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Unit 9 Short Test 1B

1 Complete the sentences with the correct present simple or past simple passive form of the verbs
in brackets.
1 Last night five computers ______ware taken___________ (taken) from our office.
2 Copper ______is used____________ (use) to make many things, like parts for gadgets.
3 In the 2012 Olympics, the most medals ________were won__________ (win) by the United States.
4 In the UK today, many houses ____are built______________ (build) using stone.
5 John F Kennedy _______was killed_________ (kill) on 22 November 1963.

Mark: ___ / 5

2 Write questions using the prompts. Use the past simple or present simple passive.
1 a lot of cars / produce / in this factory? Are a lot of cars produced in this factory?
2 who / America / discover / by? Who America was discovered by?
3 what languages / teach / in your school? What languages are taught in your school?
4 Kelly's band / give / a prize in the competition? Was Kelly's band given a prize in the competition?
5 how many people / this museum / visit / by every day? How many people is this museum visited by every day?
Mark: ___ / 5

3 Complete the sentences with the words below. There is one extra word.
ceramic concrete glass gold rubber wood

1 I was delighted when Tom gave me the ring – it was made of ______ gold _________ and it looked very expensive.
2 Is there any more ________wood__________ to put on the fire?
3 The bridge is made of hard, grey _______ concrete ___________, so it looks very ugly.
4 The bottoms of these shoes are made of _______ rubber ___________ so they're very comfortable.
5 The architect would like to use a lot of ____ glass _________ in this building, so you can see through it.

Mark: ___ / 5

4 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 The gadget comes with a very useful long wheel / handle.
2 The curved seat prevents / allows you to feel comfortable.
3 The gadget is mains / solar powered, so it doesn’t matter if it isn't sunny.
4 Press this volume control and the music appears / gets quieter.
5 The remote control is curved / straight so it doesn’t stand up.

Mark: ___ / 5

Total: ___ / 20

Solutions Third Edition Pre-Intermediate Tests 1 Unit 9 Short Test 1B

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