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FM Global

Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets 5-4

July 2019
Interim Revision July 2022
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Table of Contents

1.0 SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................................... 4

1.1 Changes ............................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Hazards ............................................................................................................................................ 4
2.0 LOSS PREVENTION RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................................ 4
2.1 Electrical Loss Prevention ............................................................................................................... 4
2.1.1 Electrical Protection ................................................................................................................ 4
2.1.2 Transportation of Transformers ............................................................................................ 11
2.1.3 Operation and Maintenance .................................................................................................. 12
2.1.4 Online Condition Monitoring ................................................................................................. 15
2.1.5 Operation ............................................................................................................................... 17
2.1.6 Contingency Planning ........................................................................................................... 18
2.1.7 Sparing .................................................................................................................................. 18
2.1.8 Equipment Breakdown Spares .............................................................................................. 18
2.2 Fire Protection for Indoor Transformers ........................................................................................ 19
2.2.1 Construction and Location .................................................................................................. 19
2.2.2 Occupancy ........................................................................................................................... 21
2.2.3 Protection ............................................................................................................................. 21
2.2.4 Human Factor ........................................................................................................................ 22
2.2.5 Fire Protection for Transformer Production Test Areas ......................................................... 22
2.3 Fire Protection for Outdoor Transformers ...................................................................................... 22
2.3.1 Location and Construction ................................................................................................... 22
2.3.2 Active Protection for Outdoor Transformers ......................................................................... 27
2.3.3 Occupancy ........................................................................................................................... 29
2.3.4 Human Factor ....................................................................................................................... 29
2.4 Transformers Insulated with Liquids Containing Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) ..................... 29
3.0 SUPPORT FOR RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................... 30
3.1 Transformer Testing Diagnostics .................................................................................................... 30
3.1.1 Thermography ...................................................................................................................... 30
3.1.2 Fluid Screen Testing .............................................................................................................. 31
3.1.3 Dissolved Gas Analysis ......................................................................................................... 32
3.1.4 Exciting Current ..................................................................................................................... 35
3.1.5 Turns Ratio for On-Load Tap Changers ............................................................................... 35
3.1.6 Leakage Inductance .............................................................................................................. 35
3.1.7 Power Factor and Capacitance ........................................................................................... 36
3.1.8 Frequency Response Analysis .............................................................................................. 37
3.1.9 Insulation Resistance ........................................................................................................... 38
3.1.10 Winding Resistance ........................................................................................................... 39
3.1.11 Core Insulation Resistance .................................................................................................. 39
3.1.12 Electromagnetic Interference Measurement ...................................................................... 39
3.1.13 Partial Discharge Measurement ......................................................................................... 40
3.1.14 Power Factor Tip-Up .......................................................................................................... 40
3.1.15 Dielectric Frequency Response ......................................................................................... 40
3.2 Online Condition Monitoring ............................................................................................................ 40
3.2.1 Gas-in-Oil Monitor System .................................................................................................... 40
3.2.2 Moisture in Oil Monitoring System ........................................................................................ 41

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5-4 Transformers
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3.2.3 Condenser Bushing Insulation Monitoring System .............................................................. 41

3.2.4 Partial Discharge Monitoring ................................................................................................ 41
3.2.5 Load Tap Changer Motor Current Monitoring ...................................................................... 41
3.3 FM Approved Transformers ............................................................................................................. 42
3.4 Transformer Aging .......................................................................................................................... 42
3.4.1 Arc Furnace Transformers ..................................................................................................... 43
4.0 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 43
4.1 FM Global ...................................................................................................................................... 43
4.2 Other .............................................................................................................................................. 43
APPENDIX A GLOSSARY OF TERMS ...................................................................................................... 43
APPENDIX B DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY ..................................................................................... 44
APPENDIX C BIBLIORGRAPHY ................................................................................................................ 46

List of Figures
Fig. 1A.Typical protective scheme for a two-winding, delta-wye connected transformer up to 10,000 kVA
in size using fuses on the primary of the transformers ..................................................................... 5
Fig. 1B. Typical protective scheme for a two-winding, delta-wye connected transformer up to
10,000 kVA in size using a circuit breaker on the primary of the transformers ............................... 6
Fig. 1C. Typical protective scheme for a two-winding, delta-wye connected transformer greater than
10,000 kVA in size .......................................................................................................................... 7
Fig. 1D. Typical protective scheme for transformers greater than 10,000 kVA in size with a secondary
selective system .............................................................................................................................. 8
Fig. 1E. Alternative protective devices that achieve the same level of protection as those shown in
Figures 1A, 1B, and 1C .................................................................................................................... 9
Fig. 2. Locations for transformer buildings and rooms ................................................................................ 20
Fig. 3. Minimum horizontal separation distance between outdoor liquid-insulated transformers and
exposed walls of main buildings ....................................................................................................... 23
Fig. 4. Use of 2-hour fire barriers and separation distances for protection of exposed main building walls . 24
Fig. 5. Determination of exposed roof area ............................................................................................. 25
Fig. 6. Fire barriers for multiple outdoor transformers .............................................................................. 26
Fig. 7. Nozzle and piping arrangement for transformer using nozzles of ordinary capacity ...................... 27
Fig. 8. Nozzle and piping arrangement for transformer using large-capacity nozzles ............................... 28

List of Tables
Table 1. Recommended Additional Protection for Specialty Transformers .................................................. 11
Table 2. Routine Offline (De-Energized) Tests ............................................................................................. 14
Table 3. Focused Off-Line Tests ................................................................................................................... 15
Table 4. Recommended Construction for Transformer Buildings and Rooms ............................................. 20
Table 5. Separation for Exposure Protection of Main Building Walls (also refer to Figure 3) .................... 23
Table 6. Separation and Extent of 2-hour Fire Barriers for Protection of Main Building Walls
(for dimensions refer to Figure 4) ................................................................................................. 24
Table 7. Transformer Fire Exposure to Noncombustible Building Roof Where Separation from Wall
is Based on a 3-hour Fire Barrier or Water Spray Protection ........................................................ 25
Table 8. Minimum Separation Distances Between Adjacent Transformers .................................................. 26
Table 9. General Criteria for Evaluating Thermographic Scans ................................................................... 31
Table 10A. Tests Typically Included in a Mineral Oil Screen Test ................................................................ 31
Table 10B. Tests Typically Included in an In-Service Natural Ester Oil Screen Test ................................... 31
Table 11. Gases Included in a Typical DGA Report ..................................................................................... 32
Table 12. Gases Represented by Chemical Formulas ................................................................................. 33
Table 13. 90th Percentile Gas Concentration Values for Transformers Filled with Mineral Oil .................. 33
Table 14. 95th Percentile Values of Gas Generation Rate for Transformers Filled with Mineral Oil ......... 34
Table 15. Typical Gas Values and Generation Rate for Transformers Filled with Silicon Oil with no
previous history ............................................................................................................................. 34
Table 16. Typical Dissolved Gas Concentration Value for Transformers with Ester Oil with no previous
sample history ............................................................................................................................... 34
Table 17. General Rules for Interpreting Power Factor Results .................................................................. 36
Table 18. Power Factor Limits for Transformers .......................................................................................... 36
Table 19. Interpretation of the Changes in Current Between Tests ............................................................. 37

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Table 20. Power Factor Limits for Dry-Type Transformers ........................................................................... 37

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This data sheet contains loss prevention recommendations related to the fire protection of ALL types of
transformers. It also contains loss prevention recommendations related to the electrical protection, electrical
testing, maintenance, and operation of large, critical distribution, power, and specialty transformers ONLY.
For loss prevention recommendations related to electrical protection, electrical testing, maintenance, and
operation of smaller and less-critical transformers, see Data Sheet 5-20, Electrical Testing.
See Data Sheet 5-20 for distribution transformers 5 MVA and below. These transformers step down the utility
voltage for use in a commercial or industrial property.
Specialty transformers include network transformers, rectifier transformers, arc furnace transformers,
induction furnace transformers, generator step-up transformers, converter transformers, smoothing reactors,
series reactors, and shunt reactors.

1.1 Changes
July 2022. Interim Revision. Added guidance for the use of FM Approved dissolved hydrogen on-line
monitoring system. Minor editorial changes were also made.

1.2 Hazards
Power and distribution transformers are reliable devices with low failure rates. Adequate electrical protection,
electrical testing, maintenance, and proper operation are key factors in reducing the risk of transformer
explosions and fires.
FM Global’s loss statistics show that it is about 10 times more likely for a transformer to fail without a resulting
explosion and fire. However, in some cases an internal fault may result in an overpressure of the transformer
sufficient to cause tank rupture. Tank rupture will release substantial quantities of oil, with a resulting oil mist
explosion and a long-burning, high heat release, oil pool fire. Fire protection and proper construction features
are critical to limiting the extent of damage to adjacent structures and equipment in the event of a transformer


2.1 Electrical Loss Prevention

2.1.1 Electrical Protection Perform an engineering analysis to determine an adequate electrical protective scheme for each
transformer, taking into account the following factors:
A. The criticality of the transformer
B. The lead time required to replace or repair the transformer
C. The fire exposure presented by the transformer to buildings and equipment
D. The effect of transformer failure on system integrity and reliability
E. The service requirements of the transformer (e.g., is the transformer required to operate in a high fault
environment, or is it exposed to high levels of harmonics, overvoltages, and lightning?)
See Figure 1A for a typical protective scheme for a two-winding, delta-wye connected transformer up to 10,000
kVA in size using fuses on the primary of the transformers.
See Figure 1B for a typical protective scheme for a two-winding, delta-wye connected transformer up to
10,000 kVA in size using a circuit breaker on the primary of the transformers.
See Figure 1C for a typical protective scheme for a two-winding, delta-wye connected transformer greater
than 10,000 kVA in size.
See Figure 1D for a typical protective scheme for transformers greater than 10,000 kVA in size with a
secondary selective system.
See Figure 1E for some alternative protective devices that achieve the same level of protection as the
schemes shown in Figures 1A, 1B, and 1C.

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Description Dry (MVA)
1–5 5–10
26 Liquid thermal I I
49 Winding thermal I I
51N1 Time delay T T T
overcurrent relay.
(Ground fault
protection of
transformer wye
winding and
through faults.)
51TL Time delay T T T
overcurrent relay.
overload protection)
63 Sudden pressure T
71 Liquid Level Device I I
A—Alarm, I—Indication, T—Trip
1. Devices 50G, 50N/51N, 50NY/51NY, 67N and 87TN are
alternatives. (See Fig 1E.)

Fig. 1A.Typical protective scheme for a two-winding, delta-wye connected transformer up to 10,000 kVA in size using fuses
on the primary of the transformers

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Description Dry (MVA)
1–5 5–10
26 Liquid thermal I I
49 Winding thermal I I
50ND2 Instantaneous T T T
ground overcurrent
relay. (High
magnitude ground
fault protection of
transformer delta
winding and leads.)
50TF Instantaneous T T T
overcurrent relay.
(High magnitude
transformer internal
phase fault
51N1 Time delay T T T
overcurrent relay.
(Ground fault
protection of
transformer wye
winding and
through faults.)
51ND2 Time delay ground T T T
overcurrent relay.
(Ground fault
protection of
transformer delta
winding and leads.)
51TF Time delay T T T
overcurrent relay.
(Phase through
fault protection.)
51TL Time delay T T T
overcurrent relay.
overload protection)
63 Sudden pressure T
71 Liquid level device I I

A—Alarm, I—Indication, T—Trip
1. Devices 50G, 50N/51N, 50NY/51NY, 67N and 87TN are alternatives. (See Fig 1E.)
2. Device 50GD is an alternative to 50ND/51ND. (See Fig 1E.)

Fig. 1B. Typical protective scheme for a two-winding, delta-wye connected transformer up to 10,000 kVA in size using a
circuit breaker on the primary of the transformers

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Description Action
24 Volts/hertz relay (For unit T
connected transformers only)
26 Liquid thermal device A
49 Winding thermal device A
50ND2 Instantaneous ground T
overcurrent relay. (High
magnitude ground fault
protection of transformer delta
winding and leads.)
50TF Instantaneous overcurrent relay. T
(High magnitude transformer
internal phase fault protection)
51N1 Time delay overcurrent relay. T
(Ground fault protection of
transformer wye winding and
through faults.)
51ND2 Time delay ground overcurrent T
relay. (Ground fault protection
of transformer delta winding
and leads.)
51TF Time delay overcurrent relay. T
(Phase through fault
51TL Time delay overcurrent relay. T
(Transformer overload
63 Sudden pressure relay T
71 Liquid Level Device I
87T Transformer differential relay T
(Fault protection for transformer
internal faults)
87TN3 Transformer ground differential T
relay (Ground fault protection of
transformer wye winding
internal faults)
A—Alarm, I—Indication, T—Trip
1. Devices 50G, 50N/51N, and 50NY/51NY are alternatives. (See Fig 1E.)
2. Device 50GD is an alternative to 50ND/51ND. (See Fig 1E.)
3. Device 67N is an alternative to 87TN. (See Fig 1E.)

Fig. 1C. Typical protective scheme for a two-winding, delta-wye connected transformer greater than 10,000 kVA in size

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Fig. 1D. Typical protective scheme for transformers greater than 10,000 kVA in size with a secondary selective system

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24 Volts/hertz relay (For unit connected
transformers only)
26 Liquid thermal device
49 Winding thermal device
50G1 Zero sequence instantaneous ground
overcurrent relay. (Ground fault
protection of wye winding and through
50GD2 Zero sequence instantaneous ground
overcurrent relay. (Ground fault
protection of transformer delta winding.)
50N Instantaneous ground overcurrent relay.
(High magnitude ground fault protection
of wye winding and through faults.)
50ND Instantaneous ground overcurrent relay.
(High magnitude ground fault protection
of transformer delta winding and leads.)
50NY Instantaneous ground overcurrent relay.
(High magnitude ground fault protection
of wye winding and through faults.)
50TF Instantaneous overcurrent relay. (High
magnitude transformer internal phase
fault protection)
51N Time delay overcurrent relay. (Ground
fault protection of transformer wye
winding and through faults.)
51ND Time delay ground overcurrent relay.
(Ground fault protection of transformer
delta winding and leads.)
51NY Time delay overcurrent relay. (Ground
fault protection of transformer wye
winding and through faults.)
51TF Time delay overcurrent relay. (Phase
through fault protection.)
51TL Time delay overcurrent relay.
(Transformer overload protection)
63 Sudden pressure relay
67N3 AC Directional neutral overcurrent relay.
(Ground fault protection of transformer
wye winding internal faults)
71 Liquid Level Device
87T Transformer differential relay (Fault
protection for transformer internal faults)
87TN Transformer ground differential relay
(Ground fault protection of transformer
wye winding internal faults)
1. Devices 50G, 50N/51N, 50NY/51NY are alternatives.
2. Device 50GD is an alternative to 50ND/51ND.
3. Device 67N is an alternative to 87TN.

Fig. 1E. Alternative protective devices that achieve the same level of protection as those shown in Figures 1A, 1B, and
1C Provide overvoltage transient protection for all transformers in accordance with Data Sheet 5-11,
Lightning and Surge Protection for Electrical Systems.

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Page 10 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Provide differential protection to cover all the windings on multiple-winding power transformers,
including specialty transformers such as rectifier, induction, and arc furnace transformers when applicable.
Where the high magnetic fields of specialty transformers prohibit the use of conventional iron core current
transformers, use Rogowski coil current sensors to implement differential protection. Provide overcurrent and ground fault protection for the tertiary winding of three-winding transformers
and autotransformers. Provide an arc-monitoring system to detect arcing faults in transformer vaults with exposed energized
components. Provide this additional protection when the ground fault relay cannot be set low enough to detect
ground fault current due to neutral imbalance current flow. Table 1 contains a list of specialty transformers
and the additional protection recommended for them.

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Table 1. Recommended Additional Protection for Specialty Transformers

Type Special Features Additional Protection
In-phase The high impedance exciting winding (or shunt Primary protection should consist of sudden
regulating winding) makes it difficult to detect faults in this pressure relays in the main tanks as well as the
transformer winding with a high level of sensitivity. tap changer compartment. Differential protection for
the exciting winding is also needed.1
Phase- In addition to the issues with the high impedance Primary protection should consist of sudden
shifting, exciting winding mentioned above for in-phase pressure relays in the main tanks (quadrature
quadrature regulating transformers, protection of phase booster transformers usually have at least two sets
booster shifting transformers also needs to consider of tanks to house the shunt and series
transformer protection requirements for the shunt and series transformers) as well as the tap changer
windings. compartment. Differential protection for the
exciting, series, and shunt winding is also needed.2
Load tap The tap winding and preventive auto transformer Separate Bucholz relays should be provided if the
changing (if provided) will be part of the protection zone load tap changer compartment is supplied from a
transformer covered by the transformer protection. Therefore, separate conservator tank or from a separate
dedicated protection for the tap changer is not compartment of the conservator tank. Sudden
needed. However, the tap changer needs to be pressure relays are also needed for the load tap
taken into account when designing the protection changer compartment. Overload, short circuit, and
for the transformer. For example, the tap position ground fault protection should be provided for the
will affect transformer differential protection and load tap changer motor.
needs to be accounted for. The separate tap
changer compartment also needs to be protected
from overpressure. And, protection should also be
considered for the tap changer motor.
Grounding A grounding transformer that is solidly or low Overcurrent relay protection arranged to pick up
transformer resistance grounded is not able to withstand zero sequence current should be provided to
ground faults for long. When the grounding protect the grounding transformer. Differential
transformer is located within the differential protection may also be used for this purpose.
protection zone of the main transformer, zero Sudden pressure relays are needed as a primary
sequence current provided by the grounding defense against internal faults, especially for zig-
transformer during external ground faults can zag grounding transformers where the internal
cause a false differential protection trip. impedance can limit the current during internal turn-
to-turn faults. A zero sequence filter should be
included when the grounding transformer is in the
protection zone to prevent inadvertent differential
protection operation.
Arc furnace The high magnetic fields, high secondary Use Rogowski Coil current sensors to implement
transformer currents, and a large harmonic content in the differential protection.
secondary current makes it impractical to
implement differential protection using
conventional iron core current transformers.
Rectifier The same features present in arc furnace Use Rogowski Coil current sensors to implement
transformer transformers, as well as the large physical size of differential protection.
the bushings of the double secondary windings of
some rectifier transformers, make it impractical to
implement differential protection using
conventional iron core current transformers.
The CTs for the exciting winding differential protection may need to be installed internally.
The CTs to implement differential protection for these transformers are typically located internally and need to be specified during

2.1.2 Transportation of Transformers Install multiple impact recorders on transformers whenever transformers need to be moved. Perform a frequency response analysis measurement of the transformer before it is moved. Repeat
this measurement after the transformer has arrived at its destination to determine if any winding or core
movement occurred.
Note that FRA measurements will be affected if there is fluid in the transformer and/or bushings are installed.
Perform the measurements with the transformer in the same state so the results can be compared.

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2.1.3 Operation and Maintenance

Establish and implement a transformer inspection, testing, and maintenance program. See Data Sheet 9-0,
Asset Integrity, for guidance on developing an asset integrity program. Benchmark Testing

Benchmark testing (or “fingerprinting”) is a valuable method of providing baseline data about a transformer.
This information is used to make asset management decisions, to help with troubleshooting, and make
decisions about whether to reenergize a transformer after it has tripped. Perform the following benchmark tests on all new transformers:
• Thermography
• Sweep Frequency Response Analysis
• Exciting Current
• Leakage Reactance
• Partial Discharge Analysis
• Acoustic Measurement of the On Load Tap Changer
• Acoustic Measurement of the transformer tank
• Power Factor Testing (windings and bushings)
• Capacitance (windings and bushings)
• Furan Analysis
• Moisture in solid insulation
• Corrosive sulfur in oil Perform benchmark tests on existing critical in-service transformers if baseline data for these
transformers has never been collected. Inspection, Testing and Maintenance

The recommended frequencies for inspection, testing, and maintenance are a general guide. These
frequencies should be increased or decreased depending on factors such as the criticality of the unit,
operating history, operating condition, availability of online monitoring, and age. Visually inspect transformers on a regular basis to check for problems such as cracked bushings,
fouled radiators, low oil levels, low nitrogen pressure, expired desiccant, leaks, and other abnormal
conditions. For indoor transformers, check that equipment is operating in a clean, cool, dry, and tight condition
with no abnormal noises, smells, vibration, or heat. Also ensure housekeeping is satisfactory, with no dust,
debris, temporary storage, or exposed combustible materials. Perform the following online tests once a year, and more frequently if warranted based on operating
history, condition, and/or criticality for main tank and LTC oil compartment:
A. Thermography
B. Dissolved gas analysis
C. Fluid screening
1. For mineral oil, include the following tests at a minimum:
• Color
• Dielectric breakdown strength
• Moisture
• Power factor
• Interfacial tension

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• Neutralization number
• Inhibitor content (only for inhibited oils)
2. For natural ester oil, include the following tests at a minimum:
• Color
• Dielectric breakdown strength
• Moisture
• Power factor
• Fire point
• Viscosity Perform corrosive sulfur testing of transformers that were built or have had their oil processed or
replaced in 2000 or later, and if the oil has not been tested for corrosive sulfur. In particular, perform corrosive
sulfur testing of transformers that meet the following conditions:
• The transformer fluid is a mineral oil.
• The mineral oil is an uninhibited type.
• The oil preservation system is sealed (not free breathing).
• The transformer has a high sustained load factor.
• The transformer is operating in a hot climate.
• The transformer windings are bare copper.
Transformers that meet these conditions are at the highest risk of failure due to corrosive sulfur contamination. Perform the IEC 62535 or Doble covered conductor deposition test in addition to the ASTM 1275
Modified Method B test. When corrosive sulfur is detected, add copper passivators to the transformer oil to a concentration
of 100 ppm. Check the concentration of the passivators on an annual basis to determine if additional
passivators are needed. Add additional passivators as needed. Note: The addition of passivators needs to
be made known to the laboratory performing dissolved gas analysis, as passivators can affect the stray
gassing characteristics of the transformer oil. In addition to the recommended standard fluid tests, perform the following tests on the transformer
fluid every three years:
• Furan analysis Perform the routine offline (de-energized) tests listed in Table 2 every three years.

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Table 2. Routine Offline (De-Energized) Tests

Components Test
Windings Insulation resistance
Winding resistance
Polarization index
Turns ratio
Power factor/capacitance
Bushings Power factor/capacitance1
Core Core insulation resistance2
On-load tap changer3 Turns ratio
Contact resistance
Insulation resistance
Motor current measurement
Note 1. For bushings where there is no test tap, perform hot collar test.
Note 2. Transformers generally have intentional core ground connection mounted under a manhole at the top of transformer or through
the tank wall via a small low voltage bushing. It allows the ground to be easily disconnected and allows a measurement of the
resistance between core and ground. However, there are some designs like shell form in which the core ground is inaccessible that
makes the core ground insulation resistance measurement impossible.
Note 3. The electrical testing such as turn ratio, contact resistance for on-load tap changer is performed by repeating relevant winding
electrical testing when the tap is moved at different tap positions. Perform routine maintenance servicing for on-load tap changers per OEM guidance. Perform the additional tests listed in Table 3 if routine tests indicate a problem with the transformer
to evaluate and investigation the fitness for continued use.
These additional tests are also useful in deciding whether to reenergize the transformer after it has tripped
due to the operation of protection relays.

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Table 3. Focused Off-Line Tests

Test Failure Mode Testing Remarks
Partial discharge • Partial discharge activity involving the In-service
transformer core, winding or bushings
Electromagnetic interference • Partial discharge activity or arcing involving the In-service
transformer core, winding, bushings or
Acoustic measurement • Partial discharge activity involving the In-service
transformer core, winding or tap changer
Exciting current • Shorted core laminations Outage needed
• Poor core joints
• Short circuited or open circuited windings
• Poor electrical connections
• Tap changer problems
• Core and winding movement
Frequency response analysis • Radial buckling or axial deformation of windings Outage needed
• Core and winding movement
• Clamping failures
• Shorted turns
Leakage inductance testing • Core and Winding movement Outage needed
• Winding distortion or damage
Capacitance/power factor • Moisture, carbon and other internal Outage needed
(winding) contamination of the winding insulation
Winding resistance • Shorted turns Outage needed
• Poor connections
• Open circuited windings
• Poor tap changer connections
Core insulation • Unintentional core grounds Outage needed
• Deteriorated core ground insulation
Turns ratio • Shorted turns Outage needed
• Open circuited windings
• Tap changer problems
Capacitance/power factor • Moisture, carbon and other internal Outage neededI
(bushings) contamination
• Shorted condenser layers in capacitive type
• Faulty bushing test taps
Insulation resistance • Contaminated or deteriorated winding insulation Outage needed Investigate the suitability of the bushing for continued use or replace the bushing when the power
factor value increases more than 2 times of the baseline value or capacitance increases to 10% or more over
the baseline value. Perform transformer paper insulation remaining useful life assessment when the following conditions
are detected:
A. CO2/CO ratio is greater than 10, and CO2 concentration is greater than 10,000 ppm.
B. DP levels (as indicated by furan analysis) are 400 or lower.
C. Transformer operating history indicates there has been accelerated deterioration of the paper insulation,
such as overloading or high moisture level.

2.1.4 Online Condition Monitoring Provide continuous online condition monitoring for the following types of transformers:
A. High-value or critical transformers the loss of which will have a significant business impact .
B. Transformers that are operated under onerous conditions, such as in a high surge environment, constant
or frequent overload operation, and high harmonic distortion, such as arc furnaces and rectifier

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C. Transformers for which the maintenance and testing intervals must be significantly extended due to
reasons such as the inability to remove the transformer from service, location in remote areas, or lack of
resources. Provide online condition monitoring systems to monitor the following parameters (several separate
pieces of equipment may be needed to achieve the required level of condition monitoring):
A. Moisture-in-oil (with appropriate algorithms to translate this to a moisture-in-paper measurement)
B. Temperature
C. Dissolved gases
D. Power factor for bushing with testing tap
E. Partial discharge activity monitoring
F. On-load tap changer motor current In addition to online condition monitoring systems, conduct periodic in-service testing using the
following equipment:
• Acoustic sensors to monitor partial discharge activity
• Corona cameras Select online condition monitoring systems with the following features and capabilities:
A. The ability to either transmit data continuously to a manned location (SCADA), or the ability to allow
remote retrieval of the data
B. The ability to generate alarms (to a staffed location) when unusual conditions are detected.
C. The ability to analyze monitored parameters, generate a summary of the condition of the transformer,
and produce recommendations for basic action
D. The ability for the user to set caution and alarm levels
E. The ability to store and trend monitored parameters
F. Field calibration and self-diagnostic capabilities
G. A measurement of accuracy of +/-5% for multi-gas DGA monitoring systems and moisture in the oil.
For standalone H2 continuous on-line condition monitoring, provide a measurement accuracy of +/-20%
or 25ppm, whichever is the greater
H. A measurement accuracy of +/-1% for bushing leakage current monitoring and be able to accept leakage
current up to 300 mA
I. A sampling rate of at least once every 4 hours
J. Robustness and immunity to electromagnetic fields interference and radio frequency interference.
K. Security to prevent unauthorized changes to alarm conditions and limits
L. Environmental appropriateness for local site conditions Online condition monitoring systems are not a substitute for electrical testing. Online condition
monitoring systems can be used to adjust the interval between electrical testing, but should not be used to
justify a lack of testing. FM Global views online condition monitoring systems as broadband, early warning
systems that trigger more focused electrical tests, including offline testing to confirm problems detected by the
online condition monitoring system. An effective online condition monitoring system requires at least the
following human elements:
A. Pre-defined action plans for various alert setting levels that are agreed by stakeholders.
B. Tracking of actions for response to alerts, including who responds to alerts, when, and with what

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C. Clear ownership of the online condition monitoring systems with sufficient knowledge and experience
level. The data should be integrated with all available periodic offline testing and in-service testing
information, and operation history for condition assessment. If continuous on-line H2 systems are to be installed, do all the following:
A. Use FM Approved continuous H2 monitoring systems
B. Install the system in accordance with manufacturer’s installation instructions. For transformers with a bladder in the conservator tank, check the bladder for leaks once every two
years. This is done by swabbing the inside of the bladder to check for oil, and also checking the oil screen
and DGA results for indications of bladder leaks. Replace leaking bladders as soon as possible.
The bladder in a conservator tank generally has a 10-year life. A leaking bladder will allow oxygen and
moisture to enter the transformer, which accelerates its aging process. Proper maintenance of the bladder
is a critical part of a transformer life management program. Test the electrical protection system (fuses, circuit breakers, batteries, surge arrestor, and electrical
and mechanical relays such as sudden pressure relay) in accordance with Data Sheet 5-19, Switchgear
and Circuit Breakers.

2.1.5 Operation Install, operate, and maintain transformers in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendations. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for filling new transformers with oil. Check all oil to ensure it
meets the specifications for new oil. In particular, make sure the moisture content, PCB content, and corrosive
sulfur content are within limits. Immediately after commissioning, and periodically for several days after commissioning, inspect the
transformer thoroughly for indications of overheating, oil leaks, abnormal vibration, abnormal noise, and
malfunction. Verify proper operation and calibration of each monitoring and protective device. Perform
benchmark tests as recommended in Section At a minimum, perform dissolved-gas-in-oil analysis 18 to 24 hours after energization, one month
later, and six months later to determine if the transformer has any infant mortality problems. Do not overload the transformer. If short-term overloading is required for emergency purposes, perform
studies to determine the economic, loss of life, and bubbling risks associated with overloading. Consider
the use of a dynamic transformer monitoring and control system as described in Section, or a cooling
system upgrade if frequent overloading of the transformer is expected. Do not reenergize transformers after the operation of protective devices until it has been determined
that the transformer has not suffered internal damage and any external faults have been removed. At a
minimum, investigate the operation of the protective device and perform a dissolved gas analysis (DGA) test
to determine if the transformer has suffered internal damage. Additional testing may be needed depending
on the results of the DGA test (see Section 2.1.2). Exercise care when taking a DGA sample immediately following a fault. It may be prudent to wait
several hours after the fault because fault gases may not have had enough time to migrate through the bulk
of the oil. Taking a DGA sample too early can produce misleading results. Record the event and any subsequent tests results. Do not perform online insulating fluid processing, such as degassing or regenerating, on a routine
basis or without a proper evaluation of the need for and consequences of processing the insulating fluid. Take the following precautions when insulating fluid is processed or replaced:
A. Perform DGA and furan analysis before the insulating fluid is processed or replaced to preserve data
about the transformer’s condition. Repeat DGA analysis immediately after the fluid has been processed
or replaced. Perform DGA, oil screening test and furan analysis about six months after the fluid has been
processed or replaced.
B. Take proper precautions when handling insulating fluid with high levels of combustible gas as this may
present an explosion risk.

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C. Check replacement mineral oil for corrosive sulfur and PCB contamination.
D. Ensure the equipment used to process the insulating fluid has been thoroughly cleaned to prevent
PCB cross-contamination.
E. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding insulating fluid processing or replacement to prevent
moisture contamination of the transformer’s solid insulation. For example, if the transformer has to be
opened, most manufacturers limit this time to no more than 2 hours and recommend dry air be circulated
into the transformer at a specified flow rate.
F. Replace all fluid-immersed tank gaskets when insulating fluid is replaced, regardless of the type of
G. When ester-based fluid is used to replace mineral oil in power transformers with voltage class of 69
kV or higher, consult with the transformer’s OEM for a design review for fitness of use.

2.1.6 Contingency Planning Equipment Contingency Planning When a transformer breakdown would result in an unplanned outage to site processes and systems
considered key to the continuity of operations, develop and maintain a documented, viable transformer
equipment contingency plan per Data Sheet 9-0, Asset Integrity. See Appendix C of that data sheet for
guidance on the process of developing and maintaining a viable equipment contingency plan. Also refer to
sparing, rental, and redundant equipment mitigation strategy guidance in that data sheet. In addition, include the following elements in the contingency planning process specific to
• OEM design information for the transformer
• The process and procedures needed for removal, dismantling, transportation, availability, installation,
testing and re-energizing the transformers to restore operations.
• A review of any service contracts with OEM and/or vendors to identify duration of delivery of transformers
and impacted components, including availability of rental units.
• OEM and/or third-party vendor review to determine transformer repair capabilities (including rewinding
and availability/lead time of replacement components) or transformer replacement.
• Evaluation of the electrical system design to consider alternative options for reducing the production
interruption exposure from a transformer breakdown, including restoration of power from alternate circuits
in the electrical system.

2.1.7 Sparing
Sparing can be a mitigation strategy to reduce the downtime caused by a transformer breakdown depending
on the type, compatibility, availability, fitness for the intended service, and viability of the sparing. For general
sparing guidance, see Data Sheet 9-0, Asset Integrity.

2.1.8 Equipment Breakdown Spares

Equipment breakdown spares for transformers are spares intended to be used in the event of an unplanned
outage of a transformer to reduce downtime and restore operations. Provide the following equipment
breakdown spares for transformers:
• Arc furnace transformers and associated Josyln switches
To be a viable arc furnace transformer equipment breakdown spare, the transformer must be owned/
dedicated, of proper size (MVA, volts, and amps), electrically and physically compatible, and of a known
condition. A spare that is from a different mill or application, for example, would not be considered viable.
To maintain viability, ensure the following criteria are met:
• The spare is properly stored and maintained viable in a protective structure (i.e., building) having a clean,
dry environment and not exposed to process hazards, including a molten metal spill.
• The spare is stored with nitrogen blanket above the arc furnace transformer oil to minimize moisture

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• The spare is owned/dedicated.
• The spare can supply 100% of production requirement.
• The spare is electrically and physically compatible with the existing installation (such as having been
installed in the vault in the past) and meets furnace operating permit requirements.
• The spare arc furnace transformer has spare secondary bus work or aligns with the existing bus.
• Spare inspection, testing, and maintenance meets OEM guidelines and FM Global recommendations.
• A viable equipment breakdown spare Joslyn switch is maintained.
Having a spare transformer that is not electrically compatible with the existing installation can negatively
impact furnace operations. This includes furnace emissions, depending on the operating permit requirements.
This needs to be considered in the ECP process.
See Section 3.4.1 for additional arc furnace transformer information. Storage and Maintenance of Equipment Breakdown Spare Transformers Store transformers in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and protect against physical
damage, moisture, dirt, and other contaminants, including process hazards, to maintain viability. Store transformers in a location not subject to fire, natural hazards, or other equipment exposures. Store liquid-immersed transformers with oil filled if the storage time will be longer than 6 months. Connect the control cabinet heaters to a power supply and keep them energized to prevent
condensation. When a bushing is stored as an accessary, store it in its shipping crate with its upper part elevated
from horizontal. Perform oil quality analysis on liquid-filled equipment breakdown spare transformers on an annual
basis. Visually inspect equipment breakdown spare transformers at the same frequency as the in-service
transformers to check for problems such as low oil levels, water saturated desiccant, leaks, and other
abnormal conditions.

2.2 Fire Protection for Indoor Transformers

2.2.1 Construction and Location If transformers are to be located indoors, provide a detached dedicated building or room with location
and construction safeguards as described in Figure 2 and Table 4. If transformers are to be located within
cut-off rooms for exposure protection, ensure the cooling characteristics of the transformer are not

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Main Building
(plan view)


1 - Detached building
2 - Outside room with direct access from outside only
3,4 - Inside room with direct access from outside only

(See Table 4 for construction features)

Fig. 2. Locations for transformer buildings and rooms

Table 4. Recommended Construction for Transformer Buildings and Rooms

Fluid Volume in Room or Building Fire Fire Protection for
Transformer Type Fluid Type Largest Transformer Ratinga Transformer Liquidsa
Dry or gas insulatedb Not applicable Noncombustible Nonec
FM Approvedd FM Approved liquids Anye Noncombustible Nonec
Non-Approved FM Approved liquids Anye One-hour fire-rated Nonec
Transformer Noncombustible Per Section 2.2.3f
Non-Approved liquids Less than 100 gal One-hour fire-rated Nonec
(380 L)e
More than 100 gal Three-hour fire-rated Nonec
(380 L) with subdivision if
multiple transformersg
Three-hour fire-rated Per Section 2.2.3f
with multiple
transformers and no
One-hour fire-rated
with single transformer
Transformers in Location 1 may also be treated as outdoor transformers in accordance with Section 2.3.
With no oil-filled bushings, oil-filled tap changers, or other oil-filled accessories that could increase the fire hazard.
See also Section for protection of combustibles other than transformer liquids.
Section 3.3 describes FM Approved transformers.
Provide liquid spill containment in accordance with Section
Automatic sprinklers, foam-water sprinklers, or water mist. Also provide emergency drainage for sprinkler discharge per Section
Subdivide room or building with three-hour fire-rated construction for each transformer if multiple transformers are present. Arrange transformer rooms to allow for direct access from outdoors. Where three-hour fire-rated construction is recommended for transformer rooms with non-FM
Approved fluids in Table 4, also protect exposed structural steel in accordance with Data Sheet 7-32, Ignitable
Liquid Operations.

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FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Page 21 Provide containment and emergency drainage in accordance with Data Sheet 7-83, Drainage and
Containment Systems for Ignitable Liquids. Where multiple oil-filled transformers are installed, provide
individual containment for the contents of each transformer to prevent spills from flowing to other transformers
or important equipment in the room. Where a special protection system (e.g., foam-water sprinklers, compressed air foam, water mist)
is provided for transformer protection in accordance with Section 2.2.3, design containment to hold the
transformer liquid contents plus special protection system discharge for at least 20 minutes. Regardless of the
calculated curb height, provide no less than 3 in (7.6 cm) of containment. Locate transformers a minimum of 3 ft (0.9 m) from walls, or more as needed for maintenance access
and ventilation requirements. If transformer rooms contain liquid-filled transformers, arrange openings to be normally closed and
provide FM Approved fire doors and/or fire shutters that have the same fire rating as the rest of the room. Where conductors penetrate fire-rated construction in transformer rooms and detached buildings, use
FM Approved fire stops with fire resistance equivalent to 1 hour or to the rating of the construction, whichever
is greater.

2.2.2 Occupancy Use dry-type or gas-insulated transformers if suitable for the application. Limit the loading of combustible materials, including transformer fluids, plastics, and insulation on
grouped electrical cables. Where the surrounding occupancy could be exposed to nonthermal damage due to an indoor
transformer fire, do one of the following:
A. Locate the transformers in rooms with suitable construction so the surrounding occupancy will not be
B. Equip the transformer room with a mechanical ventilation system designed to vent smoke to outdoors.
Provide power for the ventilation system from an emergency source that will not be deenergized as part
of the pre-fire plan. Install FM Approved smoke detection in transformer rooms, with alarms arranged to sound at a
constantly attended location, regardless of any automatic sprinkler protection or heat detection that may also
be provided. The presence or absence of smoke detectors does not change the need for sprinklers. Arrange
smoke detection spacing in accordance with Data Sheet 5-48, Automatic Fire Detection. In locations where dusty or corrosive atmospheres are or may be present, locate air-cooled
transformers in a pressurized room. Also filter the cooling air and remove corrosive contaminants.

2.2.3 Protection Where sprinkler protection is recommended for transformer fluids per Table 4, provide one of the
following designs:
A. For FM Approved transformer fluids, provide sprinkler protection with a design of 0.2 gpm/ft2 (8 mm/min)
over the entire room.
B. For transformers using non-FM Approved fluids, provide sprinkler protection in accordance with Data
Sheet 7-32, Ignitable Liquid Operations. Also design containment and drainage in accordance with Data
Sheet 7-32. An FM Approved foam-water sprinkler system, or a water mist system is acceptable as an alternative
to sprinkler protection for transformer liquids where recommended in Table 4.
A. Design the system per Data Sheet 7-32, Ignitable Liquid Operations, as well as Data Sheets 4-2, Water
Mist Systems, or 4-12, Foam Extinguishing Systems, as applicable.
B. Design the duration of system water flow for a minimum of 60 minutes.
C. Design the foam concentrate supply to provide flow for a minimum of 30 minutes.

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D. Provide an FM Approved water mist system for machinery spaces. Ensure the size of door openings
into the room does not exceed the limitations of the Approval listing. An FM Approved compressed air foam (CAF) system is acceptale to supplement a sprinkler/design
system or as an alternative to emergency drainage for transformer liquids. Design the system per Data Sheet
7-32, Ignitable Liquid Operations. Provide sprinkler protection for transformer rooms and buildings where combustible grouped electrical
cables are present, per Data Sheet 5-31, Cables and Bus Bars.

2.2.4 Human Factor Develop a pre-fire plan for transformer fire and electrical emergency response:
A. Prepare a documented procedure to promptly isolate the transformer equipment in order to expedite
firefighting activities.
B. Train and authorize electrical personnel on each shift who will respond promptly to isolate the
transformer for access by fire responders. Conduct transformer fire drills and review and update the pre-fire plan at least annually.

2.2.5 Fire Protection for Transformer Production Test Areas Provide containment and emergency drainage for transformer production test areas. Size them in
accordance with recommendations for indoor transformers (see Section 2.2.1) for the type of fluid and largest
transformer fluid volumes to be tested. Where non-FM Approved transformer fluids are present in the tested transformers, provide fire
protection in accordance with Data Sheet 7-32, Ignitable Liquid Operations.

2.3 Fire Protection for Outdoor Transformers

2.3.1 Location and Construction

The separation distances and construction features recommended in this section are intended to be
implemented together with spill containment. Alone, the recommended distances for liquid-filled transformers
may not protect surrounding property from damage due to overpressure and rupture of transformer casings
or bushings. Exposure Protection for Main Buildings Provide any one of the following alternatives to protect exterior walls of main buildings against
exposure to outdoor transformer fires:
A. Minimum separation distances based on the construction type and transformer fluid in accordance
with Figure 3 and Table 5.
B. A 2-hour fire barrier of concrete block or reinforced concrete with separation distance and horizontal
and vertical dimensions (X, Y, and Z, respectively) as shown in Figure 4 and Table 6.
C. At least 5 ft (1.5 m) separation with a 3-hour fire-rated barrier with the same horizontal and vertical
extent as dimensions Y and Z in Table 6.
D. At least 5 ft (1.5 m) separation from fire-rated or noncombustible construction, plus water spray
protection on the transformer in accordance with Section 2.3.2.
E. At least 5 ft (1.5 m) separation from the inside edge of the containment barrier, and water spray
protection installed on the exposed building wall, over the same vertical and horizontal extent (coverage
area) as dimensions Y and Z in Table 6. Design water spray in accordance with Section 2.3.2.

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Exposed blank building wall

Main building X Transformer

Main building


Plan view Elevation view

X = Minimum separation distance from inside edge of
containment to wall (see Table 5)

Fig. 3. Minimum horizontal separation distance between outdoor liquid-insulated transformers and exposed walls of main

Table 5. Separation for Exposure Protection of Main Building Walls (also refer to Figure 3)
Minimum Horizontal Distance from Containment to Exposed Building
Wall (Dimension X in Figure 3)
2-hour fire-rated wall, Non-combustible Combustible Wall,1
Fluid or Transformer Fluid Volume, gal ft (m) wall, ft (m)
Type (m3) ft (m)
FM Approved Per Approval Listing 3 (0.9)
FM Approved Liquid <10,000 (38) 5 (1.5) 25 (7.6)
in non-Approved >10,000 (38) 15 (4.6) 50 (15.2)
Non-Approved <500 (1.9) 5 (1.5) 15 (4.6) 25 (7.6)
transformer liquid ≤5,000 (19) 15 (4.6) 25 (7.6) 50 (15.2)
>5,000 (19) 25 (7.6) 50 (15.2) 100 (30.5)
Note 1. For definition of combustible and noncombustible construction materials, see Appendix of Data Sheet 1-1, Firesafe Building
Construction and Materials

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Exposed building wall

2 hr fire barrier
with minimum 30 inch
(0.75 m) parapet
Main Y Roof

Plan view Elevation view

X, Y, Z = minimum dimensions - see Table 6

Fig. 4. Use of 2-hour fire barriers and separation distances for protection of exposed main building walls

Table 6. Separation and Extent of 2-hour Fire Barriers for Protection of Main Building Walls (for dimensions refer to
Figure 4)
Separation and Extent of 2-hour Fire Barrier
Fluid Volume Dimension1,2 Noncombustible Wall3 Combustible Wall3
Fluid Type gal (m3) (See Fig. 4) ft (m) ft (m)
FM Approved ≤10000 X 5 (1.5) (1.5)
transformer fluid (38) Y 5 (1.5) 25 (7.6)
Z 25 (7.6) 25 (7.6)
>10000 (38) x 15 (4.6) 15 (4.6)
Y 15 (4.6) 50 (15.2)
Z 50 (15.2) 50 (15.2)
Non-Approved <500(1.9) X 5 (1.5) 5 (1.5)
transformer fluid Y 15 4.6) 25 (7.6)
Z 25 (7.6) 25 (7.6)
≤5000(19) X 15 (4.6) 15 4.6)
Y 25 (7.6) 50 (15.2)
Z 50 (15.2) 50 (15.2)
>5000 (19) X 25 (7.6) 25 (7.6)
Y 50 (15.2) 100 (30.5)
Z 100 (30.5) 100 (30.5)
Note 1. The X distances refer to minimum separation between the closest inside edge of the spill containment barrier area and the 2 hour
fire barrier. These are the same as Table 5 for 2-hour fire-rated walls. Dimension Y is the horizontal extent of the barrier starting
from the respective edge of containment.
Note 2. Barrier vertical extent is dimension Z in the Table or the building height plus 30 in. (0.75 m) parapet, whichever is less.
Note 3. For definitions of combustible and noncombustible construction materials, see Appendix A of DS 1-1, Firesafe Building Construction
and Materials. Where exposure protection is provided per alternatives C, D, or E of, determine the extent
of roof area exposed to excessive radiant heating, if any, using Figure 5 and Table 7.

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W-X 3 hr barrier with minimum

30 inch (0.8 m) parapet
roof area

Main building
noncombustible X
roof Containment

Plan view Elevation view

W = Horizontal distance of exposure from edge of containment, from Table 7.

X = Separation distance from barrier to inside edge of containment.

Fig. 5. Determination of exposed roof area

Table 7. Transformer Fire Exposure to Noncombustible Building Roof Where Separation from Wall is Based on a 3-hour
Fire Barrier or Water Spray Protection
Maximum Liquid Volume gal Building Height, W (see Fig. 5)
Liquid Type (m3) ft (m) ft (m)
Non-Approved transformer <1000 (3.8) Any Not exposed
fluid Any ≥50 (15) Not exposed
1000-5000 (3.8-19) ≥25 (7.5) Not exposed
<25 (7.5) 15 (4.5)
>5000 (19) <50 (15) 25 (7.5) Provide a Class A rating for external fire resistance over at least the section of the roof, if any, that
is determined to be exposed per and Table 7. (See Data Sheet 1-42, MFL Limiting Factors, for
description of Class A roof installations). Exposure Protection from Roof-Mounted Transformers If roof-top transformers use non-FM Approved fluids, locate the transformer away from walls of
adjoining buildings with higher roofs in accordance with Section If roof-top transformers use non-FM Approved fluids, provide a Class A roof covering for at least
the horizontal distance from the transformer specified for noncombustible construction in Table 5. (See Data
Sheet 1-42, MFL Limiting Factors, for description of Class A roof installations.) Exposure Protection for Outdoor Transformers and Other Equipment

To protect transformers and other important equipment against exposure fire from adjacent transformers,
provide separation, a fire barrier, or a water spray system in accordance with any one of the following three
alternatives: Provide separation distances for exposed transformers and other critical equipment in accordance
with Table 8. Distances in Table 8 refer to the closest edge of containment.

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Table 8. Minimum Separation Distances Between Adjacent Transformers

Liquid Volume, Distance,
Liquid Type FM Approved Transformer? gal (m3) ft (m)
FM Approved Transformer Yes N/A 3 (0.9)
Fluid No ≤10000 (38) 5 (1.5)
>10000 (38) 25 (7.6)
Non-Approved Transformer N/A <500 (1.9) 5 (1.5)
Fluid ≤5000 (19) 25 (7.6)
>5000 (19) 50 (15.2) Where the separation distances in Table 8 cannot be met, provide 2-hour fire-rated barriers between
transformers as shown in Figure 6 and as follows:
A. Extend barriers 1 ft (0.3 m) vertically and 2 ft (0.6 m) horizontally beyond transformer components
that could be pressurized as the result of an electrical fault, including bushings, pressure-relief vents,
radiators, and tap changer enclosures.
B. Use of concrete block or reinforced concrete construction is preferred.

2 Hour rated fire barrier



Fig. 6. Fire barriers for multiple outdoor transformers For installations where the separation distances between transformers in Table 8 are not met and
barriers are not provided, install water spray protection on each transformer in accordance with Section 2.3.2. Spill Containment and Emergency Drainage

Spill containment requirements for environmental protection and related regulations are outside the scope
of this data sheet. Provide outdoor liquid-filled transformers with spill containment if accidental release of the
transformer fluid could expose a main building or adjacent equipment or storage to fire damage. Design the spill containment system in accordance with IEEE STD 980 (Guide for Containment
and Control of Oil Spills in Substations) or equivalent standard. Where water spray protection is provided for a transformer, provide containment with a capacity
of at least a 60-minute discharge of fire hoses (500 gpm) plus the flow of the water spray system. Size the
drainage and containment assuming adjacent water spray systems on both sides of an exposing transformer
will operate simultaneously with the original activating system. Provide drainage in accordance with Data
Sheet 7-83, Drainage Systems for Flammable Liquids.

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FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Page 27 Provide a system for removal of rainwater from the containment area. Extend the containment perimeter at least 5 ft (1.5 m) beyond fluid-containing components, including
any external coolers, for transformers with up to 1,000 gal (3.8 m3); and 8 ft (2.4 m) for transformers with
more than 1,000 gal (3.8 m3).

2.3.2 Active Protection for Outdoor Transformers If automatic water spray exposure sprinkler protection is provided for outdoor transformers, design
the system as follows:
A. Provide a discharge density of 0.3 gpm/ft2 (12 mm/min) over transformer surfaces, except areas under
the transformer, with equipment designed in accordance with Data Sheet 4-1N, Water Spray Fixed
Systems, and Data Sheet 2-0, Installation of Sprinkler Systems.
B. Refer to Figures 7 and 8 for typical nozzle layouts.

Fig. 7. Nozzle and piping arrangement for transformer using nozzles of ordinary capacity. Upper-level nozzle piping shown
by solid line, lower level by dashed line. Both levels are the same distance from the transformer.

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Fig. 8. Nozzle and piping arrangement for transformer using large-capacity nozzles. Upper-level nozzle piping shown by
solid line, lower level by dashed line. Both levels are the same distance from the transformer.

C. Locate components of the water spray system (piping, spray nozzles, etc.) a minimum of 18 in.
(45 cm) from the transformer.
D. Do not locate piping over the top of the transformer or tank relief vents.
E. Do not let nozzles spray onto bushings.
F. For multiple transformer installations, design the water spray system and water supply based on
simultaneous operation of the water spray systems for the transformer of fire origin and adjacent
transformers on each side. If automatic water spray is provided on the building wall for exposure protection (per Section[E]), design protection as follows:
A. Provide a density of 0.2 gpm/ft2 (8 mm/min) over the coverage area.
B. Determine coverage (demand) area per Section
C. Design for direct impingement application, or provide rundown application with a maximum distance
of 10 ft (3 m) between levels.
D. Spacing between adjacent nozzles on each level per the manufacturer’s design tables.

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E. Axial distance between nozzles and wall per the manufacturer’s design tables.
F. Water spray equipment designed in accordance with Data Sheet 4-1N, Water Spray Fixed Systems,
and installed per Data Sheet 2-0, Installation of Sprinkler Systems. Where transformers present an exposure to buildings or equipment, provide a hose stream allowance
as follows:
A. Adequate for 1 hour hose stream demand of 250 gpm (950 L/min) for transformers holding FM Approved
liquids or up to 1000 gal (3.8 m3) of mineral oil.
B. Adequate for 2 hour hose stream demand of 500 gpm (1900 L/min) hose stream for greater than 1000
gal (3.8 m3) of mineral oil in an individual transformer.

2.3.3 Occupancy
Adhere to the recommendations in Section 2.2.2.

2.3.4 Human Factor

Adhere to the recommendations in Section 2.2.4.

2.4 Transformers Insulated with Liquids Containing Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)

2.4.1 Replace transformers with insulating liquid containing trace amounts up to 50 ppm PCBs in locations
susceptible to nonthermal damage (hospitals, offices, residential, pharmaceutical manufacturing, food
manufacturing and processing, etc.).
2.4.2 Replace PCB-filled and PCB-contaminated transformers containing more than 50 ppm in industrial
and commercial facilities that are not susceptible to nonthermal damage (e.g., machine shops and heavy
manufacturing). Alternatively, flush and fill the transformers with PCB-free fluid. Use a competent and certified
company to perform this work. Every three years, test transformers that have been flushed and refilled with a replacement liquid
to verify that PCB concentrations are below 50 ppm.
2.4.3 Adhere to the following recommendations pending replacement of PCB-filled and PCB-contaminated
transformers. Develop a written emergency response plan to handle a PCB spill. Include the following information:
A. Availability of an emergency replacement power supply
B. Telephone numbers for critical facility staff, emergency response personnel, PCB handling and disposal
companies, and, for clients, the local FM Global office
C. Telephone numbers of the appropriate authorities responsible for handling PCB contamination (in the
United States this includes the National Spill Response Center and the nearest EPA office) Perform monthly visual inspections of transformers, including stored transformers, to check for leaks.
Repair any leaks immediately. Seal floor drains exposed to a PCB spill, with the exception of drains leading to an oil-containment
system for fire protection purposes. Do the following for PCB-filled or PCB-contaminated transformers located in open facility areas:
A. Provide a curbed area around each transformer or bank of transformers sufficient to contain liquid from
the largest transformer.
B. Isolate PCB-contaminated transformers from hazardous processes or areas of combustible storage
by means of one of the following:
1. A one-hour fire-rated barrier
2. A minimum 15 ft (5 m) separation distance free of combustibles Do the following for PCB-filled or PCB-contaminated transformers located within rooms:

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A. Seal wall penetrations.

B. Exhaust air directly to the outside.
C. Keep the room free of combustibles.
2.4.4 Take the following precautions when replacing PCB-filled or PCB-contaminated transformers:
A. Develop a plan before moving PCB-filled equipment or containers to minimize exposure to plant areas
and to prepare for a PCB spill.
B. Provide spill containment equipment such as plastic sheeting, oil-absorbent materials, and empty drums.
C. Drain PCB-contaminated liquid from transformers containing more than 100 gal (0.38 m3) before
D. Pack drums containing PCB within a larger outer drum with absorbent material between the two drums.
E. Remove drums containing PCBs from main facility areas and dispose of them as soon as possible.
F. If PCB-filled drums are stored on site, locate the drums in detached, low-value buildings. Take the
following precautions for onsite PCB storage:
1. Store the drums in rooms of noncombustible construction with noncombustible occupancy.
2. Provide a minimum 6 in. (15.2 cm) high curb around the drum storage sufficient to contain either
twice the volume of the largest container or 25% of the volume of the PCB containers in the room,
whichever is larger.
3. Ensure there are no drains within the curbed area.
4. Use an impervious material for the floor and curbing.
2.4.5 Use a competent, certified company to perform all PCB-related work.


3.1 Transformer Testing Diagnostics

The test limits discussed in this section are only general guidelines and should not be relied on to make
important decisions. Better interpretation of test results can be obtained by comparing results from past tests,
comparing test results with name plate information or with results from a family of similar equipment and
observing trends.
Improved interpretation can also be obtained by looking at results from other relevant tests; for example,
oil screen results should be checked if power factor measurements on a transformer are unexpectedly high.
Complementary tests should be performed to confirm a diagnosis. For example, frequency response analysis
can be used to confirm if large changes in the capacitance measurement of a transformer is indicative of
winding movement.
Do not rely on any single test to make an important decision.
The reference temperature is ideally taken as the rated temperature for each component as provided by
the manufacturer. However, this is not always readily available. It is also acceptable to use the temperature
of neighboring equipment or neighboring points on the transformer as a reference. For example, when
evaluating the bushings, a good reference temperature would be the coolest bushing. And, when evaluating
the radiator banks, a good reference point would be the temperature of the top of the transformer tank.

3.1.1 Thermography
Thermography is performed with a thermographic camera with the transformer online. It can be used very
effectively to detect the following problems:
• Low fluid level in transformer or bushing4•Blocked oil flow in radiators4•Shut radiator banks
• Eddy current heating of the tank
• Overheating tap changer contacts4•Loose connections at bushing terminals
• Moisture contamination of surge arrestors

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General criteria for evaluating thermographic scans is provided in Table 9.

Table 9. General Criteria for Evaluating Thermographic Scans

Temperature Above Reference Action
0°C to 10°C Continue to monitor on regular basis.
10°C to 20°C Repair at next convenient opportunity.
20°C to 40°C Repair immediately.
>40°C Failure imminent; shut down equipment for repair.

3.1.2 Fluid Screen Testing

Fluid screen testing is performed to determine if the transformer insulating fluid is suitable for continued
service. The tests listed in Table 10A are typically included in a mineral oil screen test. Their parameters and
acceptance limits are also included. These limits are based on IEEE C57.106 and refer to service-aged
insulating oil. Different limits apply to new oil.
For natural ester oil, see Table 10B for parameters and acceptance limits that are based on IEEE C57.147.

Table 10A. Tests Typically Included in a Mineral Oil Screen Test

Acceptance Limits Based on Voltage Class
Test Less than 69 kV 69kV to 230 kV More than 230 kV
Dielectric Strength
ASTM D1816-97
1 mm gap 23 kV min 28 kV min 30 kV min
2 mm gap 40 kV min 47 kV min 50 kV min
Power Factor
ASTM D924-99e1
25C 0.5% max 0.5% max 0.5% max
100C 5.0% max 5.0% max 5.0% max
Interfacial Tension 25 min 30 min 32 min
ASTM D971-99a
Neutralization Number 0.2 max 0.15 max 0.10 max
ASTM D974-02
Mg KOH/g
Water 50°C 27 mg/kg 15% sat 12 mg/kg 8% sat 10 mg/kg 5%sat
Content 60°C 35 mg/kg 15% sat 20 mg/kg 8% sat 12 mg/kg 5% sat
70°C 55 mg/kg 15% sat 30 mg/kg 8% sat 15 mg/kg 5% sat
Oxidation Inhibitor Content 0.09% min 0.09% min 0.09% min
ASTM D2668-96
Type II oil

Table 10B. Tests Typically Included in an In-Service Natural Ester Oil Screen Test
Test and ASTM method IEEE Value for Voltage Class
≤69kV 69 kV to 230 kV More than 230 kV
Dielectric strength, 23440 28 30
ASTM D1816 47 50
1 mm gap
2 mm gap
Dissipation factor, Per OEM guidance Per OEM guidance Per OEM guidance
ASTM D924,%, maximum
Water content, ASTM 450 350 200
D1533, mg/kg, maximum
Fire point (ASTM D92) 300 300 300
Viscosity (ASTM D445) ≥10% ≥10% ≥10%

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The interfacial tension and neutralization number (acidity) are usually used as criteria for determining when
the oil needs to be processed or replaced. At certain interfacial tension and acidity levels, the oil is prone
to forming sludge that can coat the windings and lead to decreased cooling efficiency. In addition to increasing
the oil-sludging tendency, acid is also a catalyst for cellulose aging and can accelerate the deterioration of
the paper insulation.
The tests described in the following sections may also be performed on the oil to determine if incipient faults
or deterioration are present in the transformer. Furan Analysis

Furanic compounds are generated when paper insulation in the transformer degrades. These compounds
are concentrated in the paper, but will partition to the oil. Sampling the oil and testing for furanic compounds
provides a convenient and nonintrusive means of determining the extent of degradation of the transformer’s
paper insulation.
There are some important factors that need to be considered:
A. Type of paper insulation. Transformers with thermally up-rated (KTU) paper will generate much less
furan compounds. For this reason, furan analysis on transformers with KTU paper relies on the
measurement of the total furan concentration rather than just the 2FAL (2-furfural) concentration.
Transformers used in North America are almost all manufactured with KTU paper, while transformers in
the rest of the world use non-thermally up-rated (NTU) paper.
B. Filtering or replacement of transformer fluid. Filtering of transformer fluid or replacement of the fluid
will remove the furan compounds from the oil. However, the furan compounds will repartition back into the
oil from the paper and will reach equilibrium within six months. FM Global recommends the fluid be tested
for furans before filtering or replacement and then again six months later to ensure valuable data is not
lost. Particles in Oil

The measurement of metallic as well as non-metallic particles in oil allows problems such as oil pump wear,
pump bearing deterioration, electrical arcing, and contamination to be detected.

3.1.3 Dissolved Gas Analysis

Dissolved gas analysis is performed to determine if there are incipient faults in the transformer windings,
core, and tap changer. By analyzing the concentration, ratios, and generation rates of key dissolved gases
in the transformer oil, the type of fault, as well as its severity, can be determined. The key gases that are
included in a typical DGA report and the most likely faults that generate these gases are listed in Table 11
(see Table 12 for names of gases represented by the chemical formulas).

Table 11. Gases Included in a Typical DGA Report

Key Gas Secondary Key Gas Likely Cause
CO2/CO H4, C2H4 Conductor overheating involving
C2H4 CH4, H2, and C2H6 Oil overheating
H2 CH4, C2H6, and C2H4 Partial discharge
C2H2 H2, CH4, and C2H4 Arcing

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Table 12. Gases Represented by Chemical Formulas

Chemical Formula Name
H2 Hydrogen
CH4 Methane
C 2 H2 Acetylene
C 2 H4 Ethylene
C2H6 Ethane
CO Carbon Monoxide
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
O2 Oxygen
N2 Nitrogen

Other key gases sometimes included in DGA results are propane and propylene.
There are many factors that will affect the DGA results for a transformer. The interpretation of DGA results
is a highly specialized field requiring an understanding of both oil and paper chemistry as well as transformer
design, construction, and operation.
Factors such as the oil preservation system (sealed, nitrogen blanketed, or free breathing) will influence the
dissolved gas analysis results. Sealed transformers keep most of the fault gases within the oil. Free breathing
transformers allow some fault gases to escape to atmosphere, while the dissolved gases in nitrogen
blanketed transformers will partition between the oil and the gas blanket depending on the individual gas
partial pressures. These transformers will all show different DGA patterns for the same fault.
Having the tap changer in a separate compartment or within the main tank will also have an effect on the
DGA pattern. Tap changers generate gases at different rates depending on factors such as the diverter switch
type, number of tap changer operations, and the tap changer design. Faults with the tap changer will also
generate gases. These gases can mix with the oil in the main tank and may either mask faults in the main tank
or lead to a wrong conclusion that there is a fault in the main tank.
Table 13 lists the 90th percentile value of dissolved gas concentration values for a mineral oil filled transformer
as a reference. They are statistic values based on IEEE C57.104: IEEE guide for the interpretation of gases
generated in oil-immersed transformers. Users may decide to use different dissolved gas concentrations
for a transformer based on experience with other similar transformers.
Table 14 provides reference guidance for gas generation rate when there is no industrial reference or
manufacturer guidance available. When any gas has the generation rate above those indicated in Table 14,
further investigation is needed to assess the root cause and corrective action based on the assessment
For silicon oil filled transformers, refer table 15. Table 16 is used for ester oil filled transformers.

Table 13. 90th Percentile Gas Concentration Values for Transformers Filled with Mineral Oil
Gas Concentration in Oil in µL/L (ppm)
O2/N2 Ratio ≤ 0.2 O2/N2 Ratio > 0.2
Transformer Age in Years Transformer Age in Years
Gas Unknown 1-9 10-30 >30 Unknown 1-9 10-30 >30
Hydrogen(H2) 80 75 100 40 40
Methane(CH4) 90 45 90 110 20 20
Ethane(C2H6) 90 30 90 150 15 15
Ethylene(C2H4) 50 20 50 90 15 25 60
Acetylene(C2H2) 1 2
Carbon Monoxide(CO) 900 500
Carbon dioxide (CO2) 9000 5000 10000 5000 3500 5500

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Table 14. 95th Percentile Values of Gas Generation Rate for Transformers Filled with Mineral Oil
Gas Generation Rate µL/L/year (ppm/year)
O2/N2 Ratio ≤ 0.2 O2/N2 Ratio > 0.2
Period between first and last point of the series
Gas 4-9 Months 10–24 Months 4–9 Months 10–24 Months
Hydrogen(H2) 50 20 25 10
Methane(CH4) 15 10 4 3
Ethane(C2H6) 15 9 3 2
Ethylene(C2H4) 10 7 7 5
Acetylene(C2H2) Any increasing rate Any increasing rate
Carbon 200 100 100 80
Carbon Dioxide(CO2) 1750 1000 1000 800

Table 15. Typical Gas Values and Generation Rate for Transformers Filled with Silicon Oil with no previous history
CO2 dissolved
H2 CH4 C2H2 C2H4 C2H6 CO(Carbon (Carbon combustible
Status (Hydrogen) (Methane) (Acetylene) (Ethylene) (Ethane) Monoxide) Dioxide) gas)
Typical <200 <100 <1 <30 <30 <3000 <30,000 <3360
Generation <20 <10 <1 <3 <3 <300 <1500 na
rate G1
limit1 (ppm
per month)
Generation <100 <50 <1 <15 <15 <1,500 <15,000 na
rate G2
limit2 (ppm
per month)
G1 limit means: if one or more gases generation rates exceed G1 limits, the unit needs to be paid attention.
G2 limit means: if one or more gases generation rate exceed G2 limits, the unit is considered in critical condition.

Table 16. Typical Dissolved Gas Concentration Value for Transformers with Ester Oil with no previous sample history
Ester Fluid H2 CH4 C2H6 C2H4 C2H2 CO (Carbon CO2 (Carbon
Type (Hydrogen) (Methane) (Ethane) (Ethylene) (Acetylene) Monoxide) Dioxide)
Soybean- <115 20 <235 20 <2 <170 na
based, (ppm)
High-oleic <35 <25 <60 <20 <1 <500 na
based (ppm)
Synthetic <65 <105 <125 <150 <15 <1400 na

It is important to ensure that oil sampling practices follow ASTM D3613 or equivalent standards. This is
especially true if oil sampling is done by the transformer owner or a third party rather than a transformer oil
testing laboratory. Improper oil sampling practices will render oil screen testing and dissolved gas analysis
completely useless and, even worse, it can give misleading results that cause a bad decision to be made. For
example, when taking oil samples for dissolved gas analysis, an oil sampling syringe should be used so
dissolved gases are not lost to atmosphere. The syringe should also be protected from sunlight and extreme
temperatures that can also cause the concentration of dissolved gases to change. Taking an oil sample for
DGA from the same bottle that has been used to collect oil for oil screen tests will result in a DGA result
that has higher concentrations of oxygen and nitrogen. The concentration of hydrogen and some of the other
lighter gases will also be lower as these gases are lost when the oil sample is exposed to atmosphere.

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A proper flushing of the oil valve on the transformer is needed to ensure a good oil sample is collected. The
body of the oil valve frequently collects debris, rust, and free water, which will result in misleading oil screen
test results.

3.1.4 Exciting Current

Purpose: To detect shorted core laminations, poor core joints, short circuited or open circuited windings,
poor electrical connections, tap changer problems, core and winding movement.
The exciting current test is performed by applying the same AC voltage to the high side windings. The voltage
is applied to one winding at a time with all other windings open circuited. The exciting current (comprising
the core magnetizing current, resistive loss current and capacitive charging current) drawn by the winding is
measured. This test should be performed before any DC tests have been performed. DC testing leaves a
residual magnetism of the core that will influence the exciting current.
It is good practice to repeat each exciting current measurement with the tap changer in neutral, raised one
position and lowered one position, as well as at full raise and full lower positions. If the exciting current test
is being used to diagnose problems with the tap changer, the test should be performed for all tap position.
Doble Engineering has identified 12 different tap changer exciting current patterns.
The exciting current test is evaluated by looking at the pattern of the exciting current.
For three-phase, star-connected, core-form transformers, the exciting current pattern is two high similar
currents corresponding to the two windings on the outer core limbs and a low current corresponding to the
middle winding.
For three-phase, delta-connected, core-form transformers the exciting current pattern is two high but dissimilar
currents corresponding to the two windings on the outer core limbs and a low current corresponding to the
middle winding.
It is important to note that exciting current patterns can vary depending on transformer construction.
It is possible to use the difference between the two higher currents to detect problems. As a general rule, if
the exciting current is greater than 50 mA, there should not be more than 5% difference between the
magnitudes of the two higher currents. If the exciting current is less than 50 mA, there should not be more
than 10% difference between the magnitudes of the two higher currents.

3.1.5 Turns Ratio for On-Load Tap Changers

Purpose: To detect shorted turns, open circuited windings, and tap changer problems.
The turns-ratio test is performed using a special test set. A known low voltage is applied to the primary winding
and the induced voltage is measured on the secondary winding. In a three winding transformer, the induced
voltage on the tertiary winding is also measured. The test is performed one phase at a time.
The measured turns-ratio should be within 0.5% of the nameplate value. Deviations between the measured
and nameplate value can indicate shorted turns, open circuits, incorrect winding connections and tap changer
problems. Usually further testing or visual internal inspection of the transformer or tap changer is needed
to locate a fault identified by turns-ratio testing.
It is good practice to perform turns-ratio tests on each of the tap changer positions and compare these against
the nameplate values to detect problems with the tap changer.

3.1.6 Leakage Inductance

Purpose: To detect core and winding movement, as well as windingdistortion.
Leakage inductance (also referred to as “leakage reactance” or “short circuit impedance”) is calculated by
measuring the current drawn when a voltage is applied to the primary winding with the secondary winding
shorted. This current is due to the transformer leakage flux and is used to calculate the transformer’s leakage
inductance. This calculated value can be compared to the transformer nameplate. Difference between the
nameplate leakage inductance and the calculated leakage inductance indicates winding deformation or
winding movement.
The leakage inductance test is often performed using the power factor test set with the addition of another

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3.1.7 Power Factor and Capacitance

Purpose: Power factor and capacitance measurement is used to determine the condition of the capacitive
insulation between the windings, and between the windings and the core and tank. It can detect contamination
of the winding insulation by moisture, carbon, and other material.
This test can also be applied to the bushings to determine the condition of condenser-type bushings. It can
also detect contamination as well as deterioration of the capacitive layers in the bushing.
The test is performed by applying AC voltage to one set of windings with the test set in various modes. The
current and watts from the other winding, as well as flowing to ground, are measured. The three different
test set modes are:
• GST-ground: where all currents are measured,
• GST-guard: where only currents flowing to ground are measured, and
• UST: where currents that flow to ground are not measured.
During the test, all the terminals, including the neutrals, are connected together to remove any inductance
effects, and the neutral is ungrounded. The tap changer is set in a position off neutral. Test voltage is applied
to one set of windings with the test set in the three different modes. The test is then repeated by applying
the test voltage to the other set of windings. This helps reveal errors in the testing procedure since the results
obtained should be similar.
The power factor is calculated from the watts and current measurements. The power factor is equivalent to
the dissipation factor, tan delta, or dielectric loss angle for the ranges of power factor that are of interested.
The test set also measures the capacitance for each test mode. Depending on the test mode, different
capacitances are measured. These capacitances are:
• CH: capacitance of the insulation between the high voltage winding and the grounded tank and core
including the HV bushings,
• CL: capacitance between the low voltage windings and the grounded tank and core including the LV
bushings, and
• CHL: capacitance between the high and low voltage windings.
Changes in capacitance usually indicate changes in the geometry of the windings relative to each another
or to the tank and core. Since the capacitance also includes components such as the tap changer, bushings,
insulating fluid pressboard barriers, and structural elements, changes in the capacitance could also be
influenced by changes in these components (e.g., insulating fluid contamination, bushing and tap changer
Power factor test results must always be corrected for temperature. General rules for interpreting power factor
results are listed in Table 17. The power factor limits for transformers are listed in Table 18, changes in the
current between tests that can also be used for interpretation are listed in Table 19, and power factor limits
for dry-type transformers are listed in Table 20.

Table 17. General Rules for Interpreting Power Factor Results

Power factor Interpretation
<0.5% Good
Between 0.5% and 0.7% Deteriorated
Between 0.5% and 1.0 % with an increasing trend Investigate
>1.0% Bad

Table 18. Power Factor Limits for Transformers

Size New Service Aged
<500 kVA 1.0% 2.0%
>500 kVA 0.5% 1.0%

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Table 19. Interpretation of the Changes in Current Between Tests

Change in Current Interpretation
<3% Good
3-5% Deteriorated
5-10% Investigate
>10% Bad

Table 20. Power Factor Limits for Dry-Type Transformers

Power Factor Non-Cast Resin Cast Resin
CHL 2.0% 1.0%
CH 3.0% 3.0%
CL 4.0% 2.0%

It is important to note that, as with all general guidelines for test results, better interpretation can be obtained
from trends and comparing test results to similar transformers or nameplate data. Other relevant test
information should also be consulted and complementary tests performed to confirm a diagnosis.
The power factor test set can also be used to determine the condition of the transformer bushings. Condenser
or capacitive bushings will have either a potential test tap or a power factor test tap to allow power factor
and capacitance testing to be performed.
The GST-ground mode is used to measure the overall power factor and capacitance of the bushing. In this
test mode all the terminals of the winding under test are short circuited and the other windings are grounded.
The high voltage lead is attached to the center conductor of the bushing and the bushing flange ground is
connected to ground terminal of the test set. All currents flowing through the main capacitive insulation of
the bushing, the upper porcelain, the lower porcelain, the sight glass, and the liquid or compound filler in the
bushing are being measured.
The UST test mode is used to measure the power factor and capacitance of the bushing’s main insulation
(C1) only. The high voltage lead is attached to the center conductor of the bushing, the low voltage lead is
connected to the test tap, and the bushing flange ground is connected to ground terminal of the test set and
is guarded. Only currents flowing through the main capacitive insulation of the bushing are being measured.
The GST-guard mode is used to measure the power factor and capacitance of the test tap (C2). In this test
the high voltage lead is connected to the test tap (it is important to make sure the applied test voltage is
appropriated for the test tap so as not to damage the test tap insulation), the low voltage lead is connected
to the center conductor of the bushing and guarded, and the bushing flange ground is connected to the
ground terminal. Only currents flowing through the test tap insulation, the ground flange, and the immediate
area of the porcelain around the test tap, are measured.
• Overall and C1 Power Factor: In general, if the value doubles original nameplate value or more,
the bushing is questionable and needs to be replaced or refurbished.
• C2 Power Factor: Should closely match nameplate and in general be less than 1.0%.
• Capacitance: Should match nameplate with changes of more than 10% being cause for concern.
Otherwise the bushing is questionable, and needs to be replaced or refurbished.
Non-condenser-type bushings (e.g., solid porcelain bushings, epoxy bushings, compound filled, oil-filled and
gas-filled bushings) do not have a test tap. It is not possible to measure the power factor and capacitance
for these bushings. A hot collar test can be performed on these bushings to measure the watts loss and
current. Increase of the watts loss is an indication of contamination of the outer surface of the bushing (typical
Watts loss is between 0.02 and 0.04 Watts, with a Watts loss greater than 0.1 Watts being a cause for
concern). Decrease of the current is an indication of internal voids, low oil or compound levels (typical
currents of 40 to 120 mA).

3.1.8 Frequency Response Analysis

Purpose: This test detects movement of the windings, core, and leads.

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This test measures the frequency response of the transformer to either a variable frequency sinusoidal voltage
input (frequency response method) or to an impulse voltage input (impulse response method). In both cases,
the voltage is very low and the test is nondestructive.
The test protocol is as follows:
For each winding, inject the signal at one end of the winding and measure the response at the other end
of the same winding. For star connected windings, inject the signal at one end of the winding and measure
the response at the neutral.
Inject the signal into the high voltage winding and measure the response at the low voltage winding for each
For windings with tap changers, perform the test with the tap changer in 2 positions: the neutral position
and the position that puts the entire winding in the circuit.
The response (or transfer function) is displayed as a Bode Plot (amplitude vs. frequency) from power
frequency to 2 MHz.
The shape of the frequency response is analyzed. In particular, the resonances of the frequency response
curve provide information about the mechanical disposition of the transformer windings, leads, and core. This
test is sensitive to very small changes in transformer winding, lead, and core geometry and can pick up
problems such as axial winding collapse, hoop buckling, movement of windings relative to each another, and
shorted turns.
To gain the most value from frequency response analysis, it is useful to have a previous frequency response
plot to compare the readings to. However, the skill of knowledgeable experts as well as the experience in
frequency response analysis has advanced to the stage where it is possible to obtain good information from
a standalone test by comparing this against a database of expected results.
This test does require a knowledgeable person to interpret the results. Some companies are developing
expert systems to perform this analysis as well as general rules for reading the results. This will enable less
knowledgeable persons to provide a preliminary diagnosis. This is particularly valuable if FRA testing is used
to determine if a transformer should be reenergized after seeing a fault.

3.1.9 Insulation Resistance

Purpose: This test is performed by applying a DC voltage and measuring the leakage current to determine
if the transformer insulation is dry and clean. The test can also pick up any unintentional grounds.
A mega-ohmmeter (Megger R) is typically used. The test is performed by shorting all the windings and making
sure the tank and core are grounded. The resistance to ground is then measured from the primary windings
to the secondary windings, and then from the secondary windings to the primary windings, as well as from
each winding to ground. In a three winding transformer, the tertiary winding is also measured.
The resistance is a function of temperature (winding temperature, oil temperature, and ambient temperature).
The resistance is also a function of the physical size of the transformer and its construction. Therefore, in
order to evaluate insulation resistance readings, the measured 60-second resistance value should be
corrected to 20C and compared to a minimum resistance value derived from the following formula:

R minimum = 0.8 x E
E is the voltage rating of the winding under test.
kVA is the rating of the transformer.
0.8 is a factor used for oil filled transformers at 20°C. A factor of 16 should be used when windings are
Because of the temperature dependence of resistance measurement, dielectric absorption ratios are used
to evaluate insulation cleanliness and dryness. The dielectric absorption ratio is the ratio of the 60-second
insulation reading to the fifteen second insulation reading. A dielectric absorption ratio in the range of 1.3
to 3 indicates a clean and dry transformer.

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Another insulation ratio used is the polarization index, which is a ratio of the 10-minute insulation reading
to the 60-second insulation reading. A polarization index less than 1 indicates a wet or contaminated
insulation. A polarization index greater than 2 indicates dry and clean insulation.
It is important to discharge the windings after an insulation resistance test because any residual charge will
interfere with other electrical tests and generate bad results. There is also a potential for insulation resistance
testing to magnetize the core and this can also result in bad test results. For these reasons it is good practice
to make insulation resistance testing the last test performed on the transformer.

3.1.10 Winding Resistance

Purpose: This detects shorted turns, poor connections, open circuited windings and problems with the tap
changer connections.
Winding resistance is measured using a low resistance ohmmeter (Ductor R). The test is performed by
measuring the phase to neutral winding resistance in a wye connected winding and the phase to phase
winding resistance in a delta connected winding. The phase to phase winding resistance should be resolved
to individual phase winding resistances.
Because winding resistance is temperature dependent, the followingprecautions must be taken:
A. The current used to perform the measurement should not exceed 10% of the rated winding current.
B. The transformer top and bottom oil temperature differential should be no more than 5°C.
C. The winding temperature should be close to the average oil temperature. (Leaving a transformer
deenergized for at least 3 hours is normally enough to meet the temperature requirements.)
The measured winding resistance should be corrected to the same temperature at which the nameplate
winding resistance has been provided, and then corrected in accordance to the following formula:

R corrected = Rmeasured x (CF + CT)

CF + winding temperature
CF = 234.5 for copper windings and 225 for aluminum windings.
CT = 75 for 55°C rise transformers and 85 for 65°C rise transformers.
Winding temperature is given in C.
There should not be more than 2% difference between the corrected measured value and the nameplate
value. Differences more than 2% indicate short circuits, tap changer contact problems, or turn to turn shorts.

3.1.11 Core Insulation Resistance

The transformer core is typically insulated from ground with only one deliberate core ground. Multiple core
grounds lead to circulating currents in the core laminations and overheating of the core.
The core ground may be brought through the tank wall via a low voltage bushing or accessed by opening
a man hole.
Core insulation resistance testing performed on accessible core grounds can provide indication of multiple
core grounds. The test is performed using a standard DC insulation resistance tester at no more than 1 kV.
New transformers have core ground resistances greater than 1000 Mohm. Service aged transformers have
core ground resistances greater than 100 Mohm. Core ground resistances less than 10 Mohm should be
DGA results can be used to check if core overheating is occurring. The presence of hot metal gases (ethane,
ethylene and methane) is an indicator that core overheating may be occurring. CO and CO2 may also be
present if the core overheating involves pressboard or paper insulation.

3.1.12 Electromagnetic Interference Measurement

Purpose: This test detects problems with the windings, core, and bushings that generate electrical noise.

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Electromagnetic interference measurement detects radio frequency noise using radio frequency antennae
or high frequency current transformers. It is possible to apply triangulation or other methods to localize the
source of radio frequency noise generated by the transformer. This test is relatively new and is often used as
a complement to partial discharge measurements.

3.1.13 Partial Discharge Measurement

Purpose: This test detects problems with the windings, core and bushings that generate electrical noise.
Partial discharge measurement may be performed using a variety of acoustic, electrical and radio frequency
sensors. This test is relatively new but it is becoming more common as a factory acceptance test as well
as a benchmarking test. It is also being performed more frequently as a condition monitoring or diagnostic
test. Methods to triangulate the partial discharge activity have been developed that provide additional
information as to the source and therefore the seriousness of the problem.

3.1.14 Power Factor Tip-Up

Purpose: This test detects contamination and other defects in the winding insulation.
This is the same test as conventional power factor testing; however, multiple measurements are taken as
the test voltage is increased in steps.
Increasing power factor with increasing voltage is evidence of ionic contamination (i.e., conductive
contaminants like rust, salts, and copper particles) or carbonization of the oil and/or winding. Polar
contaminants such as moisture will not cause the power factor to increase with voltage.
The power factor tip up test, when applied to dry-type transformers, is useful in detecting ionic contamination
and voids in the insulation. These will cause the power factor to increase with increasing voltage.

3.1.15 Dielectric Frequency Response

Purpose: This test is used to measure the amount of moisture in the solid insulation.
Dielectric frequency response is an extension of the power factor test. While the power factor test is performed
at a single frequency (power frequency), the dielectric frequency response test measures the power factor
of the transformer across a frequency range from 0.001 Hz to 1.0 kHz. This allows the determination of the
cause of a poor power factor reading.
This test in particular allows engineers to distinguish between moisture in cellulose insulation, chemical
contamination of cellulose insulation, and contamination of the oil or moisture in the oil as possible causes
of a poor power factor reading. Knowing the cause of a poor power factor reading allows the problem to be
treated more effectively.
The dielectric frequency response test is also able to provide an estimate of the moisture concentration in
the cellulose insulation. This is useful in determining the aging rate and remaining life of the transformer as
well as its susceptibility to bubbling.

3.2 Online Condition Monitoring

The main advantage of continuous online monitoring comparing with routine testing is to allow for early
detection in case of faults, monitor a transformer condition at emergency or the progress of deficiency
conditions, and enables users to assess the hazards remotely. Therefore, online monitoring should be viewed
as “warning” tools. Same level of attention and follow up action should be provided when online monitoring
data indicate a potential problem evolving on the transformers as with results coming from routine laboratory
or off-line testing.
There are many commercial condition monitoring products available, and this market is constantly evolving,
with new products continually being offered to the transformer owner.

3.2.1 Gas-in-Oil Monitor System

Gas-in-oil online monitor system have been available for many years starting with hydrogen sensors. It is
one of the best detectors of abnormalities in power transformers. Today, multiple-gas monitors are available
that can detect all the important fault gasses individually. The following are main categories of the monitoring
system per gas monitored:

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A. Single gas or composite gas monitors: these sensors detect hydrogen primarily. These monitoring
systems give a single readout in respond to abnormal operation of transformers and provide warning signal
once the pre-set threshold value is exceeded. It is a relatively economical system.
B. Multi-gas monitors: these systems can monitor up to eight or nine dissolved gasses individually. There
are main two technologies used: gas-chromatography system or photo-acoustic spectroscopy. These
systems provide a lot more information about the condition of transformers. They significantly increase
the usefulness of the monitoring system for real time diagnostics on transformers.
Installation of dissolved gas monitors on existing transformers requires connection oil valves that are

3.2.2 Moisture in Oil Monitoring System

The commonly used moisture-in-oil sensors are based on thin-film capacitive element technology. The
capacitance measured changes proportionally to the change in the relative saturation (relative humidity) of
the moisture in the oil as those sensors respond to the change in relative humidity in the air. The instruments
can provide indication of relative saturation of moisture in oil or converted PPM performed using a built-in

3.2.3 Condenser Bushing Insulation Monitoring System

There are different ways to monitor bushing insulation:
A. Sum current monitoring system: The principle of the sum current method is based on the fact the initial
sum of the leakage current from the testing tap of the three bushing should be theoretically zero when
three bushings are identical. Any change in the sum current from the initial sum value would indicate a
deterioration of the insulation of one or more of bushings.
B. Relative power factor monitoring systems: They measure the power factor in a similar principle as the
off-line power factor measurement. The main difference is the measurement circuit of an online systems
uses the voltage of another phase as the reference.

3.2.4 Partial Discharge Monitoring

Partial discharge activity monitoring systems are either electrical or acoustic based in general. They are only
applicable for transformers with a highest voltage rating above 4 kV. Either method has its own their own
advantages and disadvantages and can be complimentary rather than exclusive
Electrical method uses sensors are installed on bushing testing tap to measure electrical signal from PD
activities. In such case, bushings act like capacitors and so electrical PD signal is induced through capacitance
coupling. Alternatively, using split-core radio frequency current transformer (RFCT) or Rogowski around
neutral connection, main tank ground, HV cable at the cable box or on the neutral strap of such cable, or
ultrahigh frequency valve antenna. Acoustic Monitoring

These monitoring systems are to detect acoustic wave in the range between 20kHz and 1 MHz propagated
from partial discharge sources within the transformer tank. They can identify and locate PD sources with
multiple sensors temporarily installed on transformer tanks externally.

3.2.5 Load Tap Changer Motor Current Monitoring

The use of online tap changers monitors has been successful to determine when mechanical problem with
the mechanism are occurring. Motor current is to determine if any abnormal binding is occurring. This binding
is usually indicative of a serious problem or impending failure of the tap change mechanism. However, the user
must exercise caution when using this the method as the monitoring device must have the necessary
measurement speed to correctly capture the motor current signature.

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3.3 FM Approved Transformers

FM Approval is intended for liquid-filled transformers are either naturally cooled or utilizing forcibly circulated
cooling medium. The standard limits Approval for the naturally cooled transformers rated from 5 to 10,000
kVA. If a transformer is FM Approved per Approval Standard 3990, fire frequency is considered reduced
sufficiently that fire protection is not necessary. The FM Approval program considers the transformer as a
system that includes evaluation of the fire properties of the liquid, the ability of the tank and transformer
components to withstand the pressure generated by a low-level electrical fault, and the ability of electrical
protection to clear a fault before tank rupture. The conditions of FM Approval are as follows:
A. Tank design strength to prevent tank rupture under low energy fault conditions.
B. A pressure relief device to relieve pressure if a low current fault occurs until the fault can be cleared
by electrical protection described in Item 3 below.
C. Electrical protection to clear sustained low current faults. This protection could be in the form of a ground
fault relay and sudden pressure relay, or other devices of equivalent reliability.
D. Electrical protection to clear high current faults. This protection is based on the kVA rating of the
transformer and is intended to electrically isolate the transformer rapidly enough to prevent pressure
increase to greater than half the tank burst pressure.
E. Use of FM Approved transformer fluids.
F. For FM Approved network transformers, secondary side electrical protection is needed in addition to
the above. This protection could be in the form of ground fault detection or other technology of
demonstrated equivalence. This device should trip the high-side disconnect devices of the transformer
experiencing the fault and other paralleled transformers in the network.

3.4 Transformer Aging

The following discussion is based on rules of thumb and should only be used as a guide to qualitatively
determine how different factors affect loss of transformer life. Knowledgeable experts should be used to
accurately determine the remaining life of transformers.
Transformer age is determined by the tensile strength of its paper insulation. The tensile strength will decrease
as the paper insulation degrades. When the paper insulation loses most of its tensile strength, it is no longer
able to withstand the normal electrical stresses associated with everyday operation of the transformer.
Insulation failure will occur.
In addition to normal operating electrical stress, the paper insulation also has to withstand mechanical and
electrical stresses due to abnormal conditions such as overvoltages, electrical faults, and mechanical
vibration. These stresses are typically higher than the normal operating stress.
The degradation of paper insulation in transformers depends on four mechanisms:
• Pyrolysis (heat)
• Hydrolysis (water)
• Oxidation (air)
• Acidity
These degradation mechanisms are interrelated. Heat will cause paper to degrade. Degradation of paper
will generate moisture. Moisture will contribute to the degradation of paper. The assessment of transformer
life is a complex problem.
The following rules of thumb exist for the four degradation mechanisms:
A. Every 7°C increase in temperature above the rated hot spot temperature will double paper insulation
aging rate.
B. Every doubling of the moisture content in the paper insulation above 0.5% by weight will double paper
insulation aging rate.
C. Transformers operating in a high oxygen environment will age in the order of 2.5 times faster than
transformers operating in a low oxygen environment.

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Because aging of transformers depends on these four factors, the nameplate age alone cannot be solely
relied upon to determine when a transformer needs to be replaced.
Degradation of paper causes the long cellulose chains to break. Shorter cellulose chains provide less tensile
strength. The length of cellulose chains in paper is measured in degrees of polymerization (DP). New
transformers have paper insulation with a DP of 800. The IEEE has set the transformer end-of-life criterion
at a DP of 200, which represents a loss of 50% tensile strength.
FM Global recommends the use of oil screen tests, DGA, and furan analysis as screening tools to indicate
when transformers are approaching their end of life. Oil screen tests will identify transformers with high
moisture in paper concentrations. The ratios and concentrations of CO and CO2 in DGA analysis will identify
transformers where thermal degradation of the paper is a serious concern. And, furan analysis will provide
an approximation of the DP of the paper insulation.

3.4.1 Arc Furnace Transformers

The arc furnace transformer is designed for operation with short circuit arcing on the load side for periods
of 1 hour out of every 1.5 to 2 hours. Arc furnace transformer designs can have a shorter life span than power
distribution transformers as a result due to the service aging caused by the operating environment. An
equipment breakdown spare arc furnace transformer is essential. They are available in sizes ranging from
200 kVA to over 100 MVA. The transformer windings are normally oil-immersed and water-cooled, although
some have natural or forced oil circulation. Most modern units employ external heat exchangers for cooling
the oil.


4.1 FM Global
Data Sheet 4-1N, Fixed Water Spray Systems for Fire Protection
Data Sheet 5-11, Lightning and Surge Protection for Electrical Systems
Data Sheet 5-19, Switchgear and Circuit Breakers
Data Sheet 5-48, Automatic Fire Detection
Data Sheet 9-0, Asset Integrity
FM Approval Standard 6520, Dissolved Gas Analysis Monitoring Systems in Liquid Immersed Transformers

4.2 Other
ANSI/IEEE Std. 493, Design of Reliable Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
ANSI/IEEE Std. C57.91, Guide for Loading Mineral Oil-Immersed Transformers
ANSI/IEEE Std. C57.92, Guide for Loading Oil-Immersed Power Transformers
ANSI/IEEE C57.109, Transformer Through-Fault Current Duration
ANSI/IEEE C37.100, Thermal Evaluation of Oil-Immersed Distribution Transformers
International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE). Life Management Techniques for Power
Transformers. WG A2.18. 2003


Arc furnace transformer (AFT): A specialized transformer used in the steel industry for making both carbon
and specialty steel. The transformer produces electric arcs between electrodes that provide the energy to
melt the steel.
FM Approved: Products and services that have satisfied the criteria for Approval by FM Approvals. Refer
to the Approval Guide, an online resource of FM Approvals, for a complete listing of products and services
that are FM Approved.
FM Approved transformer: A transformer filled with an FM Approved fluid, either naturally cooled or utilizing
forcibly circulated cooling medium. The standard limits Approval for the naturally cooled transformers rated

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from 5 to 10,000 kVA. The transformer includes electrical protection to clear high current as well as sustained
low current faults. A pressure relief device and tank discharge strength prevent tank rupture under a low-level
electrical fault.
FM Approved transformer fluid: A transformer insulating fluid that exhibits a reduced fire hazard, proven
through testing by FM Approvals. The transformer is not necessarily FM Approved.
Higher secondary voltages: Secondary voltages equal to or greater than 480 volts, including 480/277 volt
In or near commercial buildings: within the interior of, on the roof of, attached to the exterior wall of, in
the parking area serving, or within 30 meters of a non-industrial non-substation building. Commercial buildings
are typically accessible to both members of the general public and employees, and include: 1) Public
assembly properties, 2) educational properties, 3) institutional properties, 4) residential properties, 5) stores,
6) office buildings, and 7) transportation centers (e.g., airport terminal buildings, subway stations, bus
stations, or train stations).
Lower secondary voltage: Transformers with secondary voltages below 480 volts.
Navigable waterway: Navigable waterway is defined by 40 CFR Part 112 as:
A. All waters that are currently used, were used in the past, or may be susceptible to use in interstate
or foreign commerce, including all waters subject to the ebb and flow of the tide.
B. All interstate waters, including interstate wetlands, mudflats,and sandflats.
C. All other waters such as intrastate lakes, rivers, streams (including intermittent streams), wetlands,
mudflats, sandflats, sloughs, prairie potholes, wet meadows, playa lakes, or natural ponds, the use,
degradation, or destruction of which could affect interstate or foreign commerce including any waters that
could be used for recreational purposes, or from which fish or shellfish could be taken and sold in interstate
or foreign commerce; or that are used or could be used for industrial purposes by industries in interstate
Network transformer: These transformers are located in vaults in buildings or adjacent to buildings. The
vaults contain two or more power transformers. These transformers are supplied from different transmission
or distribution lines and are paralleled on their low voltage side through circuit interrupting devices called
“network protectors”. Typically, high voltage current interrupting devices have not been used in the network
vault. The low-voltage bus of a network vault may be electrically tied to a number of other vaults to form
a network secondary distribution system, called a low-voltage network grid.
Primary winding: The winding into which energy normally flows. The primary winding can be energized
from the secondary winding under abnormal conditions.
Radial transformer: A transformer that can only be energized from the primary winding.
Secondary winding: The winding from which energy flows during normal operation.


The purpose of this appendix is to capture the changes that were made to this document each time it was
published. Please note that section numbers refer specifically to those in the version published on the date
shown (i.e., the section numbers are not always the same from version to version).
July 2022. Interim Revision. Added guidance for the use of FM Approved dissolved hydrogen on-line
monitoring system. Minor editorial changes were also made.
January 2022. Interim revision. Minor editorial changes were made.
July 2021. Interim revision. The following significant changes were made:
A. Clarified Section 1.0, Scope.
B. Clarified equipment contingency planning guidance.
C. Added guidance for arc furnace transformer spare viability.
April 2021. Minor editorial changes were made (Sections 2.1.3 and 2.1.4).

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October 2020. Minor editorial changes were made.

July 2020. Interim revision. The following changes were made:
A. Updated contingency planning and sparing guidance.
B. Added arc furnace transformer sparing guidance.
C. Updated DGA information in Table 13 and Table 14.
October 2019. Interim revision. Minor editorial changes were made.
July 2019. This document has been completely revised. Major changes include the following:
A. Updated differential protection recommendations for special transformers.
B. Improved the clarity and consistency of guidance on transformer online condition monitoring sensor
recommendations, and their integration into an overall condition-based maintenance approach.
C. Improved contingency plan guidance.
D. Added new CAF guidance for protection of indoor transformers.
E. Revised content related to silicone insulating fluids.
F. Revised guidance for PCB-contaminated transformers.
G. Aligned B&M guidance with an asset integrity approach with some emphasis on recommendations
on deficiency management.
October 2017. Interim revision. Editorial changes were made.
April 2016. Interim revision. Clarifications were made in Sections 2.2.1 and 2.3.1, Construction and Location.
January 2016. Interim revision. Editorial changes were made.
July 2013. Minor editorial changes were made.
July 2012. Major changes include the following:
• The electrical testing, electrical protection, maintenance and operation sections of this data sheet have
been substantially revised.
• This data sheet no longer refers to DS 5-20 for electrical testing recommendations.
• Recommendations related to specialty transformers have been added to this data sheet.
• Fire protection recommendations have been re-organized for better clarity.
• Total flooding gaseous systems are no longer recommended as alternatives to sprinklers for protection
of indoor transformers.
• Sprinkler protection criteria for indoor test areas have been revised.
• Emergency drainage is recommended for indoor transformers where sprinkler protection is provided.
May 2010. Minor editorial changes were done for this revision.
January 2007. The reference goal of the recommendation was classified.
May 2006. New definitions were added to Appendix A, Glossary of Terms.
May 2005. Editorial changes were done to the recommendation
January 2005. The following changes were done for this revision:
1. Section 2.2 Indoor Transformers, recommendations & A protection alternate to CO-2
of an FM Approved gaseous agent protection system or a water mist system FM Approved for machinery
spaces is recommended. Also, where automatic sprinkler protection is used, the density has been increased
to 0.3 gpm/ft2 (15 mm/min) from 0.2 gpm/ft2 (10 mm/min).

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2. Section 2.3 Outdoor Transformer, recommendation for open pit containment system. Where
automatic sprinkler protection is used, the sprinkler density has been increased to 0.3 gpm/ft2 (15 mm/min)
from 0.15 gpm/ft2 (6 mm/min). Where a flame arrestor is used to increase the amount of time before burning
oil enters the pit Size No 5 rather than Size No 2 ASTM D448 Standard Classification for Sizes of Aggregate
for Road and Bridge Construction should be used. Size No 5 is closer to the 1.5 in (3.8 cm) washed and
uniformly sized rock tested at the FM Global Research Campus.
3. Section 3.1.1, Approved and Equivalent Transformer. A transformer equivalent to an FM Approved
transformer is defined as a transformer with a UL listing per NEC Section 450-23 with electrical protection
to clear sustained low current faults. The reference to NEC 450-23 was left out of the previous edition.
Transformers complying with NEC 450-23 include four of the five safeguards requested for an FM Approved
transformer. Low current fault protection is the remaining safeguard.
May 2003. The following changes were done for this revision:
1. Tables 2a and 2b Separation Distances. The change allows medium sized transformers containing FM
Approved less flammable fluids to be located as close to buildings and to other transformers as small
transformers were in the previous standard. This provided there is adequate space for inspection and
maintenance. Medium sized transformers may contain up to 10,000 gal (37.9 m3) of fluid.
2. Section Containment. The change increases the quantity of FM Approved less flammable fluid
in a transformer before a containment system is recommended. It increases the size of the transformer to
1320 gal (5 m3) for transformers containing all FM Approved less flammable fluids. It further increases the size
to 2640 gal (10 m3) if the fluid is certified as biodegradable and if a release does not expose navigable
waterways. A definition is included for navigable waterways. The fluid would have to be certified as
biodegradable by the responsible governmental authority.
3. Minor editorial changes were made to Section
January 2001. The recommendation for the smoke detection for electrical rooms was revised to provide
consistency within 5-series data sheets.
September 2000. This revision of the document was reorganized to provide a consistent format.
The following major changes have been made:
a) Addition of emergency power supply recommendation for mechanical ventilation (Section
b) Change requirement for smoke detection to fire detection (Section
c) Add recommendation for location of rooms containing network transformers to outside wall where
possible (Section
d) Addition of fire protection recommendations for multiple indoor oil insulated transformers (Section
e) Open pits without protection acceptable containment for FM Approved less flammable fluid insulated
transformer (Section and
December 1998. Editorial changes were made.

ANSI/IEEE Std. C57.12.80
Modern Power Transformer Practice, Edited by R. Feinberg, Wiley, 1979, pgs. 114, 115.
ANSI/IEEE Std. C57.12.00
ANSI/IEEE Std. 979
Electric Utility Systems and Practices, 4th Edition, Edited by Homer M. Rustebakke, Wiley, 1983, pg. 150.
Distribution Transformer Tank Pressure Study, EPRI 325 Final Report, February 1976, Prepared by Allis-
Chalmers Corporation.
The J&P Transformer Book, 11th Edition, A. C. Franklin, D. P. Franklin.RTE/ASEA Transformer Instruction

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Johnson, D. L., Conserving Inherent Transformer Life Expectancy, Bonneville Power Administration, 51st
Annual International Conference of Doble Clients.
NFPA 70, National Electrical Code (NEC).
NFPA 850, Electric Generating Plants.
US Code of Federal Regulations, Part 761: Polychlorinated Biphenlys (PCBs).
European Standard EN 50195, Code of Practice for the Safe Use of Fully Enclosed Askarel-Filled Electrical

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