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John Lee San Isidro

Understanding the Self with Family Planning

GE 111 - Electronics 1B Date Performed: 01-06-2022

Name: John Lee D. San Isidro Course/ Section: BTVTEd - Electronics/ 1B Score: ______


Lesson 8: The Spiritual Self

Time Frame: 45 minutes

Prepared by: John Lee San Isidro

At the the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

1. Identify various religious beliefs and practices;

2. Describe the self in relation to religious beliefs, and
3. Explain ways of finding the meaning of life.

A detailed outline to follow each class period.
 Student Handouts
 Textbooks
 Visual Aids
 Grading Rubrics
 Activity Packets
 Computers/ Tablets

An in-depth explanation of how the lesson will progress in the classroom.

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

“Good Morning Class…” “Good Morning Sir!”

“Good morning. Welcome to today's subject in (Students responds to the Prayer)

Understanding the Self. For today, we are going to have
our discussion on Chapter 8 entitled as the Spiritual Self.
Before we start, let us first bow our heads, close our eyes
and feel the presence of the Lord. Almighty Jesus we
thank you for this wonderful day that we are about to
receive such knowledge from you today to guide us in our
today’s lesson. We ask this, in the most precious and
wonderful name in the Name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

(Checking of Attendance) “Alright. Class beadle do (Class beadle will tell who’s absent for the day)
provide me with a copy of the absentees for our class for
today after our discussion. Thank you.”

“So how’s your day? Is it good so far?” “It was great Sir!”

“That’s good to know. So, are you ready to “Yes Sir!”

have our discussion for our new topic today?”

“Before we could have our today’s activity, let us identify (Student read the objectives)
our today’s lesson’s objectives. Anyone can read the
following objectives for today?

Thank you Mr. Arroyo. So for our today’s objectives, first (Student responds.)
we must be able to identify various religious beliefs and
practices; second describe the self in relation to religious
beliefs, and lastly, explain ways of finding the meaning of
life. Any questions regarding our lesson’s objective for

[email protected] 1 of 5
John Lee San Isidro
Understanding the Self with Family Planning
GE 111 - Electronics 1B Date Performed: 01-06-2022


“Okay. That’s good, let’s begin our discussion with an “Yes Sir!”
activity! Are you all ready?

Okay. First things first, we have this table here, that has 3 (Student responds)
columns. This is what we call the K-W-L Chart. On this chart,
you are going to fill out these 3 columns under the question,
what I know about spiritual self, what I want to know about
spiritual self and lastly what have you learned about the spiritual
self ー which you are going to fill-out after this discussion of
ours. Now, are you ready?

Increase students' time on task and is also an important factor affecting their learning and achievement.

INSTRUCTIONS: Students must complete the first columns of the K-W-L chart on spiritual self. They will fill
the last column after the discussion of the lesson.

What I KNOW about What I WANT to know about What have you LEARNED
the Spiritual Self the Spiritual Self about the Spiritual Self

“Outstanding participation class! I am very pleased you “Yes Sir!”

were able to finish the task given to you. Now let’s
discuss your answers. Now, after answering the K-W-L
chart, you are going to team-up with your pair and both
of you are about to share your answers to the first
columns from the chart. Am I making myself clear?”

Students shall look for their pairs and will share their answers to the first columns of the K-W-L chart.

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

“Alright. Ms. Santos, from your answers in the first (Student will give her answer)
column of the K-W-L chart, who taught you about the
concept of spiritual self and when did you learn it? How
about your pair, when and who taught him or her?

“Outstanding answer, Ms. Santos!” Now, Mr. Enriquez, (Student will shall provide his answer)
for the next question after sharing with your seatmate,
how do you compare your answer for the second column
of the K-W-L chart?”

“Thank you, Mr. Enriquez! Now, that settles our activity (Student will volunteer to provide his/ her own
everyone. I would like to commend each and every one observation)
of you, for your successful participation in this activity of
ours. Thank you so much, students! Now let’s discuss
your answers. Anybody can tell me what he/ she notices
with the recent activity?”

[email protected] 2 of 5
John Lee San Isidro
Understanding the Self with Family Planning
GE 111 - Electronics 1B Date Performed: 01-06-2022

“Very good observation, Ms. Cruz” Alright. Before we (Students will volunteer to read the quotation:
could formally start our discussion, let us first have our “When you examine the lives of the most
quote-of-the-day that also has a relevance on our topic influential people who have ever walked among
for today. Would someone read the quotation for the us, you discover one thread that winds through
class?” them all. They have been aligned first with their
spiritual nature and only then with their physical

“Thank you Mr. Antonio. So, that quotation came from (Student provides her answer)
the well-known mathematician and scientist Albert
Einstein. Could someone give us a short trivia about
Albert Einstein? Yes, Ms. Sanchez?

“Well said Ms. Sanchez. So in summary, Albert Einstein (Student will volunteer to provide his/ her own
was justly famous for devising his theory of relativity, observation)
which revolutionized our understanding of space, time,
gravity, and the universe. Now back on our discussion,
could someone explain to the class what Einsteins'
quotation means? Yes, Ms. Aquino?”

‘An excellent answer Ms. Aquino! Einstein’s (Students will volunteer to read the three
quotation,”When you examine the lives of the most components of the body: “The body was believed
influential people who have ever walked among us, you to have a composition of at least three
discover one thread that winds through them all. They components namely as the body, the soul and the
have been aligned first with their spiritual nature and only spirit.”
then with their physical selves." is what we should
always reflect for us to have a deeper understanding of
our own spiritual self.” Thank you Ms. Aquino. Okay.
Let's get our discussion starting! Now, the body is
believed to be made up with three components. And
what are those three components? Could someone read
it for the class?”

“Thanks. Now let’s take a deeper understanding of these (Student answers:”Sir, because of the three
three components of the body. First off, the body was the components of our body namely as the body, the
physical being that responds to stimuli and soul and the spirit, we are able to have a clearer
communicates with the surroundings. As for the soul, it way of living a balanced life.)
comprises the emotions and thoughts of a person. While
the spirit is the intangible aspect that communicates with
deities in the spiritual realm. Can you tell me as to what
reason these three components were composed?”

“Very good. Well said, Ms. Ramos. So specifically, (Student provides his answer: *mentions
human beings are incomplete without the spirit. Since different religions.)
obviously, if one does not have a spirit, that person is
dead. Right? On the other hand, with the usage of the
Religion, religion teaches us the value of a higher being
who develops us in our morality and conscience. It is
vital that we explore how to nourish the spiritual self
through our religious beliefs and practices. Now what are
those different religions that we had? Yes, Mr. Pascual.”

“Alright, thank you Mr. Pascual. Now with those religions (Student reads the paragraph: The spiritual self is
that Mr. Pascual had mentioned, they do have different considered as the higher self, the inner self, and a
religious beliefs and practices that is why, it’s our own person's true being that is greatly influenced by a
responsibility for us to consider it as vital and essential spiritual deity. Spiritual deities whom people
as we should learn how to nourish the spiritual aspect of believed vary from one religious group to another.
our lives. Not just on our biological, social, psychological From history, people's lives have been shaped by
aspect but most of all on our spiritual aspect also. We their religious traditions and practices. Meditation
have to pay serious attention when it comes to the practices increase positive emotions, which may
spiritual aspect of our lives. Now would someone read yield positive consequences for life satisfaction.
this paragraph for me?” Research has also shown that when facing trials,
greater religiosity predicts greater subjective well-
being mediated by greater social support and
meaning in life.)

[email protected] 3 of 5
John Lee San Isidro
Understanding the Self with Family Planning
GE 111 - Electronics 1B Date Performed: 01-06-2022

V2 “Alright, thank you. (Reads the first sentence (Student reads the paragraph: Individuals with
of the paragraph) Now, when we are talking about the faith in a higher being are able to face life
spiritual self, we could say that a person was being challenges with greater confidence and hope. The
inspired by a spiritual deity. We may not touch or see the impossible becomes possible and the difficult
spirit for us to consider as it was connected to us, but by becomes manageable, because of divine
the grace of that being, we are always connected with intervention and guidance. Christians, for
them. Now for the next paragraph? Yes, Mr. Loreno.” example, gain a new sense of direction and
strength after devoting some time in prayer and
meditation of the Bible or the word of God. These
two may be heightened with their involvement in
small groups of fellow believers and engagement
in ministry or outreach activities. The faith in a
higher being gives them a sense of purpose one
that is greater than the physical self. This purpose
drives their other affairs, such as family and

“Thanks Mr. Loreno. (Reads the first sentence of the Student volunteers read the paragraph: According
paragraph) Little we didn’t know that some of us are to Dr. Seppala of Stanford University's Center for
lacking confidence emotionally and spiritually. Most Compassion and Altruism research, spiritual
especially on some trying times that our faith was being people engage in practices that can help reduce
shaken and we started to lose hope from something that levels of stress (Miller, K. 2020). It has been
we thought we cannot gain or get through. That some observed that spiritual people are more likely to
may already use suicide as a last-call solution for them help the poor through donations or volunteer work.
to end their problem and their lives as the same time. They are also involved in community services.
That is why as we are still at a very young age, we must Spiritually active people cope with stress through
already be able to train our spiritual aspect as to how we meditation rather than overeating or engaging in
have to equip ourselves with all the prior spiritual unhealthy coping behaviors.
knowledge so that we may be able to overcome
whatever problems we may be facing in our lives. Now
next on the Spiritual Self and Coping with Stress, who
can read the given paragraph?”

“Thanks. (Reads the whole paragraph) So with this (Student volunteers to read the paragraph:
research, we are really certain of how being a person Meditation provides benefits, such as focus to
that was spiritually active may become very positive decrease pain and depression together with
when it comes on coping-up with their problems most improved health and happiness. Religious people
especially on their emotional problems that they may choose to spend quality time with family, and they
also did some meditation and similar practices rather feel a strong sense of belonging to a community of
than doing some unhealthy lifestyles just for them to like minded people. Lastly, spiritual people have a
ease with their problem. And with that scenario, we must very high regard to prayer. Prayer helps people
also be able to learn how we should give attention to our find comfort by assisting them in dealing with
spiritual self. Since they are spiritually continuous we are difficult emotions, encouraging forgiveness, and
in a different realm whereas we are being urged to think leading healthier relationships.
and to decide on how we might react to our surroundings
in a more positive and an ordered way of reacting. As for
the following paragraph, who can read it?”

“Okay thank you. Now on this paragraph it’s really quite (Student volunteers read the paragraph:
obvious that all of us must have to learn how to pray. Furthermore, positive emotions, increasing levels
How we pray every morning for the another chance that of psychological resilience, and improved immune
God has given us to live. Praying right before we could response have all been associated with spirituality
eat our meals up to the chance that we are given to us to (Miller, K. 2020). Spirituality is not a simple subject
sleep at night. Since with praying you simply don’t only for experiential study. It is actually a complex
acknowledge God from all of the goodness He has given system that requires serious and dedicated effort.
us all throughout the day. But most of all you are proving Nevertheless, considering the positive correlation
your faith in Him. You are, no we are, proving that we between spiritual, physical, and psychological
only don’t believe but we also act on that belief. And as a well-being, health experts and practitioners can
result we find comfort, we find peace as we glorify God undeniably include spirituality in practice in order
all throughout the chances that He has been giving us all to help patients recover from their illnesses and
the time. Who can read the next paragraph?” have a happier and longer life.

“Thank you. So in summary, considering the positive (Volunteered students read the paragraph:
correlation between spiritual, physical, and psychological People worldwide have diverse religious views
well-being, health experts and practitioners can and practices. The decision to seek spiritual

[email protected] 4 of 5
John Lee San Isidro
Understanding the Self with Family Planning
GE 111 - Electronics 1B Date Performed: 01-06-2022

undeniably include spirituality in practice in enlightenment is driven by the innate need for
order to help patients recover from their illnesses and meaning. Joining a spiritual group helps people
have a happier and longer life. Next paragraph, who can find meaning in their lives. Through the spiritual
read it to the class?” group, people find connections in troubling times.
The connection group helps ease their stress and
their depressive symptoms, and increase their
immune response. With these benefits, it is just
essential for us to start embarking on spiritual

Thank you. So in order for us to start our spiritual (Student answers.)

journey, what we only need to do is to open our hearts to
God, we have to accept Jesus as our one and true
savior of our lives. But the question is, how are we going
to accept Jesus in our lives? It is through the Gospel
Formula. First, is to believe in the gospel written in 1
Corinthians 15:1-4 that Christ died for our sins according
to the scripture, Christ was buried, and Christ rose again
on the third day. But Believing is not enough. We must
also obey the Gospel by applying Acts 2:38 in our lives.
We must repent of our sins. Be baptized in Jesus’ Name.
And Receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit. And walk in the
newness of life. Grow in faith and be blessed as we
begin our Christian journey! Now class, let’s remember
that the true advantage of being spiritually connected to
God was the privilege that God has been waiting to give
us if and only if we accept Him as our one and true
savior, was the eternal salvation that Jesus can only
provide us. As being spiritually continuous may also help
us to conquer any turbulences we may encounter in all
of our lives. And for us to be guided and what decisions
we must be able to do in our lives. Did you understand
today's topic? Any questions related to our topic,

Alright, now for our Assessment as well as on our (Student responds.)

Application, you are directed to make a comic strip
showing how you have been shaped by your religious
beliefs and practices. You can draw manually or you can
use a digital application. Second, in groups of three, you
have to discuss your own personal religious
experiences. And last but not the least, you have to draw
what you dream to become after five to ten years in your
spiritual self.


A. Create a comic strip comic strip showing how you have been shaped by your religious beliefs
and practices. You can draw manually or you can use a digital online application.

B. In groups of three to four members, discuss your own personal religious experiences.

C. Vision board Doodle or draw what you dream to become after five to 10 years in your spiritual

“And that concludes today's lesson for Understanding (Students responds.)

the Self with Family Planning on lesson 4 entitled as
the Spiritual Self. Goodbye! Class Dismissed!

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John Lee San Isidro
Understanding the Self with Family Planning
GE 111 - Electronics 1B Date Performed: 01-06-2022

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