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It is after a good deal of self-evaluation that I have decided to pursue
graduate studies in Computer Science leading to a doctorate. This decision
followed naturally after carefully considering my academic background,
the areas of my interest, and my ultimate professional ambition, which is to
pursue a research career, either as a teaching faculty member, or in an
R & D department of the industry.

My undergraduate education at IIT Bombay has provided me with a strong

and comprehensive background in Computer Science. The curriculum included
all the basic courses such as Data Structures and Algorithms, Discrete
Structures, Computer Organization and Design, Systems Programming, Theory of
Computation, etc.

I had always been fascinated by the field of Artificial Intelligence, which

is why I chose the topic of "Human and Artificial Intelligence" for my junior
thesis. The literature survey that this entailed exposed me to the fundamental
concepts, as also the research work in progress, in the various domains of
Artificial Intelligence. I concentrated on issues involved in Natural Language
Processing and Knowledge Representation.

My B. Tech. project (senior thesis) is "Word Recognition, Spell Checking and

Correction using ART-based neural networks". We are investigating the use of
neural networks, configured under the Adaptive Resonance Theory paradigm, for
the task of detecting spelling mistakes in English text and generating good
suggestions for incorrectly spelled words. This guided independent work has
given me a good understanding of the theoretical, experimental and computational
skills required in Computer Science.

I have been a teaching assistant for the introductory course "Computer

Programming and Utilization" conducted by Prof. R.D. Kumar of the Computer
Science department. I have also helped in organizing, and given a lecture
on the "VI" editor, during the UNIX workshop conducted by the Computer
Science and Engineering Association of our Department.

There are two reasons why I believe that graduate study in a reputed
department, such as yours, is important for a person aspiring for a research
career. Firstly, working for a thesis under the guidance of an expert whose
work can serve as a model is the most effective method of transforming
a student into a largely independent researcher making significant original
contributions. Secondly, the emphasis of graduate study on intensive and
independent study of a specialized area is an ideal way of
making a student capable of reaching the frontiers of knowledge in a subfield
quickly and keeping abreast of the latest developments.

I feel that with its comprehensive facilities and competent faculty

doing quality research work in the field of Artificial Intelligence will be
the ideal place for me to pursue graduate studies. The working atmosphere
of a vigorously active department will be helpful in motivating me towards

In short, I believe that a good graduate program is an essential step for

realising my professional ambition of becoming a competent researcher. I also
believe that I possess the motivation, intellectual ability and preparation
to do justice to a demanding graduate program. My excellent undergraduate
record, and my high GRE scores are testimony to that.
I, therefore, look forward to joining your department as a graduate student.

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