My LP 1

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San Vicente West, Asingan Pangasinan


A detailed lesson plan for grade 4

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
a. Define what is matter.
b. Identifies the kinds of matter.
c. Contributes meaningfully to class discussion by giving their insights about the kinds of matter.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Title: Kinds of Matter
B. References: My Practice Book Science (Pp. 24-27) Author: Romeo C. Ordoňez
C. Materials: Cartolina and visual aids

III. Learning Activities:

Teacher Students
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings:
-Good morning class! - Good morning, Sir
2. Prayer:
-At this juncture, I would like everyone to
- Praying......
please stand up and let us pray.
3. Checking of Attendance:
- No Sir.
-Who is absent today?
Very good!

Classroom rules:
- Okay, before we start our lesson, I would like to
discuss what is our classroom rules first.

1. Please wear a mask before entering the

2. Please clean your hands with soap and
hand sanitizer.
3. Practice social distancing at least two
meters away
4. Please keep classroom neat and clean.
5. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth,
and face.
6. Don’t share personal items with friends.

- So, class this is our classroom rules - Clear

Is it awesome?

B. Lesson Proper:

1. Motivation
- Okay, to start our lesson I prepared a simple
activity for you class
- This activity is entitled "JUMBLED JUMBLE FIX
- You will be going to arrange the jumbled letters
into a correct word. - Clear

- Is it awesome?

- The class will be divided into three groups,

this is the group 1, 2, and 3.

- In your group you need to choose a leader,

and at the count of three your leader must
go in front and arrange the jumbled letters.
- Clear
- Is it awesome?

- 1. 2. 3. Go

2. Presentation of the lesson:

- Kinds of Matter teacher
- Based on the activity that you have done; do
you have an idea what is our possible topic for
- Very Good!

3. Discussion: - Yes teacher!

- Okay class, let’s check if you got the correct
- We have the group 1. Class, do you think that - Yes, they got the correct answer
solid is one of the kinds of matter? teacher.

Do you think the group 1 got the correct answer? Clap clap ......

- If the group 1 got the correct answer, they - Yes teacher!

deserve an excellent clap.

- How about the second one. Do you think - Yes, they got the correct answer
liquid is one of the kinds of matter? teacher.

Do you think the group 2 got the correct - Clap clap...

- Yes Teacher!
- If the group 2 got the correct answer, they
deserve an awesome clap.
- Yes, they got the correct answer
- We have the group 3. Class, do you think that teacher.
gas is one of the kinds of matter?

Do you think the group 3 got the correct - Clap clap...


- If the group 3 got the correct answer, they

deserve an indeed clap.

- Is anything that occupies space, mass,

Again, our topic for today is all about kinds of
shape, and volume.
matter. So let us define what is matter first.

- In your own understanding, what is your

definition about matter?

- Meaning matter it is everything/anything

that we can see and didn’t see because it
has space, shape, volume, and mass.
In short everything we have is composed of
matter. It could be solid, liquid and gas.

- Okay so let’s move to the first kinds of matter. - It has definite shape and weight.


- In your own idea, how would you describe


- Okay, Solid has definite shape and weight

wherein we can touch it or used it.
- Bag, pencil, ballpen etc.
- Now class I will give you some examples of solid
- Clothes, chairs, tables, cellphone, and rocks. - because it has definite shape and
- Those are examples of solid, okay aside from
- liquid is a substance that flows freely,
those examples can you sight some examples of
and it takes the shape through container,
it is something that we can touch but we
- Why those things called solid?
can't hold.

- Again, in your own understanding or idea, how
would you describe liquid.?

- Okay, liquid is a substance that flows freely

Wherein it takes the shape through container,
soil, and sand because we have beaches, rivers,
dams etc.
- Oil, blood...
- Now class I will give you some examples of
liquid - It flows freely, and it takes the shape
- Water, Juice, and Gasoline. through container.

- Those are examples of liquid, okay aside from

those examples can you sight some examples of
liquid? - Gas is a state of matter that has no fixed
- Why those things called liquid? shape and no fixed volume. Gases have a
lower density than other states of matter

3. GAS
- In your own point, how would you describe

- Okay, Gas is a state of matter that has no fixed

shape and no fixed volume. - Oxygen, Smoke....
Meaning we cannot hold or touch it unlike solid,
In short gas is the opposite of solid and liquid.
- It has no fixed shape and volume.
- Now class I will give you some examples of Gas
- Air, Vapor of water...
- Is anything that occupies space,
- Those are examples of Gas, okay aside from shape, mass, and volume
those examples can you sight some examples
gas? - Solid, Liquid, and Gas
- Why those things called Gas? - It has definite shape and weight.
- Flows freely into a container
4. Generalization: - It has no definite shape and volume.
- Okay class let’s make a recap. What is
matter again?

- What are the three kinds of matter?

What is solid again?
How about the liquid?
And lastly, what is Gas?

Okay very good!

5. Application:
- This is a guessing activity wherein the teacher
will show some examples about the kinds of
weather and the students will predict where
kinds of matter do the example belong. - Solid
 Guess the shown picture and try to
identify if this is solid, liquid or gas.

- Liquid

- Gas


- Liquid


- Solid

IV. Evaluation
 Direction
Put a Check (/) if the statement is correct and put wrong (X) if the statement is incorrect

1. Solid has definite shape and weight. 6. Bag is one of example of gas.
2. Gas has no fixed shape and volume. 7. Oxygen is out of example of liquid.
3. Liquid is something that we can’t hold 8. Solid, liquid, Gas is a kind of matter.
4. Matter is everything occupied space. 9 Solid has shape, but it takes through
5. Water is one of example of solid. 10. Water is liquid.

V. Assignment
 Make an advance reading about the Parts of flower. Take care of yourself always and be happy.

Prepared by: Benjo T. Baquirin

Submitted to: Rubyan Gaspar Plamo

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