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Quarter 3 Module 4 Week 4

Heat ang Light Energy

Let’s Understand

Heat is the transfer of thermal energy between two systems that are at different
temperatures. The energy is always transferred from the warm object to the cooler one. The
system will transfer heat until both objects are at the same temperature. There are three
methods of heat transfer, conduction, convection, and radiation.
Conduction is when heat moves through direct contact. Molecules bump into each
other and give some of their energy to other molecules. An example would be a spoon
placed in a pot of boiling water. The flame never touches the spoon but the flame touches
the pan which heats up the water molecules. Then the water molecules bump into the
molecules of the spoon and heat them up causing the spoon to warm up.
Convection is the transfer of heat in air or through a fluid current. Heat is transferred
to some molecules and then those molecules are moved away and replaced by new ones
such as the rising and falling of warm and cold air. Convection only happens when you have
things moving. One example is as a fan blows air on you, you feel cooler. Convection
happens when hot air rises. The hot air goes up because it is less dense (the amount of
mass per unit volume an object has) and the cold air comes down because it is more dense.
The cooler air then becomes hot and rises and this creates a cycle of transferring molecules.
This is also what happens in a hot air balloon or boiling water.
Radiation is the transfer of energy as electromagnetic waves. This does not require
a medium like conduction and convection do. This is how the sun heats up the earth and
why you get warm near a campfire. The heat moves by infrared waves in the
electromagnetic spectrum.

Light Energy

Light is a form of energy. It travels in straight lines. Light waves travel in straight lines
away from the light source until the waves hit something. Therefore, we can see straight
“beams” of light coming from flashlights, car headlights and the lamps.
Unlike some other kinds of energy, light can travel through the vacuum of space. If it
could not, the Earth would not receive light from the Sun. Objects and materials interact with
light. When light shines on an object, the object may absorb, reflect, or refract the light. The
object’s properties determine which of these events take place.
When light strikes matter, three things can happen:
1. Light can be transmitted – Light passes through the substance it strikes.
Transparent- light passes through so you can see clearly
Translucent-light passes through but it scattered so you cannot see

Opaque- light does not pass through
2. Light can be absorbed- Light passes into the substance and is held
3. Light can be reflected- Light strikes a substance and bounces back.

Reflection (smooth shiny surfaces)

Reflection occurs when light bounces off objects. How much reflection depends upon
how even the surface is. If the surface is rough, the light scatters. If the surface is smooth
and flat, the light will bounce off it at equal angles. That is why a flat mirror reflects a good
likeness of the object being reflected.
Things that reflect light like mirrors, surface of smooth water, and other smooth
shiny surfaces.

Refraction occurs because light bends. A lens is a piece of transparent material. It is
usually made of glass and has at least one curved surface. Notice how the object appears
distorted (bent or broken).
Things refract light - when you see something through water, lenses, or
Refraction is often referred to as the bending of light where two different materials
touch. We most often see this property as light moves between air and water. The light is
traveling at a certain speed, but when it makes contact with the water, the light waves are
forced to slow down. This causes the object that the light is hitting, like a flower stem in
water, to appear to be bent or broken.

Absorption occurs when the light is not reflected or transmitted. The color black is a
great example of something that absorbs light. Black does not reflect any colors of light; it
absorbs them all. The colors that our eyes are able to see result from objects' reflection and
absorption of light.
The color that we see is the color that the object reflects; all of the other colors are
absorbed by the object. For example, the yellow apple appears yellow because it is
reflecting yellow light. The red apples appear red because they are reflecting red light. They
are absorbing the other colors of light.

Energy Transformation
Energy transfer refers to the movement of energy from one place to another. Think of
the electricity that flows from your wall socket, then moves through a charger and into a
battery. The energy is being transferred from the wall socket to the battery.
Electrical energy can be converted or transformed into other forms of energy.
For example: heat, light and sound energy.
Circuits have an energy source, something that uses energy, wires for the
energy to flow through and a switch to interrupt the flow of energy. Electric current flows
through a path called a circuit. A circuit is like a big loop. In order for the current to flow
through the loop, the paths must have no breaks, in other words, it must be closed. A closed
circuit has no breaks in it. An open circuit has a break.

Heat and Light
An electric current travels along a wire from a battery, through a switch to a bulb or
other device that uses the energy and finally back to the battery. If a bulb is lift out of the
loop or circuit, it will not receive the energy from the battery and therefore, will not light up.

Electrical energy can be transformed into sound energy. A speaker is a device that
uses energy to vibrate. Vibrations create sound waves which your brain interprets as sound.

Let’s Analyze
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write it in your answer sheet.
1.Benny’s family bought a new electric stove. The stovetop had several large circles on it.
When benny’s father turn on the stove, the circles glowed with a red color, what can you
infer about these circles?
a. The circles gave off both heat and light.
b. The circles gave only light to show where to place the pans.
c. The circles gave off light but not heat.
d. The circles gave off light to help the cook see the stove.
2.It was a hot sunny day when Marsha’s family was visiting the beach. Marsha took off her
sandals and headed for the water. The sand was so hot, she had to run so her feet would
not burn. Which of the following best explains why the sand was so hot?
a. People running in the sand made the sand hot.
b. Heat and light from the sun made the sand hot.
c. Wind blowing over the sand made the sand hot.
d. The temperature that made the sand hot.
3.Alex turned on the light in his room so he could do his homework. What type of energy
transformation is taking place in Alex’s room?
a. electrical - light
b. light-mechanical
c. mechanical-heat
d. heat-electrical

Let’s Evaluate

Direction: Read the questions below and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your
answer on the answer sheet.
1. Which statement explains why a pencil looks broken when placed in a glass of
a. Light is refracted as it moves from air to water.
b. Light is reflected as it moves from air to water.
c. Light is absorbed as it moves from air to water.
d. Light is destroyed as it moves from air to water.
2. What happen when light hits a mirror?
a. it makes a color c. it reflects
b. it makes a rainbow d. it passes through

3. Light travels in a _____.
a. curved line c. line that narrows
b. straight line d. line that projects
4. What causes a blue block to appear blue in the sunlight?
a. The block absorbs all blue light.
b. The block refracts all blue light.
c. Only blue light is reflected by the block.
d. Only blue light passes through the block.
5. Which object scatters light rays as they pass through it?
a. opaque c. transluscent
b. black shirt d. transparent
6. When we turn on the television, electrical energy changes into __________.
a. light and sound energy c. mechanical energy
b. kinetic energy d. chemical energy
7. A cellphone battery dies. It gets plugged into an electric outlet to recharge. After
being fully charge you turned on the cellphone. Which of the following energy
transformation occurs?
a. Mechanical-sound c. electrical-light
b. Potential-kinetic d. chemical-heat
8. The diagram shows a circuit with a battery and a bulb. While the bulb is
producing light, which type of energy is shown?
a. Light energy c. mechanical energy
b. Potential energy d. heat energy
9. Betsy depends on her electric alarm every morning to get up in time for school.
What energy transformation happens in Betsy’s alarm clock to wake her up in the
a. electrical energy is converted to sound energy
b. sound energy is converted to electrical energy
c. chemical energy is converted to kinetic energy
d. electrical energy is converted to thermal energy
10. Francesca connected several light bulbs to a battery. After the light bulbs were on
for a few minutes, she placed her hand near one of the bulbs and discovered it
was warm.
a. electrical energy to light energy
b. electrical energy to heat energy
c. light energy to sound energy
d. light energy to electrical energy

Let’s Create
(Note: you can collaborate with your elder siblings, guardians or parents)

Draw or cut out the pictures of objects you can find at home and list each of the
energy transformation. Be sure to use the correct vocabulary: electrical, light, sound, heat.
Make only one illustration using these types of energy. Explain your work in at least 5
RUBRIC 4-5 2-3 1
Completeness Shows 4 types of Shows 3 types of Shows 1 or 2
energy energy types of energy
Correctness Explained the Explained the Explained the
illustration in at illustration in at illustration in at
least 5 sentences least 3 sentences least 1 or 2

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