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C o m m i t te e o f S p o n s o r i n g O rg a n iz a t i o n s o f t h e Tre a d w ay C o m m i s s i o n

Final draft
Enterprise Risk Management
Integrating with Strategy and Performance

June 2017
Volume II
This project was commissioned by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway
Commission (COSO), which is dedicated to providing thought leadership through the development of
comprehensive frameworks and guidance on internal control, enterprise risk management, and fraud
deterrence designed to improve organizational performance and oversight and to reduce the extent of
fraud in organizations. COSO is a private sector initiative, jointly sponsored and funded by:
• American Accounting Association
• American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
• Financial Executives International
• Institute of Management Accountants
• The Institute of Internal Auditors

©2017 All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, redistributed, transmitted, or displayed in any form or by any means
without written permission of COSO.

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of

the Treadway Commission

Board Members
Robert B. Hirth Jr. Richard F. Chambers Mitchell A. Danaher
COSO Chair The Institute of Internal Auditors Financial Executives International

Charles E. Landes Douglas F. Prawitt Sandra Richtermeyer

American Institute of Certified Public American Accounting Association Institute of Management
Accountants Accountants

Final Draft

Principal Contributors
Miles E.A. Everson Dennis L. Chesley Frank J. Martens
Engagement Leader and Global Project Lead Partner and Global Project Lead Director and Global
and Asia, Pacific, and Americas and APA Risk and Regulatory Risk Framework and Methodology
(APA) Advisory Leader Leader Leader
New York, USA Washington DC, USA British Columbia, Canada

Matthew Bagin Hélène Katz Katie T. Sylvis

Director Director Director
Washington DC, USA New York, USA Washington DC, USA

Sallie Jo Perraglia Kathleen Crader Zelnik Maria Grimshaw

Manager Manager Senior Associate
New York, USA Washington DC, USA New York, USA

June 2017 i
Enterprise Risk Management | Integrating with Strategy and Performance

The COSO Board and PwC gratefully acknowledge the many individuals who gave their time
and energy by participating in and contributing to various aspects of the project. The COSO
Board and PwC also recognizes the considerable efforts of the COSO organizations and
their members who responded to surveys, participated in workshops and meetings, and
provided comments and feedback throughout the development of this framework.

Advisory Council
Douglas J. Anderson Mark Beasley Margaret Boissoneau
The Institute of Internal Auditors North Carolina State University United Technologies Corporation
Managing Director of CAE Solutions Deloitte Professor of Enterprise Risk PMO Liaison
Management and Director, ERM

Anthony J. Carmello Suzanne Christensen James Davenport

Ernst & Young Invesco Ltd. Zurich Insurance Company Global
Partner, Advisory Services Head of Enterprise Risk Head of Risk and Control
Final Draft

James DeLoach Karen Hardy David J. Heller

Protiviti Inc. US Department of Commerce Edison International
Managing Director Deputy Director for Risk VP Enterprise Risk Management &
Management General Auditor

Bailey Jordan Jane Karli James Lam

Grant Thornton LLP Athene USA James Lam & Associates
Partner, Advisory Services Director of Investment Operations President

David Landsittel Lee Marks Deon Minnaar

Former COSO Chair First Data Corporation KPMG LLP Americas
Enterprise Risk Management Americas Lead Partner for ERM/
Jeff Pratt Henry Ristuccia
Microsoft Deloitte & Touche LLP Paul Sobel
General Manager, ERM Partner, Global Leader - GRC Georgia-Pacific LLC
Vice President/Chief Audit Executive

Patrick Stroh Paul Walker

Mercury Business Advisors Inc. St. John’s University, Tobin College William Watts
President of Business Crowe Horwath LLP
James J. Schiro / Zurich Chair in Partner in Charge, Business Risk
Enterprise Risk Management Services

ii June 2017

Jennifer Bayuk James Dalkin Carol Fox
Citi Government Accountability Office RIMS, the Risk Management Society
Managing Director Director in the Financial Director, Strategic and
Representing International Systems Management and Assurance Team Enterprise Risk
Audit & Controls Association, ISACA

Harrison Greene Horst Kreisel Jeff Thompson

Federal Deposit Insurance Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer Institute of Management Accountants
Corporation Director of Project Management President and CEO
Assistant Chief Accountant

Vincent Tophoff
International Federation of
Senior Technical Manager

Additional PwC Partners and Staff

Final Draft

Julie Bogas Lillian Borsa Angela Calapa Juan Carlos Simon

Partner Partner Director Partner

Rick Crethar Symon Dawson David Fisher Tobias Flath

Partner Partner Partner Senior Manager
Australia UK USA Germany

Peter Frank Dimitriy Goloborodskiy Rob Gormly Carmen Le Grange

Partner Partner Partner Partner
USA USA USA South Africa

Christof Menzies Gonzalo Nunez Jason Pett Marcel Prinsenberg

Partner Partner Partner Senior Manager
Germany Mexico USA Netherlands

Jerri Ribeiro Jonathan Riva Nicole Salimbeni David Sapin

Partner Partner Partner Partner
Brazil Canada Australia USA

Manuel Seiferth Dietmar Serbee Laurie Schive Stephen Soske

Senior Manager Partner Director Partner

Christina Stecker Olivier Sueur Kuntal Sur Alywin Teh

Partner Senior Manager Partner Partner
Germany Netherlands India Singapore

Armando Urunuela Steven van Agt Kosta Weber Andrew Wilson

Partner Senior Manager Partner Partner
Mexico Netherlands Netherlands Australia

Stephen Zawoyski

Additional Contributors
PwC also wishes to thank Geoffrey Albutt, Catherine Jordan, Mark Tan, and Karen Vitale for their contri-
butions to the development of the Framework.

June 2017 iii


Table of Contents
A. P
 roject Background and Approach for
Revising the Framework................................................ 1

B. Summary of Public Comments ................................. 3

C. R
 oles and Responsibilities for
Enterprise Risk Management .................................... 9

D. Risk Profile Illustrations...............................................17

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Enterprise Risk Management | Integrating with Strategy and Performance

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vi June 2017

A. Project Background and Approach

for Revising the Framework

Project Background
In October 2014, the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO)
announced that it would be reviewing and updating the 2004 Enterprise Risk Management–
Integrated Framework (original Framework). The original Framework is widely accepted and used by
management and boards to enhance an organization’s ability to manage uncertainty and to consider
how much risk to accept as they strive to increase stakeholder value.
Since 2004, the complexity of risk has changed, significant new risks have emerged, and boards
have enhanced their awareness and oversight of risk management while asking for improved risk
reporting. Updates to the Framework reflect current and evolving concepts and applications so that
organizations worldwide can attain better value from enterprise risk management. Specifically, it now
provides greater insight into strategy and the role of enterprise risk management in the setting and
Final Draft

execution of strategy, enhances the alignment between organizational performance and enterprise
risk management, and accommodates expectations for governance and oversight.
PwC served as the author and project leader for updating the publication, preparing related doc-
uments and reporting to the COSO Board of Directors. The PwC Project Team includes senior
resource people, many who were involved in previous COSO projects and who bring in-depth
understanding of the original Framework, and others who provide current market perspectives to
this revision. To capture views of a broad range of professionals in the marketplace, the COSO Board
formed an Advisory Council representing industry, academia, government agencies, and not-for-
profit organizations and invited Observers to attend Advisory Council meetings.

Approach for Revising the Framework

The PwC Project Team carefully considered the merits of feedback and opinions received
throughout the project. They reviewed and embraced input that helped in the development of a
relevant, logical, and internally consistent document in all phases of the project. These phases
• Assess and Envision: Through literature reviews, global surveys, and public round tables
and forums, this phase identified current challenges for organizations implementing enter-
prise risk management. The PwC Project Team analyzed information, reviewed various
sources of input, and identified critical issues and concerns. COSO launched a global
survey, available to the general public, for providing input on the original Framework, solic-
iting almost 900 responses.

June 2017 1
Enterprise Risk Management | Integrating with Strategy and Performance

• Build and Design: The PwC Project Team drafted Enterprise Risk Management–Aligning
Risk with Strategy and Performance,1 which was reviewed by the COSO Advisory Council
and Observers as well as other key users to gather reactions and suggestions. The PwC
Project Team conducted numerous one-on-one and group meetings to capture feedback
on the alternative directions being considered in drafting the Framework. These meetings,
conducted across North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia, included board members,
chief risk officers, chief financial officers, chief audit executives, and other senior
members of management.
• Public Exposure: With the assistance and oversight of the COSO Board, PwC prepared
exposure drafts and an on-line questionnaire to facilitate a review by the general public.
The PwC Project Team conducted a variety of meetings and presented at conferences to
capture added input. Appendix B presents a summary of the public comments and the
Project Team’s response.
• Finalization: The PwC Project Team reviewed and analyzed all comments received and
refined the various documents with needed modifications. The COSO Board considered
whether Enterprise Risk Management–Integrating with Strategy and Performance was
sound, logical, and useful to management of entities of all types and sizes, and the PwC
Project Team finalized the document for the COSO Board for acceptance.
Final Draft

1 This working title was used throughout the public exposure phase, and then the document was retitled Enterprise Risk
Management–Integrating with Strategy and Performance.

2 June 2017

B. Summary of Public Comments

As noted in Appendix A, a draft of the Framework was issued for public comment from June 15
through September 30, 2016. There was significant interest in the exposure draft, indicated by
almost 10,000 downloads2 of the Framework across industries and from entities of all types. Much of
the interest was international: 46% of downloads occurred from outside North America.
There were forty-eight public comment letters received and more than 200 responses to the on-line
survey to the exposure draft. The public comment letters generated more than 1,600 comments
and the on-line survey resulted in over 400 free-form responses on many aspects of the updated
document. All comments were considered in further revisions to the Framework.
In addition to the feedback generated from COSO, the PwC Project Team solicited feedback from
the public through over forty meetings, conferences, and seminars during the public exposure
period. In addition, they developed a series of videos, articles on key topics (e.g., managing risk
and performance to support strategy), and social media posts, which generated over 2.8 million
impressions and over 3,000 direct interactions from the public.
This appendix summarizes the more significant comments and resulting modifications to the
Framework arising from the public exposure period. Many respondents supported COSO’s efforts
Final Draft

to update the Framework to emphasize the importance of considering risk in both strategic planning
and overall performance, add five components of enterprise risk management, and stress how
integrating enterprise risk management into the business can improve decision-making.
However, there were divergent views on certain updates to the Framework, including the definitions
of risk and enterprise risk management, the link to decision-making, the practicality of risk profiles,
and the relationship of internal control to enterprise risk management.
Some respondents sought fundamental changes to the Framework, whereas others recognized
that the Framework remains relevant and useful today for boards and management of entities
regardless of type or size, and requested that only specific areas be updated, as discussed in more
detail below.

Structuring the Document: Components and Principles

Overall, respondents supported updating the original title of the Framework, Enterprise Risk Man-
agement–Aligning Risk with Strategy and Performance. They acknowledged the benefits of a
components and principles structure to provide clarity to integrating enterprise risk management
into strategic planning and day-to-day decision-making. Some suggested the five components of the
Framework could be better aligned with a common business model of develop, implement, review,
and revise. Further, some noted that the use of the word “execution” in the Risk in Execution com-
ponent did not translate well across geographies. A few respondents expressed concern about the
number of principles, saying twenty-three was not practical for managing an entity, and suggested
having fewer. Lastly, others suggested changes to align or reconcile the Framework principles to
other frameworks and standards.
Given the overall support of integrating enterprise risk management with strategy-setting through
performance, the title was revised to Enterprise Risk Management–Integrating with Strategy and
Performance. The Framework retains the five components but renames and reorders them to better
align to a typical business model: Governance and Culture; Strategy and Objective-Setting; Perfor-
mance; Review and Revision; and Information, Communication, and Reporting.

2 Downloads from the website

June 2017 3
Enterprise Risk Management | Integrating with Strategy and Performance

As for the principles, some have been consolidated. Specifically, two principles within the Gov-
ernance and Culture component were combined into one to focus on core values. As well, within
the Strategy and Objective component, the principles Considers Risk while Establishing Business
Objectives and Defines Acceptable Variation in Performance were merged into one, Formulates
Business Objectives, which focuses on establishing objectives and using tolerance to understand
how risk impacts the achievement of those objectives. Lastly, within the Information, Communica-
tion, and Reporting component, the principles Use Relevant Information and Leverages Information
Systems were merged into one to focus on information and technology supporting enterprise risk
management practices.
Some respondents also expressed concern about the length of the document and complexity of the
language. Specifically, they requested greater use of plain language to make certain technical terms
accessible to a wider audience.
These concerns were addressed by consolidating principles as discussed above. Additionally,
the Framework was revised to reduce sentence length to improve readability. Specifically, the
Flesch–Kincaid readability tool was used to identify areas for improvement as well as to confirm
the readability for similar standards and frameworks. Given the complexity of certain topics,
the overall Framework remains a comprehensive document in length to sufficiently develop and
clarify concepts.
Final Draft

Defining Enterprise Risk Management and Risk

Respondents provided various suggestions to amend the definitions of risk and enterprise risk
management, including aligning the definitions with other frameworks and standards. Suggestions
for defining risk varied from including impact only, separating risk into adverse events (threats) and
opportunities, and focusing on uncertainty.
Some respondents expressed preference for the 2004 definition of enterprise risk management, in
particular the use of risk appetite, roles and responsibilities, and a focus on processes, as opposed
to practices. Others preferred the exposure draft definition and requested incorporating
decision-making into it. There were also requests to condense the definition by removing “creating,
preserving, realizing value” and providing a clear separation between risk management and enter-
prise risk management.
After careful review and analysis of definitions from other standards and frameworks, it was decided
the exposure draft’s definitions would be kept. The COSO Board believes those definitions best
reflect COSO’s present view of risk and enterprise risk management and align with other COSO
frameworks and thought leadership.

Integrating Enterprise Risk Management and Impact on

A number of respondents expressed support for integrating enterprise risk management with core
business activities, as opposed to having a more process-based approach. Some viewed enterprise
risk management as more of a function (e.g., second line of defense), as opposed to a capability. As
part of integrating enterprise risk management, respondents requested an expanded discussion on
decision-making throughout the Framework, including the role of bias and risk appetite, and a stron-
ger connection to culture.
Given the focus on capabilities and practices as opposed to a specific function, the Framework
contains limited discussion on the lines-of-defense model. Further discussion on roles and responsi-
bilities is included in Appendix C.

4 June 2017

The Framework now includes a new chapter, “Integrating Enterprise Risk Management”, which
focuses on how enterprise risk management is integrated with strategy-setting through perfor-
mance, and the value of integration for the entity, such as improved decision-making. The new
chapter and each principle in the Framework enhance the discussion of decision-making and the
impact of management bias.

The Relationship of Enterprise Risk Management to

Internal Control
There was diverse feedback on the relationship between enterprise risk management and internal
control. Some respondents requested clarification of the structural aspects of the two frameworks
(e.g., where there is overlap) and the conceptual linkages of these two topics. Some suggested
COSO merge the two frameworks into one, while others preferred two separate and distinct
frameworks. Still others suggested including the entirety of the internal control conversation in the
Framework rather than referencing Internal Control–Integrated Framework.
The new Framework now clarifies the relationship between enterprise risk management and
internal control and identifies those instances where it relies on concepts established in Internal
Final Draft

Control–Integrated Framework. Since Internal Control–Integrated Framework is used as a regulatory

standard, and to avoid inadvertently expanding the scope of that framework for regulatory
application, the COSO Board decided to maintain two separate and distinct frameworks. Therefore,
the COSO Board did not include components in this update that are common to both frameworks
(e.g., control activities) to avoid redundancy and to encourage users to become familiar with both.
However, some concepts introduced in Internal Control–Integrated Framework, such as governance
of enterprise risk management, are further developed in this Framework. These additions limited the
ability to shorten the document.

Discussion on Strategy
Respondents expressed overall support for the emphasis on strategy throughout the Framework.
Some requested clarity on the transition from strategy planning to implementation and when to
revisit strategy. A few held the view that objectives precede strategy, and others requested replacing
strategy with strategic objectives. There were varying opinions about including the setting of
mission, vision, and core values within the scope of enterprise risk management.
The Framework retains the current focus on the “possibility of strategy not aligning, implications from
the strategy chosen, and risks to performing the strategy” as these provide a more detailed analysis
of the importance of integrating enterprise risk management with strategy-setting. The Framework
now clarifies how enterprise risk management is applied across strategy and performance. It retains
the link to mission, vision, and core values as that provides the foundation of the acceptable type
and amount of risk. Additionally, the Framework retains the hierarchy relationship between strategy
and business objectives, and the terminology of strategy versus strategic objectives, as both are
consistent with commonly used strategy and business frameworks.

June 2017 5
Enterprise Risk Management | Integrating with Strategy and Performance

Role of Culture
Overall, there was positive support for the inclusion and prominence of culture in the exposure
draft. Some respondents suggested further expanding the discussion on the culture spectrum
and emphasizing links to performance management, conduct, and incentives. A few suggested
that culture is not part of the definition of enterprise risk management, while others suggested that
entities do have a culture and risk is a part of it. Some wanted a discussion on fraud risk as it relates
to culture.
The Framework has been revised to consolidate Principles 4, 5, and 6 into the new Principle 4,
Demonstrates Commitment to Core Values. This principle emphasizes the relationship between
enterprise risk management and the core values established by the board and management for the
entity. Additionally, the revised Framework is enhanced with examples of how culture influences
enterprise risk management practices and decision-making, including the influence of management
bias. It does not include discussions of fraud risk, as this is addressed in Internal Control–Integrated

Risk Appetite and Tolerance

Final Draft

Several respondents took a risk-centric view to risk appetite, as opposed to an objective-centric

view. Related comments focused on setting boundaries for specific risks or groups of common
risks (e.g., credit risk) and reinforced a view of managing risk through discrete groups. Further,
several respondents requested that the discussion on risk appetite be revised to make it measurable
for specific risks instead of focused on decision-making. Others requested a visual diagram,
demonstrating the hierarchy of risk appetite and tolerance.
The Framework retains the use of risk appetite in the development of strategy and business
objectives, and the emphasis on how it is used in decision-making. A diagram has been added
to clarify the relationship between risk appetite, tolerance, and limits and triggers, and how those
elements apply to strategy, objectives, and specific risks.
Respondents also questioned the use of acceptable variation in performance in lieu of risk tolerance.
In particular, some strongly expressed a desire to revert to using risk tolerance from the 2004
Framework, while others noted the use of acceptable variation in performance as an improvement.
The final Framework has revised the use of acceptable variation in performance to tolerance and
enhanced the discussion on how tolerance is tied to an entity’s objectives, taking an objective-
centric view.

Risk Assessment and Risk Profiles

Some feedback targeted the technical risk assessment practices, including the use of risk profiles.
Specifically, several respondents requested a more detailed discussion of quantitative risk
assessment methods (e.g., modeling, simulations, decision trees) and other practical tools. Some
expressed concern about the value of heat maps, arguing that they are typically risk-centric and
do not accurately reflect the relationship of risk with performance. Several noted the absence of
discussion on the distribution of outcomes, while many questioned the inclusion of inherent risk

6 June 2017

The final Framework has revised Principle 11, Assess Severity of Risk, to focus more explicitly on
the impact to the achievement of business objectives and strategy. It also clarifies how heat maps
can be used to depict risk in the context of objectives. Additionally, a discussion on quantitative
approaches to risk assessments was added.
Some respondents questioned the practical application of risk profiles, whereas others noted limiting
the risk profile to one graphic may be too prescriptive. Those supportive of the risk profiles noted
that they provide an effective explanation of the relationship between risk, performance targets, risk
capacity, and risk appetite.
The final Framework retains the use of risk profiles as they provide management with a view of how
risk impacts performance and how risk appetite can be used for decisions. Enhancements have
been made to clarify the risk profile graphics across different types of business objectives, and how
risk profiles can be used with both qualitative and quantitative data.

Information and Technology

Some respondents requested a detailed discussion on information and technology; others
questioned whether data management and technology were within the scope of enterprise risk
Final Draft

management. Several focused on reporting information from a risk-centric perspective as opposed

to business viewpoint.
The Framework now has a revised Information, Communication, and Reporting component to
reduce the focus on information systems and put more emphasis on the greater role of data and
evolving technology as part of enterprise risk management. Specifically, information has been added
on how an entity manages and analyzes data, and the use of evolving technology to manage data
more efficiently and effectively. The Framework also now highlights objective-based reporting to
support management in decision-making.

Some respondents requested guidance on how a company could apply the concepts discussed
in the Framework. Specifically, they asked for more examples, including mini or full case studies,
tools to assist in evaluating enterprise risk management (e.g., maturity models), and general
implementation guidance (e.g., risk reports).
In response, the COSO Board and the PwC Project Team agreed to develop a separate document
containing examples on applying the Framework, Enterprise Risk Management–Integrating with
Strategy and Performance: Compendium of Examples. This document illustrates the application of
all the principles in the Framework across different industries, entity sizes, and types, and actual and
expected company practices.

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Enterprise Risk Management | Integrating with Strategy and Performance

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8 June 2017

C. Roles and Responsibilities for

Enterprise Risk Management
In any entity, everyone shares responsibility for enterprise risk management. The leader of the entity
(i.e., chief executive officer or president) is ultimately responsible and should assume ownership for
the achievement of the entity’s strategy and business objectives. That person should also have a
deep understanding of those factors that may impede the achievement of strategy. It is up to other
managers to “live and breathe” the behaviors that align with the culture, oversee enterprise risk
management, leverage information systems tools, and monitor performance. Other personnel are
responsible for understanding and aligning to the cultural norms and behaviors, business objectives
in their area, and related enterprise risk management practices. The board of directors provides risk
oversight to the achievement of strategy.
This appendix looks at approaches an organization can take for assigning roles and responsibilities
for enterprise risk management, and provides guidance on the roles and responsibilities of the
board of directors, chief executive officer, chief risk officer, management, and internal auditor. The
information is presented in a “lines of accountability model.”
Final Draft

The lines of accountability model offers an organization a balanced approach to managing risk
and seizing opportunities, all while enabling risk-based decision-making that is free of bias.
However, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to using this model and no prescriptive details
on the number of lines of accountability necessary. Some industries offer specific guidance for
implementing an accountability model, but organizations must consider factors such as their size,
strategy and business objectives, organizational culture, and external stakeholders. Individual
organizations may establish roles across any number of different lines of accountability with specific
regulatory guidance and oversight. Regardless of the number of lines of accountability, the roles,
responsibilities, and accountabilities are defined to allow for clear “ownership” of strategy and risk
that fits within the governance structure, and culture of the entity.

Board of Directors and Dedicated Committees

Different entities will establish different governance structures, such as a board of directors, a
supervisory board, trustees and/or general partners, and dedicated committees. In the Framework
(Chapters 5 through 9), these governance structures are commonly referred to generally as “the
board of directors.”
The board of directors is responsible for providing risk oversight of enterprise risk management
culture, capabilities, and practices. Therefore, board members must be objective, capable, and
inquisitive. They should have technical knowledge and expertise that is relevant to the entity’s
operations and environment, and they must commit to the time necessary to fulfill their day-to-
day risk oversight responsibilities and accountabilities. In some jurisdictions, the board has legal
responsibility for carrying out its oversight role. Figure C.1 lists typical board oversight practices of
enterprise risk management.

June 2017 9
Enterprise Risk Management | Integrating with Strategy and Performance

Figure C.1: Board Oversight Activities

Enterprise Risk Board Risk Oversight Activities

Management Component
Governance and Culture • Assesses the appropriateness of the entity’s strategy, alignment to
the mission, vision, and core values, and the risk inherent in that
• Defines the board risk governance role and structure including sub-
committees for the entity.
• Engages with management to define the suitability of enterprise risk
• Oversees evaluations of the entity’s culture and that management
remediates any noted gaps.
• Promotes a risk-aware mindset that aligns the maturity of the entity
with its culture.
• Oversees the alignment of business performance, risk taking, and
incentives/compensation to balance short-term and long-term
Final Draft

strategy achievement.
• Challenges the potential biases and organizational tendencies of
management and fulfills its independent and unbiased oversight
• Understands the entity’s strategy, operating model, industry, and
issues and challenges affecting the entity.
• Understands how risk is monitored by management.
Strategy and • Sets expectations for integrating enterprise risk management into
Objective-Setting the strategic management processes, including strategy planning,
capital allocation, etc.
• Discusses and understands the risk appetite and considers whether
it aligns with its expectations.
• Engages in discussion with management to understand the changes
to business context that may impact the strategy and its linkage to
new, emerging, or manifesting risks.
• Encourages management to think about the risks inherent in the
strategy and underlying business assumptions.
• Requires management to demonstrate an understanding of the risk
capacity of the entity to withstand large, unexpected events.

10 June 2017

Figure C.1—Continued

Enterprise Risk Board Risk Oversight Activities

Management Component
Performance • Reviews the entity’s strategy and underlying assumptions against
the portfolio view of risk.
• Sets expectations for risk reporting, including the risk metrics
reported to the board relative to the risk appetite of the entity and
external enterprise risk reporting disclosures.
• Understands how management identifies and communicates the
most severe risks as depicted by the entity’s portfolio view.
• Reviews and understands the most significant risks, including
emerging risks, and significant changes in the portfolio view of risk
and specifically what responses and actions management is taking.
• Understands the plausible scenarios that could change the portfolio
Review and Revision • Asks management about any risk manifesting in actual performance
Final Draft

(both positive and negative).

• Asks management about the enterprise risk management processes
and challenges management to demonstrate the suitability and
functioning of those processes.
Information, • Identifies information, underlying data, and formats (graphs, charts,
Communication, and risk curves, and other visuals) required to execute board oversight.
• Accesses internal and external information and insights conducive
to effective risk oversight.
• Obtains input from internal audit, external auditors, and other
independent parties regarding management perceptions and

The board of directors may choose to manage its risk oversight responsibilities at the full board level
or may assign specific tasks to dedicated committees with a risk focus. Where a particular commit-
tee has not been established for risk oversight, the responsibilities are carried out by the board itself.
Board-level committees can include the following:
• Audit committee: Establishes the importance of risk oversight. Regulatory and profes-
sional standard-setting bodies often require the use of an audit committee, sometimes
named the audit and risk committee. The role and scope of authority of an audit com-
mittee can vary depending on the entity’s regulatory jurisdiction, industry norm, or other
variables. While management is responsible for ensuring financial statements are reliable,
an effective audit committee plays a critical risk oversight role. The board of directors,
often through its audit committee, has the authority and responsibility to question senior
management on how it is carrying out its enterprise risk management responsibilities.
• Risk committee: Establishes the direct oversight of enterprise risk management. The focus
of the risk committee is entity-wide risk in non-financial areas that go beyond the authority
of the audit committee and its available resources (e.g., operational, obligations, credit,
market, technology).
• Compensation committee: Establishes and oversees the compensation arrangements
for the chief executive officer and other executives, as appropriate, to motivate without
providing incentives for undue risk taking. It also oversees that management balances

June 2017 11
Enterprise Risk Management | Integrating with Strategy and Performance

performance measures, incentives, and rewards with the pressures created by the entity’s
strategy and business objectives, and helps structure compensation models without
unduly emphasizing short-term results over long-term performance.
• Nomination/governance committee: Provides input to and oversight of the selection of
candidates for directors and management. It regularly assesses and nominates members
of the board of directors; makes recommendations regarding the board’s composition,
operations, and performance; oversees the succession-planning process for the chief
executive officer and other key executives; and develops oversight processes and
structures. It also promotes director orientation and training, and evaluates oversight
processes and structures (e.g., board/committee evaluations).

Management and the Three Lines of Accountability

Management is responsible for all aspects of an entity, including enterprise risk management.
Responsibilities assigned to the various levels of management are outlined here.

Chief Executive Officer

Final Draft

The chief executive officer (CEO) is accountable to the board of directors and is responsible for
overall enterprise risk management culture, capabilities, and practices required to achieve the
entity’s strategy and business objectives. (In privately owned and not-for-profit entities, this position
may have a different title, but generally the responsibilities are the same.) More than any other
individual, the CEO sets the tone at the top along with the explicit and implicit values, behaviors, and
norms that define the culture of the entity.
The CEO’s responsibilities relating to enterprise risk management include:
• Providing leadership and direction to senior members of management, and shaping the
entity’s core values, standards, expectations of competence, organizational structure, and
• Evaluating alternative strategies, choosing a strategy, and setting business objectives that
consider supporting assumptions relating to business context, resources, and capabilities
within the risk appetite of the entity.
• Maintaining oversight of the risks facing the entity (e.g., directing all management and
other personnel to proactively identify, assess, prioritize, respond to, and report risks that
may impede the ability to achieve the strategy and business objectives).
• Guiding the development and performance of the enterprise risk management process
across the entity, and delegating to various levels of management at different levels of the
• Communicating expectations (e.g., integrity, competence, key policies) and information
requirements (e.g., the type of planning and reporting systems the entity will use).

Chief Risk Officer

One of the more prominent roles in enterprise risk management is that of chief risk officer
(CRO). This position is tasked with overseeing enterprise risk management as a second line of
accountability. This role should normally have reasonably direct access to the CEO, or the authority
to have access for specific issues or types of risk. An alternative to having a chief risk officer is to
assign the underlying responsibilities to another member of management, typically in the second line
of accountability.

12 June 2017

Organizations develop the CRO role and responsibilities in a way that best meets their needs for
effective enterprise risk management. Some entities choose to align the role of chief risk officer
with the chief strategy officer so that strategy and risk are managed together under the CEO. Other
entities delegate responsibility for enterprise risk management to first-line functions, including
operating unit and functional unit leaders, leaving second-line responsibility to the CRO. These
entities often align staff within divisions, operating units, and functions with the CRO to support
enterprise risk management efforts across the entity.
The CRO is typically responsible for:
• Assisting the board of directors and management in fulfilling their respective risk oversight
• Establishing ongoing enterprise risk management practices suitable for the entity’s needs.
• Building and maintaining relationships with those responsible for managing risks through-
out the entity.
• Overseeing enterprise risk management ownership within the respective lines of
• Reviewing the operation of enterprise risk management in each operating unit.
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• Communicating with management through a forum, such as the enterprise risk man-
agement committee, about the status of enterprise risk management, which includes
discussing severe risks and emerging risks.
• Promoting enterprise risk management to the CEO and operating unit leaders and assist-
ing in integrating practices into their business plans and reporting.
• Evolving organizational capabilities in line with the maturity and suitability of enterprise
risk management.
• Escalating identified or emerging risk exposures to executive management and the board.

Management comprises the CEO and senior members leading the key operating units and
business-enabling functions. Each of these management roles may have different responsibilities
and accountabilities within the lines of accountability model, depending on the entity. For example,
a chief technology officer may play a second-line role in a financial services company, but in a
technology company that same position would play a first-line role. Some smaller entities may
combine roles, with one person having responsibilities for one or more. Examples of management
for a larger public or private entity, a smaller business entity, and a government entity are noted in
Figure C.2.

June 2017 13
Enterprise Risk Management | Integrating with Strategy and Performance

Figure C.2: Management Roles within Different Entities

Large Public/Private Entity Small Business Entity Governmental Entity

• Chief executive officer • President • Secretary

and president
• Chief financial officer/vice • Assistant secretary/deputy
• Chief administrative officer president (VP) of finance/ director/undersecretary
finance director/head of
• Chief audit executive • Chief financial officer
• Chief compliance officer • Chief information officer
• Chief operating officer
• Chief data officer • Chief of human resources
• Director of risk management/
• Chief financial officer head of risk management • Chief of staff
• Chief human resources officer • General manager/VP of • Deputy assistant secretary/
operations directorate
• Chief information officer
• Human resources manager/ • Director of risk management/
• Chief innovation officer
director head of risk management
• Chief legal officer/general
• IT manager • General counsel
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• Marketing manager • Inspector general
• Chief marketing officer
• Chief operating officer
• Chief risk officer
• Chief strategy officer

In some entities, the CEO establishes an enterprise risk management committee of senior members
of management including functional managers, such as the chief financial officer, chief audit exec-
utive, chief information officer, and others. Examples of the functions and responsibilities of such a
committee include:
• Assuming overall responsibility for enterprise risk management, including the processes
used to identify, assess, prioritize, respond to, and report on risk.
• Communicating the enterprise risk management process to the CEO and the board.
• Considering and discussing emerging risks.
• Defining roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities at the different levels of management.
• Providing policies, methodologies, and tools to operating units to identify, assess, and
manage risks.
• Reviewing the entity’s risk profile.
• Reviewing acceptable variation in performance and taking action where appropriate.

Management also guides the development and implementation of enterprise risk management prac-
tices within their respective functional or operating unit and verifies that these practices are applied
Depending on how many layers of management exist within an entity, subunit managers or
lower-level supervisory personnel are directly involved in executing policies and procedures at a
detailed level. It is their responsibility to carry out the enterprise risk management process that

14 June 2017

senior management has designed and implemented. Each manager is accountable to the next
higher level for his or her portion of enterprise risk management, with the CEO being ultimately
accountable to the board of directors, and the board being accountable to external stakeholders
such as shareholders or other owners of the entity.

First Line: Core Business

Management is responsible for identifying and managing the performance and risks resulting from
practices and systems for which it is accountable. The first line is also responsible for the risks
inherent to the strategy and business objectives. As the principal owners of risk, management
sets business objectives, establishes acceptable variation in performance, trains personnel, and
reinforces risk responses. In short, the first line implements and carries out the day-to-day tasks to
manage performance and risks taken to achieve strategy and business objectives.

Second Line: Support Functions

Support functions (also referred to as business-enabling functions) include management and
personnel responsible for overseeing performance and enterprise risk management. They provide
guidance on performance and enterprise risk management requirements, and evaluate adherence
Final Draft

to defined standards. Each of these functions has some degree of independence from the first line
of accountability, and they challenge the first line to manage performance and take prudent risks
to achieve strategy and business objectives. In some entities, independent teams without separate
and distinct reporting lines may provide some degree of challenge. These organizational functions
or operating units support the entity through specialized skills, such as technical risk management
expertise, finance, product/service quality management, technology, compliance, legal, human
resources, and others. As management functions they may intervene directly in modifying and
supporting the first line in appropriate risk response.
Second-line responsibilities often include:
• Supporting management policies, defining roles and responsibilities, and setting targets
for implementation.
• Providing enterprise risk management guidance.
• Supporting management to identify trends and emerging risks.
• Assisting management in developing processes and risk responses to manage risks and
• Providing guidance and training on enterprise risk management processes.
• Monitoring the adequacy and effectiveness of risk responses, accuracy, and complete-
ness of reporting, and timely remediation of deficiencies.
• Escalating identified or emerging risk exposures to management and the board for aware-
ness and potential action.
There are various methods of achieving objectivity across these two lines of accountability. For
example, one company may have enterprise risk management teams embedded in the first line but
with a separate second-line risk function. Another company may spread its risk management teams
across the two lines depending on the complexity and nature of the business. These and other
approaches can work as long as unbiased oversight is not constrained.

June 2017 15
Enterprise Risk Management | Integrating with Strategy and Performance

Third Line: Assurance Functions

Assurance functions, most commonly internal audit, often provide the last line of accountabil-
ity by performing audits or reviews of enterprise risk management practices, identifying issues
and improvement opportunities, making recommendations, and keeping the board and executive
management up-to-date on matters requiring resolution. Two factors distinguish the last line of
accountability from the others: the high level of independence and objectivity (enabled by direct
reporting to the board), and the authority to evaluate and make recommendations to management
on the design and operating effectiveness of the entity overall.

External Auditors
External auditors provide management and the board of directors with a unique, independent, and
objective view that can contribute to an entity’s achievement of its strategy and business objectives.
In an external audit, the auditor expresses an opinion on the fairness of the financial statements in
conformity with applicable accounting standards, thereby contributing to the entity’s external finan-
cial reporting objectives. The auditor conducting a financial statement audit may contribute further
to those objectives by providing information useful to management in carrying out its enterprise risk
management responsibilities. Such information includes:
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• Audit findings, analytical information, and recommendations for actions necessary to

achieve established business objectives.
• Findings regarding deficiencies in enterprise risk management and internal control that
come to the auditor’s attention, and recommendations for improvement.
This information frequently relates not only to reporting but to strategy, operations, and compliance
practices as well, and can be important to an entity’s achievement of its business objectives. The
information is reported to management and, depending on its significance, to the board of directors
or audit committee.
It is important to recognize that a financial statement audit, by itself, normally does not include a
significant focus on enterprise risk management. Nor does it result in the auditor forming an opinion
on the entity’s enterprise risk management. Where, however, law or regulation requires the auditor to
evaluate a company’s assertions related to internal control over financial reporting and the support-
ing basis for those assertions, the scope of the work directed at those areas will be extensive, and
additional information and assurance will be gained.

16 June 2017

D. Risk Profile Illustrations

Introduction to Risk Profiles

A risk profile provides the composite view of risks related to a specific strategy or business objec-
tive at a particular level of the entity (e.g., overall entity level, business unit level, functional level) or
aspect of the business model (e.g., product, service, geography). These risk profiles bring together
several important considerations in enterprise risk management, namely performance targets, the
assessment of the overall amount of risk for varying levels of performance, risk appetite, and tol-
erance. Risk profiles are used to help organizations evaluate alternative strategies and support the
process of identifying and assessing risks.
This relationship between risk and performance is rarely constant. Changes in performance do not
always result in corresponding changes in risk, and therefore a single-point illustration used in many
typical enterprise risk management approaches is not always helpful. A more complete illustration
shows the aggregate amount of risk associated with different levels of performance, where risk is
shown as a continuum of potential outcomes. The organization balances the amount of risk with
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desired performance along this continuum.

This appendix offers examples of how risk profiles may be developed and applied to support the
organization in applying the principles of the Framework.

Developing Risk Profiles

When developing a risk profile, the organization must understand the:
• Strategy or relevant business objective.
• Performance target and acceptable variances in performance.
• Risk capacity and appetite for the entity.
• Severity of the risk to the achievement of the strategy and business objective.

The risk profile, as depicted in this appendix, enables the organization to evaluate:
• The relationship between risk and Figure D.1: Risk Profile
performance, noting that the amount
of risk for a given strategy or busi-
ness objective is typically not static
and will change for different levels of
• Assumptions underlying the risk
assessment for a given strategy or

business objective.
• The level of confidence with which the
∑ Severity of
assessment has been performed and known and
the potential for unknown risks. unknown risks
• Where corrective actions may be
required in setting strategy, business Performance
objectives, performance targets, or risk Risk curve

June 2017 17
Enterprise Risk Management | Integrating with Strategy and Performance

To develop a risk profile, the organization determines the relationship between the level of per-
formance for a strategy or business objective and the expected amount of risk. On a risk graph,
performance is plotted along the x-axis and risk is along the y-axis (Figure D.1). The resulting line is
often referred to as a “risk curve” or “risk profile.”
Each data point is plotted by considering the perceived amount of risk that corresponds to the
achievement of a business objective or strategy. As performance changes, the organization identifies
how the amount of risk may change. Risk may change due to the changes in execution and business
Both quantitative and qualitative approaches can be used to plot points. If the organization has
sufficient data on a strategy or business objective, it may use a quantitative approach, such as prob-
abilistic modeling or regression analysis. Where data is not available or where business objectives
are less important, the organization may prefer to use a qualitative approach, such as performing
interviews, facilitating workshops, or benchmarking. Example D.1 describes how one entity plotted
its risk profile.

Example D.1: Developing a Risk Profile

A university has a strategy of becoming the institution of choice for graduate students in the region.
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To support the strategy, it has decided on a business objective of developing a new curriculum to
meet emerging needs. The university has identified the following five risks for this business objective:
• Failing to build sufficient interest and awareness of the courses to generate growth in
student applications, which could impact the university’s reputation.
• Generating actual or perceived conflict of interest between academic freedom and the
new curriculum.
• Failing to attract and retain additional faculty required to teach and administer new
• Failing to secure additional government funding to administer the new curriculum.
• Incurring unbudgeted costs in support of the new curriculum.
In addition, the university has identified that this new objective creates potential risk to other objec-
tives, such as the possibility of marginal students affecting the university’s brand.
The university measures performance
based on the number of student
enrollments. It assesses the severity of the
risks to the achievement of the business
objective changes at various levels of
student enrollment. That is, the distance
between the point and the x-axis represents
the impact of the five risks identified, as

depicted on the right. For each level of

student enrollment, the university considers
the following:
• How might some risks escalate
across varying levels of performance?
For instance, the risk of attracting 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
faculty may increase at higher levels
New Student Enrollment (Performance)
of enrollment as more instructors may
be required. Risk curve

18 June 2017

• How might risks change in severity and what supporting assumptions may change at
varying levels of performance? For instance, assumptions of government funding may be
contingent on achieving set levels of enrollment.
• Are there new or emerging risks with each incremental increase in student enrollment? For
instance, does enrollment above a certain level create a new risk relating to the physical
space required to accommodate students?
• Are there some risks that no longer apply at certain levels of performance? For instance,
do the concerns about failing to generate sufficient interest and awareness of the
university’s courses become increasingly irrelevant above a certain level of enrollment?
In preparing this profile, the university uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative
approaches. Quantitative approaches include data modeling (reviewing historical student
enrollments and correlation with the launch of new programs, the average number of operational
incidents, revenues and losses per student). Qualitative approaches include reviewing campus
health and safety requirements, forecasting revenue and government grants, and conducting
interviews and workshops with key stakeholders. The risk profile shown on below illustrates that:
• There is a high amount of risk assumed if only 100 new students enroll because of the
new curriculum (risk of underperformance).
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• Risk reaches its lowest point at 600 enrollments, which may not represent the optimal
number of students from a performance perspective.
• Any enrollments in excess of 600 represent an incremental increase in risk. The university
has established that it can accept a maximum of 1,100 new students.
Having determined how the amount of risk
can change, and understanding the drivers
and assumptions that support change,
the organization can determine its desired
performance target. To set that target,
the organization evaluates the business
objective in the context of the entity’s risk

appetite, resources, and capabilities. In

the case described above, the university
ultimately decides that it will set a
performance target of seeking to attract
700 new students. The risk profile above
illustrates this target and the amount of
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
risk the university is willing to assume in
the pursuit of the objective. New Student Enrollment (Performance)
Risk curve

June 2017 19
Enterprise Risk Management | Integrating with Strategy and Performance

Risk, Strategy, and Objective-Setting

Incorporating Risk Appetite

Using a risk profile, the organization can
Figure D2: Risk Profile with Risk Appetite
outline its risk appetite in relation to a
proposed strategy or business objective. Target
In Figure D.2, the risk appetite is plotted
as horizontal line parallel to the x-axis
(performance). The gradient of the line
indicates that the risk appetite remains
constant for all levels of performance at a

given point in time. The y-axis (risk) uses the
same metric or expression of risk appetite
as is referred to in an entity’s risk appetite
statement. For example, the y-axis may be
earnings at risk, value at risk, or other metric.
The section of the curve from the point of
Final Draft

intersection (Point A) where it continues Performance

above the risk appetite line indicates a level Risk curve Risk appetitle
of performance that exceeds the entity’s
appetite and where risk becomes disruptive Figure D.3: Risk Profile with Risk Capacity
to the entity.
Organizations may also want to incorporate
an additional parallel line above risk appetite
to indicate risk capacity, shown in Figure D.3.

Using Risk Profiles to Consider


Alternative Strategies
Organizations can develop profiles of
potential risks as part of considering
alternative strategies. For each strategy, an
organization may prepare a risk profile that
reflects the expected types and amount of
risks. These risk profiles support the strategy
Risk curve Risk appetitle Risk capacity
selection process by highlighting differences
in the expected risk for different strategies.

Figure D.4 illustrates how profiles can be compared. Alternative A shows a flatter curve, indicating
that the entity faces less incremental risk as performance increases. That is, the intersection of the
risk curve and risk appetite is farther to the right, indicating greater opportunity for performance
before the entity exceeds appetite. Established entities operating in mature, stable markets or with
stakeholders who expect lower risk profiles may seek strategies that resemble Alternative A.

20 June 2017

Figure D.4: Risk Profiles of Alternative Strategies

Alternative A: Risk-Neutral or Risk-Averse Alternative B: Risk-Aggressive
Strategy Strategy
Target Target


Performance Performance
Risk curve Risk appetitle Risk curve Risk appetitle
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Conversely, risk-taking entities such as start-ups or venture capitalists may explore strategies that
are more typical of Alternative B. In this case, an entity would seek more aggressive performance in
return for assuming greater risk.
Quantitative and qualitative techniques are used to develop the profile of potential risks and may
be the same tools that are then used to support risk identification and assessment processes.
This includes quantitative analysis and modeling where there is sufficient data. Where data is not
available, more qualitative techniques may be employed.

Considering Risk in Establishing Business Objectives and Setting

Performance Targets
Once an organization selects a strategy, it carries Figure D.5:
out a similar analysis to establish business Risk Profile with Performance Targets
objectives. Organizations that are faced with
alternative objectives seek to understand the shape Tolerance
and height of a curve for a potential business
First, the organization sets a performance target
for its business objectives. The performance
target is determined in relation to the risk appetite B

and selected strategy. On a risk profile, the target A

demonstrates the desired performance and
corresponding amount of risk (see Figure D.5).
Further, it illustrates the distance between the
accepted amount of risk and risk appetite.
The more aggressive the entity, the less will be Performance
the distance between the intersection of the Risk curve Risk appetitle Target
performance target and the risk curve (Point A),
and the intersection of performance target and risk
appetite (Point B).

June 2017 21
Enterprise Risk Management | Integrating with Strategy and Performance

Using Risk Profiles to Demonstrate Acceptable Variation in

The organization next determines the acceptable variation in performance on both sides of the
target. This is illustrated in the figures by the dotted lines that run parallel to the performance
target. The trailing and exceeding variances are set to reflect the risk appetite of the entity. There
is no requirement that they be equidistant from the performance target. The closer the variances
are set to the performance target, the less appetite for risk. However, by setting variations close to
performance, management considers the trade-offs in the additional resources required to manage

Identifying Risks in Performance

Organizations identify and assess the risks to business objectives and chosen strategy. Any
potential risks that have been identified as part of the selection process provide a starting point for
identifying and assessing risks in execution. This process yields a risk profile of actual risks for each
business objective and overall strategy—one that either confirms the expected risks or one that
indicates additional risks.
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Additional risks may be identified for a number of reasons. The organization may have completed
a more rigorous analysis after selecting a business objective, or may have gained access to more
information, giving it more confidence in its understanding of the risk profile, or may have determined
it needs to update the list of expected risks due to changes in the business context having occurred.
The outputs of the risk identification process, the risk universe, form the basis on which an
organization is able to construct a more reliable risk profile.

Using Risk Profiles when Assessing Risk

Risks identified and included in a risk profile are assessed in order to understand their severity to
the achievement of an entity’s strategy or business objectives. Management’s assessment of risk
severity can focus on different points of the risk profile for different purposes:
• To confirm that performance is within the acceptable variation in performance.
• To confirm that risk is within risk appetite.
• To compare the severity of a risk at various
points of the curve. Figure D.6:
Assessing Risk Using a Risk Profile
• To assess the disruption point in the curve,
at which the amount of risk has greatly Tolerance
exceeded the appetite of the entity and
impacts its performance or the achievement
of its strategy or business objectives
The risk profile in Figure D.6 depicts the amount of
risk within an assumed time horizon. To incorporate B

time into the risk profile, management must define A

the performance target with reference to a time
In assessing the distance of the curve from the
x-axis, management considers the aggregate
amount of known (existing, emerging, and new Performance
risks) and unknown risks. The amount of unknown Risk curve Risk appetitle Target
risk may be estimated with varying levels of

22 June 2017

confidence depending on the type of business objective, experience and knowledge of the
organization, and available data. Where the number and amount of unknown risks is potentially large
(e.g., developing new technology), the distance between the risk curve and the x-axis will typically be
greater to indicate greater risk. For business objectives in more mature environments with significant
performance data, knowledge, and experience, the amount of unknown risk may be considered
much less significant, and the distance between the risk curve and the x-axis will therefore be
smaller. The distance of the curve from the x-axis also demonstrates how multiple risks impact the
same business objective.
The organization may choose to use different assessment methods for different points of the risk
curve. When focused on the acceptable variation in performance, analysis of risk data may be a
suitable approach. When looking at the extreme sections of the curve, scenario analysis workshops
may prove more effective in determining the height and shape of the curve.
As with considering alternative strategies and identifying risks, management uses quantitative
and qualitative approaches, or a combination of both, to assess risks and develop a risk profile.
Qualitative assessment is useful when risks do not lend themselves to quantification or when it
is neither practicable nor cost effective to obtain sufficient data for quantification. For example,
consider a reputable technology company that is contemplating launching a new product that is
currently not commercially available. In developing a risk profile of the risk of launching the R&D of
Final Draft

the new product, management relies on its own business knowledge and its engineers’ expertise to
determine the height and shape of the curve.
For risks that are more easily quantifiable, or where greater granularity or precision is required, a
probability modeling approach is appropriate (e.g., calculating value at risk or cash flows at risk).
For example, when the same technology company assesses the risk of maintaining operations in a
foreign country, it employs modeling when plotting the curve to identify sufficient points outlining the
severity of its foreign exchange exposure.

Using Risk Profiles when Prioritizing Risks

How organizations prioritize risks can affect the risk profile for a strategy or business objective. The
following are examples of how the prioritization criteria (see Principle 14) are incorporated into the
risk profile:
• Adaptability influences the height and shape of the risk curve reflecting the relative ease
with which the organization can change and move along the curve.
• Complexity of a risk will typically shift the risk curve upwards to reflect greater risk.
• Velocity may affect the distance at which acceptable variation in performance is set from
the target. (Note that the velocity of the risk also reflects the third dimension of time, and
therefore is not reflected in the risk curve.)
• Persistence, not shown on the risk curve as it relates to a third dimension, may be
reflected in a narrowing of the acceptable variation in performance as the entity acknowl-
edges the sustained effect on performance.
• Recovery, the time taken to return to acceptable variation in performance, is consid-
ered part of persistence. How the entity recovers will shape the risk curve outside of the
acceptable variation in performance and the relative ease with which the entity can move
along the curve.
Many organizations choose to use severity as a prioritization criterion. For example, consider the risk
profiles in Figure D.7. If an organization were asked to prioritize the risks in Risk Profile A compared
to those in Risk Profile B, it may well select Risk #3 in Profile A as the most important because of its
absolute severity (a risk-centric perspective). But if the organization were to view Risk Profile A from
a business objective perspective, it would see that the entity is still well within its risk appetite for

June 2017 23
Enterprise Risk Management | Integrating with Strategy and Performance

the particular performance target. In fact, both Risk Profile A and B have the same severity of risk
for their respective performance targets. Consequently, the severity of one risk (e.g., Risk #3 in Risk
Profile A) should not be the sole basis for prioritization relative to other risks.

Figure D.7: Using Risk Profiles to Compare Risks Impacting Objectives

Risk Profile A Risk Profile B

Target Target

Risk #3
Risk #3
Risk #2
Risk #2
Risk #1 Risk #1
Final Draft

Performance Performance
Risk curve Risk appetitle Risk curve Risk appetitle

Using Risk Profiles when Considering Risk Responses

Once the organization develops a risk profile, it can determine if additional risk responses are
required. The height and shape of the risk curve can be impacted depending on the risk response
chosen (see Principle 15):
• Accept: No further action is taken to affect the severity of the risk and the risk profile
remains the same. This response is appropriate when the performance of the entity and
corresponding risk is below the risk appetite line and within the lines indicating acceptable
variation in performance.
• Avoid: Action is taken to remove the risk, which may mean ceasing a product line, declin-
ing to expand to a new geographical market, or selling a division. Choosing avoidance
suggests that the organization is not able to identify a response that would reduce the
impact of the risk to an acceptable severity. Removing a risk will typically shift the curve
downwards and/or to the left with the intent of having the target performance to the left of
the intersection of the risk curve and the risk appetite.
• Pursue: Action is taken that accepts increased risk to achieve increased performance.
This may involve adopting more aggressive growth strategies, expanding operations,
or developing new products and services. When choosing to exploit risk, management
understands the nature and extent of any changes required to achieve desired perfor-
mance while not exceeding the target residual risk. Here the risk curve may not change
but the target may be set higher, and therefore setting the target at a different point along
the risk curve.
• Reduce: Action is taken to reduce the severity of the risk. This involves any of myriad
everyday business decisions that reduce residual risk to the target residual risk profile
and risk appetite. The intent of the risk response is to change the height and shape of the
curve, or applicable sections of the curve, to remain within the risk appetite set for the
entity. Alternatively, for risks that are already within the risk appetite, the reduce response
may pertain to the reduction in variability of performance through the deployment of addi-
tional resources. The effective reduction of a risk would see a flattening of the risk curve
for the sections impacted by the risk response.

24 June 2017

• Share: Action is taken to reduce the severity of a risk by transferring or otherwise sharing
a portion of the risk. Common techniques include outsourcing to specialist service pro-
viders, purchasing insurance products, and engaging in hedging transactions. As with the
reduce response, sharing risk lowers residual risk in alignment with risk appetite. A section
of the risk curve may change, although the entire risk curve likely shares similarities to one
where risk has not been shared.
• Review business objective: The organization chooses to review and potentially revise the
business objective given the severity of identified risks and acceptable variation in per-
formance. This may occur when the other categories of risk responses do not represent
desired courses of action for the entity.
• Review strategy: The organization chooses to review and potentially revise the strategy
given the severity of identified risks and risk appetite of the entity. Similar to reviewing
business objectives, this may occur when other categories of risk responses do not repre-
sent desired courses of action for the entity. Revisions to a strategy, or adoption of a new
strategy, also require that a new risk profile be developed.
Figure D.8 shows how a risk profile changed Figure D.8 Effect of Risk Response
after carrying out a risk response, such as
Target and Tolerance
entering into an insurance arrangement. For
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example, fruit farmers may purchase

weather-related insurance for floods or
storms that would result in their production
levels dropping below a certain minimum.
The risk curve for production levels flattens
for the outcomes covered by insurance.

Risk curve

June 2017 25
Enterprise Risk Management | Integrating with Strategy and Performance

Developing a Portfolio View

After selecting risk responses, management develops a composite view of residual risk (i.e., post-
assessment and implementation of risk response). This composite view forms an entity-wide portfolio
view of the risk that the entity faces.
While the portfolio view represents the view of risk at that level, management may choose to depict
that view through a variety of lenses. Figures D.9 and D.10 illustrate two alternatives for viewing
risk profile. The first, Figure D.9, illustrates a risk profile linked to strategy and entity objetives. The
second, Figure D.10, illustrates the risk profile relating to the portfolio view of entity level onbjectives.
An organization may choose how to depict the portfolio depending on how performance is articu-
lated and who is concerned. For instance, a chief financial officer may focus on a view that depicts
the severity of risk in relation to financial performance. A chief operating officer may focus on a
view that depicts the severity of risk in relation to operational performance. And the chief human
resources officer may focus on a view that depicts the severity of risk in relation to culture and
resource allocation. Yet, each of these views is based on one shared understanding of risk to busi-
ness objectives.
Through the portfolio view, the organization identifies severe entity-level risks. Figure D.9 illustrates
the portfolio view.
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Figure D.9: Portfolio View Using Entity-Level Objectives

Strategy Our strategy is to ...

Entity Objective 1 Entity Objective 2 Entity Objective 3

Business Business Business Business Business

Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3 Objective 4 Objective 5

Risk 1 Risk 2 Risk 3 Risk 4 Risk 5 Risk 6


When preparing a portfolio view, the organization may also choose to develop a risk profile that
provides added context on the portfolio view. Figure D.10 illustrates the risk profile of two entity-level
objectives. The first graph illustrates how risk to the achievement of entity objective 1 (at the current
level of performance) is within the both risk appetite and risk capacity (and shown as green in Figure
D.9). The second graph illustrates how risk to the achievement of entity objective 2 is above the risk
appetite, although still within risk capacity (Red in Figure D.9). These two perspectives are reflected
above in Figure D.9.
An organization will typically use both qualitative and quantitative techniques in developing this view.
Qualitative techniques include scenario analysis and benchmarking. Quantitative techniques include
regression modeling and other means of statistical analysis to determine the sensitivity of the
portfolio to sudden or large changes. These changes may be represented as shifts in the risk curve
or gradient.

26 June 2017

Analysis may also identify the point Figure D.10:

on the curve where change becomes Risk Profile relating to Entity Objective
a disruption to the performance of the
entity. For example, using entity objective
Entity Objective 1
1, an organization identifies that a drop
of more than 25% in a specific index
represents a disruptive change where the
entity exceeds its risk appetite and affects
the achievement of the strategy. This is B
represented at the point where the gradient
of the curve steepens significantly (Point

A). Further, the organization determines
that a 50% drop would affect performance A
to the extent that the entity exceeds its
risk capacity and threatens the viability of
the entity. This is represented where the
∑ total risks that rep-
risk curve intersects the risk capacity line resent the portfolio
(Point B). view
By using stress testing, scenario Performance
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analysis, or other analytical exercises, Risk curve Risk capacity Risk appetite
an organization can avoid or more
effectively respond to big surprises
and losses. By analyzing the effect of Entity Objective 2
hypothetical changes on the portfolio
view, the organization identifies potential
new, emerging, or changing risks and
evaluates the adequacy of existing risk
responses. The purpose of these exercises
is for management to be able to assess

the adaptive capacity of the entity. They

also help management challenge the
assumptions underpinning the selection of
the entity’s strategy and assessment of the
risk profile.
∑ total risks that rep-
resent the portfolio
Risk curve Risk capacity Risk appetite

June 2017 27
Enterprise Risk Management | Integrating with Strategy and Performance

Monitoring Risk Management Performance

Organizations can use graphical represen- Figure D.11:
tations to understand how risk is impacting Using Risk Profiles to Monitor Performance
performance. As shown in Figure D.11,
management analyzes the risk profile to Business Objective Risk Profile
determine whether the current level of Tolerance
performance risk is greater, less than, or as
expected compared to the risk assessment
results. Additionally, management consid-
ers whether a change in performance has
created new factors that influence the shape
of the curve. Based on this analysis, man-
agement can take corrective action.

• Has the organization performed as A
expected and achieved its target?
Using a risk profile, the organization B
reviews the performance set and
determines whether targets were
Final Draft

achieved or if variances occurred. Performance

Point B on the figure shows an Risk curve Risk appetitle
organization that has not met its Risk needed to attain goal Actual Risk
planned performance (Point A) but
remains within acceptable variation.
• What risks are occurring that may be impacting performance? In reviewing performance,
the organization observes which risks have occurred or are presently occurring.
Monitoring also confirms whether risks were previously identified or whether new,
emerging risks have occurred. That is, are the risks that were identified and assessed and
that inform the shape and height of the risk curve consistent with what is being observed
in practice?
• Was the entity taking enough risk to attain its target? Where an entity has failed to meet
its target, the organization seeks to understand whether risks have occurred that are
impacting the achievement of the target or whether insufficient risk was taken to support
the achievement of the target. Given the actual performance of the entity in the figure,
Point B also indicates that more risk could have been taken to attain its target.
• Was the estimate of risk accurate? In those instances where the risk was not assessed
accurately, the organization seeks to understand why. In reviewing the assessment of
severity, the organization challenges the understanding of the business context, the
assumptions underpinning the initial assessment and whether new information has
become available that may help refine the assessment results. Point C on the figure
indicates where an entity has experienced more risk than anticipated for a given level of
Given the results of the monitoring activities, the organization can determine the most appropriate
course of action.

28 June 2017

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