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Good morning.

Today, on account of child health day, I would like to share my views on the importance of health
in our life.
As we all know good health is really a boon and real jewel of the happy life. Good health is the precious thing a
person gets in his/her life. Once a person losses his/her health, can never get back through money. It is very
easy to maintain a good health through disciplined lifestyle, regular exercises, common and healthy food,
positive thoughts, personal hygiene and cleanliness. Healthy people do not need to spend money over
medicines and making round of doctors. However, unhealthy persons needs to spend more money to cure their
A good health is the feeling of physical, mental and social well being of a person. If one maintains a good health,
he/she is really blessed with a most precious gift all through the life. Being a well healthy person, it is very
necessary to be healthy in every aspect like physically, mentally and socially. A healthy person is only able to
enjoy all the pleasures of life. Living a happy life, being rich is not so important however it is very necessary to
be healthy. A good health can be achieved by anyone through the continuous efforts. Proper awareness about
bad habits is also very necessary to keep body away from the illnesses.
Here I would like to share a few ways we can keep ourselves healthy and fit
1. We should regularly involve in the daily physical exercises by getting some time from our much hectic
2. Healthy and clean food in right amount and at right time is very necessary for a person to stay healthy and fit.
Healthy nutrition with high-fiber, low-fat, high protein, and rich source of vitamins and minerals is the key to good
health. Many children underestimate the value of breakfast. They only have a glass of juice or a cup of coffee
and eat nothing at all. However, research has shown that this type of routine is not the best habit to get into.
Eating a substantial meal within the first few hours of waking up is much healthier for us.

3. In order to get fit and healthy, good sleeping pattern is very necessary for us. We need to maintain a
discipline in our daily routine and focus on good sleeping pattern which must start and end at right time. Taking
quality sleep of eight hours each night boosts our immune system and helps in preventing cardiovascular
diseases as well as improves mood. Inadequate sleeping pattern leads to the sleep disorders and various
mental disorders.

So, In order to keep ourselves healthy physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and intellectually, we need to be
active on daily basis including well maintained diet, exercises, positive thinking and follow good habits. We need
to be disciplined in every walk of life.

Thank you and have a healthy day.

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