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Health is a fundamental
right of every human
Health Illness Continuum Model

State of Homeostasis
Illness Wellness

 Health is a dynamic state that fluctuates

as a person adapts to changes in internal
and external environments to maintain a
state of physical, emotional, intellectual,
social, developmental and spiritual well-
Health Illness Continuum Model
 Health is a state of complete physical,
mental, and social well-being and not
merely the absence of disease or

 Wellness is well-being. It involves

engaging in attitudes and behaviors
that enhance quality of life and
maximize personal potentials
 Illness is a state in which a person’s
physical, emotional, intellectual,
social, developmental or spiritual
functioning is diminished or impaired
compared with previous experience.

 Disease is a disturbance of structure

or function of the body or its parts.
Disease could be described as:
 Acute
 Chronic
 Communicable
 Congenital
 Degenerative
 Malignant
 Biologic agents
 Inherited genetic defects
 Developmental defects
 Physical agents
 Chemical agents
 Tissue response to irritation/injury
 Faulty chemical/metabolic process
 Emotional/physical reaction to stress
 1. Symptom experience
*transition phase
*person believes something is wrong
*3 aspects
a. Physical
b. Cognitive
c. Emotional

 2. Assumption of the Sick Role

*acceptance of illness
*seeks advise, support for decision to give up
some activities
 3. Medical Care Contact
*seeks advise of health professionals for the ff.
a. validation of real illness
b. explanation of symptoms
c. reassurance or prediction of outcome
1. Primary Prevention
 involves health promotion activities that provide
2. Secondary Prevention
 refers to health behavior that promotes the early
detection and treatment of disease and
limitation of disability.
3.Tertiary Prevention
 directed towards rehabilitation after a disease or
condition already exists to minimize and help
the client learn to live productively with
Activities to Promote Health and
Prevent Illness
1. Regular physical examination
2. For woman:
regular pap smear, Regular BSE
3. For men: regular TSE
4. Annual dental exam and prophylaxis
5. Regular eye examination ( 1 to 2 yrs)
6. Exercise regularly
7. Do not smoke
8. Reduce fat and increase fiber in diet
9. Avoid alcohol and recreational drugs
10. Sleep regularly at least 7-8 hrs per night
11. Eat regular meals with few snacks
12. Maintain ideal bodyweight
Nursing as a discipline…
 Is primarily concerned with the patient and
his experience of illness, not merely in
 Focuson human response rather that health
problem itself
 To treat response to actual/potential problem
in health and illness
Human Response
 Physiologic
 Psychologic
 Social
 Review on Temperature regulation
 What is the temperature regulating system of
the body?
 Temperature regulation mechanism
 2 kinds of body temperature
 Factor affecting body temperature
 Mechanism of heat loss
 Fever and stages of fever
 Types of fever
 Causes of fever and fever Management
 Conversion
Homeostasis, Stress &
 Homeostasis – state of balance within the
 Stress- state produced by a change in the
environment that is challenging,
threatening or damaging to a person’s
dynamic balance/equilibrium.
 Adaptation – adjustment to the change to
maintain a state of equilibrium– through
Types of stress

 Physical stress
 Physiologic stress
 Psychosocial stress
GAS (General Adaptation

3 Phases
Adaptation at the Cellular Level
 Hypertrophy- the increase in the size,
structure and function of cells
 Hyperplasia- the increase in the number
of cells in a body part that results from an
increased rate of cellular division.
 Atrophy- wasting, or a decrease in the
size of a body part bec. of disease or other
Cellular Response to
Injury/Stress: Inflammation
 Advantages:
 Acts to neutralize or destroy offending agents
 Restricts tissue damage to the smallest
possible area
 Alerts individual to impending threat of tissue
 Prepares injured area for healing
Classification of Inflammation:
 According to the duration of reaction
 Acute
 Chronic

 According to structure affected

 Suffix “itis” denotes inflammation of a
 According to nature of exudates
 Serous,fibrinous, mucinous, hemorrhagic,
 According to the etiologic agent
 Mobilizes WBC’s to engulf and destroy
bacteria and other foreign substances.
 5 local clinical signs of inflammation
 Calor
 Dolor
 Rubor
 Tumor
 Functio laesa
Inflammatory Chemical
 Histamine/serotonin
 Dilation
of arterioles and enhances
permeability of capillaries and artery
 Plasma proteases
 Consist of kinins, complement system and
clotting factors
 Stimulates the release of histamine from mast
 Prostaglandins
Phases of Inflammation
 Vascular Response
 aka hemodynamic response
 Cellular Response
 Marked by movement of WBC (leukocytes)
into area of injury
2 Type of WBC
 Granulocytes/PMNs
3 types
 Basophils
 Eosinophils

 Neutrophils – first to arrive

 Agranulocytes
2 types
 Lymphocytes – 2nd order to arrive
 Monocytes/macrophage
Immune Response
 Body’s Defense Mechanism
 Nonspecific Defense mechanism
 Specific Immune response

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