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ART 1181 interested in the fulfillment of the

Conditional Obligation
If an obligation is a PRE-EXISTING one, the
Acquisition of right – the acquisition of rights obligation remains valid and only the condition
by the creditor depends upon the happening of is invalid.
Casual – valid, depends upon the chance OR
Loss of rights already acquired – the happening
the will of the third person. (alin sa dalawa)
of the event which constitutes the condition
produces the extinguishment or loss of rights Ex. Nangako si A which is a building
already acquired (RESOLUTORY CONDITION) contractor kay B which is the owner na kapag
may nasira dun sa ginawang bahay by any
Suspensive condition – GIVE RISE TO THE earthquake si A yung sasagot sa gastos ng pag
OBLIGATION the obligation is suspended until
papaayos and it is valid for 10yrs after magawa
the happening of the uncertain event which
yung bahay.
constitutes the obligation (ex. Bibigyan kita ng
1M kapag nanalo ka sa boxing) CHANCE – masira yung bahay because
of earthquake
Resolutory conditions – the happening of the
event will EXTUNGUISH the obligation. (ex. I Mixed – valid, depends partly upon chance
will give u 10k monthly allowance until u AND partly upon the will of a third person
graduated in college) (pareho)

ART 1182 Ex. Nangako si A which is a building contractor

kay B which is the owner na kapag may nasira
Potestative – SUSPENSIVE condition which
dun sa ginawang bahay by any earthquake at
depends upon the SOLE WILL of one contracting napatunayan ng panel of arbitrators na isang
parties. dahilan yung construction defect kung bat
Potestative on debtor + suspensive = nasira yung bahay then si A yung sasagot sa
void. Upon will of DEBTOR - nakadepende sa gastos ng pag papaayos
sole will ni debtor which is VOID (walang BOTH chance and third person should
effect) (kasi hindi makakapag demand yung be present. In this case the chance is yung
creditor kung nakadepende sa debtor pagkasira ng bahay due to earthquake and the
Potestative on debtor + resolutory = third person is the panel.
valid (bec it merely causes the extinguishment ART 1183
or loss of rights already acquired by the
debtor. The debtor is naturally interested on its Refers to suspensive conditions wherein it
fulfillment. applies only where the impossibility already
existed at the time the obligation was
Potestative on the part of creditor +
suspensive = valid (bec the creditor is always
Impossible conditions – a condition that is not  The time expires
capable of fulfilment in its nature.  It has become indubitable that the
event will not take place although the
If related to OBLIGATIONS TO DO –
time is not yet expired.
both obligation and condition are VOID
ART 1185
the obligation is demandable at once Negative condition – a condition that some
event will not happen at a determinate time.
Kinds of impossible conditions
1. Physically – cannot exist or
The obligation becomes EFFECTIVE as soon as:
cannot be done
2. Legally – contrary to law,  The time indicated elapsed
morals, good customs, public  It has become evident that the event
order, or public policy will not occur

Effects of impossible conditions: ART 1186

1. Conditional obligation void – both the Constructive fulfillment – condition shall be

condition and obligation are void. (the deemed fulfilled kapag kusang loob pinrevent
obligor know that he can’t fulfill the ng debtor yung fulfillment.
obligation then he has no intention of
doing it) (ex. I obliged to give my friend a car if she
2. Conditional obligation valid – Same as passed the bar exam then before ng exam
if there WERE NO OBLIGATION since pinoison ko sya, so di sya makakapasa kasi hindi
the obligation is NOT TO DO an sya makakapag exam, I voluntarily prevented
impossible thing. the fulfillment so under this law I am still bound
3. Only the affected obligation is void – to deliver the car that I have promised.
yung possible condition lang yung valid (SUSPENSIVE CONDITION)
4. Only the condition is void – pag may
pre-existing contract like nangutang ako
sa kaibigan ko ng 10k and sabi ko
babayaran kita kapag pinatay mo si ART 1187
ganto, yung condition na patayin si
ganto ay void pero yung obligation ko Suspensive – condition that cause the birth of
na magbayad ng utang is valid. the obligation,

ART 1184 kapag nangyari na yung condition it will

cause the obligation the birth effect meaning
Positive (suspensive) condition – A condition magiging effective na yung
that some event will happen at a determinate obligation from the moment na ang condition
time. ay na-meet. NO FULFILMENT NO
The obligation is EXTINGUISH as soon as:
Retroactive – it has effect from a date in the imposed.. SOLUTION INDEBITI (No person shall
past before it was approved. enrich himself at the expense of the other)

Ex. On June 20, 2022, I promised Y that I ART 1189

will give her a parcel of land if she passed the
board exam in July 18, 2022. If she passed the SUSPENSIVE CONDITION
exam then it was as if she was entitled to the Kinds of loss
land on June 20, 2022.
1. Physical loss – when a thing perishes
Effects of fulfillment of suspensive condition: 2. Legal loss – when a thing goes out of
the obligation becomes effective and commerce
demandable 3. Civil loss – when a thing disappears in
In obligation TO GIVE – retroact to the day of such a way that its existence is
the constitution of the obligation,

In obligation TO DO or NOT TO DO – the courts Rules in case of loss, deterioration, or

shall determine in each case, the retroactive improvement of thing during pendency of
effect of the condition that has been complied suspensive condition
with. 1. Loss of thing without debtor’s fault –
the obligation is EXTINGUISH. (A person
Retroactive effects as to fruits and interest
is not liable for fortuitous event)
In RECIPROCAL OBLIGATION - No retroactive 2. Loss of thing through debtor’s fault –
effect since they are mutually compensated. creditor is entitled to DEMAND
DAMAGES plus incidental damages if
effect and the debtor shall appropriate the 3. Deterioration of thing without debtor’s
fruits unless there was a contrary intent. fault – creditor will have to suffer the
ART 1888 deterioration or impairment
4. Deterioration of thing through debtor’s
Pending the fulfillment of the suspensive fault – creditor can demand rescission
condition, the parties have the rights to with damages plus incidental damages
preserve their rights. if any OR demand fulfillment of
obligation with damages plus incidental
1ST – Preservation of the creditor’s right, the
damages if any.
creditor can have his right annotated on the
5. Improvement of thing by nature or by
title of the property to avoid alienation or
time – Creditor will benefit to the
concealment of the property of the debtor.
2nd – the debtor has right to recover what he 6. Improvement of thing at expense of
has paid by mistake because the debtor may or debtor – Debtor has a right of a
may not be able to fulfill the condition USUFRUCTUARY
Note: Usufruct is the right to
enjoy the use and fruits of a thing belonging to 4. The remedies of the injured or
another aggrieved party are alternative and not
cumulative (isa lang, hindi pwede
ART 1190 dalawa)
Effects of fulfillment of resolutory condition Remedies:
Rescission plus damages
In obligation to give: Fulfillment of the obligation
plus damages
1. The obligation is extinguished
2. The parties should return or restore to
each other what they have received Restitution – returning of the object
including the fruits and interest
3. RULE 1889 will apply to the one who Rescission – cancellation
has duty to return in case of loss,
Prestation - subject matter of the obligation
deterioration or improvement of the
thing. Kinds of obligation according to the person
In obligation to do or not to do:
1. Unilateral – only one party is obliged to
The courts are given the power to comply with prestation
determine the retroactivity of the fulfillment of 2. Bilateral – both parties are mutually
the condition. bound to each other. May be reciprocal
ART 1191 or non-reciprocal.
a) Reciprocal obligation
RIGHT TO RESCIND b) Non reciprocal obligation


(obligation which arise from the same
cause) Where both parties are guilty of breach:
2. Can be demanded only if the parties is 1. First infractor known – kung sino yung
ready, willing and able to comply with unang lumabag ng obligation, the
his own obligations and the other is not. liablity of the first infractor should be
(if may kakayahan kai deliver yung equitably reduce.
obligation mo and yung isa ay hindi) 2. First infractor cannot be determined –
3. The right is not automatic or absolute. the contract shall be deemed
Apply to the court for decree of extinguished and each shall bear his
own damages.
When the object is not yet
The contract states that
either party can rescind

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