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DIRECTIONS: Read carefully each question and encircle the letter of the
correct answer.
1. What song that is written by the folk and are sung to accompany daily activities such
as farming, fishing and putting the baby to sleep?
A. Devotional Song
B. Folk Song
C. Harana
D. Kundiman
2. What genre that is performed by one or more singers, with or without instrumental
accompaniment, wherein singing is the main focus?
A. Folk Song
B. Instrumental Music
C. Secular Music
D. Vocal Music
3. What do you call to an Ilocano folk song wherein the man serenades the Ilocano
A. Atin Cu Pung Singsing
B. Bahay Kubo
C. Pamulinawen
D. Sarung Banggi
4. What folk song that tells of a small hut with a variety of vegetables surrounding it?
A. Atin Cu Pung Singsing
B. Bahay Kubo
C. Pamulinawen
D. Sarung Banggi
5. Which of the Italian term below that refers to speed?
A. Tempo
B. Piano
C. Vibrato
D. Allegro
6. What do you call to a closed-note head with a stem and one hook?
Quarter note
8th note
Half note
16th note2
7. In music, what are these letters which is used in chords?
A.Name of the alphabet
B. Sol-fa syllables
C. Pitch names
D. Solfeggio
8. What note which has an open note head and contains 4 beats?
A. 16th rest
B. Half rest
C. Half note
D. Whole note
9. Which of the following that has closed note- head with a stem and a dot?
Dotted half note
Dotted quarter note
Dotted 8th note
Dotted half note
10. Which of the following notes receives ¼ beat?
Dotted quarter note
8th note
16th rest
16th note
11. Which of the following statements DO NOT describe G- staff?
The staff contains G-clef at the beginning of the staff.
The starting point of the clef is on the second line.
The starting point of the clef is on the fourth line.
It has five lines and four spaces.
12. In G-staff, how do you read the notes found on the first space, second space and third
A. Fa-la-do
B. Do-mi-la
C. La-do-mi
D. Fa-la-re
13. Which of the songs below considered as Buddhist chanting?
A. Gagaku
B. Shomyo
C. Noh
D. Bunraku
14. Which song that is known as Korean court music?
A. Sog-ak
B. Tang-ak
C. Chong-ak
D. Aak
15. The melody of a song in India is called?
A. Raga
B. Shruti
C. Tala
D. Gamakas3
16. How do you call to a bamboo shaker instrument which is popular in Indonesia where
its tube is attached to a bamboo frame?
A. Angklung
B. Gamelan
C. Sheng
D. Gabbang
17. What musical play which uses puppets?
A. Gamelan
B. Peking Opera
D. Gagaku
18. From what region is the song Sarungbanggi?
A. Tagalog
B. Visaya
C. Ilocano
D. Bicol
19. What humorous song which is described as a flirtatious woman threatening the
storeowner that if he’s not going to extend the credit, the ants will get him, as well as
unusual situations of exchanging the child for a doll or bagoong.
A. Leron Leron Sinta
B. Sitsiritsit
C. Pamulinawen
D. Atin Cu Pung Singsing
20. From which region is the song Dandansoy?
A. Tagalog
B. Visaya
C. Ilocano
D. Bicol
21. Which of the following Philippine music is a Spanish influence?
A. Harana
B. Danza
C. Phil Constabulary Band
D. Zarsuela
22. What is meant by a free form song intended for a solo voice and with
accompaniment wherein the vocal part has several notes to each syllable of the text?
A. Recitative
B. Chorale
C. Aria
D. Hymn
23. What musical period that focus on subjectivity, emotionalism, imbalance and
A. Romantic
B. Contemporary
C. Classical
D. Baroque4
24. Who among the composers below where his popular works is, “The Messiah.”
A. George Handel
B Frederic Chopin
C. Antonio Vivaldi
D. William Byrd
25. Which of the followi
A. Motet
B. Mass
C. Madrigal
D. Gregorian chant
26. What musical composition that is intended for the introduction to an opera or
A. Overture
B. Intermezzo
C. Symphony
D. Interlude
27. What music where the sound is produced, modified or amplified by electronics?
A. Minimalist music
B. Free Jazz music
C. Electronic music
D. Jazz music
28. What style of music that combines the jazz musician’s improvisation approach with
rock rhythms and tone colors?
A. Ragtime
B. Jazz
C. Jazz Rock
D. Free Jazz
29. What kind of composition which is intended for a solo voice and piano?
A. Art song
B. Through-composed
C. Strophic song
D. Song cycles
30. If the melody has been repeated throughout the music, it is called?.
A. Art song
B. Through-composed
C. Strophic song
D. Song cycles
31. Which of the following songs follow the unary form?
A. Leron-Leron Sinta
B. Pambansang Awit
C. Plilipinas Kong Mahal
D. Paru-PArong Bukid
32. What is called when a single melodic line performed or sung has no accompaniment?
A. Monophonic
B. Homophonic
C. Polyphonic
D. Heterophonic
33. What musical symbol or term is used to lower a note by a whole step?
A. Flat
B. Double flat
c. Natural
d. Sharp
34. Which of the string instruments that has 14- strings?
A. Guitar
B. Bass Guitar
C. Bandurria
D. Ukulele
35. What musical structure is contained in a Japanese folksong “Sakura”?
A. Binary Form
B. Ternary Form
C. Through-composed
D. Unitary Form
36. In India, rhythm is called?.
A. Tala
B. Rasa
C. Raga
D. Shruti
37. Which of the following is NOT a function of Gamelan orchestra?
A. They are used to accompany dances and puppet shadow.
B. They are believed to possess supernatural powers.
C. Their instruments are considered sacred therefore stepping over the
instrument is a sign of disrespect.
D. They are used to accompany dance festivals.
38. Below are Japanese’ theatrical music EXCEPT,
A. Kabuki
B. Nohgaku
C. Peking
D. Bunrako
39. Which of the following does not belong to Chinese instruments?
A. Pipa
B. Erhu
C. Sheng
D. Biwa6
40. If Shamisen is to Japan, Yuequin is to China, Kudyapi is to?
A. Indonesia
B. Philippines
C. India
D. Thailand
41. What place does Sitar string instrument is known for?
A. Indonesia
B. Philippines
C. India
D. Thailand
42. Who is NOT a Renaissance composer?
A. Arnold Shoenberg
B. Giovanni de Palestrina
C. Josquin Desprez
D. Antonio Vivaldi
43. Which of the following is NOT a Renaissance music?
A. Motet
B. Canon
C. Art song
D. Madrigal
44. Cantata, Brandenburg Concertos and Concerto Grosso are among the popular genres
during what period?
A. Medieval
B. Renaissance
C. Baroque
D. Classical
45. During classical period, the following are the developments that occurred in music,
A. The PIANO became popular
B. Orchestral instruments like string, wood, brass and percussion were used for
C. Instrumental music gains importance like sonata, trio, string quartet,
symphony, concerto and serenade.
D. Opera was developed and became the most important design.
46. Art song, program music and song cycle are popular musical forms in what period?
A. Baroque period
B. Classical period
C. Romantic period
D. Modern Period7
47. Schoenberg, Ravel and Debussy are popular composers during the period of?
A. Baroque period
B. Classical period
C. Romantic period
D. Modern Period
48. Below are the key features of expressionist music, EXCEPT?
A. The musical compositions were exaggerated.
B. The rhythm are irregular.
C. It evokes moods and ideas.
D. It expresses emotional experience.
49. Who introduced the 12-tone or chromatic scale in musical composition?
A. Arnold Schoenberg
B. Edgar Victor Varese
C. Maurice Ravel
D. Ludwig Von Beethoven
50. Who is the father of electronic music?
A. Arnold Schoenberg
B. Edgar Victor Varese
C. Maurice Ravel
D. Ludwig Von Beethoven

Module 1: Elements of Music

Let’s analyze the activity!

What can you say about the song that you just hear? What did you notice?
What part of the song that attracts your attention? Melody? What else?
How about the tempo? Did you hear different voices? What can you say about it?
Write your answers here

- All I can say is that when the song starts, the first beats, the title of the song, and
especially the singer seem familiar to me, and I realize the song is one of my
favorites, which I used to play when I was in elementary and high school. You can
feel the high notes on the smooth songs. The part of the song that caught my
attention was when the high note appeared to be plain but you could feel the
power of the voice gently and you can also feel that you are the one who just sang
because of it.

Let’s try this!

If you are a composer, what element of music you are going to emphasize in your
composition? Why? (Name the elements, define each and generally, explain why you
choose them). Write your answers inside the box.
The elements of music that I will emphasize if I become a composer are the
melody, rhythm, pitch and form. A series of beautifully arranged notes called
"Melody" produce a beautiful sound. Rhythm is the arrangement of note lengths in
a piece of music and also shaped by meter, it has certain elements such as beat and
tempo. The quality of the pitch allows us to classify a sound. The last form refers to
the structure of a musical composition or performance. The arrangement of musical
units of rhythm, melody, and/or harmony that show repetition or variation is
included. I chose these elements because they are important in creating music and I
believe they will help you to produce good music as well. Creating music is like
creating life because you can give emotions, inspiration and imagination at the
same time. Without a clear grasp of the elements of music your ability to write
music will be seriously compromised and useless since we really need to
understand and have a deeper thoughts about the elements of music.

Name: John Rey M. Olayvar Date: November 21, 2021
Score: ________
Listening Activity
Listen to the following songs through these links:
1. Ili-Ili Tulog Nanay-(
2. Sa Ugoy ng Duyan (
3. The Lord’s Prayer (
1. After listening, compare and contrast the elements present in each song to make the
music more pleasing to the ears. Write your answers inside the table.

Ili-Ili Tulog Nanay Sa Ugoy ng Duyan The Lord’s Prayer

Melody the melody is The melody is The melody is

simple and gentle but high simple but high
symbolic pitched especially pitched the solid
last part of every voice are visible.
Rhythm The rhythm of the The music The rhythm of song
music composition composition was slow but you
entitled Ili-ili Tulog entitled Ili-Ili Tulog can feel and heard
Anay is in slow Anay is in slow and the strong and solid
tempo. The rhythm gentle tempo. Each tempo. In addition.
is slow first end of the line are Each end of the line
because the music prolonged are prolonged
is a lullaby song,
typically sung
slowly (or may be
sung as well in
moderate tempo),
and second
because each end
of the line
Harmony The harmony The harmony in the The harmony in the
involved in the song ugoy ng dugay song Lord’s Prayer
song Ili-ili Tulog is more than two is more than two
Anay is voices voices ( polyphonic
monophony ( polyphonic )its s ) its s present or
because only the present or even even emphasized in
voice was emphasized in a a choir or choral
visible in the music choir or choral group.

2. Name the most important elements that need to be considered in composing a song.
Support your answer.

The melody is the most important aspect of a song. "In daily language, this is
what we refer to as the 'tune'." The melody is a set of pitches that are grouped into a
pattern. "The length of each note is determined by the melody's rhythm." We can
identify that a melody has a number of different characteristics, which we will refer to as
phrase, contour and interval.

Module 2:
Musical Symbols and its Concepts
Try to do this!
Look at the illustration below. Analyze each symbol. Can you interpret them?

What did you see in the illustration? What are those symbols for? How relevant is
understanding the meaning of these symbols? Write your answers below.

- The symbols of notes, the different kinds of notes, and those symbols are used to
guide and interpret the song. It is important to learn how to play a piece of music
because you will need to know what the signs and symbols are telling you to do, as
well as being able to read the notes and rhythms. Musical terms and definitions can
help us understand music and gain an appreciation for musicians, as well as being
applied to all types of instruments.
Are you ready?
Name: John Rey M. Olayvar Date: November 22, 2021 Score: ___________
TEST I. Draw and explain the function of the musical symbols as provided in the
column. Write your answers on the spaces provided :
TEST II. . Illustrate and locate the following chords in the keyboard. Draw a
keyboard per
number and label your answer using so-fa syllables.

1. C 4. F 7. Em 10. A
2. Dm 5. Cm 8. D
3. E 6. G 9. Am

Write your answers inside the box.

TEST III. Based on your answers in TEST II, illustrate their 1 st and 2nd inversions by
writing them
on the staff. Place your answers inside the table. NOTE: Choose only 5 from your
answers in Test
Module 3: Philippine Music
Let’s do this!
Listening Activity
Listen to the following songs during Holy mass: Kyrie, Gloria, Agnus Dei, and children’s
songs like
Dandansoy and Salidomay, (you can hear these songs in YouTube). While listening,
analyze the
musical elements used in every song. You may jot down notes in your notebook or in any
sheet of paper.

Let’s Analyze!
What are the most common musical elements used in every song? What do you think is the reason
why every
region has their distinct characteristics? Write your answers below

-The melody, pitch and rhythm are the most common elements in a song. "Music can't be made
possible without these elements." The elements that make music beautiful and organize are the
ones that attract the attention of the listener. I have observed that most songs have this pitch
which allows us to know the range of every singer of a certain song and so as the rhythm which
allows us to know the arrangement of note lengths. We all have different chores as we face
everyday life and we also have different values and beliefs that make us unique from others.
There are a lot of things that will make us more connected to each other. The basis of being
distinct from other regions or places is our beliefs and values. We may not be the same in many
ways but we all have the same traditions that make us connected to each other.

Are you ready?
Name: John Rey M. Olayvar Date: November 22, 2021 Score: ___________
TEST I. Explain how the culture, religion and topography influence the musical elements of the
three regions of the Philippines:

Lowland of Luzon Visayas Mindanao

Their Music are influenced The culture of Visayas Their music depicts
by the foreign colonizers regions has been a big their culture as well.
and thus their culture as influence to their Indigenous traditions
well. Example of music that music as well. Usually of various part have
influence by their culture their folk songs, love influenced the musical
are the songs use for songs, kundiman and styles popular among
celebrations like fiestas and courtship songs Muslims today. Their
festivals as a way of depicts their culture musical styles maybe
thanksgiving for a good and their daily living. vocal and
harvest. Moreover, Lowland Most of their songs instrumental any of
Filipinos are rich of folk are use as a lullabies, the two, their music is
songs which depict their a working songs, still to be use to
culture and tradition. They harana and children's portray their cultural
love to express their selves songs. Their songs beliefs and traditions.
in song wherein singing is a have a simple melody
natural part of their life. that are singable.

Musics in lowland Luzon are Their musical elements Their music are
influence by their religious are influence by their influence by their
beliefs, they're known to religious beliefs. For religion as well. Most
Religion have a deep faith in God example the musical well known music in
whom they serve with faith elements of several this region is the
and devotion. Thus, their songs use for the Islamic music which is
musical elements are celebration in Sinulog refer to their to
influence by their religion, for Festival and Ati-Atihan religious music.
example is the liturgical festival that are use to Wherein it is
songs. Its music originated as honor Sr. Santo Niño. performed during
a part of religious ceremony, Thus their music private devotions or in
and includes a number of depicts their religious Islamic public services.
traditions, both ancient and beliefs. Moreover, Indigenous
modern. group of Mindanao is
characterized by sacred
rituals and practices,
and made more
passionate and lively by
the music that
accompanies them.
Geographical features like Visayas is situated The Mindanao is also
Geography/ for example the between Luzon and known to be the
topography mountainous area or the Mindanao and thus multi-ethnic region
land resources and water have the regions that which made them to
resources found in lowland part of the most be rich in variety of
luzon influence the people's beautiful regions to musical expression.
way of living. And thus their visit in the Philippines. Aside from that
music depicts their way of Also it is the home of Mindanao is situated
living (farmers, fishermen, some well known best to have mountainous
artisans, vendors and trader), singers in the areas that is a big
a great triggering factor that Philippines. They are factor to have a
their well known musics are the pioneers of diverse of ethnic
made and produces the unique several well known groups.
and good musical elements.
Visayan music which
are written in duple or
triple meter with a
simple melody so that
it is easy to sing.

TEST II. Performance Task.(Video presentation)

Sing one regional song and accompany it using any available percussion instruments
similar to
what is found in this module. Take a 2-3 minute video while playing. Before you perform,
first your instrument and the kind of song that you are going to present. Explain also from
region in the Philippines you want to present and why?

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