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Human Resource In IT

9/20/2021 A Status Report

Section B | Group – 5
Naman Vora – 21089

Niharika Natraj – 21090

Nishanth S Kumar – 21091

Nisargra T Darya – 21092

P Sai Sankar – 21094

Pranitha Nijagal - 21095

Submitted to

Dr. Mousumi Sengupta

Under the guidance of

Dr. Mousumi Sengupta

M.A. (TVU, U.K.), GradIPD (IPD, U.K.), Ph.D. (IIT, Kharagpur)

Ex-Chairperson - SDM Research Centre for Management Studies
Ex-Editor-in-Chief- SDMIMD Journal of Management



Literature Review……………………….........................................................


Tech Mahindra..................................................................................................



We would like to express sincere thanks to our Human Resource Management professor “Dr.
Mousumi Sengupta” for her constant support and fruitful guidance for the project of “Human
Resource Management in IT. By this project we enriched our knowledge, and which can help
us in future

On other hand we would also like to thank our team members who helped us a lot in completing
this project within the time frame

A final and hearty note to all the people who are directly or indirectly involved in this project.
One of the pioneers of Indian economy is IT which shows immense growth over the years,
from not tech country to world’s largest outsourcing company with 55% market share. After
1991 true growth starts as globalisation accepted by our government which opens many doors
for our companies.IT sector is a rapid and most fruitful business, which is changing the
Indian economy, for instance in 1997 IT sector’s contribution was only 1.2% for the
country’s GDP whereas in 2021 its contribution is whooping 8.5%. It is the industry that
thrives globally with 55% market share in global outsourcing, 100-million-dollar industry in
1990 to 195 billion dollars in 2021 it is undergoing rapid development. As India is one of the
largest organised sectors of job creation specially in IT field, Education Ministry of India
announced that from 6th standard onwards coding as the necessary component of learning
shows the potential of industry, this government initiative gives a proof for prominent future
of IT sector in India. Sometime unimagined situation called pandemic which caused massive
disruption in the entire working environment by introducing work from home culture for
which HR had to undergo major policy changes in almost every aspect. This study is an
attempt to understand and analyse the HR practices in the IT sector, pandemic, and post-
pandemic trends in HR. This study will also help us in identifying some of best HR practices
in the IT sector and some of the HR practices followed by major IT companies like
cognizant, Wipro

Scope of study:

• HRM policies – New Covid – 19 policies

• HRM selection process (employment agency)

• Employee’s turnover

• Compensation and appraisal

• Promotion

• Training and development of employees

• Grievance redressal


Strategic HRM | Shagufta Shokawat, Kevin Shajan

The domain has gained a lot of interest in the recent past because of due consideration should
be given to people as one of the aspects in organisational strategy and it may serve as
sustainable competitive advantage for organization. High performances investigated and
recognised in past years, but many questions arise and not answered. In the Indian context
research is not done at optimum level on the effect of high-performance work system which
shows penetration are of HRM

There are plenty of approaches available in the existence literature to measure high-
performance in work systems. In this study some the scale is as mentioned as below
- Rewards on based of group performances
- Paid on skill or knowledge
- Providing relevant information in term of quality and productivity
- Employees are organised in self-directed work teams

Effect of HRD Practices | Srinibash Dash, Uma Charan

There are many who attempts to measure HRM and HRD practices for the financial success,
majorly in MNC. “Human Capital Structure” (July 1997) did a study and found that human
capital structure is as important as capital structure, even basis structural change improves the
human effects on the organisation, Human efficiency can help organisation in financial
Anupama Gupta | July 2007 - Obstacles faced by Human resource Development should be
addressed considering the present economic situation and their repercussions described. This
article focuses on the difficulties caused by a shortage of qualified workers. This emphasizes
on how HRM deals with the issues that arise during normal business operations. It also made
some key suggestions about how to deal with certain situations better.
Singh S.K (2008) I Dynamic Human Resource - In this study he explains the importance of
employee’s involvement in overall growth of organization. Employee’s enthusiasm drives
him to accomplish his targets and at the same time organization should create opportunities
for its employees to improve their interpersonal skills. In this way both organization and
employees will be motivating each other to construct better future.
Maitin,T.P | 2008 | HRD Climate - In this study he explains the importance of HR process
mainly recruitment, selection, salary structure and implementation of company’s rules and
regulations for ensuring better working environment.
Mishra and Bhardwaj | 2002 | HRD Climate Managers - In his study on Private
companies and their nature of operation with respect to HR Department. A sample of 107
managers in various levels of management are taken into consideration. A questionnaire was
circulated to them to know about the Human Resource department and analysed. As a result,
the situation present in the HRD is satisfactory

HRD Practices | WIPRO

HR audit practices have helped to improve efficiency employee contribution and mechanism, from
hire to retire policies cover many aspects of employees like payroll, compensation, performance
management. Three principals are where audit purposes, a) payroll, b) recruitment, c) employee
separation ( Wipro Strategic HR, HR Audit Study, 2016)

Wipro limited is an Indian MNC which earlier focused on edible oil segment and now it has evolved
into a consulting information technology along with outsourcing services. It was founded on 1945 by
Azim Premji and headquartered in Bangalore, India. Wipro’s IPO was started in 1946 in NSE and BSE
of India. As of today, around 2.09 Lakh employees are working in the Wipro. Western India products
limited, and Wipro GE medical systems are the subdivision of Wipro.
Wipro Limited Mission Statement
The Spirit of Wipro is the core of Wipro. These are our Values. It is about who we are. It is our character.
It is reflected consistently in all our behavior. The Spirit is deeply rooted in the unchanging essence of
Wipro. But it also embraces what we must aspire to be.
Wipro Limited Vision Statement
Contribute for global e-society, where a wide range of information is being exchanged beyond time and
space over global networks, which breaks down the boundaries among countries, regions, and cultures,
allowing individuals to take part in various social activities in an impartial, secure way. Continuous
effort to enhance people's lifestyle and quality by means of developing new technology in wireless
Wipro is a leading recruiter for B schools and engineering college graduates. Wipro’s rigorous process
is aimed at choosing skilled candidates and was ready to invest on them. Wipro searched for talent who
had both technical competence and the right fit for its core values. For instance, to gauge candidates’
requirements, preferences, and expectations of candidates for a specified role, a “preference inventory”
was used.
Even the non-experiences candidates went through 2 screening processes. The first step filtered the
candidates based on score/grade and then a technical and aptitude test was conducted to filter them

Wipro has more than 110 trainers in its talent transformational team. 5000 employees are trained
enthusiastically within a stipulated time in its ten state of art learning facilities across 6 cities. 1% of its
total revenue of the company is spent on training. Some of the highlights of the initiatives taken by the
company in training and development are that more than 30,000 employees were certified through the
unified competency framework (UCF) on various technical skills taking the total number of certified
employees to 52,305. For 2021 attrition rate in Wipro is 18%
As an introductory training for engineering campus hires Project Readiness Program [PRP] has been
introduced. Engineering as well non-Engineering students ae offered a type of E- learning training in
which more than 50% of the training is done online It is a 68-day structured induction training program
to give essential technical skills to work in live customer projects.


Compensation is a process driven method to give sufficient pay for the employee skills used for getting
the work done. Compensation is the key to achieve the various elements like job satisfaction and
performance appraisal. Salary’s structure is very important for the retention of the employees due to the
tough competition from the competitor companies, not providing the sufficient salary will pave the way
to employee seeking a lucrative salary offered by the competitor’s company. Salaries of a newly joined
employee starts from 3.7LPA.
1.Enhanced clarity to employee regarding existing role, future role, and roadmap to grow in the
2.Multi skilling and cross technology learning opportunities.
3.Employee has visibility of short term and long-term opportunities.
4.On shore opportunities across the globe.
5.Smoother internal service line movements.
6.Flair assessment of employee’s technical competence.


Wipro is dedicated to creating a workplace where every employee, including prospective applicants,
may compete in a fair, open, and professional manner. Selection process is based only on merit in terms
of qualifications, performance, and competence. Wipro is committed to ensuring that there is no
inequality in terms of employing and profession. Wages, working hours, and social benefits are all
factors to consider based on current market norms and practices, as well as local rules and regulations.

Wipro knows how to treat its workers with dignity and offers a workplace free of physical, verbal, and
threatening behavior. This covers any behavior or actions directed at third parties while performing
Wipro's business. Employee is entitled to speak themselves and have their opinions heard.

Wipro values its workers' freedom to pursue their legal right to free affiliation.
Wipro aims to institutionalize health and safety regulations, with a particular attention on women's
safety, maternity and related special care and support, disability aid, emergency response, and
preventative health and safety practices.

Wipro is dedicated to fostering diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Wipro has also implemented
and institutionalized a work authorization policy for workers with special requirements or personal
situations, with an emphasis on flexible architecture and information management systems that are
ready to modify and evolve as needed.
Wipro is dedicated to safeguarding the confidentiality of its workers (including ex-employees and
veterans), clients, and vendors' personal information. Cross encrypted by default authentication
mechanisms, automated tools and monitoring methods, audits, and information sharing on a
requirement basis are all part of our existing data privacy and security architecture. Data breaches and
compliance violations can be reported through our Ombuds and security incident organizational


Wipro outlaw’s child labor and other forms of forced or compelled labor, including that of labor
exploitation, slave trade, and human smuggling, as stated in its COBC and SCOC.

Grievance Mechanism
Wipro applies the objectives across all its business operations by integrating them into associated
policies, procedures, and guidelines. Wipro offers trainings to improve in-house knowledge and
education about human rights practice. The preceding grievances system provides all Wipro
professionals, vendors, partners, and users with safe, 24-hour access to file concerns and discreetly
report any violation of Wipro rules and regulations without fear of repercussions:
• Ombuds process
• Sexual Harassment Prevention Committees
They also communicate with employees on a regular basis through platforms such as mailers, the
corporate social network, and group and organizational sessions with overall organizational executives
to raise awareness, comprehend, and act on feedback.

Wipro is the third-biggest information technology services company in India., has devised a grade
(band) to ensure that its entry- and mid-level employees continue to grow by granting them faster
promotions and compensation increases.
Employees at Wipro are classified into five categories based on their experience and seniority: A, B, C,
D, and E. Freshers are classified as part of band A, while vice presidents and above are classified as
part of band E. After completing one year, a fresher is promoted to the B1-band. Most employees in the
B2-band are team leaders and comparable jobs with more than four years of experience.
The ongoing pandemic has jolted us all out of our routines and "business as usual," whether we like it
or not.
The most resilient companies will have a intense level of cloud computing, strong digital platforms,
high-performance teams, and extensive digital relationships with their stakeholders. On the way of
creating “new normal," the capacity to adapt to the technology-enabled human interactions will be
After the lockdown was eased Wipro requested its employees to return to the campus in phased
approach and employed several measures to ensure the safe working environment.
Measures adopted by Wipro:
- Employees are requested to monitor their temperature daily
- In phase one only employees who are unable to work from home and whose efficiency
decreased drastically are called on campus for work.
- Entire campus was divided into number of zones to maintain physical distancing and to reduce
the risk of infection
- HR department leveraged different fitness and nutrition apps to ensure physical wellbeing
of their employees and even mental wellness counsellors were on-call
- To retain the talent and improve the efficiency of workforce Wipro has announced salary hike
for all the eligible employees which is in effect starting September 1, 2021
- Employees are requested to monitor their temperature daily
- In phase one only employees who are unable to work from home and whose efficiency
decreased drastically are called on campus for work.
- Entire campus was divided into number of zones to maintain physical distancing and to reduce
the risk of infection
- HR department leveraged different fitness and nutrition apps to ensure physical wellbeing of
their employees and even mental wellness counsellors were on-call
Grievance’s redressal system
Employees are usually the first persons inside the business to notice when something is wrong. These
worries may be dismissed as simple conjecture or infidelity to co-workers, supervisors, or the firm.
Additionally, they might not be aware of the proper course of action to be taken up to address the issue.
The Ombuds Policy is the platform provided by the company to enable its employees and the extended
Wipro family, which includes business partners, vendors, suppliers, contractors, consultants, and other
entities linked to the organization, to not dismiss any concern but bringing it to the notice as early as
possible and in the right manner, without fear of retribution, victimization, subsequent bias, or
disadvantage in working environment or in business dealings with the company.


Cognizant Technology Solutions has been a pioneer in the IT business for over a decade and employs
over 150,000 people worldwide. It was started in 1994 and operates on a global scale. The main
business of the company comes from its American and European clients. It has several offshore
offices across the world. The organization is divided vertically into units such as healthcare, retail and
banking and horizontally divided into mobile computing, testing and BPO.

“Every choice we make aligns to our vision: to become the pre-eminent technology services partner to
the world’s top companies.”

“We engineer modern businesses to improve everyday life.”

Cognizant’s HRM Software – on ECM

The Human Resources industry is an ever-changing field. Companies are looking for solutions that
prioritize technology, change management, and business culture. New technologies such as the cloud
are allowing HR organizations to move towards models supporting strategic HCM. The OneHCM
solution of Cognizant helps it to transform the management of talent to cloud which results in faster
implementation, standardized processes, and lower prices.
Features and Benefits:

To improve seamless adoption and support, OneHCM employs the SaaS (Software as a Service)
approach. The tasks that must be completed are simply identified using OneHCM, as is the procedure
to follow. Many challenges can be solved by utilizing the appropriate resources. This guarantees
adaptability. As a result of the flexibility and scalability, on-time deliveries are guaranteed. Cognizant
rules ensure that every human capital requirement is filled in less than 90 days throughout the
Cognizant's Talent has increased because of the introduction of the Business Process as A Service
(BPaaS) paradigm. As a result of its on-demand scalability and usage-based pricing, a Software as a
Service solution has lower costs the feature has been implemented.


Recruitment and Selection:

Cognizant implements several methods of recruitment:

Direct and Indirect Method:
GenC NEXT hiring Process:
The following are profiles given under the Cognizant GenC NEXT:

Advanced Java/ DotNet/ Python Developer, Full-Stack Software Engineer (Java/ DotNet), Digital
User Experience Engineer, IoT Engineer (Java/ DotNet), Data Scientist, Cyber security Engineer,
Performance Engineer, Quality Engineer, Advanced C and UNIX Developer, AWS Infra Developer,
Google Engineer

The exam contains 2 sections of MCQ (40 minutes) and Coding challenge (140 minutes)

CAMPUS RECRUITMENT: Cognizant recruitment process for campus hires generally happens for
two roles Programmer Analyst Trainee and Programmer Associate.

Referral Program at cognizant

The referral program ‘Bring Another You' encourages employees to refer to job openings and in turn
benefits them through the various cash prizes and incentives offered by the organization for niche
skills. Referred candidates are preferred since they have a strong understanding of the organization's
culture, and it is simpler to locate the appropriate candidates with the necessary technology and
leadership abilities in a short period. Employees who join through alternative methods of recruiting
are more likely to leave than those who join through referrals.

Training and Development

Employees are at the heart of Cognizant's approach, and they are assisted in overcoming barriers
related to their requirements and work time. This is accomplished by taking just 15% of Learning and
Development (L&D) session’s offline and shifting the remaining 85% to virtual modes. Due to the
COVID-19 pandemic, companies have a growing need to pivot quickly in the face of change, which
often requires abrupt shifts in the skills and knowledge that are essential to a modern workforce.

Cognizant's "Cognizant Learn," or "C-Learn," is a learning environment that includes a learning

management platform, learning plans, hands-on laboratories, and a variety of technical and non-
technical training resources. Employees may use this to empower themselves to suit certain positions
and improve their abilities. The MOOC (Massive Open Online Curriculum) concept is used by "C-
Study," which allows employees to learn at their speed. It provides over 300 courses in topics such as
DevOps, chatbots, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, among others.

My Learning Lab

It is a virtual lab for cognizant employees where they can access many professional courses. They can
even write internal exams using this virtual lab.

Cognizant Academy

A team of highly skilled specialists works across the organization to provide employees with
individualized learning solutions that are specifically designed to help them improve their abilities
which can help them in promotion The most important feature is that these courses can be accessed
from any location thanks to the digital platform that was built, which led to awards from the
Association for Talent Development, Brandon Hall Group, and the Learning and Performance
Performance Appraisal

The appraisal cycle at Cognizant is separated into two parts: The employee is rated first, and then the
remuneration is adjusted. The employee rating cycle takes place over the year, with supervisors
providing ongoing feedback and a formal conversation after the year. During June and July, the
remuneration and prizes are implemented. For the first cycle, year-end appraisal documents and goal
setting documents are created in which the following steps happen:

1. The employee and the supervisor collaboratively set the goals.

2. The goals are evaluated during the half-yearly review in July. The supervisors provide input
and recommend areas for development at this level.
3. The formal review takes place at the end of the year. First, the person assesses themselves
based on the deliverables they have completed. After that, the paper is sent to the supervisor
for review.
4. The supervisor uses certain criteria to evaluate the employees and provide the ratings by the
end of February. The rating scales used are EA (Exceeds all), EM (Exceeds Most), MA
(Meets All), and MS (Meets Some)

These ratings are then forwarded to HR, who determine awards and salary increases based on
benchmarks and criteria. The HR coordinator and the supervisor discuss and decide on the next steps
to take regarding the employee's status in the organization based on the results.

Promotion Policies

1. RDP (Role Development Plan): Cognizant conducts RDP exam to facilitate promotion. All
the employees are required to write the exam before 11 months after joining.
2. SOFTWARE STUDY: A list of software is given to the employees, and they are asked to
study at least 2 software to facilitate their promotion.
3. LINE MANAGER NOMINATION: Employees are nominated by the Line managers for
promotion. They are nominated according to their performance ratings, and it’ll be sent to the
Unit HR for approval. If they have a rating of more than 3 the chance of promotion is high for

Benefits and Perks

Cognizant recognizes that their most asset is their people, thus they offer a variety
of bonuses and incentives. Health and medical insurance, dental and vision medical benefits,
disability benefits, and accidents, death, and dismemberment insurance are all included in the
package. The benefits they provide in addition to regular income. They offer specific privileges such
as transportation for employees working US/UK shifts, weekend work/food allowance, and access to
a gym with a trainer. Cognizant provides free Desktop PCs to its employees for 'Work from Home'
due to the Covid-19 pandemic and internet allowances.

Grievance Redressal

For grievance redressal, there is a separate HR for every unit. The employees are allowed to mail or
message to the respective Redressal officer and within a short span, their issue will be addressed.

Post-Covid Trends

The Next Step: Automating HR to Empower people

HR managers generally spend a fair amount of their time doing tasks manually. The best way to turn
this around is the implementation of automation which will change the work dynamics

Impact of Automation

The following key processes are affected due to the automation process

• Recruitment: AI bots are replacing the traditional method by searching through websites to
look for candidates that suit the specified job description. The bots also are enabled to answer
the general queries that the candidates may have about Cognizant.
• On boarding/off boarding: Elimination of the need for providing physical documents is
proving to be an efficient and seamless way to reduce the load of paperwork and move the
onboarding process to a digital platform.
• Performance appraisals: Moving the performance appraisal process will improve efficiency
by triggering the process to happen at a specific time and reduce the manual intervention.
This will result in better employee satisfaction levels.
• Payroll: Ensuring data security is very vital in today’s technologically driven world and the
automation of payroll generation at Cognizant strives to do

Tech Mahindra is a subsidiary company of Mahindra group, it is an Indian multinational company in
the Information technology sector. The company is registered in Mumbai and its headquarters is in
Pune. The company was founded in 1986 and the founder was Anand Mahindra. The areas served is
worldwide and the main services provided are outsourcing, consulting and managed services.

Tech Mahindra mission statement

Tech Mahindra represents the connected world, offering innovative and customer-centric information
technology services and solutions, enabling Enterprises, Associates, and the society to rise
The innovation of the company and reusable assets connect across the number of technologies to
deliver tangible business to their stakeholders. Tech Mahindra was almost the Fab 50 companies in
Asia as per the Forbes 2015 list.
Tech Mahindra vision statement
The Tech Mahindra vision statement says “Educated, skilled and able women and men are countries
true strength. We aspire to see children who are purposefully engaged, youth that is constructively
employed and a society that provides equal opportunities to people with different abilities”.
The most important corporate social responsibility of this company is in “Empowerment of girls and
women and Empowerment of people with disabilities”.

HR Policies
Tech Mahindra framed their new HR policies in the recent times and few of them are discussed
➢ The policy says that the new parents should spend time with their children as much possible
so work from home option has been given to them.
➢ Same sex couples will be given 12 weeks of paid leave for adoption purposes and the
bereavement leaves also will be granted for 3 days. Tech Mahindra is probably the first
company in India to take a measure to ensure the interests of LGBT community.
➢ The support groups will be created for the cancer patients and survivors.
➢ New rules and regulations framed for anti- harassment in the company.
➢ There is a charter to provide employees with the workplace of the future with the new and
advance technologies.
➢ Enables a flexible work culture by providing maternity, paternity leaves, and sabbatical for
higher educations.

Recruitment Process

Tech Mahindra hires the freshers for its Non SDE role and the hiring is done through the
Elevate Hiring Programme. The eligible criteria is basic criteria of graduation and other
academic criteria would do good.

➢ Tech Mahindra requires minimum of 70% of entire education but it varies from one college to
➢ The candidates must clear 3 rounds apart from their academic marks.
➢ The first round contains the psychometric test which evaluates the work- related behaviour of
the candidates.
➢ The second round contains the aptitude and tech skills.
➢ The third is the final recruitment interview followed by the selection process and offer letter
to the candidate.

Training and Development Program

Training and development help the organization to recruit, select and make ready the employees for
future leadership roles. Training happens in 3 phases in tech Mahindra. They are:
Induction training program - This program is to integrate the new employees into the organization.
Distance training program- Helps the employees to strengthen their skills
Behavioural training- It helps to develop interpersonal skills among its employees.
Digital Learning Solutions
To cope up with the rapid technological changes in the business environment, organizations have to
make sure that their employees are cross-skilled and upskilled at the pace of change. The people at the
organization need to continuously update their skills. They have many digital training solutions to
upskill their employees such as Creative and Engage E-learning, Change Management and Product
Adoption, Micro learning etc.
Tech Mahindra Foundation, a CSR initiative of Tech Mahindra Ltd, it is committed to teacher
empowerment, increasing learning opportunities for children. The foundation is working towards the
people with disabilities by educating and skilling them
Shikshaantar training program of the Tech Mahindra foundation empowers teachers and helps them to
unleash their potential to the fullest.
The Achieving Excellence program trains employees on topics such as operations management,
people management and financial management.
Compensation and Benefits
Tech Mahindra provides people with a lot of opportunities along with the pay for their work. It also
provides the employees with lot of benefits.
Paid time off and Public Holiday
The company provides paid leave for their employees for personal commitments. They value the
employee’s personal commitments.
Work from home
The company allows its employees to work from home there by allowing seamless work life
integration of associates.
Parental Care Leave
Maternity and paternity leave as per the local regulations will be made available to the employees.
The company gives rewards for the employees who are performing extremely well, this helps in
building a culture of appreciation within the organization. There are monthly and quarterly awards
and integrated awards like Standing Ovation, Pat on the Back.
‘Kudos’ is tech Mahindra’s social portal to acknowledge individual or team contribution, congratulate
each other and thank peers.
Promotion happens at Tech Mahindra as per band and roles. An employee will be promoted only after
completing two years in the company. There will be hike in salary based on experience and
performance of the individual in the company.
Grievance redressal
Tech Mahindra takes complaints from the customer and provide remedy for it.
Tech Mahindra’s whistle blower policy is a critical means through which stakeholders can raise actual
or suspected violations. The company offers protection to whistle-blowers. The corporate ombudsman
looks after the investigation procedure defined under the whistle blower policy.
A successful organisation works best when all aspect of that organisation works efficiently, As Indian
continent becoming hub for IT industry and IT is one of the largest recruiters of employees of
countries so we can see what importance Human resource has in every sector. As IT companies adopt
new policies in frequent time, things also change into every aspect. Since 1980 IT sector is booming
as we all know the hub of outsourcing so capital and human capital comes in much bigger aspect, and
from the point of view of Human resources work and quality of work is shifted, millions of employees
are coming into this field so human capital management is a necessary for HRM team. In organisation
as a HR leader, you must be tough but empathetic at the same time. Over the years IT companies
adopt many employees’ friendly practices which shows the emphasis on employee’s wellbeing, TCS
and Infosys and many more example of it. It is the investment which pays enormous interest over the
years. Human Resources Developments are essentials in every organisation because the real assets of
any company are its employees, As Dhirubhai Ambani used to say,” Chairman comes and go but
employee of the company keep it afloat”

As time changes many things change for instance trends of work, psychology of work, resources, and
for any organisation quick adoption is key to survive or for success, just like Covid-19 Pandemics that
changed many sectors, work culture, schedule, A whole new concept was introduced into corporate
culture “Work from Home”, and many IT companies adopted very quickly. So, from this perspective
HR and its objectives have changed drastically. In corporate world HRM must aim for
competitiveness in the field of HR by providing continues training and educational programs for
personal and professional developments of employees. As for IT sector, data is accessible to everyone
through web or internet any employee can get any information effortlessly. After pandemic, role of
digital technology has increased significantly, many things like hybrid offices, flexibility of work,
health programs, online employee upskilling have emerged. As per study analytical part is going for
bigger picture in HRM, as many companies adopting artificial Intelligence a standard tool for
recruiters, where as marketing and branding will be an integral part of HR function. If we look other
side of coin that is that HRM Managers also facing issue like great talents, developing next
generations, resources for workforce developments, diversity inclusion this are still untouched in
HRM. In recent times like pandemics hiring a new employee, retention of employee, compensation,
monitoring this issued faced by HR in recent times.









8. Forbes India – 2020

9. Annual Reports – 2020/21

10. Research Reports – 2020


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