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Scrotal and Testicular Abnormalities

The scrotum is a capacious structure that contains the testes and epididymes. Beneath the skin,
from superficial to deep, are the dartos, external spermatic, cremasteric, and internal spermatic fascias.
Beneath the internal fascia are the parietal and visceral layers of the tunica vaginalis. The testis'
noncompliant outer layer is the tunica albuginea. Inside the tunica are the seminiferous tubules. The
blood supply enters the testis at the superior pole by way of the spermatic cord.
In addition to the vas deferens, the cord carries three separate sources of arterial blood flow—the
testicular artery that branches from the aorta below the renal artery, the cremasteric artery, and the
deferential artery.
The veins draining the testis and the epididymis form the pampiniform plexus. The veins become
fewer as they traverse the inguinal canal and at or near the inguinal ring they join to form one or two
testicular veins, which pass upwards behind the peritoneum. The left testicular vein empties into the left
renal vein, the right into the inferior vena cava below the right renal vein. The testicular veins may have
valves near their terminations, but these are often absent.
The testes develop in the retroperitoneum below the kidneys in early fetal life. The processus
vaginalis starts as a dimple of peritoneum and precedes the testis in its journey through the abdominal
wall down to the scrotum. The fully developed gubernaculum is a ligament extending from the
processus vaginalis down to the bottom of the scrotum, the final destination where the testes will settle
after its descent. It works as a guide for the descending testes and it contains muscle fibers.
Empty Scrotum:
Absent scrotal contents, usually unilateral. The condition may be due to:
1. Undescended testis.
2. Retractile testis
3. Ectopic testis.
4. Absent testis.
5. Orchidectomy.

Ectopic Testis:
The testis is located at an abnormal position outside the normal descent pathway. The sites of
ectopic testis are:
• At the superficial inguinal ring;
• In the perineum;
• At the root of the penis;
• In the femoral triangle.
An ectopic testis is usually fully developed. The main hazard is liability to injury.

Absent Testis:
‗Vanishing‘ testis describes a condition in which a testis develops but disappears before birth.
The most likely cause for this is prenatal torsion. True agenesis of the testis is rarer. Laparoscopy is
useful in distinguishing these causes of clinically absent testis from intra-abdominal maldescent.

A varicocele is a dilatation of the veins draining the testis.
Aetiology: Most varicoceles are idiopathic in aetiology. Incompetent valve veins may be
responsible. Metabolic products from the adrenal vein are sometimes claimed to be a cause.
A varicocele may develop secondary to retroperitoneal compression of the testicular vein as in
renal tumors or after nephrectomy.
Clinical Features: Most varicoceles present in adolescence or early adulthood and they are
mostly found on the left side.
Varicocele is usually symptomless but there may be an annoying dragging discomfort. The
scrotum on the affected side hangs lower than normal. In advanced cases, palpation of the scrotum gives
a feel of ―bag of worms‖ which disappear on lying position.
In longstanding cases the affected testis is smaller due to atrophy. Advanced cases of varicoceles
may impair fertility.
Management: Asymptomatic varicoceles need no treatment. Operation ―varicocelectomy‖ may
be indicated in the presence of testicular atrophy especially in adolescence and early adulthood. Pain
that is troublesome to the patient is another indication for treatment. Probably the most common
indication of varicocelectomy is the hypofertility.
The operation can be performed surgically or laparoscopically. Embolization of the vein can also
be performed. Recurrence is common due to the plentiful collateral circulation between the veins
draining the testes.

Rupture of The Testis:
Rupture by a blow is uncommon because of the testis‘s mobility within the scrotum. Contusion
and rupture are associated with a collection of blood around the testis and cannot usually be
distinguished with certainty without exploration. The haematocele should be drained and the tunica
albuginea repaired after evacuation of haematoma. A severely damaged testis may have to be removed.

A hydrocele is an abnormal fluid collection within the tunica vaginalis of the scrotum or along
the spermatic cord. Hydroceles are classified into:

1. Congenital hydrocele.
2. Acquired hydrocele: this may be further classified into:
a. Primary or idiopathic.
b. Secondary or testicular.


1. Excessive production of fluid within the sac, e.g. secondary hydrocele;

2. Defective absorption of fluid; most primary hydroceles
3. Interference with lymphatic drainage of scrotal structures;
4. Connection with the peritoneal cavity via a patent processus vaginalis (congenital).
5. Any testicular abnormality may result in secondary hydrocele.
Clinical Presentation:
Hydrocele usually presents as painless scrotal swelling that may reach a large size prior to
presentation. Large hydroceles often cause dragging pain in the scrotum.
On examination, hydroceles are usually non tender, lax or tense according to the amount of fluid
in it and it is usually possible to get above it. The testes may be palpable in lax hydrocele, however, in
tense hydrocele an ultrasound must be requested to exclude an underlying tumor.
In contrast to hernia, the swelling is not reducible, has no cough impulse and is usually
In congenital hydrocele, there is patent processus vaginalis that allows peritoneal fluid to pass
through. This manifests as a changing size scrotal swelling that increases and decreases throughout the
day. The fluid may be sequestered in part of the processus vaginalis and present as an oval swelling
along the spermatic cord (Encysted hydrocele of the cord). In females it may be found in relation to the
round ligament (Hydrocele of the canal of Nuck).
The definitive management of hydrocele is by surgery. Congenital hydroceles in the first year of
life need only reassurance. If they persist later, they are managed by herniotomy (Inguinal approach).
Secondary hydroceles are treated by treating the underlying cause.
Aspiration of the hydrocele may be useful for patients unfit for surgery. However, rapid
recurrence usually occurs.

Testicular Torsion:
Testicular torsion refers to the twisting of the spermatic cord structures and subsequent loss of
the blood supply to the ipsilateral testicle. This is a urological emergency; early diagnosis and treatment
are vital to save the testicle and preserve future fertility.

Clinical Presentation:
Testicular torsion is most common between 10 and 25 years of age although a few cases occur in
infancy. Symptoms vary with the degree of torsion. Most commonly there is sudden agonising pain in
the groin and the lower abdomen. The patient feels nauseated and may vomit.
Examination reveals the affected testes higher than the other and usually in a transverse lie
(Angel's sign). An edematous cord may be felt with a knot in it. The cremasteric reflex is almost always
absent. Elevation of the testes will aggravate the pain (Prehn's sign).
GUE is usually normal and Doppler ultrasonography of the scrotum will confirm the decreased
or absent vascularity in the testes.

This should be prompt as time is important to prevent testicular loss. Delays should not be made
even waiting for Doppler U/S. Suspicious cases should also be explored.
Surgery entails untwisting of the testes and subsequent fixation (Orchiopexy) to prevent
recurrent condition. The other testes should also be fixed because the anatomical defect is likely to be
bilateral. If, at exploration, the testes was found to be gangrenous then removal (orchiectomy) should be
If the patient presents in the first hour or so, manual untwisting may be tried then arranging for
operative fixation of both testes.

Inflammation of the testes and epididimys. The infection reaches through a retrograde manner
from the urethra. Patients with bladder outflow obstruction are more likely affected. The most common
organisms are chlamydia. Gonococci are also common. Blood-borne infection is less likely to occur and
suspected when there is E.coli, streptococcal or staph infection in the absence of associated urinary
Acute epididymo-orchitis may follow urinary tract instrumentation or surgery especially open

Clinical Features:
There is usually a history of urinary symptoms followed by fever and a gradually increasing pain
and swelling in the scrotum.
The scrotal skin is red and shiny and usually adherent to underlying testes. The testes and
epididymis are tender and swollen. Elevation of the testes will cause some relief of pain.
Mumps viral infection may also cause orchitis which sometimes causes testicular atrophy.

Treatment is with broad spectrum antibiotics that should be continued for 2 weeks or until
inflammation has subsided. Supportive measures include analgesia and antipyretics with increasing fluid
intake. Local measures may help by testicular elevation.
A testicular abscess may develop as a complication and this needs drainage.
Chronic Epididymo-orchitis:
Usually insidious in onset with mild ache and swelling. It is usually tuberculous in origin.
Management of the primary TB causes resolution of the genital disease.
Urethral stricture may be a cause of recurrent, or persistent, epididymo-orchitis.

Testicular Tumors:

Testicular tumors are one of the most common tumors in men. Most are malignant. Testicular
maldescent predisposes to tumor even after restoration into the scrotum. Testicular tumor may
sometimes first present with metastasis.

Testicular tumors are classified, according to the predominant cell type, into:
1. Seminoma (40%). Derived from seminiferous tubules. Peak age 35 -45 years. Metastasize via
lymphatics to retroperitoneal nodes. Hematogenous metastasis is uncommon.
2. Teratoma (32%). Peak age is 20 – 35 years
3. Mixed seminoma and teratoma (14%).
4. Interstitial tumors (1.5%). Arise from Leydig and Sertoli cells.
5. Lymphoma (7%)
6. Other tumors (5.5%)

Clinical Features:
Testicular tumors usually present with a lump that is usually painless. Larger lumps may cause
dragging sensation or pain. A recent trauma may pay attention to the lump.
On examination, the testes is enlarged, smooth and firm. A secondary hydrocele may be present.
The epididymis may be difficult to distinguish.
Secondary deposits in the retroperitoneal nodes may be palpable.
Sometimes the patient may present with symptoms of metastasis, eg, abdominal pain, backache
or hemoptysis.

Stage 1 testes lesion only, no spread
Stage 2 nodes below the diaphragm only
Stage 3 nodes above the diaphragm
Stage 4 pulmonary or hepatic metastasis

Investigations and Management:
Imaging is important in the assessment of testicular tumors. Tumor marker are used for diagnosis
and follow up after treatment.
The first step in the management is radical inguinal orchidectomy which will remove the tumor
and gives a specimen for histopathologic assessment that will guide further treatment.
Seminomas are sensitive to adjuvant radiotherapy and cisplatin. Teratoma is less radiosensitive
and chemotherapy may be used as adjuvant therapy. Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RPLND)
may be needed when retroperitoneal masses remain after chemotherapy.
Prognosis depends on the histological type and the presence or absence of metastasis.

Fournier's Gangrene:
Fournier‘s gangrene (FG) is an acute, rapidly progressive and potentially fatal, infective
necrotizing fasciitis affecting the external genitalia, perineal or peri-anal regions. The corpora, urethra,
testes, and cord structures are usually not involved in Fournier‘s gangrene, while the superficial and
deep fascia and the skin are destroyed. Management is by extensive necrotic tissue debridement with
broad spectrum antibiotics and frequent dressing.

Other causes of Scrotal Swellings:

1. Torsion of testicular or epididymal appendages
2. Hematoma, hematocele
3. Idiopathic scrotal edema
4. Sebaceous cyst
5. Epididymal cyst
6. spermatocele

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