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Topic 2 Electrochemical Cells

2-1 Electrochemical Cells

Oxidation-reduction reactions involve a transfer of electrons from the substance
oxidized to the substance reduced.
If the two substances are in contact with one another, a transfer of heat energy
accompanies the electron transfer. - energy is released in the form of heat as indicated by the
rise in temperature.
However, the substance that is oxidized during the reaction is separated from the
substance that is reduced during the reaction, the electron transfer is accompanied by a transfer
of electrical energy instead of heat.

Fig. 8.1 A. A Zinc strip is in contact with a

copper(II) sulfate solution, the Zinc strip losses
electrons to the copper(II) ions in solution.
Copper(II) ions accept the electrons and fall out
of the solution as copper atoms. As electrons
are transferred between Zinc atoms and
copper(II) ions, energy is released in the form of
heat as indicated by the rise in temperature

Fig. 8.1B. One means of separating oxidation

and reactions half-reactions is with a porous
barrier. This barrier prevents metal atoms of
one-half reaction from mixing with the ions of
the other half-reaction.

Ions in the two solutions can move through the

porous barrier. Electrons can be transferred
from one side to the other through an external
connecting wire. Electric current moves in a
closed loop path, or circuit, so this movement of
electrons through the wire is balanced by the
movement of ions in solution.

Electrolytes are solutions that conducts electricity

Altering the system in Fig. 8.1A so that electrical current is produced instead of
heat would simply involve separating the copper and zinc. The zinc strip is in aqueous
solution of copper and zinc.
The zinc strip is in aqueous solution of ZnSO 4. The Cu strip is in aqueous solution
of CuSO4. Both solutions conducts electricity, they are classified as electrolytes.

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Electrode is a conductor used to establish electrical contact with a nonmetallic part of a
circuit, such as an electrolyte. In Fig. 8.1B, Zn and Cu are electrodes.

Anode is the electrode where oxidation takes place (negative electrode).

In Fig. 8.1B, the Zn strip in aqueous ZnSO4 is an anode.

Cathode is the electrode where reduction takes place (positive electrode).

In Fig. 8.1B, the Cu strip in CuSO4 is a cathode.

Half-cell is a single electrode immersed in a solution of its ions.

In Fig. 8.1B, The copper half-cell can be written as Cu2+/Cu, and the Zinc half-cell
can be written as Zn2+/Zn. The two half-cells together make an electrochemical cell.

Electrochemical Cell is a system of electrodes and electrolytes in which either chemical

reactions produce electrical energy or an electric current produces a chemical change.

Two types of electrochemical cells are galvanic/voltaic and electrolytic cells

 Galvanic/voltaic cells are cells in which the redox reactions in an electrochemical cells
occurs naturally and produces electrical energy. Electrons spontaneously flow from
anode to cathode.

Cations in the solution are reduced when they gain electrons at the surface of the
cathode to become metal ions.

In Fig. 8.1B The copper strip gains mass as copper ions become copper atoms.
The Zinc strip losses mass as the Zinc atoms become Zinc ions.

The half-reaction at the cathode is as follows:

Cu2+(aq) + 2e- Cu(s)

The half-reaction at the anode is as follows:

Zn(s) Zn2+(aq) + 2e-

Types of Voltaic or Galvanic Cells:

o Zinc-Carbon Dry Cells – used in flashlights.

These cells consists of a zinc container which serves as the anode
filled with a moist paste of MnO2, graphite, and NH4Cl0. When the
external circuit is closed, zinc atoms are oxidized at the anode:
Zn(s) Zn2+(aq) + 2e-

Electrons move across the circuit and reenter the cell through the
carbon rod (cathode). MnO2 is reduced in the presence of H2O according
to the half- reaction:
2MnO2(s) + H2O(l) + 2e- Mn2O3(s) + 2OH-

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o Alkaline Batteries found in small, portable cassette player or other small
electronic devices
This cell uses paste of Zn metal and potassium hydroxide instead
of a solid metal anode. The half reaction at the anode is as follows:
Zn(s) + 2OH-(aq) Zn(OH)2 (s) + 2e-

The reduction half-reaction at the cathode is the same as the Zn-C Dry cell.

o Mercury Batteries – tiny batteries found in hearing aids, calculators and

camera flashes.
The anode half-cell reaction is identical to Alkaline dry cell.
The cathode half-reaction is as follows:
HgO(s) + H2O(l) + 2e- Hg(l) + 2OH-(aq)

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 Electrolytic cell
In an electrolytic cell, electrical energy is required to produce a redox reaction and
bring about a chemical change in an electrochemical cell.
Electrolysis is the process in which an electric current is used to produce an
oxidation-reduction reaction.
Some oxidation-reduction reactions do not occur spontaneously, but can be
driven by electrical energy.

The electrode of the cell connected to the negative terminal of the battery acquires an
excess of electrons and becomes the cathode of the electrolytic cell. The electrode of
the cell connected to the positive terminal of the battery loses electrons is the anode of
the electrolytic cell. The battery can be thought of as an electron pump simultaneously
supplying electrons to the cathode and recovering electrons from the anode. This
energy input from the battery drives the electrode reactions in the electrolytic cell.

Important differences between Voltaic and Electrolytic Cells:

voltaic cell serves as a The anode and cathode of an
source of elec trical electrolytic cell are connected to a
energy battery or other electrical-current
Voltaic cells are those in which Electrolytic cells are those in which
spontaneous redox reactions electrical energy from an external
produce electricity source causes nonspontaneous
redox reactions to occur
Chemical energy is converted to Electrical energy is converted to
electrical energy chemical energy

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Rechargeable Cells
Rechargeable cell combines the oxidation-reduction chemistry of both voltaic/galvanic
cells and electrolytic cells. When rechargeable cell converts chemical energy to electrical
energy, it operates as a voltaic cell. But when the cell is recharged, it operates as an electrolytic
cell, converting electrical energy to chemical energy.
The standard 12V automobile battery shown in the figure below, is a set of six
rechargeable cells. The anode in each cell is lead submerged in a solution of
The anode half-reaction is as follows:
Pb(s) + SO42-(aq) PbSO4(s) + 2e-

Electrons move through the circuit to the cathode, where PbO 2 is reduced
according to the following reaction:
PbO2(s) + 4H+(aq) + SO42-(aq) + 2e- PbSO4(s) + 2H2O(l)

The net oxidation-reduction reaction for the discharge cycle is as follows:

Pb(s) + PbO2(s) + 2HSO4(aq) 2PbSO4(s) + 2H2O(l)

A car’s battery produces the electric energy

needed to start it’s engine. Sulfuric acid,
present as its ions, is consumed and lead(II)
sulfate accumulates as a white powder on the
electrodes. Once the car is running, the half-
reactions are reversed by a voltage produced
by the alternator. Pb, PbO2, and H2SO4 are
regenerated. A battery can be recharged as
long as all reactants necessary for the
electrolytic reaction are present, and all
reactions are reversible.

Practice Exercise PEM4-2

Define/answer the following, give examples if necessary. This is an oral assignment, pls submit
by voice clips (30 points)

1. Electrochemistry 11. Rechargeable Batteries

2. Oxidation 12. Electrolyte
3. oxidizing agent 13. Give a half-cell reaction at the anode,
4. Reduction, classify the reaction whether oxidation or
5. reducing agent reduction
6. Redox reactions
7. Electrochemical cell 14. Give a half-cell reaction at the cathode,
8. electrolyte classify whether it is an oxidation or
9. differentiate anode and cathode reduction reaction.
10. Differences between galvanic and
electrolytic cells (4 points)

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