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Morgantown High School, West Virginia

As the headfootball coach at MorgantownHighSchool,l am representingthe football staff andour athleticdepartment. We are locatedinMorgantown, West Virginia. We installed the wing-T seven years ago, and we have been in thestate Playoffs the last sixyears.In1998, we were the State Runner-Llp, and in 2000, w e won the State Championship. Irr 1997, w e installed the JET SERIES (split-elid attacking series) because teams were loading up their defense t o the tight end side t o stop the buck sweep. Once w e were successful in attacking the perimeter t o the weakside, w e forced teams t o defend both the tight-end and the split-end side. Since our installation of the jet sweep series, our regular season record is 38 wins and 2 losses and our overall record is 46 wins and 5 loses. The Jet Sweep is an outstanding compliment t o the already hard t o defend wing-T. Today, I want t o cover our wing-T Jet package. I will go fast so I can cover the entire package.That way, you can get a better idea of what w e are trying t o accomplish. We can run dur Jet package from eight different formations. We have ten running plays and six pass plays with this package. Iwill show the plays from a couple of formations and against a few different defenses that will give you a better feel for what w e are doing. I will go fast, so stay with me. Our base forma.l:ion is with a wing-T t o the tight back. end, a slot t o tlie split-end side, and one rur~r~ing We call this set our aceformation.The fullback heels are set at four yards. The wingback is one-yard wide and one-yard deep from the tight end. The tailback is t w o yards-by-two yards on the tackle. We want the wingbackand tailbackin a two-point stance, slightly angled inside.They aregoingto be blockingdown inside most of the time, or they are goiqg to run the Jet route.





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The first play is our Jet sweep. Iwill show you the play from three formations. Here is what it looks like from the ace set.

Next, I want t o list the plays w e run from these for- We can run the Jet from our deuce set against the 4mations. Again, we run ten running plays and six pass 4 defense. plays. DEUCE FORMATION




We can run the Jet against the 4-3 defense from the empty set.




SE-Read crack block from FS t o LB

SG-Pull and kick out contain C-Fire, zone, backer TG-Fire, zone, backer TT-Fire, zone, backer

TB-Fire, on, backer FB-Jab step, run trap path WB-Zip motion - receive ball and read block QB-Open toTEside, hand ball to the WB, fake

We see a lot of 3- and 6-techniques t o the tightend side. On the split-end side, w e see the 2- and 5techniques. If tlie defense is playing sky coverage with the FS con-lingt o the flats on the motion of the wingback, our SE will crack on him. If they are playing cloud coverage, the SE will crack on the scraping LB, and the SG will kick out on the contain player. Our QB will waggle or boot according t o our game plan. Qur next play is our Jet trap. We want the play t o look as much like the Jet sweep as possible. I will draw .the Jet trap against all threedefenses using the same three formations as the Jet sweep.

SE-Stal k deep 113 ST-Shut down, LB SG-Pull and trap #2 C-On, gap TG-Gap, down, backer TT-LB TE-Deep 113 TB-Cut off t o 113 FB-Run trap path WB-Zip motion, fake Jet sweep QB-Reverse out, fake Jet sweep, hand off on trap, run boot or waggle We can run the trap t o either side with this particular motion. We always trap the short side with a defensive tackle in the I-technique. Our guard will make a short call, and the trapping guard knows he is

going t o trap short instead 0.f long. We like to keep On all traps, we can run them t o either side with motion from either the TB or WB. the rules the same as much as possible. The next play is .the Jet belly. We want the W B t o The next play is the J e t sucker trap (SUBA) Against the 4-4 defense, w e will not run the SllBA fake the Jet sweep.TheFBandTB run the belly path, t o the split-end side because w e can not block the and the FB cuts off the blocks of the TB and split Mike LB. The SUBA t o the TE side is a much better guard. play because the Jet motion by the W B causes the Mike t o scrape. We can rim the play with either the JET BELLY TB or the W B motion depending on the formation.

SE-Stalk 1/3 ST-On, gap, down SG-Pull, kick out #3 SE-Stack deep ST-Shut down SG-Pull, trap #2 C-On, gap TG-Pull, kickout #3 TT-Backer TE-Stack deep 1/3 TB-Cut off FB-Run Trap Path WB-Zip motion, fake Jet QB-Fake Jet, hand off on trap, r1.m boot or waggle C-Fire, on, backer TG-Zone TT-Zone TE-Deep 1/3 TB-Drop step, backer FB-Belly path WB-Zip motion, fake Jet QB-Reverse out, fake Jet sweep, hand off t o on fullback on belly and contin~~e option. How many of the wing-T Coaclies liere run the wing-T sally play? I t may be the best play in wing-T football. Some teams pull and trap on the sally. We do not trap on the sally. The frontside of the line runs

We needed another play t o go back t o the tight a Jet look, and the backside shows pass and blocks the defense does. We want the end-side other than the sally for our TB. We run the according t o what tailback t o fake a blockon the DE,and then take three play t o both sides. I t is a counter trey off the Jet drop steps before he starts on his sally path. This sweep look. gives him a better angle t o hit the open seam. The wingback runs the Jet sweep and then blocks #3. The JET COUNTER quarterback fakes the Jet sweepand hands the ball off inside to the TB and then continues on the waggle. 4 SS

SE-Stal k deep 113 ST-On, gap, down SG-p1.111 and block contain if ~~ncovered. If covered, block on or gap C-On, #2, #1 TG-Pass set, block #2 or #1 TT-Pass set, block #2 or #3 or #1 TE-Pass set, block #3 t o #4 TB-Fake blockon#3,drop three steps and receive ball on inside from the quarterback. WB-Fake Jet sweep, block #3 FB-Lead on #1 t o split-end side QB- Fake Jet sweep, sprint t o SE. Hand ball t o tailback on the inside, then run the waggle ' We put this play in t w o years ago in the ninth game of the year. The first time w e ran it, olJr tailback ran 75 yards for a touchdown. I thought it was a good play after that. We have beer1 rur~r~ingever since. I t is a it better play against the 50 defense than against the 44. SE-Stalkldeep 113 ST-Pull and lead tl-rough on #4 SG-Pull and kick out on #3 C-On, gap, backer TG-On, gap, backer backer TT-On gap, dow~i, TE-Gap, down, backer TB-Drop step three steps, receive ball on inside handoff, read block of SG and ST FB-Fill for pulling guard WB-Fake Jet and block 33 QB-Fake Jet, hand ball t o 'TI3 on inside, continue running option path

The next play isthe Jet reverse. Wecan run it from several different formations. Again, w e start the Jet sweepactionrand the #lreceiver will become the ball carrier after a handoff from the Jet sweep player.


SE-Read crack block from FS t o ILB ST-Fire, on SG-Pull and kick out contain SE-Cut down split, run reverse, receive the ball on the outside ST-On, gap, down SG-Fire, on, backer, pull C-Fire, on, backer TG-Fire, on, backer TT-Fire, on, backer TE-On, gap, down TB-On, gap, down, next level FB-Lead through B gap on LB WB-Receive ball on Jet, hand off t o split end on outside QB-Handoff ball on Jet, lead on reverse C-Zone TG-Zone TT-Zone TE-Stal k deep 113 TB-Fire, on FB-Queen alignment - lead block WB-Zip motion, receive ball, read block on free safety by the SE, SG, and FB QB-Handoff ball t o WB, run waggle or boot We lead with the FB, and everything else is the sameas the Jet sweep. Wecan run the trap and sally from the queen formation, so we don't give away the fact that we are running the power sweep every time w e align in the queen set.

The next play is the Jet option. We arc block on -[he next play is the Jet power sweep. There is no the #4 man with our tight end. We tell our quarterdifference between the Jet power and the Jet back t o pitch the ball most of the time because w e sweep except we put our F6 in a queen alignment (be- do not want him t o run the football. tween tlie tackle and guard). We now have t w o lead blockers - the fullback and the SG.



SE - Deep 113 SE-Deep 113 ST-Zone, backer SG-Zone, backer C-Zone, backer TG-Zone, backer TT-Zone, backer TE-Arc release on #4 TB-Deep 113 FB-Option path WB-Fake Jet QB-Fake Jet, run at #3, read for pitch On the Jet cross buck, we can run it t o both sides. We bring the wingback inside on the linebacker. He starts in motion, and the ball is snapped as he gets t o the guard. ST - Fire, on SG - Pull and kick out #2 or #3 C - Fire, on, chip TG - On, gap, down, chip TT - On, gap, down, chip TE - Inside release, deep 113 TB - Drop step t w o steps, receive ball on outside handoff from quarterback, read block of pulling guard FB - Fake veer dive, .Fillfor pulling guard W B - Zip motion, when wingback gets t o the guard - turn inside on dive and block linebacker QB- Fake dive t o fullback, hand ball t o tailback on outside and contin~~e option path

I will show these plays so you can see how they look in a game. If you have questions, let me hear from you.

The Jetwaggleisiden,ticalt o thewaggle.ThedifI want t o get t o the Jet Boot real quick. It is the ference is that we can motion either ,the wingback same play you run out of the Wing-T offense. or the tailback. JET BOOT

SE-Post, trail SE-Post corner ST-On, gap, down SG-Pull and log #3 C-Fire, on, backside TG-Sickle pull, t o backside TT-Hinge block TE-Drag at 12 yards, post route if split TB-Fake Jet, block#3,release t o flats at five yards FB-Flats at five yards, control step and block #3 t o TE side QB-Fake Jet, fake t o fullback, run waggle play ST-Hinge SG-Sickle pull to backside C-Fire, on, backside TG-Pull and log #3 TT-On, gap, own TE-Post corner TB-Drag at 12 yards FB-Fill for guard t o five yards WB-Fake Jet and block #3 QB-Fake Jet, fake t o fullback, run boot On the Jet pass, we make it a play-action pass. It is just like the run, except we throw the pass to the wide receiver.



SE-Post 1fake block 011 corner - release deep ST-Hinge SG-Hinge C-Fire, on, backside TG-Pull and log #3 TT-On, gap, down TE-Split if ball is coming t o you - drag at 12 yards if going away TB-Fire, on I zip motion and throw the pass FB-Fill for pulling guard WB-Fire, on I zip motion and throw the pass QB-Hand off ball on Jet and block backside

SE-Post pattern ST-Hinge SG-Hinge C-Fire, on, hinge TG-Pull and seal #4, t o ballside

TE-Drag at 12 yards if run t o you, block #3 if Jet runs t o your side

TB-Run Jet - pass ball t o quarterback, fire,) on FB-Fill for pulling guard W B - ~ u n ~ e tpass ball toquarterback, fire, on , QB-Hand ball on Jet run - run rail pass route

If the tailback is going t o throw the pass, the On our Jet reverse rail pass, w e fake the Jet rewingback blocks onside. If the wingback is going t o verse. We like t o tlirow the ball t o tlie wingbackdown throw the pass, the tailback blocks onside. the sideline. The quarterback must make a good fake Next, is our Jet throwback pass.This will keep the on the Jet and reverse. backside honest.

SE-Take 2 steps forward - drip step - come back and look for ball SE-Post pattern ST-Fire, on SG-Fire, on C-Fire, on TG-Fire, on TT-Fire, on TE-Skinny post TB-Fake reverse and block #3 FB-Block #3 on TB side WB-Fake Jet and run rail pattern QB-Fake Jet, fake reverse, 3-step drop and read patterns ST-Pass block - release on WLB SG-Fire, on gap, hinge C-Fire, on, gap TG-Fire, on, gap, hinge TT-Fire, on, gap, hinge TE-Skinny post / if split, 2 steps forward and drop step/ look for ball TB-Fake Jet - drag at 12 yards FB-Block corner on play side WB-Fake Jet - skinny post QB-Fake Jet - throw ball t o X or Z (called side).

I hope you have gotten and idea or t w o that may On our Jet screen pass, w e can throw the ball t o .the split end or the Z-back. We can run it t o both help you. If you have any questions, feel free to consides. We can motion the tailback or the wingback. tact me. I will list my address and email if you want We like t o move the fullback upand run the man next t o contact me or anyone on our staff. t o him in motion and screen t o that side. We can run these plays from all of our formations. Let me sliow COACH GLEN McNEW AI\ID STAFF the Jet package on film. This is what w e do with the MORGAIVTOWNHIGH SCHOOL Jet series. 109 WILSON AVENUE MORGAIVTOWIV, W V 25601 SCHOOL PHONE - 1-304-291-9269 HOME PHONE - 1-304-296-0417 WEB: Email = [email protected]

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