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GEED 10033


Submitted By: Morales, Jeremiah

Read the Katipunan and the Revolution: Memoirs of a General by Santiago Alvarez and The
Revolt of the Masses: The Story of Bonifacio and the Katipunan by Teodoro Agoncillo and
examine their respective claims about the Tejeros Convention. Your answers should be written
comprehensively in the matrix below.

A. Test of Authenticity

Brief The Origin of the Date of the

Source Description of Competence of Information Information and
the Source the Author Needed Millieu
Katipunan and The book For the reason The facts turned He occasion
the Revolution: become written that Santiago into narrated took place in
Memoirs of a with the aid of Alvarez, the and read first in March 25, 1897
General Santiago V. writer as an a paper the use as in step with
Alvarez, the son eyewitness of of a pencil for Santiago V.
of Mariano M. the event in the writing tool. Alvarez's
Alvarez, at the Tejeros Santiago V. narration and its
beginning convention, the Alvarez, himself surroundings
written in e-book itself is is the beginning that point is the
Filipino sufficient for the as he innovative one,
language. It researchers, participated or within the
turned into college students, within the system of the
published first teachers and so election and one fight for the
by the Tagalog on. In imparting of the independence of
weekly data about what individuals gift in the Philippines
Sampagita in passed off the event and all within the hands
1920s then, throughout the of the of Spain, and it
later on, Ateneo conference in information does conform
de Manila Tejeros. came from the with the
university Additionally, the memory he has conference
published it in information that in that specific because it
1992together the writer has day. He wrote it tackled about
with the English written could be himself, in the election for
translation of very precise, for Filipino, offering the brand new
the e-book an instance, the a lot of info to government of
translated by dialogues are the event in the Philippine
means of verbatim by Tejeros. Republic.
Paulina Carolina some means, Uncertainly, the
Malay. considering that date I guessed
he participated while the notes
within the or facts about
verbal exchange, the Tejeros
and the convention was
dialogues gave written, become
clarity to what within the equal
the human date while the
beings present occasion passed
in the off and the next
conference are day, March 25-
saying, it isn't 27, 1897. It’s
simply due to the fact
interpreted in he stated inside
easy and missing the preface of
phrases. The e the e-book that
book is taken he wrote notes
into regarding the
consideration as Katipunan’s
primary supply motion before
in view that it is for the reason
written by that 1896 to
means of the 1901, whilst he
eyewitness and was
additionally a nevertheless an
participant of energetic
the conference member of the
in Tejeros, it is organization. It
why it is enough is not said inside
to complement the preface
the records and while precisely
the people who did he write his
search for the memoirs.
fact in what
occurred in that
The Revolt of The writer of the Teodoro Aeta de Tejeros In keeping with
the Masses: The ebook is Agoncillo's e- is certainly one the book, it
Story of Teodoro book is taken of its became
Bonifacio and Agoncillo, who is into foundation, indicated that
the Katipunan famous for consideration as which was the conference
writing a secondary signed via the in Tejeros
Philippine source on forty-4 occurred in the
records books account that its revolutionists birthday of Gen.
and articles. In info got here who protested Emilio
1956, the book from unique towards the Aguinaldo,
was posted number one election results which turned
through the assets wherein which befell in into on March
university of the he discovered, Tejeros, base at 22, 1897, and its
Liberal Arts of and it approach the bibliography milieu is the
the college of that the of the book. concurrent
the Philippines interpreted it in Additionally, the battle for the
first. The second his personal author stated in liberty of the
edition changed manner, in his dedications Philippines to
into made in reality he has that Gen. Emilio the Spanish
2002 and the biases when he Aguinaldo colonizers. The
printing of it wrote the e- cooperated in 12 months the
befell in 2005. book. presenting ebook turned
particularly, he information that into handed as
were given is written in an access in a
Emilio Aguinaldo Agoncillo’s book, contest of the
as one of the making him one u.s. In the 12
assets for of the number months 1947, so
writing this book one sources of it is assumed
which makes the the facts written that it turned
book genuine in the e-book. into written in
since it came that year too.
from a former The milieu of its
member of the far the time
Katipunan and whilst the
President of the Republic
Philippines. He is supervised the
also regarded competition of
for writing different written
distinctive books entries
of Philippine approximately
history which the history of
makes him extra the Philippines.
of a sufficient
author for
records of the
activities inside
the past by
specific primary
resources and
connecting it to
give an
explanation for
the history of
the Philippines.
Marcos named
him as national
Scientist of the
Philippines in
1985 for his
contributions in
writing the
records, making
him greater
precious and

B. Test of Credibility

Similarities and
Persons Differences with
Objectives of Biases of the
Source Involved in the Other
the Event Author
Event Independent
Katipunan and First objective The Magdiwang Santiago V. Its similarity to
the Revolution: of the event is members Alvarez is one of the Revolt of the
Memoirs of a to talk about present in the the loads: The tale of
General the Tejeros eyewitnesses of Bonifacio and the
strengthening of convention are the Tejeros Katipunan is that,
the defenses of Andres conference in each of the
the regions that Bonifacio, March 25, 1897; specific chapters
are still below Jacinto additionally he's in the two books
the Magdiwang. Lumbreras, an active are tackling
It became the Mariano M. member of approximately
primary Alvarez, Pascual Katipunan and what took place in
dialogue earlier Alvarez, Ariston part of the the Tejeros
than Severino Villanueva, Magdiwang conference
de las alas have Mariano C. faction. With especially the
advised a new Trias, Diego regards to that election,
topic to address Mojica, records, it imparting the
about or to Emiliano R. de virtually offers equal targets of
address. Dios, Santiago an affect that the event and
Election of the V. Alvarez, he's biased on finishing of the
brand new Artemio Ricarte, his own narration.
officers for the Santos Nocon, celebration However,
government of Luciano San which is the Santiago V.
the Philippine Miguel, Pablo Magdiwang. In Alvarez’s
Republic have Mojica, his book, testimony in his e-
become the Severino de las specifically book became
second Alas, within the part greater
objective as it andSantiago of Tejeros designated since
turned into Rillo. While in conference he's an
argued via the the Magdalo, narration, he eyewitness and an
contributors; the only narratedthat energetic
two of them members most of the participant of the
insisted that it present in the individuals in Katipunan and
have to be the narration are the long table inside the
primary Baldomero was the occasion, making
intention of the Aguinaldo, Magdiwang, his e book as one
conference to Daniel Tirona, best 3 have of the primary
resolvethe and Cayetano been from the assets. Its
minor issues the Topacio. Mr. Magdalo. differences may
employer has. Antonio additionally, he be seen thru the
third goal Montenegro stated that date of the
turned into to Jose del Rosario Daniel Tirona convention, the
execute the Trining from Magdalo noted members’
election and the Josephine become gift inside the
appointment of Persons persuading and occasion and their
officers fairly mentioned after getting allies in biases. In
through the event to convincing Alvarez’s e-book,
establishing a Magdiwang the alternative it changed into
rule that no Troops Fr. individuals to indicated that the
person have to Cenon aspect with him, Tejeros
question about Villafranca and him being convention befell
the educational Nicolas Portilla- the one who on March 25,
attainment and Magdiwang Fr. disbursed the 1897.
country of Manuel Trias ballotsthen Additionally,
residing of the accompanied by Antonio
appointed using a warning Montenegro’s
officer in from Diego council within the
acertain role. Mojica, a two factions isn't
And ultimately, Magdiwang mentioned. The
Bonifacio member, that ultimate
addressing that the some of the distinction of
the election is ballots have Santiago V.
nulled and void been crammed Alvarez’s bookis
because of the up already. Base that it only
circumstance on that targeted on that
that Daniel situations, he is day of the
Tirona puzzled glaringly biased convention in
him because the to his birthday Tejeros and the 2
appointed party, and following days.
Secretary of the supporting the
indoors. it is one idea that the
of the objectives Magdalo faction
because most of is towards them
his allies have or sabotaging
agreed and left their plans as an
at once with entire because
him of the incidents
regarding Daniel
Tirona which he
narrated in his
memoirs. also,
he narrated that
the Magdalo
and other
elected officers
inside the
convention have
set a assembly
secretly and
have not
what Bonifacio
said before he
left the stated
occasion and
took their
handiest basing
on the
and rumors
Alvarez knew
The Revolt of the One of the The Magdiwang Teodoro Its similarity to
Masses: The objectives of the members Agoncillo being Katipunan and the
Story of occasion present in the the researcher Revolution:
Bonifacio and changed into to Tejeros of this specific Memoirs of a
the Katipunan speak about convention are event, his biases preferred is that,
first what they Andres are constrained each of the
are planning for Bonifacio, because he is unique chapters
the protection Jacinto not one of the in the books are
in their capital Lumbreras, number one tackling about
area that's Mariano M. sources of the what happened
Cavite. however Alvarez, Pascual beyond event. within the Tejeros
Severino de las Alvarez, Ariston He just conference in
sadly, one of the Villanueva, observed particular the
Magdiwang Mariano C. number one and election,
council, Trias, Diego secondary supplying the
countered Mojica, resources to be equal targets of
Jacinto Emiliano R. de able to explain the occasion and
Lumbreras’ Dios, Santiago what passed off ending of the
assertion of the V. Alvarez, in the past. but narration.
main topic, by Artemio Ricarte, him, Teodoro
using Santos Nocon, interviewing Agoncillo’s e-book
pronouncing Luciano San and basing on differs to Santiago
they should first Miguel, Pablo Emilio V. Alvarez’s book
agree what Mojica, Aguinaldo's due to the fact it's
form of Severino de las narration, one miles more of a
authorities to Alas, Teodoro way or the summarization
establish so one Gonzales and other, simplest since he
can take Santiago Rillo. confirmed that got the data from
manage of the While in the he's biased to different primary
entire us of a, Magdalo, the what Emilio and secondary
making it the only members Aguinaldo have assets. The
second present are narrated to the credibility of The
objective of the Baldomero interview. The rise up of the
occasion as Aguinaldo, part wherein hundreds: The
individuals have Daniel Tirona, Agoncillo just Story of Bonifacio
considered Cayetano targeted on and the Katipunan
doing an Topacio and what Bonifacio is not that set up
election of the Antonio felt that time when you
new officers for Montenegro. inside the consider that it's
the authorities Jose del Rosario closing a part of miles taken into
of the Republic the bankruptcy consideration as a
of the gave him away secondary supply
Philippines. of his prejudice most effective. It
Third goal to Bonifacio's has a lot of
become to push actions as variations with
aside what are maybe Katipunan and the
the elected motivated by Revolution:
officers’ activity way of Emilio Memoirs of a
are and their Aguinaldo’s general especially
academic narration. He with the cited
background. stated in the date of the
Ultimately, the chapter of the e Tejeros
election that book, Seed of conference,
occurred in Discontent, the Agoncillo implied
Tejeros were emotions and in his e book that
announced by superiority of the occasion came
means of Bonifacio in the about in March
Bonifacio, as direction of his 22, 1897, the
ineffective and co-members in birthday of Gen.
annulled due to Katipunan. also, Emilio Aguinaldo.
the violation of he did now not Additionally, he
the rule stated talk the got to determine
within the 0.33 occasion in what faction
objective of this Tejeros in Antonio
event. information as it Montenegro
became like belongs to that's
only a the Magdalo. In
summarization addition to its
of the variations with
convention, yet the other e-book,
he centered he indicated that
approximately Jacinto Lumbreras
Bonifacio’s who turned into
reactions and the presiding
sentiments even officer of
ultimately of the chairman of the
bankruptcy. convention, was
the performing
president of the

C. Finding/Conclusion

In your examination of the sources, what did Through disseminating and inspecting the
you find out? exclusive information in the books, I finish
that the Santiago V. Alvarez’s e book is an
genuine and number one source and
Teodoro Agoncillo’s e book is a secondary
source however, in phrases of credibility; we
can't depend on them completely because
they indicated the date of the Tejeros
convention in a different way. However, in
relation to the sequence of the narration of
the event, they're the identical. Furthermore,
the opposite info weren’t matching due to
the fact that the alternative book lacks with
that specific element from the opposite e-
book. They both defined what took place in
the Tejeros conference comprehensively
however with biases on account that they
have got specific assets as Santiago V.
Alvarez, the author of the first book is an
eyewitness, a member of the Magdiwang
faction and the son of Mariano Alvarez, even
as the writer of the second one e book is a
researcher who compiled unique primary and
secondary assets to acquire the records he
wished with a purpose to write his ebook. In
analyzing those excerpt from the two books, I
didn’t notice or see any signs of fabrication
due to the fact they both inform the identical
tale and result of what passed off in the
Tejeros conference specifically within the
election element, its targets suits with every
other and that’s what important in
determining if both are dependable for
purchasing an facts regarding the occasion.

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