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S.A.y R.I
ID: 190090
CONTROL SYSTEMS ...........................................................................2
CONTROLLERS ...................................................................................2
Introduction ......................................................................................2
Basic control actions .........................................................................3
On-off ...............................................................................................3
Proportional Action ..........................................................................4
Integral action...................................................................................5
Derivative action ...............................................................................6
PI (proportional-integral) ..................................................................7
PD (proportional- derivative) ............................................................7
PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative Control) .................................8
Applications ......................................................................................9
PI .......................................................................................................9
PD .....................................................................................................9
PID ..................................................................................................10
Conclusions .....................................................................................11



In this essay we will talk about the controllers, these devices are capable of correcting
deviations produced in the variable

output of a system, as a consequence of internal or external disturbances to the same. The

signals R(s) (set-point) and B(s) (variable measurement) enter the controller.

controlled), which are compared generating the error signal E(s). This in turn is modified in
some way by the transfer of the Gc controller and finally the result is the control variable.
The mathematical algorithm that is exercised on the error is the called control action.In
what follows we will see what basic forms the transfer function of the Gc controller, and
what effect it has on the control variable.

Basic control actions


Controllers of this type have two stable positions, switching between one and the other
according to the value of E(s). To prevent the control from switching in an uncontrolled
way, the control variable m(s) will change its value only when E(s) presents values outside
a certain interval, in this way the dead zone or differential gap is defined as the interval
within the which the controller does not switch.

The differential gap allows the controller not to switch indiscriminately in the event of
small variations in E(s), (generally due to noise).

The above can be expressed with a block diagram where the variables are:

e(t): error input (difference between the desired value and the actual value) m(t): output
or control variable.

However, this type of control cannot be treated as a block of a linear system, since the on-
off control is not.

Proportional Action

In this type of control, a proportional relationship is established between "m" and "e': m(t)
= kp . e(t) ; transforming by Laplace ⇒ M(s) = kp . E(s) (1) kp = proportional gain (adjustable

The proportional controller is essentially an amplifier with adjustable gain, if we express the
values of "m" and "e' in %, we will have, for different values of kp, the following diagram:

Proportional is the most important linear control action.

As advantages can be mentioned:
• the immediacy of application
• ease of checking results
 As disadvantages:
• lack of noise immunity
• the impossibility of correcting some errors in the permanent regime.

Integral action

Note that the integral of the PID control system takes the data of the past error and
integrates it over time, that is, it accumulates the value of the past error.

An integral control system can be seen in the following graph, where at each time the area
under the curve is calculated and this value is stored in memory as time progresses.

Each time the process is integrated, it approaches the reference, only depending on the
process, that transition until reaching the Set-Point can be very slow.

Derivative action

The definition of the derivative action of the proportional, integral, derivative controller
consists in providing the controller with an anticipation characteristic of the future behavior
that the error signal received by the PID itself will have.

This prediction is made simply by calculating the derivative of the error at the current
instant of time, which in other words calculates the tangent to that point and draws a
projection into the future of the possible behavior that the error will have.

The following graph illustrates the control actions and examples of the behavior of the error
that is carried out when a PID controller is implemented:


Derivative action is anticipatory.

Advances the control action against the appearance of an error trend (derived).

It tends to stabilize the system, as opposed to control delays which tend to destabilize it.


The derivative action is practically inapplicable in the presence of noise since it causes the
control variable to take opposing and maximum values when the slope of the noise enters
as an error signal.

PI (proportional-integral)
A PI (proportional-integral) controller is a transfer element of a closed-loop control system
comprising both P and I element components. The controller equation for a PI controller is.

The first term describes the response of the P component and the second term that of the
I component. The following applies to the PI controller amplification: KI=KPTN. Therefore,
the controller equation can also take the following form:


The step response of the PI controller shows that the P component leads the effect of the
I controller by the integral-action time TN. Therefore, the proportional component of the
controller allows the system to be corrected slightly faster, while the I component allows
full correction without a control error.

PD (proportional- derivative)
A PD (proportional- derivative) controller is a transfer element in a Closed-loop control
system that comprises both P and D element components. The differential component
responds to the speed at which the control error changes. The value is multiplied by the
derivative-action coefficient KD and added to the P component (which, for its part, acts
proportionally on a specific control error). As a result, the PD controller can respond to an
impending control error and thus achieve a derivative action during the control process.

The PD controller is a fast controller and can even correct control loops with double
integration. Like a P controller, however, it is unable to fully correct a control error. The
controller equation is:


PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative Control)
A PID is a classic control element that is made up of three parts, Proportional, Integral, and
Derivative. It is not mandatory that all three occur in all controllers and therefore we can
find PI or PD controllers.

It is a simple control element and easy to build and calculate. It offers very good results in
the correction of signals in real time since it is related to the feedback of the system.
Therefore, it is a very stable control element and does not require knowledge of the internal
operation of the system to be controlled.


Some of the most common applications are: Temperature Loops (Air Conditioners, Heaters,
Refrigerators, etc.) Level Loops (Level in liquid tanks such as water, dairy, mixtures, crude
oil, etc.) Pressure Loops (to maintain a predetermined pressure in tanks, pipes, vessels, etc.)

It is virtually ubiquitous as a means of controlling temperature, and has application in a host
of chemical and scientific processes, as well as automation.

Proportional Integral Derivative Control (PID) is a well-established method of directing a
system to a certain position or level. It is virtually ubiquitous as a means of controlling
temperature, and has application in a host of chemical and scientific processes, as well as

Through this exhaustive investigation, I realized that a controller is a device designed
to detect and correct errors produced in the signal of a system. Controllers have
represented a great advance in the way and in what processes are carried out and
that the tasks required by a system, greatly eliminating the presence of production
errors after they were implemented when they are used in industrial production
processes, in addition to an increase in production, an improvement in the result of
the process can also be seen.

In the time that is going on this semester, I hope to learn more about this topic, since
it interests me a lot and if I manage to train myself more, it would open more doors
in my professional career.

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 C, S. (2020, 21 noviembre). Acción de Control Derivativo – Control PID. Control Automático
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 DEMOLLI, A. D. (2018). SISTEMAS DE CONTROL: CONTROLADORES. Ing. Alejandro Demolli.


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