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aspirations of the educated classes.

Finally he decided in

nature, points strongly the same way;1 while the early tradition

Tennyson. In modern zoology it is the name given to the

known. They undoubtedly represent the lowest grade of

Davenport, 1890- 1893. He always paid the greatest attention

give the corresponding ethyl haloid. Ethyl chloride (from

of tobacco in the different tobacco districts; (7) the bureau

cell was prepared with 20% acid. It also held a porous pot

ALDERNEY (Fr. Aurigny), one of the Channel Islands, the

(1889), and for the comedies (and a few of the tragedies) of

the life of the foetus, while others make the penalty more

north of the city is a large artificial lake called the

to work for its realization against an extraordinary outburst

BIBLIOGRAPHY.--Much of the evidence is contained in

of this Office are discharged by the president of the

by the eruptions of Kibo, Longonot, Suswa and the Kyulu

virgins are present, they also shall give thanks over the

school, and they remained with him all through life, though

as much wheat as in any one of the years 1890, 1891 and

superior. Anthony, as Neander remarks (Church History,

moreover, did not approve of the choice, inasmuch as Adams

considerations. Such classifications have been attempted by

Therasia, and extends to Nisyros. Others, such as Paros, are

nerve-cord; m, inter-segmental skeletal septum of myotome;

vol. ii. Bacillariaceae, vol. iii. Fucoideae, vol. iv.

Society ed. 1883); R. Hildreth's Japan (1835); J. Harris's

the hope of fixing the solution. One hypothesis was: while

granted by, or extorted from, the crown. The settlers by

rifts extending from Nyasaland to Egypt. The depressed areas

figures, a man (with horns) and perhaps a woman, both clothed,

Baden and Alsace, Wurttemberg and a small portion of Bavaria.

die Amalekiter, Gottingen, 1864). On the biblical

in character to Switzerland, but covers a very much greater

ACAMTHOCEPHALA, a compact group of cylindrical, parasitic

lord of the treasury, the chancellor of the exchequer, the

ethylamine, tryptophane or indol aminopropionic acid,

island of the Caribs. For the coasts of South America the

Sodium or potassium dissolves in them with the formation of

is twenty-five and for the senate forty years. In Germany,

entertained by Germany to the Anglo-Portuguese treaty.

lowlands. The relations between alpine butterflies and plants

for allowing her to be built. The disaster was justly held

f, dn1, dn2 the changes of f, n1, and n2

Potatoes, tubers, 6 tons 3.8 3.4 6.3 21.5 4.4 2.6

in full measure the tyrant's characteristic distrust of men

As to Alpine dialects, consult J. Alton, Die ladinischen

Italian musician, was born at Valerano, and studied under G. B.

2 Barrenness is a motif which recurs in the stories

Generation of acetylene from carbide.

controversies as to the constitutional rights of the negro have

replaces hydrogen by an alkyl group or groups, forming primary

A chemical classification of alkaloids is difficult on

appeared, and The Aluminium Co. of Oldbury was promoted to

Act 1893 compelled sellers of fertilizers (i.e. manures),

space, bounded towards the atrium by coelomic and atrial

of their island. Subsequently, however, they entered into an

and has been badly damaged two or three times by earthquakes.

is only about 10-8 of the modulus of rigidity of glass.

possibility was recognized, as by Joseph Priestley (Directions

probably to the 2nd century B.C., though groundlessly called

equally true both of the pictographic and the linear Aegean

hat, and agreed to send Cesare, as legate, to Naples with

as to allure the reader irresistibly to follow; sometimes, as

of the Saviour''), a holy season of the Christian church, the

mentor, and Hermes, the blustering and futile jack-in-office,

the advertisement is posted, or of sales, &c., are allowed in

choked with mud; and an inner, called Aden Back-bay, or,

between the oospore and the next sexual stage a series of

in the history of the country the Albanian chiefs combined

1896 34,618,646 12.4 427,684,346 72.6 310,602,539

provinces, he traversed Mesopotamia and struck the Tigris some

skilful observer, and busied himself not only with astronomical

4. English Writers.--There is nothing answering to the German

young men towards the church in considerable numbers, and

energy, carried out a project of his father's, the conquest

bride, Princess Dagmar of Denmark, should marry his successor,

among which Moznayim (``the Scales,'' written in 1140)

alcoholic and acetous fermentation of a sugary liquor. When

3, Africa (specially for government publications). (E. HE.)

the North Saskatchewan river Alexander Mackenzie crossed the

worshipped as a god is the traditional view. Droysen denies

division into two regions. It is well marked off from the

Pathological Society of London recommended that the term

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