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Grade 1


Grade 1


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Unit 1 • Getting to Know Us
Week 1 Week 4
At School Let’s Be Friends
Phonics: Short a                        1 Phonics: Short o                       31
High-Frequency Words                  2 High-Frequency Words                 32
Phonics: Short a                        3 Phonics: Short o                       33
Comprehension: Key Details Chart        4 Comprehension: Key Details Chart       34
Comprehension: Mini Book Comprehension: Mini Book
Jack the Cat                          5 What Can It Do?                     35
Comprehension: Story Questions Comprehension: Story Questions
Key Details                            7 Key Details                           37
Structural Analysis: Inflectional Ending -s   8 Structural Analysis: Alphabetical Order   38
Text Feature: Photographs               9 Literary Element: Rhyme                39
Writing Trait: Ideas                    10 Writing Trait: Organization            40

Week 2 Week 5
Where I Live Let’s Move!
Phonics: Short i                         11 Phonics: r-Blends and s-Blends          41
High-Frequency Words                 12 High-Frequency Words                42
Phonics: Short i                        13 Phonics: r-Blends and s-Blends          43
Comprehension: Key Details Chart       14 Comprehension: Key Details Chart      44
Comprehension: Mini Book Comprehension: Mini Book
Kids Can Move                       45
Pip and Tip                          15
Comprehension: Story Questions
Comprehension: Story Questions
Key Details                           47
Key Details                           17
Structural Analysis: Possessives         48
Structural Analysis: Double
Final Consonants                     18 Text Feature: Diagram                 49
Text Feature: Bold Print                19 Writing Trait: Organization            50
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Writing Trait: Ideas                   20

Week 3
Our Pets
Phonics: l-Blends                       21
High-Frequency Words                22
Phonics: l-Blends                       23
Comprehension: Key Details Chart      24
Comprehension: Mini Book
Kim and Flick                        25
Comprehension: Story Questions
Key Details                           27
Structural Analysis: Plural Nouns        28
Text Feature: Labels                   29
Writing Trait: Ideas                   30

Unit 2 • Our Community
Week 1 Comprehension: Story Questions
Main Topic and Key Details            77
Jobs Around Town
Structural Analysis: Inflectional
Phonics: Short e                       51 Ending -ing                          78
High-Frequency Words                 52 Literary Element: Repetition            79
Phonics: Short e                       53 Writing Trait: Ideas                   80
Comprehension: Character,
Setting, Events Chart                  54
Comprehension: Mini Book Week 4
A Fun Job                            55 Let’s Help
Comprehension: Story Questions Phonics: Consonant Digraphs sh, th, -ng    81
Character, Setting, Events             57 High-Frequency Words                82
Structural Analysis: Inflectional Phonics: Consonant Digraphs sh, th, -ng    83
Ending -ed                           58 Comprehension: Character, Setting,
Text Feature: Labels                   59 Events Chart                        84
Writing Trait: Organization            60 Comprehension: Mini Book
All Help with the Play                 85
Week 2 Comprehension: Story Questions
Character, Setting, Events             87
Buildings All Around
Structural Analysis: Closed Syllables     88
Phonics: Short u                       61 Text Feature: List                      89
High-Frequency Words                 62 Writing Trait: Organization            90
Phonics: Short u                       63
Comprehension: Character, Setting,
Events Chart                         64 Week 5
Comprehension: Mini Book Follow the Map
Pals Play and Hum                    65 Phonics: Consonant Digraphs ch, -tch,
Comprehension: Story Questions wh, ph                              91
Character, Setting, Events             67 High-Frequency Words                 92

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Structural Analysis: Contractions with ’s   68 Phonics: Consonant Digraphs ch,
Text Feature: Captions                 69 -tch, wh, ph                          93
Writing Trait: Organization            70 Comprehension: Main Topic and
Details Chart                         94
Comprehension: Mini Book
Week 3 Look Around                         95
A Community in Nature Comprehension: Story Questions
Phonics: End Blends                    71 Main Topic and Key Details            97
High-Frequency Words                72 Structural Analysis: Inflectional
Phonics: End Blends                    73 Ending -es                           98
Comprehension: Main Topic and Text Feature: Map                     99
Details Chart                        74 Writing Trait: Ideas                   100
Comprehension: Mini Book
Big Rock Pond                        75


Unit 3 • Changes Over Time
Week 1 Structural Analysis: Inflectional
Endings -ed and -ing (drop final e)     128
What Time Is It?
Literary Element: Rhyme              129
Phonics: Long a: a_e                  101 Writing Trait: Word Choice             130
High-Frequency Words                102
Phonics: Long a: a_e                  103
Comprehension: Sequence Chart       104 Week 4
Comprehension: Mini Book Now and Then
Whale at the Lake                   105 Phonics: /ˉ
o/o_e, /u/
ˉ u_e, /ˉ e/e_e         131
Comprehension: Story Questions High-Frequency Words                132
Character, Setting, Plot              107 Phonics: /ˉ
o/o_e, /ˉu/u_e, /ˉ e/e_e        133
Structural Analysis: Contractions Comprehension: Compare and
with not                            108 Contrast Chart                      134
Text Feature: Bold Print               109 Comprehension: Mini Book
Writing Trait: Word Choice            110 Life Long Ago                       135
Comprehension: Story Questions
Week 2 Compare and Contrast               137
Structural Analysis: CVCe Syllables      138
Watch It Grow!
Text Feature: Captions                139
Phonics: Long i: i_e                    111 Writing Trait: Ideas                   140
High-Frequency Words                112
Phonics: Long i: i_e                    113
Comprehension: Sequence Chart       114 Week 5
Comprehension: Mini Book From Farm to Table
A Gift for Mom                       115 Phonics: /u̇/ oo, u                     141
Comprehension: Story Questions High-Frequency Words                142
Sequence                            117 Phonics: /u̇/ oo, u                     143
Structural Analysis: Plurals             118 Comprehension: Sequence Chart       144
Text Feature: Diagrams                 119 Comprehension: Mini Book
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Writing Trait: Word Choice            120 The Food We Eat                    145

Comprehension: Story Questions
Sequence                           147
Week 3 Structural Analysis: Inflectional
Tales Over Time Endings -ed, -ing                     148
Phonics: Soft c, Soft g, dge             121 Text Feature: Chart                   149
High-Frequency Words                122 Writing Trait: Ideas                   150
Phonics: Soft c, Soft g, dge            123
Comprehension: Cause and Effect Chart   124
Comprehension: Mini Book
Little Fred and Little Buck            125
Comprehension: Story Questions
Cause and Effect                    127

Unit 4 • Animals Everywhere

Week 1 Comprehension: Mini Book Crows       179
Comprehension: Story Questions
Animal Features
Main Idea and Key Details             181
Phonics: Long a: a, ai, ay               151 Vocabulary Strategy: Word Categories   182
High-Frequency Words                152 Phonics: Long o: o, oa, ow, oe          183
Vocabulary: special, splendid          153 Structural Analysis: Open Syllables      184
Comprehension: Sequence Chart       154 Literary Element: Sensory Words       185
Comprehension: Mini Book Writing Trait: Organization            186
A Fox Tail                           155
Comprehension: Story Questions Week 4
Plot: Sequence                      157
Vocabulary Strategy: Use a Dictionary  158
Phonics: Long a: a, ai, ay              159 Phonics: Long i: i, y, igh, ie             187
Structural Analysis: Alphabetical Order   160 High-Frequency Words                188
Text Feature: Chart                    161 Vocabulary: beautiful, fancy           189
Writing Trait: Word Choice            162 Comprehension: Point of View Chart    190
Comprehension: Mini Book
Week 2 Eve and Pete                         191
Comprehension: Story Questions
Animals Together Point of View                        193
Phonics: Long e: e, ea, ee, ie           163 Vocabulary Strategy: Context Clues     194
High-Frequency Words                164 Phonics: Long i: i, y, igh, ie             195
Vocabulary: danger, partner           165 Structural Analysis: Inflectional
Comprehension: Main Idea and Endings (change y to i)               196
Key Details Chart                    166 Text Feature: Headings                197
Comprehension: Mini Book Writing Trait: Organization            198
Ants Can Help                       167
Comprehension: Story Questions Week 5
Main Idea and Key Details            169
Vocabulary Strategy: Context Clues –
Working with Animals
Sentence Clues                      170 Phonics: Long e: y, ey                 199
Phonics: Long e: e, ea, ee, ie            171 High-Frequency Words               200
Structural Analysis: Prefixes: re-, Vocabulary: clever, signal              201
un-, pre-                            172 Comprehension: Sequence Chart      202
Text Feature: Captions                173 Comprehension: Mini Book
Writing Trait: Organization            174 A New Puppy                      203
Comprehension: Story Questions
Week 3 Sequence                          205
Vocabulary Strategy: Root Words     206
In the Wild
Phonics: Long e: y, ey                207
Phonics: Long o: o, oa, ow, oe          175 Structural Analysis: Compound Words   208
High-Frequency Words                176 Text Feature: Captions               209
Vocabulary: seek, search              177 Writing Trait: Word Choice            210
Comprehension: Main Idea and
Key Details Chart                    178


Unit 5 • Figure It Out
Week 1 Comprehension: Story Questions
Problem and Solution                241
See It, Sort It
Vocabulary Strategy: Prefixes         242
Phonics: /är/ar                       211 Phonics: /ôr/or, ore, oar              243
High-Frequency Words                212 Structural Analysis: Abbreviations     244
Vocabulary: trouble, whole            213 Literary Element: Alliteration         245
Comprehension: Point of View Chart    214 Writing Trait: Word Choice           246
Comprehension: Mini Book
The Party                           215 Week 4
Comprehension: Story Questions
Point of View                        217
Sounds All Around
Vocabulary Strategy: Context Clues – Phonics: Diphthongs ou, ow           247
Multiple Meaning Words             218 High-Frequency Words               248
Phonics: /är/ar                       219 Vocabulary: scrambled, suddenly      249
Structural Analysis: Irregular Plurals   220 Comprehension: Problem and Solution
Text Feature: Use Photographs/ Chart                              250
Illustrations                         221 Comprehension: Mini Book
Writing Trait: Sentence Fluency       222 Dad’s Game                         251
Comprehension: Story Questions
Week 2 Plot: Problem and Solution            253
Vocabulary Strategy: Suffixes         254
Up in the Sky
Phonics: Diphthongs ou, ow           255
Phonics: /ûr/er, ir, ur, or              223
Structural Analysis: Inflectional
High-Frequency Words               224 Endings -er, -est                    256
Vocabulary: leaped, stretched        225 Text Feature: Directions              257
Comprehension: Cause and Effect Chart    226 Writing Trait: Sentence Fluency       258
Comprehension: Mini Book
A Bunny Wish                      227 Week 5
Comprehension: Story Questions
Cause and Effect                   229
Build It!
Vocabulary Strategy: Shades of Meaning   230 Phonics: Diphthongs oi, oy             259
Phonics: /ûr/er, ir, ur, or                  231 High-Frequency Words               260
Structural Analysis: Inflectional Ending -er   232 Vocabulary: balance, section           261
Text Feature: Captions                233 Comprehension: Cause and Effect Chart    262
Writing Trait: Word Choice             234 Comprehension: Mini Book
How to Build a Snowman             263
Week 3 Comprehension: Story Questions
Cause and Effect                    265
Great Inventions Vocabulary Strategy: Inflectional Endings   266
Phonics: /ôr/or, ore, oar              235 Phonics: Diphthongs oi, oy             267
High-Frequency Words                236 Structural Analysis:
Vocabulary: idea, unusual             237 Final Stable Syllables                268
Comprehension: Problem and Text Feature: Captions                269
Solution Chart                       238 Writing Trait: Organization             270
Comprehension: Mini Book
Good Ideas                           239


Unit 6 • Together We Can!

Week 1 Comprehension: Story Questions
Plot: Cause and Effect                301
Taking Action
Vocabulary Strategy: Similes          302
Phonics: Variant Vowel /ü/             271 Phonics: Silent Letters wr, kn, gn       303
High-Frequency Words               272 Structural Analysis: Compound Words    304
Vocabulary: demand, emergency      273 Text Feature: Headings               305
Comprehension: Theme Chart         274 Writing Trait: Ideas                  306
Comprehension: Mini Book
Working Together                  275
Week 4
Comprehension: Story Questions
Theme                             277
Sharing Traditions
Vocabulary Strategy: Synonyms        278 Phonics: Three-Letter Blends          307
Phonics: Variant Vowel /ü/             279 High-Frequency Words               308
Structural Analysis: Suffixes -ful, -less   280 Vocabulary: difficult, nobody          309
Text Feature: Captions                281 Comprehension: Theme Chart          310
Writing Trait: Sentence Fluency       282 Comprehension: Mini Book
Sue’s Surprise                        311
Week 2 Comprehension: Story Questions
Theme                              313
My Team
Vocabulary Strategy: Compound Words    314
Phonics: Variant Vowel /ô/            283 Phonics: Three-Letter Blends           315
High-Frequency Words               284 Structural Analysis: Inflectional
Vocabulary: accept, often            285 Endings -ed, -ing                      316
Comprehension: Author’s Purpose Chart    286 Text Feature: Directions               317
Comprehension: Mini Book Writing Trait: Sentence Fluency        318
Coaches                           287
Comprehension: Story Questions Week 5
Author’s Purpose                   289
Celebrate America!
Vocabulary Strategy: Antonyms       290
Phonics: /âr/air, are, ear                319
Phonics: Variant Vowel /ô/             291
High-Frequency Words               320
Structural Analysis: Vowel-Team Syllables   292
Vocabulary: nation, unite              321
Literary Element: Sensory Words       293
Comprehension: Author’s Purpose Chart   322
Writing Trait: Voice                    294
Comprehension: Mini Book
Favorite Days                       323
Week 3
Comprehension: Story Questions
Weather Together Author’s Purpose                    325
Phonics: Silent Letters wr, kn, gn      295 Vocabulary Strategy: Metaphors       326
High-Frequency Words                296 Phonics: /âr/air, are, ear              327
Vocabulary: country, gathers          297 Structural Analysis: r-Controlled Vowel
Comprehension: Cause and Effect Chart    298 Syllables                           328
Comprehension: Mini Book Text Feature: Map                    329
Storm Watch                          299 Writing Trait: Voice                    330


Phonics: Short a

Read the question. Look at the picture.

Write the answer.

1. Is this a cat or a can?

2. Is this a map or a man?

3. Is this a pal or a pan?

4. Is this a fan or a man?

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5. Is this a cap or a can?

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 1 1

High-Frequency Words

A. Write a word from the box to complete each


does not school what

1. Sam can see the map.

do the cats have?

3. I like my .

4. Where Nan go?

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B. Write your own sentence. Use two words
from the box.


2 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 1

Phonics: Short a

A. Write a word from the box to name each picture.

bat can cat fan hat





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B. Write your own sentence using one or two

words from the box.


Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 1 3

Comprehension: Key Details Chart

Fill in the Key Details Chart. Use words from the story.



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4 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 1

Jack the Cat

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 1
Jack likes to nap. Jack is a cat.
Tam likes Jack.
4 1
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6 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 1
Jack plays with a hat. Jack plays with Tam.
Jack plays with a ball.

2 3

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Comprehension: Key Details

A. Reread “Jack the Cat.” Circle two pictures that

show key details from the story.




B. Draw a picture that shows another key detail.

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Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 1 7

Structural Analysis: -s

A. Use the action word to complete the sentence.

Add the ending -s when the action word follows
a name or the words he, she, or it.

1. nap I .

2. quack It .

3. tag Cal me.

4. pack She for school.

B. Write a sentence to tell about the picture. Use

an action word.
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8 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 1

Text Feature: Photographs

Look at each photograph.

Write a sentence to tell what you see in the

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Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 1 9

Writing Trait: Ideas

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions to

help you focus on a single event.

Draft Model
We painted in class. I painted my family. I ate

1. What event is the writing about?

2. What are the details in the writing?
3. What detail is not about the same event?

B. Now revise the draft to make sure all the

details are about one event.

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10 Practice Grade 1 Unit 1 Week 1

Phonics: Short i

Read the question. Look at the picture.

Write the answer.

1. Is this a fin or a fan?

2. Is this a lid or a mat?

3. Is this a ham or a hill?

4. Is this a bag or a pig?

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5. Is this a pin or a pan?

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 2 11

High-Frequency Words

down out up very

A. Complete each sentence. Use a word from

the box.

1. The bag is big.

2. He sits .

B. Write a sentence for each picture. Use a word

from the box.

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12 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 2

Phonics: Short i

A. Use a word from the box to complete each


kiss hid big dig win fin

1. I can it up.

2. This is the .

3. His mom will him.

4. Tim will .
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B. Write your own sentence. Use a word from

the box.


Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 2 13

Comprehension: Key Details Chart

Fill in the Key Details Chart. Use words from the story.



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14 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 2

Pip and Tip

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 2
Tip will not dig. Look at Pip.
Tip will sit. Pip can go up a hill.
4 1
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16 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 2
Tip is not like Pip. Pip can dig.
Tip will not go up a hill. Dig, Pip, dig!

2 3

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Comprehension: Key Details

A. Reread “Pip and Tip.” Circle the pictures that

show a key detail from the story. Draw an X on the
picture that does not show a detail from the story.
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B. Write a sentence that tells a key detail from

page 3.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 2 17

Structural Analysis: Double Final Consonants


When a word ends with two consonants that are

the same, the letters together make one sound.

A. Read each sentence. Write the words that end

with the same two consonants.

1. Bill has a tall hat.

2. Pam will miss school.

3. Cam will hit the ball.

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4. Matt can pass the ball to Jill.

18 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 2

Text Feature: Bold Print

Words in bold print are important words.

A. Read each sentence. Write the important word.

1. The city is big.

2. It has lots of buildings.

3. This house is in the country.

4. Kids play in the big yard.

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B. Write two sentences to tell about where you

live. Circle the most important words.


Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 2 19

Writing Trait: Ideas

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions to

help you add describing details.

Draft Model
I share a room with my sister. We have bunk beds.
My bed is on top.

1. What place is the writing about?

2. What are the describing details?
3. What other describing details could you add to
the writing?

B. Now revise the draft by adding describing

details to help readers picture the room in their

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20 Practice Grade 1 Unit 1 Week 2

Phonics: l-Blends

A consonant and the letter l can form a blend,

as in the beginning sound of glad.

A. Read the question. Draw a line under letters

that form a blend. Then write the answer.

1. Is it a flag or a glass?

2. Is it a class or a clip?

3. Is it a slip or a clip?
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4. Is it a clap or clam?

B. Choose a word you wrote above. Write two

more words that begin with the same blend.

5. 6.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 3 21

High-Frequency Words

A. Write a word from the box to complete each


be come good pull

1. I can a big help.

2. Tam is a cat.

B. Use each word in a sentence to tell about the


3. pull

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4. come

22 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 3

Phonics: l-Blends

Write bl, cl, fl, gl, or sl to make a word that

completes the sentence.

1. If you are not sad, you are ad.

2. I see a ack cat.

ap if you like the play.

4. My pet can do a ip.

5. A hill is not at.

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6. A pin is very im.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 3 23

Comprehension: Key Details Chart

Fill in the Key Details Chart. Use words from the story.



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24 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 3

Kim and Flick

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 3
Flick did come! Flick looks up.
Kim is glad. Will Flick jump?
4 1
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26 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 3
Flick hid in a tree. Come out, Flick!
Kim is sad.

2 3

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Comprehension: Key Details

A. Reread “Kim and Flick.” Write a key detail to

complete each sentence. Use a word from the box.

up Flick come Kim

1. is a cat.

2. Flick looks .

3. looks for Flick.

4. Kim wants Flick to out.

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B. Write about what happens at the end.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 3 27

Structural Analysis: Plural Nouns

A. Add an s to the end of the underlined word to

tell about more than one thing. Write the word.

1. I have a hat. Do you have ?

2. Al picks a bat. He sees six .

3. Matt has a cat. Do you like ?

B. Read the word. Add an s to the end of the word.

Then write a sentence using the word.
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4. pal

5. fin

28 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 3

Text Feature: Labels

Look at the pictures. Read the labels.

wing fin


A. Read each question. Circle the answer.

1. Who has a fin?

2. Who has a wing?

3. Who has a trunk?

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4. Who has fuzz?

B. Write the label for the picture.



Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 3 29

Writing Trait: Ideas

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions to

help you add describing details.

Draft Model
Tim is the class pet. Tim is a fish. Tim swims fast.

1. What animal is the writing about?

2. What are the describing details?
3. What other describing details could you add to
the writing?

B. Now revise the draft by adding describing

details to help readers picture the animal in their

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30 Practice Grade 1 Unit 1 Week 3

Phonics: Short o

Read the words in the box. Use words from the

box to complete the sentences.

hop hot pop pot dog flock

1. This likes to dig.

2. Do not it!

3. The is very !

4. Bob is with his .

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5. It can up!

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 4 31

High-Frequency Words

A. Write a word from the box to complete each


fun make they too

This is Tom and Rick.

1. like to play with blocks.

2. Tom has lots of with Rick.

3. Rick likes to play with Tom, .

4. What will they ?

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B. Write a sentence to answer the question

above. Use two words from the box.


32 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 4

Phonics: Short o

A. Read each question. Look at the picture.

Write the answer to the question.

1. Are these rocks or maps?

2. Is this a duck or a dock?

3. Are these socks or sacks?

4. Is this a flock or a block?

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B. Write another word that has the same short o

sound you hear in fox.


Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 4 33

Comprehension: Key Details Chart

Fill in the Key Details Chart. Use words from the story.



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34 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 4

What Can It Do?

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 4
This is a dog.U001_W004_017A_119532 This is a cat.
A dog can jog fast. A cat can hop on a lap.
4 1
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36 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 4
This is a fox. This is an ox.
A fox can nap on a rock. An ox can pull logs.

2 3

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Comprehension: Key Details

Reread “What Can It Do?” Circle the word or

words that answers each question.

1. What can the cat do?

pull hop

2. What can the dog do?

jog nap

3. Who can nap?

a fox an ox

4. Who can pull?

an ox a cat

5. What does it pull?

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rocks logs

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 4 37

Structural Analysis: Alphabetical Order


Read the words. Underline the first letter of each

word. Write the words in ABC order. Then read
the sentence.

1. Bob my is pet

2. likes He zip to

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3. play Bob can tag

38 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 4

Literary Element: Rhyming Words

Rhyming words end with the same sound.

A. Read each word. Write three rhyming words.

1. dog

2. clock

3. flip
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4. back

B. Write a silly sentence. Use two rhyming words.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 4 39
Writing Trait: Organization

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions to

help you write about how Sam and Amy are

Draft Model
Sam likes to draw. Amy likes to draw, too. Amy likes
to draw dogs.

1. Who is the writing about?

2. How are Amy and Sam the same?
3. What could you add to tell about how they are

B. Now revise the draft by adding a detail about

what Sam likes to draw.

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40 Practice Grade 1 Unit 1 Week 4

Phonics: r-Blends and s-Blends

Some words begin with a consonant blend. Listen

for the sounds of c and r at the beginning of crab.

Use a word from the box to name the picture.

Write the word.

crib snap grass stick frog stand


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Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 5 41

High-Frequency Words

Write a sentence to tell about each picture. Use

the words in the box. Use each word once.

jump move run two




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42 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 5

Phonics: r-Blends and s-Blends

Sometimes consonants form a blend. You can

hear the c sound and the r sound in the blend at
the beginning of crib.

Read the sentence. Write the word that begins

with a consonant blend.

spill grass spins snack

1. My top spins.

2. Mop up the spill.

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3. Jan and Nat will

have a snack.

4. The dog digs in

the grass.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 5 43

Comprehension: Key Details Chart

Fill in the Key Details Chart. Use details from

the story.



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44 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 5

Kids Can Move

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 5
We can move. Kids like to move!
We can have fun! He can hop.
What can you do? He hops on the steps.
4 1
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46 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 5
She can run fast. They can swing.
She runs with her dog. They can jump off, too.

2 3

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Comprehension: Key Details

Reread “Kids Can Move” and follow the directions.

1. Circle the child who hops.

2. Where does he hop?

3. Draw a box around the child who runs fast.

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4. Who does the girl run with?

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 5 47

Structural Analysis: Possessives

An ’s at the end of a naming word means

something belongs to that person or thing.
Jon’s bag Dad’s mitt

A. Add ’s to each word to tell that something

belongs to the person or thing. Write the word.

1. Dan cat is little.

2. Pam This is pen.

3. cat This is my mat.

4. dog She fills the dish. Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

5. Matt I like hat.

B. Write a sentence using a word with ’s .

48 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 5
Text Feature: Diagram

Look at the diagram. Follow the directions.

Parts of a Cat

A. back C. ears

D. eyes

B. legs

1. What does the diagram show? Write the answer.

2. Name the parts of a cat.

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3. What does label C name?

4. Name another part of a cat. Add a label to the diagram.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Week 5 49

Writing Trait: Organization

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions to

help you put the events in order.

Draft Model
I tied my shoes. I put my socks on. I put my shoes on.

1. What is the writing about?

2. Which event had to happen first?
3. How can you change the sentences to put the
events in order?

B. Now revise the draft by putting the events in

order and adding the words first, next, and last.

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50 Practice Grade 1 Unit 1 Week 5

Phonics: Short e

head bed pen vet bread

A. Read the words in the box. Write a word from the

box to complete each sentence. Use the pictures to
help you.

1. My pet likes to sit on my .

2. The can help the dog.

3. Dan will put a hat on his .

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4. I like to have jam on .

5. Pam will get a .

B. Reread the sentences above. Circle any words that
have the short e sound you hear in leg.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 1 51

High-Frequency Words

A. Complete each sentence. Use one of the

words in the box.

again help new there use

1. This hat is .

2. Ken will me
with this job.

3. My cat is up in
the tree.

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4. We can this.

5. Ned had to make it .

B. Write your own sentence. Use two words from the


52 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 1
Phonics: Short e

Circle the word that completes the sentence.

Write the word on the line.

1. This nest has an .

egg pan net

2. Pat has a hat on his .

bat had head

3. Ben has hats.

well six ten

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4. I can ring the .

pot bell bat

5. Nan has a new .

dress drip bread

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 1 53

Comprehension: Character, Setting and Events Chart

Fill in the Character, Setting, Events Chart. Use

details from the story.

Character Setting Events

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54 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 1

A Fun Job

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 1
Mom and Ben get to work. Mom can fix clocks. That is
They fix the clock! The her job. She can make them
man is glad! tell time again.
4 1
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56 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 1
Ben helps his mom fix clocks. A man comes into the shop.
Ben gives Mom tools to use. “Can you fix this clock for
me?” he asks.
2 3

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Comprehension: Characters, Setting, Events

A. Reread “A Fun Job.” Write C if the sentence and

picture tell about a character. Write S if they tell
about a setting. Write E if they tell about an event.

1. Ben can help Mom fix clocks.

2. This is where Mom and Ben fix clocks.

3. They fix the clock for the man.

B. Draw the story setting. Label it.

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Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 1 57

Structural Analysis: Inflectional Ending -ed

A. Add -ed to each word to tell about something

that already happened. Write the word on the line.

1. spill

2. smell

3. dress

4. mix

5. lock

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6. pick

B. Add -ed to the word. Then use the word in a


7. pack

58 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 1

Text Feature: Labels

A. Add labels to the picture to name parts of the

fire truck. Use the words in the box.

ladder light hose



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B. Make a label for another part of the fire

truck. Draw a line to it.


Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 1 59

Writing Trait: Organization

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions to

help you focus on one idea.

Draft Model
Teachers work hard. They plan lessons. They have

1. What idea is the writing about?

2. What are the details in the writing?
3. Can you change a detail to help focus on the

B. Now revise the draft to make sure all the

details are about one idea.

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60 Practice Grade 1 Unit 2 Week 1

Phonics: Short u

The letter u stands for the short u sound in rug.

A. Read the words in the box. Then read each

clue. Write a word from the box that fits the clue.

bus sun pup tug drum

1. You go to school in this.

2. This is a pet.

3. This is up.

4. You do this when you pull.

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5. You can tap on this.

B. Write a sentence using a word from the box.


Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 2 61

High-Frequency Words

A. Complete each sentence. Use a word from the box.

could live one then three

1. I in the city.

2. There is duck in the pond.

3. Sam not run.

4. I run up the hill. I run

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down the hill.

B. Use the word three to write a sentence about

the picture.


62 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 2

Phonics: Short u

Read each sentence. Circle the words that have the

short u sound you hear in fun. Write each word.

1. The bus is going down the hill.

2. I play the drum in school.

3. Where is the duck?

4. The pigs are in the mud.

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5. I look up to see the sun.

6. It is fun to jump up and down.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 2 63

Comprehension: Character, Setting, and Events Chart

Fill in the Character, Setting, Events Chart.

Use details from the story.

Character Setting Events

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64 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 2

Pals Play

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 2
and Hum

Cub plays a jug. The pals Bug wants to have a band.

make good music. It is a Bug can hum a song.
fun band!
4 1
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66 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 2
Duck can pluck and strum. Frog likes to drum. Bug asks
Bug asks Duck to be in Frog to be in his band.
the band. “Yes, I will,” Frog tells Bug.
2 3

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Comprehension: Character, Setting, Events

Reread “Pals Play and Hum.” Follow the directions.

1. Write a sentence that tells where Bug is on page 1.

2. Write a sentence that tells what duck can do.

3. Write a sentence that tells what Frog can do.

4. Write a sentence that tells what the pals do.

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Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 2 67

Structural Analysis: Contractions with ’s

A contraction is when two words are put together

to make one word.
He’s is a shorter way of saying he is.

A. Write the words that make up the contraction.

1. she’s = +

2. it’s = +

3. he’s = +

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4. let’s =

B. Rewrite the sentences using contractions.

It is fun to play with Pam. She is a good pal.


68 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 2

Text Feature: Captions

Circle the caption that tells about the picture.

1. Jon gets on the bus. 2. Here is Buck City zoo.

Jon is at school. Birds can fly.
Bess is in a cab. This is a big pet shop.

3. Pam swims fast. 4. Dan likes to ride a bike.

Green Park has big trees. Dan rides the bus.
The lake has big fish.
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It is fun to swing.

5. They go for a bus ride.

They go for a cab ride.
They go for a bike ride.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 2 69

Writing Trait: Organization

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions to

help you add a beginning sentence that names
the topic.

Draft Model
There are rows of bookshelves. The bookshelves are
filled. Some cool magazines are on top of the shelves.

1. What is the topic of the writing?

2. What details tell about the topic?
3. What information could you include in a
beginning sentence?

B. Now revise the draft by adding a beginning

sentence that names the topic.

70 Practice Grade 1 Unit 2 Week 2

Phonics: End Blends

A. One word in each sentence is missing an end

blend. You can write st, sk, nd, nt, or mp to
complete each word.

1. I camp in a te .


2. The la can help you see.

3. I sit at my de .

4. The li tells you what to do.

5. Ron plays the drum in the ba .

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B. Write a sentence about the picture. Use a

word that has an end blend you wrote above.



Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 3 71

High-Frequency Words

A. Use the words in the box to complete the


eat no of under who

1. can find the cat?

2. The cat is the U002_W003_012A_119532


3. Meg likes to bread.

4. She has a little bit jam.

5. We have lamp. Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

B. Write a sentence to tell about the picture.

Use one or two words from the box.


U002 W003 014A 119532

72 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 3

Phonics: End Blends

Read the words in the box. Use a word from the

box to complete each sentence.

sent best task sink sand jump

1. Bob a box to Pete.

2. Tess did the job.

3. Deb, Nick, and Sam have a .

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4. Put the cup in the .

5. We dig in the .

6. Tim and Bev up and down.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 3 73

Comprehension: Main Topic and Key Details Chart

Fill in the Main Topic and Key Details Chart.

Use words from the story.

Main Topic

Detail Detail Detail

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74 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 3

Big Rock Pond

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 3
Here are threeU002_W003_001A_119532
bats. Bats The pond is a fun place to
can spin at the pond. There go. What animals can we
is a lot to see at the pond. see at the pond?
4 1
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76 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 3
Here is one bug. A bug Here are two frogs.
can buzz. A pond can be Frogs can jumpU002_W003_003A_119532
up high.
very loud! Where will they land?
2 3

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Comprehension: Main Topic and Key Details

Reread “Big Rock Pond.” Write the main topic to tell

what it is about. Write the key details to tell more
about the topic. Use the sentences from the box.

Bugs can buzz.

Two frogs can jump up high.
There are a lot of animals to see at a pond.
Bats can spin.

Key Detail: Key Detail: Key Detail:
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Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 3 77

Structural Analysis: Inflectional Ending -ing

A. Read each sentence. Add the ending -ing to

the underlined word to tell what is happening
now. Write the new word on the line.

1. I can jump. I am .

2. Pam will eat a snack. Pam is

a snack.

3. Cal likes to play. Cal is .

4. I will help Gram. I am Gram.

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B. Use a word ending in -ing to complete the

5. She is a bag.

6. They are the ball.

78 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 3

Literary Element: Repetition

Each sentence has repetition. Write the word you

see over and over.
Write another sentence using the word. Read
both sentences to hear the pattern and beat.

1. Cat can nap, nap on a mat.

2. She is up, up at the top.

3. My dog is a jumping dog.

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4. I hop, hop, and then I plop.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 3 79

Writing Trait: Ideas

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions to

help you add facts to the writing.

Draft Model
Many kinds of fish live in the ocean. Fish can be big
or small. Some fish like to swim together.

1. What is the topic of your writing?

2. What details tell about the main idea?
3. What facts could you add to the writing?

B. Now revise the draft by adding facts to the


80 Practice Grade 1 Unit 2 Week 3

Phonics: Consonant Digraphs th, sh, -ng

A. Write the word that names the picture. Write

a word with the letters sh, th, or ng.

1. 2.

3. 4.

B. Read the sentence. Circle the words that have

the sh, th, or ng sound-spelling. Write the words.

5. Beth and Tim bring the trash to the shed.

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C. Write your own sentence. Use one or two

words that have sh, th, or ng.


Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 4 81

High-Frequency Words

Write a word from the box to complete each

sentence. Use each word once.

all call day her want

1. This is a good to play.

2. Nick and I to play on the swings.

3. I will Pam, too.

4. I will ask if she can play with us.

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5. of us will have fun.

82 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 4

Phonics: Consonant Digraphs th, sh, -ng

Read each clue. Write sh, th, or ng to complete

each answer.

1. You do this when you add 2 + 2. ma

2. You can dance to this. so

3. You can take one in a tub. ba

4. You say this when you get a gift. anks

5. A bug can do this to you. sti

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6. You can look for this in the sand. ell

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 4 83

Comprehension: Character, Setting, Events Chart

Fill in the Character, Setting, Events Chart.

Use details from the story.

Character Setting Events

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84 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 4

All Help with

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 4
the Play
All the dogs get to help. Let’s put on a play.
They come to see the play! We can all help. It will
At the end, they all clap! be so much fun!
4 1
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86 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 4
Rex and Shep help. What can we do? We
Rex makes fun hats. want to help with the
Shep makes tops with dots. play.
2 3

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Comprehension: Character, Setting, Events

Reread “All Help With The Play.”

Circle the words that answer each
question. Write the words.

1. The story characters are .

all dogs dogs and cats

2. They want to .
play a game put on a play

3. Who makes hats? .

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Shep Rex

4. What can Shep make? .

tops with dots black caps

5. At the end, all the dogs .

see the play make things
Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 4 87
Structural Analysis: Closed Syllables

A. Read each word. Write each syllable. Remember

that a closed syllable ends in a consonant and has
a short vowel sound.

1. napkin = +

2. pumpkin = +

3. magnet = +

4. contest = +

5. pocket = +
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B. Read the sentences. Circle each word that has

two syllables.
6. I will help Mom rake on Sunday.

7. We may not finish the task.

88 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 4

Text Feature: List

A. Read the words in the box. Place each word in

the list where it belongs.

socks sing clap bread vest

jump jam eggs belt

Things to Eat Things to Do Things to Put On

B. Add one more thing to each list.

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Things to Eat Things to Do Things to Put On

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 4 89

Writing Trait: Organization

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions to

help you add a beginning and a middle to the

Draft Model
Pat’s house is clean now. The floor is shiny. The trash
is gone.

1. What is the story about?

2. What details tell about the end of the story?
3. What could you add to the beginning and the
middle of the story?

B. Now revise the draft by adding a beginning

and a middle to the story.

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90 Practice Grade 1 Unit 2 Week 4

Consonant Digraphs ch, -tch, wh, ph

The letters ch and -tch stand for the sound at

the end of ditch. The letters wh stand for the
sound at the beginning of when. The letters ph
stand for the sound at the end of graph.

Read the words in the box. Match the words in

the box with the word that has the same sound-
spelling below. Write the word. Then write another
word you know that has the same sound-spelling.

chin graph patch when

1. whisk

2. chick
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3. Phil

4. hatch

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 5 91

High-Frequency Words

A. Use a word in the box to complete the sentence.

walk many by place around

1. If there are lots of something, there are .

2. Jan will sit me.

3. Do not run in the halls. You must .

4. Do not bike over a rock. Go the rock.

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5. It is hot! Let’s find a in the shade.

B. Write a sentence to tell about a place you like to

go. Use words from the box.


92 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 5

Consonant Digraphs ch, -tch, wh, ph

A. Write a spelling from the box to complete the

words in each sentence.

ch tch wh ph

1. A ick will ha from the egg.

2. en do you go to school?

3. You can make a gra in math class.

4. I made my lun today.

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B. Write two or three words you know that have

the same sound-spelling.

5. ch

6. wh

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 5 93

Comprehension: Main Topic and Key Details Chart

Fill in the Main Topic and Key Details Chart.

Use details from the story.

Main Topic

Detail Detail Detail

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94 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 5

Look Around

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 5
Look around! Many dogs Look around! Little
run and fetch and play. chicks are hatching. This
This is a park. is a farm.
4 1
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96 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 5
Look around! Many kids play Look around! Buses whiz
here. They kick and run and by. There are big buildings.
catch. This is a playground. A lot is going on here. This
is a city. 3
Compression: Main Topic and Key Details

Reread “Look Around” and follow the directions.

1. Write what you can see on the farm.

2. Write what you can see at the playground.

3. Write what you can see in the city.

4. Write what dogs do in the park.

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5. Write the main topic of “Look Around.”

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 5 97

Structural Analysis: Inflectional Ending -es

Look at the picture. Then choose a word in the

box and add -es to complete the sentence. Write
the new word.

dress bench fox box dish buzz

1. I see two .

2. There are three .

3. She has two .

4. Set the
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in the sink.

5. I hear many .

6. The two play.

98 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 5

Text Feature: Map

Look at the map. Use the map and the compass to

answer the questions.

1. Are the swings north or south of the slide?

2. Is the slide east or west of the gate?

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3. Where is the bench? Use directions and another

thing shown on the map to tell where the bench is.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 2 • Week 5 99

Writing Trait: Ideas

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions to

help you add supporting details.

Draft Model
Open the door and walk inside. Turn down the
hallway. There is the lunchroom.

1. What are the directions about?

2. How do the directions help you find your way?
3. What supporting details could you add to the

B. Now revise the draft by adding supporting

details to the directions.

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100 Practice Grade 1 Unit 2 Week 5

Phonics: Long a: a_e

The a_e spelling makes the long a sound in ate.

A. Write the letters a and e to complete the

word that names each picture.

1. sn k

2. g t

3. gr p

4. t p
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5. l k

B. Write your own sentence. Use a word from



Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 1 101

High-Frequency Words

Use the words in the box to complete each sentence.

away now some today way why

1. is not a good day

to go out.

2. He is eating grapes.


3. This is the to camp.

4. The bus is at school .

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5. does the pup

look sad?

6. The frog hopped .

102 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 1

Phonics: Long a: a_e

A. Complete the sentences. Use words in the box.

lake chase make cake ate

1. Kate and Dave swim in the .

2. The dog likes to the cat.

3. I can a .

B. Write a sentence to tell about the picture. Use

one or more words from the box.
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Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 1 103

Comprehension: Sequence Chart

Fill in the Sequence Chart. Use words from the story.



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104 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 1

Whale at the Lake

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 1
Whale jumps in the lake. Whale skates to the
“Let’s play tag!” he says.
lake. It is so hot out! He
The pals have fun! wants to swim with his U003_W001_004A_119532
friends. 1
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106 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 1
But when he gets there, he Now, he can seeU003_W001_002A_119532
can’t see his friends. He friends. They are already
does not like to swim alone. in the water. They wave to
him. Whale is happy! 3

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Comprehension: Characters, Setting, Plot

Reread “Whale at the Lake.” Look at the pictures

and write a sentence to tell what happens at the
beginning, in the middle, and at the end.



1. First, .

2. Next,
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3. Last,

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 1 107

Structural Analysis: Contractions with not

A. Read each sentence. Combine the two

underlined words to make a contraction. Write
the contraction.

1. Jon has not fed his cat.

2. Nate and Kate are not at school.

3. Mom can not pick up the box.

4. The pup is not big.

5. Jane was not late today.

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B. Write a sentence using a contraction above.


108 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 1

Text Feature: Bold Print

A. Read the sentences. The words in bold print

are important words. Circle words in bold print.

1. You can put on a watch to help you

keep track of the time.

2. This clock can ring to get you up.

3. A calendar tells you what day it is.

B. Use the words in bold print to help you answer

the questions.

4. What can ring to wake you up?

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5. What can you put on to tell time?

6. What tells you which day it is?

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 1 109

Writing Trait: Word Choice

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions to

help you add details with sensory words.

Draft Model
The bell rings and we go to lunch. I sit and eat my
sandwich first. I eat an apple next.

1. What is the topic of the writing?

2. What details tell about the topic?
3. What sensory words could you add to tell more
details about the topic?

B. Now revise the draft by adding sensory words

to tell how the bell sounds and how the foods
look, feel, and taste.

110 Practice Grade 1 Unit 3 Week 1

Phonics: Long i: i_e

A. Write the word for the picture. Use a word

with long i.






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B. Complete the sentences. Use a word you wrote


6. I will ride on my .

7. I can see the up there.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 2 111

High-Frequency Words

Write a sentence for each picture. Use words

from the box.

green grow pretty should together water




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112 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 2

Phonics: Long i: i_e

A. Read the words in the box. Listen for the long

i sound. Use words from the box to complete the

smile dive time bike ride five

1. The clock tells us the .


2. Mom has a on her face.

3. It is fun to on a .

4. Pat will down to see the fish.

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B. Write your own sentence using words from the box.


Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 2 113

Comprehension: Sequence Chart

Fill in the Sequence Chart. Use words from the story.




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114 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 2

A Gift for Mom

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 2
Mom: I love plants! You Mike: Mom has been sick

made me smile. Thanks! all week.

Mike: We are glad. Kate: Let’s cheer her up.

Kate: Get well, Mom! Mike: We can get a gift!

We love you, Mom!

4 1
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116 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 2
Mike: Let’s shop together. Mike: Look! Plants! That
Kate: What does Mom is a fine gif t for Mom.
like best? Kate: Mom likes plants!
2 3

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Comprehension: Plot: Sequence

Reread “A Gift for Mom” and follow the directions.

1. Write a sentence that tells what happens first in the


2. Write a sentence that tells you what Kate and Mike

are going to do.

3. Write a sentence that tells what happens next.

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4. How does Mom feel at the end of the story?

5. Why does Mom feel that way?

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 2 117

Structural Analysis: Plurals

A. Write the word that completes each sentence.

1. I see .

2. I will rake two .

3. We ate some .

4. Two make twenty cents.

5. There are three .

B. Write your own sentence. Use a word that

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names more than one thing.


118 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 2

Text Feature: Diagrams

A. Look at the diagram of a plant. Use the words

from the box to complete the diagram.

flower leaf root stem

1. 2.


3. 4.
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B. Draw a fish. Add labels to tell about the parts.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 2 119

Writing Trait: Word Choice

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions to

help you add words to create a clear picture of
the tree.

Draft Model
At first a new tree is small. Then the tree grows
new parts. The parts get bigger and the tree grows
bigger, too.

1. What is the topic of the writing?

2. What details tell about the topic?
3. What words could you add to improve the

B. Now revise the draft by adding words to

improve the details.

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120 Practice Grade 1 Unit 3 Week 2

Phonics: Soft c, Soft g, dge

A. Say each word. Circle the word if it has the soft

c sound as in race. Underline the word if it has the
soft g sound as in cage or badge. Write the word.

1. trace

2. lodge

3. gem


4. pencil
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5. bridge
B. Write your own sentence. Use one or two
words above in your sentence.


Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 3 121

High-Frequency Words

Use the words from the box to complete the fairy tale.

happy once from so upon any

1. a time
there was a prince named Lance.

2. He came a land far away.

3. The prince was sad. He did not have


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4. he went looking for a pal.

5. On his way he met a frog. The frog told him a joke.

The frog made the prince .

He asked the frog to be his pal.

122 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 3

Phonics: Soft c, Soft g, dge

A. Read the words in the box. Write the words that have
the same sounds you hear at the end of ice or cage.

cent game page bring badge case




B. Choose the letters c, g, or dge to complete

the word in each sentence.
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4. Pip is in a ca e.

5. Ann can dan e.

6. The man will trim the he .

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 3 123

Comprehension: Cause and Effect Chart

Fill in the Cause and Effect Chart. Use words from

the story.

Cause Effect

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124 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 3

Little Fred and


Little Buck
Little Buck brought Fred to Little Fred liked fudge a
Gran’s. She was happy to lot! Gran had made some.
see them. They had fudge! So Little Fred was going
4 to Gran’s. U003_W003_002A_119532
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126 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 3
On the way, Little Fred got Then he saw Little Buck.
lost! There were so many trees. “I am lost!”said Fred. “Can
He couldn’t see theU003_W003_004A_119532
path! U003_W003_003A_119532
you help me get to Gran’s?”
Little Buck nodded. 3

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Comprehension: Plot: Cause and Effect

Reread “Little Fred and Little Buck.” Answer the


1. What causes Little Fred to go to Gran’s?

2. What causes Little Fred to get lost?

3. What is the effect of meeting Little Buck?

4. What is the effect of getting to Gran’s?

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5. What did Gran do in the beginning that caused the

whole story?

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 3 127

Structural Analysis: Inflectional Endings -ed, -ing

A. Read each sentence. Add -ing to the underlined

action word to tell what is happening now.

1. Kate can trace. She is .

2. My dog likes to chase. My dog is

the cat.

B. Read each sentence. Add -ed to the underlined

action word to tell what happened in the past.

3. Dave can rake. Dave .

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4. Mom will slice the cake. Mom the


5. We like to skate. We all day.

128 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 3

Literary Element: Rhyme

Write a word from the box that rhymes with the

underlined word. Then read the poem.

came bats run base

A Fun Time

1. We have lots of fun.

In the grass, we like to .

2. We put on hats.

We swing .
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3. Some race and some chase.

Some make it to the .

4. This is a good game.

We are glad you !

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 3 129

Writing Trait: Word Choice

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions to

help you add strong verbs to the writing.

Draft Model
The little girl ran fast to get the cat. Then the cat got
scared and ran fast. The cat got away.

1. What is the topic of the story?

2. What verbs are in the story?
3. What strong verbs could you add to the story to
make it more exciting?

B. Now revise the draft by adding strong verbs to

make it more exciting.

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130 Practice Grade 1 Unit 3 Week 3

Phonics: /ō /o_e, /ū /u_e, /ē /e_e

Complete the sentences that tell about the picture.

Write the missing spelling pattern o_e, u_e, or e_e.

1. It is a nice day in J n .

2. We sit on a h g blanket.
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3. We are eating th s sandwiches.

4. Then we will get a c n !

5. After lunch we will go h m .

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 4 131

High-Frequency Words

A. Complete the sentences. Use words in the box.

ago boy girl how old people

1. many pets do you have?

2. Dad went to school when he was a .

3. Gram lived here when she was a little .

4. There are ten in the class.

5. The bike is very .

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6. The tale takes place long .

B. Write your own sentence. Use one or two

words from the box.


132 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 4

Phonics: /ō /o_e, /ū /u_e, /ē /e_e

Read each clue. Write a word from the box to

answer it.

dune flute cube tune phone

1. This is a little rock.

2. You can sing one of these.

3. You can play this in a band.

4. You can make calls on this.

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5. This is a huge hill of sand.

6. A box can be this shape.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 4 133

Comprehension: Compare and Contrast Chart

Fill in the Compare and Contrast Chart.

Use words from the story.

Different    Alike    Different

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134 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 4

Life Long Ago

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 4 
There was a U003_W004_001A_119532
lot to do long What was life like long ago?
ago. But children had time Boys and girls helped to U003_W004_025A_119532
to play, too. They had fun do many jobs. There was a
just like you do! lot to do at home. 1
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136 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 4
People did not buy things People long ago kept
girls helped
in stores. The U003_W004_003A_119532 animals. Boys and girls
make clothes. The boys U003_W004_002A_119532
fed the hens. They looked
helped to plant food. for eggs, too. 3

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Comprehension: Compare and Contrast

A. Reread “Life Long Ago.” Circle the

words that answer each question.
Write the words.


1. The story characters are .


2. Boys and girls all helped to .

do many jobs    make clothes

B. Write the word or words to complete each sentence.

3. How did the girls help?

The girls helped with .

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4. How did the boys help?

The boys helped with .

5. How else did the children help?

They and .

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 4 137

Structural Analysis: CVCe Syllables

A. Read each word. Write each syllable. Circle

the syllable with the long vowel sound.

1. sunshine

2. placemat

3. explode

4. inside

B. Say each word. Circle words that have two

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syllables. Then write each word that has a
syllable with a long vowel sound.

pencil sketch escape

5. 6.

138  Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 4

Text Feature: Captions

A. Look at the pictures that show life long ago.

Write a caption to tell what people did long ago.




B. Draw a picture of something people do today.

Write a caption for the picture.
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Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 4 139
Writing Trait: Ideas

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions to

help you add reasons to this opinion.

Draft Model
Games in the past were not very much fun. Games
now are better. We can play games on TV.

1. What is the opinion in the writing?

2. What is a reason for the opinion?
3. What reasons could you add to the writing?

B. Now revise the draft by adding more reasons

for the opinion.

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140 Practice Grade 1 Unit 3 Week 4

Phonics: /u/ oo, u

The letters oo and u can make the

middle sound you hear in book.

Underline the word in each sentence that has the

same middle sound you hear in took. Write the

1. Lin hung her hat on a hook.

2. Ron put his bag away.

3. The cat ran under the bush.

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4. James stepped on my foot.

5. Look up at the plane!

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 5 141

High-Frequency Words

Use the words in the box to describe each picture.

done soon every after work buy




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142 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 5

Phonics: /u/ oo, u

A. Name the picture. Write oo or u to complete

the word that names the picture.

1. h k 2. b k

3. t 4. b sh

B. Read the words. Match the words in the box

with the correct sound-spelling. Write the words.

look full put cook push good

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oo 5.    6.  

u 8.   10.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 5 143

Comprehension: Sequence Chart

Fill in the Sequence Chart. Use words from the story.




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144 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 5

The Food We Eat

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 5 
We bring our food home This farm grows food we
where we cook it. Last, we like. Look at the beans and
all sit down to eat. Yum! grapes. It is almost time to
pick them. 1
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146  Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 5
After the crops are We shop for fresh
picked, they are packed in food here. It all looks
crates. Then they go in so good! They even let
trucks to stores. us taste some. 3

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Comprehension: Sequence

A. Reread “The Food We Eat.” Write 1, 2, 3, and

4 next to a picture to tell the sequence.

B. Write a sentence to describe each picture. Use

the words first, next, and last in the sentences.

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Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 5 147
Structural Analysis: Inflectional Endings -ed, -ing

A. Add -ed to each word. Write the new word.

1. 2. stop

3. grab   4. slam

B. Add -ing to each word. Write the new word.

5. hug 6. plan

7. drip 8. skip

C. Add the ending to the word hop. Write a

sentence using the new word.

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9. -ed 

10. -ing 

148 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 5
Text Feature: Chart

A. Use the chart to answer the questions.

Food Colors

Red Yellow Green

apple lemon grape

tomato butter pea

1. Which two foods in the chart are green?

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2. What color is a lemon?

B. Think of other foods that are red, yellow, or green.
Add more foods to the chart.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 3 • Week 5 149

Writing Trait: Ideas

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions to

help you add more details to support the opinion.

Draft Model
It is good to grow your own food. You can grow
many different plants. Then you know where your
food comes from.

1. What is the opinion in the writing?

2. What detail supports the opinion?
3. What other supporting details could you add to
the writing?

B. Now revise the draft by adding more details

that support the opinion.

150 Practice Grade 1 Unit 3 Week 5

Phonics: Long a: a, ai, ay

Read the words with the long a sound spelled

a, ai, and ay. Write a word from the box to
complete each sentence.

apron clay nail train day paint

1. I will ride on a .

2. Kate made a vase out of .

3. Use the brush to .

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4. You can hang things with a .

5. Jan put on an .

6. It is a nice .

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 1 151

High-Frequency Words

Complete each sentence using a word from the box.

about animal carry eight give our

1. I like the book a hen

who makes bread.

2. The bug has legs.

3. Can you those boxes?

4. We take dog for a walk.

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5. I will Mom a gift.

6. A pig is an .

152 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 1


splendid: wonderful or very good

A. Use a vocabulary word from the word box to

complete each sentence.

1. Today is a day for me.

2. Peacocks have feathers.

B. Write your own sentences using each

vocabulary word.

3. special
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4. splendid

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 1 153
Comprehension: Sequence Chart

Fill in the Sequence Chart. Use words from the story.




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154  Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 1

A Fox Tail

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 1
Fox asked Hen for an egg. Hen Fox loved to eat. He was always
shook her head. looking for good food.
“Why not?” asked Fox. “I see Hen,” Fox said. “I will ask her
“Ha!” said Hen. “You can not for a an egg.”
trick me, Fox. I see a fox tail!”
4 1
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156 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 1
“Good Day, Hen,” said Fox. So Fox decided to play a trick.
“May I take that egg from you?” He dressed up as a farmer. He
“Why would I give a fox one of my put on a hat and old clothes.
eggs?” asked Hen. “This will trick Hen,” said Fox.
Then he went to visit Hen.
2 3

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Comprehension: Plot: Sequence

A. Reread “A Fox Tail.” Use the numbers to tell

the order of the events.

Write 1 if the sentence tells what happened first.

Write 2 if the sentence tells what happened next.
Write 3 if the sentence tells what happened then.
Write 4 if the sentence tells what happened last.
1. “Why would I give an egg to a fox?”
asked Hen.”

2. Fox got dressed up.

3. “I see Hen,” Fox said. “I will ask for an egg.”

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4. “You can not trick me. I see a fox tail!”

B. Work with a partner. Read the passage aloud.

Pay attention to intonation. Stop after one
minute. Fill out the chart.
Number of Words Correct
Words Read – =
Errors Score
First Read – =
Second Read – =

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 1 157

Vocabulary Strategy: Use a Dictionary

A. Read the words and meanings from a dictionary.

special: important.
My pup is very special to me.
splendid: very good.
I had a splendid time with Gram.

B. Write the meaning for the word. Then write

your own sentence using the word.

1. special

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2. splendid

158 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 1
Phonics: Long a: a, ai, ay

A. Read each sentence. Circle the words that

have a long a sound. Write the words on the line.

1. The dog wags his tail.

2. I will mail you the box.

3. A snail is not fast.

4. Today it will rain.

5. It is fun to play with clay. 

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B. Write a sentence about the picture.

Use a long a word.


Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 1 159
Structural Analysis: Alphabetical Order


To put words in ABC order, look at the first

letter of each word. If words begin with
the same letter, look at the second letter.

Write the words in ABC order. Read the sentence.

1. me help Ann can

2. like pals my I

3. three
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twigs Dan picks

4. up Bill jump can

160 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 1

Text Feature: Chart

Use the chart to help you answer the questions.

Duck Chicken
wings wings
long, flat beak small beak
webbed feet no webbed feet
lays eggs lays eggs

1. Which animal has wings?


3. Which animal has webbed feet?

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4. Which animal can lay eggs?

5. Which parts of a duck and a chicken are different?

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 1 161
Writing Trait: Word Choice

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions to

help you add specific words.

Draft Model
Frogs have legs that are good for hopping. Frogs use
their legs to jump in the water. Frogs eat bugs, too.

1. What is the topic of the writing?

2. What specific words are in the writing?
3. What other specific words could you use to
describe the frogs?

B. Now revise the draft by adding more specific

words to describe the frogs.

162 Practice Grade 1 Unit 4 Week 1

Phonics: Long e: e, ee, ea, ie

A. Read each sentence. Write the words that have

the long e sound.

1. She is on a team.


2. He needs to sleep.




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B. Write a sentence using a word you wrote above.


Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 2 163
High-Frequency Words

Use the words from the box to complete the


into blue or small other because

1. Sam is a very fish.

2. He swims in the sea.

3. Sam can jump up in the waves dive deep

down the water.

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4. Sam likes to swim with fish, too.

5. The fish all swim together they want

to stay safe.

164 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 2


A. Look at each picture. Write a sentence about

each picture. Use a vocabulary word from the box.

danger partner



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B. Write two more sentences using the words in

the box.



Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 2 165

Comprehension: Main Idea and Key Details Chart

Fill in the Main Idea and Key Details Chart. Use

words from the story.

Main Idea

Detail Detail Detail

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166 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 2

Ants Can Help

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 2
The ant raft stays on top of It is raining a lot. Water is
the water. The ants are safe while rising. How can little ants stay
it rains. They may float to land. safe? Fire ants have a way to
Now that’s teamwork! keep from drowning. They do it
by working in a team.
4 1
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168 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 2
The ants make a circle. They weave The circle is like a raft. It is a raft
their legs together. They get in of ants! Now the ants can float.
very close to each other. Without doing this, the little ants
might sink to the bottom.
2 3

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Comprehension: Main Idea and Key Details

A. Reread “Ants Can Help” and follow the directions.

1. Why do the ants need to work together?

2. What do the ants do with their legs?

3. What do the ants make?

4. How does this help the ants stay safe?
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B. Work with a partner. Read the passage aloud.

Pay attention to intonation. Stop after one
minute. Fill out the chart.
Number of Words Correct
Words Read – =
Errors Score
First Read – =
Second Read – =

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 2  169

Vocabulary Strategy: Context Clues

A. Use the underlined clue to figure out the meaning

of the word in bold. Write the meaning of the word.

1. The lions sit and relax on the grass.

2. Lee wants to go to the zoo. He enjoys

seeing the lions.

3. The timid lion cub hid behind his mother.

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B. Write your own sentence. Use a word in bold.


170 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 2

Phonics: Long e: e, ee, ea, ie

A. Write the letters e, ee, ea, or ie on the line to

complete the word that names the picture.

1. t r

2. t

3. h

B. Write the letters e, ee, ea, or ie to complete

the word that fits the clue.

4. s h t
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5. People who play together in a game. t m

6. This lives in a hive. b

7. This is a place to play a game. f ld

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 2  171
Structural Analysis: Prefixes re-, un-, pre-

A. Add the prefix re-, un-, or pre- to the

underlined word to rewrite the sentence.

1. The rope is not tied. The rope is .

2. I made the crust

before I baked the pie. I the crust.

3. use the bag again. I the bag.

4. She is not happy. She is .

B. Write your own sentence using a word

with a prefix.

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172  Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 2

Text Feature: Captions

A. Write a caption for each picture.

1. 2.

3. 4.
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B. Draw a picture of an animal. Write a caption.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 2  173
Writing Trait: Organization

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions to

help you add a topic to the writing.

Draft Model
Some fish help each other find food. Sometimes dogs
team up to take care of their puppies. Zebras and
wildebeests help keep each other safe in the wild.

1. Does the writing tell what the topic is?

2. What do the sentences tell about?
3. What sentence could you add at the beginning
to tell the topic?

B. Now revise the draft by adding a sentence

about the topic.

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174 Practice Grade 1 Unit 4 Week 2

Phonics: Long o: o, oa, ow, oe

Circle the words that have the same vowel sound as

crow. Write the word.

1. block bowl cook

2. float flat flop

3. lead lot load

4. shop show wish

5. tow took top

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6. hog heat hold

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 3  175

High-Frequency Words

Use words from the box to complete the story.

find food more over start warm

A Fun Hike

1. We will our hike on this path.

2. Then we will hike the hill.

3. Next we must a good

place to camp.

4. We have a tent to keep us . Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

5. We have a lot of to cook, too.

6. We will have fun tomorrow.

176 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 3


A. Circle the word that completes the sentence.

Write the word on the line.

1. We for the lost dog.

search seek

2. The prince will a princess.

seek  search

B. Tell about a time you looked for something in

a place. Use the word search.

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C. Tell about a time you looked for something
you wanted. Use the word seek.


Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 3  177

Comprehension: Main Idea and Key Details Chart

Fill in the Main Idea and Key Details Chart. Use

words from the story.

Main Idea

Detail Detail Detail

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178 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 3


Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 3 
How does a crow act? Can it be Have you seen a crow? What did it
bold? Yes! A crow likes to take things look like? What did it do? Crows are
it sees. It may bring them to its nest. big birds. They have black feathers.
This crow is bringing a shell home! They live in many places.
Crows are busy birds.
4 1
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180  Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 3
What does a crow eat? Crows eat Where does a crow live? It lives in a
what they find, such as bugs, crops, nest. Crows use things they find to
and seeds. They may even eat things make their nests, such as sticks and
like fish and eggs. grass. This nest is open at the top.
2 3

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Comprehension: Main Idea and Key Details

A. Reread “Crows.” Then answer the questions.

1. The main idea of a selection is what it is mainly

about. What is the main idea of “Crows”?


3. What is one more key detail you read?

4. What is a key detail you saw in the illustrations?
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B. Work with a partner. Read the passage aloud.
Pay attention to intonation. Stop after one
minute. Fill out the chart.
Number of Words Correct
Words Read – =
Errors Score
First Read – =
Second Read – =

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 3  181

Vocabulary Strategy: Word Categories

A. Reread “Crows.” Then look for words that fit

each category. Write the missing word.

1. Things Crows Eat: bugs, crops,

2. Things Crows Do: , make nests, eat

B. Write a word category that tells how the
words in each group are alike.

3. wings, beak, legs, feet Word Category:

4. dogs, cats, birds, fish Word Category:

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C. Write three words that fit the word category.

5. Animals That Swim:

182 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 3

Phonics: Long o: o, oa, ow, oe

A. Read the sentence. Circle the words that have

a long o sound, as in grow. Write the words.

1. Joe and his class put on a show.

2. The tug boat is slow.

3. I put on my coat to play in the snow.

4. It is so cold when the wind blows.

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B. Write your own sentence. Use one or two

words you wrote above.


Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 3  183
Open Syllables

An open syllable is a syllable that ends in a vowel.

A. Read each word. Write the word that has an

open syllable. Draw a line between the syllables.

1. begin picnic

2. inside silent

3. subway locate

4. sunset beneath

5. maybe mistake
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B. Read the words. Write the open syllable.

6. secret

7. open

184  Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 3

Literary Element: Sensory Words

A. Read the sentence. Circle the sensory words.

1. The sun is bright.

2. The loud truck went down the street.
3. I pat the fluffy chick.
4. The cake has sweet frosting.

B. Draw an animal you have seen. Then write

sensory words to tell what the animal looks like,
how it feels, and what it sounds like.

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Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 3  185

Writing Trait: Organization

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions to

help you add a topic to the writing.

Draft Model
Songbirds fly to find food and look for seeds to eat.
Dogs use their great noses to smell and find where
the food is. Cats like to hunt for their food.

1. Does the writing tell about a topic?

2. What do the sentences tell about?
3. What sentence could you add to tell the topic?

B. Now revise the draft by adding a sentence

about the topic.

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186 Practice Grade 1 Unit 4 Week 3

Phonics: Long i, y, igh, ie

The long i sound can be spelled with the letters

i, y, igh, and ie. Read the long i words in the box.
Write the word that fits the clue.

tie fly high kind child night

1. This is not day. 

2. A plane does this. 

3. Dad can put this on. 

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4. A little girl is this. 

5. It is way up there. 

6. A person who is nice. 

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 4  187

High-Frequency Words

Fill in the puzzle. Use the words in the box.

caught flew know laugh listen were

3 4

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2. I at funny jokes. 1. I a bug in a net.

5. You will to a tale. 3.  Then the bug away.

6. The bees flying 4.  Do you how to fix the

around the hive. broken vase?

188 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 4


A. Write to tell about a person, place, or thing.

Include the word beautiful.

B. Write to tell about a different person, place, or

thing. Include the word fancy.
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Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 4  189

Comprehension: Point of View Chart

Fill in the Point of View Chart. Use words from

the story.

Character Clue Point of View

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190  Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 4

Eve and Pete

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 4 
Then the bugs slept and slept. Eve and Pete were best friends.
One day, the bugs woke up. It They flew everywhere together.
was spring. It was time to go. They were always laughing and
“Let’s fly!” said Pete and Eve. having fun.
They waved and flew away.
4 1
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192 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 4
Then one day, Pete said, “It’s getting They spotted a huge tree.
cold. We need to find a tree where There were many bugs inside.
we can sleep through the winter.“ “Come in and stay with us,” said
“Let’s look for one,” said Eve. the bugs. “You will be warm all
winter here.”
2 3

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Comprehension: Point of View

A. Reread “Eve and Pete.” Write the answer to

each question.

1. What are all of the characters?  

2. What did Eve and Pete want?

3. What were the bugs they met like?

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B. Work with a partner. Read the passage aloud.

Pay attention to intonation. Stop after one
minute. Fill out the chart.
Number of Words Correct
Words Read – =
Errors Score
First Read – =
Second Read – =

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 4  193

Vocabulary Strategy: Context Clues

Use context clues in the sentence to figure out

the meaning of the word in bold. Fill in the circle
of the word’s meaning.

1. There are many kinds of bugs, but all insects have

six legs.




2. Most spiders are harmless and

won’t hurt you.



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3. Some caterpillars have bristles,

or short hairs on their bodies.




194 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 4

Phonics: Long i: i, y, igh, ie

A. Write each word that has a long i sound.

1. child cry   

skip  sky  

3. fry    fling fright

4. mind  mist    my

5. bright     by

B. Write a sentence using a long i word you wrote.

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Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 4  195

Structural Analysis: Inflectional Endings

A. Add the ending -ed to each word. Write the new


1. dry

2. try

B. Add the ending -es to each word. Write the new


3. cry

4. spy

C. Add the ending -ing to each word. Write the new

word. Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

5. fry

6. dry

196  Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 4

Text Feature: Headings

Read the text. Follow the directions.


A. Honeybees live in a hive. There are many rooms in

the hive. The rooms are made from wax. Bees store
food in the wax rooms.

B. Most bees in the hive are worker bees. Worker bees

fly to flowers. They get sweet nectar. Bees
eat some of the nectar. They make the rest into

1. Write a heading for section A.

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2. Write a heading for section B.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 4  197

Comprehension: Point of View Chart

Fill in the Point of View Chart. Use words from

the story.

Character Clue Point of View

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190  Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 4

Phonics: Long e: y, ey

The letters y and ey at the end of a word can

make the long e sound as in baby.

Read the words in the box. Choose a word with a

long e ending to complete each sentence.

silly made city by lady sunny hay key tie

1. It is a day.

2. This old will open the box.

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3.   Jill is a .

4.   Molly lives in the .

5.   She is making a face.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 5  199

High-Frequency Words

Read the question. Answer the question using the

underlined word.

1. What do you live near?

2. Where would you like to go?

3. What is hard for you to do?

4. What have you lost and then found?

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5. What do you like to write?

6. Who is a woman you know?

200 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 5

A. Write clever or signal to complete each sentence.

1. Kim gave a to Ted to look

over there.

2. The bear found the honey.

3. The bell’s tells when class is over.

4. The boy is . He found a way

to cross the stream.
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B. Write your own sentences.

5. Think of someone or something that is clever. Then think

of a signal you know. Write a sentence for each word.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 5  201

Comprehension: Sequence Chart

Fill in the Sequence Chart. Use words from the story.




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202 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 5

A New Puppy

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 5
Animal Shelter
Show the puppy a treat. Hold the Would you like a puppy? You can
treat near its nose. Then say, find one at an animal shelter.
“Sit.” What will the puppy do? If All the puppies are so cute! The
you do it a lot, the puppy will sit. woman will help you find the best
It is fun to train a pet! one. She knows all the puppies.
4 1
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Animal Shelter
Puppy Classes


204 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 5

You found a puppy! Now, you can Next, you have to train the puppy.
take it home with you. You could You can teach it to sit. You can
bring a leash. Soon, you can play teach it to fetch and to roll over.
with your puppy. But a puppy can Your puppy can go to a special
be hard work, too. school.
2 3

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Comprehension: Sequence

A. Reread “A New Puppy.” Think about what

happens in the selection. Write what happens
in order. Animal Shelter

1. First, you for a puppy.

Animal Shelter


2. Next, you find a

puppy and take it .
Puppy Classes

3. Then, you the puppy.

4. to sit.
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B. Work with a partner. Read the passage aloud.

Pay attention to intonation. Stop after one
minute. Fill out the chart.

Number of Words Correct

Words Read – =
Errors Score
First Read – =
Second Read – =

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 5 205

Vocabulary Strategy: Root Words

A. Read the sentence. Underline the word that

has a root word. Write the root word. Match
the sentence with the picture.

1. He is cooking an egg.

2. Who spilled the milk?

3. They are filling the vase.

4. They cleaned the car.

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B. Write the root word. Write another word that

has the same root word.

5. looked  

206 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 5

Phonics: Long e: y, ey

Read the story. Circle the words in which y or ey

stands for the long e sound. Then write the words

Billy helps his dad. They clean the messy shed. They
work quickly. It is not easy. They move the heavy
boxes and wipe the dusty shelf. Then dad hangs the
keys. When they are done, the shed is tidy.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 5 207

Structural Analysis: Compound Words

A. Write a word next to a word below to make a

compound word. Then write the compound word.

1. home

2. rain


B. Circle the compound word. Then draw a line

between the two smaller words.

4. someone singing

5. unpack backpack

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6. baseball

7. floppy flagpole
C. Add words to side to make as many compound
words as you can.


208 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 5
Text Feature: Captions

A. Write a caption for each picture. You can use

words in the box to help you.





B. Draw a picture of your favorite animal.

Write a caption for the picture.
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Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 4 • Week 5 209

Writing Trait: Word Choice

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions to

help you add time-order words.

Draft Model
A puppy is chosen to be a guide dog. The puppy
learns special tasks like how to carry things or walk
with someone who cannot see. The puppy goes to
live with someone who needs help.

1. What is the topic of the writing?

2. What happens first? What happens next?
3. What time-order words could you add to make
the writing more clear?

B. Now revise the draft by adding time-order

words to make the writing more clear.

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210 Practice Grade 1 Unit 4 Week 5

Phonics: /är/ar

A. Read the words in the box. Write a word to

complete each sentence.

scarf park farm shark star

1. A can swim fast.

2. You can see a in the sky.

3. Good things to eat can grow on a .

4. Put a around your neck when

you are cold.
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5. You can play with your pals in the .

B. Think of a word that has the same ending

sounds as star. Write a sentence using the word.


Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 1 211

High-Frequency Words

Choose a word from the box that completes the

sentence. Write the word in the puzzle.

four none only large put round

1 4

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Across Down

1. We have one 4. A whale is a very

pet. animal.
2. The shape of a ball is . 5. When you are done with
3. If there are no pens left, the game, it back
there are . on the shelf.
6. A dog has legs.
212 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 1

A. Read the definitions. Use a vocabulary word

from the word box to complete each sentence.

trouble: If you have trouble doing something,

you have problems doing it.
whole: When something is whole, it is complete.
None of it is missing.

1. I had cleaning
my messy room.

2. My pals and I will eat the

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B. Write a sentence using both of the vocabulary



Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 1 213
Comprehension: Point of View Chart

Fill in the Point of View Chart. Use words from the


Character Clue Point of View

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214 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 1

The Party

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 1
Then the pals went in for a swim. “I am six today,” said Cat. “Let’s
They had a great time.They swam have a party at the beach!”
and laughed until dark. “That’s a great idea,” said her pals.
“This was my best party ever!” “The beach is not far at all.”
said Cat.
4 1
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216 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 1
“I will bring fancy hats!” said Pig. It was a perfect day for a party.
“I will bake a yummy cake!” said Dog. The four pals went to the beach.
“I will make a present and a card just They put on party hats. They ate
for you!”said Chick. cake. Cat opened her gif t and
2 3

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Comprehension: Point of View

A. Reread “The Party.” Think about each

character in the story. Write a sentence to tell
about each character’s point of view.

1. Cat



4. Chick

B. Work with a partner. Read the passage aloud.

Pay attention to intonation. Stop after one minute.
Fill out the chart.
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Number of Words Correct

Words Read – =
Errors Score
First Read – =
Second Read – =

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 1 217

Vocabulary Strategy: Context Clues/Multiple Meanings

A. Each word in bold has more than one

meaning. Fill in the circle next to the picture that
shows the correct meaning in the sentence.

1. We saw a play last week.


2. Jake left his lunch on the seat of the school bus.


3. Let’s seal the box and then mail it.

4. wave wash up on the beach?

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B. Think of another meaning for the bold word.

Write a sentence to show the other meaning.
The tree has brown bark.

218 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 1
Phonics: /är/ar

Write the letters ar to make a word. Write a

sentence on the line using the word you made.

1. b n

2. sc f

3. d k
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4. l ge

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 1 219

Structural Analysis: Irregular Plurals

Read each sentence. Change the underlined word

to mean “more than one.” Write the word. Then
rewrite the sentence using the new word.

1. person will sing.

2. The child is playing in the park.

3. The wolf had a long, sharp tooth.

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4. The sheep is eating grass.

220 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 1

Text Feature: Use Photographs/Illustrations

A. Look at the illustration. Circle the letter next

to each sentence that tells a detail about the

a. Dad and Ned sit in the shade.
c. It is nice day.
d. They have a big umbrella.
e. Ned and Dad swim.
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B. Look at the illustration again. Write a sentence

that tells another detail about the illustration.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 1 221

Writing Trait: Sentence Fluency

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions to

help you make all of the sentences complete.

Draft Model
I like fruits and vegetables. Apples and bananas the
most. Sometimes carrots and kale.

1. What is the topic of the writing?

2. Which sentence is complete?
3. Which sentences are incomplete?

B. Now revise the draft by correcting the

incomplete sentences.

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Phonics: /ûr/er, ir, ur, or

A. Write a word to name the picture. Use a word

with the same sound you hear at the end of her.





B. Write two sentences. Use one or two words from

the box in each sentence.
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her nurse girl work


Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 2 223
High-Frequency Words

Use a word from the box to complete the sentence.

great poor through another full climb

1. My pencil broke. I need pencil.

2. My bag is of books.

3. The boy will up the tree.

4. We will walk the door at school.

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5. The girl is sick and can’t sleep.

6. That kite flies high! That kite is !

224 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 2


leaped: to have jumped far

stretched: to have extended a body part

A. Look at each picture. Use a vocabulary word

from the box to write a sentence about the picture.


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B. Write a new sentence using both vocabulary words.


Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 2  225

Comprehension: Cause and Effect Chart

Fill in the Cause and Effect Chart. Use words

from the story.

Cause Effect

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226 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 2

A Bunny Wish

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 2
“Now we can go to the beach,” “There’s a wishing star!” Bethy
said Bethy. She put on her hat. Bunny exclaimed to Freddy
“Maybe I can wish on a star Frog. “I wish for a sunhat so I
next time,” said Freddy. can go to the beach tomorrow.”
“Good idea!” said Bethy.
4 1
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228 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 2
“I think you will get your wish,” said The next day Freddy brought
Freddy Frog. “What kind of hat do Bethy just the kind of hat she
you like?” wished for. It was beautiful!
Bethy told him her favorite kind of hat. “My wish came true!” she said.
“I knew it would,” said Freddy.
2 3

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Comprehension: Plot: Cause and Effect

A. Reread “A Bunny Wish” and follow the directions.

1. What does Bethy do when she sees a star?


3. Why does Bethy want a sun hat? Circle the cause.

so she can go to the beach

to look pretty for a party
because Freddy has one
4. Why does Freddy think Bethy’s wish will come true?
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B. Work with a partner. Read the passage aloud.

Pay attention to intonation. Stop after one minute.
Fill out the chart.
Number of Words Correct
Words Read – =
Errors Score
First Read – =
Second Read – =

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 2 229

Vocabulary Strategy: Shades of Meaning

Read the sentences. Choose the best word in

bold to answer the question. Then write another
sentence using the word.

1. Max is very wet. Is Max soaked or damp?

2. Tess is giving the dog some food.

Does Tess pour or spill the food?

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3. Kate thinks the party is great.

Does Kate think the party is good or wonderful?

230 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 2
Phonics: /ûr/er, ir, ur, or

A. Write er, ir, ur, or or to complete the words in

the story below.

1. I found a nest on the c b.

2. The nest was made of sticks and d t.

3. In the nest, there was a baby b d.

4. m.

5. Then the mother b d came back to h nest.

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B. Use a word in the box to a write another sentence

in the story.
turn   world   first


Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 2 231
Structural Analysis: Inflectional Ending -er

A. Add -er to change the action word into a

naming word. Write the new word. Match the
word with the picture.

1. help

2. surf

3. play

B. Change each word in the box to a naming

word. Write a sentence for each new word.

work paint teach

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232  Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 2
Text Feature: Captions

Look at the picture. Then complete the caption to

tell more about the picture.



The spaceship

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He is


He sees
Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 2 233
Writing Trait: Word Choice

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions to

help you add describing words.

Draft Model
I like to look at the night sky with my dad. There is a
lot to see in the sky. There are stars in the sky.

1. What is the topic of the writing?

2. What describing word is used in the writing?
3. What describing words could you add to the

B. Now revise the draft by adding describing

words to tell about the night sky.

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234 Practice Grade 1 Unit 5 Week 2

Phonics: /ôr/ or, ore, oar

A. Read the sentences. Circle the words that

have letters that make the same sound you hear
at the end of for. Then write the words.

1. Where would you

go to explore?  


3. Would you go to
to the shore?  

4. Would you find a fort

or a hut?  

5. What more could

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you look for?  


B. Write a new sentence with a word from above.


Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 3  235

High-Frequency Words

began better guess learn right sure

Choose a word from the box that completes the

sentence. Write the word in the puzzle.

1 6

Across Down
1. I am I will do 5. The game ended Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

well on the test. when it to rain.

2. Who can the 6. Mom is a singer
number of marbles than Dad.
in the jar?
3. We a lot at school!
4. I know the way
to ride a bike.

236 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 3


idea: a thought or picture in your mind

unusual: something that is not seen a lot

Write a sentence that uses the words idea or

unusual to tell about each picture.




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Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 3 237

Comprehension: Problem and Solution Chart

Fill in the Problem and Solution Chart. Use words

from the story.


Steps to Solution

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238  Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 3

Good Ideas

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 3 
KK found ways to change the cuff. Anyone can invent! You can make
Then it worked even better. KK’s idea something better and new. Ben
was a hit! Soon lots of people had her Franklin invented glasses and a stove.
cuff. KK’s cuff solved a real problem. But even kids can invent. Here is a
true story.
4 1
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240 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 3
KK liked to play outside. She liked KK had a good idea. She made a cuff
to be outside even more in winter. out of fleece. It was supposed to protect
She liked to play and explore. But her from the snow. She wore it but it did
her hands got so cold in the snow. not work well. The snow still got in.
2 3

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Comprehension: Plot: Problem and Solution

A. Reread “Good Ideas.” Then write problem or

solution next to each sentence.

1. KK’s hands get

cold in the winter.

2. KK made a cuff
out of fleece.   

3. Snow still got

in the cuff.   

4. KK made a better cuff.

5. People wore the cuffs.
They were warm
outside in winter.    
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B. Work with a partner. Read the passage aloud. Pay

attention to intonation. Stop after one minute. Fill out
the chart.

Number of Words Correct

Words Read – =
Errors Score
First Read – =
Second Read – =

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 3  241

Vocabulary Strategy: Prefixes

A. Add the prefix re- or un- to the word to make a

new word. Write the word on the line.

1. happy 2. send

3.   4. build

B. Write a sentence for each word you wrote above.



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242  Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 3

Phonics: /ôr/ or, ore, oar

Use the letters in the box to make words that have

the same sound you hear at the end of for. Then
write a sentence using one of the words you made.

f m r st sh s

1. oar oar

2. ore ore

ore ore
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3. or  orm ort

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 3  243

Structural Analysis: Abbreviations

A. Write the word that each abbreviation stands for.

1. Mon. 2. Feb.

3. Aug. 4. Wed.

5. Thurs. 6. Mar.

7. Nov. 8. Oct.

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B. Write the days of the week that you go to school.
Use abbreviations.

244  Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 3

Literary Element: Alliteration

A. Read each sentence out loud. Circle words

that begin with the same sound.

1. Bees buzz at the big brown bear.

2. Clang! Clatter! The cups crash and shatter.

3. The whooshing wind whistled and wheezed.

B. Write a silly sentence using each word. Include

three other words that start with the same sound.

4. cat
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5. dig

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 3  245

Writing Trait: Word Choice

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions to

help you add more time-order words.

Draft Model
First, trains were invented and people could travel
faster than horses. Cars were invented and people
could go where they wanted faster, too. Planes were
invented and people could travel across the ocean in
just a few hours.

1. What is the topic of the writing?

2. What time-order word is used in the writing?
3. What other time-order words could be added to
the writing?

B. Now revise the draft by adding time-order

words to tell the order in which the events
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

246 Practice Grade 1 Unit 5 Week 3

Phonics: Diphthongs ou, ow

Write the word that completes the sentence.

1. I live in a .

2. A king might wear a .

3. Your is just above

your eye.

4. A gray
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ran into
that hole!

5. The had a big smile.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 4  247

High-Frequency Words

Use words from the box to complete the story.

thought oh instead nothing color early

James had an odd dream.

In the dream he was the of a pea.

He was green! Then he became smaller and smaller.

, no!” he .

“Soon there will be left of me.”

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Then James woke up. It was very .

He wanted to get up. But he fell back to sleep

248  Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 4


Write a story about a real or imaginary adventure.

Include the words scrambled and suddenly. Then
draw a picture to go with your story.
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Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 4  249

Comprehension: Problem and Solution Chart

Fill in the Problem and Solution Chart. Use words

from the story.


Steps to Solution

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250  Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 4

Dad’s Game

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 4 
Dad gave Howie more clues. Howie and Dad got on the bus. “I don’t
Howie listened hard and got them. like riding the bus,” said Howie. “It is
Then Dad said, “You can look now. so boring.” “It could be fun,” said Dad.
We are back at our brown house.”
“That was quick!’ Howie laughed.
4 1
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252 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 4
“How can it be fun?” asked Howie. Howie listened. “Boys and girls are
“We can play a game,” Dad said. calling out!” he shouted. “Is it the
“Don’t look. Just listen. I can see town park?”
swings and a slide. What are we “Good guessing!” said Dad.
passing now?” “Let’s play again!” said Howie.
2 3

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Comprehension: Plot: Problem and Solution

A. Reread “Dad’s Game.” Write

Howie’s problem in the story and
how it is solved.

1. Problem

2. Solution

B. How else might Howie have solved his problem?

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C. Work with a partner. Read the passage aloud.

Pay attention to intonation. Stop after one minute.
Fill out the chart.

Number of Words Correct

Words Read – =
Errors Score
First Read – =
Second Read – =

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 4  253

Vocabulary Strategy: Suffixes

The suffix -or means a person who.

The suffix -ful means full of.
The suffix -less means without.

Read the sentence. Underline the word that has

a suffix. Use the meanings of the suffixes above
to help you figure out the meaning of each word.
Write the meaning on the line.

1. The puppy is playful.

2. She is a good sailor.

3. The glass of water is colorless.

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4. The broken rake is useless.

5. I am hopeful our team will win.

6. We have a visitor today.

254  Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 4

Phonics: Diphthongs ou, ow

Read each clue. Find the answer in the box.

Write the word.

ground   proud  towel  flower  cloudy  town

1. This kind of day is not sunny.

2. You feel this when you do a good job on something.

3. You use this to dry your hands.

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4. This is a place where people live.

5. This is where you plant things.

6. A rose is one kind of this.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 4  255

Structural Analysis: Inflectional Endings -er, -est

A. Complete the sentence to make a comparison. Use

a word from the box and add the ending -er or -est.

fast   old  neat  high  bright  short

1. Gram is sixty. She is than me.

2. Sam’s desk is the desk in the


3. I can not reach the shelf.

4. Pam is two inches than Sam.

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5. The sun is than the moon.

B. Write your own sentence to compare two or

more things.

256  Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 4
Text Feature: Directions

A. Write two things that you need to make what is

shown in each picture.




B. Write directions that tell how to make toast.

Make sure the steps are in the right order.

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Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 4 257

Writing Trait: Sentence Fluency

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions to

help you correct the incomplete sentences.

Draft Model
A lot of different sounds at school! The bell rings
when school starts and when school ends, and when
it’s time for lunch. Children at recess and in the halls,

1. What is the topic of the writing?

2. Which sentence is complete?
3. Which sentences are incomplete?

B. Now revise the draft by correcting the

incomplete sentences.

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258 Practice Grade 1 Unit 5 Week 4

Phonics: Diphthongs oi, oy

Circle the word that best completes each

sentence. Write the word on the line.

1. A grows into a man.

buy boy bow

2. A penny is a
coin corn cone

3. A train can make a loud

nice nose noise

4. What is your for lunch?

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choice chop chase

5. The water will soon.

ball boil bowl

6. playing games.
enjoy ending empty
Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 5 259
High-Frequency Words

Write the word that completes each sentence.

above    build    fall    knew    money   toward

1. Joy and Billy are walking the

school bus.

2. How much is in the piggy bank?

3. Dad will us a new a shed.

4. The rain is going to

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5. Mom how to fix the broken bike.

6. The stars us look so bright.

260 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 5


Write a real or made-up story about a family that

builds something together. Include the words in the box
in your story. Then draw a picture to go with your story.

balance: A thing can balance if it can stay in one place.

section: A section is a small part of something bigger.
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Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 5 261

Comprehension: Cause and Effect Chart

Fill in the Cause and Effect Chart. Use words from

the story.

Cause Effect

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262  Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 5

How to Build

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 5
a Snowman
You can use stones or coins to make Look outside! Do you see wet,
a face. Then, stick in branches for heavy snow fall from above? It’s
arms. How about a pointy nose? a good day to build a snowman!
Add a hat and a smile. Now, you Here’s how to make a great one!
have a snowman! Enjoy!
4 1
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264 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 5
First, roll some snow in a ball. What do you do with smaller ball?
It should be very big and round. Hoist it up! Now it’s on top of the
Next, roll another ball of snow. first one. This will be the body.
This one should be smaller. Next, make a third ball of snow for
the head. This will be smaller.
2 3

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Comprehension: Plot: Cause and Effect

A. Reread “How to Build a Snowman.” Write a cause

for each effect. Write an effect for each cause.

1. CAUSE: Wet, heavy snow falls from above.


EFFECT: The snowman has a body.

3. CAUSE: Use some stones or coins.


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EFFECT: The snowman has arms.

B. Work with a partner. Read the passage aloud.

Pay attention to intonation. Stop after one minute
Fill out the chart.
Number of Words Correct
Words Read – =
Errors Score
First Read – =
Second Read – =

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 5 265

Vocabulary Strategy: Inflectional Endings

Read each word. Underline the ending. Write the

root word. Then write a sentence using the word
with the ending.

1. building

2. packed

3. started
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4. pointing

266 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 5

Phonics: Diphthongs oi, oy

Read each question. Circle the word that has the

same sound you hear at the end of joy. Then write an
answer to the question using the word.

1. Can you ride a horse like a cowboy?

2. Would you like to join a soccer team?

3. Do you have a good singing voice?

4. What was your favorite toy?

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5. What do you think is noisy?

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 5 267

Structural Analysis: Final Stable Syllables

A. Read the word. Write each syllable. Remember

that the consonant + le spelling at the end of a
word stays together in the same syllable.

1. handle

2. bottle

3. turtle

4. crumble

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5. title


B. Read the words. Circle words that end with

the consonant + le spelling.
7. mule cradle cell candle
8. table less apple feel

268 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 5

Text Feature: Captions

Write a caption for each picture.





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Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 5 • Week 5 269

Writing Trait: Organization

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions to

help you add a topic to the writing.

Draft Model
The outside can be made of bricks, wood or mud.
Wood can be used to make floors, doors, and a roof,
too. Glass is used for windows and sometimes even
for the walls.

1. Does the writing tell what the topic is?

2. What do the sentences tell about?
3. What sentence could you add to tell what the
topic is?

B. Now revise the draft by adding a sentence

about the topic.

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270 Practice Grade 1 Unit 5 Week 5

Phonics: Variant Vowel /ü/

Read the first word. Circle the letters that stand

for the sound at the end of too. Write a word
from the box with the same circled spelling
pattern. Then write a new word with that spelling.

glue  flew   tube   fruit   you   cool

1. spool

2. grew

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4. group

5. flute

6. suit

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 1 271

High-Frequency Words

Read each word in bold. Write a sentence using

the word.

1. answer

2. brought

3. busy

4. door

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5. enough

6. eyes

272 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 1

A. Read the definitions. Use a vocabulary word

to complete each sentence.

demand: If you demand someone do something,

you ask forcefully or strongly.
emergency: An emergency is something unexpected
that you need to take care of right away.

1. Coaches that players work hard.

2. I learned what to do in case of an .

B. Write a sentence using each vocabulary word.

3. demand
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Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 1 273
Comprehension: Theme Chart

Fill in the Theme Chart. Use words from the story.




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274 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 1

Working Together

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 1
The pals drank cool water. Soon, the Raccoon was building a brand new
new tree house was done. It was as tree house. It was hard work.
perfect as could be! “If only I had someone to help me
“I couldn’t have done it without my finish it,” he said as he hammered
new pals,” said Raccoon. away. “But who could it be?”
4 1
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276 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 1
Just then, Moose came by. Next, Goose f lew by.
“Hi, Moose,” said Raccon. “I am “What a great tree house you
building a tree house. It’s hard work!” are making,” said Goose. “I can
“I happen to have my tools on me,” help. I will get cool water for you
said Moose. “We can work together.” both to drink while you work.”
2 3

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Comprehension: Theme

A. Reread “Working Together.” Write a story

clue to tell about each picture.




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B. Work with a partner. Read the passage aloud.
Pay attention to intonation. Stop after one
minute. Fill out the chart.
Number of Words Correct
Words Read – =
Errors Score
First Read – =
Second Read – =

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 1  277

Vocabulary Strategy: Synonyms

Synonyms are words with the same or

almost the same meaning.

A. Write a word that has the same or a similar

meaning for the word in bold.

1. shine



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4. silly

B. Write two words that have the same or a

similar meaning for the word in bold.

5. cold

6. huge
278 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 1
Phonics: Variant Vowel /ü/


A. Write a spelling pattern from the box to make

a word that names the picture.

1. r f 2. g l

3. f r t 4. s p
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

B. Read the sentence. Write the words on the line

that have the sound you hear at the end of too.

5. The blue and silver planes flew in a group.


Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 1 279

Structural Analysis: Suffixes -ful, -less

A suffix is a word part you can add to the end of

a word to change its meaning.
The suffix -ful means full or full of.
The suffix -less means without.

A. Add the suffixes -ful and -less to each word.

-ful -less

1. use

2. joy

3. fear

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B. Write sentences using two words you wrote.


280  Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 1
Text Feature: Captions

A. Write a caption to go with each picture. Use

the word in your caption.

1. clean

2. farmer

B. Draw a picture of a way people help others.

Write a caption to tell more about your picture.
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Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 1 281
Writing Trait: Sentence Fluency

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions to

help you vary the length of the sentences.

Draft Model
We help the earth. We recycle bottles. We pick up

1. What is the topic of the writing?

2. Are there some long and some short sentences?
3. How can you make the lengths of some
sentences different?

B. Now revise the draft by varying the length of

the sentences.

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282 Practice Grade 1 Unit 6 Week 1

Phonics: Variant Vowel /ô/

The letters a, aw, au, augh, and al can stand for the
sound you hear at the end of draw.

Write the letters a, aw, au, augh, or al to

complete the word in each sentence.

1. A crab has a sharp cl .

2. Mrs. Jones has t t many classes.

3. Can you throw me the b ll?

4. I like s ce on my pasta.
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5. A rocket will l nch into the sky.

6. Do not t k loudly in school.

7. The sleepy girl let out a y n.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 2  283
High-Frequency Words

Use the word to write a sentence about yourself

or someone you know.

1. brother 

2. father 

3. friend 


5. mother  Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

6. picture

284 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 2


accept: to take something or agree to it

often: when you do something a lot

A. Use a word above to complete each sentence.

1. Curt visits the park on his bike.

2. Bill will the award from Ms. Kim.

B. Use each vocabulary word in a sentence. Then

draw a picture to go with one of your sentences.

3. accept
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4. often

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 2 285

Comprehension: Author’s Purpose Chart

Fill in the Author’s Purpose Chart. Use details

from the story.

Clue Clue

Author’s Purpose Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

286 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 2


Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 2
Ariel Skelley/Blend Images LLC

Players love their coaches because Coaches are very important. They
they help them so much. Also, help their team learn to play a
because coaches love the sport, sport. They teach the rules of the
they help their team love it, too. sport. They help the players do
Coaching is a great job! their best.
4 1
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288 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 2
Comstock Images/Getty Images

Coaches show players how to Coaches help their team work

throw a ball and how to bat. together. They help all team
They show players how to members use their special skills.
run fast. Coaches also train They teach you how to be a good
players so they are in shape. sport and to help your team.
2 3

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Comprehension: Author’s Purpose

A. Reread “Coaches” and answer the questions.

1. Why did the author write “Coaches”?

2. Write three things that coaches teach players.

3. What makes a good team?


Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

B. Work with a partner. Read the passage aloud. Pay

attention to intonation. Stop after one minute. Fill out
the chart.

Number of Words Correct

Words Read – =
Errors Score
First Read – =
Second Read – =

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 2 289

Vocabulary Strategy: Antonyms

A. Read each sentence. Write a word from the box

that has the opposite meaning of the word in bold.

worse quiet never later awful

1. Mike is going to read his book now.

2. Jimmy did better on his test today.

3. Melissa told us the show was great.

4. The ride was very loud.

Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

5. Paul always plays baseball on Fridays.

B. Write a sentence using a word that means the
opposite of heavy.


290 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 2
Phonics: Variant Vowel /ô/

The letters a, aw, au, augh, and al stand for the

sound you hear at the end of draw.

Read the word. Underline the letters that make

the sound you hear at the end of draw. Write the
letters to complete another word. Then write a
word from the box with the same spelling.

chalk yawn taught wall haul

1. crawl j

2. call sm ll
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3. sauce c se

4. caught n ty

5. walk t k

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 2 291

Structural Analysis: Vowel Team Syllables

Vowel teams are two letters that stand for one

vowel sound. Vowel teams stay together in the same
syllable. The o and w form a vowel team in row/ing.

A. Read each word. Underline each vowel team.

Then write each syllable.

1. drawing

2. explain

3. cowboy

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4. seaweed
B. Read the sentence. Circle words that have two
syllables. Then draw a line between the syllables.

5. I saw a huge rainbow in the sky.

6. We play on the seesaw at the playground.
7. That tree is growing so tall!
8. The bookbag is beneath the bed.

292 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 2

Literary Element: Sensory Words

A. Circle the sensory words. Name the sense the

word describes: taste, smell, sight, touch, hearing.

1. The cellar is very dark.

2. The wet dog came in from the rain.

3. The thunder roared above us.

4. Mom said, “Take the stinky trash out!”

5. The cake had creamy frosting.

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B. Read the words. Think of what the words

could describe. Then draw a picture of it.

6. sweet, green

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 2 293

Writing Trait: Voice

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions to

help you use your own voice in the writing.

Draft Model
Mom helps me and takes care of me. She reads me
books every night. She makes my lunch every day.

1. What is the topic of the writing?

2. Does the writer use his or her own voice to tell
how they feel?
3. How can you add your own voice to the writing?

B. Now revise the draft by telling how you feel

about the topic.

294 Practice Grade 1 Unit 6 Week 2

Phonics: Silent Letters wr, kn, gn

A. Write wr, kn, or gn to complete each word.

1. .

The dog aws on the bone.

4. Bend your ees to sit down.

B. Write two sentences of your own. Use one or

two words from the box in each sentence.
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

knock wrist wrap


Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 3 295
High-Frequency Words

Use the words in the box to complete the


been children month question their year

1. All the are in school.

2. books.

3. They have working hard.

4. .

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5. of May, they will see a

6. , they will be in
second grade.

296  Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 3


country: A
 country is a land where a group of
people live.
gathers: When someone gathers things, the
things are put together in one place.

A. Write country or gathers to complete each


1. We visited a called

2. Mr. Jones our papers.

B. Write a sentence to describe each picture. Use

the word country or gathers in each sentence.
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Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 3 297
Comprehension: Cause and Effect Chart

Fill in the Cause and Effect Chart. Use details from

the story.

Cause Effect

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298 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 3

Storm Watch

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 3
Paul found some blankets. “I just heard that a big storm is
“We can wrap these around us coming,” Mom said. “We need to
to stay warm,” he said. get ready. It could be dangerous.”
Dad got a phone. They were Paul started to worry. He did not
ready. Paul wasn’t worried now! like storms one bit!
4 1
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300 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 3
“We have a little time. Let’s Paul began to write a list. He
make a plan,” said Dad. knew that in a storm, the wind
“We need to stay inside the can blow strongly. The power
house. We have to find all the may go out. At the top of his
things we may need,” said Mom. list, Paul wrote “f lashlight.”
2 3
“Great thinking!” said Dad.
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Comprehension: Plot: Cause and Effect

A. Reread “Storm Watch.” Read each pair of

sentences. One tells a cause. One tells an effect.
Write cause or effect next to each sentence.

1. A big storm is coming.

They make a plan.

2. Paul writes flashlight on his list.

The power may go out.

B. Answer the question.

3. What caused Paul not to be worried at the end?
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C. Work with a partner. Read the passage aloud. Pay

attention to intonation. Stop after one minute. Fill out
the chart.
Number of Words Correct
Words Read – =
Errors Score
First Read – =
Second Read – =

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 3 301

Vocabulary Strategy: Similes

A simile compares one thing to another using the

words like or as. Similes help readers picture details.

A. Read the sentence. Underline the words like or

as. Then fill in the circle next to the meaning of
the simile.

1. Paul was like a scared puppy.

Paul was very playful. Paul was very scared.

2. With no power, the house is as dark as a deep cave.

The house is very dark. The house is very bright.

3. Paul’s blanket is as warm as an oven.

The blanket is very warm The blanket is very cold.

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The storm was slow. The storm was wild.

B. Write a word to complete each simile.

5. .

6. The loud wind was like a .

302 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 3
Phonics: Silent Letters wr, kn, gn


A. Read the words in the box. Then write the

word that completes each sentence.

ring wring new knew wrap knock

1. I wanted new shoes.

2. ! 

3. Mom likes to presents. 

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4. She will out the wet towel.

B. Write a sentence to describe the

picture. Use a word from the box that
has a silent letter.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 3 303
Structural Analysis: Compound Words

time boat snow home

A. Use words from the box to complete

compound words below.

1.  fall 2. row 

3. made 4. bed

5. sail 6. flake

7. spring 8. work

B. Write a sentence using two compound words Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education



304  Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 3

Text Feature: Headings

Write an article about what a hot day is like. Use

the headings to help you write each section.

A Hot Day

There are many hot days in .

What a Hot Day Feels Like

What to Do on a Hot Day

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How to Stay Safe on a Hot Day

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 3 305

Writing Trait: Ideas

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions to

help you add a main idea to the writing.

Draft Model
We like to work together and build a snowman. We
have fun when we throw snow balls. We have even
more fun when we go sledding down the big hill!

1. What is the topic of the writing?


3. What sentence could you add to tell the main

idea of the writing?

B. Now revise the draft by adding a sentence to

tell the main idea.

306 Practice Grade 1 Unit 6 Week 3

Phonics: Three-Letter Blends

A. Read each word. Write a word from the box

that begins with the same three-letter blend.

strong throat sprinkle scratch split shrink

1. scrape   2.  splash

3. spray      4. street

5. three       6. shrub

B. Write scr, spl, spr, str, thr, or shr to complete the

word in each sentence.
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7. Kings and queens sit on ones.

8. Raise your hands up high to etch.

9. My favorite time of the year is ing.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 4 307

High-Frequency Words

A. Circle yes or no to answer each question.

1. Do you put on your boots before your socks?

yes no
2. Is your nose on the front of your face?
yes no
3. Have you ever heard a funny joke?
yes no
4. Can you push open a door?
yes no
5. Will you fly an airplane tomorrow?
yes no
6. Is your house on the moon?
yes no

B. Make up your own silly question. Use one of Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

the words in the box.

before your heard push tomorrow front


308 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 4


Write a real or made-up story about a family that does

an activity together. Include the words in the box in
your story. Then draw a picture to go with your story.

difficult:   difficult is not easy.

nobody:  means “no person.”
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Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 4 309

Comprehension: Theme Chart

Fill in the Theme Chart. Use words from the story.




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310 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 4

Sue’s Surprise

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 4
“We’ll start with cake,” Aunt Jane Sue was at her Aunt Jane’s house.
said. “Then we’ll have pasta.” Her mom and dad were away and
Sue smiled and had some cake. today was her birthday.
She and Aunt Jane laughed. This “This will be my worst birthday
would be a good birthday after all. ever,” thought Sue.
4 1
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312 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 4
Sue was sad. She had always had Just then, Aunt Jane came in.
a birthday picnic with Mom and “It’s time for our Silly Supper,”
Dad. The three of them had fun. said Aunt Jane. “On birthdays, I
What would she do with Aunt like to eat out of order. What do
Jane? Did Aunt Jane know how you think about that?”
2 3
to have fun?
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Comprehension: Theme

A. Reread “Sue’s Surprise.” Answer the questions.

1. Why was Sue sad in the beginning?

2. What did Sue always do on her birthday?

3. What did Aunt Jane and Sue do instead? How did
Sue feel about that?

4. What is the theme of the story?
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

B. Work with a partner. Read the passage aloud.
Pay attention to intonation. Stop after one minute.
Fill out the chart. 
Number of Words Correct
Words Read – =
Errors Score
First Read – =
Second Read – =

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 4 313

Vocabulary Strategy: Compound Words

A. Read each sentence. Underline the words in

the sentence that are compound words.

1. The sailboat went by the lighthouse.

2. I found a starfish and a seashell at the shore.
3. Did someone leave a backpack here?

B. Write the two smaller words you see in each

compound word. Then write a sentence using the
compound word.

4. footprint     

5. snowball     
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6. campground     

314 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 4

Phonics: Three-Letter Blends

Use the blends in the box to make words. You may

use a blend more than once.

scr spl spr str thr shr

1. ing 2. atch

3. it 4. ub

5. ay 6. ow
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7. ee 8. ash

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 4 315

Structural Analysis: Inflectional Endings -ed, -ing

Complete each sentence. Add -ed or -ing to the

word in parentheses. Write the word on the line.

1. My dog is in the mud. (splash)

2. Mark is the dishes. (dry)

3. Tim his knee when he fell off

his bike. (scrape)

4. I am the ball. (throw)

5. Lee the floor until it was

clean. (scrub) Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

6. Yesterday, we up a steep hill.


316 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 4

Text Feature: Directions

Read the directions. Answer the questions.

What You Need: an empty milk jug scissors

colored paper glue stick
Make a Pretty Watering Can:
1. Rinse out 2. Cut paper in
the milk jug. fun shapes.

3. Glue the 4. Fill the jug with

shapes on water. Water
the milk jug. your plants!

1. What do the steps tell you to make?

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2. Name one thing you need.

3. What do you do first?

4. What do you do after you glue the shapes on the jug?

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 4 317
Writing Trait: Sentence Fluency

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions to

help you use different types of sentences.

Draft Model
We eat cake and ice cream on my birthday. Then
I open presents and play games with my friends.
Presents are great, but I like the party best of all.

1. What is the topic of the writing?

2. What type of sentence is used in the writing?
3. Can you add a question or exclamation so there
are different types of sentences in the writing?

B. Now revise the draft by adding different types

of sentences.

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318 Practice Grade 1 Unit 6 Week 4

Phonics: /âr/ air, are, ear

Read the words in the box. Write a word from the

box to name each picture. Underline the letters
that make the sound you hear at the end of care.

bear stairs pear hair chair square

1. 2.

3. 4.

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5. 6.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 5 319

High-Frequency Words

Read each question. Write your answer on the

line. Use the word in bold in your answer.

1. What is your favorite fruit?

2. What are a few of the games you like to play?

3. Where is a place you have gone?

4. surprise for you?

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5. What is something you wonder about?

6. What is something you did when you were young?

320 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 5

A. Read the definitions. Use a vocabulary word

from the word box to complete each sentence.

nation: A
 nation is a group of people living in
one country.
unite: To unite is to join together.

1. The flag for our

is red, white, and blue.

2. Our class will

with Mr. Tate’s class to see the play.
B. Answer the questions.

3. What is one holiday people in our nation celebrate?

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4. What is a time at school when classes unite?

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 5 321
Comprehension: Author’s Purpose Chart

Fill in the Author’s Purpose Chart. Use words from

the story.

Clue Clue

Author’s Purpose Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

322 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 5

Favorite Days

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 5
Birthdays are special days to Do you have a favorite day of the
share, too. A surprise party is year? There are many special days
lots of fun. Young children love to share each year. We call them
birthday parties. What is your holidays. Let’s find out more about
4 favorite day of the year? them. 1
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324 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 5

New Year’s Day is the first Here is a pair of special days.
day of the year. Some families Mother’s Day is in May. Father’s
celebrate by playing games Day is in June. Children care for
together. They wonder what will their moms and dads on these
happen in the new year. special days. They may make
2 3
breakfast in bed.
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Comprehension: Author’s Purpose

A. Read the sentences from “Favorite Days.” Fill

in the circle next to the correct answer.

1. New Year’s Day is the first day of the year.

The author’s purpose is to
tell how much children love a surprise.
tell about New Year’s Day.

2. Father’s Day is in June. The author’s purpose is to

show steps that tell how to make a card for your dad.
tell about Father’s Day.

B. What kind of information did the author include in

“Favorite Days?”

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C. Work with a partner. Read the passage aloud. Pay

attention to intonation. Stop after one minute. Fill out
the chart.
Number of Words Correct
Words Read – =
Errors Score
First Read – =
Second Read – =

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 5 325

Vocabulary Strategy:

Writers can use metaphors to help readers picture

details. A metaphor compares one thing to another.
Unlike a simile, a metaphor does not use like or as.

A. Read each sentence. Look at the underlined

words. Then circle the sentence that tells how
the two things are alike.

1. The rainbow is a box of crayons spilled from the clouds.

Both have lots of colors. Both are in a box.

2. The cloud is cotton candy floating by.

Both are in the sky. Both are fluffy.

3. An oven is the mouth of a fire-breathing dragon.

Both can be very hot. Both are very soft.

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B. Complete the sentence to compare two things.

4. The loud thunder is a .

5. The tall tree is a .

326 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 5

Phonics: /âr/ air, are, ear

Read the sentences. Underline any words that

have the same sound-spelling as care. Circle any
words that have the same sound-spelling as hair.
Draw a box around any words that have the
same sound-spelling as wear.

1. My room is at the top of the stairs.

2. I drew a big, brown bear.

3. Some shapes are round and some are square.

4. A pear is my favorite fruit.

5. There is a desk and chair in my room.

6. Can you share your snack?

7. It’s not fair to take more than you need!

8. The kitten was scared of the loud noise.

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Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 5  327

Structural Analysis: r-Controlled Vowel Syllables

When a word has a vowel followed by r, the vowel and

r stay in the same syllable.
purple = pur / ple

Read each sentence. Circle the word that has a

vowel followed by r. Write the word. Draw a line
between the syllables.

1. I think that painting is perfect!

2. James likes to read cartoons.

3. We went to the circus to see the clowns.

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4. The bus will stop at each corner.


328 Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 5
Text Feature: Map

Look at the map. Then answer the questions.

Green Town

Second Ave.

Third Ave.
First Ave.
Main Street N

Key H W E
house =
park =
school = Oak Street
post office = F I

1. How many houses are in Green Town?

2. Is the school east or west of the park?

3. If were at house H, what street would

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you cross to get to the post office?  

4. Green Town is going to build an airport. What should
the symbol for the airport look like? Draw your answer.

Practice • Grade 1 • Unit 6 • Week 5  329

Writing Trait: Voice

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions to

help you add the author’s voice to the writing.

Draft Model
Every year, we have a picnic on the Fourth of July.
The whole family comes and a lot of the neighbors
do, too. After the picnic, we go to the park to watch

1. What is the topic of the writing?

2. Does the writer use his or her own voice to tell
about the picnic?

B. Now revise the draft by telling how the writer

might feel about the topic.

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330 Practice Grade 1 Unit 6 Week 5

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