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Background Casually Summary Nissim Ezekiel

The poem Background Casually written by Nissim Eziekel tells about the
struggle of the poet for identity in a country where he as well as his
community (Jews) is considered to an alien. The poem has been divided
into three sections. The first section deals with the childhood of the
poet. The second section throws light on his adult-age and third section
deals with the old-age of the poet.
Section 1
In the beginning, Eziekel uses the third person for himself. According to
him, he was born low. Being a member of the alien community he could
neither eat nor could sleep and thus became quite weak. Due to this
feeling, he could not fly a kite. Even the top also failed to spin in his
In the next stanza, the poet describes his childhood by using the first
person. He was sent to a Roman Catholic School where he, according to
him, was like a prey before wolves (referring to Hindus and Muslims).
He was often taunted by the Hindus and Muslims who accused him of the
murder of Christ. They compare him to Judas who betrayed Christ. The same
year he won Scripture prize depicting that he was quite good in his
schooling. He was often beaten by a Muslim boy and hence terror reigned
in his mind during that stage.
Not only Muslims but Hindu boys also repelled him away with their wrong
accent and use of language. Being enraged he even thought of becoming
violent and used his knife, though he did not mention where, how and why
he used the knife.One night he heard prayers that made him believe that
he is not morally so good (as he heard of Yoga and Zen). He thought if he
could still become a Rabbi (a saint). Being curious he tried to find the
answer but the deeper he went the more confused he was.
In the second section, Eziekel talks about his adult-age experiences. His
family desired to send him to England for higher studies but being
financially poor they could not effort his expenses. However one of their
friends paid for him and he was able to go to England.
There he was alone and considered poverty, poetry, and philosophy of his
friends. Time passed and even after two years he was alone. A woman came
and tried to motivate him and henceforth he tried to make his life a
little bit better.
Later he recognized his failure which became an unbearable thought. After
spending some years he desired to go back to India. However, he was too
poor to do so. Hence he started working on a cargo ship that took French
guns and mortar shells to India and China. He was finally able to go back
to India on the same ship
After coming back to India Eziekel tried to be happy and feel at home
again. However, he was still an alien. His father often told him that all
the Hindus are violent. Nissim and his family were often humiliated by
their neighbors. Hence he prepared to endure the worst.
He married and even changed his job. Doing such things he acknowledged
that he was a fool. He started writing poetry and knew well that he has
ample to write. He explains how low their community was. His ancestors
did the job of crushing seeds which were not a good job.
In the 3rd section, Eziekel explains his experience as an old person. He
says that one of his friends told how he fought in the Boer War. Hearing
the stories started fearing from the Indians. He recognized that writing
poetry is also not safe and even the words can harm a person.
He wrote poems and gave up his sufferings. Now he tried to write wisely
without giving free play to his thoughts. He expresses his inner and
outer suffering that he ultimately failed to defeat. He says that now he
has become an integral part of India.
The foreigners consider him to be an alien on that land (India). But he
decided now he will consider himself as an Indian. He has to stay there
though it is a backward place for the other Jews living outside of India.

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