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IAJPS 2018, 05 (12), 17102-17109 Fatima M.

Alrashed et al ISSN 2349-7750




Available online at: Research Article


Fatima M. Alrashed1, Fares M. Alzahrani1, Mohammed A. Alflan1, Ahmed Y. Almalki1, Ali
S. Al-shaleel1, Ghaida A. Aldugman1, Mohammed A. Alshehri1, Saeed A. Alshahrani1,
Abdullah A. Alsabaani2, Mohammad H. Alshehri3
1 2
MBBS, PhD, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, King
Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia 3MD, Department of Surgery, Aseer Central Hospital,
Ministry of Health, Abha, Saudi Arabia
Background: Obstructive Jaundice is one of the most serious diseases of the digestive system. There are many medical
conditions that induce obstructive jaundice, which include: gallstones, narrowing of bile ducts, cysts, pancreatitis, cancer head
of pancreas, biliary tract tumors, liver tumors. The mechanism of obstructive jaundice is caused by a defect in the secretion of
bilirubin dye of the liver across bile ducts. There are about 25,000 new cases of carcinoma of the pancreas each year, about half
of which are accompanied by obstructive jaundice. This study aims to identify incidence and causes of obstructive jaundice in
Aseer region. Methodology: A Retrospective case-series study design was used. Medical records of patients with obstructive
jaundice who were admitted to the surgical department of Aseer Central Hospital were reviewed. They included all surgical
cases of obstructive jaundice aged 18 years and above during the period from July, 2016 to July, 2017.
Results: There was an obvious increase of obstructive jaundice within age range of 22-35 years. The mean BMI for obstructive
jaundice patients was 28.37±8.33. The majority were overweight (45.45%) and 21.93% were obese. Most patients presented with
gallstones (78%). Narrowing of the bile duct, cysts and pancreatic cancer, pancreatitis, liver cancer, gallbladder cancer and
mirrizi syndrome were presented in 12%, 3.5%, 1.5%, 1.0%, and 0.5% respectively. The most commonly used modalities of
treatment were ERCP (51.3%) and cholecystectomy (36.9%).
Conclusion: Incidence of obstructive jaundice was estimated to be 242 cases per 1000 surgical cases. Females and adults
between 22-35 years were at a higher risk of obstructive jaundice. Most of patients are presented with either gallstones or
pancreatic cancer. The most common treatment interventions were ERCP and cholecystectomy which were associated with more
than 90% improvement rate.
Key words: Obstructive jaundice, surgical jaundice, complications, Mirrizi syndrome, ERCP.
Corresponding author:
Fatima Mohammed Alrashed QR code
Almansak, Abha, Saudi Arabia,
Mobile number: 00966545962822
E-mail: [email protected]

Please cite this article in press Fatima Mohammed Alrashed et al., Obstructive Jaundice: Incidence, Etiology and
Management In Aseer Region, Saudi Arabia., Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2018; 05(12). Page 17102

IAJPS 2018, 05 (12), 17102-17109 Fatima M. Alrashed et al ISSN 2349-7750

INTRODUCTION: These lines of treatment have some complications

Jaundice is a condition in which there is yellowish such as bile duct injury, bile duct inflammation
discoloration of skin and mucous membranes due to (cholangitis) and pancreatitis. [7]
elevated serum bilirubin level. In obstructive
jaundice, there is increase in the conjugated fraction This study aimed to estimate the incidence of
of bilirubin. Obstructive Jaundice is one of the most obstructive jaundice and to identify its causes in
serious diseases of the digestive system. It occurs due Aseer region. In addition, the study aims to identify
to impairment in the bile flow through the biliary the common approaches used for its management.
ducts out to the duodenum. [1] This will be achieved by studying the clinical pattern
of obstructive jaundice, its causes and management in
The principle etiologies for obstructive jaundice are Aseer Central Hospital, Abha, Saudi Arabia.
gallstones, stricture of bile dusts due to fibrosis, cysts
of the bile ducts, pancreatic cancer, liver tumors,
pancreatitis and biliary tract tumors. [2] This study is a retrospective Case series study,
conducted in the surgical department at Aseer Central
There are about million new cases of cholelithiasis Hospital, Abha, Saudi Arabia. The study included all
discovered in the united states each year, of which surgical cases of obstructive jaundice aged 18 years
about 80,000 (8 %) have common bile duct stones. and above who were admitted in Aseer Central
There are about 25,000 new cases of carcinoma of the Hospital during the period from July,2016 to
pancreas each year, about half of which are July,2017. This resulted in reviewing the medical
accompanied by jaundice, and 7,000 to 8,000 new records of 195 cases.
cases of bile duct tumors. Pancreatic cancer affects 8-
Data were collected using a structured data collection
10 patients per 100 000 population, making it the
sheet. Identified patients were contacted by phone to
primary cause of malignant obstructive jaundice and
obtain their consents
the presenting feature in over three quarters of these
patients. [3] Data included patients' demographics, clinical
symptoms, therapeutic intervention and long-term
Patients suffering from obstructive jaundice usually outcomes.
present with yellow colored skin and mucous
membranes, severe abdominal pain, fever, nausea, The researcher used the descriptive and analytical
vomiting and pruritus due to retained bile salts. They methods, and this was reinforced in the language of
also suffer from coagulopathy, sepsis and renal numbers and the use of statistics related to the subject
failure which are the major problems in the patient under study by using Statistical Package for Social
with obstructive jaundice [4]. Sciences SPSS software version 18.0 in data entry
and analysis. Descriptive statistics were presented as
Its diagnosis depends on assessment of serum numbers and percentages for categorical data and
bilirubin level and liver function tests. mean and standard deviation for continuous data.
Other investigations for detection of the cause of Chi-square test was used for the association between
jaundice include tumor markers, ultrasonography categorical variables. P-value equal or less than 0.05
which is considered a good initial screening tool, CT will considered statistically significant.
and MRI which have a major role in imaging biliary This study methods were reviewed and approved by
system, endoscopic ultrasound, cholangioscopy and ACH Ethics and IRB (Internal Review Board)
intra ductal narrow band imaging. Selection of Committee, REC# 2017 -04-16, October 23, 2017 in
investigation for diagnosis depends on available accordance with departmental and Aseer Central
resources, experience about advanced endoscopes, Hospital policy and that the facilities and resources
cost effectiveness and patient related specified in the protocol are adequate and available.
contraindications. [5]
The line of treatment for obstructive jaundice The study results show that the total number of
depends on the cause of obstruction as following: emergency cases admitted as surgical cases were 824
Gallstones are treated by removal of stones using excluding trauma cases. During the study period, two
endoscope; bile duct stricture or obstruction by hundred cases were admitted with a diagnosis of
tumors is treated by endoscopic stent, which may be obstructive jaundice, 5 cases were excluded due to
used to relieve obstruction temporarily till definitive incomplete medical records or unobtained patient’s
treatment is done which include surgical removal of consent. Therefore, a total number of 195 cases were
tumors, chemotherapy or radiotherapy. [6] Page 17103

IAJPS 2018, 05 (12), 17102-17109 Fatima M. Alrashed et al ISSN 2349-7750

included in this study. The majority of included represents (59) 28% , figure 1.
patients were females 139 (72.02%), while males

Figure 1: Sex distribution of involved patients

Table (1): Age distribution of involved patients:

years Frequency Percent
18-25 23 11.9%
26-32 52 26.8%
33-40 26 13.4%
41-50 37 19.1%
51-60 22 11.3%
More than 60 34 17.5%
Total 195 100.0%
Mean age± Std. Deviation 43.9 ±19.48 year
Median age 39.0 year

According to age distribution of patients, results presented in table 1 shows that the age range was within 18-109
(43.89±19.48) years. It shows that about half of patients were aged more than 40 years, while the most common
age group was 26-32 years old.

The majority of patients were living in Abha city (70%), followed by Khamis Mushet (6%), and Mahayel (3%)
as shown in table 2. Page 17104

IAJPS 2018, 05 (12), 17102-17109 Fatima M. Alrashed et al ISSN 2349-7750

Table (2): Residence of involved patients:

Frequency Percent
Abha 137 70.3%
Al-Ahad 1 0.5%
Aldarb 1 0.5%
Almujaredah 1 0.5%
Alnemas 1 0.5%
Bani Malik 1 0.5%
Jazan 5 2.6%
Khamis Mushet 12 6.2%
Mahayel 6 3.1%
Rujal Alma 1 0.5%
Sarat Abedah 3 1.5%
Tathleeth 1 0.5%
Other 25 12.8%
Total 195 100.0%

The mean of BMI of the patients was (28.37±8.33Kg/m2). The majority were overweight (45.45%) followed by
31% who were within the normal range. Obese patients were 22% of cases and only 2% of were underweight as
shown in figure 2.

Figure 2: Frequency of different body mass index values for involved patients:

Concerning etiology of obstructive jaundice, the results showed that most of patients were presented with gall stones
(82%), while 12.6% were presented with narrowing of the bile duct. Cysts and pancreatic cancer were
Identified in 3.7% for each. Pancreatitis was reported in 1.6%, liver cancer in 1.1%, and the least presentation
(0.5%) was with gallbladder cancer and mirrizi syndrome as shown in table 3. Page 17105

IAJPS 2018, 05 (12), 17102-17109 Fatima M. Alrashed et al ISSN 2349-7750

Table (3): Frequency of different etiologies of obstructive jaundice:

Frequency Percentage
Gall Stones 156 82.1%
Cysts 7 3.7%
Narrowing of the bile duct 24 12.6%
Pancreatitis 3 1.6%
Pancreas cancer 7 3.7%
Liver cancer 2 1.1%
Gallbladder cancer 1 0.5%
Mirrizi syndrome 1 0.5%
Total 195 100.0%

It was clear that the most common way in managing patients with obstructive jaundice was the endoscopic
retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP) which was done for more than half of reviewed patients (51%).
were done for 37% of included patients. In addition, the least commonly used ways in obstructive jaundice
management were “Removal of ERCP Stent”, “Hepatobiliary surgery” and “ERCP + MRCP (magnetic
resonance cholangio-pancreatography)” as shown in table 4.

Table (4): Frequency of different management methods:

Frequency Percent
ERCP 100 51.3%
Choleocystomy 72 36.9%
ERCP and cholecystectomy 8 4.1%
Conservative 6 3.1%
Refuse treatment plan 3 1.5%
Removal of ERCP Stent 2 1.0%
Hepatobiliary surgery 2 1.0%
ERCP + MRCP 2 1.0%
Total 195 100.0%

The complications after treatment were reviewed, the findings showed that only 4 patients had complications, 2
of them suffered from cholangitis, while one patient had bile duct injury, and the other one had had pancreatitis.
Concerning the outcomes of treatment using different treatment modalities, around 93% of the patients had
improved and were discharged, while 7% didn’t show any signs of improvement as shown in table 5. Page 17106

IAJPS 2018, 05 (12), 17102-17109 Fatima M. Alrashed et al ISSN 2349-7750

Table (5): Outcomes of obstructive jaundice treatment:

Treatment outcomes Frequency Percent

IMPROVED 181 92.8%
Total 195 100.0%

By studying the relationships between background characteristics of patients and their treatment outcomes, we found
that the relation between patient’s BMI and either if patient improved or not was not statistically significant (p-
value = 0.569). On the other hand, we shall highlight that all underweighted patients were improved, as shown in
table 6.

Table (6): Relation between body mass index of patients and their treatment outcomes
Treatment outcomes
BMI P-value
Improved Not improved
Underweight 4 (2.3%) 0 (0)
Normal range 53 (30.8%) 3 (21.4%)
Overweight 79 (45.9%) 6 (42.9%)
Obese 36 (20.9%) 5 (35.7%)

However, the relation between management ways and its outcomes were statistically significant (p-value<0.001).
Those patients who did “Cholecystectomy”, ERCP with MRCP, or ERCP with cholecystectomy all are
improved. Two patients who did Hepatobiliary surgery did not show any signs of improvement as shown in table

Table (7): Relation between management methods and their outcomes:

Improved Not improved P-value
No. % No. %
Choleocystomy 72 100.0% 0 0%
Conservative 5 83.3% 1 16.7%
ERCP 90 90.0% 10 10.0%
ERCP + MRCP 2 100.0% 0 0% <0.001
ERCP and cholecystectomy 8 100.0% 0 0%
Hepatobiliary surgery 0 0% 2 100.0%

In addition, there were a significant relation between etiology and treatment outcome of the patient's condition
(p-value <0.001). Ninety five percent of those patients who had gall stones were improved, while only 5% of
them were not improved. Table 8 shows that all patients with cysts, pancreatitis and mirrizi syndrome were all
improved. On the other hand, it seems like three quarters of patients with Pancreatic cancer were not improved.
In the same way, the relation between patient’s age and the management way was statistically significant.(p-
value <0.001) Page 17107

IAJPS 2018, 05 (12), 17102-17109 Fatima M. Alrashed et al ISSN 2349-7750

Table (8): Relation between etiology of obstructive jaundice and treatment outcomes:
Etiology Improved Not improved P-value
No. % No. %
Gall Stones 148 94.9% 8 5.1%
Cysts 7 100.0% 0 .0%
Narrowing of the bile duct 22 91.7% 2 8.3%
Pancreatitis 3 100.0% 0 .0%
Pancreas cancer 2 28.6% 5 71.4%
Liver cancer 0 .0% 0 .0%

DISCUSSION: liver cancer in 1%, and the least etiology was the
gallbladder cancer (0.5%). These findings agree with
The objectives of this study were to identify the most
Chandra Roy et al, (10) whose results showed that
common etiology of the disease, the most commonly
Choledocholithiasis represent the most common
used treatment modalities and their outcomes. the
cause of benign obstructive jaundice (26%), followed
secondary objectives were to detect if there is a
by biliary stricture (8%) and cysts represent (4%).
relation between age, BMI and obstructive jaundice.
While its results represent higher percentages of
Therefore, the study included all surgical cases of
malignant causes where pancreatic cancer represents
obstructive jaundice aged 18 years and above
30% of cases and cancers of gallbladder represents
admitted at Aseer Central Hospital for a whole one
22% of cases. In addition, the study findings also
agree with V. Gopalakrishna (9) whose results
Studies on gastrointestinal diseases are important showed that choledocholithiasis represent the most
studies because they have a role in detection of the common cause of obstructive jaundice (43%) and that
causes of the disease and developing appropriate narrowing of bile duct represent 14% of cases and
solutions to reduce its incidence. pancreatic cancer represent 5% of cases.
The mean age for our patients was 43.9 years which However, our results concerning etiologies are
is nearly similar to Ankur Attri et al,(8) whose results different from E. Björnsson et al, (11) study which
showed that the mean age for patients with was done in Gothenburg hospitals, Sweden which
obstructive jaundice is 50 years and also similar to V. showed that the most common cause of jaundice was
Gopalakrishna et al,(9) whose results showed that malignancy (33.5%) followed by alcoholic liver
mean age for patients is 40 years. disease which was the second most common cause
representing (16.7%), followed by bile duct stones
Our results showed that females (72%) are more
affected by obstructive jaundice than males (28%)
and this agrees with Chandra Roy et al (10) whose This difference may be due to different demographic
results showed that obstructive jaundice including its characters, higher values of bilirubin in E. Björnsson
benign and malignant causes are more prevalent in (11) study and also his study involved causes of
females more than males. V. Gopalakrishna (9) hepato-cellular and obstructive jaundice together.
reported similar findings which showed that 60% of
Different findings were reported by Ankur Attri (8)
patients are females and 40 % of them are males.
study which showed that strictures represent 32% of
Concerning etiologies of obstructive jaundice, our cases, choledocholithiasis represent 16% of cases;
study results showed that most of patients presented but agrees with it in that each of choledochal cyst and
with gall stones (82%), while narrowing of the bile mirrizi syndrome represent 2% of cases.
duct percentage was 12.6%, cysts and pancreatic
Concerning the different management modalities for
cancer were (3.7%) separately. Pancreatitis was
obstructive jaundice, our results showed that the most
reported as a cause for obstructive jaundice in 1.6%,
commonly used method is ERCP (51.3%) and that Page 17108

IAJPS 2018, 05 (12), 17102-17109 Fatima M. Alrashed et al ISSN 2349-7750

cholecystectomy was used in 36.9% of cases. This for malignant obstructive jaundice: a
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CONCLUSION / RECOMMENDATIONS: 8. Ankur Attri, Ritu Dhawan Galhotra, Archana
Ahluwalia, Kavita Saggar. (2016) Obstructive
We conclude from this study that the incidence of jaundice: Its etiological spectrum and
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: p/GJMR/article/view/1002
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