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Quarter 2 : Module 5
Discovering One’s Role in
Nation Building


Recognize positive and negative messages conveyed in a text

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
• react on the message of the given photo;
• describe a folktale;
• recognize emotions while reading a literary piece;
• state your stance on a given issue;
• determine the tone, mood, and author’s purpose;
• distinguish positive and negative messages conveyed; and
• create a photo collage, slogan, or poster.

Pre-test: Examine the sentences below and determine the message expressed in each item.
Encircle the letter of your answer.
1. As the governor’s people returned to inspect houses for aged people, the farmer
hurriedly ran back to his home and looked for a place to hide his mother.
A. Keep calm when the governor’s people return.
B. Mystery will help when the governor’s people return.
C. Be playful and start hiding when the governor’s people return.
D. Fear and anxiety creep in one’s mind when the governor’s people return.
2. No matter how hard the people try to please the governor, he will not see them as his
equal and still abuse his power to his own liking.
A. The people are trying hard.
B. The governor will never change.
C. The governor does not like people.
D. The people hope that the governor will change with their efforts.
3. With a heavy heart and eyes clouded with tears, he prepared his mother’s last meal.
A. Inform readers about body parts.
B. Convince readers to cook meals for their mother’s.
C. Solicit answers from the readers about preparing meals
D. Appeal to the readers’ experiences with their mothers.
4. The elders are full of wisdom from their rich experiences.
A. Inform readers about elders.
B. Solicit data about elderly people.
C. Entertain readers with a trivia about elders.
D. Persuade reader to believe elders are important.
5. Respect should not be selective and the right to life should not be a privilege.
A. Inform readers about respect.
B. Solicit information about privileges.
C. Move readers into tears because of injustice.
D. Make readers feel the need for respect and right to live.

Looking Back:
In the last lesson, you have learned that it is possible to politely present your opinions
in different matters. Moreover, you were able to compare and contrast these opinions. Here
are some signal words that can help you in stating your ideas:

➢ I think… ➢ However, …
➢ I agree … ➢ In contrast…
➢ I believe that… ➢ On the other hand, …
➢ In my opinion, … ➢ On the contrary, …
➢ Based on what I know, … ➢ I disagree …
These markers are helpful to clearly identify your stand in a given issue. They also
aid you in recognizing the author’s take on a topic. Aside from these signal words, you can
also identify the writer’s position through determining the positive and negative messages
conveyed in a text.

In this lesson, you will learn to recognize the different messages that you may get from a
Japanese literature as you skillfully read to identify its featured elements, conflicts, and values.
In addition, you will be asked to look within and beyond yourself to relate with and react to the
issues presented in the text.

Focus Questions:
• What are the roles of the elderly in our society?
• How do Asians exhibit their love for their family?
• How does an individual gain wisdom?
• What is the role of a leader in building a humane and just society?
• As a Filipino, how can you help fight against injustices?

Task 1: Photo React

Complete the graphic organizer with the words and phrases which can related to the picture

"Old Lady by the River" by Lovell D'souza is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0/ Desaturated from original

Task 2: Enriching Vocabulary

People have various ideas when it comes to the way they treat the elderly. Today, you
will read a literary piece that highlights the role of the old in our lives. Before you proceed, enrich
your vocabulary by completing the crossword puzzle below. Write the defined words on the
provided boxes.

Across Down
1. A woman
whose spouse 2. A state of
has died and who desperate need
has not remarried
3. Characterized
4. Mercilessly
by extreme
harsh or cruel;
uneasiness of
mind; Fear
5. A person who
exercise absolute
power in a brutal

Task 3: Reading Literature Side Notes:

You will read a Japanese folktale by Matsuo Basho entitled

Folktale is a story that
“The Aged Mother”. As you read the parts of the story, identify
parents have passed on
your reaction to the events by encircling the emoji that represents to their children through
your feelings. speech over many years.

It is a tale that grew out of

the lives and imaginations
of the people or folk.
happy relieved worried sad angry (

Long time ago there lived at the foot of the mountain a poor farmer and his aged,
widowed mother. They owned a bit of land which supplied them with food, and they were
humble, peaceful, and happy.

Shinano was governed by a despotic leader who though a warrior, had a great and
cowardly shrinking from anything suggestive of failing health and strength. This caused him to
send out a cruel proclamation. The entire province was given strict orders to immediately put to
death all aged people. Those were barbarous days, and the custom of abandoning old people to
die was not uncommon.

happy relieved worried sad angry

The poor farmer loved his aged mother with tender reverence, and the order filled his
heart with sorrow. But no one ever thought twice about obeying the mandate of the governor, so
with many deep and hopeless sighs, the youth prepared for what at that time was considered
the kindest mode of death.

Just at sundown, when his day’s work was ended, he took a quantity of unwhitened rice
which was the principal food for the poor, and he cooked, dried it, and tied it in a square cloth,
which he swung in a bundle around his neck along with a gourd filled with cool, sweet water.
Then he lifted his helpless old mother to his back and started on his painful journey up the
mountain. The road was long and steep; the narrow road was crossed and re-crossed by many
paths made by the hunters and woodcutters. In some place, they got lost and confused, but he
gave no heed. One path or another, it mattered not. On he went, climbing blindly upward -- ever
upward towards the high bare summit of what is known as Obatsuyama, the mountain of the
“abandoning of the aged.”

The eyes of the old mother were not so dim but that they noted the reckless hastening
from one path to another, and her loving heart grew anxious. Her son did not know the
mountain’s many paths and his return might be one of danger, so she stretched forth her hand
and snapping the twigs from brushes as they passed, she quietly dropped a handful every few
steps of the way so that as they climbed, the narrow path behind them was dotted at frequent
intervals with tiny piles of twigs. At last the summit was reached. Weary and heart sick, the
youth gently released his burden and silently prepared a place of comfort as his last duty to the
loved one. Gathering fallen pine needles, he made a soft cushion and tenderly lifted his old
mother onto it. He wrapped her padded coat more closely about the stooping shoulders and
with tearful eyes and an aching heart he said farewell.

happy relieved worried sad angry

The trembling mother’s voice was full of unselfish love as she gave her last injunction.
“Let not thine eyes be blinded, my son.” She said. “The mountain road is full of dangers. Look
carefully and follow the path which holds the piles of twigs. They will guide you to the familiar
path farther down.” The son’s surprised eyes looked back over the path, then at the poor old,
shriveled hands all scratched and soiled by their work of love. His heart broke within and bowing
to the ground, he cried aloud: “oh, Honorable mother, your kindness breaks my heart! I will not
leave you. Together we will follow the path of twigs, and together we will die!”

happy relieved worried sad angry

Once more he shouldered his burden (how light it seemed now) and hastened down the
path, through the shadows and the moonlight, to the little hut in the valley. Beneath the kitchen
floor was a walled closet for food, which was covered and hidden from view. There the son hid
his mother, supplying her with everything she needed, continually watching and fearing she
would be discovered. Time passed, and he was beginning to feel safe when again the governor
sent forth heralds bearing an unreasonable order, seemingly as a boast of his power. His
demand was that his subjects should present him with a rope of ashes.

happy relieved worried sad angry

The entire province trembled with dread. The order must be obeyed yet who in all
Shinano could make a rope of ashes? One night, in great distress, the son whispered the news
to his hidden mother. “Wait!” she said. “I will think. I will think” On the second day she told him
what to do. “Make rope of twisted straw,” she said. “Then stretch it upon a row of flat stones and
burn it on a windless night.” He called the people together and did as she said and when the
blaze died down, there upon the stones, with every twist and fiber showing perfectly, lay a rope
of ashes.

The governor was pleased at the wit of the youth and praised greatly, but he demanded
to know where he had obtained his wisdom. “Alas! Alas!” cried the farmer, “the truth must be
told!” and with deep bows he related his story. The governor listened and then meditated in
silence. Finally he lifted his head. “Shinano needs more than the strength of youth,” he said
gravely. “Ah, that I should have forgotten the well-known saying, “with the crown of snow, there
cometh wisdom!” That very hour the cruel law was abolished, and custom drifted into as far a
past that only legends remain.

happy relieved worried sad angry

(From DepEd Grade 8 Module)

Task 4: Finding Meaning

Skimming is a reading strategy
After reading the story, you will answer the where you get the main idea of the
text by reading the title, headings,
questions below. Write your answers on the space
subheadings, introduction, etc. The
goal is to simply get an overall
impression of what the text is
Side Notes: about.

1. Who are the characters in the story? Describe Scanning is a reading strategy that
them briefly. you can use when you want to find
2. What was the proclamation of the governor? specific information (names, dates,
figures, terms, etc.) from the text.

3. What was the farmer’s initial decision upon hearing the governor’s proclamation?
4. Do you agree with the governor’s proclamation to put to death all the aged people? Justify
your answer.
5. If you were the farmer, what would you do after hearing the governor’s cruel proclamation?
6. What did the farmer do after learning what his mother did for him so that he could go home
7. What do you think is the message of the story?

Literary Focus: Tone, Mood, and Author’s Purpose

The short story that you just read shows the Japanese culture of respect and value to
the elderly. Messages conveyed in texts could be positive and inspiring or negative and

This part of the lesson will help you identify the message conveyed by written texts
through tone, mood, and the author’s purpose. The table below shows information about these
three elements of a written text.

Tone expresses the author’s 1. The rules are too strict but we have access to our
attitude toward the topic. Tone is daily needs here. This isn’t the best place to live in the
implied by the characters, world, but it’s not really that bad.
setting, choice of words, and Tone: Tolerant
other details. Adjectives are Explanation: The words “not really that bad”
usually used to describe tone. show that the writer accepts the situation while
(e.g. amused, humorous, recognizing that it could be better.
pessimistic, angry, informal, Message: Be tolerant and accept the place
playful, cheerful, ironic, where one lives.
pompous, horror, light, sad, 2. Shinano provides a venue for planting crops. The
clear, objective, serious, formal, soil is rich and there is enough water supply.
suspicious, gloomy, optimistic, Tone: Objective
witty) Explanation: The writer does not express
feelings about the place. He simply states facts.
Message: The place is good for planting.

Mood is the general 3. They owned a bit of land which supplied them with
atmosphere created by the food so they are never hungry. Their neighbors greet
author’s words. It is the feeling each other with smiles on their faces.
the reader gets from reading Mood: Calm
those words from the setting of Explanation: The underlined words provide a
the story. Adjectives are usually feeling of calmness and peace to the reader
used to describe mood. (e.g. because there is no pressure and problem
fanciful, melancholy, frightening, implied in the scene.
mysterious, frustrating, Message: It is calming to own a bit of land in a
romantic, gloomy, sentimental, peaceful place.
happy, sorrowful, joyful,

Author’s Purpose is the cause 4. Obatsuyama is also known as the mountain of the
an author writes about a topic. “abandoning of the aged.” This is based on the
An author writes to share a main governor’s mandate that the elderly will be abandoned
idea about a topic. An author’s there in until their death.
main idea is directly related to Purpose: To inform
the author’s purpose. Explanation: This is a mere presentation of
One of the three following Message: The name of the mountain is based on
purposes will drive a main idea: the governor’s mandate.
to inform (appeals to 5. The governor gave a mandate that tore families
knowledge), to entertain apart. Instead of thinking about her own survival, the
(appeals to emotion), and to aged mother thought of the safety of her son.
persuade (appeals to reason) Purpose: To entertain
Explanation: The underlined words appeal to the
emotion and experience of the readers.
Message: Entertain readers on how one
mandate from a leader can affect people.
6. The governor gave a cruel mandate to abandon
elders to death despite their contributions to the
Purpose: To persuade
Explanation: The underlined words provide a
reason for the claim that the mandate is cruel.
Message: Believe that the mandate was cruel
and unfair.

Task 5: Testing Waters

Carefully read the statements below. Identify the tone, mood, or author’s purpose expressed
in each item. Choose from the choices in the parentheses. Underline your answer.

1. The same with the Japanese, Filipinos have the culture of respect towards the elderly. It
is shown in different traditions like “pagmamano” and saying “po” and “opo” to older
The purpose is to (inform, persuade, entertain).
2. The entire province trembled. The order must be obeyed yet they know no one who
could make a rope of ashes. If no one could do the governor’s command, the people will
face undesirable consequences.
The mood is (happy, hopeful, hopeless).
3. The governor is not a good leader. He pursues his personal interest without considering
the people where as a good leader values the contribution of each citizen regardless of
age and social class.
The purpose is to (inform, persuade, entertain).
4. With the strength of the youth and the wisdom of the elderly, the province of terror will
bloom into a harmonious and progressive place.
The tone is (romantic, optimistic, pessimistic).
5. The son cried aloud, “Oh, Honorable mother, your kindness breaks my heart! I will not
leave you. Together we will follow the path of twigs, and together we will die!”
The purpose is to (inform, persuade, entertain).

• Written texts convey positive and negative messages.
• You may identify the message through the details that hint the tone, mood, and author’s
• The tone is the attitude of the author towards a topic.
• Mood is the general atmosphere that the readers experience upon reading the text.
• The author’s purpose is the impact the writer wants to make. It could be to inform, to
entertain, or to persuade the readers of the text.

Check your Understanding

Task 6: Facing the World

Your ability to express your ideas in a variety of forms about social issues shows your
awareness and involvement to its cause. In this part, you will demonstrate your reaction(s) on
the photo below through any of the following tasks. Pick only one task and be guided by the
rubric below. Make sure to clearly present your position on the issue. Use a short bond paper
for your output.

a. Photo Collage Making (a piece of art created by combining photos)

b. Poster Making (a large printed or drawn picture)
c. Slogan Making (a short and striking or memorable phrase used in advertising)

(Photo by Henrie Famorcan Enaje via Facebook/ Desaturated from original)

A 72-year-old jeepney driver signs document for his release from Caloocan
Custodial Facility. Mr. Elmer Cordero was one of the six jeepney drivers
arrested in Caloocan City last June 2, 2020 for disobeying police when they
allegedly violated social distancing protocols during a rally.


CRITERIA DESCRIPTION (Check one per criterion)
Distinguis Proficie Apprenti Novice
hed nt ce 2
5 points 4 3 points points
Clear and Substantial
The output presents a definite position of
Idea and the artist on the issue. The art gives an
impactful message to its audience.

Unified and Focused

Elements and conventions of the chosen
Elements and
task are evidently considered and present in
its design. (i.e. color coordination, rule of
thirds, balance, etc.)

Neatness and Clean and Engaging
Attractivenes The output is neatly presented and is
s aesthetically pleasing.

TOTAL ___ points / 15 points

Post Test: Examine the sentences below. Determine the message expressed in each item.
Encircle the letter of your answer.

1. The old were harmed because we allowed the leader to impose unjust rules.
A. People should be wise in choosing leaders.
B. People should be vengeful towards the elderly.
C. People should be sad that the leader will lose his control.
D. People should celebrate as the leader uses his power to rule.

2. The son saw his mother’s hands, weak and wounded, as he realized she used her
remaining strength to make a trail for him to return safely later that day.
A. The son felt the mother’s sacrifice as romantic.
B. The son is happy for the sacrifice of his mother.
C. The son is sentimental about his mother’s sacrifice.
D. The son is confused about how his mother’s hands look.
3. People of old age should be honored for during the peak of their lives, they shed sweat
and blood to build the civilization.
A. Persuade people that elderly people matter.
B. Inform readers with facts about people of old age.
C. Solicit information about the peak of people’s lives.
D. Entertain readers with “shed sweat and blood” as metaphors of hard work.

4. Just when they thought all hopes are gone, the governor was miraculously convinced of
the importance of the elderly in the community.
A. Entertain readers with a plot twist.
B. Persuade people to be open to changing perspectives.
C. Inform readers about the governor’s change of heart.
D. Survey the people’s feelings towards the governor’s decision.

5. A leader who aims to serve only himself becomes a dictator.

A. Survey people’s idea about leaders.
B. Inform readers on how a leader becomes a dictator.
C. Persuade people to take part in the fight against dictators.
D. Entertain readers using their experiences with their respective leaders.

Write a short essay of seven to ten sentences that describes the positive and/or negative
characteristics of today’s youth. Relate your composition to the quote given below.

“The youth is the hope of our

~ Dr. Jose Rizal

Answer Sheet
Pre-test Post- test
1. ______________ 1. ______________
2. ______________ 2. ______________
3. ______________ 3. ______________
4. ______________ 4. ______________
5. ______________ 5. ______________
Task 1
1. ______________
2. ______________
3. ______________
4. ______________
5. ______________
6. ______________
7. ______________
8. ______________
Task 2
1. ______________
2. ______________
3. ______________
4. ______________
5. ______________
Task 4
1. _____________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________
Task 5
1. ______________
2. ______________
3. ______________
4. ______________
5. ______________
Task 6


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