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AIATS-01-(OYM+CF)-Q.193 4. ______ store and transport the sperms from the
Topic: Human Reproduction: The Male Reproductive testis to the outside through urethra.
System Select the option that correctly fills the blank.
Secretions of all the given parts of male (1) Seminal vesicle
reproductive system are essential for maturation (2) Foreskin
and motility of sperms, excluding (3) Bulbourethral gland
(1) Epididymis (4) Epididymis
(2) Vas deferens
(3) Bulbourethral gland AIATS-01-(OYM+CF)-Q.177
Topic: Human Reproduction: Menstrual Cycle
(4) Seminal vesicle
Decline in concentration of which hormone
results in regression of corpus luteum in non-
pregnant women?
(1) hCG
(2) Progesterone
(3) LH
(4) Estrogen
Practice Questions:
1. Select the structure of male reproductive
system that helps in the lubrication of the penis.
(1) Prostate gland
(2) Seminal vesicle
(3) Bulbourethral gland
(4) Epididymis
2. All of the following are male accessory glands, Practice Questions:
1. _______ hormone causes the cells of the
(1) Seminal vesicle
ruptured follicles to form corpus luteum.
(2) Prostate gland
(3) Rete testis Select the correct option to fill in the blank.
(4) Bulbourethral gland (1) LH (2) FSH
3. Read the given statements and select the
correct option. (3) Estrogen (4) Progesterone
Statement A: Secretions of seminal vesicle, a 2. Which of the following hormone maintains
prostate and paired bulbourethral glands corpus luteum in a 6 months pregnant woman?
constitute the seminal plasma.
Statement B: Seminal plasma is rich in (1) hCG
fructose, calcium and certain enzymes. (2) hPL
(1) Both statements are correct
(3) LH
(2) Both statements are incorrect
(3) Only statement A is correct (4) Estrogen
(4) Only statement B is correct

CSS-01 Zoology

3. How many of the hormones given below in the 4. Which of the following phase of menstrual cycle
box are secreted by corpus luteum? is not included in uterine cycle?
(1) Proliferative phase (2) Secretory phase
FSH, LH, Estrogen, hCG, Progesterone (3) Menstrual phase (4) Luteal phase

Choose the correct option. AIATS-01-(OYM+CF)-Q.168

(1) Four (2) Three Topic: Human Reproduction: Gametogenesis
(3) Two (4) One Inhibin is produced by ‘X’ and inhibits the
secretion of ‘Y’. Select the correct option for ‘X’
4. Regression of corpus luteum during luteal and ‘Y’ respectively.
phase of menstrual cycle is due to
(1) Nurse cells in testes and LH
(1) Rise in LH
(2) Granulosa cells in ovary and LH
(2) Decline in hCG (3) Granulosa cells in ovary and FSH
(3) Decline in LH (4) Leydig cells in testes and FSH
(4) Rise in progesterone

Topic: Human Reproduction: Menstrual Cycle
Choose the odd one w.r.t uterine cycle.
(1) Proliferative phase (2) Secretory phase
(3) Menstrual phase (4) Follicular phase Practice Questions:
1. LH in males acts on
(1) Interstitial cells (2) Nurse cells
(3) Sustentacular cells (4) Sertoli cells
2. FSH in males acts on
(1) Leydig cells
(2) Sertoli cells
Practice Questions: (3) Interstitial cells
1. The reproductive cycle in the female primates (4) Granulosa cells
which includes both ovarian events and uterine 3. LH helps in ovulation in females by acting on
events is called
(1) Primary follicles
(1) Ovarian cycle
(2) Secondary follicles
(2) Uterine cycle (3) Tertiary follicles
(3) Menstrual cycle (4) Graafian follicles
(4) Menarche 4. FSH is responsible for all of the following
2. Which of the following phases of menstrual function, except
cycle is not included in ovarian cycle? (1) Spermiogenesis in males
(1) Follicular phase (2) Ovulatory phase (2) Ovulation in females
(3) Proliferative phase (4) Luteal phase (3) Folliculogenesis in females
3. Choose the incorrect match w.r.t events and (4) Secretion of estrogen by the growing
phase of menstrual cycle. follicles in females
(1) Menstruation - Menstrual phase 5. Which of the following is incorrect w.r.t ICSH?
(2) Follicular growth - Pre-ovulatory (1) Acts on leydig cells in males

phase (2) Helps in spermatogenesis in males

(3) Helps in maintenance of the corpus luteum
(3) Functioning of - Luteal phase
in females
corpus luteum
(4) Stimulates synthesis and secretion of
(4) Secretion of - Proliferative phase
uterine glands

CSS-01 Zoology

AIATS 01 –(OYM+CF) – Q.159 2. ______ is a cushion of fatty tissue covered by

Topic: Human Reproduction: The Female skin and pubic hair.
Reproductive System Select the correct option to fill in the blank.
In female external genitalia, ‘A’ are fleshy folds (1) Mons pubis (2) Labia minora
of tissue covered by hair and ‘B’ are smaller
paired folds of tissue in the form of lips under ‘A’. (3) Clitoris (4) Hymen
Select the correct option w.r.t. A and B. 3. Comprehend the given statements and select
the correct option.
Statement A: Labia minora are fleshy folds of
(1) Mons pubis Clitoris tissue covered by skin and pubic hair.
(2) Mons pubis Labia majora Statement B: The clitoris is often torned during
(3) Labia minora Labia majora first sexual intercourse.
(1) Both statements A and B are correct
(4) Labia majora Labia minora
(2) Both statements A and B are incorrect
(3) Only statement A is correct
(4) Only statement B is correct
4. A tiny finger like structure that lies at the upper
junction of the two labia minora above the
urethral opening is
(1) Hymen
(2) Clitoris
Practice Questions:
(3) Mons pubis
1. All of the following are the structures of female
external genitalia, except (4) Labia minora
(1) Labia majora 5. Paired folds of tissue under the labia majora are
(2) Labia minora (1) Labia minora
(3) Pubic symphysis (2) Hymen
(4) Mons pubis (3) Clitoris
(4) Mons pubis


CSS-01 Zoology

Based on

Corporate Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Ph.011-47623456


Answer Key

Topic: Human Reproduction: The Male Reproductive AIATS-01-(OYM+CF)-Q.168
System Topic: Human Reproduction: Gametogenesis
1. (3) 1. (1)
2. (3) 2. (2)
3. (1) 3. (4)
4. (4) 4. (2)
AIATS-01-(OYM+CF)-Q.177 5. (3)
Topic: Human Reproduction: Menstrual Cycle AIATS 01 –(OYM+CF) – Q.159
1. (1)
Topic: Human Reproduction: The Female
2. (1) Reproductive System
3. (3) 1. (3)
4. (3) 2. (1)
AIATS-01-(OYM+CF)-Q.151 3. (2)
Topic: Human Reproduction: Menstrual Cycle 4. (2)
1. (3) 5. (1)
2. (3)
3. (4)
4. (4)



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