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BKBPS, affiliated to CBSE, Delhi

wasfounded by KalyanCitizens E
ducational Society (KCES) in
the year 1998 by the efforts of
prominent citizens of Kalyanand
with the blessings of Shri. B.K.
Birla and Smt. Sarala Birla

The visionary Management of BKBPS strives to

provide the students the best opportunities for
enhancing their innate and acquired potentials.
The vibrant environment at BKBPS provides
ample opportunities to students to explore the
avenues for growth, innovation, creativity and to
realize their dreams and create a path leading
towards the sense of fulfilment.

B. K. Birla Public School, Kalyanenvisions being

the best school to produce self-motivated life-
long learners, train young minds to evolve as
dynamic and productive participants in the
sustainable development.

IMC Ram Krishna Bajaj National Quality Performance

Excellence Trophy, 2014 In Education Category.

Accredited with “The International

Dimension in schools Award (IDS)”by British
School of Eminence Award Council for 2019-2022 for effectively adding
2021-22 by Education world . the international dimension in its
A+ rating in all parameters curriculum.
Certified Great Place to Work & Ranked 15th among top 50
midsized organizations across India by GPTW India.

The school has been figuring in the list of top

Ranked at no 4 among Top 20 ten schools of Mumbai’s North for last six
schools of Mumbai following years in the prestigious survey by Hindustan
the National Curriculum in Times and C-fore
Microsoft Showcase School for the year 2021-22
for exemplifying the use of technology in Times School Survey 2021.
teaching-learning process.

No. 1 position in the “Design Thinking

Leaders” category in Education
National award “HEM RATNA” by Hema Foundation
World Grand Jury in its School
for reinforcing values in children through various
Ranking 2020-21

BKBPS Annual Inter School Conclave celebrates the onset of the

Silver Jubilee Year. The ‘B.K. Birla Creative and Critical Thinking
Conclave’ will offer tremendous opportunities for applying
creativity and innovation. The event spanning over 3 days 10th
October (Monday) ,11th October(Tuesday) and 12th
October(Wednesday) aims at infusing a positive momentum to
inspire students to be the agents of change for a sustainable future.

The events will be conducted by Mr. Mukherjee P



Creativity thrives on a consistent diet of

challenges and opportunities

Mr. Mukherjee P is a media analyst, knowledge resource curator,

performance consultant and a theatre director. Mr. Mukherjee is also
well known amongst the student community for the workshops that he
conducts on debating and public speaking skills.

Mr. Mukherjee with his vast expanse of knowledge and experience

leaves an everlasting impression on the participants as he provides
valuable insights on various topics.

in this quest for collaborative, inquisitive,

open, and innovative learning endeavour….


▪ Class: V to VII
▪ Number of participants: 2
▪ Day & date: Monday, 10 th October 2022

1: Language: English theme: climate change

2: Two-member Delegation per school from class 5 to 7.

3: Any one object and a fruit has to be chosen by the team as the inspiration of the story. The students will have
to carry the object and the fruit respectively on the day of the competition.

4: The first student will have to start a story based on the object and the second student will have to use the
fruit to complete it.

5: Time limit: 4 minutes for each participant and total 8 minutes per team

6: Prizes: First, Second, Joint Third , Best delegations and Best co- ordination

▪ Class: V to VII
▪ Number of participants: 2
▪ Day & date: Monday, 10 th October 2022

1. The teams will consist of two members : one for prose and one for poetry. An overarching theme will be given to write
a piece

2. The teams will get 1 hour and 5 minutes to submit their piece.

3. Each student will write their individual entry and submit the same

4. As our nation steps into the 76 years of independence, your prose/ poem should be of 76 words (75 word piece and a
one word title)

5. The topic/overarching theme will be a tribute to our freedom struggle

6. Number of participants : 2 Participants from classes 5 to 7

7. The piece has to be handwritten with the name of the school, participant, class, and the genre (prose/poetry)

8. Language: English

9. Number of words for the poem - 75+1 on a blank A4 page (there is no line limit)

10. Number of lines for prose -75+1 on a blank A4 page (there is no line limit)

11. The submission will be handwritten on an A-4 paper provided by the host school

12. The submitted entries become the property of the host and cannot be shared in any website or social media platform.

13. Only one entry from each participant. A school delegation will submit two individual entries.

14. Permitted colours for the pen are black, blue and red.

15. Please refrain from asking a copy of the entries submitted by your team and other participating institutions for your
future reference.

16. Prizes:
Top three delegations (third place will be jointly shared)
Critic’s choice (individual award)
Three best individual entries ( third place will be jointly shared)

▪ Class: V to VIII
▪ Number of participants: 4
▪ Day & date: Monday, 10 th October 2022

1: Each team will consist of four members taken from classes 5 to 8. No costumes are allowed. Students must
participate in complete school uniform.

2: Each team will get 8 minutes to make a live presentation

3: These 8 minutes will consist of

A: A rap or song inspired by any object from any member of the family. The object/material will have to be shown and
its significance to your family member and for yourself should be explained. The object/material must carry the
memories of the family and the city where you live.
B: Take any piece of traditional textile /cloth/garment from your parents/grandparents/relatives' wardrobe and
explain the significance and impact on the life of the person who owns it. Now share with us a self -composed poem
about the textile/cloth/garment
C: Give us a one-minute speech on an unknown pioneer of your city/locality along with a printout of one of her/his
photographs. This can be even a member of your own family.
D: One member will have to compere all the transitions, introduce each segment and act as a narrative link between
the three performances.
E: Wrap up your show by showing two handmade posters(each carrying one and written in block letters) with two
messages about preserving heritage (the message should be original about what you’ll feel individually and
collectively and should be coined by the members of the participating team).

4: Prizes top three teams (first, second and joint third) and one critic’s choice award.

▪ Class: VIII to XII

▪ Number of participants:
▪ Day & date: Tuesday, 11th October 2022

1: The quiz is open to all students from classes 8 to 12. The questions of the quiz will be asked in English.

2: There will be one team per school.

3: Each school will be represented by a two-member team. Top 4 schools will qualify for the finals.

4: There will be an elimination round of 16 questions and top 4 teams will make it to the finals.

5: The elimination round will be held as a team with a written question paper.

6: The finals will be a General Quiz format. There will be visual and audio round in the finals.

7: The quizmaster's decision will be final and binding

8: There will be no negative marking in the eliminations and the finals.


▪ Class: VII to XII

▪ Number of participants: 2
▪ Day & date: Tuesday, 11th October 2022

1: A team will comprise of two members.

2: A theme will be given 5 minutes prior to the set-up.

3: The live installation setting up time will be 25 minutes.

4: Participants must be from classes 7 to 12

4: Total time allotted - 45 minutes

5: The PARTICIPANTS will be provided the following props and materials by the host school:
One empty photo frame
One piece of wire
One double sided tape
One sheet of a newspaper (any date, any language)
One red permanent marker
One spool of thread (any colour)

6 : The participants are expected to explore the props and set up a small sculpture as a static/kinetic display

7: There should be a handwritten note of not more than 4 lines to explain the piece .

8. The participants will be marked on the following :

A) Innovative usage of space and properties
B) Relevance to the central idea of the theme
C) Visual alignment
D) Minimalism

PRIZES: First, second, joint third & critic's choice & TWO BEST TEXTS WILL BE AWARDED.

▪ Class: VII to XII

▪ Number of participants: 2
▪ Day & date: Tuesday, 11th October 2022
This event aims to develop the ability of students to create the SMARTEST LOGO AND THE CATCHLINE of a company.
(S-Simple, M-Memorable, A-Ageless, R-Reliable, T-Thoughtful, E- Ethos, S- Sustainable, T-Target group reflection)


· This event is open to students of classes VII –XII.

· Each school can send only one team consisting of 2 members.

· Each team will be allotted a sector

· They will have to create the name of a fictitious company servicing the sector (that they will be allotted at the start
of the event) and conceptualize a logo and a catchline

· Students have to design a logo of the company and give a catchline in the A3 sheet

· The logo and the catchline should not infringe any copyright.

· The time limit for designing the logo and the catchline will be 50 minutes.

· Teams are required to have their own provisions of colours and pens. The A3 paper will be provided by the host

· The logo should not include any slogan or national symbol. The catchline accompanying the logo must be within 10

Criteria for Judgement:

· Aesthetic appeal for the target group
· Functionality
· Contemporary Relevance
· Uniqueness and Originality

Prizes- First, Second, Joint Third and Best Layout


▪ Class: VIII to XII

▪ Number of participants: 2
▪ Day & date: ➢ Preliminary round: Tuesday, 11th October 2022
➢ Final round: Wednesday, 12th October 2022

A: The debate team shall comprise of two members.

Please take part in your complete school uniform.
B: Rules for the first (preliminary) round
1: The first round of the debate will feature both the members.
2: A word/phrase/term will be given 10 minutes before the commencement of the debate and one speaker
will have to speak a 1.2 minutes extempore speech on it.
3: The second member will have to speak 1.5 minutes on a format called Shipwreck.

You are given the role of a famous personality MAHATMA GANDHI/ BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR/JRD
TATA/VISHWANATHAN ANAND/ STEVE JOBS/ EDWARD SNIWDEN etc. The ship is sinking, and the captain has
only one life-jacket left. You are on the ship with other famous personalities. Sink into your allotted
character and try to escape from the sinking ship by using your impressive, convincing skills and prove that
you deserve the only life-jacket.
Make yourself appear prominent and better than any other person on board to win the life jacket and
convince why your life and survival is a game changer in the contemporary society.
The participants are judged on cogent arguments, corporate connect and a structured flow of the
presentation. The personality name will be given to each participant 10 minutes before the commencement
of the event.

C: Rules for the round 2 - Finals:

1: The top 4 teams of the previous round will make it to the semi-finals. Final is a face-off between two teams.
Two teams will speak for the motion and against the motion respectively. The motion will be given 5 minutes
before the start of the debate.
2: The opening speakers of both the teams will speak for 2.5 minutes. The second speakers of both the teams
will speak for 1.5 minutes each.
3: One speaker will be nominated by the team to face the block-and-tackle format of debating in the FINAL

D: Block-and-Tackle :
Block-and-tackle is a turncoat debate on a faster track. Whenever the speaker hears the instruction
“BLOCK” he/she has to go against the motion and as he/she hears “TACKLE” he/she has to revert to favour
the motion.
The speaker can be “blocked” and “tackled” any number of times, sometimes on every word and turn of
phrases. It will be conducted by the jury-chair.

E: The PRIZES for the debates:

1: Best delegation
2: First runners up
3: Joint third position
4: Joint best delegation- Research
5: Six best speakers preliminary round (three from Extempore and three from spot speaking -Shipwreck)
7: Two best speaker semi-finals
8: Best speaker finals

▪ Class: VIII to XII

▪ Number of participants: 2
▪ Day & date: Wednesday, 12th October 2022

1: Each school will be represented by two members in the event.

2: The participants will be given a word / phrase/ a photograph/ set of photographs from which they will have to craft
a 15-line piece which should be a combination of part short story, part monologue and part poem.

3: The language of the piece will be English. Two participants from a school will write their individual pieces.

4: Time limit: 45 minutes.

5: The picture has to blend all the three genres yet the individuality of the three genres must be evident.

6. The piece must have a title.

7. The prizes will be First, Second, Third, Critic’s choice and Top three delegations
▪ Class: VII to XII
▪ Number of participants: Minimum 5 participants & maximum 7 participants (+3 if
accompanied by a live vocalist/s and/or musician/s)
▪ Day & date: Wednesday, 12th October 2022

1: A team can consist of 5 to 7 participants. (Minimum-5 participants & maximum 7 participants) If a live vocalist/s
and/or musician/s are added then the team can field a 10-member delegation.

2: The dance choreography must be based on any law/laws/specific conceptual term of

Mathematics/Physics/Chemistry/Biology/Economics/Psychology. ANY STYLE/GENRE/MIX OF STYLES AND

3: The concept/ law/laws should be clearly mentioned in its complete form as a part of the recorded soundtrack not
as an introduction to the piece but as a voice over content.

4: The Soundtrack must be original or non-copyrighted music sourced from Internet. NO MAKE UP IS ALLOWED AND

5: The lyrics of the vocal, if any, should be written by the participating school student.

6: Two copies of the synopsis, the law/concept and the complete team list of participant names needs to be

7: Time limit of the performance is maximum 4.5 minutes minimum 3.5 minutes

8: Live music instead of a recorded score will fetch extra credit.

9:PRIZES : First, second, joint third, critic’s choice, judge’s choice delegations and top three soundtracks
General Instructions

1. Entry forms should be submitted through the link on or before 22 nd September 2022
2. Each group should be accompanied by 1 teacher. Parents will not be allowed.
3. Judges’ decision will be final and binding.
4. Rules and regulations should be strictly followed.
5. All teams should report in school uniform.
6. The venue for all competitions will be B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan.
7. The participating institutions should report 1 hour prior at the venue.
8. For any queries, contact the school office on Tel. No. 0251-2230623, 2230624 and Mob. No. 7506260623.
9. Coordinator for the program: Mrs. Kirti Saini

Link for submission of entry form:

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