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Edition Revision Date Reviewed Approved

1 0 28 Aug 2016 HR PM/GM

Amendment List

Date Description of Amendment

28 Aug 2016 New Issue

Table of Contents

Section No Title
I Objective
II Statement of the Policy
III Coverage
IV Policy Provision
Establishment of Position
Approval of PRF
Sourcing Process
Accepting of Application
Short Listing Process
Pre- Screening
Interview Process
Background Check
Physical Examination
Pre-Employment Requirements
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Signing of Employment Docs
Probationary and Regularization
Processing of Resignation

List of Attachments

Attachment Code Title

A Induction Form


To systematize and streamline hiring procedure in line with (Company)objective of attracting,

selecting and placing qualified and competent candidates/applicants in the different areas of its
organization, as needed, in accordance with the approved request based on the approved Table of
Organization (TO) to meet present and future requirements of the company.


This policy expresses the basic philosophy of (company) in recruiting, selecting and placing new
employees to assure the smooth and continued efficient functioning of the organization, compliant
with the government requirement and supportive of the company’s goal.


All positions.


Establishment of Positions

 All positions in every section and/or department, whether filled up or vacant should be included in the
T.O. as approved by the management based on the manpower plan.

 The Manager and/or department Head in need of additional manpower shall initiate the request for
any of the following reasons and purposes:

1. To fill up existing vacancies in the approved Table of Organization;

2. To hire replacements for vacated or soon-to-be vacated positions;

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All Recruitment Should Start with the Approval of the Personnel Requisition Form.

 The concerned Department Head shall prepare the Personnel Requisition Form completely in two
copies. Forms are available at the Human Resource Development Department Office. Specifically, the
following items should be clearly stated:

a. Justification – the reason for hiring, especially for positions that are not budgeted. The
scope of work also should be clearly define.
b. Job Requirements – this refers to the skills, competencies, educational attainment and
other factors that is believed to be necessary in order to perform the job at least

 The accomplished Personnel Requisition Form shall be forwarded to the HR Department for review to
ensure monitoring of manpower allocations based on budget. Recommendations for salary range will
also be indicated, if necessary.

 Reviewed Personnel Requisition Form shall be forwarded for approval to:

a. Plant Manager – for vacancies that are budgeted, whether the position is
temporary or permanent. The Plant Manager recommends approval for positions
that are not budgeted, whether it is temporary or permanent.

b. General Manager – for the final approval of positions that were not budgeted,
whether temporary or permanent.

 The approved Personnel Requisition Form shall be returned to the HRD to initiate the hiring process.

 Duplicate copy of the PRS shall be returned to the Requesting Department as soon as the position is
filled up.

Sourcing Process

Applicants for the vacant position can be sourced out through:

a. Active File – submitted applications not more than 1 year old.
b. Internal – Job Vacancies shall be posted in the Company Bulletin Boards to allow career
opportunities for existing staff, especially for vacancies in higher positions. This will also serve
as an opportunity for the company to test the skills, abilities and aptitude of existing
c. External – In the absence of qualified candidate from the Active File and Internal Sourcing, Job
Vacancies may be sourced out through:
1. Job’s Fair,
2. CAMPUS/School recruitment

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3. Advertising through the radio or television depending on the vacant position.
The HR Manager has the discretion as to the placement of the advertisement,
subject to the approval of the Plant Manager & General Manager.

Accepting of Applications

Application letters/resume are accepted by HR department through: hand carried by applicants, endorsement
by regular employees, postal mail and E-mail.

Shortlisting Process

All applications shall be reviewed and assessed against the job specifications of the vacant position. Shortlisted
applicants should meet the essential criteria as a minimum requirement.


HRD shall administer a psychological test to determine applicants qualify for the available position. Applicants
who pass the screening shall be invited for an interview by the HR Recruitment

Interviewing Process

Shortlisted applicants are scheduled for interview if there is an approved Personnel Requisition Form
submitted to HR.

Prior to interview, the applicant is required to accomplish standard application form of the company
(attachment 1). The form should be filled up completely.

The process of the interview should be a venue to provide details to the applicant about the position and the
company, discuss the applicant’s skills and experience as they relate to the position and answer any question
that the applicant may have.

 HR Recruitment In-charge - basic assessment of the applicant on areas related to

personal information and previous work experiences, for all positions.

 Endorsing of applicant’s to the requesting section/department for further interview

(with attached interview rating sheets).

 Department Supervisor/Head – assessment of the applicant’s related to the specific

needs of the job for all positions requested.

 Filled-up and forwarding applicant’s interview rating sheets back to HR for checking and
evaluation of the interview result.
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 Plant Manager/General Manager – assessment of the applicant’s for supervisory &
managerial positions that are on probationary or regular status upon hiring.

After the interview, the HR will discuss with the requesting department for the choice of applicant to fill up the
position. If no applicant is qualified for the position, sourcing for new batch of applicants has to be done.

References/Background checking Procedure

For regular positions, the HR Department has to conduct background check from previous employers,
specifically to gather information on the following:

 Length of Service with the Company

 Last Assigned Position
 Reason for Separation
 Immediate Superior
 Infractions committed, if any
 Comments on performance

Physical examination

Prior to employment, the selected candidate shall be referred to the company hospital for pre-employment
physical examination. No qualified applicants shall be accepted for employment unless he/she passes the
physical examinations.

Employees also may be requested to have a medical examination on other occasions when the examination is
job related and consistent with business necessity. For example, a medical examination may be required when
an employee is exposed to toxic or unhealthful conditions, requests an accommodation for a particular disabil-
ity, or has a questionable ability to perform essential job functions due to a medical condition.

Annual Physical Exam

As mandatory requirements of health and safety purposes the company established this policy to ensure that
workers are complying to its sanitation and medical standards. The annual physical examination and clearly
communicated to every workers in requiring employees to have annual physical exams—for example, to en-
sure that individuals are physically capable of performing the required tasks of a particular job or to identify
substance abusers.

It is also a part of the company wellness programs that promote employee health by offering annual physicals
focus on prevention and help diagnose and treat health problems early before they become serious and

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Employable Age
The company adheres to the provision of the Labor Code of the Philippines, Which prohibits employment of
children below 18 years of age in private undertakings. The company will only employ 18 years and above.

Pre – Employment Requirements

Applicants who are considered for hiring has to submit to the HR Department the following pre-employment
 Birth Certificate & Marriage Contract (if married)
 SSS E1/E4, PHIC No., HDMF No. & TIN
 Health Card (if assigned inside the processing plant)
 Police Clearance and/or NBI
 Physical Examination Results (from accredited Co. Physician)
 2 pcs 2x2 current ID pictures
 Transcript of Records or Diploma
 Certificate of Employment from previous employer (if employed)

Requirements has to be submitted in original copies and photocopies. After checking of HR In-
charge, the original copies will be returned to the owner and the photocopies will be filed in the
employee’s 201 file.

Signing of employment documents

Upon submission of complete requirements, letter of appointment/contract shall be prepared and signed by
the newly hired employee.

Employee Action Form shall also be accomplished. Copy of this shall be forwarded to the Accounting
Department as basis for payment of salaries and wages.

Orientation and Job Induction

To assist all new incoming members of the organization, the company designed induction program for the new
employee who will be joining the team in order for him/her to adjust and adopt quickly to his/her new work-
ing environment while he/she is on the transition period. .
Induction program ensures that all employees will feel better and welcome ahead of its deployment. It is also
the time for him/her to be acquainted with the member of the team.
These system is to help new employee assess his/her needs for them to perform effectively and efficiently. HR
Department encourage everybody to take part on the process not just for the success of the new member
but a success of the entire company.

 All new employee will undergo the orientation program to be conducted by Human Resource Training
Officer. Below are the complete coverage of induction program ( Please see Attachment A-Induction
Form Sample)

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What to expect from the company, what the company expect from the employee. Terms of em-
ployment, explain his/her probationary employment and how he/she is rated.

Company Profile
The company history, mission, vision, core values, table of organization, product and industry

Tuna Process Flow

Production Process

Food Safety & Quality

Duties and Responsibilities

Attendance, punctuality, absenteeism, meals break period, rest days, and Work schedule.

Wage Policies
Timekeeping system and processes, payment schedule, timing in and out logging, extended
work procedure, special holiday, legal holiday, rest day and night premium computation.

Code of Conduct
Disciplinary roles and procedure and administration of disciplinary action.

Ethical Policy
BSCI, SEDEX, Environmental Policy, Corporate Social Responsibility, General

Health & Safety and Security

Safety Regulation, duties of the employee during fire and earthquakes, exit and evacuation
procedures, No smoking and drug free workplace policy, Food Security Plan, Glass breakage

Allergen Awareness Program

Procedural/Process and Guidelines for Dry Ingredients and Oil with Identified Allergens


 Hand in the following documents/On-boarding Kits/ :

a. Employees’ handbook, a copy of the Health and Safety policy, Health and Safety policy, Plant
Site Maps. Current organizational structure and its function.
b. On-boarding Office Kits (Calculator, Glue, Ball pen, Pencil, Erase, Highlighter, Stapler etc.) Office
and Telephone Contact Lists.
c. Application for the following: (ID Card information sheet, ATM  application for ATM account/
TIN application (Metro Bank, BDO or China Bank),

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HR Supervisor Responsibility

a. It is the primary responsibility of HR Supervisor introduces all new employee to all departments
and staffs.
b. To schedule plant tour to all new workers.

MIS (Management Information System) Team Responsibility

a. Allocate office space, set up equipment (Computer, printer, Laptops etc.) for the new em-
b. Prepare email if this is necessary to his/her work assignments.
Department Line Manager
a. To inform his/her department personnel for the coming of the new team member.
b. Ensure to assign someone from the department to assist new employee during his first day
until the new employee will fully adjusts from his/her work and his/her new environment.
c. To explain the duties, responsibilities and function of the new employee.
d. Acquaint the new employee on the line reporting, meeting schedules, reporting, financial
guideline (as needed) and how to make suggestions and complaints.

Probationary and Regularization

a. All employee hired under probation are issued Personnel Action Form and a Working Agreement cov -
ering the terms and condition of employment with the company.
b. Probationary hired employee are given 3-6 months period to show and perform his/her duties and re -
sponsibilities according to the required company standard.
c. A performance review will be conducted at the end of six months period of his/her probation.
d. Any employee who passed the probationary period will be considered for his/her permanency of the
e. All new regular employees will be issued also a Personnel Action Form covering information regarding
employees’ salary, status and terms and condition with regards to his work, performance management
system and benefits.

Resignation Process

1. Employee Resignation letter will be submitted to his/her respective department heads for review.
2. All resigning employees are required to undergo an exit interview prior to the approval of his/her clear-
3. Clearance must be signed by several department representative, as listed below:
a. Immediate Head.
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b. MIS
c. Engineering
d. Warehouse
e. Quality Control
f. Human Resource.
g. Accounting.
h. Others depending on the job description of the resigning employee.
4. Forward the written resignation letter with signed clearance to HR manager for review and signature.
5. Forward to Accounting Department for computation and release of last pay and other monetary pay-

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