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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Multiple Choice.

Directions: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter that best describes the statement. Write
your answer on your test notebook.

1. Which of the following sources of starch is rarely used in manufacturing food starch?
A. Cassava C. Potato
B. Corn D. Rice
2. Which of the following starch properties/reactions is the resistance to flow; increase in thickness or consistency.
A. Dextrinization C. Retrogadation
B. Gelatinization D. Viscosity
3. Which of the following is suggested if you will hold pasta for a short time for later service?
A. Cook pasta ahead of time and chilled
B. Drain and add sauce
C. Drain, toss with a small amount of oil, cover and hold in warmer
D. Slightly undercook the pasta
4. Which is the process of making a new product to be sold to the customers.
A. Product Analysis C. Product Development
B. Product Conceptualization D. Product Implementatio
5. Which is a meaningful and unforgettable statement that captures the essence of your brand.
A. Branding C. Tagline
B. Product Naming D. Unique Selling Proposition
6. What managerial tool is used to assess the environment to gather important information used for strategic
A. Environmental Scanning C.Survey Analysis
B. SWOT Analysis D.WOTS Analysis
7. Which of the following are the right step by step procedures in manual dishwashing?
A. Drain and air-dry, scrape and pre-rinse, rinse, sanitize, and wash dishes.
B. Rinse, scrape and pre-rinse, wash, drain, air-dry and sanitize dishes
C. Scrape and pre-rinse, rinse, wash, sanitize, drain and air-dry dishes
D. Scrape and pre-rinse, wash, rinse, sanitize, drain and air-dry dishes
8. Which of the following parts of an egg is produced by the oviduct and consist of four
alternating layers of thick and thin consistencies.
A. Air cell C. Chalaza
B. Albumen D. Yolk
9. Egg contains high quality protein with all the essential amino acids. Which of the following vitamins not found in
A. B1 C. D
B. C D. K
10. The appearance of egg is important for consumer appeal. How are egg shells evaluated?
A. cleanliness, shape, texture and soundness
B. grade, texture, cleanliness, shape
C. shape, texture, cleanliness and size
D. texture, soundness, size and cleanliness
11. Which of the following market forms of eggs is seldom used in cooking.
A. Dried egg C. Frozen egg
B. Fresh egg D. Shelled egg
12. Which of the following raises coagulation temperature producing softer, weaker gel when added to egg used
in culinary.
A. Alkali C. Sugar
B. Salt D. Vinegar
13. What kind of egg dish is prepared by slipping shelled eggs into barely simmering water and gently cooking
until the egg holds its shape?
A. Fried egg C. Scrambled egg
B. Poached egg D. Soft-boiled egg
Address: Libjo Tacad, Batangas City
Telephone #: (043)740-7419
School ID: 308204 Serving for Greater Learning”
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

14. Which of the following tools is not used in cooking omelet?

A. Bowls C. Sauté pan
B. Fork D. Skimmer
15. Which of the following is true in plating egg dishes?
A. Choose serving dish small enough to let each food item stand out
B. Play with color and texture
C. Protein dish should cover half of the plate
D. Use even numbers in setting the dish.
16. What animal produces veal meat?
A. Calf C. Hog
B. Deer D. Sheep
17. Which of the following market forms of meat does not undergo chilling?
A. Cured meat C. Frozen meat
B. Fresh meat D. Processed meat
18. What part of the meat helps you identify the less tender cuts?
A. Bone C. Flesh
B. Fat D. Ligament
19. What part of the meat has the greatest amount of quality protein?
A. Bone C. Flesh
B. Fat D. Ligament
20. Which of the following meat cuts requires long and slow cooking temperature?
A. Less tender C. Tender
B. Slightly tough D. Tough
21. What do you call the young immature pigeon of either sex with extra tender meat?
A. Duck C. Rooster
B. Fryer D. Squab
22. What part of poultry does breast meat belongs?
A. Dark meat C. Variety meat
B. Tough meat D. White meat
23. Which of the following characteristics is a good quality of a live poultry?
A. Free from pin feathers and shows no cuts
B. Eyes are clear
C. Skin is heavy and watery
D. Thighs well developed
24. What do you call young chicken that is usually 9 to 12 weeks of age?
A. Fryer C. Roaster
B. Hen D. Stag
25. How many days should a whole chicken will be refrigerated?
A. 1 day C. 2 to 4 days
B. 1 to 2 days D. 3 to 4 days
26. How do you classify fleshy part of chicken like breast?
A. Entrails C. Viscera
B. Dark meat D. White meat
27. What cookery method is used for a matured poultry?
A. Boiling C. Roasting
B. Frying D. Stewing
28. What method of cooking is suitable for the less tender cuts?
A. Boiling C. Roasting
B. Frying D. Stewing
29. What is the best cooking temperature for poultry?
A. High temperature C. Low to moderate temperature
B. Low temperature D. Moderate temperature
30. What factor affects the poultry meat‘s tenderness and juiciness?
A. Age C. Cuts
B. Cookery D. Sex
31. What do you call a long – bladed hatchet or a heavy knife used by a butcher?

Address: Libjo Tacad, Batangas City

Telephone #: (043)740-7419
School ID: 308204 Serving for Greater Learning”
Email: [email protected]
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

A. Butchers knife C. Chopper knife

B. Cleaver knife D. Set of slicing knife
32. Which of the cooking methods does not belong to dry heat method?
A. Baking C. Broiling
B. Roasting D. Stewing
33. What do you call the cooking method when meat is cooked in steaming liquid and bubbles are breaking on the
A. Boiling C. Broiling
B. Roasting D. Stewing
34. What is an oil-acid mixture which is used to enhance the flavor of meat.
A. Brine solution C. Marinade
B .Soy sauce and vinegar D. Salt and calamansi
35. Which of the following tools is used for carving?
A. Cleaver knife C. Fork
B. Slicer D. Razor knife
36. To which meat cut do internal organs belong?
A. Less tender cuts C. Tender cuts
B. Tough cuts D. Variety cuts
37. Where should meat products be stored?
A. Crisper C. Cold shelf
B. Dry shelf D. Freezer
38. Which of the following is the tenderest cut of beef?
A. Chunk C. Round cut
B. Sirloin D. Tenderloin
39. When buying meat, what should you first consider?
A. Brand C. Price
B. Quality D. Round cut
40. What is your primary consideration when storing goods?
A. Expiration date C. Fragility
B. Quantity D. Size
41. What is the flavor component of vegetables which gives strong flavor and odor to some vegetables like
onions, leeks, garlic, chives, cabbage, and broccoli?
A. Flavonoids C. Sugar
B. Glutamic acid D. Sulfur compounds
42. Which is a way of cooking by placing blanched or raw vegetables in the pan, adding liquid (stock, water, wine)
then covering and cooking it slowly?
A. Boiling C. Braising
B. Baking D. Sautéing
43. Which of the following plating styles is not a classic arrangement?
A. The starch or vegetable item is heaped in the center while the main item is sliced and lean up against
B. The main item is in the center, with vegetable distributed around it.
C. The vegetable item is in front and main item, starch item and garnish at the rear.
D. The main item is in the center with neat piles of vegetables carefully
arranged around.
44. Which of the following vegetables is cooked uncovered?
A. Fruit vegetables C. Roots and tubers
B. Green vegetables D. Yellow vegetables
45. Which of the following is a freshwater fish?
A. Bluefish C. Grouper
B. Cat fish D. Sole
46. Which is the market form of fish where both sides of a fish are still joined but bones are removed?
A. Butterfly C. Fillet
B. Drawn D. Steak
47. Which of the following is a characteristic of a fresh fish?
A. Fresh and foul odor
B. Eyes are dull, shiny and bulging
Address: Libjo Tacad, Batangas City
Telephone #: (043)740-7419
School ID: 308204 Serving for Greater Learning”
Email: [email protected]
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

C. Red or pink gills

D. Flesh shrinks when pressed
48. Which of the following seafood is cooked just enough to heat to keep juicy and plump?
A. Fat fish C. Flat fish
B. lean fish D. Shellfish
49. What is the cooking method suited to fat fish?
A. Baking C. Deep -frying
B. Boiling D. Sautéing
50. What is used to baste lean fish to help prevent from drying up?
A. Butter C. Soy sauce
B. Vinegar D. Tomato sauce

Prepared by: Noted:


Class Adviser Principal II

Address: Libjo Tacad, Batangas City

Telephone #: (043)740-7419
School ID: 308204 Serving for Greater Learning”
Email: [email protected]
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