Experiment#3 - Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregates

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arovp No.

Grovp 1 Goup Leader RATING

Namo: Riceth Honcylet J. Concino Date ferhomied nay 03, 201
Car and Sechon BSCE 2A Oote Submitted. Moy os, 2022

(ASTM C 129-81 Speahe qraviy and absorphon of coorse aggmgates)
(JISA 0-70 Method of est for speahe qrauity ond
obsorphen f ccorse

To determine ihe cpea fhc gravity and water absorption of coorse agge gotes.

Specihc gravity ic the rano of the mass lor weiqht in air) of a vnlt vo lume ot
a matenal to the mass of the some volunme of water. In thr test the specihc grauity of
Coarse a9grcgates is tvaluated vcing the prinople of bwoyoncy Speabe gouy isa e k
indicator of the svitabilihy of an cggrgate Low speaho graiy przventiy incicots pomus,
weak and absorphve matnals, while hiqh specibc gravihy oftn indicate hgh qwaliy.The data
ob tained pom thit test con be vred in denqnng ard con ollina the weqht of concrete.

At the end ot the test, the percentaqc of woter abrorpion of the orre agaegaks
will also le evalvatd.1he tem obsorpron is dehned a the copoaty o t the coorce aqgnqate
to absorb wattr into ik permeabl porcc Absorp hion wal art vsed h adjuwt the proporho
ot nattnals aconoreko



1. Specihe Eravity Test Apparavs for Coarse Aggngates
2. Sieve (iomm opening
3. Sample Pan
4. Weighing Scale
5. Absorbent Cloth
Scoop Spoon
1. Sieve the sample vsing a 10- mm si eve
3-S of prom the samplo rttaincd in tho l0-mn sieve.
2. Take kg aggregate
. Soak the aggrgate in water for a penod of 24t4 hourc
cloth oosorbent unil
4RemovG the aggregate Fom water and ollit in a larqc
all visible pilms of water ore emoved. This is the satvvated sur foe dry

Test Procedvre
4 Take the weight in air of the gaturattd sur face -dny aggreqate
2. Assembe the speotc qravity test opporatus. Fill the water con tainer to its capaty
3. Detesmine tne weight of wire basket while submergo in water (Wb)
41ake the
weight of agqrqate in wattr (ww) Shake the aggrrgote h
being placed inho the i e barket.Shake the wire bockt before weighing

Determi natton of water Absorptron of Coarc Aggrgaro

4 Remove the coorse agqegate from the wire backot and oven dy it at ioot S
degreec centigrode for 24 hours. Letít cooldown Tora whilc lbefore ueighing

SG Wa-ww twb
(Speci fhc Gravity)

SG speci hc qravity ot aggreqate at ssSD
Wa weight of SSD aggrcgate inair (kg)
ww weiqht of aggrcgate In
woter (ka)
Wd weiqht of wirt basket in water (kg)

Absorpton ()%) loo x wa-wd CAbsurpho)


wd oven dried weight of aggreqate

Weiaht of agqegate on SS0 cond. (Wa) 4.001 Kg

Wght of wire basket undorwater (W) 0.70 kg

Weight of wire bosket t qrovel underwater (wn) 3.423 kg
Weight of oven dned aggrrqato (wa) 3. 59S kq
S p e i hc aravity of aggu gate at ssD ond 2.99

1P Absorphon 1 29°/%

I. Speci hc Gravity
Wa ww TWb

SG 4.00l k
4-001 Kg 3 423 kq t0. tuo kg
Sa 2.99

I Absorphon
Absvrphon ( T.) :
00 Wa-Wd

Absorphon (1%) lDDx4.001 kg- 3.59S kg

Absorphon C%) I. 29 %


The expei ment procedurti wert done properly but therei a minimal hohæable

erro done dluning the removal of vigiblo film df water a fter being vbmerqed. The chine
0n the
aqggrgate crfoces Indicales thoat there ar shli come uoter on it. Some aggre
gates have Stil ome shiny surfoces after beang <ightly wiped ( also avoid the vemp-
val of waler on the pores) with the absorbent cloth. This moy happen dve to scme froc-

tons of the agqregates h a t arc benng P a t in lor9 9onfy, which may cavsc

the urface of some aggre qat par iole within that foohon h be not ped poperly.

Overall, the result skates thot the coorre aggegate vred ho speakc qravihy of
2.99 and waler l liqud abcbrption percentaqo of 2 9 . The specifhic gravity of 2.17

is within tne Stondard valvo Por coorse aqsrrgates which anas from 2.S to 3.
However, the oosorphion is not within the ronqe of ocephd alves whioh o t tom

0.1o Fo 2/0. Thits may happen dve to emr fom old eqvip ments Coven) used, o the

aggregote has cally hig water absurp tion

Sieve the Soak for

A t hours

Weiqh while
Wipe the aggmgate
wth absor bent
n water

Ovcn dny at i0ot S degrcs

Centiarad for 24 hours

the expen ment, the objeohves of detemininq tho coarst ggcgates
Upon condvohinq
speci c qraviy and obsorphon percentagu ore met. The esvlt stales thot the coorse ag9

gate vsrd hos a

speci ic qravily of 2.99 and watr /liqvid cksorpton percentage of . 29/%.
of valurs
ne speciHo grouity of the Coorse aggcgato used is within the occepttd ronqe
whrch is 2 S to 3, while thu absorpion ir not nccepkd asit i not within the rongc

df occepkd valves whioh are 0.l 7% to 2°/

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