music) 781.646
Sit-ins Skagerrak (Denmark and 551.461 336
social conflict 303.61 Norway) T2~163 36
Sitars 787.82 Skagit County (Wash.) T2~797 72
see also Stringed instruments Skamania County (Wash.) T2~797 84
Site planning Skane Jan (Sweden) T2-4861
architecture 720.28 Skane landskap (Sweden) T2-486 1
Site selection Ian (Sweden) T2-486 7
home economics 643.12 Skateboarding 796.22
nuclear engineering 621.483 2 Skateboards 796.22
Sitka (Alaska) T2--798 2 manufacturing technology 688.762 2
Sitten (Switzerland) T2-494 796 44 Skater hockey 796.356 6
Sitten (Switzerland : Skates (Fishes) 597.35
District) T2--494 796 4 Skating (Ice) 796.91
Sittidae 598.82 hockey 796.962 2
Situation ethics 171.7 Skating (Roller) 796.21
Situational influences Skeena Mountains (B.C.) T2~711 85
psychology 155.93 Skeena-Queen Charlotte
Sivas iii (Turkey) T2~565 5 (B.C.) T2~711 I
ancient T2···J95 5 Skeena River (B.C.) T2~711 85
Siwa language 493.3 Skeet shooters 799.313 209 2
T6~933 Skeet shooting 799.3132
Siwi language 493.3 Skeletal muscle tissues
T6~933 human histology 612.74045
Six Days' War. 1967 956.046 Skeletal system 573.76
Six-man football 796.332 8 Skeleton 573.76
Sixteenth century 909.5 human physiology 612.751
Tl--090 31 Skeleton (Sports) 796.956
Sixth century 909.1 Skepticism
Tl~090 21 philosophy 149.73
Sixth-form colleges 373.238 ancient 186
Size 530.81 epistemology 121.2
animals 591.41 philosophy of religion 211.7
biological organisms 578.41 Sketch books
plants 581.41 mUSIC 780
Size of enterprise 338.64 treatises 780.262
economics 338.64
microeconomics 338.5144

Dewey Decimal Class(fication

Sketches (Drama) Skin diseases 573.539

literature 808.824 1 animals 573.539
history and criticism 809.241 veterinary medicine 636.089 65
specific literatures T3B-2041 humans 362.196 5
individual authors T3A-2 anesthesiology 617.967 477
Sketches (Drawings) Tl-0222 cancer 362.196 994 77
Skew bevel gears 621.833 2 incidence 614.599 947 7
Skewer cooking 641.76 medicine 616.994 77
Skhirate-Temara (Morocco : social services 362.196 994 77
Prefecture) T2-643 6 see also Cancer- humans
Ski cross 796.937 geriatrics 618.976 5
Ski lifts 621.868 incidence 614.595
Ski troops 356.164 medicine 616.5
Skierniewice (Poland : pediatrics 618.925
Voivodeship) T2-43847 pharmacokinetics 615.778
Skiers 796.930 92 social services 362.196 5
Skiff beetles 595.762 surgery 617.477
Skiffie 781.64 Skin diving 797.232
Skiing 796.93 Skin glands
equipment technology 688.769 3 human physiology 612.793
Skikda (Algeria: Province) T2--655 Skinks 597.957
Skilled workers 331.794 Skinner, B. F. (Burrhus Frederic)
labor economics 331.794 psychological system 150.19434
labor force 331.11422 Skipjack (Tuna) 597.783
personnel management 658.304 4 Skipper flies 595.774
unemployment 331.137 804 Skippers 595.788
Skillet cooking 641.77 Skips (Containers) 622.68
Skills shortages 331.136 Skirmishing (Tactics) 355.422
Skim milk 641.371 47 Skirts 391.477
cooking 641.671 47 commercial technology 687.117
food 641.371 47 customs 391.477
processing 637.147 home economics 646.34
Skimmers (Birds) 598.338 home sewing 646.437
Skin 573.5 see also Clothing
anesthesiology 617.967 477 Skis 796.93
animal physiology 573.5 manufacturing technology 688.769 3
anthropometry 599.945 Skitswish Indians T5-979 43
descriptive zoology 591.47 Skitswish language 497.943
diseases 573.539 T6-97943
see also Skin diseases Skittles 794.6
human anatomy 611.77 Skolt Saami language 494.576
human biochemistry 612.792 T6-945 76
human biophysics 612.791 Skolt Sami language 494.576
human histology 612.790 45 T6-945 76
human physiology 612.79 Skuas 598.338
medicine 616.5 Skull
personal care 646.726 anthropometry 599.948
surgery 617.477 fractures
Skin allergies medicine 617.155
incidence 614.599 33 human anatomy 611.715
medicine 616.973 human physiology 612.751
Skin beetles 595.763 medicine 616.71
surgery 617.514

Relative Index

Skull base Slave labor 331.117 34

surgery 617.514 Slave River (Alta. and
Skunk cabbages 584.64 N.W.T.) T2-719 3
skunks 599.768 Slave trade 306.362
Sky commerce 381.44
atmospheric optics 551.565 international commerce 382.44
meteorology 551.5 criminology 364.15
religious worship 202.12 law 345.025
Sky color 551.566 ethics 177.5
Sky marshals 363.287 6 sociology 306.362
Skydivers 797.560 92 Slavery 306.362
SkYdiving 797.56 Civil War (United States) cause 973.711 2
Skye, Island of (Scotland) T2-411 54 ethics 177.5
Skye and Lochalsh see also Discrimination-
(Scotland) T2-411 54 ethics
Skylights 721.5 labor economics 331.117 34
architecture 721.5 law 342.087
construction 690.15 political science 326
Skyros Island (Greece) T2-495 15 Slaves 306.362
ancient T2-391 I Tl-086 25
Skyscrapers 720.483 customs 390.25
see also Tall buildings dress 391.025
Skysurfing 797.56 legal status 346.013
Slabs constitutional law 342.087
structural engineering 624.177 2 private law 346.013
concrete 624.183 42 Slavic languages 491.8
Slacks 391.476 T6-918
see also Pants (Trousers) Slavic literatures 891.8
Slag (Metallurgy) 669.84 Slavic people T5-918
Slalom skiing 796.935 Slavonia (Croatia) T2-497 2
Slander 364.156 Slavonic languages 491.8
ethics 177.3 T6 918
law 345.025 6 Slavonic literatures 891.8
criminal law 345.025 6 Slavs T5-918
torts 346.034 Sled dog racing 798.83
Slang 417.2 Sled dogs 636.73
specific languages T4--7 Sledding 796.95
see Afanual at T4-7 Sleep 154.6
Slang dictionaries Tl-03 animal behavior 591.519
Slash-and-burn agriculture animal physiology 573.868
technology 631.581 8 comparative psychology 156.4
Slqskie Voivodeship human physiology 612.821
(Poland) T2-438 58 physical fitness 613.794
Slate 553.54 psychology 154.6
building material 691.2 see also Nervous system
economic geology 553.54 Sleep apnea syndromes
petrology 552.4 medicine 616.209
quarrying 622.354 see also Respiratory tract
Slaughterhouse residues diseases -- humans
use as fertilizer 631.843 Sleep disorders
Slaughterhouses medicine 616.849 8
meat processing 664.902 9 see also Nervous system
Slave kings diseases humans
Indian history 954.023 2

Dewey Decimal Classification

Sleep initiation and maintenance Slip tracing 666.45

disorders arts 738.15
medicine 616.849 82 technology 666.45
see also Nervous system Slipcovers 645.4
diseases -humans arts 746.95
Sleeper services 388.042 commercial technology 684.3
see also Passenger services home sewing 646.21
Sleepers (Ties) 625.143 household management 645.4
Sleeping bags Slips (Plant propagation) 631.535
manufacturing technology 685.53 Slocan Lake (B.C.) T2-7Jl62
Sleeping cars 385.33 Slope County (N.D.) T2-78493
engineering 625.23 Slope failure 551.307
see also Rolling stock Slopes 551.43
Sleeping pills T2-143
pharmacokinetics 615.782 see also Mountains
Sleeping services 388.042 Slopestyle snowboarding 796.939
see also Passenger services Slot machines 795.27
Sleepwalking equipment technology 688.752
medicine 616.849 8 Sloth 179.8
see also Nervous system see also Vices
diseases- humans Sloths 599.313
psychology 154.64 Slotters 621.912
Sleepwear 391.426 Slough (England) T2--422 97
commercial technology 687.165 Slovak language 491.87
customs 391.426 T6-9187
home sewing 646.475 Slovak literature 891.87
see also Clothing Slovakia 943.73
Slender blind snakes 597.969 T2-437 3
Slicers 621.93 Slovaks T5-918 7
Slide preparation 502.82 Slovene language 491.84
biology 570.282 7 T6-918 4
botany 580.282 7 Slovenes T5-918 4
zoology 590.282 7 Slovenia 949.73
Slide rules T2~-497 3
manufacturing technology 681.14 ancient 939.873
mathematics 510.284 T2-398 73
Sliders (Turtles) 597.925 9 Slovenian language 491.84
Slides (Photographs) 779 T6-9!84
bibliographies 011.37 Slovenian literature 891.84
cataloging 025.347 3 Slovenians T5- 918 4
instructional use 371.335 22 Slow cooking 641.588
library treatment 025.177 3 Slow food movement 641.0!3
processing 771.4 Slow learners 371.926
see Manual at 779 vs. 770.92 Sludge digestion 628.354
Sliding bearings 621.822 Slugs (Land) 594.38
Sligo (Ireland) T2--417 25 agricultural pests 632.643 8
Sligo (Ireland: County) T2--417 2 control technology 628.964
Slime molds 579.52 culture 639.483 8
Slings Slugs (Mollusks) 594.3
sports 799.202 82 Sluices
Slip laws 348.01 canal engineering 627.135 2
United States 348.731 dam engineering 627.882
Slum clearance 307.344

r______________________________ R

Slums 307.336 4 Small intestine 573.378

area plarming 711.5 biology 573.378
social services to residents human anatomy 611.341
public administration 353.533 3 human physiology 612.33
Sl:upsk (Poland : medicine 616.34
Voivodeship) T2-438 22 surgery 617.5541
Smilland landskap (Sweden) T2-486 4 see also Digestive system
Small anns ammunition 683.406 Small-scale systems 003.7
manufacturing technology 683.406 Small states 321.06
military 623.455 international role 327.101
Small business 338.642 Small towns 307.762
accounting 657.904 2 Smallmouth bass 597.738 8
economics 338.642 Smallpox
financial management 658.159 2 incidence 614.521
government programs 354.279 9 medicine 616.912
income tax 336.242 3 see also Communicable
law 343.052 68 diseases - humans
investment in 332.672 22 Smara (Morocco: Province) T2---648
law 343.07 Smart cards 006.246
economic law 343.07 banking services 332.178
private law 346.065 2 computer science 006.246
management 658.022 credit economics 332.76
personnel management 658.303 Smartphones 004.167
taxes 336.207 Smell 573.877
law 343.068 animal physiology 573.877
Small business loans 332.742 human physiology 612.86
Small-claims courts 347.04 Smell disorders
Small craft (Boats) 387.204 2 medicine 616.856
design 623.812 042 see also Nervous system
engineering 623.820 2 diseases humans
handling 623.881 2 Smell perception
transportation services 387.204 2 psychology 152.166
see also Ships Smelting 669.028 2
Small craft canals 386.48 Smelts 641.392
engineering 627.138 cooking 641.692
transportation services 386.48 food 641.392
see also Canals zoology 597.5
Small firearms 683.4 Smilacaceae 584.356
military engineering 623.44 Smilaxes (Cat briers) 584.356
see also Guns (Small arms) Smilaxes (Ornamentals)
Small forge work 682 botany 584.355
Small fruit flies 595.774 Smith, Adam
Small fruits 581.464 economic school 330.153
horticulture 634.7 Smith, Ian Douglas
see also Berries Zimbabwean history 968.910 4
Small game hunting Smith County (Kan.) T2~781 213

799.25 Smith County (Miss.) T2~762 582

Small-group reading Smith County (Tenn.) T2~768 52

primary education 372.4162 Smith County (Tex.) T2~764 225

302.34 Smithers (B.C.) T2~711 82
Small groups
pastoral work Smithfield (South Africa :
Christianity 253.7 District) T2-685 6
338.642 Smithton (Tas.) T2~946 5
Small industry

Dewey Decimal Classification

Smocking Smyrna (Turkey) T2-562 5

arts 746.44 ancient T2-392 3
Smog 363.739 2 Smyth County (Va.) T2-755 723
air pollution 363.739 2 Snacks 642
pollution technology 628.532 commercial processing 664.6
see also Pollution cooking 641.53
Smoke 541.345 15 customs 394.125 3
colloid chemistry 541.345 15 · Snail farming 639.483 8
applied 660.294 515 Snails 594.3
pollution technology 628.532 Snails (Land) 594.38
Smoke bomb launchers 623.445 agricultural pests 632.643 8
Smoke bombs 623.451 6 control technology 628.964
Smoke damage insurance 368.12 culture 639.483 8
Smoke pollution 363.738 7 food 641.394
see also Pollution commercial processing 664.95
Smoke signals cooking 641.694
social psychology 302.222 zoology 594.38
Smoke trees (Anacardiaceae) 583.77 Snake eels 597.43
Smoke trees (Fabaceae) 583.74 Snake flies 595.747
Smoked foods Snake-necked turtles 597.929
cooking 641.616 Snake plants 584.352
Smokeless powder Snake River (Wyo.-Wash.) T2-7961
military engineering 623.452 6 Idaho T2-796 I
Smokers' supplies 688.4 Oregon T2-795 7
Smoking 394.14 Washington T2-797 4
addiction 362.296 Wyoming T2-787 55
medicine 616.865 Snake venom
personal health 613.85 human toxicology 615.942
social welfare 362.296 Snake flies 595.747
see also Substance abuse Snakeheads (Fishes) 597.64
customs 394.14 Snakes 597.96
law 344.054 resource economics 333.957 96
social problem 363.4 small game hunting 799.257 96
Smoking cessation Snakes as pets 639.396
medicine 616.865 06 Snap beans 641.356 52
Smoking foods 664.028 6 botany 583.74
commercial preservation 664.028 6 cooking 641.656 52
home preservation 641.46 food 641.356 52
Smolensk (Russia : Oblast) T2--472 7 Snapdragons 635.933 95
Smolenskala oblasf botany 583.95
(Russia) T2--472 7 floriculture 635.933 95
Smooth muscle tissues Snappers (Fishes) 597.72
human histology 612.740 45 cooking 641.692
SMP (Insurance) 368.094 food 641.392
Smuggling 364.133 6 sports fishing 799.177 2
law 345.023 36 Snapping beetles 595.765
Smut fungi 579.593 Snapping turtles 597.922
agricultural diseases 632.493 Snare drums 786.94
Smuts 579.593 see also Percussion instruments
agricultural diseases 632.493 Snares Islands (N.Z.) T2-939 9
Smuts, Jan Christiaan Snipe flies 595.773
South African history 968.053 Snipers 356.162
1919-1924 968.053 Snipes (Birds) 598.33
1939-1948 968.055

Relative Index

Snobbishness Snowfall 551.578 4

arts T3C-353 see also Snow
literature 808.803 53 Snowmobiles 388.34
history and criticism 809.933 53 driving 629.283 042
T3B-{)80 353
specific literatures 629.220 42
history and repair 629.287 042
criticism T3B-093 53 sports 796.94
Snohomish County (Wash.) T2-797 71 transportation services 388.34
Snooker 794.735 see also Automotive vehicles
Snooks 597.72 Snowplowing
sports fishing 799.177 2 railroad engineering 625.100 288
Snoring road engineering 625.763
medicine 616.209 Snowplows
Snorkeling 797.232 railroad engineering 625.22
Snout beetles 595.768 Snowsheds 625.13
Snow 551.578 4 Snowshoeing 796.92
building construction 693.91 Snowshoes
meteorology 551.5784 manufacturing technology 688.769 2
l weather forecasting
weather modification
~ Snow camping
551.647 84
551.687 84
social services
363.349 25
796.54 see also Disasters
! Snow carving
f Snow-compacted roads
736.94 Snowy Mountains (N.S.W.) TI-944 7
388.12 Snuffboxes
engineering 625.792 handicrafts 745.593 4
Snow control Snyder County (Pa.) TI-748 49
airport engineering 629.136 37 Soap carving 736.95
road 625.763 Soap operas 791.446
Snow cover 551.578 46 radio programs 791.446
biology 578.758 6 television programs 791.456
ecology 577.586 Soap berries 583.78
see also Snow Soapbox racing 796.6
Snow drifts 551.578 47 Soaps 668.12
Snow fences Soapstone 553.55
railroad engineering 625.13 building material 691.2
road engineering 625.763 economic geology 553.55
Snow goose 598.417 5 quarrying 622.355
Snow leopard 599.755 5 Soaring
conservation technology 639.979 755 5 aeronautics 629.132 31
resource economics 333.959 755 5 sports 797.55
Snow monkey 599.864 4 Sobhuza II, of Swaziland
Snow-on-the-mountain (Plant) 583.69 Swazi history 968.870 3
Snow removal Sobolev spaces 515.782
airport engineering 629.136 37 Soc Trang (Vietnam :
road 625.763 Province) T2-597 9
road transportation 388.312 Soccer 796.334
Snow sports 796.9 electronic games 794.863 34
equipment technology 688.769 Soccer players 796.334 092
Snow surveys 551.579 Social acceptance 302.14
Snowballs (Plants) 635.933 92 Social action 361.2
botany 583.92 Social adjustment 302.14
floriculture 635.933 92 Social anthropologists . 306.092
Snowboard cross 796.939 Social anthropology 306
Snowboarding 796.939 Social attitudes 303.38
Snowdonia (Wales) T2-429 25

Dewey Decimal Classification

Social behavior 302 Social dysfunction

see Manual at 302~307 vs. 156 collective behavior 302.17
Social behavior (Animals) 591.56 individual interactions 302.542
Social breakdown 361.1 individual reactions 302.54
Social casework 361.32 Social education 370.115
Social causes of war 355.027 4 Social environment
World War I 940.311 4 psychological influence 155.92
World War II 940.531 14 Social equality 305
Social change 303.4 religion 200.8
Social choice 302.13 Christianity 270.08
Social classes 305.5 Judaism 296.08
Tl-0862 Social ethics 170
civil 323.322 sociology 303.372
customs 390.2 see also Ethical problems
dress 391.02 Social evolution 303.4
dwellings 392.360 86 Social forecasts 303.49
relations with government 323.322 Social gerontology 362.6
religion 200.862 Social groups 305
Christianity 270.086 2 Tl-08
social welfare 362.892 influence on crime 364.253
see Manual at 305.9 vs. 305.5 religion 200.8
Social classification 025.487 Christianity 270.08
Social classification systems 025.487 Judaism 296.08
Social clubs 367 see also People
Social conflict 303.6 see Manual at 306 vs. 305, 909,
influence on crime 364.256 930-990
public safety 363.32 Social history 306.09
Social contract 320.11 Algerian Revolution 965.046 l
Social control 303.33 American Revolution 973.31
Social credit money 332.56 Chaco War 989.207 161
Social Credit Party of Canada 324.271 05 Civil War (England) 942.062 1
Social customs 390 Civil War(Spain) 946.081 1
armed forces 355.1 Civil War (United States) 973.71
Social dancing 793.3 Crimean War 947.073 81
Social decay 303.45 Falkland Islands War 997.110241
Social democracy 335.5 Franco-German War 943.082 1
economic system 335.5 Hundred Years' War 944.025 1
political ideology 320.531 5 Indo-Pakistan War, 1971 954.920 511
Social democratic parties 324.217 2 Indochinese War 959.704 11
international organizations 324.172 Iraq War, 2003~ 956.704 431
Social Democratic Party of Iraqi-Iranian Conflict 955.054 21
Austria 324.243 607 2 Korean War 951.904 21
Social Democratic Party of Mexican War 973.621
Germany 324.243 072 Napoleonic Wars 940.271
Social Democratic Party of Persian Gulf War, 1991 956.704 421
Switzerland 324.249 407 2 South African War 968.048 l
Social Democratic Worker Party Spanish-American War 973.891
(Austria) 324.243 602 7 Thirty Years' War 940.241
Social deterioration 303.45 Vietnamese War 959.704 31
Social determinants War of 1812 973.521
individual psychology 155.234 War of the Pacific 983.061 61
World War I 940.31
World War II 940.531
Social identity 305

Relative Index

Social indexing 025.487 Social problems

Social inequality 305 social theology (continued)
social influence 302.13 Islam 297.27
psychology 155.92 Judaism 296.38
social innovation 303.484 welfare 362.042
Social insects 595.79 see Afanual at 301-307 vs.
physiology of caste 571.882 157 9 361-365; also at 361 vs.
Social institutions 306 362-363; also at 361-.365;
see Manual at 302-307 vs. 320 also at 361-365 vs. 353.5;
Social insurance 368.4 also at 362-363 vs. 364.1;
law 344.02 also at 363 vs. 344.02-.05,
public administration 353.54 353-354
Social interaction 302 Social processes 303
Social justice 303.372 see Manual at 302-307 vs. 320
law 340.115 Social progress 303.44
Social law 344.01 Social protest 303.6
Social learning 303.32 Social psychology 302
Social legislation 344.01 see Manual at 302-307 vs. 150,
Social market economy 330.126 Tl-019
Social mobility 305.513 Social reform 303.484
Social movements 303.484 see also Reform movements
Social networks 302.3 Social reformers 303.484 092
Social norms 306 welfare 361.240 92
social control 303.37 Social relations 302
Social ownership of means of ethics 177
production see also Ethical problems
Marxian theory 335.41 Social responsibility
Social participation 302.14 educational objective 370.115
Social pathology 361.1 executive management 658.408
collective behavior 302.17 Social role 302.15
individual interactions 302.542 Social sciences 300
influence on crime 364.256 descriptive research 300.723
see Manual at 30 I-.J07 vs. information systems 025.063
361-365 public administrative support 352.745
Social perception 302.12 see Manual at 300 vs. 600
Social planning 361.25 Social scientists 300.92
Social policy 361.25 Social security 362
governmental 361.61 government-sponsored
Social prediction 303.49 insurance 368.4
Social pressure 303.3 law 344.02
executive management 658.409 5 old-age and survivors 368.43
Social problems 361.1 law 344.023
arts 700.455 6 public administration 353.54
T3C-355 6 public administration 353.5
influence on crime 364.256 social welfare 362
literature 808.803 556 law 344.<J32
history and criticism 809.933 556 United States 368.430 097 3
specit1c literatures T3B-080 355 6 law 344.730 23
history and see alm Insurance
criticism T3B-093 556 Social security tax 336.249
social theology 201.76 accounting 657.46
Buddhism 294.337 6 law 343.052 42
Christianity 261.83 public finance 336.249
Hinduism 294.517 6

Dewey Decimal Classification

Social services 361 Socialist Party ofitalian Workers

see also Welfare services (1947-1951) 324.245 072 2
Social skills 302.14 Socialist Party of Proletarian
life skills 646.76 Unity (Italy : 1943-1947) 324.245 074 2
primary education 372.374 Socialist Party of Proletarian
social psychology 302.14 Unity(Italy: 1947-1951) 324.245 074
Social stratification 305 Socialist Unity Party of Germany 324.243 075
social classes 305.512 Socialist Worker Party
Social studies 300 (Switzerland) 324.249 407 5
primary education 372.89 Socialist Workers Party (U.S.) 324.273 7
Social survey methodology 300.723 Socialists 335.009 2
Social tagging 025.487 Socialization 303.32
Social teaching of the Church 261 Socially disadvantaged children 305.230 869 4
Social themes home care 649.156 7
arts 700.455 psychology 155.456 7
T3C-355 social group 305.230 869 4
folklore 398.275 Socially disadvantaged people 305.56
history and criticism 398.355 Tl-086 94
literature 808.803 55 government programs 353.53
history and criticism 809.933 55 libraries for 027.6
specific literatures T3B-080355 religion 200.869 4
history and social group 305.56
criticism T3B-093 55 social welfare 362
Social theology 201.7 public administration 353.53
Buddhism 294.337 Socially responsible investments 332.604 2
Christianity 261 Societies 060
see Manual at 241 vs. 261.8 fraternal organizations 369
Hinduism 294.517 see also Nonprofit
Islam 297.27 organizations
Judaism 296.38 Society 301
Social understanding 302.12 Society Islands T2-9621
Social values 303.372 Society of Friends 289.6
Social welfare 361 biography 289.609 2
see also Welfare services church government 262.096
Social welfare reformers 361.240 92 parishes 254.096
Social work 361.3 church law 262.989 6
Social workers 361.309 2 doctrines 230.96
Socialism 335 catechisms and creeds 238.96
economics 335 councils 262.596
political ideology 320.531 guides to Christian life 248.489 6
sociology 306.345 missions 266.96
see Manual at 335 vs. 306.345, moral theology 241.049 6
320.53 persecution of 272.8
Socialist communities 307.77 public worship 264.096
Socialist ethics 171.7 religious associations 267.189 6
Socialist International 324.174 religious education 268.896
Socialist Labor Party (U.S.) 324.273 7 seminaries 230.D73 96
Socialist parties 324.217 4 theology 230.96
international organizations 324.174 Society of Jesus 255.53
Socialist Party (U.S.) 324.273 7 church history 271.53
Socialist Party ofltalian Workers Society of the Cincinnati 369.13
(1893-1895) 324.245 027 Socinianism 289.1
Socialist Party of Italian Workers
(1925-1927) 324.245 027

Relative Index

.Sociobiology 304.5 Soda niter

animal behavior 591.56 mineralogy 549.732
biological ecology 577.8 Soda process
ethical systems 171.7 wood pulp 676.124
human behavior 304.5 Sodalities 267
see Manual at 302-307 vs. !56 Sodas (Chemicals) 546.382 2
Socioeconomic classes 305.5 chemiCal engineering 661.32
Tl-0862 Sodermanland landskap
see also Social classes (Sweden) T2--487 2
Socioeconomic problems 361.1 Soderrnanlands Ian
influence on crime 364.256 (Sweden) T2--487 2
social theology 201.76 Sodium
Christianity 261.8 applied nutrition 613.285 22
Islam 297.27 biochemistry 572.523 82
see Manual at 297.26-.27 humans 612.015 24
Judaism 296.38 chemical engineering 661.038 2
Sociolinguistics 306.44 chemistry 546.382
Sociological fiction 808.838 3 economic geology 553.499
history and criticism 809.383 metabolism
specific literatures T3B-308 3 human physiology 612.392 4
individual authors T3A-3 metallurgy 669.725
Sociological jurisprudence 340.115 organic chemistry
Sociologists 301.092 applied 661.895
Sociology 301 Sodium bicarbonate 546.382 22
arts 700.455 2 chemical cu)~two~;;tut); 661.323
T3C-355 2 Sodium carbonate 546.382 24
literature 808.803 552 chemical engineering 661.324
history and criticism 809.933 552 Sodium chloride 553.632
specific literatures T3B-080 355 2 chemistry 546.382 24
history and see also Salt (Sodium chloride)
criticism T3B-093 552 Sodium-free salt
see Manual at 301-307 vs. food technology 664.4
361-365 Sodium hydroxide 546.382 22
Sociology and religion chemical engineering 661.322
Christianity 261.5 Sodium nitrate 553.64
Islam 297.27 Sodium-restricted diet
Judaism 296.38 health 613.285 223
Sociology of knowledge 306.42 Sodium-vapor lighting 621.327 6
Sociology of religion 306.6 Sodomy 306.77
see Manual at 305.6 vs. 305.92, criminology 364.153 6
306.6 criminal law 345.025 36
Sociometry 302.015 195 sociology 306.77
Sociopathic personality Soeharto
medicine 616.858 2 Indonesian history 959.803 7
see also Mental disorders Soekamo
Sockets Indonesian history 959.803 5
electrical engineering 621.319 24 Soekarnoputri, Megawati
Socks Indonesian history 959.804 I
commercial technology 687.3 Sofala (Mozambique :
home sewing 646.42 Province) T2-6794
Socorro County (N.M.) T2-789 62 Sofas 645.4
Socotrans T5-929 manufacturing technology 684.12
Socratic philosophy 183.2 see also Furniture
Soferim 296.461 509 2

Dewey Decimal Classification

Soferim (Talmudic) 296.120 092 Soil biochemistry

Sofia (Bulgaria) T2--499 9 soil science 631.417
Sofia (Bulgaria : Oblast) T2--499 8 Soil biology 578.757
Sofiiska (Bulgaria : Oblast) T2--499 8 agriculture 631.46
Soft drinks 641.26 Soil chemistry 631.41
see also Nonalcoholic Soil classification 631.44
beverages Soil compaction 624.151 363
Soft-fiber crops 633.5 Soil conditioners 631.82
Soft rock 781.66 chemical engineering 668.64
Soft-shelled turtles 597.926 Soil conservation 333.731 6
Soft toys agriculture 631.45
making 688.724 land economics 333.731 6
handicrafts 745.592 4 law 346.046 731 6
technology 688.724 public administration 354.343 4
Soft-winged flower beetles 595.763 Soil consolidation 624.151 362
Softball 796.357 8 Soil ecology 577.57
Softening (Water treatment) 628.166 6 Soil erosion 551.302
Software 005.3 agriculture 631.45
see also Computer programs engineering 627.5
see Manual at 004 vs. 005 geology 551.302
Software compatibility 005 see also Erosion
Software documentation Soil factors
preparation 005.15 t1oriculture 635.955
text 005.3 Soil fertility 631.422
Software engineering 005.1 Soil formation 551.305
Software maintenance 005.16 frost action 551.38
Software measurement 005.14 Soil mechanics 624.151 36
Software metrics 005.14 agriculture 631.433
Software packages 005.3 engineering geology 624.151 36
Software piracy 364.166 2 railroad engineering 625.122
law 345.026 62 road engineering 625.732
Software portability 005 Soil moisture 631.432
Software reliability 005 Soil physics
Software testing 005.14 soil science 631.43
Software verification 005.14 Soil pollution 363.739 6
Softwoods law 344.046 34
forestry 634.975 public administration 354.343 5
lumber 674.144 social welfare 363.739 6
Sofia Alekseevna, Regent of technology 628.55
Russia see also Pollution
Russian history 947.049 Soil science 631.4
Sogdian language 491.53 Soil stabilization 624.151 363
T6-915 3 Soil surveys 631.47
Sogdian literature 891.53 agriculture 631.47
Sogdiana T2-396 engineering 624.151 7
Soglo, Nicephore Dieudonn6 Soil temperature 631.436
Beninese history 966.830 52 Soil texture
Sogn og Fjordane fylke agriculture 631.433
(Norway) TI--483 8 conditioners 631.826
Soil 631.4 Soil working 631.51
see also Soils equipment manufacturing
Soil acidity 631.42 technology 681.763 1
Soil alkalinity 631.42 Soilless culture 631.585

Relative Index

Soils 631.4 Solar system 523.2

T2-148 T2-99
agriculture 631.4 Solar wind 523.58
biology 578.757 Soldering 671.56
ecology 577.57 decorative arts 739.14
engineering geology 624.151 sculpture 731.41
materials science 620.191 Soldering equipment 621.977
petrology 552.5 Soldier beetles 595.7644
railroad engineering 625.122 Soldier flies 595.773
road 625.732 Soldierfishes 597.64
Sojas 583.74 Soldierly qualities 355.13
see also Soybeans Soldiers 355.009 2
SokaGakkai 294.392 8 law 343.01
Sokoto State (Nigeria) T2-669 62 civil rights 342.085
Sokotrans TS-929 law of war 341.67
Sokotri 492.9 Soldiers of fortune 355.354
T6-929 Sole bargaining rights 331.889 6
Sokotri literature 892.9 Sole proprietorships 338.72
Sokotri people TS-929 see also Proprietorships
Solanaceae 583.952 Sole traders
Solano County (Calif.) T2-794 52 law 346.068
Solar batteries 621.31244 Solenodons 599.33
Solar cells 621.312 44 Solenogastres 594.2
Solar collectors 621.472 Soles (Fishes) 597.69
Solar day 529.1 cooking 641.692
Solar desalinization 628.167 25 food 641.392
Solar energy 333.792 3 Soleure (Switzerland :
architectural consideration 720.472 4 Canton) T2-494 35
astronomy 523.72 Solicitors (Lawyers) 340.092
economies 333.792 3 Solid dynamics 531.3
engineering 621.47 Solid foams 541.345 13
law 343.092 8 chemical engineering 660.294 513
public administration 354.48 Solid-gas interfaces 530.417
Solar energy-powered Solid geometry 516.23
automobiles analytic 516.33
engineering 629.229 5 Euclidean 516.23
Solar 621.470 92 Solid-liquid interfaces 530.417
Solar 621.473 Solid mechanics 531
automotive 629.250 8 engineering 620.105
ships 623.872 7 Solid particles 530.413
Solar flares 523.75 classical mechanics 531.16
Solar furnaces 621.477 solid-state physics 530.413
Solar granulation 523.74 Solid propellants 662.26
Solar heating 621.47 aircraft 629.134 351
buildings 697.78 military engineering 623.452 6
Solar houses 643.2 spacecraft 629.475 24
architecture 728.370 472 Solid solutions
home economics 643.2 metallurgy 669.94
see also Dwellings Solid-state chemistry 541.042 1
Solar interior 523.76 Solid-state lasers 621.366 I
Solar prominences 523.75 Solid-state physics 530.41
Solar radiation 523.72 see Manual at 548 vs. 530.41
meteorology 551.527 1 Solid-state storage 004.568
engineering 621.397 68

Dewey Decimal Classification

Solid wastes 363.728 5 Solution chemistry 541.34

law 344.046 22 applied 660.294
social services 363.728 5 Solution mining 622.22
technology 628.44 Solutions (Pharmaceuticals)
rural 628.744 pharmaceutical chemistry 615.19
see also Waste control Sohitrean culture 930.128
Solidification 536.42 Solvent abuse 362.299 3
metallurgy 669.94 ·Solvent extraction
Solids chemical engineering 660.284 248
chemical engineering 660.041 Solvents 541.348 2
expansion and contraction 536.414 chemical engineering 660.294 82
geometry 516.156 organic 661.807
heat transfer 536.23 Solway Firth (England and 551.461 337
mechanics 531 Scotland) T2~163 37
sound transmission 534.22 S6Jyom, Laszlo
specific heat 536.63 Hungarian history 943.905 43
state of matter 530.41 Somali T5-9354
Solifugae 595.48 Somali Democratic Republic 967.73
Solihull (England : n~677 3
Metropolitan Borough) T2~42497 people T5~9354
Solipsism Somali-Ethiopian Conflict,
epistemology 121.2 1978-1991 963.071
Solitaire 795.43 Somali kelel (Ethiopia) T2-632
Solitary confinement 365.644 Somali language 493.54
Solitude T6~9354
psychology 155.92 Somali literature 893.54
religious practice 204.47 Somalia 967.73
Christianity 248.47 T2-677 3
Solo instruments 786-788 Somaliland 967.7
bands and orchestras 784 T2-677
chamber ensembles 785 Somalis TS-935 4
Solo voices 783.2 Somaschi 255.54
Sologne (France) T2-445 3 church history 271.54
Solola (Guatemala: Dept.) T2-728 164 Somatization disorder
Solomon, King of Israel medicine 616.852 4
Biblical leader 222.530 92 see also Mental disorders
Palestinian history 933.02 Somatoform disorders
Solomon Islands 995.93 medicine 616.852 4
T2~959 3 see aLw Mental disorders
Solomon River (Kan.) T2~7812 Somatotypes 599.949
Solomon Sea 551.461 476 Somerset (England) T2-423 8
T2-164 76 Somerset County (Md.) T2~752 23
Solothum (Switzerland) T2-~94 357 7 Somerset County (Me.) T2--74122
Solothum (Switzerland : Somerset County (N.J.) T2-74944
Canton) T2-494 35 Somerset County (Pa.) T2~74879
Solothum-Lebem Somerset East (South
(Switzerland) T2-494 357 Africa: District) TI-68753
Solpugida 595.48 Somerset Island (Nunavut) T2~71952
Solubility 541.342 Somerset West (South
chemical engineering 660.294 2 Africa : District) T2-687 34
Soluble soaps 668.124 Somervell County (Tex.) T2~764 521
Solutes 541.348 3 Sornme (France) T2-442 62
chemical engineering 660.294 83 Somme, lst Battle of the, 1916 940.427 2

Relative Index

Sommerda (Germany: Sonneberg (Germany :

Landkreis) T2--432 24 Landkreis) T2--432 26
Somnambulism Sonncrati aceae 583.763
medicine 616.849 8 Sonnets 808.814 2
see also Nervous system history and criticism 809.142
diseases ~humans specific literatures T3B-104 2
psychology 154.64 individual authors T3A-l
Somogy Megye (Hungary) T2--439 7 Sonography
San La (Vietnam : medicine 616.075 43
Province) T2~597 1 Sonoma County (Calif.) T2-794 18
Son of God (Christian doctrines) 231.2 Sonora (Mexico: State) T2-721 7
Sonar 621.389 5 Sonora Island (B.C.) T2-7ll l
marine navigation 623.893 8 Sonoran Desert T2-721 7
Sonata form 784.183 Arizona T2-79l 7
Sonata-rondos 78 I .824 Mexico T2-721 7
instrumental 784.182 4 Sonoran languages 497.454
Sonatas 784.183 T6-974 54
Sonatinas 784.183 2 Sons 306.874
S0nderjyllands amt Tl-085 4
(Denmark) T2489 5 Sons of the American Revolution 369.13
Sondrio (Italy: Province) T2--452 5 Sonsonate (El Salvador :
ancient T2~372 266 Dept.) T2-728 413
Song cycles 782.47 Sooke (B.C.) T2-7ll 28
choral and mixed voices 782.547 Sooke Lake (B.C.) T2-71 J 28
single voices 783.094 7 Sophia, Regent of Russia
Song dynasty 951.024 Russian history 947.049
Song of Solomon 223.9 Sophistic philosophy 183.1
Song of Songs 223.9 Sophonias (Biblical book) 224.96
Song of the Three Children Sopranino recorders 788.363
(Bible) 229.6 see also Woodwind instruments
Songbirds 598.8 Soprano recorders 788.364
animal husbandry 636.68 see also Woodwind instruments
see Manual at 598.824~.88 Soprano saxophones 788.72
Songe languages 496.393 see also Woodwind instruments
T6~963 93 Soprano voices 782.66
Songhai (African people) T5~-965 children's 782.76
Songhai Empire 966.201 8 choral and mixed voices 782.76
T2~662 single voices 783.76
Songhai language 496.5 general works 782.66
T6~965 choral and mixed voices 782.66
Songhai literature 896.5 single voices 783.66
Songs 782.42 women's 782.66
choral and mixed voices 782.542 choral and mixed voices 782.66
folk literature 398.87 single voices 783.66
single voices 783.094 2 S0r~Trondclag
without words 784.189 6 (Norway) T2--484 l
Songwriting 782.421 3 Sorbet 641.863
Songye languages 496.393 commercial processing 637.4
T6-963 93 home preparation 641.863
Sonic booms Sorbian language 491.88
aeronautics 629.132 304 T6-918 8
So nics Sorbian literature 891.88
engineering 620.2 Sorbs T5~918 8

Dewey Decimal Class{fication

Sorcerers (Religious leaders) 200.92 Soteriology (continued)

biography 200.92 Judaism 296.32
role and function 206.1 see also Humans- religion
see Manual at 200.92 and Sotho (African people) T5-963 977
201-209,292-299 Sotho languages 496.397 7
Sordariales 579.567 T6-963 977
Sorex 599.336 2 Sotho-Tswana languages 496.397 7
Sorghum sugars 641.336 2 T6-963 977
commercial processing 664.133 Soto 294.392 7
food 641.336 2 Souffles 641.82
see also Sugar Souk Ahras (Algeria:
Sorghum syrup 641.336 2 Province) T2--655
commercial processing 664.133 Soul 128.1
food 641.336 2 philosophy 128.1
see also Sugar religion 202.2
Sorghums 584.92 Christianity 233.5
botany 584.92 Islam 297.225
crop 633.257 4 Judaism 296.32
grain crop 633.174 see also Humans -religion
syrup crop 633.62 Soul food cooking 641.592 960 73
Sorgo 633.62 Soul music 781.644
forage crop 633.257 4 songs 782.421 644
syrup crop 633.62 Sound 534
Soria (Spain: Province) T2-463 55 biophysics 571.444
Soriano (Uruguay: Dept.) T2-89527 humans 612.014 453
Soricidae 599.336 cinematography 777.53
S0rlandet (Norway) T2-483 diagnosis 616.075 44
Sororities 369.082 engineering 620.2
education 371.856 musical element 781.23
Sorosilicates physics 534
mineralogy 549.63 therapeutic use 615.83
Sorrel (Polygonaeeae) 641.355 6 videography 777.53
botany 583.57 Sound, The (Denmark and 551.461 334
cooking 641.655 6 Sweden) T2-163 34
food 641.355 6 Sound effects 792.024
garden crop 635.56 see al.m Special effects
Sorrento (Vic.) T2-945 2 dramatic performances
Sorrow 152.4 Sound engineering 620.2
Sorsogon (Philippines : Sound engineers 620.209 2
Province) T2-599 1 Sound-induced illness
Sort algorithms 005.741 medicine 616.989 6
Sorting data 005.741 see also Environmental
Sorting machines diseases humans
manufacturing technology 681.14 Sound processing
Soshanguve (South Africa : computer science 006.45
District) T2-682 28 Sound-ranging devices 621.389 5
Sotah 296.123 3 communications engineering 621.389 5
Babylonian Talmud 296.1253 marine navigation 623.893 8
Mishnah 296.123 3 Sound recording systems 621.389 3
Palestinian Talmud 296.124 3 Sound recordings 384
Sotalia 599.538 bibliographies 011.38
Soteriology 202.2 cataloging 025.348 2
Christianity 234 communications services 384
Islam 297.22 engineering 621.389 32

Relative Index

Sound recordings (continued) South America 980

instructional use 371.333 2 T2~8
library treatment 025.1782 travel 918.04
music 780 South American native languages 498
cover illustration 741.66 T6~98
treatises 780.266 South American native literatures 898
see Manual at 780.26 South American native
reviews 028.138 peoples T5~98
Sound reproducing systems 621.389 3 South Arabian languages 492.9
Sound synchronization T6~929
motion pictures 777.53 South Arabian literatures 892.9
Sound synthesis South Arabic peoples T5~929
computer science 006.5 South Asia 954
Tl~028 565 T2~54
engineering 621.399 ancient 934
Sounding devices 621.389 5 T2~34
communications engineering 621.389 5 South Asian ancestry T5~914
marine navigation 623.893 8 South Asian languages T6~911
Soundproofing 620.23 South Asian theater (World War
aircraft 629.134 42 II) 940.542 5
buildings 693.834 South Asians T5~914
Soupfin sharks 597.34 South Atlantic Ocean 551.461 35
Soups 641.813 T2~163 5
Sour gums (Plants) 583.84 South Atlantic States 975
Sour milk cheeses 641.373 56 T2~75
cooking 641.673 56 South Australia T2~942 3
food 641.373 56 South Ayrshire (Scotland) T2--414 64
processing 637.356 South Bedfordshire
Sources (Quebec) T2~714 573 (England) T2--425 65
Souris River T2~784 6 South Bend (Ind.) T2~772 89
Sourwood 583.66 South Bucks (England) T2--425 98
Sousaphones 788.98 South Cambridgeshire
see also Brass instruments (England) T2--426 57
Souss Massa-Draa South Carolina 975.7
(Morocco) T2~646 6 T2~757
South Africa 968 South Caucasian languages 499.968
T2~68 T6~999 68
South African Blacks T5~968 South Central States 976
South African literature T2~76

Afrikaans 839.36 South China Sea 551.461 472

Bantu languages 896.39 T2~164 72
English 820 South Coast (South Africa) T2~684 5
South African Republic 968.204 5 South Cotabato
T2~682 (Philippines) T2~599 7
South African War, 1899-1902 968.048 South Dakota 978.3
Great Britain 968.048 31 T2~783
Orange Free State 968.048 32 South Derbyshire (England) T2--425 19
South African Republic 968.048 32 South Dobruja T2--499 4
South Africans (Afrikaners) T5~393 6 South Downs (England) T2--422 6
South Africans (British South Dravidian languages 494.81
origin) T5~28 T6~948 1
South Africans (National South Dravidian literatures 894.81
group) T5~968 South Dravidians T5~948 1

Dewey Decimal Class!fication

South-East Sulawesi South Sandwich Islands 1'2-9712

(Indonesia) 1'2-598 48 South Saskatchewan River
South frigid zone T2-116 (Alta. and Sask.) 1'2-~71242

South Georgia and South · South Semitic languages 492.8

Sandwich Islands T2-9712 1'6-928
South Georgia Island 1'2-9712 South Semitic literatures 892.8
South Glamorgan (Wales) T2--429 87 South Shetland Islands 1'2--989
South Gloucestershire South Shropshire (England) 1'2--424 57
(England) T2--423 91 South Slavic languages 491.81
South Halmahera-West New T6-918 1
Guinea languages 499.5 South Slavic literatures 891.81
T6-995 South Slavic peoples T5-918 I
South Hams (England) T2--423 592 South Slavs T5-918 1
South Herefordshire South Somerset (England) T2--423 89
(England) 1'2--424 2 South Staffordshire
South Holland (England) 1'2--425 39 (England) T2--42466
South Holland South Sulawesi (Indonesia) T2-59847
(Netherlands) T2--492 38 South Sumatra (Indonesia) 1'2-598 16
South Island (N .Z.) 1'2-937 South Taranaki District
South Kalimantan (N.Z.) 1'2-·934 88
(Indonesia) 1'2--598 36 South temperate zone T2-126
South Kesteven (England) T2--425 38 South Thompson River
South Khorasan (Iran) 1'2-559 2 (B.C.) 1'2-711 72
South Korea 951.95 South Tyneside (England) T2--428 75
1'2-519 5 South Tyrol (Italy) 1'2--453 83
South Lakeland (England) T2--427 83 South Tyrolean People's Party
South Lanarkshire (Italy) 324.245 084
(Scotland) T2--414 57 South Vietnam (1954-1975) 959.770 43
South Mbundu languages 496.399 1'2-597 7
T6-963 99 South Waikato District
South Ndebele (South (N.Z.) T2-933 63
Africa) T2-682 75 South Wairarapa District
South Norfolk (England) T2--426 19 (N.Z.) 1'2-936 6
South Northamptonshire South Wales T2--4294
(England) 1'2--425 59 South-West Africa T2-688 1
South Orange (N.J.) T2-749 33 South-Western Region
South Orkney Islands T2 989 (China) T2-513
South Osset (Georgia) 1'2--475 8 South Wight (England :
South Oxfordshire Borough) 1'2--422 8
(England) 1'2--425 79 South Yorkshire (England) T2--428 2
South Pacific Ocean 551.461 48 Southampton (England) 1'2--422 76
T2-164 8 Southampton County (Va.) 1'2-755 552
South Pembrokeshire Southampton Island
(Wales) T2--429 62 (Nunavut) 1'2-719 58
South Platte River (Colo. Southeast Asia 959
and Neb.) 1'2-788 7 T2-59
South Pole 1'2-989 Southeast Asian languages 495
South Ribble (England) T2--427 67 1'6--95
South Saami language 494.572 2 Southeast Asian literatures 895
1'6-945 722 Southeast Asian theater (World
South Saami literature 894.572 2 War II) 940.542 59
South Sami language 494.572 2 Southeast Asians 1'5-95
T6 945 722 Southeast Atlantic Ocean 551.461 37
South Sami literature 894.572 2 1'2-163 7


Southeast Pacific Ocean 551.461 41
T2~-164 1
Relative Index
Southern Nations,
Nationalities, and
Southeastern Asia 959 Peoples Federal State
T2~-59 (Ethiopia) T2-633
Southeastern Europe 949.6 Southern Paiute Indians T5~974 576 9
T2--496 Southern Paiute language 497.457 69
ancient 939.8 T6~974 5769
T2~398 Southern Province (Zambia) T2-689 4
Soud1eastern States 975 Southern question (Italy) 945.709
T2-~75 Southern Rhodesia 968.910 2
Southend-on-Sea (England) T2~426795 T2-689 1
Southern Aegean (Greece) T2--495 85 Southern Sotho language 496.397 72
Southern Africa 968 T6--963 977 2
T2~68 Southern Sotho literature 896.397 72
Southern Alps (N.Z.) T2-~937 1 Southern Sporades (Greece) T2-495 87
Southern Bantu languages 496.397 ancient T2-3916
T6~963 97 Southern States 975
Southern Baptist Convention 286.132 T2-~75

see also Baptists War ofl812 973.523 8

Southern Britain 942 Southern Tiwa Indians TS-97497
T2--42 Southern Tiwa language 497.497
ancient 936.2 T6--974 97
T2-362 Southern Turkic languages 494.36
Southern California T2~794 9 T6--943 6
Southern Cameroons T2~671 1 Southern Uplands
Southern Darfur (Sudan : (Scotland) T2~-413 7

State) T2-627 Southern Vietnam T2-597 7

Southern dynasties Southern Yemen 953.35
Chinese history 951.015 T2-533 5
Southern England T2--422 Southern Yemenis T5-927 533 5
Southern Europe 940 Southland District (N.Z.) T2-9396
T2-4 Southland Region (N.Z.) T2-9396
ancient 938 Southport (Qld.) T2-943 2
T2~~38 Southwark (London,
Southern Finland (Finland) T2-489 71 England) T2--421 64
Southern France T2--448 Southwest, New 979
Southern fur seals 599.797 38 T2-79
Southern Hemisphere T2-1814 Southwest, Old 976
Southern Highlands T2--76
Province (Papua New Southwest jazz 781.653
Guinea) T2-9561 Southwest Pacific Ocean 551.461 47
Southern India T2--548 T2-164 7
Southern Italy 945.7 Southwest Turkic languages 494.36
T2--457 T6--943 6
ancient T2---377 Southwestern Ontario T2-713 2
Southern Kordofan (Sudan) T2~628 Soutpansberg (South
Southern Leyte Africa: District) T2-682 57
(Philippines) T2~599 5 Soutpansberg (South
Southern Low Countries 949.3 Africa : Mountains) T2---682 57
T2-493 Sovereigntist parties 324.218 4
Southern Min dialects 495.172 4 Sovereignty 320.15
T6-951 7 law of nations 341.26

Dewey Decimal Classification

Sovereignty of God 212.7 Sozialistischc Einheitspartei

Christianity 231.7 Deutschlands 324.243 075
comparative religion 202.112 Space T2-19
Judaism 296.311 2 astronomy 520
philosophy of religion 212.7 law of nations 341.47
Soviet Central Asia 958.4 philosophy 114
T2-584 physics 530.1
Soviet communism 335.43 resource economics 333.94
economics 335.43 see Manual at T2-99 vs.
political ideology 320.532 2 T2-19; also at 520 vs.
Soviet people T5~917 500.5, 523.1, 530.1, 919.9
Soviet Union 947.084 Space (Area)
T2~-47 arts 701.8
Asia 957 drawing 741.018
T2-57 Space and time 530.11
Soviets (People) T5-917 philosophy 115
Sow bugs 595.372 physics 530.11
Soweto (South Africa) T2~8221 Space art 709.040 7
Soweto Uprising, 1976 968.062 7 sculpture 735.230 479
Sowing 631.531 Space artillery
Soy oil 641.356 55 engineering 623.419
cooking 641.656 55 Space biology 571.091 9
food 641.356 55 Space cinematography 777.6
food technology 664.368 Space colonies
Soyas 583.74 engineering 629.442
see also Soybeans Space communications
Soybean flour 664.726 engineering 621.382 38
Soybean glue 668.33 radio engineering 621.384 197
Soybean meal 664.726 Space engineering 620.419
Soybean milk Space exploration
commercial processing 663.64 unmanned 629.435
Soybeans 583.74 Space facilities
agricultural economics 338.173 34 military engineering 623.69
botany 583.74 Space flight 387.8
commercial processing 664.805 655 engineering 629.41
economics 338.476 647 26 tmnsportation services 387.8
technology 664.726 see Manual at 629.43, 629.45
cooking 641.656 55 vs. 559.9, 919.904
field crop 633.34 Space forces (Military science) 358.8
food 641.356 55 Space forces personnel 358.809 2
garden crop 635.655 Space hazards
Soyfoods engineering 629.416
commercial processing Space heaters 697.2
technology 664.726 Space industrialization
Sozialdemokratische in extraterrestrial worlds 338.099 9
Arbeiterpartei (Austria) 324.243 602 7 Space laboratories
Sozialdemokratische Partei der engineering 629.442
Schweiz 324.249 407 2 Space law 341.47
Sozialdemokratische Partei Space mail 383.144
Deutschlands 324.243 072 see also Postal service
Sozialdemokratische Partei Space medicine 616.980 214
6sterreichs 324.243 607 2 Space perception
Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei psychology 153.752
(Switzerland) 324.249 407 5 visual perception 152.142

Relative Index

~,, Space photography 778.35 Spain

military engineering 623.72 T2--46
Space physiology 571.091 9 ancient 936.6
humans 612.014 5 T2-366
Space ports Spalacidae 599.35
spacecraft 629.478 Spalding County (Ga.) T2 -758 443
Space probes 629.435 Spaniards T5-61
Space psychology 155.966 Spaniels 636.752 4
Space rights Spanish T5-61
sale and rental 333.339 Spanish America 980
zoning 333.771 7 T2-8
law 346.045 Spanish-American literature 860
Space sciences 500.5 Spanish-American War, 1898 973.89
law 344.095 2 societies 369.181
public administrative support 352.745 Spanish Americans T5-68
Space shuttle 387.8 Spanish Armada, 1588 942.055
engineering 629.441 Spanish folk music 781.626 1
transportation services 387.8 Spanish folk songs 782.421 626 1
see also Space transportation Spanish Guinea T2-6718
Space stations 629.442 Spanish language 460
Space suits 629.477 2 T6- 61
Space surveying 526.982 foreign language instruction
Space telescopes 522.291 9 primary education 372.656 1
Space-time 530.11 Spanish literature 860
philosophy 115 Spanish Merino sheep 636.366
physics 530.11 Spanish-Moroccan War,
Space transportation 387.8 1859-1860 964.03
engineering 629.4 Spanish Morocco T2-642
law 343.097 9 Spanish moss 584.85
public administration 354.79 Spanish plums 641.344 4
transportation services 387.8 botany 583.77
Space transportation safety 363.124 cooking 641.644 4
see also Transportation safety food 641.344 4
Space transportation workers 387.809 2 Spanish Sahara T2-648
Space videography 777.6 Spanish Succession, War of the,
Space walks 629.458 4 1701-1714 940.252 6
Space warfare 358.8 North American history 973.25
Spacecraft Spanish West Africa T2-648
engineering 629.47 Spanners 621.972
military engineering 623.749 Spar varnishes 667.79
psychological influence 155.966 Sparganiaceae 584.68
Spacecraft accidents 363.124 Sparganium 584.68
see also Transportation safety Sparidae 597.72
Spacecraft gunnery 623.556 Spark control devices
Spacecraft rendezvous automotive 629.258
manned space flight 629.458 3 Spark-ignition engines 621.434
Spaces (Mathematics) 516 automotive 629.250 4
combinatorial topology 514.224 ships 623.872 34
geometry 516 Sparkling wine 641.222 4
Spadefoots 597.86 commercial processing 663.224
Spaghetti 641.822 Sparrows 598.883
commercial processing 664.755 Sparrows (Fringillidae) 598.883
home preparation 641.822 Sparrows (Passer) 598.887
Spars 623.862

Dewey Decimal Classification

Sparta (Greece) T2--495 22 Special effects (continued)

ancient T2-389 photography 778.8
Spartan supremacy 938.06 videography 777.9
Spartanburg County (S.C.) T2-757 29 Special functions (Mathematics) 515.5
Spas Special handling 383.183
health 613.122 s~e also Postal service
therapeutics 615.853 Special-interest groups
Spatial behavior adult education 374.22
human ecology 304.23 Special libraries 026
Spatial databases architecture 727.83
computer science 005.753 Special materials
Spatial perception cataloging 025.34
psychology 153.752 library acquisitions 025.28
Spatial planning library treatment 025.17
arts 711 Special multi-peril insurance 368.094
Spatsizi River (B.C.) T2-711 85 Special Olympics 796.087 4
SPD (German political party) 324.243 072 Special-purpose paints 667.69
Speaker recognition Special-purpose railroads 385.5
computer science 006.454 Special-purpose systems
engineering 621.3994 computer science 006.2
Speakers (Communications Special services (Armed forces) 355.346
devices) 621.382 84 Specialist schools 373.241
Speaking Specialization
applied linguistics 418 economics 338.604 6
specific languages T4-83 international commerce 382.104 2
rhetoric 808.5 social process 303.44
Speaking in tongues 234.132 Specialty advertising 659.131
Speaking voices 782.96 Specialty papers 676.284
choral and mixed voices 782.96 Specialty plywoods 674.835
single voices 783.96 see also Wood
Spearfishes 597.78 Specialty shops 381.14
Spearfishing 799.14 see also Commerce
Spears 623.441 Speciation (Biology) 576.86
art metalwork 739.72 Species 578.012
sports 799.202 82 evolution 576.86
Special assessments 336.2 Species diversity 577
law 343.042 Species pools 577
public administration 352.44 Specific gravity 53l.l4
Special delivery 383.183 gas mechanics 533.15
see also Postal service liquid mechanics 532.4
Special districts 352.19 solid mechanics 531.54
Special drawing rights 332.45 Specific heat 536.6
Special education 371.9 Specifications Tl-0212
federal aid 379.121 6 production management 658.562
law 344.079 1 Specimen preservation
public administrative support 353.89 biology 570.752
public support 379.119 Speckled trout 597.554
Special effects 792.024 SPECT (Tomography)
cinematography 777.9 medicine 616.075 75
dramatic performances 792.024 Spectral regions
motion pictures 791.430 24 engineering 621.361
radio 791.440 24 light physics 535.01
stage 792.024 Spectral theory
television 791.450 24 operational calculus 515.722 2

Relative Index

Spectral types (Stars) 523.87 Speech therapy

Spectrochemical analysis 543.5 medicine 616.855 06
Spectrography 621.367 special education 371.9142
Spectrophotometry 543.55 Speeches 080
Spectroscopes literary criticism 809.5
manufacturing technology 681.414 theory 808.5
Spectroscopic binaries 523.842 literary history 809.5
Spectroscopy 543.5 literature 808.85
analytical chemistry 543.5 specific literatures T3B-5
astronomy 522.67 individual authors T3A--5
engineering 621.361 rhetoric 808.5
interpretation of nuclear Speechreading
structure 539.744 applied linguistics
nonoptical methods 543.6 specific languages T4-895 4
physics 535.84 Speechwriting 808.5
stars 523.87 Speed control devices 621.812
Spectrum analysis 543.5 Speed drills and tests
physics 535.84 keyboarding 652.307
Speculation (Finance) 332.645 shorthand 653.15
guides 332.678 Speed letters
stocks 332.632 28 office use 651.75
Speculative psychology 150.19 Speed limits 388.3144
Speech 302.224 2 law 343.094 6
civil rights issues 323.443 urban 388.413 144
human physiology 612.78 Speed reading 418.4
primary education 372.622 specific languages T4-843 2
psychology 153.6 Speed skating 796.914
social interaction 302.224 2 Speedboats 387.231
Speech acts 401.452 design 623.812 31
linguistics 401.452 engineering 623.823 I
specific languages T4-{)14 52 handling 623.882 31
specific languages T4-014 52 transportation services 387.231
Speech disorders see also Ships
medicine 616.855 Speedways
see also Communication automobile racing 796.720 68
disorders Speller-dividers 413.1
special education 371.914 2 specitlc languages T4-3l
Speech errors 401.9 Spellers 418
specific languages T4-019 specific languages T4--~13
Speech-impaired people Tl--087 Spelling 4ll
special education 371.9142 applied linguistics 418
Speech output devices 006.54 specific languages T4--813
engineering 621.399 specific subjects Tl-014
Speech perception 401.95 linguistics 411
specific languages T4-019 specific languages T4-!52
Speech processing primary education 372.632
computer science 006.454 standard language 410
Speech recognition Spelling checkers (Computer
computer science 006.454 progmms) 005.52
engineering 621.399 4 Spelling reform 418
Speech synthesis specific languages T4-813
computer science 006.54 Spells (Occultism) 133.44
engineering 621.399 Spelthome (England) T2-42212
Spelunkers 796.525 092

Dewey Decimal Classification

Spelunking 796.525 Spider monkeys 599.858

Spence Bay (Nunavut) T2-719 55 Spider venom
Spencer County (Ind.) T2-772 31 human toxicology 615.942
Spencer County (Ky.) T2-769455 Spiderfishes 597.61
Spending 339.47 Spiderflowers (Capparaceae) 583.64
Sperm 571.845 I Spiqers 595.44
Sperm banks 362.178 3 Spiderworts 584.86
Sperm whale 599.547 Spies
Spermaceti armed forces 355.343 209 2
chemical engineering 665.13 biography 327.120 92
Spermatocidal agents Spike mosses 587.9
health 613.943 2 Spike rushes 584.84
medicine 618.182 Spillimacheen River (B.C.) T2-711 68
pharmacokinetics 615.766 Spillways 627.883
Spermatophyta 580 Spin
see alw Plants nuclear physics 539.725
Spermophilus 599.365 solid dynamics 531.34
Sperrin Mountains Spin-fishing 799.126
(Northern Ireland) T2--416 2 Spina bifida
Spey, River (Scotland) T2--411 58 medicine 616.83
Spezia (Province) T2--451 83 orthopedic aspects 616.73
Sphaeropsidales 579.55 see also Musculoskeletal
Sphagnales 588.29 diseases humans
Sphalerite see also Nervous system
mineralogy 549.32 diseases humans
Sphecoidea 595.798 surgery 617.482
Sphenisciformes 598.47 Spinach 641.354 1
pa1eozoology 568.4 botany 583.53
Sphenodontidae 597.945 cormnercial processing 664.805 41
Sphenophyllales 561.72 cooking 641.654 1
Sphenopsida 587.2 food 641.354 1
paleobotany 561.72 garden crop 635.41
Sphenopteris 561.597 Spinal anesthesia
Spheres 516.154 surgery 617.964
Spheres of influence 327.114 Spinal column
Spherical astronomy 522.7 fractures
Spherical harmonics 515.53 medicine 617.151
Spherical projection human anatomy 611.711
technical drawing 604.245 human physiology 612.751
Spherical trigonometry 516.244 medicine 616.73
analytic 516.34 surgery 617.471
Sphygmomanometry Spinal cord 573.869
human physiology 612.140287 biology 573.869
Spices 641.338 3 human anatomy 611.82
agriculture 633.83 human physiology 612.83
commercial processing 664.53 medicine 616.83
cooking with 641.638 3 surgery 617.482
economic botany 581.632 see also Nervous system
food 641.338 3 Spinal cord diseases
Spider beetles 595.763 medicine 616.83
Spider fishes 597.61 see also Nervous system
Spider lilies 635.934 34 diseases humans
botany 584.34
floriculture 635.934 34

~ ________________________________R_e_la_t_h_~_l_n_d_e_x_______________________________

Spinal deformities Spireas 635.933 73

medicine 616.73 botany 583.73
see also Musculoskeletal floriculture 635.933 73
diseases -humans Spires 721.5
Spinal diseases architecture 721.5
medicine 616.73 construction 690.15
see also Musculoskeletal Spirit leveling 526.36
diseases humans Spirit photography 133.92
Spinal dysraphism Spirit varnishes 667.79
medicine 616.83 Spirit writings 133.93
orthopedic aspects 616.73 Spirits (Discarnate beings) 133.9
see also Musculoskeletal apparitions 133.1
diseases humans Spiritual beings 202.1
see also Nervous system Christianity 235
diseases humans Spiritual direction 206.1
surgery 617.482 Christianity 253.53
Spinal nerve diseases Spiritual exercises 204.3
medicine 616.856 Christianity 248.3
see also Nervous system Spiritual gifts
diseases humans Christian doctrines 234.13
Spinal nerves Spiritual healing
human physiology 612.819 medicine 615.852
medicine 616.856 religion 203.1
Spine African religions 299.613 I
human anatomy 611.711 Christianity 234.131
human physiology 612.751 miracles 231.73
medicine 616.73 miracles 202.117
Spine fungi 579.6 Native American religions 299.713 1
Spinel Spiritual life 204.4
mineralogy 549.526 Buddhism 294.344 4
Spinets 786.4 Christianity 248.4
instrument 786.419 Hinduism 294.544
music 786.4 Islam 297.57
see also Keyboard instruments Judaism 296.7
Spink County (S.D.) T2-783 217 Spiritual renewal 203
Spinner dolphins 599.534 Christianity 269
Spinning (Fishing) 799.126 Islam 297.3
Spinning machines Spiritual therapies
textile technology 677.028 52 medicine 615.852
Spinning textiles 677.028 22 Spiritual warfare 235.4
arts 746.12 Spiritual world
manufacturing technology 677.028 22 occultism 133.901 3
Spinor algebras 512.57 Spiritualism 133.9
Spinor analysis 515.63 comparative religion 202.1
Spinulosa 593.93 literature 808,803 7
Spiny anteaters 599.29 history and criticism 809.933 7
Spiny eels 597.7 specific literatures T3B---D80 37
Spiny-headed worms 592.33 history and
Spiny rats 599.359 criticism T3B-093 7
Spiny-rayed fishes 597.64 philosophy 141
Spiral gears 621.833 3 therapy
Spirals 516.152 medicine 615.852 8
Spiritualists 133.9092

Dewey Decimal Classification

Spirituality 204 Sporades (Greece) T2-495 8

Buddhism 294.344 ancient T2~391
Christianity 248 Sporangia 575.6
Hinduism 294.54 Spores 571.847
Islam 297.57 paleobotany 561.13
Judaism 296.7 Sporoboleae 584.9
Spirituals 782.253 Sporozoa 579.47
choral and mixed voices 782.525 3 Sport animals
single voices 783.092 53 animal husbandry 636.088 8
Spirochetes 579.32 Sport climbing 796.522 4
Spitsbergen Island Sport coats 391.473
(Norway) T2--981 home sewing 646.433
Spleen 573.1555 see also Clothing
biology 573.155 5 Sport policy (Government policy) 796
human anatomy 611.41 Sporting dogs (Dogs as sport
human physiology 612.415 animals) 636.708 88
medicine 616.41 see Manual at 636.70886,
surgery 617.551 636.70888 vs. 636.73,
see also Hematopoietic system 636.752
Spleenworts 587.3 Sporting dogs (United Kingdom) 636.75
Splenic diseases Sporting dogs (United States) 636.752
medicine 616.41 see Manual at 636.70886,
see also Hematopoietic 636.70888 vs. 636.73,
system diseases 636.752
humans Sporting goods
Splicing manufacturing technology 688.76
ropes and cables 623.888 2 Sports 796
Splines 511.4223 arts 700.457 9
Split-level houses T3C-357 9
architecture 728.373 child care 649.57
Split T formation 796.332 22 ethics 175
SPO (Austrian political party) 324.243 607 2 see also Recreation-· ethics
Spodumene human physiology 612.044
mineralogy 549.66 journalism 070.449 796
Spokane (Wash.) T2~797 37 law 344.099
Spokane County (Wash.) T2~797 37 literature
Spokane Indians T5~97943 history and criticism 809.933 579
Spokane language 497.943 specific literatures T3B~080 357 9
T6~979 43 history and
Spondylitis criticism T3B~093 579
medicine 616.73 physical fitness 613.711
see also Musculoskeletal public administrative support 353.78
diseases humans safety 363.14
Sponges 593.4 public administration 353.97
paleozoology 563.4 techniques 796.028 9
Spongillidae 593.46 sociology 306.483
Spontaneous abortion Sports acrobatics 796.476
obstetrics 618.392 Sports aerobics 796.44
Spontaneous generation 576.83 Sports buttons
Spools numismatics 737.243
wooden 674.88 Sports cards 796.075
Spoonbills (Birds) 598.34 Sports cars 388.342 l
Spoonworms 592.3 driving 629.283
recreation 796.72

Relative Index

Sports cars (continued) Spouses 306.872

engineering 629.222 1 Tl-08655
repair 629.287 21 law 346.016 3
transportation services 388.342 I see also Married people
see also Automobiles Spouses of alcoholics
Sports centers 796.068 medicine 616.861 9
architecture 725.804 3 social welfare 362.292 3
construction 690.580 43 Spouses of clergy
Sports clothes (Activewear) 391.48 Christianity 253.22
see also Activewear biography
Sports clothes (Casual wear) 391 specific denominations 280
see also Casual wear pastoral theology 253.22
Sports complexes 796.068 Spouses of substance abusers
architecture 725.804 3 medicine 616.869
construction 690.580 43 social welfare 362.291 3
Sports equipment Sprains
manufacturing technology 688.76 medicine 617.17
Sports etiquette 395.5 Sprang
Sports for disabled people 796.087 arts 746.422 4
Sports journalism 070.449 796 Sprat 641.392
Sports medicine 617.102 7 cooking 641.692
Sports music 781.594 food 641.392
Sports pavilions 796.068 zoology 597.452
architecture 725.804 3 Sprat1y Islands T2-59
construction 690.580 43 Spray painting 667.6
Sports pins Sprayed latex 678.538
numismatics 737.243 Spraying
Sports policy (Government agricultural pest control 632.94
policy) 796 painting 667.6
Sportsmanship Spraying plants
ethics 175 manufacturing technology 681.763 l
Sportsmen 796.092 Spread formation
see Manual at 796.092 American football 796.332 22
Sportswear (Activewear) 391.48 Spread latex 678.538
see also Activewear Spread rubber 678.36
Sportswear (Casual wear) 391 Spreading latex 678.527
see also Casual wear Spreadsheets (Computer
Sporulation 571.847 programs) 005.54
Spot removal Sprechgesang 782.97
household sanitation 648.1 choral and mixed voices 782.97
Spot tests (Chemicals) 543.22 single voices 783.97
Spot welding 671.521 3 Spree-Neisse (Germany:
Spotsylvania County (Va.) T2-755 365 Landkreis) T2-431 51
Spotted dolphins 599.534 Spring 508.2
Spotted seal 599.792 music 781.524 2
Spotted turtle 597.925 7 see also Seasons
Spouse abuse 362.829 2 Spring-flowering plants 581.43
criminology 364.155 53 floriculture 635.953
criminal law 345.025 553 Spring guns
family relationships 306.872 art metalwork 739.73
medicine 616.858 22 Springboard diving 797.24
social welfare 362.829 2 Springbok 599.646
see also Family violence Springfield (Ill.) T2-773 56
Springfield (Mass.) T2-74426

Dewey Decimal Classification

Springhaas 599.359 Squash players 796.343 092

Springs (Mechanisms) 621.824 Squashes 641.356 2
automotive en!~m;;:ermg 629.243 botany 583.63
railroad engineering 625.21 commercial processing 664.805 62
Springs (South Africa : cooking 641.656 2
District) T2----682 24 food 641.356 2
Springs (Water) 551.498 garden crop 635.62
water supply engineering 628.112 Squatter's right 346.043 2
Springtails 595.725 Squaw fishes 597.482
Sprinkler systems Squid 594.58
fire technology 628.925 2 cooking 641.694
Sprinters 796.422 092 fishing 639.485 8
Sprints 796.422 food 641.394
Spruce budworm commercial processing 664.94
forest pest 634.975 267 8 zoology 594.58
Spruces 585.2 Squirrel monkeys 599.852
forestry 634.975 2 Squirrelfishes 597.64
lumber 674.144 Squirrels 599.36
SPS (Swiss political party) 324.249 407 2 agricultural pests 632.693 6
Spur gears 621.833 1 small game hunting 799.259 36
Spurge laurel 583.67 Sranan language 427.988 3
Spurges (Euphorbiaceae) 583.69 T6-217
Spurious knowledge 001.9 Sranan Tongo 427.988 3
Sputtering (Physics) T6-217
solid-state physics 530.416 Sranantonga 427.988 3
Spy stories 808.838 72 T6-217
history and criticism 809.387 2 Sre language 495.93
specific literatures T3B~308 72 T6~959 3
individual authors T3A~3 Sri Lanka 954.93
Spying 327.12 T2-549 3
see also Espionage Sri Lankans T5-914 13
Spyware 005.84 Srihar~a
Squadrons (Air force units) 358.413 1 Indian history 934.07
Squadrons (Naval air units) 359.943 4 St. Albans (England : City
Squadrons (Naval units) 359.31 and District) T2-425 85
Squads (Military units) 355.31 St. Bride's Major (Wales) T2-429 89
Squalidae 597.36 St. Helens (England :
Squaliformes 597.36 Metropolitan Borough) T2-427 57
Squamata 597.94 St. John's (N.L.) T2~718 1
paleozoology 567.94 St. Thomas Christian churches 281.54
Squamish (B.C.) T2-711 31 see also Eastern churches
Squamish-Lillooet (B.C.) T2 711 31 St. Thomas Christians 281.54
Squamous epithelia see also Eastern churches
human histology 611.018 7 St. Thomas Evangelical Church
Square books 099 of India 281.54
Square dances 793.34 see also Eastern churches
music 784.188 7 Stab wounds
Square root 513.23 medicine 617.143
Square-wave generators Stabiae (Extinct city) T2-377 258
electronics 621.381 548 Stabiles 731.55
Squares (City planning) 711.55 Stability
Squares (Geometry) 516.154 aeronautics 629.132 36
Squaring the circle 516.204 foundation soils 624.151 36
Squash (Game) 796.343 Stability theory 515.392

Relative Index

Stabilization ponds Stains

sewage treatment 628.351 manufacturing technology 667.2
Stabilizers Stairs 721.832
aircraft 629.134 33 architecture 721.832
Stable flies 595.774 construction 690.183 2
Stable management 636.083 Stalin, Joseph
Stable waste Russian history 947.084 2
animal husbandry 636.083 8 Stalingrad, Battle of, 1942-1943 940.542 174 7
Stables 636.083 I Stalk-eyed flies 595.774
Stacks (Library) Stalkers
collections maintenance 025.81 biography 364.158 092
plant management 022.4 Stalking 364.158
Stadiums 796.068 law 345.025 8
architecture 725.827 Stamens 575.65
Staff and line organization 658.402 Stamford (Conn.) T2-746 9
armed forces 355.330 4 Stammering
public administration 352.283 medicine 616.855 4
Staff development 370.113 see also Communication
see also Vocational education disorders
Staff notation 780.148 pediatrics 618.928 554
Staff trees 583.85 Stamp Act, 1765-1766
Staffing patterns 658.312 8 United States history 973.311 l
Stafford (England: Stamp tax 336.272
Borough) T2-42464 law 343.057
Stafford County (Kan.) T2-781 813 public administration 352.44
Stafford County (Va.) T2-755 26 public finance 336.272
Staffordshire (England) T2-424 6 Stamping metals 671.334
Staffordshire Moorlands decorative arts 739.14
(England) T2-424 61 sculpture 731.41
Stag beetles 595.764 9 Stamping tools 621.984
Stage fright 792.028 019 Stamps (Postage) 383.23
motion pictures 791.430 280 19 see also Postage stamps
radio 791.440 280 19 Stamps (Seals)
stage 792.028 019 numismatics 737.6
television 791.450 280 19 Stand-up comedians 792.760 280 92
Stage presentations 792 Stand-up comedy 792.76
see also Theater Standard deviation 519.534
Stagecoach transportation 388.322 8 Standard-gage railroads 385
Stagecoaches 388.341 Standard industrial classifications 338.020 12
manufacturing technology 688.6 Standard language
transportation services 388.341 applied linguistics 418
Stagflation 332.41 education 418.007 1
Staghorn ferns 587.3 specific languages T4-800 71
Stags 599.65 description and analysis 411-415
big game hunting 799.276 5 specific languages
Stained glass applied linguistics T4-8
arts 748.5 description and analysis T4-1-5
Staining (Microscopy) 502.82 Standard Malay language 499.28
biology 570.282 7 T6-992 8
Staining (Woodwork) Standard Malay literature 899.28
buildings 698.32 Standard of living
Stainless steel 669.142 macroeconomics 339.47
decorative arts 739.4 Standard time 389.17
see also Steel Standardbred horse 636.175

Dewey Decimal Classijication

Standardization 389.6 Star clusters 523.85

Tl-021 8 Star formation 523.88
commerce 389.6 Star routes 383.143
law 343.075 see also Postal service
production management 658.562 Star wars (Military science) 358.174
public administration 352.83 Starch crops 633.68
Standardized tests 371.262 Starch paste 668.33
primary education 372.126 2 Starches 572.566
reading 372.482 applied nutrition 613.283
see Manual at 371.262 vs. biochemistry 572.566
371.264 chemistry 547.78
Standards 389.6 cooking 641.636 8
Tl~021 8 food 641.336 8
collections 389.6 food technology 664.2
executive management 658.401 3 metabolism
public administration 352.35 human physiology 612.396
law 343.075 see also Carbohydrates
production management 658.562 Starfish 593.93
public administration 352.83 paleozoology 563.93
technology 602.18 Stargazers (Fishes) 597.7
Standards (Flags) 929.92 Stark County (Ill.) T2-773 513
armed forces 355.15 Stark County (N.D.) T2-784844
Standerton (South Africa: Stark County (Ohio) T2-77162
District) T2-682 79 Starke County (Ind.) T2-772923
Standing orders Starlings 598.863
library acquisitions 025.233 Starr County (Tex.) TI-764485
Stanger (South Africa) T2-6844 Stars 523.8
Stanislaus County (Calif.) T2-79457 see Manual at520 vs. 523.1,
Stanley (Tas.) T2-946 5 523.112, 523.8
Stanley County (S.D.) T2-783 55 Starters (Appetizers) 641.812
Stanley Cup 796.962 648 Starting devices
Stanly County (N.C.) T2-756 73 automotive 629.257
Stann Creek District State (Political body) 320.1
(Belize) T2-72823 State administration 352.13
Stans (Switzerland) T2--494 762 4 specific states 351.3-.9
Stanthorpe (Qld.) T2-943 3 see also States (Members of
Stanton County (Kan.) T2-781 712 federations) public
Stanton County (Neb.) T2-782 535 administration
Staphyleaceae 583.78 State aid
Staphylinidae 595.764 2 education 379.122
Staphy linoidea 595.764 2 private schools 379.32
Staphylococcal infections State bankruptcy 336.368
incidence 614.579 7 State banks 332.122 4
medicine 616.929 7 State colleges 378.053
see also Communicable see also Higher education
diseases - humans State courts (United States) 347.733
Staphylococcus 579.353 State flags 929.92
Star anise 641.338 2 State governments 321.023
botany 583.3 see also States (Members of
see also Flavorings federations)
Star apples 583.674 State labor (Drafted workers) 331.11732
floriculture 635.933 674 State-local relations 320.404 9
see also Sapotaceae law 342.042
Star catalogs 523.802 16 public administration 353.334

Relative Index

State of the Union messages 352.238 409 73 Statics 531.12

State planning air 533.61
eivic art 711.3 engineering 620.1073
economics 338.9 engineering 620.103
State socialism 335 fluids 532.02
economics 335 engineering 620.106 3
political ideology 320.53 gases 533.12
State succession engineering 620.107 3
Jaw of nations 341.26 liquids 532.2
State taxation 336.201 3 engineering 620.106 3
law 343.043 solids 531.2
public administration 352.442 13 engineering 620.105 3
public finance 336.201 3 Station posters
State universities 378.053 transportation advertising 659.1344
see also Higher education Station wagons
State visits driving 629.283
customs 394.4 engineering 629.222
Stateless persons 305.906 914 repair 629.287 2
Tl-086 914 Stationary processes 519.232
law 342.083 Stationary steam engines 621.16
law of nations 341.486 Stationary targets
social welfare 362.87 gun sports 799.312
women Stationery 676.282 3
social welfare 362.839 814 Stations of the cross 232.96
young people Stations of the Cross
social welfare 362.779 14 Roman Catholic liturgy 264.027 4
Staten Island (New York, Statistical graphs Tl-021
N.Y.) T2-747 26 presentation of statistical data 001.422 6
States (Independent Tl-072 8
governments) 320.1 computer graphics 001.4226028566
governing systems 321 Statistical hypothesis testing 519.56
law of nations 341.26 Statistical inference 519.54
public administration 351 Statistical mathematics 519.5
specific states 351.3-.9 primary education 372.79
States (Members of federations) 321.023 see Manual at 519.5,
law 342.042 Tl-015195 vs. 001.422,
public administration 352.13 Tl-0727
grants-in-aid 352.734 3 Statistical mechanics 530.13
specific states 351.3-.9 Statistical methods 001.422
support and control 353.333 Tl-072 7
see Manual at 351.3-.9 numerical methods 518.28
vs. 352.13-. 19; also at systems analysis Tl-011
352.13 vs. 352.15 see Manual at 5!9.5,
States of matter 530.4 Tl-015195 vs. 001.422,
chemical engineering 660.04 Tl-0727
States ofthe Church 945.6 Statistical programs 005.55
T2-456 Statistical software 005.55
States' Rights Party (U.S.) 324.273 3 Statisticians 310.92
Static determinacy 624.171 3 Statistics (Collections) 310
Static indeterminacy 624.171 3 Tl-021
Statically indeterminate presentation of statistical data 001.422 6
structures 624.171 3 T1~~72 8
computer graphics 001.422 602 856 6
Statuary 731.7

Dewey Decimal Classification

Status (Law) 346.013 Steamships 387.204 4

Status offenders 364.36 engineering 623.820 4
Statutes 348.02 transportation services 387.204 4
Statutory actions 347.053 see also Ships
Statutory liability risks 368.08 Steams County (Minn.) T2-77647
Statutory rape 364.153 Steatite 553.55
law 345.025 3 Steel 669.142
Staunton (Va.) T2~755 911 architectural construction 721.044 71
Staurolite building construction 693.71
mineralogy 549.62 building material 691.7
Stauromedusae 593.53 materials science 620.17
Stavropol' (Russia : Kray) T2-475 2 metallography 669.951 42
Stavropol' skii krai (Russia) T2-475 2 metallurgy 669.142
Stawell (Vic.) T2-945 8 metalworking 672
STD (Diseases) physical metallurgy 669.961 42
incidence 614.547 production economics 338.476 691 42
medicine 616.951 ship design 623.818 21
see also Communicable shipbuilding 623.820 7
diseases humans structural engineering 624.182 1
Stealing 364.162 see also Metals
see also Theft Steel drums 786.843
Steam cooking 641.587 see also Percussion instruments
Steam distilling oils and gases 665.028 2 Steel truss bridges
Steam engineering 621.1 construction 624.217
Steam engineers 62l.109 2 Steel workers 669.109 2
Steam engines 621.1 metallurgy 669.109 2
automotive 629.250 1 metalworking 672.092
ships 623.872 2 Steele County (Minn.) T2~776 193
Steam fitting Steele County (N.D.) T2-78433
buildings 696.3 Steenrod algebras 512.55
Steam heating 62Ll Steeplechase races
buildings 697.5 horses 798.45
Steam locomotives 385.361 humans 796.426
engineering 625.261 Steeplechasing
transportation services 385.361 equipment technology 688.78
see also Rolling stock Steeples
Steam pipes 62l.l85 Christian church architecture 726.597
buildings Steering gear
installation 696.3 automotive engineering 629.247
Steam-powered automobiles ships 623.862
engineering 629.229 2 Stegosauria 567.915
Steam-powered electric Stegosaurus 567.915 3
generation 621.312 132 Steicrmark (Austria) T2-436 5
Steam tractors Stein algebras 512.55
driving 629.284 92 Stellar evolution 523.88
engineering 629.229 2 Stellar magnitudes 523.822
repair 629.287 92 Stellar radiation 523.82
Steam turbines 621.165 Stell en bosch (South Africa :
Steaming District) T2~687 34
home cooking 641.73 Stelleroidea 593.93
Steamrollers paleozoology 563.93
driving 629.284 92 Steller's sea cow 599.559 168
engineering 629.229 2
repair 629.287 92

Relative Index

Stern cells Stereo systems

experimental research automobile 629.277
medicine 616.027 74 Stereochemistry 547.122 3
Stem vegetables inorganic chemistry 541.223
garden crops 635.3 organic chemistry 547.122 3
Stemonitales 579.52 Stereology 502.82
Stems (Plants) 581.495 biology 570.282
descriptive botany 581.495 Stereophmtic sound systems
physiology 575.4 engineering 621.389 334
reproductive adaptation 581.46 Stereoscopic cinematography 777.65
Stenciling Stereoscopic photography 778.4
decorative arts 745.73 Stereoscopic projection 778.4
Stencils Stereoscopic videography 777.65
mechanical printing technique 686.231 6 Stereotypes
office use 652.4 sociology 303.385
Stenella 599.534 Sterility
Stenographers 651.374 109 2 gynecology 618.178
otlice services 651.374 1 see also Female
Stenographic machines diseases humans
manufacturing technology 681.61 medicine 616.692
Stenography 653.14 see also Genital diseases -
Stenolaemata 594.67 humans
Stepbrothers 306.875 Sterilization (Birth control) 363.97
Tl-085 5 health 613.942
see also Siblings social services 363.97
Stepchildren 306.874 7 surgery
T1-085 4 tubal ligation 618.120 59
Stepfamilies 306.874 7 vasectomy 617.463
Stephanotises 583.93 see also Birth control
Stephen, King of England Sterilization (Microorganism
English history 942.024 elimination)
Stephens County (Ga.) T2-758 132 public health 614.48
Stephens County (Okla.) T2-766 53 spacecraft 629.477 4
Stephens County (Tex.) T2-764 546 surgery 617.9101
Stephenson County (fll.) T2-773 33 Sterkspruit (South Africa:
Stepmothers District) T2-687 56
social welfare 362.839 57 Sterkstroom (South Africa :
Stepparents 306.874 7 District) T2 687 55
Tl-085 Sterling County (Tex.) T2-764 871
Steppes 333.74 Stemoptychidae 597.5
T2-153 Sternum
biology 578.744 human anatomy 611.713
ecology 577.44 human physiology 612.751
see also Grasslands medicine 616.71
Stepps (Scotland) T2--414 52 surgery 617.471
Steps Steroids 572.579
landscape architecture 717 biochemistry 572.579
Stepsisters 306.875 humans 612.015 77
Tl-085 5 chemistry 547.7
see also Siblings Sterols 572.579 5
Stercorariidae 598.338 Stethoscopes
Sterculiaceae 583.68 manufacturing technology 681.761
Sterea Hellada {Greece) T2--495 15 use 616.075 440 28
Steuben County (Ind.) T2-772 78


Dewey Decimal Classification

Steuben County (N.Y.) T2-747 83 Stimulant abuse (continued)

Stevenage (England) T2-425 82 social welfare 362.299 5
Stevens, Siaka Probyn see also Substance abuse
Sierra Leonean history 966.404 2 Stimulants
Stevens County (Kan.) T2-781 725 pharmacokinetics 615.785
Stevens County (Minn.) T2-776 42 Stinkhoms 579.599
Stevens County (Wash.) T2-797 23 Stipeae 584.9
Stewardship (Christian practice) 248.6 Stipple engraving 765.5
Stewart (B.C.) T2-711 85 Stir frying 641.774
Stewart County (Ga.) T2-758 922 Stirling (Scotland) T2-413 12
Stewart County (Teun.) T2-768 35 Stirling engines 621.42
Stewart Island (N.Z.) T2-939 6 Stirling Range (W.A.) T2--941 2
Stewartia 583.624 Stirling Range National
Stewartry (Scotland) T2--414 7 Park (W.A.) T2 -941 2
Stewing Stizostedion 597.758
home cooking 641.73 Stoat 599.766 2
Stews Stochastic analysis 519.22
commercial processing 664.65 Stochastic approximation 519.623
home preparation 641.823 Stochastic games 519.27
Steynsburg (South Africa: Stochastic integrals 519.22
District) T2-687 56 Stochastic methods 518.28
Steytlerville (South Africa : Stochastic optimization 519.62
District) T2-687 51 Stochastic processes 519.23
Stick fighting 796.8 Stochastic systems 003.76
Stick insects 595.729 T1-0ll 76
culture 638.572 9 Stock breeding 636.082
Stick zithers 787.72 Stock control
see also Stringed instruments materials management 658.787
Stickhandling Stock exchange buildings
ice hockey 796.962 2 architecture 725.25
Sticklebacks 597.672 Stock exchanges 332.642
Sticks law 346.092 6
music 786.82 Stock index futures 332.632 28
see also Rods (Musical Stock issues
instruments) capital management 658.152 24
Stigmata 248.29 Stock market 332.642
Stikine (B.C. : Region) T2-711 85 Stock options 332.632 283
Stikine River (B.C. and Stock ownership plans 331.216 49
Alaska) T2-7ll 85 labor economics 331.21649
Stiletto flies 595.773 personnel management 658.322 59
Still fishing 799.122 Stock prices 332.632 22
Still life Stock purchase plans 331.216 49
art representation 704.943 5 Stock rights 332.632 2
painting 758.4 Stock speculation 332.632 28
Still rings (Gymnastic equipment) 796.442 Stock tickers 384.14
Stillbirth wireless 384.524
medicine 618.392 see also Telegraphy
Stillwater County (Mont.) T2-786 651 Stock warrants 332.632 2
Stilts (Footwear) Stockbridge Indians T5-973 449
commercial technology 688.7 Stockholders' meetings
Stimulant abuse 362.299 5 law 346.066 6
medicine 616.864 Stockholm (Sweden) T2--487 3
personal health 613.84 Stockholrns !lin (Sweden) T2~487 3

~' Relative Index
~ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Stockings 391.423 Stomach ulcers
see also Hosiery medicine 616.334
Stockmen 636.009 2 see also Digestive system
Stockpiles diseases -- humans
secondary industries 338.47 Stomatopoda 595.379 6
Stockport (England : Stomiatiformes 597.5
Metropolitan Borough) T2--427 34 Stomiatoldei 597.5
Stocks 332.632 2 Stomiiformes 597.5
accounting 657.76 Stone 553.5
income tax 336.242 6 architectural construction 721.044 1
law 343.052 46 architectural decoration 729.6
law 346.092 2 building construction 693.1
corporate law 346.066 6 building materials 691.2
see Manual at 332.6322 vs. economic geology 553.5
332.6323 materials science 620.132
Stocks (Matthiola) 583.64 sculpture material 731.2
Stockton-on-Tees structural engineering 624.183 2
(England : Borough) T2--428 51 Stone Age 930.12
Stockton Plateau (Tex.) T2-764 92 Tl-090 12
Stockyards Stone carving 736.5
animal husbandry 636.083 1 Stone County (Ark.) T2-767 283
Stoddard County (Mo.) T2-778 95 Stone County (Miss.) T2-762162
Stoic ethics 171.2 Stone County (Mo.) T2-778 794
Stoic philosophy 188 Stone flies 595.735
Stoichiometry 541.26 Stone fruits
applied chemistry 660.7 botany 583.73
Stoke-on-Trent (England) T2--424 63 orchard crops 634.2
Stokes County (N.C.) T2-756 64 Stone lithography 763.22
Stokes' integral 515.43 Stone pavements 625.82
STOL airplanes Stone plants 583.53
629.133 340 426 Stone sculpturing 731.463
Stoles 391.46 Stonecrops 583.72
commercial technology 687.14 Stonewall County (Tex.) T2 -764 737
fur 685.24 Stoneware 666.6
see also Outerwear arts 738.3
Stolons 581.46 technology 666.6
agricultural propagation 631.533 Stoneworts 579.839
descriptive botany 581.46 Stop motion (Animation) 777.7
physiology 575.499 Stopwatches
Stomach 573.36 technology 681.118
biology 573.36 Storage
human anatomy 611.33 cinematography 777.58
human physiology 612.32 coal technology 662.624
medicine 616.33 gas technology 665.742
surgery 617.553 home economics 648.8
see also Digestive system museology 069.53
Stomach cancer Tl-075
incidence 614.599 943 3 negatives 771.45
medicine 616.994 33 petroleum technology 665.542
see also Cancer - humans positives (photographs) 771.46
Stomach diseases videography 777.58
medicine 616.33 warehouse management 658.785
see also Digestive system water supply engineering 628.13
diseases - humans

Dewey Decimal Classification

Storage (Computers) 004.5 Storytelling 808.543

Tl---028 545 child care 649.58
engineering 621.397 library services 027.625 1
Storage (Mathematics) 519.83 primary education 372.677
Storage areas rhetoric 808.543
home economics 643.5 Stour, River (Wiltshire-
Storage batteries 621.312 424 Dorset, England) 1'2--423 3
Storage buildings Stoves
architecture 725.35 ceramic arts 738.8
Storage centers heating buildings 697.22
library role 021 household appliances 644.1
Storage containers kitchen appliances 643.3
warehouse management 658.785 manufacturing technology 683.88
Storage elevators Strabane (Northern Ireland :
architecture 725.36 District) 1'2---416 41
Storage of office records 651.53 Strabismus
Storage services 388.044 ophthalmology 617.762
see also Freight services see also Eye diseases
Storaxes 583.674 humans
Store Baelt (Denmark) 551.461 334 Strafford County (N.H.) T2-742 5
T2~163 34 Straightening tools 621.98
Store detectives 363.289 Strain gauges
Stores (Retail trade) 381.1 materials science 620.112 302 87
architecture 725.21 Strains 531.381
institutional housekeeping 647.962 1 bridge engineering 624.252
management 658.87 materials science 620.112 3
see also Commerce naval architecture 623.8176
Storey County (Nev.) T2-793 56 physics 531.381
Storing clothes structural analysis 624.176
home economics 646.6 Strains (Injuries)
Storing crops 631.568 medicine 617.17
Storing electric power 621.312 6 Strait of Dover 551.461 336
Storing food T2-163 36
home economics 641.48 Strait of Georgia (B.C.) 551.461 433
Storing food (Animal behavior) 591.53 T2-164 33
Storing household goods 648.8 Strait of Gibraltar 551.461381
Storks 598.34 T2~163 81
Storm insurance 368.122 Strait of Hormuz 551.461 535
Storm petrels 598.42 1'2-165 35
Storm sewers 628.212 Strait of Juan de Fuca (B.C. and 551.461 432
Storm surges Washington) T2-164 32
oceanography 551.463 Strait of Magellan (Chile and 551.461 74
Stormberg Range (South Argentina) T2-167 4
Africa) T2-687 55 Strait ofMalacca 551.461 565
Stomwnt, Dundas and T2-165 65
Glengarry (Ont.) T2-713 75 Strait ofMandab 551.461 532
Storms 551.55 1'2-165 32
meteorology 551.55 Strait of Messina (Italy) 551.461 386
social services 363.349 2 T2~ 163 86
weather forecasting 551.645 Strait of Sicily 551.461 381
weather modification 551.685 T2-l63 81
see also Disasters Straits
Storstmms amt (Denmark) T2~-489 1 law of nations 341.446
Story County (Iowa) T2-777 546

Relative Index

Straits of Florida 551.461 363 Stratford-on-A von

T2-163 63 (England: District) T2-424 89
Straits ofMackinac (Mich.) T2-774 923 Strathclyde (Scotland) T2-414
Stralsund (Germany) T2-431 78 Strathkelvin (Scotland) T2-414 36
Strand (South Africa : Strathmore (Scotland) T2-412 6
District) T2-687 34 Stratifications (Rock formations) 551.81
Strange particles 539.721 6 economic geology 553.14
Strangeness (Nuclear physics) 539.721 6 specific areas 554-559
Strangers Stratigraphic paleobotany 561 .11
applied psychology 158.27 Stratigraphic paleontology 560.17
psychological influence 155.927 Stratigraphic paleozoology 560.17
Strangford Lough (Northern Stratigraphy 551.7
Ireland) T2-416 54 Stratiomyidae 595.773
Strasbourg (France) T2-443 954 Stratosphere 551.514 2
Strasser, Valentine E. M. T2-161 3
Sierra Leonean history 966.4044 Straw pulp 676.14
Strategic arms limitation 327.174 7 Strawberries 641.347 5
Strategic Defense Initiative 358.174 botany 583.73
Strategic geography 355.47 commercial processing 664.804 75
Strategic management 658.401 2 cooking 641.647 5
military administration 355.684 food 641.347 5
public administration 352.34 horticulture 634.75
Strategic materials 355.24 Stream of consciousness
land economics 333.8 literature 808.802 5
law 343.01 history and criticism 809.925
military science 355.24 specific literatures T3B--080 25
Strategic missile forces 358.17 history and
land 358.175 4 criticism T3B--092 5
navy 359.981 7 Streaming (Education) 371.254
Strategic missiles 358.171 82 Streams 551.483
engineering 623.451 9 see also Rivers
law of nations 341.738 Stfedoeesky kraj (Czech
military equipment 358.171 82 Republic) Tl-437 11
Strategic planning (Management) 658.401 2 Stfedoslovensky kraj
military administration 355.684 (Slovakia) T2-437 34
public administration 352.34 Street art (Murals) 751.73
Strategic weapons 358.171 82 Street cleaning 363.729 1
engineering 623.451 9 public administration 353.94
law of nations 341.738 technology 628.46
military equipment 358.171 82 see also Sanitation
Strategy 355.02 Street cries 398.87
Civil War (United States) 973.730 1 Street fighting (Military science) 355.426
military operations 355.4 Street furniture
overall military objectives 355.02 landscape architecture 717
World War I 940.401 Street hockey 796.3564
World War II 940.540 I Street luge racing 796.67
see also Military history Street markets 381.18
Stratford A von River management 658.87
(England) Tl-4244 see also Commerce
Stratford District (N.Z.) T2-93485 Street music 781.532
Manawatu-Wanganui Street noise 363.741
Region T2-935 3 see also Noise
Taranaki Region Tl-934 85 Street patterns
area planning 711.41

Dewey Decimal Classification

Street signals 388.413 122 Striated muscle tissues

engineering 625.794 human histology 612.740 45
law 343.098 2 Strict liability 346.038
transportation services 388.413 122 Stridulation 595.715 94
Street signs 388.413 122 .insect communication 595.715 94
see also Street signals physiology 573.927
Street songs 398.87 Sti:igiformes 598.97
Street theater 792.022 paleozoology 568.9
Street trees 635.977 Strijdom, Johannes Gerhardus
Street vending 381.18 South African history 968.057
Streetcars 388.46 Strike insurance 368.815
engineering 625.66 Strikebreaking 331.894
transportation services 388.46 Strikes (Geology) 551.85
Streets 388.411 Strikes (Work stoppages) 331.892
engineering 625.7 economics 331.892
law 343.098 2 government measures 331.898
transportation services 388.411 management measures 331.894
see also Roads public administration 354.97
Strength labor law 344.018 92
crystals 548.842 personnel management 658.3154
materials science 620.112 public administration 352.68
Strepsiptera 595.76 String art 746.047 1
Streptochaeteae 584.9 String beans 641.356 52
Streptococcal infections see also Snap beans
incidence 614.579 8 String ensembles 785.7
medicine 616.929 8 String games 793.96
see also Communicable String orchestras 784.7
diseases - humans String quartets 785.719 4
Streptococcus 579.355 String theory 539.725 8
Streptomyces 579.378 String trios 785.7193
Streptomycetes 579.378 Stringed instruments 787
Streptoneura 594.32 bands and orchestras 784
Stress chamber ensembles 785
medicine 616.98 mixed 785.2-.5
psychiatry 616.89 single type 785.7
psychology 155.904 2 construction 787.192 3
children 155.418 904 2 by hand 787.192 3
late adulthood 155.67189042 by machine 681.87
Stress (Linguistics) 414.6 solo music 787
specific languages T4-16 Strings 677.71
Stress-induced diseases Strip cartoons 741.56
medicine 616.98 see also Comic strips
see also Environmental Strip cropping (Soil conservation) 631.456
diseases- humans Strip-mined lands 333.765
psychiatry 616.89 economics 333.765
Stress management reclamation technology 631.64
psychology 155.904 2 Strip mining 622.292
Stresses (Physical forces) 531.381 law 346.046 765
bridge engineering 624.252 Striped bass 641.392
crystals 548.842 cooking 641.692
naval architecture 623.8176 culture 639.377 32
physics 531.381 food 641.392
structural analysis 624.176 sports fishing 799.177 32
Stretching exercises 613.718 2 zoology 597.732


Relative Index

striped dolphins 599.534 Structural engineering 624.1

Striped polecat 599.766 see Manual at 624.1
Striped weasels 599.766 3 Structural engineers 624.109 2
Striper (Striped bass) 641.392 Structural failure 624.171
see also Striped bass Structural foam products 668.493
Stroboscopic photography 621.367 Structural geology 551.8
Stroessner, Alfredo Structural linguistics 410.18
Paraguayan history 989.207 3 specific languages T4--018
Stroke (Disorder) Structural materials
medicine 616.81 construction 691
see also Nervous system nuclear reactors 621.483 32
diseases humans Structural optimization 624.177 13
Stromatoporoidea 563.58 Structural polysaccharides 572.566 8
Stromboli (Italy) T2--458 11 Structural proteins 572.67
Stromiatiformes 597.5 Structural stability 624.171
Stromiiformes 597.5 Structural stone 553.5
Strong interaction (Nuclear see also Stone
particles) 539.754 8 Structural theory 624.17
Strongboxes 683.34 Structural unemployment 331.137 041
Strontium 669.725 Structuralism
chemical engineering 661.0394 fine arts 709.040 7
chemistry 546.394 sculpture 735.230 477
metallurgy 669.725 philosophy 149.97
physical metallurgy 669.967 25 Structure (Philosophy) 117
see also Chemicals Structure-activity relationships 572.4
Strophic form 781.823 biochemistry 572.4
instrumental 784.182 3 pharmacology 615.19
Stroud (England : District) T2--424 19 Structured programming 005.113
Struck board zithers 787.74 Structures (Buildings)
see also Stringed instruments architecture 720
Struck drums 786.92 construction 690
see also Percussion instruments engineering 624.1
Struck stringed instruments 787.7 interior decoration 747.8
see also Stringed instruments landscape architecture 717
Structural analysis 624.17 Structures (Mathematics) 511.33
bridges 624.25 combinatorial topology 514.224
construction 690.21 geometry 516
naval architecture 623.817 1 topology 514
Structural chemistry 541.2 Struthioniformes 598.524
Structural clay products 666.73 paleozoology 568.5
materials science 620.142 Stuart, House of 941.06
Structural control (Engineering) 624.171 British history 941.06
Structural crystallography 548.81 English history 942.06
Structural decoration 729 genealogy 929.72
see Manual at 729 Irish history 941.506
Structural design 624.177 1 Stuccowork 693.6
naval architecture 623.817 71 architectural construction 721.044 6
Structural dynamics 624.171 Studbooks 636.082 2
Structural elements 721 Student academic activities 371.2
architecture 721 Student activism 371.81
area planning 711.6 Student activities 371.8
construction 690.1
engineering 624.17

Dewey Decimal Classification

Student adjustment 370.158 Student rights

Student aid 371.22 law 344.079 3
Tl-079 Student service (Community
higher education 378.3 service)
law 344.079 5 higher education 378.103
Student assessment 371.26 secondary education 373.119
Student clubs 371.83 Student services (Welfare) 371.7
Student competitions 371.89 law 344.079 4
Student councils 371.59 Student strikes 371.81
Student counseling 371.4 Student suspension 371.543
Student crime 371.782 Student-teacher relations 371.102 3
Student discipline 371.5 Student teaching 370.71
law 344.079 3 Student transportation 371.872
Student employment 371.225 Student unions
T1---079 architecture 727.38
higher education 378.365 Student unrest 371.81
see also Scholarships Student welfare 371.7
Student exchanges 370.116 2 law 344.079 4
higher education 378.016 2 Students 371.8
law 344.08 legal status 344.079
secondary education 373.011 62 role in counseling 371.404 7
Student expenditures Studies (Rooms) 643.58
higher education 378.38 horne economics 643.58
Student experiments Tl-078 residential interior decoration 747.73
Student expulsion 371.543 Studies (Subject-oriented
Student failure 371.285 programs) Tl-07
Student government 371.59 Studios
Student guidance 371.4 broadcast engineering 621.384
Student health programs 371.71 communications engineering 621.382 3
Student housing 371.871 photography 771.1
Student journalism 371.897 Study abroad 370.116
Student life 371.8 Study and teaching Tl---07
Student loans 371.224 Study clubs 367
Tl---079 St,udy collections
higher education 378.362 museology 069.55
law 344.079 5 Study facilities 371.621
Student magazines Study groups
journalism 371.897 5 adult education 374.22
Student mobility 371.291 Study methods 371.302 81
higher education 378.169 1 Study scores 780
Student movements 371.81 treatises 780.265
Student newspapers Study skills 371.302 81
journalism 371.897 4 Stuffed toys
Student organizations 371.83 making 688.724
Tl-06 handicrafts 745.592 4
Student participation in technology 688.724
administration 371.59 Stunt animals
Student periodicals animal husbandry 636.088 8
journalism 371.897 Stunt flyers 797.540 92
Student personnel services 371.4 Stunt flying 797.54
Student probation 371.543 Stuntrnen 791.430 280 92
Student projects Tl-078 Stunts
Student protest 371.81 motion pictures 791.430 28
television 79!.450 28

Relative Index

Sturgeons 597.42 Subcultures 306.1

Sturnidae 598.863 Subdivision ofland 333.3
Stutsman County (N.D.) T2--784 52 law 346.043 77
Stutterers Tl-087 public administration 354.34
Stutterheim (South Africa : Subgroups 512.2
District) T2-687 55 Subia languages 496.399
Stuttering T6-963 99
medicine 616.855 4 Subject analysis
see also Communication information science 025.4
disorders Subject and predicate (Grammar) 415
pediatrics 618.928 554 specific languages T4--5
special education 371.9142 Subject authority files 025.47
Stuttgart (Germany) T2---434 715 Subject bibliographies 016
Stuttgart (Germany: see Manual at 016 vs. 026,
Regierungsbezirk) T2---434 71 Tl--07
Stuttgart (Germany : Subject cataloging 025.47
Region) T2---434 71 Subject catalogs
Stylasterina 593.55 specific subjects 016
Style Subject control
tine arts 701.8 information science 025.4
drawing 741.018 Subject headings 025.47
literary criticism 809 specific languages 025.472-.479
specific literatures T3B-09 Subject indexing 025.47
rhetoric 808 Subject vocabularies 025.47
Style checkers (Computer specific languages 025.4 72-.4 79
programs) 005.52 Subjective knowledge 121.4
Style manuals 808.027 Subjectivism 141
typing 652.3 Subjectivity 126
Style sheet languages 006.74 epistemology 121.4
Styles (Fine arts) 709 Subjectless constructions 415
see Manual at 704.9 and specific languages T4--5
753-758; also at Sub language 401.47
709.012.015,709.02-.05 applied linguistics 401.47
vs. 709.3-.9 specific languages T4-014 7
Stylidiaceae 583.98 Sublette County (Wyo.) T2-787 65
Stylommatophora 594.38 Sublimation 530.414
Styracaceae 583.674 Subliminal perception
Styrenes 668.423 3 psychology 153.736
Styria (Austria) T2-436 5 Sublittoral biology 578.778
Suazo Cordova, Roberto Sublittoral ecology 577.78
Honduran history 972.830 532 Submachine guns 355.824 24
Sub-Saharan Africa 967 military engineering 623.442 4
T2-67 military equipment 355.824 24
Subantarctic Islands (N.Z.) T2-939 9 Submanifolds 516.362
Subatomic particles 539.72 Submarine cable telegraphy 384.1
Subconscious 154.2 see also Telegraphy
comparative psychology 156.4 Submarine geology 551.468
educational psychology 370.15 Submarine geomorphology 551.468 3
philosophy 127 Submarine medicine 616.980 22
Subcontracting 346.022 Submarine mining 622.295
armed forces 355.621 2 Submarine physiology
management 658.405 8 humans 612.014 415
Subcontracting fees Submarine sandwiches 641.84
labor economics 331.216 6

Dewey Decimal Classification

Submarine swimming 627.72 Subsonic vibrations 534.52

hydraulic engineering 627.72 biophysics 571.443
sports 797.23 humans 612.014 45
Submarine warfare 359.93 engineering 620.28
World War I 940.451 physics 534.52
World War II 940.545 1 Substance (Philosophy) 111.1
Submarines 359.938 3 Substance abuse 362.29
design 623.812 57 arts T3C-356 1
engineering 623.825 7 child rearing 649.48
environmental psychology 155.963 criminology 364.177
naval equipment 359.938 3 devotional literature 204.32
naval units 359.933 Christianity 242.4
Submerged lands 551.41 ethics 178
see also Wetlands health insurance 368.382 5
Submersible craft 387.204 5 law 344.044 6
design 623.812 045 criminal law 345.027 7
engineering 623.820 5 social welfare law 344.044 6
transportation services 387.204 5 literature 808.803 561
see also Ships history and criticism 809.933 561
Submissiveness specific literatures T3B-080 356 1
personality trait 155.232 history and
Subordinate constructions criticism T3B-093 561
(Grammar) 415 medicine 616.86
specific languages T4--5 pastoral theology 206.1
Subordinate levels of Christianity 259.429
administration 352.14 personal health 613.8
Subornation of perjury 364.134 personnel management 658.382 2
law 345.023 4 public administration 352.67
Subrings 512.4 pregnancy complications
Subscription books obstetrics 618.368 6
publishing 070.573 primary education 372.378
Subscription libraries 027.2 prisoner services 365.667 29
Subscription television 384.555 4 religious guidance 204.42
see also Television Christianity 248.862 9
Subsidence 551.307 school problem 371.784
Subsidiary corporations 338.8 social theology 201.762 29
see also Combinations Christianity 261.832 29
(Enterprises) social welfare 362.29
Subsidies public administration 353.64
agricultural industries 338.18 transportation safety 363.120 1
export trade 382.63 traffic accidents 363.125 14
see also Export trade see Manual at 616.86 vs. 158.1,
law 343.074 2 204.42, 248.8629, 292-299,
natural resources 333.715 8 362.29
production economics 338.922 Substance abusers Tl-087 4
Subsidized housing 363.582 Substance-related disorders
see also Housing medicine 616.86
Subsistence hunting 639.1 perinatal medicine 618.326 86
Subsistence theory of wages 331.2101 pregnancy complications
Subsonic flow 533.273 obstetrics 618.368 6
air mechanics 533.62 Substitute teaching 371.141 22
aeronautics 629.132 303 Substitution (Chemical reaction) 541.39
organic chemistry 547.2
Substructural logic 511.31

Relative Index

Subsurface mining 622.2 Subway stations 388.472

Subsurface resources architecture 725.31
land economics 333.8 construction 690.531
public administration 354.39 transportation services 388.472
Subsurface water 553.79 Subway transportation 388.42
see also Groundwater see also Subways (Rail)
Subterranean land vehicles Subways (Pedestrian) 388.411
engineering 629.292 Subways (Rail) 388.42
Subtiaba-Tlapanec languages 497.9 engineering 625.42
T6---979 law 343.098 3
Subtraction 512.92 public administration 354.769
algebra 512.92 transportation services 388.42
arithmetic 513.212 Success 650.1
Subtractive processes applied psychology 158
color photography 778.66 children 155.419
Subtropical fruits arts T3C-353
cooking 641.646 business 650.1
food 641.346 folklore 398.273
orchard crops 634.6 home economics 646.7
Subud 299.933 literature 808.803 53
Suburban administration 352.169 history and criticism 809.933 53
Suburban areas 307.74 specific literatures T3B-080 353
T2-173 3 history and
see also Suburbs criticism T3B 093 53
Suburban biology 578.756 parapsychology 131
Suburban ecology 577.56 public situations 650.1
Suburban sociology 307.74 social psychology 302.14
Suburban transportation 388.4 Success in business 650.1
railroad Success runs (Mathematics) 519.84
engineering 625.4 Successful living 646.7
Suburbs 307.74 Succession (Law) 346.052
T2-173 3 Succubi 133.423
psychological influence 155.943 see also Legendary beings
public administration 352.169 Succulent plants 581.754
control by higher floriculture 635.952 5
jurisdictions 353.336 9 Suceava (Romania : Judet) T2-4981
Subversion (Political) 327.12 Suchitepequez (Guatemala) T2-728 165
see also Subversive activities Suckers (Fishes) 597.48
Subversive activities 327.12 Suckers (Plants)
armed forces 355.343 7 agricultural propagation 631.533
see also Unconventional Sucking lice 595.756
warfare Sucre (Bolivia) T2-842 4
criminology 364.131 Sucre (Colombia : Dept.) T2-861 13
criminal law 345.023 1 Sucre (Venezuela: State) T2-875 3
international politics 327.12 Sucrose 572.565
political groups 322.42 see also Carbohydrates
public administration 353.17 Sucumbfos (Ecuador :
Subversive groups 322.42 Province) T2-866 412
Subversive material Sud (Haiti) T2-729 462
postal handling 383.120 5 Sud-Est (Haiti :Dept.) T2-729456
Subviral organisms 579.29 Sud-Kivu (Congo) T2-675 17
Sudan 962.4
Sudan grass 584.92

Dewey Decimal Class(fication

Sudanese T5~927 624 beets 633.63

Sudanic languages (Chari-Nile) 496.5 agriculture 633.63
T6-965 botany 583.53
Sudbury (Ont. : District) T2-713 133 633.6
Sudbury (Ont. : Regional 641.563 837
municipality) T2~713 133
Sudden infant death health 613.283 32
pediatrics 618.920 26 Sugar maple 633.64
Suddhadvaita (Philosophy) 181.484 4 botany 583.78
Sudetenland (Czech syrup crop 633.64
Republic) T2-437 1 Sugar substitutes
Slidlicher Oberrhein food technology 664.5
(Germany: Region) T2---434 626 Sugarcane 633.61
Si.idtirol (Italy) T2 453 83 agricultural economics 338.173 61
Sudtiroler Volkspartei (Italy) 324.245 084 633.61
Suede leather 675.25 botany 584.92
Suez (Egypt : Province) T2-621 5 Sugars 572.565
Suez, Gulf of 551.461 533 see also Carbohydrates
T2-l65 33 Siihaj (Egypt: Province) T2-623
Suez, Isthmus of T2-621 5 Suharto
Suez Canal (Egypt) 386.43 Indonesian history 959.803 7
T2-6215 Suhl (Germany) T2---432 26
Suffering Suhl (Germany : Bezirk) T2---432 26
consolatory devotions 204.32 Sui dynasty 951.016
Christianity 242.4 Suicidal behavior 362.28
philosophy 128.4 medicine 616.858 445
religious guidance 204.42 see also Suicide
Christianity 248.86 Suicide 362.28
theodicy 202.118 criminology 364.152 2
see also Theodicy criminal law 345.025 22
theological anthropology 202.2 customs 394.88
see alm Humans- religion ethics 179.7
Suffixes 415.92 religion 205.697
specific languages T4-592 Buddhism 294.356 97
Suffolk (England) T2---426 4 Christianity 241.697
Suffolk (Va.) T2-755 53 Hinduism 294.548 697
Suffolk Coastal (England) TI---426 46 Judaism 296.369 7
Suffolk County (Mass.) T2-7446 medicine 616.858 445
Suffolk County (N.Y.) T2-747 25 pastoral care 206.1
Suffolk horse 636.15 Christianity 259.428
324.62 social theology 201.762 28
law 342.072 Christianity 261.832 28
Suffrages (Liturgy) 264.13 social welfare 362.28
music 782.292 see also Mental illness
Sufi orders 297.48 Suidae 599.633
Sufis 297.409 2 Suiformes 599.633
Sufism 297.4 Suir River (Ireland) TI---419 1
Sugar 641.336 Suitcases
agriculture 633.6 manufacturing technology 685.51
biochemistry 572.565 Suites 784.185 8
commercial processing 664.1 Suits (Clothing) 391.473
cooking with 641.636 commercial technology 687.113
food 641.336 customs 391.473
see also Carbohydrates home economics 646.3

Relative Index

Suits (Clothing) (continued) Sulfones 547.065

home sewing 646.433 chemical engineering 661.896
see also Clothing Sulfonic acids 547.067
Suits (Law) 347.053 chemical engineering 661.896
procedure 347.050 4 Sulfosalts
Sukamo mineralogy 549.35
Indonesian history 959.803 5 Sulfoxides 547.065
Sukhothai (Kingdom) 959.302 2 chemical engineering 661.896
Sukkah 296.123 2 Sulfur 553.668
Babylonian Talmud 296.125 2 applied nutrition 613.285
Mishnah 296.123 2 biochemistry 572.554
Palestinian Talmud 296.124 2 humans 612.015 24
Sukkot 296.433 chemical engineering 661.072 3
liturgy 296.453 3 chemistry 546.723
Suku (African people) T5-963 93 economic geology 553.668
Suku language 496.393 metabolism
T6--963 93 human physiology 612.392 4
Sukuma (African people) T5~963 94 mining 622.366 8
Sukuma-Nyamwezi languages 496.394 organic chemistry 547.06
T6~963 94 aliphatic 547.46
Sukunka River (B.C.) T2--7ll 87 applied 661.896
Sulawesi (Indonesia) T2~5984 aromatic 547.66
Sulawesi Barat (Indonesia) T2~598 46 see also Chemicals
Sulawesi languages 499.226 Sulfur bacteria 579.38
1'6~992 26 Sulfur dioxide
Sulawesi Selatan gas technology 665.84
(Indonesia) 1'2~59847 Sulfur salts
Sulawesi Tengah chemical engineering 661.63
(Indonesia) T2~59844 Sulfuric acid
Sulawesi Tenggara chemical engineering 661.22
(Indonesia) T2~59848 Sulidae 598.43
Sulawesi Utara (Indonesia) T2~598 42 Sullivan, Harry Stack
Sulaymaniyah (Iraq: psychological system 150.195 7
Province) T2~5672 Sullivan County (Ind.) T2~77241
Sulfate process Sullivan County (Mo.) T2~778 235
wood pulp 676.126 Sullivan County (N.H.) T2~742 75
Sulfated hydrocarbons 668.14 Sullivan County (N.Y.) T2~747 35
Sulfated oils 668.14 Sullivan County (Pa.) T2~748 59
Sulfates 546.723 24 Sullivan County (Tenn.) T2~768 96
chemical engineering 661.63 Sully County (S.D.) 1'2~783 284
mineralogy 549.75 Sulphur 553.668
Sulfides 546.723 2 see also Sulfur
chemical engineering 661.63 Sulpicians 255.75
mineralogy 549.32 church history 271.75
organic chemistry 547.061 Sultan Kudarat (Philippines) T2-599 7
Sulfinic acids 547.066 Sulu (Philippines) T2-599 9
chemical engineering 661.896 Sulu Archipelago
Sulfite process (Philippines) T2-599 9
wood pulp 676.125 Sulu Sea 551.461 473
Sulfites 546.723 24 T2~164 73
chemical engineering 661.63 Sumacs 583.77
Sulfonation 547.27 Sumapaz National Park
chemical engineering 660.284 4 (Colombia) TI-861 46
Sum atera (Indonesia) TI--598 1

Dewey Decimal Classification

Sumatera Barat (Indonesia) T2-598 13 Sun-dried blocks

Sumatera Selatan architectural construction 721.044 22
(Indonesia) T2-598 16 building construction 693.22
Sumatera Utara (Indonesia) T2-598 12 Sun spiders 595.48
Sumatra (Indonesia) T2-598 1 Sun tables
Sumba Island (Indonesia) T2-598 68 emih astronomy 525.38
Sumbawa (Indonesia) T2-598 65 Sunan (Hadith) 297.125 5
Sumer 935.501 Sunbeam snakes 597.967
T2-355 Sunburn
Sumerian language 499.95 medicine 616.515
T6--999 5 see also Skin diseases
Sumerian literature 899.95 humans
Sumerians T5-999 5 Sunbury (N.B.) T2-715 43
Sumie 751.4252 Sunbury (Vic.) T2-945 2
Summability 515.243 Sunda Islands T2-598
Summaries Sunda Islands, Lesser
rhetoric 808.062 (Indonesia) T2-598 6
Summation (Calculus) 515.43 Sundalanguage 499.223 2
Summation (Law) 347.075 T6-992 232
Summer 508.2 Sunda literature 899.223 2
music 781.524 4 Sundanese T5-992232
see also Seasons Sundaneselanguage 499.223 2
Summer air conditioning T6--992 232
building systems 697.933 3 Sundanese literature 899.223 2
Summer-flowering plants 581.43 Sunday
floriculture 635.953 Christian observance 263.3
Summer school 371.232 music 781.522 2
Summer theater 792.022 4 Sunday school 268
Summers County (W.Va.) T2-754 76 Jewish 296.680 83
Summit County (Colo.) T2-788 45 Sunday school buildings
Summit County (Ohio) T2-77136 administration 268.2
Summit County (Utah) T2-792 14 architecture 726.4
Summons 347.D72 Sunday work 331.257 4
criminal law 345.072 economics 331.257 4
Sumner County (Kan.) T2-781 87 personnel management 658.312 1
Sumner County (Tenn.) T2-76847 Sunderland (England :
Sumner's method Metropolitan Borough) T2-428 71
celestial navigation 527.3 Sundews 583.75
Sumo 796.812 5 Sundials
Sums'ka oblast' (Ukraine) T2-477 6 teclmology 681.111 2
Sumter County (Ala.) T2-76141 Sunfishes 597.738
Sumter County (Fla.) T2-759 73 Sunflower County (Miss.) T2-76247
Sumter County (Ga.) T2-758 913 Sunflowers 583.99
Sumter County (S.C.) T2-757 69 floriculture 635.933 99
Sumy (Ukraine: Oblast) T2-477 6 Sung dynasty 951.024
Sun 523.7 Sunlight-favoring plants
T2-994 floriculture 635.954
astrology 133.53 I Sunni Islam 297.81
astronomy 523.7 doctrines 297.204 1
gravity 523.71 relations with Shia Islam 297.804 2
religious worship 202.12 worship 297.301
Sun bathing Sunshine Coast (B.C.) T2-711 31
health 613.193 Sunshine law 342.066 2
Sunspidcrs 595.48


Sunspots 523.74
Relative Index
Superintendents of schools
geomagnetic effects 538.746 biography 371.200 92
Sunwar language 495.49 public control 379.157
T6~954 9 role and function 371.201 l
Suomi language 494.541 Superior(Wis.) T2~775 II
T6~945 41 Superior, Lake T2~774 9
Suomi literature 894.541 Michigan T2~774 9
Super Bowl (Football) 796.332 648 Ontario T2~713 12
Superannuation (Pension) 331.252 Superior courts 347.02
Supercolliders 539.736 Superior intelligence 153.98
Supercomputers 004.11 Supermarkets 381.149
architecture 004.251 discount stores 381.149
communications 004.611 management 658.879
programming 005.712 I food stores 381.456 413
programs 005.713 1 management 658.879
engineering 621.391 1 see also Commerce
graphics programming 006.671 Supernatural
graphics programs 006.681 occultism 130
interfacing 004.611 Supernatural beings
programming 005.712 1 religious 202.11
programs 005.713 1 see also Gods and goddesses
multimedia-systems secular 398.21
programming 006.771 see also Legendary beings
multimedia-systems programs 006.781 Supernatural in literature 808.803 7
operating systems 005.441 history and criticism 809.933 7
performance evaluation 004.110 29 specific literatures T3B-080 37
for design and improvement 004.251 history and criticism T3B~093 7
programming 005.21 Supernovas 523.844 65
programs 005.31 Supersonic flow 533.275
systems analysis 004.251 air mechanics 533.62
systems design 004.251 aeronautics 629.132 305
see Manual at 004.11 ~.16 Superstitions 001.96
Superconducting supercolliders 539.736 folklore 398.41
Superconductivity 537.623 Superstores 381.149
engineering 621.35 management 658.879
materials science 620.112 973 Superstring theory 539.725 8
Superconductor circuits 621.381 5 Superstrings 539.725 8
Superconductors 537.623 Supersymmetry 539.725
engineering 621.35 Supertanker berthing areas 387.1
Supercritical fluid engineering 627.22
chromatography 543.86 see also Ports
Supercritical gas chromatography 543.86 Supervised activities
Supercross 796.756 child care 649.5
Superego Supervision of dramatic
subconscious 154.2 performances 792.023
Superfluidity 530.42 motion pictures 791.430 23
Supergiant slalom skiing 796.935 radio 791.440 23
Supergravity 530.142 3 stage 792.023
Superheaters television 791.450 23
nuclear reactors 621.483 4 Supervision of employees 658.302
steam engineering 621.197 executive personnel 658.407
library personnel 023.9
military persouuel 355.330 41
public administration 352.66

Dewey Decimal Classification

Supervisors Supreme courts 347.035

labor economics 331.794 criminal law 345.014 44
role and function 658.302 . Suras (Koran) 297.122 9
Suppers 642 Surety bonds
cooking 641.53 insurance 368.84
light meals 641.53 Suretyship 346.074
main meals 641.54 Surf riding 797.32
customs 394.125 3 Surface-active agents 668.1
light meals 394.125 3 Surface chemistry 541.33
main meals 394.125 4 applied 660.293
Supplemental budgets (Public) 352.48 Surface engineering 620.44
see also Budgets (Public) Surface finishing
Supplies home woodworking 684.084
armed forces 355.8 wooden furniture 684.104 3
management 658.7 Surface integrals 515.43
armed forces 355.621 Surface-mined lands 333.765
public administration 352.55 economics 333.765
office services 651.29 reclamation technology 631.64
Supply (Quantity) Surface mining 622.292
communications industry 384.041 Surface-painted enamels
forecasts 338.02 ceramic arts 738.46
agricultural industries 338.17 Surface physics 530.417
production economics 338.02 liquids 530.427
secondary industries 338.47 solids 530.417
microeconomics 338.521 3 Surface processes (Geology) 551.3
natural resources 333.711 see Manual at 551.302-.307 vs.
transportation services 388.049 551.35
Supply and demand 338.521 Surface prospecting 622.12
monetary economics 332.401 Surface rail transit systems 388.42
production economics 338.521 engineering 625.6
Supply depots (Armed forces) 355.75 public administration 354.769
Supply management 658.7 transportation services 388.42
armed forces 355.621 Surface refinishing
public administration 352.55 wooden furniture 684.104 43
Supply services (Armed forces) 355.621 Surface tension 530.427
issuing units 355.341 chemical engineering 660.293
Supply ships (Military) 359.985 83 Surface tillage 631.581
see also Military supply ships Surface-to-air guided missiles 358.174 82
Supply-side economics 330.155 4 engineering 623.451 94
Support (Domestic relations) 346.016 63 military equipment 358.174 82
Support groups 361.43 Surface-to-air missile forces 358.174
Supporting garments 391.423 Surface-to-surface guided
commercial technology 687.2 missiles 358.171 82
customs 391.423 engineering 623.451 95
home sewing 646.42 military equipment 358.171 82
see also Clothing Surface-to-underwater guided
Suppressed books 098.1 missiles 358.176 82
Suppuration 571.937 9 engineering 623.451 96
Supramolecular chemistry 547.122 6 military equipment 358.176 82
inorganic chemistry 541.226 Surface transportation 388
Supranational states 321.04 mining 622.69
Suprasegmental phonology 414.6 see also Ground transportation
specific languages T4-16 Surface treatment
Supreme court justices 347.035 092 metals 671.7

Relative Index

Surface water 553.78 Surgical technicians

T2-169 role and function 617.023 3
economic geology 553.78 Surigao del Norte
hydrology 551.48 (Philippines) T2-599 7
resource economics 333.91 Surigao del Sur
Surfaced lumber 674.42 (Philippines) T2-599 7
Surfaces Surinam toad 597.865
geometry Suriname 988.3
algebraic 516.352 T2-883
configurations 516.154 Surinamers T5~-914 I
differential 516.36 Surnames 929.42
integral 516.362 Surpluses
Surfacing roads 625.8 agricultural industries 338.17
dirt roads 625.75 military supplies 355.621 37
paved roads 625.8 natural resources 333.711
Surfactants 668.1 production 338.02
Surfers 797.320 92 secondary industries 338.47
Surfers Paradise (Qld.) T2-943 2 Surrealism
Surfing 797.32 arts 700.411 63
Surgeons 617.092 T3C-·116 3
law 344.041 2 fine arts 709.040 63
malpractice 344.041 21 literature 808.801 163
role and function 617.023 2 history and criticism 809.911 63
Surgery 617 specific literatures T3B--080 116 3
gynecology 618.105 9 history and
obstetrics 618.8 criticism T3B--091 163
veterinary medicine 636.089 7 painting 759.066 3
see Manual at 616 vs. 617.4; sculpture 735.230 463
also at 617 Surrey (B.C.) T2-711 33
Surgery {Topology) 514.72 Surrey (England) T2--422 1
Surgical abortion 362.198 88 Surrey Heath (England) T2--422 13
medicine 618.88 Surrogate motherhood 306.874 3
see also Abortion ethics 176.2
Surgical assistants. see also Reproduction-
role and function 617.023 3 ethics
Surgical complications law 346.017
anesthesiology 617.96041 Surry County (N.C.) T2-756 65
medicine 617.919 Surry County (Va.) T2-755 562
Surgical dressings Sursee (Switzerland : Amt) T2--494 555
use 617.93 Surselva (Switzerland) T2--494 735 8
Surgical equipment 617.9 Surveillance
Surgical gauzes 677.8 civil rights issue 323.448 2
manufacturing technology 677.8 engineering 621.389 28
use 617.93 law 345.052
Surgical infections law enforcement 363.232
medicine 617.9195 Survey methodology 001.433
Surgical insurance 368.382 2 Tl-072 3
Surgical nurses Surveying 526.9
role and function 617.023 1 canal engineering 627.131
Surgical nursing 617.023 I dam engineering 627.81
Surgical physician assistants railroad engineering 625.11
role and function 617.02332 road engineering 625.723
Surgical shock Surveying equipment
medicine 617.21 manufacturing technology 681.76

Dewey Decimal Classification

Surveyors 526.909 2 Sustainable engineering 628

Surveys Tl-028 6
descriptive research 001.433 Sustut River (B.C.) T2-71l 85
Tl-072 3 Susu language 496.34
marketing management 658.83 T6-963 4
marketing reports 381 Sutherland (Scotland) T2-411 52
public administration 352.75 Sutherland (South Africa :
Survival 613.69 District) T2-687 17
Survival analysis 519.546 Sutrapitaka 294.382 3
Survival housekeeping 613.69 Suttapitaka 294.382 3
Survival skills 613.69 Suttee 393.930 954
Survival training (Military customs 393.930 954
training) 355.54 Hindu practice 294.538 8
Survivors' insurance 368.3 Sutter County (Calif.) T2-79434
government-sponsored 368.43 Sutton (London, England) T2-42192
law 344.023 Sutton County (Tex.) T2-764879
Sus 599.633 2 Sutures
Susa (Extinct city) T2-357 64 surgical use 617.917 8
Susanna (Deuterocanonical book) 229.6 Suwalki (Poland :
Sushi 641.82 Voivodeship) T2-438 32
Susliks 599.365 Suwannee County (Fla.) T2-75982
Suspended ceilings Suwannee River (Ga. and
buildings 698 Fla.) T2-759 8
Suspended sentence 364.63 Suwayda' (Syria: Province) T2-56914
Suspense drama 792.27 Suways (Egypt: Province) T2--621 5
literature 808.825 27 SV40 (Virus) 579.244 5
history and criticism 809.252 7 Svalbard (Norway) T2-981
specific literatures T3B-205 27 Svan language 499.968
individual authors T3A-2 T6-99968
stage presentation 792.27 Svealand (Sweden) T2-487
Suspense stories 808.838 72 Sverdlovsk (Russia: Oblast) T2-474 3
history and criticism 809.387 2 Sverdlovskala oblast'
specific literatures T3B-308 72 (Russia) T2-474 3
individual authors T3A-3 Svetambara (Jain ism) 294.492
Suspension bridges SVP (Swiss political party) 324.249 403
construction 624.23 Swabia (Germany) T2-434 6
Suspension of rights 323.49 Bavaria T2-433 7
Suspension systems Swabian Alps (Germany) T2-434 73
automotive engineering 629.243 Swabian dialect 437.943 37
Suspensions (Chemistry) 541.34 T6~33
chemical engineering 660.294 Swabian Jura (Germany) T2-434 73
Susquehanna County (Pa.) T2-748 34 Swabians
Susquehanna River T2-748 Sicilian history 945.804
Maryland T2-752 74 Southern Italian history 945.704
Pennsylvania T2-748 Swahili language 496.392
Susquehanna River, West T6--963 92
Branch (Pa.) 12-748 5 Swahili literature 896.392
Sussex (England) T2-422 5 Swahili-speaking peoples TS-963 92
Sussex cattle 636.222 Swain County (N.C.) 12-75696
Sussex County (Del.) 12-7517 Swale (England) T2-422 33
Sussex County (N.J.) T2-749 76 Swale, River (England) T2-42848
Sussex County (Va.) T2-~755 565 Swallow-tanager 598.875
Sustainable architecture 720.47 Swallowers (Chiasmodontidae) 597.7
Sustainable development 338.927 Swallowers (Saccopharyngidae) 597.43

Relative Index

Swallows 598.826 Swedes (Plants) 641.351 26

Swamp eels 597.64 see also Rutabagas
Swamp rats 599.35 Swedish language 439.7
Swamps 55!.417 T6-397
biology 578.768 Swedish literature 839.7
ecology 577.68 Swedish people T5-397
see also Wetlands Swedish turnip 641.35126
Swan Hill (Vic.) T2--945 9 see also Rutabagas
Swan River (W.A.) T2-9412 Sweep generators
Swans 598.418 electronics 621.381 548
animal husbandry 636.681 Sweeping
Swansea (Wales) T2--429 82 housecleaning 648.5
Swanskin fabrics 677.624 Sweet bay 641.357
see also Textiles botany 583.23
Swaps (Finance) 332.645 7 see also Herbs
Swarming of bees 595.799 156 Sweet cider 641.341 1
apiculture 638.146 commercial processing 663.63
Swartruggens (South cooking with 641.641 1
Africa : District) T2-68248 food 641.341 1
Swat (Pakistan) T2-549 122 Sweet clovers 633.366
Swati language 496.398 7 botany 583.74
T6-963 987 forage crop 633.366
Swazi (Ethnic group) T5-963 987 Sweet com 641.356 72
Swazi (National group) T5-968 87 commercial processing 664.805 672
Swazi language 496.398 7 cooking 641.656 72
T6-963 987 food 641.356 72
Swazi literature 896.398 7 garden crop 635.672
Swaziland 968.87 Sweet gale 583.43
T2-688 7 Sweet Grass County (Mont.) T2 786 64
Swearing Sweet gums 583.44
customs 394 forestry 634.973 44
ethics 179.5 ornamental arboriculture 635.977 344
Sweat gland diseases Sweet herbs 641.357
medicine 616.56 see also Herbs
see also Skin diseases - Sweet peas (Flowers) 635.933 74
humans botany 583.74
Sweat glands 573.537 9 floriculture 635.933 74
biology 573.537 9 Sweet peppers 641.356 43
human anatomy 611.77 botany 583.952
human physiology 612.793 commercial processing 664.805 643
medicine 616.56 cooking 641.656 43
see also Skin food 641.356 43
Sweaters 391.46 garden crop 635.643
commercial technology 687.14 Sweet potatoes 641.352 2
home 646.45 agriculture 635.22
see also Outerwear botany 583.94
Sweden 948.5 commercial processing 664.805 22
T2-485 cooking 641.652 2
ancient 936.85 food 641.352 2
T2-368 5 Sweet sorghums 633.62
Swedenborgianism 289.4 Sweetened condensed milk 641.371 424
Swedenborgians cooking 641.671 424
biography 289.409 2 food 641.371 424
Swedes T5-397 processing 637.1424

Dewey Decimal Class(fication

Sweeteners Swiss People's Party 324.249 403

commercial processing 664.1 Switchboard operators
Sweetleaf 583.674 office services 651.374 3
Sweets (Candy) 641.853 Switchboards
commercial processing 664.153 communications services 384.65
home preparation 641.853 telephony 621.387
Sweets (Desserts and Switches
confections) 641.86 electrical engineering 621.317
Sweetwater County (Wyo.) T2-787 85 interior wiring 621.319 24
Swellendam (South Africa : railroad engineering 625.163
District) T2-687 36 Switching
Swells (Wind effects) 551.463 communications engineering 621.382 16
lakes 551.482 computer communications 004.66
Swi~tokrzyskie Voivodeship engineering 621.398 1
(Poland) T2-438 45 computer engineering 621.395
Swift County (Minn.) T2-776 41 telephone engineering 621.385 7
Swift Current (Sask.) T2~712 43 Switching circuits
Swifts 598.762 electronics 621.381 537
Swimmers 797.210 92 Switching equipment
Swimming 797.21 electrical engineering 621.317
animal behavior 591.57 Switching theory
physical fitness 613.716 electronics 621.381 537 2
Swimming pools 797.2 Switzerland 949.4
architecture 725.74 T2--494
domestic 643.556 ancient 936.94
architecture 728.962 T2-3694
construction 690.896 2 Switzerland County (Ind.) T2~772 125
home economics 643.556 Swivel embroidery 677.77
~b~ ~72 Sword dances 793.35
architecture 725.74 Sword fighting 796.86
construction 690.574 Sword lilies 635.934 38
sanitation services 363.729 2 botany 584.38
Swindon (England : floriculture 635.934 38
Borough) T2-423 13 Swordfish 597.78
Swine 636.4 Swordplay 796.86
Swing (Golf) 796.352 3 Swords 623.441
Swing (Music) 781.654 art metalwork 739.722
Swisher County (Tex.) T2-764 838 Swordtail (Fish) 597.667
Swiss T5-35 Sycamores 583.44
Swiss cheese 641.373 54 forestry 634.973 44
cooking 641.673 54 ornamental arboriculture 635.977 344
food 641.373 54 Sydney (N.S. W.) T2-9441
processing 637.354 Syenite 553.52
Swiss Democrats (Political party) 324.249 403 economic geology 553.52
Swiss-German dialect 437.949 4 petrology 552.3
T6-35 quarrying 622.352
Swiss Germans T5-35 Sylhet (Bangladesh:
Swiss Labour Party 324.249 407 4 Division) T2-549 27
Swiss Liberal Party 324.249 406 Syllabaries 411
Swiss literature specific languages T4-11
French 840 Syllabi (Outlines) Tl-0202
German 830 Syllogisms 166
Italian 850 Syllogistic logic 160
Swiss National Park TI-494732 7 Sylviidae 598.843

r Sylvilagus 599.324
Relative Index

Sympathetic nervous system

Symbiosis 577.85 diseases
animals 591.785 medicine 616.856 9
factor in evolution 576.85 see also Nervous system
plants 581.785 diseases - humans
Symbolic divination 133.33 Symphonic poems 784.184 3
Symbolic logic 511.3 musical form 784.184 3
computer programming orchestral music 784.218 43
languages 005.131 Symphonies 784.184
Symbolic programming 005.1 musical form 784.184
Symbolism 302.222 3 orchestral music 784.218 4
art representation 704.946 Symphonious 786.65
arts 700.415 see also Mechanical musical
T3C-15 instruments
Bible 220.64 Symphony orchestras 784.2
literature 808.801 5 Symphyla 595.63
history and criticism 809.915 Symphyseotomy
specific literatures T3B-080 15 obstetrical surgery 618.85
history and Symphysodon 597.74
criticism T3B-·091 5 Symphyta 595.79
of divinatory arts 133.3 Symplectic manifolds 516.36
paintings 753.6 Symplocaceae 583.674
religious significance 203.7 Symptomatology 616.047
Buddhism 294.343 7 Symptoms
Hinduism 294.537 medicine 616.047
Islam 297.3 Synagogue dedication 296.446
Judaism 296.46 liturgy 296.454 6
social psychology 302.222 3 Synagogues 296.65
Talmud 296.120 64 architecture 726.3
Symbolism (Art style) 709.034 7 history of specific
painting 759.057 congregations 296.09
Symbolism of numbers 133.335 organization 296.65
Symbols 302.222 3 religious symbolism of
Tl-014 8 buildings 296.46
cultural institutions 306.4 Synapsida 567.93
dictionaries 413.15 Synbranchiformes 597.64
specific languages T4-315 Syncarida 595.379
specific subjects Tl--014 8 Synchro-cyclotrons 539.735
linguistics 411 Synchronic linguistics 410
specific languages T4-ll see Manual at 410
social psychology 302.222 3 Synchronized swimming 797.217
Symmetric functions 515.22 Synchronized trampoline 796.474
Symmetric spaces 516.362 Synchronous accelerators 539.735
Symmetry Synchronous converters 621.313 5
arts 701.8 Synchronous generators 621.313 4
geometry 516.1 Synchronous machinery 621.3133
Symmetry (Nuclear physics) 539.725 Synchronous transfer modes
Sympathetic nervous system communications engineering 621.382 16
human physiology 612.89 computer communications 004.66
medicine 616.856 9 engineering 621.398 1
Synchroscopes 621.374 9
Synchrotrons 539.735
Synclines 551.86

Dewey Decimal Classification

Syncretism Synthetic chemicals

philosophy 148 organic 661.805
Syndetic structure 025.322 2 Synthetic drugs
authority files 025.322 2 pharmacology 615.31
subject authority files 025.47 Synthetic drugs of abuse 362.299
Syndicalism 335.82 personal health 613.8
economics 335.82 social welfare 362.299
political ideology 320.53 see also Substance abuse
sociology 306.34 Synthetic dyes 667.25
Syndicated crime 364.1068 Synthetic fuels 662.66
Syndicates Synthetic gems 666.88
banking 332.16 Synthetic glue 668.31
real estate investment 332.632 47 Synthetic meat 664.64
unincorporated business Synthetic minerals 666.86
enterprises 338.7 Synthetic petroleum 662.662
see also Business enterprises; Synthetic textile fibers 677.4
Unincorporated business Synthetism 709.034 7
enterprises painting 759.057
Synecology 577.8 Syphilis
animals 591.78 incidence 614.547 2
microorganisms 579.178 medicine 616.951 3
plants 581.78 see also Communicable
Synesthesia diseases humans
psychology 152.189 Syracusae (Italy) T2-378141
Syngnathidae 597.679 Syracuse (Italy) T2-458 141
Synod of Bishops 262.136 ancient T2~378 141
Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Syracuse (Italy: Province) T2-458 14
Churches 284.132 3 ancient T2-378 14
see also Lutheran church Syracuse (N.Y.) T2-747 66
Synodontidae 597.61 Syria 956.91
Synods T2-569 l
Christian ecclesiology 262.4 ancient 939.43
Synonym dictionaries 413.1 T2-3943
specific languages T4-312 Syriac Church 281.63
specific subjects Tl~03 see also Eastern churches
Synopses Tl-0202 Syriac language 492.3
music 780 T6-923
treatises 780.269 Biblical texts 220.43
vocal music Syriac literature 892.3
treatises 782.002 69 Syriac Orthodox Church 281.63
Synoptic Gospels 226 see also Eastern churches
Synoptic problem (Gospels) 226.066 Syrian Desert T2-569
Syntax 415 Iraq T2-5674
specific languages T4----5 Jordan T2-569 59
Synthesis Saudi Arabia T2-538
chemical engineering 660.284 4 Syria T2-56912
chemistry 541.39 Syrian Orthodox Church 281.63
organic chemistry 547.2 see also Eastern churches
Synthesizers 786.74 Syrians T5-927 569 l
instrument 786.741 9 Syrians (Religious order) 255.18
music 786.74 church history 271.18
see also Electrophoncs Syringas 583.72
Synthetic building materials 666.89 Syro-Malabar Christians 281.52
see also Eastern churches

Relative Index

syrphidae 595.774 Systems programs 005.43

Syrup crops 633.6 see Manual at 005.3, 005.5 vs.
Syrups 641.336 005.43-.45
commercial processing 664.1 Systems stability 003.5
food 641.336 Systems .theory 003
see also Sugar management 658.403 2
Svstellommatophora 594.38 Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg
System administration (Computer Megye (Hungary) T2--439 9
science) 005.43 Szczecin (Poland:
System analysis 003 Voivodeship) T2--438 16
see also Systems analysis Szechwan Province (China) T2--5138
. System design 003 Szondi tests 155.284 3
see also Systems design
System identification 003.1 T
Systematic bibliography 010.44
· Systematics (Biology) 578.012 T cells 571.966
Systeme international 530.812 human immunology 616.079 7
social aspects 389.15 T formation 796.332 22
; Svstemic lupus erythematosus T lymphocytes 571.966
· ·medicine 616.772 humans 616.079 7
see also Musculoskeletal Ta'anit (Tractate) 296.123 2
diseases humans Babylonian Talmud 296.125 2
Systems 003 Mishnah 296.123 2
Tl-011 Palestinian Talmud 296.124 2
see Manual at 510, Tl--0151 Tabanidae 595.773
vs. 003, Tl-011 Tabankulu (South Africa:
Systems analysis 003 District) T2--687 59
computer science 004.21 Tabaqat al-Ruwah 297.125 261
Tl--028 542 1 Tabarani, Sulayman ibn Al;mad
engineering 621.392 Hadith 297.125 63
software 005.12 Tabasaranlanguage 499.964
see Manual at 004.21 vs. T6-99964
004.22, 621.392 Tabasco (Mexico : State) T2-726 3
management 658.403 2 Tabby
public administration 352.33 building construction 693.22
military administration 355.683 Tabernacles
Systems analysts 003.092 Christian church furniture 247.1
Systems control 003.5 architecture 726.529 I
Systems design 003 Judaism 296.49
computer science 004.21 Tabes dorsalis
engineering 621.392 medicine 616.83
software 005.12 see also Nervous system
see Manual at 004.21 vs. diseases humans
004.22, 621.392 Tab las 786.93
Systems engineering 620.001 171 see also Percussion instruments
Systems engineers 620.009 2 Tablature 780.148
Systems of government 321 Table decorations 642.8
Systems optimization 003 Table furnishings 642.7
Tl-011 Table linens 642.7
Systems programming 005.42 arts 746.96
see iWanual at 005.1-.2 vs. home sewing 646.21
005.42 table setting 642.7
Table manners 395.54

Dewey Decimal Classification

Table Mountain (Western Tachira (Venezuela) T2-8712

Cape, South Africa) T2---687 355 Tachometers
Table salt 553.632 technology 681.118
see also Salt (Sodium chloride) Tacbyglossidae 599.29
Table service 642.6 (Mechanisms) 621.863
Table setting 642.6 Tackling
Table tennis 796.346 American football 796.332 26
Table tennis players 796.346 092 Tacna (Peru: Dept.) T2-853 5
Table tipping (Spiritualism) 133.92 Tacoma (Wash.) T2-797 788
Tableaux 793.24 Tacos 641.84
Tablecloths 642.7 Tactical exercises (Military
arts 746.96 training) 355.54
home sewing 646.21 Tactical geography 355.47
table setting 642.7 Tactical missile forces 358.175 2
Tables (Furniture) 645.4 Tactical rockets 355.825 43
decorative arts 749.3 engineering 623.454 3
outdoor 645.8 military equipment 355.825 43
see also Outdoor fi.Jmiture Tactics (Military science) 355.42
see also Furniture Tactile organs
Tables (Lists) Tl-021 cancer
Tabletop fountains 745.594 6 incidence 614.599 948 8
Tabletop photography 778.8 medicine 616.994 88
Tablets (Pharmaceuticals) human anatomy 611.88
pharmaceutical chemistry 615.19 human physiology 612.88
Tableware 642.7 Tactile perception
earthenware 666.68 psychology 152.182
arts 738.38 Tacuaremb6 (Uruguay:
technology 666.68 Dept) T2·-895 32
glass Tadla-Azilal (Morocco) T2---644
arts 748.2 Tadpole shrimps 595.32
gold Tadpoles 597.813 92
arts 739.228 3 Tadzhik T5-915 7
handicrails 745.593 Tadzhik 491.57
ironwork T6-915 7
arts 739.48 Tadzhik literature 891.57
porcelain 666.58 Tadzhikistan 958.6
arts 738.28 T2·-586
technology 666.58 Taekwondo 796.815 7
pottery 666.3 Taeniodontia 569.31
arts 738 TaffEly (Wales) T2-42978
technology 666.3 Tafilah (Jordan :Province) TI-569 567
silver Taft, William H. (William
arts 739.238 3 Howard)
table setting 642.7 United States history 973.912
wood Tag sales 381.195
arts 736.4 Tagalog language 499.211
Taboos 390 T6-99211
Tabora Region (Tanzania) T2---678 28 Tagalog literature 899.211
Tabulated materials T1-Q21 Tagmemics 415
Tacanan 498.9 specific languages T4-5
T&-989 Taguchi methods (Quality
Taccaceae 584.35 control)
Tachinid flies 595.774 production management 658.562
Tachinidae 595.774

( _______________________________
~ Tagus River (Spain and 958.6
~; Portugal) T2-46945 T2-586
~ Portugal T2-46945 ancient 939.6
. Spain T2--462 8 T2-396
~ Tahiti T2-962 II Tajwid 297.122404 5
f Tahitian language 499.444 Tak Sin, King of Siam
Thai history 959.302 4
1\ Tahitian literature
899.444 Takapuna (N.Z.) T2 932 2
~- Tahitians T5-994 44 Take-overs 338.83
fr,Tahitic languages 499.44
see also Mergers
629.132 521 2
Tahoe, Lake (Calif. and
Nev.) T2-794 38
manned space flight 629.452
' California T2-794 38 space flight 629.41
Nevada T2-793 57 unmanned space flight 629.432
Tai chi 613.714 8 Takeoff accidents 363.12492
T'ai chi ch'lian 613.714 8 see also Air safety
Tai-Kadai languages 495.9 Takhrijat 297.125 7
T6-959 Taki-Taki 427.988 3
Tai languages 495.91 T6-217
T6-959 I Takla Lake (B.C.) T2-711 82
Tai literatures 895.91 Talbot County (Ga.) T2-758 483
Tai peoples T5-959 I Talbot County (Md.) T2 752 32
Taigas Talc 553.676
biology 578.737 economic 553.676
ecology 577.37 mineralogy 549.67
Tailless whip scorpions 595.453 6 mining 622.367 6
Tailoring 646.4 technology 666.72
commercial technology 687.044 Talca (Chile: Province) T2 833 5
home sewing 646.4 Talented people 305.908 9
Tailors 646.400 92 TJ-0879
commercial 687.044 092 Taliaferro County (Ga.) 1'2--758 616
TaYmyr (Russia: Okrug) T2-575 Talismans 133.44
Taimyrskii avtonomny'i Islamic popular practices 297.39
okrug (Russia) T2-575 numismatics 737.23
Taino Indians T5-97922 religious significance 203.7
Taino language 497.922 see also Symbolism
T6-97922 religious Sigiintcattct:
Taiping Rebellion, 1850-1864 951.034 Talk shows 791.446
Taisho period 952.032 radio programs 791.446
Taita language 496.395 television programs 791.456
T6-963 95 Talking books
Taiwan 951.249 bibliographies 011.384
T2-512 49 Tall buildings 720.483
ancient 931.249 architecture 720.483
T2-31249 construction 690.383
Taiwan native peoples T5-992 5 fire hazards 363.379
Taiwan Strait 551.461 457 see also Fire safety
T2-164 57 Tall oil
Tajik T5-915 7 recovery from pulp 676.5
Tajik language 491.57 Talladega County (Ala.) T2-761 61
T6-915 7 Tallahassee (Fla.) T2-759 88
Tajik literature 891.57 Tallahatchie County (Miss.) T2-762 455
Tallapoosa County (Ala.) T2-761 53


Dewey Decimal Classification

Tallapoosa River (Ga. and Tam buras 787.82

Ala.) T2--761 5 see also Stringed instruments
Tallit 296.461 Tamerlane
Tallow 665.2 Asian history 950.24
Tallow tree 583.69 Tameside (England) T2-427 35
Talmud 296.12 Tamiasciurus 599.363
Talmud Bavli 296.125 Tamid 296.123 5
Talmud Yerushalmi 296.124 Mishnah 296.123 5
Talmudic literature 296.12 Palestinian Talmud 296.124 5
Talmudic period 956.940 2 Tamil T5-94811
Talpidae 599.335 Tamil language 494.811
Talurqjuak (Nunavut) T2-719 55 T6-948 11
Tama County (Iowa) T2-777 56 Tamil literature 894.811
Tama National Park Tamil Nadu (India) T2-548 2
(Colombia) T2--861 24 Ta'mim (Iraq: Province) T2-5674
Tamahaqlanguage 493.38 Tampa (Fla.) T2-759 65
T6--933 8 Tamworth (England) T2-424 69
Tamahaq literature 893.38 Tamworth (N.S.W.) T2-9444
Tamang language 495.4 Tan-Tan (Morocco :
T6-954 Province) T2-646 8
Tamanrasset (Algeria : Tanagers 598.875
Province) T2--657 Tanaidacea 595.374
Tamar, River (England) T2-423 5 Tanakh 221
Tamar River (Tas.) T2--946 5 see Manual at 221
Tamaracks 585.2 Tandem bicycles
see also Larches engineering 629.227 6
Tamaricales 583.628 repair 629.287 76
Tamarind 641.344 6 riding 629.284 76
botany 583.74 Tandja, Mamadou
cooking 641.644 6 Nigerien (Niger) history 966.260 53
food 641.344 6 Tandridge (England :
orchard crop 634.46 District) T2-422 18
Tamarins 599.84 Taney County (Mo.) T2--778 797
conservation technology 639.979 84 Tang dynasty 951.017
resource economics 333.959 84 Tanga Region (Tanzania) T2--678 22
Tamarisk 583.628 Tanganyika 967.820 3
Tamasheklanguage 493.38 T2-6782
T6-933 8 Tanganyika, Lake T2-678 28
Tamashek literature 893.38 Tangible property risks 368.062
Tamasheq language 493.38 Tangier-Assilah (Morocco) T2--642
T6-933 8 Tangier-Tetouan (Morocco) T2--642
Tamasheq literature 893.38 Tangipahoa Parish (La.) T2-76313
Tamaulipas (Mexico) T2-7212 Tangkhullanguage 495.4
Tamazight language 493.33 T6-954
T6-933 3 Tangos 793.33
Tamazight literature 893.33 music 784.188 85
Tambacounda (Senegal : Tank cars 385.34
Region) T2-663 engineering 625.24
Tambourines 786.95 see also Rolling stock
see also Percussion instruments Tank warfare 358.18
Tambov (Russia : Oblast) T2-473 5 Tankers (Ships) 387.245
Tambovskaii oblast' engineering 623.824 5
(Russia) T2-473 5 petroleum technology 665.543
see also Ships

Relative Index

Tanks (Containers) Taourirt (Morocco :

water supply engineering 628.13 Province) T2~643 3
Tanks (Vehicles) 358.188 3 Tap dancing 792.78
engineering 623.747 52 Tapas 641.812
military equipment 358.188 3 Tape drives (Computers)
Tankwa-Karoo National computer science 004.563
Park (South Africa) T2-687 17 engineering 621.397 63
Tannaim 296.120 092 Tape players
Tanners 675.230 92 automobile 629.277
Tanning leather 675.23 sound reproduction 621.389 324
Tannins 572.567 Tape recorders
agricultural production 633.87 automobile 629.277
biochemistry 572.567 sound reproduction 621.389 324
see also Carbohydrates Tape recordings
Tano languages 496.338 sound reproduction 621.389 324
T6~963 38 Tapes (Adhesives) 668.38
Tanoan Indians T5~9749 Tapes (Computers)
Tanoan languages 497.49 computer science 004.563
T6~9749 engineering 621.397 63
Tantalum 669.735 Tapes (Recording devices) 621.382 34
chemical engineering 661.052 6 Tapes (Sound) 384
chemistry 546.526 bibliographies 011.38
economic geology 553.465 see also Sound recordings
materials science 620.189 35 Tapes (Textiles) 677.76
metallography 669.957 35 Tapestries 677.64
metallurgy 669.735 manufacturing technology 677.64
metalworking 673.735 textile arts 746.3
physical metallurgy 669.967 35 Tapestry makers 746.392
see also Chemicals; Metals Tapestry-woven rugs
Tantras arts 746.72
Buddhist 294.385 Tapestry yard goods 677.642
Hindu 294.595 Tapeworm-caused diseases
Tantric Buddhism 294.392 5 incidence 614.554
Tantric Hinduism 294.551 4 medicine 616.964
Tanzania 967.8 see also Communicable
T2-678 diseases humans
Tanzanians T5-967 8 Tapeworms 592.46
Taoism Taphonomy 560.41
art representation 704.948 995 14 Taphrinales 579.562
arts T3C-382 995 14 Tapia
philosophy 181.114 building construction 693.22
religion 299.514 Tapioca 641.336 82
Taoist holidays cooking 641.636 82
customs 394.265 951 4 food 641.336 82
Taoist philosophy 181.114 Tapiridae 599.66
Taoists Tapirs 599.66
philosophy 181.114 Tapping tools 621.955
religion 299.514 092 Taps (Valves) 621.84
Taos County (N.M.) T2--789 53 Tar
Taos Indians TS-97496 materials science 620.196
Taos language 497.496 Tar pavements 625.85
T6--974 96
Taounate (Morocco :
Province) T2-6432

Dewey Decimal Class(fication

Tar sands 553.283 Tarnow (Poland :

economic geology 553.283 Voivodeship) T2---438 62
mining 622.338 3 Taro 641.336 8
law 343.077 2 botany 584.64
processing 665.4 cooking 641.636 8
Taraba State (Nigeria) T2--669 89 food 641.336 8
Tarabumara Indians T5-974546 starch crop 633.68
Tarahumara language 497.454 6 Tarot 133.324 24
T6-974 546 Taroudant (Morocco:
Tarahumaran languages 497.454 6 Province) T2-6466
T6-974 546 Tarpons 597.43
Taranaki Region (N.Z.) Tl-934 8 sports fishing 799.1743
Taranto (Italy) Tarquinia (Italy)
ancient T2-377 67 ancient T2-375 8
Taranto (Italy: Province) T2---457 55 Tarraconensis T2-366
ancient T2-377 67 Tarragon 641.357
Taranto, Gulf of (Italy) 551.461 386 see alw Herbs
T2-163 86 Tarragona (Spain :
Tarapaca (Chile : Region) T2-831 2 Province) T2467 3
Tararua District (N.Z.) T2-935 7 Tarrant County (Tex.) T2-764 531
Manawatu-Wanganui Tarsals
Region T2-935 7 human anatomy 611.718
Wellington Region T2-9369 Tarsiers 599.83
Tarascan languages 497.96 Tarsiidae 599.83
T6-9796 Tarsipedidae 599.23
Tarasco Indians T5-9796 Tarsus (Turkey) T2-5646
Tarasco language 497.96 Tartans
T6-9796 heraldry 929.6
Tardigrada 592.72 Tarts 641.865 2
Tardive dyskinesia commercial processing 664.752 5
medicine 616.83 home preparation 641.865 2
see also Nervous system Taqus (Syria: Province) T2-569 13
diseases humans Taseko River (B.C.) T2-711 75
Taree (N.S.W.) T2-9442 Task forces (Naval units) 359.31
Tarentum (Italy) T2-377 67 Tasman District (N.Z.) T2-937 7
Tarf (Algeria : Province) T2-655 Nelson-Marlborough
Target selection Region T2-937 7
military gunnery 623.557 West Coast Region T2 937 4
Target shooting 799.3 Tasman Peninsula (Tas.) T2-9464
Targets Tasman Sea 551.461 478
shooting sports 799.3 T2164 78
manufacturing technology 688.793 Tasmania T2-946
Targums 221.42 Tasmanian cedar 585.5
Tariff 382.7 Tasmanian devil 599.27
see also Customs (Tariff) Tasmanian languages 499.15
Tarija (Bolivia : Dept.) T2-842 5 T6-991 59
Tarka (South Africa: Tasmanian 599.27
District) T2-687 55 Tasmanian wolf 599.27
Tarlac (Philippines : Tasmanians (Aboriginal
Province) T2-5991 people) T5-99l 59
Tam (France) T2---447 37 Taste (Aesthetics)
Tam-et-Garonne (France) T2---447 5 music 781.17
Tamobrzeg (Poland :
Voivodeship) T2---438 66

Relative Index

Taste (Sense) 573.878 Tax accounting 657.46

animal physiology 573.878 law 343.042
human anatomy 611.87 income tax 343.052 044
human physiology 612.87 Tax administration 352.44
psychology 152.167 law 343.04
Taste buds 573.878 see Manual at 343.04-.06 vs.
Taste disorders 336.2, 352.44
medicine 616.856 Tax appeals
see also Nervous system law 343.042
diseases humans Tax assessment 336.2
Taste perception income tax 336.241
psychology 152.167 law 343.052 042
Tata (Morocco : Province) T2-646 8 law 343.042
Tatar language 494.387 property tax 336.222
T6-943 87 law 343.054 2
Crimean 494.388 public administration 352.44
T6-~943 88 Tax auditing
Tatar literature 894.387 law 343.04
Crimean 894.388 Tax avoidance 336.206
Tatar Strait (Russia) 551.461 454 income tax 336.241 6
T2--164 54 corporate 336.243 16
Tatar suzerainty law 343.052 3
Russian history 947.03 personal 336.242 16
Tatars T5-943 87 law 343.04
Crimean T5-~943 88 property tax 336.22
Tatarstan (Russia) T2--474 5 law 343.054 3
Tate County (Miss.) T2--762 85 public finance 336.206
Tatted fabrics 677.663 Tax collection 352.44
see also Textiles law 343.042
Tatting Tax credits 336.206
arts 746.436 income tax law 343.052 37
Tattnall County (Ga.) T2-758 775 see alw Tax avoidance
Tattooing Tax deductions 336.206
customs 391.65 see also Tax avoidance
Taung (South Africa : Tax evasion 364.1338
District) T2~682 46 law 345.023 38
Taunton Deane (England) T2--423 87 Tax-exempt organizations
Taunus (Germany) T2-434 16 law 343.066
Taupo, Lake (N.Z.) T2-933 9 Tax-exempt securities
Taupo District (N.Z.) T2-933 9 law 346.092 2
Bay of Plenty Region T2-93424 Tax exemptions 336.206
Hawke's Bay Region T2-934 63 see also Tax avoidance
Manawatu-Wanganui Tax expenditures 336.206
Region T2-935 13 Tax incentives 336.206
Waikato Region T2---933 9 income tax law 343.052 304
Tauranga District (N.Z.) T2-934 21 see also Tax avoidance
Taurus (Zodiac) 133.526 3 Tax incidence 336.294
Taurus Mountains (Turkey) T2-564 Tax law 343.04
Tautomerism 547.122 52 see Manual at 343.04-.06 vs.
inorganic chemistry 54!.225 2 336.2, 352.44
organic chemistry 547.122 52 Tax limitations
Tawhid 297.211 3 law 343.034
Tawi-Tawi (Philippines) T2--599 9 Tax lists
Tawitawi (Philippines) T2-599 9 genealogy 929.3

Dewey Decimal Classification

Tax loopholes 336.206 Tay Ninh (Vietnam :

see also Tax avoidance Province) T2~597 7
Tax planning Tay-Sachs disease
law 343.04 medicine 616.858 845
income tax 343.052 pediatrics 618.928 588 45
Tax rates 336.2 Taya, Maawiya Ould Sid' Ahmed
import tax 336.265 Mauritanian history 966.105 3
Tax rebates 336.206 Tayassuidae 599.634
see also Tax avoidance Taylor, Charles Ghankay
Tax reduction 336.206 Liberian history 966.620 33
see also Tax avoidance Taylor, Zachary
Tax reform 336.205 United States history 973.63
income tax 336.241 5 Taylor County (Fla.) T2-759 86
corporate 336.243 15 Taylor County (Ga.) T2-758493
personal 336.242 15 Taylor County (Iowa) T2-777 79
Tax returns Taylor County (Ky.) TI-769673
income tax law 343.052 044 Taylor County (Tex.) T2-764 727
Tax shelters 336.206 Taylor County (W.Va.) T2-754 55
income tax law 343.052 38 Taylor County (Wis.) T2-775 26
investment economics 332.604 22 Tayside (Scotland) T2-412 8
see also Tax avoidance Taza (Morocco : Province) T2-643 2
Taxales 585.6 Taza-Al Hocelma-Taounate
paleobotany 561.56 (Morocco) T2--643 2
Taxation 336.2 Tazewell County (Ill.) T2-773 54
American Revolution cause 973.311 4 Tazewell County (Va.) T2-755 763
see also Taxes TCA cycle 572.475
Taxation power (Legislative Te Anau, Lake (N.Z.) T2-939 6
bodies) 328.341 2 Tea 641.337 2
Taxes 336.2 agricultural economics 338.173 72
accounting 657.46 agriculture 633.72
financial management 658.153 botany 583.624
law 343.04 commercial processing
macroeconomic policy 339.525 economics 338.476 639 4
public administration 352.44 technology 663.94
litigation 353.43 cooking with 641.637 2
Taxicab drivers 388.413 214 092 customs 394.15
Taxicab service 388.413 214 food 64[.337 2
law 343.098 2 home preparation 641.877
public administration 354.765 3 Tea Act, 1773
transportation services 388.413 214 United States history 973.3115
Taxicabs 388.342 32 Tea leaves
driving 629.283 32 divination 133.324 4
engineering 629.222 32 Teacher-administrator relations 371.106
repair 629.287 232 Teacher aides 371.141 24
transportation services 388.342 32 Teacher burnout 371.100 19
see also Automobiles Teacher certification 371.12
Taxidermy 590.752 Teacher-community relations 306.432
Taxodiaceae 585.5 education 371.19
paleobotany 561.55 sociology 306.432
Taxonomic biology 578 Teacher education 370.711
Taxonomic nomenclature 578.014 Teacher evaluation 371.144
see Manual at 579-590 Teacher exchanges 370.116 3
Taxonomy (Biology) 578.012 law 344.08
Tay, River (Scotland) T2-4128 Teacher morale 371.100 19

Relative Index

Teacher-parent conferences 371.103 Teaching orders (Christianity) 255.03

Teacher-parent relations 371.192 church history 271.03
Teacher participation in women 255.903
administration 37l.l 06 church hi story 271.903
Teacher qualifications 371.12 Teachings of Jesus Christ 232.954
higher education 378.124 Teak
Teacher-staff relations 371.106 botany 583.96
Teacher-student relations 371.102 3 forestry 634.973 96
Teacher training 370.711 lumber 674.144
Tl---071 1 Team handball 796.327
Teacher turnover 371.14 Team management 658.402 2
Teacher workload 371.1412 see also Work teams
Teachers 371.1 Team teaching 371.148
biography 371.100 92 Teamsters 388.324 092
higher education 378.12 Tear ducts
law 344.078 human physiology 612.847
public control 379.157 Tear gas
religious educators 207.509 2 military engineering 623.459 2
Christian 268.092 Tear-gas canister launchers 623.445
biography 268.092 Teas (Meals) 642
see Manual at 230~280 cooking 641.53
role and function 268.3 light meals 641.53
Jewish 296.680 92 main meals 641.54
biography 296.680 92 customs 394.125 3
role and function 296.68 light meals 394.125 3
role in guidance 371.404 6 main meals 394.125 4
workload 371.141 2 Teasels 583.92
higher education 378.122 12 Teasing 302.3
Teachers' assistants 37l.l41 24 Tebessa (Algeria: Province) T2-655
Teachers' colleges 370.711 Technetium
Teaching 371.102 chemical engineering 661.054 3
Tl-071 chemistry 546.543
educational psychology 370.15 Technical assistance
higher education 378.125 economics 338.91
law 344.D78 public finance 336.185
professional education 370.711 Technical chemistry 660
special education 371.904 3 Technical drawing 604.2
Teaching (Spiritual gift) 234.13 Technical education Tl---071
Teaching aids 371.33 Technical high schools 373.246
Tl-078 see also Secondary education
Teaching load 371.141 2 Technical libraries 026.6
higher education 378.122 12 Technical processes (Libraries) 025.02
Teaching machines Technical reports
adult education 374.26 cataloging 025.343 6
Teaching materials 371.33 library treatment 025.1736
see also Instructional materials Technical services (Libraries) 025.02
reaching methods 371.3 Technical training 607
Tl---071 armed forces 355.56
personnel training 658.312 404 Technical \>'fiting 808.066
primary education 372.13 Techno music 781.648
religious education 207.5 Technological archaeology 609
Christianity 268.6
special education 371.904 3
reaching office of the church 262.8

Dewey Decimal Classification

Technological innovations Tecophilaeaceae 584.35

agricultural industries 338.16 Tectibranchia 594.37
cause of social change 303.483 Tectonics 55 L.8
see l'vfanual at 303.483 vs. Tectosilicates
306.45, 306.46 mineralogy 549.68
economics 338.064 Teddy bears
executive management 658.406 2 making 688.724 3
mineral industries 338.26 handicrafts 745.592 43
production management 658.514 technology 688.724 3
Technological instruments Teenage boys 305.235 1
manufacturing technology 681.76 Tl-083 51
Technological unemployment 331.137 042 see also Young men- under
Technologists 609.2 twenty one
works for Tl----024 6 Teenage fathers 306.874 2
see Manual at Tl-0 15 vs. social welfare 362.787 42
Tl----024 5-0246 Teenage girls 305.235 2
Technology 600 Tl-083 52
art representation 704.949 6 see also Young women
arts 700.456 under twenty one
T3C-356 Teenage mothers 306.874 3
folklore 398.276 social welfare 362.787 43
history and criticism 398.356 Teenage pregnancy
law 344.095 obstetrics 618.200 835
literature 808.803 56 social welfare 362.787 43
history and criticism 809.933 56 Teenagers 305.235
specific literatures T3B----080 356 Tl-083 5
history and see also Adolescents
criticism T3B--093 56 Tees, River (England) T2--428 5
painting 758.96 Teesdale (England) T2--428 61
primary education 372.358 Teeth 591.44
production management 658.514 animal physiology 573.356
public administrative support 352.745 anthropometry 599.943
social effects 303.483 dentistry 617.6
see Manual at 303.483 vs. descriptive zoology 591.44
306.45, 306.46 diseases 573.356 39
sociology 306.46 see also Tooth diseases
see Manual at 303.483 vs. human anatomy 611.314
306.45, 306.46 human physiology 612.311
see Manual at 300 vs. 600 Teeth diseases 573.356 39
Technology and religion 201.66 see also Tooth diseases
Christianity 261.56 Tefillin 296.461 2
Islam 297.266 Tegucigalpa (Honduras) T2-728 371
Judaism 296.376 Tehama County (Calif.) T2-794 27
philosophy of religion 215 Tehran (Iran) T2-552 5
Technology assessment 303.483 Tehran (Iran: Province) T2-552 5
economic development 338.9 Tehuantepec, Gulfof(Mexico) 551.461 41
public administration 354.27 T2-164 1
health services potential 362.104 2 Tehuantepec Canal 386.447
natural resources impact 333.714 TeichmUller spaces 515.94
safety risk 363.1 Teignbridge (England) T2--423 55
social change potential 303.483 Teignmouth, John Shore, Baron
Technology transfer 338.926 Indian history 954.031 1
economics 338.926 Teiidae 597.958 2
law 343.074

Relative Index

Tejan Kabbah, Amad Teleostei 597

Sierra Leonean history 966.404 5 see also Fishes
Teke languages 496.396 Telepathists 133.820 92
T6-963 96 Telepathy 133.82
Tekirdag iii (Turkey) T2-496 16 Telephone 384.6
Tekrur (Kingdom) 966.301 communications services 384.6
T2-663 engineering 621.385
Tel Aviv (Israel : District)
T2-56948 law 343.099 43
Telangiectasis military engineering 623.733
medicine 616.148 public administration 354.75
see also Cardiovascular sociology 302.235
diseases - humans wireless 384.53
Telangitis Telephone answering machines
medicine 616.148 engineering 621.386 7
see also Cardiovascular office services 651.73
diseases humans Telephone books 910.25
Telecommunication 384 see Manual atT1-025 vs.
accounting 657.84 Tl-029
conununications services 384 Telephone calls 384.64
engineering 621.382 wireless 384.534
law 343.0994 see also Telephone
public administration 354.75 Telephone counseling 361.06
Telecommunication workers 384.092 Telephone engineers 621.385 092
Telecommuting 331.256 8 Telephone etiquette 395,59
labor economics 331.256 8 Telephone lines
personnel management 658.312 3 communications services 384.65
Teleconferencing Telephone-order houses 381.142
instructional use 371.358 management 658.872
Telecontrol see also Commerce
engineering 620.46 Telephone selling 381.142
radio engineering 621.384 196 management 658.872
Telefacsimile 384.14 techniques for individuals 658.85
see also Facsimile transmission Telephone services 384.64
Telefax 384.14 w1re 384.64
see also Facsimile transmission wireless 384.534
Telegraphy 384.1 Telephone shopping 381.142
communications services 384.1 Telephone stations
engineering 621.383 communications services 384.65
law 343.099 4 wireless 384.535
military engineering 623.732 Telephone switching systems 621.387
nautical engineering 623.856 2 Telephones 621.386
public administration 354.75 automobile 629.277
sociology 302.235 office services 651.73
wireless 384.52 Telephony 384.6
Telegraphy stations see also Telephone
communications industry 384.15 Telephotography 778.322
Telemark fylke (Norway) T2-482 8 Telescopes 522.2
Telemarketing 381.142 astronomy 522.2
management 658.872 manufacturing technology 681.412 3
Teleology 124 Teleshopping 381.142
philosophy 124 law 343.081 142 8
philosophy of religion 210 see also Commerce
feleorman (Romania) T2-498 2

Dewey Decimal Classification

Teletext 004.69 Television mini-series 791.45

see also Computer see Manual at 791.43 vs.
communications 791.45
Teletype 384.14 Television music 781.546
wireless 384.524 Television networks 384.550 65
see also Telegraphy enterprises 384.550 65
Television 384.55 facilities 384.552 3
accounting 657.84 performing arts 791.45
communications services 384.55 Television news 070.43
engineering 621.388 Television photography 777
ethics 175 Television pilot programs 791.45
religion see Manual at 791.43 vs.
Christianity 241.65 791.45
see also Recreation ethics Television plays
influence on crime 364.254 literature 808.822 5
instructional use 371.335 8 history and criticism 809.225
adult level 374.26 specific literatures T3B-202 5
Tl-071 5 individual authors T3A-2
journalism 070.195 performing arts 791.457
law 343.099 46 rhetoric 808.225
military engineering 623.735 Television programs 384.553 2
performing arts 791.45 broadcasting 384.553 2
see Manual at 791.43, 791.45 performing arts 791.45
vs. 777 Television public speaking 808.51
public administration 354.75 Television recorders
religion 201.7 videography 777.36
Christianity 261.52 Television scripts
evangelism 269.26 rhetoric 808.066 791
preaching 251.07 Television selling 38l.142
use by local Christian management 658.872
church 253.78 Television selling organizations
administration 254.3 management 658.872
sociology 302.234 5 Television sets 621.388 8
see Manual at 384.54, 384.55, automobile 629.277
384.8 vs. 791.4 Television shopping 381.142
Television adaptations 791.456 Television speeches
Television advertising 659.143 literature 808.851
Television broadcasting 384.55 history and criticism 809.51
see Manual at 384.54, 384.55, specific literatures T3B-501
384.8 vs. 791.4 individual authors T3A-5
Television dinners Television stations 384.552 2
commercial processing 664.65 architecture 725.23
home serving 642.1 engineering 621.388 6
Television drama enterprises 384.550 65
literature 808.822 5 facilities 384.552 2
history and criticism 809.225 performing arts 791.45
specific literatures T3B-202 5 Television towers
individual authors T3A-2 architecture 725.23
performing arts 791.457 Television transmission
rhetoric 808.225 engineering 621.388 1
Television engineers 621.388 009 2 Telex 384.14
Television evangelism 269.26 wireless 384.524
Television genres 791.456 see also Telegraphy
Television graphics 777.55 Telfair County (Ga.) T2-758 843

Relative Index

Telford and Wrekin Temperature (continued)

(England) T2-424 56 seawater 551.465 3
Telford pavements 625.86 meteorological effect 551.524 6
Teller County (Colo.) T2-788 58 weather forecasting 551.642 5
Tellurides Temper;:tture adaptation 578.42
mineralogy 549.32 animals 591.42
Tellurium plants 581.42
chemical engineering 661.072 6 Temperature changes
chemistry 546.726 effect on materials 620.112 15
economic geology 553.499 geologic work 551.39
metallurgy 669.79 meteorology 551.525 3
Telopea 583.89 Temperature control
Telpheragc 621.868 buildings 697.932 2
Teltow-Flaming (Germany : mining 622.43
Landkreis) T2~-431 54 ships 623.853
Telugu T5-948 27 spacecraft 629.477 5
Telugu language 494.827 Temperature-salinity
T6-94827 relationships 551.466 43
Telugu literature 894.827 Tempering glass 666.129
Tern (African people) TS-963 5 Tempering metals 671.36
Tem language 496.35 Templars 255.791 3
T6-963 5 church history 271.791 3
Temiscamingue (Quebec: Temple of Jerusalem 296.491
Regional County Temples 203.5
Municipality) T2-714137 architecture 726.1
Temiscouata (Quebec : Buddhist 294.343 5
Regional County Hindu 294.535
Municipality) T2-714 762 Jain 294.435
Temne (African people) TS~-963 2 Jewish 296.65
Temne language 496.32 see also Synagogues
T6-963 2 Jewish temple in Jerusalem 296.491
Temotu (Solomon Islands) T2---959 39 Mmmon 246.958 93
Temouchent (Algeria : Shinto 299.561 35
Province) T2-651 Sikh 294.635
Tempera painting 751.43 Tempo {Music) 781.22
Temperament (Musical Temporal constructions
instruments) 784.192 8 (Grammar) 415
Temperament (Psychology) 155.262 specific languages T4--5
Temperance 178 Temporal databases
see also Virtues computer science 005.753
Temperate basses 597.73 Temporal logic 511.314
Temperate Zones T2-12 Temporal power of pope 262.132
Temperate zones Temporary buildings 720.444
diseases architecture 720.444
medicine 616.988 2 construction 690.344
see also Environmental Temporary deformation 531.382
diseases humans materials science 620.112 32
Temperature 536.5 see also Elasticity
biophysics 571.46 Temporary employees 331.257 29
humans 612.014 46 Temporary employment 331.257 29
health 613.1 Temporary help 331.257 29
meteorology 551.525 Temporary help services 33l.l28
physics 536.5 Temporary housing
social welfare 361.05


Dewey Decimal Classification

Temporomandibular joint Tendon sheaths 573.753 56

dysfunction human anatomy 611.75
regional medicine 617.522 human physiology 612.75
Temptation medicine 616.76
moral theology 205 see also Musculoskeletal
Christianity 241.3 system
Temptation of Jesus Christ 232.95 Tendons 573.753 56
Temuan (Malaysian people) T5-992 8 biology 573.753 56
Temuan language T6-992 8 human anatomy 611.74
Temurah 296.123 5 human physiology 612.75
Babylonian Talmud 296.125 5 medicine 616.75
Mishnah 296.123 5 surgery 617.474
Ten Commandments 222.16 see also Musculoskeletal
moral theology system
Christianity 241.52 Tendrils 581.48
Judaism 296.36 Tendring (England) T2---426 725
Ten kingdoms (China) 951.018 Tenebrionidae 595.769
Ten Sikh gurus 294.609 2 Tenedos Island (Turkey) T2-562 2
biography 294.609 2 ancient T2-391 I
role and function 294.663 Tenements 647.92
Ten Thousand Islands (Fla.) T2-75944 architecture 728.314
Tenancy construction 690.831 4
land economics 333.53 household management 647.92
law 346.043 4 see also Dwellings
Tenant-landlord relations 333.54 Teneri cutes 579.328
law 346.043 4 Tennant Creek (N.T.) T2-942 95
Tenants' liability insurance 368.56 Tennessee 976.8
Tenbury Wells (England) T2---424 47 T2-768
Tench 597.482 Tennessee River T2-768
sports fishing 799.174 82 Alabama T2-761 9
Tenda (African people) T5-963 2 Tennessee T2-768
Tendalanguage 496.32 Tennessee Walking Horse 636.13
T6-963 2 Tennis 796.342
Tende-Yanzi languages 496.396 electronic games 794.863 42
T6-963 96 equipment technology 688.763 42
Tender offers (Securities) 332.632 2 Tennis courts 796.342 068
financial economics 332.632 2 Tennis players 796.342 092
law 346.066 2 Tenor horns 788.974
management 658.16 see also Brass instruments
production economics 338.83 Tenor recorders 788.366
Tenderizers see also Woodwind instruments
food technology 664.4 Tenor saxophones 788.74
Tendinitis see also Woodwind instruments
medicine 616.75 Tenor viols 787.64
see also Musculoskeletal see also Stringed instruments
diseases -humans Tenor voices 782.87
Tendon diseases choral and mixed voices 782.87
medicine 616.75 single voices 783.87
see also Musculoskeletal Tenos Island (Greece) T2---495 85
diseases -humans Tenpins 794.6
Tendon sheath diseases Temecs 599.33
medicine 616.76 Tensas Parish (La.) T2-763 79
see also Musculoskeletal Tension (Mechanical stress)
diseases - humans effect on materials 620.112 41

Relative Index

Tension headache Terminal ballistics

medicine 616.849 14 military engineering 623.516
see also Nervous system Terminal care 362.175
diseases humans ethics 179.7
Tensor algebra 512.57 law 344.041 97
Tensor analysis 515.63 medicine 616.029
Tensor calculus 515.63 nursing 616.029
Tent shows 792.022 pastoral theology 206.1
Tentaculata 593.8 Christianity 259.4175
Tenterfield (N.S.W.) T2-9444 social theology 201.762 175
Tentering textiles 677.028 25 Christianity 261.832 175
Tenth century 909.1 social welfare 362.175
Tl-{)90 21 see also Health services
Tenth of Mu}:larram 297.36 Terminals (Computers) 004.75
Tents 796.540 284 engineering 621.398 5
manufacturing teclmology 685.53 graphics 006.62
Tenure 331.259 6 engineering 621.399 6
labor economics 331.259 6 Terminals (Transportation) 388.04
law see also Transportation
public employees 342.068 6 facilities
personnel management 658.312 Termination
teachers 371.104 insurance 368.016
higher education 378.121 4 Terminology 401.4
public administration 354.98 Tl-014
Tepiman languages 497.455 dictionaries 413
T6-97455 specific languages T4-014
Tepolanguage 496.33 dictionaries T4-3
T6-963 3 usage (Applied
Tequila (Distilled liquor) 641.25 linguistics) T4-81
commercial processing 663.5 see Manual at T4-3 vs.
Tequila (Plant) 584.352 T4-81
Ter Saami language 494.576 usage (Applied linguistics) 418
T6-945 76 Tennite damage prevention 691 .14
Ter Sami language 494.576 Termite-resistant construction 693.842
T6-945 76 Termites 595.736
Teramo (Italy: Province) T2--457 15 control technology 628.965 7
ancient T2-3749 Ternary form 781.822 3
Teratogenic agents instrumental 784.182 2
medicine 616.043 Temarysystem(Numeration) 513.5
Teratology Temi (Italy : Province) T2--456 52
biology 571.976 ancient T2-374 4
medicine 616.043 Etruria T2-375 76
Terbium Umbria T2-374 4
chemistry 546.416 Temopil' (Ukraine : Oblast) T2--477 9
Terce 264.15 Temopil' s'ka oblast'
music 782.324 (Ukraine) T2--477 9
Terengganu T2-595 1 Terns 598.338
Tergeste (Italy) T2-373 91 Temstroemiaceae 583.624
Term life insurance 368.323 Terpenes
Term limitation chemistry 547.71
chief executives 352.23 Terra-cotta
legislators 328.33 architectural construction 721.044 3
Term logic 160 building construction 693.3

Dewey Decimal Classification

Terra-cotta (continued) Terry County (Tex.) T2-764 859

building materials 691.4 Tersinidae 598.875
materials science 620.142 Tertiary education 378
Terrace (B.C.) T2-711 85 Tl---071 I
Terrace houses see also Higher education
architecture 728.312 Tertiary period 551.78
Terraces geology 551.78
landscape architecture 717 paleontology 560.178
Terracing (Soil conservation) 631.455 Tertiary recovery
Terrapins 597.925 oil extraction 622.338 2
Terrariums 578.Q73 Teme1 (Spain. Province) T2-465 51
animals 590.73 Terumot 296.123 1
floriculture 635.982 4 Mishnah 296.123 1
plants 580.73 Palestinian Talmud 296.124 1
Terrebonne Parish (La.) T2--763 41 Teso language 496.5
Terrell County (Ga.) T2-758 935 T6-965
Terrell County (Tex.) T2-764922 Tessellations (Mathematics) 516.132
Terrestrial ecology 577 Euclidean geometry 516.213 2
Terrestrial photogrammetry 526.982 5 Tessin (Switzerland) T2-494 78
Terrestrial radiation Test, River (England) T2-422 732
meteorology 551.527 2 Test anxiety 371.260 19
Terrestrial turtles 597.924 Test bias
Terriers 636.755 education 371.260 13
Terriers (Toy dogs) 636.76 psychology 150.287
Territorial property 320.12 Test construction
law of nations 341.42 education 371.261
Territorial waters Tl---076
law 342.041 3 teacher-prepared tests 371.271
law of nations 341.448 Test reliability
Territoriality education 371.260 13
animal behavior 591.566 Test-taking skills
human ecology 304.23 education 371.26
Territories (Local government Test-tube babies
units) 320.83 ethics 176.2
see also Counties see also Reproduction -
Territories (State-level units) 321.023 ethics
see also States (Members of medicine 618.1780599
federations) Test tubes 542.2
Territories under international Test validity
control 321 education 371.260 13
law 341.29 Test Valley (England) T2-422 732
public administration 353.159 Testaments
Territory of states 320.12 pseudepigrapha 229.914
law 342.041 3 Testes 573.655
law of nations 341.42 biology 573.655
Terrorism 363.325 human anatomy 611.63
criminology 364.131 7 human physiology 612.614
law 345.023 17 medicine 616.68
ethics 172.1 see also Male genital system
international relations 327.ll7 Testicles 573.655
prevention see also Testes
management 658.473
social conflict 303.625
Terry cloth 677.617

, ________________________________

Testicular cancer Tetrapoda 596

incidence 614.599 946 3 Tetras 597.48
medicine 616.994 63 Teuthoidea 594.58
see also Cancer- humans Teutoburg Forest
Testicular diseases (Germany) T2-435 65
medicine 616.68 Teutonic Knights 255.791 4
see also Male genital church history 271.791 4
diseases - humans Teutonic languages 430
Testing Tl-028 7 T6---3
chemistry 542.3 Teutonic literatures 830
education 371.26 Tevul Yom 296.1236
Tl--076 Tewa Indians T5-974 94
teacher-prepared tests 371.271 Tewa language 497.494
physics 530.8 T6-974 94
Testing devices Tewa literature 897.494
electronics 621.381 548 Tewkesbury (England :
manufacturing technology 681.2 Borough) T2-42412
radio engineering 621.384 133 Texada Island (B.C.) T2-711 31
Tests Tl-028 7 Texas 976.4
education 371.26 T2-764
Tl-076 Texas, East T2-764 14
teacher-prepared tests 371.271 Texas County (Mo.) T2-778 84
see Manual at 371.262 vs. Texas County (Okla.) T2-766 135
371.264 Texas Panhandle (Tex.) T2-764 8
personnel selection 658.311 25 Texas Republic 976.404
public administration 352.65 Texoma, Lake (Okla. and
Testudines 597.92 Tex.) T2-766 61
paleozoology 567.92 Text editors (Computer
Testudinidae 597.924 programs) 005.52
Testudinoidea 597.92 programming aids 005.13
Tetanus Text encoding 005.72
incidence 614.512 8 Text processing 005.52
medicine 616.931 8 Textbook bias 371.32
see also Communicable public control 379.156
diseases - humans Textbooks 371.32
Tete (Mozambique : bibliographies 011.7
Province) T2-679 5 law 344.077
Tetela languages 496.396 public control 379.156
T6-963 96 teaching use 371.32
Teton County (Idaho) T2-79654 Textile arts 746
Teton County (Mont.) T2--786 55 Textile chemicals 677.028 35
Teton County (Wyo.) T2-787 55 Textile handicrafters 746.092
Teton Indians T5-975 244 Textile handicrafts 746
Teton language 497.524 4 Textile industry 338.476 77
T6-975 244 law 343.078 677
Teton Range (Wyo. and Textile plants (Living organisms) 677
Idaho) T2-787 55 see Manual at 583-585 vs. 600
Tetouan (Morocco : Textile printing 667.38
Province) T2-642 Textile workers 677.009 2
Tetrahedritc Textiles 677
mineralogy 549.35 equipment manufacturing
Tetrao 598.634 technology 681.767 7
Tctraodontiformes 597.64 field crops 633.5
Tetraonidae 598.63 handicrafts 746

Dewey Decimal Classification

Textiles (continued) Thallium (continued)

home sewing 646.11 physical metallurgy 669.967 9
manufacturing technology 677 see also Chemicals
materials science 620.197 Thallobionta 579
product safety 363.19 ThaUophyta 579
sculpture material 731.2 Thames, River (England) T2-422
ship design 623.818 97 Thames Coromandel
shipbuilding 623.820 7 District (N.Z.) T2-933 23
Texts (Music) 780 Thamesdown (England) T2-423 13
treatises 780.268 Thanet (England) T2-422 357
Textual criticism Thanh H6a (Vietnam :
literature 809 Province) T2-597 4
specific literatures T3B-09 Thanksgiving 394.264 9
theory 801.959 cooking 641.568
sacred books 208.2 handicrafts 745.594 164 9
Bible 220.404 6 Thao (Taiwan people) T5-992 5
Talmud 296.120 4 Thar Desert (India and
Texture Pakistan) T2-544
materials science 620.11292 Thasos Island (Greece) T2-495 7
Texture (Music) 781.28 ancient T2--3911
Thaba Nchu (South Africa : Thatch grasses 584.92
District) T2-685 5 Thayer County (Neb.) T2-782 335
Thabamoopo (South Africa : The Pas (Man.) T2-712 72
District) T2-682 55 The Weald (England) T2-422 5
Thabazimbi (South Africa : Theales 583.624
District) T2-682 51 Theater 792
Thai T5-959 11 accounting 657.84
Thai Binh (Vietnam : influence on crime 364.254
Province) T2-597 3 instructional use 371.399
Thai language 495.91 performing arts 792
T6-95911 primary education 372.66
Thai literature 895.91 religious significance 203.7
Thai Nguyen (Vietnam : Christianity 246.72
Province) T2-597 l religious education 268.67
Thailand 959.3 see also Arts religious
T2-593 significance
Thailand, Gulf of 551.461472 sociology 306.484 8
T2-16472 Theater etiquette 395.53
Thai (Switzerland : Bezirk) T2-494 353 7 Theater-in-the-round 792.022 8
Thal-Giiu (Switzerland) T2-494353 Theater television 384.556
Thalamus see also Television
human anatomy 611.81 Theaters (Buildings)
human physiology 612.826 2 architecture 725.822
medicine 616.8 area planning 711.558
Thalassemia institutional housekeeping 647.968 22
medicine 616.152 music 781.538
see also Cardiovascular Theatines 255.51
diseases - humans church history 271.51
Thaliacea 596.2 Theatrical costumes 792.026
Thallium 669.79 dramatic perfom1ances 792.026
chemical engineering 661.067 8 home sewing 646.478
chemistry 546.678 see also Costumes
metallurgy 669.79 Theatrical dancing 792.78
Theatrical performers 792.028 092

Relative Index

Theban supremacy 938.06 Theodicy (continued)

Thebes (Egypt : Extinct Islam 297.211 8
city) T2~323 Judaism 296.311 8
Thebes (Greece) T2--384 philosophy of religion 214
Thecodontia 567.91 Theodore I, Czar of Russia
Thecosomata 594.34 Russian history 947.044
Theft 364.162 Theodore II, Negus of Ethiopia
law 345.026 2 Eritrean history 963.504 I
prevention Ethiopian history 963.041
household security 643.16 Theodore III, Czar of Russia
management 658.473 Russian history 947.049
museology 069.54 Theologians 202.092
Tl-075 Christian 230.092
Theft insurance 368.82 see Manual at 230--280
Theism 211.3 Theological anthropology 202.2
Christianity 231 see also Humans religion
comparative religion 202.11 Theological seminaries
Islam 297.211 Christianity 230.071 I
Judaism 296.311 Theology 202
philosophy of religion 211.3 Buddhism 294.342
Theistic religions 201.4 Christianity 230
Thelephoraceae 579.6 Hinduism 294.52
Theligonales 583.5 Islam 297.2
Thelon Game Sanctuary Sufi 297.41
(N.W.T. and Nunavut) T2~719 3 Judaism 296.3
Thelon River (N.W.T. and Theophanies
Nunavut) T2-719 58 Christianity 231.74
Thematic apperception tests 155.284 4 Theophrastaceae 583.675
Thematic catalogs 780.216 Theoretical biochemistry 57233
Theme and variations 781.825 humans 612.015 82
instrumental 784.1825 Theoretical chemistry 541.2
Theme parks 791.068 see Manual at 541 vs. 546
see also Amusement parks Theoretical organic chemistry 54 7.12
Themes Theory Tl--01
arts 700.42-.49 see Manual at Tl---() 1
T3C~3 Theosis
literature 808.803 Christian doctrine 234.8
history and criticism 809.933 Theosophists
specific literatures T3B--080 3 biography 299.934 092
history and Theosophy 299.934
criticism T3B---093 Theotokos 232.91
see Manual at Thera Island (Greece) T2-495 85
T3B-102-107, ancient T2~391 5
T3B~205, T3B--308 vs. Therapeutic manipulations
T3C~l, T3C-3 medicine 615.82
musical element 781.248 Therapeutic services 362.178
Theocracy 321.5 see also Health services
political ideology 320.55 Therapeutic spells and charms 133.446
political system 321.5 Therapeutic systems 615.53
religion 201.721 see Manual at 615.53
Christianity 261.73 Therapeutic touch
Theodicy 202.118 medicine 615.852
Christianity 231.8
comparative religion 202.118

Dewey Decimal Classification

Therapeutics 615.5 Thermochemistry 541.36

adolescent medicine 615.508 35 biochemistry 572.436
pediatrics 615.542 chemical engineering 660.296
veterinary medicine 636.089 55 Thermoeoupl es 536.52
see Manual at 613 vs. 612, Thermodynamics 536.7
615.8; also at615.8 biochemistry 572.436
Therapists 615.509 2 chemical engineering 660.296 9
Therapsida 567.93 chemistry 541.369
Therapy 615.5 engineering 621.402 1
see Manual at 617 meteorology 551.522
Theravada Buddhism 294.391 physics 536.7
Theremins 786.73 Thermoelectric generation 621.312 43
see also Electrophones Thermoelectricity 537.65
Therese-De Blainville Thermography
(Quebec) T2-714 248 medicine 616.075 4
Therevidae 595.773 Thermogravimetry 543.26
Thermal analysis 543.26 Thermoluminescence 535.356
Thermal capacity 536.6 Thermometry 536.502 87
Thermal conductivity 536.201 2 Thermonuclear reaction 539.764
Thermal convective storms 551.554 Thermonuclear reactors 621.484
Thermal cracking Thermopenetration
petroleum 665.533 therapeutics 615.832 3
Thermal diffusivity 536.2014 Thermoplastic elastomers 678
Thermal dissociation 541.364 Thermoplastic plastics 668.423
chemical engineering 660.296 4 Thermosbaenacea 595.373
Thermal effects of electricity 537.624 Thermosetting plastics 668.422
Thermal engineering 621.402 Thermostats
Thermal expansion 536.41 air conditioning buildings 697.932 2
Thermal forces heating buildings 697.07
materials science 620.112 1 Thermotherapy
Thermal insulation 693.832 medicine 615.832
Thermal ocean power conversion 333.914 Theropoda 567.912
Thermal perception 152.182 2 Thesauri (Controlled
Thermal pollution 363.739 4 vocabularies) 025.47
effect on natural ecology 577.627 26 Thesauri (Synonym dictionaries) 413.1
social welfare 363.739 4 specific languages T4-312
water supply engineering 628.168 31 specific subjects Tl-03
see also Pollution Theses (Academic) 378.242
Thermal properties bibliographies 011.75
materials science 620.112 96 rhetoric 808.066 378
Thermal waters 333.88 specific places 015
economics 333.88 Thesprotia (Greece) T2-495 3
geophysics 551.23 Thessalia (Greece) T2-495 4
Thermal weapons 623.446 Thessalonians (Biblical books) 227.81
Thermionic converters 621.312 43 Thessalonike (Greece:
Thermistors 621.381 548 Nome) T2-495 65
Thermit welding 671.529 Thessaly (Greece) T2-495 4
Thermobiology 572.436 ancient T2-382
biochemistry 572.436 Theta function 515.984
body temperature 571.76 Theunissen (South Africa :
humans 612.014 46 District) T2-685 3
Thermobiophysics 571.46 Thiazoles 547.594
humans 612.014 46 Thierstein (Switzerland) T2-494 355 3
Thies (Senegal: Region) T2-663

Relative Index

Thigh muscles Third World (Developing

human anatomy 611.738 regions) T2-1724
Thighs 612.98 Third World (Unaligned
physiology 612.98 blocs) T2-171 6
regional medicine 617.582 Thirst
surgery 617.582 human physiology 612.391
see also Lower extremities psycholugy 152.188 6
Thimbles Thirteen Articles of Faith
home sewing 646.19 (Judaism) 296.3
Thin-film circuits 621.381 5 Thitieenth century 909.2
Thin-film memory 004.53 Tl-090 22
engineering 621.397 32 Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648 940.24
Thin-film technology 621.381 52 Thistles 583.99
Thin films 530.427 5 Thlaping Tlaro (South
liquid-state physics 530.427 5 Africa : District) T2- 682 46
solid-state physics 530.417 5 Thohoyandou (South
Thin-layer chromatography 543.84 Africa : District) T2-682 57
Things (Law) 346.04 Thomas County (Ga.) T2-758 984
Things (Philosophy) Ill Thomas County (Kan.) T2-781132
Thinking 153.42 Thomas County (Neb.) T2-782 774
human physiology 612.823 342 Thomist philosophy 189.4
psychology 153.42 modern 149.91
Thinners Thompson (Man.) T2-712 71
paint technology 667.624 Thompson, John S. D. (John
Thio acids 547.064 Sparrow David), Sir
chemical engineering 661.896 Canadian history 971.055
Thioalcohols Thompson-Nicola (B.C.) T2-711 72
chemical engineering 661.896 Thompson River (B.C.) T2·--711 72
Thioaldehydes 547.065 Thonga (African people) T5-963 97
chemical engineering 661.896 Thonga 496.397
Thiocthers 547.061 T6--963 97
chemical engineering 661.896 Thoracic surgery 617.540 59
Thioketones 547.065 Thoracica 595.35
chemical engineering 661.896 Thorax 573.996
Thiophenes 547.594 biology 573.996
Thiqat (Hadith) 297.125 262 human anatomy 611.94
Third-class mail 383.124 human physiology 612.94
see also Postal service regional medicine 617.54
Third Crusade, 1189-1192 956.014 surgery 617.540 59
Third International 324.175 Thorium 669.292 2
Third Order Regular of St. chemistry 546.422
Francis 255.38 economic geology 553.493
church history 271.38 metallurgy 669.292 2
women 255.973 see also Chemicals; Metals
church history 271.973 Thorndike, Edward L. (Edward
Third orders Lee)
religious orders 255.094 psychological system 150.1944
church history 271.094 Thoms 581.47
women 255.909 4 descriptive botany 581.47
church history 271.909 4 physiology 575.457
Third parties (Law) 346.022 Thorough bass 781.47
Third Reich 943.086 Thoroughbred horse 636.132
Third Republic (France) 944.081 Thothmes III, King of Egypt
Third stream jazz 781.681 75 Egyptian history 932.014

Dewey Decimal Classification

Thought 153.42 Thrips 595.758

philosophy 128.3 Throat
psychology 153.42 human anatomy 611.32
Thousand Islands (N.Y. and human physiology 612.31
Ont.) T2-747 58 medicine 616.31
New York T2-747 58 medicine 617.531
Ontario T2-713 7 617.531 059
Thrace T2--495 7
ancient T2-398 61 medicine 616.31
Bulgaria T2--499 5 see also Digestive system
Greece T2--495 7 diseases humans
Thrace, Eastern (Turkey) 949.61 Throckmorton County
T2--496 1 (Tex.) T2-764 735
ancient 939.861 Thrombin
T2-398 61 human physiology 612.115
Thracian language 491.993 Thrombocytes 573.159
T6-919 93 human histology 612.117
Thraco-Phrygian languages 491.993 see also Cardiovascular system
T6-91993 Thromboembolisms
Thrashers (Birds) 598.844 arteries
Thraupidae 598.875 medicine 616.135
Thread 677.028 62 see also Cardiovascular
home sewing 646.19 diseases humans
manufacturing technology 677.028 62 veins
Threatened species 333.952 2 medicine 616.145
see also entries beginning with see also Cardiovascular
Rare diseases - humans
Threats Thrombophlebitis
international relations 327.117 medicine 616.142
social control 303.36 see also Cardiovascular
mvv-u·'" event (Horsemanship) 798.242 diseases humans
Three-dimensional chess 794.18 Thromboses
Three-dimensional graphics arteries
computer graphics 006.693 medicine 616.135
Three-quarter play see also Cardiovascular
rugby 796.333 25 diseases humans
Three Rivers (England) T2--425 88 lungs
Three-wheel vehicles medicine 616.249
engineering 629.220 4 see also Respiratory tract
Three wise men (Christian diseases humans
doctrines) 232.923 medicine 616.135
Thresholds (Psychology) 152.1 see also Cardiovascular
quantitative studies 152.82 diseases humans
Threskiornithidae 598.34 veins
Thrift industry 332.32 medicine 616.145
law 346.082 32 see also Cardiovascular
public administration 354.86 diseases humans
Thrift institutions 332.32 Throttles
law 346.082 32 automotive 629.258
public administration 354.86 Throughways 388.122
Thrift shops 381.19 see also Roads
Thrifts (Plants) 635.933 5 Thrushes 598.842
botany 583.5 Thrust (Aeronautics) 629.132 33
floriculture 635.933 5 Th1ra Thien-Hu~ (Vietnam) T2-597 4


Relative Index

Thulium Thyroid gland (continued)

chemistry 546.418 surgery 617.539
Thumb pianos 786.85 see also Endocrine system
see also Percussion instruments Thysanolaeneae 584.9
Thun, Lake of(Switzerland) T2--494 541 5 Thysanoptera 595.758
Thunder Bay (Ont. : Thysanura 595.723
District) TI-713 12 Tianjin (China) TI-51154
Thunderstorms 551.554 Tiaras 391.7
social services 363.349 24 customs 391.7
Thuner See (Switzerland) T2 494 541 5 making 739.278
Thunnus 597.783 costume jewelry 688.2
Thur River (Switzerland) T2--494 59 handicrafts 745.594 2
Thurgau (Switzerland) T2--494 59 fine jewelry 739.278
Thfuingen (Germany) TI--432 2 Tiaret (Algeria : Province) T2-651
Thuringia (Germany) T2--432 2 Tibet (China) T2-515
Thuringian Forest T2--432 26 Tibet Autonomous Region
Thurniaceae 584.82 (China) T2-515
Thurrock (England) TI-426 78 Tibetan Buddhism 294.392 3
Thurston County (Neb.) TI-782 227 Tibetan language 495.4
Thurston County (Wash.) T2-797 79 T6-9541
Thutmose III, King of Egypt Tibetan literature 895.4
Egyptian history 932.014 Tibetan spaniel 636.72
Thylacine 599.27 Tibetan terrier 636.72
Thymallus 597.559 Tibetans T5-9541
Th)111C 641.357 Tibeto-Burman languages 495.4
botany 583.96 T6-954
see also Herbs Tibeto-Burman literatures 895.4
Thymelaeales 583.67 Tibeto-Burman peoples T5-954
Thymus-derived lymphocytes 571.966 Tibias
humans 616.079 7 human anatomy 611.718
Thymus gland Ticino (Switzerland) T2--494 78
human anatomy 611.43 Ticino League (Swiss political
human physiology 612.43 party) 324.249 408 4
medicine 616.43 Ticinum (Italy) T2-372 29
surgery 617.546 Tick-borne rickettsia infections
Thymus gland diseases incidence 614.526 3
medicine 616.43 medicine 616.922 3
see also Endocrine see also Communicable
diseases humans diseases humans
Thyristors 621.381 528 7 Ticker tapes
Thyroid cancer investment analysis 332.632 042
incidence 614.599 944 4 Ticks 595.429
medicine 616.994 44 disease carriers 571.986
see also Cancer humans medicine 614.433
Thyroid diseases Tidal currents 551.464
medicine 616.44 Tidal flats 551.457
see also Endocrine biology 578.769 9
diseases - humans ecology 577.699
Thyroid gland 573.47 see also Coasts
biology 573.47 Tidal power plants 621.312 134
human anatomy 611.44 Tidal waves 551.463 7
human physiology 612.44 Tide marshes
medicine 616.44 biology 578.769
ecology 577.69

Dewey Decimal Classification

Tide pools Tigua Indians T5-974 96

biology 578.769 9 Tigua language 497.496
ecology 577.699 T6-97496
Tide tables TijanTyah 297.48
navigation aids 623.894 9 Tikar (African people) T5-963 6
Tidelands (Shorelands) 551.457 Tikar language 496.36
see also Coasts T6-963 6
Tidelands (Wetlands) 551.41 Tilapias 641.392
see also Wetlands cooking 641.692
Tides 551.464 culture 639.377 4
Tidewater (Va.: Region) T2--755 1 food 641.392
Tie-dyeing zoology 597.74
textile arts 746.664 Tile drains 666.733
Tie plates 625.143 Tile furniture 645.4
Tiof\n Giang (Vietnam) T2-597 8 manufacturing technology 684.106
Tien Shan T2-516 see also Furniture
China T2-516 Tile piping 666.733
Kyrgyzstan T2-584 3 Tiles
Tientos 784.187 6 architectural construction 721.044 3
Tientsin (China) T2-511 54 building constmction 693.3
Tierra del Fuego building materials 691.4
(Argentina) T2-8276 ceramic arts 738.6
Tierra del Fuego (Argentina floor coverings
and Chile) T2-827 6 building construction 698.9
Tierra del Fuego (Chile) T2-83646 materials science 620.142
Ties (Neckwear) 391.41 rubber 678.34
see also Accessories (Clothing) stmctural engineering 624.183 6
Ties (Railroad) 625.143 Tiliaceae 583.68
Tift County (Ga.) T2-758 882 Tilings (Mathematics) 516.132
Tiger 599.756 Euclidean geometry 516.213 2
big game hunting 799.277 56 Till (Geologic landforms) 551.315
conservation technology 639.979 756 Till (Geologic material) 551.314
resource economics 333.959 756 Tillage 631.51
Tiger beetles 595.762 Tillamook County (Or.) T2-79544
Tiger fishes (Characidae) 597.48 Tillman County (Okla.) T2--76646
Tiger shark 597.34 Tillodontia 569.31
Tigerfishes (Characidae) 597.48 Timaliidae 598.834
Tigerflowers Timaru District (N.Z.) T2-938 7
botany 584.38 Timber 338.174 98
Tightrope walking agricultural economics 338.174 98
circuses 791.34 building material 691.1
sports 796.46 resource economics 333.751 1
Tigray kelel (Ethiopia) T2-634 see Manual at 583-585 vs. 600
Tigre (African people) T5-928 Timber resources 333.751 1
Tigre language 492.82 see also Forest lands
T6-9282 Timber truss bridges
Tigre literature 892.82 construction 624.218
Tigrigna language T6-928 3 Timber wolf 599.773
Tigrigna literature 892.83 Timbre (Sound)
Tigrinya (African people) T5-928 musical element 781.234
Tigrinya language 492.83 Timbre perception
T6-928 3 psychology 152.157
Tigrinya literature 892.83
Tigris River T2-567 4

Relative Index

Time Times
arts 701.8 arts T3C~33
T3C~384 folklore 398.236
drawing 741.018 history and criticism 398.33
chronology 529 literature 808.803 3
literature 808.803 84 history and criticism 809.933 3
history and criticism 809.933 84 specific literatures T3B--D80 33
specific literatures T3B~080 384 history and
history and criticism T3B--D93 3
criticism T3B~093 84 music 781.52
philosophy 115 religious observance 203.6
sociology 304.237 Christianity 263
Time (Music) 781.22 Islam 297.36
Time and date recorders Judaism 296.43
technology 68l.ll8 Times Roman type 686.224 7
Time clocks Timesaving cooking 641.555
technology 68l.l18 Timework 331.216 2
Time deposits 332.175 2 personnel management 658.322 2
Time estimates Timi~ (Romania) T2--498 4
building construction 692.5 Timiskaming (Ont.) T2~713 144
commercial T1~029 Timor Island (Indonesia) T2~598 68
Time-invariant systems 003.8 Timor Sea 551.461 574
Time-lapse cinematography 777.6 T2~165 74
Time-lapse videography 777.6 Timor Tengah (Indonesia) T2~598 68
Time management 650.11 TimorTimur 959.87
business 650.11 T2~598 7
executives 658.409 3 Timothy (Biblical books) 227.83
home economics 640.43 Timothy (Grass) 633.24
Time of day botany 584.9
influence on crime 364.22 crop 633.24
Time ofTroubles, 1605-1613 947.045 Timpani 786.93
Time payments (Wages) 331.2162 see also Percussion instruments
personnel management 658.322 2 Timur
Time perception 153.753 Asian history 950.24
Time series 519.232 Tin 669.6
Time-series analysis 519.55 architectural construction 721.044 76
Time-sharing (Computers) 005.434 building construction 693.76
computer hardware 004.3 building material 691.86
systems programs 005.434 chemical engineering 661.068 6
Time-sharing (Real estate) 333.323 4 chemistry 546.686
economics 333.323 4 decorative arts 739.532
law 346.043 3 economic geology 553.453
Time studies materials seienee 620.185
production management 658.542 1 metallography 669.956
Time systems 389.17 metallurgy 669.6
Time-varying systems 003.8 metalworking 673.6
Time wage rate 331.216 2 mining 622.345 3
personnel management 658.322 2 physical metallurgy 669.966
Time zones 389.17 see also Chemicals; Metals
Timepieces Tin soldiers
technology 681.11 handicrafts 745.592 82
Tinamiformes 598.55
paleozoology 568.5
Tinamous 598.55

Dewey Decimal Classification

Tindouf(Algeria: Province) T2-657 Tissue gratling

Tinea surgery 617.954
medicine 616.579 Tissue morphology 571.533
Tineoidea 595.78 humans 611.018
Tinian (Northern Mariana Tissue paper 676.284 2
Islands) T2-967 handicrafts 745.54
Tinne Indians T5-972 Tissue regeneration 571.889 35
Tinned foods humans 611.018
cooking 641.612 Tissue respiration 572.47
product safety 363.192 9 human physiology 612.26
see also Food- product see also Respiratory system
safety Tissues 571.5
Tinos Island (Greece) T2--495 85 humans 611.018
Tinsel Titanium 669.732 2
textiles 677.76 chemical engineering 661.051 2
see also Textiles chemistry 546.512
Tintype process 772.14 economic geology 553.462 3
Tioga County (N.Y.) T2-747 77 materials science 620.189 322
Tioga County (Pa.) T2-748 56 metallography 669.957 322
Tipaza (Algeria: Province) T2-653 metallurgy 669.732 2
Tipitaka 294.382 metalworking 673.732 2
Tippah County (Miss.) T2-762 923 physical metallurgy 669.967 322
Tippecanoe County (Ind.) T2-772 95 see also Chemicals; Metals
Tipperary (Ireland: County) T2--419 2 Titanium group
Tipping chemical engineering 661.051
economics 331.2166 chemistry 546.51
etiquette 395.5 Tithes
Tipton County (Ind.) T2-772 555 Christian practice 248.6
Tipton County (Tenn.) T2-768 17 local church fund raising 254.8
Tipulidae 595.772 Titicaca Lake (Peru and
Tires 678.32 Bolivia) T2-8412
automotive engineering 629.248 2 Bolivia T2-8412
Tirrnidhi, Mul)ammad ibn 'Isa Peru T2-853 6
Hadith 297.125 43 Title (Property) 346.043 8
Tirol (Austria) T2--436 42 law 346.043 8
Tiryns (Extinct city) T2-388 public administration 354.34
Tishah b'Av 296.439 Title examinations 346.043 8
liturgy 296.453 9 Title insurance 368.88
Tishomingo County (Miss.) T2-762 995 law 346.086 88
Tissemsilt (Algeria : Title manipulation
Province) T2---651 subject cataloging 025.486
Tissue anatomy 571.533 Title searching 346.043 8
humans 611.018 Titles of honor
Tissue banks 362.178 3 genealogy 929.7
see also Health services Titling
Tissue biology 571.5 cinematography 777.55
humans 611.018 technical drawing 604.243
Tissue culture 571.538 videography 777.55
experimental research Titmice 598.824
medicine 616.027 Tito, Josip Broz
humans 612.028 Yugoslavian history 949.702 3
Tissue degeneration 571.935 Titoism 335.434 4
Tissue differentiation 571.835 economics 335.434 4
political ideology 320.532 309 497

Relative Index

Titration 543.24 Tobacco (continued)

Titus (Biblical book) 227.85 smuggling 364.1336
Titus County (Tex.) T2-764215 law 345.023 36
TiumenskaTa oblast' Tobacco abuse 362.296
(Russia) T2-573 effect on fetus
Tiv (African people) T5-963 6 perinatal medicine 618.326 86
Tiv language 496.36 medicine 616.865
T6-963 6 personal health 613.85
Tivi (African people) T5-963 6 pregnancy complications
Tivi language 496.36 obstetrics 618.368 6
T6-963 6 social welfare 362.296
Tiwa Indians T5-974 96 see also Substance abuse
Tiwa language 497.496 Tobacco industry 338.173 71
T6-974 96 agricultural economics 338.173 71
Tiwi mue;u"!>" (Melville Island) 499.15 law 343.076 371
T~9915 manufacturing 338.476 797
Tizi Ouzou (Algeria : Tobacco industry workers 679.709 2
Province) T2-653 Tobacco smuggling 364.133 6
Tiznit (Morocco: Province) T2-6466 law 345.023 36
Tlaxcala (Mexico: State) T2-7247 Tobacco substitutes 688.4
Tlemcen (Algeria : Tobago 972.983
Province) T2-651 T2-72983
Tiingit Indians T5-972 7 Tobias (Deuterocanonical book) 229.22
Tlingit language 497.27 Tobit (Deuterocanonical book) 229.22
T6-972 7 Tobogganing 796.95
TMJ dysfunction Tobote language 496.35
regional medicine 617.522 T~963 5
TNT (Explosive) 662.27 Tocantins (Brazil) T2-811 7
military en!~in•~erin 623.452 7 Toccatas 784.18947
Toadfishes 597.62 Tocharian language 491.994
Toads 597.87 T~91994

Toadstools 579.6 Tocharish language 491.994

Toamasina (Madagascar : T~91994

Province) T2-691 Tochigi-ken (Japan) T2-521 32

Toasting 394.12 Tocopilla (Chile: Province) T2-831 32
Toasts 394.12 Toda (Dravidians) T5-948 1
customs 394.12 Todalanguage 494.81
literature 808.851 T6-948 1
history and criticism 809.51 Toda literature 894.81
specific literatures T3B-501 Today's English Bible 220.520 82
individual authors T3A-5 Todd County (Ky.) T2-769 77
rhetoric 808.512 Todd County (Minn.) T2-776 88
Toba Batak T5-992 246 2 Todd County (S.D.) T2-783 62
Toba Batak language 499.224 62 Tofu 641.356 55
T~9922462 commercial processing 664.805 655
Toba Batak literature 899.224 62 cooking 641.656 55
Tobacco food 641.356 55
agriculture 633.71 Togaviridae 579.256 2
botany 583.952 Toggenburg (Switzerland) T2--494 726
customs 394.14 Togo 966.81
ethics 178.7 T2-668 1
see also Ethical problems
human toxicology 615.952 395 2
manufacturing technology 679.7

Dewey Decimal Class!fication

Togo land 966.810 2 Toleration 179.9

T2-668 1 moral theology 205.699
Ghana TI---667 social theology 201.723
Togo TI---668 1 Christianity 261.72
Togolese T5-966 81 see also Politics and
Tohoku Region (Japan) T2-521 1 religion· ·····social
Tohono O'Odham Indians T5-974552 theology
Tohono O'Odham language 497.455 2 ·see also Virtues
T6-974 552 Toliara (Madagascar :
Tohono O'Odham literature 897.455 2 Province) T2-691
Tohorot (Order or tractate) 296.1236 Tolima (Colombia: Dept.) T2-861 36
Babylonian Talmud 296.125 6 Tolland County (Conn.) T2-74643
Mishnah 296.123 6 Tolls
Palestinian Talmud 296.124 6 roads 388.114
Toilet paper 676.284 2 transportation services 388.049
Toilet training 649.62 Tollways 388.122
Toilets see also Roads
construction 690.42 Tolman, Edward Chace
Tojiki language 491.57 psychological system 150.194 34
T6-915 7 Tolna Megye (Hungary) T2--439 7
Tok Pis in 427.995 3 Toltec empire 972.017
1'6-217 T2-72
Toka (African people) T5-963 91 Tom Green County (Tex.) T2-764 721
Toka language 496.391 Tomahawks 623.441
T6-963 91 Tomatoes 641.356 42
Tokamaks 621.484 botany 583.952
Tokat ili (Turkey) T2-565 6 commercial processing 664.805 642
ancient T2-393 37 cooking 641.656 42
Tokelau Islands 996.15 food 641.356 42
T2-961 5 garden crop 635.642
Tokelau language 499.46 Tombigbee River (Miss. and
T6-994 6 Ala.) TI-7612
Tokelauan dialect 499.46 Tombs
T6-9946 architecture 726.8
Tokelauans (New Zealand Tomography
people) T5-9946 medicine 616.075 7
Token coins 332.404 3 Tompkins County (N.Y.) T2-747 71
Tokens Tomsk (Russia: Oblast) T2-573
numismatics 737.3 Tomskala oblasf (Russia) T2-573
Tokharianlanguage 491.994 Tonal systems (Music) 781.26
T6-919 94 Tonality 781.258
Tokugawa period 952.025 Tonbridge and Mailing
Tokushima-ken (Japan) T2-523 4 (England) T2--422 372
Tokyo (Japan) T2-521 35 T0nder amt (Denmark) T2--489 5
Tolecraft 745.723 Tone color
Toledo (Ohio) T2-771 13 musical element 781.234
Toledo (Spain: Province) T2--464 3 perception
Toledo Bend Reservoir (La. psychology 152.157
and Tex.) T2-763 62 Tone River (Japan) T2-5213
Toledo District (Belize) T2-728 24 Tonga 996.12
Toledo Manrique, Alejandro T2-9612
Peruvian history 985.0644 Tonga (Mozambique and
South African people) T5--963 97
Tonga (Zambian people) T5-963 91

Relative Index

Tonga language (Inhambane) 496.397 Tonsillitis

T6-963 97 medicine 616.314
Tonga language (Nyasa) 496.391 see also Digestive system
T6-963 91 diseases - humans
Tonga language (Tonga Islands) 499.482 Tonsils
T6-994 82 human anatomy 611.32
Tonga language (Zambesi) 496.391 human physiology 612.312
T6-963 91 medicine 616.314
Tonga literature (Tonga Islands) 899.482 surgery 617.532
Tongaat (South Africa) T2-684 4 Tonus
Tongaland (South Africa) T2-684 3 muscles
Tongan language 499.482 human physiology 612.741
T6-994 82 skin
Tongan literature 899.482 human physiology 612.791
Tongans T5-994 82 Tooele County (Utah) T2-79243
Tongariro National Park Tool 621.9
(N.Z.) T2-935 2 Tool 621.900 92
Tongic 499.48 Toole County (Mont.) T2-786 12
T6-994 8 Tooling
Tongue 573.357 bookbinding 686.36
biology 573.357 Tools 621.9
human anatomy 611.313 Toombs County (Ga.) T2-758 782
human physiology 612.312 Tooth diseases 573.356 39
tasting 612.87 animals 573.356 39
medicine 616.31 humans
surgery 617.522 cancer 616.994 314
see alw Digestive system dentistry 617.63
Tongue-and-groove products 674.43 incidence 614.599 6
Tongue diseases Tooth extraction 617.66
medicine 616.31 Tooth shells 594.29
see also Digestive system Tooth sockets
diseases humans dentistry 617.632
Tongue twisters 808.882 Tooth tissues
folk literature 398.8 dentistry 617.634
literature 808.882 Toothbrushing 617.601
history and criticism 809.982 Toothed whales 599.5
specific literatures T3B-802 Toothpicks
individual authors T3A--8 wooden 674.88
Tongueless frogs 597.865 Toowoomba (Qld.) T2-943 3
Tonguing (Music) 784.193 4 Top-down programming 005.11
Tongwe languages 496.394 Top games 795.2
T6-963 94 equipment technology 688.752
Tonic sol-fa 780.148 Top management 658.42
Toning solutions public administration 352.285
photography 771.54 Topaz
Tonnage 387.2 mineralogy 549.62
inland water 386.22 Topcoats 391.46
ocean 387.2 customs 391.46
Tonsil diseases home sewing 646.45
medicine 616.314 see also Clothing
see also Digestive system Tope 597.34
diseases --humans Topectomy
surgery 617.481
Topeka (Kan.) T2-78163

Dewey Decimal Classification

Topiary work 715.1 Torino (Italy: Province) T2--451 2

Topic and comment (Grammar) 415 ancient T2-372 22
specific languages T4-5 Tornadoes 551.553
Topical drug administration 615.6 meteorology 551.553
Topminnows 597.66 social services 363.349 23
Topographic surveying 526.98 weather forecasting 551.645 3
Topographical anatomy weather modification 551.685 3
humans 611.9 ~s·ee also Disasters
Topography 910 Tomedalen Finnish 494.54
city planning 711.42 T6--945 4
geographic description 910 Tomedalen Finnish literature 894.54
geomorphology 551.41 Toronto (Ont.) T2-713 541
influence on crime 364.22 Taros Daglar1 (Turkey) T2-564
influence on precipitation 551.577 5 Torpedo boats 359.835 8
mapping 526 design 623.812 58
military engineering 623.71 engineering 623.825 8
ocean floor 551.468 3 naval equipment 359.835 8
Topological algebras 512.55 naval units 359.325 8
Topological K-theory 514.23 Torpedoes (Ammunition) 359.825 17
Topological manifolds 514.34 en gin cering 623.451 7
Topological spaces 514.32 naval equipment 359.825 17
Topological transformation Torpedoes (Fishes) 597.35
groups 514 Torquay (Vic.) T2-945 2
Topological vector spaces 515.73 Torque 531.34
Topology 514 Torrance County (N.M.) T2-78963
Toposes 512.62 Torres Strait (Qid. and Papua 551.461 476
Tops (Clothing) 391.475 New Guinea) T2-164 76
commercial technology 687.115 Torres Strait Islanders T5-991 2
customs 391.475 Torres Strait Islands (Qld.) T2~-943 8
home economics 646.3 Torricelli languages T6-9912
home sewing 646.435 Torrid Zone T2-13
see also Clothing Torrid zone
Tops (Coverings) biology 578.0913
automobile 629.26 ecology 577.091 3
Toradja languages 499.226 geography 910.913
T6-992 26 Torridge (England) T2--423 51
Toradjas TS-992 26 Torrijos Espino, Martin
Torah (Bible) 222.1 Panamanian history 972.870 542
Torah scrolls 296.461 5 Torsion (Mathematics) 516.36
Toraja (Indonesian people) T5-992 26 Torsion (Mechanics)
Toraja languages 499.226 effect on materials 620.112 43
T6-992 26 Tort liability 346.03
Toraja Sa' dan language 499.226 Tortillas 641.815
T6-992 26 Tortoises 597.924
Torbay (England) T2--423 595 conservation technology 639.977 924
Torches 621.323 resource economics 333.957 924
see also Lighting Tortola (V.I.) T2-729 725
Torfaen (Wales) T2--429 97 Tortricoidea 595.78
Tories Torts 346.03
Canadian history 971.024 see Manual at 345.02 vs.
United States history 973.314 346.03
Torino (Italy) T2--45121 Tortuga Island (Haiti) T2-72942
ancient T2-372 221 Torture
war customs 399

Relative Index

Torun (Poland : Tourism 910

Voivodeship) T2--438 26 industry 338.479 I
Tory Party (Great Britain) 324.241 02 recreation 790.18
Toscana (Italy) 945.5 sociology 306.481 9
T2--455 travel 910
ancient T2-375 see also Travel
Tosefta 296.126 2 Tourist exemptions
Total derivatives 515.33 customs duties 382.78
Total differentiation 515.33 see also Customs (Tariff)
Total productive maintenance 658.202 Tourist industry 338.479 I
Total quality management 658.401 3 air service 387.742
production management 658.562 boat service 387.542
Total war 355.o2 bus service 388.322 2
Totalitarian government 321.9 urban 388.413 22
Totalitarianism 320.53 economics 338.479 I
Totem poles law 343.078 91
religious significance 299.713 7 transportation Jaw 343.093 3
sculpture 731.77 public administration 354.73
Totemic kinship 306.83 railroad service 385.22
Totem ism 202.11 sociology 306.481 9
Totonae Indians T5-979 transportation services 388.042
Totonacan languages 497.9 Tourmaline 553.87
T6-979 mineralogy 549.64
Totonicapan (Guatemala: see also Semiprecious stones
Dept.) T2-728 181 Tournaments (Contests)
Tottori-ken (Japan) T2-52193 customs 394.7
Touareg T5-933 Tournaments (Graphs) 511.54
Toucans 598.72 Tours (France) T2445 45
animal husbandry 636.68 Towada Lake (Japan) T2-521 12
Touch 573.875 Towboats 387.232
animal physiology 573.875 design 623.812 32
human physiology 612.88 engineering 623.823 2
psychology 152.182 see also Ships
see also Nervous system Towed boats 387.29
Touch football design 623.812 9
American 796.332 8 engineering 623.829
Canadian 796.335 8 transportation services 387.29
Touch-me-nots 583.79 see also Ships
Touch techniques Toweling
music 784.193 68 arts 746.98
Touchtone devices Towels 643.52
computer science 004.76 arts 746.98
engineering 621.398 6 home economics 643.52
Toulouse (France) T2--447 367 home sewing 646.21
Touracos 598.74 Tower Hamlets (London,
Touraine (France) T2--445 4 England) T2--421 5
Toure, Ahmadou Towers (Structural elements) 721.5
Malian history 966.230 53 architecture 721.5
Toure, Ahmed Sekou Christian church architecture 726.597
Guinean history 966.520 51 construction 690.15
Tourette syndrome Towers (Structures)
medicine 616.83 architecture 725.97
see also Nervous system Towhees 598.883
diseases humans

Dewey Decimal Classification

Town halls Toy soldiers

architecture 725.13 handicrafts 745.592 82
Town planning 307.121 6 Toy theaters 791.5
see also City planning Toyama-ken (Japan) T2-521 53
Towner County (N.D.) T2-784 38 Toys 790.133
Townhouses 643.1 cataloging 025.349 6
architecture 728.312 customs 394.3
see also Dwellings library treatment 025.179 6
Towns 307.76 making 688.72
see also Cities handicrafts 745.592
Towns County (Ga.) T2-758 282 technology 688.72
Townshend Acts, 1767 product safety 363.19
United States history 973.311 2 law 344.042 35
Townsville (Qld.) T2-943 6 recreation 790.133
Toxic chemicals 363.179 1 use in child care 649.55
hazardous materials technology 604.7 Toys (Dogs) 636.76
chemical engineering 660.280 4 TPM (Maintenance management) 658.202
pollution 363.738 4 TQM (Management) 658.401 3
see also Pollution production management 658.562
public safety 363.179 1 Tra Vinh (Vietnam) T2-597 8
see also Hazardous materials Trabzon ili (Turkey) T2-565 8
Toxic drug reactions Trace elements 572.515
pharmacokinetics 615.704 applied nutrition 613.285
Toxic materials 363.179 animal husbandry 636.085 27
see also Hazardous materials biochemistry 572.515
Toxic shock syndrome humans 612.015 24
incidence 614.579 7 metabolism
medicine 616.929 7 human physiology 612.392 4
see also Communicable Trace fossils 560.43
diseases humans Tracer testing
Toxic spills 363.728 7 materials science 620.112 73
see also Waste control Trachea 573.26
Toxic torts 346.038 biology 573.26
Toxic wastes 363.728 7 human anatomy 611.23
technology 628.42 human physiology 612.234
see also Waste control medicine 616.23
Toxicity testing 615.907 surgery 617.533
Toxicologists 615.900 92 see also Respiratory system
Toxicology 571.95 Tracheal diseases
adolescent medicine 615.900 835 medicine 616.23
medicine 615.9 see also Respiratory tract
see Manual at 615.7 vs. diseases - humans
615.9 Trach~itis
pediatrics 615.900 83 medicine 616.23
veterinary medicine 636.089 59 see also Respiratory tract
Toxins diseases - humans
human toxicology 615.95 Trachemys 597.925 9
toxicology 571.957 Tracheophytes 580
Toxoids see also Plants
pharmacology 615.372 Trachichthyidae 597.64
Toy dogs 636.76
Toy instrument orchestras 784.46
Toy makers 688.720 92
Toy Manchester terrier 636.76

Relative Index

Trachoma Trade secrets

incidence 614.599 7 law 346.048
ophthalmology 617.772 management 658.472
see also Eye diseases Trade shows 381.1
humans advertising 659.152
Trachylina 593.55 Trade unions 331.88
Track (Sports) 796.42 see also Labor unions
Track and field 796.42 Trade winds 551.518 3
biography 796.420 92 Trademark infringement 364.166 3
Track and field athletics 796.42 criminal law 345.026 63
Track cycling 796.628 Trademarks 929.95
Track laying 625.144 Tl-027 5
Tracking law 346.048 8
space flight 629.457 products 602.75
unmanned space flight 629.437 public administration 352.749
Tracking hounds 636.753 6 sales promotion 658.827
Tracking systems Traders 381.092
spacecraft 629.474 3 Trading cards
unmanned spacecraft 629.464 3 illustration 741.6
Tracks (Animals) 591.479 Trading stamps
Tracks (Railroad) 385.312 sales promotion 658.82
Tract (Music) 782.323 5 Tradition (Theology)
Traction systems Christianity 231.042
electrical engineering 621.33 Traditional medicine 610
Tractor trailers 388.344 Traditional remedies
engineering 629.224 therapeutics 615.88
see also Trucks Traditionalism
Tractors 629.225 2 philosophy 148
agricultural use 631.372 political ideology 320.52
driving 629.284 52 Trafalgar, Battle of, 1805 940.274 5
engineering 629.225 2 Traffic accidents 363.125
repair 629.287 52 see also Highway safety;
Trade 381 Transportation safety
see also Commerce Traffic circles 388.13
Trade acceptances 332.77 area planning 711.7
exchange medium 332.55 engineering 625.7
law 346.096 transportation services 388.13
Trade advertising 659.131 5 urban 388.411
Trade agreements 382.9 Traffic control 388.041
law 343.087 026 I air transportation 387.740 426
Trade associations 381.06 see also Air traffic control
law 346.064 canal transportation 386.404 204 2
Trade barriers 382.7 inland waterway 386.240 42
Trade bibliographies 015 lake transportation 386.540 42
Trade cards railroad transportation 385.204 2
illustration 741.685 engineering 625.165
Trade catalogs 381.029 river transportation 386.350 42
Tl-029 road transportation 388.312
see Manual at Tl-025 vs. engineering 625.794
Tl-029; also at Tl-074 law 343.094 6
vs. Tl-029 police services 363.233 2
frade fairs 381.1 public administration 354.772 8
frade promotion urban 388.413 12
international banking 332.154 law 343.098 2

Dewey Decimal Classification

Traffic control failures 363.120 l Tragicomedies (Drama)

air transportation 363.124 18 literature 808.825 23
railroad transportation 363.122 1 history and criticism 809.252 3
see also Transportation safety specific literatures T3B-205 23
Traffic engineering (Urban) 388.413 12 individual authors T3A-2
law 343.098 599.63
public administration 354.772 8 Trail (B.C.) T2-7ll 62
Traffic flow (Road) 388.31 Trailer camps 910.468
urban 388.413 I household management 647.942
Traffic noise 363.741 see also Lodging (Temporary
see alw Noise housing)
Traffic patterns Trailer parks 647.92
highways 388.314 3 area planning 711.58
streets 388.413 143 household management 647.92
Traffic regulations 343.094 6 Trailers (Freight) 388.344
urban transportation 343.098 engineering 629.224
Traffic safety 363.125 see also Trucks
see also Highway safety; Trailers (Passenger) 388.346
Transportation safety architecture 728.79
Traffic signals 388.312 2 engineering 629.226
see also Traffic signs pulling 629.284 6
Traffic signs 388.3122 repair 629.287 6
engineering 625.794 travel 910
law 343.094 6 see also Motor homes
transportation services 388.312 2 Traill County (N.D.) T2-78414
urban 388.413 122 Train accidents 363.122
law 343.098 2 see also Railroad safety
Traffic surveys Trainers (Aircraft)
roads 388.314 military engineering 623.746 2
urban 388.413 14 Training
Traffic violations 364.147 armed forces 355.5
law 345.024 7 child care 649.6
Traffic volume employee education 370.113
highways 388.3142 see also Vocational education
streets 388.413 142 Training plants 631.546
Trafficways Training programs
engineering 629.047 personnel management 658.312 404
landscape architecture 713 public administration 352.669
Trafford (England) T242731 public administration 354.968
Tragedies (Drama) 792.12 Training schools (Correctional
literature 808.825 12 institutions) 365.42
history and criticism 809.251 2 see also Penal institutions
specific literatures T3B-205 12 Training teachers Tl-0711
individual authors T3A-2 Trains 385.37
stage presentation 792.12 engineering 625.2
Tragedy sanitation services 363.729 3
arts T3C-162 transportation services 385.37
literature 808.80162 see also Rolling stock
history and criticism 809.916 2 Traits
specific literatures T3B--080 162 individual psychology 155.232
history and Trajectories
criticism T3B-09162 military engineering 623.514
Tragelaphus 599.642 3 Tramp routes 387.523
Trampoline 796.474

Relative Index

Trampolining 796.474 Transcription (Genetics) 572.884 5

'[ramps 305.569 Transcription (Language)
Tl-086942 linguistics 41 1
Trams specific languages T4--ll
engineering 625.66 shorthand notes 653.14
Tramways 388.46 Transcription (Music) 781.37
engineering 625.6 Transduction (Genetics) 571.964 8
public transportation 354.769 Transepts
transportation services 388.46 Christian church architecture 726.592
Trance music 781.648 Transfection 571.964 8
Trance phenomena (Hypnotism) 154.772 Transfer (Law) 346.043 6
Tranquilizer abuse 362.299 Transfer of employees
medicine 616.86 personnel management 658.312 8
personal health 613.8 public administration 352.66
social welfare 362.299 Transfer of learning
see also Substance abuse psychology 153.154
Tranquilizers Transfer painting
pharmacokinetics 615.788 2 pottery 666.45
Trans-Neptunian objects 523.49 arts 738.15
T2-992 9 technology 666.45
Trans-New Guinea languages 499.12 Transfer payments
T6-9912 macroeconomic policy 339.522
Trans-Uranian planets 523.48 Transfer RNA 572.886
Transaction processing systems 005.745 Transfer students 371.291 4
Transaction tax 336.27 higher education 378.169 14
law 343.055 Transfer tax (Inheritance) 336.276
public administration 352.44 law 343.053
public finance 336.27 Transfer tax (Transactions) 336.27
Transactional analysis law 343.055
applied psychology 158.2 public finance 336.27
system 158.9 Transferases 572.792
psychiatry 616.891 45 see also Enzymes
Transborder data flow 384.3 Transfiguration of Jesus Christ 232.956
computer communications Transfinite numbers 511.322
services 384.3 Transformation (Genetics) 571.964 8
law 344.09 Transformation of energy 531.68
Transcarpathia (Ukraine : Transformational grammar 415.018 2
Oblast) T2-477 9 specific languages T4--501 82
Transcaucasus 947.5 Transformations (Mathematics) 511.326
T2--475 geometry 516.1
Transcendence of God 212.7 mathematicallogic 511.326
see also Attributes of God Transformer substations 621.312 6
Transcendental functions 515.22 Transformers (Electrical
Transcendental meditation 158.125 equipment) 621.314
system 158.9 Transforms 515.723
Transcendental numbers 512.73 Transgender people 306.768
Transcendentalism Tl-086 7
arts T3C-384 labor economics 331.5
literature 808.803 84 psychology 155.33
history and criticism 809.933 84 social welfare 362.897
specific literatures T3B-080 384 Transgender young people
history and social services 362.785
criticism T3B-093 84 Transgenderisrn 306.768
philosophy 141.3

Dewey Decimal Classification

Transgenderist young people Transmission devices

social services 362.785 automotive engineering 629.244
Transgenderists 306.768 Transmission facilities
T1~086 7 communications engineering 621.382 3
psychology 155.33 Transmission media
social welfare 362.897 computer communications 004.64
Transgenic mammals engineering 621.398 1
experimental animals Transmission modes
medicine 616.027 3 communications engineering 621.382 16
Transient magnetism computer communications 004.66
(Geomagnetism) 538.74 engineering 621.398 1
Transients (Electricity) 621.319 21 Transmission of light 535.3
Transistors 621.381 528 Transmission of sound 534.2
television engineering 621.388 32 Transmitters
Transit insurance 368.2 radio engineering 621.384 131
Transit police 363.287 television engineering 621.388 31
Transit tax 382.7 Transmitting electricity 621.319
public finance 336.263 Transmitting heat
see also Customs (Tariff) engineering 621.402 2
Transition metals Transmitting steam 621.185
chemical engineering 661.06 Transnational Radical Party
chemistry 546.6 (Italy) 324.245 06
Transitional flow 532.052 6 Transoceanic flights
gas mechanics 533.216 engineering 629.130 9162
liquid mechanics 532.516 Transonic flow 533.274
Transits 523.99 air mechanics 533.62
Mercury 523.91 aeronautics 629.132 304
Venus 523.92 Transpadane Gaul T2~372 2
Transkei (South Africa) T2~687 58 Transparencies (Photographs) 779
Translating processing 771.4
linguistics 418.02 see Manual at 779 vs. 770.92
specific languages T4~802 Transpersonalpsychology 150.198 7
specific subjects 418.03 Transpiration 575.8
specific languages T4~803 meteorology 551.572
Translation (Genetics) 572.645 Transplanting (Plant propagation) 631.536
Translation (Linguistics) 418.02 Transplants (Medical) 362.197 95
specific languages T4~802 see also Organ transplants
specific subjects 418.03 Transport aircraft
specific languages T4~803 military engineering 623.746 5
Translations Transport phenomena 530.475
bibliographies 011.7 chemical engineering 660.284 2
Translator stations 384.554 see also Mass transfer
see also Television Transport proteins 572.696
Translators (Computer science) Transport theory (Statistical
microprogramming languages 005.18 mechanics) 530.138
programming languages 005.45 Transport workers 388.092
Translators (Interpreters) Transportation 388
specific languages T4-802 092 arts T3C~355 8
Transliteration 411 coal technology 662.624
specific languages T4~11 distribution of goods
Translocation (Genetics) 572.877 management 658.788 2
Transmigration energy economics 333.796 8
occultism 133.901 35 gas technology 665.743
philosophy 129 law 343.093

Relative Index

Transportation (continued) Transposons 572.869

literature 808.803 558 Transsexual adolescents
history and criticism 809.933 558 social services 362.785
military engineering 623.6 Transsexualism 306.768
mining 622.6 psychology 155.33
museology 069.53 Transsexuality 306.768
Tl-075 psychology 155.33
petroleum technology 665.543 Transsexuals 306.768
public administration 354.76 Tl-086 7
safety 363.12 psychology 155.33
see also Transportation safety social welfare 362.897
social etieets 303.483 2 Transuranium elements 546.44
transportation services 388 see also Chemicals
see Manual at 380 Transvaal (Colony) 968.204 9
Transportation (Spiritualism) 133.92 T2-682
Transportation accidents 363.12 Transvaal (South Africa) 968.205
see also Transportation safety T2-682
Transportation advertising 659.134 4 Transverse flutes 788.32
Transportation diseases see also Woodwind instruments
medicine 616.980 2 Transvestism 306.778
see also Environmental Transvestites 306.778
diseases -humans Transylvania (Principality) T2-498 4
Transportation engineering 629.04 Transylvania Colony 976.902
Transportation equipment T2-769
engineering 629.046 Transylvania County (N.C.) T2-756 93
theft of 364.162 862 904 Traore, Moussa
law 345.0262862904 Malian history 966.230 51
Transportation facilities 388.04 Trapaceae 583.76
architecture 725.3 Trapani (Italy: Province) T2-458 24
area platming 711.7 ancient T2-378 24
construction 690.53 Trapeze work
military resources 355.27 circuses 791.34
Transportation for employees sports 796.46
personnel management 658.383 Trappers 639.1092
Transportation injuries Trapping 639.1
medicine 617.102 8 commercial 639.1
Transportation insurance 368.2 sports 799.2
Transportation law 343.093 Trappists 255.125
Transportation liability insurance 368.57 church history 271.125
Transportation police 363.287 Traps
Transportation safety 363.12 military engineering 623.31
fire hazards 363.379 Traps Islands (N.Z.) T2-939 9
see also Fire safety Trapshooters 799.3132092
law 343.093 8 Trapshooting 799.313 2
public administration 353.98 Traralgon (Vic.) T2-945 6
social services 363.12 Tras-os-Montes (Portugal) T2-469 2
see Ivfanual at 900 Tn1s-os-Montes e Alto
Transportation workers 388.092 Douro (Portugal) T2-469 2
Transports (Ships) 359.985 83 Trash (Art style) 709.034 8
design 623.812 64 Trauma centers 362.18
engineering 623.826 4 Traumatic neuroses
naval equipment 359.985 83 medicine 616.852 l
naval units 359.985 3 see also Mental disorders
Transposition (Music) 781.436

Dewey Decimal Classification

Traumatic shock Treasury departments (Public

medicine 617.21 administration) 352.4
Traumatology Treasury notes 332.632 32
medicine 617.1 see also Government securities
Travel 910 Treaties 341.37
arts 700.42 sources of law of nations 341.1
T3C-32 texts 341.026
industry 338.479 I Treaty Establishing a
literature 808.803 2 Constitution for Europe, 2004 341.242 202 65
history and criticism 809.933 2 Treaty Establishing the European
specific literatures T3B-080 32 Community, 1957 341.242 202 65
history and Treaty of Campo F ormio, 1797 945.307
criticism T3B-093 2 Treaty ofNice, 2001 341.242 202 65
meal service 642.3 Treaty ofNoyon, 1516 945.306
natural history 508 Treaty of Paris, 1783
recreation 790.18 United States history 973.317
sociology 306.481 9 Treaty of Verdun, 843 943.021
see Manual at 550 vs. 910; Treaty of Versailles, 1783
also at 900; also at 909, United States history 973.317
930-990 vs. 91 0; also at Treaty of Versailles, 1919
913-919 European history 940.314 1
Travel by bicycle 796.64 Treaty on European Union, 1992 341.242 202 65
Travel cooking 641.575 Treaty powers (Legislative
Travel diseases bodies) 328.346
medicine 616.980 2 Trebizond iii (Turkey) T2-565 8
see also Environmental Treble recorders 788.365
diseases -humans see also Woodwind instruments
Travel facilities 910.46 Treble viols 787.63
see also Lodging (Temporary see also Stringed instruments
housing) Treble voices
Travel guides 910.202 men's 782.86
Travel health 613.68 choral and mixed voices 782.86
Travelers 910.92 single voices 783.86
Traveling displays women's 782.66
transportation advertising 659.134 4 see also Soprano voices
Traveling shows 791.1 Tredegar (Wales) T2--429 95
Traveling-wave tubes 621.381 335 Tree crops 634
Traverse County (Minn.) T2-776 435 Tree frogs 597.878
Traversing (Surveying) 526.33 Tree kangaroos 599.22
Travertine 553.516 Tree lily 584.354
Travis County (Tex.) T2-764 31 Tree of heaven 635.977 377
Trawlers 387.28 botany 583.77
design 623.812 8 ornamental arboriculture 635.977 377
engineering 623.828 2 Tree planting 634.956 5
see also Ships ornamental arboriculture 635.977
Treason 364.131 Tree shrews 599.338
American Revolution 973.381 Tree squirrels 599.362
law 345.023 1 Tree swifts 598.762
Treasure County (Mont.) T2-786 313 Treenware 674.88
Treasure hunting 622.19 Trees 582.16
Treasury bills 332.632 32 art representation 704.943 4
see also Government securities arts T3C-364216
Treasury certificates 332.632 32 drawing 743.76
see also Government securities forestry 634.9

Relative Index

Trees (continued) Trial of Jesus Christ 232.962

landscape architecture 715.2 Trial practice 347.075
literature 808.803 642 16 criminal law 345.075
history and criticism 809.933 642 16 Trial procedure 347.075
specific literatures T3B-~080 364 Trials (Law) 347.07
history and criminal law 345.07
criticism T3B~093 64 Triangles (Geometry) 516.154
ornamental agriculture 635.977 Triangles (Music) 786.884 2
paleobotany 561.16 see also Percussion instruments
religious worship 202.12 Triangulation 526.33
see Manual at 633-635; also at Triassic period 551.762
635.9 vs. 582.1 geology 551.762
Trees (Mathematics) 511.52 paleontology 560.1762
Trefoils 633.32 Triathlon 796.425 7
botany 583.74 Tribal communities 307.772
forage crop 633.32 government 321.1
Trego County (Kan.) T2--781 165 Tribal fighting (Military tactics) 355.425
Treinta y Tres (Uruguay : Tribal groups 305.8
Dept.) T2-895 22 Tribal land
Trellises economics 333.2
plant training 631.546 Triboelectricity 537.21
Trematoda 592.48 Tribology 621.89
Trematode infections Tribulation (Christian doctrine) 236.9
incidence 614.553 Tribunals
medicine 616.963 papal administration 262.136
see also Communicable Tricarboxylic acid cycle 572.475
diseases - humans Triceratops 567.915 8
Tremellales 579.59 Trichechidae 599.55
Trempealeau County (Wis.) T2-775 49 Trichechus 599.55
Trench mouth Trichiales 579.52
medicine 616.312 Trichinosis
see also Digestive system incidence 614.562
diseases humans . medicine 616.965 4
Trench warfare 355.44 see also Communicable
Trenciansky kraj (Slovakia) T2--437 38 diseases humans
Trent, River (England) T2-425 Trichiuridae 597.78
Trentino-Alto Adige (Italy) 945.38 Trichoderma 579.567 7
T2-453 8 Trichomycetes 579.53
ancient T2-373 7 Trichoptera 595.745
Trento (Italy: Province) T2-453 85 Trick cinematography 777.9
ancient T2-373 75 Trick games 793.5
Trenton (N.J.) TI-74966 Trick photography 778.8
Trespass (Law) 346.036 Trick videography 777.9
Treutlen County (Ga.) T2-758 682 Tricks 793.8
Trevino (Spain) T2-466 7 manufacturing technology 688.726
Treviso (Italy) T2-453 61 Tricuspid valve
ancient T2-373 65 human anatomy 611.12
Treviso (Italy :Province) T2--453 6 human physiology 612.17
ancient T2-373 65 medicine 616.125
Triakidae 597.36 Tricuspid valve diseases
Trial-and-error learning medicine 616.125
psychology 153.152 4 see also Cardiovascular
Trial courts 347.02 diseases - humans
criminal law 345.014 2

Dewey Decimal Classification

Tricycles Triple Alliance, War of the,

engineering 629.227 3 1865-1870 989.205
repair 629.287 73 Triple jump 796.432
riding 629.284 73 Triple points 530.474
Trier (Germany) T2-434 313 see also Phase transformations
Trier (Germany : Triplets 306.875
Regierungsbezirk) T2-434 31 psychology 155.444
Trieste (Italy) T2·-453 931 see also Siblings
ancient T2-373 91 Tripods (Cameras) 771.38
Trieste (Italy : Province) T2-453 93 Tripoli (Libya) T2~612
ancient T2-373 9 Tripolis (Libya) 961.2
Trifolium 633.32 T2-612
botany 583.74 ancient 939.74
forage crop 633.32 T2-397 4
Trigg County (Ky.) T2-769 79 Tripolitan War, 1801-1805 973.47
Trigger circuits Tripp County (S.D.) T2-783 61
electronics 621.381 537 Tripura (India) T2-5415
Triggerfishes 597.64 Triremes 387.21
Trigonometric leveling 526.38 design 623.812 1
Trigonometry 516.24 engineering 623.821
Trihydroxy aromatics 547.633 handling 623.882 1
Trikala (Greece: Nome) T2-4954 transportation services 387.21
Trilateration 526.33 see also Ships
Trilliums 584.32 Trisecting an angle 516.204
floriculture 635.934 32 Tristan da Cunha Islands T2-973
Trills 781.247 Tritium 546.213
Trilobita 565.39 see also Chemicals
Trimble County (Ky.) TI-769375 Trituberculata 569.2
Trimmers 621.93 Triumphs
Trimmings customs 394.4
textiles 677.7 Triuridales 584.37
Trinidad 972.983 tRNA 572.886
T2-729 83 Trnavsky kraj (Slovakia) T2-437 32
Trinidad and Tobago 972.983 Troas T2-3921
T2-729 83 Trobriand Islands (Papua
Trinidadians T5-969 729 83 New Guinea) T2-9541
Trinitarians (Religious order) 255.42 Troches
church history 271.42 pharmaceutical chemistry 615.19
Trinity 231.044 Trochili 598.764
art representation 704.948 52 Trochilidae 598.764
arts T3C·-382 310 44 Trochodendrales 583.43
Trinity County (Calif.) T2-794 14 Troglodytidae 598.833
Trinity County (Tex.) T2-764 172 Trogoniformes 598.73
Trinity River (Tex.) TI-76414 paleozoology 568.7
Trinity Sunday 263.94 Trogons 598.73
devotional literature 242.38 Trois-Rivieres (Quebec) T2-714451
music 781.729 4 Trojan horses (Computer
sermons 252.64 security) 005.84
Trionychidae 597.926 Trojan War 939.21
Trios Trolley cars 388.46
chamber music 785.13 Trolleybus transportation 388.413 223
vocal music 783.13 engineering 625.6
Triphenylmethane dyes 667.254 transportation services 388.413 223
Tripi taka 294.382

Relative Index

Trolleybuses 388.34 Tropics T2--13

engineering 625.66 biology 578.091 3
transportation services 388.34 ecology 577.091 3
Trolling (Fishing) 799.128 Troposphere. 551.513
Trolls 398.21 T2--161 2
see also Legendary beings Trotskyism 335.433
Trombones 788.93 economics 335.433
instrument 788.931 9 political ideology 320.532 3
music 788.93 Trotskyist International 324.175
see also Brass instruments Trotters (Horses) 636.175
Trombonists 788.930 92 Troubadour poetry 808.814
Trompsburg (South Africa : history and criticism 809.14
District) T2--685 7 specific literatures T3B--104
Troms fylke (Norway) T2-484 5 individual authors T3A-1
Tr0ndelag (Norway) T2-484 Troubled young people
Troop movements 355.411 social welfare 362.74
Troop support 355.415 Trough zithers 787.72
Troopships 359.985 83 see also Stringed instruments
see also Transports (Ships) Troughs
Tropaeolaceae 583.79 music 786.82
Tropes (Music) 782.297 concussed 786.874
choral and mixed voices 782.529 7 friction 786.864
single voices 783.092 97 set 786.864
Tropic birds 598.43 single 786.888
Tropical animals 591.709 13 percussed 786.844
Tropical biology 578.091 3 set 786.844
Tropical climate 551.691 3 single 786.884 4
health 613.113 see also Percussion
Tropical cooking 641.591 3 instruments
Tropical cyclones 551.552 Troup County (Ga.) T2-758 463
see also Hurricanes Trousdale County (Tenn.) T2-768482
Tropical diseases Trousers 391.476
medicine 616.988 3 see also Pants (Trousers)
see also Environmental Trout 641.392
diseases ···~ humans commercial fishing 639.275 7
Tropical ecology 577.091 3 conservation technology 639.977 57
Tropical forests cooking 641.692
biology 578.730 913 culture 639.375 7
ecology 577.309 13 economics 338.371 375 7
Tropical fruits food 641.392
cooking 641.646 resource economics 333.956 57
food 641.346 sports fishing 799.175 7
orchard crops 634.6 zoology 597.57
fropical grasslands Trout-perches 597.62
biology 578.748 Trover and conversion 346.036
ecology 577.48 Trovoada, Miguel
fropical medicine 616.988 3 Sao Tomean history 967.150 22
rropical plants 581.709 13 Troy (Extinct city) 939.21
floriculture 635.952 3 T2--392 1
rropical rain forests Truancy 371.295
biology 578.734 law 344.079 2
ecology 577.34 Truant officers 371.295
Trucial States T2-535 7

Dewey Decimal C!ass!fication

Truck accidents 363.125 9 Trumpeters (Birds) 598.32

see also Highway safety Trumpeters (Musicians) 788.920 92
Truck cavalry 357.54 Trumpets 788.92
Truck farming 635 instrument 788.921 9
Truck terminals 388.33 music 788.92
transportation services 388.33 see also Brass instruments
urban 388.473 Trunks (Luggage)
Truck transportation 388.324 manufacturing technology 685.51
law 343.094 83 Trirang Son Mountain
public administration 354.765 4 Range (Vietnam) T2-597 4
transportation services 388.324 Truro (N.S.) T2-716 12
urban 388.413 24 Truss bridges
law 343.098 2 construction 624.217
Truckers 388.324 092 Trusses (Structural elements) 624.177 3
Trucks 388.344 naval architecture 623.817 73
agricultural use 631.373 Trust companies 332.26
driving 629.284 4 Trust services 332.178
629.224 Trust territories 321.08
military engineering 623.747 4 see also Semisovereign states
operation 388.324 044 Trust Territory of the Pacific 996.5
urban 388.413 24 Islands T2-965
repair 629.287 4 Trustees
transportation services 388.344 executive management 658.422
see also Automotive vehicles libraries 021.82
Trudeau, Pierre Elliott Trusteeships (Territories) 321.08
Canadian history 971.064 4 see also Semisovereign states
19681979 971.064 4 Trusts (Fiduciary) 346.059
1980-1984 971.064 6 accounting 657.47
True bugs 595.754 income tax law 343.052 64
True cedars 585.2 tax law 343.064
True fungi 579.5 Trusts (Organizations) 338.85
True lice 595.756 see also Combinations
True seals 599.79 (Enterprises)
True swifts 598.762 Truth 121
True wasps 595.798 Truth in lending 346.073
True water beetles 595.762 Truth tables 511.3
Truffles 641.358 mathematical logic 511.3
agriculture 635.8 philosophical logic 160
biology 579.57 Truthfulness
commercial processing 664.805 8 ethics 177.3
cooking 641.658 see also Ethical problems
food 641.358 Trypanosomiasis
Trujillo (Venezuela: State) T2-871 4 incidence 614.533
Trujillo Molina, Rafael Leonidas medicine 616.936 3
Dominican history 972.930 53 see also Communicable
Truk (Micronesia) T2-966 diseases humans
Truman, Harry S. Trypetidae 595.774
United States history 973.918 Tsafon (Israel : District) T2-56945
Trumbull County (Ohio) T2-77138 Tsetse t1ies 595.774
Trumpet creepers 635.933 95 Tshivcndalanguage 496.397 6
botany 583.95 T6-963 976
floriculture 635.933 95 Tshivenda literature 896.397 6
Trumpet fishes 597.67
Trumpeter swan 598.418 4

Relative Index

Tshwane (South Africa : Tubal sterilization

Metropolitan health 613.942
Municipality) T2~682 27 see alw Birth control
Tsimshian Indians T5~974128 surgery 618.120 59
Tsimshian language 497.412 8 Tubas 788.98
T6~974128 instrument 788.981 9
Tsimshian languages 497.412 music 788.98
T6~974 12 see also Brass instruments
Tsin dynasty 931.04 Tube feeding
Tsinghai Province (China) T2--514 7 medicine 615.854 82
Tsiranana, Philibert Tube zithers 787.72
Malagasy history 969.105 I see also Stringed instruments
Tsitsikamma Forest and Tuberales 579.57
Coastal National Park Tuberculosis 362.196 995
(South Africa) T2-687 51 incidence 614.542
Tsitsikamma National Park law 344.043 699 5
(South Africa) T2-687 51 medicine 616.995
Tsogo languages 496.396 social services 362.196 995
T6-963 96 see also Communicable
Tsolo (South Africa : diseases - humans
District) T2-687 58 Tubers 581.46
Tsomo (South Africa : cooking 641.652
District) T2-687 58 descriptive botany 581.46
Tsonga (African people) T5--963 978 food 641.352
Tsonga language 496.397 8 food crops 635.2
T6-963 978 nursery production 631.526
Tsonga literature 896.397 8 ornamental plants 635.915 26
Tsugaru Strait (Japan) 551.461 454 physiology 575.498
T2~164 54 planting 631.532
Tsunamis 551.463 7 ornamental plants 635.915 32
social services 363.349 4 Tubes
Tsutsugamushi disease music 786.82
incidence 614.5264 concussed 786.875
medicine 616.922 4 friction 786.865
see also Communicable set 786.865
diseases humans single 786.888
Tswa-Ronga languages 496.397 8 percussed 786.845
T6--963 978 set 786.845
Tswana (African people) T5-963 977 5 single 786.884 5
Tswana language 496.397 75 see also Percussion
T6-963 977 5 instruments
Tswana literature 896.397 75 Tilbingen (Germany :
Tu language T6-942 Regierungsbezirk) T2--434 73
Tuamotu Islands T2-963 2 Tubuai Islands T2-962 2
Tuareg T5-933 Tubular bridges
Tuareg language 493.38 construction 624.21
T6-933 8 Tubular drums 786.94
Tuareg literature 893.38 see also Percussion instruments
Tuatara 597.945 Tubulidentata 599.31
Tubal pregnancy pa1eozoo1ogy 569.31
obstetrics 618.31 Tucano Indians T5-983 5
Tucano language 498.35
T6-983 5

Dewey Decimal Classification

Tucanoanlanguages 498.35 Tumble bugs 595.764 9

T6--983 5 Tumbler Ridge (B.C.) T2--711 87
Tucker County (W.Va.) T2-754 83 Tumbling 796.472
Tucson (Ariz.) T2-791 776 Tumbling flower beetles 595.769
Tucuman (Argentina) T2-8243 Tum boa plant 585.8
Tudor, House of 942.05 Tumbuka (African people) T5-963 91
English history 942.05 Tumbuka language 496.391
genealogy 929.72 T6-963 91
Irish history 941.505 Tumors 571.978
Tufa 552.5 humans
Tuff 552.23 incidence 614.599 9
Tug Fork T2-754 4 medicine 616.994
Kentucky T2-7692 see also Cancer
West Virginia T2-7544 Tunas 641.392
Tug services 387.166 commercial fishing 639.277 83
inland ports 386.866 conservation technology 639.977 783
law 343.096 7 cooking 641.692
Tugboats 387.232 food 641.392
design 623.812 32 resource economics 333.956 783
engineering 623.823 2 zoology 597.783
see also Ships Tunas (Cuba: Province) T2-729 162
Tugela (South Africa) T2---684 4 Tunbridge Wells (England :
Tugela River (South Africa) T2--684 Borough) T2-422 38
Tughluk dynasty 954.023 6 Tunceli iii (Turkey) T2-56675
Tuition 371.206 ancient T2-3942
higher education 378.106 Tundras 551.453
Tuktoyaktuk (N.W.T.) T2-719 3 T2-153
Tuktut Nogait National Park biology 578.758 6
(N.W.T.) T2-719 3 ecology 577.586
Tula (Russia : Oblast) T2-473 4 geography 910.915 3
Tulameen River (B.C.) T2-711 5 geomorphology 551.453
Tulare County (Calif.) T2-794 86 physical geography 910.021 53
Tularemia Tung oil 665.333
incidence 614.573 9 Tung tree 583.69
medicine 616.923 9 Tungstates
see also Communicable mineralogy 549.74
diseases humans Tungsten 669.734
Tularosa Valley (N.M.) T2-789 65 chemical engineering 661.053 6
Tulbagh (South Africa : chemistry 546.536
District) T2--687 33 economic geology 553.464 9
Tulcea (Romania : Judet) T2-498 3 materials science 620.189 34
Tulip tree 583.22 metallography 669.957 34
forestry 634.973 22 metallurgy 669.734
Tulips 635.934 32 metalworking 673.734
botany 584.32 mining 622.346 49
floriculture 635.934 32 physical metallurgy 669.967 34
Tulita (N.W.T.) T2-719 3 see also Chemicals; Metals
Tulles 677.654 Tungurahua (Ecuador) TI-866 15
see also Textiles Tun gus T5-941
Tulsa County (Okla.) T2-766 86 Tungus languages 494.1
Tulums 788.49 T6-941
see also Woodwind instruments Tungus-Manchu languages 494.1
Tul' ska1a oblast' (Russia) T2-473 4 T6-941
Tumbes (Peru : Dept.) T2-851 2


Relative Index

Tungusic languages 494.1 Turbines 621.406

T6-941 hydraulic power 621.24
Tungusic literatures 894.1 steam engineering 621.165
Tungusic peoples T5-941 Turbojet engines 621.435 2
Tunica County (Miss.) T2-762 86 aircraft 629.134 353 3
Tunicata 596.2 Turbojet fuel 665.538 25
paleozoology 566 Turbomachines 621.406
Tuning 784.192 8 Turboprop airplanes 387.733 43
Tunis (Tunisia) T2-611 engineering 629.133 343
Tunisia 961.1 transportation services 387.733 43
T2-611 see also Aircraft
ancient 939.73 Turboprop engines
T2-397 3 aircraft 629.134 353 2
Tunisians T5-927 611 Turboramjet engines
Tunnel diodes 621.381 522 aircraft 629.134 353 4
Tunnel engineers 624.193 092 Turbots 597.69
Tunnel vaults 721.45 Turbulence
architecture 721.45 oceanography 551.462
construction 690.145 Turbulent flow 532.052 7
Tunneling (Construction) 624.193 aeronautics 629.132 32
mining 622.26 air mechanics 533.62
Tunneling (Physics) 530.416 gas mechanics 533.217
semiconductors 537.622 6 liquid mechanics 532.517
Tunnels 388.13 Turco-Tataric languages 494.3
architecture 725.98 T6-943
construction 624.193 Turco mans T5-943 64
military engineering 623.68 Turdidae 598.842
mining 622.26 Turf
psychological influence 155.964 floriculture 635.964 2
public administration 354.76 Turfanish language 491.994
transportation services 388.13 T6-919 94
railroads 385.312 Turin (Italy) T2-45121
roads 388.13 ancient T2-372 221
Tununirusiq (Nunavut) T2-719 52 Turin (Italy: Province) T2-4512
Tuolunme County (Calif.) T2-79445 ancient T2-372 22
Tupaiidae 599.338 Turing machines 511.35
paleozoology 569.338 Turkana (African people) T5-965
Tuparro National Park Turkana, Lake (Kenya and
(Colombia) T2-86192 Ethiopia) T2-676 27
Tupelos 583.84 Turkana language 496.5
Tupf Indians T5-983 832 T6-965
Tupi language 498.383 2 Turkestan 958.4
T6-983 832 T2-584
Tupf languages 498.38 Turkey 956.1
T6-983 8 T2-561
Tupi literature 898.383 2 ancient 939.2
TupinambA Indians T5-983 83 T2-392
Tupinamba language 498.383 Turkey (Meat) 641.365 92
T6-983 83 commercial processing 664.93
Tupper, Charles, Sir cooking 641.665 92
Canadian history 971.055 food 641.365 92
Tuque (Quebec) T2-714 459
Turacos 598.74
Turbellaria 592.42

Dewey Decimal Classification

Turkey in Europe 949.61 Turner, John

T2-4961 Canadian history 971.064 6
ancient 939.861 Turner County (Ga.) T2--758 885
T2-398 61 Turner County (S.D.) T2-783 385
Turkey vulture 598.92 Turneraceae 583.626
Turkeys 636.592 Turnicidae 598.32
animal husbandry 636.592 Turning
conservation technology 639.978 645 home woodworking 684.083
resource economics 333.958 645 Turning tools 621.94
sports hunting 799.246 45 Turnip celery 641.351 28
zoology 598.645 see also Celeriac
Turkic languages 494.3 Turnips 641.351 25
T6-943 botany 583.64
Turkic literatures 894.3 commercial processing 664.805 125
Turkic peoples T5-943 cooking 641.651 25
Turkish baths 613.41 food 641.351 25
Turkish language 494.35 garden crop 635.125
T6-943 5 Turnouts
Turkish literature 894.35 railroad engineering 625.163
Turkish rngs Turnover of employees
arts 746.756 l personnel management 658.314
Turkish Thrace 949.61 public administration 352.66
T2-4961 Turnover tax 336.27
ancient 939.861 law 343.055
T2-398 61 public administration 352.44
Turkish Van cat 636.83 public finance 336.27
Turkmen T5-943 64 Turnovers (Stuffed foods) 641.84
Turkmen language 494.364 Turnpikes 388.122
T6--943 64 see also Roads
Turkmen literature 894.364 Turnstones 598.33
Turkmen rugs Turpentine 665.332
arts 746.758 4 agriculture 633.895 9
Turkmenbashy, Saparmyrat chemical technology 665.332
Turkmenistan history 958.508 61 recovery from pulp 676.5
Turkmenistan 958.5 Turquoise 553.87
T2-585 mineralogy 549.72
ancient 939.6 see also Semiprecious stones
T2-396 Turs 599.648
Turko-Tatar languages 494.3 Tursiops 599.533
T6--943 Turtle farming 639.392
Turkornanlanguage 494.364 Turtle grass 584.73
T6--943 64 Turtles 597.92
Turkoman literature 894.364 agriculture 639.392
Turkomans T5-943 64 conservation technology 639.977 92
Turks T5-943 5 food
see Manual at T5-9435 commercial processing 664.95
Turks and Caicos Islands T2-729 61 resource economics 333.957 92
Turku ja Pori (Finland : zoology 597.92
L1Hini) T2-48973 Turun ja Porin liHini
Turku-Pori (Finland : Liiani) T2-489 73 (Finland) T2-48973
Turmeric 641.338 3 Tuscaloosa County (Ala.) TI-76184
botany 584.39 Tuscan Apennines (Italy) T2-454
see also Spices
Turn and bank indicators 629.1352

r Tuscany (Grand Duchy)
Relative Index

Twelve step programs

devotional literature 204.32
t 1814--1860
Tuscany (Italy)
945.508 3
pastoral theology
T2---455 Christianity 259.429
ancient T2-375 religious guidance 204.42
Tuscarawas County (Ohio) T2---771 66 Christianity 248.862 9
Tuscarora language 497.55 social theology 201.762 29
T6-975 5 Christianity 261.832 29
Tuscola County (Mich.) T2-774 45 substance abuse
Tiis!, Mul)ammad ibn al-I;Iasan rehabilitation 616.860 3
Hadith 297.125 921 3 therapy 616.860 6
Tusk shells 594.29 Twelve-tone system 781.268
Tusks 591.47 Twelve Tribes 933.02
descriptive zoology 591.47 Twelvers (Islamic sect) 297.821
physiology 573.356 Hadith 297.125 921
Tussah silk textiles 677.392 Twentieth century 909.82
see also Textiles Tl--0904
Tutankhamen, King of Egypt Twenty-first century 909.83
Egyptian history 932.014 Tl-0905
Tutoring 371.394 Twenty-one (Game) 795.423
Tutsi (African people) T5-963 946 1 Twi (Ghanaian people) T5-963 385
Tuva (Russia) T2-575 Twi language (Ghana) 496.338 5
Tuva-Altai languages 494.33 T6-963 385
T6-943 3 Twi literature (Ghana) 896.338 5
Tuvalu 996.82 Twiggs County (Ga.) T2-758 545
T2-968 2 Twilight 525.7
Tuvalu language 499.46 meteorology 551.566
T6-9946 Twill-woven rugs
Tuvaluans T5-9946 arts 746.72
Tuvinian language 494.33 Twin Cities Metropolitan
T6-943 3 Area (Minn.) TI-776 579
Tuyen Quang (Vietnam : Twin Falls County (Idaho) TI-79637
Province) T2-597 1 Twines 677.71
TV 384.55 Twining
see also Television arts 746.42
TV dinners Twins 306.875
commercial processing 664.65 obstetrics 618.25
home serving 642.1 psychology 155.444
Tverskala oblast' (Russia) T2--472 8 see also Siblings
Tver' (Russia : Oblast) TI---472 8 Twisters (Tornadoes) 551.553
Tweed, River (Scotland and Twisting textiles 677.028 22
England) T2---413 7 arts 746.12
Tweeddale (Scotland) TI---413 7 manufacturing technology 677.028 22
Tweedsmuir Provincial Park Two-way radios
(B.C.) T2-7ll 82 automobile 629.277
Tweezers Tyler, John
manufacturing technology 688.5 United States history 973.58
Twelfth century 909.1 Tyler County (Tex.) T2-764 163
Tl-090 21 Tyler County (W. Va.) TI-754 19
Twelve patriarchs Tympanic membrane diseases
pseudepigrapha 229.914 medicine 617.85
Twelve prophets (Bible) 224.9 see also Ear diseases-

Dewey Decimal Classification

Tympanic membranes Typists 651.374 109 2

human anatomy 611.85 office services 651.374 1
human physiology 612.854 Typographic masterpieces
medicine 617.85 · books 094.4
Tympanuchus 598.637 Typographical designs
Tyndale Bible 220.520 1 graphic arts 740
Tyne, River (England) T2-428 7 Typography 686.22
Tyne and Wear (England) T2-428 7 Typology (Linguistics) 410.1
Tynedale (England) T2-428 81 grammar 415.01
Type 1 diabetes 362.196 462 2 specific languages T4-50l
medicine 616.462 2 Typology (Psychology) 155.26
pregnancy complications Typology (Theology)
obstetrics 618.364 6 Biblical interpretation 220.64
social services 362.196 462 2 Christian doctrines 232.1
see also Endocrine diseases - Talmudic interpretation 296.120 64
humans Tyrannidae 598.823
Type 2 diabetes 362.196 462 4 Tyrannosaurus 567.912 9
medicine 616.462 4 Tyranny 321.9
pregnancy complications Tyrant flycatchers 598.823
obstetrics 618.364 6 Tyre (Lebanon) T2-569 2
social services 362.196 462 4 ancient T2-3944
see also Endocrine diseases- Tyrian architecture 722.31
humans Tyrol (Austria) T2-43642
Type ornaments 686.224 Tyrolean zithers 787.75
Type theory 511.3 see also Stringed instruments
Typecasting 686.221 Tyrone (Northern Ireland) T2-416 4
Typefaces 686.224 Tyrrell Connty (N.C.) T2-756 172
Typefounding 686.221 Tyrrhenian Sea 551.461 383
Typesetters 686.225 092 T2-163 83
Typesetting 686.225 Tytonidae 598.97
Typewriter art 740 Tyumen (Russia: Oblast) T2-573
Typewriters 652.3 Tzeltal Indians T5-97428
manufacturing technology 681.61 Tzeltallanguage 497.428
office practice 652.3 T6--974 28
Typewriting 652.3 Tzotzil Indians T5-974287
Typewriting analysis Tzotzil1anguage 497.428 7
criminal investigation 363.256 5 T6-974287
Typha 584.68 Tzotzi11iterature 897.428 7
Typhales 584.68 Tzutujil Indians T5-974 2
Typhlopidae 597.969 Tzutujillanguage 497.42
Typhlopoidea 597.969 T6--974 2
Typhoid fever
614.511 2
616.927 2
see also Communicable Ubangi-Shari 967.410 3
diseases humans T2-6741
Typhoons 551.552 Ubangian languages 496.361
see also Hurricanes T6-963 61
Typhus Ubombo (South Africa :
incidence 614.526 2 District) T2-684 3
medicine 616.922 2 Ubykh language 499.962
see also Communicable T6--999 62
diseases - humans Ucayali (Peru) T2-854 3
Typing 652.3 Ucayali (Peru :Region) T2-8543

Relative Index

Uckermark (Germany: Ukraine 947.7

Landkreis) T2---431 53 T2---477
Uckermark-Barnim ancient 939.52
(Germany: T2-395 2
Raumordnungsregion) T2---431 53 Ukrainian Autocephalous
Udine (Italy : Province) T2---453 91 Orthodox Church 281.947 7
ancient T2~373 81 Ukrainian language 491.79
Udmurt language 494.53 T6-917 91
T6~945 3 Ukrainian literature 891.79
Udmurt literature 894.53 Ukrainian Orthodox Church
Udmurtia (Russia) T2---474 6 (Kyivan Patriarchate) 281.947 7
Udmurtila (Russia) T2---474 6 Ukrainian Orthodox Church
Udmurts T5~945 3 (Moscow Patriarchate) 281.947 7
Uecker-Randow (Germany: Ukrainians T5-917 91
Landkreis) T2---431 78 Ukuleles 787.89
UFOs (Objects) 001.942 instrument 787.891 9
Uganda 967.61 music 787.89
T2~676 1 see also Stringed instruments
Ugandans T5~967 61 Ulq:in 296.123 6
Ugarit (Extinct city) T2~394 33 Ulama
Ugaritic language 492.67 role and function 297.61
T6~926 7 Ulawa (Solomon Islands) T2-959 38
Ugaritic literature 892.67 Ulbricht, Walter
Ugliness German history 943.108 75
personal Ulcerations
arts T3C~353 skin
literature 808.803 53 medicine 616.545
history and criticism 809.933 53 see also Skin diseases ~
specific literatures T3B~080 353 humans
history and Ulcerative colitis
criticism T3B~093 53 medicine 616.344 73
Ugrians T5~945 1 Ulcers
Ugric languages 494.51 digestive system
T6~945 1 medicine 616.343
Ugric literatures 894.51 see also Digestive system
Ugric peoples T5~945 1 diseases ~ humans
UHF radio systems 621.384 151 Ulema
Uige (Angola: Province) T2~673 2 role and function 297.61
Uighur T5~943 23 Ulladulla (N.S.W.) T2-944 7
Uighur language 494.323 Ullapool (Scotland) T2---411 52
T6~943 23 Ulmaceae 583.45
Uighur literature 894.323 Ulnas
Uillean pipes 788.49 humananatomy 611.717
see also Woodwind instruments Ulrika Eleonora, Queen of
Uinta County (Wyo.) T2~787 84 Sweden
Uinta Mountains (Utah and Swedish history 948.503 61
Wyo.) T2~792 14 Ulster (Northern Ireland and 941.6
Uintah County (Utah) T2~79221 Ireland) T2---416
Uitenhage (South Africa : Ulster County (N.Y.) T2-747 34
District) T2~687 52 Ultima Esperanza (Chile) T2-836 42
Ukaan language 496.33 Ultimatums
T6~963 3 law of nations 341.58
Ultrahigh-frequency electronics
physics 537.534 4

Dewey Decimal Classification

Ultrahigh-frequency radio Ul'yanovsk (Russia:

systems 621.384 151 Oblast) T2-4746
Ultrahigh-speed photography 778.37 Umatilla County (Or.) T2-795 69
Ultralight airplanes 387.733 43 Umatilla Indians T5-97412
engineering 629.133 343 Umatilla language 497.412
transportation services 387.733 43 T6-974 12
see also Aircraft Umbanda 299.672
Ultramicrobes Umbelliferae 583.849
medical microbiology 616.9101 Umberto I, King of Italy
Ultrasonic cardiography Italian history 945.084
medicine 616.120 754 3 Lombardian history 945.208 4
Ultrasonic diagnosis Piedmontese history 945.108 4
medicine 616.075 43 Sardinian history 945.908 4
Ultrasonic imaging Sicilian history 945.808 4
medicine 616.075 43 Southern Italian history 945.708 4
Ultrasonic testing Tuscan history 945.508 4
materials science 620.112 74 Venetian history 945.308 4
Ultrasonic therapy Umbrella liability insurance 368.5
medicine 615.832 3 Umbrella plant (Cyperales) 584.84
Ultrasonic vibrations 534.55 Umbrellas 391.44
biophysics 571.445 Umbria (Italy) T2-4565
humans 612.014 455 ancient T2-3742
engineering 620.28 Etruria T2-375 7
physics 534.55 Umbrian language 479.9
Ultrasonic weapons 623.447 T6-799
Ultrasonic welding 671.529 Umbrians T5-79
Ultrasonography Umbumbulu (South Africa :
medicine 616.075 43 District) T2-684 5
Ultrastructure (Biology) 571.633 Umbundu languages 496.399
Ultraviolet photography T6-963 99
engineering 621.367 2 Ume Saami language 494.572
Ultraviolet radiation 535.014 T6-945 72
biophysics 571.456 Ume Sami language 494.572
humans 612.014 484 T6-945 72
chemical effect 541.353 4 Umhlanga (South Africa) T2-6844
chemical engineering 660.295 34 Umhlanga Rocks (South
engineering 621.364 Africa) T2-6844
military engineering 623.042 Umingmaktok (Nunavut) T2-719 55
physics 535.014 Umlazi (South Africa :
therapeutics 615.831 5 District) T2-6845
water supply treatment 628.166 2 Umm al-Qaiwain (United
Ultraviolet spectroscopes Arab Emirates: Emirate) T2-535 7
manufacturing technology 681.414 4 Umm a1-Qaywayn (United
Ultraviolet spectroscopy 543.5 Arab Emirates : Emirate) T2 -535 7
analytical chemistry 543.5 Umpiring (Recreation) 790.1
engineering 621.361 American football 796.332 3
physics 535.844 baseball 796.357 3
Ultraviolet therapy 615.831 5 Canadian football 796.335 3
Uluru (Ayers Rock)-Mt. cricket 796.358 3
Olga National Park rugby 796.333 3
(N.T.) Tl-94291 soccer 796.334 3
Ul '1anovska1a oblast' volleyball 796.325 3
(Russia) T2-4746 Umpqua River (Or.) T2-795 29
UMT (Military training) 355.225

Relative Index

Umtata (South Africa : Underberg District (South

District) T2-687 58 Africa) T2-684 7
Umvoti (South Africa : Undercover police work 363.232
District) T2-684 7 Underdeveloped areas T2-172 4
Umzimkulu (South Africa: Underemployed people 33l.l3
District) T2-687 59 Underemployment 331.13
Umzinto (South Africa : Undergarments 391.423
District) T2-684 5 commercial technology 687.2
UN (United Nations) 341.23 customs 391.423
Unaligned blocs T2-171 6 home sewing 646.42
Unami language 497.345 see also Clothing
T6-973 45 Underglaze painting 666.45
Unarmed combat 796.81 arts 738.15
military training 355.548 technology 666.45
sports 796.81 Underground architecture 720.473
Unborn children Underground areas
law 346.017 1 environmental psychology 155.964
Unclaimed estates 346.057 Underground construction 624.19
Uncles 306.87 Underground disposal 363.728
Tl-085 sewage sludge disposal 628.366
Unconscious solid waste technology 628.445 66
philosophy 127 see also Waste control
psychology 154.2 Underground electrical lines 621.319 23
Unconventional warfare 355.343 Underground mining 622.2
Algerian Revolution 965.046 8 Underground movements
American Revolution 973.385 World War II 940.533 6
Chaco War 989.207 168 Underground publications
Civil War (England) 942.062 8 bibliographies 011.56
Civil War(Spain) 946.081 8 Underground railroad (Rescue
Civil War (United States) 973.785 operation)
Crimean War 947.073 88 Civil War (United States) cause 973.711 5
Falkland Islands War 997.110 248 Underground railroads 388.42
Franco-German War 943.082 8 see also Subways (Rail)
Hundred Years' War 944.025 8 Underground shelters
Indo-Pakistan War, 1971 954.920 518 military engineering 623.38
Indochinese War 959.704 18 Underground stems 581.46
Iraq War, 2003- 956.704 438 descriptive botany 581.46
Iraqi-Iranian Conflict 955.054 28 physiology 575.49
Korean War 951.904 28 Underground transportation 388.42
Mexican War 973.628 see also Subways (Rail)
Napoleonic Wars 940.278 Underground water 553.79
Persian Gulf War, 1991 956.704 428 see also Groundwater
South African War 968.048 8 U nderpopulation 363.91
Spanish-American War 973.898 Undertaking (Mortuary) 363.75
Thirty Years' War 940.248 customs 393
Vietnamese War 959.704 38 economics 338.473 637 5
War of the Pacific 983.061 68 funerals 393.93
World War I 940.485 see also Funerals
World War II 940.548 5 law 344.045
Uncovered spaces music 781.588
architecture 721.84 social services 363.75
Undaria 579.887 public administration 353.6
Underachievers (Students) 371.28 technology 614.6
special education 371.9 see also Death

Dewey Decimal Classification

Underwater acoustics Unemployment insurance 368.44

engineering 620.25 labor economics 331.255 2
Underwater archaeology 930.102 804 law 344.024
Underwater cinematography 777.6 public administration 353.54
Underwater construction 627.702 Unesco 001.060 1
Underwater demolition law 344.09
military engineering 623.27 public administration 353.721 1
Underwater demolition units Uneven bars(Gymnastic
(Navy) 359.984 equipment) 796.442
Underwater engineering 627.7 Unfair economic practices 338.604 8
Underwater foundations 624.157 criminology 364.168
Underwater guided missiles 359.981 782 criminal1aw 345.026 8
engineering 623.451 97 economics 338.604 8
military equipment 359.981 782 law 343.072
Underwater hockey 797.25 Ungava Bay Region
Underwater mining 622.295 (Quebec and Nunavut) T2-714111
Underwater photography 778.73 Ungraded schools 371.255
Underwater prospecting 622.17 Ungulates 599.6
Underwater reconnaissance conservation technology 639.979 6
military engineering 623.71 pa1eozoology 569.6
naval operations 359.984 resource economics 333.959 6
Underwater swimming Unicameral legislatures 328.39
sports 797.23 UNICEF (Children's Fund) 362.7
Underwater tunnels public administration 353.536 211
construction 624.194 Unicoi County (Tenn.) T2-768982
Underwater videography 777.6 Unicorn fishes 597.64
Underwater welding 671.52 Unicorn plants 635.933 95
Underwear 391.423 botany 583.95
see also Undergarments floriculture 635.933 95
Underweight people Unicorns 398.245 4
weight-gaining diet 613.24 see also Legendary animals
Underwriters 368.Dl2 092 Unidentified flying objects 001.942
Underwriting 368.D12 Unification Church 289.96
Undistributed profits tax 336.243 2 biography 289.960 92
Unemployed people 305.906 94 see also Christian
Tl-086 941 denominations
labor economics 331.137 Unified field theory 530.142
social group 305.906 94 Unified operations (Armed
social welfare 362.8994 forces) 355.46
Unemployed poor people Uniflagellate molds 579.53
social welfare 362.594 Uniform algebras 512.55
Unemployed youth Uniform functions 515.22
social welfare 362.779 4 Uniform spaces 516
Unemployment 331.137 geometry 516
economics 331.137 topology 514.32
see Manual at 331.120424 Uniform titles
vs. 331.1377 cataloging 025.322
influence on crime 364.2 Uniforms 391.48
sociology 306.361 armed forces 355.14
Unemployment compensation 368.44 issue and use 355.81
see also Unemployment see Manual at 355.1409
insurance commercial technology 687.15
customs 391.48
see also Clothing

Relative Index

Unincorporated business Union racketeering 364.106 7

enterprises 338.7 Union recognition 331.891 2
law 346.068 Union republics (Soviet Union) 321.023
management 658.044 see also States (Members of
initiation 658.1144 federations)
see Manual at 658.04 vs. Union security 331.889
658.114, 658.402 Union shop 331.889 2
production economics 338.7 Union sympathizers
see also Business enterprises Civil War (United States) 973.717
Unincorporated societies 060 Union Valdotaine (Italian
see also Nonprofit political party) 324.245 084
organizations Uniondale (South Africa :
Union (El Salvador: Dept.) T2-728 434 District) T2---687 38
Union (Philippines) T2-5991 Unione dei democratici cristiani e
Union catalogs 025.31 democratici di centro (Italian
bibliography 017 political party) 324.245 082
library cooperation 021.642 Unionidae 594.4
library science 025.31 Unions 331.88
Union County (Ark.) T2-767 61 see also Labor unions
Union County (Fla.) T2-75914 Uniramia 595.7
Union County (Ga.) T2--758 285 paleozoology 565.7
Union County (Ill.) T2-773 995 Unison voices 782.5
Union County (Ind.) T2-772 625 Unit method of teaching 371.36
Union County (Iowa) T2-777 853 Unit operations
Union County (Ky.) T2-769 885 chemical engineering 660.284 2
Union County (Miss.) T2-762 925 Unit processes
Union County (N.C.) T2-756 755 chemical engineering 660.284 4
Union County (N.J.) T2-749 36 Unit theory (Mathematics) 512.74
Union County (N.M.) T2-78923 Unit trusts 332.632 7
Union County (Ohio) T2-771 532 Unitarian and Universalist
Union County (Or.) T2-795 71 churches 289.1
Union County (Pa.) T2-74848 church government 262.091
Union County (S.C.) T2-757 41 parishes 254.091
Union County (S.D.) T2-783 392 doctrines 230.91
Union County (Tenn.) T2-768 935 guides to Christian life 248.489 1
Union dues checkoff 331.889 6 missions 266.91
Union federations 331.872 moral theology 241.049 1
see also Labor unions public worship 264.091
Union Islands 996.15 religious associations 267.189 1
T2-9615 religious education 268.891
Union leaders 331.880 92 seminaries 230.073 91
biography 331.880 92 theology 230.91
role and function 331.873 3 Unitarian churches 289.133
Union of Christian and Center see also Unitarian and
Democrats (Italian political Universalist churches
party) 324.245 082 Unitarian Universalist
Union of Kalmar 948.03 Association 289.132
see also Kalmar Union see also Unitarian and
Union of Soviet Socialist 947.084 Universalist churches
Republics T2---47 Unitarianism 289.1
Union organizing 331.891 2 Unitarians
Union Parish (La.) T2-763 89 biography 289.109 2
Union pipes 788.49 Unitary spaces 515.73
see alw Woodwind instruments

Dewey Decimal Classification

Unitary state (System of United Nations. General

government) 321.01 Assembly 341.232 2
United Arab Emirates 953.57 United Nations. Security Council 341.232 3
T2-535 7 United Nations (Military alliance)
ancient 939.49 World War II 940.533 2
T2-394 9 United Nations Children's Fund 362.7
United Arab Republic 962.053 public administration 353.536 21 I
T2-62 United Nations Educational,
Egyptian history 962.053 Scientific, and Cultural
Syrian history 956.91042 Organization 001.060 l
United Brethren in Christ 289.9 law 344.09
see also Christian public administration 353.721 1
denominations United Nations International
United charities 361.8 Children's Emergency Fund
United Christian Democrats public administration 353.536 211
(Italian political party) 324.245 082 United Nations philatelic issues 769.561
United Church of Canada 287.92 United Nations treaties series 341.026 2
see also Christian United Pentecostal Church 289.94
denominations United Presbyterian Church in
United Church of Christ 285.834 the U.S.A. 285.131
see also Congregationalism see also Presbyterian Church
United Church of Religious United Presbyterian Church of
Science 299.93 North America 285.134
United Confederate Veterans 369.17 see also Presbyterian Church
United Conference of Methodist United Provinces of Central 972.804
Churches 287.532 America T2-728
see also Methodist Church Costa Rican history 972.860 42
United Daughters of the Guatemalan history 972.810 42
Confederacy 369.17 Honduran history 972.830 4
United Evangelical Lutheran Nicaraguan history 972.850 42
Church 284.131 3 Salvadoran history 972.840 42
see also Lutheran church United Provinces of the 949.204
United Kingdom 941 Netherlands T2-492
T2-41 United Reformed Church in the
see Manual at 941 United Kingdom 285.232
United Lutheran Church in see also Presbyterian Church
America 284.133 5 United Socialist Party (Italy :
see also Lutheran church 1922-1930) 324.245 027
United Methodist Church (Great United Socialist Party (Italy .
Britain) 287.53 1969--1971) 324.245 072 2
see also Methodist Church United Society of Believers in
United Methodist Church (U.S.) 287.6 Christ's Second Appearing 289.8
see also Methodist Church see also Christian
United Methodist Free Churches 287.53 denominations
see also Methodist Church United States 973
United Nations 341.23 T2-73
armed forces 355.357 Dutch explorations 973.19
finance 336.091 63 English explorations 973.17
law of nations 341.23 French explorations 973.18
public administration 352.113 geography 917.3
law 341.233 Norse explorations 973.13
United Nations. Charter 341.232 Spanish and Portuguese
United Nations. Economic and explorations 973.16
Social Council 341.232 5

Relative Index

United States (continued) Units 530.81

travel 917.304 Unity 111.82
see Manual at T2-73 vs. . Christian church 262.72
T2--71 Unity School of Christianity 289.97
United States. Central see also Christian
Intelligence Agency 327.127 3 denominations
United States. Continental Universal algebra 512
Congress Universal bibliographies 011.1
United States history 973.312 Universal Decimal Classification 025.432
United States. Court of Customs Uni versa! history 909
and Patent Appeals 347.732 8 Universal House of Justice
United States. Navy. SEALs 359.984 works by 297.938 7
United States. Supreme Court 347.732 6 Universal joints 621.825
reports 348.734 13 Universal languages 401.3
United States Code 348.732 3 Universal life insurance 368.324
United States customary Universal military training 355.225
measurements 530.813 law 343.012 2
United States federal law reporter Universal priesthood 234
system for the Atlantic region 348.734 22 Universal time 389.17
United States federal reporter Universalist churches 289.134
system for the Northeast see also Unitarian and
region 348.734 23 Universalist churches
United States federal reporter Universalists
system for the Northwest biography 289.109 2
region 348.734 24 Universals (Philosophy) 111.2
United States federal reporter Universe
system for the Pacific region 348.734 28 astronomy 523.1
United States federal reporter philosophy 113
system for the South region 348.734 27 Universities 378
United States federal reporter Tl-071 1
system for the Southeast area planning 711.57
region 348.734 25 liability 344.075
United States federal reporter see also Higher education
system for the Southwest Universities without walls 378.03
region 348.734 26 see also Higher education
United States national reporter University autonomy 378.1
system 348.7342 University buildings 378.196
United States of Colombia 986.106 I see also College buildings
T2-861 University extension 378.175
Colombian history 986.106 I University graduates
Panamanian history 972.870 3 choice of vocation 331.702 35
United States Pacific seawaters 551.461 432 labor force 331.11445
T2-164 32 social group 305.55
United States people unemployment 331.137 804
(National group) T5-13 University libraries 027.7
United States Sanitary see also Academic libraries
Commission University presses
Civil War (United States) 973.777 bibliographies of publications 011.54
Uniting Church in Australia 287.93 publishing 070.594
see also Christian Unjust enrichment 346.029
denominations Unlawful assembly 364.143
Unitized cargo services 385.72 law 345.024 3
public administration 354.764 Unleavened breads 641.815

Dewey Decimal Classification

Unloading operations Upholstered furniture 645.4

materials management 658.788 5 manufacturing technology 684.12
ships 623.888 1 see also Furniture
Unmanned space flight Upholstery 645.4
engineering 629.43 arts 746.95
Unmanned spacecraft home sewing 646.21
engineering 629.46 household management 645.4
military engineering 623.749 interior decoration 747.5
Unmarried couples 306.841 Upholstery fabrics 677.616
Tl-086 56 see also Textiles
law 346.016 Upholstery trimmings 677.76
Unmarried fathers 306.874 22 Upland ecology 577.5
Unmarried mothers 306.874 32 Upland game birds 598.6
T1-086 947 conservation technology 639.978 6
government programs 353.533 1 resource economics 333.958 6
psychology 155.642 3 sports hunting 799.246
social group 306.874 32 Upland riee
social welfare 362.839 532 food crop 633.179
public administration 353.533 1 Upper Arrow Lake (B.C.) T2-71162
Unmarried parenthood 306.856 Upper atmosphere 551.514
see also Unwed parenthood winds 551.518 7
Unmarried parents 306.856 Upper Austria (Austria) T2-4362
Unmarried teenage mothers Upper Avon River
social welfare 362.787 432 (England) T2-4244
Unsized papers 676.286 Upper Bavaria (Germany) T2-433 6
Unskilled workers 331.798 Upper Canada 971.03
Tl-08624 T2-71
labor economics 331.798 Ontario 971.302
labor force 33Lll42 T2-713
personnel management 658.304 4 Upper chambers (Legislative
unemployment 33Ll37 804 bodies) 328.31
Unspecified keyboard Upper class 305.52
instruments 786 Tl-086 21
see also Keyboard instruments Upper Demerara-Berbiee
Unspecified melody instrument 787 Region (Guyana) T2-8814
see also Stringed instruments Upper Egypt T2--623
Unstrut-Hainich-Kreis Upper extremities 612.97
(Germany : Landkreis) T2-432 24 anatomy 611.97
UntererNeckar (Germany: bones 612.751
Region) T2-434645 anatomy 611.717
Unterfranken (Germany) T2-433 3 medicine 616.71
Untouchables 305.568 8 physiology 612.751
T1-086 94 surgery 617.471
religion 200.869 4 fractures
Hinduism 294.508 694 medicine 617.157
Unwed fatherhood 306.874 22 joints
Unwed motherhood 306.874 32 medicine 616.72
Unwed parenthood 306.856 surgery 617.57
ethics 173 muscles
see also Family ethics anatomy 611.737
social theology 201.7 physiology 612.97
Christianity 261.835 856 regional medicine 617.57
Upanishads 294.592 18 surgery 617.570 59
Upper Franconia (Germany) T2-433 1

Relative Index

Upper Guinea T2-665 Uranium (continued)

Upper houses (Legislative prospecting 622.184 932
bodies) 328.31 see also Chemicals; Metals
Upper Hutt City (N.Z.) T2-936 5 Urantia 299
Upper Karoo (South Africa) T2-687 13 Uranus (Planet) 523.47
Upper Mesopotamia T2--567 4 T2-992 7
ancient 935.4 astrology 133.538
T2--354 Urban administration 352.16
Upper Nile (Sudan : Urban areas 307.76
Province) T2-629 3 T2-173 2
Upper Nile (Sudan : see also Cities
Region) T2-629 3 Urban biology 578.756
Upper Palatinate (Germany) T2-433 4 Urban communities 307.76
Upper Paleolithic Age 930.128 see also Cities
Upper Peninsula (Mich.) T2--774 9 Urban development 307.141 6
Upper Takutu-Upper law 344.06
Essequibo Region public administration 354.279 3
(Guyana) T2-881 84 Urban dialects 417.209173 2
Upper Volta 966.250 3 linguistics 417.209 173 2
T2-662 5 specific languages T4-7
Upper Volta people T5-966 25 sociolinguistics 306.440 917 32
Upplaud landskap (Sweden) T2-487 4 Urban ecology (Biology) 577.56
Uppsala l!in (Sweden) T2-487 4 Urban economics 330.917 32
Upshur County (Tex.) T2-764 222 Urban education 370.917 32
Upshur County (W.Va.) T2-754 62 Urban exodus 307.26
Upson County (Ga.) T2-758 486 Urban families 306.854
Upton County (Tex.) T2-764 863 Urban forestry 635.977
Upton upon Severn Urban government 320.85
(England) T2-42447 Urban heat islands 551.525 091 732
Upwelling Urban homesteading 363.583
oceanography 551.462 see also Housing
Ur (Extinct city) T2-355 Urban lands 333.77
Uraba, Gulf of (Colombia) 551.461 365 economics 333.77
T2-163 65 sale and rental 333.337
Ural-Altaic languages 494 public administration 354.35
T6-94 Urban mass transportation 388.4
Ural-Altaic literatures 894 see also Urban transportation
Ural Mountains (Russia) T2-474 3 Urban ministry 253.091 732
Uralic languages 494.5 church administration 254.22
T6-945 Urban municipalities 320.85
Oralie literatures 894.5 Urban renewal 307.341 6
Uraninite civic art 711.4
mineralogy 549.528 Urban runoff 363.728 4
Jranium 669.293 1 sewer systems 628.21
chemical engineering 661.043 1 social services 363.728 4
chemistry 546.431 see also Waste control
economic geology 553.493 2 Urban-rural migration 307.26
human toxicology 615.925 431 Urban schools 371.009 173 2
materials science 620.189 293 1 Urban sociology 307.76
metallography 669.952 931 Urban transportation 388.4
metallurgy 669.293 1 law 343.098
mining 622.349 32 public administration 354.769
physical metallurgy 669.962 931 railroad
production economics 338.274 932 engineering 625.4

Dewey Decimal Classification

Urban transportation (continued) Urinalysis

safety 363.125 diagnosis
public administration 353.98 general disease 616.075 66
see also Transportation safety Urinary calculi
transportation services 388.4 medicine 616.622
Urban warfare 355.426 .see also Urologic diseases-
Urdu language 491.439 humans
T6--c-914 39 Urinary diseases 573.493 9
Urdu literature 891.439 see also Urologic diseases
Ure, River (England) T2-42848 Urinary incontinence
Urea fertilizers 631.841 medicine 616.62
chemical engineering 668.624 1 see also Urologic diseases
Ureas 668.422 3 humans
Uredinales 579.592 Urinary system 573.49
Uremia anesthesiology 617.967 461
medicine 616.635 biology 573.49
see also Urologic diseases diseases 573.493 9
humans see also Urologic diseases
Ureteral diseases human anatomy 611.61
medicine 616.61 human histology 612.460 45
see also Urologic diseases- human physiology 612.46
humans medicine 616.6
Ureters 573.49 surgery 617.461
biology 573.49 Urination disorders
human anatomy 611.61 medicine 616.62
human physiology 612.467 see also Urologic diseases
medicine 616.61 humans
surgery 617.461 Urine
see also Urinary system human physiology 612.461
Urethra 573.49 Urochordata 596.2
biology 573.49 paleozoology 566
human anatomy 611.62 Urodela 597.85
human physiology 612.467 paleozoology 567.8
medicine 616.62 Urogenital diseases 573.639
men 616.64 animals 573.639
surgery 617.462 veterinary medicine 636.089 66
see also Urinary system humans
Urethral diseases cancer
medicine 616.62 incidence 614.599 946
men 616.64 medicine 616.994 6
see also Urologic diseases - medicine 616.6
humans pharmacokinetics 615.76
Urethritis surgery 617.46
medicine 616.624 Urogenital organs 573.6
see also Urologic diseases see also Urogenital system
humans Urogenital system 573.6
Urewera National Park diseases 573.639
(N.Z.) T2-93425 see also Urogenital diseases
Urfa !li (Turkey) T2-565 1 human anatomy 611.6
Urhobo (African people) T5-963 3 human physiology 612.46
Urhobo language 496.33 medicine 616.6
T6-963 3 surgery 617.46
Uri (Switzerland) T2-494 77 see also Genital system;
Urinary system

Relative Index

Urologic diseases 573.493 9 Useful animals 591.63

animals 573.493 9 Useful organisms 578.63
veterinary medicine 636.089 66 see Manual at 630 vs. 579-590,
humans 362.196 6 641.3
anesthesiology 617.967 461 Useful plants 581.63
cancer 362.196 994 61 see Manual at 583-585 vs. 600
incidence 614.599 946 1 Usenct news groups 004.693
medicine 616.994 61 User charges 336.16
social services 362.196 994 61 see also User fees
see also Cancer humans User education
geriatrics 618.976 6 libraries 025.56
incidence 614.596 User fees 336.16
medicine 616.6 law 343.055
pediatrics 618.926 library services 025.11
pharmacokinetics 615.761 public administration 352.44
social services 362.196 6 public finance 336.16
surgery 617.461 User interfaces 005.437
see also Urogenital diseases graphics programming 006.678 4
Urology 616.6 graphics programs 006.688 4
Uropeltidae 597.967 multimedia-systems
Uropygi 595.453 2 programming 006.778 4
Ursidae 599.78 multimedia-systems programs 006.788 4
paleozoology 569.78 systems programming 005.428
Ursulines 255.974 systems programs 005.437
church history 271.974 see Manual at 005.269 and
Ursus 599.78 005.284, 005.3684, 005.384
Ursus americanus 599.785 Usk (Wales) T2-429 98
Ursus arctos 599.784 USSR 947.084
Ursus maritimus 599.786 T2-47
Urticales 583.45 Ust-Orda Buriat (Russia :
Urticaria Okrug) T2--575
medicine 616.517 Ust-Orda Burliitskii
see also Skin diseases avtonomnyi okrug
humans (Russia) T2~575
Uru-Chipaya languages 498.9 Ustccky kraj (Czech
T6~989 Republic) T2-437 16
Uruguay 989.5 Oster (Switzerland : Bezirk) T2-494 5741
T2~895 Ustilaginales 579.593
Uruguay River T2-·-822 Usulutan (El Salvador :
Argentina T2-822 Dept.) T2~728 431
Uruguay T2-895 Usury 332.83
Uruguayan literature 860 law 346.073
Uruguayans T5-688 95 Utah 979.2
Usability T2-·-792
computer software 005.019 Utah County (Utah) T2-792 24
computers 004.019 Utari T5~946
Usage (Applied linguistics) 418 Ute Indians T5~974 576
specific languages T4-8 Ute language 497.457 6
U;;ak iii (Turkey) T2-562 8 T6-974 576
ancient T2-392 6 Utecm, Cassam
Use tax 336.271 Mauritian history 969.820 41
law 343.055 Utensils
public administration 352.44 manufacturing technology 683.8
public finance 336.271


Dervey Decimal Classification

Uterine cervix Utrecht (Netherlands :

gynecology 618.14 Province) TI-49232
human anatomy 611.66 Utrecht (South Africa :
human physiology 612.627 District) T2-6841
surgery 618.145 Uttar Pradesh (India) T2-542
Uterine diseases Uttarakhand (India) T2-545 1
gynecology 618.14 Uttaranchal (India) T2-5451
see also Female genital Uttlesford (England) T2-426 712
diseases - humans Uudenmaan la!ini (Finland) T2-489 71
Uterine hemorrhage Uusimaa (Finland) T2-489 71
obstetrics 618.54 Uvalde County (Tex.) T2-764432
Uterine infections Uveal diseases
gynecology 618.142 incidence 614.599 7
see also Female genital ophthalmology 617.72
diseases humans see also Eye diseases
Uterine malformations humans
gynecology 618.144 Uveas
see also Female genital human anatomy 611.84
diseases - humans human physiology 612.842
Uterus 573.667 ophthalmology 617.72
biology 573.667 Uyghur T5-943 23
gynecology 618.14 Uyghur language 494.323
human anatomy 611.66 T6-943 23
human physiology 612.627 Uyghur literature 894.323
surgery 618.145 Uzbek T5-943 25
Utican architecture 722.32 Uzbek language 494.325
Utilitarianism 144.6 T6-943 25
ethics 171.5 Uzbek literature 894.325
Utilities (Buildings facilities) 644 Uzbekistan 958.7
construction 696 T2-587
household management 644 ancient 939.6
museums 069.29 T2-396
plant management 658.26
Tl-0682 v
public administration 352.56
Utilities (Public services) 363.6 Vaal River (South Africa) T2-682
see also Public utilities Vaal Triangle (South
Utility dogs (United Kingdom) 636.72 Africa) T2-68223
Utility programs 005.43 Vaalbos National Park
Utility theory 330.157 (South Africa) T2-68711
Uto·Aztecan Indians T5-974 5 Vaasa (Finland: Laani) T2-48973
Uto-Aztecan languages 497.45 Vaasan L!i!ini (Finland) T2-489 73
T6-974 5 Vacation homes 643.25
Utopian socialism 335.02 architecture 728.72
English system 335.12 construction 690.872
Utopias 321.07 home economies 643.25
arts T3C-372 see also Dwellings
literature 808.803 72 Vacation schools
history and criticism 809.933 72 adult education 374.8
specific literatures T3B-080372 Vacations
history and labor economies 331.257 6
criticism T3B-093 72 personnel management 658.312 2
political system 321.07 recreation 790.1
socialism 335.02 sociology 306.481 25

'' Vaccination
disease control 614.47
Relative Index

(Switzerland) T2-494 389
Jaw 344.043 Val-d'Oise (France) T2-443 67
Vaccines Val-Saint-Franyois
pharmacology 615.372 (Quebec) T2-714 65
Vacuoles 571.655 Val Verde County (Tex.) T2-764 881
Vacuum deposition Valais (Switzerland) T2-494 79
metal finishing 671.735 Valdivia (Chile: Province) T2-835 2
Vacuum electronics 537.53 Valdotanian Union (Italian
Vacuum metallizing 671.735 political party) 324.245 084
Vacuum metallurgy 669.028 4 Vale ofGiamorgan (Wales) T2-429 89
Vacuum pumps 621.55 Vale of White Horse
Vacuum technology 621.55 (England) T2-425 76
Vacuum tubes Vale Royal (England) T2-42715
electronics 621.381 512 Valemount (B.C.) T2--711 82
radio engineering 621.384 132 Valence (Chemistry) 541.224
Vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopes Valencia (Spain: Province) T2-467 63
manufacturing technology 681.414 5 Valencia (Spain: Region) T2-467 6
Vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy Valencia County (N.M.) T2-789 92
physics 535.845 Valentine's Day 394.261 8
Vacuums 533.5 handicrafts 745.594 161 8
engineering 621.55 Valerianaceae 583.92
Vagala language 496.35 Valerians 583.92
T6--963 5 Validation
Vagina data 005.72
gynecology 618.15 file processing 005.74
human anatomy 611.67 programming 005.14
human physiology 612.628 Valises
Vaginal diaphragms manufacturing technology 685.51
health 613.943 5 Va!labhacarya (Philosophy) 181.484 4
medicine 618.185 Valladolid (Spain :
see also Birth control Province) T2-462 3
Vaginal diseases Valle (Honduras: Dept.) T2-728 352
gynecology 618.15 Valle d'Aosta (Italy) 945.11
see also Female genital T2-45l l
diseases humans ancient T2-372 21
Vaginiperineotomy Valle del Cauca (Colombia) T2-861 52
obstetrical surgery 618.85 Vallee-de-la-Gatineau
Vagrancy 364.148 (Quebec) T2--714 224
law 345.024 8 Vallee de !'Or (Quebec) T2-714 139
Vagrants 305.569 Va!lee-du-Richelieu
Tl-086 942 (Quebec) T2-714 365
Vai (African people) T5-963 4 Vallemaggia (Switzerland) T2-494 789
Vai language 496.34 Valley County (Idaho) T2-796 76
T6-963 4 Valley County (Mont.) T2-786 17
Vaisel]ika (Philosophy) 181.44 Valley County (Neb.) T2-782 48
Vaisheshika (Philosophy) 181.44 Valley Forge
Vaishnavism 294.551 2 United States history 973.334 I
Vaisnavism 294.551 2 Valley of Mexico (Mexico) T2-725
Vajiravudh, King of Siam Valley winds 551.518 5
Thai history 959.304 1 Valleys 551.442
Val-de-Marne (France) T2-443 63 T2-144
Val-de-Ruz (Switzerland: geography 910.914 4
District) T2-494 383

Dewey Decimal Classification

Valleys (continued) Vampyromorpha 594.55

geomorphology 551.442 Van Allen radiation belts 538.766
physical geography 910.021 44 Van Buren, Martin
Valois, House of 944.025 United States history 973.57
genealogy 929.74 Van Buren County (Ark.) T2-76729
Valparaiso (Chile: Van Buren County (Iowa) T2-77798
Province) T2-832 55 Van Buren County (Mich.) T2-77413
Valparaiso (Chile :Region) T2-8324 Van Buren County (Tenn.) T2-768 657
Valn!as (France) T2--445 88 Van ili (Turkey) T2-56628
Valuation ancient T2-395 5
businesses Van pools 388.413 212
financial management 658.15 Van Wert County (Ohio) T2-771413
law 346.065 VanZandt County (Tex.) T2-764276
investment economics 332.632 21 Vanadates
real property 333.332 mineralogy 549.72
law 346.043 7 Vanadium 669.732
Valuation of assets chemical engineering 661.052 2
accounting 657.73 chemistry 546.522
Valuation theory 515.78 economic geology 553.462 6
Value Tl--01 materials science 620.189 32
labor theory metallography 669.957 32
Marxian economics 335.412 metallurgy 669.732
microeconomics 338.521 metalworking 673.732
Value-added networks 004.69 organic chemistry
computer communications applied 661.895
services 384.33 physical metallurgy 669.967 32
see also Computer see also Chemicals; Metals
communications Vanadium group
Value-added tax 336.271 4 chemical engineering 661.052
law 343.055 chemistry 546.52
public administration 352.44 Vance County (N.C.) T2-756 532
public finance 336.271 4 Vancouver (B.C.) T2-71133
Value analysis (Cost control) 658.155 2 Vancouver Island (B.C.) T2-7112
Value cognition Vandallanguage 439.9
psychology 153.45 T6--399
Values Vandal period
epistemology 121.8 Libyan history 939.740 4
social control 303.372 Moroccan history 939.712 05
Valvatida 593.93 North Africa 939.704
Valverde (Dominican Tunisian history 939.730 4
Republic :Province) T2-729 357 Vandalic language 439.9
Valves 621.84 T6-399
internal-combustion engines 621.437 Vandalism 364.164 4
Valvular activity law 345.026 44
heart schools 371.782
human physiology 612.171 Vandalism insurance 368.12
Valvular heart diseases Vandals (Germanic people) T5-39
medicine 616.125 Sardinian history 945.901
see also Cardiovascular Vanderbijlpark (South
diseases humans Africa: District) T2-68223
Vamp ire bats 599.45 Vanderburgh County (Ind.) T2-77233
Vampires 398.21 Vanderhoof(B.C.) T2-71l 82
see also Legendary beings VanderkloofDam (South
Africa) T2--687 13

Relative Index

Vanern (Sweden) T2-486 7 Varicella

Vanga shrikes 598.8 incidence 614.525
Vanillas 641.338 2 medicine 616.914
botany 584.4 see also Communicable
see also Flavorings diseases- humans
Vanishing species 333.952 2 Varicose veins
see also entries beginning with medicine 616.143
Rare see also Cardiovascular
Vanoise, Pare national de Ia diseases humans
(France) T2-445 85 Varietal wines 641.22
Vanrhynsdorp (South commercial processing 663.2
Africa : District) T2-687 31 Varieties
Vans 388.343 4 agriculture 631.57
driving 629.284 34 Variety drama
engineering 629.223 4 literature 808.825 7
repair 629.287 34 history and criticism 809.257
transportation services 388.343 4 specific literatures T3B-205 7
see also Trucks individual authors T3A-2
Vanuatu 995.95 Variety shows 792.7
T2---959 5 Variety stores 381.14
Vapor lighting 621.327 see also Commerce
Vapor-phase deposition Variola major
metal finishing 671.735 incidence 614.521
Vapor plating medicine 616.912
metal finishing 671.735 see also Communicable
Vaporization 536.44 diseases - humans
Var (France) T2-449 3 Variola minor
Varactors 621.381 522 incidence 614.521
Varanidae 597.959 6 medicine 616.913
Varanus 597.959 6 see also Communicable
Varanus komodoensis 597.959 68 diseases humans
Vardar Macedonia T2-4976 Variola vaccinia
Vardar River T2-497 6 incidence 614.521
Varese (Italy: Province) T2-4522 medicine 616.913
ancient T2-372 25 see also Communicable
Vargas, Getulio diseases - humans
Brazilian his tory 981.061 Varix
Variable annuities medicine 616.143
insurance 368.375 see also Cardiovascular
Variable costs 338.514 2 diseases- humans
financial management 658.1553 Varmints
Variable life insurance 368.325 small game hunting 799.25
Variable rate securities 332.632 044 Varmland landskap
Variable stars 523.844 (Sweden) T2-487 7
Variables 511.326 Varmlands Hin (Sweden) T2-487 7
Variation (Biology) 576.54 Varna (Bulgaria: Oblast) T2-4994
humans 599.94 Vamenska oblast (Bulgaria) T2-4994
Variations (Mathematics) 515.64 Varnish trees 583.77
Variations (Musical forms) 781.825 Varnishes 667.79
instrumental 784.182 5 Varnishing 667.79
technology 667.79
buildings 698.34
Vas Megye (Hungary) T2-439 7

Dewey Decimal Classification

Vasa, House of 948.503 2 Vastra Gotalands Ian

Vascongadas (Spain) T2---466 (Sweden) T2---486 7
Vascular circulation 573.18 VAT(Tax) 336.271 4
human physiology 612.13 law 343.055
see also Cardiovascular system public administration 352.44
Vascular cryptogams 587 public finance 336.271 4
Vascular dementia Vaterlandische Front (Austrian
medicine 616.81 political party) 324.243 602 43
see also Nervous system Vatican City 945.634
diseases humans T2---456 34
Vascular diseases ancient T2-376 3
medicine 616.13 Vattern (Sweden) T2---486 4
see also Cardiovascular Vaucluse (France: Dept.) T2---449 2
diseases humans Vaud (Switzerland) T2---494 52
pregnancy complications Vaudeville 792.7
obstetrics 618.361 3 Vaudreuil-Sou1anges
Vascular headaches (Quebec) T2-714 26
medicine 616.849 1 Vault (Gymnastic equipment) 796.442
see also Nervous system Vaults 721.43
diseases humans architecture 721.43
Vascular plants 580 construction 690.143
Vascular seedless plants 587 Vaupes (Colombia) T2-861 65
Vascular surgery 617.413 Vazquez, Tabare
Vasectomy (Birth control) Uruguayan history 989.506 75
health 613.942 VdU (Austrian political party) 324.243 603
see also Birth control Veal 641.362
surgery 617.463 commercial processing 664.92
Vases cooking 641.662
sculpture 731.72 food 641.362
Vaslui (Romania: Judet) T2---498 1 Vector algebra 512.5
Vasoconstrictors (Drug~) Vector analysis 515.63
pharmacokinetics 615.71 Vector bundles 514.224
Vasoconstrictors (Nerves) Vector calculus 515.63
human physiology 612.18 Vector geometry 516.182
Vasodilators (Drugs) Vector processing 004.35
pharmacokinetics 615.71 see also Processing modes -
Vasodilators (Nerves) computer science
human physiology 612.18 Vector processors 004.35
Vasomotors engineering 621.391
human physiology 612.18 see also Processing modes
Vasopressin computer science
human physiology 612.492 Vector quantities
pharmacology 615.363 mechanics 531.112
Vasterbotten landskap Vector spaces 512.52
(Sweden) T2---488 7 Vector-valued functions 515.7
Vasterbottens !an (Sweden) T2---488 7 Vectorcardiography
Vastergotland landskap medicine 616.120 754 7
(Sweden) T2---486 7 Vectors (Disease carriers) 571.986
Vasternorrlands Ian biology 571.986
(Sweden) T2---488 5 medicine 614.43
Vastrnanland landskap Vedanta (Philosophy) 181.48
(Sweden) T2---487 5 Vedas 294.592 1
Vastmanlands Ian (Sweden) T2---487 5 Yedda T5 914 8

Relative Index

Vedic language 491.29 Vegetation and climate

T6-912 9 influence on precipitation 551.577 5
Vedic literature 891.29 Vegetation regions T2-15
Vedic period 934.02 Vegetative reproduction 571.89
Vedic religion 294.509 013 agriculture 631.53
Vega (Dominican Republic : plants 575.49
Province) T2-729 369 7 see Manual at 571.8 vs. 573.6,
Vegan diet 575.6
health 613.262 2 Vegliote dialect T6-57
Vegetable arrangements 745.924 Vegliote literature 850
Vegetable drugs Vehicle failures 363.120 1
pharmacology 615.321 air transportation 363.124 16
Vegetable fats 665.3 see also Transportation safety
food technology 664.3 Vehicles 388.04
industrial technology 665.3 engineering 629.046
Vegetable fibers law 343.093
textiles 677.54 military engineering 623.74
see also Textiles military equipment 355.83
Vegetable gardening 635 transportation services 388.04
Vegetable glue 668.33 see Manual at 629.046 vs. 388
Vegetable juices 641.35 Vehicular accidents 363.125
commercial processing 663.63 see also Transportation safety
cooking with 641.65 Vehicular safety 363.125
food 641.35 see also Transportation safety
home preparation 641.875 Vehicular transportation
Vegetable manures (Automotive) 388.3
agricultural use 631.87 law 343.094
Vegetable oils 665.3 public administration 354.765
cooking 641.638 5 transportation services 388.3
food 641.338 5 urban 388.41
food technology 664.3 law 343.098 2
industrial technology 665.3 Vei (African people) T5-9634
Vegetable poisons Vei language 496.34
human toxicology 615.952 T6-963 4
Vegetable waxes 665.12 Veii (Extinct city) T2-375 95
Vegetables 641.35 Veinakh languages 499.964 1
commercial preservation 664.8 T6--999 641
commercial processing 664.8 Veins 573.186
cooking 641.65 biology 573.186
food 641.35 human anatomy 611.14
garden crop 635 human physiology 612.134
home preservation 641.4 medicine 616.14
legctarian cooking 641.563 6 surgery 617.414
legetarian diet see also Cardiovascular system
health 613.262 Veins (Geology) 553.19
'egetarian foods 641.303 economic geology 553.19
1egetarianism structural geology 551.88
dietary regimen 613.262 Vejle amt (Denmark) T2-489 5
ethics 179.3 Velathri (Italy) T2-375 5
religion 205.693 Velloziaceae 584.354
Buddhism 294.356 93 Vellum books 096.2
Christianity 241.693 Velocity (Mechanics) 531.112
Hinduism 294.548 693

Dewey Decimal Classification

Velocity of flow Venezia (Italy) T2--453 11

air mechanics 533.62 Venezia (Italy: Province) T2--453 1
fluid mechanics 532.053 2 ancient TI-373 5
gas mechanics 533.27 Venezuela 987
liquid mechanics 532.57 TI-87
Velocity of light 535.24 Venezuela, Gulf of(Colombia 551.461 365
Velocity of sound 534.202 and Venezuela) T2-163 65
Velocity of stars 523.83 Venezuelan literature 860
Velocity theory Venezuelans T5--688 7
monetary economics 332.401 Venial sin 241.3!
Velour 677.617 Venice (Italy) TI--453 11
see also Textiles ancient TI-373 5
Velvet 677.617 Venice (Italy : Province) T2--453 1
see also Textiles ancient T2-373 5
Velveteen 677.617 Venice (Republic) 945.3
see also Textiles Venice, Gulf of (Italy) 551.461 385
Venango County (Pa.) T2-748 96 T2-l63 85
Venda (African people) T5-963 976 Venison 641.391
Venda (South Africa) T2-682 57 commercial processing 664.92
Venda language 496.397 6 cooking 641.691
T6-963 976 food 641.391
Venda literature 896.397 6 Venoms
Vendean War, 1793-1800 944.042 human toxicology 615.942
Vendee (France) T2--441 69 Venous diseases
Vendettas medicine 616.14
influence on crime 364.256 see also Cardiovascular
Vending machines 629.82 diseases -- humans
Vendor selection Venous embolisms
library acquisitions 025.233 medicine 616.145
materials management 658.722 see also Cardiovascular
Vendors and purchasers 346.043 63 diseases humans
Veneers 674.833 Venous thromboses
architectural decoration 729.6 medicine 616.145
Venereal diseases see also Cardiovascular
incidence 614.547 diseases - humans
law 344.043 695 1 Ventersburg (South Africa:
medicine 616.951 District) T2-685 3
see also Communicable Ventersdorp (South Africa:
diseases -humans District) TI-68242
Venetia T2-373 Venterstad (South Africa:
Venetia (Italy : Region) 945.3 District) T2-687 56
TI·-453 Ventilation
Vcnetiaan, Runaldo Ronald aircraft 629.134 42
Surinamese history 988.303 22 automobile 629.277 2
1991-1996 988.303 22 buildings 697.92
2000- 988.303 24 household management 644.5
Venetian League (Italian political library buildings 697.978
party) 324.245 308 4 plant management 022.8
Venetian Republic 945.308 3 mining 622.42
Venetie language 479.4 museums 069.29
T6-794 plant management 658.25
Veneto (Italy) 945.3 sewers 628.23
T2--453 underground construction 624.19
ancient T2--373 vehicles 629.040 289

Relative Index

Ventilation engineers 697.920 92 Verd antique marble 553.55

Ventricle diseases (Heart) economic geology 553.55
medicine 616.12 quarrying 622.355
see also Cardiovascular Verdicts 347.075
diseases humans criminal law 345.075
Ventricles (Heart) Verdun, Treaty of, 843 943.021
human anatomy 611.12 Vereeniging (South Africa:
human physiology 612.17 District) T2-682 23
medicine 616.12 Verendrye Wildlife Reserve
Ventricular fibrillation (Quebec) T2--714 224
medicine 616.128 Verification
see also Cardiovascular musical instruments 784.192 7
diseases humans programming 005.14
Ventriloquism 793.89 Vermicides 632.951
Ventura County (Calif.) T2-79492 agricultural use 632.951
Venture capital 332.041 54 chemical engineering 668.651
Venus (Planet) 523.42 Vermiculite 553.678
T2-992 2 economic geology 553.678
astrology 133.534 mining 622.367 8
unmanned flights to 629.435 42 Vermiform appendix
Venus's flytrap 583.75 human anatomy 611.345
Veps T5-945 4 human physiology 612.33
Veps language 494.54 medicine 616.34
T6-9454 surgery 617.554 5
Veps literature 894.54 Vermiform appendix diseases
Veracruz (Mexico: State) T2-7262 medicine 616.34
Veraguas (Panama : see also Digestive system
Province) T2-728 722 diseases humans
Verandas 721.84 Vermilion County (Ill.) T2-773 65
Verb phrases 415.6 Vermilion Parish (La.) T2-763 51
specific languages T4--56 Vermillion County (Ind.) T2-772 462
Verb tables Vermont 974.3
applied linguistics 418 T2-743
specific languages T4--82 Vernon (B.C.) T2-7115
Verbal communication 302.224 Vernon County (Mo.) T2-778 44
psychology 153.6 Vernon County (Wis.) T2--775 73
Verband der Unabh!ingigen Vernon Parish (La.) T2-763 61
(Austrian political party) 324.243 603 Verona (Italy) T2-453 41
Verbania (Italy: Province) TI-45165 ancient T2--373 21
ancient TI-372245 Verona (Italy: Province) T2-453 4
Verbano-Cusio-Ossola ancient T2-373 2
(Italy) T2-45165 Verrucae
ancient T2-372245 medicine 616.544
Verbenaceae 583.96 see also Skin diseases -
Verbenas 635.933 96 humans
botany 583.96 Versailles (France) T2-443 663
floriculture 635.933 96 Versailles, Treaty of, 1783
Verbs 415.6 United States history 973.317
specific languages T4--56 Versailles, Treaty of, 1919
Vercelli (Italy : Province) T2-451 7 European history 940.314 1
ancient T2-37223

Dc'Wey Decimal Classification

Verse drama Vessels

literature 808.82 music 786.82
history and criticism 809.2 concussed 786.876
specific literatures T3B--2 friction 786.866
individual authors T3A-2 set 786.866
Versification 808.1 single 786.888
Version percussed 786.846
obstt;trical surgery 618.82 set 786.846
Verte, Ile (Quebec) T2-714 764 single 786.884 6
Vertebrate viruses 579.2 see also Percussion
Vertebrates 596 instruments
agricultural pests 632.66 Vessels (Nautical) 387.2
conservation technology 639.9 see also Ships
paleozoology 566 Vest-Agder fylke (Norway) T2-483 2
resource economics 333.954 Vested rights (Pensions) 331.252 2
zoology 596 see also Pensions
Vertical combinations Vesteralen (Norway) T2-4844
(Enterprises) 338.804 2 Vestfold fyJke (Norway) T2-482 7
see also Combinations Vestibular diseases
(Enterprises) medicine 617.882
Vertical lift rotors see also Ear diseases -
aircraft 629.134 36 humans
Vertical-speed indicators 629.135 2 Vestibular perception 152.188 2
Vertical takeoff and landing Vestibules (Ears)
aircraft 387.733 5 human anatomy 611.85
engineering 629.133 35 human physiology 612.858
military engineering 623.746 047 medicine 617.882
transportation services 387.733 5 Vestibulocochlear nerve diseases
Vertigo medicine 617.886
medicine 616.841 see also Ear diseases
see also Nervous system humans
diseases -humans Vestinian language 479.7
Vervains 635.933 96 T6-797
botany 583.96 Vestlandet (Norway) T2-483 3
floriculture 635.933 96 Vestments 391.48
Verwoerd, Hendrik Frensch commercial technology 687.15
South African history 968.058 customs 391.48
Very-high-frequency radio see also Clothing
systems 621.384 151 Vests (Undergarments) 391.423
Very large scale integration 621.395 see also Undergarments
Very-low-frequency radio Vests (Waistcoats) 391.473
systems 621.384 153 commercial technology 687.113
Vesicles 571.655 customs 391.473
Vespers 264.15 home sewing 646.433
Anglican 264.030 15 see also Clothing
texts 264.034 Vestsjrelland (Denmark) T2-489 1
music 782.324 Veszprem Megye (Hungary) T2-439 7
Vespertilionidae 599.47 Vetches 633.35
Vespoidea 595.798 botany 583.74
Vessel flutes 788.38 forage crop 633.35
see also Woodwind instruments

Relative Index

Veterans 305.906 97 Vibration weapons 623.447

Tl~086 97 Vibrational spectra (Molecules) 539.6
education benefits 371.223 Vibrations 620.3
college and university 378.32 aeronautics 629.132 362
law 343.011 3 biophysics 571.443
financial assistance humans 612.014 45
social welfare 362.868 2 on materials 620.112 48
government programs 353.538 engineering 620.3
health services fluid mechanics 532.05
law 343.011 5 machinery 621.811
labor economics 331.52 solid-state physics 530.416
law 343.011 4 solids 531.32
law 343.011 Vibrato 781.43
rehabilitation instrumental technique 784.193 68
law 343.011 5 Viburnums 635.933 92
social group 305.906 97 botany 583.92
social welfare 362.86 floriculture 635.933 92
law 343.0ll Vice-presidents 352.239
public administration 353.538 democratic systems 321.804 2
Veterans' benefits 362.86 public administration 352.239
Veterans' homes 362.160 869 7 Vicenary system (Numeration) 513.5
architecture 725.594 Vicenza (Italy) T2--453 51
Veterans' life insurance 368.364 ancient T2-373 62
Veterans ofF oreign Wars of the Vicenza (Italy: Province) T2--453 5
United States 369.11 ancient T2-373 62
Veterans' pensions 331.252 913 55 Viceroys 352.23
law 343.011 2 Vices 179.8
Veterans' preference 352.650 869 7 arts T3C-353
Veterans' rights 362.86 literature 808.803 53
Veterinarians 636.089 092 history and criticism 809.933 53
law 344.049 specific literatures T3B-080 353
Veterinary epidemiology 636.089 44 history and
Veterinary hospitals 636.083 21 criticism T3B-093 53
architecture 725.592 religion 205.698
Veterinary hygiene 636.089 3 Buddhism 294.356 98
Veterinary law 344.049 Christianity 241.3
Veterinary medicine 636.089 Hinduism 294.548
Veterinary public health 636.083 2 Islam 297.5
law 344.049 Judaism 296.369 8
Veterinary sciences 636.089 Vichada (Colombia) T2-861 92
Veterinary services Vicksburg, Siege of, 1863 973.734 4
armed forces 355.345 Victimology 362.88
Veveyse (Switzerland) T2--494 531 Victims of abuse
VFW (Veterans' organization) 369.11 social welfare 362.885
VHF radio systems 621.384 151 Victims of crime 362.88
Viana do Castelo (Portugal : Tl--086 949
District) T2 -469 11 insurance 368.82
Viaticum 265.7 law 344.028
Viborg amt (Denmark) T2--489 5 school programs 371.782
Vibraphones 786.843 social welfare 362.88
see also Percussion instruments law 344.032 88
Vibration perception public administration 353.533 7
psychology 152.182 3
Vibration prospecting 622.159 2

Dewey Decimal Classification

Victims of oppression Victoria Island (Nunavut

social welfare 362.87 andN.W.T.) T2~719 55
public administration 353.533 8 Victoria swine 636.484
Victims of war 305.906 95 Victoria West (South
see also War victims Africa : District) T2-{)87 17
Victor Amadeus II, King of Victorian architecture 724.5
Sardinia Victualing
Piedmontese history 945.107 aircraft 387.736 4
Sardinian history 945.907 boats 387.168
Victor Amadeus III, Duke of buses 388.33
Savoy ships 387.168
Piedmontcse history 945.107 trains 385.26
Sardinian history 945.907 transportation services 388.041
Victor Emmanuel I, King of Vicufia 599.636 7
Sardinia animal husbandry 636.296
Piedmontese history 945.108 2 Vicui1a wool textiles 677.32
1796-1815 945.108 2 see also Textiles
1815-1861 945.108 3 Video animation 777.7
Victor Emmanuel II, King of Video art 777
Italy computer art 776.6
Italian history 945.084 Video cassettes 384.558
Lombardian history 945.208 4 see also Video recordings
Piedmontese history 945.108 4 Video discs
Sardinian history 945.908 4 computer storage 004.565
Sicilian history 945.808 4 engineering 621.397 67
Southern Italian history 945.708 4 recordings 384.558
Tuscan history 945.508 4 see also Video recordings
Venetian history 945.308 4 Video display components 621.381 542 2
Victor Emmanuel III, King of Video display screens
Italy computer science 004.77
Italian history 945.091 engineering 621.398 7
Lombardian history 945.209 1 Video games 794.8
Piedmontese history 945.109 l Video mini-series 791.45
Sardinian history 945.909 I see Manual at 791.43 vs.
Sicilian history 945.809 l 791.45
Southern Italian history 945.709 1 Video photography 777
Tuscan history 945.509 l Video production 384.558
Venetian history 945.309 1 communications services 384.558
Victor Harbour (S. Aust.) T2-942 32 videography 777
Victoria T2~945 Video recorders 384.558
Victoria (B.C.) T2-711 28 communications services 384.558
Victoria (N.B. :County) T2~715 53 engineering 621.388 33
Victoria (N.S. :County) T2-716 93 videography 777.36
Victoria (Ont. : County) T2-713 64 see also Television
Victoria (Seychelles) T2-696 Video recording 777
Victoria, Lake T2~678 27 Video recordings 384.558
Victoria, Queen of Great Britain bibliographies 011.373
British history 941.081 cataloging 025.347 3
English history 942.081 communications services 384.558
Scottish history 941.108 1 engineering 621.388 332
Victoria County (Tex.) T2-764125 instructional use 371.335 23
Victoria East (South Africa . adult level 374.26
District) T2-687 55 library treatment 025.177 3
Victoria Falls T2-689l

Relative Index

Video recordings (continued) Vietnam 959.7

music 780 T2-597
treatises 780.267 Vietnamese T5-959 22
see Manual at 780.26 Vietnamese communism 335.434 6
performing arts 791.43 Vietnamese language 495.922
videography 777.38 T6-959 22
see also Television Vietnamese literature 895.922
Video records 384.558 Vietnamese War, 1961-197 5 959.704 3
see also Video recordings North Vietnam 959.704 331
Video tapes 384.558 societies 369.2
see also Video recordings United States 369.186
Videocassettes 384.558 South Vietnam 959.704 332
see also Video recordings Viewdata 004.69
Videoconferencing ·see also Computer
instructional use 371.335 8 communications
Videodiscs Viewer access
computer storage 004.565 communications services 384.555 3
engineering 621.397 67 Viewfinders 771.37
recordings 384.558 Vige language 496.35
see also Video recordings T6-963 5
Videography 777 Vigesimal system (Numeration) 513.5
see Manual at 791.43, 791.45 Vigo County (Ind.) T2-772 45
vs. 777 Vihuelas 787.86
Videorecordings 384.558 instrument 787.861 9
see also Video recordings music 787.86
Videorecords 384.558 see also Stringed instruments
see also Video recordings Vijnana Buddhism 294.392
Videotapes 384.558 Viking Mars Program 629.435 43
see also Video recordings Viking period 948.022
Videotex 004.69 Danish history 948.901 4
communications services 384.35 Norwegian history 948.101 4
see also Computer Swedish history 948.501 4
communications Vikings T5-395
Vieira, Joao Bernardo Vila Real (Portugal :
Guinean (Guinea-Bissau) District) T2--469 23
history 966.570 32 Vilas County (Wis.) T2-775 23
1980-1999 966.570 32 V!lcea (Romania) T2--498 2
2005-2009 966.570 34 Viljoenskroon (South
Vielles 787.69 Africa : District) T2-685 2
instrument 787.691 9 Villa Clara (Cuba:
music 787.69 Province) T2-729142
see also Stringed instruments Villages 307.762
Vienna (Austria) T2--436 13 T2-173 2
Vienne (France: Dept.) T2--446 3 area planning 711.43
Vieques Island (P.R.) T2-729 59 government 320.8
Vierwaldstiitter See cities 320.85
(Switzerland) T2--494 557 see Afanual at T2--4-9
Vi~t-C()ng (Vietnamese history) 959.704 332 2 Villancicos 782.43
Viet-Muong languages 495.92 carols 782.281 723
T6-959 2 Villas
Viet-Muong literatures 895.92 architecture 728.8
Viet-Muong peoples T5-959 2 Vinayapitaka 294.382 2
Vietcong (Vietnamese history) 959.704 332 2 Vincentians 255.77
church history 271.77

Dewey Decimal Classification

Vindelicia Violence (continued)

Vinegar pub lie safely 363.32
commercial processing 664.55 social conflict 303.6
cooking with 641.62 Violence in schools 371.782
Vinegar flies 595.774 Violence in the workplace
Vines 582.18 prevention
floriculture 635.974 management 658.473
landscape architecture 715.4 Violent behavior
see Manual at 635.9 vs. 582.1 medicine 616.858 2
Vlnh Long (Vietnam: Violent crimes 364.15
Province) T2-597 8 prevention 364.4
V!nh Phuc (Vietnam : self-defense 613.66
Province) T2--597 2 see also Crime
Vinnytsa (Ukraine : Oblast) T2-477 8 Violets 583.625
Vinnyii'ka oblast' floriculture 635.933 625
(Ukraine) T2-477 8 Violin concertos 784.272
Vinton County (Ohio) T2-771 837 Violin family 787.2
Vinylidene chlorides 668.423 7 see also Stringed instruments
Vinyls 668.423 6 Violin makers 787.219 092
textiles 677.474 4 Violinists 787.209 2
see also Textiles Violins 787.2
Vinyons instrument 787.219
textiles 677.474 4 music 787.2
see also Textiles see also Stringed instruments
Viola concertos 784.273 Violoncellists 787.409 2
Viola da gambas 787.65 Violoncellos 787.4
instrument 787.651 9 instrument 787.419
music 787.65 music 787.4
see also Stringed instruments see also Stringed instruments
Viola d'amores 787.66 Viols 787.6
instrument 787.661 9 instrument 787.619
music 787.66 music 787.6
see also Stringed instruments see also Stringed instruments
Violales 583.625 Vipera 597.963 6
Violas 787.3 Viperfishes 597.5
instrument 787.319 Viperidae 597.963
music 787.3 Vipers 597.963
see also Stringed instruments Viral diseases 571.992
Violence 303.6 see also Virus diseases
arts 700.455 2 Viral hepatitis
T3C-355 2 medicine 616.362 3
ethics 179.7 see also Digestive system
religion 205.697 diseases-· humans
Buddhism 294.356 97 Viral skin diseases
Christianity 241.697 medicine 616.522
Hinduism 294.548 697 see also Skin diseases
Islam 297.569 7 humans
Judaism 296.369 7 Vireolaniidac 598.878
literature 808.803 552 Vireonidae 598.878
history and criticism 809.933 552 Vireos 598.878
specific literatures T3B-080 355 2 conservation technology 639.978 878
history and resource economics 333.958 878
criticism T3B~~93 552 Virgin birth of Jesus Christ 232.921
Virgin Gorda (V.I.) T2-729 725

Relative Index

Virgin Islanders T5--969 729 72 Virtues

Virgin Islands 972.972 religion (continued)
T2-729 72 Islam 297.5
Virgin Islands, British T2-729725 Judaism 296.369 9
Virgin Islands National Park Virus diseases 571.992
(Saint John, V.I.) T2~729 722 agriculture 632.8
Virgin Islands of the United animals 571.992 11
States T2-729 722 veterinary medicine 636.089 691
Virginals 786.4 biology 571.992
instrument 786.419 humans 362.196 91
music 786.4 incidence 614.58
see also Keyboard instruments medicine 616.91
Virginia 975.5 social services 362.196 91
T2-755 plants 571.992 12
Virginia (South Africa : agriculture 632.8
District) T2~685 3 see also Communicable
Virginia Beach (Va.) T2-755 51 diseases
Virginia City (Nev.) T2-793 56 Viruses (Computer security) 005.84
Virginia cowslip 635.933 94 Viruses (Microorganisms) 579.2
botany 583.94 medical microbiology 616.910 1
floriculture 635.933 94 see Manual at 579.24-.25
Virginia creeper 583.86 Visas 323.67
Virginia deer 599.652 law 342.082
conservation technology 639.979 652 political science 323.67
resource economics 333.959 652 public administration 353.!3
Virginia reels 793.34 Visayan Islands
Virginia willow 583.72 (Philippines) T2-599 5
Virginity of Mary 232.913 Viscaceae 583.88
Virgo (Zodiac) 133.526 7 Visceral leishmaniasis
Viroids 579.29 incidence 614.534
Virologists 579.209 2 medicine 616.936 4
Virology 579.2 see also Communicable
medicine 616.910 1 diseases - humans
Virtual memory 005.435 Visceral perception
computer hardware 004.5 psychology 152.188 6
programs 005.435 Visconti, House of
Virtual private networks 004.678 Lombardian history 945.205
Virtual reality 006.8 Viscose rayon 677.463
computer art 776 see also Textiles
Virtual reference services Viscosity 531.113 4
(Libraries) 025.52 fluid mechanics 532.053 3
Virtue 179.9 gas mechanics 533.28
Virtues 179.9 liquid mechanics 532.58
arts 700.453 solid mechanics 531.4
T3C-353 Viscous flow 532.053 3
literature 808.803 53 gas mechanics 533.28
history and criticism 809.933 53 liquid mechanics 532.58
specific literatures T3B--080 353 Vises 621.992
history and Viseu (Portugal : District) T2--469 31
criticism T3B--093 53 Vishnuism 294.551 2
religion 205.699 Visibility
Buddhism 294.356 99 aeronautics 629.132 4
Christianity 241.4 meteorology 551.568
Hinduism 294.548

Dewey Decimal Classification

Visible light 535 Vitamin D treatment

see also Light milk processing 637.141
Visible light spectroscopes Vitamin therapy 615.328
manufacturing technology 681.414 3 Vitamins 572.58
Visigothic domination applied nutrition 613.286
Spanish history 946.01 animal husbandry 636.085 28
Vision 573.88 biochemistry 572.58
artificial intelligence 006.37 humans 612.399
arts 701.8 chemistry 547.7
epistemology 121.35 metabolism
human physiology 612.84 human physiology 612.399
psychology 152.14 pharmacology 615.328
seealw Eyes Vitebsk (Belarus: Voblasts) T2--478 4
Visions Vitebskala voblasts'
religious experience 204.2 (Belarus) T2--4784
Christianity 248.29 Viterbo (Italy) T2--456 251
Visi~tadvaita (Philosophy) 181.483 ancient T2-375 8
Visitation rights (Domestic law) 346.017 3 Viterbo (Italy: Province) T2-45625
Visitation Sisters 255.975 ancient T2~-375 8
church history 271.975 Viticulture 634.8
Visiting housekeepers Vitiligo
social welfare 362.828 3 medicine 616.55
Visiting nurses 610.734 3 see also Skin diseases-
medicine 610.734 3 humans
social welfare 362.14 Vitoria (Spain) T2--466 5
see also Health services Vitreous bodies
Visp (Switzerland : Bezirk) T2--494 794 6 human anatomy 611.84
Visual arts 700 human physiology 612.844
Visual-auditory memory 153.134 ophthalmology 617.746
Visual binaries 523.841 Vitreous body diseases
Visual display units ophthalmology 617.746
computer science 004.77 see alw Eye diseases
engineering 621.398 7 humans
Visual effects Viverridae 599.742
dramatic performances 792.024 Vivisection
see also Special effects - ethics 179.4
dramatic performances see also Animals -
Visual memory 153.132 treatment of- ethics
Visual novels 741.5 Vizcaya (Spain) T2--466 3
Visual perception Vizsla 636.752
psychology 152.14 Vlaams-Brabant (Belgium) T2--493 31
Visual programming 005.118 Vladimir (Russia : Oblast) T2--473 3
Visual signaling Vladimirskala ob1ast'
communications services 384 (Russia) T2-473 3
military engineering 623.731 VLF radio systems 621.384 153
nautical engineering 623.856 1 VLSI (Computer circuits) 621.395
Visualization (Psychology) 153.32 VMM insurance 368.12
Visually-impaired people 305.908 1
Tl--087 1
education 371.911
library services 027.663
social welfare 362.41
Vitaceae 583.86
Vitalism 147

Relative index

Vocabulary 401.4 Vocational education (continued)

dictionaries 413 on the job 331.259 2
specific languages T4-014 personnel management 658.312 4
dictionaries T4-3 Tl-068 3
usage (Applied executives 658.407 124
linguistics) public administration 352.669
see Manual at T4-3 vs. secondary level 373.246
T4--8l Vocational guidance 331.702
usage (Applied linguistics) 418 Tl-023
Vocabulary development economics 331.702
primary education 372.44 education 371.425
Vocal communication personnel management 658.385
animals 596.159 4 psychology 158.6
physiology 573.92 Vocational interest tests 153.94
Vocal cord diseases Vocational interests
medicine 616.22 applied psychology 158.6
see also Respiratory tract Vocational qualifications 331.114
diseases humans see also Qualifications of
Vocal cords 573.925 employees
biology 573.925 Vocational rehabilitation 362.042 5
medicine 616.22 see also Employment
surgery 617.533 services social services
see also Respiratory system Vocational schools 370.113
Vocal duets 783.12 see also Vocational education
Vocal expression Vocational 370.113
psychology 152.384 2 Tl-071 5
Vocal forms 782 see also Vocational education
Vocal music 782 Vochysiaceae 583.82
diction 783.043 Vodka 641.25
see }.fanual at 782 commercial processing 663.5
Vocal quartets 783.14 Vogul T5-945 1
Vocal trios 783.13 Vogullanguage 494.51
Vocalises 782.4 T6-945 1
Vocalists 782.009 2 Vogulliterature 894.51
Vocalization Voice
animals 596.1594 hnman physiology 612.78
physiology 573.92 music 783
Vocation (Career) 331.7 see Manual at 782
see also Occupations; preaching 251.03
Vocational guidance rhetoric of speech 808.5
Vocation (Religious calling) 253.2 Voice (Grammar) 415.6
ecclesiology 262.1 specific T4-56
guides to life 248.892 Voice disguisers (Musical
monastic and religious orders 255 instruments) 783.99
men 255 Voice disorders
guides to life 248.894 22 medicine 616.855 6
women 255.9 see also Communication
guides to life 248.894 32 disorders
Vocational counseling 331.702 Voice input devices 006.454
see also Vocational guidance computer engineering 621.399 4
Vocational education 370.113 Voice instruments 783.99
Tl-071 Voice mail systems
adult level 374.013 office services 651.73

Dewey Decimal Classification

Voice output devices 006.54 Volume (Sound)

computer engineering 621.399 musical element 781.233
Voice prints perception
criminal investigation 363.258 psychology 152.154
Voice synthesis 006.54 Volumetric analysis 543.24
computer engineering 621.399 Voluntaries (Music) 784.1893
Voiotia (Greece) T2--495 15 Voluntarism 361.37
Voivodina (Serbia) T2--497 1 philosophy 141
Volatiles (Volcanic gases) 551.23 public administrative support 352.78
Volcanic ash 552.23 social psychology 302.14
Volcanic gases 551.23 Voluntary association 302.3
Volcanic rocks 552.2 Voluntary enlistment (Military) 355.223 62
Volcanoes 551.21 Voluntary movement 573.7
disaster services 363.349 5 psychology 152.35
see also Disasters Voluntary muscle tissues 573.753 5
Voles 599.354 human histology 612.740 45
Volga languages, Middle 494.56 see also Musculoskeletal
T6-945 6 system
Volga literatures, Middle 894.56 Voluntary retail chains 381.12
Volga River (Russia) T2--474 management 658.870 2
Volgograd (Russia: Oblast) T2--474 7 see also Commerce
Volgogradskala oblast' Voluntary service groups
(Russia) T2--474 7 international assistance 361.26
Volition 153.8 public administrative support 352.78
Volksrust (South Africa: Voluntary sterilization 363.97
District) T2-682 79 see also Sterilization (Birth
Volleyball 796.325 control)
Volleyball cards 796.325 075 Volunteer social work 361.37
Volleyball courts 796.325 068 Volunteer teacher aides 371.141 24
Volleyball players 796.325 092 Volusia County (Fla.) T2-759 21
Vologda (Russia : Oblast) T2--471 9 Volvocales 579.832
Vologodskala oblast' Yolyn (Ukraine: Oblast) T2--477 9
(Russia) T2--471 9 Volyns'ka oblast' (Ukraine) T2--477 9
Volscian language 479.7 Vombatidae 599.24
T6-797 Von Mises, Ludwig
Volsinii (Temi, Italy) T2-375 76 economic school 330.157
Volsinii (Viterbo, Italy: Von Neumann algebras 512.556
Extinct city) T2-375 83 Von Willebrand disease
Volsinii Novi (Extinct city) T2-375 83 medicine 616.157
Volsinii Veteres (Italy) T2-375 76 see also Cardiovascular
Volt-ammeters 621.374 6 diseases -humans
Volta-Comoe languages 496.338 Voodoo 299.675
T6-963 38 Voodooism 299.675
Volta River (Ghana) T2-667 Vorarlberg (Austria) T2--436 45
Voltage detectors 621.374 3 Voreio Aigaio (Greece) T2--495 82
Voltaic languages 496.35 Voronezh (Russia: Oblast) T2--473 5
T6-963 5 Voronezhskala oblast'
Voltaic literatures 896.35 (Russia) T2--473 5
Voltameters 621.374 4 Vorpommem (Germany) T2--431 78
Voltans T5-966 25 Vorster, B. J. (Balthazar
Volterra (Italy) Johannes)
ancient T2-375 5 South African history 968.062
Volterra equations 515.45
Voltmeters 621.374 3

Relative Index

Vortex motion 532.059 5 VTOL aircraft 387.733 5

fluid mechanics 532.059 5 engineering 629.133 35
gas mechanics 533.295 military engineering 623.746 047
liquid mechanics 532.595 transportation services 387.733 5
Vosges (France) T2-443 89 Vulcanization 678.24
Vostok (Manned satellite) 629.454 latex . 678.524
Vote counting 324.65 rubber 678.24
Voter registration 324.64 Vulcanized papers 676.284 5
law 342.075 Vulcanized rubber 678.34
Votic language 494.54 Vulci (Extinct city) T2-375 82
T6-945 4 Vulgar Latin language 477
Voting behavior 324.9 T6-71
Voting machines 324.65 Vulgate Bible 22D.47
manufacturing technology 681.14 Vulpes 599.775
Voting offenses 364.132 4 Vultures 598.92
law 345.023 24 Vultures (New World) 598.92
Voting procedures 324.65 Vultures (Old World) 598.94
law 342.075 Vulva
Voting qualifications 324.62 gynecology 618.16
law 342.Q72 human anatomy 611.67
Voting rights 324.62 human physiology 612.628
law 342.072 Vulvar diseases
Votive 203.7 gynecology 618.16
Christianity 246.55 see also Female genital
fine arts 704.948 diseases humans
Christianity 704.948 2 Vuwani (South Africa :
see also Symbolism District) T2---682 57
religious significance Vychodocesky kraj (Czech
Votyak T5· 945 3 Republic) T2-437 18
Votyak language 494.53 V ychodoslovensky
T6---945 3 (Slovakia) T2-437 35
Votyak literature 894.53 Vysocina kraj (Czech
Voucher system (Education) 379.111 Republic) T2-437 22
Vowels 414
applied linguistics w
specific languages T4-813
specific languages T4-15 W* -algebras 512.556
Voyageurs National Park Waadt (Switzerland) T2-494 52
(Minn.) T2-776 77 WaadtHinder Nordjura
VPNs 004.678 (Switzerland) T2-494 5225
Vrancea (Romania) T2-498 1 Wabash County (Ill.) T2 773 78
Vrede (South Africa : Wabash County (Ind.) T2-772 83
District) Tl-6851 Wabash River (Ind.) T2--772 4
Vredefort (South Africa : Wabasha County (Minn.) T2-776 13
District) T2-685 2 Wabaunsee County (Kan.) T2-781 61
Vredenburg (South Africa : Wade, Abdoulaye
District) T2-687 32 Senegalese hist01y 966.305 2
Vredendal (South Africa : Wadena County (Minn.) T2-776 87
District) T2---687 31 Wadi al-Jadid (Egypt) Tl-622
Vryburg (South Africa : Wading birds 598.3
District) T2-68246 Wafers (Electronics) 621.381 52
Vryheid (South Africa : Waffle mixes 664.753
District) Tl-6842 Waffles 641.815 3
Wage differentials 331.22

Dewey Decimal Class!fication

Wage discrimination 331.2153 Waitomo District (N.Z.) T2~933 8

Wage payment systems 331.216 Manawatu-Wanganui
Wage policy 331.21 Region T2~935 17
Wage-price policy 339.5 Waikato Region T2~933 8
inflation control 332.415 Wakashan Indians T5~979 5

Wage scales 331.216 W~ashanlanguages 497.95

personnel management 658.322 2 T~~979 5
331.21 Wakatipu, Lake (N.Z.) T2~939 5
accounting 657.742 Wakayama-ken (Japan) T2~-521 82

economics 331.21 Wake County (N.C.) T2~75655

law 344.012 1 Wake Island T2--965

public employees 342.068 6 Wakeboarding 797.3
personnel management 658.32 Wakefield (England: City) T2-42815
Tl-068 3 Wakes 393.9
armed forces 355.64 Christian rites 265.85
executives 658.407 2 music 781.588
public administration 352.67 Wakkerstroom (South
public administration 354.98 Africa : District) T2~682 79
taxation 336.242 2 Wakool River (N.S.W.) T2~944 8
law 343.052 42 Wakulla County (Fla.) T2--759 89
public administration 352.44 Walachia T2-498 2
336.242 2 Walaga (Ethiopia) T2~633
public finance
Wages fund theory 331.210 1 Walapai language 497.572 4
Wagga Wagga (N.S.W.) T2~944 8 T6~975124
Wagner tubas 788.98 Walbiri T5~991 5
see also Brass instruments Walbiri language 499.15
Wagoner County (Okla.) T2~76687 T6~9915

Wagons 388.341 Walbrzych (Poland:

agricultural use 631.373 Voivodeship) T2--438 52
manufacturing technology 688.6 Waldenburg (Switzerland :
Wagtails 598.854 Bezirk) T2-494 337
Wal,ldah (Sudan) T2~6293 Waldenses
WahhabTyah (Islamic sect) 297.814 biography 284.4
Wahid, Abdurrahman Waldensian churches 284.4
Indonesian history 959.804 1 Waldensianism 273.6
Wahkiakum County (Wash.) T2~797 91 denomination 284.4
Waiheke Island (N.Z.) T2~9324 persecution of 272.3
Waikato District (N.Z.) T2~933 3 Waldo County (Me.) T2~74152

Waikato Region (N.Z.) T2~933 Waldorf method 371.391

Waimakariri District (N.Z.) T2-938 2 Walensee (Switzerland) T2-494 727
Waimate District (N.Z.) T2~93893 Wales 942.9
Waipa District (N.Z.) T2~933 57 T2-429
Wairarapa (N.Z.) T2~9366 ancient 936.29
Wairoa District (N.Z.) T2-93462 T2--362 9
Waistcoats 391.473 see Manual at 941
see also Vests (Waistcoats) Wales, North T2-4291
Waitakere City (N.Z.) T2-932 3 Wales, South Tl-4294
Waitaki District (N.Z.) T2~9391 Wales Island (Nunavut) T2~719 52

Canterbury Region T2~938 97 Wal~sa, Lech

Otago Region T2~939 1 Polish history 943.805 71
Waiters and waitresses 642.6 Walgett (N.S.W.) T2--9449
Waiting on tables 642.6 Walker County (Ala.) T2~76176
Walker County (Ga.) T2-75833
Walker County (Tex.) T2-764169

Relative Index

Walkie-talkies 621.384 5 Walnuts (continued)

Walking forestry 634.973 49
animal physiology 573.79 nut crops 634.51
human physiology 612.044 Walpiri T5-991 5
physical fitness 613.717 6 Walpiri language 499.15
sports 796.51 T6-991 5
equipment technology 688.765 1 Walras, Leon
see Manual at 913~919 vs. economic school 330.157
796.51 Walrus 599.799
Walkingsticks (Insects) 595.729 Walsall (England:
Wall coverings Metropolitan Borough) T2--424 92
household management 645.2 Walsh County (N.D.) T2---784 18
Walia Walia County Walthall County (Miss.) T2-762 22
(Wash.) T2~797 48 Waltham Forest (London,
Wallabies 599.22 England) T2421 72
Wallace County (Kan.) T2~781 123 Walton County (Fla.) T2-759 97
Wallachia T2--498 2 Walton County (Ga.) T2-758 212
Wallachia (Principality) 949.801 4 Waltzes 793.33
T2--498 2 music 784.188 46
Wallaroos 599.222 Walvis Bay (Namibia) T2-688 I
Wallboards Walworth County (S.D.) T2-783 18
pulp 676.183 Walworth County (Wis.) T2-775 89
Wallenpaupack, Lake (Pa.) T2-74823 Wampanoag Indians T5-973 48
Waller County (Tex.) T2-764 249 Wampanoag language 497.348
Walleye 597.758 T6-973 48
conservation technology 639.977 758 Wanaka, Lake (N.Z.) T2-939 5
resource economics 333.956 758 Wandering Jews 584.86
sports fishing 799.177 58 Wandsworth (London,
Walleyed pike 597.758 England) T2--421 66
Wallflowers (Plants) 583.64 Wanganui District (N.Z.) T2-935 4
Wallis (Switzerland) T2--494 79 Wangaratta (Vic.) T2-945 5
Wallis and Futuna Islands 996.16 Wanica (Suriname:
T2-9616 District) T2-883 57
Wallo (Ethiopia) T2-634 Wannsee-Konferenz ( 1942 :
Wallonia (Belgium) T2--493 4 Berlin, Germany) 940.531 844
Walloon Brabant (Belgium) T2--493 37 Wansbeck (England) T2--428 86
Walloons T5-42 Wansdyke (England) T2--423 98
Wallowa County (Or.) T2-795 73 Wapello County (Iowa) T2--777 93
Wallowa Mountains (Or.) T2~795 73 Wapiti 599.654 2
Wallpaper 676.284 8 animal husbandry 636.294 42
handicrafts 745.54 big game hunting 799.276 542
household management 645.2 conservation technology 639.979 654 2
interior decoration 747.3 War 355.02
Walls (Building element) 721.2 arts 700.458 1
architecture 721.2 T3C-358 1
construction 690.12 effect on natural ecology 577.274
interior decoration 747.3 ethics 172.42
Walls (Structures) religion 205.624 2
agricultural use 631.27 Buddhism 294.356 242
architecture 725.96 Christianity 241.624 2
Walnuts 641.345 1 Hinduism 294.548 624 2
botany 583.49 Islam 297.562 42
cooking 641.645 I Judaism 296.362 42
food 641.345 1

Dewey Decimal Classification

War (continued) Warao language 498.9

folklore 398.278 2 T6-989
history and criticism 398.358 I Warao literature 898.9
law 341.6 Waratahs 583.89
literature 808.803 581 Warble flies 595.774
history and criticism 809.933 581 Warblers (Old World) 598.843
specific literatures T3B----080 358 I Ward (Law) 346.018
history and Ward County (N.D.) T2-78463
criticism T3B-093 581 Ward County (Tex.) T2 -764 914
military science 355.02 Ward management 362.173 068
social effects 303.485 medicine 610.733
social theology 201.727 3 Wards (Election districts) 328.334 5
Buddhism 294.337 273 Ware County (Ga.) T2-758 794
Christianity 261.873 Warehouse clubs 381.149
Hinduism 294.517 273 management 658.879
Islam 297.27 Warehouse management 658.785
Judaism 296.382 7 military supplies 355.621 3
sociology 303.66 Warehouse receipts
seealm Wars Jaw 346.096
War and emergency legislation 343.01 Warehouses
War and emergency powers architecture 725.35
administrative law 342.062 Warehousing 388.044
constitutional law 342.041 2 commerce 381
War crime trials 341.690 268 transportation services 388.044
War crimes 364.138 see also Freight services
criminal law 345.023 8 Warfare 355.02
law of nations 341.69 see also War
War customs 399 Warlocks (Occultists) 133.430 92
War dances 399 see also Legendary beings
War games Warm-blooded animals 599
military science 355.48 paleozoology 569
recreation 793.92 Warmbad (South Africa:
War loan interest 336.182 District) T2--682 51
War memorials 725.94 Warmbaths (South Africa:
War neuroses District) T2-68251
medicine 616.852 12 Warminsko-Mazurskie
see also Mental disorders Voivodeship (Poland) T2-438 32
War news Warning systems 363.35
journalism 070.433 3 civil defense 363.35
War ofl812 973.52 law 344.053 5
War of nerves 327.14 military engineering 623.737
War powers (Legislative bodies) 328.346 public administration 353.95
Warrelief 363.349 88 Warragul (Vic.) T2-945 6
War risk insurance 368.14 Warrant officers 355.009 2
War risk life insurance 368.364 role and function 355.332
War victims 305.906 95 Warrants (Law) 345.052
Tl----086 949 Warranty 343.08
law of war 341.67 Warren (N.S.W.) Tl-9449
social group 305.906 95 Warren County (Ga.) T2-758 625
social services 363.349 8 Warren County (Ill.) T2 -773 415
War with Algiers, 1815 973.53 Warren County (Ind.) T2-772 96
Warab (Sudan) T2-629 4 Warren County (Iowa) T2-777 82
Warao Indians T5-989 Warren County (Ky.) T2~769 74
Warren County (Miss.) T2-762 29

Relative Index

Warren County (Mo.) T2-778 386 Warwick (England :

Warren County (N.C.) T2-75652 District) T2-424 87
Warren Cow1ty (N.J.) T2-749 78 Warwickshire (England) T2-424 8
Warren County (N.Y.) T2--747 51 Warwickshire Avon River
Warren County (Ohio) T2-771 763 (England) T2-4244
Warren County (Pa.) T2-74867 Wasatch Cqtrnty (Utah) T2-792 23
Warren County (Tenn.) T2-768 653 Wasatch Range (Utah and
Warren County (Va.) T2-755 97 Idaho) T2-792 2
Warrenton (South Africa: Idaho T2--796 44
District) T2--687 11 Utah T2-792 2
Warrick County (Ind.) T2-772 32 Wasco County (Or.) T2-795 62
Warrington (England: Waseca County (Mim1.) T2-776 195
Borough) T2-427 19 Wash, The (England) T2-425 3
Warrnambool (Vic.) T2~945 7 Washabaugh County (S.D.) T2-783 64
Wars 355.02 Washakie County (Wyo.) T2~787 34
history 900 Washboards
military analysis 355.48 music 786.886
military science 355.02 see also Percussion
social services 363.349 8 instruments
see also Disasters; War Washburn County (Wis.) T2-775 15
see Manual at 900; also at Washing clothes
930·990 home economics 648.1
.Vars between France and Holy Washing coal 662.623
Roman Empire, 1521-1599 Washing fabrics
French history 944.028 home economics 648.1
Italian history 945.06 Washing machines
N"ars of the Roses, 1455-1485 942.04 manufacturing technology 683.88
N"arsaw (Poland : Washington 979.7
Voivodeship) T2-438 41 T2-797
~arsaw Ghetto 940.531 853 841 Washington (D.C.) 975.3
~arsaw Pact 355.031 094 7 T2-753
~arsaw Treaty Organization 355.031 094 7 Washington (District) 976.803
Varships 359.83 T2-768
ancient and medieval 359.832 Washington, George
design 623.812 1 United States history 973.41
engineering 623.821 1789-1793 973.41
handling 623.882 I 1793-1797 973.43
naval equipment 359.83 Washington County (Ala.) T2--76l 243
naval units 359.32 Washington County (Ark.) T2-767 14
power-driven 359.83 Washington County (Colo.) T2-788 79
design 623.812 5 Washington County (Fla.) T2· 759 963
engineering 623.825 Washington County (Ga.) T2-758 672
naval equipment 359.83 Washington County (Idaho) T2-'-796 25
wind-driven 359.832 Washington County (IlL) T2~773 88
design 623.812 25 Washington County (Ind.) T2-772 22
engineering 623.822 5 Washington County (Iowa) T2-777 923
!art snakes 597.967 Washington County (Kan.) T2-781 273
!artburgkreis (Germany : Washington County (Ky.) T2-769 493
Landkreis) T2-43226 Washington County (Md.) T2-752 91
farthog 599.633 Washington County (Me.) T2-741 42
Tarts Washington County (Minn.) T2-776 59
medicine 616.544 Washington County (Miss.) T2-762 42
see also Skin diseases - Washington County (Mo.) T2-778 64
humans Washington County (N.C.) T2--756 165

Dewey Decimal Class~fication

Washington County (N.Y.) T2-747 49 Waste technology (continued)

Washington County (Neb.) T2-782 245 plastics 668.419 2
Washington County (Ohio) T2-77198 rubber manufacturing 678.29
Washington County (Okla.) T2-766 96 rural 628.74
Washington County (Or.) T2-795 43 wood products 674.84
Washington County (Pa.) T2-748 82 see. also Waste control
Washington County (R.I.) T2-745 9 Waste utilization
Washington County (Tenn.) T2-768 97 production .management 658.567
Washington County (Tex.) T2-764245 Wastelands
Washington County (Utah) T2-792 48 public administration 354.34
Washington County (Va.) T2-755 725 Wastepaper pulp 676.142
Washington County (Vt.) T2-743 4 Wastes 363.728
Washington County (Wis.) T2-~775 91 energy production
Washington Parish (La.) T2-763 11 economics 333.793 8
Washita County (Okla.) T2-76642 fuel technology 662.87
Washita River (Tex. and law 344.046 2
Okla.) T2-766 5 pollution technology 628.5
Washo Indians T5-975 76 social services 363.728
Washo language 497.576 utilization
T6-975 76 animal feed 636.085 56
Washoe County (Nev.) T2-793 55 production management 658.567
Washtenaw County (Mich.) T2-77435 water pollution engineering 628.168
Wasit (Iraq) T2-567 5 see also Waste control; Waste
Wasmosy, Juan Carlos technology
Paraguayan history 989.207 42 Wastewater 363.728 4
Wasps 595.79 see also Waste control
agricultural pests 632.79 Watauga County (N.C.) T2-756 843
Wasseramt (Switzerland) T2-494 359 3 Watchdog agencies 352.88
Wasseramt-Bucheggberg Watchdogs 636.73
(Switzerland) T2-494359 Watches 681.114
Waste control 363.728 art metalwork 739.3
law 344.046 2 technology 681.114
production management 658.567 Watchmakers 681.114 092
public administration 353.93 Watch works
social services 363.728 technology 681.112
spacecraft 629.477 4 Water 553.7
technology 628.4 biochemistry 572.539
see also Waste technology; humans 612.015 22
Wastes chemical engineering 661.08
Waste disposal 363.728 chemistry 546.22
see also Waste control; Waste disease transmission 614.43
technology dowsing 133.323 2
Waste heat 333.793 economic geology 553.7
Waste lands 333.73137 folklore 398.26
Waste management 363.728 history and criticism 398.364
see also Waste control geologic agent 551.35
Waste technology 628.4 see Manual at 551.302-.307
Tl-028 6 vs. 551.35
architecture 720.475 health 613.287
construction 690.028 6 hydraulic engineering 627
glassmaking 666.14 . hydraulic-power technology 621.204 22
nuclear engineering 621.483 8 law 346.046 91
paper manufacturing 676.042 materials science 620.198
petroleum 665.538 9

Relative Index

Water (continued) Water-electrolyte imbalances 571.937 5

metabolism medicine 616.399 2
human physiology 612.392 3 see also Digestive system
meteorology 551.57 diseases - humans
plant management 658.26 Water features
prospecting 628.114 landscape architecture 714
public administration 354.36 Water fixtures
religious worship 202.12 buildings 696.1
resource economics 333.91 Water fleas . 595.32
sanitary engineering 628.1 Water games 797.25
supply services 363.61 Water gardens 635.967 4
treatment engineering 628.162 Water gas 665.772
Water absorption Water hammer
plants 575.76 engineering 620.106 4
Water-atmosphere interactions 551.524 Water heaters
microclimatology 551.66 buildings 696.6
Water balance 551.48 manufacturing technology 683.88
Water bears 592.72 Water hyacynths 584.72
Water beetles 595.762 Water ices (Desserts) 641.863
Water birds 598.176 commercial processing 637.4
conservation technology 639.978 176 home preparation 641.863
paleozoology 568.4 Water impoundment
resource economics 333.958 28 flood control 627.44
Water bodies 551.46 water-lifting devices 621.69
T2-16 Water lilies 635.933 29
influence on precipitation 551.577 5 botany 583.29
physical geology 551.46 floriculture 635.933 29
public administration 354.36 Water mains 628.15
Water buffalo 636.293 Water mills 621.21
animal husbandry 636.293 Water ouzels 598.832
zoology 599.642 Water pageantry 797.203
Water chestnuts 583.765 Water plantains 584.72
Water clocks Water pollution 363.739 4
technology 681.111 effect on natural ecology 577.627
Water clovers 587.3 law 344.046 343
Water collection systems public administration 354.363 5
engineering 628.142 sanitary engineering 628.168
Water conservation 333.911 6 social welfare 363.739 4
agriculture 631.7 toxicology 571.95
engineering 628.13 see also Pollution
law 346.046 911 6 Water polo 797.252
public administration 354.363 4 Water poppy 584.72
resource economics 333.911 6 Waterpower 333.914
Water detention ponds 627.44 economics 333.914
Water distribution systems 363.61 electrical engineering 621.312 134
engineering 628.144 law 343.0924
Water diversion public administration 354.362 7
engineering 627.123 Water purification 628.162
flood control 627.45 Water-repellent fabrics 677.682
Water drainage see also Textiles
buildings 696.13 Water resources 333.91
Water-electrolyte balance engineering 627
biochemistry 571.75 law 346.046 91
humans 612.015 22 public administration 354.36

De>.vey Decimal Classification

Water reuse 363.728 4 Water voles 599.354

see also Waste control Water witching 133.323 2
Water rights Waterberg (South Africa:
law 346.043 2 District) T2-682 53
public control 346.046 91 Waterbuck 599.645
sale and rental 333.339 W aterclovers 587.3
Water safety 363.123 Watercolor painting 751.422
public administration 353.987 Watercresses 641.355 6
sports 797.200 289 botany 583.64
see also Safety cooking 641.655 6
Water scavenger beetles 595.763 food 641.355 6
Water skiers 797.350 92 garden crop 635.56
Water skiing 797.35 Waterfalls T2-169 4
Water softeners hydrology 551.484
buildings 696.12 Waterford (Ireland) T2---419 15
hot-water supply 696.6 Waterford (Ireland :
Water-soluble mediums County) T2--419 1
painting 751.42 Waterfowl 598.41
Water-soluble paints 667.63 conservation technology 639.978 41
Water solutions 541.342 2 food 641.391
chemical engineering 660.294 22 cooking 641.691
Water spangles 587.3 resource economics 333.958 41
Water sports 797 sports hunting 799.244
Water storage (Plant physiology) 575.78 zoology 598.41
Water striders 595.754 Waterfowling 799.244
Water supply 363.61 Waterleafs 583.94
economic geology 553.7 Waterloo (Ont.) T2-713 45
engineering 628.1 Waterloo (Ont. :Regional
rural 628.72 municipality) T2-713 44
household management 644.6 Waterloo, Battle of, 1815 940.274 2
law 343.092 4 Watermarks 676.280 27
military engineering 623.751 Watermeals 584.64
plumbing 696.12 Watermelons 641.356 15
public administration 354.366 botany 583.63
ships 623.854 commercial processing 664.805 615
social services 363.61 cooking 641.656 15
spacecraft 629.477 3 food 641.356 15
see Manual at 363.61 garden crop 635.615
Water table 551.492 Waterpower 333.914
Water temperatures Waterproof construction
meteorology 551.524 buildings 693.892
oceanography 551.465 3 Waterproof fabrics 677.682
Water towers 628.13 see also Textiles
Water transportation 387 Watersheds
engineering 629.048 land economics 333.73
law 343.096 Watt.,'I'spouts (Tornadoes) 551.553
military engineering 623.8 · Waterton-Glacier
public administration 354.78 International Peace Park
safety 363.123 (Mont. and Alta.) T2-786 52
law 343.096 Alberta T2-712 34
public administration 353.987 Montana T2-78652
transportation services 387 Waterton Lakes National
Water treatment 628.162 Park (Alta.) T2-712 34
Water turbines 621.24

Relative Index

Waterval-Boven (South Wax beans 641.356 52

Africa : District) T2----682 74 see also Snap beans
Waterways (Inland Wax carving 736.93
transportation) 386 Wax myrtles 583.43
see also Inland waterways Wax painting 751.46
Waterwheels 621.21 Waxbills 598.886
Waterworks 363.61 Waxes 665.1
see also Water supply biochemistry 572.57
Watford (England) TI----425 892 chemistry 547.77
Watling Island (Bahamas) T2-7296 sculpture material 731.2
Watonwan County (Minn.) T2-776 29 Waxing
Watson, John Christian woodwork
Australian history 994.041 buildings 698.33
Watsonian behaviorism 150.19432 Waxwings 598.852
Watt-hour meters 621.374 5 Way of the Cross 232.96
Wattled crows 598.8 Roman Catholic liturgy 264.027 4
Wattles (Trees) 583.748 Wayne County (Ga.) T2-758 756
forestry 634.973 748 Wayne County (Ill.) T2-773 792
ornamental arborieulture 635.977 374 8 Wayne County (Ind.) T2-772 63
Wattmeters 621.374 6 Wayne County (Iowa) T2-777 88
Waukesha County (Wis.) T2-775 93 Wayne County (Ky.) T2-769 64
Waupaca County (Wis.) T2-775 38 Wayne County (Mich.) T2-774 33
Waushara County (Wis.) T2-775 57 Wayne County (Miss.) T2---762 573
Wave action 551.36 Wayne County (Mo.) T2-778 92
Waveguides Wayne County (N.C.) T2-756 395
microwave electronics 621.381 331 Wayne County (N.Y.) T2-747 87
Wave mechanics 530.124 Wayne County (Neb.) T2-782 57
Wave propagation Wayne County (Ohio) T2-77161
microwave electronics 621.381 31 Wayne County (Pa.) T2-748 23
radio engineering 621.384 11 Wayne County (Tenn.) T2-768 39
Wave theories 530.14 Wayne County (Utah) T2-792 54
electricity 537.12 Wayne County (W.Va.) T2-754 47
light 535.13 Waynesboro (Va.) T2-755 912
modem physics 530.14 Weak interaction (Nuclear
Wave transmission particles) 539.7544
microwave electronics 621.381 31 Weakfish 597.725
radio engineering 621.384 11 Weakley County (Tenn.) T2-768 24
Wavelets (Mathematics) 515.2433 Weald, The (England) T2----422 5
Wavell, Archibald Percival W ea1den (England) T2----422 51
Wavell, Earl of Wealth 330.16
Indian history 954.035 9 distribution 339.2
Waveney (England) T2----426 41 economic theory 330.16
Waveney, River (England) T2----426 19 ethics 178
Waverley (England) T2----422 19 religion 205.68
Waves Buddhism 294.3568
air mechanics 533.62 Christianity 241.68
fluid mechanics 532.059 3 Hinduism 294.548 68
gas mechanics 533.293 macroeconomics 339.3
liquid mechanics 532.593 Wealth tax 336.22
mechanics 531.113 3 law 343.054
oceanography 551.463 Wealthy people 305.523 4
quantum theory 530.124 Tl-086 21
solid mechanics 531.33 customs 390.1
dress 391.01

Dewey Decimal Classification

Weapons Weather-induced illnesses

engineering 623.4 medicine 616.988
military 355.8 see also Environmental
see also Arms (Military) diseases - humans
small firearms 683.4 Weather lore 551.631
see also Guns (Small arms) Weather modification 551.68
Weapons industry 338.476 234 law 344.095 5
Weapons of mass destruction 358.3 see also Weather
disarmament 327.174 5 Weather satellites
engineering 623.451 6 use 551.635 4
law 341.735 Weather stripping 678.35
warfare 358.3 Weathering 551.302
Weapons testing by water 551.352
law of nations 341.733 by wind 551.372
Wear materials science 620.112 23
machine engineering 621.89 soil formation 551.305
Wear, River (England) T2--428 6 Weatherization (Housing
Wear resistance program) 363.583
materials science 620.11292 Weaver finches 598.887
Wear River Valley Weaver finches (Estrildidae) 598.886
(England) T2--428 6 Weaver finches (Ploceidae) 598.887
Wear Valley (England) T2--428 64 W eaverbirds 598.887
Wearable computers 004.16 Weavers (Birds) 598.887
see also Personal computers Weaving 677,028 242
Weasel spiders 595.48 arts 746.14
Weasels 599.766 2 threads and yams 746.14
Weather 551.6 vegetable fibers 746.41
aeronautics 629.132 4 manufacturing technology 677.028 242
crop damage 632.1 primary education 372.54
earth sciences 551.6 Web application frameworks 006.76
folklore 398.26 Web databases 005.740285 467 8
history and criticism 398.363 computer science 005.7402854678
health 613.11 information systems 025.042 2
influence on crime 364.22 Web page design 006.7
literature 808.803 6 Web programming 006.76
. history and criticism 809.933 6 Web publishing 070.579 73
specific literatures T3B-080 36 computer science 006.7
history and Web server programs 005.376
criticism T3B-093 6 Web servers 004.36
public administration 354.37 Web services 006.78
social effects 304.25 Web sites
transportation hazard 363.120 1 bibliographies 025.042 2
air transportation 363.124 12 specific subjects 025.06
see also Transportation safety see Manual at 011.39 vs.
see Manual at 551.5 vs. 551.6 005.3029, 016.0053,
Weather bureaus 354.37 025.04; also at 011.39
Weather control 551.68 vs. 005.3029, 016.0053,
law 344.095 5 025.0422
see also Weather cataloging 025.344
Weather forecasting 551.63 computer science 006.7
armed forces 355.343 2 development 006.7
see also Weather information systems 025.042 2
Webb County (Tex.) T2-764 462
Weber County (Utah) T2-792 28

Relative Index

Webster County (Ga.) T2-758 916 Weight-losing programs

Webster County (Iowa) T2---777 51 dietetics 613.25
Webster County {Ky.) T2-769 883 exercises 613.712
Webster County (Miss.) T2-762 697 health 613.712
Webster County (Mo.) T2 -778 823 Weighting (Compensation)
Webster County (Neb.) T2-782 374 labor economics 331.2166
Webster County (W.Va.) T2-754 65 personnel management 658.322 2
Webster Parish (La.) T2-763 96 Weightlessness
Weddell Sea (Antarctic regions) 551.461 73 space flight 629.418
T2--167 3 Weights and measures 530.81
Weddell seal 599.796 law 343.075
Wedding clothes 392.54 physics 530.81
commercial technology 687.16 public administration 352.83
customs 392.54 social use 389.1
home sewing 646.476 standardization 389.62
see also Clothing Weimar (Gennany) T2-432 241
Wedding music 781.587 Weimar Republic 943.085
Weddings Weimaraner (Dog) 636.752
customs 392.5 Weimarer Laud (Germany:
dress 392.54 Landkreis) T2-432 24
see also Clothing Weinfelden (Switzerland :
etiquette 395.22 Bezirk) T2-494 595
flower arrangements 745.926 Weirs 627.883
handicrafts 745.594 I Weld County (Colo.) T2-788 72
interior decoration 747.93 Welded joints 671.52042
rites 203.85 Welders 671.520 92
Weed killers 632.5 Welding 671.52
agriculture 632.5 decorative arts 739.14
chemical engineering 668.654 sculpture 731.41
environmental engineering 628.97 ship hulls 623.843 2
Weeding {Library collections) 025.216 Welding equipment 621.977
Weeds 632.5 Welding plastics 668.415
control 363.78 Welds 671.52042
agriculture 632.5 Welensky, Roy
environmental engineering 628.97 Rhodesia and Nyasaland
social services 363.78 history 968.903
economic botany 581.652 Welfare 361
Weeks 529.2 see also Welfare services
Weenen (South Africa: Welfare economics school 330.155 6
District) T2-684 7 Welfare fraud 364.163
Weevils 595.768 law 345.026 3
agricultural pests 632.768 Welfare law 344.03
Weight Welfare liberalism
biological organisms 578.41 political ideology 320.513
plants 581.41 Welfare power (Legislative
Weight-gaining diet bodies) 328.341 3
health 613.24 Welfare reform 361.68
Weight lifters 796.410 92 Welfare rights 361.614
Weight lifting 613.713 Welfare services 361
physical fitness 613.713 accounting 657.832
sports 796.41 Algerian Revolution 965.046 7
Weight-losing diet American Revolution 973.37
health 613.25 arts 700.455 6

De~vey Decimal Class(fication

Welfare services (continued) Weiland, River (England) T2---425 39

989.207 167 Well and Canal (Ont.) T2~713 38
Chaco War
Civil War (England) 942.062 7 . Wellesley, Richard Wellesley,
Civil War(Spain) 946.081 7 Marquess
Civil War (United States) 973.777 Indian history 954.031 2
crime prevention 364.44 Wellingborough (England :
Crimean War 947.073 87 Borough) T2-425 58
Falkland Islands War 997.110 247 Wellington (N.S.W.) T2~9445

943.082 7 Wellington (N.Z.) T2~936 3

Franco-German War
Holocaust, 1933-1945 940.531 87 Wellington (Ont. :County) T2~713 42
Hundred Years' War 944.025 7 Wellington (South Africa:
Indo-Pakistan War, 1971 954.920 517 District) T2~687 34

Indochinese War 959.704 17 Wellington City (N.Z.) T2~9363

Iraq War, 2003- 956.704 437 Wellington Region (N.Z.) T2~936

Iraqi-Iranian Conflict 955.05427 Wells (B.C.) T2~711 75

Korean War 951.904 27 Wells (Water source)

law 344.03 engineering 628.114
literature 808.803 556 hydrology 551.498
history and criticism 809.933 556 Wells County (Ind.) T2~772 72

specific literatures T3B-080 355 6 Wells County (N.D.) T2~784 58

history and Wells Gray Provincial Park

criticism T3B~093 556 (B.C.) T2---711 72
Napoleonic Wars 940.277 Welsers period
Persian Gulf War, 1991 956.704427 Venezuelan history 987.03
personnel management 658.38 Welsh T5- 916 6
prisoner services 365.66 Welsh Borders (England
public administration 353.5 and Wales) T2---424
South African War 968.048 7 Welsh Calvinistic Methodist
specific groups 362 Church 285.235
law 344.032 see also Presbyterian Church
students 371.7 Welsh corgis 636.737
Thirty Years' War 940.247 Welsh language 491.66
Vietnamese War 959.704 37 T6~9166

War of the Pacific 983.061 67 Welsh literature

World War I 940.477 English 820
World War II 940.547 7 Welsh 891.66
see Manual at 30I-307 vs. Welsh Marches (England
361-365; also at 361 vs. and Wales) T2---424
362-363; also at 361-365; Welsh pony 636.16
also at 361-365 vs. 353.5 Welshpool (Wales) T2 429 51
Welfare state W elwi tschiales 585.8
economics 330.126 Welwyn Hatfield (England) T2---425 86
social welfare 361.65 Wendish language 491.88
Welfare workers 361.92 T6--918 8
Welkom (South Africa ; Wendish literature 891.88
District) T2-685 35 Wendish people T5-918 8
Well-being Wends T5~9l8 8

applied psychology 158 Wens (Disorder)

children 155.419 medicine 616.53
parapsychology 131 see also Skin diseases
Well blowouts humans
oil extraction 622.338 2 Wentworth (Ont.) T2~713 52

Well shrimps 595.378 Wepener (South Africa:

Weiland (Ont. :County) T2~713 38 District) T2~685 6

Relative Index

Werdenberg (Switzerland: West Devon (England) T2-423 53

Wahlkreis) T2-494 728 West Dorset (England) T2-423 31
Werewolves 398.245 4 West Dunbartonshire
see also Legendary animals (Scotland) T2-414 32
Werribee (Vic.) T2-945 2 West Equatoria (Sudan) T2--629 5
Weser-Ems (Germany: West Feliciana Parish (La.) T2-763 17
Regiemngsbezirk) T2-435 91 West Flanders (Belgium) T2-493 12
Weser River (Germany) T2-435 9 West Frisian Islands
Wesleyan Conference 287.53 (Netherlands) T2-492 13
see also Methodist Church West Germanic languages 439
Wesleyan Methodist Church 287.1 T6-39
see also Methodist Church West Germanic literatures 839
Wesleyan Reform Union 287.534 West Germany ( 1949-1990) 94 3. 087
see also Methodist Church T243
Wesleyan Reformers 287.53 West Glamorgan (Wales) T2-429 82
see also Methodist Church West Indian boxwood 583.45
Wesselsbron (South Africa : West Indian steel dmms 786.843
District) T2--685 3 see also Percussion instruments
Wessex supremacy 942.016 West Indies 972.9
West (U.S.) 978 T2-729
T2-78 West Indies, Dutch T2-729 86
art representation 704.949 978 West Indies, French T2·-729 76
arts 700.458 78 West Indies Associated
T3C-358 78 States T2-729 73
literature 808.803 587 8 West Iranian wu1"u"l'i"~ (Ancient) 491.51
history and criticism 809.933 587 8 T6--915 1
specific literatures T3B-080 358 78 West Iranian literatures (Ancient) 891.51
history and Westirian 995.1
criticism T3B-093 587 8 T2-951
see also Westerns fiction West Irian Jaya (Indonesia) T2-951 2
West (Western world) 909.098 21 West Java (Indonesia) T2-598 24
T2-182 1 West Kalimantan
West Africa 966 (Indonesia) T2-598 32
T2-66 West Kettle River (B.C.) T2-71162
West Africans T5-966 West Lake Region
West Atlantic languages (Africa) 496.32 (Tanzania) T2--678 27
T6-963 2 West Lancashire (England) T2-427 612
West Azerbaijan (Iran) T2-554 West Lindsey (England) T2-425 31
West Bank 956.953 West Lothian (Scotland) T2-413 3
T2~569 53 West Malaysia T2-595 1
ancient 933.53 West Midlands (England) T2-424 9
T2-335 3 West Midlands (England :
West Baton Rouge Parish Region) T2-424
(La.) T2-763 452 West New Britain Province
West Bengal (India) T2-5414 (Papua New Guinea) T2-958 7
West Berkshire (England: West New Guinea 995.1
District) T2-422 91 T2-95l
West Berlin (Germany) T2-431554 West New Guinea languages 499.5
West Branch Susquehanna T6-995
River(Pa.) T2-748 5 West Nile fever
West Carroll Parish (La.) T2-763 83 incidence 614.588 56
West Coast National Park medicine 616.918 56
(South Africa) T2-687 32 West Nusa Tenggara
West Coast Region (N.Z.) T2-937 1 (Indonesia) T2-598 65

Dewey Decimal Classtfication

West Orange (N.J.) T2-749 33 Western Darfur (Sudan:

West Oxfordshire (England) T2--425 71 State) 1'2-627
West Pakistan (Pakistan) T2-549 1 Western Desert (Egypt) T2-622
West Prussia (Germany) T2--438 2 Western desert language 499.15
West Rand (South Africa) T2-682 22 T6--9915
West Redonda Island (B.C.) T2-711 1 Western Europe 940
West Road River (B.C.) T2-711 75 T2--4
West Scandinavian languages 439.5 ancient 936
T6-395 T2-36
West Scandinavian literatures 839.5 Western Finland (Finland) T2---489 73
West Semitic languages 492 Western flower arTangements 745.922 4
T6-92 Western folk music modes 781.263
West Semitic literatures 892 Western France T2-446
West Semitic peoples T5-92 Western front
West Sepik Province (Papua World War I 940.414 4
New Guinea) TI-957 7 Western Greece (Greece) T2--495 27
West Slavic languages 491.85 Western Hemisphere T2-1812
T6--918 5 Western Hemisphere
West Slavic literatures 891.85 intergovernmental
West Slavs T5-918 5 organizations 341.245
West Somerset (England) T2--423 85 Western Highlands (Papua
West Sulawesi (Indonesia) T2-598 46 New Guinea) T2-956 5
West Sumatra (Indonesia) T2-598 13 Western Hindi languages 491.43
West Sussex (England) T2--422 6 T6-9143
West Thurlow Island (B.C.) T2-7111 Western Hindi literatures 891.43
West Timor (Indonesia) T2-598 68 Western Isles (Scotland) TI--4114
West Vancouver (B.C.) T2-711 33 Western Kordofan (Sudan) T2-628
West Virginia 975.4 Western Macedonia
T2-754 (Greece) T2-495 62
West-Vlaanderen (Belgium) T2--493 12 Western Mediterranean
West Wiltshire (England) T2~423 15 region T2-182 21
West Yorkshire (England) TI-428 1 ancient 936
Westchester County (N.Y.) T2-747 277 T2-36
Westerlies 551.518 3 Western Mediterranean Sea 551.461 381
Western Aramaic languages 492.29 T2-163 81
T6--922 9 Western New Guinea (Indonesia) 995.1
Western Aramaic literatures 892.29 T2-951
Western architecture 722-724 Western Oregon T2--795 I
ancient 722.6 Western Panjabi language 491.419
Western art music 781.68 T6--914 19
Western Asian intergovernmental Western philosophy 190
organizations 341.247 7 Western popular music 781.64
Western Australia TI-941 country music
Western Bahr al Ghazal songs 782.421 642
(Sudan) T2-629 4 songs 782.421 64
Western Bay of Plenty Western Province (Kenya) T2-676 28
District (N.Z.) T2-934 22 Western Province (Papua
Western bloc TI-171 3 New Guinea) TI-9549
Western calendars 529.4 Western Province (Solomon
Western calligraphy 745.619 7 Islands) T2-959 31
Western Canada T2-712 Western Province (Zambia) T2-689 4
Western Cape (South Africa) 968.73 Western Saami languages 494.572
T2--687 3 T6--945 72
Western civilization 909.098 21

Relative Index

Western Sahara 964.8 Wetlands 551.417

T2--648 biology 578.768
Western Samar resource economics 333.952 88
(Philippines) T2-~599 5 animals 333.954 88
Western Sami languages 494.572 ecology 577.68
T6-945 72 geomorphology 551.417
Western Samoa 996.14 law 346.046 918
Western Samoans T5-994 62 public administration 354.34
Western Siberia (Russia) T2-573 resource economics 333.918
Western States (U.S.) 978 Wetting agents 668.14
T2-78 Wetzel County (W.Va.) T2-754 18
see also West (U.S.) Wexford (Ireland) T2--418 856
Western stories 808.838 74 Wexford (Ireland: County) T2-418 85
history and criticism 809.387 4 Wexford County (Mich.) T2--774 67
specific literatures T3B-308 74 Weymouth and Portland
individual authors T3A-3 (England) T2-423 35
Western Turkic languages 494.38 Whakatane District (N.Z.) T2-93425
T6-943 8 Whale fishes 597.64
Western Washington T2-797 6 Whale lice 595.378
Western world 909.098 21 Whale oil 665.2
T2-182 I Whalers 639.280 92
Westerns Whales 599.5
fiction 808.838 74 conservation technology 639.979 5
history and criticism 809.387 4 hunting 639.28
specific literatures T3B-308 74 paleozoology 569.5
individual authors T3A--3 resource economics 333.959 5
motion pictures 791.436 587 8 law 346.046 959 5
radio programs 791.446 587 8 zoology 599.5
television programs 791.456 587 8 Whaling
Westland District (N.Z.) T2-937 1 law 343.076 928
Westland National Park production economics 338.372 95
(N.Z.) T2~937 I products 338.372 95
Westlich Raron commerce 381.439 5
(Switzerland) T2-494 794 5 technology 639.28
Westmeath (Ireland) T2--418 15 Whaling industry 338.372 95
Westminster (London, Whaling ships
England) T2--421 32 engineering 623.824 8
Westmoreland County (Pa.) T2-748 81 Whanganui National Park
Westmoreland County (Va.) T2-755 24 (N.Z.) T2-935 2
Westmorland (N.B.: Whangarei District (N .z.) TI-931 6
County) T2-715 23 Wharton County (Tex.) T2-764 133
Westmount (Quebec) T2--714 28 Wharves
Weston County (Wyo.) T2-787 14 engineering 627.31
Westonaria (South Africa: Whatcom County (Wash.) T2-797 73
District) T2-68222 Wheat 641.331 1
Westosterreich (Austria) T2--436 4 botany 584.9
Westphalia (Germany) TI--435 6 commercial processing 664.722
Wet-collodion process 772.14 cooking 641.631 I
Wet-weather photography 778.75 food 641.331 1
Wetar Island (Indonesia) T2-598 52 food crop 633.11
Wetland animals 591.768 forage crop 633.251
Wheatland County (Mont.) T2-786 63
Wheel games 795.2
equipment technology 688.752

Dewey Decimal Classification

Wheelbarrows White collar workers (continued)

manufacturing technology 688.6 personnel management 658.304 4
Wheelchair basketball 796.323 8 social class 305.55
Wheelchair sports 796.045 6 White corpuscles 571.96
Wheelchairs 617.o33 human histology 612.112
Wheeler County (Ga.) T2-758 835 human immunology 616.079
Wheeler County (Neb.) T2--782 762 human physiology 612.112
Wheeler County (Or.) T2-795 81 see also Cardiovascular system
Wheeler County (Tex.) T2-764 828 White County (Ark.) T2-767 76
Wheeler Lake (Ala.) T2-761 98 White County (Ga.) T2-758 277
Wheeling (W.Va.) T2-754!4 White County (Ill.) T2-773 96
Wheels White County (Ind.) T2-772 93
automotive engineering 629.248 White County (Tenn.) T2-768 66
railroad engineering 625.21 White dwarfs 523.887
Whelks 594.32 White elephant sales 381.195
Whey 641.373 White-footed mice 599.355
cooking 641.673 White-fronted goose 598.417 3
food 641.373 White mangrove 583.763
processing 637.3 White Mountains (N.H. and
Whig Party (Great Britain) 324.241 02 Me.) T2-742 2
Whig Party (U.S.) 324.273 23 White Nile (Sudan: State) T2-6264
Whip scorpions 595.453 2 White Nile River T2-629 3
Whippet (Dog) 636.753 2 White perch 597.732
Whippoorwill 598.99 White Pine County (Nev.) T2--793 15
Whips White race 305.809
music 786.99 T5-09
see also Percussion White River (Ark. and Mo.) T2--767 2
instruments White River (Ind.) T2-772 3
Whiptails (Lizards) 597.958 25 White River (South Africa :
Whirligig beetles 595.762 District) T2-682 71
Whisk ferns 587.4 White Rock (B.C.) T2-71133
Whiskey 641.252 White Sands National
commercial processing 663.52 Monument (N.M.) T2-789 65
Whisky 641.252 White Sea (Russia) 551.461 324
commercial processing 663.52 T2-163 24
Whist 795.413 White shark 597.33
Whistle (Voices) 782.98 White slave traffic 364.153 4
choral and mixed voices 782.98 law 345.025 34
single voices 783.98 White supremacy
Whistle blowing political ideology 320.569 09
law 342.068 White-tailed deer 599.652
public administration 353.46 big game hunting 799.276 52
Whistler (B.c.) T2-71131 conservation technology 639.979 652
White bass 597.732 resource economics 333.959 652
White blood cells 571.96 White whale 599.542
human immunology 616.079 White wine 641.222 2
White collar crime 364.168 commercial processing 663.222
law 345.026 8 fortified 641.222 6
White collar workers 331.792 sparkling 641.222 4
Tl-086 22 commercial processing 663.224
labor economics 331.792 Whitefish Bay (Mich. and
labor force 331.119 042 Ont.) T2-77491
labor market 331.129 042 Whitefishes 597.55
labor unions 331.883 6

Relative Index

Whitet1ies 595.752 Whooping cough

Whitehorse (Yukon) T2~719 1 incidence 614.543
Whites T5--09 medicine 616.204
race identity 305.809 see alw Respiratory tract
Whiteshell Provincial Park diseases- humans
(Man.) T2-712 74 pediatrics 618.922 04
Whiteside County (Ill.) T2-773 35 Whyalla (S. Aust.) T2-94238
Whitetip shark 597.34 Wibaux County (Mont.) T2-786 34
Whitewash 667.63 Wicca
Whitewashing religious practice 299.94
buildings 698.2 Wichita (Kan.) T2-78l 86
Whitfield County (Ga.) T2~758 324 Wichita County (Kan.) T2~781423
Whiting (Kingfish) 597.725 Wichita County (Tex.) T2-764 745
Whitings ( Cods) 597.633 Wichita Indians T5-979 3
Whitings (Whitefishes) 597.55 Wichita language 497.93
Whitlam, Gough T6~979 3
Australian history 994.062 Wick (Scotland) T2--4ll 52
Whitley County (Ind.) T2-772 75 Wickerwork plants
Whitley County (Ky.) T2-769 132 agriculture 633.58
Whitman County (Wash.) T2--~797 39 Wicketkeeping 796.358 24
Whitney, Mount (Calif.) T2 -794 86 Wicklow (Ireland: County) T2--418 4
Whitsunday 263.94 Wicomico County (Md.) T2-752 25
devotional literature 242.38 Wide-area networks 004.67
music 781.7293 see also Computer
sennons 252.64 communications
Whitsunday Group (Qld.) T2-943 6 Widgeon grass 584.74
Whitsunday Island National Widowed people 306.88
Park (Qld.) T2-943 6 Tl~086 54
Whittling 736.4 family relationships 306.88
Whole-class reading psychology 155.644
primary education 372.4164 social group 306.88
Whole-language approach social welfare 362.829 3
primary education 372.62 Widowers 306.882
language arts 372.62 Tl-{)86 54
reading 372.475 family relationships 306.882
Whole life insurance 368.326 psychology 155.644 2
Whole tonality 781.266 social group 306.882
Whole-word method (Reading) social welfare 362.829 3
primary education 372.462 Widows 306.883
Wholesale clubs 381.149 Tl-D86 54
management 658.879 family relationships 306.883
Wholesale marketing 381.2 psychology 155.644 3
management 658.86 social group 306.883
see also Commerce social welfare 362.839 58
Wholesale outlet stores 381.15 Wielkopolskie Voivodeship
management 658.870 5 (Poland) T2--438 49
Wholesale trade 381.2 Wien (Austria) T2--436 13
accounting 657.839 Wieringermecr
law 343.081 2 (Netherlands) T2-492 35
marketing management 658.86 Wiesbaden (Germany) T2-434 165
see al.~o Commerce Wieser, Friedrich, Freiherr von
economic school 330.157

Dewey Decimal Classification

Wife abuse 362.829 2 Wild turkeys 598.645

criminology 364.155 53 conservation technology 639.978 645
criminal law 345.025 553 resource economics 333.958 645
social welfare 362.829 2 sports hunting 799.246 45
see also Family violence Wild West shows 791.84
Wife and husband 306.872 Wildcat (Felis silvestris) 599.752 6
law 346.016 3 Wildcat (Lynx mfus) 599.753 6
Wigan (England : Wildebeests 599.645 9
Metropolitan Borough) T2-427 36 Wilderness areas
Wight, Isle of (England) T2-422 8 conservation 333.782 16
Wigs 646.724 8 law 346.046 782
customs 391.5 natural resources 333.782
dramatic performances 792.027 Wilderness National Park
motion pictures 791.430 27 (South Africa) T2-687 37
stage 792.027 Wildfowl 598.163
television 791.450 27 conservation technology 639.978 163
manufacturing technology 679 economic zoology 598.163
personal care 646.724 8 food 641.391
Wigtown (Scotland) T2-414 7 cooking 641.691
Wijdenbosch, Jules A. resource economics 333.958 29
Surinamese history 988.303 23 sports hunting 799.24
Wikis (Computer science) 006.75 waterfowl 598.41
Wil (Switzerland : see also Waterfowl
Wahlkreis) T2-494725 Wildfowling 799.24
Wilbarger County (Tex.) T2-764 746 Wildfowling (Waterfowling) 799.244
Wilcox County (Ala.) T2-761 38 Wildlife 590
Wilcox County (Ga.) T2~758 845 resource economics 333.954
Wild and scenic rivers 333.784 5 smuggling 364.133 67
law 346.046 784 5 law 345.023 367
natural resources 333.784 5 see also Animals
Wild boars 599.633 2 Wildlife conservation 333.954 16
agricultural pests 632.696 33 law 346.046 951 6
big game hunting 799.276 332 technology 639.9
conservation technology 639.979 633 2 Wildlife crimes 364.162 859 l
resource economics 333.959 633 2 law 345.026 285 91
Wild children 155.456 7 Wildlife management 333.954
Wild edible plants 641.303 technology 639.9
economic botany 581.632 Wildlife refuges 333.954 16
food 641.303 Wildlife reserves 333.954 16
Wild flowers 582.13 conservation technology 639.95
floriculture 635.967 6 economics 333.954 16
Wild horse 599.665 5 landscape architecture 719.36
conservation technology 639.979 665 5 law 346.046 951 6
resource economics 333.959 665 5 Wildlife viewing sites 590.723 4
Wild mango (Dika) 583.79 Wildlife watching 590.723 4
Wild rice 584.9 Wilhelmina, Queen of the
cooking 641.631 78 Netherlands
food 641.331 78 Dutch history 949.207 1
food crop 633.178 Wilhelmshaven (Germany) T2--435 917
Wild sarsaparilla 583.84 Wilkes County (Ga.) T2-758 172
Wild silk textiles 677.392 Wilkes County (N.C.) T2-75682
see also Textiles Wilkin County (Minn.) T2-776 91
Wilkinson County (Ga.) T2~-758 543
Wilkinson County (Miss.) T2-76225

Relative Index

Will 153.8 Wilmington (N.C.) T2-756 27

philosophy 128.3 Wilmot Proviso, 1847 973.61
freedom of will 123.5 Civil War (United States) cause 973.711 3
Will County (Ill.) T2-773 25 Wilson, Woodrow
Willacy County (Tex.) T2-764493 United States history 973.913
Willamette River (Or.) T2-795 3 Wilson cloud chambers
Will em Pretorius Game nuclear physics 539.777
Reserve (South Africa) T2--685 3 Wilson County (Kan.) T2-781 925
William I, German Emperor Wilson County (N.C.) T2~756 43
German history 943.083 Wilson County (TemL) T2-768 54
William I, King of England Wilson County (Tex.) T2--764 445
English history 942.021 Wilsons Promontory
William II, German Emperor National Park (Vic.) T2--945 6
German history 943.084 Wiltshire (England) T2-423 1
William II, King of England Wimmera (Vic. : District) T2-945 8
English history 942.022 Wimmera River (Vic.) T2-945 9
William II1, King ofEng1and Win burg (South Africa :
British history 941.068 District) T2-685 3
English history 942.068 Winches 621.864
Scottish history 941.106 8 Winchester (England : City) T2-422 735
William IV, King of Great Winchester (Va.) T2-755 991
Britain Wind 551.518
British history 941.075 crop damage 632.16
English history 942.075 geologic agent 551.37
Scottish history 941.107 5 Wind bands 784.8
Williams County (N.D.) T2-784 73 Wind Cave National Park
Williams County (Ohio) T2-771 113 (S.D.) T2-783 95
Williams Lake (B.C.) T2-711 75 Wind chimes 786.872
Williamsburg (Va.) T2-755 425 2 see also Percussion instruments
Williamsburg County (S.C.) T2-757 83 Wind-driven ships 387.204 3
Williamson County (Ill.) T2-773 993 design 623.812 043
Williamson County (Tenn.) T2-768 56 engineering 623.820 3
Williamson County (Tex.) T2-764 289 modem 387.22
Williamsoniaceae 561.592 design 623.812 2
Willingdon, Freedman Freedman- engineering 623.822
Thomas, Marquess of handling 623.882 2
Indian history 954.035 8 transportation services 387.22
Willisau (Switzerland : transportation services 387.204 3
Amt) T2-494 553 see also Ships
Williston (South Africa : Wind energy 333.92
District) T2--687 17 Wind engines 621.45
Williston Lake (B.C.) T2-711 87 Wind ensembles 785.43
Willmore Wilderness Wind erosion 551.372
Provincial Park (Alta.) T2-712 332 Wind instruments 788
Willowmore (South Africa : bands and orchestras 784
District) T2-{)87 51 chamber ensembles 785
Willows 583.65 construction 788.192 3
ornamental arboriculture 635.977 365 by hand 788.192 3
Willowvale (South Africa : by machine 681.88
District) T2-687 58 solo music 788
Wills 346.054 Wind loads 624.175
genealogy 929.3 Wind-powered electric
Willy-willics (Hurricanes) 551.552 generation 621.312 136
Wilmington (Del.) T2-7512 Wind propulsion 621.45

Dewey Decimal Classification

Wind River Range (Wyo.) T2--787 6 Windstorm insurance 368.122

Wind scorpions 595.48 Windsurfing 797.33
Wind tunnels Windward Islands 972.984
aircraft 629.134 52 T2-729 84
Wind waves Wine 641.22
oceanography 551.463 commercial processing 663.2
Windham County (Conn.) T2-74645 cooking with 641.622
Windham County (Vt.) T2-743 9 home economics 641.22
Windhoek (Namibia) T2--688 1 home preparation 641.872
Windlasses 621.864 Wings (Air force units) 358.413 1
Windmills 621.453 Wings (Airplanes)
Window-box gardens 635.967 8 engineering 629.134 32
Window displays Wings (Animals) 591.479
advertising 659.157 descriptive zoology 591.479
Window furnishings 645.3 birds 598.1479
horne sewing 646.21 insects 595.714 79
household management 645.3 physiology 573.798
manufacturing technology 684 Wings (Naval air units) 359.943 4
Window gardening 635.967 8 Winkler County (Tex.) T2-764 913
Window glass 666.152 Winn Parish (La.) T2-763 66
Window insurance 368.6 Winnebago, Lake T2-775 64
Window managers (Systems Winnebago County (IlL) T2-·773 31
programs) 005.437 Winnebago County (Iowa) T2-777 22
Windowing programs 005.437 Winnebago County (Wis.) T2-775 64
Windows Winnebago Indians T5-975 26
automobile 629.266 Winnebago language 497.526
buildings 721.823 T6-975 26
architecture 721.823 Winneshiek County (Iowa) T2-777 32
construction 690.182 3 Winnipeg (Man.) T2-712 743
interior decoration 747.3 Winnipeg, Lake (Man.) T2-712 72
Windscreen wipers 678.35 Winnipegosis, Lake (Man.) T2-712 72
automobile 629.276 Winnipesaukee, Lake (N.H.) T2-742 4
Windscreens Winona County (Minn.) 12-77612
automobile 629.266 Winooski River (Vt.) T2-743 17
Windshield wipers 678.35 Winston County (Ala.) T2-761 74
automobile 629.276 Winston County (Miss.) T2-762 692
Windshields Winter 508.2
automobile 629.266 music 781.524 8
Windsor (N.S.) T2-716 35 see also Seasons
Windsor (Ont.) T2-713 32 Winter air conditioning
Windsor, Edward, Duke of building systems 697.933 2
British history 941.084 Winter flounder 597.694
English history 942.084 Winter-flowering plants 581.43
Scottish history 941.108 4 floriculture 635.953
Windsor, House of 941.08 Winter Olympic Games 796.98
British history 941.08 Winter sports 796.9
English history 942.08 Winteraceae 583.22
genealogy 929.72 Wintergreens 583.66
Scottish history 941.108 flavorings 641.338 2
Windsor and Maidenhead see also Flavorings
(England) T2--422 96 Winter's bark 583.22
Windsor County (Vt.) T2-743 65 Winterthur (Switzerland :
Windsor Tableland National Bezirk) T2--494 574 7
Park (Qld.) T2-943 6

Relative Index

Wire communication systems 384.6 Wit and humor 152.43

see also Telephone Witbank (South Africa :
Wire services District) T2-682 76
journalism 070.435 Witch hazels (Plants) 583.44
Wire-stitching Witchcraft 133.43
bookbinding 686.35 arts T3C-377
Wire walking literature 808.803 77
sports 796.46 history and criticism 809.933 77
Wired communications 004.6 specific literatures T3B-080 377
Wirehaired pointing griffon 636.752 history and
Wireless communication 384.5 criticism T3B-093 77
communications services 384.5 religious practice 203.3
engineering 621.384 African religions 299.613 3
Jaw 343.099 45 modern revivals 299.94
public administration 354.75 Native American religions 299.713 3
Wireless communications 004.6 sociology 306.4
Wires Witches (Occultists) 133.430 92
electrical circuits 621.319 33 persecution by Church 272.8
metal 671.842 see also Legendary beings
power transmissiun 621.854 Witches (Religious leaders) 200.92
sculpture material 731.2 biography 200.92
structural ""!S""""''"IS 624.177 4 modern revivals of old
Wiretapping 299.94
criminal investigation 363.252 role and function 206.1
electronic engineering 621.389 28 see Manual at 200.92 and
law 345.052 201~209, 292-299
Wireworms 595.765 Witham, River (England) T2-425 3
agricultural pests 632.765 Withholding tax 336.242 2
Wirral (England) T2-427 51 law 343.052 424
Wirt County (W.Va.) T2-75426 Withlacoochee River (Fla.) T2-759 7
Wisconsin 977.5 Witness bearing 248.5
T2-775 Witnesses 347.066
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran police interrogation 363.254
Synod 284.134 trial procedure 347.075
see also Lutheran church Witotoan ""1·"""1:5"'" 498.9
Wisconsin River (Wis.) T2-775 T6-989
Wisdom literature (Bible) 223 Witrivier (South Africa :
Apocrypha 229.3 District) T2-682 71
Old Testament 223 Witsieshoek (South Africa :
pseudepigrapha 229.912 District) T2-685 1
Wisdom of God 212.7 Wittmund (Germany :
Christianity 231.6 Landkreis) T2-435 917
comparative religion 202.112 Witwatersrand (South
Judaism 296.311 2 Africa) T2-682 2
philosophy of religion 212.7 Wives 306.872 3
Wisdom of Solomon (Bible) 229.3 Tl-086 55
Wise County (Tex.) T2~764 532 social welfare 362.839 52
Wise County (Va.) T2-755 743 see also Married women
Wise men (Christian doctrines) 232.923 Wives of alcoholics
Wisent 599.643 social welfare 362.292 3
Wismar (Germany) T2-431 76 Wives of clergymen
Wisterias 635.933 74 Christianity 253.22
botany 583.74 see also Spouses of clergy-
floriculture 635.933 74 Christianity

Dewey Decimal Classification

Wives of substance abusers Wokingham (England:

social welfare 362.291 3 District) T2~-422 94

Wizardry 133.43 Wolds, The (England) T2-428 3

religious practice 203.3 Wolf children 155.456 7
modern revivals 299.94 Wolf-Rayet stars 523.88
Wizards (Occultists) 133.430 92 Wolfe County (Ky.) T2-769 213
see also Legendary beings Wolfhounds 636.753 5
Wizards (Religious leaders) 200.92 Wolfram 669.734
biography 200.92 see alw Tungsten
role and function 206.1 Wolframite
see Manual at 200.92 and mineralogy 549.74
201-209,292-299 Wolfs banes 583.34
Wloclawek (Poland : WolfVille (N.S.) T2-716 34
Voivodeship) T2-438 26 Wollastonite
Wobblies 331.886 097 3 mineralogy 549.66
Wodehouse (South Africa: Wollongong (N.S.W.) T2-9446
District) T2-687 57 Wolmaransstad (South
Wodonga (Vic.) T2-945 5 Africa : District) T2-682 45
Wojew6dztwo Dolnosl11skie Wolof(African people) T5-963 214
(Poland) T2-438 52 W olof language 496.321 4
Wojew6dztwo Kujawsko- T6-963 214
Pomorskie (Poland) T2-438 26 Wolof literature 896.321 4
Wojew6dztwo Lodzkie Wolverhampton (England) T2-424 91
(Poland) T2-43847 Wolverine 599.766
Wojew6dztwo Lubelskie Wolves 599.773
(Poland) T2-43843 animal husbandry 636.977 3
Wojew6dztwo Lubuskie conservation technology 639.979 773
(Poland) T2-438 12 predator control technology 636.083 9
Wojew6dztwo Ma!opolskie conservation technology 639.966
(Poland) T2-438 62 resource economics 333.959 773
Wojew6dztwo Mazowieckie zoology 599.773
(Poland) T2-438 41 Wombats 599.24
Wojew6dztwo Opolskie Women 305.4
(Poland) T2-438 55 T1-082
W ojew6dztwo Podkarpackie advertising and themes 659.104 552 2
(Poland) T2-438 66 art representation 704.942 4
Wojew6dztwo Podlaskie arts 700.452 2
(Poland) T2-438 36 T3G-352 2
W ojew6dztwo Pomorskie Bible 220.830 54
(Poland) T2-438 22 biography 920.72
Wojew6dztwo Sl!lskie civil and human rights 323.34
(Poland) T2-438 58 see also Women's rights
Wojew6dztwo criminal offenders 364.374
S\\i~tokrzyskie (Poland) T2-438 45 drawing 743.44
Wojew6dztwo Warminsko- education 371.822
Mazurskie (Poland) T2-438 32 etiquette 395.144
Wojew6dztwo fine arts 704.042
Wielkopolskie (Poland) T2-438 49 government programs 353.535
Wojew6dztwo grooming 646.704 2
Zachodniopomorskie health 613.04244
(Poland) T2-438 16 journalism for 070.483 47
Wok cooking 641.774 labor economics 331.4
Woking (England) T2-422 142

Relative Index

Women (continued) Women in combat 355.408 2

legal status 346.013 4 Women in education 370.82
constitutional law 342.087 8 secondary level 373.082
private law 346.013 4 Women of the Bible 220.920 82
literature 808.803 522 Women rabbis 296.092
history and criticism 809.933 522 biography 296.092
specific literatures T3B-080 352 2 specific denominations 296.8
history and ordination 296.610 82
criticism T3B---<J93 522 role and function 296.610 82
painting 757.4 Women workers 331.4
physical fitness 613.704 5 economics 331.4
political organizations 324.3 public administration 354.908 2
psychology 155.333 Women's baseball 796.357 8
recreation 790.194 Women's basketball 796.323 8
indoor 793.019 4 Women's clothing 391.2
outdoor 796.082 commercial technology 687.082
relations with government 323.34 customs 391.2
religion 200.82 home economics 646.34
Christianity 270.082 home sewing 646.404
devotional literature 242.643 see also Clothing
guides to Christian life 248.843 Women's football 796.332 8
guides to life 204.408 2 Women's movements 305.42
Islam 297.082 Women's political organizations 324.3
guides to life 297.570 82 Women's prisons 365.43
Judaism 296.082 see also Penal institutions
guides to life 296.708 2 Women's 323.34
sex hygiene 613.954 law 342.087 8
social aspects 305.4 law of nations 341.485 8
social welfare 362.83 political science 323.34
public administration 353.535 sociology 305.42
suffrage 324.623 Women's shelters 362.838 3
see Manual at TI-D81 and Women's suffrage 324.623
Tl-08351, Tl-08352, Women's units (Armed forces) 355.348
Tl-08421, Tl-08422 Women's voices 782.6
Women and religion 200.82 choral and mixed voices 782.6
see also Women- religion single voices 783.6
Women authors (Literature) 809.892 87 W onderboom (South
specific literatures T3B-D99 287 Africa : District) T2-68228
Women clergy 200.92 Wood 575.46
biography 200.92 architectural construction 721.044 8
Christian 270.092 architectural decoration 729.6
biography 270.092 biology 575.46
specific denominations 280 building material 691.1
see Manual at 230<~80 fuel 333.953 97
ecclesiology 262.1 chemical technology 662.65
ordination 262.14 resource economics 333.953 97
pastoral theology 253.082 handicrafts 745.51
see also Clergy Christian lumber technology 674
Judaism 296.092 materials science 620.12
ordination 206.108 2 sculpture material 731.2
role and function 206.108 2 ship design 623.818 4
see lvfanual at 200.92 and shipbuilding 623.820 7
201--209, 292-299 structural engineering 624.184
Wood boring beetles 595.764 8

Dewey Decimal Classification

Wood briquettes 662.65 Wooden shoes 391.413

Wood Buffalo National Park commercial technology 685.32
(Alta.) T2-712 32 customs 391.413
Wood carving 736.4 see also Clothing
Wood construction 694 Woodend (Vic.) T2--945 3
Wood County (Ohio) T2-77116 Woodenware 674.88
Wood County (Tex.) T2~764223 Woodford County (Ill.) T2-773 53
Wood County (W.Va.) T2-75422 Woodford County (Ky.) T2-769465
Wood County (Wis.) T2-775 52 Woodland Indians T5-97
Wood duck 598.412 3 Woodlands 333.75
conservation technology 639.978 412 3 T2-152
resource economics 333.958 412 3 see also Forest lands
Wood engraving 761.2 Woodlark Island (Papua
Wood flour 674.84 New Guinea) T2-954 I
Wood laminates 674.835 Woodlots
see also Wood agroforestry 634.99
Wood lice 595.372 Woodpeckers 598.72
Wood mice (Apodemus) 599.358 5 Woodruff County (Ark.) T2-767 92
Wood mice (Peromyscus) 599.355 Woods (Golf equipment) 796.352 32
Wood oil 665.33 Woods, Lake of the T2-776 81
Wood pavements 625.83 Canada T2-713 11
Wood products 674.8 Minnesota T2-776 81
Wood products workers 674.809 2 Woods County (Okla.) T2-766 21
Wood pulp 676.12 Woodson County (Kan.) T2-781 923
Wood rats 599.357 3 Woodspring (England) T2-423 96
Wood sculpturing 731.462 Woodward County (Okla.) T2-~766 19
Wood shavings 674.84 Woodwind bands 784.89
Wood shrews 599.332 Woodwind instruments 788.2
Wood shrikes 598.8 bands and orchestras 784
Wood snakes 597.967 chamber ensembles 785
Wood sorrels 583.79 mixed 785.2-.5
Wood-stove cooking 641.58 single type 785.8
Wood swallows 598.8 construction 788.219 23
Wood technology by hand 788.21923
equipment manufacturing by machine 681.882
technology 681.767 6 solo music 788.2
Wood turtle 597.925 7 Woodwork
Wood-using technologies 674.8 interior decoration 747.3
Wood warblers 598.872 Woodworking 684.08
Woodbuming 745.514 carpentry 694
Woodbury County (Iowa) T2-777 41 home workshops 684.08
Woodchuck 599.366 lumber technology 674
small game hunting 799.259 366 Woody plants 582.16
Woodcocks 598.33 landscape architecture 715
sports hunting 799.248 33 Woody vines 582.18
Woodcraft Wool growing 636.3145
camp activity 796.545 Wool textiles 677.31
Woodcreepers 598.822 see also Textiles
Wooden furniture 645.4 Wool wax 665.13
manufacturing technology 684.104 Woolly monkeys 599.858
see also Furniture Worcester (England) T2-42448
Wooden ships Worcester (South Africa:
construction 623.820 7 District) T2-687 33
Worcester County (Mass.) T2-744 3

Relative Index

Worcester County (Md.) T2~752 21 Work camps (Correctional

Worcestershire (England) T2----424 4 programs) 365.34
Word-attack skills (Reading) see also Penal institutions
primary education 372.46 Work cars 385.32
Word classes 415 engineering 625.22
specitlc languages T4~5 transportation services 385.32
Word dividers (Dictionaries) 413.1 see also Rolling stock
specitlc languages T4--31 Work environment 331.256
Word formation 415.92 economics 331.256
specific languages T4~592 620.8
Word games 793.734 personnel management 658.38
Word ofGod public administration 352.67
Bible 220.13 public administration 354.98
Jesus Christ 232.2 safety 363.11
Word order 415 public administration 353.96
specific languages T4~5 see also Industrial safety
Word origins 412 sanitation 363.729 5
specific languages T4--2 public administration 353.94
Word processing 005.52 Work ethic 306.361 3
Word-recognition method Work force 331.11
primary education 372.462 Work-force diversity 331.133
Word sense disambiguation personnel management 658.300 8
natural language processing 401.430 285 635 Work furloughs
specific languages T4--014 302 856 35 penology 365.65
Word study Work groups 658.402 2
primary education 372.61 see also Work teams
Word usage Work load
rhetoric 808 production management 658.54
Words 401.4 Work music 781.593
Tl-014 Work periods 331.257
dictionaries 413 economics 331.257
music 780 personnel management 658.312 1
treatises 780.268 public administration 352.67
specific languages T4--014 public administration 354.98
dictionaries T4---3 Work places 331.256
usage (Applied see also Work environment
linguistics) T4--81 Work pressures
see Manual at T4-3 vs. executive management 658.409 5
T4--81 Work productivity
usage (Applied linguistics) 418 personnel management
Work 331 public administration 352.66
see also Labor promotion of
Work (Mechanics) 531.6 personnel management 658.314
Work (Physiological exertion) 573.79 Work release
human physiology 612.042 penology 365.65
Work animals 636.088 6 Work satisfaction 331.012
Work areas see also Job satisfaction
home economics 643.58 Work sharing 331.2572
Work associates Work shifts 331.257 25
applied psychology 158.26 Work songs 782.421 593
psychological influence 155.926 Work stress
Work at home labor economics 331.256
labor economics 331.256 7 Work studies
production management 658.54

Dewey Decimal Classification

Work-study plan 371.227 Working capital 332.041 2

higher education 378.37 financial management 658.15244
secondaty education 373.28 Working class 305.562
Work-study programs 371.225 T1-086 23
higher education 378.365 . civil rights 323.322 3
Work teams 658.402 2 customs 390.1
group decision making 658.403 6 dress 391.01
intemal organization 658.402 2 lower class Tl-08624
personnel utilization middle class Tl-08623
public administration 352.66 relations with government 323.322 3
production management 658.533 social welfare 362.85
quality control 658.562 public administration 354.9
Work training 370.113 Working-class parties 324.217
see also Vocational education intemational organizations 324.17
Work vehicles Working conditions (Physical) 331.256
automotive engineering 629.225 see also Work environment
driving 629.284 5 Working dogs (Breeds of dogs) 636.73
repair 629.287 5 see ivfanual at 636.70886,
Workaholism 636.70888 vs. 636.73,
personality trait 155.232 636.752
Workbooks Tl~076 Working dogs (Dogs as working
Workday 331.257 23 animals) 636.708 86
economics 331.257 23 see 1'vfanual at 636.70886,
personnel management 658.312 I 636.70888 vs. 636.73,
Worker control of industry 338.69 636.752
production economics 338.69 Working environment 331.256
theory of union role 331.880 1 see also Work environment
Worker parties 324.217 Working mothers
international organizations 324.17 economics 331.44
Worker rights 331.011 Working ships 387.2
law 344.0101 engineering 623.82
Worker security 331.259 6 power-driven 387.248
law 344.D12 596 engineering 623.824
public employees 342.068 6 transportation services 387.248
public administration 354.98 small craft 387.204 26
Worker self-management 338.69 engineering 623.820 26
personnel management 658.315 2 transportation services 387.204 26
theory of union role 331.880 1 transportation services 387.2
Workers 331.11 wind-driven 387.226
economics 331.11 engineering 623.822 6
public administration 354.9 transportation services 387.226
social class 305.562 see also Ships
Workers' compensation Workmen's compensation
insurance 368.41 insurance 368.41
employers' liability 368.56 see also Workers'
government-sponsored 368.41 compensation insurance
law 344.021 Workplace diversity 331.133
personnel management 658.325 4 personnel management 658.300 8
public administration 353.69 Workplace environment 331.256
Workflow see also Work environment
production management 658.53 Workplace violence
Workhouses (Correctional prevention
institutions) 365.34 management 658.473
see also Penal institutions

Relative Index

Workplaces 331.256 World Wide Web (continued)

see also Work environment information systems 025.042
Workshops (Seminars) T J~071 5 publishing 070.579 73
Workshops (Workrooms) sociology 302.231
agriculture 631.304 see Manual at 004.678 vs.
Workstations (Microcomputers) 004.16 006.7, 025.042, 384.33
see also Personal computers Worm-caused diseases 571.999
Workweek 331.257 agriculture 632.623
economics 331.257 animals 571.999 l
personnel management 658.312 1 veterinary medicine 636.089 696 2
World Bank 332.153 2 humans
law 346.082 153 2 incidence 614.552
World-circling travel 910.41 medicine 616.962
World community see also Communicable
law of nations 341.2 diseases humans
World Community ofal-Islam in plants 571.999 2
the West 297.87 agriculture 632.623
World Court 341.552 Worm culture 639.75
World Cup competition WORM discs 004.565
soccer 796.334 668 engineering 621.397 67
World fairs 907.4 Worm farming 639.75
see also Exhibitions Worm gears 621.833 3
World government 321.04 Worm lizards 597.948
law 341.21 Worm snakes 597.969
World history 909 Worms 592.3
arts T3C-358 2 agricultural pests 632.623
literature 808.803 582 culture 639.75
history and criticism 809.933 582 paleozoology 562.3
specific literatures T3B-080 358 2 plant crop pests 632.623
history and Worms (Computer security) 005.84
criticism T3B-093 582 Worms (Germany) T2-434 352
World Party of Socialist Wormwood 641.338 2
Revolution 324.175 botany 583.99
World politics and religion see also Flavorings; Herbs
social theology 201.727 Wororan languages 499.15
Christianity 261.7 T6-991 5
Judaism 296.382 7 Worry 152.46
see also Politics and Worship 204.3
religion~ social Buddhism 294.344 3
theology Christianity 248.3
World series (Baseball) 796.357 646 Hinduism 294.543
World Trade Organization 382.92 Islam 297.3
World views 140 Sufi 297.43
World War I, 1914-1918 940.3 Judaism 296.45
TI-090 41 see also Public worship
societies 369.2 Worth
United States 369.186 epistemology 121.8
World War II, 19391945 940.53 Worth County (Ga.) T2-758 945
Tl-090 44 Worth County (Iowa) T2-777232
societies 369.2 Worth County (Mo.) T2-778 143
United States 369.186 Worthing (England) T2-422 68
World Wide Web 004.678
computer science 004.678
hypertext 006.7

Dewey Decimal Classification

Wounds Writing instruments

biology 571.975 manufacturing technology 681.6
incidence 614.3 Writing skills
medicine 617.1 primary education 372.623
Woven felt 677.62 Writing systems (Linguistics) 411
see also Textiles specific languages T4-ll
Wrangellsland (Russia) T2-577 Writings (Bible) 223
Wrangell-Saint Elias Written communication 302.224 4
National Park and management use 658.453
Preserve (Alaska) T2-~798 3 office services 651.74
Wrapping paper 676.287 primary education 372.623
Wraps (Clothing) 391.46 rhetoric 808
commercial technology 687.19 sociology 302.224 4
home sewing 646.45 Written language disorders
see also Outerwear medicine 616.855 3
Wraps (Stuffed foods) 641.84 see also Communication
Wrasses 597.7 disorders
Wreaths 745.926 Wroclaw (Poland :
Wreckage studies Voivodeship) T2~438 52
aeronautics 629.132 55 Wrongful death 346.032 3
automotive 629.282 6 Wrongful entry 346.036
naval architecture 623.8176 Wrought iron 669.1414
seamanship 623.888 5 decorative arts 739.4
structural analysis 624.176 WTO (World Trade
Wrecking bars 621.93 Organization) 382.92
Wrecking buildings 690.26 Wu dialects 495.172
Wrekin, The (England : T&-951 7
District) T2-424 56 Wujs 787.94
Wren-tit 598.834 see also Stringed instruments
Wrenches 621.972 Wuppertal (Germany) T2-435 532
Wrens 598.833 Wiirttemberg (Germany) T2-434 7
Wrestlers 796.812 092 Wlirtz-Fittig reaction
Wrestling 796.812 chemical engineering 660.284 4
Wrexham (Wales: County Wiirzburg (Germany) T2-433 39
Borough) T2-429 39 WWW (World Wide Web) 004.678
Wrexham Maelor (Wales) T2-429 39 see al50 World Wide Web
Wright County (Iowa) T2-777 274 Wyandot County (Ohio) T2-77126
Wright County (Minn.) T2-776 51 Wyandot Indians T5~975 55
Wright County (Mo.) T2-778 825 Wyandot language 497.555
Wrigley (N.W.T.) T2-719 3 T6--975 55
Wrinkle-resistant fabrics 677.681 Wyandotte chicken 636.583
see also Textiles Wyandotte County (Kan.) T2-781 39
Wrist teclmiques Wychavon (England) T2-42449
music 784.193 64 Wycliffe Bible 220.520 I
Wrists 612.97 Wycliffites 284.3
physiology 612.97 Wycombe (England :
regional medicine 617.574 District) T2-425 95
surgery 617.574 Wye, River (Wales and
see alva Upper extremities England) T2-429 5
Write once read many discs 004.565 Wynberg (South Africa:
engineering 621.397 67 District) T2-687 35
Write once read many drives 004.565 Wyndham (W.A.) T2-941 4
engineering 621.397 67 Wynyard (Tas.) T2-946 5
Writing (Manual skill) 652.1

Relative Index

Wyoming 978.7 Xerodenna

T2-787 medicine 616.544
Wyoming County (N.Y.) T2-747 93 see alm Skin diseases-
Wyoming County (Pa.) T2-748 35 humans
Wyoming County (W. Va.) T2-75445 Xerography 686.442
Wyperfeld National Park equipment manufacturing
(Vic.) T2-945 9 technology 681.65
Wyre (England) T2-427 682 office use 652.4
Wyre Forest (England) T2-42441 technology 686.442
Wythe County (Va.) T2-755 773 Xhosa (African people) TS-963 985
Xhosa language 496.398 5
X T6-963 985
Xhosa literature 896.398 5
X, Malcolm 320.558 092 Xiang dialects 495.172 15
X-ray astronomy 522.686 3 T6--951 7
X-ray computed tomography Xinca language 497.9
medicine 616.075 722 T6-979
X-ray electronics 537.535 Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu
X-ray equipment (China) T2---516
manufacturing technology 681.753 Xinjiang Weiwuer Zizhiqu
public safety 363.189 (China) T2-516
X-ray examination Xiphiidae 597.78
medicine 616.075 72 Xiphosura 595.492
X-ray metallography 669.950 283 paleozoology 565.492
X-ray photography Xizang Zizhiqu (China) T2-515
engineering 621.367 3 Xoloitzcuintli 636.76
X-ray spectroscopes Xosa language 496.398 5
manufacturing technology 681.4148 T6-%3 985
X-ray spectroscopy 543.62 Xosa literature 896.398 5
analytical chemistry 543.62 Xylariales 579.567
engineering 621.361 Xylem 575.46
physics 537.535 2 Xylophones 786.843
X-ray testing see also Percussion instruments
materials science 620.112 72 Xyridaceae 584.86
X-ray therapy
medicine 615.842 2 y
X rays 539.722 2
biophysics 57 I .457 Yacht basins
humans 612.014 485 engineering 627.38
Xanthe (Greece: Nome) T2-495 7 Yacht racing 797.14
Xanthophyta 579.82 Yachting 797.1246
Xanthorrhoeaceae 584.35 Yachts 387.204 23
Xantusiidae 597.959 8 engineering 623.820 23
Xavante language 498.4 handling 623.881 23
T6-984 power-driven 387.231 4
Xenarthra 599.31 engineering 623.823 14
Xenon transportation services 387.231 4
chemistry 546.755 transportation services 387.204 23
gas technology 665.822 wind-driven 387.223
Xenopeltidae 597.967 design 623.812 23
Xenopus 597.865 4 engineering 623.822 3
Xenosauridae 597.959 transportation services 387.223
Xenungulata 569.62 see also Ships
Yad ha-l:mzal):ah 296.181 2

Dewey Decimal Classification

YaDabub beher Yankton County (S.D.) T2-783 394

beherasbocena hezboc Yanomam languages 498.92
kelel (Ethiopia) T2-633 T6-9892
296.123 6 Yanomamo Indians T5-~989 2
Yadkin County (N.C.) T2-756 66 Yanomamo language 498.92
Yadkin River (N.C.) T2-756 68 T6-9892
Yagua language 498.9 y anzi language 496.396
T6-989 T6-963 96
Yahya Khan, Aga Muhammad Yao (African people) T5-963 97
Pakistani history 954.904 6 Yao (Southeast Asian
Yajurveda 294.592 14 people)
Yak 599.642 2 Yao language (Southeastern
Yaka (African people) T5-963 93 Asia) 495.978
Yakama Indians 979.700497 412 7 T6-95978
T5-974 127 Yao languages (Africa) 496.397
Yakama language 497.412 7 T6-963 97
T6-974 127 Yao literature (Southeastern
Yakima County (Wash.) T2~-797 55 Asia) 895.978
Yakima River (Wash.) T2-797 55 Yaounde (Cameroon) T2-67l I
Yakut T5-943 32 Yap (Micronesia) T2 966
Yakut language 494.332 Yapese language 499.52
T6-943 32 T6-995 2
Yaknt literature 894.332 Yaqui Indians T5 974 542
Yakutat (Alaska) T2-798 2 Yaqui language 497.454 2
Yakutia (Russia) T2-575 T6-974542
Yalobusha County (Miss.) T2-762 82 Yaqui literature 897.454 2
Yalova iii (Turkey) T2--563 3 Yaracuy (Venezuela) T2-872 6
ancient T2-393 13 Yar'adua, UmaruMusa
Yamagata-ken (Japan) T2-521 16 Nigerian history 966.905 5
Yamaguchi-ken (Japan) T2 521 97 Yard goods 677.632
Yamai-Nenets (Russia) T2-573 Yard sales 381.195
Yamal-Nenetskii management 658.87
avtonornnyi okrug see also Commerce
(Russia) T2-573 Yards
Yamanashi-ken (Japan) T2-521 64 landscape architecture 712.6
Yambasa languages 496.396 Yare, River(England) T2-426 1
T6-963 96 Yarmouth (N.S.: County) T2-716 31
Yamhill County (Or.) T2-795 39 Yam 677.028 62
Yami (Taiwan people) T5-992 5 home sewing 646.19
Yamoussoukro (Ivory manufacturing technology 677.028 62
Coast) T2-666 8 Yaroslavl' (Russia: Oblast) T2-473 2
Yams (Dioscorea) 641.352 3 Yarra River (Vic.) T2-945 2
agriculture 635.23 Yaruro language 498.9
botany 584.357 T6 989
commercial processing 664.805 23 Yass (N.S.W.) T2-944 7
cooking 641.652 3 Yates County (N.Y.) T2-747 82
food 641.352 3 Yaunde-Fang languages 496.396
Yams (Sweet potatoes) 641.352 2 T6-963 96
botany 583.94 Yavapai County (Ariz.) T2-79l 57
see also Sweet potatoes Yavapai Indians T5 -975 724
Yancey County (N.C.) T2-756 873 Yavapai language 497.572 4
Yangch'ins 787.74 T6-975 724
see also Stringed instruments Yaw (Aeronautics) 629.132 364
Yangtze River (China) T2-512

Relative Index

Yawning Yellowstone River T2--786 3

human physiology 612.21 Y ellowwoods 585.3
Yaws Yeltsin, Boris Nikolayevich
medicine 616.523 Russian history 947.086 I
see also Skin diseases Yemen 953.3
humans T2-533
Yayi, Boni ancient 939.49
Beninese histmy 966.830 54 T2~3949
Yazd (Iran : Province) T2~5594 Yemen (People's Democratic 953.350 52
Yazoo County (Miss.) T2~762 49 Republic) 953.350 52
Yazoo Mississippi Delta T2-533 5
(Miss. :Region) T2--762 4 T2~533 5
Yazoo River (Miss.) T2~762 4 Yemen (Republic ofYemen) 953.305 3
Year-round school 371.236 T2~533
Year-round systems Yemen (Yemen Arab Republic) 953.320 52
air conditioning 697.933 4 T2-533 2
Yearbooks 050 Yemen Arab Republic 953.320 52
T1--05 T2~533 2
encyclopedia 030 Yemenis T5~927 533
publishing 070.572 Northern Yemen T5~927 533 2
Yearly Conference ofPeople Southern Yemen T5-927 533 5
Called Methodists 287.53 Yen Bai (Vietnam :
see also Methodist Church Province) T2-5971
Years 529.2 Yenisei Ostyak T5~946
Yeast breads 641.815 Yenisei-Ostyak language 494.6
Yeasts 579.562 T6~946
Yeasts (Basidiomycetes) 579.59 Yenisei Samoyed language 494.4
Y casts (Common yeasts) 579.563 T6~944
leaven 664.68 Yeppoon (Qid.) T2~943 5
Ycasts (Saccharomycetaceae) 579.562 Yersinia 579.34
Yell County (Ark.) T2~767 38 Yersinia infections
Yellow-dog contracts 331.894 incidence 614.573
Yell ow-eyed grass 584.86 medicine 616.923
Yell ow fever see alw Communicable
incidence 614.541 diseases humans
medicine 616.918 54 Yeshivot 296.071 I
see also Communicable Yevamot 296.123 3
diseases~ humans Babylonian Talmud 296.125 3
Yellow-green algae 579.82 Mishnah 296.123 3
Yellow Medicine County Palestinian Talmud 296.124 3
(Minn.) T2~776 37 Yevrey Autonomous Region
Yellow pages (Directories) Tl--029 (Russia) T2-577
see Manual at T!~025 vs. Yews 585.6
Tl~029 Yeye language 496.399
Yell ow poplar 583.22 T6--963 99
forestry 634.973 22 Yezidis
Yellow River (China) T2-511 religion 299.159
Yellow Sea 551.461 456 Yi dynasty 951.902
T2-164 56 Yiddish language 439.1
Yellowknife (N.W.T.) T2~719 3 T6--391
Yellowstone County Yiddish literature 839.1
(Mont.) T2-786 39 Yield point (Mechanics) 531.381
Yellowstone National Park T2-787 52 Yields
Montana T2-786 661 crop production 631.558

Dewey Decimal Classification

Yin dynasty 931.02 Yorkshire Dales (England) T2--428 4

Yindjibamdi language 499.15 Yorkshire terrier 636.76
T6~99l5 Yorkshire Wolds (England) T2--428 3
YMCA (Association) 267.3 Y orkton (Sask.) T2-~712 42
Ynys Mon (Wales) T2--429 21 Y oro (Honduras : Dept.) T2-728 314
Yo-Yos 796.2 Yoruba (African people) T5-963 33
Yoakum County (Tex.) T2-764 849 Y oruba language 496.333
Yobe State (Nigeria) T2-669 87 T6---963 33
Yodo River (Japan) T2-521 83 Y oruba literature 896.333
Yoga 181.45 Yoruboid languages 496.333
Buddhism 294.344 36 T6-963 33
comparative religion 204.36 Yosemite National Park
health 613.7046 (Calif.) T2-794 47
Hinduism 294.543 6 Young adult literature 808.899 283
philosophy 181.45 history and criticism 809.892 83
Yogacara Buddhism 294.392 specific literatures T3B-080 928 3
Yogurt 641.371476 history and criticism T3B--{)99 283
cooking 641.671 476 Young adults 305.242
food 641.371 476 Tl--084 2
processing 637.147 6 civil rights 323.353
Yogyakarta (Indonesia : etiquette 395.124
Daerah Istimewa) T2~598 27 health 613.043 4
Yoho National Park (B.C.) T2~-711 68 journalism for 070.483 4
Yok-Uti an languages 497.413 labor economics 331.34
T6---974 13 legal status
Yokohama-shi (Japan) T2-521 364 constitutional law 342.087 7
Yokuts Indians T5-974 13 life skills 646.700 842
Yokuts language 497.413 physiology 612.661
T6-97413 political organizations 324.3
Yolo County (Calif.) T2-794 51 psychology 155.65
Yom Kippur 296.432 recreation 790.192
liturgy 296.453 2 indoor 793.019 2
Yom Kippur War, I 973 956.048 outdoor 796.083 5
Yoma 296.123 2 relations with government 323.353
Babylonian Talmud 296.125 2 religion 200.842
Mishnah 296.123 2 Christianity 270.084 2
Palestinian Talmud 296.124 2 devotional literature 242.64
Yonne (France) T2--444 12 guides to Christian life 248.84
York (England) T2--428 43 pastoral care 259.25
York (N.B.) T2---715 51 religious associations 267.6
York (Ont.: County) T2-713 54 religious education 268.434
York (Ont.: Regional social aspects 305.242
municipality) T2-713 547 social welfare 362
York (Toronto, Ont.) T2-713 541 under eighteen
York, House of 942.04 social welfare
English history 942.04 law 344.D32 708 3
rrish history 941.504 under twenty-one 305.235
York County (Me.) T2-74195 Tl-083 5
York County (Neb.) T2-782345 legal status 346.013 5
York County (Pa.) T2-74841 private law 346.013 5
York County (S.C.) T2-757 43 social welfare 362.708 3
York County (Va.) T2-755 423 see also Adolescents
Yorke Peninsula (S. Au st.) T2-942 35
Yorkshire (England) T2-428 1

Relative Index

Young animals 591.392 Young people (continued)

domestic animals 636.07 reading interests 028.55
mammals 599.139 2 relations with government 323.352
Young County T2-764 545 religion 200.83
Young men 305.242 1 Christianity 270.083
Tl-D84 21 devotional literature 242.62
etiquette 395.124 1 pastoral care 259.2
journalism for 070.483 46 religious education 268.432
psychology 155.65 Judaism 296.083
social aspects 305.242 1 religious education 296.680 83
social welfare 362 sex hygiene 613.951
under twenty-one 305.235 1 social aspects 305.23
Tl-083 51 social welfare 362.7
etiquette 395.1232 public administration 353.536
health 613.042 33 people's books
journalism for 070.483 36 bibliographies 011.62
psychology 155.532 Young people's societies 369.4
publications for biography 369.409 2
bibliographies 011.624 1 Young women 305.242 2
sex hygiene 613.953 T1~084 22
social aspects 305.235 1 etiquette 395.124 2
social welfare 362.708 3 journalism for 070.483 47
see also Adolescent boys psychology 155.65
see Manual at T 1-081 and social aspects 305.242 2
Tl-08351, Tl-08352, social welfare 362
Tl-08421, Tl-08422 under twenty-one 305.235 2
Young Men's Christian T1-083 52
Association camps 796.542 2 etiquette 395.123 3
Young Men's Christian health 613.042 43
Associations 267.3 journalism for 070.483 37
Young parents psychology 155.533
social welfare 362.787 4 publications for
Young people 305.23 bibliographies 011.624 2
Tl-083 sex hygiene 613.955
civil and human rights 323.352 social welfare 362.708 3
law 342.087 72 see Manual at Tl-081 and
education 371.82 Tl-08351, Tl-08352,
government programs 353.536 Tl--08421, Tl-08422
grooming 646.704 6 Young Women's Christian
guides to religious life 204.408 3 Associations 267.5
Christianity 248.82 Young workers 331.34
Judaism 296.708 3 Youngstown (Ohio) T2-771 39
journalism for 070.483 2 Youth 305.235
legal aid 362.716 Tl-083 5
legal status 346.013 5 over twenty 305.242
constitutional law 342.087 72 Tl--084 2
private law 346.013 5 see also Young adults
libraries for 027.625 see also Adolescents
material assistance 362.71 Youth hostels 910.466
publications for see also Lodging (Temporary
bibliographies 011.62 housing)
reviews 028.162 Yozgat iii (Turkey) T2-563 8
reading ancient T2-393 32
library science 028.5

Dewey Decimal Classification

Ytterbium Yuki language 497.5

chemistry 546.419 T6-975
Yttrium 669.290 3 Yukon 971.91
chemical engineering 661.040 3 T2-719 1
chemistry 546.403 Yukon River (Yukon and
metallurgy 669.290 3 Alaska) T2-798 6
physical metallurgy 669.962 903 Alaska T2-798 6
see also Chemicals Yukon T2-719 1
Yttrium-group metals Yuma County (Ariz.) T2-791 71
economic geology 553.494 7 Yuma County (Colo.) T2-788 78
Yuan dynasty 951.025 Yuma Indians T5-975 72
Yuat River (Papua New Yuma language 497.572
Guinea) T2-957 5 T6-975 72
Yuba County (Calif.) T2-79435 Yuman Indians T5··975 72
Yucatan (Mexico: State) T2-726 5 Yuman languages 497.572
Yucatan Channel 551.461 364 T6-975 72
T2-163 64 Yunnan Sheng (China) T2-513 5
Yucatec Maya language 497.427 Yupik T5-9714
T6-97427 Yupik languages 497.14
Yucatecan language 497.427 T6-9714
T6---974 27 Yupik literatures 897.14
Yucatecanliterature 897.427 Yurak Samoyed language 494.4
Yuccas 584.352 T6-944
Yuchi language 497.9 Yurok Indians T5-973
T6-979 Yurok language 497.3
Yudhoyono, Susilo Bambang T6-973
Indonesian history 959.804 2 Yvelines (France) T2-443 66
Yue dialects 495.1727 YWCA (Association) 267.5
T6-951 7
Yileh dialects 495.172 7 z
T6-951 7
Yugoslav Banat T2-4971 Z transform 515.723
Yugoslav communism 335.434 4 Zacapa (Guatemala : Dept.) T2-728 132
economics 335.434 4 Zacatecas (Mexico :State) T2-724 3
political ideology 320.532 309 497 Zachodniopomorskie
Yugoslavia 949.702 Voivodeship (Poland) T2-438 16
T2-497 Zagora (Morocco :
ancient 939.87 Province) T2-646 6
T2-398 7 Zaire 967.510 33
Yugoslavia ( 1918~ 1991) 949.702 T2-675 1
T2-497 Zaire (Angola) T2-673 2
Yugoslavia (1991-2003) 949.710 31 Zaire River T2-675 1
T2-497 1 Zairians T5-967 51
Yugoslavs T5-918 2 Zakarpats'ka oblast'
Yui language 499.12 (Ukraine) T2-477 9
T6-9912 Zakat 297.54
Yuit T5-971 4 Zakynthos (Greece) T2-495 5
Yuit 497.14 Zala Megye (Hungary) T2-439 7
T6-9714 Zambales (Philippines) T2-599 I
Yukaghir language 494.6 Zambezi River T2-679
T6-946 Zambezia (Mozambique) T2-679 6
Yukaghir literature 894.6 Zambia 968.94
Yuki Indians T5-975 T2-6894
Zambians T5-968 94

Relative Index

Zamboanga del Norte Zastron (South Africa :

(Philippines : Province) T2-599 7 District) T2-685 6
Zamboanga del Sur Zavala County (Tex.) T2-764437
(Philippines) T2-599 7 Zavim 296.123 6
Zamfara State (Nigeria) T2-66961 Zawa'id 297.125 64
Zamora (Spain : Province) T2-4624 Zaydites (Islamic sect) 297.824
Zamora-Chinchipe Hadith 297.125 924
(Ecuador) T2-86644 Zealand (Denmark) T2-4891
Zamosc (Poland : Zealots (Judaism) 296.81
Voivodeshi p) T2-438 43 Zebra fishes (Freshwater) 597.482
Zamucoan languages 498.9 culture 639.374 82
T6-989 Zebra fishes (Marine) 597.68
Zande (African people) TS--963 61 Zebra plant 635.934 39
Zande language 496.361 botany 584.39
T6-963 61 floriculture 635.934 39
Zander 597.758 Zebras 599.665 7
Zanichelliaceae 584.74 animal husbandry 636.18
Zanjan (Iran :Province) T2-551 6 Zebus 636.291
Zante (Greece) T2-495 5 Zechariah (Biblical book) 224.98
Zanzibar 967.81 Zedillo Ponce de Leon, Ernesto
T2-6781 Mexican history 972.083 6
Zanzibar Central/South Zeeland (Netherlands :
(Tanzania) T2-6781 Province) T2-49242
Zanzibar North (Tanzania) T2-678 1 Zeewolde (Netherlands) T2-492 2
Zanzibar Urban!W est Zeiformes 597.64
(Tanzania) T2-6781 Zen Buddhism 294.392 7
Zapadocesky kraj (Czech biography 294.392 709 2
Republic) T2-437 14 Zener diodes 621.381 522
Zapadoslovensky kraj Zeolite
(Slovakia) T2-437 33 mineralogy 549.68
Zaparoan languages 498.9 Zephaniah (Biblical book) 224.96
T6-989 Zera'im 296.123 1
Zapata County (Tex.) T2-764483 Babylonian Talmud 296.125 1
Zaporizhzhya (Ukraine : Mishnah 296.123 l
Oblast) T2-477 3 Palestinian Talmud 296.124 1
Zaporiz'ka oblast' (Ukraine) T2-477 3 Zero-base budgeting 658.154
Zapotec Indians TS-976 8 public administration 352.48
Zapotec language 497.68 see also Budgets (Public)
T6-976 8 Zero-memory systems 003.8
Zapotec literature 897.68 Zeta function 515.56
Zapotecan languages 497.68 number theory 512.73
T6-976 8 Zeval).im 296.123 5
Zaragoza (Spain: Province) T2-465 53 Babylonian Talmud 296.125 5
Zaramo language 496.391 Mishnah 296.123 5
T6-963 91 Zhejiang Sheng (China) T2-51242
Zarma (African people) TS-965 Zhong guo gong chan dang
Zarma language 496.5 (Chinese political party) 324.251 075
T6-965 Zhou dynasty 931.03
Zarqa' (Jordan: Province) T2-569 593 Zhytomyr (Ukraine : Oblast) T2-477 8
ancient T2-335 93 Zhytomyrs'ka oblast'
Zarzuelas 782.12 (Ukraine) T2-477 8
music 782.12 Ziebach County (S.D.) T2-783 53
stage presentation 792.5 Zielona G6ra (Poland :
Voivodeship) T2-438 12

De-.,vey Decimal Classification

Ziguinchor(Senegal: Zithers 787.7

Region) T2--663 instrument 787.719
Zigula-Zaramo languages 496.391 music 787.7
T6~963 91 see also Stringed instruments
Zilinsky kraj (Slovakia) T2-437 37 Ziwa Magharibi Region
968.91 (Tanzania) T2~67827
T2-{589 I Zlinsky kraj (Czech
Zimbabwe Rhodesia T2~6891 Republic) T2-437 25
Zimbabweans T5~968 91 Zoantharia 593.6
Zimbabweans (British Zoarcidae 597.63
origin) T5-210 689 l Zodiac
Zinc 669.52 astrology 133.52
building construction 693.752 astronomy 523
building material 691.852 folklore 398.26
chemical engineering 661.066 1 history and criticism 398.362
chemistry 546.661 Zodiacal light 523.59
decorative arts 739.55 Zofingen (Switzerland :
economic geology 553.452 Bezirk) TI-494562 2
materials science 620.184 2 Zohar 296.162
metallography 669.955 2 Zombiism
metallurgy 669.52 African religions 299.675
metalworking 673.52 Zonal regions T2-l
mining 622.345 2 Zone time 389.17
organic chemistry 547.056 61 Zones of latitude
applied 661.895 astronomical geography 525.5
physical metallurgy 669.965 2 Zonguldak iii (Turkey) T2-563 7
see also Chemicals; Metals ancient T2--393 17
Zinc lithography 763.24 Zoning 333.731 7
Zincite area planning 711
mineralogy 549.522 urban 711.4
Zingiberales 584.39 land use 333.731 7
Zinnias 635.933 99 urban 333.771 7
botany 583.99 law 346.045
floriculture 635.933 99 public administration 354.333
Zion National Park (Utah) T2-79248 urban 354.353
Zionism 320.540 956 94 Zoo animals 590.73
Zip code 383.145 5 animal husbandry 636.088 9
see also Postal service Zooflagellates 579.42
Ziphiidae 599.545 Zoological gardens 590.73
Zircon see also Zoos
mineralogy 549.62 Zoological paleoecology 560.45
Zirconia Zoological specimens
technology 666.72 preservation 590.752
Zirconium 669.735 Zoologists 590.92
chemical engineering 661.051 3 Zoology 590
chemistry 546.513 Zoomastigophorea 579.42
economic geology 553.465 paleontology 561.992
materials science 620.189 352 Zoonoses 571.98
metallography 669.957 35 animals
metallurgy 669.735 veterinary medicine 636.089 695 9
metalworking 673.735
physical metallurgy 669.967 35
see also Chemicals; Metals

Relative Index

Zoonoses (continued) Zurich, Lake of

humans 362.196 959 (Switzerland) T2---494 572
incidence 614.56 Zurzach (Switzerland :
medicine 616.959 Bezirk) T2---494 564 7
social services 362.196 959 Zuurberg National Park
see also Communicable (South Africa) T2-687 53
diseases Zuzus 787.92
Zooplankton 592.177 6 see also Stringed instruments
freshwater 592.176 Zwelitsha (South Africa :
Zoos 590.73 District) T2-687 55
animal care 636.088 9 Zygnematales 579.837
architecture 727.659 Zygomycetes 579.53
landscape architecture 712.5 Zygophyllaceae 583.79
Zoque Indians T5-974 3 Zygote intrafallopian transfer
Zoque language 497.43 surgery 618.1780599
T6-974 3 Zygotes 571.864
Zoraptera 595.738 Zymases 572.791
Zorilla 599.766 see also Enzymes
Zoroastrianism 295 Zyrian T5-945 3
philosophy 181.05 Zyrian language 494.53
Zoroastrians T6-945 3
biography 295.092 Zy1ian literature 894.53
Zosteraceae 584.74
Zouagha-Moulay Yacoub
(Morocco) T2-643 4
Zoug (Switzerland : Canton) T2---494 756
Zoysieae 584.9
Zucchini 641.356 2
see also Squashes
Zug (Switzerland) T2---494 756 4
Zug (Switzerland : Canton) T2---494 756
Zug, Lake (Switzerland) T2---494 756
Zuger See (Switzerland) T2---494 756
Zuid-Holland (Netherlands) T2---492 38
Zuidelijke IJsselmeerpolders
(Netherlands) T2---492 2
Zuider Zee (Netherlands) T2---492 2
Zulia (Venezuela) T2-872 3
Zulu (African people) T5-963 986
Zulu language 496.398 6
T6-963 986
Zulu literature 896.398 6
Zulu War, 1879 968.404 5
Zululand (South Africa) 968.404
Zuma, Jacob
South African history 968.068
Zuni Indians T5-979 94
Zuni language 497.994
T6-979 94
Zuni literature 897.994
Zurich (Switzerland) T2---494 572 6
Zurich (Switzerland :
Canton) T2---494 57


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