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NAME : Rivamonte, Angelica Louise L. GRADE : 12 Diamond

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

Nature manifests itself in a variety of ways, both gentle and aggressive. We can observe how
it can be quiet at times and then turn violent at others. Of course, everyone admires the
tranquil side, but when the fierce side emerges, disaster ensues. Because people cannot
control everything, certain natural phenomena are beyond our control. Similarly, when
natural calamities occur, humans have little influence over them. We can, however, prevent
them. In other words, if a terrible scenario emerges that threatens life and the ecology, we
must immediate action to save and preserve lives. Natural disasters are unpredictable and
can occur anywhere and at any moment. We identified the different forms of disasters in
order to fully comprehend disaster management.

We might easily argue that nature is not solely to blame for their occurrence. They occur for
a variety of reasons. This is why we divided them into distinct groups. The first category is
natural disasters caused by natural processes. They are the most dangerous natural disasters
that inflict loss of life and harm to the environment. Earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions,
storms, and other natural calamities are among the worst. There are also man-made
disasters. They are the result of technical flaws or human negligence. Fires, nuclear
explosions or radiations, oil spills, transportation accidents, terrorist attacks, and other man-
made disasters are examples. Nature has little or no say in these kinds of calamities.

Disaster management is the effective administration of resources and responsibilities to

mitigate the impact of a disaster. It entails a well-planned course of action so that we can
make effective attempts to minimize the threats produced by the calamity. Most crucially,
disaster management does not necessarily eliminate the threat totally, but it does reduce
the impact of the event. It focuses on developing concrete plans to do this. Proper disaster
management can be accomplished by making residents aware of the preventive steps to be
taken in emergency situations. For example, everyone should be aware that in the event of
an earthquake, we should seek protection behind a bed or table.

Disaster management is a multifaceted program that encompasses the saving of lives,

animals, and property during a natural disaster or a disaster caused by man-made activity. It
deals with various disasters such as drought, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, and landslides.
Disasters have an impact on the lives of people from all socioeconomic backgrounds. Every
country is vulnerable to calamities in some form. Because of its geographical location, India
is extremely vulnerable to natural disasters. In recent decades, India has experienced
numerous natural calamities. Many properties have been damaged, and many people have
lost their homes. Slums have been devastated as a result of the natural calamities.

Even in an online setting we can all learn the basic things we should do in an occurence of a
disaster. We also discussed in class the importance of knowing and sharing information,
preparing an emergency kit, orienting the family about what to do BEFORE, DURING and
AFTER a disaster. Through this we can minimize the number of deaths and we can all survive
a disaster.

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