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Life and Works of Rizal (LWR) Reviewer

Bachelor of Public Administration (Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila)

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Who is Rizal Essence of Studying Rizal • 1901- The American Governor-

Primary vs. Secondary Source What I feel General William Howard Taft in
about about life and works of Rizal 1901 named Rizal a Philippine
national hero
Patriotism- Love someone feels for their
country that is based on the idea that this Historical Context of R.A 1425
country itself is good and that good people
live there • 1950s, Vision of the Philippines as a
• positive information • One of the prominent
recommendations during the 1950s
Nationalism- Love and affection for one's was Jose Lansang's proposition to
country, but it's based on the idea that this make a common patriot program for
particular country is better than all the rest building the country

Recognition Given to Rizal After His Notable Persons who fought for its
Death approval

• The most colorful and meaningful • Sen. Jose P. Laurel

sympathy held abroad in • Claro M. Recto
commemoration of Rizal was on Nov • Other Illustrious Nationalists
20, 1897 in Berlin under the
Anthropological society of Berlin Background of 1425
under the supervision of Dr. Rudolph
Virchow Claro M. Recto (Father of Rizal Law) who
• Dec 29, 1897- Emilio Aguinaldo the named as socialist and enemy of
rest of his officials conducted a Catholicism
program that commemorate the first
death anniversary of Rizal First section of the law concerns in the
• Sept 15, 1898- Emilio Aguinaldo in mandating the students to read Rizal's
his opening speech at the opening of novels.
the congress in malolos regalled the
memory and patriotic aspirations and The last two sections involve making Rizal's
deeds of peaceful heroes like rizal writings accessible to the general public-
• Dec 20, 1898- President Emilio they require the schools to have a sufficient
Aguinaldo issued a decree entitled number of copies in their libraries and
"Decree Declaring December 30th of mandate the publication of the works in
every year a day of national major Philippine languages
mourning in honor of dr. Jose Rizal
and other victims of the Philippine Salient Points of Act of 1425
• 1898- Fernando Ma. Guerrero and The world during Rizal's Time
Cecilio Apostol (2 great writers in
Spanish and Filipino) created a poem Rizal's Century: the 19th Century
dedicated to Rizal

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• Jose Rizal was born in the 19th • The rise of commercial agriculture
century (June 19, 1861) gave birth to a new social class.
• During this time, Spain's glory and Along with the church's landholdings
rule as a colonial power was already and the pre-Spanish
waning • nobility's rice states. Some of the
• The natives at the Philippines were families who rose to prominence in
slowly realizing the need to awaken the 19th century have remained
their national consciousness influential in Philippine politics and
• This was sparked by movements economics
against the oppression of the • Public education did not begin until
Spanish Colonizers 1863
• Prominent figures in Propaganda
Who is the person who used the Filipino? movement, against the colonizers
came from the middles class
• It was Jose Rizal who first used the
word Filipino to refer the inhabitants Important Contribution of Suez Canal
of the country, whether they are
Spanish or Filipino blood • direct commercial relations with
• Indios- Native inhabitants Spain instead of through Mexico (via
• Filipinos- Inhabitants with Spanish the galloon trade) 17 November 1869
blood (peninsulares, insulares, • Migration
mestizo) • two types of teachers Jesuits and
• He realized that people residing in Friars
the Philippines should be could • Friars- did not do too much to
name- Filipino educate Filipinos since they were
• When ordered to sign the notification suspicious about the success of the
of his death sentence, which Filipinos invariably.
described him as a Chinese mestizo, • Jesuits- were responsible for the
Rizal refused. He went to his death awakened minds of Filipinos.
saying that he was indio puro (S. Inculcated among Filipino students a
Delmendo, 2005) sense of nationalism through their
humanistic form of education
What happened to the economic status of
Philippines during 19th Century? What is the cultural trace of Spanish in
the Philippines?
• Positive Impact because of Free trade
• Economic system, mercantilism to • Roman Catholic
free trade • Food
• The rise of the export economy • Attitude
because of the demand increase of
other countries to our products How Friars paved the way in creating an
• Filipino merchants and small-scale influence in the country’s political
industrialists become prominent in system?
Philippine Society, thus forming a
new group of influential middle-class • no separation of government and
Filippinos churches

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• they don't to lose the country of

• Spanish friars, are in crucial position
in maintaining in the Philippine
Archipelago as a Spanish Colony
• Filipinos turned more and more to
the friars for moral and political
guidance as Spanish civil officials in
the country become more corrupt and
• The Friars then became more
influential and powerful because of
fraiocracy or the rule of friars (Lopez
Jaena used the term trailorocacy)
• the growing power of the friars in the
19th century urged the reformists and
Racial Heirarchy of Colonial Philippines
nationalists to work harder to let the
people know who the real enemies

Union of Church and State

• Spanish friar- supervising

representative of the Spanish
Government for all local affairs
• He was practically the ruler of town
as he was the local inspector
• His approval was required in census
lists, tax lists, list of army conscripts
and register births, deaths and
• Frailocracia- fear of the civil Aside from the unjust treatment of Spaniards
authorities to the friars among Filipino's what are the other
• Guardia Civil- organized in 1867, a inspiration behind their cry out loud for
corps of native police under the political reform?
leadership of Spanish officer for the
purpose of dealing with outlaws and The French and American revolutions
renegades impact
• In 1880. it was the most feared
instrument of summary arrests of • Filipino inspire to the rise in political
individuals consciousness among these
countries, that resulted to their desire
What is the Political image and social status for legislative change. The governing
of Philippines? class first took a repressive approach
against any change as a result of the
French Revolution and its bloodshed,
but as the 19th century proceeded,

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the rising reform movement became • Governador Ando's arrival in 1770,

increasingly impossible to ignore. Anda's administration gave hope for
the success of Philippine
Summary of Long-Term Causes secularization
• The abolition of privileges enjoyed
• Population growth and declining by the arsenals and the force labor
standard of living increased work for Filipino natives in Cavite
pressures on an inefficient economy made a significance on the rise of the
• Writings of the philosophes inspired Revolution
criticism of the Royal Government • GOMBURZA as example of
and powerful church revolution
• Extravagances of the Court
exhausted the treasury
• Efforts of the king's ministers to
reduce privileges, reform taxes, cut Rizal’s Family Background and Historical
spending, and introduce free trade Background
within France had all failed
• The Royal Government Dr. Jose P. Rizal

• He was born June 19, 1861

What is the condition of Europe, America
and Asia during 19th Century? • He is a patriot

• Has been an inspiration for the Filipinos

• The Great Game that describes the
power competition between Russia • National Hero
and Great Britain in the 19th century
over the future of Central Asia Jose Rizal’s Family
• Russian expansion and the moves • Wealthy family in Calamba, Laguna
made by Britain to counter what they
thought was Russian aggression in • One of the largest families in the
the region Spanish era

Causes of the Civil War They had also traced of Japanese, Spanish,
Malay and Even Negrito blood aside from
• Economy Chinese.
• States' Rights vs. Federal Rights Ancestry
• Slavery
• Election of Abraham Lincoln • Domingo Lam-co, Family’s paternal
ascendant he is a full-blooded chinese.
What happened to Africa and Latin America
during 19th Century? • He married Chinese half breed Ines De
la Rosa
• Leaving on their own • Francisco Mercado Married Bernarda
• slavery, stealing the people Monicha

The changing Religious Front in the • Juan Mercado married Cirila Alejandra
Philippines: Secularization

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• The surname Rizal was obtained by

Francisco Mercado as suggested to him
by the governor Narciso Claveria.

• They don’t actually use the Rizal

surname. Their family wants to use the
surname they really have instead of
using Rizal.

Rizal’s Childhood Experiences

Calamba, Laguna - Rizal’s Hometown

June 19, 1861- birth

June 19, 1861 - The seventh child of Francisco

Mercado Rizal and Teodora Alfonso Y Quintos
Francisco Mercado was born in Calamba, Laguna.
• He is Jose Rizal’s father June 22, 1861 - He was baptized Jose Rizal
• Rizal’s Father was the youngest of 13 Mercado at the Catholic of Calamba by parish
children of Juan and Cirila Mercado. priest Rufino Collantes with Rev. Pedro Casanas
as the sponsor.
• Described by Rizal as Model of Fathers
September 28, 1862 - The parochial church of
• Born in Binan, Laguna. Studied Latin and Calamba and the canonical books, including the
philosophy in San Jose College of book in which Rizal’s baptismal records were
Manila. entered, were burned.
Teodora Alonso Realonda Rizal’s Family Garden – The first memory of
Rizal, in his infancy was his happy days in
• He is the mother of Jose Rizal
garden when he was 3 years old.
• Was born in Santa Cruz, Manila on
Angelus Prayer - By nightfall, Rizal’s Mother
November 14, 1827
gathered all the children at the house to pray
• Business minded, religious and Angelus.
hardworking individual
o Loved to go to church to take part in
• Second child of Brigida de Quintos and novenas, and join religious processions.
Lorenzo Alonso
o Called Manong Jose by Hermanos and
• Studied at the Colegio de Santa Rosa Hermanas Terceras.
Rizal Family o Father Leanciano Lopez (Town Priest)
• Rizal’s parents were farmers who were o Rizal Used to visit and listen to his
granted by the Dominicans with the stimulating opinions on current event
lease of a hacienta together with a rice and sound philosophy of life.
o 1864 - Barely three years old, Rizal
learned the alphabet from his mother.

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o 1865 - When was four years old, his December 17, 1870 - Having finished his studies
sister Conception, the eight children in in Binan, Rizal returned to Calamba on board
the Rizal family, died at the age of the motorboat talim. His parents planned to
three. It was on this occasion that Rizal transfer him to Manila where he could continue
remembered having shed real tears for his studies.
the first time.

Artistic Talent
Ang Gamugamo at Ang Liwanag
At the age of five, he began to make sketches
May lilipad-lipad na isang gamugamo
with his pencil and to mold on clay and wax
objects. Sa tapat ng ilaw ng lamparang ito
1865-1867 - During this time his mother taught Tuwang-tuwa siya sa liwanag nito
him how to read and write. His father hired a
classmate by the name Leon Monroy who, for Paikot-ikot pa ang munting gamugamo
five months until (monoy) death, taught Rizal Sabi ng nanay niya, “O anak, halika”
the rudiments of Latin.
Ikaw ay lumayo sa malaking lampara
Uncle Manuel Alberto - taught the latter love
for nature Baka mamaya lang ika’y mahagip pa

Usman - Rizal’s dog Ng silab ng apoy na maganda pa sa mata

Uncle Gregorio - instilled love for education “Ay hindi po Inay, ako’y mag-iingat

Pilgrimage to Antipolo - On June 6, 1868, Jose Titingin-tingin lang at lilipad-lipad

and his father left Calamba to go a Pilgrimage to Hindi po lalapit, ‘di po isasayad
Ang maliit ko’t magandang pakpak
- It was the first trip of Jose across
Laguna de Bay. After praying at the Walang anu-ano’y narinig ang sigaw
Shrine of Virgin of Antipolo they went
Nitong gamugamong dating sumasayaw
to Manila.
Lugmok ang katawan, pakpak ay natunaw
First Poem of Rizal - At the age of eight, he
wrote his poem in the native language entitled Nasunog na pala sa lamparang tanglaw
“Sa Aking Mga Kababata”
Umiyak si Ina at naghinagpis
1870 - His brother Paciano brought Rizal to
“O anak, bakit nga ba ikaw ay makulit?
Binan, Laguna. He was placed under the
tutelage of Justianiano Aquino Cruz, studying Matigas ang ulo’t ‘di mapilit-pilit
Latin and Spanish, in this town he also learned
art of painting under the tutorship of a painter Sa gawang ‘di dapat siya mo namang nais
by the name of Juancho Carrera. Maging aral nawa’t maging halimbawa
First Drama of Rizal - At the age of eight, Rizal Ang nangyayaring itong matinding sakuna
wrote his dramatic work which was in Tagalog
comedy. Mabait, sumunod sa mga babala

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Ng iyong magulang, na nag-aaruga businesses. And by sharing with others, she

taught him generosity and how to help make
the world a better place for those who had less
Summary materially. All of these lessons he put into
practice during his exile in Dapitan, where he
It was Rizal’s mother who told him about the improved the community by building a dam,
story of the moth. encouraging locals to grow fruit trees,
The Mother moth told her son not to go near establishing a school, and even documenting
the light because it would kill him easily. the local flora and fauna

Rizal’s mother told him that if the son moth His mother also taught him to value hard-
only listened to what his Mother said, then her earned money and, more importantly, the value
wouldn’t be killed by that fire of thrift and denying oneself in order to save a
portion of one's earnings as insurance against
The Moral of the Story the vagaries of life. Despite growing up in
Rizal and the Lessons his Mother Taught Him comfort and wealth, he learned to scrimp and
save. These would later come in handy for him
Teodora Alonso, Rizal's mother, was the person during his stay in Europe, as he struggled with
who had the most influence on his development poverty due to the meager and frequently
as a person. delayed allowance that his family sent him (by
then his family was undergoing financial
His mother was his first teacher, and it was
reverses due to land troubles).
from her that he learned to read and, as a
result, came to value reading as a means of Whenever his meager allowance ran out, he
learning and meaningfully spending one's time. skipped lunch and supper, putting on a show for
It didn't take long for him to realize the value of everyone by leaving his dormitory every day to
time as life's most valuable gift, because she give the impression that he ate his meals
taught him never to waste a single second of it. outside. However, as he walked through the
As a result, as a student in Spain, he became the streets of Berlin or Barcelona, his nostrils would
most conscientious of students, never missing a be assaulted by the delicious aroma of the
class despite his activities as a Propaganda dishes being prepared within buildings and
leader, or an exam despite having to take it on houses, exacerbating his hunger and suffering.
an empty stomach.
Above all, he learned about obedience from
He learned the importance of self-improvement her, as in the story of the moth who was burned
from his mother, so as he grew older, he by the flame because he disobeyed his mother
worked hard to understand the logic of moth's warning not to get too close to the
mathematics, to write poems, to draw and flame. But, as is often the case, life has a funny
sculpt, and to paint. Unfortunately, for all of way of turning around, because obedience to
this, he earned not only glory, but also the the Catholic Church, as his mother taught him,
dread of myopic souls. proved too difficult to live by, especially when
he struggled with a crisis of faith in its
Apart from running a household, Teodora
teachings. Teodora did not take his defection
instilled in him the value of working with one's
from the Church lightly, seeing it as an apostasy
hands, self-reliance, and entrepreneurship by
from faith itself.
taking the lead in running the family's

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The unjust arrest of his mother on the charge of • member of the Academy of Natural
conspiring to poison a relative, despite the lack Sciences
of evidence against her, was a watershed
• poetry, literary writing
moment in his life that had a profound impact
on his later decision to become a political • painting - Agustin Saez
activist. But what made her arrest even worse
was the humiliating treatment she received • sculpture - Romualdo de Jesus
from authorities, who forced her to walk 50 • gymnastics, fencing
kilometers from Calamba to the provincial jail in
Santa Cruz. She was imprisoned there for two
years before being released. University of Santo Tomas
All of this she accepted with calm and quiet • Rizal entered in 1877
dignity, which Rizal would remember and
replicate during his final moments just before a • Took up for Philosophy and Letters
firing squad snuffed out his meaningful life on during his freshman year
that fateful December morn in 1896, despite
• Completed units in Cosmology and
the fact that he was only eleven years old and
Metaphysics, Theodicy, History of
about to start secondary school in Manila.
Philosophy with marks of Excellent
Rizal’s Achievement as a student in Ateneo
• Shifted to Medicine after completing his
In Ateneo first year

• Rizal entered in 1872 • Granted the privilege of taking

simultaneously the preparatory course
• Became the emperor of the class and the first year of medicine
• During his 4th year in Ateneo, he • Received his four-year practical training
received 5 medals and graduated as in medicine at the Hospital de San Juan
sobresaliente de Dios in Intramuros
• Graduated on March 23, 1877 • Rizal had obtained the global grade of
• Received the degree of Bachelor of Arts, Notable in all of his subjects
with highest honors • Ranked second, in a decimated class of
seven who passed the medicine course

Extra-Curricular Involvement: Extra-Curricular Involvement:

• an emperor inside the classroom • joined literary contests

• campus leader Rizal in Ateneo and UST

• member of the Marian Congregation Rizal in Ateneo (1872-1877)

Religious Society Ateneo De Manila
• member of the Academy of Spanish

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• Formerly the Escuela Pia (Charity • · 3rd best: Decurion

School), Established by the city
• · 4th best: Centurion
government in 1817
• · 5th best: Stand-bearer
• Jesuits Priests administered Ateneo.
Rizal’s First Year in Ateneo (1872-1873)
• Bitter Rival of the College of San Juan
De Letran. • Jose belong to a class composed of
Spaniards, Meztizos, and Filipinos.
• 1859, name was changed to Ateneo
Municipaly the Jesuits and later became • Fr. Jose Bech, He was Rizal’s first
the Ateneo De Manila. professor in Ateneo.
• June 10, 1872, Rizal accompanied by Rizal was placed at the bottom of the class.
Paciano, went to Manila.
• He was an externo (Carthaginians).
• Christian Doctrine, Arithmetic, and
Reading At the College of San Juan De • At the end of the month, He become
Letran emperor of his Empire.

• His Father was the one who wished him • He was the brightest pupil in the whole
to study at Letran but changed his mind class, and awarded a prize.
and decide to send Jose at Ateneo • To improve his Spanish, Rizal took
instead. private lessons in Santa Isabel College
• Father Magin Ferrando, He refused to during the noon recesses. He paid three
admit Jose in Ateneo. pesos for those extra Spanish lessons.

• Upon intercession with Manuel Xerez • At the end of the school year in March,
Burgos, Rizal was admitted at Ateneo. 1873

• Jose adopted the surname Rizal’ at the • When the Summer Vacation Ended, He
Ateneo. returned to Manila for his 2nd year term
in Ateneo.
Jesuits System of Education
Rizal’s Second Year in Ateneo (1873-1874)
it trained the character of the student by rigid
discipline and religious instructions. • He studied harder this year.

Students were divided into two groups: • Became an Emperor Again.

• Carthaginian Empire - Consisting of • At the end of the school year, he

Externos received excellent grades in all subject
and a gold medal.
• Roman Empire - Consisting of Internos
(Red) • The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander
Dumas – the first favorite novel of Rizal
• Each Empire had its rank: which made a deep impression on him/
• ·1st best: Emperor

• ·2nd best: Tribune

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• Universal History by Cesar Cantu – Rizal Third 1 Medal for

persuaded his father to to buy him this
set of historical work.

• Dr. Feodor Jagor – author of Travels in Fourth 5 Medals

the Philippines

Rizal’s Third Year in Ateneo (1874- 1875)

Fifth Sobresalien
• Rizal grades remains excellent in all
subjects but he won only one medal.

• At the end of school year (March 1875),

He returned to Calamba. He himself
was not impressed by his scholastic
work. Rizal’s Extra-Curricular Activities in Ateneo
Rizal’s Fourth Year in Ateneo (1875- 1876) • Marian Congregation- Rizal was an
active member and later became the
• June 16, 1875- He became an interno in
secretary of this congregation.
the Ateneo
• He is also a member of the Academy of
• Fr. Francisco de Paula Sanchez – He is a
Natural Sciences and the Academy of
great educator and scholar.
Spanish Literature.
• Rizal topped all his classmates in all
• Studied painting under Agustin Saez and
subject and won five medals at the end
sculpture under Romualdo de Jesus.
of schoolterm.
• Gymastics and fencing under Tio
Rizal’s Last Year in Ateneo (1876- 1877)
• Rizal - The most brilliant Atenean of his
Rizal in UST
time, He was the pride of the Jesuits.
When he was enrolled in UST, he also enrolled
• March 23, 1877- Commencement Day
vocational course in Ateneo, to the perito
• Rizal graduated Sobresaliente. agrimensor (expert surveyor)

Year Level November 25, 1881- the title was issued to Rizal S.Y Received
for passing the final examination in the
surveying course.

Dominican Constitution
First 2nd place 1872- 1873
- Upon entering the Univesity, He is undecided
of what course he wanted to pursue.
Second Gold Medal
- The Jesuit priests who had been his former 1873-1874
mentors had advised him to take up farming, or
to join the order and be a man of the cloth.

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- However, his tastes went towards law, It was a practice employed by Spanish
literature, or medicine. In the end, he decided colonizers for over 250 years that required the
to sign up for Philosophy and Letters. Why? forced labor of all Filipino males from 16 to 60
years old for 40-day periods. The workers could
As part of the Course, he had to complete units
be placed on any project the Spanish wanted,
in the ff. subjects:
despite hazardous or unhealthy conditions -
• Cosmology and Metaphysics POLO Y SERVICIO

• Theodicy also known by its alternative English title The

Reign of Greed, is the second novel written by
• History of Philosophy Philippine national hero José Rizal. It is the
Shifting to Medicine sequel to Noli Me Tángere- EL FILI

After completing his first year, Rizal decided to He was a Filipino Journalist, reformist, and
take up medicine course. orator who is known for creating the
newspaper, La Solidaridad. He, together with
Rizal's performance at the University of Santo Rizal, and Del Pilar are regarded by many
Tomás was not as good as his time at the historians as the triumvirate of Filipino
Ateneo. His grades after switching to medicine
had also suffered refers to three Filipino Catholic priests, Mariano
Gomez, José Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora, who
Unfortunately, Rizal was not happy at UST and were executed by garrote in 17 February 1872
this reflected on his grades (Zaide & Zaide,
1999). There were reasons why Rizal was Education as Fundamental Factor in shaping
unhappy at the university and struggling Rizal’s Ideals
academic Performances.
• The Education Ateneo and UST are
He would later find out that his real calling was among the factors that helped shape
in arts, not in medicine. his character as a person.
• He expressed his ideas on the value
- In Rizal’s novel, El Filibusterismo, he described
of Education in his poem Through
how the Filipino students were humiliated and
Education the Motherland recieves
insulted by their Dominican professors and how
Light. “Por La Educacion Recibe
backward the method of instruction was, Lustre La Patria”
especially in the teaching of the natural • Intimate Alliance between religion
sciences. He related in Chapter XIII, “The Class and good education. “Alianza Intima
in Physics” Entre La Religion Y La Buena
• To the Filipino Youth (Sa kabataang
Rizal’s Life: Higher Education and Travel Pilipino/ A La Juventad Filipino)
Rizal's first destination when he took off the
country. This is where he first experienced • He encountered discrimination and
financial problems that is why he asked for the racism
help of the Jesuits – SPAIN • He became the Emperor of the class
by the end of the month

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• The pride of the Jesuits 2. During Rizal’s 4th year in Ateneo, he received
• Bachiller in Artes awarded as 3 medals and the degree of Bachelor of Arts. He
sobresaliente (outstanding) graduated as sobresaliente.

UST a. both statements are true.

b. both statements are false.

• His classmates and dominican friars
discriminate him. c. only the first statement is true.
• Full of controversies and hardships
d. only the second statement is true.
• He studies Philosophy and letters
• Shifted on Medicine after a year

3. Rizal shifted to Medicine after completing his

first year in UST. This was due to two reasons;
For Rizal, the mission of education is (1) Father Ramon Pablo, whom he consulted for
to elevate the country to the highest a choice of career, recommended medicine. (2)
seat of glory and to develop the His mother wanted him to do so.
people’s mentality. Since education
a. both statements are true.
is the foundation of society and a
prerequisite for social progress, Rizal b. both statements are false.
claimed that only through education
could the country be saved from c. only the first statement is true.
domination. d. only the second statement is true.
“The youth is the fair hope of our

4. During his last year in UST, Rizal had obtained

the global grade of Fair in all of his subjects, and
he was the fourth best student in a decimated
Midterms Possible Questions class of seven who passed the medicine course.
Group 1: a. both statements are true.
1. Rizal took up Philosophy and Letters during b. both statements are false.
his freshman year in UST, and completed units
in Cosmology and Metaphysics, Theodicy, c. only the first statement is true.
History of Philosophy with marks of Excellent. d. only the second statement is true.
a. both statements are true.

b. both statements are false. 5. Who is the inspiration of Jose Rizal to become
c. only the first statement is true. a high-intellect person?

d. only the second statement is true.

a. Andres Bonifacio

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b. Francisco Mercado III 9. Jose was the ____child of Francisco Mercado

Rizal and Teodora Alfonso Y Quintos
c. Teodora Alonzo Realonda
A. 8th
d. Josephine Bracken
B. 5th

C. 7th
6. What is the anecdote that Rizal wrote?
D. 9th

a. El Filibusterismo
10. In the year _ , Jose was just 3 years old
b. Noli me Tangere
when he learned the alphabet because of her
c. Mi Ultimo Adios mother.

d. Ang Gamugamo at Ang Lampara

A. 1864

B. 1865

C. 1888

7. What are Rizal's family businesses? D. 1866

a. farms and making fruit preserves 11. Jose was already four years old when his
sister __ died in the year 1865, it is the first time
b. sugar milling having shed real tears.
c. tending a store A. Martha
d. all of the above B. Barbara

C. Concepcion

D. Agatha

8. Why did Teodora Alonzo Realonda arrested? 12. Why did the uncle of rizal taught him many
things at that young age?

a. Conspiring to poison a relative

b. She stole money A. He was curious and always question things

ever since he was a child
c. She killed a friend of hers
B. Because the priest saw that rizal’s head was
d. She become a bad mother big and predicted that his career will be
successful soon

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C. Becuase it is a family tradition

D. All of the above

17. Rizal's family has traces of Japanese,

Spanish, Malay and _______ aside from Chinese
13. Formerly known as Escuela Pia (Charity
School for poor boys) A. American

B. European

a. UST C. Negrito

b. Letran D. Indian

c. Ateneo de Manila

d. Holy Child 18. He is Jose Rizal's Father

A. Fernando Amorsolo

14. He is Rizal’s first professor in Ateneo. B. Gregorio Del Pilar

C. Andres Bonifacio

a. Fr. Jose Beck D. Francisco Mercado III

b. Fr. Magin Fernando

c. Fr. Jose Bech 19. Who is the wife of Domingo Lam Co

d. Fr. Magin Ferrando A. Gregoria De Jesus

B. Ines De la Rosa

15. Ateneo : Jesuits Ust:______ C. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

Answer: Dominicans D. Imelda Marcos

20. What is the full name of Jose Rizal

A. José Protacio Rizal Mercado Alonzo Realonda

16. He inspired Rizal to study hard and to write
poetry. B. Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonzo
a. Fr. Francisco de Paula Sanchez
C. José Protacio Rizal Mercado Alonso Realonda
b. Fr. Francisco de Paolo Sanchez
D. José Protacio Rizal Mercado Cruz Alonso
c. Fr. Magin Ferrando
d. Fr. Jose Beck

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MULTIPLE CHOICES: Choose the letter of the

correct answer.
5. Who is Jose Rizal’s wife?
1. He was known for the pen name "Plaridel"
a. Josephine Bracken
A. Marcelo Del Pilar
b. Eleonor Rivera
B. Graciano Lopez Jaena
C. Leonor Valenzuela
C. Jose Rizal
d. Seiko Usui
D. Mariano Ponce

6. He was the one who appealed to surrender

2. His talents were so well received that even their will to the majority during the elections
Rizal described him as "The most talented for Responsable (leader) of the Filipinos in
Filipino I had ever known, even more superior Madrid
than myself".
A. Marcelo Del Pilar
A. Marcelo Del Pilar
B. Graciano Lopez Jaena
B. Graciano Lopez Jaena
C. Juan Luna
C. Juan Luna
D. Mariano Ponce
D. Mariano Ponce

3. Marcelo Del Pilar's book, ________ was

7. It is the English translation for A la Juventad
praized by Rizal, where he claimed that it was
an outstanding example of Tagalog humor, wit,
and sarcasm. a. To the Filipino Youth
A. Ang Pag-ibig sa Tinubuang Lupa b. Intimate Alliance between Religion and Good
B. And Kadakilaan ng Diyos
c. Through Education the Motherland recieves
C.Dasalan at Tocsohan
D. Ang Mga Utos ng Prayle
d. El Coraje del Filipino

4. The place where Rizal published El

8. It is the poem where he expressed his ideas
on the Value of Education.
a. Paris
a. Intimate Alliance between Religion and Good
b. Manila Education

c. Italy b. Mi Primera Inspiracion

d. Ghent

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c. Through Education the Motherland recieves b Jose Rizal was executed

c. Formation of the KKK
d. Mi Ultimo Adios
d. Jose Rizal and Andres Bonifacio fought

9. He is the one who encourage Rizal to go to

IDENTIFICATION: Type the correct answer.
Spain to continue his studies.
1. It was the name Rizal used in his passport.
a. Leonor Rivera
2. The number of Filipinos that showed up to
b. His Mother
elect the “responsable”
c. His Uncle
3. The group that was formed by the
d. Paciano conservatives of the reform movement.

4. It is one of the systems that the Spaniards

implemented. The Filipinos are required to sell
10. Who used the pen name, “Taga Ilog”?
their crops to the government under this
a. Graciano Lopez Jaena system.

b. Marcelo H. Del Pilar 5. Who was the mastermind of the Cavity

c. Antonio Luna
6. It was said that Graciano Lopez Jaena wrote
d. Mariano Ponce very well when he was ___, where he would
artistically craft very impressive patriotic
11. Which of these is not the reason of why La
Solidaridad ended? 7. An organization created in Spain on
December 13, 1888 aimed to increase Spanish
a. The government of the Spaniards are too awareness of the needs of the Philippines, and
powerful and stable that they are able to fought to propagate a closer relationship between the
back. Philippines and Spain
b. Lack of funds 8. Who won the elections for the voting of the
c. The reformists had a conflict. "responsable" or the one to lead La Solidaridad
and the reform campaigns for the Filipinos?
d. There Spain has its own problem that
resulted to not being able of the Spain to care
to the places they colonized. Answer Key:

12. What happened after the failure of 1.) A. Marcelo H. Del Pilar
Propaganda Movement?
2.) B. Graciano Lopez Jaena
a. formation of the La Liga Filipina

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3.) C. Dasalan at Tocsohan

4.) D. Ghent

5.) A. Josephine Bracken

6.) D. Mariano Ponce

7.) A. To the Filipino Youth

8.) C. Through Education the Motherland

recieves light

9.)D. Paciano

10.) C. Antonio Luna

11.) A. The government of the Spaniards are too

powerful and stable that they are able to fought

12.)C. formation of the KKK


1.) Jose Rizal

2.) Father Burgos

3.) Cuerpo de Compromisarios

4.) Bandala

5.) Seargand La Madrid

6.) Drunk

7.) La Solidaridad

8.) Jose Rizal

Downloaded by Trio Smitt ([email protected])

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