Y9-ICT and CS Holiday Homework 2022-23

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Academic Year 2022 - 23

NAME: _____________________________________
CLASS: _____________________________________

Department of ICT & Computer Science

Learning Objectives
• To elicit innovation and independent learning, further challenges,
beyond the basic content of the course are provided.
• Students will use their knowledge of HTML to appropriately design a
webpage with all required objects and set font styles, heading styles and
colour schemes to suit the scenario given in the task.
• Students will practice the process of designing, developing and testing a
database using the skills they have learned in Y8. Students will
comprehend and apply the principles of databases to effectively translate
design specifications of the given tasks into appropriate database
• Students will comprehend and apply the principles of programming to
effectively translate design specifications into appropriate coding units.
• Students will not forget what they have learned regarding data analysis
during the course of the school year by practicing already done concepts
on new thought-provoking excel tasks.

Use your text book to revise skills needed for completing Holiday homework.
International Computing for Lower Secondary Stage 9 by Hodder Education

For HTML & Style sheets revision use the following link:


Important note:

• After completing your homework, -Upload your files in Holiday Homework

assignment (MS Teams) in the first week of academic session 2022-23.

Project 1:
Creating website using HTML codes in front page.
Create a website of your visit to Turkey during summer vacation. Gather the content for

your website, you can add pictures from internet as well to make your website appealing.

Make sure you have the following pages

Places to visit in Turkey (Homepage):

• A small paragraph about the place.

• Two pictures of the places you visited in Turkey at the end of the paragraph with

appropriate height and width.

• Make sure to put “blue” background color using CSS.

About Ankara (1st webpage):

• Mention at least two activities which you can enjoy at Ankara.

• Make sure to link your 1st page with homepage.

About Antalya (2nd webpage):

• Two small paragraphs about different events you can enjoy in Antalya.

• Insert three pictures of your choice in one line with appropriate height and width at

the end of 2nd paragraph.

• Make sure to link your 2nd page with homepage.

Project 2:
MS Access
During Summer Vacation you decided to organize your school stuff and create a database of
all the stationary items. Following are some of the items for your record.

1. Create a database with name as Stationary Database.

2. Make a table by the name stationary list.
3. Setup the table with following details:

Field Name Data Types Field Size

Product ID Short text 5
Product Name Short text 20
Quantity Number 2
Price currency currency
4. Make an Evidence file in MS Word.
5. Now go to MS Access and make sure Product Id is Primary key.

Evidence 1: Take screenshot of Design View (showing table name, all field names with their data
types) and paste it in your Evidence File in MS Word.

6. Enter 8 records, you can have example from the following table for an idea.

Product Name Quantity Unit Price

01 Pens 12 8$

02 Highlighters 6 5$

03 Notepad 4 2$

04 Crayons 2 4$

Evidence 2: Take screenshot of datasheet view and paste it in your Evidence File in MS Word.

7. Create a query using query design with title stationary Query with following criteria:

Criteria: All Product names whose quantity is <10.

Evidence 4:
Take screenshot of Query name and extracted data showing records.

8. Create a report using Report Wizard with all the fields, make sure you select tabular form.
9. Report will open in design view, drag the heading to center, change font color to Blue and make
it bold, change font size to 25.
10. Select all by using shortcut keys CTRL+A and center align the whole form.
11. Now select only the header part of the form and make it bold, font color black and font size 14.
12. Make sure the data of whole report is visible. Adjust the size of text boxes where necessary.
13. Go to view icon on the top left corner and select Report view.

Evidence 5:
Take screenshot of Report name and data showing all records.

14. Save your evidence file by your name and Student ID and convert it into PDF.

Project 3:
Python & Pseudocode
Write a program in python to create two variables num1 and num2. Take input of integer

values from the user in both variables. Find the total of both the variables and display the

result using print function. Write the pseudocode of the same program.

Python Program Pseudocode

Project 4:
MS Excel
Design the excel sheet as given below:

1. Make the first row bold, apply all borders from A1:D12.
2. Apply dollar sign on food price column.
3. Calculate the maximum price of an item in cell D18.
4. Calculate the minimum price of an item in cell D19.
5. Find Food origin by applying VLOOKUP table using absolute cell referencing, save your file.


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