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Tuyển chọn đề vào 10 chuyên Anh – Đề 35

ĐỀ SỐ 35
(Đề thi tuyển sinh vào lớp 10 THPT Chuyên, TP. Hồ Chí Minh)
(Thời gian: 150 phút)
I. Choose the correct answer to fill iu the blank. (40pts)
1. They seemed to be ______to the criticism and just carried on as before.
A. disinterested  B. indifferent C. sensitive D. uncaring
2. He spoke______ all the families who had lost relatives in the disaster.
A. with a view
to B. in respect C. on behalf of  D. on aid of
3. They are very good friends but in terms of sports, they are worlds_____.
A. away B. separate C. apart D. different
4. The operation was doomed to failure from the word ______.
A. go B. start C. begin D. now
5. Her penknife came in very______ when they were on their picnic.
A. useful B.handy C. practical D. convenient
6. The doctor was unable to go away for the weekend because she was______ duty.
A. at B. by C. in D. on
7. She is too______to hide what she thinks about them.
A. quiet B. outspoken C. apologetic D. broadminded
8. The little boy______ into tears when he thought that he was lost.
A. burst B. fell C. broke D. dripped
9. The film ______a lot of attention.
A. generated manufactured C.promoted D. brought
10. All the engineers were happy because they finally made______ .
A.a D. an
breakthrough B. an outburstC.a viewpoint outcome
11. Tom: Jane’s daughter is very rude
       Mary: You’re right; she has no manners
A.however B. whatsoever C.whenever D. evermore
12. Because of her recent poor form, she is only expected to come fourth______ . least B. at best worst D. at will
13. I’m in no ______this evening to listen to his silly jokes.
A.feeling B. tendency C.mood D. opinion
14 .______ was the effect more powerfully felt then in the suburbs.
A.Nowhere B. SomewhereC.Anywhere D. Everywhere
15 . ______the choice, I would definitely not go.
B. Having D. Being
A.Giving given C.Given given
16. Tom: The building’s nearly finished, isn’t it?
Mary: Yes, but it’ll be______ we can move in.
A. to much time till B. a long time before
C. hardly time when D. very soon that
17. Tom: Is your government salary good?
Mary: Yes, but I don’t make as much______ worked in private industry. I B. if would C.I would if D. as I would if
have I
18. Tom: Betty didn’t win the beauty contest of Singapore.
Mary: She would have ______some talent.
A.had she B. have she D. have she
have had C.had she had have
19. Tom: I saw you studying at the library last night.
Mary: You______ ; I wasn’t there.
20. Tom: What’s all the noise about?
Mary: We had a bad accident______ at the factory.
D. has
A.happened B. happening C.happen happened
21. Tom: Can you wait while I run into the library?
Mary: OK,______ you hurry.
A.even though B. as long as C.when D. unless
22. Tom: Can you wait while I run into the library?
A. may it B. as it may it may D. does it.
23. Tom: Who did you invite to dinner?
A. rather B. except C.besides D. other
24. Tom: A lot of money goes for AIDS research.
Mary: Yes, because it’s______ the government is spending a lot to find a cure.
A. a so serious disease B. so serious a disease
C. so a serious disease D. such serious that
25. Tom: Which is more important: luck or effort?
Mary: Luck is ______effort
A. on the same importance B. the same importance as
D. as the same importance
C. of the same importance as
26. This is the latest news from Timbuktu. Two-thirds of the city ______in a fire.
A. was destroyed B. have been destroyed
C. has been destroyed D. were destroyed
27. There was no alternative______ wait until the rescue team came.
A. but  B. but to C. than to D. than
28 .______his invaluable work, the project would never have succeeded.
D. Provided
A. For all  B. In view of C. But for with
29. This is the only party______ in my life.
A. I never enjoy  B. I ever enjoy
C. I’ve never enjoyed D. I’ve ever really enjoyed
30. “So long!” is another way of saying ______.
C. I’m very
A. Hello!  B. Cheer up! happy D. Goodbye
31. Tom: Take care of yourself. – Mary: ______.
A. I will  B. Yes, I do C. Not bad D. You’re wellcome
32. Tom: Can I have your order, please? – Mary: ______.
A. Two chickens, please. B. Shouldn’t have behaved
C. Shouldn’t behave D. ought not do behave
33. Tom: You really disappointed me with your behavior
Mary: I know, I______ so immaturely yesterday.
A. mustn’t have behaved B. shouldn’t have behaved
C. shouldn’t behave D. ought not to behave
34. It was in the countryside ______.
A. where John was bought
up B. John was grown up
D. which John was grown up
C. that John was brought up at
35. I don’t know how you manage to______ on only £50 a week.
A. get by B. take in C. cut down D. look down
36. The plumber came yesterday to______ the burst pipes.
A. turn off B. look into C. get over D. see to 
37. I’m afraid I haven’t got time to______ the matter right now.
A. go into B. look for C. turn over D. clean out
38. Our school doesn’t break ______ until the end of July.
A. out B in C. off D. up
39. The government is to bring______ the necessary laws to deal with the problem.
A. down B to  C. up D. in
40. Do ______your shoe laces, or you will tumble over them.
A. with B up C. about D. on
II. Choose the suitable word to fill in each blank. (30 pts)
Research has shown that over half the children in Britain who take their own lunches to
school do not eat (1)_____ in the middle of the day. In Britain schools have to (2)_____
meals at lunchtime. Children can (3)_____ to bring their own food or have lunch at the
school canteen.
One shocking (4)_____ of this research is that school meals are much healthier than
lunches prepared by parents. There are strict (5)_____ for the preparation of school
meals, which have to include one (6)_____of fruit and one of vegetables, as well meat,
a dairy item and starchy food like bread or pasta. Lunchboxes (7) _____by researchers
contained sweet drinks, crisps and chocolates bars. Children (8) _____twice as much
sugar as they should at lunchtime. of why the percentage of
    The research will provide a better (9)_____ overweight students in Britain has
(10)_____  government cannot (11)_____ parents, but it can remind them of the
(12)_____  value of milk, fruit and vegetables. Small changes in their children’s diet
can (13) _____ their future health. Children can easily develop bad eating (14 )_____ at
this age, and parents are the only ones who can (15)_____ it.
1. A. appropriately B. properly C. probably D. possibly
2. A.take B. provide C. make D. do
3. A. prefer B. offer C. prepare D.choose
4. A. finding B. number C. figure D. outcome
5. A. standards B. procedures C. conditions D. regulations
6. A. piece B. portion C. helping D. amount
7. A. examined B. eaten C. taken D. investigated
8. A. take   B. contain C. consume D. use
9. A. view   B. knowledge C. understanding D. opinion
10. A. increased   B.expanded C. raised D. added
11. A. criticize   B. instruct C. order D. tell
12. A. nutritional    B. healthy C. mental D. physical
13. A. kill   B. effect C. destroy D. affect
14. A. behaviors   B. styles C. attitudes D. habits
15. A. prevent   B. cancel C. stop D. delay
III. Identify the mistake in each sentence. (20 pts)
1. They asked me what did happen (A) the last night,(B)  but I was unable to (C) tell them.
2. The test administrator (A) ordered that (B) we not to open (C) our books until he told us
to do so.(D) 
3. Our new (A) neighbors had been living (B) in Arizona for (C) ten years before
moving(D) their present house.
4.I would attend (A) the meeting (B) last week, but I had to make a speech (C) at still another
meeting(D) . 
5. We are supposed (A) to read all of chapter seventh (B) and answer (C) the questions for
tomorrow’s (D) class.
6. Mexican jumping beans (A) are actually (B) seeds in which (C) contain moth
larvae whose(D) activity causes the seeds to jump.
7. Science fiction is any fiction dealing (A) with the future or with so (B)
imaginative subjects as interstellar travel, life (C) on other planets, or time travel.(D) 
8. Approximately fifty percent of the package (A) utilized (B) in the United States are
for foods (C) and beverages.(D) 
9. Studies of either (A) vision and physical optics began (B) almost as early as (C)
civilization itself.(D) 
10. Because (A) the expense of traditional fuels (B) and the concern (C) that they may run
out,many countries have been investigating (D) alternative source of power.
IV. Supply the appropriate forms of words in the brackets. (30 pts)
1. Such a kind man would never _______hurt his friend’s feelings. (INTEND)
2. The scenery along the coast was _______. (BREATHE)
3. Because of a car _______, she didn’t get to the airport in time for her flights.
4. The _______need assistance from he whole society. (POVERY)
5. Her bedroom is _______decorated with her favorite souvenirs from her
trips. (PLEASE)
6. We are offering many special price_______ in printers this month. (REDUCE)
7. Students hate their classmates who get_______ treatment from their
teachers. (PREFER)
8. Explosives are _______weapons. (DIE)
9. Three of the _____ tried to escape through the window. (CAPTURE)
10. We were all surprised at her _______to help. (REFUSE)
11. Health care was _______in ancient time. There was no hospital or doctor then.
12. What the teacher does first is to check_______ of the students. (ATTEND)
13. The company went bankrupt on account of inefficient_______ . (MANAGE)
14. _______are built to entertain and educate people about marine life. (MANAGE)
15. The educational program we are launching is to_______ teenage girls in
rural areas. (POWER)
V. Read the following passage and choose the best answers to the question. (20 pts)
1] The development of jazz can be seen as part of the large continuum of American
popular music, especially dance music. In the twenties, jazz became the hottest new
thing in dance music, much as ragtime had at the turn of the century and as would
rhythm and blues in the fifties, rock in the fifties and disco in the seventies.
5] But who characteristics distinguish jazz from other dance music. The first is
improvisation, the changing of a musical phrase according to the player’s inspiration.
Like all artists, jazz musicians strive for an individuality style, and the improvise or
paraphrase is a jazz musician’s main opportunity to display his or her individuality. In
early jazz, musicians often improvised melodies collectively, thus creating a kind of
polyphony. There was little soloing as such, although some New Orleans players,
particularly cornet player Buddy Bolden, achieved local fame for their ability to improvise
a solo.
13] Later the idea of the chorus-long or multichorus solo took hold. Louis Armstrong’s
instrumental brilliance, demonstrated through extended solos, was a major influence in
this development. Event in the early twenties, however, some jazz bands had featured
soloists. Similarly, show orchestras and carnival bands often included one or two such
“get-off’ musicians. Unimproved, completely structured jazz does exist, but the ability of
the best jazz musicians to create music of great cohesion and beauty during
performance has been a hallmark of the music and its major source of inspiration and
21] The second distinguishing characteristic of jazz is rhythmic drive that was initially
called “hot” and later “swing”. In playing hot, a musician consciously departs from strict
meter to create a relaxed sense of phrasing that also emphasizes the underling
rhythms. (“Rough” tone and use of moderate vibrato also contributed to a hot sound).
Not all jazz is hot, however, many early bands played unadorned published
arrangements of popular songs. Still, the proclivity to play hot distinguished the jazz
musician from other instrumentalists.
1. The passage answers which of the following questions?
A. Which early jazz musicians most Influenced rhythm and blues music?
B. What are the differences between jazz and other forms of music?
C. Why is dancing closely related to popular music in the United States?
D. What instruments comprised a typical jazz band of the 1920’s?
2. Which of the following appeared before jazz as a popular music of dancing?
A. Disco B. Rock
C. Rhythm and blues D. Ragtime
3. According of the passage, jazz musicians are able to demonstrate their individual
artistry mainly by?
A. creating musical variations while performing.
B. preparing musical arrangements
C. reading music with great skill
D. being able to play all types of popular music
4. Which of the following was the function of “get-off’ musicians line 17?
A. Assist the other band members in packing up after a performance
B. Teach dance routines created for new music
C. Lead the band
D. Provide solo performances in a band or orchestra
5. Which two types of music developed around the same time?
A. jazz/ rock B. dance/ rhythm & blue
C. rock/ rhythm & blue D. jazz/ dance
6. Louis Armstrong was mentioned as an influential musician of
A. “hot” or “swing” jazz B. chorus-long jazz
C. structured jazz D. soloing jazz
7. The word “consciously” in line 22 is closest in meaning to
A. carelessly  B. easily C. periodically D. purposely
8. The word “unadorned” in line 26 is closest in meaning to
A. lovely B. plain C. disorganized D. inexpensive
9. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage?
A. “improvisation” (line 6) B. “polyphony” (line 10)
C. “comet player” (line 11) D. “multichorus” (line 13)
10. The topic of the passage is developed primarily by means of
A. dividing the discussion into major areas
B. presenting contrasting points of views
C. providing biographies of famous musician
D. describing historical events in sequence
VI. Supply each blank with one suitable word. (30 pts)
     Illiteracy is the condition of being (1)______ to read and write. Illiteracy also (2)
______to describe the condition of being ignorant or unknowledgeable in a particular
subject or field. Computer illiteracy is (3)______ inability to use a computer
programming language.
     Most of us (4)______ use computers know how to send emails, or how to create a
new folder. But we know (5) ______about programming languages, the artificial
languages used to write instructions that can be executed by a computer.
     Even in technologically (6)______ countries, a very small percentage of computer
users are at the (9) ______of software manufacturers. Our society becomes more
dependent on information (10)______ , and in a few years (11 )______ , reading and
writing a computer language will be as essential (12 ) ______using a human language.
Computer users will not be able to survive (13 ) ______they know the code – the set
detailed instructions that tell a
computer what to do. In the (14) ______, survival and professional success
will presuppose knowing everything about the machines we (15)______ with.
VII. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. In some questions you have
to use the given words without changing their forms in any way. (30 pts)
1. Thanks to her mother’s encouragement, she entered the beauty contest
—> Had it
2. She’ll probably pass the high school entrance examination. (STANDS)

3. She was just as good as they had thought
—> She quite definitely came
4. The “environmentally” label on this product us misleading.
—> Despite what is printed
5. She was afraid to scream because she didn’t want to wake up the neighbors. (FEAR)

6. When you arrive, you will be met by the Head of the Sales Department.
—> On
7. People estimate that the company manufactured more than 5,000 small planes last
—> More than 5,000 small planes
8. There have been fewer people who consume Chinese products. (DECREASE)
9. They bought me who laptops, but neither worked satisfactorily. (WHICH)

10. Do phone us when you arrive at the airport, even if it’s very late.

Đáp án đề 35 – đề thi vào lớp 10

I. Choose the correct answer to fill in the blank.
1.B 2.C  3.C 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.D 8.A 9.A 10.A
11.B 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.C 16.B 17.D 18.C 19.B 20.C
21.B  22.B  23.D 24.B 25.C 26.C 27.B 28.C 29.D 30.D
3 l.A  32. A 33.B 34.C 35.A 36.D 37.A 38.D 39.D 40.B
II. Choose the suitable word to fill in each blank.
1.B 2.B 3.D 4.A 5. A 6.B 7.A
8.C 9.C 10.A 11.A 12.A 13.D 14.D 15.D
III. Identify the mistake in each sentence
1.A 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.A
IV. Supply the appropriate forms of words in the brackets.
1. intentionally 2. breath-taking 3. breakdown 4. poor
5. pleasantly 6. reductions 7. preferential 8. deadly
9. captives 10. refusal 11. non-existent 12. attendance
13. management 14. aquariums 15. empower
V. Read the following passage and choose the best answers to the question.
1.B 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.A
VI. Supply each blank with one suitable word.
1. unable 2. used 3. the/one’s 4. who
5. nothing/ little/ none 6.advanced/ developed 7. make 8. yes
9. mercy 10. technology 11. time 12. as
13. unless 14. future 15. work
VII. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. In some questions you have
to use the given words without changing their forms in any way.
1. Had it not been for her mother’s encouragement. She wouldn’t have entered the
beauty contest.
2. She stands a very good chance of passing the high school entrance examination.
3. She quite definitely came up to their expectation
4. Despite what is printed in the label, this product is not “environmentally friendly”
5. She was afraid to scream for fear of waking up the neighbors.
6. On arrival, you will be met by the head of the sales department.
7. More than 5,000 small planes are estimated to have been turned out last year
8. There has been a decrease in the number of people who consume Chinese products.
9. They brought me two laptops, neither of which worked properly.
10. However late it is when you arrive at the airport, do phone me.

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