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DESCRIPTION Compressive Strength
CEMTEC NS GROUT is designed for critical use 50 mm cubes ASTM C 109/109M-20b
where high strength, non-staining characteristics Age Strength
and positive expansion are required. It contains 3 days 5,000 psi (35 MPa)
only natural aggregate and an expansive 7 days 7,000 psi (49 MPa)
14 days 8,000 psi (57 MPa)
cementitious binder. The expansion is used on 28 days 9,000 psi (64 MPa)
non-gas forming cementitious materials. It is
extremely flowable, and when cured, appears Tested in Accordance with ASTM C 827 and positive
similar in appearance to concrete. expansion is observed.
Tested in Accordance with CRD C-621
7 days .06%
Non-staining natural aggregate for better appearance
14 days .05%
Non-shrink performance provides excellent bearing 28 days .06%
Flowable and self-leveling
Linear Shrinkage-ASTM C 531-18
High strength
Appearance of plain concrete -0.028%
Does not contain any added chloride ions Coefficient of Thermal Expansion - ASTM C 531-18
Pumps and generators Modulus of Elasticity ASTM C 469/ C 469M-2014
Precast gaps 29600 MPa
Compressors Fluid Consistency
Filling in between Structural Pre-cast elements
5 liter / 25 kg
Column and Machine bases of all types
Flow Rate : ASTM C939 & CRD C-621
Machine bases of all types
20 to 30 seconds (Flow Cone)
Anchor bolts
Filling in tie rod holes Compressive Strength
Meets the requirements of CRD C-621, Corps of Engi- Age Strength
neers Specification for Non-Shrink Grout. 3 days 4,000 psi (28 MPa)
7 days 6,000 psi (41 MPa)
Shows positive expansion when tested in accordance 14 days 6,500 psi (45 MPa)
with ASTM Specification C-1090, Standard Test Method 28 days 7,000 psi (48 MPa)
for Measuring Changes in Height of Cylindrical Speci-
mens from Hydraulic-Cement Grout.
Tested in Accordance with CRD C-621
Meets the performance requirements of ASTM 3 days .01%
C-1107, Grade C, combination volume adjusting 7 days .06%
grout standard specification for packaged dry, 14 days .05%
hydraulic-cement grout (nonshrinkable). 28 days .06%
Setting Time ASTM C-191
Initial Set 3 hrs 5 mins.
Final Set 4 hrs 47 mins.
Typical Engineering Data
The following results were developed under laboratory Appearance
conditions. CEMTEC NS GROUT is a free flowing powder designed
Flowable Consistency to be mixed with water. After mixing and placing, the
4.2 Liter / 25 Kg color may initially appear much darker than the
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Data Sheet
Flow Rate : ASTM C939 & CRD C-621 surrounding concrete. While this color will lighten up
120% Flow (flow table) substantially as the concrete cures an dries out, the grout
may always appear somewhat darker than the
surrounding concrete.

yields 0.014 m of fluid grout when mixed with 5 liter of water 25 kg of CEMTEC NS GROUT and
11.3 kg of 9.5 mm pea gravel will yield approximately. 018 m 3 of flowable consistency grout. Use
pea clean and dry gravel for deep fills only.
PACKAGING CEMTEC NS GROUT is packaged in 25kgs bags
The contractor and engineer are suggested to consult and Do not add any admixture or fluidifiers
review the CMCI “Application Instructions - Cementitious
Proper curing is required
Grouting.” The document offers instructions detailing the
general installation of CMCI manufactured cement-based Employ cold weather or hot weather grouting
grout products. The information given here is offered in practices as the temperature dictates
particular support to the mixing and placing of CEMTEC NS Do not allow to freeze until 4000 psi (27.6 MPa)
GROUT . This information should be used in conjunction attained
with the Application Instructions guide mentioned above. Do not use material at temperatures that may
cause premature freezing.
Mixing Shoulder cracking may occur on wide shoul-
ders, or at stress points such as shimpacks bolts,
Consistency Estimated Water Content* or plate stiffeners. These cracks are of no struc-
tural significance.
Fluid 5.0 liter/25 kg
Flowable 4.2 liter/25 kg
Plastic 3.75 liter/25 kg

(Do not add excess water that will cause bleeding or segre-
gation). More or less water may be required to achieve a 25
second flow or the desired placing consistency, depending
on temperature and other variables. Do not add sand or
cement to the grout since this action will change its preci-
sion grouting characteristics.

Do not use this product at a flow cone rate of less than 20

seconds if checking flow rates on the job site (see
CRD-C-611 of ASTM C-939 for flow cone method)

Where CEMTEC NS GROUT will be placed ata thickness

over 50 mm in the bolt pockets, up 11.3 kg of pea gravel
may be added to each bag of grout. The aggregates shall
be washed and in SSD conditions to use with the grout.
Note that the water demand to achieve a certain flow level
of the grout
CEMTEC NS GROUT sets more rapidly than plain mortars;
therefore, place quickly and continuously. If placing this
product in hot weather, use of cold water will increase the
working time.

Curing and Sealing

Proper curing procedures are important to ensure the dura-
bility and quality of the grout. Wet cure the grout until the
forms are stripped. Then, cure the grout with a high solids
curing compound, such as CEMTEC KURE N SEAL or
KUREKOTE 75 VOX as described in the general grouting

Clean tools and equipment with water before the material
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Quality Statement Data Sheet
CMCI manufactures its products at their manufacturing facility in
Saudi Arabia as per the Quailty Procedures centified to conform
with quality Management System described in ISO 9000 series
"High Quality Construction Chemicals"
CMCI provides a comprehensive technical support system for its full
range of high performance construction products CMCI also offers P.O. Box 7137, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia,
full technical field support to consultants, Architects, contractors, Tel: 00966-13-8471450; Fax: 00966-13-8471575
applicators and End Users. Email: [email protected], Web:
The Technical Specification infromation and recommendations given are based on the current technical knowledge and the user or his representative is
recommended to check the suitability of the product CMCI reserves the right to amend the technical characteristic of theproduct as part of ongoing research
and development. As the work execution is beyond the direct and continuous control of CMCI no guaranty and or responsibility is assumed on the
performance of work completion executed with use of our products.

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