D 6890 - 03 - Rdy4otatmdnb

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An American National Standard

Designation: D 6890 – 03a

Standard Test Method for

Determination of Ignition Delay and Derived Cetane Number
(DCN) of Diesel Fuel Oils by Combustion in a Constant
Volume Chamber1,2
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 6890; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope D 975 Specification for Diesel Fuel Oils4

1.1 This automated laboratory test method covers the quan- D 1193 Specification for Reagent Water5
titative determination of the ignition characteristics of conven- D 4057 Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and
tional diesel fuel oil, oil-sands based fuels, blends of fuel Petroleum Products6
containing biodiesel material, diesel fuel oils containing cetane D 4175 Terminology Relating to Petroleum, Petroleum
number improver additives, and is applicable to products Products, and Lubricants6
typical of ASTM Specification D 975 grades No. 1-D and 2-D D 4177 Practice for Automatic Sampling of Petroleum and
regular and low-sulfur diesel fuel oils, European standard EN Petroleum Products6
590, and Canadian standards CAN/CGSB-3.517 and 3.6-2000. D 5854 Practice for Mixing and Handling of Liquid
The test method may also be applied to the quantitative Samples of Petroleum and Petroleum Products7
determination of the ignition characteristics of diesel fuel D 6299 Practice for Applying Statistical Quality Assurance
blending components. Techniques to Evaluate Analytical Measurement System
1.2 This test method measures the ignition delay and utilizes Performance8
a constant volume combustion chamber with direct fuel injec- D 6300 Practice for Determination of Precision and Bias
tion into heated, compressed air. An equation converts an Data for Use in Test Methods for Petroleum Products and
ignition delay determination to a derived cetane number Lubricants7
(DCN). D 6708 Practice for Statistical Assessment and Improve-
1.3 This test method covers the ignition delay range from ment of the Expected Agreement Between Two Test
3.3 to 6.4 ms (60 to 33 DCN). The combustion analyzer can Methods that Purport to Measure the Same Property of a
measure shorter and longer ignition delays, but precision may Material8
be affected. E 456 Terminology Relating to Quality and Statistics9
1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the 2.2 ISO Standards:10
standard. ISO 4010 Diesel Engines—Calibrating Nozzle, Delay
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the Pintle Type
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the ISO 4259 Petroleum products—Determination and applica-
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- tion of precision data in relation to methods of test
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- 2.3 EN Standard:
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. EN 590 Automotive Fuels—Diesel—Requirements and
Test Methods11
2. Referenced Documents 2.4 IP Standard:
2.1 ASTM Standards:
D 613 Test Method for Cetane Number of Diesel Fuel Oil3

1 4
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.01.
Petroleum Products and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.01.
D02.01 on Combustion Characteristics. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.02.
Current edition approved July 10, 2003. Published September 2003. Originally Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.03.
approved in 2003. Last previous edition approved in 2003 as D 6890–03. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.04.
2 9
This test method is based on IP PM CQ/2001, published in the IP Standard Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.
Methods for Analysis and Testing of Petroleum and Related Products and British Available from American National Standards Institute, 25 W. 43rd St., 4th
Standard 2000 Parts. Copyrighted by The Institute of Petroleum, 61, New Cavendish floor, New York, NY 10036.
Street, London, W1G 7AR. Adapted with permission of The Institute of Petroleum. Available from European Committee for Standardization. Central Secretariat:
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.05. rue de Stassart, 36, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 6890 – 03a
IP 41 Ignition Quality of Diesel Fuels—Cetane Engine Test 3.2.5 derived cetane number (DCN), n—a number calcu-
Method12 lated using a conversion equation that relates a combustion
2.5 Canadian Standards: analyzer ignition delay result to cetane number.
CAN/CGSB-3.517-2000 Automotive Low Sulfur Diesel 3.2.6 ignition delay (ID), n—that period of time, in milli-
Fuel—Specification13 seconds (ms), between the start of fuel injection and the start of
CAN/CGSB 3.6-2000 Automotive Diesel Fuel— combustion as determined using the specific combustion ana-
Specification13 lyzer applicable for this test method. Discussion—In the context of this test method, start
3. Terminology of fuel injection is interpreted as the initial movement or lift of
the injector nozzle needle as measured by a motion sensor; start
3.1 Definitions: of combustion is interpreted as that point in the combustion
3.1.1 accepted reference value (ARV), n—a value that cycle when a significant and sustained increase in rate-of-
serves as an agreed-upon reference for comparison and that is change in pressure, as measured by a pressure sensor in the
derived as (1) a theoretical or established value, based on combustion chamber, ensures combustion is in progress.
scientific principles, (2) an assigned value, based on experi- 3.2.7 operating period, n—the time, not to exceed 12 h,
mental work of some national or international organization, between successive calibration or QC testing, or both, of the
such as the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technol- combustion analyzer by a single operator.
ogy (NIST), or (3) a consensus value, based on collaborative 3.3 Abbreviations:
experimental work under the auspices of a scientific or 3.3.1 ARV—accepted reference value.
engineering group. E 456 3.3.2 CN—cetane number. Discussion—In the context of this method, accepted 3.3.3 DCN—derived cetane number.
reference value is understood to apply to the ignition delay of 3.3.4 ID—ignition delay.
specific reference materials determined under reproducibility 3.3.5 QC—quality control.
conditions by collaborative experimental work.
3.1.2 cetane number, n—a measure of the ignition perfor- 4. Summary of Test Method
mance of a diesel fuel oil obtained by comparing it to reference 4.1 A small specimen of diesel fuel oil is injected into a
fuels in a standardized engine test. D 4175 heated, temperature-controlled constant volume chamber, Discussion—In the context of this method, cetane which has previously been charged with compressed air. Each
number is that defined by Test Method D 613/IP 41. injection produces a single-shot, compression ignition combus-
3.1.3 check standard, n—in QC testing, a material having tion cycle. ID is measured using sensors that detect the start of
an accepted reference value used to determine the accuracy of fuel injection and the start of significant combustion for each
a measurement system. D 6299 cycle. A complete sequence comprises 15 preliminary cycles Discussion—In the context of this test method, and 32 further cycles. The ID measurements for the last 32
check standard refers to heptane. cycles are averaged to produce the ID result. An equation
3.1.4 quality control (QC) sample, n—for use in quality converts the ID result to a DCN.
assurance programs to determine and monitor the precision and
stability of a measurement system, a stable and homogeneous 5. Significance and Use
material having physical or chemical properties, or both, 5.1 The ID and DCN values determined by this test method
similar to those of typical samples tested by the analytical can provide a measure of the ignition characteristics of diesel
measurement system. The material is properly stored to ensure fuel oil in compression ignition engines.
sample integrity, and is available in sufficient quantity for 5.2 This test can be used by engine manufacturers, petro-
repeated, long term testing. D 6299 leum refiners and marketers, and in commerce as a specifica-
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: tion aid to relate or match fuels and engines.
3.2.1 calibration reference material, n—a pure chemical 5.3 The relationship of diesel fuel oil DCN determinations
having an assigned ignition delay accepted reference value. to the performance of full-scale, variable-speed, variable-load
3.2.2 charge air, n—compressed air at a specified pressure diesel engines is not completely understood.
introduced to the combustion chamber at the beginning of each 5.4 This test may be applied to non-conventional fuels. It is
test cycle. recognized that the performance of non-conventional fuels in
3.2.3 charge air temperature, n—temperature, in °C, of the full-scale engines is not completely understood. The user is
air inside the combustion chamber. therefore cautioned to investigate the suitability of ignition
3.2.4 combustion analyzer, n—an integrated compression characteristic measurements for predicting performance in
ignition apparatus to measure the ignition characteristics of full-scale engines for these types of fuels.
diesel fuel oil. 5.5 This test determines ignition characteristics and requires
a sample of approximately 100 mL and a test time of
approximately 20 min on a fit-for-use instrument.
Available from Institute of Petroleum, 61 New Cavendish St., London, W1G 6. Interferences
7AR, U.K.
Available from the Canadian General Standards Board, Gatineau, Canada, 6.1 Minimize exposure of sample fuels, calibration refer-
K1A 1G6. ence materials, QC samples, and check standard to sunlight or

D 6890 – 03a
fluorescent lamp UV emissions to minimize induced chemical 8. Reagents and Materials
reactions that can affect ignition delay measurements.14 8.1 Calibration Reference Materials:
6.1.1 Exposure of these fuels and materials to UV wave- 8.1.1 Heptane (n-heptane), with a minimum purity of 99.5
lengths shorter than 550 nanometers for a short period of time volume percent. The assigned IDARV for this material is 3.78
may significantly affect ignition delay measurements. ms. (Warning—Flammable. Vapor harmful. Vapor may cause
NOTE 1—The formation of peroxide and radicals can effect ignition flash fire.)
delay measurement. These formations are minimized when the sample or 8.1.2 Methylcyclohexane, with a minimum purity of 99.0
material is stored in the dark in a cold room at a temperature of less than volume percent. The assigned IDARV for this material is 10.4
10°C, and covered by a blanket of nitrogen.
ms. (Warning—Flammable. Vapor harmful. Vapor may cause
7. Apparatus flash fire.)
7.1 General—This test method uses an integrated auto- 8.2 Check Standard:
mated analytical measurement system15 comprised of: (1) a 8.2.1 Heptane (n-heptane), with a minimum purity of 99.5
constant volume compression ignition combustion chamber volume percent. The assigned IDARV for this material is 3.78
with external electrical heating elements, suitable insulation ms. (Warning—Flammable. Vapor harmful. Vapor may cause
and pneumatically actuated intake and exhaust valves, (2) a flash fire.)
heated, pneumatically actuated fuel injection system16 with 8.3 Quality Control Sample, a stable and homogeneous
pump, injector nozzle assembly, and associated sample reser- diesel fuel oil having physical and chemical properties similar
voir, (3) a coolant system with a liquid-to-air heat exchanger, to those of typical sample fuels routinely tested. (Warning—
filter, circulating pump and flow control valves, (4) tempera- Combustible. Vapor harmful.)
ture thermocouples, pressure gages and sensors, an injector 8.4 Charge Air, compressed air containing 20.9 6 1.0
nozzle needle motion sensor, compressed gas pressure regula- volume percent oxygen, less than 0.003 volume percent
tors, control valves, pneumatic actuator components, and hydrocarbons, and less than 0.025 volume percent water. For
solenoid valves, and (5) a computer to control test sequencing, charge air cylinders supplied with a blend of oxygen and
acquire and accumulate sensor signal data, provide processing nitrogen, it is required that a quality control test be performed
calculations, and automatically output a printed report of some after an air cylinder has been changed. (Warning—
important test parameters (see Fig. 1). Compressed gas under high pressure that supports combus-
7.2 See Annex A2, Combustion Analyzer Equipment De- tion.)
scription and Specifications, for detailed information. 8.5 Coolant System Fluid, a 50:50 volume mixture of water
7.3 Compressed Gas Pressure Regulators: and commercial ethylene glycol-based antifreeze. (Warning—
7.3.1 Charge Air Regulator, a two-stage regulator capable Poison. May be harmful or fatal if inhaled or swallowed.)
of controlling the downstream pressure to a minimum pressure 8.5.1 Antifreeze, commercial automotive cooling system
of 2.2 MPa. ethylene glycol-based solution.
7.3.2 Actuator Utility Compressed Air Regulator, a two- 8.5.2 Water, distilled or reagent-grade, conforming to Speci-
stage regulator capable of controlling the downstream pressure fication D 1193, Type IV.
to a minimum pressure of 1.3 MPa. 8.6 Actuator Utility Compressed Air, oil free compressed air
7.3.3 Fuel Reservoir Utility Compressed Nitrogen Regula- having less than 0.1 volume percent water supplied at a
tor, a single or two-stage regulator capable of controlling the minimum sustained pressure of 1.5 MPa. (Warning—
downstream pressure to a minimum pressure of 350 kPa. Compressed gas under high pressure that supports combus-
7.4 Auxiliary Apparatus: tion.)
7.4.1 Diesel Fuel Oil Sample Filter, a single-use glass fiber, 8.7 Fuel Reservoir Utility Compressed Nitrogen, com-
polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE), or nylon filter with a nominal pressed nitrogen having a minimum purity of 99.9 volume
pore size of 3 to 5 micrometers (µm) for use with a glass percent. (Warning—Compressed gas under high pressure.)
7.4.2 Syringe, a glass syringe of a minimum volume of 100 9. Sampling and Test Specimen Preparation
9.1 Sampling:
9.1.1 Collect diesel fuel oil samples in accordance with
Practices D 4057 or D 4177.
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may Collect and store diesel fuel samples in a suitable
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR: D02–1502.
The sole source of supply of the combustion analyzer known to the committee
container such as a dark brown bottle, a metal can, or a
at this time is Advanced Engine Technology Ltd. (AET), 17 Fitzgerald Road, Suite minimally reactive plastic container to minimize exposure to
102, Ottawa, Canada, K2H 9G1. If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please UV emissions.
provide this information to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will 9.1.2 Refer to Practice D 5854 for appropriate information
receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,1
which you may attend. relating to the mixing and handling of diesel fuel oil samples.
The fuel injection system is covered by a patent. Interested parties are invited 9.2 Test Specimen Preparation:
to submit information regarding the identification of an alternative(s) to this
9.2.1 Sample Fuel Temperature—Condition the diesel fuel
patented item to the ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive
careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,1 which sample before opening the storage container, so that it is at
you may attend. room temperature, typically 18 to 32°C.

D 6890 – 03a

FIG. 1 Combustion Analyzer Schematic

9.2.2 Filtration—Prepare a test specimen by filtering at 10.3 Settings Based on Component Specifications:
least 100 mL of diesel fuel oil sample through a nominal 3 to 10.3.1 Injector Nozzle Opening Pressure—Each time the
5 µm porosity filter element using a glass syringe. nozzle assembly is reassembled or replaced, or both, set the Collect the specimen in a dark brown bottle, metal pressure-adjusting nut to release fuel in conformance with the
can or minimally reactive plastic container. requirements in the manufacturer’s equipment manual, using
10. Basic Apparatus Settings and Standard Operating an injector nozzle tester. For additional details, refer to the
Conditions instruction manual of the manufacturer.
10.3.2 Injector Nozzle Motion Sensor Position—Manually
10.1 Installation of the apparatus requires placement on a
position the motion sensor while visually observing the nozzle
level floor and connection of all utilities. Engineering and
technical support for this function is required, and the user needle movement signal on the computer monitor (see Fig.
shall be responsible to comply with all local and national codes A4.1). The criteria for optimized setting are as follows:
and installation requirements. The signal prior to the steep increase in needle lift
10.2 Operation of the combustion analyzer, associated is required to indicate some signal noise. If the signal trace is
equipment, instrumentation and computer system requires flat and constant, the motion sensor is too far away from the
setting a series of testing variables to prescribed specifications. nozzle needle extension pin.
Some of these settings are established by component specifi- The peak of the steep increase in signal level is
cations, others are operating conditions that are monitored/ required to be visible on the computer monitor screen. If the
controlled by the computer software or by operator adjustment. signal peak is flat, the motion sensor is too close to the nozzle

D 6890 – 03a
needle extension pin. For additional details, refer to the (see A2.2), fuel injection system (see A2.3) or instrument
instruction manual of the manufacturer. sensors (see A2.4), (4) after calibration of the data acquisition
10.3.3 Injector Nozzle Coolant Passage Thermocouple board, injection actuator air pressure sensor or charge air
Position—Proper positioning of the thermocouple in the injec- pressure sensor, (5) whenever check standard or QC sample
tor nozzle coolant passage is set by installing a compression determinations are not acceptable.
fitting nut and associated ferrule on the stainless steel sheath of 11.2 Precalibration Procedures:
the thermocouple, crimping the ferrule on the sheath using a 11.2.1 Clean the combustion chamber pressure sensor as-
specialized depth setting tool to establish the correct depth of sembly (see A3.3).
penetration. For additional details, refer to the instruction 11.2.2 If necessary, start and warm-up the combustion
manual of the manufacturer. analyzer (see A3.1).
10.3.4 Charge Air Thermocouple Position—Proper posi- 11.3 Calibration Procedure—Two filtered calibration refer-
tioning of the thermocouple in the combustion chamber is set ence materials are tested: (1) heptane to affirm that the
by installing a compression fitting nut and associated ferrule on combustion chamber charge air temperature setting produces
the stainless steel sheath of the thermocouple, crimping the ignition delay measurements for this material that are within
ferrule on the sheath using a specialized depth setting tool to specification limits and, (2) methylcyclohexane to affirm that
establish the correct depth of penetration. For additional the measurement sensitivity of the combustion analyzer pro-
details, refer to the instruction manual of the manufacturer. duces ignition delay measurements for this material that are
10.3.5 Combustion Chamber Pressure Drop Rate of Charge within specification limits.
Air, less than 3.5 kPa/s, as measured during the check of the 11.3.1 Heptane Calibration Reference Material—Perform
sealing integrity of the combustion chamber (see A3.4). three consecutive ignition delay determinations.
10.4 Standard Operating Conditions: The average of three acceptable ID results is
10.4.1 Charge Air Pressure (P2), 2.137 6 0.007 MPa. required to be within 3.78 6 0.01 ms.
10.4.2 Charge Air Temperature (T4), 545 6 30°C. If the average ID is outside the limits, the combus- The difference in temperature (T4max − T4min) as tion chamber outer surface temperature controller set-point
determined and recorded by the computer, shall be less than requires adjustment to cause a change in the combustion
2.5°C during a 32 combustion cycle measurement determina- chamber charge air temperature.
10.4.3 Combustion Chamber Outer Surface Temperature NOTE 2—ID increases when the combustion chamber outer surface
temperature decreases and vice versa.
(T1)—Initially set by the manufacturer, the surface temperature
is monitored and controlled by the computer. Operator adjust- If the temperature controller set-point adjustment
ment of the controller set-point is required, in accordance with from the previous setting, exceeds 6 4°C, a system malfunc-
the calibration procedure. tion is suspected and diagnostic procedures to determine and
10.4.4 Combustion Chamber Pressure Sensor Temperature remedy the problem are recommended. Refer to the instruc-
(T3), 130 6 20°C. tions provided by the manufacturer. The difference in temperature (T3max − T3min) as
NOTE 3—After a change of charge air cylinders that employ a blend of
determined and recorded by the computer, shall be less than oxygen and nitrogen, a temperature controller set-point adjustment be-
8.0°C during a 32 combustion cycle measurement determina- yond 4°C can accommodate the extreme limits of the 20.9 6 1.0 volume
tion. percent oxygen in the blend.
10.4.5 Coolant Return Temperature (T7), 40 6 10°C.
10.4.6 Fuel Sample Reservoir Pressure (P5), 345 6 35 kPa. After a temperature controller set-point adjustment,
Visually check the gage reading, as this parameter is not wait at least 10 min before initiating a new calibration so that
recorded by the data acquisition system. the combustion analyzer attains thermal equilibrium.
10.4.7 Fuel Injection Pump Temperature (T2), 35 6 3°C. To be an acceptable data set, each single result is
10.4.8 Injector Nozzle Coolant Passage Temperature (T6)— required to be within 3.78 6 0.06 ms.
The maximum (T6max) and minimum (T6min) temperatures as If any of the three results is outside the limits, a
determined and recorded by the computer, shall be within 50 6 system malfunction is suspected and diagnostic procedures to
4.0°C during a 32 combustion cycle measurement determina- determine and remedy the problem are recommended before
tion. performing a new calibration. Refer to the instructions pro-
10.4.9 Injection Actuator Air Pressure (P3), 1.21 6 0.03 vided by the manufacturer.
MPa. 11.3.2 Methylcyclohexane Calibration Reference
10.4.10 Inlet/Exhaust Valve Actuator Air Pressure (P4), 480 Material—Perform two consecutive ignition delay determina-
6 35 kPa. Visually check the gage reading, as this parameter is tions.
not recorded by the data acquisition system. To be an acceptable data set, each single result is
required to be within 10.4 6 0.6 ms and the average of the two
11. Calibration and Quality Control Testing results is required to be within 10.4 6 0.5 ms.
11.1 Calibration—Calibrate the combustion analyzer for If either of the two single results or the average of
only the following reasons: (1) after it is installed and the two results is outside the respective limits, system perfor-
commissioned, (2) once a week, (3) after replacement of mance is unacceptable and it is recommended that diagnostic
critical parts or components of combustion chamber assembly procedures be used to determine and remedy the problem

D 6890 – 03a
before performing a new calibration. Refer to the instructions TABLE 1 Repeatability (r) and Reproducibility (R) for Ignition
provided by the manufacturer. Delay (ID) and Derived Cetane Number (DCN)
11.3.3 The combustion analyzer calibration is complete ID (ms) DCN
when both heptane and methylcyclohexane data sets are Repeatability (r) 0.0465 3 (ID – 2.432) 0.76
acceptable. Reproducibility (R) 0.0777 3 (ID – 0.7679) 0.0987 3 (DCN – 17.67)

11.4 Quality Control (QC Testing)—Conduct a regular sta-

tistical quality assurance (quality control) program in accor-
dance with the techniques of Practice D 6299 or equivalent. 12.2 Test Procedure:
11.4.1 This test method requires quality control testing at 12.2.1 Filter the diesel fuel sample at room temperature,
the beginning of each operating period by a single ignition using a glass syringe and single-use filter element, to prepare a
delay determination for both the check standard (heptane) and test specimen of at least 100 mL.
one QC sample. 12.2.2 Flush the fuel system with the specimen (see A3.2.2).
11.4.2 The QC sample is a typical diesel fuel oil having an 12.2.3 Fill and purge the fuel system with the specimen (see
ignition delay that represents the primary range of use for the A3.2.3).
combustion analyzer. 12.2.4 Initiate an automatic ignition delay determination If the combustion analyzer is used for testing fuels using the appropriate computer command (see Annex A4 for
having a very wide range of ignition delay, it may be useful to detailed information about the test sequence).
have a second QC sample of a different ignition delay. During the test sequence the following equation is
11.4.3 For locations using blends of oxygen and nitrogen as applied to convert ID to DCN:
the source for charge air, conduct a QC test whenever there is DCN 5 83.99~ID 2 1.512!~20.658! 1 3.547 (1)
a change from one cylinder to another.
12.2.5 At the end of the test, a test output summary is
NOTE 4—The oxygen content of the new oxygen and nitrogen blend automatically printed out. This printout contains detailed
may differ from that of the previous source and can have a significant information about each of the 32 measurement combustion
effect on ID measurements. cycles including ID, DCN, and some of the important operating
11.5 Check Standard—Perform a single ignition delay de- conditions. At the bottom of the printout, the average value,
termination for filtered heptane. minimum, maximum, range, and standard deviation of all
11.5.1 This determination is acceptable if it satisfies the measurements are given (see Appendix X1).
limits protocol specified in Practice D 6299 or equivalent. The ID result at the bottom of the printout is
11.5.2 Prior to having established ignition delay tolerances obtained by averaging the ID measurements of the last 32
for heptane in accordance with Practice D 6299 or equivalent, cycles.
use warning limits of 6 0.07 ms and action limits of 6 0.106 The DCN result at the bottom of the printout is
ms, based on the average of the three acceptable ID results for obtained by converting the ID result to DCN using Eq 1.
heptane, as per 11.3.1. 12.2.6 Check that all standard operating conditions are in
NOTE 5—The warning and action limits for heptane were determined
by analysis of round robin test data.17 12.3 Discharge unused specimen and clean the fuel system
(see A3.2.4) to prepare for (1) the next specimen determina-
11.6 QC Sample—Perform a single ignition delay determi- tion, or (2) combustion analyzer shut down (see A3.5).
nation for the filtered QC sample.
11.6.1 This determination is acceptable if it satisfies the 13. Report
limits protocol specified in Practice D 6299 or equivalent. 13.1 Report the following information:
11.7 The combustion analyzer is fit-for-use when both the 13.1.1 A reference to this standard,
check standard (heptane) and the QC sample ignition delay 13.1.2 The sample identification,
determinations are acceptable. If the ignition delay determina- 13.1.3 The date of the test,
tion for either material is not acceptable, conduct a new 13.1.4 The ID result to three significant figures,
calibration before performing further ignition delay determina- 13.1.5 The DCN result to the nearest tenth,
tions. 13.1.6 The test’s average charge air temperature to the
12. Procedure nearest tenth °C, and
13.1.7 Any deviation, by agreement or otherwise, from the
12.1 Operating Period Procedure: specified procedures.
12.1.1 If necessary, warm-up the combustion analyzer (see
A3.1). 14. Precision and Bias
12.1.2 Check the sealing integrity of the combustion cham- 14.1 General—The precision statements for ID and DCN
ber (see A3.4). are based on an interlaboratory study conducted in 2002.18 The
12.1.3 Check that the combustion analyzer is fit-for use by test results for the study were statistically analyzed using
performing a quality control test (see 11.4).

Supporting data, produced by equipment using software version 3.40a, have
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may be obtained by requesting
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR: D02–1532. Research Report RR: D02–1545.

D 6890 – 03a
TABLE 2 Repeatability and Reproducibility Values for 14.2.2 Reproducibility—The difference between two single
Information and independent results, obtained by different operators work-
ID (ms) Repeatability (r) Reproducibility (R) ing in different laboratories on identical test materials, would,
3.2 0.036 0.189 in the long run, and in the normal and the correct operation of
3.7 0.059 0.228
4.2 0.082 0.267
the test method, exceed the values in Table 1 only in one case
4.7 0.105 0.306 in twenty.
5.2 0.129 0.345
5.7 0.152 0.384
14.2.3 Examples of precision are shown in Table 2 for user
6.2 0.175 0.422 information.
DCN Repeatability (r) Reproducibility (R) 14.3 Bias—The ID determined using this test method has no
33 0.76 1.51 bias because ID is defined only in terms of this test method.
40 0.76 2.20
45 0.76 2.70
14.4 Relative Bias to Test Method D 613—The degree of
50 0.76 3.19 expected agreement between DCN results by this test method
55 0.76 3.68 and CN results by Test Method D 613 has been assessed in
60 0.76 4.18
63 0.76 4.47
accordance with Practice D 6708. The degree of agreement
cannot be further improved using bias correction schemes
considered in Practice D 6708.
TABLE 3 Between Test Method Reproducibility 14.4.1 Reproducibility Limit between a Single DCN Result
= (DCN + CND613)/2 Reproducibility versus a Single CND613 Result:
33 2.51 As a consequence of sample-specific biases ob-
40 3.65 served, the 95 % confidence limit on the differences between a
45 4.47
50 5.29 single DCN result and a CND613 result can be expected to be
55 6.10 larger than the reproducibility of either test method.
60 6.92
63 7.41 Based on the results from the interlaboratory study,
the difference between the single DCN result and a single
CND613 result, over the long-term and correct operation of both
ASTM Practice D 6300/ISO 4259 techniques and involved 10 test methods, for any sample meeting the scope of both test
laboratories and 15 test samples covering the ID range from 3.3 methods, is estimated to exceed the values in Table 3 no more
to 6.4 ms (DCN range from 60 to 33). than one case in twenty.
14.2 Precision:
14.2.1 Repeatability—The difference between successive NOTE 6—For average values between those listed linearly, interpolate
results obtained by the same operator with the same apparatus, between reproducibility figures in Table 3.
under constant operating conditions, on identical test materials
15. Keywords
would, in the long run, in the normal and correct operation of
the test method, exceed the values in Table 1 only in one case 15.1 cetane number; derived cetane number; diesel perfor-
in twenty. mance; ignition characteristic; ignition delay

D 6890 – 03a


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Introduction A1.4.1 Applicable Substances:

A1.1.1 In the performance of the standard test method there A1.4.1.1 Ethylene glycol based antifreeze.
are hazards to personnel. These are indicated in the text. For A1.5 (Warning—Compressed gas under high pressure that
more detailed information regarding the hazards, refer to the supports combustion.)
appropriate Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each of the
applicable substances to establish risks, proper handling, and A1.5.1 Applicable Substances:
safety precautions. A1.5.1.1 Compressed air.

A1.2 (Warning—Combustible. Vapor harmful.) A1.6 (Warning—Compressed gas under high pressure.)
A1.2.1 Applicable Substances: A1.6.1 Applicable Substances:
A1.2.1.1 Diesel fuel oil, and A1.6.1.1 Compressed nitrogen.
A1.2.1.2 Quality control sample. A1.7 (Warning—Hot surfaces.)
A1.3 (Warning—Flammable. Vapors harmful if inhaled. A1.7.1 Applicable Substances:
Vapors may cause flash fire.) A1.7.1.1 Protective cage enclosing the combustion cham-
A1.3.1 Applicable Substances: ber,
A1.3.1.1 Heptane, and A1.7.1.2 Exposed areas of the combustion chamber around
A1.3.1.2 Methylcyclohexane. the injector nozzle, and
A1.7.1.3 Exposed areas of the combustion chamber near the
A1.4 (Warning—Poison. May be harmful or fatal if combustion chamber inside the combustion chamber protective
inhaled or swallowed.) cage.


A2.1 The combustion chamber assembly and fuel injection A2.2.6 A series of wells or drilled passages to accommodate
system are critical to the proper operation of this test method. temperature sensor elements.
A2.2.7 An external insulation blanket to minimize heat loss
A2.2 Combustion Chamber Assembly—The principle com- from the block and improve heat distribution inside the
ponent of this assembly, illustrated in Fig. A2.1, is a corrosion- combustion chamber cavity.
protected metal cylindrical block that is precision machined A2.2.8 An inlet valve assembly that includes a digital signal
and fabricated to include the following features: controlled solenoid valve to operate a pneumatically actuated,
servo-type valve connected to the inlet port.
A2.2.1 A cavity along a central axis of the body, having a
A2.2.9 An exhaust valve assembly that includes a digital
volume of 0.213 6 0.002 L, that constitutes the compression
signal controlled solenoid valve to operate a pneumatically
ignition combustion chamber.
actuated, servo-type valve connected to the exhaust port.
A2.2.2 An opening at one end of the chamber to accommo- A2.2.10 Combustion Chamber Heating Elements, nine
date insertion of the fuel injection nozzle assembly and which cartridge-type resistance heaters.
includes a passage for circulation of liquid coolant to control
the injector nozzle temperature. A2.3 Fuel Injection System,16 a patented, integrated assem-
A2.2.3 An opening at the other end of the chamber, to bly of components for proper and repeatable injection of
accommodate insertion of a pressure sensor liquid-cooled calibration reference material, QC sample fuel, check standard,
housing. and test specimens into the combustion chamber. The system
A2.2.4 Two drilled ports or passages between the combus- includes:
tion chamber cavity and the external surface of the assembly to A2.3.1 Fuel Sample Reservoir Assembly, a corrosion-
accommodate an inlet and an exhaust valve. protected metal reservoir having a volume of 40 mL, a
A2.2.5 Nine passages, drilled from the pressure sensor end threaded cap, a fuel resistant, internal, floating plunger with
of the block, parallel to the chamber axis, to accept individual fuel-resistant O-ring to separate the pressurizing gas from the
electric heating elements. fuel specimens, a quick-connect coupling on the cap for

D 6890 – 03a

FIG. A2.1 Combustion Chamber Schematic

connection to the pressurizing gas source, and a quick-connect

coupling and associated retention pin on the bottom for
connection to the fuel injection pump inlet. See Fig. A2.2.
A2.3.2 Fuel Injection Pump Assembly, an integrated unit
that incorporates a housing with two electric heater elements;
a specific constant volume fuel delivery valve; a fuel bleed
passage connecting to an external bleed valve for flushing fuel
and purging air from the reservoir and fuel injection pump; and
a digital controlled three-way solenoid valve that operates a
pneumatically-actuated driver mechanism to deliver specimen
fuel from the fuel sample reservoir to the injector nozzle and
when turned off, discharges air from the driver mechanism to
A2.3.3 Pneumatic Driver Air Surge Tank, a tank of a
minimum volume of 5.5 L installed in the compressed air line
to the pneumatically-actuated fuel pump driver mechanism to
minimize pressure fluctuations during the injection process. A
suitable protection (that is, pressure relief valves or rupture
discs) is installed in the compressed air line to the
pneumatically-actuated fuel pump driver mechanism to prevent
pressure in the surge tank exceeding 2.4 MPa. The air surge
tank shall be pressure tested up to 4.0 MPa in accordance with
local regulations.
A2.3.4 Fuel Injector Nozzle and Body Assembly, a specific
design pintle-type injector nozzle conforming to the require-
FIG. A2.2 Fuel Reservoir Schematic
ments of ISO 4010. The nozzle is assembled to the body that
incorporates a spring-loaded needle extension with screw and

D 6890 – 03a
lock nut for adjusting the nozzle opening pressure/release A2.5 Computerized Control, Data Acquisition, Data Analy-
setting; a fuel bleed passage connecting to an external bleed sis and Reporting System, a PC-based computer, signal con-
valve for bleeding fuel from the nozzle and nozzle body; and verters, test sequence control logic, control logic for critical
an adjusting mechanism that positions a motion sensor near the temperatures, computer keyboard for manual entry of operat-
injector nozzle needle extension pin, to determine when the ing instructions, a monitor for visual observation of all testing
nozzle needle lifts to initiate the start of injection. functions, and a printer for printed copy output of test results.
A2.3.5 Fuel Injector Body End Cap, a machined plate with A2.5.1 Computer, PC-type computer compatible with Win-
associated gaskets and seals, to clamp the injector nozzle body dows19 operating system.
in the combustion chamber block. A2.5.2 Control System, a computer-based system to provide
A2.3.6 Fuel Line, high-pressure fuel line with associated automated control of the relevant combustion analyzer and
fittings connecting the fuel injection pump assembly to the fuel sub-system component functions. Electrical and electronic
injector body assembly. components of the control system are enclosed in a metal
A2.4 Instrument Sensors, sensors used to measure and electrical/electronic cabinet.
either indicate the value of a variable or transmit the condition A2.5.3 Data Acquisition/Processing System, a computer-
for control or data acquisition purposes as follows: based system with associated instrumentation to collect and
process all relevant signals from the injector nozzle needle
A2.4.1 Combustion Chamber Pressure Sensor (P1), a sen- motion sensor, and temperature and pressure sensors. The
sor installed to measure the pressure within the combustion system includes an analog-to-digital (A/D) data acquisition
chamber during each testing cycle. board installed in the computer to acquire the output signals
A2.4.2 Charge Air Pressure Sensor (P2), a calibrated pres- from the sensors.
sure sensor installed in the piping between the charge air
A2.5.4 Signal Conditioning Components, located in a metal
supply pressure regulator and the combustion chamber inlet
electrical/electronic cabinet including signal conditioners for
the temperature sensors, the combustion chamber pressure
A2.4.3 Injection Actuator Air Pressure Sensor (P3), a cali-
sensor, and the injector nozzle needle motion sensor.
brated pressure sensor installed in the piping between the
utility air supply pressure regulator and the injection pump
A2.6 Circulating Coolant System
driver mechanism manual pressure control valve.
A2.4.4 Inlet/Exhaust Valve Actuator Air Pressure Gage A2.6.1 General, a closed-loop circulating coolant system to
(P4), a pressure gage installed in the piping between the control the temperature of the combustion injector nozzle and
inlet/exhaust actuator valves and the associated manual pres- combustion chamber pressure sensor. The system includes:
sure control valve. A2.6.2 Coolant Housing, liquid cooled housing which is
A2.4.5 Combustion Chamber Outer Surface Temperature capable of fastening the combustion pressure sensor to the
Sensor (T1), a Type K thermocouple with stainless steel sheath, combustion chamber and maintaining its temperature within
inserted in a well fastened to the outer surface of the block. specifications.
A2.4.6 Fuel Injection Pump Temperature Sensor (T2), a A2.6.3 Coolant Reservoir, reservoir having a minimum
Type K thermocouple with stainless steel sheath, inserted in a volume of 1.5 L.
well of the injection pump body. A2.6.4 Coolant Pump, centrifugal pump capable of meeting
A2.4.7 Temperature Sensor Near the Combustion Chamber the pressure and flow requirements of the combustion analyzer.
Pressure Sensor (T3), a Type K thermocouple with stainless A2.6.5 Heat Exchanger, liquid to air heat exchanger with
steel sheath, inserted in a well fastened to the outer surface of associated fan and air filter.
the block, near the combustion chamber pressure sensor. A2.6.6 Coolant Filter, filter installed in the coolant line,
A2.4.8 Charge Air Temperature Sensor (T4), a Type K capable of removing foreign particles from the coolant system
thermocouple with stainless steel sheath, inserted in the com- fluid.
bustion chamber. A2.6.7 Manual Flow Control Valve, Needle valve used to
A2.4.9 Injector Nozzle Coolant Passage Temperature Sen- control the coolant flow to the injector nozzle coolant passage.
sor (T6), a Type K thermocouple with stainless steel sheath,
inserted in the injector nozzle coolant passage. A2.7 Optional Equipment
A2.4.10 Coolant Return Temperature Sensor (T7), a Type K
A2.7.1 UPS, an electrical unit capable of powering the
thermocouple with stainless steel sheath, installed in the
coolant system fan and pump during a utility power outage.
coolant return piping of the injector nozzle coolant passage.
A2.4.11 Injector Nozzle Needle Motion Sensor (N1), a
motion sensor, that can be adjusted to provide a suitable gap
between its sensing surface and the end of injector nozzle 19
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft
needle extension pin to detect the start of fuel injection. Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399.

D 6890 – 03a


A3.1 Starting and Warm-up Procedure A3.2.2.7 Close the nitrogen valve, disconnect the flexible
A3.1.1 With the combustion analyzer in shut down mode, nitrogen line and remove the reservoir cap.
start a new operating period as follows: A3.2.3 Filling and Purging the Fuel System with Specimen:
A3.1.1.1 Position the combustion analyzer power switch to A3.2.3.1 Refill the fuel reservoir with the test specimen.
ON. A3.2.3.2 Reinstall the reservoir cap hand tight and recon-
A3.1.1.2 Initiate the automated warm-up sequence using the nect the flexible nitrogen line to the cap.
appropriate computer command. A3.2.3.3 Open the nitrogen valve and close it after a few
A3.1.1.3 At the end of the warm-up sequence, the total seconds.
warm-up time will be indicated on the computer monitor. A3.2.3.4 Purge the injection pump and injector nozzle
Typically each warm-up requires an average of 2500 to 2900 s. passages of air as follows: (1) Open the manual injection pump
Significant increases in the average total warm-up time (that is, bleed valve until a continuous stream of fuel is discharged to
more than 10 %) are indicative of a potential malfunction of waste and then close the valve; (2) Open the manual injector
the heating elements of the combustion chamber. For diagnos- nozzle bleed valve until a continuous stream of fuel is
tic procedures, refer to the instructions provided by the discharged to waste and then close the valve.
manufacturer. A3.2.3.5 Disconnect the flexible nitrogen line and remove
A3.1.1.4 Open the valve at the source of each compressed the reservoir cap.
gas and adjust the individual pressure regulators as needed to A3.2.3.6 Check that the fuel reservoir still contains some
provide the specification pressures. fuel. If not, repeat the filling and purging steps before continu-
A3.1.1.5 Perform at least one preliminary ignition delay ing.
determination for a typical diesel fuel oil sample following the A3.2.3.7 Fill the reservoir with test specimen leaving
procedure described in 12.2. Check and adjust all operating enough space to insert the reservoir plunger.
conditions so that the combustion analyzer complies with the A3.2.3.8 Insert the reservoir plunger in the reservoir using
specification values and is ready for fit-for-use qualification the appropriate tools, and press it into the reservoir until test
testing. Discard the results of all preliminary ignition delay specimen seeps up past the plunger thus purging any air
determinations. trapped between the test specimen and the plunger. Carefully
extract the tools.
A3.2 Fuel Injection System Procedure
A3.2.3.9 Reinstall the reservoir cap hand tight, reconnect
A3.2.1 General—The sample fuel reservoir is illustrated in the flexible nitrogen line and open the nitrogen valve.
Fig. A2.2, Fuel Reservoir Schematic. The floating plunger is A3.2.4 Discharging Unused Specimen and Cleaning Fuel
inserted between the pressurizing nitrogen and the fuel in the System:
reservoir when a fuel specimen is to be tested. The floating
A3.2.4.1 Close the nitrogen valve, disconnect the flexible
plunger is omitted from the assembly during the sequences
nitrogen line and remove the reservoir cap.
involving flushing of fuel when the pressurizing nitrogen is in
direct contact with the fuel specimen. One flushing function A3.2.4.2 Open the injection pump bleed valve to facilitate
involves forcing a portion of specimen fuel through the fuel the removal of the plunger.
injection pump and injector nozzle passages to ensure that they A3.2.4.3 Remove the plunger from the reservoir using the
are full of fuel and free of any trapped air. A second flushing appropriate tool.
function is utilized to force all specimen fuel out of the A3.2.4.4 Clean the plunger and O-ring assembly using a
injection pump and injector nozzle passages after the comple- clean, lint-free cloth and set it aside. Blowing across the
tion of a test determination. Details of these functions are as surfaces using oil-free compressed air in a fume extraction
follows: system may be an adequate alternative or useful supplement.
A3.2.2 Flushing the Fuel System with Specimen: A3.2.4.5 Close the injection pump bleed valve.
A3.2.2.1 Close the nitrogen valve, disconnect the flexible A3.2.4.6 Reinstall the reservoir cap hand tight, reconnect
nitrogen line and remove the reservoir cap. the flexible nitrogen line and open the nitrogen valve.
A3.2.2.2 Fill the reservoir with the test specimen. A3.2.4.7 Open the injection pump bleed valve to discharge
A3.2.2.3 Reinstall the reservoir cap hand tight and recon- any specimen from the injection pump passages. Close the
nect the flexible nitrogen line to the cap. bleed valve.
A3.2.2.4 Open the nitrogen valve. A3.2.4.8 Open the injector nozzle bleed valve to discharge
A3.2.2.5 Open the injection pump manual bleed valve for any remaining specimen from the injection system. Close the
sufficient time to flush the fuel injection pump and bleed nitrogen valve. Close the injector nozzle bleed valve.
passages before closing the injection pump bleed valve. A3.2.4.9 Disconnect the flexible nitrogen line and remove
A3.2.2.6 Open the injector nozzle manual bleed valve to the reservoir cap.
flush the fuel line and injector nozzle with the remainder of the A3.2.4.10 Remove the reservoir from the fuel injection
test specimen before closing the injector nozzle bleed valve. pump inlet by releasing the reservoir retention pin.

D 6890 – 03a
A3.2.4.11 Clean the internal surfaces of the reservoir using A3.4 Combustion Chamber Sealing Integrity Check
a clean, lint-free cloth. Blowing across the surfaces using Procedure
oil-free compressed air in a fume extraction system may be an A3.4.1 Using the appropriate computer command, start an
adequate alternative or useful supplement. automated sealing integrity check of the warmed-up combus-
A3.2.4.12 Clean the injection pump inlet connector fitting tion chamber. This procedure tests the effectiveness of the
using a clean, lint-free cloth. combustion chamber seals by pressurizing the chamber with a
A3.2.4.13 Reinstall the reservoir on the injection pump inlet standard charge of compressed air. The pressure variation
and lock it in position with the retention pin. inside the chamber is monitored for a period of 20 s. The rate
A3.2.4.14 The fuel system is prepared for the next specimen of pressure drop is displayed on the computer monitor.
determination. A3.4.2 The operator is responsible to check that the dis-
played rate of pressure drop is less than the specified 3.5 kPa/s
A3.3 Pressure Sensor Assembly Cleaning Procedure limit.
A3.3.1 (Warning—Avoid skin contact with the surfaces of A3.4.3 If the rate of pressure drop exceeds the limit,
the pressure sensor assembly and combustion chamber if the inadequate sealing is confirmed and diagnostic procedures to
combustion analyzer is not at room temperature.) determine and remedy the problem are recommended before
performing tests. Refer to the instructions provided by the
A3.3.2 Check that the valve at the source of each com-
pressed gas is closed, decompress the combustion chamber
using the appropriate computer command, and position the A3.5 Combustion Analyzer Shut Down Procedure
combustion analyzer power switch to OFF. A3.5.1 Check that all specimen has been discharged from
A3.3.3 Disconnect the pressure sensor signal cable, remove the fuel injection system and the fuel reservoir and associated
the combustion chamber pressure sensor from its housing, components are clean.
clean the sensing surface of the pressure sensor and the hole of A3.5.2 Close the valve at the source of each compressed
the pressure sensor housing in accordance with the instructions gas.
of the manufacturer. A3.5.3 Open the appropriate bleed valves to decompress the
A3.3.4 Reinstall the pressure sensor in its housing. piping between the compressed gas regulators and combustion
A3.3.5 Wipe any oily deposits from the sensor signal cable analyzer. Close all bleed valves after decompressing the piping.
and connector and connect the cable to the pressure sensor. A3.5.4 Position the combustion analyzer power switch to
A3.3.6 Position the combustion analyzer power switch to OFF.
ON. NOTE A3.1—Electric power for the circulating coolant system will
A3.3.7 Warm-up the combustion analyzer. remain on for 3 h after the combustion analyzer is shut down.


A4.1 Test Sequence Parameters

A4.1.1 General—An automated test run consists of 15 DCN
preliminary (pre-test injections) + 32 subsequent (test injec- Charge air pressure (P2)
Injection actuator air pressure (P3)
tions) combustion cycles. A combustion cycle involves: (1) Charge air temperature (T4)
charging the chamber to the test pressure, (2) injecting a small Combustion chamber pressure sensor temperature (T3)
Injector nozzle coolant passage temperature (T6)
volume of fuel sample into the combustion chamber, and (3) Coolant return temperature (T7)
releasing of the combustion gases. During the combustion
A4.1.5 The individual measured values of the above param-
cycle, the injector nozzle needle motion sensor measures the
eter for each of the 32 combustion cycles as well as their
motion of the injector nozzle needle and the combustion
average, minimum and maximum are automatically printed on
chamber pressure sensor measures the charge air pressure.
a test report at the end of each test (see Appendix X1).
A4.1.2 A simplified example of the output of the nozzle A4.1.6 The derived cetane number is calculated using the
needle motion sensor and the combustion chamber pressure following equation20:
sensor recorded for a single combustion cycle during a test
DCN 5 83.99~ID 2 1.512!~20.658! 1 3.547 (A4.1)
sequence is shown in Fig. A4.1.
A4.1.3 The ignition delays of the 32 test injections are where:
averaged to produce the analytical ID result. ID = ignition delay in milliseconds, and
A4.1.4 During each of the 32 test injections the following DCN = derived cetane number.
parameters are recorded:
The equation was derived from a correlation test program, comprising ASTM
National Exchange Group (NEG) check fuels, heptamethylnonane, cetane and an
in-house check fuel.

D 6890 – 03a

FIG. A4.1 Signals of Motion Sensor and Combustion Chamber Pressure Sensor During a Single Combustion Cycle


(Nonmandatory Information)


D 6890 – 03a

FIG. X1.1 Example of Test Output

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if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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